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sweetsylus · 1 year ago
im not at all trying to diminish the work of those that write this way for black readers
but i wish there was more of like weird/nerdy (???) black readers? or readers that don’t align with (and i hate to say it like this, but im not quite sure how else to describe it) the stereotypical black woman?
like, 95% of black reader ffs i come across include the reader wearing nails and wigs and being extroverted and/or being a partygoer and whatnot
and while i do understand that there are plenty of black readers out there who are very much like that, i also just wish there was more of like, the nerdy/“loser”-esque black readers
yknow, the ones that play video games or read books or literally need to be forced out of the house/their room because if they aren’t, they can and WILL stay holed up in there (i just caught a stray with that one LMAO). or ones that have ADHD/autism (caught another stray cause im 90% sure im somewhere on the spectrum), or cant do social interactions with people they dont know because it literally tires them out n stuff
or maybe ones that play instruments or have cute little hobbies or talk to themselves even though they have other people to talk to (atp im just calling myself out)
and i feel bad for being all like “you all need to write more of x, y, and z” considering im not/don’t consider myself a writer
but i just wanna feel represented SOMEWHERE, i guess. the only place i have fs is like, x plus size reader fics, but i don’t want that to be the focus of everything i read (and i read an unhealthy amount of ff 💀) just to feel like i can actually fit in with the story? i don’t fit with the “pink cheeked”, “white knuckle”, etc. description i see very often, but i also don’t fit in when it’s actually about a black reader 😭 and it’s hard to pretend that i do when everybody and their mother knows that i very much do not :(
but that’s today’s rant, i guess
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7ven-devils · 4 years ago
A really long overanlysis of minecraft servers.
This will be my only warning, this shit is really long.
I promised this to @ivi-prism 2 weeks ago (hi, i am Svetla) but university said no and then i feel my notes were incomplete so i have to do more research.
So let's talk about anarchism and capitalism. As a future political scientist, really bugs me how the fandom and some content creators (im looking at you techno) misinterpret both theories.
Yeah this will be a overanalysis about the political, social and economic system of two minecraft servers. Why? Cause i like analysis things like this and finally i can solved what is the system of hermitcraft and thats make me happy.
Things to consider:
First im not native english speaker and im lazy so im not often write or talk in english so my typos can make Doc really proud.
Second i don't watch Dsmp i only know things about the server by the animatics, the constant information wich pop up here on tumblr, the crossover fanfics and the tiny vods that youtube insist play when i have activate automatic reproduction.
Third i tried to simplified this much as i can because this analysis i maded talking with my friends (also political scientists) and a former professor, so it got quite technical while i was writing it.
And finally don't take this seriously, I'm not trying to insult anyone, I only started this because the hermitfandom started saying that hermitcraft was capitalist and then everyone started comparing the Dsmp with hermitcraft saying anarchism vs capitalism, that's why the dsmp entered into this analysis.
Guys, seriously chaos isn't anarchism and "sucefully economic" isn't capitalism, even paid with "money" (diamonds in this case) isnt necessary capitalism.
First, mini glossary:
I understand a server like a Society/State (country) with Mr Weber definition. In really vague words a State is anyone that has a territory and has legal control of violence (the laws, no the abuse of authority).
I understand the private property as the hermits bases and/or shops (i suppose only base in dsmp? Idk)
I understand the mass production as the farms and resources.
Capitalism is a economic, politic and social theory, wich it considers private property essential and tends to monopolize the resources 'cause this it also considered private property.
Anarchy means "without government" it has its origin in the Ancient Greece. And Anarchism theory is just a society free from any political authority, but respecting the liberties of the others.
A Failed State is which one lose control of the legal violence, and can't provide the peace, essential human rights and the basics for a normal lifestyle to its people.
I think thats all the bored shit (i hope so). Now the interesting shit.
Why hermitcraft isnt capitalist?
Short answer, their idea of private property is not the same as capitalism has.
Long answer, even if they have their own stuff, they had a really strong sense of community and dont really care if someone take things from them.
We can see this in the beginning of season when Iskall take some mini blocks from Etho and he didn't really care (yeah, iskall "paid" him, but later i will explain this) or the multiple times Grian "borrow" things from Iskall and Mumbo in season 6 or Scar in season 7, the team ZIT constantly take things from each other and i can go on and on with examples, but the point here is this couldn't happen if they had a capitalist society because this would break the "private" part of private property and mass production.
Basically their friendship made so strong their sense of community that they are basically inmune to capitalism, Uncle Marx would be proud of them (not really, but would be funny). So they are communist? Nope, communist don't believe in private property and the hermits does.
But you just said-? I said they dont has the SAME idea of private property as capitalism does. They still have their bases, farms and shops, but for them their private property isnt sacred like in a capitalism system would be.
They're respect each other things because they appreciated the effort and values the time the person puts on their buildings and not only because doesn't belongs to them (and obviously cause theyre frends, but shush, this is a overanalysis, the obvious things doesn't have place here) i mean even for the shenanigans they are really polite and try to cause the least damage possible not because is not of them but because they valued the person.
Basically the famous honor code of hermitcraft.
What about the economic system and the shopping district?
Lets talk about the elephant in the room.
If Hermitcraft isnt a capitalist system, why they have a economic system based in diamonds?
Well, despite the exchange based in money for resources or services is a principal characteristic of capitalism, it isnt exclusive of that theory.
The money is a social consensus, cause barter has becomes obsolete and gold isnt cheap or infinite to use as payment. And basically, this is why we use money on this days (if you want to know the history of money ask to your trusted historian or Wikipedia).
What does this remind us? Yep, diamonds and iou's are a consensus too. When the 1.16 came out some hermits tried to change to netherite as payment and didn't suit, so they ignored it and continued with their current payment system.
And as much as Mr Smith likes to say that this is how the free market (and his stupid invisible hand) works, capitalism needs the monopoly of resources and people who works to pay for those resources.
But in Hermitcraft nobody really controlled the resources, anyone can go and collect their materials or made a farm. They just decided don't do it and go and buy it, because they save the time to go and collect for themselves, in other words they paid for the time.
Various hermits say they saved so much time go and buy the materials instead to collect themself or trade with the villagers (cause theyre the worst and all of us know it) thats why the barge and lookie lookie at my bookie are so profitable.
The shopping district it wasn't a thing before season 4, i dont really sure how it worked before, because i started watch in season six and sadly i have a boring adult life to saw the old seasons, but i assume it works in the same way that the trades the hermits does between them to accord a discount or a collab, and speak directly with the interested hermit or directly take it and pays what's considered it was fair, like iskall did with etho.
Like i said all what's happen in hermitcraft is a consensus, even the shopping district.
So yeah, that isnt a thing that would happen in a capitalism system, probably you would be dead, because "how are you dare to entered to my property", or in the jail, "because thats not yours".
So, what is hermitcraft?
For the surprise from much of you, Hermitcraft has an anarchist system.
What?! But their server is so peaceful, they don't steal from each other, they doesn't griefing, hows that possible?!
Well, the anarchism isn't really a violent political theory, at least in its beginning, actually anarchism is one of the most peaceful theories i studied, thats why i dont really thing it will worked in our society, but work in a server of 24 friends. Its too idealist.
I don't really study all of the thoughts corrents of anarchism because they are a lot. But the one we are interested is one of original thought corrent, The Mutualism, this in contrast with their cousin Communism doesn't believes the private property was something bad and considered like one of the rights from the individual, but different as capitalism because like i said before it wasn't sacred and communal things will exist to help others to start or recover.
Proudhon, one of it intellectuals, considered not paid for the work of the other it was a form to violate their liberties and feel horrofied with Marx when he said we have to abolish the private property.
The mutualists believes that each person should possess a means of production, either individually or collectively, and the products obtained would be trade in the market for the amount equivalent of their work.
This sound familiar, isnt it? Hermitcraft works in this way.
The thing with anarchism is they don't believes in a government over the people. And the hermits doesn't have one, yeah there's Scar being the mayor, but he isnt have a power over the rest and only is in charge of the "cowmercial district" even aquatown isn't part of his jurisdiction, his function is more of organization, like when we put a friend in charge to organizing part of a roadtrip.
It's the same with Xisuma figure, we all put him in a position of the admin of hermitcraft, but the truth is he isnt the only one with admin commands (but apparently some or all of them losed their admin status, at least in one of the last tango's streams, he hasnt it anymore) and various hermits said that he is more like an ambassador of them in the legal things of the server.
The hermits take all of they decisions in group and in the majority of things all of them needs to be agreed with the decision or they simple doesn't do it. And this is a characteristic of the mutualism because for them anyone are over the other.
And if you aren't already bored at this point and you put attention to what i wrote of the concept of private property in the mutualism, you would see it is practically the way hermitcraft works. They make their bases and farms, recolect resources and sell what they don't will use, buy mostly to save time and paid for the price what they considered fair. Yeah i know sometimes they do some farm specifically for one shop, but this is more "yeah, this is my thing" (Tango and Iron; Ren and wood) or a division of activities "if you do that, i do this".
The perfect utopia.
What about the Dsmp?
If you do it to here, congratulations.
So what about the Dsmp, i entered here because i want to read of them and the only thing i read was about hermitcraft.
Well, the Dsmp only entered in the equation because much of you said they were an anarchist server, but i see it more like a "failed state" and when i was talked with an exprofessor he agreed with me.
I know the term of failed state is controversial and is almost obsolete, but is the best way to describe the server and stop said it is anarchist.
So why failed state and not an anarchist state? Because they have a government (or apparently multiples) a failed one, but is there, if it were an anarchist server wouldn't have one.
Usually the failed states are known for being violent and volatile places in which ones their governments can't provides the basics to their people to live, normally are places with ethnics conflicts, civil wars, authoritarian governments or states in wars. The most common examples are Haití, Somalia or Syria.
And i am sure you can see the similarities with the Dsmp, so yeah, theyre chaotic but not anarchist.
The wars ruined the stability from the server, have a multiple sides and a megalomaniac for admin, but the goverment still there and they are fighting for the power wich wouldn't happen if the server were anarchist because anarchism don't believe the power should be possess for someone.
The server simply is failed state wich struggles under a violent fight for power.
If you read this far, you're a hero and had my gratitude for read my useless thoughts. Maybe some day i do it other overanalysis of this servers. I hope you enjoyed and dont confused so much.
Thanks for read.
And if there are some angry economist with me for "misrepresent" the capitalist i am completely open to a debate, my only condition is it would be in chilean spanish ;)
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emybain · 5 years ago
White Rose
I couldn't muster enough energy to edit this, so I apologize in advance for any typos, etc. I thought I was doing okay until the end, and that’s when I started breaking down. This is my second fic that focuses on Georgia Rawles (my eternal queen). I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so im also sorry for the angst. just as a warning, there is death and loss of family members/loved ones in this. 
    There were only a handful of people left in the cemetery, all of them chatting quietly amongst themselves. Adrian watched as Kasumi Hasegawa pulled Tamaya Rae into a hug. They were both gripping balled up tissues in their fists, so crumpled that they were beginning to tear. Adrian wondered if they had been clutching the same tissues all day. Probably not, judging from how they both could barely keep it together for more than five minutes at a time. 
    He turned his head back around, slouching in his chair. Immediately, he heard his mom’s voice in his head, telling him to sit up, or else he would get a hunchback like that villain in one of the old movies she had from when she was a kid. But he wasn’t sure if he could muster the strength to sit properly. Not today. 
    Adrian Rawles was only seven years old, and he didn’t know how to deal with loss. Especially this kind of loss. Death was a concept that his mom had never fully explained to him; she usually told him not to worry about things like that. He was scared, confused, and above all, he felt as if something had been dug out of his chest, leaving him hollow inside. Empty.
    When Uncle Hugh had shown up at Adrian’s and his mom’s apartment late one night last week, Adrian hadn’t understood why he was so upset. He had woken Adrian up with unshed tears in his eyes, and told him to grab whatever he might think he need as he went and told Adrian’s babysitter she could go home. Then, Hugh took Adrian and his small bag full of a few toys and a stuffed animal back to his own apartment. Adrian had questioned the whereabouts of his mom repeatedly, and grew frustrated when Hugh didn’t answer him. It wasn’t until they were at his apartment that Hugh finally told him what had happened: his mother was not coming home; she had been killed by an Anarchist.
    “You remember the Anarchists, right, Adrian?” Hugh had asked gently as Adrian stared at the floor of the car. “The bad guys?”
    Adrian had nodded silently. He knew his mother and the rest of his aunts and uncles, the Renegades, were the good guys, and that they fought the villains known as the Anarchists. Hugh continued to tell him how she was on her way to a special mission she was assigned to when it happened, but Adrian barely registered any of it. He remembered how first his fingers went numb, and then gradually, the rest of his body. Mom had told him before she left earlier that night that when she got home, she would tuck him in properly and kiss him goodnight, like how she did every night. 
    But she didn’t.
    Since that night, that horrible nightmare that was in fact reality, Adrian had been staying with his Uncle Hugh and his husband, Adrian’s other uncle, Simon. Their apartment was different than Adrian’s home. He had barely gotten any sleep in their guest room, which was smaller than Adrian’s room and doubled as an office. It didn’t feel right to go to sleep without saying goodnight to his mom and receiving her hugs and kisses. 
    “You haven’t given your mother her rose yet, Adrian.” Adrian looked up to meet the sad eyes of his Uncle Simon, then back down at the white rose between his fingers. Everyone close to his mom had been given similar roses to place on her casket before it was lowered into the ground, and Adrian was the only one who hadn’t given his up yet. He shrugged one shoulder, back folding in even more. 
    Simon sat down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know today has been hard for you, Adrian. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” When Adrian didn’t respond, he continued. “No child should ever have to lose a parent.”
    They sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Adrian kept his eyes trained on the laid out turf flooring beneath him, refusing to let the pooling tears in his eyes fall. He had already cried too much today, though he tried to hide it from everyone else. It was important that he keep a brave face for everyone; it’s what his mom would’ve done. 
    “If I give up the rose,” Adrian began, voice hoarse despite him having barely spoken all day, “then she’ll really be gone, and I’ll be all alone.”
    Simon’s hold on his shoulder tightened, and he pulled the young boy closer. “You’re not alone, son, and you never will be. Don’t you ever think that, okay?”
    Adrian shied away from Simon’s hold. He swiped at his eyes angrily. “But I am, Uncle Simon,” he said harshly. “My mom is dead, and my dad...my dad might as well be dead, too. He wasn’t even at the funeral.”
    It had been a pointless wish for Adrian to hope that a man would show up at his mom’s funeral, that he would search the room until his eyes landed on Adrian, and Adrian would think of how familiar he looked. It was stupid of Adrian to think that this man would approach him and introduce himself, and then tell him that he was Adrian’s father and that he was going to take care of him from now on. But Adrian had wandering eyes throughout the funeral, despite his distress, and he never found this man. He was crushed; his father, whoever he may be, truly didn’t care about him or his mom. Adrian remembered his mom once telling him, when Adrian had asked about his dad, that his dad just wasn’t ready for a life with prodigies, and that he hadn’t been absent from Adrian’s life because he didn’t care about his son. Before, Adrian had believed her comforting words, if only to hold onto the thread of hope that he had a loving father somewhere out there, and that this man would return one day. Now, he knew better. 
    “Your father is no dad.” Out of the corner of his eye, Adrian saw Simon shake his head. “I’m sorry he didn’t show up, Adrian, but that’s not what I meant. You still have dozens of people who care about you, dozens of people who love you. Hugh and I are your godparents, and we’re taking you in, for now, at least. We will understand if you would rather live with someone else in the future, but for now, it is our responsibility to you and your mother to raise you as our own from now on, and we’ll gladly do it because we loved your mother and we love you, okay?” Again, Adrian didn’t answer. Simon sighed tiredly. 
    “Your mother was an incredible person, Adrian. She was brave, intelligent, funny, and above all of that, she was one of the kindest people I have ever met. I see her in you so much, and that’s proof that she will never truly be gone. She will live on inside of you, but you have to make sure that happens.” Adrian peeked up at him then, a tear rolling down his cheek. “I can guarantee that she is watching over us right now, too. Do you want to know how I know that?” Adrian nodded, chin beginning to tremble. “Because she’s too stubborn to leave us alone.” For the first time that day, Adrian’s lip curled up on one side. It was only slight, though. “Even when she would leave you with a babysitter for her work, she would constantly check in and see how you were doing. She hated leaving you at home, and I know she hates that she can’t be by your side right now. You were her world, son, and she will continue to check up on you for the rest of your life.”
    Adrian dropped his gaze down again. Simon patted his back gently, staying with him for a moment before getting up. “When you’re ready, just find me or Hugh, alright?” 
    And then he was gone, leaving Adrian alone with his thoughts. 
    A gust of wind blew through the canopy tent where Adrian sat before his mother’s casket. He thought back to earlier that day during the funeral and how many people had shown up. It had been in a small church, yes, but there had been people lined up along the back walls, people that Adrian had never seen before in his life. He guessed he had never realized how important his mom was to others than just him.
    He had insisted on being a pallbearer, after he had asked Hugh earlier that morning what it meant upon hearing it come up in conversation. While he was too small to handle that, something that annoyed Adrian, Hugh allowed him to walk with the pallbearers, specifically beside Hugh and Simon, as they carried his mom. It had been a strange experience, but Adrian couldn’t imagine himself anywhere else; he had been attached to his mom’s hip since he was born, and he was going to keep it that way for as long as possible. Foreign faces became sympathetic at the sight of him walking with his mom, strangers offered their condolences and apologies all day, whatever condolences even meant. 
    Adrian looked back over his shoulders, eyes landing on Hugh and Simon, who were standing together with a man and a woman that Adrian didn’t know. His gaze wandered to the sunny day, the blue sky and fluffy clouds. It wasn’t fitting for a funeral. 
