#im trying to put peace and love into the universe but its hard maybe this is my karma for being a hater on the low
lyekisses · 2 years
actually the thing that is annoying me the most today is that i feel sick and my friend is still insisting on staying here TONIGHT for emo nite TOMORROW like girl. i guess!
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4townlove · 2 years
4⭐Town Headcanons : When Youre Having a Bad Night
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⭐ Robaire
"Hey there, love.
I'm sorry things are difficult now, and... I completely understand how low you're feeling. I often feel the same myself.
Its like thw weight of the entire universe is on your shoulders, but if you slip up even for a second, everything falls apart. Its unbearable sometimes, suffocating... but when I'm in those moments, after letting myself feel the emotions... I always find my hope again in music.
And I know in times like these it's easy to listen to music that fits how bad we're feeling, its almost cathartic, but listening to or singing hopeful music always helps me believe, little by little, that I can get through it.
So... could I sing for you? Just for you... maybe music can bring you some peace and strength like it does to me."
⭐ Jesse
"Life's pulling a fast one, hm?
Yeah, I know how it feels to feel... like you're alone in the world. But you're not alone now. I'm here with you, and I'll stay right here until you feel safe again.
How about I make us some hot chocolate? Something warm and sweet is always good to help you feel better. At least, that's what I do. Whenever it's all just too much I... settle down, make a big mug of something good and get as comfortable as I can and do whatever possible to relax and clear my mind before breaking down what I'm struggling with. Somehow it... it eases the pain I feel inside....
You wanna try it? I make a pretty good cuppa, if i do say so myself, but I'll make it perfect... just for you."
⭐ Taeyoung
"Oh... I'm sorry things are hard right now. It can be really stressful when it's like the whole world is falling down around you and you can't find an escape...
Even when I feel overwhelmed like you do now. I get all flustered and shut down but, I've realised that... focusing on what you can do, what you do have control over, can help ease the burden.
even if all you can do is... put on a funny video you love or listening to your favourite song or... even just getting a few inhales of fresh air is more rhan enough.
It's easier said than done, I know, but... I'll help you. You can hold my hand all the way if you need. I'm here for you, sweetheart. We'll get through this together.."
⭐ Aaron T
"Man... it's times like these where I just wanna fight life itself for pickin on you like this. I'm sorry... so so damn sorry. You don't deserve this pain! Not for a second! But I'll do whatever I can to take as much of it away as possible!!
Since Life is to chicken to fight me man to man- or um.. man to... cosmos, i guess- I can help you get away from it all, yknow. At least for a bit. Knowing when to tap out for a breather is just as important as knowing when to keep fighting on.
So! How about a midnight trip to McDonalds? I'll get you whatever you like! And we can go to the park to eat it! I'll bring my boombox, some blankets! It'll be fun! You'll feel better in no time. I promise! O-or well, at least i hope you will... but I'll do my best !!!!"
⭐ Aaron Z
"Hey... I noticed you're having a rough time tonight. I'm sorry.
C'mere... let me hug you for a while.
It's ok to feel down sometimes, but I just want you to know you're not alone in it. So... I'll hold you as long as you need... and if you want to talk then, I'll listen for as long as you need me to.
Talking helps, when you can so... Im all ears. Feel free to vent to me anytime... about anything. I'll always listen and do my best to help you. Because I care about you.
I know it can feel like alot but, I'm here. Trust me. You're ok with me. Promise."
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sharkgirls · 4 months
xmen 97 had no business being that good. it took awhile to adjust to visually. some things felt wrong for a continuation of a children’s cartoon. but the most important thing is it took the subject matter seriously. it was more than nostalgic. it felt like its own project while being a continuation of a classic.
things i liked (very spoiler tastic)
Magneto outfit change even if the M was goofy, showing skin (armpits, shoulders) was very slutty
Morph and Logan. Morph, Gambit and Logan coming out of the danger room, sweaty with high implications of them having a threesome is not in my dirty mind. Also Logan being down and in a tree and Morph bringing him beer and snacks and Logan turns his head away all stubborn, causing Morph to well morph into Sabertooth instigating Logan to wrestle with him and stab the beer with his claws. Gay af. also Morph telling an unconscious Logan he loved him even if it was with Jean’s voice.
Magneto was right is something that is said constantly. I also love seeing Magneto exercising patience in Charles’ absence and ultimately snapping at the right amount of pressure.
Gambit going out with a bang. Im still fucking pissed about this. This is a children’s cartoon. Granted spiderman ended with peter summoning ben from another universe to get Carnage spider man to “destroy himself” which is so dark, I can’t believe that happened. Still, it was the most bad ass metal death ever.
The brief cameo of Peter and MJ. Out of all the cameos, this was the one that hit me. The rest annoyed me. Like it wasn’t the scene of spider-man they showed. It was seeing my Peter again that got me. i don’t think i would have seen him though if I hadn’t saw MJ as her red hair and yellow sweater made her stick out much easier.
The twin towers. Yes I know it’s 97 but it’s hard to see the twin towers and not laugh. Ive seen too many 9/11 jokes, maybe they should have left those out. The editing video one comes to mind first.
Seeing that hot lady with the eye patch again.
Gambit’s slutty crop top. Gambit blowing shit up in a pink explosion. fuck it, Gambit in general. I miss this man.
I think that’s it. I didn’t really care much for the ending. it really is cashing in on nostalgia which is disappointing. But having a whole season say Magneto is right and go out of the way to prove it, especially when he’s trying to be patient like omg. Let this man kill. He literally is like “do not make me let you down” he’s trying for peace and humanity decides to fucking ruin it.
Like the original wanted to put emphasis on Charles’ vision while showing how faulty it was. This one was like Charles’ vision is completely out of the fucking question, nice dream but nah. The Genosha genocide was so hard to watch especially with what’s going on in the world but watching Magneto be all like “They shall be avenged!” and finally losing his shit. Oh i love you. I love you for giving Charles’ dream a chance but you were right, you were fucking right. And now everyone is fucking dead. Just aaaah.
There was no reason for them to go this hard. But it wouldnt be xmen if they didn’t. shame it’s still a part of modern marvel. I feel like almost ashamed for liking it and wanting to talk about it but “Magneto is right” is the message I needed to fucking hear in my children’s cartoon. Now go have gay sex!
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denkineptune · 4 years
mha date headcanons- boys and girls :))
♡ request: “i love ur blog already, ur writing is so good!!! im so excited to see the content u’ll be posting !! :D since ur taking requests, how abt some date headcanons for the mha boys (or girls if u want!) ?” - @dianangels​ 
♡ thank you for letting me write girls aaa i chose to do some as first date hc. it was kinda hard to keep jirou’s gn because i wanted to reference wlw stereotypes but i succeeded in gender-neutral because i want everyone to be able to enjoy
♡ dedicating part of this to @anxious-botanist​ because she’s the one who inspired the momo cuddles hehe sorry it took so long
♡ fic details: headcanons, fluff, gender-neutral reader, 2nd pov
characters: kaminari, amajiki, jirou, ashido, yaoyorozu
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kaminari- arcade
↠you hear me??? arcade!! date!! ideal man, right here, someone claim him immediately or else i will be forced to take ownership
↠he’s super laid back and chill, pretty childish at heart. he only means the best, though, so i think an arcade is exactly what he would go for when taking you on a date! he doesn’t have a lot of money but still wants you to go home with something to remember the date by
↠he buys like $50 worth of tokens and splits it between the two of you, making sure that he tells you which games give the most tickets, because he’s definitely been here enough times to remember
↠his favorite game is either crossy roads or the big bass wheel- he loves crossy roads because of how cute the style is, but also there is impending stress and levels of  d o o m  as you progress further. big bass wheel is basically just gambling, and i think he’s yumeko jabami.
↠he hacks games to make you win sometimes,, his quirk is bascially designed to do this. it’s like he was born just to take you out on this arcade date. he uses his quirk to short circuit the game and trick the computer into giving you hundreds of tickets
↠he just wants to make you happy and see you smile!! there’s not a feeling quite like succeeding at something as silly as an arcade game, but there’s a certain pride to it that he loves seeing on your face. 
↠kaminari only does it a few times, since he knows that you should be earning your prizes ((not that you know when he does it, he’s really cheeky about it))
↠playyyy multiplayers with him! he loves DDR (dance dance revolution)- you do multiple rounds and are equally exhausted by the end of it akdflad you may not be good, and tbh neither is denki, but you still have fun, which is what matters
↠he also loves taking photobooth pictures, he puts on the most horrendous filters and does the dumbest poses, but it’s so adorable. he does the typical one smile, one “serious”, one silly face, one kith > <
↠kami gets cocky,,, it’s just how he is,, he gets overly confident whether or not he’s been on a winstreak
“heyy, y/n! look at my speedrun on this, i’m getting so many tickets, i’ll be able to get a house by the end of it!”
↠and then he CAN’T because he doesn’t get the jackpot eghgdhgeh
↠by the end of the day, you’ve spent hours at the arcade, laughing and screaming with denki as you terrorize the small children. yes, he’s that kind of guy
↠by “terrorize”, i don’t mean like a bully, but he’s unintentionally intimidating kids with his pockets overflowing with ticket chains, a crazed look on his face as he goes absolutely ham on the shooting games
↠there’s electricity coming off of him, kids sometimes have to dodge it when passing by
↠so anyways, by the end of the date, you’re basically being kicked out of the arcade, because, as kami puts it,
“we were here when it opened and i’ll be damned if we’re not here when it closes,”
↠between the two of you, you’ve aquired tens of thousands of tickets??? the employees probably hate y’all, they had to count those beasts of ticket rolls you’ve accumulated during the 10 hours the arcade was open
↠exactly 62,069 tickets (69 go brrr- kaminari’s brain), and you can basically buy the arcade with that currency
↠but here’s the thing: he lets you spend all of it. you heard me, all. of. it. he just wants to see you happy, and the best way he can think of to get a final glorious memory of your smile is to let you spend the tickets as you see fit, this generosity just to see you glowing as you walk out of the building, arms chock full of amazing junk
↠but of course, you’d feel bad if you spent all of it, especially since he was the one who took you out, so you offered him the half of the tickets that were won
“denki, you won most of these with your amAzINg gaming skills, it’s only fair you get to have something too,”
“my prize will be seeing you- your- your-- aw fuck, i forgot the line, it’ll come back to me, just give me a minute.”
↠he tried to be smooth and it failed, but you chuckled at the attempt, so all around, he considered it a success
↠denki gets a lot of dumb things that will probably end up being thrown away soon, but he also gets you a very soft bat stuffed animal that you should treasure and keep forever 
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amajiki- a walk and picnic in a japanese garden
↠tamaki is very shy, very socially anxious. he’s the kind to wait for people to leave a section of a store before he goes there, purposely do his errands in the early morning to limit social interaction, and find any excuse to leave a situation. which, tbh, isn’t that all of us?
↠let’s be honest here, if it wasn’t y’alls first date, he’d probably not go anywhere. as long as he’s with you, he doesn’t really care for anything too fancy
↠but he’s convinced himself that he needs to do something reasonably big for your first date to make sure you don’t regret your decision to go out with him. so instead of deciding to stay in, he goes somewhere that’s only slightly anxious for him, but where he still feels comfortable
↠so he’s decided on a japanese tsukiyama garden! these places are beautiful by design, not cheap but not too expensive, and people are obligated by rules to be quiet and keep their hands to themselves
↠nobody goes to a garden to socialize, in fact, i’d argue most people go just to look around, rest, and clear their heads. there’s usually not any screaming children, no quirk usage, no villains, it’s a little safe haven. 
↠bonus: there’s butterflies :))
↠it’s so peaceful, and he gets to focus on you instead of whatever loud noise is making him anxious
↠he brings a picnic basket filled with all your favorite foods, and his! he makes a show out of displaying what he can manifest with different snacks, making a point to eat edible seeds so he can produce flowers for you 🥺🥺🥺
↠you walk around the garden for a few hours, marveling at the decor and how well-maintained everything is. there’s a koi pond, hanging wisteria trees, and multiple gazebos that create a really comfortable and calm environment
↠speaking of koi ponds, amajiki offers to buy you food so you can feed the fish! you stand on a bridge above the pond, sharing the container with him. the sMILE on his face when he watches you throw the food is so pure i’m-
↠he’s the walking embodiment of “uwu”- his face is so calm and his eyes are shining and he can feel his heart swelling with love i am GOING to cry my eyes out 
↠but honestly, he wishes he could stay in this moment forever- you’re happy, he’s happy, and it feels like you two are the only people in the universe. right now, he doesn’t have to worry about school, villain attacks, his future, or anything that makes him anxious; all that he can see right now is how beautiful and at peace you look. he took you out today, and you’re enjoying yourself. this is one of the few things that makes him confident: knowing that he’s able to make you happy
↠tamaki is silently celebrating; you’ve had a good time and he didn’t freak out, so it’s the best possible scenario!
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ashido- rollerskating! ((look at her she’s adorable the smile n the eyes aaa))
↠mina is a very energetic and bubbly person, its quite obvious if you’ve spent any amount of time around her
↠for your first date with her, she’d already have a location in mind!!
↠the atmosphere of rollerskating rinks is so electric, she can’t help but feel happy there, and she wants to experience that lovely feeling with you, too :))
↠you enter the rink, and mina is already borderline bouncing off the walls alskdfj
↠whether or not you’ve ever skated before, ashido is super cautious with you- multiple times she’s fallen on her butt while learning how to skate, so unless you’re a pro, she’s watching your every move to make sure you don’t get hurt
“y/n! please be careful- you’re not getting hurt on my watch!”
↠she jabs a thumb in her direction proudly, with the cutest bigass grin on her face awh 🥺🥺🥺she’s really enthusiastic about sharing one of her passions with you
“try to balance, alright? don’t put too much weight on your heel or toes, because then you’ll fall on your butt. here, take my hand and i’ll help you! hey, there you go, you’re doing great!”
↠she pays for everything and will WRESTLE you if you try to disagree aldkfa if you’re the type of person to pay for everything as well, y’all are going to have to fight; mina will not give up
↠ashido comes here a lot, so she’s friendly with all the employees, she has the uncanny ability to make friends wherever she goes ((i mean she’s friends with bakugou,, if she can do that,, she can do anything))
↠she takes one of your hands and backs onto the rink, watching for anyone behind her. once you’re balanced properly, she shows you how to move your feet so that the two of you are in sync
↠skating isn’t super hard to figure out, it’s mostly intuitive, so you’ll get the hang of it quite quickly!! maybe you’re not too fast, but it’s still fun, so it doesn’t matter
↠while you’re moving with care, making sure to focus on your footwork, mina will definitely take the chance to show off her skating skills! she’s moving like crazy, weaving around other people and nearly toppling them over but shh she’s trying to impress you and if i’m being honest??? she’s really fucking good aldkdf 
↠it’s obvious that she loves this hobby, and the fact that she likes you enough to share it with you on your first date is so adorable aaaa
↠mina’s really agile- you don’t know if that’s all the hero training or just something that comes naturally, but the way she moves makes skating look like the easiest goddamn thing in the world-
↠she’s such a romantic, she’s definitely put in a request for the dj to play your favorite song, no matter if it fits the mood or not
↠heavy rock? sure!! as long as you’re having fun, who cares about what other people think? super vulgar rap?? w h y  n o t ? !
↠she just has that extroverted, positive, charming energy that’s infectious
↠you can’t help but feel at ease around her, she’s a genuinely a great person, and what you think the epitome of a hero is
↠all ashido really wants here is to have fun with you- i mean she really likes you, and hopes that she’ll get to go on another date w/ you, so she’s doing everything in her power to woo u
↠and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t working 🥺👉👈
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jirou- hanging out in her room
↠kyouka jirou, being the more introverted person she is, wouldn’t really want to go somewhere super public, like mina would
↠i also believe that she’d want to be friends (or at least acquaintances) with you before asking you on a date- she’s easily annoyed by people, so i think that she’d need to be comfortable around you if she was to be romantically interested 
↠and you’ve ticked all these boxes! you understand her sarcastic, blunt personality, and find it pretty amusing. beyond all that, she’s kind and caring, and deep down, she aspires to be a hero for all the right reasons. who wouldn’t love her for that?
