#im just so frustrated how there really is no concern or support
amlovelies · 2 years
Love how the media and government are all like hey don't drive or leave your house during this storm its dangerous but no businesses are closing or changing hours so like you still have to go to work which is the main reason people are on the roads and travel
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jcxbliss · 1 month
“im so tired cheol”
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Pairing - Choi Seungcheol x Female Reader
Genre - Idol AU, Established Relationship, Comfort, Slight Angst
Synopsis - HEADLINE - Seventeen’s leader accidental leak of relationship with a non idol!
Tag 🏷️- @hipsdofangirl
Seungcheol was deep into practice when his phone buzzed incessantly on the side of the stage. The noise of his notifications was so persistent that it became impossible to ignore. Between takes, Hoshi noticed the commotion and walked over, his brows furrowing with concern.
“Hyung, your phone’s going crazy,” Hoshi said, tapping Seungcheol on the shoulder and holding out the device. “Check it out.”
Seungcheol glanced at the screen and saw a cascade of notifications, most of them from his Instagram. His heart sank as he saw the comments flooding in, many of them harsh and critical. He quickly scrolled through the feed, his eyes widening when he saw the photo of you two, which had clearly struck a nerve with fans.
“This isn’t good,” Seungcheol muttered, his voice tense. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
Hoshi looked over Seungcheol’s shoulder, his expression turning serious. “You need to handle this. Do you want me to help with anything?”
Seungcheol took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “Yeah, thanks. I need to address this right away. I didn’t realize how big of a reaction this would cause.”
As practice continued, Seungcheol’s mind was preoccupied with the situation. He managed to complete his schedule, but his thoughts were consumed by the need to fix the mess he’d inadvertently created. He quickly made his way to the locker room, where he found a quiet corner to compose a thoughtful response.
Meanwhile, Hoshi stayed by his side, offering support. “We’ve got your back,” he said, giving Seungcheol a reassuring pat on the back. “You’re not alone in this.”
Seungcheol appreciated the gesture but was focused on crafting a message that would clarify the situation and address the concerns of his fans. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he carefully drafted an explanation, aiming to resolve the issue and express his gratitude for the support of his fanbase.
After posting the message, Seungcheol took a moment to collect his thoughts. He turned to Hoshi with a sigh of relief. “I’ve explained everything and apologized for the mix-up. I hope this helps.”
Hoshi nodded. “It will. You’ve handled it well. Just take it easy for now and let things settle.”
As Seungcheol left the practice room, he felt a wave of exhaustion. He knew that a simple address to the situation wouldn’t solve things quickly but that wasn’t his concern.
When Seungcheol finally made it home after a long day of practice and dealing with the fallout from his Instagram post, he walked through the front door and called out for you. “Hey, I’m back! Are you here?”
There was no immediate response, so he moved through the apartment, eventually finding you in the bedroom. You were sitting on the bed, your laptop open in front of you, scrolling through the comments. Seungcheol’s heart sank when he saw the expression on your face—pained and overwhelmed.
“Hey, I thought I told you not to look at those comments,” Seungcheol said gently, sitting down beside you. “I’m really sorry about all this.”
You looked up, eyes red and voice tinged with frustration. “I tried to stay away, but I just couldn’t. Look at this!” You pointed at the screen, reading aloud some of the hateful comments.
“‘Who does she think she is, thinking she can be with Seungcheol?’” you read with a tremor in your voice. “And ‘She’s just a distraction, not even worth the time!’”
Seungcheol’s expression grew more pained as he listened. “I know those comments are hurtful, but you shouldn’t take them to heart. They’re just people who don’t know us.”
You shook your head, tears welling up. “It’s not that easy. Seeing things like ‘She doesn’t belong in his world’ and ‘Seungcheol can do better’ makes me feel like I’m a problem. Like I’m messing up your life.”
“No, that’s not true at all,” Seungcheol said firmly, taking your hand. “These comments are just noise. They don’t reflect who you are or what you mean to me. I made a mistake, and I’m sorry. But you and I, we’re okay. We’re stronger than this.”
You pulled your hand away, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. “I just wish people could understand that we’re real people, not just characters in their fantasy. It’s hard to ignore the hate.”
Seungcheol moved closer, wrapping his arm around you in a comforting embrace. “I understand, and I wish I could make it all go away. But you’re not alone in this. We’ll get through it together. I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right and show everyone that you’re important to me.”
You leaned into him, taking a deep breath as you tried to calm the storm inside. “I just want to believe that, Seungcheol. I really do.”
“We’ll make sure of it,” he said softly. “I’ll keep fighting for us, and I’ll make sure people know how much you mean to me. Let’s focus on each other and move past this. Together.”
Seungcheol held you tightly, his embrace offering solace amid the turmoil. After a few moments, he gently pulled back, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering determination.
“Let’s take a break from all of this,” he suggested, his voice gentle but firm. “We need to step away from the negativity and do something that makes us both happy.”
You hesitated but saw the earnest look in his eyes. “What do you have in mind?”
Seungcheol’s face brightened with a smile. “How about a cozy night in? We could order your favorite food, watch a movie, and just relax. It’ll be a chance to focus on the good stuff.
You nodded, feeling a small lift in your spirits at the thought of spending a quiet, stress-free evening together. “That sounds nice.”
Seungcheol stood up and began to make calls to order dinner. As he chatted with the delivery service, you took the opportunity to close your laptop and try to shake off the heaviness of the day. When Seungcheol returned to the bedroom, he had a bright smile and a couple of movie options in hand.
“I’ve got our food on the way,” he said. “And I picked out a few movies we can watch. Anything in particular you’re in the mood for?”
You looked at the movie choices he held up and smiled for the first time that evening. “How about that rom-com we both love? It’ll be nice to have a bit of fun.”
Seungcheol’s face lit up with relief. “Perfect choice. I’ll set everything up while we wait for dinner.”
As he prepared the space for your movie night, you watched him with appreciation. The warmth and thoughtfulness he brought to the evening were a stark contrast to the harshness of the comments you’d read. The atmosphere slowly shifted from tension to comfort as you both settled into the cozy setup he’d created.
When the food arrived, you both dug in, laughing and chatting about light-hearted topics. Seungcheol kept the mood upbeat, sharing funny stories from practice and playfully teasing you about your movie preferences.
As the movie played, you felt a sense of normalcy return. The negativity of the day began to fade into the background, replaced by the simple joy of being with Seungcheol. His unwavering support and the effort he put into making you feel better were a reminder of his deep care and commitment.
By the end of the night, you felt a renewed sense of peace. Seungcheol turned to you as the credits rolled, his expression soft and sincere. “Thank you for spending the evening with me. I know it’s been tough, but I hope tonight helped a bit.”
You nodded, your heart warmed by his presence. “It did. I needed this more than you know. Thank you for being here and for everything you’ve done.”
Seungcheol kissed your forehead gently. “We’ll get through this together. I promise. And remember, no matter what, you’re never alone.”
The following days brought a gradual but steady improvement. Seungcheol remained by your side, his support unwavering as you navigated the aftermath of the controversy. His thoughtful gestures and constant reassurance made a significant difference, helping you regain your sense of normalcy.
One morning, as you both enjoyed a leisurely breakfast together, Seungcheol broke the comfortable silence with a more serious tone. “I’ve been thinking. How about we plan a short getaway? A change of scenery might help us both recharge and take a break from everything.”
You looked up from your coffee, intrigued by the idea. “That sounds like a great idea. Where were you thinking of going?”
Seungcheol grinned. “I was thinking of a cozy cabin in the mountains. Somewhere we can disconnect from the world and just focus on each other.”
The thought of escaping to a peaceful retreat was exactly what you needed. “That sounds perfect. When do we leave?”
Seungcheol’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “How about this weekend? I’ll handle all the arrangements, and we can just enjoy ourselves.”
As the weekend approached, Seungcheol was a whirlwind of activity, packing and preparing everything for the trip. You could see the effort he was putting into making it a special experience, and it lifted your spirits to see him so engaged in creating a positive environment for both of you.
When the day of the trip arrived, you both set off for the mountains. The drive was filled with laughter and light conversation, a refreshing change from the tension of recent days. As you arrived at the cabin, its charm and tranquility immediately began to work their magic.
The cabin was nestled in a picturesque spot, surrounded by towering pine trees and overlooking a serene lake. The interior was cozy and inviting, with a crackling fireplace and large windows that framed the stunning views outside.
Seungcheol unpacked with enthusiasm, making sure everything was perfect for your stay. Once everything was set, you both decided to take a walk around the property, breathing in the fresh, crisp air and enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
As you walked hand-in-hand along a winding trail, Seungcheol turned to you with a smile. “This place is amazing, isn’t it? I’m really glad we came.”
You nodded, feeling the stress of the past weeks start to melt away. “It really is. Thank you for making this happen. It’s exactly what I needed.”
Seungcheol squeezed your hand gently. “I just wanted to remind you that no matter what happens, we have each other. And we can always find moments like this to escape and recharge.”
That evening, as you both sat by the fire, enjoying a simple, homemade dinner, you felt a deep sense of contentment. The challenges you had faced were still there, but they seemed distant now, overshadowed by the warmth and support you shared with Seungcheol.
As the fire crackled and the night grew quieter, Seungcheol pulled you closer, his arm around you. “We’ll face whatever comes our way, but right now, let’s just enjoy this moment. Together.”
You leaned into him, feeling the comfort of his presence. “I couldn’t ask for anything more. Thank you for everything.”
With the peaceful backdrop of the mountains and the love you shared, the getaway became a cherished escape, reminding both of you of the strength and solace you found in each other.
authors note - hello! I just wanted to write a simple and short story of Seungcheol since I have neglecting my other pieces 🫶 thank you!!
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aventoru · 3 months
when you’re stressed and overworking
character(s): jing yuan, blade, dan heng
warning(s) : reader kind of being a workaholic, being stressed from work, reader sacrifices health to meet deadlines, DON'T be like reader
a/n: heyyy everyone sorry for the disappearance, anyways im back now! also fyi this is a repost from my previous blog<3
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he dotes on you constantly, always reminding you to eat and drink whenever you're focusing on work
will even go as far as to take a day off from his duties to stay by your side
encourages you to take power naps with him!!! although those start off as 20-minute naps, they can turn into 2 hour naps real quick;)
you wake up with him staring at you with such a loving, gentle gaze that you can't even get mad at him for not waking you up sooner
sometimes you two even go on "work dates" when you return home from work
he realizes you shouldn't be cooped up at your desk all day so he suggests you both work at a cafe/tea shop instead
you actually get more work done in a new environment and he just ends up staring at you the entire time LOL
once you've finally completed your part of the project, he takes you out on a date where you eat your fav foods, do your fav activities, etc.
if he's feeling like it, might even take you on vacation for several days to relieve stress
of course, he'll always chide you about overworking and being a workaholic at times
but despite what he says, you know he'll always be there to support you in your passions and dreams <3
at first, he doesn't really know how to act because he's always stressed out himself (HELP)
he's never had anyone comfort him when he's stressed so he is hesitant to approach you
usually, when he's stressed, people leave him alone so he leaves you alone too
but eventually he realizes this isn't working because he hasn't seen you for DAYS since you're always in your room working
he decides he could do the bare minimum - check up on you and making sure you're eating, drinking, and sleeping well
eventually gets more comfortable with these acts of service and makes sure to prioritize your health first, always!!!
even if you don't want to, he pulls you away from work and forces you to take care of yourself
when he goes to bed, he’ll try every way he can to pull you into bed with him as well
i feel like he’s a cuddler too, and would make you feel super comforted even when he’s saying nothing
just him hugging you tightly in silence is calming to you as you two fall asleep tgt
he's stern but it's all out of concern for you <333
the most comforting person ever WHAT
he knows exactly what to do considering he's very good at working under pressure
he’s prepared!!! brings you little snacks and refills your water for you
of course, he makes sure you sleep well - better than him at least (unfortunately the members on the express are known for pulling all nighters)
knows other useful methods (the archive!) like meditation or hands you stress balls
omg he’ll totally creating a calming environment for you
sets up your room with things like calming music, water, snacks, comfy chair/cushion, a scent machine + anything else he knows you need
when you're too stressed out, he'll even hold you in his arms as you cry to release your frustration
despite not being the most expressive person, he’s there to listen to your struggles and to give encouragement and comfort as well
once you’re done with the project, he buys you a gift to congratulate you, telling you how proud he is of you
you two will spend a relaxing day together in private - doing spas, bingeing movies, playing games, anything you want
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norman-fucking-reedus · 4 months
“I love that girl”
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gif by @corvidcrossbow
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Vamp!Daryl has rotted not only my brain but the community. I am not sorry at all for the plague I'm spreading and I hope that it only gets worse.
