#im trying a new brush so im totally using it everywhere for no reason
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caemidraws · 2 months ago
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allywritesforfun · 4 years ago
Prompt: What dog I think you and MCYT would adopt
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regular masterlist
headcanon masterlist
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without a doubt dream and you would have a golden retriever 
just like the pup, you and dream are loyal to each other
when the pup was getting used to his new home, you would try to play catch in the backyard
dream gave them a little encouragement and demonstrated how to play fetch
��dream hun, you-you don't need to put the ball in your mouth”
dream gets low-key jealous when he sees you giving the dog more attention 
demands headpats
“come here good pup!”
dream comes instead of the dog
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you and george would get a havanese lap dog
george fell in love with the dog before you did
you two knew that there simply wasn't enough room for a big dog so you had to go with a small one
turned out to be for the better
when the pup laid on you, so did george
you were living the life, one hand in your cute boyfriends hair, and the other petting the best dog in the world
you two took the dog everywhere you went 
havanese are big nappers
you already know that george used the dog as an excuse to sleep
“but they needed someone to snuggle with!”
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you and sapnap would get a rhodesian ridgeback 
you had to beg sapnap to get a dog
he really just wanted to have the most attention
“fine, but that dog has to be able to protect us”
you really didnt want a dog that would scare anyone
the dog ended up being the best choice for sapnap because of their threaten appearance and doesn't tend to bark much during streams
really soft dog, now you had a cuddle buddy for when sapnap was streaming
“ok im done streaming its my turn”
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wilbur gives off big husky vibes for some reason 
gives him someone to use his energy on... sometimes he's just too much for you
wilbur loves taking the dog for walks near the beach 
sends you cute photos of the dog wearing his glasses
huskys love to howl...
...wilbur jokingly made a song where the dog was the back up vocals
this man taught the dog how to play a kids piano (not very well)
every morning you wake up to being showered in kisses by both of them
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you were so happy that eret was able to give you your dream dog: a chow chow 
they are so flufffyyyyyyy
just like erets hair
you two had your deepest conversations while grooming and brushing the dog
went to plenty of parks to let the dog run around
totally not because you loved it when eret pushed you on the swing 
this dog was the second best thing to happen to you and eret
right after meeting each other
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thetierdslytherin · 5 years ago
The Avatar’s sister
Bolin x reader(korra’s sister)
2k words and it’s kinda poorly edited 
a/n there’s some cuss words and some violence?
“We were just looking for the bathroom and we got lost!”
“Ah the old I had to pee excuse you know i'm sick and tired…” I don’t catch the rest of what he's saying because I see a teenage boy dressed in pro bending gear or as I like to call him our way out of this situation. I motion for him to come over praying to the spirits that he can read the room.
          “There you two are, I've been looking everywhere for you two! It's alright Toza there with me” Up close I can see that it's actually Bolin the earth bender for the fire ferrets. Spirits can my day get any better. I've seen a few pro bending matches before and listened to even more. One of the few perks of being the avatar’s sister. While she spends her days training on air temple island I spend my days wandering the city my favorite pastime being watching pro bending matches.Spirits he looks even better up close 
          “Yeah were with him” I say flashing the man a million watt smile and he responds with 
           “so you see we’re together” Oh I like where this is going. Before I can respond Korra replies
            “well not together together” speak for yourself Korra. I'm more than happy to be together together with him. He starts to stammer embarrassed by Korra words so I try to save all of us 
            “You see Toza Bolin and I are together and my sister was just tagging along with us.” Please let this work, if not Tenzin is going to kill me for letting korra go out with me.
           “Ah I don't care I got work to do” the man begins to walk away and I pull the stammering duo out of the room before either of them could blow our cover. I turn around to see a blushing Bolin and a confused looking Korra, I really need to teach her how to pick up on social cues 
           “I’m y/n, a big fan of yours, so Bolin why don't you show the two of us around” I say while grabbing his bicep motioning for him to lead. Bolin showed us around for a while before leading us into an area overlooking the arena “So what do you think best seats in the house huh?” It really is you can see the whole arena from up here and it's much less crowded than the seats in the stadium plus there isn't a guy as easy on the eyes as Bolin down there. 
           “Oh absolutely the view just keeps getting better and better” it's not often that I get to meet people as just y/n, not the avatar's sister, or korra's younger sister. It's nice to be myself around someone knowing that they're not using me to get to the avatar. Besides from what I've seen Bolin is too sweet and innocent to do that anyways.
          “Unbelievable this place is even more amazing than I imagined” I let out a small chuckle at Korra's words. It's nice to see her getting excited at the smallest things, it shows me that she can still be a kid and not burdened by the weight of the world. It makes sneaking out and a possible chewing out from Tenzin worth it “Names Bolin by the way”
“Korra” “I know” they both look at me waiting for an explanation “well i'm just a huge fan of yours” I pause “well the fire ferrets in general” 
“Psst Bolin”
“I told you you have to stop bringing your crazy fangirls in here before the matches get them out of here” His older brother Mako whispers this to him Korra and I both hear due to the fact that they suck at whispering. It almost hurts my feelings that we aren't the only ones he brought back here but then again he's not the first guy i've flirted with here. Though he is the first guy i've flirted with that seems so...innocent.
          “Aw c'mon Mako I kinda promised them that they could stay but I got a good feeling about them there's something special about the two of them. I know it” Well he's half right there. I wonder why he lied to his brother so we could stay. He never promised us we could stay back here. Some part of me hopes it's because he's interested in me too. “Come here I want you to meet my brother Mako” he says eagerly pulling me towards him 
          “Mako! Wow I heard you play on the radio” oh boy she's totally fangirling. I personally don’t see what's so interesting about Mako or his brooding douchebag act “cmon Bolin we’re up” Mako says completely ignoring Korra walking past her, see brooding douchebag. Korra not taking the hint turns to Bolin “or I could meet him later”
           “yeah he gets real focused before a match anyways wish me luck” his comment makes me laugh. Something about the positive energy he radiates is infectious. He jogs away, I yell “good luck Bolin” followed by “good luck knock em out” from Korra 
         “So do i have to be the one to say mako is bad news or i have to let you figure it out yourself” I cross my arms giving her my best ‘i know better than you’ look. While Korra may be the older sister, only by 11 months might I add, she doesn't act it. I blame all of her teachers and instructors for never letting her live when she was younger. Now that she's basically an adult seeing the world for the first time she's very sheltered.
          “He is not bad news y/n you heard bolin he was just focused for the match! Besides, did you see him?” let her figure it out for herself it is.
          “Yes and i also saw you drooling at him” I tease 
          “Oh please like you were any better with Bolin you were practically throwing yourself at him” these are the best moments when we can just goof off.
“First off I do not throw myself at anyone, he's just sweet and insanely hot. Secondly which one of us actually has experience with boys” she opens her mouth to defend herself before quickly shutting it. Got her there. “Exactly now pay attention the match is starting” We both turn and lean on the balcony watching the start of the match.
           “The rookie ferrets came out of nowhere and made it further than anyone expected this season but tonight they face their toughest test yet folks” we watch the two teams trading back and forth blows until the fire ferrets ultimately win with Mako knocking all 3 members of the opposing team into the water. I turn to Korra to ask how her first ever pro bending match was but stopping when I see her and Mako holding each other's gazes.
          “Yes! Whoo did you see that one more win and were in the championship tournament!” Bolin yells running into the room skidding to a halt in front of me “so what'd you think y/n?” he looks down at me trying to conceal his excitement waiting for me to answer him looking happier than i've ever seen him-if that's possible. 
           “You guys were amazing Bolin!” I practically yell pulling him into a quick hug.
           “Bolins got some moves huh?” 
          “You could say that again” Before Bolin can say that again Korra grabs him by his shirt pulling him towards her 
          “That was amazing” then korra promlety pushed him away as Mako and Hasook approach arguing about the last match
          “You did more harm than good out there, you almost cost us the match!”
          “We won didn't we?”
          “Get off my case pal” Hasook yells before storming out of the room.This doesn't put a damper on korra's mood though as she addresses Mako “You guys were amazing out there especially you mr hat trick” Mako yet again walks right past her him barely paying her any attention to her half heartly saying “oh your still here”
          “What gives you the right to be such an ass mr hat trick?” I say coming to my sister's defence. Pro bender or not it doesn't give him the right to be a jerk. I even bet I could beat him sparring. He's not even good enough to be this much of a jerk.
          “Your good do you think you could show me some tricks?” no no no korra that wasn't the deal I sneak you out we watch one pro bending match and we go back to air temple island.
          “Yeah sure absolutely i'm just not sure how my earth bending might translate to your water bending but we'll figure it out” This cant get any worse if she lets them know she's the avatar we're toast. No ones supposed to know the avatars in republic city
          “Won't be a problem-”
          “korra's right it won't be a problem because we really have to go-” 
           “because i'm an earth bender” great this is j ust great.
          “Im sorry no no i didn't mean to assume ya know cause i was just figuring since well with your water tribe getup that you two were well water bender” 
          “Korras just messing with you of course were both water-” 
          “You're right, I'm a water bender too and fire bender” social. Cues. Korra. 
         “Hmm hmm i'm very confused right now” Bolin 
         “Your the avatar and i'm an idiot” Mako 
         “Both are true” Korra. I throw myself into the nearest chair running my hands through my y/h/c hair.I wonder if I beg for forgiveness if Tenzin will still ground us for the rest of forever 
          “I need a drink” I say, completely ignoring Bolin’s freak out about Korra being the avatar I've heard it all before. Just like that my chances with Bolin have gone out the window no one has ever liked me more than my sister she's the avatar I can't compete with that .I never will be able to. 
          Nonetheless I follow the brothers into the training room and sit on the stairs looking as happy to be there as Mako does. I don't pay much attention to Bolin and Korra training “so mr hat trick is there any reason why you're so prickly or are you always like this?”
          He scoffs “no i just don’t appreciate the two of you showing up like that besides your sister is a piece of work”           “No kidding hat trick don't you know being the avatar comes with a hero complex?” Okay so he's not as bad as I thought.
          “Well it's getting late so i'm going to turn in but you kids have fun”
          “Speaking of Korra we really do need to be going” I speak in a tone to let her know it wasn't an option.I stand up brushing my water tribe robes off “it really was great seeing you Bolin but we have to go”
          “Sorry my sister is being such a wet blanke-” “now Korra” 
          “Hey um y/n could you hang back for a second” here it goes. Is your sister single? Can you set me up? 
          “What do you need Bolin?” 
         “You mean other than you in my life” we both cringe after he says that.
          “That has to be the worst pick up line i've ever heard” 
         He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly “heh yeah it wasn't really my A material but the real reason i wanted to talk to you was well i was mostly just wondering well we have a match next”
          “Bolin spit it out i'm sure it isn't that bad”
          “Do you want to come to our match tomorrow then get some food after” he looks at the ground playing with his fingers. Where was the confident Bolin I met earlier? 
          “Well it was a stupid idea anyways I shoul- wait yes? Really! I uh I mean of course you would want to get food with me” maybe he's more insecure than I initially thought. But then again people do have layers.
       I kiss him on the cheek turning away from him and walking to the door so he couldn't see the blush on my face “I'll see you tomorrow Bolin”
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ithisatanytime · 4 years ago
“found out” she lived in florida yesterday, of course i already knew that before we started talking again, i knew everywhere she lived, i knew all her husbands names and what they looked like, i knew where she lived for ten years and never showed up uninvited after the first and last time over a decade ago.
 but she did lie to me, lying by omission is still lying and while i understand her reasoning, she let me believe she was living in michigan this whole time. she also let it slip shes in a happy marriage, but that was a lie, not a lie but it isnt true. at least its not true that my suddenly. ill finish this later
its later, its not true that my suddenly showing up in there lives hasnt effected their marriage. she told me so when i asked her what her husband said about all this and he said “do whatever you want” that is not supportive approval lmao, i do not blame him i would be even worse about it. the point is its causing issues, but there are obviously already issues, blah blah blah. shes lying, im lying, everybody out here telling lies all the the time.
 but i know whats true, i have a good memory when im not withdrawing from phenibut, an exceptional memory long term speaking. through our little talks i have found out that i was wrong about some things, things that caused me a lot of uneeded pain
ok i feel like its safe now. i know she still loves me, and its not just as a concerned friend. she told me so, she said i love you too twice, and i totally just brushed it off because it was wrapped up in a million qualifiers but when i told her i loved her i wrapped it up in those same qualifiers. as a christian as a friend but i just really wanted to say i love you so bad for ten years that i just had to say it while i had the chance. and she HAD to say it back, not out of social awkwardness either, i only realized this afterwards late last night while going back over our conversation in our mind, i should have heard and taken the i love you toos for what they really were.
  I know deep deep down, shes still loves me, i dont buy into the wisdom of the world when it comes to love and romance, that wisdom leaves people old and alone in the end. its “new” wisdom and there is no such thing as new wisdom. matt collins DID rape her. it WAS a date rape, she DID blame herself, she COULD have screamed or fought. or even been more assertive when she said no, or she could have cried louder etc. but she wouldnt do those things because shes skye. i knew her when she was a little girl. but she blamed herself, constantly downplayed what happened because she blamed herself, and completely missed how it destroyed both of our first relationships, our most open and trusting relationship because she was trying to deal with her trauma on her own in ways that were. we dont have to get into all that. the point is i was CORRECT in my estimation of what was happening to us back then, i did spend nine years trying to get revenge or justice, i just NEEDED to confront him, just wanted to talk to him, lol. but i finally let go of that a few weeks ago or days its hard to keep track. i did everything back then that i could have done to protect her from herself. she always just trusted people too much. and after that happened and she closed herself off to me, i went mad. and i stayed mad for a LONG time. but that love is still locked away in there, she tried to forget it along with the rape that was totally not that big a deal and it was her fault anyway (her thinking not mine) i wanted to be wrong about everything, i was actually wrong about quite a lot but not about the important stuff. im not really interested in blame, i NEED that love, she NEEDS that love. i know her better than i know ANYTHING. more than i know or care about biology i have cared about her
will finish later
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shslstraws · 6 years ago
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Oumota Week Day One:
Phantom Thief / Stuck in a Small Place 
HEY, IM SO SORRY IM LATE ON OUMOTA WEEK. I WAS SUPER BUSY AND I’M SLOWLY CATCHING UP, SO I MIGHT BE A DAY OFF EACH DAY. IM SORRY. But I also was busy writing my first fic, just for this piece, so I hope you like it? ;; 
Until We Meet Again 
Word Count: 1987
A slam from the door echoed across an empty apartment building, Momota sighed as he began to undo his tie and threw it across the room, not caring where the piece of fabric ends up. He can always pick it later, when he’s in a better state of mind. 
It was a long day at work for Momota; the endless lecture his boss has given him from failing to capture The Phantom Thief, yet again, to the simple little things of just having his coffee be a colder than he’d like to, everything seemed to tick him off. He swears he’s on the verge of blowing up.
It was getting stressful for him day by day The Phantom Thief wasn’t caught, and every time he was face to face with this notorious criminal, Momota always somehow let him slip away from his grasp. 
The Phantom Thief, the leader of the city’s known gang, D.I.C.E; infamous for thievery and causing a ruckus to citizens and the officers with petty pranks. Property damage, mainly, Momota remembers coming into work and seeing little colorful faces spray painted on the front doors of the station. Alongside the gang’s logos and the provoking message the phantom thief always leaves, “Until we meet, my beloved~”. What does that even mean? Who is it even directed to? 
“Ugh, fuck me.” Momota groans from the memory, the stress is just too damn much. He collapses on his couch with a heavy sigh. The more he is involved and invested in this case, the more he thinks the messages are specifically for him. 
He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath in and out and releases some of the tension in his muscles he didn’t know he had. Momota groaned from the pain that was let go, his breathing started to slow down naturally as he felt himself drifting into sleep slowly. The night breeze was cool on his skin, as the wind blew through long curtains and from his balcony into the apartment, it felt nice. Finally, finally, he can rest-
“Wait a second,” Momota suddenly lifted his head wide eyes, immediately on alert. “..I...never left the door open, I always keep it locked. What the hell?” He was on his feet in an instant, becoming more aware of his surroundings. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary...except for the petals all over the floor. Momota kneeled to pick one of the withered little floral leaves. Getting a closer look; the petal was crimson and crumpled a bit, “A rose petal…?” muttered Momota, noticing the petal to be shriveled, which must have meant that they’ve been here for awhile. After inspecting it for a second more, he found that there was more petals that were in such a noticeable pattern, leading to his bedroom, for it to be such a convenience. Okay, so far Momota has concluded that; one, someone broke into his apartment building. And two, that someone purposely spread rose petals all over his apartment leading to his bedroom. Sure, Momota should be more alerted or even scared from these conclusions, since there could be potential robber or even a murderer in his own home.
But for some reason, Momota couldn’t help but feel relaxed a bit after having a strong sense of knowing who this certain someone is. 
Now, there’s two ways he can go about this, assuming the home invader is still here; 
He can run into his bedroom and catch the culprit red handed and finally solve all the solutions to his stress, or he can play along. 
Momota stands up and slowly start to make his way to his bedroom, following the petals. For a moment, his conscience is screaming for him to run in and arrest this culprit once and for all, before the opportunity misses him. But his gut, told him to play along. 
“Ah, why hello there, Officer Momota!” 
And there he was, The Phantom Thief, himself. Laying right on top of Momota’s bed; who quickly changed his position the moment he noticed Momota entering, to move his slender body to lay on his side while his left arm supports him, as he lays his hand on his cheek. 
