#im the number one fan of side characters
tsururoach · 22 days
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Danmaca... let me overthink you until i am disowned by the i7 fandom.
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more under cut
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periprose · 1 year
why do people on instagram unfollow but assume you want to keep following them? you're not fucking famous lol
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
HI there, hate to bother you but i was wondering if you could do the amazing digital circus head canons for a gn! reader who acts a lot like ena
if you have never heard of it you can check on the ena wiki but i would really love if you did something like this so thanks
TADC x ENA type!GN!reader
typically i would do all the characters in one post, but its starting to get late and tumblr wont let me save half answered asks in my drafts for some reason TToTT so im gonna split the cast in half, if you want the rest of the characters you can send in a second ask so i can remember to do everyone else :0! also my apolocheese for any personality mistakes, i think i watched ena a long time ago but was confused/didnt watch the whole thing so uh uh!! relying on a character wiki for this (on that focuses on season 1 so uh uh, idk if that will impact anything) little bonus bonus incorporating enas color thing into this cuz uh we can say its digital world stuff ooo that gives me an oc idea; oc whos like the mayor from nightmare before christmas who has a spinny head/face thing that relates to their emotions
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caines is going to be shorter because hes just your number one fan regardless of your personality, in fact he probably has a silly shirt with your face on it somewhere
will do everything in his power to make sure youre happy and content, and will do everything to cheer you up when you switch over to your sad side
takes you to wherever it is that he 'sleeps' when you get overwhelmed by stuff and keeps you there until both of you are sure that youll be okay and your blues are long gone
you and him easily match energies, sometimes he will even try to one up you with using fancy intricate words
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writing pomnis part first but oh funny is it that pomni and ena have the same VA
absolutely loves you, but she is so so worried about stressing you out and switching to your 'sad form', tries to (often times unsuccessfully) cheer you up
honestly you both need a break, things in the circus are hectic and insane, and considering pomni just got here she is going to need your help to get used to things
not much to be said since i think pomni is another character i struggle to write
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initially teases you for how fast you switch up, its almost like gangle being more upbeat with her comedy mask and more sad when its broken
tones it down a little when you explain you cant really control it whereas gangles case is just her being more confident with the comedy mask (at least thats my hc)
sometimes give you weird looks when you use an unnecessarily long set of fancy words to describe something mundane
bro is fighting the urge to mimic it
surprisingly does the kind thing, he takes you off to the side when something stresses you out so you can have a minute to compose yourself
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optimistic sweetheart meets ray of sunshine, you two are an unstoppable force of good and kind of rub off on some of the others
similar to jax when you get stressed out or upset about something, usually when its an in house adventure, she sweeps you to the side and helps calm you down. she probably knows some breathing techniques, i think
ignoring the fact they probably dont need to breathe but thats asides the poin
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spookberry · 4 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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snenbubs · 7 months
I've been reading your work for a while now and the way you write for Mammon is amazing, you're definitely my favourite writer for him. So I was wondering if you aren't too busy if could you please write breakup headcanons for mammon
HELLO! Thank you so, so much!!! It means so much to me that you enjoy what I write! Most of it is my delerious train of thought at like 1am so im honestly shocked at the amount of support ive been getting!
I'm assuming you meant like, if you broke up with Mammon? If thats not what u meant just send in another anon! I wont mind :3
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- Okay, first of all, how dare you?
- He is, the Mammon. You don't just decide when things are over!
- You were smart enough to break it off with him over text, rather than in person, because he absolutely would throw a scene. No matter where you are, public or private. Think Sarah Lynn level shit.... like, literally stabbing himself, in public, to prove a point.
- What is the point? That he loves you!
- He's especially pissed off about the fact that you broke it off with him though. It bruised his ego, he would much, much prefer it if he had been the one to have broken up with you. He would have never done that though.
- He would go through the five stages of grief 100%
- For the first few days he's in DEEP denial about it. He'd go about life as though the two of you were still together, even though you weren't there.
- Pretending that you were on a work trip or something really helped. It gave him a sense of hope that one day you'd return to him, and he'd feel your warm body embraced against his once again.
- But you and Mammon were a big public thing, like, everyone knew about you. So, people started to notice your absence. Where you would always be by his side now bore an empty pocket of air. People started questioning it;
- From simple posts online to 666News interviews asking him invasive questions regarding your lack of publicity. It pissed him right off, because he couldn't pretend you were still with him whilst constantly being reminded that you weren't.
- And then you spoke up about the breakup.
- You made a Tweet regarding the status of your relationship. Que the next stage...
- With the world now aware of your distanced status Mammon was bombarded with crude comments and remarks, from your fans and haters, to his fans and haters. It'd range from "Wow Mammon fumbled the bag hard." to "Now that Mammon is single do you think he'll start letting groupies backstage ?"
- He actually refused to show up to a lot of interviews and talk-shows because every single time theu brought up the headline, he would get so, so angry. He's almost torn through an interviewer once or twice.
- His bargaining phase was the absolute worst phase though.
- Thousands of calls a day, and an equal level of voice messages followed by hundreds of texts. You'd block his number and then BAM, another number calls you. He manipulates the phone manufacturer of Hell to give him an unlimited free supply of phones so expect him to not let up in that department.
- You know that meme where the person is stood outside the door, crying, with an umbrella over their head and fake rain over them. That's him.