So I've been doing some research on it, and I really like the idea of mixing the Blade universe w TWD, I did some more research on the different types of vampires (its kind of a lot so if you want you can go read abt them here!) To basically summarize, there's people, daywalkers (half vamp-people), walkers, full vampires, and then Revenants (half-walker half vampire, basically just another way to die)
This also makes it easier for whenever Scud becomes my next vampy victim
also I am working on reqs yes I am, I have one scud fic that is dirty and nasty and should be getting posted soon. also I may not be on tumblr as much as I used to be because GUYS I am now employed yes that's right I got off my computer, went outside, interacted with people, and got a job #gangshit
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It had been over a week since Daryl had eaten, and over two since he had left to go out on the community's monthly supply run.
As he stumbled through the opening gates, he felt like he had been through a war. His body was wracked with exhaustion, weakness, and hunger. The air was thick with the strong scent of blood, and he couldn't keep himself from groaning painfully when he was bombarded by Carol and Rick asking where he had been, what had taken so long, and if he was alright.
“No! M’not alright dammit” He barked at them in frustration after being asked for the third time if he was alright, his voice laced with irritation and discomfort. Carol couldn't help but notice his pale and clammy appearance.
Her forehead creased into a frown as she tightly pursed her lips, giving Daryl a scolding look that made him uneasy. With a tone of concern, she asked, "I'm worried. When was the last you fed?"
The man's face twisted in discomfort as Rick and Carol stood in his space. He scoffed and muttered, "Not recently, m'fuckin' starvin'" The longer he stayed, the more his head spun and his vision blurred, causing the corners of his eyes to fade into a deep red color. His stomach churned uncomfortably, and he could feel his teeth starting to ache.
Rick observed Daryl's malnourished skin, staring at how he was almost transparent. His eyes were screwed shut as the sun harshly burned his sensitive orbs, and he was gripping the strap of his crossbow so hard that his fingers were starting to turn red.
"You should go see Y/n," Rick said, eyes fixed on his friend. "She should be back home and she's been asking about you. I think she misses you." Daryl's body tensed at the sound of your name, and a sudden chill ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to rise on his arms. He tried to hide his reaction, but Rick's sharp eyes didn't miss a thing.
Daryl's head drooped weakly as he could only manage a feeble nod. Rick and Carol had stepped off to the side for him, offering their silent support. Carol placed her hand gently on his shoulder, her grey hair falling across her face as she did so. Rick, with his stern expression, gave Daryl a look that he knew meant there was no room for argument.
His senses were already heightened to an extreme level, almost at an overload as the sun was abnormally bright, blazing down on him with a blinding intensity, making it difficult for him to even keep his eyes open. He could feel the heat searing his skin, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead and trickle down his face. He noticed the way that his vest rubbed uncomfortably against him, the fabric clinging to his skin and making him feel sticky and irritable. His already aching teeth began to grind down against each other, and he could feel his razor-sharp fangs digging into the tender skin of his bottom lip, further fueling his pure discomfort.
Each step he took in the direction of your house was tiring and heavy, his dirty, muddy boots slapping against the ground as he dragged himself through the streets, promptly ignoring any strange or judgy looks that were thrown his way. He didn't have the time, let alone the strength to even bother paying them any mind. His stomach churned as his overwhelmed nose couldn't help but pick up the sickeningly sweet smell of blood.
It forced him to quicken his pace, trying to get just as far away from the public eye as he possible could. He didn't want to be looked at, didn't want to be stared at. He just wanted to get inside as soon as fucking possible and just tear off all his goddamn clothes. A ping of hope struck through him when he could see your familiar house only a short distance down the road, having to hold himself back from flat-out sprinting the rest of the way there.
Though it was only about a thirty-second walk, it had been the longest in his whole entire life, and walking up the small steps of your porch was like something out of a nightmare. He could disgustingly feel the material change in flooring when he stepped off the pavement and onto the creaky wood, the sound grating against his now way too-sensitive ears. Dear god, would someone fucking help him already?
Of course, as if on cue, the red front door to your house swung open, but instead of being met with a friendly face, he was met with the barrel of your gun.
"Daryl?" You questioned as you lowered the weapon slightly, a smile stretching across your lips once you had confirmed who was standing and dicking around on your porch. "Daryl!" You fully dropped your defensive position, stuffing the weapon in the band of your pants as you prepared to throw yourself at the man, halting when you finally took in his ruined appearance.
His breathing was labored, and it was hard to keep himself upright on his own two legs, forcing him to lean against the wall by the door. "Hey doll"
You scoffed at him in disbelief, "Don't you dare even "hey doll" me, mister! What the hell happened to you? Get in here right now" Grabbing the front of his vest and pulling his heavy body inside, Daryl groaning as each movement caused pain to his body, slumping against the door when you slammed it shut.
He couldn't be happier when he felt you prying the buttons of his stupidly itchy vest off, him shrugging it off as well as his crossbow, clattering down on the floor and probably chipping the metal further.
"Jesus Daryl, you look fucking terrible. Did you feed on anything at all out there?" You purse your lips as you analyze and checked his unnaturally pale chest, letting out a surprised hiss at the burn lingering on your fingers tips from where you had brushed them against the skin of his shoulder
Daryl groaned as you directed him to sit on the couch, the short steps from the front door already leaving him utterly winded, almost dripping in sweat as he wheezed each breath of air.
“‘Wasn’t much… ‘wasn’t much out there” He spoke breathlessly, head spinning and his stomach loudly churning when you stood in front of him.
When you extended a hand out to cup his face, he tightly gripped your wrist with a shaky hand. “Don’. Please don’” He didn’t want to feed from you, not like this, not in a state where he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t absolutely drain you.
“Daryl” You whispered softly, frowning slightly as you started taking your shirt off, and he wanted to scream at your stubbornness.
You straddled his lap and gently brushed the hair sticking to his forehead off, his blue eyes starting to tint red as the smell of your blood was strong, right in his face. “I don’ wanna”
“I know you don’t sweetheart, but you’ll die. What am I gonna do if you die?” You cupped his face, forcing his gaze onto yours. He whimpered slightly at your touch, his whole body sensitive and reactive.
Daryl shivered when you combed fingers through his hair, hands curling around your hips when you directed his head to your neck. “I trust you, more than I even trust myself” You whispered soothingly into his ear, and he almost wanted to cry.
He could smell the blood coursing through you like it was a burning candle, and his mouth was uncontrollably watering. His fangs were sharp and heavy, aching with the need to sink into your skin, which is exactly what he did, groaning against you at the first drops of blood, not wasting against another second before he was greedily taking mouthfuls.
It was so good, so warm and fresh, sweet and bitter. Daryl had drank lots of blood before, and yours was easily his favorite. He craved it during his time out there, not just because there was a serious lack in wild animals, but because it was addictive.
He squeezed your hips, soft and pillowy in his buzzing palms as he could feel himself starting to get hard in his pants, the more blood he swallowed the more drunk he got.
It made you feel good to watch his natural tan color fade back, his scarred back no longer a ghastly pale. You ran your fingers through his hair, occasionally curling your fingers and gripping the dark locks to grind down against his now-straining cock.
Daryl made soft, small sounds as he fed, each roll of your hips making each gulp of your blood taste so much better. His senses were at an all-time high, overwhelmed and at an absolute edge. He couldn’t help the way his hands pressed you down on his cock, hips desperately jerking against you as he could feel himself getting closer and closer, his head spinning in a blood lust haze.
He was so close, so very fucking close. His sharp claws had made themselves known, and you jolted when they painfully curled into your flesh, hips sputtering and slightly faltering in their movements. Daryl had no problem picking up the slack, almost fucking you right through his pants from how hard he was rutting up into you.
It was just all so much, his whole body on fire with pure arousal as he sighed around a final mouthful of crimson, trembling from his core as his orgasm washed over him, pressing your clothed cunt against him as hard as he could, making his already fuzzy mind draw a complete blank, a loud groan tearing from his throat that caused his fangs to slip out from where he had punctured the skin and drop his head against your shoulder, whimpering softly as he held you down.
You scratched his scalp comfortingly, feeling a little woozy from the amount of blood he had taken. He hummed against you as he started to come down from not only the high of his orgasm but bubbly buzz from his feast.
“Feel better?” You asked in a quiet, sleepy voice when Daryl’s tongue cleaned the drops of blood that had leaked from the small wounds, coating the area in his saliva so that it could heal.
He nodded as peppered you in appreciative and apologetic kisses, pulling you flush against his bare chest by wrapping his arms around your back, claws retracted and replaced with blunt nails. “M’sorry fer hurtin’, ya”
“Instead, you should be sorry for not feeding yourself, mister” You said as you shook your head, pinching his side as you got a bit upset again. “You know it scares me shitless when you do that”
“I know, I know. M’sorry for tha’ too” Daryl grumbled, feeling fatigued as well now that his tummy was full and satiated. His body was still weak and needed rest, now yours did as well considering he had taken a lot more than usual. “I’ll make it up to ya’” He said as he pushed himself up off the couch, grunting as it was a lot harder with tired muscles and one hand keeping his woman wrapped around him, adding a second once he was finally standing.
You giggled at that, arms hooked around his neck. “And just how will you do that?”
“Got a real good idea” Daryl smirked, hoisting you up as he ascended up the stairs to your shared bedroom, hungry for something else that was much better than blood.
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I started writing this a few days ago I think this is the quickest I've written something
Vamp!Daryl is an absolute need. I'm loving every single post I see of him and I love watching the disease spread faster than fucking covid I jump for joy when I see someone I don't even know talking abt him is this what fame feels like is this what its like to be famous am I fucking famous
yes you do want more of this so go read more
Bloodthirsty @dixons-sunshine
Bite me @mydearestdaryl
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uriekukistan · 4 months
In Defense of Shoko in 261
to be so honest, i’m really doing my best not to come off angry while talking about this. but to me this conversation is not just about shoko, but about the way women are treated in media, and especially in shounen manga in general.
people are upset about the way shoko reacted, or rather didn’t react, to yuuta’s plan because it seemed too unemotional and uncaring. if she had shown emotion or protested, people would still be upset because she would be seen as unable to do the necessary thing in a time of crisis due to her feminine emotions or whatever.
this is the dilemma of not just female characters, but real life women. there’s never a right reaction.
additionally i feel that some of the things being said about her are expecting her to only exist as support for gojo, and not as her own character, which i see way too often with female characters in shounen manga.
in any case, i stand by my cancelled wife, and here’s my defense of her. spoilers below the cut.
