#im sorry but yah lol
tea-cup-tyrant · 4 months
One track mind, one track heart ♥️
If I fail, I'll fall apart ♥️
Maybe it is all a test ♥️
'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst ♥️
So I always act like I'm the best ♥️
(All needed links located here)
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♥️16+/semi. Sel./slightly canon divergent/ocs and crossover muses welcome/indie. ♥️
-mun Steph♥️
FloRid: #🌹🦈
Headcanons: #canons-of-rosehearts
Rules: #rules-of-the-kingdom-of-hearts
Riddle: #Riddle:the-short-red-prince
My dorm members:
Ace: @heartslabyul-ace-trappola
Deuce: @the-real-deuce-spade
Trey: @trey-the-mom
Cater: @cater-diamond @craycray-caycay
Father: @doctor-emyr-rosehearts
Like for a starter
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cheriboms · 10 months
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need i say more 🕴
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cactipee · 2 years
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they make me ill
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lobotomize-d · 3 months
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Low quality oc doodles
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padfootastic · 1 year
Forever mine
(james/sirius; loose soulmate au; ruthless, protective sirius!!)
The first time Sirius meets his soulmate is when he’s dying in his arms. 
The thought ‘I’ll end whoever touched you’ hit him with such dizzying force, he had to brace himself against the ground for a minute. 
Sirius hadn’t ever been particularly aggressive, had tried hard to stay away from the murderhurtviolence running through his blood, but in that moment—in that moment, he imagined he was feeling what every single Black had for centuries before him and would continue to do so after.
It was supposed to be a simple errand--a beer run for Regulus who refused to get off his couch until he became one with the upholstery. It wasn't supposed to be like this, him kneeling on the ground, soaked in blood and rain, praying to a god he hadn't believed in three minutes ago
The man--and who would've thought of that huh?-- was tall. Not as tall as him, but certainly far, far larger. Ropes of muscle travelled the length of his well tanned arm; thick, toned thighs lying still on the pavement. For one, obnoxious second, Sirius wondered about the possibility of being picked up and twirled around before shutting that train of thought down real quick. 
How utterly delusional, and he wasn't even the one bleeding out.
He was dressed in athletic wear--perhaps out for an evening jog?--and the fabric was molded to every crevice of his body, thanks to the rain. Before he'd passed out, Sirius had the opportunity, the honor, of seeing huge, brown eyes staring up at him with desperate pleading shining through them.
And that thought, that memory, was what got his blood boiling all over again. 
How dare his soulmate lie here, bleeding, on the edge of death if the holes in his chest were anything to go by, and desperate and alone? If Sirius hadn’t been out for fucking alcohol, if Reg hadnt been a depressed, heartbroken parasite in his house, if that asshole Evan hadn't cheated on his baby brother--if, if, if. 
His soulmate could've...would've been alone, dying, dead.
Sirius slowly unclenched his trembling fingers, letting go of the deathly cold fingers sticky with blood. His other hand was still wrapped around the man's--his soulmate's--back, helping him lean back against Sirius' chest. A sort of quiet, dangerous thrum filled his body, taking away all the restlessness from before. He didn't know what was about to happen next, how the man would pull through, how he would pull through. But he knew this: whoever did this would rue the day they were born. 
 He made two phone calls. 
First, The ambulance--a man is dying, come as quick as possible, I dont know how long he has left. 
 Next, his father. 
'I need you to find someone for me.'
And that was it. Sirius might've had his differences with his family, might've run away from them in multiple fits of pique, might've even been threatened to high heaven and back but at the end of the day he was still a Black and Blacks looked out for each other. Rule number one. As long as he had blood running through his veins--and perhaps even after that--there was nothing on Earth that could keep them away from each other. 
John Doe. 
That's what it said on the patient chart. John fucking Doe.
All those blood tests, all the evaluations, and what use was it for if they couldn't even conduct one measly identification? 
Sirius resisted the urge to growl out loud; he wanted to throw something, wanted to scream the place down until something happened, but he barely controlled himself.
No. That wasn't the way to go about this. 
Dammit, this soulmate business was quite annoying. He hadn't felt this many emotions in such a short span of time, with such intensity, for quite some time. Perhaps never. That's what made him so deadly as a businessman. Sirius had never once needed to raise his voice, or his hand, to get something done. 
Which is what made his sudden penchant for violence so...jarring. He didn't know how to control it, couldn't keep the bloodlust from seeping into his thoughts. He had half a mind to check his reflection in a mirror--surely his eyes, usually a dark grey, would've turned red by now at the force of his impulses? 
He shook his head at the ridiculous thought, wondering when he'd lost his mind.
(He knew when. It was the moment he heard the bang-bang-bang, the thump of someone falling onto the pavement. It was when he looked down and felt his own flesh ache in response to the holes left in his soulmate's body. It was the outpouring of years of emotions he hadn't even known he'd repressed) 
"Mr...Black?" A hesitant voice brought him back from his memories, making him internally grateful for the distraction. He stood up to face the doctor looking at him with a weird look on his face. Sirius could see why--here he was, dressed in a half undone suit, blood soaking his satin shirt, probably dotted all across the rest of his body, and of course, the dirt stains on his knees. Not to mention, the rain had created an even bigger mess of him. The stares he was getting were quite understandable, really. 
"That's me, yes." 
"Er--the man you came with--are you quite sure you have no idea who he is?" 
This time, Sirius didn't resist the rumbling of his voice as he ground out, "Like I told your receptionist, then a nurse, and finally the constable after that, I found him, just like this, on the pavement. Don’t make me repeat it again for the sake of your incompetence. Now, what is the status of his condition?" 
The doctor cleared his throat, pulling at the knot on his tie. "Well, then, uh. Mr. Black, I'm afraid I can't disclose that information--patient confidentiality, I'm sure you understand." He let out a little laugh at that, as if this was all a big fucking joke, and turned away. 
Like Sirius would let him leave. 
In two quick strides, he'd reached the doctor's side, deftly pulling him into a corridor off the side, pushing him against the wall as soon as they were out of sight. 
"Listen here, Doc," he sneered, pushing him back with his forearm against his chest, "That man in there? He's my soulmate." The doctor paled at the word, igniting dark satisfaction in him. Somewhere inside, deep down, Sirius knew he couldn't have known, but in that moment, it didn't matter. "So you can take your 'patient confidentiality' and shove it up your arse, got it?"
The man nodded so hard it was a wonder his head didn’t fall off to the ground. 
“Un-Unconscious, sir. He’s been bleeding out for too long,” the doctor stuttered out finally, “We can’t guarantee any—”
Sirius pushed harder, cutting him off midway. “Finish that sentence and I’ll cut off your tongue and stuff it down your throat.” The clack of the man’s teeth shutting close filled him with more satisfaction than it probably should have. The silence, however, was too much of a relief for him to think about that just yet. 
