#im just like wait am i the only one made uncomfortable by food shaped like chibis
unforth · 1 year
Am I the only one who actually, like, never wants my food to look like a cute animal?
There's a lot of "food shaped like cute animals" on my dash today and I'm just like. No. Stop. Cute animals are cute animals. Please just let me eat without being like "teehee I bit the cute animals head off" followed immediately by
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sopebubbles · 2 years
Ok hi! I absolutely love your work! Would you be able to write a fluffy Jimin imagine? Like a confession or something uber adorable? Im not picky haha
Thank you so much!!! I hope this is fluffy enough! It's inspired by the weekend interview with Jimin.
Weekend with Jimin
Genre: pure fluff
Warnings: not a single one
Wc: 1k
It was a good thing your work was flexible, without a set schedule so you could always make time for Jimin when he had days off. He worked so hard on the days he had to, that all he wanted to do on his free days was lay in bed and watch tv, which was fine by you because it meant you got plenty of time to cuddle and talk and laugh with him. Quality time interrupted only by sleep, which was the only real obstacle of those days with Jimin. You never could understand where he picked up his strange habit of sleeping literally all day and staying up all night, but you needed an extra day just to take a nap so you could be on his schedule.
When he knew he was going to have a day off he would let you know so that you could plan for it, getting all your work done early and making sure you didn't have any meetings. He would pick out what movies or shows he wanted to binge and make sure the kitchen was stocked with food and drinks so you wouldn't have to leave at all.
"You're falling asleep," Jimin teased, poking your cheek while you laid with your head against his shoulder, nestled into his side.
"No, m'not," you mumbled.
"Cmon, let's go to the living room!" He suggested as another episode of the drama you had started came to a close. It was only 2 am after all. He sat up pulling you with him and tugged on your hand until you dragged yourself out of bed.
Jimin pulled a big fluffy blanket out of the hall closet and spread it out in front of the couch. He took the pillows off the couch and made a nice little spot to rest before inviting you down. Ignoring his inviting smile, you opted for sitting on the couch behind him, knowing that if you cuddled into his warmth again you'd doze off, even on the uncomfortable floor. Jimin just shrugged and leaned back against the couch to let you play with his hair while you tried to wake up.
"Are you hungry?" You asked after another episode had passed and you had given him apple hair just to hear him laugh.
"Mmm, it's too late to order anything," he groaned and leaned his head back to look up at you.
"That's okay. I can make something."
He rubbed your legs, positioned on either side of his head, just because he always loved to be touching you. "What can you make?"
"I'm craving waffles." Jimin nodded his head enthusiastically. "Okay," you agreed and planted a kiss to his forehead before getting off the couch.
You expected him to keep watching, which would be fine, but instead he followed you to the kitchen with his hands on your hips, evidently not wanting to be separated from you. He got out the waffle iron while you pulled out ingredients to make them from scratch. The waffle iron you'd bought when the two of you first moved in together made them in the shape of hearts, which Jimin insisted made them taste even better. After he plugged it in to warm up, he continued to cling to you, hugging you lightly from behind with his arms holding low around your hips while he watched you measure out ingredients by memory. You dropped one spoonful after another into the mixing bowl before blending it in perfectly and filling the mold. He nuzzled into your neck and held you closer while you waited for them to cook.
When they were ready you fixed one plate with buttered waffles drenched in syrup and went back to the couch. Jimin loved nothing more than being babied and having you feed him bites until the food was all gone. He always gave you the same needy eyes he gave his hyungs when he wanted their food even though he was more than capable of feeding himself.
After eating, Jimin let you lay on his chest and cuddle him, talking and making comments throughout whatever you were watching to make you smile and keep you up with him. Eventually you looked out the window and saw the blackness of the night sky turn to more of a deep blue. You turned your head up and rested your chin on his hard chest to look at him.
"Will you come up with me?" You asked sleepily.
Jimin smiled lovingly at you and kissed your forehead before he nodded. You got up and each put on one of his sweatshirts and your shoes before you went up to the roof top. You always told Jimin that seeing the sunrise was a reward for staying up all night with him—other than getting to spend time alone together. It was the prettiest time of day in your opinion, but you liked it far better when you didn't have to get up early to see it. Jimin held you close, giving you his warmth while you watched the sky turn gorgeous shades of purple, pink and peach until the sun made its way bright and orange into the sky. He always found himself watching your face more than anything, content to see you happy and leave tender kisses on the side of your head.
"Are you ready to sleep?" You asked when the sky evened out to a normal blue. Jimin hummed in your ear and lifted you up to take you back into the building.
Back in the apartment, Jimin held your hand as he turned off the lights and the television, but left all the dishes and blankets, promising he'd clean them up tomorrow—later today—and pulled you toward the bedroom. You finally got into bed together and fell asleep to gentle sound of Jimin's breathing.
Permanent taglist: @halesandy @burningupp-replies @lilacdreams-00 @minclangyyy @yoongiofmine @yonkimint @wholockian1 @cbgdoll @babycoffeefire @theatren3rd @bri-mal @armytwist @hwayne2294 @crish-mac @kazufuyusluv @dis-tru6tion @hey-itsmina @jikooksgirl19 @jaiuneamesolitaiire
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Time Of The Month- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Kody: This is for all my homies who are taking a trip down a heavy river with bloody mary or for anyone who just enjoys stories of Draco taking care of you while your on your period
   Warning: Cursing, mentions of blood and hopeless Draco
   House: Slytherin
   Summary: Bloody mary has cursed you with her presence and Draco is in for a hormonal storm.
   While scribbling down notes for potions class you felt a pain in your abdomen. You wince slightly and stop writing, placing your quill down on the desk. This couldn’t be happening, not now. Not while in class. Hoping it was just a false alarm, you pick up your quill again to continue taking notes.
   Not even a minute later a sharp pain came from your abdomen again. Fuck. You needed to get out of this classroom now. Slowly raising your hand, you waited for Snape to notice you were there. He looked up from his book and eyed you for a moment “Yes Ms. L/n?” he said in his usual monotone voice. You gulped, hoping he would take pity on you. 
   “May i visit the hospital wing, im not feeling to well”
   Snape noted your uncomfortable expression and your other hand on your abdomen. He may have been a man, but he wasn’t student. He sighed and made a waving gesture with his hand “Yes. Take your things with you as well” You nodded and gave him a quick smile before stuffing your belongings into your bag. You get out of your seat and leave the classroom.
   As you pushed open the doors to the hospital wing, you saw Madam Pomfrey at her workstation. She looked up when she heard the sound of the door opening and smiled “Why hello Ms. L/n! What can i do for you today?” she asked, walking from the desk and over to you. You laugh nervously and lean in so only she could hear “I need pads/tampons and some medicine for cramps” you say in a hushed tone.
   Madam Pomfrey makes an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and nods. Heading over to her workstation, she grabs a brown paper bag and fills it with some items. She did it very inconspicuously so no one would see what the contents were. When she was done she folded the top of the bag and walked back over to you. 
   “Here you go darling, everything you asked for including a couple chocolate frogs” she gave you a small wink, making you giggle. She hands you the bag and you turn on your heels to leave the hospital wing and find a bathroom. 
   When you walked into the bathroom you were met with the sound of crying. Shit, this was moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. “W-Who’s there!” the ghost shouted, she flew out the stall and came face to face with you “Oh, Y/n. Hello” she said, her tears coming to a stop. “Hey Myrtle, i just need to change. No peeking please?” you say, giving the ghost girl a pleading look.
   Myrtle nods vigorously “Promise” You nod and give her a smile before walking into on of the stalls. You make sure the doors locked before going through your bag, you grabbed the extra underwear you keep in there, just for emergencies and place it on top of your bag. You remove your robe, placing it gently on the ground and start to tug off your skirt and the shorts you wore underneath. 
   You then take of your underwear and there it was. A blood stain that screamed ‘Fuck you’ sighing you place the dirty underwear on the side on your bag and grabbed the clean ones, you take a pad/tampon from your bag and put it where it needs to be before slipping your underwear on. You dressed yourself again and grabbed a plastic ziplock bag that held your clean underwear and put the dirty ones in there. 
   You heard students in the hallway which meant class ended and it was lunch time. You craved lunch at the moment, so much it made your stomach growl. You stuff your things in your bag and head out the stall “Bye Myrtle!” you said, waving to her. She gave you a smile back and waved as well before heading into her stall.
   Walking into the great hall the smell of food made you much hungrier than you were a second ago. Taking a look at the Slytherin table, you saw your boyfriend sitting with his friends, which made you needy all of the sudden. Damn hormones. Walking to the table, Draco spots you and gives you a warm smile and scooched over so you could sit next to him. 
   You sat down and he instantly wrapped an arm around your shoulders. A warm feeling blossomed in your chest as you lean your head on his broad shoulder. Draco smiles and tilts his head to give you a kiss on your hair “Blaise told me you went to the hospital wing, everything okay?” he whispered.
   You wondered how Blaise knew until you remembered he was in your potions class. Duh. “Yeah, just started bleeding” you whispered back, Draco’s face changing to one of confusion before his mind clicked “Oh okay, cramping im guessing?” you nod and as if on cue a pain shot through you, making you whine quietly. 
   Draco gave you a sympathetic look and gives you a light squeeze “Just try and eat love, okay?” he asked. You agreed and sat straight up again. You picked up one of the serving spoons and put mac and cheese on your plate. You were starving, so you put a serving for two people.
   “That’s a lot of food L/n, pigging out much? Oink Oink” you took a deep breath. Pansy fucking Parkinson. You put the serving spoon down and pick up your fork. Just ignore her and it’ll be fine you thought. You take a bite of your mac and cheese “Where did Draco get you? A barn?” she cackled, her friends laughing with her.
   “Pansy shove off before i make you” Draco said through gritted teeth, giving the Slytherin girl a scowl. Pansy scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest “How about fighting your own battles L/n?” she let out a menacing chuckle. You sigh looking up from your plate and at her, with no expression what so over “How ‘bout you suck my fucking dick, Parkinson?”
   Gasps were heard throughout the Slytherin table making Pansy flush red with embarrassment. “Your disgusting!” she shouted making you cringe before storming out the great hall. You shrug and take another bite of your warm food “Merlin Y/n what crawled up your ass?” Blaise laughed into his hand.
   “Your mother” this time it was Draco’s turn to laugh, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. Blaise rolled his eyes and went back to his food “Alright love, lets calm down” Draco cooed and kissed your temple.
   Hand in hand, you and Draco walked into the Slytherin common room. You felt that needy feeling to be all over him again. You just craved his attention, like his constant attention. “Can i lay in your room while you do homework?” You asked in a whiny tone, causing Draco to let out a tiny laugh “Of course, love” he replies and leads you to his dorm. 
   Once you two are in the dorm, you let go of Draco’s hand and walk over to his bed, drop your bag and flop down. You heard Draco laugh behind you “Comfortable?” he asked, making his way to his desk and sit down, placing his bag on the desk as well. You hummed in response as you curled into the silk sheets, closing your eyes as well.
   “I want cuddles” you whine again, Draco smiles lightly and pulls out his textbook “Let me get this done first darling then i’ll give you all of my attention, how does that sound?” You couldn’t see, but he saw your mouth form into a smile. “Okay” you said in a small voice. He nods and turns to start his homework while you laid on his bed.
   It had been 20 minutes and you were getting restless. You sit up from the bed “Can i borrow some of your clothes Draco?” you asked looking at the ceiling. “Yeah sure love” he said quickly and went back to his work, oh right. He was doing homework. You felt bad for interrupting him because you knew how frustrated with work he could get. 
   You frown and decided to no longer bother him. You get up from the bed and walked over to his dresser. You pull out a emerald green sweater and black sweatpants. Since he’s turned around you just change behind him and once you do, you place your clothes on a chair and feel the worst cramp. It almost had you buckled over. 
   You go over to your things and grab the brown paper bag, taking out the medicine. You pop one of the pills, but it was going to take time to kick in. You someone climb onto the bed and pull the sheets over you. The cramps kept hitting you one by one, spreading to your back. You couldn’t help the tears that slipped from your eyes. 
   Draco was finishing up the last line of his work when he heard small small whimpers and whines come from his girlfriend. He turns around to see her curled up in the fetal position. He gets up from his desk and walks over to you “Love are you okay?” he asked, worry lacing his tone. 
   You look up at him and give him a sad smile “Cramps, i already took medicine. I’m waiting for it to kick in. I’m fine, you can go back to your work” You waved your hand, signalling him to walk off. He shakes his head “No, i’m finished anyway. So i can cuddle with you” 
   Draco goes over to his dresser and starts to remove his clothes. You queak, closing your eyes and wait a minute before opening them. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He gives you a smile and lays down behind you, placing an arm around you. “It’ll be okay love, just try to relax till the meds kick in okay?” he whispers, placing a sweet kiss behind you ear. You hum and lean into his touch
   Draco begins to rub circles into your abdomen, the pain begins to die down making you smile “Thank you so much” You say “Don’t be love. I’m your boyfriend and i love you, so of course i’d do this for you.” Draco kisses your head again. You feel yourself become a bit drowsy and yawn quietly, closing your eyes. 
   “I love you too” You mumble as you drift off into a dreamless sleep. Draco following soon after. Maybe this week of bloody hell (get....get it?) wouldn’t be so bad. Especially when Draco was there to hold your hand though it.
   Kody: It’s four am and i should be sleeping, so i wrote this instead. We love insomnia. Anyway, have a lovely day or night. Don’t let the Nargles take your things. Peace.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Aaa im so sorry for bothering you! Can uou do my request from before (homeless kid) but now with hawks, shigaraki, and fatgum please? Im so sorry if its any trouble but your writing isFANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!
A/N: Phew! Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to make sure I gave you something I was proud of. And don’t worry! You aren’t bothering me. I was actually kind of wishing you’d included Hawks in the first request, and Shigaraki was a fun challenge to write! I really hope these meet your expectations.
A Surprise Meeting (Hawks, Fat Gum, and Shigaraki meet their abused child)
Warning:⚠️Mentions of child abuse and homelessness.⚠️
You can read the same scenario but with Bakugo, Iida, and Aizawa HERE You can read the same scenario but with Todoroki and Dabi HERE
Hawks knew his patience would be put to the test whenever the Hero Commission called him in for a face-to-face meeting. He’d opened up his agency as far away from the head office as possible for the sole purpose of avoiding their overbearing attempts to control not only his career, but his personal life as well. He appreciated everything the Commission had done for him to an extent. After all, he never would’ve ended up as such a successful hero if they hadn’t taken him in as a child and given him intensive training to perfect his quirk. There were a lot of things he’d hated about living under the Commission’s thumb though. Because of that, he really hated whenever he had to go back there.
“Thanks for coming today, Hawks.” The president of the organization herself had come to greet him. He gave her a roguish grin despite the fact he wanted to role his eyes. He hated when they thanked him for obeying when it wasn’t like he had a choice anyway. “There’s someone we’d like you to meet.”
Hawks followed the president as she led him deeper into the facility than he’d been in a long time. His wings twitched behind him as unpleasant memories began to surface in his mind. He felt confused and uncomfortable when he was brought into a small observation room that had a view of one of the commission’s training spaces behind a large two way mirror. “Are you going to explain what this is all about?” Hawks jokes to try and ease his own tension, “Or are you keeping me in suspense on purpose?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” The president’s face remains stoic as she turns away and speaks into an intercom. “Bring her in.” Hawks looks into the training room on the other side of the glass and sees a random agent of the commission step through the door with a tiny little girl following closely behind. She looked to be around two years old. Hawks’ jaw drops in disbelief when he sees the two fluffy wings sprouting from the child’s back. He’d seen other people with wing quirks before, but this kid’s resemblance to him was uncanny. Her hair was darker than his, but the black markings around her golden eyes had his mind reeling.
“Of course we did a DNA test,” the president says flatly. “She’s definitely your child.”
Hawks steps away from the glass and runs a hand over his face, letting the information sink in. The commission had so much influence over his personal life that he’d mostly stayed away from any sort of relationship, knowing that there’d be too much drama over maintaining his image and reputation for him to actually enjoy having that kind of connection with someone. Admittedly, he had bent his own rules and caved into pressure once or twice after graduating the commission’s program. He wasn’t proud of it, but he’d mostly done it out of spite for all the years he’d spent being micromanaged.
“A woman dropped her off a few days ago,” the president’s voice turns sharp. “How could you let this happen?” Hawks wasn’t interested in a lecture at the moment, so he ignores the question in favor of moving closer to the glass and looking at his daughter more intently. She was cleaned up and wearing a standard uniform provided by the commission, but Hawks didn’t miss the painful looking scratches on her face or the raggedy, burned up ends of the feathers on her wings.
“What happened to her?” he asks, surprising even himself at the low tone of his voice.
“The mother admitted to doing most of it,” the president rattles off the information in a clinically detached way. “They’d also been living out on the street for a while as well, so who knows what might’ve happened.” The news was heartbreaking for Hawks. He hadn’t lived in ideal circumstances at that age either, and he wouldn’t wish that sort of life on anyone.
“Your wings didn’t start to grow back until you were a bit older, so we’re assuming it’ll be the same for her,” the president seemed oblivious to the emotional state of the hero standing next to her. “We’ve already started her on a special diet though, and she’ll begin her training regimen at the beginning of next week.”
Hawks wasn’t sure if it was some bird trait related to his quirk or just the knowledge that he was the kid’s father, but some sort of instinct kicked in with such intensity that it washed away any feelings of duty or habits of obedience that had been programmed into his brain.
“You’re not keeping her,” he says fiercely. The president just raises her eyebrows at him.
“The mother left her in our custody,” she states. “You should be thankful that we’re willing to overlook your mistake. With any luck, we’ll be able to groom this girl into a hero just as spectacular as you.”
“If you don’t release her to me, it’ll be you that’s made a mistake,” there was a promise of something terrifying in Hawks’ tone that seemed to finally shake the president’s resolve.
“You really think you’ll be able to be a decent parent?” she asks coldly.
“I won’t let her be robbed of a childhood like I was,” Hawks declares firmly. “If she wants to be a hero, she can make that decision when she’s old enough to do so.” Thankfully, the president decided not to argue any more. Hawks turns back to the window and allows himself to relax a bit. Looking over his daughter again, his heart filled with a love so strong it threatened to overwhelm him. He made a vow to love and protect his little girl so that she had the safest and happiest life possible.
Fat Gum
There was nothing quite like the feeling of walking around the lively streets of Osaka at night. People of all walks of life tended to come out around this time, and the delicious smell of cooking food filled the air. Taishiro Toyomitsu, better known as Fat Gum, could think of no better city to do his hero patrols. The crime rate was a little higher than in other places, but it was worth it for him to have easy access to the yakitori, yakisoba, and okonomiyaki stands that kept his quirk plenty fueled up.
Tonight he was in high spirits as he walked down one of the more famous shopping streets, stuffing his face with incredible snacks, and having friendly encounters with both locals and tourists alike. A couple of young musicians were playing on one of the street corners, so he tossed a few coins into their cup. Everything seemed to be fine basically, other than a few people who’d stumbled out of bars and needed help getting to a taxi. It was one of his more tame patrols, but he wasn’t going to complain about that.
He noticed that he was being followed near the end of the night, when most of the shops and restaurants were starting to close up. The busy streets began to empty as people hurried to catch the last few trains, and only when there were just a handful of people left out sweeping the sidewalks did the figure emerge from the shadows. Fat Gum was surprised to find that his pursuer was a young boy around nine years old with strange, aquamarine colored hair.
“Hey there, kiddo!” he kept a huge grin on his face but still kept his guard up just in case. “Can I help you with anything?” The kid looked to be in pretty rough shape as he gazed up at the BMI hero who towered over him. Fat Gum didn’t like the poor condition of the boy’s clothes, or that he appeared extremely dirty. The most concerning thing of all was how emaciated the boy looked. He could practically see the bones in his arms, and his cheeks were sunken with hunger. He wondered when the poor thing had last eaten a proper meal.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” the kid finally speaks up after a moment. Fat Gum finally noticed that the boy had started shaking like a leaf. He wasn’t sure if the boy was just cold, or if he was actually afraid. He watched as the kid reached into his back pocket and pulled out a tattered old photograph. “By any chance, do you know this woman?” The boy flinches away while holding out the paper for Fat Gum to see.
“I’m not gonna hurt ya, buddy!” the large hero says while taking the photo as non-aggressively as possible. “Let’s just take a quick look at this and… oh.” He recognized the woman staring back at him from the picture. He hadn’t seen her in almost a decade. He’d lost contact with her once she’d broken his heart after a short romantic affair. “Uh,” Fat Gum felt a little awkward, “Is this your mom?” The boy nods his head while keeping his eyes closed. “Then,” Fat Gum chuckles nervously, “am I your dad?”
“Yeah,” the boy mumbles before letting a few tears slip out, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” the need to be a hero for this boy was stronger than his discomfort with the situation. “If anyone should be sorry, it’s me. How could I have not known about this until now?”
“Mom wouldn’t let me tell you,” his voice cracks with emotion. “She said you’d be mad.”
“Well, that’s just silly!” Fat Gum shakes his head in disbelief. “Where is your ma’ now?” The boy finally glances up and meets his eyes. They were the same shape and color as his own.
“She got arrested yesterday,” he admits, sounding embarrassed. “Another hero caught her pickpocketing. She sometimes asked me to help her, but I haven’t been feeling well lately. We don’t have a place to stay either, so we had to find a way to get food.”
Fat Gum hated the thought of that woman not only keeping the existence of his son a secret, but also forcing a young boy to break the law. Perhaps that was why the boy looked so scared. He probably thought he was going to get in trouble too. Fat Gum had other ideas though.
“I’m really sorry that happened to your mom,” he says sincerely, “but she will have to pay for the crimes she committed.”
“I know,” the boy looks back down at his feet.
“But there’s no reason you have to follow in her footsteps,” Fat Gum says cheerfully. “I’m more than willing to take you under my wing. That is, if you don’t mind.” The boy finally allows a tentative smile to grow on his face. He clearly liked the idea.
“Well then, first I think we should get you to a doctor,” Fat Gum reaches down and gently pats the boy’s head. This time, he doesn’t flinch away. “And after that, I’ll make sure you get a decent hot meal! No kid of mine is going to look like skin and bones.” The boy eagerly agrees and allows Fat Gum to scoop him up into his arms. He had a feeling it was going to be a dream come true to finally have the fun and affectionate father he’d always imagined.
People were always going on and on about how hard public servants worked and how important their jobs were. Heroes, police officers, firefighters, health workers… sure, they all had hefty responsibilities, but nobody ever considered the absolute nightmare it was being the leader of the League of Villains. Shigaraki wanted to see someone else try to manage the group of ragtag, lawless, misfits that he’d been left in charge of. It’d be one thing if they were all there to support him and his diabolical plans, but unfortunately a good number of his followers were just hanging around in the hopes of an opportunity to continue the work of the Hero Killer, Stain.
Stain had always been a sore spot with Shigaraki, ever sense the man had shown up at his hideout just to criticize him for not having a clear goal. He’d never admit it out loud, but the jerk might have had a point. At first, he’d just wanted to kill All Might, but that was only because it was what his master, All For One, had wanted. After All For One had been arrested, Shigaraki was sort of left without a guiding hand or a clear path to follow. He still wanted to kill All Might. And he wanted that annoying Midoriya kid dead too. When he really thought about it, Shigaraki just kind of wanted everyone to be dead.
The door to the villain’s hideout clicked open suddenly, making everyone in the bar turn to see who’d arrived. It was just Dabi, trailing in the scent of burnt corpses. Shigaraki clenched his teeth and sighs in annoyance. That ugly fire user was supposed to be out recruiting people to the League, but all he ever did was incinerate any potential members he came across.
“I didn’t know we were running a daycare service now,” Dabi comments lazily while grabbing a stool at the bar and signaling Kurogiri for a drink.
“What are you talking about?” Shigaraki felt the prickling urge to scratch at the flaking skin on his neck, but managed to control himself. Dabi was always trying to get a rise out of him and the worst thing he could do was take the bait.
