#im so smrt
invinciblerodent · 7 months
i've not seen anyone post this with a dwarf before now, but jesus. jesus christ. jesus fucking christ.
(love how the others just stand there and watch intently as their friends make out and cuddle for a solid minute.)
(Gale is kneeling there, with his nice robes soaked in gross magical brain-juice and with armor clipping through his forehead, and they're just. watching.)
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demonicscreeching · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder when new people follow me if they know I'm trans then I remember my profile picture is Wilbur soot holding a trans pride flag...
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p1nkm1lkslug · 3 months
Hi!! Omg I loved ur father figure hcs smmm but what if they are still together with him, like Tim warns them about him and even their friends warn them but they are like “he will change” but he can tell it’s not healthy.
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𖦹 Tim doesn't want to be the controlling dad that hovers that's not him
𖦹 but he genuinely can't see you suffer and as much as he claims to hate "the dad" Card he knows he says it for a good reason
𖦹 and he wants you to understand that he's never stopped you from dating so he's doing it for a reason
𖦹 will explain it to you trying his best to make you understand with out starting a fight
𖦹 but if your the type to yell back then expect shit TO GO DOWN
𖦹 "im not asking you I'm tellin ya that boy is no good for you" He said teeth gritting against each other as you scoffed "and what..this is? " You said picking up the pills "is this okay huh? Is popping pills like candy okay dad?!..is killing people okay..tim"
𖦹 and ten harsh name calling sessions later and your running out the front door
𖦹 at first he wouldn't go after you he doesn't even understand why he cared at all you were some dumb teenager
𖦹 and then he realize oh...there a dumb teenager...a kid
𖦹 he goes looking for you and apologizes and tries to talk again "darlin..i know i-im not a good person..or your father I know your a smRt kid you ain't stupid...but I need to protect you abd I know you love this guy...buy he don't want you"
𖦹 he let's you be upset,cry and lock yourself in your room but he will not let you see that boy he will make it up to you but he won't
𖦹 he may be your laid back smoking dad but ..as you said he's your dad and he'll be dammed if be let's his kid get hurt over a worthless pile of shit called gods creation
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Okay, im gonna preface this by saying that i normally post these directly after watching, so the chaos no context makes a little bit more sense but i was way too tired to deal with uploading after the ep last night... reading it back.... i DID enjoy the episode and did think it was a good one! props to director Aisha. i just think that *between* the eps this season, they keep flitting back and fourth between the style of how they're executing adding in new unsubs/connections to gold star/whatever and my brain can't follow it sometimes (esp at 2 in the morning when i'm getting tired lol).
Alright, considering I normally stay up til the crack of dawn something about making me stay up til 2am for these eps makes me exhausted. I blame the heat. Here we go!
I know that the format of the show is to keep us connected with individual ep unsubs, but none of us CARE. Either make us fully invested in the gold star/north star shit, OR make it the back seat story arc while these new unsubs are suddenly the bau’s focus like they did in the last season!!!
…unless that was morse code and is connected..
Make it make sense and be connected to the viewer before starting the scene
I don’t give a fuck about these guys…. Give me the people im waiting for
If you want me to care about eps that are stylized like cm s 1-15 then you have to make them ALL that way, you can’t pick and choose. Make me focus on gold star/elias/Jade from the last couple eps or nothing. You cant switch styles halfway through the season… no matter how intriguing that COULD be im automatically uninterested because its not the same style
Is tyler getting paid for this shit? Or is he just like.. hanging out and having fun?
LLOOLLL not Emily profiling tylers handwriting
PLEASE give us more and ALL dr tara lewis, she’s already been unappreciated as a character, but as a DOCTOR, please, she so smrt. Give us all if it
AS IF that many boxes contain EVERYTHING for four years!
Dad!rossi: I forbid you
Em: fuck you dad imma do it anyway
Ok.. NOW this unsub storyline has caught my attention but I am confused lol. Seems very heartbreaking either way
God Emily is so fucking gorgeous
Jfc how smart is tyler?? Imma need to do a deep dive on this…
Man voit is a better fucking profiler than half the team, if he wasn’t…. ya know… a serial killer.. LOL
HHAHAHAHA omg tyler
Yess! Another VVERY NATURAL FUCK! I don’t care what anyone says, the more natural swears are the ones that I love the most!
Garcia’s so fucking hot…
Hotch “left the unit a few years ago” bruh that was at least a decade
JFC. SHES SO HOT its giving elizabeth Mitchell
Looooolllll fucking rossi…
Jj and luke work super well together and I love it
Loooll Emily throwing tyler in last minute just like she planned and jill calling her on it RIGHT AWAY LOL
“not even Jason was this manipulative”
WTF??? This some supernatural/insane shit. Is the wife even alive anymore?? Is he hallucinating that?
