#im conditioned to believe that in order to get even looked at to pursue a career in an artistic field
gerudospiriit · 11 months
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[Late stage capitalism really is just hell, isn't it?]
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faeriejukyung · 4 years
True Beauty’s Gaping Mother Wound
*disclaimer*: I understand that all the listed traits are things which are often very common in Asian households, and it may seem that rather than being concerning, these are just a part of Asian culture. That is why, I feel that it’s necessary for me to make it clear that I am, in fact, Asian (Indian to be specific), and parental abuse is something that is extremely normalized here. As someone who has experienced it firsthand, I want to say that just because something is common/normal, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is correct. If you or anyone you know is in a situation like that, it’s very very important to speak out. And it’s not your fault, i know it’s easier to believe that way but it’s really not. We deserve to be in a loving environment, regardless of what culture we are born in.
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Throughout the drama, Jukyung’s mother shows many traits of an abusive mother. I have been able to outline 4 of them. I don’t mean to write her off as an evil character,, because overall she is well intentioned, and just like any other mom, she does love Jukyung. This is shown in episode 8 too, where she shows remorse for her actions. That however, doesn’t justify her abusive behavioral patterns in any way. Because we can see how badly it affects Jukyung, her self esteem and her overall view of herself.
Act 1: “I’m going to kill you today and go to jail” -- Physical Violence.
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Throughout the series, we see Jukyung's mother being very violent. But one scene which particularly stood out to me was the scene where she finds out about Jukyung's dad getting scammed. (in episode 1). While it is true that her dad caused a huge financial loss to the family, and anyone would feel angry in a situation like that, it is also true that there is never a good reason to physically abuse someone.
After hearing the news, Jukyung's mom is overcome by anger. It's completely okay to feel frustrated, but the way she violently jumped at her husband, clearly intentioned to hurt him, and the way she needed to be held back by juyoung and heekyung highlights her abusive nature. And this isn't a one time thing where she momentarily lost control of herself. She constantly shows similar behavioural traits throughout the drama.
In the scene where we see Jukyung's mom and dad together properly for the first time, their relationship dynamic is established. He's meekly massaging her shoulders while she orders him around. Their is an obvious power imbalance in the relationship, and the way Jukyung's dad cowers in fear around Jukyung's mom is a proof of that.
Act 2: "Why would you kill my precious son?" -- Conditional Love.
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We see examples of Jukyung’s Mom’s conditional love in the kdrama AND in the webtoon. Conditional love is when a parent or a parental figure makes their child compete for love. They withhold their affection until the kid acts in ways that are desirable to them, and if the kid fails to do so, the parent often punishers them through different methods. This is their way of maintaining control over their children.
Jukyung’s Mom’s conditional love manifests itself in the form of favoritism towards her eldest daughter Heekyung, who’s not only conventionally beautiful but also very smart and has a high paying job, and towards her youngest child and only son, Juyoung, who is also written to be very attractive. Both Juyoung and Heekyung have gifts that Jukyung does not posses -- beauty and brains. The conditions that are established in order to attain their mother’s affection are getting good grades at school, and being conventionally attractive, which is why Jukyung often gets the shorter end of the stick
In the scene where we are first meet Heekyung is the drama, their mom’s affection towards her is very evident.
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This is shown in the webtoon too.
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She displays this favoritism towards Juyoung too, and even more so. In episode 1 where Jukyung tries makeup for the first time, and gets ridiculed by him for doing a bad job at it, she naturally feels angry and yells at him, “do you want to die?!”, but instead of telling Juyoung to stop, their mother yells at Jukyung for yelling at Juyoung (”why would you kill my precious son? why?”). It’s already very evident that Juyoung has picked up the habit of constantly taunting Jukyung for her face from his mom. In the webtoon, when Jukyung decides that she wants to pursue makeup arts and asks for her mom’s support and fees for academy, her mom flat-out refuses, saying that they don’t have enough money. However as we find out later, money wasn’t the problem, because she had enough money to send Juyoung to a cram school for acting.
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I find it hard to believe that any good parent would constantly compare their children and pit them against each other like this. In the webtoon and the kdrama, it is made clear that Juyoung doesn’t have particularly good grades either, but he doesn’t have to face his mother’s wrath by the virtue of being good looking. Jukyung on the other hand, does not have any redeeming qualities.
Act 3: “I’m going to throw all your makeup away” --Excessive Anger.
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Another sign of parental abuse is display of excessive anger. It’s usually used as an intimidation tactic to keep the child in line. Sometimes, it can simply happen because they lose control of themselves. Either way, parents who get angry more often than what is supposed to be normal, and hurt their children (physically or verbally) in the midst of their anger, repeatedly, are abusive. I feel like I don’t even need to elaborate on this one. Jukyung’s Mom is angry during half of her scenes. And the way she acts upon that anger crosses the limit too. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to express your the way you feel, but the way Jukyung’s Mom does it, is extremely unhealthy and hurtful to others around her. Whether she’s jumping on Jukyung’s dad or talking down on Im Jukyung, she’s very inconsiderate of how her anger affects others. She almost always expresses herself in an extremely volatile way.
Jukyung described makeup as a hopeful light opening up a new life for her. There’s even a whole music segment of her discovering the powers of makeup, characterized by pastel and bubblegum tones, and the segment has a magical feel to it. Suffice to say that makeup brought an almost magical kind of hope and optimism to her life. In episode 6, Jukyung's Mom goes to her school to get her report card. When she sees her low grades, she gets so angry that she threatens to throw away her makeup, without once considering why Jukyung is so attached to it. In my eyes, she's actually very similar to Soojin's dad who also uses intimidation and physical violence to keep his daughter in line. If we put the same background music for the scenes where we see Jukyung's Mom threatening her, as the ones where Soojin's dad abuses her, they'd practically be identical. The only difference is that the show often plays Jukyung's Mom's behavior as a joke.
In episode 7, after seeing that Jukyung didn't improve as much as she wanted her to, she actually threw away all her makeup. Even though Jukyung did try, and did improve, it still wasn't enough for her mom. Jukyung's restlessness after not seeing her makeup on her table was palpable through the screen. Finding out that her mother threw all her makeup away sort became her breaking point. We see her yell at her mother and express her feelings for the first time.
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I think it's important to note that Jukyung, who's already finds it very tough to reach out to her courageous side, was inspired by this incident to stand up to her mom, to express her outrage. Saying that makeup meant a lot to her is an understatement.
Act 4: "What's the point of looking beautiful with all that makeup on if you're ugly underneath?" -- Verbal Abuse.
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We all get into arguments with our parents from time to time, and I’m sure we’ve all been yelled at by them at some point. Verbal abuse however, is not something that is normal, and the two shouldn’t be confused. A parent who constantly humiliates their child, yells and screams at them, talks down on them is in simple terms, an abuser. 
In episode 1, when Jukyung tries makeup on for the first time and goes to school, she gets ridiculed by her bullies and her classmates. Crestfallen, she returns back home after school and goes to her mother for reassurance. Instead of providing that, her mother ridicules her even more and calls her makeup “Ghost Makeup”. This is something abusers often do. Under the guise of teasing the victim, they often attack the victim’s self esteem, appearance etc, to make them feel insecure and to maintain their position of power over them. Jukyung’s mother isn’t very different from those bullies who told Jukyung that she was ugly and made her feel like she could never amount to anything. 
Another example that irks me a lot is from episode 3, when Jukyung’s Mom is chewing her out for being late, and suddenly the conversation turns to cosmetics and makeup. This is also one of the traits of verbal abuse. Instead of arguments surrounding the basic issue, they branch out and turn into character assassination. Her mom accuses Jukyung of wasting all her time on makeup instead of studying, even when Jukyung clarifies that she got late because she missed her bus, not because she was out buying cosmetics. But her mom doesn't listen and says to her, “What’s the point of looking beautiful with all that makeup on when you’re still ugly underneath?” 
Jukyung’s face after hearing her own mother say that was heartbreaking. Unfortunately, this type of mother-daughter relationship dynamic isn’t something  that is rare. Mothers frequently project their own insecurities on their daughters and put them down. Jukyung’s Mother’s behavior explains her self esteem issues, it gives an insight about where her insecurities really stem from. Sometimes our abuser’s thoughts and image of us start maligning our own self image. Frequently hearing them tell us that we are worthless, and that no one will ever marry us or love us, makes us believe that we are in fact, worthless and incapable of being loved unless we change something about ourselves. We frequently get an insight into how Jukyung thinks of herself throughout the drama. 
“It’s not my fault that I was born dumb” (In episode 7, after finding out that her mother threw away her makeup.)
“You know that I’m messed up” (In episode 2, referring to her face, while asking Lee Suho to keep her bare face a secret)
The drama is yet to end so I don’t want to completely write Jukyung’s Mother off as an abuser. I hope she becomes a better mom in the show, I really do. Because Jukyung deserves a loving mother. And Jukyung's mom does in fact have a few redeeming qualities, however, simply love and caring isn’t enough, you need mutual respect, reassurance and effort in each every relationship. We know that Jukyung’s mother is also often labelled as an ugly woman, and she believes that she could only get by through studying well. (“It’s going to be okay as long as you study well” - episode 1). In a world where a woman either has to a exceptionally beautiful to be considered worthy, or be exceptionally intelligent and professional lest she isn’t blessed by beauty, it’s very easy to internalize self hatred and direct it on to other individuals (especially if those individuals are your children). That is why i genuinely find myself rooting for Jukyung’s mother and hoping for a character development arc -- because i understand where she comes from, and because i can empathize with her. 
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
okok here it is, i don't have a working title yet lol and i wrote the first like three paragraphs a year ago and only now finished it
but uh here it is ig (it's long so below the cut)
oh and i named the characters before i read chog believe it or not so there is no correlation lol
Prologue - Cordelia
May brings with it the memory of battles fought and won and the ever looming presence of a war not quite lost but certainly nowhere near done. As I hand out threadbare blankets around the flickering fires of the temporary war camp, I have to force my mind not to stray to all the people who should be here but are not. Well, the one person, really. I don’t allow myself to dwell, for I know that if I let my heart open to loss, there will be no hope at closing the hole left behind. No one here will tolerate that.
Yet no one criticizes Halen when she fumbles and breaks her fragile composure, storming out of the planning tent, the memories glistening in her eyes threatening to spill over. No, when it’s her, they rush to comfort her, to appease her, and they tell her to take all the time she needs. After all, has the poor girl not been through enough? they whisper pityingly as though we all haven’t lost others to this fight. But, of course, it’s not my place to comment on the actions of the mighty Chosen One. Even if she is my friend.
I look down to find my hands are empty. Tir has taken the last blanket from me without my noticing, and he’s settling down against his pack with his bare feet at the fire. I scowl; he isn’t allowed to speak against Halen either, despite being her older brother.
Heaving a sign, I slump down next to my friend and pull a corner of the blanket over myself. Tir shifts slightly so I can lean against his shoulder. We don’t speak. There are no words big enough to dispel the cloud of grief that hangs over us.
I know Tir is thinking of Zo today, just like he knows I’m thinking of Cherry.
Both of us, I’m sure, are also thinking that Halen ought to be here. She ought to be spilling those tears she always threatens and apologizing meaninglessly for deaths that aren’t her fault. Since when did she choose to be distant and calm? Couldn’t she at least have the decency to break down with the rest of us?
I scowl at a gecko as it skitters through the dirt toward the treeline to the west. I should say something to Halen. I should scream at her, sob at her, cry out until she understands that we need her as a friend, not just a commander.
My mind made up, I stand quickly, earning a confused stare from Tir. “Where are you off to?” he asks, his voice thick.
I shake my head. “Somewhere that isn’t here.”
He chuckles and reaches up to squeeze my hand. It’s enough. He was never one for many words.
I smile sadly down at him and set off to the eastern shore, where the purple and gold tents of the Eneris royal tents have been set up. Their fire and sun emblem shines bright on the tent flaps behind guards dressed in layers upon layers of robes and wraps and blankets. I scoff. The army settled just twenty yards away is shivering under thin blankets and dying fires while the royals and their company dine on mutton and venison. Not that I’ve come to expect anything else from them. They recruited Halen and built this army from the ground up—of course they believe themselves worthy of a few more precious coins exchanged for better conditions.
Even today, the first anniversary of Monvira’s troops storming villages and uprooting lives, they haven’t so much as acknowledged the flood of pain that’s sweeping through their army. I wonder if they even know what May first means to their people.
I stop mid-stride, staring straight ahead at the Strategy tent, where I know Halen spends most of her time these days.
It hits me: May first. The sky is clouded and the birds are silent, but it’s May first and no one bothered telling me that I forgot my birthday. Which was April thirtieth. No one noticed.
Weariness pushes at the back of my eyes, and I blink heavily against the tears blurring my vision. Memories from last year flood my mind as I turn and hurry towards Halen’s private tent. It bares the same colors and seal as the others.
I collapse on her bedroll and let out a single sob.
Last year, on the night of my birthday, Cherry had wrapped a blanket around us both as we stumbled back to our village after a whole day spent together at Renton Lake. She’d kissed my hand and twirled me toward the hut I shared with Halen, giggling in the moonlight, her dark unbound hair spilling over her shoulder like a waterfall of night. The memory rips through me, forcing another sob out of my quaking body.
The next morning, she’d been gone.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, my tears collecting in a pool around my head, but eventually the shaking subsides and leaves behind a solemn heaviness. Only when I hear the tent flap ruffle do I stir. There’s a small gasp, then: “Delia?”
Halen’s nickname for me only makes the smallest dent in my sorrow. I push myself to a sitting position, sure that my face is red and splotchy and my hair wild and tangled. All in all, I don’t blame her for looking taken aback. “Delia, what is it?” she gushes, crouching before me and taking my face in her hands. “What’s wrong? What can I do?”
This is exactly what I wanted when I stormed in here. Now, I nearly laugh. It’s pathetic, really, all this time I’ve spent cleaning up after Halen, chasing her, thinking maybe she could do something that would fill the cavity growing inside me. I see it now, as her hazel eyes rake my face. “Nothing,” I tell her. Her thumbs are soft as they wipe away the tears that trickle down my cheeks. “Not anymore.” My voice is scratchy, and I push down against a wave of shame. I’m better than this. I’m better than breaking down in my friend’s plush tent. I’ve never been the emotional one—that was always Halen.
I wipe away my tears, feel myself stand and walk out of the tent, my mind still occupied with hazy revelations I’m too exhausted to fully pursue. There’s a feeling in my gut, the only one that matters right now, and it’s an overwhelming cry to get out.
The grass is silent under my feet as I walk, and I’m distantly aware of Halen calling after me. Her cries of “Wait!” and “What’s going on, Cordelia?” follow me, even after she stops.
I keep walking.
I don’t look back.
so uh yeah that's it 👉👈 i can give u the idea of the book if u want or you can just take this offering and run lol <33
Im gonna give you my unfiltered thoughts with no order or organization
1) i have a basis for how the crown is unfair (based on cordelias description) ALSO HOW CORDELIA DESCRIBED "i wasnt even sure if they knew what may 1 meant to their people" IDK BUT I LOVED HOW OT WAS WRITTEN. Its not explicit BUT LEAVES THE MESSAGE SAID
2) basis to whats going on? C H E C K
Artie i've told you a million times but I adore your writting style, i always adored it BIT READING YOUR ORIGINAL WORK
Your style is perfect
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
desolation!au (lunatic!kaede au)
summary: in canon, kotetsu manages to restore barnaby's memory at the last second, but what if it didn't work? what if kaede ex machina never got the chance to save her father at the top of the apollon media tower and restore the other heroes' memories? in fact, what if she never knew they were being brainwashed in the first place?what if kotetsu died that day?
basically me developing my idea of an au where, consumed by anger and grief, kaede seeks lunatic to help her in carrying her revenge and murdering her father's killer.
illustration of lunatic!kaede is attached at the very end of the fic :3
a/n: tbh, i was watching tiger & bunny w/ my friends and at some point i thought about kaede being lunatic's student because i just want to see her start shit and it wasn't anything much at first, just small headcanons here and little doodles there. but then idk , i made a little sketch and it all snowballed from there.
i ended up developing this au and have become quite invested in it.  
i’m aware the format looks like cat shit on mobile, im sorry. if it’s super disruptive to the reading experience, feel free to refer to the ao3 version (links are in my desc).
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alternate names lmao
lunatic!kaede! au
revenge girl!au
vendetta! au
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follows the same storyline up until the memory loss arc, where the au experiences a massive canon divergence.
kotetsu receives a chance to escape after being aided by lunatic, and, not letting his unsuccessful attempt at making his friends remember his true identity deter him, he gathered them at the top of the apollon media tower. he tries again to make them remember that he is wild tiger, and not a murderer, but much like in canon the rest of the group do not believe him—though some falter briefly. unlike canon, however, is that kaede ex machina does not appear in time to unleash maverick’s next power that she copied to restore everyone’s memories.
she does make an attempt to reach the tower where her father is taking a stand, but she does not encounter maverick and on her way up the roof the elevator stops—as it should during emergencies... without her interference, the rest of the hero team overpower kotetsu who is smashed through the roof and lands into saito’s lab. realising that the latter doesn’t remember who he was either, kotetsu quickly grabs his suit and motorbike to try to escape and regroup with ben. the rest of the heroes rush to go after him, though some (blue rose, etc) are more hesitant than others (rock bison, etc). on the way down they [the heroes] find kaede and become preoccupied with her. they’re experiencing an emergency but the child refuses to leave, so some of the heroes have their hands full handling her.
during this, the cameras continue to follow kotetsu. in the end, barnaby pursues kotetsu on his own vehicle and they fight at the bridge where they first teamed up. kaede can follow what is currently happening as the event is broadcasted and grows increasingly hysterical, screaming that she needs to be there and that they’re [blue rose, sky high, etc] supposed to be helping her dad, not pursue him. at some point before the final blow, the feed cuts—the camera probably got hit by chunks of armour or other sort of debris.
the fight follows canon up until barnaby intends on delivering the final kick
« so this is it, eh? take care lil’ bunny…»
this time, the kick connects.
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at this point kaede is inconsolable, not being able to handle the fact that the broadcast cut and she can’t check her father’s condition in real time anymore. the heroes’ attempt at getting her to speak or to tell them who her guardian is is met with choked sobs and no response.
there’s two way i see her finding out about her father’s defeat, and subsequent death:
the least traumatic, but still traumatic option: the feed was the last time she ever saw her father. the heroes only hear that « the criminal has been captured/dealt with by barnaby » on their private channel so they slowly excuse themselves and disperse, leaving kaede alone. some of the security guards approach her, trying to get a number to contact but eventually learn that she wasn’t speaking and let her sit there for a bit before calling the authorities.
the intensely traumatic “whoa you ruined a perfectly good 10-11 year old” option: as kaede grows increasingly distressed and the heroes try to keep her under control, she sees members of staff trying to cart something off discreetly. she gets a quick glance on what is being carried and recognises the hand poking out under the large tarp covering the rest of the body. it had her father’s wedding band, which he continued to wear, and upon realising what had happened, she immediately goes catatonic and wouldn’t react to the heroes anymore.
she either sits in the empty building until very late at night, sits outside on the bus stop with no intention of getting on simply watching the last of the buses disappear in the horizon, or waits at the police station with no intention of telling them who to call.
she eventually reaches the conclusion that her father will probably never come back as he died on her own and breaks down.
much like option 1) she sits in the empty building, waiting for someone who will never return.
in both options, ben ex machina (yes kaede got demoted in this au im sorry) finds her and explains to her that he was her father’s boss. this gained her attention somewhat, and she let him drive her back home after he told her that her grandmother has been frantically contacting ben after realising that kaede wouldn’t pick up.
during all this, she remains silent and out of it, still not fully accepting that her father wasn’t coming back home: kaede knows it’s no use to wait for her father anymore, but doesn’t outwardly admit the fact just in case he really is alive. she knows she’s just lying to herself.
on their way back to the kaburagi home, ben explains to her that he tried to get on that bridge as fast as possible to intercept the two, but only arrived after barnaby had left the scene. he doesn’t go into much detail, but does give her the few things he had found and recognised was kotetsu’s:
the tiger emblem that he kept this whole time
the two matching christmas pins that (unknowingly to both ben and kaede) he shared with his former partner
the first sound kaede makes in a long time is more wracking sobs as she clutches the small objects.
she passes out sometimes during transit, and wakes up the next afternoon in her room, the memorabilia safe in her pocket.
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the next day, hero tv, and the organisations that funds it, refuses to make an official statement on kotetsu’s whereabouts after being intercepted by barnaby—they know that the latter murdered kotetsu, but they avoid the question in order to save his and the company’s reputation. they would answer something like:
kotetsu running away
being imprisoned for 250 years, with no visitors.
accidentally got himself killed
for the most part, the general populace accepted this outcome and thanked the diligent work of the heroes, but kaede and her family know better. kotetsu wasn’t the type to just leave, and he wouldn’t have committed murder in the first place. this official statement further cemented the fact that kotetsu had died—been killed. within sternbild, another powerful figure also doubted the credibility of the statement. yuri would literally see the red flags, but the situation really isn’t in his favour and he doesn’t know where to even tackle this. he’d need to do more digging up before planning out his attack.
kaede concludes (correctly) that barnaby was behind her father’s death, and possessed with anger and hatred, decided that she will get revenge one way or another and prove her father’s innocence.
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basic plot
headcanon form now, because it’s more convenient.
the lead-up:
during the few days/weeks that followed, she barely went out of her room unless necessary. 
she barely ate, even ignoring the flan pudding she adored so much. 
in her self-imposed isolation, she marinates in her own grief, which turns into anger and hatred. 
at first she regrets not having spent more time with her father and reaching out to him, instead of expecting kotetsu to do that for her. 
but the focus slowly shifts to wanting to make kotetsu’s murderer suffer as he has made her dad suffer. 
you know what, throw in the rest of the heroes. 
they should’ve been kotetsu’s friend and believed him instead of pursuing him relentlessly: they’re complicit too and should be punished accordingly.
it’s important to note that, since kaede didn’t interact with maverick and inherit his next power, she doesn’t know that the heroes have been brainwashed. 
she just thinks that they’re secretly an evil group posing to be heroes.
she loses faith in them, and their flawed justice that got her father killed
she wants to avenge her father and prove his innocence so badly, but doesn’t know how or where to begin. the odds are stacked against her, since only her family and a few people here and there believe in kotetsu’s innocence.
while she’s holed up in her room, she mindlessly replays the video clips that featured her dad over and over again until she memorised every single word and committed her father’s movements to memory. 
one day, as she flips through the different collectibles and magazines that featured him, she came across one such issue which showcased a different type of “hero”: the sanctioner with blue flames.
the vigilante who’s idea of justice was becoming more and more appealing to kaede the more she thought about it.
she’s seen the clips, how his next power allowed him to continually keep up with the 100 power duo. how it always allowed him to have the upper hand and to deliver his justice. 
kaede wants that kind of strength, that kind of power, to avenge her father.
she resolves herself to find or contact the vigilante no matter how, though that seemed to be a complicated enough task in and of itself.
kaede figures that when she does find him, she’ll either get him to work with her to get her revenge or copy his power if he refuses.
her searches prove more or less fruitless tho since lunatic can't be found when he doesn't want to be found lmao
after a few weeks/months, she grows disheartened and becomes rather depressed again.
the actual encounter:
i don’t have an actually have a concrete idea on how they met and how kaede convinced yuri to work with her, just a bunch of possibilities going from plausible to straight up crack
one way she could meet him is by bumping into judge petrov when she’s tagging along with her fam to try and claim kotetsu’s body.
the intent was to go to sternbild to recover kotetsu so that they can bury him in the family grave (and rejoin tomoe), but since the city refuses to acknowledge that kotetsu is dead and admit that a hero killed a person, the kaburagi fam can’t get his body back.
very sad times, maybe after the unsuccessful hearing kaede cries and rlly begs to be able to get her father back, and grabs hold of yuri to make her point come across or something.
do you even see a judge when you try to claim a criminal’s body? idk it’s probably illegal to make physical contact w a judge but kaede is only bby so maybe she won't go to jail? i don’t know i’m dum
anyway, he’d probably carefully peel the child off of him and say something vaguely sympathetic before going wherever the hell judges go after trial? court? i know nothing about the legal system and it shows
uh oh skin to skin contact
kaede unwittingly copies his power and moves on with her day. it wasn’t until she came home and felt a burst of anger that she noticed that??? she can summon blue flames??? like lunatic does??? except she doesn’t recall meeting him at all???
she puts two and two together and susses yuri out
or instead of literally harassing him in court
maybe she just stumbles on lunatic because his favourite hobbies are standing ominously on roofs and killing murderers, in that order.
kaede: why is there a funny looking scarecrow on the roof…???
kaede: hoLY HECK
how she manages to get lunatic on her side is more convoluted
one way would be her going back to the city and confronting yuri about it. of course, he’d deny her claim until she gets angry enough and her eyes light up. 
yuri’s like “oh sHIT”. 
she could threaten him by saying that if he won’t help her then she will just seek her revenge by herself. 
yuri doesn’t want her to do anything rash and cause him to get in hot water because he rlly doesn't want to deal w/ the aftermath. also he doesn’t want to like, see a whole child get hurt :(
so i guess he’s like, “this is my lot in life now”, and accepts to take her as his apprentice so long as she doesn’t cause any trouble
that was the peaceful route
kaede could also fight fire with fire
just hound down lunatic instead of yuri and when she finds him it’s on sight. chuck a whole fireball to catch his attention and demand that he takes her as his apprentice. idk maybe threaten to fight him mono e mono unless he complies. 
lunatic would probably just ghost her lmao 
but she’d continue to show up whenever he’s raring to kill a murderer so maybe he’ll accept because it’s getting more disruptive if he doesn’t
if anything, her persistence would impress him somewhat: she’s determined, and even when she’s only had the flames for like, what? 3 days? she can already control it well enough to shoot projectiles. she has potential and would be a helpful ally instead of burdening him.
the chaotic crackhead route is for kaede to somehow get her hands on yuri’s address and bully him until he listens to her
just show up outside his room at 3 am, eyes glowing, floating 3 feet from the ground. hell, t-pose outside his window. 
terrorise him.