↠so for your first date with kyouka, i think she’d want to be somewhere quiet and intimate with you. she wouldn’t want any interruptions ((specifically from jammingyay, who enjoys butting his head in other peoples’ business))
↠the most comfortable place for her would be her room, since it’s really just an extension of her personality, and since you’re quite close, she’d be okay with letting you in her private space. she trusts you.
↠just two guys bein dudes 🤠 ((if you’re a girl, it’s just sappho and her friend--))
↠music is one of the biggest things in jirou’s life, and i think she’d want to share it with you. that is, if you’d let her :)) she has dozens of different instruments, so if you want to attempt to learn something, she’d be totally down!! 
↠please show her what kind of music you’re into! no matter what it is, she’ll listen to it. she wants to get to know what kind of person you are when you’re not around other people, and music is a great way to do that. even if you don’t have the same taste as her, she wouldn’t mind, since a) she’ll listen to pretty much anything, she’s not picky; and b) it’s something that you’re showing her, and that’s enough to make her happy
↠she’s not a very formal person, so i think she’d just want to talk to you and hang out. i’d think kyouka would be more of a fan of a gradual relationship, one that starts from friends and slowly evolves into more. and yes, as you can probably tell, i am a sucker for mutual pining and friends-to-lovers tropes-- im a simple hoe 😌
↠she’s super fun to hang out with!! her sense of humor is really snarky, she also enjoys talking shit about people she doesn’t like. if you’re not into that, she’s able to carry on conversation really well. there’s not a moment of awkward silence between you
↠jirou actually really likes talking shit about people hsahsh- as long as it’s someone that’s been mean in some way. she won’t say anything bad about someone who hasn’t done anything to deserve it. but if you’ve wronged her in some way, boy, do you have it COMING
↠by the end of it, i just know your cheeks hurt from laughing 
↠she’s just a really fun person to be around, she may not be the most bubbly person ever, but she’s super easy-going and cool ((jirou bias incoming ekejke))
↠i do think she’d try to sneak some kind of affection if she thinks you’d reciprocate- if you’re really getting along well, she might snake her hand into yours when you’re sitting on the bed, laughing
↠honestly you might not even notice until she stops, because your hand feels empty and cold without her like your heart aa
↠if she’s really into you?? might get a smol peck on the cheek 👉👈 please try to get a smol peck on the cheek, it’s very cute and she gets so flustered
↠she goes up to you as you’re about to leave her room, grabs your shoulder, turns you around, and gives you an adorable if not slightly aggressive smooch
↠then she reFUSES to acknowledge what she just did akdfld- she turns away, beet red, and is completely silent
↠meanwhile you’re probably laughing your ass off because wow she’s so cute
↠kudos if you give one back to her, baby is on the verge of exploding ejkdjf 
↠her heart just can’t handle what you’re doing to her
↠and despite what her appearance is, her heart is doing backflips- she’s whipped <33
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momo: tea and c u d d l e s
↠she’s a very fancy person, obviously. yaoyorozu wants only the best for everyone she loves, and that, of course, includes you! she loves showing affection through giving things to others. her family status only magnifies this aspect of her personality, as being born into wealth gives her the means to spoil you rotten
↠and even though she’s bougie as all hell, she also somehow maintains an elegant and simple air about her. it’s impressive, really. it’s not like she tries to flex her money, it’s just a part of her life, and she enjoys using her privilege well
↠that being said, what’s more elegant and mature than going for tea? it’s a lovely pastime that momo would love to include you in! 
↠lowkey,, she’s a whole sugar momma dfkdjla im not even joking- she doesn’t try to be, but virtually everything she does shows how rich she is
↠you arrive at the tea room, and by god is it fancy. there’s multiple chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, which is decorated with classic renaissance-style paintings. all the tables are set with white cloth, plates made of pure fine china, flowers and woven baskets set everywhere to create a cottagecore-like setting. the air about it is so sophisticated, from the patrons (wait is that a celebrity-) to the decorations
↠your face is kinda just,,, 😮,, because what in the world did momo get you into??
“momo, you’re so sweet, and this place is lovely, but don’t you think this is a bit much? not that i don’t absolutely appreciate it, it’s just that this seems really expensive, and i don’t want you to have to spend that much for just one date.”
↠she just chuckles, saying that it was “really nothing” (???? MISS GIRL???)
“don’t worry, y/n, this isn’t too much! i want to have fun today, and this place is so nice! let’s just find a table, alright?”
↠like, hunney, you’re so kind, but this is a LOT
↠but if you say so....
↠she looks at you with the most enthusiastic, wholesome eyes, and soon you’re following her like a puppy towards your table. the waiter sits you down, and leaves, giving you a moment to glaze over the menu to find a drink
↠and there’s so many types of teas, at least 30 on this page alone. you hadn’t even heard of half of these drinks, how would you know if you’d like them?
↠yaomomo seemed to notice your puzzlement, and said that you could get a pot of something simple, like jasmine green or earl grey, and she would get something fancier that you could try. why not?
↠a few minutes later, you’ve already adjusted to the sophisticated and intimidating environment, focusing only on the girl across from you, and how her eyes glittered with happiness
↠she orders a few normal tea foods, like scones with jam, lemon curd, and devonshire cream, and finger sandwiches. the fanciest thing she buys, though, is a blooming tea that arrives in a clear pot. it has an open flower inside of it, which is what the tea is infused with. it’s nearly 16,100 yen for one pot, though, and while you protest its expense, momo reassures you that it’s no problem (you just learned not to say anything about money, as it wouldn’t stop yaoyorozu from spoiling you)
↠ngl, it’s so fun to pretend to be fancy for a few hours at a tea room !! you acted as if you were a member of high society, using stereotypes to exaggerate your actions. it made some people only slightly irritated, but hey, it got a laugh out of a pretty girl, so who’s the real winner? 
↠yaomomo taught you some classy etiquette that you should definitely use, it makes her so happy to think that you’re learning about new things while still enjoying your time with her
↠she makes really good conversation!! her intellect seeps through everything she says, anyone who talks to her would be able to tell that she’s extremely well-spoken and mature. momo is modest, and deflects a lot of the compliments you try to give her, so if you try to display your admiration for her, you’d probably need to be very specific about it. she doesn’t have the best self-image when it comes to her heroism and field work. spoken affection sometimes doesn’t get through to her, but you know what does? physical affection!
↠she loves cuddles, and will regularly take you back to her house after a date to cuddle in her bed. her mattress is legendary, and it’s comfortable as hell. there’s an abundance of pillows and the bed isn’t too soft or too firm, and it’s always somehow an amazing temperature???? mattresses are investments, and this was definitely a good one
↠momo loves the intimacy and trust of holding you, it allows her to escape from overthinking and only focus on you, her beautiful partner. she doesn’t care if she’s the big or little spoon, but her favorite kind of cuddling is when you’re on your back and she’s curled into your side, head tucked under your chin and hand on your chest
↠she can do this for hours, please let her. she feels safe with you, confident, because you’re choosing to spend time with her in this quiet moment instead of being off somewhere else.
↠in conclusion,,, 💕women 💕
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possiblypeachy · 4 years
Helloo, so i loooved your last sam drake fic. & I wanted to ask you if you could write a really angsty fanfic about sam with a younger female reader, like 20 years younger (she would be 23) ? I know its a huge age gap so if that makes you uncomfortable you can leave it out but make it hella angsty still (with a fluffy ending) ? thanks in advance ❤
btw im an infp too ;)
infps rise up!! 
thank you muchly for the request! i had to make some interesting google searches for this and i always count that as a win in my book!
y’know when your brain feel like a static TV? yeah, that happened to mine while writing this so i apologise in advance if this is in no way what you asked for :( HOWEVER i do hope you enjoy nonetheless! i do love sam; he’s just a little bastard :,)
warning: this details a heavy injury + a hospital trip so please don’t read on it that makes you feel horrible or anything! also, the reader is younger than same (as requested) but it’s not a like huge aspect of the plot.
if others like this too, feel free to request something from me! 
― ❊ ―
You had always been interested in the hidden corners of the world. For a species that boasted about being the most intelligent, humans knew so achingly little about the world in which they lived. So, when you decided adventure called to you more than any kind of degree could, you put out a few ads in a couple of places and a certain Drake wrote back, enlisting your help with… artefact recovery. You hadn’t expected so many gunfights or bruises or those dreaded mosquitos but you certainly didn’t regret the job, coming away with a few pirate-branded gold coins and a 40-something-year-old partner-in-crime.
You probably could’ve set up for life with those coins alone-- lived a quiet life in a suburb somewhere, joined a dating app and found the love of your life, adopted a puppy, maybe-- but when Sam had called you a month or so after your Madagascan escapade, that same excitement in his voice that you’d become so accustomed to, you didn’t even need a few days to consider before asking him when the next flight was.
Now, to say that going on this rodeo was a good idea could’ve been a lie; you were still young and sprightly, and many would beg (if they even got the chance) for you to reconsider-- oh, but you have such a long life ahead of you, why are you taking it for granted?
Screw them. You’d seen more beautiful things in the past year than they would in their entire lives. So what if you had a couple of scars and scrapes to prove it; it simply adds character.
Well… perhaps this particular scrape would change your perspective on that.
You and Sam had encountered one of those forsaken puzzle things; a series of statues and corresponding paintings behind them. Each held a dagger and held their hand out to shake, a conniving little smirk etched into the grey stone. You had been so achingly confident of the answer-- nothing had gone wrong so far and you were feeling chipper. So, when you called out to Sam that you’d solved it before him, that cocky little quirk to your lips that made him huff out a laugh and shake his head, you didn’t expect his face to drop so quickly, eyes darting from your smile to your abdomen.
There was a sudden, burning pain, and you lurched forwards toward the statue, placing one hand on its shoulder to keep yourself upright. Everything seemed to blur when you looked down, the jewelled dagger now withdrawing from your gut covered in blood. The statue looked as if it had never moved, if you discounted the bloodied weapon it held and the small pool that had accumulated at the base of it. Your free hand, shaking, came down to try to stop yourself from bleeding, fingers almost immediately red and warm. “Sam--” His name was coughed out, the tension it caused making you cry out in pain.
He had seen your smile drop, your eyes widen, the blood bloom across your shirt. He had watched the statue withdraw, that grin it held now dangerous. Oh, fuck. This couldn’t be happening. Sam had promised everyone-- he had promised you that nothing like this would happen. Of course he had fucked it. 
He was already there. He had been there immediately but, beyond the pain and shock, you hadn’t realised. “Holy shit! (Name)?” His hand came to your shoulder and, at the contact, you nearly crumpled, as if his touch had brought you back to reality. Unfortunately, along with that came the more acute realisation of how much fucking pain you were in.
“Oh, fuck! God--” You curled over and vomited. Fuck, it hurt. The movement made you grab at your wound more, muscles trying to tense but just searing with pain instead. Lifting your arm to wipe your mouth felt so much more difficult, lethargy already settling in it seemed.
Sam muttered something to himself, tucking his shoulder under yours and using his arm to help keep you propped up. “We’ll be alright-- you’ll be alright. We just have to get back to the car and--” he cut off, swearing, at least you thought; everything sounded like it was underwater-- muffled and slowed. 
You let your head drop a little, face contorted in pain with each step you took. This wasn’t supposed to happen-- this was never supposed to happen. These trips were meant to be all beautiful vistas and treasure. You didn’t mind the occasional gunfight and, while being punched square in the nose didn’t feel great, you’d let it happen more if only to walk into more of these preserved pieces of history all over the globe. But, this? Fuck this. You should’ve been more prepared.
“Everyone said--” you groaned again and, when you were finally able to muster the strength to look at Sam, he glanced down at you with such panic in his eyes that it almost made your chest churn more than your stomach, “They said this shit would be bad for me.” The laugh you gave was painful and you regretted it immediately, stumbling over your own feet when you tried to hold your abdomen-- as if that would provide some kind of relief. It did not. 
Sam furrowed his brows, moving you slightly to make sure you didn’t slip from his grip. “No, no-- it’s alright! You still got life in you.” He tried to laugh but it didn’t sound like him and that just made you spiral a little faster. “There are still places that are out there waiting for you, okay?” Sam’s voice was rushed, like he was torn between trying to comfort you and just trying to get you both the fuck out of here. 
The light of the outside was blinding, the sun bright and unyielding overhead. Sam fumbled with the keys in his back pocket and then there were the telltale beeps of a car being unlocked. The sound made him flinch but you were beyond that, wanting more than anything to just sleep. It was hard to focus on anything else, actually.
Sam bundled you into the back seat and you groaned at the way your body had to twist and curve into the backseat. Every breath hurt; it was like reliving the injury each time you inhaled. Your hand was blood-covered now but your shaking had died down. It took too much energy to shake-- Hell, it took way too much to even lift your eyelids again after each blink. 
When the driver’s door slammed, you jolted slightly-- like someone had dragged you out of the very early stages of sleep. “Sam,” you began, voice quiet; it was as though you were in another universe entirely, “are we gonna…” you trailed off, forgetting where you were. It was strange: you felt like the pain was subsiding. It was almost… peaceful. 
The car lurched into motion and you saw him glance at you through the rearview mirror. You thought he might’ve been saying something to you, his free hand reaching back to get your attention. Black encroached on your vision and your head lolled backwards briefly but you pulled it forward again soon after as though it were attached to some kind of bungee rope. Is this what dying felt like? 
Maybe you were okay with this. It was calm-- quiet, even. It was almost like the pain had become an afterthought-- a dull thrum in your abdomen. You would miss this, though: the adventures. You would miss the fact that everything seemed more colourful in other countries. You would miss the sweet tang of sea air and how free you felt on the open sea. Despite the blur in your vision, you tried to focus on Sam and his helpless mumbling. Tears welled in your eyes. God, you would miss him too. 
The next time you blinked, your eyes stayed closed.
A steady beeping woke you up. That and a horrible white light beating against your eyelids. You tried to groan but even that was difficult with how… disused your voice felt. A chair creaked to your right and then--
It was him.
“Sam…” Trying to sit up was like an instinct but a hand came to your shoulder to keep you down. It was then that you finally opened your eyes, pupils struggling against the light. “Did you find the treasure?”
He breathed out a laugh-- almost like relief. “If you count shitty hospital coffee and the most uncomfortable chair ever as treasure, then yes.”
Your brows furrowed. “Hospital?” The strain on your voice made you cough. This was a bad reflex on your part. An ache flared up again in your lower stomach, and your arm flew there to support the injury. Now, everything was starting to come back. “Ah, shit. I remember. God.”
Beside you, his lips pursed. “Yeah. Almost got bested by a statue, honey.”
You gave him a look and he smiled. Despite his words, the normalcy of it all was comforting. “I may be bed-ridden but I’ll still hit you, old man.” There it was: that smile of yours. He struggled to even feign offence with how relieved he felt at seeing it. In fact, if your eyes weren’t deceiving you, he might’ve welled up a little. “Sam?”
“No, it’s fine. I’m fine.” He rubbed his face before leaning onto your bed. “I was just worried, is all.”
He looked like he had done more than worried; the dark around his eyes told you of that. Quiet fell over you for a few moments and Sam took to rubbing your leg over the array of hospital blankets piled atop you. It was nice, comforting, and for a time you just allowed yourself to be. 
That was until he swallowed loudly-- nervously-- and withdrew his hand. “(Name), I, uh--” he cleared his throat-- not because he needed to but just so he could have a couple more seconds to think about what he was going to say, “I’ve been thinking about what happened, and I know that you’d disagree, but I’m not sure you should--”
You groaned as you shifted yourself up the bed, cutting him off. You knew what he was going to say: that you shouldn’t come on the next trip with him. That would turn into only the occasional call between the two of you, asking about his most recent escapades-- if had any spots open on the crew next time, to which he would decline. Then, there would only be texts-- a barren waste of white space between messages and timestamps that began to highlight the weeks and months between each text. “Don’t, Sam.” His brows furrowed and you pointed a finger at him, accusing. “I know what you’re going to say and I’m not going to listen to you.”
He pursed his lips briefly then pinched the bridge of his nose with a thumb and forefinger. “You could’ve died. You can’t just fuckin’ die--” he leant forward so his ranting wouldn’t disturb any other hospital dwellers, “You can’t die yet; you’re-- what?-- twenty-three?”
“Oh, fuck off, Sam! I’m not a child; I can handle myself!”
