#im normal. you know.... you know how it is.....
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can you speak on your severance s2 opinions? i promise this isnt in bad faith or anything, im just anon bc im shy lol, im genuinely curious
i'm gonna put this under a read more because it's gonna be long but...yeah [scratches head] if YOU the person reading this looooved this season and see nothing you didn't like about it, thats awesome and i'm happy for you. i also liked things in this season, and also its normal to be able to critique things you like, love and light <3 its literally just television
generally, yeah, i found myself disappointed with it. i think the writing this season, both the dialogue and then the actual character/world writing, fell flat and/or seemed like it was completely incongruous with the characters and world that we had seen in season 1. i think something i really appreciated about season 1 is that yes, mark was our main character and the lens we got introduced to both the inside and outside world, but both felt so much BIGGER than just him.
season 2, the entire plot and world and characters bend and contort to make mark like, the center of the universe lol. it's kind of ridiculous, the extent to which the world revolves around him now. it makes the world feel SOOO small. parts of my favorite worldbuilding aspects are seeing how the outside world feels about severance--i think the part where we see how working as a severed employee makes it almost impossible to work anywhere else is great! and in concept i like seeing other towns that have been devastated by lumon's industrialization, though i don't love the execution that we got. so like...everything lumon does is about mark? ALL of it? i know we don't know exactly how long lumon has been operating but like...they've been working on this stuff for longer than two years, lol. like, how many files have dylan completed? irving? petey? that girlie who wrote the lexington letter? is all of their work literally meaningless? like i get that there were people before gemma who failed the tests and they died, sure, but what about when mark started working there? what about the files that irving started and didn't finish, why don't they care about those? ohhhh right, because that's not the one that mark's working on. i get that it'd be a big deal if they got it to work fully once, but surely they'd want to make it work AGAIN, right??? like a science experiment?? i just wish we got like, A nod to other people on the testing floor, because i think the implication is that all of them are working on files connected toâŠdifferent people, but maybe they're all just different versions of gemma?
honestly all of the innie stuff this season just felt soâŠidk, aimless? it feels like parts of the building only exist when the writers want them to, and just generally are not interested in exploring anything outside of the romantic aspects for all of these characters. like sure, after the season 1 finale, their asses are not gonna wanna work (EXCEPT FOR WHEN THEY DO? TO MOVE THE PLOT ALONG?), but where's the camaraderie? what about all those other people in O&D, they literally export things to the testing floor, maybe they know about gemma? fundamentally i think the thing that's the most frustrating about innie mark is that they keep telling us that he doesn't care about gemma. which, sure, outie gemma, he doesn't have that same connection with as helly, whatever. but also, he DOES care about her, he literally knows that that's ms casey and that lumon was just going to do what they always do when they fire people????? like s1 mark cared soooo much about his coworkers, ALL OF THEM, even the ones that weren't there anymoreâseeing petey and then ms casey get removed was like, a HUGE deal and vital to his growth as a character!!!! and the way that they constructed this whole season basically to remove everyone that isn't mark and helly by the end. lol. i'm honestly shocked that they didn't make a new version of the desk that was just two chairs, like dylan was just excluded from the finale except for when they needed him to come in and hold the door against mr. milchick. again. lol
i don't inherently have a problem with exploring the romantic stuff, i think that could have been done well, but i just don't think it was. and that's primarily because, i think the writing this season for helly was ass! they took away her agency and subjugated her to be just the love interest for mark! especially with the finale, i just feel like the helly i know would've been like mark, what are you doing??? go?!? like she wants to take down lumon, THAT's what will take down lumon! like whatever, mark made the choice that he did, but helly playing along with it makes no fucking senseee. like they want us to think that it's the same ol helly we know and love, they give us crumbs of her anger, like when she's rallying the marching band people or whatever, but again, only when it's plot convenient. WHY WOULD SHE NOT ATTACK JAME? he's like 90???? and helly doesn't like this man???? she has nothing to lose???? fucking THROW something at him helly!!!! the helly that tried to chop her fingers off and hang herself and gave that speech in the s1 finale is not in the room with us. and i don't mean this in a way where i think it's helena again, it's not. they've just completely fumbled her character because they want mark and helly to be together at all costs. and honestly, i think it's so reductive to make this show just about ships, but textually it feels like that's what they want us to do, and i think that's sad. again, it makes the show feel so SMALL, when the world within it used to feel so BIG and like we would want to learn more about it. i care about mark and helly--before they kissed!! i think it was rewarding to see the ways they challenged each other and grew as people!! them as a romantic thing could work but they haven't put in the work to MAKE it work. and, it feels like of redundant even to say, but i do think it's fucking ridiculous to write a story where we get kissing and fucking for allllll the straight characters and then the one gay couple doesn't even get a kiss before separating them completely and writing irving out of the show, basically. like what are we in, hayes code era television?
but yeah, the information they chose to reveal vs what they didn't was also frustrating. i honestly wish they revealed less! there's so much TELLING this season. it feels like they think we're stupid (which, i can't speak for the entire population watching the show, maybe some people literally do need mark to look at the camera and explain everything, idk). like there's sooo much clever storytelling in the first season that just, completely gets snuffed out from overexplaining. i understand in the finale that oMark needs to tell iMark about why he did all of this but like, WE as the audience already know??? we don't need to see this?? and cobel confirming stuff i feel like we already knew about how the numbers work and like, i just don't knowwww. like you can just show me it, i was picking up on it. like we know about the four tempers, you show it to us all the time, cobel having to look dead in the camera and explain it just made me feel like there was a better way we could've done this. i do think some stuff benefits from a "hard" confirmation. like i'm glad they confirmed the helena thing, BECAUSE it backs up and supports all of the lovely and subtle things they had already shown to prove that it WAS helena! like i've known since the first episode LOL, so they do KNOW how to do subtle storytelling. and i think the gemma episode was great, i loved seeing her as a character and thought it gave her so much depth. but again, i think allll of the explaining they do this season not only snuffs out the fun of speculating on the viewing end, but from a writing perspective it just kind of writes them into a corner. i think they're focused too much on making these elaborate set pieces and events take place without thinking of how they fit together, not only on like a writing/episodic level but just the world of lumon at large.
i think a great way they showed story in the first season is through the paintings, and through irving and burt bonding over the paintings! like it not only establishes the lore of kier and then we get to learn more about them as characters through their reactions to the paintings. the paintings this season, honestly, were weak, they were so heavy handed. love and light to whoever painted them, but they were nottt doing the job for me.
(this is a small thing, but likeâŠthe intake questionnaire asks them to "name a US state or territory," so they KNOW that delaware is a state. so why would they think the equator is a building? again its just like. a cutesy moment for mark and helly to banter but they could've done it in a way that isn't contradictory to like, our understanding of what information crosses over the sever and what does not).
i keep thinking about the ORTBO, and it just seems fucking CRAZY to me that they aren't freaking out about SEEING THE SKY? BREATHING FRESH AIR? FEELING FIRE? SLEEPING?? WASN'T THE WHOLE THING THAT THEY COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP???? i guess my impression of how the chip works is that the technology doesn't know how to handle when they enter a subconscious/asleeep state, so the innie and outie memories begin to bleed together, hence why dozing would be a bad thing on the job. but again, they clearly had this idea of how they wanted irving to reveal that it's helena in the waterfall, and yes, i did enjoy the spectacle of the episode, but its another example of how they'll build these moments and only focus on what they want to see. like there's so much interesting stuff that they could explore and just choose not to, because (usually) it doesn't involve mark, or mark and helly.
also, i'm just gonna say it, i feel like the writing for the women this season all was kinda bad! it's, again, a byproduct of the world revolving around mark now. reghabi is brought into the story when mark needs her, and cast aside when he doesn't want her anymore. devon has been completely reduced to mark's lackey, like i guess ricken and the baby are fucking fine or whatever??? because she only exists when mark is around, and her only job is caring about mark (which obviously yes, they're siblings, of course they careâbut s1 devon had a life outside of mark as well). cobel is only brought back into the story to explain to mark how cold harbor works. i said this before but honestly i like the concept of her little solo episode, though the execution wasn't great, because at least she was doing something on her own (except for when she needs that guy to help her. heaven forbid a woman does something of her own accord without a man to help). and again, helly is completely flanderized to be mark's love interest. i think there's a way to have mark and helly be together and them be their own people, but for the length of the season they did not have the proper time to unpack all the shit from the ORTBO episode so everyone justâŠconveniently gets over it very quickly, like in the span of a day. like i do think it's a jump to go from "i don't trust you, are you even you?" to missionary under plastic tarps that quickly, i'm sorry. and i think even gemma suffers from this fate as well. i think with hers it makes more sense, like she fucking loves her husband, but i wish she was given opportunities to likeâŠwant things for herself, too. like she hasn't been outside in two years! i bet she misses her job, her students, her family, devon, ricken, like anyone outside of mark? but she has to be the tragic love interest that can't be with mark but can't run away from mark, either. she's reduced to set dressing for mark and helly by the end.
they constructed this season i think, with the hopes and knowledge that they'll likely get a season 3. which yes, we know now that it's been confirmed and approved or whatever, but they didn't know that when making season 2, and it feels like no one got a full character arc. it's all start and no follow through. we've had the same "mr. milchick experiences racism in the workplace" moment like what, five, six times, and yet we haven't even started to see him DO something about it yet? like sure he told mr. drummond to eat shit, but then to play along with the minstrel show cold harbor shit, they just didn't care about giving that plot line any action so it'll just get brushed along to season 3. (and while there's intentional commentary about race in the show, it also feels like there's unintentional consequences to their writing choices that upholds the whiteness. like, natalie is just forgotten about, reghabi is dropped as soon as mark doesn't want to play with her anymore, ms. huang barely gets to do anything before being written off and sent away, and yes, i do think having gemma suffer as mark and helly skip away is part of it. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, sorry!). i think dylan is maybe the closest we get to an interesting arc, and i enjoy the inclusion of his wife, but even he's reduced to JUST this story, only getting to talk to mark or helly when the writers need him to, i guess. and the stuff with burt and fields is so nothing, like it feels like it should be going somewhere but they're just leaving it open for season 3 (i guess??? even though it seems like irving isn't going to be in it at all, so why would we be following burt and fields??? and also don't even get me started on how the outie irving stuff is just NOT EXPLORED AT ALL. like whatever sure who the hell cares, sorry for wanting to see that go somewhere or whatever).
it's too early for full reintegration to happen so, we'll just finish that in season 3. (then why introduce it so early in season 2? ohhh right, we need cliffhangers to end every episode on). it almost feels like they don't have faith that people will keep watching without introducing these dramatic moments, but it's all just gasps of breath, there's no actual momentum. like, i've already watched the first season, you don't need to bait me with the prospect of seeing meaningful progression and then take it away from me when the next episode starts. the structure of how episodes speak to each other is that theyâŠdon't? like obviously i don't need every episode to pick up on the exact moment the last left off, but the timeline of this season is just soooo strange. the first two episodes are in the same span of time, and then there's gemma and cobel's episodes back to backâŠit genuinely just feels like they didn't consider the season as a whole which, considering how much money and time it took to make it happen, makes no sense.