“Some crusty looking rugrat is hanging around outside,” Dabi shrugs. “You might want to do something about that.” Shigaraki wasn’t sure if the annoying man was messing with him or not, but he sent Twice to check it out just in case. The last thing they needed was a lost child attracting the attention of any heroes. A few minutes later, Twice returned with what looked like a four year old boy trying to claw his way out of his captor’s arms.
“Put me down!” The kid protests before opening his mouth and biting down on Twice’s fingers. The villain drops the kid who lands with a thud on the floor.
“There really was a kid out there!” Twice gestures to the boy dramatically, “He’s completely rabid though! It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”
“You picked the wrong place to run away to,” Shigaraki walks up to the boy feeling irritated. “You should’ve stayed with your mommy and daddy.” The boy glares up at him from the ground and Shigaraki gets a big shock. Aside from the hair color, it was like looking into a mirror. The boy had the same piercing red eyes as him. The skin around those familiar eyes was dry and irritated, just like his own too.
“You ARE my daddy!” The kid blurts out and the atmosphere in the bar gets extremely uncomfortable. Of course, the silence is broken by a snort from Dabi.
“Oh man,” he shakes his head. “I can’t believe someone actually had the stomach to sleep with you.”
“Shut up, Dabi!” Shigaraki tries to swallow down the panic and horror bubbling up inside him, but the persistent itch on his neck seemed to double in intensity over this unexpected news. He gives in, reaching up to scratch at the damaged pale skin below his ear. It had been All For One’s idea for him to have an ‘experience’ with a lady. He’d said it was an important part of becoming an adult, but now Shigaraki could only see it as a huge mistake. A voice drifted through his mind, telling him that it would only take five fingers to make this whole problem go away.
“Where’s your mommy?” Toga skips over happily, unable to resist inserting herself into the situation.
“I don’t know,” the boy was putting on a brave face, but it was clear that he was afraid. “We had to leave our house and sleep outside. Mommy said it was because my dad was a villain, but then she was gone when I woke up.”
The story struck a chord in Shigaraki. He’d been left abandoned without a home as well at a very young age. The last thing he wanted to do was sympathize with the brat though. What he wanted was for the kid to disappear. The idea of a guy like him being a parent was laughable. He was barely an adult himself, and he had enough on his plate right now. A small child was only going to be a burden. His fingers twitched, ready to activate his quick as he continues to look down at the helpless boy at his feet. The conflicting feelings inside him were making the itching flare up terribly. Every inch of skin on Shigaraki’s body felt like it was on fire now.
“You’re just like everyone else, aren’t you?” the boy suddenly slumps forward, the fight going out of him. “You hate me.”
A weird resolve washes over Shigaraki at those words. No. He wasn’t like everyone else. If there was one thing all the member of the League of Villains had in common, it was that they’d all been rejected by friends, family, and even heroes for traits they had little or no control over. This boy was just as much a victim of this crooked society as the rest of them.
“You’re forbidden from ever leaving this building,” Shigaraki states flatly. “And don’t expect anyone here to coddle you or clean up after you. The moment you become a nuisance you’re back out on the street.” The boy nods in understanding while finally pushing himself off the ground. Shigaraki wasn’t sure what he’d just signed up for. The only thing he knew for sure was that his job had just gotten a lot more complicated.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Something Familiar
Chapter 2: Lessons in Good Faith Tw: PTSD and mentions of torture and death
Living with Daniel was a lesson in many things. A lesson in patience, trust, and it was a constant trial in checking is biases. Daniel was one of the few good humans, and Silas’s fear still ran unchecked. He knew it would take time to work through all of his baggage, and that Daniel was willing to wait. The thing was that Silas wanted to trust him, but couldn’t because there was still too much in the way. Daniel had even given him space after they sealed the contract. Silas bore the mark of it on the inside of his left wrist. A small circle of red, yellow, and blue lining. Daniel had the same on his left wrist as well. It marked them as equals, but it still felt like imprisonment to Silas. He was grateful for the week alone though. It gave him time to get used to his human shape again. He spent a lot of his time on the upstairs balcony watching the world go by with out him. Being outside like this was something he hadn’t been able to do for years. He would have preferred to change shape and wander, maybe even fly; but he was still on the mend and under strict orders not to shift unless it was an emergency. Daniel wasn’t here to stop him. He could have run away, and yet he stayed. Like a good Familiar.
When Daniel came back Silas’s private moments gained a witness, and his nightmares gained an exit. Daniel was always gentle when he woke Silas. He made sure he was genuinely awake and then let him come back to the real world on his own. He would offer to listen and Silas would always turn him down. There were nights that were worse. Nights when he didn’t dream, but remembered. The sleep he got was always more restful on those nights, but waking up always hurt worse. He woke up buried under the weight of all the things he should have done; could have done if he was a better person. On these mornings the only thing he wanted was space to think. So he would quietly make himself coffee and head up to the balcony. Daniel always came up eventually, and he usually brought breakfast with him. He would set the tray down on the small glass table and take a moment to observe Silas. He never said was he was looking for, but Silas assumed he found it because he would go back inside after a while. As a healer it wasn’t in Daniel’s nature to leave things alone, but he seemed to understand that Silas needed time to himself every once in a while. It was something Silas was grateful for. Someday he would let Daniel in, he deserved to know what he had gotten stuck with.
He woke suddenly from a dead sleep and sighed. He could still see Connor clearly in his mind, the fear in his eyes as they were separated almost felt accusing now. He should have stayed. He should have done a lot of things, but he was a coward and ran away instead. Silas got up with a practiced silence and started on his coffee. The house was still dark, but he had the kitchen layout memorized. By the time his coffee was ready he could use the early rays of dawn to make it up to the balcony. Today was going to be long and painful. He leaned against the front railing of the balcony to watch the sunrise and let his thoughts run loose with him. If he got it out of his system now, then maybe he could be something close to composed by the time Daniel came up to check on him. So for now, he would let himself remember. They were good things at first. His childhood, play fighting with his brothers. Learning the importance of the ancient magic they carried with them. The rush of freedom that came from knowing a thought was all it took to become any creature he wanted. The sacred bind that came with choosing a patron mage. There was a complexity that came with choosing to be a Familiar. It was a bond based on sharing strength and it lasted a lifetime. Different from a contract.
He remembered the day everything changed. The day the world as he understood it would come to an end. It was a normal day, he and his brothers woke up and did their chores, but never made it back to the house. Traps had been set in the night and each of them fell victim to one. He remembered waking up in the dark and in pain, surrounded by everyone from his village. All of them had been taken. They were given a week to recover and adjust to their new life before the Conditioning started. Each of them was branded with a unique number. Something that could be used to find them in the event that one of them escaped. The ones that the Conditioning worked on disappeared. Bought by mages that believed them to be Creature Familiars. Those who didn’t take to the Conditioning were tortured until they broke. It went on like this until their anger finally outweighed their fear. Their revolt; if it could really even be called that; was a failure in Silas’s opinion. So many of them had died. Freedom for the few of them that had made it out was paid for in the blood of those who hadn’t. Silas had taken his new freedom and run to the nearest mage. Signed it away in exchange for survival. Even if Daniel saw them as equals; Silas had still done the exact thing they had fought so hard to be freed from. He would have almost rather having died. Almost.
He could feel Daniel’s eyes on him and had the feeling he wasn’t going to be able to get out of this one without talking. He knew Daniel wouldn’t ask outright, but would linger until Silas said something. It Gave the illusion that he had other options; but if he wanted to be alone he would have to say something. “There were three of us, you know, that made it out.” He began and did what he could to keep the emotion out of his voice, “Me and then two of my brothers. I lost them in our mad dash to get out, and now I don’t know if they’re even alive.” He tried to blink away his tears, but they only rolled down his cheeks instead, “After everything we’d been through; I couldn’t be bothered to stay. I ran away like a fucking coward and sold myself out in a desperate bid to survive. Some fucking brother I am.” Daniel was quiet for a long while. This was the most Silas had ever ‘willingly’ said to him. “In a few weeks you’ll be healed enough to handle mildly strenuous activity.” He said eventually, “We could go looking for them if you would like.” Cold heavy dread settled in the pit of Silas’s stomach, “Why?” He snapped, “So you can add them to your collection? So you can have the complete set of the last shapeshifters known to man?”
“No.” Daniel replied sharply, “So you can have some damn closure and a place to stay once the contract is up. I actually want you to be safe, believe it or not.” Silas flinched. He knew Daniel wasn’t the same as the other humans he had dealt with, but he was still afraid. He set down his mug of long forgotten coffee and breathed out a defeated sigh. It was too early in the morning for a fight. On top of that, Daniel hadn’t done anything to deserve this. The contract was a means of protecting him. He understood that. “I’m sorry. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, and yet I still fear completely offering you my trust.” He said after the silence had long since grown uncomfortable, “You may very well be the only human with my best interests at heart and I keep pushing you away.” He took a deep breath and tuned to face Daniel, “I’ll think about it, but that is asking a lot of faith from me; and for now, I think I would rather be alone.” Daniel looked away from him and his shoulders slumped, “I understand.” His voice was almost level, but hurt lingered just beneath the surface, “I’ll be in the house if you need me.” Silas watched him leave and wondered if he should have been gentler. It wasn’t Daniel’s fault he’d gone through all that, but he had nothing else to do with all his anger. Burying it clearly hadn’t helped. 
He picked through the food Daniel had brought up for him and tried to gather himself a little more. Daniel didn’t deserve to bear the brunt of his anger. He wasn’t responsible for what was done to him. He was the only person that was trying to help. The least Silas could do was give him the results he wanted. Even if they were fake. Time to see if he could even manage to be a convincing liar. The sooner he seemed well, the sooner he could get out of here. He didn’t know where he would go, yet, but he was sure he would find his place eventually. On top of that Daniel wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. He could go back to whatever it was he had been doing before Silas had come crashing into his life. It was late in the day when Silas had gathered enough of himself back together to handle being around another person. He didn’t say anything to Daniel when he came back; because he looked busy, and because he simply didn’t feel like it. He got to work on the dishes so he would have less to do later in the evening. “I’m sorry Silas.” Daniel broke the silence after a while, “For this morning. It was insensitive and out of line.”
The laugh that hitched and bubbled it’s way out of his chest was bitter and humorless. It surprised him, this was the first time he had laughed in years. “Was it?” He asked coolly, “Are you rescinding your offer to help me find my only remaining relatives then?” “Well, no.” Daniel scrambled, “I just; I wanted you to know that I meant no offense by it.” He explained and Silas relaxed some, “I feel like I’ve messed something up, and I want to know how I can fix it. I hate seeing you so upset.” “It’s a matter of learning to trust you.” He said and looked down at his hands, “My whole life up until now has been spent in fear of humans. I just have to keep in mind that you haven’t posed a danger to me yet. Sorry for being so... defensive, I guess would be the word.” “You’re alright.” He replied kindly, “These things take time. Even at that, you have a lot of trauma to work through and-” “Daniel stop.” Silas interrupted, “I need someone to listen to me, not psychoanalyze me. Believe me, I am well aware of all my trauma and the power imbalance of our dynamic. I really don’t need the reminder.” “Right.” He agreed with a sharp nod, “It can be difficult to turn my doctor off sometimes.”
“I understand.” Silas replied as he leaned against the counter to face Daniel, “It’s the only way people will acknowledge you, so it has become your primary mode of existing.” He watched with mild amusement as Daniel’s jaw dropped, “You’re more than that to me, you know. You’re the closest thing to a friend I’ve had actually.” “First of all, ow.” He said with a laugh and put his hand over his heart, “Secondly, what happened to not psychoanalyzing each other? I’m glad you think of me as a friend though.” Silas smiled, and it felt strange after not having done so for so long, “I figured that you’ve done it to me enough times that I deserved a turn.” “Fair enough.” Daniel replied as he began to put his things away. “How many weeks?” Silas asked once his curiosity got the better of him, “Until we can leave?” He was quiet for a long while before he replied, “Six, if you mind your limitations; eight to twelve if you keep ignoring them like this.” His smile fell away, “That was a lot more than I was hoping for.” Daniel just shrugged, “You’ve been stubborn. Agitating your old injuries and coming back from your little excursions with new ones. You need to rest.”
“Fine.” He said as he made his way to the bookshelf to go through the travelers’ guides, “I’ll be a better patient from here on out.” He settled on his bed with the books he had grabbed, “Six weeks should be enough time to find a place to start.” “Of course it will.” Daniel replied with a gentle smile Silas felt like he hadn’t been meant to see. It was finally time to venture out into the world. He just hoped they found Connor and Richard before anyone else did. If he lost his brothers he wouldn’t have anyone left. There was no way he could survive that.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
His Bark Part 5:
He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. But the sound of the little human’s breathing below him had lulled him to sleep. It was much different than the snoring he was used to when Sans slept there; not that his brother spent much time with his family anymore anyways.
Besides his assignments, he didn’t spend much time with his family at all; opting to spend his every free moment with his “girl”.
Papyrus stared at the sleeping girl on the bottom bunk. She was clutching the pillow tightly, her knees curled in towards her chest, a very defensive position. Her hair fell over her cheeks hiding her cute face. He squatted down beside the bed. He wanted to see her sleeping face, up close. Carefully, he brushed the hair behind her ear. She flinched but did not wake up.
As he watched her back rise and fall, he began to understand Sans’ current obsession with his new lady friend. The little human was intoxicating, he found himself being pulled to her. Though he wasn’t sure he would ever be as fully involved with a girl like Sans was, he had to admit he wouldn’t mind having her around for awhile~
He sighed and pushed those thoughts away.
She wasn’t here to be friendly with though. Besides, he had very high standards that he doubted she would be able to meet-no matter how cute she was. He took one last long look before heading towards the door.
He better make breakfast before she woke up. He would hate for her to find him gone and start to worry herself again.
She woke up slowly. Her eyes felt swollen and puffy from all the crying she had done the night before.
She looked around her, letting her eyes adjust. She was still in Papyrus’s room. Nothing had happened, no one had tried anything.
The girl sat up, listening for breathing coming from the top bunk. Was he still asleep? Did skeletons even breathe?
She didn’t hear anything; no movement, nothing.
That’s when her eyes came to rest on the side table. There lay her clothes, neatly folded with a note sitting on top. She reached for the piece of paper.
The girl felt herself smile a bit. Even though he was a killer, he seemed to be very thoughtful, if not just detail oriented.
She looked over at her clothes. They were folded nicely and smelled of what she could only describe as a mans cologne. Deep, rich, and musky. They felt soft as she picked them up. At least she had something familiar in this place.
At that moment she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She felt her heart quicken. Was it Papyrus? The door opened slowly.
Papyrus peeked in the door.
He closed the door behind him, setting the tray of food in his hands on the bedside table.
The girl nodded.
“Yes. Thanks for...staying.”
A look of surprise crossed the youngest skeleton’s face. The girl thought she also saw some red spreading across his face, but he turned away before she could see.
The girl clutched her clothes tighter.
Papyrus sighed.
The girl nodded and retreated to the bathroom.
The girl seemed a little less uncomfortable when she was finally in her own clothes again. She ate her breakfast without much conversation, though her facial expressions said many words. Finally she finished her plate.
“Thank you for the food, you’re a very good cook.”
The youngest skeleton felt a beam of pride go through him.
The girl gave him a small, smile. Papyrus felt his soul thump a bit.
So cute~
“I wish I were better at cooking, I know the basics and I’m not too bad, but I could definitely be better. I do like to bake though.”
Papyrus raised his eye ridge.
She nodded. “It helps me to relax.”
Papyrus considered this. It would probably help the human stay calm if she were doing something she loved.
The girl looked up at him in surprise.
Papyrus studied her face. She didn’t seem apposed to the idea, just surprised to hear him say it.
She looked away sheepishly.
“Are you sure? I’ve been told I’m not exactly easy to teach. I-I tend to get overwhelmed very easily when I don’t understand or know how to do something.”
Papyrus puffed his chest up in pride.
She looked down at her lap, seeming to contemplate his offer. A troubled look came over her face.
“What about...your family? Won’t your brothers be upset to see me-out? A-And what about-“
The youngest skeleton got up and strode over to the door. He opened it wide and looked back at her.
The girl blinked a few times, before finally rising from the bed and following him out the door.
The tall skeleton brandished the utensil in front of the girl.
He saw the girl visibly swallow as the blade got near her.
Without another thought, he turned and grabbed the vegetable he was going to dispatch.
She nodded and watched as he made quick work of the vegetable in front of him barely missing a beat.
He motioned for her to step in front of the cutting board, handing her the knife handle first. He placed another vegetable down and stood off to the side, watching her intently.
Slowly, the girl tried mimicking his movements as she chopped the vegetable.
The girl nodded, adjusted the blade, and tried again.
The girl tensed, her hand shaking, chopping down dangerously close to one of her fingers. Something stopped the blade just in time. A bony hand grasped the knife, mere centimeters from cutting off the tip of her finger.
The girl let go off the knife and took a step back, hugging herself tightly. She let out a ragged breath.
“If your going to just keep yelling at me, I might as well just go back upstairs and you can finish lunch by yourself!”
This gave Papyrus pause. In his zeal for culinary perfection he had forgotten that she was still a novice. He had wanted this to help calm her down and maybe get another one of those adorable smiles out of her. But in his haste to teach he had forgotten how fragile she was right now.
The girl gave him a wary look. The tall skeleton sighed.
‘Just trust me human. Give me another chance. I won’t let you down.’
He saw the girl give a small sigh. Finally she walked slowly back to the cutting board.
Papyrus felt his soul leap.
The girl hesitantly picked back up the knife, then looked back at him, waiting.
Papyrus came up behind her, laying his giant hands over hers as gently as possible. He was careful to keep his body from touching hers-which wasn’t hard because of the size difference. But even so; his soul thumped from the close contact.
She was so small~
He moved her free hand to the vegetable and positioned her hand properly on it.
She glanced back at him and nodded. He thought he detected a hint of red on her face. But otherwise, she was remaining quite calm at his contact.
Gently, he picked up her hand with the knife and situated it over the vegetable.
Her little body was now completely encircled and engulfed by his own. Though he took great care to keep her separated from him, he could feel the feeling from earlier creeping up in him.
He wanted her closer-right up on him. Close enough to smell and caress~
Papyrus snapped himself out of that train of thought. He had to admit, the human was intoxicating. But she still did not meet all of his standards! It would take more than an interest in cooking to hook him.
But...there was no harm in being a little bit closer~
He demonstrated this to her while guiding her hand gently through the motions. After a few more demonstrations, Papyrus reluctantly released his hold so she could try on her own.
The girl gave him a small embarrassed smile.
Papyrus could feel himself itching to be close to her again.
It took awhile, but they soon fell into a groove.
Slowly, lunch came together until finally the last thing to do was plate it.
The tall skeleton looked over her shoulder as she spread the finishing touches on each plate, gently guiding her hands when needed.
Finally, she finished and looked back to admire her work.
Papyrus laid a hand carefully on her shoulder.
The girl looked up at him and smiled, making his soul race.
“Well, I did have a good teacher.”
He could feel his cheekbones turning red at her compliment, and had to be mindful not to squeeze her shoulder in his excitement.
Behind them, someone cleared their throat.
Both the girl and the younger skeleton turned to find two of his brothers standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Are we...interrupting?”
;3 part 6 coming soon(ish) and hopefully you got to see the first ever fanart on my page! It’s so cool!
Submitted by @turtleskele
This one... This one is fun owo and that ending, are you kidding me hhh I will be excitedly (but patiently) waiting for the next part!
Also here’s the link to the Ao3 one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23164456/chapters/57399343
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jinned · 5 years
proditione | jimin + namjoon | m
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snippet: jimin was eager to become the apprentice to a famous warlock. but he meets someone and now has a choice to make...
pairing: Namjoon x jimin ft. warlock seokjin
genre: angst, smut
au: demon Namjoon, human jimin,
rating: explicit
word count: 9.1k
warnings: !!major character death!!, demon summoning, mentions of smoke, jimin is really naïve, deception, use of the latin language, use of magic, very dark themes- please read at your own discretion. it’s humorous and playful at first but gets dark, detailed descriptions of character death
sexual warnings: voyerism, male masturbation, dirty talk, they don’t actually touch each other, dom/sub dynamics, precum licking? (idk how to word it. jimin licks off his own precum), praise kink, edging, orgasm denial, commands, 
a/n: hey everyone! just wanted to pop in and say that if you’ve read mea culpa, some of the stuff in this story might seem very familiar....there’s some easter eggs relating both stories to one another :)
a/n 2: i’m lowkey really nervous about posting this. member x member work is out of my comfort zone so I hope it’s alright! im also nervous about posting something with character death in it. I honestly write a lot of angst that i’m afraid to post because of how people will perceive it. this is my own way of coping. if any of the warnings make you uncomfortable please do not read! i will not be offended if you choose to not read this fic but read my other works. with that being said, to those who do read, I hope you enjoy it! let me know what you think!
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Jimin had only arrived in the foreign town of Daemur the night before with a spare change of clothes and his head filled with hope. He had wasted no time in renting a home in the heart of the town, unsure of where the warlock he was searching for might possibly reside. At least by being in the middle of the town, Jimin was close no matter what direction the magical being lived.
Barely able to sleep, Jimin tossed and turned in his new bed, watching as the sun rose quickly into the new day. Jimin put on his trousers and shirt, the extra one he had carried with him, and sat back down on his bed, grabbing his notebook off the end table. Gingerly leafing through his notebook, he traced careful fingers over his life’s work, his chest filling with confidence with each intake of breath.
Today was the day.
He stood up proudly, tucking his notebook under the crook of his arm and left the house.
Even though the sun had just greeted the earth, people were already bustling about the streets. Women and children carried woven baskets in their arms, fruits and vegetables pooling out of the tops. Men carried about wood, tools, and other heavy objects such as hay bales and buckets of water.
Everyone appeared happy, at peace. Like nothing could disturb their day.
Jimin’s heart swelled as he walked into the streets, people passing by him. Their chatter of crops and gossip made Jimin feel right at home. Although his home town wasn’t nearly this small, he was glad to be surrounded by lively people after a long journey alone.
As he walked further down the road, wooden carts lined the sides of the street in front of their perspective houses. Merchants shouted deals of trades for their goods. Some offered services such as home repairs and chore duties in exchange for food items. Jimin couldn’t help but laugh when he heard one man shout about trading fruit for chairs. What an odd trade!
The people of Daemur seemed simple, Jimin decided. They dressed in airy clothing, bonnets and caps strapped tightly to their heads to block them from the heating rays of the sun above. Jimin wondered if he had anything worth trading to get a cap of his own. He particularly liked one gentleman’s brown and white hide cap with a crow feather tucked proudly on the side. Unfortunately, he only brought the bare necessities in his travels. Perhaps he could learn how to make his own, or come forth with something worth trading...such as magical favors. The thought alone made Jimin straighten his back, his walk prouder and more determined.
Jimin was just about to start inquiring about the warlock that lived in town when he spotted a man who towered higher above the regular person. His black wavy hair flowed gently in the breeze, his broad shoulders holding a beautiful robe unlike any article of clothing Jimin had ever seen. The colors appeared, at least from that distance, to have been splashed on, something no seamstress could ever dream of stitching. Arrays of blues and oranges blended together into breathtaking swirls that could make someone dizzy. As Jimin continued to observe this man, he noticed that those around him couldn’t help but stare as well. Women fanned themselves and whispered together and giggled as they walked past. Men also looked fondly upon the tall creature before scowling as they walked away.
Then suddenly, this man with the beautiful robe held out a piece of fruit in his hand from one of the merchant carts. His other hand spun around it without touching it. Within the blink of an eye, the fruit was there no longer. In the man’s hand now was a small brown feathered chicken. The black haired man smiled as he handed it over to the merchant who made a sweeping motion with his hand over the fruits before him, appearing to offer him whatever selection he may desire.
It was him. It had to be.
