#im tryin im tryin
babygirlharrington · 2 years
Steddie Fic Rec #3
One Last Class - DragonsFlight
Summary: Dustin enlists Steve to help tutor Eddie so he can graduate.
Explicit, WIP. No triggers, as far as I know. Dustin has a scheme and Steve is, as in canon, a shitty tutor.
standing up the dead - heartofwinterfell @nancywheeeler
Summary: Max and Eddie in the astral plane.
Teen, WIP. Eddie and Max trauma-bond while they try to get back to REAL Hawkins. Max misses (real) Lucas and Eddie doesn’t realise he misses (real) Steve so much? right where i belong - Macellarius
Summary: “You’re a fucking virgin?” Steve blurts out excitedly. Or, a weekend of firsts with Steve and Eddie, who are navigating life and love in the aftermath. (Or, the Varsity Sweater fic.) 
Explicit, Complete. This is part of the author’s series, slowly learning that life is okay, which part I is also very worth reading.  You Just Keep Me Hanging On - DiscoSuperFly
Summary: Hobbies have taken over Fireman Steve's life, he's taking a slow path to find his joy, selling his honey and beeswax products at a local Farmers Market he runs into someone from his past and they're pulled into each other's orbit.
Explicit, Complete. Just two farmer’s market boys living out their little farmer’s market dreams. Very fucking cute. If you want to walk out of hell - RedCytosine @redcytosine
Summary: Eddie makes a miraculous escape from the Upside Down, only to find that while he may have returned to the Shire, Mordor is not finished with him yet. Or, Eddie, found family, a slow romance, and how to save the world.
Mature, WIP. This fic has lots of chapters (and hopefully will have lots more!) and is a very interesting twist on the Kas theory. luckiest man in the world - ghosttotheparty @ghosttotheparty
“Jesus. Imagine that. I’m twenty-one, wanted for murder, thought to be dead, never graduated high school. And I still get to be the luckiest man in the world.”
Mature, Complete. TW for PTSD. Healthy communication between two horny and traumatized lads. Skindeep- HolographicBunny
Summary: Steve just wanted to help Robin sit through her first tattoo. He didn't plan for a certain metal head to come stumbling into his life. Not that he is complaining. Okay, maybe he is complaining a little bit because that’s what he does.
Explicit, WIP. Steve is supposed to be Robin’s hand to hold while she gets her first tattoo. Steve ends up being the one needing his hand held by the end of the appointment. cuddles and cat naps - murdertrashbabyrat @murdertrashbabyrat
Summary: Steve is so relieved that he's getting a few hours of nightmare-free rest for once, that he doesn't notice he's neck deep in a sexuality crisis and that it's all Eddie Munson's fault. Thank god Steve has people like Robin to pull his head out of his ass.
Explicit, WIP. Eddie and his adopted kitten tag-team to make sure Steve gets some goddamn sleep. Lifes For The Living - Cherrycolatree @raspberrycolapop
Summary: Eddie Munson survives but ends up in a coma. Steve Harrington visits him everyday and slowly falls in love with someone who’s barely part of the living world anymore.
Explicit, Complete. Steve realizes he’d been in love with Eddie before, during, and now after his coma.  Mallrat - ozwrites @babygirlharrington
Summary: Eddie takes Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to the nerd store. On the way back to the lot, they pass The Gap, Zales, Jazzercise, and-
“Jesus Christ, dude is that Steve?!”
Explicit, Complete. Steve in his lil’ Scoops outfit. Yes, another act of shameless self-advocacy for this one before I drop a new fic.
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mattelektras · 4 months
i miss u 😢
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madefate · 4 months
slowly working on being alive ! in the meantime please feel free to send memes - i even have a few sunday funday ones in there which is RARE !
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artplecornhusk · 9 months
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he has degrees
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nabulsi · 8 months
on ppl deciding to boycott ofmd bc of taika supporting israel... like thats cool and all but didn't black ppl tell u to boycott it bc of the literal slavers yall are stanning because of it? why were u guys watching ofmd to begin with lmaooo
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bbonbonss · 5 months
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⋆˳⁺ ♥︎ oh, to be unconditionally loved. ♥︎ ⁺˳⋆
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leona-florianova · 7 months
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commission of Arcade Gannon and Lovelock for @bonesmarinated
Thank you for commissioning me o///
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noname-404s-blog · 1 year
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madalenadrops · 3 months
"Are you there?"
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Guys, words can't describe how sorry I am for not even letting you all know that I'll be doing a... "small" pause, let's call it... Things got soooo messy here, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
But of course, I still try to keep myself updated with how everything's rolling around (yes, I've seen teh update and I LOVE IT!!!!).
Still, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say...
I"ll do my best to be active here yet again, like I was before.
Remember that I love you all, and I remember about you no mstter what 💜💜💜
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artofthero · 15 days
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when ur sister is rude
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apolloprophecy · 3 months
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On my grind with him recently LOL
Please leave asks and suggestions you want of him!
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bucker3911 · 9 months
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unicourt · 1 month
there isnt enough art of them together!!
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voidbits · 11 months
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I think these r the last few swing designs I haven't posted . so. here u are!!!!
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foursidecity · 5 months
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Ducks from the past year!!
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zeddyzi · 29 days
secwet pine point character name reveal: juno
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