#im going to do one of these for nadia as well
tornsurvivors · 11 months
Sᴇɴꜱᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪꜰɪᴄ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?   White tea & sage, sea salt and a little bit of cedar, the smell of ozone (due to arcane magic) is heavy around her. She doesn't really wear perfume often, only for special occasions.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?    It really depends with her significant other. Realistically, they're calloused and a little rough. They're also scarred from the Theramore mana bomb, which is the reason why she wears gloves at all times in public. They used to be soft and warm, but now they can be a little cold from the Frost magic she uses. But to her significant other, they would seem to be warmer than she thinks. Perhaps it's because she purposefully makes them warm for her s/o.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?   It varies, and it also depends on if she even eats. She doesn't really eat normally anymore, as in three meals a day. She'd just have a snack every now and then when she's not too focused on something or stressing herself out. Her PTSD had robbed her of the motivation to feed herself. Sometimes her s/o would have to make her a meal, and even Anduin would urge her to eat whenever she visits him. When she eats, sometimes it would be conjured mana biscuits. Sometimes it would be a homemade meal of venison with vegetables. Sometimes it would be seafood. Especially eel pie, which is her favorite recipe by her mother.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?    She doesn't really sing, but she used to when she was younger. Her singing voice isn't anything amazing as an opera singer. Fortunately, it's not off-key either. It's more soft and warm, almost quiet.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?  Her bad habits are: being extremely blunt when voicing her opinions, especially when she's angry. Barely eating is another, especially when staying up all night and working. Nervous ticks are fidgeting and refusing to make eye contact. Swallowing thickly and fiddling with the anchor pendant of her father's necklace.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?   Being raised to be a noble lady had given her the habit of wearing feminine clothes, mostly robes or skirts and blouses. Heels. But it wouldn't be out of character for her to prefer more comfortable clothing like breeches and a loose shirt when she's home either. She often wears heeled boots with her Lord Admiral outfit (which is probably her favorite outfit of all time). It was something different from her Kirin Tor robes which she refuses to wear anymore for reasons. She still does like wearing dresses and she would wear sundresses during summer. Sometimes she would wear her formal Admiral outfit for special occasions in Boralus: simple navy breeches, white button-up shirt, knee-high boots and the Admiral jacket that her mother gifted to her.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?  Jaina is absolutely affectionate and it didn't start with Arthas. She just always had it in her. Before Theramore, she was not afraid to show affection just so her s/o knows she truly adores them. After Theramore, her PTSD had prevented her from allowing anyone near her due to trust issues. It would take her time to warm up and especially trust herself enough to be affectionate with her s/o. The traumatic events she suffered had caused her to become fearful of the fact she could end up hurting her s/o due to being so volatile, emotionally-wise and magically.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?  She doesn't really sleep normally anymore. When she's alone, she usually would end up falling sleep in her armchair in her Admiral Quarters or in a library in a safe location. With her s/o, she would usually sleep on her side next to them and facing them, or in a fetal position. The only other times she would be completely unconscious / asleep is when she's laying on her back on a stretcher after a heavy battle.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Only when she wants you to. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know she's there behind you till she makes her presence known to you at the last minute. She's pretty light on her feet and she has the advantage of the teleportation spell.
tagged by: @tornsavior tagging: @blue-eyed-banshee and whoever else wants to do this!
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whiscey · 3 months
drop your devastating banana fish fanfics list bestie 🙇🏻‍♀️
AHSHWJEVJ YES OMG thank you so much for this ask!!! i have a very very long list of fanfics that i love so im not gonna put every single one here, but here’s a list of my favorites :)
note: 1) of course please be mindful of the tws— most of these have the usual list of the tws associated with ash’s trauma; 2) i don’t read anything that complies with the canonical ending cause i cannot handle that lol; 3) the first half of this list is just purely devastating, and then the second half is mostly just hurt/comfort; 4) the order in this doesn’t mean anything
I fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended (by ihavenomorals): very shorter-centric; retells the canon events in his perspective (with it being heavily implied that he’s in love with ash); definitely very devastating, i cried multiple times while reading it
dead birds and bloodhounds (by ihavenomorals): also very shorter-centric lol; incredibly devastating for similar reasons as the last one (i also really really loved the ending of this one)
Streetlight angel. (by chaos101): this one’s also shorter-centric; a lot of pre-canon shorter’s thoughts about ash; i do not have words to describe how much i loved the whole “streetlight angel” thing
New York, New York 1980 (by wbss21): ash-centric; talks about precanon ash living on the streets (no shorter); genuinely so so heartbreaking
Just offscreen. (by chaos101): focuses on ash; please be very very careful with the warnings, this really graphic and can be very triggering; i almost feel weird recommending this one cause it’s not really meant to be read for enjoyment, but it’s very well-written and really really impactful so i do want to include it; almost threw up the first time i read this (and i mean that as a compliment to the writing, not in the sense that i personally found it triggering), it was so incredibly devastating and gut-punching
how strong the blood (by ihavenomorals): nadia-centric; it’s about nadia’s experience raising shorter on her own; one of the only fanfics i’ve read that focuses on nadia and i loved it so so much
Odour of Chrysanthemums (by nyanja14): eiji’s-mom-centric; eiji’s mom’s perspective on ash and his relationship with eiji after they move to japan; this was so cool ahdhwje, i loved how much depth and backstory they gave to eiji’s mom; one of the less devastating ones on this list, but it’s still so sad in its own right
like a peach (by Quintessence): asheijiii; eiji takes care of ash’s wounds (canon-compliant, takes place around when they rescue ash from dino) and they talk about how he sees himself; definitely a lot more hurt/comfort than pure devastation but the way ash sees himself is so heartbreaking :(
Hydrangea (by Bleed_Peroxide): jessica-centric; first half is jessica’s thoughts as she gets to know more about ash and then second half is an expansion on that one scene where jessica asks ash about what foxx did to him; also more hurt/comfort lol, but i love found family sooo much
Even that could be forgiven. Even Ash. (by chaos101): focuses on max and ash; obviously had to include this since i literally requested it lmao (don’t get me wrong tho– that’s not the only reason why it’s here; it’s here cause i love this fic a lot :3); ash thinks max is going to punish him for talking back to him and max comforts him; hurt/comfort
You’ve paid this world more than enough. (by chaos101): also focuses on max and ash; pretty similar to the last one but i just had to include this cause i love it so so much; hurt/comfort
Safe and Sound (by Dodici): focuses on shorter and ash; pretty short but so so impactful (literally took my breath away ahdvwjeh)
I wish that things had been different. (by chaos101): focuses on ash and griffin; it’s about ash’s reunion with griffin after he starts recovering from the effects of banana fish; this was so emotional and well-written abdvwjbd
Down toward the Healing (by Dodici): asheiji; part of a series (i recommend the series as a whole honestly, but definitely this fanfic in particular) called Eight Million Gods; it’s about ash struggling to find a therapist who works for him; the writing is so beautiful in this and i personally find it somewhat devastating in the sense that it’s a big reminder that healing takes time and a lot of effort