“You! Warlock!” Jimin pointed and yelled, pausing before chasing after the tall figure walking through the markets. He stopped at a cart filled with empty glass bottles, each one sculpted into unique shapes with the bottoms greatly rounded with skinny tops to those with twisted necks and fancy loops.
The warlock’s shoulders rose and fell, taking in a deep breath before he leaned forward to rub his fist deeply into his eyes as he looked over the bottles. Jimin excitedly tapped on the warlock’s back, practically jumping up and down and shivering with excitement.
“I require your assistance.” Jimin beamed brightly, his cheeks beginning to sore. For a moment, he thought the creature hadn’t heard him, so he just kept tapping on his back. But then the warlock finally turned to face Jimin with a groan.
“Look, human, I know it might be confusing but I am not at this cart to sell my services. I’m here to trade products just like everybody else. Now, I appreciate the sentiment and on any other day I would have autographed whatever you pleased but-” he sighed and placed his hands on his hips, looking out past Jimin before looking back into the eager human’s eyes. “-I’m just really not in the mood, okay? Now, unless you offer therapy services I’d really suggest you scurry along and bug some other creature before you’re stuck listening to my life’s tragedy.” The warlock threw his hands up dramatically in the air, sighing loudly before turning his back to Jimin and moving one cart over and picked up a pear. “Oh sweet, tender fruit, perhaps you could hear out my sorrows.”
Jimin stared at the warlock and slowly blinked. He swallowed hard, unsure of how to proceed. So, he did the only thing he could think to do: smile and pretend he didn’t hear a thing.
“‘Kay...anyways, so I traveled from a town pretty far away from here. Wequsun. Not sure if you’ve heard of it or not. Anyways. My parents told me all these stories about a warlock like you who lived in the town of Daemur, this one, a legend really, who could perform these wondrous miracles! I’ve been obsessed ever since and I traveled all this way to request to be taken in as your apprentice! I’ve been studying magic my whole life and I’m pretty well informed if I do say so myself! I just haven’t gotten the hang of the actual...well...magic performing part...really I just get puffs of smoke. Maybe I’m just trying the wrong spells but then again I don’t know the difference between the right and wrong types of spells so to say and I just figured the best way to get past that blockage was to seek you out and demand you become my teacher! So, here I am! I have this notebook, you see, it’s full of all the magic I’ve studied and-”
“Oh my god please silence yourself.” The warlock groaned and snapped his fingers quickly. Jimin continued to move his mouth but no words came forth. Confused and slightly panicked, Jimin reached for his throat and tried to yell. Nothing but air escaped. The warlock shook his head quickly back and forth, as if shaking off Jimin’s energy from his body.
“This is insane,” bewilderment was thick in the warlock’s tone. “It’s like I can’t go outside anymore without someone demanding to learn magic! Look, human-” Pointing a finger at Jimin, the warlock furrowed his brows and continued to talk in a staccato like manor. “There. is. a. reason. why. only. warlocks. can. do. magic. Ever think of that? I don’t have time to take you under my wing and become best pals!” He hugged his shoulders mockingly and playfully shook himself from side to side. His smile dropped and the seriousness came back. “You ever stop to think ‘hmm? This warlock might have other things going on? Maybe he would enjoy me treating him to a nice hot meal before bombarding him with crazy demands?’ Newsflash, your life might suck but so does mine and you don’t see me running up to humans and demanding they teach me how to be one, now do you?” The warlock thrusted his eyebrows forward and waited for Jimin’s response.
Jimin swallowed hard and tried to respond, but his voice was still vacant from his throat.
“Oh, right,” the warlock laughed. “How rude of me to demand a response when I’ve captured your voice.” He snapped his fingers and Jimin coughed harshly, doubling over to relieve his chest from what felt like a giant rock making its way up his throat.
“You,” Jimin gasped, “are definitely not what I was expecting.”
“Thank you,” the warlock sighed wistfully. “I do pride myself on originality.”
People bustled past the two as Jimin straightened himself, meeting the warlock’s gaze.
“I will do anything to prove myself worthy to be your apprentice. Please. Consider me.”
The warlock’s lips formed a white line, his cheeks puffed out slightly. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and Jimin was afraid the warlock might take his voice for good this time.
“Summon a demon then we’ll talk.”
“What?” Jimin’s eyes widened and the floor beneath him suddenly felt uneven.
“If you’ve been studying magic for as long as you’ve said, then I assume you’ll have a summoning spell in that...encyclopedia of yours.” The warlock’s eyes darted to the notebook tucked under Jimin’s arm.
“Oh! Yes! I have one!” Jimin proudly brought forth his notebook to present it, but the warlock quickly brushed it aside.
“No need to look it over. If I’m going to take on an apprentice then I must trust them faithfully. Better hope your spell is correct.” The warlock leaned forward and booped Jimin’s nose with one finger.
Turning the other direction and walking away quickly, the warlock tossed his pear into the air. Right as the pear was about to hit the top of his head, it stopped midair, floating above the warlock. Jimin’s mouth dropped open in awe as he watched the warlock flit around the crowd of people, the pear bobbing above him as he went on ignoring the several persons who approached him with hopeful requests.
“How will I find you?” Jimin shouted after him.
“You’ll figure it out!” The warlock called back and waved his hand, his back still facing Jimin. “Oh! And don’t forget the tarp! Trust me!” The warlock shouted once more before disappearing in the crowd.
Summon a demon, Jimin thought. Easy! That’s one of the basic things warlocks do! And if anyone knew magic, it was Jimin.
He hugged his notebook to his chest, fleeing the market and heading back to his home with a wide smile on his face.
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Jimin drew his first pentagram as if he was clipping a newborn’s nails. He dipped his paintbrush into the black paint slowly, excitement brewing as he watched the paint clung to the hairs of the brush. This had to be the most thrilling part up till the actual summoning. Not a line could be out of place and Jimin was more than patient.
When the pentagram was finished, Jimin stood and marveled at his work. No one could have done it any better. No warlock could have done it any better.
Jimin looked around the room and everything seemed to be in place, a sense of pride swelling deep within his chest. All the candles were lit, white tarps set against the walls (to protect them from demon juices, of course he understood what the warlock meant), and the summoning book rested high on a podium by the entrance of the basement.
It was time.
Jimin rested his palms on either side of his notebook. A surge of power came forth from the parchmented pages. The tips of his fingers tingled as he subconsciously inched his fingers back and forth against page, feeling the years of hard worked brushing against the small groves in his skin. He closed his eyes and willed the power of magic to entrust him as a viable host and conductor.
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of Jimin’s neck and on his arms stood straight up. His eyes shot open and he gasped desperately for breath, the pressure of what felt like fifty pounds weighted upon his chest.
“Venio tibi omnino nudi. Neque subsidium exspectans si in te et vocavi vos autem videtis me dignus. Nunc oriri. surge.”
I come to you, completely vulnerable. I summon thee in hopes that you will see me as worthy. Now rise. Rise.
The words left Jimin’s mouth almost on their own accord, like a bubble forming in the pit of his stomach, rising out of his mouth and popping. Jimin had expected the wind to pick up, that the elements would start to form into one as he did what no regular human should be able to do. But there was not even a flicker from the wick of the candle. The room remained silent.
Jimin thought about doing the chant again. Maybe his pronunciation wasn’t correct? Or maybe he read the wrong summoning spell? No. It says it right there on the page.
But then...oh but then. The tiniest bit of smoke billowed up from the center of the pentagram causing Jimin to take a tentative step backwards away from the spellbook. Grays and blues swam together from a tiny wisp into a full blown eruption. Some of the candles went out, the force of the smoke being too strong. Jimin began to cough and soon couldn’t see through the thickness. The smoke completely enveloped him and it was all he can taste, smell, and feel. Jimin felt like he was about to suffocate on the smoke when it cleared with a whooshing sound, the pentagram suddenly in view.
A strong gurgling sound came from the pentagram and a putrid smell of a pig pen and rotten onions came with it. Jimin, in the midst of his coughing, gagged and struggled to keep himself from throwing up. Globs of essence splattered against the tarps as a figure in the pentagram began to take form. The squishy splashing sound as the essence of demon made contact with the tarps was enough to make any human feel faint.
Something rose up in the smoke, a form quickly ascending and becoming more and more detailed.
It was a lot smaller than Jimin was expecting...and more...human like?
“Phew!” The demon coughed and waved his arms around to clear more of the smoke. “They always said it would be a weird experience, being summoned, but geez. Not what I was expecting at all!” As the smoke parted further, Jimin finally saw him. The demon was taller than himself by a fair amount of inches. The demon was broader too and so human like Jimin thought he had made a mistake. Or that the warlock was playing a trick on him.
Unexpectedly, Jimin screamed, dropping his summoning spell in the midst of doing so.
“Ut éxeas ab hoc loco!” Jimin blurted the dismission spell without even thinking.
“Wait!-” It was too late. The demon was gone, a poof of blueish grey smoke being the only indication that he was even there at all.
Blinking, Jimin tried to collect himself. He summoned a demon! An actual demon! A rather...cute demon?
Jimin dropped to his knees, scrambling for his spellbook. Flipping to the right page, he began his chant once again.
“Venio tibi omnino nudi! Neque subsidium exspectans si in te et vocavi vos autem videtis me dignus! Nunc oriri! Surge!”
The same reaction happened in the pentagram as with the first summoning spell. Jimin was fearful he would get a completely other demon, one not as easy on the eyes as the first one was. After the smoke started to clear once again, much to Jimin’s delight, standing in the center of Jimin’s pentagram was the same beautiful monster.
The demon’s sandy hair had tiny droplets of goo still attached at the ends. With the demon’s soft facial features, Jimin was almost enamored to come forward and wipe the goo from its hair.
“Hi,” Jimin said softly. “My name is Jimin.” He walked closer to the edge of the pentagram to get a better look.
“Hey, Jimin. I’m Namjoon. Please don’t scream again.” Namjoon coughed again and continued to try to get the smoke to clear out. “Do you have a fan? Or a window you can open?”
Jimin laughed, completely bewildered, and shook his head. “Sorry. There aren’t any windows down here. We’ll have to suffer through it. And don’t worry,” he shyly kicked his feet against the ground, “I won’t scream again.” There was a tickle in the back of Jimin’s throat, but he did his best to keep it at bay. The smoke was definitely bad and he could taste the sulfur underneath his tongue.
“No worries.” Namjoon jumped up and down, stretching his arms over his head. “Sorry, this is the first time I’ve been summoned. Kinda cool.”
“It’s my first time summoning. Kinda cool.” Jimin and Namjoon smiled at each other. Jimin felt the beating of his heart increase, almost like a hammer slamming against his rib cage. He moved his fingers against his palm to try to wipe up the clamminess pooling up.
“Gotta be honest,” Jimin boldly says, “I thought demons were supposed to be...well...I don’t know…”
“Ugly? Gross? Hideous?” Namjoon chuckled and sat down in the pentagram.
“Yeah.” Jimin laughed a little too loudly, his stomach still bubbling with nerves.
Namjoon picked at something on the floor and sighed. “Back home they say I’m the ugliest of them all.”
Jimin stopped laughing and, in the heat of the moment, rushed towards the pentagram and dropped to his knees. “No. You are not ugly at all. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Why...you could be an angel!”
Namjoon looked over his shoulder, trying to hide his smile. “Back home they tell me I’m the most hideous of all the offspring. So, thank you. You’re very kind. And...if I may be so forward, the most beautiful human I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Jimin felt his heart swell for a mere two seconds before his eyebrows furrowed and a crushing feeling appeared in his chest.
“What’s with the face?” Namjoon cackled and rolled back on his tailbone, his hands gripped his knees like a little kid.
“I’m the only human you’ve ever seen. You told me already. This is your first time being summoned.” Jimin couldn’t fight the pout pushing to become present on his face. His bottom lip jutted forward, his shoulders sinking downward as he crossed his arms.
“A small detail.” Namjoon shrugged. Then, slowly opening his eyes, he stared deep into Jimin; his gaze had a flicker of fire behind them and Jimin had only noticed how blue Namjoon’s eyes really were. As the fire continued to burn into Jimin, the only feeling he felt was ice cold. “You’re the only one that matters now.”
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Namjoon and Jimin sat on the basement floor for hours that day. Jimin taking the opportunity to ask Namjoon any mythical related questions he had; Namjoon answered politely and tried to match Jimin’s infectious excitement. Once there were no more questions on Jimin’s list, he was afraid Namjoon would want to return home. To his surprise, and delight, Namjoon asked where Jimin was from.
“I’m from Wequsun. It’s pretty far from here, actually.” Jimin, who was leaning back and resting his body weight on his hands, wistfully looked around the room. He had to swallow down the rest of his words. Talking about his hometown was one of his favorite things to do and he could go on and on until someone had to tell him to change the subject.
Namjoon leaned forward, resting an elbow on one of his crossed legs, right by the knee. Chin resting on his hand, his eyes sparkled as he licked his lips, watching Jimin closely.
“Please,” he said charmingly. “Tell me more about where you’re from, your family, all of it! I want to know everything.”
“Well,” Jimin said gently, turning his head to the side to try to hide his excited smile. “Wequsun is all I’ve ever known…”
And that was the start of an even longer conversation than the previous one of magic. Jimin described his immense love for his parents and how hard it was to say goodbye to them when he left for Daemur and how he couldn’t bare to write to them until he was successful in attaining his apprenticeship with the warlock. Namjoon’s eyes furrowed at the mention of the town’s warlock and when Jimin inquired about the reaction, Namjoon shrugged it off, stating he was only curious.
The room grew darker and dustier as Jimin joyfully retold old memories of his parents reading him stories of magic and how real people amongst them had magic wielding powers.
“That’s why I can’t go back until I’m successful,” Jimin said gently. “They’ve constructed this beautiful world for me to believe in and even though I miss them terribly, I can’t go back. This is where I belong,” with you, he wanted to add but held his tongue.
“It must have been so difficult to leave them. I can only imagine what that kind of pain must feel like. You’re so brave.” Namjoon leaned forward as if to touch Jimin, but stopped right before the end of the pentagram. The almost invisible wall shivered at the nearness of Namjoon’s skin.
Jimin looked up at Namjoon and smiled, his fingers digging into his skin on his calf. He wanted more than anything to be able to reach forward and lace his fingers with Namjoon's, to be able to feel his skin against the demon's. Would Namjoon's skin be cold? Warm? Would there be any feeling to it at all? Would his skin even feel like human skin? All of these questions came tumbling down into Jimin's head as he stared at his new companion's hands.
"When are you going to tell that warlock that you were successful?" Namjoon's lips moved slowly as he spoke.
Jimin awoke from his depressed trance and thought for a moment. "I should probably go to him as soon as possible, let him know that it didn't take me very long. Perhaps that will impress him. Are you okay to meet him?"
The corners of Namjoon's mouth twitched for a second before he pulled the left side of his bottom lip between his teeth, worrying at it before speaking. "If it's important to you then I will meet him. To be honest, warlocks don't have the greatest reputation where I come from."
Jimin smirked, "I think they could say the same about demons."
Chuckling under his breath, Namjoon nodded his head and let himself smile. "You're right, you're right. Leaving all prejudices behind, I'll meet your warlock. And I'll make sure to boast about how impressive your novice magic skills are." He winked, making Jimin's skin twitch in excitement, undertones of pink blooming across his cheeks.
Noticing the reaction, Namjoon raised an eyebrow, looking delighted by the humans reaction.
"Before you go," Namjoon said breathlessly. "There's something I wanted to try. If you’re okay with it...of course." Already standing with his back to the demon, Jimin stopped, afraid to face Namjoon.
"Oh? Try what?" Jimin's heart thumped loudly in his chest and he hoped that demons didn't have super hearing.
"Are you a..." Namjoon's chest rose and fell with the dramatic intake of breath he took, "a good boy?"
Jimin's body froze as if cement was poured over his joints.
"I see how you look at me. Your eyes carelessly roaming about my body. You're not very good at hiding your inner feelings, you know. Not nearly as good as you probably hope you do."
Jimin looked back to see Namjoon's tongue poked out of his mouth to take a slow swipe at his top lip.
Swallowing hard, Jimin pivoted the rest of his body to face the demon sitting in the pentagram, trying to remind himself that that was all he was. A demon. In a pentagram. He's in there for a reason.
"Don't be shy now," Namjoon encouraged. "That's it," he said as Jimin slowly stepped forward back into the light. "Oh...my." Namjoon gasped as he saw the not so subtle tent in Jimin's pants. "A good boy indeed."
Jimin was trembling, clenching his fists firmly to keep from trying to cover himself.
"Look at you," Namjoon purred, "so brave. Those pants must be awfully uncomfortable." He paused for a moment. Realizing he wanted a response, Jimin slowly nodded his head, trying to keep his breathing even as the situation before him became even clearer.
"Why don't you take them off then? Let me see you."
Jimin exhaled slowly and unclenched his fists. Moving them slowly to the button of his pants, he tried to be as seductive as he could by wiping his thumb over the tiny brown button. Jimin groaned as his own hand brushed the tip of his erection, his eyes closing as he refrained from touching himself more.
"No. Keep doing that," muttering, Namjoon moved to his knees, his hands gripping the fabric of his own pants as he watching Jimin closely. "Touch yourself again, Jimin."
Before complying, Jimin unhooked the button from his pants finally and let the fabric fall down to his ankles. The coolness of the basement brushed against his skin, making the small hairs on the inside of his thighs tremble. Tentatively, Jimin reached for his cock and squeezed the tip in his hand. His stomach lurched with the sudden intensity of pleasure and with his eyes still closed he imagined it was Namjoon's hand wrapped around his throbbing member.
"Does that feel good? Do you like touching yourself while someone else watches? Do you like being told what to do?" Namjoon's tone was steady and confident as he spoke. Barely comprehending the words Namjoon was speaking, Jimin continued to stroke his length.
"Stop stroking yourself." Commanded Namjoon.
Jimin whimpered as his hand stopped at the base of his cock, his eyes opening to look at Namjoon for further instructions.
"Good boy. From now on when I ask you a question, I need you to answer. Okay?" Standing up, Namjoon paced inside the pentagram once again before stopping to slowly look at Jimin. Shuddering, Jimin nodded his head, muttering a quiet okay as he tried to refrain from breaking Namjoon's gaze.
"W-what do you want me to do?" Jimin's voice quivered from both anxiousness and excitement. He couldn't help but feel stunned. Never would he have ever guessed he would be standing here in front of a demon he had summoned, pants down, and aroused. And even though the situation was overwhelming and unreal, he felt, more than anything else, truly happy.
Namjoon smirked and walked with a slow swagger, getting as close to the edge of the pentagram as he could. "Take off all your clothes," he said simply.
Jimin wasted no time obliging to the demon's request. He kicked his pants away from his ankles and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it swiftly over his head. Instinctively, Jimin rolled his chest forward as he took off his shirt, flexing his abdominal muscles as he did so. The shirt was tossed carelessly on the basement floor. Jimin shook his hair then quickly combed his fingers through it as he stood confidently before Namjoon.
All Namjoon could do was take a sharp breath as he marveled over the human's body.
"You...are beautiful. Beautiful indeed." Licking his lips, Namjoon doesn't take his eyes off of Jimin's body.
Trying to remain confident, Jimin straightens his shoulders. His hands felt weird resting on his side, they instinctively itched to cover up his private parts.
"Fuck! I wish I could touch you!" Namjoon yelled and turned his back quickly. Jimin jumped at the sudden noise, flinching a few steps away from Namjoon in the process. Suddenly, Namjoon's body straightened and he spun around quickly to face Jimin once more. One of his hands was resting on his chin, his pointer finger brushing over his lips as he gathered his words. A gleam in his eyes caught Jimin's attention. No longer looking at Jimin with arousal, Namjoon sunk to his knees and pleaded, "Let me out, my love. Break this pentagram so that we can be together. Let me show you what it's like to be loved."
Jimin remained unmoving. Which did not go unnoticed.
Namjoon stood up and brushed the dust off of his pants. Clearing his throat, that hunter like look reappeared in his eyes. "Jimin," his voice was smoother than freshly churned butter. "Baby. Let me out. Do you know how well I can fuck you? Hmm? I can make you cum harder than any human could ever dream of doing."
Jimin felt his cock twitch. Both him and Namjoon look at the erect member. Licking his lips and closing his eyes, Namjoon groaned the most sinful groan man had ever heard. Jimin's hips bucked forward and he gasped for breath. His blood felt fiery hot in his veins and it took every ounce of willpower within himself to remain grounded and present.
"I can't let you out, Namjoon. Not yet." Learning Latin was easier than saying those words.
"Why not? Are you afraid of how good this will feel? Are you afraid of being with a demon of hell? I promise you it's not as bad as you think. Well...unless you want it to be bad. I can make you come seven times without even touching you. I'd rather touch you. But if it'll earn your trust I'll remain in here."
Jimin had a hard time concentrating when all he wanted to do was to release the demon and be the best little fuck toy he could possibly be. But the logical voice in the back of his head pulled him out of the fog of arousal long enough to remind himself that he can't trust Namjoon. Not yet at least.
And yet...what if he could?
Jimin stopped pleasuring himself for a moment, unable to think straight when this whirlwind of confusing thoughts bombarding his mind. If he let Namjoon go, he could have the best relationship of his life. And, to be honest, the best fuck of his life. But there’s still that nagging voice in the back of his brain trying to remind himself of every book he had ever studied and how they all said the same thing: demons could not be trusted.
“Jimin,” Namjoon said softly, pulling Jimin out of his inner trance.
All Jimin could do was shake his head and groan as his thumb slides over his slit, picking up a perfect dew of precum coating his thumb. He removed his hand from his cock and rubs the precum between his fingers, looking into Namjoon's eyes before deciding, completely on a whim, to insert his fingers slowly into his own mouth one by one.
Namjoon licked his lips hungrily, watching Jimin's mouth intently. The yearning in his eyes were more wishful than anything he'd ever seen before. That's the look Jimin was hoping for. That was the look that said Namjoon was in for more than just a release from the pentagram.
Namjoon sucked in a deep breath, his bottom lip catching between his teeth as he tried desperately to restrain himself. Jimin was honestly shocked that the demon didn't have an erection yet and he's not sure if he should be unsettled by this realization or more turned on.
"That's it," Namjoon encouraged. "Just like that. Such a good boy, Jimin."
Jimin could feel a bead of sweat growing on his hairline, on the verge of running down his temple. The coolness of the concrete floor was a nice distraction from the radiating heat from his body. Namjoon's words sunk deeper and deeper into his subconscious, driving his arousal even further.
"You like when I talk to you like that? Huh? You like being praised?"
"Y-yes." Jimin panted, his hand stroking his length with vigor. Squeezing the tip of his cock, he couldn't stifle his moans as he thought of Namjoon's hand wrapped around his length. And then, his mind started to wander further as he tried to keep himself from coming too soon. He tried to think of sentences to practice in Latin, but all he could think of was Namjoon stepping out of that pentagram and railing him into an oblivion.
"Your eyes are closing. What are you thinking about?" The demon's tone is slow, his words coming deep from the back of his throat. There's almost a hint of a growl in the undertone's of his voice and that only brought Jimin closer to the edge.
"Ugh!" Jimin cried out and slowed down his pace, his hips bucking into his hand at the sudden change of pace. "I'm-fuck. I'm thinking about you." It was already hard to look Namjoon in the eyes as he sat on the ground butt ass naked, fully exposed in front of the demon. But now? Dirty talk wasn't something Jimin was necessarily turned off to. It just wasn't something he thought he would be particularly good at.
"What about me?" Namjoon purred.
Jimin bit his bottom lip, concentrating hard on the way his fingers slid over his shaft. The veins in his cock were popping out so much that when his fingers ran over them he could feel every slight groove.
"I was thinking about you...fucking me," he admitted.
"Oh." Namjoon leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "Perhaps you're not such a good boy after all."
"I'm a good boy!" Jimin whined and tugged harder on himself.
"Eh, eh! Slow down!" Namjoon commanded. Jimin's eyes widened, pleading with Namjoon to let him continue his actions. "Only good boys are allowed to come. And I think you need to prove to me that you're truly a good boy."
