#im sleep deprived and screaming
definitelynotarabbit · 10 months
Stuck thinking about how much the night of the black knives must have sucked for Fortissax. Like even if you don't subscribe to the "Godwyn fucked that dragon" theory, shit must have hurt so bad.
I find it very hard to believe that there could have been children of Marika that went unmentioned, which means that all of the soulless demigods that we come across were children or grandchildren of other demigods. I could buy Rykard having some children, maybe, but other than him the only potential parent left (and kinda outright stated) is Godwyn.
Now put yourself in the mind of an ancient dragon for a moment. You are older than damn near anything, excluding the very land itself. You have lost almost your entire civilization and most of your species to a combination of divine intervention and a very "bitter" war. But hey it's fine you have befriended a literally immortal prince and witnessed (maybe helped make) the growth of his entire family tree. Hey, why is there boss music?
I mean come on! The pure agony of your closest companion and his children being killed in one night, on top of the preexisting grief for the age of the dragons. The fact that any of the Black Knives survive to fight us the player is astounding to me. If anything, that just screams of how quickly things went south in terms of death root. Fortissax's first priority was tending to Godwyn instead of avenging him. I just mmmmmmmmmm
Fortissax went through so goddamn much man
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bananabasedidiot · 2 months
the start of the book of bill is legit so funny
WARNING: do not open this fucking book
Then it's all "Time to get weird y'all"
then bills all "I'm back baby! I said we'd meet again well here I am bitch!"
then this silly little Dorito has the gall to say he's fine. ahem are you so sure about that?
then he steals my blood. the end /j
you just know Stanley's spirit is metaphorically screaming in horror.
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ikuudo · 3 months
*note: this is not canon
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CONTEXT: i made a bet with people in ao arthub to draw jinhao kissing morden AHAHHGHAHG
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samcscreams · 1 year
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PLEASE THIS PICTURE IS SO FUNNY TO ME. Like they look like they’re on a fucking school field trip. The fucking fake ass wall behind them. Gale and Bailey being the mom and dad of the situation where as Ethan looks like the awkward goofy kid. Mindy and Tara out here trying not to bust a gut laughing at some inside joke. Also why is Tara extra short. Chad and Sam are like too cool for this. Where Kirby’s just like I’m an adult why am I here and she has to be standing on something because she’s also just as small as Tara yet she’s not.
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autismisthebest · 9 days
Just went through old photos of me and my ex, I am not okay
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theworstcreature · 9 months
*shaking you violently, staring into your eyes in a almost crazed way*
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cherry-dr0p · 8 months
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Up at 4am currently but here's some pictures of the guy :3
He's so cool guys,,, look at his hairrrr,,,
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liverralonee · 6 months
guys pls send me asks i love to reply to them. mostly stuilly and scream related but just send me anything RAH
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
Roman: New year, new me!
Janus: New year, same me. I’m perfect, bitch.
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thevoidshere88 · 7 months
Insomnia am I right!?
*awkward laugh*
*Fist bumps air*
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hiraethwrote · 4 days
blushing already? that’s cute. our bed’s cold without you… waiting for your return angel
— gojo
you kinda have that effect on me, i’ll be back as soon as possible ᡣ𐭩
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starkstruck27 · 1 year
Quick little thing before I go to bed tonight. I'll probably post on Ao3 sometime tomorrow. Have a good night my dears!!
It was just another regular Wednesday. Nothing special about it at all. But yet it was the greatest day of Billy's entire life.
Better than the day he'd successfully ridden his first wave.
Better than the day his dad let him quit baseball without so much as a scratch left behind.
Better than the day he'd finally gotten his beloved car to run for the first time all by himself.
And it was just a typical Wednesday afternoon.
Still, Billy had been floating on air ever since that moment, the one that made this day better than any other day of his life.
He hadn't been having a good day up until that point. First, his locker jammed and he got in trouble for being late to class, then some freshman idiot tripped in the cafeteria and spilled his lunch all over him, then he banged his head on a desk when he leaned over to hand a girl the pencil she dropped, then his car almost didn't start as he was finally able to head for home. All in all, it was just a shitty day, and he was glad that Max was staying after school today for some club or another, because he didn't need to hear her constant complaining as he tried to get the Camaro to just fucking start.
