#im fucked up abuot them!
mikkaeus · 1 year
5.17 the social contract really gave us everything huh. the pt with the frontal lobe disinhibition who starts saying his thoughts with no filter and driving away his wife and kid, house seeing himself in him, wilson yelling at him about trying to pry into every aspect of his life — and right afterwards when the pt asks him to do the incredibly dangerous surgery to maybe fix the frontal lobe issue he goes to chase and when chase asks him why, he actually has a genuine, vulnerable moment that he leaves be instead of immediately turning around and making a joke or deflecting as he’s done in the past
When he leaves here, he's going to lose his family. He's gonna alienate the people he works with. And if he ever finds a friend who's willing to put up with his crap, he'll be lucky. Until he drives them away too.
and then just like. house actually volunteering to go to new york with wilson when he meets his brother to support him!! (though he gets caught up in a case and misses the big moment, it’s a big fucking leap nonetheless). their conversation about wilson feeling responsible for what happened to his brother (his villian niceness origin story. which is actually pretty fucking heartbreaking. So you made your one effort to live a normal, selfish life, and the universe immediately smacked you down. And because we're wired to find meaning in semi-random events, you decided never to be that careless again.) and house isn’t a facetious asshole for once. it’s his own brand of comforting, as a wilson-proclaimed ‘reality junkie’. which is capped off by the final lines of the episode:
Wilson: Do you think things will work out with my brother? House: No. But when it does go wrong, it won't be your fault. Wilson: Thanks, House. ← THIS WAS GENUINELY FUCKING HEARTFELT please kill me
and we also get this excellent articulation of why they WORK
House: Does it bother you that we have no social contract? Wilson: (laughs) My whole life is one big compromise. I tiptoe around everyone like they're made of china. I spend all my time analyzing: What will the effect be if I say this? Then there's you. You're a reality junkie. If I offered you a comforting lie, you'd smack me over the head with it. Let's not change that.
and that’s not even getting started on the secondary plotlines of 
- house being shocked and upset when wilson says he’s just been pretending to like monster trucks?? and his need to reaffirm that that was a lie in the aftermath??? like although he obviously didn’t take it at 100% face value he was definitely worried that it was true, that wilson had been putting on a front for him as he does for the rest of the world 
- house’s reaction to thinking that wilson’s got cancer ± SI. (yeah i know what’s coming unfortunately despite me avoiding spoilers like the plague. i foresee many tears in my future) (man all the fake cancer scares so far hit fucking different when you know the ending)
- house’s reaction to thinking that taub is hanging out with wilson. pls he’s so jealous. 
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flovverworks · 6 months
after a billion yrs i added a lil line about my gbf verse.....<3 one day i might flesh it out to something in-universe, but since gbf is so "oh ure from another world? ya that happens..." i....am gonna keep w that..........(also cuz i do think discussing the different ways of magic, moon-enemy & this n that is more fun like this
#stardust speaking !#i do wanna write but im unsure when ill do so#anyway i need to talk abut that one 1.5 moment with that weird car horn sfx after murrs fancy speech cuz i#was thinking about it again due to one of the descriptions in the alterego event#i still didnt check the website btw is it available info why snows adult and whites a kid or is that a waiting game cuz#that.....#sometimes when i think abuot paradoxroid i think about them. that one was fkd up#snow&white r so fascinating to me#snow & white & figaro & oz are even more fascinating#oz who only started learning abut the world because arthur asked things about the world.................#oz who made arthur pancakes.................................#they make me ill. figaro feels like he should be the most welladapted cuz in some ways he IS. guy who lies about his power and age and love#humans and that one offhand line in 2nd anni about how he has cared for kids!??!? dude i need to reread 2nd anni did that ever get brought#up again#but figaro & love is................guy who leaves when he thinks he isnt loved anymore#<-guy who was taught by snow&white who valued e/o the most#2nd anni makes me lose my mind. figaro and fausts convo. both who felt like it was the other who left LIKE FIGAROS SURPRISE WAS UNREEEAAALL#somethings deeply wrong with him i am so intrigued#i need to go reread his pt2 parts like what the actual hell dude#the mental gymnastics he does in one part is ? id like to study u and the twins under a microscope#this is all shallowly/casually speaking about it btw theres a lot of things left&right about all of these topics that makes them very yummy#i think what gets me the most about pt2 is that a lot of it is things that we alrdy knew regarding characters feelings etc. such as figaro#but seeing them say it themself makes me faint#OH MY GOOODDDDDD THE FLASHBACK CONVO WITH OZ AND FIGARO? ABOUT WOULD U SAVE THE PERSON U LOVE OR THE WORLD#AND HOW FIGARO ENDS UP FALTERING DEAR LOOOOORRRDDDDDDDDDDDDD#fucked up family (affectionate)#i need to think of modern aus again i thought about arthur calling snow & white granpa for one second and everything hrut#ok im sorry i dont know what possessed me. i promise ill be rereading stuff soon#one more thing. fausts part in pt2. god. but in this cursed world the sage trusted me...
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takkamek · 3 months
thinking about how alonso said that past drivers were more genuine than drivers nowadays. how "off-track or with the helmet off, maybe they are a bit the same and more shy in the way they approach things", and how "they have people who talk for them, for management, for media, for fitness. They’re well prepared, but maybe they lost a little bit their own character".
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Hiii Lys ! Big fan here !! So I just read Sacrilege thanks to a very dear friend’s recommendation ( I KNOW IM LATE TO THE PARTY MAYBE I OUGHT TO GET OFFICER YEAGER TO PUNISH ME TOO WHO SAID THAT ) and I’ve got this crazy idea of them ending up getting married : Eren fucks her right before the wedding ceremony in her pretty virginal wedding dress , keeps her panties in his pocket and she has to walk down the aisle dripping of him!
HE SHOULD PUNISH U LOL, I WOULD SUPPORT IT !! 🤣🤣 dead lmfao oh yes tho, u fucking know he does exactly that. But the BEST part is like she still remains a prominent member of the church, and her pastor or priest whoever the fuck is officiating, someone who thinks the world of her, he's going on and on about how pure and blessed Mikasa is, looking at her with such devotion and theres fucking cum dripping down her thighs 😂 Bro the entire wedding is just a joke! The whole church keeps talking abuot how pure and sweet she is, meanwhile Eren is feeling her up under the table, doing the absolute MOST the entire time lol just to fuck with her.
