#im jokin tho this is all for funnies
dhmis-autism · 2 years
keep seein ppl give duck joke heights that are literally my height bro help
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Snap. Aoki plush. You can finally dunk him in milk
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dozingzzz · 11 days
the first tickle moment ive had in yearsss happened today HENDBNDD it was tiny but omg in putting it under a cut cus imma be RAMBLIN
okok so. im sitting in the library doing some history work n whatnot yk reading my textbook and taking notes and my friends (ill call them o and j) come back from their class and come sit by me and are just doing work and messing around jokin around j can never be serious for 10 seconds lmfao
but yk i go back to my work, occasionally j says something to o that im like wtf what are you talking ab lmfao?? and go back to my work just back n forth for a lil while and then
all of a sudden
j traces their finger down my back and im like
??!?!??!!?? and squirm away so hard and j LAUGHS. they knew what they were doing fs. but omg lately ive been doubting like am i actually ticklish? no more doubt not for my back thats for sure. like. it was so weird its been so long since ive felt that it was just so HDNDHND??
j does the same thing to o who has a very minimal reaction and then was like "i did that to [irl name] did you see they reacted so funny" and im just like BDNDVDMHEJDBDN DEAD but just go liek "dont. do that." CUS IM SO NERVOUS and go back to work to not bring attention to it cus AAAA and its all i can think about the rest of the time they're there and was a lil nervous theyd do it again but they didn't
but like
J WHYYYYYYY BROO it was so weird its such a funny feeling like i didn't even mean to move i just did like knee-jerk reaction hdndhdndb
losing my mind
im so glad it wasn't more violent tho cus last time a friend did somthin like that to me was in middle school and i kneed my desk and it was super loud and i really dont wanna bring that attention to myself in the super quiet library HDMDBDM
it. was fun fine ill admit it but AAAAAAAAA and maybe yeah I hope j does it again but BDNSHDNDBND?!?!??!??!! im losing it
it was so weird its such a silly feeling i lowkey forgot
ty for coming to my ted talk
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tuskicles · 11 months
i'm not into burping like that, but seeing as you are, thought i'd share a lil sumn😌
lately, as in like the last month or so, my bf has releasing absolute belches in my face whenever he feels like it, in like a jokey sort of way. i play along and pretend to be disgusted by it- i'm like indifferent to it lmao, maybe because i'm so attracted to him gross shit like that doesn't phase me? (pretty boys who are nasty>>>>)
but anyway, yeah the way he's been like shamelessly burping like an inch away from my face, even if we're in front of our friends he does it to me unapologetically lmaoo; even if it's a smaller burp he makes sure to push it out close to me to draw a reaction from me (but most of the time they are the loud thick ones)
oh might as well tell you ab him farting in front of me for the first time too lmaooo
the first time we were on facetime actually, he was in the middle of talking, explaining something to me i can't remember what and then i just heard this high pitched squeaky sound that lasted like 5 seconds. i just assumed it was something else, but when he stopped talking and like smiled slightly it was obvious it was a fart😭😭 it was pretty funny and he wasn't that embarrassed about it, as he continued speaking soon after like nothing happened.
the second time was at my house,, we were chilling on my bed a bit after eating dinner (which is why he was so gassy ig). we were watching some movie i think and then that same similar high pitched fart broke the silence. i then ofc laughed and teased him about it and he was also laughing but kinda shrugged it off like "what?? its just a fart" type of thing
anywayy sorry this ask is so long💀💀 hope you've enjoyed it though,, would love to be mutuals so we can dm about how hot gassy men are and talk about scenarios (which i might even write) bc i need to like rant with someone abt it lmaoo
If i had a man that pretty to do those things to me I'd probably be so happy 😭😭😭 like im starting to get more of into burps again and for some reason the thought of like- a guy burping in someones face just to annoy them is pretty damn hot to me and I don't know why.
