#im not gonna survive this show and the last one already killed me so
fillingthescrapbook · 10 months
Let's Talk About: Burrow's End and the First Stoats
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Hi, invasive investigators!
And speaking of invasive--oof! That ending! But first: What an episode!
My MVP this episode is Brennan Lee Mulligan and his decision to weaponize kindness even when it could backfire majorly. Amazing man.
But I also want to give major props to all the planning Aabria Iyengar has done for this season. The stakes for the stoats would not be this severe had she not mapped the roads that the art department could then pave for the players to take. This was a massive ordeal, and I cannot believe there are three more episodes after this because this felt like finale-levels of heavy.
Guys, one stoat died at the start of the episode. Immediately followed by another one. My heart stopped for far longer than it should have. Honestly, when Aabria said "I'll certainly try!" to Izzy Roland's "Kill them all--" I didn't realize the viewers weren't safe as well.
I mean, she yeeted a player off the table! In the middle of the episode! That is crazy! And then when Sybill was brought in? My thoughts were: "oh no." "Oh no!" "NOOOOOO!!!" and "AABRIA, YOU'RE TRYING TOO HARD TO KILL THE STOATS! NOOOOOO!!!!"
Oh, and I'm not gonna forget: "A WOLF?!", "The flesh easily gives way?! Aabria?!", and "EVOLVE?!"
That was absolutely narsty. And another thing that was narsty? SILENCE. Holy rabbits! Which is something Silence cannot eat--because THEY DO NOT HAVE A JAW. AABRIA.
And then the Natural 1s came rolling in. When Izzy and Siobhan Thompson rolled their twin 1s? Oh. My. Goodness. It was funny when they were rolling against Jasper--who rolled a four and elicited thunderous cheers. But in the middle of a battle? When they are fighting for their lives? Izzy's Lila was down to 2 hit points at one point. And the battle was still far from over at the time!
My goodness. And the thing is, this is a streaming show. I could absolutely pause and take a minute to take a breath. But I didn't. Because the tension is high. And I was already breathing too fast. So I just continued to watch with my eyes growing wider and wider.
And, look: Sybill has a point. What is the plan after this battle? Like, granted, asking in the middle of the battle was not the best time--but she's still right. I can't wait to find out what the answer is next week. Along with what's going on with Aabria's other bombshell. Because, in the words of Rashawn Scott to one Brennan Lee Mulligan, "you're such a secretive bitch!" To which I add, "Tell 'im, Rashawn!"
Stray thoughts time:
I understand that they need to have a teaser at the end of the episodes, but I truly wish we didn't see the second map last week. Because I feel like our reactions would've been just as visceral as the players when Aabria said "now bring in the other map--" had we not known that it was coming.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Tula is fucking scary.
The Wolf of Theseus was a fun pun.
Director Dictator Dude feels like a game akin to Fuck Mary Kill.
This is the first time I felt really bogged down by 5e's combat mechanics. No shade to Aabria or the players. I understand that they're going to do what needs to be done because everyone wants to survive. This is completely a system fault for me.
Now let's get to the screencaps:
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Oh, and one more thing:
"You stood here for generations... Was that on four legs or two?" Tula asked as she looked down at the downed First Stoat. "The humans are already here."
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in honor of world mental health day heres my story below the cut :)
kinda hard to talk abt this cause its somewhat triggering and ik theres gonna be ppl who think im just an emo 15 y/o, but i swear im not tryna be dramatic. im tryna make peace with my past, and also show others that despite everything, you can make it.
also, im tryna show that healing isnt all sunshine and daises. theres the good, the bad, and the ugly. you can and will survive it all
tw: sewerslide attempt, abusive parents, self harm, violence ig ?
ive died two times in my life so far.
the first time, it was my parents who killed me. december 31st, 2020, ~1.15am. i remember dragging across the hallway in my house, a throbbing sensation in my thigh, the mark already turning purple. i walked past my younger sisters' room, where my cousin was sleeping over with them, and i remember climbing into bed, hugging my pillow, crying against the pillow. that night, it was my innocence that died. my childhood happiness, per se. i remember swearing to myself in those final moments before darkness that id never forget that day. december 31st, 2020, ~1.15am.
the time between my two deaths was filled with barely anything other than self loathing. i remember trying to set goals for myself, reasons to live. i tried out new hobbies. i was never able to meet those goals, and all the hobbies bored me.
i met some of the best people ever during that time. i also met some of the worst. i might sound dramatic, cause im young and impressionable, but the people i met during that time genuinely shaped who i am. i dont wanna act like im an old soul or anything, cause im sure that in a few years imma look back and think, "shit, i was really immature." but i matured faster than others my age. i found myself faster, found things i liked, found love, found out i hated being in love.
and then i died again.
this was a recent death. june 22, 2023. my mental health had been deteriorating for months prior – i still have scars on my arms.
it was a slower death compared to the last one. i started dying at around 4.00pm. it went on for an hour before the pain became unbearable and i confessed to my parents. i didnt want to go to the hospital, i was scared of what theyd do. i threw up seven times before giving in at about 8.00pm. they took me to the hospital. i was told told me i was lucky to be alive, that my liver was still functional. i didnt feel lucky. i felt like death wouldve been less painful. my head was spinning
i died in that hospital bed, at ~9.40pm, with my eyes wide open, my mom sitting near me. my thoughts at the time were along the lines of this:
im quite literally a child in the eyes of the world. ive done nothing. i have a psychology exam tomorrow. i have a book im halfway done writing, and a new story thats been brewing in my head for months. but if i die now, ill never get to finish any of that. ill never succeed. ill never be able to spit in the faces of the girls who bullied me, of the teachers who doubted me. why would i do this to myself? why would i rob myself of that chance?
so i died. but not the same way as last time. this time, it was the poisonous me that died, the me that whispered in my ear that my life would amount to nothing, that everyone else had it better, that you either succeed or you dont.
and when i died the second time, something happened that didnt happen the first time.
i was reborn.
at the time of me writing this, its been less than four months since my rebirth. in those four months:
i decided to change the world somehow. not necessarily by finding the cure to cancer or anything, id be satisfied if it was just a cute lil video i made going viral. as long as theres someone out there who i changed
i finished about six chapters of my book
i began writing the story that had been brewing in my head
i started lifting weights to make myself feel better abt how i looked
i got closer to god. stopped missing prayer
i moved schools, leaving behind both bullies and friends
i started focusing on my studies
i tried to fix my relationships with my parents and my siblings
dont get me wrong. none of these are completed. im still an extreme case of nobody-ness. i havent finished writing either of my stories. i still skip out on working out a lot i still only do the bare minimum in terms of religion. im still struggling to catch up in school to make up for my three years of burnout. my relationship with my family is still kinda weird
and i still feel like im dying sometimes. its not like i changed overnight and all those suicidal thoughts and feelings of drowning just disappeared when the sunrays came up. theres still a lot of issues in my life.
but i have faith in myself. in my ability to change the things that can be changed. in creating happiness where theres room for it to be made.
and if finding happiness a losing battle?
well, ill fight like its the fucking boudican revolt.
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oharasluverboy · 1 year
chubby reader x Miguel Drabble…??? Fluff or whateva, if ur comfy with ittt
Do not look away. — Miguel x chubby reader drabble…
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(THANK YOU FOR THE SECOND REQUEST. don’t ever feel bad for requesting something like this! also sorry for the wait tumblr deleted my draft)
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“how are you holding up?” miguel slouches to place a kiss on your cheek. tonight’s been a bit rough for you. your thoughts weren’t being as kind to you (as usual) today, miguel interrogated you over why you’ve been so quiet, and down today through text before you came clean. you didn’t hate your body, far from any means just..comparing yourself to others was a common thing you still had to unlearn. “..’m fine.” you replied, eyes focused on your mirror, staring at your reflection.
“you don’t sound fine.” he quipped back, pulling your back flush against his torso, his grip around you was firm but gentle, he didn’t want to crush you after all. peppering your cheek with a few more issues, “you know this wouldn’t happen so much if you stayed off your phone.” miguel commented, pulling a scoff from you along with an eye roll. “of course you’d say that.”