Ugh I should add this to that last sacrilege drabble i wrote where they sort of had an ending, I actually don't remember what i wrote i should reread it 😂
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certifiedgoofball · 8 months
a rant about how fucking ANNOYING my ex was when it came to my npd (even though HE HAD BPD HIMSELF) ok so first off, he was the one to help me realize i probably had bpd. and it was NICE because i was figuring things out abuot myself and i felt like i could talk to him and i was being really open. but after a bit i started feeling weird with the label, and i was noticing that i had a lot of symptoms that didnt match up with bpd, so i started researching other pds, which led me to NPD. but i had a lot of internalized ableism around the idea. so i pushed it inside myself and bottled it up, until i saw something frmo someone with NPD that i related to so deeply that i couldnt push it down anymore so i started doing more research on npd and looked at experiences from people with npd. and it made sense! it made so much sense and looking through tumblr seeing stuff from ppl with npd that were proud of their npd and were open about it and were so similar to me made me happy. so i decided to tell my boyfriend, because he was, yknow, my BOYFRIEND, and i felt i could trust him. i tell hiim that i think i might have it. at the time i was like 99% sure. and the first thing he says is i probably dont because im "too nice" and that hes SCARED. of my fucking personality disorder. which doesnt help my internalized ableism at fucking ALL. but i put it off im like whatever okay hes an anxious person its fine. but no, it just keeps going. he starts to talk about how he thinks his terribly abusive mother has npd. about how he has so much trauma over the term and how his mother is such a terrible narcissist abuser and how he still believes in narc abuse to an extent. and im like, what the fuck? listening to the things hes saying his mom doesnt even seem like a narcissist. she just seems like a regular fucking abuser. but no, of course, tell this to your boyfriend that confided in you about a terribly stigmatized disorder he thinks he might have, because of course thats good (sarcasm). and then he tells me that whenever i talk about npd i trigger him and i shouldnt talk about it so much. i shouldnt talk about my fucking PERSONALITY DISORDER. the disorder that makes up my whole personality, the one that affects the way that i think and view the world and others. but no, of course, youre allowed to talk about your bpd as much as you want, but i cant talk about my npd. (sarcasm again). if you cant handle me talking about it, imagine what its like to fucking LIVE IT. to have a disorder that everywhere i go there comes up shit about how every pwnpd is a terrible abuser and they dont deserve respect, and then i confide in my fucking BOYFRIEND about it, because i TRUST him, and i just get more stigma thrown back at my fucking face. this one is just kind of annoying and not like objectively bad, but i show them this meme one time thats like "what to do to all narcissists: tell them theyre always right" and they respond like "uhm ackshually.... its harmful to feed into their ego and tell them theyre right when they arent" LIKE I FUCKING KNOW YOU IDIOT!!! i know im not always going to be right! i know that!!!! and then they talk about how they arent comfortable when i ask for supply because they dont want to fucking "feed my ego" like what the fuck!!!! what the fuck is wrong with you!!!! and they would get fucking upset when i headcanoned a character to have npd. like what the FUCK is wrong with you. ughh!!!!!! god. they make me so angry!!!!
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alanahsart-blog · 9 months
well of course i want to know abuot my best friend June: 🥊, 🧊, 🍀
YAAAAAY hehe Im so glad <3 best friend June time :]
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
June is a weird little freak who actually enjoys and finds comfort in the mundanities of like... math. and business. (They're an accountant) It makes them feel like there's some order to their life and they find it relaxing. Absolutely bizarre. Of course, the root of their enjoyment of that is that it's sort of a destresser, so they also really enjoy getting to hang out with their friends, now that they have some that actually know them and are cool with them being a werewolf.
They are NOT a fan of interacting with anyone in a position to scrutinize them-- police, formal monster hunting organizations, stuff like that. At heart they are just some guy who doesn't like confrontation and doesn't really know how to deal with the scrutiny of mundane authorities. On a mundane note, since their senses are pretty strong, they are not a fan of strong smells and thus something like. Filling up the gas in their car sucks a little.
They have a paradoxical relationship with people relying on them-- on one hand, they love to feel like they can support and pay back the loyalty and kindness of their friends, but on the other hand, they are terrified of dropping the ball and letting people down, especially in life or death situations. This fear has come true several times, so they're currently kinda wrestling with a bit of an aversion to/guilt when it comes to taking on responsibility for others wellbeing-- they'll keep doing it tho <3
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
More or less, yeah actually!! This is the first image I ever drew of June, (left) which isn't too different to my latest ref for them (right.) Looking back I definitely prefer the flowers on their jacket to be smaller. Gotta shrink those back down!
Divine vision or something 💥(they have since lost that gun. LMAO)
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something that HAS changed about their design is a consequence of in-game events-- basically a large scar from getting blasted by undistilled magic from something called the wellspring. There was an instance in the mystery where this occurred where our gm described our characters sort of like.. mutated, messed up reflections as viewed through this magic, and in it described June as scaley green, so the "scar" they ended up with from getting blasted by it I interpreted as patches of scales :]. Makes hospital visits and beach days a little tough as you can imagine.
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🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Well!!! June is my motw character and ofc was made for that purpose-- I'm a huuuuuge lover of monsters, spooky little guys, and generally fucked up characters, and so especially in a game where you're often going to be in conflict with those, I knew I wanted to make a character with the monstrous playbook.
