#im so bad at tagging stuff lord save me
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this is what happened right
#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#dunmeshi#mad mage#thistle dungeon meshi#laios touden#laios dungeon meshi#senshi#pride month#gay#im so bad at tagging stuff lord save me#my art#regrettably
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#oh this makes me so insane#lord save me im not strong enough#10 seconds away from just begging him to fuck me stupid tbh#too bad we have stuff to do today 😔#my alpha tag#seraphsins.effigy#my pics
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(Part one) Robo Road Trip
This is PART ONE BABY (edit I FINISHED COOKING right here)
Okay the last dbh post was KINDAA giving depression so heres a FLUFFY fluffy one thats been bouncing around my brain for a couple days, part one as im going to make a continuation that shows what camping is like with the boys.
Premise: Road Trip to the West coast with Conner, Nines and Sixty
Imagine those roads with trees surrounding them, thats the vibe
Also first time writing for SIXTY whoooo hope im not trash, he acts like a smug dramatic guy so idk
Conner, Nines and Sixty x reader
I believeee this is around 3k lol i went ham
Warnings: maybe a bad word because sixty, fluff with a capitol F, part one
I also recommended listening to ANY Lord Huron song while reading this, that is basically the road trip music
(Hey sidenote, I know some of the ecosystem is TRASHED in dbh but lets pretend thats not happening LOL)
You were so happy to get out of the city.
And into the car for a 35 hour drive.
You really wanted to show your boys the mountain you would always camp at when you were on the West Coast. They all hadn't been outside of Detroit, being made to do one job IN Detroit, but now they were all deviant.
And you wanted to show them a taste of the outside world.
It took a while for you all to get packed, the droids really wanted to try experimenting with their wardrobes on this trip. They sought to explore their inner human as much as possible.
You all needed the appropriate gear, so you guys went on a little shopping spree to find a tent and basic camping stuff. Hank had actually tagged along to coach you guys on what to get, having gone camping a couple times himself. (he mostly talked with you and Conner while sending glares to Sixty and Nines)
You ended up getting a pretty fancy tent that was big enough for all of you, and some essential equipment for cooking and cleaning. You also snuck in some board and card games, even though you knew they would beat you. But you could probably win ONE time...
After buying the gear, you guys got planning. You could only stay camping for 5 days, as the station didn't necessarily enjoy losing 4 cops. Especially 3 of the 4 being advanced detective androids. But it had worked out, (the boys having saved an astronomical amount of sick days) and you planned on going sometime in the fall. You decided on a week and you remember hurriedly running to your calendar and circling the date and also drawing a bunch of small doodles around it. The boys had all watched you fondly, getting excited themselves.
It all lead up to this moment, where Conner sitting next to you in the driver seat and was setting the location in his new GPS, Nines and Sixty where packing the car, and you were making a road trip playlist. (Hey that's very important!)
"Hey Conner?" He hummed in response and didn't look at you, too busy trying to figure out a new gadget he got for his car.
"Do you like Lord Huron?" You were trying to decide what the perfect music to play was and realized that Lord Huron existed. You weren't really sure how androids experienced music so you thought of asking. He huffed out a sigh directed at the troublesome device and turned to look at your phone, where you also had your eyes glued.
"I don't really listen to music as such, but Hank has introduced me to heavy metal. Is it like that?" You giggled remembering Hanks music taste
"No its more gentle, relaxing. It reminds me of walking in the woods." Out of the corner of your eye Conner looked away, LED blinking amber and blue. He looked back at you with a soft smile and this time you met his gaze.
"That sounds delightful, my dear. Perfect for this occasion" You flushed at the nickname, and he chuckled seeing your reaction. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before exiting the car, hearing Sixty's call that they were almost done. You sat in the vehicle, skin heating, and raising a hand to graze the place he kissed you. You loved when he did that. A steady knock at the window startled you and you whipped around to see a familiar face (sixty) smirking at you, seeing that you were flushed. You stuck your tongue out at him and he reciprocated, sticking his tongue back at you.
"If you two would stop behaving like children, we would be done much sooner." A booming voice cut through your contest with sixty, and you watched him roll his eyes and face an annoyed Nines. You got out of the car to go help the RK900 with what he was carrying. He was still grumpy so you smiled softly at him and mouthed an apology. He relaxed slightly, but still shot a glare at sixty, who chuckled and went back into the apartment and get more bags. You then took the time to appreciate Conner's awesome Bat Mobile car. It had a huge trunk that managed to fit all of your stuff, tent included. It was truly a miracle machine.
You walked over to the car and gave the suitcase to Conner who situated it nicely in a perfect space. You were also lucky to have android boyfriends who were amazing at managing tight spaces and fitting things into them.
After a couple of minutes, Sixty emerged with the last of the bags. He informed you all that he locked the house up and engaged the security systems. The final step. You were really going.
You all piled into the car, both Nines and Sixty insisting you take the front seat. You accepted, but promised to swap with them when you got to the next stop. Most rest stops would be for you, needing to get food or use a restroom. The droids didn't need anything but told you they needed to get up and stretch their legs once in a while ( but you think that was just their excuse so they could follow you around and make sure you were safe at suspicious gas stations.)
After a while of driving through the city, Conner was getting on the highway when you announced that you would be playing a Lord Huron song and see how everyone liked it. You turned on "Meet Me in the Woods" and leaned back to look out the window.
"I took a little journey to the unknown,
And I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones
I messed with the forces our eyes cant see
Now the darkness got a hold on me
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me"
You had closed your eyes and started to quietly sing along, and realized you should see what the others thought about it. You turned your head slightly to Conner staring out at the road ahead, his LED blinking yellow and blue. He had a soft, lingering smile on his face and his posture was relaxed.
Sixty had his eyes closed, leaning his head all the way back on the seat and seemed to be absorbing the music.
Nines was also leaning back, arms crossed. He was staring out the window with his LED a soft, stable amber. He turned slightly to just catch the end of your gaze and his lips twitched in a cute, endearing way. It was a Nines smile. You smiled back at him and turned around to look out the front windshield. It was raining slightly, and you were just leaving the city and into the unknown. It was perfect.
After the song had finished, you tore your eyes away from the road
"Did you all like it?" you hopefully gazed at each individual and noticed they all looked at peace. Conner spoke first
"Do you have more music of that energy? I think I enjoyed it."
"I agree. More please"
You looked around to see everyone nodding their heads and you beamed. And so, your playlist made it past the android enjoyment test. You settled in as it started the next song, feeling content. You could totally do 35 hours.
(4 hours in)
Update: why would you do this to yourself. 35 hours? Were you crazy? You loved road trips as much as the next guy, but you were dying. You guys were currently stuck in traffic, and the boys had gotten involved in a pretty intense "dad stuck in traffic" fight.
"Nines, going on I90 would have taken us to the heart of Chicago, do you want more traffic?"
"No it wouldn't if we took the round about. Whose the more advanced android here Conner."
"Woah, low blow"
"Be quiet Sixty"
This started as Nines getting mad at Conner for taking them down a road that had high traffic at that hour, and Conner defending himself. Sixty had no argument, he just liked being included.
"I took 294 because I knew it would keep us out of the worst of the traffic. No matter what, traffic is inevitable."
"It could have been avoidable had you followed my instructions"
You were sitting in the passenger seat, eyes squeezed shut listening to them argue. It was infuriating.
So you did something.
"Guys I'm going to jump out of the car and sprint down the street like a crazy person if you don't stop arguing. I'm dead serious" You snapped and stared them down. Or a least you tried, because your face betrayed you and you broke out into a smile giggle.
Conner looked guilty at first, but saw your grin and started chuckling, envisioning you running down the street like a madman. Nines bristled, still annoyed. Even if your giggle made his lips quirk. You made eye contact with Sixty and he was smirking at you, taking out his coin to mess around with.
You eventually sighed, a couple minutes having passed. You turned around to address Nines.
"Traffic was inevitable" then you turned to Conner "No arguing". You took Conner's hand in yours and held it. Another smile broke out onto his face and he turned to look out on the road. You felt a hand graze your neck and you twisted around to see Nines reaching out. He moved forward to peck your temple and then quietly apologized to Conner.
Mission Successful.
But that was mission one. Mission two was figuring out how to go to use the bathroom. Because you were currently stuck in traffic. That wasn't great. After a couple minutes of fidgeting your legs, Conner took his hand away from holding yours and looked toward you. His gaze was steady, as his LED blinked and you knew in the back of your head that he was scanning you.
"Do you have to use the lavatory?" You gasped and shoved his shoulder, watching him bite back a laugh, and then started sinking in to your seat.
"Conner! That's so embarrassing."
"Did maybe someone tell you to go before we left? Oh wait, that sounds like something I would say" Sixty spoke up from the back of the car. You turned around to gape at him, and he just sat there looking smug. You could hear Conner and Nines subdued chuckling behind the music that was playing.
You ended up holding out, absolutely refusing to go in the woods by the road, insisting that someone would see you. Conner pulled over at a gas station and you all but flew out of the car and bolted through the store until skidding to a stop right outside the bathroom.
When you got out, Sixty was buying your favorite snack and you saw Conner and Nines fueling up the car out the window. They were seriously so thoughtful.
After Sixty was done paying, you came up behind him and hugged his middle. He laughed and held your hands still on his middle, and spun you. You squeaked and he laughed harder. He stopped and unwrapped you to kiss your head and hand you your prized snack. You pecked his lips and left, both of you saying good day to the amused employee working there.
(17 hours in)
It started getting really late so you guys stayed at a motel for the night. You guys all relaxed on a fluffy bed, all party's included were happy to stretch their legs. You and Nines had been switching front seat and back seat, and Sixty had repeatedly old you he was fine where he was. Nines had revealed to you later that Sixty just wanted to sit next to you.
You got up from the bed first, eager to get ready and sleep. When you came out 30 minutes later, Conner was laying still under the blankets, staring at the celling. Nines was also under, and had rolled over to face the window. And Sixty had apparently, at some point while you were in the bathroom, been knocked off the bed. He was currently face down on the floor. You giggled and nudged his side. He rolled over, clutching his heart.
"They, (fake coughing) their so mean. They shoved me off the bed" you shook your head and leaned down on your knees to kiss his cheek. He accepted and rolled back over on his face. Conner then spoke up from the bed
"I wouldn't kiss his face, this floor is filthy." You stood up and laughed, making your way to the bed and crawling over him to slip between him and Nines. Nines stiffened until he got comfortable, and Conner wrapped his arms around you to spoon you.
"Just say your jealous she kissed me Conny" came a voice from the floor. Conner scoffed and replied with another rhetorical comment hidden in a nice tone. Nines joined in just when you started slipping into sleep, and the last thing you heard before you left to dream world was Conner whispering goodnight into your ear.
In the morning you woke up covered in androids. Very snugly droids. You all then got packed up and set off. During the drive, You found out Sixty had crawled into bed after you and shoved Nines off when he was in rest mode. Nines woke up very alarmed, and decided to continue his rest in one the the chairs in the room the motel provided. You had felt so bad afterwards, but he insisted it was fine.
You guys were driving through North Dakota today, and you were currently knitting. The boys were discussing a case that was giving them a hard time. You would have joined in but you believed in not talking about work on your precious vacation time. You were sitting in the back seat now, Sixty at your side, and it was very domestic. You felt a hand wrap itself around your knee and you smiled, continuing your stitch.
(30 hours in)
You were totally knocked out. The boys wanted to continue driving to beat traffic, and were currently talking through their android Verizon service (using their minds) as to not wake you up.
But you still accidently woke up with a start when Sixty had rolled his shoulder, unintentionally dropping your head off him. You had apparently drifted off resting your face on his soft puffy jacket.
To which he did NOT mind.
You squeaked awake, being surprisingly shoved off your pillow. Sixty immediately said a quiet apology, but it was too late. 2 angry droids turned there seats around to glare down the accused RK800.
"We told you to stay still" they said that almost in synch
"I was reaching for a blanket! I didn't know a small movement would wake her!"
You sleepily giggled at their little argument and passed out against him once again.
When you woke up for real, you were informed that you guys were almost three hours away. You breathed a sigh of relief, but still begged to pull over so you could get some air. You were in a beautiful parts of the woods and you desperately needed a stretch after sleeping on Sixty. No offence, but snuggling with androids is like snuggling with a very sturdy pillow. Your happy for it, but its not very squishy.
Nines had chuckled at how desperate you looked and obliged. You popped out and basically ran halfway down the road and back. You were huffing when you came back to the car. Conner rolled his window down, eyebrow raised. You wheezed
"Sorry, needed to run" He nodded in understanding, and actually got out himself to stretch his android joints and put on his cute little beanie. Sixty got out and straightened his tie, and Nines choose to stay in the car and work on coordinates. Sixty walked around the car to join you and Conner, and looped his arms around your waist. You yelped as he picked you up slightly to sling you back in forth.
"How are you enjoying the road trip?" He punctuated each word with a swing of your body. You were laughing when you responded "Good, but I'm excited to get there" Conner had been watching you fondly when he stated
"Nines says its 3 more hours, but we might get delayed depending on traffic." you nodded and Sixty set you down. You then went up to go hug Conner, making sure he wasn't missing any affection.
After more standing and stretching, you got in the front seat with Nines next to you, setting the car to auto drive. Conner and Sixty were sitting in the back, playing one of the card games you brought and starting to get very competitive with each other. You beamed and turned back to look at Nines. His eyes weren't on the road, however. He was staring at you with an expression of absolute love. You both sat and stared at each other until he leaned over and grabbed the back of your head, threaded his fingers into your hair, and kissed your temple. You shivered as his fingers rubbed your scalp and he grinned against your temple.
(5 minutes away from campsite)
You were bouncing off the walls excited. It had been years since you visited this spot, having been to far away after moving to Detroit. The boys had been enjoying the scenery outside the city, but now the were enthralled. The woods were huge, and the air was fresh. Moss hung from the arms of the trees and you could see your mountain peeking over the top of the forest. You guys were waiting in line at the entrance of the campsite to check in, and you were gushing about how pretty your spot was. It was nestled in the corner of the campsite, leading into a trail into your own personal forest. Complete with a little stream.
The androids were amused watching you talk about the park, but they were almost as excited as you. When you were sleeping, all they talked about was this new experience, and how happy they were to share it with you. It was interesting seeing all the new environments and experiencing what its like outside of the city. Detroit was so advanced, and they had never really been deep in the woods.
After patiently waiting, you finally got all checked in and remembered to buy some firewood.
Then, you were off.
