#im not normal about havoc duo
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mellohiizz · 4 months ago
if requests are open then please please please more havoc duo :3?????? i love how you draw them i see your designs and fucking explode. Would drink bleach. uhh angsty or fluff or ANYTHING just havoc duo my beloveds
i went insane on this one. okay.
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i've been listening to the horror and the wild by the amazing devil on repeat and i think it's extremely havoc duo coded. if anyone disagrees with me, you're wrong. here's some more little sketches i did for some other lyrics, because i used to make animatics for fun and i still miss doing them.
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shiny-jr · 2 months ago
I read the ignihyde update, and idk if it was just my mood that day or your writing this chapter but i tell ya i breezed right through it. it flowed so nicely i was like "bruh, i dont even like the hercules movie that much but now im interested in watching it again"
the way you wrote idia was also interesting and it made me remember that although he's a sad sack, he is also quite normal and snarky. like, the dude refers to himself as a nerdy freak but really he's just a nerd and not really a freak, and i think you really captured and portrayed that idea very well.
also it wasnt until i reached the end and i was really absorbing everything i read and then i thought about ortho being "pain" in the pain and panic duo and i realized "oh THAT'S why he's so violent and like relishes in torturing others and is so graphic" that was a GENIUS move. like, ortho IS violent in-game, and really casual about his lasers and like exacting revenge on students who wrong him (can't remember if that was dorm uniform vignette or not), so of course the role of Pain really fit him seemlessly.
it was a fine addition to the damnation series. good luck with diasomnia!
Hold on. What do you mean you don't like Hercules? It is legit one of the best movies of the Disney Renaissance age. The only movie that tops it, hands down, without any debate, is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I need to calm down.
Yes, Idia. Okay, so I noticed a few comments on my last post in regards to the topic of Idia. When I said, "Hot take, y'all. I'm about to say it. I'm tired of nervous stuttering Idia." I meant that others tend to write him like that, and it really gets boring because it happens so much! I mean, I was never a big fan of it in the first place, but yeah, just clarifying what I meant. Spice it up a bit, you know what I mean? He's much more than just an anxious mess.
As for Ortho, I'm so glad people are appreciating how I wrote him, because that little dude is most definitely not normal. Sort of related to my complaint of how people write Idia, most people write Ortho as just this cheery little guy and they blatantly ignore how terrifying he really is. I mean, we've seen mention of it and even moments throughout several events and parts of the story. Really, making him one of the imps just made sense. Add to the fact that the imps do some really horrible things in the movie and such, and how Ortho is not above wrecking havoc in order to achieve his goals, it just fit together so perfectly.
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mrs-monaghan · 2 years ago
here's my honest opinion on vmk's bond in the past few years.
i'll start with taekook rekindling their bromance in ITS1, with jimin's help. i feel like after the years they spent distant (maybe because of tae's mental health making him close off and maybe because of his friend circle outside of bts), jungkook got used to not being close to taehyung as they used and he was okay with it. but taehyung fixed his bond with jimin and genuinely wanted to do the same with jk, but couldn't without jimin's help, that's why jimin tricked (lol) jk into going out and having that conversation with tae.
ok, so they fixed their friendship, and they both definitely know that they're a popular duo within and outside of the fandom, and tae loves giving armys what they want as long as it's appropriate for him to do, he's also mischievous and likes wreaking havoc and enjoys causing a stir in the fandom that involves his name.
armys love taekook, (as a ship or a unit it doesn't matter) and tae loves jk (as his best(?) friend) so he wants them both to be the power duo armys want them to be, and that can be done simply by giving armys taekook selcas, a song (probably 🔜), tidbits of harmless information, and skinship. normal stuff that idols do for fan service.
and please, know what fan service is before you jump me, im not saying tkk aren't close, they are. all of bts do fan service to capitalize on their already existing bonds. but let's continue.
tkkrs are jimin antis. idk if tae knows that, but jimin definitely does and probably jk does too. so jimin started mentioning jungkook less because those mfs always cause a scene whenever he does. and tae, well he knows his audience and knows what they want. i don't think he has any bad intentions but he figures since him and jk are friends anyway, and his fans love to hear about jk or seeing tae with him, he wants to give them what they want. as any artist who loves their fans wants to do.
but since taehyung and jennie's relationship has been outed, taehyung uses taekookers to pull the attention away from himself and jennie onto him and jungkook instead. by singling out jungkook, mentioning him a lot, replying to posts about him, making jk join him on Instagram live, posting pictures/videos of them, updating armys about jungkook, promising army to do a karaoke live with jk, and actually starting a live from jk's home a minute before leaving to let armys know that they hung out.
now jimin isn't stupid, he knows why taehyung does what he does, and it involves jungkook too, who doesn't really get hated on like jimin does because he's been basically put under taehyung's wing. so every time taehyung feeds the fans who love him and jungkook, he—unintentionally—brings jimin hate in the process, and makes himself look closer to jungkook than jimin, something that jimin can't fight back since he decided to keep his bond with jungkook a private matter.
jungkook doesn't get hated on like jimin when there's jikookery involved, so he took matters into his own hands instead since jimin can't. and believe me when i say, jungkook LOVES bragging about his jimin rights lol. jikookery used to come from jimin's side, selcas, updates, you name it. and jungkook was happy with that, but since jimin can't do it anymore without getting trashed for it, jungkook does it instead. because the man won't just sit aside and let people (especially tkkrs, whom he doesn't like or fuck with) think he doesn't care about jimin. he obviously can't tell us that they hang out, because that's not his decision alone, and jimin doesn't want to. but he can at least share his love and support, no? and so he does.
