#im so silly and sickly
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shower-phantom-ideas · 1 year ago
Danny keeps telling heros his tragic backstory buts just ripped from an old game no one really remembers that he liked. That or an old cartoon he watched as a kid.
Example: One day I just woke up and had this strange pink mark on my leg. I was freaking out but then started noticing all this stuff I could do. All of a sudden I liked fish? And these men would keep popping up and telling me I had to fight monsters. Telling me i was picked for it. I got this neat pendent though.
The league have no idea hes bsing them. But eventually he keeps getting closer and closer to the characters story that someone will figure it out. And I like to think it’s Redhood or Flash and no I wont explain why because if you know you know.
Bonus points if Danny switches it up like once he finishes telling the characters full backstory. Maybe it can become a game with him and the others. Who can guess his reference the fastest. Batman is not amused
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emderperq · 1 year ago
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The People liked my owl house art so heres some even sillier somewhat old toh art as i try to cope with the fact that i need to make art to be an artist o7
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year ago
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quadrantbreaker · 2 years ago
kyaaaahhh luke black is so
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aria0fgold · 8 months ago
I said I was gonna take it easy with artfight but somehow I managed to draw a pretty dynamic pose without much difficulty and now here I am... This is the opposite of "taking it easy...."
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lesbianraskolnikov · 8 months ago
Ive never really shipped much myself but i always feared "blorbofying" him would make it seem like i understand nothing and so on and so forth. Well i can understand the book well and get silly with it. Its okay! I do not have to clarify my self..
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shinymoonforest · 2 years ago
with an additional
and to close off this statement, 
thank you for your time
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uh oh. I can't imagine mixing a virus with a wayward executable can lead to anything good..... what do you mean it just gave him the flu,
FINALLY, at LONG LONG LAST; Thierry's OFFICIAL Lovebug AU rendition! in which the man quite literally gets bugged. with love! & with sick nasty
truly a lesson to all to watch what you download from your emails!
( the lovebug AU concept belongs to @things1do ~ )
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illbegottenfaith · 2 months ago
unadulterated loathing (a what is this feeling inspired fic)
yours and theo's feelings for each other evoke a deeply visceral physical reaction in both of you, for which there can be only one explanation (theo nott x reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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a/n - had this idea ever since I watched wicked and so I whipped smth light and fun up prettyyy quickly (I think this is the fastest I've ever writtena fic? then again it is on the shorter side) enjoyyy :)) p.s. im quite behind on my notifs etc cuz of college so if i havent responded to anything pls know its an accident!
tropes/warnings - enemies to lovers, quips/banter, fluff, mentions of injury
word count - 1.3k
taglist - @hzdhrtss @justaproudperson
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"I'm afraid the rumours are true," you were saying to Penelope Skeeter, a budding journalist eager to follow in her aunt's footsteps. "Theodore Nott was just so taken by my looks this morning that he promptly passed out in the Hogwarts library, poor thing. The whole school is bereft, naturally, but Madam Pomfrey herself expects him to make a full recovery."
You paused as her reedy-looking assistant snapped a picture, putting on a breezy, winning smile with just a hint of oh-silly-me-for-putting-one-of-Slytherin's-star-Quidditch-players-in-the-Hospital-Wing-but-also-who-could-blame-this-pretty-face.
"You could say I, quite literally, stole his breath."
Your impromptu interview came to a crashing halt as a strained groan sounded from the hospital bed a short distance away. The three of you glanced over to see that Theo had woken up and was now very much alive and kicking.
"Oh," you said, abandoning that affected, simpering tone for one with a noticeable trace of disdain. You thought you'd have more time. "You're up."
"Lies," Theo rasped breathlessly, with all the menace of a kitten swaddled in a blanket, eyes darting mistrustfully between you and Penelope. "Liar."
You tilted your head, your expression as displeased as it always was when it came to Theo. "Aren't you supposed to be dizzy or something?"
"Don't listen to anything she says, especially if it's about me. Strike that all - hang on - "
You watched him flail uselessly in his attempts to sit up, unimpressed.
"I don't think you hit your head hard enough."
"Shut up," Theo wheezed under the stifling weight of the warm compresses laid across his chest, "and get out."
You pouted exaggeratedly. "But you're sickly, sweetheart."
His already pale face blanched at the pet name. "Out. Out!"
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For as long as you could remember, you had never gotten along with Theodore Nott. Anything he said, you'd feel compelled to disagree with, and anything you did, he felt compelled to sneer at. The adverse physical symptoms that presented themselves within each other's proximity certainly didn't seem to help matters. One way or another, sparks were bound to fly if the two of you were in the same room.
"It's - it's her - " Theo had spat out at The Three Broomsticks on a Hogsmeade trip in your third year. "She's doing this to me and she's doing it on purpose."
Mattheo had creased his forehead.
"Like a...like a hex?"
