#im gonna start posting sketches... if i ever make em
hyponautica · 2 months
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*rises from my little cavern in which i have conjured an item* hi have this! it took... 13 hours. i dont like the background *slithers back into my cove*
just moon herself under the cut vvv
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wizardlizard32 · 1 year
Been silent for a while so I thought Id give an update
Brain has been absolutely FLOODING with ideas for different projects I wanna make like stories and games as well as fanart pieces I realized I never did that I really wanna do and its been so much that Im having a hard time functioning as my brain is constantly dividing itself (Dont worry Im still happy just overwhelmed with thinks ;v;)
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I've been experimenting around with softwares to see whats best for me to continue animating in/most comfortable and sadly scrapped some Ideas but I have settled on my next animation a big reanimation project for Sonic adventure where I try to reanimate all of gammas cutscenes. This is definitely gonna be a longer project but I have already started doing sketches to get an Idea of how to render em in my own style heres a little peak at that .
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Im also doing a bit of a fan piece on the side of my favorite souls borne boss ever Pontiff Sulyvahn or as I call em MY BOI POPE SULL. Legit a great antagonist and just hands down the coolest fromsoft boss heres a look at that too.
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I actually have more dine than this but not a lot more?
Anywho for game Idea stuff Im still workin on my little Weaver knight project I'm almost done Sir Apells reference sheet then I will be moving on to other characters and regions like "The Storied Knight" or "Craneus the fountain of scholars". This project always gets me super giddy and Ive even started thinking of a sequel game called "Voyager"
Heres some looks into these.
The whole Idea of the first game is to literally weave your way through levels with different types of thread that do different things enemies that can only be defeated with weaving and puzzles that work around the different thread types
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And then we have story Ideas these are jumbling around in my brain the most sadly I dont have any art for the most of them that I havent shown already but the list goes
Tales of Uvanos - I really cant share much on this one without giving away its big twist but... Magical fantasy setting with some """fun""" takes in things like Dragons Magic and Bird People ;v;
Endless wilds - Monster hunter/Ghibli style post apocalypse with """"Magic"""" being more like an extremely unstable element on the periodic table than actual magic Robot tries to raise a Human child who thinks shes a Bird also sinister somethings crawling back up from a long gone age.
Unnamed scifi project - pretty simple people fight eachother in giant mechs theres a dinosaur alien dude antagonist simply named Shred who I do have a sketch for <:D
Prefantasy - FANTASY WORLD BUT SET IN THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD the people are trying to figure out the mystery of "the growing star"
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I will eventually give all these original projects unique tags when they start getting really fleshed out but until then I got nothin.
Anyhow thats all I got for now hopefully this brain dump helps me get back to a functioning state so I can get back to work on...well ALL THIS O/_ [,,,,,,]
Anyhow sorry thank you GOODNIIIIIIIGHT
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bioodorange · 4 years
so. i have been thinking. i know you said you wanted drabble ideas, but this is just a thought i had. how would the creeps react to seeing their s/o after a long time away? like, what do they do while they can't see their s/o? when they can see them in-person again, how is it? like, it's been months since they've seen each other and now they get to be together again?! :) (quarantine loneliness has low-key been getting to me lately tbh 😔) - dove anon 🕊️
Please excuse my shitty layout i have no idea how to use tumblr on a computer (thanks ava for letting me use your laptop at work) Also Im gonna include your favorites because you're my favorite.
So Toby is a very clingy person(?)
He craves attention, validation and emotional security
This mans would be a mess without his s/o around
You guys would be apart a lot considering you’d either be a proxy OR a human
You’d be used to him being gone alot because of missions but if it was for more then a week he’d have a hard time
During the time you were gone he’d call you A LOT
And on face time, not just calling or texting
He’d excitedly seggust you stay up all night
Three nights in a row
He would send you his hoodie in the mail or leave it in your room if it was quarentine or something
Would tell you everything about his day and send pictures of the smallest things that reminded him of you
He’d need a lot of support and love on your end
When he finally sees you again no matter your size you’re getting tackled in a hug
Lots of face kisses and nuzzling his face in your chest
He wants to play with your hair, look into your eyes, everything he couldn’t do before
Good luck getting away, this dude plans on keeping you in his lap for as long as he can
Tons of cuddling and him filling you in on absoulutely everything
When he’s done talking he’ll sit there and wait patiently while you tell him all about your life
Will be 100% you changed something about yourself even if you look the exact same
Tim is a grr im too cool for this shit kinda guy
But will melt upon seeing his s/o for the first time in a while
For this I kinda imagine maybe you’d have something outta town?
He would scroll through his phone all the time
Read old texts, look at old photos, hell he’d scroll to the end of your social media timeline
Constantly look at something when you posted
If you had a favorite food or something your favorite show- it’d be weird to him without you though
This dude would get so upset each day he woke up without you
Would call you just to hear your voicemail
Whenever you do have time to talk to him lots of asking if everythings ok
“I’ll come down there if I have to, it’s not a problem”
Just wants to make sure you’re okay as you can be
When you do come back he feels a bit awkward not sure how to express his emotions
Will offer lots of activities to do
Hiking, watching a movie, whatever you’d like
He’d hang around a lot more then he usually does
Wouldn’t be as clingy (physically) as Toby but would keep his arm around you
If he’s in the right mood might even make you breakfast or something
If you’re away for a REALLY long time he’d take picture of pretty views and make them into little postcards to send you
Babes doesn’t know how to express himself
As possesive as this little shit is
Thinks ‘Oh yeah I won’t miss em THAT much’
But thats because he can reach you like anywhere there’s a screen
Once he learns theres no devices allowed (where ever you are I dunno)
Automatically everything changes he’s like “Wait- wait what”
And suddenly he feels emotions
Tries his best to convince you not to go or to tag along 
“Fit me in your suitcase I’m t i n y!”
Will definetely get discouraged when you keep telling him now
This petty bitch would consider the silent treatment
Only consider because you’d be leaving you soon
When you leave he tries to tough it for the first few days
But not having you around REALLY gets to him
Would bug everyone else for attention and shit
When they eventually get tired of his shit he starts plotting
Lets say you were like doing one of those long cross country trips
Where you stay in hostels and shit
This dude would have like a 35 step plan just to show up in your room
and be like “I told you so!” “...Ben how are you gonna get back home?”
Would sulk around at the fact he was kinda dumb
Inbetween laughs you’d comfort him
Spend time with him as much as you could before he had to go back
From there he’d wait around his phone until you had internet to talk
As soon as you get back he hangs around you
When you’re watching TV hes there
Even if you can’t see him
Will NEVER admit how much he missed you
But you both know
So out of all these salty crackers this mother fucker is the saltiest
like so much damn salt the ocean is jealous
sorry I just like bullying Jeff
Anyway! He’d try and get you stay with really shitty tactics
Like he’d take your toothbrush or some shit 
“Aw dam what a shame you cant go anymore, why don’t we go watch some TV”
Dumb potinless arguing like “Why do you h a v e to go, you’re not gonna die. What if I die while you’re gone? How would you feel then hUH!?”
Will sit there sulking as you get ready to go cause he wants to see you leave
As soon as you leave he’s calling and checking in to make sure you’re ok
Would send you texts every morning for you to wake up too 
Would scroll through your social media and accidently do the thing where you like a 5 year old photo
Quickly unlikes it and tosses the phone in the corner 
begone demon!
He’d look through stuff on your desk or maybe a sketch book you left behind
Read old books you like
Just chill in your room all day cause he misses you
Has the day you’re coming back marked on a calendar
When you come back he‘s like “Yeah you’re never leaving again”
Picks you up and takes you to his bed or something
Yeah you guys are sitting there and cuddling until someone dies
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Pink Chains
Pt 8. Ending
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
Nsfw. Virgin reader. Vanilla
Tags. @galagcica @haikyuu-but-low-iq @kozushiki @mocha-babes @kayisweird @lunebabie @zopzoop @derpeedoo
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You were sitting on Kyos lap facing him holding his cheeks kissing him all over his face. Kyo had his hands on your rear trying his best not to tug at your panties and just kiss you . He was still thinking about what happened earlier , and you could tell. His kissing was getting sloppy .
You pulled away to sit on his fingers and lap giving him a shy pouty look. “Kyo…”
“Im sorry sweetie.. its just.”
You kissed him on the lips. “Just nothing. Wanna feel good… wanna feel good with Kyo..”
He sighed kissing you back giving you the ‘ok’. You could feel his fingers along your slit travelign up and down lightly in slow strokes. He chuckled at the little whimpers you made no matter how hard you tried to hide them from him.
“Can i have my hand back sweetie?”
He smiled, kissing you again and again while his fingers worked on getting you wet for him. You leaned into him sighing lightly at the feeling, holding his sleeve, kissing it and rubbing against his fingers whining every time they slipped over your clit. Kyo kissed at your neck pulling you closer to him.
“Sweetie.. Lift up for a second”
You held him tight moving up so he could help you out of your panties and sit you on his lap again. You just had his old jersey on now but he quickly got rid of that too, tossing it with the other garments.
“My pretty girl” he pulled you to him, slipping another hand under you again to slip a finger in you just to be stopped short. “Sweetie? Are you a virgin?”
“Yes i uhm..i still want to , just be gentle please..”
Kyotani did not know how to process this for a minute, every girl who threw themselves at him was always some slut. He's never been asked to take it slow before. “Okay sweetie, if at any point you wanna stop, tell me.” he kissed you and slipped another finger in you. The rings hit your flesh creating goosebumps.
You squeezed him tight getting used to the new feeling, eventually he got you to slowly grind against his fingers and helped you reach your first orgasm helping you through it. You pawed at his lap watching his erection get bigger each time.
“ i think.. Im ready”
“Your sure?” he asked , removing his fingers from you to see your juices dripping off of them. He bit his lip and before he could say anything you were taking his erection out and rubbing it.