“you know i’m right. you always get in your head after being on your phone for too long, or worrying about how you look with other people..” he hummed, his eyes meeting yours through the reflection. “if you’re gonna try to lecture me i dont—“ a light pinch at your side caused you to jolt, “what the fu—?!”
“will you shut up for a minute.” miguel stated, not asked but stated. “you always focus on bad shit that is not needed, i can guarantee nobody cares. the only opinion that should matter is yours.” another kiss placed on your cheek, miguel’s hands feeling out your sides, miguel has been handsy for as long as you’ve called him yours, and he’s called you his. “if you keep worrying about stuff like this you will miss out, gorgeous.” his voice loud and clear, small kisses moving downward, from your cheek to your neck..
“we don’t have to go out if you don’t want to, we can stay home—i didn’t want to go to the get together to begin with..” miguel muttered, “but they invited us—“
“they’ll live if we don’t show up. we could go do something else, you know? you’re already all dolled up and pretty, would be a waste for you to stay inside.” his hands slowly turning you around, as they moved to cup your cheeks. “we could go have dinner, then go see a movie if you want? or we could go to that roller skating place you love..” the offer of doing something miguel wasn’t too fond of made you giggle, “didn’t you say you would kill yourself if you had to go back again?” you managed to get out, that smile fighting for its place on your face.
“if it makes you feel better then i’m willing to suffer through it..anything for you, beautiful.”
— authors note; IM SO MAD MY LAST ONE DELETED STILL UOU DONY UNDERATAND RAAHHH, but here’s the only surviving screenshot i had of it (i was getting my brother to beta read it), so take this as like..uhhhh a treat ig, okay bye bye
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NEVER apologize for all caps and excitement!!!! in this house we lose our minds over found family dynamics TOGETHER and we are NOT calm about it lmao
under the read more because spoilers and also i got long winded (shocker)
ugh but literally. i need to do a rewatch because fallout is definitely one of those "watch once to get your brain blasted, watch a second time to catch all the little hints you missed the first time around" kind of shows, and also i just. NEED to watch this again with the full knowledge that cooper's been hunting down his family this whole time. yeah we knew cooper was a dad from the beginning but for us, at first, the logical assumption is that his wife and daughter must be long gone by now! it's been 219 years! it's not until the last episode or two that we start realizing that a lot of people from Before are still kicking around, and that cooper KNOWS that, and that the one thing keeping him going for longer than anyone else is the fact that he wants to see his wife and daughter again. the angst potential of this has me foaming at the mouth, by the way, and that's without even considering lucy yet
like, what's his plan? find janey and barb and... pick up where they left off? maybe two centuries of nuclear fallout will patch up his relationship with his ex-wife? how does he even know they weren't both unfrozen and lived their whole lives without him and died already? (i'll argue that he has not even considered that possibility, and will not, because that'll break him.) and say he does find them, and they're alive. maybe they haven't even been unfrozen yet and he can be the one to wake them up. ideal scenario, right? but will they even recognize him anymore? not just by his physical appearance, either! he is not the same person he was before the bombs fell, not by a longshot! janey's dad wasn't a ruthless mercenary bounty hunter who does what he has to do to survive and makes jerky out of human meat and sells random women to organ harvesters to get drugs! he was a guy who loved his dog and loved his family and who was so morally upright that he didn't even want to fake shoot a guy in a movie, because he believes that's not who his character is. and don't even get me STARTED on the fact that The Ghoul is a character to begin with, it's an act, because he's an actor who fell into this role because i guess it was easiest to survive that way, which means that at heart The Ghoul is also not someone who should be shooting guys. the kindheartedness is there under about 219 years of irradiated, decaying skin. but it's there
and then we get lucy, who's very deliberately written as his echo, a kindhearted morally upright person who doesn't want to let the wasteland change her, and i'll bet MONEY that as the series progresses cooper's gonna have to watch as it really doesn't change her. sure, she'll bite a guy's finger off in self defense, and yeah, she'll mercy kill a ghoul that's way past saving. but through it all she's going to try so hard to do the right thing, every single time, and i'm TELLING you, it's not so much that cooper's gonna get dragged back kicking and screaming into being a good person again, but it's more like he's gonna just start being better. it'll be kickstarted by lucy's influence and the fact that he cannot suppress the dad instincts to save his life, but the reason it'll really stick is because that's his natural setting! whether he wants to admit it or not!
anyway. uh. i ranted about this more than i meant to LOL but please always feel free to shout at me about grumpy morally gray old men allowing fatherhood to gently tug them closer and closer to the neutral good square on a dnd alignment chart. gets me every time
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innocentbeing · 9 months
this chapter actually gave me a little bit of hope because I wanted Finny and the kids to leave Snake with Doll
i don't see the point in snake dying right now lol. if he does it's just like.. what was the point in o!Ciel recruiting him then? why have all that if you're just gonna kill him before he even gets the chance to confront O!Ciel?? 😆
the only way it makes sense to me is if he's saved by Doll and lives from blood transfusion. that way he can stay with her without all the tension and hear her side of the story. Finny already told him about the kidnapping so she can't lie her way out of that, but she can at least let him know why she, joker, and the rest of the crew did it.
If Finny is allowed to explain why he killed Snake's first family, Doll should be allowed to explain why they did those things. It's unfair for Snake to only hear one side and die not knowing about Kelvin and what was going on behind the scenes of the circus.
i don't see any point in turning him into a bizarre doll either. it literally does nothing to the plot lmao. like, the only thing I can see is that maybe it'll cause some conflict in shutting down blood transfusions since Snake will rely on it to live as a bizarre doll.. but even then that conflict wouldn't last more than a few panels because we already see where everyone's loyalties lie. it's with o!ciel. so even if the servants care for snake they'll still choose to end him for o!ciel.
he can't die thinking that his first family was nothing but murderers and kidnappers when the circus arc went hard in painting them as victims of their circumstances. like, WHY show Doll and them as good people forced to do evil to survive then turn around and paint Doll as if she's just evil through and through?? WHAT. 😆 Snake's last words were "you wouldn't do such a thing.." while crying, like, c'mon. he needs to know why.
plus if Snake does die then what would that do to Doll? is she just gonna be like, "damn, this sucks. welp, im still gonna kill phantomhive in a violent blinding rage :/" ?? is she going to be depressed and just give up completely? What would be the point in THAT?? i just dunno...
also i don't think Snake becoming a BD will automatically make him want revenge against o!ciel.. unless Undertaker alters his memories and makes him somehow forget Finny telling him why they had to kill the circus crew, but like WHY would Undertaker do that LOL?? Doll already wanted revenge against O!ciel before she died, Undertaker didn't do that to her. Altering Snakes memories JUST to make another enemy for O!Ciel..??? like why? LOL. I don't think he would do that. despite everything, I don't think he's antagonizing o!ciel for the sake of it.
and ofc o!ciel wouldn't hesitate bc he has his own personal stakes in this but also bc once Snake dies, that's it. o!ciel doesn't believe dead things should come back to life.
so yeah, the thing that makes the most sense to me is Snake gets to live and hears Doll's explanation then the two of them can confront O!Ciel.
