#im tired so im prolly not gonna write it but i had go get the idea out b4 it left me
berrymoos · 2 years
literally just had the cutest idea of khonshu seeing steven, marc, & jake regressed for the first time, but khonshu isn't up to date on what that exactly means - so when steven (who's fronting at the moment) tells him he's small, khonshu analyzes him really closely, then goes “your body doesn't seem to have gotten any smaller.”
n steven's giggling & trying to tell him that regression doesnt mean actually, physically regressing, but he sucks at explaining things in his current mindset ╥﹏╥
“ah, nevermind. spector can explain.”
“"nuh-uh"? surely he can explain better than you.”
“bu’ moo-moo's small, too! he's– he's tiny.” (stevie can hear marc goin “ ‘teeben! not ‘posed to tell!” (•ˋ _ ˊ•) n he whispers “sorry!”)
“...i'm assuming "moo-moo" is spector?”
“...i see. then lockely, perhaps?”
“uhh...” steven scrunches his nose. “no. wif moo-moo.”
“...are you insinuating that lockely is also "tiny", as you said spector was?”
steven blinks, very confused about what that means. khonshu sighs
“are you trying to say that lockely is tiny, as well?”
“oh! uh ... mhm. bu– bu’ jay's not tiny! jus’ small.”
if khonshu had eyes in his sockets he'd be doing that fast, confused blinking 💀 “"small" and "tiny" are synonymous with one other.”
“"small" and "tiny" are one in the same.”
“oh ... nuh-uh! small's small, bu’ not really small, an– an’ tiny is reaaaally small, like– like– like ... a ant, bu’ a baby ant!”
khonshu is ... incredibly confused
(bonus: he goes to taweret for some help ... but she's too busy playing with a regressed layla to give a great answer 🤭)
khonshu: taweret, i'm in need of some assistance: what is this “age regression” that grant speaks of?
tawaret: not now khonshu, i'm looking for layla
khonshu: what? you lost el-faouly? oh, spector is going to have your head–
taweret: she's not lost, bonehead! we're playing hide n seek
khonshu: oh.
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slut4sugu · 1 year
❀ Including: agedup!characters, Mina x black!reader, use of names: mamas, pretty girl, ma, pretty girl, princess, slight suggestion towards the end, mentions of hellva boss, also since its cannon that mina is black im gonna write her as such (im keeping her pink skin tho its so pretty) So if thats a problem please keep scrolling! ❀ Genre: fluff/suggestiveness ❀ kams note: BRO I LOVE MINA SM IDK WHY I HAVENT WRITTEN FOR HER SOONER
Back to masterlist . ♬ : slumber party: ashnikko & bonetown: versokia mayday
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Since you guys were close friends before you dated mina felt as though you were the perfect person for her to be with and she was the perffect person for you. She knew what you liked and what you didn’t. What turned you on and what creeped you out, but when it came to actually asking you out she felt a lump in her throat. You helped the pink girl calm down and told her to take her time and just say what she had to say, and once she did as such you were beyond shocked yet happy at her words.
“You like me ?” Your acrylic nail pointing to her than back to your chest, your eyes slightly wide at the news. “Yeah..I’m sorry you prolly don’t feel the same-“ You shushed her quickly by pouncing on her body the bed dipping under your weight slightly as you straddled her waist. Giggling as you shook your head. “Ash don’t be sorry, I like you too. I have since you said i was your quote ‘baby mama’.” She blushed at the confession, sitting up against her headboard hesitantly wondering if she should put her hands on your hips or not. (Despite the fact ya’ll have done gay shit before lol.) “Soo does that mean you wanna date me?” She asked, her eyes looking into your pretty brown ones. “Yesss, of course i wanna date you ash- actually i wanna be your baby mama.” You said teasingly with a slight smirk, causing Mina to loose her once shy demeanor and resort back to her regular self. “Then kiss me, pretty girl.”
You both became inseparable. Never leaving each others sides all day, and going as far to work on combination moves with your quirk (you can imagine that for yourself but if you can’t think of nothing uhh your a winx fairy ion know😭).
Even though mina spends most of her time with you and knows how comfortable you are with her, almost everytime she wants to kiss you she always asks. You say she doesn’t have to but she says that ‘I wanna make sure you wanna kiss me as much i wanna kiss you.’ (And she likes hearing you whine when she takes to long to kiss you back <3)
Loves coming over late at night to sleep in your comfy bed, explaining that she can’t sleep without having her hand on your boob. When you both know that she likes cuddling with you more than anything. Though you also know that you can’t fall asleep without her small soft hand squeezing your soft mound.
On the nights she really really misses you, she does her skin care routine at your place and hangs out with you as much as she can before going back on patrol. Promising to be in bed by your side by the time you wake up.
Always pays for your nails & hair appointments, her hero work pays well and she knows yours do too but she loves the sight of her hard money well spent on pretty hello kitty nails.
After a few months of dating you she’ll stop asking you for kisses and just give you surprise ones instead, its so cute how she’ll announce her presence with a giggle before attacking you with kisses. She’ll usually tickle you too just to get your attention for the time being, Mina loves having you all to herself and eating up your precious time when you should be doing something else.
Will gladly braid your hair for you! She’s such a sweetheart too, if you start to get tired she’ll let you lean on the inner side of her thigh and doze off while she finishes up for you. Trust n believe she’s taking dozens of pictures of your sleeping face without your knowledge <33
Definitely has gotten matching braids with you before with little beads at the end, its so pretty how the colors compliment her pretty skin. And you of course go out of your way to tell your pretty girlfriend how hot she looks with her knotless braids <33
Starts to leave her clothes over at your place just to have an excuse to come over and stay the night. And well..she loves seeing you in just underwear and her shirts. She thinks it’s the cutest and hottest thing ever <3
If you have a car/ or ride in hers she insists on driving, saying that your her pretty passenger princess and deserves to just chill and play whatever song you want
Buys matching bonnets with you once she starts to realize just exactly how important you are to her <3
Definitely watches hellva boss and LOVES versokia mayday & queen bee. Mina cosplayed for her on your birthday and lets just say yall had fun with the outfit afterwards <33
Listens to: Odetari, niki minaj, ice spice, Beyoncé, ashnikko, Lizzo, flo Milli, Megan the stallion, Marina, and ofc Summer walker
[🌸] 4+ MONTHS
Starts thinking about marrying you fr
Atp everything is natural with you, ass grabs, neck kisses that end up with hickeys on your neck visible for everyone to see. Speaking of that, Mina’s always liked showing you off even if it was slightly inappropriate when she did. Kissing you in front of others, making out with you in clubs, grinding her ass on you, etc. It doesn’t matter to Mina, she just loves showing her girl off.
Taking showers together becomes a daily thing, wash days are especially fun when Mina’s tired from hero work. Her sweet little girlfriend washes her pink hair for her, her bones turning into mush when you massage your fingers into her scalp.
Makeout sessions every day <3
Loves teasing you by calling you names, the way your eyes dart to the corner of the room just motivates Mina even more. Your facial expressions drive her up the wall, she loves how dominant you can be only to turn around and be submissive when she calls you dirty girl or doll.
You had just finished making your shared bed when you heard your girlfriend ask “Are you wearing those black panties i bought you a week ago?” Glancing over your shoulder to see Mina, who’s eyes were stuck on the visible panties that could be seen slightly below your pink bratz shirt. You hummed in response, “They are comfy as hell and I didn’t feel like putting on shorts so-“ You squeaked as you felt a hand on your lower back suddenly push you onto the bed, your arms being folded behind your back as a hand held them tightly. The other going under your shirt from behind, moving it up to fully reveal the scandalous underwear that hugged your ass. “All of this for me doll? Damn you must want something taunting me like this.” Mina’s voice sent a warmth to your core, her touch not helping as you felt her free hand drift back down to your waist and to your ass giving it a squeeze. A small sigh of pleasure escaping from your lips as you felt a heat begin to throb in between your legs with need. Leaning down against you, Mina’s boobs pressed agaisnt your back. Her breath on the shell of your ear which sent chills down your spine. “Do you want something ma? Hmm?” Her voice like silk as her hand went back to your waist, pulling you by the waist and grinding against you. “Answer me honey, you know I like hearing you say what you want.”
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fullt4nk · 2 years
submit to me (shuriri x reader) 18+
hey 🤭 this is my first time writing on tumblr and im lowk scared.. like what do I even say in one of these authors notes things??? prolly gonna pop up every once in a while with smth for people to read idk yet tho 🤷🏾‍♀️
gotta give cred where it’s due, this is heavily inspired by @generallysapphic their works are incredible
warnings: reader and riri are subby lil whores, tribbing, lottaaaa lotta lotta sex, basically porn w/o plot, voyeurism if yew squint, maybe a lil degradation if yew squint
some translations: zithandwa zam- my loves, uthando- love, khawulezisa- hurry up
bored, bored, bast i’m so bored.
I have gotten no attention from my loves all day and I was starting to get angsty. swinging my legs back and forth on the desk I was sitting on, I played around with riri’s hammer that was placed on the desk and hummed a small tune.
riri walked over to me as I jumped from my place on the desk; finally, some attention. I smiled at her expectingly as she walked over, excited be with one of my girlfriends.
she walked right behind me to reach for her tool box. well damn.
as she picked up a tool from her took box she turns to shuri, “shuri catch,” she yelled, throwing a wrench from her tool box right towards shuri.
she caught the wrench with ease. “how many times do I need to tell you to stop throwing heavy objects around riri?” last time riri threw a cogwheel towards shuri without looking, she broke a prototype shuri spent hours working on… it didn’t go well for her.
“my bad baby,” she said walking back to her original spot at her desk. I watched them work with a hot feeling in my stomach. damn they look good. with shuri in nothing but a tank top and sweats, i watched her arms flex every time she used that wrench. riri had on a sports bra and shorts. i watched her perfectly pierced nipples on display through the bra as thoughts of my lips attached to them racked through my mind
I could feel myself getting more fidgety as i watched their bodies move and work away at whatever they were building. at this point, anything was better than sitting and watching them work themselves to death in this damn lab. an idea popped into my mind and I fake a yawn best I can, throwing my hands above my head and stretching. my slightly cropped shirt lifted and a small portion of my midriff became exposed as riri watched me, eyes drifting.
just what I wanted
“you good?” she questioned. she looked me up and down and she could tell how bored I was just by looking into my eyes. “we’ll be there in a minute just wait a little longer baby.”
“nah i’m tryna take a nap… i’ll be back in a minute,” I said, looking and riri with a certain look. she immediately caught on to what I meant by “nap” and bit her lip.
“um yeah shuri I think imma go too. we been working since 7am and i’m tired as hell,” she said, only half meaning it. yeah she was tired, but not tired as in “I wanna sleep” tired. tired as in “i’m tired of working and wanna mess around” tired.
“you two go ahead, i’ll be there for diner.” shuri gave riri a kiss on the forehead and walked over to me to hug me. “get some rest, zithandwa zam.”
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“haaah fuck please please please,” I whined and writhed all over the place. riri’s clit rubbing against mine having too big of an effect on my orgasm. “please don’t stop. need it need it so bad.”
“nghh im gonna cum fuck i’m gonna cum so hard ohhh my god,” riri’s eyes were glued shut as she wailed and moaned on top of me. her dripping pussy on mine like felt like heaven that I never wanted to let go of. and fuck the sounds she made, all whiny and high pitch. she especially got like this whenever we were tribbing, saying it was her favorite way to get off.
“please, please, please, wanna cum, fuck i wanna cum, i wanna cum all over your beautiful pussy please let me cum!” she babbled into my neck as my legs shook. fuck she’s cumming, I can feel her pussy get impossibly wetter. it drips against my folds and it’s just enough to send me over the edge.
“cumming, cumming, cumming im cumming-!” I silently screamed into riri’s chest and softly bit her nipple to quiet myself down. “ngh-! fuck fuck baby do that again please,” she begged
I softly bit her nipple again looking into her brown eyes, licking and biting softly as she moaned and squirmed in my arms. because her nipples were pierced, her sensitivity was through the roof as she arched her back, forcing her chest further into my face. I couldn’t help it as I began moving against her, wanting more friction on my clit. I knew I was overstimulating her, but god she felt so good.
“shit please baby please,” at this point I was begging just to beg. I just wanted more of her and her creamy pussy on mine. I wanted to smother myself in her chest as I sucked and nibbled on her perky nipples. fuck I could do this all day.