You leaned into him giving him big eyes. “Im sure Kyo..”
He kissed you as he gripped your rear lifting you up. “Okay sweetie. Tell me if you want to stop okay?”
“I will Kyo..”
Kyotnai had nails dug into his sleeves while he lowered you down on him. He was hurting you , he stopped a couple times to ask if you were okay and you always nodded between shaking breaths assuring him you were fine and to keep going. It took him a few minutes to sit you back down on his lap. You cried when he broke through. Biting his shoulder drawing blood. He held your body close coaching you through it just like he did for the tattoo. It helped.. It really really helped.
It started out with you on his lap and ended with you on his bed and Kyo on top of you finishing on your stomach. He squeezed you panting hard trying not to put his weight on you too much. You giggled kissing his head and he laughed too. He never wanted to leave you, not ever.
Kyo helped you clean up and asked if he could get you anything to help make you more comfortable. You jokingly asked for a stuffed animal expecting him to not have one but he did in fact have one. A old wolf plush and a Sendai Frogs plush he pulled outta his closet. Kyotani helped you get dressed in his boxers and one of his shirts before putting you to bed. He kissed your head watching you drift off.
“Night sweetie”
“Night kyo..”
Kyotani left to get dressed and to throw your clothes in the wash. He sat on the dryer just listening to the washer for a minute. So much has happened over a few days for him. Multiple times he thought he was going to lose you , he still had no idea how you stayed with him. He was grateful to have you, grateful Yahaba made up with him, grateful his business was working and was hopeful for the future. He returned to you soon after the clothes finished to place them next to the bed, he got in behind you wrapping his arms around you trying to fall asleep. He was not looking forward to the morning,
You woke up first because of your alarm and the sound of excited dogs. Your body was sore but you did not mind too much. Kyo squeezed you in his sleep and you giggled kissing his arm all over.
“Kyooo…gotta get up..”
“Skip sweetie..” he nuzzled his face into your neck sighing heavy
“I gotta.. Draw my entry for the Gallery though, and what will i do if i skip?”
“Hang out at my job with me of course. “ he teased nipping your neck.
You sighed turning over and kissed his chest.
“What gallery?”
“My school is participating in this gallery at the local art building in town. My teacher asked if i would join in, im hoping.. I get picked up.”
“Picked up?” he asked you, moving your hair from your face.
“I want to graduate with a job already lined up, im hoping someone will like my designs enough to want to partner with me to sell them on clothes.” you nuzzled into his chest. “But im nervous too cuz.. Business people just see money”
“Where is this gallery again Sweetie?”
“Up the street from Mattsuns shop” you rubbed your eyes and Kyo got a grin on his face.
“Can i come?”
“Of course!” you hugged him tight and he kissed your head.
“Dress code?”
“I think so but.. I dont think its mandatory”
Ho ho ho…
Your phone buzzed again and you whined loud. “Kyoooo let em up…”
He just laid down on top of you . “five more minutes”
You played with the dogs for a bit petting each one and giving them kisses on the nose, you even shared your breakfast with them when Iwaizumi was not looking. Kyo had washed your clothes but you wanted to wear his, the pants were too long so you made them into shorts and picked out a random band tee you tied under your chest and found your shoes in the living room. God you were so cute in hi clothes what the fuck.
He couldn't stay long though. Kyotani was greeted with several texts and calls from Yahaba ordering him to get to his place immediately. He gave you a kiss and promised he would be at the show for you and left. Iwaizumi brought you to school and he left for work to see Oikawa had opened with no problems.
Kyotani made it too Yahabas house to be greeted by him in the door, arms folded and foot tapping. Kyotani rolled his eyes, noticing the extra car parked out front. Bokuto was already here. He walked into the house past Yahaba to see Bokuoto sitting at the table trying not to look at Kyotani. He sat down across from him and Yahaba met in the middle between them.
“So explain… what happened.” he said, rubbing the irritation in his face.
“Well., i was out getting somethings and i saw Mad Dog, and i just i dont know. Got upset, all i could think about what the Tourney and the accident.” Bokuto rubbed his eyes and ran hid hands through his hair. “I hit him first Yahaba”
“And you?” Yahaba looked over to Kyo.
“I hit him back” he took in a deep breath sitting back in the chair to rub his sleeve.
Yahaba rubbed between his eyes. “At least no one saw it…”
“y/n was with me”
“Its true…” Bokuto added
“I almost punched her Yahab jesus christ, i still feel awful about it”
“She stayed with you?”
“Yes, she did, i dont know how but can we please fix this . i need to go to work and catch y/n’s art show”
“Is she okay Kyotani”
“She is now.” he looked away rubbIng his head. “I fucking hate myself.”
“Kyotani…” Bokuto said. “Im sorry, i let my emotions get the better of me and i should have more control than that. Akaashi gave me one hell of a lecture when i got home. I don't want to fight again.”
“I dont either”
Yahaba was still hung up on you putting yourself between these two and coming out without a scratch. Fuck you really were special.
“So can we agree to move on.” he finally asked them.
“Good. shake hands and get out of my house.”
The two got up shaking hands and they both felt a wave of relief wash over them. Finally.
Back at the college everyone was eyeing your outfit but you did not give one fuck. Yuki and Kii paid you no mind and you spent most of the day in the art room with a towel of crumbled up sketches in a trash bag neck to you. Why was this so hard? You signed in to your arm looking at the empty canvas, lightly tracing over your red panda tattoo.
“Mmm……”You traced some more getting an idea. It was different, new, and stood out. Two opposites.
At The Dog House Kyotani had finally gotten there to see Oikawa running the front and Iwaizumi putting clothes out. He told them everything was fine now and about the gallery show you were in. both men were excited to go and Kyo even texted Mattsun about it.
“Are you gonna wear a suit for once ?” Kawa asked Kyo
“Uhm no, no im not.”
“Why not!!!”
“Because i want to stand out when i tell y/n i want her to partner with me at the shop”
Iwaizumi and Oikawa both got very big smiles and Kyo rolled his eyes, he couldn't help but smile too . he was so ready for tonight, to see your face and your reaction. He was going to tell you he loved you too.
It was time for the Gallery and you were already inside setting up your space. You had to change clothes and put on a black dress with boots. Kyotanis clothes neatly tucked away in your bag. You were so happy with the finished sketch you loved it so much, you hoped Kyo did too , you also hoped someone would want to buy it ..
People were starting to come in and you quickly set everything up when your teacher came over.
“y/n, its going to be lovely, this is such a fancy high established place i have no doubt someone will want to pick you up”
“Thank you.. Heh.. i hope soo….”
Things were going good. People loved your piece and you got compliments on it, not many people understood its meaning or how you came to the conclusion to draw these two things together but you loved it. No one made offers though, unfortunately. You just wanted to see Kyo .. where was he?
“You look ridiculous Kawa” Mattsun said.
“The invite said SUITS!” he yelled at them as he parked his car.
“It also said not mandatory” Iwaizumi said getting out with his friends
Kyo got out stretching giving all these fancy people a smirk as they passed, hands on their chest gasping at the sight of him and his friends.
Everyone had regular clothes on, Oikawa was in a suit.
Kyotani was in ripped jeans, black boots and his shops shirt.
Oikawa was in a fancy black suit.
Mattsun was in skater clothes showing off his many tattoos
Iwaizumi was in jeans and a punk rock shirt.
“Ready ?” he asked his friends as he cracked his knuckles.
Everyone said yes and Kyotani could not wait to get inside this fancy place.
You were sitting by your art staring at all the people, everyone had stopped coming over to ask about it. No one was interested. You wanted to leave but you were required to stay till the night was done. You sighed checking your phone when you heard a very loud gasp.
“Oh my god…”
“You must have the wrong place…”
“This place is not for you lot”
“Ouch, im just here to see my girlfriend”
You got the biggest smile jumping out of your seat. “Kyoooo!!!”
People looked back and you waved. Kyotani pushed his way through and Oikawa apologized awkwardly to everyone as him and his friends past through. Kyo picked you up hugging you tight kissing your chest and setting you back down.
“Hows my happy girl”
“Super good now!” you squeezed him and said hello to everyone.
Mattsun checked on his tattoo on you and Iwai and Kawa said hello.
“Sweetie anybody pick you up yet?”
“No.. i .. i dont think people like it”
“Where is it ?”
You took his hand taking him and his friends back over to your space. His heart thumped when he saw it. Holy fuck. It was a very large drawing of a wolf and a happy red panda. The wolf was standing and looking straight on and the red panda was between its front legs with its front paws up looking very happy.
You leaned on Kyo hugging his sleeve waiting for him to say something. Mattsun knew instantly you were inspired by his style, he even saw his name next to yours for credits/ inspiration. Oikawa was speechless for once in his life and Iwaizumi was watching his friend with a big smile. Good for you Mad Dog.
“Sweetie…. “
“Do you like it ? its … it us heh.”
“I fuckin love it”
“Sweetie” he picked you up again and kissed your lips not caring who was staring. “ i love you y/n. I want you to partner with me in my shop. I want to spend my life with you.”
“KYO!!!” you wiggled in his grip till he put you down. You whined grabbing his face to kiss him all over. “ i love you too!! Yes yes!!!”
“And ill buy this art y/n” Mattsun told you.
You looked over and he smiled taking out his checkbook. “Thank you for putting my name on it, im touched.”
Everything was working out for you, nothing could be better.
The years went on, you agreed to move in with Kyo after you finished up school and used Mattsuns money to start up your designs with Kyo in his shop. He put your name on the brand making it yours as well. You made cute hoodies with ears and dresses along with cute animal bags. Kyotani still made his punk clothes and he still had his friends working with him. Mattsun had your art up in his shop and Bokuto visited regularly to ask how you were and so did Yahaba. Everything was perfect. Well. almost perfect.
Kyo was at his register going over inventory. It was after hours and no one was there but him and you. You skipped over sitting on the register giggling.