- He gets Beelzebub to provide the fake rain and probably prepared a whole speech to recite to you... its not that good though, most of it is deflective bullshit. He wont take his own problems into account at all.
- If you don't take him back after that then he may even resort to the old boombox by the window trick.
- I don't think he'd hit the depression or acceptance stages of grief, though. He's a tempermental character and he resorts to anger if something doesn't go his way. So the traits he shows through this whole ordeal is frustration and desperation.
- He has a strict victim complex too. So he's most likely never going to understand what he did wrong in the relationship.
- Even if he did realise what he did however, he isn't apologising. He expects you to understand and forgive him despite this.
-It would take him a long while to get over you.
-You were one of the only people who would put up with his shitty personality, who could make him feel so loved and adored. It had been a long, long time since someone had made him feel such a way. It was such a fleeting experience, and he will not be recovering from the loss of your love any time soon.
This is a little short, so I do apologise! I hope you enjoy it anon :)
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jugheadthelesbian · 27 days
(note before this rant!! i acknowledge that i only refer to women and men in this post, which is not to say i don’t also recognize the lack of support towards ccs who r neither, it is just not what this post is about!)
what really bothers me about the mcyt fandom is how for the YEARS i was in it i begged for people to pay attention to women ccs and no one batted an eye. for years i wanted friends who knew ldshadowlady like i did. wanted people to appreciate niki the way i did. sat in niki’s live stream as she cried bc of the way she was being treated. was one of the few people who watched every single video lizzie made. adore creators like stacyplays and shubble and amylee and squashey and puffy and ihascupquake and laurenzside and so so so so many more. now some of these creators still make content and there r new creators like gem and pearl and cleo and im not as into mcyt as i was but people still r just talking about the men.
and don’t get me wrong, there r SO many men ccs who i absolutely adore and love but i watch history repeat itself every single day. i saw it with stampy and dantdm and their popularity over creators like squashey and stacy(and lizzie bc yes she made content way before she was on the life series). i saw again with the favoring of men on the dsmp over niki and the horrible way the fans treated her. and again when joel became outrageously popular and people ignored lizzie. and i see it now with the way ccs like grian r favored over the women on hermitcraft(which also there r not that many women there in the first place so).
and it is frustrating because people say that they support women ccs but will talk more about the men always. it’s showed in the fanwork differences, in the dialogue used to describe ccs, in the environment created in the mcyt fandom, in the way that i probably named many ccs u have never heard of before but u could name three times the number of men ccs. in many people’s minds, minecraft, like most video games, is seen as a men dominated space and fandom but minecraft, like most video games, has so many amazing women creators that r not just side characters, but people with amazing stories and talent and humor and u just need to open ur eyes.
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yaostars · 10 months
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note: fem reader, she/her prns, part 2 a/n: i love my bllk emos..!! LMFAO the last time i posted on here was aug 9 and its sep 3 im dying its been that long... well eat up people i might randomly poof till christmas next time /hj summary: dating a soccer player whilst being an idol characters: reo, kaiser, rin, sae
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i love this man honestly he would buy EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF MERCH!!!
he's your number one fan and always will be
he wont say it but if you ever brought out a perfume he would buy it just to use it for his house
money is the reason we exist everybody knows its a fact kiss kiss and right he doesnt care about it he just loves u smsmsmsm
he will come to every concert anywhere even if it meant to all the way on the other side of the world
he's social media is filled with you when both of you want to go public with the relationship
reo is just a happy man in general
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he's the type of bf to "accidentally" make your relationship public but its only because he HATES seeing those ship edits of you and some other idol
he tries to make it to as many concerts around the world but when its in germany he will be there every night
wears your merch for papz to see and so he can promote your career bc he loves u
has all yours songs in one big playlist on spotify and he'll play it while working out or training
whenever theres a concert he'll be in the vip or back stage watching you and the first to give you a hug
loves it when you randomly sing around the house
he just loves you heaps and would do anything for it even tho hes a bum bum
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boy oh boy hes cold and all until he finds the loml
absolutely adores you heaps
keeps a special rare photo card of you on the back of his phone and in his wallet (he just wants to see your face all the time)
wont admit it but before dating you he always idolised your music and would listen to it 24/7
he wasnt a fan that people knew that you guys were dating but he secretly loves it so he can watch ship edits of both of you
will randomly hum your music around the house
whole camera roll is you
softie js 4 u
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he's never home due to his career but you never minded it since you both had careers that would be tough to have free time
sae always tries to make it onto livestreams of yours that are sponsored or interviews just to watch you while being in spain
has at least a few merch items; hoodies and shirts
he always makes sure to wear them out
sometimes he surprises you at concerts when he says he cant make it
always tries to make a time with you
doesnt care about private or public relationship status he just wants to know if you're comfy thats all
his insta story is always photos of you, sponsors to do with you, and.. well pretty much everything about you
he loves u sm hes like a teddybear
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charismaofobedience · 7 months
Joseimuke fandom dashboard simulator
🦚 worldsbestessayist follow
heyy today i bring my analysis on the latest event and their impact on the characters lol
[very bad essay. the worst you've seen, even.]