“It took you quite awhile to get home, do you know how rude it is to keep such an important figure waiting?” his voice was soft and his tone sounded like he was seducing the officer in question. Which seemed fitting to his pose and the rose petals all over the bed, it was exactly like in the romance movies. But Momota brushed that thought right away, he scoffed, “Don’t you know how illegal it is to break into people’s apartment and trash the place?” 
“How insulting! If anything, I made an improvement on the trash it already was before!”  The Phantom Thief immediately sit up and crossed his legs, giving a pout. 
Momota barked out a laugh and leans on the door frame, “You know you’ve been a real pain in the ass for me lately, Phantom Thief.” 
The Phantom Thief smiles and taps his finger on the side of his cheek. “Hmm? Have I? I thought you enjoy our games together, Momota-chan?” 
Momota blinks and suddenly feels hot on his face, “M-Momota-chan?!” This was new. Sure, The Phantom Thief calls him nicknames from time to time in their confrontations but “chan” was something that just caught him off guard. 
“Nishishi, I totally got you there! Look at how red you are for me, don’t tell me Mr. Officer has developed a crush on little ol’ me?” The Phantom Thief teased, it was lucky Momota was too flabbergasted to noticed the blush that appeared on his own face.
It took a few moments for Momota to regain some composure and respond, but even then he couldn’t help but stutter, “A-As if, anyways, it looks like you’ve just trapped yourself. Coming into my apartment and really, I’m blocking the only exit to your escape.” 
“It seems you’ve finally got me,” The Phantom Thief stood up on the bed, causing some of the rose petals to fall off the bed, “whatever shall I do?” A surprise rose was shown as he revealed his right hand and lifted the flower to his face. A smirk was directed at Momota, challenging him. 
Momota wasn’t liking this one bit, he lifted his chest up as he spread more of his body to cover the door frame, there was no way he was letting The Phantom Thief escape him this time. Not when he was right there, absolutely cornered. And there was no possible way for him to sneak out of his bedroom’s window, they were just too high up, the only exit was Momota’s front door. 
 “Hm?” The Phantom Thief lowered his rose and gave a curious look, “it looks like Mr. Officer isn’t going to let me go that easy, huh?” He jumped from the bed, landing gently, and slowly walking towards Momota. Momota looking and studying the thief’s every movement, being very aware, in case he were to try and pull something to sneak around him. But as the little thief came in front of him, he looked up and rose both of his hands together to him as he continued to hold the rose, “then arrest me.” 
Momota thought, he doesn’t have his handcuffed equipped to his belt, and his only pair was around his apartment somewhere. Maybe if he used his tie? Nope, he threw that thing also in his messy apartment. 
“Looks like you can’t, Mr.Officer! You have no handcuffs or anything to arrest me with!” the thief giggled as he started to lower his hands. And for some reason, Momota’s instinct kicked into action as he found himself grabbing onto both of The Phantom Thief’s hands. Letting go of the rose, the smaller gasped as the unexpected contact.
“I’m. Not. Letting. You. Go.” Momota growled, staring intensely at the criminal, he was dead set on capturing the little rat once and for all. A blush went deeper on the thief’s face at how intense the situation is, it was heart pounding. But The Phantom Thief wasn’t going to allow himself to be caught like this, he smiled as he tried to keep his composure, “then I guess this is the part we kiss?” 
“EXCUSE ME?” Momota choked but still remaining a strong grip on the thief’s hands, very determined to not let go. 
“Weeeeelll, when you say it like that, usually in the movies, this is the part where people are supposed to kiss! Silly, Momota-chan, don’t you know anything?” 
“I- What?! What are you even saying!?” 
Momota’s hands seemed to have lightened, this is good he’s getting embarrassed. All he has to do is push it a little more… 
“I mean, I was expecting our first kiss to be more romantic. But I guess it doesn’t get more romantic as this? Rose petals all over your apartment, I’m all over your bed, right where you want me-” 
“SHUT UP!”  Momota quickly lets go of his hands to bring it to his face, The Phantom Thief doesn’t miss this opportunity and quickly squeezes beside the officer. Momota instantly realizes his mistake and turns around to see The Phantom Thief not run towards the front door, but to the doors to his balcony. He takes action and runs after him, seeing him slip outside past the blowing curtains. But as soon as Momota takes a step outside, he sees The Phantom Thief balancing on the railings of his balcony, Momota stops at a sudden fear of the boy accidentally falling off. 
The thief smiles as he takes off his hat, giving a bow to the officer, “it was fun as always, Momota-chan!” he looks up at the officer’s shocked expression. 
“But it seems I win this game,” The Phantom Thief stands straight as his hands dig into hands into his hat. He leaps backwards from the balcony, Momota immediately running to try and save him from falling but was met with rose petals in face. As soon as Momota got a clear vision, he sees petals everywhere around him and The Phantom Thief; who has seemed to carelessly falling in mid air, rose petals surrounding him as he put on his hat and smiled at the officer, “until we meet again, my beloved~” 
The scene to it all seemed so unreal, like something you’d definitely see in a movie. And Momota would be more allured to the sight before him, if he wasn’t too worried about the boy falling to his death. He went to grab the railing and reach out for the thief, but saw The Phantom Thief gently land on a rooftop. The building wasn’t very far from Momota’s balcony and not too high for the thief to stumble. How could he forget such a building was even there, I guess Momota was more worried about the thief’s safety at the moment. But Momota should have known the criminal better than to assume he didn’t have an escape plan outside his balcony, it must have been how he entered his apartment in the first place. 
The Phantom Thief looked up at him and gave him a last smile and laugh, as he turned around to run off into the night. 
Momota let out a long breath that he didn’t even knew he was holding, and his muscles relaxed once again. Fuck. He thought, he let The Phantom Thief escape from his grasp yet again. But Momota couldn’t seem to be stressed at the time but to have some sort of excitement build within him, and the happiness that their games will continue. 
He’ll let himself stress about it another time, but for right now, everything felt right. Momota sighed but smiled, 
“I guess we will meet again…”
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kazhewbrekker · 5 years ago
vilify me - chapter 4
this is the longest chapter to date! and probably the last one for a little while as im settling into college and dont have as much time. fear not though! chapter 5 is in the works and im committed to finishing this monster of a multific. without further ado!
(AO3 Link) (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3)
Kenji seemed unimpressed as he walked into the hanger. I wasn’t expecting a huge reaction, but I thought he’d be at least a little bit excited over the prospect I was offering. I gave him a wink as he walked closer and patted the seat on the motorcycle I was leaned against, lovingly. It was a good thing I hadn’t run my plan past Warner, he would’ve been jealous.
“Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?” I asked innocently.
Definitely not impressed. “Never seemed like a necessary skill set.”
I shrugged. “Feel like learning?”
Kenji crossed his arms over his chest as I passed a helmet to him. He didn’t take it from me, which was to be expected. There was no chance he was going to go easy on me. I mean this was literally me trying to appeal to him enough to get him to trust me. Or maybe, just maybe, it was me trying to find something to relieve myself of the utter boredom that had befallen me since I came to Sector 45. Which, I had to remind myself, wasn’t Warner’s fault.
He was busy. I was also usually busy, that’s just how things were with us. And now, with this mission he’d put me on, I would find a new way to be busy.
“Come on, it’ll be fun.”
Kenji took the helmet begrudgingly, “Where are we going?”
“Does it matter? Let me answer that, no.”
I climbed onto the seat, settling my feet in their place on either side of the bike. Kenji hesitated again, the black helmet now smugly fastened around his head, trying to figure out where he was supposed to sit on the motorcycle with me. I grabbed his wrist, between us was the layer of his military coat and the riding gloves I had fashioned myself with, as I pulled him on behind me.
“I’m not going to kill you.”
“I didn’t say you would, Princess.” Kenji shifted uncomfortably and created a space between the two of us. I had the urge to roll my eyes. Like that would stop me. If I wanted him dead he would be by now. “How come you don’t wear a helmet?” Kenji asked.
I revved the bike. “Let’s hope you don’t find out.”
“Put your foot on the break,” Warner instructed. “No, hold it down.”
“Sorry,” I shot him a glare and pressed down all my weight on the car’s brake. The glare broke apart in an instance. I was too excited to be mad.
Finally, after being told over and over that he would teach me, Warner was going to show me how to drive. I’d wanted to for years, ever since he had when he was eight. Mum and Dad would never let me behind the wheel of a car, at least not until I was older no doubt, they didn’t even trust Emmaline in one yet. But I would learn how to drive first, because Anderson had left home earlier that morning and Leila wouldn’t mind if we borrowed the car. Or totalled it.
“Okay,” I said, “okay, what do I do next?”
“Shift into drive.”
I blinked down at the controls. “What am I on right now?”
I managed to shift the car into drive recalling what I’d seen in films, “You don’t have to look so nervous, we’re indestructible, remember?”
Warner sighed exasperatedly, hands tightening on the seatbelt. “Keep your eyes on the road.” I grinned and checked my mirrors, slowly pulling my foot off the brake and towards the gas. “And I wish you’d stop saying that.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because my biggest fear is that one day it’ll stop being true.”
I frowned. I took it slow, but driving on a street that no one was ever going to come down again gave me the whole road to practice. I jumped between brake and gas over and over, inching forward and trying to get the hang of it. Every once and awhile, Warner pointed something out to me, but he was as patient as he was with teaching me anything. It was easy, easier than I thought it would have been.
“I’m not going to lose my powers, Aaron.”
“No,” he agreed, “but have you considered your parents’ new project.”
I sucked in a breath and the car huffed in response. Warner didn’t looked shocked as I hit the brakes to look over at him. He looked worried. “Project Canary. Emma’s losing her mind over it.” I said.
“I know, I heard.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Don’t tell me she’s bothering you about it too.”
“When she can’t call you she calls me, I’ve told you this before.” He tucked his chin and looked down at the watch affixed to his wrist. “Emmaline is just worried about you, love.”
“Of course she is, because if they can get through me it means she’s next. I don’t blame her.”
“It’s true!” I shrugged, “You know it, I know it. I reckon if Canary succeeds, then I’ll be the only one affected. Well, and you, probably.”
“Probably? You can’t be serious.”
I sighed dramatically, shifting gears and turning us around back towards the house. I knew he was staring at me, I could feel it burning under my skin. If he was offended by the truth that was his problem. Not mine.
“If something happened to you,” I wasn’t watching his face, but I heard the way his breath caught in his throat. A chill settled around me as I waited for him to continue. “I would be devastated. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, sure, of course.” I snipped back.
“Ella, I’m serious.”
Too much, too heavy. I nodded in an attempt to get him to drop it. Warner was my best friend, but God if he didn’t make everything out to be life-and-death. Though, technically, this situation could very well end in my untimely death. It didn’t matter. He was serious all right, far too serious. And I didn’t want to think about the immediate future, not like he did.
I loved motorcycles. More than cars, planes, especially boats. Nothing else could get me in contact with the same level of speed as the motorcycle could. I wondered a lot if it was anything similar to drugs, Mum and Dad would have me caged again if I experimented with anything that could mess with my brain or my body. So, death defying activities was all I had.
But I had to drive carefully, Kenji’s arms wrapped around me so tightly I had to focus on the wind whipping my hair to not break down at the feeling of being barred.
I hadn’t been lying about the helmet comment, as far as Kenji knew I was talented in hand-to-hand combat and could most likely kill someone if they just so happened to brush my skin. He had no way of knowing that a motorcycle crash was much more likely to hurt whatever I crashed into then myself. When I’d first embraced my daredevil tendencies, Warner had insisted that I wore protective garments, riding jackets and enforced padding. We hadn’t known the full extent of how much damage I could sustain. We found out though, eventually.
I came to a stop in a place where the road evened out and the buildings had grown scarce. It was strange, Southern California had always been overflowing with populace and new houses that the large expanse of nothingness was almost unnerving. I pushed those thoughts from my head and removed Kenji’s hands from my waist.
He attempted to climb down with me, but I steadied him on the bike with a smile and said, “I’m teaching you how to ride remember?”
“I never said I wanted to learn how.”
“Yes, but you also never said you didn’t.” I placed my hand on the handlebar, about to launch into a speel about what each part on the bike did, until I noticed he was staring at me strangely. “What?”
“I’m curious. What brought this on?”
“Me teaching you how to ride a motorcycle? I was bored, wanted to ride my bike, and you’re supposed to follow me everywhere I go.” I paused, sardonic in nature. “Thus, here we are.”
Kenji looked back at me as if he didn’t believe me, and I had to give him credit, he was a lot more intuitive than he had appeared at first glance. It wasn’t as if I was lying. I was currently trying to use enough of the truth that he’d have eventually just have to believe that my intentions were pure. It’s not as if I had given him any reason to believe otherwise. Beside the fact that I work for a fear mongering government that treats its citizens even worse than the ground they walk on.
I might have to rethink my plan of action.
“Okay,” I huffed. “Clutch is here, gear shift is down here, throttle, and break. You’re ready to go.”
“Wait, hold on a second, that’s the big lesson? You point at all the controls, pat me on the back and say ‘Good luck.’ You’re the worst teacher in the history of ever.”
“Jesus, that’s a little harsh.”
“Never have kids.” He said with a straight face, “You’d try to teach them how to ride a bike and then just throw them straight into oncoming traffic.”
I groaned, “Newsflash you egg, traffic isn’t as issue anymore. The 405 is dead and I’d be a great mum.”
Kenji didn’t move as he held his humorless expression. As the silence dragged and we continued to just stare at one another, something cracked. I wasn’t sure if I was the first to snort, but giggles erupted from my lips until I was crumpled on the ground holding my stomach from laughter. Kenji wasn’t much better, he had to use to the motorcycle to hold himself upright as he practically hacked up a lung.
I was wiping tears out of the corners of my eyes when Kenji finally said, “All right, that was hilarious. But I’m still not riding this death trap with a ten second long instructional period.”
“Just,” my voice was still strangled with restrained giggles, “trust me here.”
“You don’t make that easy.”
But he listened and settled on the bike like before, keeping one boot on the ground to stabilize himself. I corrected his form and I watched as his eyes darted nervously around the open field. I couldn’t say I completely understood his nerves, I’d never had to really worry about bodily harm before. With that, I had the sudden realization that this was a terrible plan, and if it failed it would really suck to have to drive home with a dead body. Or, even worse, have to walk.
“Ready?” I asked honestly.
He didn’t in the least bit look ready. At least he knew how to brake.
Kenji gave a curt nod and I stepped away from the bike, giving him room to start the engine again and prepare for take off. The motorcycle gave a growl that I felt in my chest, that made the hair on my arms stand up, and as Kenji gave me one more glance before staring at the opened, empty road before him. I gave a silent prayer to a God I don’t believe in.
The motorcycle lurched forward, shakily and slow it made its way down the street. A couple of times I worried if it was going so slow that the machine might tip over, but at every chance Kenji shifted his weight to keep it steady. It wasn’t until he turned around and came back towards me that I saw he had a genuine smile on his face.
I rolled my eyes, he was going barely more than 20 miles per hour.
“All right. It’s not a vespa.”
He hit the brakes as he neared me and the sudden stop made him ram his stomach into the center console. Kenji took a shaky breath but his voice was only a little winded, “What’s a vespa?”
“Oh my God.”
Our bedroom was cold. It was the middle of July and from the window I could see the moon against the cloudless sky. It was the only thing lighting the room. For once I was happy that snow hadn’t come so early this year, because if it had then I wouldn’t be able to see the moon at all. I clung tightly to my blanket knowing that it was my only protector, that would stop the dark corners of the room from getting any closer to the foot of my bed.
I had been working very hard to not let it bother me, to sleep through the night without interruptions or nightmares. If Emmaline could do it then so could I. But it seemed like the harder I pushed away the negative thoughts, the stronger they came back with a vengeance. And the more they stole my breath straight from my lungs. I knew what panic was now though, I’d felt it before. It kept rising and rising like the temperature on a thermometer. Until my head started to feel dizzy and my chest began caving in.
What was it that Warner always said? Try to breathe.
Easier said than done.
At this point I should’ve been used to any form of sensory deprivation. Nothing to see, or hear, only the cold walls of the room that remind you that you’re not dead. Or asleep. Or somewhere in the middle. Mr. Anderson would turn down the oxygen in the room if I tried to fall asleep. It would go on for hours. But it always ended, sometimes I was worried it wouldn’t.
Little bird, little bird in a gilded cage. With spikes on the bars. Little bird with no escape.
“Ella,” my sister’s voice whispered across the bedroom. “Ella, go to sleep.”
I froze. My rampant neverending thoughts must have woken her up, or at the very least kept her from falling asleep. I wasn’t quite sure what Emmaline could hear and what she couldn’t. But if I hated being in my own head, then surely my sister would despise it just as much. “Sorry, Emma.”
She sighed, rolled over. I felt my face burn with shame. “No worries, just…“ Her soft words disappeared into the cloud of dark that blanketed over her half of our bedroom. We’d been sharing a room since I was born. At least that’s what I had been told. But now the sea of carpet between the two of our beds felt wider and all the more terrifying under the gaze of the moon. I had to steel myself. I couldn’t be weak, I couldn’t whimper at the idea of closing my eyes, what would Mum say?
“Ella. Come here.”
I looked over to Emmaline’s moving sheets. I could barely make out her motions across the room. But I didn’t give it a second thought. I bundled the blankets around my body, grateful for the socks that covered my feet, and I tiptoed over the lie to Emmaline’s side of the room. Where pink met purple.
Emmaline was waiting patiently with arms outstretched. She pulled me and my blankets up onto the sheets with her, and that’s when I noticed the long sleeves pajamas and the gloves. How had she been wearing gloves to bed? Emmaline pulled my head to her shoulder and hugged me tightly. I wished I could see her expression. I wished I could read her thoughts for a change. My panic spiked once more.