Aaand jj and luke have figured it out and this shit is fire
They got this girl locked up like joe from you
Jesus CHRIST this took a twist and I love it but AGAIN, I would love it so much more If it was the primary focus of the ep
God that’s heartbreaking
OMG Jill instantly hugging Penelope makes me SO WARM
Uuggghhh jill being dragged back into this is not fucking fair.. like… she left.. Jason DEFINTELY left.. that poor queen
JESUS that cut to rossi was straight out of a horror film where he WAS THE KILLER jfc
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xnitkov · 11 days
Voodoo kupus
Bagra energetskih vampira ždere one koji umiru. Oni kojima se raspadaju temelji i njihovi životi onakve kakve poznaju.
Oni nanjuše raspad sistema i okružete ko lešinari i kljucaju te do same smrti.
Kljucajute dok neumreš… ili dok se nepredaš.
To je sistem - to je naziv njihovog projekta - predaj se ili umrij.
Što znači predat se još nisam skužila… ?
Ali imam svo vrijeme na svijetu da o tome mislim i dumam s obzirom da umirem već par ciklusa.
Mislim da predaja znači - zadrži svoj sistem i silom ga nametni svom već postojećem temelju.
Mislim da predaj se znači - nauči biti tiranin. Adaptiraj arhitip tiranin i postani profesionalni narcis. Koji gura svoje mane i potrebe pod svaku cijenu. Mislim da to znači; dođi s nama i postani profesionalni energetski vampir.
A umrjet znači, ostavi sve što znaš iza sebe. Svih. Sve što si željela, voljela, održavala, maštala. Cijeli svoj sistem i okruženje ubij i spali. To jest. Pusti da umre. APOKALIPSA.
Jedino u ovoj cijeloj prči i “triku” nerazumijem - što oni imaju protiv apokalipse? U čemu je točno problem? 
Cijeli ovaj rat; oni kao da zapravo odugovlače tu apokalipsu i raspad sistema… Ali s druge strane žderu moju karmu, moju bolest, moju tugu, moju patnju, moje najdublje razočarenje, moj sram, moju negativu - oni polako ali progresivno uzimaju na sebe.
Kako možeš nekoga žderat do smrti, ali u isto vrijeme ne imati u interesu njegovu smrt?
Jako su bipolarni u svome ponašanju ovi energetki vampiri...
Mislim da oni uopće neznaju što su oni to točno došli žderat. Mislim da su im oči veće od stomka.
Ja im svaki dan davam feedback i prognozu - o svojim svakodnevnim mukama i patnjama koje su uvijek i skoro samo egzistencijalne prirode. Moje srce je slomljeno jer me gaze, a ja sam na dnu maslowove piramide.
Mislim da su se oni nadali nekoj ljubavnoj agoniji tipa: Ljepotica i zvijer.
A dobili su djevojčicu sa šibicama. Crvenkapicu.
Mislim da je ovo trik stoljeća.
A što bi bilo kad bi se predala umjesto umrla?
Ako ja nisam djevojčica sa šibicama, tko sam onda? 
Oni meni kažu da sam ja krava muzara, a onda mi kažu da sam ja ljepotica a oni moja zvijer.
Ali ja znam da sam ja djevojčica sa šibicama. Crvenkapica.
Sukob i nesporazum. Reality vs. illusion.
Njihova iluzija. Moja stvarnost.
Jeli uopće važno da ih uvjerim u istinu o sebi i svom životu? Jeli to moj posao. Jeli misliš da stvarnost nije dovoljno tvrda da nadiđe i slomije neku malu iluzijicu nekih malih crnih mađioničara?
Jeli misliš da istina treba advokata i svjedoka? Jeli misliš ako ja povjerujem u vašu iluziju da će istina netragom nestat i isparit iz 3Da? Ili će me dočekat spremna čim otvorim kučna vrata i izađem napolje.
Istina je vanka. Istina je vanka na suncu.
Energetski vampiri/profesionalni narcisi kao da misle ako JA neznam ili zaboravim istinu svoje stvarnosti da će stvarnost skupa samnom prestat postojat. Oni kao da nerazumiju da istina ne ovisi o meni ili o mojoj spoznaji. Neovisi ni o njima. Neovisi ni o kome. Oni kao da nerazumiju da je istina zato jer je istina.
Nema bježanja od istine. Svih nas gleda svemirska policija. Svih nas prate i nadziru and they have all our shit on record...so get your fucking shit together.