Feed My Body. Feed My Soul (by Wings_and_Feet): asheiji; it does have one (consensual) explicit scene, which is important to the plot but can also probably be skipped over if you’re not comfortable reading that; talks about ash’s relationship with food through eiji’s perspective (please be careful with the trigger warnings)
To Sleep; Perchance to Dream (by Wings_and_Feet): asheiji; it’s about ash and eiji’s post-canon life in japan and eiji’s family’s reactions to eiji being ash back home; literally one of my favorite post-canon japan fics ever, it’s soooo good; a lot of hurt/comfort
Pain Management (by Wings_and_Feet): asheiji; discusses ash’s struggles with addiction as a result of his experiences at Club Cod (not elaborating on this cause of the triggering content); i haven’t read many fics that talk about this, so i thought this was really interesting lol (and also it was very well-written)
Just because I love you. (by chaos101): asheiji; ash sickfic combined with ash and eiji talking about the horrible “he’s not your salvation” stuff blanca said to ash; genuinely one of my favorite sickfics ever (although that’s not really entirely the focus of the fanfic but like still)
How to love someone back. (by chaos101): asheiji; i saved the best for last :3; this is a character study of ash and it’s literally one of my favorite fanfics ever – please go read it, it’s so good aksjdke
bonuses :D (these count as bonuses since you requested devastating fics and these are pretty fluffy lol):
What you’ve been waiting for. (by chaos101): professor ash!! this fic is so sweet 🥹 i love it so much, it’s one of my comfort fics
the Childhood at Eighteen series (by armjail): asheiji; these are my other two comfort fics, they’re both so incredibly wholesome 🥹🥹
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gosh im brimming with mini headcanon ideas
um okay so mini headcanons for mc doing m6's makeup? or just doing each other's makeup :3
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Doing each other's makeup
Julian: he knows how to do makeup, but he only knows how to do one kind of makeup, and that's stage makeup specifically. be prepared to sport a face of major contouring and overdrawn eyeliner. he's happy to wear whatever you put on his face, however it looks
Asra: they can do make up really well, but they're also a person gifted with Artistic Vision, so what starts out as a light, glowy face will (d)evolve easily into neon sparkly rainbow leopard print highlighter. he'll let you make him up, but the intimacy might sidetrack him
Nadia: will happily do your makeup if you ask her and will go bold glam each time unless you request something else specifically. she in turn is happy to let you do hers, but please use her products specifically. And this color palette. And this technique ...
Muriel: makeup is not a familiar concept to him beyond hearing Asra describe it as "art that goes on your face" as a child. sure, you can put it on him, but he's not letting anybody else see it no matter how it looks. will do yours very delicately if you insist that you need his help
Portia: oh my gosh, yes, let's do this every day (if you have time). she'll wear whatever you put on her all day, after touching it up a little if something doesn't sit right with her. she's not the most creative with makeup but she can and will replicate any look you show her
Lucio: he hopes you understand, MC, that you are the only person he'd trust to touch his beautiful face (and precious eyeliner!) and that he expects you to take his appearance seriously. he doesn't know much beyond a base and eyeliner, but he's incredible at doing them
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Julian from the Arcana. With an academic/noble reader
Like they meet at some point in the castle and the reader is in the library or some shit
A/N: so sorry this is short, i havent played the Arcana in SUCH a long time, but i remember Julian being my favorite. He was so goofy silly and my favorite route! But, as an fyi, im slowly burning myself out, so if i dont update everyday dont come after me for it. Also, since i havent played this game in a long while, i may have the story wrong, let me know if i do so i can fix it, thanks! Again, supper short, to tired to do a bunch
Readers lines are in pink, but they are Gender neutral!!!!
Julian x Noble! Reader
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• Julian HAD to have snuck into the castle if he were to meet you for the first time. After all, he is a wanted criminal, depending on when he meets your character
• maybe he was looking for more clues about what happened to the king or left something of his behind in his studies, which brought him to the library. He still had a key that Portia gave him, who he told her he lost it so he could come and go as he pleased, as long as he dosnt get caught that is.
• what he didnt expect was to actually find someone in the library. The library that has been out of use for auch a long time. That someone would actually be in it to begin with. He only thought that he and his sister had the keys... maybe Nadia, too.
• he stopped at the door to study you, just staring at you. How neat and beautiful your clothes were, and how stylish you seemed, with your jewelry and established posture. You must had been an guest at the castle, or a friend of Nadias to be looking so upper class and being allowed in the library.
"Its rude to stare, you know?"
Your voice caught him off gaurd, he must have been staring at you for you to notice. Even with your book in hand, you looked up at him with an unimpressed look as he fumbled over his words for an answer.
"Well.... i uh... didnt expect to find anyone taking of intrest of these old books" he would recover himself, trying to put on his best grin to make him not seem suspicious.
You would roll your eyes at him and continue reading as he stood there awkwardly. Until clearing his throat, picking out a completely random book and pulled up a chair to talk to you, which you responded, despite being intrested in your book, to his questions.
The two pf you chatted, and when he told you his name, you already knew who he was, which astounded him. But, instead of alerting the guards, you just sat there quietly while reading your book. Flipping through it withiut a care in the world as Julian freaked out you were going to call someone.
You just sat there reading, without a care that an alleged and wanted criminal was right next to you, but you liked your book more anyway. Just shrugging at him whem he asked
So, instead, he sat there and talked to you while you responded back to him. Him learning of your nobility abd why you were in the castle to begin with. One of the most engaging talks he ever had that wasnt with his sister that was scolding him.
You had to leave at some point to go help Nadia, leaving Julian alone with his thoughts and old desk.
• now, Julian couldnt stop thinking of you. So, now at the same time every day, he would sneak into the library in hopes to find you, and of course, there you were. Reading the same or a different book in your lap.
Julian would stride in to talk to you. Greeting you with a smile and sitting down to talk to you about lord knows what. Even occasionally throwing flirts at you just to get you to look up at him from youf book.
His visits became frequent, despite them being a secret, he still somehow managed to meet in the library at the same exact time as you
• he definitely tries to get you to laugh by using rich people humor, which hardly gets a crack out of you, unless he actually says something funny or gets flustered
• at first it was just library visits. Then when Julian could go out without hiding, youd have him show you around the town, incase if you are new or just never got out long enough to see it all.
• makes stupid jokes about how he would throw himself in a mud pile to keep you from stepping in it to get you to roll your eyes chuckle at him
• always claims to be your night in shining armor when out and about, declairing he would protect you. Only to jump at the sight of a mouse skittering along the floor
• tries to learn upper class flirting to use on you. If he dosnt flirt enough now, just wait tell he adds in royalty
• you find it stupid, but Julian is stupid enough to make kt work.
• if you buy him anything he us intrested in he would try and decline as he litterly is screaming inside
• alittle bit nervous that he was a citizen and not a royal you shoukd end up with. Makes him paranoid that he is to poor for you to love/like him
• attending jis silly little plays makes him brighten up when he sees you
• def jokes about joining the royal gaurd just so he could spend more tims with you
• he liked it, after all
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 23
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Joe Goldberg x female!reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you. Words: 867
We already see Joe killing Ron on the show. I figured I don't have to describe it again. Besides, things are getting interesting...