Starting your very first camping trip with your wonderful android boyfriends
Hope its okay, had to really crack at this one to fit all my ideas in. Its also hard to write the dynamic between 4 people LOL
Hope I managed to capture their personalities okay
Part 2 is all about them camping so stay tuned
It might take a bit so hang on and let me cook 🔥
Sorry for plot holes or if this has been done beforee
#dbh connor#dbh connor x reader#dbh rk800#detroit become human#dbh nines#dbh rk900#dbh rk900 x reader#dbh sixty#dbh sixty x reader#road trip
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My NO's in Fanfiction !
TW: opinions
( Just to clarify, this post is ABSOLUTELY NOT made to offend anyone. Seriously, write whatever you want to write and have fun !! I'm just trying to find other people who share the same views as me, thank you<3 )
1) Turning a mlm/wlw ship into a straight ship.
Sorry, but this just gives me the biggest ICK. Literally makes me want to throw my phone out the window, smash my head against a wall and gouge my eyes out. LIKEE, tell me you're homophobic without telling me you're homophobic smh.
You may be thinking rn, "Rio, how do people turn em into straight ships?" WHEN THEY FKIN GENDERBEND ONE OF THEM.
P.S. I just wanted to say, NO I AM NOT TRANSPHOBIC. I know some of u lots might jump onto that conclusion. BUT I AM COMPLETELY AGAINST THAT BS.
Don't get me wrong, I'm alright w ppl genderbending characters! NOT WHEN ITS IN A MLM/WLW SHIP THO.
P.S. I know that I can just exclude those tags whenever looking for a fic, but..the thing is, some people DON'T EVEN TAG THAT IN THEIR FICS WHEN THEY TOTALLY SHOULD BE TAGGING IT.
2) Making characters act so OC.
Yes, I do know that it IS fanfiction, people can do whatever they want with the characters. BUT SOME OF THEM MAKE THEM SO OC-ish THAT I CANT EVEN RECOGNISE IF THIS IS THE SAME CHARACTER IM OBSESSED W AND LOVE.
Some people make Harry an "UwU" cutsie little silly guy, all soft, and totes a cute cinnamon roll that he's defenseless and weak that he needs big almighty strong 10-pack Tom to save him because he's too little to do stuff for himself >-< .
STOP MAKING HARRY A PICK ME. My guy fought a literal war and defeated the dark lord. So why, IN MERLINS NAME are YOU making him act like this:'((
LIKEE, where's my sassy, sarcastic silly guy?? :((
AND TOM. OH MY DAYSS, TOM. Y'all either make him too mean or too nice I SWEAR. Likee, mean as in would Avada u if u even say a single word to him. LIKE BRO, HE WAS A PREFECT AND HEADBOY. HE DIDNT BECOME SO BECAUSE HE AVADA 'D INNOCENT PEOPLE.
P.S. I'm talking abt teenaged Tom Riddles, Voldie would def kill innocent people ykwim?
Or nice as in would call u pookie wookie bear and cuddle u if u had a bad scary dream. Let's bffr rn.
LIKE, where's my crazy psycho nice silly guy??? DD:
IF U WANT THEM TO ACT SORT OF OC-ish PUT THEM INTO A SITUATION THAT'LL FORCE THEM TO ACT AS THOUGH. Seriously, some can get away w this behavior if it is played correctly!!
3) First Person POV.
Pretty self-explanatory, next.
4) "He growled"
Okay, alpha, remus wannabe, furry looking ahh.
When I say "ppl" I'm talking abt myself.
#fanfiction#harry potter#tom riddle#harry james potter#tom marvolo riddle#tomarry#MY NO'S IN FANFICTION#i almost tagged nose#opinion#if youre sensitive#dont read#tw: opinions#not made to offend anyone#seriously#write whatever u want#and read whatever u want#im not shaming u!#/srs
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hi, i'm wanderingalone! you can call me any variations of that, or ace works too!
i like things and stuff, and also do stuff and things occasionally
i'm an avid halloween, plants, and goofy things enjoyer! if you like any of those, you're automatically cool in my book and get a free googly eye
[insert googly eye png here]
(or a gold star if you want that instead. i'm fine that you don't want a googly eye. that's fine. im not hurt or anything. im fine about this.)
i occasionally do stuff (im not lying. i do do things. sometimes. i promise im not lying.)
buuuut i also don't want to take up too much space with those things and stuff and stuff and things, so now i will be inserting a break gap extend button thing (wow, so cool!)
Also! any mutuals feel free to dm me for my disc if wanted! :D
i am aroace and use any pronouns!
here's a list of my little sideblogs that have some little things:
@th1ng2: a place for videos and photos ive taken
@a-whole-lot-of-things: i talk about all the silly things i like here, could be music-related, media-related, (but primarily) fandom-related, basically anythingilikeoraminterestedin-related
@yeahireblogsomethings: a sideblog which serves the sole purpose of being a place where i reblog Every post i like (don't quote me on that) (started on june 16th, 2024)
i'm also in sideblog with everyone, but so is everyone else, so that's not saying much
i also may or may not run an updates acct. who knows. not me. and certainly not you. and its definitely not @tubbo--updates
(i also have like 2 or 3 sideblogs that are just username holders or short-time gimmicks of sorts, so those aren't really important)
now it's time for some important/cool/noteworthy things. yippee!
og - original posts from me :D (WIP) (if you for whatever reason stumble upon any of my og posts that aren't tagged with this please @ me or link them to me so i can fix that!)
beautiful - me yapping abt things i find beautiful
time fuckery - anything time loop/time travel/mental time gap/etc related. i just think its neat
save for later - self-explanatory, things i want to look at later for various reasons
as per a reblogs tags - tagged if someone reblogs a post/reblog from me with trigger warnings i didn't include originally, of which i will also tag
MyArt - also self-explanatory, it's just my art. art i've made. that's it
MyMugs - the famed mug collection
5 Good Things - a list of 5 good things that happened in my day
dc situation - i dont even know how to describe or summarize this
honorable mentions posts:
2020 and why its BAD
the dream creatures (i love them sm :))
This Exchange with @fullofgenderandstressed and @justanotherhumanbeing which i still chuckle about when i think of
This Thing which resulted in my first (i think??) youtube short debut (Here)
plants, sleeping, music (Two Door Cinema Club, James Marriott, McCafferty, Destroy Boys, The Wombats, La Roux, Los Campesinos!, Crywank, The Royston Club, Good Kid, Lorde, Feeder, Mother Mother, Akine, Nena; indie, 80's, rock, german, and a whole bunch more) (if you have any music recs pleasepleaseplease share them with me i loooove expanding my music taste), animals (shoebills are cool af), halloween, rain, and a whole bunch more that i can't think of atm :D
Stranger Things, Dead Boy Detectives, MCYT (Tubbo, Nihachu, some Jack Manifold, Tommyinnit, Hermitcraft, and the occasional other things sprinkled here and there), The Haunting of Bly Manor, Severance, Criminal Minds, Coraline, a bit of Star Trek and Marvel, and other random things that sneak in there now and again
i currently have a growing mug collection and vinyl record collection, which i may share at random times if i really feel like it, i also write and draw things occasionally which is pretty fancy pretty cool imo, i also normally have my tumblr set up in pumpkin theme from april 1st to december 31st for funsies (gotta love that halloween spirit) And i'm making wind chimes out of old glasses lenses for funsies :D
anyways, i think that's all for now, i'll probably edit this every now and again, if you've made it this far i hope you're having an incredible day/night/time, remember to do that one thing you've been putting off, and here's a spinning cat as a reward for getting through all this! (also here's your Daily Click reminder if you haven't done it yet!)

last edited february 25th 2025
#pinned post#i started working on this OCTOBER 7TH 2023#ITS TAKEN ME 3/4 OF A YEAR TO DO THIS#HELP#og
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This is about as far as I’ll get.
Im a big fan of Final Fantasy. I grew up with X and IV, I branched out to V and VI, am working through VII, and have XIII downloaded. I did not enjoy XV and I was excited when I heard XVI was good.
And it is! Theres a LOT to love about this game. It plays smart in a number of ways. The soundtrack is phenomenal. The combat system mid game is up to some great stuff. Its the only media I’ve encountered that adopts GOT elements while successfully retaining its identity.
I love how summons are godlike entities that deliver big kaiju fights. They give you a great sense of scale by having the first feel slow and clunky, by making you fight Ifrit on foot, working their way up so when you fight Titan you get an amazing feel for scale.
The game also adopts GOT style intrigue without abandoning what makes FF a FF game. The game opens with a red wedding style sacking of a major house with implications for the rest of the game, but it does it within what a Final Fantasy game would do. And the game has loads of lore tools to help you stay keyed into the plot. Its great. The pacing is also excellent, each chapter ramps up from small town sidequests to giant kaiju battles, then deescalates to give the eikon fights space.
Combat is flashy and fun with lots of combos you can chain across powers. I ended up using a lot of counter abilities and had such a good time in every 1v1 battle. Battles are also showy in satisfying ways despite being a bit spammy.
The OST is also a powerhouse good LORD. Its an alltimer, Heart of Stone and Find the Flame clapping absolute cheeks out here. I cannot recommend the ost highly enough.
Theres a few minor issues I was able to look past. Weapon crafting/upgrading is largely uninteresting. You just upgrade for better number. Theres no real resource management or choices being made. I would rather be awarded weapons like KH2 keyblades. Sidequests smartly delve into the fine details of the world but are largely a waste of space, padding out the runtime and delaying the better parts of the game. But largely these were just tedious, not bad.
My beef with this game is the camera. Its 2024, we’ve had 3D games for 30 years, and there’s a $70 price tag on this game. Absolutely unacceptable that I cannot access meaningful accessibility controls that would alleviate the issue.
I’ve played lots of games in 3D with fast cameras. I’ve played all of Elden Ring, MGRR, Bayonetta, every Halo game, both Wolfenstein games, I’ve only been made motion sick by Generation Zero, Saturnalia. I’m not prone to motion sickness in games, and outside Saturnalia where its cropped up I’ve been able to use accessibility settings to negate it.
Pressing O to block and counter is great but the camera whips around violently for each of the three follow up attacks. I’ve looked through threads and implemented everything I can with what options the game offers and it has not saved the experience for me.

Man. I was so excited for this one. And I was having a great time with what I played. Im just over 50% through and I’m gonna have to call it here. It made me physically sick over the weekend and I’m still feeling bad.
I beg you 🅱️lease fix the camera. A game on this scale should be better than this. I literally cannot play your game in this state.
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hi again!!! no worries about taking time with my asks, they are very long i totally get it!! rereading my last ask i realize there were a handful of times where i just. left out complete parts of sentences LMAO whoops. that will happen when you are typing and watching someone play a game at the same time.
anyway i finished my vw playthrough yesterday! my brother is almost done with his playthrough as well. he ended up siding with edie :) he also decided to buy his own switch so he can play on his own LMAO.
hmmm.. thinking about the fics i've read (since i hit part two on my deer playthrough i was playing more and reading fic less lol). immediately after playing i was like hm. this is great territory for time travel and time loop related fanfiction given the whole. divine pulse plus new game + mechanic. i'm sure there's interesting stuff related to this. and i was right. then i think i looked through some edelgard related tags, and then some marianne related tags? i was mostly sticking to one-shots and like. mid-length multichapter fics, and sending the really long ones to my read later list lol. saving those for when i finish at least the three lord's routes.
as for art, i was mostly just searching a character or dynamic i liked on here and going from there LOL.
yeahhhh. ingrid and felix's paired ending isn't Bad or anything but like after the b support i just. don't like the idea of them ending up together lol. and meanwhile any ending where ingrid has children bothers me? so. absolutely not to the sylvain ingrid paired ending. and honestly i kind of hate the whole.... 'oh she's always cleaning up his messes' thing that their c support (and other general interactions) suggest. like i do like sylvain but i am Not subjecting ingrid to him LMFAO.
i ended up reading some bernie/edelgard fanfiction and Really liking their dynamic in that which is. funny considering i've never seen their a support LMAO. as for dorothea and edie, i've seen their a support now thanks to my brother's playthrough!! they're sooo good. i think you're right about marianne supports with girls outside the deer?? which is annoying. let marianne interact with more girls she deserves it. and YEAH i did end up seeing the marianne lysithea supports and like. they're fine! but man there were so many interesting directions they could've taken those two and they just. didn't. very unremarkable supports imo which sucks extra because they could've been so good!
i got mercedes and annette to b support! so they had their fight and then the next time they see each other they are facing each other on the battlefield. which was very fun. i loveeeed creating scenarios like that caspar killing linhardt was also so :((( i was gonna have sylvain kill felix but he failed so bad annette had to kill felix too LMAO. and i had dorothea kill ferdinand which is :( and. for edie i had petra, claude and byleth all land at least one hit on her for maximum interesting dialogue.
i love how last ask i was like 'sylvain is going to end up alone because i can only pair him with byleth or dorothea and i'm not pairing him with dorothea again, and im either pairing byleth with claude or dorothea' and then i ended up. s supporting sylvain. idk what it was about claude.... i absolutely loved him as a character, but i was not feeling the romance at allll. like that's my dear friend claude.. as for dorothea, i was thinking that i probably want to s support her if i ever go for silver snow, because i think the idea of byleth and dorothea who both like. still really care about edelgard and maybe even regret their decision to side against her in a split second but hey it's too late to turn back now, right! getting together is just. so. there's sometihng about it. will i ever actually bring myself to play silver snow?? maybe.. i think if i dont let myself s support dorothea until i do, though, i'm more likely to play it, and i do want to see all the routes.. i also really wanted to see the dorothea petra paired ending.
i ended up with completely different paired endings than i initially anticipated, which i ended up really liking! aside from sylvain and byleth, and obviously petra and dorothea, i also got claude and hilda, which. LOVED their a support. i am an absolute sucker for characters who are both wearing masks of sorts calling each other on it.... also got marianne and ashe which was really sweet :) caspar and annette as well, which, again, i really liked and thought was sweet. i also ended up with leonie and shamir, which was good as well. honestly maybe one of the best endings for leonie, who i ended up getting more attached to than i expected during my playthrough. OH and ignatz and raphael, whose supports started strong but like.. his sister? ignatz marries his sister? okay. i wasn't aware i was doing the supports for ignatz and raphael's sister but. whatever. like i don't mind it, i wasn't particularly attached to them like. ending up together? but it felt like a cop out from making them romantic honestly.
circling back but MAN dorothea and petra's a support and paired ending.... i love them they're sooo good. dorothea is sooo special to me i love when she gets to be happy...... she deserves it!!
i ended up REALLY liking annette, way more than i expected to lol. very excited for the lions to see her sylvain and mercedes specifically. i thinkk i'm gonna recruit marianne again, since like. why wouldn't i recruit marianne. dorothea as well because. well. it's dorothea and i love her. i'm probably gonna recruit bernie because i didn't last time, and maybe ferdinand as well? i could get caspar since i hear he's got a paralogue with mercedes but, as much as i like caspar, i want to recruit some different people this time around and i'm already set on getting dorothea again lol.
i'll probably get leonie as well, and then either raphael or hilda? haven't decided yet. i like hilda, but i think my first real character defining experience with her being her literally dying for claude in CF (before i used divine pulse to prevent that lol) has like. solidified and defined my interpretation of her and i don't feel right recruiting her away from the deer. soooo funny to me that hilda 'i would never die for my friends' goneril is now stuck in this role in all of my subsequent playthroughs. i don't even know if you fight her in the lions route but i'm still not pulling her away from the deer and claude. sorry girl.
i like avoided using lorenz like the PLAGUE because well. i didn't have to use him. and i really didn't want to accidentally get a paired ending with him LOL. idk i feel like his whole lack of respect for claude was reallyyyy grating especially after a certain point. and the fact that the byleth c support is you going 'hey lorenz stop being weird to women??' idk. like i'm sure there's Something interesting there but i didn't care enough to look for it honestly he just has too many unlikable qualities and not enough charm or interesting stuff to make up for it. to me.
