#im so ill about these two im going to walk into the ocean Goodbye.
paradigmrust · 3 months
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sea gates
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vanilla-teddybear · 8 months
Remember Me
Hanahaki disease
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Synopsis: You have been in love with Midorya for months but when he confessed his feelings for someone else you became ill
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Remember me though I have to say goodbye Remember me, don't let it make you cry For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart Remember…..
The first flower spilled suddenly from your lips, like a warm waterfall. When you were pretending to be Oblivious and asked Deku who he liked he said “Uraraka”
That broke you to the core and before you knew it you were throwing up daffodils. It Symbolized unrequited love.
Your heart started to hurt and tears ran down your face as you continued to throw up petals. You pathetically chuckled wiping the tears away and flushing your toilet. You laid in your bed with a trash bin near your bed, you been throwing up petals all night now having any average sleep.
For the past first two weeks you’ve been hiding it, playing it off as tiredness.
Until Midoriya and Uraraka actually started dating making you even worse than before. You started throwing up more than petals this time it was full blown flowers. You were scared, you weren't even sure that you can hide this from Mr. Aizawa anymore.
He was suspicious of you already.
You looked up everything about the diseased and you didn't want to take the surgery and forget about your first love. So you were gonna die watch Izuku fall for someone else that isn't you.
As you were throwing up red flowers, Bakugou kneeled beside you in worried surprisingly as he held your hair up.
"What the fuck ___" he mumbled he knew what this was, but he was in denial seeing one of his friends since middle school dying in front of him.
"Im dying I know and my dying wish is for you not to tell anyone, I want to die is peace and in the water" You said bluntly making Baukgou gape at you.
"WHAT? YOUR JUST GONNA ACCEPT THIS ___?" He yelled at you qustioning if your bring rational or not.
You looked dead already with eye bags covered in flowers from your throat. "I-Im so tired Katsuki" You whispered as tears flowed down your face. His face held pity and guilt heistant before nodding. He held you close.
"T-Tell me the guy your dying for at least ___" He mumbled looking you with his red eyes as you sigh in agreement. "Izuku" you said making his eyes widen before nodding.
You both sit in the bathroom in silence on the floor until he inturpts the silence again. "what will your last moments be?"
"In the ocean watching the sunset before fading away" You mumbled sadly.
"Ill come with you to take your body to the officials" Bakugou said sternly making you nod as you both stay in the bathroom longer for peace from each other.
The Next day...
Bakugou kept an eye on you to make sure you weren't worse then before and even if he cant see it he can tell you were gonna fade soon.
"___!!!" Midoriya called out to you grabbing your hand as you tense. "We havent hang out in a while its like I barley see you anymore, How about we go get ice cream later or go to our hangout spot-" He rambles but stop when you snatch your hand from his like he was poison.
He gave you a questioning look trying to take your hand back "Puppy whats wrong?" he asked stepping towards before bakugou steps in between the two of you.
"Move away Nerd" Bakugou mumbles pushing Izuku backwards.
"Stay out of this Kacchan, I just wanna talk to them they been looking sick lately" Deku argued
"I prefer if we didn't hang out Midoriya" You saying his last name hit right through home as you rushed away from the both of them feeling the urge the throw up. Bakugou walked away from Deku ignoring the the green hair questions.
Using an Illusion on your teacher wasn't ideal nor was your plan but if it means leaving in peace then you took the chance.
A few more days pass and you knew it was time.
Bakugou took you to the beach, thrones were piercing your throat as you were in pain but this is your dying wish. "Thank you Katsuki" You mumbled as he stayed silent. You entered the water looking at the sunset, You threw up more flowers and then thrones as you eyes slowly closed as you faded away. Bakugou watched as his childhood friend fades away. Before you could drown he carried your dead body back to campus.
As he entered the dormitory he saw Aizawa and All Might with Midoriya all looking worried. When Midoriya saw your dead drench body he instantly snatch your body not feeling a heartbeat. He let out broken sobs.
"Young Bakugou please explain" All might whispered scared to trigger his young intern.
"She had the Hanahaki disease and she was in love with you" Bakugou bluntly said making Deku sobs louder and more broken.
All Might looked at Aizawa knowing what he meant, "Lets head to bed Bakugou and then we'll ask you questions" Aizawa tiredly said leading his student to his dorm. He can tell by Bakugou red eyes and his tear stain face that he was grieving too.
Once they left Deku sobs could still be heard.
"Young Midoriya let it all out" All might said making Deku screamed making his eyes pure green and green lightning surrounded both your bodies. His screaming was a grieving and broken scream as he doesn’t let go your body.
Remember Me…..
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Commission - Harry Hook x reader -Forget me not
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commission from @musicarose​
For the Oneshot is the Reader the sister of Mal and the girlfriend of Harry Hook. Reader doesn't want to go to Auradon because of Harry. Mal enchants her sister so that she forgets Harry and comes to Auradon. Later Mal and the others don´t tell her the truth about Harry either. Harry and Reader meets again and he's pretty angry with her When Harry realizes that she can't remember him, he tries to release the curse.
“and you assume I want to go why?” you muttered, brushing your lilac hair back, scowling at your sister and mother.
“(y/n), dear, my little devil” your mother ‘cooed’, reaching out and tracing her finger down your cheek “this is a huge opportunity! Why, in only a day's time, you could be ruling the world alongside me and your sister~!” you rolled your eyes, standing from your seat and pushing past your mother.
“yeah not my thing, ill just stay here while malsy goes to do your dirty work~” you cheered in a falsetto, stepping behind your sister and patting her shoulders.
Your mother's face settled into a scowl “this is because of that pirate boy, isn’t it? Now (y/n) you have no room for love in your life” her eyes glowed green, trying to intimidate you.
But, unlike mal, you weren’t afraid of your mother. You sighed, turning and walking out of the castle.
“(y/n)~” your mother cooed, you paused, you didn’t like the tone in her voice “if you don’t go~ I’ll have the goons take care of harry~”
Your heart froze, images of harry being drowned, hurt, killed by your mother's goons set a fire off in your eyes.
You snarled, turning back around and letting your magic flow, your eyes glowing (e/c) “don’t you fucking dare”
Your mother smirked, and you were reminded of who your mother was, the mistress of all evil, the woman-no FAE who was willing to kill your love just to get you to cooperate.
“then you will go to auradon, nick that wand and free me, is that understood?” she cooed in a ‘sweet’ voice, one that made you want to punch her.
“ugg” you groaned “yes, fine”
“I win~” she cheered, walking back inside the castle, you shook your head, racing off towards the docks.
Mal glared at your disappearing form “now Mal~” she turned, seeing her mother holding her spellbook “I have another task for you” maleficent opened the book, showing Mal a certain page.
The Enchantment of Forgetfulness
“Harry im sorry” you pleaded, gripping onto his jacket sleeve “shes forcing me, she said she would kill you if I didn’t go, im doing this for us!” Harry huffed, falling back into a chair, rubbing his face.
“I understand lass” he muttered, peaking up at you “I just don’ wan’ ye the go” you sniffed, kneeling down in front of him.
“I don’t want to either, id rather stay here with you, or for you to come with me, but the invitation said only me, my sister, Evie, Jay, and Carlos.” Harry sighed, leaning forward to kiss your forehead.
“then promise ta come back fer me love” you smiled, leaning up to capture Harry's lips.
You pulled away, grabbing Harry's hands and gripping onto them tightly “I promise”
You gave a sad smile to Harry as you opened the door to the limo, mouthing ‘ill be back’ he gave a sad nod, waving you goodbye, Uma by his side, smirking at you and giving you a salute.
You slid into the limo, leaning back against the plush seats. Minutes later, your sister and her friends started screaming, Jay pulling you close and ducking you into Carlos’ side.
“hey!” Mal snapped, tapping the remote on the seat, grabbing the driver's attention “did-did this little button open the barrier?”
“no” he droned “that opens my garage, this-” he held up a golden remote, a single button in the middle- “opens the magic barrier and this~.” He pressed a button above him, closing the black sliding barrier, blocking him from our site.
“huh,” Mal smirked, tapping her remote on her palm “nasty I like that guy~” you rolled your eyes, turning your head slightly, looking at the slowly disappearing docks.
“Hey (y/n), mom said to do one more thing” you hummed, not taking your eyes off hooks ship.
Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, truths, images
You froze, you knew those words, after being bored and flipping through your mother's book “Mal wha-“ you couldn’t move, jay looking sad and guilty, Carlos leaning forward and hugging your waist, Evie was pale, reaching out to Mal, seemingly try to stop her.
All of these you hold onto tightly
What I now mention, you will release.
Harry Hook
The world went black, as Harry's face disappeared from your memories, his voice, his laughter, his smile.
Your promise.
You ducked behind a pillar with jane, watching Audrey with your mother’s scepter spread a pink smoke around. A sleeping spell, you looked to jane, nodding at the lake, she smiled, sneaking into the water and wading out to a deeper part of the lake.
You cast a shield around you, kneeling behind the pillar, keeping out of Audrey and Chad's sight. As the smoke passed over you watched as Audrey disappeared, the green/pink glow of the scepter taunting you.
You were going to kill mal for the bullshit she put you in.
You sighed in relief as Jane popped up, you speed-walked over to help her out of the lake, squinting as when the water touched your skin it felt…weird…like it was trying to wash off an enchantment.
But that was impossible, as you had no enchantments placed on you? You shook it off, casting a quick dry spell on jane, jogging up to catch her as she walked away from the lake, talking to ben on her phone.
“no ben stay were you are! Audrey has the scepter and put everyone to sleep! Im going to find mom!” she hung up, nodding to you and leading you into the forest.
Sooner or later, you ran into jay and Carlos, two other boys, and…a huge hairy…beast?
You sighed, cracking your neck and letting magic build up in your palms, sending a lilac energy blast at the beast, it screeched turning to you.
You knew those eyes “ben” you muttered, dodging as he leaped toward you, creating a shield and surrounding him, yelling to jane-
“dose him!”
She nodded, spraying him with a water gun she had filled his enchanted lake water, ben shrunk, the fur disappearing…mostly.
You smirked, lowering the shield, snorting and Jay walked up and helped Ben over to a log.
“(y/n)?” a new voice muttered, it was thick Scottish, a male obviously, and it seemed like he knew you? You turned, seeing a….really handsome dude holy shit?
You tilted your head, looking at him up and down “do I know you?”
He had a look of betrayal “yeh….wha’ it's me! Harry, don’t act like yeh don’t know meh!” what started as a broken voice delved into anger, his face flushing red and hurt in his eyes.
“We spent years together, and then you go to the classy princely stuck upland of bore-adon, and yeh decide to just forget all about me! Yeh PROMISED!” He screamed, tears lining his eyes.
The blond boy, Gil gastons son, pulled the dark-haired boy back, looking down at the ground in sadness “i-im sorry” you stuttered, holding up your hands, backing away slightly “I don’t know who you are, really!”
“she really doesn’t dude” Carlos spoke up, a sad look on his face, Harry glared at him, confused.
“what do yeh mean pup” he growled, trying to wrestle out of Gil’s grip.
