#im so excited mwahahah
ggomos-maribat · 1 year
Scars like a Red Thread
Marinette Dupain-Cheng hates Damian Wayne with a passion. Firstly because of their shared past, and secondly, because of the scars they had on their hands: a tiny pale line on the skin between their ring and pinky fingers. If one of them dies, the other's scar bleeds and burns as a symbol of their marriage bond. One day, Ladybug dies for the first time at the hands of an akuma.
Heart Eyes
Robin was told time and again that dating fellow heroes was a messy affair, especially if secret identities were still at stake. He didn't believe it until he ended his one-year relationship with Ladybug. After taking some time to heal, Damian becomes enamored with a new girl: a beautiful fashion designer named Marinette.
R for Revenge (DP X MLB)
An encounter with cultists turns Marinette into the first new halfa in decades. With permission from her new guardian, the Ghost King himself, she goes back to Paris to enact her vengeance.
Guardian's Occult
A joint investigation by Marinette and Constantine leads to the transformation of the young guardian into . . . a toddler guardian?! While he tries to find a way to reverse it, Constantine entrusts her to a serial adopter of black-haired blue-eyed children.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead
After a recent celebrity scandal, the Wayne family gets tangled up in a cold case from two years ago: the death of a girl from Paris
The Justice League makes it their mission to intercept a new villainess who appeared in Paris.
Two Immortals (DP x DC x MLB)
See this post
One night fling leads to Marinette having a baby with Kryptonian blood.
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ranger-elizabeth · 2 months
hi its mota college au anon again— u are an angel for dropping that ch5 teaser MWAHAHAH im so excited <3 ty for such a good fic im eating it UP
hello again!! no, you’re the angel for hyping me up so much 🥹🫶🏼 thank you!!
Can’t wait to share chapter 5 with you, I’m planning to get lots of writing done tonight and this weekend!
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 year
When you least expect it, a drawing of Guy will show up in your feed.
Mwahahah. >:3
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
HIIII girl it's been a while i was like dead asf
Since i got some spare time now I'll read all of your latest fics and I'm so hyped to read anything (like the whole rest of this blog) even tho i know shit ab cod
I missed interacting with you <3
Even tho u won't even see this you're a damn celebrity now 🤭
Don't worry I'll be uploading more to my Mando fics soon enough, miss. I'm excited to see some more of your works as the new season comes out
Also i think you'd like the cod fandom.
I have a starter pack on my masterlist if you were interested? Could turn you to the dark side mwahahah
I definitely ain't a celebrity I'm just a mother to like a million gremlin children this isn't what i signed up for
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huffle-dork · 6 years
A Nice Alternative (Swap Boys AU)
Anti shuffles down the street in between two men, trying not the feel like a prisoner. He stuffs his face into his mask as he takes in his surroundings and studies the men. Jackie and Bro, they introduced themselves as. One of them Bro Fantastic himself. It felt strange that a little pickpocket like him was in the presence of a big superhero. He could find out his secret identity like that. All he had to do was take off that ridiculous pink mask. He could get so much cash with that information… His eyes linger on the hero’s neck, but apparently it was for too long. Bro turns and looks at Anti and gives him a kind smile. Anti looks away guiltily.
“So where exactly are we going again?” He asks as the men walk into the town square. Towards a nicer part of town that Anti really never got to visit. He didn’t exactly fit in.
“We’re going to see a good friend of ours,” Fantastic says as he stuffs one hand in his jacket pocket casually, while waving to a confused looking fan with the other. Anti frowns.
‘Yeah… still not giving me a lot of information there, hero.”
Jackie sighs behind Anti and rubs his hair, making it floof to about twice its size, “He’s a doctor Alt. He’s helped both of us through a lot of stuff. We think he can help you too.”
Anti still doesn’t look very convinced so he just huffs in reply. Anti rubs his arm as he lets his mind wander. Could these guys really help him get Magnificent off his tail? How was that even possible? The hero… maybe. But not this exhausted looking dad. And certainly not some doctor. Maybe he was in way over his head. Maybe there was no escaping this stupid stupid deal he made for some cash and a goddamn cat- and oh god his chest was getting tight again-
Jackie gently sets his hand on Anti’s shoulder and leans his head so Anti can see it and offers him a smile, “Hey don’t panic yet, ya haven’t even seen the guy yet. But we are here.”
Anti blinks and looks at the building they’ve stopped in front of. It’s a small modest building. Doesn’t look like any hospital or doctor’s office he’s ever seen. Anti thinks he sees on the big window on the side of the building “Brighton Therapy and Treatment Center” as he’s pushed inside by Bro and Jackie.
In the inside is lined with chairs and benches and enough magazines to cover the walls. A woman sits behind a window across the way and Jackie walks over to her and smiles.
“Hi Sandra,” He greets and the woman looks up from her phone and brightens, “Hello there, Jackie!” She tilts her head, “Did you have an appointment with Dr. Jackson today?”
Jackie messes with his hair, “It was kinda last minute. I have another friend i’d like him to see.” The receptionist looks over Jackie’s shoulder and spots Alt and nods with a smile, “I see. Well Dr. Jackson is just as the end of his lunch. You can go ahead and go in and see him if you’d like!”