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✒️ 1n28lsp9 follow
[the most beautiful and intricate piece of art you've ever seen in your life but you'll never be able to find it again due to the accounts name being just some numbers and letters]
( 10 notes, 6 of which are you ) ⇄ ♡
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🌄 sunnyimagines follow
s/i reader gets f*cked hard by [character] with a 43 cm d!ck hcs 💕
i won't let you escape now, kitten.........
keep reading
[most out of character thing you've ever seen]
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🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
waah im so glad i didn't have to whale so hard for mongus newest gacha card... i thought i wouldn't be able to get him after i accidentally broke my leg and twisted one of my wrist while grinding for it on a public street and being fired from my job but after spending just some few money (200 dollars) he's home!!! isn't he such a scrunglo 🥰
[png of the most mid animeman you've ever seen]
🐍 shredoffandomsanity follow
I don't think that's normal.
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🌺 yourbestieskip
Hello! I'm skip and today I wanted to analyse blingus actions on the latest chapter of the event story since I've seen quite a big amount of people not understanding exactly why they acted that way and mischaracterizing them as this extremely evil and bad character! While they may indeed be someone flawed and who has done bad things, I think we should recognize they're not horrible and have a reason to act the way they do!
keep reading
[long amazing essay on the character and how the fandom can't understand character nuances at all because everyone has 0 media literacy. exactly because the fandom has 0 media literacy, people won't understand this at all.]
#fandom #character #analysis #please i hope i dont get canceled for this...
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💏 fujoshover follow
👾 yurilover69 follow
Really telling how op is new to the fandom by now knowing that mongblos are basically siblings due to their circumstances and how they grew up while not even acknowledging how on the event with a Ligma reward card they said that they love each other and want to forever be by their side :/
[please leave this post before you get to see all of the insane amounts of discourse and drama on how "they're not actual siblings" that will happen eventually because characters can't have nuance.]
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💏 fujoshover follow
hii im really sad ill have to do this post :/ but this is a callout on @/yourbestieskip and how they're contributing to gatekeeping and toxicity in the fandom with the way they treat others and people who don't read any of the stories and are only there for how pretty the characters are and the ships!!! proof under cut
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🐍 shredoffandomsanity
Please get out of your phone and go touch grass.
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🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
[10 images of a character, be it different images or not]
#oajwosbaoebfkdhoahdoshakebflduspskdljs #isnt he so pretty!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺
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🕳️ rabbitbarrithole
god it isn't just me that thinks sometimes mongus fans can be a bit annoying right??? like I get it that it's the main poster character of the fandom and all but the others also exist :/
🐍 shredoffandomsanity
No, you're right. I understand enjoying a character and all but I don't think it's healthy to reduce your whole existence to a character? Fandom people really have to let go of things a bit and focus more on their well being...
🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
SHUT UP you all just don't get mongie like I do 🥰
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💫 bellbellart follow
look i drew spinglus:) please and reblog to support me!!!!!
[meme drawing done on mspaint in 4 minutes]
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🫀everbeatingheart follow
Hiiii im new to the fandom and im looking for new moots to be friends with!!!! basic info and more under the cut ^-^
- hea, 19
- [extremely personal info that shouldn't be shared online]
- Mongus kinnie, so if you're a slimpoo kinnie interested in kindating...um 👉👈
keep reading
🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
A REAL LIFE MONGUS KINNIE??? kyaah... as slimpoo irl you don't mean... 🥺👉👈👉👈👉👈
🐍 shredoffandomsanity
No. I can't allow this to happen.
🫀 everbeatingheart follow
Why not!?!?! I've seen you around and you sound annoying as all fuck goddddd just get out our safe space fandom 😡
🐍 shredoffandomsanity
Well the truth is... I, too, am slimpoo irl and... Just like their canon selves who fell in love through fights and issues, might have developed... Feelings, for miss irlblorbo......
🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
( 536 notes ) ⇄ ♡
😃 fandomfunnyman follow
[10 textposts memes with pngs of the fandom characters above them. one of them is identical to the rabbitbarrithole post.]
yippeeee:) today's memes lol
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mamaspeckles · 5 months
Would it be okay to request some velvet x blind!reader headcanons? Can be SFW or NSFW, whatever you’d rather write!
Hello my love I am so sorry for such a long wait! Of course I can do this for you! I am partially blind(I have low vision but I can sorta see) and seeing this request just pulls at my heart strings❣️ I hope you enjoy reading this because I enjoyed making this! PS! I only wrote SFW Headcanons because I got brain rot near the end so no NSFW for this one sorry:( but if you request for NSFW again I will work on it!
Velvet x Blind!Reader SFW
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-when it comes to velvet, she can be quite the aggressive and straightforward- she has always been stubborn and hardheaded, and often at times struggles to comprehend you being blind. Sometimes, she finds it extremely stressful and difficult to find the right words to console you. She feels the need to walk on eggshells with you around in case she says the wrong things.- but as time goes by and she sees your overpowering determination, she grows respect for your will to strive.
-velvet had went from 0 to 100 in a one month- she had become territorial over you and had grown a strong urge to protect you and baby you for your disability.
-once you started dating the pop-star, she made it her number one goal to do everything for you, no matter the circumstances. You want to cook something? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, velvet will kick you out of the kitchen and make you a delicious meal! She doesn’t want her lover accidentally burning themselves or setting the house to ablaze.