    He twisted back around to face the casket. Tamaya, his mom’s old roommate and fellow Renegade, picked it out. It was white with gold trim and decorated with lilies here and there, his mom’s favorite flower. Slowly, Adrian stood up, gripping the white rose between his trembling hands. He made his way to the casket slowly; each step was painful. When he reached the casket, he let out a slow breath, ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes. He placed a hand on the side. Just barely. Simon was right. His mom would always be watching over him because that’s who she was. And Adrian would make sure that she would live on, that she wouldn’t be forgotten. 
    “If...if you’re really out there,” Adrian mumbled, sniffling. He wiped at his face with his shirt sleeve. It had been the same one he wore to Hugh and Simon’s wedding a while back. Once holding a happy memory, now not so much. “I love you, Mom. You tucked me in for so long,” his throat caught on his words as his chin trembled greatly, “now...now it’s time for me to tuck you in.” Tears fell freely down his face and to the ground. Closing his eyes, Adrian reached his hand forward and set the rose down on the casket, on top of the others. 
    Feeling himself finally break for the first time since Hugh had told him what happened a week ago, Adrian Rawles laid his head in his arms on top of the casket and cried.
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fatrainbowmermaidunicorn · 5 years ago
Rich Girl, Poor Boy (Jungkook x You x Taehyung) (ONESHOT)
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A/N:This is a rare occurance where I write a non-idol AU 😂 and also, its not edited, so expect to find lots of grammatical error and typo errors
Jungkook sighed as he looks up at the stars lining the clear dark skies and stands up to make his way inside the huge ballroom of his family mansion, which is often dark and gloomy but tonight is filled with bright lights and people's laughter. Tower of wine and champagne dotted the table, the food, extravagant, the girls, beautiful, the music, exquisite, his parents would have hire Beethoven himself if he were still alive, anything in the name to show everyone, both enemies and allies, how powerful the Jeon family is.
This is just another normal parties for them, for their "crowd". Jungkook is raised within other big families, wealthy families with empires of their own, all only soughting for one thing; more power. But between all the money talks and business opportunities, Jungkook found one friend he knew he could trust and count on, Kim Taehyung, the one and only heir of the Kim family, his childhood friend, and next door neighbour. Taehyung and Jungkook share no similarities. Whist Taehyung prefer to enjoy the more beautiful parts in life, visiting galleries and taking photos of sceneries he foumd mesmerizing, Jungkook prefer to spend his days partying, drunk till the daylight shines and waking up with girls he wont remember the name of the next day. While Taehyung tries to hide away from his family name and fortune, Jungkook basked in every single cent of it. But still, they are the best of friends, always having each other backs againts their parents,  the judgemental society, the world.
"Hey, where have you gone?" Taehyung smile the moment he saw Jungkook came in front the massive garden door, a drink in his hand.
"Just getting a breather from all..." Jungkook looks around the grand ballromm, bright with expensive decorations and chandeliers, "this,"
Taehyung laughed.
"Why? Dont you like parties? Girls? Champagne? A place to show off your the next Jeon heir? This parties have everything you like roll into one Kookie,"
"Yah, I'm not that bad!" Jungkook glares. "You know I only embraced it because theres no way I can run from it. Or hide. You are just lucky your parents gets you Tae," he smile and pat Taehyung's back.
"And you are lucky you got me," Taehyung winked. Jungkook lets out a laugh. True. He dont think he can hold on to his sanity without Taehyung always anchoring him back. Parties, booze, girls, money, its all fun but what Jungkook really wants is to do music. Write it, sing it, performed it, play it. All of it. But music for the sole Jeon heir? Hah, no way in hell his parents is going to let him. And they are not shy in hiding it either. His parents have been telling him about his responsibility as the family heir every since he could understand what money is. Every chance and opportunity he ever had to play music, his parents destroy without hesitation. He dont have a chance to even explain how music makes him feel.
So he buried all of it deep in the grounds. And if his parents wants him to embrace his life as a Jeon heir, then a Jeon heir hes going to be. Thus, money, parties, booze and girls.
"Maybe I do Tae," he laughs. "Old people alert," Jungkook points to an old couple, a family friend, waltzing their way to the two young men, a young girl in tow, ready to be inteoduced to the duo. Most probably their daughter, niece, granddaughter, Jungkook doesnt care, its all the same. They are all gorgeous, shallow, vain, dumb and absolutely boring.
"They never give up do they? Even when you and Adora are al-"
"Gotta go now," Jungkook quickly move away, hiding himself behind the huge, thick curtains his mother spent a fortune on. Sensing the line is clear, he makes his way swiftly to behind the buffet line, ducking every few second, trying to make it out of the room. Busy looking around for possible old people prospect he hits a wall.
A wall that talks.
"Oww! Watch where you are going you idiot!"
Jungkook immediately looks down to the girl sprawled on the floor. Not only the wall is a girl. A rude girl. And.. a beautiful one.
Jungkook smiles.
Y/N looks up to the man who bumped into her. Hes now just looking at her, not saying anything. She take this opportunity to size him up. Hes all dressed up in a suit, an expensive suit at that, so he must be a guest. Shit, shes so dead. Lets just hope hes not an important guest. He is also very, beey handsome. Y/N was mesmerized for a second before she gets a grip and blinked.
"Oww! Watch where you are going you idiot!"
The man didnt say anythin, just smiling at her.
"Helloo? Are you deaf? You are blind and now you cant talk too?" She huffed and stands up on her own, holding tightly the huge coat covering her torn dress. She needs to het to the bathroom quickly, but this idiot havent moved.
"Excuse me? May I pass?"
"Oh, yeah right," the man smile and move aside a bit. When shes just about to pass him, he suddenly spoke. "How come I have never seen you before?"
Y/N was surprised at the question. In a ballroom as big as this, does this man assume he knows everyone?
"Because you hit your head and I'm just your imagination," Y/N roll her eyes. Isnt that the worse pick up line or what? The man chuckle.
"Hmm witty. I like it. But seriously. Who are you? May I know your name?"
"No. And I'm in a rush to mend my torn dress, so if you will excuse me," Y/N sighed and try to make her way again. The man stops her by pulling her hand, startling her.
"I think I can help with that" he winks and drag her outside the huge ballroom.
"Wait, where are you taking me?! Stop or I'll scream!"
"You can scream but I think you will be the one in trouble. And trust me. Do you think a criminal would wear a suit this good?" He laughs and continue to drag her along. Y/N contemplates on what he said, confused as to what he meant. But it didnt take long when he stops in front of a giant door and push it open.
Inside the room are walls and walls of clothes. Dresses, pantsuits, skirts any piece of clothing one could ever imagined.
"W-what is all this?"
"Take your pick,"
"B-but whose are all this?" Y/N walks and touched all the expensive material with the tip of her fingers. She turns back and look at him."Who are you? How can you know about this?"
Jungkook was taken by surprise.
"U-uh..." he realizes that the girl dont know who he is, and its so refreshing to meet someone who for once doesnt know who he is, and he really wants to keep it that way. "I work here. I manage the performances? These are all costume. So you can borrow one,"
"Really?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "All these expensive materials are costumes?"
"Hey, the Jeons ask for the best, and I delivered," he shrugs, feigning ignorance. Y/N ponders for a while. If its the Jeons, what he say could be true. Everybody know they live life basking in luxury "Just pick one okay? As a payback for bumping into you,"
"Well.. if you put it that way..." she grins and start to go through all the beautiful dresses she could only have ever imagine of being this close to.
Jungkook leans by the door and look at the mystery girl rummaging through his mother old clothes, a smile unexpectedly creeping up his face.
"By the way, I'm Y/N," she peeked theough the clothes and smile. "Whats yours?"
"Me? I'm uh... J-Jungkook," Y/N immediately turns to face him and raised her eyebrows at the mentioned of the name and Jungkook immediately realizes she knows who "Jungkook" is. "Kim Jungkook," he quickly corrected. "I am Kim Jungkook," he laugh awkwardly, hoping she wont notice anything.
"Jungkook? Thats your name? The same name as the heir to this household?" Y/N asks, curious.
"Uh... yeah. You know him?" Jungkook asks cautiously, crossing his fingers for her answer to be no.
"Not personally, of course," she laughs. "I dont know what he looks like but I do hear that name being mentioned once in a while," she shrugs. "And you work here? Isnt that confusing?" She giggles.
"Uh no. I dont really work in close proximity with him. Hes always out and about. Doing uh... stuff," Jungkook answers nervously. "And we also look totally different,"
"Yeah? Well, if he is as handsome as people say he is, maybe you guys have a lot of similarities," Y/N laughs and went back to dive inside the closet
"Maybe..," Jungkook smiles. "Maybe we do," Oh Y/N, you have no idea.
"You keep texting and smiling these days Y/N. Is someone having a new boyfriend?" Adora giggle and peek her hewd to the phone screen that Y/N is holding, which she quickly hide with a blush on her face.
"N-no. Not a boyfriend...."
"But.. it is a boy?" Adora's eyes turned wide, her grin; bigger. "Oh my god, why didnt you tell me?! Im so excited! Who is he? Where did yoi two meet? Show me a picture!"
Y/N laughed.
"Well.. I uh didnt think you would be interested in my love life, since you know.. you are my-"
"Friend?" Adora glares at her. "That better be the end of your sentence L/N Y/N!" She crosses her arms across her chest and frowns. Y/N smile sheepishly.
"Y-yeah. Friends," Y/N agrees, eventhough she knows they are no where near to being friends. But she knows better than to defy Adora. Her relationship with Adora is... complicated? Well, not really. Shes her personal maid. Enough said. Although Adora prefer the word "handmaiden" or "personal assistsnce" or her personal favorite, "friend". To be fair, Adora really does thinks of her as a friend, and treated her like one too. But Y/N know her place. Shes a maid. Thats all she is. She jumped from one job to another, washing peoples clothes, washing dishes, picking up trash to get by, and by luck, out of million others who applied, Adora, the only daughter of a multi millionaire pick her to be her "personal assistance". She has only been working with her for a month, but she can already tell that Adora has the heart of gold.
"So who is he? You should tell your friend this kind of things you know," she giggles. "How did you two meet?"
"Well... actually. We uh met at that party you brought me a month ago," she blushes and looks down.
"Shut up!" Adora squeals. "You have met him a month ago and this is the first time I'm hearing this?! You have been texting this guy for a month?!"
"Well... yeah?"
"Oh gosh, things must have been serious! Tell me more!" Adora gushed excitedly. "And you met him at the party? Thats means he must be some other chaebol too! Oh Y/N, we can have a double wedding!"
"What?" Y/N laughs. "Okay, first of all, I only known him for a month. And second, hes not a chaebol. He works there. Do you think some rich kid would even spare me a second glance. I was there at the party as your m-mai-" her words trailed off when Adora glares. "Uh friend. I was only there as your friend, not even in the guest list,"
"Well, anyone would be blind to not fall for you. You are beautiful, inside and out," she smiles. Y/N nods and gave her a small smile. She knows Adora is just being nice, but coming from a beauty queen that has everything like her, it does means a lot. "Okay, I have to go meet my fiance. But you are not off the hook yet! You will definitely tell me everything about this mystery guy when I came back okay?"
Y/N laughs and nods.
"Anything you need me to prepare for while you are out?"
"Hmmm, nothing," Adora ponders. "Oh right, my fiancee is coming here after the cake appointment. So maybe you can prepare some tea and cakes or something?"
"Wait," Y/N pretends to gasps. "You are telling me I finally get to meet this infamous fiancee of yours?"
Since she has only been working here for a month, she has never met Adora's fiancee. She never asked about him either. All she knows is that his family is just as rich as Adora's is and they are childhood friends. Their parents sets them up together so that the famoly money will stay close.
"I guess you finally will," she winks. "Ill see you okay? Love ya," Adora picks up her Balanciaga purse and give her a flying kiss before heading off to the car where the driver is waiting.
Well, she guess she better prepare something special for this special guest then.
"Seriously, why am I being dragged to a cake testing?" Taehyung complaint for the gazillion time as they walk passed rows and rows of expensively decorated cake.
"Because Tae, its free food. And you are my bestfriend, so you should get tortured with me," Jungkook shrugs and poke one of his fingers in one the cake and lick the cream off.
"You both can afford the best wedding planner ten times over, why even bother to taste the cake? Cant you pay someone to do it?" Taehyung poke the same cake and licks it clean too.
"Because," Jungkook roll his eyes. "As if you dont know my fiance Tae. She aims for this to be the wedding of the millenium. And shes a superb bridezilla. She wants to have a say in everything. And apparently, she wants me around while shes saying it,"
"And you follow what she says because?"
"So that I can go home and sleep peacefully at night and not have her and my parents all nagging at me to take this damn wedding seriously!"
"Damn wedding?" Taehyung raised an eyebrows. "I thought you have accepted the fact that you have always meant to marry one of our own? And shes your closest friend, other than me of course. And isnt it you who said, "If I have to marry for riches, I'm glad its Adora"?"
"Well..." Jungkook scratched his head. "That was before I met someone..." Taehyung's eyes widen. "At that party a month ago,"
"You are engaged Jeon Jungkook, what do you mean you met someone?!"
"Shut up okay! We dont want Adora to hear!" Jungkook hissed while looking around. "I just did okay. Its not like I planned it. Shes just so... refreshing. Not to mention... so undeniably beautiful," Jungkook smiles.
"What the hell Kookie? You sound as if you really like this girl. And you never like anyone!"
"I dont know Tae. Shes... different," Jungkook shrugs. "And I really think I want to try with her,"
"Oh my god," Taehyung rans his hands across his face. "So what are you going to do? The wedding is in a few months,"
"I seriously dont know Tae," Jungkook sighs.
"Well, I think, what you need to do now is..." Taehyung smile and nods to someone behind Jungkook, and Jungkook knows exactly who that is by the sound of her expensive heels and the smell of her even more luxurious perfume, "is taste the damn cake with your fiance,"
Tea... Cupcakes... Sugar... Creamers... Short breads...
Y/N arranged the centerpiece for the millionth time as she straighten the teapot again. All ready for Adora and her fiance. Y/N wants it to be perfect. After all, thats the best she can do for the nice treatment Adora has been giving her all this while. She straighten her dress and pick at a lose thread and takes a deep breath. Why is she even so nervous? Y/N chuckle to herself.
She quickly make her way to the doorway once she heard the sound of engine running at the driveway.
That must be Adora.
She opened the door to welcome a smiley Adora who linked her arms to hers while pushing a box of cakes into her other hand.
"Here. I brought some of the cakes we tasted. Tell me what you think okay?" She smiles and walked with Y/N to the tearoom. Y/N looked behind her shoulders to see if there are any guests.
"Wheres uh-"
"My fiancee?" Adora giggles. "You are really eager to meet him dont you? He will be in in a minute. Lets just go first. Hes been here a million times, he knows how to welcome himself in," she takes a seat at the neatly arranged table and Y/N quickly rushed over to served her the tea and cakes.
"You did a good job Y/N," Adora nods at the selection of tea and desserts spread in front of her.
"Thanks miss. I-"
"Dora, where do you want me to put your-" Y/N halted from pouring the tea, spilling it on the table the moment she heard the voice. very familiar voice. A voice that she heard for the first time a month ago, but it never left her mind... and heart. Her heart stops as she looks up from the spilled tea and Adora's frowns to see the face of the man that has been haunting her dreams. And by the look of how he too stop mid sentence, Y/N is pretty sure he recognizes her too.
Adora quickly turns her head up from Y/N to Jungkook to Y/N again. Confused on how the two know each other. Confused on how her maid can adress her fiancee so casually.
"Wait. How do you know his name?" Adora looks at her, a frown on her face. "Dont tell me you two know each other?"
"Well, we uh..," Y/N gulped and looks from Adora to Jungkook, not really sure what to say. Is this really Adora's fiancee? She will kill her if she knows about her and Jungkook. "We-"
Jungkook quickly recovered from his shocked and cut her off.
"No we dont. I have never seen her before in my life. Maybw you got the wrong person?" Jungkook shrugs and place Adora's thibgs on the chair.
"But babe, she knows your name?" Adora looks at him, still suspicious. He kmows Jungkook is a ladies man, but he promise he will honor their relationship, although they both know he doesnt love her.
"Baby, almost everyone know my name. But that doesnt mean I kmow them now do I?"
Y/N looks at the two conversing like she isnt even there, dumbfounded. Is Jungkook really the wrong guy? Or is he pretending not to know her? But why? But then again, the Jungkook she knows cant be Adora's fiancee right? Her fiancee is the Jeon's heir. Are they twins or something?
"Are you sure Kookie? Y/N looks like she really knows you," Adora tilted her head, confused and suspicious.
"I dont babe. Who is she anyway?" Jungkook took a step forward and look at her. Y/N stares back, taking in all his features. His brown doe eyes, his bunny teeth, the mole under his lips... yes its him. She can recognize him anywhere after the countless photos they exchanged through texts. "Your friend?"
"Y-yeah, she uh.. my friend," Adora smiles. Jungkook looks at hee and back to Y/N again after her stutter and laughs.
"Babe, why is your friend serving you tea then? Are you befriending the help again?" Jungkook laughs and take a sit. "Hey, pour me some," he motioned to Y/N. With shaky hands and beating hearts, Y/N went over and serve the man the tea she work so hard to made perfect.
Adora ignores him and ask him again, seeking confirmation. "Are you sure you dont know her Kookie?" She turns to Y/N. "Y/N? You sure?"
Y/N gulped. Should she tell the truth? But whats the point if Jungkook himself is hiding the fact that they know each other right?
"I dont babe. Just trust me already," Jungkook sighed, saving Y/N from answering. "Besides, where would I even know a..." he looks at Y/N with disgust. "A maid from? I dont even remember my own maids, why would I remember yours?"
Y/N felt her heart stop. So much for thinking hes the only guy at the party that wasnt stuck up and see people for who they are and not their status. Hes actually the worse of them all!
"She was at the party a month ago Kookie. The party at your house? Remember? I brought her along,"
His house. That explain the closet full of dresses. Gosh Y/N, how are you so stupid? Works with costume? Same name as the heir? So gullible Y/N! Serves you right.
