#im bored as fuck and i want to talk about my bebes
honeyxmonkey · 2 years
Hi do you have any details about Carter that you don't talk about often but really enjoy/never mentioned, bc I'm really curious and I love your art👀👀💖
I do! Thank you for sending this 👀💜
Okay okay
So stuff about Carter that I've never really talked about or mentioned
Hes actually met Douxie’s band mates and gets along really well with them. They think he's great. Lol, the story Carter and Douxie spin to them about WHY Carter doesn't live in Arcadia, is because he goes to school (college) in New York. At least that's what they tell the mortal ADP band members before Gunmar and the Eternal Night. Afterwards they actually explain the whole situation cause when Douxie was discovered to be a wizard they were like, "DOES CARTER KNOW ABOUT THIS???" and Douxie was like, "yeah... guys, he's magic too" and they were like, "WHAT THE FUCK'
Fun times
Carter is ambidextrous. He never mentions this to the team or anyone else. He just is. I mean Douxie knows, they just never talk about it cause there's no reason to.
If you were to ask Carter what his favorite color is, he would probably tell you that he doesn't know or doesn't have one. But it's orange. Like, sunset orange. (Glances at Hunger Games/hj).
More on carterdoux specifically, but they know basically everything about eachother. Once you've been together for eighty years, you tend to just... not have any secrets unless you're trying really hard to not tell the other person something. Yeah, they've both lied about stuff on separate occasions, and nobodies perfect, but ultimately? They know everything about eachother.
That, of course, isn't to say that the joy of being together has diminished. It's more like, they're settled into this really comfortable domesticity and mutual love and affection. Most of their date nights are eating take out at home and watching really crappy Hallmark movies and making fun of them.
Tho, their ahem life is less than boring 👀
I think they could basically qualify to be a married couple, even tho on basic human terms they haven't officially "tied the knot". They're going to, they just haven't yet.
Anyway, I love them very much. Thanks for sending this ask! I love when people ask me about my boys! 💜💜
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sunny-ssunset · 17 days
Pretty in Pink!
South park x girly popular reader
Chapter 3
The chapter no one asked for 😍✌️ Lmao sorry Im writing another bc i love it, sorry for not posting much i have been so busy 😭 tbh Y/n reminds me of the queen of hearts AGED UP!
"Kenny you have such pretty eyes!!" Y/n cooed, brushing his hair out of his face. "I know, I could be a model" He joked, giving in to the affection. Wendy watched the scene play out, Jealous of all the attention she gets. Poor Y/n must hate all the attention, she'd need someone to take her place one day, Someone who can handle the pressure of being perfect.... Someone like Wendy. I mean it would take a while for Wendy to get to Y/n's standards, plus Y/n might not want to be replaced just yet. Even if its for the best to protect precious Y/n.
"Wendy? Hun you okay? You have been so quiet today-" "Stan wants to break up." Wendy interupted, Y/n looking taken a back. "Oh girl, I'm so sorry, He's a douche, We dont need him right? How about a girls night? No silly party or anything, just us?" Y/n cooed, Wendy taking notice on how she said 'We' like it was also her problem, how considerate of her. "Yayyy Can i come?" Kenny grinned playing with a strand of Y/n's hair. "NO!" Bebe choked, suddenly clinging on to Y/n's arm, "Ahem- No, its a girls night"Bebe corrected herself as Y/n smiled, looking at Kenny.
"Wendy? Wendy please I really need to talk to you" Stan appeared, Literally scaring the shit out of everyone. Y/n frowned, "Stan she doesn't want to talk to you right no-" Stan looking a bit shocked by Y/n's reaction, Wendy interupting her, "Y/n I think I need to sort this out now." She smiled apologeticly at Y/n, before leaving with Stan.
"I always try help that girl and it gets me nowhere. Ugh im just so sick of doing everything for everyone. You know how much I do for people Kenny, And all i get is an awkward smile now and again." Y/n pouts laying into him, "Y/n If you were mine I'd treat you well" Kenny flirts, brushing her hair out of her face, as Bebe fake gags "Eww guys get a room!!!!" Bebe whines stomping her feet. "Bebe you are so cute, guys come on lets go to class" Y/n laughs as she gets up from Kenny's warm embrace, the others following on behind her.