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stormyoceans · 9 months
here to spread some hopefulness about last twilight to manifest it sticks the landing! I agree p'aofs strength isn't always subtlety and his projects tend to stumble a little bit for the sake of Drama here and there but I also think last twilight is one of his best projects yet and they seem to have a genuine care in wanting this story to be done right. and on top of that, not sticking the landing will not negate the previous episodes! they are so well done and so lovely and good and they can pry them from my cold dead hands :))
now optimistically if things go as you say I hope the final three episodes then deal with all the family stuff and I hope that means we get mhok dealing with his own and day helping him through it! we've already seen mhok grow in regards to how he speaks about rung (from his bitterness in episode 1 to remembering her fondly in episode 8) but he obviously still has a long way to go in his mourning process and i wonder if night/days relationship will be a catalyst for him.
also we're going to see day become more independent for sure; he's been doing so well and at some point they are going to have to deal with the fact that he won't need a caretake anymore and how that changes their dynamic. ideally he opens his bookstore by the end (filled with both regular and braille and pop-up and audio books and also porjai works there) and mhok either becomes a chef or finds himself a good mechanic job and they babysit little mee some days and live happily ever after ❤️
regardless im choosing to be optimistic and think; there's isn't anything they could do to sour the beauty of these first 8 episodes for me and since they aren't actively trying to do so I have high hopes they will actually exceed expectations! this is going to be the gmmtv that just doesn't fumble, i am willing it into existence :))
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neytris · 1 year
HI i am so sorry for rambling in your ask box bc i really need to share my thoughts
bc after reading the theories it makes so much sense? and yes the one with reviving trudy was indeed what james cameron wanted and michelle refused, i sorta read it in an article
the thing that's been bothering me sm is that, if neteyam was meant to appear in the next movies as flashbacks why would he be there until the 4th? i saw the next avatar movies in jamie flatters' upcoming movies and neteyam's list of appearances too last i checked (?)
logically speaking, if he were to appear just as flashbacks then it'll end on the third and that's it. not until 4th. there's no way it takes 2 movies for an intended "character development"
not to mention, i saw some say that it's 'sad how kiri wont be able to visit neteyam via spirit tree' which tbh i think no fucking way. not with that huge ass storyline that awaits for kiri. no way james cameron is gonna just leave that be. kiri's story is meant for something big. some are still wondering who her dad is while tbh i believe it's insignificant on whom but more to how and why.
it's not a reach to say she's a child of Eywa (literally)
'a miracle arrives' said so in Songcord in kiri's part, and with the way the story is set, it's entirely possible for her to also cause a miracle, what the miracle may be is still unknown.
and there has to be a reason why we only get neteyam AND kiri's song. cmon. i tried but i just cant leave that alone.
"but if he's revived then his death in the 2nd movie would be meaningless! no character development would happen!" not if he returns by the end of the 3rd movie. or the 4th. one whole avatar movie is enough for a character to develop.
i like to feed my delusions by imagining the end of the 3rd movie with lo'ak (who's already had his character development) in a difficult situation with no way out and since avatar movies have a thing for ending it with a close up into the protagonist' eyes the camera zooms in to him and in the background we hear a painfully familiar "Lo'ak!" and bam. movie ends. goodluck surviving from that nasty cliffhanger.
i read somewhere that neteyam's codename is said to be 'pathfinder' so do what you will with that information. bc i sure as hell am feeling both pessimistic and optimistic from it
i hope i didnt overstep anything. tysm for reading 💞 and sorry if my wording confuses you english isnt my main language kdkdjgrj
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hi artemis baby ! don’t be sorry omg
well, to be honest, i don’t really think teyam’s gonna be in the upcoming movies because i don’t trust google and imdb. i do believe that we’ll see him in a flashback though. maybe in the spirit tree. i am not so sure about that…
i completely agree with you on this, there’s no way it takes two movies for an intended character development lol. that is exactly why i don’t believe google/imdb showing jamie in the cast of a3 and a4. they just give us false hopes. that’s what i think. honestly speaking? the only reason i don’t believe them is because i really don’t wanna be let down. i’m a crybaby after all lmao :( so i don’t have a logical explanation for this. i just don’t wanna be let down.
people say kiri’s not gonna be able to visit nete just because they think it’ll kill her— norm said so (to jake, when kiri had her seizure). i’m kinda conflicted about this and i agree that her story’s meant for something big tbh. jim’s not gonna kill her off that easily.
i love the way you worded this: it’s possible for her to also cause a miracle… yeah. i’m with you with that one, too. the reason why we only got neteyam and kiri in the songcord was probably because jake only (weirdly) mentioned teyam and kiri (a bead for the birth of our son, a bead for our adopted daughter). just because they’re jeytiri’s firstborns, maybe? but that’s just my opinion of course.
it’s crystal clear to me that jim only killed neteyam so that he could be the perfect catalyst for lo’ak’s character development. if google and imdb are right and neteyam indeed comes back by the end of the third movie, i think there’ll be no problem, because jim would get what he oh-so-desperately wanted— lo’ak definitely will have that character development by the end of the movie. i’m not even gonna lie, that’s still a possibility, though something tells me jim’s not gonna bring teyam back. i don’t know why, i just feel like it.
i like that ending. and i undoubtedly can see that happening omg. something like, “hey baby bro, need some help?” the way i literally have tears in my eyes right now ugh. the best cliffhanger. jim has to hire us, bestie ! i’m quite sure a3 will end with lo’ak opening his eyes, so it’ll be awesome if something neteyam-related happens. we all collectively agreed that lo’ak’s character development will be done by the end of the movie, after all.
i read that too! i can’t wait to see what time has in store for us neteyam girlies lol. i’m not ready to get hurt again.
of course you didn’t overstep anything, muffin ! i like hearing different views/theories. pls feel free to share them with me 🌟 your wording was *chef’s kiss* omg don’t worry ! my native lang isn’t english either so BXNXHSJHSSY we’re twinsies fr 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
@eyrina-avatar take a look at this 👀
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gentaroukisaragi · 6 months
okay i thought of this like weeks ago, made it last week, but havent brought myself to post it til now
Also let's keep in mind that i've only seen like 6 sentai...and only finished 2 of them..So i might not have any clue what I'm talking about when I show you the below picture, because I'm working primarily off of Wikipedia summaries.
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For slightly further explanation:
The sentai is the job = having superpowers and getting paid for them. most are about getting hired to be a warrior, especially early on, but I've also included ones where you basically make your own money through the powers (Gokaiger, Kyuranger, Lupinranger.)
The sentai is a 2nd job = primarily adults who would be focusing on their main work if they weren't also called to defend the world against evil or whatever. Usually unpaid, but I only learned last week that the inspiration for this tierlist (Boonboomger) literally has Mira say that being a Boonboomger(/working for the delivery service) is her second job, so I put them here even though they originally were in the first tier. This category is primarily about the drudgery and annoyance of having to work a second job, even if it's something as noble as guarding the Earth (or Japan or your town or whatever) from fuckheads
What's a job? = originally for teams comprised of people who aren't (and shouldn't) be in the job market, whether due to their age or due to their upbringing/place of birth, it's also a bit of a catchall category for teams mostly comprised of jobless/unpaid members.
ALSO I'm only working off initial team formations, aka whoever was in the first ep. If it's a three person team that eventually becomes five, i'm going off of the circumstances of the first three members, and only for how they were during the events of the show (so all the 10 years after, 20 years after, etc don't count in the eyes of this tierlist)
If you have further insight as to which category any of these teams SHOULD be in, please feel free to let me know! There's literally over 48 years of television shoved into a single image, I'm definitely not gonna know the ins and outs of various characters' circumstances. I would not be against redoing this.
Specific reasons why (i think) each team is in each category below the cut.
Gorenger - Originally hired by The Earth Guard League, these members survive a terrorist attack that kills every other member, before they are recruited to become the Gorengers. Verdict: The sentai is the job
JAKQ - Hired to become cyborgs, the JAKQ team fights against Crime's dastardly deeds and villains. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Battle Fever - Recruited to fight Egos. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Denjimen - Wikipedia says these five may or may not be related to the Denji people (aka the people who all died in the prologue to this series) so essentially they're randos, who all have other jobs according to the wiki, who have been called to defend earth. By a robot dog? Verdict: The Sentai is a 2nd job
Sun Vulcan - wait a sec this is a direct sequel to Denjimen? huh?! anyways these guys are already elite crime fighter-types who are recruited to become even more elite crime fighter-types. Against solar crime! anyways. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Goggle V - Theyre just randos who are also called to save the world by Dr. Hongo. I don't always take '[character x] used to be [occupation y]' as direct confirmation of the second category (especially as all of the previous ones have that) but since these guys clearly weren't doing a lateral job move/promotion, I think it's safe to say Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Dynaman - Literally the plot summary is that they're all inventors, working on other stuff, but they've been forced to work together ot stop the Jashinka empire. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Bioman - What is with aliens leaving shit for future earth generations to clean up? Naw im kidding, every human in history does that. anywho looks like all of them have other jobs that they could be doing if they didn't have to drop things at the last minute to go be biomen. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Changemen - Military people become super sentai members. A tale as old as the incarnation of sentai. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Flashman - The unfortunate thing is these five young people were kidnapped as infants to space and though they survived, they ultimately must continue to fight against the threat that initially hurt them, even as they search for their biological parents. the good thing is that these guys probably don't know jack shit about the horrors of capitalism. Congrats to my very first team of Verdict: What's a job?