It was clear that he needed a jump, but by the time he'd finally given up on turning the key and having it quit on him time and again, everybody was in too much of a mad dash to get home to even notice that he needed help. So he stood there in the parking lot, having a smoke while he debated which would be more embarrassing and awful: walking home and having to have Susan come back with him to give him a jump, or going back inside and asking one of the principals to do it. He was honestly about to settle for just walking home, but then he heard someone beside him ask, "Need a jump?"
And the ironic thing is, he did get a jump when he heard that voice, just not the kind that would help him start his car. It was the kind that made his heart get all fluttery and stuck in his throat, like a deranged butterfly trying to escape an enclosure.
"Yeah, actually. That'd be great, thanks," he replied, turning to fix his gaze on the boy that made him light up like sunshine. The prettiest boy in school, no, in Hawkins, no, in the entire world. The only person who could make Billy's anger melt away like butter and make flowers bloom in his brain just by smiling. The boy who Billy had been in love with from the first time he'd ever seen him and only fell harder for as they'd gone from bitter rivals to amicable acquaintances to eventually best friends. The one and only Steve Harrington.
"Yeah, of course dude. It sucks when your battery quits out on you. Mine did last year when I was on a road trip with some friends and it had to be towed. It was not fun." Steve said with a laugh that made Billy's entire chest swell. "Do you have cables or do you need to borrow mine?"
"Uh, no, I've got some." Billy said, feeling his face heating up for no reason. He’d blame it on the sun, but it was clearly not sunburn. After all, Billy only really tanned, never burned, and sunburn doesn't usually come on that fast and that intense. Still, he didn't have another excuse handy, so if Steve asked, that'd have to do.
"Alright, cool. I'll just bring my car around and you can pop your hood in the meantime. Be right back," Steve said, jogging off to another part of the parking lot to retrieve his vehicle. Billy tried not to stare as he left, focusing instead on getting the cables from his trunk and attaching them to the battery properly as Steve pulled his car into the space next to him. He'd slipped on a pair of sunglasses before getting out of the car and lifting its hood, and Billy couldn't help but feel the sad little sigh escaping him now that he couldn't see those gorgeous hazel eyes.
"You got 'em attached?" Steve asked as he held out his hands for the other end of the cables.
"Oh, uh, yeah," Billy said, feeling like a complete idiot as he did. He thought that the nervous little hesitations of his voice that only came out when he talked to cute boys was a thing he'd left behind in California, but apparently he was mistaken. Thankfully, Steve didn't seem to notice, or at least didn't comment on it, as Billy placed the cables in his hands. He hoped, no, prayed that he also didn't notice when his breathing got funky when he felt sparks simmering on his skin where their hands touched.
After they got the cables attached properly and went back to their cars to turn the keys, Billy was able to breathe normally again, but it didn't quite last. He found himself staring at Steve through the windows, the way his hair flopped into his face as he leaned over the steering wheel, the way his tongue poked out between his lips as he concentrated, the way his hands flexed when he turned the keys. It was all so enchanting, and Billy couldn't help but feel... enamored.
Yeah, enamored.
He'd learned that word in English class earlier that day, just before he hit his head on the desk, and it was the only word he could think of to describe the way he felt when he looked at Steve Harrington, the boy he loved more than life itself and who would die never knowing what he did to him. He couldn't ever know, because Steve was cool with queer people, knew about Billy and his other best friend Robin and the Byers kid and was supportive of all of them, but he was swinging for a different team, and so Billy had made up his mind a long time ago to never tell him any of that. Maybe it would kill him a little more each day, maybe it would burn him up with a jealousy so intense it would consume him, maybe it would make him give up hope of ever finding somebody who would feel the same way about him as he felt about Steve, but he would suffer through it. Because Steve would find a nice girl and settle down and live his American dream life like he'd always hoped for, and Billy could deal with all that, as long as Steve was happy in the long run. That's all he wanted was for Steve to be happy. It just made him miserable that he would never be happy with him.
Billy was yanked out of his thoughts by the sound of his car roaring to life, finally getting enough juice in it to at least get him to the auto parts store so he could get a new battery. He smiled a little at the noise, but it felt hollow after all the things he'd just been thinking about. Especially when he saw Steve jump up out of his car again, a bright grin plastered on his face as he did a corny little happy dance before giving Billy back his jumper cables.