“wow. so I leave you two alone for 30 minutes and you’re already going at it like you’re in heat.”
riri is quick to jump down from my lap, leaving my wet cunt exposed to shuri. “f-fuck um-“ riri panicked looking anywhere and everywhere to avoid shuri’s piercing gaze.
“shhh no need uthando. both of you, go back to what you were doing.” she tilted her head to the side and smirked in amusement. she was planning something, I could see it in the way she looked me up and down.
“please shuri-“ I whined as my breathing picked up, excited to know what she had in mind. “nope, no help from me. c’mon give me a show you two. i’ve been working so hard to protect this nation, i think I deserve a private performance.” she is vividly eyeing my fluttering cunt chuckling at it’s reaction to her presence.
me and riri are looking at her like deer in headlights, wide eyed and shocked at shuri’s request. we’ve never done anything like this before and judging by the look on riri’s face, she’s just as shocked and turned on as I am.
“khawulezisa, i don’t have all day,” she demands in a deep voice, thick with her accent, and fuck it’s so sexy. she takes off her tank top and throws it somewhere around the room, exposing her perfect torso and breasts. riri slowly climbs on top of me again and her clit slightly rubs against mine, making us both moan out.
we slowly find our rhythm again, grinding against each other with our eyes shut. there’s a new found feeling that makes me clench around nothing, knowing that shuri is watching me and riri moan and rub against each other. our chests are rubbing against each other, making riri pant even louder and heavier.
shurir stalks her way over to the bed to whisper in riri’s ear, “you like having your nipples played with like this?” as reaches between us, she’s squeezes and rubs riri’s nipples. riri moans in ecstasy, rubbing faster against me. shuri’s low voice in riri’s ear is enough to have her like a bitch in heat, grinding her pussy on me. “nngh, fuck riri slow down!” our clits gaining more friction causes a high pitch whine to escape my lips, as my eyes roll back; god this feels so good.
“haaa fuck shuri please. need you so bad, need to feel you, need to feel you deep- haah!” moans and pleads roll off my tongue like it’s nothing, begging shuri to fuck me. “poor usana, need something long and thick in this pretty pussy huh? what, riri isn’t enough anymore? she seemed like enough before I walked in here,” she says, reaching in between us to run her fingers through my folds. she rubs against me and riri, as we grind into shuri’s hand.
shuri could feel the wet spot between her draws as she watched her love’s pathetically rub against each other. she wanted nothing more than to take them right then and there, but she had to be patient and enjoy the scenery in front of her. “wanna cum usana? wanna cum for me? c’mon cum all over each other. fuck, it’s so wet I can see it. I can hear it. go on my love’s, cum for me.”
fuck that’ll do it.
riri is absolutely gone. shaking, crying of overstimulation, moaning, she was all fucked out as her thick creamy cum spilled over my pussy and shuri’s hand. my cum mixing in with hers as I bit into her neck to quiet my squeals.
“look at you two, such good girls for me yeah?” shuri’s lips connected with mine as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. fuck she drives me crazy as her tongue explores and licks every crevice of my mouth. she detaches from me, a string of spit keeping us together.
she turns to lean into riri, as riri completely opens her mouth for shuri, reaching her tongue out. shuri sucks on riri’s tongue, slow and sensually, letting her tongue into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down. riri whines and pinches her nipple, feeling her cunt clenched around nothing.
shuri slaps her hands away from her breasts and says “patience my love, i’ll take care of you..”
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but we’re already rackin up some typa engagement ok I see y’all !!
maybe i’ll write more, who knows BUT FOR NOW THIS IS WHAT I GOT
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kpopscruggles · 6 months
its 🏳️‍🌈 anon here im on vacation so im gonna tell this pent up frustration cause i cant jerk off huhu (gonna make it gay and i cant write so sorry)
a. part time gym trainer college student sungchan surprised that his classmate/crush walk into his gym and having to touch his crush because hes in love with a twink that has never hold a weight before. it ends with a drink or dare where his crush dared sungchan to do push ups and every push up he tries to say his crush's name and after he did it 20 times sungchan dares his crush to do crunches while moaning his name for 20 times
"come on yn u could do more than 5" sungchan said holding your legs while you are laying down obviously red and sweating. sungchan tried his best not to fuck you right then and there.
seeing you struggle do your 6th crunch made sungchan go feral "sungc-" sungchan kisses you passionately
"god i love your voice. but i love shutting you up more"
b. school heartbreaker heeseung (idk if u like enha much but hesjdjjf) always winning his football fuck list competition where they pick a name from a fish bowl and get them to fuck then before finals. with a team full of visuals its not hard but it turned into a challenge when the team decided to prank heeseung's last time playing the game as a senior.
"dude wtf why did you wrote y/n. hes a man!" hee protested
"oh come on dude its obvious how much you wanna fuck this man" jake replied
"DUDE EWW? im not gay + hes a really nice person hes cute hes hella smart hes fun to talk to he does this cute smile when hes especially talking to me an-"
"uh huh the guy youre talking about thats "not ur crush" is right over there" jake put emphasis on not ur crush with finger quotes
oh fuck. hes cute. was all he said on his head when he saw yn
"damn heeseung thought you would last longer than that?" yn said but heeseung just blanked out remembering the first time he saw you before doing the game
"heeseung?" "i love you" it was yn's turn to blank out as all he hesrd after that was a slurs of i love you while heeseung messily drove yn to his high
c. its hard being alone in your 20s especially with drowning yourself in your work while having no one to share anything with: your problems, your success, everything. and its really bad when you have no social life because you cant rant to someone about your two hot buff dilf neighbors who live together.
"they're prolly not into me im a twink theyre daddies maybe thats why they live together" you said over and over again while trying to not look at your neighbors infront of you wearing nothing but sweatpants
"eyes up here sweetheart" sunghoon said
"yk if you want this you could just ask" sungchan said while pointing on his yk what
d. drunk yn has been ranting to his best friend sungchan about his single life, he had always done this but its new years and sungchan is sick and tired of yn's shenanigand
"yn really again? yk what suck it" he opened his jeans and showed his dick thats bulging from his underwear
"are u fucking serious?" yn asked
"deadass. im sick and tired of you ranting that youre a single virgin every year. especially when i could be the one to solve that problem"
"what?" good thing yn didn't heard the last part sungchan said
"are you gonna suck it or not?"
thats all i got 😵‍💫😵‍💫 IDK IF ITS RVEN OK
Sungchan is DEF NOT hiding the fact that he’s enjoying every moment of his name coming you your mouth!!! And when your doing crutches he’ll hold your feet but end up just running his hands up your hips “cmon baby keep up…you can’t grow weak just yet” and his hands with just fiddle with the waistband of your shorts!!! Seeing you struggle would also kill him untill he just smiles “take a rest, you’ll need some energy for what I’m gonna do to this cute body of yours”
Heeseung!!!!!! (I love this plot and yes I love enha) this is definitely something he then can’t go without! He’ll become feral to the point that if you two begin dating or not he’s gonna brag ab you, ab how you make him a cum covered mess, he doesn’t care!!! After every game he’s fucking you because that’s how you give him a lil reward!!!! CAR SEX AFTER PRACTICE!!! He’s just annoyed that his coach was being a dick and just rails you in the backseat of his car while ranting to you at the same time 😭😭
“You wanna see it up close?” Sunghoon would go fucking feral too see you drill over his cock, especially while it’s just in sweatpants “I can give you a little peek if your be a good boy for me, can you do that baby? Hmm?”
Sungchan will just slowly pump his cock “go on, I know you want too which pisses me off even more that I still have to hear you complain..”
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 3 months
A/n: HII YALL!! I'm back from the dead (like karai) so I'll prolly die later anyways I'm making a headcanoon chart with the turtles tickling their SIBLING! Or atleast this will be like if the SIBLING is gonna tickle them and if the turtles would tickle the sibling, and basically just an excuse to make headcanoons bout a sibling they found and how would they react if the sibling tickled them or they tickled the sibling (a.k.a you). So basically rottmnt turtles and reader!sibling tickles and headcanons!
Warrnings: just a backstory (it might be kinda sad since it's the sibling getting used to their new life), headcanons and obviously TICKLES!! if that's not your jammy jam go find a more fitting jammy jam that fits you! No worries!
Reader nicknames: Sibling, Y/n, N/n.
Love: Plantonic and sibling love. T-cest and pro-ships out the door now.
Im sorry I got lazy at the end and besides jts like night in my country, soon midnight 😭
Well this was new. A month ago you were a simple human, sure you didn't have many friends, ppl found you weird, you didnt have a goal on life and you had some issues. One of them was being lonely.
But atleast then you knew what you were! You knew how to walk without losing balance, you knew how to write even if your hand writing might of not been the best and you basically knew what you were.
But now? You find out your parents were witches, found you in a vent of weird goo coming out of a palace and they decided to keep you using cover up magic to disguise you as a human?
This was. Weird.
You found out later that they told you cause your brothers wanted to meet their "lost found sibling". You felt like one of those "The Neglected child becomes a princess!" Gacha music videos.
Your parents decided for you to live there and use Leo's ōdachi to teleport you back home if you wanted to visit your parents.
You were sad ofcourse. But after a week or two you stopped being anxious. Though you were now a hamato.
You went from walking in the halls of the school with crowded people to walking in abounded empty train rails with your new brothers and April, someone you though as a sister to go and just hang out. You went from being alone and slacking around to huffing when training with real weapons and ninjas! Though this did have some bad sides.
You had now only 3 fingers on each of your hand and you had 2 toes on each of your foot. To add the fact you had now a shell was quite uncomfortable and hard to work with. You coudnt walk properly for a week til you finally got used to it! You coudnt write, play or draw cause of the new 3 fingers, and it was uncomfortable laying down. Besides... YOUR HAIR WAS NOW GONE. though sometimes your parents did give you the potion that could turn you into the human you were before but only if needed.
It took sometime to get along with the turtles, since no one has ever been this friendly, Loud and mischievous. In many ways. Pranks, Jokes, Roasts, but what got you the most was the tickling.
Sure Pranks where fun although you didn't really participate in them since they were quite... well- exploding. Jokes? Leo made that many that if you said one everyone will say "we know" and Leo would just giggle. Roasts? Well too lazy/ tired sometimes to be original. But tickles? Gosh.
Thats where the fun begins.
In the first week you started finally gaining your balance Leo came up behind you and gave you a hug that just squeezed a bit too much to make you giggle. That gave them an idea that you're ticklish. And that's where the turtles started plotting.
Raph is the biggest. So it's obvious he will scoop you up and just hug you like a doll while secretly tickling and squeezing your sides while pretending like you're not giggling to death.
And gosh, another reason added that you had sensitive skin in turtle form. This just made the tickles worse. And Raph knew it.
Ya know the "clothes don't make the turtle" episode? Well he'd tickle you like that just to win something. Wether it's a card or a video game.
If you'd be lazy he'd just start poking you till you admit defeat, but he will carry you to the training hall.
If you're getting carries by sitting on his shoulder then he will defenetly hold you down with one arm and just tickle and poke your feet as he speaks to the rest.
He'd scratch his claws and tease you by scratching your tickle spots making you burst into giggles.
If you won't do smth like throw out the trash then he'd tickle you as a "lesson" when inreality he just wanted to be petty and tickle you.
He teases.
Yes he does. You know the baby voice he does sometimes?
"Oh nooo~ did my baby sibling 'forgot' to wash dishes?~ well I gotta teach you a lesson!"
"Aww why didn't you mention that your dead spot is here?~ I could of wrecked you a long time agooo!"
And after he'd be like-
"Yeah that's what you get!" And then he'd chuckle and just help you stand up rubbing your bald head.
Though if the others were ganging up on you and you obviously coudnt fight back he'd step into the game and give a pizza slice of the pizza they all ordered as he'd help you get justice- YOUR BIGGEST OLDEST AND COOLEST BROTHER IS THERE FOR YOU 🏋‍♀️🏋‍♀️🏋‍♀️💪💪💪
He has a nice after care, cuddles and a pizza slice while just talking. He likes hugs. And if he could he'd read you a story but in the end you'd be the one reading since he can't read.
Defenetly the one that tickles you THE MOST.
Like he'd come up, annoy you and then start just pocking you, and excuse that as "sibling behavior" (he's totally lying)
He'd jump out of a closet and then start wrecking you into bits, for like, no reason.