-velvet had paid a professional to fix your apartment to make it look nicer for her eyes but also to furnish it for your safety- she had every sharp corner or dangerous object in the apartment changed and basically baby-proofed your home.
-velvet is a show-off, especially because of her career of being a mega-star in Mount Rageon.- but when it comes to her showing you off in front of the flashing lights and fans, that is a big no-go.
-“velvet?” “Yes, babe?” “Are you embarrassed to be with me?” “What makes you say that?” “You never introduced me to your friends or family..”
-velvet’s face dropped at your words; she could start to taste the vulnerability seething off your body and lips. She felt terrible that you felt that way. - she cursed herself in her mind for making you think and feel like you were embarrassing to be with. “No no, babe..I’m not embarrassed! I just wasn’t sure if you even wanted to meet anyone from my side..they can be..overbearing..”
-but she would do anything for her beautiful partner to be happy, and with all the guilt velvet had felt, she made a mutual agreement with her family to have you meet them- when you went with her to her family’s house, you were greeted by veneer, who you had met countless times before, and he was very pleased to see you with velvet at his house.- later that evening, you met velvet’s mother and father. Velvet had described her mother as a old women with dull blue eyes, pale skin, and faded out green hair whilst her father as a old man with dark green hair with dull ice blue eyes.
-I should add that when velvet said her family is overbearing, she meant it as they are too helpful- her parents and even veneer were quick to offer you help and even a tour around the house.- they had trailed you around their house and started describing your surroundings in the most abrupt way possible.
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noirvette · 1 year
stan and kyle! w/ a plus size fem! reader headcanons!!
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cws: swearing but otherwise just pure fluff aged up characters!
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Stan thinks you're THE cutest girl in the world and he's stoked that he's your bf. Like people will say "Oh you're Stan's gf?" and he's like "no i'm HER bf, she's GOT me dude."
He's most definitely your biggest supporter and biggest defender.
I mentioned in my gen headcanons that he'd love his s/o to be wearing his jersey and this is multiplied tenfold. He absolutely LOVES and I mean LOVES seeing you in his jersey number. Guarantee win for South Park because seeing you just fueled his desire to smoke the other team.
Loves holding you. Just you two, laying in bed, you both just in each other's embrace. He could die the world's most happiest man at that moment.
Is a thick thigh fan. Like Stan (and Kenny but shh this isn't about Kenny) are #1 believers in the thick thighs save lives.
Despite him being your number one defender, he's more silent in how he defends you. Not that he won't outwardly confront someone if they're bothering you, it just happens to be he's like.. mean (that is not the word I want but I can't think of how else to put it) when he's silent and he knows this and uses it to his advantage.
If he's with you (or even if you're not with him) and overhears some randos talking about you he's into one of two modes.
First one is he turns around and just blank stares at the people and when they notice him he just.. looks up and down, eyebrow raised and does a MEAN side eye as he turns back around.
If they continue this leads into the second mode (which sometimes he starts off with this if he's had ENOUGH)
Second is that he pulls you into him, gives you a kiss, and turns to the people with a "my gf is better than you and you sob into your pillow every night bc you're lonely so shut the fuck up."
If they try and argue he's just "cry about it lmfao. Don't care plus you're balding."
Picks you up, doesn't even matter if you think he can't because he can. He's determined AND he's hella strong. Being on the football team has made his biceps BIG.
Said earlier than he loves holding you but I'm dead serious with this. He's such a cuddly big spoon and just holding you in his arms makes him giggly (got him blushing and kicking his legs)
Loves every part of you and if you feel self conscious over something he's kissing every inch.
If you're wearing something (or even just showing him the outfit) you normally wouldn't wear, he's whistling and complimenting on how you're making it work.
"You're looking good, babe. Wear it out, you're stunning."
Boy's in love WITH you.
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Is another one to defend, except he's throwing hard hands. And he wins because obviously, it's Kyle.
As he gets older, he's stopped making the weight comments on Cartman (thinks it was immature of him to do when younger) and has definitely grown from that.
He's got a major sleepers build in my eyes. He's lanky sure, but basketball and working out with Stan's got him that muscle to hold you too. (I'm thinking like moistcr1tikal kind of sleeper's build Kyle also has major biceps im actually trey parker and matt stone so). And he WILL pick you up if you're at a game of his and his team wins. Even if they lose he's still picking you up. You're like his happiness supplier.
Leaves you cute notes about how good you look in your locker every day, has not gone ONE day without doing it. Kyle's sick? Tough because he managed to get that note in there somehow (Stan slipped it in for him haha).
Back to him throwing hands real quick, he's quick to jump if someone is talking bad about you like a "What the FUCK did you say about my girl? Say it again, Say. It. Again." And boom he's one hit k.o the other person
If you're not a fan of this behavior, he's not beating up anyone physically but now it's verbally. He's making sure everyone knows not to ever comment on you and how that's a bitch thing to do.
If you're down about yourself, he's gonna sit down with you and just point every thing he loves about you and go into detail about how he's with you for you. Not because of what you look like or anything, but because you're his beautiful girl.
When he's the big spoon and cuddling you he rubs circles into your hips and presses kisses into your shoulder
If you're the big spoon, play with his hair and he's asleep within two seconds and his head is laying in the crook of your neck.
Similar to Stan if you're wearing an outfit you normally wouldn't, he's ecstatic. Got him going "MY BABY! You look so good!" and then moves you to the mirror and just holds your hips and is gushing over you.