Maskman - These guys do not seem to be getting paid for all the training effort they have to do to fight off Tube. They had to spend a year getting ready to fight them and it does not seem like Sugata paid them (except for Takeru and Kenta and that was for their racing related abilities, not the martial arts.) While training for a martial art can be a lifelong task…yeah i'm just putting them in Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Liveman - We finally come to the first sentai i've personally watched! (have yet to finish but i am really fond of this series!) That being said, everyone seems way too young and unemployed to care about having a job. (How do they pay for stuff? I dunno man but I think theyre just squatting on academia island.) Verdict: What's a job?
Turboranger - Wikipedia is telling me they are children, and i believe children should not be forced into labour. (also is this the first sentai with all child members? i know some of the other teams have had young members before, but this is the first one that says that they're all minors) Verdict: What's a job?
Fiveman - They are all siblings and they are all teachers! That's kinda fun. It's too bad teachers are unappreciated (hopefully they're not as underpaid in japan?) Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Jetman - Ryu was hired to be a jetman, Kaori is an heiress (not a real job), Ako is in high school and Gai seemingly has no job other than to be gay as fuck. Raita is the only one with anything close to a dayjob. Not enough sway for either of the first two categories. Verdict: What's a job?
Zyuranger - Ancient civilization guys who wake up after suspended animation? They surely do not have jobs. Verdict: What's a job?
Dairanger - This is tough because on the one hand they seem very young. But some of them appear to have jobs. But also I wish they didn't have a job. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Kakuranger - I mentioned earlier that training for a martial art can be a lifelong task without clarifying whether or not that counts as a job. Primarily this silly little tierlist is about work as paid labour, and whether or not the sentai counts as that or if its members are willing to engage with that aspect of capital. it might just be me overhyping/fantasizing about this, but to me continuing a martial arts style is like preserving a language; it's noble and important and should be done, but capital doesn't always see it as something with monetary value. It's just something that someone feels must be done or something one is forced into. (Just like being part of a sentai team.) Anyways that's a longwinded way of saying Verdict: What's a job?
ohranger - More military guys become super sentai members. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Carranger - What if you went to work and there was an alien who wanted to give you and your coworkers another job? Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Megaranger - More children! Verdict: What's a job?
Gingaman - Members of a tribe willingly hidden from the modern world. (or at least that's what I'm getting from the wiki.) I think they should be allowed to not work. as a treat. Verdict: What's a job?
GoGoFive - Genuinely wonder what emergency services personnel outside of this family think of them. Literally all five siblings working to save lives? Wonder what kinda drama that leads to. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Timeranger - Man I feel bad for this Tatsuya guy! What are you supposed to say when future cops force you to help them out with current future crimes? Verdict: The sentai is the job
Gaoranger - Literally the wiki page just says "Kai Samezu was UNEMPLOYED before he was chosen to become Gao Shark" which I think is kinda fucked up. But anyways, since everyone else also had to abandon their lives (and their jobs) to be Gaorangers; Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Hurricangers - These guys are ninjas who don't want to be ninjas, but are forced to be ninjas anyways. Based solely on the main series (and also just the ninjas.) Verdict: What's a job?
Abaranger - The wikipedia page says: Yukito Sanjyo (三条 幸人, Sanjō Yukito): A 21-year-old chiropractor from Sapporo who initially became Abare Blue (アバレブルー, Abare Burū) for the money there is no other mention of payment, getting paid or having a job that I can see (other than Abarekiller formerly being a doctor) Verdict: The sentai is the job (?)
Dekaranger - Dekaranger is another entry in the modern iteration of military guys become sentai members, which is cops/emergency personnel become sentai members. There could be something interesting about ideas of justice and who is capable/allowed to mete out justice in a more serious analysis of this that i don't currently have the ability to do myself. but maybe one day. (Also even this light hearted analysis is primarily focused on paid and unpaid labour so. another tangent for a different day) Verdict: The sentai is the job
Magiranger - Wikipedia says nothing about their jobs, only noting that the red leader is the youngest sibling in high school. My guess is that they're too busy being magicians to have jobs. so by default Verdict: What's a job?
Boukenger - A private company has their own special team to deal with some bad guys who want to capture powerful items called Previous. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Gekiranger - What if you went to your work and there was a weird cat who wanted you to give you and your coworker and some guy who was raised by tigers a second job? (2/3 wins) Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Go-onger - Everyone had to leave their old jobs to become Gon-ongers, so to me that means Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Shinkenger - Vassals get paid, right? Right?! Verdict: The sentai is the job
Goseiger - They're literal angels and they shouldn't have to work. Verdict: What's a job?
Gokaiger - They're pirates first and foremost. Stealing shit and fighting people is part of the job. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Go-Busters - The sentai is the job. They've been training like 13 years for this. They do not get to have regular lives and regular jobs after having their lives changed like this. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Kyoryuger - Daigo, Souji and Amy don't work, so just barely with 3/5, Verdict: What's a job?
Tokkyuger - If you know, you know. Verdict: What's a job?
Ninninger - team of mostly students/ninjas. Verdict: What's a job?
Zyohger - Team of mostly literal animals. Verdict: What's a job?
Kyuranger - Rebels against empire. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Lupinranger vs Patranger - Cops as sentai is old hat. Thieves as sentai? They should do it again. for me. Also cafe work is just a cover anyways. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Ryusoulger - Just like the Gingaman, if you don't have to interact with capitalism, you shouldn't. Verdict: What's a job?
Kirameiger - Allegedly CARAT was made to fight Yodonheim so. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Zenkaiger - The zenkaigers have human forms? Fucked up. Anyways, apparently some of them work at Colorful, and Vroom did have a job before he defected but he had to defect so he's not going back there. Anyways these guys don't have jobs are you kidding me. Verdict: What's a job?
Donbrothers - It's a second job, but just barely. Momoi's a deliveryman, Kijino's a consultant? and Tsubasa would be an actor. 3/5's enough for me. Verdict: The sentai is a 2nd job
Kingohger - When you become a king for real, they just give you a sword and a cool giant bug. Verdict: The sentai is the job
Boonboomger - As Mira said, it's a second job. She and definitely Jou have other
In conclusion, thanks for reading all of this fucking text oh my god, and remember: stealing and rebelling against empire are real jobs, being an heiress is not
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pumpkinfreak · 7 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E11-E13
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I have wandered into the mouth of madness.
I'm going to break my format of writing these posts a little bit. Im not gonna list each episode, Im just gonna rant, hopefully, I keep everything in order.
Alana is a smart woman, doing dumb girl things. She knows Will tried to Kill Hannibal, but she also knows that Will did not kill all those other people. Alana also knows that Will has borderline magic psycho-analyzing skills, and has been shouting from the rooftops that Hannibal is the Ripper. Alans still just walk around, doe-eyed, like she isn't aware of what's going on. Does Alana even need to be in this show? She kind of feels like a sexy lamp. We are at the finish line, Alana is the starting line looking for rollie-pollies. Alana goes to Jack and is like, "I think Will killed Freddie." and Jack reveals that Freddie is alive. It's all just part of the conspiracy to catch Hannibal.
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Alana finally gets a gun, at the behest of Will. THIS WOMAN DID NOT OWN A GUN ALREADY. There is a serial Killer on the loose who can turn people into trees... Alana needs to get it together. Like just maybe be more present in the situation involving the consumption of human meat.
