#im just using a random prompt list and a random number generator for these and it's been fun
honeytonedhottie · 7 months
dear diary⋆.ೃ࿔*:・✨
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keeping a diary is so much FUN and helpful not only for my mental health but for overall GIRLINESS. as someone who's been keeping a diary consistently for two years now, i'll be giving some diary resources and tips on how to get started and maintain a diary.
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i love to read past entries bcuz first, im rly rly funny and its fun to go back and read what i was writing about at that time and just reminisce on points in my life. it makes for great entertainment and it showcases growth that i've made and the way that my character changed or grew.
its been a game-changer for my mental health bcuz i have a little outlet where i can be completely transparent and just yap endlessly with no one to stop me or invade on my privacy.
fluffy pink and purple pens
yummy scented glitter pens
past-able things (examples include ; cut outs from magazines, photos that you've taken and printed, stickers, memo sheets)
some print able and past able resources ;
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decoration for the actual diary like glitter, stickers, ribbons, and frills.
for the actual diary , look for diaries that are pretty (for example, fluffy diaries)
more examples ;
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a good writing tool (FOR MY DIARY, I USE NOTION)
cute headers + photos to insert into my diary, i find all of my photos on pinterest.
digital diaries are easily a lot less work then physical diaries which is why i keep a digital diary but keeping a physical diary is SO much fun too.
everyone will write in their diaries in a different way based on whatever feels the most natural, but for me i start off my entries with "dear diary" and then write in the journal as though i was writing to a friend so its super comfy and relaxed.
i actually have a couple of writing outlets, so i have a journal and i have a diary. my diary is mostly for my day-to-day life. its updated 2x a week (tuesdays and thursdays) in my journal, thats less about my day to day and just random things i wanna write about.
all about me
girlhood and the little joys of life
why im the most beautiful girl (with proof)
stuff i like
vaunting about myself
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sweetest inbox letters (cuz ur all so sweet)
list of things i've consciously manifested so far this year
my car collection
tattoos i wanna get and why
my unholier thoughts
angel numbers
favorite song lyrics
list of things to manifest
a love letter (to yourself, crush, etc)
letter to your future/past self
lipstick stain log
current obsessions
pressed flowers
favorite sweet treats (ranked)
list ur crushes and celebrity crushes
favorite quotes in general
ppl that u look up to
all in all i think that journalling is such a fun and beneficial hobby and hopefully this post can help u to start something that u might rly love. ✨
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inexplicablymine · 1 year
IM ATTACKING YOU RIGHT BACK 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ how did you get into fandom/writing fic and how do you come up with inspiration for fic ideas? is there a specific place or time of day that strikes you?
Ahem… BUCKLE IN FOLKS this is a long af answer but I have the time. So sit down with your popcorn. Lola this all your fault 🥰
How did you get into fandom: I have (brace yourselves) read in fandom for over 15 years before participating in any way shape or form outside of just enjoying it from the comfort of my screen. I read or watched something many moons ago and said I want more and tada I was initiated. But I stuck around for so long because of the sheer creativity, and talent, and ingenuity of people globally to come together and say “we want more and if you won’t give us more we will do it ourselves.”
I was that reader that lurked with guest kudos and left random inane comments from accounts you could never trace back to one place. When I mean read I mean… if I did have an AO3 account or an ffnet account during that period of time, the sheer number of works in the history would be of concern to everyone.
How did you get into writing fic: As for writing in general, I have a stack of journals I’ve kept since middle school, and an itch in my fingers that feels like I am broken if I am not writing. From the minute I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up “author” was the answer and it’s always sat at the back of my subconscious like one of those rocks in the bottom of your shoe. There are too many stories rattling around in my head that want to get out, but I took a break for 8 years of writing anything except my journal entries because the world can be a cruel place.
I started writing again just this year in June, and it was really a case of “write the things you want to see in the world,” + it’s time to get back on the horse + the thirst to participate more than just sit on the outside peering in at the inside jokes of chapter end notes and tumblr links I never clicked on. I joined a single discord, had a breakdown, and bon appetite here we are 3 months later with an actual AO3 account, a Tumblr, and a WIP list that is at least 15 works long 4 of which are 25+ chapter outlines.
(This truly was fueled by an idea I had this March for a RWRB full length mystery novel law-case thriller that I could NOT get out of my head, it now has 37 chapters outlined and is getting written this fall/winter to be posted next year)
Where does your inspiration come from: My inspiration comes from everything everywhere all at once. (Not meant to be a reference but it was too good not to use). A not so succinct list of places I’ve found inspiration:
the truth is stranger than fiction: my first day post for FirstPrince week is a “there was only one tent” situation that actually happened on a camping trip this summer. I screamed internally the entire time it was going down.
Songs: I could never write while listening to music except I absolutely will imagine storylines from it. The song Delilah by Mikolas Josef and Mark Neve is going to produce a smutty RWRB one shot of a ski weekend hookup
Co-Authoring: I am currently working on two different co-authored fics. One with @celaestis1 that was just us lovingly yelling at eachother in the DM’s until an outline was made and now every chapter we write makes me more and more giddy. The other is a RWRB x PJO au with @read-and-write- and @userd0esn0texist that is genuinely the most ridiculous fun I have ever had plotting. There is a full blown super six prophecy y’all are not ready.
Prompts: my first two works ever (ever!) were based off of the same prompt for a gift fic exchange. “Don’t look at me I thought we were getting ice cream” (you can read the results of that prompt here or here) I’m participating in @thebrownstone FirstPrince Week which has 7 prompts and @halloweenhuh with two different prompts as well. Sometimes it’s the best way to get the juices flowing.
Asking for it: if someone asks “hey is there a fic that does this” and I haven’t found it, it is really easy to think “hmmm but maybe I could write it” and then the dominos fall and I’m stuck with a problem of my own creation
Fulfilling a need or gap in the fandom: honestly, my current WIP I’m posting is an Ace!Alex fic because well… we need more ace fic in general, but also more ace fic that is happy, and positive, and loving. I love a good whump fic as much as the next person, but sometimes you just need some serious fluff. (Also my first two fics are Demi!Alex so maybe I have just stumbled into this on accident though many of my upcoming fics differ from this pattern)
I want it I got it: truly most of my WIP’s started from a “wouldn’t it be funny” idea that then morphed very quickly into an out of control spiral in my notes app.
Betas: the backbone of fandom and honestly the people who help me take incoherent ramblings and make them something readable. So many amazing ideas come from betas leaving comments in my gdocs and for that I am forever thankful
Is there a specific place or time of day that strikes you?: HA I uhhhhhh will wake up in a cold sweat at 4:37 in the morning with a fic idea, I’ll come up with one walking to work, I’ll get an idea standing in like for groceries. Genuinely my notes app is always open. All of the random ideas I get from a line, to a more fleshed out plot idea go into a note or the matching doc called “table scraps” and then if they evolve from there they get their own note or document for them.
