#implied antarcbort
sparklyicecube · 5 years
Houseki No Gift Exchange - A Gamer’s Christmas
 To: @diisuke
From: @sparklyicecube
Merry Christmas~
“A Rutile, nice! Here Phos, take it. You could use a boost.”
“Nah, I know you’ve been eyeing that gem for your collection anyway.”
“Phos. You have 13hp left.”
“But Moony, it’s a Rutile though, I know you wanted to get at least one of these~"
“Fine! I’ll take it.”
“Yes, take it! I know you want it.”
“It is a really amazing item though; it can heal your hp and it’s super valuable…”
“Exactly, so take it!”
“I will!”
“Phosphophylitte! Are you flirting with your Moony-chan again?” Antarcticite’s voice rang out from beyond Phos’s headset.
Phos went red from the comment, even though Moonwalkerpatrol and them decided to date they had not gotten used to it all. Antarcticite leaned down and pulled the mic of the headset to their own mouth, pressing their ear to the side of the headset.
“Hello Moonwalkerpatrol, as much as I enjoy seeing Phos spend time with other, respectable people, they do have an exam tomorrow and they need to sleep.”
“Oh, no problem, I have an exam tomorrow too. Phos watch out-! “
Antarc and Phos watched the screen flash as Phos got killed by a stray monster.
“I told you to take the Rutile.” Came Cinnabar’s amused voice. “Goodnight Phos, sweet dreams.”
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
“I’m going to ask to meet them today, we can meet up in real life!” Phos was skipping down the pavement on the way to school, Antarc following close behind.
“No gaming in class.” Reminded Antarcticite.
As they entered the classroom through the back door Phos saw Cinnabar look up at them, through their bright red hair their eyes made eye contact, Phos hid behind Antarc, hiding from Cinnabar in way any onlookers would describe as comedic.
The class was still incomplete, and students were openly talking, gossiping and laughing, Cinnabar was vaguely aware of dying in the game they were playing.
“I told you Phos hates me.” Bort looked up from the notebook they were writing in at Cinnabar’s statement.
“They don’t hate you Cinnabar,” Cinnabar looked dejectedly at their own notebook, “They’re just scared of you.” Cinnabar slumped slightly lower.
“Way to go in making me feel better.” No one in class had anything against Cinnabar, they just weren’t close to them, no one but Phos it seemed.
Bort put down their pen, a slightly guilty expression on their face. “Look, Phos just doesn’t know you well enough, which is fair since no one really does, but maybe if you make more of an effort to talk to them, they’ll like you more?”
Cinnabar thought for a while, then took their phone and opened an app, a game to be precise. “You know this game?”
Bort leaned over to look at the game. “Yeah, of course I have, you play it all the time in chemistry.”
“Well, this is the mobile version, at home I play it on my PC, but either way, I’m dating this- “
“You’re dating?!” Bort wasn’t loud enough for the whole school to hear but it certainly was loud enough for most of the class to turn around. “Sorry. They’re a real person right?”
“Yes to both, I mean, I think so. We act like we’re dating, and we say we love each other before we go offline, and we send virtual kisses, but we’ve never really said we were dating? I mean except that one time but I’m not sure whether it was a joke. Anyway. I’m 99% sure I know who I’m dating.”
“You know they could be scamming you, or catfishing you, or trying to kill you…”
“Okay one, you are paranoid, and two, look at their username!” Cinnabar pointed to the username that read: Phos3.5.
Bort slowly looked at Cinnabar, then at Phos who was sitting nearer the front trying to balance a pencil on the back of their pinkie finger, back to the username, they let out a small chuckle.
“This is funny to you isn’t it.”
“I don’t know it just seems like a cheesy drama, either way if you’ve managed to date Phos in the game you definitely can date in real life, right? I mean I don’t get your taste but if you guys are already dating it won’t be that hard. Find out whether they are really the same person though, otherwise it’ll be awkward.”
