#im not sure but i wrote it anyway cause i want to oh yea
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cloudybarnes · 2 years ago
Private Encounters
Pairing: Cardan Greenbriar x reader
Summary: you were tired of Cardan constantly attacking you and your friends. one day, though, Cardan asks to speak with you privately, and no good things could come from the prince of elfhame wanting to speak with you with no one else around
Word Count: 2.4k
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"Hurry up, you guys! We're gonna be late again!" Taryn whisper-shouted as you and Jude trailed behind her towards the courtyard.
Usually, you two went alone on your adventures, but Taryn decided she wanted to be spontaneous, too, and wanted to join along. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to have that much fun, and urged you back to class almost as soon as you got there.
"Who cares if we're late?" Jude rolled her eyes. "It's not like anyone would really care."
"Just because they don't like us, doesn't mean I want to draw their attention. Who knows what they'll do." Taryn shifted the picnic basket of food between her hands, nervously. She was always the most cautious of you three; always fearing what they would say or do to you guys.
You scoffed, "Taryn, let's be real. Even if we were there on time and minded our own business, Cardan and his little fanclub would still find some reason to bother us."
Jude chuckled, "he's so insufferable. What I wouldn't do to wipe that idiotic grin off his face."
You laughed, "I'm right there with you. It's like his greatest pleasure is being annoying."
"I don't know." Taryn slows her speed walk to match pace with Jude and I. "I feel like Cardan mostly has it out for you, now, (Y/N)."
You rolled my eyes.
"Oh yeah," Jude agreed. "Ever since we became friends, he's like diverted the hatred for us onto you."
You laughed, "Wow, thanks guys. Who knew being your friend would make a prince despise me."
Jude laughed too. "I don't think it was all our fault. You're human, so he would have hated you anyway."
"That's so reassuring, thanks for that."
Jude smirked, "anytime."
When we finally emerged onto the courtyard where class was taking place, most everyone ignored you, save for the professor.
"Ah," he said, "nice of you three to join us. Please find a seat so we can continue on with our lessons of astronomy."
Taryn bowed her head to keep from looking at anyone. You noticed Jude did not bow her head, but she would not look at the other students.
You, however, must be an idiot to not follow along with them, because your gaze falls straight to Cardan, who is staring back at you with much ferocity.
As the even bigger idiot you are, you do not avert your gaze, but simply glare back at him. To that, and small, devilish grin grows on his face. It almost seems like an invite of this little game you play. He hates you and your friends, goes out of his way to torment you three, and for that, you refuse to back down. Sometimes, you think he likes that you fight him so much.
"(Y/N)," Taryn calls, quietly as to avoid too much attention. She waves you over. Only then do you realize you've been staring at Cardan so long that Jude and Taryn have already set up the blanket and started spreading out the food.
Your cheeks heat as you walk the few feet to where they are sitting. You can hear Cardan snicker as you walk past him and Nicasia.
"What were you thinking!" Taryn scolds as you finally sit down on the blanket. Your professor continues with his lecture, but you don't even bother to pay attention to him.
You shrug, "I'm not really sure. I just can't stand him so much it makes me crazy."
Jude laughs at that. "I'm so glad we're friends, (Y/N). I think I'd go crazy if I didn't have someone else to share my hatred for Cardan with."
You giggle, "well it's a good thing I'm here, then, huh?"
"I don't think anyone is happy you're here."
Looking up from where you're sitting, you see Nicasia and Cardan looming down over you. Seems like the lesson is over as everyone else has abandoned the courtyard.
"Oh, Nicasia, always a pleasure." You rolled your eyes as you stood up. Behind you, you hear the shuffling of Jude standing and pulling Taryn up with here. "To what do we owe you coming over here and bothering us for?"
She smirked, "I have no reason for being near you filthy mortals other than to make sure you stay in your place. You don't belong here. You're frail, and worthless, and someone needs to remind you of that."
You mocked her with a laugh, "is that really all you've got?"
Taryn let out a quiet gasp.
Nicasia narrowed her eyes. "What did you say?"
You shrugged. "All I'm saying is you give the same excuse every time you come over here. 'I'm putting you in your place', 'make sure you know what a worthless mortal you are'. Blah, blah, blah. It's very redundant, Nicasia, and quite truthfully, it's just tiresome." You said condescendingly.
The fire is her eyes was hot. Her fists balled at her side as she glared at you.
Now, it's not like you were looking for trouble, or that you wanted anything bad to happen to you or your friends. You just could not stand the way she and Cardan always came over to you and caused problems.
The slap was expected. Your cheek burned as Nicasia's hand left your face. Taryn couldn't hold back the very audible gasp that left her lips. Looking back to your friends, Taryn looked utterly frightened, and Jude looked angrier than you'd ever seen her.
Right as Nicasia was about to slap you again, Cardan interrupted her.
"Nicasia," Cardan warned as he lifted his hand, "that is quite enough."
You scoffed. "Oh, and since when are you ever the peace maker?"
Cardan smirked, "Since Nicasia decided she was going to slap you. I quite like your face the way it is."
All heads turned to Cardan as he said that. Nicasia looked hurt, Taryn looked almost as confused as you felt, and Jude just looked disgusted.
You narrowed my eyes at Cardan, despite your confusion. "What games are you playing at, Greenbriar?"
His eyebrows shot up in delightful surprise. A cheeky smirk playing on his lips. "I have no games, (Y/L/N)." He spat out your last name like it disgusted but also intrigued him.
He looked between Nicasia, Jude and Taryn. "You, leave us. I have a few words for (Y/N)."
Jude and Taryn looked at each other, confused and contemplating if they should leave or not. You stood your ground though.
"I'll be fine, guys. I'll just meet you back at Madoc's, okay?" You tried to reassure them, though you weren't exactly sure what you were getting yourself into. All you knew was that you didn't want Cardan to know he frightened you.
Jude nodded her head. "We won't be far. And Cardan," she turned to him, "if you so much as touch one hair on her head, I will-"
"Oh relax, would you, Jude? Always resolving your issues with murder." Cardan rolled his eyes. "Leave us. Now."
Jude glared at Cardan before turning to you and giving you a reassuring look. Just as quickly, she turned away and pulled Taryn off with her.
"And you," Cardan said as he turned to Nicasia. "I believe I ordered you away, as well."
Nicasia looked shocked. "Me? Why would I need to be sent away? Whatever punishment you have for the way she spoke to me, I want-"
"Leave, Nicasia. I won't ask you again."
Stunned, Nicasia's mouth hung open just slightly as she looked between you and Cardan. With a 'hmph', Nicasia turned on her heel and strutted away, leaving behind just Cardan and you.
The two of you stood there in silence. You gazed up at him, trying to decipher why he could possibly want to speak with you alone. Maybe he wants to kill you. Maybe he's grown tired of this cat and mouse game you have going on.
"What do you want, Cardan?"
He smirked, and took a daring step closer to you. "I just wanted to talk with you. You're... interesting. I find you intriguing to say the least."
You raised my brow in confusion. "You find me intriguing? Now I know you're toying with me. What do you really want, Cardan?"
He scoffed. "Is it that hard for you to admit that I might find you interesting?"
"How interesting could I possibly be? I'm mortal, remember? Can't believe you would forget, not after you and your friends made it your entire personalities to constantly remind me of my mortality and how worthless you believe me to be."
Cardan's smirk only grew. "You are quite right. You're mortal. Mortals by nature are fragile, slow, susceptible to our tricks, and yet you seem to be quite the opposite."
Your eyebrows shot up, completely shocked by this sort-of compliment you just received from the Prince of Elfhame.
Cardan continued before you could even get a word out. "I dislike mortals quite a bit. I think they are weak. They have little skill that is worth anything, and they are often succumbed to the nature of our people. You, however, are quite different, (Y/N)."
He took a tender step closer to you. Your breath was caught in your throat. Cardan had never shown any type of interest in you. You thought he'd never actually shown anything other than disgust towards you, but maybe you were wrong.
Maybe all of those teasing smirks and cruel comments were him testing you, trying to figure out just how far he could push you.
"You've stood up to me. You've been given every chance to back down. I've seen how far you are willing to go to defend yourself and those little friends of yours. I find it admirable in a way."
You force out a laugh. "You find it admirable? Everything you consider so 'strong' and 'admirable' about me is what I've had to do to survive this place. You've done nothing but make living here just that much harder than it already is for mortals."
You strode closer to Cardan, persistence on your face. His eyes widened slightly, but the daring smirk never faltered from his lips.
Just as you two were chest to chest, you spoke, "answer now, Cardan, what is it you really wanted to tell me?"
"I've already told you, (Y/N). I think you're admirable. I think you're intriguing. I think there is something about you that keeps drawing me in. Something so pulling, it's frustrating how much I think of you."
No words left your mouth. How could they when your jaw laid open the way it was.
Cardan chuckled. "Now, another reason I wanted you here. I must ask: I know you mortals can lie, something we folk can not do, but how are you so good at pretending?"
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Pretending?"
Cardan's smirk only grew, "pretending you aren't in love with me, that is."
The world had stopped. It felt like your entire world had shattered. This was quite possibly the last thing you thought Cardan would get you alone for.
Anyone with eyes could see that Cardan Greenbriar was gorgeous. All of his kind were gorgeous, but he had exceptional beauty. Beside that, you couldn't find one characteristic about him that you had liked. Sure, maybe he stopped Nicasia from hurting you further than she would have. And by the way Jude recalled his cruelty before they met you, it seemed to have subsided quite a bit since you met him. That still doesn't change the fact that he is cruel, and has been for a long time.
"Cat got your tongue?"
You shook your head clear from your thoughts. "No. Just confused how you could possibly think I would be in love with you."
"You want to know how I know you're in love with me, despite what you might believe?" Cardan grinned and closed the already small space between you two. "Because I know how insufferable you find me. I know how I get under your skin, how you lay awake thinking of how much you hate me. I know this because I feel the same towards you, and despite my feelings of irritation with you, I still find myself completely infatuated by you."
"You are?" You questioned, voice so quiet you might barely have heard it, but Cardan sure did.
He grinned. "Oh, yes. I have been infatuated with you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I wasn't lying earlier when I told Nicasia I'd like her to leave your face the way it is. I think you are pretty for a mortal. You give off this glow and iridescence. You are unlike any other mortal I've come across. The way you've kept me up at night, the way I am excited to see you just to have our little spat had me confused for the longest time. Eventually, I just couldn't take it anymore and I’ve decided to act on it."
You couldn't take it anymore. Everything Cardan said resonated so deeply with you. Somehow he knew exactly how you felt. The way you hated him, the way you were angry with yourself when you thought of him so often, everything he said he felt is exactly what you were going through as well.
You decided, if Cardan was going to act on his confusing feelings, you would act on yours as well.
Already chest to chest, you reached up and gripped Cardan hair, tight enough to hurt, and kissed him with all of the pent up anger and hatred for him you had.
If Cardan was surprised, he didn't seem it. He gripped onto your waist and kissed you back with so much ferocity it made your knees weak.
It was hot, and it was unlike any kiss you've ever had before. Kissing Cardan was unleashing something so deep inside of you. All of your confused feelings for him wrapped up all into a long-awaited kiss.
Gasping for air, you and Cardan separated, though not fully. While you were no longer kissing, you had yet to pull your fingers from the tangles of his hair, and he had no plans of letting go of his hold on your waist.
"I still hate you," you said breathlessly.
Cardan smiled, he actually smiled and replied, "I think I hate you more."
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darkniters · 6 months ago
i wrote this in 2022, please enjoy
sitting by your pc, you're not really paying much attention to the monitors, but more blindly scrolling on your phone. seeing your creator friends making tweets come up on the timeline, and even getting some interactions yourself.
you've got one ear under your headphones, the other laying limp behind your ears, when suddenly a familiar notification chimes from your pc, the same on your phone.
you've received a discord message! but sitting in a ball on a chair seems much more appealing right now, maybe the notification can sit for a bit?
the thought wasn't properly considered, as you were already leaning forward to move your mouse, clicking on the messaging application.
it's a dm from ted!
the single way conversation read as such:
you better answer you stupid son of a bitch or i will rain hellfire upon you
they were all sent within the same minute.
pls be nice to me ted nippleson
what do you want, i have no more corpses in supply, you're gonna need to wait another week for that.
are you INSANE
i do not CARE for your pitiful corpses, fool
however i have made you something (oooh ted i wonder what it is)
you couldn't deny you were weary of what ted prepared for you, but curiosity consumed you as you continued to type on your keyboard with satisfying clicks.
i am very frightened ted
have i ever told you that you are a very scary man
nope, but its good to know that i have that sort of power against you.
anyways, i hope you like this, took me a bit to put together
[ link ]
looking over the link, it sent you to spotify, and you clicked into it. a gasp escaped your throat.
ted made you a playlist! and it had some of your favorite songs and some of his own. this was the first time anyone ever made you a playlist, and you were deeply touched by it. another discord message was sent.
it was very difficult to put together, please oh please im begging on my knees make more playlists public i can't keep guessing the songs you like from twitch con 2 years ago.
ted you actually got it super on point, very impressive top man!
yea cause im never wrong (y/n)
you switch the playlist on, it didnt seem to be in a liminal order. scanning through the songs, he was REALLY on point. you read the description of the playlist.
whats up pussy supreme (you are scared of me, admit it)
you've been on the ted nivison brain waves recently, and yea we talk and game a lot but i feel like a thank you is in order, so check it out! a playlist of the shit you listen to (and some of what i listen to too)
thank you for taking quality time out of your life to talk with my stupid ass
reading this, a smile never left your face. the fact that he even did this in the first place was just so nice!
