#im only staying here for two nights so like it'll be fine
orcelito · 2 years
I can already tell that this is going to be an interesting night
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valscodblog · 1 month
"𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖇𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊"
Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader/ Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" MacTavish
(im so sorry but this is angst-and nothing but heart breaking contents.)
WARNINGS: I rewrote some of the dialogue to fit Ghost trying to flirt with Johnny okay? death, mentions of blood, mentions of drinking,
this fic is for the one and the only: @katsudoodles 
"Simon-what if we switched dog tags? Just for like-a day or something?" you had randomly popped the question. Not knowing what that day would bring-or how horrible it would be.
Simon, who loved you with all his heart and then some, of course said yes to you. So you made the switch and would do horrible impressions of your husband. Made the guys laugh. Made Him laugh.
But it didn't last long. A last minuet call in was ordered by Shepard and so Price sent you, Ghost, and Roach.
"Why the hell did they havta send You? ...We had three damn days. Three!" Simon ranted as he loaded his rifle. You just sighed and loaded your pistol. "I don't know, Si. But it'll be alright-like always." But there seemed to be something Simon knew that you didn't. "Right?" you said, punching his shoulder softly and playfully. He just grunted.
"Simon, you were just perfectly fine! What the hell?" "I don't wantcha goin'! I need ya t'stay safe! And this isn't stayin' safe, now is it, Lovie?" You blinked and pulled his balaclava up, just enough for his lips to show. You held the thin fabric as you pressed a small kiss to his mouth and then you pulled it back down, whispering a soft promise of staying by his side.
Simon believed it.
And did you.
But the events of that day said otherwise.
"Simon! Look o-" you got cut off by getting shot in the head. And Simon saw red. In more ways than one. He saw your blood and the enemy's. He shot at the enemy. Ten times more he should've.
"Overkill," Roach choked out in pure fear of his closet friend. Ghost didn't hear, he didn't hear anything but your breaths getting quieter and coming in a shorter tempo. "Y/n-Lovie, open your eyes-Please."
Simon Riley wasn't one to beg for anything-but for his wife's life? He's killed, he's committed many crimes-unknown to everyone but him. Roach put a hand on his shoulder. Ghost watched as you opened your eyes and said, "I'm sorry-I fucked up. I promised-" "I don't care what you said-what matters is that you stay the fuck awake until Shepard gets here." You smiled before saying, "Yes sir, Lt."
And Simon nearly laughed. "You tryna be funny, Corp?" "Yes Sir, I am." "It's working. Keep it up for me-for the both of us." "Yes, Sir!" "Hm...Y'know I love y'right?" "I know, Simon." "...Well. I'm still wearin' yer tags, Birdie." "How cute..." and You shut your eyes and held his hand, slowly rubbing his thumb with your own. "Love'y'sim'n..."
"Love y'too, Lovie...Love ye too."
Your funeral came, and Simon was there, handing you a bunch of flowers-the same kind as he gave you on your first date-and your wedding. Sunflowers. Your favorite. He said a few words for you and that night when he went home-he cried. Because it dawned on him-really dawned on him, that you were trulyGone.
No. Not gone...you were still alive in his mind and heart, and he hoped that you would stay there.
Years came and went, Simon aged, and he never forgot you. Thank fuck. He lived on as he did as when you two were married...just, he was more silent. He slept only when he absolutely needed too. He became a part of task force 141 and Price-he of course knew about you and how you still affected Simon after years and years of being dead.
But then there was Johnny. Soap, they called him. Ghost liked him-though he never admit to it. Simon thought he was funny. Childish sure, but liked him all the same.
Liked him too much.
Liked him how Simon liked You.
Ghost caught himself staring at Soap for longer periods of time, found himself wishing that their conversations were longer-he liked hearing about Johnny family. Liked hearing about his past. Loved talking about what Soap liked and didn't like.
But it was during on certain mission that he finally let himself act on those feelings-Over the coms of course.
"Soap. Soap...Johnny!"
"I'm here."
"Thought we lost you for a second there, Sergeant...how copy?"
"I'm good."
"Don't lie, Johnny."
"Got shot in the shoulder...I'll be fine."
"Keep your blood in-you'll need every drop."
"Yes, Sir."
"Now, if you can stand, you can walk...can you stand?"
"Yes Sir."
"Then get the hell outta there! I'll be waiting for you by the shhkjk-"
"Sir?" "Did I cut out?"
"Yeah ye did, Lt..."
"...I'll guide ye. Get into a house for now. Don't matter what one-just find one, Soap."
and so Johnny did. He found one, infested with Shadows.
"I'm in the tub, Sir."
"Well-god t'know y'live up t'yer name, Soap."
"Haha, real funny, Lt...didja see the caged dog?"
"Big geezer. If he barks, shoot and repo quickly. Don't get compromised."
"You are stone cold, Simon..."
"What has to legs and bleeds?"
"Don't tell me."
"Half a dog."
"I told ye not ta tell me."
"Two fish were inna fish bowl."
"Go on..."
"One turns to the other and goes, You know how to drive this thing? ....Little army humor...another?"
"Please, no."
"Suit yourself..."
"I'm outside."
"Get to the coffee shop."
Soap did as he was told, and Simon talked to him through the whole thing, the need to hear his voice bigger than his urge to live through this thing. Johnny asked about Price-Simon shut it down.
"I trust the captain...if he knew, he'd be here."
"Be careful who you trust, Sargent...people you know can hurt you the most."
"Good advice Lt...I wanna be like you when I grow up."
You wanna be betta than me, Johnny."
"I will be."
"Good man."
"Think I'll live that long?"
"Probably not." But Simon hoped he did.
"You may get a brag rag for this..."
"A medal?"
"Chest candy."
"That's all rubbish..."
"You said you wanted a win...congratulations. Your a winner..."
"Away an' beil yer 'ead!"
"English, Mactavish."
"Sorry sir...let me translate..."Go fuck yourself."
"Much betta..."
And then, the subject of Y/n came about-and Simon answered, but his heart clenched at the thought of her again-buried with his tags...
"Hey-Lt. Who's tags d'ya wear? Cuz they aint yer's..."
"Me Lovie's...Y/n, her name was."
"She's not here no mo', Johnny. She's gone-been gone f'a while now."
"...Sorry t'hear that, Lt."
"Let's be sorry about you, Soap...your not even at the coffee shop yet, are ye?"
"...Fuck. How'd ye know?"
"Don't worry about it-worry about yerself-like a said previously."
"Yes, Sir."
And Soap shut up-for a few seconds. He never really could dtay silent with Simon. Fuckin' yapper. Simon loved it though.
"I'm in the coffee shop, Lt."
"Get us a tea yeah, Johnny?"
"Fuuuckin' brits..."
"Find the bar, and then get outside to the fountain. I'll keep look out."
"Yes, Sir."
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marve2014 · 1 year
Trying to Help Part Three
Trying to Help – Part 3
Pairing: Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher- Poly!Ghostface
 Warnings- Will(or may contain): Mentions of murder, Language, Reader is Murdery, Typical Canon Violence
1.9K Words
Summary: Woodsboro thought they only had to worry about two deranged serial killers.
Authors Note: Im so sorry this took so long to put out. Depression is a B***h. Thank you for all the support and Love on the last two parts.
“We gotta go now baby. Stay right here and try not to freak out alright? ” Billy reassures you. With that they pull the back door open and run as two police officers rush in through the front to see Sidney lying unconscious on the ground and you laying still as could be. One of the officers looks at you in surprise before kneeling next to Sidney and asking if she’s okay. She wakes up confused and disoriented, but nods and follows them outside. An officer walks in with a stretcher and takes her and puts her on it while another set of paramedics helps you onto your gurney. You hear sirens starting and you decide to close your eyes and take in your surroundings one last time. enjoying the adrenaline from tonight's events.
A car drives down Sidneys driveway and the officer calls to the men in uniform to take care of the evidence while he runs up to the patrol car.
“What’s happening? Who is it?” The sheriff asks as he climbs out of the driver’s seat.
“It’s Sidney. Apparently she and a friend were studying while her dad was out of town. They’re taking them both to the hospital now.” One of the deputies responds.
“It was ghost face wasn't it?" The sheriff asks as he lowers his head.
"According to Sidney, yes. The other girl was blind folded the whole time." The officer responds.
Fast Forward to the Hospital
A couple hours of chaos and what seems like a thousand questions from doctors and nurses later you finally succumb to sleep. You wake up about an hour later and find yourself in a different room than last time. A little bit of light filters through a gap in the curtains and you can see your friends sitting outside the door. You can tell they're worried so you make a sound which catches their attention.
They rush over to you with tears in their eyes.
"Y/N, oh thank god!"  Sidney starts sobbing into your shoulder.
"I'm fine, really, I promise. It's only a scratch, besides I'm feeling great considering what is in this IV." You laugh and they pull away.
"How much do you remember?" Tatum asks looking at you as she rubs her hand across your unharmed arm.
"All of it."
"Everything?" She asks.
You nod and give a watery eyed smile. " I thought they were going to kill me." You say as you let a few tears escape.
Sidney, Billy, Tatum, and Stu all look at you solemnly, interrupted by Dewey walking into the room.
"Do you think you girls are up for answering some questions for us?" He asks as he removes his hat and sits in an open chair.
 "It'll be okay, its just Dewey." Tatum assures you as she pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.
“Yeah, no worries guys.” You reply before everyone gets quiet until Dewey speaks up.
“So did any of you know who attacked you last night?” He asked the two of you as you shook your heads.
He looked at Stu when he replied. “Was anyone acting suspicious? Did something happen? Anything out of the ordinary?” He asks.
"Sidney got a weird note in her locker..." You told him. “...and she seemed pretty freaked out afterwards…”
"Anything else?" Dewey asked.
The group of you sat in silence as you tried to come up with anything else. After a long stretch of nothing Dewey sighed and stood up and grabbed an envelope from his jacket pocket.
“This might help.” He said before handing it to you.
You look at it confused, before ripping it open. Once you read it you gasp and cover your mouth with one hand and drop the letter to the ground.
 Tatum picks it up and examines the writing.
“Who was it written to?” Tatum asks with concern in her voice.
You swallow hard and try to force your words to come out coherently.
“Im pretty sure it was written to me.” As soon as the words left your mouth, your heart began racing. The blood pounding loudly in your ears drowning out everything else around you, a million emotions flooded your body and mind. Fear mixed with excitement mixed with arousal, knowing that both your boys left this letter at the scene.
"Well what does it say?" Billy asks.
"I liked the way your blood felt on my skin." you read aloud trying to look more upset than happy. 
“Well isn’t that interesting.” Stu squints as he looks over toward you.
“That is so creepy, y/n. Its like he has a crush on you.” Tatum tells you.
You shake your head, “No, I don’t think so…”
 You trail off as you continue reading the rest of the letter.
“I hope that you enjoyed last night...you will be hearing from me again. Have fun playing my game.” The last part comes out as a whisper.
The letter ends there. You look at everyone before shaking your head sadly. Everyone is silent except for Dewey telling you how sorry he was and giving you an encouraging pat.
“I want to go home.” You say.
“Okay sweetie.” Tatum smiles as she places a soft hand on your leg.
“Let’s all go home and get some rest, I’ll drive you myself okay?”  Dewey says as Stu smiles and you slowly stand and follow after them. He drives you directly to the house and you climb out of the car and make your way inside. You head upstairs and change out of your clothes and get ready for bed.
As you lie under your covers you can feel your phone buzzing in your lap. You grab it and unlock it seeing a message from the boys you love and you quickly answer them as soon as possible.
Billy: Still up?
You: Hey.
You place the phone beside your pillow as a text comes back.
Billy: Sid is staying with Tatum, we will be there in twenty.
Stu: Love you baby, such a good girl for us.
You: I love you both too, I will see you when you get here.
Hearing a slow knock on your front door and then the door opening you know exactly who it is. You wait another minute and then are immediately pounced on by Stu.
"Be careful dickwad, don't hurt her arm!" Billy yells at Stu, making him pout.
You smile and push Stu away and sit up in bed.
"Hey baby...how ya feelin'?" He asks kissing your cheek. "I heard you almost got killed today." He says pulling you back onto his lap.
“We didn’t mean to cut so deep, but I am glad you're okay." Billy says as he joins you both in bed.
You turn and look between them.
"Are we okay?" You ask.
"Of course we are princess, don't worry. I would never let anything happen to you. And Stu wouldn’t either." Billy replies and leans forward and gives you a kiss.
“Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.” You smile before closing your eyes.
You fall asleep to their loving voices in your ear and to the sound of your heartbeat in your chest. You dream of nothing at all for most of the night, but once you awaken to bright sunlight streaming through the window you wake up to the sound of the boys talking excitedly downstairs. When they see you awake, they stop talking.
"What's wrong? Why are you so jumpy?" You ask standing in the opening of the kitchen.
"We were just talking about what happened last night and our next plan. We need to start planning the end game here." Billy says.
"And what is that plan exactly?" You ask as you sit at the table.
"Our next moves are obvious; Tatum and Sidney. The last part of your plan is going to be easy for you. You just have to play dumb and pretend to not know anything.” Stu says.
"Okayyyy, but you have to admit it sounds like a terrible idea. You know I want to help." you reply.
Billy smirks at you and puts his arms around your shoulders and nuzzling his nose against yours.
"We love your enthusiasm, but not happening." He replies softly.
You shrug his arms off and lean back on the chair and glare at him.
"Why is everyone so stubborn?" You groan.
"Because it's fun." Stu replies as he pulls you to him and kisses you on the lips.
Billy laughs at your frustration and kisses you as well.
"Can't we do this later?" You moan as they kiss you deeply.
Billy pulls back with a grin, "Not when we are talking strategy! Now get dressed we are taking you with us today!"
You sigh in defeat. “Fine. But if things go sideways you better hold my hand.”
You get up and go change into your regular clothes, leaving the boys to get changed too.
You put on leggings and one of the boys hoodies and go downstairs. They are standing waiting for you outside the door. "Are you sure we can take her? I doubt she is going to behave." Billy asks quietly. "Duh.” Stu responds sarcastically with a small laugh before looking at you again. "First of all, I can hear you." You say as you flick them both between the eyebrows. " Second, Rude."
They burst out laughing as they walk to the car, while you hop into the back seat. A moment later Stu gets behind the wheel of the car and Billy riding shotgun, and you buckle in. Stu pulls off and you close your eyes and listen to the low playing music. It takes about twenty minutes before you reach your destination and you take in your surroundings as soon as you pull in. It doesn’t take you that long to realize why Billy said this was going to be the perfect spot for your little end game meeting.
It's one of those old fashioned parks that are full of trees, grass and flowers of all kinds and a path leading up to a large picnic area. There are many empty benches sitting around it and when Stu kills the engine you jump out of the car. "Welcome to the park." Stu grins. Billy jumps out of the car and closes the door behind him. You all gather around one of the benches and no one says a word, just enjoying the serenity of the quiet until you hear Billy clear his throat.
" Tatum dies tonight." He says matter of factly.
Your first goal is the same. Kill Tatum.
Stu's face breaks out into a grin and you nod in agreement.
"What are the rules?" you ask.
Billy looks at you with a proud expression, "We kill her and anyone that gets in the way of me killing Sidney. You are not to be apart of this, y/n. You are just the friend that came to a party and got too drunk and went to sleep it off. We can not have you getting caught or hurt, deal?" After a while the boys finish talking about the details of the plan. Billy walks over to you and grabs your hands. "We can't afford any mistakes because of you. If something goes wrong, it could cost you your life, so keep that in mind and don't act stupid." "I hate that plan, but fine. I'll be good." You give them both a mock salute thinking to yourself of how you're not going to actually listen to them. You're killing someone, and it doesn't matter who.
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redheadspark · 1 year
i don’t know if im too late (time zones confuse me i’m so sorry) but if i’m not could i request 16 with jack russel? if i’m too late it’s totally fine i’m just really bad with time zones i can’t remember which one i’m in lol
A/N - You requested just in time! I would love to write this for you! Thanks for requesting this! It'll be nice and short, but it's cute :)
Light Show
Summary - Nighttime in the countryside with your favorite werewolf.
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Warnings - Just some fluff
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“Jack, if we stay up here any longer, I will fall asleep,”
“Trust me, Amor.  This is worth it,”
You eyed Jack, seeing him keep his eyes up on the starry night high over the two of you as you sighed and snuggled into him a big more.  The warm summer night was not unbearable, but it was making you sleepy as you both were laying out on your backs on the front lawn in front of your house.  All you could hear was the shilling sound of the wind coming along the wildflowers around you, the softest sound of the babbling brook behind your house, and the insects who came out at night clicking away.  
It was Jack’s idea to move to countryside a year ago, he needed to be away from the bustling city that seemed to give him far too much stress.  You were glad to move out too, as much as you loved the city and doing things on the weekend, you weren’t going to say no to him.  A change of pace was what you both needed, and once you got your hands on the little house near a small river and close by a national forest, it was perfect.