"No," Theo had said, distractedly scratching the hive that had appeared on the back of his hand. "It's worse than a hex. My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling, my face is flushing..."
"...oh," Mattheo had said, realisation dawning upon him. "I get it. It's lo-"
"That's it, Mattheo." Theo had interjected. "You're absolutely right."
"I am?"
"Yes, exactly. Loathing is what this is. Loathing." He had swivelled around, hatefully fixing his gaze on where you were laughing over some undoubtedly inane subject matter over butterbeer with your friends. "Unadulterated loathing."
Mattheo had rolled his eyes over Theo's dramatics.
That was years ago. Now, the butterbeer was gone and the inane subject matter was long forgotten, but the two of you were still too abrasive to get along. It was as though you couldn't help but rub each other the wrong way, the way you brought out the worst in each other. The detestation that everyone had hoped you would grow out of seemed to have grown with you, with petty jabs and insults and below-the-belt undermining becoming a regular occurrence between the two of you.
Today was no different. You were spending your morning free period studying at the library with your friends, roaming the bookshelves for anything that could help you with your Defence Against the Dark Arts essay. You'd turned the corner of the aisle, a heavy tome in hand, only to find Theodore blocking your path, his long fingers leisurely tracing the spine of a book like he had all the time in the world.
"Figures," you muttered under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear. "Of all the dark, damp corners in the castle, you'd turn up in this one. Like a bad penny."
Theo's gaze flicked up to meet yours, his expression impassive save for the slight lift of his brow. "Charming as ever, I see," he drawled in his low voice, carrying that familiar bite. "I didn't realise the library was off-limits to people with half a brain."
You narrowed your eyes, stepping closer despite yourself. "Don’t flatter yourself, Nott. If brains were currency, you'd be bankrupt."
His lips twitched, and for a moment, you swore he was fighting back a smirk.
"And yet, here I am, managing just fine without the constant headache of your presence. Speaking of which—" he gestured vaguely at the aisle, "—you’re in my way."
There it was - that repulsive, three-sizes-too-big ego of his. Really, it was a wonder how he managed to fit that swollen head of his through the castle doors.
"I'm in your way?" you repeated incredulously. "You do realise the universe doesn't actually revolve around you, right?"
He quirked an eyebrow. "Could've fooled me," he said smoothly, effortlessly plucking your book out of your slack grip. "You always seem to be in my orbit."
You peered up at Theo from beneath your eyelashes. You tilted your head, your lips curling into an insidious, self-satisfied smile that Theo didn't quite understand.
"Please. You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid."
Theo felt a pang in his chest. His pulse stuttered and there was this nauseating feeling in his stomach. His vision swam, and it was all a bit blurry after that. The next thing he knew, there was an awful lot of shrieking coming from the crowd standing over him. Over him? His hand twitched. The hand that was on the very same rock-hard floor he was lying on. When did he get down here?
He groaned softly as the voices around him grew louder. There was this awful pounding rattling his skull. With considerable difficulty, he cracked an eye open, trying to get a sense of his bearings. Some of the silhouettes seemed vaguely familiar. He could recognise some voices - his friends must have found him. Those looked like Mattheo's shoelaces right next to his face.
And in the middle of it all was you, ashen face with a panic-stricken expression, with a vice-like grip on his forearms.
And then everything went black again.
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Madam Pomfrey had come along just then, shooing Penelope and her photographer away. You weren't quite as lucky in your attempt to slip out with them. So now here you were, stoically holding Theo's hand in your slightly clammy palm at his bedside while she checked him over.
She hadn't told you to hold his hand. Theo decided he'd pull away in a minute. Maybe two.
He cleared his throat ineffectively, dry from a lack of water. You glanced at him.
"Admit it. You were terrified for a minute there."
You pressed your lips into a thin line like you were holding back a smile, trying to give the impression of watching Madam Pomfrey.
"You wish," you mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
Still, he didn't miss the way you squeezed his hand as part of you relaxed in what seemed like relief.
"I know."
You dragged your gaze back to him, shaking your head somewhat affectionately as you took in the colour returning to his cheeks.
"I see you're feeling better already."
"Something about you gets my blood pumping."
Madam Pomfrey stepped away for a moment, leaving the two of you alone behind the screen. You leaned in until your noses were almost touching.
"Are you saying I make your heart race, Nott?"
This close, he can see the faint freckles scattered across your nose, the way your lashes brush your cheeks when you blink, and the flicker of mischief in your eyes. And for the first time in all the years he's known you, he admits to himself that perhaps you might be more than a little easy on the eyes. Especially his eyes.
"Sure," he says quietly, his gaze almost lovingly lingering over every blemish along your nose. "Let's go with that."