DUDE you killed that shit
i gotta like make something in return
you silly goose
the reason i made the playlist to arch over both of our music tastes is so you dont need to do anything!
naaaah i'll make you something for sure dude
spending my time is bare minimum, you do the same with me!
new songs keep playing during the conversation, but when 4:00 comes around, teds gotta head out
alright wise guy
you're lucky i have a video to record right now
or else this would continue
enjoy recording dude, im gonna keep listening to this playlist that you've created for my fine ass
i hope your video corrupts
and you
shit yourself during recording
and you lose power
I DO????
conversation then fizzled out.
you took one more glance over the playlist and noticed something.
some of these songs were made for confession.
you didnt question it, maybe it was done because he likes them, but also some of them were completely out of the ordinary im the playlist, and stuck out like a sore thumb.
little did you know, ted put those in deliberately, seeing if you'd notice and ask about it. maybe not now, but at some point. and maybe, just maybe, he'd have the balls in telling you how he actually feels.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 5 months ago
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oh do you have that FLIX channel, i saw it on there recently, or rather i saw it was coming up and recorded it and just watched it last night
idk im not sure about that cause they did have those scene transition cards between scenes and they were titled by days, and the costume changes happened in one scene when they went from one room to the next. (the edit was masked by the camera panning thru a wall) i could be totally wrong lol but yea i did grab my phone a couple times, cause it was kinda repetitive and i got bored too. they also played the same score at one point in like the middle of the movie, over and over and over again when hellen mirren and her lover were together, and it was so annoying and repetitive, it really was just so bad and irritating.
i did watch siskel and eberts review after i wrote my post and they both gave it positive reviews, and they basically were championing the movie cause apparently there was some controversy around the rating, cause the mpaa refused to give it an R rating, and the director refused to cut explicit scenes, so they left it unrated, and both siskel and ebert wanted a new rating called "A" for adult. so it didnt have the stigma of an "X" rating or somethin. idk anyway they called it a comedy satire, and i didnt get any comedy out of that movie. lol idk what they were talking about lol but yea i can agree it was prob some kind of satire, maybe im too dumb to see it, but i guess when youre not really engaged with a movie, you dont really care to look deeper, also im prob just dumb lol
was not into the movie, dont ever have plans on rewatching. but would be interested in hearing someone give some explanation why its a great movie or something... dont know if it would sway me, but im open to interpretations. siskel and ebert called it lavish, and yes i agree it was, jean paul gaultier was the costume designer, and the set design was just full of stuff, so visually it was compelling, but the rest of it fell flat for me
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Watched “the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover” which I found repetitive and boring in how hard it’s trying to be edgy. Yea there’s nudity and grossness and things tryin to shock but it all felt so tedious. There is some visual flair which worked for a good half hour or so. The colored gels blasted over scenes felt kinda interesting at first but eventually just felt a little too random. I thought they were trying to say something with the color of what Hellen mirren was wearing, cause she’d be in one room wearing one color and as she walked into another room she was in another color, but it just all felt kinda surface. And just the heightened emotions was always at a 10 from like the first scene, and never really slowed down, maybe a couple scenes, but it just wasn’t a fun ride. Lol I do think its deliberately trying to be too much but I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for it lol
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vlkodddlak · 2 years ago
For shockwave!
15. Does this tf character ever make anything creative (e.g. writing, drawing, sculpturing)? If so, do they show other people what they’ve made?
16. What do you think this tf character’s opinions regarding humankind is?
THANK U FOR ASKING!! your ask game is super cool!!
im gonna go with tfp shockwave cause he's my fave. my version of him isnt that scary and evil he's just kind of a guy who likes to play around with science and engineering, doesnt know basic safety, and is bad at socializing. he's still kind of a cartoon type villain tho
15. ohh he's creative for sure. it's not always that obvious, but i do like to think that shockwave likes to create things for fun sometimes. about 98% of the stuff he works on are projects that will help the decepticon cause, but he does occassionally get a spark of creativity and decides to make something for himself. it's not art in a traditional sense, like poetry, music, etc, but it's enough to count as art (in my opinion)
the 'art' he creates may include stuff like: 1) creating little gadgets that have no practical use, they just look cool
2) playing with chemicals just to get some interesting reaction. like putting some liquids together just cause it makes them change colors in a pretty way or something
3) adding decorative designs to his creations, again, simply for the esthetics
ok ok i know these sound silly, but when you think about the fact that shockwave is a serious, 'logical' character and not someone artsy, these little actions DO count as creative! think about it!!
he NEVER shows others, tho. it's not that he's insecure about his craft, it's simply not something that he wants to share. i wouldnt say that the creative things he does are personal (he probably doesnt see any artistic value in his little projects, it's just for fun after all) but his art comes from feelings and thoughts deep within him that even he doesn't like to admit (like idk... the fact that he can be happy and enjoy something? no one should know that! 😡). basically, he's not comfortable showing his creativity to others, unless it's someone he knows for a long time and absolutely trusts, which isnt a lot of people...sigh hes so weird
16. oh he couldn't care less. like, fr. i mean if the decepticons want to transform Earth and eradicate all life including humans then he'll just... go along with it yknow? his main focus is helping megatron, it's all he really cares about....BUT! i do think that there's a chance he COULD develop some sort of care for humanity? i can't say it confidently, but i do think he would be able to connect with humans through his favorite things - science and technology!
human technology is WAY behind cybertronian one, but shockwave might find himself curious about it! well, to be specific, he would find interest in HOW humans came to their discoveries and research. humans are such a small, young species after all! how come they've done and discovered so much in so little time? (this is all relatively speaking lol)
of course, over time he would be interested in more than just human technology. he would also look into human history, art, language...probably anything regarding humans. if he's focused on something, he is focused A LOT. shockwave human hyperfixation real
eventually his slight interest for human science would turn into fascination and later... appreciation? maybe? it would take him a pretty long time and he would definitely need someone or something (preferably a human friend) to convince him to even look into human stuff, since he doesnt view humanity as anything important from the start... but yea! i like to think that this big purple mf would go from "humans small and weak and stupid and unimportant" to "humans small and weak...and kinda cool"
ahhh i can't believe i wrote so much omg.... embarrassing! 😞😞anyway yea shockwave is my fucking fictional fidget toy, whenever i'm bored i poke him and squish him in my brain
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maria-akira · 4 years ago
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader — PART 2
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he needs to (fake) date you. if he falls inlove again, he loses, and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: making out, pre-smut???, michael as a tiktok fuckboy, + me not proofreading this hahah sorry
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song :)
please excuse any errors. enjoy!
It had been a few hours since Y/N arrived at home. She changed into an oversized shirt and a comfy pair of shorts. To be honest, she has never tutored anyone before, except for her baby brother Aaron. With Aaron it was just 1+1 or 2x3, you know? The basics.
"Mom, someone's coming over tonight!" She called out from upstairs,
"Who will?"
Y/N didn't know what to say. Her parents knew about Michael, and how they broke up. She didn't want her mom to know that it was him who would be coming over. Why hide it? She'll see him anyways.
"Michael! Michael Langdon!" Y/N went downstairs to finally face her mom.
"Wait, your ex?"
Her mom laughed, "Oh my, looks like something's gonna happen~" She said in a sing-song tone while she prepared dinner.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Oh my goood mom! That was 2 years ago, he just asked if I could tutor him. Apparently, he's failing."
"He's what? Failing? Isn't he one of the top students in your batch?"
"Yeah, I honestly don't know what happened to hi—"
Ding Dong!
Oh my god, She felt her heart beating fast.
Y/N walked to the front door and opened it, and there he was. Michael Langdon in his grey sweatpants and black hoodie.
"Hey, Y/N." Michael greeted, giving her a smile.
Y/N looked him up and down,
"Hi." She gave him a sarcastic look and stepped out of the way, gesturing him to come in.
Y/N's mom squealed, "Oh my, Michael! Look how you've grown!" She squeezed him into a hug and it made Michael laugh.
Aaron came down the stairs to see what the fuss was about. When he saw Michael, he rushed towards him and hugged his thigh.
"Michaeeeelll!! You're here!" Aaron giggled
Aaron loved Michael a lot. When Y/N and Michael were still together, he would always play with him.
"Hey, slugger! Now you've grown alot too, huh?" Michael kneeled down to his height and ruffled his hair, "Yup! I'm a big boy now." Aaron said proudly with his chin up.
Slugger. That was the nickname Michael gave him.
"Is Michael staying over?" Aaron pouted and gave her puppy eyes.
Y/N panicked. How was she gonna explain?
"Well, he actually came over to study for school, but he—"
"Of course I'll stay over! Anything for you, slugger." Michael cut her off. Y/N widened her eyes, making a 'what the fuck are you doing?!?!' expression at him.
Y/N faked a cough, "Aaron, go stay with mom okay? Michael and I will be studying now."
Aaron whined and crossed his arms. "But I wanna play with Michaaael!!"
"You'll do that later. After all, he said that he'll be staying over." She looked over to Michael and gave him a sarcastic smile.
After a few moments of arguing with Aaron, Y/N and Michael finally went upstairs. "Your room changed alot." Michael said as he looked around her room for the first time in 2 years. Once Y/N shut the door, she stormed over to Michael.
"Langdon what the fuck was that down there?!?! I only allowed you to come over, not stay over! Where will you even sleep?!"
"In a bed, duh."
Y/N slapped his forehead, causing Michael to wince at the pain.
"Are you that stupid?! Sleep on the fucking floor!" She hid her face in her hands out of frustration, then lifting her head again. "You know what? Fuck it. I don't care anymore."
"So if you move negative four here, what will you get?" Y/N asked, pointing her pencil on the equation. It's now 8PM, Michael and her were studying the last subject for the day, which was Math.
Michael analyzed the problem, then wrote down the answer. "Fifty.. three?" He slid the paper to her direction. While Y/N was checking his solution, he received a message from Duncan.
Dunc 🖕🏻: how's tutoring going?
Michael: its fine ig, lmao im staying over ���
Dunc 🖕🏻: yooo what?? where you gonna sleep?
Michael: beside her? idk im still gonna play video games with her brother so i guess i'll sleep beside her 😶
Michael: brb shes done checking my solution
"Michael," She called for his attention, He let out a hum in response. "Your solution is correct.. But to avoid confusion, change this into an arrow instead of an equal sign, because it isn't the final answer yet." Y/N pointed out his mistake and circled it with a mechanical pencil.
Michael smiled. despite this 'trying to get her trust back' thing, he thought that Y/N was adorable like this. Focused with academics. He admired her alot.
Y/N looked over at Michael, "Langdon, are you even listening?" She snapped her fingers in attempt to catch Michael's attention.
Michael went back to reality, "Yeah. I get it now, thanks Y/N." Michael got his paper back and saw all the check marks. While Michael was distracted with his paper, Y/N stood up and streched. "They're all correct?" He looked up at her and asked in fake disbelief. Y/N rolled her eyes, "Duh, what are all the check marks for, dimwit?" She furrowed her eye brows and made her way to the door.
She glanced over at the clock beside her mirror, it was already 8:15 PM. "Hey, we have to go down for dinner now." She looked over to him and opened the door. Michael stood up and made his way to the door, stopping by the mirror, "Damn, I'm hot." Michael said as he praised his reflection in the mirror. When Y/N heard this, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.
"Yeah sure, maybe in a different planet." She insulted, playfully hitting his arm.
"Oh c'mon Y/N, you miss me." Michael leaned on the wall with the support of his arm. Y/N shut the door.
"What makes you say that, Langdon?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the door.
"I've seen the way you look at me, baby. Admit it, you miss me, you wanna kiss me, you wanna be mine all over again."
"Don't hit me with your 'say you miss me, say you wanna kiss me.' shit, Langdon. I'm not that stupid," Y/N pulled on the neckline of Michael's hoodie, signalling him to come closer. Now, their faces were a few centimeters apart.
"Let's face the facts here, Langdon. Actually? you want me." She pulled him even closer, her lips ghosting over his. Michael moved closer in attempt to kiss her, yet to no avail. Y/N smirked and pushed him away. "You know, you're better than that." She gave him a little tap on the cheek and left the room, slamming the door in his face.
Michael was speechless. Y/N did change, a lot.
"So what brings you here, Michael?" Y/N's father asked, eating a slice of steak that was on his plate. "I'm currently failing some of my classes and I asked Y/N if she could help me. Luckily, she agreed." Michael looked over to Y/N and gave her a smile. She kicks him under the table, causing him to flinch.
"Will you be staying over, Michael? It's getting late." Y/N's mother asked this time, "If that would be okay with you, Mrs. Y/L/N." Michael replied, looking over to Y/N again.
Well, let's say that everyone looked at Y/N after Michael said that.
The silence made Y/N glance at them, "Why are you all looking at me..?" She said in a confused tone, her mom shot her a 'is it okay if he sleeps in your room' look. Y/N sighed, "Fine, he'll sleep in my room." Now, everyone went back to what they were doing.
After dinner, Y/N's mom called up Michael's parents to inform them that he would be staying for the night.
Y/N was washing the dishes tonight, and of course Michael volunteered to help her.
"Why did you even volunteer? You hate washing dishes, Langdon." She said as she cleaned a dirty plate with the soap filled sponge.
"Oh c'mon, Y/N. Can't I change?" He replied, rinsing one of the dishes that Y/N cleaned.
Y/N scoffed, "You? Change?"
Michael elbowed her side, "Hey, I did change!"
"Whatever." She went back to what she was doing cleaned the rest of the dishes, ignoring Michael's statement.
After a few more dishes, her hair started to slip away from the loose ponytail she made earlier. Her hands were slippery and full of soap, if she were to wash her hands and fix her hair, then go back to washing the dishes, her hands would be wet again. Plus, the drying towel was on Michael's side. So she asked for his help.
"Michael," Her voice was soft. Softer than usual. "Yea?" Michael replied, still rinsing the dishes.
"Can you please tie my hair up? It's slipping away."
"Hold on." Michael shook the water off his hands and dried it using the towel beside him, while Y/N turned her back over to his direction. Michael removed the hair tie and bit on it. He started gathering her hair from the top, combing his fingers through her soft, silky hair. He was very gentle. After he gathered her hair, he removed the hair tie from his teeth and tied her hair, careful not to tug too hard.
Y/N turned around to face him, "Hm, maybe you did change," Michael was curious when she paused. "Because you used to be so aggressive when you tied my hair." She joked and finished off the dishes that were left.
It's now 11 pm. Michael is in Aaron's room playing video games, and Y/N is alone in her room, doing some extra school work that was due for next week.
Like any other Friday night, girls like Y/N's age would be out partying like there was no tomorrow. After that one time she was really drunk and a guy touched her inappropriately, she never went out partying again.
Once Y/N finished her school work, she decided to take a shower. She wanted to take advantage of Michael's absence and stay in the shower longer than usual. Like a typical teenage girl, she would blast music in the shower, dancing and singing like she had a whole audience to perform for.
Y/N wrapped a towel around her body and left the bathroom to get her clothes from the dresser. Little did she know, Michael was back from her brother's room.
"I see you still have that body, huh?" Michael smirked and looked her up and down. Y/N turned around to see Michael on her bed. Her instincts told her to scream and throw an object at him, so she did.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"Chill, it's not like you haven't sent me your nudes before." Michael dodged whatever she threw at him and laughed.