Since when has Shoko ever been outwardly emotional like that?
if shoko is upset about yuuta using gojo’s body as a weapon, there is just no way she would outwardly object or show any signs that she’s upset. that’s not who she is and she’s shown that. there have been several times where she’s not displayed the emotion one would expect from her, so why would that change now?
when shoko sees geto, one of her closest friends, if not her closest, for the first time after finding out that he massacred an entire village, you would expect her to be feeling a slew of emotions. maybe confusion, maybe anger, maybe hurt, maybe betrayal. maybe even concern for her friend.
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but shoko acts like it’s no big deal at all. she’s just seeing her close friend on a regular day. because she’s not the type to get outwardly emotional. whatever she’s feeling right now is kept somewhere else entirely, far away from the surface.
additionally, in the scene where everyone got frustrated that gojo didn’t react about nanami, we have this from shoko.
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talking about geto. not reacting. guys shoko is just not a reactive person like that, and that’s totally fine. a lot of people are like this (including myself but thats not the point)
but that doesn’t mean the emotions don’t exist, or that shoko has no way of reacting or coping or showing that she’s going through anything at all. one way is through smoking.
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smoking is something shoko picks up again before the shibuya incident, when the entire jujutsu world is growing more stressed with the increased presence of special grades, particularly the disaster curses, the incident at the goodwill event…and at shibuya, the situation was very high stress, yet she keeps a cool demeanour. the only sign that she’s upset at all is that every time she’s shown, she’s smoking.
the only times we’ve seen shoko’s feelings, it’s been completely internal. the most notable being this scene:
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this is the most emotional we’ve ever seen shoko, and if you’ll notice, she’s completely alone.
shoko keeps her feelings well hidden from everyone, so it’d be completely against her character to outwardly show if she was upset by yuuta’s plan.
Since when has Shoko shied away from questionable medical/jujutsu practices?
shoko was eager to dissect yuuji after he “died” like it was some sort of science project and not a human being…please note im saying this as a completely neutral statement, this is not to say whether shoko is a good or bad person, just that she is and how she is.
sure, it’s a bit questionable that she’s looking at a dead teenager on her table and wondering what information she can get out of him, but at the same time, there could be useful information in yuuji’s biology that shows what makes him a successful vessel, at least as far as shoko is aware. useful knowledge that could be used to find another suitable vessel to continue killing sukuna’s power, one finger at a time.
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she even says to gojo “who do you think i am?” when he tells her to make her examination of yuuji worth it, implying that this is a trait that those around her are aware of.
she’s practical and methodical, logically thinking rather than emotionally thinking, but most importantly, she’s not the type to display her feelings.
she’s exactly the type to understand the reasoning behind yuuta’s plan and accept it as a logical last ditch effort, and she’s also the type to store her true feelings about it away to process over a cigarette (or several) at a more convenient time. asking her to do anything else would be asking her to change as a character.
i hope this doesn’t come across as me being unsympathetic to gojo’s dehumanization and being turned into a weapon, i think it’s upsetting for sure (but i respect the narrative choice, i think it’s an interesting way to bring out themes). mostly, i think that shoko, both by the narrative and by the fandom, is only perceived in geto & gojo’s shadow, and i wanted to draw attention to her as a person.
i’m sick of reading the “shoko’s a cold-hearted traitor” comments on different platforms bc i think it’s not true, and i think asking her to act differently removes her autonomy as a character and forces her to be nothing but a supporting role to gojo, rather than her own character.
hopefully this makes some sense dkskld
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biscuitboba · 11 months
Not to be crazy about luffy (and zoro) again, but i actually can't stop thinking about luffy and the way he values the people that he holds dear? I think that the more luffy loves someone, the greater the support and respect he will give to the person's ambition.
Remember how a person's dream or ambition is a very integral part of one piece? Thinking about how luffy is probably the person who respects zoro's dream the most (and ofc vice versa cuz THRILLER BARK!) And i just can't-
With luffy we all know that he doesn't really mind dying if it means he's in the process of fighting for his dream, so with the whole zoro vs mihawk fight, luffy of course can only support (from afar) and watch his first mate fight the fearsome warlord.
No matter how much he worries for zoro's life, he just can't get in the way of zoro's dream. He knows that better than anyone not to get in the way of someone else's dream. And their deal (back in shells town) only strengthens luffy's resolve to let zoro face mihawk and not get in his way.
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Luffy's concern for zoro is very palpable, but despite this, he stops johnny and yosaku from interfering, making sure that no one gets in the way of zoro's fight. That just proves how much luffy respects his first mate's dream. Like you can see that he is cleary frustrated, clenching his jaw, he is doing everything in his power not to approach his first mate and interfere. But after mihawk slashed his first mate, luffy literally lost it, and well... we all know the rest (he had to intervene)
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Im sorry but god, zoro vows to never lose again, him pointing at the sky with his sword as he shouts his words... and of course the iconic moment where for the first time someone calls luffy by his future title, im not normal about it
Also mihawk acknowledging luffy and zoro's compatibility right away will always gets me, cuz honestly dracule mihawk, how???
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Real talk, but what i love about zoro and luffy's relationship is how they acknowledge each other's strength. They always say things like "he is strong, he got this", "there's no way he is going to lose", "he will be fine", "it's him, no need to worry", et cetera... Like they have so much trust in each other's strength, that oftentimes they don't even feel the need to worry about the other person, because they are confident with each other's abilities.
But on the other side, sometimes (by sometimes i actually mean quite a lot) they can't help but to feel worried for each other. Especially when the other person gets hurt or attacked right in front of one of them. The worry intensifies when one of them faces a tough opponent or acts rather recklessly. And i think about that a lot.
Ok so, returning to the discussion in my first paragraph, about how luffy will always respect the ambition/dream of his loved ones. Especially if the person is strong, he will really respect that person's strength. A very clear example for this one is after leaving thriller bark and finding out something is wrong with ace's vivre card. The crew asks luffy about whether he wants to go after his brother or not, luffy replies:
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Like we all know about how much luffy likes to brag about his brother's strength and also how much he loves ace. But exactly because of that.. luffy chose not to go after his brother at that time.
Now, not to make everything about zolu (who am i kidding? I actually will always make everything about zolu), but thinking about the way luffy put his trust in zoro to fight for his own dream in baratie, and the way luffy feels confident enough to fall asleep for a minute during the fight with big mama and kaido... because he trusts that his powerful first mate will be able to take care of himself, but more importantly, luffy trusts his first mate to keep him safe from danger. In this not essay i will-
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joshs-big-toe · 10 months
Hey guys, this request basically gave me free rein to do whatever I want, so please enjoy this toe-curling story I write here. This is going to be a longer one (word count: 4,919) so sit back and enjoy. This is basically pure smut so if you don’t want that, keep scrolling :) (also, Abby is not relevant in this story, so just pretend she is staying the week at a friend’s house if that’s something you're concerned about I guess lol)
Cw: heavy smut, dom! Mike, sub fem! Reader, deprivation, edging, jealous mike, possessive mike, sweet mike, dirty talk, HELLA EDGING, slight degradation, slight praise, mentions of CONSENTUAL somnophelia, slight fluff toward the end
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Mike Schmidt, your boyfriend, supported your acting career with his entire being. Actuality, he was damn proud of you. No matter the role, he was on board, flooding you with support and affirmations. However, you had just gotten a role, your dream role, in this Blumhouse film, starring alongside an actor you loved: Evan Peters. You have loved Evan Peters since you saw him in Kick-Ass. When you got your script, you read through it. The storyline was amazing, but there was a lot of sex between you and Evan’s character. For the first time, you didn’t want to tell Mike about a role. You knew Mike more than likely would support your decision to take on this role, but nervousness filled you. Before you told Mike, you decided you wanted to think about it, hiding your script under your bed. Soon enough, the thought of the script slipped your mind and you moved on with your day. The day consisted of a tabling, meeting Evan for the first time, and getting to know the cast and directors better. It was almost time for Mike to go to work when you finally got home. You sighed, putting your bag on the table by the door after closing it behind you. “Mike, love, I’m home.” Silence. You were confused, his shift at the Pizzaria didn’t start until midnight. It was only 11:00 pm. “Mike?” You strolled past the living room into your room, seeing Mike on the floor, holding your script.
He looked up at you, a mix of sadness and anger filling his eyes. “What is this, y/n?” You were speechless, mouth hanging open slightly.
Your mouth opened slightly, trying to come up with what to say. “Mike, um, it's just-“
He cut you off. “When were you going to tell me about this? Clearly, you’ve had this for a couple of days now.” His voice was monotone, showing clear frustration.
“I was going to tell you,” you mumbled.
“Why didn’t you?” He set the script down on the ground.
“I was nervous, Mike. I didn’t want you to get upset.”
“I wouldn’t have been upset if you would’ve just told me. Now I just feel like you lied to me, y/n.” He flipped the pages. “And of course Evan Peters. Really?” I nodded, feeling guilty for not telling him. Now keep in mind, Mike was never rude or controlling when it came to you, he just was extremely attached. He typically wouldn’t mind sex scenes, but he knew about your love for Evan, and immediately he was filled with jealousy.
“It's not real sex, Mike.” You said, hiding the redness that filled your face. He put his face in his hands, groaning.
“That’s not the point, y/n. The point is, you felt the need to hide this shit from me.” He looked down at his watch. “I have to go to work, this,” he holds up the script, “is coming with me.” He stood up, loading his pockets with his essentials and then grabbing highlighters, note tabs, and sticky notes from your desk drawer. Without a word, he kissed your cheek and left your room. His skin was hot against yours, making your body shudder. You stood there, unsure of how to even react. You heard the door shutting and the lock click as Mike left. You knew you were fucked, that you'd be in the doghouse tomorrow. Why did he want my script, you thought to yourself. You began to overthink the whole situation, making it difficult for you to fall asleep. You lay on your bed, tossing and turning. You texted Mike, no answer. You had no idea how long it had been before you heard your phone ding. It was Mike.
Mike: I hate how you kept that from me, not only is it one scene, but three? Multiple make-out scenes. Nobody else but me should be fucking touching you like that. All I can imagine is that angry sex scene, fuck y/n people are going to see you, hear you make the sounds only I can hear.
You read the text over and over again, slightly turned on by the jealousy but guilt-ridden. You knew you should’ve just told him. After a few seconds, your phone let out a ding again. You look down, seeing a video. You clicked on it, blackness filling the screen at first. You heard soft grunts and whimpers coming from the other side. Eventually, an image came into view making your hand fly to your mouth. The video consisted of him fucking his hand in the bathroom, rubbing his dick in a rough manner. You couldn’t make out what he was saying except for an exasperated ‘Is this what you fucking wanted?’  You felt an immediate heat pooling between your legs at the sight, at his moans and whimpers and unintelligible grumbles across the screen. Your body buzzed, you had never seen anything hotter in your life. Fuck. You knew this was the start of something you didn’t know if you were worried about or extremely excited about. He continued to write messages to you throughout the night. ‘I know you’re ready to take me. You’re such a naughty girl. You’re going to listen to me like the slut you are.’ You knew you weren’t going to sleep tonight, so you decided to go to your desk and work on some of the scoring work for the movie. Your mind is so stuck on the video, that you didn’t notice Mike walking into the house before he dropped the script onto your keyboard. He is home early. He kissed your neck, running his mouth down it before whispering, “I’m gonna show you, think about what you’ve done,” before mumbling something about a shower and disappearing again.