“Im almost done sweetie”
“It will only take a second!!!!”
He sighed looking up to see you holding a sketch book with three tiny garments on them, two looked to be boys clothes and the last one a girl.
“So you wanna sell kids clothes?” he asked, taking the book and standing up looking it over.
“Well … i was hoping we could use them for our kids”
“Sweetie we dont ha-........................................” he dropped the sketchbook looking at you,
You giggled, rubbing your stomach. “We do now!!!!”
Stick around for the sequel!!! 
Thank you for enjoying this story with me ❤️ i love this fic the very most it has a special place in my heart. Thank you for reading .
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axemetaphor · 3 years
im definitely not ripping off my friend by making a list of au ideas i have no siree //gonna slap this under a readmore cause i. well i say a lot. all of the time. i tried so hard to format this Good but tumblr fucked me up i am so sorry
so first-off i know i already have one WIP AU (Auckland) on ao3 so i wont talk about That one cause like. spoilers. i actualyl have it like 80% created so its likely gonna truly get finished for once and i dont wanna ruin shit
the other one ive posted about is something me and ben (catgirlrepublic) have worked on together its not at all close to done or anything but it's. a fun little crossover. Between jdate and my fuckinuhm. Original characters story “Untitled Villains Project”. the sketches of the comic version ive started is actually my pinned post 👉👈 its like the first chunk of the story, i think half of part 1? yea.
Tldr john fucking Somehow is able t oget into contact with a certain curious scientist from another reality who’d just love to study the Soy Sauce, most certainly not for her own nefarious purposes
John and Dave meet up with the scientist, her name is Boss, and her lab assistant, Toxic, and after a bit of a preliminary Vibe Check where john determines her trustworthy (which Dave doesnt agree with,) the two agree to be taken to the world UVP is set in. from there they stay in Boss’s lab (big old fucking abandoned military lab). John and Toxic are fast friends due to mutual love-of-chaos. John n Dave get to fuckin, camp out on an air mattress.
The day after they arrive, the two get split up, not exactly intentionally; big plot points of UVP are liek. Fueled by Boss sending Toxic to go fetch her “research materials,” which are usually important artifacts
Fuckin side note i guess i have to explain my dumb bullshit: Boss’s, uh, field of expertise so to speak is actually fckin, basically the scientific study of magic and superpowers n shit like that. This shit’s all real in that world. Toxic’s got fuckin superpowers, so do 4 other main characters, whatever. It’s got a bit to do with spirituality, iss Boss’s hypothesis. So she has Toxic fetch important artifacts that might have “energies” to them. The thing is actually way more fuckin complictated than that, this is just Boss’s initial hypothesis.
Motherfucking anyways. So Boss gives Toxic a job to do, and John get excited about how Cool that sounds, and ends up going with Toxic, leaving Boss and Dave alone. Neither is thrilled about this. But Dave and Boss get to have a bit of conversation (while Toxic and John are off bonding and having a good time) and come to a… mutual grudging understanding of some kind. They still dont like each other though lmao
Theres gonna be deeper shit going on but we havent sorted it out yet/tbh havent like Written For It in a while but i still like thinking about it a lot lol
Also pretty sure our endgame is john and dave steal toxic and bring them back with em lmao boss is kind of not nice and toxic would most certainly be better off in Undisclosed. Actually theyd fucking love it. Theyd become a local cryptid im sure. Undisclosed’s mothman is a teleporting spike baby.
I have. Another crossover AU that i might. Post something about for halloween? Maybe? If i have it finished?
Crosses over into, you guessed it, another one of my original-character projects. God, am i vain or something?
I promise this is just because i think blue and dave should get to team up to beat up some monsters
Quick briefing on my fuckinuh. Original character story, this one doesnt have a name (yet? Idk lol my work never actually goes anywhere sso who gives a shit). It centers around two grim reapers, Red (26, bi woman) and Blue (22, aroace agender asshole). In this reality or whatever, grim reapers function kind of like low-level office workers. They get told who’s going to die + when by some middle-management types, and upper management only involve themselves when punishment needs to be doled out. These Higher-Ups can be seen as analogous to Korrok; they’re decidedly not human, never were, and fucking terrifyingly powerful. Additionally, grim reapers are sort of .. designed to be “background noise” people. In reality theyre supernatural beings and, uh, look Real Fuckin Weird (the whole deal has a neon aesthetic im terrible at drawing uwu) but most humans just perceive them like extras in a movie. A body’s there but the camera’s not focused on it.
To the narrative: the shit starts when Red n Blue get relocated to Undisclosed. Relocation is something that just happens every now and then to reapers; they usually work in teams, but they get split up into different cities to avoid any strong bonds forming (a counter-union strategy from the Higher-Ups).
Red, Blue, John and Dave end up running into each other for the first time in a McDonalds where John n Dave are getting some 4am “hey, we just survived another horrific monster fight” celebration burgers. John and Dave are the only two people who can see how… strange Red and Blue are. Nobody else notices.
John unintentionally pisses Blue off, leading to Blue whacking him upside the head with a dildo bat. They all four get kicked out of McDonald’s. Dave and Red both are less than thrilled
Blue and John end up resolving their differences, somehow. Red and Dave briefly bond over their dumbass best friends being, well, dumbasses. They all part ways amicably.
somehow-or-other (idk yet) they end up running into each other a few more times, and eventually john invites them over to his place, and the four (plus Amy now!) get to know each other a little better
while there, Blue gets a text about some guy who's gonna die and John offers to drive them to where that's gonna go down. they take him up on the offer and get to have a bit of one-on-one conversation
after that ordeal though Blue has had Enough of people and bails, leaving John to head home alone
theres a sort of mirror-development going on with the five of em. Red, John, and Amy would all like everyone to get along, though theyre a bit tentative about it (John moreso than the other two, actually, jsut cause. well Red n Blue could still be Sauce Monsters). Dave and Blue on the other hand do Not like people enough for this shit, and Dave's not unconvinced theyre Sauce Monsters. he will not trust them until proven he should
the story's kinda nebulous but i got an idea for some Shit going down that involves both Sauce Monsters and also the Higher-Ups to have some fuckin absolute chaos go down.
Oops! All Trans
Everybody is transgender. Everyone
Ive actually workshopped this one both with ben (catgirlrepublic) and ghost (ghost-wannabe) lmao its a fun lil concept ive had from the get-go cause i mean. What’s an internet tran gonna do other than hit all their favourite media with the Everyone’s Trans beam
Dave transitioned post-high school and faked his death for it. People go missing in Undisclosed all the damned time, after all. He moved to the next city over, transitioned fully, then came back as a completely new man. Yes i know this doesnt exactly fit with the “everyone knows David from high school” thing alright, hush.
Anytime anyone brings up John’s old best friend (pre-transition Dave) John throws an entire fit like an overdramatic grieving widow. Full-on sobbing “why would you bring her up?! I miss her so much—” to the point that people just stop bringing up because Jesus Christ That Sure Is Uncomfortable KJHGFDS.
This is a scheme he and Dave came up with prior to Dave leaving, though Dave hadnt exactly anticipated John putting on this much of a performance about it— but it’s stopped Dave from ever having tto hear his deadname again, so hey.
Amy transitioned sometime in middle school/early high school. Her family was super supportive and loved her a ton and most people just know her as Amy. she was super shy her whole life really so. Yeah. people just dont think to bring it up lmao also i Feel Like big jim would absolutely wallop anyone who gave her trouble of any kind
John’s nonbinary (genderfluid specifically) and not exactly Interested in transitioning ? like hes fine with how he is. mostly.
he came out to Dave in high school but hes not out to anyone else exactly. Maybe his bandmates. Probably any other trans person in Undisclosed knows, too, cause theyre safe to tell lmao. Johns mostly a “he/him out of convenience” kinda nb who’s cool with any pronouns but does prefer they/them most. Dave and Amy use they/them when the trio are alone
Also this is a totally self-indulgent caveat that i think would be great, Dave’s actually agender but because he's transmasc and transitioned when he thought there were really only two options, and being Boy at least felt less weird than being Girl, he just kind of assumed he was a dude. It’s only through a lot of (like fucking years and years hes probably in his 30s/40s when he puts 2 and 2 together on this one) talks about gender with John that he realizes he actually feels like No Gender. Masc aesthetic with none gender.
I Just Think It’d Be Neat Is All Okay
Also Amy came out to Dave about being trans early on in them seeing each other and his response was to get very nervous before blurting out “me too” and then just being too embarrassed to talk about it for the rest of the day. Hes got a lot of hangups on talking about it actually it takes years for him to get comfortable in that
by contrast when Amy comes out to John about it his response is to yell “EYYY ME TOO” and give her a big ol hug lmao
I think itd be neatt if Amy ran a like. Transfem help/advice blog on tumblr. Kind of helped-with by John who can give her transfem nb insight for certain asks. I also just think that would be neat.
Cowboy AU - i put this one last cause its got drawings to it actually. Theyll be at the bottom
Basically just. Hey you ever watched a western. I think they look neat
This is another one me n ben have come up with lol
The soy sauce and all that shit still exist, im not sure where korrok fits in yet but ill figure it out
Theres no real like solid narrative yet ? but heres the barebones of everybody’s arcs.
Johns an absolute troublemaker, Of Course. Hes wanted in several towns for absolutely stupid shit. Hes a loner who shows up, causes chaos, gets drunk, does some drugs, runs away if people get too mad at him
He definitely had the same kind of deal with the soy sauce as in canon— he was at some kind of party, somebody offered it, he took it cause why the fuck wouldnt he, now he can see monsters and shit
Hes kind of a mooch also. Like. dont let him stay in your barn man he’ll never fucking leave and drink all your booze.