“as soon as we exited the barrier, Mal used a memory spell on her….to make her forget you, Maleficent ordered her to”
Harry dropped to his knees, a tear trailing down his face “wha-“ his voice cracked, looking over to you, who was rubbing your hand where the enchanted lake water had hit you earlier.
“Mal” Harrys voice set in a  growl “Mal did this, Mal-Im going teh kill ‘er” you blinked, you had never met him, or so you thought, but he seemed to have a deep…care? For you.
“well,” Jay spoke up “that will have to be after all this mess Mal, Uma, and Evie are waiting for us at the castle, we need to get there fast”
Ben nodded, looking between you and harry, he could see in Harry's eyes, that he cared deeply about you, maybe even loved.
You glanced at harry as you passed by him, you could feel a soft stinging in your heart…something inside was telling you to just jump into his arms and kiss him senseless.
But what would be weird, so you didn’t?
You sighed, Audrey was defeated, and your sister had finally admitted to the memory enchantment she had placed upon you when you originally left the isle.
Harry sat on the other side of the hallway you were in, playing with the silver hook he always held.
“so” you started, harry sitting up straight and eagerly looking to you “mal placed a memory spell on me, in which she removed all my memories og you, which apparently we were together and I promised to return to the isle for you…im sorry” you finished, Harry shook his head.
“no no no lassie” he stood, crossing the floor and kneeling in front of you “its not yer fault, mal idd this ta you, you ‘ave nothing to be sorry fer” you smiled, reaching out and cupping his cheek
“you're so sweet…how did I ever let mal make me forget you” you mumbled, giggling as Harry kissed your palm.
“lass?” Harry asked, looking up at you through his lashes, his ocean blue eyes sparkling.
You tilted your head, nodding “yeah?”
“can” harry stuttered, swallowing harshly “can I kiss yeh? I wanna try somethin’” you bit your lip, millions of possibilities going through your mind.
“yes” you whispered, gasping as Harry leaned upward and passionately pressed his lips to yours.
A pressure released a flurry of pictures, voices, feelings, came rushing back.
Harry…your Harry! You let out a loose sob, Harry pulling back, looking alarmed “shit lass” he panicked, scrambling back, but before he could get too far you leaped at him, tackling him to the floor.
“(Y/n)?” he asked confused, wrapping his arms around you.
“Harry” you sobbed “my hooky!” Harry let out a loud burst of laughter
“yeh remember!” he sat up, sliding you into his lap and buried his face into your neck “yeh remember!!”
“I love you harry!” you pressed multiple kisses to his cheek, giggling as he kissed your neck.
“and I love you (y/n), so much”
---the end~--
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Tender heart
Ok to rb
Cw:violence, underwater scene and food ment.
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Jerico yawned stretching on the bed,her foot hits someones legs and she quickly snaps around.
Luckily wamai hasnt woken up yet.
She sighed figuring she must of have Fallen asleep while talking to him.
She couldnt quite place it,bit when talking to the kenyan Man there was something about his voice that was just so comforting, and it felt like home.
She stood up out of bed, a familiar sensation of claws appeared on her shoulder signaling that sunshine was awake.
Jeri opens the blinds, the perks of working here is that she gets a beautiful view of the sea.
Hearing the bed rustling she smiles as the Man Turned to face her still asleep.
"Cute"she thinks to herself as she walks to her closet,trying to make the smallest ammount of noise possible as to not wake up the Man.
She takes her trusty turtle neck sweater and some other clothes and pair of combat boots to then sneak out the door and walk to the showers.
She took maybe an hour in the shower,figuring by now that ngugi would be awake and gone.
Nope,hes still asleep.
Jer found it both amusing and cute, she sat besides him softly stroking his curly hair.
--hey ngugi, wake up--she said softly,the Man grunts and opens his eyes.
Her hand retreats from his hair and she smiles.
--morning--his voice is deep and raspy, he sits up stretching and making his neck pop--what hour is it?
--Its like...six am , why?
The Man quickly jumps out of bed--Ive got to go quickly! Kali is going to kick my ass if I dont get there right now
Jerico stood up giggling at the sudden informalness of wamai, putting a hand on his shoulder--First you need a shower and some food,hurry your ass up and meet me at the cafeteria--the Man stutters an excuse- ah-ah no ifs and or buts, shower and food first
She pats his chest playfully and walks outside with her eagle flying behind her.
The kenyan Man looks away and chuckles to himself, she surely was interesting.
While jerico waited for ngugi she sat there on the cafeteria with a couple of books and some paperwork.
--¿en que estamos trabajando?--(what are we working on?) She smiled at the familiar accent.
--Nada boludeces del trabajo(nothing just some silly work things).
Flores chuckles,resting his head on his hand-- tenes una pinta de cansada (you look tired)
Jeri nodded stretching-- odio tener que levantarme temprano boludo--(I hate having to wake up early dude)
He nodds in agreement, And they talk for a bit, shed laugh at his jokes and he would at hers, with the ocasional flirting in between.
Wamai however did not find this amusing as the second he entered the cafeteria he heard jeris laughs,his blood seemed to boil as he noticed who was with her.
--Im sorry but this spot Is taken--he said slamming a hand on the table.
--Hey Man--santiago said--we just talkin' a Man cant talk with his friend?
Another stern look forced the Argentine Man to leave,not before winking at jerico and patting her arm--bueno me rajan, me voy preciosa--(aight,theyre throwing me out, goodbye beautiful) he said walking away.
She giggles turning to wamai--Jeez jealous much ngugi?
Wamai sighs--My apologies I.. I dont know what took over me
Jeri shakes her head with a soft smile-- its okay, it was rather cute, but go get your food come on
After eating breakfast both went to their responsabilities.
--Bueenas!--(hello!)she said walking to Zero who was happy to see her.
--Hey, youre here what took ya so long?
She shrugged pulling her fluffy jacket closer,it was a rather windy day.
--Come here--he opened his jacket and she hid under it.
--Dont mention it
At one point jerico herself had to train, under her sweater was a sports top.
Now maybe it was the fact that she didnt sleep that well, maybe the fact that she had her mind in the clouds,but she was getting her ass handed to her in hand to hand combat.
This came with the sassy remarks of kali as jeri called it a day and was putting her sweater and blazer back on.
--If thats how her father trained her, I cant imagine how himself must be, a miracle he didnt die on the Battlefield
Jers hearing was somewhat supernatural, because for starters she wasnt one-hundred percent human.
She grunted trying to Keep her composture picking up her bag with sunshine perched on her shoulder.
Another sassy remark came as she Walked past jaimini--all those medals her father has? They are worthless,how did he let his daughter go into the military?, she inst built for this.
She Turned around walking to kali--the fuck you said to me?
Wamai who was running on the threadmill approached both women.
The other operators, specially smoke and mute took a look at what was happening.
--Im just saying that you and your father arent military material--jamini said-- you got your ass handed to you,If this is how the von-terras fight then its a miracle you made it this F--
She didnt finish because jerico punched her right on the nose, smoke and mute jump in keeping her from kicking kalis ass.
Wamai holds back his boss who looks at jerico in surprise.
--talking shit about me? I dont mind, but dont you ever, EVER talk about my father like that,Next time I wont be too kind,sushine nos vamos (we're leaving)
The eagle flied behind her owner, she should probably get her bloody knuckles checked,but that didnt matter at the moment.
Harry would totally hear about that fight one way or another, but that wasnt important right now.
She sat there in her Office looking at the painting of her dad and her when she was young.
How old was she?,she cant recall the exact number but she does remember that painting.
She smiled as the sunrays hit the painting.
--i hope im not interrupting anything-- Zero said.
--Not at all Sam, what happened?
The Man sat infront of her--Harry got Word of what happened during training, hes letting this one pass because you were justified, he'll talk with kali and he recomended you take the Next two days off
--And you came all this way for that?
Fisher stood up and Walked over to her giving her a quick hug.
She hugged back--Thanks..I really needed it
--And another thing, youre Burning up
Jer nodds lifting her hands from her desk in order to not literally set it ablaze.
The only three people that knew about jericos "identity" were Harry,Sam and ash.
She did as she was told and at night she went for a swim in the beach.
The water sizzled as she entered all the rage dissipated in the water as she quietly sings to herself.
She felt a pair of arms hugging her from behind--may I join you?
She chuckled and softly elbowed wamai on the stomach --Yeah you May
Both talk quietly,trying to avoid the topic of todays fight, even then they were still Friends.
--Hey wanna see something cool?--She asked
--follow me!-- she dived under the water and he did the same, they were far off the shore, walking on the sand.
Wamai was puzzled at the fact that she wasnt holding her breath but rather...breathing underwater.
Its the same thing that always catched his attention, she seemed to be super human almost
Hes about to say something but then a soft glow catched his attention what ngugi saw he couldnt Belive.
Massive fishes of every color,they glowed Giant octopi casually swiming above them.
And a song, he couldnt hear the words,but It came from the sea, he felt the beat in his whole body, as if the Ocean was speaking to him
Jerico let him walk around the fish for a bit, finding the cuteness of his Curiosity endearing.
But eventually they had to leave.
They Swim back to the shore.
--Wasnt that cool?
--How did you knew about that? How come i never saw any of that while diving?
Jer giggled putting a hand on his shoulder--Sometimes things dont want to be seen
She offered her hand and he took it walking close to her with her head on his shoulder..
They arrived to the dormitories--And...wamai one thing..
--Nor kali, or anyone can know about what you saw, got it?
He nodded, and softly stopped jerico from leaving, taking her hand--Thanks for showing me that...its nothing like I ever seen..
He took some steps forward, and so did she.
He leaned in and she did the same.
Jerico cups his cheeks and kisses him, he kissed back tilting his head, leaning a bit.
They press their foreheads togheter.
--Ill see you later then?
He nodds kissing her again--sweet dreams jerico
--Sweet dreams ngugi
When she got to her room she collapsed on the bed sighing like a fool in love.
Sunshine curled besides her,looking at her owner with a smug smile.
Jer rolled her eyes softly passing out minutes after.