“Thanks Sandra,” Jackie replies as he gestures for Anti and Bro to follow him through a side door. Anti gives a nervous look to the woman as he slinks after the two men. For some reason this place gives him the heebie jeebies. It smells too nice, like someone had pumped too much essential oils in the air. There’s soothing music blasting through the speakers, as if meant to put the patients at ease, or to sleep.
“What kinda freaky doctor is this guy anyways?” Anti growls to the men, shoulder hunching uncomfortably. The hero rolls his eyes, “Not like a normal doctor, bro. A therapist. He’s helped a lot of Jackie’s friends though so.. We figured he could help you. He can do like anything.”
Anti makes a face at the hero. He didn’t sign up for a therapy session. He really didn't sign up for any of this. But… he had to take what he could get.
Jackie stops in front of a certain door labeled Dr. Jameson Jackson C.Ht. He knocks two times before opening the door, “Hey doc-!”
The open door reveals a kind looking brunette doctor knelt in front of well dressed teal haired man. The teal haired guy looks like he’s hyperventilating clutching at his chest with his face dripping in sweat. The doctor is making sure to stay in the eyes of the man as he tries to talk to him, “Henrik, I need to you breathe okay? You’re okay. You’re safe here.” The doctor then takes one of the gentleman’s shaking hands and holds it against his own chest before getting his attention again, “breathe with me okay?” The doctor then takes calm exaggerated breaths and the teal haired man shakily follows him. It doesn’t take him long for his breathing to slow and the doctor smiles at him after about a minute.
“Better, Henrik?”
The teal haired man nods, “Y-Yes… thank you mein friend…” A fuzzy mass was laying next to the man’s feet, a very light colored golden retriever in a red vest. It was so still it was hard to notice, until the dog raised its head and blinked at the party that entered. Alt felt himself bristle a bit. He wasn’t a dog person.
Bro coughs awkwardly alerting the Doctor to the other three’s presence. The dog reaches up to bump the man’s hand right as the doctor’s head turns, shocking the teal haired man who bolts up and quickly fixes his appearance even after a harsh whispered warning from the doctor.
“Oh!” The gentleman wipes under his eyes and adjusts his glasses, “More of the good doctor’s patients… i did not mean to cut in to other’s time…”
The doctor smiles gently and rests a hand on Henrik’s shoulder, “Nonsense Henrik, your wellbeing is just as important as theirs.” He turns to the others with a brighter smile, “I’m sure Jackie and Mr. Fantastic don’t mind at all, yes?”
Jackie straightens, “Oh no of course not. “ He turns to Henrik, making sure to catch his eyes “Hello Schneep, it’s good to see you! How have you been? And who’s this cutie??” He adds quickly, cooing towards the dog. It wags its tail excitedly but stays very still, sitting up and alert. Alt squinted at the vest- guess it was some kind of service dog?
Henrik takes a second to respond before his face lights up, “Ah, Jackie mein friend! I am quite well thank you. Work ‘as been surprisingly steady!” He then pats the dog on the head and beams. “And this is Sahne! Dr. Jackson helped me to get her before I moved! How are those children of yours?”
The father laughs slightly, “Oh as crazy as usual. Penny’s getting big real fast, it’s blowing my mind.”
Schneep gives him a gentle smile, “That is wonderful.” He then gestures to Bro and Alt with a raises eyebrows, “I do not believe i have had the pleasure to meet your friends, yes?”
“Oh!” Jackie puts a shoulder on Bro’s shoulder, “This is Bro Fantastic!”
Henrik’s eyebrows raise higher, “The superhero?”
Bro grins and does a slight pose, “The one and only!” Bro looks excitedly at Henrik, “You look familiar… are you that… Indie star that’s been getting traction around here? Henrik… von Schneeplestein?” Henrik gives a shy nod. “Dude the stuff you do is so cool! I can’t believe there’s still silent movies around in 2018!”
Schneep laughs, “Yes, I am quite fortunate there is still market for my skills!” He looks to the superhero with a twinkle of awe in his eyes, “How incredible! Dr. Jackson really does have the most unique clientele.” He then turns to Alt and tilts his head. “And who are you?”
Alt backs up slightly, reaching up to make sure his mask is covering his face, “It’s nuh ya.” He mutters. Henrik stares at him confused.
“That’s Alt,” Jackie explains, setting a gentle hand on Alt’s shoulder and looking back at Schneep, “He’s who we brought to see J today.”
The doctor shifts and clears his throat, “Speaking of which, we should start. Jackie, would you be a dear and take Henrik and….. Mr.. Fantastic to my office? There should be some warm tea in there and maybe the two of them can get acquainted there.”
Jackie nods, “Sure thing, Doc.” He then leans down next to Alt and whispers softly to him, “Don’t sweat it kid, Dr. JJ wouldn’t hurt a fly. You’ll be safe in here.” He then gives him a well meaning pat on the shoulder before leading the other two into the office off to the side of the sitting room. The dog seems to stare at Alt for a bit too long before she hurries after her human.
