royalsofeloda · 3 years
hi 😵‍💫 remember when i said and i was coming back and then Didn’t …….. yeah so i’m working on that evil laugh
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
Hi there! I hope you’re doing okay! ❤️
hiii i’m doing good :)) thank you for checking in ❤️❤️❤️
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
Is everything okay? I noticed you haven’t posted in awhile, I miss your story 🥰
hihi thank you so much for checking in 🥺 i’m okay! just needed to lighten my load, less things on my plate 💆🏽‍♀️ i hope to be back soon !!
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
My Absence *dramatic music*
hi everyone, first i want to say i’m so sorry for leaving without any explanation over the past few weeks ☹️
all i can say is that life has been busy/hard/tiring and my blog had to take a back burner while i sorted things out. i’m not sure when i’ll be back to posting but hopefully very soon because i really miss it! things are finally slowing down so maybe this week :)
i’ve seen all your messages and i’m gonna try to reply as soon as i can, you have noooo idea how much it means to me to open tumblr up after weeks and see people checking up on me 🥺 i’m really touched by it all ahhh i think it just caught me by surprise so thank you thank you thank you <3
i’m gonna be catching up on stories today so if you see me spamming your notifs ,,,, just pretend you do not .
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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Windenmere House, Eloda - 3:18pm
[Catherine] Oh, I have this one. Olympus OM-10, right?
[Jasper] Yeah, I'm pretty sure I bought it my sophomore year at Brindletain University.
[Catherine] Did you do a semester abroad? I've always wanted to do that.
[Jasper] No, I did all four years of undergrad there.
[Catherine] You didn't miss Eloda? I don't think I could leave home for that long.
[Jasper] Technically I grew up in Brindletain, I only moved to Eloda when I was 10.
[Catherine] That's fair, I guess.
[Jasper] You guess?
[Catherine] I just mean you visit  Brindletain, you stay in Eloda.
[Jasper] Says a member of the Elodish royal family.
[Catherine] No, I would feel that way no matter what family I was born into. I love it here.
[Jasper] Okay, remind me to ask you again in your next life as an actual tax payer. Now, stand still. 
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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Wisteria Lake, Eloda - 5:22AM
[Jasper] Are our commoner beds so uncomfortable that you couldn't sleep? 
[Catherine] What? No! I just-
[Jasper] Relax, Your Royal Highness, I'm messing with you.
[Catherine] Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to be awake yet. You caught me by surprise.
 [Jasper] How do you think I felt? Coming up to my spot and there's a whole other person there.
[Catherine] Your spot?
[Jasper] Yes, mine. I used to come here when I couldn't sleep. I'm assuming you're doing the same?
[Catherine] I like to get up early but Eloise always sleeps in so I started going on walks and then I ended up here a few days ago. 
[Jasper] If you ask nicely, I'll let you stay.
[Catherine] Who said I want to stay?
[Jasper] You haven't gotten up to leave.
[Catherine] Yet. You're not as good company as you think you are.
 [Jasper] Ouch, Catherine, my ego. At least stay for the sunrise, I might disappoint you but I promise, it won't.
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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[transcript below | previous - next] 
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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Windenmere House, Eloda - 5:49pm
[Eloise] All I know is I'm never staying at a single dorm again. The smoke alarms went off 4 times in one night.
[Claude] No one taught those kids how to keep their food from burning? [Louis] I don't think it was smoke from cooking, dad. 
[Florence] Did you dorm this year, Catherine? I have a niece who just graduated from King James College but she never dormed, I'm curious what their residence halls are like.
[Catherine] They're not that fancy. I lasted 3 weeks before moving into an apartment off campus. [Claude] Eloise mentioned you're studying art history, is that still the plan?
[Catherine] Yes, I guess. I really wanted to do studio art but my mum thought that was inappropriate. She wanted me to do something more traditional, I think. 
[Florence] You've always been quite creative haven't you? [Catherine] Yeah, I've been drawing since I was little, though I wouldn't say I'm very good.
