#im surprised that even as far in as i am the combat keeps changing up quite a bit
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infinitystation · 4 months ago
i'm 14 hours into m&l brothership and so far the most disappointing thing about it is that there hasn't been a song that makes me go "holy shit i need to listen to that for 2 weeks straight" like every other game has had
other than that this is everything i could have asked for, people are calling it hand-holding and a bit too easy but i'm a 23 year old man i didn't exactly expect it to challenge me. the old games were harder because i was maybe 10 years old, not because they were actually difficult. i'm here for the story and the charm, and it has a lot of charm. would like to see more Imminent Danger to our main cast but that's just a personal preference lol
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articianne · 2 years ago
Where should I start if i want to get I to the fire emblem series?
this is going to be a pretty biased answer, so... im sorry in advance! this is also a long one, so I'm putting them under a cut.
u have a fair number of options here. All of the ones I'm recommending released in the last decade, mostly because games older than that are NOT friendly to new players due to their difficulty. once u get used to the combat, then 100% some of the older games are fantastic to get into.
ill put them in order of my recommendation, including the new release of engage! i have vastly different reasons for why i may recommend each one.
1) awakening
this one is the beginning of the more "social" games, i.e. the horny chess stuff (cough dating sim). i think this one is the one that's recommended as a "Start Here!" game the most, and for good reason! i absolutely love it for what it is, and it has a good balance of combat, story, and the matchmaking stuff. i recommend this first to anyone who heard of fire emblem's social mechanics and, as a result, wants to dive in. it also has lore that goes back to the very beginning of fire emblem to FE 1. not much, but it does. from here, u can go back and do older games, or keep going and play the newer ones. Either way u'll be happy with the gameplay choices they added in the last decade or u'll enjoy harder combat from before then. this is my 2nd or 3rd favorite FE game!!
2) engage
i am really surprised i'm able to say this game considering it just came out, but it honestly is a really good place to start, unless downgrading in graphics is a big issue. i honestly have nearly no issues with this one—granted I'm not done with it but it's got a bit of romance for the protag, a tone in the story similar to 80% of the other games, REALLY FUN COMBAT, and somehow literally every other protag in the series without spoiling things for other games.
it is also VERY cheesy, maybe even more than normal, and the plot is fairly predictable (as far as I can tell). but cheese is a mainstay in FE games. if that's not up ur alley, prepare to either cringe or relish in anime. i fucking love it lmao
the only complaint i have, and this is literally my only complaint so i am truly nitpicking, is that for some reason like 20% of the girls in this game have vtuber hair that goes down to their ankles, and i don't know why. I don't know why this was a style choice, or if there's a plot reason, or whatever, but a lot of them have it. I don't even have a problem with "toothpaste pepsi mc" anymore. m!Alear is WILDLY endearing to me, but f!Alear's hair is so fucking long. i just. How.
3) shadows of valentia
im probably an outlier in recommending this, but i swear i have a good reason. this is the newest "classic" game because it's a remake of FE 2—i.e. if u don't care about matchmaking or having the protag marry someone of ur choosing, or if u simply wanna get a taste for the older style of games first before going to the games with more stuff to do, then i recommend this one. The story is fantastic, it's fully voice acted with some of THE BEST acting (and also music) I've honestly ever heard. but i am definitely biased since this is my favorite FE game and one of my fav games of all time. however, it really is just combat and story, with a few spare support conversations between characters for the sake of stat boosts (all the romance is canon within the story—can't change a bit about that).
4) three houses
this is the last one out of the "play this first" i'll recommend, because ill be honest, I'm not a fan of 3h's gameplay. I do like many of the characters, I think the serious tone of the game is great, but the gameplay really soured a lot of it for me. There's a calendar system that steamrolls the story so ur mostly just there for the ride as the hours clock by. As well as that, many of the combat skills that other games share with each other aren't a thing in this one, so combat mechanics can be a hard shift going from this game to anything else.
that being said, this is a great place to start if u want a game that will introduce u to the strategy mechanic that also isn't campy, cheesy, filled with anime tropes, whatever. the game is serious, with different routes and loads of choices for matchmaking galore. the only caveat is literally no other game in the franchise is like this. many of the other games are about light & dark and our friends make us strong and My Whole Personality Is About This One Thing. which i personally LOVE. but if that isn't for u, i would start with 3h, get used to the gameplay, warm up to the idea of campiness. and if u still think it's not for u, then great, u played 3 houses and probably enjoyed it a lot and u can wait until a new game comes out that may match the tone.
hope this helped!
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renorasims · 5 years ago
this weeks sucks so bad. These past months i've worked my ass of to complete a project at work, doing work that i'm not getting paid for. Now i'm at a point where the pressure is getting to me, my mental state. I feel like i can never do enough even though they expressed they're very happy with me. I'm so afraid I fail and i have 1 colleague that would be so happy to see me slip up.
Sure, she seems nice to most but underneath the answer she can get really nasty/snarky/cynic sometimes. I genuinely ask a question bc i don't understand her's and she all; no, its fine. get on with your presentation. not a: ahh no its okay =) like in a nice way.
And it makes me so insecure. makes me feel so small. My gut literally cringes because i know there will come a day when i'll say; you know what? its not fine. don't expect me to take that comment you obviously made cynically at my expense and pretend it as a 'normal' way of communicating. I know that when it happens i will not want to work with her any more. at least not in the extend i'm currently doing. We now interact socially to each other mostly bc of our other two colleagues i think. I will remove myself from any social interaction then and will only have professional contact (e.g. removing myself from the WhatsApp group, etc). Though it wouldn't surprise me if she's totally unaware of how she behaves herself. 'Luckily', i'm not the only one with this problem but i am the only one that becomes crazy insecure of her.
That insecurity is a major culprit for me. That voice saying i'm not worthy, good enough, can't do stuff, etc. It send me into a very bad depression in 2017 that lasted 2 years filled with therapy and quite literally fighting for my life bc i was so far down the drain.
I've been upping my anti-anxiety meds these past 2 weeks to try and keep it all together but it just gets harder and harder. I don't want to get depended off them since i try to only use them when i'm having a 'episode'. Today i just broke down in tears because my work-out bra underwire broke. I know its bc of all this other stuff thats in my head constantly but man... shit is rlly not going well. So i'm really contemplating trying to reach out to my old therapist. There's a change she can't 'take me back' since its been 6 months after we ended treatment.
The care i received was through insurance because i could never flip the bill on my own for those amounts of money. Especially now, I lost part of my income this month due to budget cuts. With the care I received in particular i only have a 6 month period to come back for a few boost sessions and that period has expired. I'm not sure what happens to me if she says she can't help me anymore so i avoid the whole situation all together. Too afraid that it will break me. which is bad too, I know.
I know i'm fighter and keep hoping that the skills i've learned and trying to use to combat my anxiety/depression will kick in rather sooner than later. I'm really trying to be and stay positive but its sooo hard when you're getting scared. And feeling like you're being pulled down into a lake of sadness/fear. Which is sort of strange because at my lowest point i had no fear. back then in my mind, there wasn't anything that could happen to me that would be worse. therefore, fear was of the table for so long. But since i got this job back in jan 2019, life got better and now im afraid of losing it i guess so hence the fear.
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kibleedibleedoo · 5 years ago
Hero of your own Fate 2/?
Thorin x reader
Warnings - brief mention of mental illness, slow burn
A/n - sorry it's a long one
~Thorin's POV~
It had been a long detour via the Blue mountains which unfortunately had not born any fruit. All Thorin could think about was a hot meal and a place of safety to sleep tonight. He was getting far too old to be a solitary nomad. His fantasising of his next meal led thorin down his third wrong turn of the evening. The shire was full of winding roads that seemed to follow no logical order in their constuction. Thorin could see the house up on a hill, by mahal he probably could hear the company from back in Bree, but he just could not find the right path to get there and the fading like was offering him no favours.
Thorin watched confused as the heavens seemed to rip open as Bagend was aurrounded by a vrief thunder storm and depositing a girl on top of the hill. From this distance it was hard to tell but she certainly wasnt one of his kin and the clothes she was wearing made ger look out of place in this world. Maybe you were a one of a secretive kind, some even more secretive than dwarves that few even knew the existance of. He watched as you settled yourself and entered the hobbit hole. Something deep inside him was drawn to this unfamiliar woman so deep that Thorin was taken by surprise when he knew how to get to that blasted house, to get to you.
~Reader's POV~
That evening was a whirlwind so much seemed to happen in so little time. The quest was explained along with the risks and contracts were handed out to you and the other burglar Bilbo. It took many by surprise when he fainted at the thought of incineration, sure it would be a bad way to go but an instant death was far more preferable than a long drawn out one, the only one not surprised was the leader of our company Thorin oakenshield. He seemed to react to the hobbit with pure annoyance even going so far as to question him on battle experience upon entering poor Bilbo's home. You had no battle experience at least none in hand to hand combat. You cast your mind back to one of your childhood school trips where you were taught how to fire an arrow and a bit of fencing neither of which you were any good at, at the time which gave you little hope for your ability to fight on this quest. You needed training or you would be a liability and you were positive the whole company knew it.
You took the time during Bilbo's recovery to pull Gandalf aside.
"what am i doing here?" you asked rather annoyed with the wizard.
"You offered to help in the café did you not?" he quipped knowing the answer.
"Yes but there is no point me joining if i am only going to be a liability Gandalf" you huffed, you wanted to help you really did but there was no point volunteering for this quest if it was going to end in your demise or the demise of some of the dwarves before the quest is complete.
"You posess talents aside from fighting that will come in useful that I am sure something that those of middle earth lack" the wizard mused. He was almost certainly keeping something to himself about what you could contribute. Before you could respond he continued "I took the liberty of packing supplies for you, some hygiene products from your home but mainly supplies from here for the journey. They are with your pony at the stables" Your eyes grew wide as you realised the wizard had gone through your things.
"You broke into my house!" you exclaimed in a hushed tone trying to stop any of the dwarves from prying, unfortunately you could not seem to shake the handsome one's peircing gaze. "What if my roommate saw you? omg wait what did you see in my stuff!" at this point you were starting to panic, your roommate had always suffered from anxiety and happening upon a strange man riffling through your stuff wasnt exactly something they would take in their stride.
"I was not seen, and magic comes in useful in your realm too" he chucked "the essentials come to me, they seemed nicely organised so I packed the entire bag for you" mentally you were piecing together what you would be carrying. That bag contained your toothbrush, toothpaste, a few wash cloths, deoderant, conditioner, a spare pair of panties, and some everyday makeup items. Okay so no shampoo, you werent exactly sure when you would get the opportunity to wash your hair while trekking across this world but you had heard others try a no-poo style of washing their hair so that must be what you would have to do from now on. "Along with what is already packed here are a new set of clothes to help you fit in better and if you will let me I can exchange and money you have for coin you can use here." You werent sure exactly where he had stored the fresh clothes but he seemed sincere so you handed your bag over to him.