In one gesture towards your injury, he had messed up. “Obviously fuckin’ not!”
Silence. Your mouth was agape and he flinched back immediately. For how many times people told Sam to think before he spoke, he hadn’t seemed to have learnt. When the words settled in, you leant away from him, back into the cushions behind you. “I think you should go.”
He blinked once. And, then again. “What?”
You couldn’t even look at him. “Get out. I’ll call a nurse if i need help since I obviously can’t look after myself--”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that, (Name)--”
“How did you fucking mean it then, Sam?” He stood from the chair and it creaked-- the only noise in the room. You didn’t even want to give him the chance to give an excuse. “Or, am I too much of a child to understand what you mean?” In the middle of his pacing, he turned to face you, simply staring despite your ceaseless ranting. “Sorry that I’m such a huge fucking inconvenience to you! It’s not like the same kind of shit has ever happened to you or anything, huh?” He watched as your eyes began to well, face etched with frustration and betrayal, words spat out of your mouth like they put a bad taste there.
He had to cut you off or else you would carry on; you shouldn’t feel like this right after… everything that happened. God, he was such a dick. He shouldn’t have brought this up-- not now at least-- and now look at you: almost crying because of him in a hospital bed thank to stab wound that you got because of him and-- “I don’t want you to get hurt again because I fuckin’ care about you, (Name), okay?” It was his turn to rant now and your turn to stare at him. “And-- and, I have no idea what I would do with myself if you-- if you had fuckin’--” the noise he made was a mix between a sigh and growl, like he was annoyed at himself, then he leant against the end of your bed. A few moments passed; you didn’t know if you were supposed to say something to him during this or not but all you could fathom doing was to just stare at him, dumbfounded. Then, he breathed out a simple: “I’m sorry. For being a dick.”
You swallowed, gaze flickering away from him briefly. Then, you huffed out a laugh-- a terrible mix of amusement and disbelief. “Glad you can recognise it, Sam.” He blinked at you, then shook his head; that certainly wasn’t the response he expected. Something more biting-- venomous--perhaps, but not that. You gestured back to the seat that he had pulled up beside you and, with some degree of caution, he sat down again. You held out a hand and he took it, rubbing a thumb over the underside of it, touch light on your skin. “You can’t prove that this isn’t the painkillers speaking but,” it hurt to lean closer to him but you thought he was worth it-- even with the deer-in-headlights look he had, “I care about you too.”
It was then that he smiled-- grinned, even-- and you finally heard him laugh again. “Oh, I’m definitely holding that against you, (Name).”
“Will you hold this against me, too?” You pulled your hand away from his, only to place it on his face instead, thumb tracing a line over his cheek. His eyes flickered down to your lips, obviously unsure on if he should close the gap, that worry still bubbling in his lower stomach that he was daydreaming again. So, you did instead, the ache in your gut less pressing than your want to kiss him. It was short but to say it didn’t make your heart soar and a faint colour flush Sam’s ears would be a lie. You hand stayed there after, fingers reluctant to move away-- to lose him; the thought scratched at the back of your mind.
He let out a sigh of relief-- a little ‘hoo’ noise coming with it. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted that.”
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cattles-bians · 3 years
Damie Vibecca exes AU part 4
post directory
[em note: this one is LONG i had to split it!!!]
obsetress: deflecting to viola protecting becs
obsetress: once they are dating
obsetress: and thinkin thoughts
em: viola asks rebecca if she wants to put a hit out on peter and rebestiecca is like????
em: that’s hot but
em: u can do that? also maybe don’t. but mostly that’s hot
obsetress: i was literally gonna say peter is still her ex and he's a persistent fucker even though it's been a year at least and viola's response is... not far off from canon!
obsetress: becca just stares at her for a minute and then she's cupping viola's cheek and murmuring "come here" and pulling her down
obsetress: they're like kissing or whatever and rebecca's murmuring "that was hot, you know" between kisses and viola's like "oh?" and becca's like "don't be cheeky, you know it was" and vi just grins against her mouth
em: I’m Really Invested In This Crack Ship
obsetress: ok but rebecca tells jamie and dani about vi offering to put a hit on peter and they're both understandably and reasonably aghast and rebecca's just like (takes a sip of wine, ducks head, smiles to self) i think it's sweet
obsetress: dani and jamie look at each other out of the corners of their eyes
obsetress: (later, dani agrees how absolutely out of line it is but also admits that it sure does feel nice to be so taken care of sometimes)
obsetress: (jamie throws a pillow at her)
obsetress: also thinking about secret soft vibecca are sometimes and how horrified dani and jamie are the first time they see it with their own eyes
em: jamie and dani excessive PDA queens get a taste of their own medicine
em: it’s so funny that i’m like. always on the verge of viola horny posting but as soon as it’s vibecca i’m like look at these babies. these beautiful babies
obsetress: viola and rebecca kissing one (1) time at brunch and jamie, arm slung around dani’s shoulders, is like “oi, no one wants to see that” and dani, leaning into jamie, one hand in her lap, crinkles her nose and rebecca’s like “y— you’re kidding, right?”
obsetress: also like. we talk a lot about what vi does for rebecca but also like
obsetress: vi massive abandonment issues and rebecca just
obsetress: she just stays
em: ur gonna Kill me here lies em
obsetress: i know i didn’t mean to and then i just
obsetress: i can’t think too hard abt them or i will Melt Down but just like
em: look if rebecca can see the best in someone as awful as peter
em: viola isnt nearly as terrible
obsetress: esp vi post dani like
obsetress: she’s obnoxious and haughty and neoliberal but
obsetress: radical love goes a long way!
obsetress: rebecca grounding her thru touch and rebecca slipping her hands around vi’s and easing them loose when vi’s hands start to clench and rebecca just pressing a kiss to viola’s temple and murmuring “i’m here, yeah? with you. not going anywhere”
em: like i just think after eddie dani wouldnt like, just go w the flw any more. like i think abt her challenging viola occasionally
em: lovingly! gently
but like, holding her accountable
em: also violas absolutely little spoon
em: like i know blah blah viola top rebecca top leaning switch but viola little spoon
obsetress: “actually viola” (vi always knows she’s in trouble when dani calls her viola) “that was really hurtful” “i’m sorry you feel that way, dani, but—“ “i don’t need you to be sorry for how i feel. i need you to show me you’re sorry for what you did”
em: dani calls vi the Full Name and viola knows shes in trouble bc thats at least 4 extra vowels w danis midwest accent
em: it is always v surprising how much like, working w kids equips you to work w adults. b/c at least w kids you dont have layers and layers of social nuance to work through. u can just say 'hey. that was hurtful and your apology sucks'
obsetress: meanwhile dani’s over here trying to explain to vi intent vs impact and how no, it’s not semantics or nuance, it’s actually kind of a chasm
em: i kind of love like um. look viola is terrible but she wasnt born terrible
obsetress: she just has a lot to unlearn
em: and id belive that even if i wasnt a ghostfucker thats just rogers theory of self actualisation babyeee
obsetress: dani viola big fight n dani's like
obsetress: "i'm sorry and i love you but it's not my job to fix you, vi" and she just breaks down and she's like "it's not"
obsetress: jesus why did my brain take THAT turn
em: wrow
em: its ok i was gonna be like 'so they obvs break up at some point....'
obsetress: anyway viola just stares at her for a second and then she's like "you put the 'i'm sorry' before the 'i love you'"
obsetress: and dani just stares at her for a long time and she's like "yeah. i guess i did"
obsetress: i KNOW what the FUCK
obsetress: anyway dani's like "i guess i did" and vi's like "is that it then?" and dani just looks at her with her puffy eyes and is like "i think so"
obsetress: dani clayton queen of saying "i love you" over and over in the midst of breaking up w someone
em: well! she has a lot of love to give but, she also has to love herself sometimes!
em: i was thinking abt scenarios n i just remembered that. whole video rental shop thing so i think that slots in nicely
[em edit: u can read here]
obsetress: god i love that lil scene
em: dani sends viola a tentative little meme peace offering and they get back to talking and its nice but maybe a bit awkward and viola mentions like, going to therapy and seeing someone for help n its
obsetress: vi's stewing on "i can't fix you" for weeks and then she's begrudgingly. BEGRUDGINGLY calling a therapist
em: like its still awkward and dani is still nursing some wounds but she can ALSO be happy for someone she used to care about
em: still cares about!
obsetress: she's always gonna love her in some way or another
obsetress: but yeah also like. smth to viola being too stubborn to do anything she doesn't wanna do except suddenly when dani clayton gets involved and that feels p canon in its own way too
em: 'i cant fix u' weird bc every time i see viola im like 'i can fix her'
obsetress: it's like ur in my head bestie
em: how do u think viola and rebestiecca met
em: not that u think abt it or anything
obsetress: MAN i was just thnking
obsetress: in this universe how did dani and jamie meet but i guess it can still just be bly tbh
obsetress: as for vi and bestiecca hmmm
em: am so caught up in the joy of fucked up interpersnal dynamics i forgot a meet cute
obsetress: honestly part of me wants to be like
obsetress: on some dating app but a dating app for posh people yk
obsetress: but then i'm like
obsetress: that takes all the meet cute fun out of it
obsetress: oh GOD
obsetress: i got it
obsetress: ready
obsetress: so like viola landlord we know this
obsetress: and then i was watching whatever ep three the other day and bex mentions wanting to do public law right
em: oooooh
obsetress: bex public housing attorney
em: OOH
obsetress: they meet at some conference
obsetress: hit it off prob fuck lbr
obsetress: and then
obsetress: comedy of errors
obsetress: whoever stays the night, they sleep together again in the morning, breakfast in bed, bex is like "so what do you do, anyway"
em: hjgbjshmdnfbmngbmhnbgs,hndg m,shndgds
em: YES
obsetress: and then they just
obsetress: also i like to think rebecca invites vi back to her hotel room and vi is so charmed by her taking charge ("""taking charge""") that she lets her
obsetress: and then like
obsetress: god for a while what if they just like
obsetress: they're so mortified and morally and fundamentally at odds but like
obsetress: the sex is so good???????
obsetress: that they keep just meeting up and then
em: romeo and juliet situation
obsetress: yk how it goes
obsetress: the sex is good and they see each other as like
em: thats so fucking good thank u hannah
obsetress: super rare intellectual equals whatever
obsetress: thank u i am exceedingly proud rn
obsetress: honestly at this point i'm
obsetress: rebecca and vi uhaul change my mind
obsetress: like not too quick because isabel but, quick enough to be considered
em: so the joke is like. obviously 'extremely pda damie' but when rebecca and vi are alone they Also cannot get their hands off each other
obsetress: they both just. worry about appearances too much meanwhile
obsetress: tweedle dee and tweedle dum in the overalls and mom jeans dgaf
em: accidentally seeing ur friends compromised is just part of the package of being friends w damie. however jamie accidentally catches vibecca in the act and shes Horrified
em: hypocrits
em: danis like yeah what do u. think theyre doing
em: dani is nonchallant bc shes dated viola of all people
obsetress: i mean could you imagine
obsetress: between vi and dani's just
obsetress: insatiable libido
obsetress: dani, very seriously: jamie, when two women love each other––
em: dani likes dating jamie bc it means she can top occasionally :) maybe even more than occasionally
em: jamies like ooh my god i knw i know how are u so casual about... rebecca... and ... viola... (dani just pulls her in fr a smooch)
obsetress: they have each other's clothes half off and dani's like "i'm so casual because i dated her too, babe" and jamie's like "can we not have this conversation right n"
obsetress: also i still have this on my clipboard from earlier we bopped around so fast but
obsetress: vi and bex hooking up early on:
obsetress: rebecca knocks on vi's door at, like, 6:00 pm after work, vi opens it, rebecca just grabs her and kisses her, vi pulls her in, becca kicks it closed behind her, vi shoves her against the door and they're kissing against it, then vi's ducking her head to kiss along rebecca's neck and rebecca's like "how many people did you evict today" as she angles her head and then viola's finding her lips again and tugging at her lower lip with her teeth "probably not as many landlords as you shortchanged today" and rebecca's laughing and pushing her backwards down the hall as viola tugs at her blouse
em: GOD. viola is probably like
em: ok, disclaimer: fuck all landlords
em: but at least in this fantasy world perhaps viola is 'fairly' 'reasonable' n shes absolutely playing it up for the hate sex angle n rebecca Maybe Assumes shes lying but
em: stupid morons in love
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: i think i've mentioned this before but like
obsetress: now that it's more fleshed out
obsetress: then they're at drinks one night (and when did it go from just sex to drinks? neither of them could tell you) and viola's kinda quiet n moody (n rebecca already knows she Gets Like This sometimes and that she'll usually say whatever she's thinking eventually) and finally she's like
obsetress: "i have... a daughter" and rebecca's just like "tell me about her" like it's the easiest thing in the world
obsetress: and viola's head snaps over and she stares because she was.... not expecting that
obsetress: and so viola does
obsetress: and rebecca's just like "i'd love to meet her one day"
em: soft.....
obsetress: they always turn back to soft
obsetress: like they have a fuckin mind of their own
em: rapidly oscillate between horny and soft
obsetress: that's the mood
em: violas probably like. yknow, rebecca's young and up and cming n she probably assumes rebesticca isnt interested as something as full on as a kid but shes like 'do you have any photos'
obsetress: fuck!!!!!!!!!
em: rebeccas like do u think i didnt. see the photos at ur apartment lmao
em: theres a childs drawing on the fridge
obsetress: rebecca has known almost from the jump but was
obsetress: giving viola her time
obsetress: also smth smth giving her time instead of time wearing her away etc etc we're all in hell
em: cracks knuckles
em: bestie....
obsetress: pls
obsetress: it's what i deserve
obsetress: first tho
obsetress: consider
obsetress: the way viola's face lights up when she's talking about isabel and showing rebecca all the pictures
obsetress: hold pls
em: soft......
obsetress: this one chief
obsetress: right here
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
MacRiley fan-fic
This one is a classic. Probably wont happen but it was fun to write anyways!
Season 4 spoilers..... duh!
“Good night guys. Riles you coming?” said Mac with his usual smile leaving the war room followed by Desi and Bozer. Matty and Russ were still busy.
Mac had been wanting to tell Riley about his break-up with Desi but they had got the call from Matty.
Desi and he realised they were never going to work. The weird part was that he didn't feel heartbroken. 
He had seen it coming for a while now, it was just a matter of finally ripping off the band-aid. Desi seemed fine too, she still nipped at him occasionally but they had managed to keep it professional for the whole mission. Desi was staying with him until she could get back her old apartment.
“No I have some stuff I need to do. Good night Mac.” said Riley with a tight lipped smile. 
Mac raised his eyebrow at her. “Okay. Good night then. Call me if you need a lift anyways.” He and Des got into his car while Riley walked to the nearest bar.
The mission had been rough. Riley felt completely spent but she needed a drink. It was Friday night and she was all alone. She let that sink in. At the rate she was going she was going to die alone too.
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Mac’s phone buzzing woke him up. It was 1 am. It had been barely 2 hours since they got back. 
“Why won't criminals just take a day off.” said Mac half asleep, groaning as he reached for his phone. 
He read the caller id fulling expecting it to be Matty. But it wasn't.
All the sleepiness drained right out of him. It was Riley.
“Hello? Riles? What’s going on is everything okay?” said Mac already getting up, fully alert now and trying to make as little noise as possible so as to not wake Desi up in the adjoining room.
Mac could here loud music in the background. What the hell was going on?
“Hey Mac. I need a ride.”
Mac found Riley outside The Bar. Riley was drunk and she was standing all alone outside at the entrance when she had called. Mac drove over as fast as he could. His heart racing the whole time.
He pulled up to where she was standing. Silently thanking the universe that she was okay. 
“Riles? Are you okay” said Mac with deep concern on his face.
Riley nodded but swayed on her feet. Mac caught her.
“Okay lets get you home.”
Mac got Riley in the passengers seat and buckled her up. He had just started up the car when Riley mumbled.
“I’m sorry. I'm so so sorry” and tears started rolling down her face. Mac’s heart broke a little. Why had he not gone with her? What if something had happened to Riley? What if he had somehow missed her call?
“Riles. You dont have anything to be sorry for. It’s okay. Its a best friends duty to pick up them up especially when they get drunk. Today’s mission was hard on all of us.” said Mac with a smile. It really was the least he could do for her. She had put everything on the line when she had come to his rescue. She was always there. The one true constant in his life. The one person he could count on.