…ono kad rahu pojede sunce i misli da si je faca. ono kad pobjeda traje jedan sekund lolčina.
Good luck bitches and farewell.
Tko preživi, pričat će.
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Hollywood se oprašta od Treata Williamsa: 'Imao si srce od zlata'
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Nakon što je potvrđena tragična i iznenadna smrt 71-godišnjeg Treata Williamsa, na društvenim mrežama njegove su se holivudske kolege krenule opraštati     Društvene mreže prepune su izraza sućuti, ali i lijepih sjećanja i uspomena holivudskih glumaca koji su tijekom godina imali priliku surađivati s glumcem Treatom Williamsom, koji je jučer izgubio život u prometnoj nesreći. 71-godišnjem Treatu, koji je upravljao motociklom, prednost je oduzeo automobil koji ga, očito, nije primijetio. Samo lijepe riječi za njega su imali, između ostalih, John Travolta, Sharon Stone, Kim Catrall....Tako je John Travolta objavio crno-bijelu fotografiju iz dana kada su zajedno glumili na Broadwayju na kojoj je napisao kako će Treat svima nedostajati.
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                   AUTOR: JOHN TRAVOLTA INSTAGRAM Sharon Stone je pak objavila naslovnicu jednog američkog časopisa koji je prenio vijest o glumčevoj smrti i preko nje napisala: 'Tužna vijest, počivaj u miru brate.'    
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                 AUTOR: INSTAGRAM SHARON STONE 60-godišnji Billy Baldwin na Twitteru je napisao podužu objavu u kojoj nije štedio komplimente na račun svog pokojnog prijatelja i kolege, rekavši kako je bio pametan i suosjećajan te da je imao srce od zlata: He had it all. Smart. Talented. Funny. Charming. Successful. Handsome. Compassionate. Heart of gold. And that name… Treat Williams. He truly and deeply cared about what’s going on here in America and around the world. Climate change, social justice, freedom, truth, tolerance…… pic.twitter.com/7cKP4nETTz — Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) June 13, 2023 'Imao je sve. Bio je pametan. Talentiran. Zabavan. Šarmantan. Uspješan. Zgodan. Suosjećajan. Imao je srce od zlata. A tek to ime... Treat Williams. On je istinski i duboko mario za ono što se događa ovdje u Americi, ali i diljem svijeta. Klimatske promjene, socijalna pravda, sloboda, istina, tolerancija... ljubav. Bio je voljen od svoje obitelji, prijatelja, obožavatelja, kolega... svoje zajednice. Ovo je strašan gubitak. Nedostajat ćeš nam. Počivaj u miru Treat.' Zvijezda 'Seksa i grada' Kim Catrall objavila je fotografiju nastalu 1999. na snimanju zajedničkog filma '36 sati za smrt' i uz nju napisala: 'U šoku sam! RIP dragi Treat. Moje saučešće ide Pam, Gillesu, Ellie i cijeloj obitelji. Divan glumac i prijatelj.' I’m in shock! RIP Dear Treat. My condolences to Pam, Gilles, Ellie and the family. A wonderful actor and friend. pic.twitter.com/hurBQfejRu — Kim Cattrall (@KimCattrall) June 13, 2023 Spomenuo ga je i James Wood sa zajedničkom fotografijom nastalom u Rimu tijekom snimanja filma 'Bilo jednom u Americi', otkrivši kako je Williams bio iznimno duhovit, dok je Vanessa Hudgens, koja je u filmu iz 2018. 'Sad ili nikad' glumila njegov kćer, napisala: Treat and I spent months in Rome filming Once Upon a Time in America. It can be pretty lonely on the road during a long shoot, but his resilient good cheer and sense of humor was a Godsend. I really loved him and am devastated that he’s gone. #RIP #TreatWilliams pic.twitter.com/2FTBNJJ6lW — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 13, 2023 'Bio je divan filmski otac i još bolji čovjek. Treat Williams bio je fantastični glumac, bilo je zadovoljstvo biti u njegovoj blizini jer je bio najljubaznija duša. Nedostajat će nam.'