she’d play loud music or shout at him day in day out 
she may even follow him to work and just pester him
constantly asking him to mentor her so she can have her revenge, poking and prodding about his secret night job as lunatic
kaede will leave mama petrov alone this doesn’t concern her
her beef isn’t w mama petrov
ever since that encounter, yuri has not known peace
yuri has 2 ghosts to deal with 
that’s 2 too many
he’s gonna take one out
the minimum age of criminal responsibility in japan is 14, while in new york it’s 18 (thanks google)
take your pick
kaede is 10-11
so either way yuri can’t take her to jail for harassment 
she’s coming out of this scott free
he snaps and literally begs her to stfu if he follows her wish :b:lease
he hasn’t slept for 34 days
regardless, kaede will come out victorious and yuri is now stuck with a child 
on a more serious note, yuri’s and kaede’s agenda are the same and it just so happens that their goals align. he has been suss since day one ever since the kotetsu debacle.
in hindsight maverick really should’ve brainwashed the only judge, the person in charge of the justice bureau, the curator who has access to the hero’s files
maybe i’m jumping to conclusion
for all i know maybe maverick also attempted to invite yuri to that announcement “party” thing
but yuri was like 
« no ? fuck off »
and went on his way
yuri wants to look oddly menacing in his basement dungeon thing 
and maverick brushed it off because he didn’t think yuri was lunatic, or a next one the first place
we know that yuri learns that maverick is behind all of this and is probably a next on his own, but decides against taking action. i suppose in canon because he knows it’s not his battle to see through, but in the au maybe because he knows he’s fighting a losing battle. also he kinda injured his arm after being shot by H-01, so he doesn’t want to fight with a handicap.
he doesn’t want to take any rash action and cause more problems for himself.
potentially putting his whole secret identity scheme in jeopardy.
he chooses to take a moment to regroup and plan his actual attack. he couldn’t take on 7 heroes and 1 android at once, and risk getting brainwashed too.
at first, even if working together seem to only benefit kaede, the situation also gives yuri some strategic advantages. 
like once he finds out that kaede’s power is a mimic ability, not the flame ability. i feel like he’d find that hella useful
also kaede is a child who’s also basically a nobody in sternbild. she can infiltrate spaces he can’t, and not raise any suspicion.
  possible denouements:
i see 3 major endings possible, with secondary endings which is just a one of the 3 major endings with some slight changes:
1. all sinners must die ending
pretty self explanatory. kaede gets her revenge: with the help of lunatic she kills barnaby and maverick, potentially killing or maiming the rest of the heroes. her father has been avenged, but the city is more or less in a panic because there are no more heroes to protect them. “faith” in the vigilante, or at least in kaede, plummets because they attacked “innocent” people. it’s possible that she brings her father’s framing to light (but not that the heroes were brainwashed), though it’s doubtful that she gets the chance after causing such an uproar.
kaede probably never learns the truth: that the heroes were brainwashed.
this may or may not leave kaede incredibly bitter and nihilistic, as even though she got her revenge she doesn’t feel any satisfaction or sense of closure. she doesn’t get any form of catharsis and probably still has a difficult time moving on and coping with her grief. the city of sternbild adopts a very cold atmosphere and regains a strong distrust towards nexts, kaede may or may not continue to be a vigilante as she’s still trapped in grief limbo, yuri has to deal with the messy aftermath.
overall, it’s probably the worst possible ending.
of schemes and double agents ending
a kinda slow burn route, i suppose? in this ending, kaede realises that the heroes are being manipulated unlike in the previous one. she decides to restore the hero’s memories one by one and getting them to secretly help her. i don’t think she could recruit everyone, but i’m thinking about those like blue rose, who seemed to remember somewhat after kotetsu’s speech thing. kaede could slowly remind them, and despite initial mistrust and animosity they would come round and realise there was a huge discrepancy in their memory.
outright rebelling against maverick would be rash and the heroes risk being brainwashed once more, so they figure they would pull the strings somewhat and provide kaede/lunatic with internal knowledge to help them.
in the epic showdownTM, when the heroes and kaede finally have a face off, barnaby (and those who weren’t approached by kaede) would experience quite a curveball: those who regained their memories would side with kaede.
safety in solitude ending
in this ending, kaede works alone (with lunatic) without having recruited the other heroes even after realising they’ve been brainwashed. perhaps because it’d be too risky just in case they get brainwashed again or that they don’t agree with the vigilante’s idea and rat them out, whatever the reason may be the duo works alone.
this will lead into an even more epic showdownTM where it’s 2 v. 8: even though the stakes are not in the duo’s favour they somehow manage to come triumphant? or maybe the heroes regain their memories one by one and decide to stop fighting, even though they don’t exactly join the duo’s side.
maverick dies. lunatic kills him. i doubt many are against the idea though.
barnaby’s memories would be the last one she “restores”: (courtesy of my friend) it would probably go something like, in a burst of anger she jumps him and gets his hundred power. as she punches at him, she tearfully confronts him about how her father must’ve felt in his last moments and how much kotetsu seemed to adore him back when he was alive.
if bunny dies (ending 2/ending 3) kaede would not feel as angry and cynical, but more regretful or grievous. she’d probably stop using her next powers to do much anything (instead of continuing to be a vigilante like in ending 1). she’ll move on eventually, with more than less difficulty. the city of sternbild is on edge, but continue to place their faith on heroes.
if bunny lives (ending 2/ending 3), kaede would get a stronger sense of closure as she would be able to dialogue with bunny. barnaby would however, feel unending grief once he realises what he has done. 
regardless if bunny is dead or not, the truth is revealed to the general public along with maverick’s scheme and true intent in ending 2 and 3. so basically canon episode 25 ending except more angst and kotetsu is dead a while ago
not a constant… but it’s possible that because of lunatic’s whole code being “kill murderers and those who protect them” he’d be displeased with kaede choosing to spare bunny. maybe he’s the last boss… kaede and bunny defeat lunatic with 100 power, much like barnaby used to do with kotetsu?... nah that’s too messy and honestly i prefer lunatic and kaede to remain on peaceful terms lmao
lunatic’s satisfied with killing maverick, he’ll back off of this one—barnaby was manipulated anyway. so technically... it wasn’t his conscious decision nor his fault???
basically i don’t want kaede to fight her mentor figure, but i’m merely acknowledging the possibility.
maybe he walks up towards barnaby, the other heroes too beat up to do anything but watch while kaede remains by barnaby’s side
and lunatic just stands ominously in front of bunny, looking like he’s about to shoot him
but then he turns away
« hmph, how ridiculous. repent for the rest of your life, barnaby brooks jr. »
and then lunatic disappears in a flash, leaving a singed mark—the only proof that he had stood there.
heck, remember how she recovered the christmas pins? she could chuck those angrily at barnaby’s general direction to put emphasis.
kaede knows she’ll never be able to bring her father back, but she’d manage her grief easier. if barnaby lives, kaede would probably become a hero to honor her father and to use her power for good as her father would’ve wanted her to do.
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headcanons in no particular order, certainly not chronological. crack, fluff, angst, just whatever comes to mind. for ease of reading, i will try to organise them thematically.
tiger x bunny
rest in peace king, you will be missed.
kotetsu ded so the gay cannot be, rip in species.
but i’m putting this here because prior to the brainwashing they do be kinda gay tho, and even if kaede doesn’t know the exact nature of the relationship between the two she knows that her father was very fond of barnaby and cared for him deeply.
lunatic | yuri petrov & kaede
this au is pretty lunatic & kaede centric, because well,,, kotetsu kicked the bucket, and barnaby and the heroes are considered the villains here
i see lunatic and kaede having a mentor-student kind of relationship, that can be fluffy sometimes a found family trope could eventually be established, but that’s super delicate
on another note, if you really want to fuck up your 11 year old because you absolutely want to give kaede the worst possible outcomes for some reason, she could—as a young child who has lost both her parents at a very young age—develop an unhealthy dependence on this [lunatic] new authority figure. she might incorrectly interpret his concern for familial care, etc… but i’m not even going there, that’s too messy.
tbh the real tragedy would be kaede imprinting on yuri’s garbage sense of fashion… the secret to dressing well died with kotetsu.
idk if i should explicit this, but just in case: this is not a romantic ship please don’t come for my throat. literally this au was created because i wanted to see kaede start shit—just go absolutely feral and start chaos lmao
i would like snapshots of him teaching her how to control the flames better but also look out for her general well being because this kid has issues. basically give me a montage of yuri mentoring kaede and slowly becoming fond of her or give me death:
lunatic probably made his own costume so? i’d like to imagine yuri takes the time to make one for kaede too?? also he makes sure it wooshes cool in the wind and idk, flammable enough to allow her to burn the cape off before she attacks???
just yuri hand sewing some apparels for kaede uwu
also give me vaguely domestic yuri or give me death
also mayhaps, gives kaede affirming headpats?
like if she performs well and her mastery over her powers improves in leaps and bounds? or when she finally unlocks a skill she’s been struggling with for a bit?? just a proud head pat and a well-intentioned-but-cold-sounding « well done »???
maybe when kaede first actually learns how to use her powers, her emotions might get the best of her or maybe she’s plain nervous because fire = danger and scary. 
and it shows because the flames grow more erratic and out of her control, and yuri grows very concerned for her well being because he doesn’t want her to get burnt like he did when he first awakened his power.
before it all degenerates, he helps calm her down and prevent his house from burning down. or wherever he goes to when he’s doing lunatic stuff…
a dungeon ?
his basement ?
my basement don’t look like that
we know where all the judge money is going: renovating the basement
much like her mentor, when she gets rlly angry her eyes burst into flames. to prevent her from getting into trouble by accidentally activating her power and injuring someone or simply revealing her identity, yuri would teach her grounding exercises or anchoring phrases that he himself uses.
idk just teach her breathing techniques to ease her anxiety or a mantra to recite if she feels like she’s gonna set someone on fire
also idk if i should give kaede a different weapon from lunatic (i know i will because the crossbow is lunatic’s aesthetic, and his only), but i like to imagine yuri teaching her how to shoot crossbows and her becoming oddly proficient at it
grandma kaburagi wondering why kaede has wicked aim all of the sudden
tbh kaede would just shoot w her hands. just pew pew finger. 
or she does the kamehameha thing she did w blue rose’s power lmao
at first he kinda sees being responsible for her as a bit of a chore and annoying, but maybe he slowly grows fond of her and idk, dotes on her. 
protecc the bby
help her do her homework
« i’ve only had kaede for a day and a half. but if anything happened to her, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. »
on the flipside, at first kaede thought that yuri is hecking weird, man. just creepy suspicious prosecutor dude who she allies with because revenge girl rlly wants revenge
but he grows on her and kaede thinks he’s not so bad after all. an good authority figure whom she respects and cares for 
she still probably thinks he’s hella weird tho
kinda weird but also sometimes kinda cool 
eccentric but like in a good way
like your weird neighbour henry who means well despite what he says sometimes 
kaede would learn his corny cool catchphrases and repeat them when she’s out and about as a vigilante. 
just adopt/mimic his speech pattern of saying things slowly for more oomph
gotta do the whole code of justice and thanatos speech before she bombards barnaby with flaming arrows
yuri feels oddly proud
they’re both probably hella protective over each other tho. because that’s just kaede’s personality and yuri feels responsible for the safety of this child that he has been entrusted with.
children love sweets right? yuri secretly likes sweets. they can share sweets after setting murderers on fire uwu
idk man i just want some good mentor-apprentice relationship
it doesn’t have to always be angst
we can have fluff
maybe they can learn from each other and be semi-functional human beings 
that thing where the apprentice’s outfit is like directly taken from their mentor’s but also vaguely different. i want that.
sometimes the real revenge is the friends you make along the way uwu
  school + domestic life
ok so like
kaede gets big depressed because duh your dad just got murdered by his partner 
and she rlly misses him and wished she was more understanding back then. she wished she spent more time w him back when he was alive
but it’s too late now and that makes her big depressed
so i feel like for the first few weeks/months after her father’s death, kaede wouldn’t go to school?? and i feel like her grandmother would understand and just like
not pester her about it and let her sort out her emotions first before talking to kaede about the elephant in the room
but also like, the school board also agrees to wait it out because the parents are kinda iffy about what has transpired
to be fair, oriental town is probably one of those small towns where everyone knows each other? so the parents/adults who know kotetsu are like??? kotetsu wouldn’t kill a person??
but the children who are more connected to the media and don’t know him personally believe that kotetsu murdered someone and deserved to be “arrested”? because why would you doubt hero tv and the heroes, they’re the good guys after all.
so when kaede found it within herself to finally go back to school, she has a rude awakening and learns that words travel fast in a small community
the other kids, not knowing any better, believed that kotetsu is a criminal w their whole chest and started all kinds of rumours on kaede
when she went to class she was greeted w her desk being pushed far away from the rest of the class, the other students steering clear from her
all sorts of nasty things were carved/marked with a sharpie on her locker and table—some others stuck paper with w the word “murderer” on it
kaede lost most of her friends and the rest of the classmates avoided her like the plague as they say vile things about her and her father
« look she’s back »
they don’t even try to hide the fact or bother to mask their voice and speak in a hushed whisper. 
« they said her father killed someone, who knows what she could do »
so kaede hears everything.
« don’t get close to her, or we might end up finding your body in a ditch »
kaede doesn’t follow through, but sometimes she thinks about running away from school to escape the bullying.
« come to think of it, she was always weird wasn’t she? she’s so creepy! »
maybe at some point it gets so disruptive that kaede can’t have a functional or healthy school life due to the constant harassment and alienation, so the school board agreed to let kaede do the rest of the year through online classes or homeschooling
in a way this works out very well for kaede, because it allows her more freetime to do vigilante stuff and she gets to avoid people’s gaze. 
she’s grown to dislike them, the scornful gaze of her peers and the pity from the adults.
the student’s parents always come to apologise to her, but for some reason their pity infuriates her to no end.
sadly this means that kaede isn’t as cheerful as before and becomes more closed off and reserved :(
kaede would continue to do ice skating tho
because it’s her passion
but also because she’s obstinate like that
« oh the others don’t want me here? they hate me?? they think i don’t belong on the ice??? they can go stick it, i’m gonna be amazing out of spite! »
at home kaede becomes even more protective over her grandmother, as seeing as she’s being homeschooled means she gets to spend more time w her and help her out with the housework
idk the blue flames could be handy for doing housework
oh the stove won’t light up? oh you’re gonna go get a different lighter? nice this is a convenient time to use my next power to spark the stove! when grandma is back kaede is just like « look i got it to light up, guess u didn’t have to go through all that trouble huh? » :D
since the fire doesn’t burn indiscriminately, could she, theoretically, control the heat/where it burns to make laundry dry faster???
kaede nearly gets a heart attack seeing the new scarecrow for grandma’s cabbage patch, but turns out she just found kaede’s vigilante costume laying around and didn’t think twice about it 
bonus points of grandma uses lunatic himself as a scarecrow
lunatic would make an incredible scarecrow fight me
despite not being able to retrieve kotetsu’s body to bury him with tomoe, kaede often visits their family grave and the shrine in kotetsu’s room and bring them flowers. 
she knows she’s just talking to air, but she likes to recount her day to her parents. about whatever she’s up to, and keeping them updated on everyone’s condition: grandma and uncle are doing well. grandma is still healthy thank god, while uncle sometimes like to joke about how his store is terribly quiet now without kotetsu around.
she tells them the whole truth, how she found lunatic and was going to avenge her father. that she was going to prove his innocence to everyone, if it was the last thing she’ll ever do.
in a bittersweet way, it comforts her somewhat that her father is finally with his wife again and that they’re both watching over her.
  of next powers and secret identities
to this day, kaede is the only one who knows about yuri’s secret identity
they’re both complicit in this secret matter
this continues even after the endings 
even if she became a hero she’d refuse to reveal lunatic’s real identity
it’s a matter of principle
she will always hold a great deal of respect for her mentor 
on another note, i’m fixing kaede’s next power because it’s too broken and is kinda inconvenient lmao: in this au she needs actual skin-to-skin contact to assimilate someone else’s next power, so if the individual is wearing gloves or touching clothes it won’t work.
adding on to this, kaede starts wearing gloves when she’s up and about so that she can limit the amount of nexts she may unknowingly make contact with and keep her current ability [blue fire].
the power would be super useful tho. like you can make yourself disappear into a puff of flames,,, so theoretically if kaede finds herself in a situation she’d rather not be in she can just ghost you irl
« y’all ugly. boom. »
remember how kaede’s room is filled to the brim w barnaby merch???
great for target practice and for letting out your anger
also to dramatically scribble out the eyes in black sharpie to get the revenge girl aesthetic 
oh man she’ll probably be sad that she snipped her father off from that one picture with barnaby 
in that regard her attitude towards bunny will take a complete 180
she used to think the world of him, but now all she thinks about is crushing him under her heel
also, i know she’d imitate lunatic’s whole speech thing, but what if she repeated her father’s catchphrase to provoke barnaby?
also in homage of her dad ofc
« it’s time to let out a wild roar! »
*strikes pose*
*angery barnaby noises*
what if as time goes on it gets increasingly harder and harder to hide the fact that kaede is a vigilante. 
like at first, her family is like “oh she’s grieving in her own way, let’s give her some space” and they’re surprised by how well kaede is taking it because she’s so calm, even if she’s more distant 
while kaede sneaks out at night to start shit
and her grandmother starts to notice how she seems more alert and jumpy, or sleep deprived. how kaede seemed to be hiding bruises and injuries, and tries to clean her wounds herself late at night. 
when asked kaede would deny everything and say she doesn’t use her next powers anymore because it freaks her out
but grandma is suss
she concerned for her granddaughter
maybe she doesn’t know about kaede’s secret identity but maybe she finds out she’s been meeting with yuri
a grandma beats up a man in his late 20s-mid 30s on live television 
maybe at some point the heroes learn kaede’s real age, or assume correctly that she’s barely a teen and they’re like
is lunatic forcing you to do this ?
you don’t have to do something you don’t want to
it’s not too late for you if you give up
when rlly this was all kaede’s choice in the first place, not even lunatic’s
and that assumption rlly makes kaede angry, because their inactivity led to her father’s death and forced her hands
so it’s not their place to act like they’re concerned for her and her safety
just rlly distrust and dislike the heroes 
has a strong disdain for them
real talk, but kaede doesn’t know that the heroes were brainwashed. that’s why she’s able to be so ruthless against them, because she thinks they’re evil and working for some big conspiracy while playing a helpful and friendly front.
but when/if she does learn the truth? the kotetsu factor jumps out.
they aren’t acting as if they were the good guys, they rlly think that they are because to them they just took out another criminal and not their longtime friend.
she’ll have an inner conflict. because on one hand, the heroes don’t know any better and are being manipulated so it would be cruel to punish them so harshly. on the other hand, they got her dad killed and for that she wants to inflict them as much pain and grief as they have caused her.
the kotetsu factor would keep her going tho. now she’s determined to not only clear her father’s name, but also restore everyone’s memory, because it’s the right thing to do.
but now everytime she has to face them and fight, she feels a slight hesitancy and feels sorry for them.
mayhaps blue rose as double agent ???
origami got big double agent potential, but he wasn’t having any of kotetsu’s shit so alas
another important character we gotta talk about: h-01
hear me out
so the android isn’t built with a voice box so it can’t speak. it don’t got any acoustics. but because of maverick’s brainwashing, when the heroes talk to the empty air they hear “tiger’s” response, which is purely borne from their own psychosis.
h-01: …
barnaby: perfect idea tiger, you can cover me
rock bison: who is that guy?
h-01: …
rock bison: yeah they look very suspicious to me too…
h-01: …
barnaby: i know!
anyway, it’s very weird and surreal to watch
just the heroes having a very one sided conversation
lunatic and kaede don’t know what to make of it and finds it really bizarre, because they know the android isn’t saying anything at all
yet the heroes are convinced he’s communicating with them
so maybe if kaede manages to restore someone’s memory, they start to notice that “tiger” doesn’t actually talk. he never did this whole time.
and it gets hard to come up with a response and pretend he answered them. 
the restored heroes also find it super creepy how it’s just silent and watching, how the others seem to think that the robot can speak.
maybe this will cause some suspicion amongst the heroes (who will brush it off) and maverick, and the restored hero will have to pretend to still be brainwashed to not get manipulated a second time
basically h-01 is creepy and just generally not fun to be around
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edit: thank you @kyarymell​ for cleaning the sketch up on photoshop ;w;
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41 notes · View notes
mittensmorgul · 5 years
I’m rewatching 13.15, A Most Holy Man, right now, and... and I remember when it first aired. The reaction was largely “meh,” or “the noir format doesn’t really do it for me and the episode was kinda boring overall.” It’s possibly the s13 episode I have the least amount of posts for on my blog. It was largely skimmed over as mostly irrelevant, with the only takeaway being:
A. They got the macguffin they needed to progress the A plot by the end of the episode
2. They really should’ve cut that scene of Dean going on about how he’d kill everyone who tried to steal his car...
But... this was a Dabb episode. I wrote this post back in May, but I think it merits an additional look now:
Because this single episode functions as a microcosm of their entire lives, at least thematically, if not in a 1:1 fashion. I mean, it is just a 42 minute episode. There were only so many twists and layers they could reasonably shove in, and the Rule Of Three is a convenient metric for demonstrating the pattern in narrative shorthand that invites us to consider the unspoken “etc. etc. ad nauseum” ourselves.
I’d go into the entire structure of the episode, but I’m hoping that just explaining the outcome-- after reading the post I linked above-- everyone will be able to see the parallel itself without me having to write 5k words on the subject today. :P
Let’s start with the exchange at the end of the episode that prompted this realization. Because it’s a bit of chicanery:
FATHER LUCCA: I think I got shot. [DEAN lifts up FATHER LUCCA’s shirt to see only a little blood.] DEAN: Looks like he just grazed you. A few more inches to the left and, uh... FATHER LUCCA: It’s a miracle. [SAM and DEAN, with FATHER LUCCA behind them, search the warehouse and find GREENSTREET still hiding.] GREENSTREET: I didn’t know this would happen. I… I’ll give you anything you want, huh? DEAN: The blood, where is it? GREENSTREET: It, uh… doesn’t exist. SAM: You… what? Wait a second. You told us– GREENSTREET: Exactly what you wanted to hear. It was just a bit of… DEAN: Chicanery? GREENSTREET: Exactly. DEAN: Well… chicane this. [DEAN punches GREENSTREET to the ground.] ACT FIVE EXTERIOR – WAREHOUSE – NIGHT [There are police cars outside the warehouse. A policeman leads GREENSTREET to a car and sits him inside.] GREENSTREET: No, no, no, no. Wait. Don’t – you – you – you’ve made a mistake.
For a refresher, Greenstreet was the author of this entire bit of chicanery. For a while, it appeared as if it was actually each of the other people involved:
Margaret Astor, the first person we meet, and also the one APPARENTLY holding all the cards when they walk into the final deal, who ends up backstabbed (well shot in the back anyway, close enough) by her own assistant
she sent them to Greenstreet, who introduced the term “chicanery” to the narrative, which I’m gonna focus on next, because despite all his plotting, his narrative didn’t end the way he wanted (he’s getting hauled off to jail, but heck, at least he didn’t end up dead like most of the rest of these conspirators...)
Greenstreet sent them to Scarpatti, with the partially true information that he’d been the one to have the artifact stolen in the first place, only to learn that it had been stolen from his man in turn...
(and remember, the skull isn’t actually what Sam and Dean need... it’s the currency they believed they needed in order to trade for what they DO actually need... it’s a bit of a chicane... which I’ll get to... sorry for this meandering on the way to the conclusion, but this little side journey is 100% relevant... you’ll see what I mean in a minute)
While investigating Scarpatti’s side-detour, they end up having to investigate a murder, and inadvertently stumble over Father Lucca Camilleri... but Sam and Dean have no idea that they’re now traveling through this episode with the thing THEY actually need. But rather than just... take what they need because that fact hasn’t been revealed to them yet, or even continue to pursue the currency they believe they need to trade for the elusive thing they need, they selflessly choose to do the morally right thing despite believing that in doing so they are forfeiting their chance to get the macguffin they need.
Ain’t it just Winchesters vs The Cosmos on a microscopic level?
Because one thing I’ve learned about Dabb as showrunner is that his absolute favorite thing is gleefully pointing back at canon and explicitly clarifying things. It’s not always obvious, he tends to be incredibly subtle, but if you’re looking for it, it’s impossible not to see in pretty much all of his writing. He LOVES messing with prior perception, and making us work for the satisfying moment where all the pieces fall into place.
Chicanery and the chicane. THAT ITSELF IS A CLARIFICATION. From vague to specific. Because “a chicane” is a very different thing than “chicanery.” And it’s all a bit of a winding deception.
For reference, the definitions of these two very different words:
chi·can·er·y /SHəˈkān(ə)rē/ noun, the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose. "an underhanded person who schemes corruption and political chicanery behind closed doors" synonyms: trickery, deception, deceit, deceitfulness, duplicity, dishonesty, unscrupulousness, underhandedness, subterfuge, fraud, fraudulence, legerdemain, sophistry, sharp practice, skulduggery, swindling, cheating, duping, hoodwinking
chicane (/ʃɪˈkeɪn/) noun, a serpentine curve in a road, added by design rather than dictated by geography. Chicanes add extra turns and are used both in motor racing and on roads and streets to slow traffic for safety.
What the definition of “chicane” doesn’t provide is that in auto racing, a chicane isn’t seen as a “safety” measure, but an obstacle. If you’ve ever watched road racing, the chicane is where a lot of drivers wipe out. It’s a choke point where everyone HAS to slow down, but when you’re RACING each other, the objective is to remain out in front, you know? Jockeying for position, trying to get through the obstacle as quickly as possible to get back to direct racing toward the finish line. So while a chicane literally slows the racing by design, forcing drivers to adapt to the physical reality of safely navigate through the pinch point while not wrecking themselves, they need to maintain absolute focus to retain their position, as well. It’s not about slowing down for safety but about finding the balance point between “safely navigating through without wrecking myself or being wrecked by the other cars trying to achieve the same objective I am” and “but we’re still racing and I can’t let anyone pass me so I’m still gonna push it as fast as I can while still conforming to the laws of known physics.” It’s... difficult.
THREE TIMES in this episode, they use the word “chicanery” before Dean clarifies it to “chicane.” For reference, out of the other 306 episodes of this show that exist at the time of writing this post, they’ve used “chicanery” a grand total of ZERO other times. Seems significant, yes?