No guarantee, he says. He’ll show him ‘no guarantee’. 
Sirius took a deep breath and stepped back, straightening his shirt as he did. He waited for the doctor to compose himself before lifting one hand to smoothen the wrinkles on his coat, ignoring the flinch. Clearing his throat, he said, “Doc. I hope you know who I am?” 
No response except a wrinkled brow. 
“Sirius Black, heir and CEO of Cassiopeia Industries,” he clarified and sure enough, the man went paler than what should’ve been humanly possible. Sirius’ smile was thin, dangerous. “Yes, I see you’ve heard of us. Good, I’m glad. It’ll make this much smoother then.” 
He leaned in closer, close enough he could smell the sweat beading along the man’s neck, the sourness of his breath, could see the dilated pupils. “So you know what I can, and will, do to you if you can’t ‘guarantee’ my soulmate’s life, yes?” 
He didn’t have to say much else then, not after the doctor’s vigorous nods and assurances. 
There were other things to do, after all.
He was sitting on the uncomfortable plastic bench, leg tapping an annoying rhythm on the linoleum, when a pair of sleek, polished shoes entered his vision. Sirius released the breath he’d been holding in since the minute this evening started. 
Father was here.
“Father,” he replied, standing up for their customary handshake. Not too firm, never too loose. Know your place in the world and be secure in that knowledge. Lessons he’d had drilled into his head since before he could speak. 
(He wondered what his soulmate’s handshake would be like?) 
“I’ve got the information you asked for, though I can’t wonder why you would need to get in touch with what seems like, on the surface, a common street thug,” Father said with his usual upturned lip. His eyebrows were slightly raised, which was about as much emotion as he allowed himself to show in public. 
Sirius’ eyes were fixed on a point slightly to the left of his head, on the cream-coloured wall with years of misuse plastered across it in dark spots. “I was out for…an errand today—”
“That brother of yours still drinking his swill, I take it,” came the expected comment. He paid it no mind. 
“And just outside the shop, this man…he was—shot. Four times. Seemed personal.” Sirius’ voice was cold, clinical, recounting with perfect clarity and none of the panic that seemed to be seeping into every inch of him. 
“And you thought today was a nice day to become a good samaritan?” His father’s disdain for a good samaritan was clear in the tone of his voice. Sirius almost smiled at the familiarity of it. There had been many family dinners where he’d suffered through his fathers disgust for ‘a bunch of nosy do-gooders with neither a penny nor any dignity to their name, poking their limbs in where it’s not needed.’ 
“Not exactly, no,” Sirius stalled, knowing he wouldn’t be able to do so much longer. Already, he could see the impatience lining Orion Black’s countenance, the foot slowly tapping on the floor, expecting, no—demanding an answer. “It was my…soulmate. I could feel it. He’s in there right now—“ he tilted his head towards the OR “—and they don’t have ‘any guarantees’ supposedly,”
At any other time, Sirius would’ve been ashamed, no, horrified at the way his voice cracked at the end, wouldn’t have been able to look his father in the eye for a week afterwards but just like his patience had disappeared in the course of his evening, so had his shame, it seems. 
But he couldn’t muster it this time. Not even when his father’s lip curled farther up at the vulgar display of emotion. He didn’t say anything, though, probably dredging up the last of his humanity to do so—merely put a hand into his coat and pulled out a plain black envelope. 
“Do clean up, Sirius, this sort of behaviour is most unbecoming of you.” With one last parting shot, he left the envelope in Sirius’ hands and left, just as imperiously as he’d entered.
Sirius smoothed one hand over the soft planes of the mystery man’s cheeks, touch featherlight and ready to withdraw at a moment’s notice if needed. 
He looked…peaceful, completely at odds with the prognosis clutched in Sirius’ other hand, like his heart wasn’t on the verge of giving up at any time. It was a cruel illusion, a painful distortion of reality, and yet, Sirius wanted it for as long as he could have it. 
“How I’ve looked for you, darling,” he whispered, thumb running repetitive circles over the man’s cheek. “And now that I’ve found you…” 
“Are we doomed to forever live like this?” 
Perhaps if this was a movie, that would be the cue for his soulmate to wake up, to dramatically open his eyes and proclaim his love for Sirius; they’d take each other in their arms and never let go, savor the kind of pleasure that only the other half of your soul can give you. 
But this wasn’t a movie, and Sirius was no hero.
He left soon after that, unable to look, helpless to do anything but. 
It was in the car that he opened the envelope for the first time. It contained two things: a slip of paper with a name and address on it, and a photograph, black and white and grainy, like it was taken with a cheap instant camera. 
He traced one finger over the smiling face, comparing it to the unnatural stillness of the man he’d just left behind, and clenched his jaw. Throwing the photo across the seat, he put the car in reverse and peeled out of the parking lot. 
Tom Riddle didn’t know what was waiting for him. 
“Who are you?” The harsh words were accompanied by a gun aimed straight at his head. Sirius couldn’t be less bothered, however. From the way the man’s eyes were dilated, unable to focus on one point, to his shaking hands that couldn’t even grasp the revolver properly, to the disarray of his jet black hair and clothes—it was safe to deduce that he was more of a danger to himself than anyone else. That coffee table off to the side, for example, looked particularly menacing if he knocked himself over it, which judging by the sway in his frame, he seemed quite likely to. 
“You don’t need to know that, Mr. Riddle,” he replied in a calm, soothing voice. He looked down, adjusting his cufflinks as he spoke. “I’m here for one thing and you’re going to give it to me.” 
“I don’t swing that way, honey,” Riddle slurred, making Sirius grimace in response. The man wasn’t…unfortunate looking but even if he hadn’t found his soulmate—and loved him on the spot—Riddle was not his type. His tastes tended to run a bit more discerning than drunkards in old, run-down motels who couldn’t even hold a firearm properly. 
(Could James hold a gun, he thinks absently. He could teach him, if he wanted, would love to see the way his muscles move as he pressed down on the trigger—) 
“And I’m sure mankind is glad for that,” he said dryly.
“You—” Riddle spluttered, stumbling forward, narrowly escaping the corner of the table (sadly). Sirius looked on in disgust, wondering how vermin like this could’ve even gotten near his wonderful, beautiful soulmate, close enough to not just hurt him but do so badly enough that he’s lying on his deathbed, waiting for divine intervention to save him. 
“This man.” Sirius held up his phone, where a photo of the mystery man lying on the hospital bed, thankfully cleaned of all blood and grime, is looking out at them. “Who is he?” 
“No clue, buddy,” Riddle tried to shrug but Sirius wasn’t having any of it. His patience was already at an all time low and now this clown’s shenanigans weren’t helping. 