First 🧚🧚 Nice Ask Day 🧚🧚 answer and I can’t wait to ask/answer more
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swampofiniquity · 2 years
What You Want (Leon Kennedy x Reader Drabble)
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Just a drabble, not connected to anything I've written before (unless you want it to be I guess)
Rated: Mature
Word Count: 697
Cross-posted on A03
Warnings/Contents: friends with benefits, reader is seeking comfort after a breakup, reader is wearing a bra and is called 'Sweetheart' but not explicitly referred to as a specific gender, Leon picks you up, making out and groping, implied sexual content
*Please note that by clicking “Keep reading” you are confirming that you are 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18, please respect my boundaries by not reading or interacting with my mature or explicit content*
“Tell me what you want,” Leon whispered, breath tickling the nape of your neck as he trailed hot, open mouthed kisses across your skin. A warm shiver trailed down your spine and settled not unpleasantly in your lower abdomen as your body melted back against his chest, no longer confident you could stay upright without his support.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words died in your throat, only a soft little gasp escaping as Leon’s hands abruptly made their way up from your hips to your chest, snaking under your shirt and rucking up your bra. The rough skin of his palms felt cool on your flushed skin as he dug his fingers in, his blunt nails biting in, just on the right side of painful. 
There was a reason you kept crawling back to him, begging for his renewed attention time and time again like after a stressful week at work or in this case, another failed relationship. Leon wasn’t one for commitment, but he was always happy to put you back together when your own search for love would inevitably fail, if only so he could oh so carefully take you back apart in the best way possible. 
“C’mon use your words, Sweetheart,” his lips were against your ear now and you could feel his excitement pressing against your lower back despite his teasing. 
“You know what I want,” you countered, turning in his arms so you were facing him. His hair was a little mussed from your hands from earlier and you couldn’t resist running your fingers through it again, tugging at the ends just hard enough to make him to hiss behind his teeth. 
“I do, do I?” he bent and buried his face into the crook of your neck, busying himself once again with painting kisses there. 
“Yes,” you breathed, in response to both his actions and his words as he found a tender spot under your jaw. 
“You sure about that now?” spoken against your skin, a little muffled by his tongue now leaving hot tracks across your neck, down to your collarbone. Rough hands went to your hips and dragged you in closer, his arousal meeting your belly through your clothes still hot enough to make you bite back a moan. 
“Alright then.” The next thing you knew, Leon was stooping and gathering you up in a fireman carry over his shoulder, the sudden shift in gravity making you shriek and your hands scramble for purchase, finally clutching his navy blue button up shirt as your world flipped upside down. 
“Leon!” you shouted breathlessly through your laughter, still giggling madly even as a hand came down to give you a solid smack on the ass through your jeans once he had a stable grip on your squirming body. 
“What, this is what you wanted right?” he asked grinning, spinning around now just to hear you shriek again and your laughter continue. 
“Put me down,” you managed to squeak out, the demand all the more toothless from being gasped out between laughs. 
“Nah, I don’t think I will, sorry.” The spins came to an abrupt halt as Leon changed direction and started stalking down the hallway, his heavy bootfalls on the hardwood only adding to the pounding in your heart. “You’re mine for the night, right?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer before you were dumped gracelessly to his bed with a huff. The brief moment of levity was sucked clean out of the room, like oxygen in a raging fire, when Leon joined you on the comforter, wedging a knee between your legs and leaning down to press you into the mattress. 
“It’s not like anyone else has a claim anymore,” you said, pushing up to meet his lips, but he pulled back, his blue eyes narrowing down at you. 
“None of that tonight. That idiot’s loss is my gain and I’m going to fuck you so hard that you forget his name.” 
“Big words. That a promise?”
The knee between your legs grounded up against you, making the seam of your jeans dig in right where you were aching for him. You moaned low in your throat, your back arching up into him. “It’s a guarantee, Sweetheart.” 
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you stress me.
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❝ request by @mrsmarvelous1995: Hey Aurora, I would love you to death if you would write a random prompt nr. 7 with Happy for me 🥰. Pretty please 🥺 🙏
❝ request by @aimkatsz: Oh sorry I think I forgot to put the person haha. Could you do promot number 8 from the 'random prompts' list with Happy Lowman please and thank you 😅
❝ request by anon: Hola cariño! Can I please have from random prompt, 13 with Happy 😃? Gracias preciosa!
❝ prompts: “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” / “Please, stop getting shot, it stresses me out”. / “You’re a psychopath”. “I prefer creative”.
❝ words: about 700.
❝ a / n: don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it, i’d really appreciate it!
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“Whoa, whoa, whoa… Take it easy, darling”.
As soon as you step out of your car, Chibs and Jax stop you to let you come inside the clubhouse. Saying that you're furious… isn't exact. It is not enough. You have been working for more than ten hours without having a damn break, and all you wanted was to go home and eat a bowl of Chinese noodles in the bathtub. But, no. Happy had other plans.
“Are you SURE I can't punch him in the face?”
The Sons look at each other with lips puckered, evaluating the situation. Maybe. Maybe he could be punched, but you just turn things worse. They finally nod their heads, although not very convinced.
“You should wait till tomorrow. What happens outside the club? We don't care”. Jax opines then, raising his hands from you and tilting his head to the side.
“Ye', take't ease', lass. He didn' wan's to call ye”.
“Of course, he didn't, you Scottish prick”. You grunt before passing them away, carrying the medical kit to heal your crazy husband.
Rubbing your forehead with your free hand, you roll your eyes when Tig welcomes you on the door. But one of your dangerous gazes is enough for him to not say anything, hearing in the background Happy complaining. As his orbs land on yours, he shuts up. You watch him licking his bottom lip, anxious to find any excuse to calm you down.
“Please, stop getting shot, I fucking beg you… It stresses me out”.
You roll your eyes when he pouts at you, trying to feel sorry for him. But you don't. He's an idiot. He has always been. He thinks he's immortal and that there's not a single person insane enough to mess with him. But again, he's wrong. In silence, you kneel near to him, placing the kit on the ground to open it. And you're not going to take care, you're going to punish him.
Grabbing a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the open wound, when Juice puts his hand away with a cloth covered in blood, you squirt the cold liquid straight to it. Happy has to swallow a painful grunt, just to not give you the pleasure, stirring over the leather sofa. Wearing two gloves and holding the tweezers to spill some peroxide on them, you raise your eyes to your husband. He's about to cry for the first time in your relationship. Rolling them, you focus on the next task before he loses more blood.
Slowly, you slide the tweezers inside the wound, slightly opening it, until they touch the metal under his skin. Carefully, you separate both extremes to grip the bullet and pull your hand back from it. Happy doesn't utter a single sound, keeping his abdomen tensed and his gaze away from your fingers, while having another sip of whisky.