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dear-space-cadet · 5 years
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al horford sleeper agent
anyway by now ive told basically everyone i care about but i had a life changing experience over the weekend. n it sounds dumb as shit but i met a real life dude who was basically a clone of nick from franz. weird hours. guess this is a thread
before we start i want to say i havent thought about franz in weeks. theyve gone away on their own finally but really i think my old obsessions just get replaced every few years and maybe it was my hard work in therapy or my new obsession with rap or
maybe it was just a realization or me growing up and maturing or something but i dont even want to work on my favorite fanfics anymore or anything. it’s just odd. i think im changing
and i don’t think about how my former favorite band members are doing or worry about them or check their socials n it feels really good. but i know there probably is or probably will be a replacement
ok that was a tangent. if they were replaced by anything they were replaced by new friends and the NBA. so there’s the exposition of this story sorted
anyway back to the weekend. the sleeper agent invited me to lunch. and that was the catalyst. god people are being so loud in here let me go to the art library
anyway i just kind of realized "huh i guess there's more out there." i went to lunch n shit. WE went to lunch n shit. stopped caring so much about my math homework. let myself be dumb and in love
that’s a very human thing. lunch. he spilled his stupid chipotle burrito all over his stupid bright green celtics jacket
he’s from italy. never even stepped foot in a chipotle. immediately clowned himself. some world we live in
we hung out all weekend. we went to lunch like two more times and we went to dinner. there was this big threat of leaving looming over my head the whole time. i made him walk like a mile on crutches and i feel very bad about it
i don’t know what’s wrong with him. it’s somewhere between a basketball injury and a chronic disability. either way that just made me feel even more emotionally attached to him. i never saw him without the celtics jacket
it was so cold that weekend. or maybe i just didn’t bring the right jacket. if he were a gentleman he would have offered me the celtics jacket. i didnt even hug him goodbye
and then of course he went back home. theres a million girls all over his instagram comments all the time. theres nothing special about me. he doesn't want to talk. i wrote my ap psych notes in green yesterday bc i was so in love with that stupid celtics jacket
im a sixers fan. the sixers and the celtics have been rivals forever. it was about to be war, except i want to move to boston. but really i want to move to dc. i wish the whole world was philly. things would be less complicated
im in love with a celtics jacket. a celtics jacket. of all teams. and i cant even talk to my basketball friends about it because they think im dumb shit for falling for some celtics fan with a million girls all over his instagram comments all the time
im not like those girls. i don’t think im like those girls. but i definitely exactly am
i have an economics test in fifteen minutes. i think one day ill drown in the atlantic ocean.
the test wasnt that bad. i thought about writing this the entire time. i would just zone out and stare and think about the phrase ‘al horford sleeper agent’
because he has to be. why else would someone put a diehard sixers fan right in front of a diehard celtics fan who looks exactly like the guitarist of their middle school favorite band
in reality i should be calling him a celtics sleeper agent because the whole point is that al horford is a sleeper agent for the celtics. but i hate al horford so i guess it’s more funny to include him in the title
i mean how can one player change so drastically like that? al horford was benched for the first time since his rookie season, like, two weeks ago after being traded to the sixers. how does that happen? why *wouldn’t* he be playing badly so his old friends win the title?
al horford’s gotta be retiring in like, three years, tops. he’s working for the celtics, i know it. and my sleeper agent is trying to convert me to a celtics fan
i understand why people make jokes, though. it’s a very human thing to want to go home. al horford just wants to go home. he lived in boston for however many years let me look it up
god whatever it was only three years i thought it was like eleven that just ruined my point
back to the matter at hand though that’s all we’re trying to do. we all just want to feel at home. we’re all just these little things trying to connect somehow. sometimes we are more desperate than others
i think im pretty desperate right now. sometimes i sit in my bedroom and im like damn when do i get to go home? but im home
i didn’t even want to leave dc. it was all star break and there wasn’t even basketball on. so there i was, in basketball purgatory, wizards territory for some god forsaken reason, losing sleep over a celtics fan and not wanting to go home
and when i say i was losing sleep you better believe me. i was so excited to wake up in the morning that i didn’t want to fall asleep. i wanted to be awake forever, endless, running through the city
i’ll get there soon enough. it’ll be with different people. college, yknow. all that. but sometimes i feel like certain things can’t be replaced.
and im acting like a different person lately. im using my phone at red lights just so i can check for a message from the sleeper agent. it’s always one word responses
yes. ok. maybe. some shit like that. a haha every once in a while. he’s not interested and i should stop trying
and then, INEVITABLY, i send something stupid back, a photo of my hand on the wheel or something, and i get left on read
and i know im stupid for it. everyone i know is screaming at me “disco, you’re dumb shit” but i just want to believe for a minute that im loved, im special
I want to feel like someone out there cares about me that isn’t obligated to, yknow? my mom can say she loves me all she wants but it doesn’t feel as good as some italian celtics fan saying it
some hot italian celtics fan mind you
even if he wasn’t hot or italian it would be nice. and actually it would be better if he liked like, ANY other basketball team
except maybe the knicks
but whatever. main point: i know im dumb shit and should stop trying. but it feels good to feel like if i keep trying maybe i’ll be wanted
sleeper agent is just one of those people tho. he’s magnetic and everyone always wants to be around him. dumb as hell in the most charming way ever. my friends are still all making fun of me
i started crying in a pizza place the other night because even the CONCEPT of italy sent me over the edge. i need to stop before i
wait what’s the word
i need to stop before i immortalize him? no, no
i need to stop before i deify him. soon enough he’s going to be a new canonical character in my head and i’ll start making up legends and stories to myself
we barely knew each other. if i deify him i’ll start telling people he offered me the celtics jacket when it was cold out. he’ll become a perfect gentleman. and he wasnt. he was just some stupid hot italian boy in a bright green jacket
im not going to deify him. it won’t happen. but i love the color green. i always say i love yellow more but i think that’s passed. i wear a green ring on my right ring finger every day. im not going to deify him and i still hate the celtics
overall, the celtics are winning the rivalry. i don’t think the sixers have ever truly been “great,” at least outside of philly. maybe allen iverson. wilt chamberlain. dr j? theyve never had like, a dynasty. idk. i don’t think you’d be able to get a sixers jacket in italy.
it’s his birthday today. i should probably text him. i should probably stop thinking about him. that’s just dumb shit, disco youre better than this what happened to a little self confidence every now and again
sure lets say external validation isnt necessary but also i think that’s something the mindfulness crowd made up to sell more planners and tote bags in 2011. it feels good to be wanted
never waste all your time on it sure. know youre still worth it even when you have no friends and there are a million girls all over his instagram comments. but it does feel good to hear “goodness disco i like how much you like the philadelphia 76ers”
my friends are all making fun of me for being on some romeo and juliet shit because he’s literally from verona and he’s a celtics fan and im a sixers fan god damn it disco why does this always happen
i never even read romeo and juliet but i saw the dreamworks adaptation so i guess ive got the story relatively right i know they die in the end. the gnomes shatter into little pieces i think
anyway tangents aside the sixers won tonight. philly is lit up green. why the hell is philly lit up green? the eagles were done like three months ago and the flyers are orange. why is philly lit up green
oh god, he just snapped me. a zoomed in photo of himself with caption that says “76ers” with like five exclamation points
here we go again, everybody
wish me luck
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
Oh my sammy
Imagine you and sam have been dating for two years and he finally asks you to marry him....
Thinking about making a part 2 to this let me know if youd like a part 2
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I was excited about tonight, tonight sam is taking me out on a date. Between hunting and curing dean of the mark of cain we havent had a lot of time for us lately. Sam promised me tonight is our night, no interuptions, no hunting, no research. Just us. I slipped on my red silk dress, it showed my curves and had a slit up the side to the top of my thigh.
I sat on the bed to put my high heels on when sam walked in. I looked up at him in his black button up shirt and black dress pants. I smiled widely as did he.
"Damn it baby, i want to take you out but seeing you in that dress." He shook his head as if he was trying to clear it. "Makes me want to forget dinner and go straight to dessert."
I chuckled as i buckled the strap on my high heels and walked over to him. I slid my hands up his chest and hummed in contentment. "Seeing you dressed up does things to me too. But i want a night out with you, so be on your best behavior winchester."
He nodded then leaned down to kiss me. Oh that kiss held so much promise. Our tongues battled against each other, sam pulled me against his hard body and i could feel his erection through his pants.
I pulled back, sam let out a growl in frustration. "Patience sammy." I whispered against his lips. He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips before turning towards the door.
"We're leaving in ten minutes." He said over his shoulder. I walked into our bathroom and sprayed some perfume and made sure my hair and makeup was good. I walked out the door and headed towards the library where i heard sam and dean talking.
"Calm down sam. Tonights going to be perfect." Dean said around a mouthful of food, probably pie.
Sam sighed, "i just dont want to mess things up tonight dean. Shes so important to me."
"It doesnt matter what you have planned tonight sammy. Shes going to love it."
I cleared my throat and walked into the library. "Im ready." I said smiling at sam as i made my way to his side. Dean whistled and gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes at him, sam pulled me towards the stairs and i waved goodbye to dean before we climbed them.
Sam took me to a italian resturant that i had been dying to go to, took me to the aquarium because i love everything to do with the ocean and now a moonlit walk at the lake. We walked hand in hand, i had got rid of my high heels the moment we left the aquarium.
"Today has been wonderful sam. Thank you so much." I said wrapping my arm around his waist, leaning into his side.
"No need to thank me baby. Its been long overdue." Sam said seemingly nervous now.
"Everything okay sam?" I asked. He looked down at me with his brows furrowed.
"Of course, everything is perfect." He smiled and kissed me. He pointed in the distance and i saw a gazeebo out in the water with a dock attached to it. There was lights stringing from the celing of it and i could hear soft music playing.
"Oh my god sam!" I gasped as he smiled brightly at me as he led me over to it. When we got to the gazeebo sam motioned for me to go under the lights first. I walked through running my hand over them, then sam pushed a button and they started twinkling. I smiled and giggled, he knows how much i love lightning bugs and these lights reminded me of hundreds of them making a curtain around us.
I felt sams arms snake around me from behind, i leaned back against his chest and sighed. He placed small kisses against my neck as we swayed to the music. I turned in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands settled on my hips, he moved them around to right above my butt. I tangled my hand in his hair and pulled him in for a soft but passionate kiss. A moaned escaped his lips as my tongue darted out to lick his lower lip.
I pulled back staring into his beautiful eyes, it was like there was no one else in the world. Nothing could intrude into our little bubble. As the song ended sam smiled down at me, "have you had a good time tonight?"
"Tonight has been so perfect." I smiled and leaned against his chest. Hearing his heart beating a fast rythym against my ear.
He led me over to a bench that was sitting at the side of the gazeebo and both of us sat down. He took my hands in his, "(Y/N), you know how much i love you, dont you?"
I nodded cautiously, "hopefully as much as i love you."
He smiled, "you are the best thing that has happened to me since jess. You are the love of my life and i know i make mistakes and we dont always agree but theres not a moment i regret in our relationship." He moved and got down on one knee.
I gasped, "oh my god."
He pulled out black box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful white gold ring with a medium sized diamond right in the center. "Will you make my life complete in this crazy world we live in. Will you marry me?"
I could not believe this. Sam winchester the love of my life asking me to marry him. I held my hand over my mouth glancing back and forth between him and the ring.
I seen a sweat started to bead on his forehead. I shook my head slightly, "im sorry, no sam."
His smile faded and his eyes fell to the ground. He started to stand up but i stopped him. "I was just kidding sammy, of course ill marry you!"
He looked up at me and nervously chuckled, "not funny."
I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss, "can i have my ring now?" I asked sheepishly. He took the ring and placed it on my finger. "I love you sam. Im sorry i worried you. Nothing would make me more happy than to be your wife. Well there is one thing."
He raised his eyebrow at me, "and what is that?"
"To be the mother of your babies." I whispered against his lips.
He pulled back suddenly and looked down at me, "are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
I giggled and shook my head, "just giving you a glimpse into the future."
He smiled, "i would love to see you pregnant with my baby. You ready to head back to the bunker?"
I nodded, "yeah, today has wore me out." I say stifling a yawn.