and to continue on the timeline aspect, it feels so confusing as to how much time has really passed. it feels like the wanted the structure of the first season, but the pacing mechanic of the first season (working up to the end of the quarter to get to the waffle party) makes the pacing of the second feel even worse. like a.) mark's completed like 3 files a quarter (if we assume he's worked there for 8 quarters, i.e. two years), so making THIS file the super special final one truncates the possible time by at least a third.but then also, b.) he's been at like 95% complete since like, episode 5..? again, i just think it should've been considered more during the planning stages. and it kind of boggles my mind that the creative team views the marching band in this finale to be analogous to the waffle party in s1 when, it's way closer to the music dance experience? (they said this in the like behind the scenes for the finale ep). and in that regard, it really does kind of feel like a retread that doesn't work as well because, again, it's all about mark! especially after the shit with the kier statue, why would mr. milchick play along with the song and dance, like it just feels like they wanted to use tramell tillman's dance experience again, and they wanted to use the colored lights again. he could've just stood by the door to make sure mark and helly stayed there, which was obviously the goal of having all those people there. and yeah, i get the work is mysterious and important or whatever, but the implication that they have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE whos sole job is to be a marching band makes no fucking sense, i'm sorry. i find it hard to play along with the worldbuilding, again it makes lumon seem like its run by like dr. doofenshmirtz or something, it's so cartoony. like are they a global and successful company, or are they incompetent and leave gaping holes for their employees to undo everything? this is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN LUMON HISTORY and they couldn'tâŠshut the door to MDR like they had before? the goat sacrifice room is directly outside the exports hall door? the music dance experience works so well as a catharsis moment because everyone has their own shit going on, and we get to see the guy who hasn't really disobeyed yet (dylan) finally snap, and we see the others come and support him as a TEAM. it's just spectacle for us, the viewer. and especially the thing where they make the panels with mark's face on itâHE CAN'T SEE IT???? i don't need fan service winking moments like that, i dunno, that just annoyed me lol.
anyway, i feel like i have more to say probably but i gotta go do things so, i'm gonna leave it here. in conclusion, i'm missing my friends from s1 MDR sooo so bad, i feel like i haven't seen them this season at all. i did like parts of this season, but overall it was not what i was hoping it would be. (i don't even really KNOW what i wanted it to be, and of course it doesn't matter what i "want," but i feel like what i "want" lined up with what they wanted to do explore with season 1 soâŠmaybe that's where the dissonance is coming from). and whereas at the end of s1, where i left it being like "where are they going to go from here?? (as in, theres so many possibilities", this season finale has left me asking "âŠwhere are we gonna go from here?" because i'm left like, inherently incurious about the people we have left and the choices they've made. and, i feel like THEY (as in the executive team making it) must feel this way too, because apparently they've completely scrapped the writers room from this season and added on two new showrunners. good luck to whoever that executive story editor is LOL
#asks#severance#ive been seeing some people get silly anons so. just know if that starts happening#it will just live in my inbox. love and light#also it is just my opinion. we're playing with toys
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â° 03. the ballad of a bygone blight.
â° ê° âŁ'ËË platonic yandere batfam / spider! reader ê±
â° 03. each coin can be flipped twice.
SYNOPSIS : being spidey isn't easy. being transported into an alternate universe where you're nothing but a shadow in your house, makes sneaking around a little easier... until you find yourself the apple of their eye... kind of.
note: you guys don't know true pain until you have to copy and paste each individual paragraph into a new draft because you forgot how tumblr drafts work </3
n e ways getting into the batfams characterisation yipiieeeee . i tried to incorporate overthinking into tims part realistically bc that's lowkey how i overthink things but hey. im open to respectful criticism. ive also been consuming a lot of batfam media and i tried to my take on their guilt and how it plays into the crazy thing hagaashhaha im going insane fml
prev. â° masterlist â° next.
You'd always been far too normal. That's what had driven you, all these years, to such a bitter nature. It wasn't like you'd done anything wrongâyou'd done everything a regular person would do, and that was the problem.
This kindâyour kindâof normality was impossible for a family like yours.
Impossible for them to understand. Relate to. See. Always falling behind, watching as their costumes and capes flutter in the wind, blowing their vision of you. Too wrapped up in the latest villain to spot the regularity in their life.
You'd wake up at 8am, eat a slice of toast with yoghurt and mixed berriesâdo pilates, and go on with your day.
(Your family would stay up till 8, fighting the crime that riddled the Gotham streets with an iron fistâsneaking out of the house to play dress up with a bunch of mentally insane criminals.)
You'd spend your nights at home, having done everything you'd needed to that dayâlazing around with a comic book in hand.
(Your family were far too busy most nights at Arkhamâpreventing their hundredth breakout and the spread of fear toxin.)
You'd watch, pupils dilated as your siblings, your father came home bruised, beat, and bloodied (with whose bloodâyou could only guess).
You'd watch in agonising silence as they'd shoo you off after you'd peek from behind their doorframeâsaying this kind of work wasn't suitable for eyes like yours.
Those same eyes dimmed that dayâstaring blankly into nothing as the sight of that sickening crimson red became more common to you, with each passing day.
Dripping down onto the groundâyou'd never be able to get rid of that blood. No matter how hard you scrubbed the floorboards, there would always be that stain of red.
You'd grip the sheetsânails digging into mesh fabricâwith a steel-knuckled hold. You'd draw what it would be like to be one of them. That same blood-red suitâyet with a different kind of venom to a bat.
Crawling up a water spoutâyou, the spiderâwere washed out by the bitterness enrapturing your heart that was once full and blooming like the most beautiful of gardens.
Venom drips from your fangs and yet left unbitten. Never poisoning anything but your own tongue.
To be overlooked and unseen with the most brilliant mind a god could conjure; the world, your familyâmay never love a spider, but you will find somebody, someday, who will.
Tim Drake was not used to that expression on your face.
... Actuallyâhe wasn't really used to any expression on your face. For a moment, it felt more like a blur to him than anything. Memories of youâthey were few and far between.
Except that look of pity you'd always seem to give them. The image appeared in his mind suddenly, for whatever odd reason. That sad, almost puppy-ish, expression that he'd never really given a second thought.
(Thoughâit made you appear more of a baby to him.)
Perhaps he'd just gotten used to it. After all this time, what could've possibly changed?
He was wrapped up with something strange given to him by Bruce when he'd seen you. A strange, web-like substanceâhe was just getting ready to study it when it dissolved like nothing were ever there.
Like silk, it was soft. Like glue, it was sticky. Like fibers, it was stringey. Yetâafter just a few hours, it was as if it never existed. Like it were nothing but a bad dream.
Bruce and Damian talked about it like it were a spiderwebâfitting, considering the hero that wielded it, they described as looking more arachnid than human.
Regardlessâhis mind was already frazzled and buzzing with all kinds of thoughts. Spider. Spider Web? Spider.
Where is that fucking web?
The stress crawls under his skin like bugs and he itches. The red left over is so familiar to himâbut perhaps never the same at all.
(That same red you'd seen with those big, glassy eyesâunlike that motionless gaze you'd give him sparingly. If he bled again, would you look at him kindly like that once more?)
Then, a shoulder crashes into his. Hard. Enough to almost knock the vial out of his hands. The frustration is just about to bubble overâthe words crawling up his throat like bile and his chest tightens with that familiar burst of rage.
(Tim, crash-out, DrakeâSteph called him once.)
But he stops.
It's only you.
Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at school? He hadn't been to school in a whileâbeing a vigilante leaves a guy's schedule pretty packedâbut he's sure...
"[name]? What are you doing here? Isn't it school hours...?" He asks, curiously.
You blink, face blank. He can't get a read on that face. He simply can't decipher it. It bothers him more than it probably should've. "I felt sick, so I decided to come home. Still a bit frazzled from... you know."
His heart beats faster. What? You went to school? You really went to school?
(Even if he realised it beforehand, it's like the shock runs through him again. What's wrong with him?)
You went to school even though you were shot a few days ago? Did that really happen? Did he... not realise? He's supposed to know this stuff, isn't he? Isn't he the smart one? Doesn't he keep tabs on everybody? Doesn't he look at you?
A cold chill fills his body, and he bites down hard on the inside of his cheek. Before he can stop himself, the words spill.
"...Bruce is going to be worried. You know how he feels when you and Damian skip."
You glance to the side, considering something. He wants to know. Will you tell him? He feels like he knows nothing about you anymore. It's dehibilitating.
Since when have you brushed them off so easily? You were never like this before. You used to preen at a simple headpat (not from himâbut you seemed to especially love your two oldest brothers) and practically glow when somebody talked with you.
"I think I'll live. Bye." You shrug.
His heart nearly beats out of his chest. What? Why are you acting like this? Don't you care?
Why are you acting like you hate it? You hate them? You don't care? What's wrong with you?
Did you get a concussion when you were shot? Did you hit your head and forget everything? Did you lose your mind after getting lead poisoning? Is this even you? What happened when you were shot?
Every possible question excludingâwhat has he done?
The bullet he saw in your shoulder flashes in his mind. When Jason practically kicked the door down, carrying your heavily breathing body bridal style and yelling for Bruce to get his ass over here.
Why were you out in the first place? Why weren't you at home? What happened to you? Why were you shot? What could you have done?
He had no time to think about it before. Not when he was so busy, and Riddler was causing up a stir.
Now, he is crumbling.
You're walking away, but his vision shakes. He feels like he's going to crumble. He hates it. This feeling. The feeling of knowing he simply just can't figure this out. He's mad. At you, or himselfâhe isn't quite sure. Perhaps a mix of both.
Why have you changed? Why did he not realise? Had you even changed? Did he ever know you?
He nearly crushes the vial in his grip. His hand reaches out, to grasp you. Your shoulder. The bullet lodged deep within you. Maybe if he got rid of it, you'd go back. To normal. You'd be your normal self again.
He feels it so deeply.
That crippling, nihilating urge toâ
He stops. Watching you walk away. Fast. So fast. He can't catch up. No amount of training could've allowed him to walk alongside his little sibling.
Perhaps he found himself caught in that spider's silky trapâbound and unmoving as he just couldn't seem to tear his eyes away.
The empty vial doesn't concern him much anymore. He stares at it with eyes as hollow as the glass is.
Tim wonders when everything changed.
Dick Grayson watched your convulsing body with shaking eyes. A bullet lodged in your shoulder and crimson dripping onto the ground in a sickening rhythm. He couldn't reach out. He couldn't have touched your face. Not when Jason held you like that. Like a guard dog. His bloody helmet slamming to the ground just for Dick to see the absolute fury on his little brother's face.
Pupils blownâDick knows what's going on. Better than any of the rest of them, he'd even go as far as to say. He's manic. Absolutely manic. Shouting and yelling for anyoneâasking what Bruce was doing, letting you out alone this late. What he was fucking expecting.
Nobody speaks. Nobody can. What could they possibly say? That they didn't notice? That nobody did?
Jason might have taken them all on in your honour if he had truly said those words out loud. He always would've, even if he never stayed for long.
Dick almost wants to sock Jason in the face for keeping you away, so close to his own heart.
(He would've done the same, if only he had you. If only you would let him.)
The only thing he can see in his brothers' arms is that child who used to hide in the most obvious of spots. Crouching behind that large TV with the tips of their hair peeking out. Who used to laugh so gleefully when everyone pretended they couldn't find them.
He sees you, and nearly falls over.
Dick Grayson isn't a stranger to blood. Blood had followed his footsteps wherever he goes. He is made of the blood of everyone he lost and fears to lose.
He didn't think you'd fit into the former so quickly.
(You never thought you were eitherâdid you?)
He can't do anything when he sees Jason carry you out. Slipping into a car with Bruce and Alfred and driving off, far past the speed limit.
He is powerless to move. He is useless. As he was when he watched his parents fall. When he was held back by Bruce when he found that vile man.
He hadn't felt like this for a long, long time.
He was the perfect one. He was the best of them. The first. Everything Batman was supposed to be. Nightwing. Robin. Doing everything he could to be what Bruce wanted.
He was the perfect one.
What use was that when your blood stains the hardwood floors?
What use was him not remembering what you looked like until this moment? The only time he'd ever seen you was when a bullet was lodged in your shoulder, and your body was practically convulsing.
... This should never have happened.
You were always the normal one. The most regular. Never tainted by the horrors of Gotham. Bright. Kind. Your eyes were always so kind. Pitiful. You'd always pity them. Wanting to help, but how could he possibly let you?
How could he possibly let you see the shattered expression on his face each time he'd seen you hurting? (Even if it was you hurting for them.)
You never should've...