It takes you a little more time to stitch him up, being assisted by Chibs to clean as you use the surgical thread to close the small hole. But as soon as you can remove the gloves from your hands and the guys decide to give you some intimacy, you grab your husband's chin to force him to look at you whilst pointing at him with the other forefinger.
“Next time… I'll shoot you twice, you hear me?”
“You're a psychopath”. He breathes through his parted lips, really enjoying that you camouflage your worry and how scared you are behind a threat.
“I prefer creative like you usually say”. Heavily snorting, you sit on the edge of the sofa, leaning your head on his chest. “Just… fucking take care, Hap. It's not th—”.
“Sorry, love”. Your husband interrupts you, placing a weak arm over your back as you slide yours under his neck. “I wanted a little of your attention”.
“You… asshole”. You growl in soft giggles, raising your head looking for his tired eyes. “Don't. Do. That. Again. You hear me?”
“Loud and clear, love”.
“And stop calling me love. It's not gonna work this time, Lowman. I'm really angry”.
Squinting at him, you can't help but hit his shoulder; regretting it the second his laughs turn into a painful complaint.
“You've earned it…”
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221
SOA: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @encounterthepast @aphroditeandheraweremarried @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @meteora-fc @arveeee @joupym @missswritings @hanster1998 @cubblycie @arana-alpha @kid-from-new-zealand @lucillewinchester @pedritomando @mariska0610 @telfordlowmans @tclaerh
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ge · 4 years
hi so i started playing onmyoji because of you and i wanted to ask if you can give me any tips?? im at level 16 i think im doing well so far but since idk anyone who plays anything would help! sorry for bothering
HEHE YESS ok.. this got rlly long WHOOPS 
so first thing u shld do while ur at a low level is get a mentor.. when i started playing i just fucked around and didnt get a mentor until i was well into lvl 40.. a mentorship is where low lvl (15 to 45 i tihnk..) players can apply for an apprenticeship and level up fast while also getting rewards such as grade darumas and a random ssr once u finish ur apprenticeship.. u can find the mentor application icon in the right side of ur courtyard.. it shld look like this!
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while under a mentor u are also lvling up ur friendship which, once it reaches a certain level, it unlocks the co-op feature that u can find by clicking the scroll at the bottom right hand side of ur screen > friends > co-op tab at the bottom right side of the pop up screen... there u can access ur friends powerful shikigami that u can use a limited amount of times daily to beat hard chapters/evo/soul zones, etc etc... if ur looking for a mentor i recently finished an apprenticeship w someone so im free to help out if ur interested ^__^ (my user is @.sneer [all lowercase] if u didnt already know hehe)
join a guild if you havent already! i tihnk it prompts you to join a guild when u first start playing i dont rmbr but a couple things to rmbr.. one. if ur guild has ‘15gq’ ‘100gq’ in its notice, gq means guild quest and u like.. HAVE to do those or else theyll kick u from the guild.. u can find the guild quests by going to ur guild, clikcing the shrine tab on the bottom right, and where it says GROUP QUESTS thats it! usually theyre basic things like submit grade four souls or evo materials but u shld definitely stack up on evo materials and souls so u dont run out.. so if ur guild says 100+gqs.... i wld suggest leaving that guild for a lighter gq guild.. 100+gq guilds are like.. big bad guilds who wanna rank in the top ten soo save urself the trouble.... TWO. ur realm! ur realm comes w ur guild so if ur kicked u cant access ur realm :( i think u already know what ur realm is and what it does so i will just say .. fuse ur low level realm cards.. SAVE UR DRUMS REALM CARDS.. if its a 1*, fuse it but if its 3*+... save that bad boy..
speaking of jade... SAVE IT.. jade and mystery talismans r like GOLD.. theyre rlly easy to get in the beginning of the game but they start getting super scarce when ur lvling up and r completing achievements.. usually when u get ten mystery amulets or 1k jade ur gonna think “oh what if i get an ssr out of this summon ooh” YOU WILL NOT.. this game HATES ur ass it hates u so much it hates ME it hates EVERYONE except lvl 60s who get new ssrs and shit on their first summon... ennieway.. random chance up events r stupid scams but chance up events featuring new shikigami are not... like the one thats going on right now for sp aoandon.. these r good events... random chance up events coming up out of no where is just netease being like ‘buy more jade we want ur money ugly idiot... stupid lmao’.. so yeah hoard ur amulets and jade AH ALSO IN THE MALL go to the mall and go to GENERAL.. youll see a package that says smth like 5 daily jade or smth that costs 666 jade.. BUY THAT itll give u 5 jade daily everyday.. it also stacks up so if ur not online for a couple days u wil be swimming in it baby...
oh god what else... click ur scroll on the bottom right and at the end next to collection youll see a tab that says TEAM.. thats a very useful helpful tab bc if u ever need help or want to join in on someone elses team for loot this is where u go.. when i started playing and i was farming for hiyoribo shards i always went to the system chat and clicked rlly fast on the hiyoribo shard zone hoping i cld get in ... i did that up until i was in my lvl 40s .. ur prbly smarter than me and alreayd know abt this tab but just felt like i needed to mention it just in case.........
SHARDS... if u get enough shards u can form a summoning pact w that shikigami.. demon seals are little side quests that pop up after youve completed a chapter/exploration and they come up randomly with a handful of different shikigami... but you can also access all of the demon seals from the TEAM tab i mentioned above.... demon seals only have a handful of shikigami though not all of them so dont expect to see like ssr demon seals lol also  some of the shikis u can farm from demon seals are VERY good.. ill touch on this later.. DEMON PARADE is another good way to collect shards.. in ur courtyard, click the town sign and the demon parade sign shld be the first thing u see! demon parade, unlike the demon seals, are chance thing, u might get the shards u want or u might not.. its kinda stupid... throwing beans around and shit.. itll give u a lineup of three shiki that u can choose from, if u hit the shiki u picked u get extra shards.. u might see some shiki in the parade w little lanterns over their heads, that just means they give more shards too nothing special
SHIKIGAMI... when ur looking at all of ur rare and sr shikigami ur probably thinking “this sucks these r all USELESS i want ssrs and sps >:(” well akchually... some of the best shiki in the game (for beginners especially) are rares and srs... shouzu (r), kamaitachi (sr), and hiyoribo (sr), are all farmable shikigami u can get from demon seals, if u havent summoned them already! yamausagi, a shiki u will see a LOT, is also a very easily summonable shiki so dont throw her away.. if u have duplicates of the same shiki u can PROMOTE THEM and it will level up one of their skills, just like a skill daruma! (DONT waste ur skill darumas they are soo valuable.. only use them on the shiki u use the most and want to lvl up skills on).. lvling up the skills on ur shiki increases their power and adds perks and makes them over all.. very sexy..