"KYLE!!!! I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN AGES OH MY GODDD" Y/n beams, running up to sit by Kyle, "You saw me yesterday." He shifts away from her, voice laced with a slight anger. Y/n frowns "Kyle baby!!! Are you okay whats the matter??" She clings onto his arm "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Y/N LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kyle shouts at her, banging his fists on the table and moving to sit futher away from Y/n, Her eyes pounding with anger, How dare he? Who the fuck does he think he is. Someone has to teach him a lesson, Nobody treats Y/n like that absolutely no one-
"Hey guys I'm back" Wendy chirps, seeming to be in a better mood, Stan standing at the doorway sending Y/n a sweet smile and a 'can we pleaseeee talk' look. Her giving a fowl one back. "Wendy I missed you!!! Come sit by meeee" "Hey wait i wanna sit buy you" "No i do!!!!" Complaints from both Kenny and Bebe were heard, "Guys Wendys just been through a breakup, let her sit by me!" Y/n smirked, as if sitting with her were a reward. They both accepted and sat down behind Y/n, "Anything happen while I were gone?" Wendy smiled, Y/n, Kenny and Bebe shot glares at Wendy, her not knowing what she did wrong, Bebe and Kenny a bit too scared to mention what happened before with Kyle, Wendy taking the hint by their scared looks.
"Nothing happened Wendy." Said Y/n, a blank tone and expression on her face, That quickly changing while she spoke again, "Enough of that, boring stuff. What happened with you!!" Y/n beamed, leaning into Wendy more, "Well, Me and Stan have decided to be friends, I think we both have our eye on someone else at the minute!" Wendy smiled, now she was finally able to have Y/n to herself. No fighting with her boyfriend over her anymore!
"Yayyyy girls night!!!!" Bebe cheered, "No actually I'm thinking we throw a party, show everyone your available plus Kenny can come then!!" Y/n chirped, Bebe looking a bit disappointed. I mean little did Wendy know it would take alot more than breaking up with Stan for her to have Y/n, Bebe also had her eye on her, What does Wendy expect Y/n Is Perfect.
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ellie233 · 1 year
Kyle broflovski x fem reader
Sinopsis: kyle is too flirty without even noticing and girlie that makes you so mad 😾
*your p.o.v*
We are in a party, me and kyle arrived here like...40 mins ago and I'm kinda getting bored I've been talking to wendy and bebe and drinking and yeah...my head it's starting to hurt and I don't even know where the fuck my boyfriend are, I'm just getting stressed out
Clyde's house is so big so i think i might have to search for my boy like a LOT I'm just so stressed
later i find out that kyle is in a corner being FLIRTY with two dumb bitches that I don't even know, god I'm fucking stressed just too find out him with that girls
i don't say anything just go to grab my bag (that was near where kyle was 🫣) and fucking leave the party
I'm literally in the door ready to call an Uber to go to my house whe i heard the door open...oh no it's kyle
Kyle: babe! What's wrong why are you leaving
You: you know why I'm leaving kyle! Whe talk about this plenty of times i don't like to see you like... you know so flirty and it's seems like you don't fucking care
Kyle: but babe!! I'm not even being that "flirty" like c'mon we just arrived you can't go so easily just because i was being "flirty" *he makes emphasis on that exactly word and that make you so mad*
You: that's it!!! *Starts to walk so agressive leaving kyle behind* I'm fucking leaving you kyle and not only the party, this is all kyle we are breaking up, I'm so sick of this shit every time i try to talk to another guys like kenny or tolkien or even stan!!! "Oh y/n your being so flirty with them stop being such a slut" im so tired of it kyle just fucking leave me alone!
*without even noticing Kyle's eyes started to tearing up he don't even know if it's because he is drunk of it's the feeling of breaking up with his girlfriend,the feeling of being without you just scare the shit of him*
Kyle: what?! N-no! Please don't leave me babe no! I promise you ill be better I'll don't do more stupid shit like always please forgive me! *Grabs your hand and pulls you more closer to him and takes you by your waist*
You: ugh kyle please calm down... I'm walking home okey? There's nothing more that you could do 🤷🏻‍♀️
*you really were a little grossed out because he smells like Smirnoff and tequila mixed*
Kyle: nooo babe please *gets on his knees 🥹* I'll promise you i would change and your house it's not even near Clyde's house you're gonna be so tired if you walk home like this please at least let me drive you home *gets up and grab your hands* please y/n let me be with you :(
You: uuuhg fine kyle I'll let you drive me home and I'll will not break with you (you were so tired of everything so you don't even want to be mad rn 🙄)
Kyle: *sight* god i was so scared *he hugs you and you get on his car <3*
thank you for reading this was my first time doing this kinda stuff so forgive me if you see something wrong okay 🥹?
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tokyogirlylove · 4 years
In your lovechild au, what jobs do the adults have?