"Dont touch anything else in there, you only have permission to exchange currency" you said in a stern voice "they might not all work here but they are important to me" you finished softly. You took the clothes to a seperate room and closed the door behind you. It was dark but you still had your phone in your pocket so could use the torch for a while. You silently thanked whatever deity was up there that your parents had got you a solar powered power bank for christmas and it was in your bag, where you always kept it, your phone might run out of battery soon but you knew that you would be able to look through your photos whenever you got homesick on this quest. You turned your attention to the clothes, inspecting each item you noticed the outfit looked like something that would have been worn during the 18th century back home. Luckily your roomate was studing fashion history at the local university so you knew where all the fabric was supposed to go. Gandalf had also been nice and provided you with a corset which did up on the front, looking at them you could almost hear your roommate telling you this style was called a 'pair of bodies' and you chuckled knowing that while this outfit might be more practical than what you were wearing it was still going to be a nuisance to put on and wear all the time. You got undressed and threw the shift over your underwear, not ready to give up your modern bra and pants just yet, next you decided you still wanted to wear your leggings. If you were supposed to learn how to ride a horse tomorrow you sure as hell were going to have some fabric between your skin and the saddle plus it would preserve some of your dignity if you fell off and your skirt flew over your head. Time for the corset, the stomacher was rock hard which you thought might provide some protection, against what you werent quite sure of yet, and the corset was surprisingly easy to lace up at the front. The next item you loved, it was a shame modern women's fashion hated them so much but these bags you tied at your waist formed huge pockets which could fit most of the contents of your bag in without anyone being any the wise. The petticoat and skirt followed and a jacket tied the look together. You decided your doc martens would be far better to wear than whatever flimy shoe gandalf had provided so with your outfit complete you returned to the company.
Gandalf sat there smiling with a bag of coins in his hand. You felt you looked slightly ridiculous, especially since your bosom was more pronounced than in your oversized tee.
"Now you look like you belong here" he took a sip of wine and nodded.
"I might look like it but I have still kept some of my modern luxuries" you responded smugly waving your t-shirt a bit. He smirked handing you over the coins and your backpack back. You stuffed the tshirt in with the rest of your stuff and made a mental note to wear it as a pyjama top.
~Thorin's POV~
Y/N had disappeared off into one of the rooms shortly after her argument with gandalf. It seemed like the company had lost both of their burglars within the space of five minutes. Thorin huffed and sat back next to Balin who was always a source of comfort to him even before Erebor fell.
"We do not have time to delay Balin, if we must leave without them then that is what we must do" Thorin sighed, fewer and fewer folk were supporting this mission a band of 13 dwarves and a wizard was hardly a match for a dragon if Smaug still lived.
"I know lad, have faith this is a worthy quest and mahal would not have forsaken us" Balin smiled reassuringly at Thorin. Balin trusted Thorin like he trusted no other, he knew Thorin would give anything for his people and would do everything in his power to provide them with a place of sanctuary. The pair sat in silence for a few moments when Y/N came out of one of the rooms in a different outfit. The dress made her look like one of them, it fitted her so much better than what she had on before and Thorin found himself staring in awe at her.
"it seems she hadnt given up on us afterall" Balin nudged Thorin grabbing his attention
"aye but does a woman belong on this quest" Thorin sighed "she looks weaker than Dis and we wouldnt allow her to join us"
"she will be fine" Balin was puzzled by Thorin's sudden change in attutude until he realised Thorin was still watching the lass like a hawk. "she will have us to protect her and Im sure you wouldnt mind training her" Balin joked.
"I will not let her presence effect this quest, we will make sure she is trained" Thorin barked back. Both dwarves knew it was already too late just her sheer presence made Thorin reconsider his priorities.
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thereallinksstuff · 5 years ago
Uhm here's my first fic in like 8 years, I hope it isn't to bad.
Fandom : sander sides ,
Pairings: intrulogical, background royality hint of anxciet
Words: idk fahm
He felt the familiar tug of Thomas summoning them, he sighed in annoyance at being disturbed.
He popped up just like any other day he was summoned only this time everyone was staring at him. "Why are you all looking at me as though my head has turned into Barneys armpit?" 
"Uh....Nice outfit logan" Virgil managed through his suprise at logan not being in his normal tie and black polo.
Looking around the room at everyone staring at him, Logan realised he hadn't changed into his work clothes. No instead he was wearing large spiked combat boots, torn black skinny jeans, with a sleeveless punk rocker style Jean vest. Even his hair was a vibrant blue instead of the normal brown.
"Uhm...Logan? How come your dressed like that?" Patton had asked curiously.
being pulled from his thoughts by Patton's question logan turned to look at the fatherly side,
"Well it is not my usual attire, I am comfortable like this. I merely forgot to change before popping up. If you would all continue with the discussion you were having prior I would be grateful."
"I agree, let's get back on topic." 
Logan was thankful for their host for helping in getting everyone's eyes off of him.
For the next hour or so they discussed whether or not Thomas should do one thing or the other, He didn't pay much attention. He was too focused on a strange feeling (heh feeling) that someone was in his room.
As soon as Thomas had his issue resolved Logan was the first to say goodbye, of course with a reminder to drink water and be healthy, but he was out of there quickly.
When he got back to his room he didn't immediately see anyone there, curious as to why he felt like someone had been. Looking around his room he noted how all the books were in place, his bed was still neatly made, his closet doors were slightly open as he had left them. Taking a moment to double check inside his closet, he felt like someone had their eyes on him. As he walked out of his closet he noticed a small paper and box on his desk.
Making his way over he examined the note with a strange curiosity.
To Lo,
I have a proposition for you, if you would like more info, check the kitchen  ; )
From, someone.
As curious as Logan was about the note, he loved a good puzzle after all,  he looked inside the little box. Inside there was a small space pin that had 'viva la pluto' written on a small ribbon. To say he was shocked was an understatement, he was baffled as to who would have given him something so nice and who would have gone through the trouble of learning about his disdain for Pluto no longer being a planet. 'It is a planet, stupid people.' he thought as he placed the pin on his vest. Making his way down to the kitchen he noticed Patton making dinner with Roman and Virgil not around, possibly in their rooms.
"Hello Patton, I wanted to apologize for my appearance today with Thomas, I nearly forgot to change, I will make sure it doesn't happen again."
Turning around and smiling brightly at Logan, Patton just gave him a shrugging wave. " It's alright Logan, I think we were all just surprised to see you...all punked out." "I understand the confusion Pat, I tend to only allow myself to dress this comfortably when there is nothing that will need my sudden appearance."
He Gave Patton a small smile while looking around the room, he noticed a small deep blue note on the counter, "hey pat, who's the note for?"
Patton turned and followed Logan's gaze- " oh that? Im not sure who it's from but it's got your name on it." Logan walked over and picked up the note, choosing to pocket it for the moment. "Well I am going to go reorganize my books, I shall see you at dinner Patton." He finished saying as he walked into the shared living room. Pausing for just a moment to read the note.
To my Star
I know you like to read so check your favourite book to find the next clue
From someone cool.
As he made his way back up to his room he couldn't stop himself from theorizing who the notes were from, it wouldn't have been Patton as he was with Roman, and Roman well, to be honest he didn't think Roman would do something this simple..
As he entered his room, he almost immediately noticed ' the murder of Agitha Christy ' sitting on his bed- not on the shelf. Sitting down on his bed picking up the book, he fondly remembered the first time he read the book, it was such a nice memory. When he opened the book he saw the note, gently taking it out and setting the book back on his bed, he read the note.
To My Sun,
I know this has been short but here is your final clue, meet me where you'd least expect me, yet exactly where someone like me would be.
Love your admirer.
'My Admirer?' he thought to himself as he got up to return his book to its place. Thinking logically he slowly went through the list of who it could be, Patton and Roman were quickly ruled out seeing as they were together. Only for a moment did he think it'd be Virgil, but realizing that Virgil currently likes Deciet, it wouldn't be him.  Pacing back and forth in his room for a good 20 minutes he decides to try looking around the 'basement.'
No it wasn't really a basement more like where deciet and Remus chose to have their rooms.
Walking down the hallway that leads toward the 'dark sides' as Roman puts it, login again felt like he was being watched.
Making his was down to the common area for the 'dark' sides logan looked around seeing neither deciet or Remus. After a few moments of looking he sighed and thought out loud to himself. "who would send these notes, especially to me?' after all he was the 'nerd' he was logic. Although he didn't enjoy the nerd aesthetic as much as his punk one, he just couldn't get his thoughts to a conclusive answer about why someone would admire him.
Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Remus come up from who knows where to stand right infront of him.
"HIYA Logan, whatcha doing down here?"
Be started into reality, login recomposed himself before answering, "I was looking for the author of some notes that I've been left, I am merley looking everywhere." He replied maybe. Little quickly, he had hoped Remus didn't pick up on it.
"Oh well, that sounds fun can I help you??"
Remus asked while bouncing on his feet, seemingly excited about being able to help someone. For a few moments logan questioned why Remus would want to help him, however he couldn't bring himself to a logical conclusion as to why he shouldn't let him help. He sat down on the couch that was behind him, and held the note out to Remus. "This is the last note I received however I do not know who the author is, and such I figured I just look around in places I wouldn't normally go." He finished with a huff, looking up towards Remus. He was reading the Note and doing his weird thinking face, Logan took this time to really get a look at Remus, he wasnt in his normal Dukey attire, he was wearing something more akin to how logan was dressed. Biker boots, ripped cutoff shorts, a black sleeveless t-shirt that read 'could be gayer' across the chest and a fully studded and patch covered Jacket. Logan laughed a little to himself about the similarities between his and remus's styles.
"Well, do you have an idea as to where I should look Re?"
Almost as if he had forgotten Logan was there Remus blinked then bounced right back into energy town. "I DO!!" He shouted and grabbed logan by the wrist. "I know this seems kinda crazy but just follow me!" Remus bounced forward dragging logan along with him. Ignoring the nice feeling of having someone else hold you, Logan followed after Remus, hoping it wasn't to far.
"Okay I'm gonna need you to close your eyes and trust me." Remus asked as he stopped in front of a door Logan didn't recognize. "May I ask why Remus, I do not wish to be the subject of your pranks."
Remus looked around quickly trying to come up with an excuse, not being able to think of a good one, he replied simply. "it's a surprise! But also because we have to cut through a part of my imagination. And I don't want you to be er.. grossed out?" Remus finished quietly, being considerate of the others feelings was a bit strange to Logan, seeing as Remus rarely did it, however he was more curious as to who the author of the notes was. He made the decision to trust Remus, and of he was honest with himself, he was hoping Remus was the author, seeing as he liked Remus for quite a while now.
"Alright Remus, I trust you to keep me safe, we can go when you are ready." Logan adjusted his glasses to look at Remus, who had been staring at logan with a wide grin plastered on, but slowly it wavered as he processed what logan had said. "You...you actually trust me enough to enter my imagination?" He asked, looking down rubbing his hands awkwardly together.
"Well yes, you may not have the nicest or cleanest thoughts and ideas, but you are a part of Thomas, and to be honest with you Remus, there are times when I prefer deciet and yours company more than the others. You are unpredictable and can be a bit much however, I have no reason to not trust you. You have never directly hurt me, or the others - well minus roman."  Hoping that He didn't pick up on the emotions behind his words, Logan let out a small breath he didn't realize he was holding as Remus bounced in excitement. "Okay, let's go!"
Grabbing Logan's hand instead of wrist this time, Remus pulled logan into his imagination as soon as the other's eyes were closed.