[Jasper] A lifetime of practice and you don't think you're any good?
[Eloise] She's being humble, Jasper, you should try some time. Cath is an amazing artist, she also does photography.
[Louis] Photography? You take portraits and stuff?
[Catherine] Sometimes, but usually just nature and architecture around Dresden. My grandfather left me a bunch of film cameras and I taught myself how to work them.
[Claude] Jasper has a collection of film cameras, maybe one afternoon he could give you a show and tell.
[Jasper] I'm sure mine are nowhere near as impressive as yours. [Catherine] No, I'd love to have a look! I mean, only if you want. [Jasper] Sure.
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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Windenmere House, Eloda - 1:24pm
[Eloise] You know what sounds so good right now? 
[Catherine] Hm? 
[Eloise] Cherries.
[Catherine] Last time you had a cherry your face got all blown up and you had that scratch in your throat.
[Eloise] No...
[Catherine] Mia's birthday?
[Eloise] That could've been a million different things! I'm gonna go check the fridge, I think my mum bought some.
[Catherine] You know, I think you just have some sort of allergy. 
[???] Allergy to what?
[Jasper] My bad, didn't mean to startle you. I'm Jasper, Eloise's older brother.
[Catherine] I realized. I mean, I recognized you. I'm Catherine. 
[Jasper] I know who you are. You're the girl whose mum is on all of our money. 
[Catherine] Sorry, I should’ve known I don’t have to introduce myself.  I know it annoys people. 
[Jasper] It’s fine, in all honesty, this is my first interaction with a member of the family I pay my taxes to. So I guess introductions are needed. 
[Eloise] Jasper? When did you get in?
[Jasper] I just did, I thought you'd see my car in the driveway. 
[Eloise] No, I was in the kitchen looking for cherries. 
[Jasper] Cherries? Aren't you allergic?
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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[Radio] ♫ But I can see us lost in the memory ♫ 
[Radio] ♫ August slipped away into a moment in time ♫
[Radio] ♫ 'Cause it was never mine ♫
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
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hi hello chapter three will begin after this post but i wanted to make an additional disclaimer to the one on my pinned post :)
this chapter has got a lot of adult themes !! i will alwaysalwaysalways do my best to include a warning before specific posts with objectively upsetting content , however , i won’t be putting a warning for posts that are more or less simply mature content (ex. cursing, slight nsfw, etc.)
i am of course human so i ask you to be patient with me if i miss the mark in any way. i’ve worked so hard on this chapter and i really hope you enjoy reading <3 :) <3 
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
Your posters are amazing
thank you so much <3 !!!! im honestly blown away that anyone likes them at all i was just messing with concepts in my head ahhhh it means so much to me to hear that 🥺🥺🥺
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royalsofeloda · 3 years
How do you do all these poster? any tips?
hi anon !!! im sososo sorry this took me forever to answer 💔 also sorry this got a lil long i’d put it under a cut but i’m on mobile :/
i edited every poster differently but for 1, 2 and 5 i loosely followed this tutorial by @/ratboysims ,,, unfortunately the original post is deleted ?i think? but the link is a reblog of it ☹️ feel free to send another ask if you can’t get access to the tutorial i could try to explain it :D
tiiiiips hmmmmm let me think
• i love to visualize lyrics so that was my biggest inspiration for all the poses and backdrops and stuff so maybe find a song with lyrics you love and Imagine it 💆🏽‍♀️ this is literally how i’ve come up with All Of Chapter Three ,,, just a bunch of song lyrics made into lil plot lines
• i consider myself Adequate in photoshop 🥴 but these posters definitely required me to look up some tutorials and try New things to get the result i wanted so i guess i would say Trust The Process and get out of your editing comfort zone !!
• i got all the fonts i used from dafont.com ,, they have it organized into categories so it was very easy to find what i was looking for :)
i can’t think of anything else but let me know if you have any other questions i’d be happy to answer them <3
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