He pulled me flush against his body, "i sure hope not, cause i look forward to getting you out of that dress and having my dessert."
@an-unhealthy-obsession @vicmc624
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archivedatl · 18 years
AP web exclusive: All Time Low tour diary
Posted by Scott Heisel on 08-Dec-06 @ 04:43 PM
Last month, Baltimore pop-punkers All Time Low took to the road with Sugarcult for a series of shows on the West Coast. Here's some of what they saw, in words and pictures. Learn more at www.alltimelow.com.
#1------------------------------------------------------------ Ooohooo So last night we celebrated two awesome occasions...well 3 since matt's molars finally grew in...anyways yesterday was Haloween and our first night of our tour with Sugarcult. I must say, it is pretty strange touring with a band who I spent the better years of my middle school life watching on MTV. Regardless of where this band has been, it definetly didn't eff with their personalities. They were all super nice to us and each came up and introduced themselves. The show went pretty well but it wasn't a good judgement of our the whole tour is going to be because Sugarcult didn't even headline, the Eagles Of Death Metal did, and the tickets for $25 on Haloween night :) I'm sorry but I would never go to a show if those were the circumstances...I'd be out expanding my collection of holiday treats. Tonight the 'real' tour begins so we will see how it goes. We are playing Washington State University in Pullman Washington. We haven't done too many college shows, so this should be interesting...anyways before we got on the road a couple days ago we were couped up in Ben Harper's (formely of yellowcard, now in amber pacific) house/studio in long beach, CA working on our new CD :). We demoed some hot licks that were going to send over to our producer matt squire so that he can put in some input. I heard my blogs are going to be posted on the Alternative Press website for this tour, so if that's the case then...helll yeah! Well I just woke up from sleeping in the van so I am gonna walk out into the freezing streets of Pullman, WA crack my back and grab some Qudoba. Much Love, Jack --jbstar #2------------------------------------------------------------ Yoo dooodds, So I'm gonna update you guys on the passed couple shows...on Wednsday we played Washington State University. Those kids are freaking crazy! Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we made some awesome new friends. I cannot stress enough, how cool the Sugarcult guys are. Which is really cool because I have been listening to those guys since 6th grade! Anyways before we played, matt thought it would be a good idea to have a fork and knife fight backstage...yeah it turned pretty ugly and we should have some footage online soon enough. That night we partied at 'The Christmas House'. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure alex made out with a dog...I really miss Hit The Lights :( Anways...we played Seattle after the college show and it was offf the hoooook. Everyone in the room was dancing and it got pretty redic. As soon as we told them the alex/dog story they went nuts. We met up with the Pink Spiders that night. We were nervous about that because we've heard some stuff...but for real those guys are the shit. There all super nice and we have no complaints about them. We have yet to tour with a band who we don't get along with (fingers crossed). We also heard that we may be doing a few shows with Cobra Starship in Dec, if that happends that would be sick. I'll keep you guys updated. Someone made us a bucket of the craziest donuts ive ever seen at the portland show last night!! They were reallly good. Sorry for the lack of pics, I'll make sure my next post has more, its just hard to take good pics on a sidekick :). Talk to you guys soon!!Jacko #3------------------------------------------------------------ Yo Babaayyss, Last nights show was off the hook! I love playing at The Boardwalk in orangevale calii. The crowd was as wild as usual and a bunch of kids were singing along. A lot of the same kids who saw us there on the Amber Pacific tour came back. Its always cool to see so many familiar faces,,,cough cough hint hint nudge...you get the idea folks! The next couple shows should be interesting...reno and vegas. I wont be able to gamble but at least ill be able to look at a lot of lights. We all have family comming out, so that should be exciting. I havent seen my brother and sister in ages and i know their gonna be wasted so that means they will be even more friendly :) Also Meg n Dia join up in vegas which is sick, SO SIKED FOR THAT!!! We met them on warped and their super nice. anyways i think its time, i go to In and Out because after this tour im not going to be able to go back for a while :( im going to eat there everyday twice a day until we leave Arizona. Ive attached pics from our set on the Epitaph stage at this years Bamboozle Left and also some pics of our acoustic set the 2nd day! Thanks to everyone who watched us either/both days :) love you peace peace n a bottle o' hair grease, jack #4------------------------------------------------------------ Wow...vegas has to be one of the strangest places on this earth. First of all we showed up in Reno (shity city) only to find that only sugarcults crew was there and the show probably wasnt going on. We were welcomed by a hooker in a pink tanktop and no teeth asking if we had any shirts we could give her...Thankfully we have power windows and middle fingers. Thankfully zack was asleep or he might have took her up on some of her offers...he's getting desperate you know..just kidding! Anyways we decided to hang out with sugarcults crew for a little then start the drive to vegas early since it was 8 house. We got to go over the Hoover Damn which was sweet. It's seriously Vegas Vacation all over again! Anyways, we got to vegas around midnight and it was a fantastic site! My bro and sis were staying at the MGM so thats where i headed. Rian to the Excalibur, Alex and Matt to the Venecian and Zack to the Luxor. We all split up and hung out with our fam for the evening. My brother took me around vegas and boyyy was it interesting. I was approached by numerous drunk people. It was basically like an Ocean City, Maryland for older people. It's just a place for adults to drink, walk around drunk, act like teenagers and maybe gamble a bit here n' there. it was Akward to say the least. Anyways the next day was the show at the House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay...probably one of the nicest venues we have ever played. We introduced ourselves to the Meg n Dia folks and got to know our new tour mates as we shared a dressing room. We soon found they are awesome people and they share a love for getting wild! The show was pretty cool, and the crowd was big. It was weird though because the merch was not in the venue, it was in the cassino haha. Anyways Vegas was an experience we wont forget, and I cant wait till we go there again. I hope the next time we go, were 21...actually nevermind because that would be three years :)stay rad, Jack #5------------------------------------------------------------ Lame! Tonight was our last show on the Sugarcult Tour featuring The Pink Spiders and Meg n Dia :( Damone will be taking our place on this great lineup. I am jelous that they get to join up! Anyways we made some lifetime friends on this tour and it was a great experience for everyone. Every single show was amazing and the fans never let us down. Traveling to bumfuck arizona and hearing a couple hundred kids sing your song is the coolest feeling ever. Sugarcult was very warming towards us and their personalities suprised the shit out of me. they were such cool guys and even when zack was sick they made him soup and gave him Emergen-C. WHO DOES THAT !?!? Thats like something my mom does...so in a way Sugarcult are our parents. They actually reffered to us as their younger brothers on stage. At the last show of the tour in Little Rock, Arkansas us and Meg n Dia ran on stage during "Bouncing Off the Walls" and started bouncing around and took over Tim's Guitar n Mic, Marko's (my twin) guitar and Airens Bass. It was so fun to bro down with a band that ive been listening to since middle school haha. Alex also got to soundcheck with sugarcult at Texas AM College because tim was at the hospital taking care of his sickness (i think he had a nasty cold). It was so crazy to see alex soundcheck with a band who for the past few years have held a special spot on my ipod and in my cd player :) I attached a pic of him sound-checking for fun. At the end of the show we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs. This is'nt the end of these friendships though, only the beggining...now we head home to write a new cd. Catch us on the road in the northeast in december when we head out with Cobra Starship! Stay safe, Jack
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simkjrs · 7 years
Got any imaginings for your various Izukus meeting one another? How would villain Deku react to BYGGUALOM Deku? To MSU Deku? (Assume villain!Deku figures out something is up with MSU!Deku so he doesn't just treat him as a regular civilian). Would BYGGUALOM!Deku and MSU!Deku end up commiserating over their mutual dislike of publicity if they met?
god… i do have some imaginings. i actually had this conversation with @salvainterra just like last week and it is probably the single most self indulgent and simultaneously gut busting conversation i’ve ever had. sorry everyone i’m like this, here’s the best parts of the conversations with all the keysmashes taken out
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simkjrs: actually what needs to happen in this mysterious crossover between all my aus is two izukus vs the third izuku’s insecurities, cage match go
simkjrs: byggualom izuku makes a genuine effort to befriend villain!deku and be there for him, and msa izuku grudgingly acknowledges him as a friend, and villain!deku is immediately gone. just gone
pooch: between all three of them they cover such a wide variety of insecurities im losing it
pooch: oh man dude. dude.
pooch: they swap universes
simkjrs: oh 
simkjrs: no
pooch: i think villain deku frankly wouldnt be able to handle even just hitoki caring about and supporting him. this is deeply upsetting to think about simk. i regret this
simkjrs: oh no
simkjrs: pooch. 
simkjrs: even disregarding mitoki absoltuely decimating villain!deku’s attempts to keep himself safe
pooch: that dude walking into a burnign building with pizza gif
mitoki: it’s fine, izuku! nothing *important* is on fire! byggualom: the entire building is on fire villain!deku: exactly! 
pooch: byggualom izuku in msa verse: [wakes up in jail] Hm,
simkjrs: byggualom izuku, politely forcing the door open: hello. i believe there has been some sort of misunderstanding
byggualom izuku: [gives them a straight answer when they ask something]tsukauchi: eraserhead:byggualom izuku:tsukauchi: who are you and what have you done with your doppelgänger
simkjrs: wait but does this mean that
simkjrs: msa izuku has somehow, foudn himself, in villain!deku’s place
simkjrs: [finds himself in a world where he is constantly garnering attention and has a huge fan following] fuck
msa izuku:msa izuku: [climbs into closet] ill wait here as long as it fucking takes. goodbye
simkjrs: byggualom izuku figures out that somethings Up REAL QUICK and u know his vigilante ass is going to go investigatin, whether or not the law approves or not, so he casually breaks out of jail (“im sorry about the door!” he calls as he runs off) and investigates everything. extremely thoroughly
byggualom izuku: can i get a uhhhhhhhhhhh why am i in jail byevillain izuku: [sees texts from friends and associates] can i get a uhhhhhhhh what the fuck?msa izuku: [dead silence from closet. its been hours]
byggualom izuku: enters roomhis room: presumably covered in otherworldly runes byggualom izuku:byggualom izuku: am i in a cult
simkjrs: villain!izuku: [gets texts from 5 different ppl asking where he is and if he’s okay] i don’t like this
msa izuku: well at least im not in jailsomeone: [sees him, instantly calls police] someone else: [asks for autograph]msa izuku:
a hero: sir– msa izuku, without pause: –all this BULLSHIT about a SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT, so i check the phone and look at this!! LOOK AT THIS!!! *shakes phone at hero* what kind of – self respecting alternate version of myself – would go out actively seeking trouble, what the *hell* – beleaguered hero: sir we’ve been standing here for half an hour now. please climb down and let us arrest you
simkjrs: at least msa izuku and villain!deku can always bond over their lockpicking and breaking&entering skills. trading tips
villain!deku: and that model of the lock means, that you can definitely fill it with glitter if you want to, but you have to be careful otherwise msa izuku: the only thing i care about doing to this lock other than unlockign it is breaking it
simkjrs: i feel sorry for msa izuku because he’s self aware enough to be going “oh my god. ohhhh my god. are we doing this again” whenever he pulls his own shit, whereas byggualom izuku and villain!deku are not, so although byggualom izuku occasionally helps msa izuku play straight man to villain!deku, ultimately it’s still msa izuku who ends up being the straight man to all of them. it is a difficult task
end notes: i know this post says it’s for ot3s but if you think about it very carefully the izukus actually slot perfectly into these three roles as well
this isn’t even getting into the sheer hilarity of dropping msa izuku straight into canon during the sports festival, right at the moment izuku wins first place in the race. which is actually such an incredibly funny concept that i am probably going to write it in the near future, at which point you can witness me pandering to myself, exclusively 
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jonodah-blog · 7 years
“How can you say that?”