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              AUTOR: INSTAGRAM VANESSA HUDGENS 🧵This how it felt to be with #TreatWilliams. Always an joyful adventure. I’m just stunned. My heart aches for the loss. What a remarkable man. @Rtreatwilliams enjoyed his life so much. He created a beautiful existence & example of solid love. He was honest& clear, dedicated to pic.twitter.com/KSMewuzHbR — Sharon Lawrence (@sharonlawrence) June 13, 2023 Tportal.hr By AP -  PD-US Read the full article
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
codin whn u 4get certain stff b like [googls 4 advce] [googls 4 advce] [googls 4 advc] [w3schools.com] [stackoverflw] [googls 4 advce]
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
math is literally so
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lilwettongue · 2 years
mmm im so dick dumb 🤤🤤🤤 ive been edgon fr hours for @dammmitmannn nd im soo desperate to cumm now but he says no i cant. it makes me even hornier to do as he says nd deny my needdy wet cunt throbbing so good makes me hornier caus hes rite! im too dumb too cumm now 🥰🥰🥰 only smrt girrl s noe how to makk thenselves cumm nd im dumbie dumb girl haha
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ace-of-gay · 3 years
Thats not what i meant
Im so smrt: You•
•buck: you mean smart?
Yes, i mean smart but without the A: You•
•steve: i call bull-, you have a beautiful ass, excuse my language.
•bucky: says the man with America's ass.
Wtf Thats not what i meant: You•
•steve: what did you mean love?
•bucky: you both still have nice ass's (;
Bucky... no: You•
~y/n has left the chat~
•bucky: haha bucky yes
•steve: does that mean we win?
•bucky: mhm
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erensnubs · 3 years
:( its supposed to be the most joyous time of year and its the worst i have ever felt
My family in the PH literally dont have running water, barely have food and no internet and Im only hearing day to day things about them since its so crowded at public places for them to charge everything
I have to deal with the recurring weight of family members always asking me if I have bf and fake smiles and smile when i tell them "yes tita I am getting all a's.... No tita i don't have a boyfriend" *insert uncomfortable laughing*
My mom and dad have been fighting again over money and over me and my siblings so yay 😝😝
And ofc the unexpected curveball, the one that tipped the tower (can u tell im trying to cope through the overdramatisized explanations?) the only person i have truly loved, wasn't a rebound and wasn't afraid to be with has thrown me in the trash and is dating someone else 😀
To top it all off they're acting completely fine about it and just so so happy and committed in their perfect little relationship like they didn't reduce me into nothing and made me wanna kms but yk who cares😊😊😊😊😊
ANDDD since im a smart cookie i found out that this has been going on for more than just 2 weeks 😍 😍😍😍
so like im just sitting in bed and i connected all the pieces together like wow good job tina for being so smrt 😁
To top it all off I feel like some of my friends don't remotely care about what my feelings about this situation 😝😝 they just get super uncomfortable 😝 and say the usual "oh im so sorry blah blah blah" 😝 its like people don't actually care about me hahaha 😝
But enough of the bad stuff here's things that went well that made my whole christmas season:
my little brother having his 1st Xmas with the family!
I got a drumpad for xmas and canvases and money to get fabrics to make some pj pants and pillow cases !!! AND A PASTA MAKER
I'm also gonna surprise one of my besties for xmas!!
Got lost in the woods while delivering cookies djdjsks
My sister and I watching a new sports anime and simping for all the sweaty 2d men 😩
Cleaning my whole room HEHE
Starting on my own DIY calendar! I painted a scene from howl's moving castle for January
My bar chords are so much better since i've been practicing more guess u could say im good with my fingers 😏
Another bestie being petty with me about romantic fiasco situation (should I call it that?) and let me cry during a party with them and made me laugh about it
bestie posting about me on her story to make me feel better djsslal
And there's so much more but its been rough... These past 2 weeks. But I'm getting better! And I will continue to get better! Hopefully
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lugvelesasrz · 4 years
Hi, Im a Canadian who is deeply interested in slavic paganism. My issue is that I dont have any slavic ancestry (my ancestors being french and irish) and Im wondering if its ok for me to practice?
Greetings! Anyone can follow a spiritual path of their choosing. Slavs were always hospitable to foreigners. As Saxo Grammaticus once wrote: “Hospitality and caring for parents/elders are the foremost virtues of the Slavs“ Even with captured ones: “They do not keep those who are in captivity among them in perpetual slavery, as do other nations. But they set a definite period of time for them and then give them the choice either, if they so desire, to return to their own homes with a small recompense or to remain there as free men and friends." Murice - Strategikon 11.4.4.   However, it is expected of foreigner to fully emerge into Slavic culture, not just to celebrate the Gods but to learn a language and adopt customs. Can it be any other way? One cannot simply worship without knowing the language, understanding what is being said and what is the meaning behind the words. For example, Morana is not just an empty “name”, you immediately see connection with terms: pomor( pestilence, death), zamor( fatigue), moriti(to kill to torment)  you also understand why she is called Smrtka since smrt = death, etc. P.S. Sorry for the late reply.