Tho- I definitely understand that you aren't into that sort of thing. I'm kinda picky about it but 👁👄👁 man it's something else imo. Also any pretty boy that is nasty has my heart bc good god I love m e n that are attractive and gross HAHA
Normally if a guy I like or love (if we are like friends or dating) rips ass I'd get flustered or super blushy but I play it off by playfully ripping on him (not in a rude way ofc! Just jokin around kinda sense yknow)
And no ur asks can be as long as you want them to be!! Im all ears and im welcome to chat at almost anytime about gassy men and whatever in general 😭😭😭 i need more gas friends anyways so I honestly don't blame you LMAO
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jessiesjaded · 2 years
Generally speaking I really don’t have a specific character type that ends up my favourite but I have just been sitting here thinking about my favourite ships and while not a direct 1 to 1 correlation between them all.... Boy howdy Is There A Theme
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jrueships · 3 years
Tell us how ur writing is going!! Only if you want to ofc
Oh- you know.
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It's uh. It's goin-
LMFAO IM JOKIN let me get yall upadaaaated...
SO ABOUT SPIDAMAN DONOVAN/ROYCE... Listen.. it has WORK done. It just needs MORE. 10K+ words rn.. cleaned up a bit but NOT YET DONE!!!! I wrote on it some but like! I can't write a ship for TOO long or I get burnt out on the dynamic and run out of good inspo+descriptive ideas for it SO I sometimes switch ships and start writing for smthin different so I don't get burnt out on writing! Also sometimes the new written ships help give me inspo for the older ones via comparison so!!!
UHHH but what I like MEAN tho is... currently the donny/royce fic is in its soft and funny stage!! Which is cute n all but I don't wanna overdo the cheesiness through burnt out writing so!!! I started writing angstier/cruder/meaner??? ships to ride a new energy!
So far I started like??? Four wips LMAO. Just to write out a different energy and test things out but!!!
1. John/trae drunk homophobic homosexual *** LMAO uhhhh I have an ask about my [redacted] thoughts on john/trae I still need to answer so I'll elaborate on that wip LAAATER 😭 even tho rn the idea sounds embarrassing af wtf I need to get normaler and go to a bank or smthin
2. Brad/john jealousy angst specifically about This image
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It's really bitter and biting. John ends up saying something along the lines of "I wasted my best years on your worst ones." To bradley and they like. Have a legit fight so... YEAH LMAO... is tuff.
3. Victor/myles hate*** fic .... p*rn with feelings but those feelings are really tense and afraid to be spoken aloud so ... 😔 written after vic got traded to Houston. Victor wants to act like problems are meant for the past and myles wants to act like problems are persistent and they clash..
4. Kyle/demar where they're at a bar waiting for Jimmy butler to arrive so they can hang out and talk. A drunk guy laughs at demar's tattoos. Kyle punches him. Hell breaks loose.
BUT YEAH... THATS HOW MY WRITING HAS BEEN GOIN LMAO!!! THANK U FOR ASKIN!!!! I love the curiousity!!!!!!! If yall little anons ever want me to talk more about my wips !!! Or just my writing in general!!! Feel free to ask unafraid!!! I love talking about them because they help provide a clearer plot line for me to follow as I write it! It'll just take me a while to answer the ask! So yeah!!! If you want me to expand upon anything, just gimme an ask‼
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Beauty Realms
I refused to pick myself up
Off the damn ground
Just like u refused to help
That child to his feet
Stop letting ur guns whisper
Wrds get crisper like ruffles
Listen to ur heart listen
To ur heart listen to ur lover
Don't go out like biggie Tupac?
U dig? macking like combs
No poppa just bringing something proper
Stop poppin start huggin
And she never ever kept me
Warm at night pick up in
Hearses brief like gun be silent
My children Feel the prints on dead mulch
Shook ur folks like her looks
Killer creepin to ur window
Crushin dead leaves as he enters
A person's crib bnn hit in the face
By the coffin lid father thought
It was intentional i took it well
No help meh i come from them
Like mary for her baby the times
They never good to us
trump got me thinking
Biggie got me shaking my head
Tupac got me Reminiscing
Robin Schultz have me forlorn
I wanna think sick dreams to put
The devil to sleep why the fightin?