EDIT: added in this list of easy farmable beginners shikigami that u want to keep and build (refer to list BENEATH this one for list of roles)
kujira (sr) support
yamausagi (r) puller
shouzu (r) unique/shield **DEMON SEAL**
hiyoribo (sr) healer/revive **DEMON SEAL**
kusa (r) healer/dps
samurai x (r) cc
momo (sr) healer/revive
ushi no toki (r) unique
kamikui (r) pusher
oitsuki (sr) orbs
komatsu (sr) cc
kamaitachi (sr) puller **DEMON SEAL**
all shikigami have a certain role and its very important u know which shiki is which bc sometimes if u use them wrong u can mess up ur entire team.. here are all of the roles and some shiki examples:
dps: dps stands for ‘damage per second’ but it can also be used as a noun to describe a shikigami that is damage focused (ex. kuro mujou, momiji, hangan, mio)
cc: stands for ‘crowd control’. ccs have the ability to limit the number of enemies actively fighting during an encounter giving u the advantage (ex. enma, yuki onna, yumekui, samurai x)
pusher: pushes the enemies move bar back, giving u the advantage of going first (ex. kamikui)
puller: basically the same thing as pusher. pulls the ally move bar forward (ex. kamaitachi, yamausagi)
shield: shiki that provides a shield of some sort to protect allies without the use of souls (ex. ichimokuren, shiro)
heal: self explanatory (ex. sakura, hana)
revive: healer types with the ability to revive players w a cooldown. not all healers are revives (ex. hiyoribo, momo)
support: self explanatory.. supports allies (ex. miketsu, kujira, bake-kujira)
unique: shiki w unique abilities that cant be placed under labels (ex. hakuzosu, ushi no toki)
orbs: shiki that supply orbs to ur team (ex. aoandon, zashiki, oitsuki)
counter: shiki that counters after an enemy attack (ex. mannendake, vampire)
AND FINALLYYYYYY how to build ur shiki... while doing explorations u get free little souls.. in the beginning this will be ok since ur just starting off but actually each shiki has a perfect soul that makes them work the best.. now there are too many souls for me to actually list so as a parting gift to this entirely too long onmyoji cheat sheet, i will leave u this SHIKIGAMI BUILD GUIDE made by the nura clan.. it lists EVERY shikigami w the perfect soul for them, what role they play, and how to build them.. i touched on their roles a little bit above but i cldnt list everything so heres this.. i use it like everyday when building new shiki its sooo helpful
ANYWAY.. I TIHNK IM DONE.. I HOPE THIS WASNT A COMPLETE UNINTELLIGIBLE MESS... if u need clarification for anything pls ask i feel like i mashed up a bunch of words together and called it a day.. ummmm so yeah :) theres probably..... stuff... i might be missing but if theres smth specific u want to know about JUST ASK!!!!!!!!! im always looking for new omj friends...
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I made a prompt list out of three other people prompts so I can practice stories.
Links to originals
Feel free to suggest or use for your own purpose. 
I’m only posting in case people wanted to suggest some otherwise I’ll let google random number generator decide.
Out of: 1-132
1.                  “I really want to kiss you right now”
2.                  “Stay with me.. please?”
3.                  “I am so madly in love with you”
4.                  “As long as I’m alive, I will do everything I can to protect you”
5.                  “I’ve never felt so strongly about someone before. I’m terrified”
6.                  “I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
7.                  “Don’t go on that date” “Why?” “Because it will kill me if you do”
8.                  “Just say the words, and I’m yours” “I love you”
9.                  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me”
10.              “Please tell me you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you”
11.              “Is this okay?” “It’s perfect”
12.              “It’s okay, you’re okay, I’ve got you now”
13.              “Seeing you this riled up really makes me want to kiss you”
14.              “Shut up” “Make me”
15.              “You’re the most beautiful person in the room”
16.              “I’ve waited too long to do this”
17.              “Part of me wants to keep the promise I made to myself.. the other half wants to say ‘screw it’” “Which half is winning?” “The latter”
18.              “Why don’t we just stay here a bit longer? In our little cocoon”
19.              “Were you jealous?” “No… maybe…”
20.              “As if I’m going to let go of you that easily”
21.              “okay, but first kiss me.”
22.              “i don’t like the dark”
23.              “can i hold your hand”
24.              “i cant sleep when you’re not beside me
25.              “i’m sorry i cant help but stare”
26.              “will you stay?”
27.              “i promise i won’t let anything bad happen”
28.              “i’m so goddamn in love with you”
29.              “thats my ex, make out with me and make him jealous
30.              “spin the bottle is chiché, i’m in”
31.              “i don’t think anyone has ever said that to me before”
32.              “i know it’s 2am but can we meet up”
33.              “your lips are getting really close to mine”
34.              “shit, how’d you make me blush like this?”
35.              “why do you always call me when i’m on a date?”
36.              “don’t be silly i want to stay up with you”
37.              “Have you ever kissed anyone?’
38.              “I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? You’re so   pretty when you smile.”
39.              “How do you want to die?”
40.              “I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
41.              “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”  
42.              “Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so I could see you better.”
43.              “Just trust me”
44.              “Your eyes are so pretty.”
45.              “ive missed this”
46.              “Did you just slap my ass?”
47.              “Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
48.              “Can you please…? Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe put a shirt on?!”
49.              “Give me attention.”
50.              “Do we like…hold hands now?”
51.              “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please.”
52.              “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer”
53.              “I-I miss your arms around me as I slept, I know it’s embarrassing but you made me feel safe.”
54.              “I have a feeling we should kiss.”“Is that a good feeling or a bad feeling?”
55.              “You’re so soft, if I could ever touch the clouds, this is what they’d feel like.”
56.              “we’re in public, you know”
57.              “either take it off, or I will happily do it for you.”
58.              “This is embarrassing but I had a bad dream and back home when this happens I normally just crawl into bed with my mom or sister but since they’re not here anymore can I sleep with you?”
59.              “are those my hair clips”
60.              “we need to talk about what happened last night”
61.              "You're hiding under that blanket because you're blushing?"
62.              “I’ll fix it.”
63.              “Why are you unbuttoning your pants?”
64.              “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
65.              “You’ve been so bad, haven’t you, baby?”
66.              "The sunset isn't as beautiful as you, my love."
67.              “Quit it or I’ll bite you.”
68.              “I told you to bring a jacket”
69.              “dont cry”
70.              “if I was there, you’d be getting all the cuddles you deserve”
71.              “Did someone say shower time?”
72.              “I had a sex dream about you and honestly I don’t know how to feel about it
73.              “We always share blankets on the couch, im sure sharing a bed isn’t much different.
74.              “How much did you hear?”
75.              “why are you so jealous?”
76.              “you keep a photo of us in your wallet?”
77.              “Bite me” “where”
78.              “and just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?”