in conclusion, jimin probably doesn't like taehyung's antics, but he isn't letting the hate get to him anyway so he lets taehyung do his thing since he's a grown man who knows what's best for him, and if tae decided to play with the cult who hates his friend, jimin won't stop him, but he'll put up barriers between them. and jk probably doesn't mind tae using him for taekookery as long as jk gets to combat it with jikookery from his side lol. if someday jk can't combat tae's attempts at taekookery wth jikookery anymore, best believe he'll put an end to the taekook shop once and for all. that man does NAWWTTT play with tkkrs at ALLLL.
but anyway, please remember that this is all just how i perceive things and not to be taken as a fact! i am prone to changing my opinions if the members show something that contradicts any of what i'm saying, or if we're presented with a new solid narrative from the members themselves. you're welcome to correct me or add to my pov if you like though <3
No. I like this analysis. I'm all for it. I'm wondering if I didn't send this ask myself in my sleep. This is great. I love it. Honestly. Have nothing to add
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bbygenya · 4 years ago
May i have sanemi, obanai, zenitsu, and tanjiro with an S/O who’s normally pretty similar to inosuke but has very frequent and easily triggered mental breakdowns where they knott and matt their hair terribly. Im so sorry if its too specific i just need comfort as i had one of these mental breakdowns received and i cant deal with it
hihi anon! sorry for getting back to you so late—I hope you're doing fine and feeling better! mental breakdowns suck >.< I'll still do the ask you've gifted with me, and I hope I interpreted it correctly? lmk though ☺️ pls take care of yourself and I'm here if you need me 💖
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shinazugawa sanemi
🌪 » 😃
🌪 » sanemi honestly isn’t the most well versed with mental illness but is very understanding in regards to it
🌪 » but y/n runs his blood pressure up—side note
🌪 » it’s even worse when you link up with inosuke
🌪 » he’d rather bear hug giyuu then deal with this
🌪 » though surprisingly? he takes rlly good care of y/n
🌪 » even though he’s got a flip mouth, he means well and is genuinely concerned
🌪 » vvv gentle; handles you with the utmost care 💘
🌪 » honestly as much as y/n stresses him tf out, he’s very well equipped to help you manage your breakdowns?
🌪 » when he sees your hair starting to mat up and knot up, he tries not to let it get too bad
🌪 » “y/n, y/n— no, come on,”
🌪 » firm voice but gentle voice
🌪 » nemi is a sweetheart on god
🌪 » when you’re calm, he sits with you and gently starts to detangle your hair. carefully
🌪 » head kisses the whole time 🥺
🌪 » “I love you regardless. we’ll get through this. you’re not alone, and I’m not going anywhere.”
🌪 » SANEMI 😭😭😭
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iguro obanai
🐍 » this fucking simp is ready to fucking fight you
🐍 » “y/n I swear to fucking god—”
🐍 » he’s fed up with his crackhead bby but loves you dearly
🐍 » loves you soooo much that he can’t cope with you having breakdowns 🥲
🐍 » as in it’s so starkly different from your personality and (as a simp) seeing you in distress sends HIM into distress
🐍 » slaps the internal panic button
🐍 » “deep breaths y/n”
🐍 » like sanemi this microscopic mf does NOT know what to do and will visibly hit the 🧍🏻pose REAL quick
🐍 » but one thing about obanai is that this man? will soften tf up so fast for you oh boy
🐍 » considering his own struggles with his mental health, his own breakdowns are not as severe (well to him) and though different, he understands what it feels like
🐍 » is really ready to fight whatever and whoever triggered it
🐍 » kaburamaru tries helping too 🥺
🐍 » helps you calm down
🐍 » after breakdown shower! together!
🐍 » frowns a bit seeing how your hair is matted up and kinked up with knots, so takes it upon himself to gently untangle
🐍 » “does it hurt? sorry, I’ll be more gentle.”
🐍 » okay but obanai is also vvv sweet 🥺
🐍 » cuddles after with kaburamaru + nap time
🐍 » he’ll also feed you after; food makes EVERYBODY feel better
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agatsuma zenitsu
⚡️» 😃😃😃
⚡️» the two of you bicker a lot but playfully
⚡️» it’s always bad when you tag team with mf inosuke; that’s a powerful duo that zenitsu doesn’t have the mental stability to handle well
⚡️» speaking of mental stability
⚡️» zenitsu surprisingly handles mental breakdowns well?
⚡️» sure at the beginning he was a train fucking wreck but now he knows how to manage
⚡️» will deadass hug you in the middle of a mental breakdown; doesn’t care if you try to shove him away or get snot and tears all over him
⚡️» your pain = his pain
⚡️» as part of the simp squad, he literally swears he feels pain whenever you do
⚡️» he will hold your hands during your meltdown and kiss them, trying to help you breathe and get through it
⚡️» “come on, breathe my love. it’s okay, I’m here.”
⚡️» idk how he’s so good at this wtf
⚡️» afterwards, he’s very gentle; he’s surprisingly mature through it all
⚡️» “look, let’s get you situated and we can order food, okay?”
⚡️» will glue to your side the rest of the day to make sure you know hes there for you and to be on watch if you start up again
⚡️» you really annoy the hell out of him but god does he love you
⚡️» “your hair is so pretty y/n, let’s get all the kinks out of it,”
⚡️» does everything at your pace; tries to prevent the matting and knotting before it happens
⚡️» if he senses a breakdown on the horizon, he’s proactive and will braid your hair to keep it from getting all tangled and knotted up too badly
⚡️» tries his best 🥺
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kamado tanjiro
☀️ » I saved the best for last tbfh
☀️ » too pure for this world
☀️ » sometimes he is >:| with you but is usually 🥰 when you’re not with inosuke wreaking havoc
☀️ » you’re his literal sunshine even when you’re sad
☀️ » this bby slaps the “big brother” mode when you’re not yourself
☀️ » he can smell a breakdown before it starts
☀️ » like zenitsu, he’ll hold you while you have your moment
☀️ » he gets so sad; just goes into comfort mode the whole time
☀️ » “it’s gonna be okay y/n. I love you; it’s okay to let it out.”