It’s been one year since you moved into at small house.
“Apparently it’s one of the better nights to see most of the constellations that are out,” Jack explained as he was pointing to each of the constellations that were brighter than the others, “Ursa Major…Cancer….Ah that is Lyra!”
Jack was just a curious soul, wanting to know more about the world around him. You loved that about him, the thirst to find out what else was out there in the world and yet have the youthful heart that never seemed to be tainted.  It’s what drew you to him, the softest smiles and the whole hearted laughs that were shared with you.  Maybe your heart was calloused in the past from ex boyfriends and hardships, but ever since Jack came into your life, your heart had the calloused shield shed and a new form was coming through.
It was both scary and yet exciting at the same time. 
“There, look over there,” He said as he pointed, your eyes following in the same direction as a small flicker of light shot through the sky, almost too quick but you caught it soon enough. You beamed, amazing at the sight.
“How did you catch that?” You asked Jack, looking up at him as he shrugged.
“Good werewolf eyes I guess,” he replied, you laughing as he went one, “Actually, on my last job the client is an astrologer.  She told me that tonight is a meteor shower, one of the biggest ones in the past decade.”
Another flicker came through the sky quickly, then another.  It was like a slight show began, and the thrilling sensation of you and Jack being the only ones seeing it.  If you both were back in the city, there would be no way in seeing not just the meteor shower that was occurring, but the constellations too.  You realized that the first time in your new home, you could see hundreds of more stars that were scattered along the blue night sky.  It was so memorizing for you, spending that first night outside on the same grassy ground that you were sprawled out now just watching the constellations come to life.
It was even better when Jack came out, blanket in hand, and you two watching in each other’s arms.
“Happy one year,” Jack hummed to you as he rubbed your arm with his fingers.  You grinned, seeing a few more light beams dash across the sky right in front of you.
“Happy one year, my wolf boy.”
The End
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June Summer Prompts
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fuckinorangecat · 1 year
part 2
Abysmal. There is a character limit, I can't believe this madness. Anyway.
We walked through a bunch of claw machine/gatcha shops and played a little bit. It was nice and I saw a very dedicated lady trying her absolutely hardest trying to get a golden kamuy figurine. She got it in the end, I was so happy for her. I was gonna attempt myself and if I got it I would've given it to her. She looked so close to giving up. Ahh, human perseverance. After that we got tired and went to a cafe where we waited for another addition to the party. A scottish JET, we outnumbered the American 3:1, fuck yeah. After meeting up with walked around further and went to a retro game store called Super potato or some shit. It was actually really cool lol, they had a claw machine for random ds/psp games and just a bunch of niche but cool japanese titles that we never saw in the west. One day I'll be able to read and play them properly. After that we found a fucking kebab stand, me and the friend I was staying with went ballistic, much to the american's confusion. Also the way americans say kebab is hilarious lol. We instantly buy some wraps and devour them, although it made me sad because it didn't hit the same as home. Guess it'll never be the same. Straight after I bought takoyaki, it was a very fat day but we walked like 30,000 steps by the end of the day so it should be fine - plus im on holiday. I'm not actually the biggest fan of takoyaki btw, too fucking heavy of a food. It's like eating a small rock every ball. After that we decide to find an izakaya and wind down. We find a place with outdoor seating and a perfect 6 seats, we were expecting two more JETs. Two more americans which unfortunately bring the numbers even. When they arrived, it was lovely. We all just spoke about random shit I can't even remember and drank. It was a great night. We bonded and exchanged instagrams, the Osaka JETs loved me and I them. Before going home we went to a conbini and I bought ice cream along with this other JET who LOVES ice cream. She bought one earlier too so I thought I'd join her this time. We ate ice cream and went on our merry way home. Two of the JETs go on the same train as us so we mingled a bit more. The girls all decided to have a twilight binge together, they invited me too but damn I smelled like shit. Ain't no way I'm polluting someone else's house. Especially after she showed me how nice her little place was lol. It'd be like a hotbox but instead of weed it's dutty fuckin' pits and tbh whole body. It was hot ok and I suffer in those conditions. 35 degrees celcius and crazy humid. Also we were exhausted since we've been running on 5 hours sleep. SO WE GO HOME, shower and sleep pretty much straight away.
The next day I woke up, packed up early to meet a former coworker from the UK. He was in Japan for a couple of weeks and I promised I'd meet him, that was actually the whole reason I came to Osaka. I said goodbye to my friend and went straight to the station my friend was arriving to. Travelling around Osaka was easy, it was pretty much identical to the tube. Just with better trains (airconditioned). I reunited with my former coworker and it was great lol. It's felt good speaking to someone I've known for a pretty long time, even though realistically we've only been apartment for like just under two months lol. Not much to actually write about but we did some touristy things! Went to the aquarium, which was actually the biggest aquarium in the world when it was built in 1990. I remember reading it on wikipedia before I was here randomly. I didn't realise it was the same one till I got there and felt a hint of familiarity. After that we met up with the rest of his friends which was amusing, a total of 6 black people and me so everyone was looking at us. I couldn't stay long but I helped them find a restaurant and order, talk a small bit, exchanged instas and left for my dreaded 7 hour journey back home. My friend actually walked with me to the coach station, bless him and i almost missed it too lol. I was very panicked and annoyed, thank you D for putting up with that. I hope the rest your trip to Japan was great.
The coach journey itself was fine, this time I actually slept most of the way unlike last time. I couldn't wait to be home and when I got home I was greeted by my neighbourhood cat Pochi. I was happy.
love, J-sensei
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technowoah · 3 years
Rather Be Devisive Than Indecisive pt. 2
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You weren't planning to help Techno again, but here you are with his horse.
- I really wanted to do second part anyways! So thanks a bunch!
- this story is long 😪 it'll all make sense though!
- part 1 is here!
- masterlist!
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To say everything went south was a understatement. Everything went to hell, and you were currently living in it. You missed watching the sunset standing ontop L'Manburg's walls, you missed the peacefulness before the war. Maybe back then was too good to be true.
After the last encounter with Technoblade you had turned back to help Tommy and Tubbo. You tried to help wherever you could because you can see everyone drift apart, the main reason people came together was gone and dead. You tried to be a bigger sibling to both of them, and you tried to Tubbo and the former citizens repair the crater Wilbur left behind.
It took years, but L'Manburg was new and fresh again, with the help of Tubbo's new cabinet of trusted people L'Manburg was peaceful again. Tubbo had made you apart of his cabinet as well as Quackity, Fundy, Tommy and Karl. It was a new beginning.
There were days where you wondered if Wilbur would get a funeral. Schlatt had gotton a funeral, but you saw first hand how that went it wasnt a somber moment at all. It was for the best, they had mixed feelings about Wilbur and you dont blame them.
You had a new family, but there were things unkown to you, things that are being created out of your knowledge and that scared you. We have new L'manburg, but it isnt the same you dont know how long Tubbo could uphold peace in this new kingdom.
New things were created from the end of a old one.
It was a peaceful day in L'Manburg just as Tubbo promised the new citizens. You had stayed busy the whole day until a certian blonde came around your house frantically urging you to get outside and follow him
"C'mon! Just follow me! I have something to show you!"
"Tommy what are you talking about?!"
"Its VERY important, hurry! I dont want him to leave that spot."
Tommy had dragged you by the arm to the pier that evening and kept chanting that he had to show you something of utmost importance. You were trying to ask questions and keep up with his pace as he weaved through buildings claiming they were a "shortcut". Tommy stopped you at the pier and stood to your side, he was looking back and forth at the end of the pier to the water and back to you again.
You were about to ask why you were there until you saw a familiar man.
"Oh! Hello! Tommy who is this?"
He was pale, no, he was transparent. He looked pale, the sunset's dull rays made it seem like he still had skin. He had a yellow sweater on with brown pants and black shoes. He looked comfortable, he looked free. Next to his side there was a sheep on a leash with blue dye, you noticed it was poorly dyed too the dye was dripping from its wool. It was Wilbur, physically, but it wasn't HIM.
"He's Ghostbur." Tommy whispered to you while he stood between you two.
"Yes, I'm Ghostbur!" The ghost cheerfully said.
"This- this is y/n. Dont you remember?" Tommy cautiously asked Ghostbur.
Ghostbur had a look of confusion and curiosity on his face. He seemed so pure compared to when he was alive.
"No..I can't, but I would love to know." He stuck out his hand in a greeting.
"Hi I'm ghostbur!"
"I'm y/n." You said lowly.
You tried to reach out and grab his hand but it went straight through. You hated it, he's gone and you couldn't bring him back. It isn't him, but Ghostbur maybe better, Wilbur is gone and thats okay. Something came out of nothing, you kept telling yourself that everything was okay, but now seeing Ghostbur so naive and pure and free of the world's weight you believed everything would be fine.
"Im sorry. Im transparent, and I have no flesh." Ghostbur smiled.
"That's fine." You paused looking for the right words. "Do you know what you did? To L'Manburg?"
"Believe me, he dosen't. I tried." Tommy said to you.
"I couldn't belive I would do such a thing." Ghostbur added on.
"He shares no memories of Wilbur. Basically a new person." Tommy continued.
"That's great." You perked up. "It's bittersweet ya know. But Im happy you're here Ghostbur!"
"Im happy I'm here too, and Im happy I met you today." Ghostbur smiled at you while his sheep walked towards you, he unknowingly rubbed up against you putting blue dye on your clothes.
"Oh! This is Friend! I forgot to mention him to you. You can pet him!"
You didnt want to. He was dripping with dye, but you did it to appease Ghostbur. Tommy cringed while you petted the slightly wet, blue sheep. Once you were done your hand was blue, you rubbed it on your clothes that were already blue.
"I think he likes you." Ghostbur cheerfully said.
You were so thankful for Tommy bringing you to that pier. It was the closure you needed to move on and focus on building a new life for all of you. A peaceful life, but it seemed too good to be true. Days went by like normal and that sometimes was too much for you. You worked on new buildings and worked with Tubbo's cabinet too, that was a new normality for you.
The unknown scared you, but you had your family here. You had made amends with them and now and this is what you wanted. But then again it all seemed too good to be true.
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Nobody had told you anything, you weren't in cabinet meetings, nor around Tubbo or Tommy. You felt shut out, you felt sick. The cabinet had decided to do something about Tommy and Dream started to become involved in Tommy's predicament. Soon after Tommy was in court, stripped away of his vice presidency, and had been put on probation.
Tubbo had come to you about Tommy being exiled. There was a huge meeting with the cabient and Dream about that situation and you had stayed silent the whole time. You wanted what was best for L'Manburg, but Tommy was like a brother to you, you couldn't send him away to fend for himself. You could see the confliction on Tubbo's face as he was going through the same dilemma as you were.
In the end Dream gave Tubboo 3 days to chose if to exile Tommy or not.
Tubbo had talked to you about the situation before the second day came. You two were in the same boat when it came to exiling him. You two had came to a conclusion, Tubbo just had to talk with the rest of his cabinent for a final conclusion.
The second day came and the plan switched immediately when Tommy came and introduced it. He wanted to fight back against Dream, of course he did, but he wanted another man to come and help. They wanted Technoblade to join their revolt. Quackity and Fundy agreed with the idea, but Tubbo was more cautious. You hated it.
Technoblade wasn't a subject nor person you wanted to be associated with ever since that night in Pogtopia. After all this time you had forgotten about him, you had forgotten your failed attempt at rekindling your friendship until now.
Tubbo was cautious, but you were 100% against it. Tubbo agreed with the rest of the cabinet and Tommy. They eventually asked you, and of course you said no, but it didn't matter, majority rules in this case.
You all approched Dream intop of the obsidian walls with your final decision.
"We have come to a decision. Look around." Tubbk leaded.
"There's giant, obsidian walls." Dream answered calmly.
"There is, there is Dream. And that's a problem, okay? This is funny actually." Tubbo turned back to Tommy. "Tommy, I am- I am so sorry."
Tubbo continues to talk to Dream. "I have come to the decision, that it'll be better for the nation the most logical thing to do is for Tommy to be exiled from L'Manburg."
"Teaming up with Technoblade is an awful idea! It's an awful idea!"
Oh thank goodness.
"We just had this conversation!" Fundy yelled.
"No! No! Okay?! Nothing! Involving any kind of conflict is not safe for this nation! You've undermined my authority from the get go! Okay! All of you! No one here has respected me. You all jump on these merry little bandwagons of destruction. It's not okay!"
Tubbo was livid. His face was turning red and will keep doing so if he kept yelling. You felt a familiar breeze beside you as you saw Ghostbur standing next to you and behind Tommy. He smiled at you and continued yo listen to Tubbo's angry speech. You wondered why he was here, why he showed up at times and then left. Like he only needed to listen and not give any input.
"You cant go back on the plan now?! What the hell?!" Tommy yelled.
"When I was sworn in I made a promise to do what was best for the nation. And right now, Tommy you, your presence here is not the best for his nation."
Your heart dropped to your stomach and you think ghostbur noticed. You were happy that you didnt need to see Technoblade again, but you were going to lose what you would call a brother. You started to backtrack on your final decision, you belived Tubbo was in thr right. Tubbo wanted what was best for L'Manburg and what was best for L'Manburg was for Tommy to be exiled. You wished there was another way, but you know Tommy was stubborn it wouldn't work that easy.
Your mind kept wandering to if Tubbo decided to team with Technoblade. He was right there would be destruction, a huge war and probably the end of L'Manburg. You didn't want that again, you didn't want to see him again. You couldn't help but wonder if he knew L'Manburg was brand new.
"Dream, please detain and escort Tommy out of my country."
Tommy was gone. Its been weeks, four weeks to be exact. L'Manburg was peaceful, everywhere was peaceful, but you had to admit that you missed him. Fundy and Quackity tried to convince Tubbo to bring Tommy back, but he already made up his mind. He was confident in his decision, you were proud he was ruling L'Manburg confidently, but everyone was weary.
You haven't seen Ghostbur around either, he must've been floating around somewhere. It's none of your business.
The walls have been taken down and L'Manburg was independent again. There were sacrifices to be made. There were a lot of sacrifices to be made to keep L'Manburg up, and you kept asking yourself if everything was worth it. Was the discs worth that much to Tommy? Was L'Manburg even a good choice to begin with?
Was Technoblade right?
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The Butcher Gang. They were calling themselves The Butcher Gang. The cabinet had several meeting and came ti the decisions that the biggest problems in L'Manburg were Technoblade and Dream. The cabinet decided not to kill Dream because of the fact that he was allies with L'Manburg, so they decided to try and kill Technoblade.
Dumbasses. You've mentioned to Tubbo that he was a very, very, very dangerous man. Tubbo has seen him before! You asked Tubbo constantly why did he wants to kill him when he says that he didn't want to team up with him. Tubbo said it was for the better of L'Manburg, but dosent he know that might cause even more trouble?
You didnt want to join them, you couldn't risk your life for something that is impossible to achieve. You separated from the cabinet, you couldn't watch them do this and you tried to stop them, but they insisted on the act.
Lately you've seen more of Ghostbur and that made you happy. It made you happy he wanted to spend time with you and it made you forget the trouble brewing in the cabinet.
"What's wrong?" Ghostbur asked while sitting on the edge of the pier with you, and Friend who was tied to one of the pier's poles.
"It's nothing Ghostbur." You said with a sigh.
"Good!" He cheerfully said.
"Can I actually tel you something?" You asked again, you wanted to get this off of your chest.
"Of course." He smiled.
You sighed and then began to speak as you looked out to the water. "It's the cabinet, its Tubbo, Fundy and Quackity that's the problem."
"But they are wonderful people! What can they do wrong?" Ghostbur suddenly asked.
"They want to kill someone, Ghostbur."
"Maybe it was a misunderstanding."
"I dont- I dont think so." You hung your head looking at your feet.
"Ghostbur, they want to kill Technoblade and I dont-"
"Technoblade?! That's my friend! Why- why would they want to kill him?"
Your heart felt heavy at his words. Another point not to kill Technoblade, you didn't want Ghostbur to hurt, not like Wilbur.
"He was a friend of mine too once. When L'Manburg first got blown up he- we betrayed L'Manburg and then spawned 3 wither skeletons to destroy the rest of the citizens." You explained to Ghostbur's disrught face.
"You wouldn't do that! You're kind!" Ghostbur exclaimed.
"It wasn't my best decision Ghostbur. People can make bad mistakes. A lot of people do. They aren't pure like you." You smiled softly at him.
A long hush fell over the two of you until Ghostbur perked up.
"We need to save Technoblade!" He exclaimed.
"Ghostbur I cant do that."
"Why not?"
"Because me and Techno aren't friends anymore." You said sadly.
"Why not?"