Stop u cryin ur groaning tha moanin
Caht u see im dying on my death
Bed like Wallace said u wouldn't understand I'll make the phone call brief
Like highschool love u don't wanna love
No more too late for this
Somebody put the pipe to my
Nutshell i want the trigger to
Talk dirty to me so let it squeeze
Young Fools don't wanna help a nigga
Breathe and i don't make enough bread
To set examples Like chances
Making mills givin bills no cheap thrills lovin pll Instead of ur bread ur pills love urself Even tho i tried i cried too much
Am srry too much let's sit
And hold hands with kim
Tell donald he gotta go
Let Steyer Take office i wanna
See smiles on people's faces
I wanna see Liberia and Africa
Dance to no more sickness no more pain
Tell shinzō am srry he won't accept it
But i want to express the thought
That should matter to him and me
Like they and them but no one ever
Spoke of us and we its always i to the am
No she cuz they were too irrelevant
To man as man was too
irrelevant to woman its funny how
That i express this better thnn a
Typical adult would but i was i
I shook my head and asked my
Pistol for help it proceeded to
Shoot meh in the noggin why The jokin?
I wasn't yet laughin stop clowin
This Is serious drink the maggots
Eat ur meal the coffins call us all
They stop ur flower bringing
Ur slow songs  whnn three yrs go by
now ur just dirt
In the hue time its past our time Subliminal like a correspondence
Too dependable Don't overreact
I hate going to the room cover doors
We gonna be here for awhile so two-sided
Living like a hypocrite so wishy-washy
Triggers keep whispering to me
Why call the ems?  U got soul to
Call them urself u pullin my leg
Choking my collar put up
against the furnace Hansel and Gretel
Got away scott free pull ur guns
But pull ur frustrations on ur kids
Why so petty?  I must find a way to die
Getting real tired of people just let
Me die slow slow as sloth
u waste my time wrap me up like
A pharaoh no king no godd just a bad boy
Im choking on wrds as ur friends choke
On high clouds sinking in high tide
Oh no no don't come back and haunt
My lonely soul i ain't got time
For entities gotta my mind
On my goddamn feelings don't Have
Time for weeping gotta
keep my Eyes on goddamn time
Don't carsick me with ur fake affection
I couldn't figure out why the same
Damn cars were parked outside hospitals
Evrynight i couldn't picture my
Lover dying a slow death too
Gone like onfroy and the Nineties
Were terrible with some honorable
Mentions the hospital was a night clinic
Send urself back the crib
dying early dawns suffocating
On life support u test me my heart
Ripped out Rip so sad let die
Wasn't worth a penny a Dime To'em
U didn't wanna be a molester
No killer am in the act of street knowledge Am stray no godd
Wise godd stray i get around i see well
I don't lie well but eat good
Make sour promises look distainful
I keep wrds as if they were
precious stones i sought it out
Like beauty realms but unreachable
Like a pretty woman like a goddess
They saw me ugly and unseasoned
Had a personality i never seen before
More lame thnn the average
So weak thnn the meek so wasteful
Like a bottle not precious as diamonds
Flith as a rug that's me on ur floor dead
Its so real like a beauty realm
i couldn't touch and fantasies and dreams
Remained in my skull but shut them off
With a noose i was so wrong Whnn will
I see a smile on my Face??
Whnn will Japan forgive Us???
Who will feed the needy everyday?
Make ur days worth don't make one
Day good make a hundred more
So high u could be like Jesus
But u weren't my saviour
Stop climbing high u wanted
Clout and fame for ur good deeds
Stop ur boasting be humble
Ur not a modest man with high morals
Not so great now Huh??