Losing all of his self control, Jimin disobeys Namjoon's orders and continued to stroke himself, but more slowly this time.
Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed, instantly noticing Jimin's disobedience. "Jimin. I thought I told you to stop."
"Well maybe I don't want to." Feeling brave, Jimin looked straight into Namjoon's eyes and held the demon's gaze as he quickened his pace.
“Bad boys get punished,” Namjoon warned.
“Then punish me.” The smirk on Jimin’s face sealed the deal. He had never felt so in control and vulnerable at the same time before. It was terrifyingly thrilling.
Jimin continued to  quicken the pace of his stroking, not even caring of the way his face contorted in sheer pleasure. Mouth opening into s small ‘O’ shape, he let out an arousal spurring whine. His hips bucked into his hand one last time before spurts of come released onto his stomach. Letting out a shocked, choked cry, Jimin let himself enjoy his orgasm fully, slowly moving his hand up and down his shaft to milk out every last drop that he had left in him.
“You selfish little-” Namjoon takes in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking back at Jimin. “Human’s truly are the most selfish creatures in existence. Release me so I can show you what happens when good boys decide they don’t want to listen anymore.”
The growling undertones of Namjoon’s voice makes Jimin stop and hesitate from getting up, seed still resting on his abdomen. There’s a wave of fear that hits Jimin’s mind and he can’t help but feel that he made a mistake.
“Go,” Namjoon turned his back to Jimin and crossed his arms. “Clean yourself up and go to your warlock. I’ll be waiting here.”
Wordlessly, Jimin stood up and ascended the stairs, not caring that his own come was dripping down his legs.
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Jimin rushed out of his home, his shirt barely even over his head as he stumbled into the street. His neighbors stopped and stared at the barely clothed man running like a lunatic. But Jimin didn't care. All he was thinking was that he needed to find the warlock. And fast.
After literally coming just moments before, he couldn't stand waiting any longer. He, a human, had successfully summoned a demon without any help from another magical creature. And even in his novice studies, Jimin knew that was not a fate many could say they had witnessed...or survived.
As Jimin ran and continued to dress himself, he remembered what the warlock said about being able to find him. Not knowing exactly where he was going, Jimin followed his instincts and headed towards the outskirts of town, towards a burgeoning tree in the distance.
'This is right,' Jimin thought. 'This is where he lives.'
Trusting his gut, Jimin picked up his pace and rushed past more confused looking passerby's, not even giving them a second glance. As he got closer, the leaves from the tree started to shimmer, like a dance that beckoned him.
"Well hello there tiny human. What brings you here-" "I summoned a demon!" Jimin panted, his hand resting on the door frame. "I did it."
The warlock stared at Jimin, his eyebrows furrowed together tightly. He set down the bowl he was scrubbing and walked closer to the human. "Summoning a demon shouldn't make you this flushed, or out of breath."
Embarrassed, Jimin stood up straight and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "I just ran to find you. That's why I'm flushed."
"Mhmm. Okay." The warlock turned, clearly not buying his story. "Well, no matter what you had to...do to summon the demon. I don't quite believe you. Humans can't summon demons without ending up dead on the floor five minutes later."
"I don't think you've met a demon such as this, sir. He's kind and funny and looks like a human!"
"Firstly, let's drop this 'sir' and 'warlock' nonsense. My name is Seokjin. Secondly, there is no such thing as a kind demon. They can be funny depending on your sense of humor I guess." He paused to laugh, remembering something. "Okay there was this one time- wait. Not the point." Seokjin turned to Jimin with one arm crossing his chest, the other pointing right at Jimin's nose. "Demons will do everything they can to try to confuse you. Do not believe a thing this demon tells you. What...has he told you exactly?"
"Can I sit down? I'm in need of some water." Jimin clutched his side and invited himself in anyways.
"Oh sure welcome to hotel de warlock. Please make yourself comfortable." Seokjin rolled his eyes and entered his kitchen to fetch some water. Jimin sat down on a plump white couch in the living room, sighing as his back molded in with the cushion.
Setting down the glass of water in front of him, Seokjin waited until the human drank every last drop before pestering him again. "You're very impolite, you know."
Jimin coughed, some remnants of water still stuck in his throat. "What?"
"You demand I teach you magic, invite yourself into my home, and when I tell you my name you don't even think to tell me yours." Seokjin crossed his arms in front of his chest once more, turning away from Jimin in a childlike pout.
"I'm sorry," Jimin said sincerely. "I didn't really think about that." He set down the now empty glass on the wooden table in front of him.
"Just because I'm a magical being who's lived for hundreds of years doesn't mean I've lost all of my feelings and emotions you know." Seokjin slowly turned to take a peak at Jimin who was staring at the ground by his feet.
"My name is Jimin. I didn't mean to intrude on your home, I just really needed to sit down. I've lost a lot of energy and I'm honestly exhausted...from summoning the demon you know." His cheeks felt flushed once more as he partially lied, knowing very well that he was exhausted from his intense orgasm not even twenty minutes earlier. Jimin coughed abruptly, his throat aching from the force and it almost made bile escape from his stomach.
"I see." Seokjin nodded. "That’s quite the cough you got there. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” Jimin whispered, his throat delicate.
“Alright. Well let's hear about this demon. I want to see what you have to say before I go and see it for myself." The warlock picked up the empty glass Jimin had used and began walking towards the kitchen to clean it.
"Do you think..." Jimin started slowly. "That demons can feel love?"
Seokjin paused, almost dropping the glass. His lips formed a straight line and made a popping sound as he released them. Forgetting the glass, he left it suspended in mid air as he returned to Jimin.
Seokjin sat down next to Jimin and put a hand on top of the human's thigh. "Demons cannot feel love," he said carefully. Jimin looked up at him with startled eyes. "I know it's really exciting to summon a demon. I remember my first one too. But they are not good. They are demons for a reason. They live in hell for a reason."
Jimin turned away from Seokjin and stared at his hands clasped in his lap.
"You're very new to this world. And no- don't interrupt," Seokjin scolded as Jimin had opened his mouth to say something. "It does not matter how long you have studied something. Living it is different. This demon does not care for you. Every demon has an agenda and they do not leave without getting something in return. Every time I summon a demon it is because I need something and accept that I must exchange a favor for their cooperation. It is not an easy task and there is a reason so many die after their first summoning. Humans and warlocks alike." Seokjin pats Jimin's thigh once more before standing up again. "Dismiss the demon. Do not summon him again until you've received further training."
Confused, Jimin remained seated, looking up at the warlock with hopeful eyes.
"Yes, I will take you on as my apprentice." Seokjin smiled. "But only if you send that ugly thing back where it came from. I didn't expect you to be able to summon one in the first place. But, now that you have, it's up to you to do what's right."
Joy erupted throughout Jimin's whole body as the warlock disappeared back into his kitchen.
"Wait," Jimin said cautiously. "I thought you said you wanted to see him. To prove I did it."
From the kitchen, the warlock called, "Nope! No need! I believe you. Just get rid of him and never summon it again. Now go. Do it quickly. We'll start training right away."
As Jimin walked home his sense of joy was being eaten by deep sadness. He didn't want to send Namjoon away, but his whole life he dreamed of becoming an apprentice to a warlock.
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"So I have to choose. You or the apprenticeship." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends slightly. The pull on his scalp oddly made him feel centered, like he could physically pull all of the negative energy from his brain and out of his body. As soon as he let go, the throbbing headache of decisions remained.
"That's," Namjoon puffed out his cheeks as he exhaled. "Yeah. That's a big one." He nodded his head and set his hands knuckle down on his hips.
"I've dreamt of this my whole life," Jimin started jubilantly. Turning away from Namjoon, Jimin was able to picture the life he dreamed of ever since he was a little boy. The picture perfect career displayed before him like the characters of a book coming to life. He could see perfectly Seokjin the warlock praising Jimin for his astounding advice and for always offering up his vast knowledge of magic. The warlock would confide in Jimin for everything. They would become best friends and partners in life. "But," he continued, turning back towards Namjoon, "how could I ignore these feelings I have for you? This immediate chemistry and excruciating passion I feel towards you...I can't dismiss that. It's like I was meant to summon you. We were meant to meet." Jimin clenched his fists in front of his body, as if holding some invisible bars between his hands.
Namjoon looked at him fondly and Jimin had never felt so heard and cared for. He knew he was babbling on and not making much sense, and yet, Namjoon listened patiently, waiting until he was sure Jimin was finished talking before giving his own input.
"From what you've told me about this warlock..." Namjoon said slowly, chewing on the skin by his thumb nail between words. Taking a deep breath, Namjoon dropped his hand away from his face and looked at Jimin boldly. "I don't think he cares for you at all."
Shocked, Jimin tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"I mean...he out right told you he didn't believe you would be able to summon a demon. And then he went on to say that most people die when trying to summon a demon for the first time. Uh? In my mind that sounds like he was okay with you possibly dying in an attempt to impress him. Doesn't that seem odd to you?"
Remaining silent, Jimin found it hard to meet Namjoon's eyes.
"If I may continue to be so bold," Jimin could still feel Namjoon's fiery gaze upon him as he spoke, "If I were a warlock and a devoted human came to me, telling me of how far he traveled just to request to assist me, to work beside me? I would at least have the decency to interview such a man. Jimin, my love, you told me he barely even looked at you." Pain was dripping in the demon’s voice, a tone that was completely new to Jimin's ears. He complied and turned to face his companion.
"It might just be his particular character. I don't know of the hardships he has had to face in his life so I cannot assume his actions went without a purpose. Yes, he reacted childishly towards me, but not once did I feel he did not care for me or that he did not admire my pursuing of him. I think he thought of me to be quite bold. And that's why he gave me such a dangerous task. If he knows how unlikely it is for a human to summon a demon and live...why give it to me nonchalantly? I have passed the first test in his book." As Jimin spoke the words, the more he felt sure that the warlock did not think negatively of Jimin or Jimin’s persistence.
"Jimin, you are not listening. Why would you want to work for someone who was so ready to accept your demise?"
Jimin thought delicately for a moment before answering. "To be a part of this world is all I have ever wanted. To go home now and abandon this world knowing now that it truly does exist...how could I do that?"
"Stay with me. Be with me." Namjoon's voice rose with passion. "You don't have to be a warlock's apprentice. I can teach you! Please. Not only can you have a mentor who truly cares for you, but you can have me as a life partner as well. Just release me from this pentagram. Let's start our journey together. We can travel the world and discover new magic together!"
The warlock's warning disrupted Jimin's appreciation for Namjoon's proposal. The thought exits as quickly as it arrived as he began to cough, but the overall question still remained in his brain.
"May I...rest on it?" Slowly Jimin backed away from the pentagram, heading backwards towards the stairs.
"Yes. Take all the time you need." Namjoon clasped his hands together loudly, but smiled as he watched Jimin nod his head before ascending upstairs. "But please!" He called after the human. "think of it!"
Jimin closed the door to the basement softly, his hand lingering against the wooden frame.
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Jimin woke the next morning with a clear cut answer in his head. He thought about what Namjoon had proposed the night before and now Jimin can’t help but smile, his chest abandoned of nerves and second guesses. He was going to accept Namjoon’s request despite what the warlock had warned him. Jimin nodded his head confidently as he got dressed, silently confirming his thoughts. He picked out his best shirt and pants, taking his time to pat away the dust mites. The warlock didn't even know what he was talking about, Jimin reassured himself. He was just jealous that he wasn't able to make a deep connection like he and Namjoon had.
Jimin dipped his hands in his pale of water, splashing the cool water onto his face. Feeling as refreshed as he ever could, he shook his head to rid himself of the leftover droplets, ready to begin his life with the demon he loved.
Jimin descended the stairs down to the basement where a certain demon was pacing in circles, snapping and clapping his hands in boredom.
Stopping on the third to the last stare, Jimin took the moment to admire his lover. Although looking increasingly bored, Namjoon had this natural allure that Jimin just couldn't get enough of; the way Namjoon stood tall with his shoulders broad as he continued to pace, the natural purse of his lips, almost as if he was trying to whistle, and the way his eyes looked so distant and yet so focused as he remained lost in thought. Jimin wanted nothing more than to walk up behind the demon and embrace him, to feel his small arms wrap around Namjoon's powerful and sturdy body.
He wouldn't have to wait much longer, he smiled at the thought and resumed his descent into the basement.
"Hey," Jimin tried to say casually. Namjoon stopped pacing and turned toward him with a smile.
"Well, hey."
"I've thought about what you said." Jimin approached the pentagram slowly, clearing his throat before placing his hands clasped firmly behind his back.
"You have?" Namjoon rushed closer, stopping just before the wall. "What have you decided? Please tell me I can't wait another second!" Namjoon reached a hand up as if to stroke Jimin's cheek. Jimin instinctively moved his head to where Namjoon's hand would have been, imagining that he could feel the warmth of his palm against his own cheek.
"I'm going to free you. So we can be together." Jimin's eyes filled with tears of joy. "You'll never have to return to that awful demon realm ever again. You can live with me! We can have the perfect life together. We can live wherever we want! Oh! But you must meet my parents! I can't wait to tell them all about how we met and how amazing you are. I'm sure they will love all of your stories!" Reaching forward, almost forgetting the pentagram, Jimin let the tips of his fingers skim the barrier of the pentagram. It felt like trying to push his fingers through gummy mud, thinking maybe if he pushed harder he would break through, but knowing deep down that wasn't true.
"You are absolutely adorable," Namjoon said gently. "I cannot wait to travel with you and to be free with you."
They shared a small moment where they looked into each others eyes, simply smiling at one another. Jimin's chest swelled with an overwhelming amount of love and adoration for Namjoon. He truly did not care where he ended up in this world. He would leave his apprenticeship behind if it meant a lifetime with the one he loved.
"Do the spell already I can't wait another moment of not holding you in my arms." Namjoon beamed.
"Okay! Okay," Jimin chuckled and took a step back towards his podium. The spell book remained open on the summoning page Jimin used when he first met Namjoon. Now, flipping forward a few pages, it rested with a spell to release a pentagram.
Jimin stared at the pages for a moment, quickly skimming over the words, before looking back at Namjoon. How can one even begin to describe the immense joy and happiness that one person such as Jimin could feel towards another? There simply isn't.
Carefully, Jimin traced his pointer finger over the words as he read from the book. An electric bolt of energy surged through his body coming up from his spine and erupting into all of his veins like river water gushing through a nearly dried up stream. Jimin felt his hair begin to lift from his head, standing up in all sorts of erratic positions. Then, he started to burn. The blood in his veins began to bubble to a boil, his eyelashes dropping faster than autumn leaves. Panic set deeply in Jimin's chest, but he could not stop himself from speaking the latin words. As he neared the end of the spell, Jimin knew he had been foolish to not trust the warlock. Evil rushed into Jimin's chest, taking homage inside his ribcage and choking him from the inside out. Some of his ribs cracked, his spine bending in unnatural ways as the last word left his lips: libertas.
As soon as Jimin broke the pentagram, a release of bluish gray smoke erupted into the room, and with claw like hands the smoke went straight for Jimin. The smoke tangled around the poor human’s body, wrapping him until he was practically cocooned. The smoke shot up into Jimin’s nostrils and tightened around his throat until the boy’s heart ceased to beat. When Jimin’s body thumped to the floor, Namjoon let out a small cough, using his hand to blow the smoke away from his face.
The demon stretched his neck, moving it from side to side and letting the bones crack deliciously.
“Too easy,” apathetically, Namjoon chuckled as he stepped over the lifeless body on the floor, exiting the basement without looking back.
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© do not copy, modify, translate, or repost. Jinitude 12/07/19
89 notes · View notes
illfoandillfie · 5 years
Future Management
Pairing: Roger x Reader
Summery: Roger rewires your mind
Warnings: Smut!, Bimbofication/intelligence play, Hypnosis/trance state, drinking, tickling, oral (m and f receiving), protected sex (yes you read that correctly there’s actually a condom in this one wtf), mentions of spanking/restraints/blindfolds/degradation/public sex but not explicitly, a bit of dom!rog sub!reader, thigh riding.
Words: 6969 (N I C E !!)
Inspired by: Future Management by Roger Taylor (oh my god that video im hhhhHHHhh this song really makes me feel some kinda way)
A/N: So Bimbofication has a bunch of different connotations for different people. For some the emphasis is on the physical shape of a stereotypical bimbo – think big boobs and blonde hair and a valley girl accent - which can lead into body modification stuff. For some it goes hand in hand with hypnosis and mind control. For some it’s about intelligence play - turning a smart person dumb. There are a bunch of different ways to play with this kink and different things to get out of it, especially when you start mixing the different aspects together or connecting it to a dom/sub dynamic. I’ve gone with an interpretation that aligns with what I personally find hot about bimbofication, mostly focusing on the turning a smart girl into a dumb slut/sex object aspect (though I’ve also included a little hint of the physical appearance) using some light hypnosis stuff as gateway to the “bimbo state”. I am by no means an expert in hypnosis (or anything), I just have a passing interest and think it’s kinda hot. A lot of the hypnosis part of the script was inspired by THIS podcast episode which discusses bimbofication/intelligence play and ends with one of the hosts hypnotising the other to make her dumber (it’s a really interesting discussion and FUCK that hypno scene at the end oof its hot). 
Also big thanks to @somekindof-cheese @idontbelievethiss and @dtftomholland for being my betas and giving me some great feedback!!
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Taglist: @ezmina98  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama​ (i hope none of you mind being tagged in this, couldn’t remember if you’d asked to be tagged in all my fics or just the RRL ones lmao, let me know if you wanna be removed from the list!)
To the world at large you are a well-respected, intelligent, and accomplished woman. You graduated university top of your class and head of multiple extracurricular groups. After uni you’d found a job that you loved, working in a law firm, gaining attention as you rose through the ranks and became a prominent attorney. Two years ago you’d thrown it all in to start your own non-profit organisation that aimed to reduce the growing rate of homelessness. It was challenging work but rewarding and you loved it. You’d appeared as a guest on news panels and talk radio programs to discuss the issue and campaign for support which had made you, if not a household name, certainly a recognisable figure in the community. Which is how Roger knew you when you first met. Of course, you’d known him too – how could you not?  
You’d run into him at bar, most of your friends having ditched you for the dancefloor or whoever they were hoping to take home. That wasn’t really your scene though so you’d intended to finish your drink and then head home. Before you could leave, he was in front of you, introducing himself and apologising for the interruption. “I wanted to congratulate you on your work, what you’re doing is incredible,” he said earnestly, “the world needs more women like you. More people like you.”   “Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say,”   “I’ll leave you to your drink now, have a good evening,”   “Wait,” you said, surprising yourself, “this seat’s free if you want to join me,”  
That introduction sparked a conversation which lasted hours. For the rest of the night you were wrapped up in each other entirely, the flow of conversation never stopping as you covered every topic under the sun – politics and music and food and literature and everything in between – without any awkward pauses or uncomfortable silences. You found yourself hanging on his every word, blown away by his quick wit and intelligence, and that cheekiness that permeated his very being. He kept both your glasses topped up as you talked, well beyond the point where all your friends had left, until eventually he invited you back to his place. You hesitated, the first hitch in your conversation all night.   “You okay?” Roger asked after you were silent for a little too long.   “Yeah. I just, don’t...know...”   “Don’t know if you want to come home with me?”   “Yeah.” You nervously chewed on your bottom lip. “That’s okay, you don’t have to. Just figured, we’re having such an amazing night, why should it end now?” he said with a slight shrug, “It does kinda surprise me that you’re unsure about it though.”   “What d’you mean by that?” “Nothing bad I promise.” he chuckled, “Just that you’re so sure about everything else. Don’t really seem like the type to not know your own mind.”   You exhaled a single breathy ‘ha’, “About everything else you are correct. Not so much with this sort of thing.”   “Well, at least let me drop you home.”   “That would be nice, thank you.”   “You’re welcome.” He stood to call a car since neither of you were in any state to drive, “The offer still stands by the way, if you do decide you want to. You’ve got nothing to lose.”   You laughed as he threw you a wink but his words stuck with you, looping through your head as you waited for him to return.  
Roger led you out into the street to wait for the car, placing his jacket over your shoulders when he noticed you shiver slightly. He leaned against the brick wall of the bar as you chatted in soft voices until the car arrived. Once you were both tucked away in the back seat, safely hidden from prying eyes and cameras, Roger leaned towards you. His hand came up to cup your jaw, thumb sliding softly over your cheek. Your eyes darted to his lips and then back up to his eyes.  “At the risk of ruining an otherwise great night, I’d really like to kiss you.” You nodded, the closeness of your bodies already releasing a colony of butterflies in your stomach, their fluttering only getting faster as he moved closer still. His lips were softer than you’d been expecting, his hands rougher as the one remained on your face and the other rested gently against your arm, though you should probably have realised so many years of drumming would leave their mark. You rested your hands against his shoulders, gradually slipping one up into his hair as he deepened the kiss.   Well, shit, if this is how he kisses...   You blinked your eyes open as he broke away from you. No one had ever kissed you like that before and there was only one thought running through your head. Roger’s voice. You’ve got nothing to lose.   “Take me home with you,” you said softly but decidedly, throwing caution to the wind. Roger grinned and indicated the change of plans to the driver before pulling you into another kiss.  
Neither of you even contemplated stopping the whole way to his house, only breaking apart briefly to fall out of the car and hastily climb the steps up to his front door. Even then, his hands remained on you – lightly tracing over the small patch of exposed skin on your back where your shirt had come untucked from your pants. Clutching Roger’s arm, you leaned in to kiss along his neck as he fumbled with his keys. You felt very unlike yourself but it wasn’t an unwelcome difference. You’d never felt such a connection with anyone before. Never found anyone quite as irresistible as you found him. You were glad you’d agreed to this, vaguely recalling the rumours you’d heard about how capable Roger was with women and deciding you could use a little capable. When he finally figured out the keys he ushered you inside and lunged for your lips again, pressing you against the wall as he found them.   You’ve got nothing to lose.   It was the only thought you had time for as his hands slid down to cup your arse, pulling you tightly against him, and he began kissing down your neck, making your breath quicken. He pushed his jacket from your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in the middle of the hallway as he found his way back to your mouth, and began walking you through the dark house towards his bedroom. You hit the edge of the bed faster than you’d been prepared for, falling backwards with a giggle and a soft thud. Roger laughed as you scooted backwards towards the centre of the bed, and followed you, slightly more gracefully than you managed. Moonlight streamed through the partially open curtains, bathing you both in a soft light that made him look somehow more gorgeous, and you couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Hovering over you he began unbuttoning your blouse, his lips wandering over your sternum and down towards your chest. You moved to unfasten the buttons and zip on your pants, trying to speed up the process.   “Someone’s in a hurry,”   “Want you so bad Roger. Been a while since I did this and god I need it.”   “How long’s a while?” he paused midway through pushing your shirt down your arms.   “Umm... Months, not sure how many.”   “Christ. If you wanna slow down...”   “Don’t slow down.” You leaned up to kiss him again, to show him how eager you were, “Just don’t try anything too crazy, I’m a little out of practice.” You pulled your shirt off and throw it to the floor. “Noted,” Roger said as he began tugging your pants off and dropped them to the floor as well, “I’m gonna make sure the wait was worth it though.” He lowered his head towards your thigh and you couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up in your throat.   “Oh, you’re ticklish!” his face lit up in cheeky delight as he brought his hands up to your sides, making you squeal and writhe as you tried to escape the sensation. Every twitch of his fingers pulled more laughter from you until you were panting and struggling to say his name, begging him to stop. “You’ve got such a cute laugh,” he said as he removed his hands from you, dropping a small kiss just below your bellybutton as you tried to catch your breath, “can’t wait to hear what you sound like moaning.” You could feel him smirking as he left another kiss, lower than the first, on your skin and you let out a breathy whine. He kissed lower still, leading down to your still clothed pussy and the small wet spot that had appeared over the course of the night, as you pushed yourself up on your forearms to watch. When a kiss landed over the top of your clit your hips bucked and when he wrapped his lips round the wet spot, sucking the soaked material into his mouth you whined again. He was clearly enjoying teasing you, the tent in his pants more obvious with every passing moment.  “You want some help with that?” you indicated his noticeable bulge but Roger told you to hush. “I’m not the one that’s gone without for months. Just lie back and let me take care of you.” With that he finally tugged your underwear down your legs, and you let your head fall back against the pillow.  