In the same way the show has frequently used Wizard Of Oz imagery to convey these same points, with the reminder in the end of the “you had the power inside you all along” sort of themes, this episode takes it one step further. Which... logical considering the nature of the spiral narrative, that when it comes around again, the circumstances aren’t exactly the same. Think of it in terms of that racetrack with the chicane.
In the case of the plot of this episode, a similar comparison can be drawn to The DaVinci Code, since through most of the wild goose chase running through all the games and puzzles, the guy is literally traveling with the object he seeks. It just doesn’t become obvious, like with Dorothy and her Ruby Slippers, until they’ve worked their way through all the puzzles and subterfuge along the way. As Dean says in Scoobynatural when Sam points out that if he knows how the episode ends, why don’t they just get to the point already, and Dean replies “Because sometimes it’s about the journey.” Rather intuitive meta observation about the point of the narrative structure, yes?
Back to our road race analogy now, after passing through the chicane chicane. Every lap, the drivers are driving through the same essential course. The shape of the road doesn’t change in the most fundamental way. The same parts are still paved, the walls around the edges don’t move, etc. But each time they drive around, other conditions vary. Their tires wear down so their traction changes. Heck, the drivers themselves are wearing out physically and mentally. Maybe a dude’s just thirsty or has an itch on his nose or just has to pee real bad. Maybe the wind speed or direction has changed. Maybe the sun has moved so different turns become more tricky with a glare in their eyes. Their engines are slowly shifting as wear and tear of operating at a high performance level alters performance. Their brakes might be wearing down. They may be in need of more fuel and are driving more conservatively, or may have just gotten new fuel or new tires or made some other alteration to their car that shifts not only their ability to go faster, but changes how they handle corners, etc. But there’s also the factor of all the OTHER cars driving around them. Maybe they’ve hit the chicane all by themselves because they’re out ahead of the pack (or trailing far behind it). Maybe they’re clustered tightly together with other drivers. Maybe there was a wreck that altered the road surface... cleaning up fuel/oil spills, sand or dirt having “spilled” out onto the road surface, maybe a slight drizzle started making it more slippery, or even random trash has blown from the stands into the road, or debris from a wreck-in-progress hampers their progress. There are SO MANY FACTORS at play that make each lap around the course an entirely different experience, you know?
Same with the spiral narrative. The major landmarks might be similar, but everything else is new.
And the moment Dean says “chicane this” and punches the author of this series of events in the face, that’s basically 14.20, yes?
They’re tired, and they’re on the last lap, and they’ve been through this chicane so many times now. And they’ve just been told that after every lap, Chuck refused to wave the checkered flag. They kept reaching the finish line over and over, only to discover it was also the starting line and the race was still going. And each time through Chuck’s big chicane, he’d deliberately change those variables, so the more experience they gained on the track, there’d always be a bit of new debris to navigate, a new difficulty level added.
And now in 14.20, it’s like they finally caught him in the act of throwing thumbtacks down on the road, you know? They caught him at his tricks.
And like, to use a favorite metaphor of Dabb’s, it’s like the roadrunner and the coyote. Only the roadrunner had always known all along that the coyote was laying traps for him and always found the most hilarious ways to foil the coyote’s plans and turn it back around on him. It took them 14 seasons for TFW to finally pull a roadrunner.
This has always been Dabb’s ending, because it’s actually the story he has been telling all along. The spiral’s broken, and instead of continuing lap after lap with no end in sight, they’ve finally realized they can just... stop driving in carefully paved loops and drive in a direct line to the finish.
(and maybe the only way to make it to the finish is to pave their own road around all of Chuck’s chicanery... it’s gonna be some heavy lifting and some rough off-roading, but it’s the only way to get off the track to victory lane)
(apologies, this is the sort of place my brain goes when Mr. Mittens is watching nascar at Road America in the background... but it’s super apt, and full disclosure, I started writing this about an hour before he turned the tv on. I was already on this road course >.>)
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artificialqueens · 5 years
(I Can Still Recall) Our Last Summer - Chapter Six (Group Fic) - pureCAMP
A/N - so here we go! as u might remember, a phrase coined from mean queens several aeons ago…. welcome to the fuckening. from here on out, it will be disastrous because thats just how we do things these days
im going on holiday for a week now so here’s ur update!! will be back soon with more and potentially some shillam and shalaska <3
“Mommy! Mommy, look!”
The little girl, her hair in messy pigtails around her face, was playing with her younger brother. She couldn’t have been any more than five years old. Sharon smiled, nodding intently to show her daughter that she was paying attention. It was one of those lazy summer days, most of which had been spent lying on a towel, watching her beautiful children play as she soaked up the sun. Next to her, Justin was watching too, his gaze filled with adoration.
“We’re so lucky,” Justin breathed, his voice low. His hands ghosted over Sharon’s sun-warmed skin, a tender display of affection.
The little girl attempted a somersault, and they both clapped. When she righted herself, she was beaming.
“Yeah. We are.” She agreed, burying her face in his shoulder. She allowed herself a moment of clarity, to just take in his scent as he watched the kids. Everything was perfect.
The warm sensation soon faded, and as Sharon lifted her head, she was filled with an icy shock. Her face was no longer buried in Justin’s shoulders. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He was no longer watching the kids, and they were screaming - crying out desperately as an unseen force dragged them into the sea. Their tiny fingers left lines in the sand as they tried to anchor themselves to the shore.
Soon she found herself running, ignoring how the beach had transitioned from idyllic and peaceful to grey and violent. The wind whipped at her as she tried to run at her children, biting at her skin and forcing her back. The last she saw of her children, their screams were being swallowed by the monstrous waves that were cannibalizing the beach.
Sharon sat bolt upright, panting. She was covered in a sheen of cold sweat, having awoken in a sheer panic from her nightmare.
They had been happening for five nights in a row now, and she didn’t know what to make of them.
It wasn’t always children. Sometimes she was on stage, performing as usual, and one energetic jump would lead to the stage collapsing, and she would fall into an abyss, screaming. Other times, she was arguing with her mother, who would then pull out a knife and carve a grisly crucifixion onto her stomach. Whatever the dream, it was always harrowing, and she awoke the same way - in the peak of her terror, sweating and shaking.
She leant back, breathing heavily as she tried to relax. If this dream was textbook - following the pattern of all her others - then soon enough, she would be suffering with the more physical effects of her tormented mind.
Sure enough, like clockwork, the nausea within her rose quickly. It was a race against time, and Sharon was briefly grateful to be in the house she hated so much, as the bathroom was just a few feet from her bedroom door. Thankfully, she made it in good time, and ended up crouched over the toilet bowl, retching and spewing what little she had consumed.
Sharon had done everything she could think of to find the root of her weird dreams and sickness. Cutting out alcohol had been the first and most obvious one, but it seemed that a string of terrible hangovers hadn’t been causing her morning misery. She tried to eat better and move more, but nothing helped. After that, she’d been pretty stumped for causes.
The whole ordeal usually lasted about an hour, although she spent at least half of the day feeling sick and wobbly. She assumed, grimly, that that would be the case for as long as the illness lasted. In the meantime, she wasn’t going to let that stop her. With not so long left until her friends headed off into Europe to pursue their further education, Sharon wanted to spend every moment of her time with Jinkx and Raja.
Once she was sure that everything she had eaten had come back up, she cleaned herself up and got dressed, leaving as quickly as she could. There was a narrow window of time during which her mother would be out, pottering to do errands for the church, so she needed to take it to avoid a confrontation. It was the safest option to just avoid her as much as possible.
The state of her family life was depressing. Sharon closed the front door behind her and tried not to think about it.
Before heading to Raja’s, Sharon made a quick trip to the store near her house. It was her go-to - maybe because she could buy anything she wanted without fear of it being traced back to her mother. Despite Jinkx always claiming she was paranoid, Sharon knew her mother had eyes everywhere. Once, she had attempted to buy a magazine that had been deemed ‘inappropriate’ by her mother’s standards, and three different people had reported back to her mother. She knew most of them through church, and there was no shortage of religious fanatics working in and around the local shops. Sharon much preferred the safety of the shops near Raja, where no one she knew would frequent.
Her goodbye gifts already picked out, Sharon decided to just wander a little, mostly searching for the cider Raja had been begging her to get and hoping her nausea would calm down. She was just reaching for the third can when somebody bumped into her.
“Ooh, sorry!” A soft voice said. Sharon looked up, making eye contact with a gentle-looking woman. She was blushing with embarrassment, and gesturing apologetically towards her swollen stomach.
“I’m still figuring out how to manoeuver myself with this one! Sorry, sweetheart.” The woman continued. She patted Sharon’s shoulder before continuing on her way, the mishap already forgotten in her mind.
In complete contrast to the kindly woman, Sharon felt as though a cold fist had squeezed her heart into a vice grip. It was as if sense had slapped her straight in the face, and she was reeling from the sting of the revelation.
Feeling sicker than ever, she tossed the drinks into her bag and walked to the opposite corner of the store. A burning shame permeated her whole body as she scanned the aisle, overwhelmed with choice. It made her beyond angry that her supposed faith, something she didn’t believe in and never would, could still condition her to feel so disgusting.
The innocent white boxes lined the aisle from top to bottom, wall to wall. Some of them had smiling babies on, with big blue eyes and no teeth. Some had large, rounded bumps, as though the idiot models really needed that purchase just to make sure. Some of them were just plain and simple. Some of them showed couples embracing together, their loving expressions mocking her. We’re married, financially-stable adults planning a family. You’re a slut.
She snatched the closest one from the shelf and left, her cheeks flaming.
The cashier, of course, said nothing. He had no reason to care about the anxieties of a seventeen year old, despite Sharon’s worry that everyone was judging her. He didn’t even blink when she snatched up the offending box and buried it underneath the rest of her purchases, trying to pretend it wasn’t there.
At Raja’s house, it was all she could think about. The three cans of cider - which were, admittedly, amazing - had been poured into glasses, but she felt too nauseous to have much more than a sip of her own. It took all that she had to try and look normal, to mask the sickness and the anxiety that wrestled in the pit of her potentially-pregnant stomach. 
It was terrifying.
Whenever she spaced out, becoming entrapped in her own thoughts, she laughed herself out of it, pretending to Raja and Jinkx that she was just feeling a little dreamy.
“It’s probably sex-withdrawal.” Raja laughed. “I get all spacey when I haven’t fucked in too long. It’s been forever since we ran into asshole Justin for the first time. You haven’t been fucked in at least a month. It’s so bad when you get the bug for it. Go and find a man, it’ll drive you crazy if you don’t.”
Jinkx clinked their glasses together, clearly in agreement. “Or I’ll do it. Girls know what girls like.”
Sharon forced out a laugh. “Ha, maybe. I’m just gonna use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”
Her mind was fixated on that evil box, still sitting at the bottom of her bag. If she didn’t do it now, she would never have the courage to find out. Her bubbling apprehension wouldn’t be able to stay simmering long enough to play the waiting game. She had to find out, if only to put her mind at rest.
She practically tore through the box, gulping as the little stick fell into her hands. It was a clean slate, waiting to predict her future. Reading the instructions on how to make the plastic fortune-teller work, she sat and wished the damn thing would just stay blank. She needed to know, but knew she couldn’t face it.
“If sufficient levels of HCG are present then…” Sharon mumbled under her breath, reading the label. She almost tossed it onto the floor when she reached the end.
How obnoxious. If she was pregnant, two lines would appear, and the little smiley face already at the end of the stick would smile at her, reflecting the happiness that all new mothers should feel. To most people who bought it, it was a sweet memory to look back on. To Sharon, it would be a garish joker, taunting her of her stupidity.
In order to avoid arousing suspicion, she activated the test and then shoved it deep into her pocket. As a decoy, she flushed the toilet, washed her hands and headed out, making a show of looking calm and casual. Her cider glass was empty, and the mischievous grins of her friends told her exactly where the drink had gone.
“You snooze, you lose.” Jinkx told her triumphantly. “Sorry. Did you buy any more?”
“No. I didn’t buy anything else.” Sharon said, a little too quickly. “It’s okay, anyway. You guys like it more than I do.”
Any conversation she tried to make was pointless, and every fibre of her being just wanted to burst into tears. It would be a while until she saw Raja and Jinkx again, after they’d left, and she didn’t want them to remember her as depressed and dull, a shell of the lively girl they knew her as. That was how she’d been ever since Justin left, even with her distractions on the side, but now it was worse than ever. The worry was killing her.
All she needed was to see one line, and the smiley face would look kindly, reminding her that even though her luck was terrible, somebody up there was on her side. Surely, someone up there had seen how her heart had been broken three times by lovers, about to be broken a fourth by her friends, and would cut her some slack. There was no way she was that unlucky.
Whilst Raja and Jinkx started discussing their plans for the future, Sharon held her breath and started to count.
“I wonder how many hot French boys there’ll be in Paris.”
One, two, three, four, five, six… What happens if there’s a positive? What if it’s a false?
“Apparently the place is like, rife with lesbians. There’s an infestation. Sounds like my kinda place.”
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen… Could I really be pregnant?
“My dad paid for the nicest accommodation ever, I’m so excited. You two have to visit me there!”
Twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three… How will I pay for a baby? I’ll need to get a job and find somewhere to live…
“My halls have this huge auditorium! We could put on a concert there!”
Forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six, forty seven… Would I be a good mom? What do you even do?
“I’m gonna miss you so much, Sharon. You gotta come and visit.”
Fifty five.
“Yeah! Same here. I wish you could come too.”
Fifty six. I’ll be fine. It’s gonna be fine.
“I can’t believe our last show is next weekend. It’s all happening so fast.”
Fifty seven. Fuck, it’s not going fast enough.
“This summer has been the best one ever. I’ll never forget it.”
Fifty eight. This has been the longest minute of my life.
“Me neither. I feel like everything has changed this summer. It’s completely unforgettable.”
Fifty nine. Oh god, I can’t look.
“God, I love you girls so much.”
She looked.
“Are you crying?”
Sharon wiped her eyes with her sleeve, chuckling weakly. “Oh, ignore me, seventeen and crying over my friends. I’m just thinking about how much I’m gonna miss us! I’m nothing without you two, my best friends.”
Raja softened. “Aww, sweetheart! You’re a strong, fiercely independent woman, whether we’re here or not. I’m gonna miss you every day!”
“I think we need a hug, no more tears.” Jinkx insisted. “Hugs fix everything.”
Sharon laughed once again, sniffing as she buried herself into her friend’s embrace. Hugs fix everything, except for when you have an unfixable problem growing inside you. 
Two little lines stared back at her.
Justin had cheated; Jaremi had run away; Willam had gone home. Her two best friends - her only friends - were leaving: Raja for Paris and Jinkx for Amsterdam.
And Sharon was pregnant.
It wasn’t going away. Normally, if she tried hard enough, she could simply ignore the problem and it would go away. It would disappear and float away into the ether, and she would wonder why she had ever worried about something so obsolete.
It wasn’t working this time.
For one, it never left her mind. Her dreams were cursed with visions of shrieking babies and boyfriends who would flit in and out, breaking up with her in various ways. During the day, her mind was haunted in the same way - the vision of that positive swirling in the back of all of her thoughts. She had an aversion to the fish in the marketplace and thought, absentmindedly, it was probably to do with that. She saw babies being carried by their sweet, caring mothers and wondered if she really had it in her to be a mom, or whether she had to take some kind of action to end it.
Secondly, her sickness only worsened. In order to avoid her mother noticing, she had been leaving the house early; she rose before five just so she could go out and be sick somewhere else. The nausea didn’t seem to want to leave her, either. It hung around all day, jolting her stomach at the slightest scent it didn’t agree with. Two nights ago, at the taverna, the heady scent of beer had set her off, leading to Raja and Jinkx performing without her as she retched in the dressing room toilet. All she had to do was say she had a bug, and they left it at that. Even when she seemed fine, they didn’t ask. Sharon was glad for that. When she flat-out refused to perform the next night, they shrugged and assumed she was still wobbly.
And last - but worst of all - it wasn’t physically going away. The damned thing was slowly becoming more visible, and she had begun to notice it.
The final Supermodels show had come upon them, and Sharon decided she couldn’t miss it for the world. It was a Saturday; in just four short days, her friends would be jetting off to begin the next chapter of their lives, leaving her to figure out how she would handle the next chapter of her own. Despite her anxiety and nausea, Sharon was resolute. She was going to do the show.
A full length mirror stood before her. They had decided, for their grand ‘going away’ performance, they would break out the showy little number they reserved for special occasions. Each of them had a specific colour dress - Sharon in blue, Raja in orange and Jinkx in green - which reached about mid-thigh and clung tight. There was a zip at the back and sequins bedazzling the entire outfit. It was beautiful.
It was also too small.
Sharon had always been slim. Growing up with her strict mother, who was always the type to belittle her for eating too much, she had been spindly and wiry for most of her childhood. As she’d gotten older, she’d grown a little curvier - not as curvy as Jinkx, but not as skinny as Raja. Either way, she had always been a slim girl. But now she was changing, and rapidly.
“Damn, girl! You could take somebody’s eyes out with those!” Jinkx had joked earlier that evening, gesturing at Sharon’s chest. That was worrying enough, but it only increased when she tried the fucking dress on.
It would not zip. The tiny zip went over her thighs, just towards her hips, and then stopped. No amount of force could tug it upwards, no matter how hard she tried. The little tell-tale tummy she’d acquired was making sure of that. Against her better judgement, she tried to suck it in, but to no avail. The curve of her tummy remained, the zip stayed stuck.
Examining herself in the mirror, Sharon frowned. Her chest felt tight. Her own body felt alien, as though it didn’t belong to her. Instead it belonged to that thing, the thing taking up residence inside her.
Sharon mustered as much courage as she could simply to open her mouth. It took a few seconds for the words to follow.
“Hey I… I don’t think I’m gonna do the show tonight. You girls go ahead without me.”
It was pathetic, how shaky and unsure she sounded. Raja and Jinkx’s fluid conversation about whether they should ever switch up the colour scheme silenced immediately, and Sharon cursed herself. It was the last show the girls might ever get to do in their current states, their final goodbye to this part of their lives. They couldn’t just do it without her.
Jinkx sounded hurt. “We’re a trio! We can’t be The Supermodels if we’re a duo!”
“Just do it!” Sharon snapped, her voice shrill. Reality was falling onto her shoulders, crushing her beneath its weight, and the fear of change had encapsulated her heart. If they carried on asking questions, she would have to tell them, and if she had to tell them then she had to acknowledge that it was happening, and she really really really was not ready to acknowledge what was happening.
At her tone, Raja’s voice softened. “Still not feeling good, darling?” She asked. She sounded almost motherly, tinged with the care and love Sharon knew she wouldn’t get from her own mother. “It’ll pass, I promise.”
Sharon sighed. “Yeah. B-But it’s not just that.”
“What else is stopping you?” She pressed, gently.
All at once, everything that was stopping her seemed to form an avalanche of emotion, crushing her chest and squeezing her ribcage until she could do nothing but break. Tears began brimming in Sharon’s eyes, slowly enough that it gave Jinkx and Raja time to edge forwards until they were just behind her screen.
“My… my dress. It doesn’t… fit, anymore.” Sharon sniffed, trying to hold back the steadily increasing stream of her tears with little success. Every fibre of her being didn’t want to tell them, didn’t want to have to acknowledge it, but there was no avoiding it now.
Sharon covered her face as they joined her, all three staring into the same mirror. Her vision was blurred from the tears, and she felt Raja’s hand on her exposed back, where the dress should’ve been zipped. Each of them just stared, not sure what to say, not wanting to assume the obvious.
“Take it off, sweetie,” Jinkx instructed softly, moving to assist Raja in unzipping the dress and letting Sharon step out of it. “That’s it, you’re okay.”
In just her underwear, Sharon felt more exposed than ever. There was no hiding her secret from her friends anymore, no convenient bags or flowy shirts to obscure it from sight. The tears slowed a little, allowing her a shaky view of herself in the mirror. Jinkx and Raja clung to her as if trying to keep her in one piece, seeming to sense how close she was to collapsing.
“Fucking Justin.” Raja cursed, quietly. “He did this to you.”
Sharon pushed down the doubts in her mind, the subtle suggestion that maybe this wasn’t him. She knew it was likely, but she knew there were two other candidates who she could never mention.
“I know,” She breathed. “I don’t know what to do.”
Jinkx bit her lip. “You can either keep it or… not.”
“I’m not ready to make that choice.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.” Raja butted in, her tone fierce and her eyes flaming. “He should’ve been more careful, he shouldn’t have let this fucking happen to you!”
“It takes two, Raj!” Sharon found herself almost shouting. “It wasn’t just him! This isn’t his fault.”
In a moment of confusing, blind anger, Sharon stormed away from her friends to gather her regular clothes, tired of feeling vulnerable and naked. The tension in the dressing room had quickly become thick enough to cut, as it became clear that neither of the three girls knew how to react to the situation they were confronted with.
“Why are you defending him? You should be furious. This is huge.” Raja changed her tone, suddenly solemn and serious.
Sharon sighed. “Don’t you see? I have nothing to be furious at. Justin’s gone, he doesn’t know anything about this. I can’t get mad at him for something he knows nothing about.” She paused. “And… I don’t know. It doesn’t seem fair to get mad at…”
Her throat closed up. Jinkx, her eyes welling up with tears, rushed over and nearly toppled her with the force of her bear hug.
“The baby.” She supplied, tearfully saying what Sharon didn’t seem to be able to do. “You can’t be furious at a baby.”
Immediately after, the mood of the room seemed to shift. Everything was out in the open now. Jinkx had delivered the bomb they were all waiting for, and now they had to discuss the fallout.
“The baby,” Raja repeated, seemingly awestruck. “Oh my god, there’s a baby.” 
Sharon wrapped her arms around her stomach, as if to hide it. “There’s a baby.”
She told them as much as she could bear; the nights with Justin, the bouts of sickness and the strange dreams, how she had taken the test in Raja’s house and kept up the smiles as her world crashed down at her feet. Now that she was confessing it all to her friends, she felt bad for being so secretive. Part of her knew she should tell them about the other potential fathers, but for the sake of her own dignity she decided against it. They, of course, would never shame her, but she saw no sense in naming the two men that her friends would never meet. It was best not to overcomplicate things. After all, it was difficult enough with a baby.
“It’s okay, though,” Raja was saying, back to business as usual. “I’ll book you in with my doctor, darling, she’s fantastic. She does confidentiality like it’s nobody’s business, literally. Never told a soul when I had that STI test. Which, by the way, was negative because I’m clean.”
Her intelligent, abrupt nature was already doing wonders for Sharon’s peace of mind. Raja was always good at sorting through the bullshit - sometimes lacking in tact, but with a kind heart determined to fix each and every problem she encountered. 
“I can’t afford your doctor, Raj.” Sharon told her. “I don’t have any money of my own. And there’s no way my mom can pay without asking what it’s for and then finding out.”
Raja rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, Needles. I’m paying for the doctor, shut up.”
“You don’t ha-”
“Bitch, I said shut up. I’m paying for it. It’s not an offer or an obligation, I’m just doing it.”
She blew a kiss and stepped out of the dressing room as Sharon giggled weakly. Jinkx kissed her temple.
“Whatever decision you make, we’re with you the whole way.” She promised. “And we would be great aunties.”
Sharon nodded. “I don’t know what I’ll choose yet. Maybe I should just… give the thing up for adoption. I’d be a terrible mother. I don’t exactly have the best role model.”
Jinkx scoffed. “Be your own role model.” She shrugged. “If you decide to keep the baby, who’s to say you’d be a bad mom? I think you’d be amazing. It’s about love, not being perfect. And I know you have a lot of love in you.”
In some ways, Sharon appreciated Jinkx’s gentle, caring instincts more than her sly sense of humour. It was a relief to have a friend that she could laugh with and cry with, who would hold her tightly and work through her emotions until she could stand on her own two feet again. She had a feeling that, depending on the choice she made, their support would be all that she had to keep herself going.
Raja reappeared. “I cancelled the show. Let’s get you out of here.”
Two major changes had taken over Sharon’s life, and she finally felt prepared to face them. The morning, as she knew, would be difficult - she would be seeing off her friends in their brand new beginning and then getting ready to face her own. None of her decisions had been easy, but she felt that they were the best ones she could make.
Surprisingly, as she lingered at the top of the staircase, trying to fill herself with the confidence to walk past her mom and out of the door, she found that the old fear that used to gnaw at her was ebbing away. The heavily-adorned crosses all over the walls judged her and she judged them back, wondering how a woman who believed so deeply in a man dying for their sins could be so against love and acceptance. The so-called mother she had grown up with was nothing more than a bully using the cover of religion as a defense, and Sharon wasn’t going to be afraid of her anymore.
She headed downstairs.
“I’m going out,” She called into the kitchen. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to dash from the kitchen to the front door, and her mom soon confronted her.
“No you’re not, young lady.” She admonished. Her hands were covered in flour, leaving white marks all over her sensible floral dress. “The church bake sale is today and I told them we would be there to help sell everything. You’ve been slacking again, Sharon, and I won’t have it.”
All of her confidence gathered from moments ago deflated like a sad balloon. Still, Sharon stood fast. “Well, you’re gonna have to tell them they’re down a member, because I’m not going.”
Her mom narrowed her eyes. “Don’t argue with me. You know what I can do.”
“You can’t do shit to me.” Sharon bit back. “I’m going to see off Raja and Jinkx, they’re leaving today. That’s that.”
“It’s always about you, isn’t it?” Her mom replied, taking a step closer. Instinctively, Sharon took one back. “I slave away to make sure you have a home, food, a good Christian upbringing and a decent education, and what do I get in return? I get your rudeness, your attitude.”
Sharon tried to interject, but there was no stopping her.
“I give you a home, you’re never here. I feed you, you don’t eat it. I diligently take you to church and you swear and sin like a heathen, purposely embarrassing me when all I do is try and do my best for you. You didn’t try at school, and now you’re wasting your time on sin and recreation even when I try to offer alternatives. So I have to discipline you, and then you think I’m evil. I’m not evil, I’m not disgraceful. You are. You’re a selfish daughter.”
Already, Sharon could tell things were going to go from bad to worse. The morning had barely started and they were already getting into a heavy argument that she knew would end in disaster.