I made them a werewolf ...... honestly mostly out of spite. LMAO. I have BIG problems with a lot of media depictions of werewolves, and thought this would be a great opportunity to do my take on a monster who I previously overlooked or didn't like because of how they were depicted in other stuff. In practice, they were definitely a combo of my own opinions about what would make a cool werewolf (a little uncanny, a little uneven and body horror-ish (it's a bit hard to tell in some pics, but they are kinda asymmetrical-- one sides a little more human and one's a little more wolfy,) mix of fangs and tusks and human teeth, overall monstrous silhouette rather than like. Actual Wolf or Hairy Guy With Slightly Strange Face)) and some traits about how they work drawn from medieval depictions and folklore (such as their time-frozen status, and the general Vibes of their look) :,3. I think it worked out very well personally, June is one of my favorite characters ever ever ever <3
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ressing · 1 year
More about mass effect ocs pls?
ah right, thank you for the reminder sorry im so late lol i cant remember their names or if i even thought of names for any of them, but i was super into them for a time
human spectre because of course, didnt like how things devolved into politics too much with the council, spectres werent just spies they were also sent out on help missions and were like the vigilantes of the galaxy, or so she had thought but then it was red tape and you cant do this or that because itll look bad toward potiental allies blah blah so she stole her own ship back from dock at the citidel and basically went off on her own to form a crew and try to help like she always thought they were supposed to. side note 3 characters in and i remember the basis, its after me3 and shepard has destroyed the reapers and now while the galaxy and the citadel are rebuilding opportunistic space pirates start entering the system and taking out refugee convoys and medical ships and the council instead of doing anything refuse to try to fix the problem because any acts of aggression in the newly reforming civilizaed galaxy will almost guaranteed to result in a all out war.
the asari, the tech specalist who cant do much biotics unlike most asari, was passed up as a spectre due to a hot streak and just worked for c sec or whatever they were called ill be real its been YEARS since ive really written them all dow, but when the human spectre gets thrown in the brig for telling the council off and basically going rogue in their eyes they meet because she in charge of the cells that day lol, but some big speech about justice and being able to tell your bosses to fuck off shouldnt land you in jail and she agrees and helps the spectre break out but they both kinda realize that this is like... the end of their lives on the citadel and will be wanted fugitives from here on out but its better then sitting twiddling their thumbs while the galaxy goes to shit.
the turian quarian, quarian fleet finds a turian ship adrift and are going abuot searching it and clearing it out to add it to the flotilla as a new ship (i dont know if quarians actually do this but yolo) and onboard they find a baby turian and one of the search party kinda.. adopts her, doesnt wanna give her up due to her own issues with having kids and wanting to have a family she sorta puppy dog eyes everyone into letting her keep this baby, but of course being kept in sterile enviroments all the time your immune system tends to shut down and she started needing the full suits like quarians do. she joined the crew after on the citadel (during the daring escape/steal a ship mission the spectre does) after being saved by a different quarian and then talked into joining. was getting a lot of shit about her being a turian playing dress up as a quarian but shes fully like "uh but i am a quarian see the suit i was born on the flotilla?" joins the crew as a way to help find who she really is (soul searching quest)
the other quarian, this quarian is a biotic (which i also dont know if quarians can be but yolo) and only found out when he and his like best friend are sent on their quarian life mission thing to bring back to the flotilla, but his best friend came onto him and when he rejected her she flipped and like attacked him and he was just trying to hold her back honest he didnt mean his biotics to go off like that she was his best friend of course he wasnt TRYING to kill her it was an accident! so then hes on the citadel hiding in shady bars and back alleys kinda stepping into random muggings and assaults to try to redeem himself to himself and steps into the turian quarian getting mugged and saves her and is afterward also recruited to the ship by the spectre.
THE KROGAN now this one im upset about because i cant remember his name and its so GOOD HES THE BEST him and the turian quarian are my favorites. he was doing that puberty ritual against the giant worm, you know grunts best mission, and like during three when you walk through old krogan ruins and you find out they were this smart race before destorying themselves and their world in nuclear war? yeah well this krogan found out the same thing, during his giant worm fight it caused an earthquake and he was swallowed up into the ruins of his homeworld, thought dead his teammates left him and he just sorta steeled himself and went about trying to survive and get out. took a while for his eyes to get used to the darkness and after years and years in the dark his eyes are like only used to the dark now so he wears riddick style glasses. but he also found all these old ruins and books and poems and writing and religion and after years of being down there he suddenly had found a den of those weird lizard dogs vulvas or whatever their called vespas thats it, he managed to like tame the pack using recovered knowledge from the ruins and used them to lead him back out of the darkness through their own tunnels. hes now a messiah like dude on the citadel doing preaching about non violence but uh.. isnt against using violence to achieve non violence. argue it with him and he will headbutt you until you agree not to be violent, see there he was right all along, the strongest gets to say what goes and hes stronger and he says get the fuck along. his name was a one word holy esqe word like redemption or resolution or something and IM SO MAD I CANT REMEMBER HES THE BEST ONE just picture a big krogan guy in heavy armor but also draped in like a toga with a pack of VARREN (i remembered) and also little black sunglass/goggle thing. he joined the spectre on the promise that theyre gonna make the galaxy safer and better for everyone
the salarian, female salarian which are usually guarded on the homeworld for breeding or whatever that lore was, really hated the whole idea of being kept safe or like doing medical or science work, so she sorta jumped ship and became an arms dealer, you see this huge hulking krogan sized armor walking toward you and the visor opens up and its this fucking frog thing half your size and not even half the size of a krogan, jumping around doing scrobatics is boring and tiring and really if i can just wear my huge custom made armor ill never be hit by a bullet ever!
a biotic volus who works like a merchant for the group offering quests and discounts to friends (the crew) just asks for passage occasionally, always seems nervous and kinda shady, just wants to be safe from pirates stealing his goods and wants the galaxy back in working order and these guys seem to be doing a better job making space safer for someone dealing in moving vast quantities of merchandise around.
and finally on the ship are the stoways; a batarian and a "freed" (hacked) geth, they are actually kinda up there in rank space pirates in their own regard and realized when they were in a bad spot so played along as crew members wanting to bring peace to the galaxy too while sending out info to the space pirates they know will be around and tip them off something is happening
the geth has stickers all over it and graffiti and is only like half itself, its like half locked down by the batarian chick to be a body guard thing, if it could control itself it would most likely stick with her as it does actually like her but would probably be more vocal about disagreeing with some aspects of their "jobs"
the batarian was just some girl because i went "you dont see females of these species often so ill make one of my ocs that, and she will be a cool lesbian pirate hanging out with a cool geth"
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im soruy if 5higs twsms a b85t oger the palace but-
Ok, calm down!! Breathe!!