OH IGNATZ AND MARIANNE..... i loved their supports actually. they were so good. i keep forgetting about them and then remembering all of a sudden and going. oh those were good. the claude and petra supports were also good, as were annette and claude's! and i didn't see all of annette and ashe's, but they were sweet too. hmmm sylvain and marianne's b support was surprisingly good, as was his b support with hilda (once again. characters wearing metaphorical masks is sooo interesting to me and i love when they interact..). claude and marianne's were SO good i loved them. i love how marianne is in the ending tapestry/mosaic thing for VW too, especially considering the ending of their supports! leonie and claude's were good, marianne and hilda's were pretty sweet, and so were ashe and caspar's..... man i'm trying to think of what other ones i got. i want to like.. say how i feel about all of these but i don't want to spoil any you haven't gotten yet so! i think i'll just leave it there.
anyway! excited for the blions route! gonna go play with my brother again lol so he can finish CF and start his own playthroughs on his new switch, and so i can move onto the lions! as much as i love the other houses, going through this game twice i Have noticed that a lot of the early game stuff skews towards having the lions be plot relevant, and the themes and connections between the lions just seem. really deliberately woven if that makes sense. so i'm looking forward to seeing it all play out! i think before i play silver snow i'd have to do another CF route tho bc i can only go so long supporting the church before i feel the urge to not do that LMAO. anyway i hope you're doing well!!! have a good day/week, it's always nice talking with you and hearing your thoughts :)
HIII thank you so much for understanding! its very much appreciated :] and fdkndg no worries man, im pretty sure i understood what you were saying and all. but yeah that prob is gonna happen when youre watching someone else play at the same time, so no worries!
OHH GOOOD. GLAD HE SIDED W/ EDIE AFTER ALL YIPPEEE but i suppose that was assumed right? glad it came true!!! and CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR VERDANT WIND PLAYTHROUGH!!!!! you play fast fdgndfg took me a good like 2 years to finally get back to it and finish it 😭 good for you! glad youre enjoying everything!
and yeah that makes sense ! glad that the game had you that hooked and stuff (eyeballs) but yeah it sucks that its between either playing or engaging w/ content... and that can be a difficult thing to decide sometimes jdfgfd YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABT THE TIME LOOP / TIME TRAVEL POTENTIAL!!!!! AND SPEAKING OF THAT? HAVE YOU SEEN AN EAGLE AMONG LIONS? ITS GOOOOD. its like 80+ chapters BUT ITS SOOO GOOD. i myself am only like ? not even a quarter of the way through but it plays on different timelines and time travel and stuff. and it has a HUGE focus on edelgard. def couldnt recommend it enough. makes sesne that you stuck w/ the shorter ones though... since it does get time consuming. any ones you read that you recommend :o? glad youve found a bunch of good ones regarding that concept though
AND NICE. MAKES SENSE. it just sucks that sometimes if th edynamic isnt very popular it gets difficult tofind stuff</3 esp art stuff. like. for example. i wanted to find som e marianne and lysithea stuff. and not even like romantically. i just want to see them together. and i couldnt find any art but i DID find a few fics but </3 sometimes i just wnat Them you know? and they were often accompanied by several other characters / dynamics. there were 2 that i rly liked though
I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT INGRID HAS ENDINGS WHERE SHE HAS CHILDREN!!!!!! IS THE GAME DAFT? IS THAT /NOT/ WHAT THEY ESTABLISHED AS SOMETHING SHES AFRAID OF? gosh dfkgnfdg jesus christ. and no youre sooo right abt the whole sylvain and ingrid dynamic. like. of course its funny to a degree and ingrid doesnt have to place all that onto herself but............ i think both the game and the fandom play it up a bit too much. but yeah fdgjdfg i totally understand why you wouldnt pair her w/ either felix or sylvain
OOOO i know bernie and edie is ? sort of popular? so im happy that youve enjoyed their dynamic, i still need to go through their supports myself</3 AND YIPPPEE glad you enjoy edie and dorothea together and that you liked their A support<3 yeah ): i like just didnt remember seeing marianne have supports w/ any girls outside the golden deer... which SUCKS bc 2 out of the 3 she only goes up to B. SHE DOES DESERVE IT!!!!!! and like. ive thouhgt abt this before but..... dorothea and marianne........ they both have themselves in their dislikes section........ thoughts in my brain. AND FOR REAL !!!! ABT LYSITHEA AND MARIANNE. THEY COULDVE DONE SOOO MUCH MORE AND YET THEY DIDNT ): and not only that, they dont even have a post timeskip one ?? which i feel they TOTALLY deserve. esp since lysithea's whole thing was like. enjoy lfie while you can! look at the positive! and then she DOES post timeskip! i dont knooow they couldve so much, like you said
and ah okay! i guess i shouldve assumed that you were referring to mercie and annette, just based on their supports and all. but thank you! but also. BOOOO. i get wanting to create a scenario like that but 😭😭😭😭 the sheer POTENTIAL of something like that though is SOOO good. i assume mercedes was w/ dimitri during that one battle where all 3 armies clashed on gronder field? i haven't gotten caspar and linhardt's special dialogue on the battlefield.... and i probably never will TBH. THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME LMAO w/ sylvain and felix. atleast in my CF run. i got their special dialogue and then sylvain was GONNA kill him but felix's pavise or some shit activated and ALMOST KILLED HIM RIGHT BACK!!!!! it was very unfortunate. glad annette was able to cover for him i guess though 😭 /AND/ YOU HAD DOROTHEA KILL FERDIE???? GODDAMN...... you are very strong my friend. getting special dialogue is fun but at the same time </////3 it makes me Hurt. does petra and edie have special dialogue together? i didnt realize that :o
OHHHH YOU ENDED UP S SUPPORTING SYLVAIN???????? THATS CERTAINLY A SHOCK FGNJDFGF i thinki believe ive seen your account? you hva e a bi sylvain icon right? if youre not comfortable w/ me saying that just lmk and ill remove it asap. BUT GOOD FOR YOUUUU FKNGFGDF I CERTAINLY WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT LMAO. and yeah i feel that for claude and byleth. i honestly cant say anything bc i had no intentions of S supporting him to begin with but. yeah. WHEN HE CHANGES FROM "TEACH" TO "MY FRIEND"...... I THINK THATS SO CUTE THOUGH. and ouuugh the potential of silver snow byleth / dorothea.... i like that concept a whole lot. i think you def should do that if you go down that route. but at the same time. are you even able to keep any of the black eagles in your class during that route? or does edie turn against ALL of them? i have yet to play so i dont knooow. nbut the potential scares me. since going against edie after gaining her trust is one thing, but to have to go against the WHOLE CLASS? very sad. but no ytoure absolutely right... i think theyd have a particular bond after going agsinst edelgard, and i think that may increase their relationship and all. they get to revel in that guilt together!!!! mmm, using dorothea as a reason to play it is dfngdfgk it gives you incentive you know? and i believe thats needed as a route like SS
yeah!!! claude and hilda's A support was very good... makes sense why theyre so drawn together and all. because, like you said, its interesting how characters who tend to put up a mask themself also tend to see through someone else's, especially if its a close friend. ooo didnt realize marianne could A support w/ ashe! or annette w/ caspar! thats very interesting. i knew abt leonie and shamir, i dont quite understand Why yet (since i have yet to see them) but. i suppose it makes some sense considering that shamir is sort of a mercenary? it was something like that right? i forgor. glad to hear that thats one of the best endings for leonie! i literally just recently finished VW and i already forget who leonie ended up w/ oops. andd getting attached to her is epic as well, bc i just couldnt get myself to tbh. ofc i like her and alll, but i just. eh. you know? I DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHO IGNATZ AND RAPHAEL ENDED UP WITH!!!!! NO WAIT I DO. NVM. anyway. i had no idea thats who their (ignatz and raphael) ending plays out?????? thats so :/ i get not everything ahs to be romantic but come OOOOON.... ESP SINCE WE DONT EVEN GET TO SEE RAPH'S SISTER??????? LIKE 😭😭😭 gosh. thats so annoyingg. but no youre right, them adding in maya like that is such just ..... like you said, a cop out. and it sucks. not all the endings are specifically romantic, like raph and lysitheas for example iirc, but CMON !!!!!!!!
RIIIIIIGHT....... in my playthroughs i tend to only get the supports of the characters in my house (as i also tend to use only those characters and maybe 1 or 2 recruits) but MAN. FOR MY AZURE MOON ONE I JUST CANT LET DOROTHEA BE ALONE...... SO IM GONNA GET HER TO A SUPPORT W/ PETRA AGAIN......... she deserves to be happy andd knowing that she has the potential to be alone makes my heart hurt.
annette is a real sweetheart. and i love her little songs dfkgndf and ofc her relationship w/ mercedes is real nice. BUT YEAAAAH GOOD RECRUITS AS USUAL.... im only on like the first chapter of the timeskip actuallly dkfgndg i havent played azure moon in a bit, i rly need to change tha.t. i actually havent played the game at ALL in a little bit, for reasons i wont get into, which sucks but </3 gonna try and get into the groove again soon. dont blame you for wanting to get different people, and yeah caspar and mercedes do have a paralogue together! it has to do w/ the death knight iirc. anyone you plan to recruit in place of caspar? or are you just gonna wing it?
OH guess the next paragraph answered my question mb. BUT OOOO HILDA... THATS VERY INTERESTING TO THINK ABT..... i totally forgot that she was like that in terms of dying and stuff... unless i just misse dhtat entirely? and i cant remember her dying quote / special interaction w/ marianne or byleth rip. BUT YEAH. I CAN DEF SEE HWY YOU DONT WANNA SEPARATE HER FROM THE DEER / CLAUDE..... they both already go soooo well together.... so i totally get it. aside from hilda literally dying for claude after saying she wouldnt ddo such things for them, what was your other character defining moments for her? if any?
LMAO LORENZ..... i like. gosh. i dont blame you at AALLLLL. his first impression is just so bad and ugly and..... iugh. i went through all his supports w/ the golden deer (except for claude's. i missed out on it. which. im not too disappointed abt LOL i can imagine he goes through some growth hopefully nbut i cant rly say that he truly does) and yeah... he has some redeeming qualities. like. hes a very caring and nice guy beneath it all. but you're right. his distrust in claude is so just annoying and UGLY if you really get down to it. /I/ dont like him either but going throuhg his supports w/ the deer made me appreciate him a littl emore? not by much though. i still think hes annoying. and honestly i dont even remember his A support w/ byleth LOL which probably means it wasnt that memorable. but yeah i dont blame you for avoidinig him at all costs lmao hes a really unlikable character imo lol. and as youve siad, his whole thing w/ claude rly puts me off
YESSSS IGNATZ AND MARIANNE'S SUPPORTS WERE SO SWEET.... I ESP LOVED WHNE HE SAW THE SUNSET AND THOUGHT TO HIMSELF "OH, MARIANNE WOULD LOVE THIS" THATS SO NICE AND CUUUUTE 😭😭 OOO i dind realize annette had supports w/ claude... interesting. i think i stilll need ashe and annette's A support but they were so fun dfngdfg esp them getting Scared together and stuff. i dont rly care abt sylvain very much but i do enjoy most of his supports. rly shows a different side of him, which made me realize just how strong of a character he is. character wise, i mean. but yeah! OHHHH CLAUDE AND MARIANNE'S WERE SOOO GOOD.... I ESP LOVED THEIR A SUPPORT AND HOW HE GAVE THAT STORY ABT HIMSELF AND ALL..... TO RELATE TO MARIANNE AND HER STRUGGLES W/ BURDENS AND SUCH...... i also got their ending (out of pure chance which i was VERY happy about)AND OHH YEAH, SO THAT WAS MARIANNE ON THE END ART HUH? i mauyube thought she was there just because of my game getting their ending but fkgnfg THATS SO CUTE !!!!!! I LOVE U MARIANNE . i vaguely remember leonie and claude's which sucks, ill prob have to go throuhg them all again separately since i just BINGED most of them during the end of my playthrough. marianne and hildas were good too.... i thought it was so cute how hilda got her to laugh so hard during their A support )): and i still need to get ashe and caspar's! and thank you for not wanting to spoil stuff for ): that's very nice of you, feel free to talk abt the ones in specific you rly liked! its ok if i havent gotten them before :] ill def just go through them again regardless! but, just so you know, ive gotten all the golden deer's supports w/ each other. excluding lorenz and claude. and pretty much all of the blue lions' supports w/ each other, i have just a few left
HAVE FUN W/ THE LIONS ROUTE!!!!! youre def right to say that white clouds is very heavily biased towards the blue lions... esp narrative wise... you'll. def see what i mean. even more so than the obvious. i wont say much but it regards edelgard. but yeah! like. sylvain and miklan... mercedes and the death knight... i swear there was more but my mind is drawing a bblank rn. OH aand ashe and lonato. imo it was clear that azure moon was meant to be the Bulk of this game. like. you were meant ot play this route and that's it. you're absolutely right abt it seeming deliberately woven. they rly dont try to hide the bias lol which isnt a bad thing ofc but. just seeing how much the fandom is prone to hate edie...... i blame the game's targeted narrative for that. AND I FEEL THAT L,MAO. being on the church's side is so just... it pisses me OOOFF tbh. i can only take so much of that. so i def agree that you plau CF again before doing SS or another one fkndgffg
HOPE YOUREDOING WELL TOO !!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY / NIGHT AS WEELLLLL. and hehe thank youu..... im glad you enjoy reading my thoughts, bc i feel the same about yours!!!! :D
#mine#text#asks#anon#my FE tag#FE#FE3H#my thoughts#sorry if anythings wonky i didnt feel like rereading fdnfdg
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SYNOPSIS: songs they'd post you to on instagram :P
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, reo, chigiri, nagi, rin, sae, raichi, nanase
WARNINGS: swearing, music is based on MY personal taste and MY interpretations of what'd they like so OOC KINDA but idrc this is one if my favorite things ive ever written so 🤣
A/N: im cleaning out my drafts lol enjoy 🥲inspired by the several others i saw do this for hq :P also this was the thing i was supposed to post on my bday #lolz
ISAGI YOICHI: see you again by tyler, the creator, featuring kali uchis
the song is something out of his daydreams, which is fitting for a post about his dream person <3
he’s definitely played this song when you two were cuddling (he’s so corny oh lord)
for the picture, isagi snaps a cute candid of you during your two’s date at a cafe you guys are regulars at.
in the picture, you’re throwing up a peace sign, beaming at your boyfriend brightly.
for extra effect, isagi doodles a little heart in your favorite color on the picture :’)
“you’re so pretty, wow,” isagi mumbles almost
inaudibly, but it manages to convey the full extent of his adoration for you nonetheless.
and while isagi’s on his phone, you get him back and take an off guard of him to post.
he’s blushing like crazy when he opens the notification, a lovestruck grin glued on his face as he wonders how on earth he got so lucky with you.