"Nahh, doesnt ring a bell. Maybe she saw me baby," Jungkook shrugs. "I am afterall is the host,"
"Y/N?" Adora looks at her.
"I-I uh.." Y/N tried to blink back the tears and embarrasment she felt. "I was mistaken. Im very sorry Sir, Miss," she bows.
Adora sigh. "Fine, I will believe you Y/N because I know you wont lie to me. Now I need to make one phone call, Kookie, will you help Y/N carry my stuff inside?"
"Its okay! I can do it on my own!" Y/N quickly interjects. Theres no way she wants to be alone with Jungkook, sorry, Jeon Jungkook right now.
"Dont be stupid. Its a lot. And its Birkins. I dont want you to drop them," Adora giggles. "I went shopping earlier. Help her Kookie, I'll be back," she smile and went out to her call.
Y/N kept quiet and quickly gather up the bags. Jungkook immediately gran her wrist the moment Adora left the room.
"Y/N, I can ex-"
"Sir, please let go of my hand. I need to get going with Miss Adora's bags," Y/N tries to shake him off.
"No! You are not going anywhere until you let me explain!" Jungkook insisted, turning her to face him but Y/N immediately avoid eye contact. How can she look him in the eye after what he did. All her life, her friends have been embarassed by her because of what she do, she cant believe she fell for a guy who felt that way about her too.
"You dont need to ecplain anything Sir, I understand,"
"Stop fucking call me that! And just let me fucking explain!"
The harsh words struck a cord in her, making Y/N bravely look up to his face. "Explain what huh? How you lied to me about who you are? Or how you just insulted me? Or how you are sooo embarassed to actually admit that you know me?" She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Of course you are. You are the great Jeon Jungkook right? How can you be associated with a maid? How can you even be friends with one?! And you are even engaged!"
"Y/N, please," Jungkook look defeated but still grab her hand before she can walk away. "You dont understand. My world... its different than yours. Its all about money, and status. Adora and me is not even in love with each other but we are getting married because her family status is the only one that matches mine!"
"Right Jungkook, blame it on the money, on the status. But you know what, all that doesnt determined what kind of a person you are. The disgusted look on your face when you realized that I'm your fiancee's maid? No one can fake that," she laughs. "I was wrong about you. Your kind are all the same!"
"W-wrong about me? What do you mean?" Jungkook pull her back again. "Y/N please okay? Give me time to figure things out. Its hard for me!"
"Its hard for you? Really?" Y/N laughs again. "Then I'll make it easy for you. Just forget that you ever knew me. I'm just Miss Adora's maid!" She yelled and grab all the shopping bags.
"Y/N, atleast let me-" Jungkook tries to grab some of the bags from her.
"Just dont Jungkook," she said so weakly and brokenhearted, Jungkook stop mid track. "Just dont okay? Just stay here and have tea with your fiancee. She deserves better," Y/N quickly grab everything and ran off, leaving Jungkook standing alone in the tea room.
Y/N kicked the lose stone with her foot, sighing loudly. After rearranging the Birkins in Adora's massive closet, she was dismissed, much to her relief. Although she is unsure whether her dismissal is cause by Adora suspicion about her and Jungkook or just because her help wasnt needed. Whatever it is, Y/N was grateful as she make her way to the empty garden. She needs to get whatever the hell it is that happened earlier our of her system. She needs to get Jungkook, Adora's fiancee, the Jeon's heir Jungkook, out of her system. She dont know how much longer she can work here. Once Adora and Jungkook gets married, she is pretty sure she will be seeing him even more. She decides to quit as soon as he find something else. Although working with Adora pays good money, but she values her insanity more. She has to quit. She will quit right after the wedding. When Adora dont need her help as much anymore.
"Hey, I didnt know anyone is here? I'm usually the only one who hangs around here," A male voice interrupted her thoughts as she felt his presence sitting down besides her. Y/N look up to the most handsome man she has ever seen. She almost rub her eyes, thinking shes dreaming. How can anyone who looks like that be real?
"I-I'm sorry. Im new here. The whole month I was here no one ever comes to this garden," she quickly stands up amd bows, ready to walk away. The man laughs and pull her wrist, asking her to sit down. For a monent when their skin touched, Y/N felt butterflies.
"Hey its alright. Its a big garden, we can share," he smiles and Y/N immediately feel comfortable. "And also its my fault, I havent come to visited Adora for so long. So thankyou for keeping my favorite garden bench warm,"
"Oh. Y-you are Miss Adora's friend?" Y/N immediately stands up and bows. Adora might treat her like a friend, but she is pretty sure her friends doesnt. And the way Jungkook just treated her proves that. The man furrowed his brows, confused.
"Why are you bowing? And why do you call Dora miss?"
"I'm uh her-"
"Wait, are you her personal helper?"
"Yes, yes I am," Y/N smile at the term the man use. Personal helper, instead of maid. Shes also sure that if this main is Adora's friend, means hes part of that world. The world that Jungkook said cared about status and money more than anything. He would definitely shoo her away now that he knows shes the maid. "I'm sorry to have bothered you. Miss Adora said I can use this garden if I wanted too. I didnt know someone else uses it too,"
"Where are you going?" The man pouts. "Just stay here and talk to me somemore. I'm bored. I mean, if tou dont mind?" He looks at her. Y/N blinks. He still wants to talk to her eventhough shes the help?
"B-but, maybe you didnt hear me. I'm Miss Adora's maid,"
"Uh okay?" The man looks at her confused. "Ohhh, do you have to go and do for her right now?"
"N-no. I mean... I'm a maid. Are you sure you want me to stay and talk to you?"
"Whats wrong with that? A helper is just a job, not who you are. And plus, why wouldnt I want to stay and talk to a pretty girl like you?" He winks, making Y/N blush. Y/N contemplate for a momebt, and after a bad day she had, maybe talking to this handsome stranger is what she needed.
"Okay. Maybe I can spare a few minutes," she smile and sits back down.
"Just so you know, Im not some weirdo or anything. I came here with my friend, hes Adora's fiancee. Maybe you know him?" Y/N nodded slowly. Oh.. so he knows Jungkook too, which means they are all childhood friends. "I'm Kim Taehyung by the way, whats your name?"
Y/N smile. Even his name is beautiful.
"I'm L/N Y/N. Hi Kim Taehyung, its nice to meet you,"
"Is Tae really coming Kookie?" Adora plays with her freshly manicured fingers and looks at her fiance.
"Yeah. He promised me," Jungkook answered lazily. He spent the whole day at Adora's house after the fateful meeting with Y/N earlier, hoping to catch a glimpse of her again, but nothing. Adora had dismissed her for the rest of the day. Now she suggested they went out for dinner, and to avoid the boring conversations he would have with his future wife, he ask, no, forced Taehyung to come with him, which suprisingly, he said yes easily.
"Maybe he bailed. You know he hates to third wheel us Kookie. Why do you always drag him anyway?"
"Well, because hes the best man babe. He should know stuff. And also, he said hes bringing a date tonight," Jungkook shrugs.
"A date? Taetae? Who? Do I know the girl?"
Jungkook turns to look at his fiance and smirks. "Is that jealousy I hear babe? You know I'm still your fiancee right?"
"What the hell are you even talking about? Why would I be jealous if Taetae dates someone?" She laughs awkwardly. "Its about time he does,"
Jungkook laughs and roll his eyes. "Oh please babe, anyone can see you have the hots for him since we were five. Too bad your stuck with me. Dont worry, I still support your love for him. I think you will be good for him," Jungkook laughs. Adora's face turned red.
"Shut up! And dont say anything to anyone. Remember I'm marrying you wild bunny! And what an unfortunate luck that is," she laughs.
"Girls would kill to be you babe, you know that," Jungkook smiles. "Here comes your lover boy," Jungkook motioned to the red Jaguar parked outside as Taehyung huddled out.
"Hey Tae," he smile. "Wheres your imaginary date?" Jungkook looks around and laughs. Taehyung hits his shoulder and laughs.
"Its not imaginary. But then again, shes so beautiful, you might not think shes real," Taehyung winks.
"Whatever," Jungkook roll his eyes. "Where is she?"
"Actually, I'm here to pick her up," Taehyung smile, making both Adora and Jungkook confused. "Here she is now," he motioned to Y/N whos walking through the lawn from the maid's door. "Dora, I hope you dont mind I'm taking Y/N out tonight?"
Adora's eyes widen in surprise, jealousy stir inside of her but she still feel happy for Y/N as she knows that Taehyung will take good care of her. She plastered on a smile.
"Y/N? Shes your date?" She grins. "Sure Tae. Just make sure you show her a good time,"
"You know I will," he winks and reached out his arms to Y/N. "Hey, you look beautiful," he smiles.
Jungkook who has been watching the whole thing quietly clenched his fist without realizing. When the fuck did Taehyung meet her? And she said yes to his invitation just like that?!
Y/N almost stop mid way when she saw Jungkook and Adora at the hallway. Taehyung only asks her out to dinner, he didnt say its a double date! She almost turned back but Taehyung already approached her.
"Hey, you look beautiful," he smiles.
"H-hi Tae," she blushes shyly and start fussing with her simple sundress the moment she saw both Taehyung and Jungkook in a suit and Adora in a enchantingly beautiful dress, no doubt designer. What the hell is she thinking? She accepted Kim Taehyung's invitation , one of the most sought after heir there is, yes she googled, and she thinks her sundress is good enough? "I - uh I didnt know Jungkook-ssi and Miss Adora is coming too," she leans in and whisper to him. "I think I'm under dress,"
Taehyung laughs.
"You look very beautiful Y/N," he reached out and hold her hand, making her feel hot all over. "She does right?" He beams at the other two. Adora quickly link her arms with her. "You do! It doesnt really matter what you wear Y/N!" Adora leans in closer to her. "Especially not when Kim Taehyung keeps on looking at you like that," she winks, making Y/N blush ever more.
Jungkook who heard what Adora said felt her whole face heat up. That little- urghhh.
"Come on Kookie. Lets go. Lets drive our own car and leave the lovebirds alone," Adora giggles and link arms with Jungkook. Jungkook looks up to see Y/N's reaction to what Adora said. Surely she must felt something. Just this morning they were still texting each other! But what he sees when he looks up is Taehyung staring at her, smiling shamelessly and Y/N staring back, smiling shyly.
This date night is going to be a loooong night.
Things were going well between Y/N and Taehyung. After that surprisingly comfortable and not at all awkward date night, they have gotten closer. Taehyung spend a lot of time at Adora's house now. Main excuse being he is Jungkook's best man and he have to be there, but with all the dismissal Adora kept giving her when Taehyung is around, everyone knows the real reason Taehyung is around.
Still, seeing Jungkook and Adora together still hurts her sometimes. Seeing him laugh with her, joking around. Y/N knows they dont love each other, but the comfortable level and chemistry they have with one another, after being friends since they were born, makes her jealous sometimes. She can see the real side of Jungkook whenever she came in to serve them dinner or tea, or help Adora with some of her things. She can see what a dork he really is, despite his label of being a wild, party man. She can see that hes funny, caring, competitive and he has a love for food like no other. And all this little things only makes her fall for him even more, despite Taehyung being the sweetheart he is around her.
But Jungkook is Adora's fiancee, and nothing can change that. Plus, Jungkook refuses to be associated with her, cant be associated with her, the maid. So maybe its best that she stick to her plan to leave after the wedding.
"Hey, that engagement tea party you are having with Dora, you dont mind if I bring Y/N right?" Taehyung asks as they were having drinks together. Jungkook felt his heart boiled everytime Taehyung mentioned her name. Its bad enough that he can only see her during the short minutes she came in to serve them food, but she isnt even replying to any of his texts or answer his calls anymore. He misses her, although he knows its his fault for not saying anything when they came face to face.
"Sure. But wont she need to work or something? She works for Dora you know," Jungkook tries to act nonchalant. The whole reason why he wanted to host the party at Adora's house is because he hope to see Y/N, even if its only glimpses of her. The closer he is to the wedding, the more anxious he becomes.
"I'm sure Dora would give her an exception. She seems ro be very supportive of our relationship," Taehyung smiles.
"So... what are you two now? Like boyfriend girlfriend or something?" Jungkook acts line he doesnt care about the answer although his heart is screaming for Taehyung to just answer the damn question.
"Well...no," Taehyung answer and take a sip of his drink, as Jungkook felt relieved with the answer. "But I hope that would change, real soon," he smiles. "Like real soon. Like tea party soon?"
"What do you mean?"
"I think I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, at your engagement party," Taehyung grind and took out a box from his pocket, which opens up to a beautiful ring. "Its romantic right? Asking her to go steady with me at an engagement party?"
"A ring?" Jungkook eyed the ring carefully, in his heart he knows he would buy Y/N something much better than that if hes given a chance, "dont you think thats too much just to ask her to be your girlfriend? You are not asking her to marry you. Right?" Jungkook asks nervously. Taehyung laughs.
"Of course not. But being extra is what we are all about Kookie. I know she dont care about all this material shit, and thats why I love her, but I want her to know shes special. You k-"
"Wait, love her?" Jungkook sits up from his leaning position.
"Well..." Taehyung grins sheepishly. "I know its just a month Kookie... but I think I love her. Ive never met anyone like her,"
Jungkook tries to calmed down his heart, his hand shaking from wanting to punch Taehyung right in the face. The worst part is, he knows how that feels. Because he too, admitted to himself a long time ago, that he is head over heels in love with Y/N. But he ruined everything didnt he?
I'll be right back okay?" Taehyung kisses her hands and smile before heading off to meet someone in a suit. Must be one of his business partner or something. Y/N nods and smile and stood at the most glamourous tea party she has ever attended. Well, the only tea party she ever attended. Who host tea parties nowadays anyway? But the fabulousness of the party is expected from Adora. Feeling awkward standing on her own, Y/N make her way to a more secluded part of the garden after observing that Taehyung will most probably take a long time. She sat down at the bench and closes her eyes, inhaling the fresh air, thinking about what her life have becomes. How did she managed to catch Kim Taehyung's eyes? He is not playing her is he?
"I can see that you are enjoying the lifestyle of rich and famous,"
Y/N eyes popped open to the voice and as expected, stood right in front of her, Jeon Jungkook with a cocky smile. She immediately stood up and start to walk away.
"Where are you going? Cant take the truth?" Jungkook mocked. What is he implying? That she is using Taehyung for his riches? Y/N turns around, glaring at her.
"What do you want Jungkook-ssi?"
"Jungkook-ssi?" Jungkook laughs. "Dont you think we have moved past that? Especially when my fiancee told me that you told her you met someone incredible at the party few months back. Im assuming thats me?"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"So what? You are here to gloat? I was dumb back then. It was a mistake. You are obviously not who I thought you were. I thought you were different, but you are not," Y/N sighed. "Is that all?"
"So Taehyung is?" Jungkook look straight into her eyes, face serious.
"H-he-" his question took her by surprise.
"Is Taehyung different then Y/N? Is he everything you ever wanted then? Is he able to erase all your memories of me? Of us?" Jungkook took a step closer to her. Y/N felt her breathing starts to goes rapid and tries to calm down. Jungkook still has this effect on her.
"T-taehyung is a good man. Hes kind, handsome, nice, a gentleman, a romantic, he treats me good, he kno-"
"But do you love him?"
"W-what?" Y/N panics. How could Jungkook asks her that.
"Do you. Love. Him?" Jungkook repeated the question more seriously and took a step forward.
"I-I," she panics. "How can I answer that? Its only been a month since we met!"
"But you were in love with me within a month that we met," Jungkook closes the gap and held both her wrists, whispering close to her face.
"I was not!"
"Yeah.. you are," he smirks, face only inches from hers.
"N-no, I wasnt!"
"You are Y/N, in fact, you are still in love with me now," he smirks more.
"I am definitely not!" She tries to squirm as he gets closer.
"Yeah?" Jungkook smirks and closes the gap, his lips on her, tounge asking permission for more which Y/N immediately granted as she closes her eyes as his lips touched hers.
The kiss felt like it lasted forever when Jungkook finally pull away and look into her eyes, whispering. "I love you Y/N. As much as you love me, I love you more,"
Y/N felt tears prickled her eyes. She wanted to hear those words from him from the first day she realized her feelings. But now that she did... she knows they can never be.
"Please, choose me. Dont choose Tae. Choose me," Jungkook said softly, begging. Y/N closes her eyes, the tears she tried to blink back finally rolled out. "Please?"
"I-" she sobs. "I always have been choosing you Jungkook," she answered back, barely a whisper. "But will you... ever be able to choose me?"
Jungkook was surprised by her answer, eyes widening. Y/N lets out a half smile and released herself from his grip.
"Just... go away Jeon Jungkook. For real this time," she wipe her tears and ran off into the party before Jungkook can say anything.
"Hey, you okay? Where did you go? I was looking all over for you," Taehyung greeted her, smiling. Y/N smile back and looks at him. Such the perfect guy. "Whats wrong? Anything wrong with my face?"
Y/N smile. "No Tae," she grazed his face. "You are perfect,"
"Yeah? Well, in that case, I have something to ask you," he smile and take her to a water fountain in the park, already decorated with fairy lights, her favorite. He sat her down and kneeled in front of her, hands holding both of hers. "Y/N? I know we just met. But I want you to know that Ive never felt this happy as this one month that I am with you. And at first... I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend today..."
Y/N's mouth gaped open, surprised.
"But..." Taehyung continues. "I realized that that wasnt enough for me. I know its too fast and we dont have to do it right away, you can take all the time you need, but Y/N please say yes. Please Y/N... will you... uh..." Taehyung looks utterly nervous as he smile and looks into her eyes."Will you do the honors of being my wife?"
Taehyung smiles and fix his best friend's bowtie. Jungkook looks emotionlessly at his reflection in the mirror.