79.              “I'm not going anywhere”
80.              “are you sure, once we start I might not be able to stop”
81.              “behave”
82.              “Tell me what you want”
83.              “I cant keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you” 64 - “why don’t you come over here and make me,”
84.              “tell me again”
85.              “Don’t ruin the sofa”
86.              “Prove it”
87.              “If you keep dancing like that I’m going to cum in my pants”
88.              “Stop distracting me”
89.              “Did you just look me up and down and bite your lip?”
90.              “Are you sure that’s what you want, I could hurt you”
91.              “What happens if I do this”
92.              “Why don’t you put something pretty on for me”
93.              “It was you this whole time”
94.              “Is that a tattoo”
95.              “I wonder what your boyfriend/girlfriend would do if they knew what you were doing right now
96.              “No im not letting you go, its too early to get out of bed”
97.              “Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
98.              “poor baby, do you want me to take care of it for you?”
99.              “You can pull my hair all you want”
100.          “that tickles,”
101.          “your duality scares me,”
102.          “What do you have behind your back?”
103.          “You snuck into my room to cuddle?”
104.          “Hold my hand please”
105.          “Wait we were supposed to bring presents?”
106.          “I know all of your weaknesses, but this ones new”
107.          “We could go together if you wanted”
108.          “oh my god do that again”
109.          “Do you even know how to load a dishwasher?”
110.          “I have a surprise for you”
111.          “you're so cute when you pout like that”
112.          “we should get a puppy!”
113.          “I never cried over a gift before, but there’s a first for everything”
114.          “was I too rough”
115.          “You’re the one I want, is that so hard to believe?”
116.          “I like the way your hand fits in mine”
117.          “Wait don’t pull away… not yet”
118.          “I love you”
119.          “You cant leave without letting me hug you”
120.          "I probably wouldn't care if you died because then I would just summon Satan to bring you back to life; It's no biggie at all."
121.          "Say you're not worth it one more time, I dare you. I will throw hands with you, I swear to Go-"
122.          "You make me want to punch the sun just by looking at you-But like, in a sorta declaration-of-my-undying-love kinda way."
123.          "Jesus christ, I- It's nothing, I just realized that I would legit eat my kidneys for you. I just love you so much."
124.          "Oh god, if you only knew the things I'd do for you."
125.          "Sometimes I feel like all the love you give is going to make me implode one day."
126.          "You call the shots; I would walk into a volcano with you if you felt like it."
127.          "Here's the thing; there's no way you're stronger than me. I guess you're just gonna hafta miss a couple hours of work and cuddle with me then."
128.          "I will boop your nose as many times as I like, thank you very much!"
129.          "'Aight wanna bet? I will phisically fight you for little spoon rights!"
130.          "You're so cute! I just wanna hug you, and squeeze you, and love you and hold you until the end of time an- Oh sorry, it wasn't supposed to sound that creepy, I swear!"
131.          "You know I would die for you, but for the love of all that is good in this godforesaken world; when I say 'bite me' during an argument it isn't and invitation to get horny."
132.          "Don't be so gentle. You can hug me tighter y'know- I'm not going to pop or anything."
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Kari’s Marvelous 2k Writing Challenge
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Thank you so much, guys. I honestly didn’t expect this blog to grow the way it has when I started it. I love this fandom and I love reading for these characters as much as I love writing for them, so let’s celebrate with a challenge, shall we?
Since I reached the milestone before my 1 year anniversary I will as open up drabble requests using a prompts list - I’ll make a post about that as soon as I can.
Also, check out and please participate in my Spread the Love event for my 1 year anniversary.
This challenge is for you guys to have fun with. I set the due date a few months in the future to make sure you got plenty of time to complete it.
The prompts for this challenge are all dialogue prompts. They are all a little odd and a little sassy. Cause well I am a little odd and sassy ;) On to the rules and have fun Y'all!
Due Date: June 1st, 2019
Word min: 500 words
Word Max: 6k words
Style: It can be a drabble, one shot or beginning of a series. Do not put in in the middle of an ongoing series since I plan on reading them and don’t want to read 10 parts of something to understand the entry.
Fandom: MCU - mostly
Will you read and reblog my fic?
You betcha :D I am behind on reading for previous challenges so patience is a virtue here
When Do I Post?
Right now. Sign Ups start now and end when there are no more prompts or when the due date rolls around
Genre: Anything you want. You have to be over 18 if you write smut and you always have to warn accordingly! Fluff, angst, AUs, and crack are all welcome.
Limits on what you can write: No Mommy/daddy kinks, no non/dub con, no A/B/O, no merpeople. No half animal anything, please. No mobster aus. No monster porn (this counts Venom and Hulk) No glorification on cheating (it’s okay as a plot device but use it with thought), no wife, s/o (even exes) or actor hate in rpfs! - if you got any questions at any time feel free to send me an ask,
Format: State in your A/N that it is for my (until-theend-oftheline) Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge. And use the # Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge in the first 5 tags.
Pairing and word count also have to be easy to spot in your header!
Submit: After you posted on Tumblr you have to add yourself and your fic to this doc.  If you don’t do this you will not be added to the masterlist I create when the challenge is over. If you got questions - just ask :D
Doc link it case Tumblr is an ass: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16FmPbXuA6oF23M5qiR5jRCSiUpaW_RiDIPUHG_LziBk/edit?usp=sharing
How do I join?
You pick a prompt and a pairing off the list. Send me the prompt number along with a backup just in case and your pairing of choice. ASKS ONLY!! REPLIES, REBLOGS AND IMS WILL BE IGNORED!
There are no limits on the pairings but I only allow 2 people per prompt so think before you sign up. If you don’t think you will be doing it then don’t take the spot from someone else. For now, 1 person can sign up 3 times (one prompt per story). 
Prompts and people are under the cut.
No male readers - gender neutral are fine otherwise female.
General Fics - character or rpf are both fine.
All genders, skin tones etc. OCs are welcome as well.
Sister/daughter/romantic/friendship reader pairings for following are all fine - just let me know which (I prefer romantic or friendship but no pressure):
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Bradley Cooper
Chris Hemsworth
Robert Downey Jr.
