#im so fucking mentally ill over these three oh my GOD.
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crazylittlejester · 8 months ago
i have so many fucking THOUGHTS about the war of eras trio and about Wind being older in the war of eras than he is in lu (and yes yes i know it’s not canon but a man can dream and headcanon okay 😭)
i just have so many thoughts about them meeting out of order. Like Wind at 13/14 meets Time and Wars at [redacted] and 27, but when he’s in the war I headcanon he’s like 17, and he meets a 11/12 yo Mask and a 19ish year old Wars. and he KNOWS them! These are his brothers! They were almost like father figures to him because they were so much older than him when he saw them last! But Mask and Captain Link have never met this kid before in their lives, and he can’t tell them anything without changing the course of their futures. So he has to sit there silently while two people he loves sit just out of reach. He has to look at Wars and NOT see Wars, he has to be a big brother to Mask without thinking about how much he misses Time’s advice and comfort because he could accidentally change their future and his own past with a single fuck up
And Wars and Time first meeting ‘Tune’ before Wind? That definitely hurts for them too. I mean Tune would’ve been an older brother to Mask and now Time is old enough to somewhat reasonably be Wind’s FATHER? That’s definitely fucking weird. And of course they’d miss the kid they knew, and every time they look at Wind they’ll see the hero from the war and see how much Wind will grow up, but they have each other. Wars and Time have each other, and yeah it’s definitely weird that Time is now the older one, but they have each other and they KNOW each other
Wind has no one, because he met them out of order. They’re RIGHT THERE, but he’s still alone, and he doesn’t have someone else to talk to about it
i have so many fucking thoughts and none of this is coherent but i needed to get it out somewhere sorry for inflicting my brain rot upon thee
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amberinn · 6 months ago
okay thoughts 👏
not a lot of emotionally charged moments
love the little davwhit and charwhit interactions
Whit is actually SOSOSOSO smart and I'm so thrilled to the core as a Whit fan that his thinking process is shown
Like he is SO UNDERSTANDING and good and amazing I love it
Levi is a psychopath 100%
I made a rant about Whit being a sociopath, but he doesn't fit that criteria because he lacks in exploitation behaviours/anger
I'm SURE he has some sort of hidden disorder (Whit) we haven't yet really talked about
im not a psychologist though
let's leave it to that one person headcanon diagnosing Veronika with asocial personality disorder or whatever I do NOT know what that is!
I fucking love this cast, but it's so mentally ill to the core.
Like so many of those fuckers have something wrong with them I can't stand it (affectionate)
Arei and David interaction??? Let's go
They could've been such good friends and Arei is so sweet forreal.
Eden with the fucking fork.
Fucking hell, oh my GOD.
I love the transitions in scrum debate, they're scrumbtastic and I fucking love and hate how they represent things like, hanging, getting thrown and then breaking your neck, the swinging... fuck it makes me sick
Areden could have been so real
Arei's friends being David and Eden... yeah
It could have been good
I hate the parallels between how David got extended that hand to take--- Xander, Arei.
I've an animation idea between the three od them and this is just slipping so well into my understanding of their dynamic (I'm not really analyzing it too deeply thinking of it though... I guess I should)
I'll get to know the real you, I love you, I will be your friend.
I know you for who you are, it makes me relieved, I guess we're both bad humans huh?
But does a good person really exist?
We'll look out for each other... I could be your friend.
Like fuck drdt is David Chiem nightmare especially that "only someone so fucking naive, stupid, jdk, jekcus could have fallen for such an obvious trap" feels like grief
he's just lost another fucking friend of his
scratch that your outburst is reasonable, or maybe I misremember shit
I would also go insane if anyone who was ever willing to love me got murdered one by one
All you ever do is gain and lose people, just like in "Therefore you and me"
As a result of acquiring as a result of losing, huh David Chiem?
It makes sense for him to want to extinguish that
Everyone looks forward to seeing tomorrow, but what are you gaining by it?
Friends you're losing
Maybe it's even harder for him, because Whit has a friend (Charles) he gets to keep, while David keeps on seeing his get murdered over and over again.
It never ends.
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That fucked up little glint when Teruko told her secret >>>>>>>>>
whatever drama was going on between Ace and Levi
Levi IS an insanely fucked up person, and I keep thinking over and over about how for me at least there is not one person I could ship Ace with
like damn mf 🙏 he alone af
I want to give Ace Markey such a big hug, like he is a bitch and has teeth which cut through you every 3 seconds, but girl.
any of that
Ace Markey is like, subtly circling upwards on my favouritism lists he's my wet kitten you don't get him like I do
He's had a friend before who was a guy
something something---
The fact that I even considered thinking of anyone over here as my friend really just tarnishes his image.
He cares about his friend SO MUCH.
It might be STUPID for me, but this reads as gay.
Ok just trust me in on this I'm a boykisser with a similar situation at hand.
girl lover as well, how do you THINK one person figures out that?
I just feel like Ace Markey might've discovered his homosexuality via that friend
that best friend one might say which makes me sososoo insanely CURIOUS about who it was
yk why
bcs id finally get an Ace ship I actually fw
hell ya let's go homies
also I need to add---
I feel like something has REALLY happened with his friend
might be a bit stupid, but I feel like that friend is dead
"tarnishes his image" huh Ace? Ace what does that mean, why would that image be able to be tarnished
did you say had Ace or am I not remembering it?
are you so afraid of everything, because your best friend is dead Ace?
it's kinda a stretch still though, a leap of faith on a suggestion I'm willing to argue about
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localwhoore · 1 year ago
can you stupid ass pick me lando fans STOP trying to “noooo his names not acccctually lando norris its ackshually bob!!1!!1!1!! we have to gaaatekeep guyysssuhhh the 😡NEWGENS😡 are gonna take overrruhhhhh he wont be ours anymoooorreeeeee” KILL YOURSELF DUDE HES A CELEBRITY ITS NOT THAT FUCKING DEEP DONT ACT AS IF YOU DIDNT GET INTO F1 BY WATCHING A LANDO EDIT THAT GUESS WHAT THE PEOPLE DIDNT GATEKEEP SO FUCK OFF
no joke i saw a comment reply to someone saying hes cute but doesnt know who he is scream and cry and whine and BITCH AND MOAN that “noooo hes ours for the f1 community only xx 💖💖🥰🥰” Hes not going to date you. You’re probably ugly as dogshit that someone stepped on irl.