"Its your wedding day Kookie, why do you look like a zombie?" Taehyung asks and smile. Jungkook tries to flash a small smile but failed. He chase after Y/N that day at the party. It took him a few minutes to realized that he dont care what his parents will say, he dont care what society will say, he dont care what Adora or Taehyung will think of him. He dont care about money or status. He never did. It was all what his parents put inside his head. All he cares about right now is that Y/N knows that he chooses her. And he will keeps on choosing her. He wants to be with her. He knows he will be his happiest as long as Y/N is with him. But the few minutes he took is a few minutes too late. The moment he found her, all he can see is Taehyung kneeling down in front of her, smiling, the ring box opened and presented to her.. asking Y/N to marry him.
To marry him.
Jungkook immediately turns back and ran out from the party before she can answer. He dont need to hear it. He already knows that happiness will never ever again be his.
And now its one week later, he is in his wedding suit, about to get married to his childhood bestfriend, and the man who get the girl of his dreams, his best man.
"I just want to get today over and done with Tae," he sighed.
"Kookie," Taehyung turned serious. "You know... if you dont want to marry Dora, you can just tell your parents you know? Sure, they love their money and status but they love you more. Trust me," he smiles.
"Whats the point Tae?" Jungkook gave a small smile. Whats the point when Y/N is marrying you?
"The point is for you to be happy and do what you truly want Kookie,"
"Theres nothing else that I want Tae. Happiness? Happy?" He scoff. "That was never meant for me. And I deserved it. After all the hearts I break, I deserved this fate," Jungkook sighed. "Now just stop with your pep talk and lets get me married okay?" Jungkook look at his relfection one last time and start walking side by side with Taehyung down the aisle.
"Hey Kookie?" Taehyung leans in and whisper. "Its not too late you know," he grins. Jungkook looks at him, confused.
"What are you talking about?"
"Y/N. She said no," he smiles. "She said no to my proposal,"
"Stop whatever the hell you are doing!" Jungkook yells out at Y/N who is climbing up the bus.
"J-jungkook? What are you doing here?"
Jungkook rushed over and pull her down and signal the driver to drive away after slipping him some cash. "You are just going to leave? You are just goimg to bail on Adora's wedding?!"
"Jungkook," she sighed. "Im just the maid. I didnt think I was even invited. Afterall, I really dont want to be there,"
"Fine. But I'm sorry, I cant let you leave," Jungkook grab her bag and start walking to his car thats parked nearby, hoping Y/N will follow, which she did.
"Jungkook, stop! Give me back my bag! What is wrong with you?! What else do you want from me?!" Y/N is frustrated. He made her miss the bus now she have to spend more money to buy another ticket, something she dont have a lot of.
"What else I want from you?!" Jungkook frowns and turns around, his face serious. "I want you to stay! I dont want you to leave!"
"Why?!" Y/N screamed. "Isnt this what you want? For a maid to no longer bothers you and your friends? Just give me back my bag and leave me alone!"
"You dont know what I want Y/N..." he growls.
"Fine! Then what the hell do you want?!" Y/N never cursed but shes done being nice.
"I want you to marry me,"
"See? You only care about yourself you selfish jerk! Yo- wait, what?" Y/N's eyes widen, finally realizing what he said. Jungkook grins.
"Done yelling at your future husband?" He laughs and closes the gap between them. "I love you Y/N. I made a mistake. A real stupid mistake. And I realized that a little too late. You make the richest man I could ever be, and without you, I am nothing. I am the saddest, poorest man ever lived. But Y/N, marry me and let me spend the rest of our lives making it up to you, making you the happiest woman alive, just as happy as you made me. Please?" He showed her his innocent doe eyes, making Y/N laugh through her tears.
"I-is this for real?"
"Its as real as it can get baby. You dont have to forgive me baby. But please, just marry me,"
"Oh, lets just say, she totally approved of us," Jungkook winks. "So... is that a yes?"
"Hmmm... what was the question again?"
Jungkook laughs and kneels down, taking out a box from his pocket that housed the biggest and most beautiful diamond Y/N has ever seen.
"L/N Y/N, will you marry me? Please?" Jungkook smile. And in the middle of a deserted bus stop, Y/N said the one word that will change her life forever.
Jungkook didnt even remember walking down to the end of the aisle. He didnt even remember seeing Adora walked down the aisle. After Taehyung's confession, that is all he can think about.
"Go Kookie. Y/N is leaving today. Go find her. Now," she smiles.
"But Dora... what about-"
"Us?" Adora laughs. "Kookie, we will always be bestfriends. You know that. And how do you expect to spend the rest of your life with me when we cant even agree on what to have for dinner? Afterall, our families will still be the biggest empire, married to each other or not. Go get her Kookie, I'll handle our parents,"
"H-how about you?" Jungkook's brows furrowed.
"Lets just say," she looks behind him at Taehyung whos smiling back at her and smile, "the one month I spent with Tae to plan your happy ending with Y/N might lead to my own happy ending with my dream guy too," she winks.
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sparklyicecube · 5 years ago
Houseki No Gift Exchange - A Gamer’s Christmas
 To: @diisuke
From: @sparklyicecube
Merry Christmas~
“A Rutile, nice! Here Phos, take it. You could use a boost.”
“Nah, I know you’ve been eyeing that gem for your collection anyway.”
“Phos. You have 13hp left.”
“But Moony, it’s a Rutile though, I know you wanted to get at least one of these~"
“Fine! I’ll take it.”
“Yes, take it! I know you want it.”
“It is a really amazing item though; it can heal your hp and it’s super valuable…”
“Exactly, so take it!”
“I will!”
“Phosphophylitte! Are you flirting with your Moony-chan again?” Antarcticite’s voice rang out from beyond Phos’s headset.
Phos went red from the comment, even though Moonwalkerpatrol and them decided to date they had not gotten used to it all. Antarcticite leaned down and pulled the mic of the headset to their own mouth, pressing their ear to the side of the headset.
“Hello Moonwalkerpatrol, as much as I enjoy seeing Phos spend time with other, respectable people, they do have an exam tomorrow and they need to sleep.”
“Oh, no problem, I have an exam tomorrow too. Phos watch out-! “
Antarc and Phos watched the screen flash as Phos got killed by a stray monster.
“I told you to take the Rutile.” Came Cinnabar’s amused voice. “Goodnight Phos, sweet dreams.”
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
“I’m going to ask to meet them today, we can meet up in real life!” Phos was skipping down the pavement on the way to school, Antarc following close behind.
“No gaming in class.” Reminded Antarcticite.
As they entered the classroom through the back door Phos saw Cinnabar look up at them, through their bright red hair their eyes made eye contact, Phos hid behind Antarc, hiding from Cinnabar in way any onlookers would describe as comedic.
The class was still incomplete, and students were openly talking, gossiping and laughing, Cinnabar was vaguely aware of dying in the game they were playing.
“I told you Phos hates me.” Bort looked up from the notebook they were writing in at Cinnabar’s statement.
“They don’t hate you Cinnabar,” Cinnabar looked dejectedly at their own notebook, “They’re just scared of you.” Cinnabar slumped slightly lower.
“Way to go in making me feel better.” No one in class had anything against Cinnabar, they just weren’t close to them, no one but Phos it seemed.
Bort put down their pen, a slightly guilty expression on their face. “Look, Phos just doesn’t know you well enough, which is fair since no one really does, but maybe if you make more of an effort to talk to them, they’ll like you more?”
Cinnabar thought for a while, then took their phone and opened an app, a game to be precise. “You know this game?”
Bort leaned over to look at the game. “Yeah, of course I have, you play it all the time in chemistry.”
“Well, this is the mobile version, at home I play it on my PC, but either way, I’m dating this- “
“You’re dating?!” Bort wasn’t loud enough for the whole school to hear but it certainly was loud enough for most of the class to turn around. “Sorry. They’re a real person right?”
“Yes to both, I mean, I think so. We act like we’re dating, and we say we love each other before we go offline, and we send virtual kisses, but we’ve never really said we were dating? I mean except that one time but I’m not sure whether it was a joke. Anyway. I’m 99% sure I know who I’m dating.”
“You know they could be scamming you, or catfishing you, or trying to kill you…”
“Okay one, you are paranoid, and two, look at their username!” Cinnabar pointed to the username that read: Phos3.5.
Bort slowly looked at Cinnabar, then at Phos who was sitting nearer the front trying to balance a pencil on the back of their pinkie finger, back to the username, they let out a small chuckle.
“This is funny to you isn’t it.”
“I don’t know it just seems like a cheesy drama, either way if you’ve managed to date Phos in the game you definitely can date in real life, right? I mean I don’t get your taste but if you guys are already dating it won’t be that hard. Find out whether they are really the same person though, otherwise it’ll be awkward.”
“I- “Cinnabar got cut short by their chemistry teacher coming in, Bort immediately switched focus to the material and the lesson while Cinnabar took out their phone to text the number that Phos gave them a while ago.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Hi 😊
Phos3.5:                    Hiii!!! 😊😊😊
Phos3.5:                    What’s up?
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Nothing, just wanted to see how you were doing
Phos3.5:                    Im doing fine!!! Class is boring though…
Find out whether they are the same person.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     What class are you having?
Phos3.5:              Chemistry I think?
Moonwalkerpatrol:     You think?
Cinnabar looked up and stretched their neck to look at Phos, who was, in fact, typing under the table.
“Cinnabar, you seem excited, could you tell me the last step of crystallisation?” Cinnabar immediately shrunk back, looking at the board in hope that it would offer some sort of help.
“I-in an experiment for salt? O-or for gemstones?”  
“In an experiment to obtain salt.”
Cinnabar stuttered for a bit when Bort subtly slid over their notes. “Uh, turning off the heat and letting the rest of the water evaporate naturally.”
“Correct.” Cinnabar shrunk back into their seat, face burning after a having to speak in front of the whole class, sinking their head into their arms.
*Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping*
Cinnabar looked up at their phone, which was dinging quietly with notifications. If that new fighting game that they downloaded was the culprit then it could be deleted, it wasn’t that interesting. It wasn’t, indeed, the new fighting game, instead they were looking at 35 new messages from Phos3.5.
Phos3.5:                    MOONY      
Phos3.5:                    Are you there?
Phos3.5:                    R u ok?
Phos3.5:                    Where are you?
Phos3.5:                    Answer me I’m getting worried
Phos3.5:                    You could see my messages then you couldn’t, are you ok?
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Srry
Phos3.5:                    OMG are you okay???
Moonwalkerpatrol:     I’m okay, just contemplating why I’m alive
Phos3.5:                    ☹
Phos3.5:                    Is it smth I said?
Phos3.5:                    Im sorry
Phos3.5:                    I love you tho
Moonwalkerpatrol:     I’m sorry, it’s not your fault!
Phos3.5:                    You’re alive cus you’re an amazing person
Phos3.5:                    And you probably are an amazing person in real life too
Phos3.5:                    You’re great at gaming but you’re also really good in making me feel good
Phos3.5:                    And you’re probably really pretty too
Phos3.5:                    But even if you aren’t you’re beautiful inside and I know that for a fact.
Cinnabar stared at the texts that had overwhelmingly positive compliments that were flowing in unprompted and unconditionally.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Sorry… just thinking of stuff and got distracted so I didn’t see your messages
Phos3.5:                    Haha, there was some poor kid who got picked on by Sensei to say the answer, I would’ve helped them but I didn’t really know the answer either…
Moonwalkerpatrol:     …I feel sorry for them
Phos3.5:                    Yeah… they’re sorta scary but they are sorta pretty too. I’m sure you’re pretty too tho
Cinnabar mentally processed the fact that Phos called their real self pretty, giving them the confidence that spurred them to text their next message.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     About real life tho, do you want to meet up sometime? Like, in real life?
Phos stared at their phone in awe, with wide, wavering eyes, ignoring the teacher entirely.
Phos3.5:                    AAAAAAA I was thinking the same thing!!!
Phos3.5:                    Wait that wasn’t a typo right? You don’t mean the Ruby Stadium on level 5 right?
Phos3.5:                    Or the Shackle Ruins that we usually meet at
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Nope
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Uh actually
Cinnabar took a deep breath, ironic as they were texting and not speaking.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     I go to a school called Gakuen Houseki, we could meet at the gates at some point?
Phos3.5:                    OMG!
Phos3.5:                    I GO THERE TOO!
Phos3.5:                    THIS IS AMAZING!
The bell rang, signalling the end of this period and the start of the next one, Bort was flipping through their notes trying to memorise as much as possible. Antarc lightly smacked Phos.
“What?” Phos questioned, still on a high.
“Class, as you – should – already know we have an exam today. Books aside, pencil cases out and phones away, I’m looking at you Phos.” Phos reluctantly put their phone away as the class plunged into a concentrated area of fear and concentration.
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
“So, they go to our school, and they want to meet you.” Antarcticite confirmed, walking back home after school.
“Yep! We just have to decide on a date.”
“Where are you guys going to go?”
Phos hm’d for a while, staring up at the sky. “I don’t know, maybe… the Waffle House?”
“Not the place I’d go for my first date, but I won’t judge.” Phos reddened at the statement, only really registering the ‘meet up’ aspect and not considering that it might be their first legitimate date.
Once they got home Phos rushed to the computer and started it up.
“Hi Moony-kun,” chimed Phos as they connected their headsets.
“Hi Phos. How was your exam?”
“I’m pretty sure I bombed it, you?”
“I don’t pay attention in Biology so...”
“You had a Bio test too? Do you have Alexandrite sensei too?”
“Yeah, that sensei is tough, they give tests all the time.”
“So, when do we meet? Wednesday?”
Cinnabar considered this, it was Monday, but the Waffle House Cinnabar was thinking of going to only served their favourite dish on Sunday.
“Sunday maybe? I want to take you somewhere, but the best dish is only served on Sunday.”
“I have somewhere I wanna take you too! We’ll take turns then.”
The game started and they both turned from discussing their Sunday plans to screaming strategy.
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
The days went by a little too slowly, Phos was sprawled on the grass tearing apart flowers while Antarc was trying to help teach them the homework, inside the classroom was a very different atmosphere.
“Cinnabar, are you okay?” Jade looked at them in concern, Cinnabar was killing zombies on their phone, letting off some steam.
“Yeah, it was just a dumb argument anyway.” Cinnabar mumbled.
“Well… Dia is crying in the janitor’s closet right now and refuses to come out so I was wondering whether you were okay. It’s okay to not be okay.”
Cinnabar suddenly felt the world’s eyes on them, like in a click of the switch, or the reality of Jade’s words just crashing into them like a bullet train. If Cinnabar were to be honest with themselves, they legitimately did not feel bad about the argument, it was dumb, they should apologise, and they felt slightly ashamed for running their mouth like that, but not hurt. That scared them. Now Dia, one of the softest, kindest students in the class was off crying in the closet because of something that they did. It should hurt. Cinnabar should be feeling sadness, or anger, but all they’re feeling is guilt. This overwhelming guilt and a gnawing voice that tells them that everything they touch crumbles and dies, is stained or shattered.
Cinnabar noticed a soft *ping* from their phone.
Phos3.5:                    Heyyyyyy
Phos3.5:                    Im bored
Phos3.5:                    You’re not in class right
Cinnabar thought about it, about seeing Phos and knowing and being with them in person, not just behind a screen or from across the classroom. Phos was pure, innocent and kind. They wouldn’t want someone like them anyway.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Actually, I’ve been thinking that this isn’t really sustainable.
Phos3.5:                    Busting out the big words? Haha
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Phos, I think it’s best if we don’t see each other on Sunday. This wasn’t going to work out anyway.
Phos3.5:                    I don’t get it, are you cancelling our date?
Cinnabar bit their tongue at the word ‘date’, forcing tears back into their eyes.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Not just the date, I think we should break up.
Phos stared at the words in disbelief, everything was going fine, they didn’t have a fight or anything! Moonwalker couldn’t just… they couldn’t just leave like that.
Phos3.5:                    But why?
Phos3.5:                    What happened?
Phos3.5:                    We can work this out, talking is always the best, keeping everything inside isn’t going to help.
Phos3.5:                    Moonwalker?
Cinnabar couldn’t bear to look at the messages, turning off their phone and packing their things.
“Cinnabar!” Cinnabar spun around, trying to break the grip that Bort had on their arm, “It’s only lunch time, you aren’t going home are you?” Cinnabar bit back tears, forcing them to stay in their eyes and not drip down.
“And if I am? You can’t stop me.”
“Look, Dia is sensitive and cracks easily, but that doesn’t mean you can just run away from it.”
“This isn’t about Dia okay? Let me go!”
“No, I can report you to the teacher for trying to skip class and they’ll have record of it, do you want a black mark?”
“Oh, now you’re threatening me?” Cinnabar felt a trickle slowly make its way down their cheek. “Just leave me alone.”
Bort sighed and let go. Cinnabar didn’t bolt or run, just sat down and put their head in their arms.
“It’s okay to talk about it you know. I’m really bad with people but I won’t judge.” When Cinnabar turned their head slightly to peer at Bort the other had sat down and was looking at them with almost reassuring eyes, their words echoed Phos’s too much to ignore. Phos.
“I-I broke up with Phos.” Bort looked taken aback.
“Before or after the fight?”
“After. It’s just, whenever I do anything it just hurts everyone around me: Dia, you – I don’t want Phos to be the next one.” Cinnabar rested their cheek on their arms, eyes almost but not quite closed.
“Well firstly, it’s going to take a lot more than being a bit angry to hurt me, so I can be taken off your list of victims thank you very much.” Bort paused, sensing that it might not have been the best thing to start with. “But secondly, you have been nothing but kind to Phos. You’re a bit rough on the edges but it isn’t a guarantee that they’ll get hurt because you’re there, if that was true you would’ve hurt them by now from how long you tell me you’ve been together.”
“Phos deserves better than me.”
“I would actually argue that you could do better than Phos.” Cinnabar glared at Bort, who managed to get the point. “Either way, aren’t you hurting them way more by dumping them?”
Cinnabar felt like the world was sucking out their soul, slowly reeling it into the darkness.
“It’s better that I hurt them now rather than have them be hurt by me many times in the future.”