Logan now with his eyes closed and his hand in remus' , he hoped Remus knew where he was going, but then again, He tended to know a lot of weird things, so he let himself get pulled along what sounded like a dirt path. Every so often he would hear humming from Remus as the walked. It had only been 10 minutes of walking but to Login it felt like longer, what with his eyes being closed and all that.
"Okay stay right there with your eyes closed." Remus had asked him calmly, with what seemed like nervousness in his voice if only a little.
"I.. uh okay" Logan replied trying to show as little confusion as possible. He could hear Remus walk towards and open something but, without the visuals he couldn't identify it, so he waited patiently playing with the various spikes on his wristband.
Remus slowly walked back over to Logan, a bouquet of wilted flowers in his hands (he tried for days to make living flowers but couldnt)
He gently tapped logan on the shoulder, "okay you can open your eyes now" he said with such gentleness that the other had not heard before, slowly opening his eyes and looking at his surroundings, he couldn't help but to be shocked. Up in the night sky there were thousands of glowing stars with a large shining moon bathing both men in a nice calm light.
As Logan looked around he noticed the partially alive trees and bushes that surrounded the clearing they were in. Remus had a wonderful imagination,sure, there were random creatures wandering around and random dirty jokes personified everywhere but it was wonderful in its own way. He wondered why so few were willing to see it.
Finally looking over at Remus, Logan noticed how he was already looking at him, with a goofy grin on his face holding what seemed to be withered flowers. "I know you are a hesitant person sometimes and that you like to do things in the most logical order. However demented or disturbing to the other my ideas and thoughts are, you help them to understand me better. Which I can't thank you enough for. So Logan Sanders...would you like to...go kill people together?  LikeBoyfriendsShould? On a regular bases?"
It took a moment for logan to process all of what Remus had been saying, and if his thinking was right Remus was the author of the notes, and he was asking him out in a very Remus way...
For once Logan didn't have the words to respond, the side he has had feelings for, for a while is asking him out and to be his boyfriend. Before his logical thinking could stop him he stepped forward grabbing Remus by his jacket collar pulling him into a kiss.
Taking the kiss as a yes, Remus slid his hands around Logan's waist, kissing him back with passion in an attempt to communicate how happy he is. When they pull apart logan looks at him with a sparkle in his eyes that was usually reserved for learning. However right here right now, with Remus, in his imagination logan couldn't be happier, even with all his grossness or disturbing thoughts, Remus was the one for him.
"Thank you, and to verbally express my feelings, I accept your offer to be in a romantic relationship, Darling."
"Haha I figured from the kiss but thank you, to hear you say it makes my heart explode into a million pieces hahah." Leaning his head on Logan's shoulder the two sit and talk until dinner, to which they both go to, sharing glances and holding hands, much to everyone else's confusion. they lived punkily ever after.
I hope y'all like it, let me know if you do
Sorry for any errors in grammer or spelling, it isn't my strong suit
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ravenaveira · 6 years ago
OK I just need to go off about KH3 again
Im sorry your probably gonna be seeing alot of these posts because I am friggin PISSED and no Im not saying this ONE THING ruined the game for me or that the game is bad thats not my intention I personally gave the game a 8.9 so clearly I enjoyed it I just didnt enjoy THIS shit
The romance between Sora and Kairi omg its just SO BAD it makes my danm blood boil because it didnt HAVE to be this bad but you wanna know why it was so bad this game and worse than any other game in the franchise?
Because Kairi was off the island
You heard me right, Kairi being off the island and put onto the battlefield destroyed this relationship for good and turned it into the biggest friggin joke its ever been when before there were actually some decent moments between them but this? this was downright laughable and so forced it felt like Sora was being held hostage and forced to say and do the BS that he was and it just felt uncomfortable to watch
Like him saying ‘Im strong with you Kairi’ which apparently in JPN he said ‘your strong Kairi’ which somehow makes it better to some people but bruh both are equally bad and equally laughable because neither of them are true
Kairi’s not strong and never has been, Kairi is just a love interest and has never been anything else from the moment she was introduced all she was is Sora’s love interest and that was literally all there was and all there still is to her character
Oh well without Kairi Sora wouldnt be alive she was the only thing keeping him tethered to the real world and lit his way back
So tf what? she deserves a friggin medal because she ‘believed’ ? dont make me laugh, wow Kairi’s one big moment of use was just ‘believeing’ in Sora which literally every single other character does but when Kairi does it suddenly its the biggest contribution anyone could give her because thats literally ALL she did so yea bravo Kairi, you believed
And then everybody proceeded to nearly get bodied all over again xD nice save Kairi, you literally almost made everyone die TWICE
Know who ACTUALLY did something to stop it a second time? Namine, Lingering will, The past keyblade masters, Yen Sid, those are the ones who actually DID something that made a difference and ACTUALLY kept them alive this time
Kairi literally barely kept him alive, brought him back to the light, just for him to nearly die all over again and her whole role ends up being a total failure that changed NOTHING
So yeah congratulations, her biggest moment amounted to nothing
Oh and dont get me started on that stupid hug Sora gave Kairi when she was about to get struck down by Terranort
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Bruh dont give me that ‘he was moving too fast’ or some crap like that so he only had time to do that, BULLSHIT did you SEE how fast Aqua came at Riku in the ROD? Sora managed to get between them and shield Riku with his keyblade in literal seconds, but with Kairi he just hugs her?
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You see now why I say this ship is laughable in this game and forced af? that made no danm sense, even if he would of pushed her out of the way it would of made more sense then just friggin hugging her as if thats really gonna stop anything
Bruh Sora and Riku had a more believable romantic moment in that entire ROD moment with Riku saying Sora’s name and then Sora appears to help him save the day and they summon a friggin rainbow keyblade, and then Aqua is about to friggin body Riku with literally only seconds to react Sora manages to protect him
Now I’ve seen people try to argue well everybody really was useless or needed saving in this game so its not just Kairi
BULLSHIT and lemme tell you why
Yea its true people like Riku and Mickey who are far more experienced still struggled and needed saving but guess what? they were DOING something, they held their own they didnt just friggin stand there they put up a danm fight and DID something that actually CONTRIBUTED
I mean bruh Riku and Mickey were literally fighting by themselves at the end of the game against THREE PEOPLE, again BY THEMSELVES holdin their own while everybody else had atleast 1 person helpin them, Aqua with Ventus and Kairi with Lea but Riku and Mickey? solo and doin the danm thing idc if they eventually get defeated or knocked out or struggle alot the point is their DOING something or atleast friggin TRIED to do something
Aqua gets roasted alot too but we’ve seen what she can do in BBS, she held her own and even fought and beat Vanitas, again even if she eventually was defeated or knocked out etc like her Vanitas fight in KH3 again she friggin TRIED and friggin DID something
Ventus got bodied but again we’ve seen what he could do in BBS and Ventus is no pushover, he unfroze himself with sheer will power and his glare was enough to give Xigbar [now Luxu] PTSD everytime he sees him or someone who reminds him of him, he too took on Vanitas and tied even though he didnt WIN he didnt lose either so his performance against Terranort in this game I agree was underwhelming but understandable given thats still his friend but he still did something in the end and wasnt totally useless
People raggin on Lea need to STOP because its thanks to him Kairi didnt get friggin smacked down early on because he took the danm hit for her and got sent flying instead of her defending her danm self
Keep in mind Kairi and Lea got the EXACT SAME TRAINING and even HE reacted with common sense but Kairi? even AFTER SEEING Lea get sent flying after defending her that STILL didnt make her defend herself and she just friggin STOOD THERE
Or how about when both Kairi and Sora got knocked back and Lea literally fought Saix and Xion and Xemnas BY HIMSELF to protect them
Gtf outta here man and put some respect on Leas name because he DANM sure deserves it for all the crap he took from Xemnas and the utter disrespect of having his keyblade I assume broken or damaged, being shot by multiple lasers AND having his hand stomped on by Xemnas this man was still TRYING even with all odds against him and being clearly outmatched he still TRIED
Meanwhile Kairi just gets her arm grabbed, I wanna make this very clear
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She is not lifted off the ground like Sora was with young Xehanort, she was not pinned to the ground, she was not backed into a wall, she did not have both arms forced behind her back NO
Her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she has one arm being pulled above her head but she has another free arm which may not be her dominant arm but is still better than having none and she does NOTHING
She doesnt try to get her other arm free from him
She doesnt struggle or pull away from him
She doesnt try to turn around to lessen the pain of her arm being pulled behind her
She doesnt stomp on his foot to try and get him to loosen his grip on her to give her a chance to break free
Know who was in a similar situation and handled it way better with no battle experience?
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So dont tell me it wasnt friggin possible for her to do anything in that situation because thats utter bullshit and you know it, Kairi didnt even STRUGGLE she didnt even TRY to get free
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She used her free arm to reach out for Sora to ‘save’ her though, but not to even attempt to free herself
Yet THIS is who people are hoping is the main playable character next game to go rescue Sora?