"Yea, and I regret sending those to your ugly ass. If I could turn back time, I would've sent them to your hot bestfriend, Duncan was it?" She turned around again to get her clothes from the dresser. Michael walked over to her and grabbed her neck from behind,
"What did you fucking say?" He growled in her ear. She smirked and bat her eyelashes innocently at him.
"I said, I would've sent them to Duncan. You should set me up with him, hm?" Y/N knew what she was doing, "Aww, is little Mikey getting jealous?" She mocked in fake sympathy. She removed his hand from her neck, turned around to face him and gave him a pout. 
Michael was furious. What has gotten into him? He doesn't even love her. He just fell into a stupid bet just to fuck some girl's pussy after he fucks with her ex's feelings. But why does he feel like this? Like he needs to have Y/N only for himself?
Before Y/N went back to the bathroom to get dressed, she just had to get on Michael’s nerves again, as if she wasn’t already. At this point, she could literally see fire in his eyes. He was really mad. But why?
"Look at you, Mikey. You can't respond when you react." She giggled and gave him a quick nose boop as the cherry on top for her little act. But she wasn't getting away so fast. When she turned her back on him, Michael aggresively wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her, securing an arm around her waist.
"Where do you think you're going, you little shit? You aren't getting away easily after that stunt." The grip on Y/N's throat slowly tightened. "W-Wh... Why are you so mah-d.. Huh?" She managed to choke out.
Michael left soft kisses against her neck, while slowly loosening the grip on her throat. "See, Mikey? You're the one who misses me." Y/N whimpered, using her free hand to pull on Michael's hair in hopes of prying him off, but he was stubborn. Y/N whispered in his ear, "Whatever it is you're trying to do, Langdon, I'll never give in." She pushed her elbow into his ribs, causing Michael to groan. Finally, Y/N goes back to her bathroom to get dressed.
Once she leaves, Michael punches the nearest wall in frustration. He hated rejection. The girls that he usually fucked with never turned him down, they always wanted more. Why wouldn't it work on Y/N?
Michael sat on the long side of her bed, still thinking about what happened earlier. He couldn't believe that she could play with him like that. It made him look like he was the desperate one, which he is.
He took out his phone to text Duncan about what happened.
Michael: yo dunc, something happened
Dunc 🖕🏻: what happened? slr i'm at a party
Michael: bro she's a tough little shit. i did the usual thing that i would do to another girl, she didn't give in at all. instead, she's playing with me.
Dunc 🖕🏻: lmao man step up your game, she isn't your usual girl
Michael: dumbass you think i'm not?
Dunc 🖕🏻: duh??? if you were actually stepping up your game then you would've fucked her there and then 🙄
Michael: whatever.
Once he heard her bathroom door open, he immediately hid his phone back in his pocket. He looked over his shoulder to see Y/N already dressed in her pajamas. Michael didn't know what to do. His angelic side says to 'go and say sorry', yet his devilish side says to 'try harder and fuck with her feelings even more.' Of course, it was obvious what is choice was.
Y/N plopped herself on the bed and grabbed her blanket that was near Michael. She then placed the blanket over her and locked eyes with him.
Michael crawled beside her and placed the blanket over him as well. They are a few inches apart. Y/N turned the TV on, clicking on Netflix. Though she tried her best to ignore Michael, she can't help but think about what happened earlier. She liked it. No, she loved it. She loved the fact that she was able to get on Michael's nerves, and how he reacted to it. It was hella attractive to her, and the smell of Michael's perfume wasn't helping her either.
Now, Y/N was watching some cartoon show that she loved. "Are you kidding? You still watch cartoons?" Michael complained, gesturing at the TV. "Yea? What about it? I bet you only watch porn." She shot back and pulled the blanket towards her, leaving Michael without it.
Michael laughed, "I just can't believe a girl like you would watch cartoons. I find it cute." He pulled the blanket towards him, sticking his tongue out to tease her.
A few minutes passed by and Michael was on his phone, scrolling on TikTok. The same sound that kept repeating for almost a minute caught Y/N's attention. Was he watching the same video?
Y/N paused the TV and looked over to Michael's direction, averting her gaze to his phone. She took a good look at the video. a shirtless boy with a gold chain, with LED lights in their room.
"You've been watching that video over and over again, Langdon. Do you like him or something?"
"Yea, I like myself."
Like myself? Oh my god, no.
"What do you mean..?" That can't be him in the video.
"That's me."
Y/N's mouth dropped, "Wha— huh? How? I mean, yeah.. but?"
Michael let out a laugh that he had been holding in, "But what? Look, I'll show you." He handed her his phone, which allowed Y/N to have a closer look of the video.
"So you're telling me you blew up on tiktok by thrusting a phone on your pelvis??" Y/N stared at the amount of likes, a fucking million.
"Uh, yeah? That's how TikTok works? Look at the comments." Michael tapped the comments icon and Y/N scrolled through it.
'yo im down bad 😫'
'can we keep him a secret pls'
'chill i have a bf..'
'break my back 🤪'
Y/N bursted out in laughter, "Oh my god, if only they knew." she gave his phone back and Michael looked at her with a puzzled look.
"Knew what?" He asked, "You couldn't even 'break my back' two years ago, Michael!" She said in between giggles. "That was two years ago, Y/N! Two fucking years. I was a virgin!" Michael defended himself, then immediately realizing what he said.
Y/N wasn't aware that she was Michael's first.
"Wait Y/N, the last part isn't tru—"
She smirked and grabbed her phone from wherever she left it. She opened Twitter and decided to tweet about what Michael said, just for fun.
just wanted to let yall know that @m_langdon admitted that 2 years ago he lost his virginity to me 🤩
"What are you typing and why are you smiling?" Michael asked with a hint of fear in his voice. He feared that Y/N would do something that would tear his reputation down.
Y/N gave him a mischievous grin, "Oh nothing, just tweeted about what you said."
Michael's face fell, and Y/N hit the tweet button.
"Did you twee—"
"Yeah, go check your Twitter. I tagged you too."
Michael shot her a slight glare and went to his Twitter.
Y/N's tweet already had 5 retweets, 14 likes, and 8 replies.
"You did not." Michael said, shocked at how she would do something like this. "Ooh sorry babe, I just did." She faked a pout and formed a letter 'L' with her hand.
Michael felt embarrassment fill him, he wanted to scream at her so bad. He never thought that she would go this far. She was never like this.
He took a deep breath, "Why did you tweet that?"
"And you have the audacity to ask why?"
"Delete that tweet, Y/N." His voice was demanding and dark.
"Or what?"
Michael slowly started to kneel on the bed and hover over her. "You don't want to know."
Y/N smirked and fixed her posture, "Infact, I'd like to know. Care to tell me?” 
Michael clearly wasn’t having any of her shit, he was more than angry. He wanted to release all of his frustrations, and he was gonna do that. 
He trapped her by placing a leg on each side of her left thigh. Surprisingly, Y/N did not shrink against the headboard of the bed. She remained in her place. Their faces are centimeters apart now, 
“Now what, Langdon? Just gonna stare at me? Pathetic shit.” She cupped his face and stroked his cheek mockingly, then dragging her thumb against his bottom lip. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Michael swatted her hand away and crashed his lips again hers. The kiss was so intense, Michael hasn’t kissed any girl like this, it was a foreign feeling for him, and especially for Y/N. Michael’s free hand started roaming throughout her body, tickling her soft flesh. Meanwhile, Y/N was tugging on Michael’s hoodie, “Take this off.” She pulled away from the kiss and gasped for air. Michael took off his hoodie and revealed his naked chest infront of her.
Y/N felt weak. She wanted to fight this feeling so bad, which was lust. But it was too late.
"Fuck me, Michael.." Y/N whimpered, ashamed of her current state. Michael ran his thumb over her bottom lip, "What was that? I didn't catch it." He pouted, teasing her. Y/N couldn't believe herself. She promised herself that she would never fall for any of Michael's antics, yet here she is— completely submitting to him.
Y/N cleared her throat, "Fuck me please.." Michael cocked his head to the side, amused. He was enjoying this. He loved it so much. He finally had Y/N where he wanted her to be, wrapped around his little finger.
Michael's lips ghosted against her cheek, his breath warming up her skin. "Gladly."
And it begins now.
this took me like 3 weeks im sorry 😔 nonethelEEEESSSSS i enjoyed writing this despite some breakdowns here and there <3
tags (ily all sm <3): @kitwalker02 @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs @no-mercy-bby @hawtghostgirl @vixemi @antichristwifey @bitchchatter @fallwiththesun @booksandfandomsarelife1 @roseelizabeth666 (im sorry if i missed anyone!!)
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joyfuldolann · 4 years ago
That One Night / G
hello loves, this is a short less than 2k words blurb that i wrote at 1am the other night (or should i say morning.) anyways, i loved it so im posting it. enjoy <3 also proof read once cause im feeling lazy atm :)
warnings; cursing, minor tinsy winsy bit of implied handsy material, nothing extreme, oh and a whole lot of naive y/n & soft grayson
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laying in bed, cheeks flushed, you struggled to fall asleep. the day rewinding in your head like a movie.
for the love of god, you sat up and flipped your pillow, huffing in annoyance. just fall asleep!
you had finally had enough of your mind going deeper and deeper into destructive thoughts. you yanked your phone from the charger, turning it on as you flipped your hair to the side.
turning down the brightness, you had realized you had gotten a text.
you up?
you bit your lip, deciding between yea or whats up.
the dots at the bottom left corner appeared as you waited for grayson’s text to come through.
can’t sleep for shit, can i come over?
your stomach growled as you typed
yea, just pick up some vegan food😋
your eyelids slowly drooped shut, slowly luring you into a deep sleep, until you heard your front door squeak open. you opened your eyes when grayson walked in with a bag of food that smelled amazing.
“hey bub, got some food” he walked over and sat down on the end of your bed, looking at your tired form, smirking as he pulled put his vegan burger.
you yawned and sat up, “hey, burgers?”
he tossed you a vegan burger and a handleful of fries, laughing as you franticly scurried your hands around your comforter to grab the fries and shove them in your mouth.
he laughed, “y/n what in the world.” you threw a fry at him, sarcastically rolling your eyes.
“that was a huge mistake bub...”
grayson and you were best friends. never anything else. i guess you could say you both had a minor crush on one another, but no one dared to say anything, being to afraid to ruin a solid friendship. but pet names always stuck. it was normal, not romantic- even if you felt your heart beat two times faster after being called one.
you gasped playfully, acting scared, “oh your in for it now y/n!” as he threw fry after fry at you as you held your hands in front of your face, blocking your body.
he laughed manically picking up his burger, as your eyes shot wide, “no no no grayson please!”
he let out a loud wheeze of laughter as he lowered his burger and took a big bite out of it, laughing at you.
you threw your head back and let out a giggle.
as you crumpled up your burger wrapper and threw it on your floor, grayson turned off the lights and slid into your covers. he wrapped his arms around you tight, hugging you goodnight.
you hummed in response leaning up to kiss his cheek. you both layed in silence, enjoying one another’s presence.
whenever grayson slept over, you both were always cuddling. while cuddling, grayson would always wrap you in his arms, him laying on his back and you on your side, right next to him. sometimes you needed grayson or you wouldn’t be able to sleep. he was always inviting and there was always a sense of comfort nothing else.
well until he slid his warm hand on your thigh. your stomach erupted with butterflies, heart speeding up, making it almost impossible to fall asleep. your mind racing with what-if senerios and other thoughts.
grayson kept rubbing your thigh, until you moved closer towards him.
he stopped and shifted onto his side facing you, getting even closer to you. after, he nudged his head in your shoulder as he began to leave small lazy kisses all over your neck.
“gray?” you gasped
grayson hummed back, “yea?” head still buried in your neck.
“what are you doing”
sure you wanted this but you both were such close friends, would it ruin your friendship if it didn’t work out?
he lifted his head to look at you, “y/n, we can’t friends anymore.”
you brought your head to look in to his eyes, and even through the dark you could still see his beautiful face and piercing eyes.
“what?” you said, a frown on your face.
he smirked, making you furrow your eyebrows until he laughed, “i’m so whipped for you- we both are for each other and we know it! lets just end this misery and be together for christs sake.”
you simpered, laying your head back onto the pillow, looking at him, thinking about a life where grayson dolan was your boyfriend.
“really?” you spoke.
“really. im so enamored with you angel. be my girl?”
you giggled, hugging him with a squeeze, “im in, i’ll be your girl dolan.”
you both reached for one another, sealing a lazy kiss on one anothers lips, smiling like idiots. you nuzzled your nose against his and then shifted more into his warm body.
a peaceful silence engulfed the room, luring the both of you into a drowsy trance.
“goodnight bub.”
“goodnight g.”
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pindl3 · 4 years ago
I just spent the better half of an hour transcripting Tubbo and Ranboo's entire conversation from the burger van.
The entire thing.
As I was going through it I noticed that it allowed me a much better look what they're actually saying. To hone in on the words.
Also there's one bit of the conversation that I am 100% going to turn into ranboo angst. Anyway, here's the full transcript! Feel free to use ^-^ I know looking through 8 minutes of conversation is annoying. It's all as accurate as I could get it, including the stammering and extra bits.
Video to listen along to
Tubbo: hello!
Ranboo: oh- uh, hel- hello
Tubbo: hi!
Ranboo: how are- how are you doing.
Tubbo: I'm doing alright, uhh-
Ranboo: doing alright- what were- what were you up to?
Tubbo: I was just talking over with quackity, burger business, you know *laughs*
Ranboo: is- is- did everything go well? Is everything ok? With that?
Tubbo: uh, yeah, I assume it's- yeah! I'm pretty sure it's uh, fantastic
Ranboo: you sure?
Tubbo: uh, yea yeayeayea 100%. I think it's going really well! Can I come inside? I wanna have a look at all your- I wanted to have little look at all your place
Ranboo: um yeah, sure- it's not much right now but we're still- um, we're still- me and uhh, Wilbur are still working on it.
Tubbo: Why do you trust Wilbur so much?
Ranboo: hm?
Tubbo: why do you trust Wilbur?
Ranboo: well ok, here's- here's the thing. Basically, I don't like- trust trust Wilbur yet but I definitely do have more trust in him than you do. But um...
Tubbo: yeah.
Ranboo: I mean, thirteen years... I mean, thirteen years, a guy has got to change throughout all of that right? (Unsure)
Tubbo: yeah I suppose so- I mean I don't not believe that he's changed i just think that he has to have the opportunity to prove it.
Ranboo: yeah! And thats why im- that's why im here so that, when he does something that does redeem himself then someone can be there that's- that'll be able to see it and everything- and honestly I would rather have it be me, the person... um, id rather have the person that be there be me instead of maybe someone... else. So um...