AND THEN WHEN SOMEONE TOLD THEM TO DROP IT BECAUSE THEY AINT GONNA DATE HIM THEY SAID SOME STUPID ASS SHIT LIKE “well you dont know how i feel so strongly abt him he needs to be protected from the new fans!! xx 🙄” what the fuck ?? are u mentally ill? are u fucking crazy? did you get dropped on your head as a baby down a flight of stairs?
And before ANY of u come after me saying “oh my gawd u probably got into f1 through a lando edit too don’t even 🙄🤪ur js like us” NO i did not ive known abt ts since i was THREE YEARS OF AGE ANDDD DOOOONT PULL UP W SOME “yeah ur probably a charles fan instead then average female fan” im an oscar and yuki and zhou defender go fuck yourself with your lando themed dildo cz he aint want u and thats the closest ur shit ass is gonna get
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serenequeenofeverything · 1 year ago
Daily pull-a-card reading
Daily pull-a-card, is a daily tarot reading in which ill pull one card for every group.
Disclaimer: sometimes i might pull an extra card or two that i wont mention but will definitely take into consideration.
Lots of grammar mistakes ahead bc fuck english.
For September 8-9th 2023
Group i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
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The high priestess
U seem to be very connected and in touch with ur emotions, you are at ur peak intuition-wise but why do i see you doubting urself? Why are u so unsure? Almost ur not giving urself the benefit of the doubt, actually quite the opposite. You are not sure of urself whatsoever, but im here to tell what the universe (god, the angels or whatever u believe in) wants you to know : you are on the right path. U are exactly where u r meant to be. U are as connected to ur higher purpose as one can be. There is nothing to fear. You are on the right path. Your own path. Trust yourself a bit more.
A song recommendation (which i reallllllllly urge to listen to bc u cant imagine how strongly this came through, U MUST LISTEN TO IT) :
Ten of wands (r)
Let go of it. The burden you are carrying is not worth it, i don't exactly know what it is, it might or might not be important but here's the thing love, you are more important. U r really precious, u truly don't deserve to carry this baggage, it is just weighing you down. So free yourself, love. I know u can do it, you too know too. My bird of paradise, fly.
A song recommendation that i really wish u to listen to:
The world
My god, you are the girl. Darling you ARE THE GIRL. honestly i dont even need to advice u, all im gonna say, you are the girl. you are the one, i truly truly love your energy. Baddest bitch in the game lmaoo.
I said im not gonna advice you, but i cant stop me, so here it goes, STOP LOOKING INTO THE PAST. What's past is past. Fuck him, fuck them, they didnt deserve you. Look ahead so much is waiting for you, somewhere is waiting for you. And this time, they will deserve you. U will watch it begin again, only better.
A song recommendation that i NEED you to listen to (make sure u listen to taylor's version only tho 🔪🔪)
9 of swords
Hey love, listen to me very carefully, YOU CANT BALANCE IT ALL. whatever you are trying to balance, is taking a toll on you. It's too much work and it's fucking you up mentally. It's too much and read to this even more carefully YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME. Ur only human. Either give one of it up, or just free yourself from both( i suggest this). Life is much more than this situation that you are in. And there's better days to come. But you take this decision. U need to take this decision.
A song recommendation that im certain you already know but i think would a good awakening for u :
Knight of cups
He is very close. Nearly here. And my god, ur night in his shinning armor is one hell of a night ( THE BEST INTENTIONS LITERALLY ) . Idk girl what u have been manifesting, but that shit is CLOSE, very freaking close. My advice? Just keep doing whatever ur doing. U r doing good, and u will do even better.
Song recommendation(huh... interesting, idk i got this song, but it came very strongly, so listen u never know what's in it for u) / interestedly three things came on strong 1. "Combat" 2. " they see right through me, can you see right through me" 3. "Cause all my enemies started off as friends"
Page of wands
Oh my god, this was like the messiest group everrr! Here's the thing lmao u got many cards, but it just kept going back and forth but one thing im certain about is the page of wands energy all over you. So this group are just very young compared to the rest, or just not in control of their life whatsoever.
For some i see patents getting divorced, families arguing, not very good home environment. And then there's u, amidst all this mess, the shinning one. U have many goals, you are a seeker and a dreamer, u want more. Im hearing " an art deco, Shining like gun metal" and u want more. U want more for you, u want the light, the fame and everything else too. A hungry soul.
" i want my cake and i wanna eat it too"
My advice? It dont matter. U will do as u wish, no one can stop u nor change you. U remind me too much of myself, i know ur ache.
Your song recommendation? Art deco. That song describes you perfectly.
Anyways now that's over, y'all better follow me, i mean who will do u better than i?
Alsooo u can always submit what u want me to do a reading on next by simply commenting ur subject of interest ( no private readings bro i aint got no time for that)
Anyways peace out, bye.