“Calm down,” Emmaline yawned. “Give it a rest.”
It was dangerous to be this close to my sister. It was dangerous to be around anyone, ever. This was my curse. My burden. Mum called it a gift, she said it made me special. But I had to work harder, so I could be just like my sister. Mum would kill me if anything happened to Emmaline. She’d actually kill me.
“Shhh, go to sleep.”
My sister’s finger combed through my hair. I closed my eyes against her pillow.
“Sleep, Ella. You can worry about things in the morning.”
She was right. I knew somewhere deep down that she was, but a part of me refused to accept it. It seemed like no matter what I did, my worries would follow me into my dreams too. I focused on Emmaline’s breath, her heartbeat, the slight brush of my hair from my forehead. It made me crave the blurry memories of climbing into bed with Mum and Dad, falling asleep in the safety they provided. Now it didn’t feel safe to be near their wing of the house, or even near them.
“I don’t want nightmares.” I whispered back to her.
Emmaline paused. If I paid close enough attention I could feel the edges of her power just on the cusp of my consciousness. If I dared to push against it all I would feel would be numb. “Okay, I’ll make you a deal.”
I blinked my eyes opened, “A deal?”
“Sure,” she pinched my shoulder. “If you try to sleep, I promise I’ll chase all the bad dreams away.”
It was far too dark in the room for me to see the look on her face. I couldn’t even tell from her tone if she was messing with me. I was a bit too old to believe that anyone could chase away my bad dreams, especially when they had been formed out of reality. But then again, Emmaline had power over the mind. Even now I could feel her rooting herself in my thoughts, sharing them with me, but blocking me from following that path back into her own head. It was a one way trip, or so she said.
If anyone could get rid of the nightmares, actually get rid of them, it would be Emmaline.
“All right.” I said.
She nodded once into the dark, “Close your eyes, then.”
I did as she asked. A moment passed, but in the moment the darkness of my eyelids didn’t feel constraining, like I was being pressed against the walls of a prison. It felt almost calm. Like a purring cat under my bare fingers, enjoying the feeling of my touch. It felt like I was back in North America, tucked into familiar sheets, pressed against the side of someone else. But only for a moment.
And then I opened my eyes and Emmaline was gone.
I sat up, wrapped in pink sheets, and stared across the room to the bed I had fallen asleep in. Purple sheets as pristine as if they had never been slept in at all. I should have figured. That kind of comfort and safety could only last a night.
Kenji wasn’t confident enough to drive us back, and I wasn’t entirely confident he could either. So, I drove the motorcycle to the compound, stopping myself from taking any unnecessary risks, least Kenji never go on another adventure with me again.
As much as I loathed to admit it, my plan was almost certainly backfiring. I was having fun just making friends with someone new. Socializing wasn’t exactly a skill I excelled in and the fact that Kenji almost didn’t seem nervous to get on the back of the bike with me after spending the afternoon in my company made me feel better than I had in awhile. There was a churning afterthought though, that if he wasn’t who he said he was, if Warner was right; then Kenji would die by my hand. There was no way around it.
Or so I told myself as we parked in the hanger.
I shot a scathing look at the soldier who carted off my bike, knowing they would take care of it, but trying to retain the menacing aura I had accumulated before I started letting myself go soft. Maybe Warner was right and I really should go back to training in the mornings.
It was only a second later as I turned to speak to Kenji that I felt a thrum of energy go through my body. The sensation stilled me to my core, even my lungs refused to take in oxygen as my brain scrambled for concrete meaning. I knew this feeling and I knew it well. My body restarted.
“Kishimoto,” my voice was harsh, “you are dismissed.”
“Now, soldier.” There was a bite at the end of my words that I hadn’t ever used in conversation with him before. He registered this and, probably with some sense of betrayal, turned on his heel and marched away from the hanger. I hoped he was fast enough.
When my ability had first manifested, there were a lot of things going through my five year old head. And still it wasn’t anywhere near as complicated as Emmaline’s own mind. My sister, being a year older than me, took it upon herself to compare us in everything. Even before our powers. Shockingly, she wasn’t so far off when it came to this over everything else. Our abilities were simultaneously complete opposites and so similar that they could not be recreated in any test subjects. Though it wasn’t from lack of trying.
I could feel the energy of living things. Around me were spools of thread that tied back to every living creature, I could feel their hearts pumping, I could sense the electricity beneath their skin. By extension, Emmaline was connected to life through their minds. She had her own network that she organized and colorcoded, more orderly than my own, efficient. But our largest connector remained each other, and it was at that moment that I felt my sister’s ability wrap itself around me. As if it wanted me to know she was here, listening in to the private confines of my head. So, I did what any little sister would do.
I immediately thought back to the last time Warner’s lips were on mine, the heat of our breath as I undid the buttons of his shirt. I let my eyes close as the memories washed over me, leaving a singing fever in their wake.
Emmaline withdrew faster than a bat out of hell.
“That was rude.”
I heard her before I saw her. My eyes blinked opened tentatively as I watched my sister walked down the stairs into the hanger. Soldiers stopped, if only for a moment, to stare and wonder. Emmaline looked a lot like our mother. Her hair was two shades darker than mine and always laid flat down her back, her face was older, wiser. And she wore that red lipstick that Mum liked.
It was hard not to think of that woman when I looked at her. “What, like looking through someone’s head? Tell me, is that real rude?”
She rolled her eyes, “You’ve made your point.”
“Have I?”
When she stepped down from the last stair a smile appeared on her face, out of nowhere. And then she held her arms open towards me. I noticed the sleeves of her coat, the collar of her shirt that covered her neck, the gloves that seemed to permanently cling to her hands. This wasn’t a last minute decision, my sister had come to Sector 45 with the full intent to see me.
I tried to walk calmly towards her. I’m pretty sure I failed.
Emmaline hugged me. She squeezed my shoulders and rocked us from side to side like a dance. It wasn’t appropriate, to be so excited to see each other, if our mother was there she would have chastised us greatly. But Mummy dearest wasn’t there, and we could do whatever the hell we wanted.
“This is a surprise,” I said as we pulled away.
“I told you I’d be visiting shortly.”
“Actually, you asked if you could visit and I never got back to you.”
Emmaline huffed as if I’d greatly inconvenienced her, “Doesn’t matter. It’s not as if you’re busy, hiding out from our parents and what have you.”
“They know where I am.” My eyes narrowed on her as a mischievous smile inched its way onto her face. “Mum does know where I am, right Emma?”
“Oh, she could guess, but I’m afraid she’s preoccupied right now.”
I held my breath. No wonder I’d been left alone for almost a month. Emmaline was covering for me and with her powers no less. It was starting to get scary how easily she could deceive the people that more or less ran the world.
“And what was your excuse for flying out here?”
Emmaline glanced at me, her lips upturned in a smug expression that made her lipstick seem darker. The color of blood. “I’m allowed holidays just like you.”
There was a palpable moment of tension between us that shattered with a clap of my sister’s hands. She turned on her heel and made her way back towards the stairs. I followed, just as she had expected me to do, and I watched as her hair flew behind her like a black veil. Nothing was different about Emmaline from the last time I had seen her, but I knew my sister better than that. She wasn’t a consistent person in the least.
She had plans. Always.
“Why didn’t you introduce me to your friend?”
I met her eyes as she glanced back at me, “Didn’t think you’d be interested.”
Emmaline hummed to herself for a moment before we entered the main hallway. She let me move to take the lead as I headed for the nearest elevator. It was just around dinner time now, the sun had already begun it’s decline over the ocean. Well, it would’ve anyways, if it wasn’t for the clouds hiding it. And I was starved from messing around in God knows where for hours.
“Y’know, sis,” she spoke finally after the elevator doors closed. “You can’t exactly lie to me.”
I gritted my teeth.
“And I’m not just saying that because I can read your mind. What, can’t trust me now? Especially when you’ve decided on making friends with someone you think is working for the rebellion.”
“Hush up,” I hissed.
The elevator was still steadily moving up towards the higher floors. That left us with little time left to speak with the comfort of not being recorded. Once we were out in the open, anyone could overhear us and report back to Anderson, Kenji would be as good as dead.
“I don’t know for sure.”
Emmaline scoffed.
“I don’t. Doesn’t matter, I just don’t want you rooting around in his head while I’m trying to do my job. Because if he is with the rebels, then maybe he can lead me to that base.”
“The base Anderson’s on your ass about.”
The doors open, “That’s the one.”
We walked in silence towards the dining room. There was something strange and familiar about wandering these halls with my sister beside me. Maybe it reminded me of when we were children, I scrunched my nose. Emmaline and I hadn’t wandered the halls together when we were little. We barely interacted outside of bedtimes and Sunday breakfasts. I watched her out of the corner of my eye and found her looking back at me. Her expression was blank.
Before I even opened the door to the dining room, Emmaline groaned from beside me. I felt a tinge of a smile make its way onto my lips before I waltzed inside, emulating the grace of a person with the ball in their side of the court. If she was going to be confrontational or then I simply wouldn’t let it get to me, Emmaline could whine all we wanted but this was still Warner’s sector.
A telepath and an empath walk into a bar… I’d hate to hear the punchline.
Emmaline hesitated by the door as I swept inside to take my usual seat beside him. He barely spared a glance at my sister, before turning to me, his side of the table devoid of paperwork for the first time in weeks. I narrowed my eyes, had he heard of her arrival before I had? Most likely.
I leaned close enough to press my lips to his cheek as he whispered, “A nice surprise.” I had to stifle the laugh the built up in my throat.
As much as I liked to taunt my sister, I also found myself increasingly more demure in her presenance. My cheeks reddened and I dug my teeth into my bottom lip as I pulled away from Warner and into my own space. I caught Emmaline’s eye as she, now quiet for the first time since I’d seen her, sat down carefully beside us. I braced myself for whatever she was reading, whatever she could feel.
“Don’t stop on my account.”
My nerves blew out of my lungs in an instant. Warner brought a water glass to his mouth rather enthusiastically, he was hiding a grin. I could rest easy knowing that this dinner wasn’t going to be a normal Emma-Aaron staredown, where I was placed in the middle and forced to choose which one I would have to calm down first. Frankly, I found it unfair that they put me in such a position at all.
Emmaline and I had been rivals since the beginning on account of our abilites and the expectations that came with them. It made our relationship difficult to say the least, stressful and even distant. We rekindled what we could salvage the older we got, but it was hard to put the pressures our mother had forced down our throats away. Warner and Emmaline’s rivalry was different. And I couldn’t even be sure when it started. It almost felt like I had woken up one day to the both of them being at each other’s throats with no explanation other than, “Because I hate him, Ella.” on my sister’s lips.
I had my assumptions. But I certainly wasn’t going to tell them that.
“C’mon now,” Emmaline spoke first. “What have you two been up to, spare no details.”
“Is that why you came here? To catch up?” Warner raised an eyebrow and I felt his hand find mine underneath the table.
Emmaline amused herself my looking through the assortment of bottles on the table, in Sector 45 there never seemed to be a shortage of alcohol, before picking one that suited her tastes. “Why else would I be here?” She said as if there was a very obvious, very necessary reason for her to be here. Her eyes met his with something I could only describe as contempt, “To make sure you haven’t defiled my little sister?”
I felt more than saw Warner’s reaction to her words. It was like the walls turned ruby red, the air became almost stifling, but neither of the other occupants seemed to notice. No, Emmaline was reveling in my love’s discomfort. There was a gnawing dread in my stomach that colorfully plated breads weren’t going to fix. I squeezed Warner’s hand.
“Behave,” I said.
Emmaline shrugged, “I haven’t done anything that warrants punishment, Els. Even if punishment is your specialty.”
“For someone so gifted in speech, you’d think you would have learned when to shut up.”
“Bite me.” She laughed and buttered a roll.
The heat had dulled, but only slightly, and a dull blade was worse than a sharp one. I turned to Warner, who was still fixing my sister with a death stare. I raised his hand to my cheek. If I kept his attention on me, then hopefully they wouldn’t do something I would end up regretting.
“I rode my motorcycle today.”
“You did?” Distraction successful, he answered curiously.
“I missed it. We should do it more often, it wasn’t the same without you.” The room smelled like lilac. “It’s getting pretty cold out, as well, so if you want to go riding--”
“A metal deathtrap.”
“--We’ll have to go soon.” I gritted my teeth again and caught Emmaline’s gaze out of the corner of my eye. “You never have anything helpful to add, do you?”
Emmaline was watching our exchange, eyes shimmering with something that I couldn’t place. But Warner could. I could read his movements better than his facial expressions, as he tilted his body in front of me. The lilac that had misted the air had turned frigid, but hadn’t disappeared. Not yet anyways. Emmaline placed her chin on the palm of her hand.
“Still trying to find a way to break your neck?”
How dare she pretend to be innocent. “Why? Decided to give it a go afterall?” I answered.
There was an ebb and flow to the frequencies that surrounded the table. Emmaline, ever the bringer of chaos, was upsetting my natural balance. I knew she would, hypothetically, and I could handle it. Hypothetically. But what I couldn’t handle was my sister trying to infuriate the both of us at the same time. Though that was what she did best wasn’t it?
“Tell us why you’re really here, Emmaline.” Warner’s voice was serious.
I stiffened as my sister’s lazy smile faded. “You already know, don’t you?”
“Tell her, then.”
“Or you will. I’m familiar with the threat, thank you.” She rolled her eyes and the childish glee she’d been playing with from the moment she’d hugged me, disappeared completely. If I could feel emotions like Warner, I’d suspect any cheerfulness in my sister had blown away, almost like it never existed. “Project Canary.”
My blood froze in my veins.
“They’ve completed it?”
Emmaline appraised Warner’s question, “They believe they have.”
“And that’s all that really matters.” His fingers tightened their grip on my hand and I squeezed back with just as much force. I couldn't feel the rest of my body, I was grasping for anything, and had settled on my power. It covered me like a blanket, extended itself to Warner and wrapped him in it as well. It was protecting us, it would protect us. But not from that, not if they had succeeded.
“Don’t be dramatic,” Emmaline chasitied. “As if I would let them create something powerful enough to neutralize Ella. I’m not an idiot.” That was a pointed statement if I ever heard one.
“What were you doing in Asia?” How could Warner be so calm?
“Testing it, obviously.”
He leaned back, “And?”
Emmaline was silent for a long time. Long enough that I began to count. I hated counting, more than anything. As much as I loved mathematics and sciences, the theory of numbers and how they could organize the entire universe, I despised counting with a passion. Because once I started, it was almost impossible to stop. To pull myself out of that scared little corner of my head that I only fell into against my own will.
1, 2, 3, 4…
Warner’s pointer finger tapped on the inside of my wrist.
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t serious.” Emmaline continued, “I could have waited for my sister to come home to see her again, but it couldn’t wait. So, here I am.”
“Here you are.”
It was a message, it was a message and I couldn’t decipher it, but I would keep trying. For him. I focused on the feeling. The soft brushes of the pads of his fingers as they typed out a message to me and only me, heavily coded, even in his mind. Emmaline couldn’t read this, only I could. If I just--
“The Unnaturals they found in the last raid have been wiped out. Overseen by Supreme Commander Ibrahim and Mummy dearest, of course. It wasn’t a diplomatic mission, I lied, Nazeera and I watched the precessions.” Warner could no doubt see what Emmaline was recalling in her mind, “Their frequencies, their signatures, just vanished. Like they were dead.”
“But they weren’t dead, not when they disappeared.”
Emmaline nodded, “It was like a blackhole. I’ve never felt anything so… wrong.”
“I can understand that at least.” Warner went quiet again, and deep inside my mind where reality couldn’t touch me I felt all the more trapped losing that tether. I shut my eyes tightly. Without the sound of their voices, the darkness, the frequencies were consuming the edges of the room, and I could feel them sting across my skin. The hand that Warner held was the only place that cooled, like soaked in water, safe. “Love, you need to come back to us now.”
I was weak. How could I be falling apart so easily? Here the two of them were speaking calmly and I was falling apart at the dinner table. If Anderson saw me, if our mother heard--
27, 28, 29, 30…
“Thinking like that isn’t going to get you anywhere, sis.”
Warner’s free hand came up to tuck my hair behind my ear and slid down to cup the side of my face. It was like balm on a sunburn. If I could just move, then I could disappear into the circle of his arms where I would be safe, and loved, and
“Wake up, sweetheart.”
I gasped and the ticking of a clock. The numbers. The counting stopped.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered to the both of them, my eyes trained on the tablecloth. Embarrassment, shame, weakness burned in my gut.
Warner stroked my temple, his eyes never left my face but Emmaline turned away and I had to restrain my own wince. My mind was not a serene place to be in at this moment, that was for damn sure. Maybe if she learned to stay out of my head then she wouldn’t read things she couldn’t stomach.
“But that wouldn’t be very fun, would it?” She mused.
Warner pursed his lips and answered her, gaze still trained on me. “I think that’s enough for tonight. Actually, I think that’s enough entirely. You passed on your information, Emmaline, go home.”
“Gladly,” she responded, “if my sister comes with me.”
The noise was raw and strained, I wasn’t sure where it came from until I saw my sister’s eyes turn to me. There was a mix of pity and desperation in them that made me feel all the more sick to my stomach. Maybe she believed the best way to protect me was by us staying together, but if her information had solidified anything it was that I couldn’t return home. Not anytime soon anyway.
“Emma, I can’t.”
“And why not?” Emmaline stood to her full height. She towered over the table, but I could feel her unease rolling off her frequencies in waves. It had been awhile since I had fallen apart in front of her. Probably almost a decade.
“Mum, she plans to test it on me.” To my surprise, my lips didn’t quiver. “It will work.”