“I- “Cinnabar got cut short by their chemistry teacher coming in, Bort immediately switched focus to the material and the lesson while Cinnabar took out their phone to text the number that Phos gave them a while ago.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Hi 😊
Phos3.5:                    Hiii!!! 😊😊😊
Phos3.5:                    What’s up?
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Nothing, just wanted to see how you were doing
Phos3.5:                    Im doing fine!!! Class is boring though…
Find out whether they are the same person.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     What class are you having?
Phos3.5:              Chemistry I think?
Moonwalkerpatrol:     You think?
Cinnabar looked up and stretched their neck to look at Phos, who was, in fact, typing under the table.
“Cinnabar, you seem excited, could you tell me the last step of crystallisation?” Cinnabar immediately shrunk back, looking at the board in hope that it would offer some sort of help.
“I-in an experiment for salt? O-or for gemstones?”  
“In an experiment to obtain salt.”
Cinnabar stuttered for a bit when Bort subtly slid over their notes. “Uh, turning off the heat and letting the rest of the water evaporate naturally.”
“Correct.” Cinnabar shrunk back into their seat, face burning after a having to speak in front of the whole class, sinking their head into their arms.
*Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping*
Cinnabar looked up at their phone, which was dinging quietly with notifications. If that new fighting game that they downloaded was the culprit then it could be deleted, it wasn’t that interesting. It wasn’t, indeed, the new fighting game, instead they were looking at 35 new messages from Phos3.5.
Phos3.5:                    MOONY      
Phos3.5:                    Are you there?
Phos3.5:                    R u ok?
Phos3.5:                    Where are you?
Phos3.5:                    Answer me I’m getting worried
Phos3.5:                    You could see my messages then you couldn’t, are you ok?
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Srry
Phos3.5:                    OMG are you okay???
Moonwalkerpatrol:     I’m okay, just contemplating why I’m alive
Phos3.5:                    ☹
Phos3.5:                    Is it smth I said?
Phos3.5:                    Im sorry
Phos3.5:                    I love you tho
Moonwalkerpatrol:     I’m sorry, it’s not your fault!
Phos3.5:                    You’re alive cus you’re an amazing person
Phos3.5:                    And you probably are an amazing person in real life too
Phos3.5:                    You’re great at gaming but you’re also really good in making me feel good
Phos3.5:                    And you’re probably really pretty too
Phos3.5:                    But even if you aren’t you’re beautiful inside and I know that for a fact.
Cinnabar stared at the texts that had overwhelmingly positive compliments that were flowing in unprompted and unconditionally.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Sorry… just thinking of stuff and got distracted so I didn’t see your messages
Phos3.5:                    Haha, there was some poor kid who got picked on by Sensei to say the answer, I would’ve helped them but I didn’t really know the answer either…
Moonwalkerpatrol:     …I feel sorry for them
Phos3.5:                    Yeah… they’re sorta scary but they are sorta pretty too. I’m sure you’re pretty too tho
Cinnabar mentally processed the fact that Phos called their real self pretty, giving them the confidence that spurred them to text their next message.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     About real life tho, do you want to meet up sometime? Like, in real life?
Phos stared at their phone in awe, with wide, wavering eyes, ignoring the teacher entirely.
Phos3.5:                    AAAAAAA I was thinking the same thing!!!
Phos3.5:                    Wait that wasn’t a typo right? You don’t mean the Ruby Stadium on level 5 right?
Phos3.5:                    Or the Shackle Ruins that we usually meet at
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Nope
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Uh actually
Cinnabar took a deep breath, ironic as they were texting and not speaking.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     I go to a school called Gakuen Houseki, we could meet at the gates at some point?
Phos3.5:                    OMG!
Phos3.5:                    I GO THERE TOO!
Phos3.5:                    THIS IS AMAZING!
The bell rang, signalling the end of this period and the start of the next one, Bort was flipping through their notes trying to memorise as much as possible. Antarc lightly smacked Phos.
“What?” Phos questioned, still on a high.