“So help me, God, if you don’t tell me right now who he is and why you shot him four fucking times—“ Sirius threatened, finally getting up from his not-so-comfortable perch on the windowsill. Riddle only shrugged again, taking a step back. 
That’s it. 
Sirius moved forward, quick enough to probably seem like a blur to Riddle’s drink-addled mind. In a single manoeuver, he had the man turned around and pushed against the wall, face smushed into the peeling paint. His hands were held in a bruising grip in one of Sirius’ and he gun was safely out of reach from where it had clattered on the floor. Judging by the lightness of it, it had never even been a threat. 
“I’m running out of patience, honey,” he crooned. “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to get creative now.” 
Saying that, he stepped back a little, just enough that he could pull Riddle’s index finger back, back, back until a loud crack and a sob filled the air. 
Neither the cracks nor the sobs stopped for the rest of the night.
"More blood, Sirius?" 
Sirius didn't respond, only continued dabbing at the stained blood on his shirt--his second of the day. 
"Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy!" His father's voice echoed sharply in the empty room. He hated being ignored; that's why Sirius did it, after all. 
"Thanks for the help, Father, I really appreciate it," he said instead. Once he was satisfied that as many of the stains as possible had been removed, he moved onto his hands, lip curling at the dried flakes stuck under his nails. This was always the worst part about these things. 
"And what of all this...soulmate business, then?" 
"What about it?" Sirius looked up, then, meeting his father's eyes through the mirror, grey clashing against grey. 
"Well, what're you going to do?" His father was neutral as ever, but Sirius knew him well enough to see the glint of curiosity in his calculating gaze. 
"What anyone else does with their soulmate, I believe." The resounding sigh at his glib answer made him snicker into his fist. Sirius might be old and powerful enough to make the world tremble at his feet but there was a unique joy in upsetting his father's composure that never lost its charm. 
"Father." It was his turn to sigh this time as he finally turned around, taking out his handkerchief as he did. "Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go in there, pray to a God neither you nor I believe in but hopefully he does, and sit by his bedside for as long as it takes. Everything else can wait." 
"The business?" 
"We have a board for a reason, incompetent as they might be on a  good day," he fired back. 
"Your brother withering away in your flat?" 
"Nothing new there," Sirius scoffed. "Reg'll be right as rain in a few days. Then he'll be back on his usual cycle of finding another terrible partner, getting cheated on, and coming right back to nest on my lumpy couch."
"That thing really is terribly lumpy," Father muttered under his breath before straightening up with a firm nod. "Very well, then. I wish you the best of luck. Bring your young man around for lunch when he wakes up. I'm sure your Mother would like to examine him." 
Sirius couldn't articulate, in that moment, how much it meant to him that his father said 'when' instead of 'if’ he wakes up. That was something he hadn't even considered so far, afraid he'd break at the slightest possibility that he could lose his soulmate just as he'd found him, didn't even want to put the thought out into the universe and here was his father, perhaps the most self-assured, confident man he knew, saying it casual-as-you-please. 
 He was still reeling from the comment when his father took his leave, getting the last word in as he did, per usual. "And try and get your brother with you, yes? Kreacher would be delighted to see his 'Young Master'."
 It took three days for something to give.  
Every single day, Sirius could be found either sitting in the uncomfortable chair beside his mate's bed, holding his hand, stroking his hair, rubbing his thumb against his hand. There was a...tenderness in him now, one he'd never thought himself capable of. He both loathed and admired it; loathed, because the one person who should be receiving it was unable to, admired because it was a wondrous feeling, this lightness in his chest, the innate urge to give, without expecting anything in return. 
Sirius had been a career businessman, and casual criminal, since he came out of the womb. This was an entirely novel experience for him and he couldn't even enjoy it, for fuck's sake. 
"Wake up, goddammit.” he burst out on the third day of no activity, of hearing the shallow, almost nonexistent breaths of his mystery man amplified by the machines hooked up to him. “I need you, you bastard.”
So focused was he on those wires and the beeping machines and the sterile fucking room that he almost missed it. He wouldn't ever have forgiven himself if he had. 
"Prefer...darling...I think," a voice croaked. The most beautiful, wonderful sound in the world. 
"What--" Sirius whispered in wonder, staring unblinkingly at the wide brown eyes looking back at him, exhausted and drooping and red-rimmed but open. Alive. 
"You called me...darling..." The man repeated, less confident this time, a crease forming between his brows. "Or did I--?"
Sirius lurched forward, grabbing his face desperately with both of his, ready to do anything to get the frown off his face. "No, no, I did--that is, I called you that--darling--that was me. I did it." 
He couldn't even be horrified at the uncharacteristic stuttering, unable to care about anything except the shy smile blooming on his soulmate's face, the warmth of it chasing away all the demons that had taken up residence in Sirius' head since that day.
"Oh," the man exhaled, biting his lip. Sirius leaned further in, entranced by the action.  
"I'm--I'm James." 
Finally. A name. The most perfect name. 
"James," Sirius breathed out, as if all the air had been punched out of his chest, leaving room only for jamesjamesjameshisoulmatejames. "I'm so happy to finally meet you." 
"I can...tell," he replied, still a bit shy, unsure. Sirius wanted to wrap him in bubble wrap forever and hide him away from the world. He also wanted to entirely devour him at the same time. It was a confusing set of impulses. "I could hear...everything...when I was...y'kno." He made an adorable gesture with his fingers, index finger circling in the air to signify his little...hibernation period. Sirius hoped he could refer to it so casually one day, though he doubted it. 
"Yeah." James nodded. "Though--I didn't…get your...name?" 
It was Sirius' turn to bite his lip now, not half as cute or sexy, he was sure, only conflicted. Would his soulmate be scared away? Would he even know who Sirius was? Did he want him to? "Sirius, uh--Sirius Black." 
There was a beat of silence, fraught with tension (or perhaps Sirius was just projecting?) before James' broke out in a wide smile, completely eclipsing the brilliance of the previous one. He extended one shaky hand towards Sirius from under the covers. 
"Hello, Sirius Black, it's very, very nice to finally meet you too." 
As if in a daze, completely unable to believe this was happening to him, Sirius placed his hand in James', feeling tiny pinpricks of electricity racing up his arm and down his body in a flash of delicious warmth. He could see, judging by the tremble in James' frame, that he felt the same. 
Their hands clasped (not too firm, never too loose) and Sirius knew everything would be just fine.