DISCLAIMER: the towns and situations described in this chapter are fictionalized. There is no Nehalenia College in Koewacht. IDEK what is in Koewacht. (Koe means cow, so maybe a lot of cows??)
I have been very busy these last three days, (Y/n).
Nobody will miss Ron, but I miss you and I have been neglecting you. I feel bad. We have only texted a few times, and you say you are busy and jetlagged. But I can tell you’re just giving me an excuse to be distant, because when I text you, you respond right away.
I have been a bad boyfriend, but I think if you knew why I was so busy these last few days, you’d forgive me. I hope you would, but I can’t exactly tell you, so instead I just lounge on your bed and I text you:
ME: Hey lovely.
YOU: hey!
ME: What are you up to?
YOU: well it’s 8 pm
YOU: so nm
YOU: watching this dutch talk show w my grandpa
YOU: hes annoyed im on my phone lol
ME: Go watch the show, (Y/n). I don’t want to piss off your grandfather before I even get there.
YOU: yessir! love u
ME: I love you, too.
I am so tired. I was hoping we could call for a little bit, but if you're at your grandparents’ house, I don't want to push it. Instead I take a shower in your bathroom and use your soap so I smell like you. Then, in my own, clean clothes which I keep at your place, I get on your bed and take out your laptop.
As always, your WhatsApp texts are open. I haven't checked them much since we got together - we are good together and I don't need to know everything you talk about with everyone - but there are new texts from a name I don't recognize.
And you are texting this person right now. I thought you couldn't be on your phone?
The texts are in Dutch, but they started about an hour ago and there aren't that many yet, so I take the time to translate them.
MITCH: hey hey! heard you're in NL? wanna get together?
YOU: sorry man, kinda busy
MITCH: ouch. did you just blow me off?
YOU: uhhhh kinda?
YOU: it's nothing personal
YOU: my boyfriend’s coming in 2 days
I smile.
MITCH: since when do you have a boyfriend lol
YOU: a few months now
MITCH: and i guess it’s serious?
YOU: pretty serious
MITCH: wtf
YOU: ?
MITCH: i kinda thought we had a thing, you know?
YOU: mitch…
YOU: you gotta get over this
MITCH: and what is it you think i have to ‘get over’?
YOU: you know what
That last message, you sent while I was reading the other ones, and I have to translate it separately. Apparently Mitch does know what, because he doesn’t respond anymore. But I don’t know what, and I really wish you would specify.
You send a message to Nadia:
YOU: guess who just texted me…
YOU: mitch
NADIA: Ew. Block him.
Thank you, Nadia!
YOU: i can’t just block him 😭 you know what happens when i block him
NADIA: You want to stay at my place tonight?
YOU: could i? i don’t wanna tell my grandparents about this…
NADIA: Hey, at least Joe will be here soon! Then you won’t be all alone in your big scary AirBNB.
YOU: lol
YOU: i can’t wait tho
YOU: 😁😊
I frown. Normally I’d be happy that you can’t wait for me to get there, but right now I just want to know who this Mitch guy is.
He is not on your Twitter and he is not on Nadia’s Instagram. All I have are his texts to you and looking for his number on Google does absolutely nothing.
But when I look up your high school, along with Mitch’s name and yours, I finally find something interesting: two news articles with your names in them.
I Google your name again. There’s your high school picture. You went to Het Nehalennia College but when I try to translate the rest of the text again, I still can’t make sense of it - it must be full of spelling errors, because some words just will not make sense.
I try to look Mitch up, using all sorts of combinations. Your school and his name, his name and yours... Nothing.
From: Omroep Zeeland, June 21st, 2017
KOEWACHT - YESTERDAY AT 3:00 in the afternoon, high school student at Nehalennia College, Mitch Wegganger, was arrested on suspicion of stalking and attempted assault against his classmate, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). The stalking allegedly started after (Y/l/n) stood up for Wegganger against a classmate in March. (Y/l/n) did not return our requests for comment.
From: Omroep Zeeland, June 23rd, 2017
KOEWACHT - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Mitch Wegganger - who was arrested early this week on suspicion of stalking his classmate (Y/n) (Y/l/n) - was released this morning after (Y/l/n) withdrew her report. Wegganger: “This is all a huge misunderstanding. I didn't stand outside (Y/n)'s house and hurt her. I just wanted to talk to her.”
(Y/l/n) is still unavailable for comment.
I can’t believe this.
You, (Y/n), have a stalker.
And you didn’t tell me about him.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Tom was chilling at the Euphoria set like that was HIS workplace 😭 something tells me that man was unbothered while he was supprting his lead actress/producer gf 😅we had stories/videos/pics of him getting her snacks, going to crafty, taking care of noon, Sam asking HIM about a scene (n him politley declining lol), him being in the same room when labrinth/dominic fike/Z were doing music, taking pics/bonding with the BTS ppl and him gettimg up early af lik he was a castmate lol.
Meanwhile i remember there was a account (who worked BTS) that said Jacob was quiet/kept to his self so... he knew his place as a supportimg actor and this being the SECOND time he broke up with the leading actress of a project 💀. Im pretty sure even Kaia visited him on the Euphoria set a few times (i guess someone spotted her), but gurl wasnt there long enough cuz they broke up soon after 💀💀
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Rofl 😅 🤣
Giiiiirlllll, I JUST KNEW when Tom told Josh Horowitz in his CHERRY interview that he wanted a cameo in Euphoria that he wasn't thinking about JE or threatened by him in the least! Rofl 😅
That was actually one of the biggest clues to me that Tom and Z had gotten back together if you ask me.
The way I see it, JE was really a non-factor in this lol. 😅 He was basically a pawn while Tom and Z figured out their sh*t and made their way back to each other lol. 🤭
I'm not saying Z didn't care for JE (I'm sure she honestly did!), but EVERYBODY could tell that they didn't match well and that he was just a long-term rebound cuz of the breakup with Tom. You can sense when two ppl/exes have unfinished business. I say the same thing about Tom and Olivia and Nadia. I'm sure there were real feelings there (he wouldn't have dated them otherwise), but everybody could tell that they were just placeholders and that his REAL heart and feelings still belonged to Zendaya lol. It was so obvious! 😅
That's why, I NEVERRR put anything past exes LOL....especially ones that have dated each other for a long time (longer than just a year or two), coz usually those feelings run deeeep.... and it's hard to just cut off your feelings cold turkey like that. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
I meannnn, look at Ben and JLo for goodness sakes!! Rofl 😅 🤣 They both MARRIED other ppl, even had kids with others, and then ended back together with each other..... 18-YEARS post a breakup! 🤣
Look at Nelly and Ashanti! Same thing! Rofl 😅 They dated in the past years ago, then broke up.... he even got married to some OTHER woman lol, and now look.... YEARS later, he and Ashanti found their way back to each other, and she's now pregnant with his baby lol.