Magot is pregnant because it only takes having unprotected sex one time. At any time of the month, ovulating or not, if you have sex you will get knocked up. Mean Girls was right. Will is very excited about it, and Hannibal makes it clear that this is a gift from him. You know because he killed Abigail...Totally killed her. She is super dead. Six feet under... It's too bad Mason finds out that Margot is pregnant because Hannibal tells him, during a therapy session. Is there not another therapist anywhere in Baltimore. So Mason fakes a car accident and has a private team of doctors remove her uterus and ovaries. PICTURED BELOW IS HANNIBAL
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What was the point of any of that! This is the most evil thing Hannibal has done. He went out of his way to give hope to two people. Margot was already a victim of horrible abuse. Will is desperate for a human connection that isn't rooted in death, and Hannibal dangled the carrot in front of them. JUST TO YOIK IT AWAY!
Will goes to Mason, who's just chilling above the Maneating pigpen, and attacks him and tells him their all being manipulated by Hannibal. Okay, It's fine, Everything is great.
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THEN WE HAVE THE LAST TWO EPISODES... If you close your eyes...and listen closely you can hear Only Time by Enya playing softly. Or maybe that's just me. This show has melted my brain.
First of all, Hannibal can catch these hands. He has the nerve to tell Magort that she can defeat her brother by surviving him. I know I would lose in a fight against this man, but I would try my hardest. Then Will meets with Jack who needs more concrete evidence regarding Hannibal. So who do they have waiting in the interrogation room?
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BEDELIA! Jack offers her plea deal to give any information in Hannibal. Basically, she tells them that Lecter is a master of persuasion and that whimsy will be his downfall. STUFF WE ALREADY KNOW. Also apparently she killed the patient who attacked her big whoop
The upside to all of this. is the scene with Hannibal and Mason, when Mason stabs the chair. This is the only time in this show I've seen Hannibal genuinely shocked. Open mouth, Flabbergasted.
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What Hannibal proceeds to do to Mason, I feel, has nothing to do with anything Mason does to Hannibal. It is for this single slight against his property. What does Mason try to do Hannibal...What do you think?
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So he has Hannibal strung up, via straightjacket, and tells Will, who is also present, to bleed Hannibal so the pigs will eat him. Will frees Hannibal, who wreaks shop, and takes Mason to Will's house. Will gets knocked out in the scuffle and finds Hannibal and Mason in his home..
Mason is out of his mind on psychedelics, that Hannibal gave him, and is slicing off his own face and feeding it to Will's dogs. someone call my mom...I want to go home. Hannibal then breaks Mason's neck and we cut to Mason, ALIVE, at home being treated by his private team of doctors. Jack is there and talks to him for a little while, and Margot assures Mason that she'll take good care of him.
Then Will tells Hannibal that after doing all of that they're going to get caught. Hannibal agrees to tell Jack... because Jack is his friend.
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The internal investigation lady comes back. Tell's Jack that everything he's doing is very illegal, and Will dismembering a body is you know not good, especially after he mounted the remains like a hunting trophy. So Jack is fired and he and Will are going to be arrested. So Jack decides to take the law into his own hands.
Now originally Jack and Will were going to catch Hannibal when he tried to murder Jack. To Hannibal He and Will are going to flee the country and start new lives togother, after he kills Jack (How did anyone read their relationship as straight? like he's all excited about Will finding a new stream to fish in when they get to where they're going, that's husband behavior. Will is sitting in his lap, in the hot tub if you catch my drift)
Alana warns Will about the FBI coming for him, and Will escapes to help Jack. Hannibal stabs Jack in the neck, and Alana shows up with no bullets. She runs from Hannibal, who is upstairs waiting for her? Who pushes Alana out of a window?
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She came out of the shadows like a wraith
...SO WILL SHOWS UP...Alana is dying on the pavement outside. Jack is bleeding out in the wine cellar, and Will finds Abigail inside. Then Hannibal stabs Will in the stomach.
Hannibal is devastated that Will would betray him. That he offered Will the gift of knowing him, and Will chose to try and take his freedom. Will is bleeding on the ground at his feet, and he calls Abigail to him and slits her throat. Then Hannibal...just leaves... he walks out into the rain. We cut to him flying back to Europe, but he's not alone, Bedeila is sitting beside him.
That's it. That's the end of season two...
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I've never been left so hallow from a show before. I'm not prepared for season three, but I will watch it. For you.
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bakugourising · 1 year
nope (2022) is on streaming i rewatched it :^)
“make you vile, make you a spectacle” oh ya love this quote
these horses are beautiful 
hollywood is such a nightmare this scene gives me such ick
oj is top 10 main characters of all time and im not even joking i love him
jupe on the second watch is very unlikable like he is feeding oj’s horses to an alien fuck off dude
“it was a spectacle people are just obsessed”
“he is a force of nature, he is killing it on that stage” :|
“i fuck one on occasion” lol
“what’s a bad miracle? we got a a name for that?” “nope” <3
theme: the power of giving something a name
“dyslexic ass” lol x2 em is so funny
“she booked a pilot on the cw” angel is so funny
angel: *ranting about aliens oj:“cool”
the characters in this movie r so good and play so well off each other like jupe and em r so funny and then angel asking them to give his service 5 stars it’s so good
such a scary scene and then it being the kids uhg i love it
also love that oj punches a kid and it’s actually not his fault
wow ghost is a beautiful horse
“what if it’s not a ship” he’s so smart and he’s so cool
i kno ppl don’t like the chimp stuff but i love the chimp stuff i think it works narratively with it being a jupe flashback of a pre established event, and is really important thematically (putting animals in positions where they are going to freak out and then killing them for it, using cgi instead of a real chimp cuz using a real chimp is bad, the rampage being already finished with (the chimp chose not to kill jupe because he didn’t look the chimp in the eyes/scare the chimp by running away and yelling) and only THEN does it get shot by the humans), it also establishes that jupe survived an animal attack once but doesn’t worry it will happen again with an animal (jeanjacket) that literally eats horses(which r as big as ppl! it could obviously eat people!)
“im gonna get lucky” oj is wonderful
“i swear on my wife and children’s lives” now don’t say that
“trained animals can be unpredictable”
like, jupe really thought it wouldn’t eat him and his wife and his kids like dude
sunglasses at night <3 love that song also the radio being on is such a good way to build tension/show when jeanjacket is close (and then then using it later to when they are drawing jeanjacket out)
the aesthetic of this movie is stunning
i love oj i love how he makes lucky feel safe by tapping the trailer i love that he knew not to look jeanjacket in the eyes where jupe looked straight up
the gaming chair and vr 😭 angel is so <3
“trying to tame a predator”
“ive been up under it a couple times now. i get him. it’s an animal, you don’t turn your back on a bear, you don’t wear red around a bull, it’s like that. you don’t look at it unless you want it’s attention”
“i call top hat” this is the real top hat monopoly player representation we need top hat monopoly players rise up
lucky is so well trained unbothered by the balloon man
camera guy is weird but he sounds like leonard cohen so i like him
angel with the reusable water bottle and camera guy just swallowing pills dry like these characters are immaculate
“sorry, im scared” i love angel
oj going to help the guy even tho he rlly has no reason to and the guy is annoying <3 he’s just a nice guy
“did u get that on camera?” lol
the run scene is perfect
non-flared jeanjacket looks like a sand dollar
again lucky just waiting patiently that’s a good horse
oj is the best he’s so brave and smart
em is the best she’s so brave and smart
this last action sequence is just too good i have no notes except that it’s fantastic
and then oj being there <3
fantastic movie everything is so intentional and brilliant 10/10 movie for me one of my favs for sure can’t wait to watch it again
i love how socal this movie is
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Mike is probably tearing Kingstown apart to find Iris, terrified that Milo got her and something happened to her. Meanwhile she went over to him😭
Don't get me wrong I love Iris and her finding Milo is probably either some sort of trauma response or smth else is going on, but I'm so sad.