That's actually insane, what??? You heard them?? Jesus Christ, you need to report that to the police! Like, fuck the mayor, but he doesn't deserve to be murdered!!
Peanuts is acting more erratic?? And he's trying to attack them!? This is getting crazier and crazier by the second...
Stay safe, pall. Don't let yourself get killed by those psycho news anchors.
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fagrights · 2 years
hearing more things about my bff like .. how were we even 'friends' youll do all these things with other people but when i ask or we have plans its like pulling teeth. you always and everyone else in your family want to act like im this horrible person or something but im always the one trying.
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droidmom · 6 years
im rly sad silora had to die. like,, obviously sOMETHING bad was going to happen, be it her intentions weren’t genuine or.... someone would dIE, because an alliance with the vc would be ~too easy~ but she was so pretty!! so good!! and she had such a powerful dynamic with amanda im gay!! 
plus!! i do think an alliance earned due to the whole rahm tak thing would have been beneficial to the show’s storytelling!!! 
season 3 is weird because it just takes anything resembling the power crawl of the last couple seasons and plateau’s it and kinda turns it on its side? they weren’t fighting the vc--they were fighting a stupid rogue. if the vc rly attacked they wouldnt have survived so i get it, but if ur gonna waste our time with a singular threat at least let it amount to something? 
but if the omec storyline is finally taking off and they’re gonna attack earth or whatever,,,, defiance, this small town recovering from a million different disasters, cant rly win that fight on their own. im still only on 3x11 so idk what’s going to actually happen, but wouldn’t it make JUST A LITTLE BIT OF SENSE for defiance to have an alliance with the vc so they could actually have a chance against omecs killing everyone and terraforming the world? and like,, by handing over nolan, maybe they’ll get it... but now kindzi has nolan and their whole deal to ally with the omecs fell through so good luck i guess???
it just feels like an endless tangle of war and fighting where defiance does come out victorious, albeit at a cost, but never actually... advances. cool! they survive rahm tak. nothing comes of it but a lot of death and a broken arch because defiance always endures, no matter how tiring the fighting is to see. cool! we meet characters like silora or the omec guy who are progressive and could help be pillars in the new world so defiance isnt fighting all on its own! but they die. and then datak of all people lived like the goddamn cockroach he is and while im not saying i rly wanted to see him die... it’s an example of how there’s no real... impact when there aren’t consequences and instead, everything reverts to how it once was, albeit with a robot arm this time. 
idk where im rly going with this tbh it’s just one long scattered ramble that isnt rly amounting to anything, but it’s not like season 3 is amounting to anything either  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
#defiance tag#again this is from the pov of 3.11 mAYBE the last 2 eps will make things make more sense idk this is just where im at#but i think that pov is still important bc u cant alwasy guarantee a n audience is going to stick around through stupid decisions#even thoguh. i am#i like when shows fuck up tho bc it lets me figure out why and avoid those mistakes in my own stuff so. i have some#ideas im trying to figure out on how s3 shouldve done things and while im sad the story got so.. scattered and#kinda chore-like?#thats a thing#and im glad there are ways to make more sense of it all#and also im glad the writers kept in mind how much we care abuot the characters bc hONESTLY the shitty story writing doesnt even#bother me a ton bc im just glad the characters are still super developed n relatable#ofc s3 is doing weird things to their development or not appreciating them enough but theyre like. still valued#idk its almost 4 am i am Tired im probably gonna reread this in the morning nd have no fucking clue what i was talking abuot#OH ALSO like e all of the problems nolan is dealing with feel weird like we've eithr already seen this in other characters or we've#seen enough of it to where its just :/ tiring#i get its ark tech and trauma but im not into him spiraling like this#thAT'S RLY THE THING actually is a lot of what the writers did like. it makes sense? but it's not necessarily what i Want to see#and seeing everyone struggle and endure over and over again makes overall victories have more meaning whEN THEY ACTUALLY#AMOUNT TO SOMETHING#but nothing is amounting to anything and the show got cancelled so#bye
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the perks of being a wallflower
i haven’t read the book yet and i do plan on it, i swear. BUT the movie comes off netflix today so i needed to watch it. my room doesn’t have a DVD player or i wouldn’t have bothered but it’s laright. 
i love charles, he’s really relatable. not super enjoying the social settings, doesn’t participate in class, doesn’t have any friends. perfect. i like patrick too, he’s the popular OH SAM SAM SAM yes there is sam. the samantha. the trio of friends who you would die to have. 
lmao i wish our high school football team was half as decent as theirs, maybe the games would be tolerable. 
slut and the falcon. living room routine.
god i wish i could do high school over again. i wouldn’t talk to anyone i wouldn’t look at anyone i wouldn’t meet anyone i wouldn’t do anything other than my schoolwork. no dating, no friends, just my family. 
i like the dynamic of him and his sister, it reminds me a lot of aubrey and i. 
oh the cliche’s i live for it. come on eileen is a good song too. but standing against the cement wall drinking shitty punch watching complete chaos unfold. 
and the cast of this movie!!! it’s to absolutely die for!!! i mean emma watson, obviously, speaks for itself. paul rudd as the fantastic english teacher support character. logan lerman? icon. erza miller is a really good actor. 
i would love to do weed brownies in someone’s random basement and talk to random girls about giving marching band letterman shit and how its not a sport and how its pointless to give it to them. 