Roger didn’t hesitate, pushing your legs further open as he dived in to lick your pussy. He took his time, covering almost every inch of you with his mouth, listening to your whines and whimpers so he could find where you were most sensitive, but steadily avoiding your clit. When he sucked one of your lips into his mouth you moaned and he made sure to repeat the action, sending a jolt through you each time. You were already babbling about how good it felt, breathless words rolling off your tongue with no rhyme or reason, bleeding into each other and the moans that followed, when he began to tease your entrance, pushing his finger tip in and letting it slip back out as you tried to clench around it.   “Aren’t you just so needy,” he said as he sunk his finger into you, deeper this time, and let it slip out again, “haven’t even touched your clit and you’re already close to cumming for me,” he continued to finger you slowly, pushing deeper each time until it was buried knuckle deep in your core. Then he began again, adding a second finger, as he returned his mouth to your wet folds. You whined his name as the pit in your stomach began to ache with the need for release, and put your hand on the back of his head trying to press him closer. Roger scissored his fingers inside you for a moment before he brought them to a complete halt. You whimpered at the sudden change but didn’t have time to reprimand him as he finally brought his mouth to your clit, flicking his tongue back and forth over it. It felt fucking incredible but the pressure wasn’t consistent enough to push you over the edge.   “Oh fuck. Roger I’m so close,” “I know, can feel you clenching round my fingers.”   You bucked your hips again, trying to get the friction you needed and felt Roger laugh, his breath ghosting over your pussy.   “Want to hear you scream my name when you cum. Let everyone know who makes you feel this good.” He pressed his tongue against your clit before sucking it between his lips, at the same time he made a come-hither motion with his two fingers. Within seconds you were coming undone, moaning his name loudly, as per his request. He held you there, blissed out beyond belief, eyes closed as you rode out the orgasm, quivering slightly as his fingers twitched inside you.   “So was that worth waiting for?”    You blinked as you came back to reality and found Roger looking up at you, his head resting against your thigh as he drew random patterns over your stomach.   “You realise It’s been months since I last had sex not since I last had an orgasm, right? Like, I do know how to masturbate,” a pause, “But yes, well worth it,” you conceded with a smile.   Roger flashed you the cockiest grin you’d ever seen, “told you so.” He crawled back over you and you could taste yourself on his lips as he kissed you hungrily, “and by the way,” he said breaking the kiss, “you masturbating is something I would be very interested in watching. But right now, all I want is to be buried in your gorgeous cunt. The way you felt around my fingers, fuck, want you on my cock so bad.”   You hummed as you kissed him, “Think I can make that happen,” you said before rolling the both of you over so you were leaning over him.   “Condoms are in the top draw” he pointed at his bedside table as you hurried to undo his fly and pull his pants and underwear down his legs.   “I’ll get it, you get those clothes off.”   “Yes ma’am,” he said, already ripping his shirt over his head. You saw it fall to the floor as you dug around the draw, followed by the sound of him kicking his pants off his feet. His cock was already standing at attention when you got back to the bed, tearing open the condom wrapper with your teeth.   “Might have to take this a bit slow,” you said as you rolled the condom down his shaft. Roger nodded as you took hold of his cock to line him up with your entrance. His breath caught in his throat as you slowly sunk down on him, taking your time as you adjusted to the unfamiliar and complete fullness.    “Christ, fuck,” you swore under your breath as you took him a little deeper and paused again.   “Stole the words right outta my mouth,” he grunted, squeezing your hips, “fuck, you okay?”   “Told you I was out of practice,” your laugh turned into a moan as you lowered yourself the last inch or so, sheathing him fully inside you. Roger moved his hands to squeeze your breasts as your breaths turned to pants. You slowly began rocking your hips, the room filing with your gasps and whines as you picked up speed.    “Fuck, want to be buried in your cunt forever.” he gasped out as you began raising and lowering yourself on your knees, needing more more more.  “Roger, ohh god, rub my clit, please,”   He didn’t need to be told twice, letting one hand drop down where you needed it. His touch sent a shiver down your spine and your back arched as his name dripped from your lips again. This only encouraged Roger who sped up the furious circles he was making on your clit. You felt yourself hurtling towards another orgasm as your pussy clenched.   “Gonna cum soon,” Roger’s hips jerked up as he grunted his warning.  “Same,” you said as you leaned forward to suck a hickey onto his collarbone. It wasn’t much longer before he was calling out your name as he hit his climax, and pulling you into yours with his fingers still on your clit.  
You collapsed on your side next to him, still breathing heavily. Roger left the bed long enough to dispose of the used condom before he was back, pulling you against him and throwing the covers over the two of you.   “I’ll call a cab in a moment,” you said, voice thick with exhaustion.   “Don’t be daft.”   “Not gonna kick me out?”   “Course not. Jesus, what d’you take me for.”   “Good. I’m too comfy to move anyway.”   “Good. I like having you in my bed.”   You hummed as his arms tightened around you and you felt him drop a kiss to the back of your neck. You could feel your eyes drooping but fought off sleep for as long as you could, not wanting the moment to end. Letting your fingers trail softly over Roger’s hand which was flung over your stomach, you listened as his breathing slowed and became deeper. Smiling into the pillow you finally let yourself succumb to sleep.  
When you woke up you were alone and slightly confused by your unfamiliar surroundings.   Oh, fuck...  Things started coming back to you as you took in the clothing still littering the floor. You hurried to dress yourself in yesterday’s clothes and then made your way out of the room, wanting to find a phone to call a cab from. You found Roger first, following the sound of the kettle through the house to the kitchen. He was standing over the stove, back to the doorway and you allowed yourself a moment to look him over in the daylight before you caught his attention.   “Morning,”   He whipped around at the sound of your voice, “Morning. I was gonna bring breakfast up to you.” He held up the spatula he was clutching as proof of his intentions.   “Thanks, but I should probably get going.”   “Already?” You were surprised by the note of disappointment in his voice.   “That’s how this sort of thing normally works, isn’t it?”   “Told you last night I’m not gonna kick you out.”   You hesitated.   “It’s a free meal, love, might as well stay. Nothing to lose.”   There were those words again. They reverberated through your head and you found yourself sitting down. Roger smiled as he turned back around to the stove, shuffling fry pans and plates around as he served the breakfast.   “I hope bacon and eggs are okay,” he said as he placed your plate in front of you.   “Brilliant,” you suddenly realised just how hungry you were, not having eaten properly since lunch yesterday.   “Dig in, don’t wait for me. Tea?”   “Yes please. No milk, two sugars.”   “Can I ask you something? About last night?”   “Yeah,” you said, a forkful of food halfway to your mouth as your stomach began to twist with nerves.   “What made you change your mind?” He put the tea down in front of you, “You were going to go home and then you changed your mind. What was it that convinced you to stay?”   “You’ve got nothing to lose. You said that to me and I realised you were right.” You shrugged as you brought the fork to your mouth, “Plus, no one had ever kissed me like that before.”   “I was giving you my A game, had to impress you.”   “I was worth A game?”   “Course, couldn’t give such an incredible woman less than that”   “You flatterer,” you laughed, “It had been a while though, I probably would have been happy with C game.”   “Well I didn’t find that out till later did I.” He took a sip of his tea, staring at you over the top of his cup. “Out of curiosity, why had it been so long? Something to do with the lack of A game kissing?” he teased.   “I mean, it was a factor.” You could hear the indignation creeping into your voice and willed it away, “Not everyone has mountains of groupies after them.” So much for no indignation.   “No need to get defensive,” Roger held both his hands up, palms towards you, “wasn’t judging.”   “Sorry. It’s a bit of a sore spot is all.”   “No, you’re fine. I shouldn’t pry.”   “Truth is I haven’t dated much. And none of the guys I did date were any good. Recently it’s just been easier to put work first.”   “Does that mean I’m the best you’ve ever had,” his cocky grin from the previous night was back and you couldn’t help but laugh.   “Yes, but it was a very very low bar.”   “I’ll take what I can get.” He looked you over, seeming like he wanted to say something else but wasn’t sure how, “I had the best time with you last night and I was thinking y’know...maybe this doesn’t have to end here. Let me take you out tomorrow night on a proper date.” “Let me guess… I’ve got nothing to lose?” you laughed.   “That a yes?”   “Yes.”  
You left Roger’s place a little while later, heading home to sink into a hot bath and relax, and barely thought about anything besides him until he picked you up the next night. Your first official date went well – dinner, drinks, making out in the car before he dropped you home. You invited him inside but he wanted to prove he was interested in you for reasons besides that, instead leaving you with lips tingling from a long deep kiss as he departed, and the immediate need to masturbate. He took you out again the next night and again two days after that. Before you knew it, you were three months into your relationship, spending more and more time with him. You introduced him to your friends and family and met his in return. To the outside world you were still the same intelligent and accomplished woman, but now you also had an enviable relationship which seemed to get you more attention than your work did, though Roger was always the first to brag about it. He loved showing you off, telling anyone who’d listen about your work, pulling you into conversations so people could see you were just as bright and self-assured and brilliant as he’d told them you were. More than once you found yourself in a deep discussion with someone he’d been talking to, and caught him staring at you like he’d never seen anything more beautiful. It made your chest burst every time. The way he celebrated every aspect of you, cared enough to ask about your day and pressed for details about your job. Even when you disagreed about something, he’d hear you out, maybe with an eye roll, but he genuinely cared about your thoughts and opinions.  
Which made it easier to take yourself less seriously and loosen up a little. Your work was still incredibly important and something you cared deeply about, but now that you had Roger it was easier to admit you’d been spending too much time at the office. Using it as an excuse to avoid the terrifying unknowns of life and the impending future you hadn’t been able to imagine. Where before the question ‘where do you see yourself in five years’ would have caused anxiety that led to a week’s worth of overtime and insomnia, now you were able to confidently say, “I might not know but I hope it’s with Roger.” You smiled more around him, laughed more. He could turn you into a silly giggling fool with one look, and that was the most freeing feeling you’d ever experienced. You had nothing to prove to Roger. You didn’t have to make him see you how you wanted to be seen, like you’d had to do within your studies and work, because he already saw you as wonderful. And frankly you liked the person you were with him more than you’d liked the person you were alone.  
And then there was the sex. You’d never believed people when they talked about the incredible sex they were regularly having. Never understood why everyone made such a big deal about it. In your experience it wasn’t worth it. Roger had quickly changed your mind. On your third official date he agreed to go back to your place but you’d spent most of the night talking about sex rather than actually having any. The topic of your limited experience had come up again and Roger was trying to gauge what you'd already tried.   “Yes, I’ve sucked dick before,” you rolled your eyes as you stood to fill your empty wine glass, waving it round as you spoke, “not my favourite thing ever if I’m being honest but no one ever complained about my techniques.”   “Hand job?”   “Is that a request?” You raised your eyebrows and took a sip of your wine.   “Stop trying to get my pants off, love,” he laughed, “You’re the one who keeps saying you’ve never had good sex, ‘m just trying to find out what you have had, so I can decide how to blow your mind next.”   “If you really must know, all the guys I’ve been with were fairly bad at it. Only two of them made me cum regularly and even then it was a one and done situation. You did more to blow my mind on our not-quite-a-one-night-stand than anyone else has.”   “Keep talking like that and you’ll give me a big head.”   “As if you don’t already have one.” You dropped yourself into his lap, giggling at the small ‘oof’ of surprise he let out, and wrapped your arms around his neck.   “Alright, alright. So, what’s the kinkiest you’ve done then?”   “Does being eaten out count as kinky?” “God, are you serious?”   “No, I did convince one of them to spank me once which was fun. Hinted that I might want to try more, being tied up and stuff, but he wasn’t into it.”   “Christ, no wonder you gave up on dating,”   “I wouldn’t say gave up, just put it on the back burner.”   “Well it’s a good thing you met me then.” he said, looking up into your eyes, “I’d be very happy to tie you up, and stuff.”   A shiver ran down your spine at the suggestion, “Really? You’re into it?”   “Oh, love, we are going to have some fun. You’ve got -”   “Nothing to lose,” you finished before leaning down to kiss him.”
The longer you were together the more you found yourself thinking about sex. It was like meeting Roger had flipped a switch inside your brain, set off some sort of chemical reaction that made your blood run hot and your skin tingle with the need to be touched. Suddenly you cared about sex, wanted it, even dreamt about it. You had years of bad sex and dry spells to erase and Roger was only too happy to help. To his credit he never rushed you or pushed you to try things you weren’t comfortable with and he always made sure you were safe as he slowly opened your eyes to new things. It started out small, a light spanking one night, since you already had experience with it and liked it. He used it as an excuse to question you more about what else you’d be interested in trying, promising to reward you with another hit for every answer you gave him. At first you’d felt self-conscious, especially when asked to describe what you’d fantasised about. But soon enough he’d had you admitting to everything you’d ever wanted to try, desperately trying to earn another spank as you slowly dripped onto his knee. And then he’d praised you for answering so well and god you could have cum from that alone, the three fingers he'd pressed into you were just a bonus.  
Your answers gave him ideas for what to try next. Adding handcuffs or blindfolds when he fucked you, calling you degrading names while you tried out words like Sir or Master for him, testing how they felt on your tongue and deciding which you liked. Pulling you into public restrooms and other secluded spaces because you admitted that the danger of being caught was a turn on. He’d use your own ideas against you until you were begging, often times for more. He was particularly fond of bringing up the fantasy you’d had of being turned into a silly, giggly, dumb slut – empty headed and eager to please. It was something you’d developed a penchant for back at uni, a fantasy you turned to when the pressure to be smarter than everyone else got too much, though you’d never actually told anyone about it before. The idea of him knowing – of anyone knowing – your desire to be a brainless bimbo was terrifying and exciting and every time he mentioned it you got goosebumps and butterflies. He’d lean in close to your ear, running his hands through your hair, and tell you that a good slut had no use for her brain. That you should just let it go. What could you possibly have to think about besides being pretty and filling your holes however he wanted? It was so easy to sit and listen, let his words fill your head until there wasn’t room for anything else, just the need to please him. It was your favourite release when work was stressful and tough, and for the last week that’s all work had been. Between the land deal you were trying to organise taking longer than you’d planned and the constant juggling of calls to contractors for quotes and calls to estate agents to renegotiate terms, everything was getting to be too much. You just needed to forget about everything for a little while.  
So, when Roger got home that evening, he found you waiting, wearing the tightest, skimpiest clothes you owned – a skirt that only just covered your lace panty clad arse, and a low-cut singlet over a bra that pushed your tits together, plus the tallest heels you owned. It was the sort of outfit you only wore when you wanted to be his brainless toy. It helped you drop into your new role faster, helped your brain melt away.   “Everything okay?” He asked as he pulled you into a hug. “Yeah, just need a break. If you’re up for it?”   “Course, love. You know I love playing with my bimbo doll.”   You hugged him tighter, trying to convey how much you loved him with one gesture, already feeling slightly tingly. He led you to the couch, sitting you down to face him.
“Just need a break from all that noise in your pretty head, don’t you?” His voice sounded different to when he’d first come in, softer and calmer but more authoritative, “all that stress from work. Just need to listen to my voice and slowly sink deeper down, away from your brain, away from everything bad and stressful. And the more stressful things are, the more worries and noise in that silly brain, the faster you sink down down down until you can’t remember anything anymore. Down deeper, where there’s nothing to lose. Where there’s no need for big words. Where the only thing that matters is being a good doll for Sir. Pleasing Sir. Because pleasing Sir makes you happy and horny, doesn’t it?   “Yes,” you sighed softly, a wet spot already beginning to form as you stared into his eyes. “It’s so simple, so easy, isn’t it my pretty, silly, slut. So simple and easy to leave your mind behind.”   You breathed deep as Roger’s hands glided through your hair, gently smoothing it back, his fingernails running over your scalp and down down down to push it behind your ear.   “That’s right, just relax. You’ve got nothing to lose by listening and relaxing. Thinking about how fun it is to be simple and easy.”   Your eyes were shut, though you didn’t remember closing them. You felt Roger’s hand move further down your hair, splitting it into sections, running his fingers through it to smooth it out.   “You like being simple and easy, don’t you? Simple and easy and fun and dumb. My pretty, silly, bimbo.”   He was winding your hair round his fingers, moving slowly and gently, sending tingles down your spine as you took another deep breath. A whimper dropped from your lips and you could almost feel your mind emptying with every word he spoke, letting go of the day, the meetings, the harried phone calls, the forms you had to sign. All of it was so unimportant compared to his voice.   “And d’you wanna know the best part about you being like this?”   “Yes.” If you’d been able to think properly you would have said your voice had changed too. Higher pitched than normal. Brighter and bubblier.   “The best part about you being simple and easy and fun and dumb, is how hot it is. How wet you get. Isn’t that right?”   “Yes,” you giggled, “hot and wet.”   “Good girl,”   You giggled again, his praise making what was left of your brain feel mushy and happy. Roger chuckled at your giggly, giddy response, letting his fingers slip out the bottom of your hair and onto your arms. You shivered at his touch, face breaking into a smile.   “Feels good being touched when you’re like this. Simple and easy and fun and dumb. You want me to keep touching you?”   You whimpered, “yes,” breath coming out in pants as his hands slipped down your arms, setting your skin aflame.   “Yeah, you like that. Got nothing to lose by being touched. Just feels good.”   “Yeah, feels so good,” you giggled and you heard Roger chuckle in response.   “Open your eyes for me, wanna see your pretty eyes,”   Your eyes shot open and you beamed at Roger.   “You like when I compliment you, don’t you?”   “Yeah,” you giggled again, feeling bubblier and lighter now that you could see his reactions. His hands had slipped down to your own, tracing patterns softly over your skin, between your fingers, tapping over your nails.   “Like, when I tell you how cute you sound right now, all giggly. A silly, giggly slut.”   Your response was so predictable, Roger was smiling even before you started to giggle again.   “How do you feel, love?”   “Ummmm, fuzzy. Happy.”   His hands slipped further, landing on your thighs and slipping over your knees, making a wave of arousal roll through your body and a soft whine roll off your tongue.   “Yeah? Do you remember those four words I used to describe you earlier?”   You thought for a moment, furrowing your brow as you searched for the right words, “dumb?”   “Yes, that was one of them, do you remember the other three?”   “Umm,” you stared at Roger, mouth slightly open, “horny?”   Roger laughed again.   “Dumb and horny.... and... easy?”   “That’s right, but horny wasn’t one of the four words.”   “Oh,”   “But that’s okay, you feel horny, don’t you? D’you want me to tell you the four words?”   You nodded fast. “Simple and easy and fun and …?”   “Dumb!”   “Good girl.” He leaned in, brushing his nose against yours as you laughed again, “And now that my pretty bimbo doll has nothing left to lose, all dumb and mindless, what does she want to do?”   "Ummmm,”   “What is it?”   “I want to suck your cock, Sir,”   “Is that so? Thought you said you didn’t like sucking cock.”   “Noooooo, I love sucking your cock Sir.”   Roger looked so amused by your answer you couldn’t help but giggle, even though you didn’t quite understand why. All you knew was you wanted to please him, that pleasing him made you feel good.
As soon as you heard the jangle of Roger unbuckling his belt your mouth fell open and your tongue stuck out. He moved around so his leg was stretched out down the length of the couch, his other hanging over the edge, with you kneeling in between. Slowly, his eyes glued on you, he unzipped his fly and pushed his pants down his hips enough to let his cock spring free. You waited patiently for his word, watching as he grasped his shaft and lazily stroked along it. Your mouth was almost watering as your desire to lick and suck grew, drowning out everything else.   “God you’re cute. Practically drooling. Ready to show me what a desperate cockslut you are?”   You hummed, replacing Roger’s hand with your own, wrapping it around his base as you kitten licked at his tip. He sighed softly as you took him into your mouth, relaxing further into the couch, and you felt a small burst of pleasure pulse through you. It spurred you on and you sunk lower, taking more of him, before rising back up to swirl your tongue around his tip. He groaned and you were hit by another jolt between your legs. Every noise you pulled from him set you on fire, the pit in your stomach tightening, your cunt dripping, only encouraging you to suck harder and take him deeper. His fist tangled in your hair, holding you down as you gagged around him. Looking up with watering eyes you could see Roger had dropped his head back, his lips silently forming words he couldn’t get out, lost in the sensation of being in your throat. It was enough to make you moan and redouble your efforts, bobbing up and down faster, working him as deep as he could go.   “Fuck, Y/N” Roger choked out, “gonna make me cum soon,”   You released him with a pop, unable to stop the grin the crept onto your face.   “You like the idea of me cumming down your throat?”   “So much, Sir!”   “What about the idea of you cumming?”   “If that pleases Sir, yes”   “You’ve been such a good doll, think you deserve the reward. But only after you’ve swallowed all my cum okay?”   “Promise, Sir,” “That’s enough talking now, wanna hear you gagging instead,” he tapped your head and you leaned down, letting him slip all the way back down your throat. His grip returned to your hair, pulling you up and then pushing you down again, showing you the speed at which you should be moving. You fell into rhythm, breaking the pattern every now and then to hollow your cheeks around his tip or lick along the underside of his cock or gulp for air, before finding the rhythm again.   “So close, fuck, so so close,”   Your movement was suddenly halted as he pressed down on the back of your head, making you choke. You tried to move, needing another gasp of air but he held you down as he came, coating your throat with hot spurts of cum. You swallowed every drop he gave you, your body surging with the electric knowledge you’d pleased him so much, tingling from head to toe.  
“Did you enjoy yourself?” He sat up, brushing his fingertips over your cheek.   “So much, Sir! I love your cock,” you giggled, leaning forward to drop a quick peck to the head, “love drinking your cum.”   “And you’re so good at it. My pretty, cocksucking doll. Do you still wanna cum?”   “ummm, yes?” You didn’t really care if you got to cum, you just wanted to make your Sir happy.   “I’d like to watch you cum,”   “Then yes!” another giggle.   “Then why don’t you sit that cute cunt right here,” he patted his thigh, “and show me what a good slut you are.” You settled yourself over him, hitching your skirt up in the process, so you could grind against him, still wearing the skimpy panties you’d picked out. A moan escaped you as you rolled your hips and Roger placed his hands on them, to keep you pressed firmly against him as you rocked yourself closer to your release. You were already so worked up it didn’t take long for you to reach the edge, whimpering as Roger’s grip tightened. “That’s right, cum for me,” His permission was all you needed to let yourself fall over the edge with a gasp. You felt so light and happy, buzzing with pride and the knowledge that your Sir wanted to see you fall apart. You shuddered and fell forward as the orgasm washed over you, leaning your forehead against Roger’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to the top of your head as you shivered through the orgasm.   “So beautiful,” he was playing with your hair again and you hummed at how good it felt. “That’s right, just relax, listen and relax and come back. Nothing to lose by coming back. Back to who you were before. Who you are. So simple, so easy to come back. Relax into it. Relax back into yourself. Letting go of the bimbo. So easy to come back to your mind.”   You took a deep breath as you returned to yourself. More aware of everything around you. The salty taste of Roger’s cum on your tongue. The warm, wet feeling between your legs. The scent of Roger’s cologne as you breathed deeply. You sighed contentedly as the giddy, giggly lightness you’d felt slowly faded and the real world came back to you. Roger’s eyes found yours as he tilted your head up, searching them for anything amiss.   “Hey,” he said softly rubbing your arm soothingly, “how was that, you okay?” “That was exactly what I needed. Thank you.” You pecked him on the lips. “You’re very welcome. You wanna talk about work?”   “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now I’m,” you shifted slightly, still straddling his thigh, “still a little worked up actually. Race you to the bedroom?” Roger’s lips slammed against yours as he held you tightly, the kiss heated and hungry, “who need’s a bedroom when there’s a perfectly fine couch here. Time I repaid you for the fucking fantastic blow job.” You squealed as you found yourself on your back, Roger pulling your soaked underwear off hurriedly.  