“Class, as you – should – already know we have an exam today. Books aside, pencil cases out and phones away, I’m looking at you Phos.” Phos reluctantly put their phone away as the class plunged into a concentrated area of fear and concentration.
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
“So, they go to our school, and they want to meet you.” Antarcticite confirmed, walking back home after school.
“Yep! We just have to decide on a date.”
“Where are you guys going to go?”
Phos hm’d for a while, staring up at the sky. “I don’t know, maybe… the Waffle House?”
“Not the place I’d go for my first date, but I won’t judge.” Phos reddened at the statement, only really registering the ‘meet up’ aspect and not considering that it might be their first legitimate date.
Once they got home Phos rushed to the computer and started it up.
“Hi Moony-kun,” chimed Phos as they connected their headsets.
“Hi Phos. How was your exam?”
“I’m pretty sure I bombed it, you?”
“I don’t pay attention in Biology so...”
“You had a Bio test too? Do you have Alexandrite sensei too?”
“Yeah, that sensei is tough, they give tests all the time.”
“So, when do we meet? Wednesday?”
Cinnabar considered this, it was Monday, but the Waffle House Cinnabar was thinking of going to only served their favourite dish on Sunday.
“Sunday maybe? I want to take you somewhere, but the best dish is only served on Sunday.”
“I have somewhere I wanna take you too! We’ll take turns then.”
The game started and they both turned from discussing their Sunday plans to screaming strategy.
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
The days went by a little too slowly, Phos was sprawled on the grass tearing apart flowers while Antarc was trying to help teach them the homework, inside the classroom was a very different atmosphere.
“Cinnabar, are you okay?” Jade looked at them in concern, Cinnabar was killing zombies on their phone, letting off some steam.
“Yeah, it was just a dumb argument anyway.” Cinnabar mumbled.
“Well… Dia is crying in the janitor’s closet right now and refuses to come out so I was wondering whether you were okay. It’s okay to not be okay.”
Cinnabar suddenly felt the world’s eyes on them, like in a click of the switch, or the reality of Jade’s words just crashing into them like a bullet train. If Cinnabar were to be honest with themselves, they legitimately did not feel bad about the argument, it was dumb, they should apologise, and they felt slightly ashamed for running their mouth like that, but not hurt. That scared them. Now Dia, one of the softest, kindest students in the class was off crying in the closet because of something that they did. It should hurt. Cinnabar should be feeling sadness, or anger, but all they’re feeling is guilt. This overwhelming guilt and a gnawing voice that tells them that everything they touch crumbles and dies, is stained or shattered.
Cinnabar noticed a soft *ping* from their phone.
Phos3.5:                    Heyyyyyy
Phos3.5:                    Im bored
Phos3.5:                    You’re not in class right
Cinnabar thought about it, about seeing Phos and knowing and being with them in person, not just behind a screen or from across the classroom. Phos was pure, innocent and kind. They wouldn’t want someone like them anyway.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Actually, I’ve been thinking that this isn’t really sustainable.
Phos3.5:                    Busting out the big words? Haha
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Phos, I think it’s best if we don’t see each other on Sunday. This wasn’t going to work out anyway.
Phos3.5:                    I don’t get it, are you cancelling our date?
Cinnabar bit their tongue at the word ‘date’, forcing tears back into their eyes.
Moonwalkerpatrol:     Not just the date, I think we should break up.
Phos stared at the words in disbelief, everything was going fine, they didn’t have a fight or anything! Moonwalker couldn’t just… they couldn’t just leave like that.
Phos3.5:                    But why?
Phos3.5:                    What happened?
Phos3.5:                    We can work this out, talking is always the best, keeping everything inside isn’t going to help.
Phos3.5:                    Moonwalker?
Cinnabar couldn’t bear to look at the messages, turning off their phone and packing their things.
“Cinnabar!” Cinnabar spun around, trying to break the grip that Bort had on their arm, “It’s only lunch time, you aren’t going home are you?” Cinnabar bit back tears, forcing them to stay in their eyes and not drip down.
“And if I am? You can’t stop me.”