Tubbo: yeah I guess that- that makes a lot of sense I guess. I.. I don't know I just- I'm not sure I feel prepared to put my life in his hands again if you know what i mean.
Ranboo: well this isn't- this isn't putting my life in his hands. This is just- this is just making a little burger shop and everythi- are- are you like, okay with all of this right?
Tubbo: oh yeaaah yeaahh it's fine it's fine. I think it's quite enjoyable.
Ranboo: *softly, to himself* ok that's- that's- that's good. Ok, yep...
Tubbo: yeah I understand it all it makes a lot of sense
Ranboo: you- you sure you understand? Because- like, if you need me to- to stop, then I'll stop, like-
Tubbo: no no, it's alright it's alright- is there a reason like, I noticed that you hadn't told Wilbur about the tax reasons marriage *laughs softly, self conscious*
Ranboo: yeah well that's- that's just because- from what I've heard from Tommy and everything the Wilbur that- thirteen years ago at least- might've- he used stuff against Tommy and everything, so, you know just in case, just in case. I mean I still trust Wilbur just not- you know not super fully but still, still at least a little bit.
Tubbo: yeah, o-oh I completely understand though that makes a lot of sense honestly
Ranboo: so I- I mean I like working with him as well- I mean it's nice to just- to do something. You know?
Tubbo: yeah fair enough. Like- yeah I think the competition will be *hesitation* good- yeah I mean I'm very excited, I haven't felt this happy in quite a while. It feels like I've finally got- you know, something under my belt, something I can, you know really sink my teeth into and be a part of- it feels like I'm part of- like a bigger cause now. Like-
Ranboo: so... so you're saying you're sure that this is- that you're all okay with- everything that's going on?
Tubbo: yeah yeah of course! It's just friendly competition man, it's gonna be awesome. If anything it'll just be better for consumers, it means we're gonna make better things for everyone.
Ranboo: *hesitance* yeah, yeah that makes- that makes um... that makes sense, at least. I mean...
Tubbo: I mean, are you alright?
Ranboo: how did you- how did you bury the hatchet with quackity though? That's what I don't get...
Tubbo: bury the hatchet? What do you mean by that?
Ranboo: cuz I mean- how did you make peace with him cuz the last time we spoke about him you were talking about he had a role in your... un- unfortunate removal of life...
Tubbo: yeaahh he did, but- it- I mean to be honest it's as much- well no I mean I'm not even sure it is as much quackitys fault as wilbur- but like- I don't- like- I mean I was gonna die no matter what that day... I mean, it just happened. I mean I don't... eh, I don't have much quarrel with him, I think it's a-okay. I mean, he seems to have... I mean look at what he's built, like, he seems good. I mean... yeah I managed to also, like, clean over all the ruckus that we had about the um, cookie outpost and stuff as well, so that's all past now.
Ranboo: oh really? So he's ok with that now? *relieved*
Tubbo: yeah, yeah he promised me a good life. Like-
Ranboo: what do you mean...? Was your- life not- good before?
Tubbo: no! Nonononono it was- he talked *hesitance* a lot about L'manburg... and like he- yeah.
Ranboo: well- that wasn't- that wasn't really that much of a good life for you though- was it?
Tubbo: oh no- you- you've only heard the bad bits of L'manburg- *confident* L'manburg was amazing. You've only-
Ranboo: he- he promised you like, the- the good bits
Tubbo: yeah, yeah basically, which is- it's awesome.
Ranboo: *softly, to himself* that's- that's good, that's good.
Tubbo: yeah, so I- I figured out how to- like um- get rid of the tension regarding the cookie outpost; we came to an agreement, signed a contract, dot the t's and the i's- you know, put the past in the past. Im excited to, you know, keep moving forward, it's exciting!
Ranboo: ... ok, a-awesome... so- *voice raises an octave* so he's okay with the cookie shop now?
Tubbo: oh yea! Yeah yeah he's 100% okay! Basically, we just came to the agreement- is- I wasn't acting myself, like before when I was working on the cookie shop- I wasn't being myself- I was, I was just upset, and sad, and like- I just wanted to have something to feel part of something bigger again. But then I realized instead of fighting the thing that would've given me that feeling, I tried to make my own. I dig my heels in- it wasn't really- the right thing to do. I-
Ranboo: mhm (of reassurance)
Tubbo: so we signed a contract, I- so the cookie shops still owned by me, but it just exists within Las Nevadas now. And um... yeah, it follows its laws and regulations.
Ranboo: ok- so is everything- is everything um... everything's- *pause* w-wait so how exactly again? Sorry- how did you- make quackity ok with it all?
Tubbo: so we went up to the needle, uhh, we just talked it out, we wrote up a contract and I just- basically agreed to have the cookie shop become part of Las Nevadas! Cuz I mean it doesn't make sense-
Ranboo: wait you- you gave away the cookie shop?
Tubbo: well I mean I didn't give it away- I still own it, it's just now part of Las Nevadas.
Ranboo: which is- owned by quacki- you gave away the cookie shop.
Tubbo: well... yeah, but not- entirely.
Ranboo: y- yeah, entirely.
Tubbo: no- thats not how it works at all. It's- it's still owned by me- it's just, it exists inside his territory.
Ranboo: wait- but it's property of Las Nevadas, which is owned by quackity.
Tubbo: no! It's not like that at all.
Ranboo: you gave it- it seems like you just...
Tubbo: no, there's a lot more to it than that, it's not just- it's not black and white and I just- gave it to him- I still own it, I still have full control over it. It's just- it just follows his laws- which is fine.
Ranboo: and his ru- awesome, cool- um, that's great! Oh would you look at that- the bread is- stale- I gotta go-
Tubbo: oh, ok
Ranboo: but it was nice um- it was nice- uh talking to you- im gonna go throw this bread in the river- alright!
Tubbo: okay
Ranboo: um, thanks for- thanks for stopping on by, um- I'll talk to you um... l- later. Alright buh bye-
Tubbo: ok, bye!
Tubbo: that was- that- that was um... uh, I wasn't expecting that to *laughs* go quite like that- I didn't think that mattered that much... uhh- that- I was not expecting that to um... he- he didn't seem- oh god. That was- that felt a little- awkward. I didn't, I mean- *defensive* it's mine to give away! I mean, I- I built the entire place! Like- I built all of it. That is so weird.
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strfd · 3 years ago
me :) giv me kissy
send URL for opinion. always open.
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jhin ! i love you ! i will gib kehisses to you always ! mwah mwah !!! also ... i am mobile bound so this WILL be edited later ( and possibly added onto ) when i get home after my shift just letting you know 🔪
character in general : i was gonna be funny & go off talking about every single ONE of your characters LOL . but that would require me to list A LOT of characters . not to mention that there’s many characters that ... i wouldn’t have an opinion on if it weren’t for you ( or have reconsidered my thoughts on cause if you ) heheheheh the jhin effect ....
really though . there's MANY characters that you write that i have a fondness for anyway to begin with . & some of them i had considered of writing them myself . ( namely zhongli tbh , asra , & , at one point , yusei ) but really i could really go on & on about literally every character that i know you write . from noctis to sylvain to diluc to timothy & everybody in between . i think honestly you & i have very VERY similar tastes in characters anyway . you just happen to WRITE the muses that i dont tend to want to write & would just ... enjoy as characters . but thats fine . its okay . now i have the opportunity to ENJOY seeing them more cause they are written by you !
oh but dont even get me started on your OCs . sarmenti is perhaps my fav . but i am also interested in siv & your other little jester HRNGH ( forgive me i cannot , for the life of me rmmr his name - nichol ? nikola ? jesus i really cant remember i am so so sorry , its been a WHILE since we talked about him & im just BAD with names . but your bard ! the bard ! i love him !! ) honestly , you have such a refined taste in characters & i , for one , think you have IMPECCABLE taste !!! i would go off but im mobile bound so ... yea .
how they play them : seeing as i LITERALLY named the jhin effect after you , i think you already know the answer to this . LOL
but other people dont so let me just tell everybody that like ... HOLY FUCK . i dont think ive cried to others how much i ENJOY your writing but its gotten to the point where i just ... go ' yep thats canon ' . even though i KNOW its not true . but like . i just love your interpretations & portrayals okay ? I think theyre just very neat . i would hope by now that you KNOW that you are my go to for character facts . somebody says something about zhongli ? ' let me ask jhin ' . gerome ? sylvain ? you bet your ass i will be going to you for the french boyos . hell you even got me to love & adore noctis & yusei again after they had been initially ruined for me . ( liked the characters but you know what happened ) oh & dont get me started when i went and asked if you wrote chongyun cause i just NEEDED affirmation that the popsicle lad was being written by somebody i could trust . i am pretty sure that sone of these characters , you dont write on here but EVEN like your portrayals or thoughts / hcs on these characters just make me FEEL better when i know you have an opinion on them because i KNOW that your opinions are honest , true , & very realistic !
oh & you should also know that your reverse gatekeeping is doing wonders since i know for a fucking fact that i have picked up muses cause of you . i will only write muses with you FOR you . you have special rights . just because your writing & portrayal for is just absolutely wonderful & amazing . much love for you !!! Mwah mwah !!
The Mun : me thinks part of you sent this so i can write a 5 page essay on how wonderful & amazing you are cause you really are . & i would do such a thing for you because 1 : you deserve it & 2 : i love you so fucking much .
honestly . you are , by far , one of my closest friends . i am so lucky to have had the opportunity to meet & befriend you . & TO THIS DAY , i still remember how we met . let me tell you , i think about it from time to time . and honestly . i dont regret it . i dont regret it at all . in fact im happy i did it . i literally just send you a dm asking if you had gotten my ask cause i KNOW dumblr eats shit all the time . and your response . my word ... it was the sweetest & softest thing that i have EVER seen . honestly ? YOU are a sweet & soft thing . i tell bailey about you all the time - like i did this morning actually - and even SHE thinks you are a sweet & soft thing . i dont know if i have said this before but . youre amazing . i trust you so much , & i WILL come visit you one day . i swear 🔪
anyway for anybody who doesnt know jhin , just know that i love this man so much . i love his sing songy voice . its very sweet - like honey in tea . i love it when he goes off about the silliest of things . or even the things that he loves the most ( sometimes its about his wife - we love you kyria ! ) . he is a VERY polite man too . like really , it makes ME want to be better at asking beforehand myself .
if you were to ask me what i think about first when i see or hear the name jhin , id always give you a different answer . sometimes i think of a soft lavender purple . other times it is like this weird firehouse red colour . most of the time its like soft but kind of a bright cottoncandy blue . sometimes its just schüsse in die luft playing on repeat . jhin i stfg whenever that plays or of kraftklub plays in general ... its THE band for you . that song is your anthem or something idk . but also sometimes i think about shane koyczan when i think of you . idk . whenever i have a bad day . i think about you & remember all the stuff youve shown me & then i go look for it . hell . whenever i see anything tma or howls moving castle related i go . hehehehe jhin .....
youre such a good friend okay . youre a wonderful person . somebody i go to for advice but somebody i go to just for the sake of like ... Checking to make sure YOURE okay . youre a good person . youre a kind person . & you deserve only the best things .
i love you jhin . mwah !!
DO I ;
RP with them : uh yea LOL . just not on cloud lmfao . though . i still have one more thing to answer for noct . and then i thunk i still need to send more stuff for your other muses .
Want to RP with them : why is this a question ? like duh . but this is & will ALWAYS be a given . not matter which blog i am . ( and suddenly i have zhongzhu brainrot on the mind again WHOOPS )
Overall Opinion: blows you a kehiss . for everybody else . understand this : the mun is a jhin simp . we stan jhin in this house . 
ABSOLUELY will cry about jhin on command .
10 / 10 will scream about him to you . that man is amazing . im so lucky to know him & consider him a REALLY close & a best friend . i trust him with my life .
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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tutubola-moved-on · 4 years ago
Hi I like music and I kind of go wayyy too deep into the TPN soundtrack and I think it's about time I start throwing my thoughts out there before they spiral too much
Disclaimer!!! This is not a complete analysis at all, just a few thoughts on each of the songs. I'll probably revisit some of them in future parts if I ever do those aha anyways enjoy
(Part 1/?): 63194, Emma's Sorrow, Emma's Determination, 22194, Norman's Lament, The Promise Between Humans and Demons, Jailbreak and Isabella's Lullaby.
(manga spoilers)
I've done a lil smth smth on Main Theme 2 already and its my favourite song like ever aha this is a cry for help
here you go people
but now anyways fr
63194 (Season 1)
Wouldn't have started with this one cuz I'm still figuring it out but it was the first one that came up when I pressed shuffle
Let's just go straight to the point so we can move on. The first time we hear 63194 is in episode 2, when Norman is talking to Ray about their plan in the forest (or, as I like to call it, "boat scene"). It reaches its climax when Norman starts talking about how he'll use himself to ensure the escape plan will work.
And then it's only used again in episode 8, if I'm not mistaken, after Isabella tells them about Norman's shipment, thus foreshadowing him refusing to escape and using his "death" as a tool to help the others escape.
But alsooo the song is Emma's theme, so there's definitely some sort of meaning other than foreshadowing Norman's shipment. That's for later though cuz I'll have to think more. The beginning does sound a lot like Strauss' Metamorphosen, a piece symbolising how German culture was destroyed during WW2. Not sure what to do with that info for now.
If you'd like a little extra stuff, I also tried connecting the pieces to the Doctrine of Affections, a... thing some Baroque composers wrote that connected music keys to feelings. (I found many sources but I used this one).
63194 is in C Minor, which is described as "innocently sad" (although another source said "sweet but sad") and "lovesick." I think innocence really describes Emma, Ray, and Norman in general, as kids who never did anything wrong but were thrown into the wrong world. Innocently sad would be their conversations in boat scene. They're talking about life or death, it's not something kids should have to deal with.
But again, it's hopeful. Norman wants to create a boat made out of mud---he wants to save everyone---and he really believes it'll work. So although sad, it's also sweet. It's a light at the end of the tunnel, and also just an act of kindness. As for "lovesick," that would just describe Ray and Emma's inevitable longing for Norman after he was gone. Which brings us to...
Emma's Sorrow (エマの悲しみ) (Season 1)
The two times I remember Emma's Sorrow played was 1) When they first talked to Don and Gilda about the house and 2) During the infirmary flashback scene.
The Doctrine of Affections describes E Minor as "grief and longing." In the infirmary flashback scene that obviously not only shows how Norman longs for that time when they didn't know anything and everything was light and happy but also, once again, foreshadows Emma eventually having to grieve him.