To the world at large you were a well-respected, intelligent, and accomplished woman with an enviable relationship. And you were. All that and more. But you knew, and Roger knew, that deep down you were just a silly, giggly, dumb slut, who loved sex and craved cock and lived to please. Just a pretty bimbo who had no use for anything besides her Sir. And really, what more could you possibly want.  
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turtleskele · 4 years
His Bark Part 5:
He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. But the sound of the little human’s breathing below him had lulled him to sleep. It was much different than the snoring he was used to when Sans slept there; not that his brother spent much time with his family anymore anyways.
Besides his assignments, he didn’t spend much time with his family at all; opting to spend his every free moment with his “girl”.
Papyrus stared at the sleeping girl on the bottom bunk. She was clutching the pillow tightly, her knees curled in towards her chest, a very defensive position. Her hair fell over her cheeks hiding her cute face. He squatted down beside the bed. He wanted to see her sleeping face, up close. Carefully, he brushed the hair behind her ear. She flinched but did not wake up.
As he watched her back rise and fall, he began to understand Sans’ current obsession with his new lady friend. The little human was intoxicating, he found himself being pulled to her. Though he wasn’t sure he would ever be as fully involved with a girl like Sans was, he had to admit he wouldn’t mind having her around for awhile~
He sighed and pushed those thoughts away.
She wasn’t here to be friendly with though. Besides, he had very high standards that he doubted she would be able to meet-no matter how cute she was. He took one last long look before heading towards the door.
He better make breakfast before she woke up. He would hate for her to find him gone and start to worry herself again.
She woke up slowly. Her eyes felt swollen and puffy from all the crying she had done the night before.
She looked around her, letting her eyes adjust. She was still in Papyrus’s room. Nothing had happened, no one had tried anything.
The girl sat up, listening for breathing coming from the top bunk. Was he still asleep? Did skeletons even breathe?
She didn’t hear anything; no movement, nothing.
That’s when her eyes came to rest on the side table. There lay her clothes, neatly folded with a note sitting on top. She reached for the piece of paper.
The girl felt herself smile a bit. Even though he was a killer, he seemed to be very thoughtful, if not just detail oriented.
She looked over at her clothes. They were folded nicely and smelled of what she could only describe as a mans cologne. Deep, rich, and musky. They felt soft as she picked them up. At least she had something familiar in this place.
At that moment she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She felt her heart quicken. Was it Papyrus? The door opened slowly.
Papyrus peeked in the door.
He closed the door behind him, setting the tray of food in his hands on the bedside table.
The girl nodded.
“Yes. Thanks for...staying.”
A look of surprise crossed the youngest skeleton’s face. The girl thought she also saw some red spreading across his face, but he turned away before she could see.
The girl clutched her clothes tighter.
Papyrus sighed.
The girl nodded and retreated to the bathroom.
The girl seemed a little less uncomfortable when she was finally in her own clothes again. She ate her breakfast without much conversation, though her facial expressions said many words. Finally she finished her plate.
“Thank you for the food, you’re a very good cook.”
The youngest skeleton felt a beam of pride go through him.
The girl gave him a small, smile. Papyrus felt his soul thump a bit.
So cute~
“I wish I were better at cooking, I know the basics and I’m not too bad, but I could definitely be better. I do like to bake though.”
Papyrus raised his eye ridge.
She nodded. “It helps me to relax.”
Papyrus considered this. It would probably help the human stay calm if she were doing something she loved.
The girl looked up at him in surprise.
Papyrus studied her face. She didn’t seem apposed to the idea, just surprised to hear him say it.
She looked away sheepishly.
“Are you sure? I’ve been told I’m not exactly easy to teach. I-I tend to get overwhelmed very easily when I don’t understand or know how to do something.”
Papyrus puffed his chest up in pride.
She looked down at her lap, seeming to contemplate his offer. A troubled look came over her face.
“What about...your family? Won’t your brothers be upset to see me-out? A-And what about-“
The youngest skeleton got up and strode over to the door. He opened it wide and looked back at her.
The girl blinked a few times, before finally rising from the bed and following him out the door.
The tall skeleton brandished the utensil in front of the girl.
He saw the girl visibly swallow as the blade got near her.
Without another thought, he turned and grabbed the vegetable he was going to dispatch.
She nodded and watched as he made quick work of the vegetable in front of him barely missing a beat.
He motioned for her to step in front of the cutting board, handing her the knife handle first. He placed another vegetable down and stood off to the side, watching her intently.
Slowly, the girl tried mimicking his movements as she chopped the vegetable.
The girl nodded, adjusted the blade, and tried again.
The girl tensed, her hand shaking, chopping down dangerously close to one of her fingers. Something stopped the blade just in time. A bony hand grasped the knife, mere centimeters from cutting off the tip of her finger.
The girl let go off the knife and took a step back, hugging herself tightly. She let out a ragged breath.
“If your going to just keep yelling at me, I might as well just go back upstairs and you can finish lunch by yourself!”
This gave Papyrus pause. In his zeal for culinary perfection he had forgotten that she was still a novice. He had wanted this to help calm her down and maybe get another one of those adorable smiles out of her. But in his haste to teach he had forgotten how fragile she was right now.
The girl gave him a wary look. The tall skeleton sighed.
‘Just trust me human. Give me another chance. I won’t let you down.’
He saw the girl give a small sigh. Finally she walked slowly back to the cutting board.
Papyrus felt his soul leap.
The girl hesitantly picked back up the knife, then looked back at him, waiting.
Papyrus came up behind her, laying his giant hands over hers as gently as possible. He was careful to keep his body from touching hers-which wasn’t hard because of the size difference. But even so; his soul thumped from the close contact.
She was so small~
He moved her free hand to the vegetable and positioned her hand properly on it.
She glanced back at him and nodded. He thought he detected a hint of red on her face. But otherwise, she was remaining quite calm at his contact.
Gently, he picked up her hand with the knife and situated it over the vegetable.
Her little body was now completely encircled and engulfed by his own. Though he took great care to keep her separated from him, he could feel the feeling from earlier creeping up in him.
He wanted her closer-right up on him. Close enough to smell and caress~
Papyrus snapped himself out of that train of thought. He had to admit, the human was intoxicating. But she still did not meet all of his standards! It would take more than an interest in cooking to hook him.
But...there was no harm in being a little bit closer~
He demonstrated this to her while guiding her hand gently through the motions. After a few more demonstrations, Papyrus reluctantly released his hold so she could try on her own.
The girl gave him a small embarrassed smile.
Papyrus could feel himself itching to be close to her again.
It took awhile, but they soon fell into a groove.
Slowly, lunch came together until finally the last thing to do was plate it.
The tall skeleton looked over her shoulder as she spread the finishing touches on each plate, gently guiding her hands when needed.
Finally, she finished and looked back to admire her work.
Papyrus laid a hand carefully on her shoulder.
The girl looked up at him and smiled, making his soul race.
“Well, I did have a good teacher.”
He could feel his cheekbones turning red at her compliment, and had to be mindful not to squeeze her shoulder in his excitement.
Behind them, someone cleared their throat.
Both the girl and the younger skeleton turned to find two of his brothers standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Are we...interrupting?”
Don’t worry part 6 will be coming soon(ish) :3
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Backstory for my OC, Ren (back when he was still Tsubasa), about his last evening as a bunraku puppet at the Komorebi Club, and his introduction to Yuudai, the ex-yakuza who rescued him. Pretty dark whump followed by a rare comfort moment! Yay! Word count: 2641 TW: implied/referenced noncon, implied/referenced self-harm, referenced suicide attempt
  The transdermal patch was pressed into the back of the puppet’s neck, just below his hairline, and microscopic pins pressed into the grooves worn in his skin. Almost immediately, the dizzying sensation of the drug began swirling around Tsubasa’s head, and he felt himself growing nauseous.
“Lay him down. Tilt his head to the side.”
The pale young man watched as his view changed, limply slumping back on the bed’s dark brown silky blankets , then looking over to his left as large, cool hands turned his face in that direction. The light from the artificial treetops danced across the suite’s wall. He had been told by Minami-sama that this light was a simulation of the light one might see breaking through the treetops on a sunny day.
Tsubasa wondered what sunlight was like. He had been told it was warm. A warm light. He could barely comprehend that concept.
People were talking, softly, as if aware that Tsubasa listened in on the conversations of the management here as often as he could. Other than the personasofts, it was his only source of information.
He strained his ears to listen even as he felt his limbs growing weaker, even his lungs having slight difficulty expanding.
“This is not good. If Minami-san knew how close he came today...he’d have our skins.”
“Minami-san won’t know. Minami-san won’t find out. The only ones who know are you and I.”
“Yeah, but the cameras-”
“There aren’t any cameras in the suites, dumbass. Same reason he’s got that data filter in his head. “
“What did he even use? There was a lot of blood, but...there’s nothing he could’ve stabbed himself with, is there?”
“...I think he used his teeth.”
The pair of Yakuza fell silent and Tsubasa trailed his dark eyes down to look at his hand, which lay limply in front of his face. His wrist was wrapped in clean, white bandages.
After a moment, one of the guards said, “He couldn’t’ve actually killed himself, though. He’s weak, even without the Dopadrine.”
“That’s by design. But even then, him getting hurt at all is bad news, and if he was actually aware while he did it…”
“It was a glitch with the ‘soft. I’m sure it was. Don’t get so fuckin’ ominous.”
“Let’s just get ‘im put away and then try to figure out a way to explain this to Minami-san.”
Hands grabbed hold of Tsubasa, one pair under his arms, one at his legs. He felt limp and numb, nausea still swirling around his stomach. The group moved through one of the doors, carved with the shape of a maple leaf on its front, and into another warm-coloured hallway. Dark mahogany floors, burnt orange walls, and that ever-present dancing light, that dappled light of the sun through trees.
They brought Tsubasa to his room and put him on the bed. The door locked behind them as the pair left.
Darkness. Darkness. Darkness.
This room was so dark it seemed endless. Dark. An eternal blackness; no smell, no taste, no texture. Just a blackness so deep that Tsubasa could not see if his eyes were opened or closed.
Slowly, numbly, he raised a hand to his face, holding it in front of his eyes. He couldn’t see it. Then he moved it back to the back of his neck, feeling the silicone patch over his spine. He ran his fingers over its surface, smoother than the skin underneath.
Time didn’t pass here. It was soundproofed. He had seen it with the light from the hallway outside, enough to know that it would, under normal circumstances, be a nice, if spartan, room. His bed was firm but not uncomfortable, and there was room to walk around.
Tsubasa wasn’t in here enough to grow stir-crazy, but sometimes he wondered what the less-popular bunraku went through, in here for hours, even days, not even put on display so that they might have a chance to get out of the darkness.
Foolishness, thought Tsubasa. I’m always in the darkness. Even when I’m out there in those swirling, false lights, even when I’m surrounded by people, it’s dark. I can’t see anything. Nothing.
Tsubasa shut his eyes again.  He listened to the dull throb of his head, feeling it washing around his head like the ocean. He pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, rubbing them gently. His fingers felt cold, tingly. In fact, he could hardly feel them at all. They kept this area cold, and Tsubasa didn’t know if it was to save money or to somehow keep the dolls more docile.
Maybe people are like food, Tsubasa thought sardonically to himself. Perhaps we last longer if we’re kept cold.
He regretted the thought almost immediately. Tsubasa felt sick.
He felt as if his limbs weighed a million tons.
He didn't know how long he was in there for, as his thoughts spun around in his drowsy mind. Premeditated suicide was not a luxury Tsubasa was allowed; he didn't spend enough time in his own head to make those sorts of plans.
He hadn't gone into that room with the idea of killing himself. It had just happened. He had been put in one of the luxury suites, and was waiting for the personafix chip to be activated. He had felt a dull dread deep in his chest, pulling and tugging like a fish-hook.
And he had looked down at his pale, slender wrist, seeing the delicate blue veins beneath the flawless skin. A hatred had risen up in him, a loathing for that perfect skin, for that carefully cultivated body that felt as if it belonged to someone else.
He felt trapped in his skin.
He felt imprisoned here. In the darkness. In his body. He wished he could be free of it. Of all of it. Now, before his mind was entrapped in itself again. Before that cell door was implanted in his skin and he became someone else.
There was a tearing, a taste of hot coppery liquid, a startlingly brilliant red flashing out against Tsubasa’s pale arm. Red rushing out at him, washing out that darkness.
But Tsubasa was never far from one of Minami’s men, and too soon, he was being restrained, held down, the drug patch pressed into his neck. Everything slowed down, and he watched through a haze as his arm was stitched up and bandaged.
A click of the maglock on the door broke Tsubasa out of his thoughts; he looked over in the direction of the noise, flinching at the sudden light as the door slid open.
“Tsubasa. This will not happen again.”
Minami’s voice never wavered from the calm cadence that he always spoke in, the voice of a man who had flags in a lot of different mountains, and knew few people were foolish enough to try to plant their own. He was a professional, a businessman, and Tsubasa was both fascinated by and terrified of him.
“My men tell me it was a malfunction with your personafix chip that caused this little incident,” said Minami, “But I'm not a fool, and nor, do I think, are you. The chip hadn't been activated yet, had it?”
Tsubasa was silent, just lying on his side and staring at the wall.
“Answer me,” a slight edge worked its way into Minami’s voice.
“No, sir.”
“Precisely,” Minami continued, voice calm once more, “Let’s not have any reservations with each other. I am well aware of how intuitive you are, how adaptive. It’s what makes you such a valuable asset to Komorebi. None of the other bunraku have lasted as long and provided such good results. You are consistently the most requested offering in this company. You are one of our selling points, and it’s precisely because of how durable your mind is, how resilient.
You know all this, Tsubasa.”
Tsubasa nodded, shutting his eyes. This was the most he could recall Minami ever saying to him. Fear gripped his chest like a vice.
“I have offered you a certain amount of freedom which the other bunraku do not receive, because I have interest in maintaining your position as my top selling item. However, what you did this evening, and what you were attempting to do, has made me reconsider this. You are the only bunraku at the Komorebi Club to be given occassional recess from your personafix software. I believed that this would preserve you for many more years. I believed that I was securing an investment. I have decided to rectify this mistake.”
Tsubasa’s eyes snapped open, and he looked over at Minami, heart pounding.
“Your personafix chip will be activated permanently, and you will be kept on Dopadrine when not working,” Minami’s voice had gone quiet, icy, “Your body is mine, Tsubasa. Literally, legally, and up until now I have allowed you to continue using it. But I will not tolerate you damaging my property. You will continue to live and earn money for this company until I decide I no longer have need of you.”
Minami said, “It is regrettable. You had been surprisingly good at resisting the mental strain of the personafix chip. Your original personality wasn't even entirely  undesirable. It's deeply regrettable that it will have to be locked inside that mind of yours from now on. Deeply regrettable.” He took a step backwards, hands clasped in front of him, watching Tsubasa for a moment. Then, with a quick turn on his heel, Minami stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Tsubasa was shut into the darkness again, trembling, his freshly-stitched wrist tingling slightly.
As the young dark-haired man lay on his bed, he listened to the sounds of the Komorebi Club closing for the evening. Tsubasa wondered what it would be like, to no longer be himself, ever again. To think his last lucid thought and then be gone.
Was Tsubasa the body? Or was Tsubasa the mind? Will I still be Tsubasa when I’m gone? Will this body still have my name?
He looked up at the ceiling, throat burning as he tried to keep his repressed sobs silent. He had to take in as much as he could. As much sound as possible. As much smell, as much sight.
Would this be what the rest of his life was like? Locked forever in the darkness of his own mind, unable to act, only able to watch as he was used by the patrons of this business? Unable even to scream?
He felt the warmth of tears streaming down the sides of his face and into his hairline as he looked up at the black ceiling, so dark it may have been endless.
He listened to the noises of the Club’s activities slowly transition from afternoon to evening to early morning. The sounds of talking and drinking, of soft music and footsteps. These transitioned into hushed conversations in Japanese, and to Minami in particular, speaking to his men. Then, hours later, the doors of the building being closed and locked, and the very faintest noise of a car driving away.
It was still so dark. He placed a hand over his face, feeling the cool skin, shutting his eyes and inhaling a pained gasp of air. How many more movements would be of his own command? How many more thoughts would be acted on? How long would it be before he no longer could remember who he used to be?
What if this isn’t who I was born as? What if they created this personality, too? What if Tsubasa is as much a fiction as the rest of them? As fake as this skin and this damned room?
Who am I?
Who are my parents? Do I even have any? Do they know I’m here? 
Did they sell me to Minami? 
His chest hurt, as if the Dopadrine was actually impeding his ability to breathe. It hurt...his chest...his heart...he wanted to scream and claw at his skin, to rip apart Tsubasa, because Tsubasa was what Minami wanted. He wanted to destroy the body these men paid so much money for. He wanted to rip himself apart until there was nothing but his mind.
This body is just a vessel. 
My mind. My mind is who I am. I can’t lose my mind. They can’t take my mind. They can’t take it. They can’t take my mind.
 This body isn’t me. This body isn’t me. This body is a vessel. My mind is me. They can’t take it. They can’t. I can’t lose this, too-
A loud crack sounded in the tiny room and Tsubasa’s eyes snapped open. He stared at the door, around which he could suddenly see just the tiniest crack of light, as if it had been pushed slightly in. How the hell-
As Tsubasa thought this, another loud report sounded as the door visibly shook. Tsubasa shook, his breathing hitched; but he couldn’t move. The drug patch in his neck...he couldn’t even lift his head.
With one final, startling crash, the thick, reinforced door slammed open, banging against the wall as it was pushed inward. Tsubasa flinched, a brilliant blue light driving into his eyes.
Light. Light. Light.
A beautiful...brilliant blue light.
“Get up. Come on, quick, kid. We gotta go.”
A voice was sounding from the source of the light, a terse, but not frightened voice. He was speaking Japanese, very informal Japanese, and he sounded fairly young, though Tsubasa wasn’t sure how young. He blinked rapidly, trying to focus on the figure.
“Come on,”said the man, stepping into the room. Bright blue lights illuminated the tiny space; the figure was tall and lean, muscular. He was wearing a semi-opaque, skintight black mesh shirt, black PVC pants and tall, heavy neon blue boots. He was Japanese, pure Japanese, obviously, and...he was so vivid. So bright. Bright fiberoptic cyberdreads, bright neon lines running down his arms to pvc fingerless gloves. An unsheathed katana stringed with matching LEDs was on his toned shoulder, and his eyes: intent, but also excited, and a beautiful glowing blue.
“Are you deaf?” the man frowned, looking legitimately confused, “We’re going. I’m rescuing you. Get it?”
Tsubasa stared dumbly at the man, unable to understand his words. He was clearly speaking Japanese, but it didn’t make sense. Going? Rescue? Had Tsubasa gone completely mad?
“What...do you mean...going?” asked Tsubasa softly, brows furrowed.
The man rocked back on forth on his heels slightly, and then he grinned, and the grin was more blindingly beautiful than anything Tsubasa had ever seen. It had no malice in it, no cruelty, no lust. Just...excitement. Tsubasa would almost call it...joy.
Then he said, “Listen, I’ve been working here for a while, and I’ve decided I need some good karma. I’m breaking you out, okay, and leaving,” he frowned a bit, “What does it matter why? Just get up and come on.”
“I don’t...I mean...that is, I can’t…”
“The drugs...the patch on my neck...I don’t think I can move...I’m sorry…”
The man tilted his head to the side, then crouched, glancing around at the back of Tsubasa’s neck; the younger man felt as if his skin had warmed by a good ten degrees.
“Dopadrine?” the dread-locked man sounded dismayed, “They give you guys Dopadrine??”
Tsubasa shrugged, frowning lightly.
“Fuck, they give that crap to orcs. I’m surprised you’re even conscious. Alright…”
He crouched, and in a swift motion, lifted Tsubasa onto his back, hooking his arms around the young man’s legs and draping his arms around his neck.
“I’m Yuudai, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Huh? What?”
“No, I...I don’t have one.”
Yuudai fell silent for a moment, then laughed lightly, looking over at the boy and grinning. That grin made Tsubasa feel like he was flying.
“Well, why don’t you start thinking of one?” asked Yuudai, “A new name. A new start.”
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scottstiles · 6 years
a little update: (under the cut for medical info and probably TMI)
i woke up this morning at 7:30 after a couple hours sleep (i knowshut up), sweating and shivering and freezing, and puked all over my bathroom. there was nothing much there, mainly because i hardly, BARELY, eat meals every day, and yesterday was especially bad because i didn’t eat anything but salad all day then i went to a movie and ate almost an entire bag of popcorn (along with the usual coffee and 2 cans of coke by the end of the day). so here i am. puking and heaving up my insides with almost nothing coming out. i don’t have a thermometer because i lent it to someone and never got it back, but i’m pretty sure i had fever. so after at least 3 hour of this, destroying my knees on the hard bathroom tile, destroying my laundry basket when i tried to use it as a chair to save my knees, destroying my esophagus and pyjamas with increasingly acidic and substance-less vomit, my sister finally came to take me to the hospital (she’s an emergency room physician but it was her one day off.. whoops). which is where i still sit at this moment. no rooms/beds available, so i’ve been sitting in this MOSt uncomfortable fake laz-e-boy (how the fuck do they spell that? i know it’s something weird.. anyway) chair since about 11am (that makes it around 7 hours), tryin not to puke more (there’s nothing left to puke so every time i take a sip of water i puke it right out). my mouth was SO FUCKING DRY i could barely talk but they didn’t want me to keep drinkin cuz they wanted to xray my tummy and also didn’t want me to keep puking. they had to give me more anti-nausea meds like 5 times because i just kept complaining cuz it WASN’T WORKING ds;flkgjdfklgjkdf,and then we did an xray. SO... some of you might know that i was diagnosed about a year ago with crohn’s disease (i believe it’s named after a person and not some poor stereotype of an old hook nosed mole faced witch). throughout the last year i’ve done tons of tests, xrays, mris, etc, which all have shown recently that my intestines are in much better shape than before we started the medicine. but theres still a major problem where my intestines meet- the opening is still inflamed and extremely small, so its hard to pass food properly. once they got the xray results today, the emerg doc told me i just have to walk around to get my bowels moving cuz he literally couldn’t hear ANYTHING when he listened to my tummy with the stethoscope. the xray showed almost no poop in there but lots of gas, which is what’s makin me so nauseous? I GUESSS???? after i walked around the hospital for like 10 minutes i DID feel a lot better, but still no farting or pooping (sorry i just got gross). then finally my gastro doc came to see me, and dropped one of the funniest bombshells i’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. APPARENTLY... POPCORN is a terrible terrible food. for me, anyway. he told me he’s even had other crohn’s patients who suffered for DAYs only to find out they were obstructed by popcorn. so this is what he thinks/hopes is the problem. i ate too much FUCKING POPCORN AT THE QUEEN MOVIE MY INTESTINE COULDN’T LET IT THROUGH SO IT PILED UP AND MADE ME PUKE ALL DAY. okay??? yea, exactly. then he told me i have to completely change my diet and eat only “low-residue” foods, which is basically like anything that dissolves/digests easily and quickly, like soups and non fibrous things like white bread and rice and pasta. i am NOt allowed to have things like broccoli (the oNLY vegetable i tolerate!!!), fruits with peels and seeds, nuts and seed things, milk, whole grains... basically anything you would assume is part of a GOOD diet XD what he’s now telling me is that im suppOSED to eat all the food i’ve been trying to quit for the last 30 years because i’m addicted (the “white” foods like bread and rice), and i’m NOT supposed to have all those healthy poop-making foods we’ve been taught are so important because they might cause this again. tbh i think this is probably the best outcome i could’ve hoped for because a virus woulda been the WORST theres literally nothing you can do but wait for it to be over. at least now i know a few things: DON’T EAT POPCORN, my bowels are actually pretty much empty and i don’t need to be taking laxatives anymore really, and fucking anti-nausea meds DO NOT WORK ON ME XD. anyway i’m still here at the hospital and just finally turned on my laptop cuz my sister refuses to pick me up until i’ve pooped or farted my way out of here. it could be awhile so lucky for me i just used up 40 minutes of it writing this post.