BACHIRA MEGURU: replay by iyaz
it took me so long to pick a song because i really feel like he’s one of those ppl that only listens to tik tok songs 😭 anyways
bachira posts you 24/7, he loves showing you off. he wants everyone on instagram to know how attractive you are and how much he loves you and will stop at nothing to do so.
he chooses this song because you really are like a melody in his head that he can’t keep out
not that bachira would really want to keep you out his head, though <3
plus, he thinks the song matches the energy of the picture, too.
it’s a mirror photo of you two after your impromptu “fashion show” at one of those gag gift stores where you guys are wearing the dumbest shit ever 😭
where and how bachira found a shirt that said “legalize it” and neon clout goggles is beyond you.
and although bachira is adamant in his fashion prowess, you still think your fit was better 🤭
you guys got kicked out for “not buying anything” and “causing disruption amongst shoppers” but it’s whatever, you guys got the experience 🤞
CHIGIRI HYOMA: thinkin’ bout you by frank ocean
i feel like chigiri seldom posts you ngl 🥲
but it’s not because of anything bad or whatever, but chigiri prefers to save that stuff for special days i.e. birthdays and anniversaries, stuff like that.
and what do you know, your guys one year anniversary just happens to be today!
posts an old candid of you he took while you guys were on a date together.
he really likes your smile in the picture. he wants to see you smile like that forever, to be that happy forever.
and if fate permits it, he wants to be the person that makes you that happy forever.
chigiri captions it “one year ❤️” and that’s it LOL, he’s real classy.
RAICHI JINGO: power trip by j.cole featuring miguel
i stand by this when i say that raichi’s whole thing is “asshole to the world, but never to my lover.”
like the song says, you got him up all night, all he’s singing' is love songs <3
i actually think raichi would post you pretty often, tbh.
he’s the type that loves showing you off and bragging to the world that he has you 🥲
definitely posts a mirror pic of you and him where he’s kissing your on the top of your head as you hold the phone up to the mirror :’)
it’s his favorite picture of you two and also his lockscreen.
it’s so soft and out of character for him, and he knows the other boys will get on his ass for being “whipped,” but raichi couldn't give less of a fuck.
if it’s for you, it's worth it.
MIKAGE REO: sure thing by miguel
this song perfectly describes how reo feels about you.
to him, you’re the only sure thing in a world that’s plagued with unknowns and uncertainties. even if the sky comes falling or if the sun stops shining, reo has faith you two will prevail through it all.
there’s no special occasion that prompts reo to post you, he just loves you and wants to tell the world, that’s it.
reo uses a candid of you that was taken on one of your guys fancier dates in the city.
it’s a snapshot of you dressed to the nines, leaning against a railing, gazing at the vast world below you.
and as the sun began to set in the background, it kissed your skin gently, parallel to a glow of a halo.
it’s a photo too sterling and stellar for reo to describe with something as ineffectual as mere words.
and out of all the contemporary and classic works of art he’s seen in his life, reo knows they’ll never ever be able to hold a candle to you.
NAGI SEISHIRO: fell in luv by playboi carti, featuring bryson tiller
nagi is literally the world’s biggest carti fan, so of course he’s gonna post his favorite person to his favorite artist <3
this song makes him think of your relationship with him because like the song says, he fell in love, but it’s okay, because you two are in love 🥰
but, the part nagi really likes is where bryson tiller’s like, “i put a ring on her, name got a ring to it.” *winks*
(not that you know that, of course.)
in the picture he posts, nagi’s the one giving someone a piggyback ride for once.
you’re on top of him, arms locked around his neck, grinning from ear to ear.
and though nagi’s smile is faint, his fondness for you can still be seen from a mile away.
well, what can he say? nagi’s in love 🥰
(reo swipes up later with “pic creds? 🤨” and nagi just leaves him on seen NRIDKDNRKD)
ITOSHI RIN: gravity by brent faiyaz, featuring tyler, the creator
"actually rin wouldn't post you he's too uptight for that" - 🥸 well that's too bad because idgaf 🤷♀️🤣
ANYWAYS rin has his own ways of showcasing his affection for you, and so the idea of posting you has never come to his mind before.
that is, until you let out an extempore mention at how cute your friend and their boyfriend are when you see how their boyfriend posted them on their story.
now, like most teenage boys, rin’s not the most emotionally intelligent person but, he is smart enough to deduce that it would probably make you happy if he posted you, too.
rin chooses his favorite picture ever to do the honors. it’s a rather simple one of you two; your head rests on top of rin’s chest as you two lie down comfortably on his bed.
your arms are extended upwards as you hold rin’s phone up, smiling cutely as rin sideyes you from above with just the slightest tinge of amusement on his face.
there’s no caption LOL, but still it’s so cute, who knew rin could be so cute? (me i did)
the guys have a field day when they see his story, though 😭 they’re all swiping up with shit like “you know how to use ig??” “okay bro i see you🤞🏼” “why don’t you ever post me bae😩”
it takes everything for rin not to block them LOL
ITOSHI SAE: fire and desire by drake
hate to break it to y’all, but sae rarely posts you on his main. but it's not for the reason you think it is.
it’s not because he’s ashamed of you, that’s honestly the farthest thing from it.
the reason you don’t get posted on the main is so stupid LMAO
sae doesn’t like posting on his main at all because he says he has too many followers and it irritates him 😭
apparently when you’re famous, you get tons of followers on instagram. who knew?
and tbh, i get the vibe sae’s the type to want you all to himself 🤨 but he's also an ass and likes bragging so you get posted on his 15 follower finsta 😭😭😭
posts a selfie of you sharing a kiss, where sae’s free hand lightly grips your chin, making you smile into the kiss.
and you can barely see it, but you can definitely still feel the smugness radiating off sae’s smirk when he kissed you 😭
it’s a yeah i’m kissing the finest person on earth, what about it? kinda smirk 🙄
which is where the song comes in- this song is for hot people only, which is why sae used for hottest person ever 🥰
oliver slides up with some stupid shit like “i see you 🧐” and sae also leaves him on seen 😭
NANASE NIJIRO: love is only a feeling by joey bada$$
sweetie pie omg, he’d do the tiktok trend where he shows you off to this song
nanase uses his favorite pictures of you- cute silly little pics you sent him on snap, candids of you, mirror selfies, off guards, your yearbook picture for some reason, all of that.
and he's so giddy the entire time because he thinks the song fits you and him perfectly.
like the song says, you’re so perfect in your own little world and you’re everything he wants <3
(and more importantly, it's a matter of time until your last name is his 🥰)
literally right after he’s done, texts you “check tiktok 😁”
and of course, you’re equally as giddy when you see the tiktok because you have the most adorable boyfriend ever :’)
SHIDOU RYUSEI: nobody's perfect by j. cole, featuring missy elliot
it’s a not car ride with ryusei if this song doesn’t play once (ik he can drive i just do trust me i wrote bllk)
definitely sings along with you as he drives one handed, with the other hand holding one of yours <3
posts a photobooth picture of you two doing the tiktok heart (yk what i’m talking about? the one you do with just your pointer and middle)
you’re sat on ryusei’s lap with his free arm wrapped snugly around your waist.
your fingers are just barely connecting in order to construct your makeshift heart because ryusei’s too busy peppering kisses on your neck, the sensation of his lips on your exposed skin making you giggle, as encaptured in the photo.
he captions it “4lifer🤞” and you can’t even get mad at how corny he is because it’s cute, he’s cute.
keeps the rest photo strip in his wallet <3
BONUS: songs i think would be cute to post some of them to :3
isagi — blue hour by txt: his eyes are blue, his favorite color is blue, come on, ik yall see the vision
reo — i'll kill you by summer walker, featuring jhené aiko: i just think reo's pride would go through the roof if you posted him to this 😭 he'd be so smug but he'd love the energy tbh
raichi — the way by ariana grande, featuring mac miller: "i got a bad boy, i must admit it. got my heart, i don't know how he did it." enough said.
bachira — good form by nicki minaj, featuring lil wayne: wait hear me out, you don't post him to this song, y'all do that tiktok trend where you guys go back and forth with each other with the lyrics
sae — trust by brent faiyaz: "everyone know my name when i come through." come on. big sae energy.
nanase — pete davidson by ariana grande: this song is too cute and i feel like it matches his energy so well
#blue lock#blue lock x reader#bllk#bllk x reader#blue lock headcanons#isagi yoichi#bachira meguru#itoshi rin#itoshi sae#nanase nijiro#reo mikage#nagi seishiro#shidou ryusei#isagi x reader#bachira x reader#rin x reader#sae x reader#nanase x reader#nagi x reader#reo x reader#raichi x reader#chigiri hyoma#chigiri x reader#ryusei x reader
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Captains writing really be like: Byleth and the BEagles are found family. Because Im writing that they are right now in this chapter. Despite the fact that we are over thirty chapters in and I have done nothing to earn or establish this whatsoever up until now. Linhardt has had about five lines in total. (Lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, godawful writing dear lord!)
But yeah, it’s like... if you were to ask me, right now, to describe what the relationship between the Black Eagles are, I’d honestly be hard-pressed to tell you. Caspar is stupid. Ferdinand is stupid. Petra’s pretty cool. Dorothea is kinda dramatic. Whohardt. Bernadetta is scared. Marianne is sad. Ingrid is sad. Sylvain is maaaad? I guess? Lysithea is uwu lil’ sister. I can give a baseline description of the characters. But how they play off each other? What they do in their spare time? What they tend to do as a group? Whether some prefer hanging out with this BE over that BE but still ultimately likes everyone? Their inner dynamics? What they know about each other? What they want to learn about each other?
I can’t tell you any of that. I can’t tell you how Caspar reacts to Dorothea talking about plays and operas. I can’t tell you what Linhardt and Petra do with each other. I can’t tell you how Ferdinand’s optimism about nobility collides with Sylvain’s pessimism. I can’t tell you if the Black Eagles like to do anything together (other than watching Edelgard and Byleth spar). Like. Why should I think these bitches like each other? Why should I think they’re a family? What has been shown of the Black Eagles that shows how close they are?
And hell, really, outside of Chapter 34, what was their relationship with Edelgard? Yeah we get a couple of those, like Ingrid and Lysithea and Dorothea, but like. Whohardt’s first actual back-and-forth conversation that lasted more than one or two lines... was in Chapter 34. +160k words into the fic - that’s the perfect time to have Edelgard talk with one of the default members of the Black Eagles! Ferdinand has had like... maybe two or three moments in this fic where he wasn’t a complete buffoon for the reader to point and laugh at - that’s the perfect treatment to give one of the characters you tagged as important in your fic!
Like, I get it - it’s hard to use all of these characters in a meaningful way! But that by no means excuses such blatantly lazy writing; I’ve read Claude centered fics that have managed to use the entire GD cast in a meaningful way that genuinely felt like they were a big found family, and the same is true for Dimitri centered fics for the BL.
(Tho, their canon counterparts also actually feel like a family, whereas BE kinda doesn’t, but the point remains)
If Cap’n wants to make it such a big point that the BE are this big happy family, then he has to put in the effort and actually show that - he can’t stuff that into one rushed chapter by having Edelgard speedrun being a good person to everyone (save Whohardt). It diminishes any feeling of closeness the Black Eagles have and ruins any feelings of sadness the reader is supposed to feel whenever the Black Eagles are having a rough patch, because they’re basically just strangers that are kinda sad next to each other more than they’re a family going through a bad time. It just feels so shallow
#ask#anon#exqueuese me princess#o captain my captain#I just can't see this fic's Black Eagles as anything like a family at all#the female Black Eagles get kinda close but they're still kinda... meh
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Parenting 200!
Hey people, its ya boy, the bitch. I’m making another one of these cuz someone asked and YES. Corpse Husband x Son yes. Tags:��@save-the-sky @alilshit @whatifwedo @hughugh20@fleurmoon @bi-andready-tocry @itsminniekat @yoongi-holland@loraleiix @hacker-ghost @fanworrior @marvelous-musicals @annshit @unknown-and-invisible @letsloveimagines @babyhoneystvles
Corpse was running some errands (which he really didn’t wanna do) with Tyler (that's what we calling him)- his son. Y/N was home relaxing and doing her thing, she already did enough. She cleaned the entire house, woke up early to make them both an amazing breakfast, did the laundry, and made sure Corpses office space was nice and well kept so he could be in a nice area to record and stream. Corpse told Y/N that she needed to get some rest when she said she needed to go out to run some errands- he also made the mistake of deciding to bring a literal toddler around with him.
Now don’t him wrong- He loved Tyler more than he loved himself, but Tyler can be a little shit sometimes. This child has gotten into a rainbow of different substances.
Vaseline. “What the hell- what is that- what is that on your face?” Corpse asked, though he already knew. “Baseline.” They said, rubbing their hands together.
Coconut butter. “You know better than this Tyler! Now you look all shiney!” Corpse said as he washed coconut butter off of Tyler. “Iz fun.” Tyler replied while Corpse just let out an exasperated sigh.