“are you baked?” “like a cake” 
oh im gonna cry at this movie what the hell. i wanna feel noticed and welcomed. 
here we go the iconic scene, where its emma watson in the tunnel on the bed of the truck. where charle falls in love with sam for real this time, where it’s practically a visual tutorial of how to feel weightless and infinite.
i think that if i do end up switching schools (which will be kind of sad because then i don’t get to go to the cadaver lab) i will live my little indie movie fantasy. 
the rocky horror picture show!!! oh it makes me so happyyy. i want a group of friends like this oh my gosh. 
we accept the love we think we deserve.
okay season change, we are drifting into the christmas season. i wish that someone would study for the SAT’s with me,
below average!!!
i love the aggression towards mary elizabeth.
oh the stupid record for sam. and when charlie first puts on the suit!!! i think that is brendon urie on the wall but like i don’t think it fits the vibe. OH MY GOSH SHE GOT HIM A TYPEWRITER. IM GONNA CRYYYYYYYY.
write about us. i will. 
i just want to make sure that the first person who kisses you loves you. 
i love you charlie. i love you too.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. god this movie fills me up with stupid warm hope about life and love and oh my goddd.
the way that his brother and him talks about his mental health is so important. because im the only one who yk has gotten checked into a hospital (twice, thank you very much). who knows what’s going to happen next and im so sick and tired of not living my life but i also can’t live my life the way i want to while im at east because o people and that’s okay its not their fault, it’s mine really. but it would also be my fault if i never tried to give myself better. try to give myself tunnels and weed brownies and mixtapes and secret santas. 
oh the record. oh the record. 
i’m gonna have to sit down and watch the rocky horror picture show to get full context of the references to the movie but i’ve been meaning to watch it anyways. 
sometimes i forget its set in the 90s. the outfits, the language, the everything. oh god mary elizabeth i forgot she liked him since the beginning of the movie and it’s lame because charlie loves sam. oh just mary elizabeth flirting with charlie is bad. like i just never see them together and them making out is weird and OH IT SWITCHES TO SAM. woah boyfriend? 
i like that he still writes letters to his friend. it’s important to me. she really just bullies him for the things that he likes. and he just like wont break up with her.
OH OH OH YOU KNOW PATRICK he reminds me of conan gray!!! and maybe that’s why i like him so much oh my god. 
WOAH CHARLIE REALLY KISSED SAM INSTEAD OF MARY ELIZABETH bruhhh. like he really should have just dumped her like a week or two later. 
im worried about charlie now, because he’s getting worse again and mary elizabeth isn’t helping. and patrick got caught and now everything is going to shit and holy crap everything is rushing back and everything hurts
hearing the story about patricks breakup with his boyfried and then he kissed charlie and he was so okay abuot it because he knew that he was hurting and he just wanted him to be okay. and then everyone started getting accepted into college.
charlie is getting worse and the blackouts are getting worse and im worried that he is going to attempt and its the last day of his freshman year and i don’t want him to.
this gives very unrealisitc ideas about high school and it makes me very upset. but it’s okay. sam is still with her jackass of a boyfriend. OFC HE WAS CHEATING ON HER FUCK. 
nothing hates u.
charlie kissing sam and calling her beautiful and it makes me so happy that he kissed her. i hate that she is crying when she kisses him goodbye and i hate that she has to say goodbye and now he’s going to be alone again because all of his friends are gone. and i cant breathe and hes in the hospital.
this movie broke me. 
we are infinite.
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fatherlyfrog · 3 years
- dragon is hatched in captivity amongst only people, in a li l ttown or smth..................... very smmall group of poeplw knwoing abuot blue
- not treated too bad !! u kno !!!! grrew up moderately happt
- oh h no !! adolescent (?) yearss anf it's like bada bign bada boom "whats this a draogn!! in the town !!!! thhe one closeby jssut got attakced!!!!!! by dragns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welll wjatre we gnona do??? we r oing tto kikc the drwagon out" adn the peoplw of tje town r like "n nno! !! ! sotp that" n trry defendign dragnm
- btu it's like oh wwow! !! hguh!! tje dragns tjat attafcked the laast tow?n??? r lookign for thheir lost chilf!!!!!!!!! becausw like they losts tje egg or smth idk maybe it waas stolen......................................... smtjing ill tjignk about ltaer
- n hthe dragosnm find d blue n its likw "ok sso this si ours" nmn the e town goes "welw fuck wjat do we do" "whta does thhe draogn wanna do??>????????"
- dragon leavws (a littlw reluctantlly) becausw tjis is family right !! logn lost, somethign they were alwaays subconsciously lookinf for despite havin g a found one............
- gets taughft how to BE a draggon!! !! but like "oh s hit is this the life for me ?? i cna undersstand wjat theyre sayign bbut i dotn even speakw that in the forst place whatmi do in here!!"
- draogn leavws, familly beinf confused byt it n terrifiwd by thhe thoughtf that tjey were snatchhed or even worsw, bby never thinkign that they didnf wanna be there entirelly
- tjey jusst kindf go !!! seeignt he sights n tryinf to gget as far away as possiblw frim there andn thhey cant go backw to tje town becausd its like !! u jjust leftw them whatr u gonnan do
- oops thatst a teleportign building !! mighf as well go intno it whhy not itll l take them furtjer away!!!
(=/= wo oo i think im gettinf less sleepy mo ore awake B^] ill lgo back n construcf this better latwr lol!!)
- an d theyy havw ended up in jawwstooore!! !
- who'rere these weird people oh well shark........ shark on two legs...............................
- pleasw hire me i can pitch misreadings
- hired ! epic
- anf the rest is history i showed up whhen you guys were talking about dragon suitcase
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danishprince · 3 years
neon genesis evangelion characters as dril tweets
shinji: "im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob
misato: enjoying my "BEER O CLOCK" tshirt? yeah I got a whole hamper full of these badboys at home. you can come over & look at them all if you like
gendo: i had a stern talk with my son over how his purchase of a $0.99 hdmi cable represents failure
asuka: it is only natural that any reasonable human being would want to yell at my ass, but throwing spears at it is completely unnecessary
rei: tto the fucker who donated me a heart. im glad youre dead
kaworu: do not be afraid to talk to that lonely boy on the train ... with the rosy red cheeks, sun glasses & big cigar... he just mmight be... angel
ritsuko: now's the perfect time to catch up on my Smoking by smoking every cigarette and cigar in the house
kaji: wassup babe, im the reason Pregnancy-info .net disabled video embedding on their forums, how abuot giving me a nice kiss
maya: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian .
kensuke: if a terrorist tried to get me. i'd just say like, "gods fake dude" then punch the gun out of his hand while hes contemplating the hereafter
tōji: wailing at th e blooper reel, saying all the things hte actors are doing wrong out loud, punching the shit out of an usher, pop corn flying,
naoko: tthe super computer lit up and told me my posts were good in a fucked up robot voice, validating me forever online
yui: who will kiss m e when im dead
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fsnowemblem · 7 years
Would you do a big post about why you like Noire? I know like nothing about her but I think she's really cute and I wanna know what about her makes you love her so much
you asked for it m’dude
and i assume that at this point you dont care about awakening support spoilers
In general like her archetype of character, a seemingly fragile quirky character that can go insane/berserk, an example is A.B.A. from guilty gear, i love it so much that my first ever original character that i made is this archetype
I really like her backstory, not like in the sense that i relate, but like in the sense that is very interesting, having a shitty shitty parent that did experiments on her, she ends up being a guinea pig for hexes of her mother, and becomes very shy, very jumpy and she talks very softly and with kind of a broken voice, her mother ends up giving her a talisman that is supposed to be hexed so that noire can draw strenght from it so it will protect her, talisman is just a placebo thats just there for noire to vent up her frustrations, she starts yelling, laughing and becomes way more aggressive, it is not a happy story, when you see noire for the first time she has already gone through so much, that the very fact that she is there to fight still is kind of remarkable, she is so determined that a lot of the supports she has with other ppl usually are impressed by her will power alone, she comes to the army broken, sad and scared, like most of the kid generation to be fair, their world pretty much was destroyed, but she along with the others is so set in making things right that her fears and worries are not gonna stop her, in short terms, she is like actually the strongest and most incredible of the kids that went back in time
I touched on her personallity a bit but she is really cool, even tho she is kinda quiet and doesnt usually involves herself with others, she cares about every single person she interacts with and is ready to help and protect anybody at any time, the best example is the support with pannes kid, dude is as much as a scaredy cat as her and their support starts by her doing him a favor, no questions ask and no hesitation, followed by him being inspired by her conviction of making things right and overcoming her fears, so much so that he stops hiding all together, and that support also shows that she is smart as to when to snap and become all violent and shit and when to keep calm and make ppl listen to her, she has weaponized both her cuteness and her aggresive nature
She is a way bigger human than me, if my mother experimented on me to the point of me becoming her guinea pig, i wouldve been like, lol fuck you never talk to me again, as strong as blood bonds are, i am not one to take shit and expect to make peace later, she on the other hand wants to make amends, and even tho the tharja she makes ameds with is not her mother, she wants to avoid her to be repeated by the mistakes of her parents i think that is so cool too, she is incredible
I just love all the little details of her supports about just being so inspiring to the ppl she talks to and her determination being contageous while never hiding her fears, worries and hesitation, she pushes forward despite her being scared, broken and sad, while other ppl have to be pushed to the point where they will actually say how they feel, i like how honest and direct she is, and i also really love how if she gets frustrated with someone being blatantly lying or being dense as fuck she will just snap and yell the truth out of them or really clearly explain her point so then she can help them get better or help them realize something abuot them, her berserk form is kind of a last resourse in this regard but its super funny and endearing when she just looses patience and tell them in ther faces how it is
But enough about her backstory lets go to gameplay!
she has *the* coolest passive ability, vengance, when you get hit you do your damage, plus the damage you where dealt at i think the luck stat x 2? one of the stats x 2, not only you can level up that stat really easily, she levels it up a lot naturally  and you end up getting vengance like 80% of the attacks if not all of them, she is a fucking killing machine its amazing, she is a bit of a glass cannon tho so be careful when using her, but i ended up using her so much that she started to just take like hits that where just around 20% of her health and subsequently dealing one hit kills, and since she is an archer, she can learn the one hit kill skill that is i believe the same stat as the vengance one, so since she already levels it up so fast naturaly she either does a one shot critical, she does a straight up critical hit that will murder fools straight up OR she will deal damage BACK that destroys ppl, SHE. IS. INCREDIBLE
 She is very resistance heavy and in the tail end missions of awakening you are usually getting bombarded by wizards not only is that helpful, they usually attack her bcus she has the least ammount of health so you can just go destroying magical fools left and right, and this is like, just vanilla noire, the first time i played awakening, gregor (a mercenary) was the parent she inherited a skill from, i made her a mercenary after getting said vengance and one hit kill chance, she gained sol, so when she did some insane damage she cured herself up to full health, proceeding to just freaking MURDER, i went with pretty much just her alone in one of the hollow boxes thingies and she just destroyed the whole map by herself taking like 3 damage total, when gaius was her father in my 2nd or 3rd playthru, she had the vengance stat to 50% so her vengance triggered EVERY SINGLE TIME plus the one hit kill skill she was the deadliest unit i had but she kept her glass cannon-ess trait so i had a healer next to her all the time, that being said tho she was my go to, oh shit this unit is super tanky, les go girl 1 shot it, and she did 100% of the time, and the 3RD TIME (or 2nd, i dunno) Libra was her dad, so i ended up making her a sorcerer, and needless to say, i think she ended up getting less vengance triggers but her magic power alone was dropping any fool that decided to wear metal armor that day and not go prepared for the biggest magic damage in human history
I really cant stress this enough
Also needless to say, in one of my 3 playthrus, i just went straight up to grimma with her, she got hit to 1 hp left, did the vengance and got grimma herself to freaking 5 hp left GRIMMA, THE FINAL BOSS, THE finall boss that you usually have to use a falchion to do significant damge, she is the hero we need and deserve.