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
Phos was crying, while Antarc hugged them, seething with rage but trying their best to have a reassuring, comforting aura. They bit back insults towards Moonwalker as they knew it wouldn’t make Phos feel any better, but they sit were angry that anyone would hurt Phos like that.
“I-I don’t know *sniff* why they would do that. I- *sniff* I didn’t say anything wrong, did I?” Antarc handed them a tissue.
“You didn’t do anything wrong Phosphophylitte, in no way was it your fault.” Antarc bit back the unsaid ‘It was Moonwalker’s fault’. “Come on now, wipe your tears and toughen up. We can learn from this that unexpected things can happen, even if they are unpleasant. We can’t fight it; all we can do is stand up afterwards. So get up, that’s it.” Antarc helped Phos get on their feet, still blowing into the tissue. The warning bell rang, Antarc shouldered Phos’s things for them.
Cinnabar watched them walk into the class, Phos with red eyes and sniffing and Dia being quiet and down. They buried their head in their hands.
Antarc scanned the classroom, for once not paying attention to the lesson as much. There was only one class having a Biology test on Monday and that was their class, if Moonwalkerpatrol was from their school (which most likely they were telling the truth as they could chat with Phos about a particular teacher) then they would be in this class. Antarc heard Moonwalkerpatrol’s voice before, they could remember hearing something similar in one of their classes, but they couldn’t remember who…
“Could Bort’s group present next?” Bort nudged Cinnabar, who was the other member in the group.
“Is Cinnabar okay?” The teacher looked mildly concerned.
“They just,” Bort hesitated, “Didn’t get much sleep last night.”
Cinnabar sat up, “I’m fine,” they said quietly.
The two got to the front of the class and presented, Cinnabar said the information they needed to, in as loud a voice as they could since the teacher interrupted them several times to say they needed to be louder. The entire class’s eyes were on them, they could feel it. They could feel the stares, the whispers, Cinnabar glanced towards Phos, who was staring at them with slightly narrowed eyes, Cinnabar broke eye contact and looked away guiltily. That made them feel worse. The other groups did their presentations, they had another class, and finally the bell rang to signal the end of the day.
“Phos, you walk home first okay? I have something to do first.” Antarc said after class.
“Oh, okay.”
Antarc walked to the back of the classroom where Cinnabar sat.
“Hey.” Cinnabar jerked their head up, looking Antarcticite in the eye, that was another reason they knew it was Phos, because they were sure it was Antarc’s voice through the headset sometimes as well. They averted their eyes to their notebook. “You’re Moonwalkerpatrol aren’t you.”
Cinnbar nodded, with only the barest of movement to indicate confirmation.
“Are you trying to pick on Cinnabar?” Came Bort’s voice, with Bort glaring at Antarc, the two locked in a fierce battle with knives and swords and saws clashing.
“Cinnabar just dumped Phos over text with no indication why after they were the one to ask them to meet in real life. If that doesn’t sound like asshole material, I don’t know what will!”
“Cinnabar might seem like an ice queen, but they can’t be because you obviously claim that throne. They feel really bad about it, and literally only did that because they are an insecure person who for some reason doesn’t think they’re good enough for someone as lame as Phos!”
Cinnabar was surprised that Bort was standing up for them but with every word from either of their mouths they sunk lower into their chair, wishing they could disappear, wishing they could go away, wishing-
“SHUT UP! Both of you!”
Cinnabar looked up to see none other than Phosphophylitte them self, arms straight out beside them after stomping their foot.
“Phos, I thought you went back.”
“Well after I figured out who Moonwalkerpatrol was, did you really think I’d go? Antarc, I get that you care about me, and that you’re angry but this has nothing, nothing to do with you.” Phos grabbed Cinnabar’s hand, who was still in shock, and pulled them out of the classroom.
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
Cinnabar breathed out, with their breath appearing as a misty steam in the cold, winter air. They were still holding onto Phos’s hand, which wasn’t pulling at theirs anymore, there was no point for their hands to be linked except for the fact that it never felt right for them to let go. The silence was rather comforting, there was a hint of frost on the pavement and a cooling breeze. Cinnabar felt Phos shiver.
“Are you okay?” Cinnabar realised that Phos’s hand was cold and stopped.
“I’m fine, just a bit cold, I didn’t bring my jacket…” Cinnabar considered this, they hadn’t brought a jacket either, but something caught their eye.
“C’mon, let’s go inside.”
Both stepped into the Waffle House, the warmth washing over them.
“Ah, I have some money in my pocket, let’s get something.” Cinnabar hadn’t used their lunch money; they had decided to skip today, and lunch had been a bit hectic.
After both were seated with warm wraps and a milkshake, Phos decided to break the silence.
“I’ll pay you back.” They blurted, after having taken a bite and feeling a bit warmer.
“You really don’t need to; they don’t cost much anyway. Besides, I owe you.”
Phos put down their wrap. “Moony-kun, you don’t owe me anything, you know that right? Yes, I was upset, but not with you, just the fact that I didn’t know why. I understand now, and I still love you just as much.”
“Ah, see that, right there. You forgave me so easily. I don’t deserve that.”
“Yes, you do. That isn’t arguable. Now eat your wrap, it’s going cold and you look underweight.”
Cinnabar obediently bit into the wrap, it was genuinely delicious and filled Cinnabar with a warmth that coursed through their body.
“When did you become so responsible?”
“What do you mean? I’ve always been more mature than my age.” They both laughed, Phos trying to drink the milkshake and getting whipped cream on the side of their mouth due to not being able to stay still.
“There you go, being soooo grown up.”  Cinnabar said, using their thumb to wipe the whipped cream off, then promptly licking it off their thumb.
Phos gasped, “Moony-chan! - Cinnabar - that was an indirect kiss!”
“Well firstly, you can still call me Moony if you want to but my name is Cinnabar so you can call me whatever you like. Secondly,” Cinnabar leaned closer to Phos, “Aren’t we dating already?”
Phos turned as red as well, a Cinnabar, and made a failed attempt at hiding behind their wrap.
“So we are dating again. Good.” Phos lowered their wrap and looked at Cinnabar, “I’m really glad that Moonwalkerpatrol turned out to be you, you look prettier than your avatar in the game, and Aurora is pretty sexy.”
Cinnabar stared at Phos with their mouth agape, slowly flushing red. “You-you- when did you get smooth?!” Phos laughed at that and they continued chatting and talking as the clock moved its hands.
“I was planning on taking you here, they only have the blueberry delight waffle on Sunday,” mentioned Cinnabar.
“Same! For the exact same reasons! I guess if we went out on Sunday, we’d wouldn’t know what to do after Waffle House.
Just then the bells at the door dinged as it was opened, the two looked up as the shop had been fairly quiet. The two who came in were none other than Antarcticite and Bortz, bickering while holding twice the number of bags they should have been.
“Why would they come to the Waffle House?!”
“Well maybe not everyone is an ice queen and has warm blood running through their veins and so need some warmth!”
“That makes no sense, if your point is that humans are warm blooded creatures then that proves my point that your body can regulate its own body temperature.”
Antarc spotted Phos and Cinnabar, who were watching in amusement.
“There you are! You left and walked all the way here without your bag, money or even your jacket!”
“I’m fine, Cinnabar paid for the wraps and we talked things out. Everything is okay now.”
Bort and Antarc shared a look that wasn’t of pure hatred, and after putting the bags on the seats they both bowed.
“I’m sorry I got mad at you and yelled without knowing what happened.”
“I’m sorry for calling you lame and for yelling back without watching my tongue.”
Phos and Cinnabar looked at each other in pure amazement, then started to whisper to each other.
“I’m sure Antarcticite was the one who got Bort to do it, Bort has a ton of pride.”
“You clearly don’t know Antarc because when they think what they did was right they will never apologise.”
Phos noticed Bort and Antarc standing there awkwardly and pulled away, clearing their throat.
“Ahem. Cinnabar, should we accept their humble apology?”
“I believe we should.”
Bort sighed in relief. “Can we please get something to eat, those waffles are smelling really good right now.”
Antarc grabbed their wallet, “Yeah sure.”
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
“Hi Cinnabar~ Ready for Christmas break?”
“Yep! Ready to be done with school and finally try out that new action game.”
“You mean you haven’t tried it yet?”
Cinnabar looked at Phos in amusement. “We had like, four tests in the past week, where did you find time?” Cinnabar chuckled as Phos sputtered.
“Hi Cinnabar, hi Phos.”
“Good morning Dia,” Cinnabar greeted, Phos just waving as a reply.
“Where’s Antarc by the way?” asked Cinnabar.
“Something about making sure that the term-end project was the highest quality, they slept over at Bort’s place.” Phos grinned, “Isn’t a ‘class project’ the oldest excuse in the book for hanging out with someone?”
Cinnabar shrugged, “Hey, knowing those two they probably spent all that time actually doing the project.”
Right on cue Bort and Antarc arrived, panda-eyed and bickering as usual.
“Oh Phos, good to see you made it to school on time, hi Cinnabar.” Cinnabar waved and Phos greeted them back.
“Remember the rules,” reminded Bort.
“No flirting at the desk. We weren’t flirting though,” Cinnabar defended.
“Yeah, we were just wondering if you guys managed to complete your project.”
Bort and Antarc looked at each other, “Well we did, at 5am.”
“Who was it who wanted to add the history of it on top of everything?”
The two started bickering yet again, with Phos just shaking their head in mock disapproval and Cinnabar laughing.
“Those two just go into their own world don’t they.”
“Yep. Hey I came up with an experiment!”
“You and experiments. What is it?”
“Experiments are the only fun part of science okay? Anyway,” Phos took Cinnabar’s neck in their hands and they both kissed, deep and long with the warmness seeping in, enveloping both of them in a cosy feeling. When they were devoid of oxygen they broke apart, gasping for breath, simultaneously turning around to check for reactions.
“Aaaaaaand they’re still bickering.”
“If they didn’t notice that then they are definitely whipped.”
“I love you.”
“I love you even more.”
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cyrusgoodboye · 7 years ago
(1) I have so many prompts 😩 how about a supportive bf Cyrus at one of TJ’s basketball games
His Biggest Fan - a Tyrus fanfiction
I’m shook, I actually wrote this relatively fast (which I know you sent this in a long time ago but I just started working on it).  Hope you enjoyed this (I also hope no one minds that I kept with this basketball theme, whoops).  And let’s all collectively hope that I actually got this basketball lingo right, and if not then you can all laugh at me.  Anyway, on with the story:
“Whoo!” Cyrus cheered from the stands, clapping incessantly.  “Go T.J. and Buffy!”
Andi cringed at her best friend’s exceptionally loud volume.  How could a boy so small cheer so loudly?  “Cyrus, do you have to be so loud?” she exclaimed, shrinking away from him.
Cyrus smiled at Andi sheepishly, and he lowered his voice a fraction in order to appease her.  “Sorry.  You know I love it when they score a touchdown!”
“It’s a basket,” Andi corrected.  She drew her eyebrows together, pausing as she second-guessed her own correction.  “I think?”
The two friends were currently gracing the gymnasium with their presence, just like they did with every other Jefferson Middle School basketball game.  Neither of them were ever exactly sure what was going on, but they were always there to support Buffy, and, more recently, T.J., so understanding the game wasn’t usually their top priority.
“Really?” Cyrus asked in confusion.  He shook his head exasperatedly, and he scrunched up his face as he whined.  “I can’t keep up with all of these sports terms!”
Andi laughed.  “Don’t worry, no one’s asking you to,” she assured him.  Andi turned her attention back to the game with a twist of her head.  As her eyes focused on what was unfolding in front of her, she frowned and squinted uncertainly.  “Is there a break?”  
Cyrus followed her line of sight, where each separate team had gathered on the opposite sides of the room, staying within their own group.  He searched for the ones clad in the blue-and-white uniforms, and he saw them all pat each other on the back supportively as they wiped the beads of sweat from their brows.  “Is this the intermission?” he asked in confusion, tilting his voice up on the last syllable.
Andi shook her head at him.  “No, Cyrus, they only have intermissions during plays,” she said, typing rapid, slurred keys on her phone (with probably a few typos in the search engine bar).  After a few seconds, she hummed in understanding.  “It’s actually the game’s ‘halftime,’ like their halftime show,” Andi elaborated, clicking her phone off and stuffing it back inside her jacket pocket.
“Oh, okay.”  He only ever watched the halftime show on the Super Bowl.   Why watch football when you could watch Lady Gaga’s spectacular rendition of her own greatest hits?  “We really need to go outdoors more.”  
They both exchanged a glance before bursting out into laughter.  Like that was going to happen.
As the halftime show commenced, Cyrus examined the court once more, his eyes sweeping over Jefferson’s players, and he found T.J. skimming his eyes over the crowd in concentration as well.  When their eyes finally connected over the vast crowd, Cyrus waved excitedly at his boyfriend (his boyfriend!  It was still so exhilarating to say) from the bleachers that were overlooking the gym.
T.J. beamed back from his spot on the court, blushing bashfully, and Cyrus smiled in return.  “Do you think we should start chanting with our posters for the second half of the game?” he asked Andi, keeping a light gaze on T.J. as he spoke.
Andi shrugged.  “Why not?”  
After the cheerleader’s impossibly complex cheer routine (how did they bend that way?), Andi and Cyrus each held up a sign, one for Buffy and the other for T.J..
“Clever!” Andi remarked on the poster Cyrus’s holding up: T.J. KIPPEN IS ALWAYS DRIBBLIN’!
Cyrus grinned, proud of his poster.  It was decorated with bold, black letters, and the ‘i’s were even dotted with tiny little basketballs.  “Thanks!  I had to ask T.J. to make sure that dribbling was a good thing, and then he went into a long spiel about basketball that I didn’t understand at all,” he told her, his brow furrowed together.  He then smiled at the memory; he hadn’t exactly grasped what T.J. had been getting at, but it was still cute to see him ramble about something that he so obviously cared about.  “So I’m pretty sure it’s right.”
Andi snorted.  “Even I know what dribbling is, Cyrus,” she said, holding up the other poster for Buffy.  YOU CAN’T OUTUFF THE BUFF’!
“Hey,” Cyrus defended himself lightly, “we all have our strengths and weaknesses,” he pointed out in a teasing manner.  Andi smiled and gave a gentle shake of her head in response.
As the game started back up again, the two friends started cheering for Buffy and T.J. again, both of them wishing the best for their friends.  Ever since Cyrus and T.J. had gotten together, Buffy and T.J. had (to everyone’s immediate surprise) been getting along, and T.J. now willingly passed her the ball multiple times a game if he had the chance.  Whether the two actually enjoyed each other’s company or were just doing it for Cyrus’s sake, Cyrus was grateful.  He didn’t know what he’d do if his boyfriend (he grinned as he thought of the word; he didn’t think the effect the word had on him would ever wear off) and best friend despised each other.  
Jefferson snatched the ball from their green-and-white enemies, and Buffy dribbled strategically away from the defense.  She stealthily maneuvered herself out of the grasp of the Knights, but more and more of the players began to surround her, reminding Cyrus of how gnats surrounded a piece of spoiled fruit.  They were unrelenting.
Buffy glanced towards T.J. helplessly, and Cyrus could practically see the conflict in her eyes.  Should she try to make the shot herself, or should she try and give T.J. a try?
“Come on, Buffy,” Cyrus whispered desperately under his breath.  Buffy was one of the most athletically inclined people he had ever met, but sometimes she needed to trust and rely on her teammates.  While being confident in your skills isn’t necessarily a bad thing, Buffy could be too sure of herself at times, and it got her into trouble.
Finally, after Buffy could no longer fight off the Knights’ defense by herself, she wildly hurled the ball to T.J., her last alternative, in desperation, and he caught it with ease.  He dribbled the ball against the gym floor swiftly, but, as he jumped up to make a two-pointer from his side angle, a Knights player swiped the bright orange ball from T.J.’s hands, knocking him down in the process with a sickening thud.  
Cyrus gasped at the action, standing up in shock as the entire gymnasium held bated breath.  In the distance, the whistle that normally hung around the coach’s neck was brought to Coach Anderson’s lips, causing a sharp hiss to echo throughout the gymnasium.  The referee then turned to the anxious crowd and made a ‘T’ with his hands, and Cyrus felt a hand land softly upon his shoulder as his stomach whirled.  “Does that mean a timeout?
Cyrus couldn’t even answer; his mind was too busy reeling with worry for T.J..  What if he was hurt?  Or worse, dead?  His eyes darted around wildly in panic, hungrily searching for any shred of evidence that T.J. was okay, but he found none as Jefferson’s coach and the referee were both blocking the view of the basketball player.  Why wouldn’t the referee and coach just move?
“I’m going down there,” Cyrus said, determined.
Andi’s eyebrows drew together.  “Cyrus, I’m not sure if you can do tha—”
“I just want to make sure he’s okay,” Cyrus assured her, trying to ignore the frenzy going on in his belly.  Cyrus snatched the towel he had brought (you’d be surprised by how much basketball players sweat!) just in case and some extra supplies before he descended down the steps, making sure to apologize to anyone he bumped into.  Once he finally hopped down onto the outskirts of the court, right next to the team huddle, he caught Buffy’s eye.
“Is he hurt?” Cyrus asked worriedly, a nauseated feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.  He hoped that she would reassure him; he did tend to imagine the worst things possible without her and Andi’s redirection.
Buffy shook her head frantically, shrugging as her hand came to comb back some loose tendrils that were obstructing her view.  “I don’t know.  They won’t let me over there!” she said, her arms crossed in annoyance.  Cyrus raised his eyebrows in surprise; maybe Buffy actually cared about T.J. more than he’d thought.
Cyrus opened his mouth to answer her, but the coach’s piercing whistle was blown again, shaking him from his train of thought.  As T.J. hobbled his way over to his teammates (plus Cyrus) with the help of Jefferson’s coach, he tried to give Cyrus one of his famous, sweet grins, but a sharp wince was drawn from his lips instead.  