Alt stares Dr. Jackson down, daring for him to speak first. Dr. JJ gives another smile before gesturing for Anti to take a seat in one of the soft teal colored plush chairs, “Please sit,” as he takes a seat in the one closest to his desk. Anti hesitates for a second before slinking over and plopping himself in the chair, feeling awkward and exposed. He slowly lowers the mask away from his face but that only makes him feel worse.
“So, Alt was it?” The doctor begins, “I’m Dr. Jameson Jackson, but most everyone tends to call me Dr.JJ.. or Dr. J.. or even just Doc.” Jameson laughs, it’s a good kind laugh. “I’m usually okay with whatever people want to call me.”
Alt tries to give the doctor a smile. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
Jameson leans down on his knees, “Jackie has informed me that you may be… running from something? And that you may be… a bit hard to talk to. Just know Alt that we do want to help you, and that you are safe here. Nothing said in here will be said anywhere else.”
Alt swallows and shaikly breathes, “o-okay…”
Jamie smirks, “Okay good, now,” He digs into his pocket, “I want you to relax for me…” From his pocket he pulls out a round object, a gold pocket watch on a long chain. He holds it out at arms length and starts to swing it back and forth in front of Alt’s face. Alt scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.
“Just focus on the watch’s face for me Alt, it’ll make the session much easier!” JJ smiles gently and Alt wants to believe him. So he takes a deep breath and looks towards the watch. He watches the design on the front as it sways back and forth slowly. The motion is mesmerizing. Alt’s eyes are starting to unfocus and he blinks sleepily while continuing to stare. His shoulders start to slump and his eyelids feel heavy.
Dr. JJ blinks. Alt went into trance a lot faster than he expected. Maybe he had previous experience. He presses on, “That’s good Alt, just focus and breathe slowly.. In… and out…” Alt obeys and breathes, “Just focus on my words and… relax…”
Alt’s brain is becoming muddled way too fast, his body feeling sluggish. What is this feeling? It feels way too familiar and it’s causing his heart to start pounding. But he knows he needs to relax. He needs to listen to the doctor. He needs to listen. To obey...
Alt shakes his head violently, snapping out of trance with a strangled gasp. He scrambles to the back of his chair, his chest beginning to heave as his eyes flicker to the doctor in terror.
Jamie startles back, “Alt? What’s the matter?”
Alt bares his teeth at the doctor, “What the hell are you doing to me?!”
“What? I-I don’t understand-”
“Y-You’re trying to control me!” Alt snarls, throwing himself out of the chair, “T-They didn’t bring me here to help me! Y-You’re with him aren’t you?!” Alt looks on the verge of panic, his whole body shaking, even looking like he could dissolve into static, “Y-You all work for him!” Delirious tears start falling down his face as his stumbles and falls backward and hits his back against a cabinet.
“Alt! Please calm down!” Jameson warns, trying to get closer to the boy.
Alt screams at him, blocking his face with a shaking arm, “Don’t fucking come near me!” Alt looks like he can’t breathe, his face turning red and his whole body shaking like a leaf. Jameson has no idea how to calm him down. But.. if he was reacting like this to his hypnotism, it must mean that he had dealt with it before. There were other triggers.
“Alt!” The British doctor shouted with a commanding voice. He snapped his fingers as loud as possible, “Sleep!”
Alt’s eyes immediately glaze over before rolling back as he falls onto the ground. The boy sighs sleepily as if he wasn’t just panicking, his breathing evening out and returning to nice slow cadence. Jameson sighs a breath of relief as he pushes his hair away from his face.
Two seconds later the side door bursts open with Jackie and Chase rushing through. They can hear Sahne growling and barking slightly in the background with Henrik trying to calm her down.
“Doc!” Jackie breathes, “Is everything okay we heard screaming and-”
Jj holds up a hand towards the boys, “Everything’s fine, we just had a little trouble getting him in trance. Would you two mind helping me get him back in his chair please?”
The two men share glances before spotting Alt curled up on the ground and help him sit back in the chair. Alt slumps over at his waist, his head resting on his chest as he continues to sleep.
“.. He’s in deep…” Chase comments, “Why was he shouting?”
Dr. JJ sighs, “He seems to have had a bad experience with hypnosis before…. That’s my only explanation so far.” He looks back to Jackie, “Did you forget to tell him i was a hypnotherapist?”
Jackie and Chase exchanged guilty expressions. Jamesons suppresses a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, “... it’s no matter… go enjoy your tea…” The boys mumble apologizes to the doctor and soon the quiet sound of the door clicking shut can be heard across the quiet room.
Jameson takes a deep breath and sits up straight before looking back at Alt’s resting form, “Okay Alt… on the count of three… i want you to open your eyes… but i would like you to stay in trance… just so it’ll be easier for us to learn about each other. So just keep taking deep calm breaths for me, son.” Alt takes slow breaths in and out per the doctor's instructions, looking calmer and more relaxed the longer he goes. “I can’t hurt you here. None of my questions will hurt you. No one here will hurt you. You’re safe here, i promise. So I’ll need you to be completely honest with me. Nod if you understand.”