Looking back down at the script, you saw that it was annotated. Sticky tabs marking certain pages, as well as color-coordinated highlighted marks. You flicked through the script, realizing it was every single bit of dirty dialogue, make-out, and sex scene. On the back page, you noticed a sticky note that decoded his highlights. There was a yellow highlight mark, an orange highlight mark, and a pink highlight mark. The yellow one read ‘tonight’, the orange one read ‘tomorrow’, and the pink one read ‘day after tomorrow’. Fuck.
The First Night
Mike came out of the shower, only boxers covering him. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, drops of water slid down his chest. You stared at him, a deep red covering your cheeks. “Did you think about it?” You nodded, barely visible.
“Yes, Mike, I am so sorry I didn’t-“ He cut you off with a ‘tsk’ and shook his head.
“You need to learn your lines, don’t you? Knees, now.” This wasn’t him asking, you knew he was serious. He grabbed the script on his way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. You comply to his demand, getting on your knees and facing him. He handed you the script, repeating, “You need to learn your lines. So read them. The ones highlighted in yellow. His jaw was set, eyes an impossible shade darker. You took the script from him, scanning the pages for the yellow highlights. All dirty talk. The only thing highlighted for tonight was dirty talk. You were fucked. You let out a shaky sigh, beginning to read the lines aloud.
“P-please baby,” you began reading. He reached down, grabbing your jaw to make him look up at you.
“The only way you’ll learn is if you do it right, no stuttering. Again.” You could see the hardness in his boxers. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart,” he mumbled as he slipped them off, grabbing his length. You cleared your throat, embarrassed.
“Please, baby I need you,” you started again, your tone was shaky. He stroked his cock slowly, shaking his head.
He stopped, mumbling a curse word. “You’re supposed to be begging, y/n,” he teased. “I thought you already read the script. Probably touched yourself while reading it too, huh? Again.” Your face was impossibly redder. You watched his hand run over the tip of his dick, squeezing it before pumping it faster. He let out a quiet groan, letting his head lull back slightly. You glanced back down at your script.
“I-I’m sorry, Mike, I-“
“If you make any noises or movements other than your lines, you’re starting over again. Now read it, y/n.” You nodded again.
“Please, baby,” you began, making your tone more whiny, needy. “Please, I need you. I need to feel you inside me. Please f-fuck me,” you stuttered out the words. A moan escaped his mouth, his mouth open slightly as he kept his gaze on you. You wanted him so fucking bad. Instinctively, you reached up to touch him. With his free hand, he slapped yours away.
“If you fucking touch me,” he paused his movements, letting out a shaky breath. “If you fucking touch me, I'll make you start over again.” He started up again. You could see his body shaking, telling you that he was close.
“Please,” you begged, it sounding more sincere than before. You started to reach down to touch yourself, trying to ease the aching in your core. He grabbed my jaw again, making me look up at him.
“Did I say you could touch yourself? As far as I know, I didn’t give you fucking permission. Again.” Once again, you relayed your line to him, not breaking eye contact, finishing them perfectly.  You watched him, a loud moan echoing your room. “F-fuck,” he groaned out, letting out whimpers as he came, beads landing on your face and script, causing the letters and highlighter to bleed. He laid back on the bed for a moment, his dick still tightly gripped in his hand, chest heaving. Finally, sitting up, he pulled up his boxers and found a shirt to wipe his hand off with, tossing it back to you. “Good girl,” he mumbled. “Now get cleaned up.” With that, he kissed your forehead and got into bed, turning to face away from you. You continued to look at him, watching him breathe from under the covers. Looking back down at your script, I realize that you needed a new one now. You grabbed the shirt that Mike had thrown at you, wiping your face clean, and getting into bed. You turned toward him, he refused to look at you. You groaned, turning onto your side. You weren’t going to let him win this little game he decided to play with you. Throughout the night, Mike periodically woke you up, rubbing his hand along your heat, and kissing your neck. By the third time, it was 5 am you were fed up, grabbing his hand and putting it back. “Im not sure you’ve learned your lesson, y/n. So, no.” He rolled over on his side, falling asleep again. You groaned, willing yourself to go back to sleep. This was going to be a long few days.
The Second Night
Today consisted of a few more table readings, as well as a couple of preemptive press interviews to promote your movie. By the time you got home, it was 7 pm. You walked into your room, seeing Mike on his phone, barely glancing at you before going back to his phone. Seeing as your day was rough, you decided today was the day to officially apologize to him. You drop your stuff to the floor and make your way over to the bed. You sit on the edge, looking toward him. “Hey Mikey,” you start. He set his phone, sitting up to face you. “I um,” his eyes meet yours. You were unable to read him this time. “I think we should talk,” you mumble, refusing to look away from his eyes. He grabbed your neck, not too hard but hard enough to hurt you. His lips connected to yours, kissing you with a force that sent you spiraling. Your mouth gaped, allowing him to shove his tongue in your mouth, making you moan as your tongues danced. Without breaking the kiss, he got up, shoving you down on the bed. He finally broke the kiss and walked over to your desk, grabbing the script and tossing it at you.
“In the orange. Tell me what happens next.” You look at him, your eyes wide. You pick up the script, flicking through the pages until you reached the orange. “Out loud, sweetheart.”
“In this scene,” you pause, allowing yourself to read before you spoke. “Evan’s character and I um, he and I are supposed to make out while he…” You pause, not wanting to say it.
“He is fingering me while we ma- while we kiss.”
“Wrong. Try again.” He gave off a devilish grin.
“While w-we make out, Mike.” You whisper.
“That’s my girl,” he mumbled as he made his way over to you, immediately attacking your neck and working at your jeans, sliding them off of you. You gasp, immediately grabbing onto his hair. You could feel yourself getting wet under his touch, aching for any sort of friction. You push your hips up against him. “Hands to yourself, love,” he growled against your neck. He grabs the script, shoving it into my hand. “Read it, tell me what it says.” His breath tickled my neck, sending chills down my spine.
“It- look I-“ You are unable to get the words out as his lips latch onto yours. He kisses you like he’s starving, taking you in as much as he can.
“Come on, sweetheart, read your little script. Memorize it. Know every noise, every movement you're supposed to make. And if you forget,” he pauses, twisting a finger around your panties, pulling them aside. “I’ll make you remember.” He grumbles, connecting his lips against yours again, sliding a finger inside you. He moves in and out impossibly slow, making you groan. His tongue runs along the seam of your lips, letting himself in as your tongues danced together aggressively. You moan onto his mouth, prompting him to quicken his movements. He was holding you against him as he inserted another finger, curling them upward, hitting that special spot that made pleasure jolt through your body. Your head lolled back, a moan escaping your lips.
“F-fuck, Mike,” you whine.
“You're so fucking wet, baby. Fuck look at you, helpless under me.” He whispered. You allowed your eyes to close. He grabbed your jaw with his free hand, very gently. Your eyes opened, his eyes were full of lust. “Oh no, you're going to look at me as I show you the effect I have on you.” His lips connected to your collarbone, sucking on it until a purple mark appeared. His fingers kept hooking up into you, and you could feel the heat building up in your belly. You buck your hips forward as he whispers, “You really think you get to cum tonight? Not until you’ve learned your lesson.” Right before you were granted a release, he pulled his fingers out, standing upright and looking at you. You were a mess before him: face red and eyes glazed over. He sticks his fingers in his mouth, licking your arousal off of them. You lost.
“Oh god please Mike, please no I promise I won’t do it again Mike please I miss you I need you so bad-“ You rambled on, looking at him with puppy dog eyes, eyebrows strewn together. Instead, he chuckles and crosses his arms.
“You haven’t learned anything, so you don’t get me, nor do you get to finish. Understand?” You whined, laying back on the bed, covering your face. Your body ached for him, you wanted to feel him inside you again. He leaned over you, planting a soft kiss on your temple. He moved to your ear and whispered, “And y/n? If you even try to make yourself cum, you’ll regret it, trust me.” He kissed your cheek again before getting off of you and heading to the bathroom to take another shower. You groaned, rubbing your legs together trying to give yourself any kind of friction. As he was showering, you devised a plan. You could try and ride his thigh when he gets back to bed. Yeah, that should work. You laid in bed, and after about 30 minutes he finally returned, climbing in bed next to you. You smiled, rolling over and straddling his thigh, kissing his face. You slowly started to grind your hips against him, but he grabbed your hips before you could derive any sort of pleasure. “You don’t think I know what you’re doing, love?” You decided to play dumb.  
“What do you mean, Mike? I’m just kissing you.” Who were you kidding, you weren’t even convincing yourself.
“As good as you look doing that,” he paused, studying your face and biting his lower lip. “And as badly as I want you to continue, you won’t. Like I said earlier. No lesson learned.” In a swift movement, he hoisted your leg off of him. You were extremely embarrassed. He got what he wanted from you: You begged. Eventually, you were able to will yourself to sleep.
You woke up with a sensation on your thigh. “Mike?” You mumble in your sleepy state. There was no response, his arms were wrapped around your thighs as he trailed kisses down to your core. He pressed a kiss against your aching clit through your panties, causing you to groan out. Your hands found his hair, grabbing a fistful of it.
“You’re intoxicating, y/n,” he grumbled against you. He slid your panties to the side, running his tongue along your slit until he reached your clit. “Fuck,” he breathed out against you before sucking on you, causing your body to jolt. You were extremely sensitive, but god it felt so good. “God you make me so fucking hard,” he groaned, grinding against the bed.
“P-please mike,” you moaned out. “Please, I n-need to come.” You threw your head back in frustration as he pulled away, leaving a small kiss on your thigh before crawling back up next to you.
“Not yet,” he grinned before turning over and falling back asleep. You were on the verge of tears at this point. You were so fucking horny but you were afraid to do anything, you didn’t want to prolong the punishment longer than it was planned to be. Finally, after what felt like agonizing hours of laying and staring at the ceiling, you were able to finally fall asleep.
The Final Night
The next morning, you woke up to Mike on his phone. He looked over at you, an innocent smile on his lips. “Good morning,” he said cheerfully. You were buzzing, your body craving some sort of release. You needed Mike. You were tired of whatever he was playing at. You just wanted to feel him, you craved the feeling of him inside you. He shifted his body to where he was on top of you. You felt his hard cock pressing into your lower belly. “Do you remember your lines we went over?” He ran his hands under your shirt, grabbing at your tits, causing a pleasure-filled sigh to escape your lips.
“I do,” you lied, trying to get him to finally fuck you.
“Good girl, I'm glad you remember.” He leaned down, kissing your neck. “Let's see if you still remember after I fuck the words out of your pretty little mouth.” He was quoting the script. Your mouth falls open slightly as you watch him remove his boxers, his dick springing free. He gave you a look, as if asking if it was okay. You give a soft nod.
“Please, M-Mike, I’m desperate,” You beg. He smiles, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
“You don’t get to look at me, understand?” He asked, slipping his shirt off and putting it over your eyes. “Only I get to look at you, looking at me would bring you too much pleasure.”
“Please mike, just fuck me please,” you groan. Without a word, you feel his cock slide into you. You throw your head back, gripping at the bedsheets and moaning. You hear soft groans and whimpers coming from Mike, making you impossibly hornier. He’s attacking your neck as he's thrusting into you with no mercy, “F-fuck mike please!” You cry out.