You couldn't answer that. You can, you can give the right answer, but at this moment you couldnt tell the ghost who suddenly stood up next to you.
"If I take you to where Technoblade lives will you feel better?" Ghostbur asked with Friend's leash in his hands.
Tubbo, Fundy and Quackity didnt know where Technoblade lives and desperately wanted to know to kill him. Maybe this was a good idea. You tried to convince yourself that as you walked side by side with Ghostbur. You had followed him through the woods as he weaved in and out of the trees. Friend was following Ghostbur as well, he wouldn't let Friend stay anywhere out of his sight.
You were getting special treatment, you were about to find out where Technoblade lived before The Butcher Gang would. Would you be considered a traitor again? Tubbo wouldn't want you back in the cabinet if you knew where Technoblade lived and you didnt tell him.
The atmosphere got colder as you two ventured on, you didnt know he would retreat all the way out here. It was snowing and you didn't bring any type of warm clothing considering L'Manburg was rather warm. Ghostbur had no problem, neither did Friend. Luckily you saw a light in the dark woods. It was further away, but you could see the light expand as you two treaded over towards it.
"That's the house!" Ghostbur pointed too.
You two reached the end of the woods and before you was an opening. There was blanket of white snow everywhere, there were footprints in the snow, but they were being covered by the falling snow above you. It was a valley and the only thing there was a beautiful wooden house. It was errie, the only civilization here was was Technoblade who lived in the house.
"It's pretty lonely." You said still cautious of the situation.
"Yeah it's sad, but we're here and it's okay!" Ghostbur said.
"Sure." You whispered as Ghostbur continues to lead the way.
You two got closer and closer to the house and you continued to try and back out. It's too late to do so now, you didnt even feel like walking back to L'Manburg after you confront Technoblade again. The two of you were heading up to his door, your heart was beating heavier as you got to his door. You brought your fist up to knock on the door, hopefully he was home because you were freezing cold. You harshly knocked on his door and awaited for his response.
You two waited for a while, but no one was opening the door.
"Ghostbur why don't you go inside?"
"I'll just peak my head in!" He answered and did so. His head phased through the door and then he came back out with a frown on his face. "No one is in there."
"Why did we come here?" You sulked and started to turn away from the door.
"Why the hell are you two here at night?!"
"Oh! Techno! Hi!"
Shit. You were looking into his eyes and you froze when he turned to you. This was the first time you've seen him in years ever since Pogtopia, you hated it. It was embarrassing you tried to become friends long ago, but that failed, and now you were here again. He probably saw you as desperate, coming back to him after betraying him.
"Hello Ghostbur. How are you?" Technoblade walked in between the two of you opening the door to his house. When he walked in he intentionally left the door open for you and Ghostbur. Luckily it was warmer inside and you welcomed it.
"Im good! But we are here for you." Ghostbur cheerfully said.
"Oh really?" Technoblade said while occupying himself with something else, not even bothering to look at the two of you standing awkwardly at his closed door.
"Yeah, Y/N tell him!" Ghostbur urged you on.
You paused for a second before speaking to Technoblade, who wasnt even paying attention. "There's these people called the Butcher Gang."
"Sounds stupid."
"Yeah it is. And they want you."
Techno scoffed. "Want me for what?"
You knew Technoblade was smarter than this. He was bouncing around the room not even sparing a glance towards you. He wasn't paying attention.
"They want to kill you Technoblade."
He stopped all of his movements, stood up to his full height and looked towards you and Ghostbur for the first time you've been in his house.
"You better not be screwing with me."
"Why would I?!" You got offended by his statement.
"I dont know, because you show up to my house out of nowhere and tell me that people are trying to kill me. This could be a setup! I cant trust-"
"Okay! The Butcher Gang is Tubbo, Quackity and Fundy. Thats all I know of who's in the group. They want to kill you because you are a threat to L'Manburg. Trust me!" You cut him off and explained.
"What do you want me to do about it?" Technoblade asked you.
"Dont kill them, but I wanted to warn you. They are being reckless and since you're out here they shouldn't bother you. They're looking for more trouble, Tubbo already has a lot on his plate, this isn't a good idea for you nor L'Manburg."
You finished your statement still weary of this whole situation. You hated being in this situation, Techno's presence didn't make you uncomfortable it was just seeing him and warning him of future danger. You two weren't even considered close, why were you here? You were here for L'Manburg.
"Okay. I'll try. No promises though." Techno smirked and continued doing whatever task he was doing.
You found somewhere to sit for the time being knowing that you two wouldn't talk. Looking around the room you realized that Friend was alone inside the house without Ghostbur. You looked outside and saw him walking from the woods again in a rushed pace. You didn't know he left, he phased back into the house.
"They say they're gonna kill you. Y/n was right." Ghostbur says.
"Were you two leading them to my house?!"
"No we didn't! We didn't even know they were coming today!" You stood up looking out the window in search of Tubbo and the rest of them.
"Ghostbur who was with them?" You asked as Techno ran around the rooms for weapons and armor.
"Um, Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity..Oh! And Ranboo."
"Ranboo?!" That poor kid. What is he doing?
"Eventhough I hate to say this. I don't trust you. Get out." Technoblade paused infront of you before rushing to the other room. "And tell them I'm not home!"
"And if that dosent work?!" You yelled back.
"Then to hell with them!"
You rushed outside with Ghostbur, hoping that the Butcher Gang dosen't notice you were leaving Technoblade's house. It was too late, they were already lined up outside with full netherite armor and gear.
"Wait what are you doing here?" Tubbo asked as you made your way towards them.
"Im- I wanted to try and rekindle mine and Technoblade's relationship." You used an old lie to get yourself out of this situation. This was an already bad look on you, hopefully your lie would work.
"I thought your friendship ended a long time ago?" Tubbo asked again.
"It did, but I wanted to try again." This was embarrassing, now you really seem desperate.
"I see, then move out of our way." Tubbo asked you harshly.
"Uh- hey." Technoblade came out of his house with full netherite too, you weren't protected, so you will have to stay out of the way.
"Why have you guys come all the way over here to my humble abode?" Technoblade started walking towards his stable where he kelt his horse. He tried to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem to work. As he moved you moved with him trying not to be inbetween the dangerous men with swords and enchanted armor.
"You need to pay for your war crimes." Tubbo said while following Technoblade.
"That was like- that's in the past! Alright, that was a different Technoblade. Im a changed man now! Im in retirement! Im a good person now Tubbo!" Technoblade dragged on as Tubbo just hummed in response.
Quackity spoke up. "Technoblade you exploded L'Manburg with fucking withers."
"You literally spawned Withers everywhere!" Tubbo exclaimed.
"Im sorry, Im sorry Technoblade as much as you changed you have to be brought to justice for that." Quackity interrupted Tubbo.
The Butcher Gang tried to speak to Technoblade at the same time, when Technoblade spoke up over them all.
"Listen guys! I've gone through so much effort over the past month to change my violent ways! I've reformed alright? The voices, they demand blood! And I- I have been denying THEM! Ive been fighting back! Please! Please dont make me kill all of you, please just leave."
You guess he has changed, but you knew somewhere in your mind that he wasn't talking about just the Butcher Gang, he was including you too. You were somewhat confident that you wouldn't be attacked or killed, but you were terribly wrong before.
There was back and forth banter between the two of them. Techno had tried to show the gang his bees and tried to make a run for it.
"He's running!"
The gang started running towards him, but instead of continuing he stopped and turned to them. You were trailing behind trying to catch up to them, you kept running after them. You were not equipped for this night, you didn't know Ghostbur was going to bring you out in the open cold. You could hear Ghostbur behind you as you continued to run towards them.
"Y/N you're gonna damage yourself!" Ghostbur's voice became more echoed and further away as you tried to get closer to the gang before they got killed.
"There's no other way."
"Tubbo dont be stupid!" You were right behind the Butcher Gang.
"There's no other way!"
A cloud of smoke enveloped the 6 of you and you suddenly could see. You could only see the glint of everyone's armor.
"Y/N get behind us!" Tubbo tried to blocked you off from reaching Technoblade.
"Why didn't you bring any armor?!" Quackity yelled.
"I didn't think i was gonna be fucking out here!"
Technoblade must've set off multiple smoke bombs because the smoke wouldn't stop, the smoke made you woozy, but the others didnt seemed phased by it at all and kept fighting Technoblade. Your lungs felt full, and you felt like passing out, but you wouldn't allow yourself to do so.
"Tubbo stop this!" You yelled out when the smoke cleared a little.
"No! He needs to pay!" He said while fighting with Fundy.
The air was still hazy and you lost sight of people occasionally. Whipping your head around you were met with what felt like the butt of a axe. You quickly saw a split second of a shiny axe and then a pain in your chest spiked up. You double back and tried to recover, but then you've been sliced in the thigh and a deep cut in your side taking you down to the ground. You were bleeding out and desperately trying to heal the wound in your side. You felt your consciousness slowly slip from you as you laid on the snow. The warm contrast of your blood compared to the cold snow was sad. You always get hurt, no matter what you do. It's inevitable, and you finally gotten used to it.
The last thing you heard was yelling, but it slowly faded out.
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You were warm, and not in the middle of nowhere anymore. You opened your eyes to see yourself staring at a polished wood ceiling, the soft pillows and blankets around you made everything feel so much better. Your whole body hurts, you dont want to move nor do you want to remember. Thank goodness that someone had patched you up, you didn't want to die. You tried shifting your body but the pain in your side was denying any movement.
"Oh! You're awake thank God!" A voice called out from your side. You looked over to see the half human hafl enderman sitting in a chair by a window. "I thought you weren't gonna wake up! Tubbo and the rest if the cabinet was worried as well."
"Were you the one who patched me up?" You asked carefully.
"Yeah! Luckily I can see in that fog, so I took you away and patched you up." Ranboo smiled.
"Who- who hit me?" You asked trying to sit up again.
Ranboo paused. "Technoblade." Ranboo said in a somber tone.
"I see." You sighed.
Ranboo helped you sit back on the headboard of the bed and you two continued to talk.
"Are you mad at him?"
"Im just upset. Its okay, he said he'll kill all of us so I knew he would." You kept your gaze at you lap.
"Yeah I get it." Ranboo replied.
"I have a question ranboo!" You perked up.
"Yeah? Shoot."
"Why did you join the Butcher Gang?" You asked the taller man. He stayed silent thinking of a right answer before actually speaking.
"They were nice to me. I trust people who are nice to me, that show me kindness and treat me with respect. I know its lame, my answer isn't fully fleshed out, but that's the reason." Ranboo shrugged and you nodded.
You would love to know Ranboo more, he seems like a great guy, but he's just lost.
"Oh! I forgot! You have a letter!" Ranboo walked around the bed and brought out a folded piece of paper and handed it to you.
You unfolded it and began to read.
𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦
𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵. 𝘐 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶
- 𝘋
"Execution site?" You looked towards Ranboo.
"Oh yeah! Technoblade's execution is today an-"
"How the hell did you get him?!" You interrupted him. "Im sorry."
Ranboo looked shocked before composing himself. "Dont worry! Well, we took his horse hostage and he immediately wanted to surrender if we didn't let Carl go." Ranboo gathered stuff around the room. "And the execution is today, happening in a few minutes and I need to be there. I'll be back soon to check up on you!"
You nodded and continued to listen to him.
"Are- are you coming?" Ranboo sent one last glance towards you before making his way out.
"You know you dont HAVE to go." You said trying to ease the tension.
"I know. I really do know." He sighed. "Are you sure you dont want to?"
"No, Im okay." You sent him a smile.
You had lied again. Of course you didn't want to see Technoblade get killed, but that note that was left made you go to the cave. You trudged you way up to said cave, even though the pain in your side was unbearable you continued on. Once you had gotton up to the cave, you peaked inside cautiously. You saw a man in a cloak with a familiar mask on with Technoblade's horse. You knew it was Dream.
"Hello Dream."
"I will cut right to the chase. Take Carl and wait here. I have other work to do." He handed you the reigns to Carl and started to leave.
"Excuse me!? What do I do? Why do I wait here?!" You yelled after him and he just waved you off.
You rolled your eyes and found a stone in the cave to rest against with Carl's reigns lazily in your hands.
You didnt know what time it was, but the sun was slowly going down, it wasn't particularly sunset, but you knew it was late. Your eyes began to close until your heard screaming in the distance. You sat up slowly, now fully alert. You held Carl's reigns tighter as you backed into the cave more and more.
Footsteps were heard in the distance coming up to the cave and you thought if Dream had set you up for failure. The footsteps grew louder until a panting Technoblade appeared at the entrance at the cave. He looked horrible, he was thinking the same thing about you.
You two exchanged no words. You didn't want to say anything, what would you even say? He rushed over to Carl and started petting him. "Carl you're okay!"
You hummed as you and Techno shared a glance. He smiled at you. He smiled at you. It's been so long since you've seen him smile. He didn't need words to communicate, his eyes and smile said enough. You matched his smile and gave him a knowing nod and he did the same.
"Feel better eh?" Technoblade started conversation.
"Not really. What about you?"
"Eh- used a totem of undying just now."
"What?! Really?" You exclaimed. "I guess that's why you're here now huh?"
"Yeah I'll tell you about it sometimes." He smiled and climbed atop of his horse and you could see him thinking. "Im sorry too. You almost died cause of me. Thats is unacceptable, I shouldn't- I shouldn't have attacked you. I couldn't-"
"You cant control it. It's gonna take me awhile to recover, but..." You touched your bandaged cut. "It'll take me some time."
Technoblade nodded knowing what you meant. He could always read your mind somehow, thats what made you two work. Knowing eachother. He sent you one last silent goodbye before riding out of the cave. You knew that trust was somewhat restored, and that you two were better than before. This might be a new beginning.
A very angry Quackity came running around the corner of the cave and spotted you leaving. He whipped his head around to you.
"Hey! Where the fuck is Techno?!" He yelled at you.
"I don't know-"
"Dont bullshit me!"
"I. Don't. Know." You said more sternly. He gave you a hard glare before running away.
You went the opposite way trying to make it back to the room you woke up in before Ranboo came back.
Earlier you were desperately trying to befriend Techno, but things come more naturally you learned. You cant rush things, nor control this world. Things will fall into place, your and Technoblade's friendship will blossom again.
You will never find peace, but that's okay. You should be used to it by now. Everything is chaotic, but everything will be okay.
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A/n: okay so, I am in my feels HEAVY rn so while its a million degrees in my house rn I'm going to finish this fic I wrote over 8 months ago, ik I'm a psycho im really sorry. Also prob gonna be a third and final part as originally planned so lemme know what you think!
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You heard movement from behind you as you stared into ponys green eyes. Looking back, your met with icicles for blue eyes as darry is awake now. Hidden beneath the surface, his face shows confusion, pain and overall, sorrow.
Due to the breathing tube down darrys throat, all he can do is let out an incoherent groan as he moves. Sodapop understands the tension in the room, calling for a doctor to let darry speak. Upon the nurses entrance, you are moved away from darrys side, who somehow, whitout your knowledge, latched his hand onto yours.
Moving away from the bed requires the connection to be lost, and as you turn back to soda, your tears crash over your waterline, causing a group hug to begin between you, soda and ponyboy. You feel tears on your shoulder and know that your not the only one who's eyes are wet.
Once the doctor has returned from darrys room, soda bombards him with questions.
"Is he okay doc? What happened to him? Can we see him?" The entire conversation is a blur in your ears, until one phrase catches your attention.
"Darryl is awake, and you may see him if you wish." Both brothers look to you.
"Go, you should see him first." They both nod and make a b line for his room. You take in a deep breathe, trying to get your thoughts of the past hour in order.
You were in Tims bed, then soda called you. You left tim and drove to the hospital- or, did you run? You got into the hospital and talked to soda and pony, who took you to darrys room. When you got into darrys room, they said he was in a coma. Then, oh.
Then you said you loved the man you had spent the last eight months trying to forget with alcohol and sex. Then even worse, he woke up.
Looking at a clock in the waiting room, you saw the time read 4:46am. You were with Tim last night, then you left without him knowing. You had to tell him what happened, or do you? Are you still with Tim, or are you back with darry? Did darry even hear you? Does darry still feel the same way? Did he ever at all?
"Y/n? Y/n? Hello, y/n," a hand placed on to top of yours brings you back into reality.
"What, sorry, whats happening?" It was ponyboy, coming from darrys room, to check on you.
"Darry asked if you were here and if you wanted to see him." Ok, breathe, it'll be okay, you told yourself.
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you respond, "okay, wheres soda?" Pony can sense your hesitation.
"He's in the room, you don't have to see him if you don't want to, it'll be fine either way." You smile at him, what a sweetheart.
"No, i- i do want to, see him." You say hesitantly. Standing up and looking at darrys room, your nerves nearly get the best of you, not until pony stands and walks you to the room.