Riley just went on apologising until a minute later she had closed her eyes and fallen asleep. Mac looked over at her a few times. She seemed so peaceful. He had been so caught up with Desi, Codex and Phoenix that he hadn't even paid attention to what was going on with Riley. Something was definitely eating at her. He was hoping he could have talked to her today, tried to get to the bottom of things.
Riley had seemed a little distant lately. He didn't even blame her. He had no idea what was going on with her, but for now he would be there for her just like she was for him.
Mac pulled over outside Riley’s apartment. He didn't want to wake Riley up but he couldn't help it.
“Riles,” Mac whispered. “I need you to wake up now. Please.”
Riley opened her eyes slowly. He helped her out of the car and grabbed her bag. It was a good thing he knew she kept her keys in the tiny zipper in her favourite bag which she was also carrying right now.
He opened the apartment door and helped Riley in. He set her down on her bed  and took off her boots. Riley was half asleep and was really out of it. 
He tucked her in and was about to switch off the small bedside lamp when Riley reached for his arm.
“Hey Mac” she slurred a bit while talking,”Thanks for picking me up. Your a good friend you know. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Mac smiled. Even half drunk Riley was still thinking about him. He brushed out a few strands of hair out of her face and turned off the light.
“Good night Riles.” said Mac leaving the room.
“Love you, Mac” says Riley before cuddling into her covers and falling straight asleep.
Mac froze at the door, his heart pounding. 
He had misheard her right? But he found himself hoping he hadn't.
It hit him like lightning. He loved Riley too, didn't he? Deep down he always had. 
He had told himself that he had held her hand when that missile was about to hit them because he wanted Riley to know he was sorry. Sorry that he couldn't save her. But it was more than that,wasn't it?
He had loved her. 
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Mac smiled to himself. He was such an idiot. How had he not seen it sooner. Not seen what was right in front of him the whole time.
But he wouldn't say anything until he knew for sure.
The next morning Riley woke up to the worst hangover. Maybe even worse than the one that Mac’s alcohol breaking down drug had given her when he, Leanna, Bozer and she were undercover.
She dragged herself to the shower and got changed which is when it registered that she could smell pancakes. What the hell?
“Good morning sleepy head.” said Mac a little too loudly. Riley winced. 
Mac was cooking.... Pancakes... In her kitchen... In her house....
She looked over at her sofa and saw a blanket draped on it.
“Hope you dont mind. I crashed here after last night just incase you needed me.”
“No of course I dont mind. I’m just really hazy on what happened last night.” said Riley rubbing her head.
Mac placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of her along with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.
“You dont remember anything?” asked Mac trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. “You got really drunk last night and called me to ask if I could give you a ride home. You were really out of it.” said Mac with smile.
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Bits and pieces came rushing back as she took a seat at the kitchen island. She had gone to the bar and had one drink after another and had completely lost track. She remembered contemplating calling Mac and then sitting in his car. She couldn't remember if she said anything. What if she told him about her feelings. Oh no no no no. Rileys mind was going into overdrive.
“Oh god Mac. I’m so sorry. I probably ruined you and Desi’s night. Im such an idiot. I dont even remember what I was thinking.”
“Hey hey its okay Riles. Besides Desi and I aren't dating anymore.” said Mac.
Woah. It was really taking her a while to process things.
“I’m sorry to hear that Mac. I feel like such a terrible friend. I didn't even notice something was up.” said Riley. Gosh when had she become such a mess.
“It was a long time coming. Desi and I just weren't right for each other. We both knew it, but we were hanging on to the relationship because it was familiar I guess.” said Mac.
Riley just silently nodded. Her mind was spinning.
“Anyways” said Mac smiling, “try the pancakes. I need to know if they are any good.”
Riley eyed the plate remembering Mac’s track record with cooking. She could feel Mac’s gaze on her so she tried it.
“Okay wow. These are actually really good.” said Riley. Mac laughed, ”Mission Accomplished. You have to tell Bozer they were good, okay? He won't believe me if I say it.”
Riley and Mac sat there eating chocolate chip pancakes, laughing. Riley felt like all the problems in the world just fell away.
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Riley was helping Mac clear up even though he had insisted he would do it on his own. There was still that worry that she had said something to Mac nagging her. He seemed alright. A little chirpy but happy. 
“Mac. Last night. I didn't say anything stupid right?” said Riley washing the plate and handing over the last one to Mac to dry it since he had insisted. 
“Why?” asked Mac a curious look on his face. “Was there something I needed to know?”
“Nope no reason. I was just really out of it yesterday. Just curious if I said anything.” said Riley relief washing over her.
“Well there was one thing I wanted to talk to you about actually.” said Mac putting the last plate away. 
“Riles, I’m sorry Ive been such a terrible friend to you lately. I..just.. with everything going on with Codex and Desi.. i..never even bothered to check in on you. I had no idea why you were being distant until I realised last night that you were probabaly drunk because you felt like you couldnt talk to me. You’ve always been there no matter what and I couldn't even return the favour. I'm so sorry.”
Mac looked so stressed. He really thought it was his fault she was avoiding him. 
Oh god what had she done. The exact reason she didn't want to tell Mac the truth was so she didnt hurt him but seeing him like this broke her heart. She loved him so much it physically hurt sometimes.
“Mac. Its not your fault. It has nothing to do with-” Riley stopped herself. She had nothing to lose right? She should just tell him. No more lies or secrets.
Mac looked up searching her face. She wasn't meeting his eye and she was fidgeting with her hands. 
Could it be possible that Riley was distancing herself from him because of what she said last night? Could it really be true?
"Before you say anything, there is something you should know." said Mac. This was it. He felt brave all of a sudden.
"You said something last night. I mean I could have misheard you but it sounded you like you said you love me. Is that what this about?" Mac sounded so nervous.
Riley was shocked. She had said it last night. Oh god what if he didnt feel the same way?
"I- Mac- I am so sorry. I just- You were dating Desi and I just broken up with Aubrey and I just had to-"
Before Riley could finish Mac kissed her. And she kissed him back.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. " said Mac smiling. "I'm such an idiot. It took me so long to see what was in front me this whole time."
Mac held Rileys hand in his and they started at each other and smiled. They were in their own happy bubble.
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pineappleoracle · 3 years
:0 you have more minecarft hcs????? i would love to hear them!!
alright *cracks knuckles*
i thought a little bit about what would make the most sense after the end hcs, more about avians from other dimensions or more about what the heck i was on about with hybrids and those "classifications"
and in the end i have decided its best to go for more general stuff off the bat so whenever i do go off about nether avians or the likes there's less explaining to do
let's start with the most important core concept of this all:
What defines a Player? Or the better title i gave it in my notes: Mob or Not?
first of all, there has to be a reason for a specific, lets say type of people to be referred to as "Players", an origin for the word itself
and that origin is the End Poem! And being able to "hear" it was how Players were originally defined too, until they got more into the technical side of things and realized some more specific parameters of identification are needed
Before the first people defeated an Ender Dragon, hopped into the well and heard the Poem, the entire concept of "Players" didn't exist, instead there was just a vague acknowledgement (is that really how thats spelled??) of sentience and a far bigger importance on whatever sort of group, be it species or or country, one belonged to. Once more and more people heard the End Poem themself and it was accepted as actual word from whatever created the universe, the entire concept of somebody being a Player regardless of species rippled through the worlds, changing society significantly - and bringing a lot of general peace, because it's hard to be a dick to anyone based on species if there's straight up Word Of God(s) that you're all equally great. The discovery of the End Poem thus marks the beginning of "modern times", a rough separation of the previous general mess to the focus on exploration and discovery that came after. (After all, this was the Adventure Update!)
imagine a general timeline (that's totally not based on me being a huge history nerd) that goes somewhat like this:
The Classic Age of temples, powerful magic and easy travel between dimension, when all the types of temples were build, spawners created and placed, the Overworld and the Nether were one and the End was still thriving;
The post-apocalyptic mess sometimes jokingly dubbed "Indev" (since the worlds everyone now knows where "in development" during this time), where the Overworld and Nether have been split into two, the old civilizations have collapsed or are fizzling out, the old knowledge is being lost with them and those remaining leave behind only crumbling ruins of stone brick, until things slowly cool down and the survivors are scattered across the universe like lonesome hermits, slowly starting to band together again and explore this universe they know so little about (the Universe may have done a bit of a hard reset during this time, its attempt to clean up the mess that was all the great old civilizations burning too hot until the inevitable supernova. not that the Players know about this, but there's a reason the current Players don't look like those back then, and the oldest ones of them seemingly popped into existence one day in an almost empty world)
The Modern Era, with the general focus of Player society being on exploration and discovery, trying to find out all the secrets of their world and what can be done with them. This is when all sorts of things like Admins and Servers come to be, since the Players figure out the Code exists and then relatively quickly learn how to mess with it too
Now that we know how the whole concept of "Players" came to be, let's get into those classifications I used for the different species in the End headcanons:
Player - A Player is a sentient being capable of Understanding the End Poem, respawning and travelling between worlds. (That last one is the Big thing, only Players have the ability to hop between servers with ease.)
Player-esque Mob - A Mob which is clearly intelligent enough to master language and communicate with Players, matching them in sentience but lacking the Code which allows travel between worlds. Usually cannot respawn without changes to their base Code. (A classification which was added after many years of arguing what the void endermen are, though it admittedly didn't help classify those tall mysteries at all. It did help create a better category to put Villagers, Piglins and extinct species that are impossible to call Players for sure into instead of lumping them in with animals and monsters)
Mob - A living, non-player creature, capable of moving of their own volition and possessing some minor level of sentience. (There are three further sub-categories of Mobs since this is the broadest and most vague category, really more of a catch-all for anything that doesn't fit in with the rest, but even those are vague at best)
-> Hostile Mobs / Monster - Monsters are Mobs which attack Players and certain Player-esque Mobs on sight without prior agitation. Most Monsters only appear at night and burn in the sunlight, but not all. (Common examples: Zombies, skeletons, creepers)
-> Neutral Mobs - Mobs which are not inherently aggressive (and can even be tamed with enough skill and patience), but will attack others if agitated or attacked first. (Common examples: Polar bears, llamas, wolves)
-> Passive Mobs - Mobs which will more likely flee from an attack than retaliate and are relatively easy to tame and keep as pets. (Common examples: Sheep, cows, chicken)
and im cutting this off here because its nearly 2am again, maybe i might work up the nerve to make a normal post on more of this soon explaining more stuff?? we'll see
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tendoki · 4 years
Hi hi! Could you do a tendo headcannons/scenario about a S/O that always gushes about how handsome he is?! Because he is a handsome boy 🥺 he deserves it thank u
this boy
does not have much confidence. like at all.
he is ushis bff, and even tho our wakakun is a DARLING BABY, hes also fairly popular and very VERY well known by many people
which can overshadow tendou (along w most of the team rlly) and make even his 'paradise' into something that hes maybe not too happy about
PLUS PLUS PLUS all those comments about him bein a monster as a kid? THAT SHIT HURTED
so if you, his gorgeously handsome and downright CELESTIAL s/o started praising and complimenting him on everything,,,,,,,,,,, u can bet his ass is GONE
this boy has reached peak serotonin
pls,,,,, take his perfect little cheeks into yr hands and kiss all over his face,,,,,,,,,,, the results will shock u
(he passes out <3)
PLS make this boy eat more. he has the second smallest appetite of the whole hq universe and its not fair that all of us have been robbed of tendou tummy
when u two have a sleep over,,, and ur in his bed cuddlin',,,,,,, just wrap ur arms around this perfect boy and start telling him how handsome he is 🥺
talk about EVERYTHING
there is no part of this man i wouldnt murder a child to touch
his NOSE????? KISS IT
body worship is a two way street ngl
in a sfw way 😳😳😳 (or nsft i mean 👀)
if you sit there and tell him about how fucking cute his little >:3c is he will do the same to you
hey, did you know that you actually have a pretty consistant habit of pulling a little •з• face when youre distracted? now u fucking do thats for sure
u also now know how hard tendou has to try n stop himself from kissing u bc of it
tendou loses his shit whenever you show any sign of enjoying his company or liking who he is
he finds it incredibly hard to believe that you actually have feelings for him
so you? cuddling this perfect boy and kissing him on the cheek?? IN PUBLIC??? WHERE OTHER PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU AND WILL UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT CLUES THAT HES UR BF??????? OH U FREAKY FREAKY
hes so thankful for you
he WILL get overwhelmed. full stop he cried the first time you went through and told him all the parts of himself you wish he liked more
start from either his palms or his forehead w little kisses
be careful near the neck bc i know this boy is Ticklish with a CAPITAL T
these lovin sessions only go into a sexual territory if you initiate it
hes perfectly content just having you love up on him without anything actually sexual go down. if ur there his mind is at peace
however he does have a praise kink so his dick isnt. if you arent comfortable taking it there just give him a couple minutes in the bathroom and he will be back good as new
he uses a lot of product and it had UNDOUBTEDLY taken its toll on my perfect boys head so maybe convince him to go without putting it up for a week or two?
his hair thanks you for it and the SIGHT is (un)holy
a LOT of girls notice him w it down tho and hes just :I at them
u aint rlly fuck w me way back then but how bout now :// cus my hairs not up right now :// and u simply suck right now
like damb bitch let me kiss my perfect boyfriend in peace tf
he is so so so in love with you
hes hard to get through to, but after a while of telling him these things he does start to believe it :)
the team as MESSY as they are, appreciate u alot
tendous confidence since u started dating and doting on him? 📈📈📈
which translates into his blocks!! he was right most of the time anyway but now that he knows ur LIPS have touched the palm of his hand? bous tryna imprint that shit on every ball hes faced with
also, watch anime with him. do it. compare him to ur fave characters. buy him things that remind you of him, even like just pickin up a lil pebble and saying you thought of him when u saw it.... doki doki
unrelated but he has a tiktok
none of the thirsty stans he has can make him blush the same way ur smile does. everything you do is addictive to this man
he does his best to compliment you as frequently and as intense as you do him, but the boy isnt There yet, yk?
give him time and soon enough the two of you will b like that one couple on the train kissing eachother every 5 seconds and telling the other how perfect they are
all u need is time
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-23
More homestuuuuuck
I’m a little tired today so I don’t expect much intelligent analysis out of myself, but if anything classpecty happens I doubt I’ll be able to help myself regardless.
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oh, always
(EDITS: added note on horn colors, link to ask on potential Blood powers reference)
> CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit
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In the bowels of a different ship, at a moment in time that is not pinpointable in either direction from the previous interaction, another Dave raps quietly to himself.
another dave raps quietly to himself.  i am glad that phrase exists it brings me joy
(LATER EDIT: A friend on Discord pointed out that throughout this entire update, Karkat's horns are #FF0000 red. They were normal candy-corn colors in previous glimpses at the ship crew, though they used a dark single-color shortcut typical of old Homestuck at one point... but THIS time it stays STARK red even when we zoom in close later. Is this just artistic liberty? Did Karkat color his horns for fashion? Does this happen to red-bloods like the Sufferer after a certain age? Just how much time has actually passed, here? We might have to wait for the commentary for this one.)