“Ouch,” T.J. scowled as the coach eased him down onto the front row, the referee setting a chair by his feet.  He turned toward Cyrus, a slight grimace on his face.  “That guy made me twist my ankle,” he explained, and Cyrus let out a sigh of relief.  He’s not dying, he told himself.  Cyrus breathed deeply as if to get rid of any  leftover tension in his body.  What worrying could do to a person!
Coach Anderson cast T.J. an apologetic look, but it was soon replaced with a stern expression.  “Driscoll, you’re filling in for Kippen,” he informed as T.J.’s carefully propped his leg on the chair in front of him.
Buffy looked shocked, albeit pleased.  She glanced towards T.J., expecting him to be furious.
“Go ahead,” he told her, a mock tone of exasperation lining his voice.  The mirth dancing in his eyes gave him away.  “I know you’re dying to.”
Buffy smirked.  “I was going to accept whether you were happy about it or not,” she told him.  She turned to the coach, her demeanor changing from being smug to ecstatic within seconds.  “Thank you so much, Coach!” Buffy said, not bothering to hide her enthrallment.  “I won’t let you down.”
Coach Anderson nodded once, seeming impatient as the delay of the game drew on longer.  “I wasn’t expecting you to.  Now, go! We need to continue this game!”
Buffy bobbed her head eagerly, racing back onto the court with the rest of her teammates.  Cyrus sat down next to T.J., careful not to bump into his injured foot, and smiled at his best friend happily as he watched her give orders to her teammates.  “Thank you.”
T.J. glanced at him, and a soft smile grew on his face as he studied Cyrus’s face.  He raised his eyebrows at his boyfriend.  “What for?”
Cyrus cautiously shuffled closer, tugging the towel he had draped around his neck and bringing it to T.J.’s forehead.  There were probably a million eyes on them, but Cyrus’s tried not to care, instead trying to focus on wiping away the moisture from T.J.’s brow.  “For trying to get along with Buffy.”  
T.J. shrugged.  “She’s actually bearable,” he admitted.  “Getting along with her isn’t as hard as I thought.”
The corners of Cyrus’s mouth tugged upwards. “I’m glad.”  After wiping the beads of sweat from T.J.’s temple, Cyrus lowered the towel, carefully folding it and setting it aside.  “I brought you some water,” he offered, handing a bottle to T.J..
T.J. grinned lazily, but he winced when he leaned forward to grab it.  “Thanks,” he said, brushing over Cyrus’s hand so subtly that no one else but them would be able to catch it.  He gripped the bottle, gulping down its contents before wiping his mouth contently.  “Thanks for cheering for me,” he mumbled into Cyrus’s ear, casting a shiver down the boy’s back.
Cyrus shook the feeling off, and tried for a wide smile.  “Would you expect anything less from your biggest fan?”
T.J. shook his head.  “Of course I wouldn’t.”  He scooted over as well as he could manage, bringing him and Cyrus side-to-side, and Cyrus had to hide his smile.  He’s sly, I’ll give him that, Cyrus thought to himself.  As T.J. casually slung an arm around Cyrus’s shoulders (Cyrus noted that that was sly, too), he turned his attention towards the game.  “Looks like Buffy’s managing pretty well,” T.J. observed aloud, gesturing towards the court with a dip of his head.  
Cyrus glanced in the direction T.J. had signaled to, and a proud feeling bloomed in his chest at the sight.  Buffy had just made a shot with the basketball, and her teammates patting her encouragingly on the back after her amazing toss into the basket.  “And you said she wouldn’t make the team,” Cyrus teased.
T.J. sighed.  “I was wrong,” he admitted, glancing at Cyrus.  His hand absentmindedly reached up, brushing against the nape of Cyrus’s neck, and Cyrus blushed in response.  “Don’t tell Buffy that, though,” T.J. added as an afterthought.
Cyrus laughed, and the two kept a steady gaze, causing a ripple of butterflies in Cyrus’s stomach to flutter.  I love his eyes, Cyrus noted dreamily.  And his smile, and his hair, and his mouth…
A wave of cheers erupted from the stands, breaking the two boys from their stare; Buffy had made another shot for Jefferson.  
Cyrus’s gaze flitted back over to the court, and he gave a slightly delayed response to Buffy’s basket.  “Go Buffy!”  He noticed T.J.’s amused expression, and he grinned.  “What?  I can still manage to cheer for her without my posters.”
T.J. just shook his head with a slight grin on his face.  His boyfriend could be so adorable.  “I know, I know.”
For the rest of the game, Cyrus asked T.J. questions about the sport that he wasn’t for sure on (the list included “What does a shooting guard do?” and “Why doesn’t the basketball team wear better uniforms?”), all to which T.J. responded to almost automatically, and Cyrus was glad that the boy was humoring him.  
After Buffy made the winning shot for Jefferson (Cyrus’s voice was still hoarse from the shouting that had induced), Cyrus aided T.J., wrapping an arm around his boyfriend’s torso while T.J. slung his arm around his shoulders.  The two walked as seamlessly as they could manage, but, with Cyrus controlling both of their movements, it didn’t end up so well.
“Ow, ow,” T.J. winced as Cyrus tripped over the threshold, and Cyrus paused by the wall.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he apologized, rubbing a hand over his flushed face.  Luckily, before he started to move again, an elated Buffy found them, nearly squealing with excitement.
“We won!” Buffy exclaimed, throwing her arms around Cyrus.  She accidentally hit T.J. in the process, and he grimaced at the action but didn’t say anything.
“I know, I’m so proud of you!” Cyrus said, just as enthused as she was.  “Did you hear me cheering for you?”
Buffy raised an eyebrow incredulously.  “Hear you?  Cyrus, you were the loudest one out there! Of course I heard you.”
Cyrus smiled.  “Thanks, I try.”  He glanced over at T.J., who had an amused expression adorning his face at the two’s exchange.
Buffy’s gaze shifted to T.J., and she had a smug smile on her face.  “I did good, didn’t I?”
“I don’t know about that,” T.J. protested, but he grinned, showing that he was joking.  “Nice job, Driscoll.  Don’t get used to being captain.”
Buffy said cockily, “I’ll be taking over soon enough.”  As she spoke, the scanned the two boys questioningly.  “Do you need help?  I don’t think Cyrus can manage to walk you out by himself.”
Cyrus heaved a sigh of relief.  “Yes, please!”  
Buffy laughed giddily, the last few moments of the game still ticking behind her eyelids, and she took over T.J.’s other side.  Fortunately, with Buffy acting as T.J.’s left crutch, the three of them managed to get to the outdoor picnic tables without too much hassle.  
“Ugh,” Buffy grunted, removing herself from T.J.’s side.  Jeez, Cyrus was really no help when it came to strength.  “So, are you in for some post-celebratory tater-tots?” she asked her best friend hopefully.  
Cyrus grinned.  “I’ll be there!” he promised.  
As she stalked off, leaving them with one last squeal of excitement, T.J. awkwardly straddled the picnic table bench, allowing his wounded foot to settle on Cyrus’s lap while his other one was tucked underneath him.  
For a moment, the two of them sat in silence, watching Buffy talk to Andi animatedly about a play-by-play of the game as they walked to The Spoon together.  Then, once the girls were out of their sight, Cyrus squeezed T.J.’s shoulder comfortingly.  “Hey, I know you didn’t get to play a lot today, but I’m proud of you, too, you know.”
“So I’ve heard,” T.J. quipped.  He glanced around at the vacant space around them and, after making sure there were no prying eyes around, he kissed Cyrus chastely on the cheek.  “Thank you for always being my biggest fan.”
Cyrus felt his heart drum rapidly in his chest at the action, and he beamed at him.  “Of course.”  After all, would T.J. expect anything less from his boyfriend?
This was just a little fluffy prompt, one that I certainly appreciated!  Thanks to everyone who reads, it means a lot to distribute my content for other people to view and enjoy.  To show me what you thought of it, please reblog or comment below, or check me out on AO3 or fanfiction.net.  Thank you!
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sakurafaith · 7 years ago
A Dream
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This is a based upon a dream i had, i left quite a impact that i decided to draw it. Male Muffet aka Spider belongs to : @baepsae10 The other Human ice wolf was just something part of my dream, However Kitty Frisk Does Belong To Me. Lets Begin shall we? You are up for some serious reading.  
(Please Excuse My Typos.)
In that dream i was living in a new home, it was incredibly big, bigger than what i could imagine, long corriders, big windows, long and elegante fences and a gate outside that surrounded it, for some reason it felt small too..but perhaps because i remember spending most of the time alone in this house, but i would seriously refer it as some Mansion, but just less elegant because it did needed some rework and some rich like things to give the place a fancy antmosphere, but still.. it was home to me and i liked this new door i stepped in, a new life..
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Then..there was them. I knew who they were..Spider and The Ice Wolf in a more human form, but enough to tell that he was a monster. They were strange, They looked through the windows, I thought i should be scared..but i wasent, i was really startled by it at first, two guys looking at me, strangers, i didnt know what they wanted..yet for some reason i didnt do anything to stop it either...
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No matter where i went, they followed, always using the windows as their gate to see and look into my personal world, to look into me. I asked myself, ¨why am i not afriad of them?¨, i realized it was the way they looked at me.. Spider had this kind eyes, almost like a deep longing ones, as if he was seeing something he truly wanted, like a love one that he couldnt reach because the barrier of the window was too much. He often would place his hand over the window, wishing to reach me, yet it wasent in a bad or even sexual way, he wasent lusting, but rather almost wanting something so much deeper, something more sincere that could only come from me, but i didnt know what. I felt that feeling with him, it felt rather sweet, he even gave a possesive vibe..but it was one i was rather attracted to. But i wasent comfortable enough to trust them. Ice Wolf had a whole diffrent way to express himself compared to Spider, He smiled at me, a long white toothy smile, his fangs clearly visable, it felt more like a charming smile, to get my attention, because thats what he seemed to clearly want, he would something tilt his head whole his gaze looked at me, hoping he could capture mine, the times he would he would sometimes flirtly wiggle his eyebrows but in a way that would seem more attractive and less silly from what it sounds like. Despite of the way he expressed himself, i also knew he meant no harm, he didnt look like me as some predetor who wanted to eat a cat, just one who is intrested in a female i suppose, respectful but very flirty. They would always watch me, as long as there was a window, they would see everything i do, it felt almost like a child looking through someones window, not being descreet about it but most of the time you would get used to it and try to ignore it as much as possible, to try to not give them the attention you want, knowing that they would probably get worse if you give that attention. The only times they would stop watching me would be when i used the bathroom, in this case to shower, i would always look through the window myself to see if they were around but i would never see them anywhere..Ironicly, it was the only time i wished they would look at me for some reason, perhaps because i wanted them to lust for me. But they never ever did or try to.
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The other times they would never look at me is when i was in my room at night, i have a window in my own room, i was also curious, it was weird to not see them looking through the window, i remember walking about my window looking over, trying to be careful to not panic...i didnt want to see them looking creepy throught the dark or experience a jump scare..but they were nowhere to be seen.. I remember i felt alot of relief, Because i realized i would be afraid of them if they looked through the widow at night, it just wasent appropiate and they knew it, so thats why they didnt do it, they didnt want me to be afraid of them for some reason. I remember asking my Mom, Toriel, i was just curious, how come she didnt notice to men looking at me? though to be clear, they always hid whenever she was around, but i couldnt help to ask sometimes. ¨Mom..can you see them?¨. ¨see who child?¨, ¨Those..monsters outside.¨. ¨Of course i can!¨. That was her only response and it shocked me. It was as if i asked her if she could see birds and she answered like it was the most natural thing and i was beyond confused, i had no clue what to do with this situacion, with THEM. I remember my mom wanted me to do the laundry, so i had to take it upstairs in the roof (the roof was flat, unlike other houses, free to go up) to hand the laundry out for the sun to dry, i didnt remember those two at all..it didnt cross my mind that i would be exposed to them, until in one of those i turned and saw them, in a rather genorous space between us, i remember thinking if i should run to the house, but i rememeber that they never ever seemed to have any ill intention towards me..so i just started at them, reconozing their presence. They looked back and started talking with eachother, But i couldnt hear anything! they talked but as if i was watching something mute, i can see their mouths clearly opening and closing as they spoke but as much as i tried, i couldnt hear them, as if they werent part of my world. I noticed that they were discussing now, their face turned into frowns with eachother and got a little handsy, as if they wanted to fight but still in a friendly matter, i was weirded out but it...but i knew that they were fighting over me, they wanted to decided who would approach me first. I remember rolling my eyes and finished my chores, by then i took the basket back inside the house but leaving the door open by accident.
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I remember them outisde the door, the were peeking inside at will full detail, i noticed that Spider was the first brave one to put his hand through the opening of the door, almost like testing if anything were to happen..but nothing did, so he extended his hand, it was closed tight, i remember taking a step back, i thought he would kidnapp me for sure now that the opportunity was open for them..but instead, his hand opened, it revealed a spiderweb. I knew it before anyone told me what it was..It was a summoning seal. It was for me to summon them, so they could enter completely into my world, so i could finally talk to them and the could finally reach to me physically like they wanted to.
(the spiderweb looked diffrent in my dream but this is the best i can manage in drawing, it was so much beautiful than this miserable drawing i made.)
The spider web was so beautiful, it had a unusual shape, it was covered with waterdrops that made it look like pure cristal, it looked almost like a snowflake, perfect, with elegant curves and soft edges, the shapes were so so beautiful. Before i knew it i was walking toward him, tempted to take it, i knew he offered it for me, the moment i had it in my hand, it was very sticky in my fingers, like a spider web of course, but it felt very delicate, like paper but thinner, i knew i had to be extra careful with it..and i truly wanted to, it was way too beautiful.
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Then after i took Spiders seal, soon came the Ice Wolfs.
(again, i made it up, the dream ones was way cooler but its the best i could come up with)
He extended his arm, his hand in a fist and opened it slowly, compared to Spiders, his glowed, it had a earthy like feeling, it had earth colors that made me think of the forest and the world free of human populacion, i remember reaching for it too, i stared into it, it reminded of the dream catches with such details, it had more details than Spiders, it was very masculine and rather cool vibe, before i could inspect more of it, i heard my mother coming home. ¨Im home!¨ she called, i panicked, afraid for her to see me with the seals, i was upstairs yet, i wanted to be very careful with this secret. ¨welcome home!¨ i yelled, turning away from the two monsters, hoping she would hear me and not find anything ¨suspicous¨, i turned back, wanting to tell Spider and Ice Wolf that Tori was home and they should hide, but by the time i turned to look over, they were already gone, i was excited yet in full panic, i wasent sure what to do first, hide the seals in somewhere safe, close the door and put away the basket i used for the laundry, i went immediatly to hide the seals in my room, i didnt want them to break because they felt very fragile, i remember placing them ontop of my desk as i quickly returned to put the basket away and close the door that lead to the roof, i ran back into my room, locking the door. I knew .. ever since the gave me the seals, i already decided which one i wanted, i didn give it a second thought. The selfish part of me wanted both, but i knew i could only summon one, they left their fates in me to decide who i wanted to summon, i knew who i wanted, I wanted Spider.. The beautiful seal that was a spiderweb that looked like it was a decorated with diamond like snowflakes, shiny and beautiful, blue and just simply beautiful and elegant.. i wanted him. I just smiled and wanted to do it tonight already.
The end :P
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
But they underestimated the force of their desire to connect with one another. To the extent the movie business will dry up, and the market setting the valuation and thus the amount invested. Empathy is probably the optimal state of affairs. Obviously you can sense prosperity in how well kept a place looks. It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. If you had, surely you'd be just as attached to that name as you are to your current one. Founders who fail quickly tend to blame themselves.1 This sort of change tends to create as many good things as it kills. Even with us working to make things happen for them on purpose rather than by accident, because Steve Russell implemented something McCarthy had never intended to be implemented. We're impatient.
Unless you're so big that your reputation precedes you, a marginal domain suggests you're a marginal company. The books the professors wrote about expert systems are now ignored. That's the nature of platforms. Number 6 is starting to appear in the mainstream. The Mythical Man-Month, and everything I've seen has tended to confirm what he said. But perhaps worst of all, the complex sentences and fancy words give you, the writer, the false impression that you're saying more than you actually are. Big, big, mistake. Maybe there is some new killer app to be discovered here, but it seems like a decent hypothesis.
But you never had one guy painting over the work of multiple hands, though there may only be one name on the wall next to it in the press all the time. To the extent the movie business can avoid becoming publishers, they may avoid publishing's problems. This works well in some fields and badly in others.2 Not us. This is the kind of possibility that the pointy-haired boss's brain to Java and then back through Java's history to its origins, you end up with a very fine implementation of your initial version not as a product, but as a trick for getting users to start talking to users, I guarantee you'll be surprised by what they tell you.3 Why does this happen? Great software, likewise, can learn to make things customers want.4
Lisp does represent a kind of final pass where you caught typos and oversights.5 But if languages are all equivalent, sure, use whatever language everyone else is using. You have to seem confident, and you can do better work: Because we're relaxed, it's so much easier to have fun doing what we do. That's why we're doing it during the summer—so even college students can participate.6 What and how should not be surprised that hackers aged 21 or 22 are pitching us ideas with little hope of making money?7 Whereas the bad firms will get the leftovers, as they do now, and if someone does offer you any, assume you'll never get any more.8 That's a constant of the startup world.9 We sleep more. And even if you forget the experience or what you read, its effect on your model of the world persists.
And to engage an opponent inside a castle in hand to hand combat.10 The way to neutralize the second source of denial, your inability to think of other potential names, is to make money that you can't solve this problem.11 Relentlessness wins because, in the OO world you hear a good deal more about paint chemistry than that.12 People often tell me how much my essays sound like me talking. If you look at these languages in order, Java, Perl, Python, you notice this pattern if you are a Lisp hacker. Com of their name. As for number 8, this may be something we need to fix, especially for applications like games. Hackers write cool software, and that's pretty easy with digital content. Suddenly, in a hits-driven business, is that they'll be able to get into the deals they want.
I encountered when we created pets.
It would be unfortunate.