"Hey, darry?" You hear his voice for the first time in months and silently curse yourself for everything. Oh god, this is it, you think.
Stepping into the door way, your eyes connect with soda, who has frozen in his place from helping darry sit up. He sees your worry and looks to darry, who has got his eyes solely on you. You mentally curse yourself, you shouldn't be this scared to look at someone.
Finally, after burning a hole in sodas cheek with your eyes, you look at darry, the tension in the room is thick. The look he's giving you is enough to almost bring tears to your eyes.
Thankfully, soda realizes the tension and clears his throat, urging pony to follow him back into the waiting room. As pony and soda pass the rooms threshold, you look to your feet, feeling so much anxiety about being alone with darry, you might have a heart attack.
"Y/n" he says after what felt like hours. His voice causes you to look into his piercing blue eyes, which instantly bring tears to your own.
"Darry, i-" you get cut off as tears fall over your cheeks. He then sits up further with a groan, to which you rush to his side in aid. Once your there helping him, you two realize how close you are, closer than you've been in a year. Somehow, you just can't look away from his eyes yet.
In an instant, your lips are upon one anothers, mixed with hot, salty tears and you silently fix many issues since the last interaction you had. Pulling away to breathe, you rest your forehead against his and close yours eyes.
"When soda called me, I thought I had lost you for good." You open your eyes to see darrys.
"You will never lose me, y/n, please don't leave me." You laughed to yourself, you had just asked the same from him.
As you sat there holding him, your phone went off, picking it up to see the time read 5:14am, with new text message. You pulled your arms away from darry and opened the message, subconsciously dragging your bottom lip between your rows of teeth.
Opening the message, you see a text from Tim reading, "where did you go, the bed is cold without you" oh. shit.
"Y/n? Whats wrong?" You look up from your phone seeing darry, worriedly looking at you.
"Uh, nothing, I just, I forgot about something I have today, but its early, it can wait. So, what happened to you?" You smile to yourself as darry pulls you against him, silently asking you to stay, which you know eventually, you'll have to decline.
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booksfromblackwood · 3 years
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Is anyone still around in this fandom? If so, I thought I’d post the first chapter of an old fic that I re-wrote last year! Let me know if anyone’s still around, and if you’d be interested in reading more! Hope everyone reading this has a great day! :)
Han has left the chat.
Three Days Before The Disappearance
.Sam.Giddings. added josh_wash, ashleeeeey, xXGamerChrisXx, TheOriginalMatt, HanButterfly, BethWash, Mike_Munroe, EmilyD_, and _Jess.Riley_ to the chat.
.Sam.Giddings. named the chat Info For Tomorrow.
.Sam.Giddings.: Hey guys! Just to keep everyone updated on our travel plans for tomorrow! I know it's going to be a long day for everyone so it's vital we stick to the plan and stay in our groups where possible!
ashleeeeey: Okie-doodle!!
TheOriginalMatt: How are you so organised, Sam? You're a lifesaver!
HanButterfly: Hi!!
BethWash: trust sam to be more prepared than those of us organising the trip lol
xXGamerChrisXx: Since when was 'okie-doodle' a thing?
EmilyD_: Thanks Sam x
xXGamerChrisXx: And thanks so much, sam!
.Sam.Giddings.: So quick reminder of everyone's groups:
_Jess.Riley_: I'm stoked!!
ashleeeeey: That's rich coming from someone whose username is xXGamerChrisXx! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash, Chris, Matt, and myself will start the journey first tomorrow morning.
xXGamerChrisXx: You wound me!
Mike_Munroe: Thanks for the plan, Sam!
TheOriginalMatt: Excited to see everyone tomorrow! This is going to be a killer weekend for sure!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Em, Mike, and Jess, you guys are next.
ashleeeeey: You're so dramatic!! XD
Mike_Munroe: Team Two here we go!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Made you smile, though! ;-)
josh_wash: what about us
.Sam.Giddings.: I'm just getting to that!
ashleeeeey: True :)
xXGamerChrisXx: You guys are already there and are therefore irrelevant! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Han, Beth, and Josh, you guys are there already!
josh_wash: thanks cochise i feel so appreciated
BethWash: lol thanks chris
Mike_Munroe: So, what are we all up to?
BethWash: i found cake
xXGamerChrisXx: Browsing reddit like a nerd XD
ashleeeeey: Listening to Sam's rundown of tomorrow unlike sOmE pEoPlE *coughcoughChris*
EmilyD_: Honestly just packing my final things with Jess. Mike's mostly watching the TV.
xXGamerChrisXx: :-(
.Sam.Giddings.: So, tonight we should all make sure our bags are packed and that we have our passports and tickets ready!! Set your alarms for the right times (depending on your group) and make sure to sleep early too (especially if you're in my group since tomorrow will be an early start for us)!
ashleeeeey: :)
TheOriginalMatt: 5am gang where we AT?
HanButterfly: Beth where are you rn? Because I want some of that cake!!
.Sam.Giddings.: So Team One (myself, Chris, Ash, and Matt), we need to be up by 5:00am and be ready by 5:30am for the taxi to the airport!! Matt and Chris, yours is going to be at Chris' place at 5:24 for some reason so make sure to be ready!!
BethWash: the lodge kitchen bcos where else would there be cake han lol
.Sam.Giddings.: We'll meet up at the airport when we arrive! Once we re-group, we'll check in, probably eat some breakfast whilst we wait, and then catch the 8:30 plane!!
TheOriginalMatt: Sweet!
ashleeeeey: Can't wait! :)
josh_wash: yo matt you surviving the puns
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two - you guys don't have to be up until around 9:00am since your taxi is at 9:20 and then your plane is at 11:30!
HanButterfly: Josh would you like me to save you some cake before we eat it all? :)
EmilyD_: We'll need a little longer than 20 minutes to all get ready but sure x
TheOriginalMatt: Just about! Myself and Chris have mostly been playing on his PS4 so I've been distracting myself with that! XD
josh_wash: yes please!
josh_wash: i feel for ya bro, a whole evening with chris' puns can prove fatal
josh_wash: you die of cringe
Mike_Munroe: Poor ol' Chris XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Once we arrive and get our bags, we need to catch the 2:30pm train and then the 4:20 bus! After that we have to take the 5:40 bus (I sent you guys screenshots of the route yesterday) and get off at Blackwood Pines ready for our hike up the mountain (with a little help from the cable car, of course)!
xXGamerChrisXx: I'm being BULLIED guys :(
ashleeeeey: Aw, poor Chris! :P
josh_wash: jk XD
TheOriginalMatt: I like how Sam's still here typing all we need to know whilst we're talking about cake and puns XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two, you guys need to catch either the 5:30pm or the 6:00pm train depending on when your stuff arrives. After that you'll need to get the 7:50 bus and then the 8:40 bus to Blackwood Pines (you have to specify you want it to stop there or the driver won't stop) before you head up. Remember to lock the cable car station once you get in, Mike!
josh_wash: oh gosh tHE CAKE
Mike_Munroe: Gotcha' Sam!
HanButterfly: No worries, Josh! I managed to save most of it from Beth!
BethWash: rip my chance at a third slice of cake
_Jess.Riley_: Really, thanks Sam! We're all packed and ready to go! Xx
HanButterfly: It's really going to be such an awesome weekend! I can't wait :D
ashleeeeey: Thank you so much for inviting me! I've never been on something like this before!! :D
TheOriginalMatt: Yeah, thank you so much guys! I can't wait either, Han!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Have we got rooms sorted out for the lodge, guys?
BethWash: ash take the plans away from sam so she can have time to relax lol
EmilyD_: I'm with Mike in the room away from everyone like agreed right x
ashleeeeey: I'm trying but she won't let me! XD
HanButterfly: I mean if needs be we can sort out rooms once we're here! If not maybe we just sort out the first night rooms since it'll be fairly late when everyone arrives and then we can adjust them as needed as the trip goes on!
BethWash: lol poor sam will be up all night organising at this rate
.Sam.Giddings.: Sounds good, Han!
Mike_Munroe: Great idea, Hannah!
BethWash: em, yours and mike's room (upstairs guest) may not be ready first night so is it possible for you to share a room with jess til we get a chance to sort it out tomorrow?
EmilyD_: That's fine, hon. Thank you again for the trip and for letting us use the upstairs guest room x
josh_wash: how about for the first night emily and jess share beth's room and then beth sam and han go in hannah's room
josh_wash: mike can go to the small room downstairs if he's alright w/ that and matt can room w/ me
xXGamerChrisXx: Yo dude you forgot ash
ashleeeeey: It's alright, Chris! I can find somewhere!
EmilyD_: Ash you're honestly lovely but I'd kinda' like to be with either Jess or Mike if that's alright xx
ashleeeeey: No problem, Emily! I wouldn't want to intrude! :)
EmilyD_: Knew you'd understand xx
josh_wash: why dont you and ash share a room cochise
xXGamerChrisXx: I thought I was rooming with you and matt?
josh_wash: bro please just think for a minute here
ashleeeeey: I'm not sure.
xXGamerChrisXx: Beth, han, and sam, is there any room with you guys?
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry to be a bother!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Of course you can room with us, Ash! We'd love to have you with us! :)
BethWash: im with sam
HanButterfly: Of course!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Thank you to the only valid washington kids right now!
josh_wash: -_-
xXGamerChrisXx: I see what you're doing, josh. ha ha, we've had our laugh, now please stop before this weekend.
Mike_Munroe: Rough subject, huh?
josh_wash: bro chill you know i was just joking
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry!! Please don't get upset with each other!
xXGamerChrisXx: No ash it's alright! i promise i'm not actually mad! :-)
josh_wash: he acts mad over text to get his point across but he literally just sits there with a blank expression irl XD
TheOriginalMatt: Is Sam still there, Ash? Haven't heard from her in a while!
TheOriginalMatt: Gotta check up on my plane buddy for tomorrow!!
_Jess.Riley_: Did you guys get window seats or middle isle seats? I got a middle isle and the others got a window!
BethWash: she hasn't drowned in her notes has she lol
TheOriginalMatt: We got two sets of window seats! Though I don't know which of us is actually going to be at the window and which one will be window isle!
ashleeeeey: She's just brushing her teeth! Her mom came in and brought us a load of vegan snacks for the trip tomorrow and now I'm even more excited!!
ashleeeeey: Speaking of which, I'm probably going to head to sleep in a minute! Though I'm not sure how much I'll actually get since I'm so excited!!! :)
xXGamerChrisXx: Sleep well, ash. see you in the morning :-)
ashleeeeey: Night, Chris :)
ashleeeeey has left the chat.
_Jess.Riley_: Well that was cute!
xXGamerChrisXx: People say goodnight to eachother! that's a normal human interaction!
_Jess.Riley_: You know full well it's cute when it's you two
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash told me she logged out so I came to say goodnight!
josh_wash: w/ jess on this one bro
HanButterfly: Goodnight, Sam!
BethWash: night sam!
josh_wash: dont let the bedbugs bite!
TheOriginalMatt: See you bright and early tomorrow!!
.Sam.Giddings.: See you at the airport/lodge, guys!
xXGamerChrisXx: Night!
.Sam.Giddings. has left the chat.
BethWash: its cute because you like eachother chris
xXGamerChrisXx has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Aww, don't tease the poor guy!
TheOriginalMatt: Chris says goodnight, as do I! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
BethWash: night guys!
TheOriginalMatt has left the chat.
josh_wash: night!
Mike_Munroe: Make sure to save me a slice of that cake, Han! I gtg!
Mike_Munroe has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Goodnight Mike :)
EmilyD_: We'd best be off too. See you all in the morning.
_Jess.Riley_: Night x
EmilyD_ has left the chat.
BethWash: night
HanButterfly: Goodnight x
josh_wash: night xxxxxxyzqvp
_Jess.Riley_: Ha ha, very funny. Get that one from Chris?
josh_wash: lol night
_Jess.Riley_ has left the chat.
BethWash: PLEASE can i have some more cake, han?
josh_wash: you guys can literally just talk if you wanted
HanButterfly: Nope! Gotta' save some for Mike~
BethWash: you wont shut up about that for the rest of the evening now, will you?
BethWash: lol
HanButterfly: :P
josh_wash: you guys gossip in the kitchen
josh_wash: imma head to bed
BethWash: night bro
HanButterfly: Sleep well!
josh_wash has left the chat.
BethWash: please?
HanButterfly: No :P
BethWash: ugh night sis
HanButterfly: Night, Beth! XD
BethWash has left the chat.
HanButterfly has left the chat.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
137 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warning: FLOOF, everyone except Tasha and Y/N is stupid, swearing, guns, fighting, that’s it bb!
Summary: Natasha is assigned a mission with an Agent she doesn’t know. So, she ends up dragging a civilian who she assumes is her partner into a highly-violent mission.
Y/N Y/L/N. You were just another citizen of the planet earth, not an inhuman, not an assassin, not a super, not a mutant and certainly not an Avenger. You grew up in an everyday household, went to school, had decent grades, led a good career, and overall life. 
So... how did you get here right now? To know this, we have to rewind time, to around a month ago.
-11:00 am, SHIELD office 09
"Agent Romanoff, sorry to do this to you." Nick Fury looked over at Natasha apologetically, while she herself remained stoic. "But you know that the rest of your teammates can be... unpredictable." To this, she let out a small chuckle.
"It's not a big deal, I know they can be dramatic." She slid the file on the table, opening it to examine the details of the mission. "Wait, this is a doubles mission?" The surprise was evident in her voice, as she assumed that this would be a one-woman job.
"She's a beginner agent. Don't worry, she's just there for support." Fury stated casually as if he didn't leave out one of the most relevant information. 
"Right, okay, can I meet her?"
"No. She's out at the moment."
"How do you expect me to work with someone I've never met?" Natasha inquired, confused beyond words.
"There's a description! And everything!" Fury defended himself, pointing at the file she held in her hands. At that moment, Natasha could see why he was the leader of the Avengers. Sighing in defeat, she retreated back to the training area.
Y/H/C hair, Y/E/C eyes, around her age, pretty, it probably wouldn't be hard to find this partner. And just like that, her mind wandered away from the mission, to her training regime for the day.
-5:00 pm, Y/N's apartment
"C'mon, Y/N! It'll be so fun, I'm telling you!" Your old uni friend pleaded over the phone, while you balanced the pros and cons of going out tonight.
"Mm, I don't know... I mean, I was going to have a Star Wars marathon." You pouted, glancing at your TV wantingly. Oh, what you'd give to cuddle up with a tub of ice cream tonight.
"Y/N, come on. You can't just couch potato every day." You ran out of excuses to give, reluctantly agreeing to her offer.
"God, I haven't been to a club in forever." You rummaged through your closet, only finding office clothes and comfy hoodies. In the very back, though, you knew that there was a little skimpy dress you used to wear back when you were in university. "... Fuck it. It's just one night."
You closed the door to your apartment with your heart hammering in your chest. You hadn't dressed like this in what felt like forever, you almost forgot how good you looked. Whatever happens, you had your trusty taser gun hidden in your thigh-high boots.
Feeling like an utter and complete boss b*tch, you entered the booming club with your friends in tow. "Y/N! I knew you still had it in ya." You rolled your eyes at one of your friends' comments, but your heart secretly swelled at her words. 
The start of the night was amusing, but as time flew by, your buddies were swooped away by unknown guys and girls, leaving you to drink all alone by the bar. Of course, it wasn't like you didn’t have dance requests and numbers asked, but none of them really interested you.
Natasha had arrived at the club a little later than you did, clad in a spy-dress and spy-shoes with various weapons hidden underneath, inside, wherever there was space. The infamous Strucker was reported to be here in this club tonight, but first, she needed to find her associate.
It wasn't hard to find you, as she assumed that an Agent would be somewhere that was easy to see, unlike the dance floor. So the bar. And luckily, by the bar, there was only one woman who fit the description given to her. You. 
To her surprise, you were way more distracting than she had expected. Your short dress hugged your curves just right, your effortless movements were eye-catching and elegant. And your smile, god. The way you smiled at the bartender made her wish she was him. 
But at that moment, she was an Agent of SHIELD, and she had a job to do.
You were just about to order another glass of your drink when a hand was laid on your shoulder. You looked back to see if it was another flirter, but was taken aback by the gorgeous woman standing there. She had her calloused hand on your shoulder, yet her eyes were not on you, scanning the crowd. 
"Uhm, can I help-" 
"How did you get here?" Natasha recited her code-word, to double-check if it really was her assigned partner.
"With my friends...?" You wondered if you were drunker than you thought, and hallucinating this beautiful woman in front of you, asking weird questions.
But the problem was, "With my friends" was the actual code-word. 
"Good. Agent Natasha Romanoff. I assume you already know about the mission. I've got intel that Strucker's up in the VIP lounge." She gently tugged at your arm and pulled you off of your stool, handing you an earpiece. 