Tom Hiddleston
Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Hardy
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton*
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock (no monster porn please!)*
Ships (all are allowed as poly with reader too):
Sam x Clint (I don’t know their ship name)
Thor x Valkyrie (also forgot the ship name)
1 “I’ve never been so insulted!” - “You don’t listen much do you?” @jewelswrites-ish (Chris Evans x Reader) / @avengerscompound (Winterhawk)
2 “On a scale of one to Australia. How dangerous are we talking?” @avengerscompound (clintasha) /
3 “When did you become so smart, oh wise one?” - “Since I stopped listening to you.” @writing-mermaid (Tony x sister!reader) /
4 “Seven billion people in the world and you are overreacting because we killed one man.” - “But…” - “Seven billion people! Now shut up and drink your smoothie!” @queen-of-the-avengers (Tony x Reader) /
5 “Oh God. I think I am in love” - “For your sake, I wouldn’t tell her/him that” @docharleythegeekqueen (Winterhawk x Reader) /
6 “Don’t trust him” - “Funny that’s exactly what he said about you” @readitandweepfics (Steve x Reader) /
7 “Children shouldn’t play with guns” - “Who said I was playing”
8 “On a scale of one to ten how bad do you think it would be if….” - “At least twenty” @fangirlfiction (Stucky x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Tony x Reader)
9 “What’s our exit strategy?” - “Our what?” - “Ohmygod we’re going to die” @acreativelydifferentlove (Steve Rogers x Reader) /
10 “I taught you how to pick locks and this is how you are using that skill?” @messy-random-bitch (Clint Barton) /
11 “What’s the little blinking light mean?” - “It means…. Wait? Blinking?!”
12 ���Right now I don’t know if I want to kiss you or push you off the cliff!” - “Can I pick?”  @sweeetmonstrosity  (Sam Wilson x Reader) / @averyrogers83  (winterfalcon x reader)
13 “This is what the third time I crashed my own funeral” - “Fifth” - “Really? That many?”
14 “Bring them home. All of them.” - “But…” - “All. Of. Them.” - “Fine!”
15 “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” - “And I am subtly trying to avoid it.”
16 “What’s with the face?” - “Small fire! I said to set a small fire. Small was important!” @queen-of-the-avengers (Natascha Romanoff x Reader) /
17 “What the hell kinda noise was that?” - “I sneezed.” - “That was NOT a sneeze!” @jewels2876 (Chris Evans x Reader) /
18 “You got blood on your knees. No one goes nowhere and gets blood on their knees.”
19 “Is that blood?” - “No?” - “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question!” @nekoannie-chan (Steve Rogers x Reader) / @becs-bunker (Stucky x Reader)
20 “Obviously I’ve been gone for way too long. You managed to kill all the houseplants” @awkwardfangirl2014 (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)
21 “Don’t you know who I am?” - “Yup. I just don’t care.” @queen-of-the-avengers (Elizabeth Olsen x Reader) /
22 “You’re going to break his heart if you pull a stunt like this” - “He has a heart?”  @keepgrindingwaywardsoul (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /  @yougetkilled-walkitoff (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
23 “Sorry I got a cold and feverish assassin on my lap. I’ll call you back when I convinced him a cold doesn’t mean he is dying.” @keepgrindingwaywardsoul (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /  @acreativelydifferentlove (Steve Rogers x Reader) 
24 “I hate you” - “Why? I’m lovely” @barnesrogersvstheworld (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Natascha Romanoff x Reader)
25 “You’re one insult away from starting a war” - “That’s presumptuous of you. It already started”
26 “What are you doing in the chandelier?” - “You know. Just hanging out”
27 “Can we please try not to kill anyone today?” - “Well you are no fun”  @kentuckybarnes (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /
28 “You missed!” - “I never m… FUCK!”
29 “You nearly took my head off!” - “I told you to dug didn’t I?!” @raqnorok (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / 
30 “If you weren’t so goddamn annoying I would kiss you right now” - “Well if you weren’t such a pain in the ass…. Wait what?”  @tranquil—heart (Steve Rogers x Reader) / @awkwardfangirl2014  (Chris Evans x Reader)
@ifyougetkilled-walk-it-off @captain-rogers-beard @dolphinpink310 @grace-for-sale @docharleythegeekqueen @rebelslicious @thorne93 @hillywooddestiel @peterman-parker @queen-of-deans-booty @acreativelydifferentlove @emilyevanston @blacktithe7 @becs-bunker @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @cassiefanfic @readitandweepfics @kayla-of-shield @fangirlextraordinaire @thatfanficstuff @danijimenezv @hopes-archer @marvel_madam08 @averyrogers83 @thelookingglassalice @slowlywithfreedom @awkwardfangirl2014
And a few others cause I love their writing
@jewels2876 @becs-bunker @roxyspearing @barnesrogersvstheworld @sebs-potato @moonbeambucky @tropicalcap @softlybarnes @bucky-at-bedtime @evanstarff @fangirlfiction @i-dont-do-rpfs @avengerscompound 
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rogueroulette · 6 years
21 questions tag. Tagged by @owlfowlfa
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better!
Nicknames: I have a few. Micci, Aves, a few people refer to me by my gamer tag, an entire discord channel calls me Vinc. 
Zodiac: I am fish
Height: the incredibly AVERAGE height of 5′3. Im not short, @owlfowlfa is just tall
Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody? Its so inaccurate but you can’t beat the sound track. 
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AlsO have you seen the casting? I think they just cloned everyone that had anything to do with Queen and waited patiently for the right moment to set them lose on the world. Its either that or time travel
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Like these spot the difference games are HARD
Last Thing I googled: “Where do I go to make those fake Kingdom Hearts Instagram load screens?” Supposedly there is a generator for them but I have yet to find one. I just want to make some posts using the 99 pictures of Sora making that face (you guys know the one) while someone is doing something dumb in the background. Is that too much to ask? Could I just make one in photoshop? Probably. Will I? Probably not.
Song stuck in my head: currently Pass Slowly by Seether. Before that it was Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin. 
Other Blogs: Nope. Just this one. This one hell spot has every post I have ever made and it has never had a theme. Everyone following me knows that it s a fucking roulette wheel of hellfire. What are you gonna get? Witchcraft? Games? Anime? Books? Who knows but it will probably be G A Y ! ! ! !  
Do I get asks: Not really. A couple friends send me some when I post a prompt for them?
Blogs Following: Following me or following them? I follow 156 blogs. 236 Follow me.
Amount of sleep: ha. haha. hahahaha. I don’t. I get on average about 3 hours a night. Sometimes my body takes pity on my knocks me out for about 7 but usually its just a lot of starring at me ceiling pleading with any deity that will listen.
Lucky Number: I like even numbers, the number 13, and the number 27.
What I’m Wearing: A pair of jeans and a Harley Davidson t-shirt.
Dream Job: I want my name in the front door of a corporate law firm and to make enough money that I can support my 7 cats and my partner. I am a simple man of ambitious goals and simple reasoning.
Dream Trip: Take me to Scotland
Favourite Food: I am a simple man who loves tacos and mac & cheese.
Play any instruments: I used to play the piano. Still kind of play the clarinet if I bother to pull the old thing out and get her greased up.
Favourite Song: Ask me to pick my favourite child why don’t you. That’s OK, it’s a tie between Take It Easy and  Hotel California by Eagles. 
Random Fact:  I never post about them on here but I like those out-of-this-world-unrealistic crime shows. If it butchers the legal system its probably in my watch list. Top 10 if they break the law in order to do it. I’m looking at you How To Get Away With Murder.