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Girl couldnt even save herself yet yall think she can rescue Sora? what a joke but unfortunately some people are actually serious about this and actually want a playable Kairi after this travesty of a performance
Before yall had good arguments, Kairi WAS inexperienced and she DIDNT have any battle training so she really COULDNT contribute or do much but that all changed in KH3, now she DOES have the SKILLS and the TRAINING and the means to be able to contribute and DO something and theres absolutely no more excuses why she shouldnt
Kairi says herself, this time I’ll fight too, this time its my turn to protect you
And when she fiiiiiiinally gets the chance to do all that, everything the fandom has wanted and waited years for her to finally be able to do, this is what she does
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THIS is Kairi off the island, THIS is battle ready Kairi, THIS is Kairi DOING something and by doing something I mean NOTHING but getting in the way like Sora said years ago when he left her back on the island which now makes total sense because this is what happens when Kairi goes with Sora to the battlefield
Now we know what Kairi is truly capable of if you give her a weapon and the training to use it, absolutely nothing
And people actually want playable Kairi next game xD
Honestly I somewhat blame the fandom for this because I wouldnt be surprised if Nomura tried giving her a more active role because the fandom desperately wanted this for years and I guess this was his attempt at throwin them a bone but to be perfectly honest? he should have just left her ass on the island atleast then she had an EXCUSE to be useless but because he tried to give the people what they wanted and actually gave Kairi combat skills he just made Kairi 100% justifiably hateable now and I am so glad to see more people finally turn on this chick because the excuses for her has finally run out and its about danm time she got the hate she deserves because Sora deserved better
I think thats the part that hurts the most, I can accept Sora dying but its HOW he died that I cant accept and do you even need to guess how it was? thats right, saving Kairi
Seriously FDB
Listen Nomura, you tried and failed miserably, its time to stop, seriously, its time to stop, Kairi had her chance and she blew it and now its time to let it go and bench her ass on the island like you been doing out of everybodys danm way and leave the rescuing of Sora to Riku and everyone else who is actually of some danm use and knows wtf they are doing
Kairi can just stay on the island and ‘believe’ since thats apparently all shes good at doing, let her just ‘believe’ that Sora will come back while Riku and everyone else actually do the work of getting him back and she just be there to greet him when hes back
Im hoping the secret ending is hinting at us playing as Riku trying to save Sora because Im all for that, but if they really try to shoe horn playable Kairi in after all the negative reaction from this game Im not saying I wont play it but it will definitely make the game unenjoyable if majority of it has you playing as someone you strongly dislike instead of Riku whos actually a pretty popular and beloved character amongst majority of the fandom while Kairi is descending to one of the most disliked
So Im hoping Nomura has learned from this and just doesnt even try with Kairi anymore, just stop it
This game would have been so much better if he’d just manned up and took the risk and just abandoned Kairi in this game by letting her actually STAY dead and Sora accepts this and moves on [of course over time not instantly] but with the help of Riku and everyone else by his side Sora’s able to move forward and live on keeping Kairi in his heart forever and at the end instead of what we got hes just sitting on the beach watching the sunset while everyone else is playing and he takes out and looks at Kairi’s charm remembering how he didnt get to give it back to her this time but then all of a sudden a paopu fruit washes up near his feet which is unusual but he picks it up and as he does notices something in the distance but is blinded by the sun but he can vaguely see Kairi before she fades away, similar to how Axel saw Xion here
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Lets say Kairi is holding the other paopu too, and once she disapears Sora cries for a moment but wipes them away and smiles knowing that Kairi’s still with him, he then proceeds to take a bite of the paopu fruit which would tie in perfectly with the title screen showing Sora with his back turned and a bite taken out of the paopu hes holding
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This way Kairi’s importance to Sora is still in tact but shes no longer here to get in the way or need saving AGAIN, her character ends on a high note and Sora grows from the experience realizing that he cant save everybody no matter how hard he tries some people simply cannot be saved and he just has to let them go even if he doesnt want to
But nope, instead Sora dies saving Kairi like in KH1 and its just not sweet, its not even bittersweet, its more of a slap in the face than anything and Sora has zero growth from this, it just changed from Kairi needing saving to Sora needing saving and honestly we JUST saved everybody else and already we have to save ANOTHER person? its just ugh man I cant
Theres plenty more things I didnt like besides this but this is the one thing that pissed me off the most because I never expected it to be THIS bad
Also I know I use Sora and Riku as a comparison alot but that isnt because Im some salty Soriku shipper whos just mad my ship aint canon because honestly I dont give af when it comes to Kingdom hearts pairings I could literally care less about any of them hell Roxas could marry a tree for all I care or form a three way with Ven and Aqua I DONT CARE the only pairing I ever had a problem with is Sokai and thats because of my strong dislike for Kairi more so than the pairing itself and I think Sora deserves better than Kairi so this isnt just some bitter Soriku shipper because like I said I DONT care but I do somewhat ship Soriku, just like I somewhat ship Roxion and RokuNami and some older ships more out there like Sonami or Namitas etc no one cares but you get my point
I dont care about Kingdom hearts for the ships theres far more important things going on than to be worried about some stupid pairing, but Sokai just leaves a bad taste in my mouth everytime its even mentioned
And now no matter what they do with Kairi or Sokai in the future it wouldnt change a thing because after KH3 its irredeemable, the damage is done and theres no undoing it unless you give it one long ass arc like Riku to slowly redeem it but I doubt Nomura cares about the romance and Kairi enough to actually dedicate such an arc for it so yeah the damage is DONE
My bet for next games playable characters, Riku, Aqua, Roxas, Ventus, Xion, those are the only ones who make sense to me since they all have the strongest connection to Sora and are capable fighters and I feel Aqua although not having a strong connection to him like the others she would wanna repay Sora for saving her so thats my bet
If anyone bothered to read this whole thing then lemme know who do you thinks gonna be playable in the next game?
Also if you like Kairi and Sokai thats perfectly fine this isnt to bash the shippers or demanding you dislike it cuz hey to each their own, Im just saying I DONT
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suddenly-n-octopus · 7 years ago
I would like to see answers for all. :3
For you? Always.flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself? “Please dont throw your looooove away–please dont throw your loooooove away”
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? If she would ever chose to be with me.
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? I dont have one. I dont even know what that is.
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?My best friend and I talking about our fears in meeting each other finally. They turned out to be the same for her and after all this time i was surprised she still felt the same way. It may not happen but it felt good that she still considered the idea.(that context though)
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Yes.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things? Make a popular selling video game. Turn said videogame into an on-going multi seasoned series/anime. Own an Owl.
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail. She calls herself a panda,she loves books and chocolate. Dawson’s creek and gilmore girls are her go to shows. She can get tunnel vision when she gets angry. She hates her middle name with a passion. Shes a pyromaniac. Opal is one of her all time favorite stones. She cant dance. Can hold her liquor for a while. She has been an author, violinist, jeweler, carpenter, mechanic, pharmacy tech, and now a dispatcher. She’s tired. 
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood? I sorta didnt.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person? Thanksgiving
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.My best friend, ironically she lives in an area where the sky could be seen without the city lights interfering. I mean…its stargazing, you’d want someone you love to be with you to watch them right? we’d look at the stars and talk about them and their meanings..or rather what we thought would be their meanings with me mostly making terrible jokes.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?Yes
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you? Um. *waits* its 3a.m. now so ..you. You are a kind friend to me. I am grateful.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom? Thats easy, i say it to myself daily when i think about this question. To my best friend: I love you for until always.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes? Underrated and beautiful. FUCK.
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally. “That doesnt go there” -story of my life.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? HA.. “That doesnt go there”
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars? Thats a long one, first id go see my best friend..give her family money, pay mine and my mother’s bills, buy a place for my mom and sis, then buy a place for me, get a transplant for my kidney and pancreas, buy some waffles, pay for my sister’s college.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way? I am not.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self Save your money. Find her.Go to the doctor as much as possible. find her. listen and remember what grandaddy is teaching you. show him that you arent a waste of his knowledge. find her. say yes when the time comes. dont let friendship ruin your chance to finish. find her dammit. fucking find her. keep up with all of your games, dont trust anyone where you leave them. tell uncle joe you love him. tell tiffany that you like her too. but find her. watch the tribe more and find her. dont let them get to you. you arent trying to be white. you are being yourself because thats how you were raised. find her please.
.pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? Pastel probably.
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain i love tattoos and would lke to get some of my own but i dont heal well anymore. i think they express a lot about yourself and what you love.
.piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? Nah…i mean..should i??? my lashes are all natural honey :o
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. I dont have a song that has affected my life.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them. Chaos is inevitable, all men must die. 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.Never been to one QQ
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?Irina, a friend of mine who disappeared some years ago. She promised me that she wouldnt do so and…i havent gotten over that so the letter would be telling me where she is and if she is okay. I miss her.
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised? I have a fold out table where my laptop sits. Not organized.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine? I dont have a set routine for anything in my life. I never seem to maintain a schedule. so it varies.
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? That i used to watch their porn that they stashed away terribly.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? my hair is short so a dark blue, i like blue but green is my favorite.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do? five people? huff i have to know five people. *waves the thought* we’d go to the beach!!! my best friend hasnt been to one since she was a kid so definitely her, my only guy friend and his girl..thats three…uh…oh my guy friends girl’s friend…and uh…this is hard since none of who i am talking about actually lives anywhere near me or within a 1000 miles.
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them. goodness. um. to be healthy–no more health issues, my body functions normally and everything works. thats probably two wishes. so the last one would be..i wish that i was successful.
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.I once went as a disco guy. yuh, my best costume ever.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high? texted my best friend over some issues we were having…again. *cough*
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars? Kill innocent people
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?my best friend. because i love her more than anything and anyone. I would rather see her for the remainder of my life than what the world has to offer.
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.I have, I am. the feeling is like knowing that you are getting something you really want and its coming to you, that anticipation of it getting there and you having it, but the anticipation is a constant. it wells withing stomach and rises into your chest but never out of your mouth or body, it just stays there.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair? I keep black, gun metal grey and warm grey nail polish at all times.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? caramel macchiato and im rather trusting of anyone really.
 marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now? my best friend.
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thegeminisage · 8 years ago
all right i got about ~3 hours to get my shield and beat zelda lets fucking do this
the temple of time music is breaking my heart
this is one place where i'm mostly ok with them not using a classic tune for it tbh
like this music has so much grief and tranquility
i used to think the plateau was SO huge and really it's almost miniscule
i know it's a bit of a waste of time but i'm making the final trek on foot, no fast travel, temple of time to the castle
So Many Guardians
i can fight them now but only if theyre in the right place too close or far away and i cant do it
on a side note: yesterday (?) i found a beautiful pink spring i took many pictures of
today i saw that glowing spot on the map and realized i'd never figured out what it was!
dropped a pin bc i was curious, and it's the pink spring
temptation to warp over, check it out, and warp back: astronomical
but i'm on both a mission and a time limit, so it'll have to wait
ok. ok. im Here. its Time. lets go. shield first. that is My Shield, and the stalnox Cannot have it
there's a door i can't figure out how to open :/
ah, i see the stalnox
but i want that door!
google isn't helping me so i guess i have to leave it??
ok, all abilities fully charged, 3 fairies, plenty of food. i can do this. i almost killed one by accident once. that is MY SHIELD.
oh my god its got SWORDS stuck all in it jesus FUCK
my first shot did a lot of damage! but im wearing the atk+ armor which i can't keep on, it's a glass cannon
oh my god that was so EASY?
i kicked its ASS LMAO
holy shit when my swoprd strikes something in here it sounds like cannon fire! steady glowing too
i don't think there's one right way to go here so i'm gonna try to explore as much as i can
i've been spoiled by the fact that zelda has a diary laying out somehwere so i wanna find it for myself
ohhh the remains of the red carpet in here
i'm actually next to the tower i climed before, apparently i was just shy of exploring all there was to see up there...i'll see if i can have another look
lol i decide that and it IMMEDIATELY begins with the lightning storm
i found it!!! oh god was this her bedroom ;_;
he's quiet and persostent and can't resist a good meal
and it talks about why he never speaks ;_;
omg she even talks about her mother ;_;
the goddess hylia or was it fi?? oh my god.......
found the guard chambers ;_; this all hurts my heart, so much was just Lost
oh my god no THE BLOOD MOON...
huh. no cutscene here
honestly fighting my way thru moblins in hyrule castle...haha man
ohhhh the library ): i bet zelda loved it here
oh my god they even had docks under the castle!!!
oh NO i found the king's journal
he hated being cruel to her and was gonna be kind when she got back but instead the last time they really saw each other they were fighting!!!
still doesn't give him an excuse tbh but i can find a SLIVER of sympathy now
okay so........now i've explored all the insides. i go out?? i.......fight ?????
oooohh god im scared again ))):
oh shit oh Shit i found it oh god
im looking up a walkthru to read after the fight starts i dont need any more surprises
ooh he has guardian weapons
ok yes walkthru
GOD LMAO if you dont free the divine beasts you have to fight the minibosses here
oh god this is gonna be tough
haha "guardian weapons will break your shield" NOT MY SHIELD
i mean yes it can break but its Highly durable and replacements can be made if it does
i mean i know. they had us fight a manlike thing in ss AND tp but. i miss him
oooh down to 25%
im ready for phase 2 baby
there's gotta be one right there ALWAYS is
YES here we go
oh no i dont have epona though just a different horse im sad i should have left her out
I DID IT!!!!