U think u better thnn Us yeah???
U misunderstood my lettering
That's why with each paragraph
U get more and more confused
This isnt to teach its to understand
Why we lack so i keep my head low
And except the worser deeds by
The higher man cuz they lie all the same
I look for imperfections in the mirror
Instead i saw the devil mock me
With sick expression ur no Ecstasy
Just a supernatural phenomenon
Caused By my own fabricated Infatuation
Within beauty and splendor so
Grand i shot my heart out
Filled my head With Grandeur
Passed out on my brother's shoulder
But he knock me to the ground
And cussed me being a flower
I was a ugly flower brother saw
Me a burden and our mother troublesome
And our sister worrisome but i
Cut off excuses brother why the frowin?
Have i failed u? I was i not motivated
To keep ur mind at ease
I grieve on ur bed side cuz the way u sleep Looks as if ur in a coffin and i couldn't Bare the sight i sigh cuz we all will be In wood coffins one way or another People shoot me off my feet
Like a realm i was forever lost
To Infinite amount of souls
Crying to themselves rotten
Like the stray the maggots breed on him
I passed the arsenic to my
Darling lover no wonder why
The blue blazer and the yellow tights
Fitted me so well i was going
To start a mass chain affect
So horrendous be like Marylin Monroe
Dial nine no call back just silence
Crack of dawning lead out in a stroller
Beauty's dead and where was judy?
Tell me if i go to a pastor
Will be truthful with Me?
Could he say with a heavy heart
That things happen for a reason?
Could he rlly honestly possibly
Probably hopefully reassure me
That i could die Happy???
Uh huh....didn't think so....
Riddle me this u ppl who think ur above all
U who thinks ur generosity
holds no bounds u women hold signs
For change u need to rlly look
Urselves in the mirror to understand me
Riddle me this can we still love
Once the heart stops beating??
Can u fix a beggar a hot meal
Without think lowly or suspicious
Of him? Can u care for a child
After he lost waht u got??
See ironically u all berates me
Cuz u kno im telling the truth
But ur stuck in denial and me
Taking great pity in u
I sigh and walk into a hwy
My talking was shunned out by
Visco girls and Woman stereotyping
Men without giving urselves a second
Reason whnn we act we act reason
The other 50% were just fools
I turned a Symphony to a sad man crying
Old man dying dead stray a walkin
I stop the talkin cuz am sinking
They murders me softly
I sullied myself to the coffin once more as The birds stop their srry note
Im being for real for real.
And not fake for fake
See where am going with this??
But u don't wanna listen
But u wanna help ppl??
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All of them :}}}}
Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
i dont know whether to get rid of certain people or not
Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
eh. id disapprove but i wouldnt go off the rails
Do you find it easy to trust others?
no LOL
What were you doing at 11PM last night?
playing stardew valley on the xbox, i got an iridium bar be proud of me
You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
I AM 13
What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
i just get really pissed and cut off the person
Are you close with your dad?
I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
What are you listening to?
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You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
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Do you like hickeys?
i wouldnt know
What time do you go to bed?
it varies
Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?
Do you always answer your texts?
sometimes i get overwhelmed but yea i try
Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
iiiiiiiiii dont think so?
When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
todayayaya @quackbug
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
@katmeeliaz no homo💖
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
Is anyone else in the room with you?
im on my couch rn so yea my dad's in the living room
Do you believe what goes around comes around?
Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
no, i was pretty miserable
Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
yes, but i dont know if they would care if i tried
In the past week, have you cried?
ive come close, but no
What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
Do people ever call you by your last name?
never. HAHA
Is anyone ignoring you right now?
oh for sure </3
Do you have a best friend?
@quackbug heyyyyyyy
Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
i cant even remember the last person i kissed so @katmeeliaz 💋 and no
Who was your last call/text message from?
bug sent me this and they were also my last call
Are you mad at anyone?
Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?
rainy gon be 14 wooooooo
How many more days until your birthday?