Describe your Aesthetic: You know those lazy punk-rock kids you see in highschool? They are just too tired to do all the black make-up but their hair is always an outrageous color and they live in band t-shirts and combat boots? That’s me. I expanded recently  bought a pair of heeled boots for those female-presenting gender moments. 
Taggings: I don't even know who to tag so I'm just gonna leave this open to anyone who wants it. @foxysocks @jimmyjohnsisalie @are-we-being-gay-now
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authoratmidnight · 6 years
Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by @the-yugioh-theorist and @psychopili19
Nicknames: Icy, BB, Jen (also Goldilocks and Pooh Bear when I was younger)
Zodiac: Libra (or Goat depending on which zodiac we’re talking about)
Height: 5′2″ Technically 5′1 3/4 or something like that but, it’s easier to round up.
Last movie I saw: Uhhh...we talking about in theatres or in general? Cause if it’s in general it would be DSOD haha.  I don’t remember the last theatre movie I saw oof
Last thing I Googled: ‘Freddy Kruger‘
Favourite musician: *shrug emoji*
Other blogs: Technically I have two sideblogs not I don’t, really use them lol. So I’m not even gonna link them
Do I get asks?: Yeah occasionally. Esp if I reblog a fic prompt list.
Following: 180
Amount of sleep: Uhhh, 7-9 hours? depending?
Lucky number: Idk honestly. I’ll go with 4.
What I’m wearing: My pajamas-they’re a sort of maroon with little reindeer all over them.
Dream job: Veterinarian!
Dream trip: Hmmm...I mean there’s a lot of places I’d like to go. I suppose to Scotland and Ireland. A lot of my family comes from there so I’d like to actually, go there at some point. Also I maybe definitely want to visit Loch Ness myself b/c reasons
Favourite food: Chicken. I esp love me some good butter chicken curry.
Play any instruments: Flute! I also played Clarinet for a bit in like, grades 4-6? There abouts? But mostly flute.
Languages: English. And like, probably vague smatterings of French and Spanish (as in, whatever the fuck I remember from those classes in highschool)
Favourite songs: Precious Times, Glory Days(GC OP 4); Break Your Spell(Vanguard Link Joker OP),
Random fact: I can’t ride a bike. I tried to learn but I just, couldn’t get a grasp on it. Specifically the whole, keeping it balanced part.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: I honestly have no idea what this question means. ^^;
Im to lazy to tag anyone. If you read it feel free to do it.
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unicyclehippo · 8 years
Can u like, list or write or jot down, some gaf Au Lexa headcanons pls, I'm just. It would be nice to be reminded that it's not. A bad thing. To be autistic.
yah absolutely !!! i adore lexa maybe a little recap of some of my fave things abt gaf lexa & that might prompt some headcanons for u? here u go:- lexas sound sensitivities are one of the key things to rmbr abt her. like, everyone who is her friend learns really fast. u don't interrupt lexa when she's listening to her music, u pretty much can't but also its smth she does for herself so u wouldn't want to. it's everything??? music means so much to her jude can explain this so much better but it's like. it's this intersection of art & math that is rly overwhelming & Important. when stuff gets too much she has a metronome to count to, she uses it when she feels weird & off. to try & ground herself? some bad sounds: food slurping. cellophane crackling. certain words when said together, certain words by themselves. u don't know what they are until u say them & lexa is like NOPE grOSS never say that again. she can't listen to her hair getting cut that's sound & sensation it's terrible - hair cuts is touch/feeling sensation. also fabrics are rly important to her. rmbr!!! how she meets Clarke on their first day at polis & she basically falls in love then & there & they sit on a picnic blanket together!!! clarke has a very soft blanket that lexa uses when she comes to her room & huge surprise it goes missing & turns up in lexas room it gets a new loving home tbqh. teddy gets a Lot of pats!!!! she adores when carm buzzed her hair short bc she likes to rub her hand over her hair it's the most fun when they're a little drunk together sometimes carm just Does it bc she knows they're gonna be hanging out & lexa will love it (That's Gross i love them all so much) - the gayest thing of all: Clarke & lexas shared planned calendars for the school semester. she does it bc she needs to have things planned out & Clarke rolls with it bc she's like lexa needs this thing i will do this thing w lexa & lexa just needs to know what's happening. she's also super considerate like she forwards the calendar to her parents & anya & her driver aman bc technically his first duty is to look after her but he has a girlfriend & uni & stuff so she is like I suspect I will need u on these days & if she needs him but hasn't warned him & hes blocked out time for class or smth she's like I follow the calendar we get an uber aman is busy!! she has her text code she made with Raven!!! she's rly precise abt numbers, maths is a huge deal for her so she says stuff like "i walked into the grove for 1566 steps & i saw a green that reminded me of ur voice when u are being safe for me" - lexa is Funny. she's smart & sharp & gorgeous & she's so ready to do good things. she's rly generous & sometimes she's anxious abt how things might appear to others bc she's aware that even w therapy sometimes she's not quite on the ball in social situations so like when she flings the binder at o (one of my truly favourite scenes tbqh) or in smth i haven't written yet she drops a cool half a mill on a painting for Clarke just a random gift she's shopping with carm (who is not wealthy to be clear) & she's like do u think Clarke would like this & carms like shit i guess so why? & lexa is like bam purchased thank u carm & carm is just shook bc it's so much money & there are so many things she could do with that much money & so many worries she could be without & lexa has to rly think for a bit why carm would be upset bc she know the reason she is upset happened between entering the gallery & this moment but she has to think it through & consider & she's so So sincere abt her apologies she's like "im sorry for flaunting my considerable wealth, pls forgive me"that's all i can think of right now i hope it's okay love u pal x
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e1ana · 5 years
made a writing challenge because im unmotivated
i’ve been having a mega fucking hard time writing recently. my whole brain just feels like :| what r u doing???
So, in an attempt to gently coerce (*ahem* force) myself into writing, i came up with a little game/challenge/prompt thing to get myself into it! wow! So cool!
So basically, i just listed and numbered some things for these groups out these groups: SFW/NSFW, AUs, Tags, Smut Tags, and Ships (seriously, theres 120 ships on the list...). 
i used a random number generator to pick a number from each group. Then, the generator spits out a number that correlates to a thingie, and i have to use it! 
there’s a longer explanation/shitty example below the cut, but you should try it out! its annoying to keep writing down stuff, but i feel like its gonna be worth it!
(ALSO! i did it specifically for bnha, but you could definitely apply this to any fandoms or whatever you’re into! okay, have fun!)
So heres what i have. I won’t list every single tag/thing out, but hopefully this gives a bit of a clearer idea:
Nsfw or Sfw: Literally just... Is it SFW or NSFW. Numbers 1/2
AUs (eg: No Au, Fantasy, Pro Hero...): This is the AU that the story will take place in. i just looked up Popular Au’s and went through the ones i’d be even a little willing to write. i picked 18 of them
Tags (eg: Hurt no Comfort, Tattoos, Snuggling...): i googled ‘most popular Ao3 tags,’ picked a bunch from there, and then went to see some tags in my bookmarked fics. i picked 33 of them.