oh my g o d
"may i ask, do you really remember me"
oh my god...oh my god
ohhh the credits showed a bit of everybody and despite myself when they played the trailer song and showed the old man/the plateau i welled up we've come so far
awww that was the last song of the trailer
ohh my god 
jesus christ, old man disappeared last too, my HEART
theyre gonna restore hyrule!! they're gonna travel together again!!
okay i GOTTA load my file and see what's what
awww it's the one i saved right before the battle i thought there was post-game content...?
it does have a little star next to it tho
ah well
that was.......incredible
and i cried
so there's that
man!!!!! im so, so glad
what a good game
honest crit: no, it wasn't PERFECT
i could have stood more classic tunes to punch me in the feels more often and give us more of that old #aesthetic since they changed SO much about everything else - at times it didn't even quite feel like a zelda game, though the reminders that it WAS were always heartbreaking and wonderful
also maybe this was just my playstyle but i feel like there could have been more than just the four dungeons since they were so short...i know the dungeon-y puzzle stuff was spread all around with koroks and shrines, but is One big dungeon too much to ask? even hyrule castle had 1000 ways you could have gotten through
could have stood a little more acknowledgement of who you were and what you were doing as the divine beasts started waking up? like from npcs and shit, not even for Glory or whatever but just because the story felt reeeeeeally spread out, even with the memories scattered everywhere
and again a little bias here but some of the battles once you began getting Up There were a little TOO fake-difficult...i saw white bokoblins in old old places so i know it has to do with You, not your location, and i could have lived w/o it tbh
would have loved some form of new game + or postgame content, but maybe i'm just sad bc i misunderstood a spoiler or w/e it was that happened
things i loved:
the music
the cinematics, holy shit
the voice acting
when they DID use classic tunes it was to INCREDIBLE effect, same with the castle style, the ruins, even the nostalgic armor
obviously the open world gameplay was delightful and addicting, i literally couldn't get enough
the final boss battle wasn't too hard but VERY climactic and wonderful, just difficult Enough - could have maybe been a BIT harder but then i did start with him at half health!!
the dungeons, while there weren't enough of them, were EXTREMELY cool, i felt DWARFED by those beasts, after i saw the first one i never called them jaegers again
actually kind of liked the weapon durability thing bc then i could just pick them up during combat when i was running low and steal them or fight with them, throw them, etc
did not like the BOW durability, all my bows broke VERY quickly, that and running out of arrows always was totally urgh...even with my weapons inventory upgraded i STILL couldn't hold all the cool ones the game threw at me, it needed to be like that for players that favored the bow - more of them that were OP, more arrows, etc
anyway i could go on and on but
i gotta sleep, and
i'm so happy zelda is free
it would have been so cool to have her as a companion in post-game, Somehow
or at least see her reunion with all those who missed her
or see link get his memories back
it ended a bit too soon but it was beautiful and i loved it
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elem-entals · 5 years ago
undercover irid, crown prince  seb, elems academy marco, librarian knowledge nads au
Brent and I had some really good ideas in this whole rp Pt. 1
Undercover irid but seb is also there undercover
Maybe irid is from some far off kingdom secretly
And helps/recruited the elems
And surprise she’s actually an agent from the Eastern Kingdom
And the lovable seemingly dumbass refugee who’s been putting his blacksmithing skills to use since the academy changed hands to dm
He looks at irid; and tells her to cut the act, the mission has been accomplished
Irid; >:| dammit, sire
Irid: there’s still more to acc- Seb holds up a hand: it’s high time we stop the charade and make things clear
Seb: we all know how cozy you’ve gotten here, Fire elemental Iridona c; Irid: >:| 😳 your Majesty
Marco: what
Irid: Seb: Crown Prince Sebastian Warbourne at your service c;
Irid as one of the palace guards and a close friend of the prince
Irid muttering: >:| we had more to get done
Marco, later: sam what the fuck
Marco: she’s some sort of highly trained palace guard warrior chick
Marco: no wonder she picked up on training so fast, common girl with secret powers my butt
Seb, walking around a corner: that was her original origin
Seb: she really was a commoner who learned to fight rather quickly
Seb: and I’d watch how you talk about her, especially in front of me c;
Sam: 😗🍷
Sam: just your type marco
Seb: 👀
Seb: she hasnt dated much, but you are quite her type as well, Marco.
Sam: great, I love watching marco get his ass kicked
Seb: I do, as well 🍹
Marco: >:|
Sam: we ain't friends, guy
Marco: you get all fluttery whenever she’s near and you practically glow whenever she’s paying attention to you
Marco: me thinks she’s more than a bodyguard to you
Seb: Seb; 🍹
Seb: my interests are her happiness
Seb, picking lint off of his shirt: she is more than capable of being a mere palace guard
Sam: like a wife
Seb: if I can help her be more, find more of what could make her happy, live up to her potential, I will do nothing to stand in the way
Seb knocks back his drink
All of it
At once
Sam: impressive
Seb: no
Seb: its really not
Sam: I did like 3 at once one time during breeding season a few years back 😗
Marco: what
Sam: it was hard to position all three
Sam: without spilling it
Marco: OH drinks
Sam: I was already hammered so I dont think I would have noticed anyway
Sam: oh
Sam: yeah drinks
Marco: ...
Sam: and then maybe some very impressed ewes 😗🍷
Marco: what
Sam: anyway your kinglyness finish your ominous speech
Seb: 👀🍹no that was it
Sam: oh okay cool
Marco: will your guard terrier approve of another drink or does she need to test it
Sam: [takes a sip]
Seb: Seb punches Marco’s arm
Sam as a former party boy for this au I guess
Seb: maybe if its poisoned you should try it first 😒
Sam: oh damn I'll do it, I'd love to die
Marco: 😕
Seb: yikes
Sam: jokes
Sam at some point to marco: y'know there's probably a few Samir jr.'s out there somewhere 🤔
Marco: wow
Sam: I know, weird to think about
Sam: I dont know if you wolves feel the same way but sometimes during breeding season some people just let loose
Sam: a lot of hatchlings are raised communally
Sam: dont know who their parents are, 's not really a big deal to us
Sam: sorry, there was just a hatchling that ran past a few hours ago and I got to thinking about it
Starling lore for this au
And maybe in general idk
This is a single dad Sam au now I guess
Marco: what if
Marco: what if you met a kid that was yours?
Is this assuming he doesnt have nadir with him yet?
Sam: I Sam: I don't know
Sam, elbowing him: maybe this upcoming season eh?
Whichever you think is more fun for this point im the au
Sam having a tryst with a starling from the eastern kingdom and he keeps the egg for himself
Lol she drops it on his desk
she's a badass warrior (maybe another palace guard?) And doesnt have the time/safe place to raise it
a starling version of iris
And is like "this is yours to do as you please"
“Have fun byeee”
Warrior starling with a dry personality and a love of violence
Yes exactly
"This is soft cushy work, perfect for you"
Marco: so you have a kid now?
Marco: mazel
Sam: one that I know about, yeah
Sam, with the egg: I could Sam: bring it to a hatchery
Marco: ...
Sam: this is the first time I've been face to shell with a product of a tryst
Sam: oh dont look at me like that, it's a normal starling cultural thing
Sam: it's not like your orphanages
Marco: yeah i know but
Marco: 👀 you were saying you could use a bit of something stable
Marco: company
Sam: 🌕🖊️ Sam: look [shows him the egg]
The egg has a face scrawled on it
Marco: you have a support system here too
Sam, egg voice: hi marco, it's me, Samir Jr.
Concept: Iris as a visiting consultant as a favor to Dm as he’s trying to set up the new Academy
Sam: 🤔 I am getting a bit long in the tooth
Iris: Samir, for the last time, I need those reports on-
Iris: 👀|
Iris: that’s an egg
Sam: it is
Someone asks Iris if she’s dating dm
Sam: very astute observation, I can see why you get paid the big bucks
“Not my type”
Dm: she likes twinks but like straight
Iris: >👀|
Sam: so like all starlings
Dm: mhm
Iris: >👀C
Sam: I know a buddy who's single
Sam: not afraid to mingle with those of the flesh
Iris: you’re about to see my foot up your ass
Marco: this is why I liked having you around
Sam: [cups his hands around his eyes]
Marco: Sam, seriously, it could be nice
Marco: having a little one around
Sam: hmm Sam: I'll give it a week to decide
Iris: ugh you and your father are so domestic
Sam: he's getting old iris
Sam: he wants to settle down
Sam: maybe with someone from out of town 👀
Sam: isnt that right eggbert Sam, egg voice: sure is
Iris: your dad met your mother and like a month later “oh she’s so wonderful, I could see us settling down in some house in the Valley or something”
Iris: [fake gags]
Sam: [sighs] I want that
Sam: marco is your dad into single dads
Sam: this could be your step sibling
Marco: dont even joke
Iris, in a bad dm impression; Samir, you’re claws are looking very pointy today
Iris: may I escort you to the Fall Ball in August?
Sam: why thank you Marco, you're so kind~
Sam, bats his lashes: what a gentleman
Iris, pretending to be faint: Oh, Iris, he’s so lovely, we’ll have a June wedding
Iris: I’m assuming you’re the same way in love, Marc-y
Sam: I need a nice, strong man to help me raise my hatchling
Marco: >:| I hate having you around
Marco: No you dont
Marco: you are strong
Sam: not as strong as this little dude's ma
Sam: she could have bench pressed me
Iris: ooh👀
Sam: I think I pulled something when we were together
Iris: oooooh👀c
Iris: gimme the hot goss
^monotone lucretia voice
Sam, scooting closer: so she drops this on my desk, right?
Iris: ‼️
Sam: "here, you live a cushy, domestic life. Take this"
Sam: what am I supposed to do with this? I ask Sam: she snorts, patronizingly I might add Sam: "use your fancy academy education and figure it out"
Sam: >:T she must think I'm some kind of coddled highborn
Iris: she sounds cool
Marco: you would think that
Sam: she was that big tall starling his fancy pants-ness brought with him
Sam: look at me forging alliances
Sam: you're all welcome
Sam: you're next marco
Iris: oh, you mean
Iris: Shabina?
Sam: is that her name? Huh 🤔
Iris: you didnt even know her name? 👀c
Sam: she doesnt know mine so I think we're square
Sam: she called me desk jockey at one point
Iris: oooh, she mentioned you
Sam: oh?
Iris: “the desk jockey had these soft hands, and knew how to use them”
Marco: uGH
Sam, leaning back: ha, totally me
Marco: what do you mean I’m next?
I like this iris dynamic with sam and marco tbh
Sam: maybe I can teach you sometime Marco, y'know, to get a leg up in his royal ominous-ness
Yeah same
Marco: what the fuck is that sentence
Iris: language, pup
Sam: I mean we're going to help you seduce iridona
Sam: get you a palace guard
Marco: what
Iris: now that you’ve got an egg you’re wanting to play matchmaker?
Sam: yes
Sam: I'm feeling domestic
Marco: oh please after you got Celi in your clutches you wouldnt leave me and Dad and Marse alone about “finding someone”
Sam: you're welcome btw, told you I'd find you a twink
Iris: my private life is not up for speculation
Iris: how did you find him for me?
Sam: oh you think you found him on accident?