"Oh, um..." You tried to ask this 'Agent Natasha Romanoff' what was happening, but she continued to talk about things you couldn't even start to comprehend.
"Come on, put it on. We might need it." She stared you down, in a quite intimidating manner, that you had no choice but to follow. You really didn't know what was happening, whether this was role-playing or something else, you had no idea. 
You really didn't have much else to do anyway, maybe it wouldn't be that bad to just go with it. You were a little tipsy, but not so much that you could be dreaming about this whole conversation. Maybe it was this woman's way of hitting on you? They say weird things happen in clubs, right? (They don't)
"We have to get through the 4 security details on the outside, plus the 10 estimated to be inside." You watched with your eyes glued to her smooth movements, as she checked her various hidden weapons. You were so entranced that with a little help from alcohol, you managed to completely ignore the fact that this didn't look normal. At all.
"It's fine, I know you just started. Just be on alert, alright?" Although Natasha felt her partner's whole attitude was a little off, she shook it off, reminding herself that she had just started out. "Say, what should I call you?" She asked, starting to walk towards the stairs leading to Strucker's location.
"Oh, uhm- Y/N's fine." You stuttered, suddenly pulled away from a trance-like state you were in. "Right, and where are we go-" 
Suddenly, as the two of you got to the top of the stairs, Natasha shushed you and slammed you on the wall before you made a turn around the corner. Your cheeks burned up at her roughness, and her close proximity to you.
"Okay, I've got visual. 4 men, not an issue. Stay here." She whispered, and before you could even respond, she was out of your sight.
"What the fuck?!" After a few moments, you peeked over at where Natasha had gone, just to be met with a sight of 4 bodies on the floor. You debated whether to just run away while she was distracted, but she had already gotten to you, pulling you by your arm.
"I know this is your first field mission, Agent. But I need support." You had no reason to comply, except for the shiny black gun she held in her hands. Your breath hitched at the weapon, your mouth unable to form words. Telling yourself that this will be over soon, you could only follow. At the very least, she didn’t look like she was going to shoot you.
From there, you experienced something you never thought you would, ever, in your life. As soon as Natasha kicked open the door to the lounge, bullets were flying, kicks and punches were being thrown everywhere, knives flying across the air, and whole lotta things that had you cursing in confusion and fear every 10 seconds. 
Natasha, in the corner of her eyes, saw the panic that flashed across your eyes. She shoved you to the farthest corner of the room, shielding the knives and guns that pointed your way. She usually would’ve been annoyed at an Agent’s lack of experience, but seeing you so small almost hurt her physical heart.
You were curled up by the wall, watching this intricate dance of deadliness. But even though the chaos, the woman, who called herself Agent Natasha Romanoff was like a magnet for your eyes. Her movements, her punches, kicks, even the way she held her gun was so rhythmical and controlled, that you almost forgot you were in the middle of a gun-fight.
That's when it hit you. 
She was a real Agent who mistook you for her partner. 
So when Natasha was going one-on-one and overpowered by who seemed to be the leader of the gang, you only had 2 choices in front of you. Either you run while all the other men are knocked out and the leader is distracted, or you toughen up and help Natasha.
It was perfect. The mafia-looking guy had his back to you, completely unaware that you were even in the room. All rational thoughts went out the window as you heard Natasha choke in his grip. You almost don't remember what you did after that. All you know is that you slid your stun-gun out of your boot, and shot him right on his shoulder. 
You stood still in your spot after that, watching as she cleaned up.
"Thanks for the last-minute save." Natasha's voice sounded like you were hearing her from underwater, your senses dulled from the shock. You fell to the floor, suddenly losing control of your legs. 
"Hey, what's the matter?" She dropped the knocked out and hand-cuffed body of the man on the ground, and ran over to you.
"Agent... I'm not who you think I am." You looked up at her with glossy eyes, not even knowing why you were about to cry.
-a whole lot of explaining later-
"You're a civilian." She fell down next to you, clearly horrified by this new revelation. "I don't even know how to apologize. I'm sorry." She cradled her head in her hands, cursing herself for being so irresponsible.
"Uhm, Agent Romanoff? It's okay, I think." You wiped away your stray tears, cry-laughing at yourself and this whole ridiculous situation. Natasha looked over at you with sympathy filled in her eyes, laying a hand over yours that rested on the carpet.
"Oh god, this is crazy." Natasha couldn't do anything but laugh. The two of you kept on talking and laughing about how today turned out as you dragged the handcuffed body out of the VIP exit, and into her police-car like vehicle. 
You had to let her take you back to her office, to check you for injuries and explain the situation to her boss. You must’ve received at least 50 apologies from the both of them, but you assured them that you were okay.
And... it turns out, not a lot of people can react like you did in a first fight. On top of this, the Avengers were actually looking for a support agent, who stays back at the compound and become that “girl in the chair”. 
And guess how all of that coincidence on top of a coincidence turned out.
That simple night out led you inside a gigantic tower that everyone in New York knew about, where the notorious Avengers lived, the Stark Tower. 
“Hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.” 
-a month later-
You felt emotionally fulfilled, looking out at the sight of the living room. When it was just you, it was always quiet, considering you used to lived on your own. But in a short span of a month, you quickly got used to the noisy mornings, the laughters and banters filling the room.
“Hi, принцесса.” You felt a pair of arms slide under your arms, and a small kiss planted on your bare shoulder. You giggled as Natasha twirled you around, sitting you down on the counter as she kissed you.
“Mm, good morning babe.” You whispered back. And in her strong arms, you felt what the people call love, in this fiery assassin. Natasha couldn’t ask for a better partner to share her deepest secrets with, to follow to the ends of the earth, and protect with all she had.
“Tonyyy, Y/N and Tasha are making out on your coffee beansss.” Clint yelled from his place on the couch, an evil smile on his face as Tony ran into the kitchen.
“Not my Tanzania Peaberry Coffee beans!” 
All is good. (?)
(The real Agent got shit-faced and was fired lol)
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
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I stood staring in the bathroom mirror at the large pink scar that snaked across my forehead from my left temple to just above my right eyebrow.
It had been almost three months now, and I was still in pain, some days it felt like I couldn't escape it.
I lifted my shirt to show my tummy, yet another angry looking pink scar this one jagged from where the glass had gotten me. It still pain, dull ache ever-present, the itch constant. I frowned, frustrated with how long everything was taking to heal.
"Morning baby," Shawn whispered into my neck,coming to rest his head softly on my shoulder and smiling at me in the mirror.
"Hey," I couldn't help the small smile that pulled at the corner of my lips. He was so beautiful, even first thing in the morning, dressed in an ugly washed-out green coloured pair of scrubs,ready for another day as a doctor in the local emergency department.
"What was that frown I saw before I walked in?" he asked, still watching me in the mirror.
I sighed, "Im just sick of being sore and having these ugly scars all over my body. I can't get it out of my head," I whispered, feeling the tears welling up, an all to familiar occurance these days.
"It's gonna take some time baby," he murmured, pulling me to his chest and holding me tightly.
"Yeah I know," I sighed leaning back into his hold. He really had been the best thing and he had quite literally saved my life, both physically and mentally. Our relationship had never felt forced, we'd just naturally fallen for one another, but if I was being honest I would never have imagined to be where I was today three months ago.
-Three Months Earlier-
-Third person-
"This is a trauma call for an eta of ten minutes," a voice came over the Emergency Department intercom.
"I hate trauma calls," Brian sighed as he got geared up, placing the label that declared him to be team leader onto his protective gown, before pulling a fresh pair of gloves on to replace the ones he had just used to help stitch up a little girl's head after she took a tumble.
"Is the bed all ready?" he asked, ducking his head around the curtain of the only free bay in the department. It had been one of those nights, and it was only eight, meaning that he was only two hours into a twelve-hour shift.
"Almost," his college, and fellow critical care doctor, Connor spoke as he wheeled the crash cart into place, and situated the supplies draw.
"What do we know so far?" Michael, another doctor asked, coming to stand by the other two doctors.
"Adult female, hit and run, while crossing the street." Connor spoke, while glancing down to check his watch for the time remaining before they were set to arrive.
"That sounds nasty," Michael commented, wincing slightly in sympathy. "It's a good thing the nurses decided to page Ortho I suppose, it sounds like you'll be needing my expertise," he turned to face his colleague.
"I hate to say it, but I'd have to agree," Brian replied, sharing a knowing look with the other two doctors.
All three of them knew that pedestrian hit and runs where never good, and there was a high rate of critical injuries sustained, and of course these were usually inflicted on the innocent party. They didn't speak for several minutes, each fidgeting, just wanting to start helping the poor girl already. They didn't say it, but they knew it wouldn't be pretty. This has been confirmed when they got a message via one of the nurses, saying that Shawn, one of their friends and fellow colleague, and, emergency care physician was on route to the scene of the accident after the paramedics requested his help. This was not something that happened ogten, and only when completely necessary. The hospital liked to keep Ashton there as his expertise was so useful in many of the situations that the department faced.
All I could feel was pain. Pain everywhere. Every inch of my body was hurting.
I tried to piece together how I had come to be here, but was met with some unknown resistance when I tried to turn my head, and survey my surroundings. "Stay still honey. We're going to get you to the hospital shortly, but just bear with us okay," a voice spoke from somewhere above my head. It was then that I became aware of the hands touching me, and instinctively I tried to pull away. "Dave, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," a different voice spoke. That was the last thing I was aware of before I woke to bright lights, and calm, but still somehow urgent, voices.
-Third Person-
When Shawn and Dave arrived on scene, it was worse then they had expected. The poor girl was laying in the middle of what would normally be a busy street, onlookers everywhere watching with baited breath. "Can we move some of these guys out of here?" Shawn asked one of the many police officers that were standing around, waiting for direction. The last thing his patient needed was an audience when they were completely defenceless.
When they finally managed to push their way through the crowd of people, and get the relevant equipment set up, it was to find that things were much more complicated and critical then they had first thought.
"What do we know?" Dave, the paramedic on the case asked.
"They've not been able to give us much, but they're saying that someone ran a red, hit her, and took off. They're trying to run the plates now, track the person down," a burly police officer spoke. " I'll leave you guys to it," he spoke, patting them both on the shoulder, before getting up and going to help the other officers control the swelling crowds,"
As they both surveyed the situation, the injuries were clear to see. The girl had dislocated her left shoulder, broken her collarbone, and from the blood soaking through her pants and the angle of her right ankle, she had a compound fracture. Perhaps more concerning though was the blood that was fishing from a open head wound above her eyebrow, and flowing from her nose. The latter was usually a sign of internal bleeding.
"Hello?" Shawn spoke, as Dave started getting the collar ready. "If you can hear me, give my hand a squeeze okay," he continued slipping his gloved hand into the girl's bloody one, and praying there was a response.
After a moment there was, and they both thanked the heavens.
"Sweetheart, my name is Shawn, I'm a doctor, and this is Dave. Can you remember your name?" Shawn asked, leaning down in the hopes of hearing the young woman's response.
"Ellen," she whispered. It was barley there, but it was still a response.
"Okay Ellen, this is going to be uncomfortable, but we need to put this collar on you so that you don't hurt your neck or back okay. And then we'll get you to the hospital," Dave reassured her, before going about fixing the hard plastic to the girl. Both the medics had had to put the collar on to experience what it was like for the patients, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. Neither one could fathom how bad it would be to have injuries on top of this.
They both felt dreadful when Ellen started trying to claw at the collar, desperately trying to get it off, tears flooding down her bloody face.
"I know sweets, it's okay," Shawn tried to comfort her once they were in the ambulance and had hooked her up to an I.V. with pain medication.
"Shawn, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," he informed his partner, getting the sedative ready.
"Can you check her vitals again please?" he requested, "And get some oxygen on her for good measure," he added, before stepping out of the ambulance and heading to the driver's side. "I think she's stable enough to go," he added, before starting towards the hospital with lights and sirens on, indicating that this was a life-threatening situation.
In the back of the vehicle, Shawn was going about checking her pupil reaction, which turned out to be slow, indicating a moderate concussion. After this, he placed a mask on the girl, ensuring that the saturation levels were as high as possible, as after attaching her to the relative monitors, it was found that she was only satting a 80%.
Finally, he went about checking the heart and lungs, and by this point they were beginning to pull into the hospital, which relieved the medic immensely.
They were met with a team of people at the entrance, Shawn was glad to see this included his three colleagues, Michael, Connor and Brian.
"What do we have?" Brian asked, stepping behind the gurney to help Shawn push it now that Dave had left on a new call.
"This is Ellen, she was hit by a car side-on while crossing the road. She's got a dislocated shoulder, broken collar bone and a compound fracture to the ankle. Possible internal bleeding and concussion. The paramedic also found some swelling, possibly indicating spleen bruising. Lacerations to the head, with nasal bleeding. Her BP is low, same with heart rate, lungs sound normal, standard dose of pain medication given on route." He finished as they made it to the bay that had been set up before their arrival.
"Okay, I want a CT, scan of the head and abdomen and spine, and can someone get me an ultrasound machine, stat, and in the mean time let's get her hooked moved on the the bed so we can start preliminary examinations. On my count!" Brian commanded, directing the team in transferring her safely to the hospital bed.
The first thing I was aware of when I came to be was the bright lights above me, making me want to shut my eyes again almost instantly. After this, it was an annoying tickling sensation on my face. I moved my hand to try and swipe it away, but was met with resistance.
"Leave it there, Ellen," a calm voice spoke. A young man came into view then. "My name is Brian I'm one of the doctors looking after you, do you know where you are?"
"In the hospital," I answered, beginning to feel overwhelmed at the gravity of the situation, which was only made worse when I realised I couldn't move anything apart from my arms.
"Just try to stay nice and calm for me, you'll be fine, we just need to do a few tests and then we should be able to get you out of this contraption," he smiled sympathetically.
"Shawn?" he called. Another youngish looking doctor, this time with tanned skin, dark hair curly hair and several visible tattoos came over.
"You called?" he asked, before turning to me. "Hi Ellen, my names Shawn," he introduced himself with a smile, "I'm another one of the doctors."
"I want to roll her to do a spinal check,"
"No problem, so on three, I'm going to roll you onto your side and Brian is going to check for sensation." He explained to me, seeing the confusion I was feeling.
A few minutes later, they determined that my spine was fine, and this was confirmed by scans they had done when I was out, that came back fine.
"There you go, that's got to feel better," Shawn smiled, readjusting the blankets to provide me with more modesty.
"Ellen, are you in any pain?" Brian asked, coming over and shining a small light in my eyes.
"My tummy is really sore, and my shoulder and chest area," I told him.
"Okay, I'll get the nurse to increase the hourly dosage, there's no reason you should be in pain. You'll probably still be a little sore though, you've got a bruised spleen, which given time will heal, but you'll be tender for a while. As for your chest, you broke your collar bone on impact. We've put your arm into a sling to help limit the movement and give it an opportunity to heal. You did dislocate your other shoulder though, and we're going to have to put it back into place- don't worry though, we've got Michael doing it for you, and we're going to dose you up so you won't remember a thing," he laughed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
"You needed me?" yet another doctor walked in, dyed blonde hair, sitting across his face. "Sorry," he added, "There was an emergency in the pit,"
"Ellen, this is Michael, are you ready?" Shawn asked.
"Mmmmm?" I responded unsure.
"You'll be fine," he responded, going to adjust my meds.
To the say that the process was painful would be the understatement of the year, and I may have called all three of them some uncomplimentary names, but after the fact I got some immediate relief.
The rest of the night was spent getting my many cuts stitched up, with the doctors, helping to keep me distracted by talking to me about my everyday life. I ended up in tears when I was introduced to Shawn again,apparently I'd met him a few times before, but I really couldn't remember, who I was told was one of the main people who got me to the hospital. "It's okay," he had spoken, giving me a gentle hug. "It's what we do!" he smiled, grabbing a tissue and wiping the tears off my face.
"They told me you're studying vet science?" he asked, sitting down on a chair next to the bed Connor another doctor and Brian went back to stitching me up. I felt my whole face break into a smile.
"Yep, I'm already a certified carer, but I wanted to take the next step."
"I really admire that," he told me, "Hopefully we'll be able to get that ankle of yours fixed up first thing tomorrow and onto the road of recovery." he spoke, referring to the compound fracture in my ankle that Shawn had told me about not long after I woke. Admittedly, I had thrown up when he told me what a compound fracture was, and had gone into a panic when he explained it would need surgery, but he had calmed me quickly.
"You'll be fine, you've got the best Ortho in the place working on you, Michael. You won't know anything happened once he's done, and you're all healed.
The coming weeks were filled with highs and lows, the surgery went well, and there was no post op infection, something that made all the doctors very happy, however the pain was almost unbearable at times, and they had to give me multiple pep talks to get me through it. I did it though, we their help.
The experience had helped to shape me, and when it was finally time to leave, I knew that I was leaving with four new friends.