Bro's got that love in his eyes.
Loves your thighs too, he's constantly got his head on your lap, reading a book and is in heaven with that quality time with you.
Loves for you to sit on his lap as well, you're worried about your weight on him? He does not care, he's got some strong ass legs and your weight isn't ever an issue in his eyes. He will literally make you sit on his lap. Even if that means he's gotta drag you.
"Love come sit" Kyle pats his legs as he calls for you, "Uh but..", "Wasn't a question," He responds, shrugging, "Now get over here, I wanna hold you.
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musicoftheheart · 9 days
Number 10 please!! I'm a huge Avatar:TLA fan and would be really interested to see which marauders character you'd assign where 👀
so this is still very much in the planning phase, however i do have a vague idea of characters’ roles in the plot and story. its been changing a bit as ive been rewatching the original show and taking notes but as it stands:
it will be endgame jegulus and wolfstar :)
regulus and sirius are from the southern water tribe. its been difficult deciding which of them can bend, but right now ive settled with regulus being a water bender, and sirius a nonbender. ofc the personalities of sokka and katara are switched in this case
james is aang, the optimistic and kindhearted avatar, who just so happened to disappear right at the start of a hundred-year war. this was the plan from the start tbh; i couldnt imagine anything else
remus, ive decided, is toph. blind and forever underestimated by his parents, remus competes in underground earth bending tournaments and always comes out on top. when a trio of reckless, idiotic, stupid boys (barring regulus, to an extent. he seemed to be the only one amongst them with a brain cell) offers him a journey of a lifetime, remus takes it, despite his hesitance at first
the roles of zuko and azula were hard to fill, at first. originally, these were going to be sirius and regulus, but obviously that’s changed. instead, im considering narcissa and bellatrix respectively. there’s a reason andromeda is not included in this bit, and i have an explanation as to why the black sisters are fire nation royalty, while the black brothers are in the water tribe, however that will have to wait for the fic
iroh, i think, would have been minnie or alphard, in the original plan. however, since the black brothers are not the fire nation royals, minnie is out and im not entirely set on someone else. alphard is still in the running, but ive not made any decisions there yet.
as for where peter comes in, i actually considered him in the role of jet. y’know, traitor? especially using regulus (as katara) to join the merry band of death eaters who only want to do what’s right against the fire nation, of course. even if some people have to die. again though, im not 100% set on this, and im still doing my rewatch so i might end up finding a more fitting role for him.
a little fun note though: i almost had remus as yueh (idk how to spell her name - the princess in the northern water tribe). i thought it would be funny having remus turn into the moon, but i want endgame wolfstar so unfortunately that had to be thrown out.
one of the valkyries would definitely be suki (tsuki? im sorry im bad at names), but i cant decide which of them i want there, and who i want to use for other roles. anyway, suki would be either mary, lily, or marlene
there are other side characters i have definite decisions over, but those will have to wait for the fic :)
as of right now its still unnamed, and i dont have a timeline for when it’ll be written or released, but it exists!
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fisheraser · 10 months
okay. analysis time
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MY GIRL AAHHH SHES BACK!! okay SO. inkopolis square. but dead. its a bleached coral forest basically. there seems to be this sorta of,, electricity thing going on throughout the trailer that we can see on the lobby tower. overall looks dope as hell
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WE HAVE THE FULL FIT!! FOR BOTH GENDERS!! okay first of all what are those ink tanks? sorta looks like those IV bags. same with the outfit,, the shoes sorta look like casts and the clothes look like some sort of sensory deprivation tank suit. a lot of medical vibes going on from the white color and everything. i love it
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PEARL BOT! no questions about it, marina definitely made this for her (the wives :D) its interesting that pearl isn't actually there (marina isn't either, ill talk more about my theory later) but she can still talk to us through this robot. also love how marina added the sliding eyebrows to make it more expressive LMAO
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i love how we can ride pearl bot as well. i think this will be an important feature, wonder if we can control her when this happens :O
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okay what are these? i think the first one on the left is a mem cake, not really sure what the others are though
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okay im seeing a theme of electricity and we can see in the background it sort of glitching, so i think side order might a simulation or something. the huge orb in the middle is definitely some fucked up zapfish (where you end the level im assuming), but its glitching and then a ton of the skeleton creatures come out of it
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it looks like a ton of dead fish (dedf1sh...?),, we havent seen any octolings that you need to fight yet so these seem like the new enemies replacing them for side order. though i do wonder if we'll ever encounter an evil octoling (or inkling or salmonid, who knows) also are these an entire new species? or just some simulation creature
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i also love how instead of ink, its the same electricity we've been seeing used to summon the weapons. this whole realms creation definitely has something to do with marina since its side order and its super technologically advanced
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okay WOA numbers. definitely something marina would implement. i don't have much to say about this but yea, im loving the tech-y themes going on. it also seems like pearlbot is helping you fight these guys since she is shooting lasers at them. if she's sorta like small fry, i wonder if we will ever get to use her as a bomb, or if she is automatic
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also its confirmed that the octoling is indeed agent 8! i was like 90% sure but im glad its definite
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okay the biggest thing about this trailer, DEDF1SH!!!!!!!!!