I want to die. Just let me be a ghost and walk the earth forever. Nothing to hold me back. It wont be any different from living. I was always quiet and observant. But Im nothing in the eyes of others. I dont remember words, but I never forget how you made me feel. And it hurts. Maybe dying is just a long sleep. Im not afraid. I wont even feel it. I wont even exist to be aware of it. Am I broken? Defective is all I here. What Ive been told, withen these walls. im tired. Im very tired. Just let me go already. Im done. Maybe Ill be in a dream. I never know it, which makes it all the more comforting. I just want to love and be happy. Thats all I really want. But this cruel world doesnt need someone like me. Time moves on. In the end, it all really doesnt matter. I have no control. The bottom of the sea was always so quiet. Distant. Like me. Hello moon. Can I pretend youre a person? You shine bright as a smile. Let me sing you one last song, before I go. My final act of goodness. Goodbye world. It was fun. I love you~
I was never good with words. Just pictures. Like movies. But I can try. You make me happy, and you know who Im talking about. I wish we can live together. Do the things I dream of. Id say we, but Im always curious whats in your mind. Dont be afraid, you can tell me. Is it me, or is it you? Just be you. Its what I love the most. Please believe that you are more than what you think. Not me though. Im a mess. Im out of control. Am I insane? Whos to say we all are. Change. I say Im always ready, but Its different when things are taken away from you. And yet, they still hurt me. No one will ever understand, but with you, it doesnt have to be. The freedom, I can only dream of in my world. Its not fair. 
No, Im not okay. Im in pain. I forgot what it felt like to be like everyone else. Why do I poison myself with all these feelings. I use to believe it was a gift, but maybe I was lying to myself. Oh, I wish you can see me, but at the same time, you shouldnt. Why? Why do I do it? Im in pain. Im hurting so much, but I learned to hide too well. You dont see what I see. Fell what I feel. But who cares. It doesnt matter, right? Im just one person on this planet. Time will move on. We will all forget. Oh, I wish I can hug you and forget too. But no, Im a different kind of person. Its a different kind of pain. It doesnt sting. Its a weight, and its dragging me down to the bottom of the ocean. The darkest of the depth. Its quiet and dark, a world I grew in. Its my home. Why am I like this? Do you have an answer? 
I love you. Oh my god, I fucking love you. I dont care anymore, but at the same time, I do. Im split in half. Oh, the pain. The pain of confusion. The pain of suppression. The kind where I have to hide. The cruelest part is, its false happyness. People just mean so much to me. Everyones different and its beautiful. Think about it. We’re all different, isnt that facinating? The amount of time and experience to create a uniqe person, never two of the same. Why do I see this? Who dont you? Id do it all for you. and yet...maybe I havent met the right people. Or maybe Im not a good person. God, I hate myself. I love myself. Did I mension Im split down the middle?
I get it now. Im at that point, and I understand. Yes, I have gone insane. All I can do is sing a lovely tune to the trail of my demise. I could laugh. I wish I can cry. What does crying feel like again? ...*silence*... How do you cry? Thats an odd question, just forget about it. My god, I have gone insane. On no oh no oh no no no no. *laughs* How sad. Its so sad. And yet...I can smile. Can this be the last lie I tell? Im tired of making a fool out of myself. I dont care. You shouldnt either. Just watch me fall and hope Its quick. 
Who are you? Have we met before? Well...thank you...I guess. Wow, Im tired. Dreams are scary. My dreams are scary I mean. Not the dreams themself, but the fact that I cant tell if Im in a dream. Im so passive and acceptant to everything, maybe you can call it a curse. Is that death? Can it be? Cant really say or control that. How do I wanna go...? Well, Im passive, so I cant do it. I tried. Its not my style. I can sit here. Rot. Decompose. Maybe give a tree some nutrients from my useless corpse. Call it my final act of goodness. Oh, Im a fool.  A sad old fool. Arnt I? It sucks. Everything sucks. *sigh* Im tired of the light. Im just...so used to assossiating bad feelings with it. Is it my fault? Maybe. But not all of it. Would things be different? Who cares. Time moves on. What the fuck is time anyway?
Help me. I dont care anymore. Oh nooo. Its over. Im done. Game oooveeer. *laughs* Who are you? Who am I? Im just a person, just like you. Wow, it hurts, It all hurts. Hahahahaaaaaah~ It really hurts on the inside. This is how it started I think...I was doomed from the start. Its all coming back to me now. I don’t believe Im good with words, but who cares. I dont. Nope...not anymore. That sucks, doesnt it? Another lost happy soul...
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(( This is a little back story about Kristhiana and her ex. Not many know her past and why she is the way she is, so I thought it’d be fun to write about it. TRIGGER WARNING: blood gifs and images will be used in this post. Please keep scrolling if that triggers you. I dont want anyone getting upset. <3 ))
The wedding was beautiful.  The whole crew was there. Every officer, every thug, even the other sniper that was Tirrah’s partner. It was an amazing day on the ocean as everyone sailed on the boat. Ghost and Tirrah had just said their vows to each other, promising to love one another for the rest of their lives. Little did Tirrah know that her new husband was lying on his end…
Tirrah didn’t seem to notice the wink Ghost had shot to another female in the crowd as she was looking down at the diamond on her left ring finger. She thought they were perfect for each other, and couldn’t wait to run The Marked together as husband and wife. Maybe they would even start a family and teach the young ones how to be successful like their mamma and poppa. And oh how the children would have such a large family! Everyone in The Marked adored Ghost and Tirrah’s relationship. Well… almost everyone.
She was the only one who didn’t seem to approve of their relationship. Why? Because she wanted Ghost for herself. Caitlyn was the type of female that started sleeping her way up the tree of power until Ghost was the last one. Sure, Tirrah was power hungry as well, but she didn’t feel that way until after dating Ghost for a few months. Rather than leaving for their honeymoon after the wedding, Tirrah had to take a weeks leave for training. It was something that was ordered by her teacher at the time, not caring if she was just wed or not. As much as she wanted to spend a week away with her new love, they both knew it was better for their crew that she get some training in. They would always be able to take a vacation any other time. The first night of them being husband and wife was spent saying their goodbyes, knowing she was going to be leaving early the next morning. Kisses, hugs, cuddles and a few other provocative activities took place in the bedroom of their ship. The following morning, she left with a glow in her face but a sadness in her heart. “I will be back home soon, my love…”
The days came and went as she waited for the time she could come home to her husband. Anticipation filled her heart as the day finally arrived. The smile on her face could not be erased as she rode back to Stormwind. The Marked had a hub in the city, and Ghost’s ship was not far from the docks. The wind blew through her long blonde hair as her stead ran as fast as it could, trying to get its mistress back home. Through the gates and down the streets of Stormwind, she rode. A greeting to the rest of her crew could wait. It was her husband that she wanted to see! Upon arriving to the docks near the boat, she noticed an extra horse that was next to Ghosts. She knew all the horses and other mounts that belonged to her crew mates. So why didn’t she recognize this one? Tirrah was gone for a week, after all. Perhaps someone had to get a new one, or maybe Ghost had a friend over that she had never met. The possibilities were practically endless considering the work that they did. Tirrah jumped off of her horse and began to run onto the ship when she suddenly heard a noise that made her stomach flop.
A moan…?
Tirrah stopped dead in her tracks, standing in the middle of the boat, only a few feet away from the bedroom where the noise came from. She slowly approached the door, careful not to make a sound as she listened in. Surely she misheard that sound. Maybe it came from somewhere else. Not her bedroom…_right? _Tirrah was right outside the door of her own room when the moans didn’t stop. The creak of the bed moving in a steady rhythm made it all too clear as to what was happening on the other side of the wood plank.
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There aren’t any words that can explain the pain that she felt in her heart. Its impossible to explain what it feels like to have your heart suddenly snap into a million pieces. Tears welled up and began overflowing onto her skin that was no longer glowing. A pain struck her chest as Tirrah felt like she could no longer breathe. Weak in the knees, she stumbled to find her way to a nearby chair. Not a single noise escaped her lips. The pain she felt couldn’t even make her cry out loud. The shock was still too much, and she was still trying to register what she had just heard. In fact, she could still hear it. The moans never stopped. Minutes felt like hours until the other woman and Tirrah’s husband stopped their affair. Another moment passed, and there went the door to the bedroom. Out came Caitlyn with messed up hair, flushed cheeks and an outfit that looked to be rushed back on. Perhaps the two knew that Tirrah was going to be home that night. Idiots.
Tirrah stood up from her chair after Caitlyn had left and slowly made her way to her bedroom. Being the huntress and trained sniper she was, it was easy for her to be quiet. She looked into her room, eyeing her husband on their bed. No. His bed. It no longer belonged to her. Not after what was taken place inside of it. Tirrah stood there with hate in her heart, anger very apparent on her face as she stared him down. The feeling of being watched must have finally gotten to Ghost as he peeped open one single eye, looking towards the doorway. It could be described that Ghost nearly turned into the name that everyone called him the second that he laid eyes on his heartbroken wife.
“T-Tirrah! Babe.. What.. How.. Uhm.” He couldn’t find the words to try and form up a question. It was as clear as day as to why she looked the way she did. “How was the trip?” Was he really trying to act like nothing happened? The whole room reeked of sex and sweat. Tirrah began steppinf forward, closing the space between them. As she neared, the expression on her face changed from anger to…happiness? Something inside of Tirrah snapped. She was more than angry. She was far more than just upset, and heart break couldn’t even start to explain the feeling she was experiencing in that moment. “Uhm… Tirrah, honey.. Look, lets just-” She cut him off with a cant of her head. “I just want a hug, honey. I haven’t seen you since we were married,” she said with a faux sweet tone. Ghost hesitated, but he slowly did as she requested, stepping towards her to hold her close. The two formed an embrace, his arms over top of hers as he held her into his chest, her arms curling under his.
Tirrah leaned up on her toes, resting her cheek against his for a moment. The tension could be cut with a knife if someone else were to walk in to the cabin, but they wouldn’t have to. In her right hand, Tirrah had a blade resting on top of her other hand. When she spoke, it was softer than a whisper. Ghost had to listen carefully.
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Before Ghost could try and defend himself, knowing exactly why she was saying what she did, the last of his breathing stopped. The sound of ripping skin filled his ears as a wetness grew on his chest. Ghost’s eyes darted down to the blade that was now inside of his torso before looking back up to Tirrah’s green eyes, searching for an answer. 