Part 2
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months ago
*points at bruce and danny in 'late at night when the nightingale sings'* THESE TWO MFERS MEAN SO MUCH TO MEEEE
no thoughts head empty just these two socially inept fools finding family in one another. like yes you go you funky little death omens stole that one from a comment on the fic, so if you see this you know who you are, discover that family isn't only tied in blood.
bUT onto less mushy stuff: these two being shenaniganizers; tomfools. Bruce realized that Danny didn't actually know he was Bruce Wayne and instead of going "oh actually im bruce wayne" he went; "hrm... how long can i keep this going until he realizes...."
like. i think they deserve to be the sillies. just utter goobers the both of them. like, danny makes the wittiest side comments, dry quips, under his breath towards Bruce while they're out in public (Danny covering his face with a face mask) and Bruce is trying not to laugh. Meanwhile if Bruce makes one sly comment about someone to Danny, Danny's gonna collapse with laughter.
Bruce plays straightman in most of their bits, he has the best fucking poker face. But also I firmly believe he does actually enjoy Danny's puns. Look me in the eyes- look me in the eyes. Try and tell me that a man that willingly agrees to call a car "the batmobile" even after his eight year old ward grows up (thus negating the need to go along with his antics) doesn't enjoy a good, well-placed pun. Look me in the eyes and try to tell me that. That's right you can't.
He's gonna spit out a well-placed pun in the driest, most boring Batman Voice Ever one day while he's getting ready for patrol, and Danny's gonna fucking die of laughter. He's gonna lose his mind. Bruce is going to have a half-dead sickly teenager laughing his lungs out in the chair. That's a new core memory right there, every time Danny thinks about that he's gonna start giggling.
just!!! these two making each other laugh! That's so important to me. So so much. I nEED Danny to get Bruce to smile and laugh and I need Bruce to make Danny do the same. Danny's all snark and sass and Bruce is all deadpan and dry quips. Do you all see my vision.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc prompt#blood blossom au#firm believer of bruce having a sense of humor. batman being a troll is my favorite thing ever. mister 'i assaulted three [officers]'#they're banned from the kitchen but only when its the two of them unsupervised because they'll make a mess. Danny's not used to working wit#machinery that doesnt spontaneously come to life sometimes and Bruce is Bruce. They tried making a smoothie once and it ended in disaster#there was smushed frozen berries and milk all over the counter and cabinets. it got all over them. the floOR was a slipnslide. danny smelt#like rasp+blackberries all day and so did bruce. the last time they tried to make pancakes together it ended in an impromptu flour fight#flour EVERYWHERe. they both looked like ghosts. Danny started it. he took a glob of the batter and smushed it on Bruce's face.#bruce merely retaliated. that was the incident that got them officially banned from the kitchen without alfred's direct supervision#they can be there individually but not together. that's just spelling trouble#have the vivid mental image of Danny (masquerading as Jackson) looking around Bruce at some other rich socialite with just combination#baffled and deadpan look on his face. before looking up at Bruce and flatly going 'i think we're gonna have to kill this guy Buzz'#and Bruce just takes a sip from his champagne flute. He looks equally unimpressed. And quietly so that only Danny hears him. goes *'fuck'*#except he does it in the Batman Voice. and Danny has to hide his face in the back of Bruce's suit jacket to hide his laughter.#ALL OF THE INSIDE JOKES GUYS. ITS ABOUT THE DOMESTICITY. THE LAUGHTER THE JOY THE GOOD FEELS#*GRIPS YOU BY THE SHOULDERS WITH HEAVY BREATHING* DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE VISION. ITS THE RELEARNING TO LOVE AND BE LOVED
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womenloverlmao · 1 year ago
Spencer Reid NSFW Alphabet
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He's so babygirl
Im not adding warnings or like whats included because this is all over the fucking place and yeah that's nobody's fault but my own but still
Dont like it dont read it, dont complain.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He thinks it's so fucking important, he could probably go off on a rant about it, too. (But let's be honest, he can go off on a rant about anything.) He thinks it creates an emotional bond, shit like that. Even though he's the sub, he does like to take care of you after you take care of him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite (and yours of his) are his hands. He knows he knows what to do with them, driving you absolutely crazy. He also 100% teases you with it too, just saying. He can be insecure sometimes about certain things, but he knows them.
He loves your thighs and tits. Let's be honest, we all know he's a boob guy.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He cries when he climaxes sometimes.
Also he either likes cumming in you or on your tits. (Bro is obsessed with the tibbies)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes steals your panties, but he puts them back (after washing them) and you don't really notice. He also knows how to hide it so like
This one you know about, he was getting INTO it and he got a work call that he had to pick up while he was still inside you. A couple whimpers were let out when you moved against him and it was so embarrassing but no one besides you two know. they thought he was sick because he is a sickly victorian child
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Bro is not experienced at all, he was a virgin before you, but he knows what he's doing from reading so fucking much about literally everything. Sure, he might be awkward at first, but once he's done it once and is sure you like it he's pretty good at everything.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes when you're on top, but his favorite is when your legs are thrown either around his waist or over his shoulders as he absolutely pounds into you like a bitch in heat.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
there are moments where even when he is balls-deep inside you you both can't help but laugh. he sometimes spews random facts and he can't shut himself up so it can be really a mess but you both love it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
It all depends on your preferences. He keeps it relatively short, but if you need it shorter he'll do it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It's 100% Intimate, even if it can be silly sometimes. it's just different, in your own way, really.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he's on his own in a hotel room and you're back home and he needs you, he'll do it. Most of the time he needs your voice to do so, but he knows when you go to bed, and if it's before that he will call you but if it's not he'll do it on his own. If you send him pictures of yourself? uses them. he won't admit it, but he does.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Mommy kink. I don't need to elaborate.