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intertexts · 7 months ago
ROSXSSSSSSSSS can u talk abt muse. pls. muse is the part of nhw that drivrs me the most crazy insane. makes me feel GENUINELY ILL i was reading one of ur most recent muse posts earlier and was like. Oh. ohhhhhhhhh oucwch. ouchiees. had 2 put my phone down and just stare at my desk at work for a minute or so. oh my god. tell me abt nhw ashe a lil bit!!!! his brief lucid moments as muse. does he ever snap out of it while using his powers???? how horrifuying is that. what is he like when hes finally not under the trickster's control and is completely free??? whats it like when hes back with the wards???? im going 2 throw something ougbghh nhw ashe i love u
GODDDDDDD. HIIII WHISKEY HI <333 insane person questions 2 ask because thats literally exactly what i've been thinking about for hours. holy shit. ok. yeah. u get insane 1130pm thought trains!!!! <3333
>it is VERY RARE for him to snap out of it while he's actively in his breaker state [non-lucid state regardless of whether he's being controlled, he's just. going on autopilot & instinct + thats also the terrifying reality melting one that the trickster Likes and chose him for. so.] just bcos he's fucked up regardless-- it happens a couple times!! during a couple fights that mark & tide + the wards are there for!! mackerel also had some thoughts on this i need 2 fucking pick his brain more tomorrow....
>when the trickster is finally Gone (via mal). um. things are. i will be real with you!!!!!!! they are Not Great!!!! they are-- better!!! still fucking Bad!! first of all wibby & virion & dakota are. horrifically traumatized by seeing muse disembowel and tear apart william while still keeping him alive and with all his senses & pain receptors intact. like, he survives, mal puts him back together, but it is-- not. something that any of them easily come back from, especially wibby. they all have involuntary trauma responses towards just. seeing ashe, really-- it's been long enough that their first thought when they see him isn't "oh our awesome best friend ashe :]" it's "oh god oh fuck how did the trickster get here." which everyone hates!!!
ashe specifically... god. he is in a fucking horrific headspace immediately post-muse. the physical and mental strain of being forcibly kept in his breaker state (something that, like, historically, had triggered maybe.. twice. three times. in ten years or so.) as long and as often as he was took a fucking toll. being kept under almost 24/7 mind control for almost a year straight kind of put his head in the blender. for the first... god, whoever knows how long after that, he gets, like, almost daily pulsing headaches & migraines with the aura and confusion and nausea & shit. has a whole host of fucking brain issues-- debilitating anxiety & paranoia over being followed & watched, delusions related to. well. being fucking lobotomized by an insane sadistic superpowered murderer who controlled you and kept you as his favorite toy and had you commit horrific acts for over a year. frequently is terrified or convinced he's still being controlled. shit like that. severe derealization & disconnection frm his own body & such.
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also ^ yeag. <3 he is. god. simultaneously insanely touch-repulsed & touch-starved because. the only person really touching him for a year was the trickster!!! yeah!!! his wires r so fucking crossed & he freaks the fuck out whenever anybody makes to touch him and he also misses it so badly, just wants a fucking hug from his dad but for a while he can't even do that without flashbacks and nausea and terror. the same except ten times worse for anyone touching his hair. freaks out when anybody tries to do Anything fucking... caretaking or comforting, really. which sucks because he also is in a ton of physical pain & damage from the insane amount of physical stress-- nothing permanent in a debilitating way, but. y'know. even after he's healed he aches and his joints hurt and he can't stand for too long without it being Bad and it takes a very long time for him to get his coordination and fine motor skills back-- anyway, it's a nasty feedback loop because he very much Cannot do some things on his own but anyone helping him almost always brings back trickster shit. can't help him into the shower can't drape a blanket over him or move him somewhere more comfy if he falls asleep on the couch can't hug him etc!!! & all this while the rest of the gang is also. incredibly fucked up & they're all accidentally hitting each other where they're already hurt and unintentionally triggering each other and like-- it's better!! god!! it's so much better! but it's still. u know. he has to have the worst most miserable excruciating long recovery arc. OH. YEAH. he also straight up fucking refuses to use his powers. is just. incredibly horrified and guilty and full of self-loathing and revulsion at everything that was done using him as a tool. is unspeakably terrified of it happening again, of him accidentally hurting anyone. etc. anyway. it gets better!!!!!!!!!! it gets worse before it gets better though. yeag. yeah.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months ago
zane, ofc
Why I like them/why I don’t: ZANEEEE oh i could write a thousand essays about how much i love him and why (and i have) but i will keep it brief for now. GX may have dropped the ball with the writing on half its series's cast but they knew what they were doing with zane. His character arc is so agonizing and he's such an interesting and complicated character. He threw so much away chasing after sky high standards and victory just to feel something and then killed himself when he knew he was at death's door and THEN had to face consequences of not actually dying and now having to start the long road to recovery. god. he's just fantastic. not a villain or even really a bad guy at his core but more of a performative bad guy. heel_turn_2.mp3. i love him so much
What I like about their appearance: the hell kaiser look is still just absolutely top notch yugioh outfit design. the black and silver...the ref stripes down the legs, it's such a kickass color palette that really compliments zane's dark teal hair (i also love how he and syrus really do have the same shape of bangs it's really cute)
Do I prefer their dub names or original names? going to be a Zane Truesdale preference-haver until the end of time i fear....it's just such a badass name it suits him so well imo. i do also like calling him ryozane after seeing a twitter oomf do it. the beautiful bridge gap between a dub and sub liker in conversation: just shoving both names together into one word <3
OTP: it has been a hot minute since ive gone insane about them but know zatticus/idolshipping is still an all time fav ygo ship for me. there is so much love there and also they are a fucking mess. ideal zatticus dynamic is a bit this to me i must say. they need a little sprinkling of divorce in there. they came like that
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NOTP: idk man i think if you ship him with his little brother you should get a really big rock smashed over your head tbqh
OT3: do also enjoy the zane/atticus/fujiwara Elite Trio.... three guys who are mentally ill and nonbinary in three different directions. i need them to play dnd together so bad
Favourite card they use: tossup between Chimeratech Overdragon (such a cool as hell monster,) good old Cyber End Dragon (probably my favorite ace monster in all of GX and top three for all of yugioh period,) and, of course, Power Bond (*thinks about the truesdale bros and starts crying sobbing wailing etc*)
Favourite moment they were in: gotta be the zane vs possessed!jesse season 3 duel/zane's last stand of course. everything about it. when gx had a lighting and color budget and it shredded like hell. when zane goes out having summoned Cyber End, his ace and oldest friend, instead of using the Cyberdarks anymore, and all the thematic weight to that. the dub exclusive of zane telling syrus he's proud of him immediately before dying. absolute S tier yugioh.