He runs into Dave when they happen to just, cross paths in the same town. the bullshit John stirs up ends up involving Dave in a way that makes it seem like it's his fault too, and they both get run out of town
after that he just tags along after Dave. hes decided this guy's Cool he wants to stick around. Dave is pissed at first, but not enough to shoot him or anything, and eventually, John grows on him
Dave also is a loner but unlike John hes simply so fucking awkward and bad with people. He doesnt feel like he belongs anywhere so he just travels
He’s the stereotypical Lone Ranger tbh. He wanders from town to town, solving their problems, though hed deny its out of any moral obligation (it kinda is, a little bit, tbh. He does like feeling useful). He shows up, fixes things, leaves. He's kind of a legend but most people think he's hiding something dark. other people jsut know him as that guy who farted real loud in the middle of the saloon and promptly skipped town out of sheer embarrassment. you know how it goes with Dave
He ends up involved with the Soy Sauce when a snake (not Actually a snake,) bites him. The snake’s more like the wig-monsters, really. Anyway, it injects him with the soy sauce, he fucking trips balls in the middle of the desert, he can see monsters now
He runs into John and shit goes tits-up, as said, but they become traveling buddies after that. he'd never say so, but he's glad for the company, actually. it's nice. hes not used to companionship but he feels a strange kind of easiness hanging out with John....
not sure how the Monster Dave concept will like fit in to this reality but like. trust me i want it in here. I'll Figure It Out.
Amy’s been living in a town John and Dave end up passing through and she is very curious about these two new Handsome Strangers who claim to fight monsters and just kinda. Persistently tags along til they let her join for real
Her family’s all dead, unfortunately, just like in canon, and she’s been living alone for a few years before meeting John n Dave. she had nothing left in that town to stay for, she'd been fantasizing about escaping on wild adventures for a long time and this felt a little like a dream come true. (Dave still gives her a spiel about how Difficult it is, but really, her fantasies were pretty grounded-in-reality already. i jsut think thats how she is, yknow?)
Shes the first person to react to the whole “we see monsters” shit with a kind of “oh, okay. neat” kind of response lmao
John and Dave fix whatever the fuck is up with her town (maybe that’s where the Korrok shit can fit, who knows) and Amy ends up being integral to that. After, she insists they take her with them because “they need her now” and Dave just cant really say no. John too is very much "the more the merrier!" and hes actually glad to have another person along he loves people lmao
At the start she has long hair but after she joins them she chops it short with a knife for convenience
also she still is an amputee. justt. idk. it was a wagon/stagecoach accident rather than a car accident lmao. just to clarify since i hadnt mentioned it, i wouldnt rob her of her ghost hand or yknow. all of the significance to her character that Missing A Hand has. although also now im going to have to research what was used as painkillers way-back-when, but im betting shes still got, like, her pain pills, they probably had those, maybe i wouldnt have to try too hard there. old timey medicine could be WACK though,
Yeah hes in tthis shit mostly cause i liked designing his cowboy self lmao
Hes a kid (like 16, 17, technically i think in those days that was more Young Man than Kid but whatever. Hes Young i mean.) who got possessed by the Worms out in the desert and, by his family’s perception, just went missing!
Hes also a wanderer, but he ended up at the same town john and dave met in, at that same time, and starts following them after, already aware of who/what they are.
He keeps his face covered 24/7. actually he covers a Majority of his self for reasons. kinda want him to be a slightly more horrifying Worm Entity rather than human idk,
I kinda dont have much for this boy yet sorry Shitload
images !
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with some editing notes for me cause im doing a very specific aesthetic with this lmao. i might change some lil details/colours though ...... idk
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im also kinda 🤔 about shitload's colour palette. i want things assoicated w the sauce to be black'n'red predominantly but i think his palette might mirror dave's too closely. also im working on a korrok design i jsut am too busy to draw it now
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If you are still doing the ask thing: Maybe Victor?
Favourite thing about them: I went on and on abt this before but I love talking about it.. also I'm gonna mention multiple things bc I'm a loser who loves this idiot too much to stay on just one
I think its just how gentle and timid of a guy he comes off,which i don't see people talk abt much. Maybe its just me but he seems to be this very mellow polite guy when he's not worked up. Even walton(though walton has bias) describes how gentle and polite he is,and how he passionately helps Walton out teaching him academics. (Which he also does w Ernest, and tried w eliza he likes to share his knowledge)
And also,again,how passionately invested and fascinated he gets ,even if its his doom i think that more stems from the pressure he recieved and longing to meet the expectations of his family and professors. And sort of overworking himself to prove himself. He seems to have like, a thrist for knowledge and how the world works and that contrasts with a lot of characters who live more in the moment. Hes overall just. Someone I find is oddly relatable? I sympathize with even his flaws,its fascinating to see like,someone who obviously very deeply cares for the people around him,but falls short in his connection with them in favour of his pursuits which may or may not stem from his want of their approval. And acting on emotion in the moment and not realizing til its too late.
Least favourite thing about him:
AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH u already know what I'm gonna say. I mentioned it like a post before,but theres that disgusting quote thats specifically in the 1831 version and its burned in my mind "every praise placed upon her i recieved as if to a possession of my own,no words can describe my relation to her,my more then sister,til death she was to be mine only" Its very period typical given its the 1700s and sort of expected granted how much Elizabeth was presented to him by his parents as his sole companion and a "gift". But its like a personal jab in the gut when I see it. And while I don't go by the interpretation that Victor and Elizabeth were truly interested in eachother and he was motivated mainly by fate and Caroline,its still undeniably gross and shows that he does have that misogynistic view that women can be regarded as ur own.
Favourite line: that one where hes contemplating death sort of in regards to Henry ,like "and where is this man now? With all his thoughts and ideas and love? Is he gone forever? No! He consoles his unhappy friend"(not an exact quote my memory isn't that precise rip) but firstly I find it very moving just how he talks abt Henry so caring. And it brings up an interesting thought. When people die,especially those we care about. What happens to all those wonderful thoughts and ideas and personality we know them for? Is their entire being just wiped from existence once they fall into nothing? Or do they live on either in memory and/or by afterlife?
He and his siblings seem to have very good relationships. Other than *that* icky icky line mentioned earlier he seems to have a very good relationship w Elizabeth,(I do NOT see it romantically good) ite mentioned how when Victor had a thirst for knowledge and Elizabeth had this admiration for the simple beauty of things,and this sort of difference brings them closer. They sort of grew up together and literally at one point only really knew eachother,so I imagine they are close and victor trusts to tell her a lot of stuff and vice versa. Ernest was mentioned to be his "star pupil". He likes to share his knowledge w em and he looks up to him for awhile. I think they both share an admiration for things like nature,though i think Victor would ramble Ernests ear off abt how it works. William isn't mentioned much but I reckon victors always there to answer his nagging questions like in the musical
OTP: u already know its Waltonstein and Clervalstein. Talked abt them a lot in two other posts already but- Walton and victor are so similar and lonely and I AaA. And Clerval and Victor have such a starking contrast that works so well and they care.so deeply abt eachother.
nOTP: Elizabeth and Victor. I live in utter ignorant denial everyday of its existence. Easy to make sense of why
Random Headcanon: my favorite headcsnon I've made of him is that he's an excellent artist and doodles to calm himself down,he also taught ernest how to draw.
Song i associate w them: a lot but a new one is Daniel Johnstons Story of An Artist. Im gonna go in more detail when I post my playlist update tho.
Listen up and I'll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren't so bold
Everyone and friends and family
Saying, "hey, get a job
Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?"
"We don't really like what you do
We don't think anyone ever will
It's a problem that you have
And this problem's made you ill"
Basically tho I feel like its Victor sort of talking abt himself and how critical his family (in particular Alphonse)seem to be critical of his commitments and interests?
Unpopular Opinion: i don't think he's the one true evil in the story,no one is,and i actually find him loveable and relatable even if he's a tragically flawed character. Which is relatively unpopular on its own but is starting to be otherwise i noticed.
Favourite picture of him:
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I like how this doodle came out? Yes he's stimming. Yes I'm projecting.
[ID: A screenshot of a sketch of Victor Frankenstein fidgeting his hands together,he has curly hair ,glasses,and is smiling/End ID]
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isa-ghost · 5 years
Achievements Unlocked?
The last decade has COMPLETELY shaped who I am now and the fact that it ends today and essentially sends me off into the next one where turning 30 is the end is something I can’t wrap my head around and not just bc it’s barely 9am as I’m writing it. Ten years hasn’t felt like ten years and all the shit that’s happened during those ten years feels like it’s happened in the last like,,, 3.
Basically this is just me going How The Fuck Did All Of This Happen In A Decade and highlighting the big things that shaped who I am now.
Uhhh this is long I’m gonna-
2010/2011 (Shit’s A Blur):
I started noticing aesthetic interests I had.
I developed my love for the outdoors and exploration.
I started realizing vaguely spooky things were really intriguing to me.
I got SUPER into Harry Potter.
Which lead to me creating my first two Ocs.
I started switching from drawing animals/landscapes to drawing people.
I made my first cluster of friends I hoped I’d have forever. (Spoiler alert: only still have one of em).
I started identifying with punk rock & emo culture/aesthetics.
I made my first cluster of online friends (Spoiler alert: don’t talk to any of em now)
I got into YouTubers.
I got into anime.
I made my first “blog.” It was a Facebook page for a fictional character.
I discovered my favorite band.
I made my first online friend I hoped I’d have forever (still have em so far!)
I met my future wife.
I started roleplaying with Ocs.
Which lead to making more.
I started drawing digitally using bases. Which started my improvement.
I made my own first little community via my FB page.
Which lead to an rp group of more friends I hoped I’d have forever (still got a handful of em!)
I discovered my other favorite bands.
I started using Skype.
I got into more anime.
My parents were officially fully separated. 
Which began the very start of realizing my dad was verbally abusive.
Congrats Isa, You Need Glasses You Dumb Fuck. Hooray astigmatism.
I graduated 8th grade.
I was essentially forced to move in with my dad for high school.
I started high school.
Officially became total anime trash and started watching them like crazy.