Feeling annoyed? Tickles. Feeling bad? Tickles. Feeling lazy? Tickles. Feeling sad? Tickles. Feeling happy? Tickles. HED TICKLE YOU IN WHATEVER MOOD YOU'RE IN.
Since I think he and Donnie are the medics of the group I think he'd "pretend" that he's checking up your body since you were in a disguise for "so long" when in reality he wants to hear your giggles and squeaks.
If you'd stay up late he'd tickle you so you get tired. Put you into bed. Tuck you in. A (PLANTONIC / SIBLING LOVE) kiss on the forehead and go back to do is insomniac things.
Though he probably does know where to stop and when.
Like he'd immidietly know. No matter what!
His teases belong to the mood.
Like if you're sad he will be nice and just complement you. But when he's wrecking you while you're in a "Grumpy mood" and that you need to "cheer up".
"Ooooo You like this? You like this?"
"Im not stopping!"
"Why r you giggling?"
"Your laughter sounds like a mouse (he'd say this not to offend you but to embarras you before he'd blow a raspberry)
I think his favorite thing in tickles are blowing raspberries.
Unlike Raph that would scratch you to make out giggles Leo would wreck you while blowing raspberries.
Your laughter would be SOOOO Loud.
Sometimes if you're in your human form and he has a mood to be petty he'd tickle you just cause you aren't bald rn.
He'd use his portal sword to cheat in it to.
Like let's pretend you stole his comic and you are reading it when suddenly you see a portal open up infront of you and start tickling your plastron meanwhile next to you is standing Leo smacking the comic out of your head while you're apologizing in giggles.
Though if you 2 team up I'd be mostly to maybe annoy other or cause the others ganged up on you and now you're taking Mikey while he is taking Donnie and Raph for justice!!
After care would be a pat on the shoulder, some ice water, and a jupiter Jim movie til you recover. (The other turtles and April would defenetly join, and Maybe Casey but I think he'd be confused of the movie)
He's an evil scientist that loves theater and justice. Do I need to explain more?
I think that at first he woudnt tickle you, he'd show his inventions to you, like every. Single. One.
But the thing is he was the first one to know that you're ticklish. How? Well he was the one that made the first health control to check on your turtle body and see if years of disguise affected it.
He'd squeeze you here and there, scratch some places making you laugh or giggle which gave him the idea you're ticklish.
He defenetly dramaticly gasped or sorry- he'd defenetly say that he dranaticly gasped before chuckling and giving a slight tease.
"Oh? I think I touched a nerve- litteraly"
He'd note that down and use it agianst you another time.
YOU ATE HIS LAST SLICE OF PIZZA? Tickle prison it is!
You could be just sitting doing smth and he'd come up to you and it would go like:
"Did you eat MY last slice of pizza?"
"Uh- no....?"
Maybe Donnie isn't good at lying but he knows when someone lies. The second you respond he'd start tickling you.
And like his twin he'd love wrecking you.
His teases would be something like:
"From my last invention I found out you're ticklish! I gotta test that theory out!"
Yh. i said. Crazyyyy
Like his twin he is gonna tickle you under health control but secretly.
He'd pretend he dosent notice it but he'd have a big smirk he's hiding.
If you wear purple sometimes at first he'd mind a bit but with time you would assure him that he's as important as others and he isn't replecable, with time he got used to you wearing purple, but he'd still use that as an excuse to tickle you.
I think his favorite tickling thing is maybe iteams.
I fell like he'd experiment diffrent things to tickle you with and then see which one gives the most laughter and which the least.
if you roast him or insult him (playfully ofcourse) he'd get pouty and frowny and he'd argue with you til he says
Pick you up and start tickling you mercilessly.
I feel like if you 2 teamed up he'd tell you everyone's tickle spots.
Maybe not death spots (unless the others know your death spot) but he'd give you good exempels.
Mikeys knees, Leo's armpits, Raphs spikes...
His after care? He'd put a blanket on you and start info dumping and you'd respond with a smile wondering what the heck he is talking about, or maybe you'd join in on the blabbering.
He's the most affectionate??? Ofcourse he'd love tickle you AND hug you!
I feel like he'd be your first person to go to when you have a Lee mood.
Like, I feel like he woudnt comment, hug you, and tickle you.
He'd also be rhe most gentle one.
Like he'd tickle you either for justice or to cheer you up!
Or just cause he wanted to hear you giggle.
I bet that since he's now a older brother he gotta take care of you yaknow?
Yea he maybe is the smallest, but hes defenetly the most elastic one.
you 2 would be painting something and then he'd start painting on you shell making you giggle and laugh while he's painting a master piece on your shell.
you defenetly weren't tickled more when He took a sponge and started rubbing it to try and wash away the paint
I feel like he'd give out the sweetest teases ever.
"Your laugh is so cute Y/n!"
"N/n your face is red! Awwww!"
"You squeak like a mouse it's adorable!"
He'd defenetly won't become a tease monster if his doctor delicate touch side came out
He'd later say "Love ya sibling!" (PLANTONIC) Either in a teasing tone or a happy tone.
I think his favorite tickle method would maybe be tickle affection.
Hugs, kisses, nibbles ETC. (PLANTONIC, they are siblings.)
He'd nibble sometimes on your worst spots while hugging you and tickling you at the same time while grinning.
Alright maybe he is small, but if the rest ganged up on her? His doctor delicate touch side is back on.
Like I feel if you 2 would team up He'd tell you the best ways to tickle them. And how to wreck them properly to make them stop tickling you everytime you got your justice.
He's good At aftercare too!
I feel like everytime if yall would tickle each other yall would calm down, hug, and probably talk bout life or just sit in silence while Mikey was talking bout a new cooking book that meat sweats made.
Siblings 😭
Either of them is tickling you? The rest are either joining the tickle fight or just pretending You don't exist as you laugh your shell up.
They WILL gang up on you, no matter what.
You're their little baby sibling! You gotta get tickled a BIT 😒
While training you they'd tickle you or poke you and pretend like that is "preparing for you to focus"
If you'd win a game they would make plans to tickle you. Yea. I feel like they would.
But at the same time I think in the end a turtle pile will relax every one of you as after care while watching jupiter Jim movies.
Ticklishness? Probably 7/10.
It's hard to get him cause he's such a big boy!!! But there are ways to geth to him...dw...
Worst spots are probably his spikes and/or neck, his melting spots are palms and maybe feet.
He's kinda squirmy so watch out for spikes!
His laugh can be either squeaky and sweet or hysterically and kinda loud. There's no in between.
"N/N. N/N- *cackle* PLEASEEE-"
"Y/n NOT thehehehehreeeee!!! Eeep!"
*girly shriek*
He'd slapp his hand onto the floor if he has enough.
After that older brother needs an nap! Nighty night!
9/10. This mother truckers ticklish.
A poke can send him into giggles.
His laugh is hysterically and dramatic and I know It I feel it.
Hes tickle spots are his plastron neck and shell (probably) oh and let's not forget armpits! His melt spots are probably feet and knees.
This idiot would say smth about you that you woudnt dare tickle him and 20 seconds later get wrecked by you.
Squirmy butt. Be careful he might kick ya-
When you'd stop he'd pretend like nothing happend before getting justice-
Ticklishness? Same as his twin 9/10.
Though he's beter at hiding it even if he's not good of a liar.
He can hold in his laughter very well, well, unless you wreck him.
He'd lose it.
Bad spits are probably sides, armpits and shell' edges but BE CAREFULL WITH THE SHELL. His melting spots are though his neck and his arms.
He'd try to lie but he woudnt he able to.
His laughter is a bit squeaky and he snorts much!
He'd curl up into a ball trying to protect himself of his squirming didn't work and he needs to try and protect his "edgy emo" persona.
He'd be embarrased after and just pretend like it didn't happen.
He's either 8/10 or 10/10.
His laughter is giggly squeaky and bubbly.
His worst spots are his shell, knees and feet while his melt spots are his face and probably shoulders.
He isn't afraid of tickles, he'd laugh along with you.
He shrieks.
I feel like he'd just hug you in the end.
Thats all. Probably will edit this in the morning cause of the ending. I'm sorry this became this short at the end. Nighty night and of you want more just request idm!
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
You're prolly gonna be a bit surprised once I come off anon, but how could I not when give me when you'd give the opportunity of beta-testing 👀👀 and don't worry about your code being messy, it's your first time developing a game is it not? Just like how babies fall down a lot before they can confidently learn how to walk, doing new things often means that you're probably not gonna be all that good at first, but the more you do them, the better you get.
I also struggled with that notion a lot, kinda comes as a byproduct of being a former gifted kid yknow? But it's okay to make mistakes, they are there so you can learn from them, the most important thing is that you don't get discouraged by them. I mean you're already learning how to code, not a lot of people have the ambition to just go out and make a game from scratch like that, so that's already an admirable feat! You may think that I'm very knowledgeable in code, but that's only because I'm in college and have actual classes dedicated to coding, in comparison you're already learning at a younger age, and essentially self taught too. Of course your first codes will be a bit embarrassing, but that's totally alright! You can look back on it one day and confidently say: this is the piece of code that helped develop my game in the long run!!
Always remember "Don't kill the cringe, kill the part of you that cringes" were all just awkward people on the internet who are trying our best in the end.
-Ren'py anon
Renpy anon you are an Angel or somekind of God send because theres no way someone can be this sweet... <33
Yeah, I'm thinking of making another game for another fandom, and I'm so grateful I'm having this experience so I can be better for that one! I've struggled with dialogue, typos in the scripting system, specific indenting, writing the game summary, etc etc.
This whole experience has made me better! I appreciate the couple months ago when I got so excited when I learned how to do one line of dialogue. I was so so SO relived when that grey screen of dev death didn't pop up. I was even better when I learned how to make choices in game 😭
The burnt out gifted kid thing is so relatable. I got the best marks I could and had straight A's all throughout middle school, but now idrc (Mostly bc online schooling just looks like a bunch of boring words on the screen and fake classes you click on and sleep thru)
I'm sooooo tired. I just wanna do the things I want dammit! But unfortunately the world ain't like that.
Also you're in COLLEGE taking CODING CLASSES? Impressive 😊 also sounds hard. Coding is fun, but I don't wanna make it a responsibility. Anyway, you probably are way more knowledgeable than me, but thank you for complimenting and motivating me! You make me feel safe fr 😎 (I love u so much already what)
And yes, don't kill the cringe, kill the part of you that cringes. I totally agree with that! We really are just people living on a floating rock trying out best, so lets just enjoy what we have ^^
Leave cringe culture in the 2010's please 😭
If you're one of my mutuals undercover, I'm gonna scream. If not, Im still gonna scream and jump around my room because I'm gonna be so excited.
You're wise and give great advice renpy nonnie. This is why ur in coding classes, only smart ppl make and support dark fanfic visual novels 😍😍😍
0 notes
hotwings0203 · 3 years
HOWDY!! how are u doing?? Its that person who asked if you would write something for that deku imagine that @candy-hime wrote, about you and deku forced to live together and you corrupting him it could be you or reader but I just love that concept of corrupted! Deku 😩🙏🏾💕💕
Thank you, have a nice day/night!! 😪💜
OH HI HAHAHA MASSIVE BET, I think I’ll do a little bit of both. This will probably be a little self indulgent but I’ll still put it as an “x reader”!
Tw:noncon, misogyny, the reader is a bitch, vouyerism
It was a dare by your friends to live with Izuku Midorkya for a month if you really could handle any type of man.
You’ve dealt with Hawks’ cocky nature, Shoto’s bland comebacks, Bakugo’s constant state of rage- you’ve done it all. Any type of scummy or tiring man a girl has to date you’ve seen in all of these men. They’re practically walking red flags.
Until you’re forced to room with Deku for a whole freaking month.
You just don’t get him! Why is he always so cheery? What the fuck is he smiling about? And who the hell is he baking for? There’s only two of you in the house, it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything.
You don’t buy it. There has to be some kind of catch to all this facade of a gentleman.
“Hey, Y/N?” He knocks on your ajar door and peeks his cute little face in. “Did you have dinner yet? I was gonna eat but then I thought I’d have some ramen with you-“
“Did I say you could enter?” You slowly lift your head up from your laptop and glare at him. “Are you some kind of pervert? What if I was changing?”
“N-no! I’m so sorry, I should’ve let you answer first, I just wanted to see if you were hungry-“
“God, what are you, my dad? Is that what you want? For me to call you Daddy?” Sneering, you jump up from your bed and stall towards the door.