He stops his own train of thought.
Why were you out, anyway? Hadn't you known how awfully terrible Gotham is at night?
Hadn't he... warned you...?
Dick walks off, eyes following his retreating figureâhe can't find it within himself to care. He storms upstairsâalmost frantically.
Everything is so quiet. Nobody here. Nobody waiting here like there usually is.
Where you usually are. The end of the hallway. It's brighter over here. The windows more open. The floorboards more bleached by the sun than back where his childhood room used to be.
He almost kicks the door open when his sweaty hands can't get a good grip on the doorknob.
(He can't. He can't destroy the barrier between you both, no matter how hard he tries.)
It slips open, eventually. Dick takes in the sight, silently, eyes darting around.
There's dust littering the air, highlighted by glittering light. The glow of the sun pours into your room like molten honey. Shining down onto your carpet.
There is nothing else.
Your room is so empty. If he didn't know better, he'd thought this were a guest room. Scuffedâbut suitable for a short visit nonetheless.
How long have you stayed here?
Dick tries to ignore the bleakness that fills his head when he tries to answer his own question.
He can't bring himself to step inside. Not without you there. He stands in the doorway, as lost as he felt when he world came crashing down with that tightrope.
He feels like a little kid all over again. As helpless as a little kid is in this world.
As helpless as you were.
As helpless as you are.
Your face looked like a blur for all these years. Lingering in the background, but never for long. His nails dig into the calloused flesh of his palm. Hardened from years of fighting, protecting all he cared about. All those he failed to protect before.
He didn't do anything, did he? Not for so long. For as long as Jason died, was it?
... How long was that?
He wasn't sure when you slipped from his mind. So caught up with those beside himâhe hadn't seen you slip behind, silently.
That little kid, staring up with tearful eyes. Asking where Jason was. Asking when they could all play together again.
Behind the capes, the masksâbehind him, there was you.
Dick would've fallen over if he hadn't caught himself on the doorframe.
How could he have possibly, ever let you out of his sight? How can he stand to look at you when he let this happen? The most regular thing in his life. Something he had never given a second glance.
His chest hurts with a white-hot pain that stings his entire nervous system.
The best of them allâit was never him. It was always you, wasn't it?
The one keeping him grounded was youâhe feels like his heart can't beat properly. Clutching it hard, nothing works. The ache stings, but nothing feels worse than his mind spiralling with thoughts of you laying in a hospital gown with red seeping out your side.
He will never, ever let something like this happen to you again.
Dick will let you know you'll never need to worry about anything again as long as your favourite big brother is here.
taglist: @hello-bina @cosmosluckycharms @1abi @yhin-gg @insideoutjulie @bluepanda08 @omnivirgo @vanessa-boo @dind1n @welpthisisboring @lunaetiicsaystuff @marsmabe @atanukileaf @findingjaxx @4mrplumi @bunniotomia @lostsomewhereinthegarden @bat1212 @gaychaosgremlin @bongwaterflavoredgatorade @randomlyappearingartist @cxcilla @spidermanluvr444 @cruzerforce4256 @mybones537 @xjesterxjacksx @nirvanaxx1942 @djpuppy-kittens @br33zy-blizzardz @moon0goddess @0sunnyside01 @mei-simp @redsakura101 @the-dumber-scaramouche @wizzerreblogs @lovemiss-vale @deathbynarcisstick @allycat4458 @wonmyheart @luckyangelballoon @one-piecelover @hartwyrm @horror-lover-69 @maria-trisha @4rachn3 @galaxypurplerose @duskeras @coffeeaddictxd @lithiumval @kaz-playz
if you asked to be on the taglist but aren't there, make sure your account is able to be tagged and ask me again!!!
#đ§žâ° the ballad of a bygone blight#platonic yandere batfam#yandere batfam x reader#yandere dc x reader#yandere batfam#platonic yandere batfam x reader#platonic batfam x reader#platonic batfam#yandere batfam x neglected reader#batfam x neglected reader#batfam x reader#batman x reader#bruce wayne x reader#nightwing x reader#dick grayson x reader#yandere jason todd#jason todd x reader#red hood x reader#tim drake x reader#damian wayne x reader#cassandra cain x reader#dc x reader#neglected reader#spider reader#© iliverae 2025 !
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I'd like to add, as much as we already try to say it, you can't tell someone's queerness or relationship with the LGBT+ community just by looking at them. No matter how good you think your "gay-dar" is.
Im a de-transitioned trans man, former bisexual, and former polyamorist. I was masculine presenting in a relationship with a bisexual man for a long time. I was also genderfluid, androgynous presenting in relationships with men, women, and many in between all at once. I've been both a cis woman and a trans man in relationships with other cis women, trans men and women, and cis men.
I currently identify as gendernull and am very feminine presenting, pansexual, married to a straight man. We just look like a normal heterosexual couple. And even if that's what you perceive it as, we belong at Pride. Even if that's what it was, we belong at Pride. I know no one likes to hear this, but Pride isn't about hating "The Straights." It's about embracing love in every form and our right to do so. Fight for it.
I belong at Pride - I identify as queer.
My husband belongs at Pride - he loves a queer individual.
Everyone who supports, respects, and acknowledges our existence without fear, hatred, or judgment belongs at Pride.
Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.
Lesbians who became straight men
Gay men who became straight women
All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)
People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)
Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.
People with fluid orientations
Gnc people who find joy in their straightness
Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.
[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]
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Synopsis- your new step brother is amazing he helps you learn new things, he watches you change in case you need help, he picks your outfits even when they're short he says that today's fashion, and now he's even helping me get out of the dryer! Isn't he great?
Warning- .SMUT MDI. Perv sunghoon. Innocent reader. Panty sniffing, watching while reader showers, oral (both m and f receiving), masturbation, dumb reader, stuck in a dryer, spanking, nipple pulling.
taglist: @skyearbyđ
Sunghoon is just the best step brother you can ask for; he helps you change you clothes even picking your fits for you today he picked out a mini triangle bikini helping you put it on putting his hands touching your chest to âangleâ the nipples in the middle sigh heâs the best next he gave you a pair of a mini skirt not bothering to give you underwear and when you asked him he simple shrugged and replied âdont worry its the current fashion to not wear themâ sigh absolute best
Sunghoon smirked and helped you wear the skirt but noticed your nipples werenât hard so he tsked at you making you look at him âwhats wrong hoonie?â He rolled his sleeves up coming to you âI need your nipples hard babyâ and he immediately pulled the bikini aised revealing your gorgeous tits he loved gosh youâre so innocent he doesnât even feel guilty and starts trying with your nipples and you just moaned rolling your eyes as itâs normal heâs just helping by making the outfit better you squirmed rubbing your thighs together biting your lower lip and he just chuckled and gave your tits a slap once your nipples were hard. He put the bikini back on and admired his work before putting you on the table and spreading your legs for the morning inspection heâd do this every morning, heâd open your legs and give a kiss on your pussy and starts fingering you until you came then heâd proceed to eat you out claiming âthatâs how to stay healthy and cleanâ and so you let him. Once heâs done he letâs to go about your day sometimes groping your ass when the parents arenât home or stealing your panties and making you watch as he used your soiled undies to jack him off or just help you in general like right now;
Where your stuck in a dryer in the outfit sunghoon had made you put on you tried pulling yourself but it was no use so you called sunghoon and he came soon and when he saw you stuck inside ass out thanks to the mini-mini skirt he made you wear and the idea of not giving you underwear âtsk tsk are you stuck?â He muttered bending to caress your ass cheek âyes hoonie please help me out?â you whimpered wiggling your butt so he could help you but it only made him spank you and he noticed your tits hanging out from the dryer immediately grabbing on to them making you yelp âah! H-hoonie are you sure this will help me out?â He just tugged on your nipples and said âyeah, dont worry babyâ He toyed with them till you were clenching on nothing and rubbing your thighs together making him smirk and pulled down his pants coming behind you holding his dick and lining it to you entrance going up and down covering the head of his dick with your slick , teasing you.
He pushes in and grabs your hips âdonât worry baby this is the best and fastest way to pull you outâ and you being the innocent darling just nodded and pushed your ass more to him which he grabbed on to and started thrusting going under and toying with your pussy giving it a few slaps while groaning and cussing âfuck so pretty and all p-presented for me- mh fuckâ he increased his speed and grabbed your tits seeing them bounce from the side and you started being a moaning mess knowing your close âah-ah hoonie im- OH fuck Iâm close!â He hummed and know your ass some spanks âI know baby come on cum for meâ and the coil in your stomach snapped cumming all over his cock, shaking as he didnt stop reaching his own high and he kept spanking you while you came âF-fuckkkk im close too youâre gonna take it from me yeah? You whore! Getting stuck in there just for me to fuck you mh? Tsk tskâ he spat as he came inside you painting your walls white. With his cum. All his.
He smirked as he pulled out and just left you there still stuck in the dryer and came back with some towels wiping himself and got on his knees and lapped on your cunt with no warning making you shriek as he was just âcleaningâ you up, he ate like a dog tasting himself and you on your cunt once he was done luckily you were sweating and came out in a jiff but you thought it was because of the fucking he gave and you just smiled and got on your knees to thank him. Sigh such a great step brother.
#enhypen#enhypen smut#sunghoon#park sunghoon#sunghoon smut#enhypen sunghoon#park sunghoon smut#sunghoon hard hours
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Calm and Serenity
Sylus x Non!MC
summary: you didn't know what sylus saw in you. he said you were calm, quiet and serene and that's what he needs. you believed it. he showed it. not until little miss hunter came. she's everything you're not. news that she's in danger can make the ever so calm sylus to run and leave everything behind. it made you think, would he do that for you as well?
tags: angst, romance, hurt and comfort, confused sylus, non-mc reader (this is it for now)
note: first time writing after five years, please be kind. (im also new in using Tumblr idk how to use this lawrd)
It takes a strong woman to love Sylus.
Someone who can carry themselves, someone that doesn't need to be always under surveillance. Someone that can fight. Someone that is worthy to be by his side.
And somehow, you were that someone.
You didn't even know what you did that attracted him to you. Despite not being ugly, you're not a head turner also. You remember asking Sylus about what he saw in you that made him fall in love and he just smirked at you before turning around to toy with his guns and cleaning them.
âYou're calm, serene, quiet. Just someone I need. Don't worry your pretty little head about it, little fox. I love you because I love you. You don't need to find explanations in everything."
At that moment, it made your heart stop in a good way. You always believed that someone like Sylus would see you, look at you, and pay attention to you but here he is. Just at an arm's reach.
No matter how everyone warns you that a bad man cannot love, yet you find yourself falling deeper and deeper and you know for certain that Sylus will be there to catch you when you fall.
Loving Sylus comes with its pros and cons. For one, you know that you're safe and in danger at the same time. Living in Onychinus as Sylus's girlfriend made you realize that you are protected yet always under the watchful eyes of your boyfriend's enemies.
Luke, Kieran and even Mephisto guards every move you make just to make sure that you're not harmed.
It's not like you can't fight for yourself, but with them beside you, you don't even have to. That's another perk of being Sylus's âlittle fox" as he so dearly calls you.
To be honest, you feel like it's more of a benefit than a hassle to be so close to him. Because aside from the many things in your advantage that he can provide, you found a family.
The twins may always cause ruckus, or Mephisto always giving you a heart attack every time he sneaks on you, they're your family.
Being with Sylus gave you something that no amount of money or influence can give. With him, with them, you felt like you belonged.
But then, beautiful dreams can still turn into nightmares.
You didn't really intend to overhear their conversation ⊠or rather, Sylus's command to Mephisto.
âFollow her, report every detail. I don't want one step not taken into account,â he said.
You wouldn't mind it if it were normal circumstances. You're not really the jealous type â or rather, he didn't give you enough reasons to be jealous.
But as you look at him, you can see the somber look in his eyes. For a split second, you can even tell that he might actually cry before masking it.