Iris: I like to find my own beaus thank you very much
Sam: [snickers] okay
Iris: [narrows her eyes]
Marco: nice
Marco: maybe Sam can get you ankid too
Iris slaps his arm
Sam: yeah, maybe Sam: my cup runneth over with them, apparently
Sam: I'll keep doing a whirlwind tour of the willing starling ewes that could break me in half in the eastern kingdom and make everyone an egg
Sam: [sighs] Sam: I'm gonna go to the library to get some books on parenting I guess
Sam: who wants to come with?
Iris, winding her arm thru sam’s: there’s a section on combat training that could be useful for a growing young starling
Sam: just because my hatchling's mom was a meathead doesn't mean they have to be
Iris: oh no no
Iris: not a meathead per say. but a cool and collected young ewe or ram with the ability to defend themselves from enemies
Marco: should you decide to keep the hatchling, you’ll have so many people to help with the kid, they wont even need it
Iris: but they should know
Iris: maybe young master DeSantos can learn some seduction techniques
Marco: >:|
Sam: yeah I've got plenty of that
Marco; Irid has enough on her plate
Sam: what, some kid playing king?
Sam: if the other palace guard has enough time to waste with me I'm sure irid can stomach a date or two with you
Sam: c'mon, let's go to the library
Marco: maybe he was just looking to make friends
Sam: mostly because I don't remember how to get there :<
He was but also sam’s right
Iris: pfft
Iris tugs on his arm
Iris moved over to the capital after losing her first husband. She lost him awhile back when she was just friends with dm
Later when she struggles marco and dm and sam help comfort her
Iris and sam and marco at the fantasy baby store
Trying to figure out what to get a soon to be hatchling
this is a knowledge nads au also
to prepare you for this variant
is Nads a librarian
nads is a librarian
Book battle mage
We gotta figure out how to incorporate some of this into one of our long standing au’s
Nads: Hi, welcome to Talondrop Library :DDD
Iris: 👀|c hello, young miss
Sam, muttering: it's way too early in the morning for this kind of pep
Iris quietly: I like her, hush
Marco nods
Iris: might we be directed to the section on baby care?
Nads: how can I help you all? c: Nads: unless you're part of that group that's been stealing books in which case I won't hesitate to use force >:c [pulls out an envelope opener]
Iris: 👀|c like a real life Bilbo
Nads who is probably as tall or taller than Iris
Nads: oh, sure! :DDD [she still doesn't put away the opener]
Nads: right this way
Nads: what kind of baby is it? I've organized the whole section by species
Iris: impressive
Iris: a hatchling, eventually
Nads: ✨✨✨
Nads: I see! Nads: that explains why you walked in with an egg 🤔
Nads: I didn't want to assume
Nads: what in particular are you looking for? feeding? education? c: Sam: uh...everything? Nads: first time parent? I got you c;
Nads grabs one of those book carts
Nads: I'll be back in just a second with a selection!
Sam: This vibe is weird
Sam: this is making it all so...realy
Sm@l iris befriending sam after she and celi visit to have their case looked at
Iris and sam gossiping
Iris: true, but we’re at the intel gathering stage
Iris: if you’re gonna decide, you should do it well as informed as possible
Sam: intel gath- Sam: iris I'm getting baby books, I'm not on a mission
Sam: marco, you've been awfully quiet
Marco: ... just taking it in
Marco: dont want to add more noise
Sam: more than our new "friend"? I'm sure you're fine
Sam: it is awfully quiet in here though
Sam: like more than a library usually is
Nads, with a pyramid of books: I'm back, hi c:
Sam: jeez, this is uh Nads: just a small selection, I know
Sam: wasn't what I was thinking tbh
Nads: I've got a small sampling of everything you'd ever want to know
Nads: feeding, bathing, teaching; the works
Sam, looking over a book: uuuuh
Nads: and, most important of all, hatching
Sam: Sam: oh shit I forgot that part
Marco leafs thru a book
Iris: thank you, Miss...?
Nads: Nadia~ c:
Nads: Talondrop Library's head librarian
Iris: Nadia c: I’m Iris
Iris: this is Marco and thats Sam
Nads: ...!!! :OOO Nads: you're from that academy aren't you?
Marco nods
Nads: I hear you guys are hosting the King of the Eastern Kingdom
Marco: pft
Marco: yeah now we are
Iris: always interesting, having visiting foreign entities
Nads: that's so neat, it must be exciting to swap stories c: Sam, muttering: and fluids c:', c: ', c:',
Sam: right marco
Marco: oh gross
Sam: marco
Sam: right
Nads: is there anything else I can help you all with today? c: Sam: yeah, you got any books on seduction so we can help my man over here? c:',
Marco: >:| stop this
Nads: 🤭 we have some romance books if he would be interested
Marco: I am not
Nads: of course! If you'll follow me to the counter
Nads: okay, so you have two weeks before you either have to return or renew them
Nads: I'll just need your signature right here Sam: alright
Nads: and right here Sam: 'kay Nads: and a drop of your blood Sam: ok- what
Nads: for the blood pact c: Nads: if you don't return the books on time there'll be a fee, and if you don't return it in a month's time I'll hunt you down
Iris: 👀
Sam, taking the pin: fine, I don't want to have to walk to the bookstore
sam pricks himself and a drop of blood falls onto the small magic circle on the counter
it evaporates into a cloud of pink smoke
Nads: the contract is sealed Nads, pushing the books towards him: have a lovely day :DDD
Sam@marco and iris: what, don't look at me like that
Sam: I need these books, I'm completely lost without them
Sam studying the books in his office while marco chills
maybe talking about how irid kicked his ass during training that day?
yes i love this
marco puts his feet up on sam's desk
what does sam do in this?
what if its the same gag
he does everything and nothing
and has an office
I like it
nobody knows what he does
but dm says he's invaluable
marco: so I look up she has the dumbest smirk on her face
marco: and decks me and I fall off the log and loose the whole ass challenge
Sam: HA, classic
marco, throwing the candy wrapper from the candy he nabbed from sam's candy dish on his desk in the wastebasket: stupid
Sam: was your love rival there
Marco: my what?
Marco: I have no such thing
Marco: Iridona is a colleague
Marco: who lied technically
Sam: we've all lied once or twice
So ya know how in older movies, a couple dancing in a big fancy number was like
Lowkey highkey hinting toward their chemistry in bed
That but its how irid and marco fight or fight together
Marco: Samir
Sam: like when you asked what happened to your piece of cake that day in third grade
Marco: excuse you
Sam: and I said your sister must have taken it
Sam: and Marco, you don't have to lie about that absolutely sizzling sexual chemistry you have with her
Sam: and don't let what's his face psyche you out
Marco: 😳 n- no-
Marco: aw fuck it
Marco: It doesnt feel right to just up and
Sam: 👀
Marco: “hey so how about this thing I think is between us”
Sam: well sure if you wanna be all Sam: werewolf Sam: about it
Sam: take a starling approach
Sam: romance her
Sam: flirt
Sam: flash her that roguish smile
Sam: instead of ballroom dancing to express your feelings you two spar Sam: it's like its own dance, in a way
Marco: ugh dont remind me. If i was gonna go all werewolf, I’d tackle her during training and growl into her ear about all the stuff i’d love to do to her and see if she’s down
Sam: rhythmic, passionate
Marco: not cool
Sam: hey now that's not werewolf Sam: werewolf is "hello milady, I would like to mount you, do I have thine permission?""
Marco: “would thou consent to be bred-eth?”
Sam: "I think you'll find I'm a suitable caretaker, watch me bench this deer carcass"
Marco: heheh
Marco: seriously, I dont even know if shes interested
Sam: well
Sam: test the waters
Sam: you don't have to be blunt about it
Sam: even though I know it's in your desantos dna
Sam: maybe we should have gotten you one of those seduction books
Sam: I've finished all these books and have to return them, I could pick one up c;
Marco: hatred
Marco: utter hatred
Sam: love you too
Marco: wait you read all of those books?
Sam: yes
Sam: Also I haven't slept
Sam: I'm sure it's fine
Marco: soo
Marco: have you come any closer to a decision?
Sam: mmm
Sam: I don't know
Sam: it's only been one day
Sam: Maybe once I get more books
Marco: I-
Marco: hold on
Sam: and return these before I get stabbed in my sleep or something 😒
Sam: what is it boy
marco: are you gonna chat up the cute head librarian
Sam: is celio stuck in a well
marco: utter loathing
Sam: what? I mean I guess I have to
marco: u t t e r  l o a t h i n g
Sam: I'm pretty sure she's the only librarian
Sam: cute eh? should I alert irid that she's lost her chance? 👀
Sam: anyway I need more books because honestly I'm starting to freak out
Marco: aw sami
Sam finding nads one day super depressed looking in the dark by herself
And when he gets her attention she's like "!!!" And tries to put on her customer service persona
He asks what's wrong and she tells him that the library's going to be shut down soon and it's all she has
Sam asking dm if there's any openings for the academy library
Dm: well
Dm: theres a lot of openings since part of every intellectual department was infested with Asrani loyalist so
Dm: yes
Sam: nice Sam: um Sam: can I ask for a favor
Dm: and poor Avalene is stretched thin between sorting out the archives and trying to sort out the library
Sam: nothing big this time, I promise
Sam: look
Sam: the library in town is slated to be shut down
Sam: and the librarian there has really been helping out with the whole Sam: surprise fatherhood thing
Dm: ah yes
Dm: that aside, I hope you know you can count on me and Marco for support with that.
Sam: I mean granted loaning out books is a librarian's job
Sam: right, thank you sir
Sam: I'll...keep that in mind
Dm: >:| you mean isolate yourself eventually
Dm: anyway 😤
Dm: I’ll see what I can do
Sam: [bats his lashes]
Dm: the young woman in Talondrop? The enthusiastic one?
Sam: that's her
Dm: hm
Dm: I’ll get back to you
Sam: thanks
Dm dials the extension for the library where avilene has set up shop
The academy one
Dm: would you like to take on an experienced young librarian with enthusiasm for the jo- Avilene, loud enough for sam to hear thru the phone: yES
dm nods at sam
Sam: great, I'll let her know
Sam: see, I told you I'd be an asset
Sam: strengthening ties between our neighbors, finding new employees
Dm waves him away: yes yes
"So like I heard you knocked up one of my guards?"
Dm: tell my son to stop dancing around his very obvious crush on Ser Velezquez
Sam: I've tried
Dm: 😒
Sam: I promise I've tried
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo
This is how you make a statement.
Recently, some Instagram consumers took on the before and after photos the phenomenon where people post likeness of their bodies from once they are dealing with an anorexia nervosa and then pictures of them after they recovered through a hashtag campaign called #BoycottTheBefore. The uprights boast a blacked out before epitome as a acces to make it clear that appearance analogies arent always reflective of a healthy form and mind.
The campaign is meant to address the provoking quality of the photos for those regaining from an eating disorder. It generated by Lexie Louise, A 21 -year-old body postivie blogger, in mid-February after investigating her own personal before-and-after convalescence photos. She realized that they were able prompting for others who may also be dealing with an anorexia nervosa or send the incorrect meaning about what the condition actually looks like.