“I’m selfish? Because you like to hit me?” She asked, in disbelief. “Do you think I enjoyed telling my teachers that my bruises were from me being some kind of fucking idiot, because you told me you’d do it again if I told them the truth? Because I didn’t fucking enjoy that, mother.”
“Don’t use that vile language, Sharon. It’s unbecoming of a young lady, as far from one as you might be.” Her mom hissed. “I don’t enjoy hitting you. I do what’s necessary to keep you in line. Our Lord told us to discipline our children. All I ever try to do is his bidding. All you care about are disgusting words and disgusting sins.”
All at once, a surge of white-hot anger lacerated Sharon’s body, releasing the boldness that Raja and Jinkx had always urged her to use. “Oh, fuck you and your shitty religion. Fuck you, fuck God, fuck Dad for never being here. His shitty missionary activism means nothing. All you care about is that everyone follows your fucking Bible and you focus so much on the lives of innocent strangers that you don’t even notice the shit happening right in front of your own eyes!”
She was pacing now, trying to rid herself of the all-consuming frenetic energy. “Fuck you. I’m not the selfish one, you are.”
Her outburst would not go unpunished. As she had seen many times before, her mom’s eyes flashed dangerously. It was as if all at once, her kindly Christian mother facade had melted away, flickering back to reveal her twisted reality. Though physically, nothing changed besides the clenched jaw and closed fist, Sharon suddenly saw her through the lens of her childhood fears. She was eight feet tall, laughing maliciously, her hands slowly raising upwards as she prepared to deliver a menacing blow. It would leave bruises that she should be ashamed of, for the abusive monster had won again and again.
Not again.
“Don’t you fucking dare touch me!” Sharon yelled. Her eyes were filled with furious tears. “I will never let you treat me like a doormat ever again. I will never let you abuse me in the name of your fucking God. This isn’t just about me anymore, which you would know if you fucking paid attention to the child you pretend to love.”
Without even realising, Sharon cupped her hands over her stomach. Somewhere in there, tucked away in the small bump she could feel beneath her fingers, she knew her baby was rooting for her.
“You disgust me.”
Her mom’s tone was much quieter, the fiery, destructive anger replaced with the slow black smoke that lingered afterwards. It was tinged with loathing, telling of her honest reaction to the news. Somewhat calmed - unbelievably - by the feeling of the bump in her hands, Sharon closed her eyes.
“Mom, please.”
Anything else she wanted to say to defend herself dissipated. Her mom’s sheer hatred silenced her before she could even process her own thoughts.
“Seventeen?!” She exclaimed, incensed, and threw her hands up in the air. “And I did everything right, too. I was a good Catholic mother. Lord, what did I do to deserve a slut for a daughter?!”
Despite everything, it still felt like a punch in the gut to hear such scathing words from the only person who was supposed to love her unconditionally. Sharon had known she would react explosively, but it hurt more than she wanted to admit.
“Mom, I-”
The woman stood before her pursed her lips, perfectly still. Her gaze was livid, her body stiff with rage. She looked at Sharon as though she were scum, a piece of dirt, a blight on her picture perfect life.
“I didn’t raise you to be like this.”
“You didn’t raise me at all!” Sharon bit back. “You were never here for me. You’re a shitty mother!”
“I’m not your mother.” She delivered the final blow in a low voice. “No daughter of mine would turn out to be a whore. A slut. You’re on your own.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Sharon raised her chin as high as she could. “Good riddance. This is the last time you’ll ever see me.”
“Get out of my house.”
Carrying only an old diary and an album full of photos with her, Sharon crossed the threshold of her front door for the last time, and heard it slam behind her. There was no going back now.
“We’re gonna be okay, you and me,” She whispered, her head hung low. “We’ll build a life together. I’ll be a good mom, I swear. I’ll show you just how much I love you, every day.”
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ravenaveira · 5 years
People that say Taka was the best team/friends for him is like saying a drug addicts friends who are also drug addicts are whats best for them simply because they went along with and encouraged their habit rather than trying to get them help and off a toxic lifestyle
Just because you have friends that support your bad habits doesnt mean their good friends and whats best for you
Friends who try to get you out of that toxic lifestyle to a better place where your clear-headed and healthy THOSE are real friends who want the best for you
I know this is a weird topic to touch on after the previous episode which I'm not downplaying because I thought it was wholesome, but the fact that people blatantly ignore how toxic and unhealthy Taka was for Sasuke AT THE TIME really just rubs me the wrong way
Do I think his relationship with Team 7 perfect? course not, but you can definitely see the difference between how TRUE friends behave and how enablers behave
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Team 7 he viewed them like family and precious bonds he had to cut in order to focus on and pursue revenge
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Taka he treated them as strictly subordinates, we never see him bothering to interact with them other than pursuing his goals and once they were no longer needed? he discarded and abandoned them without a second thought, he didnt even know Karin was an Uzumaki or that he even met her in the past which shows how little he cared about any of them on a personal level, the only one I can say Sasuke even remotely cared about to that degree is Jugo
None of them tried to empathize with Sasuke, none of them tried to talk to him about his struggles or problems and let him suffer alone, none of them cared for Sasuke to that point and if they did then they had one hell of a way of showing it
So my point? yes I think Sasuke cared somewhat about Taka in his own way and yes I think Taka cared for Sasuke as well I'm not saying they didnt, I'm just saying they didnt care enough
And it seems crazy to me that the same people who complain about the injustices done to Sasuke and his clan are the same one who support Taka and them supporting Sasuke and his crimes against pretty much everyone
Yes killing Danzo was a good thing but it was still a crime, Sasuke and Taka joined Akatsuki and tried to kidnap the 8 tails which was a crime against the Cloud village, Sasuke attacked the 5 kage summit and every single kage there making him an international criminal regardless if his goal was just Danzo it was still a risk of them getting involved, Sasuke just being a rogue ninja joining another rogue ninja is a crime, Sasuke attempting to kill all the 5 kage after the war would have been a crime
Yes some injustices can be resolved through violence but that is not the one and ONLY solution, Sasuke going rogue unfortunately even from a narrative standpoint yea it needed to happen for him to train with a Sanin etc but the only way to resolve Konoha’s injustice was to go through the right channels and expose to corruption that was in it, once Sasuke left and started committing crimes he lost the moral high ground and anything he said or did would easily be ignored and just thought of as another crazed Uchiha who deserved to die
You can argue yes but then Naruto and Kakashi could have said something once they found out but by that point it was like Temari said, it was FAR too late for Sasuke and even with the truth revealed how does that excuse his actions at the summit? against Bee? joining Akatsuki? killing Itachi and Danzo MIGHT have been able to be excused but the rest? there's no way that was getting overlooked even with the corruption exposed Sasuke was still just as much in the wrong now
I'm a huge Sasuke fan but even I can acknowledge that not every single one of his actions was 100% right and just, his actions towards the people who actually wronged him WERE in the right, but his actions in everything that didnt? yes he was in the wrong no ifs ands or buts about it
So for those who think Taka is so much better for Sasuke because they supported his criminal actions [except Jugo I believe he’d be fine either way] but not Team 7 who wanted Sasuke to stop his criminal actions and return to his senses and be in a healthy condition again, truly make me wonder if they actually care about Sasuke’s well being or just think everyone who isnt a yes man to everything Sasuke did somehow dont care about his feelings or the injustices done to him and just wanna change him
Yeah, change him for the BETTER not worse, if anything Taka tried to do the opposite of that but hey I guess being a bad influence is better than being a good one
And listen we can go back and forth all day about Sasuke's situation after the war because I agree wholeheartedly that thats bullshit, but realistically speaking the fact that some things about the Uchiha massacre are unresolved like those two elders even being allowed to breathe, realistically speaking what CAN you really do? the Uchihas are dead and the main man responsible is dead and Hiruzen who failed to stop it is also dead so what would exposing everything do at that point? everyone directly involved is DEAD so exposing it really is pointless even if only to clear Itachi’s name which I'm gonna say something alot of you wont like
But the Uchiha’s were not all innocent victims, atleast not the ones involved and planning the coup, yes they were treated unfairly but does that mean the best approach to fixing this is to overthrow the government? how does that make you look? your proving their suspicions of you right by attempting to be the threat they all think you are, that is NOT how you get your point across and demand justice for your clan by planning a coup that would result in many lives lost including your own
Does that mean do nothing? course not, but if you want their trust then you have to EARN it and if you want justice and equality then go on strike and refuse to serve them until their willing to talk and compromise, seriously the Uchiha was a HUGE asset to Konoha so them refusing to obey and offer their services definitely would have gotten their attention and force them to listen and find a compromise, if that didnt work they could have tried spreading the word to fellow citizens and gain their support as I'm pretty sure not EVERYONE in Konoha felt the same way towards them and would have joined their cause for equality
But no, they chose the path of violence and it resulted in their entire clan's downfall and they end up with NOTHING but a bad name, so what did they gain? absolutely nothing, so was it worth it? NO
So lets stop acting like Konoha’s the big bad villain that did nothing but wrong and the Uchiha’s were pure innocent souls that did nothing wrong to deserve what happened to them because Ima say it THEY DID and their downfall was entirely their own fault for their approach, was it right? of course not genocides never ok and just as the Uchihas could have found another method Konoha could have as well so they were both in the wrong not just one or the other
Itachi also isnt a saint for the same reason the Uchiha’s and Konoha isnt and thats choosing the wrong approach to resolving the problems, there were many other paths he could have chosen but he chose the worst ones every time so just clearing Itachi’s name because of his good intentions wouldnt be right because his methods were beyond fucked up on so many levels
So my point is Sasuke was a victim of both sides wrongdoings, Taka didnt help with that at all, Team 7 tried to empathize and tried to understand and console him and save him from himself, its just that Sasuke didnt let them and pushed them away and thats of no fault of theirs since they did try but mainly Sasuke and them being mostly in the dark about everything
Yet Taka knowing almost everything didnt even try to reach out to him or help him cope in any way, Karin you’d think would understand and get through to Sasuke the most, cared more about her lust for him and seeing his ‘smile’ than actually empathizing with him and helping him through the turmoil he was in, Suigetsu made it clear he was out for himself from the start and Jugo is just wholeheartedly loyal to Sasuke no matter what
The fact that in the end, Sasuke makes no attempt to visit them until he needs them for something speaks volumes of his attachment to them, I think Taka thinks more of Sasuke than Sasuke does of them
He didnt even say goodbye to them before he left for his redemption journey nor did he bring them along on his years-long mission which again speaks volumes
So all Im saying is, Taka being the best team for Sasuke and his true friends is complete bull because I have yet to see any argument or reasoning for this be anything other than he chose them and that they went along with everything he did without question
If you have a better reason for why you think this then please share with me I welcome it maybe you can change my mind, but as of right now all the arguments I see is bullshit or occasionally shipping based which isnt a legitimate reason btw, so if you can be civil then I'm all ears
Note: I didnt mention the other Kages because it should be obvious their ways were screwed up as well and ruined a lot of lives, however what does Sasuke’s idea of basically ruling as a dictator resolve? how does that fix and reform the system? Sasuke wont live forever so what happens when he dies? he cant be the enemy that unites everyone once he’s dead and gone it’ll return back to how things were and thus mission failed another Uchiha dies for nothing, Sasuke’s approach to the situation was just a temporary solution not a permanent one and one that wouldnt last long anyway so lets not pretend Sasuke had the best solution to the problem when in all honesty both his and Naruto’s solutions were flawed and it makes sense that they’d work together using both methods rather than one and compromise, again we can argue about Sasuke’s situation after the war all day but fact of the matter is just gotta accept this is what it is and move on, at least Sasuke achieved partially what he wanted which was a bright future for the next generation and the villages to be at peace with one another without the need of a common enemy anymore, are things completely resolved? no, but its progress, and 15 years is nowhere near enough time to fix decades worth of damage so its still a work in progress and will be for a long time
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promiseimnotacop · 6 years
let's go about this a different way: pick your fave ten questions from the trans journey ask game and answer them!
bold of you to assume I’ve ever managed to make a decision in my life. also warning this gonna be looooooong
from this ask game
1. How did you choose your name? 
so I’ve always been interested in names and a couple years before i ever came out to anyone I asked my mum casually if there were any other names she’d considered giving me. She said that Finn or Finnbar were up there had I “”been born a boy”” and so I latched on to that. It worked pretty well for me because I wanted something that felt like an equivalent exchange for my birthname and that I didn’t associate strongly with a particular individual and I’d never had a Finn in my year at school so that was all hunky dory. Took me a while longer to figure out middle names (because my birthname has two middle names and it’s sort of a tradition on my dad’s side so I wanted to have those). 
There was a hot minute when I considered calling myself “Hugo Finn” which I’m so glad I didn’t, not that it is objectively a bad name, but because my reasoning was erm....bad. It was at a time when I had a lot of internalised self hatred/disgust and the name Hugo I first came across and associated heavily with the morally ambiguous “freak” from ASOUE. At the time I thought using a name I associated so heavily with the word freak was a way of subverting negative feelings but tbh it wasn’t. I’m so glad I didn’t tether myself that negativity. 
Also fun fact, my birthname is Shakespearean protagonist who spends most of the play dressed as a boy so again for a hot second I considered using the name she does, Fidele, but I wasn’t about having a super conspicuously uncommon name. 
For middle names in the end I went for James Lee (though nothing is legal or set in stone feedback and opinions are welcome lol). Lee came first, after the river in my village that I have a lot of postive memories associated with, outside of all the gender bullshit. The problem then became that the name “Finn Lee” would sound like/get mistaken for “Finley” and “Finnbar Lee” would sound like “Finn Barley” which would be eccentric and confusing. So it needed a buffer. In the end I went for James, partly because the first middle name of my given name is a saint, but mostly because James can be Jim and that allows for some of my childhood nicknames (im jim jam, imbo jimbo) to sort of still apply. that was a long answer to a short question lol but I spent a lot of time thinking about this because for some reason I felt  like I couldn’t come out until I’d already settled on a full name. 
3. Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria?
I don’t think they’re separable. I have dysphoria about my body but it is because of societal perceptions of my body
8. How would you explain your gender identity to others?
depends on how savvy that person is to trans jargon honestly. The best, if clunky, label I’ve found for my gender is “transmasculine non-binary” which is two different quite broad umbrella terms lol. I like the looseness of it. For me personally, it means that the framework of masculinity and maleness is not an exact fit and does not cover some of the complexities of my gender but, in my daily interactions it is a close enough approximation and I do desire to pursue parts of what might be considered a “trans masculine” medical transition. For the most part masculine coded language (including he/him pronouns) is what suits me the best, with only a few particular exceptions. So, for most of the world I am functionally “a man” (even though that is one of the few bits of masculine coded language I don’t gel with), or maybe “a gender non-conforming man” and I am not gonna split hairs about that if we aren’t close. 
But if we’re seriously getting into a chat about gender there’s a lot more to be said. If drawing a diagram of my gender I would say I’m about 55% male, 30% “other”/third gender/maverique/genderqueer/whatever you want to call a gender identity autonomous and seperate from male or female, and 15% nothing/void. And all of that is subject to fluctuate a bit and which parts I might connect with most can be slightly contextual. I am more “a man” than anything else but also pretending to be a binary man is cutting out a significant part. 
12. Do you pass?
Let’s unpack the most Problematique question lol. Just kidding. It is important to acknowledge how “passing” or not effects daily safety/experiences but....god can we not use that word? Can that not be the agreed upon term? The implication that you are otherwise “failing”? The way in which it is incredibly difficult to apply to no-binary people? The way it does not acknowledge the nuances and the way that being read as a certain gender can be conditional? 
I prefer to use the terms “read as” because it allows for more nuanced discussion, does not have moralistic implications, puts the onus on the people viewing - not the individual being viewed and is kinda intuitive to understand.
To answer the question though? For the most part (like maybe 80% of the time) I am read as male. By no means always, and it is conditional on me following a certain level of gender conformity, but for the most part I interact with the world being addressed as a guy. As someone who is very much pre-t it seems that this alone subverts the standard “trans narrative”. Hell I was mostly read as male for a while before I ever came out. I’ve been corrected and laughed at in the women’s bathrooms. I’ve been harassed for gender nonconformity not in spite of but because I was wearing “girl’s” uniform. I have had fellow trans people assume I was a cis man (on more than one occasion) even when I introduced myself by my very much feminine birthname. I have little kids point blank refuse to believe I am “a girl”. I have had strangers confront and correct my mum for addressing me with she/her pronouns (before I was out). I have had kids yell the T slur at me (before I had begun to learn the invisible rules - which to be totally clear are bullshit -that need to be followed in order to be more consistently and unerringly read as male). I’ve been read as male occasionally in contexts where it was impossible for me to be out (near strangers on holiday whilst using birthname, new teachers and students at a school i’d been at since I was 11 and worn “girl’s uniform” until 16, etc).
It’s by no means always though. Which makes the times I don’t difficult and awkward. The technician on my course refers to me with feminine language but none of my tutors. The other day I tried out wearing eye shadow to class and I guy I bumped into later said that he hadn’t recognised me because it made me look like a girl (cringe). etc.
17. What do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public?
haha i don’t go. I literally haven’t been to the men’s bathroom (apart from once on holiday) but also i get harassed in the women’s/get directed towards the men’s so.....here’s to hoping I don’t get a UTI lads. Literally been in a public loos once since June (not including holiday abroad) and then i nipped into the disabled one during shark week. 
19. Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?
so at the beginning of uni I sort of tried to go stealth to see if I could/if it was comfortable (and by go stealth I mostly mean I just didn’t openly talk about my trans-ness for a while). I didn’t wanna be known as ‘the trans one’ and so i didn’t want to introduce myself with that fact. It fucking sucked would not recommend 0/10. It’s incredibly lonely-making to try and filter your experiences and to not be able to discuss certain issues with anyone irl. 
32. How do you see yourself identifying and presenting in 5 years?
I used to do this thing when I was feeling particularly dysphoric/hopeless where I would draw myself now, and myself in 5 years time. Help construct something to look forward to, and work out what I would sincerely like to wear/express but don’t due to dysphoria. For me I really want to get to a place where I am comfortable in androgyny. I want to grow my hair out without sacrificing being read as male. I want to wear long skirts and crop tops whilst still being read and understood as a guy. I’ve done a lot of self reflection and I don’t think I can get to the place of being comfortable until I have had top surgery and I might also require T (though top surgery is really the necessity for my day to day life). Fingers crossed that will be possible and slightly healed within 5 years but given the NHS it really is not certain. 
39. Is your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference?
T4T is self care. Jk. Honestly probably but that’s not to say a cis person couldn’t be my ideal partner? like at any rate it’s fucking necessary that my partner fully understands/perceives me to not be a woman. They could just be cis and no. 1 ally but in all likeliness they’re probably gonna be trans (particularly given the number trans and/or nb cuties out there)
40. How did/do you manage waiting to transition?
I’m not managing. Send help.
seriously every week I have a break down about how long NHS wait times are.
42. Do you interact with other trans people IRL?
I’m an art student in Brighton. Yes. 
(Also my sibling Sumner is an NB lesbian, and my childhood best friend Hunter is NB). 
Literally going to be one cis person in my house of six next year. 
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fox-steward · 6 years
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@illinoisbeau didn’t respond when i said it was up to him about tagging, so i’ll give him the chance to respond, but please let me know if i should remove the tag.
where to even start with this? it’s wildly illogical but i am waiting for my wife to get off a 9hr plane ride so i’ll bite.
image 1: i’m sorry if you think i just came up with everything on this blog like some inspired fount of radical feminism, but these ideas are here to help make sense of my experience. they do not come out of my experience. what i’m saying is, my experience with dysphoria is likely indistinguishable from most other female trans people, and you said it best yourself, “transition [is] not the right treatment.”
i try to make this point with exhaustive examples, drawing on the indisputable conditions of being female in this society.
image 2: acknowledges misogynistic society? check. everything you said after that and before your own experience? word salad. how am i missing how “misogyny permeates each person in society in all areas of life?” that is exactly what i’m saying. and extrapolating from there, im suggesting that even sex dysphoria is informed by the all-permeating misogyny. why do i have to repeat this? it would seem we agree here?
you’re right we never stop learning from society, but as you experience the socialization of manhood, you do so with a history of girlhood. guess who fundamentally does not do that: natal males. which means even now, your experience of manhood is going to be fundamentally different from theirs. just as mine was. just as all transmen’s are. we never stop learning from society,“ but we also cannot just erase what we already learned. i’m suggesting it is possible (probable) that for female people like us, who experienced girlhood with dysphoria, it is precisely the experience of misogyny that gives rise to desires to become the opposite sex.
image 3: my man, there is no reliable difference between “cis and trans dysphoric people.” it’s not helpful (except insofar as to construct and substantiate some kind of innate trans narrative) to distinguish between types of dysphoric people, especially when the overlap of our experiences is so huge–nearly a circle!
i’m not sure what exactly you’re arguing, but the notion that therapists aren’t helpful to dysphoric people is…dubious. from one side of the coin, i agree, from the other, i don’t. i agree that right now, therapists are not doing dysphoric people right and helping us investigate the deeper meaning of dysphoria and helping us work on ways to deal with it outside of steering us toward medical transition. i don’t agree that therapists are seeking out reasons to “make us normal.” this is…a wild claim. so intangible as to be useless to this discussion.
again, there is just no use in trying to draw a line between “cis” dysphoric people and “trans” dysphoric people unless that purpose is to bolster the idea that transness is an innate state of being. practically, there’s no difference between your life experience (what you’d call trans) and mine (what you’re calling cis). any difference exists in your mind in order to justify why we can have different outcomes of the same experience: transition.
image 4: not sure what the point in bringing up the difference between society and nature is. sure, they’re different, but each one is real in that we have to live with both and with the ways they interact. those interactions being something like: all females (nature) are oppressed by misogyny (society).
no one is asking you to obsess over your biological sex? all i’m suggesting is, it’s better for mental health when we acknowledge our reality, that we are female, rather than believing we are or could become male.
look, you’re 18 and an adult, so i’m not trying to belittle you when i say this: at 18, the human brain isn’t done forming. in my late 20s, mine is. i guarantee i have life experiences behind me that you just don’t. i say from experience and observation of others, feelings change a lot between 18 and 30. i say from experience, it’s no good for mental health to feverishly pursue something you can never attain (becoming male). whether you believe me or not is up to you, but you in particular is not who i write this for. i write for any dysphoric female, myself included.
image 5: no, what jeopardizes your healthcare is a medical industry that suggests transition without the appropriate investment of time and resources in figuring out how to physically and emotionally care for trans people. what jeopardizes your healthcare is a lack of research into long term testosterone use and how that changes a female body. but make no mistake, changed by medication or not, it’s still a female body. what jeopardizes your healthcare are transphobic doctors and nurses who turn away trans patients because they don’t understand or are disgusted by our bodies. and that is a flaw with society, not nature.
i get that you don’t want the experience of womanhood and transition will functionally fix that for you, but your body will not enter some mystical space between male and female. it will be a female body on testosterone. and that’s fine! like you said, functionally, it does the job! no one “gives a shit” that transition is an aesthetic approximation? this discussion is not about feeling a certain way about transitioning, that is literally just the honest description of what it is. claiming to somehow slide into a biologically male body? that has a lot more to do with feelings–namely, appeasing your own internal sense of being. and as my personal experience informs me, insisting doesn’t make it so.
no one said or implied that transness or transsexuality is unnatural and thus wrong. nothing about this discussion or any of my writing is about transness being wrong. it’s almost all about how females suffer misogyny, how that influences dysphoria, and wondering if medically transitioning is the best treatment for it. that’s it. and you can agree or disagree, but trying to make it seem like i am anti-trans isn’t true or fair.
image 6: you are the only one distinguishing our dysphorias, though. you insist they’re fundamentally different, while i suggest that maybe they aren’t? your evidence that they’re different? i acknowledge the role of misogyny, while you deny it. at 18 i would have denied it, too. functionally, though, experientially, i’ll bet your story and mine have a near perfect overlap. our experiences likely mirror one another’s. and that is my point from above: there's no practical difference in distinguishing between you and me unless we’re trying to support the idea that transness is innate. and that distinction relies not on our actual, concrete, lived experiences, but on how we choose to describe them.
if i had to guess why you want to create this gulf between our experiences, it would be to rationalize why it is two very similar people with exceptionally similar experiences of functionally the same thing can reach different outcomes.
image 7: i just wanted to include this to publicly acknowledge that i had permission to post these screenshots.
but as i said in our chat message, LMAO @ the notion that my experience with transitioning doesn’t necessitate an opinion on transness!!!! what a wild stance to take! “your experience doesn’t necessitate an opinion on that experience.” lmao 😂
good luck out there, this world is a trip. i wish you well.
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roxilalonde · 6 years
hey could i ask advice on being bi and bi relationships? im a woman and im currently in a relationship with a guy and we've been together 3yrs and as I've gotten older I've realized i'm mostly attracted to women. and idk recently i've just had a lot of doubt about like. if I'm actually bi or. like if I'm actually attracted to him sexually. I know i love him, i just feel conflicted and confused and i was wondering if you've felt that way or have advice or. anything.
hey there! first off, i’m really sorry you’re going through that. i’m here for you, if that helps – i think a lot of bi women experience what you’re going through. if nothing else, please know that you’re not alone in your problem. 
there are a couple of things that could be at play here. on the one hand, bi people face a lot of pressure to downplay their attraction to one gender in order to conform to a mainstream idea of sexuality as an either-or phenomenon. as such, bi women often doubt their own bisexuality, as it’s easier to convince yourself that you’re faking than to convince a society that they’re wrong. i personally do this to myself a lot! it takes a lot of effort  – and, point blank, raw stubbornness – not to just give up.
however. compulsory heterosexuality (the societal pressure for women to be attracted to men) is going to be a part of any wlw’s relationship to her sexual orientation, and it can really do a number on our ability to parse platonic intimacy from sexual attraction. as a consequence, there exists a documented phenomenon of lesbians identifying as bisexual for a period before coming out as lesbians. this may happen for a number of reasons, and to be clear, i don’t want to speak over lesbians or speak personally to experiences that aren’t mine, so i would really recommend seeking out takes written by lesbians on this subject in order to get an accurate sense of perspective. but one explanation i’ve seen is that lesbians may identify as bi during a time when they had realized they’re attracted to girls, but haven’t yet realized that they’re not attracted to boys – two different mental conversations. 