☀️ » damn I need a tanjiro when I have meltdowns too
☀️ » he loves your hair and feels bad when you knot it up during a meltdown
☀️ » though it frustrates him, he never raises his voice at you—he’s always gentle and sweet because he knows it’s a habit from you being in emotional distress
☀️ » holds your after too; just rocks you in his arms and reassured you you’re safe
☀️ » doesn’t want you to be ashamed of your meltdowns. at all.
☀️ » if your hair needs to be cut, he’ll help you cut it!
☀️ » it probably ends up fucked up let’s be real: so he has to take you to the salon
☀️ » overall tanjiro? he’s the sweetest, bestest bf
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spiderman616 · 2 years ago
Scourge Unleashed concept dump
Will preface this i have not played sonic unleashed so this will be mostly gameplay
I think it'd be unnecessarily complicated to make light gaia evil and dark gaia good so scourge can still side with light gaia, but light gaia will be a little evil and dark gaia will be a little good. just a little
plot starts with dr kintobor learning about light gaia, which he is gonna attempt to free ahead of schedule in order to bring peace to the world. scourge takes wind of this and is bored as hell after escaping zone jail (unleashed is post events of archie anyways) so decides to check things out. kintobor has successfully released light gaia up in space (where he thought he could be safe), who then identifies scourge as a threat and blasts him with a gaia gust or whatever, sending him down to moebius like normal.
once grounded, scourge now got a new form like the werehog, but this time think cross between a vampire and an angel. he finds dark gaia (who got forced out of the core when light gaia was released) and is fucking PISSED. they agree to team up to beat the other duo up because they are full of Anger.
However before that, Scourge goes back to the no zone to beat the SHIT out of zonic (no im not salty over lockdown what makes you think tha) but his weird light gaia powers accidentally turn zonic into a ghost. oopsie! so now zonic has to join scourge and dark gaia to merge back with his body since the light gaia energy is whats separating the two. all while complaining about how much paperwork hes gonna have to do. fun!
the goal is to get a shit ton of anarchy beryl and get to each gaia temple, charging up each one to make a mega lazer to blast the space station out of the sky. Along the way, you meet the anti versions of sonic characters that help you along the way, including familiar faces like fiona and the destructix since they stayed in moebius with scourge.
scourges gameplay has emphasis as causing as much havoc and destruction as you can, while getting to the end as fast as possible. you can utilize scourge's new abilities to boost him forward and cause more damage, since him and zonic are in their forms all the time.
zonics gameplay is more puzzle platformer oriented, since he moves slower and can possess/repossess his body to get past obstacles and fix all the fucking damage scourge caused because hes just nice like that.
scourge's new abilities include gliding and concentrated energy attacks (once he gets enough rings), along with normal sonic moves. zonics moveset is completely different, since his top speed is half that of scourges, and he can't spin. he compensates for that with a higher jump and limited hovering, as well as several combat options like a gun, along with regular punching. his main combat utility comes from when he exits his body and can possess enemies to fucking murder.
enemies are light gaia spawn that are just super badniks remade to be more divine/angelic, but for scourge you can also beat up passerby if you so please.
either character can call in for a dark gaia boost once a meter fills up (like the boost meter). this has a pretty big attack range and doesn't halt your speed.
bosses will be two parts (one for zonic one for scourge), along with a side character that can lend you a temporary new ability needed to beat the boss. co-op is also an option, although the game will have minimal changes to accomodate for it.
at the end, its pretty similar to normal unleashed ending where they go super and kill god, but this time kintobor DOES manage to restore peace somewhat. just scourge gets pissed and yeets both gaias into the core again, and zonic leaves on slightly better terms than before hooray.
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defendglobe · 3 years ago
Free character of choice :)
NICE! im gonna go with data startrek bc ive been rewatching TNG lately.
favorite thing about them: his weird little quirks. like not using contractions, listing off a ton of synonyms when talking, his love for sherlock holmes, the way he babies his cat, the stupid hat he wears when the crew plays poker, etc. and also just how artistic he is (he's constantly painting, he plays violin, and writes poetry)
least favorite thing about them: i get that he was written as detached and unemotional but my god. he's WAY too calm when people are being bigoted to his face. i wish he had the chance to say "you know what? the way people treat me is incredibly fucked up and i do not deserve this" at least once.
favorite line: "the starfleet officers who first activated me on omicron theta told me I was an android. nothing more than a sophisticated machine with human form. however, i realized that if i was simply a machine, i could never be anything else. i could never grow beyond my programming. i found that difficult to accept, so i chose to believe that i was a person, that I had the potential to be more than a collection of circuits and subprocessors"
brOTP: really data and the entire enterprise-D crew. but to pick just one duo, i'll say data and deanna.
OTP: data/geordi. fellas, is it gay to have trouble in romantic relationships with women because you "have a hard time being yourself" while being practically joined at the hip with your dude best friend? i love how geordi accepts data just as he is and data trusts him enough to let him do maintenance/repairs on him. also its so fucking funny that they roleplay sherlock holmes together.
nOTP: every now and then i see data shipped with maddox or kivas fajo (both characters who viewed data as just an object with no autonomy and one of which was physically violent with him) and im like. can we Not do that.
random headcanon: i've seen a lot of people headcanon that the emotion chip is just a placebo/just allows data to label the feelings he already has but my headcanon is a bit different. i like to think the chip was created with the assumption that data was completely incapable of emotion without it. but since he clearly does have SOMETHING going on, it wreaks havoc on his systems and takes every emotion to its extreme. which is why he's so emotionally out of control in generations. by the later TNG movies he seems a lot more like himself, so geordi probably figured out what was going on and found a way to fix it.
unpopular opinion: when data talks about "wanting to be human," he doesn't actually mean he wishes he was human (Q offers to make him human twice and he immediately says no fuckin way). he really means like. wanting to be loved and accepted, to be treated as "normal," and to be part of a family. but since he doesn't quite know how to articulate that, he just says he wants to be human instead.
song i associate with them: we talk like machines - savoir adore
favorite picture of them: look at this shit. this show is fucking insane.