“Look, Dia is sensitive and cracks easily, but that doesn’t mean you can just run away from it.”
“This isn’t about Dia okay? Let me go!”
“No, I can report you to the teacher for trying to skip class and they’ll have record of it, do you want a black mark?”
“Oh, now you’re threatening me?” Cinnabar felt a trickle slowly make its way down their cheek. “Just leave me alone.”
Bort sighed and let go. Cinnabar didn’t bolt or run, just sat down and put their head in their arms.
“It’s okay to talk about it you know. I’m really bad with people but I won’t judge.” When Cinnabar turned their head slightly to peer at Bort the other had sat down and was looking at them with almost reassuring eyes, their words echoed Phos’s too much to ignore. Phos.
“I-I broke up with Phos.” Bort looked taken aback.
“Before or after the fight?”
“After. It’s just, whenever I do anything it just hurts everyone around me: Dia, you – I don’t want Phos to be the next one.” Cinnabar rested their cheek on their arms, eyes almost but not quite closed.
“Well firstly, it’s going to take a lot more than being a bit angry to hurt me, so I can be taken off your list of victims thank you very much.” Bort paused, sensing that it might not have been the best thing to start with. “But secondly, you have been nothing but kind to Phos. You’re a bit rough on the edges but it isn’t a guarantee that they’ll get hurt because you’re there, if that was true you would’ve hurt them by now from how long you tell me you’ve been together.”
“Phos deserves better than me.”
“I would actually argue that you could do better than Phos.” Cinnabar glared at Bort, who managed to get the point. “Either way, aren’t you hurting them way more by dumping them?”
Cinnabar felt like the world was sucking out their soul, slowly reeling it into the darkness.
“It’s better that I hurt them now rather than have them be hurt by me many times in the future.”
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
Phos was crying, while Antarc hugged them, seething with rage but trying their best to have a reassuring, comforting aura. They bit back insults towards Moonwalker as they knew it wouldn’t make Phos feel any better, but they sit were angry that anyone would hurt Phos like that.
“I-I don’t know *sniff* why they would do that. I- *sniff* I didn’t say anything wrong, did I?” Antarc handed them a tissue.
“You didn’t do anything wrong Phosphophylitte, in no way was it your fault.” Antarc bit back the unsaid ‘It was Moonwalker’s fault’. “Come on now, wipe your tears and toughen up. We can learn from this that unexpected things can happen, even if they are unpleasant. We can’t fight it; all we can do is stand up afterwards. So get up, that’s it.” Antarc helped Phos get on their feet, still blowing into the tissue. The warning bell rang, Antarc shouldered Phos’s things for them.
Cinnabar watched them walk into the class, Phos with red eyes and sniffing and Dia being quiet and down. They buried their head in their hands.
Antarc scanned the classroom, for once not paying attention to the lesson as much. There was only one class having a Biology test on Monday and that was their class, if Moonwalkerpatrol was from their school (which most likely they were telling the truth as they could chat with Phos about a particular teacher) then they would be in this class. Antarc heard Moonwalkerpatrol’s voice before, they could remember hearing something similar in one of their classes, but they couldn’t remember who…
“Could Bort’s group present next?” Bort nudged Cinnabar, who was the other member in the group.
“Is Cinnabar okay?” The teacher looked mildly concerned.
“They just,” Bort hesitated, “Didn’t get much sleep last night.”
Cinnabar sat up, “I’m fine,” they said quietly.
The two got to the front of the class and presented, Cinnabar said the information they needed to, in as loud a voice as they could since the teacher interrupted them several times to say they needed to be louder. The entire class’s eyes were on them, they could feel it. They could feel the stares, the whispers, Cinnabar glanced towards Phos, who was staring at them with slightly narrowed eyes, Cinnabar broke eye contact and looked away guiltily. That made them feel worse. The other groups did their presentations, they had another class, and finally the bell rang to signal the end of the day.
“Phos, you walk home first okay? I have something to do first.” Antarc said after class.
“Oh, okay.”