I used your ask as an excuse to actually DRAW the adults!! It’s mostly for me, so they are just doodles to help me figure out their appearances and WORK 
some of them are actually NOT that great but im too lazy to fix them up 
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Kyle: is a lawyer of COURSE. I didn’t want him to have the same job as his DAD at first but actually looking back on it Lawyer DOES fit him well?? With his big speeches and annoying desire to be the people savior. He also tried for mayor but lost against Wendy. 
Stan: My man WAS a football coach for South Park school team, but quit to throw himself back in 4 years of studies to become a VET! Kyle was extremely supportive the whole time. 
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Eric: I mean... I mean COME ON he WOULD suceed climbing up the ranks with manipulations he WOULD ! But don’t worry, marrying Wendy and having 2 daughters actually HELPED making him LESS of an asshole. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t rub it in Kyle’s face every occasions. When they have big meet-ups and old classmates gathering, he shows up in his Chief uniform and it annoys the SHIT out of Kyle (”OF COURSE that fucking FATASS would rub it in EVERYONE fucking FACE!!”)
Wendy: She is the mother fucking mayor. Making her and Cartman the scariest and most powerful couple of South Park. 
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Butters: Butters started working as a Florist before eventually owning his own Flower shop <3 That’s why they named their kids afters plants. It angered Stephen at first, wanting his son to be a C.E.O or something, but after his wedding and cutting ties with him, Butters said fuck you and lived happily ever after with his flowers. But he IS good at marketing and handling his own business. 
Kenny: Kenny had it harder. He didn’t do any studies after school and immediately started working as a waiter in different restaurant in south park, waiting for Butters to finish his studies in Denver. He worked hard to help himself and his sister. When he started living with her and Butters he was still a waiter. When Tweek and Craig came back from Washington, Tweek took him in as a waiter again. He worked his ass OFF and climbed up the ranks until Tweek finally gave him his chance and made him co-manager.  But on the side he tries to get himself known in the music industry, Jimmy let him perform (sing) in his bar.
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Craig: Craig had excellent results in his studies, and moved to Washington with Tweek when he scored his dream job for NASA. They lived there for 2 years, Tweek tried himself as a drama teacher. But the big city was frustrating for both of them, especially for Tweek’s anxiety. Their couple was in danger, because of the stress Washington was giving them they kept having aweful fights. Craig decided to quit his job and they both moved back to South park. Craig tried different jobs here and there and Tweek felt guilty as hell. But NASA contacted Craig, turns out he was really GOOD at his work. So they offered him his job back, but he could work from home. It’s not ideal, but he was happy to be back. Sometimes he has to travel back to Washington for a few weeks, but their life is better now. 
Tweek: After coming back to South park, Tweek’s parents took him back in, needing his help. He worked for them but at the condition to stop drugging the town. Eventually they decided to retire, making Tweek the manager. Richard is still the legal owner of Tweek Bro. Coffee shop but Tweek actually made a better job than his parents. He started baking for the shop as well. 
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Clyde: Clyde had a LOT of difficulties finding a job that fits him. He didn’t do too well in his studies and dropped out. He tried a lot, waiter, football coach, mechano but nothing. He even tried out as a SEX WORKER (to which Token was really supportive) but this dumbass couldn’t have feelingless sex so he quited. He eventually threw himself on Youtube, and actually suceeded for a while with stupid stunts and dares that got him in hospital WAY too many times. But as he grew older he closed the channel and stayed Job-less ever since. He felt guilty for years, and depressed to be taken care of by Token and his job but his husband ASSURED him that he didn’t mind as long as he was happy, and that he had enough money anyway to take care of both of them anyway. They never hired anyone to take care of the house because Clyde wanted to feel usefull. 
Token: ok I didn’t want him to be a lawyer or a chemist like his parents, but Token is HELLA clever, so yeah. He is the C.E.O of his own company (PLEASE don’t ask me WHAT company I still don’t KNOW) His job can be pretty boring sometimes, so he’s glad to be able to go home and cuddle with his goofy husband. 
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Jimmy: Jimmy started as a journalist! But threw all away to risk himself and build up his own stand-up comedy bar! Of course he performs a LOT and people love him! His bar is not the most well known, and sometimes it’s hard to stay afloat because South Park is a small town and running business is hard but he manage! Sometimes he let Kenny sings (and when they feel like it, Token and Stan join in) 
Leslie: I mean.... I mostly did it for the joke i’m going to be honest. But YEAH Leslie is an advertising copywritter! She mostly work in an office with her team but sometimes works from home. 