Alt is still for a second before slowly nodding his head. Jamie gives him a gentle smile, “Okay Alt, ready to wake up?” Another nod. “Okay… slowly now, deep breath in and one… breath out… two… breathe in and… three, wake up for me Alt.”
Alt slowly rises to face Dr. JJ his eyes glazed over still as he sits up at attention. Jameson continues smiling at him.
“Okay Alt, can you tell me your full name?”
Alt hesitates, his eyes shifting slightly under the trance, “...I don’t… want to…”
JJ blinks, “Why is that?”
“I’m… not using my real… name…”
Jj presses gently, “can you tell me anyways? It won’t leave this room, I promise Alt.”
More silence. A beat. Then Alt’s stance relaxes again as he mumbles, “m’ name is... An- Anti Brody….”
Jameson’s eyebrows raise. The same last name as Chase. Could Alt be…? No, he shouldn’t push that. Not this soon. “Well it’s nice to meet you Anti, but I’ll keep referring to you as Alt since you seem to prefer that. Could you tell me a little bit about your life? What do you do for work?”
Alt responds almost immediately, “I create stage illusions with lighting…using lights and sounds and stuff…”
“Does it pay well?”
JJ’s eyebrows furrow and he sits back, “How do you make enough to live?”
“I don’t.” Alt responds simply.
“Can you elaborate?”
Alt looks slightly uncomfortable but doesn’t break trance, “...I… have to steal… I use my show...to steal money…. so I can eat….”
The doctor’s face softens. slightly. “...Sounds like a tough life, Alt…Do you get enough to eat?” Jameson can already guess just looking at the entertainer's thin frame.
“....No…” there’s a pause before Alt continues, “glitching... takes up too much energy.”
“Glitching? What is glitching?” Dr. JJ inquires.
“My power…” Alt explains, “I can… glitch and move from one place to another… like a computer… thing…”
“I see…,” Jj hums, “so this power requires you to eat and I would assume sleep a lot yes?”
“This is the same power you used to get away from Bro Fantastic?”
Alt pauses again, “....yes… I… glitched too much… and I… blacked out…”
Dr. JJ leans back with another thoughtful hum, “Why were you running so hard away from Mr. Fantastic?”
Alt answers surprisingly fast, “I couldn’t get caught again.”
“Again? Have you been chased by Mr. Fantastic before?”
“Another superhero?”
The doctor leans in, knowing he’s getting closer, “The man you’re running from?”
“Tell me why you’re running Alt, what does this man do?”
Alt looks on the verge of panic or tears as he blinks slowly, “he… he hurts me… he… he c-controls me-“ Alt seems to hiccup slightly a spark of fear in his eyes and Jameson quickly shushes him to lull him back under.
“I know you’re scared Alt but I need to know more, how does he control you? Does he use hypnotism?”
Alt’s eyes are brightening with tears, “...I..I..don’t know...it feels… similar… but I-i..! I can’t f-fight it I can’t-!” Alt swallows sweat breaking out on his face as he grips his hands tightly on his torn jeans. He’s close to waking up completely, JJ scrambles to pull out his pocket watch and starts swinging it back in front of Alt after snapping to get his attention.
“It’s okay… it’s alright Alt,” Jameson quietly assures, “Take deep calming breaths for me again….” Alt struggles to do so but eventually does and doing so causes his eyelids to grow heavy again.
“Alt, can you tell me this man’s name?”
Alt opens his mouth and for a second no sound escapes. He furrows his eyebrows sleepily as he struggles to make a sound, “M-Mag-!” The boy chokes then sinks back, “I...I can’t…”
The doctor frowns, “can you describe something about him? Something we can use to track him down?”
“C-Cat…” Alt forces out, “m...magic…” He then blinks, looking more exhausted then he has the whole session, “I’m really tired…”
It’s by this point Jj knows he’s not gonna get much farther so he sighs and nods, “Okay Alt. You did a fantastic job. Why don’t you go ahead and rest your eyes while I wrap this up?” The Doctor then snaps his fingers again and Alt slumps forward his eyes slipping shut.
“Alrighty Alt, when I count down from 3, you’re going to wake up completely” the good doctor instructs, “But I have one last thing to ask of you.” Dr. JJ gets up and kneels in front of the boy, gently setting a hand on his knee, “I know you just met us. But Jackie and Ch-Bro… and now me… we genuinely want to help you. We don’t want any more harm to come to you. So all I’m going to ask… is that you try to trust us.” Alt twitches slightly in his sleep but otherwise doesn’t respond. Jameson sighs slightly but gets to his feet and walks back to his chair, “Okay, 3...2...1. Wake up for me  Alt.”
Alt’s head shoots up and he blinks around the office, looking confused. Jamie gives him a gentle smile, “Morning sunshine, how are you feeling?”
Alt shakes his head, “uh… s-sleepy? ...foggy…?” He blinks again then something seems to dawn on him and he jolts out of his chair. Jameson holds up a hand to him, “don’t worry Alt, nothing said in here leaves this room.” He gives the pickpocket a kind smile, “all your secrets are safe with me.”
Alt stares at the doctor like he’s grown a second head. But slowly he swallows and nods just slightly, “uh..t-thanks doc.”