Least favourite moment: HM. LIKE. i dont even hate it i think it's an engaging and fucked up duel but i will say the zane vs syrus s2 duel because it makes people absolutely fuck up comprehending both of these characters like. atrociously badly. see me after class.
im gonna replace the FKM last question with 'something you associate with the character' (song, animal, flowers, etc etc)' instead: hisuian samurott :^) the hell kaiser pokemon ever to me
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lapdogchase · 2 months ago
house s8 e17 liveblogigng
every episode i start i get so scared.Something bad is going to happen. Soon. i feel the walls closing in
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^him and chase could bond over cumming too quick. Sorry that was another one of those sentences i didnt have to share
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^PLEEEEASE sorry i dont know why i said that either. must be possessed i suppose
adams can be aro becuade i want her to be. much like how most other characters in this show are aro because i want them to be
guy whos in love with a sex doll says "no one in the world has an emotional attachment to a toaster" come on man your thing is honestly weirder. im sure i have a follower or two who's attracted to toasters. Actually
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^chase would be an ally to the objectum cause.thats so awesome. im aware im blatantly ignoring the part where im supposed to think the patient is weird and insane idc its more fun this way
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^chase hypersexuality mentioned once more ...
three inch mass in the skin of. the doll??? the doll. has a tumor??? ?????
"youre like the stephen hawking of killing relationships" !?!!??!?!?
"do you resent me"They need to have lesbian sex.
WHY IS HE LYING ABOUT Oh right he loves cheating on women i forgot sorry
please tell me they gave the doll stitches
why does house want chase to fuck his coworkers so bad. Do it yourself freak
house stop picking on him for his failed relationships you know hes insecure about that!!! :(
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^what the hell sure
NETI POT??!?!?!?!?!stoppp my mother was so into neti pots a few years ago
the patient asking for adams' EMAIL is so funny. me when i was 15 and i could only communicate via email
^what on earth were the writers intending this arc to be about if not healing from sexual trauma like truly. healing from being, like, a slut? that's not nearly as compelling. being a slut is awesome if it's not from a place of mental illness
is he gonna. fall in love with his felonywife???
oh thank god he didnt fall in love with his felonywife i'd be so mad. i hate love and romance
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year ago
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j-crow · 2 months ago
how've you been lately dawg 🤔🤔
in the trenches /j
yapping you didnt ask for incoming:
surprising from what you might think of me but ive been really good lately!!
i love the retj fandom but that shit got so miserable and overwhelming and convoluted that i just. gave up on trying to go back. im much happier staying off discord :D
actually i needed a reason to rant about this but oh my god??? i literally NEVER used to be that upset all the time pre-retj discord server. like the version of me in your head is probably SO inaccurate to how i actually am because i am NEVER that upset all the time
like yeah i get really upset sometimes but when i had discord??? WHY WAS I SO SUICIDAL?????
so the conclusion that ive come up with is that discord literally gave me mental illnesses and like. yeah that makes sense actually 😭😭
besides that ive been good besides the constant appearance of a wlw situationship in my life 😞😞
also dont if you ever noticed but i had a crush on your ex 💀💀 (tbf there were some EXTREMELY mixed signals imo) we’re not talking anymore tho
uhhh ive gotten new interests (house md my beloved <33 stupid fucking gay doctors) and read a terrifying amount of fanfiction (probably over 100 fics read the past 2 months not including the 100k+ one im reading rn???? dont bully me pls i know im chronically online 💔💔)
ive been trying to draw more as well but i suck ass at human anatomy and have ultimately decided to just draw animals for the rest of my life atp
also ive been playing the new pokemon tcg game and my entire coding class is literally obsessed with it 😭😭 (me flexing)
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also been playing pokerogue!! its fun but i get unreasonably angry when my pokemon die 😭😭
ANYWAYS HOUSE MD!!!!!!!! medical malpractice show 10/10 would recommend watching‼️‼️ ive gotten so many spoilers because my short attention span cant handle more than two episodes a day and im stuck on season one 😭😭
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WILSON!!!!!! my definitely gay husband who looks way too fondly at his best friend of ten years to be straight and has had three divorces (canon btw) exploding him with my mind 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
still obsessed with birds as you might be able to tell 😭😭 blog name actually comes from a piece of art your ex gave to me (gatekeeping sorry) it said “the c in jc stands for crow” and i ran with it
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thats u btw /j (thats an australasian swamphen chick also known as a pukeko chick!!! look them up theyre terrifying)
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personally one of my favorite photos of them
anyways i still like hamilton and epic the musical surprisingly and i think i can almost recite the entirety of nonstop and the room where it happens (so impressive i know)
and retj my beloved and beloathed </33 so terribly detrimental for my health but im glad i went through that shit tbh
also crazy that its almost christmas??? its christmas eve wtf i forgot
im also working on a 3d animation project with some friends!!! its due sometime in february and im praying i get into nationals for the competition 🙏🙏 i have a backup if the animation fails horribly but my friends dont so!!!! gotta work hard so we all can go to florida and do some tomfoolery
thats about it i think???? unless you want to hear about my school life for whatever reason (im happy to yap about coding but dont ask me about anything else 😭😭)
hope you’ve been well dude!! :D
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found this deep in my camera roll 😭😭
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boyinafandom · 1 year ago
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Part 1
Song of this installment
Yes I’m bringing this 2020 banger back SHHHH
This is technically an au
In this au there are:
•Toby, still has Tourette's, although barely mentioned when in his pov because he's used to it and tunes it out now
•he still has his canon mental illnesses don’t worry
•he has no cheek scar-he has a lot of freckles though, that he covered in the first story with makeup, because it’s an easy thing to identify him with.