I THINK I hit 100 Ocs at some point this year. Just kept makin them from here.
Met my first cluster of irl forever friends (spoiler alert: only have 1 now).
Learned having Ocs was Not Just An Isa Thing, Holy Shit I Thought I Was Just Weird.
Promptly fell in love with learning about other people’s Ocs.
Realized Wow, I Kinda Can’t Stand My Dad And I Don’t Trust Him.
Had my first boyfriend. *gag* He was nasty.
Experienced my first long distance relationship. It lasted 3 days.
2014/2015 (Shit’s Also Blurry):
Got another long distance boyfriend. First relationship I genuinely liked the person.
I realized talking multiple people through the lowest points of their lives and keeping them from harming themselves was a sign I should maybe get into psychology and do that as a job.
I started getting interested in researching mental disorders.
Realized Okay Yeah, I Lowkey Hate My Dad
Realized I had A Concerning Amount Of Symptoms Of Depression. Fuck.
Realized Huh, Girls Are Pretty Too,,,
My friend taught me about bi and pansexuality. Casually started identifying as pan. Didn’t know shit about LGBT+ stuff.
Was shown a video by my friend. Decided Wow I Really Like This Screaming Potato Guy.
Acquired one more forever friend I still have.
Got slapped in the face by Gravity Falls.
My mom moved out of the rural town I just spent the last like 8 Years Of My Own Character Development In, Dammit
I realized money and finances Fucking Sucks.
Had the,, probably worst year of my adolescence. Angry, depressed, sick of my dad. It was Not Great. Almost started self-harming, only didn’t because I’d be a hypocrite if I did after helping my friends stop doing it.
Homestuck invaded my life around here I think.
Decided I’m Gonna Live With My Online Friends One Day! (spoiler alert: nope).
Was kinda forced by my dad to move out of the apartment I lived in and therefore forced to transfer schools.
Got to meet my future wife irl for the first time. Wow that was,, so gay before we even realized.
Okay Hold On, This New School Is,,, Really Nice.
New school. New me. New friends. New everything. Fuckity shit fuck.
Okay wait they have an anime club like my other school did we good.
Met another two forever friends that I think really are forever friends now.
Angry Shitty Depression Time Died Down A Little.
Somehow learned about evilsonas. Huh, Does Jack Have One? ... Ok Cool, They’re All People’s Ocs. Meh.
Started learning how to drive. Oh My God This Is Fun.
Lost my second ever pet and was... very confused when I wasn’t as traumatized as I was the first time I lost a pet.
Boyfriend kinda Thanos snapped from existence bc his irl life was hectic.
Experienced what it’s like to have a friend that died.
Wow my irl best friend is hot. ... Okay I Think Boyfriend’s Absence Is Bothering Me. *proceeds to ignore that*
Gets into some more bands.
Knock Knock, You Have Separation Anxiety, Isa.
Finally decided to try out high school things like homecoming. Ooh That Was Actually Fun.
The beginning of the worst end to a friendship I’ve ever had starts. Not Handling It Well.
Discovered Fooster. Cue hyperfixation on new favorite YouTuber and more new friends.
Wait What The Fuck What Just Happened To Jack’s Camera,,,, OH MY GOD HE ISN’T-
Totally forgets he exists for the next like 10 months.
Realization I Really Fucking Love Halloween.
Discovered what asexuality is and immediately identifies because I thought I was just weird.
Hmm maybe I should start watching this Markiplier guy
Big Sad Times, My Friends Graduated. Next Year Gonna SUCK.
Tried out Dungeons & Dragons. Fuckin loved it.
Ah fuck I’m a senior in high school this is gonna be a trip.
Discovered I like photography.
Literally where did this school year go it’s so blurry.
Was convinced to end the relationship with boyfriend. He’s still a good bean.
Hey uhhhh online best friend do u big gay.
WE big gay.
Found a book I really like that isn’t Harry Potter, damn it’s about time.
Ok But This Book Really Fucked Me Up, I Love It.
Oh that wasn’t so bad.
Actually had to be PUSHED by my friends to have my first kiss with my girlfriend at my graduation party because I was too busy going [dkasjdjf] about having her physically in my presence at all.
First super memorable vacation. Wow I Fucking Love Traveling.
Got to meet another online friend!! I am,, incredibly lucky about being able to do that, this was like the 4th friend I got to meet.
[That one motion blur conspiracy theorist meme] SABRINA IM TELLING U JACK IS UP TO SOMETHING HIS TWITTER IS FUCKY
Gets punched in the throat with Kill Jacksepticeye on the way home from vacation and remembers how much I fucking love Anti
TIME FOR COLLEGE. I made a mistake.
Friend I Still Have From High School 1/2 introduced me to Bendy and the Ink Machine. HYPERFIXATION TIME BABEY.
Let’s,,, lets try Tumblr. Jack exists there a lot. And so does good art of everything I’m interested in.
Wait Who’s This Baby With The Mustache, JACK EXPLAIN
Okay there’s More Going On Here, lets get active in the community.
Isa: Become Theorist
The rest is history, really, all stuff I’ve posted about on here. xD
And knowing me I’ve left out other highlighted bits but remembering all of this is,,, really exhausting lmao, I’m surprised I jotted down as much as I did in Relatively Chronological Order.
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shaddy-bee · 7 years
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Right now theres uhh Notebooks, both school and 1 art. Drink mix ins, with such great flavors as sour apple jolly rancher and crush pineapple (tm) Two packs of cards, one of which steam punk themed and the other your regular ol bicycle. A calculator. Its a shitty old one but its for tests, i have google and shit for anything i need myself.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A roommate. Idk if he is gay or what but he isnt straight, name’s will. Chill dude. Sleepin rn, what a fella MY SICK ASS COMPUTER IM MISSING OUT ON BECAUSE MY ROOMMATE IS ASLEEP AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE WITHOUT LAGGING TO HELL also programming my mods. Need to upload that shit. Shit what number we on, 3? Okay cool. A bed. Wow really a bed in your bedrooM? yeah its pretty fuckin spectacular i know. I dont have posters n shit so like i gotta be creative you feel. A microfridge. Now i know what youre thinking, “ah a small fridge whats the big deal?” but no you dont understand, its a microwave fucking bolted onto the top of a fridge. They gave zero fucks attaching these two together and apparently the name is the same way, WHY NOT A FRIDGEWAVE EVEN LIKE MICROFRIDGE JUST SOUNDS LIKE A SMALL FRI- Last but not least, im tempted to just say my wallet here tbh, cuz its old but like, youd EXPECT that now would you? Something boring and mundane for me to fill out the word count with making everything super exciting so nah man, fuck it. Theres air in my bedroom. Fight me.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Make a videogame. Like okay, a lot of stuff on this list is jokes and stuff, and I know im going into too much detail and my followers will probably murder me in cold blood for this shit, but im serious about this one like - i have some ideas, but i never have the motivation alone to like work whole-heartedly and finish one but like, at some point in the future id love to sit down and just go at it and make a game. Doesnt matter if its popular or big or small just i wanna make something that i love ya feel? I wanna like, go to newark, delaware. I know, its delaware and all, no one lives there, but ive met a bunch of cool people there and i was promised a donut run sometime, so lookin forward to that. Yknow that post awhile back that was like “i dont wanna be rich and like buy shit, i just wanna have enough money to throw at kickstarters whenever i want without having to strain on my food and rent costs” thats me. 100% Like i wanna have just enough money to be able to donate to cool people and watch them do cool shit - it wont always work out but thats fine, I just love shit. I wanna be able to donate like the high prize and fly out to meet these game studios for coffee and shit and just talk with em and see their passion and ideas. I love it. Im not actually really sure besides those. Like idk. I think itd be cool to enter a game tournament with my brother and win, but i doubt thatll happen and its not super like on my desires just itd be cool cuz we named ourselves Sora and Shiro after NGNL and to see that like, have us win would be great. Yeah. Ill make my fifth to think of a fifth one.
5 things on my to do list
FLOPPY DICKS i mean disks. Floppy disks. I do binding of isaac ab+ modding shit, and im currently working (its mostly done for what i want it to do) which adds a new consumable called floppy disks, effects are based on viruses, bugs, and just computer based shit. Like BSOD for instance, which makes the screen literately bluescreen. Or atleast look like it. Cant wait to watch people play with it. I gotta work on the programming class project too but honestly i dont waannnaaa. Like its cool as shit. Recreate a card game using c++ code. But man, i just love Apocrypha and Floppies so much more. Eat today???? Please. Dining hall opens in 3 hours. Its goddamn 4 am. I want my food. Dunno if ill get it - if ill stay awake till then. But i want it. Probably draw some stuff? Like i posted one drawing already (check it out if u wanna ;) kay?) but like theres wacom tablets here i can just kinda use whenever???? its great. I love being able to just draw stuff on em. Even if i suck at drawing, even if it took 10 hours to make the one i posted here, still love. Probably play more rocket league. Sleep first, soon as i get that food im CRASHIN BOI IM OUTTIE HA but uhh, rocket league has a halloween thing rn and i like playing it. Was playing earlier today and i matchd with a dude in 2v2 that had the same car, skin, AND colors set up as mine. Totaly random. We kicked some major ass together. I kept thinking of the same hat comic the entire time. (also my card was superior because it had furry ears on it ;))
5 things that make me happy
Getting an idea for a thing and working at said thing until like boom it went from this abstract idea to now it has a physical form and it works! And its fun and its great and i can share it with other people and they can have fun too!!!! that feeling is wonderful.  Obviously friends man. Just doing shit with people can be so great sometimes - like not all the time sure but like man. Its nice to talk to people and share experiences and just smile and tell bad jokes and have them groan but like it anyway like thats the shit. Going out at 2 am and walking to a nearby run down schoolyard and swinging on the swingsets and watching shooting stars burn up. Thats the good shit. Getting tents and setting em up in your friends back yard when your friend from far away comes up for a few days, and playing ridiculous games in a group like kick the can or fuckin zombie screaming your lungs out in the dark to freak em out, or just talkin around a fire about fuckin life man. The people make life great. Shits worth living for. I realize that last answer covered a LOT of shit but like, im just gonna add here videogames. Would be amiss if i didnt mention that, considering the rocket league rant above lmao. Yeah i better not make this category any longer.