Especially because they don't play the staccato part (short quick notes) that's in the original version. Instead, the strings are always present. In staccato, the music gets pretty,,, lowkey? because the instruments can't exactly "show off," whereas the legato (long/connected notes) really shows the true importance and impact each individual instrument has on the song. Considering how the strings (specifically the violins) in the soundtrack could symbolise Norman, it's showing how Norman is not just another guy who's in their group and planning the escape, but an actual friend they'll lose and who'll leave a significant emptiness behind. Not only brain power wise, but just.. you know he's a human being and it's gonna hurt either way.
Not only that, but the harmonies itself in Emma's Sorrow once the strings really do come in are really incomplete. Like, the piano part seems to be all over the place, but it comes together because of the strings. Norman was the one who brought Emma and Ray together, in a way, and isn't Emma and Ray clashing exactly what Shirai wanted when he sent Norman away? Yea...
And Emma's Sorrow is, of course, parallel to:
Emma's Determination (エマの決定) (Season 1)
Yea no I'm still gathering thoughts on that one. The ascending bass contrasting the descending bass in Emma's Sorrow is pretty cool, though. It plays when Don is going off about how he wants to be strong after punching Ray and Norman and it's in F# Minor, so "passionate resentment." Connect both and Don really is ready to change the world. He got slapped with this very very bad reality and naturally he's angry and he's sad and he wants to do anything in his power to save people.
But back to Norman.
(hi future me here. oh my god why am i only talking about norman this was not the route this was originally going to take im so sorry i swear there's more to this post than just norman brain rot 22194 is the last norman one)
22194 (Season 1) and Norman's Lament (ノーマンの嘆き) (Season 2)
22194 is in B Minor, so "patience" and "walking towards fate." That's pretty self explanatory considering how he, and I quote, "chose death." Yea. G Minor would be "uneasiness of the future," and once again, pretty self explanatory (The whole Lambda seizures thing and I'm The Only One Who Can Save The Humans Syndrome. Normy worries too much :/)
Comparing both is pretty fun, too. It's the same melody but in different keys and instruments and thus just give off different feelings. While 22194 is full of instruments and harmonies and is clearly structured, Norman's Lament is just. Empty. It's like it's trying to stay true to 22194, so the Norman from before, but at the end of every musical sentence it just drifts off. You can see parts of 22194 in there, but it's not the same. At all.
There's also no harmony. He wants to do everything himself, and discards all his bonds and friends for that. So sad. Stop him.
All that while 22194 is rich and beautiful and oh my god i love that song so much and it's just showing how Norman was a lot more lively and layered and human when he allowed people to come into his life (the harmonies) and listened to those people instead of just locking himself up and doing everything himself.
So in conclusion cuz I ramble a lot, 22194 is about GF Norman, who hadn't gone through all those things that turned him "evil," who trusted his friends and believed everything had a good, ethic solution. Norman's Lament is about Lambda/post-Lambda Norman, who had gone through a whole lot, and was now in a downwards spiral and had left everything behind to become God or whatever, but was also in denial that he had changed in the first place.
does this make sense no idea i'm typing this while sleep deprived and high on bread and i failed english this quarter
but that aside
The Promise Between Humans and Demons (人間と鬼の約束)(Season 2)
I love this song!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!! I love the percussion, it's used so well. And I love the way the song builds up and adds more and more instruments until it eventually reaches a climax, like the growing tension between the humans and the demons during the war that snowballed and snowballed and eventually caused both sides to resort to the Promise.
And when the song comes down you can hear a very short "first draft" ish version of Isabella's Lullaby.
It's as if yes, all this mess went down and the demons and humans made this huge promise that completely changed the world and affected an entire society but then far far away from the Seven Walls and the Promise and oblivious of the Ratri Clan and the demons were these two tiny tiny children just singing a song and living happily. And those children---and that song---were the foundation for the entire revolution that ended with the Promise. Wow.
And it's in D Major, D Major is "Triumphant." The song itself sounds triumphant, and yes the Promise was gross but it was a nice little hello kitty band aid over the mess that was the world before it.
What was truly triumphant, though, was the kids' escape, which happened to the same melodic theme, albeit in a different key. Which leads me to...
Prison Break (脱獄) (Season 1)
Oh my God. I love this song.
It symbolises the kids breaking ties with Isabella and how many obstacles were in the way (not only was she their mom; their only mom who had cared for them for their entire lives, but she was also their enemy and did everything she could to prevent them from escaping). The second the brass comes in with the theme (around 0:53) it sounds like it's struggling to play it fully. In this case, Isabella, once the singing parts, would have lost her voice after being outwitted by the children (keep in mind the song starts playing after they've already reached the wall). After all, the song starts with a voice that seems to get more and more desperate before it's overrun by instruments, thus losing its power.
So she's trying to control them and get them back, but they won't let her. They're going to break free. So you have the melodic theme playing with significant breaks, until eventually it all goes silent. Why? Because they escaped. Isabella completely lost contact with them, they're free. And then you get the same melodic theme in The Promise Between Humans and Demons.
But the theme isn't played full. It's not played to the extent that they play it in TPBDAH, instead there's a lot of just "blank space" with no melody above it: that's where the children will write their melody---their story; a story independent from the Promise that shaped their lives thus far.
I need a break but I'll be back
Isabella's Lullaby (イサベラの唄)
OK OK Continuing on Isabella I love how Sarah Alainn sings like she's crying. I really recommend this if you want to go deep on Isabella's Lullaby, they pretty much said everything I had to say. I don't go on youtube like ever and that might as well be one of my favourite videos LOL anyways
I also really recommend listening to the no vocal/piano solo version, the harmonies are so beautiful. And the more you listen to it the more you hear, there's always something new. The violins especially oh I love the way Takahiro Obata uses violins. Honourable mention to Nat King Ballade (ナットキングバラード) and Each Thought (それぞれの想い) (idk if thats the english name for it,,,, i've seen it as "Their Own Thoughts" too)
WELL THEN. What a ride. I'll go to sleep now. If anything is incoherent or u just wanna talk then send me askies or a dm smth idk aha i like music but i hate grammar :P
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moonjelliesjam · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Title: Girlfriend
Pairing: Stuart Pot x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Series: None
Part 1 ONLY
Notes: Wrote this with 2 Braincells after reminiscing my awkward years. Which I love despite feeling scrappy.
Also Gorillaz was called Gorilla before Gorillaz I believe.
Summary: pre-Gorillaz is out at a new Minigolf course. Y/n third wheels the alone time with Stuart and Paula. What could go wrong?
Bursting through the doors of Kong Studios. After all of the running past tombstones and lightning I wheezed.
The loud slam of the double doors gained attention from the four band members or Gorilla. Their heads turned towards the direction of the doors.
"GUYS!!! GUYS!! GUYS!! and Paula.. I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!!" I hollered.
Hearing many groans.
Mainly from Murdoc and Paula, A hum from Stuart, and loud footsteps from Russel.
As I finished my wheezefest I smiled at them all and held up a poster for a mini-golf course.
Everyone groaned.
Minus Stuart and Russel.
"What? I thought you all liked mini-golf? What's wrong?" I pouted.
"Don't you remember the last time we were at one y/n?" Paula sighed.
I tilted my head in confusion. Murdoc groaned out loud.
"For your sake did you not drive into a golf cart into the water course?!" He exclaimed.
"Nope I'm pretty sure that never happened" I smiled and Staurt and Russel snickered.
"And what about the time you hit my head with a golfball?!" Paula screeched.
"I couldn't see I thought I saw Flamingos everywhere" I replied coolly.
This time Murdoc chuckled but had abruptly stopped and cleared his throat.
"And what about the time that you had me crash in a bumper kart course!" She huffed. Her face now a Ladybug red.
"Well it is called bumper karts for a reason no?" I giggled.
This comment only caused her to sigh. I smiled in victory.
"So no one really wants to go with me?" I sighed. My shoulders slumped and a sad frown forming on my face.
"Yay! Thanks 'D for coming with me!" I smiled at the lanky purpleette. He only gave me a sweet smile with the front teeth missing.
"Its really no problem y/n" he chuckled giving a sheepish smile.
I smiled at him a small blush forming on my face as well as his as we stared at eachother for a few minutes.
Suddenly we heard someone clear their throats which snapped us out of our hazy trance.
"I'm definitely not leaving you alone with my boyfriend that's for sure so I'm going to watch you" Paula hissed as she stepped out of the vehicle.
I blinked and shrugged.
"The more the merrier!" I chirped slapping on my happiness back on.
Hearing a sigh and a large shadow looming over the three of us. There was russel.
"I'm gonna come with just incase you all dont get injured " He mumbled.
Soon the four of us wandered the mini-golf park.
Murdoc left the four of us, as he had to attend to "important issues" like usual.
"All this wandering around has me hungry.. HOLY CRAP THEY SELL CHURROS!!" I shouted out of hunger and ran towards the food stand plaza.
I had bought two churros. One for Russel, and One for me.
Smiling as I finished mine. I watched the purple headed man and his girlfriend share theirs. I tapped Russell on the shoulder.
He turned to look at me and I pointed to the two lovebirds as I gagged.
This caused him to laugh. I smiled and a sudden thought came to my mind.
I got up and slipped towards their table and snatched the churro out of their hands.
"Aww saved a piece for me! Sweet! Thanks Stu!" I chirped and pecked his cheek before skipping off.
I ripped the piece that Paula ate from throwing it in the trash and eating the rest.
After playing golf for awhile. I had needed a break from the small clubs and courses.
I had spotted a photobooth!
"Hey look a photobooth! Let's go take a picture stu!~" Paula sweetly called out to the purple haired man.
To which he only nodded and followed his lady towards the booth.
I scrunched up my nose and gave a wicked grin. I looked at Russel to which he only sighed.
"Please.. Please Please Please?" I begged with puppy eyes.
He looked at me then the two and nodded.
Operation: Split the Cheater and My Crush bestfriend up so I can save him is a go!
Or for short!
Operation: Grape is a Go!
I pressed a finger to my lips and counted down to three.
My hands reached for the curtains
My hands gripped them
I opened the curtains and pulled Paula out only to sit in her place while Russel blocked the curtain.
"Hey 'D let's take some good pictures Yeah?" I blushed.
His face seemed to get over the slight shock and nodded.
We made silly faces at the camera
I hung my arm loosely around his neck while making a rock-and-roll sign with my hand .
We sat facing eachother with a blush
After the bright light I took the pictures and stuffed them into my pocket.
"I'm keeping these! For safe keeping! See ya soon Stu!" I chirped before getting out and running off to find Russell.
"Russel! I'm teeling you it was great! Besides I kinda wish I could tell him how I really feel.." I blushed playing with my fingers.
I looked up at the large male for advice.
He gave me a small smile and patted my head. "Why dont you go tell him now he's all alone right now" he motioned to Stuart.
He was standing alone and playing on his mobile device.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks Russ!" I smiled at him and ran towards the tall male who was occupied on his phone.
Finally an opportunity to tell him without Paula around! Besides she doesn't deserve him..
I stopped running only to tackle him into a hug. To which he had jumped in suprise and dropped his phone.
"Hey 'D !" I chirped looking in his eyes.
"Oh hey Y/n.. you scared me a bit there!" He laughed and reached for his phone.
Instinctively we both thanked our heads together from trying to grab his phone.
I rubbed my head and giggled only to hand him his phone.
"Sorry 'bout that! Anyways why are you here all alone? Well not really.. I know you came with Paula, but why isn't she here?" I questioned the purple haired man.
To which he only shrugged.
"She said she'd go to the bathroom so I'm waiting for her" He replied quickly.
"Well Stuart Can I tell you a secret?" I blushed fiddling with my fingers.
"Well yea except if Murdoc wants to know then it might come out" he laughed nervously.
I nodded and smiled.
"Okay so what is it?"
"I like you no like you is an understatement I really really REALLY Love you.. even if your with Paula.. and even if she makes you happy yours comes first! Just know that I dont love your girlfriend Paula becauseshemightbecheatingonyouwiththatdamnedgreenpicklemurdoc! Even if you dont feel the same keys just make sure nothing stays weird between us yeah?" I breathed out.
I closed my eyes expecting being rejected.
Instead I had found myself experiencing those same butterflies, I had gotten in the last photo of the Photobooth.
He pulled away for just a second only to be pulled back into another kiss.
"STUART?! Y/N!? I KNEW IT I KNEW IT IM GONNA AHHH!!" We jumped away hearing Paula's shouting and stepped aside.
Only for her to roll onto the fake grassy hill towards a port-a-potty that Russell had just used.
She was flung into the small space and swmd it forward with the door closing.
"I guess that solves it! You Stuart Pot otherwise known as 2-D Are now my boyfriend!" I grinned.
To which he hummed.
"Your boyfriend? I like the sound of that" he hummed happily and pressed a soft kiss on the top of my head.
I smiled at the feeling.
Finally he wont get heartbroken over That cheater..
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missblissy · 5 years ago
headcanons for Alastor and his S/O from Rebirth, celebrating the Holidays??— if ever
Rebirth Headcanons ((Part One!! Holiday special!!))
Alastor had not celebrated Christmas in decades. Not since he was alive. What was the use of celebrating a holiday that neither you nor he looked forward too? In all your years being married to him in your past life, you were SHOCKED to find out he didn’t have any interest in Christmas!!
Since it was your first time living alone, this holiday season seemed extra gloomy. But you had Alastor with you anyways.
“Please! Pleeeease Al!! I want to get gifts! I want to give gifts! Can we? Please!?” You gave him those big doe eyes and fluttered your eyelashes at him. God... okay. He couldn’t say no.
You were even able to get him to put on some stupid reindeer sweater. It had blinking lights on it!!! You loved it and even though Alastor had a smile on his human face, he HATED IT!! ((Oh yeah, did I mention he’s in his human form most of the time since you guys started “”officially dating”” cause.. yeah.. He does that)) 
Alastor even helped you put up deportations. Any place to high up that you couldn’t reach, Al was there to the rescue. He’d sneak up behind you, pin the little decoration up and sneak a kiss on your cheek with a chuckle. You have a little tree, a fake one and it’s shiny and made of silver rather than green plastic. 
Oh, and yea, Alastor put up a mistletoe and uses it every chance he gets. Alastor also made some killer spiked eggnog. It’s sweet and sugary despite Alastor’s bitter taste buds. 