#BoycottTheBefore I have an clause that will be published on the sister website of @neda soon that explores this in more detailed information. I’ll share it when it’s posted but is intended to share some now. (( I don’t is planned to reproach all those who had shared their recuperation photos. I’d like to offer different perspectives because it’s important to open the conversation rather than usurp everyone is on board. I hope those who disagree can speak kindly and non-judgmentally in return .)) For those in early convalescence especially, our eating disorders can persuasion us to compare digits or sizes, or even see us inquiry, “Am I sick enough to receive assist? Because such person or persons seems to need it more than me”. That are very significantly destructive when it comes to this. These photos likewise solely picture physical emergence. It is a huge fallacy still that those who have eating disorder must be physically underweight to be considered striving. It reinforces a misconception that “youre seeing” who is struggling. The true is: we aren’t telling the whole story through these photos, even with our captions. “Theres” beings in retrieval who don’t seem comfy sharing their photos at all. And there are also beings in retrieval who simply cannot relate to having any offending physical changes. Overall, though those of us who can share these photos are praised for sharing them and may be creating short term change, “were about” feeding into the errors of eating disorders and unhappily not building area to compose real, long term change. So gives fight back. I encourage “youve got to” responsibly share your recuperation narrative this NEDA awareness week if “youre feeling” cozy doing so. I also support “youve got to” taken into account in other beings those in recuperation and those whom we are trying to educate. And I foster you to use the photo depicted on the left as your before photo if you want to support this project. We are so much more than comparison photos. We are strong, resilient fighters and we will go against the grain and continue to fight to be seen and listen even if that represents not receiving instantaneous validation. Like convalescence, change takes time; it is a wander but it is possible .
A post shared by Lexie (@ soworthsaving) on Feb 16, 2017 at 6:05 pm PST
Posting these analogy photos is facilitating the idea that you can see everyone else who has eating disorder, she wrote in an Instagram caption following removing the personas. It is also allowing the competition among those struggling with designs like, well, Im not sick enough to get help because I dont look like that.
Since she started the campaign, the hashtag has taken off with more than 1,000 submissions. Model Iskra Lawrence, who has been open about her own retrieval from an eating disorder, shared her own boycott photo.
( This upright is seeing Eating disorder& recuperation NOT the fitness industry/ or weight loss). Please read before delivering judgement as this is NOT me telling you NOT to post before and afters or lessening the achievements and accomplishments of those who are proud of their excursions. I adore verifying people celebrating how far they’ve come and altogether get why( myself included) choose to berth before and afters . . But let’s open the discussion ….. # BoycottTheBefore was started by @soworthsaving and I’m so proud to be part of this movement . . I myself have seemed the pressure to post before and after pics to validate that I too stood … but that’s absolutely no truth to the rumors. We do not need to prove that we fought, we do not need to feel like anyone may have fought more or less because maybe there before and after photos aren’t as “dramatic”. It’s not even about that, it’s ever about how far you’ve succeeded so @boycottthebefore is here to celebrate YOU right now! To celebrate how far you’ve come and maybe how far you still have to go – there is no perfect convalescence& everyones is totally unique . . I do however want to say I’m not against posting before and afters, I have done so too and will be keeping them up. Nonetheless this is also a really great letter and I hope to see lots of of you labelling me in your pics( I’ve shared pics of the individuals who labelled me precisely swipe to discover )… I’m forever inspired by the convalescence& bopo local communities and I’m grateful for every single person who empowers one another and shares their beautiful unique provoke with us all . . To read @soworthsaving blog post about such movements going to see @neda or http :// proud2bme. org/ material/ eating-disorder-comparison-photos-boycott #NEDA #everyBODYisbeautiful( bikini is @aerie) No makeup no retouching #aeriereal
A post shared by i s k r a (@ iskra) on Feb 25, 2017 at 1:28 pm PST
Sharing a’ before'( frequently dangerously underweight and makes surprise and sneer in numerous) against the’ after'( frequently a healthier heavines and probably smiling) is something commonly occurring on ED awareness week. This is only demonstrating a physical change and one that feeds into the underweight form stereotype( and for those who have suffered that never have been underweight, where does that leave them ?) I’m not going to put a’ before’ picture of myself on that may trigger others or potentially realise others feel like their eating disorder is less valid. My own anorexia nervosa would cherish me to post one, for some means of validation/ reassurance and proof to others that’ hey ogle yes I was dangerously ill and here is your proof now you have to believe me by this to justify whatever notion you have about someone with anorexia’ NO. I have nothing toprove to anyone. Trying to spread the word of eating disorder being an internal combat and illness of the attention but posting photos reinforcing the opposite? It isn’t a competition( whatever your anorexia nervosa “re saying” ). Telling people how you exerted x amount and weighed xlbs and subsisted on simply x a epoch does not educate people on this mental illness. I don’t is intended to be buttressing this stigma that so people are trying so hard to break away from. Boycott the before. #boycottthebefore #nedaweek #eatingdisorderawareness #recovery #mentalhealth #educate #youarenotyourmentalillness
A post shared by Charlie Storey (@ wakeupinwoodland) on Mar 5, 2017 at 2:04 pm PST
A few weeks ago I quietly started a travel of genuine person credence. I haven’t opened up to anyone about it until now. I was tired of being haunted with a weight loss aim, telling food pass my life, and always having what I’m ingesting or when I will reach my occult weight loss point digit on my sentiment. It was becoming an preoccupation, and it had to stop. I went into it with my whole centre. Done weighing myself, but still snacking as health as I can, working out on a regular basis, and not beating myself up over every cookie that I have. It’s is an element of “the worlds largest” humbling events of my life and I’ve never appeared more confident and beautiful. As a nutrition student the most valuable lesson that I’ve learned is that we are more than exactly a number. As long as you live a health life overall, that’s all that matters. Being scrawny does not mean being healthy. Health comes in all shapes and sizes! So on the working day, you will never interpret another before and after visualize or weight loss post from me. My before is just as remarkable as my after. Too I will never facilitate anyone “lose weight” again. However if you are truly interested in improving your Health and getting HEALTHY, I’ve got your back! Contact me. Weight loss will probably be a bonus from that, but I will no longer spur contacting one count, that number does not define who you are. Stay healthy. Stay beautiful. Stay what you are. #boycottthebefore @boycottthebefore #loveyourself #loveyourbody #bodypositive
A post shared by Aisha-Z (@ aishazrva) on Mar 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm PST
An reckoned 30 million peoplehave an anorexia nervosa in the U.S. Devouring ailments have thehighest mortality rate of any mental illness radical, in agreement with the National Association of Anorexia nervosa and Associated Disorders.
This careening happening is farther proof that they need to be taken seriously. One way to do that is to increase public awareness, which can send the meaning that the condition is manageable with care. Thats why social media crusades like #BoycottTheBefore are so vital: They highlight recovery over everything else.
I am in retrieval. I am living again. I am thriving, Lousie wrote on Instagram. And I dont have to prove that I was sick by showing you my body.
Head over to Instagram to browse more #BoycottTheBefore photos and storeys.
H/ T Mashable
If youre struggling with an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorder Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237.
The post This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo
This is how you make a statement.
Recently, some Instagram consumers took on the before and after photos the phenomenon where people post likeness of their bodies from once they are dealing with an anorexia nervosa and then pictures of them after they recovered through a hashtag campaign called #BoycottTheBefore. The uprights boast a blacked out before epitome as a acces to make it clear that appearance analogies arent always reflective of a healthy form and mind.
The campaign is meant to address the provoking quality of the photos for those regaining from an eating disorder. It generated by Lexie Louise, A 21 -year-old body postivie blogger, in mid-February after investigating her own personal before-and-after convalescence photos. She realized that they were able prompting for others who may also be dealing with an anorexia nervosa or send the incorrect meaning about what the condition actually looks like.
#BoycottTheBefore I have an clause that will be published on the sister website of @neda soon that explores this in more detailed information. I’ll share it when it’s posted but is intended to share some now. (( I don’t is planned to reproach all those who had shared their recuperation photos. I’d like to offer different perspectives because it’s important to open the conversation rather than usurp everyone is on board. I hope those who disagree can speak kindly and non-judgmentally in return .)) For those in early convalescence especially, our eating disorders can persuasion us to compare digits or sizes, or even see us inquiry, “Am I sick enough to receive assist? Because such person or persons seems to need it more than me”. That are very significantly destructive when it comes to this. These photos likewise solely picture physical emergence. It is a huge fallacy still that those who have eating disorder must be physically underweight to be considered striving. It reinforces a misconception that “youre seeing” who is struggling. The true is: we aren’t telling the whole story through these photos, even with our captions. “Theres” beings in retrieval who don’t seem comfy sharing their photos at all. And there are also beings in retrieval who simply cannot relate to having any offending physical changes. Overall, though those of us who can share these photos are praised for sharing them and may be creating short term change, “were about” feeding into the errors of eating disorders and unhappily not building area to compose real, long term change. So gives fight back. I encourage “youve got to” responsibly share your recuperation narrative this NEDA awareness week if “youre feeling” cozy doing so. I also support “youve got to” taken into account in other beings those in recuperation and those whom we are trying to educate. And I foster you to use the photo depicted on the left as your before photo if you want to support this project. We are so much more than comparison photos. We are strong, resilient fighters and we will go against the grain and continue to fight to be seen and listen even if that represents not receiving instantaneous validation. Like convalescence, change takes time; it is a wander but it is possible .
A post shared by Lexie (@ soworthsaving) on Feb 16, 2017 at 6:05 pm PST
Posting these analogy photos is facilitating the idea that you can see everyone else who has eating disorder, she wrote in an Instagram caption following removing the personas. It is also allowing the competition among those struggling with designs like, well, Im not sick enough to get help because I dont look like that.
Since she started the campaign, the hashtag has taken off with more than 1,000 submissions. Model Iskra Lawrence, who has been open about her own retrieval from an eating disorder, shared her own boycott photo.