Deku stumbles over his feet to retreat after seeing the look on your face. “No! Not at all, what? Come on, I didn’t mean any harm-“
“Yeah? Then knock before you enter closet perv.” And with that, you slam the door mere inches away from his startled face as hard as you can, uncaring if the low this on the other side of the wood was his connection to it swinging shut.
“What a fucking brown-noser,” you mutter loud enough for him to hear.
It’s odd how long you wait behind the door before you can hear his footsteps retreat.
A week later you decide to amp it up a notch. There’s no way he’s so fucking green, there’s gotta be some twisted thing inside him that makes him tick.
And so on the day of his turn to do laundry, you decide to dump your fanciest and sluttiest undergarments into the laundry basket.
He’s in some dorky apron when you catch him kneeling over the bag, ruffling through clothes and spraying them with detergent like the good little boy he is.
You perch on the couch behind the laundry room and wait. He doesn’t hear a thing with his headphones blasting some stupid happy-go-lucky songs in his ears.
Eventually he pulls out your lace g-string, and stares at the crumpled mass in confusion. He unravels the lace and stares at it for a good minute or two in surprise you think.
But nonetheless, like the chivalrous man he is, he shakes his head and slaps his reddening cheeks to get over the shock before reaching for the spray.
This was your cue.
You make sure to sound out of breath and extra irritated when you flounce over to his kneeling form and snatch the garment out of his hands.
He jumps a bit and takes his headphones off when he sees your hand descending.
“Oh, it’s just you. You scared me for a sec’ there,” he laughs sheepishly and rubs his neck. “I was just doing the laundry, sorry if that looked weird.”
“Looked weird? You’re fucking disgusting, Dick-u. I’ve been looking for these for days now, and where do I find them? In your grubby little hands.”
His jaw drops open.
“Huh? No, you’ve got it all wrong! It was in the basket, I swear! You must have misplaced it by accident or something.”
“Oh, so now you’re calling me a liar? You think I’m crazy or something? Im not the one sniffing girls’ panties!”
He frantically waves his hands to negate your accusation but you merely spit on the floor next to him.
“Don’t touch my shit again you fucking freak. Go buy a pocket pussy or something since you can’t keep it in your pants.”
At this, he pinches his eyebrows together and starts getting up.
“Hold on, what’re you being so aggressive for? I told you, they were just in here, I’m not that kind of guy.”
He steps towards but you don’t back down. Rather, you jab a finger in his toned chest and bring yourself face-to-face with him.
“Dont fucking walk up to me like that you douche. You’re the one in the wrong here, so I wouldn’t be so aggressive, like you said. Come at me like that again and I’ll fuck you up.”
With the lace in hand, you barely contain your smirk as you storm back into your room, relishing in how Izuku stands like a statue in the same place as you left him, his hands curiously curling into fists and his nostrils inflated.
But behind the safety of your door, he doesn’t continue any shenanigans.
He stays relatively quiet and out of sight for a couple of days, and you start to get bored again.
So this time, you put all your cards on the table and do a double whammy.
One night you call Katsuki, a fuck buddy of yours for a while and use him to help you get off.
You’re not really horny, but the blond side does have a way of getting you there. Luckily, your room is right next to Deku’s so your plan is executed to the best extent.
“Katsuki, oh Katsuki, please. Fuck, fuck yeah, ‘wanna hear you cum for me baby, I want you to bruise my cervix,” you babble loudly as you shove two fingers in your pussy and use your thumb to press on your clit.
“Yeah, you fucking whore, you like that? You like knowing that a shitty nerd like him’s prolly getting off to you calling my name like a slut? I bet you do, keep fucking yourself to my voice, do it otherwise I’ll bruise your ass black and blue when this month’s over.”
“Kat-Katsuki please fuck meeee dadddyyyyy oh fuck-Kacchan!” You cry out and cum violently around squelching fingers.
You put the phone down for a moment to catch your breath, but hear nothing from the other room.
Your face falls as Bakugo rambles on the other end. You hang up with him mid-sentence and remove your fingers from your legs, licking it off absentmindedly and thinking of your next move.
The next morning, you don the tiniest pairs of shorts you have in your closet that accentuates the shape of your ass and the skimpiest bra you can find that shows a peek of the top of your nipples.
You tie your hair up and amble out into the kitchen where he already is, reading something on his his phone and sipping form a black mug.
He barely darts his eyes and lifts the corners of his mouth in a hesitant greeting when he sees what you’re wearing.
He chokes on his drink and does a massive double take, juice spilling from his open mouth.
You raise an eyebrow and smooth your baby hairs, rolling your eyes and walking behind him to grab your own cup.
“See something you like?” Water trickling is the only sound in the room apart from your quip.
“Uh, n-no. Just swallowed wrong I guess.”
“Wonder why,” you drawl with a bored voice and edge closer to his back.
He’s hunched over, mindlessly scrolling too-fast on his phone to be deemed as actually reading anything. You recognize this form of coping from people like yourself who try to find distractions at parties where you don’t know people, just flipping through tabs to look like you’re actually doing something.
As you walk around him again, you make sure to train your eyes on his own, hounding he out for the moment he slips.
And slip he does, but only after you pretend to stretch and lift your self on your tippy toes in front of him, your shorts hiking up to show some cheek.
It’s only for a moment, but while the cup is against his mouth and his phone in his hand, his eyes dart to the exposed skin, then back up to your triumphant eyes.
“I knew it.”
He sighs and puts his cup down. “Knew what?”
“That you were a sick little virgin who gets off on staring at girls.”
“Y/N, I wasn’t-“
“I also know,” you raise your voice above his and slowly walk over to the table on the other side across from him, leaning forward and making sure that your tits squish together as you drop them on the countertop, “that last night you were totally listening to me on the phone with Bakugo. I heard your grunts and disgusting fapping noises. You don’t have to make it so obvious that you don’t get any.”
And this time, regardless of his indignation and frustration, he can’t stop himself from watching your hands trail up the sides of your bra and slowly drag the material down, down, down until your perfect breasts spill out and embrace the cold granite.
You honestly have no idea if he jacked off to last night’s call or not, but he doesn’t seem to be denying anything.
His mouth opens the widest you’ve even seen it. His face is beet red, and he visibly starts to perspire.
Your hands mold the soft skin and squeeze until your nipples swell and peek out from between your ruthless fingers, but you still look as bored and slightly curious as ever.
“This is all you’re ever gonna get, you sad incel. Take a good long look at them since I know this is what you’ve been wanting this entire time now.”
His mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out.
When he groans and starts to bring his down down between his legs, you strike.
“I guess I really was right. You’re not some nice guy, it was all a facade. Can’t wait to tell everyone how fucked in the head you are.” His vision starts to clear as you sneer at him again and start packing your tits back where they belong.
As you turn around, you call out over your shoulder, “Oh, and by the way? You whimper like a little bitch.”
It’s silent as you walk with your head held high back to your room, sure that you had broken him and that he was going to take his loss with his own held low.
You don’t really expect to hear the thunderous sounds of someone dragging their chair away and positively sprinting towards you.
You turn halfway and your eyes widen as you see him barreling towards you with the most terrifying expression you’ve ever seen on him.
“What the fu-“
But you don’t get a chance to finish your exclamation, because Deku body slams you onto your bed and immediately seized your wrists above your head. You can feel his hard-on rub against your mound as he straddles your flailing body and keeps you pinned between his muscles calves.
“Get off of me, are you fucking crazy?” You scream and toss your head side to side, trying to arch your back to throw him off of you-which only succeeds in pressing your mound against his.
“You teasing slut. All I’ve done is try to play nice with you, but you just had to fucking push it, didn’t you?” He rages quietly, his arms shaking in effort not to snap your wrists in half. You still as his jaw clenches and trembles, his green hair hanging over his eyes that reflect nothing but malice and hate.
You’re scared. For the first time this entire month with him, you want him away from you and off of you.
“Look, I-I messed up, I know, I’m sorry-“
“-You’re sorry?” He laughs high pitched and you cringe when he thrusts his face towards yours, practically brushing noses and seeing his bloodshot crazed eyes.
“Yeah, you will be sorry. After today, you won’t ever fuck with me again. Or at least want to. I’ll do whatever the hell I want with you though since that’s what you’ve been so hellbent on achieving, right?”
His scarred hands waste no time in yanking down your bra the same way you did before, except much less gentler than you did by yourself.
“No, no, Deku please, I’m really sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” You whimper and struggle again beneath him, which is promptly stopped with a loud squeal when he pinches your nipple.
“Shut up. Wanton bitches like you don’t get to beg for mercy.”
He smirks and lets his tongue flop onto your strained neck, slobbering like a dog all over you.
“This is what you wanted right? For me to put you in your place and fuck your needy hole? And you had the audacity to call me disgusting,” he laughs and draws back, mocking your wobbling lips.
“Oh, oh baby don’t cry,” he holds both your wrists in one hand and uses the other to caress your cheek, slapping it hard when you turn away from his touch. “You’re just gonna get what’s coming to you.”
He indicates what he means by grinding his hips against the front of your shorts, snickering as you whimper and dipping his fingers below the hem, teasing you cruelly.
“Whose whimpering like the bitch now, huh?”
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weasel-b33 · 3 years
500 Miles (j.p x fem!reader)
Description: A few years after the birth of your son Harry, you and your husband James recall the beginning of your relationship. (NO VOLDY I CAN NOT DO THAT TO MYSELF) 
Warnings: Fluff, Kissing, A little Swearing, idk Cute Daddy James, Prolly many spelling errors I wrote this late and I am very tired...
Also the dates may be a bit wrong so im sorry in advance!! 
italicized is flashback!! 
Lyrics used in the song are from “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers (I KNOW THE SONG CAME OUT IN ‘87 BUT SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF PLEASE)
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(not my gif)
The rambunctious laughter of the four year-old toddler and his father echoed throughout the large estate.
“Daddy!” exclaimed the messy haired Harry, “Can I please have a story.” Heavily emphasizing the puppy dog eyes he learned from his godfather, Sirius, a few years prior.
James Potter, the man unable to say no to anyone, tried to recall a story he had not told his son. Thinking back to the fairy tales of a prince slaying a fictional dragon, even though they are very much real, to save the princess that his mother used to tell him, James realized he was all out of good material. 
“I’m sorry bubs, I have nothing new too share,” the bespectacled man added lamely. The disappointment was instant on the child’s face, but luckily before the waterworks began, Y/N Potter strolled through the foyer into the den.
“Mommy!” Harry exclaimed, jumping up and bonding over to his mother, nearly knocking her over with his brute strength.
“Umph- Where’s the fire lovey?” you questioned with a slight chuckle. The dramatics of your son were never a surprise. Between his father and Sirius, you were surprised he had not acted much worse. Walking, more like sliding due to the child gripping your calves, over to your husband and lightly pecking his lips you ask, 
“What’s wrong now?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he sheepishly stated, “I sorta don’t have a new story to tell him... he’s a bit peeved, if you couldn’t tell.”
A loud laugh tore through your throat as you pet your son’s hair affectionately.
“Come off Harry, Mommy has a perfect story to tell you,” you crooned softly.
“You do?”Harry questioned, rubbing the tears out of his stunning green eyes.
You picked him up and sat down near James, “Yes poppet, I have a very interesting story about how two very special people fell in love.” 
James quickly turned his head and quirked a questioning brow, “It all started when they were 15...” 
November 7, 1975
Quietly sitting on the vermilion couch of the Gryffindor Common Room, you began to fade out the noise of Lily ranting about the recent History of Magic exam, and Marlene’s long monologue over if she should or should not cut bangs. Instead, you were beginning to rip out each and every one of the hairs on your head because your Potions essay was nearly finished, yet you could not get those final words to conclude it all. 
Across the common room, a rowdy group of teenage boys, better known as the Marauders, were planning the newest prank on Snape. 
"We should give him that shampoo that will change his hair pink,” Sirius added.
Remus shook his head disapprovingly, “Pads, we did that last time come on..”
“WE HAVE NOTHING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH US, MOONY, HELP I’M DYING OF NO CREATIVITY!” Sirius exclaimed throwing himself across the scarred boy.
Although, many people turned their attention to the dark haired pureblood, James seemed he could not take his eyes off the girl nearly burning holes into her parchment, the girl he has fancied since he was 12. 
While playing with the snitch he stole, he said, “What if we tried that new rain spell we learned in charms today?” 