5 things I’m (currently) into
Isaac modding, probably will be for awhile. Its good shit. As a suggestion from one of the people I work with (we also fuck around its a good time) i have started watching space dandy. Its a slow progress through lol like an episode or two a day but god man like its pretty ridiculous and the main character is pretty much everything i was expecting from seeing him everywhere. Rocket league again. It comes and goes with various different games to tide me over, give me a break from working. Bout 2 months ago or so said relaxing time was dominated by anime - i suddenly went on like a massive streak of watching shit. By that i mean, i watched all of hunter x hunter in like 2 weeks, among other shows prior to it. But yeah. Fuck man HXH I LOVED THE KING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I have too many emotions about that. I wrote a rant to the Groupchat (tm) about the fucking battle and how everything is in slow motion but it fucking like makes it like foreshadowed and have so much of an impact and still so much fucking happens even while everything runs at super slow mo just GOD KLASFJBHUGHASFIUHIPJASK anyway. Yeah. Music, as always im listening to like constantly. Wireless headphones are a wonder for this, but uhh....i cant say im especially into any specific thing rn right? Like a bit ago i was super into joywave and then that faded out and now im just listening to whatever random shit, yknow? But I am into music in general. Its good. Art! A lot of times i dont do shit like for drawing right, like especially not in like pencil in notebooks but like, i sorta started doing a lot more art stuff? Like i had a period awhile back last year where i stopped using pencils and used only pens and i just loved the aesthetic of the ink like how it looked (funny how im doing the opposite of the fucking inktober though, huh?) but yeah im back into using pencils to draw shit occasionally. Im still terrible at drawing people (which is what i see mostly everyone drawing on tumblr lmao RIP) but its fun to sketch stuff out and just let my thoughts run and bounce to some music and shit right? Also the tablets. Especially with the tablets.
5 things people may not know about me (at least on tumblr)
I basically constantly wear sweatshirts, and they all have like earbuds where the strings go. All the earbud shits are broken pretty much, like occasionally they work (the one i have rn does) but like, i dont ever really use them? i have wireless headphones for my phone and a headset (because i need the mic for my computer) for said computer so like, idk. But yeah. I rarely take em off when im not home, and sometimes even when i am i just kinda keep em anyway? (also just now i realized i talked in the section for room shit about all the stuff in my current dorm, my room at home has all KINDS of wierd fucking shit in it. Really missed an opportunity there.) Like many people i like to stay hydrated and shit, but drinking water all the time seemed like a chore more than anything so i got like drink mix ins and shit, mio’s or whatever offbrand version you can find at your local SUPERSTORE CONGLOMERATE. I drink em like all the time pretty much so atleast im health in one way :P. Also gummy vitamins. I dont excercise but you can only ask for so much. Idk, its hard to think of things for this section because tumblr knows so little about me yknow? Like i never make my own posts or shit like its SUPER rare so im pretty much just tryna find random facts but that might not be interesting? Like i have a bad habbit of like talking way too loud when im excited about something right? Not quite yelling but like getting there and like idk. See? Thats not super interesting but it is something no one online would be able to really know ya feel? Idk. I mean physically im kinda fat as you do, but im also like wierdly strong? Like for someone who never works out i sure do have arm strength if nothing else lmao. My endurance is shit tho. Honestly? I can only blame it on osu and groceries. Osu is just a game i like where you mash buttons to the beat of weaboo shit tier music. The groceries is just because like, well, my policy is Least Trips Possible which means carrying in 13 bags at a time if need be it, fuck it milk too? And a watermellon? Bring it. 
Who am I tagging? Idk man. Just for shits and stuff tho i do wanna tag @theoriginalyami just to see what all’s changed in teh long time since i actually went to fill it out :P Dont feel like you have to add as much as me tho omg @milkchocolateowl because honestly? love you. Think about you a lot, just like glad im mutuals with that ray of sunshine. Good. @fantaledfish <3 (this is the friend i mentioned earlier, runs a QUALITY blog i guarantee it, better than mine for sure) @dragonfucker-supreme always top in my notes, a silent bond, like two guards assigned to watch back to back in the early dawn. Birds gather round. I can only tag so many people (i set myself a limit of 5 because...idk why i just mentally it felt right) so for my last trick gotta go with @ask-oncies-jizz like cmon man name changes for the win, also has quality icons and quality shitposts tbh, supreme top meme. Have fun yall.
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Carly & Ali
Carly: last nite was good of you Carly: saying thanks cuz i read my text from last nite & it was Carly: I cudnt read it k thats facts Ali: nah, don't mention it, no bitch left behind Ali: plus, I know the cunt doing the ditching, been there, like Ali: was trying to translate but yeah, you were pretty fucked 😂 Ali: how you feeling this am? 💚 Carly: yea? hes not that bad Carly: im a slag like he said tbh Carly: feeling like i had a decent nite all things considered Carly: you? Ali: Gurl, yes he is and no you ain't! Ali: Probably Ali: Who cares if you are, he is, and the rest Ali: I dated him for a bit, so there's no shady, tryna steal your man on the sly going on, don't worry Ali: much the same, my head feels like someone took my eyes out and shoved 'em up my arse, you know? Ali: standard sunday vibes Carly: aw you're sweet but it's no diss on me Carly: like ive cheated on him a few times Carly: but he does it too you're right w that Carly: hes a good fuck when he's not too wasted tho which you kno if you got it too Carly: you're single now tho? Carly: can have him back if you want Ali: Fair play Ali: why not call it open and call it a day? Ali: Probs 'cos he likes fighting as much as he likes fucking Ali: Meh, yeah, was passable, gotta have some reason to keep him around, like Ali: Nah, going out with the girl that drove us back Ali: Remember? Dark hair, angry Carly: yea Carly: you know Carly: shit my bad Carly: she was scary is what i've got in my head Carly: idk my head is sketch cant trust it Ali: That's a fair assessment, I reckon Ali: She wouldn't hate it either so you good 😉 Carly: pretty tho Carly: call it a trade up Ali: Yeah, she's cute Ali: you need any more of the night filling in lemme know, I'll do my best Ali: it was pretty standard though, nothing too wild Carly: no faking it w her cuz shes too drunk Carly: designated driver be like Carly: last i see i was getting with his friend lowkey and he went off about it im blank from then Ali: its a fucking gay crime to ever fake it, no matter what Ali: I can get behind that one tho, not got the time or energy tbh Ali: yeah i think him and his friend then got in a scrap and then they left Ali: bros before hoes mentality hardcore, like idk, have fun jerking each other off then, if that's ur vibe boys Carly: k that sounds legit from what i caught on his socials Carly: didnt upload the circle jerk bless Carly: gay crimes must of been committed Ali: sad face Ali: coulda spat on his back Ali: protip Carly: ill let him know when he texts me later Carly: how did you kno where i live? state of me Carly: sorry to drag you this way Ali: plottwist, i'm a massive stalker with bad intentions Ali: I truly don't know, but I'll tell Lene she should be a cabbie 'cos she managed and I don't think we got any puke in her car Carly: k big lesbian crush on me yea Carly: ioher lots Carly: stealing her girl and wrecking her car in one Ali: Naturally, you cute Ali: I'll give you her number if you like, or just pass along the thanks and soz Carly: awh you're cuter Carly: probs still drunk tho Carly: giving me those kind words Carly: you handle the now ex if you love me Ali: Hahaha, he'd LOVE that Ali: ghosts of gf past Ali: Let me and I'll love you forever Carly: go for it Ali: let's see if I've still got his number Ali: this contact list is a minefield of mistakes but the real embarrassment would be getting them muddled up, fo'shame! Carly: i can give it Carly: used it more recently than you Carly: up there at my top Ali: won't be tellin' him that Ali: don't need the ego boost Ali: but tah Carly: makes it more fun to fuck him over if you praise him first Carly: but maybe thats me Ali: like a shit sandwich Ali: I get it Carly: hungry for anything but that rn Carly: [Sends the number tho] Ali: wanna come for brunch Ali: now you are newly gay Ali: that's what they do, fucking sex in the city up in dis bitch Carly: yea? weird Carly: not what i thought Carly: awh first date tho Ali: forreal, even the butch ones, don't let 'em fool you, its all fancy fucking eggs and screwdrivers by 11am Ali: you call 'em mimosas tho, gotta pretend you're being classy Carly: wtf is a screwdriver Ali: Babe! Ali: Vodka and orange juice Carly: i call it that Carly: gays and their labels Ali: save it for the rant sesh honey Ali: love you talking about how men ain't shit as well Carly: thats the ones i fuck Carly: cant be bringing no poshos to a caravan Ali: Posh boys are only good for the money anyway, I'm sure Ali: not finding any in 24 like regardless Carly: not gonna find out if they do drive by now im a lesbian wife Carly: sorry lads Ali: they had their chance Ali: unlucky boys Carly: should prob tell me your name again if im taking it Ali: Ruins the mystery a bit but alright Ali: Its Ali Ali: Ali McKenna if we're being formal Carly: k you've got the hot brothers Carly: makes sense Ali: 🤔 Ali: I think you're thinking of someone else, babe Carly: not trying to have our first fight but you coulda told me before we got hitched, bitch Carly: you're still hot tho don't be sad Ali: so you could run off with one of my brothers? i think not Ali: unless you meant Tommy 'cos he's very single but that's unlikely because he's never here Ali: stuck with me for now, hoe 😘 Carly: a slag like me could do worse Carly: has Ali: bitch, same Ali: we can compare notes, see how many regrets we got in common Carly: yea Carly: doing it Ali: Good, save it for brunch 'cos I'm coming forreal Ali: we don't have to deal with a gaggle of gossiping gays tho, bring you a maccies