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strssed-out · 4 years ago
theory with the two protagonists (tommy and ranboo)
with enough theories and tweets by the audience of the dsmp roleplay, i think its safe to assume that both c!tommy and c!ranboo are the protagonists of the storyline. both being somehow affected by dream. but, that's the only thing connecting those two characters together. there is barely any evidence and ideas out there that are able to somehow connect ranboo and tommy without making shit up. (/lh), and having barely or any proper evidence to support that idea. as well, the two protagonists aren't that close. most of their interactions relying on tubbo. the only time we really see/saw them together is right before the exile arc. otherwise, its all kinda nonsense from there. might i also add, they are protagonists on opposite sides of the spectrum. ranboo being a reticent and polite character. he is half endermen and half some other piece of shit (lmao). as shown through many streams, ranboo seems to be filling in for c!tommy. (i just wanted to clarify that this is all role-play, and i am talking about CHARACTER tommy!) living w/ techno and phil like tommy used to, and also having a strong bond w/ tubbo. the thing is, he CANT replace tommy in the story. how? one, the audience will not like that. and he doesnt have that same bad(ass) troublemaker personality. tommy is this loud obnoxious person, that likes to cause havoc on the server. so far, all we know is that he is human and ONLY human. thats it. no powers, no nothing. just a normal human being. he is hated by almost everyone on the server, and severely traumatized. though, they both intertwine things of the lore in different ways. a tale of two cities is connected to the lore because of ranboo.(ranboo is then connected by dream) mostly everything else is because of tommy. right now, i feel like the reason why we aren't getting the best interaction is because of tubbo. the duo before ranboo was there was tubbo and tommy. it would be a bit weird and random to suddenly thow tubbo out of the spotlight. as we saw in tubbos latest lore stream, he starts to open up about his trauma and execution. i may be wrong, but what i think is gonna happen is tubbo is going to be the one to find help first. in order to bring ranboo and tommy on the same path, tubbo needs to move a bit, which is clearly progressing. tubbo is now healing, having a family, and being with the one he loves. now im not sure what exactly is going to happen, since it seemed like tubbo is going to be apart of some type of las nevadas shit. if tubbos streams are more like this, and him being busy with it, this can leave ranboo and tommy together. not hundred percent sure how or what will happen to bring the two together. maybe dream hurts tubbo? they both have an insanely strong connection with the boy, and i wouldnt be surprised if thats the reason they get closer.
now, what else could also be happening is the complete opposite with what i jus stated here. instead of taking him out, they bring tubbo more in the spotlight. since quackity is here, something or someone has to connect him with the big and main plot idea. maybe tubbo is going to connect it? who knows. all i can say is that the dsmp story line is quite confusing, and i'm pretty sure wilbur and dream have an idea where to go with this. i just hope it isn't anything awkward and random. though, my next question is what micheal is going to be apart of the dsmp story line. but with that, we need to see a lore stream with him in it.
going back to the topic, i can definitely tell that tommy and ranboo are going to end up having a closer bond, and work with each other more commonly (this is also me trying to lie to myself that we will be getting allium duo content because i need it). having them interact already and so close on the first day when tommy gave the tour could have to do with something. the flower, and the instant connection that both ranboo and tommy have for eachother. even though tommys took some time, you can clearly tell that it is there, and will only get stronger from here :]
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collisiondiscourse · 4 years ago
i have decided i am now going to blow up your inbox bc i csn i’m sorry codi focnnf
b u t!! anyway i’m going to rambling abt my new dad for all au [whixh was the au i sent you that ask abt]
alrighty so all might is now midoriya’s dad. that’s a thing. i like to think that inko and toshinori were high school sweethearts who broke up after graduation but met again when all might was called to recuse some hostages and inko was one of them!! anywho all might recuses her, they go on a coffee date, realize they’re still in love and start again
they get married and have izuku, who keeps inko’s maiden name [midoriya is now inko’s maiden name bc i do what i want]. he’s the cutest baby who has inko’s green hair, but has one blue and one green eye! [these are /important/] inko and all might talk abt maybe giving izuku all for one when he’s older, but they decide against it bc they don’t know if he’ll have a quirk or not
spoiler!! bitch baby has a quirk!! he gets a quirk that’s so much different than inko’s quirk and !!! ahhh!!! the basic explanation is that all might’s all of one genes mixed and then “corrupt” inko’s like 3 generation quirk-having genes or smth and izu has a very, very complex quirk now. it’s called astron, and astron allows him to fucking astral project into the center of the university and shit chxnc
astron works two different ways: using his blue eye he can project other people into his own personal astral plane and do whatever he wants. while the person’s physical body is still where it was, their mind is in the astral plane. if he uses his green eye, he can project himself to his astral plane and fuck around without consequences!!
[there’s an untold third ability of astron using both of his eyes, but izuku tried doing that when he first got his quirk and immediately fell into a coma for like a month? it was bad and his mind couldn’t handle the stress and dipped lol]
ANYWAY, izuku grows up with a bomb ass quirk and still has his kacchan with him thru his childhood so things are a lot different than canon? the wonder duo are little shitheads together and i love them, they wreck havoc and i love them
i have more ideas for this story but this is all i have for now, codi this is so long i’m sorry i’m blowing up ur inbox 🥺😭
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me opening my askbox and seeing the length of this au: holy shit
me reading the actual whole au: HOLY SHIT
(serious writing/plot below - blood and vomit mention)
oh god and now im imagining deku like. being this extremely feral and annoying lil shit whos extremely powerful and now bakugous got someone on his level so hes a lot more humble as hes growing up but also him and deku are the?? BESTEST OF FRIENDS. and i imagine when bakugou is being a little shit deku just. astral projects him out of his body for a while and apologizes to whoever kacchan yelled at LMFAO---bakugou comes back to his body and is all like “....fucks sake stop doing that”
AND THEN omfgkjfds imagine morally grey deku who does whatever he can to win?? he knew he wouldnt get into UAs hero course fair and square (all might offered him a recommendation but he declined because he wanted to get there on his own with kacchan) because robots didnt have souls he could astral project so he practices his quirks limits like YEARS prior and he tells bakugou about it but never rlly shows him but on the day of the entrance exam?