Karkat really has chilled out hasnt he?  like this is surprisingly level for him, and that fact is hilarious.
oh gosh that’s why he’s rapping
> ==>
DAVE: kanaya was telling me this kids story the other day about this dude who didnt cherish a flower enough until it peaced out to do flower stuff idk its not pertinent to the story DAVE: except the flower was a person DAVE: because it was a metaphor
Oh right, coming back to the Little Prince stuff I was too lazy to metaphor-deep-dive into, and literally asking the same questions we were asking about who the Little Prince’s story applies to mapped here if anyone at all, like Dirk and such, or what biases were in the retelling of it and the way Kanaya phrased it.  So now we’re practically mocking it by deep diving it here, hence the last page’s “DAVE: i was just thinking through some really convoluted metaphorical horseshit”, which means we’re both about to further explore AND shit all over the existence of this story metaphor until it doesn’t mean anything and most of the meaning we drew from it earlier is made a joke~
well, not “we”, cause I was too lazy, so... y’all
DAVE: anyway what goes down in the story is that once the flower lady is out of the picture DAVE: the main character goes around making all these connections between her and everything else in the universe until every damn thing feels like a symbol for how much he fucked up and how much he will never see her again KARKAT: THIS SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING INTENSE FOR A KID'S STORY DAVE: yea thats pretty much what i said
Oh holy shit.  That’s yet another way to put it.  Are we doing a whole moral takedown of the Light aspect today?  cause it sounds like we’re taking a dump on the Light aspect and RoboRose getting too obsessed and immersed in it, which would be excellent
DAVE: but i guess its not so much what the story was technically textually about but more like the version of it kanaya internalized and then told me when we were talkin about how she misses rose
DAVE: so like now im taking the story she told me she was projecting her feelings onto and projecting my feelings on top of that
yes absolutely, you just rephrased it a different way with that exact same bias
DAVE: this is just one big game of emotional projection telephone so feel free to go paraphrase it to roxy later and make it about whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing
perfect. i need an emoji for that Italian thing for when you pinch your thumb and forefinger together and kiss it
ah this’ll do:
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its like the expression “choice” but in nonverbal form
[...] whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing KARKAT: YOUR ABILITY TO GET TO THE POINT DAVE: gotem DAVE: anyway you’re not gonna have to miss that skill of mine for long DAVE: get ready for this shit because i am about to slap you with the point so hard youll fall ass first into the washer DAVE: just scrambling around in there getting all sudsy DAVE: but your brain is gonna be so blasted from the mindfreak of a point im about to make that there wont be anything left to clean
Anytime dave is told to get to the point he is contractually obligated to spend at least 20 seconds talking about how he’ll get to the point in a way that is not getting to the point
DAVE: so its genuinely cool that kanaya can go around creating meaning that may or may not be actually present in every little thing DAVE: connecting every feeling she has to the idea of her wife existing out there DAVE: so i told her she should keep that shit up DAVE: but im having the opposite issue where im struggling to find anything to be that kind of tether because every single thing i could possibly consider about what it is were doing just reminds me of yet another thing to be afraid about
Great examples of Light being good and bad!  Attaching strands of connective meaning to everything.  --though, in Dave’s case AND Kanaya’s case you could argue it’s both bad in terms of effects.  That it’s great for Kanaya to care, but that she should be able to divest herself and live on her own terms without idealizing Rose literally everywhere she looks, personal growth which would be useful in helping bring Rose back to her in the first place.  The struggle they’re looking forward to is largely philosophical, not just physical, and until Rosebot acknowledges that she was wrong it’s not over.
DAVE: everything fuckin sucks huge cosmic donkey sack and im terrified KARKAT: OK, SO I FEEL LIKE YOU SKIPPED A COUPLE NECESSARY STEPS IN YOUR POINT CLARIFICATION PROCESS.
Pretty sure Dave was on the same page as most Epilogue and start-of-HS2 readers.  This situation is pretty bleak to dump our heroes into, no matter how much we believe will be resolved in the long run.
DAVE: ok but were you going with sweet or savory please give me that much at least KARKAT: YEAH IT WAS GOING TO BE SUNDAE-BASED. DAVE: nice KARKAT: YEAH. KARKAT: DO YOU WANNA WATCH MORE GBBO AFTER THIS? DAVE: absolutely
--ah, Great British Bake-Off, can’t say I’ve indulged
do they still have that?? did they save it from old Earth?  or did they go where unflooded Britain used to be and say hey, new show reboot
That last line is like, exactly as fucking sweet and awesome as we imagined their relationship to be.  :)
> ==>
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DAVE: ok yeah this is a better position to unleash all my inner fears n anxieties from
DAVE: those times its like my mouth was saying words about the situation wherein our friends are AWOL and maybe dead but my brain wasnt fully letting me experience the emotion that goes along with them DAVE: man its like i cant even start genuinely thinking about how afraid i actually am for rose and john without my brain flippin its wad and whiting out DAVE: like haha fuck i hope theyre ok DAVE: now i better make a fuckin joke before i succumb to the gaping mouth of despair waiting for me to fall in it as soon as i look down and acknowledge that its there ogling how juicy my ass looks as it trembles with terror
I really hope that the writers of HS2 know full well that this feeling? the one Dave is describing here? is what many of us who got way overinvested in the well-being of Homestuck’s surviving characters felt reading the Epilogues and Homestuck^2.  So I really hope they’re working through it in a way that will result in a preponderance of GOOD THINGS happening and hope-filled situations.  Cause that “can’t even think about X” feeling is too familiar, and if they understand it as well as it LOOKS like they’re getting to, I’d really like them to give us a helping hand healing.
I think that’s what they’re going for?  Seems hopeful for me to think so, but they HAVE been doing better as HS2 has been going forward, from an emotional standpoint anyway; definitely better than the Epilogues.  And I’ve worked through some of that stuff with the help of that, because it’s MUCH easier nowadays to think about Homestuck without my gut clenching.
DAVE: i guess im just fucked up about how to worry about dirk and be angry at him at the same time DAVE: because if i get as unholy pissed at him as i sometimes wanna be i also gotta admit to myself that maybe i coulda done something different there
Mhmm, Karkat’s potentially a pretty good person to speak with here since he’s done so much work trying not to feel responsible for everything that’s ever gone wrong.
DAVE: also like DAVE: and this by the way adds a whole other layer of guilt on there that i dont really know how to fuckin reckon with but DAVE: even with all the shit hes pulled and the fact that we are more or less heading toward having to take him down DAVE: whatever that is gonna mean and whether or not he planned it like that DAVE: i just DAVE: me and him had come so far with each other and it was really cool for a while to have him and i DAVE: ugh DAVE: i dont WANT to hate him
Yeah, Dirk and Jane’s heel-turns were really shitty for anyone who was a fan of them in the fanbase, as well.
That is an adorably real boyfriend-laying-in-boyfriend’s-lap thing to do
DAVE: the part i mentioned before about how we really have no goddamn clue how long this trip is even gonna take DAVE: i cant help but feel like its barely getting revved up DAVE: and for me and roxy and jade and callie and kan thats normal shit at best and boring at worst but we all have our immortality to thank for that DAVE: we can just dick around in space for near-eternity waiting to catch up to our friends who may or may not be our enemies now and itll be fine DAVE: i mean no itll be categorically miserable DAVE: but well survive it KARKAT: HOLD THE FUCK ON. DAVE: but you KARKAT: DAVE. DAVE: no lemme say this
Oh god damnit.  Karkat’s limited lifespan.  As if we hadn’t ALREADY covered a nauseatingly extensive gamut of disheartening topics of conversation.  We really have to confront every shred of misery in their past, present and future one after the other after the other in the Epilogues and HS2, don’t we?  >:(
I guess it had to be discussed, though.
DAVE: we dont talk about it much and i got shit to say about it DAVE: its not like i never thought about how youre mortal before but i just thought wed be able to figure it out before it mattered DAVE: come up with some kind of plan DAVE: i was just distracted being happy with you i fucking guess and so i didnt think up a way to fix it DAVE: and now thanks to dirk we have to work it out right the fuck now DAVE: because i cant spend this trip just sitting around watching you get old and die
Jesus.  I mean, WE know(?) that it’s not gonna be THAT many years, but THEY don’t know that.
Unless it really IS going to be that many years and HS2 is going to shamelessly take a fucking sledgehammer to our feelings for no goddamn good reason.  Which it won’t!  Right???  >:T
> ==>
Dishwasher ding
> Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time.
Hey, don’t make it a metaphor here. --though, fuck.  I suppose we are dealing with everyones dirty laundry.  God damnit.  SURE, deal with it all story but then GET IT OUT OF THE WAY AND PUT SOME SERIOUS FUN AND LAUGHS IN HERE so we don’t feel like we’re wading through an entire garbage dump!!!  *click*
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Karkat’s eyebrows-only mouthless frown is really cute.
> ==>
okay Karkat explain the nope you’re lodging
> ==>
> ==>
> ==>
DAVE: ok go on
I mean I at least appreciate the time investment in adorable boyfriends.  That’s definitely something of SOME good value they’re giving us in exchange for this misery
> ==>
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That Karkat image makes me wanna do that red-shaky-gif-thing with it
Yes, and you’ll possibly convince him more of that over time, though not in this short conversation
And with that darkly angry expression too, that’s PERFECT
I mean it’s true.  What exactly would they be doing DIFFERENTLY on Earth C other than enjoying each other like this?  It’s pretty fucking great.
...hm.  Isn’t this journey-not-the-destination stuff pretty Breathy?  Karkat’s proving more balanced by the moment.
Pff.  He feels guilty for ENJOYING IT so much.  <3
I’m glad Karkat knows that DAVE knows somewhere in him that it’s more than that, because yeah, if Karkat thought he DIDN’T know that at some level that’d be a reason to take MUCH MORE SERIOUS offense.
Hah!!!  Point taken.  Karkat must view Dave as practically more fragile than HIM.
Okay, this is great and wholesome.  I am now retroactively GLAD that this topic got brought up.  :)
> ==>
Dave is still afraid. There is a part of him that will always be, he thinks. He has accepted this about himself. There is another feeling coursing through him too, though. It’s something he's felt before, though never quite so intensely. He looks up at Karkat and understands, viscerally, the simple power his words have. They pump through Dave’s own body, alive and warm and true.
He wonders if Karkat realizes it, or if he’s just, as always, saying what he feels as he feels it. Dave doesn’t attempt to dissect it further. There will be time for that later.
Every really loving moment like this is sort of undercut by the fact that it’s also, in some senses, part of alt!Calliope’s narration and, by extension, her fanfiction.
EDIT 2: There's also either a hint to potential Blood powers or even an explicit Blood power use here that I didn't recognize. I'm leaning towards it's-laying-the-groundwork-for-future-use-of-Blood-powers-but-isnt-magical-in-this-case.
> ==>
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That was nice.  Still gonna wait on doing any commentary til next time or a Bonus update or two, cause I’m beat.  See y’all next time!
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secndlife · 4 years
content creator year in review.
this is such a nice thing to do as a content creator. it gives us a chance to look back on what we’ve done over the year and, hopefully, it brings some pride hehe i was tagged by @jenmyeons. moa mentioned ah! love in her review, so thanks again, moa! i was super happy reading that!
let's get to the game, shall we?
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: first thing i wrote this year after a hiatus was the quiz, a mingyu fluff. and my most recent piece and also first completed series ever was ah! love, with jeonghan.
one of your favorite creations from 2020: catching stars. this fic is the epitome of self indulging and i have absolute no regrets. i usually make the mistake of writing more for others than for me (and i’ve made my peace with it and am also trying to improve on that), but this one was for me. to comfort me and ease me down. and it still does just that whenever im feeling meh. so *patting on the back* well done, me. 
a creation you’re really proud of: maybe in another life. despite some issues in general, this is a fic i think i did a great job. i feel it's mature and also so so full of love. i tried to step away from the love triangle or f2l dynamic to explore a bit more on the unspoken and unexplored promises, but that, at the same time, bring no regrets or hard feelings. 
a new style you tried this year and a gifset/fic that uses it: im basic. i do pretty much the same thing in general. so i hope that this year and i’ll try to comfortably push some boundaries and get myself more out there with writing. 
a creation that took you forever: lie again. if i had managed to post the fucking mingyu fwb fic by now it would for sure be the answer. but as i haven't, i’ll go with lie again. the thing is, i rarely take a very long time to write things as i’m an impulsive writer. if we treat ah! love as one long piece, then it would be the longest. but as it was a series, i guess it's unfair. anyway! lie again took me idk a week and a half? but just bc it's longer bc most of the things i wrote this year, i’ve written in the spam of a couple of hours. 
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: lie again! overall, the pieces of the ah! love series also good a good amount of notes.
a creation you think deserved more notes: i think that when i posted maybe in another life i kinda expected it to have a better response? idk, i usually overthink on notes so lol!
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: svt. i was actually in somewhat of a very long writer's block that ended up on me being away from writing for a good couple of months. then i got into svt and my mingyu feelings made my write this piece hehe
a creation you made that breaks your heart: you keep yours; i’ll keep mine. this just........ hurts.
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: this timestamp. i think it's very idk sweet and very cheol like.
a creation that was inspired by another one: this timestamp was somewhat inspired by @bbugyu‘s neverending artistry. it happens in that universe. after reading their story i started thinking about poly gyucheol and that happened. 
a favorite creation created by someone else: my absolute favorite this past year was @bbugyu‘s neverending artistry. this story is life changing. literally. i’ve recommended it so many times to so many people and i’ve made my personal mission to make sure everyone reads it and appreciate’s it. it's insanely good and well written so if you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and go check it out. i've also loved @chocosvt‘s honey boy. i loved every single one of the 54k words of this story. mingyu’s characterization is amazing and so is the story development. everything about this story feels so right and just truthful? incredible!! also, @thekidultlife‘s autumn playlist. a gyuhan “love triangle”? mingyu being best boy? sign me up. the way leanne’s writing is like this amazing poetry never fails to amaze me. her word choice and story construction is breathtaking. 
some of your favorite content creators from the year: so many! @bbugyu, @chocosvt, @thekidultlife, @jaeyoonurl, @svtxsoju, @woozisnoots, @babiemingoo, @by-moonflower, @celestialpearls, @tearsofsyrup. sorry if i missed anyone here, i have the memory of a fish but i really do appreciate every single content creator i follow!!!
tagging: all of the content creators tagged above and anyone else who wants to do this tag is more than welcome to hehe
last but not least: creating content is not easy. there are so many nuances to it and it's not always hard to manage. if you're a content creator and you put out one or multiple things in the past year, be proud of yourself. your work is amazing and notes and interaction don't dictate its value. lastly, thank you to all the amazing people that enjoyed my works throughout the year. i tried my best to come out with well made stories and, hopefully, i achieved that. let's see what 2021 has in store for us!
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sylph-feather · 4 years
delta echo alpha delta
He is here, for some reason, in this place and with these people he vaguely recognizes. He wants help. Please, please, please. 
(All they see is a haunting and a monster.)
Prompt by @ectopal
“Jack and Maddie, at the end of their rope,  beg Vlad to come to Amity to help stop the ghost that's haunting their family. Vlad realizes that it isn't a ghost that's terrorizing them, but their son, who recently became a half ghost and is having just about the worst time in the world dealing with it. Bonus points if in his human form Danny is extremely unsettling. ”
Notes:  (yes the title is from lemon demon’s lifetime achievement award). this... i spent. way longer setting it up so sorry about minimal vlad but. uhh im really proud of this. i went. i went a little nuts, admittedly. with imagery. i hope its not incomprehensible? 
Wordcount: 2825
Being dead… is new.
The Phantom isn’t sure just how it is new, it contemplates as it stares at two children who scream and scrabble at a smoking portal. Blank in their terror, they ignore him.
His eyes flicker towards a mirror on the other side of the room, and it only shows the two of them.
The phantom ignores them— who is he to interrupt? Dead men tell no tales. He gets the distinct feeling that everything is wrong, and a piece of that puzzle is the pair’s odd familiarity— but hey, he just died, he’s really not feeling up to much of anything.
Green eyes stare in the mirror, but that’s all he is— two green wisps, apparently ignored in the panic of two teens.
He supposes he should feel weirder having, presumably, died. No, he innately knows he died.
But mostly he just feels… confusion. Displacement.
And cold, not unpleasantly so, just a buried, almost peaceful chill.
In between blinks— perhaps he is tired, so tired, dead tired (he laughs to himself), the two teens flicker away, basement restored, before he can even think about questioning them. Why are you so familiar? Why am I here? It pokes sharply at his heart.
For the phantom knows he is dead, but he never considered that means alive once, too tired and dead-brained (hah) to question implication.
The ghost of Danny Fenton closes its wispy eyes, not strong enough to maintain form, let alone to pervade that shock scrabble at memories that may lead him to living again.
Three days pass. The ghost, in moments of waking, had decided Phantom. There is something so familiar about that name, the way it rolls off his (hypothetical) tongue.
In between blinks, he sees the Family in the basement, that place of awakening.
They speak of someone missing, lost. They gesture to the green, swirling abyss, upset as they work on something that looks like a rocket. Rocket. Stars pervade his mind as he lazily blinks, and he falls back asleep to dreams of space before he can even think again of questioning the Family, of asking can I help?
He knows what it is to be lost, but he is too tired and unfocussed.