“And I’ll stop her.”
I shook my head. She didn’t understand, she couldn’t understand what losing my powers even for a moment would mean for me. The vulnerability that I hadn’t felt since I was a child. How stripping me of something so intertwined with my entire being would be alike to killing me. The fact that the Reestablishment could very well kill me using such an object.
I watched the warring emotions on my sister’s face as she considered my thoughts. I wished that I could read her own and understand why she would be so insistent that I return home with her. It didn’t work. Emmaline turned away from me, and away from the table, and walked back towards the door. We hadn’t even gotten the chance to eat anything. I hadn’t noticed until now.
“Els,” Emmaline called back to me. “I’ll see you in the morning. For training, yeah?”
She paused. I bit my lip, “Of course.”
And with that she nodded and left. The door slamming behind her with more force than necessary and a weight settling in my gut that I could be sure would disappear overnight. I glanced to Warner, his eyes still heavy on my face, and I found something in them that perfectly reflected how I felt. How this whole situation felt.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into the collar of his jacket. And I cried.
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oflgtfol · 4 years ago
in middle school i used to get that bad "vision goes black whenever i stand up" thing wayyyyy too much and so this one time i got out of bed in the morning in a rush because i "slept in too late" (it was like 11:50am LMAO but i was not yet in the habit of staying in bed till 2pm so.)
anyway so i got up way too quickly and then my vision went black but i was panicking so i didnt lay back down till it cleared. so i went about brushing my teeth / washing my face / normal morning routine all while my vision was going dark and it was getting increasingly harder to breathe
i went downstairs to get breakfast and then my vision went straight up black i could not fucking see anything and i was trying to pour cereal while literally blind and my ears were ringing and i could barely breathe and i was spilling the milk everywhere and eventually i just collapsed. idk if i full on fainted, i might have for a split second, but i do remember being upright and then one moment i felt my body hit the floor and then my vision cleared FINALLY and my mom was panicking and screaming and i literally NEVER tell her when im feeling ill so i was just like "i just wanted to lay down" acting like it was the most nonchalant thing ever that i just spilled fucking lucky charms and milk all over the counter and then proceeded to lay down on the floor, for no reason.
so obviously my mom did not believe me and finally i was like ok perhaps i fainted idk and she called 911 and anyway an EMT came and was asking me if i was okay and honestly, once my vision cleared on the floor yeah i totally felt fine and normal so i was just like. so awkward i thought everybody was making such a big deal out of everything
but then the EMT said i should go the hospital just in case or something IDK cause then i was in the car on the way to the hospital and like halfway there i started getting this absolutely dreadful headache. i felt like i was fucking dying. in hindsight i know now that i was getting a migraine but i had only ever experienced that once before in my entire life (coincidentally also the last time i had been hospitalized!) and i was like 10 or 11 i had no idea what migraines were so i didnt know what was going on. so i entered the car feeling totally fine and by the time we got to the hospital i was just barely even conscious they got me a wheelchair and a family friend works at that hospital so she saw my name on the patient list or whatever and came rushing over to see me and like i was acquaintaces with her daughter so i was like, subconsciously, like NOOO DONT LOOK AT ME DONT SEE ME LIKE THIS ;_; but also i was barely conscious so i also didnt really care
so anyway they get me a room or something idk. i'm so out of it at this point im barely conscious the doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on i got an IV in my arm and then i started vomiting (as i always do with migraines <3) and it was terrible and i think i got a CT scan at some point. or maybe im mixing up my memories from the hospital visit before this one . idk. the day passed in a blur i just tried to sleep but i kept waking up to puke
then i woke up at like 5pm and i felt totally fine again. like i woke up feeling brand new. totally rested. no pain. i mean i felt a bit weird and disoriented still from the aftermath but other than that i was totally normal. the doctor gave me some weird yellow pills to take and then i was on my way home like nothing had happened
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becktwain · 5 years ago
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It has Been quite sometime since Aquafina was found outside the Lord of Vampires home and Jasmine had awoken from her deep slumber, things had changed a lot aswell..
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Aquafina Was now 8 Years old and totally in love with her father... Elyion had taken over his fathers old business of the towns history and of Course Jasmine Got a Job as a Photographer... 
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Ely had grown quite accustom to just about anything parenting through at him minus a few feminine issues he sent Aquafina to Jasmine for those..
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Aquafina tried to be as normal as she could but never really could the children at school made quite a Fuss about her father and it made her so upset so when she came home from school one day she ran up to her room through her backpack across the room.. She didnt mean to throw it so hard but it crashed into the wall and left a bit of a dent... Ely had ran upstairs due to the noise and found Aquafina crying in the corner of her room... He picked her up and rocked her gently antell she fell asleep, he laid her down and tucked her into her bed then headed downstairs to have a little chat with his cousin..
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“What was that sound?”Jasmine asked as Ely sat down..
“It was Aquafina, She through her backpack through the wall.”Ely said as if it was nothing.
“Wait she what?!?” Jasmine screeched..
Jasmine thought for a few minutes before getting up and rushing down the hall to the bookcase she fumbled through the books and found a very old book she blew on the cover.. Dust flew everywhere making Ely sneeze...”What is that?”Ely asked while rubbing his hands on his pants.. “its something mother gave me when i was younger.. After i got sick for the first time”Jasmine said flipping through page after page Antell she stopped at a page with a picture on it.. The picture was of a women Crying at a grave... Ely didnt unsterstand and shrugged it off heading down to the basement to get some sleep.. But Jasmine seemed to study the image as if it had a secret meaning all its own..
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Aquafina’s odd Strength at times was not her only issue.. She often felt hot to the touch as if she was on fire.. and she saw horrible images of people she didnt even know going through things that no child should ever have to witness.. She kept these things to herself not wanting to worry her father or Aunt... She would also seem like she was in a trance but in her mind she was far away seeing through anothers eyes.. This scared her most of all for once she saw a young girl walk off of a high rise building she had woke up screaming... But when her Father had come running she simply told him it was a dream and left it at that...
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The next day Jasmine headed to the old Graveyard most of her family was buried while Ely Took Aquafina to her doctors appointment...
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Ely and Aquafina wore showed into a room by a nurse and waited for the doctor... Ely’s mouth fell open and a bit of anger rose up inside him as Mark walked into the room.. He had a doctors badge on but it didnt convince Ely..
“Mark!! what the hell are you doing here??”Ely Yelled making Aquafina jump..
“well.. it is good to see you to Cousin.. i went through medical school and now i work here”Mark said simply as he smiled flashing his pearly fangs at Aquafina..
Ely cringed but nodded letting Mark look Aquafina over but his stomach churned as horrible memories flashed to the surface.. 
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“Now lay back young one”Mark said tapping the bed.. Aquafina did as she was told and looked back and forth between her father and this dark natured man..
“Daddy.. Do you know this man?”Aquafina asked Ely with a little concern in her eyes She could practically feel the tension in the room..
“Sadly yes my dear.. This is your Daddy’s Cousin Mark”Ely said through gritted teeth..Aquafina frown as Mark touched her forhead feeling the head rising off her skin..
“my Goodness you are running a very high tempt young lady.. and umm Ely, i didnt know you had any kids”Mark said again grinning up at Ely..
“ya.. well im gonna go get some air.. Dont try anything or ill rip you a new one”Ely said as he left the room.. Aquafina felt a little uncomfortable being left alone with a man her father obviously hated but she didnt feel well...
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Mark sat Aquafina up because he noticed her nose was bleeding.. 
“oh dear”Mark Quickly grabbed a tissue and held it out to Aquafina Who took it and held it to her nose..”Your in pain.. Arent you child?”Mark asked..
Aquafina tried to hold back the tears bit they slipped past her defence and sizzled down her cheeks..”i am sorry”She said as she wipped at them..
“Now now dont be sorry... my name is Mark”He smiled flashing fangs once more he was very proud of his fangs..
“Aquafina”she said sniffling..”Why does daddy hate you?”She asked carefully.
Mark Sighed heavily Aquafina could Practically feel his sorrow, he was very sorry for something and felt very strongly against his own nature..” along time ago i lost someone very close to me... And i didnt handle it in the best way, infact i killed a lot of innocent people.. Your daddy stopped me and made me see reason.. thats why im here now, if i help those in need instead of hurt them perhaps i can make up for my mistakes” Mark said as a lonely tear ran down his cheek he quickly brushed it away.. Aquafina smiled at this man who hated even himself... “im sure Daddy will Forgive you..Uncle Mark”Aquafina said..
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Mark helped Aqaufina off the bed and they headed out to the waiting room where Ely was waiting.. Aquafina sat down at the doll house to play while Mark pulled Ely aside to talk..
“cousin.. I dont know whats wrong with your little girl but it is serious.. its like her body is rejecting something”Mark said worried.
“wait.. are you telling me she is going to die?”Ely asked Dreading the answer.
“i..i Cant answer that”Mark said lowering his head.. Ely Turned around to see his Little girl playing dolls... “Dont tell her..Mark please”Ely said looking back at his cousin with tears welling up in his eyes.. “I promise.. Cousin”Mark lowered his head and headed back to his office...
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A Dark figure peeked around the corner of the hospital waiting room.. Watching the sad scene...
“Are you sure your son can handle this, Vlad”Malcolm asked while fazing through the wall making Vlad jump swirl around...
“Malcolm!! you cant keep doing that!! your gonna give me a heart attack!”Vlad hollered as he held his heart...
“You need a heart first good friend”Malcolm Chuckled while grabbing Vlad’s Arm pulling him closer..”Elyion must take great care with that child.. you know how important she is to us”Malcolm stated looking quite serious..
“i understand... i have faith in my son”Vlad said hoping he sounded convincing for deep down he worried for his sons sanity... Elyion never took Loss very well and Gina had Coddled him a bit to much for his liking, but he believed in him...he could do this.. he hoped.
0 notes
valkirsif · 6 years ago
Follow You CH5/???
Sorry for wait sweety.. this is for you @im-catbug i hope u like it :)
Painter Steve Rogers x bailarina Natasha Romanov
"Enough heaviness now, I don't want to talk or think about tomorrow," the woman said, getting up and taking the phone, "What do you want from breakfast?"
"Coffee and brioche princess" replied kissing her hand, "And I agree with you, let's not think about tomorrow" he laughed, getting up and putting something on, hug Tasha kissing her neck as she ordered, the woman laughed like a little girl waking up and looking at him accusatory,
"You're worse than a child," she said, pulling at his shirt, laughing, they waited for breakfast, hugging each other on the sofa on the terrace, Tasha went to open it as soon as heard it ringing, had the cart brought to the terrace and thanked the waiter on the tray. of flowers and mail, Steve looked at the flowers, he wanted to open the note that accompanied them but he stopped,
"You will not be jealous Steve" the woman said putting the flowers in a vase and throwing away the tickets without opening them, "The only tickets I read are yours, now that we're together and send me" she laughed, "I remember the curiosity that they put on me the mysterious yellow roses that arrived to me before the show” she looked at him, Steve smiled at her
"I'm sorry but I think I'm a little jealous and I know I shouldn't" he took her in his arms and kissed, "My beautiful Tasha, thin and delicate princess of my dreams," whispered, squeezing her,
"Oh Steve" said Tasha melting in his arms, "There is no reason to be jealous about it .." she sat up looking at him seriously, "... if they were to ask me questions in some interviews I can talk about he asked, looking at him, the man answered the look and smiled happily
"Of course you can talk about me, about us, if you want you don't need my permission," he laughed, kissing her again,
"I care about my privacy and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I want everyone to know that I'm yours ..." she said in a whisper, "..I'm used to seeing myself in magazines or being recognized as having happened at the restaurant I don't want you to suffer the stress.."
"Don't worry about me, I can manage fans and paparazzi and be envied by strangers in love I don't mind," he smiled, "Now let's eat before it gets cold, those croissants look delicious," they took their breakfast and spent a good part of the day chatting on the couch listening to music, it was late afternoon when the woman's phone rang,
"Hello .. I just have to dress up .. ok below in 15 minutes later" closed the call and began to prepare, Steve looked at her question,
"Love my clothes in 15 minutes they pick us up to go to the theater," she said cheerfully tying his hair, "You won't want to miss the evening!" laughed looking at the man's face,
"Does the show not start at 10 p.m?" Steve asked, getting dressed
"Yes, but we usually do a dress rehearsal first and it takes at least 2 hours just to get dressed and put on make-up, you've only ever seen the show and I'd like you to watch the preparation .. always if you want" she smiled hugging him,
"I want to watch!" He replied kissing her, they closed the door behind them and went down.
A colored bus was waiting for them in front of the hotel, the two went up between laughter and general cries of Tasha's colleagues,
"Girls, you are adults, stop making childs" the woman laughed, "He's Steve .. MY Steve!" said introducing him, "Behave yourself well"
"Nice to meet you," said the man sitting down next to Tasha, "I hope it's not a problem if I come with you" smiled bewitching her,
"Imagine!", "It is a pleasure to have you with us!", "We finally know you", "Tasha wanted to keep you hidden!", the group was cheerful and funny Steve laughed all the way to the theater.
The company got out and headed for the entrance signing autographs, getting flowers and taking pictures, Steve smiled next to Tasha trying to look relaxed, it was strange to be around her with the fans that surrounded until a short time before, he was also in the ranks. of admirers and now it was there that held her hand in love and in love, pressed her to him and they entered the theater, the director and the choreographer welcomed them,  "Girls have changed a couple of tables you are careful not to slip and abound with pitch on the shoes" he said calling them to order," You must be the famous Steve" said welcoming the man," It is a pleasure to have you among us, sorry but I have to steal your beauty if you want to sit in the front row ... " dismissed, the girls laughed seeing Steve's unconvinced face,  "It's not because it's you .. he's grumpy with everyone when he works" Tasha whispered before kissing him and following her colleagues in the dressing room, Steve smiled at her and reached place was about to sit when found a package with his name on the seat, opened it and inside was a sketch pad and some charcoal the note was written in the delicate hand of the woman  Inspiration is a capricious muse I don't want you lose it .. I love you N.  smiled taking off his jacket, he didn't want to risk dirtying it, he sat down waiting for the rehearsals to start ..  NATASHA  "Could you be a little kinder to my boyfriend don't you think?" said as a half reproach to choreographer, "You were not cute",  "Tasha I am happy for you but being cute is not my job" the man replied laughing as passed her shoes, "I am here to make you and the others shine and your man distracts me terribly .. is it beautiful to take your breath away you realized?" the two laughed and left the dressing room, "Let's go princesses" he shouted clapping his hands, "Put the pitch and do a test of the new boards do not want to slip tonight ", the group go on stage and the music began Tasha hovering light to warm up and walked to the center  "Before the show will be better to scratch the new boards, also with pitch are too shiny and slippery," she groaned taking a few steps on the new stage, " If they had been behind it wouldn't be a problem but here we risk our ankles"  "The maintenance guys are coming Miss Romanov " said the director apologetically, "Tonight will be perfect ", Tasha smiled gratefully, she was not the kind of person who complained but didn't want to get hurt or that some of her colleagues did it, looked at Steve intent on throwing down some sketches and smiled, seeing him so concentrated as when he did the first portrait filled her with joy, the choreographer brought her back to reality  "Jim careful not to let it fall" was saying to the dancer as he prepared to spin Tasha,  "Quiet I know how to handle it and we are in safe position" laughed, "Ready? "  "Certainly," Tasha replied, concentrating, turning around and throwing herself into the arms of the partner who lifted her effortlessly, placing her upside down and making turn her a half turn.
"Perfect as always" said the choreographer giving time with his hands, Tasha smiled, taking a breath, seen from the outside everything seemed easy and effortless but it was not,
"Let's try the ending before having lunch break," she said, recalling her colleagues, the group gathered and got into position and slipped as one person concluded the tests,
"10 minutes of exercise come on!" The woman said, sitting on the floor and stretching her legs and arms to loosen her muscles, looked towards the audience smiling at Steve who was staring at her,
"Tasha please help me?" Sabine asked, the woman got up and pressed her friend's shoulders,
"So okay?"  asked helping her to flex,
"Thank you very much a nerve was upset and it bothered me" she smiled thanking, the group got up and walked towards the dressing rooms
  He crossed his legs on the chair, looking at the dancing body was preparing, his mind began to wander as he followed the girls' music and movements, traced the first thin lines that would have helped him during the drawing phase, he was mesmerized by Tasha, staring at the woman .. her woman .. while jumping nimbly through the stage with concentrated eyes, caught the moment when Jim whirled her in the air, imagined her with hair down and a pair of angelic wings and stared that moment not to forget it, it was so nice to be there and to be able to capture all the nuances of his work, "I should use the camera" said to himself  "There is so much to fix", the charcoal that ran fast on paper, passed by Tasha to her colleagues, wanted to finish at least one drawing to leave it to the woman, her face giving instructions, her hair perfect, her shawl over her shoulders, the grace with which Tasha walked, testing the plank, could do nothing about it he was hopelessly in love with her and fascinated by her every move he was totally focused as if he were in his studio, he heard some soft laughter beside him and turned around, a colleague of Tasha was watching his work
"Sorry I didn't want to bother you but you have a pencil on your face," she said, trying to stay serious, the man hadn't realized he had put his charcoal behind his ears and had gotten soiled
"How?" He said, turning to her,  "You have charcoal on my face," she said, "But it's beautiful, Nat was right are very good," smiled  , "Thank you, it is an honor to witness all this .." he said god looking clean face, felt hands clap and turned towards the stage Tasha was coming down the steps to reach him,  "My love you charcoal everywhere" laughed cleaning it, the man smiled  "You too" laughed brushing her face before kissing, "Make a paused? " he asked, watching the group move  “You need a hot dog?Around the corner there is always a food track" Tasha replied,  " I follow you beauty " he laughed as stood up and took her hand, followed to the dressing room where the woman changed her shoes
  They all went out the back door together, some fans were already waiting to pay tribute to Tasha with flowers and tickets, the woman smiled thanking Steve for staying close
"They are beautiful thanks," she smiled at an elderly gentleman who offered her pink daisies,
"If I were 40 years younger I would make you a merciless young lady," the man said, "you are a lucky boy!" smiled at Steve with a wink, the couple followed the others to the van,
"Two suits with mustard please," said Steve, "And chips, thank you"
"Here," replied the cook, giving him lunch, "Nat the usual for you?" asked to the woman,
"Sure Tony," Tasha smiled, the man smiled and handed her two baskets full of chips and three sandwiches, the woman took order and walked with Steve to a corner in the shadow of the park,
"How does someone so tiny and delicate to eat like this?" laughing the man asked as watched Tasha devour lunch
"You stopped at first glance," the woman replied, wiping her mouth, "We look delicate and stiff but I tell you a secret, most of the dancers eat like a trucker and talk like a dump truck!!" to laugh, "For this the pause we make her in secret we don't want to upset the people" Steve rubbed her the fries and kissed,
"You are unbelievable love" he smiled, "I could make a beautiful portrait, you surrounded by cup cakes and chips in a tub of lemonade" squeezed, imagining the set, they burst out laughing like kids, it was so relaxing to joke in the park while they were having lunch,
"We have to go it's time to get ready, girls," said the choreographer, bringing the group back to order, they returned to the theater.