You watched him as he let his walls break for a moment. No he didn't cry but you can see how his jaws are clenched and his hands are trembling. He is in deep turmoil and him not aware of your presence watching him is enough proof of that.
You felt an impending doom approaching, but you quickly shut them out. You will wait until Sylus tells you what's going on.
Maybe next morning?
Next week?
In a month?
Who knows.
So you waited and waited. But too much time has passed and he never brought it up.
Not until the answer willingly came knocking on Onychinusâs doorstep.
Miss Hunter.
Miss Hunter is a formidable fighter, that much you can say. She's not gonna beat Sylus in hand to hand combat, but she sure can put up a fight and you can see how that pleased Sylus. To be fair, it's hard for him to find an opponent in a place where is the strongest.
So you watched.
You watched from the sidelines as he frustratedly kept trying to resonate with her. You watched his pained face when he was told that she might be subconsciously disgusted by him and that prevents them from maximizing their battle potential.
It hurts, yes, you're a human after all. But you have enough trust in him and you come to the conclusion that Miss Hunter is someone that is a vital part of Sylus's much greater plan.
Whether you say that to yourself because you truly believe it or you're trying to convince yourself that there's nothing deeper going on.
No one knows.
Not even you.
âSylus?" you called.
"Hmm?â you heard him hum from across the room of his study. He's on his swivel chair, eyes closed but surely not asleep.
It's the middle of the night and you're sure that he is awake. So you came here quickly after setting your alarm just to see him.
It's been a while since you two get to be alone and spend some time as a couple. He is always busy. Always on the phone, always on edge. It's like any time now he is going to explode. So as a good girlfriend, you came to him tonight to offer some kind of peace.
You kissed his temple before standing behind his chair and giving him a soft massage. You felt his muscles release tension and he relaxed in your arms.
âYou've been working so hard lately, even the strongest men need to rest too, you know?" you said.
"I can't, sweetie.â he replied, sounding tired. "There's much that I need to do."
âIs it too much that you can't even spare your poor girlfriend a few hours for just one night?â you teased.
âYou know that's not what I meant, Little Fox,"
âThen come to bed. Just for tonight. You won't function well if you're not getting the right amount of sleep. Even Mephisto needs rest so he won't overheat.â you insisted now facing him.
âThat's not how he works," he grumbled but didn't say anything after. He just hugged your waist and leaned his head on you. You melted because of it.
Most people see him as terrifying and heartless but when you see him like this, you know that he's just like everyone else. He gets tired, he gets upset.
Combing your fingers through his hair and cupping his cheeks to make him look at you, âCome and rest with me. Nothing bad will happen. Stop devising strategies in your head, boss man. I believe in you.â
That seemed to do it. He sighed and got up holding your hand and dragging you to your shared bedroom.
And no matter how he tries to act that he is not tired, he immediately falls asleep as soon as you kiss him goodnight.
You looked at his sleeping form and despite how weak you are compared to him, you wanted to protect him and this little vulnerability that he shows you.
Part 2
#sylus x non mc#l&ds sylus#lnds sylus#lads sylus#love and deepspace sylus#sylus#zayne love and deepspace#love and deepspace#xavier x non mc#rafayel x non mc#lnds xavier#lnds caleb#lnds rafayel#caleb x non mc#zayne x non mc#lnds zayne#lnds
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sypnosis; after ellie had a nearly heated argument with seth over something he said about you, your best idea was to take her home, but you get caught up in the carârelieving her anger. cw; angst, smut, sub!ellie, soft dom!fem reader, oral sex, strap use (referred to as a cock), multiple orgasms, fluff, e!receiving all, not proofread, men and minors dni. a/n; can i just say a HUGE thank you for 1k on my obsessed fic, i was really not expecting it to reach that đđ i love you all! basically i have ALWAYSSS wanted to write car sexâits just so hot to me so i had this specific ideađ and im in the midst of writing lots of requests rn so they will be released soon! anyways hope you enjoy!
â masterlist
seth had already spat out a nasty comment your way as you walked off hand in hand with ellie. she initially tried her best to ignore the fact seth had basically told you both to leave for kissing anyway, but his next comment sent ellie off the rails and you werenât expecting it.
a loud-mouthed dyke.
ellie let go of your hand and whipped around like someone had just thrown something at her, and her eye twitched. you watch as she walked away from you and towards seth, her finger raising to point at him, her brows knitted together. âthe fuck did you just say?!â she spits out as she storms towards him, the only thing you could do was step in front of her and press your hands to her chest, holding her back.
your eyes look up at hers that were burning into seth as she never lost eye contact with him. âellie, ellieâno!â you warn, her still moving towards seth as you spoke and had your hands on her chest, but she eventually stopped once you pressed her away firmly. her eyes finally broke from seth, falling down and inking into yours, her gaze instantly softening as soon as they met. she knew by the stern on your face that sheâd better stop, especially since everyone was already staring.
before you knew it, you were hand in hand with your girlfriend, walking out of the bar, your eyes looking at hers from the side and you could practically see the steam coming from her ears. you sigh as you both walk to the car, letting go of her hand as she gets the keys from out her back pocket, unlocking the car and getting in the driver seat and you got in the passenger side.
she started the car, the engine roaring as she pulled out of the car park, driving off. the ride home was awkwardly silentâyou were just in utter shock, and ellie was still very much angry. so angry that she hadnt even put her hand on your thigh while driving, which she normally did every single timeâthe fact that she didnt want to touch you made her anger prominent enough.
you notice ellies face, too. eyebrows knitted together, nose slightly scrunched, lips pursed and her cheeks flushed slightly, eyes narrow as they stayed on the road infront as she drove. nothing but the sound of the engine between you both, but, you decide to break the silence, feeling as though the awkwardness was swallowing you whole.
âwhy did you do that, ellie? we could have just walked away and ignored him.â you say, your voice low and tone soft, making sure it didnt sound like you were scolding her as you didnt want to make her more angry than she already was. she rubbed her brow, letting a sigh flow past her lips as she pouted them a little.
âwell, who else was gânna shut him up? dickhead had no right to call you that. you know i hate it whenââ she says, her tone very firm, her anger obvious in her words, but you cut her off.
âi know, i know. i get it.â you sigh out, rubbing your eyes. you knew ellie was very protective of you, no matter how much of a loser she was sheâd never let anyone fuck with you, she drew the line there. her hands were gripping the wheel tightly, her teeth finding her bottom lip. you found that after youâd said this, she had started to rant about it to let her anger out, but it didnt seem to work.
she rubbed her eyes with one hand as she rambled on, curses, groans and insults leaving her mouth. all this, and an idea still managed to swarm your head. how about you release her anger for her?
âheâs such a fuckingââ she rants, but you stop her by your confident words. âstop the car.â you say bluntly, with a hint of something else behind those words. her brows furrow further as she suddenly goes quiet from her rambling, her eyes meeting with yours for a split second. âhuh? why?â she asks, confusion in her voice.
âpull over, ellie.â you whisper, your tone firmer now, almost seeming to stun her but she does comply, the fact that you were so strict with what you said making her pull the car over quickly and urgently. she was very much confused, parking the car on the side of the empty road. you grin to yourself, opening the glove box. âget in the backseat, baby.â you tell her.
she raises on eyebrow as she eyes your every movement, but somehow she doesnt seem to want to argue, and instead unclips her seatbelt slowly, manoeuvring into the backseat as she sits in the middle with her legs spread, seeming to get a small hint of what you were doing. especially when you were in the glovebox.
of courseâellies strap was in there.
you grab it in your hand and unclip your seatbelt, getting into the backseat. ellie reaches her arms out to you, grabbing your arms and then your hips, placing you on top of her lap as your legs rest either side of her waist. she was probably thinking you wanted her to fuck you. little did she know it wasnt like that. her hands caressed over your hips, her thumbs rubbing soft circles. âmm, yâwant me to fuck you baby? right now?â she hums softly, her lips against your ear. however, you just laugh softly.
ânoâyouâre the one getting fucked, princess.â you grin, pressing your lips to her ear now, mimicking her own movements. you giggle to yourself as you could practically feel her smile faltering, her eyes widening and her legs spreading further. you move your head back, making eye contact with her puzzled face, your nose brushing against hers. âlet me rail that anger out of you, hm?â you bite your bottom lip, watching the way her eyes pretty much fill with desperation.
she remained silent but she blinked, feeling herself getting wetter and wetter by the second, before you know it, youâd moved her to lay down and you hover over her, her jeans and boxers on the floor of the carâyour skirt and panties in the same place. there was something so ironic about using ellies strap to fuck ellie with it. seems like the perfect way to go.
you strapped it on, not being able to help the moments that flush in your mind of every time ellie had fucked you senseless with this. you let the clear, veiny silicone brush against her already dripping folds, her head leans back on the car door at the first bit of contact, her eyes rolling back and her mouth opening in a silent moan.
you grin as you watch her face contortâstarting to lift her shirt and move her flannel up, your lips finding her stomach. you kiss down her pretty waist, the way her stomach flattens with the sharp breaths she takes due to your soft movements, your lips pressing softer kiss on her hip bones as they arch up.
you meet with her folds, your tongue darting out to lick up her wet slit and swirl around her puffy clit. her arms lean back to grip onto the door, her hips arching up. âfuck! oh fuuuckâdonât stop. ohh, godddâŠâ she whines, swallowing hard as her eyes roll to the back of her head, her hips fucking themselves on your tongue.
you refused to praise her aching hole with your tongue, you wanted to save that for your cock and make her take it like a good girl. you gave her soft kitten licks, swirling your tongue over her bundle of nerves and up and down her slick heat, paying the area in particular that made her whine the most.
you could slowly feel her body shake, already teetering on the edge from your tongue on her clit, now she was sensetive wasnt she?
her hand instantly reached down to grab a fistful of your hair, fucking her pussy on your lips as she pushed your head in further. âfuuuuck babyâgânna cuâoh godâŠ!â she cries out, her hips grinding on your face as she fiercly cums all over your tongue. your quick to react, taking all her juices into your mouth and swallowing it up like it was flowing gold.
you pull your face out of her heat, seeing her eyes shut in ecstasy. the windows of the car had steamed up and it felt awfully hot. before ellie could even open her eyes, you had her flipped over and pulled her hips up so she was on her hands and knees on the seats, your hands curling around her hips. âyouâre gonna take this like a good girl, ainâcha, princess?â you speak, voice low and seductive. you knew she was no longer angry and that youâd likely relieved her stress, but you wanted to fuck her nastily.
she bows her head, nodding quickly. ây-yes baby. shitâiââ you instantly cut her off by rolling your hips forward, your cock completely bottoming out inside of her tight hole, which made you groanâhaving to stretch her needy cunt.
âuuuhhh! sâshitââ she whines, her hand slamming against the steamy car window along with her other one, trying to steady herself as you begin moving in and out of her throbbing pussy, her ass smacking against your hips causing it to ripple as the noises echo throughout the car. any normal person driving or walking by wouldâve seen the car rocking.
âs-shitâŠtake it baby. fuuuck, your pussy is so prettyâtaking my cock so well.â you whine, the friction from the strap rubbing against your untouched clit. you knew ellie loved it when you treated her like this, praising her and allâyou loved it too, treating her like the queen she was. you grip her hips, although you didnt really have toâshe was already pushing them backwards onto your cock as you spoke nasty words to her. her hands left two imprints on the steamy window, placing them somewhere else on the window to steady herself further, leaving two more imprints.
every time you thrusted forward, her pussy made squelching noises from her precum dripping on your cock. your hands gripped her pretty waist harder, slamming the thick silicone in and out of her needy cunt. her head arches back and strident moans fell from her throat. you were panting now, but that didnt stop you. ohhh no.
you take her hips and pull her up so her back meets with your chest and she was basically sat on your lap. a cry escapes her throat at the new angle, her body feeling overstimulated. your hands move up under her shirt, gripping both of her small breasts, giving them small squeezes which caused her to whine at your touch. âfâfucking hellâshitttt!â she whimpers out, bouncing herself on your cock. what a needy princess.
you grin, resting your chin on her shoulder as you fuck up into her, some of her hair that had fallen out of her bun stuck to her cheeks that were covered in sweat. one of her hands remained on the window, her other one came to cup your cheek. âmâclose. gonna cum babyâŠahhh!â her head fell back against your shoulder as she whined thisâher mouth staying agape.