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vanilladella · 6 months
actually fighting for my life tryna not cut this girl off even tho she makes me so happy n shes like one of my best friends just bc im an actual piece of shit n shes too nice to hang around w me. bc im mentally well
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nihilismtrcit · 7 months
Hi qq in for feb 18 post wcif those upper Breast Piercing? I’m so sorry to bother you if you don’t do wcif. I left the same question under the post also. I apologize if too much.
hey hey! so i don't usually do wcs because my cc folder is a MESS lol but i do happen to have this one! they're from the spike set by fukkie mon and can be found here
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sallytwo · 2 years
doug eiffel and lucas nee d 2 fight over who had the worst christmas adjacent birthday i would give it to dear dougie boy but also Lucas Was Like 16 For That so i guess that’s points in hisfavor
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infizero · 2 years
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I MISS HIM.................. <- there is consistent new content of him that i could access at any time i just dont want to
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
Related to the Ziyech captain ask, but who do you think will be his vice captain? I feel like Aguerd is a pretty likely choice.
wow!! also an awesome question that i dont rlly have an opinion on LOL. not in a "idc" way more like in a "there r too many to choose" way.
like i love all my boys to bits so almost any recommendation for vice captain i will be nodding my head like "yup! that's right! great choice!". remember afcon is next year and the wc is in 2026 so there's still time for players to grow in their clubs and w morocco nt.
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maplesyrupsainz · 2 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙xo xo | MS47˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: mick schumacher x fem y/n reader (she/her)
genre: social media au, established relationship
warnings: none jus fluffy
summary: in which your boyfriend finds himself explaining your knack for seeming nonchalant when in reality you just value your privacy, or in which your boyfriend is a lovesick puppy at your side and his fans have a lot of questions about you 🥹💋
a/n: i hope i did this req justice!!!! not sure if i got the idea right but hopefully i did i loved writing it!!! my first ever fanfic for mick too!!!
request!!!: could you do a smau for Mick where he's dating a girl completely opposed to him, not gothic but more of a golden retriever x black cat relationship
my masterlist
fc: various blonde girls from pinterest
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instagram ->
mickschumacher 📍 australia
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liked by georgerussell63, lewishamilton, and others
mickschumacher a lil boat day with the love of my life ❤️
tagged: yourusername
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user2 AWWWWW
user3 he's always so sweet im obsessed
user4 me when
user5 y/n is so lucky
user6 everyone's fav golden retriever bf
lilymhe gorgeous couple 😘
liked by mickschumacher
georgerussell63 thanks for inviting us!! 🤔
mickschumacher sorry. y/n said she couldn't be bothered socialising
georgerussell63 sounds like her
yourusername get over it
user7 LOL there they go again
user8 opposites attract 😭
yourusername 💓
liked by mickschumacher
user9 a girl of few words
user10 wish i was cool & mysterious like y/n but instead im a yapper with adhd 😂
user11 this is so real
mickschumacher you can say that again
user12 MICK??? LMAOOO
user13 💀
yourusername 📍 australia
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liked by mickschumacher, carmenmmundt, and others
yourusername ⛴️
view all comments
lewishamilton come visit us after the summer break y/n
yourusername maybe
user14 no fr we need her back in the paddock already
user15 LOL lewis is like ussss
user16 begging for y/n's attention
user17 go girl give us nothing
liked by yourusername
user18 she liked this 😂
user19 self aware queen
user20 y/n my fav wag unbothered queen always
mickschumacher love you so much gorgeous
yourusername mwah 💋
user21 at least mick is in this post
user22 barely
yourbff witwoo look at uuu 👀
liked by yourusername
carmenmmundt missing you!!
liked by yourusername
user23 her barely ever replying is real as hell
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, mickschumacher, and others
user29 mick bf content when?
yourusername srry i will noww
yourbff ever elusive y/n
user30 ily y/n
user31 in my city omg!??!
user32 i luv summer break content
user33 so influencer vibes
lewishamilton …day 10 of asking you to visit the team after summer break
mickschumacher posted a story
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymhe, and others
yourbff ur so whipped 💓
mickschumacher 🤷‍♀️🤩
user34 awww sooo cute
user35 once again the difference in stories 😂
user36 beautiful black cat y/n <3
liked by mickschumacher
mercedesamgf1 so gorgeous!
mickschumacher you're telling me
user37 rapunzel fr
yourusername 📍 nyc
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liked by mickschumacher, mercedesamgf1, and others
yourusername living out my serena van der woodsen fantasy… xo xo 💋
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user38 omg y/n i am obsessed with you
user39 😍😍😍😍😍😍
user40 omg? go off girl
user41 xoxo fr
mickschumacher insanely stunning 🤩
yourusername oh you 💋
user42 giggling & kicking my feet over them
user43 they're all i think about fr
lewishamilton …day 14 of asking you to visit the team after summer break
liked by yourusername, mickschumacher
user45 no way
user46 they're begging you y/n
mercedesamgf1 we second lewis!
user47 LOLLLL
user48 how is this reallll
user49 why does everyone love y/n 😭
user50 IKR!!! she's so private tbh we dont rly know her
user51 yah idgi at all
yourbff can i be ur blair waldorf 🥹
yourusername you already know!
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, mickschumacher, and others
user52 Y/N PLEASE
user53 not paris 😂
lewishamilton …day 31 of asking you to visit the team after summer break
user54 our unbothered queen
user55 0 fuck's given
user56 so beautiful <3
mickschumacher ❤️❤️
user57 i jus know lewis & merc in general r having a breakdown without her rn!
user58 free merc f1 team from the y/n drought 🙏
interview ->
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transcript: interviewer: i'm sure you've seen the discourse online about your partner, y/n… / mick: *laughs* we have seen it, yes. it's very endearing and i love that everyone wants to get to know her better! / m: she keeps herself to herself generally, we're very opposite in that way! i'm an extrovert and, well, she just isn't!
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by mickschumacher, georgerussell63, and others
user67 y/n.
user68 where you going
lewishamilton wait… 👀
georgerussell63 🤨
mercedesamgf1 …see you soon?
mickschumacher ❤️
liked by yourusername
user69 next race queen? next race queen? next race queen?
user70 location reveal
user71 status update y/n
user72 leading us on much😆
mickschumacher posted a story
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, and others
user74 omg? she's going to monza?
lewishamilton she's here? she's here? she's here?
mickschumacher yes but…
lewishamilton but what
mickschumacher can you & george remain calm and act normal please
lewishamilton excuse me. i always do but i cannot say the same for george
mickschumacher …riiiiiiiight
user75 YAYYYY
user76 sooo cute omg love u guys
mercedesamgf1 our lucky day!
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by mercedesamgf1, mickschumacher, and others
user77 omg
user78 this is not a drill!!!!
user79 i know the merc team are buzzing
mercedesamgf1 😻
carmenmmundt finally!!!
user80 U LOOK SO GOOD!!!
user81 reppinnnn 🙏
user82 our fav girl fr
yourusername 📍 italy
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liked by mickschumacher, lilymhe, and others
yourusername that was fun
tagged: mickschumacher
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user83 omg bf mick
user84 she's listening to us 👀
lewishamilton so good to see you!