•his family isn’t dead, he’s just fucking crazy or sum idk (this is subject to change though? When i find lore, because in most cases psychopathy is made from child abuse-although it is believed that it may be genetically passed so…)
•reader is trans ftm (read part one for like context in there transition) not apart of the au but im TIRED AND SICK OF THE STRAIGHT FEMALE Y/N WE NEED MORE TRANS REP
•implied that someone (and everyone) Y/N knows and works with is now dead
• torture 
It’s been about a three years since the whole “clock em over the the head and tie him up in your basement” incident, you thought it was over.
You were sorely mistaken.
Y/N’S pov
I changed jobs, moved away,changed my name for the 6th time in my life time(while only being 27). Started over. AGAIN. Because I’m incapable of keeping the creeps away.
I don’t know why I didn’t kill him like I did the others.
You know, usually, when the restraining order doesn’t work, instead of telling the police, you take matters into your own hands,but he’s slippery, more then I thought, he got away, how could I have let this happen, now look at me?
Locked in a basement, and cold, uncomfortably dry basement, waiting for who I can only assume to be the man I thought I so blissfully got away from (and almost managed to kill) a few years back.
And now that I say all this. You must be deeply confused, so allow me to explain.
September 4th 2024
12:34 AM
It’s freezing, and my makeup is starting to come off, thankfully I brought my mask. Why is this place still going on this late anyway? I mean, I get wanting a good midnight scare, (I work as a scare acter now) but it’s a freezing September night, the only people who are showing up are drunk…and..shit..someone is coming, ok- got to get into position
I borrow myself into the corn field..and wait
Dowsing them in fake blood and landing on top of them…I was not meant to land on them…shit..
I hear an audible groan
“Oh shit I’m sorry man! That was not meant to happen-“
“Naw man it’s fine-“
He sounds vaguely familiar,but who doesn’t,right?
I get off him, and he starts to get up
Shit I wasn’t supposed to break character, I then feel my alarm go off in my pocket..
My shift ended?? Then what is this guy doing here?
He smiles at me a wide..sharp toothed smile..
“What’s the alarm for?”
“My shift ended, it’s close time. What are you doing this far out?if I may ask?”
“You may, and I got here about an hour ago. I made it this far out because I…don’t actually know..?”
He does a full 360* turn and looks heavily confused, like he knew what he signed up for, but doesn’t know how he got where he is now.
“You uh..want me to walk you back?”
His neck jerks and he says a fast yes, clicking his tongue and stuttering
“You uh..good?”
Either he’s a tweaker he has tics, please god don’t be a fucking tweaker.
“So..why’d you come out this late?”
I say, since he completely ignored my question
“Hm..? Oh uh-? Just felt bored”
His hand jerks
It’s hard to see in the heavy lack of light. If it wasn’t for the moon shining over us, I wouldn’t even be able to tell if he was a man or woman,but…he reeks of copper..
“So..you work here? Or do you volunteer??”
He asks
“I uh…work here..also sorry, this walk will take a minute, this is the end of the scare trail after all”
I say with a chuckle
He looks at me
“What’s funny?”
“You laughed, so what’s funny?”
I start to feel a prickle up my spine at the sudden change in demeanor,cold running up and down my body.
“Oh um..nothing sorry, just trying to break the tension that’s all..”
At some point after light conversation we end up back on the well lit trail…and then I see his face. He’s covered in freckles, and fake blood and he has a..large scar on his eyebrow..
I cut rogers when I tried to get rid of him for good
We keep waking and then I smell something, it reeks of copper and cigarette smoke, Jaden usually smelled like cigarette smoke..
It starts to click
I walk over to the source of the smell..
Then I see it, this blobbed red thing..
“Hey uh..I realized i never got your name”
The guy says
“Where did you get that scar..?”
I say without turning around, peering into the ditch trying to see if my suspicions were correct
And then then I feel him, his hands on my face. a wet rag over my mouth and nose, I try to hold my breath and fight but I quickly start to lose air..and then I breath it in..and lose consciousness…
And that kids,is how I got locked in this creeps basement…
Fuck I hope Charles ok…
Shh..I can hear movement upstairs
This is GREAT. I finally get to see you again-mostly because you were to dumb to recognize me, shame really, I thought you loved me tiger.
We’re in love! So how did you not recognize me????it’s fine I suppose, I already killed the bitch you replaced me with. I mean seriously??? A bleach blonde twink??? I am so much better than him.
As I make my way down stares,to you,I kind of realize-that you,mhm you tiger-probably don’t recognize me. It’s a shame, you didn’t see to recognize me when we saw each other again.
I hope you didn’t forget about me.
I slowly creak the entrance to you’re sell (that I made just for you! By HAND, because I truly care about your comfort) and there you are, immediately on alert, jerking about in your seat, thrashing about.
“Your only gonna make it tighter,tiger, I’ll untie you soon, you just have to stop struggling and relax”
You stop,surprisingly, and try to find the source of my voice.
You bark at me, to bad your mouth is gagged, I’d love to hear what you have to say.
“Hm? What was that?”
I mutter with a smirk, walking over to my table, and picking up my flaying knife
You hear the metal clink, I hear the scared whine you make.
“You’re about to be in a lot of pain tiger. Too bad you deserve it.”
You start to cry. But you didn’t comfort me when I cried…because you weren’t there.
“Stop crying, it’s gonna get a lot worse,Y/N.”
I pull the cloth out of your mouth, and you immediately go silent, like a whine or even scream is born and killed in your throat, maybe you think your silence with get you off easy, but it won’t. So don’t bother.
“Don’t bother struggling.”
I stab into your top of you’re left thigh, bluntly and brutally, and you cry harder, screaming so loud your voice breaks.