âthats it, thaaaats it, cum all over my cock sweetheart. doing so well fâmeâmmmâŠâ you groan, fucking up into her further as your words only egg her on, her body beginning to shake again as you repeatedly slam the tip of your cock against her spongey spot.
she shudders on your lap, and you swore you could feel her walls pulsing around you. her eyes squeeze shut, brows knitting together and with a final jolt and a slurred, whore-ish whine emitting from her throat, her cum leaks out of her pussy and all over your cock, a loud gasp following.
âohhh my fucking godâŠâ she sighs out, her hand slipping off the window which caused a streaky handprint, her head falling onto your shoulder. you give her breasts one last squeeze before you let go and lift her shaky body off of the silicone and she sits against the door while you crawl inbetween her legs to lay there, her hands finding your hair to play with it.
you smile contently, âfeel better?â you whisper, voice croaky as you close your eyes, feeling proud. she laughs, her hands gently playing with your hair as she speaks, her tone soft and her voice quiet.
âfuck yeah. i should be pissed more often.â she kissed your hair, letting her words linger. âthink we should go home, cuddle in bed. howâs that sound, princess?â you ask, looking into her eyes now.
her eyes soften at your words, looking into yours. âiâd love to, baby.â
taglist: @valeisaslut @elliesfavtoy @ttspenny @ellieswrath @willurms @slutt4ellie @stvrluvrrpres @elliescoochieeater @les4elliewilliams @eveyuyy @starwilliams @eriiwaii @vahnilla @ellieputellas @vampirq @067supremacy2 @se4ttlellie @edenspoem
#ellie fanfic#ellie smut#ellie the last of us#ellie tlou#ellie williams#ellie williams oneshot#ellie williams smut#ellie williams x female reader#ellie williams x reader#tlou ellie#ellie x reader#ellie x fem reader#ellie williams fic#tlou smut#tlou fanfiction#tlou2#tlou#the last of us x reader#the last of us part 2#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us#wlw smut#smut#fluff#angst#wlw post
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is it like the ocean? pull me closer again.
kk caitlin nika azzi
paige juju aubrey jana
you have been bed rotting for the past few hours, your barely able to keep your eyes open,fever burning and body aching.
kk had just left hours ago rushing to her flight for her big game tommorow, you didn't want her to worry so you acted all fine throughout the day.
but while your in call, she had noticed that your voice was too raspy to be normal barely able to form a word, she have asked you to open your camera and your face was burning up, eyes half lidded, eyebags popping.
"your fucking sick and didn't say anything?" she asked half shouting, on the way to the stair of the air wing.
"i didnt want to worry you." you answered and you notice kk turning back and ending the call.
minutes later, she walks through the door dropping her bag and walking straight to you. looking over at her with shocked expression.
"why did you come back?" you asked shouting voice raspy "your sick, are you okay?" you sighed stressing out as she caressed your face.
"you know how important your game is tommorow." you remarked and she shrugged.
"i dont care baby, your more important."
you have been trying to end your relationship with caitlin as its starting to become more toxic each time, the constant jealousy and possesiveness coming out of her was too much for you to handle, you always felt like your trapped in a cage with no one to help you.
having no freedom on anything at all and the constant side comments coming from her
'thats too short'
'your not fucking going out with that'
'i dont care your not going'
'its not safe'
you wanted to rip your hair out of your head whenever she talks, she knows your starting to drift mentally and physically, once you have opened up and decided to end things with her for good, she begged like a lost puppy.
'please im sorry'
'i just want you to be safe'
'you know how dangerous the world is'
that was all bullshit, but caitlin had this weird pull on you that you found hard to deny, in the end you found yourself giving her a chance.
After practice, the locker room is filled with chatter, the sound of sneakers sliding and showers running. Your girlfriend, whos the mvp on the game, is walking back from the trainerâs room when she pauses just outside the locker room door hearing her name.
âI mean, have you seen her girlfriend? If she ever got tired of her, Iâd happily take a turn⊠bet sheâs wild in bed.â
the words hit like a slap, your girlfriend steps in the room queit but furious, the whole room getting quiet once she got in.
"want to run that back?" she asks calm but deadly "relax it was a joke." juju raised her eyebrows stepping closer to the poor girl who seems like shes about to pee her self.
"thats my girlfriend your fucking joking about." she muttured slamming the girl in the locker door so rough that the noise of the slam echoed, no one dared to step in, they know how juju is.
"and if i hear her name coming out of your disgusting mouth, im gonna fucking kill you. got it?" that was not a question but a threat, the girl nodded desperately and juju gave her a nice strong punch right in the face.
paige knows your too good for her, too bright, too beautiful, too kind, lots of people admire you,but honestly your confidence was all that helped you pop out so much, paige hated it, as she was scared that maybe one day someone might succesfully steal you out of her grasp, she was scared of the fame you are getting, like you are walking toward a life that didn't have space for her in it.
one day, you squeeled looking over at your laptop seeing the sponsorship you been offered, you talked to paige about this and she gave you a little seed. "they only want you for the image, not for who you are." you didn't take her words as a insult since her tone was genuine.
the next week you bought a dress before a media shoot smiled up to your cheeks.
"you look beautiful to me, but maybe tone it down, you dont want people saying your a try hard."
as it continued, the sparkle in your eyes had dulled, and you started leaning on her more as to your believings, shes the only person who accepts you truly aside from your so called "unperfection."
you have started going to therapy, nika had told that she proud and she will always support you, the words was like an ick since she was mainly the reason why your starting therapy.
your relationship with her is starting to wreck as constant fight and her shouting agressive words was like a train hitting your sweet relationship with her that made it all fall down.
honestly the session started working, you have cried less and you always calmed down when a argument was about to accure.
but turns out, nika has been paying the therapist extra to record every session the two of you would do, and send it straight to nika.
it was a big help as nika figured how she needs to change,also the reason why the both of you barely fight anymore.
as you started to heal more, you have also realized your worth, you opened this up to your therapist and decided you needed to take a break from nika, but you needed some time to think for it first.
when nika found out, she was furious.
so she paid extra for the therapist teaching her some few words that will break you to day one.
she knows how healed people always leave.
being gaslighted, you found your self crying in your girlfriends shoulder admiting everything you have been saying to your therapist about her.
"shhh.." if nika dont know about this, she would be furious but she known it too early so she stayed calm.
"im sorry.. i will never leave.." you sobbed and she bit her lip holding back a smile "i know baby, i know."
"you always leave when i need you" she spoke up and you turned your head to look at her, aubrey is looking over at you gritting her teeth.
you clutched your gym back and sighed "i'll be back in a few hours." you assured and she rolled her eyes.
"i remember when you would cancel and just lay with me." she laughed bitter and soft.
you looked at her torn, guilt in your eyes, exactly what she needed.
"been feeling off all day, didn't even eat if you noticed." you stepped closer to her concern over riding.
"why didn't you tell me?" you muttured worried and she shrugged.
"you'll just leave anyway, not even eat with me." she confessed and you sighed putting your bag down.
"im sorry baby." you kissed her cheeks and hugged her. "didn't even know i was too busy barely not having time for you." aubrey embraced your warmth holding back a smile.
you have been feeling giddy as you have been offered a full ride to your dream school, the kind of opportunity you fought your whole life.
the only problem was the school was across the country but you live with azzi, you opened this up to her but she assured you it was okay.
but deep inside she felt a twing on her heart and she made sure your never leaving.
a week later, you have been filling out your forms, and whenever you would stand up to get some food, azzi would step in and sabotage your work.
one day, your welcome packet arrived but your not around home, azzi took the paper and burned it right away, then she emailed the admissions office using a burner account.
just a few questions about your eligibilaty just enough to raise a flag.
three days later, you got a confusing notice, some confusion with paperwork and a hold of your status, you bought your palm to your mouth and started sobbing.
azzi held you close and whispered to your ear.
"you dont need that school anyway, you can just stay here and live a life with me."
your currently getting ready for your flight on the way to your home town, you wanted jana to come but appearantly she have a game this week.
jana wanted you to stay and wait for her game to finish but you badly wanted to see your family.
"you sure you want to come today?" she asked softly "yeah i haven't seen them in a while." you confessed and she scoffed.
"it doesn't matter, you know how much they hate you right?" her voice was gentle, you knew what she said was true but they are still your family otherwise.
"i dont care jana, i still love them." you spat and she scoffed smirking.
"your seriously putting them first? how about me? you promised that your watching my game." she guilt tripped you and you looked down sighing.
"im the one whos always there for youâ why are you still choosing them over me?" she spat and you looked over at her guilt in your eyes.
"okay, im sorry my love." you muttured she is never going to let you leave without her.
đ @addl0vee @tndaqlwifwy @mrsarnold @maddybuckets @melpthatsme @bellaprintz25 @janaelalfysblunt @ellehoops @belsoulss @apbueckers @uwupaige @janaelalfysloml @paige05bby @azzisbueckers @paigeluvvr @giavonnii @taylynbueckers44 @jupitermoonbaby @shootingstarrrrr @dalilahissilly @luldejamleer
#lesbian#wlw#wlw smut#wbb#uconn wbb#paige bueckers#paige bueckers fanfic#paige bueckers x reader#paige x reader#paige bueckers smut#caitlin clark smut#caitlin x reader#caitlin clark fanfic#caitlin clark x reader#caitlin clark#juju watkins smut#juju watkins x reader#juju watkins#nika mĂŒhl#nika muhl#kk arnold x reader#kk x reader#kk arnold#aubrey griffin#jana el alfy#azzi fudd fanfic#azzi x reader#azzi fudd#uconn huskies#wbb x reader
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king & executioner
#my art#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard#datv#veilguard#dragon age veilguard#viago de riva#calien de riva#rook de riva#antivan crows#aahahahaa i dont know how to post this since there are 2 versions#(<- made it to be flipped both ways. yea. im normal)#are the details getting lost??? is there too much going on??? i wish i knew#anyway its done so i can get back to my replay. and dao. and monhun#not fully happy with it but! done staring at it!!#(tried so many news things. ohhhh antivan crows the things you make me do)#ohh de riva crows you make me insane. i should talk about that sometime (all the post vg futures.......)#what will doom you. your ambition and paranoia or your loyalty (and where does that loyalty fall)#i wish i could paint/do the dragon age tarot style but. i cant so we can have whatever this is
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Behold the Killiescape
I swear I saw a post recently (this morning?) about Killieposts being tricky to navigate, but now I can't find it to reblog. Anyway.
Preprequel posts
Charlie's from bawstin
Prequel posts (Apollonic wafts of the jockeyposting to come)
Those are his Hooves, you Bitch
Willie Shoemaker the man that you are
Killie posts:
The benefits of a Jockey OC
Killie and Derek
Tags of jockeyposting
Killie/jockey infodump
Why are jockeys not supposed to look at smartphones?? will it make them heavier
Common jockey injuries
Concussions are not good
60 jockeys paralysed a year (jesus fucking christ)
your unreliable narrator bit me [Is this a Killie post? No, but you know what? Yes.]
Dick Francis books
And it WORKED! (first instance of greyuncle posting?)