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carmenmmundt beaut girl
yourusername ily
lilymhe 😻😻😻
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yourbff the outfitttt 🔥
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user85 we lysm y/n!!!
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user86 HER LIKING!!
user87 i love seeing her posts she's so sweet
user88 omg this is adorable
user89 they deffo read our comments
user90 right!!! her giving us more insight into her life am i crazy?
yourusername i luv u guys 💋
user91 screaming
user92 omg 😭
mickschumacher my girl. i love you ❤️
yourusername 🥹🥹i love u
917 notes · View notes
muwah-mumoo · 2 months
Not a bad idea…
Ryōmen Sukuna x f!reader
18+ MDNI
warning - brat!sukuna, mean!reader, humiliation, degradation, brat breaking, edging, blowjob(m! and f! receive ;), msub-slight mdom-heavy msub, rimming, fingering(m!receiving), sucking dildo, pegging, fem pronouns might have been used!
< ( this is was the winner for the poll for here yah go~ ) >
a/n : WELL THIS WAS SMTH. jt took me a bit to write but finally done LOL i got it done in three sitting so YIPEE and im pretty proud of it. sukuna isn’t like canonical bc… lazy… and also MEHH but this was pretty nice to think about and share w yall😽 also! next fanfic will be: subby!laois ;3 but anyways enjoy my sluttiesss B) also not prof read😺 sorry..!
wrd count : 3k.. (woah)
the calming sound of silence filled my ears, laying down on the couch as i breathed in the scent of the house.
Sukuna had gone out for a bit so it was just me, and when i’m alone with my thoughts it’s never a good thing. rushing thoughts of sukuna rushing my mind as i began to imagine different scenarios with him.
and for some random reason, there was nothing i wanted to see more then such a great man like the king of curses to be bent over your knee whining for more.
i chuckled to myself as i began to think about it more, what noises would he make? his faces.. and before i knew it i was waiting for sukuna to get home, patiently.
after a couple hours he finally arrived, “i’m home” he called as he opened the door. i smiled and walked to him, “hey kuna! i’ve missed you” i said as i kissed his cheek as i creased his face.
he took noticed the change, you seemed to be more needy and happy then normal. he removed the thought from
his head and continued to smile at you, “really? how come” he asked as his eyebrow cocked upwards.
“well.. i’ve just been thinking..” i said in a hushed tone, making sukuna become a little upset, ‘why won’t she just spit it out’ he thought to himself. “just spit it out” he said, making me become more nervous.
“W-well i was thinking about us and i’ve been wanting to try something new…you know” i said as my cheek got a little pink, look omg away shyly. making sukuna chuckle to himself as he nodded listening to you speak, clearly amused by the obvious embarrassment.
“And i wanted to see if you’d let me take the more dominant role during sex.. just to try it out.. i’ve just been into it and never had to courage to ask someone” i asked as he gave got red. leaving sukuna with a blank expression, prossesing what you just told him.
“You wish to have be me kneel before you?” he laughed out, as i shamelessly nodded looking away. he smiled and laughed, “i’ll think about it” he said as he left to the shared room, leaving you in the living room embarrassed.
he began to think to himself as he laid himself down on the bed, why would you ever think it would be attractive to… that. his mimf rushing of thoughts, thinking of your hand roaming his body as he lost his mind with your simple touch. how your kiss on his neck would feel so good. calling him, good body as he looked down at you as you licked strips down his hole.
his cock twitching in his pants slightly as he was turning himself to mush with such lewd thoughts. he sighed to himself as he began to consider to let you take control oh him, for one night.
i mean if you wanted it so badly why couldn’t he let you since your always such a sweet thing with him.
“Y/n” he called from the room, making the hair in your arms rise. i get up and walk to the room, opening the door slowly as i walked in and looked at him, “yeah?” i asked, looking at him. noticing the way his cock began to twitch slightly under your gaze, making you gain a little more confidence.
“have you been thinking about it kuna~?” i laughed as i smiled softly at him. making his face crunch up, yet his cheek couldn’t help but light up, “of cours that’s what i said id do.” he huffed out, frustratedly. i walk closer to him and cup his face, “no need to be so frustrated~” i chucked.
he grunted, making you giggled, “well what have you through about?” you asked making his face become red. “i thought about it and i don’t see any harm in letting you take over.. it’s once.” he said as he looked away clearly beginning to get embarrassed.
i crawl in the bed and kiss his forehead, “yeah you want me to make you feel good ?” i asked as i looked at him with loving eyes, watching his body twitching under your touch. making him glare at you, earning a giggle from my lips, “what’s wrong? we can stop if your not comfortable” i said as i backed up and sat up, causing him to grunt and grab it our hand. “No. don’t stop… your just make it even more embarrassing.” he huffed out as he put his hands in his face, an attempt to hide it.
i laughed, “you think this is embarrassing? i’m not even close to being done with you. imagine how embarrassed i must feel when you fuck me, now that’ll be you~” i whispered into his ear, making his cock leak pre. “now why don’t you be a nice slut for me and undress yourself, hm?” i asked as i cocked my head to the side watching him.
he clentched his teeth, yet following the order and stripping off his clothes and underwear. putting himself on display for you, spreading his legs as he sat looking at you with a red face.
i smiled, “your so good aren’t you? you want this bad don’t you?” i asked him as i crawled closer to him, placing a hand on his chest and touching his shoulders and arms, making him wince. i took notice of his small reactions to the touches, smiling to myself.
“What convinced you to do this kuna?” i asked kissing his shoulder and watching his reactions, his face hot and sweaty from the touches, making his mind turn into mush. “I-i thought about how stupid it would be to let a mere human be beneath me.” he said harshly, then looking away “but your not just any mere human. so i don’t see the harm in doing something like this with you, since you have let me do this to you before~” i laughed then being cut off from you licking his nipple.
“why don’t you focus on now, isn’t that more interesting?” i asked him as i looked up at him still playing with his nipples. He bit his lip and his toes curled, how could such a small thing make his mind go so blank?! i kissed his nipples and then moved down his body, hovering above his aching red cock. i look down at it, peer oozing out from
your glare earning a small switch from his cock. “Don’t stare. do something atleast” i blurted out, already clearly irritated.