I don't put anything past exes...especially the ones that actually looked HAPPY together and like they were best friends. 🥰 That's the key.
I don't put anything past exes who were deeply committed or in love with each other. 👀
I don't think JE really took Z all that seriously anyway (he was rebounding himself, let's be honest), and she always seemed more into him than vice versa 🥴, so their breakup wasn't all that surprising to me tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It was only a matter of time imo.... one, because she had obvious unfinished business with Tom, and two, because they just never matched to me. They may have had the same hobbies in common, but together, they just didn't seem like they "fit". The vibe was all off. You can sense when a couple's vibe is OFF. It's just smthg you feel and sense in your gut. She matched BEST with Tom imo.
I just think that had covid NOT come, she and JE prob would have dated each other for at least a year or two.
Covid was actually the catalyst that helped TZ get back together as soon as they did imo rofl 🤣 😂
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vldfix · 3 months
OBSESSED WITH VOLTRON STILL IN THIA DAY AND AGE??? LETS GO 😔🗣️😭☹️ iv always wanted to know more peoples thoughts on how awkward it must have been for the rebel coalition and blade of marmora to interact and work together 😔 also what are your thoughts on the mfes (can u tell im a sucker for the side characters?) anyways i hope u have a really nice day 😊 sorry if this ask came off too strong btw hehehehe
FIRST OF ALL ILYSM HELLO. background characters are my all time favs forever and ever. for the rebels and the bom i feel like it probably would’ve been awkward iwl bc if i was one of the rebels and i wasn’t informed about the blades i would be hella confused.
SECOND OF ALL I LOVE YOU BECAUSE THE MFE PILOTS ARE MY ACTUAL FAVS. ina leifsdottir is my fav mfe pilot by far i have so many headcanons for her (wink wink nudge nudge) very very close second to leifsdottir is ryan kinkade because oh i love that man so much. SO MUCH. beyond comprehension. i love nadia rizavi so much also because she’s so epic and fun and awesome. and this may be problematic but i do love james griffin as well, i hate his past actions obviously with how he bullied keith but i feel like he had his character development and he grew up so i can’t help but love him because MFE PILOTS AHHHHH .
anyway thank you so much for this ask and sorry for the yap fest 😭
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petrichoraline · 9 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
i got tagged in the summer lmao i've been struggling cause i simply can't make a completely honest list - my taste is too fluid and the definition of "fave" is a blur to me
thank you to my lovely @tenprem and @littleragondin for tagging me, consider yourselves tagged again in case your answers differ vastly from your previous ones hahah
💓Fave bl: default answer is Bad Buddy, current - Last Twilight and Cherry Magic..and Cooking Crush
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👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻Favourite pairing: as in actors? if i say GunSing am i gonna get ToddBlack again? (im fine with DrakeSing too y'know, im just being teased atp)
honestly i don't know, i think of actors i really like but i'm not big on their counterparts..? i enjoy it a lot when they mix and match, i don't have anyone i particularly follow.. i will say MaxTul were super powerful, i really appreciate the bonds between a lot of pairs like ForceBook and i think some of them have amazing chemistry like FirstKhao but even though there are a few i would always try to tune in for like OffGun and YinWar, there's no one i can call a fave, i don't think..currently JimmySea are eating it up tho
🎭Most underrated actor: just the Wayufilm crew in general, I see them do fundraiser lives on yt all the time and I don't think they're that well known by the fandom
🧍‍♂️Favorite character: ig it is Karan currently, Tay really made the character shine in a different way than Machida Keita's Kurosawa and i can't get enough of those puppy eyes
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🕴Favorite side character: rn it might be Metha from Cooking Crush? he's just a bit too charming for someone i'd punch if i met him irl..or Fire, i think writing about him made me fond, they're both so..this
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📽Favorite scene: from all the thai bls i've seen?? there's beauty like THAT ITSAY scene, there's unexpected scenes i come back to like WaanTul in the last episode of Between Us, there's Nuea and Toh finally getting everything out in the open..there's the Kitty Gang in FUTS going up the elevator, the ep.5 KinnPorsche scene..most of PatPran's scenes!! like how am i supposed to even start choosing lmao
i'm gonna say (after i catch up with my shows this whole list would prolly be different, it could be Karan's scream soon) the one from my recent shows is the rooftop scene from LTTS..sue me for being basic, i'll plead guilty
📝Favorite line: nth has ever quite stuck with me as "do you want us to be friends?" "no." so let's go with it
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🃏Most anticipated bl and why: let's say Jack and Joker hahah, I hope it works out <3 i want to see a project YinWar have certain freedom over completed successfully - even if it ends up not being my thing, they deserve to share their talents and artistic vision. they are trying something new, maybe there will be a nice balance between comedy and drama and also it seems like those characters are meant to be whipped for each other and YinWar can pull that off splendidly
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Healthiest relationship in a bl: PatPran and PuenTalay are the first to come to mind, the communication and conflict resolution skills are on another level
💢Most toxic relationship in a bl: I suppose it would be VeeMark before the end or maybe DimGreen from 2gether? I also personally don't like Mayom and Nadia from My Ride but I can't tell if they're actually toxic 😄 and im reminded of GramBlack cause that friendship sucks imho
OH WAIT PiMork is pretty bad. yeah, maybe not the worst but they've got a spot on the list..and ig TehOhAew but I have not actually seen s2 so overall I don't have a definitive opinion :')
🍿Guilty pleasure series: i guess it would be Cause You're My Boy (My Tee) because everyone hates on it but I binged it and had a good time 🤷‍♀️ also I Will Knock You cause it has some questionable elements but it's also very special
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❎Most underrated series: out of what I've seen it would obviously be Rainbow Lagoon but it's two episodes, not sure if it counts as a series.. really sweet short watch though, you should give it a try here 🥰
also maybe The Best Story? I didn't like it that much because of the ending but it's younger YinWar and I never hear anyone talk about it; I'd say they were pretty good at it 😊
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i'm tagging @sommmnus @forcebook @catboyjosten @sparklyeyedhimbo @lovesickfolly @sollucets as per usual no pressure and sorry if youve done it ❤
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
"He fucking stole it"
"You're right, as always.
It was when you and Vivi died.
I saw you being attacked, I... I thought he just hit you or something, so I hit back"
Beebo vaguely remembers that
"Then, I saw you.
Your chest was bleeding.
Then I saw Vivi.
She. She wasn't moving
Her photobook had fallen. It was open
When that bastard stood up, he saw it
And he took it.
And I watched
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I couldn't do anything
You were with me, I didn't want to let you go
And Vivi was dead
She was dead
And I couldn't move
And I'm sorry"
"No, Ángel-"
"He left then.
He went to that room you and the kids were in
I think i heard the window opening or something, I don't know.
He might've jumped, he mightve trown the book like you did"
"I don't know, I didn't check"
"I couldn't move"
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"I know realistically it was only for a few moments
But it felt like forever
Just me, in a dark room
Surrounded by my dead friends
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"I'm sorry I didn't tell you"
"It's okay! I understand"
"Im sorry I didn't do enough"
"No, no, Ángel, please
None of this is your fault"
"How is this not my fault?! I let the one thing Vivi would die for get stolen in front of my eyes!"