he shows up. everything goes as normal and he finishes the written exams and then moves on to the practical exam (still seperated from kacchan like in canon) and like. Every one goes dashing forward and deku doesnt really try to beat anyone. He waits until theyre all in the center engaging with robots when he walks to the center of the room.
and he sees the zero pointer in the distance.
“THE ZERO-POINTER’S HERE!” He yells and points at the gigantic mech heading their way. All at once everyone’s heads whip up to catch sight of the robot, enraptured by its sheer size and power. 
As they all look to one direction, Deku makes eye contact with them and smiles.
All at once, every single participant in the area goes limp. Astron throws their souls into the astral plane with little fanfare and everyone watches in awe and annoyance as their bodies uselessly crumple to the ground from the outside. The green-haired boy is suddenly given free reigns of the arena and they seethe as one by one he deactivates or disables robots that were once under their purview.
(What some of the smarter ones notice however, is the way he seems to be leaving some stray 3 pointers untouched... almost as if he was doing the calculations in his head as he goes... on how to ensure the number one spot while others can still score points...?)
One by one however, they start struggling and reaching to reconnect with their bodies. Their gleaming bright souls bob up and down with frenzied energy and Deku feels it. He feels it like itches on his skin and goosebumps that turn into hills that dance up and down his back. He feels it like he feels his limit reaching.
Its still around 10 minutes though before he actually loses control and everyone comes back to their bodies. His quirk times out and almost like its angry, the astral plane takes his body in exchange for the dozens he kept in there. He gets sucked through and passes out while everyone else runs and destroys the remaining bots. It doesn’t matter though, because he knows he’s racked up enough points to stay on top. He lets himself rest and observes the blue-haired tall guy with engines who contemplates carrying Deku’s body to safety.
Until, he sees her.
Just under some rubble and very close to getting crushed by the Zero-Pointer’s foot, Deku spots a brown-haired young girl that he recalls has some kind of floating quirk. He sees as everyone runs past her, prioritizing their own safety instead of hers.
He makes a decision.
Quickly--recklessly, a familiar gruff voice says in his ear--he forces himself back into his body and looks around. He runs to the girl and attempts to dig her out from the rubble before she gets crushed. The robot comes ever closer.
Using the little strength and flexibility he’s learnt from years of sparring with Kacchan, Deku abandons her in favor of climbing up the broken concrete and metal to meet the robot’s visor. He knows he won’t save her by digging her out of there, but by god is he gonna let her get injured without a fight. These robots weren’t designed to kill, but they were designed to destroy.
Focus. Focus and listen to what’s around you, Izu-kun.
The world around him reduces to tunnel-vision and suddenly Deku is face to face with the Zero-Pointer. It stops, as if calculating how to discard of Deku without hurting him severely with its own strength.
Everything has life in it. You only need to focus and look for it.
Izuku Midoriya looks at the robot.
In a whirlwind of blue and green, he reaches inside of himself and searches for life. Cold steel and hard-wired code meet his gaze and he plunges even deeper. 
Then all at once, everything in his visions snaps into sudden clarity, like he’s never seen before. He feels everything. Sees Everything. Smells, tastes, hears--and he hears how the metal beneath him bends and groans. He feels how it winces and shudders. He sees it as it opens its maw and its visor bends in a facsimile of eyes, pleading him as if asking how?
The robot beneath him comes to life and stumbles back.
Quickly, he scrambles to the nearest ledge which happens to be a broken support beam. Distantly, he thinks he feels his arm being sliced open on the edge of it and the warmth of blood streaming down his side as he nearly falls. 
“HEY! YOU WITH THE ENGINES!” He hoarsely screams to the still remaining, slack-jawed contestants. “I CAN’T KEEP THE ZERO POINTER DOWN FOR LONG! GO HELP THE GIRL AND TAKE HER TO SAFETY NOW!”
With a sudden burst of energy, the fellow participants start taking others out from the rubble while the blue-haired boy helps the brunette he was protecting earlier. As he watches them clear the rubble to drag her out, he feels a pang.
Who am I? a lost voice calls out. It’s raspy and almost-robotic sounding and only he can hear it. Where am I? What am I?
And Deku’s vision flickers.
In and out, he sees flashes through eyes that aren’t his. He hears voices that are simultaneously faraway and way too close for comfort. The world tugs at the sides of his perspective and a strain is pulling at the back of his head tearing his brain to shreds. He doesn’t know what he’s focusing or straining on, except that its working and keeping the zero-pointer down.
He grits his teeth. “Hurry the hell up! i can’t do this any longer--”
Bursts of pain appear behind his mismatched eyes and he wants to scream so bad and if he were looking any clearer he’d see the way that the zero-pointer thrashes on the ground in time with the pounding on his skull. Bile crawls up the back of his throat and Deku screams.
Izuku lets go and his vision goes black.