“Kuna i need you to be patient. if your good and listen to me ill be nice but if you disobey me i will punish you.” i said as he glared up at him, making him grunt. “what could you possible do to someone as powerful as me-“ he said only to be cut off by your mouth sucking his tip harshly, making him moan out. i stopped and looked at him, “do
not thrust into my mouth, and you can’t cum without permission.” i said as i looked at him and he nodded, “uh huh sure, just get on with it” he said as he looked down at his aching cock, admiring the way your eyes glare up at him to make sure he’s behaving.
i wrap my lips spring his tip and swirl my tongue, then taking him in and bobbin gym head up and down making him moaning, watching you “so so pretty when you suck my c-cock so well” he groaned out, placing his hand on the back of our head.
as i took him down my throat one last time, he thrusted into my mouth and gripped my hair. i grab onto his knees and look up at him, and he looked down at you with a grin as he moaned out, “Fuck .. just like that.. yeah yeah i’m going to cum~” he said as he thrusted faster and gripper your hair tighter.
tears began to form in my eyes as he cock hit the back of my throat so harshly. i dug my nails into his knees, a warning to stop but he continued. ‘i don’t care about whatever dumb punishment you had for me’ he thought as his jaw hung open as his seed filled your throat.
with a loud grunt he came down your thrust and released your hair. i take his cock out of my throat and swallow his seed and cough. “sukuna.” i said glaring at him, “you know i hate that.” i said as i stood up and looked down at him.
sukuna sighed, “alright im sorry, got too carried away.. you just felt too good~” he smirked and i continued to glare at him. “lay down and hold your legs up” i said in a serious tone. making him stare at you, “serious-“ i cut him off with me, “you heard me bitch” i said making his eye twitch. although the hated the.. uncomfortable position.. he was interested to see how’d you punish him.
as he got lost in his thoughts, he felt a wet, warm tongue lick his hole, making his eyes widen at the sensation and look at you only to see your head lowered and your hands holding his thighs. he spread his arms out and gripped the sheet as i entered my tongue into his tight hole, earning small whines from him.
i look up at him, a beautiful scene before my eyes, sukuna laying in his back as he held his legs up, his stomach muscles flexing with the pleasure with his head thrown back. his adam’s apple moving as he gulped. i took my tongue out and inserted a finger into him.
his head shot back up as he looked at you, his eyes watering and foggy with lust. i curled my finger as it discovered his insides making his head hang back down. his mouth hung open, whines and moans rolling out his mouth as he rolled his eyes back as you inserted a second finger.
i laughed and smack his thigh playfully, making him moms out. “you liked that didn’t you?” i smiled as i then rubbed his ass making his nod shamelessly.
i took my finger out making him grunt, “N-no don’t sto-“ he sod only to be cut off by my fingers entering his mouth, playing with his tongue and sukuna drunk of the pleasure couldn’t help but let your fingers play with him.
“Lay down and count for me, alright~” i said as i rubbed his ass, giving it a sweet kiss. “don’t even thin- AH-!” he yelped out due to my hand smacking his ass.
“One..” he said lowly.
my hand raised and smacked him harder.
“Ah FUCK! T-two..” he whimpered
i giggled while rubbed the red mark that began to appear, then spanking him again.
“T-THrEE..!” he said, some pre oozing out his tip.
my hand raising again, smacking him, “FOur!.. fIve~!… siX… sevENN.. a-ah fu-Eight! Eight… mhmm NinE!… T-ten..~” he whined out, making me rub his ass and kiss his leaking cock, “good job~”
as he laid on the bed, in a haze from the slinging from
his ass. i got up and before he knew it i was standing behind him with a 8in strap attached by a harness to my hips. “Kunaa~~” i said as i pressed the cold tip onto his hole making him breath out heavily.
“W-what is that..” he asked as he looked over his shoulder, making me giggle. “it’s one of my dildo~ i choose this one specifically for you since your such a slut im sure you can take this cock hm?” i raised an eyebrow as i slapped the tip on his hole.
“O-Of course i can… I am the king of curse-… ah- fuck.. yes keep in doing that” he said as he arched his back the dildo slamming into his prostate making his tongue roll out. “yeah? you like that you slut?” i said as i grabbed his hands and held with with a hand behind his back, with my other hand grabbing a fistfull of his hair as i slammed my hips into his, drilling into his hole so nicely as he moaned out.
i laughed, “look at how slutty you became? all with a dildo in your ass?” i said as i whispered into his ear, i lift his head from his hair and force him to look at me. his face is red and hot, his mouth hanging out as pornagaphic moans left his lips. eyes rolled back as the toy hit all his sweet spots, “y-you keep.. ah fuck.. filling me up so.. s-so well” he mumbled out, becoming high off the pleasure.
i smiled and looked at him as he looked into my eyes blankly, his mind is to foggy, thoughts melting away as you stare down at him. head full of how beautiful you look with that confident look in you eye looking down into his eyes, making his body feel good.
i leaned in and kissed his lips and he moaned around my lips, i began to thrust harsher into him making him part the kiss and moan out, “y-yes! please please! oh lord im going to cum keep going” he whined out as he looked at you, then groaning and whining. “What? why’d you do that! keep making me feel good” he tried to threaten only for me to stare back to him as i laughed.
“remember you deserve to get punished. so i don’t want to be too mean but im edging you once and then your going to cum the dildo to show me how bad you want to cum” i said as i stared at him, smirking as i watched his eyes roll.
he then got up and kneeled in between my legs, “fine then~ im not shy” he huffed out as he then looked at the thick 8in dildo staring back at him. he gulped and then took the tip into his mouth, looking up at you almost as if he was looking to see if you were enjoying the view.
“you can take it deeper, kuna~” i said as i put my head on the back of his head and lowered his head slowly making him gag, but he kept going to make sure that you didn’t think he was less then. “there you go good boy” i smiled then bobbing his head on the dildo, “look at how pretty you look with your lips around my cock” he mocked sukuna as he told you early. then thrusting into his throat, making his eyes open wide, “you can take it” i said as i thrusted my hips in and out of his mouth.
he closed one eye and kept the other open as tears began to form. “yeahh there you go pretty boy. look at you doing do well hm?” i said as he now slowly began to bob his head on the dildo, his mind so melt now. all he wanted was his dildo to make his mind tune to mush, it felt so good to have you take such good care of him.
“here why don’t you sit in my lap, and ride my cock until you make yosield cum, yeah? show me how bad you need it slut” i said as i grabbed his hips as he sat down onto my lap, slightly embarrassed but at this pint not caring anymore.
he’s gone so far at this point he didn’t even care anymore, all he wants to be able to feel and hear you making him feel good. he just needed you to be inside of him stretching his insides out as he moaned out as your dildo hit his sweet spots.