“Not a problem my boy!” Jj sings looking chipper. “Now I don’t know about you but I’m famished. Fancy getting lunch with me and the others?”
Again Alt stares at the Doctor like he’s spoken in some foreign tongue. Does no one show this boy kindness?
“I..I…” Alt stammers, messing with his mask sitting around his neck, “...I am hungry…”
Jj beams. “Well then! Shall we?”
The 5 men venture off to a nearby diner for lunch. Jackie and Jameson excitedly talk about their kids and show each other pictures on their phones. Henrik watches the two blabber with a fond expression on his face. Sahne sits below Henrik, pressed up against his legs. He occasionally sneaks her some fries. Bro seems to be a bit uncomfortable, sitting in his mask and eating in this diner. But after a while he just unwinds and starts laughing loudly with his friends about his wacky adventures in crime fighting. Alt wishes he had his confidence.
Alt fiddles around awkwardly on his phone, listening idly to the conversations. These guys… seem really nice. Alt wouldn’t mind actually getting to know them better if he was honest with himself. God knows he needed friends. But… he knows Magnificent will find someway to take them away in the end. He always takes away everything….
The pickpocket is shocked out of his thoughts by a gentle tap of Jackie’s hand on the table. The father looks at him with a gentle smile, ‘You sure are being quiet, kid.”
Alt grunts and rolls his eyes. His gaze lingers over to Henrik who is looking out the window, watching the clouds go by “Well, teal isn’t talking either and i don’t see you complaining to him.”
“Well… Schneep is deaf,” Jackie informs Alt slowly, “And with so many people around it’s hard for him to engage in conversations for too long.”
Alt’s face falls, “Oh… uh. I-I had no idea! He… he talks so well…?”
Jackie shrugs, “He says he lost his hearing when he was a teenager, he’s pretty good at reading lips. As long as you look him in the face he can talk to you.”
Alt makes a face and nods, half heartedly eating his fries. He’ll have to keep that in mind.
While the others are distracted by their own meals, Alt sneaks a big handful of fries into his jacket for Glitches. She would be so hungry when he got home and this was the best he could do until he got his energy back up.
Alt is halfway through his burger when Bro reaches over Jackie and grabs Alt’s phone. “Hey!” The glitch shouts, trying in vain to reach for it but Bro just grins and unlocks it before typing something in. He then slides it across the table to Schneep until it bumps into the gentleman’s shoulder. The superhero signs something to the actor and his face lights up as he types on the phone as well. He then passes it to JJ. The doctor blinks, then takes the phone and gives Alt a knowing smile as he types something in too. He then hands it to Jackie as Alt tries once more to grab for it, “Seriously guys! What the hell?!” Jackie gives him a sneaky grin as he speedily types then hands the phone back to Alt with a smirk. The boy looks at Jackie like he’s crazy before he quickly snatches back, “what did you do…?” He then looks at the screen and his mouth falls open a little.
The contacts list, which before were only filled with vendors for shows, now has four new additions. Bro’s name is at the top: BRO FANTASTIC followed by the explosion emoji and the muscle emoji. After that is just Henrik Von Schneeplestien followed by a smiley face. Then comes JJ, the most formal: Dr Jameson Jackson C.ht. Jackie’s is underneath simply as Jack1eboi. Alt just stares at the screen, lost for words. The other boys exchange smiles.
Jackie rests a hand on Alt’s wrist, “This is case you ever need us, Alt. Or need someone to talk to. We’re only a call or a text away.” Alt blinks and looks up at the other. Henrik gives him an exaggerated thumbs up. Jamie smiles warmly. Bro grins. Alt swallows a lump in his throat, “...t-thanks guys…”
The rest of the lunch went by quickly and all the boys gathered up front to say goodbye before going their separate ways. Alt feels a weight on his heart. Why was he feeling so… Whatever this feeling was? He just met these people. Yet… he didn’t want to go.
“Are you okay, Alt?” Schneep asks with a curious tilt of his head. Alt shakes his head, “Yeah i’m fine. Just… worried about getting home.”
“I could always fly you bro!” Bro Fantastic says flashing a winning smile. Alt rolls his eyes.
“Thanks but no thanks Hero. I can take care of myself.”
Jameson looks concerned for a second, “Well at least be careful Alt…” Alt nods and gives the doctor a weak smile before waving goodbye to the others. He turns then immediately trips on a crack in the sidewalk, spilling his stash of fries on the ground. Alt looks at them devastated.
Jackie walks up and blinks at the still Alt, “what’s up man?” He sees the mess, “....did you stuff fries in your jacket?”
Alt mutters, “no…”
Jameson hears and joins, “Did you not get enough to eat Alt? We could always get you more.”
“No!” Alt snarls for a second, gripping his hands into fists, then he lets them fall, “I was… trying to take stuff home for my cat…”
“You have a cat?” Bro asks. Alt slowly nods, “Yeah.. her name is Glitches…. I-I haven’t had much to feed her with lately so…”
The others stare at each other again before Jackie takes Alt’s arm and starts leading him down the street.
“Woah, what the hell?!”
“Shuddup Alt and just follow us.”