Why couldn't Iris and Mike just be happy on the boat😭 (alright done venting now)
@tangerinesgf oh it's DEFINITELY a trauma response...idk I have a lot to say about this thank you for the opportunity lol
first off i wanna say I prefer them platonic, if this gets anywhere close to sexual im gonna throw a fit, she's so so young and traumatized but thank god so far it doesn't look like they're going that way
but anyways yes! Iris's choice is fascinating BUT I think it makes so much sense if you look at her response to everything and everything that she's experienced in her life...when Milo was in prison, he was still so powerful that he dictated the exact terms of her abuse, and once she was out she had a moment of peace with Mike, but I genuinely feel like the first two episodes of this season have demonstrated to her that Mike does not feel like he is in control. and that is totally normal and understandable from my perspective, and the perspective of like, any grown observer, but she's not...idk her whole life has been determined by these evil powerful men so it's like...to her there's clearly this choice between Milo and Mike—Milo, who is cruel but exceedingly powerful, even having managed to escape prison, and Mike, who is kind but very obviously overwhelmed and not all-powerful, who is clearly losing at the moment in the battle between Milo and Mike, right? Like, she sees Mike's stressed-out face when Milo's brought up and she knows because he tries to get her to go into witsec that he thinks Milo's definitely a threat...I'm so sorry I'm just repeating myself over and over, I'll stop. I will say, I absolutely adored the one moment she had with MIke's mom, even though I remain kind of furious about how the main women on this show are portrayed (not the actresses, god bless them) but like. Fucking Taylor Sheridan pull it together man
from Mike's perspective! Oh yes, he'll be tearing the place up, but unfortunately, now that she's physically with Milo, I think she's gonna have to save herself a bit here, because Mike's not gonna be able to do it like he did with the last guys she was stuck with. Milo's a different caliber (which I kind of hate lmao but that's a rant for another day) and even though he remains quite mysterious, we've already seen that he's willing to cross all lines (killing three feds!) and is very clever and quick on his feet (see: how he took advantage of the riot). So basically, no amount of knocking heads together/good luck/street friendships is gonna be enough to lead Mike to Milo's door. Iris is gonna need not only strength, but also guile, to survive this one. And honestly man...idk. Idk if she has that in her. I hope that she does and that they manage to deliver that to us in a way that's believable, but ffs if I have to skip past ooooooooooone more naked scene with this thirteen-year-old-looking girl like adfs;lklfsadjafds I'm gonna be the one rioting I swear.
I do feel really really fucking bad for MIke about all of this ngl. it's not his fault he's only human & can't protect everybody. and I hope this doesn't impact his relationship with Kyle (re: Kyle not wanting her int he house) because Kyle is clearly going through it as well and that's the last thing we need, a rift between those brothers
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captainaikus · 2 years
✨Third one✨ (part 1)
ASJJFYJKHFTUJHG. As soon as I saw the header with Oliver I know it was finally time. LET THE FLIRTY-PLAYBOY-BABYGIRL SERIES BEGIN!!!!
I wanted to take my time diving into this fic and really digest and understand it as much as I can on my first read because I know it’ll be amazing so I saved it for last.
Love the setting up. The description is fantastic. Ohhhh there’s an older sister huh? I wonder if that relationship will come into play later 👀👀. PSHHHHHHHH THEIR FIRST INTERACTION IS LITERALLY COMPARABLE TO TWO JUDGY BRATS PLS ADJMHGGJNNH. This is amazing I already love where this is going Belle. Oh and they tolerate each other now? Hmmmm very much the potential for ignored feelings. “You can pay me back when you become a football star” oh ho ho making promises for the future already are we now? Loving how y/n is a tsundere but still shows that she cares. It’s really cute and adorable. ASHKKGFKKJHGGGG WHY IS IT ALWAYS 16 💀💀??? When I was 16 I was busy trying to survive high school, pass my classes, and watching anime. And here we have realizations of love already what?? Not a problem at all tho I love how quick this is moving along. Getting to the meat of it soon I hope. GASPS YOU DID NOT!!!! AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES ASDJKGGHJHHHG YESSSSSS. NAHHHHH STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU HE REALLY PULLED THE GAY ROOMMATE CARD OLIVER ISTG IF YOU DONT GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR- ahem anyways tough luck y/n stay strong girl 😭😤. Not you already being his wife what is this married-with-benefits 💀💀. Oliver wake up and kiss her already idc if it’s only chapter one 🙄😤🤚🏼. Oh thank God the sisterhood is safe *sighs in relief* as much as I love the drama that would’ve occurred if it had gone “that” route there seriously needs to be more loving sister relationships in writing, blood related or not. We Stan a supportive older sister 😤😤 (that digs up our buried love feelings for us even though we buried then for a reason 💀💀). LOVING THE ADVICE YES PUT YOURSELF FIRST YOU CANT WAIT FOR SOMEONE FOREVER BECAUSE OF THE POTENTIAL YOU SEE IN THEM AND STUNG YOUR OWN GROWTH IF THE TIME IS RIGHT ITLL HAPPEN. This is making me cry what the heck. I really needed to hear a variation of this at many points in life. I swear to God if Oliver starts coming around right after we start moving on I’m gonna riot. On the other hand love how y/n is starting to be real with herself like yes sweetheart you deserve better (and you’ll get that in him after you both grow separately ofc). OH ITS GONNA BE DUAL POV????? HECK YEAH GIMME THE TINY DETAILS FROM THE OTHER PERSON!!!! Oof not the wedding invite scenario pls this reality setting in part is hurting me so much legit tearing up rn gimme a minute Belle 😭😭. *sniffles* but the GROWTH it’s the first step y/n I know it’s hard but you gotta separate honey 😭😤. NO PLS GOD NO HOW DARE HE COME BACK AS IM SOBBING WHAT THE HECK OLIVER PRIVACY MAN. Not him giving you physical affection right when you’re most vulnerable and coming to terms with getting over him and looking all worried LIKE NO STOP THIS IS NOT HELPING OLI. Oh no not the alcohol 💀💀. This is gonna go great just fantastic isn’t it? *inhales deeply* Belle I’m not joking when I say that I was screaming internally the entire sex scene LIKE WHAT. Kicking my feet blushing and everything. It really felt so real. And the dialogue??? Magnificent!!! Tbh it was my favorite part. In my head I was like “NOOOOOOOO” when you kissed him but at the same time “…yes” when it started getting steamy and the teasing plus the praise??? Kill me now why don’t you. NOOOOO NOT THE AWKWARD MORNING *sobs* I mean I was expecting it but like. Serious. Emotional. Damage. 😭😭😭. Oh no. No you can’t be serious. Tearing up again hold on. The eavesdropping on the phone convo broke my heart seriously ouch. Not the way I gasped when he just walked passed the suitcases. Ahh yes. The m word huh? Excuse we while I go sob again. Almost nothing hurts worse than being called a mistake. Either from yourself or others it’s never fun. Speaking from experience. I knew the emotional outburst confession was coming. I knew. But still. Damn. If only everything could be fixed by telling your feeling out. Love her for that. Finally coming clean with everything. Also Oliver’s being such a jerk and an asshole rn but I know the later redemption is gonna be worth it. Still pissed at him rn tho.