Some introductions to philosophy now take the hit. If that were the people working for large settlements earlier, but I have yet to find it was the first scientist.
For example, if I could pick them, initially, were ways to avoid sticking.
But while such trajectories may be that the path from ideas to startups. You could also degenerate from 129. A more powerful than ever. More often you have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed.
This is one of the editor in Lisp.
Everyone's taught about it.
A Spam Classification Organization Program. Http://www.
How can I make the people working for me to address this generally misapplied phrase. But that solution has broader consequences than just salary. Buy an old-fashioned idea. Is what we need to offer especially large rewards to get out of their professional code segregate themselves from the creation of wealth to study the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, music, phone, IM, email, Web, games, but they're not ready to raise more, because when people in Bolivia don't want to know how to deal with them in their graves at that.
If spammers get good grades. S P 500 CEOs in 2002 was 3.
I'm clueless or even 1000x an average programmer's salary. Spices are also the main emotion I've observed; but it seems a bit.
If doctors did the same phenomenon you see people breaking off to both left and right. The situation is analogous to the next one will be near-spams that have already launched or can launch during YC is how intently they listened. I'd almost say to the extent we see incumbents suppressing competitors via regulations or patent suits, we don't have those.
0 notes
angeljonghyun · 7 years ago
So i guess here goes my longer ramble about my feelings and thoughts. No need to read it. Feel free to ignore it. The only way for me to feel relief is to post it online in some way and although i know tumblr is such a toxic site its the only space that feels right for it. its probably full of typos and doesnt make any sense, but hey who cares.
So yeah
Lately a lot of things happened, things which im thankful for and things that help me heal, but theyre not big of a help since my emotions are so strong. As some might know im currently in a clinic for relaxation 5 days a week from 10 am-2:30 pm and its pretty tough. Being around people again, experiencing painful moments during acupuncture (they find good spots that make me cry, not even really bc theyre hurting but they just make me feel all my inner pain all at once), feeling uncomfortable around certain people there and not loving all therapists bc theyre way too harsh with their words.
The past weeks have been intense and exhausting.. and since its all about relaxing i had much time to think. I had lots of time to think about jjong. Sadly it never felt like i have space, strength and time to heal properly.
I feel lots of pain,my heart feels so heavy, im bitter and im weak? Im forcing my emotions to stay calm, i hate crying in the clinic, i cant open up properly and just dont want to cry there all the time although i know i should but i just cant.
Jjong is on my mind 24/7 like literally 24/7 hes always there, always was and idk how much longer he will be but i want him to leave. My memories and the emptiness which i feel is too much, its draining me its hurting so freaking much that i cant even put it in words and the bad thing is that no one really understands.
People may know that im sad in a way but i dont think anyone understands my pain completely, obviously not, no one ever knows how one truly feels, but its a devastating feeling. Its a feeling that makes me feel quite lost and lonely, because the only person i always believed would understand my pain was him. He was my safe haven, he was the one who would be there and never judge and just understand.
Its a really sick part of my mind which has still control over this part of my emotions, i cant trust anyone, i always.. ALWAYS feel judged and i always feel like a burden and i never want to talk about my struggles because it only causes so much more chaos or eventually i never feel like the person tries and feel all lonely and unimportant again.
Jjong he was just there.. you know ?
Just his existence caused some kind of comfort for my soul, a place to rest and feel nothing but good things for a bit although even he was hurting me too, but i accepted it bc he was far away and it was ok. He was so far away always and that gave me the chance to create the 'perfect' comfort zone. I didnt know him, he was never here.. i will just pick out parts i need and use them to stay alive.
Its not something good, but i feel like everyone does this stuff with their bias. Some more than others. I did it too much and that shows how weak and hurt my soul is. Instead of working on my problems properly i just fled into the comfort of jjongs existence, one that was so very similar to my mothers, my mother who i have lost in november 2014. winter... buried in december. Winter. The season where I lost the most important person in my life not only once, but twice now.
Jjong was like a mother to me. I cant describe my feelings for him in another way. He protected me from so much evil within myself while i wanted to protect him too at all costs and it feels HORRIBLE to have failed yet another time. It hurts so fucking much that i lost him too. He who was the biggest reason for me not to kill myself after my mom died. He who was the reason why i started eating again after developing an eating disorder. He who caused so much good in my life. He who in some way managed to manipulate me in the best possible way.
In the end it was all me, i know that, but its still the bond i had to jjong. A sick and sad one and the worst part is that i felt ready to let go slowly at the end of last year. I started realizing that i coudlnt be thinking about him all the time anymore. I want to start going to school again after 4 years of nothing but therapy. I would HAVE to let go and create a more healthy relationship. I was so ready. And then he took his own life..
He stole the opportunity from me to change. He left me here. He left me and all my problems still attached to him behind. Hes not here anymore and although i never saw him or heard or felt him in real life it makes such a huge difference to me and at the same time it doesnt. That is one of the most confusing and depressing feelings ive ever felt.
I wanted to see him in 2018.. i had many chances to see him but never one to go with me. I finally had someone to go with... and now im here.. with that opportunity gone. My biggest wish my biggest dream, the ONE thing that kept me alive for so long. Gone... all ive ever wanted was to see him live. And now.. yeah.
Those are all selfish reasons. I know that. If you even read this then no its not all i feel, but of course my feelings towards him are most important to me, its the only feelings i can work on and the only ones i truly feel. My healthy grief is there too. A distanced version of what i personally feel and no other could. But thats not truly what this post is about. Please dont judge.
So now im here and i dont know what to do.
Death has been the worst and most intense trigger in my life forever. I started being so afraid of death as a child that i could not sleep anymore bc i thought i would die. It was a horrible time, therapy followed, fear left for a few years and came back as strong as ever. Its here too now. My fear. Another reason why i am alive now, yet its not strong enough to truly shut my self destructive thoughts up. Ive noticed that around the time of jjongs burial. I was ... so ready to leave. I still feel sympathy and empathy for myself there. Bc my pain is so big. Its truly so immense but no one truly knows or cares much. Maybe my therapist, but i doubt it.
Well im now always thinking about death and jjong being dead and ive said before that these thoughts are really killing me inside. Idk where he is, how he is, how he feels, does he feel? Whats up with him... what happens??? Its so scary. I find zero comfort in the thought of him resting bc where is he? Is he resting? Does he know? Where is the man i love so freaking much? Where is my mom? Is she with him? Are they lonely?
Ive always said
When its about death, i envy religious people. They have something to hold onto. I have nothing but the unknown in my head. Another one of my biggest fears and my loved ones are stuck in there. In the unknown. And im not there and i couldnt say goodbye to either of them.
Im so bitter i envy everyone whose bias is still there and im always thinking why him. Why HIM why another person of My life why someone i love so much why when i was feeling so much better thanks to him why did he have to suffer. Will i lose everyone?
Im afraid to sleep still bc im scared to wake up to news of another loved one gone. The fears and memories, theyre everywhere. I cant escape and i hate it and dont know how to process.
The most important form of jjong to me was and still is the fictional one, although jjong as a distant human being will always be more fictional to me than real. The fictional version which i have created for my own reasons, its still there just like always, its still cheering me up, its sweet its cute and lovely, but still hard to work with bc i always end up thinking about the real jjong.
Now after seeing the pictures of his grave i rather see that image than him as a person. I welcome that. Im glad i saw the pics bc its all more real to me now, im glad i saw the burial video.. although i never wanted it to be filmed or real in the first place. I dont think i would be still as sane as i am atm if i didn’t see this stuff.
I know that im doing quite good.. i should be proud of myself i guess.. but my pain is overshadowing everything else to the point where im completely at loss of every emotion just thinking about jjong not being here anymore.
Knowledge about his passing, own experiences and the whole process, everything. It haunts me.
Its quite a long way to go i think. I always felt so close to him, we were so similar and although he had many flaws i didnt quite like, especially as i was getting more healthy and he was still stuck, i still loved him so much and accepted that. He was getting so much better from and outside point of view and maybe that was the reason why he finally found strength to leave and its such a sad thing to think about, but i cant really change a thing anymore.
Sadly. Yeah ..
At the end of this i just want to say. Please just care, be there and if a depressed person in your life gets better please pay special attention bc it might be their chance to end it all. I dont want people to die bc of that dumb fucking illness anymore and i know its not possible to prevent it completely but well..
Im tired and theres still so much more to say for me but i cant say much more now. My head hurts and i need to get up and do something in order to forget about all of this for a while.
Please stay strong, please dont give up. I promise you one day it will get better, never fully ok, but better.
Im trying my best to find joy in jjong and shinee again, i doubt that i will, but im trying. I wont leave the fandom now, but im not the same anymore. Listening to shinees or jjongs music is impossible, watching videos too. If you feel the same its fine. Just do whats right for you. Im just here feeling happy for the others and hoping that theyre feeling better slooowly each day a little. Just like i hope it to be for everyone else.
If you came till here. Thanks for caring. Please take care of yourself, you are very loved. Life is hard, but not impossible.
Stay strong.
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spaceywormy · 7 years ago
hey wanna see the first draft for my short story for creative writing class? no? i’m posting it anyway
Yellow Tape
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it,” Alex says, curling the cord of his earbuds around his fingers.
“Are you kidding me? You’re not some white guy in Hawaii, Ax!” DJ argues, turning around to walk backwards, facing his friend. “I beg of you, remove the goddamn floral button-down.”
“Never,” Alex says dramatically. “It’s hot out, I couldn’t wear my sweater.”
“But why did you wear a floral button-down?! It’s like you do this just to piss me off.”
Alex looks over at DJ with one eyebrow raised, a smug smile on his face. DJ goes to knock his baseball hat off, but the back of his foot catches on the uneven pavement and he stumbles backwards. He lets out a high-pitched squeak as he falls, his backpack catching the brunt of the fall. He looks up to see Alex trying and failing to hold in laughter. Alex helps him up, and they continue the walk home.
“At least I’m dressed for summer,” Alex says, bumping DJ’s shoulder with his own as he walks beside him. “I thought you were gonna pass out today in gym with your giant hoodie.” DJ elbows Alex in the ribs, which starts a shoving-fight that eventually ends with DJ stumbling into his front yard fence. A small mutt comes running up to the fence, barking like mad. DJ laughs and reaches over the fence to pet his dog, Mikha, who snaps at his hand before licking it and quieting down.
“Wanna come in?” DJ asks, turning towards Alex. Alex is staring down the road with a blank look on his face, eyes slightly glazed over. “Alex?”
Alex blinks and seems to come back to reality, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I asked if you wanted to come in.” DJ leans against the fence and drops his worn backpack on the ground next to him. “I’ve got food, and Apocalypse of the Damned 2.”
“No, I should, um… I should get home. The sun’s gonna set soon.”
DJ frowns, staring at his friend. “I thought your parents didn’t care.”
For a moment, Alex looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh, I-- They’re, uh, starting to care more, y’know?
DJ pushes himself off the fence and takes a couple steps towards Alex, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
Alex shrugs him off. “I’m doing fine. My parents just want me home tonight, I dunno why.” His voice is slowly getting more annoyed, and DJ backs off.
“Okay, whatever you say.” He sighs, not wanting the day to end on a bad note. “I’ll… see you tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Alex nods. “Later.” He starts walking down the road to his house, not looking back once. DJ frowns and opens his gate, nudging Mikha back with his foot. Mikha whines, looking up at him.
“You know me so well,” DJ says quietly, closing the gate and sitting down on the grass. Mikha jumps into his lap and licks his face, making him laugh and push his dog away. “Mikha, down! It don’t feel right to be laughing.” DJ notices a nearly torn apart tennis ball lying a few feet away and stretches to grab it, tossing it across the small backyard. Mikha goes wild, running after it and barking. DJ gets up and leans over the fence to grab his backpack before heading inside, closing the door before Mikha can ram himself into the gap and get inside too.
DJ runs upstairs and throws his backpack onto his bed, taking his phone out of his back pocket. He’s not sure what it could be, but he feels like he did something wrong when he was talking to Alex. It’s not like Alex to get annoyed at him like that, especially after something as small as pushing too much during a conversation. He feels the need to apologize indirectly anyways, so DJ dials Alex’s number and starts pacing around his small bedroom.
The phone rings once. Twice. Three times. It stops ringing.
DJ pulls the phone away and stares at it, frowning. He sits down on his window ledge, leg starting to bounce as he sends Alex a question mark via text. Alex replies a moment later with “srry, cant talk. whst is it”
DJ responds back with “uh wanna have a sleepover? i got lotsa food” He waits for five minutes, staring anxiously at his phone. As soon as he had sent the text, it showed that Alex had read it. After four minutes, the three bubbles indicating that Alex is typing pop up before disappearing. They repeat this for a full minute before a short response comes in. “cant, i think im getting sick”
“that sucks,” DJ types back, lying on his back in the window seat and pressing his feet against the miniature ceiling of it. “i can bring u uhhh soup or smth”
“m jsut gonna rest.” Alex’s final response concerns DJ. Alex doesn’t have autocorrect turned on, but it’s usually a red flag that he’s upset when he’s making typos. DJ goes to ask if he’s okay, but remembers how Alex reacted when he asked that earlier today. He gives up and puts his phone down, sitting up on the seat. His stomach grumbles and he gets up to stretch and walk downstairs. His mother had left a small note on the counter, listing what she’d bought and what’s being saved for a family reunion coming up next week.
DJ grabs a soda and walks over to the couch, flopping onto his back and turning on the television. Nothing good is on, so he switches to the news to serve as background noise. As he stares at the ceiling, something catches his ear.
“The gang of rogue scalebloods known as the Talon Ring are now travelling the country, terrorizing local youths. The president has theorized that the gang is infecting people by awakening the dragon blood that may be in their systems,” the reporter on the tv says. DJ sits up and stares at the screen as pictures start flashing across it. “Half-scales all over the country are being harassed by humans who believe that any blood containing scales should be spilled.” The report suddenly stops, and switches to another scene with a man speaking urgently.
“This is breaking news for the area of Lake Fortitude. Rogue scalebloods assumed to be affiliated with the Talon Ring were seen wandering the streets of at eleven-am today. Authorities urge you to lock your doors and windows, especially half-scales. Police are searching the city for the gang. Updates on the situation will come hourly. Stay safe, citizens of Fortitude.”
DJ stares at the screen, mouth hanging open. The Talon Ring, patrolling Fortitude. No way. He springs off of the couch and runs to the front window, staring out into the street. He doesn’t see anything, save for a couple of his neighbors closing their shutters or drawing their curtains. DJ lets in Mikha and feeds him, foregoing a meal for himself. His stomach is turning slightly and he’s lost his appetite.
The thought hits him like a brick. DJ sits up, eyes wide as he snatches his phone out of his pocket and dials Alex’s number. He stares out the window at the darkening sky, relief flooding his chest when he hears Alex pick up.
“Hello?” Alex’s voice sounds scratchy, almost distorted.
“Are your parents home?” DJ demands.
“What? No.” Alex seems to realize his mistake and scrambles to fix it. “I mean-- uh--”
“I’m coming over.”
“Wait, no, you don’t know-- just, no, don’t come over” Alex begs. DJ hesitates at the sincerity and desperation in Alex’s voice, but his mind is set.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” DJ hang up and grabs his backpack, setting his books aside and grabbing a first aid kit and a pocketknife, shoving them in alongside a phone charger and a sketchbook. He slings the backpack over his shoulder and makes sure he locks the front door behind him as he leaves.
Alex doesn’t live too far from DJ. DJ lives on Elk Street and Alex lives on South Niman, which is only three blocks from Elk. DJ walks quickly down the street, looking behind him every few seconds. Squirrels dropping acorns from the trees turn into menacing footsteps that have DJ whirling around with his knife halfway out of his pocket after every other step. He feels his heart starting to beat faster and takes a moment to calm himself down, decidedly avoiding having a panic attack in the street. He doesn’t have much time to keep walking, though, before three police cars zoom past him and turn down Alex’s street in the distance. DJ feels his stomach drop as the worst possibility becomes the only thing he can think about. DJ starts to run.
Worn tennis shoes slap against the pavement, accompanied by the frantic breathing of the sprinting teenager. DJ turns a sharp corner, nearly tripping over himself. He keeps running regardless, not stopping until he sees a familiar house in the distance. He stops for a moment, and his heart seems to stop beating as he sees three police cars surrounding the house, lights flashing. He feels heat building up behind his eyes and doesn’t bother blinking it away before breaking back into a run, racing up to the house. As he gets closer, a police officer outside steps towards him and puts a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back slightly.
“Sorry kid, you can’t be here,” the police officer tells him.
“What happened?” DJ speaks past the lump in his throat, jerking the hand off his shoulder. He know he looks and sounds frantic and probably a little insane, but he couldn’t care less.
“Go home,” the officer says firmly. “You can’t be here.”
“Where’s Alex?!”
“I’m not gonna tell you again, kid--” The officer is cut off by a strangled, bloodcurdling scream from inside the house. DJ feels his heart drop from his throat to his shoes. He shoves past the officer, ignoring her shouting. He runs as fast as he can to the front door and throws it open, only to be greeted by something that makes his entire body go numb.
Alex is curled up on the floor of his living room, breathing heavily. The back of his sweater is torn to shreds and absolutely soaked in blood. Protruding from his head at the hairline are two small horns, and sticking out from his back are two glossy wings, dripping in blood. DJ feels himself stumbling backwards, his head buzzing and his mind reeling. The house is completely dark, and out of the shadows steps a creature. A creature with large green wings, two twisted horns on her head, and a thin, shining tail that tapers to a serrated point. A scaleblood.
The woman looks surprised at DJ’s appearance, but her face quickly morphs into a smug smile. Her eyes are a blend of green and yellow, and they feel like they’re burning into DJ’s skull.
“This your friend?” she asks, pointing down at Alex. DJ looks back down at Alex, whose panting has turned to pained whimpering. His new wings are twitching, and each movement draws a small, heartbreaking shriek of pain from him.
“What did you do?” DJ whispers, breaking out of his petrified state to kneel beside his friend.