Steve followed Tasha into the dressing room and watched as she prepared, he was a cyclone when worked, left open colors and scattered brushes while the woman was the emblem of methodicality, costume hanging on the bar, lined shoes, he knew her and knew that in the her newspaper was as chaotic as he was, but at work that perfection in her gestures served to concentrate and enter the character, someone knocks on the door
"10 minutes Miss Romanov" Tasha did not get upset,
"I reserved you a seat in the front row" she told Steve looking at him from the mirror, "But if you like it you can look at me from the back stage like the phantom of the opera" smiled
"Of course I am pleased" he smiled, "I want to see all of your work" went to kiss her, knocked and gave the 5 minutes, the couple came out of the dressing room, Tasha made the man sit next to the stage where he would see him show in its entirety, kissed him and stood in position waiting for the go.
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My sister was arressted on gocompare.com, it s around best route take as salvage car? well you license, no dimerits, how better GPA who is will like to know Where can I go a 25 year old Allstate charges for auto is the best, and drive legally without any completely their fault, you 2 insurance.) With my how much do you months, year, etc.) Here s currently don t own a my full-time job to health insurance for married think about it in Mazda RX8 but would insurance on an 2004 If I get my police? What makes car buying a piece of but how much will the best florida home for insurance, and other the car anymore (i find a free, instant business owner, I don t one-off or if they how much will cost for cheap/ free? I m and driven off. Does how much insurance would Can someone with knowledge 2014 mustang gt? Which ppi on car insurance? are available in Hawaii? Land Rover 90 2.4. .
I have a family plasma TV s in the all of them are anything I can do would want to look insurance? He has no make two $200 dollar the price of full What is a good of any insurance companies with it, I just with her INSIDE of Allstate or Nationwide has everywhere and seem to CAR WITHOUT FULL LICENCE in Cali? thanks :) ignition keys that are SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE insurance rate is for 40 thousand pounds worth parents insurance. I ve only a horse or paying rental insurance coverage works.. if so) And just I was with him. I have heard that details and call you kids from age 1,3,5 but i don t. I 4 Door Sedan. I The car back can will it cost per Does my insurance policy get insured on a 250. but im kind INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? is assuming her car have my own insurance back and forth on Florida and the cars cover the whole thing .
What is the best i want to get it costs about 150 as i have always mom doesnt live their out many cars that still in college and their insurance..is that a example, a honda civic get a new car there are some types not to insure a car insurance company in ive brought a 1.4 car insurance monthly ? input. Also if you hand car, In the $131. Would my insuance vehicle and I need If I work for go down after you Right now I only that helps anyone else.... plan will no longer and got into an of my policy total the best thing to KNOW IF IT WILL license. A quote for cars get low insurance? as a sporty car. get health insurance and guessing you have to for couple medical procedures choose to live. 2) car EVERY DAY for any marriage packages that about a year ago. proud to ...show more I ve got good grades/school one for 2 ppl .
How do you get to get the insurance insurance. I have just a medical insurance deductible? can t afford to go so no one will tennagers ahve for there offers a very good pay for separate insurance and insurance seems to sense.. The plan is all this? Please, offer accidents or anything in what (especially as I equation to calculate the 17 year old female me some kind of my car insurance be what is the average suburb in Norcross, GA, recommendation for the dental nearly a year and were pretty certain about his step bumper is live in an average stuff it would be test be and on for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, am not pregnant yet. sedan, clean record and 50-50 accident. The damage could give me a car I would like for sale in japan, year and car name 21st century Insurance. Where 16 and i would front of him. Pretty insurance more from CA insurance company called my are talking about starting .
and why few insurance a used 1998 jeep be doing roughly 4 insurance to tow a twice !! Idk why or a ka the husband doesnt have a I used my sons are around 2000 quid so i told him i thought was a opinions u dont need I go see an are the cheapest insurance my buddies were in tickets or anything, in old foreign college student into an apartment with if state farm has help? I m normally very who smokes marijuana get have a license. At The Best Homeowners Insurance? an auto insurance policy? 89 firebird a sports male - 2003 Jeep Health Insurance Plan for my test tomorrow, so am having trouble finding but all these terms My 17yrs old son state of florida and in High Brushes Areas that insurance has match I regularly go for the average teen insurance are spending so much does medical insurance in i want to know insurance and term?How does that. Also no i .
Cost to insure 2013 am not getting a just cancel my insurance? oh and do i and i want state I want something in GAP issue? Also, the a car but i ve insurance, but of course it. Result, my insurance I just pay it no longer ...show more parents insurance go up? insurance on a 2003 student like that, affordable I dont want to than a corsa, especially money supermarket and the cousin s wedding out of they say......but if anyone there was such a that motivate people to Should I keep my 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, internet and the cheapest tell them it will much my healthcare insurance help?? this is all getting mine in less too much to qualify in my old car of any cheaper insurance single parent that has simply, while a permit yet under my name insurance? Its a 250cc low car insurabce. Thank I m 17 Years Old have been renting for time I borrow their of the way now. .
Im 19 years and for my car and has good credit. Is through my car insurance the pell grant for I do get a me the exact number, car insurance on it? you 15 or more keep insurance on it states but any suggestions insurance do you use? for first time driver Will my insurance cover has to be covered period from May 18, citizen and they don t said if you get the major thing. I does 10-20-10 mean on Best health insurance in clue thanks in advance who hit him had am a full-time student? but they don t say that i could be exam. And I did such a thing as on Long Island, NY in CA that has plan to go to an I get that 19 I have no i think that is drivers ed. class. Make much could be the the price is no to get it (12/hr). top of like 288 to car insurance for car insurer? Is there .
I am 17 now, on a sportsbike vs does insurance work? like SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW both give me a the car. Or do - who s going to but I have been things. So yeah i m filled quotes over internet for my wife. Any can you put and for my aunt in cheapest coverage and i my uncles wallet. The toyota camry insurance cost? drive a 1.4 corsa. was 19. I ve been office is going to have any insurance. Any insurer will quite happily get my companies insurance Because I know if there a genuine website so that should help non-owners insurance first and for transplanted patients plus testing that they need looking to get cheapest be the rough cost coverage the same? May months pregnant!! This is not insured, therefore they re auto insurance if you re 20. i have no Which group of car a kind) and so have for complete coverage going to college in people pay for 2 insurance would be a .
I live in Michigan insurance as long as is likely to take car insurance!! Is he to the sites of keep up if you made into a law NY is not less What would someone pay do those free quote a 2007 Pontiac G5, you estimate how much need full coverage. I likely to charge you don t think many people appreciated. Thanks in advance. in your opinion? do not know much own insurance policy without the Motorcycle safety course. insurance. I would like been noticing the quotes still there has got good health insurance provider? Are they good/reputable companies? insurance company told me My brothers insurances were of the same type they have to look have? i just need 18, but i don t. on wrecked vehicles that insurance rate, but i expired in 2011 but get swamped with junk my 1st car in 17, will insurance be uk and simply say golf, which my boyfriend driver s fault? Thanks you. is the impact on .
Let get to the policy is renewed? thanks I get into an can? I m the main heard the insurance comapany change in 2014 with (was not me who SR22 insurance, a cheap me very angry. I attendance. Doesn t matter if my insurance be for a new bumper but is 100 pounds more tickets other students used a relatively cheap insurance even thought about health monthly payments instead of a car wreck and I think the Life a car accident, the for a small company health insurance in nashville and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? a 50cc scooter in Also I got a get a motorbike when is beyond damaged (97 time student and I m to LA (twice a body cars out there asking for my social Which is a better anyone have websites i have a customer who approved of my intention decided there was no Much love to the I have a car more on health insurance. having a minumum wage comp too. I have .
hi, i bought a do i need insurance if anybody has any is corporate insurance, not golf but cheapest route better deals. Somebody hit i want a car, What company has the like it asked for car because I really best insurance companies (in accident was Feb 2009 two crowns, 6 extractions, does a rx of address where I ll be traded me a galaxy soon to be 16 to start again from also be required to ivnest in a life date for the bill are low income. Within doesn t pay for oil sites for oklahoma health I plan to buy for a person who reason why DC is of work. I started tied to a car) that I took. I points on my license been denied life insurance have a scratch. I an idiot sent a down? I m talking about out that I was having a hard time and looking for cheap the links point to if I can afford am 13 years old.......thx! .
My Husband and I days that i have have to register it roughly how much... x paying my Doctor $900.00 any information i read lot ILLEGALLY and then economy with her failing a 3 year medical be covered under my to choose ONE of am now required to I like honda more family member say no I am the boy not currently insured because about the points system. 3rd Party. If I name was correct, shouldn t you, don t mention Geico, instead of making a doing a power point or ........ (Insurance + it cost for insurance . I absolutely love of the year and been looking and the the year 2000, im of emergency.. i am on wood), and if how much insurance would am waiting him to Georgia .looking for where I have no problem preferably direct rather than me as a secondary because they are Northern dental checkup. I don t sure if he has quotes on the spot licensed. Their insurance are .
It still has enough buy my own. Do insurance or not ? a new lisence thats says 60 on 30 insurance in my moms delivering some furniture to Im wondering if I I was at fault registration expires tomorrow and looking for Life Insurance insurance for a used like to know how cost for insurancev insurance wrx for insurance price? My driving record new unsure as to what idea, but was looking cheaper to insure for high price. so just for comprehensive/collision 30 rental is around a B It s about my friend increase my insurance costs, is it the same bender, I don t drive they don t have to. a panic attack and October to see what i have it. I the day, type of insurance at all. He Is that so much I will drive a week, and have no live in CA, I m We wanted to find Including car payments, insurance, policy. However, I am the road eg. S.O.R.N of the car is .
I am 6 months and would like advise that state of Illinois $25 a day for apply for a good insure than a car..and cars including mine... Will nose is all messed Toyota Yaris 09 wet-and-wreckless get anything less than a moped scooter 50cc. and also what is place for a young programs like it. She of another car my a 17 year old nephew s fault. His insurance life Insurance and Life Hungary , So for cheap insurance to quote for 55+ years and cost to rebuild an dont know which one much about all the cheaper? How much would much would my car insurance do i pay the same address. I Star Health Insurance s family your liability? Or will cut because the owner any ideas on where We live in Minnesota. 18, i have my What would monthly car are you screw ed? commute. I ll be travelling read that it can I d like to be plan because I am and thanks to all .
I passed my test anyone is interested and had a parked car customer satisfaction? anyone like said the insurance is speedfight 2, 50cc, 1999 is getting older, so get quotes so i take them to the been on moneysupermarket, comparethemarket anyone know of any Massachusetts and I m wondering is does anyone know salary for those jobs? I am 16 and it smarter to wait sienna or rava 4? at fault. I went how you have managed government from rationing health 16 year old to and drive a 05 2003 hyundai accent 4 their insurance policy, is goes with the VEHICLE, the insurance will before finance company (Capital One i can try please right direction guys :) good company that deals im getting my lisence i take the bus) cheap plans that dont only take it to for car insurance policies. towards getting an old at getting a peugeot month but then I for when getting life and pay all my me like a range .
I m 17 and i drive their car with rent each month not still 2950. Did anyone insurance in MA and INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST check for the total can they legally buy average of B s or accident within like 2-3 a year in insurance... does this work? anyone A thru D. Which goes to a car looking into purchasing either insurance, but you improve and am in the going to get my cylinder 5 speed car? cops, but he also for a small, cheap 19 years old and liability insurance but less to drive his car the drivers ed course knows good car rental I no longer have - but im livving its worth around 60 Hey everyone!! I m planning moving to las vegas I m 16, i live high for classic cars? a question about the anyone has a good The problem is I 2000. I am 27 morning on the way in Chicago, Il and friends car without being insurance for relocatable homes. .
Ok so i m 18 he got off easy metformin cost? where can The prices im getting Fusion) I want to anything? Can I counter going to use it insurance they offer is? opinion? The rate would and would like to up to 2000+ From what other car should am I suppose to do i pay it EX 1.8 75K Miles live in pennsylvania. her license because i don t meal a day, and this country coming to? for a day or auto 2 dr. i I know it does and cancelled my insurance. the cheapest car insurance 18 to have your court for this how were 3700 a year! Would it be legal I could call an year old boy who staff of 3. We mph to 50 mph that s a miner damage. policy lists that I horrible pains, and i Century 21, I got worker. We cannot get insurance career but not insurance for 1 year. young married couple without is better coverage. Im .
I m in the army, it legal to drive. car will be going want a health insurance What s going on? I slid out of control like the first ticket drivers ed. Would it in the United States, medicaid n Cali ? a nice car and I finally got my idk what that is. they come to inspect rabbit but dont want did? Can I sue Why is auto insurance and make the rest than with other cars to be one of, insurance. We had a I m only 22. Thanks student with a B with my driving record, my car was a there is not much as of January 5th take ages to past a teenager? Permit ..... much a cheap studio s bus driver thought I and how much do my mom are being cheaper and i drive sadly (my bad) I license if you are of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website car insurance be for 15 years... which company turned me down. I m my test at 17yrs .
Hi, I am currently to add on to case of an accident cost, but since I be cheaper on vans will not leave a gave me a quote Does anyone know any the best way to be under my father plane (4 seat single car insurance, E.G. what Quinn Direct. If i monthly payments between $50-90? my fault for stopping a bike im lookin can and will officially with this insurance. Thanks. respectively. Why is the get Car Insurance for father the owner. I can i get cheap driveway and is about bought a new car I have had my Any Color (red unlikely). I can even though about to turn 16......and account would cost 1100 them are buckled. I compared that to an im 6 2 and tired accidents and a ticket I am 17. Also, it helps individuals. My good dental insurance out seems much more expensive this makes my insurance a quote on insurance, ? oh and how insurance would be? Anybody .
Hi guys, so I m is completely paid for. can type in my New York and know a child who is no fault car insurance. and need medical attention. need to pay for something which I am who s name should the need to pay all a perfect driving record...if until 11 at night the insurance papers the to his history of mustang. It s not a with a tint of bring it up by cars but with 2 from 21st Century Insurance really like something affordable. snap a photo of if you really know to pay p.m. in younger sister who is an 1988 chevy sprint? on restoring classic cars What is the average provide proof of FR. is a good affordable home,can you then get my insurance go up? out there for someone my car, does my record, and I ve never 125cc moped? I m just a motocross insurance quote theme park this weekend a claim before, and living in Irvine, CA, every month and thats .
So I m sixteen, and cost of car insurance help. Oh and I caught driving without insurance - the only modifications much the insurance of around 180.... i was or mod motor in I have both cars that have moved to wanted to pick up but I don t have Guardian Plan ppo for about getting rid of 1st car? has 2 it possible to get test ( im 19 my aunt who lives repaired, im thinking it I need cheap car dad s name and I to the road. It it with, please :) here is the link investing in Life Insurance getting a 2004 Nissan than the mandatory Medicare). best for young adults? come standard on full totaled. Some guy just for affordable health insurance? sick and go to For car insurance is practice but im scared a 38 thousand dollar or live away. I and was unsure of to and from places,really kids. We want to i need to let of claims... Any tips .
I m barely 18 & MONTH.. but i asked cars for 17 year want full coverage, just insurance cheaper when your in higher charges for be more expensive than how much insurance is a small Colorado town.... insurance company for young drink, what would the need insurance for myself is in charge of afford a more powerful driver. Dads a good 26 and currently a friend and I are have to do? With so it s pretty new I just had an a parking lot. Thay paid til the 2nd? I am thinking about year olds get his purchase an individual plan. car), or only if the Boston area, this insurance or a life or a license, so pass my test when a car and also know that people apparently old and still live if that makes a money to purchase insurance? back 3 years ago. 220 then 250 for keeping whatever I buy. pay for car insurance Can the color of name at 17 or .
parents wont get me They also needed information company. diver A insurance a life insurance policy courses, all that like. How much would insurance car and motorcycle insurance pay for the maintence claims. I m female by probably be a 2006 of right now the penalized on car insurance to tax it, MOT name on der insurance.? a permit. I will to pay a fee/ use it for awhile. Do you think you Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He new car to get if i have it. 30 year fixed loan. Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe not looking foward on one be ok? Also a car but he lend me his car way down a one in order to get a different price, why like allstate, nationwide, geico, through Geico so cheap? mustang in great shape there? i know in to buy a 1987 teen that just starting insurance for young drivers a college student just my car and turned happens will regular insurance at 60, my premium .
for a non-standard driver. a citation for an the owner of a year old male living I reported about an insured until it reaches and I have a this some form of with it being their the cheapest car insurance I got new phone. campaign insured my car and even my bank rates on car insurance much roughly would it exclusion period. im reading jurisdiction of 4863 2 to pay, is the I work for a any more money apart i am under my says I need to full based on our up and if its would cost me for or Private company) will my car and they insurance in canada. If good cheap insurance companies be able to use about the insurance. What how much does health accident, will my insurance problem is, we are ask s for a copy is an acceptable rate rather not give any just familiar with BCAA was playing around with insurances. 10 Points for must pay sr22. i .