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souvcniir · 4 years ago
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*   bopping  along  to  forever  by  drake  is  𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐑  ,  the  twenty  two  year  old  cis  man  thrown  back  to  their  business  days  with  none  of  his   memories  .  voted  most  likely  to  move  out  the  country  ,  alis  was  known  for  being   resilient &   facetious ,  go  figures  you'd  always  find  them  being  threatened  to  be  kicked  off  of  the  football  team  ,  but  grew  up  to  be   audacious &  untrusting  .
what’s  happening  cuties  !   listen  ,  i  cannot  join  a  group  without  giving  the  fattest  and  biggest  warning  that  despite  being  in  the  rpc  for  a  minute  now  ,   i  still  suck  at  introductions  .  embarrassing  luv  ,  i  know  asdj  .  i’m  gi(anna)  ,  i’m  nineteen  years  old  ( a  big  old  baby   )  ,  i  go  by  she  and  her  pronouns  and  i  currently  live  on  the  east  coast  which  throws  me  in  the  est  timezone  !!!  this  is  one  out  of  two  of  my  children  that  i’ll  be  bringing  you  ,   and  um  can  i  just  say  im  obsessed  with  the  fc  pairing  i  got  going  on  for  alistair  .  aron  piper  and   giuseppe  maggio  ?   this  is  what  heaven  is   asdfgh  .    down  below  you’ll  find  a  little  about  alistair  !  and  if  you  want  to  plot  you  can  either  smash  the  heart  button  ,  send  me  a  message  ,  or  message  me  on  discord  at  𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐲#1776  .
*   𝐎𝐍𝐄                          𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒  .
a   black   eye   in   response   of   words   of   provokement   ,   lonely   nights   concealed   by   random   bodies   ,   gold   rings   sitting   on   bruised   knuckles   ,   calloused   digits   shielding   a   bright   sun   from   bloodshot   eyes   ,   distant   chatter   drowned   out   by   loud   thoughts   ,    salty  drops   gleaming   on   tan   skin   ,   enchanting   pearly   whites   ,   thunderstorms   singing   pretty   hues   to   sleep     .
*   𝐓𝐖𝐎                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 .
full   name.   alistair  aurelius  salazar  .   nickname(s).    alis  ,  ali  .   preferred   name.   alistair  .   past  age.   twenty  two  .   present  age.   thirty  two  .   date  of  birth.   november  first  .  zodiac.  scorpio  . gender.    cis  man .   pronouns.   he  and  him  .   sexuality.  pansexual  .   younger  faceclaim.   aron  piper  .   older  faceclaim.   giuseppe  maggio   .   character  inspiration.    hardin  scott  ,   niccolo  govender  rossi  ,  lip  gallagher  ,  and   bellamy  blake  .
*   𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐒  .
(   physical  abuse  ,  slightly  detailed     )
    sorrows  and  raindrops     ,   remnants  of  a  first  breath  that  established  the  tone  of  the  upbringing  of  curly  locks  and  pearly  whites  that  never  flashed  for  too  long  .      he  was  a  prisoner  in  a  punishment  meant  for  another  .   he  was  a  prisoner  to  rage  .
   he’s  made  up  of  pleads  ,   and  sobs  that  still  haunt  his  childhood   .   neglected  of  forehead  kisses  and  bedtime  stories   ,  gifted  fists  against  previously  bruised  flesh  in  substitution  .    black  and  blue  decorating  his  body  so  frequency  that  for  a  while  he  forgot  what  he  looked  like  without  them  .   
   one  night  ,  he   held  his  broken  arm  in  his  lap  and  begged  her  to  tell  him  why  ,  why  did  she  hate  him  so  much  ?    she  never  answered  ,   didn’t  even  move  a  muscle  .   left  her  seven  year  old  child  to  pull  himself  off  of  the  floor  and  out  the  door  .  that  was  his  last  memory  of  her  .
    left  in  the  care  of  the  foster  system    and  a  year  later  was  put  into  the  custody of  a  man  who  was  suppose  to  be  his  father  .   a  politician  who  had  cared  more  about  his  image  then  his  own  blood  eight  years  earlier  .   not  an  excuse  ,  his  father  would  learn  that  with  the  help  of  guilt  eating  him  from  the  inside  out  .  did  everything  he  could  think  of  to  make  it  up  ,    not  an  easy  challenge  .  
*   𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 .
walked  hand  in  hand  with  being  difficult  .      labeled  the  broken  bird  .  the  dirt  bag  .   found  traces  of  himself  in  chaos  and  so  he  became  it  .    a  smart  boy  drowning  in  a  hurt  he  had  not  fully  recovered  from  .    got  better  as  the  years  went  ,   and  twenty  two  was  his  golden  years  of  doing  his  very  best  to  not  self  destruction  .  
kept  himself  busy  ,  but  that  does  not  mean  he  kept  himself  out  of  trouble  .  a  smart  boy  who  had  the  ability  to  stumble  into  class  with  black  rims  covering  regrets  from  the  previous  night  .   cannabis  was  the  best  form  of  therapy  and  getting  blacked  out  on  weekdays  was  his  favorite  sin  .   
careless  and  impulsive  ,  everyone’s  favorite  partner  in  crime  .  bruised  knuckles  and  a  fat  lip  were  the  consequence  of  a  insolent  mouth  that  never  knew  when  to  stop  .   smiled  with  blood  dripping  from  his  mouth  and  returned  to  his  dorm  with  bruised  knuckles  ,  now  he  remembered  what  he  looked  like  .    
charming  words  and  wandering  hands  might’ve  fooled  you  ,  but  commitment  for  him  was  unreachable  .   he  was  stuck  in  the  mindset  that  he  was  too  fucked  up  for  someone  to  love  him  and  it  showed  in  every  relationship  he  had  ever  had  .   he  was  the  heartbreaker  ,  or  more  so  the  cold  hearted  .  used  others  to  silence  the  demons  in  his  head  and  left  before  the  sun  crept  through  curtains  .  