But the one person I could always count on was Shawn. He helped me through everything, physio appointments, monthly reviews but above everything else he was a shoulder to lean on, someone to cry to when things got tough. And I guess through all of that our relationship had blossomed without us even realising. But one thing was for sure...
-Present Day-
I turned smiling now, as Shawn looked down at me I uttered the five words that meant so much to me.
"You save me from Ruin."
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The rise and fall of our love
part one | part two
playlist: broken by jake bugg
no.1 party anthem by arctic monkeys
pairing: james x reader, james x lily 
warnings: language, angst, fluff 
A/N: sooo im back with part two!!! thank you for the fantastic feedback and appreciation you gave me on the first part, and i hope this lives up to your expectations!!!! sending all the love xoxo
(moodboard made by me)
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"How is he?" 
"Y/N…" Remus began, putting down his quill. Your gaze never left the essay in front of him, refusing to see the pity that his stare held. Because that - that glint in his eyes, the way the right corner of his mouth lifted in a poor attempt of a smile - that was pity. 
You shook your head softly. How did it get here? 
"Am I not allowed to know? He won't speak to me or look at me. I almost feel guilty even though I know I haven't done anything wrong." 
"James is…"
"A fool." 
You knew he was trying not to smile. "Yes, that is the obvious answer. But he is still with Lily." 
Of course he is. What he said that day - or rather what he smelt - has been the talk of the school for weeks. People were staring at you in the halls, pointing behind your back - so much that you stopped hanging out anywhere else besides your dorm and the library. 
And James - he never bothered to say anything to you. It hurt more than you expected to, but you didn't let it show. I am fine, you said every time one of your friends asked. Then, you would smile kindly and change the subject. You would see them exchange worried glances - you pretended you didn't notice. Soon they stopped asking, and you stopped pretending. 
"Do they love each other?" Something in your pathetic heart broke at the quiver in your voice. Love.
Love. Never in your life have you heard a more overrated word. So much loss, so much damage made for love. Was it really worth it? The way your stomach dropped and the slight tremble of your lip, the ache that would just not go away - were these the cost of love? 
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. He watched you in awe - as if he read the truth in your eyes. You felt the tears roll on your cheeks, hitting the parchments sprawled on your desk. You let them fall. He opened his mouth, then closed it. 
"I understand." you whispered. 
You got up, but Remus caught your hand. 
"Do you…?" 
You smiled softly. "Does it matter anymore?" 
He let go of your hand and you walked away. 
"Hogsmeade, today?" Sirius asked as he plopped down next to you. He took a big bite of your sandwich - and noticing your icy glare, he put his hand over your shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You pushed him off you and wiped your face. 
"Bloody hell! You even kiss like a dog!" you retorted. 
"No, I don't." 
"No, he doesn't." Marlene smirked and you rolled your eyes. 
"Hogsmeade, you were saying?" 
"Yes - Remus and Lily are busy with their important top-secret prefect duties and James has quidditch practice, so it'll be just us. I guess you don't mind third-wheeling for a bit." 
"Can't wait!" you feigned excitement. 
It was freezing, to say the least. You were glad you had two pairs of socks on, otherwise you might have had to postpone the trip and pay a visit to the hospital wing instead. 
"I don't sound like that!" Sirius whined, handing you and Marlene your butterbeer - you've decided to stop at The Three Broomsticks. 
"Of course you do, darling. And may I add that you look ravishing." you purred in your best impression of Sirius' voice. Then, you turned to Marlene and winked. "You are the most gorgeous person in here."
"Careful, that's not true." a voice caught your attention. No, no no no.
"Oi - Prongs, mate! Thought you had quidditch practice!" Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. 
"Got cancelled because of the snow. Hello." he nodded and smiled towards you and Marlene, then pulled a chair at the table. It was the first time he's talked to you in weeks. 
You didn't bother to answer. In fact, you didn't even look at him. The rest of your stay at the pub passed in a haze, with careless answers and quick nods. 
Before you knew it, you were left on a bench with James, waiting for the others to "buy some quills from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop", as they were in big need of "quills" and "didn't have any left to write the Transfiguration essay we had due Wednesday". Oh, if only you had Transfiguration on Wednesdays! 
"So… how have you been?" James trailed off, rubbing his neck. Ah, so that's how he wanted to play this game.Too bad. 
"Why, James?" you ask, gazing at the shops in front of you. "Why did you ignore me? What happened that day?" 
He sighed. "I don't know. I- I made a mistake. You shouldn't have found out, not like that." 
"You have some guts, don't you?" you spat. 
"Excuse me?" You faced him. That face - the face you dreamt about, the one you kept telling yourself you hated - you missed that face, you missed him so much that you were glad you were sitting down, for you might as well have fallen to your knees. 
"Do you know how it is," you started, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes, "to feel so alone that you find yourself crying without a reason? Do you know how it feels to spend your nights wondering why you weren't enough - what you did to deserve this? Even if you did nothing wrong?"
"Do you know how it's like to watch the person you love drift away from you? To watch that person become a stranger? Do you know how it felt to know that you wouldn't even look at me?" You were now shouting. "Tell me, James! Look me in the eyes and tell me!" 
Silence. You watched him trying to find an answer and you silently begged him to say something. 
"Do you love me?" he whispered incredulously. Not that. 
"Would it change anything if I said I do?" 
"I don't know."
"Do you still love her?" You couldn't say her name. 
"I don't know." He let his head fall in his hands. For the first time in weeks, you laughed. You laughed until your vision went blurry, until you felt the salty taste of your tears. 
"You know nothing, James Potter." you sneered, then got up. 
You made your way back to the castle alone. 
"Guys guys I have the most amazing idea." Sirius came rushing in the Great Hall, managing to trip and almost fall. He quickly regained his composure and continued running as if nothing had happened. 
"That's new." Remus said while reading the prophet. 
It's been weeks since that night in Hogsmeade, weeks in which you've avoided James at all costs, despite his numerous attempts at conversation. 
"I'll choose to ignore that." Sirius glared at his friend, then continued. "Don't you all want to go for a dip?" 
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that I do not intend to die in the freezing lake on a lovely day of winter." You scowl, munching on your pastries. You loved pastries. (mood) 
Sirius smirked. "I'm glad you are all so joyous so early in the morning, but for your knowledge, I wasn't talking about the lake. My dear, smartass friends, I was thinking of crashing the Prefects bathroom!" 
That got your attention. You looked at Remus full of hope and he shrugged. 
"And how exactly are we going to do that? "
"Well, this is where our prefect friends come in handy."
"Lily would never help you do this." James cuts in. 
"That's why I wasn't planning on inviting her." Much to your surprise James didn't object. "You forgot about our other prefect friend - and I'm looking at you, Moony." 
You all looked at Remus who seemed a tad bit uncomfortable. "I guess - alright? But if anyone catches us, it's your fault." he pointed his finger at Sirius. 
"I solemnly swear." He put his hand over his heart, then winked. 
"Looks like your plan to ignore James isn't gonna last." Marlene said while stuffing all the towels she could find in her bag. 
"I'm aware of that." You really were. You've mentally prepared yourself to spend the night in the same room with him for the past week. "Ready? The boys are waiting." 
"Yeah, let's go." You were to go to the bathroom in groups of three using the cloak, then spend the night there. 
"Alright," Sirius' head popped from under the cloak "we'll go together - Remus, James and Peter are already there. Come on." he whispered. 
You got to the bathroom in no time and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. You felt pathetic - you were all going to hang out as friends. 
Marlene's hand squeezed yours - everything will be alright. It was your thing; back in the day, you used to do this every time the other would be anxious about something. You looked at her and smiled, squeezing back twice - I know. 
You entered and your mouth flew open.  You've never seen a more luxurious bathroom before. The "bathtub" was easily the size of a medium sized pool. Greek caryatids held the archways, and the stained glass windows reflected their patterns on the marble floor tiles. 
"I suddenly feel bad for not working harder to be a prefect - if I had known this would be my bathroom, I would've gladly learnt the entire History of Magic coursebook by heart" Marlene said, with a small pout on her face and her arms crossed. 
"Same here." Your gaze followed the sculptures on the ceiling and slowly fell on him. He looked angelic - the way the coloured moonlight caressed his face, the faint blush on his cheeks - made him part of the setting. 
There was no point in lying to yourself. You liked him, despite everything he's done, everything he's said, you continued to like him. All those comforting lies you've said were trying to cover the inevitable truth, the truth which had been well hidden somewhere deep inside your soul. Until now. 
You stripped out of your clothes, fully aware of his impertinent stare. You stepped into the pool, sighing in pleasure at the warmth of the water. 
"Wanna play anything?" you asked no one in particular. 
"Oh, we should play shoulder wars!" Sirius exclaimed excitedly.
"I think I'm gonna skip this!" Peter announced from his chair. 
You looked at James, then turned to Remus. You rose your eyebrows inquisitively, and he smiled kindly. 
"I guess imma skip this one as well." James said, slightly disappointed. 
"Come on, Marls, we gotta kick some ass."
And so did the games begin. 
You were trying, and failing miserably to keep your balance on Remus' shoulders. 
"Haha- losers!" Marlene laughed. It was your sixth time losing.
"Y/N, I think I'll give up now, before this becomes too humiliating." Remus said while getting out of the water and pulling out his book. 
"No Remus, you can't give up now! I know we can do this!" you saw him sit comfortably in an armchair, and something clicked into your mind. "You ditch me to read? And sabotaged me? Remus John Lupin, I'm disappointed."
"Take Prongs instead, he's far more competitive than I am." he smiled innocently. So this was his plan. 
You turned to James, and he got up excitedly. You got on his shoulders, and his hands tentatively touched your legs. You saw Marlene and Sirius smirking and you glared at them. 
The score was close. It was the match point. Marlene was desperately trying to push you when you came up with the winning idea. You splashed some water into her face, obstructing her vision. Then, you tickled her and she fell. 
"And that's how it's done!" you shout, raising your fist. Marlene's head appeared from under the water, clearly mad. 
"That was not fair!" 
"There's no such thing as fair!" Marlene smirked, as if she was saying oh, really? and pushed James with such brute strength that he fell, taking you with him. 
He caught you before your head could hit the bottom. He lifted you up bridal style and you put your left hand around his neck and moved the other one from your nose to his shoulder. You stayed in his arms, not wanting to let go. You were gazing into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, when it hit you. 
You loved him. 
And he was still with Lily. 
You pulled away from his embrace, breaking the stare. "It's not right - Lily…" you mutter, getting out of the water. 
The others seemed all deeply interested in Remus' book. You could even hear Sirius asking questions about the plot. You turned away; James was still in the pool, in the same place, trying to make out the meaning of what happened. 
It wasn't fair. 
Life wasn't fair. 
stay tuned for the next part and lmk what you think❤️
taglist: @futurewriter2000, @puppycat714, @booksbeforebois, @slytherinquill, @screennamealreadyused, @fific7, @with1love1anu @slytherinwriter618 @angelinathebook @mischiefsemimanaged @remibarnes22 @hxfflxpxffs @approved-by-dentists @hss20052313 @pregnant-piggy @marauderswhisperer @lumoscharlie
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stood staring in the bathroom mirror at the large pink scar that snaked across my forehead from my left temple to just above my right eyebrow.
It had been almost three months now, and I was still in pain, some days it felt like I couldn't escape it.
I lifted my shirt to show my tummy, yet another angry looking pink scar this one jagged from where the glass had gotten me. It still pain, dull ache ever-present, the itch constant. I frowned, frustrated with how long everything was taking to heal.
"Morning baby," Shawn whispered into my neck,coming to rest his head softly on my shoulder and smiling at me in the mirror.
"Hey," I couldn't help the small smile that pulled at the corner of my lips. He was so beautiful, even first thing in the morning, dressed in an ugly washed-out green coloured pair of scrubs,ready for another day as a doctor in the local emergency department.
"What was that frown I saw before I walked in?" he asked, still watching me in the mirror.
I sighed, "Im just sick of being sore and having these ugly scars all over my body. I can't get it out of my head," I whispered, feeling the tears welling up, an all to familiar occurance these days.
"It's gonna take some time baby," he murmured, pulling me to his chest and holding me tightly.
"Yeah I know," I sighed leaning back into his hold. He really had been the best thing and he had quite literally saved my life, both physically and mentally. Our relationship had never felt forced, we'd just naturally fallen for one another, but if I was being honest I would never have imagined to be where I was today three months ago.
-Three Months Earlier-
-Third person-
"This is a trauma call for an eta of ten minutes," a voice came over the Emergency Department intercom.
"I hate trauma calls," Brian sighed as he got geared up, placing the label that declared him to be team leader onto his protective gown, before pulling a fresh pair of gloves on to replace the ones he had just used to help stitch up a little girl's head after she took a tumble.
"Is the bed all ready?" he asked, ducking his head around the curtain of the only free bay in the department. It had been one of those nights, and it was only eight, meaning that he was only two hours into a twelve-hour shift.
"Almost," his college, and fellow critical care doctor, Connor spoke as he wheeled the crash cart into place, and situated the supplies draw.
"What do we know so far?" Michael, another doctor asked, coming to stand by the other two doctors.
"Adult female, hit and run, while crossing the street." Connor spoke, while glancing down to check his watch for the time remaining before they were set to arrive.
"That sounds nasty," Michael commented, wincing slightly in sympathy. "It's a good thing the nurses decided to page Ortho I suppose, it sounds like you'll be needing my expertise," he turned to face his colleague.
"I hate to stay it, but I'd have to agree," Brian replied, sharing a knowing look with the other two doctors.
All three of them knew that pedestrian hit and runs where never good, and there was a high rate of critical injuries sustained, and of course these were usually inflicted on the innocent party. They didn't speak for several minutes, each fidgeting, just wanting to start helping the poor girl already. They didn't say it, but they knew it wouldn't be pretty. This has been confirmed when they got a message via one of the nurses, saying that Shawn, one of their friends and fellow colleague, and, emergency care physician was on route to the scene of the accident after the paramedics requested his help. This was not something that happened ogten, and only when completely necessary. The hospital liked to keep Ashton there as his expertise was so useful in many of the situations that the department faced.
All I could feel was pain. Pain everywhere. Every inch of my body was hurting.
I tried to piece together how I had come to be here, but was met with some unknown resistance when I tried to turn my head, and survey my surroundings. "Stay still honey. We're going to get you to the hospital shortly, but just bear with us okay," a voice spoke from somewhere above my head. It was then that I became aware of the hands touching me, and instinctively I tried to pull away. "Dave, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," a different voice spoke. That was the last thing I was aware of before I woke to bright lights, and calm, but still somehow urgent, voices.
-Third Person-
When Shawn and Dave arrived on scene, it was worse then they had expected. The poor girl was laying in the middle of what would normally be a busy street, onlookers everywhere watching with baited breath. "Can we move some of these guys out of here?" Shawn asked one of the many police officers that were standing around, waiting for direction. The last thing his patient needed was an audience when they were completely defenceless.
When they finally managed to push their way through the crowd of people, and get the relevant equipment set up, it was to find that things were much more complicated and critical then they had first thought.
"What do we know?" Dave, the paramedic on the case asked.
"They've not been able to give us much, but they're saying that someone ran a red, hit her, and took off. They're trying to run the plates now, track the person down," a burly police officer spoke. " I'll leave you guys to it," he spoke, patting them both on the shoulder, before getting up and going to help the other officers control the swelling crowds,"
As they both surveyed the situation, the injuries were clear to see. The girl had dislocated her left shoulder, broken her collarbone, and from the blood soaking through her pants and the angle of her right ankle, she had a compound fracture. Perhaps more concerning though was the blood that was fishing from a open head wound above her eyebrow, and flowing from her nose. The latter was usually a sign of internal bleeding.
"Hello?" Shawn spoke, as Dave started getting the collar ready. "If you can hear me, give my hand a squeeze okay," he continued slipping his gloved hand into the girl's bloody one, and praying there was a response.
After a moment there was, and they both thanked the heavens.
"Sweetheart, my name is Shawn, I'm a doctor, and this is Dave. Can you remember your name?" Shawn asked, leaning down in the hopes of hearing the young woman's response.
"Ellen," she whispered. It was barley there, but it was still a response.
"Okay Ellen, this is going to be uncomfortable, but we need to put this collar on you so that you don't hurt your neck or back okay. And then we'll get you to the hospital," Dave reassured her, before going about fixing the hard plastic to the girl. Both the medics had had to put the collar on to experience what it was like for the patients, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. Neither one could fathom how bad it would be to have injuries on top of this.
They both felt dreadful when Ellen started trying to claw at the collar, desperately trying to get it off, tears flooding down her bloody face.
"I know sweets, it's okay," Shawn tried to comfort her once they were in the ambulance and had hooked her up to an I.V. with pain medication.
"Shawn, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," he informed his partner, getting the sedative ready.