“Not even being stabbed in the heart will be enough to show you the pain your wife is feeling. I hope it was worth it…” 
His now lifeless body dropped to the wooden floor, but it wasn’t enough. The thing with Tirrah is that she had an addiction to blood. Most called her crazy, or they would if they knew about it. She kept it a secret. You see, Tirrah had this special flask. It was red and black with intricate designs all around it. What remained inside wasn’t alcohol. It was blood, and she would drink from it whenever the feeling of killing someone would emerge from the shadows within. That past week during her training, she didn’t have any of that blood. She wouldn’t drink from animals. Tirrah had a special supply that she got from specific people. So when she came home, she was already lusting for blood. Seeing what her husband did while she was away after only being married for a week topped it off for her. After looking over him with a demonic grin, Tirrah knelt down and removed the blade from his heart…only to repeatedly stab it back into the organ.
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It was a bloody mess.
The crimson liquid dripped off of her finger tips and fell onto the floor, meeting up with the bigger puddle that she had created. The dark grin on her lips remained, but the pain in her heart had disappeared.
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With her head canted to the side, looking over her masterpiece, Tirrah slowly brought her hand up to her lips, sliding her finger tips into her mouth and sucking gently. Her tongue danced across her skin, tasting the iron from the red liquid. Her green eyes closed as she took in the moment, exhaling from being content with her work.
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“Im not finished…”
Tirrah had another person to pay a visit to. As she made her way through Azeroth, searching for Caitlyn, word got around her crew that Ghost was murdered by his own wife. Ironically, none of them knew why she did it. The crews numbers started growing short, one by one. It was assumed that Tirrah was killing off each person that she said killed her husband. They weren't wrong. Caitlyn was last on Tirrah’s list. Save the best for last, right? Tirrah didn’t bother with big entrances or an announcement. When she found Caitlyn, she simply had her up against the wall, her hand around her throat with a revolver in the other. “T-Tirrah! L-Look! I’m s-so sorry! Im nothing but a slut, o-okay?! Please don’t kill me!” For the first time in a month, Tirrah couldnt help but laugh at the sound of her enemy begging for her life. It was music to her ears. Tears streamed down Caitlyn’s face like a water fall, her mascara and eyeliner falling down with it. “Ill do anythi–”
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“Dont call me Tirrah, by the way,” she growled to the corpse.
"It's Kristhiana now..."
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numenorika · 8 years
ail on me
just a party
just a new year
held you on
the garden shed was quiet tools on shelves still i am warm with you you’ll never read it my favourite book but it don’t matter i sat on a lobby seat after my lecture teachers were going home pavement was a cool head rest wandering and rollling radio made a point when turning corners when you made a stand it’s just a coastal view we freak out on the headland base grasses envelop us the sunlight makes it point a couple moths with her Hera spoke in arrowhead whispers video was a way feeling was betrayal 
another face a corner beyond the side theres an abstract concept make your lecture make your homeroom whatever I’m a liar i lie to myself
i lie in ernest the man who knew to much scripts and forgotten lands never forgit them you are reading but youre not reading me im a lazy pitter-patter as pleasurable as it might seem im a dictaphone sands are cruel now beauty is a death mask i have a heavy heart leaning on the wide wash fruit beer one or two order up wicked greedy sleek high above the ocean guitars and bass and drums and a camera that looks to the horizon the same blue green grass that sucked me and held me and spelled future in so many words
I had a moment to recall what the sky was doing the leaves were dancing but the branches were still moving the wind was facilitating you’ll never read it  but you will never see me
waiting for machinery whenever whenever whenever whenever i lived your bedroom it was sweet and cold and lit with sun and the kind movement parting from the stage show its all a lie it;s a beautiful sight theres just something that fills the spaces of the gallery and the wind and the grapevine i once loved all that you were I walked through glass doors to read my book
heavy hand fire leaps across the dividers daycare who cares just the girl on the slide where did you go? a question forever unanswered I had a crush on you i made my way across glass windows I was punching above my grade second or third festival season will we be remembered by the train capacity you said Ill never be here sigh and make your way you’ll never read the script you’re a carpark proud of the sky and the light that doesnt shine” im waiting for the real spirit its a bitter taste in my chest i loved the moment it was such a moment closer makes you proud but i’m there i am just there its just the same as the analysis golden doorways glass above me paper scrolls spilling out from my pockets I listen to the wild got a view of the fields and the sports centre I’m waiting for a ride listening for tar on the pavement poetry and science there was a note that told me to make my own way ok, then, ok I’ll wait here for my ride
it was breif but it meant something on the grass outside the food hall laying silent looks were exchanged with a knowing knowledge outside of lecture
in the stone courtyard i cant tell you why i am still there a kind girl a little lover meeting for a cigarette theres nothing mystical here wooden tables laminated sleek and shining and i made myself a real body I said something when i exchanged my dollars for candy and chips and sandwiches
walking by the buiding there live them all whatever you want wherever you walk lets take a moment to just look where we are it;s so obvious like an 80s movie boardwalk could you imagine the kind of thing that holds me to it and i’ll never ask
just break away and sleep when you want to you’ll have the only gold rune still bottles on windowsills that light up i’m bursting at the seams goodnight was a lie you’re still walking cant place you but i know you’re there glass windows supersonic students of history well we are philosophy students up here whatever, really
ill have my papers by mys ide eating chips and sweet chili sauce they’ll laugh at me because they comfy and coming down of whatever happened in their skyline waiting for a train they made it to campas cant complain just a livid scream just pornography just little streets so evidently my lover makes your lunch and burns inside her inside him inside whatever the day was about a fleeting glance it was a big goodbye it was well meaning it was a cry to nature it was a water moving it was a glance of recognition there is nothing here burning breath burning breath here we are to be secret there is just a barrier on cold and peace peak of the mountain where the hope is clear come on, graze the garden whatever whatever smile and take it still grinding on the illuminant
its just a park bench
its just somewhere where you can feel ok the scientist are leaving for the day you have a coffee that makes you feel ok not so removed loving some memory will she be here for me, or wil she look to towering stone buildings why am i still here, why do i wait so happy i the name of a song
im so inside it i will smell what we want ill sit and stay and be a stranger lessoned learned
we got it
the scholastic wave fades makes me a pitcher of piss never slept on the grounds call for me sleep with me whatever you want it was a difficult time but I still made my class surrealism 101 made then made my way to read the truth on the page draw from the ocean whatever you see please take all you have to take break like the waves no matter what time of day even if its your ex-lovers afternoon just look towards your real truth love what you love love it immeasurably break like the waves love like the times
crying tiger thai food banquet restaurant well coin toss escalator up to the top floor hotel room wake when you want warm arms crystal windows i got to make my way beyond the thoroughfare
jubilant elation coins for precious materials breathe in and picnic on the heath cross the road take a snapshot or don’t heres the life sleeping behind the wheel calmly leaving me heaving on the wooden bandstand make music make love make whatever makes the tiles under your feet climate denial itchy ear  so i am confused how the sound of screaming steel is the same from distant film reels deep in the body whatever you want the snowy love it is all mine just an accidental imperative 
ione talisman
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kellyzeagman · 5 years
As I write this, I now have officially just TWO weeks left. I seriously cannot believe it. If you ever want to experience the most WARPED sense of time, work on a cruise ship. Ive never had something fly by so fast in my life. Some days feel so incredibly long, however, overall, it feels like I literally blinked on October 5th and opened my eyes and it is feb.22nd.
Many things have changed and happened since last writing on feb.4th before the 2 week cruise. At that point, there were going to be 2 ports rescheduled because of coronavirus fears. Things ended up taking a bigger turn. Guests were notified a few days before their cruise that Lifou and Mare were going to be cancelled because they were closing their borders because of the virus (these ports really lack money/medical facilities/care, so if even one person on the island got corona, i’m sure the entire island would go down. So, better for them to be safe than sorry. Things really took a turn once guests got on board- once pretty much everyone had checked in and no chance to turn back, they made an announcement that 2 more islands were cancelled for the same reason. So, 4 of the 7 ports were now cancelled. Some people were obviously kicking off, others were understanding. The question now was, what were we going to do with those 4 days. We were going to do the overnight in that questionable port of Luganville, BUT- it ended up getting changed to an overnight (2 day) stay in Tauranga, NZ! Absolutely amazing- more to come. And they added the port of Eden, Australia, which had a smaller population than the # of guests on board.
2 weeks is a ridiculous amount of time for people to cruise, especially kids. ESPECIALLY when they just got back to school 2 weeks ago. Ever since Christmas, most of the kids have been so exhausting and horrible that I just question if any kids on the planet are nice or well behaved anymore. Im wondering though, do the kids keep getting worse, or is my patience just getting worse. (It has to be the kids). We have so much hope each turnaround day that the kids will get better and then by day 2 we are like “what the actual fuc*”. I need to have no contact with kids for approximately 1 month once a return home so that I can become fond of them again LOL. Luckily, it went by extremely fast and the neglected children are back with their questionable families. Part of the 2 week cruise included two Fiji ports that remained as planned. My friends and I booked two excursions for both Fiji days because we had time off during the morning/afternoon. Having this time off to do an excursion is RARE, we we were absolutely buzzing with excitement. One tour was to a private island via a catamaran, and the other was a rainforest hike to a waterfall. We were so excited, key word being “were”. What happens next is truly tragic. Voyager of the Seas has decide to install a show called “Anchors away” which is a 18 minute parade through the promenade where all of the cruise division (youth staff, cruise staff, singers, dancers, sports staff etc..) have to be a part of. **Forced to be a part of**. They have decided to install this parade right before 50% of the cruise division signs off, so its going to burst into flames in about a month when everyone that knows it is gone and the new people have no idea what to do. It has taken weeks and weeks of rehearsals. It is a huge production. To learn all of the choreography/blocking, we have had to spent countless hours rehearsing. And they’ve decided to to run all of the rehearsals on days when we are in port, (so we can practice in the promenade and have less guests, as they are at the port) meaning we cant get off until its done. It is still so devastating for me to say that BOTH of our Fiji shore excursions had to be cancelled so we could rehearse the parade. All of our port days for the last month have been ruined due to these damn rehearsals. Time off is compromised and we cant book anything to do in port because theres never enough time. Very sad for getting off purposes, but the parade has honestly been a hilarious experience to be a part of. The costumes and props are all brand new and the budget is enormous. I cant even explain it really. There is no way to explain unless you see it. The show is made up of 4 different boat teams battling against each other to music. I am a part of the chinese dragon boat. The worst part about this whole parade/port compromising is that my part in the parade requires no talent or choreography. I literally hold the TAIL of the dragon boat for 18 minutes while my team does a crazy dance with the paddles. I also will only be in the parade twice before leaving, so i’m not sure why i’ve been roped into it for a month when ill be gone after its opening show. My Fiji excursions had to be cancelled so I can practice being the ass of a dragon. Not bitter :) The costumes are amazing though, I hope i can post some pics because the costumes are quite special. I won’t bother going into this parade further because its inexplainable. I hope I can get my hands on a recording of the whole parade so people can understand.