breakfast? Carly: k Carly: be fun Carly: you are from what i remember Ali: I like that Ali: No bullshit Ali: Imma start all interactions like be fun please or I'm out Ali: ✌ bringing the fun and the bacon babe Carly: you're not bringing your gf are you Ali: Nah, how awkward, meet the missus, honey Carly: like there's usually a lad in my trio sorry Carly: still learning this lesbian life Ali: oh, are you bi legit? Ali: she's way too jealous for threesomes, you're good Carly: nah i just know what lads want Ali: Oh gurl Ali: that's why Lene ain't coming Ali: the lecture you're avoiding Carly: idc Carly: youre my wife now bitch Ali: 💍💍 Ali: Productive morning, if I do say so myself Ali: and we're hanging, fuck with us Carly: good influence of you cuz i havent done fuck all this week Ali: Hard work being a bi icon, babe Ali: wait 'til I get you on the yoga hype Carly: wtf Carly: is that a joke Ali: nah, I've already done half an hour this morning Carly: bitch i had my fingers crossed you mistyped yogurt Carly: i love you but its a no Ali: 😂 lets be really into yogurt, not fancy stuff, like fucking froobs Carly: phallic Carly: slurping on my dick shaped yogurt Ali: exactly Ali: what do men love more than a representation of their genitals shoved in your mouth? nothing, is the answer, bar the real thing Ali: so seductive Carly: they don't like food in bed tho, but maybe thats my technique Carly: thinking you could use whatever Carly: k just gonna dump this curry out yea bear with Ali: spicy Ali: imagine the yeast infection you'd get from a fromage frais Carly: like sorry but if i can handle cum in my eye you can deal with some saag aloo boy Carly: googling those symptoms would be a laff tho Ali: ugh, now i want indian Carly: date 2, babe Ali: 😍 Ali: this is all moving so fast Ali: 'bout it Carly: thats all i kno about lesbians k Ali: Its so true Ali: Can confirm Carly: is your gf gonna be mad that im flirting with you Carly: cuz im scrappy but she's scary Ali: 😂 Ali: Probably but when I tell her you're straight she'll have to chill Ali: yeah, we're married BUT SHE'S STRAIGHT, BABE Carly: can't tell her how many girls ive fucked cuz i dont remember Carly: convenient Ali: Best keep that on the DL, yeah Ali: like your blatant gay feelings for me Carly: k Carly: been a secret before no big Ali: Awh babe, ain't nothing dirty about this Ali: I shall tell the world Carly: you're sweet Ali: Probably not if you still wanna be getting that D but you know, noblest intentions, like Carly: im over it Carly: go off Ali: when your pussy's the cure Ali: how can I be humble now? 😏 Carly: dont be Carly: proud slags who fucking love froobs Carly: its a mood Ali: that is a whole ass mood Ali: put it on a t-shirt, babe Carly: earn some bread for my table Ali: solid business plan Ali: we can't be the only ones Carly: independent women who don't need no dick Carly: anymore Ali: hell yeah! Ali: unless that dick wanna pay the bills, in which case we'll let 'em Ali: so we can get more froobs Carly: point Ali: oh no, someone put a pic of Molly Briggs vomming on Insta Ali: 1. gross 2. who hasn't been there, poor bitch Carly: sad Carly: hope she's alright Ali: I'd ask but don't really know her and her phone must already be blowing up Ali: plus she threw a netball right in my face once and I don't forget, bitch Ali: jk, I'll just report the pic 😂 Carly: they all call me a whore cba to keep track of which mollys or other bitches Ali: She is a bit of a bitch, ain't gonna sugarcoat it so probably Ali: not saying Karmas real but posted on that friggin' TallaghtSlags page so 🤷 Ali: grab a froob, darling Carly: her name makes me wanna party with her dad but thats as far as im fucking with that family Carly: or mum i dont know who picked it like Ali: Init, proper old skool ravers, obvs Ali: think I'm out of eccies, sadly Ali: last night depleted me Carly: Watch me call my son Bennie cos I got anxiety, baby Ali: Cute tho, whole medicine cabinet of babies Carly: why not im married now Ali: We'll get on that, date 3, like Carly: where you taking me? Ali: up the wheyyyyyyyyyy Ali: well, we had brunch, indian, obvs we're fat bitches Ali: get on that chinese buffet life Carly: you can get on your yoga mat tho Carly: im fucked Carly: letting myself go so soon my bad Ali: Please, you're perfect Ali: I'll have all the kids if you want Carly: blushing is what i am Carly: how many you want? Ali: how many people names are there for drugs? molly bennie mandy charlie umm Ali: and our preachy child, frank Carly: ha Carly: tina that's one Ali: Ooh, yes, a gay icon Carly: billy, bud our weak child, cosmic kelly who's gonna have to style that out Ali: oh kelly, I hope you have the personality to match or we've really fucked you over there, soz babe Carly: can't forget dimitri, lucy or mandy Carly: sweet sweet mary joy Ali: My fanny hurts just thinking about it Carly: christine and tina are obvs twins thats a relief Carly: how manys that? Ali: 13 Ali: Unlucky for some but my actual lucky number! Ali: Fated Carly: ha Carly: it's love and keeps being proven Ali: can't fight what's clearly so right Carly: true Ali: you want a milkshake Ali: i'm having one Carly: yea Carly: strawberry Ali: 'cos u so sweet 💚 Carly: awww Ali: I shall be right there, with brunch fit for a pair of proud slags Carly: k Carly: my parents arent here no need to break the news of wedded bliss Ali: Would be a weird first impression but I could rock it Ali: new fave in-law? I think so Carly: yea Carly: cant fight fate like Carly: been said Ali: forreal, catch me outside if you got something to say, lads Ali: alone time with the bae is always good tho Carly: you kno Carly: love you bitch Ali: love ya 😘
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monster-teeth · 7 years
So for my senior year I took AP studio art.  Kind of.  I took it for a month or so but quickly realized it wasn’t really what I wanted, so they kept me in the classroom but I took a class that’s requirements my teacher and I made up together.  But the school year before I was pretty set on taking AP art, partly because I had taken every other art class available and also because I really like the idea of being in some kind of elite class I guess(don’t judge me im desperate to feel good about myself lol)
But the school year before, because I was so set on it(and I was actually going to take it that school year but I decided it just didn’t fit in my schedule) I looked at the little pamphlet that you get about it and I was like okay what do I have to do to qualify for this or whatever.  And the pamphlet told me that I needed teacher approval and it either said I needed to show a portfolio or i assumed it did, and I’m pretty damn sure it was the former.  So I threw together what little finished looking art I had, which I quickly realized was not a lot, and stuff on my phone that was digital art.  I put it something nice looking and I put the art on my phone in a folder so I wouldn’t be spending a lot of time scrolling through picture for it.  So I had my art teacher look at it towards gaining approval to get into the class right.  So my art teacher was looking through it all, and probably about halfway through he told me that I didn’t actually need to show him this stuff, nobody has to like go through The Format or anything, if you want to get in you just can. Which Nobody Told Me.  the critique goes on, he flips through it all and then he asks me something along the lines of “do these look finished to you?”  and i’m like “yeah, I guess.”  and we talk about that for awhile and we basically get to the idea that really I need to add more stuff to the backgrounds or even have a background at all or add more detail and i tell him how i love detail but I always worry that if I put too much detail it’ll become too much and he kind of talks me out of that by showing me some famous artists with really lots of detail in their work
but somewhere in that conversation over the stuff i was showing him, he told me that my art “looks like your average high school fantasy art”
and just later in the day and the next couple days like
that made me really upset man
Because i really enjoyed what i was drawing at that time and the simpleness of that and I felt like I was getting closer to something repeatable and enjoyable
and all of sudden somebody tells you that’s bad
like he said it in a “that’s kind of bad, you should move away from that, move above that” kind of way
and after those couple of weeks I kind of forgot about it, but in the recent weeks I was just really looking at some of the cheaply framed art of mine on the walls, some of which was in that portfolio
and like im thinking, I was so happy and having so much fun when I was making those, when did i stop drawing cool looking but kind of generic fantasy characters and then i was like Oh.
And don’t get me wrong, I love the stuff I’m doing now, I think my character design and overall art skills have gotten a lot better since taking “AP art”(cause it technically wasn’t actually AP for me), but I kind of miss just having fun rather than worrying about Oh my god is this original enough, does it have enough detail, is there a background, how about complex lighting.
Like I had been doing a 30 days of monsters challenge or something when I made those
AND I WAS SUPER STRESSED though, cause like I felt like there was no way for me to make a piece every day and i also didn’t have enough water colour paper for it lol, but also because I knew there was absolutely no one to care if I didn’t finish it.  Which is really discouraging.  It’s both freeing to know that Literally No One Cares, but also super depressing to know that Literally No One Cares cause then like what is the point?
Like even if I enjoyed painting something and I really like it and then I post it and it doesn’t even get a -single- note, like I’m not kidding most of my art gets zero notes except for me reblogging it in hopes of somebody seeing it, then it kind of feels like making it was for nothing.  Especially since most of the time the art of mine that people do seem to like, usually in person, is art that I don’t really like, and then they don’t like the art that I think was actually really really good.
It’s annoying I guess.
But they also all had this cool funkiness to them that I kind of miss, and I don’t seem to anymore.  Like one of them has this big weird shape behind it that has super thick black lines on it.  I like that a lot.  But at the same time I guess I’m also trying to be sophisticated.  I guess.. I guess I’m trying to be an adult and have Adult art  !Not like sexual stuff!  but like stuff that seems more immaculate I guess. But then at the same time I’m trying to find a colouring style that’s repeatable and easy enough to make comics with, or work quickly with.