The one with the firey, long hair notices him first. He has taken to floating about the abode. Nothing physical keeps him here, but there is some tug in his heart that makes him want to stay.
He likes the red haired one. She reads a lot. Talks about bad coping to the Parents, though he’s not sure what those words mean (he’s unsure also why he gets the feeling of vague annoyance, oddly familiar, and the stinging in his chest becomes so painful when he thinks like that, like a scorpion’s deadly barbed stinger).
One day, one higher energy day, a week after the awakening, Phantom lazily swishes after her, into her room. Sometimes he blinks and he hears the swishes of pages and a drip of water, and he has enough energy now to be curious.
The doors, the walls, the floor— they’re all nothing. Or maybe, rather, he’s nothing, he observes as he notes the girl crying on her psych book.
He frowns, distantly. She’ll ruin the pages like that. Maybe there’s something more he should be concerned about, but he is so young and lost, and so tired.
He runs a finger along a page, rolling away a tear, in an effort to dry it. The pages flutter in a wind, and the girl startles, glancing at the closed window.
For just a moment, Phantom sees not two piercing green wisps, but something blue and glinting, and a fragment of a foggy body in his place. He glances down— there is no second person here.
He’s distracted by the fact the girl is crying again, harder, scrubbing her eyes.
Distressed, he thumbs at her face, and a cool, wintery wind blows over her hair.
He’s too tired to do much more, and his chill becomes like a blanket to him.
It’s small, but maybe Phantom can help the family. His waking moments get more frequent and longer, and he starts to fidget with objects; the daughter cries, and he rustles her hair. The mother sleeps on her research of the great swirling door, and he drapes a foggy arm over her. The father squints into darkness at his foggy form as he goes down for a midnight snack— then blinks and rubs his eyes. He flickers the computers off when they should be sleeping, touches at their shoulders in comfort, because he wants to help them and he wants to be with them so bad. The flailing stinger pierces again and again.
“We’ll find him,” the Parents insists, and the Phantom tries to support them as best he can. The Daughter has given up, but he tries to help her, too.
Bluntly, the Phantom notes perhaps he is not exactly selfless— one of the few concrete truths he knows of himself (the other being an enjoyment of word play; he’s twisted dead and ghost every which way). There is some innate desire within him to be with them; seen, known, interacted with.
At the moment, he’s not more than a blustering wind and a foggy reflection.
He sinks to the floor, ghostly sigh escaping his ever invisible lungs. He’s wondered if ghosts are supposed to breathe as he does, but it’s not like anyone’s around to ask. His crackled voice is never heard by the Family, responded to by nothing but icy silence.
He brushes a hand against the cold lab table from his floating position. His hands feel solid to him, but again, do not reach the Family.
The Phantom takes a look around at the toxic green beakers and sleek white tech. He is slipping away again, not that he wants to— but not that he has a choice.
In what feel like his last moments for the day (week? Month? Time is undefinable) he grasps at a beaker, curious.
Green oozes onto the floor as it blows over. Frantically, the Phantom tries to correct his mistake— but touching it… touching it feels good. A jolt of electricity and energy. The tiredness… is gone.
Something flickers beneath him, and the Phantom jumps into the air. White feet follow black legs. Him.
The mirror that showed green wisps and two teens now show a white haired boy, with two green eyes. Something seems… underneath that reflection, though. Approaching the mirror, Phantom tilts his head, and the picture glints into something blue eyes and black haired for a fraction of a second, as though it is iridescent.
And then he blinks out altogether again.
Phantom’s first appearance is in the night. The girl has put away her book she was crying over while reading in the kitchen, and the Parents are upstairs; they eat, softly, quiet. It’s like walking in snow. The cold is not tranquil, the flakes not soft, they are just sharp things that land quietly in flesh.
The Phantom decides to break it with an icy crunch.
From the shadows, from the floors, he claws at that energy.
The Family stare in shock at the white haired, green eyed form that flickers in the shadows.
Their ears ring as his form, like static snowflakes, glints into something familiar, as they sit frozen.
He sleeps again, after that stunt— but the Phantom wakes, hopeful. The Family is searching for the lost person— perhaps they will also be sympathetic to his cause. Maybe they don’t even need to find the lost one, Phantom considers; this feels so much like home, maybe… maybe. No, no, you can both get help, he scolds in gentle reminder to himself, reminding those thoughts are the scoprion’s poison. It’s not malevolent— it just, in some way, he just knows he’ll slot in like a missing puzzle piece. He doesn’t know how he knows, and thoughts like that make the urge of please see me, the love, the need, grow so strong.
His voice reaches them in a static scream; he gives that approach up quickly when the Parents shoot into the nothing. He doesn’t want to scare, he wants to be helped, and to help. He’s finally a little less braindead (his chuckle is tinny static) and can contemplate a little more emotionally complicated situations— in other words, he can tell continuing to screech is perhaps not the best idea, and perhaps more subtlety that is available to him with his increased thoughts is required.
The TV channels, the word magnets, the radio. Static and the message lost lost lost please help lost lost forgot forgot see me see see see seeseeseeseesee me.
The Phantom feels his message is going well until the Family destroys those things in a green fire.
I need your help, though, he grimaces. Perhaps they just aren’t getting it. The dead cannot speak, are not supposed to; he knows this when he writes messages, something grating in his mind that keeps him from communicating all but his basic thoughts and wants.
Determined still, he starts flickering into existence again, clawing out of shadows. Lights flicker at his arrival.
It’s hard to do much like that, though; his brain dies (more?) and it’s all his concentration of see me see me.
The Family shoots at him, and more sleek machinery invades the household— defenses.
It doesn’t hurt him.
But… if he gets frustrated, slams at the fixtures a little harder than needed, rakes the words into place to try to say something, who can blame him? The Phantom, for some reason he cannot explain, feels the Family is his family. The Phantom wants to be seen. The universe tries to keep the dead in line, restrain the dead from disrupting that natural order of their old life and their afterlife. It’s a lot of factors, the Phantom dismisses, very much like a sassy teenager, and slams a door a little harder to get someone to notice.
The real problem is that they notice, then react in all the wrong ways. But the Phantom cannot swallow that, that his efforts are squandered, because then where would he be?
By the time the Fentons are valiant enough to get Vlad to get the “gang” back together, the creature is a constant. The ghost scrapes its filthy claws over the lights, resides in mirrors, screams over anything electronic— and their tech puts no stop to it. It’s like it has a foot in each world, caught between the ghost zone’s intangibility that would let it not be hurt but make it challenging to interact and the human realm’s solidity that would allow it to be wounded.
It is too powerful.
The Phantom can feel that the irritated old man is powerful. Something about his eyes glints red, in that same iridescent way that something inside Phantom’s green eyes glint blue like a glacier, if you just tilt your head and squint just right.
The Parents, who the Phantom has grown wary of— and yet he’s still here— why? It feels so much like home. He wants it to be home, because it’s always felt his place. Maybe that missing person doesn’t need to be found— maybe he can—no, no, remember!— the Parents, they are ranting about ghosts loudly. The man is impassive, and the Phantom plays with tilting his head just right to get the man’s skin to flood blue.
“I think it’s Danny,” Daughter says softly. That name stings him, but Phantom doesn’t think Daughter means to hurt him. She, Phantom still likes. She looks at him when he shows, looks at him like someone is concerned, even if she cries harder than ever nowadays (maybe Phantom is just awake to see it more, but he notes the constant redness of eyes and face is new, so maybe not). She doesn’t destroy his messages, just stares. Not helpful in the least, he notes sarcastically, plucking at the invisible yet black (—how can it be both? How can he be two things that are so opposite and parallel?) jumpsuit of his (how can it exist when he never can exist, so many hows).
“That isn’t Danny,” the Parents cement, and Phantom frowns. The name stings again, the scorpion sitting perched upon a rib and taking personal offence to that person. Who is Danny?
Watching the old man is tiring and boring. Phantom doesn’t have enough energy to reach him, to say help me (because the old man has the glint and that has to mean something) so he decides to change that.
When he sleeps, he dreams of so many glinting things. Flickering figures of the Family and the Teens that visit sometimes. But they are just ghosts of memories.
It is in the night when he wakes up, green eyes staring at the silver pool moon, pleased as he ever is staring at those stars.
A breath passes his lips, and his nonexistent form shudders. Someone—!
“You must change back,” the ghost he saw in glints of the old man says. Belatedly, he introduces— “I am Plasmius, and I am… like you.”
“You see me,” Phantom murmurs, breath foggy. No, that isn’t right. The ghost is squinting in general directions, as though Phantom is a glimmer in his eye. Phantom is a glimmer in his own eye in the mirror, so he understands.
“You are... foggy,” the blue ghost amends, confirming Phantom’s thoughts. “Something about you is wrong.”
“Thanks,” Phantom says sarcastically (a new ability, a new joke that he loves), “tell me something I don’t know.”
“What happened to you?” the ghost asks.
“I woke up,” Phantom says bluntly. “I’m here now. They won’t help me.”
“Their son— they ignored their son?”
“They have a Son?” Phantom’s eyes flutter— “is he the lost one?”
The ghost went back to flickering inside the old man, because the Mother charged in.
“Oh,” she sighed, “it’s just you.”
“Yes,” he says, and he glimmers and shows fangs and horns, “just me.”
Phantom does not like the way he is looking at the Mother, but he’s not that good at judging subtleties in people still, so he lets that feeling pass.
The next… Phantom isn’t sure if it’s the day, he fell asleep, but his naps are less and less, so he feels safe in calling it the next day… the next day, the ghost flickers out of the old man to float with him again.
“How do you do that?” Phantom wonders. Is it the key to not being seen, to guise oneself as one of them, as not dead?
“You should be able to do it, too,” the ghost mutters, “I see it in you.”
“The blue eyes and the black hair,” Phantom breathes. Like a bird feather that shows green at an angle, so too does his other, and this ghost is the same.
“But you are unstable,” Plasmius informs in a frown. “You never settled into one world, so you are stuck unable to traverse between them.”
Phantom blinks, confused, and Plasmius heaves a sigh of thin patience.
“You flicker a lot more than I do,” he informs bluntly, in a tone that suggests perhaps Phantom is an idiot. “And,” he tacks on, more contemplatively, “you seem to not remember anything, as though you’ve separated yourself from that essential connection.”
“Connection,” Phantom echoes, and he yearns for that connection. His entire soul keens for it, to fill that hole.
“Yes Danny,” Plasmius grunts, and that scorpion strikes again, “a connection.”
“I’m Phantom,” he defends, tapping at his ribs like he can knock the stinging creature off, away from his vulnerable chest.
“You’re both,” Plasmius says.
“Danny is the other?” Phantom asks.
“The blue eyes and the black hair? Yes. He is your glint, and he is the lost one, and he is just you.”
“Oh,” Phantom breathes, and the scorpion is writhing and striking his heart and itself and his ribs and— and—
He passes out, green eyes going out like a light.
—But the flickers, the flickers finger around him, crawling over his form like electricity for a moment, and his form is a patchwork of two, and his mind is a flood of memory.
“I defeated the ghost, last night, and he gave me your son,” Plasmius’ old-man voice rings.
And Phantom is Danny and Danny is Phantom— and as usual he sleeps. Memories came in dreams, an eruption after so long of being dammed, brought forth at simple acceptance. Despite the dreaming, or rather because of it, he is achingly tired, with zero energy.
This time, his family (the Family, the same) surrounds him in warmth, in that thread of connection, and inside, in more normal and soft dreams, he feels something become filled.
The scorpion crawls away into the soft, soft snow.
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onelungmcclung · 3 years
im sorry if you've answered this before im relatively new to the ship hehe but-- how'd mcclung fall for toye? was it in bastogne? before bastogne? in holland? in aldbourne? after the war? what were the circumstances? when did he realize it? and after he'd overcome that high of finding out he's in love, how did he deal with the aftermath once it started to settle in? hehe, i hope this week isnt as rough on you as you're anticipating. sending you much love and strength and calm vibes.
ok, firstly, I have not been asked this before; secondly, even if I had no earthly power would stop me from answering it again; and thirdly, obviously no pressure but pls consider coming off anon and being my tumblr friend  
probably everyone is new to this ship lmao
so, I started writing a (probably long) mctoye fic starting in fort bragg or aldbourne and continuing to postwar (enablers always welcome). but for the purposes of this ask, I’m mostly going off character insights revealed to me developed over the course of writing the ask him to dance universe. 
(counterpart to this ask: toye noticing/falling for mcclung)
essentially: mcclung is/would be kind of theoretically ok with the idea of falling for a guy, if it had occurred to him he might fall for anyone right now, but falling for anyone is — for the time being — a concept he has strategically compartmentalised out of his entire thought process. (please clap.)
maybe he’s relatively ok with the possibility falling for a guy because he did not really grow up with white conservatism the way most of the easy co guys did; he’s always been aware of it, and his worldview is not informed by it in the same way. his family is arrow lakes/settler and he has friends & acquaintances among the other confederated tribes. and though he doesn’t take a strong interest in domestic/international politics, he has a more critical attitude towards the us govt and its laws (he’s still quietly angry about the grand coulee dam, constructed during his childhood). he’s never really considered that he might be into men; he likes women and he’s always assumed, without thinking much about it, that he’ll get married at some point; but he’s not particularly homophobic, outwardly or inwardly.
he’s not thinking much about these things when the war comes. he gets drafted into the army, thinks “not with these fucking clowns” and besides the airborne pay is better, and volunteers as a paratrooper. he joins up with easy after he’s completed his jump training.
he is excellent at training, naturally; he’s spent days at a time alone, fishing and hunting, since he was a child. he’s an exceptional sniper and scout. he’s confident in his own abilities. some of the toccoa guys initially assume he won’t be as skilled as them because he didn’t have their training, but in fact he has a headstart on most of them; and he knows it. (if he knew it any better it would probably come off as arrogance, but he’s just very clear on what he’s good at. and if he wasn’t beforehand, the airborne has proved it, to him & everyone else.)
he recognises, of course, that toye is an excellent soldier too (not as good a shot as himself or shifty, but overall one of the best paratroopers in the company), and they’re in the same platoon, so that helps. he never really gets afraid, not while training and not in combat; he just keeps his focus and gets on with it. for the most part, he doesn’t form close friendships until they get into combat.
he has some instinct towards helping and protecting others, but once they’re in a combat zone he realises that’s going to hurt him a lot. while they’re training, he helps some of the guys make their shots by shooting the targets for them; but after they jump into normandy, he avoids befriending the replacements because so many of them are killed early on. it’s — a little — easier that way.
he and toye don’t become close friends before bastogne, but they get familiar with each other’s combat style, and they’re comfortable working together. they trust each other; they’re both good soldiers, and toye is a good nco.
and then of course in bastogne they share a foxhole, and that is (I think for all the other characters as well) an incredibly vital, pivotal relationship. he and toye rely on each other entirely; without that, they’d probably die. they learn each other backwards; there’s no possibility of pretence. he knows what toye’s flaws are (stubbornness, prickliness, a reluctance to accept help), but there’s a lot more about him that mcclung likes, trusts and admires (not that he’d say so), and he knows those things are genuine.
he does his level best to stop toye from developing trench foot when he loses his boots. sure, he pretty much calls toye an idiot for getting into this situation and for refusing to tell the medics, but he does everything he can think of. it hasn’t occurred to him that he cares deeply about toye; it just seems inevitable.