“Mhm. Let me hear you pretty boy.”
I pull it a little farther out and watch the blood gush out of your thigh, you’re screaming and crying, not begging though.
“It doesn’t matter how loud you scream, no one can hear you, this place is sound proofed.”
You stop screaming, and then huff something out, it’s so quiet I can almost barely hear it like it’s taking up all of your strength.
“Yknow…you’re a pretty good actor….”
I can’t help but not laugh, I mean complementing me? Really? That’s not gonna get you out of this.
“Why are you laughing? What’s funny?”
You mutter
I quirked an eyebrow
“Oh nothing…”
I rake the blade into your thigh one more time, this time you only jerk your spine in response.
Now I’m never letting you go.
Also sorry that I’ve haven’t post a fic of any kind in like a month in a half, life likes to rake its nails down my back while licking my ear lobe lol
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ghxstchronicals · 5 months ago
•☽────✧˖°˖ 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 ˖°˖✧────☾•
except I poorly explain it in my own words
⌞ harlexon ⌝
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➜. they're poly, but Haru didn't come 'til later! that being said...
➜. Alex and Dilon are childhood friends, turned lovers ! but. omg. in highschool they were the worst. I'm so serious.
➜. they were borderline DATING already. they could kiss, cuddle, hold hands, and Alex would pop out with the "what are we?" and Dilon just wouldn't answer
➜. a rift was caused when Alex kissed Dilon with Derek's support (Dilon SMILED???? he enjoyed it) ... but then she started avoiding him so like. okay.
➜. he made it no better tho??? he got more and more upset and bitchy as time went on, and NO communication happened.
➜. then they had a sleepover and were forced to sleep together, and had a very awkward conversation ⤿ "... it's pretty hot right now, isn't it?" "it's below sixty degrees in here." "right... I meant-" "shut the fuck up."
➜. don't worry! they work it out, and come out the next day ACTUALLY together. they were basically insufferable for everybody, with obvious crushes on each other, but everytime someone asked, it was always "what? no, we're not together??" (or "we're not???")
➜. they are happily married tho !! have been for years now <33
➜. Haru and Dilon, as i've posted so you should know already, went from strangers, to kinda friends, to fuckbuddies
➜. they didn't exactly "get together" until Alex got back, so they had sort of a situationship going on.
➜. that said, Haru and Alex hated each other. on Haru's end, this is the girl who took the love of his life from him, and on Alex's end, this guy is really trying to compete with me for my husband. what the fuck
➜. ... long story short; they fucked and Haru casually inserted himself into their relationship (the poly was his idea)
⌞ josmora ⌝
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➜. love at first sight. literally !!
➜. Shamora fell first, Josh fell harder. she saw him when passing through ballet classes to get to her boxing class (nonamericans, DONT look up if ballet/boxing classes are real in the state of California. you'll find out that Im lying)
➜. she saw a pretty girl (pre-josh transition) and went. woah.
⤿ Shamora was terribly a lesbian before Josh (post-transition)
➜. she's acting all weird now, so come lunch time, her friends piece it together that she has a crush (she used to be obvious like that)
➜. Josh didn't acknowledge Shamora's existence until one day she scared off a group of nobody-girls that were fucking with him, then she invited him over to sit with her and her friends
➜. they IMMEDIATELY hit it off, and they're the only couple here that acknowledges that they're dating before they're even dating
➜. before they get married, and after he came out, Shamora paid for his top surgery and all other needed things (no bot-surg), and he married her faster
➜. That One Couple that makes you sick. the couple with the couple goals!
⌞ dash ⌝
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➜. now lookie here.
➜. they're like. worse than Dilon and Alex.
➜. except it's not even Ash's fault. Derek is just a WHORE
➜. i'd argue that they're worse than Alex and Dilon...but I digress.. On one hand, Ash had a crush on Derek for the longest... the only problem was that Derek was a HOPPER.
➜. like... first, it's his twin sister's bf, a girl at one point, some more guys... oh look at that, he married Joseph of all people.
➜. now, this is probably the first time Ash directly interfered with Derek's relationships. mostly because Joseph was...Joseph. abusive, manipulative, cunning -- not that Derek didn't hit his ass back, but still.
➜. Derek even had his baby - only to get it taken after the divorce because (via Joseph) he was too "mentally ill" to take care of the kid (Joseph didn't get the kid either so)
➜. Ash and Derek saw each other during Derek's three-year headache... and then they finally got together themselves. oh my god Ash ily (no I don't)
⌞ jerelucy ⌝
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➜. mommy and daddy of the group (literally)
➜. ran(runs) a successful business, hence the wealthiness of the family, be it biological, married into or found
➜. however, we're not discussing how they got together, rather their "falling out".
➜. headcanon that Jeremy is a lightweight... a terrible holder of alcohol.
➜. because he and Lucy were happy, excruciatingly so. with three kids, and newly born twins !!
➜. until Jeremy was working late out one night. he can't remember much except for waking up with a headache, then proceeding to turn to wrap his arms around his- this was not his wife.
➜. sitting up frantically, he'd find that he wasn't even at the penthouse. he honestly doesn't think her threw up any faster than he did right then and there.
➜. of course Lucy found out about it, and of course she was rightfully pissed about it.
➜. this led to frequent arguments - their oldest son gone, and their oldest daughter out in college already, leaving their second-older son to take care of the twins while they became strangers in their own home
➜. Jeremy lost himself the moment Lucy tried to divorce him. he became an entirely different person--not the gentleman he once was-- it the good father he was before.
➜. he wasn't active in his kids' life much anymore. but he did grieve when Dilon committed suicide when he was only...nine?
➜. while still not as active, he refused to go through with the divorce. Lucy never took him to court for it either. why??