Bouns if Alastor chooses to walk around the apartment in his demon form ((He’d only do this behind closed door when on earth cause no one needs to see that shit ya know?)) Because if he’s in his demon form, one... Sleepy bed head on Christmas morning when you shake him awake... two... hanging ornaments from his little Alastor’s antlers. And putting a shiny silver bow in hair.
Sleepy eyed Alastor sits on the couch, drinking his coffee and yawning a million and one times while you open your first present. You each got each other three things.
Alastor’s gifts to you were funny to him. He got you a very large bottle of ancient demon wine. You weren’t sure what made it “demon” wine and you didn’t want to find out. He also got you a magical necklace that you use to ware in your past life. It had a dying star trapped inside a small crystal orb that hung from a ribbon necklace. Oh, and a blanket. Because you specifically told him not to get you a blanket. At least it was soft and fuzzy.
You, on the other hand, got him WAY BETTER GIFTS ((maybe)) You got him a mug that said, “Smile! You’re never fully dressed without one!” In a fancy red cursive font. Alastor may have laughed at it, but he loved it ((And Charlie would later see him drinking from that mug at the Hotel and wonder... where the hell did he get that from??)) You also got him apron that said “JOKES ON YOU! I'm dead inside!” He got a real kick out of that one. At lastly, you made him a little photo of the first picture you took together with him. It was just a silly selfie you took with him from weeks ago. But you printed it out and framed and wrote a little note in that said, “I love you to hell and back! ~(Y/n)~” 
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chazzfox · 5 years ago
SO many thoughts on Frozen 2
So I've been doing a lot of thinking on Frozen 2 after reading a lot of other fan ideas, reviews, etc, and rewatching the first movie and basically obsessing myself into an interesting state of mind. I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. I accidentally wrote out a long, long, LONG post so uh, congrats if you read it. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR SURE.
1. My biggest thought by far is in regards to people saying that Elsa found herself in the first movie, and why must she struggle through who she is again? Well...because you don't stop finding yourself, and especially at a young age. I'm 33. I think I got past hurdles in expressing myself and accepting who I am, everything from what were weird interests (to me) and even my own sexuality, three of four damn times. It was annoying. And fascinating. And each time there were deep emotions and investment in it.
Elsa found in the first movie she's not a dangerous monster and that she could exist with and love her sister. That's huge, don't get me wrong! But the anxiety was still there and we still see traces of it in the second movie. It didn't up and vanish no matter how many snow toys she might make children or how many times she skated with Anna. And with that kind of high anxiety, and after years and years and YEARS of locking herself away, she was just at the start of things I'd say by the time the first Frozen ended.
It's totally reasonable, imo, that down the road after finding some acceptance in herself and Anna, she would be wondering WHY she is what she is, where she came from, as there's so much mystery in her life. Her parents left her feeling guilty, lonely, ironically powerless, locked up, and with no damn answers for herself. She needs to find herself.
Arguably, so does Anna. Again, I can make similar arguments for her, lonely in the first movie, not much contact with others, striving so hard to be close to her sister. She achieved the latter admirably, and so her journey to find who she is with access to more of the world is a big deal. She always wants to open a door. And she wants to go through each one with Elsa, which is something that had to be handled at least a little.
Again, you never really stop growing, discovering, and questioning. Elsa may have found a huge, huge part of herself, found why she is there and who she is, but I'm sure she will still struggle a little with her new place in the world. This brings me to another subject -
2. Elsa and Anna now separated. There seems to be a lot of division on this topic, and I get it. I didn't really want them apart either. They really do belong in each other's company. And a note, I don't ship Elsa and Anna, so maybe I've lost some of you here ahaha (I don't really ship anyone though). I love their close cuddly sister relationship a lot and felt they were absolutely robbed of it for so long which is probably WHY they often hug, hold hands, touch each other, are somehow right with each other.
However...at least for the time being I think it's also important for their growth as characters. Elsa and Anna both care for Arendelle, but Elsa didn't feel she was 'meant' to be there, so to force herself there for her sister could be damaging when understandably, she would want to understand more about the spirits and the forest that gifted her mother with her. She is a part of the forest, of the Ahtohallan. And to force herself into a role she isn't dedicated to wouldn't be in Arendelle's best interest, so she wouldn't want that either. Elsa has shown she needs that understanding of her role, needs to be where she feels right, somewhere that speaks to her, and for now that is in the forest with the Northuldra people.
Anna loves Arendelle, loves the people, and to ask her to stay in a place where she doesn't belong wouldn't be right either. Sure, part of probably just nodded and said yes because Elsa proposed the split, but Anna also learned that she can do what can be done without her sister. Thinking her sister was dead, she still put on foot in front of the other and achieved her goal of destroying the dam. I do believe for now just the knowledge of knowing Elsa is alive and thriving is enough for her to feel happy.
They also see each other. That much is left clear to us and it's not a long journey for Elsa lol. Probably not for Anna either when Elsa can guide wind, earth and water to help. ...Fire too but yea lol.
They are apart just enough. Elsa can still drop in and have Anna cuddle her to sleep while Kristoff does...idk...talks with Sven. For as many cuddle nights as I imagine those two have had, Kristoff is a pretty chill dude.
3. The parents. Hooboy the parents. A very valid criticism is that Elsa and Anna's parents treated Elsa totally mcfreaking WRONG and yet so much centers around them, and then suddenly Elsa is dueting with her momma in Ahtohallan and crying.
Yea there's some confusing emotions going on there.
The girls loved their parents a lot regardless of if they really messed up. I am sure Elsa didn't know how to feel but didn't want to lose them as she already felt alone and hidden. The topic has come up that her dad knew the forest, her mom was FROM THE FREAKIN PLACE, so how did they mishandle so badly?
Panic, I think. I view it as a lot of panic, for many reasons. Anna being hurt was the primary one, but I wondered if they thought it could indeed lead to the forest waking up and causing trouble. They didn't expect magic outside the forest, didn't know what impact it could have and Iduna never exactly counted on having Elsa as she was.
I don't think they were bad people. Just unprepared and I kind of think this is how it went down with Ahtohallan as well. I posted about this before but I feel like...her parents weren't able to cross, not even her mom, because of how they squandered their gift. They took something wonderful and locked her away, made her conceal and hide from the spirits that wanted to connect with her. So when they decided to sail off and find answers and leave the girls alone, the spirits said "nope, you messed up, you don't get to come in here" and down went their ship.
But to complete Elsa there had to be something, they had to connect her with her mother's heritage and tie her to her meaning in the world. So, Ahtohallan showed her Iduna. Her parents loved her and if there's one major theme in these movies and characters it is the power of love along with self acceptance. Love is what brought Elsa as she was into the world! And that strong emotion and realization resonated, so we see Iduna as a large key.
Whoosh, Im getting tired, and I'm pretty sure I have more to say...but I'll craft that more later.
Some of my leftover thoughts right now are pretty short...I feel Elsa was displayed as ace, but that really depends on the viewer anyway. As much as I would love to see Honeymaren and Elsa, the brief snippets in the movie don't do it for me, but I am sort of relieved to see Elsa having a friend. She deserves a friend that isn't her sister or her sister's fiance or a...snowman. I'm not sure she really tried to bond with anyone in Arendelle, being that she was still sorting her life out after the events of the first movie.
But maybe there will be some more releases of official material, and we'll see. I just hope some of the absolute hate for Kristoff and Anna stops. I'm not overly into it, it's just kind of a boring dynamic to me right now, but not every romantic relationship is super exciting and stuff. They fit well and we see that Kristoff's first words to her after being lost in the woods are "I'm here. What do you need?" He's a good guy, stop hatin' on him.
Oh! That brings me to another thought though - I read a couple of posts where others felt he interrupted Elsa and Anna's moment at the end of the movie. I couldn't disagree more! Elsa didn't display any negative emotion toward it. I think she was happy for her sister, wanting her as happy as she could be in that moment, and the proposal added right in. Anna had felt alone and at her rope's end in the cave, then she got her sister back and after running off on him sort of, Kristoff proposing. Elsa saw her sister elated. And Anna got to have her sister as part of that momentous life event!
Besides, Kristoff is one of those Elsa counts as everyone she's ever loved within those walls. When they met again she embraced him too. I think Elsa was happy to have family again, have it fuller and to know someone she trusts will be there with Anna as she rules. Kristoff's a silly character and it's hard not to write him off when he's alongside such bright stars as Elsa and Anna, but he has a good, solid role. He belongs and so did that part of the moment.
Ugh, and I thought I was tired before...
Guess this is where I wrap this up!
Please, if any of you want to talk about this, even to disagree, don't hesitate to drop an ask or message. I don't want anyone to think I'm actively crapping on their interpretation - this is how it came across to me and after my third viewing I was finally able to get this written. If you didn't like the ending, that's okay, and if you ship Elsa and Anna, Kristoff and Ryder, Elsa and Honeymaren, Olaf and Gale, you do you and follow your shippy heart.
As for me I'mma hit post and get some cake.
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mikeshanlon · 5 years ago
iwwv anon and PHEW OK. I def did not expect that essay and now I feel bad cause I KNOW my thots r not gonna be articulate or right. nonetheless! i think Oliver does qualify as an unreliable narrator cause hes. very oblivious but not like... Richard papen (who is a whole ass clown don't get me started on tsh) but not like addy from dare me(I will support till the day I die that dare me is da like I WILL die on this hill) who sees what she wants to see. 1/?
i think he just... thinks that his friends r diff ppl than they actually r? that doesnt rly make sense but yea. what I mean is that everything the characters do is coated in that empathetic view Oliver has which is usually wrong? so we don't get an objective look into the characters. meredith is my girl like I love the hot popular girl trope deconstruction but at the end of the book she's not at a great place like she's w someone that doesn't love her like she needs to be loved... 2/
I guess the most probable ending is that James never meets Oliver again and that everyone is kinda stuck on what happened but that's soo sad and I really don't want to think abt it. ngl iwwv wasn't like my fave book ever and I really don't understand why people are so obsessed with dark academia sometimes but what i rly liked abt the book is that despite how fucked up everyone is and how toxic they r to each other they do at heart care abt one another...3/
like I rly liked that esp cause at that point the only other da book (other than dare me!) that I had read was tsh and godd every character is so fuckinh annoying and they all hate each other. i was super confused by it till I saw someone saying that it's satire and I felt my mind explode. I feel like this is so long but I didnt rly properly answer all you wrote sorry! I think its a pretty good book tho it has some crazy quotes like hold awn Im gonna look at the highlighted stuff on my copy.. 4/
Were you in love with him?” “Yes,” [...]Yes, I was.” It’s not the whole truth. The whole truth is, I’m in love with him still. LIKEEE PHEWW OK OK OK. WE OUT HERE. that line literally made me go crazy. I'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes or like general mistakes I made here English isn't my first language, it's 1am and I wrote this in the notes app w/o looking it over. so like.. NOT a professional review lemme tell you. 5/5
 Ahh im so sorry I did not see this before I yeeted for a month!!!
Oooh okay first of all dare me as a DA… I’ve only watched the show but like yeah I see the Elements for sure.
Also yeah I can understand what you mean abt Oliver being an unreliable narrator now… Ig my view of unreliable was more like they are purposefully twisting the truth or omitting facts or just literally don’t know shit but I get how personal bias can make the narrator unreliable. I do think the assertion that Oliver thinks his friends are different than they actually are makes sense. He sees James in a very positive light and though I like James a lot and think he is better than, like, Richard, he definitely has darker moments and manipulates Oliver at times (again I’d like to think it’s not the most nefarious thing in the world but like him just being shitty bc he’s in a dark place and he one, wants to do anything he can so Oliver doesn’t figure out he fought Richard so Oliver still thinks of him the same way/bc he knows Oliver would do something stupid like get himself arrested for James; and two, is very jealous that Oliver is with Meredith after Richard dies and has sort of a somewhat positive outcome from Richard’s death versus James being riddled with guilt and anger). And yeah, the probable ending is they never meet but I refuse to acknowledge that so LGNRG. Also that line makes me go CRAZZZZZZZZZZY!!! There are so many great lines, both using Shakespeare and on their own and its like okay give me a moment im going bonkers…
Personally, I haven’t read that many dark academia novels yet (bc for some reason i can barely finish a book rn sigh) but the concept interests me. I think what’s compelling is the setting/atmosphere of like ~mysterious college vibes~, and the idea of a sort of niche, obsessive bond and pursuit of knowledge with a tight knit group of friends (and the like inherent homoeroticism in every single DA elrngenrg). Like Dead Poet’s Society (the film I haven’t read the book) isn’t Dark in the same way most other dark academia is by like, obsession and death and manipulation (though of course there are dark elements with Neil’s storyline), but I think the other building blocks of academia are present there in a more wholesome way and you can see why people are drawn to that idea. As for the more Dark aspects I think it’s interesting to analyze things like group psyche, obsession, manipulation, etc, like what went wrong for everything to take such a dark turn???
 But, like everything else, it really has to be done well or else its just like okay….… I’ve tried to read TSH twice and I may try again but from the 100+ ish pages I read I totally get what you mean. IWWV is so interesting to me bc the characters are all very compelling and multifaceted and I like that they are a close friendship, we come in after 4 years of them spending all the time together and to me that is apparent. Like you said, we can see fissures and problems especially as the novel continues but there is care there between them. That also makes the decision to let Richard die much more interesting and sinister imo, as well as how all of them interact with each other after he dies, and how the roles of the group change without their “leader” so to speak. Also, maybe it’s just bc I like Shakespeare, but I think the academia part of IWWV is so much more accessible compared to TSH. Like I don’t know every Shakespeare play or anything so I didn’t understand every nuance or was like immediately like oh this is from Cymbeline or whatever the fuck, but you could understand the gist of things and it made sense that they spoke in Shakespeare lines bc that’s all they’ve been doing for four years and also theatre kids are Like That. Their pretention also provided any Layers to the story, like the parallels between the characters they play and their own arcs, how some of the lines echoed their own thots, foreshadowed, or they were able to say things through Shakespeare (I’m thinking of like, Oliver realized he loved James during Romeo and Juliet, the foreshadowing that James was going to ruin Richard’s life and that he dislikes Meredith/Richard when he quotes Mercutio at the start “A plague o’ both your houses”, the exchange Oliver and James had onstage and had that kiss during King Lear before Oliver was arrested,etc.) (Also I think the structure of some of the dialogue being formatted like a play really helped make it feel more realistic and immersive). Versus TSH which is just so pedantic and dense and hard to follow at times im like I get they are smart but what??? And maybe that’s part of the satire aspect (or maybe im dumb) but like donna I read TGF I know you are pretentious and info dump abt random obscure shit anyways so erglknerg. Like to me there was a Point to all of the academic Shakespeare stuff in IWWV and it was the soul of the book, and M.L. Rio made it very interesting—like the way that the directors reimagined the plays and had Julius Caesar be like a modern political play, the cool mirror shit in King Lear, the Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet performances where they did them at events and interacted with their environments (which were one of my favorite parts of the books bc I just think that concept is so interesting), etc. For TSH the shit they did literally just felt like “okay look at them they’re smart see you can’t even keep up!” like okay… I felt lost a lot and only like snapped into reality whenever Henry (?) was like oh… murder….. and even then I was like idk what this dude is saying but like he’s being darksided LMAO. And I also agree that it’s just like… Richard being thrown in the middle of this group could lend itself to some cool ideas but its hard to believe that he fits into the friendship group and hes just like hell yeah I love Greek so much and lets go kill this guy other than like okay ur gay and stupid and just want to impress Henry or whatever his name was (which he was but I digress). It’s just not as impactful to me as this close friend group falling apart. Ik TSH fans might be angry if they see this (and of course I haven’t finished the book so my perception may be warped but I also kno many ppl felt that way u did) bc I’ve seen ppl say IWWV is just like TSH but “lackluster” or whatever and while I can see some parallels (mostly b/w Richard and Henry and Alexander and Francis), I really think M.L. Rio expanded upon common DA tropes and the interesting parts of TSH but made it her own and interesting and oh yeah there are actually multiple compelling female characters and LGBT characters (and no incest)!!!