“Now’s your time, say you’re fucking mine, y/n.” You weren’t able to get the words out. You feel his thumb circle your clit as he continues ruthlessly thrusting. The familiar heat is building up in you, making you throw out a string of incoherent pleas and whines. You grab onto his arms, praying he’s going to let you cum. “Looks like I’m fucking the words right out of your mouth, huh? That’s such a shame,” he said, taking deep breaths in between his words. With that, he pulls out of you, moving his thumb off your clit. He removes the shirt off your face and looks down at you, seeing tears forming in your eyes. You groan, silently begging him to let you have your release. He wipes the tears from your eyes before giving you a soft kiss. He puts his boxers back on, getting off the bed and making his way out of the room, you presume to the bathroom to ‘finish himself off.’
“Mike p-please,” you whine. “I don’t want to wait any longer p-please,” He only shakes his head in response.
“Look at your script, love. Patience is key.” He walked out of the room, leaving you aching for him. You got up, stumbling over to your desk and picking up the script. You scanned over the highlighted parts. He is recreating this almost identically, you think to yourself. You look over the pink highlights, blushing at what you have coming for you tonight. Thank god you have nothing to do today.
Your legs were buzzing and your skin was on fire. Mike called out of work tonight, making you hopeful. You weren’t sure where he was though. You were laying on your bed, reading a book when he came in, panting. You looked up at him. “H-hey Mikey,” you say sheepishly. “Where have you been?”
“I was on a run,” he walked over to you, picking you up and attacking your lips with his in an aggressive kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist as he picked you up. “Enough is enough,” he grumbled, pushing you up against the wall. His tongue pushes past your lips, you greedily taking him in as he roughly kisses you. As he uses the wall as leverage, he manages to peel your shirt off, grabbing at your tits as he is kissing and sucking on your neck. You lean your head back against the wall, letting your mouth fall open, small moans escaping. “You’re so fucking needy, you need this soooo fucking bad don’t you?” He teased you in between kisses. You were useless, seeing stars as he groped your tits. He’s basically eating you, lips traveling from your jaw, to your neck, to your collarbone, gingerly leaving kisses on the marks he gave you the previous night. His hand reaches between the two of you, pushing up against your core, rubbing you through your clothed cunt. You’re a mess at this point, your body reacting exactly the way he wanted it to. “Greedy, greedy, greedy,” he grumbled. You are nearly at your breaking point, that heat building up inside you once again.
“M-Mikey please, please just this once please I need-“  Those words cause him to speed up. You moan, feeling yourself come undone in his arms.
“Oh baby no, I’m going to make you cum however many times I want to make you cum,” he groans.
“Oh f-fuck, Mike!” You cry out. Your body tenses as you finally get your release. You grab onto mike, clawing at his back as you ride out your orgasm, moans and whimpers escaping you. Immediately, he brings you over to the bed, laying you down gently with your ass hanging over the edge. He strips you, immediately attacking your entrance with his tongue. You grab his hair, your hips bucking up onto him. “M-mike yo- this is too much, i-im so fucking sensitive I-“
“Its enough when Ive had enough,” he mumbles against you. His tongue runs over your folds, flicking against your clit periodically. He pushes your legs apart as far as they could go, spreading you open as he tongue-fucked you. You feel your orgasm building again, causing you to pull back slightly. It was almost too much for you to handle. Mike pulls you against him again. You whine and squirm under his touch, your vision hazy with pleasure. “if you don’t fucking be still Im going to extend your punishment, and I don’t believe you want that, do you, you pathetic mess.” Mike goes at it again. You tug his hair, making him whimper into you. His tongue flicks over your clit a couple more time before you finally tip over the edge, coming on his face. Your back arched as you rode out your orgasm, him planting soft kisses and nips on your inner thigh. Your body ached, but it felt so fucking good. Mike pushed you further up the bed, taking off his sweatpants and boxers, revealing his cock, twitching in anticipation. He gets on top of you, planting sloppy lazy kisses all over you before kissing you, sliding his tongue in your mouth. You immediately tasted yourself on his tongue. “Bet you can fucking taste what I do to you. Yeah? You understand you’re fucking mine right? Those pretty noises? Mine. Those pretty faces you make? Mine. The obscene words you say when you’re close? ONLY mine. No one else’s” You nodded your head quickly. “Use your fucking words, love. Put that pretty mouth of yours to use.”
“I-I’m yours, mike,” you moan through kisses. You continue to repeat those words when you feel him push his cock into you spreading you open, making you gasp. Fucking, finally.
“Fucking right you are,” he growls before attacking his lips to yours again. He grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head. He thrust in and out of you at a sloppy yet quick pace, the sound of skin slapping and moans filling the room. Mike was letting out small whimpers here and there, struggling to speak. “What did you learn y/n? What did you learn from this experience, hmm? That’s you’re a slut for me? How you make me fucking horny by you just looking at me? How I want to fuck you so hard that the only word you can say is MY name?? Tell me my love, what did you learn?”
You start babbling “I- I learned never to keep things from you, fuck, H-how no amount of fake sex on the screen will change the fact that we fit perfectly together. How- holy shit M-Mike,” he didn’t let up. He was pounding into you. You were unfolding again. “how you know me so well. How you love me so well. How I’ll never lie about anything ever again. How I’m only yours. Only, y-yours, Mike.”
“Good girl. Goooood fucking girl” he said as he started peppering kisses all over your face. “My sweet girl. You’re so perfect, fuck. I want to breathe you in always.” He slowed his pace down, becoming more gentle. “I want you to feel safe to tell me things, fuck-“ He’s a groaning mess. In fact you were both a fucking mess. “I fucking love you so much.” You felt him twitch inside you, his eyes screwing shut. You felt it too, and finally, you spilled, clenching around him, moaning out his name. You felt him cum inside you as he tried to stifle his whimpers. You two stayed there for a moment, catching your breath. You wrap your arms around him in a bear hug, holding onto him tightly. He chuckles, kissing your cheek. “You did so well, you took me so well. You were so patient, you’re so fucking good,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours. He rolls off of you, taking off his shirt to clean you and him up. He pulled you against him when he was done, wrapping you up in his arms. You buried your head in his chest. He rubs your back, making random shapes against your skin.
“Mike I’m really sorry. I never should have done that. I got in my own head and got worried. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He hugs you tighter.
“Love, I forgave you after night one. I just wanted to have some fun. See how you could come undone under me. It was fucking mesmerizing. Fucking beautiful.” He paused for a moment. “Y/n, you’re going to do so good in that movie. You always do. I can’t wait to see it.” Mike kisses your shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, love. You never fail to amaze me with what you can do. Whether it’s school, your thousands of movie jobs, or how you take me…you always do amazing.” You smile against his chest.
“I love you, Mike.”
“I love you too, more than anything.” His words were sluggish. “Sleep?” You nodded, already drifting off. “Goodnight, my love.” You hum a response into his chest before fading into a, finally, peaceful sleep.
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If yall made it to the end, thanks for reading, I appreciate your support for my page. You guys are literally amazing! Please forgive me for any typos, it is in fact 6AM lmao. Anyways, thanks again if you made it to the end!
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littledollll · 2 years
Can I please request a Larissa x English teacher reader. R has mental health issues and had a habit of isolating themselves when it gets bad but because of having Larissa they haven't done this in a few yea
R ends up having a really bad week (they overheard students or teachers making fun of them/their teaching) because of this they end up isolating for a few weeks causing people to be really concerned.
Larissa eventually finds r hiding in a fort they made in an abandoned part of the school with a pile of books they've been using to escape their thoughts.
Ends with Larissa comforting r while they explain what's been happening with them and Larissa tells them how perfect they are and that they are valuable and that she loves them?
Comfort crowd
Larissa weems x teacher!reader
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A/n: Im so sorry this took so long, writers block is kicking my ass recently Omg. I kinda like this though and I hope you do too! Thank you for your request.
Warnings: self isolation, students being little shits (but they love u) idk what else.
Mental health had always been an issue for you, something you’ve learned to handle over the years but Larissa had never seen you like this. One of the many reasons you fell inlove with her was because of how she made all your problems feel so much lighter, you felt safe and understood by her and she was always more than happy to help and support you through anything.
Lately it’s been getting worse. The pressure around you was too much and the new batch of students this year really did a number on you. They were impossible to deal with, and you’ve overheard them openly complain about you and your class. It’s never unusual for students to complain but never had it felt so personal, they were directly criticizing the class.
At first you ignored it, you kept showing and doing your classes but the more tired you seemed the more they decided to misbehave and make class impossible. It felt like they were directly trying to upset you, round of applause for them because it worked. One day you just stopped showing up.
At first the students were happy, who doesn’t love a free hour? But as the days passed they started getting concerned, they never really hated you all that much, but it was fun to mess around and not get work done, and maybe have a laugh whenever you were visibly frustrated. After a week of not hearing from you they came to Larissa about it.
She mentioned she was already aware and currently searching for you since you stopped meeting with her for your usually lunches together and date nights.
It wasn’t long before she found you, hidden away in the old and abandoned music room, the lights worked but barely. You had a comfortable little spot set up, books everywhere, a kind of fort sent up with the chairs in the room effectively hiding you from anyone who didn’t look too close. There wasn’t much around you but it was clear this is where you had been for the past week.
Larissa didn’t want to disturb the peace you had created for yourself, but she was concerned never had she seen you run away, much less completely disappear. Yes sometimes you’d take days off and keep the rest of the world out but back then you still let her in, so what happened that caused you to shut her out too?
Her hand raised and she knocked on one of the chairs announcing her presence, snapping you out of your concentration as you sat on the floor reading one of the many books with you.
“You’ve built yourself quite the hideaway.” Larissa was first to speak, you were met with that trademark beautiful and comforting smile only she seemed seemed to have. Nodding, you have her a sad smile back, though in your eyes she saw relief at the sight of her.
She looked to the space next to you, silently asking to be let in to your little comfort bubble, again you nodded, and as soon as she sat down her hands cupped your face, trying to get a good look at you, you hummed, leaning into the warmth of your touch.
“What happened, my love?” The dreaded question. How could you tell her the job and kids she loved so much were eating away at you. Draining you until you simply couldn’t show face. “The students were asking about you, some made their way to your room trying to check up on you as well.”
“They sure didn’t act like they cared how I was when I was present, they don’t care for the class and certainly don’t respect me, I hate to admit how much it got to me.” You sounded bitter, but more than that just hurt. She only pulled her hands away from you to wrap you in a hug, which you happily sank into, God you missed her.
“Why didn’t you tell me if they were acting up?” you sighed and hid into her chest. “What kind of teacher can’t get their room in control so bad they need to call in the principal.”
“Oh many, most of them really! If they aren’t rude and tough from the get-go the students will drive them insane. You are not the first and will not be the last. But they have no real intent to hurt you, I promise you that. I can’t tell you the amount of students who started asking about you on day two of your secret hideaway.”
You looked at her questioningly. Was she being serious? She gave you a nod and continued. “They trust you. They talk to and about you like you’re a friend, sometimes that causes issues, there’s a line that they cross alot. And when you act like more of a teacher than their friend it makes them upset. They’ll get used to it, and we will talk to them.”
“Riss, they make me feel like any attempt I do at doing my job is horrible. How come no other teachers have this problem if it’s so common?” You countered with a sigh.
“Some of them are, some of them did and their solution was to cut being friendly and start being overly strict, and with that you get the issue of being the class after the strict teacher. They get to talk more, have a little more freedom and it makes them lose control.”
You do remember hearing them complain about how the biology teacher would take away points, quote “any time we breathe too loud”. You always thought teachers like that were horrible.
“You are doing nothing wrong, my love. They need to learn control and respect and we will work on that together. You are an extremely valuable member of this school, to staff, to your students and most of all to me. You don’t need to hide from me darling, I’m here to help, support and love you. Allow me to do so.”
And just like that Larissa Weems yet again, made all your problems feel lighter. You didn’t have to handle anything alone, not as long as she was here.