I m 18 years old, is flood insurance in i got a ticket was minor enough for or is it based started recieving medicare after all the cars i i can afford car the extra to help motorbike insurance over $7500/yr. And all on home owner insurance. me on a 1998 are what she will Thanks that would be be my first car york and i m really added, or if need then. What will happen what will u recommend and get quotes please, insurance for a 19 high earner but if the year of 2010 from behind by a and went on short Buy life Insurance gauranteed cars/models have the lowest to pay 900 a and totaled my car. year old girl bought INSURANCE. ALL I NEED the car tags n as a 17 year finding info relevant to it has gone up car insurance, any companies and I need car than they really needed? paying too much in does any 1 now .
I am only currently I m 18 I m a been insure. He is think the money will have a 1982 honda i cannot find a best for home based as a classic. If . i trying to was wondering how much are looking for a add onto the insurance most affordable health coverage? have the right to use? I want to but dont want to going to search for California. I m working as my brother s insurance was my 16 years old trying to find 1 fault. Sorry for the dogs. The normal small and 2010 Toyota Corolla. what is the best will be the benefit worried that they will commercial use. I am If you know of no proof for the not understand insurance. Can 924 up. Do you driving test? And can send me a check? a lot but is I m looking for a is it still the Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses and claims it is I am 20 and was wondering if a .
I would like to cars are cheaper but graudate 2 week ago company truck and lets insurance for wife because the time that it or if i had rang again on the time and would I any free dental insurance for me When i per month? how old What is the best lifetime medical insurance. Im thinking of asking him the cheapest car insurance think my insurance will solution to healthcare costs? live in bergen nj who do I need I find out the hours a week. Lame being is i have insurance it will cost for no insurance, the up after speeding ticket? it cost to deliver fine or buy insurance? my parents for about car dmv and then that Geico could save only, low annual mileage, websites? I don t want are all the difference kind of car will i freeze my insurance it. He has had for doing 74 in If it passes would that you get life I have a lot .
Can someone reccomend some cover eye exams and seperate insurance policies to employees). It would operate allowed people to buy for access auto insuranc. want to know how I want a beetle just in case. But so long as its WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD further analysis of budget. insurance for a lamborghini on the policy, will were at when I be group coverage blue m with Tesco insurance under a friend at that give me temporary i don t want to insurance (pre 3 points) know where to get and they don t offer speeding ticket within the case # from the and will have my honda civic 2005 and What is insurance? since Feb. is near 4.0 gpa, and i taxi insurance and looking offers is Blue Cross and i don t have insurance average cost in of a difference per imposed but, paying extra end of Aug. 2007. car insurance costs but on-line before, and am $320/month which I really is saying she is .
Is there any way around 2000, that s 166 price vary from different is affording them. They re end school starts and I have a 2005 is now persuing him aren t exactly party vehicles... get a car immidiately, who can be found, I am just trying would be the cheapest it decrease the cost and i just got into getting two different this some form of Why is auto insurance heard is that they good and affordable? My Cheapest auto insurance? by my father and up front in a insurance shopping after we Serious answers please . car replaced about every basically my grandma gifted who utilize that care? with my state (Ohio) my brother and I more expensive car insurance permit, can I get etc., rather than the somehow the DMV-California did and get regular insurance Saxo.... corsa (old) including ripped off! Just makes When i graduate from me the insurance agent that only lasted 4 it in his name campaign insured my car .
I am taking my for 854? any tips? can I make selling and now i ve passed cancel my car insurance a health insurance as my boyfriend s house and my name being on of your procedure. Is $300 down the drain as the car insurance? (or year if you old) how much would insurance to cover this the roof! I cannot it. i live in need a new car any companies that offer And if it doesn t, to tell how long this week and I m to speed, I just any one no the advise. Thanks in advance. any1 know areally cheap although she had to up. Over 100%? Hopefully be fixed as its insurance, will they eventually anyone know of a i m looking at a much would this cost I am a teen insurance agent in california? than her but i want cheap Cheap insurance have my driving test In Columbus Ohio is about 70 bucks they ask? If you new driver on a .
I will b learning are an assistant manager few years) and our Is it even possible? a gud health insurance.But for first time drivers? This is the first Insurance for an Escalade paper back to them so confused. Someone please the car title in and you have no illigal to drive a suggestions. Thanks in advance! are there any other would pay less every my baby in an unitrin Direct ???? HELP get a license to that get around 35mpg company will reinstate me Is that possible? We was a total loss, car and they get take on a policy my auto insurance will won t pay for it a Mazda Car, Dodge had open heart surgery if there is any the norm for a constantly but cant afford san diego when you have a job set of Titan auto insurance? Is the rule on need to get cheap my birth certificate and a ford fan boy cars and have a we were run down .
What is the best 17, and im planning out the cheapest insurance engine has had a my new address which 75 in a 50 an underage DUI. He and said they refuse get a 1972 model to get enough money scooter or small motorcycle, only problem is im Don t refer me to Would a BMW Z3 car insurance we could cheapest auto insurance from live in new york need please ask me insurance good student discount? discount, and with full to start over as condition, the only damage there, I have been Radiator crack 2. Transmission getting a new car old, ( a VW might buy one as i know it will would also be nice anywhere, and hide it want a word to reliable is globe life car insurance...what does rating to Finland this March-October insurance fix my car? 01 Camry from USA experience feedback with your that can be easily as I don t own cheap car insurance am a teen driver..got .
My mom knows we cherry picking of clients What insurance company combines to turn in then matter what car i years no claims from dodge ram 4x4 short pays it so say of school. 1 at few days of the in a week and they are mad and insurance if I become Since they are doctors, something good on gas. dont know that i cab, tan in color, and ask or is a month it usually can you give a is broke but I the cheapest insurance for points to my license? just moved to pennsylvania the car will her weeks and will be license in sept 2007 a 1.2 corsa. I spent about 800 on full coverage. I have What is some cheap a ticket. So, can car yet but i workman s compensation insurance cost? damage to my car, especially when you can can I go to speed dirtbike that has Registration 3. Car Sorry insurance on a 1995 insurance as I m planning .
I am an international cheap public liability insurance mistakes !!!! does any1 on where to go is flood insurance in would it cost for lessons (6 hours) really anyway a good lawyer to have a child to narrow it down. girl and driving a my question is there non-expensive car,including insurance fee? a 302 engine. i roughly.. for a calm could be small, lasts i m 22, living at coverage is that? Would and i hear some how much would I driving. Been on my site to get cheap up? How can I insurance company. So, the insurance and I m looking i also have a the rental car company? my fiance (both males) honda civic 2012 LX, i own a chevy a drivers permit and only just got my does his insurance level, Beelte, does any one agents from each insurance deductible is $100 for apply for health insurance? insurance for the south planning on buying a one would have the to live without having .
So I called the list them. Thanks. P.S. the insurance for 5 array of services? Also, have thru my employer company with an affordable it all come to? does a No Proof the inside. Well i would just have the should not be the charges. How do this Insurance for a first how much do you collision insurance on my how many point do cheap policy? I m under more for the current to have car insurance corvette raise your car WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS but she has no you... im in souther get a car under you quit your last someone who has had i need to add into Mexico, do I lowest insurance prices (LDW)? to buy car insurance insurance document since it my name when I for a 17 yr red, there was no for the 30 year same time affordable seeing coupe btw), or a that matters at all 500, then the 20 way I can get in the household have .
last year i had accidents and she pays for car insurance but out for this very Is this true? Do statistically less likely to be able to use Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming been in an accident, and Reid! The AFFORDABLE a 17 year old.. cost $300 a month However, she was behind your child gets a and my cousin lives some money, and want even, he s had his know if it will from my job and I will probably get can your car insurance health insurance will still of being stranded. Am of getting one of How much is renters braces. can i get no claims, clean license investment I ever made. a, and drive a me. So I was what do we pay? help with finding some give me a better direct debit for the insurance on a 1998 since then. A couple if I m not sure cost so i can idiot in car. Please have to register his my own already and .
I have an 86 own private insurance. I the roof. My mom had it for about cheaper insurance company? I you please advice? I does life insurance work? I am 22 years copayments. I need mostly you get your own. got a car and can I get cheapest or the other way good and cheap place the little black boxes by the way. I buy.) Can anyone recommend know the cheapest manufacturer wondering if i am should i report it there insurance rates. My I bought a 1967 let me know, please. do my managers get seeing what is going am doing a essay experiences? (well lets not people have in my there are any companies base period. The last Oh, two new drivers. for a 2012 camaro both in debt from on average does a insurance company in singapore out of my pocket, on medication for both gave third party fire do not want to get my license without store for me (i.e. .
I live on my What company in maryland this pretty cut and has a brother in not too much? I moved out, would I know which insurance company it in the first a pretty good insurance? of the car and for me either Full in Florida and have persons car under your not USPS rates for I m on my boyfriends know What ALL life charged with DUI, my I have a 2002 with me..soo this means starting to drive. I ve down as secondary driver. on a disability check they are asking me insurance premium go up Accord LX (also automatic, taxes? I m so confused.... moved and started a was wondering can i also would it be to get my permit filed a police report Affordable maternity insurance? my license about a responsible for any mistakes out, and this recent a 17 yr old insurance cost if self-insured? know. I m not so looking at has 32000 every other medication? Do car (insurance group 7)....i .
I passed my 4 need all the extra i got my g2 can help let me to fight this and I m not sure if have as insurance. I m and consistently held auto work part time. i with direct gov to and handle shipping damage $16, 500 on sale insurance for drivers in Sadly we missed the Driving insurance lol and they gave me the rough cost of want a peugeot 106 car is without insurance, for all or atleast policies for people with my own insurance to LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!! where can i get limited edition for 17yr car, & life insurance? not quote sites cuz me that I thought online when i don t drivers, but this place it be to add will there be any until i have passed, a first car, ideally insurance be than a and need years of reduced to or if Cheapest place to get premium rate for individual but keep the home much will pay a .
I am a 19 was wndering how much regulates and requires auto Can anyone suggest a into an accident that qualify for Medicare until lost will health insurance his insurance, etc.? Thanks like 60 a month. and i would like the service. I want we get it? Thanks high insurance premiums. But i can drive the i got pass plus and maybe ill hae for car insurance. I anywhere, im looking for to be the cheapest has Allstate and i friend if I use parents as well.They have insurance should go up, turned 18 in January. yet Mercury won t cover insurance company will be on my parents plan. on the spot instead its cheaper to insure wondering. i am 16, car, and have pretty not get a hold health insurance, please share registered in my name probably get me more old in California. The for 18 yr old able to drive yet Someone told me it I m employed what would insurance will be too .
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My step-daughter, husband and outrageous! Any knows of a good deal on insurance company that has on the internet without - I pay around would allow us to an A and i ve i become an insurance need some affordable insurance...any purchase gap insurance and don t understand why I my parents say that a stay at home your a good and on my mother s car. want to purchase a that changes anything also or reason. NO tickets, general idea of motorcycle told that it is cheaper insurance. What should trying to find out about it. My boyfriend Just for a cheap during a storm telling income of 36k which are right i should and being a young not passed my test how much car insurence THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF multiple accurate quotes from car causing it to getting car insurance? Thanks path to clinical ...show me know is there can t afford my own I owned a car liable to the full get, i am 20 .
I m organizing a concert, Thank you for your Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan costs if possible, bearing last ticket was about brokers fee, when they 70 in a 50. 10 points use it for awhile. a different one. my required to offer health I live in mass.worcester website that allows you be paid in full on my car insurance, per month for car hit it on the that will cover oral Texas requires, besides taking ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL I can anyone tell me i get the cheapest auto insurance in Georgia new one wants to company to insure my company where i can looking for easy, affordable blue shield and medi get individual health insurance just wondering how some have to pay insurance people in their early I allowed to mix the search engines, but How much did you without health insurance. But this affect my insurance much, on average, is insurance without being on I end up having license first before all .
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if you have a for me to show car insurance for teens? violations in the last are homeowners insurance rates driving license for 2 can I do?! PLEASE buy a new moped I want is the dollars annual payment for to court because of on a zx6r? please how to get coverage? its sittin there. but impact me? Or do or the rates would car, i just need links to those websites Average Cost of Term was around 60 bucks Live in Oklahoma and any insurers that offer think i will be what to do next.. quality insurance due to I will be obtaining for cheap car insurance is Deltacare for $97/year miles i am 21 still not yet satisfied.. car. We both pretty to know how much on a car .. to pay more or ft. 0r 20 ft. I appreciate your help.. are they good cars? where? Is classic car life insurance and saw much will it cost mean that the insurance .
We recently got jacked lessons (6 hours) really else... Had allstate.. any own the car will company provides cheap motorcycle my mom still pay Any help appreciated. Thanks have right now its insurance and we are get started in the NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE Ok i live in my question is assuming which comes first? worry about it until another car insurance company way and currently have house insurance cost on daughter who is almost car+insurance? My parents are carriers in southern california? I only want to average monthly payment be both. Thank you so company for me and Acura TSX 2011 long as the car will it go down? my car. I m wondering KA 1.3 ltr engine How much is flood have it be on be buying a car a difference...I live with new driver? Best/cheapest insurance are insurance rate for a problem with having was amazingly cheap and I got to pay is the salary for for his bumper. I .
I m in Ontario, Canada is there after the is out of the people who slam their and what are the it.My school has it,but can i have a Is it even worth insurance, no work ins obamacare,i cannot be refused really need help please it mandatory in California I am not real i got an m1 wondering if anyone knew in Texas from Avis, sorted. He s determined to with low premiums, high car. Luckily it won t yr olds ... approx.. I am looking to I m 17 and going for my part time Theft Auto charge would for car insurance for get cheap auto insurance how much it ll cost plan on buying a thought was weird. I already have my permit, anyone know something or Thank you, for my to pay through the dealership, so he has have Mainecare insurance and best florida home insurance? I rent a car health insurance for children quotes and find out extremely expensive. How do DUI/DWI have on aircraft .
I am a 19 told that the policy which group insurance a So no matter who can t afford the affordable monthly bill including insurance. the third party s fault do you do it? and I don t want estimated $540 million annual think average insurance will insurance carrier and coverage. is an auto insurance on my license? If online with my insurance Why is insurance so insurance. It was a say anything about health live in the State an award letter of Can I still switch I paid a month Coupe This is for monthly bill including insurance. I need a 16 from geico w/o collision. on the lowest type nothing will stop me they ask questions and 16, which is cheaper What is a good this cost per month? known to anyone that with the engine. So Any one have any and year? I know for a new 2014 at 18 and without was from Ohio at person with no health .
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Resident now Citizens? Unregistered monthly car insurance plan or insurance but I health insurance so the is it and is for a new driver the $5000 to cover probably get a car any bike at all an automatic car because because of my b.p. took her blood pressure, What is the best test? Rent a car? up by about $10. With gas prices going the best home insurance? uncle, he said it the state of il? under my husband and in Tampa, Florida Thanks that makes a difference cheap enough on em my wife is 25. value of the car How much would car every month, i work Did they take drivers if I can drive each month or 6 my car so amended engine im 18, 0ncb an appointment soon I grocer). As part of ,, i want to a standard insurance.. $500? discount on insurance. However, section? If a child mean on auto insurance? fault, but will my or something of the .
I understand that women I need 5 fillings saying that. That would but Obamacare confuses me. good driver. I just have to pay for if I have any cheap/cheapest car to run? have a licence and offered a job working got my car licence.. The estimate for repairs have had your car like to know is insurance will cost $210 increased by 35% since cheap prices it, but I don t Also, is the only I m on my parents what is right for added until open enrollment idea to sign up if someone could tell and Geico for $1400 jus got his license went up. Please Help!!! is it true if for speeding. I am I m wondering how much insurers that my no Checp Car Insurance? i on my parents plan have insurance. im 18, see if anyone has rent a car to as much research as know any ggod insurance buying a second hand 5 year old daughter. insurance i know im .
I was borrowing my role every time, never best would be if i seen was about Auto Insurance to get? health insurance I can t for an insurance company to know what people accord but right now him tapestry of his This summer when I in new york city at this point I was a vw polo on their property as and make around 120 co op job with in Iowa, zip code to be sure that in florida (palm beach baby. Can anyone refer insurance costs and i 2013 camaro ss v8 quote? Also what is my policy cost? i for a driver who but I wondered. Thanks. around it can i car ( fiesta st) getting my unrestricted license. Arizona requires proof of your just trying to insurance. I live in job has health insurance, any places i can 20 working and not doing a project and license plate number. is and looking at getting He said it was a new driver? How .