➜. she was hurt and heartbroken, but she still loved him as much as she hated him now, even if he was a stranger now
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tmntxthings · 2 years ago
woahh matchups?? by grace no less??? raced to the askbox 🫡
im decently tall(?), like 170cm last i checked three years ago lmfao. I love cooking food, but my way of measurements is to literally just throw in whatever my heart desires and pray it turns out right. Im supposed to wear glasses but i dont because i look cooler without them and luckily my eyesight is decent. What am i even supposed to say for a matchup this has become a mini storytelling session about myself ???
I enjoy flirting with my girl friends because its genuinely how i show love to them lmao, i literally call them babe/jagiya (like honey in korean)
oh! there was this one time i met a mutual friend for the first time and immediately winked at her in the train as soon as we made eye contact. ill never forget it.
ikr ?! who would’ve guessed, im being bombarded with them now xD i didn’t realize what I was getting into heheh
MY DEAR PUMPKIN, it should come as no surprise that I match you with Leonardo Hamato
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(it took me a ridiculous amount of time to find this god damn gif of this shit head winking for the ultimate effect)
And here are my reasons <333333
I’m once again going against what I initially said, I like the whole opposites attract or yk finding someone who compliments you, like a ying/yang thing BUT
I couldn’t stop imagining you immediately flirting with the Face Man, and him at first being completely taken off guard, you?? flirting with him!?!
but better believe that moment only lasts seconds before his smirk is taking over that face, confidence up to the max as he winks back at you, anddddd don’t think you’re just walking away after that! Now he’s gotta talk to you, spit game so-to-speak hehe, and the two of you are fast ‘friends’ (he totally thinks the two of you are dating as soon as u flirted with him)
and then his world comes crashing down when he sees that you do it with your girlfriends too, he’s having a mental breakdown- what- wait- im not special?! T^T *crying in the club* but now he’s all the more determined to win you over for real, pulling out all the stops to see a sweet blush appear on your face, I mean it’s only fair since you get that reaction out of him too, though he does his best to cover it up (quite literally lifting his hand to his face, pretending to cough, and sometimes drastically making a getaway portal before you see how completely beguiled he is)
hehe I imagine he has the same kind of cooking methods as you too, fuck them measurements! tho you may have to hold Leo back from dumping a whole load of spices/flour/whatever ingredient into the mixing bowl xD
and i imagine he would make you ten times more confident as well, he’ll tease you for not wearing your glasses, for sureeee, he will wear them himself, “Don’t I look cute?? Tell me I’m—“ though glasses have the opposite effect on him, he’s totally running into poles, walls, practically breaking your poor glasses, but I guess thats one way to convince you to wear them??? Don’t worry he absolutely adores the way you look with them on, he’s just a tease ya know? And a dummy! But your dummy c;
and that’s all I got my dearest pumpkin <33333 I rlly hope you enjoyed hehe
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robotnuts · 10 months ago
im so glad u watched 19 bc i truly have soooo many thoughts on like theres so much potential & really good scenes there but so many misses. the tex part is easily the best part of it though i still cant believe it actually happened. i kinda wish sarge's death was off screen like you see them watch him die but give him no final words sort of deal... i feel like it wouldve been a better plot device rather than the longer scene if sarge saying what he's feeling as he dies. sorry i keep thinking about that its my main thing i wouldve changed. well that and putting wash back in prison instead of a mental facility because i think a prison break with untreated mental illness couldve done more than ....... whatever the hell the wash scenes were. restoration is easily the best set up for fanwork ive seen in a while tho NGL the meta tucker concept is soooo fun i wish it got explored more. sorry im rambling in ur askbox now LOL
YESSS sorry for the late response. im glad rvb restoration dropped hwen it did so ic ould watch it irl with my girlfriend but it did happen to be during the most busy month of my year so obviously my blogging has been completely slacking. i really love this final line that apparently sarge was going to say. i think its more sweet and poetic than him spelling out how hes feeling about simmons and grif in particular
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no yeah my biggest issue is just like. this felt like a vehicle for like, meta scenes saying goodbye to the reds and the blues, but the actual like "plot" of the season didnt really have any time to develop and had to just be quick weird scenes that were just kind of tonally dissonant and not really polished or treated with the same kind of care and deftness he was able to handle mixing the humor and plot elements of the recollections trilogy. both due to the runtime, him being out of the game for so long, and needing to do a full plot in one season instead of three. it really felt bare bones. which is fine it's just like, obviously you can see that its not the best, and i feel like if it was going to just be a vehicle for sappy goodbye to rvb as a property scenes i wish it had just gone all in and given us more interactions between the different characters. idk. im not really sure how id fix it aside from just having my own completely differnet version of their future in my head but ive already kind of written that post out for my post chorus vision lmao. dumpster baby forever...