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"just another bystander who got sucked in." what sucked them in? my theory is that marina somehow trapped them in a simulation she made of a world thats orderly- maybe she made it after the final fest?or is this an already existing place? maybe some whirlpool was created after octo expansion and this place exists under inkopolis square?
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SHE HAS A NAME!!! ACHT!!!! also i am so glad all of the fan theories were correct and she isn't evil, just still partially sanitized. i wonder if that will be a factor in the story? more dedf1sh lore?
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her glasses are different! since she doesn't have the hypno shades anymore she prolly has much more awareness now since she isnt being brainwashed, though she is still sanitized- but i think the music is counteracting the effects of that since shes a dj and shes always wearing headphones
also why is her arm bandaged? what happened to her? also all this time i thought she was wearing a tshirt LMAO
i am a huge dedf1sh fan and i have quite a few theories about her, so i hope she is an important character in the story of side order and we get some backstory
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ESPECIALLY ABOUT HER HISTORY WITH MARINA!! they are both djs so that probably is important, but i am really excited to learn more about them. i think marina mightve gone missing and we are looking for her too?
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the color chips seem to be like, stat boosts? and also 8 started to gain color once you add them! its sorta like deep cut's colored fingers. wonder if this will be a new feature after the dlc! i loveee customization options
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this seems to be the respawn animation which !?!?!? IS SO COOL!?!?!
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i have no idea what this is but. oh my god. i am so excited for this. its happening.
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burning-sol · 3 months
just roll with it fans will NEVER catch me . they spend they time sitting for 2+ hours while i run around like a FERAL animal, my joints are spry and theirs are mending together as they lounge about. i dont listen to the episodes, i compile all the thumbnails of the youtube video into a gif that i interpret with an intellectual capacity unmatched. while you were on that lie and dried, i was on the rise and grind, the wavelengths of my private jrwi patreon rss beamed directly in my head.i have monitised my fixation and as we speak i give spiritual consultations to tiktok individuals seeking guidance from the great lunadeyis. while u were reading ao3 i have printed out over a hundred a4 sheets and stuck them to my walls to construct hit jrwi podcast characters gillion tidestrider, jay ferin, chip, william wisp, dakota cole , vyncent sol, ashe winters, and many other iconic characters, so that we may commune on a face to face basis and rapidly build our team building capabilities. buddy, when you leave your house, im going to have the strength of all the jerwee characters on my side, and what will you have?
all i see are low level character sheets, you arent even CLOSE my strength and prowess. 😂😂😂 dont even think about blogging if you arent ready to be number one ☝️☝️☝️☝️
it goes without saying, fakers, do NOT interact.. or else you might have to face my wrath....
-🎲 the dice guy
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writergracethepanda · 2 months
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 Secret Shanghai Edition
the character everyone gets wrong
Marshall. He is canonically an excellent cook, s why are we convinced he'd set something on fire if left alone in the kitchen?
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
no comment
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME I have seen Alisa and Phoebe shipped (let aroace people live and bisexuals are still bisexual even in a seemingly hetero relationship) or those takes I've seen on TikTok of people shipping Rosalind and Benedikt and Celia and Marshall if I weren't on my computer I would put sooooo many barf emojis here
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
luckily nothing yet I believe
worst discord server and why
mine with my friends its sooo annoying how we have incredibly amazing and intelligent and sometimes incoherent conversations like guys we're the worst (sarcasm)
which ship fans are the most annoying?
like I said, anyone who ships the above things needs to stay 10 feet away from me at all times and undergo intense media literacy training
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I think everyone's answer for this is Oliver. I'm so sorry we (especially me tbh) did you so dirty pre fhh I promise we've learnt our lesson!
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oliver loves cats. incorrect. Cats are his entire life. there is a difference, and we need to recognize it.
worst part of canon
roma and Alisa's dad just disappeared before I could beat him up
worst part of fanon
we're too funny my stomach literally hurts from laughing too hard sometimes. Seriously though, the above ship takes that make my blood boil, as well as some complaints about how a lot of us talk about how we think certain characters are neurodivergent/disabled. While I think some of those are actually considered canon, I don't understand why people are so made that we (a relatively neurospicy bunch) are identifying the parts of characters we relate to and labeling them. We're doing you no harm and not interfering with your ability to enjoy the characters. Shouldn't it be a good thing that we're able to identify with the characters? Just mind your business. (also anyone who erases Rosalind's and Alisa's aroaceness that is indeed canon and I hope both sides of your pillow are too warm)
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
I don't think any
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't think anyone hates these guys, but why don't we ever talk about the couple from LVC? They were so sweet, and I'm kind of sad we didn't get any mention of them in FHH.
worst blorboficiation
I feel like a bad Tumblr user, but I don't know what this means. is this like uwu-ification?
that one thing you see in fics all the time
@typingwithmyhandstied 's GENIUS
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Juliette always has the appropriate amount of knives thank you very much for that guys :)
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I personally don't get into the Rosalind is a vampire thing, but I'm cheering you guys on from afar (im just not into vampires lol)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
idk I should probably work on my university au
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
the fact that not only did she feel comfortable falling asleep around Orion (see one of @no-1-rosalind-lang-apologist 's recent posts) but Rosalind was also muttering in French in that scene. Her dominant language. She was both out of it enough/comfortable enough with him that she dropped the I was raised in American fake accent and just started speaking normally in this essay I will- basically we need to talk more about the use of multilingualism in the ss books
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
past me would be horrified to know that I like Oliver now
part of canon you found tedious or boring
I think TVD can be a bit boring sometimes, but that makes sense, since it was Chloe's debut, and she's grown immensely since then
part of canon you think is overhyped
the seagreen trio is overrated (they are literally my favorite characters)
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Olivercelia. Like I said, I was his strongest hater pre fhh. Now I see what she clearly sees in him.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
discourse on ss Tumblr is mostly joking. my personal favorite is when @marsneedstherapy and I pretend to yell at each other in different languages
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"no one appreciates x enough" I do. I love them.