- ✨ anon
✨Third one✨ (part 2) It really made me make a part two because the word count was too high the heck.Still pissed at him rn tho. Anyways moving on. I freaking adore how she also wrote her current feelings down as a part of the first letter. And how she just. Didn’t hesitate. And moved on. We’ve got a flight to catch. Oh my God that fic was amazing. Seriously. You outdid yourself. The pacing was fast enough that it didn’t feel dragged out. The characterization was absolutely on point. The oc characters had their own personalities no matter how few lines they had. The dialogue was emotional and to the point. And it was just overall really realistic in the sense of being human, loving, hurting, and moving on. It made me cry so many times. I had to take so many breaks Belle. It was seriously amazing and I loved it so much. I cant wait for the second chapter whenever it comes out!!! - ✨ anon
I read this ask over 20 times (or maybe more already) cause i love it when people go over the details of my writing and you got all of them! (⋟﹏⋞) Thinking if i should make a note of recommended songs before the chapter so that it make it a more immersive experience? The original setup was supposed to be different back in August, but then I came up with this in September. Mei was a part of the story, but the age gap was a really big one - and i had to make a change midway, so mei is 3 years older than (y/n)... I wanted to keep the pacing of the story to a medium because sometimes the details and the amount of drama that happens is such a drag that I wanted to move past that and onto the real stuff; not to mention that if i did drag it out, it would be more than 5 chapters. Mei and (y/n)'s relationship is gonna have more emphasis as the story progresses (cause honestly this is a simple plot but a very complicated one to explain and I don't wanna give away spoilers cause I wanna just see the reaction you guys are gonna give me) and most of the lines that i used in the first part are the ones that are going to be covered in the latter part of the series. it is going to be a dual pov (spoilers for part 2; the story is gonna be from Oliver's pov.) oh god- and this was the first part💀. you might need the whole box of tissues honestly for the onslaught that's gonna come. (i did cry btw. I ate the jar of nutella in such short time for a reason) The sex was such a drag to write honestly 💀 cause i was just not feeling it. Like really not feeling it; and i wanted to get to the conclusion and the angst (cause the potential for dialogue and feelings is high in those areas) but in the end, it ended up being satisfactory when i read it. Leaving the alcohol part out, everyone's first time should be a fun one and my attempt at keeping your standards and expectations high . (you saying that it felt real made my day, cause often times when i read smut, i really can't relate to it cause it straight up sounds like porn sometimes and porn is very unrealistic.) As for the concluding part of it, i had a bit of a struggle cause (y/n) needed a reason to back away from Oliver and the eavesdropping on the other side of the door was the last straw. And then... I just let my fingers do the magic, just typing everything out.
The amount of times I cried cause of the songs I used to write all of this, and the fact that it hits close to home. The second part is going to go on the ao3 account... still deciding the username i want so that i can upload my works there
But thank you for liking and reading it - cause i really enjoyed writing this one. i've already decided the songs i want to put for the next chapter
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sneakyscarab · 1 year
alrighty, ive now caught up from my backlog of touhous that ive beaten, so the pace from now on is gonna slow down since i need to beat the games first before i write about them. who knows though, if they take as long as this one did maybe i can keep up this pace :P
nina's thoughts on Touhou 12 - Undefined Fantastic Object
so funny story, after Subterranean Animism took me like two weeks to finish, i went into UFO expecting a similar result, but i ended up clearing within a single day. twelve (12) attempts of UFO and i had already got my 1cc! im a bit impressed with myself tbh, but i think i was helped by the gameplay changes in UFO that make it a bit easier.
for starters, real bombs are back baby! no more trading attack power for survivability, full power bombs are here again as a seperate resource. life pieces stick around, but now boss fights only give one out when you defeat their last phase. you would think this makes life pieces incredibly scarce, but theres another entirely new source for them: the titular Undefined Fantastic Objects. some enemies now drop little ufos that fly around the screen that come in one of three colours. when you pick up a ufo it goes into a small tracker in the corner, and when you collect 3 in a row all of one colour, or 1 of each, then a Big UFO spawns on screen. the UFO sticks around for about 10 seconds, slurping up every collectible that shows up onscreen. for each item it grabs, a meter around the ufo fills up and at max it drops an item depending on the colour, and when destroyed it drops another item plus everything it picked up. rainbow ufos drop more small ufos, green gives you a bomb on full meter and a bomb-piece on kill, red gives you a life piece on both, and blue does… something? i don't know. i never saw any items pop out of a blue ufo, and i prioritized blue ufos the least. i can only assume they do something relating to points since those are blue, but i honestly have no idea cause i beat the game before i had to go look anything up about it. once i figured out red guys gave you life i basically hard-focused proc'ing red ufos as much as possible, going for rainbow or green when red wasnt possible. as weird as the ufos are, i have to say their mechanics are conveyed surprisingly well without any real tutorials or even words, just really solid ui design.
the last new addition to the gameplay comes in the playable characters, Sanae is here now! wooo Sanae lets go! obviously Reimu and Marisa are here too, each of them get 2 weapon options so theres still only 6 total. i gave each one a shot, although some of them i literally only played once lol. Reimu has the standard homing shots and needles, Marisa has her illusion lasers but a new secondary weapon that shoots in sort of branching V-shapes, with a couple shots going behind her as well as in front, which i didnt find many uses for in my brief experience with it. illusion laser is the only one of these that i played more than once, as i put most of my focus into Sanae. both of Sanae's movesets are pretty neat, her first one was my weapon of choice for my 1cc attempt. based on Kanako, she shoots out snake beams that fly vertically, and then if they see an enemy to their left or right they take a 90 degree turn, making for an interesting type of homing. her other set, based on Suwako, shoots out frog beams in a wide fan angle, or straight ahead when focused, that explode into lingering AoE damage when they hit a target, which is great at clearing out huge swarms of enemies. i really like how her movesets sorta play off of Reimu's homing shots and Marisa's piercing lasers, but in very different ways compared to the two of them.
for the new characters, my favourite is probably Kogasa. this poor umbrella girl just wants to be scary, but shes inherently too silly-goofy and struggles to do what she as a youkai is Supposed to do. she's trying her best though, and looks adorable while doing it. i believe in you Kogasa!
i wasn't expecting to be a Ichirin & Unzan fan, but they surprised me. Ichirin is basically a stand user, a buddhist monk who controls her partner Unzan, a old man wind spirit with a powerful beard and even more powerful fists. the spell cards involving Unzan are great, seeing his huge angry face show up and throw hands is just hilarious. the best one by far though is their final attack, what i would call the absolute funniest spell card of the entire series so far: Thunderous Yell 「A Scolding from a Traditional Old Man」. if the name alone didn't convince you, the visuals are also hilarious, with two massive Unzan faces appearing on each side of the screen and shooting angry eye lasers at you. just look at it. perfection.
it's become a pattern in these posts that i talk about three new characters, but none of the others in UFO really stood out to me. if i had to pick one id go with Captain Murasa, just cause pirates are cool, but i don't have much more to say about her lol. sorry UFO crew!
anyways i think its about time to wrap this one up. thankfully i kept this one short so we dont have another SA essay situation lol. UFO is pretty fun, if a little bit Too easy with how much free stuff you can get from good ufo management. the story and characters really didn't stand out to me, and with how quickly i finished this one i don't expect it to really stick out much in my brain once i finish the series. if anything from UFO sticks it probably will just be Unzan's laser eyes. can we play that back one more time? thanks.
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idek wtf to say about 13 and 14 like. Just sat there dying inside again the whole hour
there's one little detail that kills me about the start of the Cinder fight spiralling and that's the fact that Ruby was literally about to flashbang her again, glowing eyes n all but she was late by seconds. The level of self blame that must have added to her on top of everything else already in the mix.
Weiss double wielding Myrtenaster and Gambol Shroud. Oh my god damn I can't fucking. Do that. With weapons beinf extensions of their wielders and her taking it forward with her (and Yang technically too, seeing it has the gold mend in the blade) as a reminder. And her having to hold Blake back from jumping off after Yang always fucking hurts me also. The four of them would literally follow each other through hell and back and to the death for better or worse it's painful. Also just realising that with Weiss being in front of Cinder and her having to turn around to see Jaune killing Penny means that Weiss would have probably seen it all happen too.
Winter losing absolutely everything too. Fucjing hell. Her home and mentor, her school, her career, her dad, her sister, her friend and the one to show her that her humanity is one kf the most valuable things she could ever have and that it's something to be embraced and something that you need to acceot as part of yourself rather than repress and push away. Penny and Winter both getting the maiden powers as proof of being human underneath their respective machinery (esp since Winter's brace and armour in v8 make her look very cyborg-like as well, as if she followed Ironwood down his path to a self-destructive degree as well before she realisedwhat his thinking was actually like) is something that always gets me incredibly fucking emo (I likr to argue that Penny's real blue fairy moment was with Fria rather than Ambrosius because of this. The real proof to the world and to herself that anyone ever needed that she has a soul and a personhood was this as was for Winter and yet everyone around her with power tried so desperately to take that humanity away from her (IW, Watts, Salem, Jacques, Cinder). She deserved evey hug she got and more I can't with her.)