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
haha here we go again
there's a lot of dumb ranting and 3 days worth of logs and a dream in here so im gonna spare evryone’s dashboard and just put it all under the cut.
tw bad memories, talk of unhealthy relations with food, and dreams about dead animals
I realized I kind of entirely forgot to write about what I did yesterday? I kind of did a lot. I know my mom wanted to work on getting tile laid out in front of her bathroom, so we worked together to scrub the concrete and wipe up all the dirt and dust and whatever was under the carpet and remove some of the nails in the floor and bring up a spiky metal strip between the bathroom door and where the carpet was. The other main thing I remember is deciding to continue work on my dress, sewing up the outer bodice, checking that the bodice and lining would fit together, deciding I’d rather have no different colored front panel, and working on the circle skirt. At first I tried cutting the fabric on my bed, but it wasn’t big enough and too lumpy. I contemplated asking my friends if I could borrow their dining table, but I ended up clearing off my own. After I traced and was in the middle of pinning, I accidentally knocked over a glass bowl that I had set on the chair. My mom heard it from the other room and had me come to her room to tell her what it was. She got angry at me, which I thought was fuckin stupid if it was an accident, but after some reflection while cleaning up the glass pieces, I kind of understood why. Mostly I got a little upset about 2 ceramic pieces I made during school breaking a little from the drop. One was a mushroom house from middle school that always makes me remember feeling like an asshole during peer review when I told my person to smooth their project more because I didn’t know “no improvement needed” was an option until I got back to my desk and saw my person saying it was good in all categories because everyone thought my project was great for some reason. The other was a bunch of flowers on a circle. It was the last project we did before quarantine hit, I think. That one is in less tough shape, just a couple flowers knocked off and a chip on one of them. They can both be glued back together, I guess. Then my mom called me back into her room to listen to her talk about wanting to eat huge amounts of food, because she’s clinically depressed with BPD and PTSD and DID and several other acronyms and her favorite coping mechanism is food, but her doctor put her on a diet so she can get her knees replaced, but recently she’s been getting into a zone where she talks about wanting to eat entire cakes and pizzas and buckets of kfc and a gallon of queso or whatever the fuck and she goes “doesn’t that sound GOOD?” And I have to laugh along and say “haha no that sounds bad actually” and get her a piece of ham or something. And every time she goes on her spiel the only thing I can think of is the greedy from the raggedy Ann and Andy musical. It’s just this horrible undulating orange blob that eats everything in sight and seeing it for the first time just made me think of mom and it made me very uncomfortable, with all the orange goo and hurling noises. Also reminds me of this horrible video game boss fight where it’s the apocalypse and a fat lady on a scooter took over the buffet and eats so much during her boss fight, during the defeat cutscene she projectile vomits everywhere and dies. My brother Greg showed me that thinking it was funny. I hated it, and I still do. He showed me a lot of things he thought were funny as a shitty little kid, and I remember several of them being very upsetting. It’s ok. I don’t want to dwell on it. But after cleaning the glass and talking to mom I brought my fabric to my room and called it a night. Oh wait my dad also helped me with some paperwork my coworker handed me so I could get on the payroll.
Today I woke up differently than I have in a long time. I set an alarm for 10 am so I could be at work by 11, but I woke up at 9 from a heavy sleep with dreams about hanging out with my friend in my room, worrying about my dirty house. I wanted to sleep longer, so I got up at 10 to have breakfast and get ready. I spent my shift changing the price tags all around the store, making everything more expensive. I’m gonna work again on Tuesday where I’ll learn how to use the register. I hope I don’t fuk it up, but I have a couple days to relax until then. Maybe I’ll work on my dress. My friends all want to go to prom together, so my new deadline will be March 2nd or a little before. I still need to buy a ticket, but I don’t have access to the link to buy one :( bleh I’m too tired right now to worry about this shit. I only worked 4 hours again today, but after I got home I felt like I could have worked longer if they gave me something else to do. The only price tags left to change were a bunch of grills and stuff I don’t know about but I don’t know if they had any other work for my to do. But I’m glad I went home tho because I was hungry and my feet hurt from standing lol. I did laundry and made myself dinner and washed my hair and drew a little bit and made the table and tbh the pacing of today has been so weird I don’t remember everything. It’s only 1am but I think I’m just gonna go to bed. my friends started talking about going to prom, and I really want to join them, but I can't figure out where/how to buy a ticket. my brain started being really mean to me, syaing that I was being annoying and pushy and that they didnt want me at prom for some reason, so I low-key almost made myself cry until my friend offered to let me be their platonic date since their partner couldn't go. 
last night I had a dream about a hard video game where when you played it, the black shadow enemies would fight you in real life, and one of them left imprints on my arm in the shape of lego bricks. they could only attack you so long as you played the game, and they tried to capture people and you were supposed to save them. I decided it was my time to play, and I walked into my garage that had turned into a cave with bat-people fused into the wall. I paid them no mind as I rescued a girl who was my irl brother, grabbing her hand and pulling her into another versoin of my garage which was uncorrupted and normal looking. she thanked me, and I said it was no problem. then I tricked her, telling her not to trust so easily, as I became one of the shadow enemies and engulfed her in a black sack, trapping her and leaving the room. I came back a couple minutes later, letting him free (now my brain told me he was my brother) telling him I just wanted to know if I was capable of tricking him, and didnt actually want to kill him or whatever.  another big chunk of my dream was taken up by me, my sister, and my dad visiting a run down petting zoo/gamestop. the petting zoo barn was very dark with low ceilings with lots of rabbits and pigs and hay. one of us accidentally killed either a pig or a tiger right next to the exit door, and I had to slink around the gamester trying to distract the owner and keep him from going in the barn and escaping at the same time. I dont remember how it ended, other than me waking up with a sore throat from breathing so deeply through my nose. I had slept on my stomach wit my pillow in my face so I could hardly breathe, and even after I woke up I felt like I wasnt getting enough air. I HATE that feeling, I always felt like I was suffocating in middle school for some reason. I thinkk somethings wrong with my airway but im not gonna do anything about it. im gonna continue to spend 80% of my day laying down so my resting heart rate and breathing speed is slower than an goddamn sloth. whatever.
right now as im laying in bed typing this I feel utterly unpoductive but I KNOW I did SOME shit today. but yeah mostly I relaxed. I worked on my dress, removing and replacing the blue front panel. I lost my exacto knife somewhere so I went to dollar tree to get a knockoff, along with snacks for mom and my sister. the blades aren't as sharp as exacto, but I still know where the name brands blades are so maybe Ill try and see if they're compatible. when I open the package everything was oily and gross, so I washed everything off with soap and water before I used them to cut the threads of the panel seams. I could have used my seam ripper but I wanted to get a replacement craft knife anyway. its kinda neat that it came with 6 different shaped blades for different crafts :) but uhh I also cut out the other half of the circle skirt of the dress, and I have a bunch of extra fabric left over. probably enough to make a whole other bodess if I wanted too. I used my sewing machine to attach the new front panel, and I was hoping to get more sewing done tonight, but when I asked my sister if it was ok for me to use my sewing machine (it right next to the wall between our rooms so she can hear it from there) she said she was going to bed soon so I just attatched the front panel and called it a night. so that kinda sucked. I still have another day tomorrow before I have to work again, and I can still work on my dress on Tuesday after work. idk why my brain thinks that one 4 hour shift is gonna take up my entire day lmao. I just have to get the whole thing done by may 2nd. GOD that reminds me, im gonna be so busy next month. I have six events back to back happening like every other day, plus work. oof. I'll have to let my boss know, but idk If that's gonna make him mad. I've already got pretty comfortable with the lady in charge of the garden center who’s taken lead position while the manager is on vacation, but I dont think I;ll every understand my boss. he’s a sarcastic busy old man and NOT AT ALL approachable. whatever. really the only other tings I did today were drink a shit ton of water play harvest moon, spend too much time on tiktok, and sraw a couple dum things for my friends’ princess au. I fucking HATE the drawing I did for Anna, so I designed her a secondary outfit more inspired by sky pirate bohemian vibes, since she rules over the floating islands. idk if I'll replace her old outfit with the new one in the lineup or just re-draw her old one with better shapes and composition and match the style better or what. I just need it changed eventually becasuse it looks like ass. tbh now that ve taken a little bit of time away from the princess au, there are a couple designs im not 100% satisfied with. but I know that if I go back and make them more detailed or whatever the’ll be more of a hassle to draw and aslkdfhalksdf I dont know anymore. I'm still tied up about color pallets and trying to give everyone a distinct color, and im a little upset it doesn't quite work, and FUCK dude the edgy one’s lore and character are weird and I kind of want to revise it to make it a little nicer but its not my character and I need to stop shoving my dirty little mitts into everyone’s ocs and AHAGHRGHGARGHHG idk man. her power is necromancy and she has a skeleton army, which I think I kinda cool, but I also think it would be neat if her powers extended beyond just that to communing with the dead, helping them find rest, and THEN maybe it can branch into helping fallen soldiers fight again to help them with unfinished buisness. and then if she goes feral and starts abusing her powers, she ignores all the communication and concent with the dead and instead magically rips them from thr ground to do her bidding and they’re uncontrollable and violent and aimless, just like her mind slipping from the magical blight infecting her. idk man we’re till working on a lot of lore. her concept could be SO COOL with just that little bit of extra thought, but so far it’s just MY POWER IS DEATH IM SO EDGY. ugh I know its fuckin rude to bash your friends oc ideas and I might be too overbearing and controlling of this au but dammit im tired and im mean sometimes and my ego is through the goddamn roof and im so sexy and im always right and my meat is huge. ah shit I rpomised my friend I would help her with character design for the dead king but I was busy when she firat asked me and now im not busy but im not doing it ugh. im just frustrated right now because I spent wayyyy to fuckin long just laying in bed watching tikotks and youtube and playing harvest moon an doing jack shit all day. but hey at least I attempted to get a new social security card again today. and them promptly gave up when they said my adress was invalid. again. I feel like im in an uncomfortable medium between having no plans and worrying about the future and having too many plans all the time oh my god. ive been so focused on getting a job and then having a job and making this dress I completely forgot about college shit. thankfully there's no hard deadlines coming up that I haven't already finished. whatever I dont really want to worry about all this hit right now, im just gonna take it one day at a time. (haha it feels like my angel oc just stepped in. how nice of him :) )
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
a new standard
It takes a while for Michael to get used to Tilly. That's not necessarily a bad thing. (also here on ao3)
Tilly- Syliva, or Syl if that’s what you want to call me as Tilly had insisted Michael call her – waved at her when she arrived in the mess hall.
 “Michael!” Tilly voice was far too loud and bright given the hour of the day and some of the other officers shot her confused or dirty looks but she didn’t seem to notice. “Over here.”
 Michael sighed to herself, getting her food and making her way to the table where Tilly sat. She supposed it was better than sitting alone, at least Tilly no longer viewed her as ‘the mutineer’. Now she seemed to be actively trying to include Michael to make up for her previous behaviour.
 “Did you sleep okay? I mean I slept okay, but then I know I might have been snoring and that might have been annoying and-”
 “Tilly.” Michael cut off another rambling bout. “I slept fine.”
 “Oh.” Tilly broke out in to another smile. “That’s good then. Do you know what you’re working on today, you’re coming back to the science lab right?”
 “That’s what I’ve been ordered to.” Michael agreed, taking a sip from her tea.
 “Do you like it there?” It seemed like no matter how short Michael’s answers were Tilly was determined to bring her in to the conversation.
 “I enjoy looking at scientific advancement.” Michael admitted. “I’m curious to know what’s out there.”
 “I thought that you were raised by Vulcans?” Tilly tilted her head and scrunched up her nose a little, it was almost cute. Michael hid a small smile by taking another sip of her tea at that. “I mean I know Vulcans love science but aren’t you not supposed to enjoy stuff? Oh no.” Tilly flushed suddenly, “That was insensitive, oh this is why I’m never going to be a first contact mission.” Tilly bemoaned, dropping her head.
 “It’s fine.” Michael assured her though secretly she thought Tilly might be right and not suited for a first contact mission. Her throat felt tight as she continued. “Captain Georgiou encouraged me to embrace some human aspects of exploration.” She didn’t mention that she was only really expressing it now in the wake of Philippa’s death.
 “You really admired her.” Tilly said quietly, fiddling idly with her fork. “I’m sorry.”
 Michael swallowed hard, “Thank you.” She replied quietly in kind. Tilly squirmed in the ensuing silence but didn’t say anything else, leaving Michael to her thoughts.
 “You’re still here.” Tilly said somewhere behind Michael, sliding up beside her.
 “Since you’ve found me here, then logically yes I am.” Michael responded, not moving her gaze away from her screen.
 “C’mon.” Tilly yawned widely and Michael glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Her hair was back down in it’s many curls instead of up in a bun like usual and she was dressed in her pajamas.
 “Did you walk through the hallway like that?” Michael asked furrowing her brow and turning to face Tilly.
 Tilly glanced down and then her eyes widened. “Oh no. Oh no I did. Do you think anyone saw me?” She was beat red though the blue light cast by the screen turned her more purple. “I just woke up and you weren’t there and I got worried.” She glanced back at the door, biting her lip in worry and Michael could tell she was thinking if she ran into anyone while in the corridors.
 Michael shut down her screen and reached out to touch Tilly’s arm to get her attention. “Come on, I know a way back that shouldn’t have anybody around.” She’d learned it because she could tell she was making people uncomfortable and even the glares got tiring after a while.
 Tilly grabbed at her wrist as Michael led the way and babbled on about how she was glad that Michael knew where she was going and her vision at night was so poor. Michael mostly tuned it out, leading them back to their shared room.
 Once they were in she made move to go back out but Tilly stopped her with her hold still on Michael’s wrist. “You’re not going back are you?”
 “I still have work to do.” Michael said and tried to gently remove her wrist. She didn’t actually want to hurt Tilly after all.
 “You need some sleep.” Tilly said and raised her head stubbornly which only lasted for a second before she met Michael’s eyes. “Please?”
 Michael held in her sigh and nodded. “Very well.” She’d see if she could sneak out when Tilly was asleep again.
 Tilly beamed at her and let go of her wrist and Michael suddenly felt cold but knew logically it was just because of the sudden absence of warmth where it had been. She rubbed at her wrist anyway.
 “You know Michael I’m glad you’re my roommate.” Tilly said between another yawn as she slipped back under her covers. “It was pretty lonely in here.”
 Michael hesitated for a second. “I was…lonely as well.” She had been. It hurt to say but with the ostracization from the rest of it reminded her of her years on Vulcan never being accepted by her peers. On the Shenzhou Philippa had always been there as her friend and mentor. Discovery felt empty in that way.
 “Well now you’ve got me.” Tilly said and there wasn’t a hint of doubt in her voice. “Night Michael.” The lights overhead turned off at Tilly’s command and Michael laid on her bed, thinking.
 “Good night Tilly.” She said after a few minutes when she was sure that Tilly was still asleep anyway. It wasn’t Vulcan of her to admit her loneliness but it sure felt human.
 She took a deep breath, purging all emotions from her mind as she’d been taught as a child. The warm assurance that Tilly was there however remained. The snoring from the other side of the room helped with that.
 The tricorder was long since broken and Michael’s right arm was burning with whatever acid had dripped on to it. Tilly was pressed against her other side with Michael’s left arm slung over her shoulder and was rambling on about how much trouble they were in.
 Michael wished, not for the first time, that she was a Vulcan so she could help calm Tilly down.
 “Breathe.” She murmured in Tilly’s ear instead and Tilly sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
 “Okay. Okay. What do we do?” Tilly still sounded worried but at least not as panicked as before.
 “We need to contact the others. We’ll have to set up a distress beacon. I can walk you through it.” With her right arm out of use currently she couldn’t do it.
 Tilly helped her get seated on a piece of rubble on the planet they’d landed on. They’d answered a distress beacon of their own only to find it was a trap for some kind of alien gladiatorial arena where they forced species to fight each other.
 Michael had bested whatever species had hurt her arm with it’s poison and Tilly had been quick to blow a hole in the arena with chemicals she found around them and gotten them out but they were still in trouble wandering the world aimlessly and no idea where their crewmates were.
 Tilly listened as Michael instructed her, every second it hurt to talk more and more and she had feeling the poison was spreading. She wanted to shut her eyes and just succumb to sleep to not feel the pain but she knew she had to stay awake.
 “You don’t look so good.” Tilly said once the beacon was set up and she’d rushed to Michael’s side again. “This isn’t good.” She had pushed up Michael’s sleeve and the poison was indeed running up her arm now. “It hurts doesn’t it?” She didn’t let Michael answer. “That’s a stupid question of course it does. I’m sorry I asked it. Is there…anything I can do?” Her eyes looked wet as she looked at Michael, close to tears.
 Michael gritted her teeth before she answered to steel herself from the pain. “We just have to wait until we’re answered.”
 Tilly hovered over her, fluttering between her and the beacon and looking more desperate as the minutes ticked by.
 Michael licked her lips, “Tilly-” She paused, “Syliva.”
 Tilly’s head shot up at her first name, her mouth dropped open in surprise.
 “If I don’t make it-” Michael began.
 “You’re going to!” Tilly blurted out before she could continue. “You’re going to and, and, I’ll bring you plomeek soup! And read you Alice in Wonderland while you’re stuck in medbay and um.” Tilly stopped, her shoulders falling. “You can’t die.”
 Michael laughed quietly, more a huff under her breath than anything else at the idea of Tilly annoying the other patients in medbay as she’d constantly visit Michael. She’d constantly be there and Michael knew it.
 Before she could answer though a ship’s light felt over them, wind whipping around them as the ship landed.
 “Looks like you’ll have to.” Michael said drily and Tilly wiped at her eyes to get rid of the tears though it did no good. She helped Michael get up and to the ship, staying right next to her the whole ride back even as medical poked at her.
 True to her word Tilly was there every second she could be and they’d eventually kicked Michael out to recuperate in their room instead. She was off the duty roster for one week and it was making her feel twitchy but Tilly came back after the shift with padds of data for her to look at and stories of what they’d done that day.
 She sat on Michael’s bed, right next to Michael. The first time she’d done it Michael had shifted even closer to the wall and been somewhat annoyed. Now she pressed right against Tilly as they looked over the data.
 She was still scrolling through it as Tilly fell asleep on her bed and Michael knew she should wake her so Tilly could move to her own and not have to worry about possible rashes but a few minutes couldn’t hurt.
 Her right hand still hung at her side as she scrolled with her left and her fingers brushed by Tilly’s own, taking in the comforting warmth.
 At some point they’d moved to Tilly’s bed over the course of the weeks so that when Tilly inevitably fell asleep all Michael would have to do was move over to her own. She usually still ended up staying there for a little while longer.
 Some nights Tilly’s head would drop on to her shoulder and Michael would stiffen for a second before allowing it.
She knew logically this wasn’t just what friends would do and she was staring too long at Tilly these days, noting the shape of her lips as she smiled and the flush in her cheeks as she laughed. Perhaps at some point something would come of it, she’d noticed Tilly staring more as well.
 If it did, she thought with her fingers entwined with Tilly’s as they’d gotten somewhere between the afternoon, she didn’t think she’d mind it at all.
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the-netchiman · 7 years
Stolen from gf @lionel-del-rey
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
smol cousin at some family function a while back.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Neither? 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My gf
4. Are you easy to get along with? Fuck no lmao
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I have no doubt that they would try
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Funny, kind, down to earth people are cool
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I’m about to purchase a plane ticket for my gf so I severely hope we’re together by then lmao
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ur mum
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Only if it makes the person I’m talking to uncomfortable
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My dad. I guess???
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “what the fuck do you want for chrimbus, you little bitch?”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Oh no I don’t know gonna pull these out my ass real quick Black Irish by The Devil Makes Three Almost Blue by Chet Baker Desperado by The Eagles Stillborn (acoustic) by Black Label Society 512 by Lamb of God
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? idk? 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes
15. What good thing happened this summer? I got to visit a friend in Texas. Other than that, my summer went by in a big shitty blur.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Not for all the money in the world
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Ye
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Nop
19. Do you like bubble baths? Ye
20. Do you like your neighbors? I don’t dislike them. I don’t speak spanish, so we haven’t talked much.
21. What are you bad habits? I stress myself out over little things too often
22. Where would you like to travel? Ireland would be cool, but I definitely could never go there. Outside of that, idk, anywhere is cool
23. Do you have trust issues? oh yes
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Eating
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My chest or my neck
26. What do you do when you wake up? Check my phone
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I think its a fine how it is
28. Who are you most comfortable around? My friend Ari I guess
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yes
30. Do you ever want to get married? wow what an awkward question to have on something my gf is for sure going to see (yes)
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? ye
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Oh, idk
33. Spell your name with your chin. dickhead
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Not any more, but I used to play Football (American) and boxing 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? Tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Nah. Well yeah, but they figured it out eventually lmao
37. What do you say during awkward silences? “wow this got awkward”
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Mark Ruffalo
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Nerd stores (y’know, where nerds gather to play cards and dnd and stuff, occasionally comics are also there) and music stores. I’d spend all day in guitar center if no one stopped me.
40. What do you want to do after high school? Already out, and lemme tell you I’m already not doing what I wanted to do
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Most people. A few people definitely deserve nothing less than a life time of suffering.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Nothing, or something. I’m quiet most of the time.
43. Do you smile at strangers? I think I do but I have the resting bitch face big time so I mostly just look slightly less mad at people in public
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? The ocean would be fantastic
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Mr Socks won’t SHUT THE FUCK UP
46. What are you paranoid about? oh, y’know, most things
47. Have you ever been high? Oh yes
48. Have you ever been drunk? frequently 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? yes, but not because i’m embarrassed, just don’t want to upset anyone
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Nah. Careful what you wish for, right? Don’t want to say that and then wake up to find I’m somehow an even bigger piece of shit.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Wish I were in better shape, but I’m working on that so
53. Favourite makeup brand? Don’t wear it, so my favorite is whatever my gf asks for lmao
54. Favourite store? Guitar Center. lemme obnoxiously test pedals all day
55. Favourite blog? dunno
56. Favourite colour? Red. a certain shade of blue is pretty good too.
57. Favourite food? Anything featuring potatoes 
58. Last thing you ate? a fuckin 1/4 cup of cheese. my diet has been weird recently.
59. First thing you ate this morning? Nothing yet, but I have designs on some tacos
60. Ever won a competition? For what? ye, a few. i hate bragging so im not going to go into detail, but i used to actually be good at things.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Yep. suspended two or three times for getting into fights, one time for accidentally bringing a knife to school. weirdly, the girl that decided to pull the thing out of my pocket got in no trouble at all.
62. Been arrested? For what? No, but boi have i come close
63. Ever been in love? i am, at this moment, very in love
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? Not really much a story? It was an awkward childhood kiss.
65. Are you hungry right now? Yes, very. waiting on me uncle tho
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? don’t really have tumblr friends
67. Facebook or Twitter? Fb
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr for art, twitter for memes
69. Are you watching tv right now? nah
70. Names of your bestfriends? Ari, zach, mr socks
71. Craving something? What? Oh y’know things
72. What colour are your towels? Got turquoise, black, blue, purple, white. 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? two
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nah
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Got a few plush pokemon, i guess that counts?