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jhnnyjstr · 2 months
i am winning the idgaf wars when it comes to the magnus protocol bruh.
i cannot get myself to be even remotely interested in this series. im listening out of obligation (number 1 tma fan), but i end up just waiting around for those 20 minutes to end with zero interest. for there to be a sequel to the magnus archives, a podcast with a fully rounded and complete elaborate storyline, it has to justify itself. to me, tmp doesn’t justify itself.
right now, tmp feels like someone going “oh! oh you liked THIS?? you liked THIS PART of tma??? well look at THIS!!!!! this is THAT!!!!!” and it completely flops at it every time. i won’t say its shit, i’ve liked certain episodes and i enjoy some of the characters, but side by side with tma…? come on
part of the beauty of tma is that every episode felt like you were slowly uncovering a plot with the mc. not only that, but characters were gradually introduced, and supplementals didn’t even have proper full character scenes/dialogues until s3, (a little in s2). then look at tmp. the first episode is random characters ive never heard of talking all at once, and this continues for every episode until the current one. i don’t care about any of these characters, and i feel no attachment or ‘riding along with the mc’ feeling with any of them. it feels like a random group of people sprinkled in amongst a vaguely tma-ish plot.
i also hate the attempt to INSTANTLY get into the ‘ooo big background mystery’ when there absolutely hasn’t even been enough context set for that to even matter to the listener. why do i care that gwen is getting promoted? why would any of this sinister secret plot matter to me when i barely understand the way that this institution functions normally? (which i don’t even know the name of, mind you).
you could easily say “but dan!! this will be SHORTER than tma!! its 3 seasons, not 5!!!” think about what was achieved in 3 seasons of tma. by season 3, jon was in his exploration era. he was meeting mike, jude, the monster hunters, gerry, nikola, sarah, he learned about the nature of the entities, we learnt about rituals, learnt that jon wasn’t fully human anymore, hell we even met peter, and we saw elias’ ass being sent to jail!
the pace of tmp is so fast when its plot already bears so little relevance to the listener, and it doesnt help that some of these episodes are, in complete honesty, poor. i find the writing of characters and the interactions between characters rather poor already as well.
im not trying to be harsh, but this is definitely nagging at me. ive been growing fairly irritated with tmp. feel free to disagree obviously, i can see why people would be fans. but it doesn’t hold a candle to tma. im trying reaaaally hard to give it a chance, but im growing more and more disappointed/underwhelmed by the day . pllbbttfhhh . 👎
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redactedgender · 3 months
songs i associate with redacted audio characters - speaker & listener edition
oh yeah baby, we back for round two
im not gonna include a singing voice claim for everyone this time around, but some of these might have them in there. also, im only doing three speaker characters this time around because im also including three listener characters. but, i will include four songs for the listener characters. just for funsies.
hate myself - dodie
; my poor sweet geordi. my little man. this song is far too relatable enough as is, but i have a feeling our resident tetris boy would relate very much to this song. specifically the chorus—“when you go quiet i hate myself” is almost literally about how geordi felt when he was first getting used to cutie’s silence. i can imagine how vulnerable it was for him. he’s getting better tho! which is exactly what i wanted!
voodoo doll - 5sos
; so a bit of a weirder pull for him, i like the idea that in the days after meeting and getting cutie’s number, his thoughts were just plagued with images of them in his mind. do i think they put them into his head? no, but this was early cutie, so it could have been possible. but i like the idea of one of geordi’s thoughts just going all conspiracy over why he kept thinking abt them.
wish me luck - wallows
; another sad one for our tetris boy, and this might even be sadder than the dodie song. i love wallows, theyre probably in my top fave artists, and all their songs are sooo good. this song just screams geordi to me. the genius lyric website says that this song is about “the narrator [is] asking for support and validation from a loved one during times of struggle and self-doubt, whilst talking alot about encouraging self-awareness and speaking out about inner conflicts and problems”, which. i mean. yeah, thats geordi and cutie alright! i imagined this when they were slowly starting to talk to each other again but were still really nervous about what the other would say.
leaving lonesome flats - dierks bentley
; so this song is. alright so its from the second trolls movie. BUT HEAR ME OUT OK. this is my sam singing voice claim and i think its damn near perfect. i would have done bentley's song “what was i thinking?” instead but i think the trolls song fits better. something about running and coming back, etc etc. listen, this song is just really good, and i think it makes sense for sam. that’s the only explanation i can give here dhsjdhjd
she keeps me up - nickleback
; i was not a fan of nickleback for a while, and now im kinda vibing with some of their songs, but this has such big sam and darlin' energy to me. like, look, darlin' is canonically hot as fuck (as confirmed by porter), and i really just think this song fits really well with their dynamic.