"Can you check her vitals again please?" he requested, "And get some oxygen on her for good measure," he added, before stepping out of the ambulance and heading to the driver's side. "I think she's stable enough to go," he added, before starting towards the hospital with lights and sirens on, indicating that this was a life-threatening situation.
In the back of the vehicle, Shawn was going about checking her pupil reaction, which turned out to be slow, indicating a moderate concussion. After this, he placed a mask on the girl, ensuring that the saturation levels were as high as possible, as after attaching her to the relative monitors, it was found that she was only satting a 80%.
Finally, he went about checking the heart and lungs, and by this point they were beginning to pull into the hospital, which relieved the medic immensely.
They were met with a team of people at the entrance, Shawn was glad to see this included his three colleagues, Michael, Connor and Brian.
"What do we have?" Brian asked, stepping behind the gurney to help Shawn push it now that Dave had left on a new call.
"This is Ellen, she was hit by a car side-on while crossing the road. She's got a dislocated shoulder, broken collar bone and a compound fracture to the ankle. Possible internal bleeding and concussion. The paramedic also found some swelling, possibly indicating spleen bruising. Lacerations to the head, with nasal bleeding. Her BP is low, same with heart rate, lungs sound normal, standard dose of pain medication given on route." He finished as they made it to the bay that had been set up before their arrival.
"Okay, I want a CT, scan of the head and abdomen and spine, and can someone get me an ultrasound machine, stat, and in the mean time let's get her hooked moved on the the bed so we can start preliminary examinations. On my count!" Brian commanded, directing the team in transferring her safely to the hospital bed.
The first thing I was aware of when I came to be was the bright lights above me, making me want to shut my eyes again almost instantly. After this, it was an annoying tickling sensation on my face. I moved my hand to try and swipe it away, but was met with resistance.
"Leave it there, Ellen," a calm voice spoke. A young man came into view then. "My name is Brian I'm one of the doctors looking after you, do you know where you are?"
"In the hospital," I answered, beginning to feel overwhelmed at the gravity of the situation, which was only made worse when I realised I couldn't move anything apart from my arms.
"Just try to stay nice and calm for me, you'll be fine, we just need to do a few tests and then we should be able to get you out of this contraption," he smiled sympathetically.
"Shawn?" he called. Another youngish looking doctor, this time with tanned skin, dark hair curly hair and several visible tattoos came over.
"You called?" he asked, before turning to me. "Hi Ellen, my names Shawn," he introduced himself with a smile, "I'm another one of the doctors."
"I want to roll her to do a spinal check,"
"No problem, so on three, I'm going to roll you onto your side and Brian is going to check for sensation." He explained to me, seeing the confusion I was feeling.
A few minutes later, they determined that my spine was fine, and this was confirmed by scans they had done when I was out, that came back fine.
"There you go, that's got to feel better," Shawn smiled, readjusting the blankets to provide me with more modesty.
"Ellen, are you in any pain?" Brian asked, coming over and shining a small light in my eyes.
"My tummy is really sore, and my shoulder and chest area," I told him.
"Okay, I'll get the nurse to increase the hourly dosage, there's no reason you should be in pain. You'll probably still be a little sore though, you've got a bruised spleen, which given time will heal, but you'll be tender for a while. As for your chest, you broke your collar bone on impact. We've put your arm into a sling to help limit the movement and give it an opportunity to heal. You did dislocate your other shoulder though, and we're going to have to put it back into place- don't worry though, we've got Michael doing it for you, and we're going to dose you up so you won't remember a thing," he laughed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
"You needed me?" yet another doctor walked in, dyed blonde hair, sitting across his face. "Sorry," he added, "There was an emergency in the pit,"
"Ellen, this is Michael, are you ready?" Shawn asked.
"Mmmmm?" I responded unsure.
"You'll be fine," he responded, going to adjust my meds.
To the say that the process was painful would be the understatement of the year, and I may have called all three of them some uncomplimentary names, but after the fact I got some immediate relief.
The rest of the night was spent getting my many cuts stitched up, with the doctors, helping to keep me distracted by talking to me about my everyday life. I ended up in tears when I was introduced to Shawn again,apparently I'd met him a few times before, but I really couldn't remember, who I was told was one of the main people who got me to the hospital. "It's okay," he had spoken, giving me a gentle hug. "It's what we do!" he smiled, grabbing a tissue and wiping the tears off my face.
"They told me you're studying vet science?" he asked, sitting down on a chair next to the bed Connor another doctor and Brian went back to stitching me up. I felt my whole face break into a smile.
"Yep, I'm already a certified carer, but I wanted to take the next step,"
"I really admire that," he told me, "Hopefully we'll be able to get that ankle of yours fixed up first thing tomorrow and onto the road of recovery." he spoke, referring to the compound fracture in my ankle that Shawn had told me about not long after I woke. Admittedly, I had thrown up when he told me what a compound fracture was, and had gone into a panic when he explained it would need surgery, but he had calmed me quickly.
"You'll be fine, you've got the best Ortho in the place working on you, Michael. You won't know anything happened once he's done, and you're all healed.
The coming weeks were filled with highs and lows, the surgery went well, and there was no post op infection, something that made all the doctors very happy, however the pain was almost unbearable at times, and they had to give me multiple pep talks to get me through it. I did it though, we their help.
The experience had helped to shape me, and when it was finally time to leave, I knew that I was leaving with four new friends.
But the one person I could always count on was Shawn. He helped me through everything, physio appointments, monthly reviews but above everything else he was a shoulder to lean on, someone to cry to when things got tough. And I guess through all of that our relationship had blossomed without us even realising. But one thing was for sure...
-Present Day-
I turned smiling now, as Shawn looked down at me I uttered the five words that meant so much to me.
"You save me from Ruin."
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
4) au au: triplets are watching Nico when Nico has a tummyache. They don't think anything of it at first, hoping it'll go away by the time SaMiTzh come back from their date. But it only gets worse. Sae (who's had it before) suggests appendicitis, and all 3 girls panic. They drive her to the hospital. While on their date, Mina's work phone goes off with a text saying there is a 5yo in the ER with appendicitis, and then Sana's phone rings at the same time because Saya is calling her. 🦄
“Mommy… Don’t go.” Nico was attached to Sana’s leg as Sana put on her jacket. 
“I’m sorry sweetie. I’ll be back tomorrow morning okay?” Sana leaned down to kiss Nico’s forehead. “Unnies will take good care of you.” “But my tummy hurts.” Nico whined, tightened her grip on Sana.
“I know sweetie, but you don’t have a fever and your lungs are fine. Just eat your dinner and tell Unnies if you feel worse.” They were used to Nico having stomach aches. She was a sickly child, so sickness and tummy aches were just common for her. They all felt bad about it, but it was just something they were used to. Sana, Mina, and Tzuyu had been planning their date for weeks now. Since Nico didn’t have a fever and all three of her sisters were watching her, they weren’t too worried about her little tummy ache. “I love you okay?” “Okay.” Nico reluctantly let go of Sana’s leg. She slowly walked over to Tzuyu and gestured for her to pick her up. Tzuyu picked Nico up and kissed her cheek. “We have to go now kiddo.” Tzuyu informed. “Be good for Unnie’s.” Tzuyu looked up at the triplets, who were all watching from the couch. “And you three, take good care of her.” “We know.” The three nodded. 
“Bye Nico. Feel better.” Mina smiled at her youngest in her wife’s arms. “We’ll be here after her bed time, but we should be back by midnight.” “Okay.” Sae nodded. “Nico come on.” Nico pouted as Tzuyu put her down and she slowly made her way over to Sae. “Bye bye mommy, mama, ka-san.” Nico had always waved goodbye to them no matter where they were going. She had picked up the habit from Sana and it had stuck. “Bye sweetie!” Mina, Sana, and Tzuyu each made sure to kiss Nico before they left. Once they were gone Nico got up onto the couch and turned the tv on.
“Do you want to do anything Nic?” Sae turned to Nico. 
“It hurts.” Nico pouted. 
“I know.” Sae nodded.
“How about we all bring our pillows and blankets in here, that way we can have a movie night and Nico can still lay down?” Saki suggested. 
“That’s not a bad idea honestly.” Saya nodded. “I’ll go get the stuff.” “Nico, do you want to help me pick the movie?” Saki didn't even know why she bothered to ask, Nico was going to be picky anyway.
“Yeah!” Nico smiled. 
“Okay, let’s do it then.” xx 
As the night goes on, Nico gets worse and worse. At first her sisters don’t get it because Nico has a fair pain tolerance for her age, but she was still in a lot of stomach and head pain. Nico tries to be a trooper, but her sisters can tell it hurts, and that there’s something off with their baby sister.
“I’m getting kinda worried.” Sae commented as she looked into the playroom. Nico was playing cards with Saki, but she was holding one side of her stomach. “Do you think it’s appendicitis?” “It’s not that bad.” Saya shrugged.
“Not that bad;  Saya she can't even sit without holding her side.” Saya shrugged. Yes she was worried, but she didn’t want Sae to know that. 
“Nico-chan it’s your turn.” Saki prompted her little sister. Nico had been spacing off a lot more than usual in their game of go fish, and now she wasn’t even paying any attention. “Nico-chan?” “Oh.” Nico came back to reality and looked at Saki.
“Does it hurt that bad?” Saki asked, concerned.
“Yeah. I want Mommy.” NIco couldn’t stop the tears that came to her eyes. “Saki Unnie… Please. When is mommy coming home?” Saki’s heart broke at her little sister's question. “Why don’t I go ask okay?” Nico nodded, going back to looking at her cards while Saki got up and went to Sae and Saya. “How much longer until Mom comes home?” “A few hours…” Sae trailed off. “Look I think we need to take her to the hospital.” “Why?” Saya asked. “It’s a stomachache.” “I don’t think it is. Remember when I had appediticus? My side and stomach both hurt a lot too. Plus I can tell she has a fever from the way she’s acting. Appendicitis is more common for people when their siblings have had it, it would track for her to get it.” Sae explained. “Even if it isn’t that, we should be cautious. That stuff is serious and she’s so young she could be at a huge risk.” “I’m with Sae on this one.” Saki nodded. “There’s something really wrong with her. Now isn’t the time for your unloving big sister act Saya. She could be in real trouble.” Saya’s demanor wavered at Saki’s statement. She wasn’t against taking Nico to the hospital, she agreed it was the right call. But she just didn’t want her sisters to know she was really soft for Nico. “Fine.” Saya pouted. “Go grab her and let’s go.” 
“Can you drive Saki?” Sae asked, already moving forward to grab Nico. 
“Yup! Saya can you go grab her hospital bag?” Since Nico was such a sickly child, she had a hospital bag always at the ready. It had basic stuff that was easy to replace. Some pajamas and stuffed animals along with a small blanket. They had started keeping it around when Nico was a baby, as most sicknesses, even minor ones, sent her straight to the hospital. They had just wanted to be prepared, it was easier when they had something ready especially when they were in more of a rush to get Nico to the hospital. Nico didn’t necessarily like the hospital, but she was just used to it. Even if she wasn’t checked in she would have to go once a month to go her routine checkups, so she was used to it.
“Unnie?” Nico yawned when Sae picked her up. “Where are we going?” “You’ll see Nico-chan.” Sae looked down at her little sister. “You’ll see.” xx 
Mina, Sana, and Tzuyu hadn’t realized how much they missed dates. It was just hard for them to have them, right when the triplets were old enough for them not to worry about them being home alone Nico came along. Of course they loved their kids, but they weren’t great for dates. So this one meant a lot of them, even if there was the lingering worry over Nico’s stomach ache.
“Babe she’s fine, she gets stomach aches like once every two weeks.” Tzuyu grabbed Sana’s hand and squeezed it when she noticed how stressed her wife looked. 
“Im sorry, you know how stressed I get about her.” Sana sighed. “Omega instincts, I want to be really protective over her because she has health issues.” “Which is perfectly normal, we are all protective over her, but she’s fine. She has Saya, Sae, and Saki with her. And Sae is studying to be a doctor, she may not be Mina yet but she’s getting there.” Tzuyu joked. “Yeah, I know we worry about her, but tonight is about us.” Mina agreed, taking a sip of her wine. “No work, no kids, just us.” Right after Mina said that her phone started ringing. She groaned when she saw the caller id. “It’s work.” “Answer it darling.” Sana prompted.
“I don’t want to.” Mina sighed. “I feel like I’m always working.” “It could be an emergency.” Sana nodded. “If it’s not you have my permission to hang up on however it is, even if it’s your boss.” “Deal.” Mina laughed, getting up front the table to take the call. “Her job is so important. I forget that sometimes.” Tzuyu sighed as she watched Mina walk away.
“Yeah, I think she does too.” Sana nodded. Right after, her phone started ringing too. When she checked the caller ID she noticed it was Saya. 
“Saya?” Sana asked, answering the phone while her free hand still held Tzuyu’s.
“Mom? It’s Nico…” xx 
When Mina had gotten the call there was a five year old in the ER with appendicitis, she knew she couldn’t ignore it. Sure she didn’t normally work on kids, but the hospital was short staffed that night and they needed anyone to help the kid. She knew she could never turn it down. No kid that young deserved anything like that. Nico was that age, and she could not imagine how crushed she would be if that was her child in the ER.
However when she got to the table, Sana had more bad news for her. It wasn’t just some nameless five year old, the kid in the ER was Nico. Mina had never been more panicked before in her life. She slapped a one hundred dollar bill on that table and all three of them left quickly. The frantic drive and mood of everyone reminded her of the day Nico was born. They had all been stressed out then too. But they had tried to keep things calmer back then, at least for Sana’s state. This time though, they were all panicked.
When they got to the hospital, Mina rushed to the back to get ready for the surgery while Tzuyu and Sana found the triplets. 
“What happened?” Tzuyu was out of breath after running to find the three. 
“We don’t really know…” Saki started. “She was in a lot of pain so Sae suggested we bring her here and next thing we know the doctors are kicking us out and she’s going into surgery.” “I thought it may be appenditius because she looked like she hurt where I did when I had it, turns out I was right…” Sae sighed, avoiding her parents gaze. “I’m sorry I didn’t think of it sooner.” “No, no you did the right thing.” Tzuyu wrapped one arm around Sae. Sana was buried into her other side, trying to not show the triplets how hard she was crying. “Thank you. You saved her life Sae. We should have been the ones to do something about it, but you really saved us all.” xx 
Mina had never been happier to be done with a surgery when Nico’s was through with. Usually parents weren’t allowed to operate on their children but with the lack of surgeons on call they didn’t have any other choice. Mina was just happy things went well and Nico was okay. While the others doctors and nurses left after moving Nico to her hospital room, Mina stayed with her. She was still out cold, but Mina held her tiny hand. She hated seeing Nico like this, but they had been there more times than Mina had ever wished. 
When the rest of the family was allowed to see Nico, they all piled into her room. 
“She’s okay.” Mina had a teary smile as she turned to the rest of the family. “Thank you so much for noticing Sae.” “Of course Ka-san.” Sae nodded. “Saki and Saya helped tonight too.”
“Thank you all, you all saved your little sister's life tonight.” Mina looked at all three. “And I’m so proud of all of you for it.”
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
You ~ part 11 - trouble in Florida
Joe Goldberg x reader
A/n :: sorry this chapter is a little boring lol
Tumblr media
You're dancing with many people and taking shots in the weirdest ways what are you in college? The two other guys went with you but there onto other girls. Is that what I think I just saw? They put something in those girls drinks. Are these the type of people you hang out with y/n? 
"Hey. You're up already." 
"Yeah I forgot to pack some things." 
"Well hey I'll cook some breakfast." 
"That sounds great." You lean up and kissed me. Oh am I going to miss that. 
"Last breakfast for 3 whole weeks." 
"Hey it's okay it'll fly by." I say to you. 
"I just don't want to drift apart."
Are you crying? "Hey hey I promise you, we won't." I hug you. 
"Okay I'm off, I'll call you when I land." 
"Thank you and I love you."  
"I love you too Joe." 
Okay so my plane doesn't leave for another 4 hours. I already packed a bag last night, you just never seen it. I'll land after you and my hotel room? it's across your building, just in case you need me. 
Text message. 
I got off the plane and walked to the motel room its only a 20 min walk. When I went passed your room, I heard many male voices.
What are they doing in there alone with you?It takes everything in me not to walk in there. But I'm not that man anymore. I'm changing and I trust you. 
I had to look up this guy you said was like the "boss." He was a hard man to find. Roberto estevas. He's not on the socials but he is the cousin of a healthy man who works at apple. Apparently they had a falling out which is probably why he started doing this "job" since he doesn't get his cousins money anymore. But how did you get involved with this man y/n? 
I'm still not sure who these others men are, but I can still read your messages with the app I installed in my phone with your number, it's very convenient. Expect one thing those guys must have burner phone which makes sense because their numbers don't come up anywhere. Which isn't so great for me. I mean how well do you really know them?