Greyuncle dog collection
Jockeyposting (non-Killie)
Bear boyfriends and tiny jockeys
More Dick Francis/Killie does not solve crimes
What's Killie short for? or, my favorite killie comic of all (huntin badgers. hah.)
is this, too, a sort of killieposting? (it is to me)
Killie's family
Horseboy daemons
what's Killie's guilty pleasure OMELETTE WITH YOLK IN Y'ALL
is it pronounced silly? it's pronounced silly-ian wait killie what are you doi- đ”đđȘŠ
what's the stupidest thing killie ever did on a horse? (eyyy that's me đ) (this response began my infatuation with Colm)
When and why does Killie retire?
How'd Killie and Derek meet?
one must imagine killie suffering in a dressage event
extremely normal relationship
killer instinct
breeds of jockey
killie's accent
oh holy horrible thing with legs/meat identification
liver chestnut liver chestnut liver liver liver chestnut (look i think i'm funny and i'm the one tracking down the links so you all just have to suffer me. okay.)
breeds of jockey reblog: conflict of interest
killie IS better than his dad
how tall IS Derek (https://elodieunderglass.tumblr.com/post/775827017476227072/i-have-to-know-how-tall-is-derek-is-he-actually) (hah killie is an inch shorter than my nana) (he smol)
more about charlie/snail racing
jockey representation
EXTREMELY normal relationship
racehorse blinders (i'm making the list. i decide what counts. im the captain now.)
what are jockeys for
here/gone/here (i'm not crying! đ YOU'RE crying!)
magical twin telepathy (that doesn't exist)
special jockey powers (balance)
trotting: real gait or not?
killie bundled up
A Bad Egg: Killie in Temeraire which gets it's own line to make it stand out because GO READ THIS!!!
a sewing machine is a kind of horse: killie on great british sewing bee
Derek's family
SHARKY watchadoin âšđïžâš
Killie the jockey OC and his coworkers
killie + textposts
killie book someday <3
has killie raced in the us/on dirt?
charlie knits
terms that are (probably) from horse racing
jockeyposting/nope (2022)
jc leyendecker
how jockeys live
did charlie know he wasn't going to be a horse pilot
killie? kili?
killie is a scrungly cat
tall colm
THE EGGS BEGINÂ EGGS FOR KILLIE! (with the yolk in!!)
-- february took twice as long as I thought (only partly because I got distracted reading the posts, I swear), so I'll do march tomorrow.
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Hey Gator, I was wondering if you can do headcannons or an imagine of a skincare day between bucky barnes and a male reader?
Bucky Barnes x male readerÂ
I know... very little face face care, im the kinda guy that just uses soap. So,,, this kinda vague.Â
My fave Bucky era will always be just post winter solider Bucky, but I know he hasn't been there for a long time, but i also... have not seen the newer captain america movie, and im not gonna. So, when this takes place is up to you.Â
Who brings up the idea of a skincare day, depends on when this takes place. Like, if its early on, i imagine you bring it up to give Bucky a day where he doesnt need to worry, and gets to practice selfcare.Â
But later on, it might be Bucky that brings it up, after he falls down the hole of selfcare, skincare pipeline on social media. Though, its also more likely if you are working a lot and stressed.Â
You two would have fun looking up the different materials and tools used for skincare, and you end up stumbling into different kinds of care too. Suddenly, you guys are also researching the correct ways to wash hair, clean nails, and just your skin in general.Â
Being a super soldier, also means Bucky has some higher senses. Not like, spiderman levels, but still higher than normal, so you guys end up researching stuff without too much scent in it.Â
When you go to bed, Bucky also spends time looking up the kinda stuff you can make at home, since spending so much money on stuff still feels over the top.
When you guys finally get your planned day off, you both end up standing in the bathroom, crowding around the sink, wearing those headbands with animal ears on them, even if you dont have long hair.Â
It's part of the experience, and all that. Maybe you guys prep some snacks too, like tea, hot cocoa, fruit and cookies, so on and so forth. Â
You guys apply the different skincare on each other, for the romance. I could imagine that Bucky sits on the toilet, and as you apply the different things to his skin, he ends up shuffling you into his lap.Â
Lots of kisses are passed back and forth, Bucky just becomes all gooey and soft around the edges, especially if you guys decide to do one of those hair masks, or something where you need to mess with his hair.Â
You guys would have to look up videos on how to do different stuff if you havent done it before, but even if it gets messy, you guys still have fun.Â
If you guys do the thing where you put cucumbers on your eyes, Buck ends up just eating them to watch whatever movie you guys put on, after you two end up back on the couch.Â
Bucky gets so intimate when hes washing whatever you guys used off you, being so loving and soft with a damp cloth or tissue, mumbling to you that it mus thave worked because you are even more handsome than before.Â
I feel that Buckys knowledge about killing and all that, means he has a lot of knowledge about the human body. This means he knows where the pressure points are, and he can massage your back better than most.Â
He does it to complete the âspa experienceâ. If you return the favor he just melts and hums, all pleased and comfortable.Â
#male reader#bucky barnes#the winter soldier#marvel#avengers#bucky barnes x male reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes headcanon#bucky barnes imagine#marvel x male reader#marvel x reader#marvel imagine#marvel headcanon#avengers x male reader#avengers x reader#avengers imagine#avengers headcanon#the winter soldier x male reader#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier imagine#the winter soldier headcanon
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I do apologize if this is an odd and/or rude question, but I am genuinely curious about this
...Do your tastes change depending on who is fronting? (the question is mostly regarding food)

#sorry. i know you dont mean to be offensive. but please understand that this is a really dehumanising thing to ask#people who dissociate are not spectacles and we are not unique beings with our own sets of rules#we are just. people. who are mentally ill. and experiencing the psychological effects of trauma. you get me? is that crazy to suggest?#for the record the answer is no. not any more than how a normal persons appetite and preferences might shift day to day anyway#the same way how an odd day might make your favourite food seem unappetising - sure. a switch may do the same. but its nothing to gawk at#you can find future answers more easily by asking yourself: âwhen i am very 'out of it' does this happen?â#âwould this happen to someone having a flashback?â#because. hey. its crazy but. switching between alters is just 'being out of it' or having a flashback with extra steps#im trying not to audibly eye twitch here. i might be failing. oh well#ask#i hope this answers your question. you dont have to apologise. but please internalise this haha
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Hi!! Love all the stuff you have on this blog!! I was wondering about your wrong parent AU, how would this change how the boys grow up, like with more of a motherly presence than their rat dad (though maybe she is just as a âsenseiâ as splinterâŠwho knows XD) or is this like a time travel situation? AAA sorry im excited about this awesome AU!!!
Anywho, sorry for my ramblings I donât write asks very often and there is no pressure to answer! Thanks so much for all the cool things you do! Lol I love seeing your stuff on my dash :D
It'd be a lot different! I guess I can list a few I thought of,,,
So, Rat!Mom.
Sheâs still a bit paranoid (how can you not be with the Shredder actively trying to find out what happened to you, where you are, and if you're actually dead), but shes more focused on trying to give her kids as normal of a life as she can and definitely not hiding all her stress underneath endless piles of work.
Mikey plays alot of games and is more adept at cooking, Raph's painting more often and always trying to help his mom with cleaning(yes, hes a mama's boy), Donnie is creating and creating and always wanting to go bigger, and Leo and Karai(yes, Karai :]) play fight alot(so many wars...) when they arenât watching Space Heroes 24/7 or trying to explore outside the home.
Then, maybe during one of her dumpster dives, she finds some convenient "Chris Bradford" training tapes that they start to gain an interest in ninjutsu. She's not too pleased with it, but since they enjoy it, she tries to be more open to it(she conflicted)
They do go out and about earlier than Canon(with a curfew), meet April earlier too(her and her dad are a little different), and Karai and April become BFFS. (Unless...)
The kids still call her sensei or variations of mom, which ones? Probably all depending on what they did.
Now, fighting bad guys? She did not raise them for that /hj
In reality, when she sees her kids scratched up from fights topside, they are usually pretty quick to inform her what happened(except for two). They get carefully patched up, and scolded before being told to rest for a while(grounded). Which is definitely not so she can keep an eye on them.
And she is certainly not stressed whatsoeverđ
âShe was as beautiful as she was kind, and as kind as she was intelligentâ
- Splinter
âŠprobably meaning emotional intelligence, or somethin but i think itd be fun if she was justâŠ. Fred.
As in Traps galore, I mean imagine it-
You're Chris Bradford, greatest actor (and martial artist ig) of all time, and your chasing what you presume to be your bosses stubborn former lover,(who you kind of hate ngl) and then you think you have her cornered, just for the ground to cave in beneath you cause whoops, she boobytrapped the whole place.
She can still be emotionally intelligent too, but the traps are staying.
Other than the traps, I do think Rat! Shen will have some other types of self-defense training during the time she was in hiding. Girl is not risking shit.
When it comes to VS. Shredder bits, she'd definitely use everything she can to her advantage, especially her rat abilities. Climbing, gnawing, scratching, hissing; just get the fuck away from her and her kids.
Thereâs no planned ships atm (other than Shen x Yoshi, but that's the point- hes ded anyway)
Lastly, Im thinking of probably at least three separate versions or âalternate timelinesâ for the WP au, or two divergents of the wp au canon lol. One where the original turts find Shen and her turts pre-adventure, one post-adventure and/or during the shredder kidnap arc(i will not elaborate) and the least timefuckery timeline where Rat mom and her babies gotta march on without future âassistanceâ đ€· im sure theyâll be fine(they willllll)
Thank you all for being interested in this ^ ^ "
I actually don't have much planned for this since it was just another random idea(you can probably tell hdgdhdg), but I'm always happy to see everyone's ideas! It helps a lot with my scattered-brain--
And one FINAL, final thing
Im not sorry.
#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#art#tmnt 2012#vinny asks#asks#wrote this while on melatonin đ¶#wrong parent au#tmnt tang shen#tmnt 2012 tang shen#might change some bits later but these are random thoughts-#so#sketch#sketches#thanks for being patient with the asksđ#turns out it comes in rounds and i got whalloped into only making sketches đ”âđ«#ANYWAYS mental issues aside#Rat!mom has definitely taught her kids the way of the traps#and yes; shes gonna have alot of character development#if i can do that lmao
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may the odds be ever in your favor - itoshi rin
âand the male tribute of district 12 isâŠâ
you watched with bated breath, wiping your hands on your flowy skirt once more. you were wearing your best clothes for reaping day; something you never understood. why would you dress nicely to be delivered to your death? the seam was never known for it's incredible clothing nor hygiene after all.
âitoshi rin!â
your heart dropped.
rin was your best friend; you've known him ever since you were both still only 4 years old, and you were both 17. rin had put his name in for an extra amount of times in the reaping for tesserae. last year was his older brother's sae last year to be picked for the hunger games, and luckily, sae managed to not be picked once by the reaping ceremony.
rin wasn't so lucky.
you watched as rin stalked up the stairs, hands trembling. you watched as he stood next to the escort for district 12, anri teieri. âand now for the ladies!â she said cheerfully; too cheerfully, one might've added. sticking her hand into the bowl of young girls, she picked out a name and slipped it open.
â(y/n) (l/n)!â
your stomach lurched, and you slowly stepped towards the stage, tears wetting your lashes. you stood in front of rin, his eyes widening a fraction as he mouthed your name. ânow, may the tributes shake hands!â both at both of your stiffness, anri took both of your right hands and clasped them together, forcefully shaking them.
âand may the odds be ever in your favor.â
you didnât have any time to meet with your family members one last time, as you were both shoved onto the train to the capitol.
you, rin, and anri both sat around a round glass table. your supposed mentor, julian loki, sat a few feet away from you and rin; as a normal capitol citizen should. there were no previous district 12 winners, so therefore, a student of the academy there would be your mentor.
ânow, for the both of youâŠâ loki began, inspecting both of your faces. âyouâve both got good faces. i can imagine many of the capitol citizens would bet on you because of looks alone; especially you, rin. but what about your combat skills? and charisma?â
this whole train ride, youâve been silent, but finally, you spoke up. ârinâs strong and fast. heâs good at kicking and heâs got good eyes.â you spoke your words like rapid fire but shutting up, rinâs eyes darting to you.