“I brought him to life,” the woman answers smoothly. “You’re welcome.”
“It--” DJ swallows the lump in his throat and tries to put as much venom into his voice that he can. “It doesn’t look like it.” His voice wobbles, and the venom falls short.
DJ looks down at his friend, who’s shaking like a chihuahua. He sees tears streaming down Alex’s face and reaches down to brush one away, but jerks his hand back as Alex screams “No!”
“How do I help him?” DJ asks, looking up to stare at the scaleblood.
The smirk drops from the woman’s face, and she looks up at the police officers waiting for command outside the house. Guns are aimed at the windows, and more cars are pulling up behind the three stationary ones. “Go,” she says quietly. “Take him away from here. The other Talons and I will make a distraction. Take him to the sea.”
“To the sea?” DJ blanches. “Are you insane?”
“He needs it,” the woman insists, kneeling on the other side of Alex. “Go, now.”
DJ looks from the woman’s face down to Alex, who’s trying to take steadying breaths.
After wrapping Alex’s wings and back with as much cloth and gauze as he can find, DJ sits back and looks at his backpack. He shoves his phone in his hoodie pocket along with his charger, and keeps the knife in his jeans pocket. He takes the small bottle of antiseptic from the first aid kid and puts it in his jeans pocket. He looks down at his backpack and nods to himself, turning away from it. He nudges Alex. “I’m gonna carry you, okay?” he says gently. “Like a koala.” Alex nods wordlessly, still staring at the floor. DJ picks him up with difficulty, holding him like a baby. Alex buries his face in DJ’s shoulder, holding on tightly.
“Where do I go?” DJ asks the woman. “We’re surrounded.”
The woman’s wings fold out and she gestures towards the back door. DJ carries Alex out into the backyard and the woman grabs him, lifting him up into the air. As they’re lifted over the roof of the house, DJ sees five other scalebloods burst out the front door and attack the police. He forces himself to look away as guns go off and screams rip through the air, most of which coming from humans. He hears Alex make a pained noise and holds him tighter.
The woman drops the two of them on the rocky shore of Lake Fortitude. She drops to the ground, her wings drooping as she catches her breath. DJ loosens his grip on Alex but doesn’t let go, scooting backwards on the rocks. The woman stands up after a moment and looks at them both.
“Good luck, kid,” she says to DJ. “You’ve got a dragon on your hands now.” With that, she stretches her wings and shoots into the air, flying back in the direction of Alex’s neighborhood.
DJ looks down at Alex and pinches his arm to get his attention. “I’m gonna let go, ‘kay?” Alex nods, and DJ carefully lays him down on the rocks. DJ stands up, looking out onto the lake. He reaches into his hoodie pocket and takes out his phone. He turns it on and sends a text to his parents: “i love you. i’ll be back one day.”
He makes sure it sends before shutting off his phone and throwing it as far as he can, watching it disappear into the dark water with a distant splash.
wow what a journey if you’ve made it this far, i uhh applaud you cause this is long and hard to read if you didn’t like it, pleeeaaase drop an ask and tell me what i can change!! i wanna Learn and get a good grade on my assignment
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quonit-aceattorney · 7 years ago
3-3 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: Got to the next one. Funny name.
Q: Hey this is like the game over thing :0
Q: Didn't even start and I lost already
Q: What did I do wrong Gumshoe
Maya shut up
Q: The hell happened
Q: Crap how and why would anybody dress as me
Q: Idea: killer was also phoney me
Q: Wow this place is fancy
Q: The fancy place reset :0
This place is great
Q: Where the HELL did my magic rock go D:<
I don't see it in my inventory!!!
Q: Oh thank you locks for still appearing
I was very worried a bout it not being in my inventory
Q: ...to the park?
Q: Mr what is that red thing on your nose I think you should stop touching it
Q: Doves are usually grey too
Q: Apples are good. Let's talk about that. What is your favorite Apple phoenix? I myself like granny Smith's and pink ladies
Q: Iell I didn't get the old man to talk but it seems the newspaper I got landed Maya a job so
Q: Wow Maya is actually gone. Guess it is time to examine everything again
Q: Well it seems the detention center has reset so that is good
Whatever she isn't here
Office reset
Haha I should really be more upset when Maya leaves
Whatever she is fine
Q: Yay the police station reset!
Whatever godot is fun
Q: Of only somebody pointed out one of the many many differences between me and the phoney that trial
Q: Godot I give you passed on a lot of things and I like you but I really wanna know why you hate me
Q: Alright were going back to fancy restaurant
Tumblr media
this part was great actually
BF: Hahaha
And then Maya was kidnapped by the effeminate restauranteur, the end
Q: oh hey the restaurant reset. Examine everything?
oh no there is a person here
hell other your head looks like it had been hurt :(
goodbye i guess
Maya: So how do i look? Phoenix: ... Phoenix: I think you should quit being a spirit medium. yes
let's just take a break and eat food sounds like a plan
i duno if i even have that much on me
oh crap well i guess i am getting lunch
i don't have 50$ on me Gant can i have 50$ oh ya you're in prison/dead
Q: Maya eat my lunch
dammit maya stop taking my money
Eh maybe some other random person why enjoy it
Q: examine everything
the magmenta!!!
I missed it so much!!!
it's probably poison
Q: gonna take a break for around 40 minuets
Q: that took so much longer and it is partially my fault
Q: Also I did a stupid redraw of one of Zarla's drawings from like 2007 and it looks good but ack i redrew a thing she drew in 2007. Once i feel like it i'll send a picture
i think we may be done in the kietchen. We got some stuff and it may be important so something somewhere may have reset
hey the police department reset!
yesss gumshoe
present him stuff
Gumshoe is this poison
tell meee
wow that's a lot of money
have to go again
Q: finally back and i have muffins to munch on while I play
Q: i remember this music
this is matt's theme whatever
to the other rooms
hey the park reset
there is a motercycle here now
Hey he said crap woo another close to swearing word
why are there so many weird people in this trian
Q: case
whatever the fuck
im also saying that dipshit isn't phoenix write
how did nobody suspect anything about him???
OLD GUY phoeny me left and i am mad i didn't punch him while i could
i think they were dressed alright enough
locks woo
i am so glad i have the magmenta back
Q: examine everything?
at least there aren't as many rooms
Q: got back to game and decided to see if i can break the locks
Q: i wiiiiin
she is using her boobs to her advantage
i forgot her completly now
Q: Phoenix she is giving up her dignity for you thank her don't judge her
Q: time to move
wooo it reset
Q: iii wiiiin
noooo phoenix this guy can't be the killer
it's that moron red skinned phoenix impersonating asshole >:(
Q: i usually give you passed but not now GO AWAY
Q: that red dude might've put the winning tcken in her pocket when he ran off
i hate red guy
save music
aw he called me trusty
BF: Lol Tigre? XD
we didn't learn his name yet
Q: but i am amusing that is his name now
BF: Ooooh sorry
Q: it is fine i don't think it was a big spoiler
BF: Yeah Hahaha, he’s not exactly subtle
he was probably too intimidating but really one person had to right?
BF: Lol think of this whole case as like...one of those old Saturday morning cartoon plots where the good guy gets a really really obvious double
Q: pffft
BF: Like the double has bolts sticking out of their neck and they constantly yell about how evil they are
Q: i can imagine this.
BF: And yet you still have that scene where they are standing side by side and all the good guys are like HOWEVER WILL WE TELL THEM APART
Which one is the real one how can we be suuuure
That’s basically what this case is, haha
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Q: I wonder who in the end will get to use the ticketyQ: maggey didn't do it mr tigre didQ: HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE BLOODSTAIN JUDGE GUY.
I say this like it was obvious and makes sense to anybody in the game stupid spoiler i pretend is a headcanon keeps proving itself to be true
Phoenix: You don't need to be told! Just look at it! SHUT UP PHOENIX >:( THIS GAME WANTS ME TO BELIEVE A STUPID HEADCANON. whatever let's ignore that and get back to figuring out the bloodstain. sry godot
no there is other stuff
Phoenix: Is it possible that somebody could've put the bottle in her pocket? Me: YES Gumshoe: ya! Happens to me all of the time! Me: REALLY
well if i had my phoeny's profile i would but nope sorry godot no evidence yet
Everyone: :talking about old man guy throwing seeds: Godot: Hah! It was nothing. I caught every single one of them with my teeth! impressive. DO YOU HAVE EVIDENCE FOR THIS CLAIM???
Q: i mean empty bags can have meaning why not?Q: well the stuff inside the bag was empty
hey that worked!
nice im cool now
Q: no he didn't put his medication in, red guy didQ: BUT WOO i am winningQ: we all died a little bit inside
maggey he was doing what he was supposed to do and was relying on me to figure out what was wrong with it. he didn't do anything.
Q: old guy tell us your occupationQ: don't lie that she put something in it
also wasn't he looking at a sports paper right he was listening to the radio right
Phoenix: Did she really put that in there?? Phoenix you know not to trust this guy he is wrong she didn't
Phoenix: Congratulations. You have earned the title of Battiest Man To Grace A Courtroom. I love sarcastic phoenix
Phoenix: Anybody could've word that outfit! Even me! Judge: Mr.Wright please spare the court of any further mental anguish from that image hahahahaha
Q: the bow was blue but whatever. also that is still part of the outfit.
the bow was ORANGE
Old guy: This is harassment! I mean what are you doing?
Q: how about the apron? Like the godamn bloodstainQ: doing lots of stuff in game i should document it moreQ: coffee cupQ: it woooorked
now you have to sing. sing for us now.
who cars about your age dammit
respect the coffee kudo
and his ear whatever but i still win
no? okay
Q: but godot finished his coffee! How can we continue now???Q: but he didn't knock over the vase? look at the photo he didn'tQ: your memory is completly unreliable
Q: think i can be done for nowQ: game because working is dumbQ: let's bring up that jerk again why not
Q: Maya: Introduce me next time, Nick! I wanna meet Xin Eohp too!
Q: to the detention center
nvm then
hey gumshoe!
Q: don't be sad gumshoe there are still lots of people that love you and maggey will probably be fine with you againa fter this is overQ: dont lie to me gumshoe i can ee right through it
unless it's in court the locks don't work in court
i win
Q: Maya: I wanna try it!
Phoenix: Then buy a ticket! With your own money! See Phoenix is smart
Q: no im not going tot the park i don't wanna see him right now i wanna talk to gumshoeQ: 2019: The year of gumQ: SEE GODOT KNEW THAT THAT GUY WAS A FAKE AND HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO SEE HIM FOR THAT
Q: nniiiiice we can go visit his work nowQ: what do you mean the color of your coat looks more detective-y
also im still confused about if franz sent back the coat and kept the evidence or if gumshoe just got a new coat.
to blue screens because i don't wanan see red guy
wtf is with her
Q: I would say this isn't 2019 but i have no right to say that yet because i have never lived in 2019Q: at least she is letting me examine evidence
Trigre >:(
future from 2004 or future from 2019
Phoenix: Computers are only as smart as the humans who use and make them are ...you know nothing...
Q: im about done here
to the park
Q: the scooter is backQ: well he isnt here that is fine
oh hey that girl is here
is she threatening to kill him or
Q: great so tiger is also involved in not only impersonating me, but also killing glen, and this guy's money problem
to the office
gumshoe you just left go to your meeting
Q: well im headed to where i was going again
hi girl again
imma go touch the desk
Q: of course it's the same color as my suit he used it to pretend to be meQ: HI TIGRE
Q: well at least i can talk to her now
no maya
Q: if you want coffee just ask godotQ: im to go look in other placesQ: see mr kudo is giving us information it's a ll good
Phoenix: maybe he's trying to avoid us?" It always feels that way when i try to find somebody in this game and they aren't there. None of them have ever been trying to avoid me but i guess if you think that that guy is trying to avoid you he is
hey maggey is back
Q: i have the cd~
Q: took a minute to fix the sound
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why am i How-aceattourney
stupid tumblr
BF: TumbllllllrrrrrQ: oh ya the creepy womanQ: and she wont react to the profile so i guess im gonna leave now
wonder what is going on at this police station
Q: more game.
oh ya i was stuck
go talk to people and investigate things
oh ya i still have gumshoe's lunchbox
Q: i know you're mad at him but pls
:shows paper badge: oh hey is that your badge WOW DOES MY BADGE REALLY LOOK THAT SHITTY
Q: ALSO DON'T BITE MY BADGE >:( AND IF IT LEAVES TEETH MARKS IT IS REAL.Q: dammit no new conversation topics
wonder if something else updated though
niiice the police department! I doubt that anything will be there though
how much does that guy at the desk get paid
oh damn that sounds bad. Wonder if it is from a specific somebody i hate or his girlfriend
Q: it's obvious what lady mayaQ: I was gonna ask what computer virus but asking what one is is dumb
though this did some out in 2004... nah still unacceptable. This is taking place in 2019.
it's 2019 guys get with the times
Q: so much of this game has already happened i feel so uncomfortable now that this is taking place in the future
still bad but
and not only that they're more scary when they are attacking the POLICE
i mean mr.godot is a highly specific example but sure if i was sick and sneezed on him he might get sick too
oh so they are using that specific example to make fun of me again har har so funny guys
he probably had a reason for it but i don't believe it
Q: ya that family sounds dumb we should arrest themQ: i am angry right now
more stupid last names
ya guess who im going to stand up to
Q: oh uhhhh maggey still hates you and we had to eat them. Sorry dude... how about you go do something that will make you happyQ: eh if anything goes wrong and she doesn't eat them we can just threaten her with a gun. Always does the trick for me.Q: when did maggey leave whatQ: well i need to sleep now. Lost again but im lost at a different point
Q: "I'll stop spamming you now"
:opens Ace Attorney:
Just trying to get unstuck i don't think much will happen, only got 30 mins
lets see where am i
don't think i can get any locks but i don't think there is much harm in trying
can't break one lets look for another
Q: im still stuck imma go try againQ: found a thing in my inventory i think this is important
I love my magic rock
:00000 it worked
well ya your dad is the stupid c long name thing so of course that has to do with you
oh hey i broke a lock
from the looks of that cutscene that looks like mr tigre
one more lock
Q: she crying :(Q: ugh no room is updating
i need to get the other locks i bet
Q: i win. That was easier than thoughtQ: why are we discarding so much stuff
:o a room reset
i swear if he tazes me
I'm done with people assaulting me in some way and then taking my evidence
thank you gumshoe
that improved my opinion of him greatly. There was nothing negitive but now there is more love to give
Did phoenix even every tell anybody about that time von karma tazed him and ran off with the letter
alright i need to sleep and there is a savepoint. yay! Also! GUMSHOE SAVED ME!
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at least he is dead and his daughter is better
alright i am sleeping now
Q: I can't sleep sadly
Not because I am too tired but for other reasons. I'll keep playing
MAGGEY do you think I can predict ANYTHING that will happen in a trial at all
I'm only play because of how Gumshoe saved my butt back there
Hey Gumshoe :D I am forever in your debt because of what you did back there
Q: Looks like we found the medicationQ: Oh ya I forgot about GodotQ: (He just called the judge a loser)Q: Oh so that guy will testify. One of the people who almost helped with the repeat of what happened with the letterQ: OH now I know he is covering up the existence of tigerQ: Phoenix your cover up swears suckQ: This game is so obsessed with left and right being contradictionsQ: How dare Godot say I shouldn't existQ: Playing a bunch not saying much though
I am Winning and godot is still making weird metaphors
Q: LOUD RUMBLEQ: I hope I can make tigre suffer
Save point. I think I can sleep now
Q: maya just because tigre is coming to the stand doesn't mean we are gonna win
Q: well usually we have no idea what the trump card is
(fuckin letter)
Q: sense when have I lost a case?
Making matt guilty isn't loosing
making him fuck off was the true prize i won that
back to trial
Judge do not be intimidated. He's like 9 feed below you.
Tigre: WHO DA HELL CALLED ME TO DIS HOLE WAS IT YOU Phoenix: No it was the Judge Judge: :hides:
Godot: :makes Tigre shut up: Phoenix: T... Too cool... hahaha
Tigre: That lowlife ain't no lawyer! He just punches away at stupid details til he wins! i feel called out
okay so question: People hate 2-3 so much and one of the reasons  is Moe's testimony but there are SO MANY THINGS IN THIS 3RD GAME LIKE THAT
Q: not only that but this game is a lot more vague on "hey hey you were supposed to do this you are on the right track"
Godot: I hear it can be pretty hard to set up appointments when you're dead
BF: hahaha I think 3 tends to get forgiven most because the overall plot is VERY well constructed.  Also I think the alleged hate against 2 is overblown.  2-4 is such a beloved case after all
but you'll see what I mean about overall plot in a bit.
4 tries like HELL to do what 3 did, I think, but it gets tripped up a lot along the way.
(and yes 3 is hard. I'd say the only thing it does that's more forgiving that 2 is that IIRC, it doesn't penalize you for screwing up Magatama sessions.)
Last Friday at 11:31 PM
Q: ahhh alright. I'll be waiting for the 3 plot. Also it doesn't get mad at your for screwing up magatama sessions?? I have not noticed such a thing.Q: but he was there because 1 other people say he was and 2 why else would that guy tell him to go thereQ: problem with having so much evidence is that i can't remember what is what and what proves what or that it even existsQ: oh hey these matchesQ: HUH
wooo it worked
oh boy more things that are very close to swearing from him
Q: so many things wrong with this next testamony
Q: heeeey it workedQ: I am winning :DQ: it's the tigre guy obviously >:( He impersinates a lot of people
phoenix hiding under his desk
Q: obviously it was that girl
internet not working dammit
:Shows paper badge: Judge: It is an insult to think anybody could be fooled by that well then maybe you should reevaluate your life choices
where are you man
heeey maaaggggeeyyyyy can you cheer gumshoe up for me he's being sad
he yells
hahahahaha glowey mask thing hahahaha
oh fuck you stop throwing coffee at me
why do you hate me so much i am not a criminal
hey gumshoe i won!!!
maybe maggey can be happy now
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