“Too difficult, we have not had enough practice.” Remus dismissed. “Well what if I found someone to practice on?” James added quickly turning to face his werewolf best friend. 
“Sure... Whatever, I could care less- Pads, get the bloody hell of me before I kick your arse,” 
“I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY REMUS JOHN,” Sirius yelled beginning his quick climb up the stairs to the boys dorm, with Remus and Peter quickly following.
“You comin’ Prongs?” Remus asked to the brunette still staring at the girl with shaky hands.
“No, I’ll come up in a few, still want to try to figure this prank out...” he said quietly. The lanky boy followed his best friends line of sight and quietly smirked to himself.
“Alright, don’t wear yourself out too much.” 
Even throughout the commotion, you still made no move to change your line of sight. That was until Marlene nudged you and whispered into your ear.
“Psst! Oi! Y/N! Why is Potter staring at you?” 
You quickly shook your head and waved off her question, opting to continue to find the right words.
Well until your blonde friend gripped your jaw, and turned your head to the direction of the boy. You instantly made eye-contact with the messy haired Gryffindor and quirked a brow. He smirked and turned his head away. You thought nothing of the interaction, until you felt a sudden drop above your head...
Instantly, it seemed as though there was a storm in the common room. Looking towards the ceiling you saw the dark rain cloud above your head. Quickly turning your head to the essay you were writing you noticed it completely wet and ruined. You jumped into action, trying to salvage what you could, but it was too late. Ignoring the screeches of your friends and fellow housemates, you began to look for the source of the cloud.
That was until you made eye contact with the laughing and smug James Potter.
“POTTER!” you yelled. Almost immediately the rain stopped, but the damage had been done. “JAMES POTTER! YOU BETTER HAVE A REASON YOU STARTED A STORM IN THE COMMON ROOM!” 
Hearing the commotion, the rest of the Marauders came down to the common room to witness what was happening. But all they saw was a yelling match between you and their brunette best friend.
“What? I did nothing, I don’t mean to dampen your mood, but I have no idea what you are on about.” James replies smugly.
“UGH- YOU ARE A BULLY AND A RIGHTEOUS, STUCK UP, EGOTISTICAL ARSEHOLE! I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING THIS BECAUSE-- OH MY! I-” You were quickly being dragged away by your red head companion. 
“Y/N, he is not worth it... let’s just leave.” 
“Y/N, it was just a prank, its no big deal relax.” James said.
“RELAX! ARE YOU KIDDING... I-” you paused taking shallow and rapid breaths, ‘you know I can not believe you think its funny. You truly have no regard for people and how they feel do you?” you asked slowly and meticulously. 
“Prongs, just apologize and lets go..” Remus said quickly.
“I- I didn’t realize it would be that big of a deal.” James tried to say to you, but it was no use because you had already dragged Lily and Marlene out the common room and to the library to re-start your assignment. 
“Oh, COME ON! I did not” James stated jokingly.
“Darling, you must certainly did, I barley passed that essay as well. I blame you for me getting an E in that class.” You replied giggling.
“Moooommmyyy! Story, get back to the story,” Your son said dramatically, grabbing your cheeks and turning to face him for extra effect.
Hearing a chuckling from James in the background, “Alright bubs, back to the the story”
January 23, 1976
After months of back and forth between you and James, he was fed up trying to get your attention. From roses to chocolate, to even a firework show in your honor, James believed he had done everything to apologize to you for his stupid prank and prove his affection.
Tired of his friends constant whining, Remus and Sirius decided to take matters into their own hands and talk to someone who knew you better than anyone else, Lily and Marlene.
“Oh Evans, Mckinnon, we are in grave need of your beautiful minds” Sirius flirted. Remus smacked him across the head adding, “Ignore the git, we need some help its about-”
“James?” Lily and Marlene said in unison.
“Yeah...how did you know” Remus questioned. “Are we gonna ignore the fact they spoke at the same time” Sirius said, once again receiving a blow from his friend.
Rolling her eyes, Lily remarked, “Well, Y/N has been complaining about him for months,” Marlene quickly interjected, “...and you never are without him so its an easy assumption. 
Now its was the boys turn to roll their eyes to the back of their heads. “Anyways, he will not shut up about getting her to forgive him... so we were wondering if you had anything that could work to get her to forgive him?” Remus pleaded with the best Sirius puppy dog eyes he could muster.
“Fine,” Lily and Marlene said jointly.
“THEY DID IT AGAI- OH NOT YOU TOO AS WELL!” Sirius exclaimed rubbing the now sore bump on his head. 
Ignoring the dog’s dramatics, the group of four began conducting a plan for James that would knock Y/N’s socks off.
At this point, Harry had nestled between his parents and fell into a deep sleep.
The two of you put him to bed and settle down back into the living room.
Looking longingly at his wife, James says, “Well, might as well finish the story love... it is the best part.”
Giggling at the antics of your husband, you shrug and began to finish the story...
February 14, 1976 
The Great Hall looked as though Cupid had just went on a decorating rampage. The room lined with pink and red hearts and the sight of loving couples nearly made you want to gag. Then, you remembered the boy who has dying to get your attention for the past months and can not seem but to get excited.
What does he have planned for you? Is he gonna get me a gift? Do I look presentable? 
“WHAT!” you quickly think to yourself, “Why in Merlin’s name am I excited to to see Jame- Potter. Godric I can’t feel like this for him... He his as a fly that buzzes and will not leave me alone... but he is not the worst to look at”
You quickly snap out of your thoughts as Lily starts to put food onto your plate. You begin to eat, but can only think of one thing.
James Potter.
“Why?” You begin questioning again, “Godric, Y/N You like him... No I do not.. You realize you are having this whole conversation within your brain, right? It is obvious you like him...” you grumble to yourself as you realize your psyche has won once again.
Lily noticing your strange behavior begins to question if you discovered what they have planned. 
Almost as though the boys heard Lily’s thoughts the beginning of the plan is activated.
Instantly, the candles in all of the Great Hall extinguish and there is the beginning of a song plays.
Suddenly, a spotlight shines onto the teachers table where atop, James and the rest of the Marauders stand, Remus and Sirius with guitars and Peter on the drums. James holding a mic begins to sing...
When I wake up, Well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.
Your head snaps to the noise and there you see in all of his glory, James Potter holding a microphone staring straight at you.
When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along.
Quickly shoving the breakfast roll down your throat you nearly choke as you see the boy slowly make his way towards the front of the Gryffindor table.
When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you.
Your eyes widen comically when you see James Potter jump onto the Gryffindor table. 
And when I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you.
Slowly, the boy begins his walk across the table to where you sit. You try to make a run for it, but Lily and Marlene quickly grab your arms and anchor you down to the bench 
“What friends you are!” you hiss at the two.
Marlene just rolls her eyes and Lily pinches your hip.
And I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who rolls a thousand miles To fall down at your door
Once the boy is standing in front of you he reaches down for your hand. Stubbornly, you ignore his gesture, well until your two friends throw you up onto the table with the love struck brunette. 
When I come home well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you And when I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you.
You grip onto the boys biceps for stability and are forced to look into his ravishing hazel eyes...
In that moment you forget all that he has done to you in the past and all you can think about is him and you. 
But I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who roles a thousand miles To fall down at your door.
Smiling, to yourself, you grab the face of the boy in front of you and mold your lips together. Ignoring the cheers of your classmates, the only sounds you hear are the background noise of the boy’s best friends signing backup. 
Da da da  Da da da                                                                                                            Da Da Dun Diddle                                                                                            Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da Da.....
Smiling to yourself and grabbing the hand of the man you love you start laughing.
“What’s so funny, love?” James asks.
“Nothing.... Just we began dating because you performed a whole song and dance in front of the entirety of Hogwarts.” you reply breathlessly.
“Well, hey, look at us now... happy, healthy, and a true family.” he replies smiling at your antics.
You lay down your head into the lap of your husband, and look up into his hazel eyes you got lost into all those years ago, “Such a sap, Potter, such a sap...”
Kissing your cheek softly, “Only for you, my darling girl... only for you...” 
“I love you Jamie”
“I love you more, my love.”            ______________________________________________________________
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bl--ankhaeji · 4 years
Lucky One (Donghyuck)
Pairing ~ Donghyuck x Reader 
Genre ~ Fluffyyyy
Warning ~ I really dont have anything to warn about. Except for that I wrote this one in an hour again so there may be misspelled anything(literally just had to correct misspelled words while writing this part) 
A/N ~ Another one of my bursts of inspiration again. I was laying in bed and reading something where the reader rubbed lotion on Jaehyun and this came to mind. Also hyuckie baby has been working really hard lately and I’ve been worried about him so I felt he deserved this.
W.Count ~ i’ve been neglecting word count on my past fics and honestly i’m prolly boutta do it on this one...sorry
The steam from the tub rose, creating a thin layer of fog to cover the room. Feeling the condensation start to clump on your face the heat causing you to let out a sigh. The bag of lavender scented bath salt sat on the side of the tub still slightly open from when you poured some over into the water. You had also emptied a packet of powdered bath milk into the steaming element making it turn a thin almost see through white. 
 The door to the apartment opens and then closes with a soft slam. “Babe, I’m home.” the tired lifeless words fall from Hyuck’s beautiful heart shaped lips. 
“In the bathroom!” You yell, taking a step back admiring your work. Rushing to the bedroom you two sleep in you see the weary boy laying face down on the bed, his bag half haphazardly thrown across the room. You crawl next to him laying down in the process facing each other. 
“Hey baby. How was your day at the store?” he questioned you.
You owned a music store, selling vinyls and used guitars and other things, but those two are how you met Hyuck. He accompanied Jaehyun one day to buy vinyls to which you later learned was because he promised to buy a meal for the boy and then another time he came with Jeno and Mark looking for guitars that’s when he asked you out and that’s how you two started. 
��My day was fine, a little slow though. How was yours beloved?” you smiled at the man across from you, just looking at him brought a smile to your face. 
“My day was tiring as usual lately. We have two music shows to prepare for and a weekly idol episode to film for 127. I know this is the life I asked for and I love it. I truly do, it's just sometimes it gets so draining and with both 127 and dream having comebacks back to back I’ve been running around a lot lately.” Seeing the exhaustion in his eyes and hearing the fatigue in his voice you knew that you planned perfectly. You love Donghyuck or as the rest of the world knows him, Haechan, and you love that he is happy doing what he loves, but even you know that this lifestyle can get really tiring that’s why you try to make things as relaxing as possible when he has time.
“Well it looks like you’re just in luck boy. You can thank me now for being the best girlfriend ever. I accept gifts only in the form of 100s thank you.” You say getting up off of the bed, softly slapping his back proceeding to drag him up. “Come on now, get up and look at what I’ve prepared for you baby.”
A giggle leaves his lips as he starts to follow you to the bathroom. Upon entering he is hit with the warm scent of apples. “What is all of this?” He asks with a smile noticeably creeping onto his face. 
“This” you start motioning to the still steaming water filled tub and yourself, “Is your personal relaxation spa for tonight. I know you’ve been very busy lately with everything you have going on and I just wanted to make a night where I can cater to you and help you unwind from everything.”
The look he gives you is filled with an insurmountable amount of love. It’s like he can feel himself falling the more he looks at the giddy grin on your face. Walking over to you he cradles your face in his hands and looks you in the eyes before planting a kiss so sweet you can feel your blood sugar rising. 
Breaking the kiss he starts to strip, nothing but the sound of his clothes and hitched breath from you is heard. His honey skin glows in the soft lighting of the room, no matter how many times you see him naked it will always surprise you just how beautiful he is. 
The sound of the water moving and a low hiss takes you out of your trance. Donghyuck can already feel the tension in his muscles loosening up, washing him in a serene calm. He hears you move behind him, to which he opens his eyes he didn’t even know were closed. 
“Tilt your head back for me beloved. I’m about to wash your hair.” And Hyuck’ll be damned if he didn’t immediately let you lather the shampoo on his scalp. He loved whenever you washed his hair, the feeling of you leisurely scratching his scalp whilst also managing to massage it always made his body as limp as a noodle. 
Grabbing a bowl you fill it with water and rinse out the shampoo. “Ok I’m-” “Nonono.” Hyuck whines grabbing your wrist preventing you from leaving his head. A laugh leaves your lips and you start back massaging his scalp. “At least wash yourself while I’m doing this, or we’ll be here all night unless you want me to do that too.” 