"You think you'll be able to make it home?" Steve asked, and Billy had to squash down the stirring of his heart. Steve was just a concerned friend, he was merely being polite in asking. It's not like he was trying to come up with more for them to talk about now that the job was done and he could head home himself.
"I think so. She was working fine this morning. Probably just needs a new battery sooner than later, but I can get one on my way home and switch it out." Billy replied, finding it hard to look Steve in the eyes, even with his shades on.
"Okay. Well, call me if you need help with it or if you need a ride tomorrow, alright?" He said, and Billy nodded.
And then, the most wonderful thing in the entire world happened.
Steve smiled that gorgeous smile again, then reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind Billy's ear, and then he let his hand drift down to cup his jaw gently, and just as Billy started to get a grip on that through the rushing of the blood in his ears, Steve leaned down and kissed him.
Billy felt like the entire world had been gray up to this point, and when Steve kissed him, sweetly and gently and hot enough to melt flesh from bone, it exploded into nothing but bright colors. He could feel his heart exploding like one of those firecrackers in old cartoons, the ones that would blow up the whole screen and make a cheesy sound effect when they went off. He wondered if anyone else had felt this way when they kissed Steve, or if it was just something that he felt because he was down so bad for the other boy. He had no way of knowing, and he was fine with that, because at least it meant that there was a possibility that it was only him, and no one else could say that they'd felt it, too.
And just as quickly as it happened, it was over.
Steve had only just pecked him on the lips, really, but it still felt like the most meaningful thing he'd ever done or would ever do to Billy. It reminded him of when they'd learned about the Big Bang Theory in science. The entire universe exploding and condensing in a fraction of a second, and yet it created thousands of galaxies and enough matter that the planets and stars and everything could result from it. That was what it felt like to be kissed by Steve Harrington, like any and everything that would ever matter was created just in that one moment.
And when Steve leaned back again, a serene, lazy and carefree smile on his lips, all he said was, "Bye, Billy!" before waving over his shoulder like a dork and jumping in his car to head home.
Billy waved shyly back as Steve backed up and drove away, his face on fire as if he had magma in his veins instead of blood and a disbelieving, timid kind of smile on his face as he did. He never thought 'timid' would ever be a word he used to describe himself, but when Steve Harrington did things to him, nothing made much sense anymore.
Billy got in his car then after slamming the hood down, the smile refusing to leave his face as his lips still tingled with the feeling of Steve's covering them, and he drove straight home once he left the school's parking lot. He could always replace his battery tomorrow, and even if he couldn't get his car to start in the morning, all he'd have to do is call Steve for a ride. But right now, all he needed was to get home and to his room, where he could relish the feeling of Steve kissing him in peace.
As soon as he got into his bedroom and got the door shut, he fell facefirst onto his bed, grabbing the pillow and doing that little laugh-scream thing that you always see girls doing in chick flicks. Turns out, it actually does feel that good when the guy you never thought you could have actually wants you, and doing the scream-laugh thing actually does heighten the high you get from it. Billy would never admit this to anyone in a million kajillion years, but he couldn't help but kick his legs a little as he laid there on his stomach with his face in his pillow, giggling like a middle school girl as he thought of tomorrow morning, trying to plan out what he'd say on the phone when he called Steve. Maybe his car would be working fine tomorrow, but if it gave him the chance of possibly getting to kiss Steve again, he could pretend it wasn't. Steve wouldn't call him out on it, anyway. And even if he did, Billy now knew the perfect way to make him shut his trap.
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clonewarsahsoka · 19 days
Been fighting against my own brain alllllllllllll day
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idlenight · 29 days
the way i fell into bad sleeping habit the moment I wasn’t constantly exhausted each night camping (and therefore wanting to go to bed earlier).
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housewifebuck · 1 year
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his reflection....
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critical-birb · 2 months
Omg to add on to the lizard headcanon- I can imagine daruk seeing someone who seems a little down and he walks over and goes “wanna see something cool?” And then he whips out a lizard from nowhere and lets them hold it and feed it and stuff
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