273. LMAO
Do you have any summer plans yet?
yea im goin to hawaii bitch
Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
julian n russell
Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
i thought everyone did??
Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Do you think age matters in relationships?
depends on the mental age of both people, and whether or not its legal so i dont know
Are you available?
...i suppose? i dont know the context
How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
sits in middle school
If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
im a pussy i hate that stuff so i have no idea
Do you believe exes can be friends?
yea! although it depends on the terms you left on
Do you regret anything?
many things
Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
my dumbass read that and my mind went "DICK" so now i gotta say dick i hate it here
Did you ever lose a best friend?
Was your last kiss a mistake?
Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?
i dont have one thats why
Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
heard, yes
Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?
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What was the last thing you ate?
Did you get any compliments today?
got called creative,, so yea
Where are you going on your next vacation?
not sure, we'll see
Do you own anything from other countries?
yea i have some stuff from ireland, im in the us
Are most of your friend guys or girls?
Where have you lived most of your life?
When was the last time you took a long drive?
god knows how long ago sweats
Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
no and i dont think i ever will bc haha that shit scary
Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
ive watched and thought it was funny
Who do you text the most?
@katmeeliaz we have like 900 messages a day
What was the last movie you saw?
ffffffffuck uh I DONT REMEMBER OOPS
What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
my what now
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
i was deadass 3 years old
Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
cuz of our birthdays yea
Do you curse around your parents?
yeah LMAO
Are you happy with where you live?
oh yeah for sure i love it here
Picture of yourself?
i dont think ive ever seriously taken a picture of myself so have my bird
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Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
ive only been in one relationship so idk
Have you ever been dumped?
in a way
What do you most like about making out?
never kissed someone romantically irl before so shrug
Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
i personally think that shit's gross i would wanna save that for someone special :(
When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?
iiiiiiiiiii do not remember
What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
idk i guess eyes? i like eyes in multiple contexts
Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
i believe it was bug i do not remember
Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?
What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face
im super weak to people telling me they look up to me n shit that makes my heart die
Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
what fuckin 13-15 year old am i gonna know who has a kid
Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
yes and my response was hazbin hotel memes, we still talk about it cuz it was funny
Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?
i dont ever really have crushes like i rlly think i might be aromantic
Do you miss your last sweetie?
as a friend? yea. as a partner? nop
Last time you slow danced with someone?
in a past life i guess
Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
my friends' ocs yea
How can I win your heart?
i dont know myself well enough to say
What is your astrological sign?
fis- pisces
What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
still playin that stardew valley
Do you cook?
Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
yeah LOL it was like 9 months of no talking and we just saw each other like ":0000 BRO IS THAT YOU"
If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
no, i dont need one to be happy
Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
cant say
What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
nice hands,,,u gotta have nice hands so i can hold em
Name four things that you wish you had!
i cant name four, but
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i want this. like pls. can i just have this on my desk or something i want it im begging
Are you a player?
Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?
Are you a tease?
yea :]] in a friendly way tho
Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
not yet but someday i will go to ihop with @quackbug and get cupcake pancakes
Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
yea! its a nice feeling
Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?
@katmeeliaz platonically
Hugs or Kisses?
hugs..i havent been kissed enough to prefer em
Are you too shy to ask someone out?
i dont really ask people out anyways
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
for some reason manly guys dont interest me i want a small sweetie that i can cuddl so i guess that i mean why u think he exist
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Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
"bae/babe" makes me want to crumple into a ball so no
If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
no because if they're being unfaithful to their partner i doubt they're very smart
Do you flirt a lot?
in a jokin way yea
Your last kiss?
@katmeeliaz platonically
Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?
Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
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Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
Does someone like you currently?
maybe, i wouldnt know
Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
shrug again
Ever made out with just a friend?
virtually yeah but it was more of a joking thing HAHAH
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
a relationship is just a nice thing to add into your life, it wont bring you happiness, your life can be just as happy without someone if you live it correctly
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