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years
That Which Survives (live reaction):
Oh no this is where they get stuck on the planet and risk starving right? (I saw the trek-tracks tarsus iv theory on this one)
YAY Sulu gets to go on an away mission! It’s been way too long!!
That was probably the most expensive cheap looking set piece ever
Lol, Spock over explaining having smacked his head
Sulu already getting fatalistic already (Cleithrophobia, fear of being trapped) also DONT U DARE suggest Jim’s family exploded he already had a horrible time in MoG
Aww Sulu & Chekov are buddies confirmation :)
Not taking any Scotty’s shit today huh Spock? Damn.
Plant dad Sulu!
Kirk is immediately in Survival Mode OOF.
Listen man... George Takei was PRETTY back in the day Dayum 😏
Dude is like “hello pretty lady! I like rocks!”
Who is this death touch lady?
Blue shirt death! How rare!
Spock being grumpy at Scotty! It’s cuz Bones isn’t there to loudly remind him of the value of intuition.
Sulu is Sad 😔 he probably worked close with the geology division as the resident xenobotanist. That’s twice someone who clearly worked closely with him that we ever really got to see has died (Joey from The Naked Time is the other). I NEED BACKSTORY FOR MY BOY!
Lots of messed up deaths that clearly were friends of supporting characters, yikes! First Tiomatto (Sulu) now Watkins (Scotty)
I think TOS Sulu is bi (it’d make sense)
Maaaaan I know they don’t kill Sulu but that was WAY too close
Oh- it didn’t kill Jim? Why does she wanna kill Sulu?!
Oh! More fuel for my “Scotty has Astrophobia” theory!
Weird cinematic parallel to Wrath of Khan between Scotty & Spock there. Oh hey! Spock (kinda) apologized to Scotty. Yay?
Scotty gonna save the day!!!!
I think death touch lady is a robot (got confirmed I am smrt)
Family blocks Captain with bodies awwwwwwww
“Are you lonely?” *Taps the fuck out* MEEEEEEE
Jim’s so relieved they’re both like “thank goodness you’re alive! 😍”
Oooh environmentalist message on top okay! Hits different during pandemic tho... yikes.
Oooh and a lil’ feminism to boot okay I see u Star Trek!
Pretty good episode! Lots of good side character action! Heck yeah!
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manga-gamer · 3 years
its ok i study at ndesah academy so im prettyy smrt
I.. see
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@[Gledaj]! Crna udovica (2021) Online film sa prevodom HD
Crna udovica Film Sa Prevodom
Crna udovica 2021 Online Film Sa Prevodom, Crna udovica 2021 Gledaj Cijeli HD Filmovi Besplatno, Crna udovica — sink — Online sa prevodom, Crna udovica — titl — Online sa prevodom, 4K ULTRAHD | 720p | 1080p | 1080i | BLURAY.
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IZVORNO IME: Black Widow REDITELJ: Cate Shortland / ULOGE: Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, David Harbour
SADRŽAJ FILMA Meri Lenoks je devetogodišnjakinja kojoj u epidemiji kolere u Indiji umiru oba roditelja, a ona ostaje sama i zaboravljena u njihovoj kolonijalnoj vili. Kad je naposletku pronađu britanski susedi i vojnici, ispostavi se da se za suvonjavu, razmaženu i mrzovoljnu Meri nito ne želi brinuti, pa je ubrzo pošalju na brod za Englesku, gde bi je trebao udomiti najbliži rođak kog Meri nikada nije upoznala – gospodin Krejvn (Colin Firth). Budući da ga u Engleskoj sve podseća na smrt voljene žene, gospodin Krejvn najčešće nije u zemlji već putuje svetom pa Meri tako ostaje sasvim sama na njegovom zabačenom i turobnom imanju na severu Engleske. Ipak jednoga dana Meri u vrtnom zidu otkriva zaključana vrata obrasla bršljanom. Događaji koji su potom usledili potpuno su promenili njen život.
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❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍
Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings! Thank you for watching The Video Today. I hope you like the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like or share if you like what we shared so we are more excited. Scatter a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors.
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
Yo, I got a RIDDLE for you. Think ur brain can connect these here dots? Here goes. Slowly and slowly I grow and I grab, from stone to floor with moisture a dab. I’m natures blanket, and soft to the touch, and the desire of which you want to eat so much
Srry I havnt gttn 2 thise yt b like anon pls kno tht whn I 1st sw thise I was readin it during a vc n I did a Laugh bc it was a VRY smrt (/gen) n I was like “hjsbshsgjdhkdkdhd moss” outloud on our mic KSNSJ IM KEEPIN THISE IN A SAVE TAG bc it’s rlly good poetry 2 me I wnt it calligraphyd n id post it on our wll
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