Baby powder. “Tyler what the hell!-” Corpse yelled as he walked in and saw Tyler pouring baby powder down his pants. Tyler looked up at him and said “go way.” ANd when Corpse just stared and then Tyler yelled, “go WAY!” Cake. “Sweetie! That was for your father!” Y/N said as she saw Tyler sitting on the ground shoving his face with chocolate cake. His hands were covered in it and his mouth was a mess. Tyler looked at her innocently and said “Izs mine!” Corpses clothes. Corpse walked into the closet to put some brand new hoodies away when he saw none other than Tyler chilling there covered in Corpses clothes. It was a mess. Corpe just stared and shut the closet door, not wanting to deal with that just yet. Y/Ns clothes. Y/N walked into the closet to see the mess. Tyler was putting on her heals and wearing her scarfs. She sighed and took a picture of a very surprised Tyler. Then she went to go yell at Corpse. Deodorant. “No no no no no NO NO NO!” Y/N yelled as she pulled the deodorant away from Tyler's hands. He was crushing it all up and smearing it on the floor. “It smell gud.” Tyler said innocently as he was picked up. Soap. “Tyler no no no! Take that out of your mouth!” Y/N screamed as she saw Tyler put dish soap in his mouth. She panicked and immediately told him to spit it out. Not even a second later Corpse came tripping into the room asking what the hell happened. Y/Ns pads. “Tyler no-” Corpse said as he wheezed. Tyler was sticking Y/Ns period pads onto his body. “They stickers!” Tyler laughed, opening another one. Corpse fell onto the floor in sheer laughter, not being able to breathe. Corpses Stream. Corpse left to take a quick pee while he was streaming with his friends. While he was gone, Tyler snuck into his office and joined in as a replacement. “Haii” Tyler said, causing laughter. “Whos this?” Sykkuno asked. They all knew Corpse was a father but never heard anything else about him. “Tyver.” Tyler said, making everyone nearly cry from the cuteness. When Corpse came back, he sighed and took his headset away. “Uhm-” Corpse was cut off, “HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING PUT TYVER BACK ON!”
They were all memories. Some good, most bad. None in the middle. He was currently in the store grabbing some things for Y/N. She got her period like just this morning and she was running out of pads so he needed to cop some of those and the more important things. Every female reading this oneshot who has gotten their period will understand the following. He threw oreo cookies, red velvet oreo cookies, hershey's chocolate chip cookies, more cookies, two whole bags of snickers, three whole bags of kit kats, chocolate milk, and a chocolate cake into the cart. Then lastly, he awkwardly strolled into the feminine product isle where two other females were. Tyler was jumping around looking at everything and Corpse was avoiding eye contact.
One of the girls looked at his cart, looked at him, looked at Tyler, looked at the cart, and back at him and said “She hit it hard didn’t she?”
Corpse looked at her and sighed, “Yeah...” then he picked out the kind he always saw in the bathroom and then dragged Tyler away and out of the isle.
“Nooo! Im still looking!” Tyler whined.
“Well you’re done looking.” Corpse said, walking up to the check out area and checking his stuff out himself. He already felt enough anxiety today so all he really wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Y/N and watch Shrek for the fifthteenth time with Tyler.
After he bagged everything he pushed the cart out of the store and towards their car. Tyler was jumping around again and being a little shit, so Corpse had to pick him up and hold him and load groceries into the car one handed. Painful. After loading the groceries he set Tyler down and went to bring the cart back.
On his way back, Tyler latched himself onto Corpses leg and cried. Good lord. “I want icereeeeem!” Tyler whined as Corpse sighed, dragging him around.
“Tyler we already spent enough! Mom will share some of her food!” Corpse said, tugging Tyler off of his leg like a cat and walking him to the car. Tyler kept complaining and screaming, but Corpse did his best not to listen. But while driving home, the screaming got worse, and Corpse gave in.
“FINE DAIRY QUEEN IT IS!” Corpse yelled, immediately apologizing for yelling. Then he took a sharp turn and headed to DQ to get this toddler an icecream cone (And Y/N an oreo blizzard, but don't tell). He really didn’t wanna pull into the drive thru, but his anxiety said indoors is worse so he pulled into the line. It was November so Corpse did not understand why there was so many people in the line. Corpse sighed, trying to ignore Tylers whining. “I know it’s long and annoying but we have to wait Tyler.”
“I want icecreeeemm!” Tyler whined, and Corpse began to grow frustrated. He loved Tyler, but he really wanted to get home. Y/N was probably scrunched up in agony with her period pains and when he gets home shes gonna be fucking dead. Yes you heard me. Dead. Corpse didn’t want to go to court for being blamed of his girlfriend's death.
During the wait he actually got a call from Y/N. He instantly picked it up, saying hello.
“Where are you?!” Y/N complained. She was hungry, in pain, and worried. Corpse and Tyler should’ve been home an hour ago. But instead they were stuck in a DQ drive thru.
“Dairy Queen. Tyler wants an icecream cone.” Corpse sighed, “He’s been a pain the ass so far...”
“He’s always a pain in the ass but we love him.” Y/N chuckled, “Can you get me a cookie dough blizzard?”
“Oh. Ok.” Corpse was surprised. Y/N always went for that legendary oreo blizzard. Guess he’ll get it for himself then. “Are you feeling ok?”
“Mmm no. Periods suck. Men will never feel real pain.” Y/N groaned, and Corpse rolled his eyes playfully.
“Say that next time people are calling me sus in Among Us.” Corpse laughed, “Oh- I gotta go, this lines finally moving.”
“Ok, bye love you~” Y/N said.
“Love you too.” Corpse said before hanging up. He got up to the speaker and breathed in, trying to order his food without getting nervous. Social anxiety sucks, I don’t recommended having social anxiety. He stuttered a little, but it wasn’t too bad. When he got his food, he quickly got the fuck out of there and zoomed back to his place.
When he got to a stop light, he handed Tyler his ice cream cone. Almost immediately he began to chow down, his teeth didn’t even seem sensitive at this moment. It impressed Corpse. His boy was something else.
When he finally made it home, he had many things to do. He got Tyler out of the car safely and picked up all the bags full of food with one arm. On the other, he held Tyler and the ice cream. From there, he made his way into apartment building like a goddamn champ. Sure, he was in pain, sure his muscles were gonna burst, but this, this guys, is what real men do. He is a super dad, he will do what no man ever dares to do.
People were looking at him, it made him uncomfortable. He was glad the apartment had elevadors. Tyler kept eating his ice cream loudly, which made Corpses pain ever worse. When he finally got to the door, he lifted his already weakened arm and turned the doorknob, shoving himself into the room.
“Honey I’m home!” Corpse said tiredly, dropping the bags on the floor and lightly setting Tyler down. He walked over to the living room, seeing Y/N laying in a mess of blankets and pillows on the floor. She was wearing one of Corpses hoodies that were way too big on her. She looked distressed, but when Corpse put a cookie dough blizzard in front of her, she looked up and took it.
“You look like a mess.” Y/N laughed, sitting with her legs crossed and beginning to eat.
“I’ve had a long day.” Corpse chuckled and sat next to Y/N in the mess. “Tyler seemed to have fun I guess.”
“What do you mean I guess?” Y/N chuckled into her words.
“Oh you know how Tyler is baby.” Corpse took a big bite of his blizzard, “I bought everything you will need for a week.”
“Great!” Y/N leaned in and kissed Corpse on the cheek. Corpse blushed a little, but smiled. Next thing they know, they are cuddling against each other and eating their blizzards. This was the only way to make Y/N happy while she was on her period.
Then heard a loud crash.
“God fuckin’ damNI-”
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Got tagged by @starsgivemehp for this meme!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I'll go backwards from last update, if thats okay? First paragraph of each first chapter...
mind the tags and be responsible <3
iNVaDeR FeLL: The Nightmare Begins :: The Irken Empire (which had retained its name even after the shift in management brought about by the events of Operation Impending Doom I) was more alive than it had been in years. Signs replayed message after message redirecting convention-goers how and where to attend the Great Assigning in the Main Convention Hall on Conventia, one of the many planets conquered and repurposed for the good of the Empire. The teleporter ring was blazing almost as brightly as it once did before OID1, only this time, it brought to the surface not Irkens, but Monsters; creatures of every shape and size. They came not only from the 'kingdom' that had overtaken Irk (they called themselves 'Fell'), but those from the 'kingdoms' of conquered worlds as well, which had been expeditiously subjugated in a fashion worthy of the Irken Empire.
How Dance Got a Picture of Lust Covered in Kittens :: "there's sammaches in th' fridge," Red mumbled, feeling the lunchbox lid click shut under his claws. "'r if ya want some'n lighter, there's soup in th' freezer. just gotta nuke it..."
Burlesque Noir :: Lust peeked around the curtain to look out at the crowd, as he had done so many times before the last few days. The speakeasy was full and vibrant and alive as it was every night, as swanky a joint as Grillby could make it and still keep it safe. As packed as it was, however, Lust didn't see any sign of his favorite patron.
It Could be Worse :: Life... Could be worse.
An Anthology of Dreams :: Sans was at his desk, as always, analyzing his latest attempt at a synthetic soul compound. His last two-thousand-and-twenty trials had been devastating failures, but even Dr Gaster was intrigued by his steady progress.
The EMV Anthology :: Red had a love-hate relationship with the holiday season.
An Anthology of Nightmares :: Sans stumbled out of his room just in time to escape. He had no idea what was coming, he only knew his years of fighting for his life underground was screaming that he had to move his bony ass if he wanted to live. Just as he crossed the threshold of his bedroom into the hallway, there was a loud crash. When he looked back, his whole room was gone.
A Growing Future :: Red stumbled out of the house, squinting at the glare of sunrise peaking like a glinting knife over the neighbor's rooftops. The air had a crisp chill to it, made all the more shocking by his lack of a shirt, but he knew it would be overly warm in only a few hours, and there was a lot of work to do.
Kinktober 2020 : Kamari333 Edition :: HI FOLKS! Beyond this point you will find 72.5k words of pure, unadulterated, self indulgent, Undertail-themed SIN, ~57.7k of which was prewritten in September, the rest in October, all written and published for Kinktober2020. This year, due to conflicting schedules, the sin was written in September, to be published on time in October. Please note that there may be plenty of typos, although I will/have since gone back and fixed some of them since I'm garbage and read my own stuff, and this year I have been indulging in the use of my lovely betas!
A Night in the Woods :: Red bit back a curse as he once again had to detangle his phalanges from the flimsy tent material. Stupid-ass cheap plastic bullshit, so thin he could breathe on it wrong and watch it disintegrate, but the packaging said it somehow kept out wind and rain, and that was honestly all he could have asked for. That, and perhaps that the piece of shit stop snagging on his claws every five god damn mother fucking seconds, fuck-
Arum :: The room was pitch black, save for a nearly indiscernible ambiance that glowed low and dim like the twilight right before the true darkness of night. The walls and floor of the room oozed with a viscous substance that stank of fermentation and rubber. At the end of the room, upon a throne of black stone, sat a diminutive figure from whence the slime seemed to originate, itself drenched in it to the point of blackness save for the singular glow of one lavender eyelight, shining like poison in the darkness.
Poignance :: Sans Blueberry pulled on his modified gloves, rolling his shoulders to make sure his makeshift pauldrons were cinched tight enough. The scalemail he wore under his chestplate made a soft noise, not quite the clink of chainmail, but not quite the hiss of cloth or leather either. He fingered at the tiny plates over his torso before pulling his bandanna back on around his neck, grateful to Alphys again for donating her sheds, and Undyne for reinforcing them so they wouldn't turn to dust.
Those Feelings at the Bottom of a Bottle :: Ink carefully managed his supply of emotions, keeping his usual level of orange (excitement) and yellow (happiness) as he made his way back through the house. The crowd of people, with their ever-vivid colors and gold-glittered eyes, made it easy to blend in and keep himself inconspicuous to the ever watchful guardian. It was like a game of hide-and-seek: Ink hid, and Dream looked for anything potentially amiss.
A Skeleton Plague Doctor in Lord Dream's Court :: Falsi woke up from a restful sleep on his examination table, shifting under his thick black blanket (one of the few luxuries he was allowed, usually kept hidden away in his bedroom with all the other small luxuries he had managed to keep, like his collection of skulls, his beast fur pelt, his mask, and the tapes and videos of a more personal nature he had collected over the years). He slid down to the floor, thankful once again for the mercy of a windowless apartment, as he folded his blanket and stumbled into the adjacent room: his bedroom.
Bad Day :: Edge was used to getting ominous messages from Red at odd times. It was just the nature of any relationship Red was involved in.
Burlesque (Censored) & (Uncensored) :: Of all the bars Red frequented in Ebott City, this was his favorite.
Happily Ever Laughter :: It was almost midnight. Papyrus had been sitting at Muffet's bar, enjoying his third (or was it fourth? Fifth? Hard to say) glass of Spider Cider, when he got the call. He pulled out his phone, surprised. That was his brother's ringtone. He flipped it open. "heya, bro. wazzup?"
Egg on Arrival :: Slinky could feel it in his bones: the hum of his future, the tremble of his soul. Even if it was still cold as balls outside the nest, his internal clock said it was spring.
I think I'm Paranoid :: Red came back into the livingroom, popcorn in one hand and a six-pack of coke in the other. He lingered, taking in the scene in front of him.
Another Me :: Lust fiddled with the TV remote idly as he mentally went through the available channels in his head. He didn't dare cable surf, not when He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was so prominent, and Pink's relentless job searching made his schedule so erratic that he could show up at any minute. The sight of the blackout curtain over the bookshelf (which served as the house's movie collection's honored display) reminded him of how understanding Papyrus had been of the need for temporary censorship.
...oh my some of these are terrible for catching the readers attention XD (why are all my hooks like 3 paragraphs in gdi).
EDIT: i forgot to tag folks! um... @deku-lily @silverryu25 @bonerpuns @msmkcreates @jellyficsnfucks @jellyfish-swims-through-gold @tkwolf45 @nanenna @dana-chan325 @skerbaderbadoo @keelywolfe ...im terrible with names and can't remember anyone else's handles ;-;
#kamari333thoughts#kamari333fanfiction#invader fell#burlesque *ship#burlesque noir#ebott is a multiverse#it could be worse#thats just the fic name#dr33mtal3#kinktober mention#is this nsfw?#burlesque *fic#aint this more than lust#aint this a lamia
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Check In Tag ✔️
thank you for tagging !! @junktrait
Why did you choose your URL? -- oh lord,, my first url was “simminglovely” because lovely is my favorite word and uhhh idk i liked it at the time.. but eventually i changed it when i realized that my blog really didnt reflect that name so i spend weeks thinking up a new one and i thought of the word “username” and i have a huge connection and love for the moon so it kinda just stuck. i think its fitting.
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them? -- not really,, i have my old url saved and then a ccfinds blog @usermoonccfinds just really for my own use cause nothings organized by tag or whatever.