â(y/n)âs funny and likable. sheâs good at hiding and good with nature.â rin replied right back. for a moment, you both just stared at one another in silence. finally, loki cleared his throat.
âthatâs good. and im considering you both know each other well?â loki asked, taking a sip of his whiskey. you nodded hesitantly.
âyeah. weâŠweâve known each other for a while.â
âthen you can both be allies for the games.â loki said, taking out a golden pen and notebook, scribbling something inside. âpresident ego particularly enjoys this sort of stuff, although im not sure what head gamemaker chris prince will say about two people from district 12 allying upâŠbut what can he do?â
anri nodded. âwell, eat up. you guys will need to put on some weight to maximize energy. weâll probably be arriving at the capitol at 9 AM tomorrow.â
a few silver platters were placed on the table, and both your eyes and rinâs went wide as circles when you saw just the amount of luxurious food there was in front of you. there was never this much food in district 12, especially not food that smelled so heavenly.
forgetting about the hunger games for a moment, you stuffed as much as you could in your mouth, uncaring about what food it was. all you could think about was how delicious the food was, and how different it was from the food at district 12. rin dug in as well, his cheeks round like chipmunks as he ate.
loki and anri looked at each other before shrugging. well, this might be one of your last meals after all.
you only remembered the names of the tributes might be threats to you and rin.
district one. isagi yoichi.
district two. mikage reo.
dissect three. karasu tabito.
district four. barou shoei.
district five. nagi seishiro.
district six. otoya eita.
district seven. karasu tabito.
district eight. bachira meguru.
district nine. yukimiya kenyu.
district ten. chigiri hyoma and his sister koyuki hyoma.
district eleven. kunigami rensuke.
one week later, you stepped foot into the arena, inhaling deeply to calm your nerves. you are rin both glanced at each other before you gave him a small nod.
you and rin both bolted away from the cornucopia, not wanting to engage in a bloodbath. there was a forest a few hundred yards from the cornucopia, and you and rin had both met each other there. sitting down from exhaustion, you glanced at him. âi wonder how many of them just died from the cornucopia alone.â
âi donât think purple made it out alive. the one from district two? i heard him scream.â rin muttered. âalthough the hassle guy from district five mightâve saved them; they were close during the training.â
âwell, out least we made it out of the first most deadly five minutes of the games alive: the bloodbath.â you grinned. he raised an eyebrow at you.
âthatâs not something to cheer about. the people who survive the bloodbath are the most deadly, meaning that the most deadly people are still alive.â rin mumbled. âletâs go find some water. itâs the most important thing to find on the first day.â
you nodded, standing up and following him.
it was supposed to just be a search for some berries.
but isagi was atop you, dagger plunged into your stomach, scarlet oozing out of your mouth and stomach. Isagi bit down on his lip, swallowing. tears stained his cheeks as he panted, gripping the handle of the dagger. âim sorry, (y/n), but i had to.â he whispered.
you knew isagi wasnât an ally, not when he was probably the most dangerous tribute aside from rin, receiving a training score of 11 along with rin. but he always treated you politely, even having wished you good luck before the game started.
ârin!â you screamed, your voice shrill. ârin! where are you, rin?!â tears leaked from your eyes. you wanted to at least see him one last time before you died. isagi sighed before he stood up and walked away and vanished into the forest.
right as isagi left, you finally saw the familiar eyes of sea glass. â(y/n)?â rin asked weakly, before he sprinted over and kneeled down next to you. â(y/n)!â he hollered, tears at his eyes.
ânononononoâ no, youâre okayâ!â he whimpered, plunging the dagger out before ripping off his jacket and wrapping it around your stomach. you whined from the pain. âyouâll live, youâll liveââ rin muttered.
âstop it. stop talking. youâll be okay.â
ârin, iâŠâ with the little remaining strength you had, you gripped his hand. your eyes softened as he pressed on your wound, attempting to stop the bleeding.
âi wish we could have lived a normal life together. i wished we could have joked around more often. i wish we could have spent longer together. i wish we couldâve gotten married and had kids and sang together more often with the Covey. i wish we could go into the illegal wired area of district 12 that we were always too scared to go into. i wish we could have gotten that thing called ice cream that the people from districts 1 and 2 and the capitol always have.â
ârin, i love you.â
silence followed, and for a few moments, everything was ghostly silent. it began to rain, the gamemakers way of mocking him, and finally, rin broke.
most of the tributes werenât there to witness your skin growing cold or your eyes going dark, and yet the dreadful scream that itoshi rin let out at that moment alerted everything that his beloved (y/n) had died.
he cradled you in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. âno, please, donât leave me. please, donât go.â
if only you could have responded.
isagi and rin were the only tributes left.
both of their knives at each otherâs neck, they were both practically already half dead. âprince! theyâre both going to die at this point, and this year will end with no victor!â a gamemaker, agi, exclaimed. chris prince hummed for a moment before typing something into his floating keyboard.
âletâs end it here. itâll be entertaining for two people to have won the games this year and one of them having killed the otherâs lover.â prince said. he tapped a button, allowing him to speak to isagi and rin.
âattention! isagi yoichi of district 1 and itoshi rin of district 12 are the victors of the 32th hunger games!â
they both looked up, wide eyed and bloody. a helicopter flew over them, letting down a ladder. they both climbed aboard the ship and were instantly transferred to medical support.
rin had 7 stabs on both of his legs, 3 stabs of his right arm, and one stab on his stomach. isagi had 5 stabs all over his torso and 9 stabs on his limbs in total, although he had received a severe head injury from a large rock being thrown at his head from barou as a last attempt to kill isagi before barou died.
itoshi rin didnât make it.
in 2006, japan, kanagawa prefecture, you saw itoshi rin at an ice cream store for the first time when you were four.
a/n: in honor of the new hunger games book coming outđ„č if you guys didnât know i love the hunger games, itâs my fav book series of all time; iâve always been a peeta girl btw
#blue lock#blue lock x reader#bllk#bllk x reader#blue lock x female reader#Itoshi Rin#rin itoshi#rin x reader#Itoshi rin x reader#rin itoshi x reader#itoshi rin x you#itoshi rin x y/n#rin x you#rin x y/n#blue lock x fem reader#blue lock x yn#blue lock x chubby reader#blue lock x y/n#blue lock x you#bllk x fem reader#bllk x yn#bllk x female reader#bllk x y/n#bllk x you
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Horse Breeding pt.1

I can't do this anymore, I am tired of holding back, this man makes me so horny im literally so desperate. There, i said it. The whole movie I sat there, wet as fuck, and then he has the fucking nerve to talk about breeding like this PLEASE
Pairing: Jack Clancy (Drover) x fem!Reader
Summary: The tall, sturdy australian man talks about breeding. How could you not get turned on by that?
Wordcount: 1.4k
Warnings/tags: english is not my first language, following the movie Australia (2008), very VERY suggestive but no smut (yet), breeding kink, reader is ovulating and so am i
i wasnât able to watch the movie in english, so I could only research and try to recreate what Drover said. If it isn't movie accurate, let me know what he actually says and i'll change it <3
How did you even end up in this situation? Sitting in a car with a sweaty, grimy and bossy cattle drover, while a drunk accountant was squeezed between you.
Your sisters husband, Lord Maitland Ashley, occupied a cattle station here in Darwin, Australia. And Sarah had grown suspicious of him, and his loyalty, specifially. Besides that, it seemed like he was only wasting the money earned from the cattle farm instead of investing it further with logical intent.
Well, that wasnt your problem, really. But your sister wasnât in a state to travel as of late and she begged you to check on her husband and faraway downs, even force Mailtland to sell the property if you must. Everything to bring him back to england. You couldn't just say no to her, could you?
Right now though, you regretted that decision.
You grimaced as the old man next to you moved his hand to your thigh in his drunken sleep, grumbling and hiccuping as you swatted his hand away, before he got comfortable again.
You swallowed thickly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, before opening your mouth to speak. "So...Mr. Drover" you started, trying to not sound too posh. Upon your arrival, you had quickly realised that the people here weren't fond of the way you spoke, especially men like Drover. They looked at you like you were just some arrogant english Lady that felt superior over everyone else because she was born into a wealthy, aristocratic family and only complained about the heat in the outback. And somehow, you didn't want to annoy Drover any more than you already had. It wasnât good to make enemies so early on in your journey, especially when you were depended on their help to navigate around this foreign land.
The man grunted, as if to grant you permission to speak. You swallowed again, trying to find the words. "I see you are an employee of Lord Ashley-" but before you could finish your sentence, Drover chuckled dryly "Lady, I'm not an employee" he corrected you, giving you a long look that you couldnât quite place. Your cheeks burned and you huffed. "So you're just driving me all the way out to Faraway Downs as a personal favor to Lord Ashley? Surely you must be paid in some way"
Drover shrugged "You could say that. I'm driving you out there because he promised me a drove of 1,500 head of cattle." He grunted out, the steering wheel gliding between his hand effortlessly and...very attractively. "Besides that, he is a good bloke. Knows his way around breeding" he continued like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Your breath caught in your throat, your face heating at the mention of the act of procreation. "B-breeding?" you asked, your voice thin and your heart pounding. Why did him saying that word have such an effect on you?
Drover tilted his hat back "Yes, breeding. We're both dead keen on breeding. I have this idea, which, uh- which he loves." he told you, making your heart jolt, but not from the uneven terrain you were driving on. "Really..." you muttered, looking at him, your mouth slightly agape.
"You might be quite excited about it too, actually. And your sister as well" he smirked, ever so slightly, looking at you. You bit your lip, clenching your thighs together. It was embarrassing, it was wrong, the way you reacted. So immodest of you, you had barely met the man and once you left australia, you would never see him again. And yet, you wanted him to keep talking like this, with his deep, gravelly voice.
"Now, I'm a brumby man, but his fancy English filly, Capricornia, has really caught my eye. I got to admit. She is gorgeous." Drover breathed out, his eyes set on the distance with a heated, dreamy look. It took your breath away. Though, now you felt a little awkward. Of course, he had been talking about horse breeding. You were almost surpised how filthy you thought. And yet you would have given anything for him to look at you while he called you gorgeous so passionately.
But it seemed like you were in luck. Before Drover kept speaking, he turned his head, his eyes trailling over you, half lidded and intense "Really gorgeous. Gorgeous creature." his voice was a deep, slow grumble and you felt something throb eagerly between your legs. He way quiet then, just staring at you. But as he felt a stir in his pants, he cleared his throat and turned his eyes back on the road, much to your dismay.
"I've always wanted to mate an English thoroughbred with a bush brumby. I mean, it'd be magic, wouldn't it? Magic. Imagine that combination..." Drover muttered, too deep in thought, his eyes clouded over as if he was imagining it right this moment. Though it didnât quite feel like he was only thinking about horses.
Your brain was working in overdrive, but your mouth wasnât as coordinated and it took you a minute to clear your throat and answer him "Yes, that sounds...good" you whispered, your voice only airy while you fanned your burning face with your hands. You tried to look away from him, but you just couldnât.
Drover smirked ever so slightly, his eyes set on you and the way you seemed to sweat. "Yeah, you think so, sweetheart?" the name he called you gave you the rest and you caught yourself whimpering quietly, needily. You just nodded, not trusting your voice to speak another word. It was very embarrassing as it was, you didn't have to say more. The air between you and Drover was sizzling hot and heavy, and it wasnât the humid climates fault.
You didn't want to admit it, but your pussy was aching unbearably and your legs trembled as you pushed them together in hopes to take off some of the pressure.
But the longer you looked into his eyes, these hazel pools of lust and desire, the wetter you got. Did he know what he was causing in you? Your whole life you had been told that it was immodest to fantasize about men that weren't your soon-to-be or already husband. You were supposed to save yourself for marriage. And you didn't have any problem with that. It wasnât like the men in England were anything of your interest anyway, so it was easy to not let your mind wander.