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Bebe: Bebe had a hard time scoring that job! People though she was going to be a sex worker or something like that, but she proved everyone wrong and suceeded! She’s doesn’t make TON of money but she’s very happy.  She lives in South park but has to travel from time to time for her job. 
Red: Red works in a piercing & tattoo shop owned by Michael. She loves it but as they grew older and started having kids, Bebe was worried that Red was not “mother material” with her job and style. This led to a lot of fighting and CLOSE divorce but after a VERY long, and open-hearted talk, Red explained to her that tattoo and piercing does not stop her from parenting. It can be unconventional to have a MOTHER that looks like her, but it doesn’t mean their son (Logan at that time) won’t love her. Bebe cried harder than day and apologized to her for all of the prejudices she holded against her. They definitely get nasty stares from time to time, whispers about setting a bad exemple, but Logan (and James later) never saw their mom the way people see her. (she has tattoo all over her arms but i was too LAZY AND TIRED) 
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suuho · 3 years
hello, ur uni anon here 💕 thankfully things have calmed down for me so ill be able to message u more from now on :)
im currently listening to you are by got7 thanks to ur recommendation and i really like youngjae's vocal color!! im going to listen to all the other songs u recced even though its not really my style just bc i love his and jinyoungs voices :D ill keep u updated after i listen to all of them 😅
its very surprising to me that ur a baby uni, idk why i assumed you've been a fan for much longer ahshssj but yes i agree with ur picks so much!!! lost paradise is one of my favorite ptg songs it makes me so happy to see u appreciating it :') i also love asteroid and die for you and ur so right we:th has absolutely no skips... i genuinely thinks its one of their best albums
since i missed week 4 i thought i combine the week 4 and week 5 prompts, i hope that's okay and u dont mind the questions ☺️
- an unpopular opinion u have about one of ur ults?
- favorite era of ur ptg bias?
- top 5 funniest ptg moments? :D
- jinho or hui?
- would u rather attend a magazineho concert or a kino dance showcase?
- if you were an idol, what positions would u want in the group? (lead singer, main dancer, oldest etc)
- when u watch music video for the first time, what do u tend to notice most on the first watch: the video, the song, the lyrics, the choreo?
hello! i am so happy you're back, aaaah!! so, let's get into it!
if you love jinyoung's voice (which, everyone should, he's also an incredible dancer), you should definitely check out his first solo release dive! one of my favorite got7 solo releases, and it's a little more pop rock. he's also an actor, and most recently starred in the crime drama devil judge (which i definitely recommend) and in the drama he is psychometric!
really?? huh, i wonder why i'd give off that energy .... i feel like i know nothing yet, and am just trying to catch up with all the content. i love them so much ... like, having pentagon's discography?? HOW crazy is that?? how the fuck are you not the most successful act in the industry?
okay!! here we go!
hmmm, i feel like hoseok is too nice to hybe and constantly undervalues himself and his skills in order for the group to thrive, and i wish he wouldn't be so goddamn nice, because he is the most talented dancer in the group, a talented rapper AND vocalist, and it should be SHOWN.
favorite eras: kino - naughty boy, jinho - sha la la / dr. bebe, hui - shine!
top 5 funniest moments (in no particular order):
1. talking shit about mnet during road to kingdom 😭 2. the infamous gashina cover 3. when they had to choose ingredients for a barbecue, and hui talked shit about shinwon choosing a potato, only to reveal he also chose a potato 4. jinho spelling out i'm bored at ISAC 5. hui's initial pitch for do or not ("a spring song") being DEAD OR BAD (whatever hui ........) 6. every time hui wants to hold hands with his members, especially kino
while i love hyunggu to death, I AM a singer ... so magazineho concert!!
i would be the main vocal! resident translator, and i would be one of the youngest members, but everyone thinks i am the oldest.
i NEED to see the lyrics while watching, so it's always vocals / lyrics / outfits first, then dance, concept etc. comes second.