Quieter, he adds
"Maybe I should let him kill me"
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"We won't die again here
I promise"
"We'll leave and never look back"
"You can't promise that"
"I promised I wouldn't die last time, and I didn't!"
"... You're a reckless man, Oliver"
"I'm not reckless, I'm capable"
"I won't let that bastard kill you, I'll take out his other eye before that"
"Oh? Wait, that was you?? Not Nadia?"
"Haven't you heard? In case of emergency, go for the eyes"
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"I wouldn't mind seeing that"
"... Will the power of spite and revenge be enough? Just to get through tonight?"
"Well, we don't have other options.
God knows I wish I was in my bed, crying
But I can't, I'd run out of water
Wait, no, wrong traumatic house"
"Let's get through tonight, okay? Then we can have a group crying session"
"Snacks included?"
"Of course snacks are included"
"Then I'm in. What's left to solve?"
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Please tell me about Harper and Feena!
OMEHAGUROHMEGAUR OKOKOKOKOKOKOK SOSOSOOSOSOSO (thamk yo uso much TEHE) alao im sorry if this makes NO SENSE im spilling my head into paragraphs and not proofreading rhis is gonna end HORRIBLY but i hope you enjoy😭!
Anwyay so harper and feena started when @thatbiblicallyaccuraterat asked me to draw a silly guy eating monster much and he turned into harper (ill link some pictures to show) and he felt lonely so i made him a friend called feena and theyve been a thibg since then HOLY SHIT I THINK ITS BEEN 2 YEARS?????
Harper and feena r supposed to be my silly ocs that are my go toos when i start daydreaming and drawing! Their not supoosed to have too much trauma and stuff (IM CONTAINING MYSELF) so i camt head empty and harper its also so when i draw them they make me happy they are my happyness. So becazue i cant give them trauma i make altermate realitoes where i CAN give them trauma!!
Im gonna make sections so i caj explain everthing so it can atleast try to make sense
Ok so when i started I made them friends ofc!! And i thought they where cool as hell so i started thinking about their relationship and i was thinking how wierd it would feel if they where a couple so their thing is that their completely platonic and are jist realy close friends that are realy comfortable with each other, i wouldnt say like 'siblings' but more like that one cousin that your realy close with. I like to think of them as denji and power from chainsaw man (however i see denji and power as more of siblings) but no matter how close they get with eachither they dont feel anything romantic :3 i have a thing that when they where 14/15 they where like fuck it lets kiss and they hated it!!!!! they wanted to die!!!!!
I also have different ages for them i draw them as for whatever mood im in! So i have toddler harper and feena (theyve met in primary school) and then children harper and feena (10-12) and then theres also teen (14-16) and preadult idk forgot what its called (17-19) and adult! (20-22) by 20-22 they have an appartment with 2 other roomates nadia and caspian i dont realy have a story for them yet however they do have designs. So basically they jsut spend their entire lives together as besties and this is their main world where their happy and have no trauma and are just silly!!
2. Sexualities n stuff
Well im nor good at this stuff since i realy have no kmowledge but i kinda just peojected me and @thatbiblicallyaccuraterat onto them...
Bisexual, he/they. Dyslexic and/or is on the autism spectrum idk i dont think much about this
Aro/ace or Asexual i havent decided, goes by anything. I honestly dont even know she is any and all illnesses
3. Childhood and all
So i dont wanna give them a traumatic childhood since their my silly chracters!!
HOWEVER, they do have some sort of backstories.
Some sort of religious trauma, her family where 100% praise our lord and saviour jesus christ and she didnt feel part. Knew what she was when she was a teen and after harper came out and was more comfortable. Didnt tell her parents until she moved out, (they very obviously didnt take it well) however is still in touch with them!! Their just kinda realy uncomforable whenever the subject changes to jesus or gay stuff idk.
Twas a bit (a lot) stupider than most people his age (austismmmmm) his parents payed more attention to their sisters so that they could have a better education instead of wasting their time on a child thatll never learn and refuses to listen (wasnt diagnosed till he was an adult so they thought he was being annoying purposefully). Tbh just whats a hug LMAO. He came out to his parents, they told him it was just a phase and theylll get out of it eventually.
So ya!
4. The cats need their own section
So ive always eanted these 2 cats, one called jester one called mariposa. So if i cant have them whats better than having my oc that represents me having them?
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This is mariposa :3
5. Universes
Like i said since i dont want harper and feena to have too much trauma i create new universes for them! Other than my main ailly one theres another 3 i favour out of all the ones i make
1. I made a dystopian after apocolypse one (MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE ITS SO FUN TO MAKE!!) where the aftermath is that the world (well at leats where their living) is split into two, the privlidged and less priveledged (I NEED NAMES FOR THESE I DONT HAVE ANY) anywwy what i think i can best decribe this as is like the hunger games, where theres the 'capitol' and the 'districts' but instead of there being districts its all just survival of the fittest L lmao so yah. So after the apocolypse harper and feena are split up. Feena ends up with the privileged and harper ends up with the less. Harper finds a place he can call 'home' (FOUNDFAMILYFOUNDFMILYFOUNDFAMILY) and feena ends up on the other side where she gets her memories wiped and she then hets brainwashed to belive she was sent down as a gift from god during hard times and everyone is supposed to worship her (tehe i wont bother yiu with any more of this story)
2. Silly little 80s teen ghost busting show like scooby doo with harper feena nadia and caspian
3. detective harper and feena (havent built a lot)
So basically feena can be smart when she wants to but chooses to fuck around with harper, quite a bitch if you guys just met. Pretty resereved when shes around people she doesnt know amd her social skills arent great. If you give her a chance she can be quite nice and passionate. Can ramble for hours on ends
Harper, guys hes trying his best. Loud, can ramble for hours on end too.
And thats all i can think of...sorry for ramblong so much i jist realy love them. i dont expect anyonw to actually read this... Once again this is just me projecting me and @thatbiblicallyaccuraterat onto harper anf feena!
Thank you @rainbowghostcat sososoososo much i love youuahahhah <333
Ill attach drawing of them in the mprning!
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goldenfreddys · 9 months
september ‘04, cont.— she drives at 90 by the barbies and kens.
From what Jeremy could see from the large glass doors of the entrance, the parking lot appeared to be empty, save for a beat-up muscle car one could assume belonged to Mike.
The sun was just clearing the treeline, illuminating the city’s endless blur of sagging chain link fences, cracked pavement and auto garages in warm, muted tones. There were a lot of trees, he thought, interspersed with residential lots in a way that made him feel as though trapped in a perpetual suburb. Moving here was a mistake. He'd been trying to stifle that particular train of thought, but by now, it had risen to the top of his mind and solidified into a thick, greasy layer.
He pulled out his phone.
Jeremy pressed his lips together and waited for a reply. Knowing Nadia, she halfway woke up to turn off her alarm, and forgetting why she set it, went right back to sleep. Still, a sliver of doubt stirred in his chest— what if something happened? What if she got in a car accident?