Jameson watches at the other two follow after Jackie and Alt before he ducks back into the diner. He knows where to meet them.
Jackie drags Alt to the local pet store and Alt stares at it wide eyed. The boys all push him inside and drag him around the whole store, asking him all sorts of questions about Glitches. How big is she? What color? What food does she like?
They fill a whole cart with toys and food and treats and cute hats (those were Schneep’s idea). Sahne seems to approve, especially with Schneep spoiled her with new things as well. Alt is left staring at the contents of the cart as Jackie, Bro and Schneep fight over which bed would be best for Glitches.
Alt is distracted from their fighting by a presence to his left. He turns and he sees the kindly doctor smile and hold out a cat toy to Alt, “Do you mind nosy toys?” He then clicks on the top and the little ball starts to turn and flash all sorts of colors. Alt’s face lights up.
“Glitches will love that.”
Jamie chuckles and tosses the toy in with the rest of them, “I’m glad!” He then hands a bag to Alt, “This one’s for you.”
Alt looks confused as he takes the bag and looks inside. It’s more food from the diner. 3 more burgers and another thing of fries. Alt feels the pinprick of tears behind his eyes as he frowns.
“Is something wrong Alt?” Jameson asks.
Alt can’t stop himself as tears leak from his eyes, “...why…” He chokes, “why are you all being so nice to me?!” He snaps his head up to the doctor, trying to look angry but he just looks...broken. “I… I don’t deserve this.. I-I don’t deserve any of this! I-i i’m a c-con man, a-a pick pocket! I lie and steal and trick people! I-i’m… i’m not a good person!” He wipes the tears falling down his face with his jacket sleeve, growling in frustration, “I… I just don’t get it… I.. I don’t deserve all this…” The entertainer deflates, sniffling. JJ gives him a second before giving him a gentle hug.
“Everyone deserves a little kindness, Anti.”
Alt stiffens slightly but gradually eases into the hug. He doesn’t return it, he’s not used to hugs. But god, has it been a while.
“WE FOUND A BED!!” Bro shouts from behind them and Alt springs away from JJ. The doctor smiles, “Oh?”
“Oh yes!” Schneep exclaims and points to the bed, “It is a wonderful color! Much like my hair! And quite soft!”
Jackie takes the small pet bed and sets it on top of the other stuff before looking back at Anti, “Whatcha think Alt?”
Alt wipes at his eyes and gives them a small smile, “It’s… it’s great. Thank you.”
Dr. JJ decides to take Anti and the rest of them home is his car since there was so much to carry. For once, Alt was so glad he didn’t have to glitch home. This was maybe the craziest day he had had in awhile….
The boys drop Anti off with all his new things and wave him off with big smiles. Alt can’t help but smile and wave back as they fade out of view. He then looks back down at the bags and bags of new stuff for him and Glitches.
...How the hell was he gonna glitch this upstairs all in one go?
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Mr. Spooktacular / Jimmy McGill Imagine
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Request: GIRLLLL YOU WRITE FOR BETTER CALL SAUL???? IM ABSOLUTELY FOAMING AT THE MOUTH YOU ALWAYS KNOW WHAT'S UP IM DYING!!!! i would like to request something for Halloween with jimmy but idk what, something fluffy up to you! dealers choice! im so excited to see how you write him ♥️♥️
This is such a lovely request and I’ve made it so stupid @offbrand-slasher​ I’m so sorry I just feel like he’d be the type of guy to love dressing up to answer the door lmao ily!!
(I do not own Better Call Saul or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @santavenganza.)
‘Mwahahah, have a spooktacular Halloween! And don’t forget kids, to tell your lovely nanas and bobos where to come for some treats that don’t look like they’ve been shot out from a Chocolate Factory....’ 
Jimmy’s voice trails out as the kids recede down the outer apartment block stairs, shaking their pumpkin buckets in their hands to try and suss how many sweets they bagged this time; his smile finally drops as the last bit of mummy toilet paper disappears over the pavement, and he rubs his chin contemplatively as he turns  and shuts the door, once again, behind him. It takes him a moment to realise he’s managed to wipe off half of the gaudy cream ‘Dracula-esque’ makeup off his chin (as he had sardonically called it when he picked the half-price tube off the drug store shelf on your joint way back from the office that afternoon). When he sees it smeared across his fingers, he whines in exasperation and makes you chortle as he begins to try and wipe it off onto the bin bag looking cape he’s tied across his shoulders.
Pulling his fake teeth out, he points over to where you’re lounging on the couch, half-caught in a stretched yawn by his wagging pointer finger. ‘What, exactly, are you laughing at? I hope it’s not my stunning outfit - this thing cost me nearly twenty bucks, but I think it was worth it.’ He finishes his sad scan over his cheap nylon trousers and fake blood stained frilled shirt with a small smile and ostentatious flick back of his gelled hair. ‘At least it’s got great re-use value: I’ll be able to wear it into HHM next week and still look more sprightly than Howard does.’