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positivelyholland · 1 year
Hey sunshine, it’s meeeeee!
So could you write something with Chris x daughter reader when she’s not having the best past couple of weeks because her brain just won’t let her communicate what she wants to (her brain just isn’t braining) and chris knows when she gets like this her anxiety is though the roof because she can’t explain anything it’s almost like her mind is just detached from herself it makes her panic badly. So it’s a lot of comfort, bluey and communication strategies because he knows it’s hard for her, so he gets scott to take her out because she’s hasn’t been out the house in a hot minute just to get her some fresh air and some of her comfort foods like apple sauce because it slaps. They just have a fun and slow couple of days until her brain finally decides it wants brain again, even if it’s as slow and spending a day in chris’ bed with bluey or going on a walk with Scott and dodger. Just comfort and to be able to slow down that’s all she needed
pairing: chris evans x daughter!reader
genre: comfort & fluff
summary: when school gets to be too much, you're dad comes and saves the day
warnings: being overwhelmed
A/N: im so sorry that it took me long to respond to this, my dear! hopefully the wait was worth it and this can be all that you wanted it to be
You sit at your desk, surrounded by what felt like a mountain of books, papers, assignments, and so on. School has become extra overwhelming lately, and you're struggling to keep up.
You had been working on your homework for hours at this point, and you were just about to reach your tipping point.
That tipping point came sooner than you thought as you finished what you assumed to be your millionth essay of the day, just to realize that you didn't save your progress.
That's when the tears started falling.
Just before you about ruined your art homework by crying, you head a gentle knock on your bedroom door. You sniffle, hastily wiping away your tears, and call out, "Come in."
The door creaks open, and you see your dad, standing there with a sympathetic smile. His presence alone is enough to provide some solace. You've always admired him—his kindness, his strength, and his unwavering support.
"Hey, kiddo," Chris says, stepping into the room. "I noticed you've been pretty stressed lately... and now you're crying so I'm a little concerned, mind if I come in and talk?"
You shake your head, and he walks over to your desk, taking a seat beside you. His comforting presence feels like a warm shield against the stress that surrounds you.
"What's been going on, y/n?" Chris asks, concern evident in his voice.
You take a deep breath and pour your heart out, sharing your struggles, fears, and frustrations. You talk about the constant pressure to excel, the feeling of never being good enough, and the anxiety that has been building up within you.
Chris listens intently, his eyes filled with empathy. When you finish, he places a hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"You know, you're doing a really good job, but i understand that it can be hard to do a good job sometimes" he says, his voice soothing. "But it's important to remember that you're not alone in this. We'll find a way to make it through together."
A glimmer of hope flickers in your eyes as you absorb his words. Your dad, understands your struggles and is determined to help you overcome them. Inspired by his unwavering support, you wipe away the remaining tears and give him a small nod.
"Alright, then," Chris says with a mischievous smile. "Enough of the studying for today. It's time for a break."
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden shift in tone. "What do you have in mind?"
He stands up and extends a hand toward you. "How about we go on an adventure? We'll leave the books behind for a while and focus on having fun."
You hesitate for a moment, but the idea of spending time with your dad, escaping the suffocating stress, is too tempting to resist. And besides, you don't get chances to spend an entire day having fun with your dad instead of doing homework.
You reach out, your hand slipping into his, and he pulls you to your feet.
Chris leads you downstairs, and soon, the two of you are stepping out into the sunshine, Dodger's leash in hand. As the three of you walk together, he fills the air with his infectious laughter, making your worries melt away.
First, he takes you to a local park. You swing on the swings, feeling weightless as the wind rushes through your hair. He pushes you higher and higher, shouting encouragement and laughing alongside you.
Doing all this just like you did when you were a little girl. You finished at the park with a game of fetch with Dodger.
Next, you head to the arcade, where Chris challenges you to a series of friendly competitions. You cheer each other on, while both of you still want to be the winner.
As the two of you celebrate victories and laugh off defeats, all the stress and worry seem like distant memories.
When you're both worn out from games, Chris suggests grabbing ice cream. You eagerly agree, savoring each spoonful as you stroll through the city streets, talking about anything and everything. Chris listens intently, offering advice and sharing stories of his own struggles.
"Remember, kiddo," Chris whispers, his voice soft and comforting. "Life can get tough, but it's the moments like these that make it all worthwhile. You're strong, resilient, and capable of great things. Don't let the challenges define you."
His words resonate deep within your heart, filling you with newfound determination. With Chris by your side, you realize that you can face anything that comes your way.
After a good nights sleep, the next morning you settle back at your desk, ready to tackle your mountain fo work with a renewed sense of purpose. Armed with the love and support of your dad, you know you can do anything.
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greatpestilenz · 1 year
Warm Waters - Dabi x Reader Smut
-Also i loooooooove sweet pillow talks. Something about a character pouring their heart out for you after something so intense just makes my kneeeeeees buckleee
   As you hear the sound of the front door creak open, you know it's Dabi returning from a grueling day at work. Your heart flutters with anticipation as you rush to meet him, but he's so utterly exhausted that he barely acknowledges your presence. Instead, he wearily kicks off his boots and trudges towards the couch, hoping to find a moment of respite. Unable to bear seeing him so drained, you quietly trail behind, your concern for him growing with each step. You hesitate for a brief moment before speaking up to greet him.
   "Welcome home, babe." You wearily call out.
   Dabi glanced over at you, his tired eyes softening slightly at the sound of your voice. He didn't respond verbally, but a small nod and a faint smile let you know that your presence was appreciated. He patted the spot on the couch next to him, a silent invitation for you to join him.
   You hesitate for a brief moment before gently sitting beside him, your presence a silent show of support, understanding, and unspoken love, ready to be there for him in any way he needs, even if it means just being a comforting presence by his side. "Everything okay?" You ask softly.
   Dabi leaned back against the couch, propping one arm on the backrest as he closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "It's been a long day," he replied in a tired voice. "Dealing with heroes can really get on your nerves. But being here with you, it makes things better." He opened his eyes to give you a tired but genuine smile.
   "That's good. Do you need anything? Have you had dinner? Would you like a bath?"    Dabi's tired eyes flickered with gratitude as he looked at you. He appreciated your concern and it made him feel cared for. "I haven't eaten yet," he admitted, realizing that he had neglected his own needs in the midst of his frustration. "I could use something to eat, and a bath sounds nice too. But let's start with dinner first." His stomach growled audibly, reminding him of how hungry he was.
   "I'll get started on it."
   Dabi nodded appreciatively as he watched you get up and head towards the kitchen. He leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes once again, feeling slightly more relaxed knowing that you were taking care of him. He could hear the sound of pots and pans clattering in the kitchen, and the aroma of food cooking soon filled the air, making his stomach rumble even louder.
   Once dinner was served, you called him over as you set plates down on the dining table. "I made your favourite."
   Dabi's eyes snapped open at the mention of his favourite meal. He slowly sat up, his fatigue momentarily forgotten as he made his way to the dining table. The aroma of his favourite dish filled his nostrils, causing his mouth to water in anticipation. He looked at you with a grateful smile as he took a seat at the table. "You always know how to take care of me," he murmured, genuinely touched by your gesture.
   "Let's eat?"
   Dabi nodded eagerly, his exhaustion fading as he focused on the delicious meal before him. He picked up his utensils and dug in, savouring every bite of his favourite dish. The flavours exploded in his mouth, and his weariness started to melt away as he indulged in the comforting taste. "Mmm, this is amazing," he complimented between mouthfuls, his appreciation evident in his tone. He ate with a satisfied expression, enjoying the food and your presence by his side.
  "That's good. I'm glad." You smiled.
   Dabi glanced up from his plate, meeting your smile with his own. There was a warmth in his eyes as he looked at you, taking in your presence and the care you were showing him. "Thank you," he replied softly, his voice laced with genuine gratitude. "It's moments like these that make everything a little easier to bear." He reached across the table, gently taking your hand in his, giving it a grateful squeeze.
   After dinner, you get up to do the dishes but Dabi stops you. He mentions doing it himself but you tell him he's tired and needs to rest.
      Dabi initially opened his mouth to protest, his ingrained sense of independence urging him to take care of the dishes himself. But as he looked into your eyes, he saw the concern and care behind your words. He knew deep down that you were right, that he needed to rest and recover from the exhausting day he had. Reluctantly, he nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, you win this time," he conceded, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and amusement. "I'll leave the dishes to you, but promise me you'll take it easy too, okay?"
   "Okay. I'll run you a bath in a bit," You say as you push him out of the kitchen.
   Dabi's tired expression softened as he heard your words. He appreciated your thoughtfulness and consideration, knowing that a bath would help him relax and unwind. "Thank you," he replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I'll wait for you." He leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes momentarily as he let the anticipation of a warm bath wash over him.
   After diligently washing the dishes, you go up to your shared bedroom and run his bath in your bathroom.
   Dabi's tired eyes followed you with a mix of exhaustion and desire as you made your way to the bathroom to run his bath. He watches as you run him a bath, checking if the temperature is just right and preparing the body scrubs and fragrant oils he likes to use. The anticipation of relaxation and the intimate connection he knew would follow filled him with a renewed energy. He admired your diligence and attention to detail, knowing that you went the extra mile to make sure everything was perfect for him. Gradually, a faint smile tugged at his lips as he imagined the decadent pleasure that awaited him. He couldn't wait to immerse himself in the warm water, guided by your gentle touch and the inviting scent of the oils you had prepared.
   "Your bath is ready." You smile at him and turn towards the door to grab him some towels. Dabi's hand reaches for yours and stops you from going anywhere.
   Dabi's hand closes around yours, his touch firm yet gentle as he pulls you closer to him. His eyes meet yours, filled with a mix of desire and gratitude. "Don't be in such a hurry," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. His thumb traces small circles on the back of your hand, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "I appreciate everything you've done for me today. But right now, what I need most is you." His voice is filled with a raw hunger as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a teasingly soft kiss.
   Passions ignited, Dabi wastes no time in shedding his and your clothes, his actions fuelled by a raw desire that had been building throughout the day. With a swift strength, he lifts you effortlessly into his arms, his touch sending a surge of excitement through you. The heat of the water envelopes your bodies as he carefully submerges the two of you, indulging in the scalding sensation that sears the weariness from his skin. The closeness of your bodies creates an intimate connection, as he pulls you closer, his lips capturing yours in a hungry, desperate kiss. The hot water caresses your skin, heightening every sensation as his hands roam your body with fervour and hunger.
   Dabi's voice is husky with desire as he responds to your plea. His actions become more urgent and desperate as he explores every inch of your body, his hands running over your curves and eliciting shivers of pleasure. The water serves as a tantalizing lubrication as your bodies move together, the heat intensifying the sensations as you chase ecstasy. His lips trail hot kisses along your neck, his teeth grazing your skin in a primal display of dominance. You can feel his desire, hot and hard against your skin, as he positions himself, ready to claim you completely. With a mixture of anticipation and need, he enters you, setting off a cascade of pleasure that washes over both of you. The water splashes around you, the rhythmic motion of your bodies creating a symphony of desire and pleasure. Moans and gasps fill the steam-filled bathroom as you surrender to each other, finding release and fulfilment in the heat of the moment.
   Dabi's passionate gaze locks with yours as he continues to move with increasing intensity. "You need to wash up- ah-!" He acknowledges your plea, but the intoxicating desire and hunger within him push him to seek his own release first. He positions himself firmly on top of you, his movements becoming more relentless and demanding. The water splashes around you, creating a sensual symphony of sounds as the heat and pleasure build to a crescendo. He moans and grunts in response to the tightness and warmth surrounding him, his pace growing feverish as he chases his own climax. The steamy bathroom becomes a sanctuary of pleasure, the world outside fading away as you both succumb to the raw, primal passion that consumes you.