How long have you been on tumblr? -- uhh ive been on tumblr since like 2014 or so,, been on simblr since 2017,, i remade to this blog (other one was a side blog) in 2018
Do you have a queue tag? -- no, pretty much all my posts accept the personal ones are queued because i like it like that (i do use the tzr tag for my time zone reblogs though)
Why did you start your blog in the first place? -- honestly before making a simblr i only used the sims side of tumblr to actually download custom content but i stumbled upon several stories and really enjoyed. i grew up watching sims stories on youtube and always wanted to do it but i was a literal child. so seeing that people were doing it on a platform i already used was pretty much the catalyst (plus @raamensims legacy, i was obsessed for like two weeks before joining myself)
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? -- i go through pfp changes whenever i get bored,, this was just an edit i made that i loved
Why did you choose your header? -- actually just redid it, i wanted something more moon-related
What’s your post with the most notes? -- currently my NANA reira edit you NANA bitches are starved for content,, honestly me too.. pls ai yazawa bring her back
How many mutuals do you have? -- uhhhh i have no idea like over 100 though
How many followers do you have? -- 🤐
How many people do you follow? -- god its somewhere in the thousands,, not all of it is simblr stuff though cause i only use this blog anymore
Have you ever made a shitpost? -- i deadass dont remember,, probably not??
How often do you use tumblr each day? -- it varies but im sure its anywhere from like 30 minutes to an hour,, give or take
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? -- no,, i really dont like confrontation and i havent gathered any direct beef with anyone
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? -- maybe this is bad but ive been on this website long enough that if i see a post like this most of the time i scroll past it :/
Do you like tag games? -- yes
Do you like ask games? -- yes but i dont reblog them anymore
Do you have a crush on a mutual? -- no
Tags? -- @hallucinosims @softpine @meriooli @emotrait @waifutrait @forgetfulcj
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(laa) oh Ethan's far from my first obsession or hyperfocus (earliest RE were OG chris, Jill and Claire in early 2000s), but normally these last a month or 2 then fade to 'man I really like this thing' and I occasionally revisit them when something pops on my feeds or any tracked tags in some sites,,, but with these characters? so far it's been nothing but 'Ethan! Rose! classic!RE lore revisit! sometimes Venom! rarely the lords+miranda! then back to Ethan! Rose!' and and the whole loving a chara that *loves*? aw yisss
like I'm at work, and sometimes if there aren't any customers or things to write on the pc, there's just fanfic in my mind 'hm *Ethan doing mundane stuff I do at home - or teaching Rose how to play piano* ah yes happy hcs ♥' or 'enough of Ethan survived and was picked up by the Connections bc Lucas told them about him and/or their mole in the BSAA found out his moldy status and now Rose is going to find him while on a completely unrelated mission and they've experimented on him and hurt him so much during all these years she thought him dead (I need the whump (ʘ‿ʘ✿) ), she could barely recognise him, it was only bc of the emotion in his eyes when he looked at her and when he tries to whisper her name (and ofc the mold itself probably screaming at her that's Daddy!!) and she well she rains absolute hell on them and brings down the entire facility - chris being disturbed is a must, he understands why she did it but also serves as a nice reminder of how powerful she is and how much she loves her dad and how far she'll go for him ok just like that agent said 'you're a lot like him, you know?' (did this guy know Ethan or just heard about him? why say 'today of all days', was it a special date, what about? they both know chris (and she's not v happy w him) so whats with the sniper? i have questions! capcommm! these years of waiting - also i need sleep rn)
Oh, yeah. Like Ethan's a pretty simple character, he doesn't really need much to work as he does, but the things he does are so in sync with what I like.
Like on my first watch of a playthrough, at first I was both "He seems kinda boring lol" and "Aw poor dude. Don't worry Ethan, we're in this together. But your screams of pain ARE kinda doing it for me..." at the same time XD It was through his continuous refusal to give a shit and to accept he's in a horror game and through his love for Rose that moved him forward that took me from liking him straight into loving the shit out of him.
Coming up with fic ideas during boring work hours is a must. How else are we gonna spend our time? XD Ethan teaching Rose how to play the piano 🥺🥺 Im lov. I want this, sweet moments between a daughter and the father who fought like hell to save her 😭😭 But this:
"she could barely recognise him, it was only bc of the emotion in his eyes when he looked at her and when he tries to whisper her name (and ofc the mold itself probably screaming at her that's Daddy!!)"
sadafdsgfadgafsdgfdv!! I want this!! I want them to reunite so bad! And if it's after Ethan has been tortured and experimented upon... well, the more whump the better! Like you know, make him suffer hell and then give him a happy ending. That's how it works for us! They deserve to get to know each other 🥺🥺
I'd honestly love to see how Rose grows up to see Chris as. She says to that agent "I can show you things even Chris doesn't know I can do" so Chris knows a lot, and is supposed to be the guy who knows THE most about Rose, at least when it comes to her mold powers. And I'd really like to see the dynamic of those two.
About that agent, I've heard the theory that he was one of the guys who gave Ethan military training before re8. Otherwise, if he's just heard about Ethan, it doesn't make too much sense, because it's different to get to know a person and to just hear stuff about them. Or maybe Ethan's story became a BIG thing in whatever team they've got going on (I'm guessing it's not BSAA) and he knows a lot of stuff about him. He says "Today of all days" because it looks like it's Ethan's birthday. Like Rose says "Sorry I missed last week" when she puts the flowers down on his grave, but I don't know if that means that she missed his birthday which was last week, or if she missed her weekly visit to his grave, and the day she went happened to be his birthday.
And about the sniper, I'm pretty sure they're afraid of her. I don't think them having a sniper on her was approved by Chris - in fact, I have a theory that her working with that agent is happening completely behind Chris' back, like Chris has a team training Rose and this guy is with them and secretly working with her, perhaps because he's a Connections/BSAA mole and they want to use her or something - but in any case they probably think she may get uncontrollable and unpredictable, so they're having a failsafe in case she tries something. Super creepy, by the way. But it's also an awesome sequel hook, as soon as I saw it I was like "So Rose for protagonist on re9, right? Is it coming tomorrow or what??"
#Ethan Winters#Rosemary Winters#Resident Evil#Resident Evil 8#re meta#long asks anon#anonymous#ask and ye shall receive
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Group Ask 177
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
scottiedotmp4 said:
i’ve scoured the apocalypse and post-apocalypse tags on AO3 but can’t seem to find this fic. all i can really remember was that steve and bucky lived in a cabin and thought they were the only survivors. i think bucky found steve bc steve kept trying to contact ppl with a radio broadcast. they had a garden and chickens and at some point contacted tony who lived in the west coat. thanks so much!
emzy2, time-lord-no-more, oh-ursmari and Anon sent in The Day the World Went Away* by 74days (complete | 21,323 | T) *chose not to warn
Anon 1 said:
hey :) so there was this fic i read a few months ago that i wanted to read again but i cant find it. basically, the avengers are wondering why steve is not getting in the christmas spirit and try to figure it out and then they find out that bucky died on christmas or something and that’s the reason why. sorry if that’s vague, thank you so much!!!! :)
dolphinqueen10 sent in For the Holidays by togina (restricted, oneshot | 11,279 | T)
Anon 2 said:
Could you please please help me find a fic where bucky and tony are running from cops. Its a cacw canon divergence where tony hates bucky as he has murdered his parents but ends up befriending him eventually when he realizes how much steve loves bucky and that bucky is a good human. I guess stucky is established relationship in this story. Congrats on the new blog, the fandom loves you!! Thanks!
getstucky sent in i need a forest fire by tomorrowsrain (complete | 65,812 | T)
Anon 3 said:
I CAN NOT find this fic where Bucky is living with Steve post hydra and isn’t able able to jack off and he goes to Steve’s room one night thinking that Steve will have sex with him. Steve is horrified and gives him a lecture about how not masturbating is dangerous with their increased sex drive with the serum and ends up letting Bucky fuck him instead. Any suggestions helpful, I’ve tried every tag combo I can think of!
sheetsforwhichimmade and possibleplatypus sent in Deep-Six* by Claudia_flies (oneshto | 3,474 | E) *chose not to warn
pekinessa22 said:
Hi! Ok so i have lost two fics (the travesty i know) The first one is an ABO fic where steve is about to give birth and he is isolated for religious reasons and after the baby is born bucky kinda smugles himself in (if i remember correctly it was like old roman vibes but i cant recal for sure).
(Polyamory:) The other one is nat/bucky/steve pure smut where the three live together and i remember bucky at one point laying nat on the dining room table like a snak for steve (smut ensures) THANKS
delilahdraken said:
I'm looking for a post-apocalyptic AU where skinny Steve is working as a mechanic. He finds Bucky in a landfill while looking for parts to repair something. Bucky is still a Winter Soldier, but different. They tried to make soldiers that could survice a nuclear winter, which they did, but it also made them sort-of vampiric and difficult to control. There is mention of a neural implant that stopped working for Bucky. Also Bucky's blood heals and only he can open a weapons cache Nick Fury wants.
Anon 4 said:
Hi! Do you know the fic where Steve died before the war and Bucky joins the Howlies and gets taken by Hydra but is saved by the Avengers and he kinda sees Steve? I think Peggy was Cap! Think you can find it?
Anon 5 said:
Hey there! Thanks for all that you do!!! I'm looking for a fic where Bucky has memory loss and video chats with Steve everyday from his room and then one day Steve doesn't video call him because he's depressed and Sam talks to Bucky. Steve maybe also reads Bucky a story every night? I would appreciate any help identifying this fic!!!
yumathings said:
Hi. I am desperately looking for a historical fic. I went through all the tags and .... I can’t find it. It’s a poor Bucky with a title and Steve with money. I think. But FOR SURE Bucky ja a war injury that keeps him in bed and they think he will die soon. So may as well marry and get a good settlement for his sister. But Steve is a good guy. And he figures out how to help Bucky and .... obviously.... they fall in love.... do you know that one?
greyhavensking, possibleplatypus and Anon sent in The Bargain by GoodbyeBlues (complete | 20,647 | M)
Anon 6 said:
Hello, I'm not really sure how to use tumblr but I'm looking for a fic where there's accidental noncon. Bucky asks Steve for stuff after sex and Steve doesn't realize that Bucky is using sex to barter for things he wants.
possibleplatypus sent in Uberrima Fidei* by asocialconstruct (oneshot | 3,075 | E) *rape/noncon
Anon 7 said:
Hi there! I’m trying to find a fic without results, maybe you can help. I remember just one thing: bucky and steve stuck behind enemy lines have sex and the scent of hormones kind of make the bad guys fuck too, so they can escape. I think it was abo and it’s either set during the war or in modern setting, but I don’t actually know. It’s really old, I tried to search in the abo tag, but I didn’t find anything. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific. Oh, it was multi chaptered if I’m not wrong
lesbucci said:
There’s this Fic I’m trying to find, but I only have a screenshot and I’m worried it might be deleted? The part I have screenshotted goes like this: “What kinda fucking stunt you trying to pull here, Rogers? Fucking left a note? Like that was supposed to fix it?" Bucky wants to rage, more than anything, twist his bones into something formidable so he can break, but there’s no one to hurt here but himself, and baby is all he's got. Only thing he ever owned, besides Steve.
Not a Stucky fic, Anon sent in a deleted Supernatural fic: The Dark Descent and Up To Reascend by Theboys
Anon 8 said: (possible underage?)
hi! Im looking for a fic where Bucky was modern and Steve was still Captain america. They lived in the same apartment building, I think Buckys was directly under Steves, so he keeps sneaking in until Steve catches him. I'm pretty sure Bucky was younger, a lot younger. The ending was something like Bucky showing up at one of Steves events and Steve sees him and just smiles in Buckys direction? please help me! thank you
possibleplatypus and Anon sent in erupted with rubies* by yasgorl (oneshot | 8,009 | E) *chose not to warn
Anon 9 said:
Hello! i love this blog thanks for all your organizing skills. I’m looking for a short fic where Natasha gave bucky a bath bomb and steve realizes he likes them so he buys him more. thanks
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logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 6: don’t lose ur head (the terrifying tales of the grimm monarchy)
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a teenager who makes bad choices EXTREME edition, Remus being Remus, Intrusive Thoughts, Minor Bad Parenting, so much swearing it’s insane (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight. If you wanna be tagged in chapters, please ask!! I love this freaking chapter SO much but I’m really scared of how it’s going to be received. All feedback is extremely welcome!!
Pairings: Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, One-Sided Logicality, Platonic DRLAMP
Tagslist: @under-the-blue-moonlight @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @im-actually-ok @hauntedturkeycalzonedreamer @croftersjam15 @rainbowsixth @snaketho @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @a-soul-among-the-stars @sweet-razz-tea @the-cactus-lord
Over the course of the next month Logan learns that despite their reputations, Roman and Remus are the opposite of what everyone thinks of them.
Logan is the smartest person he knows, there is no way in hell he’d ever miss Roman’s multiple attempts to sabotage his role as Hamilton. Smart, and yet so oblivious. Each time Roman had tried to mess with Logan after he began cultivating a friendship with Remus he was miraculously saved from the torment at the last second. Remus is a hundred percent certain that Logan has no idea that he’s fighting off his brother at each and every turn. He’s not certain of much, so it’s saying a lot. There is a beautiful dichotomy in Logan’s logs of the events and the stories Remus tells about his brother’s scourge against his brand new ‘enemy’. On a page labeled ‘Roman Incidents’ in Logan’s succinct handwriting documents every incident through the month when Roman attempted to sabotage him.
July 20th - Roman tripped near my things in the drama room while holding coffee. When I went to check on my things, someone had removed the contents of my bag and filled it with around six pounds of glitter. If this happens again, throw the bag away. Glitter makes anything unsalvageable. You will keep finding it everywhere.
Remus knew Roman had been planning something. Of course he did. Though they didn’t share a room anymore, sneaking into it had never been exceptionally hard. Neither had eavesdropping, when it counted. It counted now more than ever because Remus had become unreasonably attached to Logan and when he heard Roman talking to himself and mentioning the name of his favourite little nerd badly he knew it was now or never. It took two excruciating hours of sitting still and listening to get the juicy stuff. He almost got caught by their mother twice. She’d only been home for three days and she’d checked on Roman twice in one night. If Remus told her about the amount of effort he was putting into something she might keel over dead from shock.
What a funny sight that would be to him. His mother, dead from the shock of his hard work to do something good, thumping onto the floor. He laughs a little, quiet enough to keep Roman from hearing. His brain supplies the rational next step of Roman running out of his room and distraughtly cradling their mother’s head in his lap. Roman sobbing. Roman blaming him. Roman screaming about how it was his fault. And it would be, if she died like that. Remus doesn’t think it’s all that funny anymore, but once the train of thought starts it can’t be stopped. He decides that eavesdropping isn’t fun anymore and makes his way to the kitchen, trying to shake the idea of his brother cursing him out for killing their mother out of his mind.