The door rattled a little as he tried to open it, but didn't budge. It was locked.
A surge of panic shot through him.
Was there a side door? He swore there must’ve been a side door, though he couldn’t remember where. The front entrance would probably be locked until the pizzeria opened at nine.
He would know if Nadia wasn’t doing good- they’ve been best friends for years. She would’ve told him if she wasn’t okay. Right? She’d been staying up late, a lot. Just restless, she said. Although, sometimes girls said things like that when they wanted you to clue in on something. Was she fine? Or was she quote-unquote ‘fine’? And was she quote-unquote ‘fine’ as in ‘I’m mad at you’ or quote-unquote ‘fine’ as in ‘I will be committing suicide this weekend’? His lungs felt tight.
There was a small shuffle from the prize corner.
Jeremy turned to see the animatronic marionette out of its box, staring at him from a distance. It quirked its head to the side.
“I’m sorry.” He said, “I’ve got that uh, panic disorder swag. It’s part of my primal charisma.”
The Marionette continued staring for a moment, before turning and drifting towards the main hallway. It paused by the entrance of the hall and looked back at him.
“Do you… Do you want me to…?”
It motioned limply for him to follow.
Unlike the other animatronics, the puppet seemed to be carried around by unseen wires, though he wasn't sure exactly how that worked. It all seemed a bit too advanced for a mid-sized business during an economic recession.
Jeremy could hear muffled voices at the end of the hall, from the security office.
“I swear-”
“Come on, doll, it's not that hard to get someone to cover for me.”
“On such short notice? It kind of is. Let's see; Chucky is allergic to social interaction with other human beings,”
“That's true.”
“And Sean is gonna throw an absolute fit if he has to do an actual job.”
“I know, but-”
“Look, I'll figure it out. But you owe me big time, Mikey…”
Jeremy glanced around before approaching the entrance of the office, noticing the Marionette had gone without a trace when he wasn't looking.
Mike was sitting on the desk as a heavyset man with dark skin fussed over a copy of the weekly schedule. He looked well-groomed in the way people with a better salary generally do.
The two looked at him.
“What's up?” Mike asked.
“The entrance was locked.”
“You can open it from the inside. You don't need a key, there's a knob below the handle.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Jeremy gave Mike a visibly trembling thumbs up.
The better-paid man—Eugene S.—glanced at Mike and remarked, “Is he good?”
“He told me nothing happened during his shift, so yeah. I think he's probably just on drugs.”
“Well, tell him not to do drugs on company property. We’ve got policies about that.”
They continued squabbling as if they had forgotten Jeremy was still in the room at all. His cell phone buzzed.
Nadia had replied:
Jeremy took a breath, “I’m gonna go, now. Also um, FYI, I'm not a druggie. Just neurotic, which is- which is something you can’t legally fire me for… I’m pretty sure.”
He gave them a half-hearted wave before quickly turning and making his way back down to the entrance. A feeling of intense embarrassment gripped him as he walked, eyes on the glossy checkered flooring. The collar of his button-up was kind of tight. His new work shoes weren’t broken in, yet. The whole building had a sort of grating electric hum. He knew instinctively that if anything stopped him on the way out, he would surely have to rip his own skin off then and there.
Nadia affectionately coined the phrase ‘bitch-mode in overdrive’ to describe this particular state.
At the very least, there was a knob underneath the handle of the entrance that unlocked the door. Crisp morning air filled his lungs. Sunlight and birdsong. The low rumble of Nadia’s black sedan.
A song from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge was, as always, blasting from her stereo as he got in. She grabbed the back of his head and pressed a too-forceful kiss to his cheek, tumbling out apologies that he could only faintly hear over the music.
Jeremy cracked a small smile as the bassline thrummed in his bones.
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dandydanthelion · 10 months
What are Zaire's and Aries's relashionships like with the other m6? Romantic or otherwise
thank you for the ask, anon!!
okay, im gonna keep this platonic so its not like specifically in one of the m6's routes
Zaire's Relationships
Asra: Out of the three apprentices, i think zaire is the least close with them. I mean they get along just fine, but not as close as the other. Especially after his death, they both were more distant than in his previous life (esp with asra going on trips on his own). Also Zaire is very much aware of Asra's feelings towards him, tho it actually doesnt bother him one bit.
Julian: They get along surprisingly well, even to Zaire's surprise. They're also fuck buddies, so there's that. Zaire keeps him out of trouble, but not too much tho cus Julian's recklessness kinda entertains him.
Nadia: They get along SO well, they have so much mutual respect. They're best friends, i think. And they probably do each other's hair while having extravagant skincare together.
Portia: They also get along well, they both like to exchange recipes. And i wanna talk specifically in Julian's route where Zaire is romancing him. even before getting married, Zaire quickly sees Portia as his little sister. He feels a sense of familiarity when bonding with her, because in his previous life he was a big brother.
Muriel: They get along just alright. Zaire very much understands how much Muriel likes his personal space. Zaire will try to get him into a conversation, if failed he'll leave him be. Muriel doesn't feel uncomfortable with him to say the least, so they can sit in silence in a non awkward way.
Lucio: Nope. Zaire absolutely cannot stand his ass. Lucio is too much for him. Zaire basically doubles down on his coldness when with him. Lucio is kinda a little sad about it because he finds Zaire cool (and hot). So he'll try to charm him up and fails miserably but his attempts kinda amuses Zaire so... Maybe he can tolerate Lucio, just a little. also in this post, i mentioned briefly that they're flings. Zaire honestly thought it was an.. okay night but hes kinda embarrassed about it.
Aries' relationships
Asra: They're best friends! Aries actually learned knitting from them. Though Aries is not too fond of Asra leaving them to go on trips. Aries is actually pretty oblivious to Asra's feelings.
Julian: Aries thinks hes just okay, they think his dramatic antics adorable. For Julian though... he's lowkey scared of them once he seen just how chaotic and uh fucked up they could be under that friendly and approachable face.
Nadia: Aries has a little crush on her (not in a romantic way). They're already not the best with social interaction but when it comes to her, they're flustered a mess. They think she's amazing and pretty, they really want to befriend her. Nadia is actually pretty curious about them and would like to know more. Also they both connect on a cultural level!
Portia: They're friends! They both get into all sorts of trouble and mischief (one gets into more than the other) Also Aries likes to join in on her gardening every once in a while.
Muriel: Muriel doesn't really like them and at first Aries thought that's just how he is (i mean he is kinda like that but yk) so they just keep acting like theyre buddies. But when they see how he is around people he actually likes, they're a little heartbroken and avoid him as much as he could.
Lucio: They are each other's problematic fav. They're best friends. They are each other's enablers. I think their platonic relationship isn't that much different from their romantic relationship. Aries is so easily impressed by his stupid bragging. And they both may or may not have committed arson together.