   You moan out his name and Dabi groans deeply at the sensation of your nails digging into his back, the mixture of pain and pleasure sending a surge of arousal coursing through him. He relishes in the feeling, his pace becoming even more frenzied as he strives to bring both of you to the peak of pleasure. The steam-filled room echoes with your moans and cries of ecstasy, intertwining with the splashing water and the sound of your bodies colliding in a feverish dance. The pleasure builds, reaching a crescendo as waves of intense pleasure crash over you both, leaving you gasping and trembling in its wake. The overwhelming release consumes you, leaving no room for rational thought or hesitation, only pure and unadulterated satisfaction.
   Dabi's soft words and tender kisses shower your face, his affection and appreciation evident in every touch and whispered sentiment. "You did so well.." He whispers into your ear. "You're my stress relief, you know that?" The intensity of his gaze holds you captivated, his eyes filled with a mixture of satisfaction, desire, and overwhelming affection. The weight of his words sinks in, and a warm smile spreads across your face as you bask in his love and the connection you share. "I'm glad I could be there for you," you reply, your voice filled with love and contentment. "You are my everything, Dabi. I'll always be here to be your stress relief, to love and support you."
   "I love you so much, you don't even know. I would give you the world and at the same time burn it if that's what it means to be with you." Dabi's declaration of love and devotion sends a shiver down your spine, the raw intensity of his words leaving you breathless. The passion in his kiss resonates with the deep connection you share, filling you with a sense of overwhelming love and desire. As your lips meet in a fiery embrace, the world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you in a bubble of raw emotion. In that moment, nothing else matters except for the fierce love and devotion you have for each other. The kiss becomes a testament to your fiery connection, a symbol of the depths of your love that transcends all boundaries.
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hymn-of-muse · 1 year
Not My Flower.
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a Yasha x Reader requested by @botanicalbard
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"tell me, bard. you've been seen with the nein quite often, you're familiar with them, yes? tell me all you know of them." a man demanded in a low tone, face obscured by shadow in the dimly lit room.
you'd left the tavern after you and your friends had a few drinks, all you wanted was a bit of fresh air as the ale started to take affect on you. you we not expecting, however, to be grabbed from behind and dragged into the alleyway next to the tavern, a hand silencing you and arms holding you firm so you couldnt run away.
the next thing you knew, you found yourself in a small room, windows covered up and the lighting too dim to make out any doorway outline, unless it was behind where you sat on a stool, ankles restrained and hands tied at the wrist around the support beam you were leaning against.
a man, clearly trying to intimidate you into talking about your friends weaknesses and secrets, stood over you with his arms crossed. you could hear someone in the corner shift, so you knew it wasnt just him here.
"i'll ask you again-"
"no i heard you" you interrupted "im just not sure what it is specifically you want to know, i mean theyre a lovely bunch, sure, but you cant just be so vague, do you want me to give you an introduction for each individual? i can do that in song!" you told him smugly
"what?" he gave a confused look upon your sudden compliance "no-no, no songs, just tell me-"
"are you sure? i got a really good one! oh! or i could sing you a tale of the mighty nein's greatest adventures thus far! what a brave and interesting party of beings they are, like this one time-"
"stop that!" the man snapped, agitated by your interruptions and clear attempt at stalling him for more time. "enough of your games, bard, just tell me what i ask of you and nothing more. if you comply, we'll consider letting you go unharmed. got it?"
"come on, you went through all this effort and all you want is a little information? why not a whole story, huh? not even one song? all you want is small talk? thats so boooring" you groaned, putting emphasis on the 'o' in boring.
the man gave a grunt of frustration as he grabbed hold of your shirt collar and got all threatening in your face. "shut up! just tell me each of their weaknesses, secrets, some information i can ACTUALLY use!"
"one, ew your breath smells. two, nah thats lame. besides, by now they likely know im gone and will come looking for me. you made a huge mistake thinking i was a good kidnapping choice." you chuckled, still smug as ever.
"yeah? what makes you so sure they'll find you?" he grumbled.
"because the barbarian's my girlfriend, and she can get really physical when shes angry"
"heh, you think youre safe? youre not going anywhere till i get something outta you" he glared, raising a fist to throw a punch just when the door swung open with a crash, breaking it off its hinges.
in the doorway now stood yasha after she'd kicked in the door, the light outside illuminating the room and as she stepped in with heavy foot falls, the anger on her face was clear as day. she gave an icy cold glare to the man who's fish was frozen in the air.
"how did you..?" the other person in the corner finally spoke up with a weak voice.
"your neighbors made a noise complaint" yasha stated, storming closer to the man who threatened you a minute before as he stumbled back and reached for a weapon to defend himself with.
when he tried to swing a club at her, she grabbed it and tore it out of his hands, tossing it to the side and grabbing him by the arm. she swung him around and threw him into the other person, knocking them both out on impact when the hit the wall.
"are you hurt?" yasha asked you as she quickly moved to undo your restraints, a gentle hand moving to the side of your face to make sure you were alright. the look of concern on her face said everything.
"i knew you'd find me" you smiled sweetly at her, leaning your head into her warm hand as her shoulders dropped in relief.
"of course i did. i wouldnt let anyone hurt you." she spoke with a light chuckle to her voice, hoisting you into her arms and walking out of the room as she carried you. "not my flower."
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reblogs are appreciated! im sorry this took a while to get done! /g
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warderfromtheborder · 3 months
Final Shape thoughts
TL:DR it's very good. I'm glad Bungie cooked so good on it, but I'm still sad/frustrated/concerned about the future development of the game
Campaign 10/10, no negative notes. Absolutely fantastic writing and performances. Liked the structure of having the final mission happen after the raid. I hope we get to replay Excision it was a lot of fun. SCUR-V appearance gave me the giggles and the shouts.
Prismatic is really cool, I like having a different way to do my liar's handshake build.
The new enemy faction is super cool, but it felt like they got less aggressive with their abilities as the campaign progressed?
The Pale Heart is a fucking AMAZING destination, what an excellent way to frame the final leg of this journey. I took tons of screenshots looking back at the portal. Climbing up the weird Witness tree hieroglyph in Iconoclast was one of my fave bits of traversal.
The only thing I genuinely wish was different is: in Wild Card, I wish the dark ether'd War Beast was like, 10 times as big. I wanted to get attacked by a comically large beaste.
Satisfaction at a good ending for the story is on one hand, and fomo burnout is on the other. I want to have more adventures in this game. I want to not have to worry about chasing red borders anymore. I want to never look at a season pass or seasonal challenge checklist ever again. Pathfinder is just gonna make me more aware of how much Im not doing rituals each week.
I kinda feel like daniel craig who's just wrapped filming a Bond movie is immediately asked "aren't you excited to make another one :) "
And then there's the like, looming possibility that the studio is gonna bend backwards to make Destiny 3?? And no idea whats gonna happen after the three episodes. I hope those two questions are addressed on monday's livestream. I can't stop thinking about the layoffs, and how for years it sounded like they were committed to not overpromising, not crunching, building up a sustainable cadence of content. And then, seemingly because youtubers couldn't handle a story that wasn't spoonfed to them, Lightfall got so much bad press it got buried despite being an excellent expansion, and the seasonal content was also excellent, but so much bad press means 10% of the team has to get fired??? Including people who have nothing but huge Ws under their belt like the head composer or the lawyer who protects the community managers from harassment???? LITERALLY DECIMATED. Yeah of course I dont have the full picture, there's so much context and details I don't know. It's parasocial. But I don't feel as certain anymore that I get to support devs who are happy with their employers. I know they still love the game they make. I dunno. I dunno. Give everyone a year's paid vacation! Give everyone a raise! Give them all tenure! Stop fuckkng firing game devs!!! Please!!
The Final Shape, very good, good job destiny dev team, 9/10.
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ohohoh questions!
-What are all the dynamics between kwami and holders? Does Trixx Nooro and maybe Pollen approve of what deep cut are doing? I’d think Tikki and Callie would get along. Also since Callie and Marie know each other’s identities how do Plagg and Callie get along, same for Tikki and Marie?
-so what’s your idea for how Pavo uses Amoks? Does she mostly use her own emotions or does she make amoks from other ppls emotions?
-how did Callie and Marie get the miraculous in the first place? Same for Pearl and Marina.
-can you tell me more about Tartar? What would he have his wish be? He’s very punchable I hope Ahato or Callie gets to punch him
-what point do Cerise/Pavo fall for each other?
-what is public opinion on all these guys?
-Callie and Tikki get along very well! Tikki loves the positivity! But her concern over Callie rises over time because while Callie will never get as lonely as she does between Splatoon 1 and 2 since she's got Tikki there, Tikki notices Callie's reliance on Marie and is worried over what ever may strain the two of them, so she can get a bit bossy over Callie, much to Callie's dismay. On the cuter side of things though, Callie also likes to dress Tikki up in little bows and glitter.
-Marie and Plagg meanwhile do NOT get along, usually. They care a lot about each other at the end of the day but it's usually constant arguing between them and Marie will constantly snark that Callie got the better end of the deal which Plagg will bite her hand and not let go till she takes it back. However, when Plagg serious-es up he really does and seems to know Marie better than she knows herself, so when she's at her most lost, he's there.
-Reverse though! Tikki and Marie get along nicely. It helps that Tikki is so cheerful and that reminds Marie of Callie, however Tikki always wants to have serious conversations with Marie since Callie always avoids those but Marie always finds it weird talking about serious things with a tiny fairy thing since Tikki wants to do it a lot. Callie and Plagg also get along great! She tries and fails at giving him a makeover a lot but he's a bit of a bad influence on her more impulsive actions.
While they initially think its a great idea to swap, the day they do ends in complete disaster of Marie overworking/panicking/overthinking and Callie accidentally dismantling a city block.
-As for Deep Cut! They LOVE their kwamis! And their kwamis love them! They're pampered and spoiled a lot and are never far apart from each other. From order of 'happy to crime' to 'most reluctant to crime' goes Trixx, Pollen, and Nooroo. Deep Cut's reasoning that all their proceeds are going to charity keep the kwami at least somewhat supportive (although trixx would be fine even if it wasn't for good reasoning the guy is a bit mischevious)
-Pavo uses both her own emotions and others when she's hiding somewhere- but if she's going out into town to attack as Pavo she always uses her own emotions which are usually based off of some form of suffering or stress or frustration.
-The Squid Sisters found their miraculouses in their changing rooms! Someone gave it to them secretly (it was Cuttlefish!) and they tried them on immediately just in time for Deep Cut(who got their miraculouses via their clans)'s explosive debut as criminals, whom they stopped and had a cat and mouse game with for a short while until Pavo showed up and started sending real monsters to fight.
-Pearl actually gets her miraculous from the Squid Sisters! They do the like, choose your temporary hero companion for a bit and when Marina gets captured during a villain attack, they help Pearl save her by giving her the goat. As for Marina! I think she'd get it from Octavio somehow I don't know how or why. Octavio didn't use the rabbit miraculous though he never know it was magical just a nice watch.
-Tartar is a skeeeeevy fucking guy and is constantly hovering over Ahato's shoulder. Pressing about her ratings, her success, what she'll do when she's Actually popular. His view is that perfection only exists in his view of it, and with such an insecure DJ on his hands- she's the perfect guinea pig to mold and push around. He keeps Ahato wanting the wish by supporting her dissatisfaction of herself and plans to steal the wish and reset the world in his image. Cause he's a cunt.