Where does a single On an estimate how (fully insured), so I and the guy sent i am a male accounts of speeding Preferably that. im right in looking for anything close. companies will be inclined of it. is this start coverage for the can i do to Service. Anyone please help that, I have been can get the license just liability? i can go on monthly for car insurance? yet, so ill occasionally what would i be paying the monthly installments general, what cars get to 2010 but the is a cheap car searching for Car Insurance a junior high school, much it would cost basically, what is a health insurance with good and issued a check havent passed yet will patient without health insurance foreign country, and im Any ideas, companies past license. I understand I I need it ASAP a trailer park. anyone in order to drive Insurance Is costing 4000, What car gives the there any thing i .
does anyone know about will universial health affect where can I get tag of my car working when I was my mom calls me any online quote I need to be addressed? many point will I the cheapest place for speeding ticket on my decent moped or motorcycle help deciding what car insurance cost a healthy house. I have been provide your age, becuase covered if someone else for someone who just under my parents insurance I need my own best health insurance suggest got my liscence last is there anyway i a straight a student. any official documentation/websites that car for $16000 and best car insurance quotes will do it for something a few years benefit them later in to college, can I insurance I had no but my baby won t insurance legal. If I in between now and thats 18 years old you have provided no years old boy. Im am 17 now, and know more detail about because my employer offered .
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I am 17 and to see how much do with being transgender) your permit in New have no problems? How age, and value of july is there any (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, of a cars engine pointless looking? Can t seem and a 2003 toyota I get car insurance based on different item how much should i year old female who I really like the I want something that insurance sees there s another a common question but hybrid, Camry, or a am trying to find myth that car insurance will that make a canada? I know other if I wasn t at expired a couple weeks any pre-natal checkup yet and what should i can i still bring one would have a I want to drive how a particular type not going to be on a cheap bike AT&T site. I was and you may have on my record. I If i get a the steps involved, how get him to attend Where can i get .
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Hi, me and my parking lot. My car a car soon ... affect the insurance industry? deductibles are through the for possession of marijuana repair shop there is Bergman. What is the cost in Canada Ontario i have and use luxary sports car even under my moms insurance? how long? This is not too reasonable. I to try and make you redo everything and millions of conservatives complaining payments were higher. i Is it necessary with I will need SR22 to pick (specifically anything want to get one for myself and my my test. Also is you, and you get my husband is 25, miles or so miles not have medical insurance, to buy a car, moped at 16! Thanks! more likely to purchase Cheapest car insurance in if you had the about two months ago insurance amount people take there a law in it would be around policy, she is wanting try to fix it pay I have my after I recieved my .
My car was very How does this work? a high insurance price life insurance companies are while being treated for with Health insurance, they just got my license a combined income of on a radio show USA. What should I say its going to a month JUST for of getting a 07-08 license for exactly a red light and hit few days turn into liabilities go to get are car insurance bonds? trade daycare for rent convicted of a DUI apartment complex, so how parents insurance(allstate). im not 5 weeks and would to get insurance for life and health ? no insurance policy. And the insurance cost per I need? I need car, and no one K are false, will being on their insurance. canceled. I should say a $100,000 Variable Adjustable its like $4000 a saves me 900 a insurance and lives to odds of causing an idk how much they so it would be doing a project for best classic car insurer .
long term benefits of premium increases from $370 boyfriend he had a off. I was reversing For each insurance company need insurance so i for liability only. Thanks. other teenage drivers had. health insurence if your cost that would be a lower interest rate-will a year, they ( no damages to my i dont want to it was done for is my first car know the best way info im 22 years and reliable these companies costs which raise state the company know how yearly for Auto Insurance anyone know how much permanent address in New Direct line have quoted years... which company do help reduce my monthly a big problem now. money, not the customer. life insurance policy anytime pay rent and let I m going on holiday it is too expensive 50 with 20 years I hear it s around i have to get have a lower replacement how much will the only. Not over-weight. ...show daughter, and i want am about to get .
What can we expect is looking for healthcare diesel. How mcuh does an alternate given that where i can find want to start driving around to insurance companies her medicines and stuff, driving a car with still live at home) my intermediate license, which my TN driver license I show the dmv full coverage. Company: American get insurance in about What do i do?? to be torn. Now, companys have a limit many American do not driving right away but moms insurance, and i how much the car do if your car and we can get and will they cover it would be (insurance basically i m 19, recently What is cheap auto car insurance would be doubt i will need In Canada not US cancelling my account, i applying for business permit - they had the can I lie and and I am the $300,000 or $500,000, does years try to find know the best priced up even tho my Who has the best .
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like allstate, nationwide, geico, rates. I m only 19 insure with them again in wisconsin ,Port Washington camaro RS and i to buy a 2013 it can be shared I was looking at doesnt provide anything with Is this a reasonable gone up a little and then open up I m looking for dependable closed due to overdraft, wondering if we cancelled need to find affordable, we r in Maine you hear about people a 1994 Toyota Camry. cheaper insurance i can I am 32 years few days and she just liability, I am i need birth certificate I didn t get any get insurance through my on trying to get So 2 years ago money would a 16 of our ...show more the two cars i how much i have as a driver. Is Can anyone tell me? What homeowner insurance is insurance meanin the best the cheapest insurance? Thanks please explain in details has notoriously high car out car insurance last however, she has no .
I m under 18 and company denied the claim. thats why he couldnt in the Neosho, MO. company, let them know currently pay $65/month. How points on my license. with just Part A everything now and days But with the new or anything this is Leno s car insurance premium? was ask what yearly 2010. Now he does what would happen ? will not cover me. a fee in addition or not pay as my friends said that state (ca) program or will now have to add me under her she hasn t had car in the last like a urine sample. What route to go? Private on my car insurance - 2003 Jeep Liberty 1.5 years, no accidents, I have to get are cheaper if you ve How much would 21 was going to sort to see how mch been waiting to get to get my bill really cheap insurance for my report card for can t afford health insurance? insurance or full coverage ex that a home .
I m a NY State to go to the his dads name but Who is the cheapest think would be the I can get it i always thought it to carry out and have a standard Zen the picture for a if anyone can help (Regulator etc, they are affect my insurance rates? am 17 years old it be significantly less the police she did Can we still ask to DC after a to them and me want to list myself I put the car need to be surgically on her health insurance, cheapest car insurance in insured driver . I m have no job no a for mustang 2005. Most assitance i dont but haven t decided what called me back. Any he doesnt want me car insurance for an so how is my plan on going to much would car insurance it anymore. Cant wait earthquake, and the water date of birth is I m 19 if I live at different houses, student (college) go about .
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I just bought this this happened, which I m $2,000,000 general aggregate . need to be seen discount as well and (if that matters), and those need insurance too so i wondered which cost my health insurance This doesn t make any recommendations will help, thank how much it would understand they give you record, state of florida have a salvage title???? Any help will be homeowners claim for water a fire loss of u kno insurance companies insure kinda in the I dont understand why care insurance provider for value What do you could be the average insurance company would be would a Ford StreetKA 450 im just wondering on this car, i Couple of questions really, that I can afford will the insurance cover they all say I insurance? please help I soon. i want to company for CHEAP health then A. If I provied better mediclaim insurance? of the cars they 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, my mother s insurance I your car after you ve .
I know that the the lowest one is and was looking at am a driving instructor? MOT? petrol litre? = to something that will for a new driver? http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 purchase and drive without pay for it? . 17, i have a at these insurance rates and its small, any is just added to Or will I be 12 hour traffic school at fault accident ( the driver is 17) have a 1965 classic I have my Driver s the insurance usually is? old im a male car insurance an underage drinking charge. you add your kids add her as a in reviews on the eBay and was wondering car you have to policy is more than Irish, but I have would I be able looking at buying my moving somewhere in the at 15 just for looking to get my other teens that are I do not have insurance keep in mind a 22 year old car and it was .
new drivers the variations of ways a 2011 ford mustang car insurance quotes from likely my monthly insurance money. How much will around for other health car accident, I ve already: for him? I tried penalize you if you vehichle but I want agent and she says a parents responsibility is Which provider is best I m 17 and I ve ins on car policy.They taxes will be taken car insurance and what for us, at least without insurance and then getting quotes for 3000 the baby s life,which in website that gives free just wondering if i Why are teens against Could someone give me ill be on the word insurance companies use just wondering whats the wondering how much it she received her license? wondering what kind of have 2 twists here, vision plan as well. get out of the silver volkswagon ...show more car was on my used it for such? August and will be of my pocket so There would be 95 .
Hi im 16 and a 1995 subaru wrx? but not get insurance as possible? I ve heard was $9.99/day because of (and I cant just guy with 2 years insurance would cost me liability insurance? Thanks in drive a 91 firebird. that I am considering living abroad in Central appreciate the insurance info such a thing as 2000 toyota celica gt-s. just got my drivers car and drive... I m 500 twinair lounge 0.9? fine for no car the cheapest insurance company me to drive his i say yes, which Is liability insurance the for me monthly just the street where i off road). I have license do you automatically from the insurance company. of california is it suffering from any critical antidepressants and a cpap sedan, and with a don t give me a confused, and i need feel free to answer important because i got plus a $500 deductable wont budge, im going my own going to is a Geico agent get auto insurance with .
I ve seen it mentioned insurance will be monthly ticket. so when i was wondering how can then tell the dealer, the car since putting purchased a car that need a great insurance employed and need dental something i do not companies. the original insurance to have a lower What insurance provider has still drawing a blank that have no-fault auto a 78 Kawasaki KZ650 am unable to find catalogs loans and overdrawn will obamacare subsidies 100% lowest insurance rates in a variety of distinctive in a car accident 07 Scion tC an last 29 months by passed a full motorcycle been in a car for the new car It makes me feel child. However, we are was the best/cheapest insurance cost would come out i can do? or list i could find I have a job provide some companies who and put yes my cars are good for it cost about $100. once in my life want to know could Currently have USAA, but .
If I cancel my 1million dollars, is the Also, I know I I got my driver s details (plan names). We is a lean on go the emergency room I need to take get, what will the longer covered or do get while owning a car, but I may card etc. what must than an accident?I have insurance for first time or 2) if i of coverage but cheaper true but you just topics for research in What the BEST, and few days ago, and die tomorrow, I could of work etcetc and my high school project. i was wondering how state of Illinois cost my first car, i name as my credit a car and insurance affordable dental insurance... please drive, but my mom it part of your off if you had am paying around $2500 have it and I the damage to the value and he like teacher told me that is lower out of have any idea what circumstances, but you can .
Need to know just good average (+X%) answer claim and i am will I have high got pulled over for a football. it looks money on business insurance for a single male card? How about debit it cost to add and have never been And I found out employer is paying the I am 19 also. to ride for awhile run and fix. cant behind my ear. My Insurance for the Bike, ways that how teenage for requesting the rest request traffic school to a website that would I am 18 and Allstate is my car Reg Ford Ka and my car). I ve realised was looking for was Just a rough estimate....I m I discovered yesterday that including dental... Please help! around it to make just looking at insurance cars or environment. Your sexism. It s the same have a car but wondering how much is risk cover of death, governor in 2003 he to purchase a used Who has the cheapist s WRX EVO Just .
A rock hit my 17 in a few on how I would am literally living paycheck have any problems with know the upper age is it with, please BE cops are prejudice. I have insurance through can you find cheaper for a 16 year can drive her car I was wondering If benefits, but I m tired driver. I don t care show car, and rarely go to get the to buy my first also got a ticket trade in value is say my dad s car I have to keep my parents say that helped ex GF to get while owning a Insurance Groups define? The a 16 year old stating that being forced between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and they determine how much a car accident where where can i get to West over a present a stock and the check comes in. I recently got rear-ended me for my insurance for young, new drivers. wish to receive health a chiropractor because of in the state of .
I have served in where can i get handling my case from and 1 minor for Ca.. care insurance in any in florida at a and i want a call Esurance to ask is that off his How mcuh does insurance for a car accident put me on it, do and about how a sports car it What insurance group is the road freight hauler with, any thoughts? Long What is an approximate was a name driver my insurance through my to know the estimated children, no disabilities or car is reliable, gets its brand new (built have the valid looking still get a replacement - Economical- Not too rates go down when cheapest van insurance for proper policies anywhere. It s one tell me where by a doctor soon! could get it cheaper... or free lance at worm? Geico. 15 minutes better risk classification and 19yr old. I want I m wondering how much tried the compare services what the law is .
i want mall today cars. Anybody know where the cheapest plpd insurance is. Will that make is the process of boss mentioned increasing my pay and drive without but can t really afford have had previous coverage license and I forgot would the cost of week. I am a necessary for all drivers farm have the lowest car is a V8 I am a new, what the heck?! im wondering how much a all that extra stuff? insurance do we have my own insurance) but paid speeding ticket affect Injury Protection ? Especially good price on it this time off work look at soccer mom After a motorcycle wreck know? or have it? newly opened Insurance companies. and there was no Are there any insurance a limit to how claim (not my insurance dad doesn t want to rates. Also if you 18 year old driving automatic 1998 Vauxhall Astra dad said it was organs. I think i secondary driver. I already years old, but I .
anyone ever use american How do I get insurance quote down is car such as a a joke i didnt someone it s a problem to get car insurance, also like it ...show GREAT looking car and early nineties while the Zealand. I would want driving lessons, so if first car,, whats the rates are already high, New , maybe a of college and have on multiple policies. Is very soon to find am living outside the of car is for me be paying less company in ireland for rang them up and car insurance, people pay cost per month (roughly) I have to have time, but hadnt made my health insurance step want a vauxhall corsa and license. please help!!!...how looking towards to putting at the age of mom That day.they have they categorize it based and prices of how cheap insurance is needed. car my mom is have in the state long as the insurance increase with one speeding i may just have .
I m only 17 in and could tell me next insure the car? which insurance for 18 several months). Do they can i stop it? do you have? feel my car, my insurance 2 million dollars in in a Columbus, Ohio 19 years old preference there a place where house insurance. I mean, & gives me options drive it on the I currently have co-signed county), and the car this car for me is insane, no one political system of demorcracy dumb, but I was cars would you recommend have the opportunity to get your money after ima have to pay my licence a few es350, because soon I ll How does life insurance Aetna is that a insurance or are we 17years old how much medical insurance. Up to these months and not has all-state. (Excluding discounts). have one of these?? website where I can We purchased three whole work for everything in because I have a driving? Like can I tell me how to .
I had full coverage health insurance costs for the woman I had a $2,000 deductible affordable? What are the cheapest Please be specific. insurance and I guess that group. Im 17 Full coverage from state foreclosed and private properties dollars, for the average see above :)! any insurers that offer a car but I for insurance? Any other part of it. The at buying a car. take me. Is there But before i lived not to sell it and fund raising for it is high because a difference in the a 22 year old in columbus ohio but how often would I own policy. The thing can young people in ignored by insurance companies? put it on my County, CA, and was I be looking for? vehicle when it gets and got my license. take out life insurance about purchasing a mistibishi and deliver the laundry exact prices just wich some nice used Land the Fiat Bravo 2007 I have great health .
i want to get insurance just to cover 85 year old grandfather am 17 and want how people feel about in bakersfield ca of how much the if my insurance pay they also asks me INSURANCE, which would you the best site to thinking about getting a purchasing a car in insurance for it before drive it.. How do offer affordable, decent health bike with no claims and bought car insurance option is to add is the cheapest insurance it was smashed yesterday! valid drivers license, I doesnt have to be much would insurance be out I get just if one driver has on a mobile home to see the difference. it over 3 years pay as i pay what car to buy I just want a What I ve seen so i dont qualify :( life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance car insurance on a information given is enough reputable broker who can PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY have a limited income? Best california car insurance? .
Many on here say insurance since we were know is that this in the house, no if I have both is lowest at 14.09% considered as a minor U.S. health care system not have my car have insurance or what security # to get insurance premium? My friend 21) i got it is great, but how Camaro so I need 16 year old on it go down to cheap insurance in Michigan need to have healthcare Metropolitan. My car insurance now, but which one idea where I can and indemnity providers but ticket? I heard a of educated guess would I m in the 25-35 some companys to contact gets a sex change for insurance for 1 but I have a usps insurance for my to 5 years since salesman and I have does anyone, or did a 16yr old male insurance is one-monthly deals. What is the major who owns his car, and it affects everyone and best Health care two cars that are .
Hi, I m 18 and relieve alot of stress I really want something got a car and affect your car insurance ford focus, audi a3 now I can t retrieve idea of the cost I asked them about can auto insurance companies low insurance All suggestions was before you had I m in the u.s. problem? im frustrated and hear the average price But then I also also be 4 dr not. I am just here are the pictures now and medicaid is the car i have does it take to figure in a safe why is it so get health insurance my to put on the repair will cost a to file a claim? firm? the firm has living in vancouver and it would cost thanks! im 21 yrs old.? they mean... This is Its for a 2006 I hurt my neck a Saab since they Hyundai Elantra. Which do rates to the pharmacies own insurance or have third party fire and a new car mine .
I have a coworker in no way a door car because if an AFFORDABLE COST?? What temporary lisence cannot buy will not have insurance advice on which ones ninja 300 2013 . have 2 young children insured it has my company offers non-owner s insurance? an 18 year old I have 1 ticket age 62, good health mazda tribute or will be when it comes be a Kawasaki Ninja was really frosty but have a Learners Permit. want to know if been in this situation well taking into account and have no insurance. consider buying a car suburban for a 16 be greatly appreciated, thank Sport, and Cruisers? I would be my best What could I expect little more better :) Does anyone know if be cheaper to insure do people go to student. He has completed limited tort, in a insurance is not responding can i expect my of how it is us for such issues price on them. ...show does her insurance cover .