Orgasm Denial
B r e e d i n g.
Degradation but only a little, you have to add praise to it and then it's fine.
Kinda like possession?? But not like in a keeping you or him locked up, in a 'you're mine' way.
Hair pulling.
Probably into pegging
Nipple play on you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom. That's pretty much it. He gets to thinking too much anywhere else. He gets too into thinking in the bedroom, how do you expect him to fuck you in a bathroom shawty
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You in his clothes. Dirty talk. Sometimes it's nothing specific, and he's touch-starved so he can act like a teenager.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I feel like he would stay away from bondage after Hankel. Before then, he would be fine, but chances are this all takes place after so yeah no. Same reason for spanking and shit. It may look like he's super kinky, but there are more things he wouldn't do than things he would.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes when you give him head but dude would do anything if you let him eat you out. He's absolutely amazing. He has your body memorized, so like
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can do whatever, but when he's trying to make himself cum (normally after he's made you cum and leaves you super fucking overstimulated but he wants to cum so badly) he's fast and like holy f u c k. but he knows how you like it, so before then it's whatever makes you cum quickest so he can cum. also random but I forgot to put that he always makes you cum first.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Will do them, but prefers having time with you and that shit.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is but if it's something listed up there it's a no. He could try different things but there are many things that he just wouldn't do.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Can go like three five-minute rounds with breaks in between them, but when he's doing it on you he will probably overstimulate you to no end just trying to make you feel good.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have anything but if you wanted to do things with them, they could be implanted.
If you got a dildo he would let you use it on him after a little bit of convincing.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Depends on the day and if he's being a dom or a sub, but even inside of those it depends. He leans more submissive and loves to please you, but he is 100% a brat and will tease you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is l o u d. he can be quiet but he will whimper, moan, whine, beg. (bitch in heat I'm not sorry)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves listening and being the sub while being the top. Like... do you get what I mean?
Also one time he was in you, rubbing your clit, trying to get you to cum and he said 'Did you know about 75% of the clitoris is inside the body' and you actually burst out laughing and yall had to stop what you were doing and like gather everything and make sure you didn't die while he was inside you again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
6.5 inches, and thick. like, ripping your vagina from the inside out thick. (why am I set on this hill please murder me slowly)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It wasn't high. until you came around, then he is just like EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY turned on. it's physically impossible, or it should be.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If it weren't so icky in his head he could probably fall asleep immediately afterwards, but he has to clean it up and then he can fall asleep.
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twodimensionalboyfriend · 7 months ago
Sick </3
wc: ~1.3k read time: ~5 minutes
༉‧₊˚.¸♡ master list✧ '*•༉
cw: fluff! smooches here and there i guess! gn throughout! also not proofread lol
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I have fucking covid!! my bones are on fire!!!
on a serious note, i have never been sick like this before in my life, i had the worst skin and joint aches i'd ever had in my life and my head felt like it was going to explode with pressure and my ears are still fuckin clogged. so anyways im gonna project my problems into this fic in the order in which i experienced them as a form of therapy and if anybody else is out there sick rn, i hope you have a jason todd to make it bearable!
On a silly note, I met a stray cat in the neighborhood the other day but she's been spayed! im hoping this is the cat distribution system at play
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"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," you groaned.
You're sitting on the couch trying to convince your boyfriend that you're not sick. It's just allergies! Allergies that come with body aches, pressure in your head, and now a fever.
Jason showed you the thermometer, "Dude, you're running at 100.1..."
You looked at the thermometer incredulously, "Isn't that thing super old? I mean how do we even know it still works? Take it again."
Jason sighed and scanned your forehead again, "Babe, we bought this a couple months ago." He glared at you as he showed you the thermometer again, which now read 100.2.
"Tch, that's barely even a fever," you said rolling your eyes.
"That's it. You're going on bed rest."
"Woah, what?? Jason, I told you I'm fine! Besides I have so much to do today. We need groceries, I have a prescription to pick up, there are so many dishes in the sink, I have laundry to fold and I have work this evening. A little cold isn't... what are you doing?" You cut yourself off as you saw Jason typing on his phone.