“you can do it. show me how bad you need to cum” i said as i kissed his shoulder, helping him lining his hole with the tip of the dildo, sukuna sinking down on it starter quickly withh a sigh, “so full” he said as he sat there getting used to the feeling of being so full again.
then slowly he began to lift his hips up and down, trying to find a rythym that was comfortable for him. after some slow thrusts he found a pattern and ride your cock rather fast, “a-ahh~~ yess fill me up” he said as he rolled his tongue out. i thrusted up into him as well, out hips making loud claps as his hole let out lewd, gushing sounds from being stuffed to the brim.
with all this sukuna felt his high intensising, indicating that he was close, his thoughts clouded his mind ‘need permission..’ he thought. he opened his lips to beg to cum only to have moans leave his lips, “Please..! please i’m so close.. i’ve been good! please.~~” he begged as he continued to slam down into your hips, making you smile and nod.
he continued to ride te dildo, his pace becoming faster and sloppier but the second. then with your hand grasping his aching cock, he couldn’t help but cum all over your stomach and chest.
he rode his orgasm down, then removing the dildo and plopping onto you making you, huff out from the huge man on top you, only for a thank you to be heard from his lips.
i look at him and he avoids eye contact, “thank you.. for that..it wasn’t as bad as i thought and maybe we can try to again” he said his face red from the strong orgasm. making me laugh as the pet his head, running my hands though his hair, “really?! i’m glad your enjoyed yourself” i smiled as i kissed his forehead and held his hand with giggles leaving my lips.
“mhm yeah thanks..” he said as he cradled you and held you as you both ended up falling asleep in each others grasps.
welp it’s 2am… i’m.. tired and i didn’t proof read sorry if it’s sloppy -_-
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world0fmadness · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆ ✩ ˚ KMF1
max verstappen x kmfdm member! reader
featuring: kmfdm fans being a little possessive of reader and max loving his gothic girlfriend
faceclaim: assorted but mainly lucia cifarelli
୨୧ are there any other kmfdm fans in the f1 community? timeline is all wrong obviously because kmfdm has been around for years and i know the tattoo part is a bit unrealistic but just imagine it’s a little smaller and just… shut up <3
reading music recommendations: stray bullet by kmfdm - take it like a man by kmfdm - murder my heart by kmfdm
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ynln: sweet show in monaco tonight! thanks to everyone who came out, c u again soon 🕷
loveuyn: more hot yn pictures, let’s gooo
> kmfuckmeyn: her eyes in the first picture… mph
maxverstappen ✔️: amazing show!
❤️ liked by ynln
> iluvf1: max, what are you doing here? 😭
> kmfdmsux: who tf is this?
> ynsteponme: why did mother like his comment? she only usually likes sascha’s comments…
> kmfuckmeyn: someone hit this man with a broom until he leaves, i don’t like the look of him
> ynloveme: relax you guys omg 😭
saschakonietzko ✔️: yah… i’m sure you gave a very special thank you to that one very special person who was there ;)
❤️ liked by ynln
> ynln ✔️: you know it <3
> steponmeyn: sascha… who? where? when? why?
kmfdmsux: such an amazing show! can’t wait to see you guys live again someday 🖤
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ynln: taking a short break from touring! loving the stray cats in monaco <3
steponmeyn: and the whole ass man? whooo?
loveuyn: who is that? is it trent?
> steponmeyn: we need to be rid of this trend x yn ship, he is literally married
kmfuckmeyn: can anyone identify the hands and legs?
> kmfdmsux: literally, we need to put a hit out on whoever that is!
> ynloveme: we’re never beating the possessive fan base allegations…
saschakonietzko ✔️: ah… wonder who that is with you?
❤️ liked by ynln
> steponmeyn: sascha FUCKING TELL US 😭
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maxverstappen and ynln: soon to be mr and mrs verstappen 🖤
loveuyn: oh he came to set the record straight 😭
oldf1lvr: IM SORRY WHAT?
danielricciardo ✔️: congratulations mate! knew it wouldn’t be long before you put a ring on her finger
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxverstappen ✔️: thanks mate, for everything!
❤️ liked by danielricciardo
maxontop: i don’t know who she is but i’m moving this side of max she’s bringing out 🫢
> f1forlife: no but literally! he seems so confident in these pictures…
lovememax: these pictures just altered my brain chemistry… i want them both
charlesleclerc ✔️: you’ll be wearing redbull gear to the wedding i presume?
> ynln ✔���: absolutely not
> maxverstappen ✔️: you heard the lady! no redbull at the wedding
❤️ liked by ynln and charlesleclerc
> redbullracing ✔️: 😔
lovemyf1dilfs: who is this? they’re hot…
> steponmeyn: kmfdm fans 🤝 f1 not knowing who tf the other is dating despite both being famous because these fandoms are so different
steponmeyn: max, what’s your favourite kmfdm song?
> maxverstappen ✔️: murder my heart!
❤️ liked by ynln and saschakonietzko
maxverstrapon: do i need to go back to sleep? this can’t be real right? he didn’t just announce that he’s engaged when no one even knew he was in a relationship?
> iluvf1: well, the other drivers knew…
maxverlvr: omg… this explains why he’s seemed so much happier the past few years…
lewishammy: max… i’d like to apologise, i wasn’t familiar with your game…
landontop: why do these white bread men get the baddest bitches 💔
kmfdmsux: oh that ring is so cute… i still don’t know if he’s good enough for mother but at least it’s cute
> steponmeyn: right? i’m glad he actually knows her personality so well 🥹
saschakonietzko ✔️: can’t believe you’ve actually gotten yourself tied into a knot! congratulations yn and max
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxvertappen ✔️: thanks sascha!
> ynln ✔️: thank you sasch 🖤
kmfuckmeyn: we lost her to a m*n who drives in circles lol what the fuck
> ynontop: hope he dies ( not really )
> loveuyn: we’re never beating the obsessed with yn allegations…
> maxverlvr: you mf’s are crazy holy shit 😭
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maxverstappen and ynln: officially mr and mrs verstappen ln!
comments on this post are limited
charlesleclerc ✔️: best cake i’ve ever had
> maxverstappen ✔️: that’s all you have to say?
> charlesleclerc ✔️: oh right! congratulations max and yn
> maxverstappen ✔️: 🙄
iluvf1: max having a more gothic wedding instead of a traditional all white church one 😭 we love to see it
danielricciardo ✔️: congratulations mate! beautiful ceremony
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxverstappen ✔️: thanks mate ❤️
steponmeyn: okay… whatever… maybe they’re a little hot together, but only because yn seems to be really bringing out his personality
sebastianvettel ✔️: congratulations max and yn! very nice wedding setting - sebastian
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxverstappen ✔️: thank you sebastian!
> oldf1lvr: of course the bug loving dilf would like the wedding in the woods lmao 😭
saschakonietzko ✔️: congratulations you two! great wedding
❤️ liked by ynln and saschakonietzko
> ynln ✔️: yeah… you only drank yourself to a point of wanting to make out with all of max’s friends <3
❤️ liked by maxverstappen and saschakonietzko
> saschakonietzko ✔️: ;)
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⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
kids deserve good music
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luvyeni · 2 years
hi! just found your blog and i really enjoy the way you write! immediately became a fan lol
if requests are open, could you maybe do the "condom broke" reaction but with stray kids or txt (or both lol)? thank you~
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pairings. skz x fem!reader
word count. 686
warnings. mentions of a breeding kink
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—{🍰}... BANG CHAN ! ⋮
wouldn't care because he already made sure you both were clean, and you were on birth control.