I was able to get off for 2 hours both fiji days, but just NOT the same as what we had planned. In Suva, my friend Laura and I experienced the weirdest 5 mins of our lives while walking back to the ship. Its hard to really paint the picture because words cant do it justice, but as we were walking back to the ship, a truck full of Fiji prisoners passed us were screaming and reaching for us. However, this was not a jail transportation vehicle like the ones at home where they are handcuffed and locked in the back with a security guard. This was legitimately a 20 year old pick up truck with literally probably 15-20 inmates crammed into the back, being held in by what seemed to be a chicken wire type material. Just picture the easiest thing to escape from and that was it. As they drove by they all had their hands reaching out of the wires and were yelling for us with their bodies crammed together like they were sardines in a can. It was one of the weirdest moments of my life. I wish i had a picture of the truck and the men all crammed into the back by the dental floss like material. If we managed to be at a stop light at the same time, im not sure laura and I would have made it back to the ship. Approximately 30 seconds later I was gifted a hand carved wooden Fijian axe by a man selling souvenirs on the side of the road. He gave it to me without me ever showing interest in it, so I decided to give him my leftover Fiji money, as I would never be back in Fiji again. At this point he asked me for more, so this was obviously a ploy from the start, but he had already carved my name into the axe so I couldn’t say no, and he threw in a carved wooden turtle on top of it so I just agreed. I came back to the ship with two items I never wanted and somehow managed to bring the wooden axe through security without them saying anything. Ill make sure not to have it in my carry on bag on the plane or ill be added to a no fly list. These two events happening back to back were so, so odd but I will never forget them.
The two day NZ experience was amazing, I absolutely loved Tauranga and it made me so excited knowing that I will be living in that country this time next year. I was able to get off during the day and go to the beach, and then was able to get off after work at 11pm to experience the ~overnight~. Pretty much every crew member ended up at the same bar downtown, so it was like any normal night on the ship, but we were on glorious land. None of us had been off on land at night time in 5 months. It was so amazing, even if it was just for a few hours. I didn’t know how much I missed walking around at night/being on land until I stepped off the ship that night. We had to be back on the ship at 2am, or wait until 6am when the gangway doors opened again. So, we decided to clear out and make it back to the ship for 2:00am instead of sleeping outside of the ship until 6.
After that 2 week cruise was finally over, 2 friends and I were able to get off during the day in Sydney and we went to Bondi beach again. That place is still far too cool. Saw a guy in a McMaster sweater. Beach was filled with hundreds of people compared to last time, mostly backpackers/tourists I assume. We are now on a 6 day booze cruise with 300 kids where we are having more kids come to adventure ocean than we did at xmas/new years when we had over 1,000. Its very annoying. Its supposed to be low counts for kids, but we seem to be slammed every day, and the kids and parents aren’t particularly enjoyable. Hoping my 11 day last and final cruise will be a flawless experience. The ports have already changed for that one as well (hopefully they’ve already informed the guests). 2 overnights in Port Vila and Luganville instead of 4 of the islands, both in places where getting off at night isn’t easy or particularly safe. We shall SEE how it goes. Im honestly very sad to have these islands taken away. They are so beautiful and “once in a lifetime”, and I never got to lookout at the ocean from the beach one last time at each place and mentally say goodbye. I didn’t know my last time was going to be the last time. I guess thats life.
One of my hopes and dreams of my contract came true over the 2 week cruise. When I was working with the 6-11 year olds, a girl started screaming that there were flying fish in the water, but they were really DOLPHINS. Probably about 30 of them. They were all jumping and soaring out of the water, it was magic. Ive been waiting for that moment since I came. To see that number of dolphins in their natural environment was my perfect BBC planet earth moment I have been waiting for. Just waiting for my whale now, 13 days for it to come true.
This 6 day cruise just goes to Melbourne and Tasmania. Could easily be done in 3 days but I love that they just decide to add unnecessary sea days to make profit. We are going at approximately the same speed as a snail, because they’ve included sea days in between each port, when really we could probably get to Melbourne from Tasmania in 5 hours at a normal speed. We passed an island with a mountain today, I had a two hour nap and looked outside when I got back up to work and we were still passing the same mountain. Cheers MATE.
I am now on my 5th roommate. They moved my housekeeping roommate out without telling me. They want similar divisions living in the same areas because we have schedules that align more. She’s a sports staff from is England and is good and can steal the bottom bunk once i’m gone in 2 weeks. At this point I just walk in my room each day expecting there to be a new person. In other news- I got my flights home today, so that is EXCITING. Obviously I was always going home, but now it feels real. I fly 15.5 hours from Sydney to Dallas at at 2:40pm on the 7th, then 3 hours from Dallas to Toronto and should touch down at YYZ at 9:30pm on the 7th. I will be time travelling and experience March 7th twice. I’m obviously so excited to come home and see everyone and finally relax for more than 2 hours, but its for sure going to be really sad saying goodbye to everyone and this crazy lifestyle. I feel like i will have a quarter life crisis when I come home because I wont know what to do with myself. I’m trying to take in each day and live in the moment because its going to gone before I know it.
Anyways, must go change my laundry before someone else does it for me to steal my dryer.
bye bye for now
0 notes
pavosystem · 5 years
its been a very long time since we did a system roll call. we’ve been kind of distanced from the whole concept of it lately, but even so, i think it’s undeniable that all of these aspects of our collective self hold significance, and are worth tending to. this is callon as guide today.
on a first impression, the grass is much yellower in headspace than usual. maybe because it’s fall in the meatspace, maybe because i’ve been neglecting my internal world.
in the main house, gabbi greets me tiredly. it feels like 2:30am. gabbi implies that ne has a duty to stay awake and take care of everyone, but i wonder if it wouldn’t be better for them to get some rest as well. floret and amelia are sleeping on the couch, curled up into each other. perien, also asleep, is in an armchair nearby, sleeptalking softly.
echo, in her usual chair, blinks at me and goes back to sleep. cilla, in their small form, curled up with echo, does not wake up.
nitexx, surprisingly, seems fairly animated and excited to see me. ze starts speaking quickly, but i can’t quite make out the words.
it’s difficult to know where rayn is, but i don’t think it’s missing. i get the impression that cyrren is tending to it from aer ship at sea. although i can’t quite get to the ship, i can vaguely project in that direction, and cyrren, like gabbi, is tiredly awake, tending to a duty that i don’t fully understand. ae assures me that all is well, that ae hasn’t let anything happen.
while i’m towards the sea, i pass by the vent that leads to ooze ocean’s domain, but it seems to be entirely dormant. i get the sense that vaccine has inherited much of void’s mission, and that gail’s continued worship of void is.. sufficient. void no longer needs to have presence here.
it troubles me to say that i have to check back with our directory to make sure i’m checking in on everyone, and not missing people.
ethan isn’t in the main house, but it’s possible that they’re sleeping, or that they’re visiting the tree house. haze is sitting up in er bed, clutching a fairly intimidating looking sword. e seems like e is preparing for something. staying awake through the long night so that daybreak doesn’t catch em by surprise.
the attic door in nessie’s room is open, and as i climb through it, i can see her, riley, and ceren sleeping on the floor, like high schoolers at a slumber party. they give off the impression that they don’t wish to be disturbed.
at the end of the hallway, remm’s door is glowing in its usual psychadelic ominous way. i’m acutely aware that ve is kin with lotus now. that lotus has always been a manifestation of vir and vir alone.
raliel seems to have gone to the mansion.
all the buildings’ basements seem to be connected now, like burrows of hibernating animals. where the main house used to have a rather unpleasant cellar below the kitchen, it now has a door through vex’s room, which leads to a long corridor, which eventually comes out to vaccine’s office. vaccine greets me with formal displeasure. i apologize for my absence.
vex is hunched over eir desk, and just when i start to think ey’s deeply sleeping, ey complains to me that i had better not write eir off. ey has been very busy, ey says.and i suppose that’s true. it’s unlikely that i could have drawn so much with just my own power.
jace and ginger seem to be one and the same, curled up catlike in their pile of pillows and electronics.
the room behind vex’s room, where venic often stays, is off-limits to me at the moment, but i trust that kye is still there.
back to azdien’s basement. (vector), who refuses to go by xyr previous name but has yet to decide on a new one, huffs at me indignantly, arms crossed. xe makes some rude gestures and flies just high enough to look down at me.
someone, and i’m not sure i can make out who it is, tells xyr it’s not worth the effort of taunting me. kazen, perhaps. yeah, kazen, in a shadowed back corner of the room, sitting down in such a position that i could easily imagine him with a gun, but he doesn’t have one at the moment. i get the vague impression that he doesn’t need one any more.
while i’m not in the treehouse, i can feel excitement emanating from it even here. grimnir has arrived some time ago, and is eager to make my acquaintance. giving in to their(?) excitement, tyto gives me a lift to the treehouse. nero immediately starts complaining that i’m late. the wolfdog on the worn-out couch seems to be more kitt than kaire today, but they’re different phases of the same creature, like phases of the moon. kayden, like grimnir, is excited to greet me. i’m a bit surprised to see kei again, in their usual corner, glaring at me but not seeming as angry as their face might make it seem.
i ask after ethan, and someone tells me that they’re changing right now. coccoon-like, unavailable. there is some confusion regarding the matter, interference from raliel or trysten.. raliel. vite is very much engaged with a racing game, and doesn’t turn around to greet me, but doesn’t seem unhappy about my presence either. it seems like the house has been teaching casey to play a card game, but it’s hard to tell if they’re still on ygo or if they’ve moved on to frogjuice and other party games. casey is pretty miffed at me for missing the most recent con. i promise ill get photos for her soon.
i head back to the mansion, on foot, but the time lapses and i arrive within what feels like seconds. percy opens the door for me. him and jochen stand back to back, both telling me off for neglect and jumping to conclusions. it seems like they’ve become two people, properly, but twins. tobias, as well, is like a brother to them, but doesn’t bother to greet me. instead, he stays in the library, reading about strategy.
azdien gives me a grand welcome when i enter the dining room, the effect of which is somewhat undercut by raliel, now kinning lorenz, babbling at me before azdien can even finish vaer greeting. drohen watches on in a way that could almost read as fond, holding a rather elaborate teapot.
i can hear darion snoring from two rooms away.
trysten seems to be sulking, a bit put out that raliel got a new kintype and ailecent did too, but it doesn’t seem like there’s anything new for sier. i reassure sier, and sie quickly bounces back, saying that of course sie knows im right, sie is fantasic regardless.
vivianne is in another room.. or perhaps more like a. patio/sunroom, which has just recently been constructed off the kitchen. there are butterflies in it. vae is seated, wearing a sweeping ballgown, and greets me with serenity. i get the impression that vae was waiting for someone else, and i ask who. i can’t hear vaer response, but i wonder if it might be kestrel.
kestrel, i realize when i think about it, had been in the library with tobias, just out of my sight beyond the bookcases. ae expresses some reluctance to leave, saying that vivianne’s greenhouse is terribly humid, but ae does head in that direction.
kisoquine, very much the same as neist now, is in the kitchen, as seems to be xyr habit. there are copper pots and pans hanging from a ceiling rack, and xe is fascinated with them, and xyr reflections in them.