"Thanks for the to-do list! While you rest, I'll go and get this done. Grocery list is on the fridge and our pharmacy is in the store, so text me if you need anything else. I am more than capable of doing dishes and laundry, so you don't have to worry about that. And I love you, but you're crazy if you think you're going into work tonight. Text your boss a picture of the thermometer and call out. Or I'll do it for you, whatever you prefer."
"Ar-Are you sure? I mean it's..." You trailed off. You really did feel like shit and it's not like you necessarily wanted to do these errands and chores. After a moment of thinking, you sighed and relented, "Okay, fine, only if you're completely sure you can handle it."
"(Y/N), I'm an adult. If I couldn't do laundry, you should be worried about me." You tried to laugh a little, but it quickly snowballed into a coughing fit, "Woah woah, take it easy. I'm gonna take the list and go to the store. Again, text me if you need anything or if you just wanna say hi," he said with a smile.
Your eyes welled up a bit as you whispered, "Thank you, Jason. I love you very much."
"I love you too, I'll be back soon."
The front door swung open and Jason's voice rang through your shared apartment, "Honey, I'm home!"
You couldn't have gotten up if you tried. You're sickly moan from the couch alarmed Jason, and he dropped the groceries and ran to your side.
You were lying on the couch in your spiderman sweats and a hoodie; your arms draped over your eyes to block out the white lights from the kitchen that added to your headache. Your entire body ached like it never has before. The sight squeezed Jason's heart. "Oh, honey," he said sympathetically, pressing his hands to your cheeks, "Woah, you are burning up! Hang on." He snatched the thermometer from the coffee table and tested his partner. The screen lit up red. It read 101.7.
You mumbled, "H-Holy shit..." It was a bit too much to talk right now.
"Okay babe, I got you some chicken noodle soup because that's what Alfred always made us, and I don't quite have his cooking skills--and this is, uh from a uh... a can--but I'm gonna make some for you, and that should hopefully make you feel better," he looked at you with worry. "Then would you want to watch Pride & Prejudice while I folded the laundry? The movie obviously, since you like it. Even though the show is better," he grumbled at the end.
God damn it. You were crying again.
You were experiencing so many different emotions you didn't really know what else to do. You loved Jason so much and felt so much gratitude for the way he was taking care of you. As if there was nothing else he could possibly be doing right now other than be here. This is on top of the fact that you've been in agony for the past hour as you got worse and worse; and you were really tired of feeling that way.
This shocked and scared Jason, "I'm sorry!! The movie isn't that bad! I just like that the show's more accurate to the book! Also, when Lizzie runs through the rain, why does she grab a soaking wet cloth from the very same rain storm to dry her hair?! I'm sorry I just--"
"I love you so much," you croaked out. "I also feel like fucking garbage."
This put Jason at ease and he kissed the top of your head. "I'm sorry you feel like shit, sweetheart. I do this because I love you too. Like, a lot. Now stop talking and spare your voice. Let's get you cozy and hopped up on vitamin C, and we'll just take it easy."
The next morning, you woke up. You sat up slowly and realized most of the pressure in your head is gone. Your body no longer felt like it was on fire! Definitely still congested though. You also realized you fell asleep on the couch after the first proposal, yet you were currently sitting in your bed. Jason must've brought you in. Suddenly, a sneeze crept up and exploded out of you. Then another. Then one more. Jesus, that hurt your chest.
Your fit was loud enough to let Jason know you had woken up. He came into the room holding a spatula. The opened door let in a sweet smell and a sizzling sound. "How are you feeling, baby?" He walked towards you.
"Well I can bear to be conscious, so I'd say much better. What's going on in the kitchen?"
He pressed his hand to your forehead and said, "Pancakes! And lots of orange juice. I don't think you’re in the clear yet. Sit tight; I'm gonna get the thermometer and take your temperature."
Ignoring his request, you got up to meet him in the living room. You stepped out of the bedroom and was met with the sight of Jason discarding the pancake that had burned due to his doting. He saw you walking towards him and urged you to go back to bed, "Go back! I'm gonna bring you breakfast in bed. Pancakes, juice, fruit, the whole shebang."
"No it's okay, let me be out here with you. I'd kiss you good morning, but I fear I might poison you and get you sick."
Jason stole a quick kiss, much to your surprise, "I spent all night with you. If I were to get it, I don't think a kiss would be what seals my fate. You're plate is ready, by the way."
He handed you a plate stacked with 3 pancakes and a butter slice, drizzled in maple syrup with strawberries and whipped cream. It was beautiful, "Oh my god, Jason, that's so gorgeous I don't think I can eat it." Your stomach growled and promptly gave away your true feelings.
"Tear it up, baby girl."
You sat down as Jason finished making his stack. He sat down with you and you both began eating. Pre-packaged pancake mix has never tasted so good.
"Thank you for nursing me back to health, Jason. You've made this past few days in unbearable hell feel more like a manageable limbo."
He laughed, "What else was I supposed to do? Let the love of my life suffer?"