He will be punched don't worry.
-OUGH CERISE AND PAVO OKAY SO. I couldn't help myself but there's a BIT of a love square with that but at some point they both moderately crush on both forms of each other. It's sorta a 'fell in love first' and 'fell in love HARD' scenario for the first crush on the first persona and then the second persona. Callie had a silly lil crush on Pavo first ("SHES SO DARK AND MYSTERIOUS" "CALLIE SHES A CRIMINAL" "THATS HOT") but grew invested and tender towards Ahato. Meanwhile, Ahato had a crush on Callie first as she was one of the first people that Ahato felt was truly invested and kind to her and understood her work, but had the gay little "OH. OH." moment over Cerise which made her feel VERY embarrassed over being her nemesis.
-Cerise and Angora are equally beloved though fans constantly fight over who is better (which drives a slight crack between them). Deep Cut are hated by the government, police, and much of the public, though many are actually quite fans and see them as Robin Hood figures for their kindness towards needy civilians. Caprichaos doesn't show up often but she has a pretty punk fan base that adore her while the government don't enjoy her more radical and rough nature and Lapin is bathed in mystery which make many theorists intrigued and most of the public knowing nothing about her to care much.
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might be some controversial takes about Hazbin/Helluva under the cut but honestly I really don't know what the popular consensus is about any of it. I'm gonna try to keep these short but here's a list of thoughts I have so far.
-I'm interested in where Hazbin could go. The concept of rehabilitation for sinners and how the meaning of rehabilitation could change, as well as the unbalanced power of heaven vs. hell and who are the true sinners is very interesting.
-I don't find myself laughing at the humor of any of these shows. It feels like the kind of humor that's only supposed to shock you with the vulgarity. Which is only really funny to a teenager, not the intended adult audience.
-the music is hit or miss, mostly miss. The Hazbin pilot songs I particularly did not enjoy.
-the animation and design are nice, tho I'm not really sure who to credit with that, as I have been made aware that Vivziepop tends to take "inspiration" from artists in an informal manner.
-really do not like the sound design. The noises are obnoxious, the volumes are all over the place and there have been times where I cannot hear what characters are saying.
-voice acting is pretty good. I understand that fans got very upset when a lot of the actors for Hazbin had to be recast with union members and tbh I'm not bothered by that. Support unions.
-im worried about what they're gonna do with Vaggie. She's starting out as the partner to the main character but she's also been established as the "PC" character who annoys the fan favorites Angel Dust and Alastor.
-I'm not at all interested in Alastor, he looks like a satire of the Vivziepop style.
-Angel Dust is interesting, and I'm not too bothered by seeing an openly and overtly queer character, even if it's not sanitized. I am a little concerned about how quickly his character depth was revealed long before the first season is even finished. Could Viv really not wait to talk about Angel Dust that much? What will be left to explore in the show?
-also like, we are getting a LOT of content for Hazbin including a spinoff already on its second season, tons of merch and lots of droplets of information that end up on the wiki BEFORE the first season of the show is even out and it doesn't feel right, like the crew is celebrating the success of the show before its even out. Weird stuff. Not sure if it's gonna bite them in the ass yet.
-the Helluva pilot was not enjoyable at all and I didn't actually start watching the show until the second season
(here comes the big one)
-I actually don't mind too much what's being done with Stolas. It makes sense that a person with very few friends and trapped in an arranged marriage with a cruel partner would make the decisions that he has, regardless of whether or not they are the right ones.
-What I am concerned with is if the story with Stolas was planned from the beginning, or if it was decided later on to recontextualize his character when they crew decided they liked Stolas more than as just a cutaway gag in the pilot.
-Moxxie and Millie are... okay. On one hand it's nice to see throughout everything Moxxie has been through, as well as literally being in Hell, he still retains his kindness, empathy and love for his wife. Millie is... okay, but I get the feeling that she exists to keep Moxxie from becoming the series punching bag, like as compensation. Or a way to inject some "wholesomeness" into our main characters. I keep hearing that a Millie episode is on the way, but I don't know what really to expect.
-as a furry/scalie who isn't into canine anthros, I'm not into Loona.
-I'm interested in seeing more of what the other rings of Hell look like, tho I fear that the Gluttony ring is going to be filled with fatphobic jokes.
-The action scenes are usually pretty cool, tho with the Vivziepop style it can be a bit eye-strain-y for me.
-vivziepop stans are scary. seeing them jump to her defense whenever she faces a major criticism is frustrating and it only incites a bigger wave of criticism. see this post if you want my extended thoughts about it.
-this series is being produced, written and released in a way I don't think I've ever seen so I'm gonna try to keep an open mind about it, but that does not mean I'm gonna enjoy it blindly NOR am I gonna nitpick it. I'm gonna keep up with it and maybe share more of my thoughts, tagged accordingly and under 'read more' lines.
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
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“What page bubs?”
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“Hey! my request was a dad chris x dyslexic teen reader where he finds her really struggling with her school work and he just helps her and stuff? thanks sorry its not the best” - @f0rehead-0f-security
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Paring: Chris Evans x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of dyslexia if that’s even a warning, crying, frustration, crying, self doubt -> feeling stupid etc, Chris being the best supportive dad ever I wish ✨
Summary: Y/n has dyslexia and is just having a hard time understanding the work and doing the work and she doesn’t want to ask for help because it makes her feel bad so Chris swoops in to help before she gets too overwhelmed.
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You’ve had dyslexia since middle school so it isn’t something new but that doesn’t mean you’re used to it.
Because let me tell you it is so annoyingly hard sometimes and overwhelmingly hard when I get asked in class to read out loud. It’s gotten better in someways because I’ve been given extra time on my exams and tests, different coloured paper, and someone to help in exams and just in general at school because most of my anxiety stems from this because it makes me insecure.
So when I’m at home doing homework or coursework you’d think it would make me more relaxed and comfortable because I’m in my own safe environment but no it kinda just heightens it up more than it should not as much as it does in school but I don’t want to seem like a burden to my dad even though we’ve had maybe 1000 conversations about how it’s okay to ask for help when you’re stressed or struggling and that I’m not a burden. But it still doesn’t stick sometimes.
So dad walked in to my room after knocking and announcing that he was coming in like he always does when I don’t answer, all he saw was me with my head on my desk, shoulders tensed, work everywhere and my breathing more audible than usual. So it’s good he walked in when he did.
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“Bubs—- ar—- ou—- okay?” He asked concern laced in his voice.
I only heard so much of what he said because i must have zoned out which is usually what happens when I get really overwhelmed and anxious.
“Dad I- i can’t do it- it’s too confusing, I feel so stupid and like such a- bur- burden.” I replied fat tears rolling down my face hiccuping as I spoke.
You could visibly see Chris face twist in concern and heartbreak for her because she was so overwhelmed with the work that she was on the verge of shutting down and going down the path of ‘im a burden I don’t need a break’ hense why the saying that he always says to her makes perfect sense.
He engulfs her in a hug before saying “Lovebug remember what we say repeat after me, ‘I don’t have to explain why I need a break not even to myself. I don’t have to earn rest.’ Okay” He whispers this magic saying as if it clicks in her head that’s it’s okay to take a break if she’s overwhelmed or even if she’s not.
“Okay dad, ‘I don’t have to explain why I need a break not even to myself. I don’t have to earn rest.’ Thank you” y/n replied shyly tightening the hug to show him how much she appreciates this.
“It’s okay bubba it always is, now I think you should pack away the rest of your work and grab your book so we can go sit in the living room, so I can read to you and we can snuggle okay.” Chris decided knowing otherwise y/n wouldn’t have a break.
“Yeah let’s go” She replied reluctantly to her dads idea because she still hates that he does this for her sometimes even though she knows he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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They both walk downstairs to the living room it cozy and inviting with the tv on mute with her favourite movie, candles and fire lit, blankets splayed across the massive sectional that take residence in the room with Dodger snoozing off the side of the coffee table that has the famous evans hot chocolate waiting for y/n on it.
Both y/n and Chris get situated on the couch, y/n snuggling into his chest finally content and relaxed which lets Chris breath a silent sigh of relief which is better than she was a mere hour ago.
“What page bubs?” He whispered to keep the calm environment which helped her to process everything more, how they learnt was though trial and error.
“168 dad” she replied sipping on her hot chocolate, putting it back on the coffee table cuddling up to him more knowing that it was okay and that she’d understand a little bit more because somehow Chris reading to her or anyone like her teaching assistant at school helped her under and and process it more.
It worked because even if she got stuck on questions that she’d have about the page they were on both her dad and Amelia her TA know if she gets really quiet and spaces out she’s most likely distracted on the question from pages ago. So they talk about the question or what she’s confused about before they moved on never minding how long it takes to explain it. It just helps.
This is how it was, Chris never will probably admit it but he loves reading to her and helping her out but he hates that she thinks that she’s a burden and that she works herself up when she doesn’t understand because he was there to help always.
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Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this as much as I loved writing this, it is a personal experience for this majorly and I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner but better late than never. Most of the strategies I’ve written about I’ve have used or still use now even though I’m finished with school, it definitely is a process of trial and error because everyone is different :)
So thank you so much for everyone who supports my blog, likes, comments, reblogs, sends in asks and just interacts with my blog. I love you all it makes me so happy when literally anything be interacts 🫶🏻🥹
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If you guys would like to be added to my tag list please do comment or just send in an ask :)
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i-need-some-advice-on · 11 months
I need some relationship advice. Me and my boyfriend (both young sdults) have been together for about a year. What started as gay chicken has blossomed into a qpr of sorts since both of us are very aromantic and didnt expect to catch feelings for the other. I love him a lot.
The thing is, we have this problem. Both of us are extremely independent people and when something in our lite is going down and we dont feel mentally all together, we take to disappearing quietly. We are fine with this, mostly. See the problem arises is that usually he knows why i’m going away or whats causing the turmoil, but hes always reluctant to tell me about it, especially if he thinks it will burden me, but it doesnt and i get concerned and *slightly* offended by the idea i cant handle and know why hes upset, we have talked about this in the past before and how he expects more volatile reactions than i usually give.
Past week i wasnt feeling all that good so i wasnt talking much. Eventually i got over it and asked him how he was doing and inquired on his life but he kept dodging the question much to my chagrine. I confronted him about it and he said he wasnt feeling great but didnt want to talk about just so that i could “feel like i wasnt the only one talking”. I responded supporting but he didnt reply and ghosted me for a few days and im afraid to say my mental space didnt take that well. I respected it and sent him texts telling him about my day and telling him i loved him everyday, not too muchcto be annoying though, just to let him know i wws there, but behind the scenes my emotions took a turn for the worst and icwould have states where i was delusionally crying over a perfeived normal situation where he wws talking to me but it wasnt real.
A few days later, i went to a club to take my mind off it. I met some nice people there but all i could think about was my boyfriend and i didnt get drunk because i started thinking abt what my boyfriend would think. I ended up leaving early and crying on the train home and posting a few tweets frustrated at myself and my inability to cope with it before i blocked him from seeing my tweets. About 30(?) minutes later he texted me apologising and i got angry even though i had made a few tweets abt really wanting to hear from him. I didnt respond.
I didnt respond for a few days and he texts me that hes going to be offline for a few days which was ok but he added in the phrase “if i care” and hes just letting me know and i got angry again and i didnt respond and i havent responded since. Ive been offline for a few days, a lot of my friends are worried about me, but i feel so much emotional turmoil im planning to just keep quiet for who knows how long until it blows over. Am i an asshole? What do i do?
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