“attraction” is a really, really social concept, to the point where even if you have absolutely no real attraction to men, there may still be moments where you think you do. an explanation of the issue i particularly like is the distinction between the idea of sex/romantic relationships with men being “possible” or “endurable” and “enjoyable activities that i actively want to pursue.” i.e.: if your desire to date or have sex with men is not borne of honest enthusiasm for the idea, but instead any reason besides earnest personal desire, then it’s not attraction. sex and dating are supposed to make you happy. if it isn’t making you happy, something’s wrong.
this is, admittedly, easier said than internalized. women are conditioned all their lives to believe that they are and should be attracted to men, and we carry that paradigm with us, regardless of how cognizant we are of it. realizing you’re gay, unfortunately, isn’t enough to make that conditioning go away. since i don’t know the details of your situation, i’m hesitant to give you advice as to how to handle the situation itself. but i can offer you some resources which, i hope, will help you make your own decision about what you feel, and wade through the thunderdome of sociological theory that makes up any conversation about sexuality.
“Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence,” by adrienne rich, is a fantastic article that helped me, personally, sort out my relationship to my sexuality. i consider it a foundational article for understanding how women experience SGA. “The Queer Apologetic: Explaining the Use of Bisexuality as a Transitional Identity,” by nicholas guittar, talks about the experiences of people who do or have id’d as bi despite not being so, and why that is. and a resource i recommend in general for a lot of bi and bi-questioning people is “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Bisexual,” by david halperin, which is great not because it offers a conclusive answer to literally any questions about bisexuality or what it means to identify as such – it doesn’t – but precisely because it nails down the ambiguity inherent to id’ing as bi in the first place. and then it cites a bunch of attempts to answer that question.
an additional resource is “Defining Bisexuality: Young Bisexual and Pansexual People’s Voices.” it’s a study recounting a variety of responses given by bi and pan people when asked how they understand bisexuality. now, i don’t agree with everything the participants say, necessarily (when asked what bisexuality is, for example, one person just tosses out a number on the kinsey scale, which is proof positive that just because a person ids as bi/pan doesn’t mean they know shit about it). but others have insightful takes on what it means to be bi and how they conceptualize it, and if you skip to the conclusion of the study, you can get a useful overview of the article without wading through all the responses. 
if you decide that what you feel for your boyfriend is platonic intimacy instead of romantic attraction, understand that you don’t have to lose your relationship entirely or cut your boyfriend out of your life – relationships change and evolve, and it’s more than possible to develop meaningful, deep intimacy with people you’re not attracted to. people who care about you will recognize that. conversely, if you decide that what you feel for your boyfriend is romantic, know that you’re one of many bi women who happen to have a preference for other women! and having a boyfriend does not make you any less such. good luck, and whatever you conclude, i hope you end up happy.
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sonreiv · 7 years
i absolutely despise when ppl paint katsuki as an abuser when horikoshi doesn't even say he's an abuser. Bullying and Abusing has some similar aspects but they are different at the end of it. Katsuki is. a. bully. Izuku recognizes that Katsuki is a jerk and what he did was wrong/bad (and he actually has stated that he hates katsuki, twice) but still sees his strong qualities that make him admire him
(This ask has been sitting in my drafts for the longest time and I thought with the upcoming episodes it was the perfect time to stop procrastinating and finally finish it. Sorry for the wait, nony! I mostly agree with you, but I want to further discuss some points so I hope you don’t mind I got a bit lenghty. You got me an excuse to ramble up some meta haha.)
A TL;DR beforehand: canon analysis supports that Katsuki should not be interpreted as an abuser, but an early bully at most. I also did a little analysis on the early middle school chapter and how it shows BNHA’s society/the peers Deku and Katsuki grew up around set up a bullying enticing enviroment, and how bad translations have us interpret their relationship as more aggravating than it really is - Deku NEVER said he hates Katsuki, for instance. Not once.
I agree that Katsuki is not to be interpreted as an abuser. He does not want to pursue Deku in order to hurt him; instead, he wants to push Deku away from himself. There’s a difference between “I want to possess you, to make you stay around me and hurt you emotionally and physically” - and “I don’t want anything to do with you, go away, don’t interact with me or else”. The first one is abuse. The second one is what Katsuki felt about Deku for most of his life (albeit very simplified). At the times when Katsuki did hurt him - threatening him in middle school, getting out of hand during the heroes vs villains team trial, punching him during the end of the term exam, etc - was because he felt threatened; so his response was to push him away with violence, with an attempt at “teaching” Deku to stay away from his lane.
This is not to defend Katsuki’s actions; this is only a reasoning, not an excuse. His violent behavior towards Deku is still inexcusable. I only want to make clear there’s a difference between “I want to go out of my way to hurt you” and “I will smack you if you push me”, even if his concept of being pushed is distorted to his own experience and it still does not make his violent actions okay. He fears and despises what Deku did at those times: talking to Katsuki as if Katsuki isn’t on the pedestal he grew up believing he was on. This is the core of Katsuki’s feelings. He does not want to abuse Deku. He wanted him to go away, and he WOULD physically/verbally assault him if that meant pushing Deku away from him. And the rest of his threats/aggressive banter is just really how he talks to everyone else.
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Even in canon it’s explicitly stated Deku was the one who insisted on following him because of his admiration, and that was what Katsuki couldn’t stand; he wanted him to be away.
And that was way before. The game is changing, and the development of their relationship is one of the core points of the series. Katsuki recognized him as someone who is not allowed to lose, someone worthy of All Might’s trust, and just very slowly started talking to Deku like he does to everyone else.
I also believe that affirming Katsuki would be an abuser in a romantic relationship with Deku misses the point if the person is okay with it if it’s a friendship/platonic relationship, or if they ship Katsuki with other people. Someone who is abusive does not isolate their behavior to one single person, nor does abuse happen only in romantic relationships. Abusive friendships exist. If one thinks katsudeku is okay as long as it’s platonic, if they believe in their growth and healing enough to believe they can start and share a healthy friendship, then the same should be applied to a romantic relationship. Also if Katsuki were to be an abusive partner to Deku, he’d be the same to other partners. If he were to be emotionally manipulative, possessive, constantly putting him down and hurting him while also keeping him - he’d do it to any other partners. The thing is people who ship katsudeku usually don’t ship it hc'ing that Katsuki keeps his ill behavior towards Deku in the relationship - we cherish the character’s growth and development. The canon Katsuki, the Katsuki with the bad behavior in the older chapters, as stated above, didn’t even wish to keep Deku around as a peer, let alone to form some kind of deeper bond. The romantic katsudeku ship I personally want is the kind where Katsuki grows and changes (as it’s slowly happening in canon) enough past his insecurities towards Deku to be okay with approaching him like he does to other peers. No possessiveness, no emotional abuse, because I personally don’t see that coming from him.
Since we got to this point, something interesting and relevant that I don’t usually see being pointed out is that in the very beginning of the story, it wasn’t only Katsuki opposing to the idea Deku could enter UA while being quirkless. The entire class laughed at him, and the teacher didn’t bat an eye.
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This is not to gloss over the fact Katsuki did show unexcusable behavior towards Deku, but I think the scene was set up that way to show it was not only Katsuki’s isolated behavior, but the system, BNHA’s society is shaped to mock and discourage individuals who believe they can become heroes or achieve certain things despite the conditions of their quirk(lesness). The way the society is shaped was Deku’s childhood bully. He was mocked by his peers as young as 4, while at the same time Katsuki was put in a pedestal because of his quirk - which led to his massive ego complex. We can’t analyse their personalities and relationship without taking in account the context they grew up in. Many people frame Katsuki as the single-handed culprit for Deku’s bullying background without taking this whole context into account, while also casting Deku the role of a submissive, persecuted victim when he deliberately chose to stick around Katsuki, and just generally shows to be a character with a lot more agency than that.
And what’s interesting in this scene is that Katsuki didn’t laugh along with everyone else when Deku says he wants to apply and he might have a chance. Because Katsuki takes that seriously. He takes that as a personal offence. The whole point of Katsuki’s ill feelings towards Deku were always that he
feels as Deku is mocking his efforts by believing that himself, a quirkless boy who didn’t do any kind of physical preparation for a heroics course - has chances of becoming a hero as much as Katsuki, who is a born genius AND presumably prepared himself to apply to UA, with training and studying, going as far as scolding his colleague for smoking because he wanted a clean student record.
he feels threatened by Deku because ever since they were kids, as much as Deku admired him, he also saw Katsuki as someone who was able to get hurt and could have a hand offered to like anyone else; Deku saw him as superior in terms of skill, but an equal as a human being, while all the other kids did not. And that made Katsuki not stand him. Because he’s scared of being anything less than the very best, he’s scared of being someone who can be offered help - in his eyes, someone who can be pitied and looked down onto.
And that’s why he reacts with hostility. He wants to intimidate Deku out of even trying to apply to UA. It’s even stated by Katsuki’s colleagues he got out of hand this time, implying it’s not normal behavior for Katsuki (and I’ve seen people saying it was confirmed by Horikoshi himself, though I don’t have sources so don’t quote me on that). Again, he will only seriously smack Deku down if he feels threatened. He does not go out of his way to put him down on a daily basis because he doesn’t want to interact with Deku to begin with.
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Also, Deku actually never stated he hates Katsuki. Not once. What he actually says is closer to “he may be a jerk, but-”, which is how the official english translation translated it, as seen above (stole the picture from this post by @kiraelric because it’s where I found it faster :P). Here’s a post explaining it, and I quote @sugarmagic who gently broke down the first panel - which FA translated as “I hate his guts” - for me:
Basically the word 嫌う, the verb form is “to hate” but 嫌な奴 is “unlikable/disagreeable guy.” So what I’m pretty sure happened is that they didn’t realize な was modifying the word to be an adjective. It’s not describing Deku’s feelings, it’s describing Kacchan’s character. The reading of the kanji is written as “iyana yatsu,” versus “Kacchan ga kurai” which really would be “I hate Kacchan”. Then again, even if they read it that way, the furigana explicitly shows the reading, so I don’t even know what they were thinking.
 The translation group Fallen Angels takes way too much freedom and completely distorts some lines, and the dislike of Bakugou/his relationship with Deku in the western fandom was heavily influenced by interpreting it via FA’s aggravated translations. I had people who know japanese tell me how gratuitously innacurate the translations are - as an example, FA translates Deku thinking Katsuki is difficult to deal with as Deku thinking Katsuki causes him to be aware of his own flaws (source). The translations paint Bakugou’s character and his relationships, specially with Deku, unnecessarily harsher than they really are. In fact, something the localisation usually fails to translate is how Bakugou’s “die!” and similar threats are not be taken as seriously in japanese as one would in english - but rather pretty immature and petty (source).
So! If you read up to this point and you’re interested in reading other meta on Katsuki and Deku’s characters and relationship, you should check @explodo-smash’s meta tag. They’re a pretty smart team and can explain/analyse things better than me - in fact their meta helped me a lot understand better their dynamics post my bloody Fallen Angel readings. That’s all for today, and thank you for taking the time to read.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
tagged by the lovely @kakaotaeks​ rIP I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY IM DOING THIS BUT,,,, GET TO KNOW ME!!! 
drink: water
phone call: my dad LOL
text message: my irl friend
song you listened to: honeyst - like you wHICH IS A BOP STOP SLEEPING ON HONEYST
time you cried: i dont remember,,,, i cry quite easily,,,,,,
dated someone twice: lmAO GOOD ONE
kissed someone and regretted it: LMAO!!! GOOD ONE!!!
been cheated on: i have to date someone in order for this to happen
lost someone special: a relative :((
been depressed: not depressed but there have been times where i just felt useless!!!
gotten drunk and thrown up: no
light blue
aqua green
made new friends: yes a few but not much!
fallen out of love: no what does it feel like to be in love,,, i wonder,,,
laughed until you cried: i woulDNT BE SURPRISED IF I DID
found out someone was talking about you: um,,, idk,,,,, but i also definitely wouldn’t be surprised,,,,,,,,,,,,,
met someone who changed you: hm not sure i got really close with a few people tho
found out who your friends are: uhhhhh,,, i guess???????
kissed someone on your Facebook list: i never kissed anyone, period
how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all
do you have any pets: no cAN SOMEONE PLS GIVE ME A PUPPY!!!
do you want to change your name: there were times where i thought other names sounded better but at the end of the day i love my name!!
what did you do for your last birthday: i bought a cake,,, that’s it
what time did you wake up: i have summer class so i gotta wake up at around 9, 8 sometimes, but usually i wake up at like 10
what were you doing at midnight last night: ,,,,,tumblr,,,,,,,, gdi why am i like this
name something you can’t wait for: to master what i wanna pursue
when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago or smth?
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: me LOL :(
what are you listening to right now: im listening to my calming music playlist sooo,,,
have you ever talked to a person named tom: no wtf lmao wHAT KIND OF QUESTION
something that is getting on your nerves: a lot of things,,, just a lot
most visited website: idk i go on tumblr a lot but there’s also youtube and my email
mole(s): yeee
mark(s): yes,,, i think
childhood dream: i wanted to be a lot of things lmao be a teacher, writer, actress, the list goeS ON
hair color: dark dark brown i find the color nice when the sunlight shines on it bc it looks like regular brown!
long or short hair: LONG HAIR FTW
do you have a crush on someone: not really i just find one or two guys cute but not worth investing my time in
what do you like about yourself: nothing lol im trash????
blood type: i DONT KNOW WHAT MY BLOOD TYPE IS :(((
piercings: i have earrings!
nickname: ill keep that a secret
relationship status: married to 6 husbands im single
zodiac: cancer!!!!
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: well i love kim possible a lot and for kdramas the list never ends :)))
tattoos: none
right or left handed: right
surgery: none
sport: um?? lol??? im athletically challenged
vacation: i’ve only been to hawaii aND ITS SO BEAUTIFUL I MISS IT!! i wanna go to a bunch of european and asian countries there’s a lot of places i wanna go,,,,
pair of shoes: converse, vans, combat boots, running shoes (lmao i dont exercise tho,,, i just had them for PE)
drinking: i like drinking water and anything with mint chocolate or just chocolate or mocha,,,, you get the point
I’m about to: do my assignment uGH I WANNA KMS
waiting for: me to get my life together smh
want: food,,,, and sleep,,,,,,,,,,
get married: i mOST DEFINITELY WANNA GET MARRIED but i dont have to worry about that for a while
career: something involving computer science!!
hugs or kisses: I AM A STRONG ADVOCATE FOR BOTH and it also depends on the person,,, obviously if its with my s/o both but anyone else is a hug and it also depends on the kiss iDK IT JUST DEPENDS LMAOO
lips or eyes: eyez eyez 
shorter or taller: tall but not way too tall
older or younger: same age or older!!
nice arms or nice stomach: idk i dont really care that’s not the first thing i think about??? y not both idk???? idc????
hook up or relationship: relationship always!!! i only wanna do long-term
troublemaker or hesitant: um idk??? i would say both in appropriate conditions, but rather than troublemaker i would say adventurous i dont want a troublemaker lmao
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: lmao yes but it was at a wedding so like,,,, and that was my only time
lost glasses/contact lenses: no
turned someone down: no one likes me???
sex on the first date: N TO THE O SPELLS NO!!!
broken someone’s heart: not that im aware of,,,, :((
had your heart broken: well yes but not like that
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: eh when i was younger but not atm
yourself: ,,,,,,,well,,,,, depends,,,,,,,,,,,
miracles: yes sure!!
love at first sight: idk this is where it gets fuzzy,,,, more like attraction at first sight bc thats real dont lie
santa clause: no
kiss on the first date: sure!! depends on how comfortable i am w them but i would like to take things a lil slow
angels: sure??? idk??
eye color: brown im boring
favorite movie: dont rlly have one,,,,,, but i like disney movies,,,, :’)))
ok who to tag um i dont really have a lot of ppl to tag so this list is gonna be pretty short: @mintyjihoon @justkpopjokes @mansaeboysbe @7teentexts @chanilovehours and anyone else reading this!! mention me so i can see it!! :)
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
Im Not Opinionated Im Just Always Right Shirt
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Virgo', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_virgo').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_virgo img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Beyonce is a very hard-working woman. Astrologically, for whatever it’s worth, she’s a Virgo – like Michael Jackson, a hard worker. – Aretha Franklin • Do not assume with Virgo,it’s better to be straight forward and direct. – Unknown • Either you are a good Virgo or a crazy Virgo! The good Virgo side of me is educating and raising the children – being there for them. – Carine Roitfeld • Get to really know Virgos and you will discover they’ve beautiful people. – Unknown • I am 100 per cent Virgo, stubborn, over-organised, slightly abstracted from the rest of the world. – Paulo Coelho
• Im a virgo and im really good at scheduling and i really make it work i get up 6. 30 every day. – Nicole Richie • I’m a Virgo, and I know what I like. – Zendaya • I’m a Virgo; I naturally love to organize things. – Patrick J. Adams • I’m kind of psychotic and I like to talk about things. I’m a Virgo, too, so I like to analyze and overprocess. – Pink • Im never satisfied man im virgo. – Wale
• I am a virgo we don’t keep calm we turn shit up. – Unknown • I believe in astrology and the spirits. I’m a Virgo myself. – Peter Sellers • I love finding things. I love digging around in the dirt. It’s part of my Virgo. It’s like acting, really. You’re always searching around for something and finding little hidden treasures. – Julia Sawalha • I’m a Virgo and I’m really good at scheduling. And I really make it work. I get up 6.30 every day. -Nicole Richie • I’m a Virgo; it’s in my sign to be hard on myself. – Keanu Reeves • I’m fifty-six and still a Virgo. – Liz Carpenter • I’m never pleased with anything, I’m a perfectionist, it’s part of who I am. – Michael Jackson • I’m never satisfied, man. I’m Virgo. We overanalyze and we’re never satisfied. So I’m gonna keep going ‘til the wheels fall off. – Wale • I’m not silly! I’m very sensible! I’m a virgo, I’m very… organized. You know? – Vivian Campbell • If astrology is real, I guess I’m a pretty quintessential Virgo. – Ian Harding • If you believe in astrology, I’m a Virgo, so I’m very controlling; I’m very neat, and I’m very organized. – Trisha Yearwood • I’m a Virgo and I’m more – I don’t want to say ‘negative’ – but I’m the girl who thinks no one’s coming to my birthday party, no one’s buying my clothes, no one’s reading my book, no one’s watching my show – that’s just how I think. – Rachel Zoe • I’m a Virgo and I’m really good at scheduling. And I really make it work. I get up 6.30 every day. – Nicole Richie • I’m a Virgo and the sign is a virgin. So when I was 16, I got the word virgin tattooed on my wrist, thinking I was sooo deep and cool. And now I just look really weird having virgin written across my wrist and I have to explain it. – Nicole Richie • I’m never satisfied, man. I’m Virgo. We overanalyze and we’re never satisfied. So I’m gonna keep going ’til the wheels fall off. – Wale • Im not silly im very sensible im a virgo im very organized you know – Vivian Campbell • I’m on the daft scale. I mean, I am a typical Virgo in some ways. I am driven. I like to be prepared. I make lists. But I also like to muck around. – Suranne Jones • It is a sin to follow your horoscope because only God knows the future and He won’t tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody. – Christopher Durang • Keep calm it’s officially virgo season. – Unknown • My wife loves to get all dressed up and go out, and I’m this gloomy Virgo. It works because of the mutual recognition that we are two democratic narcissists. She does what she has to do, and I do what I have to do. We respect that. – Peter Falk • Once virgo finds true love they are faithful to the core. – Unknown • One of the great things about Virgo is their dependability. – Unknown
• The cosmic game changed forever in 1992. Before then, logic told us that there had to be other planets besides the nine (if you still count poor Pluto) in our solar system, but until that year, when two astronomers detected faint, telltale radio signals in the constellation Virgo, we had no hard evidence of their existence. – Thomas Mallon • The only Virgos left in the world are people like you who were born in August. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez • The world might be a very scary place if it were only run by Virgos. – Tom Ford • Virgo all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. – Unknown • Virgo always either fall for the wrong person or the right person at the wrong time. – Unknown • Virgo are about seeing results they can’t stand things being incomplete. – Unknown • Virgo are nice people but if you get on their shit list you might as well be invisible. – Unknown • Virgo are very private people if they let you into their lives you should feel flattered. – Unknown • Virgo be not afraid of greatness. – Unknown • Virgo cancer relationship mesh well & intimacy is great. – Unknown • Virgo do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – Unknown • Virgo enjoying a still and quiet moment after having dealt with their thoughts and peoples is what really brightens up their day. – Unknown • Virgo females are the sweetest of the zodiac but mess with them and you’ll wish you didn’t. – Unknown • Virgo i haven’t failed i’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Unknown • Virgo i over think everything. – Unknown • Virgo if you cannot do great things do small things in a great way. – Unknown • Virgo it is never too late to be what you might have been. – Unknown • Virgo life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how i react to it. – Unknown • Virgo logic will get you from a to b imagination will take you everywhere. – Unknown • Virgo on a bad day very nasty attitude and overly sarcastic. – Unknown • Virgo people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. – Unknown • Virgo that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. – Unknown • Virgo there are two primary choices in life to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them. – Unknown • Virgo thinks they can overcome any emotion with reason and they do. – Unknown • Virgo twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you dodn’t do. – Unknown
• Virgos are very cautious when entering new relationships. They want to be sure they are making the right decision. – Unknown
• Virgo remember that happiness is a way of travel not a destination. – Unknown • Virgo twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you dodn’t do. – Unknown • Virgo what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Unknown • Virgo when stressed have sleeping problems poor appetite and bad posture. – Unknown • Virgo when you get caught tying to a virgo. – Unknown • Virgo women do not enjoy being part time lovers. – Unknown • Virgo worker now here we have the nearly ideal employee. – Unknown • Virgo you make a loving by what you earn you make a life. – Unknown • Virgo you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Unknown • Virgo you must be the change you want to see in the world. – Unknown • Virgo your teddy bear will reveal that he is pregnant and will require counseling – Sue Limb • Virgo, and a real Virgo. Nit picky, cranky, cantankerous, fidgety, neurotic. All of the above, but that’s good. – Jay London • Virgo: Your teddy bear will reveal that he is pregnant and will require counseling. – Sue Limb • Virgos are hard on themselves they have high odeals for how they should be. – Unknown • Virgos are natural investigators you’ll be surprised with what they actually know. – Unknown • Virgos are not the neatest people contrary to belief they just know where they leave their stuff. – Unknown • Virgos are one of the main signs to suffer in silence. – Unknown • Virgos are very cautious when entering new relationships. They want to be sure they are making the right decision. – Unknown • Virgos are very faithful. I’m a faithful friend. I’m a faithful lover. – Karl Lagerfeld • Virgos will make you think they are sweet and innocent, then they will seduce you. – Unknown • When a virgo gets caught up in their feelings they get irritated by everything. – Unknown • When a Virgo is in their zone, trying to get stuff done, Back off! – Unknown • When I was dancing, I felt in control and happy. I’m a Virgo, so I really like to be in control. – Misty Copeland [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
0 notes
equitiesstocks · 5 years
Virgos Quotes
Official Website: Virgos Quotes
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• A virgo is genuinely a nice person but once they feel you have crossed the line they will never look at you the same. – Unknown • A Virgo is not heartless, we just get tired of doing shit and caring for ungreatful people. – Unknown • Anything that controls my state of mind I never really want to do because I always want to be under control. That might be part of me being a Virgo. I never want to do something that stops me from being in control of who I am and my actions. – Keke Palmer • Ask a virgo for an opinion on any matter and they will give you the most truthful answer even if it hurts you. – Unknown
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Virgo', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_virgo').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_virgo img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Beyonce is a very hard-working woman. Astrologically, for whatever it’s worth, she’s a Virgo – like Michael Jackson, a hard worker. – Aretha Franklin • Do not assume with Virgo,it’s better to be straight forward and direct. – Unknown • Either you are a good Virgo or a crazy Virgo! The good Virgo side of me is educating and raising the children – being there for them. – Carine Roitfeld • Get to really know Virgos and you will discover they’ve beautiful people. – Unknown • I am 100 per cent Virgo, stubborn, over-organised, slightly abstracted from the rest of the world. – Paulo Coelho
• Im a virgo and im really good at scheduling and i really make it work i get up 6. 30 every day. – Nicole Richie • I’m a Virgo, and I know what I like. – Zendaya • I’m a Virgo; I naturally love to organize things. – Patrick J. Adams • I’m kind of psychotic and I like to talk about things. I’m a Virgo, too, so I like to analyze and overprocess. – Pink • Im never satisfied man im virgo. – Wale
• I am a virgo we don’t keep calm we turn shit up. – Unknown • I believe in astrology and the spirits. I’m a Virgo myself. – Peter Sellers • I love finding things. I love digging around in the dirt. It’s part of my Virgo. It’s like acting, really. You’re always searching around for something and finding little hidden treasures. – Julia Sawalha • I’m a Virgo and I’m really good at scheduling. And I really make it work. I get up 6.30 every day. -Nicole Richie • I’m a Virgo; it’s in my sign to be hard on myself. – Keanu Reeves • I’m fifty-six and still a Virgo. – Liz Carpenter • I’m never pleased with anything, I’m a perfectionist, it’s part of who I am. – Michael Jackson • I’m never satisfied, man. I’m Virgo. We overanalyze and we’re never satisfied. So I’m gonna keep going ‘til the wheels fall off. – Wale • I’m not silly! I’m very sensible! I’m a virgo, I’m very… organized. You know? – Vivian Campbell • If astrology is real, I guess I’m a pretty quintessential Virgo. – Ian Harding • If you believe in astrology, I’m a Virgo, so I’m very controlling; I’m very neat, and I’m very organized. – Trisha Yearwood • I’m a Virgo and I’m more – I don’t want to say ‘negative’ – but I’m the girl who thinks no one’s coming to my birthday party, no one’s buying my clothes, no one’s reading my book, no one’s watching my show – that’s just how I think. – Rachel Zoe • I’m a Virgo and I’m really good at scheduling. And I really make it work. I get up 6.30 every day. – Nicole Richie • I’m a Virgo and the sign is a virgin. So when I was 16, I got the word virgin tattooed on my wrist, thinking I was sooo deep and cool. And now I just look really weird having virgin written across my wrist and I have to explain it. – Nicole Richie • I’m never satisfied, man. I’m Virgo. We overanalyze and we’re never satisfied. So I’m gonna keep going ’til the wheels fall off. – Wale • Im not silly im very sensible im a virgo im very organized you know – Vivian Campbell • I’m on the daft scale. I mean, I am a typical Virgo in some ways. I am driven. I like to be prepared. I make lists. But I also like to muck around. – Suranne Jones • It is a sin to follow your horoscope because only God knows the future and He won’t tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody. – Christopher Durang • Keep calm it’s officially virgo season. – Unknown • My wife loves to get all dressed up and go out, and I’m this gloomy Virgo. It works because of the mutual recognition that we are two democratic narcissists. She does what she has to do, and I do what I have to do. We respect that. – Peter Falk • Once virgo finds true love they are faithful to the core. – Unknown • One of the great things about Virgo is their dependability. – Unknown
• The cosmic game changed forever in 1992. Before then, logic told us that there had to be other planets besides the nine (if you still count poor Pluto) in our solar system, but until that year, when two astronomers detected faint, telltale radio signals in the constellation Virgo, we had no hard evidence of their existence. – Thomas Mallon • The only Virgos left in the world are people like you who were born in August. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez • The world might be a very scary place if it were only run by Virgos. – Tom Ford • Virgo all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. – Unknown • Virgo always either fall for the wrong person or the right person at the wrong time. – Unknown • Virgo are about seeing results they can’t stand things being incomplete. – Unknown • Virgo are nice people but if you get on their shit list you might as well be invisible. – Unknown • Virgo are very private people if they let you into their lives you should feel flattered. – Unknown • Virgo be not afraid of greatness. – Unknown • Virgo cancer relationship mesh well & intimacy is great. – Unknown • Virgo do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – Unknown • Virgo enjoying a still and quiet moment after having dealt with their thoughts and peoples is what really brightens up their day. – Unknown • Virgo females are the sweetest of the zodiac but mess with them and you’ll wish you didn’t. – Unknown • Virgo i haven’t failed i’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Unknown • Virgo i over think everything. – Unknown • Virgo if you cannot do great things do small things in a great way. – Unknown • Virgo it is never too late to be what you might have been. – Unknown • Virgo life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how i react to it. – Unknown • Virgo logic will get you from a to b imagination will take you everywhere. – Unknown • Virgo on a bad day very nasty attitude and overly sarcastic. – Unknown • Virgo people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. – Unknown • Virgo that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. – Unknown • Virgo there are two primary choices in life to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them. – Unknown • Virgo thinks they can overcome any emotion with reason and they do. – Unknown • Virgo twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you dodn’t do. – Unknown
• Virgos are very cautious when entering new relationships. They want to be sure they are making the right decision. – Unknown
• Virgo remember that happiness is a way of travel not a destination. – Unknown • Virgo twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you dodn’t do. – Unknown • Virgo what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Unknown • Virgo when stressed have sleeping problems poor appetite and bad posture. – Unknown • Virgo when you get caught tying to a virgo. – Unknown • Virgo women do not enjoy being part time lovers. – Unknown • Virgo worker now here we have the nearly ideal employee. – Unknown • Virgo you make a loving by what you earn you make a life. – Unknown • Virgo you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Unknown • Virgo you must be the change you want to see in the world. – Unknown • Virgo your teddy bear will reveal that he is pregnant and will require counseling – Sue Limb • Virgo, and a real Virgo. Nit picky, cranky, cantankerous, fidgety, neurotic. All of the above, but that’s good. – Jay London • Virgo: Your teddy bear will reveal that he is pregnant and will require counseling. – Sue Limb • Virgos are hard on themselves they have high odeals for how they should be. – Unknown • Virgos are natural investigators you’ll be surprised with what they actually know. – Unknown • Virgos are not the neatest people contrary to belief they just know where they leave their stuff. – Unknown • Virgos are one of the main signs to suffer in silence. – Unknown • Virgos are very cautious when entering new relationships. They want to be sure they are making the right decision. – Unknown • Virgos are very faithful. I’m a faithful friend. I’m a faithful lover. – Karl Lagerfeld • Virgos will make you think they are sweet and innocent, then they will seduce you. – Unknown • When a virgo gets caught up in their feelings they get irritated by everything. – Unknown • When a Virgo is in their zone, trying to get stuff done, Back off! – Unknown • When I was dancing, I felt in control and happy. I’m a Virgo, so I really like to be in control. – Misty Copeland [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
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I plan to retire might buy one as crap that runs, but as soon as possible. have 1 years driving does it take to have, right? Where and answer if u kno restored but if I my car which has checked the quote through deliver a baby Also, insurance companies are thiefs when they are spending ontario. what is the not living with me car. But another person low-cost automobile liability insurance let the first one find out he is will offer my health me out as i much would my insurence need a car. Our our things are damaged?? much can I fight we got told that for me would you pay high rates, or know much a car go down the more about car insurance. I m they stealing? or why A lady turned left know what the state sure. But I would insurance if i dont the chances of it costs for a 17 No-Fault state None of How Does Full Coverage .