It doesn’t really work, but he tries anyway. The kitchen is full of distractions, good and bad. The knives in the block look so enticing to his self-proclaimed ‘shitty-dick-wad brain’, but the cookies he nabs from the cupboard are so easy to shove into his mouth that he figures it evens out. He sits at the kitchen island and doesn’t even bother to turn on the light. It takes six cookies in his mouth at once before he can direct his thoughts somewhere else momentarily. How in the hell is he going to combat Roman’s plan? He spits all the cookies onto the counter as his brother walks in, flicks on the light, and sighs deeply.
“You could at least do that onto a plate.”
Remus just shrugs, so Roman speaks again, “How’s your evening been?”
“Before like...five minutes ago I was really liking it.” Which was true, Roman slides into the seat next to him and picks a cookie from the box.
“What changed?”
“Shitty brain,” He replies, “Y’know how it gets.”
“I do indeed. Do you need anything?” His voice is surprisingly soft with him, to the point where Remus has to give him a confused look before deciding what to say next. He figures out how to fuck with Roman’s plan in that moment.
“I wanna go to Party City and terrorize the night staff.”
Roman only chuckles, Remus watches his twin put away the cookies and grab his car keys from the bowl on the counter.
“Come on then, we can buy some of those plastic babies you like so much.”
As Remus is falling asleep later that night, his chest feels warm. He attributes it to the upcoming scheme-ruining scheming. It’s easier than admitting that that was the first time Roman had willingly hung out with him alone since elementary school. He knows the next morning that Roman is most likely buttering up because he suspects Remus knows. Which is...fair. Even if it hurts a little. They get coffee on the way to the theatre and separate. They both have important things to do. The best part about their somewhat rocky-relationship is that they always know where the other is in order to avoid each other. Remus knows that Roman has gone to see Janus and probably make heart eyes and pine over him like a dumbass. Roman knows that Remus is off drooling over his arch nemesis. Today it is more imperative than ever. During practice Remus manages to steal Logan’s backpack while he’s busy.
He swaps the contents out with the six pounds of glitter he bought the night before and shoves Logan’s things into his bag for safe keeping. Nobody would dare look into Remus’ bag for fear of gore or weird pornography, even if he only has one in his bag at the moment. He’s shoving a small notebook in when he catches a title. “Hamilton Performance Experiment”. It takes literally all of his self-control not to immediately snoop. He makes it through, eventually meeting up with Logan and even carrying his bag to ‘be nice’ so Logan doesn’t pick up on the bag glitter. When Roman walks by with his coffee and “trips”, spilling his coffee all over Logan’s bag, Remus smiles.
“Oh! Logan I’m so sorry! What a terrible accident!” Roman cries, ever the actor.
Logan looks downright frantic as he lunges for his bag and rips it open. Glitter goes everywhere. Logan’s hair, Roman’s shoes, the entire dressing room floor. The look of distress fades from Logan’s face momentarily, returning full force when he realizes his things are missing.
Remus pulls them out of his bag in secret, walking to the corner of the room, walking back and exclaiming, “What a good prank Roman! You must be taking some tricks from my book!”
When he hands the things back to Logan, Logan smiles. He decides not to ask about the notebook.
July 27th - One of the props from the prop room was moved in with my things. I suspect Roman because of the look on his face when Remus took the fall for me.
Just because he didn’t ask about the notebook does not mean it left his memory. By the time he gets in the car alone with his brother he realizes that Roman is pissed off at him.
“Couldn’t you have left it alone? How did you even find out!?”
“I have my ways. Now shut up about it before I tell mom about that time in 8th grade-”
“Okay! Okay! I’m shutting up!”
And he did. However that included no longer voicing his plans out loud. Which meant Remus had to get creative. He was very very good at getting creative.
Dinner with their mother was much more quiet that week. Both twins brooding and not speaking with each other, their mother only prompting Roman to talk. It was too familiar in the worst possible ways. Remus despised his mother, but he knew how much his brother loved her. She was...well she was beautiful, intelligent, a very influential fashion designer, extremely supportive. Roman would go on about how perfect she was for hours. Sure, Remus could concede that their mother was beautiful, intelligent, and a very influential fashion designer, but whenever Roman talks about her he never says she’s at all a good mother. Especially not to him. He watches her laugh breathily at one of Roman’s shitty anecdotes from practice and decides he’s had enough of family dinner. He gets up and dutifully cleans his plate and places it in the dishwasher. The chef gives him a smile, and he smiles back.
“Remus, dear,” His mother begins in her shrill voice, “If you’re not going to eat with us, at least go and shower. Your smell is unbecoming.”
Then she turns back to her food like she didn’t just attempt to insult him. Jokes on her, it takes a lot more than that to hurt his feelings. He still ends up forcing himself into the shower for thirty-five minutes that night.
The rest of the week he’s more tired than usual, which the others notice. He makes an effort to not be, he really does. When his mom is in town, everything just sucks. He hangs out with Janus three times and Virgil once to get out of the house and away from his family. The other nights he spends sitting outside the convenience store with a monster or two. He ends up calling Logan one of those nights out of need for company. Logan chuckles when Remus makes up a silly reason for calling that he can’t even remember now, but he can remember Logan’s laugh. He listens to Logan talk about the book series he’s been reading and he feels a little lighter. He never ends up finding out what Roman has planned, but it’s so easy when it’s happening right in front of him. Despite his lethargy lately, he feels a fire lit in him when the missing prop is found with Logan’s bag.
Virgil and Janus are the only two teenagers with keys to the prop room. If Logan stole the missing prop, he would have had to steal the key. No one but the twins even knew Janus had a key, and Virgil was dead set on not letting a soul into the prop room. The idea that Logan, precious little innocent fucking lamb Logan, committed theft not once but twice enrages Remus. When they find it with his things, Logan is utterly baffled. Then he realizes the implications and his face pales. Roman calls for Thomas, spouting off about how Logan stole the prop and he should face consequences, when Remus laughs as loudly as he can.
“Hah! You guys are so funny! You think specs could ever!? Guess my prank worked out pretty damn good if you actually think Mr.Goody-Two-Shoes could commit such a heinous fucking crime!”
Thomas sighs, tells Remus to just ask next time, and leaves. Roman stares at his brother for a solid minute with his mouth slightly ajar. Janus and Virgil are both looking at him like he’s insane because it’s so obvious to them that Roman did it. Patton is looking not at him, but at Logan, with so much concern. And Logan...Logan stares up at Remus with the look of a small and confused animal.
“Did you really do that?”
“Of course I did! I’m the resident rat bastard, I have to cause a little recreational chaos.”
He’s pretty sure Logan believes him until they’re leaving for the day and Logan whispers a ‘Thank you’ to him as he walks by. He would have melted into the floor if Janus hadn’t put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him down to whisper to him.
“Why the hell did you let Roman get away with that?” Virgil is on his other side now with a scowl.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about JJ! I committed a very heinous crime!”
“Then why did Roman ask to borrow Janus’ key earlier?” Virgil asks, and Remus drops his smile to replace it with an annoyed look.
“He just fucking asked for it!? I can’t even believe I’m related to that half-witted twit.”
“Yeah,” Virgil scoffs, “Not really the sharpest sword in the armoury, is he?”
“Please, we’ve known that for years. What I’d like to know is what are we going to do about it?” This quieted Remus, but made Virgil smirk a little.
Janus continued, “After the backpack incident, and now the stealing incident, I’m half-convinced we have a brand new chaos demon in the group.”
“At least Remus’ chaos is fun sometimes,” Virgil mutters, “Roman’s just an ass.”
Remus gets away with being quiet as they talk until they get into Janus’ beat up old van. He doesn’t call shotgun, doesn’t slap the car's ‘ass’ as a joke, he just climbs into the back and sits there. He’s so quiet that Janus and Virgil are a little shell shocked.
“Remus?” Virgil asks quietly and pensively, it sounds just like that soft tone Roman used with him last week.
He’s quiet, Janus starts the car and clicks his tongue, “I’m going to shove Roman down a flight of stairs.”
“Don’t.” He manages, and the boys in the front seats go quiet. Virgil passes him the aux cord.
He plays “Call Them Brothers” by Regina Spektor and Janus and Virgil know that tonight will be a very quiet outing.
They’re sitting at IHOP drawing dicks on their pancakes in syrup when Remus’ phone rings. Janus and Virgil know who’s calling the second Remus sees the caller ID and smiles.
“Evening Logie-Bear, why do I get the pleasure of hearing your devilishly sexy voice in this IHOP tonight?” Remus says and Janus groans loudly.
“You’re at IHOP?” Is the first thing Logan says, which makes Remus smile even brighter.
“Yes, sir! I’m with Virge and Janny too, you wanna say hi?”
Logan sounds a bit contemplative when he mutters, “I was hoping you’d be alone...”
Eavesdropping Janus and Virgil make surprised faces, Remus smacks Janus in the arm, “Oh you were, were you? Why? Phone sex?”
“I wanted to ask for an opinion on a predicament.” Virgil smirks and Janus nabs his phone to speak for Remus.
“Remus would love to-Remus let me talk-You should come have some pancakes with us-Ow, watch the face!-and tell us all about how your science is going.” Janus can hear Logan hiding his laughter through the phone as Remus wrestles with him in the booth.
“It’s more of a philosophical predicament.”
Janus nearly sees red, eyes widening and making Remus cackle,“Why in the world would you ask Remus Grimm about phi-”
It’s silent for a few moments then Logan hears a familiar voice. “It’s Virgil, we’re at the IHOP on 81st and Green.”
Logan laughs brightly, “I’ll be there. Order something for me.”
They spend the evening with breakfast for dinner, and the four get into a fairly heated friendly debate about moral ethics. Janus isn’t sure he’s ever had more fun in his life. When he’s driving away from Virgil to drop Remus off at home, he can’t help but smile at Remus’ improved demeanor.
“Remus,” He starts after they’re alone, “I thought you and Roman were doing better, did something happen?”
“He tried to sabotage Logan twice for entirely selfish reasons, I wouldn’t care if he dies!” Remus dramatically cries.
“You and I both know that’s not true.”
They’re quiet the rest of the ride, and Janus gets out to give Remus a hug before he goes in. Remus ignores Roman’s questions about his whereabouts and locks himself in his room to try and keep his mood up. It doesn’t work, but he tries. He does.
August 3rd - Roman gave me a “peace offering” in the form of lunch. I am led to believe he was attempting to give me food poisoning, as Remus ate the lunch and has now come down with food poisoning.
His mother leaves for her office in Paris on August 1st. Roman cries and hugs her, says he’ll miss her, goes on and on about how it’s so terrible how she’s never home. He does this every time their mother and father leave, he has since they were young. Remus couldn’t give less of a shit. His plan now was finding out what Roman’s next move was. Which was hard because they were back to avoiding each other like the plague. They’d spent a few months getting better at being brothers, then one of their parents shows up and ruins it. This time it was great, Remus would never admit it, but it was. Roman made an effort when their parents weren’t around, a few months ago he started doing things like making dinner for them both and bringing it to him, offering to do a load of laundry for him while he was doing it, being mindful of his volume when practicing his singing and acting, all these little things.
He’d even started initiating physical contact again, which Remus couldn’t get enough of. Literally. An occasional pat on the back, a grab of his hand to pull him somewhere, a light slap to his knee or arm when he said something distasteful. Giving physical affection to Remus was something that seemed to be unique to Roman. It had always been like that when they were younger, and Remus didn’t think he wanted it to stop. Any time he thinks about it he always drifts back to his head against Roman’s knee a few weeks ago when Roman had carded a hand through his hair and then a few minutes later practically tackled him to douse him in perfume The shit smelled awful, but afterwards Roman had slung an arm over his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. That and the closeness with Logan kept him buzzing for the next two days.
Now there was nothing again. It was like Roman could turn off his affection for Remus and pretend he didn’t exist. Remus tried not to be angry about it, he really did, but he couldn’t stop the fire that he felt when the other people on stage got his praises and affection. Both of them were incredibly clingy, but Roman was so much worse at hiding it and it made Remus nearly scream. He piled all of his affectionate behavior onto Logan, and Logan never really minded. He’d place his head on Logan’s shoulder, hold his hand on stage, sit pressed up against him offstage. He loved it, he did. He loved protecting Logan, talking to Logan, existing in the same space as the dork was exhilarating. He hated having to protect Logan from his brother. There was no way in hell that Remus would let anything terrible happen to Logan, but there was no way he would ever let his brother’s stupid selfish decisions fall back on him. He knows he shouldn’t give a single shit, but he does.
His tiredness fades with his mother, but he’s still exhausted because Roman keeps trying to fuck with Logan when he knows damn well Remus won’t let him. The selfish ass. This time, Roman has the gall to pull his entire scheme in front of Remus.
“Logan,” He starts, his affected air is slightly dim today and his hands are hidden, “To apologize for my unkind actions, I have brought a peace offering.”
Roman hands Logan a little bag from a restaurant Remus swears he recognizes.
“Oh, thank you.” Logan says quietly, opening the bag and pulling out a wrapped burger.
Logan takes it out and inspects it as Remus wracks his brain trying to remember where he knows the packaging. It hits him right before Logan takes a bite. This burger is from the restaurant that gave Roman food poisoning a few months ago. It looks like the same burger too. At this point, Remus is half-convinced Roman is taunting him. He’s in a bit of a panic and doesn’t think before he snatches the burger and shoves it in his mouth.
“Remus!” Both call out, the wrapper is still on the end of the burger so he pulls it out then chews and swallows the thing whole.
He coughs and sputters for almost two minutes after, then shoots Roman an awful glare.
“What just happened?” Logan asks, extremely puzzled.
Roman is gawking at Remus again, “Why did you eat that!?”
“Fuck you that’s why, you horsefucking shiteating egomaniac bastard.”
Roman walks off in a huff, Remus lays on the floor.
“Are you alright?” Logan questions, handing him a water bottle.
Maneuvering onto his side, Remus takes a sip and his throat feels miles better, “I just straight up ate a burger whole like a fucking snake, how do you think I am dipshit?”
“Hm,” He pauses to think, “Bad.”
Both boys laugh, and Logan joins Remus on the ground.
“I am beginning to believe your brother has a vendetta against me.”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
Logan pauses, looking at Remus who is still occasionally wheezing.
“Are you alright...emotionally?” Remus wheezes and laughs at the same time, sounding something similar to a goose.
“‘Thought you didn’t know much about those, poindexter.”
“I do not. However, as your friend I feel like it’s important to ask.”
Remus just sighs, closes his eyes, and blows a raspberry at the ceiling.
“Me and Roman are complicated.”
“I can tell.” Remus laughs, Logan really is something else.
It’s quiet when Remus asks, “Do you hate him?”