( This upright is seeing Eating disorder& recuperation NOT the fitness industry/ or weight loss). Please read before delivering judgement as this is NOT me telling you NOT to post before and afters or lessening the achievements and accomplishments of those who are proud of their excursions. I adore verifying people celebrating how far they’ve come and altogether get why( myself included) choose to berth before and afters . . But let’s open the discussion ….. # BoycottTheBefore was started by @soworthsaving and I’m so proud to be part of this movement . . I myself have seemed the pressure to post before and after pics to validate that I too stood … but that’s absolutely no truth to the rumors. We do not need to prove that we fought, we do not need to feel like anyone may have fought more or less because maybe there before and after photos aren’t as “dramatic”. It’s not even about that, it’s ever about how far you’ve succeeded so @boycottthebefore is here to celebrate YOU right now! To celebrate how far you’ve come and maybe how far you still have to go – there is no perfect convalescence& everyones is totally unique . . I do however want to say I’m not against posting before and afters, I have done so too and will be keeping them up. Nonetheless this is also a really great letter and I hope to see lots of of you labelling me in your pics( I’ve shared pics of the individuals who labelled me precisely swipe to discover )… I’m forever inspired by the convalescence& bopo local communities and I’m grateful for every single person who empowers one another and shares their beautiful unique provoke with us all . . To read @soworthsaving blog post about such movements going to see @neda or http :// proud2bme. org/ material/ eating-disorder-comparison-photos-boycott #NEDA #everyBODYisbeautiful( bikini is @aerie) No makeup no retouching #aeriereal
A post shared by i s k r a (@ iskra) on Feb 25, 2017 at 1:28 pm PST
Sharing a’ before'( frequently dangerously underweight and makes surprise and sneer in numerous) against the’ after'( frequently a healthier heavines and probably smiling) is something commonly occurring on ED awareness week. This is only demonstrating a physical change and one that feeds into the underweight form stereotype( and for those who have suffered that never have been underweight, where does that leave them ?) I’m not going to put a’ before’ picture of myself on that may trigger others or potentially realise others feel like their eating disorder is less valid. My own anorexia nervosa would cherish me to post one, for some means of validation/ reassurance and proof to others that’ hey ogle yes I was dangerously ill and here is your proof now you have to believe me by this to justify whatever notion you have about someone with anorexia’ NO. I have nothing toprove to anyone. Trying to spread the word of eating disorder being an internal combat and illness of the attention but posting photos reinforcing the opposite? It isn’t a competition( whatever your anorexia nervosa “re saying” ). Telling people how you exerted x amount and weighed xlbs and subsisted on simply x a epoch does not educate people on this mental illness. I don’t is intended to be buttressing this stigma that so people are trying so hard to break away from. Boycott the before. #boycottthebefore #nedaweek #eatingdisorderawareness #recovery #mentalhealth #educate #youarenotyourmentalillness
A post shared by Charlie Storey (@ wakeupinwoodland) on Mar 5, 2017 at 2:04 pm PST
A few weeks ago I quietly started a travel of genuine person credence. I haven’t opened up to anyone about it until now. I was tired of being haunted with a weight loss aim, telling food pass my life, and always having what I’m ingesting or when I will reach my occult weight loss point digit on my sentiment. It was becoming an preoccupation, and it had to stop. I went into it with my whole centre. Done weighing myself, but still snacking as health as I can, working out on a regular basis, and not beating myself up over every cookie that I have. It’s is an element of “the worlds largest” humbling events of my life and I’ve never appeared more confident and beautiful. As a nutrition student the most valuable lesson that I’ve learned is that we are more than exactly a number. As long as you live a health life overall, that’s all that matters. Being scrawny does not mean being healthy. Health comes in all shapes and sizes! So on the working day, you will never interpret another before and after visualize or weight loss post from me. My before is just as remarkable as my after. Too I will never facilitate anyone “lose weight” again. However if you are truly interested in improving your Health and getting HEALTHY, I’ve got your back! Contact me. Weight loss will probably be a bonus from that, but I will no longer spur contacting one count, that number does not define who you are. Stay healthy. Stay beautiful. Stay what you are. #boycottthebefore @boycottthebefore #loveyourself #loveyourbody #bodypositive
A post shared by Aisha-Z (@ aishazrva) on Mar 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm PST
An reckoned 30 million peoplehave an anorexia nervosa in the U.S. Devouring ailments have thehighest mortality rate of any mental illness radical, in agreement with the National Association of Anorexia nervosa and Associated Disorders.
This careening happening is farther proof that they need to be taken seriously. One way to do that is to increase public awareness, which can send the meaning that the condition is manageable with care. Thats why social media crusades like #BoycottTheBefore are so vital: They highlight recovery over everything else.
I am in retrieval. I am living again. I am thriving, Lousie wrote on Instagram. And I dont have to prove that I was sick by showing you my body.
Head over to Instagram to browse more #BoycottTheBefore photos and storeys.
H/ T Mashable
If youre struggling with an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorder Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237.
The post This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo
This is how you make a statement.
Recently, some Instagram consumers took on the before and after photos the phenomenon where people post likeness of their bodies from once they are dealing with an anorexia nervosa and then pictures of them after they recovered through a hashtag campaign called #BoycottTheBefore. The uprights boast a blacked out before epitome as a acces to make it clear that appearance analogies arent always reflective of a healthy form and mind.
The campaign is meant to address the provoking quality of the photos for those regaining from an eating disorder. It generated by Lexie Louise, A 21 -year-old body postivie blogger, in mid-February after investigating her own personal before-and-after convalescence photos. She realized that they were able prompting for others who may also be dealing with an anorexia nervosa or send the incorrect meaning about what the condition actually looks like.
#BoycottTheBefore I have an clause that will be published on the sister website of @neda soon that explores this in more detailed information. I’ll share it when it’s posted but is intended to share some now. (( I don’t is planned to reproach all those who had shared their recuperation photos. I’d like to offer different perspectives because it’s important to open the conversation rather than usurp everyone is on board. I hope those who disagree can speak kindly and non-judgmentally in return .)) For those in early convalescence especially, our eating disorders can persuasion us to compare digits or sizes, or even see us inquiry, “Am I sick enough to receive assist? Because such person or persons seems to need it more than me”. That are very significantly destructive when it comes to this. These photos likewise solely picture physical emergence. It is a huge fallacy still that those who have eating disorder must be physically underweight to be considered striving. It reinforces a misconception that “youre seeing” who is struggling. The true is: we aren’t telling the whole story through these photos, even with our captions. “Theres” beings in retrieval who don’t seem comfy sharing their photos at all. And there are also beings in retrieval who simply cannot relate to having any offending physical changes. Overall, though those of us who can share these photos are praised for sharing them and may be creating short term change, “were about” feeding into the errors of eating disorders and unhappily not building area to compose real, long term change. So gives fight back. I encourage “youve got to” responsibly share your recuperation narrative this NEDA awareness week if “youre feeling” cozy doing so. I also support “youve got to” taken into account in other beings those in recuperation and those whom we are trying to educate. And I foster you to use the photo depicted on the left as your before photo if you want to support this project. We are so much more than comparison photos. We are strong, resilient fighters and we will go against the grain and continue to fight to be seen and listen even if that represents not receiving instantaneous validation. Like convalescence, change takes time; it is a wander but it is possible .
A post shared by Lexie (@ soworthsaving) on Feb 16, 2017 at 6:05 pm PST
Posting these analogy photos is facilitating the idea that you can see everyone else who has eating disorder, she wrote in an Instagram caption following removing the personas. It is also allowing the competition among those struggling with designs like, well, Im not sick enough to get help because I dont look like that.
Since she started the campaign, the hashtag has taken off with more than 1,000 submissions. Model Iskra Lawrence, who has been open about her own retrieval from an eating disorder, shared her own boycott photo.
( This upright is seeing Eating disorder& recuperation NOT the fitness industry/ or weight loss). Please read before delivering judgement as this is NOT me telling you NOT to post before and afters or lessening the achievements and accomplishments of those who are proud of their excursions. I adore verifying people celebrating how far they’ve come and altogether get why( myself included) choose to berth before and afters . . But let’s open the discussion ….. # BoycottTheBefore was started by @soworthsaving and I’m so proud to be part of this movement . . I myself have seemed the pressure to post before and after pics to validate that I too stood … but that’s absolutely no truth to the rumors. We do not need to prove that we fought, we do not need to feel like anyone may have fought more or less because maybe there before and after photos aren’t as “dramatic”. It’s not even about that, it’s ever about how far you’ve succeeded so @boycottthebefore is here to celebrate YOU right now! To celebrate how far you’ve come and maybe how far you still have to go – there is no perfect convalescence& everyones is totally unique . . I do however want to say I’m not against posting before and afters, I have done so too and will be keeping them up. Nonetheless this is also a really great letter and I hope to see lots of of you labelling me in your pics( I’ve shared pics of the individuals who labelled me precisely swipe to discover )… I’m forever inspired by the convalescence& bopo local communities and I’m grateful for every single person who empowers one another and shares their beautiful unique provoke with us all . . To read @soworthsaving blog post about such movements going to see @neda or http :// proud2bme. org/ material/ eating-disorder-comparison-photos-boycott #NEDA #everyBODYisbeautiful( bikini is @aerie) No makeup no retouching #aeriereal
A post shared by i s k r a (@ iskra) on Feb 25, 2017 at 1:28 pm PST
Sharing a’ before'( frequently dangerously underweight and makes surprise and sneer in numerous) against the’ after'( frequently a healthier heavines and probably smiling) is something commonly occurring on ED awareness week. This is only demonstrating a physical change and one that feeds into the underweight form stereotype( and for those who have suffered that never have been underweight, where does that leave them ?) I’m not going to put a’ before’ picture of myself on that may trigger others or potentially realise others feel like their eating disorder is less valid. My own anorexia nervosa would cherish me to post one, for some means of validation/ reassurance and proof to others that’ hey ogle yes I was dangerously ill and here is your proof now you have to believe me by this to justify whatever notion you have about someone with anorexia’ NO. I have nothing toprove to anyone. Trying to spread the word of eating disorder being an internal combat and illness of the attention but posting photos reinforcing the opposite? It isn’t a competition( whatever your anorexia nervosa “re saying” ). Telling people how you exerted x amount and weighed xlbs and subsisted on simply x a epoch does not educate people on this mental illness. I don’t is intended to be buttressing this stigma that so people are trying so hard to break away from. Boycott the before. #boycottthebefore #nedaweek #eatingdisorderawareness #recovery #mentalhealth #educate #youarenotyourmentalillness
A post shared by Charlie Storey (@ wakeupinwoodland) on Mar 5, 2017 at 2:04 pm PST
A few weeks ago I quietly started a travel of genuine person credence. I haven’t opened up to anyone about it until now. I was tired of being haunted with a weight loss aim, telling food pass my life, and always having what I’m ingesting or when I will reach my occult weight loss point digit on my sentiment. It was becoming an preoccupation, and it had to stop. I went into it with my whole centre. Done weighing myself, but still snacking as health as I can, working out on a regular basis, and not beating myself up over every cookie that I have. It’s is an element of “the worlds largest” humbling events of my life and I’ve never appeared more confident and beautiful. As a nutrition student the most valuable lesson that I’ve learned is that we are more than exactly a number. As long as you live a health life overall, that’s all that matters. Being scrawny does not mean being healthy. Health comes in all shapes and sizes! So on the working day, you will never interpret another before and after visualize or weight loss post from me. My before is just as remarkable as my after. Too I will never facilitate anyone “lose weight” again. However if you are truly interested in improving your Health and getting HEALTHY, I’ve got your back! Contact me. Weight loss will probably be a bonus from that, but I will no longer spur contacting one count, that number does not define who you are. Stay healthy. Stay beautiful. Stay what you are. #boycottthebefore @boycottthebefore #loveyourself #loveyourbody #bodypositive
A post shared by Aisha-Z (@ aishazrva) on Mar 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm PST
An reckoned 30 million peoplehave an anorexia nervosa in the U.S. Devouring ailments have thehighest mortality rate of any mental illness radical, in agreement with the National Association of Anorexia nervosa and Associated Disorders.
This careening happening is farther proof that they need to be taken seriously. One way to do that is to increase public awareness, which can send the meaning that the condition is manageable with care. Thats why social media crusades like #BoycottTheBefore are so vital: They highlight recovery over everything else.
I am in retrieval. I am living again. I am thriving, Lousie wrote on Instagram. And I dont have to prove that I was sick by showing you my body.
Head over to Instagram to browse more #BoycottTheBefore photos and storeys.
H/ T Mashable
If youre struggling with an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorder Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237.
The post This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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