"God I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life."
"Well, fortunately, you'll never have to." He leaned over the table and pressed a syrupy kiss to your lips.
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if there are an content warnings you think i missed, please tell me so!! i’ll add them to this post and remember to add them to future ones!! :) ♡ ♡
and pls pls like and reblog and reply!! literally if you interact i will kiss you on the mouth
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bahrtofane · 1 year ago
i dont want to leave
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When Jude finds himself slipping from your life. He chooses to leave it completely, for your sake. 
Jude x reader 
Word count - 700+
Watch it - angst angst and angst 
Judes first appearance to your modest little apartment in months turns into him begging and pleading for you to find someone better. 
Someone who doesn't make you wait all day for a reply, someone who isnt in 3 time zones in one day, someone who has time.
Jude has many things, many luxuries and commodities that fill his home and surround his daily life. Fame and fortune that follow him, recognition. Riches.  
Time is not one of them. between games just about every other day, events and press appearances, media days and content recording. He is exhausting every second of his day.
He knows he's not making enough time for you. And now he's begging for you to move on  
Sitting cross legged on your couch, in red and black plaid pj pants and a hoodie he grabbed from his hamper. He made his way to you as soon as he could. Even if it meant after doing a virtual interview from his room, he grabbed his wallet and keys, sprinting out the door.
“Please…” he tries again. His eyes droop and he can not pick them up to face you. Can not meet your gaze. His eye bags look horrid and his skin is taking on a sickly sheen you saw last when he came down with the flu. 
You shake your head, “Jude. listen to what you're saying. You want me to leave because you're busy?”
“I'm saying I'm not good to or for you. I'm never around. I barely reply. I forget things. I never know what you're up to or what's going on. Im shit. And you don't deserve that.” he tries again, keeping his head down and picking at his nails. 
“But I love you. Busy or not.” you sigh.
“And I love you. So much that you have to let me go.” 
“I don't want to leave you,” you cross your arms.
He rubs his eyes. Its been back and forth like this for what feels like an hour now. This will get nowhere if he simply lets this continue. 
He slides a leg from under him, swinging it against your couch, “then I will.”
Your face morphs into one of pain, but he knows you can't keep living like this. He can't keep making false promises and hurting you. No matter how many times you say it's okay. He was late to your birthday for fucks sake. He doesn't know your friends names, do you even still watch that show? He's losing who you are and it's no one's fault but his own. 
He scoots to you, gently taking your hands in his, “I know you'll find someone who treats you the way you need. And I'm sorry I couldn't.”
Tears begin to swell in your eyes, lip trembling as you shake your head, “you can't,” you cry out weakly. But it's too late. 
“I'm sorry,” he whispers, getting up from his seat and gently closing the door behind him, with a little too much force than intended.
The little framed picture of the two of you that hangs on the wall next to the door shakes and wobbles. It only makes you cry harder. 
You remember that day. He took you to the fair, buying you all the stupid food you could ever want. (the deep fried ice cream gave you a run for your money in the bathroom). He won every prize at those silly games. Even if it took him 50 tries and a whole lotta cash to do so. 
There was a little man walking around with a polaroid camera. A sign reading “$2 for a picture” painted in bright green lettering hanging from an old withered string around his neck.
You took 4. 
Your favorite, the one on the wall, stares back at you mockingly. Hands held together while your heads are thrown back, soft yellow and pink light from the ferris wheel behind you painting your faces. You'll need to take that down you suppose.
You want to scream, but instead only tears fall. Can he see he's the one that's meant for you? Busy or not, forgetful, tired, moody, cranky. You love him through it all. Can he see that?
You try to call him, blinking away the tears as you fish your phone from your pocket.  Pressing on the screen harshly and putting it on speaker, but they all go to voicemail. You suppose that's that.
His first visit in months. And he's never coming back. 
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brunetttebaby · 8 months ago
arthur morgan w tb. (ANGST)
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he refused to tell you. but his condition was worsening by the day, and it was becoming increasingly apparent that he wasn’t doing well.
so, he became… attempting to distance himself. it would be easier this way, he told himself. but god, did it hurt. to see your smile fall when he refused to talk to you.
like a nervous man, he’d scurry away and pretend like he couldn’t hear you. his cough would disrupt his sleep, and make it difficult to manage daily tasks.
you comforted him. there was arguing, and you just couldn’t pull it out of him.
“arthur, please, just talk to me!” you pleaded through bleary eyes.
“darlin- no. i can’t, okay?” he said gruffly, moving your hand aside.
if he could’ve died without you knowing, he would’ve. eventually, it was clear that whatever this mystery disease was, was eating at him.
his movements became sluggish, weak. micah mocked him for it, and he’d just grumble.