AND TO TOP IT ALL OF, HER MANIACAL LAUGH IS THE CUTEST SHIT IN THE UNIVERSE SHE LAUGHS LIKE A TRUE DISNEY VILLAN AND DOES THE MOST ADORABLE SQUEAL AT THE END OF IT HOLY SHIT, i played the game in english so maybe its just in the english version BUT DAMN DID THE VA FUCKING NAILED IT its like, so perfect how she goes from insane laughter to with that little little hint of her broken meekly voice, BOY HOWDY i fell in love then and there the first time i heard it, best part, she triggered a skill/got a critical hit so often that i hear BLOOD AND THUNDER!! and her laugh SO MUCH, AND IT NEVER GOT OLD I was allways allways aaaaallways all giddy bcus i love it so much, i have 3 critical triggers that i love with my whole heart in awakening, 1 is noires laugh, 2 is noire yelling blood and thunder and 3 is frederick saying “pick a god and pray” bcus hot damn all of them just give me goose bumps, also continuing in voice lines trends
HER VOICE ACTRESS IS SO GOOD i cannot even begin to think about a better job to do this kind of character her passive voice is so quiet, scared and broken and her aggressive one is SO aggressive there is no inbetween its either 100% or 1% volume and crazyness its incredible, her passive voice is like she is constantly in the brink of tears just by talking, and her aggressive one is in the brink of snapping your spine in half mortal combat style and going back to the archetype i like THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT DUDE, THIS IS THE PINICLE OF SHY GIRL THAT GOES INSANE VOICE
If you thought i was done gushing about her IM JUST BEGINNING, lets move to her overall design shall we?
comming off of the voice actress incredible job, her whole demeanor compliments her voice so well, its one of those designs that you just cant see it any other way (even tho i do some changes to it all the time xD) i just cant imagine her having that voice and *not* looking like that you know? she looks straight up incredible (i could maybe use actual breastplate rather than a boob window with a leather support underneath but hey, i guess nothing is perfect)
Her official art of her drawing back her bow but the arrow being all badly placed and shit is objectively the most adorable picture in the world
The tones of green they used for her are really cool i grew in a place with a lot of trees and i really find them soothing, her whole forest green design just kills me and compliment her browns of belt and leather so well, the diamond pattern is also rul cute rather than the boring line pattern virion has, complimenting her whole deal of her being as beautiful and precious as a diamond
The armor she has on her arm looks so good, and so contrasting to the whole outfit i think its really funny but really badass at the same time, why is she wearing a full on knight arm armor? i have no clue but. i. love. it. she is such a powerful unit that she just needs one arm to defend against scrubs aka all enemy units including grimma itself
I also really really like how she has like 5 leather belts that go from the belt to her high boots, its real unnecessary and you would think goofy as hell but it ENHANCES the poofy pants so good, now it looks liek a renissance striped poofy pants and i am a sucker for renissance clothing, also, imagine her doing flips and twirls with those, they are gonna follow her flow like a god damn princess dress and god dammit she deserves it bcus she IS A BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS 100/10 pants/belt combo, she also has the slickest quiver ever for her arrows, which she hangs on her waist and looks rul cute
HER BOOTS are the best boots in gaming, souper cute, super stylish and really cool looking i just love how tall and chunky they are, they are almost wider than her feet, top notch, the little hole pattern on them give them extra stylish points, they are very basic brown, which just goes to show, if you have a good premisse you can slack on some departments and still look cooler than most of the competition, the little beighe frills on the top of it just puts it all together, incredible, amazing, fantastic i would go on a date with those boots and give em smooches
Im a fan of short hair, i am also a fan of puffy hair and above all i am a FAN of poofy short hair, and she has both, excecuted to perfection, her little long hairs on the side to compliment her messy back, it looks incredible, the braided pattern on the top of her head that just SHOWS how much she cares about her cute hair and with reason bcus its the cutest hair ever, 1k/10 extremely kissable forehead to show love and support when words and praise are not enough, will make you think that she deserves an award for greatest person alive or something, so beautiful it will bring you to tears, so beautiful that will make any dark day a bit brighter, so cute that it surpasses any fuzzy animal on the planet, SO BRIGHT AND GORGEOUS THAT IT WILL BURN YOUR EYES, you get my point by now yes?
her poses of nervousness are cute as hell, makes you want to be there to support her in any way you can, but then you realise that you are looking in a mirror and that not only you see that you also need love and support, but you realize that you can give it, it makes you wanna be a better person, and make everyone around you grow with you, its a mirror into your best self, it will bring you to tears and want to ask for forgiveness to anything wrong you have done in your life
You know how sometimes too much of stuff that you like will sometimes not mix well and end up ruining something in the process? not this time m’dude 
flows and fits so well with every other composing a beautiful song named Noire, a song so beautiful, amazing, incredible, outstanding and mind blowing that i dont think there will ever be a shining light as bright as this in the whole time i have the privilege of walking on this little dot in the universe that we call earth
so when i say that i like everything about Noire i am NOT joking, i love this character to death, and even  if i wrote this thread with a narrative of me starting really tame and gradually getting overly excited to talk about something that i really love culminating in some ridiculous shit, i really do love this character and i wish to write/design a character this appealing someday a character that seems pretty one note and simple but ends up rooting its way into your heart
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Seven years after Republicans first seized on the unruly rise of the Tea Party as a vehicle for winning elections, GOP leaders are confronting a stark reality: They have lost all control and comprehension of the populist movement they were supposed to be marshaling—and they may soon be facing a mutiny.
The volatile dynamic inside the Republican Party was thrown into sharp relief last week when Roy Moore—a fringe relic of the fading religious right—emerged victorious in Alabama’s GOP Senate primary, defeating the establishment incumbent President Trump had endorsed.
With the dust still settling, many Washington Republicans are mystified—and alarmed—by the fact that not even Donald “Drain the Swamp” Trump had enough populist cred to swing a primary race to his candidate in deep-red Alabama. While the GOP’s class of professional strategists are generally ambivalent at best when it comes to the president, they had taken a certain comfort in believing that he was fully in command of his base. The assumption allowed them to draw conclusions about what his voters wanted, how to cater to them—and how to avoid drawing their wrath.
But Alabama fully punctured the illusion that Trump was in control. For all the race’s idiosyncrasies—Trump’s endorsement of the more establishment-friendly candidate was uncharacteristic for him, and his support often seemed conflicted—it seemed to reveal that there was a limit to his supporters’ loyalty. 
“Trump seems uniquely able to give voice to voters’ anger, but incapable of channeling it towards a larger purpose,” said Alex Conant, a Republican strategist whose firm released a client memo on Friday featuring data that suggested the president’s endorsement had no impact whatsoever in the Alabama race.