Antarc walked to the back of the classroom where Cinnabar sat.
“Hey.” Cinnabar jerked their head up, looking Antarcticite in the eye, that was another reason they knew it was Phos, because they were sure it was Antarc’s voice through the headset sometimes as well. They averted their eyes to their notebook. “You’re Moonwalkerpatrol aren’t you.”
Cinnbar nodded, with only the barest of movement to indicate confirmation.
“Are you trying to pick on Cinnabar?” Came Bort’s voice, with Bort glaring at Antarc, the two locked in a fierce battle with knives and swords and saws clashing.
“Cinnabar just dumped Phos over text with no indication why after they were the one to ask them to meet in real life. If that doesn’t sound like asshole material, I don’t know what will!”
“Cinnabar might seem like an ice queen, but they can’t be because you obviously claim that throne. They feel really bad about it, and literally only did that because they are an insecure person who for some reason doesn’t think they’re good enough for someone as lame as Phos!”
Cinnabar was surprised that Bort was standing up for them but with every word from either of their mouths they sunk lower into their chair, wishing they could disappear, wishing they could go away, wishing-
“SHUT UP! Both of you!”
Cinnabar looked up to see none other than Phosphophylitte them self, arms straight out beside them after stomping their foot.
“Phos, I thought you went back.”
“Well after I figured out who Moonwalkerpatrol was, did you really think I’d go? Antarc, I get that you care about me, and that you’re angry but this has nothing, nothing to do with you.” Phos grabbed Cinnabar’s hand, who was still in shock, and pulled them out of the classroom.
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
Cinnabar breathed out, with their breath appearing as a misty steam in the cold, winter air. They were still holding onto Phos’s hand, which wasn’t pulling at theirs anymore, there was no point for their hands to be linked except for the fact that it never felt right for them to let go. The silence was rather comforting, there was a hint of frost on the pavement and a cooling breeze. Cinnabar felt Phos shiver.
“Are you okay?” Cinnabar realised that Phos’s hand was cold and stopped.
“I’m fine, just a bit cold, I didn’t bring my jacket…” Cinnabar considered this, they hadn’t brought a jacket either, but something caught their eye.
“C’mon, let’s go inside.”
Both stepped into the Waffle House, the warmth washing over them.
“Ah, I have some money in my pocket, let’s get something.” Cinnabar hadn’t used their lunch money; they had decided to skip today, and lunch had been a bit hectic.
After both were seated with warm wraps and a milkshake, Phos decided to break the silence.
“I’ll pay you back.” They blurted, after having taken a bite and feeling a bit warmer.
“You really don’t need to; they don’t cost much anyway. Besides, I owe you.”
Phos put down their wrap. “Moony-kun, you don’t owe me anything, you know that right? Yes, I was upset, but not with you, just the fact that I didn’t know why. I understand now, and I still love you just as much.”
“Ah, see that, right there. You forgave me so easily. I don’t deserve that.”
“Yes, you do. That isn’t arguable. Now eat your wrap, it’s going cold and you look underweight.”
Cinnabar obediently bit into the wrap, it was genuinely delicious and filled Cinnabar with a warmth that coursed through their body.
“When did you become so responsible?”
“What do you mean? I’ve always been more mature than my age.” They both laughed, Phos trying to drink the milkshake and getting whipped cream on the side of their mouth due to not being able to stay still.
“There you go, being soooo grown up.”  Cinnabar said, using their thumb to wipe the whipped cream off, then promptly licking it off their thumb.
Phos gasped, “Moony-chan! - Cinnabar - that was an indirect kiss!”
“Well firstly, you can still call me Moony if you want to but my name is Cinnabar so you can call me whatever you like. Secondly,” Cinnabar leaned closer to Phos, “Aren’t we dating already?”
Phos turned as red as well, a Cinnabar, and made a failed attempt at hiding behind their wrap.
“So we are dating again. Good.” Phos lowered their wrap and looked at Cinnabar, “I’m really glad that Moonwalkerpatrol turned out to be you, you look prettier than your avatar in the game, and Aurora is pretty sexy.”