You shake your head with as much indignation on Hamlin’s behalf as you can, but Jimmy still smiles and comes shimmying his shoulders towards you. Pressing the palm of your hand to your lips, you try to stop the snorting laugh from busting out as Jimmy drops the near empty candy bowl on the table and kneels down to start dumping freshly opened bags of hard sweets into its depths. Bless his heart, he looks so happy, so childlike and innocent again as he meticulously opens the plastic and grins at the way the sweets fall between his fingers. He’s humming gently to himself, an old country tune his father often used to listen to in the small store shop when Autumn time began to roll around the dusty grounds; when the two of them used to stay late after closing shop to huddle on overturned milk crates in the middle of the shop floor and choose a bag of sweets to share after the Halloween sales were over again for the year. Back in the days when Chuck used to roll up punctiliously after his extra evening classes and be glad to see Jimmy enjoying himself through the store window, sighing sweet relief as he perched down next to his brother and stayed there until the sun would begin to flood over the heads of the golden cornfields and blind his tired eyes.
He blinks back to himself, not realising he had been staring down at his hands for the past thirty seconds, when you gently kick your bare feet against the expanse of his back. He looks behind him, rising up to kneel between your knees and waiting, tenderly and expectantly and as if he had all the time in the world to just gaze and admire you, for you to speak. 
‘You know’, you start ‘it wasn’t even the outfit. It was the fact that they were literal nine year olds you were shouting elder law rhetoric at, Jimmy.’ You affectionately run your hand over his greased up hair, and appreciate the way his shoulders shiver as his head leans back to follow your touch.
‘Phhh’, he waves a hand, and quickly uses it to grab your retreating wrist and place it back on top of his head, like a lonely puppy just begging for someone to show him love. You run your finger down the shell of his ear, teasingly pulling at the lobe as he watches you with eyes wide enough to store all the burning love of the universe within, before snaking your hand into his shirt pocket and nicking one of the candy bars he had slotted in there to eat later. He bats his plastic cape behind him with a twisted frown, which soon falls into a pleading pout as he watches you unwrap and take a bite out of his caramel bar.
‘One: trust me, it’s never too early to get legal advice. They’ll be old people too one day! And trust me, Jimmy McGill will be a family brand for years to come - name up in lights kind of thing. Two: I think you’ll find... that was mine.’
‘Too bad, now it belongs to me.’
You take another bite and chew obnoxiously extravagantly, moaning after each swallow and pretending not to notice the way Jimmy’s eyes rove over your face with a flash of irk and clouding adamant awe. He comes scrambling towards you, crawling on his hands and knees until he’s levered himself up onto the sofa beside you. For a while, it’s peaceful: Jimmy lowers your head onto your shoulder, careful to turn his cheek so the makeup is just lingering above your skin. You wrap your arms tightly around his midriff and squeeze, and Jimmy snorts out a deep breath as he settles back to rest against your chest, the heavy weight in his chest flowing out of his body and bustling away to linger in the dark shadows that cut across the corners of the room, just slight out of the edge of his vision. He turns his head back towards the light: towards you, and tries to focus again on the double bill of horror movie that begins to roll to a close on the cable tv. 
Yet he can’t help himself. It takes less than ten minutes for his focus to wander, for his mind to claw its way back up to you, and the tilt of his head further up your neck soon follows. Like the soft moonlight dying away under the douse of the raging sun, he peers up at you from behind hooded, love struck eyes and just watches the flickers of black and white dance over your face. Without even batting an eye, you lower the half-eaten chocolate bar to his lips and shove it into his mouth so he can share a bite.
Your reverie is broken by the sharp sound of another trick or treater knocking fervently at the door.
‘Ooh, there’s the next lot to fall victim to my-’, he stops as he jumps out of your arms and spins round to face you, wiping the fake teeth back off the table and shoving them into his mouth. With an exaggerated comical baring of his teeth and raised eyebrows at you, he holds out his arms loosely in front of his chest and pretends to take small tip toe steps towards you. ‘The victims of my sharp wit and dashing legal pricing.’
‘You know, when you walk around like that you look more like a zombie than a vampire.’
He drops his arms, ignoring the sound of bustling, giggling footsteps marching around on the small veranda outside the door, and the constant ringing of the front bell. Scrambling towards you like a rat being bashed at with a brush, he launches: tickling your sides until you’re begging for him to stop.
‘You know, you’ve just lost your cuddling privileges for the night.’
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renstepk · 2 years
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Just finished evolution smp ep 2! (Don’t mind that I spelled it wrong on the drawing LOL) uhhh yes BUT I’m loving this so farrrr IM EXCITED TO WATCH MORE MWAHAHAH I’m already obsessed with this,,,
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
3, 13, and 33 for two of your choice!
hihello i just wanted to say how much i love ur blog waaah🥺🥺
okok im gonna do miss samira joseph because she is Finally coming this week and im so excited mwahahah
3. what is your sim’s zodiac sign?
samira is a capricorn 😎 very very very capricorn !!! her birthday is january 9th wows
13. does your sim believe in any cliches?
no. absolutely not. she’s quite rigid and too Serious to believe in anything like that
33. what kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favourite artist?