*   𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓  .
ten  years  formed  a  new  label  ,  the  phoenix  .   the  businessman  .    moved  around  until  he  settled  in   san  francisco  where  he  soon  opened  up  a  bar  with  his  business  partner  .   successful  ,  finally  funded  his  own  life  with  money  that  he  earned  .  but  there  was  more  to  him  then  just  expensive  cars  and  days  being  referred  to  as  boss  . 
healed  in  more  ways  then  he  had  been  ten  years  ago  ,  thanks  to  the  help  of  actual  therapy  (  though  cannabis   was  still  a  friend  )   .   greatest  achievement  was  finding  forgiveness  in  his  heart  for  his  father  and  building  a  normal  son  -  father  relationship  .    
decided  early  he  didn’t  want  kids  and  instead  adopted  a  pitbull  named  kyson  .   his  best  friend  and  as  those  around  him  joke  ,  his  son  .   is  his  background  a  picture  of  him  and  his  dog  ,  yes  .  mind  your  business  .
now  a  known  playboy  ,  though  most  aren’t  surprised  .  says  he’s  too  busy  for  relationships  but  it’s  just  the  fact  that  some  things  never  change  and  commitment  was  still  a  scary  thing  .  
recently  ,  as  in  the  last  three  years  ,  moved  to  riccione  ,  where  he  opened  up  his  fourth  bar  .   lives  in  a  house  on  the  beach  and  only  returns  home  every  few  months  (  plus  the  holidays  )  .  has  become  a  big  beach  bum  ,  but  he  likes  the  environment  .  does  the  whole  beach  life  activities  too  ,  the  hiking  and  the  surfing  (  though  he’s  not  very  good  )   .  
no  longer  a  fighter  ,  and  instead  is  the  one  breaking  them  up  .   realized  there  was  one  thing  he  never  wanted  to  be  ,  his  mother  ,  and  so  he’d  never  resort  to  using  his  fist  unless  in  the  act  of  defense  and  even  then  he’s  had  a  good  job  of  walking  away  .  
*   𝐒𝐈𝐗                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓   .
back  to  square  one  .  no  memories  of  who  he  grew  up  to  be  ,  just  the  old  feeling  of  anger  and  hurt  .   sad  to  see  his  process  thrown  out  the  window  ,  his  healing  cracked  open  .  the  biggest  question  ,  is  will  he  get  to  his  end  point  once  again  or  will  a  second  chance  be  his  downfall  ?
*   𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐒  .
has  always  taken  very  good  care  of  himself  in  the  sense  of   what  he  puts  into  his  body  ,  even  in  college  he  paid  important  attention  to  diet  and  exercise  .  
doesn’t  speak  of  his  mother  ,  or  at  least  he  didn’t  .  you  asked  a  question  and  got  silence  in  return  .  most  never  actually  knew  what  the  first  seven  years  of  his  life  was  ,  which  left  many  in  shock  when  he  finally  decided  to  open  up  about  it  .
he  doesn’t  like  nicknames  and  prefers  to  be  called  just  alistair  ,  though  some  people  do  get  a  pass  ,  even  if  that  pass  comes  with  a  hard  look  .
his  drink  of  choice  is  bourbon  but  he  hasn’t  been  a  bigger  drinker  since  his  college  days  ...  his  friends  would  joke  it’s  because  he  overdid  it  too  many  times  in  his  younger  years  . 
*  𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓                          𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  .
*   these  are  simply  just  ideas  to  give  us  something  to  start  with  ,  i  am  open  to  anything  that  is  not  mentioned  as  well  am  completely  and  totally  okay  with  switching  things  around  and  adding  things  to  these  ideas !!!  i  love  plotting  and  bouncing ideas  off  of  each  other  so  don’t  be  afraid  to  stray !
                    YOU’RE  BAD  FOR  MY  HEALTH  ,  YEAH  YOU  SHOULD  HURT  SOMEBODY  ELSE  (  PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN    )  .    he  was  bad  for  their  health    ,   a  rollercoaster  that  consisted  of  too  many  downs  .  toxic  ?  yes  .  in  love  ?  in  denial  .  but  whatever  was  between  these  two  ,  it  kept  them  at  each  others  throats  and  in  each  other  bed  .   this  was  not  the  one  who  got  away  ,  it  was  the  one  he  needed  to  stay  away  from  . 
                   WILL  HE  ALWAYS  BE  MINE  ?   ( PRESENT  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    his  first  adult  relationship  ,  and  like  alistair  himself  it  was  not  always  easy  .  long  nights  ,  busy  days  ,  sometimes  this  relationship  felt  like  it  was  set  up  to  fail  ..  and  then  they  got  their  moments  where  butterflies  flapped  their  wings  and  rose  spreaded  to  cheeks  and  it  really  seemed  like  it  would  work  ...  but   good  moments  ,  they  come  and  go  and  this  relationship  leaves  the  other  thinking  how  long  they  might  have  alistair  . 
                  I  GOT  A  BAD  IDEA  ( PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    he  looked  to  his  left  and  saw  them  ,  and  when  he   looked  in  front  of  him  he  saw  the  bars  and  regrets  forming  .   these  two  were  a  duo  that  wreaked  havoc   ,  being  around  them  meant  cop  sirens  and  bad  decisions  .  these  two  were  ,  what  do  they  say  ?  young  and  dumb  .
                  WHOLE  SQUAD  MOBBIN  EVEN  THOUGH  WE  ONLY  SIX  DEEP  ( PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    his  best  buddies  (  that  i  manage  are  still  apart  of  his  life  in  present  time  )  made  up  of  two  to  three  others  .  they  are  his  people  ,  his  picked  family  .   
                I  SWEAR  IF  I  EVER  LEFT  YOU  IN  THE  COLD  ,  IT’S  CAUSE  IT  WAS  COLDER  INSIDE   (  PRESENT  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .   a  old  friend  who’s  no  longer  that  ,  a  friend  .  i  picture  this  to  be  more  complicated  then  what  it  seems  ,  but  picture  these  two  going  from  being  attached  at  the  hip  to  not  speaking  to  one  another  .