Oh Cinder.... I do think that she meant it when she said to Watts that he deserved it but as usual it was also just so twisted... like as in he deserved to be in charge of this part of the operation but also deserved to die by her hand and with about as much panic and suffering as possible (trapped on a falling city in a locked room full of fire smoke). What he said absolutely had an impact on her and while she was still absolutely keeping up a facade as usual I also think part of her words were genuine in that moment. But in the end of the day she still goes back to Salem GOD DAMN IT RAAAAHHHH
The entire volume she's just been stuck in a loop of repeating the cycle of tryinf to convince herself that she has any sort of power or influence and then cutting any bridges she had except for Salem herself down and then crawling back to Salem not acknowledging that she's never actually stopped living in someone's inescapable servitude to begin with. The maiden power collecting saga for her is just fuel for her own ego and always has been. I love how much more of an emphasis we've been seeing on her Grimm arm being a leash as well in v8. Go failgirl go!!! Also v interested to find out whether her last line to Ruby has Lore™ or if it's just an xbox live moment djjdkdkd
Breaking news!!! Harriet finally admits to herself that she is actually friends with her team!!! And now she's gonna have to confront the way she's been leading them to their deaths, namely im the form of Vine's sacrifice. Interested to see what her development in Vacuo is gonna look like... I can see the remaining ace ops getting a lot closer now that they have to rely on each other more closely to survive and can admit that they're friends really. Harriet working through her arrogance and competitiveness that brought herself and Vine down their paths would be very cool.
Though FUCKING. JACQUES [rips shift] on one hand let that fuckass stay gone I never wanted a redemption arc for him or anything like that not at all but dying is like. The 2nd worst thing after that for me let that man marinate in his own misery forever or something where he actually needs to confront his family and the people he hurt and get shat on by them WHYYYY. How did Ironwood even have access to his gun gun at that point. Fucjing hell raaa€AAAAAAAAA
Only other detail I DISlike is Oz somehow knowing exactly what Weiss said to Ambrosius... like yeah sure he knows he works on genie logic like Jinn does and might have figured out this was part of the wording in some form but. Oscar was never there.... [Peetah Family Guy death pose]
Qrow oh my guy Qrow was having the worst fucking day of his life, last he saw the kids they all split off the ship crashing into Mantle and next thing he knows they're MIA and presumed dead to him cus he's been in jail the whole time. Right as he starts to get a good turn on life it blows up in his face in the worst possible way. He genuinely looks like something in him just dies this man has had enough.
Honestly Ironwood going down with his ship right after Salem personally shows up and looks him in the eye was really fitting. He was exhausted and completely vulnerable and right in the core of the city, his greatest fears having finally caught up to him and mocked him. He's gone down the wrong path to try and protect the city and himself and it spat in his face in the end. Yadda yadda something about Ironwood embodying Atlas bearing the world on his shoulders and breaking down from the weight. Fucking hell dude that was insane. Imo IW's entire arc and conduct were always going to hit back at him and be the thing to bring him down and it just worked.
Fucking hell v8 was just. Bleak. Peak of the despair arc for sure even v9 had its moments but there was just. So god damned much shit happening at once and it was all going wrong and the stakes were so much higher than Beacon. Need to sit down [barbie pose]
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chasingshhadows · 5 years
Also I just watched the first episode of Roswell New Mexico and it quite literally took me two and a half hours (I clocked it using the timestamps on my squee messages into my friend’s chatbox) bc i kept rewatching so much of it over and over and over and I’m pretty sure i shattered about 13 times and somehow this show blew past all emotional checkpoints and dove straight from Hello My Name Is into I Have A Burning Seething Passion For You And I Can’t Hide It and ~somehow~ that describes not one, but TWO couples on this goddamn show that I somehow am just fully invested in within fucking seconds of being introduced to them and I
need a nap. or just a sleep.
Michael leaping at Alex and kissing him like he’s been drowning and Alex is the only air left in the universe physically and emotionally exhausted me in the most profoundly good ways and I’m tired.
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mrcspectr · 2 years
rn the roomie is showing off the House Weaponry and i was thinkin abt the way marc kind of . seems to ? avoid fighting with knives ? and was just like . exploding bc im. watching the way marc brawls on the rooftop & he . he constantly knocks knives to the ground but he keeps his own hands weapon-free. the moment marc gets his hands on a knife, the fight’s over too quick (at least for bad guy #1)- and suddenly steven takes the wheel.
and then the next time there’s a knife in Marc’s hand it’s certainly not nice and shiny like it was before- no, it’s buried in bad guy #1’s gut. there’s so much more blood.
… listen i came into this ask wondering if marc and jake had different styles of fighting with weapons- with knives specifically- and walked out with too many more questions than i had answers.. Marc’s movements with the knife were. very certain and fluid- well practiced, even. and yet he seems to shy away from picking one up- he sticks to his fists.
It doesn’t help that there’s not much footage on how jake uses a knife, we just see the .. result. anyways this is for you to munch on when you find a spare thought cos i know this’ll be rotating in my brain on repeat for a goooood long while. skdjdksj byeeee
Percy, have I ever mentioned how much I love when you talk to me about House Weaponry? lsdgjskljgs ANYWAY. I have.. commentary on this.
So, in that scene on the rooftop, there's three guys he's fighting total, five knives (the particularly flashy guys are carrying two. Y'know. For funsies, I guess.) The confrontation starts with Marc being, bless his heart, more himself than we see very often. A little sassy, a lighthearted jab here and there. Oh shit, you killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. Oh. What, are we dancin'? We fightin'? What are we gonna do? He's more comfortable, the situation more familiar.
And throughout the fight, he's more focused on getting the knives out of their hands. He disarms, but he doesn't necessarily take advantage of the weapon itself. (It's something we learn in combat self defense, your best chance of survival is to take the knife out of the fight entirely.) Marc's strategy is this:
Guy #1: Dodge the first slash so the knife is already directed away from him, takes his wrist holding the second knife, forces it in the same direction so both points are no longer a threat, and uses his own momentum to push him away, falling to the ground.
Kid and Guy #2: In the time it takes Marc to land a solid kick on someone else, the kid manages a good slash against his back, distracting him from the older men. When he tries again, Marc grabs at the wrist holding the knife, twisting the joint in a way that makes it fall from his grip. It's important to note too that he hesitates for a second, striking his back with an open palm instead of a closed fist. Less pain, more jarring or surprising than anything.
Guy #1 again: He crosses the guys arms across each other, making it pretty difficult to near impossible to stab forward. He brings his knee up to strike his wrist, and so another knife falls. The second knife comes up, and Marc strikes again to the same result.
With every motion and decision Marc makes, a weapon falls to the ground. But he doesn't reach for it, not until the end. And even then he's angry, the adrenaline is pumping, he's reaching for that familiar violence, but at the last moment, Steven steps in. That's enough.
And I used to think it was so strange, because Marc's very familiar with utilizing the crescent darts when he's wearing the suit. There are multiple times he uses them to stab, to cut, to slash, in the same way a knife would be handled. So why did he seem so against taking advantage of a dropped weapon, when he was very clearly outnumbered? And then I remember this line:
Or it was just a way for me to keep being what I've always been. A killer.
And that is Marc's entire struggle with his identity as Moon Knight, isn't it? He refuses to accept that certain satisfaction he finds in his own violence, because in doing so, he thinks he's confirming everything his mother ever made him believe. He finds it easier to use those weapons wearing the armor because he thinks he can almost.. draw a line between himself and what he becomes as an Avatar. He can separate the two.
And by trying to put those different parts into neat little boxes, that is what causes him to believe he hates being Moon Knight. Because he puts all that anger and violence, those things that he hates, all in that same box. That internal conflict arises when the line becomes blurry, or it disappears entirely, like that moment on the rooftop.
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