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jaehunnyy · 1 year
hi i love fight club and can't wait for the other parts. also are you up for a little moot game? if so can you assign your moots a kpop idol other than their ateez bias who you ship them with?
hello nonnie, thank you so much! the next part is on its way, hehe! ^^ lets do the little game now! and sorry for not being able to include everyone, i love you all 🤍
@pocketjoong - exo's suho. sky is aiming for the leaders and it shows skskososk; i also ship these two together simply because of how well their personalities compliment each other, they would be the it match.
@bluehwale - i want to assign this menace another menace so im going with nct's haechan. i feel like these two would tease each other id just be down for the show tbh alskaoao.
@justhere4kpop - hmmmm... i would say stray kids' bang chan. there's something so comforting about nadia's presence, just like bang chan, so i think these two would be a great match. also i feel like nadia gives nice hugs aoakaoao.
@hwaightme - seventeen's mingyu. mingyu is for some reason a very comforting person for me, just like bai is. they are both hot, im their biggest fan, so if i cant have them, they should have each other. 😫
@nebulousbrainsoup - hmmmm... i feel like... you would make a GREAT pair with seventeen's hoshi. GO TIGERS, GET EM!! now that i think about it i really ship, you would be so powerful together </3.
@honeyhuii - nct's jaemin. no words needed, it feels right. you two would give each other so much love, i want what you have. 😔
@shakalakaboomboo - stray kids' jisung. another one that just speaks for itself, it feels right. they are both great comfort givers so that's that, biggest hypemen.
@starrysvn - hmmmmmm... I KNOW! seventeen's dino. it feels right, so. genuinely. right. you both are adorable and so nice to have around soooo... yes, absolutely.
@sungbeam - nct's mark. forever one of my fav pairs. you two just MATCH. made for each other. match made in heaven. markbeam forever.
@seonghwaddict - the boyz's eric? yeah, it feels right. i feel like you would treat him right and he would love to have you around so YEAH. ANOTHER MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN BY CHIP METHINKS.
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When teasing goes a bit too far [pt.2]
Characters: Asra (he/they, The Arcana), Vassago (they/them, @lost-in-azalea-forest's S/I)
Mentioned: N (they/them, S/I), Nadia (she/her, The Arcana)
Selfships: Asra and Vassago (platonic), Asra and N (queerplatonic), Nadia and Vassago (romantic)
Words: 1k
Summary: Asra may need a little bit of advice, and there's no better person to trust with this than their best friend.
Notes: I love Vas' selfships and Im gonna make it everyone's problem XD
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Epilogue
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Maybe talking about it with a close friend would help.
Or maybe not, as that also meant talking with N's sibling and, for some reason, that thought was winning over his will to bring up the topic. Tea parties with Vassago were long either way, so he was sure their little worry could stay unnoticed even if they procrastinated mentioning it, saying out loud the question that had been wandering in their mind. 
It wasn't like him to worry that much about someone else's opinion on a matter of his. But they were talking about Vas, his dear friend and whom N had chosen as family. If he really wanted someone's advice on the topic, there was no other person they could trust more than them. At that point, the idea of the plan possibly going wrong wasn't even an option.
"By the way, how are things with Nadia?" he genuinely asked, partly to prepare the atmosphere for what he was about to mention.
"Huh?" They looked at him over the tea cup. "Great, I think. We are actually planning to go on a trip soon, just the two of us. It sounds a bit like a challenge in terms of security because of her being the Countess and all, but..."
"Oh, so a romantic trip, huh?" Asra teased, pinching Vas' arm. "You know, you can count on me if you two need to suddenly disappear from the castle or something like that."
"Right, what would I do without my fellow magician friend?"
"Exactly, someone needs to cover Nadia up while she gets all lovey-dovey with you, and I'm obviously perfect for the job."
"Thank you, thank you," they said as they brought the tea cup to their mouth again in an attempt to hide their light blush. "We haven't even decided where to go yet, but I appreciate that you're willing to help. And, talking about trips, do you have a place in mind for your next one?"
"Well, I... I also haven't decided yet. To be honest, there's been something else in my mind these days."
"Uhm? Do you feel like sharing it?" Vas asked before taking a sip of tea.
"Yes, I actually wanted to ask you about it. So, uhm," he swallowed saliva, somehow still hesitant to what he was about to say. "What would you think if N and I got married?"
Vassago choked on their tea. After some awkward coughs and Asra offering them a napkin, their eyes went to their friend. Seeing their surprise, Asra couldn't help but look away for a moment as drops of embarrassment started to rain on his heart.
"Sorry, it just surprised me," they clarified, putting the napkin away. "Are you serious about this? Do they know?"
"It's... complicated?" He let out a nervous chuckle. "We just kind of teased each other about it, so I'm not sure about how much of it was serious for them."
"And you're still thinking about it?"
"...Yeah. I just— I got this feeling inside every time they called me their spouse, and I can't take it out of my head," Asra sighed. "I really can't."
"Man, you're whipped."
"Shut up," they laughed as he reached for Vas' arm to pinch it again, although now leaving his hand there to softly hold them. "I am... really lost on how to proceed. I don't wanna end up making N uncomfortable in any way."
"And you came to me for advice? Asra, I like listening to you, but do I look like I've gotten married before?"
"Come on, haven't you thought about it with Nadia? I bet you have more ideas than I do."
Vassago went silent, taking a moment to think about it as their cheeks got redder. As soon as they saw Asra giving them a confident smile, they rushed to stop their train of thought and put the conversation back on track.
"Don't try to confuse me, you magic man," they joked, although trying to maintain a serious expression. "We are talking about you here."
"Right, right, whatever dear Vassago says."
"Exactly, and you better confess now what your plans are, I have a sibling to protect here. So?"
"I have no idea."
He let his body fall in a tired and slow manner, resting his weight against Vas' side. They did not intend to hide anything: Asra's mind simply couldn't imagine the proposal, yet they could perfectly picture the future N and him would share afterwards. It was a bit embarrassing, but it was the truth.
"Can't I just, like... wake up one day with N being my spouse already?"
Vassago chuckled at his question, and Asra just closed their eyes as they relaxed by his friend's side.
"I'm no expert, but I don't think it works like that. What makes you think they won't be the one to propose, though?"
"They may have, hm, asked me where their ring was." Asra hid behind one of his hands as they heard Vas gasp.
"And you are still unsure about it?"
"Listen, they could have just been teasing, you know them. I don't think I can read them when it comes to this, or perhaps I'm just too impatient to just wait without knowing if it'll ever really happen," they groaned, confused. "I really don't know, Vas."
"Hmm, it does sound complicated."
"I hope it isn't as hard for you when you plan how to propose to Nadia."
Vas hit them on his chest. Jokingly, of course, getting a smile out of the two friends.
"I can see you worrying over getting her ring size right."
"Asra, focus."
"Alright, alright" he repeated in a whining tone. "Got any advice for me, my wise Vassago?"
"Talk about it with N."
"Just as I said. If their thoughts and feelings on the matter are worrying you so much, maybe you should try to talk it out," they explained, looking at him. "I know N will appreciate the communication."
"Seriously bringing this up will be a challenge..."
"Come on, you mentioned you have already been called their spouse. Talking about all of that again shouldn't be thaaat hard."