I.  I feel so slow.  I feel like I am So Slow.  Like everyone around me can make finished looking art in one day, and it takes me three days if im working on it constantly and I actually finish it and im not having like a Really Good Art Day.  And it just kind of beats all the want to make art of me when everything looks bad and everything takes to long to make finished.
And I both want to draw fanart and also know that fanart is honestly the only way i can ever get noticed on any website or thing ever. But I also feel like I such at drawing fanart.  I should draw fanart. A ton.  And just like not care how it looks or something I guess.  But at the same time if all anybody follows me for is fanart and then I just start drawing my regular stuff i know people will like get mad??? and like then it feels like i’ve tricked them into following me
but also I never draw consistently.  Like I don’t post art for months at a time.  I used to post more on my instagram but then my phone got fucked up and I can’t do that again until I have a new phone. BUT ALSO the stuff i posted on my instagram was traditional sketches and stuff because that’s what I would do inbetween classes and now that I don’t have class anymore i don’t really do a lot of traditional art.  Anything I do these days is digital.  But I spend wayy more time scrolling tumblr than I do making anything these days.  Hopefully I’ll be working on some doll customs soon but I can’t start on that until I order stuff and I can’t order stuff yet cause I have to do it through my mom because I still don’t have a bank account because we didn’t get me one before I turned 18 so now I can’t do anything really?  I can’t take commissions because I don’t have a bank account to link to my paypal, I can’t sell anything on etsy because 1. mail system and shipping in general is scary aND 1. PAYPAL with bank account thing again.  I can’t get paid from my online job until I have a bank account for them to put it in yet eitHER.
I just spend all day watching TV and scrolling tumblr in 80-100 degree weather everyday.
That’s all I do.
And I have pretty much zero friends.
I mean, it’s kind of what I expected out of life, but still.
Still horribly mentally ill and multiple fronts with no therapist.
Plants are still dying.
I’d go outside and do pok/em/on go but phone = broke so.
yeah, im trying to write stuff too, and ya know actually make some comics but art = hard so it doesn’t get very far.  Maybe make something with a friend?? but i don’t know if that’s gonna fall through or not cause like it would involve both art and writing and we all know how Slow i am at that stuff.
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worldscollideca · 8 years
Valiant doesn’t hate you (despite my claims to the contrary)
The long and furious blog I posted last week and subsequently shared across many social media platforms, (up to and including Valiant’s Facebook page) was my frustrated reaction to what i saw/see as manipulation of the fan base, abuse of the direct market system and at the very least a skewing of sales that inaccurately forecasts readership going forward while simultaneously putting undue pressure on the stores that (right or wrong) cave and acquiesse to these marketing schemes, endangering their own longevity and directly harming the businesses of other brick and mortar stores in the immediate area. And then there is the online effect. We all know that as soon as one of these rare/special/unique/lackluster variants hit the shelves they miraculously appear on the resale market at prices even more exorbitant than what was the in store sticker price. A few short hours after I posted my concerns and frustrations I received a phone call from Atom at Valiant Entertainment, who wanted to discuss my concerns and to correct a few inaccuracies/vagueries that had been posted by both me and the proprietors at Collector’s Paradise. Firsty, he cleared up the misconception that there would be original/exclusive story pages contained within the additional 8pgs of exclusive content. The additional pages are to contain sketches, additional virgin art and some info about the process involved with the creation of the store’s variant cover and about the relaunch. This information calmed my indignant fires some, but I still find the whole process elitist and not in the best interest of the Direct Market. While most of our stores are independant we are part of a larger collective organism that operates not against our “competitors” but with and because of them.  I am not a fan of the “industry” labels applied to much of what we do we are a community and sure the publishers jockey for shelf space and hype while . I do not think “Dollar First”. My method as a store operator is not to undercut the other shops or to do something they are unable/unwilling to do but to offer things that they don’t. Fill a vaccuum. If they do good biz selling Funk-yO toys, I’m not afraid to let my customers know that “Foxy Marv’s” is the place to get em..
My concern is in having the things they want, listening to the customers, constantly building my knowledge so that i can find new interesting things to read. Without it being part of my decision process I am keenly aware that if you provide people with good service and get things they will enjoy into their hands, they will come back again and again to buy things. READ. READERS. THIS IS KEY. Speculative fads come and go and require a kind of his energy reactionary involvement that I’ve no interest in. I sell books. The gimmick of the month, trendy product of the year, or that superhyped licensed product, these are transient, unreliable, and even if they prove somewhat sustainable they neglect the essence of what we do. I was assured through my discussion with Valiant that story, art and quality books are their main goal, tho they feel behooved to try some of these marketing gambits to keep pace with Mickey Mouse and Bat Bunny. I will counter that Image comics is now the 3rd largest publisher of comics, the first to crack a 10% market share and they have done this laregly without any particular hustle. They went through that and now the books are the thing and the only thing, There is certain differences here, being that Image is not trying to cut in on the Superhero genre, content to produce every other kind of sci-fi/western/post-apocalyptic/fantasy/roamnce/BBQcrime drama. With nary a cape in sight. Their readership is different. But there’s that seemingly ephemeral concept of readership again. No matter how far we get from thinking of it,  reading and the stories will always be the core. Part of what was so frustrating to me is seeing devoted readers/customers who have followed Valiant from the Shooter days, thru the Acclaim era, up to the lovingly produced, well scripted, expertly illustrated epoch they are in now. If this was another company, who I had already rock bottom expectations of , who produce souless poorly assembled books that have more variants of a title and Deluxe Naugahyde boxed set ,than they have actual issues, I wouldnt be nearly as aggravated., Valiant makes good comics. they make quality stuff. they have gone to great efforts to resussitate their characters, deal with the divorce from the Gold Key characters, hire talented artists and produce what are generally excellent , quality books. I expect more from them. The ideas that you need these tricks to sell mags is nonsense and it only contributes to, encourages and caters to a increasingly volitile, fickle and fragile demographic. The collector, speculator, investor type might have deep pockets but they are the first to bail when there is any dip in interest in comic books, leaving all the retailers and publishers holding their...books, looking puzzled. But none of should really be surprised,and I know the people at Valiant are aware of this dynamic. Take other booksellers: Indigo/Chapters, Borders and others... they dont need this and dont resort to thist type of marketing to grab attention. Their employees aslo never field questions about 1st prints, variants, exclusive covers or exclusive content. Try this in a regular shop and you’d alientate not just the folks who missed out on said “special” but you’d piss off and probably lose the entire customer base. These people want books, literature, reading material. This is sustainable. This is reasonable. In stead of using fear and consumerist greed against the customer, appeal to what they actually want and whhat they may continue to follow month after month. Pumping out #1′s and Ultra Rare shiny think beyond this month. It’s curious that so many people seem to understand the long game when t comes to sitting on a stack of 1st appearences while waiting for the next Hollywood adaption to drop but they can’t have even a modicum of foresite when it comes to the core of their businesses. All this hype and scheming is not a strength of the direct market no matter how its positioned, it is a detractor that keeps peope away. " I cant get into comics", "i dont know where to start", " I’d be afraid to read them because they could get damaged. " We all have heard this. Or my favourite,”Is this good?” Which is meant as,”Is this gonna make me rich?" These are malignant peculiarities of the comics trade. We need to get past this. 
The so called graphic novel, which we all know is usually just reprints, is the foot in the door to legitiamcy, to have the form fully appreciated widely. And they are getting there. Comics are taught in schools,libraries everywhere have graphic novel sections, but there still is this lingering 1954 attitutde that does not see comics as valid literature or art, just as a collectible commodity to be sealed locked away and sold. Why bother printing the stories inside if this is the case.Just make them into 7″x10″ trading cards? End rarities. Give me ISBNs and barcodes that end in X! This in the end should be no threat to us the, DM retailers because such a wealth of this hybrid artform it cant be fully embraced or understood with a couple shelves of mostly Marvel, DC and Viz books. We provide a gateway, a love and understanding of the medium, a grasp of history and appreciation you wont get in a Chapters deals with Amazon too, and the creeping digital comics threat, but people love books, all kinds of books . There is a whole section of humanity who don’t love comics, and in this case I mean comics as the floppy, stapled, increasingly archaic, NorthAm curiousity, bastard child of Pulps, Newspapers and sleazy tabloid mags. Make the best books you can. make them accessible so that people other than the frenzied OCD colectors can get them. Reject elite one-upmanship. In stead of trying to extract max dollars from dwindling buyers thru schemes like getting them to consume multiple copies. And be realistic here, quite often the store is the end user, stats sales and highfives are based on how many we the retailers panicked and bought. The kind of statistical data released by Diamond or thru other chains of info generally does not describe or track or care about who is taking these things home, if they are a reader, or if the person who just bought 20 copies to put under this bed until they are worth more than silver.  They also don’t track how many are returned/destroyed I believe wholeheartedly in readership. I trust in this. This belief, this principle, this ideal has nothing to do with profit, tho it has borne out over the 30+ yrs of our store that this is still profitable. And durable. Publishers, your company will get space on merit. Sometimes i'll have to shrink that because no matter what we do they just wont buy but it wont be for a lack of effort.  Valiant comics also believes in it’s readership. They are doing what they think is best to get attention to their books. I still disagree with it, but I do believe in the end their goal is to produce quality books to interest new readers and to continue to impress and engage their life long fans. The battle continues in this “post-literate” society to keeps people reading and to make sure books are in their hands. Keep making good stuff and I’ll be on your side. The medium of comics, as a form of art and literature needs to flourish. And it can be bigger and better than ever if we maintain focus wthout succumbing to shortsighted grabs at a brass ring. This is a business, but it is also more than that. Stories are central to humanity. Storytelling and oral histories are of primary importance to how we got where we are and how we maintain it and move forward. It is how we communicate. The comics medium does this in a wholly unique way and we need to strengthen this and affirm it as intrinsic to our human culture. Keep reading. See you all Wednesday.
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