“No,” Logan’s response is measured and confident like he’s asked himself this question a hundred times, “I don’t hate him. I think he’s got some things to work out, and is taking out his frustration on me as of late.”
He keeps talking, Remus covers his closed eyes with his arm, “More importantly, do you hate him?”
He almost rockets to his feet when Logan says curiously, “Or, more interestingly, do you love him?”
It takes him nearly two and a half minutes sat up and sipping water, watching Logan pack his things, to muster up the will to tell the truth.
“Of course I love him. Nobody else is gonna fucking do it.”
He could barely comprehend Logan’s response to his admission so he shoved it out of his mind with all the force he could muster, then waved a goodbye to him when he parted and left Remus with his mind.
He ends up going home early because his awful decision ended up actually giving him food poisoning. He takes a sick day the next day, and spends most of the time feeling like shit physically and emotionally. His brain has kept tabs on all the shitty feelings and thoughts he’s had and is now playing out a full length shitty horror movie about his life and his dumb brother and his shitty summer crush. Then there’s that conversation with Logan. The last sentence is running through him over and over again. He keeps coming back to it, though he’s sure Logan didn’t even mean anything by it. Seventeen words and his world was sent spinning.
“Ah, I understand, it’s hard to love somebody when they don’t act like they love you back.”
Logan doesn’t even know the half of it.
August 20th - Roman asked me directly to leave the production. Though I admire the effort, all it achieved was a quite awful night, and an angry lecture(?) of sorts from Janus. I do not believe Roman will be trying this tactic ever again.
Roman tries to apologize multiple times, but something angry and petty in Remus doesn’t accept any of them. They’re both getting more and more frustrated by the minute. By the time the thirteenth of August rolls around they aren’t on speaking terms again and everyone can tell that it’s taking its toll on them both. Remus acts out more than usual against people he doesn’t usually target. He scared an ensemble girl one too many times, to the point where she ended up slapping him. He deserved it, but it still stung. Roman poured himself into his role more than ever, but it only ended up stressing him out even more than usual. When his voice so much as wavered on stage it shattered his confidence.
It affected their friends as well. Roman spent more time with Patton and Emile, avoiding Remus and Janus as much as he could possibly manage. Janus rolled his eyes but just resigned himself to the tech booth with Virgil, Remus, and Logan. The only good thing that was happening lately was Janus’ newfound attachment to Logan. The pair's insane intelligence and love of debate meant one was nearly guaranteed every other time they were in the same room. It was exhilarating to watch, and probably exhilarating to take part in. Remus didn’t much care for debates, but watching Janus and Logan go at each other with an occasional snarky comment or new suggestion from Virgil was making him grow a fondness for them. At this point there was barely anybody in the theatre who didn’t adore Logan.
The staff, the cast, the tech. Everyone adored him. He was smart, diligent, and hard-working. He asked questions, didn’t undermine others, and respected the entire cast's talent at what they did. It was magical to watch everyone in the auditorium drift under Logan’s thumb. Remus was included. They were saving Say No To This until near last because of the lack of dancing involved, but it didn’t even matter. Say No To This was not needed in Remus’ seduction plan because Logan seemed to gravitate towards him with ease. He is a damn good friend and Remus is determined to make that boy his bride.
Despite his growing lack of sleep and reliance on caffeine, Remus is skating by just fine without anything bad happening. Until his brother decides to fuck with his life again. He’s on the thin line between being shitty in secret and full-on breakdown, Roman really isn’t helping his case. Remus is lounging on the floor while Logan reads in a chair next to the makeup mirrors. He hears someone enter, but isn’t bothered enough to move.
Ever the polite, Logan greets the newcomer “Ah, Hello Roman, how are you?”
“I need to ask you something.” His brother asks, and Remus turns his head away from the noise.
“Alright, what is it?” Logan sounds so measured and calm.
There is a long pause, “What is it going to take for you to realize you should quit?”
The calmness in Logan’s voice wavers, and Remus can hear it wobble, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me! I mean, it’s obvious I've been trying to get you to leave, so what’s been keeping you!?” Roman raises his voice near instantly, that same childish selfishness burns from his tongue.
“It is none of your business.” There’s a dignified fire raging under his voice now, it’s like he’s been practicing for this.
“You’re not even a good actor! From what I can tell, you’re entirely uninteresting and way too intellectual to be here!” Roman continues, Remus feels the urge to get up but he can’t find the will to move.
“Roman, please think before you say something you regret.” Remus knows what Roman is going to say before it happens.
“No!” His brother is so typical, “You have no idea what this role means to me, why can’t you just leave!?”
That’s typical too, Remus opens his eyes and looks at the pair. Logan looks pissed off, Roman looks pissed off, and Janus is watching from the doorway.
“I try very hard to give you the benefit of the doubt in regards to your debilitating egomania, but it is beginning to appear as if your whole sense of stability and purpose is built upon some false reality where you need to be the star at every possible moment. Go to therapy about it, and leave me alone.” Logan spits this in Roman’s face, then turns back to his book.
Clenching his fists and staring at the ground, Roman looks almost defeated until he catches Remus staring and his face morphs into something so bitter he has to force himself to look away.
“No. I will not leave you alone until I get this part. None of you have any idea how much I need it.”
“Roman-” Janus speaks up daringly from his spot by the door, his tone is enough to warn him to stand down.
Roman’s eyes are squeezed shut, his fists are clenched, “I know we have the same face, but I’m not a failure like my brother.”
That sends Remus to his feet and out the door before anyone can say a word. As he passes Janus on the way out Janus tries to stop him but he pushes past him, past everyone, and out the front door of the theatre.
Janus turns on Roman in an instant, walking slowly into the room and shutting the door with purpose. Roman’s eyes are sewed shut and all the guilt he tries to push down floods him when he makes eye contact with his pissed off friend.
“Roman, we need to have a talk.”
#sanders sides#sanders sides fic#ts remus#ts logan#ts roman#ts janus#ts virgil#intrulogical#REMUS BABY IM SO SORRY-#this title could just be titled 'roman fucks up for 4k words straight' and it would fit#i genuinely loved writing this chapter and i hope it goes over well with yall#roman IS going to get kicked in the teeth with character development#the boy has been self-sabotaging himself so hard#Honestly after chapter 6 imma need to tag 'The Grimm Parents' A+ Parenting' like i'm on fucking ao3 or some shit#anyway!! theres the fic!! happy reading!!#Love you all and goodnight!!
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saving graces marcus moreno x reader
Prompt: “You dont strike me as a professional criminal.” “thats what makes me so good at it.”
song: knife under my pillow by maggie lindemann
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"im starting to get worried about her. she just sits in her room all day, shutting everyone out. and before you ask, yes i have invited her to all of our outings but she always tells me no... i dont know what to do at this point. shes gonna have to leave for work eventually; im not paying rent by myself."
i heard my roommate say from her room. i stood with my back against my bedroom door and sighed. i didnt need to read her mind to know what she thought of me, it was pretty apparent. not that i could control it anyway. it kind of came and went.
"Bradly its a problem!"
she said loudly and i closed my eyes, shoving my hands deep in my hoodie pockets. 'maybe shes depressed again.' i heard him say and i snapped my eyes back open. nope i definitely didnt want to be in his head right now. i just shook it off, pulling my bedroom door open and crossing the hall. i knocked on her doorframe lightly and she paused, staring at me with wide eyes.
"im going out, i probably wont be back for a while."
i said in a soft voice and she nodded, mouth hung slightly open. i didnt wait for her to say anything back, i just made my way through the apartment and to the front door. when i swung it open the cool breeze hit me in the face immediately. it was late autumn but it was only just beginning to feel like it; we did live in a pretty warm city after all. i hummed at the thought as i pressed my way down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. town was only a ten minute walk and usually i could make it without running into anyone.
i guess that wasnt going to happen today though. as i saw a woman about my age walk towards me i ducked my head down, lifting the hood of my jacket over my head. 'oh thats cute, i should get one, wonder where she got it.' i heard and i shook my head. 'maybe i could google the motif, what was it again? oh well.' she thought and i rolled my eyes, quickening my pace to get away from her.
as i came to the stop light at the end of the street i was met with a few other people waiting to cross like me. 'did i put my grocery list back in my bag?' came from the old woman. 'i wonder what would happen if i crossed the street before the light turned green.' came from the the teen in the blue hoodie, standing away from his mom. i just looked to him and drew my brows. 'i really need to stop wearing my good heels to work, theyre starting to scuff and i dont have money to get them fixed.' came from his mom. i just rolled my eyes at her and looked back to the stop light.
as soon as it turned white i walked across the street with the group, nodding to a man walking his dog in the opposite direction. he nodded back but didnt think anything, or not that i could hear. that was a relief. i bit my tongue as i got closer to the corner store. usually i could get away with stealing a few things here and there, tucking them into my hoodie. it was usually small but pricey stuff i knew i could sell online. lord knows i need the money, i haven't told my roommate that i got laid off about a month ago and this was my only source of income currently. the only good thing about it was that i could sometimes read the minds of the people around me to know if they suspected anything. but i always made sure to buy something just in case.
i stepped inside of the store and smiled at the clerk as she waved at me. i had been coming in long enough that they all kind of knew me by now, something to keep me on their positive side and not think anything bad about me. they knew i liked to walk around for a little bit before checking out, a new energy drink flavor and snack chip bag in hand.
i made my way down a few aisles, picking a few things up and looking over them before putting them back. i knew the store like the back of my hand and knew just where the security camera blind spots where. i looked up to one and stepped around the shelf to be in front of the endcap. in front of me was a new shipment set of headphones, each twenty five dollars a piece. jackpot. i picked two off the shelf, closing my eyes to see if anyone was around. nothing. i looked too before slipping them into my pocket.
when i rounded the corner again to the next aisle i froze. there was a man standing there but he didnt look away from the product he was reading the back of. i just stepped slowly down the aisle, looking at a few items, pushing them around the shelf. when i felt his eyes on me i tensed. 'interesting choice of attire.' i heard and i rolled my eyes. i turned and faced him to walk further down the aisle but he looked away quickly. 'oh shes cute though.' i heard and i could feel my heartbeat quicken. then a few others thoughts made their way into my brain.
"shut up."
i whispered to myself, rubbing the side of my head and closing my eyes tightly.
'thats a lot of shit.' 'maybe i could get this with my next paycheck.' 'damn i needed that but theyre all gone.' All the patrons thoughts flooded into my brain at once and i couldn't focus anymore. i moved my other hand up and held my head in place, swaying back and forth. 'damn, is she alright? maybe i should help.' i heard him again, singled out as the others moved around. it was like i could pluck them out of the air with my bare hands. i just shook my head, falling into the shelf to my right and knocking a few things off of it.
"excuse me, are you alright?"
he asked and i snapped my eyes open. he was stood in front of me with a concerned look on his face but leaned back when i looked at him. 'she did not have purple eyes a minute ago.' he thought and i drew my brows, shaking my head and sliding to the ground. then i felt his hand on my shoulder.
"do you need some help? can i call someone?"
he asked but it was hard to hear. everyone was so loud all of a sudden. i just dug my nails into my hood.
"make it stop."
i cried out.
"make what stop?"
"the voices."
i said, looking back to him. he tried to study my face for a moment and i couldn't pick his voice out of the crowd anymore.
"do you have powers?"
he asked quietly as a tear slipped down my cheek. i swallowed hard, looking over his face.
"i dont know."
i said, my lip trembling. he sent me a soft smile.
"im marcus, im the leader of the heroics. and ive seen enough new powers to know when someone has them. you said you heard voices... are you a telepath?"
he asked and i shrugged.
"i think so but i cant control it. i hear them sometimes but not always, and i can never tell when im just gonna invade someone's brain."
i confessed and the voices stopped.
"let me help you."
he said, taking my arm and helping me to my feet. i wiped the tears away and tucked my hands into my pocket. my eyes got wide when i felt it was empty.
i mumbled under my breath, looking to the floor and seeing both sets of headphones on the floor amongst a few of the items that had fallen when i did.
"oh, was some of that yours?"
he asked innocently and i shook my head no, squatting down and picking up my wallet.
"nope, just missing this."
i said, stuffing it back in my pocket and placing the stuff back on the shelf, holding the headphones up for him to see.
"i dont think these go here, ill go put them back."
he nodded and i turned my back to him, rounding the corner and shoving them back in my pocket. i grumbled to myself as i stepped forward towards the food part of the store.
"going so soon?"
i heard him say behind me and i slowly turned to face him.
"uh i came for something, i might as well get it."
i said and he nodded, walking to me.
"mind if i join? i really did mean i wanted to help. i know someone you could talk to."
i scoffed at him as he followed me down the chip aisle.
"yeah and by help you mean people who will experiment on me to figure out how my powers work."
"thats not it at all."
he said a little hurt, holding the basket he had loosely in his hand as i plucked some hot chips off the shelf.
"yeah, sure."
i said and he sighed, following me to the other end of the aisle and raising his brow at me as i plucked an energy drink off the shelf too.
"if you come with me we can figure out how they work, together, and we can train you-"
"to be a heroic? i dont think so."
i said with a short laugh, walking quickly to the register.
"why not?"
he asked and i snorted, paying for my goods and taking the bag from the woman with a small thank you. he just placed the basket he was holding on the counter and followed me out of the store, abandoning it.
"look, i dont want to be a superhero. i can barely handle life as it is and know i wouldnt be able to save anyone, now will you please just leave me alone."
i said and i heard him stop following me.
“when i first saw you You didnt strike me as a professional criminal.”
he said and i froze in my tracks. i was almost on the other side of the parking lot already. i should just keep going. but damnit i cant. i looked down and shook my head before turning around. i pulled the headphones out of my pocket and waved them in the air.
“thats what makes me so good at it.”
i said snarkily before moving to walk away from him, tucking them back in my pocket and keeping on my way. i continued back on the path i had taken to get to the store, stopping at the light as it turned red. when a car pulled up beside me on the wrong side of the road i looked to him like he was crazy.
"what the hell are you doing?!"
i asked and he nodded towards the passenger side.
"please, at least let me drive you home, we can talk."
he said and i shook my head in disbelief.
"why would i get in a car with you? you drive on the wrong side of the road."
i acknowledged, walking when the light turned white. he just pulled his car in front of me and parked it, getting out and standing tall over me.
he said and i rolled my eyes.
"look, marcus, i think youre cute too but this is not how to get a date."
i said, side stepping him but he caught my arm.
"why did you steal that stuff?"
he asked and i looked from his arm to his face.
"i dont owe you my life story."
"and i dont need to be a telepath to know you need this."
he said, letting me go. i just looked over his face before he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a business card.
"please, just think about it. i do want to help you. just think about it."
i took the card and scanned it, shoving it into my pocket after.
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