(and he tells smokey to let the medics know. he doesn’t tell toye he’s told smokey, because it’s funnier this way. like everyone else, he’s starved for entertainment.)
but toye gets hit, and they’ve spent months beside each other — sleeping in shifts, keeping each other safe, trying to keep each other warm, kvetching, arguing with each other; he’s put up with toye’s singing and toye’s put up with mcclung talking to himself. a synchronicity and interdependence has developed between them, throughout the war but particularly in bastogne, to the point where it’s almost telepathic. he doesn’t consider what a powerful kind of intimacy this is, both physical and psychological, until it’s gone.
toye gets hit, and mcclung loses him. toye gets hit, and mcclung is blindsided by the enormity of it. you can’t take anyone’s survival for granted, he’s always tried to be careful of that, but losing toye is like losing part of himself.
he’s pretty determinedly unsentimental about everything: he’s not going to fall in love with anyone while he’s fighting a war, and he’s not going to dwell on situations beyond his control, and he’s not going to let himself be distracted by worrying about someone who isn’t here anymore. or at least that’s the attitude he’s internalised, and he takes it so much for granted that he never even considers that he could have fallen for anyone: right here, right now.
but he can’t forget anything that’s happened, even if he’d like to, and there’s no other friendship that can quite replace what had developed between toye and himself. bastogne was when things were at their worst, and toye is the one with whom he survived the worst. without toye, he feels an inescapable sense of wrongness, unevenness.
he’s half aware that he misses joe. he tries not to acknowledge that to himself, because that would mean acknowledging that he may not have any chance to see joe again, that one or both of them may not survive. that’s a line of thought he keeps away from altogether; it’s there, but he won’t look at it.
he knows it’s not his fault toye was injured. sometimes it has nothing to do with being a good soldier; sometimes it’s just luck and timing; he’s nearly been hit himself. he knows that, but deep down inside he wonders if he could have saved joe, by making sure he was in their foxhole before the shelling started. he heard toye and second-guessed himself. he stayed where he was. he thinks he probably did the sensible thing. he still feels guilty about it.
(sidenote: the glaring exception to his “don’t befriend the replacements” rule ends up being babe. after toye, guarnere & compton are taken off the line, he and babe start sharing a foxhole. possibly he could have found someone else, but his protective instinct resurfaces and maybe it helps to take his mind off missing toye. it’s a friendship that comes out of grief and loss.)
he gets through foy, and haguenau, and he focuses on the situation at hand and he doesn’t think about toye.
when they reach austria, mcclung is ordered to hunt animals to feed landsberg’s prisoners, and so he sets up camp alone in the woods. it’s beautiful; it’s peaceful; it’s the first time he’s been truly alone in two years. it’s the first time his mind is able to relax, and the memories come back — prewar life, everything he’s been through since, bastogne, toye — and the thoughts of the future, what he might do after the war.
he’d like to see toye again.
he still hasn’t thought that maybe he has feelings for joe.
and then the war ends, and he has the freedom to decide what to do next. he returns to england, and then ships back to the us. the memory/loss of toye is still a weight on him, and so he tracks toye down and goes to see him. that’s the obvious, logical course of action.
it’s also making him much more nervous than it has any right to.
(for the past year and a half, he’s been compartmentalising very hard because he intuitively understood that as the best way to survive the war. he learnt it early on, and it’s hard to let go of it. he’s convinced he’s handling everything great, very matter of fact and pragmatic, getting the job done, no emotional baggage here, etc etc. this is... not 100% true, but a coping mechanism is a coping mechanism is a coping mechanism. he is doing pretty well; nobody thinks he’s not; so obviously that counts as a roaring success.
but once the war is over, the psychological walls he’s maintained throughout combat — between survival and emotion — begin gradually to disintegrate. he has to let himself become whole again, learn to navigate who he is now, accept that the war has scarred him. he still feels himself to be one of the lucky ones. some of the things he’s been avoiding hit harder than others, and he can’t control that anymore.
insofar as he’s aware of these developments, he considers it extremely unfair.)
but, ensuing stupid panic or no ensuing stupid panic, he commits to meeting up with toye. he figures they’ll catch up, maybe keep in contact, that now he’ll be able to stop wondering how toye’s doing, stop this strange off-balance feeling he’s had since toye got hit.
seeing toye again is actually a lot more than he’d ever anticipated, and he’s forced to acknowledge that maybe there’s more going on here than he’d figured.
he realises he’s attracted to this guy, and he doesn’t know when that started: probably in bastogne, but maybe earlier. it feels new but not new; if he hadn’t pointedly avoided thinking about joe after foy, maybe he’d have figured it out sooner. if they’d made it through the war together, maybe something would have happened between them in europe, but they lost each other too soon for him to know. he’s a little discomfited by these feelings suddenly creeping up on him, but he’s trying hard not to let any of it show: not the attraction, not the unease.
he reasons that his feelings are only a problem if toye doesn’t share them. he thinks he could deal with that, but he is afraid they may not have a friendship anymore, that it was left behind in wartime.
he tells himself he’s not afraid of rejection. but he is. he doesn’t like feeling vulnerable, and suddenly he is.
when he thinks there’s a chance the attraction is mutual, he takes it. it works out for him. they stay together. he accepts that he’s falling in love and he lets it happen.
he falls in love with joe’s courage and honesty and selflessness, and he finds it incredibly hard to actually say that. (this is someone who considers “hanging out with you voluntarily” to be a love language.) he’s moved just by the fact joe wants to be with him, that he’s able to acknowledge that attraction and act on it despite his provincial catholic upbringing lol. he knows that joe’s recovery has been difficult, and he sees how joe is dealing with it, and, like in bastogne, he tries to support him as quietly and simply as possible.
he finds it hard to tell joe he loves him, but he pays attention to what joe does and says, and does whatever he can to make his life better. he never thinks joe needs him there, and he wouldn’t want it that way. he helps joe to adapt their old calisthenics training; they take roadtrips together. they’re still deeply protective of each other, and they still express it via touch, practical acts, and snark. they don’t struggle with physical affection as much as either of them might have worried; they’re a little hesitant at first, but it falls into place.
they’re fumbling their way a little, but they respect each other completely and unconditionally, and they’re kind and careful, and their relationship gets stronger as it goes on. 
and they dance together.
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kirimono · 4 years
bnha secret identity au
a while back (like over a year ago) some friends and i were talking about a bnha au where theyre more classic Teen Superheroes With Secret Identities. that chatlog is under the cut.
lmfao yeah
bakugous identity would only be secret for like 5 minutes
Someone: Idk ingenium is kinda shit
thats. reayyly funny to contemplate actually
exactly like the end of iron man
Bakugo emerging from a nearby dumpster: ye totally but you know whos the fucking coolest LORD EXPLOSION MURDE
In secred id au everyone knows bakugos id
not even bc he bragged about it or anything hes just his own #1 fan
also he cant hide his hair
holy fuck
god hed just be. dead inside
oh god, oh man, okay this might be dilly but
everyone in secret id au knows bakugo is lord explosion murder
)drmatic pause, lifts finger for effect)
except kirishima
who  is so fucking cursed
oh nooooooooo
Kirishima to his jock pal Uravity: I dunno like I like both of them so much like, I can't figure out which one to like, ask to punch me??
god unfortch
ochako is trying very hard to figure out how to tell him
Kirishima: it's impossible to choose between them
man bakugou is like . barely even disguised in his costume
and kirishima still has no clue
yeah thats the best part
Kirishima: I love them both equally but for different reasons
spiff this is the worst
i love it
god. i want to see the HIJINKS
same. god
bonus points if Bakugo honestly believes he has most people fooled
kirishima accidentally schedules a study date with bakugou at the same time red riot has a training session with king of explodokills
i dont know how this happens. i could see kirishima doing it but i feel like bakugou keeps better track of his schedule than that but
i mean bakugou is also under the curse's thrall
wait so does bakugou know kirishima is red riot
did he get........... Flustered
its funnier if no i think
he got flustered
i feel like bakugou knows like no one's secret identities because he just doesnt fucking care
thats good
@ jane
oh no i like that much better
he doesn't even fucking know
kirishima might be the only exception tho just bc of how obnoxious he is in and out of costume
the only one he knows is deku and he hates that he knows it
wow yeah
hes constantly trying to unknow it
wheich is really funny because, again, theres not even a DISGUISE COMPONENT to kirishimas costume
okay i feel like in a real secret id au they would put SOME more efffort,
maybe he has a mask
i Guess so
but thats not as funy
what if bakugo thinks tetsu tetsu is red riot
but the abs are still Exposed
holy fuck
bc he can't be assed to tell the hard boys apart
bakugou finally figures it out when he finally sees kirishima shirtless when theyre at the gym
i think the concept of 'its a secret identity au but that just means they slap a tiny domino mask on but it somehow works' is great. but so is the concept of 'they have their canon costumes with no fuckgin disguise components whatsoever but none of them know ANYWAY'
also concept tho: kirishima's superhero costume is his old emo makeup
he just starts yelling at kirishima immediately and kirishima is just like "keep it DOWN we're in a PUBLIC GYM!!!! its supposed to be a secret!!!!! :("
holy shit vera
i love this
okay but what if bakugo is like "if kirishima is red riot then he obviously figured out my secret identity way before all this"
i love ex-emogoth kirishima
"How did he outsmart me, how did he figure it out"
god what if bakugou assumes like. kirishima was doing study dates & stuff with him BECAUSE of his secret identity
ghhh OD
im dying of thks
this is so ooo oo good
kirishima: fuck now that bakugo knows im red riot what if he sees me flirting with lord explosion murder and gets pissed
he stops flirting with lord explosion murder so much and bakugous like
god. yeah
bakugou: hes playing me like a fool again(edited)
i mean we're assuming bakugou noticed the flirting in the first place
kirishima, meanwhile a 100% genuine no playing about it fool ass fool
fuck, since bakugo thinks all interraction is rivalry
maybe he thinks like, kirishima  no longer considers him an opponent or something??
oh. my god
yah its something like that
"you think youre too good for me now huh"
so his pride is hurt, and also the deep subconscious tender part of him thats gay is hurt too
he cant quite articulate his actual feelings hes just like
Kirishima: (stops flirting)
Bakugo: I don't know what this is but i know how i feel about it: furious beyond articulation
god i just thought about tsuyu for a second and im fdjkfdjfd
shes just a frog
in both civilian and superhero forms. but its liek. no one thinks its weird
yeah sometimes youre just a frog, nbd
doesnt necessarily have anything to do with you being Popular Hero Froppy, nope
sometimes 2 people are just frogs and that doesn't mean anything
maybe people assume tsuyu got into being a frog bc she likes Froppy
just unrelatedly, frogs
yeah! exactly
oh my god spiff
and shes like (internally flustered) KERO
maybe its just like how there are, horse girls and dolphin girls in ever high school
are you implying horse girls and dolphin girls are literally part horse & part dolphin in the bnha universe
Is there are reason for them not to be
like, assuming the teachers/adults are open abt their secret identities at the school
they're like "we've seen everyone out of hero mode except all might.... does he not have a civilian life"
Deku: (sweating)
all might is extra secretive bc he's so like...."Gotta Be The Symbol Of Peace!!! No one can know i am a real human EVER!!!!!!"
Student sees Greeblin Might like: "Oh are u that zombie hero"
yes but also in my head its that, they expect civilian all might to be buff
theres no extremely fucking unbelieably buff guy roaming the halls or in the teachers lounge or in town or anything
yeah but even before his injury maybe he was like,
projected a super-super image like superman, like ~im not a civilian when im not heoring i live in My Special Secret Lair~ or soemthing
god now im thinking about the logistics of this and its SO FUNNY that like every superhero in the entire town is at taht school. either as a teacher or as a student
what if its not even a hero school
its just a regular ass school but everyone just HAPPENS to go there
oh yeah like superman being like 'oh yeah i live in the fortress of solitude at the north pole'
yeah yeha
oh my god
All Might: I live in a fortress of solitude in the alps and no once can see it with eyes
all-might trying to live his civilian life pre-injury when he was always buff is so funny then tho
people keep asking him if he's all might and he's like no! look my hair doesnt stick up!
All Might, ten minutes later: (buying milk at the local grocery  and fucking up the self checkout)
oh my god... secret buff all might is so good
its the superman glasses type effect
'that cant be all might hes not smiling real big'
thats the extent of all mights acting skills
maybe he gets a giant tshirt that says "pessimism" so no one can possibly identify him as a civillian
"bad mood" t shirt
i feel like he does a bunch of comics-type secret identity stuff to cover up his civilian id but its all super flimsy
like, obviously fake glasses, a shirt like that
maybe a fake mustache
and it all works
the glasses dont even have lenses theyre just a frame
he gets a mustache like mics bc he thinks its Cool
its not even a blonde mustache. its like brown and OBVIOUSLY doesnt match his hair
everyone just assumes he dyes it
he bought non-prescription glasses but one of the lenses got knocked out but he keeps wearing them
they have One Lens
i love him
what if the mustache is attached to the glasses like groucho style
(i thought for a second about nighteye being one of the first outside the One For All lineage to know all might's civilian id and . augh)
god i was like 'ok i have to think about todoroki now' but now i have feelings and im lie k. Put It Back :arrow_lower_left: dot jpeg
augh jane
phantom of the opera shit
thats todoroki's hero disguise
there's a fake nose on the glasses too and it barely fits overhis actual nose
actually hes just covered half in ice
oh nevermind i remembered his caonn hero costume is like
so thats fine
a plumber suit
a plumber
post sports arc
what if thats his civilian job
and he just doesnt change clothesx
what civilian job does all might have
maybe he pretends to be gran torino's home health aid
if eel like he Didnt Have One until meeting izuku. true to canon
i was like "office job" but then realized i was literally just thinking of mr incredible at the beginning of the incredibles
at which point he became an absolutely awful teacher
o h noooo
god,,,m wow
what does he ever teach if its not a hero school
he gives GREAT inspirational speeches tho
hujks FUK
what if they don't even have a sports team
so theres no games to give relevant inspirational speeches at
so hes just like, doing them at random
when he sees an in
just at the beginning of each class
or whenever The Mood Strikes
question: is class 1b at the same school or are they Rival Schools
fuck,,, both are so good
imagine Rival School Student Monoma sneaking into their school to ~infiltrate~
i like rival schools
because monoma like, steals their mascot
and kendo brings it back
dragging him over to apologise
but also i love the idea of him trying to infiltrate his own fucking school
the concept of 'rival schools but aslo they dont have sports teams' is SOOO good
mathletes competitions get REAL intense
just because A1 got the better homeroom classroom
and he wants it
oh my god intense matheletes
science olympiad. band and choir competions.
ok whats the funniest sport to have if you can only have One Sport at ur school
fall sport: ultimate frisbee
winter sport: fencing (? probably there is a funnier sport but ive got nostalgia)
spring sport: ultimate frisbee again
winter sport: ultimate frisbee... on ice
fencing is too dignified is my concern
i love this concept
eyah exactly spiff
maybe winter sport was like curling
but no one liked it so they turned it into ice ultimate frisbee
altho like. one time my friend spilled gatorade on the mesh of his mask and had to fence with gatorade on it and couldnt see shit
and won the bout
dignity is relativw
wow, amazing,
ok no
todoroki.... being really disappointed
that curling isnt a thing anymore
his bitterness drives his ice frisbee prowess
yeah not even using powers hes ujust like You Have To Understand The Ice
the best thing about this is bakugo is so competitive that he'd join every sports even if it sucked just to win
I Understand The Ice. and just not understanding why everone doesnt think curling is the best
so bakugo is essentially Forced to play frisbee
yeah. god
im crying.... ice understanding hand crusher
i think hed be legit way into ultimate frisbee but fuckign hate ice frisbee but
play it anyway
he and todoroki were like the only people on the curling team and bakugou was AWFUL at it and HATED todoroki for it
wow thats some real shit there
im crying  this is so good
actually i would add iida to the curling team
he also likes Understanding The Ice
and its a lot of speed and velocity and such considerations
which is actually relevant for his power
mmmm true
hey does iida just wear bigass pants to hide his engine legs
was Iowa's bro also on the curling team....he joins cause he was Inspired and Wants To Live Up To Him
like all the time, in v=civilian form
maybe so.
does he wear leg warmers in the summer
but then the curling team gets cut off before iida can win The Big  Trophy and :(
i feel like long skirt is more practical for this
oh noo
honestly yeah
i love bnha: shittiest sports anime ever au
hey is present mic supposed to be secret identity in this au too
bc i honestly cant see that
definitely not
I feel like he's one of those like, celebrity heroes
besides the overall distinctiveness
he just, could not shut up about it, on his public radio show so,
yeah exactly.