Cinnabar stared at Phos with their mouth agape, slowly flushing red. “You-you- when did you get smooth?!” Phos laughed at that and they continued chatting and talking as the clock moved its hands.
“I was planning on taking you here, they only have the blueberry delight waffle on Sunday,” mentioned Cinnabar.
“Same! For the exact same reasons! I guess if we went out on Sunday, we’d wouldn’t know what to do after Waffle House.
Just then the bells at the door dinged as it was opened, the two looked up as the shop had been fairly quiet. The two who came in were none other than Antarcticite and Bortz, bickering while holding twice the number of bags they should have been.
“Why would they come to the Waffle House?!”
“Well maybe not everyone is an ice queen and has warm blood running through their veins and so need some warmth!”
“That makes no sense, if your point is that humans are warm blooded creatures then that proves my point that your body can regulate its own body temperature.”
Antarc spotted Phos and Cinnabar, who were watching in amusement.
“There you are! You left and walked all the way here without your bag, money or even your jacket!”
“I’m fine, Cinnabar paid for the wraps and we talked things out. Everything is okay now.”
Bort and Antarc shared a look that wasn’t of pure hatred, and after putting the bags on the seats they both bowed.
“I’m sorry I got mad at you and yelled without knowing what happened.”
“I’m sorry for calling you lame and for yelling back without watching my tongue.”
Phos and Cinnabar looked at each other in pure amazement, then started to whisper to each other.
“I’m sure Antarcticite was the one who got Bort to do it, Bort has a ton of pride.”
“You clearly don’t know Antarc because when they think what they did was right they will never apologise.”
Phos noticed Bort and Antarc standing there awkwardly and pulled away, clearing their throat.
“Ahem. Cinnabar, should we accept their humble apology?”
“I believe we should.”
Bort sighed in relief. “Can we please get something to eat, those waffles are smelling really good right now.”
Antarc grabbed their wallet, “Yeah sure.”
(Houseki No Kuni Gift Exchange!)
“Hi Cinnabar~ Ready for Christmas break?”
“Yep! Ready to be done with school and finally try out that new action game.”
“You mean you haven’t tried it yet?”
Cinnabar looked at Phos in amusement. “We had like, four tests in the past week, where did you find time?” Cinnabar chuckled as Phos sputtered.
“Hi Cinnabar, hi Phos.”
“Good morning Dia,” Cinnabar greeted, Phos just waving as a reply.
“Where’s Antarc by the way?” asked Cinnabar.
“Something about making sure that the term-end project was the highest quality, they slept over at Bort’s place.” Phos grinned, “Isn’t a ‘class project’ the oldest excuse in the book for hanging out with someone?”
Cinnabar shrugged, “Hey, knowing those two they probably spent all that time actually doing the project.”
Right on cue Bort and Antarc arrived, panda-eyed and bickering as usual.
“Oh Phos, good to see you made it to school on time, hi Cinnabar.” Cinnabar waved and Phos greeted them back.
“Remember the rules,” reminded Bort.
“No flirting at the desk. We weren’t flirting though,” Cinnabar defended.
“Yeah, we were just wondering if you guys managed to complete your project.”
Bort and Antarc looked at each other, “Well we did, at 5am.”
“Who was it who wanted to add the history of it on top of everything?”
The two started bickering yet again, with Phos just shaking their head in mock disapproval and Cinnabar laughing.
“Those two just go into their own world don’t they.”
“Yep. Hey I came up with an experiment!”
“You and experiments. What is it?”
“Experiments are the only fun part of science okay? Anyway,” Phos took Cinnabar’s neck in their hands and they both kissed, deep and long with the warmness seeping in, enveloping both of them in a cosy feeling. When they were devoid of oxygen they broke apart, gasping for breath, simultaneously turning around to check for reactions.
“Aaaaaaand they’re still bickering.”
“If they didn’t notice that then they are definitely whipped.”
“I love you.”
“I love you even more.”
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