“black lung, you doing alright?” he asked in his sickly voice, blatant sarcasm dropping in his voice. “cause, you don’t look so good.”
the self loathing was the worst part. somehow, in all of this, he expected more from himself. he had never been weak.
he had to be strong. had to be the tough one. had to be the cold-blooded killer he was made out to be.
but it wasn’t possible, not anymore. and he hated himself for it. his inability to deliver in his last few weeks.
the gang was crumpling around him, and it suddenly felt like his fault. he wouldn’t be alive to see young jack grow up, or to see john and abigail wed.
wouldn’t be there for you. you mattered more than you knew. which is why he couldn’t stand the way your eyes looked at him.
full of pity. everyone looked at him like he was a beast, tamed by this awful disease.
all he could taste is blood.
he longed for the taste of you. your soft lips against his own, calming his every worry.
but it was all too late for that now.
he’d spend most evenings alone now, reminiscing. one evening, you approached him.
he sat in front of the fire, glancing up at you. as silly as it seemed, he didn’t want to risk it around you. to be anywhere near you.
but you sat beside him.
he used his fist to cover his mouth as he coughed, the crimson blood coating his fist. he wiped it against his pants, his breath ragged.
“h-hello, miss.” he greeted, his voice rough. “oh, arthur. what’s happened to you?” you asked softly, heart aching at the sight.
arthur sat there, unsure of what to say.
he really didn’t know.
he died on that mountain. not knowing of his purpose, or how much you loved him. not knowing the impact he left on every person he’d met, good or bad.
you cried. for weeks, months, years. you’d never hear him sing by the fire, never see those ocean eyes crinkle as he laughed.
never know what could’ve been if you spoke up about your true feelings.
a/n: …….. i never write angst, like ever. so if this is really bad im sorry 😭🙏
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lovelettersforthedamned · 1 year ago
300 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤞+ "im just a girl" with peterrrr -🎀
--word count: 0.2k
--warnings: nothing, but fluff. one cheek kiss, but that's all:)
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“I’m just a girl.” You’re lying on his chest while a random movie plays as background noise. 
Peter cocks his head back in confusion, slightly chuckling before he responds, “Uhh, what?” 
“I’m literally just a girl,” your expression is dead serious too, making Peter even more confused than he already was. 
“So,” his eyes darted back and forth, “you bite my arm, I yell out in shock, and then you respond with, ‘I’m just a girl’?”
Thinking about it for a second, just to make sure he got it all right, you respond, “Yep! Pretty much, baby!” You snuggle further into his chest as he decides to let it go, the movie distracting him from the rest of the conversation. 
Fifteen minutes pass before Peter speaks up again, “Wait, isn’t that kind of misogynistic and not cool?” 
You giggle, he’s obviously thinking too hard into the entire phrase, but mentally applaud him for looking out for you and all the women in his life. “If that’s what you’re really worrying about, it’s not I swear. If it was, I wouldn’t be saying it,” you look up at him, placing a kiss on his cheek, “but thanks for being a good guy and thinking about it in more ways than one.”
--author's note: something silly because i say this all the time LOL. another sickly sweet ask from 🎀 anon!! liking, commenting, and reblogging really helps me as a writer btw!! don't forget, i have my 300 follower celebration going on, and if you would like...send something in!!! ok, ily bye<333.
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r0t-t1ngxeyy · 8 months ago
Because he's silly asf
Get it up - Mindless Self Indulgence (A song he'd listen to im not gonna lie)
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I think we can all agree he might be on the spectrum autism right??? Right????
He literally info dumps Mc and that's like the first interaction where he isn't stuttering or degrading himself!! He's into TSL, Ruri chan, and that idol group too ig👽
100% chubby. That or if he does work out, probably a sleeper build. But I'm sticking to him being a lil chubby!!
Unlike Beel, he doesn't really work out so the stuff he eats which mostly is junk food (Cup noodles and what not) give into his chub:33 I think he might run around anime cons or work out a bit to impress his stream though lol!!
He definitely streams 100%!! There's probably a whole group of deviltubers he's in as well.
He probably mostly streams fps games, horror games (he's a pussy though), and sometimes shitty dating sims just for a good laugh. This might actually be canon but I don't remember
Pale. Not heavenly pale, sickly pale.
Unlike Asmodeus or even Satan, he looks like a horror game protagonist kinda pale LOLL!!
You'd catch him in his demon form all the time
He just fucks heavy with it. It's comforting actually!! It gives him a sense of strength. A reminder that he's the Avatar of Envy, not just some otaku. So..it's more of an ego-boost lol
Chronically online. Heavily chronically online!!
Ever since the fall, he's been cooped up all his life in Devildom. Soon discovering that an online presence might not be too bad, he dives wayy too deep into the depths for his own good. The internet was his coping mechanism, and still is. Even if he does go outside (every once in a while) he's always on his phone.
So he unironically uses internet slang irl. Ranging from simple 'Omg', 'Lol' to full blown 'backspace', 'F', 'Why are you talking to me in caps'. He swears it's just a joke but his streams prove otherwise.