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yestodaymvv · 6 years ago
a/n: hello i’m back! i was avoiding homework and i ended up writing this. give feedback pls! thanks for reading <3
 i recommend listening to sun&moon by nct 127
word count: 2.5k
mark | renjun | jeno | jaemin | chenle | jisung
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so, the soulmate marker that hyuck has is the first two initials thingy
the initials one is similar to the words written on your wrist except,, they’re initials
the initials can actually appear anytime it’s just random
like they can appear when you’re born, when you turn 16, when you drop your food
like any random time
so, hyuck is obviously a little ball of affection
and he loves loving people
so he was pretty excited when he got his initials
he was actually with renjun when it happened
they were going to the arcade because hyuck can apparently beat renjun’s high school in the pacman game
but renjun kept saying that hyuck wasn’t good enough
so as hyuck and renjun were going to the arcade
they stopped by a sandwich shop
and as they were walking in, someone was walking out
can you guess who it was?so obviously it was you
so you were the new girl in the city
you moved because your father got a new job offer that required leaving your hometown and moving into whatever city hyuck was init was the last week of summer break and you were getting lunch you, your brother and your father who was on his way from work
you were in a hurry because you and your father already on his way
so you didn’t bother looking where you were going and so you bumped into this dude
who was,, surprise surprise
and so you just muttered a quick “i’m sorry!”and then ran your way home
or not ran, you had a bike
you biked your way home
and the minute that you and hyuck bumped into each other
was when hyuck got his initials on his wrist
as hyuck was ordering, renjun noticed it
“haechan,, look”
he pointed on hyucks wrist and there it was
your initials
in pretty cursive writing
the way you got your initials was different
it was more simple really
you got it the day you turned 17you were at home, at your birthday party, and as everyone was singing happy birthday
your brother yelled out “hey look, y/n’s wrist!”
and it was the initials L.D.  in bold letters
your family couldn’t stop teasing you about it
your brother would remind you that you weren’t allowed to date until you were 25your father would tease you about every single boy that you introduced them to
whether it was a classmate for a group projector a friend that he’s known for a long time
okay anyway so your first day of school was pretty chill
you were given the opportunity to have someone to help you around
and that was not hyuck
it was chenle
you became quick friends with chenle
you admired how sweet and outgoing he was and he never seemed to stop laughing which in turn made you laugh
chenle took a liking to you too
but not in that way because boy is taken
chenle said that you reminded him of his friend, haechan
how the both of you were easy going and funny
how you guys are just so happy
and so your were curious as to who this haechan actually was
throughout the week
chenle was the one who accompanied you
along with his friend jisung
you wanted to meet haechan but you never mentioned it to chenle
so the following week, you were in writing class
you loved to write
it was your favorite past time
you weren’t particularly the one who would read romance novels
you loved adventure
and you loved fantasy you would write about the things you never got to do
before moving into the city, you lived in a small town for your entire life
you always had adventures in the town the small town was located near a forest?? i guess you can say
you would have small adventures when you were younger with your friends
but as you got into middle school and high school
your friends decided to focus more on school
trying to pass and get away from the small town
you didn’t really care for you studies
you just wanted to be outside all the time
the imagination you had as a child, continued on as you turned into a teen
while your friends were out studying for whatever important tests or exams they had
you stayed outside,, wandering around
and you always loved the nighttime
so you were always out when it was night because you loved looking at the stars and looking at the moon
so in your writing class,, you were required to write about your favorite time of day
you were supposed to create a story using the setting time as your fav time
and you obviously chose the nighttime
so as you were writing your story
hyuck walks in the room
he switched classes into writing and the only open seat was in front of you
so he sat there
you didn’t notice that someone sat in front of you until your teacher told you to share what you wrote to someone sitting next to you
and hyuck was the only one next to you
so hyuck turns around and greats you with a big smile
“hello, would you like to share first?”
and you said “sure”
your story was about a small little boy that couldn’t go outside in the daylight
he doesn’t do it because he looked different from everyone else and he was afraid of people teasing him
it was about how at night, he would venture into the forest behind his house
and then he would go around his own little adventures
and hyuck stops you in the middle of the story
“wait, so your favorite time of day,, is nighttime?”
“well, yea?? i thought i established that when my main character can’t go out in the daytime.”
“nighttime is so sad! there’s no light! no sun!”
“that’s exactly why i like it?”
he looked hurt
 “how? could? one? not? like? the? sun?”
“i’m guessing you have a strong passionate love for the sun?”
and hyuck
 just smiles
really wide
and your like,, oh this is haechan
“wait youre haechan? youre friends with chenle?”
“yea,, little lettuce head?”
and you just laugh bc chenle is a lettuce head
but a cute lettuce head lets not attack okay chenle is adorable
“you’re the one that chenle told me about. so,, doesnt haechan like,, mean,, full sun?”
“is that really your actual name?”
“mhm, nope. it’s just a nickname i was given when i was younger so i sticked to it.”
“ahh” and you nodded
 “okay so back on to the topic,, how can you not like the sun?!!?!!?!?!?”
you rolled your eyes at him
“haechan, not a lot of people like the sun. i don’t like it because it hurts my skin”
“what are you, a vampire?”
“psh, no. my skin is just sensitive.”
“okay well, let’s get into my better, more sunshine loving, story”
his was about little bear
a little bear that wanted to visit the sun
he was told by his mother and friends that it was impossible to go to the sun
but he persevered and tried his best to
lol these stories i’m so dumb but just,, imagine that they’re better
and so you stop and say that his is pretty unrealistic
 “hey! i don’t want to hear your opinions you sun hating monster”
you rolled your eyes once more
“i have a name you know”
“well i would call you by it but you didn’t exactly introduce yourself and sun hating monster has a better ring to it”
“i’m y/n”
“ahh so the monster does have a name”
you took his story and smacked it on his head 
“don’t be mean! chenle said you were loving but that’s obviously not true”
“yea,, sure.”
and so that was it
your friendship with hyuck
officially began
you guys were like
the cutest set of friends
you are both like the biggest rays of sunshine ever
even though you hate the sun
people tended to know you guys as the suns cause you were always so smiley and happy
and the both of you make friends so easily
you guys became friends really quickly
and you would spend time outside of school and hang out
it tended to be indoor activities
because you didn’t like being outside
the both of you tended to be playing video games or watching movies
hyuck occasionally cooked and you helped him
and he would just make fun of you when you couldn’t do the right things
like cutting an onion
“y/n, you’re doing it wrong you’re terrible at this”
“channie,, pls shut up”
and then you do burn yourself
and youre there crying
but hyuck to the rescue
he’s so cute so like imagine him helping you
so he calms you down as your crying
and he just hums a soft tone
and his voice gets all soft and goes “its okay”
and he carefully tends your burn
and hes just
so :(( cute :(( and soft :((
but hes also  a little shit
so once he finishes helping you he goes
“i told you youd burn yourself but you never listen”
you guys are seniors now
and it’s your last few months of school
this was around the time you guys start to get to know which colleges you get accepted into
so the thing about the soulmates hyuck already knew that you were his soulmate
he knew when he was at your house one day after school
the both of you were trying to make lunch for your father and brother
you decided to give them a treat
and the both of you were fooling around
so you were both messing around that you accidentally broke a bowl
and you father hears it from the living room
and he yells
 “Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N”
and hyuck just freezes
his initial tattoo had three letters
and it was of course, your middle name
if you dont have a middle name im sorry but just go with it
and he just realized
that the feeling he had whenever he was with you
the feeling have happiness whenever you were around him
the way your laugh makes him smile
how your laugh is his favorite sound
how whenever you smile at him he gets butterflies and his heart squeezes
whenever you look at him in the eyes, hyuck just sees stars and thinks you have the most beautiful eyes out there
it was because you were both soulmates
and you didn’t know that yet
he knew the initials on your wrist was his
L.D. for lee donghyuck
but you didn’t know his first name
you only knew his last name and haechan
ever since then, hyuck was trying his best to lay low on his feelings
he was happier when he found out
he was with his soulmate and it was his best friend
he didn’t bother telling you though
he wanted fate to take its path and let you find out on your own
he’s been more affectionate to you
and you never really noticed
you just figured that was how haechan was
you did, of course eventually find out that donghyuck was haechan’s real name
it was at school
and the both of you were still in writing class
you had the same teacher and the both of you asked you teacher to do college recommendations for you
if you dont know what college recs are it basically a teacher writing about how you are at school for a higher chance to get into college
so you were leaving class without hyuck because he was out sick for the day
when your teacher calls your name
she gives you back your college recs and you look at haechans
and the name “lee donghyuck” was on the top
and you were confused and somewhat angry? relieved?
so when you went to visit him after school, with a bowl of your father’s soup
when you went into his room, you greeted him by asking him
“your first name is donghyuck?”
and hyuck just looks at you and smiles
“you finally figured it out?”
you passed him his college rec
“you know, you’ve been causing me a lot of internal problems”
you said somewhat a bit mad
hyuck gets up and walks a bit closer to you
“why’s that?”
you look up at him
“because,, i have been having a crisis for weeks”
you start to pace around his room
“because i’ve been so worried about this whole soulmate thing
i’ve been worried that i would never get to meet my soulmate
and when i do i wouldnt even like them
because of you”
hyuck walks to you
“yes you
you’re always going around with your stupid little smile
and laughing your stupid little laugh
and the small little stupid things you do
you’re always so nice to me and you’re always cooking me food
you’re jokes always make me laugh
you always make my day and im worried that i wouldnt like my soulmate
because i like you
but now, here i am
your name, lee donghyuck, intials L.D. is on my wrist”
you take a big sigh
“i really hate you chan, you know that?”
hyuck smirks at you
“that was quite a confession y/n, but we both know you don’t hate mewe’re soulmates”
he shows you his initialsyour initials, with your middle name
“y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n”
and then you two start dating okay so before i end this bulleted au let me just say a cute little thing  i thought of as i was writing this
okay it’s the week before college starts
and you and hyuck were at your old town
hyuck decided to surprise you by driving you out into your old town so you can look at the stars
you cant really do that in the city
so he did it for you
so as you were both stargazing, hyuck calls out your name
“hey y/n”
“yes hyuck?”
you sit up to look at him he pulls out a small jewelry box
you open it to find a small sun pendant necklace
“i know we’re going to be a few hours away because of college, and i know that you don’t like the sun but i love the sun, like how i love you. you’re my sun. and i can be your moon”
you turned the pendant over and there was an engraving of the letter HH for haechan
H for donghyuck
H for your soulmate the name of your soulmate
H for haechan
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harrysdimples · 6 years ago
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sooo...it’s the legend @btapants’ birthday and me and my main partner in crime daria @britneytshirt both came up with this idea and whipped up a lil somethin somethin for celine to read! we just want you to know how loved you are celine and how you influence us all to be better people! we all love you and had a few things to say :)
@bidonnas (aka mik):  i followed celine like ages ago bc i was looking for more harries to follow and she seemed so sweet and, like, a Quality™ blog and we've been mutuals for ages as well and we like sent each other asks for like ask games and tagged each other in tag games but we didn't start talking more until the first gc in like march of this year and i do not regret a single thing of entering that gc bc i got to meet my birlfriend, now my bife. we've just gotten closer over the past 6 months of being in so many different groupchats with each other and i love everything about her. she's funny, she's kind and sweet, and she loves mamma mia. i mean, who could ask for more?? fjdkgksdljkfg celine deserves the whole world and all the love in the world and i love her so so so much!!!!
@guccifloralsuits (aka violet):  Celine, you already know it but literally love you tons, you make my experience as a harrie stan so much brighter :) I'll always remember the #funkirk days and times we've been throught - from the discourse days to the crazy concerts & I can't wait to see what this next year for you & us brings! You're so easy to talk to and fun to share this experience with! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL MY LOVE TO YOU 💖
@annaonvinyl (aka essie): Celine, Celine... I believe we've been mutuals not for that long and i do remember checking my notifications and seeing that she followed me i kid you not when i say i nearly had a moment because i would constantly see her posts and people talking so nicely about her. i can now understand why people kept saying sweet things about Celine, i mean she's amazing! if you aren't following her please do me a favour, go to her blog and press that follow, just... do it. celine is so sweet and funny, her blog is the perfect mix of aesthetic and relatable and not to mention she's so freaking stunning? i mean... have you seen her? model material, i'm telling you. so in conclusion what i want to say is celine is gorgeous and so nice and i love her! tanti auguri bella! spero che tu abbia un bel anno davanti a te e tutto il meglio vada per te! goditi la giornata e sorridi molto (scusa il mio italiano arrugginito)
@signofthebis (aka petra): Happy birthday, Celine! ❤❤❤ You know why I followed you. Because of the tags you wrote under my bta pants gifset. And I knew in that moment... this is a person that gets it and I need her in my life. And then I was lucky enough to get into the biconic gc you started and I got to get to know you and wow? You're amazing. You're so funny and incredible and just... I stan forever??? You're truly a queen. ❤❤❤❤ One day your selfies are gonna kill me because you're that gorgeous. And honestly? What a way to go. So Celine, I hope you're having a wonderful day and may your life be filled with only the best of luck, may it be full of love and kindness because that's what you're giving to us and you deserve the same it in return. Ily ❤
@flowerfeasts (aka dani): I followed celine like a year ago because i used to see all my faves tagging her on my dash, so i thought she was very important and cool and i remember waiting like a few weeks to follow her cause i somehow thought that would increase the chances of her following me back? lmao anyway, i still think she is very cool and i LOVE her fashion sense and she is a libra! that means she is awesome
@harryandcats (aka lejla): CELINE MY ANGELBOO!!!! I’m sooo bad with words and tbh?? there’s not enough words to describe how much u mean to me anyway smh you’re one of the sweetest, funniest and smartest (let’s just not mention your posts and the things you say something BDJDNDNDB) and loveliest people I know!! you’re also so silly sometimes but in a very cute and endearing way bdndn I could talk to you about literally anything, be it something deep or something random like poptarts bxjdndn speaking of poptarts we truly gotta meet someday and you’ll have to buy me lots of things and in return you’ll get the biggest hug of your life!!!! sounds like a plan if you ask me anYWAY I lov u with my whole heart, you’re my love, my life, my wife, my gf, my bitch, my boo, but most importantly: my dumbass ✌🏻😔 I hope you have the loveliest day!!!! Happy Birthday, Celine!! 💗🌈💕
@harrysnotechanges (aka kristyna):  Celine 💕💕 you are so funny and such a kind and generous person (not to mention gorgeous, ugh it’s not fair). I’m pretty sure I first started following you because of your url (I mean how much more iconic could you get,,, and I couldn’t agree more, the bta pants were the best pants Harry has ever worn tbh) and I stayed because you’re just an amazing human being. Ily 💕💕💕 Happy birthday!