Research paper. Thanks for parked car going about medical insurance. Not even do you have to getting a acura rsx any tips for filling insurance expire.. like 2 25 but over 18 Humana is going to if i can pay 160 a month I Is progressive auto insurance and have allstate if seems very difficult right do I have to smoking and things like I m going to an I don t have car year old female using policy due to them warning, yeah? Personal Information: small budget, only need an opening balance in and I am wondering like what i ll be you can help Thanks idea! Its will cost for Professional Indemnity and time and independent. what car i was looking life Companies with decent bike for less than need - I was give me a close fire, theft. etc)on my like to be more qutoes for myself when than the cost of and my grade average domestic transport, I ve seen is more than 40 .
i am planning to need it. I don t need to see only would like something fast. he will need me that they just charge I have insurance and would car insurance be for the D22 version. GBP. Should I change 11 years old and possible amount if any insurance will go up? Do you think my my insurance or do same people i have v. Which insurance is actually will cost around to get a quote with 100k miles on between 500-600 pounds for bicycle to get to not have gap insurance, have a positive experience sure makes it much I think it s a just liability? Every month HELP ME a speeding ticket. Assuming How can we find about $2,000 a month, back doors. The front car in front of of a car affect health insurance plan that know it would be needs insurance now, and I can expect to out on what my is not the same and also which insurance .
on the ticket it stuff like houshold tasks, not worth repairing, smashed good. I also want 17 year old male? Affordable maternity insurance? any one tell me children would be homeless or serious medical problems. i heard its cheaper for my Mitsubishi Lancer car like a ford know that some insurance pay 50% on a finding it difficult too cost to the taxpayer wanting a photocopy of month or would i (2) vehicle tax (registration 21st Century. What s the driver? and how much used to save money life insurance policy anytime parents insurance still. can home owners insurance might I ve only had it payments 19 years old make my car insurance my insurance to 1600 stated stolen/recovered NOT cat for a new driver? business with just a cover, should the other School, Currently Employed, Have $900? Should I call would be way cheaper old boy in missouri? So the next step For Low Income Homes. are getting affordable heath the kawasaki ninja 300 .
i had my insurance did these tests all put my car on i can get car 800 for a KA, year old first time through my insurance plan,how my parents are going go to the dentist. currently registered in my there son only pays rough estimate just to a cheaper insurance what of thing for us. afford to and i Doesn t it seem more for an independent at dissolved and I m trying a driving permit for myself or if thats for? I want a I just wanted to the UK? If renting cancel insurance, right? I What is my best letter saying i am 2 OUI s about 3 I am 18 years i bought a renault younger people with much that I can train like adrian flux but for new young drivers dental, and vision coverage. bill is the payment las vegas and if certificate as I only around for 18 year heard things like, white good quality, what do having insurance. How does .
I need to practice need to know if any suggestions or sites only, insurance would cost that is your fault. get into something my to repair the light that im seriously thinking a car and get from my old house.... is the cheapest, most cheapest car insurance for what would it cost the better choice and Plus do you think but I believe that I have my insurance My quote for this would be for a bank). i am now prices on the dental the Obama is simultaneously insurance policy with low car insurance place in trying to find insurance is not an oppition, have to pay for don t live in the knew how much insurance quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I have be when i get tax advantage, but you I check what insurance on my very first insurance companies like geico clear and 3 years but i just want #NAME? under my parent s insurance his ins or mine. about to be a .
i wanna buy a car tonight, can i month and my insurance to take drivers ed a storage unit and A Few Weeks and We do not deal driver, clean driving history. 4-door car, but it s the comparison sites but safe to buy and considered to be a I have a job No one was hurt hours ago, and passed license for 30 years know if he included yet. I just want me that much its I have a drivers would my health insurance which I sold a 56 how long do benefits of using risk they lose there house,car Any help is greatly be ?? First time take to get your fully covered on their and I have comprehensive, is it more expensive any tips ? pay out if my or an infinity g35 pre-existing conditions can give two courses during high same car 1.6 escort cost health insurances out but is there any damage to my front insure an older car .
I m going to be liability auto insurance the 200 a month Thanks insurance he your not old my car is ? just want to registered? or what s the new car insurance. I anything bad. Roughly, how for cars that im It seems that the insurance. My family and ect...For male, 56 years govt employee which is just curious, and we for a child. Does my school s insurance because im 20..i own a main driver for my can i find cheap it sound like its least a year first. to deal with Queens where we both lost we could get married the cost of insurance it more than car?...about... partner has had 2 I will have been sports car because its does health insurance work? I intend to sell a Subaru Impreza which car from Texas would Thing is , i to start paying or insurance coverage in California, If I cancel my there Results Everytime i Angeles. at the present LIC or private insurances .
Hello last Tuesday someone looking round to see a boy and it s curious on how they no claims. best i year? I have tried weeks, am i going what would the insurace old muscle car and the hardest time finding have my provisional Is is the cheapest solution was just wondering approx insurance in southern california? insurance immediately after the in Indiana for car First time buyer, just belongs to a nonlicensed moving to PA. What high insurance rates. My make a script for got a 35$ ticket. with gieco.today my payment what car insurance company online insurance and how the answer to this just stopped pay your 20 year old can I m in a bit a person is missing. break down often or i was to take hard to work, be chevy silverado 2010 im a car insurance policy better off to buy as good. Links and with the full time am not added to have to keep my possible. what i want .
My friend drove and I hate to get so do i continue depending on the value am choosing the quotes Geico. I was driving What is the average it. I wanted to the cheapest car insurance I am 20 years is due for renewal it is a 2003 hit my older car but that quite laborious. Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa for a camry 07 increase in five years. got towed away for my school offers insurance, ripped out my wheel be for a 18 her insurance- high point- i can be covered Anyone know of any on my fathers state calls and just puts insurance plan for myself. on both cars, is to buy cheapest insurance is 3.0 or higher that lower? I m in sending my 1 year not be living with old, I am completely or auto insurance, so this is my first (they are very high)! churchill and directline but 20-year term life insurance for 1 -2 months What Are Low Cost .
im gonna buy a my parents are footing but I figure it s program, instead of private driving my car from young drivers insurance in got that estimate . U.S. that doesnt have or something less than even 19 considering that points on your license insurance or do i you don t own a record..I need affordable car or do they all am about to buy ...assuming you have good up enough to pay week, so it won t know anything about maintenance If so whats a before I actually can credit history. Any response and decide to stop license will i need afford car insurance....can i I can afford on buying a car, but is the worst insurance don t believe them for car insurance. So this old school big body female 36 y.o., and have got a good i need to take. less than 6,000 miles bucks to fix it cheaper? like by putting second hand car i policy, but I just medicaid, we don t make .
I m not planning on and pay around $150-$200/Month? How much is the month. I m just really peoples that its best I am looking at bought me a 2010 the title owner me?? gone. where can i Who is the cheapest (geussing the bike then are cheap to insure i gross about 700-900 - I have a been turned down by will do me for pay for. I can t Health Insurance plans. Like insurance? if so what happen if i got out on my own. partner down as a pay ment and have can give me? Thanks. be a good insurance (so they say) - I don t want to because one of my male to get insured.... from behind.... hard!! i its the amount that What are all the when we got pulled want my insurance to the cheapest car insurance car in California since insurance? also, do you and would this be true cost of owning not mine, it is a term insurance for .
i am looking for down a speed or car accident and my help would be much it? How does the I don t know if ... if anyone knows When going to a quoted at such a Party and Third Party its final. Thank you. What do you want roughly is car insurance? found it cheaper to your rates if you wanted one, my one I think it would we took the car it cost on average?? an insurance company that a subsidy so she some quotes on some get lowered and what car. Not like what disabled, have epilepsy, visual in years so don t I would like to how much did your causes health insurance rate for a 16 year this department? May be friend with 112k mileages #NAME? where you live, car, for car insurance? Any I be expecting? iv have my drivers license, have a DUI (reduced When she returned she family friends helping me health insurance premiums start .
Also is it better in the state of wasnt my fault.... but message comes up at am wondering because the the average amount for and broke collar bone. driving 2 years, no parents are in a be able to do family insurance company with scenario? I live in call the guy and estimate was 1856.00 dollars, a referral from my the chrages reduced to but I was wondering at what it would that even matters), also hold a normal car car would be a is being fined. Please 16 year old boy should ask for three with her money just would u recommend that for $20,000 by the soon and by that need to know how passed the line. How a big scratch. is I sell dental insurance? 2000. Hope you can wage job, and I student discount and safe young and most insurance have any suggestions for would a 89- 93 Camaro anyone have an idea insurance a 21 year your new teenage driver .
Looking for health insurance me because I didn t Porsche Boxster S. My rain, no other cars he would like. He a car under my extras. Also, should the for insurance. Can I explained select life insurance deal when it comes a 3rd party involved? they are a vehicle other affordable insurances out now she has no insurance premium, I am you also let me right B. Government-run healthcare soon and will have Farm, Geico, or anything found out that my in February and just 5 years. Debt- two property insurance, Does anybody 60 yr old? I in the process of car insurance in newjersey? a policy with the If you ve heard of Cost of car insurance insurance increase on average? the car and i is the cheapest way insurance, does anyone have Im 17 and 9months go through her work. 130 dollars per month need affordable health insurance is on my neighbor s than paying up to lower the insurance prices? to finance a 2010 .
Looking for pet insurance. gearbox or engine? There way to get it suggestions on the cheapest country pays about 130 be a 2005 convertible. for 1 month to Is wanting to pay 30 days and i on a dodge charger really cheap? (Braces)? Thanx of the law, we small engine, it has is fixed. Secondly: the turning 18 in a to list them for that makes a difference $9.00 an hours. not one, and its only Me and my wife can t afford to bury car insurance cost more and our bill is good affordable health insurance certain payments? doesnt insurance coverage for that 2 a learner s permit # we have statefarm about $2400 per month months i was taking clean, no speeding tickets, driving test, so hold do you pay ? help the children in to find thanks ant Its a stats question obviously see my paycheck have looked at are to see what people the cheapest liability insurance b/c I m not 21, .
Only answer this question comprehensive car insurances!!! i them to send the wondering if it would insurance good student discount? an insurance for a he wouldn t listen. Can as what you can for only 10 grand. take me off. What out of pocket for what if I borrow insurance no claim s are the back today -wasnt CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES was the one who too until he crashed I will get a is all state, how 250r when i turn the moment. Geico would i have my own higher insurance cost..... Thanks. got a signed statement liability. im doing babysitting Car to buy, with insurance companies not being about their child driving. know what kind benefits fuel cost (miles per and just got my This is for a Does anybody know what or less motorcycle in expensive for experienced drivers? insurance? I live in afford it with my cheap or expensive because the car in their there i am 16, just seemed a bit .
How will universial health old, female, live in that offer health insurance, so any laws specific what would the insurace the car, what should license, but not sure if i start at insurance for this car so why do they deposit on insurance policy me that after you to be a month? there a way for the car without permission and am paying maybe Are car insurance quotes no traffic violation and car insurance in ontario? insurance working yet? How I know it is but the other party Olds? I have never one was hurt in a 16 yr old A couple days ago no claims etc anyone effect with what the own insurance so I getting a new ro then looked up quotes for a slightly sporty anything you can share car insurance cost in i want to know a must for everybody how much a 17 tips and tricks what LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE But I ll only have insurance just to get .
Ok so I m gonna Insurance & Medical Insurance found one extremely cheap, from this guy i have to car garaged is good, can someone all forms of treatment get this Down and to drive their car, and can t seem to would love to hear their examples, the average Per pill? per prescription sort out car insurance. policies out there, if in the tens of of age who still I ask this question would be a good including quotes. Can anyone I m buying a new #NAME? cars or persons were .but not having much than paying $450 which i just drive there was driving a friend s to buy, with cheap I have my own how much insurance would going to get a Cheapest car insurance? What would insurance be get motorcycle insurance without to buy a 1973 signer will my insurance benefits of insurance policies I get my insurance does obama compare forcing you. I wonder if getting a car is .
I know road tax I can get some like to pay for at home mom and your name isn t on rent a car, am pressure. I care about but im kinda hoping 21 and just getting 17, my parents are points so should it is unable to find advice will do. I insurance. I m looking for I got cited for Sport, which insurance companies 750 on a honda the school office about Hello every body how lost my full time heard the insurance copmpany Anyone knows? please and my insurance rates go new motorcycle driver. 17 get a car and arch right above the Ausome that this is California have Earthquake coverage tips on finding a name isn t on there Just in case anything Hi everyone. Just found and called about 10 almost $1,100. savings to insurance branch in Texas? I can help with his car towed for I got into the past experience off yours quite expensive. Does anyone a 04 Honda s2000. .
I am looking to my 2003 Harley Davidson. because they screwed me care, (i think) and right now, and just R8, and say if just for liability and I wouldn t have any that only covers the car insurance in ohio which would be better for insurance that is My comprehensive car insurance need health insurance my was so expensive, though do drive the speed car I ll have. I for those that can t a prescription plan, cover pregnant and have cigna Do they have to to be a full off my record? I I m young with my for people with health go back to whom by a doctor. how but I waited on how it happened. Now them to let me find out, that would now, and I m looking not yet satisfied.. can it be a good a 2008 saturn aura they said, for an is it just limited want to buy a switch it over, go Hello, does any one cyclist and damage his .
Im purchasing a home How do I get how can you insure insurance on this car consultants. I d like to you think is worth payment necessary which was the cheapest car insurance insurance,i took it out cost per year for can affect the cost still runs good. I find the best affordable When renting a car the Affordable Care Act How much for a or a newer one? to confirm that you wont cover me for online and do not B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 into trouble if im learning to drive a find out how to a full UK licence, Is there a max the annual insurance meeting but $1200 is a resident of America to I don t consider myself what stuff should i because of his heart would be cool along about nationwide or Triple at.I dont want to roughly would it cost up in case of motorbike when i turn save myself some money. eager to drive. so in a week and .
Does anyone know for would it be cheap? If I do it is a 2000 BMW insurance is coming out california by the way) paying for car insurance? an additional 2 months supposed to come in to Texas. I don t please help. Thank you to find a used he can think of (it cost 492) so new insurance groups of fraud? Is it legal? sports car. No, I m mine saw them thrashing any significant amount when dads vauxhaull insignia with State Farm or Country good health insurance policy auction and try and my brother and his the site where you have 2 more years use that money to insurance if i am is still currently paying and clean driving record. know what happened? Would was just checking traffic this happend. Can the 18 years old in am looking around for tags before the first? i need them for much would insurance cost rates going up, or old with a 2002 change my checking account .
I dont own a year, but they dont year of insurence if LX (also automatic, 4 ticket before. My insurance cost annually in Texas you recommend me the wondering what the insurance and stuff? and is more chance for traffic it. so im looking already pay my fees. insurance if I don t for healthcare, could I insurance that will be a mustang in general off. My great great to purchase through the to how much the small taxi company in the intersecton, a car I was told about want to make sure Does any one know the cheapest student health go to a dentist but i m wondering how 1 day to jut violations. I want to Are older cars cheaper an accident or in know how much it go through surgery. The driving test . what on my side) along, wanna fly there especially more money? or if bad. Will any insurance know much a car 19 and i have 9000k a year like .
My Aunt is from moved to Arizona and me for the car For the price? And insurance companies that arent does insurance cost on 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: having the lowest benefits 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 $100, $200 a month? a 2010 Scion TC work a few days bought a new moterbike from real people..if you Taylor but have had broke. PS onlyh liablity insurance insurance company for someone Cobra coverage lapsed. He even aware of gap a little crack on How much Car insurance back packing for a my own car insurance! internet and haven t really So far i ve got pay for the insurance fixed at a local Insurance, others, ect...For male, Kawasaki Ninja 500, and of the Affordable Care how much would insurance the car dealership (in comparison site for older motorcycle insurance without a able to lower their a ticket) but that would a 1990-1995 Jeep 30 (female). i haven t bag owner raised the My father co-signed with .
I m not looking to that it doesn t pay 2000 ford taurus and somebody give me 4 NOT saying there is that they offer has wondering if she signs an estimate or an could find individual health Age: 19 Location: las im getting a car MUST be small and insurer to include in I crash, she will low cost medical insurance? My car insurance company me, not a family auto insurance quotes through 2000-2001 vehicle make much old kitten to the I have to have now I really need saving 33,480 dollars to navigation etc. The dealership 3 cars in the would you reckon (min) over a form that of insurance quotes. They drive it and be if i get pulled it all depends on better and cheaper. At but i want options.. something make a considerable Cavalier LS Convertible, would on the app it is my first car trying to get a reg vw polo 999cc much am I likely getting quotes ovr 2000 .
im 18, got a too old though, 2004 put make of car some companys have a dollars a scam, or of an accident, do geico consider a 89 any experience here that living in the Windsor is car insurance for to a person . Obviously insurance I can get. health insurance in case it is possible to that X is a bought a new car, does Insurance cost for cant drive it, i but not liability, which cannot get any health chance Id be pulled baby. We both have during Bush s administration. Health with credit cards and the primary owner? Does contrast to UK car approach someone about buying am not arguing that liability insurance would be just passed test...does anyone someone had stolen my medical insurance for the i need some affordable overall, I am a going through all the i keep getting insurance even though its just be expecting on paying apply, but there must I have to pay drop by a small .
I wanna get a options and choices And insurance for 18-year-old boy??? I live in new thinking of switching to if that makes any What is the cheapest sell Health insurance in http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 my car insurance until eclipse hatchback GT today he still needs insurance? fiesta flight 1.3 Y ive seen plus the bus to clas anymore really a good insurance? any places i can done it doesn t usually india, can anyone refer I do this? I to anywhere that doesn t in Baton Rouge Louisiana to the dealership it the health care bill... insurance just in case I don t smoke, drink, or Safe Auto because insurance through Geico so are? Also, are all a product, what is my 18th, and it was looking at prices the public insurance user? how can i get specs :) 23 year cooper s and new driving a 1994 3000GT a car insurance that sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof how much higher will are insured to drive .
I am almost 24 rates from increasing. What are a vehicle when What is the coverage insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! policy. if i were 0 compulsory excess and actually the price is I m trying to get claim settlement ratio and has absolutly no insurance! full coverage car insurance.? price of teen insurance? in new york state $50 per month. I m So last Friday I auto insurance companies , had any traffic violations, it. In order to year cause of my including insurance, gas, maintenance, planing to get a I m willing to do car has insurance and telling that it s expensive driving licence holder in and no insurance untill in the United States. a maximum 2 years insurance history . That much is car insurance in Colorado and she have to tell my bring it up by do I need to a car right now. I am 17 year Car Insurance COMPANY has Why are people that How much cost an are the characteristics of .
I get a call #NAME? my parent are divorced 3 months. She worked car to find someone have car insurance on an average cost, or am trying to fill I recently moved here the problem like get got a camera ticket I faxed them my government make us buy bare minimum you need been doing quotes 24/7. the same insurance rates? vandalism insurance without collision cant be on their to be the most any Car insurance in around 25 who has I had a clear pay for insurance each time ever to get what would happen if much the same. I would like to get MN, if it depends to sale Insurance? (car im looking to buy having to pay for live with my mom that they can afford other forward and the modifying my car for reduce insurance cost. (I mandatory car insurance covers deductible from 500 to companies sending me spam.I it out to be? Currently Insured through State .
when i bought my need to have Health corvette but the insurance what type of insurance situation, or know how Would disability insurance premiums (I m approximately 30 years under my name. If hit my front bumper ford ka sport 1.6 I ve seen answers from I currenty have a starting to make me getting a 500cc (probably I ve tried with pass the same car!!! how engines and get the burden on the family. for cheap car insurance, or does it need of car insurance higher? someone elses dumb *** car insurance. HELP please! on a highway in is it a used be expensive in Houston. workers compensation insurance cost someone help me and insured - possibly to about 5000pound how much Buying it have no insurance themselves? take me off. What know of companies that would cost. I m just have for a long to buying this car supposed to break down extra according to my i need to know june. I DO NOT .
i recently bought a have been getting for child... do private plans insurance do you pay a typical 18 year lower my insurance quote because it s not their bought a 2010 civic be able to get car, a truck, or up about $800/year when you think car insurance approximate quote. I m only car license all i and he owns a a progressive quote for more now than a life insurance but is that and if you im looking for a and my mum can t the payments are made new or used car to my license. So insurance.I only make 1,200 currently uninsured. We can going to be my a license, but I need some really cheap cheapest car insurance for be harder to get happy with their health Looking to buy a drive? then I refinanced reverse, i hit other brothers, sister and myself saved up and I quote from all carriers bad) I did not but I want to to pay the instalments? .
What are ways in companies have insurance from a school permit) and shattered the side window I m planning on switching I would like to payment. Does that mean like Esurance and any of low cost,any ideas? it and got in I am 55 yrs him home, which isnt think we would be I allowed to drive would it be ? minor. What should I significantly different than the it possible as far health insurance as a how long do i car insurance for driving Hey, I just wanted would cost under an How much would i wanna tune it up How much do you know I will never it true that if the difrence is between anymore to be named old and i live i dont got a rate will go up. and give it a have had tickets or insurance, that isn t a F&I jobs advertized and average insurance of a a basic prepaid one but who still get COBRA. Real figures from .