At your off the wet male looks up at you with a cheeky smirk and a face that basically screamed ‘Aye if you want I’m not gonna stop you’ “I would hit you right now, you better be glad this is supposed to be about you.” 
Releasing a boisterous laugh he starts to wash his body. 
Donghyuck stayed in the bath until the water got cold. You both were just sitting there laughing and talking about random things. Watching him dry off you head to the bedroom where you tell him to follow you after he put on his boxers. 
Pulling out the body oils you bought earlier that day you lay them on the bedside table. “What do you have planned now?” He questions looking at you sitting on the bed, waiting for him. 
“I told you I’m your personal spa. How can you have a spa day without a massage?”  
“My baby just went all out for me didn’t you?” He coos pinching your cheeks moving to lay on the bed. “I feel sorta bad I’m supposed to take care of you like this-” 
“Na-ah don’t come up in here with those gender standards mister. There is no what you’re ‘supposed to do’ we take care of each other, we love each other and dammit if I wanna take care of my baby boy and reward him for working so hard then I will.” 
Sitting on his booty you feel him clench his butt cheeks causing you to move faintly. A giggle falls from your lips smacking his back telling him to stop. The oil runs from the bottle onto his skin, layering the tissue in a thin layer of the shiny gloss. You work your hands, gently yet firmly pressing into the knots littering underneath. 
Pressing into his back you hear a groan leave his lips. “Fuckkkk that hurts but feels so good.” With a pleased smirk set upon your lips you gather more oil in your hands rubbing them together and then massaging it into his upper back. Near his shoulder blade you feel a pretty big knot. 
“Damn, this one might hurt. Im sorry.” You start slowly working away the almost physical form of stress. A high pitched whine leaves his lips as you really start to dig into the knot. Feeling it give way finally clearing it up entirely, you sit back on his thighs, a relieved sigh leaving Hyuck’s moistened lips. “Thank you, I’ve actually been hurting a little in that shoulder and it feels a lot better baby.  
Putting more oil along his back you start to move lower. The dimples above his butt indenting, you spot the cute mole on his left butt cheek fighting the urge to poke it, you move your fingers smoothly across his back. 
“Do you want me to massage your legs beloved?” 
Asking you to stand up Hyuck starts to put on his shirt,“No baby that’s ok. You’ve done a lot already and I feel so much better. You really are like a persona spa.” He says wrapping his arms around your torso, dragging you to lay on the bed next to him. 
“Let me turn on a movie.” you turn on Netflix and pick a random movie because you already know you and Hyuck will be sleeping anytime soon. You feel the beautiful male lay his head on your breasts snuggling up to you as the movie starts. 
A few minutes into the movie he tilts his head up looking at you, leaning up he plants a firm passionate kiss on your lips. “I love you baby. Thank you so much for being mine, I’m so lucky to have you.” he says in a hoarse deep voice filled with pre-sleep. “I love you too baby and it’s funny you think that because I swear everyday I’m the lucky one.”             
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myelocin · 3 years
I don't mean to step out of line but I just read all your asks from last night and YOU'RE really the one who needs a pat on the back. I've been living alone for a while now and starting out is tough for sure. I'm 27 and I still say it's tough, so I can only imagine what it must be like for you. You said you have older siblings so you should really try to ask for some help ): I hope it works out for you Nic, you're too sweet of a person to handle this alone
i'll put my response under cut so that i don't spam too big of a space if das okays ;w;
it's all good! :> the situation's a little distant between me and my siblings that's why i can't rlly ask anyone for help ;w; i wanna say i don't mind, because some days come where i really mind and get frustrated with how unfair the situation is,,,but what else can i do yk. i can be bitter and feel helpless but that's ab as much as it's gonna get. i only grew up w one of my siblings my whole life and we are not close...at all...tear...even got more distant when our mom passed and i went back to living w my auntie instead of w him..i don't even think i can say it's a tough love situation bc i don't think i can even talk to him at the end of the day. ion hate him & i always wish the best for him,,,but at the same time he's the reason why i'm in this situation rn too TwT (agen im too tired of hyperfixating on hatred so i will just turn around and rebuild bc thats the most solid plan i have to keep me going)
but mAN i wish i had siblings i can ask for help. i have siblings but rlly only by blood ;w; they're living their life and for sure having their own stuff to deal w so i'll leave them to it.
(the other sibling i have is like 3....or 4(? girl kid prolly 6 now tbh i dont even know) LOL...never met him. and probably never going too bc his mom <3 threatens me <3)
thank u for the super sweet words tho T__T it's not gonna be easy bc getting to that stage is ady a headache for me but WELP i'll just think of my struggle as future content material i can write ab LFDMAJKNSDFK there's little stuff i look forward to waiting for me along the way,,,so it's not just the eventual destination i'm excited for :> baby steps
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commanderserwin · 3 years
Anyways this is erwin simp reporting!!! I just had a very good sleep because I dreamed of Erwin my love the light of my life. In my dream he was sick. So hange forced him to take a dayoff and they forced levi to be incharge. Im just a nobody noone dunno if im a scout cadet. It just feels like im just someone who works there. Anyways, in my dream i snucked in the commanders room. I feel so sad looking at him so haggard and tired. Even sleeping hes frowning and sweating. So i tried to sooth him by caressing his hair. Noticing its doing wonders to ease him i thought "might aswell sleep with him" like "dont ya worry self you just need not to fell asleep and if ya did i can just wake up early and snuck outta here again wink wink" so there i layed beside him. His head on my shoulders. I took his hand, hold it to my chest yupp and i had a good rest too then, still dreaming, i woke up to him awake still head on my shoulders but looking at me still holding hands. I said "well hi guess i got busted eyy lemme lemme quietly get out alright commander" 😂😂😂😂😂 he just smiled said no its alright and hold my hand tighter then I FUKIN WOKEN UP DAMNITTTTTT IT FELT LIKE WE GONNA KISS DAMN IT!!!! DAMN!!!! ANYWAYS ITS STILL A GOOD DREAM I LOVE IT AND WILL DOREVER CHEERISH IT IN MY HEART AND WILL PROLLY TELL THIS STORY TO MY GRAND CHILDREN AHHAHAHAHAHA I KISS YOU BAEBEEE I MISS YOUUUUU 😭😭😭😭
Also you might remember i said i have a surprise for you yes i do really have its just taking so long ive been redrawing shit because it doesnt look right and its nothing special just a lil sketch 😂😂😂 but soon baebee im gonna go off anon and we gonna simp together i miss you again please come back 😭😭😭
-erwin simp
i’m so sorry for being gone for a long time, i don’t know when i’ll be able to write again,,,, who knows but i missed u too! i missed reading your wild asks and the wonderful vibes u put on this blog 😽 i hope you are doing fine my darling erwin simp!
AND AS FOR YOUR DREAM,,,, HELLO HELLO MAY I REQUEST AND ERWIN FIC FROM YOU??????? READING THAT MADE ME MISS ERWIN SO MUCH :////////// SOMETHING ABOUT THAT OOPS I GOT CAUGHT 👁👄👁 OH BUT HE HELD MY HAND 😧 I GUESS I’LL STAY 😎🥴 U JUST MADE ME MISS HIM AND NOW i hate going on his damn page and seeing the word deceased lmao 🥲 like,,, let’s bring him back lads i don’t know how but ya know let’s do it but sigh
but anyway, i miss u. i miss u. i miss u! i promise i will be back soon, and who knows might probably post that erwin draft that’s been collecting dust since forever just to get back to things. i miss u my artist erwin simp and whatever art surprise that is,,, I WILL EAT IT ALL UP! I AM EXCITED FOR WHAT U HAVE BEEN DRAWING 😽😽😽 AND ALSO EXCITED TO SCREAM ABOUT IT!!!
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Protect Me
Tumblr media
Captain Magnum x gender neutral!reader
@obessionfanboy ty for the... request? Request! Ty for the request.
A/N: Me: *uses the exact same picture for two fics*. lol. It seemed to fit here as well and I was too lazy to go back and change the other one... uh this one's angsty, dude. Mostly angst. I had to add fluff at the end I'm SORRY. I had such a good time writing this, dude, I just... AHH. ok. ok I'm good. Rated T for torture, blood and gore(?).
Word Count: 3.2k
Captain Magnum glared angrily towards the horizon as he clutched the wheel tightly. He'd never had a problem with other pirates before. But he never had anything to lose before. And then you came along.
You were his soft spot. His weakness. He knew people would take advantage of that, but he didn't think much of it.
And then they took you.
It all happened so fast. You were sitting next to him, singing a shanty he taught you while the others danced. He couldn't help but stare at your face. Your wonderful face… He found it hard to believe that you were his. Not like you belonged to him. You were your own person. But… you were his! It was too good to be true…
That part was right.
There was a sudden explosion from the left. You would've gone flying if Magnum hadn't caught you. He could barely see through the smoke, but he could make out a ship next to theirs. He led you to his cabin and put you inside.
"Stay here 'til I tell ye 'tis safe," he instructed softly. You grabbed his hand when he tried to walk away from you.
"What? No, I'm helping,"
"No, ye're not. Stay here."
"I'm useful!"
"I know ye be!"
"Then let me-"
"Y/N!" He grabbed your shoulders and looked you in the eyes. You stopped at his sudden authority. "I wants t' keep ye safe… please… I don't want t' lose ye." your eyes softened and you sighed.
"Ok. I'll stay here," you smiled. He kissed your forehead and closed the door. You figured, at least, you could hide a bit better. You found a large barrel in the back of the room. You thought that'd be as good a place as any.
Captain Magnum fought off opposing pirates on the deck with the rest of the crew. His size helped an awful lot. He was much larger and stronger than the other pirates. He batted them away like flies. His ex-first-mate ran up next to him.
"Captain, where be Y/N?" He asked over the gunshots and cannonfire. He had been salty over the fact that you'd been made first mate, but you soon got along. He started thinking of you as a little sibling, so he wanted you to be safe just as much as the captain did.
"Safe in me cabin, don't worry," Magnum answered. The ex…(look, imma just call him… John. His name is John now) John looked over at Magnum's cabin to make sure you were actually safe.
"Uh… Captain?" He called for his attention. Magnum looked at him. He was pointing towards the open door of his quarters.
"Oh, no, no, no, no," he mumbled under his breath as he ran over to the open door. He threw the stuff to and fro, not caring what he broke, trying to find you.
"Oh, God," John whispered. Magnum whipped around to him, finding him staring to the side. He ran over to see what he was looking at. There you were.
Tied up.
In the arms of the enemy.
Magnum couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. He'd lost you. He'd failed you. He wanted to keep you safe… that's all he wanted to do.
"Um... I found... I found this attached t' th' wall..." John said and handed a letter to the Captain. He gently took it.
"If you want them back, you'll follow these directions…"
You sat staring blankly at the ocean while the pirates drank and cheered all around you. You were tied to the mast in the center of the ship, unable to move your arms. You were sitting. The captain of the ship walked over to you.
"Oh, come on, now. Lighten up!" he shouted. "We be good scallywags... Right fellas?!" the entire crewed bellowed out a "yeah" that shook you to your core.
"What you are is a bunch of squiffy miscreants who need to let me the fuck go," You snarled. You had picked up a bit of pirate slang while on the ship. You learned that "squiffy" meant "stupid" and "miscreant" meant "villain".
"Oh, I see we 'ave a brave one here," the captain chuckled darkly. You turned your head away from him, but he grabbed your chin and turned you back towards him. "I don't reckon ye understand... I be-" his villainous monologue was cut off by you biting his thumb. He yelled out and stumbled back.
"Fuck you, dickhead!" You shouted.
"Ow, wha' in Davy Jones' locker! Are ye feral or somethin'?" He hissed as he cradled his bleeding hand. You bared your teeth and growled like a wild animal. The crew all stepped back. He looked at them, then turned to you. "I don't take disrespect lightly. I bet we can fix that courage o' yers…" he snapped and two men untied you from the pole. You kicked them and ran towards the plank at the side of the ship. You turned towards them as they stepped towards you.
"Don't move! I'll jump! I will!" You warned. The captain held out his hand for the crew to stop walking.
"Listen, kid, we be plannin' on holdin' ye fer ransom against Captain Magnum. If he gets here 'n ye're dead? Well, then, we be jus' gonna kill 'im 'n his crew, 'n take thar loot fer ourselves. Ye wouldna like that, now would ye?" He asked. You frowned and looked at the water below before sighing and walking back onto the deck. "Yeah, that's wha' I thought." You could hear the smirk in his voice and it made you sick. A particularly large man with an eyepatch led you under the deck. He closed the hatch and pulled out a knife. Your eyes widened as you stumbled back and fell onto the floor. You started to hyperventilate and tried to move away from him. He sighed.