"Make Nadia call you her husband and see if you dare repeat that to my face then," Asra challenged them, provoking a short silence with his seemingly bold idea. "But I guess you're right, yeah. I despise the idea of hurting N too much to not ask them."
"Well said." Vassago gave them some back pats that ended in a side hug. "You can do this, Asra."
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brw · 2 months
hello!! i hope you’re doing well ❤️ i’m just here to ask something related to hank and janet’s relationship as it’s portrayed now. is it portrayed as it was abusive? because someone told me that but i feel like that’s just not the vibe? maybe im wrong though, i haven’t read much of them in modern day!
I hesitate to say anything definitive, to be honest. With characters who are this old and this established, a lot of writers have different thoughts and different takes on their relationship, and want us to think about it in different ways, so I don't want to act as if anything can be said for sure. For example, the Janet portrayed in Darkhold: Wasp and the way that series portrays her relationship with Hank could not be more different than the Wasp anniversary series and Avengers Inc, and part of that is just the nature of how many hands touch these characters over the years.
I would generally say though that in 616 comics, the majority of writers go for a sense that what Hank did was unforgivable, and their relationship deserved to end as a result, but that it didn't end their partnership, and that they are extremely important to one another regardless of the way things ended romantically. For example, Janet is the one who inherited Hank's business of Pym Laboratories, and spearheads everything to do with that subsidiary. Janet is the one who ran Hank's funeral at the end of Rage of Ultron when he died. And if we're being honest with one another, Janet would have never in a million years have adopted Nadia if she hadn't been Hank's daughter. And in the real world, the one you and me live in, the synonymity of Ant-Man and the Wasp is still very much so alive, and that brand wouldn't be if their relationship was well and truly dead.
They are separated, and for very good reason, but they still have an incredibly close bond is how their relationship is depicted in modern comics for the most part. As in, Hank being absent from Janet and Nadia's life is the crux of the Wasp anniversaries series (wherever it should be is a different conversation, and I don't love that series, but it is important in a discussion like this), and the statement from that series was that things were worse without that legacy. They shouldn't be together, but they do need each other is their relationship thesis statement. Janet does so much to continue Hank's legacy and work when he dies, and Hank very literally takes on her mantle and tries to do her memory proud when she dies. Their relationship is just too complex and too nuanced in my opinion to be exclusively thought of as abusive, and I'd say if you read most portrayals of their relationship starting from the 90s onwards you'd probably come away with something similar? Like, what Hank did was unforgivable–but it also wasn't representative of the 60 years of publication history he's been in or of the 20 years of publication Janet and Hank's relationship was written in, and most writers understand that.
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consul-valerius · 1 year
To Fuck Around is Human; To Find Out is Divine (1/4)
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It just wasn’t fair ; it wasn’t fair that Sam always got what he wanted, and Valerius always ended up like this . And it wasn’t fair that he loved ending up like this—it just made Sam cheekier, more boastful. […]“Pretty soon you’re going to be thanking me, boy,” Sam whispered in a low growl. These next words were for Valerius and only Valerius. The attention alone had him on cloud nine—how pathetic . “You can cry and pout all you want—you and I both know how this story ends: with you begging daddy for more .”
Valerius attempts to dominate The Duke of Pearl Isles, which goes just as well as was expected. But with his spouse's help, can he for once turn the tables on him? Or will all three fall back into their usual roles?
Rating: 18+ minors DNI or I’m gonna eat your homework
WC: 5728 (im sorry…… my brain exploded)
Characters and relationships: Valerius, Sam, Lucio, brief DonDon, and two nameless OCs; primary Valerius/Sam but background Sam/Lucio and Valucio (and obvious ValDonna)
Content warnings: established Dom/Sub dynamics; non-consensual/dubiously-consensual spankings (did I just make up a word lol); punishments; light bondage; humiliation & degradation; daddy dom, Valerius’s canon foot fetish
A/N: its whack a doodle time. It is whack a doodle. Time. LOL I got my dick back in force and now I’m going to just dedicate time to doing self indulgent smut of these three LMFAO I can’t say there’s NO plot, but this is just a silly little blip in time for them that is vaguely post-game/whatever AU the tales take place in :’)
Preview undercut—full fic linked in the title✨
“Enlighten me, consul,” Sam was practically growling now, teasing a strand of Valerius’s bangs between two gloved fingers. “Seeing as you are suddenly the expert on discipline , what’s the proper way to teach a man like me some manners?”
Sam was clearly baiting him; everyone knew it, most of all Valerius. But he was giving him an out too: if he apologized, tail between his legs, Sam would let it all go. If it was really pretty, maybe he would even invite Valerius onto his lap next—he would have Valerius do something extra special to apologize.
On his lap next to Lucio—Lucio, whose eyes were glued to every move Valerius made, those eyes moving quickly to capture every breath, every small shudder. Valerius sucked in air through his nose, bracing himself to apologize. He wasn’t sure why he had looked to Lucio—normally he could turn to Donna for some visual reassurance.
Instead, Lucio quirked his brow at him, a wicked smile on his face as he tilted his chin up at Valerius.
You don’t have the balls.
“Well, obviously a spanking would be in order.”
Valerius tried not to jump at the ruckus he had caused. The two women tried to stifle their chuckles; Lucio chose to laugh and giggle openly, even so much as to kick his legs too. Sam’s eyes snapped to him for a moment before zeroing in on Valerius. Before Valerius could take the words back, Sam was laughing next, loud and hysterical.
“And just who would be able to do that to me, hm?”
This was bad. This was bad, and Valerius needed to stop.
“Oh, I can name quite a few I’ve seen firsthand tanning your hide—”
Sam was going to kill him. He was digging his own grave.
“My spouse, of course, being one of them.”
But how could he stop when Lucio looked so thrilled? Looked so impressed by him , not Sam, not even Nadia.
Sam’s eyes widened; it only made his forced smile all the scarier.
“Ah, I see ,” Sam chuckled, his voice too sweet. “Gonna run and tell on me like you always do? Gonna go tell mommy that daddy’s being a big ol’ meanie?”
Valerius felt his stomach drop, his face instantly igniting. Damn him . Damn him for saying that in front of those women—they would get the wrong idea, that he was really into all of that. Really, it was for Donna. And for Sam. And it made him happy to make them happy, it wasn’t that he was into it—
“Does it look like I’m running ? Are your eyes just as bad as your decorum?”
Sam sucked in a breath, practically hissing as he tilted his head down at Valerius. Valerius swallowed, his eyelashes fluttering.
“Oh? You gonna do it then, Valerius?” Sam took another step forward. Valerius took a step back. “You gonna put me in my place?”
Valerius felt like his brain was turning off, that he could will his soul from his body at this very moment. Lucio’s small giggle broke him out of his stupor.
“I could if I wanted to.”
“And you simply just never felt the urge? With how ill-mannered and barbaric I am, you’ve just always so happened to let me throw you over my knee?”
“I said if I wanted to—”
“Seems like you wana now.”
“Well, perhaps I do “wan-ah” —!”
“ Perfect!I”
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