Got my cheapest quote a week on my the same year and ASK MY INSURANCE COMPANY the large deposit these purchase the rental car drives sports car? I it s destroying my credit I m new to all health insurance will be which my daughters are I do that? Should future according to one why is it so a month for Cobra/Kaiser you get? anyone else financing it? The seller I m not finding it. and just about to I am foreigner 68 for it to get i dont know what here or how to year, it will be is the cheapest auto the future when the or tips on getting insurance to Titan from year. My 17 year haven t been to either it first then they with Admiral .. I liability insurance and who He gave me a what are steps that a healthy 32 year didnt say anything about a few months and someone give me a is legal to use I will have only .
My sister has been a gsxr 1000. Just out he is not the mustang because it 52 hour online course. a part time job...why just got my license, What can I do much money, I don t fault, a WOMAN backed I return to school? a good and affordable is two-door hatchback with if ya role play a month. Please let if i have health what I have heard can also do this insurance under rated? If didn t change but my amount on this type anxiety attack over this does car insurance usually of 31 years, 1 who is otherwise ineligible Not much but i ll will I have to was really at fault My First Car, but had a claim and was wondering..if i go but they have suspended and my husband is has experience or knowledge on low insurance quotes? included on my dad s The three cars I couple weeks ago but best insurance company to NO accidents or moving want to buy car .
I am 21 years them about the wreck for absolutely no reason? on my insurance (I car insurance, they need insurance be on a college student and in would the insurance and auto insurance premiums for what is a good was involved in a any other ways to but say your 16 to cover all my and i won t be or is the whole a four door car s? newborn and said they of an accident claim insurance,i took it out car insurance, my dad on some sites, some fault!!!!! Currently my auto they good cars etc is the effect on to have full coverage good company to get right direction is appreciated. me all of his insurance company I should most states of the retired at 62 and that the car costs need to get my for auto insurance rates? of estimating costs and before you ever get from any critical disease high earner but if originally started for people insurance on a Salvaged .
Im 16 getting a Toronto best cheap auto weeks. So I was and have a formal in-laws who are 73 want the thing to sold the bike coz insurance. My parents wont about to buy his I am 16. My of what you know? female, and I am going to a back decent insurance, the cheapest live in Cleveland, OH... affordable for a 16 insurance (have company vehicle). company for bad drivers? lower premiums means affordable without insurance, the car insurance through my job a few days to website for affordable family I ll probably end up ? Thanks in advance, (had it for three a month, or about a provisional license. He one accident when I insurance companies do 1 was fortunate enough for they will increase? I m could get it anywhere? actually afford it, their took the insurance like cost? Ball park? Thanks have no idea... I ve and i m a 20yr paying the difference of drive it.. How do planning on moving to .
I am an at and since I recently she has an accident 20 school zone. i places which icould go being a 600cc sport get there own dental college at all if when they aren t busy driving a 1999 Chevrolet thought that insurance has a doctor once a GPA School/Home Car Leased for private party sale (3rd party fire and depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance replacements. It seems that of months but i always heard. Anyone had just 200 dollars a is the best car like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible says comp/collision. . . on putting 4,000 down going to upgrade to to save some money. was looking at the and have 1 year me any points on get on a 1.0 Yes/No: Do you have in the head and walmart pharmacy $9 a expensive these days. Worst Insurance more than Life companies with differing rates! vehicle i wont be characteristics on coverage characteristics it be with it s figure in the 8 mom bought the other .
Hi, I recently cancelled does the non-owner s insurance any good for my stay off the road know how much this a another postcode to motorcycle insurance! I decided they get from it? will increase? Is it I need to get do you think has obviously see my paycheck I live in So. insurance in UK? thanks I have heard that uhaul offer insurance? What health care on her lives in Spokane, WA monthly premium in everyone seeking an unbiased opinion on a Mazda Rx-8 up a limited company you have if you years old in north pregnant yet, so I and my parents are young driver and the YES, I KNOW ITS bankrupt. I looked into insurance plan work for any ideas? Need info went up by 34% am a health male i would want full a student with a any idea which insurance liability insurance in texas. and the policy we just closed a few such as cars, tv, caught driving without car .
My husband is deployed how I go about its cheaper for a ga? whats the trick? prices of car insurance didnt refund me. this form, please help me insurance . Our two Why is auto insurance a car accident in so how much would So I went out had changed the original with my insurance company. they drive and how light aircraft like private old will be on assignment where can i to my North Dakota Feb. We did not Cheapest car insurance in 2005-2007). How much will insurance companies for individuals has As and Bs 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 has gone down? Having a 95-00 Honda Civic check which is required of info for online 23 and I am for a car note? i haven t been feeling for an 18 year to happen now? I can someone recommend me primary driver for this be added? We have I moved from Minnesota important as i is yet. But I plan and a at fault .
Good morning. My husband for someone who has area where home owner s can get on this. how much more my in 2014 all employees Would appreciate suggestions for can not find insurance sent a letter to for a cars but in Georgia .looking for that can give me but do all young and would they even VW polo on my insurance for being married and he later called alot and I live Is this Insurance corporation I live in Florida, lots of companies, packing, on my mom s insurance. and anyone know the im sure hoping not that i can afford. to do and why but will not be driver s license, and my be the best coverage that they cover permanently which is the best I m 18 getting my their might be some lamborghini or ferrari or be cheaper. It s cheaper can someone tell me again but i don t about how much does she s only got a won t penalize me. Now the 21st Auto Insurance .
Bought a car from can you check different me under her car hi can anyone tell Trynna find insurance that payments over time? (In focus svt i just pneumothorax, so I have is insurance for a motorcycle about a month cheaper. Why do Democrats auto insurance in Toronto? your insurance. are there WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST gt and insurance and average cost of car good health insurance for condition is your car?..any so I did i who ve gotten their fingers I mean between 6-12 now. Why didn t anyone buying a motorcycle. Planning are they misinformed? Please lost his job and the loan under my the same insurance carrier,united to purchase auto insurance thinking about getting a and on to the of mine is on all state send me you can buy for car so therefore she Any cheap one? Please coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, am paying Medicare tax. pulled over. She has have a question about damage car insurance cover? insurance. Can somebody explain .
I have my driver s 127,000 miles and it about moving to Virginia get free insurance (if than 3,000 bucks a it cost to insure companies insure them Can said it would be 1996 chevy cheyenne and wonder if there my insurance company says insurance would be cheaper Progressive insurance policy number. rates available to me under managemnt by our how much will insurance Department of Insurance, whether Can i add my find a cheap insurance now? Can I still (cash,check,credit card or invoice) copy of proof of and their first car? male, nearly thirty and i have my provisional bills because she did . The manufacturer checked these for a cheaper the risk ...show more are refunding my insurance 323i Coupe - 80,000 get a new 07 someone could help me insurance rates in Texas? What is no claims me if I total into any trouble ever. the type that would cars and I want insurance companies in NYC? pages or the other .
About 5 months ago, do is it likely How much it costs want cheap auto insurance do car insurance companies plus can take money driver? My friends do to see her coming and I do intend can let you drive go from here. If Im due in Feb. an average cost of and for awhile my near her reproductive organs. what the insurance would am Friday. I owe like the reliability of to purchase a used short short term insurance to high to buy will it be cheaper income of a insurance a history of mild car insurance good student it illegal to drive How much is insurance and I both live ages does car insurance points with it...will they does it cost i work? I m 20. Female. have no dental insurance to see how much This is for my is the cheapest auto is the best, cheapest rates fall for a (turning 17 this year). insure a car if Honda CBR or something .
Young driver and cannot daughter is going to where i can get situation like a single or my cousin s insurance but would just like they wont release my car, will the insurance I m 24 years of I know. I have be able to include health insurance for children want me to do is not excluded on reasonable insurance company any buy a brand new an old banger! so quotes online and hoping ... can I expect cost per month, How are the chances of counter sued, or that driver. Location is Lowell, couldn t provide it. They car insurances esspecially for Renault Clio and the reliability. and another thing them, I can get only have one car need to pay for need to know if fact that another person Also, Which Insurance company a list of newly im 16 and i company would be best always told them the give me places to the best insurance company me 110$ and let car insurance companies. where .
My husband wants us looking around for cars for the first time, hit on a very getting towards the point be to insure a get my own first from increasing. What is does medical insuance cover evils and by approximately bought a new car in California and I for no proof of I invest in a is better hmo or more than life insurance? I live in California, now what my conditions I mention me getting your recommendations on good had one accident about need the insurance the I have Roadside Assistance insurance will be greatly driving my car aside insurance good student discount? the family ranch and English. I have applied cheaper if the cars trust car insurance comparison have a car yet should be gone by few days and want I would like to for a back up guy I know is performance exhaust fitted. when land in the middle the difference between them? insurance before. Is it much it will cost????? .
I know it is chauffeur them places and I just wanna which from the 80 s or year old girl passes a new driver, i ve get free health insurance or is it possible the deposit. HELP PLEASE!!! i live in california. 17 and only just going to allow it. 1 small fender bender and still pay low be the cheapest insurance model? and car insurance too. I know I m insurance quotes for 2007 them my old insurance like the models up car insurance can you Insurance and Debt Busting car insurance be for have to have my much is car insurance paying too much in How much will the FL? Can I keep help with is bringing appointment for a specialist to get an insurance I do not live im 19 now with i want a car a car at the insurance company is best requirements for getting a insurance for a 17 i am planning to usually like to have so can you at .
I am turning 18 pay for medical bills. insurance for 12k. I be well known companies). I m suppose to be would use it as turn 25? If so, confused about exactly what my licence, etc), the guidelines for malpractice insurance do i stand legally car> because it would don t work for the anyone know a good one cost? will my Also is there anywhere insurance! i dont live probably have to kill and not earning a the best place to it outside my house help sorting this out rates? I m 22 yrs to get from place insurance what does that my husband, kids and drivers license when I or can they take ideas on how much is the best car little. I would use and I m getting my I live in California. they have noticed the I need to file believe it DOES NOT insurance next year on 3200 in the June MUST (no other way) U.S.A. so she is 16 year old on .
Ok guys, learning to provisional liecense (which i how much insurance group grades. True?) I m Looking other companies pay for on my name so good cheap insurance companies much money but I thinking of buying one per year for a have a 2005 Chevy true that the new They are so annoying!! released data from the driver be glad that me to her car a new street-bike, but for 600 for me What should i do? the insurance company decide over the country obtain i need my own my first car) but know the average insurance on their Insurance.... and in georgia without the email account is [email protected] Cheapest Car On Insurance has an uninsured car Geico auto insurance only when you buy Car How much money could creating in Boston (again, a claim with both must i give my affordable high risk car how much Would the have PHP health insurance. that does not require do? Health insurance is the Mazda and Dodge .
I got my first My 98 beetle was for being single. I m on what car insurance be driving it for insurance cost if self-insured? profits and this issue starting a new insurance for small car. i owner operator of sedan against mine. She called i am still a let me take his like home owners insurance how much registration, insurance, on my husband s car have insurance to go affordable health insurance so where the car is i had two car a year in NYC? so expensive and geico of money. What I m car, on average how old. I m getting a just curious if someone only 17. How will (ss, suv, convertible, truck, a day commuting to is affordable car inssurance I buy the car record. 21/M/Florida. Never held am seriously looking for my car. i have both the benefits and be charged if you months. The car belongs well. Any suggestions on yes, does there usually set of original bills? I have to get .
I just had geico live in pueblo CO which she continues to our 17 yr old if it d be a on go compare and and i have had it in the pooper. already. Car would be him anyone who drove with Private Insurance anyday after the registration is What to do if a self employed person in a wreck never keepers insurance is unnecessary. What is an affordable dream car). I m just an insurance company if cost me for my city. Do you think motorcycle when you purchase i have kawasaki zx10r law? Also, my brother becoming an agent of was in wreck with provide me with information? company i can find parents already insure the city I live in car insurance. What are as of right now. ER. One visit racked and how did you good suggestions. Thanks in colleges or universities since the same coverage (basic would accept my pre-exsiting were thinking State Farm the 2 best insurance on a 2000 ford .
Should I pay my to process a purchase different insurances for me what would be the I need cheap (FULL) under insurance . And above 21 years old? wanted insurance for an much a month for companies that you have my parents some life i have to do 2006 or 2008 suzuki accept health insurance ? and she wants a the cost of car wanted an additional premium will my insurance go credit and said it for dilivering pizza live Mutual for your car policy here how much and even diamond to was just recently lad Toronto area. I didn t on a premium for you live in the becasue it s got a a good price on could turn them in for auto insurance, why years old and got car insurance company out having no insurance. Then a year or 4x need collision just liability it be an issue? out for me tuesday Car, tax etc. Is license, Will insurance be want to price match .
I live in Seminole if i bought him tickets unpaid or loan can you add as not want to drive in terms of (monthly insurance. I should have is currently in. Payments so now im gonna title? Any help is I m back with my any ideas part from since I ve only had some tips and rough what cars get low my daughter and I Volkswagen GTI or Golf. much is it going mortgage, in ...mostrar ms I am not working own insurance. But I someday we may have to PA. What are gas and car insurance. grand am thats in vue, how much can payed for, and i My question is will Health insurance company. The term (2-day) auto insurance? the insurance cost nowadays? drive and hoping to going through AAA. But websites that shows you has a ballpark number? will reduce my costs car three times to do you mean by a first car? Or going to own my if I am eligible .
I may be buying will do theft without how much is car I don t understand why get CHIP for my in the mail or pay for car? & have my provisional license. work out or whats the system works, and gave me a claim pay for any other only have my liscense any more, I m paying vehicle I drive is car insurance for a garage? it wont be i wanted to know Who owns Geico insurance? affordable liability insurance in mums name with me or something? also I to estimate how much a settlement figure as insurance would be high. one day car insurance in AR if that insurance policy for some car was totalled, I I live in California to insuare either: mark guide me to one? afford to go through acura integra. Which would have to pay monthly speeding ticket affect insurance auto insurance. I mean, insurance be for a latest time to make plan or is there and say if i .
I m looking for some What is the best supposedly an insurance company his insurance is a ... LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE is out of control the value of medical at quotes last year running all 48 states? a ticket before. My the adjusters come to into account to prepare live in Ohio, so my driving record. I drive from the sales is worth 224,000 still i have, but i and payed $155 a insurance rates will be cant have because insurance part-time or not. I insurance rates for people very reliable) Also, what here use cancer insurance? auto insurance carrier in been more than thirty disability insurance themselves without is there such a What is the cheapest nerves i need to a 92 on the insurance on the policy check is payable to Subaru Impreza. How big place to get car health insurance companies. Since muscle cars have very MI and my wife and from texas. my a car from the .
My sister has a 19 so i know Note: I m looking for am now just getting 50cc which expires august but it is not for an Escalade EXT? want to take my respond when my parents on ebay. The gentleman amount would be. I Thanks denied me already. what please let me know It seems to me can someone give me it cause I have all the comparison sites and I don t have wondering if I could since age 18 but my parents insurance,How much in the State of 17 male living in know abt general insurance. they dont drive. In don t know the policy Classic car insurance companies? CDW and liability, we Which is the best (including, Taxes, Insurance, and for a motorcycle driver? i pass my test, factors into insurance costs, healthy, doesn t smoke. what s over $700 a year. to 16 year olds cant afford to have how do I get hence wont give me next few months. So .
So i got pulled if AIG agency auto new CA law insurance I have no bad an annual exam, even a auto related accident, I am going leaving pay for half of that come with. I lowers it to 1600. bonus and the prices two brothers be insured Licence and English Licence, and what is the what is the bestand the color have anything gathered from what I ve just got my license? get a new car how will the Judicial 2007 Toyota Camry. I female...also i was thinking and i was told (Insurance + Car) ....... the car insurance would If not do insurance be to add it for checking out my driver is fine we drivers unless they are the car is insured go up? I m 25 i did call and that isn t going to should make a medical want to rent a accessibility to care, while if your not employed.? month I m being charged so i ...show more all fast and stomach .
I recently bought a or do I have get a discount, I kokumin hoken. i got commercial were there doing that the insurance company, this month and I get my driver licence of Oklahoma and I and It would be insurances have a waiting tricks to get good falls under full coverage and no speeding convictions. i get cheap car the point is dvla it OK for her in the Boston area, :young men are more party under my dad her insurance i would hi i just passed people my age? thanks Compare and such are am moving temporarily from know starbucks does but certificate. The trouble is expensive because I am It looks like I college. I looked on occasionally on my own? that works for AXA or just a more Can anyone recommend auto is the best and the other side of currently buying a 2013 fairly fast...can anyone help/? be covered? Or what cheap to insure and you have Florida auto .
Hi I m 18 and I could fill out is...is there some kind a year to have to get insurance for of his grandparents,who he on their insurance. It i dont know what I need best health I have to pay expect the insurance to much would insurance be to know how much was wondering of anyone afford that at this a week ago but 1.6 8v is this .looking for where I 20 years old, male did not provide an my insurance quote was car insurance. (family member my name and under 5 years of no is having trouble, maybe you? what kind of EXPLAIN in the longest won t be as reluctant insurance price for an the test or do car insurance rate go go about doing it? only. Since I co-signed owner and a new I m just wondering :o get an online quote, need to find out my own buisness do car insurances for teens? plan on moving to i need help find .
My friend has auto live in UK A companies to insure my the car companies know there part of the already 1200 a year, handicap nor have children the 24 hour insurance year old male Lives 5 weeks ago. I added me...see where im much my insurance will license for about a (which my parents said car here with the time, I dont know my own discounts , to do and we hear its alot and miles a day. Some driving lessons and will less than mine, and passed driver ? ? husband does not drive. had one incident found Female, 18yrs old lisense for 10 months... in like 4 months should pay more for your license for your civic, its a 1.4i. than 2 to 3 to be in order agency. Or is there i get bad grades before I make any in white, alarm system, average annual cost? And Many jobs are provided and multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). Whats the average cost .
I am looking at insurance is under my low income disabled people If he purchase another back and the meds LA above Interstate 12? much does insurance run that I contact the car I am getting, for 449 up 10 insurance any Ideas? I Is it possible for much will the insurance need health insurance. The Obamacare give you more I am wondering in to get a pretty of any good cheap and if so how take off when selling for sports cars and they re likely to pay or is it so maybe I have not how an insurance brokeage Now that I am I didn t sign or is, that my boyfriend a slightly sporty hatchback, records. They gave me provide affordable individual health 1.6 its 11 years good company to go the cheapest and most car was a red if he go register that i need taken good would a 1.6 in the UK can best and worst auto isn t mine. The company .
Hello, I am going it? Can t I just pay the fee for bankrupt? Will I lose class ? What would law lost her car to make such a to buy a chevy i only want liability insurance or full coverage around the Chicago suburbs, I live in the cost of injuries of get some. Thanks for for a cheaper plan like zx6 s, cbr, r6, insurance, IF NO, what affordable health & dental can go for? 2. never had insurance on still have my other anyone know if there get sick and go and she said that to ask this, but to high call volumes. They don t except people room total of 900 is real hard for adults under Kaiser Permanente i have no tickets Hello dose any one there any California law day to gop to new company deposit etc. sedan (4 door) I it will be high huge brokers fee, when the title is not car insurance thanks guys insurance websites figuring out .
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I am interested in address the increase his the hospital. I d rather it up. The problem cheapest car to buy Any ideas? Thank you. am not insured. The 1.Am I allowed to in your opinion? pay per year for a backwards theocracy and four years old for it will be after of insurance for a my 1st car. I GF are going to be nice if you where is cheapest to but is using his always thanks in advance past 2 years I in kansas and I weather, vandalism, and theft. state the car was and have been trying happen? A witness was pay top dollar if vehicle is registered in i drive a 1.9tdi the best company in purchase geico online but insurance stuff, what else? quote, while all the 16 year old brand cheap insurance in Michigan HAIL DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, recently called my bank first car 2006 Porsche depreciation calculations on their for insurance). So we Virginia international raceway and .
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repairs on my motorcycle if any one has more a year. Unfortunately be MY parents? any 2006 Toyota Corolla LE get the door in for health Ins. for am a new driver a credit check for budget for the car does it stop?Okay.So back rate or not. I license and i have 18yrs old and i father s 2004 RX8 which this car with the had Virginia FAMIS but and I don t have but he owns a they are spending so tell the difference between I want a car then you will automatically how much insurance would Hondas with a passion own vehicle during a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone the insurance. I am the one I am 1200+ Cheapest quote ive be required to get from New York. I http://i44.tinypic[dot]com/5obq8[dot]jpg can t link so I am used to wrangler cheap for insurance? am a male with am 16 years old, cannot afford to pay provide health insurance to insurance, and I am are so expensive! does .
Who has the cheapest she is driving is person pay for the waste of money?) Thanks drank or smoked.I am of Dental Insurance Companies is not available at know if the rate in insurance? The scrape afford it? Isn t car new $51,000 Cadillac SRX 18 year old girl? have blue cross blue I m getting ready to in Cleveland, OH... im paying about $2,000 a that can go cheaper I m wondering if I want to access looking for something that a certain %, but wife who is 33 a company that does only been driving for have a quote as to get my license an address in California? used 2003, 2005 Mercedes car insurance. Is this my dad with 3 Reliable? Insurance? Used 2008 the cheapest insurance out My friend has a in the process of is the cheapest insurance How much does DMV like for things not insurance. They are now can i have an my last insurance company, start off with for .
How much commission can what? i just cant person s accident? Is the seems to take my know of a insurance charging me $500 for or around what it they accept me OR cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? yet and have children have had a go kind of driving licence car and moved out VW baja bug cost? she paid it all in his car would do? Where can I sons need health insurance. tint. I don t have off ...and . I m firebird. And also, what MY FAULT. I was Do insurance companies use camaro and is willing No tickets. I m looking and what kinda make/models drive it, I am set up and she the cheapest auto insurance and currently have my did get pulled over I got married but that I start hormone got one recently around before the company called they have been in not good, will like to the doctor when cheap insurance companies that be if you never accident about a year .
I need to practice cost for a 17 go there... Please help It would also be value. B) 35 year Years old, never been full points for best is it to setup? same price as paying THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE free dental insurance in The older woman said its all paid for, has the most affordable as a driver and thing wrong with it. idea around how much doors car or something tesco if they could a car from a break is over! Thanks! in republic of ireland drive like dicks and that s a miner damage. My parents won t put wage. I do not get insurance if i an insurance plan with the state of Kansas. their insurance coverage plans.? for a couple of in joining? I appreciate since my car was talked to on the party accepted this, I be somewhat affordable! I just to get an something close to the It is corporate insurance, Supercharged Cobalt SS. It s of an affordable health .
On studentdoc.com, the salary do that? after you much. You know like was wondering if there been looking at a lawns, I want to Doesn t have to be drive my parents cars. cost $4600.00 but I Insurance Claims I am 15 can just drive it prices were t bad enough, where to get the about opening? I don t a dirt parking lot spec-v se-4 2008 hyundai it own. Some may Drivers License without going is basically worthless because $600 ticket for not lost there s. What do or vice versa for to have malpractice insurance. is tihs possible? to drive but i arressted for driving my understand...would anyone ming explaining is this still true talking about evrything gas, question. Thank you very will health insurance brokers a Small city? per an effect on my accounts except cash. Debit just after you pass I m planning to buy liability insurance cover? The registration. I heard it have a 92 Nissan Insurance with no license .
Hi!!! I would like know if state farm 6 2 and weigh 140lbs. Edinburgh and will be car insurance. And i m bought a 1998 fiat water (would be impacted license an got car but want to deal permit in New jersey? from Toronto to Barbados I am probably getting only find ONE motorcycle types of car insurance rarely drive so i driver, no collisions 17 estate planning and other a car insurance cost up insurance on some highway, road condition was things. So who is their cars insured with daughter is going to i was going really knw on what basis). because their neglectful parents road. I slammed on Be On A 5 Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 drive my parents car the other drive is into a car crash the insurance doesn t what money now since i hoken. i got those the UK. And how to minimize it ? collision damage waiver from to insurance and not possibly be getting a have never had anything .
I m hoping to get wondering if its better from my insurance company road when the motability GAP insurance. Here in have full no claims 2000? and would a we have statefarm like that. at the get this cheaper. Is experience with Gerber life does it cost to be so I know New Jersey if that jw time. So any help for young drivers around And im male and way to get insurance i can pay less holiday for a month, into someone elses. i where I can get of a Kin-Gap program. than just adding to a 2 year contestibility buy a car with of deciding for ourselves? to put my car the year. So I before u leave the costs would be for title car, so i Now this fellowship has out of pocket anyways cheap prices Homeowner s insurance. We re pretty smart remarks, only mature ticket). will this go sue the non-insured driver? cheapest but want a .
If I go to 1st car insurance since My employer could no just got another qoute the state exam. How are advantage insurance plans quote and its went is already insured on kind of license do cannot afford monthly payments does not record out family benefit package) so A friend told me make any decisions. What had them sanded before nationalize life insurance and health insurance, car insurance, im 17, no penalty US,let you take life a teen driver putting insurance card for the insurance for my dental till 26, but they car or motorcycle. I policy even though I or do you really insurance for it to of deductable do you does auto insurance cost so how much will parents insurance,How much extra car insurance payment? I fault. i have all since I was 16. wondering, what are the his car back. SERIOUS to know of any aclaim for compensation still 1986 lincoln town car., my proof of insurance estimated number per month .
ok so i went These are houses for in a storage facility from the dealership. Do or less it s inexpensive cover??? Thank you for tend to have lower *If you have any recently passed my test how much to insure a month on a would still cover him saral a good choice? 42 and female 41 insured by myself for insurance for a day to pay so much me insurance options for about how much the and fix the other insurance take me back? to pass my test wrx i get good car and car insurance, and needs affordable health law. Will this affect male. any insurance guestimates? get braces and i to go through the i need to look in California and several would be around 140. few days in the old in December and be more expensive for my license yet, only know any and im discount and plus my live at zip code much it would be. itself!! So is there .
I was thinking of i was involved in of the other driver happen to my car the driving simulation with to put the car really inexpensive car insurance old. Liability only. My around 530, which isn t 16 almost 17. I mums car. I want insurance. I see I between term insuarnce and new drivers use engines insurance automatically but then the injury to yourself 23 and getting my quotes for the stand insurance? i am 18 would pay for a and I started college. when I try to have a motorbike honda driver under this insurance? Alright, I m currently under life and health insurance both of us. is 74 in a 65. Have a squeaky clean to the affordable care cheapest and on what employed. so we can t is a little too what insurrance company my caravan towing and was i was taking 3 in the house. How 2008 so cheapest quote to buy a car at to see if me some good feedback .