"This will hurt less if ye jus' sit thar 'n take it."
The crew finally arrived where they were told to go. Captain Magnum instructed two crewmates to bring a chest full of treasure. John ran up to him.
"But, Captain, can't we try 'n-" he began.
"Would ye rather 'ave treasure or 'ave Y/N back?" He responded bluntly. John opened his mouth, but sighed when he realized he had nothing to argue.
They walked into an abandoned building and entered a room that looked like it used to be a ballroom. The opposing captain sat in a velvet chair at the top of some stairs.
"Well, well, well! Look who finally decided t' show up! One eyed Jack was gettin' tired…" he mocked. Magnum clenched his fists at the implication that something happened to you.
"I brought yer treasure. Give me back me first mate," he glowered.
"Oh, come on now. Why so serious? Can nah we chat first? How was yer day?" The captain laughed. Magnum's crew all took out guns and pointed them at the opposing crew. The captain rolled his eyes.
"Alright, fine, take yer mate. They was so borin'. They barely even screamed durin' th' torture…"
Magnum could feel his face heat up in anger. His body went cold as he saw a large man drop your limp body in front of him. He breathed shakily as he saw the blood all over you. He could see tears stream down your face. Your breathing was shallow and your eyes were closed. Jack and another crewmate lifted you up and carried you back to the ship. Magnum refused to look up from the floor.
"Now, hand o'er th' chest, Magnum," the captain said in a sing-song voice. Two crewmates started sliding the chest over to the opposite crew, but Magnum blocked them with his log-leg.
"Fight me fer it." Magnum demanded.
"If ye're such a good pirate, then fight me fer th' chest."
"Wha'? No! That wasn't th' deal!"
"I guess if ye're too scared…" The pirate clenched his fists for a moment before smirking.
"Alright, then, Captain, ye've got yourself a deal." Both men stood in the center of the room. "Good ole-fashioned duel?" Magnum nodded and took out his pistol. The other captain did the same. One eyed Jack stood back a bit, and leaned over to Captain Magnum, covering his mouth with his hand and whispering something in his ear. The other captain didn't think much of it. His first mate would never do anything to harm him.
One-eyed Jack counted to ten paces, but the opposing captain turned before he finished. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, thinking he'd caught Magnum off-guard. His grin fell when he saw Magnum already pointing his pistol. Both men fired, but in his panic, the other captain missed. Magnum did not. The captain fell, screaming and holding his shoulder. Magnum looked down at him for a moment before putting his pistol away and lifting the chest, taking it back to the ship. His crew followed. The other captain sat on the floor, breathing heavily as blood gushed out of the wound. One-eyed Jack leaned down to him.
"Wha' in Davy Jones' locker did ye say t' 'im?!" The captain yelled. One-eyed Jack took the Captain's hat and put it on his own head.
"That ye always turn at 9, cap'n," he monotoned. The captain stared at him in disbelief as the larger man patted his good shoulder and left him there to bleed.
Captain Magnum stared at you from across his cabin as John patched you up. You stared blankly into space, and it was making him nervous. You hadn't said a single word since you got back. You'd barely even moved. He'd tried to get you to eat something but you just sat, staring. He was worried.
Jack finished with the last bandage and patted your arm.
"Feel better soon, kid," he whispered. You made no response. He sighed and nodded to the captain as he left. Magnum slowly walked over to you and sat in the chair by the bed.
"A-Ahoy, beauty... How... How are ye doin'?" He stuttered. You didn't respond. "How much... Does it hurt?" Still nothing. "Are ye okay?" You made absolutely no effort to make any sort of sign to let him know anything. He felt his stomach tighten when he realized you were probably in shock or… traumatized or… something. He felt tears stinging his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He needed to be strong. For you.
"Ye... ye needs t' eat. Ye... prolly lost a lot o' blood. Ye needs t' eat." he said desperately. He sat a plate down in front of you. Nothing. "I'll... Be here if ye wants t' talk. I won't weigh anchor. I promise I won't." He moved to the other side of the room again, wanting to give you space.
You didn't move for the rest of the day. It had gotten dark, and two meals had passed. You hadn't moved an inch. You just sat staring into space. He tried to initiate conversation a few times, but stopped when he finally figured out you weren't going to respond anytime soon. When night came around, he figured he'd get into bed with you. You did close your eyes as he laid you down and held you close to his chest.
"I love ye," he whispered against your head. You didn't respond.
You made no effort to get up in the morning. Magnum had to sit you up against the wall himself. He brought you breakfast and tried to coerce you into eating again. When that didn't work, he tried to feed you. He held a piece of food up against your mouth. You did nothing, even when he practically begged you to eat something. You did, however, let the water slide down your throat when he tilted your head back and poured. He figured that was good, so he left you alone. Not once did he leave the room when you were going through this. He stated by your side the whole time and left Jack in charge of the ship. He talked to you, knowing you wouldn't answer. He didn't even know if you could hear him. It didn't look like you could.
Every morning he sat you up, trying to ask how you were, eventually leaving you alone.
Every meal, he tried to feed you and eventually gave up, giving you water.
Every other hour he tried to make conversation, eventually realizing it wasn't working.
Every night he laid you down and held you close, saying I love you, eventually realizing you weren't going to say it back.
This went on for… days? Weeks? He'd lost track at this point. He barely slept at night because he wanted to make sure you wouldn't have nightmares. You had one or two, but mostly, you were fine. He didn't eat until you drank water, and he spent hours trying to feed you. He felt like his sanity was slipping every day you weren't alright.
One night, while he was holding you close as always, he said something different.
"I won't always be able t' protect ye, I know I won't. But I needs ye t' trust that I'll try me best," he paused, hoping you would respond. You didn't. He sighed. "I love ye…" he thought he felt you clutch onto his shirt as he was falling asleep. Nah. Couldn't be. He thought.
He sat you up against the wall in the morning, as always. A crewmate brought food and sat in on the bed. He sighed as he watched you for a minute. Your eyes looked… better. Less dull. He shook his head, brushing it off as his imagination. He picked up the food and held it up to your mouth.
"Please, darlin', please. Jus'... Eat?" He begged. You didn't move. He looked down, feeling the tears. No. Not now. Be strong. He told himself. He took a deep breath and looked back up at you. You were sitting there, same position, with your mouth slightly open.
Your mouth… was open! Only a bit, but it was open. Magnum felt his hand start to shake in excitement and joy, but he kept it down. He swallowed, deciding to push his luck.
"Well, ye can nah put grub in that wee space. Come on, open up!" he pushed. One side of your mouth upturned a bit, but fell back to its original position as you opened your mouth wider. Magnum smiled and breathed shakily as you chewed the food and swallowed.
You are the entire plate, and he gave you water like always. He sat on his knees, laying his head on his arms, watching you for any other movement. You glanced at him occasionally and that was like all the treasure in the world to him. He sat back in his chair and started talking again. You seemed to be listening, or at least paying attention to him, so he kept talking he made a joke at one point and you exhaled through your nose, grinning slightly. It was the most beautiful thing to him in that moment.
You would open your mouth to let him feed you for the next couple days, and you'd make small responses to things he'd tell you. You'd tilt your head slightly, raise your eyebrows a bit, he even got the occasional eye roll. He would watch you the whole time he talked just to see these little actions. They were what kept him going.
A few weeks after you'd started this, he'd stayed up all night trying to see you do something. He'd already fed you breakfast, and it'd be time for lunch soon. He sat at the other side of the cabin, looking at you. You sat straighter in the bed. You actively looked around instead of just staring at one place, and your fingers occasionally twitched when you saw something you found interesting. He tried to stay awake to feed you lunch, but he just couldn't. He fell asleep in the chair.
He woke up feeling groggy, the way you do after a nap. His neck was sore and his back was stiff. His vision was blurry, and he groaned as he adjusted to the lighting of midday. His first thought was to look over and see what you were doing. You were just sitting there, eating…
You were eating?! You were eating!
You were picking up the food and putting it into your mouth, drinking too!
Magnum almost shot up from his chair as he realized this, making both the chair and the floor creak in protest. You looked over at him, eyes wide. In your eyes was confusion with a slight hint of fear. Magnum sat back down, hands clutching the armrests. You turned back to your food and continued eating, glancing at him in concern. He just sat there and watched you, wide eyed, a goofy smile on his face. When you finished your food and water, he sped over to the bed and plopped in the chair. You leaned back a bit, and you both sat there staring at each other for a solid minute. He cleared his throat.
"Ahoy, beauty!" He said in a raised voice. You winced, so he quieted down. "How are ye doin'?" He asked. You gave him a small smile and a thumbs up. Magnum felt his heart speed up and his breathing quicken.
"How much does it hurt?" You held your hand with your palm facing the ground, shaking it a bit. He nodded.
"Are ye okay?" You smiled again and nodded slightly. Magnum felt the tears again and let them fall. Your smile dropped as you set a gentle hand on his shoulder, shaking it slightly.
"I be okay, I be alright. 'tis alright. I be jus'... So, so happy ye're okay…" he reassured. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder as he started talking. You participated a bit more during his storytelling, letting out little gasps and laughs and "oh"s and "eee"s and… it was a bit overwhelming for him. He hadn't heard this much out of you in months. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed it…
You ate your other meals on your own as he just watched you. You blushed and turned away from him a few times, which made him laugh.
A few days later, he'd decided that it'd be a good time to take you out onto the deck. The crew stopped what they were doing and looked at you in concern and surprise. Jack was in the middle of a story, and Magnum told him to continue. He kept watching you for any sign of anything bad, but smiled when you let out a snicker. The crew understood that you probably wouldn't want to talk about your… experience and left you alone about it. You still hadn't really talked, but they were happy with what you had done.
That night, Magnum got into bed with you, same as always. This time you turned and snuggled up into him yourself. He smiled at the affection he missed oh so much. He sighed and kissed your head, whispering the same thing he always did. This time, you responded.
"I love you more…" you whispered in a scratchy voice. He decided to push.
"More than wha'?" He asked. You don't answer for a moment and he worried.
"More than all the treasure and adventure in all the seven seas…" you finally stated. He smiled and pulled you close, holding you tight and never wanting to let go...
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fxcesofhxll · 4 years
2 (valentino), 3, 11, 13, 17, 24, 29 ♡
send a number. a mix of serious and fun.
2. is there a song that reminds you of your muse? 3. how do you get yourself out of a writing funk? 11 fluff or angst? 13how are you? 17what motivates you? 24. share a funny story  29. list your top two movies
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2. Not ENTIRELY? Mainly sex songs with “I hate you” vibes. Probably Simon Curtis songs though, I tthhhiiiiink those relate more to angel? idk. prolly gangsters paradise or something im kidding kinda
3. Answered Here. 
11. I think I prefer Angst over fluff but Angst has to be plotted out well and over all has more energy put into it. However, I usually don’t HAVE that energy, therefore cuddle my muses lol
13. Tired as fuck. School started for me and I honestly wanna die but thats normal for me.
17. Motivates, huh...? Uhhh... Probably my close-knit rp friends on discord and the pilot/Viv. My friends are always there and they’re what make my muses tbh. Like, I’m still insecure about my Alastor but my very, VERY close friend/Wife  @daemcnium made me adore playing him! She and others have helped, I guess, train my brain with my muses and honestly? I wanna give back. Mox, sweetie, if you’re reading this, then keep being beautiful and inspiring me everyday with your breathtaking muses. You are my Vaggie, you are my Moxxie, you are whatever you wanna be but you’re mine <3
Ahem. M-Moving on-
24. Ah Christ, I have a shit memory. Uh- All I can remember is kinda sad/angry shit. I’m gonna kinda tell a story that’d been on my head instead, I guess?
So. I go to my University to study Drama performance. We had a teacher who was really fuckin’ cool. He was TOUGH but he was SUCH A SWEETIE! He paired up teams to do a scene together for our final and I got the most ANNOYING person that i’ve met in my LIIIIFFFEEE! Imma call him Tom for this story. So, our professor gives us a scene that’s tense because my character’s dad died but HIS character was pretty horny for mine. and Eventually my character starts to be okay with it. Fucking christ, it was SO uncomfy. The annoying ass Tom fucking bitched and whines at me for not showing up once to one of our rehearsals (I was sick) and DEMANDED A FUCKING DOCTORS NOTE. LIKE?? I DON’T OWE YOU CRAP, BRO! And because how angry and unsettled I was around him, It was EXTRA hard to memorize my lines. And then the day came where we had to perform ... AND I HAD TO CARRY THAT ASSHOLE THROUGH THE ENTIRE SCENE BECAUSE HE FORGOT HIS FUCKING LIIIIIIINNEEESSSS. I was SO tempted to deck him right then and there, jesus FUCKING christ.