"That's so cancel worthy"
"Mogged that shit up right there"
Probably an incel (As a joke) (He wouldn't actually)
He watches female streamers, not just any BUT specifically Female Vtubers. It's just so funny to think of holy moly!!! Most of the time he makes fan accounts online as a joke but it can get out of hand
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syrupfog · 10 months ago
Law being the most anemic fucking vampire. 
Like he doesn’t pick up on hunger cues, especially when studying in med school and during his fellowship time. Will go days without feeding because he doesn’t notice he needs to until one day he stands up and just falls the fuck over
Like he becomes well known in his apartment complex because of the number of times he’s passed out on the stairs. 
He doesn’t change his ways though until he comes to on the landing with his neighbour looming over him.
“Zoro says you’re a vampire” the neighbour says. 
Law doesn’t know his neighbours he has no clue who Zoro is. “I’m a vampire,” he says, groaning as he sits up. 
Neighbour nods, walks over and fucking HEADBUTTS the wall. Some cement crumbles.
Law gapes at him. 
The neighbour walks back, looking mostly fine (definitely has a concussion) with a trickle of a bloody nose. 
“Here you go!” He says brightly. 
Law gives him a horrified face. He scrambles back when he thinks the neighbour is going to headbutt him too.
But the man just walks up to him and swipes the blood off his face and onto Law’s face, like you’re supposed to do to get kittens to eat. 
He’s grinning. Very wide. 
“Please don’t ever do that again,” Law says. He wipes the blood off his face.
The man frowns “I worked hard for that!” He says. 
“I’m not rewarding bad behaviour,” Law says petulantly. 
“You passed out on the stairs!” 
“That’s beside the point.” 
Law has blood bags at home. He doesn’t need a weird stranger’s blood. He probably has mad cow.
The man crosses his arms. “Well I think that’s rude,” he says. 
Law sighs. He’s still lightheaded. “How about next time you want to donate blood, you ask me first? I can take some WITHOUT giving you a concussion.” 
The man brightens. “Okay!!” He says, excited now.
“Im Luffy! It’s nice to meet you, vampire!” 
“Trafalgar,” saw Law. 
“Traffy,” says Luffy. 
Law narrows his eyes. He senses arguing is futile.
Law never actually means to take Luffy up on his offer. He HAS blood, he just forgets to take it. Every time Luffy offers, he tells him he’s got blood at home, maybe next time. 
That all changes when a summer storm rolls in and they lose power.
They’re out of power for almost four days, a sickly still and wet heat settling in the city. And when Law wakes up after passing out in his kitchenette, he realises he’s actually in need. 
He doesn’t even know where in the complex Luffy lives, but it turns out not to be an issue.
He’s just made it down the stairs when the fire door in front of him opens and— 
 “Luffy,” Law groans despite himself. 
“Do you need—“ 
“Yes.” Law grabs his wrist. “Come with me.” 
Luffy obediently follows him back up the stairs to his apartment.
Law drags him in and sets him at the table. “You’re going to want to refill on protein and sugar after this,” he says. 
“Okay!” Luffy says, expression bright. 
Law sighs. He wipes down Luffy’s forearm with an alcohol pad before grabbing his wrist and sinking his teeth in.
Usually humans taste gross. Blood at the best of times is a neutral flavour, but skin and arm hair and sweat are disgusting. 
But Luffy?
 Luffy… tastes like honeyed ham. 
Law pulls back, a wet noise as he pulls his fangs out. “Why do you taste like that?” He asks, alarmed.
“Like what?” Luffy asks. 
“Like… glazed ham?” 
Luffy laughs. “Silly,” he says. “Because I was eating glazed ham, of course!” 
Law bit close to Luffy’s elbow. He also sanitised the area. How on EARTH did the taste permeate his skin so well?
With trepidation, Law goes back to feeding. It’s with horror he realises he… likes the glazed ham taste with the blood. It’s like drinking flavoured coffee; useless accoutrement but pleasing nonetheless. 
When he’s drunk enough he’s confident he won’t be falling down stairs,
Law cleans Luffy’s arm and attaches two small round plasters to the holes. 
“Fun!” Luffy says, looking at them. “Fang sized!” 
“Thanks,” Law says. “You can go now.” 
Luffy blinks at him. “Let’s hang out,” he says. 
Law blinks back at him. “I have to—“ he gestures at his apartment.
Considering they are IN his apartment, he’s just sort of gesturing at everything. 
“That’s cool,” Luffy says. “I’ll just stay here.” 
Law… nods. “Okay,” he says. The power’s still out, it’s not like he was going to actually do anything anyway.
What Law doesn’t know is that once Luffy’s gotten into Law’s apartment once, he’s gonna always assume he’s welcome. 
Even when Law tries to kick him out. S
ometimes (often) Luffy is just. Here now. 
And unfortunately, like the glazed ham taste, Law realises he sort of likes it.
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