strictly Women In Pop! and pop adjacent! doja cat, ariana grande, rihanna, occasional taylor swift, billie eilish, beyonce, halsey, dula peep, blah blah all of them. there is not a single man on her playlists. her favorite is either rihanna or ariana grande, lalalala it feels so good to be so young and have this fun and be successful lalalallala
i think im gonna do henry mwahahah they are such opposites
3. what is your sim’s zodiac sign?
henry is a virgo🙄 no hate to virgos just 🙄 his birthday is august 26th :D
13. does your sim believe in any cliches?
yes too many. soulmates especially 🤞🏽he can be So cliche , So cheesy but its sweet its cute🥺he makes it cute
33. what kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favourite artist?
henry loves love songs 😭 like lewis capaldi, james arthur, bruno mars, sam smith, ed sheeran, harry styles, and i will throw in taylor swift again !!! james arthur is probably is favorite at the moment because he’s in love 🙄 he has the song certain things on repeat
thank youuuuu for this ask ahh it was fun <3<3<3
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venusiangguk · 3 years
IM BACK AND THAT WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHAPTERS 💔 NO I SRSLY HAVE TEARS. I HAVE SUCH A WEAK SPOT FOR BABIES AND I LOVE THEM, SO IMAGINING JK WITH A BABY GIRL BREAKS ME… like the way he talks about her socks and how she can’t get married i cry.. and the part outside after gardening 🥲
JK GOING INTO DAD MODE AND NOT WANTING OC TO DRIVE HELP 😭 but also the way he was so willing to come get her i love him. what the fuck.
u literally word everything perfectly that i can visualize it. OK BUT WHAT SOLD IT FOR ME WAS THE BELLY BUTTON PIERCING SCENE CAUSE I HAVE ONE AND IT JUST MADE ME REALLY FEEL CONNECTED TO THE STORY. a baby i babysit was fascinated with mine just like nari lol<33
ok but i just remembered oc and nari’s mom don’t know one another so maybe that’s coming soon— sorry i just know the mom is gorgeous but i kinda want her to be jealous of oc even though i have a feeling oc will be jealous of mom.. it’s alr. you do what u want, i always love how ur brain works 😙
thank u sm for this quick drabble babe we love it and appreciate you!!<3
no i am with u, idk why but him having a tiny little daughter is just absolutely devastating... the little sock part i think was my favorite part to write, nari's so funny 😭
don't forget when he used his dad tone with her 🤧
ahhh im glad u liked the belly ring scene too!! that one was fun to write and a few people have commented on it, so i am glad it was well received <333
hmm for the mom, i think there will honestly be a little bit of jealousy going both ways 😳 but yes... mom is so pretty, like in a sophisticated/intimidating way... im really excited to get to writing that part, and the part where jk tells oc why he ended up divorcing her mwahahah
thank u for reading !! i love u n appreciate u back <33
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transannabeth · 5 years
BRO IM QUAKING??I was just on your ao3 profile after reading several ML fics and I was like huh??? that tumblr nom looks familiar??& BRO. Bro. I realized I followed you yeeeears ago when I was super into PJ & just starting out on tumblr. And like the fuck?? I just found your ao3 completely separately from that years later?? Um ok is this as weird a coincidence as I think it is or am I just tired af & hysterical 😂😂😂 who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway just thought I’d share thx for coming to my ted talk
OH ALSO ALSO ALSO! I was thinking about it and I think you might’ve actually been the one to get me into ML however long ago without me realizing it! Cuz I remember like a couple years ago ML stuff started popping up randomly all over my dash and I was like « wat heck who dis???” And i finally had to watch the show after seeing it so often all over tumblr but I never remembered who I actually originally saw the posts from! UNTIL NOW! Mwahahah I’ve connected the dots! 🐞😆🐞 me again hi sorry 😌 I know I just sent you two long rambly asks about literally nothing but like honestly what did I even say?? Idk sorry. It’s super late and I’m tired and I got way too excited over my “discovery” lmao. Anyway this is just me popping in to apologize for shouting nonsense at you! It literally flew from my brain to my fingers and out of head forever so what did I even say to you? Honestly couldn’t tell you. 😂 Ty and goodnight *graceful bowing out emoji*
AHH don’t apologize!!! these were literally such sweet messages to wake up to i’m :’) 
i can’t believe i may have gotten you into ml that’s so wild to me a;lsdkfjdlskf but like i’m so glad you enjoy it!!! and i think it’s so funny when people find me in other fandoms and then are like WAIT THAT’S YOU?? because i just hop wildly from fandom to fandom, getting way too invested for a couple months before jumping ship
anyway ILY thank you for telling me about your discovery it made me smile!!!
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leejungchans · 2 years
ahh i’m glad ur day was good!! you deserve all the good days 😤😤 hehe my day was good too!! my boyfriend walked me home today and it was nice bc it’s been a while since we had time to rly hang out :” and yes!! finals are finally over mwahahah 💪 ALSO CAN YOU BELIEVE SEVENTEEN CB ON FRIDAY HELLO ??? - 🤙
AAAAAA I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT :’))))) you and your boyfie sound really cute and i’m so happy you two got to spend more time together 💗💗💗 get lots of well deserved rest and go somewhere fun hehe <333 AND YESSS SVT CB TMR IM SO EXCITED
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