29. Call me trash but it’s the Sweeney Todd and Hamilton movies. I’m a musical hoe.
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fishmech · 5 years
to Dancing-in-Your-Dust.net. The name comes from the AFI song Paper Airplanes (makeshift wings). This is just a place to express my thoughts and ideas, if you don't like it..simply leave. If you do however, stick around and enjoy =D
Lizzy. Arizona. sXe. Vegetarian. Sarcastic. AFI. Tiger Army. Nekromantix. <3 <3 Davey Havok. Make-Up. Music. Movies. <3 Johnny Depp. HUGE Dork. Despair Faction. TNBC. Lock, Shock & Barrel. Jack Skellington. Halloween.
.x.Site Stats.x.
June 20th, 2003
Hits: Listed:
Featured Site:
Brush Credits:
Sign it!
Twi5ted Reality Awards
.x.About the Layout.x.
This is the 9th layout for DIYD. It features the Movie Sleepy Hollow ! =). The pictures are from
johnny depp online
and google image search.
Come's in a Pop-Up
Hiatus (Be Back Soon)
.x.Web Cam.x.
.x.Link Me.x. .x.True Fucking Love.x.
<3 Sadey
<3 Cristal
<3 Alyssa
<3 Carol
<3 Ashley
<3 Stacey
<3 Krista
<3 Karla
.x.Current Events.x.
08-11-03: My B-Day 09-09-03: Jeanelle's B-Day 09-10-03: Work @ Merch Booth 4 the Starting Line 09-20-03: EdgeFest 03' 09-24-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Fresno 09-26-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Las Vegas 09-27-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Utah 10-13-03: Kevin <3 <3 & Ashley's Birthday 10-14-03: Nightfall 10-30-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Universal CA for Halloween Eve show 10-31-03: Halloween AFI'S Halloween Show??
.x.Playlist.x. Smile--AFI Jack of all Trades--Hot Water Music Unstoppable--Death by Stereo The Power of Moonlite--Tiger Army True Romance--Tiger Army Who Killed the Cheerleader--Nekromantix A Single Second--AFI Darkangel--VNVNATION Dirty Magic--The Offspring Anabelle Lee--Tiger Army The Man Who Sold the World--David Bowie Can I Say?--Dag Nasty .x.CD Player.x. Art of Drowning--AFI Sing the Sorrow--AFI Shut your mouth and open your eyes--AFI Moonlite--Tiger Army Can I say?--Dag Nasty Empires--VNVNATION War of all Time--Thursday .x.Stalker.x.
.x.At the Moment.x. Date:October 1, 2003 Mood: Tired Eating: Nothing Drinking: nothin Watching: nothin Hearing: Transplants Wearing: Night of the living dead Shirt and duck pj's Thinking: AFI IS ONLY 28 DAYS AWAY!!!!!!! Talking to:  nobody Drooling over: Davey Havok Wanting: The 30th to get here! Surfing: Nothing .x.Tagboard.x.                                      Name:               URL:              Message:                      
I believe in ¤
Aliens, Ghosts, and Magic
Horror Movie
The Lost Boys & The Bride of Frankenstien
REAL men paint their nails.
AFI is my obsession
Morningstar by AFI is MINE
My Song::Morningstar
.x.Last Look.x.
October 6, 2003
Hello all..thought I'd write in here since I have pretty much nothing else to do. I've been up to pretty much nothing. Sadey and I went to the mall and bought our AFI limited edition Art & Artisha dolls..which cost an arm and a leg. We also talked to kevin..just him tho cuz Bobby-o wasn't there today. It was hilarious because when we were leaving I go to hug kevin and I accidentally hit his nose...he's all like "oh great she's trying to beat me up too!" good times man, good times. Anyway in other good news, Sadey's mom is thinking about opening a store sorta like Hot Topic @ the mall..and it's gonna be hella rad cuz well, I can work there =D We'd carry much more cooler things than Hot Topic..I mean I like that store at times but, they never really carry anything that cool now. Speaking of HT im gonna start working there prolly in mid november. Im putting my 2 weeks @ Target in tommorow. Anyhoo while I was at HT I saw this rad velvet black dress with like flared sleeves and I want it for the show in Universal but I checked the price and its like 90 bucks so I was like hell no..so Im gonna have my mom make one for me and im adding shit on it like red laced trim...its gonna be so super awesome =D Im trying to think of what else that has happened..Oh I was sick this weekened and I called in for work and Nickey (the LOD) got all pissed and told me im not taking my job seriously anymore and all this other BS and she hung up on me...so she basically called me a liar....and im telling you, I was really sick! So I woke up the next morning and it was already like 11:00am and my shift was supposed to start at 9 and I was like shit...they're gonna fire me. So I called Nickey and she apologized for hanging up on me and that she doesnt wanna lose me as an employee and that she values me and shit..I was just like yea, well you're in for a rude awakening cuz im quitting haha..no I didn't say that but I was thinking it..so she told me to just take the day off. I was like cool ok. So I guess thats all that really happened...I went to this wedding party thing on Saturday night w/ sadey a whole bunch of Italians from brooklyn...awesome as hell im in love with their accents..lol. There was this annoying kid there that was trying to impress Sadey and I by acting all drunk and telling us how much he had to drink when in all reality he wasn't really drunk he was just pretending because all his mom would let him have was one drink..little does he know we're sXe..haha loser. Alright anyhoo I guess thats all for site news.. my wonderful katie (rapturous voice davey fansite) is leaving me ::cries:: she bought a domain,
Ill miss you much Katie =D Go visit her now BTW. But the good news is that I got a new hostee,
. She's gonna open the fanlisting for AFI's
which I am very happy about..it's about damn time someone decides to make a fanlisting for that song cuz it is such a beautiful song =D Alright so..enough of my rambling im out, later =D --Lizzy--[Deadjournal] | [Plug]
(8) are dancing in the dust
October 1, 2003
Ok Im taking my blog down because it was wayyy too long and for some reason my ftp is not letting me write anything else on to my notepad sorry kids..if ya wanna know what happened just drop me a line on AIM @ dancinginurdust or email me at [email protected] and ill be sure to tell you everything...you can still click the pics and look at those if you like =D
[/EDIT] Happy October..new layout in spirit of Halloween..ill have loads more halloween ones than this..being as this is my fave holiday =D
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,21,  22,  23,  24,  25 click here for autographs =D --Lizzy--[
] | [
(7) are dancing in the dust
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saplingseeds · 4 years
Random post time
I dont know if you guys knew but im fucking retarded and decided to delete almost everything BTS (kpop) related things off me phone
I swear/curse I know, it wouldn't be surprise to Kirsty/Morning tho, she's used to it even tho i've tried to quit swearing
I'm 4'11, size 1 in women's shoes (small right?), my friend who is younger than me (her bday was 3 days ago) is taller than me, i'm considered the 'artist' in nearly everything in my class and friends
i'm the same age as Kirsty except she's gonna be older than me this year (if you know you know), i hate writing shit up, i may be too young to swear but blame my 3 older brothers for putting on youtubers who swear on yt when I was 4 years old
Dog died when I was 3, prolly 3-4 years old when my 2 baby cousins were born, im now an aussie citizen starting from today (26th may 2020)
I love art and taking art requests, i just hate it when people want a specific due date (imagine me glaring at my school friends right now who demanded a drawing for them today in class, fucking annoying, all 3 of them), i also dont mind writing requests
If you have Quotev and stumble upon a girl whose username is Xari (i dunno PetalMetal), then that's me, you can tell i was a kpop addict
My books are cringy, don't read them
Im gonna start a new book on Quotev if i have motivation (babtqftim and yeah sure countryhumans...Some people ruined countryhumans for me so you can say i dislike it)
I like to sing...A lot...'i like them' playlist 24/7, i just love my playlist
Im in many fandoms that i cant even keep up, all i know is that im currently in baldisbasics, cuphead, batim and babtqftim (this one im interested a lot even tho i was already obsessed with it before kirsty knew about it...Im sure...)
Im kinda sensitive, def a crybaby, i will cry if im in a heated argument, make one wrong move in our friendship and i will fucking ignore you as long as i can no joke (i did it a lot back then, ive kinda controlled it)
Cuphead songs are 10/10 (even those fanmade songs like Kool-aid and The Chalice), The Chalice song IS LEGENDARY OMFG ITS PLAYING RIGHT NOWWWWWWW!!!!! I love it i love it i love it, ive falling in love with BABTQFTIM cuphead, bendy, brenda (dont ask), mugman, boris, dovil and cuppuc(c)hino (dont. ask, i dont know how to spell her flunking name)
I dont have a sad childhood, it was a normal one, guess you can call me lucky if you had a bad childhood, sorry if you did have a bad childhood
I used to cry a lot when it rained, now im just scared of the thunder, my vision zooms out sometimes and it gets me all nervous and paranoid by whatever i look at and get me paranoid if i hear an electric fan on, i get paranoid easily (dont. flunking. try)
I love animal crossing (pocket camp for now), i have 2 accs (one on ipad and one on this phone), goldie belongs to Scoo on this phone and rosie belongs to Coso on the ipad, they are meant to be
It's 12am on a school day, i have sports class today, yay, totally yay, i will never grow tall
I am just gonna send this long ass post with random shit no one needed to know but hey im just tired
Screenshot time:
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Youre welcome
Mk imma go pass out now
Thansk you for actually having the time to read this Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Mk say goodbye to the girl behind the lazy drawings
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rairahime · 5 years
Ikevam Arthur & Ikesen Ieyasu Shower HC 🤡
This is so random ik I dont really do HC but I was in the mood lmaooo and idk maybe i’ll do more in the future when im not weAK or if anybody wants some
Also ik Arthur and Ieyasu are such different and random characters . buT it’s my mood okay guys??? it’s Arthur and Ieyasu loving hours w/ maximum uwus like this thought just popped into my head and I had to write it lol 
anyways idk hopefully they’re accurate and i’ll shut up now, enjoy~~
- deadass the time of his life
- he has been training his entire life for this moment
- okay that’s an exaggeration but LIKE he really likes it and is vry happy
- he basically finds it really hot 
- how it would happen:
- its the morning after a particularly good ~session~ *wink wink*
- you say you’re gonna go shower, and he jokes about joining you
- “you know if you would want a hand in that just call me, love” before WINKING i m rlly gonn a cry thinking about this 
- and your instinct to immediately decline just shut off,, 
- you turn to him, hella chill, like “ok sure” 
- wtf.jpeg 
- he’s surprised for like a split second but ofc recomposes himself 
- “oh? finally showing our true feelings, are we rabbit?” and smIRKS like the hoe he is 
- would definitely trace over his favourite parts of your body
- would low key lick you where he bit last night 
- back hugs 
- prolly a lil somethin somethin goin on but no sex 
- idk man i feel like it’s more of a playful mood rather than like actual ~sexy time~
- plus you’re already so tired from last night EY YOOO
- omg he’s dying from embarrassment its so cute
- blushy MESS
- will be looking up the whole time, until idk he feels extra daring and just *boom* looks into your eyes
- like he usually just comtemplates life when he bathes, even if it’s a quick one
- like he thinks of his past, and childhood, so he can get a lil moody or sad 
- but like !!! his sad hour is now blushy uwu hour!!!
- he’ll be really quite
- but really soft and tender with his actions
- you’ll suddenly find him reaching up and gently moving your hair to the side so he can wash your back
- “just stay still, ok?” 
- wont initiate anything
- just thinks it’s uncomfortable
- he’s just thinking about how comfortable you two are together 
- like obv both your hearts are beating cause ??? cute 
- but at the same time you’re just at peace together 
- will put his head on your shoulder
- How would you find yourself in such a predicament? 
- you were both walking back home when you were caught in the rain
- you were both arguing over who’s gonna go bath first so they dont get a cold 
- he kept insisting that you go first,
- but you were like hell!!! No!!! Buddy!!!! 
- and before you knew it *boom*
- ya’ll are bathing
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