plus like. it only gets the show BETTER ratings so why hide it
what if hes married to  Aizawa but Aizawa made him choose between being maried to civilian guy Aizawa or Eraserhead
what if hes a celebrity hero with a radio show. and then has a civilian identity as an english teacher
bc Aizawa's identity is mega secret
god aizawa would hate all the attention either way
I feel like he doesn't even want eraserhead to be a super well known hero
i mean thats just real in canon
Aizawa, sick of the attention, tells Mic to fake his death at the hands of like a villain
"it will be good for ur show ratings"
he canonically does hate publicity and does not want to be known by anyone
"no one bothers the dead"
or maybe the relationship is still secret but they can't ever go out anywhere bc Mic gets so easilly recognized
Mic has so much fun pretending to be dramatically mourning his dead civilian husband
egjbvjjgb kon k
Re: mic mourning his dead civilian husband
hes like,
Aizawa is just glaring Murder at him
What if present mics so bad at acting that people think he murdered his fake dead husband
holy fuck
now im like. ideeply want to see the many subplots that are jsut 'iida has to deal with the time conflict between mathletics and curling'
what if thru some hilarious misunderstanding all might applied to be the gym teacher but it turned out he was accidentally applying to be the masthletics coach
its shenanigans because he tries to do both of them at the same time because hes like 'i have superspeed itll be fine' its Not Fine
"I thought you meant you needed a Male Athletics Coach??? M Athletics"
he doesnt know shit about math so his only coaching contribution is like Pep Talks
all might giving INSPIRING PEP TALKS
to the mathletes
which end up being coached by. iida
iida ends up stepping up as like, Team Captain Who Actually Can THelp People Train  Math
momo is in charge of the science olympiad
and also the science bowl
theres only 1 sport but there's Many different Nerd-Offs
yea exactly
its really funny bc its the opposite of canon where everyone is jocks even if theyre nerds
everyone is nerds even if theyre joks....
finally balance
kaminari tries to start some kind of Movie Club as an excuse to just slack off and watch movies during club time
but then the nerds invade it and it turns into a big Trivia Game thing and kaminari just puts his head in his hands
He Tried
the one jock-exclusive
and kirishima  i think
yeah,,,, god kirishima
cursed boy
pats him
i love him so much'
i love him also....
remember how bakugou joined all the sports teams just bc he could. kirishima joins all the sports teams independently bc its manly
and then bakugou assumes he's like, trying to compete with him
ooooh my god
kirishima tries to bond w bakugou abt not being good at curling and bakuogu is like hOw Dare You
'man how is todoroki sO good at this i dont get it'
god rip kirishima
Too Cursed To Live
the best thing is that when bakugo is like "ill destroy you, ill punch ur face" kirishima is just like "fyes uck me UP bro"
he 100% knows what hes getting into
i really like the idea of bakugou bein g like ill fuck you AND todoroki up. about curling
when he cant like
skate yet
hes still holding on to the bar at the edge of the rink
ok i just looked it up and curling does not actually use skates
talking about how hes going to be indispuitable number one curler
while lying on his face having fallen down
hey guys. guys. guys does a villain attack the ice rink
and somehow it means they have to cooperate and learn a leson about teamwork
and skating pysics
but it doesnt SUPER work but it works a little bit
god they have to ~work together~ but also not let any of the others see their powers
fcfuki tho they dont know its them so like king explodokill is like 'maybe now i have a mmodicum of respect. for red riot. maybe. a tiny bit' but is still like KIRISHIMA MADE FUN OF ME ABOUT SKATING THO AND I HATE IT
ohhhhh thast good also fdjfdjkdfjk
maybe they have to work together to get to the locker room but wont say why (its bc their costumes r there)
but then the final fight is as hero guys?
oo that makes sense that's good
none of them even like, stops to think about the Coincidence chdmxm
except Maybe todoroki
and even he only does like way after the fact
fuck i just rmembered izukus hero name and am having a fucking freakout
bakugou is fucking. haunted by it
does he know izuku's secret id when he picks it or does he find out later
like . when izuku picks the name "deku" does bakugou know yet or no
i guess this question makes less sense in this au
cause like how could he be a hero if he doesnt have a hero name yet
i think maybe its
izuku introduces himself as the hero deku for the first time and thats when bakugou realizes that that new hero whos been running around........ is . izuku
and obvsly Flips the Fuck Out
i think. u kno the flash onto bakugou and urarakas faces
i think id want to keep that
but with the added 'oh shit thats izuku'
context from the au
for uraraka too?
like is she Also just finding out
maybe not actually
yeah idk depends how deep the hijinx run lol. how long izuku was determined to Not Tell Anyone About Hero Shit
feel like it could be A Long While cause he'd feel like he'd have to be secretive For All Might
yeahhh exactly...
altho if superheroes are a big thing but secret identities are a bigger thing it might be Less secretive
bc like. theres no inherent connection between 'a new superhero appears' and 'all might'
but I feel like izuku would be nervous anyway
yeah for sure
and he's v strategic & thoughtful so I feel like he'd Understand The Importance Of Secret Identity and be like "no one ever!!!!"
yeahh That rings true for me ithink
i was just like 'if 'quirkless izuku' and 'hero deku' arent inherently connected bc Every Civilian Secret Identity Is Quirkless then its not as big a deal
yeah also fair
so are quirks way rarer in this au?
but ur right that all might def has the No One Can Know Im Human thing
and izuku would also probably
i dont know if quirks are Rarer or if theyre just hilariously secret even tho literally most of the population has one
and many of them are very visible
what if like. quirklessness is rare but everyone's civilian id is still quirkless
and everyone just. d oesnt notice
tsuyu: yeah im quirkless. kero.
also like. Basically everyone who's quirkless is actually a hero in disguise
but no one puts the dots together
just had the thought 'i really like bnha superhero au' and fuckgin died
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Across time | Akaashi Keiji x F!reader [soulmate!AU]
for this one i tried a little bit of world building to put more context into some stuff as i suck at accurate and realistic historical aeras, this ended up being WAY longer than planned oof also YES i 100% took the well idea from Inuyasha👉🏽👈🏽
- Moeru Fukuro means blazing owl
- au where the reader finds themselves enamored far beyond the limits of alternate timeline and universes
[Tags] : @raevaioli @chenle @lcaita and @lceiji
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- it was all because of a stupid dare
- it's a shame you agreed to do anything when more than 50$ were on the line (O.O)
- your friends from high school thought it seemed like SUCH  a good idea to dare you to spend 3 hours in the woods next to your house in exchange for 60$
- the 3 hours of course starting from midnight
- but you weren't one to back down from that kind of stuff
- no sir
- the only thing you had to do was to wait by the abandoned well surrounded by trees without anything to distract you (you trusted them with your phone anyway)
- tonight wasn't even that cold anyway
-so here you were, waiting for time to pass as you listened to the sounds around you
- you found it absolutly mesmerizing, how everything around you had its own identity through the sounds made
- you had always felt calmer in moments like these, by yourself at nighttime, just taking everything in
- you had been to this well many times before, the old lady who lived accross from your appartment told you that it was used as  a wishing well most of the time
- she spoke of how many people through the times had thrown coins into the unsettling darkness of the pit and wished for true love and stuff like that
- the other day, you had found her there and she told you about how that very same well helped her meet her soulmate
- you hardly believed her
- the wishing part ? Okay. It's a normal thing to throw coins into fountains and wells and pray for things. But soulmates ? That seemed like a reach
- so you felt pretty dumb for staring into the dark pit of most likely freezing water as intensely
- you also felt pretty dumb for making sure that you brought a coin with you on this outting
- okay maybe......the idea of finding your soulmate was not so repulsive.... (◡‿◡✿)
- you didn't hope it would work too hard but still.....just sayin that it would be nice
- so, you threw the coin, listening to its sound as it came in contact with the water at the bottom after a long fall and you started praying
- "i don't really know how this is supposed to be done but....if the stories are true can i please meet the love of my life ? If not possible i also accept checks and cash (▰˘◡˘▰)"
- you didn't really mean the money part
- but you know.....getting rich isn't that bad
- at that moment you felt smart for bringing a hoodie because ???? The wind was extremely strong all of a sudden like ?? Sheesh
- you were about to sit down and cuddle into your hoodie for warmth but then u SWORE U HEARD A VOICE COMING FROM THE WELL
- and you aint crazy but you're about dumb enough to lean your head above the opening to hear better
- i think you know where this is going....
- the wind's strength had you tumbling down the well in no time
- time seemed to slow down as you plummeted toward the surface of the water
- soon you came in contact with it, cold soaking your clothes and hurting all the way to your bones. You could see the moon thru the suprisingly clear water as well as the bubbles from your last reserve of air, all this caused you to pass out.
- in the capital of the kingdom MoeruFukuro, they were many things ; from kind townfolks, to golden rice paddies and from a gorgeous royal castle to roaming forest demons
- you heard me right
- the lands around were infested by demons and spirited who manifested at night, some benevolant and others not so much
- thankfully for the royal priest Tsukishima's magical talismans placed all around the town, the people could leave in peace, the malignant creatures knowing better than trying to overcome the spells
- the capital could pride itself all around the country for having ones of the most powerful and smart array of people there ever were in addition to being prosperous from the folks' trade businesses
- for example, in the royal palace, you could find as forementionned priest and mage; Tsukishima Kei, legend has it that he was blessed by Kaguya, the goddess of the moon herself in order to have such knowledge of spells
- there was also General Kuroo Tetsurou, who had his fair share of tales and admirers alike, the biggest one being the one in which he had saved a thousand men from a demon by sacrificing himself, earning its respect and protection in battle
- obviously there was the crowned prince, Bokuto Koutaro. Well he might seem a little air headed and childish at first sight but he takes his duties very seriously even if they consist in little things such as gathering the peoples' eventual complaints himself, some people going as far as saying that he is the closest thing to a god on earth
- and then, wherever Bokuto went, it would be near impossible to forget about his right arm and advisor, the wise and renowned astronomer Akaashi Keiji. If Tsukishima had been blessed by the moon goddess then many people believed that Akaashi was the one who tought Omoikane, god of wisdom and intelligence himself, everything he knew. He was everything people wished they were, calm, good looking, creative, reasonable and intelligent beyond mesure. No wonder he was the one Bokuto trusted the most by his side
- studying the sky also brought Akaashi much knowledge on seasons and the movements of stars and such, providing help to both the people and Tsukishima
- Akaashi did not live in the castle however, well technically yes but he did have a workshop of his own a bit farther in the territory, where he could dedicate himself to staring at the night sky he loved so very very much from his makeshift observatory/rooftop
- he also had a lovely well near his observation tower that Tsukishima had passive agressively insisted on cleansing for him (>.<)
- so there he was, in this particularly enchanting night
- something about that full moon, shining stars and clear sky just about almost got some tears out of him
- but he was interrupted when he heard a low growl from beneath his observation tower
- naturally he looked down to where it came from and saw a fire fox spirit inching suspiciously close to an unconscious girl on the ground near the well
- the demons avoided the talismans yes but that far from the heart of the city trickster spirits and ghouls could just about do as much chaos as they pleased
- rushing to get down, Akaashi took his bow and arrows ready to get rid of the spirit and make sure the girl, no matter how strange her clothes looked like, was safe
- it was fast work, his arrows reaped through the night air seemingly at lighting speed and quickly made the spirit disappear
- muttering a small banishing prayer he picked up the passed out girl and brought her on top of his observatory
- she was dry but she was still shivering from the cold
- "she must not be used to the cold" thought the young astronomer, taking off his haori to put on top of her frame and sitting down next to her, looking downwards at her now relaxed features
- he did not know why he brought her up there but right now it just felt right. So he went on with looking at the sky, resting his hands flat on the ground near his sides
- you were awake, enough to feel a warmth next to you but not enough to open your eyes yet
- you thought that you'd fallen asleep after making the wish and that your friends had carried you back to your room or something
- but it was to cold to be true
- you peaked slightly from between your lashes and were met with a GORGEOUS night sky
- usually in your city, the sky was too polluted to be able to see that many
- and the full moon seemed closer than usual, bewitching, enchanting, almost asking you to come to her, so in a way you did
- now fully awake, you outstretched your hand toward the celestial body, not really thinking in the moment
- "you're awake ! How are you feeling ?" said a silvery soft voice, almost similar to a whisper
- so similar you thought that you were still dreaming as it was the same one you've heard before imagining falling into the well
- your train of thought was quickly cut short by the feeling of warm hands around your own outstreched one
- oh this was definitly real
- you sat up im a swift movement, looking around you and only seeing trees and rice paddies, as well as the lights of a town in the distance
- you almost didn't hear the man's voice over your own rapidly beating heart
- almost
- "Everything's okay now, calm down" he said, probably noticing your panic and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
- his words seemed to immediatly sink into your very soul at the second they came out of his mouth, and worst is that you thought that if it meant to be marked in such a way you would be glad to have your soul inked all over with just his words
- but you still didn't know him so you kept that thought to yourself
- "who are you and where am i ?" Your voice was so shaky and your mind so foggy that you weren't even sure if they ever made it out of your throat
- but Akaashi heard you loud and clearer than anything before, just touching your hand had seemed like such a common task but the needle like sensation that ran up his whole arm begged to differ, he regained his composure fast though
- "my name's Akaashi Keiji and you're in the kingdom of MoeruFukuro" he made sure to speak as softly as possible, never letting go of your hand, fearing that maybe, if he let go you would disappear back into the wind
- ".....my name's Y/N L/N....listen i don't think im supposed to be here- well more like...now"
- "what do you mean ?"
- and so you explained to him how you actually came from the 21st century in what you could only assume to be another timeline and universe, trying to sound as calm as possible
- because well, you weren't dumb, and castle as "cool and fantasy anime looking like that" were not so common
- Akaashi kept drinking in your voice, painfully aware of every movement of your face, every little speaking quirk and tones, never breaking contact
- he was fast in reassuring you on his own world, he spoke of his life, of his friends and of the castle, not leaving out the fact that demons and spirits were a common factor, carefully choosing his phrasing and explaining with the most concise words
- explaining so well that you felt as if you already knew all these things, deep in yourself
- and time passed
- you soon found yourself laying on you back, fingers still intertwined with the royal astronomer, talking about your lives, as if you were desperatly but as easily as breathing trying to make the other remember your existence, trying to get a part of your souls back
- the silence of the night made your voices reach the other in an almost pieircing melody, the deep blue and silver sky as your only witness of this moment
- "so you're an astronomer right.....why do you like the stars so much Keiji ?"
- oh man did he love hearing you say his name, it sounded like the rarest music he's ever heard coming from you
- "i guess it just comes easily to me....i've never felt lonely in the castle, my friends are supportive and strong even though i've never been particularly good with people....when i come here for reasons other than work and stare at the sky, it feels like im finally walking in my own feelings, finally able to search for something that i somehow always wanted..."
- he turned to your face and swore that he saw many more stars in your eyes than he has in his whole life and continued on
- " it feels- it felt like trying to find a part myself that had been fragmented and thrown into the universe....a part of myself that was very much more human than i thought"
- "oh" was all you could muster between that and the flood of feelings that was inside your heart
- you felt like you were running out of time.
- you felt like you had to make the most out of this precise instant.
- you suddenly jerked up, making Akaashi jump at the sudden move
- he sat up with you, facing you, unsure of what  that was all about
- " Keiji !" You said, full of determination despite the advanced hour of the night, and when he nodded and smiled, humming slightly as response you took it as your greenlight to continue
- " Let's find each other again ! Whether it be in this life or another ! We're bounded together now and im sure whichever gods brought me to you will make it happen again no matter what. So you have to promise me before it's too late....don't forget about me !"
- Akaashi's eyes bore into yours with as much intensity as yours and returning the smile you wore on your face
- he let go off your hand for the first time that night and you felt as if an invisible countdown just started somewhere
- he took of a teal and marine blue colored thread bracelet that he wore and put in on your wrist, it had a small crescent moon symbol made of nacre on it....how in character
- how....him
- "there. That way i won't ever forget you. I sure hope you don't forget about me either"
- the last thing your remembered was the gorgeous yet so undoubtfully sad smile of the astronomer before waking up, warm, in your own bed
- you looked around in a hurry and little did you know, you were back into your appartment's bedroom
- you figured it was just a dream
- and yet your heart was still beating against your ribcage and tears were stinging your eyes
- you looked at your phone to check the time since the sun had already went up and your eyes fell on the bracelet you were wearing on your wrist
- you wasted no time in DASHING out of your appartment straight to the old lady's, well too aware that what had happened last night was definitely not a dream
- as you rung the doorbell you were too busy trying to calm your heart that was still trying to beat out of your chest to hear an all too familiar voice from inside the appartment saying "i'll take this"
- the door opened and you almost fainted
- "hi ! Im Akaashi Keiji your new neighbor from next door.....have we met before ?"
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