It's 9 pm and they still haven't left I'm getting a little worried are they staying there all night? 
I'm watching through my window when i finally see the two guys leave at 10pm. They left with hats on just like mine so the cameras don't see them. I followed them to where they were staying down about 9 blocks. A little shack. Perfect. I'll come back tomorrow to look around.  
No wonder you like this job you get to party before and after the day of the job. To celebrate. I didn't know you liked the thrill this much. Should I be concerned that you like doing dangerous things to feel alive?
Is that what I think I just saw? They put something in that girls drink and yours. Y/n how are you not seeing this. Are these the type of people you hang out with y/n? I have got to do something. think fast.
Walking past the super drink girl I bumped into her. 
"Oh I'm so sorry"
"Oh noo I'm all wet now." She laughs. Mission accomplished drink spilled. 
"I'll buy you a new one my bad I tripped! Bartender can we get another one over here!" Of course the guy is watching me. Good you still haven't drank your drink. I stood beside a few people next to you I ordered another drink to switch. I waited for everyone's eyes to look away. He's trying to seduce you and asks you to dance. You got up this is easy, I switched the drinks. I'll take the drugged one. I walked over and dumped it into the plant.  I watched you guys all get home safe and you shoved him off of you when he tried to kiss you goodbye. That's my girl y/n. 
"I can't I have a boyfriend."
"that wasn't stopping you earlier. Come on he isn't here he'll never know."
"good. night." You went in your room leaning him speechless. Almost makes me want to leave. Almost. I trust you, just not these guys and this "job."
I rented a car so I can followed behind you guys on your little delivery job, which is today. I'm nervous for you guys but you guys seem fine.
I stayed back of course a bit so it didn't seem like I was following you. It's not going to be hard to lose a big truck like that. Very BORING ride and it's only been a hour. The guy that was driving was swerving a little left and right. Was he drunk? He did that about 10 minutes. Then he picks up speed about 50 over, is he trying to get pulled over?
You guys pull over to a gas station and the guy who wasn't driving walked inside, getting you guys some snacks. He walks back over to the truck and the driver finishes up filling the tank. Back onto the highway it is.
We have only been driving for about 5 minutes when I see the police sirens.
Great just great. Im going to have to get the cops off of you before they get to far in conversation. What should I do????
I guess I'm going to have to do this, Lets just hope nothing else happens.
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stateofgrace1303 · 5 years
My chronic illness, how it started.
*Can you guys please reblog and/or tag Taylor?? I really want her to read
this. I want this to get to her and I'll take any help I can get. I rarely ask this but it'd mean to world to me. I wanna get my story
out there (even if this is only a part of the entire story. The rest I
might post sometime if you guys want me too. I think I did include
everything I wanted to for now though). Just thank you all so much!!! I
love you all ❤*
(Im really sorry about how long this is. Its like a little novel. Plus I'm
OCD and tend to talk/rant until it feels just right... I just wanted to
share it with all of you, since its something I would've shared on TSL,
even though it'd probably be too long for there... But I wanted to share it
here because most of those swifties can be found on tumblr, and I want you
all to hear this... Maybe it'll even get to Taylor too. But please read if
you can. It'd mean a lot to me. Also I tried writing this but then it got
deleted when I tried posting it, so hopefully this one posts (I ended up trying to post this ALL DAY. I'm so glad it's finally up).)
Hey Swifties! So, I thought I would post this because its something I'd
post on TSL if it was still around, as I shared pretty much my whole life
on there, and I always found swifties very easy to talk to (plus you're all
just the nicest people)! So, I wanted to share this on here since most
swifties can be found on tumblr. I'm sure i talked a little bit about this
on tsl (my user was stateofgrace1303, same as on here and ig) but I wanted
to tell you guys more, especially because its getting so much more intense
now and like I said I've always found swifties very easy to talk to you.
Basically, when I was 12, my dad took me to see the RED tour at Gillette
Stadium. We had gone to see the Speak Now tour there and I had been
completely wonderstruck (no pun intended) by Taylor that night. I was 10 at
the speak now tour and had idolized Taylor since I was 6 and she put out
TOMG (and I was known as the Taylor Swift girl by now at my school). So
even though I was 10 I asked my dad, if I save up the money will you take
me to see her when she comes again? And he said yes. About 2 weeks before
the show, I had saved up enough. He didn't think i could do it, but I did.
So, I got tickets and we went to the tour. But when I was walking towards
the stadium (we had parked in a lot right down the street), my vision
became weird, almost like tunnel vision although nothing was turning black
around the edges of my vision. My feet looked very far away from me.
Suddenly, a rush of dizziness came over me and instinctively i grabbed onto
my dads arm to keep from falling down. He asked if I was okay and I could
barely get out words for some reason. I was starting to sweat and we
thought maybe i was dehydrated, so we got into the stadium as quickly as
possible. I was gripping onto everything around me to keep from falling,
but eventually we got into the stadium and I got some water. We had seats
on the field, so that's where I was, drinking some water when suddenly I
was pretty sure I was going to throw up. It was starting to get super
uncomfortable so my dad brought my to the first aid, which was actually
right at the enterance on the field. So when we went in there my dad told
them what was going on and they all looked at me weird and said "people
never get sick. We usually treat bee stings and allergic reactions. We
almost never have people get sick" which actually surprised me. But, they
took me back and laid me down. Almost immediately I started puking. The
nurse I had actually had just had a baby and had some anti nausea
medication on her. So, she gave me that but it didn't work. And I just got
worse. My dad went to find me something to eat so I'd have something in my
stomach. He came back with some chips and iced/frozen lemonade but I threw
up every time. I was so dizzy at this point I was gripping onto the bed
they had me on and puking my guts out, as well as sweating a lot. After a
while, as it only got worse, they actually thought I might have had food
posioning and asked what I ate. But there they noticed something. I was
completely white. Like white as a ghost. Except for my lips, which were
turning blue. And I was struggling to breathe. They wanted to take me to
Boston Childrens and my dad asked if I wanted to, but it was Taylor. I
couldn't miss it. So I said no for that reason. But actually, everyone at
the stadium was trying to get me tickets for the show the next night as she
was playing two nights. Security guards, the nurses, my dads girlfriend...
But nobody could get tickets in the end which was okay. But later my dad
went and for a list of everybody's set times. I had been in first aid for
about an hour at this point. He came back with the list and said "I promise
I will not let you miss them" he said and pointed to Ed Sheerans name, then
Taylor, since I was a huge Ed fan as well. He knew I probably wouldn't be
able to stay, but even seeing them for a minute would've been perfect to
me. Another hour had passed, and I was still there in the same condition.
It was terrifying, and they were really pushing me to go to the hospital
(they wanted to call an ambulance because they actually thought something
very bad might happen if they didn't). But I keep pushing that off because
I wanted to see Taylor and Ed so badly. But, 2 hours I had been there in
the same condition, puking up everything, completely white with blue lips,
struggling to breathe, so dizzy I couldn't even sit up. It was starting to
get painful honestly. So, I suddenly just burst out crying. I was just a 12
year old who wanted to see my idol, and I got this... This weird sickness,
and got stuck in first aid. In so much pain. I didn't even really
understand what was happening. I had always been a sick kid. Always getting
colds and infections. In fact, I almost died as a baby from a problem with
my kidneys, and had become septic. Its a miracle I lived. But I had never
experienced anything like this... And to experience it when I was just
trying to see my idol? When it was only my second concert ever? It crushed
me tbh. My dad asked what was wrong and I finally said the words I had been
avoiding all night... "I wanna go home" (which was actually his
girlfriend's house who lived in Boston... I'm from Maine). And he said
"okay". That was all he needed and he left, walking back towards where we
left the car. However, around 7:30ish the traffic in this area is really
weird I cant even explain it. But traffic can only go one way, instead of
both ways like normal.. So he couldn't get a ride back to the car and had
to walk, and then drive the car in traffic all the way to the stadium to
pick me up. So i had to wait a while, and while I did I heard clapping and
then a British voice say "hello Boston" and he started playing give me
love. I listened to him play and i only cried more because I was so
frustrated I couldn't go out there to see him. About half way through the
set, my dad showed up. They let him park in a no parking zone to come and
get me so he was right next to the enterance to the field. They were going
to put me in a wheelchair, but instead my dad came and helped me up. He was
holding me up straight and almost dragged me out of the first aid station,
into the stadium. I remember this part so well. The air hit me, I heard
Ed's voice clearly and saw him on stage, and suddenly, I let go of my dad,
and I was able to stand on my own... And I was fine. It was like a miracle.
I yelled to my dad over the music "is it too late to stay?" And he screamed
back "what??? After all that you wanna stay???" And I said yes, so, we
stayed. He went to go move the car (the girl was so nice who did the
parking, he told her the story, and he just needs to park the car and het
back in the stadium, how much would it cost. And the girl said park
wherever you want no charge. I thought that was seriously the sweetest
thing.) Sooo he did that, and since I was only 12 in a huge stadium, one of
the cops that was patroling the place stayed with me and asked me all kinds
of questions about Ed Sheeran, especially about the A-Team, when he played
it. He said "this isn't his song right?? Is this a cover?? I know this
song." And I told him it wad and told him all about it. It was the ideal
conversation for 12 year old me 😂 Anyway, my dad came back, we got to our
seats, and I actually met Andrea for a very brief moment! And before I knew
it, Taylor was playing. And I had made it through the entire show. I woke
up the next morning, still feeling a little sick but actually felt better
after eating, so I thought the worst was over. But, I was wrong... I didn't
know that one night would become my life... And god I wish I had gone to
the hospital... Maybe I would be okay now if I had... But anyway... A month
later (in August), it happened at my friends end of summer party. Then a
month later (in September), while I was at school... Each time worse than
the time before. Everyone had been informed I was having issues, but nobody
had seen anything happen yet. I seemed like myself. Then one day, I was on
my way to lunch with my friends, and I collapsed in the hallway... Same
thing happening. All my friends freaked out and 2 stayed with me while the
rest went to get the nurse. She actually thought I was dying, and honestly
I could've. She called my mom and said she wasn't sure if she should call
my mom or an ambulance. Then my mom came and got me and immedaitly took me
to my doctor (because she said next time it happens to come in so they
could monitor me). I was monitored and fell asleep, then 4 hours later i
woke up like nothing happened. After that i was pulled out of school and
constantly at the doctor. And I just got sicker and sicker... Which was
later diagnosed as... "Anxiety". By an unqualified doctor. He was a thyroid
doctor and diagnosed me with that?? As time went on, I got incredibly sick
to the point I can't even move. I have become completely disabled and lose
control of my body a lot. It's like my brain is disconnected from my body.
And I get this weird feeling im falling off a cliff and I cant feel my arms
and when that happens, I cant move at all. I cant even express how bad it
can get, how scary and painful it is. I'm a lot sicker than most people
think I am... I spend most days in bed, actually unable to move. I find
ways to keep my spirits up, luckily. Mostly its listening to Taylor and
watching friends but yeah 😂 I have days where I can't even sit up I'm so
dizzy and weak and it hurts so much. Its also terrifying when you don't
have full control over your own body. Absoultely terrifying. Although I
have okay days where I can stand up and function for a little bit, most
days lately have been like this... Bad and living from my bed due to
weakness and dizziness (extreme dizziness honestly). I have days where its
even a struggle to breathe, the most simple thing in the world. It gets
depressing at times... When you spend all ur time in bed or a wheelchair it
really can vet discouraging... But I'm still fighting. And I'm so happy I
am. And like I said, Taylor always lifts me up. Even on my worst, most
disabled and bed ridden days. Oh, that reminds me... I also have seizures
now, sadly. But I hadn't had what happened that night at the RED tour in a
while though... Until one night last year... While I was seeing Ed Sheeran
in Gillette Stadium 😂 Maybe its him?? I dont know 😂 Anyway, I spend most
days in bed, and I do online schooling now. I've seen Taylor twice since
then. For 1989 and for reputation. With 1989 I needed a lot of help but I
got through it. Reputation, it had gotten so bad I needed a wheelchair and
I still do whenever I go out, really. I dont have full control over my body
and I'm too weak and just very sick. I'm really hoping to go to lover fest
but if i do will need a wheelchair and even then I'll probably still feel
sick... But Taylors worth it ❤ Hopefully can get ada seating like with rep.
Wanted to keep this last part short but I think I failed 😂 Mainly wanted
to focus on the red tour. My health story is so incredibly long, I couldn't
say it all (maybe I will later). However, for now, I will tell you this, I
was diagnosed with a thyroid disease, migraines, and seizures. Then it was
discovered that all of this... Was advanced Lyme Disease... And it created
something called Dysautonomia (basically a disfunction of the autonomic
nervous system, which most people don't even realize they have, or how
important it is, until it makes you sick and either nearly kills or
cripples you... Depending on the kind though.) Also known as POTS, or
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (there are actually 15 kids of
dysautonomia, that being one of them, I might possibly have more than one
kinda, were not sure yet. But its basically half cardiology half
neurology). And there's no cure... I could be this way, this disabled and
sick for a while... But there are treatments that might work luckily!!!
Since there are no Dysautonomia clinics in Maine, I either have to go to
New York, Baltimore, Cleveland, or Minneapolis. So looks like im taking a
trip! Sadly to a hospital, but still 😊 I honestly don't know how we'll pay
for it, but I need it, or I will spend my life like this. So I'm sure we'll
find a way... Like I always seem to do in life, no matter what 😊❤ Oh, and
funny thing is, I have something called PANS as well... So I have Pots and
Pans 😂😂😂 Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you guys because like
I said you guys are always so great and Taylor is my favorite artist so I
wanted to share it with the people who understand my love for her. I've
been a huge fan of her for 13 years (I'm 18, 19 next month, now). Theres
something about her... She's always helped me but especially now. She makes
me so happy and feel so safe during this time... Im fact, the only time i
smile like i did when I was younger,before all of this, is when I listen to
Taylor. I even have a Long Live tattoo on my wrist because I felt it
represented my love for her the most, and what we've made as a fandom, the
magic we've created. Plus, it reminds me that I'm fighting my battle (this
"dragon") with Taylor and her music on my side, as well as all of you. And
it makes me smile. I can't wait to get more Taylor tattoos... Honestly,
after all of this and the other health issues I faced as a baby and a
child, I can't believe I'm still here, that I'm still living... Especially
because since I've always been so sick with so many different illnesses and
health issues to the point I'm disabled, my immune system is so weak. I
truly cannot believe I'm still here. But... I guess my body just isn't
ready to give up. It hasn't yet at least!!! And it doesn't want to. It
won't. I'm strong. Me, and my body, want to fight until the very end. And
I'm grateful for that. So grateful that I am still alive, and still
fighting every day of my life. It might be hard, and I can't function or do
really anything but lay in bed and watch tv most days, but I'm just so
thankful that I'm still alive, that it's okay I have to be at the doctors
so much and have to take all these meds (I do anything at this point that
can help me even the slighest). And no matter what life throws at my
health, my body always fights it and gets right back up. I fall down 10
times, I stand up 11. And I could not have the courage and strength to do
this if it wasn't for my idol, Taylor Swift. I've been a fan of Taylor for
13 years (I'm 18 now, 19 next month) so her and her music have helped me
through every problem I have ever faced, and this is no different. She has
a song for everything, so I can always find something to listen to that
makes me feel like she understands and she's telling me it'll be okay...
And ever since LOVER came out, I've been listening to soon you'll get
better on days its really bad, and my girlfriend sends me that song on bad
days too... It makes me feel safe. And like I can fight this. Thank you,
Taylor. I will never be able to repay you. I may struggle with this every
single day im here on earth, but with your music and the support I feel
from the swiftie fam, I know I'll get through it. Anyway... I guess I
should end this here. Again, sorry this is so long but if you read this
thank you so much for taking the time to!! If you made it to this point,
I'm proud 😂❤ And it means the world to me, you have no idea. Im hoping
this will get to Taylor and maybe even Ed one day. I love you all so much
and once again, thank you for reading!! ❤❤❤
@taylorswift @taylornation 🌈❤ @taylornotices 💜
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(Pic is from when I was in First Aid at Ed Sheeran. It was so bad there
they had to give me an IV. I was in the first aid station, wrapped up in my
nightmare before Christmas blanket, on a stretcher with an IV in my hand
pretty much the entire night. It was so painful. When I arrived to first
aid I was actually unresponsive. Like I knew what was happening but I
couldn't talk or open my eyes. All I could do was make very small
movements. It felt like my body was shutting down. I was having bad heart issues as well and they wanted to give me a medicine fot my nausea but since I had lyme disease it could make my heart issues worse so they had to give me an EKG... Right there at the concert 😂 Interesting... But, I got through it.
Like always 😊 So yeah thats where the
picture is from ❤)
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