"shit baby— i think the condom broke." chan fully stopped pushing into you.
"you can take it off, it's fine." he pulled out, taking the condom off, trowing it in the bin. "are you sure?"
"chan—yes please just hurry up." you began to impatient, he shook his head, positioning himself back at your entrance.
"so impatient baby."
—{🍰}... LEE KNOW ! ⋮
see... me personally i think he has a breeding kink and he will corrupt you into just taking it off and fucking you with out.
"the fucking condom broke." he slowly pulled out of you. "
lee know got an idea, he always wanted to fuck you without a condom. "baby girl do you trust me?"
"of course i do." you began to get needy again. "lee know, i want you." he smiled, positioning his now bare tip at your entrance.
"let me fuck you with out the stupid condom."
—{🍰}... CHANGBIN ! ⋮
would be so calm, you on the other hand, freaking the fuck out.
something felt off, "binnie, did the condom break?" he thought you were going crazy, until he began to pull out and your slick formed a white ring around the base of his cock.
"binnie, how the hell did you do that, im not on any birth control."
he could hear your voice began to get more shakey, telling him to pull all the way out.
"yah, calm down it's okay, we don't have to finish, i'll run and get you a plan b."
—{🍰}... HYUNJIN ! ⋮
he'd be calm, just so he won't freak you out.
thrust in and out of you at a fast and rough pace, he looked down and realized that the damn condom broke.
"shit." his reaction made you panic a bit. "what is it?"
"love don't panic, but the condom broke." he caressed your hip bone, claiming you.
"do you want to finish without?" He was in love.
"fuck- of course i do."
—{🍰}... HAN JISUNG ! ⋮
i genuinely don't feel like you to would even care at the moment, like it wouldn't hit you until you were long done.
"f-fuck- jisung faster!" at that moment he could feel the condom break. "wait-wait babe." he tried to slow down.
"jisung if you pull out, you won't get any for the rest of the week." he wasn't taking that chance.
after you two are finished and cleaned up he'll bring it up with a laugh. "what's so funny?"
"you were being such a needy girl, you didn't even realize the condom broke."
—{🍰}... FELIX ! ⋮
he's gonna freak out badly because he doesn't want you to think he did it on purpose, like poor baby is gonna almost be in tears.
"i-i really didn't mean to do it." he was practically on his knees while he cleaned you up. "im so sorry."
you did not know why he was freaking out this bad, but the look on his face, makes your heart break a but.
"lix calm down, it's fine, i got on birth control a while back." he let out a breath of air.
"besides, i definitely wouldn't mind if you came inside of me."
—{🍰}... SEUNGMIN ! ⋮
he's fucking it back into you im sorry, seungmin has a breeding kink (cause i said so).
"m-minnie? m-minnie i think the c-condom broke." you could barley get a word out.
"shit." he pulled out, your essence forming a white ring around his base, taking the condom off. "stupid fucking condom."
he positioned himself at your soaking wet entrance. "minnie?"
"please babe, i need to fuck you without the stupid fucking condom, i need to fill you up."
—{🍰}... JEONGIN ! ⋮
both of you are a little freaked out, but not enough to stop and get out of bed at the moment.
"did the condom break?" jeongin stopped thrusting into you. "it did." your eyes went wide.
"do we stop?" you didn't want him to. "not really." you began to grind down on him, not really caring about the condom anymore.
"F-fuck— okay we can worry later."
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padfootastic · 2 years
Sorry to spread more annoyance but wolfstar can really grate me. Remus stans make him more intelligent than Sirius, bc he was seen reading a book once (completely ignoring sirius' genius), have everyone have their gay awakening over Remus (which completely negates his inferiority complex. Like. Come on, if people swoon over a non-descript guy like Remus over mother fucking Sirius Black, what's even going on??! People shouldn't even be able to SEE Remus when Sirius is around), and make Sirius fall in love with him OVER James Potter?? I even like wolfstar, but in no universe was James not Sirius' first love and possibly first heartbreak
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i can get behind this kind of intense dislike, tbh. same on all accounts. luckily, i’ve not run into many fics like the second ask, purely because i’m so vigilant now and exit at the slightest inconvenience (which is,,,so freeing,,,not forcing urself to finishing something just for the sake of it) but yah. remus getting all of sirius (and james’!) canonical traits while at the same time undermining them is definitely my villain origin story
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dylan-duke · 2 months
How many times does Nora refuse to eat her dinner and Quinn’s like super frustrated only for Luke to be like she shared and ate half a bag of family size chips with me like 20 minutes ago and you know when we went for a drive earlier just me and Nora yeah we maybe got more snacks and ate them in the parking lot lol? Idk I just see her sharing with Luke so much and we know he doesn’t stop eating and well when they’re together Nora’s balanced diet goes face first out of the window
"no daddy. not hungry!" she says again causing quinn to sigh.
this was the fourth time this week that nora was refusing her dinner, at dinner time, then complaining how hungry she is right before bed time,
"nora it's dinner time. remember how tired you were while eating last night? i need you to eat now," nora frowns looking down at her plate,
"but not hungry," quinn lets out an audible breath as he decides to admit defeat and scoop nora out of her highchair, letting her run off.
"no go on dinner again?" jack asks as he walks into the kitchen fresh out of the shower,
"yah i dont know why she won't eat at dinner time, but will eat her entire meal at 8 just before bed time,"
"oh," luke says as he stops in his tracks in the entryway of the kitchen, "that uh would probs be my bad," the eldest hughes turns to glare at his baby brother,
"you're messing with me," luke shakes his head,
"no well i was eating some popchips on the couch and she kept asking for more, so i made her a bowl," quinns eyebrows raise,
"and when was this?" luke shrugs,
"i dont know 30 or so minutes ago," quinn groans,
"and the other times this week?" he asks. luke thinks about it for a moment,
"well when we went out for errands we got a lot of samples at Costco. then duker brought her a lot of snacks, and one day she convinced me to get her Mcdonalds fries," quinn shakes his head as he runs his hands through his hair,
"luke i know we joke that you eat all the time, but my daughter is not a professional athlete. she needs to eat on a schedule and i can't have you messing with that ok? you have to learn to say no, or to come ask me," luke nods looking at least just a bit guilty,
"ok," he mutters, "im sorry," quinn gives him a small smile,
"its ok moose. at least i know shes eating something and not holding a hunger strike,"
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