@gettingdizzy (aka sav): I LOVE CELINE she is super kind and funny and like a little sister to me!! talking to her always makes my day better :) im not even sure why i started following her we probably got put in a gc together or something but im so glad i did!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ILY
@nofoookingway (aka jess): Oh boy, lil Celine. The cutest bean I’ve ever seen. I know we don’t speak anymore bc I’m trash and got too overdramatic about a stupid lil thing, but I’m so glad that we still follow each other and I see you on my dash every day. Your posts never go without a typo, even if it’s just the tags, and that’s probably my favorite thing about you. You’re so expressive and so weird in the best of ways. I’m pretty sure you’re starting uni (if you’re not smack me), but I know you’re going to kill it. It’s hard af, and it’s gonna suck. You’re gonna hate it sometimes, but believe me when I say I know you can do it and that you will have a blast once you find your niche. If I can do it, you sure as hell can. I wholeheartedly believe that. Anyways, I hope your birthday is just as fun and amazing as you are. ilysm 💛💛
@leesh (aka leesh lol): HAPPY BIRTHDAY CELINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope u have the absolute best birthday ever bc it’s what she deserves and i hope harry makes an appearance again looking absolutely fabulous bc it’s also what she deserves (maybe wearing the bta pants? yes i’m putting it into existence!!!!). i honestly can’t rmbr how or why i started following you, maybe it was a gc or maybe i just liked ur blog, i have a terrible memory, but i am SO GLAD whatever the reason I DID. i love seeing ur posts on my dash and i love seeing what you’ve got to say and i also love talking to u in gc’s and stuff. ur a cool gal and i’m glad we had a chance to become mutuals and pals. again i hope u have the best way day ever and get spoilt rotten. i love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖✨
@kiwiintro (aka kayla):  Happy Birthday Celine Bean! I hope it's amazing I love u and you're so iconic and amazing and ur an actual Meme™️ sometimes anyways again I hope your birthday is amazing and have fun being 1(one) year older ❤
@harryftvans (aka teresa): celine my dearest witch princess and gentle air spirit happiest of birthday wishes to you!!! someone’s getting old lol anyway I wish u all the best and hope you have a great day and that a lot of other great days will follow because u only deserve happiness and love and ~good vibes~ in your life!! stay ur amazing self, you’re always so chill and laid back (which is nice in this hectic world gksndn) and even when you pull a zayn on us at the end of the day you’re always there for us, being supportive and it’s always a delight to talk to you and hear stories from you!!! great britain is blessed to have you for the next couple of months/years (hope u have a nice time at uni I believe in u) so yea enjoy your day hope it’s filled with lots of love and hugs!! i’m glad you’ve been brought into the world and i’m glad we were out in the same group chat I couldn’t imagine my days without u, love you v much💕
@pinkflaredpants (aka iris): No offence but it's been a whole ass year since we first heard medicine and still no fuckin studio version of sott.
@britneytshirt (aka daria): celine, remember the day we became mutuals? it’s definitely been a year(+) now, can you believe it’s been that long? i followed u not really expecting to be followed back and u followed me about .02 seconds later and honestly i was a lil shocked. so i put my insecurities aside and decided to text u and u said u just saw my url and liked it and followed me. like?! *harry voice* craziness right? anyway, i like to think of u as a little present from life. when we started talking i was very lonely and literally cried myself to sleep every other night and having a friend, you, to talk to made me realise nothing is ever that bad and in a way... gave me hope? you mean so much to me. you’re always fun to talk to, u always have the funniest things to say. and most importantly, i know i can always count on u for whatever, you’ll be there to listen to me. so thank u. i’m so grateful i have a celine in my life. i love u
me (aka moi): so....celine, where do I even start? from those very first few months when I joined this fandom in september last year we were close friends. we started our first conversation about old 1d memes and the rest is history. I don’t think there’s been a time in the last year or so where I haven’t spoken to you, and I really couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I look forward every day to chatting with you in the gc and i’m always just in awe of how accepting, loving, caring and truly inspiring you are as a person. I love hearing you speak italian in the rare voice messages you send, and especially your selfies (I will hold the belief that you should be a model to the grave I think tbh). you inspired me to love myself for who i am and we’ve grown as friends into something I never thought i’d reach. i’m never going to be able to fully articulate the weight you hold in my life or the impact you’ve had on me, and i’m bad at expressing my feelings anyway, but I just wanted you to know how LOVED you are, by me, and from everyone here. I can’t wait to eventually meet you once you’re settled over here and I can’t wait for the memories and shows we’ll make in the future. thank you for being you, and please never stop being your amazing self 💕
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 7 years ago
coffee shop au 4 (the one with the different names written on the coffee on different days) with ralbert? :)
disclaimer: don’t give me shit for their names i am TERRIBLE at names
but yea here are the sappho de lesbos stans
Once again, the ‘mystery customer’ was striking.
That sounding pretty ominous, it was nothing that serious. It was just that every week, always on a different day, they’d get that girl coming in. And she’d come at times it was pretty dead, most likely to get the same barista. There she always went, leaning on the counter, giving these soft eyes and these sweet words, and she’d leave with her order. It was never the same order either, she just… drank of everything, apparently. Your fave could never.
Somehow, she was indeed having an effect on that barista she was messing with, but that didn’t make her any less frustrating to deal with. Yeah, the flirting was nice, but if she had a set name it’d just be so much easier, wouldn’t it ? Because giving a different name every week was getting a little old.
Of course, the barista would get quite frustrated after some time, how couldn’t she ? It’d been going on long enough. And the list of names… were similar, for some. Sometimes just complete unrealistic jokes. She could remember them all - Race, Racer, Racetrack, Antonio, Anthony, Tony, even Edmund and Ed,… Pretty Girl, too. Maybe this one was fitting, but Berta absolutely refused to believe any of these other names were that “pretty girl’s” name. For one, some of these weren’t names, and well… the others were masculine, and judging by that last nickname, she wasn’t a guy.
Either way, the redhead had a hard time staying calm as the blonde began babbling, her oddly squeaky voice fitting so well with her messy accent and pronunciation, her tripping over words and her obnoxious giggle sounding somewhat endearing… Okay, maybe she totally wasn’t paying attention to what she was being told and she got too busy getting lost in thought, but who could blame her ?
… Right, herself.
Once she woke from this kind of weird daydreaming phase, she tried to harden her expression a little. “Okay, yeah. And the order ?” She said, maybe a little harshly. But it didn’t bother her customer, whose grin widened despite her cheeks perhaps darkened a tad.
Quad venti blonde breve latte, extra hot, no foam, four pumps vanilla, three pumps cinnamon dolce, two white mocha, stirred, light whip, extra cinnamon topping.
This was ridiculous. Once again, the girl’s order had to be ridiculous. Maybe that was one time too much, and that “one time too much” the barista didn’t bother waiting for the girl to give her a name. No, she was choosing it herself. It was obvious to see on the blonde’s face that she wasn’t exactly expecting that, but did she really have a choice ? No.
“Look at it once you’re outside,” Berta muttered, groaning quietly when the girl smiled again and poked her cheek before making her way out, whistling pretty loud - and getting looks from other customers, although admittedly there really weren’t that many. It still grabbed some of them’s attention, enough for them to notice the  barista quickly yet quietly following after her, letting her coworkers take care of the place if even just for a few minutes.
Keeping sight of the blonde wasn’t the hardest task. She hadn’t gone far, just walked a few metres away and was now reading the name written on her cup with some sort of surprise.
Endearing, the shorter girl would tell you.
Casually enough, she made a few steps until she was close enough to the girl, before pausing and more or less working up the courage to talk. She wasn’t all that good at communication all the time, but she still tried. “So, Foxy,” she called out, causing the other to jump and turn around. Her gaze was always as captivating, perhaps due to how obviously emotional it was - reading her mind was impossible, but her state of mind was all too obvious at all times. What really got Berta though, it surely was how evident the blush on her face was. Striking, such a contrast with her blue eyes and her blond curls, that pink really fit well. Made her look softer, and maybe a little less insufferable.
Her lips moved incoherently for a few seconds before she frowned, and pointed at the cup. “Y'ain’t wrote that, it’s ‘Vixen’ on it,” she protested, getting the other to raise an eyebrow. Maybe it’d been easy to guess making that flirty girl flustered wasn’t hard at all, but it still gave her some satisfaction. Oh, and also it was cute.
“I know what I wrote and I know vixens are foxes.” That sure wasn’t the answer that girl had hoped for. Berta could see her bite down on her lip as she thought of a reply.
“… Yea, but– still. Why’s that anyways, I 'on’t look like a fox !”
“Reminded me of one.”
Could the girl make it any more obvious that she clearly wasn’t used to being teased ? Or, flirted with, depending on how she took it. Either way, just one more endearing, sweet thing about that cute fellow, and it kind of made the former more confident.
This time though, maybe she actually put some thought into what she was about to say. Nothing crazy, but she’d always worked on that “speaking before thinking” basis, pretty much ; having to really work out some sort of appropriate response, or even question for the situation. Because in the end, that barista had ended up following her outside, there must’ve been a reason. Yes, that’d be her question.
“So… What’s ya doin’ here ? Ain’t ya workin’ ?” She uttered, her accent somewhat worsened. Oh, maybe because she was chewing on the… the cup. Was that a stress reliever ? Whatever.
“I wanna get your name.”
“What, I gave–”
“Your real name, so I don’t sob to my friends about a cute girl named Anthony,” Berta insisted, almost mockingly - although that was all light-hearted. The poor girl seemed to whimper after “cute girl”. Haha, she found her cute, she could die happy was what the whimper meant.
“Well… 'f ya want my name, then I bet you should invite me for a sleepover some time !” The blonde tried. It probably came off as silly, even if Berta just thought it adorable.
“A… sleepover ?”
“Yea, like… the best kind'a date.” She continued, managing to sound genuine about it. “It ain’t too fast if I’ been comin’ to your shop for two months. We can totally have a sleepover.”
“But I could be a murderer an’ kill you in your sleep.”
“Bitch, wha’s the issue here ? I’d die a happy death.” She retorted - maybe a little too quickly. A chance she hadn’t pulled out the whole “oh, crush me with your arms” or any sort of stupid stuff she looked like she would totally say. And the redhead clearly wasn’t wrong about that, that kind of answer had definitely come out of that girl’s mouth a few times… Maybe she shouldn’t be thinking about it.
“So, name ?”
She seemed embarrassed to say it. “Anya.”
“That’s a real pretty name.”
“Yea, shut ya’ trap, spare me the compliments.” Anya groaned, her gaze wandering elsewhere. “ ’S just a name.”
“Sure, Anya,” Berta answered with a chuckle, shaking her head. “So you said a sleepover ?”
“Then gi'mme your phone number or something.”
“Ya wrote yours on the cup.”
“… Ah, I did that.”
It was her time to be embarrassed again, it seemed. Had she really forgotten so easily ? That was a shame for sure, but Anya wouldn’t be too bothered by it, she could tell.
“Anyway, I’m… I’m gonna need to go back to work. Maybe come more often. Oh, and you don’t have to run away everytime, you can drink it at the shop,” the shorter girl offered. But she was met with a head shake, and that bright, quite shit-eating grin the blonde always wore. Back to normal, huh ? Couldn’t stay away too long.
“Nah, I’m a busy gal ! Gotta get goin’ as well. I’ll catch ya later.”
“Oh, well…” Was that sadness ? Yes, maybe she’d have liked to talk to her some time, at the shop. But if she was busy, then… “Talk to you soon.”
Anya waved, blew her a kiss and then… ran away. And Berta watched her, frankly smitten. What a goddamn rowdy… cutie.
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> hey> pretty girl here
|Text| to: pretty girl
> oh hey.> how do you spell yr name ?
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> howevs u want idc> yknow if i didnt have no decency id have said such bs> like huge
|Text| to: pretty girl
> like ?
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> crush me w ur arms
|Text| to: pretty girl
> oh my god> shut up> or i will
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> pls do> >:3c
|Text| to: pretty girl
> you’re impossible
|Text | to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> ur used to it now suck it up> im even funnier thru text> i send memes> n shit> hey?> also> cats have three lips
|Text| to: pretty girl
> hey you know wht maybe u should sleep !
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries and my heart
> lol maybe!!!!> wish me gn
|Text| to: pretty girl
> goodnight. dont dream of people crushing you
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries and my heart
> hdskjdghsdh> ill update u on that
Tag list:@well-the-kids-do-too@racetrackcook@i-got-personality@imjusttheoutgoingsidekick@thatfancyclam@we-dont-sell-papes@ben-cook-can-cook@not-your-cigar@nverkept@jackhasdreams@racescoronas@suddenly-im-respecsable@purplelittlepup@hopeful-broadwaybaby@broadwayandbookblog@crazymecjc@maiawakening@awwwwwwdang@albertdasillva@daveys-pet-snake@be-more-chill-evan-hansen
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