At this point, Conant said, no one can predict how the roiling anger in the conservative electorate will manifest itself during next year’s midterms—but it’s unlikely it will subside anytime soon. “We need to be honest about the fact that there are some powerful people inside the Republican Party who have no interest in governing,” he told me. “They’re focused like a laser on decapitating the party’s leadership, and have no interest in growing the party’s base into a lasting majority.” The resulting dysfunction, he said, will only further inflame voters’ frustrations.
(Prate translation note: “i ddd ont g  et it w why t-the fa r arright do doesnt care  abou ut ou r endurin g d centur ires long game of pissing i= in the direaction of th the democrats?>???// Why wont the y care abuot ou our pp p petty shallow goals for power?????”)
Over the past quarter-century, Republican politics have routinely been upended by angry populist outbursts of this sort—from the rise of Ross Perot to the revolt of the religious right, from the Tea Party wave to the Trump insurgency. Inevitably, these episodes set off a stampede of opportunistic politicians, pollsters, and policy wonks rushing to co-opt the phenomenon and use it to advance some ideological agenda. In just the past few years, politicians as varied as House Speaker Paul Ryan, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Trump, and Moore have tried to lay claim to the conservative movement—with each arguing that their vision is the one that mad-as-hell voters are crying out for.
(Prat note: obvious and deliberate effort to not name Ron Paul while simultaneously mentioning the astroturfed “tea party movement” to coopt libertarian fervour lmao)
But Nick Everhart, a GOP media consultant who has worked for dozens of Tea Party-aligned campaigns over the years, said there’s little use in trying to explain the unpredictable behavior of the conservative base with issues or ideology. “The idea that these movements are driven by any kind of intellectual, structured thing is ridiculous. They’re always a backlash to the moment,” he told me, adding: “Trump corralled the angry masses for himself. Other candidates with or without the president’s endorsement will also corral that mob for their needs.”
That sentiment was echoed by Reed Galen, a political consultant who served as Arizona Senator John McCain’s deputy campaign manager in the 2008 presidential race. “None of this is based on ideology or shared purpose,” he said. “The activist, angry wing of the GOP … doesn’t care about progress or making America great again. It lives and breathes on anger and resentment. That’s a difficult movement to direct and control.”
(Prat note: it is critical to note that the establishment campaign manager who refuses to acknowledge the platform of all these nascent right wing movements literally shames the populists for not caring about progress, Read this again. What true conservative fixates on progress as a core tenet of conservatism?)
Trygve Olson, a former adviser to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, attributed the anger in the conservative movement largely to the efforts of a “right-wing outrage complex” that profits from its audience’s grievance. In the past, he said, the GOP has been able to keep populist anger in check with policy concessions and savvy messaging aimed at the base. This time, however, Olson believes there could be a much larger “fracturing” of the Republican coalition—one that extends beyond policy. “If this eruption is about differences in core values, which I believe is the case, it becomes hard for coalition members that don’t share any underlying values to stay together,” he said.
Not everyone in the Republican Party is quite so apocalyptic about the current state of affairs. Greg Mueller, a conservative media strategist who worked for Pat Buchanan’s insurgent presidential campaigns in the 1990s, told me it shouldn’t be any mystery why voters are lashing out—and added that it’s not too late to appease them.
“Since 2010, the GOP has [run] in every election promising to repeal and replace Obamacare, secure the border, provide tax reform and relief, end taxpayer funding of abortion, appoint constitutionalist judges, and grow the economy again,” Mueller said. “Other than confirming Justice [Neil] Gorsuch, the GOP so far has nothing to show for earning the majority.” The lack of progress on these campaign promises, he said, has left voters “feeling they’ve been had.”
In the wake of Moore’s victory in Alabama, many liberals have argued that GOP leaders—frantic and frightened at the prospect of more ugly primary upsets—are simply reaping the whirlwind after years of cynically stoking anger and resentment among conservative voters. But it isn’t just the denizens of the D.C. establishment who admit that they’ve lost touch with their party’s base.  
I spoke with one Republican consultant who has made a career out of getting anti-establishment right-wingers elected to office. As he surveys the political landscape now, he told me (on condition of anonymity), one thing has become clear: He and his fellow Tea Party whisperers are really just guessing when they say they know what “the base” wants.
(Prat translation note: i quit my job at taco bell then showed up in washington DC one day and told someone im an expert in “tea party” and they fucking believed me, those dumb assholes)
“It’s all bullshit,” he said. “So much of [what we do] is predicated on control, and saying that we understand how it works. Nobody clearly does. Nobody’s in control.”
PRAT NOTE: Donald Trump was the brick to the GOP window and the GOP is startled that planting a flag on the brick on the carpet has made little difference on those who threw the brick
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the-m3chanic · 7 years
all of them xoxo
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( ✉ → spider-son ) hey kid get the fuck off my sofa( ✉ → spider-son ) ur staining the leather with your drool( ✉ → spider-son ) UNSENT seriously wake up ur like the best part of my day. come on i need u to help me with the suduko
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. / Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. / Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. / Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
( ✉ → spider-son ) hwo abuot u cmoe aruond and ill see if my tongue still wroks as well when im drnuk ;)( ✉ → spider-son ) WATI NO WTF PETER NO DNOT LOOK AT THAT LSAT MESSAGE FUCK FUCK FUCK
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. / Send “@” for a SCARED text. 
( ✉ → spider-son ) i am so fucking angry at u right now( ✉ → spider-son ) i have never been more pissed off at a human being( ✉ → spider-son ) going for the syndicate alone is a stupid fucking plan, but ur a goddamn kid( ✉ → spider-son ) if i lose u what will that do to me huh? think for a minute before u nearly kill urself( ✉ → spider-son ) work on ur own suit tonight i dont want to see u 
Send “&” for a LOVING text. / Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
( ✉ → spider-son ) ur not so bad, kid( ✉ → spider-son ) i know im not the best at actually telling u that but( ✉ → spider-son ) u know, my old man wasnt really the care and share type( ✉ → spider-son ) UNSENT but i love u enough to try and be different
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. / Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. / Send “#” for a RANDOM text. 
( ✉ → spider-son ) okay so i was playing about with the web fluid and wow that stuff is a thing of beauty( ✉ → spider-son ) how did you even think up the composition? its really amazing peter( ✉ → spider-son ) also did u know that jellyfish live like, forever? 
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