micah is in their room, dark except for the blue lights on many of their computers. they’re tinkering with something, and don’t seem to appreciate my presence. when i ask what it is, i get the impression that they’re collaborating with aren.
aren, upstairs in his room, is in some sort of technological tank or pod, unconscious, waiting.
when i query after reik, im told that he was in the treehouse. did i not see him in there? surely it was him giving vite such trouble in that racing game. i suppose i was distracted.
next is the cabin. corian is sitting in one of their elaborate chairs, holding a cup of tea on their lap but sound asleep. nine, lying on the back of their chair, wakes up when i walk into the room, and compliments tyto on bringing me here. i thank tyto as well, and ey transitions into a more human form before heading into the basement to pick up some research materials.
i ask after nika. there’s some confusion. was sie not in the greenhouse with vivianne? no, sie wasn’t. maybe sie’s upstairs. i head up, and i don’t see sier, at first, just a stack of magazines on sier table. after a couple minutes of further confusion, i realize that the pile of white fluff on the couch is not a blanket, but rather, nika in the form of a ninetails, sleeping quite soundly.
downstairs, nine laughs at me. im a bit miffed that they didn’t say anything until i realized.
when i ask about ailecent, i’m told that ae is in the main house, having found a bedroom there, or perhaps a section of the attic. ae is struggling to find a new outfit that ae likes, now that red is perhaps part of aer colour palette. ae has striking silver horns, now, which suit aer quite well.
i head back down to the main room of the cabin. while i had been aware of people other than corain in the room, it had taken me a few minutes to recognize them. now that i’m not distracted by other questions, i can see elster, also asleep, sitting upright on the couch.
aether is curled up in a corner, seeming somewhat distressed. i’m not entirely sure what’s bothering cir. somehow, ce seems more gemlike than i had expected.
tyto finishes collecting eir books and comes upstairs. we walk together up the mountain to skye’s cabin, since it’s difficult for eir to fly with too much cargo. ey makes idle chatter about what’s been happening in headspace while i’ve been away, but i can’t make out the words.
before we reach the cabin, gail crosses our path. it seems to have some sort of warning for us, but i can’t decipher this either.
skye greets us warmly at the door, but doesn’t allow us to enter the building. or doesn’t allow me at least. tyto slips past, apologetically saying goodbye before ey disappears into the building.
aloe is hissing at me from a table inside, and skye explains that aloe isn’t alright with outsiders at the moment, and that includes me. i apologize for intruding, and skye apologizes for not being able to invite me in.
i head back down the mountain. up here, there is thick, crunchy snow up to my ankles. it disperses by the time i get back to corian’s cabin, but i keep going past that as well. the tree on which the treehouse is built is just starting to turn yellow for the year.
it’s my intention to round up percy and grimnir and bother them about names.
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Encore - Harry Hook x reader - Part 10 -  A day out
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you all can thank @musicarose​ for commissioning me to help continue this series! for the next 9 parts! enjoy!
It was your first anniversary in two days and you decided to gift Harry with a day, a day at Disneyland. This was going to be awesome. You had purchased the tickets about a month ago, and were excited to show harry one of your favorite places in the world.
“harry” you cooed, patting his chest “wake up” he snorted in his sleep and turned over, tossing his arm over your waist and pulling himself closer.
You pouted and grabbed your pillow, smacking him in the face. He jolted up with a laugh. “im up, im up! Now, what do yeh want woman?” you hit him again “hey!”
“get breakfast then get dressed, we’re going to Disneyland!” harry looked at you confused, sleep still clinging to him.
“wha’s a Disneyland?” he asked, tilting his head in that cute puppy way. You grinned and ruffled his hair.
“one of my childhood loves” he gave you an odd look but got out of your bed anyway.
“Alright, lemme get dressed” you hummed, smirking as he fixed his boxers.
“yer staring~k” he teased, and you just shrugged, leaning as he disappeared into the bathroom.
“not my fault you got a good butt!” you called back as he closed the bathroom door. You snickered and stood up from your bed, walking over to your dresser and taking out your clothes for the next day (or a couple of days, depending on how far Disneyland is for you)
You laid them out on your bed, grabbing Harry's hat and sunglasses from the top of the dresser.
“hey harry!” you yelled out, harry cracked open the bathroom door, toothbrush hanging from his mouth.
“bring that shirt Thomas got you kay?” harry paused and smirked, laughing as he slinked back into the bathroom.
“Alright, that'll be funny”
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Harry watched as you bounced in place as you waited for your tickets to be scanned “yeh really like it here don’t yeh lass?” he chuckled, you looked to him and beamed.
“yees! I loved coming here has a kid, but my family had to stop coming because it got too expensive” you ended with a sad tone, but a bright smile still on your face.
“well” harry leaned down, pressing a kiss to your cheek “ill be happy to experience this world with yeh~” you laughed and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“dork, now come on, we're almost up”
Harry downed his soda, licking his lips as he looked around the main square “this is quite beautiful lass, I can get why yeh like it so much” you snicked, tightening your grip on his hand and leading him through the road.
“This is just the opening view Harry, wait till you see the rest!”
You were kneeling on the ground, unable to breathe as a little kid  pestered harry, the parent, trying to gently pull them away “come on sweetie, hes probably on vacation and is spending time with his friend”
“harry hook!” the little girl screamed, waving around her little d3 uma doll. harry sighed, taking off his hat and glasses, handing them to you and kneeling in front of the girl, turning on that hook charm.
“Hello little lassie, what's yer name?” the mom's jaw dropped, she had thought harry was just someone who looked kinda like Thomas and her kid had thought Harry really was…well, Harry (which he was but the mom didn’t need to know that).
The little girl beamed and held the uma doll to her chest “sam!”
“well sam, im harry” he held out his hand, engulfing sams little hand in his larger one “and that’s a little uma yeh got there?” sam nodded, holding out the doll, Harry grinned and tapped the teal boot.
“looks jus’ like her, she yer favorite?” sam nodded again, reaching out her hand, leading Harry to grab it again, giving her a head tilt and smile.
“well Sammy,” sam giggled at the name “im on a date with this beautiful lass over there” he pointed over to you, sam waved at you enthusiastically, you smiled and waved back “and it was awesome meeting yeh, but I would love to get back to being with ‘er, is tha’ alright?”
Sam nodded, releasing Harry's hand and pushing at his shoulders “go go! Have fun! Tank cho!” sam ran back to her mother, waving goodbye to harry and you.
Harry sighed, standing and cracking his neck, waking back over to you, raising his brow as you grinned at him “wha’?”
“I just hope your as good with our kids as you were with her” you teased, Harry's face turned red as he grabbed his hat and sunglass from you and shoved them on.
“well I know yeh will be an awesome mom” he muttered back, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, letting you lead the way to Matterhorn bobsleds.
You sighed as you looked behind you for the third time, seeing a group of girls giggling to themselves and taking pictures of you and Harry. “the girls again” harry muttered, pulling you closer to him.
“Yeah, they’re back” you growled, watching as Harry turned and they scuttled off, hiding behind a corner and peering at you.
“little runts” harry snarled, eyes scanning the area and landing on the tiki room. “let's just go in there yeh said it had really good pineapple stuff right?”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea, it’s a nice place to chill as well”
As you entered the tiki room waiting area, you heard the girls enter behind you, and whisper among each other.
“harry” you whispered, he turned to you and leaned down “if they come up to you and ask about Thomas, just say you have no clue who he is, and if they ask about the shirt just ell them your girlfriend got annoyed with the same question about Thomas and got you the shirt, got it?”
“aye” Harry chuckled “I got it”
As you stood in line, waiting to order, you saw the group of girls walk over to harry, who was just chilling on his phone waiting for you.
He looked up as they started to speak, and he made an angry confused face, you chucked as you could tell he said ‘who the hell is Thomas Doherty’
The girls backed up a little and pointed at his shirt, he looked down and shrugged, gesturing over to you before turning back to them.
The girls looked at you, looked back at Harry, and apologized, backing away into a random corner and waiting for the tiki room to begin.
You held in your laughter, smiling as you ordered two dole whips and paid.
A minute later you grabbed your treats and thanked the workers, walking back over to harry and sitting down next to him.
“well done harry” you giggled, leaning on his shoulder and licking at the mountain of pineapple whip “outstanding performance”
Harry laughed with you, nodding his head ina mock bow “I do try lass” he shoved a spoonful of the whip in his mouth, his eyes fluttering shut as the taste hit his tongue.
“oh, darling where have yeh been all my life” you snorted, burying your face in his shoulder.
“what about me” you giggled, he shushed, you, cradling the fruit treat to his chest.
“shhh, your irrelevant now darling”
You let out a silent scream and further burying yourself into him.
You stared at a pair of mickey ears, the silver cursive words staring back.
Captain hook.
You looked back at Harry, who was across the street at the candy store, and you quickly went inside, picking up a blank pair of the red, black, and silver ears, gasping as you spotted a (favorite color) pair with (favorite flower) for the ears.
“ooh I need it!” you whispered excitedly, grabbing that as well and going to purchase them and jumping on your toes as the words were embroidered into the bands.
You thanked the girl as she handed them to you and started to walk out the store, letting out a squeal as you bumped into a body.
You looked up, smiling as your eyes locked Harry's ocean blue. “hey lass, what yeh got there?”
“take off your hat” he looked confused but obeyed, eyes following your hands as you slid the ears onto his head. “…you’re adorable”
“an’ so are yeh, but why am I more adorable righ’ now?” he reached up and touched the ears, furrowing his brows as he felt the velvet of the ears.
“Mickey ears!” you cheered, putting on your own, giggling as harry smiled and touch the flowers.
“I love yers darling, wha does tha’ say?” he pointed at the golden cursive words on your band.
“quartermaster (y/n)” you grinned “my position on the revenge” you pointed at his set of ears, “yours says first mate Hook~”
He smiled and touched his ears again “thank yeh lass, I love em”
“and I love you!” you cheered, pulling on his shirt and kissing his cheek.
“love yeh too my bonnie lass”
“that’s it, pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite ride, everythin’ else is dumb” you burst out laughing as you exited the ride with harry.
“so even better than space mountain?” Harry paused for a moment then shrugged.
“it’s a tie between those two, but pirates is…yeh know?” you nodded and swung your hands between the two of you.
Oyu heard music sound from the castle and you started to run to thunder mountain “lassie what's up!” “fireworks! They look awesome when you’re riding thunder mountain!” harry caught up to you and nodded. “then let's go!”
You sighed as you tossed your bag and ears on the chair next to the hotel bed, flopping face first as you hit your knees on the frame.
“That was amazing, thank you my love” harry kiss your slightly hidden cheek, stepping into the hotel bathroom to shower.
“your welcome harry” you muttered, scooting up on the bed and laying down properly.
Soon you git the stage of being asleep but still able to hear and feel the world around you.
Harry exited the bathroom, smiling and picking up your sleeping form, taking off your shoes and jacket, and helping you slip under the covers.
“goodnight lassie,” he slipped in next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest “ill see yeh in the morning” he whispered, kissing your forehead and shutting off the lights.
--end of part 10--
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