META TUCKER IS REALLY FUN AND I COULDNT BE TOO MAD AT IT because it was literally a type of concept that epsilontucker riffed on after the open ended s13 (oh my god rip epsilontucker i think im gonna be sick). but his scenes again felt pretty jarring nad just put in there to keep the season moving and wahh why did they torture him for 10 fucking years ahhh scary AHHH. yeah, now that you said it it really does feel like. the bare bones of an incredible 250k word fanfic written by someone who has a different more serious tone than the original series like, put my guns in the ground style, moreso than an rvb season LMFAO but that's fine if anyones still in the fandom and cares to do that i'd love to see it. idk. im rambling. it was a good fun stream and i liked individual scenes but it was definitely all over the place for me
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banesberry-anomoly · 1 year ago
How that high treating you??? B))
Im at a weird spot with this one were its. aceoss between exsitensionlism (i know i butchered that word), giggling at everything, super melting mess and over emotional at every thing for various reasons, and being hyper aware of what being high is actually like and Im being thrown around between the four extremes like Im the ball in a game of four way ping pong
Im also hallucinating to high hell. Yknow those vidoes wthat show you and theyre all super weird and shit like transitions into each other woth no really rhyme or reason anyways my ppint is yeah thats all very accurate for anoen taht hasnt gotten high before also theres new shit thrown in too so watch out for that
And time dialation is a bitch too. Oh i know that was only two maybe three minutes at most but noooooo its actual felt more like 4 or 5 hours so help me gods augh Im feeling awful therer are spurals in ever square inch of my vision right now
And short term memory is also shit and combine that with being mentally ill in general and a systems and that all just SKYROCKETS oh fuck the keys on my phone screen are melting what the fuck anyways yeah y0u gotta keep looking back at shit and writing it down helps immensely with remembering shit and I know for a fact that Im ramblign at this point but what can I do
I feel liek an ao3 writer that just remembered they need to update that really popular fic that they were sad about not updating but the. remembering OH SH8T IM THE WRITER OF THAT FIC WHOOPS and anywyas yeah somebody send help all my words are coming out like sludge Im smelling colours which is a normal thing for us actuallt cause we have synthesia or howevwr the fuck you spell it but you get my point
Im also liek being super honest and telling yall shit in hypwrspecific detail thinsg that I wouodnt nornally prolly tell yall and oh fuck there are flowers in the corner of my vision now what the hellllllllll and anyways just send me asks n shit HOW WAS THAT ONLY 5 MINUTES I THOUGH I WAS TYPING FOR THREE HOURS /SRS OH GODS FUCK
Im being pingponged really quickly atp but yeah send me asks and shit and Ill probably cringe at myself later but thats not a problem for me right noe lmaoooooo
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jamssim · 10 months ago
the ao3 authors curse is real ??? it's amusing to read other people's experiences with the curse (just to see such a bizarre phenomenon) but ma said my turn is over on the xbox bitches!!! please someone else take it omfg ive had ENOUGH !!!
instances of the ao3 curse in the past 6 months since i started writing again, in no particular order (warning for mentions of animal death, addiction and mental illness)
- lost my entire source of income bc an individual i reside with received a pay rise of less than $10 (the australian government can eat my fuckin ass you dog cunts!!!)
- one of my three baby chickens got snatched and eaten by a fucking hawk (i mean a hawk gotta eat but why my baby D:)
- family member had a stroke and recovered, but then another member had a stroke and an emergency limb amputation with the possibility of losing another one lol
- car broke down three times so far this year, my tyre literally exploded during one time (if she goes down again, im scrapping her and fuckin walking)
- antidepressants stopped working for five months, and was in and out of doctors + emergency psych appointments until last month w/ one of the worst depressive/suicidal episodes ive ever had in 14 years of MDD <3<3<3
- in connection, my antidepressants went from $7 to around $30 because the government said being broke and depressed isnt enough we gotta combine the two
- back in active addiction for two substances after accidental exposure during sobriety lmfao
- my poor lil rabbit has been seriously sick for the first time ever in her _six years_ because she worked out how to jump a metre in the air and ate a bunch of grapes like the gluttonous little void she is
in other news im two weeks away from finishing the first half of my third year and i cannot wait for like two weeks of no responsibilities,,,, just writing cod fanfic oh my god i miss my mutuals i miss scrolling through tumblr with no obligations,,, god moots just wait when im back yall will be GETTING IT (all my love and affection)
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clockworkslick · 1 year ago
oh. its 10/16. so short summary before i talk about nothing for a bit too long: a year ago i came up with the idea to actually go through with taking one of my silly ideas and turning it into something that other people could read, so i started drafting the concept of providence, a webcomic i make and thats updating everyday. more talking under the whatever.
so ive always made little stories that i would run through in my head for like two or three months when i had mental downtime, and then move on to some other goofy idea. this is either a totally normal thing or im a freak, honestly i have no frame of reference for how other people act. anyways i was home from college last year and i had this idea for an rpg fantasy story, initially an idea for playing modded minecraft with some friends (god i wish that was a joke), but i started writing shit down in a google doc. i wrote out a handful generic slots for various fantasy classes: witch, dryad, ranger, knight, vampire(not a class but i dont give a fuck), blacksmith, etc. and then i named some of them. i finished naming and writing out plot nonsense in november and changed the name of the comic from "Drive-By" to "Liberty" to "Providence."
honestly i think that was the easy part because its totally non-commital. unfortunately after that i had to actually start making the pages. the original plan was to finish act one before may, which was an optimistic goal to say the least, but also maybe if i didnt have to do anything else it would have been totally possible. or if i was just faster in general. anyways i started drawing everything at the end of december and then didnt stop for 6 months. actually thats a lie, i started drawing pages and havent stopped since then, but what i meant is that i started uploading the comic in may. i had a backlog of about 75 pages and the art change just in that time was nuts. comparing act 2 art to act 1 is more nuts but im not about to redraw the 170 pages of a1 just so that its APPEALING and PALLETEABLE. i learned way more about web design from doing this comic than from my actual web design class. like insanely more. you have no idea how little that class helped me with anything aside from making friends through mutual hatred of being poorly taught.
sixo de mayo (may 6th) came and i started doing this thing for real, and its been so surreal having people actually talk to me about these guys that have been in my head for months. my sister recently asked if deacon was my self-insert, which is sort of true but only in the sense that we both have social issues and like to be dumb on sort-of-purpose, and then she told me that her favorite character was reagan. theres not really any deep meaning behind her telling me or that reagan is my favorite too, but its just so surreal to me that people can have a favorite, or any opinion, on these characters i obsess over.
alright i think im done for now, i just wanted to talk about the comic on its sort of birthday, and also the day that the gang got pulled into the story. i mentioned that vaguely in the story once already, but im cool with being more direct about it. ill probably go on another rant again about this sometime, maybe on sixo de mayo, but probably sooner because im obsessive and like to type. happy birthday comic, heres to a million more. or however many years it takes to make a 5 act story at a rate of like 200 pages in 10 months. hopefully that number will go up.
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