Smut Tags (eg: bondage, dirty talk...): i wanted to separate the ‘regular’ tags from the ‘smutty’ one so i didn’t have to find a way to work c*me swallowing into a SFW, Family AU fic. there were some smutty tags on the most popular Ao3 tag list, but other than that i looked up ‘popular smutty tags Ao3′ and snatched from there. i picked 25 of them
Ships (eg: todeku, kiribaku, momojiro...): believe it ot not, this was the hardest one to do. i really wanted to have a GIANT list of almost every ship i could think of, so i literally googles ‘all bnha ships.’ the only things i excluded were things with mineta (sorry, i really dont like him and dont wanna write about him!) or things that just generally made me uncomfy. there WERE several student/teacher ships, but i’ve just given myself the rule of automatically aging up anyone in that scenario. also, since not everything is going to be romance oriented, i can make anything into a platonic/familial ship as well. there were 120 freaking ships!!! wtfffff!!!
basically i HAVE to include everything that the generator picks, and it had to have some kind of major plotpoint, but it doesn’t have to be the ONLY/MAIN focus of the fic. for example, I could get a fic with the tag ‘angst,’ and the angst must take up/be relevant to a big chunk of it, but the entire thing doesn’t have to be angst. 
heres a little (but EXTREMELY crackheaded) example of soemthing this might churn out. read at risk of losing braincells:
SFW, AgeSwap, Jealousy, ShinZawa.
‘oh no i woke up and im 31 with a beard’ said shinsou. ‘what the hell why did i reverse puberty’ said aizawa. they went to school. ‘:o mr aizawa what the heck! you are so small!’ ‘>:(,’ said mr aizawa. ‘i want my big boy body back! i am jealous of you shinsou!’  ‘no mr. a, i am jealous of you! i have to learn how to teach now!’ and so shinsou learned how to teach and aizawa learned how to be a student. they did not have fun, but it was not bad. the day ended. ‘okay i am sorry lets go to recovery girl.’ ‘yaaaaay she fixed us i am not jealous anymore.
yeah! that’s the whole thing! i hope some people try this out, or even refine it and make it more organized! if you try it out i would love to see what y’all come up with ;)
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'GTA 5' Patch 1.35 Introduces RP Issues, Unlimited Single Cash Glitches
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Dialling Numbers: GTA Online: Contact gta 5 cheat for a Back-up Helicopter for the initial period. What's even more is that after executing the glitch you don't have to wait around for the 45-small delay in selling the cars. Whether it's a GTA 5 weapons cheat, a GTA 5 invincibility be unfaithful, a GTA 5 wished level be unfaithful, or a outrageous GTA 5 low gravity be a cheater, you're heading to have gta 5 cheat a good period. Browse on for all the Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats for PS4, Xbox One, Computer, PS3, and ● Allow you to crack unlimited GTA 5 Status (RP) direct to your GTA 5 accounts. Obtain your GTA Sixth is v Personal computer secrets and cheats while they are sizzling. We don't understand if all that cash is normally from the glitch, but if it is normally, it would sum to $475 in real-world cash that Rockstar might have gta 5 online money glitch made off the participant. In unserer Liste der GTA 5 PC-Cheats fehlten aktuell noch pass away Waffen. Thanks to this update players are much less most likely to wish to glitch (hopefully) and even more most likely to enjoy tasks additional than Rooftop Rumble. We presently avoid possess any Grand Theft Auto Sixth is v (GTA 5) FAQs, walkthroughs or guides for XBox 360. Many players name these people GTA 5 Cheats”, although others feel receiving a ban for using a GTA V money glitch is normally gta 5 online money glitch a bit solid”. Advanced Anti-Ban: With the help of the GTA 5 Online Crack Device, you will not have to fear of getting banned in-game, as the Stat Hack Device & Money Crack have a flawless anti-ban. GTA 5 Hack Cash & Generator is usually a on-line Crack Tool Allow You To Crack Free of charge GTA 5 Money & RP. Unnatural Selection: GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival. Some GTA Sixth is v tricks are obtainable in both methods, but some are only available as a cell phone code gta 5 cheat or cheat combo cheat and not the other. But the video game comes with GTA Online, a substantial, sprawling on the web city that allows you to run through its streets outrageous, acquiring part in tasks, races, intricate heists and a multitude of various other legal actions. As the tipster records, prospective GTA 5 gamers are prompted to make the most of the obtainable unlimited RP and unlimited cash glitches in the game by using gta 5 online money glitch this video, mainly because Rockstar provides started patching up all known in-game mistakes mainly because well as chopping off the payout benefits from lucrative missions like Rooftop Rumble and Coveted. Im Vergleich zu den GTA 5 Tricks fül PS4 und Xbox One gebt ihr die Requirements ausschließlich per Smartphone ein. Z pomocą przychodzi Money Lobby na których można zebrać GTA$ 100 000 000 uczestnicząc w specjalnych sesjach oraz Level Up gdzie konto jest modowane lepsze statystyki i więcej zer na koncie w wirtualnym banku. We reckong it's well worth gta 5 cheat using these GTA 5 Cheats, though, as the game is normally made by them so very much fun. January 2014 in, Rockstar carried out an aggressive round of IP bans against players who got not really just been glitching hundreds of thousands of in-game dollars, but also taking benefit of an exploit gta 5 cheat to spread the money around, also to random players in general public periods. Team Lower (5 points): GTA Online: Complete a Work as a member of a Team. Whether you've just just completed the story of GTA 5, or possess currently spent years playing GTA Online, the wide array of cheats make it worth revisiting for the brand-new gameplay possibilities certainly. When you use GTA 5 Hack, you will earn cash and reputation gta 5 money for buying weapons, ammunition, vehicles of all types, additional gear (bullet-proof vests, grenades, first help sets) and enhancements of the whole variety. That was really challenging and makes existence hell of a gamer who just playing the GTA world for slaughter and mayhem. after the "GTA 5" Heists update once again. This right time, "GTA 5" tipster and YouTuber TwoDynamic gta 5 cheat has found out an oldie but goodie, an old solo cash exploit that was once patched that is certainly right now working Dead Presidents (30 points): GTA Online: Complete The Fleeca Work and The Pacific Regular Work as Heist Leader or Crew. This is normally the best gta v online money glitch out presently there , you can obtain unlimited money on gta 5 online for free of charge obviously haha. Substantial Quantities - But the best option to make big cash is definitely the stock gta 5 online money glitch marketplace, the absolute greatest choice can be doing Lesters assassination tasks after the main tale when you have even more money, I converted my 35 Work to 1,4 Expenses on each character.
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