believe me - james and the shame
; so we're all in agreement that sam definitely has some kind of religious trauma (most likely catholic/christian) right? anyways, i only recently got into gmm last year, and when i heard this song i was like “there’s no shot that’s rhett from gmm”. knowing that rhett writes this from the perspective of someone healing from a religious past that was harmful was really empowering, and i think that it fits sam really well.
absinthe - idkhow
; this song is just cult leader energy. i know he isnt a cult leader really, but like. i mean. sometimes i think closeknit might see blake as some kind of deity or god to worship. but i can imagine blake lowkey liking having that kind of power for one reason or another.
how i’d kill - cowboy malfoy
; this to me suits blake because of the tone shift in the song. where it goes from slow and almost eerie to a bossa nova jazz type swing to it. to me, it reflects how blake is really like: the way he was around sunshine vs bestie, like in his “two sides to a yandere” audio.
if i killed someone for you - alec benjamin
; uh. well. i had this song on the playlist before the “for you” audio. and then the audio happened. so. blake-core i guess??
vampire - olivia rodrigo
; this is such an obvious fucking song to put for them but also i do not care it still fits. this is about quinn, obviously, and i think it especially hits hard after listening to their second vid with sam and how they mentioned finding another vamp that quinn had slept with. like, was this another manipulated vamp? this song just hits differently when you think about darlin'. and also, even if it’s overplayed, the song slaps.
paul revere - noah kahan
; there are definitely other noah kahan songs on my tank playlist, but this one is just such a good depiction of who they are. them coming back to dahlia, people recognizing them but them saying they’re not from dahlia, how dahlia doesn’t feel like home, like—something about that just really hits me in a way that i love.
howlin’ for you - the black keys
; this is my “darlin's go-to karaoke song” song. imagine them kinda drunk, feeling themself and having fun, singing this in front of their pack, and especially in front of sam. like it’s such a good song for them.
best friends - grandson
; this is here because in my little universe, darlin', david & asher were in a band as teens, and they covered this song. but also, this is such a teen!tank song. this was probably playing while they beat up tires in an abandoned parking lot. like i imagine david wasn’t as much a rule breaker as asher, milo, amanda, christian, & tank were, but you gotta admit their friend group were probably hellions in their own right.
disco man - remi wolf
; this is a good song that fits honey in my eyes. it’s sort of like about guy from honey’s perspective from earlier in their friendship/living situation. learning that the guy who won’t stop flirting with you with the cute smile is a creative writing major probably made honey regret crushing on him asjkgfhjks.
lego ring - faye webster & lil yachty
; ok this actually is inspired by oh, baby, baby by lovelylonerliterature because that is one of the best guy/honey fics i’ve read in a while, but i think honey learning to be softer and be a bit silly with it is so wonderful. also, i like the idea that guy would joke propose with something silly like a bread tie ring or a lego ring but honey would fully take it as a promise for the future and just break guy. what can i say, i like making our pizza boy flustered. and so do they.
“listen to your heart.” “no.” - cheekface
; this is just based on vibes. guy sings most of the song, honey only sings the “no” lines. i’m a genius.
soft bitch - rio romeo
; awww, honey you sap you! no but seriously, i imagine that honey often thinks about how much guy has changed them for the better. and they haaaaate it. y'know that one tiktok audio where someone’s like "he makes me smile—OH WHAT THE FUCK"? that was honey when they realized they had a crush on guy. and this song kind of embodies that too; honey isn't used to being sweet, but being with guy has made them into a sappy person, which they never thought they would be, and how much they actually enjoy it.
just existing - daysormay
; so not only is this my favorite song at the moment, this is also my freelancer theme song basically. the lyrics "it always took too long to learn how to slow down / chasing shortcuts and serotonin touchdowns" and "maybe i lost drive / i'm searching every day for relief / and chasing a break that i don't really need" feels like our resident (and chronic) overworking deviant. this also works when you think about freelancer singing this and each of the verses matching with one of the D.A.M.N. crew boys.
my body - young the giant
; a song about feeling the need to overwork yourself to get better at something because you have a fear of failure and falling behind, in my freelancer playlist? how ridiculous! /j no but in all seriousness this song is a perfect depiction of their need to keep pushing, keep working, to be perfect. i think even when they know they’re good at something, they have to be better. they need to be better to prove themself.
empty bed - cavetown
; so this is a bit more of a depressing and sad song for freelancer, but one i think still makes sense. this reminds me of early s3!freelancer, still healing from the inversion and terrified of everyone they love going away. how they grew up, how they hide their pain as best they can so they don’t bother anyone with their problems, but how they dont want their friends to deal with that kind of pain. how they don't want the D.A.M.N. crew to be in pain, but was so hesitant to let the others know their own pain.
babyface - artio
; so i found out abt artio recently, and when i looked them up on tiktok and saw the lead singer, rae, i immediately said “oh, that's crow!” (for those who dont know, crow is the name of my freelancer-sona). this is very specifically for my freelancer-sona, but i think it stills works for canon!freelancer. how their people pleaser tendencies can make them so quick to change themself for others but how they’ve slowly grown to be more confident in themself.
this took. far too long hdsjhd
i am still considering sharing my spotify link on here, so if you want to see which of the redacted audio character playlists are on the app, pls let me know!
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