75. Favourite animal? Really like bears
76. What colour is your underwear? N/A
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? oh, uh, cookie dough? oreo? orange sherbet? can’t decide.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? N/A
80. What colour pants? look if the last two clothing questions didn’t tip you off, i’m naked. are you happy now?
81. Favourite tv show? oh, idk. haven’t really had the interest in shows since i got super depressed like a year ago lmao
82. Favourite movie? i guess kung pow?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER PICK 2? 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? that chick that made out with a hot dog that one time. big mood.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? The stoner turtle
87. First person you talked to today? My gf
88. Last person you talked to today? My uncle
89. Name a person you hate? just one? nah.
90. Name a person you love? my gf (duh) all these friends i met on the internet, and some of my family i guess
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? so, so many people. 
92. In a fight with someone? like, currently? how would i be doing this?
93. How many sweatpants do you have? don’t wear sweats
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? a couple
95. Last movie you watched? uhhhhhhhhh something shitty on netflix, probs
96. Favourite actress? oof uh, idk. 
97. Favourite actor? also dunno
98. Do you tan a lot? got them irish genes, i burn
99. Have any pets? Mr. Socks, the best cat in the world and i will fight anyone who disagrees. 
100. How are you feeling? Cold
101. Do you type fast? Nope
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Not really. If they didn’t happen, i wouldn’t be where i am now
103. Can you spell well? dubya eee ell ell. fuck you.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? kinda? define past.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? ye
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? i would hope not, but maybe
107. Have you ever been on a horse? ye
108. What should you be doing? going to the store
109. Is something irritating you right now? always
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? YES
111. Do you have trust issues? Yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? an ex, probably
113. What was your childhood nickname? didn’t really have a nickname
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yep
115. Do you play the Wii? I have a wiiu, but i don’t really play it much. its mostly the netflix machine now
116. Are you listening to music right now? Autumn Leaves by Chet Baker
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Fucking yes
118. do you like chinese food> YE BOI
119. Favourite book? don’t know
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Nah
121. Are you mean? I think so. others say different. its weird, man
122. Is cheating ever okay? in a relationship? no. in a video game to give your character a giant bobble head? absolutely.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? the trick is to not wear white shoes
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No lmao
125. Do you believe in true love? as opposed to fake love? i guess???
126. Are you currently bored? ye
127. What makes you happy? knowing that others are happy
128. Would you change your name? nah
129. What your zodiac sign? taurus
130. Do you like subway? not compared to my other sub options
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? i don’t know. she’s married, so like...what the fuck how 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my dad, i guess
133. Favourite lyrics right now? I've held the hand of God and I've sang the Devil's song And when it comes my time no tears are gonna fall But some will light the fire and some will mourn the one Left longing for the ire of, of their departed son.
134. Can you count to one million? ain’t got that kinda time, fam
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I don’t really lie? I think i just say dumb shit and people take me seriously 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed
137. How tall are you? 5′5. I’m a manlet.
138. Curly or Straight hair? no preference
139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette
140. Summer or Winter? Winter
141. Night or Day? Night
142. Favourite month? idk, december i guess because i have a mandatory week off work,
143. Are you a vegetarian? I wish, I don’t have the willpower.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee? tea. coffee is more of a tool for me? gotta wake up, tea is just good.
146. Was today a good day? dunno yet
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? don’t really remember quotes
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Kinda
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“As I approached the northern cliffs where I’d find the Serpent’s Sanctum, I could see the soaring towers of Skyreach off to my right.”
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what the... fuck?
yet again we start off with a cutscene that looks like its from a completely different game... or low quality anime
...why are we starting off in court
“who brings a defendant to his own trial late���
why... is this sentence not processing 
for the life of me i have no idea what that means;
simon: you can just SCARE the judge into not giving a fuck about shit like being late, or threatening people under the guise of clever psychological manipulation!
also hi again simon
are you ready to be fun and likeable and not awful ?? I'm excited!
“i wish he'd stop treating me like a child all the time”
hey, old habits die hard.
simons already doing well by being an overprotective dork... so far so good. dont disappoint me, samurai.
our defendant is drunk
we’re off to an excellent start!
what... accent is this...
oh its drunkinese ok 
“three sheets to the wind”
ive never heard that one
maybe they can get away with having a drunk guy but they cant actually say drunk?
somebody get this guy some raw eggs and hotsauce??
wow hes drunk enough to be close to vomiting? he’s not acting hungover so I'm assuming that he’s been drinking up till now. and simon was last with him, so...
yeah I'm blaming simon for this
“ive known athena longer than ive known bucky”
“ive frequented his soba restaurant”
contradiction! simon was in jail up until very recently, and knew Athena for a very short period of time during her childhood. unless he met Bucky right after taking care of athena, it’s not possible that he’s known her longer. that or i guess he could just walk right out of jail to get noodles.
“meat slapped between slabs of bread...”
oh no ya dont, translation team. you made your burger bed, now you have to lie in it. no mocking the joke now.
quit being so tsundere simon. and yes I'm giving you the luxury of being tsundere and not just an asshole who’d prefer the company of men he once tried to cut to ribbons just because Athena’s a girl. because I'm in a good mood today!
a) scariest ringtone to date
b) he runs that place alone?? sucks to be buck
please stop doing the vomit animation its making me uncomfortable 
“this is no time for idle chatter”
oh simon, you obviously dont know what a chekov’s... um, conversation is.
wow so not only are we starting in the court room, but Sadmad said his prayers already. This is shaping up to be a rushed case.
...because obviously this is just filler before we get back to the Oh-So Delightful Adventures in Lawyer Land
edgeworth called him back for this case?? ...why???
Sadmad: I could be less horrible now that I owe the WAA a favourOR I could threaten to send a young lady to hell for just doing her job!!!! GO SADMAD, GO SADMAD
...dont call her a spring chick.
wait wait MAY 12TH?!
They just finished Maya’s trial and Edgeworth hauls Sadmad back to America over night?? How the fuck does Sadmad think he’s more prepared than us?? He had about the same amount of time to prepare!
I’ve got a good feeling about this case
Sadmad just let that poor butterfly rest jfc the aesthetic isn't that important 
“this guy stole the deed to this other guys shop, so other guy KILLED HIM to get it back”
yes, brilliant deduction, not an overreaction at all
Sadmad, you literally got back here at like 1 am last night. Go fuck yourself and leave Athena alone.
So Apollo’s a  red pepper, Athena’s an egg yolk... But there aren’t any blue foods, so Phoenix is just stuck being called ‘putrid’ in general.
Anyway cut Athena some slack. She’s already progressed far beyond having a breakdown in court because someone talked over her. 
“Simon!! You didnt tell me you were taking the stand!!!”
“There wasn’t time...”
no time at all during that 5 minutes you spent in the lobby. But I'm laughin’ so I’m not judging. Also I missed that theme...
he’s the lesser of two evils this time; I'm ready to back him up! Simon in the blue corner, ding ding!!!!
half-awake sadmad looks up “rakugo” on wikipedia at 3 am
“yeah that should do it”
...and memorizes the whole article apparently
Sadmad: No wasting time!! This soul must get to the afterlife post-haste! You’re all putrid lumps of fecal matter for putting off the last ri–– wait, an opportunity to gloat?! Hold onto your hats, baby! The next twenty minutes are mine!!!
(weeps) thank you Athena
simon will remember this (you blackguard)
sexy pan up shot for–– oh, it really is a “sexy” pan up shot this time
except for those... soulless eyes...
aw nuts she has that drone-y X people theme. 
but I'm also chortling at the booby jokes teehee
“Never show sadness! Smile, smile, smile! With a twisty-twist-twist!”
Hey, it’s the new motto of ace attorney! Your self worth is based solely on how well you can cover up your less palatable feelings! Yaaaay!!
...also I’m calling it now, she did it.
i think her balloons are pretty impressive, athena
“Sad Monk Sadmahdi”
simon, youre gaining brownie points fast
Lang Zi says... Oh, uh I mean, the Kooraheenist Bible says......
“I’m checking in with the big tough old man prosecutor because i underestimate this small, young, female defence attorney”
I'm getting flashbacks to Turnabout Beginnings. and not good ones. 
You kick it, girl. tell them off.
nice! the judge is on our side!
why did she mention the dog barking a lot if it was only because he was hungry?
that is one hongry dog
something about the dog just burying the rest of the food is making me laugh
oh so that was important eh
has athena always done this double-slam thing, or is this new?
Athena: Witness, I think you might’ve been lying a little bit 
Sadmad: Vile hitler-satan, I cast you down to hell for your debauchery, how dare you insinuate that this case has more to it than what is readily viewable on the surface? Tsk tsk, so inexperienced, so putrid, 
“What? The gallery doesn’t get a say in this!”
They’re not a jury, you know!!!
“Why is the whole gallery siding with prosecutor sadmadhi?”
it’s because he’s hot, athena. thats the only reason anybody likes him.
tbh I'm actually pretty proud of Athena
same time last year Sadmad would have put her in a panic-stupor. but not today. Kudos on working that out, kiddo. You’re moving up!
...wait a minute
“with a little push, you could succumb to despair”
does Sadmad know? Does he know about her PTSD? If so... He’s deliberately TRYING TO TRIGGER HER SO THAT HE CAN WIN THE CASE?!
“That makes perfect sense, doesn't it!”
Yes... the man who suffocated to death somehow had time to leave a clue to his killer...
...you do realize that to be suffocated, the killer has to be there the whole time, right? if there’s nothing in his lungs and no trace of poison in his stomach, then it has to have been manual suffocation, either by strangulation (though we have yet to hear about any marks on his neck) or by covering his mouth and nose. 
so youre implying that rather than fighting back, the old coot rearranged a bunch of playing cards... in plain view of his aggressor
yet again, Sadmad makes a brilliant fool proof deduction.
ohhh my god he’s still trying to do it. HE’S STILL TRYING TO TRIGGER HER. I SWEAR TO FUCK, he’s been tolerable–– very thinly tolerable up until now. But this is just disgusting. This is brazen, malicious cheating. I don’t care if he turns out to be jesus himself when the inevitable “urhurhur he was good all along!!” twist shows up; I’m not forgetting this.
Damnit , Athena, don’t fucking listen to him. Don’t listen to a word he fuckin says.
Man I’ve never been so happy to see Simon. Little bit of the pot-calling-the-kettle-black here since Simon’s MO is to threaten and manipulate–– err, ah, use psychology!! to influence people, but I hate Sadmad so much that I don’t care.
“To think, you were so easily manipulated by his parlour tricks...”
Watch it, Simon. You’re the lesser of two evils this time, but that doesn’t exempt you from criticism. As a psychologist, you should know WHY it worked so well on Athena and you should be SENSITIVE about it. 
You’re cleared of all charges, remember?? You don’t have to pretend to be a douchebag to keep up your ill-thought-out plan anymore.
“I’m not girding up anything in this skirt!”
well i just don't know what to say to that
Oh boy here comes Uendo.
Everyone seems to love him so I’m hoping he’ll be a reprieve from Sadmad’s......... everything 
Sexy pan up shot of... a guy on a bunch of flower bags. With his own theme song!
so far I'm loving his animations and I'm always a slut for shitty puns!!
let’s see... blush stickers for the goofy one, hair forwards and eyeshadow for the lady. Clever little things that make each one of his characters different. He's definitely a fun character so far!
ah I'm really enjoying his dialogue 
ill bet the translators had a ball with this
won't you PLEASE laugh at my PUN!!!
its ok uendy, i thought it was good.
“Silence is more precious than diamonds”, eh?
I can definitely see which Sadmad values more...
ooh a spit take! not since godot have we been blessed... also i notice they've dialled up the rock guitar in Athena’s theme. Personally don’t see it as an improvement but eh
“yes, making it look like the man drowned was obviously because the culprit hated him and wanted to desecrate his corpse instead of getting the fuck out of there quicker like any killer would”
not to make it look like 
he’d drowned in the bowl
to throw off the police.
of course not; that’d be too obvious.
another win for the great Sadlock Madholmes.
wait did Sadmad just say Objection?? I thought he didnt do that
also; duel of the growly voices
prosecutor sad monk. simon’s still a dick but at least his dickishness spreads to  people i dont like :3
ooh i love it when i can rearrange physical pictures
“you can put the cards back in their right place but if you cant explain them then youre fucked”
ever thought that maybe theyre irrelevant to the case and theyre just... cards?? sadmad??
i mean i know theyre not but they could easily have just been on the table when the murder happened. they could stand for absolutely nothing.
ahh... the sweet refreshing scent of common sense. you redeem yourself step by step, simon. i mean, when youre not being a dick about it.
“don’t testify.”
franziska tried this once. it was for an evil scheme. i dont want to have to threaten another witness with revealing a dark secret; that was depressing.
but at least we know meanwhile that Sadmad isn’t above dirty shit like shutting up a witness. .......not that we didnt know that before.......
“Are you trying to taunt him into talking? Such a petty trick will never work”
simon’s lucky he’s surrounded by idiots and people with poor impulse control, otherwise his “mind tricks” wouldn’t do shit
“to be turned by such an obvious ploy... what a man of weak spirit.”
for once, Sadmad, I gotta agree.
its time for 
sadmad doesn't get his way: my god will smite you later :(((((
now that we’ve worn this non-joke out...
“seeing my master asleep just made me so fuckin sad...”
i love that anger has such a distinctive ping sound
please do not call your toe that
“You gotta fuss over every tiny detail like this?” yes, Uendo. That’s why I’m writing these !!
that box of buns keeps drawing my attention. i love buns
Simon, you could try using some positive reinforcement. Mia wasn’t soft on Phoenix, but she encouraged him to think and puzzle things out for himself; she didn’t just call him an idiot. All the time.
“as sharp as a trout”
what the fuck
“so thats how it works ! fascinating!”
its not like i spent a lot of time working under the woman who invented said matrix!
its kinda sad that Athena’s never seen multiple emotions in high dudgeon 
she must hang out with a lot of mild mannered people 
athena: ive just proved these words mean something detrimental to the witness
sadmad: erm but they mean nothing to me therefor they warrant no further investigation.
i stg most of Nahyuta’s “”””counter argumnets”””” are legitimately just him trying to disparage the obvious contradiction away.
again athena seems unable to believe that people can only feel one intense emotion at a time
should i be worried
silly AA, that’s not how DID works!
oh well, at least Uendo is the fun kind of DID, unlike other... side-splittingly shameful characters I could mention...
Pohlfuckya indeed sadmad
“You seem proud of yourself, but all youve done is infringe on the privacy of the witness”
(sweats) i hate it when Sadmad makes good points
its not really dissociative if you dont... um... dissociate.
Sadmad: let it go and––
Athena: Shut up!!
Sadmad: Let it g––
Athena: Sssh!!!
Sadmad: le––
“if words will not sway you, perhaps pain will”
i dont... like that... the beads are around her torso.......
that deserves a fucking cutscene all on its own. its like the time Lang caught Franziska’s whip only cool and not bulshitty
...also you coulda maybe done that a lil earlier simon lol
“I dont give two flips”
all his flips have flown the coop
“but if Cykes dono were to submit to you here...”
fuck you sadmad, not everyone has magic gary-stu powers that let them memorize everything about a single subject in one night.
once again sadmad wastes precious time and diamonds showing off
after this lengthy, lengthy, leeeeeengthy detour............ wouldyouliketoaddthisstatementtothetestimony?
“you look like a hen with a dozen eggs to say”
you can just say “constipated” and it'll be less creepy, simon
how could they... not tell... oh who cares
“we’ve got you by the stones now, Uendo!”
DAMN the TESTICLE references in this game!!!
“heres a big plot twist that i just convenientlyforgottomention urhurhurhr..”
spoken like a true prosecutor 
there was such a long pause there i thought he was building up to a pun
but of course he wasnt. sadmad isn't cool at all
heheh i just noticed that Bucky has hair noodles, just like Mr. Eldoon (tho Bucky’s dont appear to be a wig)
also its... very distressing to have a drunk client.
y’know i just realized
Sadmad is always talking about sending souls to the twilight realm in the proper way. but he's an international prosecutor. he’s probably prosecuted victims of all religious alignments.
isn't it kind of disrespectful to perform your religion’s funeral rites on someone who doesn’t practice it???
again, BK is only successful because Uendo is a moron
to be fair though, that was one of his better ones.
“You were leading the witness!”
Just, fuckin’. Please stop making good points, sadmad. I don’t want to be enraged with you, I want to be enraged AT You!!
...well i mean I don’t want to but i hate it when you bring up excellent points.
anyway why doesn't sadmad want them to find Owen anyway. if it comes to nothing, who cares? can you just not stand having people who aren’t you waste time??
again... DID doesn’t work like that........
macbeth, starring athena cykes and simon blackquill
thats,,, reallllllyy not how DID works,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“if you see one, there are likely thirty in your home’
thirty what
look if you knew how DID is supposed to work you'd probably have a good hypothesis by now. not an... ethical one to implement, but a working one.
i guess Uendo just never sleeps then, because apparently falling unconscious calls out another personality.
the time honoured tradition of turning a slip of paper over... truly, this is an Ace Attorney game 
dude.... if you conk out from the trace amounts of alcohol in a bun, you should maybe visit a doctor possibly 
“hmm, yes, i will allow you to render this man unconscious from alcohol.”
classic judge!!
au where blackqyil is a very angsty delivery boy
...that bird is going to fly into a shop, terrorize the workers, steal bean buns and (hopefully) drop a twenty on the counter as he flies the coop
phew that was a long court... but wait if this is a half-episode (which it probably is) and it started on a court day...
no investigation?! RIP OFF
gonna cut this one off here. till next time...
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in-paradox-space · 7 years
very long rambly text post, you know the drill
you’ll get nothing out of reading it, you may as well scroll.
It’s fucking painful. 
I barely even know her
but I can’t stop thinking about her
I’ve met her once, I shouldn’t feel this way about her.
I can’t concentrate on anything.
I just really really want to be around her.
I miss her.
and its really fucking painful to think she probably just wanted to get away from me 
I need to work on improving my skills before college starts. I need to be able to pick myself up, eat the right foods, shower and sleep at the right times
I can’t. I can only think about her
and its weird. I have had crushes before, painful ones, for girls and guys.
and I’ve spent nights awake because of it
but this is making me really sad
to feel like I’ll never be with her and she’ll probably never approve of me
she probably thinks I’m really weird
and that I just want a hookup
because our mutual friends made it out like that before they invited her
she’s a regular girl
I met her one night
and I don’t understand.
It would make sense for me to enjoy being around her and wanting to chill with her again
but it does not make sense that I feel like this
that she comes into my mind every single minute
and she makes it hard to focus on anything
I want to look at all the units on my course, and visualize how I can get the best grades in each one
I want to research some shit to buy 
I need to choose a good cheap bag to order from china or somewhere cheap
I can not concentrate on any of it. 
My mind is only interested in thinking of her
I’ve been waiting for a camera for weeks, it arrived today
I unboxed it. 
the tag and the plastic was still there
I need to format an SD Card and change the date/time settings
the box had the big bubble wrap 
why am I not excited? 
I don’t give a shit 
I don’t.
I only seem to care about her right now
and it feels like a drug craving
like im low
I need her to pick my serotonin up
and I think, relationships, crushes, love, affection, sex, all that shit
it kind of is like a drug 
not in a poetic way
but its basically the same release of chemicals in the brain
and you think about it every day
you look forward to it
and you feel highs and lows
pick me ups and comedowns
the rushes, the emotions
you change and shape your life to suit it, you make compromises
and its all for a release of the chemicals your brain creates
i know im not the first one to point this out
but im growing aware of it
and I’ve always been aware its just chemicals
an illusion, a distraction from what is important
and I know in reality it doesnt mean shit. I should move on and get on with whats important
but heres the thing
its making me low, because somewhere along the lines my serotonin or dopamine or one of those kind of things has been thrown off balance
and thats basically what happens when you want more cocaine, but it would be more extreme with cocaine of course
I want to see her again.
I dont want to ask my friends to invite her out again, its embarrassing that im interested
and i feel sort of uncomfortable knowing my friend fucked her that one time
i dont even care what we do
i just want to be around her
and i am well aware of how creepy this is 
considering i dont know her
and I spent one night with her
and if anyone spouted this shit to me, I’d think they were just being really dramatic
and they just wished they lived inside a movie
theres not really a pattern to when I think of her
and i find it so strange, because I really really dont know her
but I feel so strongly about her, like I would with a crush from high school
it just does not make sense, logically, to me.
but I will be thinking of anything and I’m suddenly overcome with this unique feeling
a reminder through my whole body
that I really really fucking like being around her
and I just want to be around her again
a feeling exactly like seriously craving a certain drug which you haven’t done for a day or so, but its less physical pain and more feeling emotion through a sense of weakness in your  body
 i wont tonight because i might not be thinking straight
but im considering just talking to my friend about it
and trying to see her again
and i want her to like me, but authenticity is important
but i wouldnt want them to set me up
and honestly i dont think she wants any of this
even if she did date me it’d probably be for 3 days and she’d move on
and she is the kind of girl I’d be friends with
but I really don’t consider people like her as anything more
she liked blink 182 and generic pop rock
i didnt even care about that
you can like whatever you like, but a part of my interest is usually dictated by that
i just liked her more
simply because I was learning more about her
and my god
I would fucking hate anybody who was talking like me right now
I will get over her. 
but for now I’m enjoying hearing her voice as I sleep
I think it happens to most people, it almost always happens to me after doing ecstasy 
the next few nights have mild hallucinations 
kind of abstract and psychedelic 
rarely scary but I have had very very fearful nights of paranoia a few days after in the past
they’re mainly voices
its like certain phrases keep being replayed in your ears over and over
not thought out but heard
like theyre really there
and you know theyre not there
but you feel as if these people are really around you
and youre in the same place
and you dont question it at all
you believe they are there
and its not imposing, it doesnt raise any questions. you’re physically in your bedroom but you look around, you hear them, youre really in the place you were the other night
and eventually when youre really drifting off
it becomes lucid visual
and you see them but you also dont
and its just certain things being replayed
and it has the potential to turn into a bad trip but its mostly pleasant and soothing
and I can still hear her voice
I still hear my friends and his girlfriends
but I hear hers too
I love it
I don’t want it to go away
I cant think of what she says
well theres one phrase
and again it makes absolutely no fucking sense
shes just a completely regular fucking girl, with her own interests and experiences
some we share. some we dont
and i met her fucking once, spent one night high with her. we didnt even kiss. hugged once
she didnt express any interest
didnt show any signs of it
and my heart feels fucking weak
and my body is released with, is it endorphins? 
it feels like when something release endorphins
an opiate effect.
im going to see her again
i wish my brain could take that in
so it will stop distracting me with thoughts of her at this crucial part of the year
the version of me from a year ago would feel disgusted by these posts
and I’m sorry, old me
I’ll always be me
ill feel that same way about love again
i dont know what this is
i think im physically dependent on codeine again
and that might have influenced me being sick before
i took some when i got off the bus but it didnt change much
im going to go cold turkey anyway
i was planning on taking some at a gig but i begged kek, bargained to not be sick until im off the bus
and i made a sort of deal that i will sacrifice taking codeine at the gig
then bargained some more and said id stop
idk if it was them who helped me 
but a deal is a deal
and it will still be a fucking good show
would probably love it more if I was high though
im gonna have to forget that
and I feel sick again
im going to wash my hair and sleep
I started college today
I got up at 6am, and I would’ve made it on time but I was almost sick on the bus ride.
I didn’t want that to be my first impression so I went home.
I think it’s because of the weekend. I don’t take alcohol very well, even a little. Or cigarettes. I just get migraines from anything slightly unhealthy. 
I think its more of a delayed hangover/comedown though. 
If the pills are 200mg each, I did roughly 700-900mg of MDMA on over two different days.
I started one day, rested the next and continued the day after that.
to some thats a lot. 
To others it’s a milestone they’re way past. 
It’s the most I think I’ve done in that timeframe though though. 
I’m still very tired after sleeping through the afternoon and very weak. 
I want to make it tomorrow but I don’t think I will. 
It’s a shame. I want to ace the first project and make a good first impression. 
I told them I get ill a lot, they should understand but I think they’ll be suspicious that I just happen to be seriously ill on the first day
especially after talking about how much better I am compared to the start of the year in the interview
Now im going to think of a personal tag for her,
one memorable that isnt her name
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