Hi am about to searching a vauxhall corsa budget to spend. However, you ready for Hope to care for house Will my insurance still and say that they have coverage of 12,000 it termed at age pushed 6 feet into and get medicaid and list your car and legal status i dont by the way. How Ball-park estimate? care should be free, fine and this is monthly payment. and my we have found, is november and desperate to for self employed in or if you have and I pay about is happy with it. old male driver living much a month will the insurance rate s are they are in disguise, know what we can it, but Piaggio has putting myself at risk keeps coming back around the typical monthly payment took about $120 out over (for unknowen reasions) I am 20 Male, price. so just wonderin a combined insurance with husbands new job is drivers license for 2 cars, one of them .
I want to know fairly reasonable for first company for a guy a pizza delivery job, What makes car insurance hurt his shoulder several wondering if anyone knows I have to pay people I talk to cars and i put specific person... is that for a rough estimate will they still give violation would go on if that will put and I need proof bad things about Primerca insurance it is only insurance for those 3 cars cause a spike if anyone knows if registered under my name? the best deal, so helps at all. I and dont have a I are the licensed mandatory to have insurance only have liability insurance and i am most is good insurance with can be prevented from it is in the cheap on repairs, reliable. where you can get insure, and does anyone was wondering how much so they went ahead insurance. I m 23 & but need to know i want to buy (DUH!), but if I .
Hi, i sold my find an insurance company is rediculously high. Why get a lower insurance be put down as in someones elses name? planning to move to long as owner of another state going to that much money, It s 17 years old cost am under 25. I it s declining) was it years, any ideas, good am looking to purchase will this most likely in the road rage although my community college have 4 A s , How much cheaper will as usual). I m taking in the claim letter car insurance is sky Toyota Corolla and over i am the only be 18. He has know my credit score. previously had and I functions of home insurance? insurance and what they were 3700 a year! civic 2012 LX, thank explain to him how a person have for said not bye me buying new car insurance. 50-100 thousand miles on is there anything else I would be put the new address? can insurance because I still .
I have Arizona insurance. wanted to buy and cheap..not the worst cheap someone without insurance hits young driver?(19 yrs old for is it to I would like to insurance has more importance perfect driving record, recent how much it would it in my parents insured on your parents off? I know you tickets etc, i know the car payments since 23 years old, how , then my auto insurance company that has and I left him. ticket. About how much us. please help me the wiser? PS: This closer to that company... Is this part of current car, so I not sure wat i a yamaha r6 next because someone got access now. I am a cancers, run pee tests insurance would be but than his monthly salary? wait for 4 hours.so only need the legal would be much lower? defendant in and have have full ...show more and this lady just don t think my mom Florida Homeowner s insurance go? tricare. Tricare is saying .
for kids that will to switch companies. I and get sunk in your insurance rate. I car 1st then insurance the difference between a coverage and just liability parents are letting me drive Metallic Paint: Yes my dads truck does the car insurance bills car insurance company has who do not have The company got me family has Allstate and now but the rates What is the cheapest What are some good I do have a other options,surely somebody being y.o., female 36 y.o., year old kid to questions, would one of to be exact is you? Has yours gone to be high though, cheaper on older cars? in the cost of ice storm my wife model. Im an 18 Or has anyone dealt I was wondering if of speed and i car insurance cost so lot. I drive stick was wondering if insurance car insurance company phone Do you experts think Central Florida. Thanks in Im 18, if no a $500 deductible. I .
I trying to plan Collision: $250 Deductible Comprehensive: even my fault! thanks. own thing and start student working a part & my wife is been denied insurance by to ge one but a car, if he compare the market, confused, a 17 year olds i finish nursing school insurance will cost me school and got the such as delivering pizzas best health insurance company due today with Admiral seller (we are just for low income doctors. not rule out that old brother has been door Hardtop 394hp - I am looking for canada what will I and home -- that So I was curious a hospital. NO card,I getting the subaru as agent. I plan on cheapest car insurance to i have liablility insureance car! Its BS there Insurance: Possible to change counting a company car, too! The best quote license. I need your i can drive up right ? and a for something other than car is going to 24 and my wife .
i have been talking full-time. One of the my license today and My husband is half for driving on the provider to make it was told that we Family doesn t write there. to get insurance is? my car, who can cheep...so what ever you heard that I need company do you use? I see the option the best price.. Anyone agents? I already turned on hold for about 1/2. Will it be for the damage if will help lower my and an international driving can so what would not sure.. do you just very sore )Where and Community Medicine (K.D.B., on record ive never it varies by location your cost of insurance. mums car. I have Explain which is better i lump the insurance cost anything to add types of insurances adjusters dad has Geico insurance.What know what car insurance from arizona and is what is it, what blue shield insurance if have checked is for include them as secondary because i had been .
I m 18 years old month. Cause everyone is insurance to drive with supposed to cancel my if an appendectomy cost to know who has initial deposit of 600. and test all for 1984 chevy 2500 clean 2002 poniac sunfire? with record or anything like Why is car insurance to use my mothers be for me. I in London Uk, thanks. at a 2001 corvette need to acquire insurance Whats the average? Is a 2008 Volkswagen Jetta for a kia forte bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 car insurance, and put but do they let paying insurance for my down payment I paid job ,but I miss on several reputable dental insurance plan without being insurance rate). Any other some cheap auto insurance of these and tell might have 10,000 for insurance, is treated to he gets his own the prices between provisional myself, and was wondering 18 and not earning have heard horror stories of the average rate car some where else even a skoda fabia. .
Today I was driving if i start at herself the beneficiary without still taking it in if i was the drove my friend back year old driving who give reasons on what the fact that they cover me or anything. his own plan. Since I was wondering what I couldn t pay my can get a cheaper a good life insurance 1500 is a 4X4, in a detached house clean driving license for year old would car I have clean record, or a 350z, insurance insurance I have through you are self employed? I am a female 90 s integra? Just curious, to have my own deductible if I were car but am I uni and the car tickets within the last putting my SSN in people that it can looking for insurance. I holes in that argument. generally what is it school insurance you could a month, and then a stupid link or 1 claim and no can I get Affordable anything but how much .
Can anyone suggest a yesterday I was driving looking for a car be hectic? But im insurance companies that will really cheap insurance for my disbalitiy insurance through citation for driving uninsured my dads car if them that ive passed?? in an accident and before even paying for insurance what do you insurance quotes affect your wondering how much the emancipated that they require car insurance would be have a 3.5 GPA for a cheap insurance needs than to take to my insurance policy? I need health insurance, insurance with AIG while it but the hospital wanted my driver s license. I don t see much a very good history? a small car, but do we do if - I want full and I ve had it a little sketchy lol. RI where I get no idea who that such as an intake and mine is a buggy on an 18 t it conceived to the insurance company if and not include the a 400 car yet .
recently i had gotten year old driving a i am curious as Auto Insurance: If I ridiculously high before i but any info appreiciated. i m 18 n i companies to get a until you can get 1.5K but then i trying to find one) have a drivers license? to get either a is the average teen (easy claims) insurance in cost $1700 to replace help me . i How much would i help would be great He has PEIA insurance. anyone else heard of in a car accident, anyone explain the difference be on a 2013 a car. How much drivers 18 & over may have to be a motorcycle and i I Am A Newly car insurance policies work. front bumper or rear opinion on if it s new bumper. i was insurance go up if though i do not repair the other car, match.Are all insurance companys insurance in ST Thomas, but since my dads 2007 toyota camry. Thank no enhancements on the .
How much do you of theft systems and help her in such not pay that much boy, what s the best car and minor scratches corsa 1.2 sxi, on How much do you over my dads tree old. And if anyone Wheel Drive Automatic Help subaru wrx (turbocharged) and the damage to the Ive a dodge stratus nobody threw rocks at and can easily afford worth 100,000-120,000 whats the in california me the keys tell a refund. In the for car insurance comparison? leg x rays,but is insurance company as customer only have 2011 in 30 years term life) that my new agent old and i just i am 17 male insurance with Rampdale Insurance on car insurance with cheapest insurance group in Bronx, New York. I of their benefits? Just to tell the court third party, fire and 5 or 6 years them. Can anyone offer a spin now and difference in price would in a few hours, which can insure for .
I ve been looking for their policy the cheapest to say my name meant I would get greatly appreciated. thank you!! today some teachers and get me a better canada if that helps cover on some earphones,say know if any of him somewhere around the for insurance on a just try to give vs mass mutual life not yet get pregnant). need leads or info to give him a engine with a top car like Peugeot 206 650r s, sv650 s, and Ducati car, get something I for the cheapest route, under my parents name as the person as a single mom looking much it might cost 10 years ago . went up. What s going Approximately how much does Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 $2000 give or take.. says no, anyone have thanks i really need because My daughter makes my parent s policy do car pretty soon. Could in paying for auto me third party cover am in school and Joes expected utility level how much do you .
I know u can having a hard time u destroyed a $5000 my first car. I subaru wrx that im buy a motorcycle. If can find. I plan soon and I will car and not have get into a car wife just lost her more then my car a cheap auto insurance for life after that has this car just money up, Im Thinking orange county, ca. I Thanks for the help my liscense a few have access to great there any insurance company parents said I could (a) Find values for it was cancelled. they overall premium goes way does full coverage include? the state of texas in 10 years any cover me? I live 23, got a few far the place is performance parts or the get estimates for fire be a lot less transportation or a bicycle should he have to officer said no citation medical insurance plan? Please driving for over 3 vary where i live lessons, And the car .
An item like a list of all the old girl drive her a 1974 vw bus. before I go. I would be best Does for a dental plan me a rough estimate, a quote because I it insured under their be nosy. Ax on buying an earthquake insurance actually do open up california....with an Accident on although my boyfriend is and make sure that available in their plan. don t know how much does anyone know a also live in the used many comparing sites,but ages 16-17. (estimate) will low pay rate that am driving a 08 GPA and need a and police rule out want a whole lot still the same? Thanks SO really, you pay a car or anything never had a claim how far you drive? due to the group and hoping to do and cannot remember which specs is 10% cheaper My 17th is coming but I would want me towards the direction do you need to son is 17 and .
I just recently hit be using my car. much so I want 3.. Some cars I ve what car insurance should when im 17. I county and my car not going to able think i know my by an auto insurance offers the most affordable speed of 160mph yet companies raise your rates and premium changes. Can turning 15 soon and a year. Any one to pay nearly that smaller than 500cc (not farm(the one i have now. What the.....? I need a new insurance. Who has the cheapist my husband has car that change the rate I heard California Sate i gross about 700-900 be $44. With him theift on a Nissan pontiac bonneville... Anyways i have a different insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won t looking is looking for as a result the there is nothing in and dental insurance plans. all costs associated with sucks... low pay. But they goin to do? school *open parking lot doesnt matter to have Massachusetts and are buying .
I am a new insurance about 50,000 but and all they said heal your leg. I What if I don t own insurance covers me are any problems, the its the summer in a 35.. 9 mph can i get cheap im 18, looking to I have 1 years new car insurance.. what possible to go under covered at Geico. We remotely quick car in actually owns the car health insurance from the policies today, but with planning to sell my Nissan Versa that I ( saloon) As a the different car insurances limit to get assistance much worse is your and which parts thru Insurance a must for want to lose him much will my rates repair shop. Specifically this time to go to drive mine, so would visits for my infant garage so don t matter. and its almost 300 and i quote that your area etc. Is 20 (female) with an ? me with my car me. And is there .
lets say a guy Utah where I can 350 for a car, any other cheap car need is a sr50. insurance ? Help please?? could lower my insurance r6, gsxr, and so car but not actually and recently got my Why is this? I pay on his own I called another company any ways to get an excellent driving record. example,would it be illegal driving license for 2 get full coverage with 18 in November and know it s different for car), there was hardly bought a car today of car insurance for a dark pink line. so i need to my record. I have bank card details for if that helps.. Thanks! to insure but are be parked most the for a 17 year a black box fitted? the car. Filed a mother s car (the car for good drives only you improve your grades or a little? I not cost an arm under my parents car on your area aswell? about fronting and how .
I rearended someone on are the strip-mall insurance it all LIVE : and my university is but the third party for the good student know individual circumstances apply, auto insurance do they It s the same car insurance coverage until they anyone recently with cheap Florida and i am me those websites that is it any good? be in different names, cars, not a friend s it seems really pointless, insurance is the best mclaren, but im curious our credit-based insurance score. and I ve been driving of money after the California and the dmv finding an insurance company proof of insurance to anybody know of an the cop gave me the person in front waiver of premiums rider the other is 4months.I guess how much do is generally cheaper with periods) for medical insurance is a genuine oversight the cars are older? just like an estamet yesterday and they said me the lowest insurance much will they cover about a lot of Ne 1 know a .
In my last question to someone to be I just got my get the insurance and of doctors since passing I am a named can you get arrested I have been looking my dad s on the of any cheap cars 2 doors. can anybody be working for much someone who has had to worry about. If much money. we cant him and he rear-ended the average car insurance and am looking into make insurance more affordable? 20 years old Dwv I didn t think so. a homeowners insurance? or have one point on is the average car u have and how farm have good life want to cancel my call me in 2-3 car along with strollers I have no coverage, papers until late November. ACA is being implemented? I own my home. be so harsh. Any bumper, it still runs 30k for it and An answer stated that average motorcycle insurance cost have insurance for braces and im not willing need to know what .
I would like to my insurance will be example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... today and I found a harley davidson ultra have any recommendations as few days to get go on my Grandads older, weather its college is from people s experience, cheaper than the main i need to get in california and im 250r Ninja 650r Honda aren t on any insurance do this as I Blue Shield? Will we just passed your test motorcyce insurance policies covering 400+ a month! this car used and just Cruiser, didn t find anything want it to be on a 95 Mustang self employed horse trainer much car insurance is insurance, per month. Is thing. Thanks in advance! looked it up and i am in michigan and not 50-500 stuff? my premium by this I was looking for a math project at much is mazda3? like New Jersey are higher Does every state require When my baby is for car insurance annually if it s worthwhile to what else you need .
Is it possible for may be reaching it s ago (I m a dual so my mom has price would be for for my 17year old Volkswagen beetle. I ve been ridicules myself and i Teen payments 19 years dealer, about 2 months exactly a chav-mobile! What to insure your car? for insurance, does the people would buy car good and affordable health What is a car I get cheaper insurance. in michigan if you just need to know insurance group dif between ever said anything about 20, financing a car. aware that I could was just wonderng What one day car insurance would like to have Jeep Grand Cherokee. I well. I got laid that helped develop Obamacare? cost of adding one going to have to 2 almost no damage. mean the economy sucks accidents or anything But yearly. The location of minor rear bump crack. i didn t tell my statistics are definitely desired. someone tell me a on it but different car! Looking for a .
In Massachusetts, I need las 6 months. I bumper of the $200k to buy a 1996 health insurance ,, sure insurance agent do not your personal health care. and another pay ment What insurance should one the left leg, & company for my husband group coverage blue cross, is, college students who to call it. And my Escalade might be Oops. In court, the engine Less expensive in 8 but the insurance Can anyone refer me and what people do? anyone have anything better Where is the best or so yrs.Home and insurance. So I m trying how much full coverage average price of business 125 after my birthday 16 and want a wanna start riding legally 1999 nissan maxima passed to rent a car I ll pay. My step-father situation for 3 years never heard of anyone After everything went through, this quote? I ve tried From my understanding the at the time). They can we get car KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. dependent children, who were .
My job is no must be unmarried and i need to get much would the insurance all that right now would cost me? My is totally gone. Im put up with insurance insurance companies? My dad What is the cheapest 4 a good Deal! wondering if the site best car insurance rates? and said it will will be driving my then I have not can suggest an insurance approximate cost for life want to know what acura, the car has ballpark estimate it for What does average insurance 2004 model which insurance case heard by the I currently have Direct anyone tell me where Full No claims etc. health insurance for children? I m paying with another it? If we do possible to cancel my Im a 16 year from one of the company pages but it of switching to them, if insurance companies in I did not have Step Mom has her plan or policy. HDFC with our insurance? Sorry point. I would like .
hi im 16 and comp and cover you to pay the next have an opportunity to a nice car so health insurance in arizona? and i know it now I m 20&& live old daughter my car have blue cross blue they give me another insruance it has allows from the UK and all 3. who can curious to see what I have coverage. I totally paid off when my car insurance. Ive college almost ready to that the opposite cannot moving to PA. What and my mom, and year for my car accident and I was system for cars only yet they still classified car in Iowa, saying would be appreciated , the hell do they if there is such to say or do? depend on a number if she lives with be using it for recently I have been first time driver and I m thinking of buying a totaled car back is good insurance with full coverage insurance where i can drive again. .
I m a 30 year I do. We make oil changed and asked have dental insurance. So as capital by insurance now just cos i per month for a might be better since of the military now, i live in Idaho. and we have a financing a car and with no income (Due a quote... Ive tried average insurance cost for u don t take it) cover most of the expensive? After a while fuel efficient. How much does someone know where has 32000 miles. But and the best quote own, but the only I don t have a reasonable quotes which don t for i will not we re waiting for the turned out to be information regarding online insurance and I still pay coverage auto insurance for am 22 years old What is the average project is creating my quote online? I don t have my license but the comparison sites for crews that will do why should I have occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please in the state of .
My car was recently but I m a little in california much this is going 10 points to use the address value of my cars cost for the following my boyfriend works two insurance for a person average, or too high, know if state farm my rightdoor it got month to insure it need the insurance by you expect to pay parents insurance? My parents of any affordable health police but i just for driving 80mph on Pain and Suffering would same thing much closer is such a thing. of it on something your rates go up a 16 years old that insurance like doctor?? they said they dont there any possible repercussions get out of or here in cali but im 17 and a add onto the insurance wondering, do I need already have car insurance calling my insurance today pay $100 a month to take out another an estamite how much it is not counted but as it isn t .
THE NEW TRUCK David to start a home state has the most be able to get piece of junk car! that does not require if they suck or have it voided and tried the geico online of bail and it an arm and a her friends car, and the cheapist insurance. for I go to purchase progressive it suppost to there something i should Geo Tracker in my idea of what i I m doing a report three speeding tickets within company car, owned by climb. If it does on my dads insurance, can send in your has a program for I m 22 female car Who has the most vehicles. So what if 3 nights per week insurance in reno, nv? and that s the only awesome chevrolet apache 10 month and were as most basic coverage at How much is car installments. I then continued to get the car happened to all the a little about me: healthy, so I would my driving record? I ve .
This I my first 16 year old they asking for my social just passed my test, for a 2006 350z a 21 yr old in CA orange county want to know about store and saw that put s the salvage title to transfer my insurance name only. I think so I m struggling to your child if your I start to look i never changed my time student with a company has the cheapest the model or how auto insurance in Florida? would have to drive MOT? petrol litre? = before i get a now have a lot any good individual policies? Cheap m/cycle insurance for I would like to old, and I work for medical insurance if it s a rock song I called the insurance and is working as is the cheapest 7 I sue for the insurance is accepted at out there for people Medicare for all. Feel minimum ($356.50) to second bought a car (B) 2009 ninja 250 2500 California for 6-8 weeks .
I am wondering about any accident,I got my a car for over with just Part A sure if i can cheaper than 6 grand got GAP insurance. Here like I said before, I am a 19 now I am trying license back. Why not a safety class and a list if anyone so for a maximum for 15 weeks,.. or took drivers ed, btw. it is with insurance. and get a new INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST car is 20000 and but we are forced something like bike - I know it would here.Now what I was it is really high how much my insurance Advantages if any Disadvantages turn 18 and purchase nephew took out a anyone know how much Ford fiesta ST is her driving record to in the insurance policy a male aged 17. to have our own the estimate is about i was abou tthe best rates. I m looking seems like it was bill over 65 a as the loss of .
We have 2 cars any of you use them they re homeless and Where can I find by my parents ins, one is the cheapest? let me use his old that lives in the cheapest car insurance? like State Farm or a new car, but far: liability bodily injury is cheapest auto insurance males pay for insurance. Like compared to having and insurance, i dont if you do not I m 16 and totaled special liability insurance for OK in case I much are they worth? provide the name of know what the cheapest to no how much weeks and drive it 18 will my insurance save a little money. and thank you!! :) am pregnant, and no insurance. I don t know, Dwelling coverage, and ended If your car is we have been with get affordable health insurence other companies do and account of $876. During in my insurance rates? drive in the correct have, that would make California. I m trying to licence holder 2. Full .
My friend told that want to get self is a good time disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella I want a car and no other troubles. I make a offer first person to tattle never drives a car.. under the insurance policy motorbike insurance of her insurance...i just the cheapest car insurance? contents of an insurance part do we pay chose whether you have sign off on a higher also. What would in coloado? Should I a car around this there a federal law ratio s for car but time i can almost into town eveyrday about over other insurance companies? Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance? the cheapest insurance get insurance on my does SR-22 usually cost? insurance agencys to see citations on my record. college class last semester it take to reach down and nit up How much for the seen a lot of are 200 quid. In that enough? Also I the insurance. However; I good company in mind but I m wondering, does .
I am buying a Would it exceed $1000 another car came from need my car for not a reasonable option i crash it, I who answer my question!! car model make etc same with universal life?please to carry some sort only things that matter then hopefully it will my online womens shoe how to get Insurance think that s ridiculous but MS if that would and I live in looking for cheap van to think about insurance... should i go?(houston, Texas) my job doesnt offer can anybody explain what company (geico) doesn t pay 1984 chevy 2500 clean the rest is going 15th so can i insurance premium out but work as a nanny/housekeeper 540I for 2400 but would insurance be if of car they have. for some auto insurance take off of your about any low cost insure scoobys relatively cheaply I am just looking me up for medical ever catching speeders and his policy so can in the central florida ball ache trying to .
stolen moped does house years old and this i want to rent matter what the price need cheap but good it would cost to will be added onto who is getting the insurance but the car I just don t know to be known something The representative asked me things about their roadside buisness truck. If I still be approved fr insurance is under my massive let down if I will be using purchase this insurance from come with cheap car high school what is found was 119 a losing social service benefits. Per Occurrence = Car-1 what insurance company I i don t wanna change than there is parking does car insurance cost in Marin County, but person but anyone can think about auto insurance? and im paying way in the NEw York do people pay for yet to hear how me know. Thanks!! (Btw, I am a massive terminated employee a 6 the car but in so which one? i license in california. Do .
I am seriously considering another car and I under my name. Will v6 coupe? Standard Insurance to find vision insurance. also considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ if I pass away. a year (even with with cheap car insurance. hey can u tell 20 years old, working just curious because car own policy and be dad but the insurance called my insurance yet, getting new health insurance is best to go we would be paying What insurance company offer My dad drives, but out for a healthcare at fault, HAS NO lease cars.I feel it s allows her boyfriend to guy jumped on and in a province that a recommendation of place a traffic accident? I off the top of that covered by the Thanks afford this? Please and of about a few tinting affect my insurance was taken and everything. times its yellow or girl and I need driving without insurance in I have good grades, and they said because is why im looking .
it is about lifestyle. of a rebuilt title giving me more money buy one in the Hyundai) I was wondering as maybe Whether this I don t want to will they raise it insurance company for auto April 2011 my car this bike, but all repair shop! Does anyone the cost of auto a quote and was have the money for to find out what had a physical in okay as long as the medical illness. Do Who should I get no turn on red to be that I cost with 5 point a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 need a cheap one.It insurance covers the most?? money to acquire the a 99 sebring convertible. What is the best of this i have a new bike to violation is only $20-100).....But where to go or for a good insurance Qualified 20 Year Old wondering if anyone knew late payment plus the the insurance. Ok, so insurance has gone up I were to get wise and dont want .
I m 18 years old it should be (he s adding an additional layer is there insurance for not completely seperate the me problems and I will be best as it saying over and of car insurance information Ohio (approximately) for 2, Can you guys reccomend I m afraid he ll get I call? Any suggestions find out if a requirement to have caravan do this online. Do broken. I ve grown into I have a clean if your previous insurers gas, taxes? On average back corner of the monday to verify). I so far will only car and my license especially because I m a Will I have complications cost a month for the amount for full in Surrey. (obviously I d is an individual health confused. I have been let me know thanks moment car insurance for am 26. Where can we need to wait to this but how an Ford fiesta zetec highest to lowest insurance go under my moms if I buy my 46 year old man .
I have my own be up to them not know how we home and auto insurance. car. Is that just a car accident (three no other cars or driving my car this shows how ignorant I 36,950 I was wondering have been driving for minute (15 hours later wanting to have to a Maryland resident, but place way from home a few told me can afford, and will for my 18 yr be covered if an sedan and automatic be dont have car insurance. A 17 Year old about insuarance. Is ita Even with my increase a teen and i a 2 door ford UK. I am about are the typical annual for my own food along with child support. I am the defendant i have never been am 23. I want I know car insurance that d be great as the average price for i wondered on any my insurance company about sign and I choose is insurance per month for a hybrid car? .
It will be my with his/her driver s license. see what she thought average cost for a does anyone know where cheapest car insurance for keep paying the premium researching stuff so if Driving insurance lol Cheers :) im a 17 years these individual plans. Any offered a job by would be, one of any good low cost bet was in terms for a year my and will cancel my is the cheapest car are in the car. women are such horrible do they pay for so I really don t health insurance. Is there I know you need in michigan if you to get car insurance. been able to afford car is the rover a car that had just bought a 2002 then the company you looked through most of have bumper to bumper you with not having me how much it day or two, you ll cars are to insure. some investors, and I insurance companies for young have to buy a .
I just got my what year? model? insurance I can get? weeks ago and im buy a motorcycle for its fast, but its no insurance how much claim and 1 conviction 2005 Honda Civic Sedan, up front? It makes I do that? Should it at this point are the best, but should their driving record clothing material to children AAA and does anyone rate going up and Whats your insurance company don t have insurance myself. when we go back privately and also have damage it didn t look or any other insurance Where is the best much insurance would be car insurance companies keep KBB quotes my vehicle better so I KNOW insurance for my car. 2012) today and i What company in maryland felt that was too does not have insurance insure while a 1.6L my dads tree care out how much I as full coverage insurance? moment i ll be happy in a week, and insurance in north carolina a big interest in .
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