Of course, you didn't expect that the man you wanted would be a broad-shouldered, sturdy, six foot tall australian man that drove cattle for a living and probably hadn't had a decent shower in years. And god you wanted to jump his bones right about now. If you didn't know it any better, and if there wouldnât be a drunk man lodged between you, you would have made him pull over to rail you between some bushes and trees.
Speaking of a drunken man, Mr. Kippling Flynn, as you had learned, jolted awake between you after the truck shook from driving over a pothole. It destroyed the tension between Drover and you so suddenly, you couldn't help but gasp.
Flynn looked between you two with a sluggish grin "Drover, why're you so red, ay?" he slurred, leaning onto Drovers shoulder. He grunted annoyed and shoved the other man away. Indeed, Drovers cheeks had a slight dust of pink on them, but you weren't much better. You were burning up and you hadn't been this horny in your entire life.
Mr. Kippling was pushed into your direction, where his alcoholic breath in your face made you grimace "Say missy, did he take me booze?" he asked you weirdly seriously and in a hushed tone, as if Drover wasnât allowed to hear. You shook your head, still breathless.
He eyed you suspiciously, before his gaze slowly wandered down to his hand, where he held a still half full bottle of liquor.
He cheered, drank a bit, then passed out cold again.
The silence after was deafening. You tried to look over at Drover, see if you could catch his gaze, but he looked straight ahead, his jaw ticking.
Now, this was just awkward...
please omg I am ovulating so badly and Drover doesnât make it any better fuuuuck I want him to knock me up with twins good GOD UGNNNHHH MY PUSSY IS PURRINGGGGG
He comes on screen and so do I, he is SO yummy and biggg and strong and broad and fuck rail me daddy
I have so much more unhinged things to say about this man, which you will see in part two of this fic <3
#mr drover x reader#logan howlett x reader#drover x reader#logan x reader#jack clancy x reader#hugh jackman x reader#hugh jackman#australia#logan howlett#x reader#australia movie#fanfiction#x men#marvel
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"when noelle finds out kris hasn't been 'kris' this whole time, how will she feel when she realizes she's been reconnecting with someone completely different?"
this sentiment i've seen a lot is an interesting thought but it never actually clicked with me all that much for some reason, and i wasnt sure why or how to put it into words until somewhat recently.
like, i guess i think about it in similar terms to kris's relationship with susie; i think it's unfair to say that kris and susie aren't really friends or something just because that person is 'not kris.' at least by this point, they clearly enjoy being around each other, it's a two-way street. kris is still there, and is always there... on a normal route. that's when our role (so far) amounts to merely 'opening up opportunities' for kris, i.e. giving them a reason to go on Epic Adventures (with the goal of closing dark fountains) all while winning battles with the Power Of Friendship, etc.
sure, we control their specific movements, which will always feel limiting to them (which leads into my assumption that no matter what we do, kris will always hold some level of resentment towards us -- no matter how luxurious the prison cell is, you will always be trapped).
all of this is my long-winded way of explaining that when the two work in harmony, the boundary between kris and the player becomes less distinct. that's why the separation between the two didn't feel as important in chapter 1, where there wasn't really an opportunity for things to go 'wrong,' so to speak. so if we follow the path of least resistance -- how the story 'should' go -- then i think it's fair to say that at least SO FAR, kris is still there, working with us when they have to, not shutting anything out in particular, becoming real friends with susie, and reconnecting with noelle.
the time they spent together in cyber city wasn't 'fake' -- kris is still there, emoting, our voice going through their mouth, they're having fun with noelle (i always think of kris saying "Nooooo" when noelle asks if they need a dog treat, they had no reason to actually howl like that, i swear to god they're just enjoying being a little goofy like old times)
(there's also plenty of other examples of our prompts (presumably) coming out of kris's own mouth in their own voice, they're just in control of HOW it comes out, i.e. yelling "NO" or barely muttering "yes" after spamton neo. but this post aint about that so im moving on)
all of this is the normal route, of course. i dont think i need to explain how much this differs in the weird route, lol. we force kris down a path they Very Much Most Likely Don't Particularly Want to Go Down, but we make them. they dont want to say Proceed, but they have to, which is when that voice comes out as US, not them. from the soul or something, probably, a voice beaming commands into noelle's mind regardless of whether or not kris actually says anything out loud, hence noelle still hearing us even when kris is down in battle.
this disharmony is what manifests as friction between kris and the player, and while we dont Really know what all is happening inside kris's head, i sort of always imagined it as kris closing off/almost going dormant, as some form of protest maybe, maybe to at least communicate to noelle -- the only one who can see something's wrong, not just different -- that this isn't them, it's something else. kris wouldn't do this, and she knows this. that's why when it's all over and berdly has been ice'd, all we know is that they "look kinda..." out of it, distraught, barely there, maybe. i heart dissociation and all that
basically, the split between kris and the player (in my own probably-not-end-all-be-all-correct interpretation of the story thus far) becomes more rigid only when our interests conflict, and the more we work together, the less reason kris has to dissociate, for lack of a better term, and the 'kris' that susie comes to know and noelle comes to reconnect with isn't exactly the wrong 'kris' at all. sure, they're being controlled but that doesn't mean they aren't still THERE.
and if the story continues down along the path of us micro-managing everyone's goals into fruition (noelle getting close to susie comes to mind), kris will still work against us in some ways no matter what we do, but finding some kind of 'happier path/ending' is probably far closer to what they want rather than Manipulating Their Childhood Friend into Killing Their Classmate. just a hunch
anyway the TLDR is i don't really know if the initial question will end up being a problem in the same way that everyone thinks it will, on a normal route. sure, they'll all be shocked and maybe horrified to find out kris is being controlled and whatnot, but that doesn't make the time they spent together any less real, because despite it all, kris was still there.
#i was gonna add more but lowkey got tired of typing sorrey#deltarune#kriselle#deltarune chapter 2#LONG TEXT#text#we got kriselle analysis due tomorrow#think its funny how people are still interpreting kris as scary killer evil-grin teenager in the big year of 2025#like all bro did was eat some pie and slash a couple tires#cant Theys do anything anymore#They dont want to manipulate noelle. are you crazy. that's vessel's job#(using vessel interchangeably with player)#when kris is smiling evilly with noelle you have to tag it with kresselle <- came up with that yesterday#i lost my train of thought a long time ago bye
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i think patrick is surprised at how loose art is when he fucks him for the first time until art admits tashi pegs him, which patrick teases him for all night long
sorry iâm not normal about them
No cause im not normal either as you can probably tell!
CW: 18+ NSFW
Patrick is so excited. And itâs not that heâs some kinda freak with a virginity kink or something. Itâs just the idea that Art, after all these years, has still never really been fucked by a man. The idea that Patrick could still be his first⊠heâs practically foaming at the mouth for the opportunity.Â
Since New Rochelle Art has almost exclusively been on top. He seems to enjoy it and for Patrick it feels good but it doesnât mean he wouldnât still jump at the opportunity to fuck him.
Then one night⊠maybe four months into the pandemic its just the two of them alone, stocking up Tashi and Artâs summer home in the Hamptons for Tashi and Lilyâs arrival the next afternoon. Theyâre kinda bored lounging by the pool.Â
Patrick begs Art to let him fuck him for the millionth time and Art for whatever reason finally decides to let Patrick have it.Â
Patrick is basically giddy seeking out lubricant from the pool house. Because actually yes, he is a freak with a virginity kink and itâs been so long since heâs had someone to deflower. Let alone it being another one of Artâs first sexual experiences. Â
Art is spread out on the bed in the pool house guest suite. He doesnât want to use the main room because âmy mother in law stays in here whenever sheâs in town. It feels wrong.â What also feels wrong is the 1950s style pink and green floral patterns and the over abundance of decorative pillows that theyâve mostly tossed onto the floor but Patrick doesnt comment on that. He can fuck them, he canât give them style.
Artâs lying on his tummy. Finishing up a cherry popsicle thatâs made his mouth all red. Swim trunks still damp from the pool and clinging to the curve of his bottom. Patrick stares at it while he overdoes it with the lube. He knows heâs a little a lot bigger than average. Knows it might be a lot to take for a first time.
âGonna have to loosen you up for me, that okay?â Patrick says, softly while lowering the trunks, to reveal creamy soft pale skin. âMm,â Artâs breath hitches. Patrick needs to work fast before Art changes his mind and keeps Patrick waiting forever. Heâs teasing a lubed up finger in before he realizes what heâs doing. Surprisingly slips in quite smoothly, Art barely reacts outside of a soft little sigh. Patrick is a little bit miffed actually as he adds a second finger and then a third and heâs hardly met with much resistance as the tight ring of muscle gives readily to accomodate him.Â
âOh,â Art sighs as Patrick curls his fingers inside. âFuck, right there.â he says like he already knows when Patrickâs fingertips brush against the smooth gland of his prostate.Â
God either heâs made to be fucked like a whore or heâs fucking liar.
Patrick doesnât ask questions. Not until after heâs got his dick inside. With the lube he slips in easily, the thick hefty length of him swallowed up by Artâs greedy hole like itâs fucking nothing. Patrick gasps as heâs engulfed by the tight wet heat of him. Art clenching around him. Moaning right away as Patrick glides in and out.Â
ââm yes. Yes baby. Yes. Oh fuck. Fuck me baby. Fuck me with your big dick,â he whines out.Â
Fucking liar.Â
Before too long Artâs losing himself⊠arching up and pushing back on Patrickâs thrusts. And as much as Patrick desperately wanted to be the first, this is still pretty fucking hot. Itâs when Art cries out Tashiâs name, not once but multiple times while Patrick is fucking into him that Patrick starts to put two and two together.Â
âOh Tash⊠please baby. Oh fuck⊠feelssogood.â
Patrickâs brain is suddenly staticking. He can imagine Tashi with a big thick dildo, making Art suck it while she holds it between her thighs, before she makes him bend over and so she can shove it inside him. Imagines her fully strapped, a big fat plastic cock slamming into his pert little ass while he washes up the dishes late at night.
âSheâs been fucking you, huh?â Patrick hisses. âIâm not your fucking first cause your gorgeous little wife has been loosening you up for years.âÂ
âYesâŠyes⊠oh god⊠oh fuckâŠâ Art gasps out. Heâs up on his hands and knees mow, moaning nonsensically. Patrickâs got a brusing tight grip on his waist, fucking into him doggy style.Â
âGod i bet she fucks you like a slut.â Patrick gasps, smacking his ass and moving faster.Â
âMm fuckâŠjust like a slutâŠyes.â Art groans out.  Â
âBet you need the biggest size⊠need her to fucking stretch you out. Need to feel so fucking full she can feel it bulging from the outside while you beg her to come inside you.â Patrick doesnât know what heâs saying but Art starts gasping,Â
ânngh yes⊠Patrick oh fuck⊠gonna cum on your big dick⊠gonnaâŠoh fuckâŠâ and Patrick watches him go off untouched all over the floral patterns on the bedspread. He falls over the edge right away, his balls seizing up, fingerstips digging harder into Artâs waist as he stills and buries his load deep inside.Â
Art collapses into the wet spot and Patrick shoves him over so he has space to lay down next to him on the crowded full sized bed.Â
âYouâre a little freak.â Patrick whispers breathlessly. âIâve never been fucked before. Itâs my first time.â He says, mocking Artâs voice while messing with his coiffed hair.
Art pushes him off. Heâs all flushed and fucked out, chest heaving still. âYou never asked me if Iâd been fucked. You asked me if Iâd ever been fucked by a man. And I hadnât.âÂ
âOh fine, you get away with hiding that from me on a fucking technicality,â Patrick smirks.Â
âIâm not hiding anything.â Art murmurs, resting on Patrickâs bare chest.
âNot anymore youâre not, because Iâm absolutely going to need to be there the next time she fucks you.âÂ
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