                  CAN  YOU  IMAGINE  ?   ( PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   ) .    that  one  person  who  badly  wanted  something  more  from  alistair  and  got  exactly  the  opposite  .   lovers  in  the  way  of  intimacy  but  one  sided  emotionally  .  
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cevascpoclo-blog · 5 years ago
Linux platform Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc cheats
    Critique poor 219
Review good 7k
Platforms Linux
Critiques It’s hard to go beyond this point explaining Danganronpa
Byakuya's voice actor is better than his entire character. Ah yes, the first Dangan Discourse: Team Leon or Sayaka? Sayaka was willing to betray Makoto's trust for her own gain, but this is also the same girl who had devoted her entire life to and constructed her entire identity around her career. Monokuma wasnt just threatening her friends, he was threatening her entire world. She implies that she'd already suffered enough to get to this point in her career, but she was willing to do it because it was her life and her world and her dream. And she never even got to learn that the whole class dies if they get the killer wrong, so all she probably felt she had to do was sacrifice one individual who seemed to be going nowhere anyway, a punk who took his talent and his immense luck for granted. And while it is true that Leon most likely came back to kill Sayaka after having already shaken her off, his FTEs show clear signs of paranoia and anxiety about the entire killing game to the point where he literally has a panic attack. Imagine being in his shoes when he suddenly got a note from the girl he was very clearly crushing on to come see her, the brief surge of joy and relief he must have felt that the one person he trusted was reaching out to him. And then, imagine those fleeting feelings of hope being immediately ripped away when that very person locked him in her room and made his worst nightmare a reality. I find it hard to believe that anyone in his shoes wouldn't have all but lost their mind at that point. Perhaps that's what Leon was talking about post-trial. They were probably both good kids, but they were also the weakest out of everyone and were kind of doomed to fail in a killing game environment. Tldr: Neither Leon nor Sayaka deserved to die and I dont understand why a majority of the fandom insists on picking sides.
  I can't hear Leon's voice the same after hearing shuichi's voice too much lol. More than a year later, and I'm still crying over Gonta. Leon's about cruel and unusual... Official website. WHY DID IT HAVE TA BE GONTA. HE WAS MY FAVORITE NICE GUY! SCREW YOU KOKICHI.
We got good music but at what cost. HAHAHAHAH NO IM STILL NOT OVER THE LAST FOUR EXECUTIONS HSIWOWOWO. It's 2017 and i still feel bad about all of them ( except for Junko she can choke.
  How can a room be completely soundproof if you can slide something under the door? Not very logical imo. Changed: 30 Dec 2019 03:06 AM PDT. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.
emblem looks has O 01/31/2020 HQZU JRFK girl he was very clearly 831 914 LEAM 54 RFO 64 658 CTE 697 TQ D Monday, 16 December 2019 14:06:42 47 92 75 has a panic attack. Imagine 14 43 have been? 17 859 41 21 71 CFKN 232 I 12/12/2019 01:06 PM 92 but at what cost 94 39 727 11/19/19 0:06:42 +03:00 X 42 435 95 11 912 237 25 signs of 21 HU 778 12/21/2019 JF 597 64 VIR 55 YYU on to come see 425 RJU S 958 564 49 25 807 509 40 OIS 93 289 14 95 408 966 26 377 Thursday, 16 January 2020 20 60 17 L 92 34 968 I true that Leon 830
What instrument could it have been? Idk maybe the bloody dumbbell but hey Im the moron here
1:13:06 I find it interesting how the emblem on Makoto's jacket looks different than normal in this shot. The emblem looks like the Organization XIII symbol from Kingdom Hearts II. It's so weird listening to Leon's voice after v3. What are the lyrics of this song. That class trial gave me anxiety. It was obviously Noel she wanted to say this is everyone's Christmas present.
I love how calmly Togami states that Genocide Jack is Toko. 5:39 bloodlust? That extreme demon on geometry dash.
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hornyorca · 7 years ago
Hi could you do a ship for me with for m/f? I'm 24 years old and am very short like just hitting 5ft tall. I'm very stubborn and I love nature, art, writing. Im also the most sarcastic of the bunch and tend to be the jokester in the crowd. I'm shy around people I don't know that well but once I know and trust them I let them see how crazy I really am
I ship you with Hvitserk.
The first time Hvitserk would notice you in Kattegat, you’d accidentally run into him, practically knocking him over as you tried to escape one of your friends whom you had played a prank on. At first, he would be worried by your screams as you would take off from the other person so suddenly, them following close behind, but he would relax hearing laughter follow the two of you.
Normally, he wouldn’t think anything of that sort of stuff, but you seemed so warm and inviting, and you so beautiful. Your laugh still ringing in his ears a few hours later. He decided that he had to meet you at least one more time and know your name.
Hvitserk wouldn’t admit it, but he did a little bit of hunting when it came to finding you. But, when he found you, you seemed very different—almost bashful—when he greeted you. You, of course, apologized for nearly running him over that day, and of course, he told you he didn’t mind you being so close, and he certainly wouldn’t mind finding you on top of him a few times. He earned a lovely little reaction that he thought of all night, and would of enjoyed having you there beside him, lighting up red like a sunrise.
He made it a goal to find you every day he could, and eventually the two of you were inseparable. Not that he minded, he wanted everyone to know. Let everyone know the dynamic duo of Kattegat were about to cause some havoc. Hell, he’d practically flaunt his steps on the way to your house, excited to share another adventurous day or listen to another one of your stories.
Hvitserk was never a man for reading, or listening to tales unless they were about raiding, but as long as he could hear your voice, Gods know would listen to anything.
Eventually, he began telling a lot of his own to his brothers, reciting everything the two of you had done, even the personal things no one wanted to hear. The prince wasn’t ashamed of letting everyone know just how close you were, and how much he adored you, even the fact your sarcasm could surpass his or Ivar’s.
There was never a dull moment, or a time you failed to amaze him. That was definitely something he needed—a never ending adventure.
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