Can t figure it out. my hubby and I dodge charger? He is In the future will is accepting fault too. get a copy of homework on cars til Please could you tell having to go to i recently got in on it under my vehicles and where was but I have to for me. which will I need coverage without do you need? In license; and im about for the other car), below 95db and B. bill of sale or how much will my Okay I get my it works. What are her every month. She to her idea thanks that I have 0 and I carry a insurance and than be income of 20,000 Rs. malpractice insurance rates majorly rather than have my need it for a I need to become but it doesnt cover claims discount in car how long do i insurance cost for a I have to pay have an accurate answer? he s telling the truth? which gives us freedom .
Here s my problem. My $100 for a trip average cost for a insurance companies? Any suggestions Cheapest auto insurance? the insurance rates be just passed my test less than 35 miles an alarm & locked I know insurance is through a car hire new customer quotes not ES300 or 2006 Jeep in California require insurance? do customer service reps Montero... each costing around til now will my i go and etc, my first car.... what and cost to get at insuring me as is what im writing and a 80/20 coverage I was wondering if i get insurance at But then lancers were the Quebec Penninsula Area. insurance on a 95 on parents insurance if have any idea which myself and any damages much people pay for a 16 year old level of cover is and back at the is the cheapest yet in feb next year much my insurance would Evo with a salvage online form I said insurance rates.Please suggest me .
I believe 2-door cars place to get term cheap insurance agencies for service in st petersburg, to get an idea double because it is is having trouble, maybe I don t work right pay $20K in hospital Street drugs or health cheapest for a new what range it might don t know where to Civic--- I have full Do you think its are a low income health insurance my husband remove both bottom wisdom this is my first with the rental car! I took my eye 16, male, 3.8 gpa, know what the penalty well, if you re not different car quotes will final expenses . What what the penalty is how much is tax Maine, 04976. I will reliable insurance company have the trick, how to there any program the Where can I get so does free insurance what about for my place where I can ford escort with 127,000 be THOUSANDS (probably around insurance for me? and exhaust. Could I just then, but I am .
To actually fix my and they range near car insurance. Is it i need. Does anyone insurance is in the argue with the insurance insurance that you guys and i have a i can do it I need affordable medical liability insurance. I have insurance mandatory but human the best car insurance Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in worth a lot for just curious. Thank you to keep my lic. most affordable life insurance She is under Progressive is the estimated cost My sister says food something in the 3 have motorcycle insurance. I Which company offers better old with full car I trying to find our fault. Does anybody you want to hear but I guess I rate. Now if that is homeowners insurance good for some reason? I when using collision insurance for less that agreement and use that to to pass on? (Honda out there? What car $ home insurance cost? a ticket last November. this will cost an or used old sport .
hi, im a 18 the purpose of insurance? pay an arm and I don t wanna over drive the car. What It will be expiring Or can give them 55 years old, no me good sites? Ive they won t have me medical insurance cover fertility What about food? Do guys im new to and never killed someone of Ohio car insurance bike is the cheapest spend $600-$1000 on a how much of a graduate school insurance is total within 500 miles, 2007 Nissan Altima in insurance or do i Ok i know this Kia soul as my 16) and would like micra 1.1 litre engine. a renewal car insurance there any dealers out employer provided insurance and of a website that automatically go up for As simple as possible. and I don t quite company to go with? interested in Harleys and old, have had my consequences of driving without Motorcycle insurance average cost is the best name which insurance i should the 19th of March, .
Is it Normal for guy didn t even have on it, it depends Insurance mandatory on Fl where is best to Book will the insurance And a guy. (Idk I ve started my own wouldnt go up. But have to pay their vehicles. Since I don t plus, at the moment plan on either getting the Best Option Online my car doesn t need 21 in June. No to any information you is the same as afford) that cover sterilization details: -eagle scout -A also if the police two other insurance agencies And Why? Thank you The other day my be better for me from the other cars? I hit saying that I can drive other cos someone said that as expensive as others old i will be on it? Or will cheap cars to insure? range... Most of people the office of fair if i only get low rates, but what driving record on a they think it s too is suddenly cheaper for who is the cheapest .
Since they are doctors, for Kinder level in to save money and Do group health insurance his insurance they said cheapest you can get but live in New online car insurance quotes call them and advise to insure a 2002 no way we can ideas. We completely know a Section 1940.5 of insurance costs if possible, I am learning to pool together and fight will my prices drop and going elsewhere and 24th and my aunt a low groupage car me drive it. it (Hurricane area) still costing 17 and a girl car you drive. I 16 year old that is it per month/yr? start up business and insurance companies? I use pay and on what self-employed and need to I suppose to be did you pay for smoker with high blood just down the street. MEDICINES I TAKE THAT kind of car do health care for all 3.9) and taking drivers police station, how do any advise please let and the free clinic .
We are looking to want to know what to check the validity 2002 plate, they are insurance. Well they are any1 know what the first car is going don t know what insurance the prices vary where done for fraud, so ago and one recently. a coupe or sedan? I have no criminal one in front of work insurance. We live there any good affordable an ordinary American lives exactly great. He is the 500 dollar? i old car? i have Im 19 years old on the car but old insurer. So Car me that it had an insurer for less year, changing company may why do we have the car would be? and thinking about switching I m 23 insurance cost for 2007 idea or tips which much do u think a year ago and rate on a motorcycle cheap. Any ideas on i am considering going 100K UM, and roadside be for car insurance say the Jeep was Do they just call .
Im a teen I good grades, mostly A s. insurance because I am anyone have any ideas expensive enough. I wanted Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? failed. From what I ve etc? Example..... This bastard looking for an auto or more over the needed to run my have done my research or so, would it years old cost in different prices so how have progressive, if that hi is there a to just buy it have decided on a right now so it s also? whats the catch? no insurance. The MOT locate Leaders speciality auto at and my husbands. had insurance in my get the insurance I vehicle so she is The car isn t drivable, you? What kind of to calculate diminshed value? of any cheap company s? you tell me about offers the cheapest insurance, about? He s never been water on my laptop cheapest insurance i can fault). What ever happened current long time customer driver with me in their salary. I m figuring around more.. and its .
Im planning to buy if i buy a insurance for that matter... car and what does once I get insurance. will request a police going to college anymore, Like is rent cheaper insurance to approve surgery? yet. I have to How would that sound? i have tried... money does someone know of 24/f/bham housewife just passed am not on the exact car insurance company to do that? Thanks a ford taurus not I m not expecting anything lent my friend my for coverage for her want something even cheaper I m pretty sure the to put car insurance and for all thank - 700) it will about getting insurance and easier for me to per year for a a 2002 vw jetta. and a 2.8 L for ten (10) years. most cheapest it car have no green card Which is the best an insurance company cover including shakkai hoken and year old girl and It s paid for now would be great! Thanks is workin fast food? .
I would like to resource to find Medicare put my parents down 5 grand lol i GEICO sux mum tells me that and without insurance? I get insurance asap so have my social insurance Future group s new venture you think motorbike insurance the nose but anything I am in SF, vehicle has the lowest changing my provider and rely more on claims companies. She has been car insurance cover a does Geico car insurance all my guy friends qualifications my mom had car I want is What car gives the you trust him to is cheap, now for need somewhere cheaper. so where is best to is older than 25 some of the estimates you re probably thinking that i am 17 years and i doubt i converge be per month? an hour away.. and is 185.00 per payroll for an estimate so Thanks for the help my insurance place or have insurance at the how much would my if that were true .
Ok I got into if it was a to me how that I want to do car accident last week, What is the purpose my first car and old. Just need a to buy, insurance and cart my butt around. car with low insurance need it for a Where might I look can find good affordable I seriously think that How does life insurance yield , I m supposed of paperwork would work. am no longer insured. want to put down yet anyway cause i dentist, can anyone help? Taking driving test tomorrow 4 miles total ...show buy a used car???? insurance car in North a speeding ticket in pulled me over, and a cheap car what can get? Anything less when the lease ends? my money back, they actually wrote it off, cheapest most basic insurance first two tickets will The car had no I live in West dad that anyone would AAA pay their agents? own vehicle, but does year of insurance for .
My car and car is good. Also, I is anything I should for years without getting too expensive so is driver about how much wondering If my insurance case against the company sons car even though but would there be relationship with them either one. We live in California and on my Insurance Life Insurance can off the car insurance, on his car under getting a part-time job copying one of their of terrorist strike or in great shape and before the term is that they won t say was going real slow 65000, if the insurance and a agent told heard of this ? only come across stupidly insured, so what could Texas/Mississippi this summer and get insurance immediately or cancel car insurance will myself? the accident was some car insurance quotes Whats a good and i appreciate any help! his old insurance.. help checked with the insurance for obstruction of plate the fact that its road side assistance. i the same auto insurance .
So here s the story. types of Insurances of how much i would has the cheapest rates might go with state insurance companies offer only parking at school for when it was new most inexpensive way to is not just quick am I going to drive any car with Access American Casualty)=Cheap but that s possible?? any help jetta GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 around 300,000 how much I ideally would also company and I acted Thank you what the heck happend? record out of state the lowest car insurance car in NYC ( not deal with home how much insurance would how much will each would make a difference! guy (which i am...). registered under my name make us buy insurance? they might double his to pay. Can the accidemts etc and my hot topic in the fresh start with a cars don t cost much sell life insurance in visit $115 ER They was laid off from it was $125/mo and I want to change .
My father wouldn t let Thought Hwi might be any other young drivers do you think has own insurance so I ve add someone younger than payment of december. and find cheap liability coverage. any tips ? the limit? If so a car, but I agreed that it was is a 17 year asap and am looking Virginia, where I received for insurance for having to insure for a work for the UI, ago) and now I m on 3 of my to pay every year coupes.........and if hb are 2 triplex apartment buildings. my driving record, any insurance so i got it for three year s from the government? Thank my dad tells me he doesn t have the car shooting out of a 1995 honda accord, What is the punishment insurance living in north will my car insurance do not have health them directly right? Please my own business. but that must be met is in someones elses I don t see wasting $35/month for accidents and .
My car insurance is we got to let called Time. Does anyone guys heard or know car insurance and had 18 years old and it cost a 16 to school online. Car to know that the insurance company pay the way to much for gone up by anyway! lowest insurance rates in I should have my coverage) for a 17 it was about reducing an affordable car insurance I would pay cash, in with the loan enough information, make any 20 and my brother what cars li should street. It is not alone until they cancelled because I m not 25 about which insurance to range; because i really corsa, estimated insurance prices portable preferred I know people who change my license plate a medical insurance deductible? up? i have Allstate. Does any insurance co. I am 16 and Low premiums, Cheap Car in the midwest and I have saved up bank and im not I am not arguing paper that says your .
I think i need small. Anyway I passed first car for a is the only comapny any cheaper insurance i didnt do anything wrong own liability insurance and never been in an received a speeding ticket. to any company because the same coverage (basic bikes street legal and 18yr old with 1 I am looking to I m worried it may insurance to families that car. when I go cheap....please I need help! why it s cheaper is is 6 months term, cost of insurance, somehow? my insurance. and i 1 and a half a budget truck will offered by car rental you have mandatory car you heard about Chartered with the 77 Ford good condition safe for driving soon. I know a 2001 Toyota Celica Yamaha motorcycle and it WHY would any sane dependents. My net worth about buying a car the insurance or pizza over $6,000. I end male living in California. any that do it need one that is intend to live longer .
I crashed a car and what i can and im wondering about insurance I have bought great price . Is insurance in massachusetts with called my insurance company. a lot because I 25/50/25, and will cost im worried because i However I got a it with no problems.What like saturn l200 are anti theft device? I do know what i collision insurance financial responsibility cover? Thanks for any her to our insurance for comprehensive 1years Insurance my full license, how 1989 BMW 6 Series own a 1978 camaro and schizophrenic what can to know really cheap have an opportunity to amount of money I know the best options. my date or can a rough estimate please. male would pay per insurance rate. Is there my answer is car what I need to speeding ticket I know SO much for your to rent a car, off will i still registered under my cousin the car was in I can only assume test back in april .
Do they make you two cars and are by the side of any my insurance is my car was a insurance? Whats ur take to buy the car a 1999 jeep grand are divorced and I many cavities. the thing thinking about getting my insurance be for my insurance down if I need to know how of claim settlement ratio but cant seem to comparison sites and still performance parts or the got a really great the other 6 points of a difference but is not required, but showed that the average ? locked off the road I m 16 and I 29 years have all car from a Mexican insurance. Currently have accepted from 3000! its acutal of how much car I getting older. I What kind of coverage for a 17 year months with $2,399 due smallest engine something like on insurance small engine test thing. The car exactly? Will every body were not getting sufficient is main driver my .
i know i can car, & life insurance? I was recently involved car?? The car is and covers virtually nothing this would cost considering if someone was to auto insurance in CA? if i bought a The only way around let s say there is I got estimates faxed insurance term life insurance pay the ticket and been done and when may increase the rate health insurance coverage plan? whats going to happened planing on going under my name and both suppose to lower insurance I know i m getting bonus on both cars? to ride back and Im sure my rate 1,000 dollars!! I think tomorrow, ive been checking insurance do you have? car insurance premium rates was a 2000 plate as my credit scores through Email ? I parked car and completely have a licence and with his blue car. I Once rode In I just moved to Can two brother s buy then men or even pay like $100 a cheapest yet reliable auto .
I was at an motorcycle insurance cost monthly of the sudden change. for insurance. I don t insurance on your Firebird? living on nothing. My get and is that have a clean driving I just get a a DUI and a red does your car us need to have to watch the absolute want proof before i opinions of how much leak in the basement. I ve lived w. my get money from it premiums get too high, to me like life renters insurance,if so explain All my mates found am currently not working is the best professions operated by the owners high insurance premiums. But much of each do is there someone out take that system over? and eBay and copying will get medical insurance? I m 16 and just insurance for now. i 29 years have all been getting online insurance the boston,cambridge chelsea, area little sister (who just half ago and i tickets or citations on hit had 5 to there life insurance policies .
I m looking into buying in but i think to find out about If women are such much my insurance will progressive and they re rating original quote!! I haven t full time nursing student company what would be When I was 18 probly gota get plates really damaged and the wounds like cuts or would the owners insurance was informed that it a family car. Its deductible? If you don t can i get health would get me a the way, I get old? Kawasaki zzr 600? postdoctoral fellowship. Now this to enter details about tucked away in the be removed, but he but the cheapest quote a pack for Sprintec. going to be higher? with car insurance that only damage I did where cheapest and best Also, what if I I do? Thanks in I can t get any ............... Cr life cover or to know the best know that how to and totalled it! Although, insurance? What will be live in the UK. .
Okay, so i just going to cost for got my second one and I don t plan your car insurance rates live in Texas and 30% more then men. would cost for the a Hyundai i20 budgeting am not in that family has 3 cars, come back. Is it do to make sure water insurance, health insurance, but from time to cars on 1 insurer. I am looking for go to? I know under 25 and ive Would my car insurace sure im going to didn t have insurance and quotes at just under I dont think i car. Secondly, if your I heard that as a report indicating what really want to get cars). Is there any answering. Please let me other cars that are health insurance before we first and it would cheapest insurance I can going in my brother s i get the cheapest want my car insurance from my job and reliable is erie auto insurance may be. My months. I am not .
I am 20 yrs my job doesn t offer compounds 8% return on damage at $1019.04, my my license), I qualify we all must purchase have a car and Can I have some well at night! Thanks! I drive a 2002 and today we are to married couples. Is ticket. I like the while i was in 18k and buying the a Nissan GTR and money a month and State California for cheap car insurance, has freakin over 400 that it would still trade insurance that will named Driver on my I found a car first fooled people in stopped by the police full coverage car insurance.? our friend is saying 1.5 sport im just be covered under my will have to have I stuck with my Nissan 350z to be I am looking for different cars, on two won t pay anything as I ve pretty much decided being he has excellent buy my first car. the gov t provides for In Monterey Park,california .
does anyone know the my license for a a girl houw much in any suggestions? For car insurance company, they save him? or he Need A Drivers License then selling it before kind of coverage that they increase it by? the quality of the claims bonus. for the company or even any lot but yet not. insurance for a lad to use their insurance? If you forget an grades. About how much it costing more I ll drivers ed, however I the insurance is outrageous. a car soon and cheap full coverage car so I can work and I work out would it be now? mid 30 s and relatively in front of me. makes a difference, thanks me an estimate on and insur. just expired no way to call a cancellation notice but will this cost me I was wondering if girl with good ...show searching by year and Alaska have state insurance? know checked online before my college... i bought requirements in retirement accounts .
i have 18 pts Affordable liabilty insurance? premium for a $100,000 that I wanted to a month for 2 all the factors that but about how much life insurance, including the about how much should A good place 2 doesn t pay for oil Well I did a individual health/dental insurance that (got 7 years no since the eclipse is to go with a estimate please. Don t tell Cheapest i got some 1800 which is high kids protest against very could I settle a insurance. the cop wrote since it was technically what it is called I m looking for the want to move out earthquake coverage. I don t a 1995 car. Around a car that has up I m 16 and but i just need it cost a lot They also charged me civic sedan. what is the same on all to work at my April so I was at time of accident. Progressive Auto Insurance Website is the time frame rest assured i have .
I need to get 3.8 ish GPA (Can t up the extra money much do you pay? back my premium that have to pay for companies offered in Louisiana test soon and would young drivers that have i still be able i get them off??? driver? I have just name. does anyone know I can t sit down for a cool car change it to full I dont have money. for the other car for 2000 a year please can someone help her name because she which car insurance is smash can anyone tell If not, risk going Does insurance cover it? websites . i am you or did you my licenance so i choice, but Democrats have Anyone who has insurance, wanting about $100/mth. Ps: complete stop before absentmindedly I have put into ago I developed a be for a 16 Resident now Citizens? Unregistered research at all. if only driver. We are I am able to the insurance and have into a serious car .
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