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dunking and danging: kings of all cosmos
ok my dnd game is pretty certifiably dead so im gonna post here the skeleton of the plot i had planned, if you were in my game and want to preserve your innocence then do not read further
squamata, a reptilian mystic
glenjamin gogol, a elemental monk who is dwight from the office
tobi, a hobbit ranger with a giant toad friend named george
and clayface, a goblin who makes things out of clay
the four of them appear in the sky over throne, a weird city where the sun is chained to the ground and ultraviolence is everywhere. also, demon wasps are attacking them. they fall through the roof of a building and meet the wanderers guild: neptune, jupiter and venus. they explain that this world is ruled by an asshole named zosimos, and that he has fucked off but left four kings to rule in his absence, and that there is a prophecy about a rising star that will overthrew zosimos and rule the universe as the new king, and one of them is the rising star. they’re stuck here unless one of the kings opens a way back to their homeworlds so they agree that they might as well become kings themselves
(i originally called this the black academy and then started kicking myself halfway through when i realized i fucked up the color scheme) (this is the only arc we finished)
the first king is lord entropy, principal of the bleak academy and inventor of murder. he cannot be killed by murder, which is a problem cause thats basically how you take the title of king from someone. everyone takes a youth potion and goes undercover at the bleak academy. there were some fun classes and squamata vowed to fuck lord entropy (leading to the famous “it’s not breaking the windflower law if it’s just eating ass”). in the end they befriend his daughter desecration roseblack attaris ebrot appeka entropy (and she ends up briefly played by a guest pc) who tells them about a scroll containing entropy’s true name (i wrote kind of a cool backstory for this i may post eventually) that can compel him to do anything. so they break into the library, then break into the secret underlibrary, to get the name. then they go confront entropy in his office, have a bigass boss battle, and then one of them commands entropy to attack so he can be killed in self-defense. rejoicing! they solved the murder puzzle! a star flies from entropy’s head to rest on tobi’s brow but im sure that’s not important for now! as they’re celebrating some old drunkard comes up to tobi and asks what she thinks about death, and her response is basically “it’s not something to worry about”
They wake up with a hangover and get an invitation from lady enheduanna, who is coincidentally the next king they gotta tick off. she’s throwing a party for nemontemi, which is basically calibration/halloween/the purge, and wants them there. the wanderers suggest they go shopping to get ready, and they basically have a christmas episode shopping and having fun with each other. they get back, and as they’re falling asleep, tobi wishes that “every day could be like this” in a very imperial voice. oops! they wake up and find that they’re in a time loop. after discussing it for a while they decide to go break back into the bleak academy’s library and look for information about time shit, and find that the key to breaking a time loop is usually a person that has to change
(this is where we left off)
the plan was for them to go talk to enheduanna, who at this point has probably been through a couple loops of their time loop (only the players and the kings keep their memories through the loop) and is probably kind of pissed off. but she offers them their hearts desires if they will go and steal from hell for her: she wants the forbidden apple, the fruit of life, because her current method of immortality is fading. (i really wanted to deliver the mottom speech ok). so then its a fun montage where they have less than a day to break into the brass embassy, which is hell’s embassy in throne, and find the door that will let them into actual hell, kill the serpent guarding it, and get back. surprise! enheduanna double-crosses them and tries to kill them. presumably they kill her and one of them becomes imperator of hunger
(this is possibly where this goes but maybe not)
the wanderers get a contract from the crooked-crosses, a gang of dickensian orphan urchins. they had a special treasure: one of the sparks of divinity leftover from the dead gods. it was stolen by a thief named snuffer, who has fled to nadir, which is a mining town inside the skull of a long-dead god. its run by a mysterious guy known only as Bossman, and nobody ever comes back. so they traverse the spiral road down, pass through the stygian wall and the kerberoi, and get admitted as miners. bossman provides food, board and company scrip, so by the time you actually find anything worth selling you’re probably so deep in debt it doesnt matter. his enforcers are the vakes, vaguely batlike people who swoop overhead in darkness; and the longer you stay in nadir the more you forget, so that the oldest workers are zombies who have forgotten everything but work. theres a friendly old worker named bones who points them towards the Hole, a speakeasy run by a lady named lilac. at the hole you can buy back some memories: sunlight, fresh air, clean water, love. of course, lilac is secretly the bossman. anyways, they find snuffer, but hes forgotten who he is and where hes hidden the spark. he begs them not to kill him cause hes just a kid too, and promises to pay them off if they rescue him. hes in debt to bossman, but bossman can be tempted by a suitable wager. the spark is actually in bossman’s vault as well. im almost certain this intermission ends in a riot.
(backstory: in our last campaign one of the players was herbst korpusles, a paladin who was also basically agnostic. he had a little homunculus he kept in his beard and was raising like a son, but he was kind of a bad parent, so the homunculus was growing evil and basically sucking all the evil out of him. as time went on he got smaller and the homunculus got bigger and at the end of it you could barely tell them apart. the homunculus was named squilliam but thats neither here nor there. at the end of the last campaign they slew a demon named the king in yellow who basically possessed the empress and then herbst got made king for it, cause he also had excalibur)
hadnt really hugely planned this part but basically throne is split into quarters, and one of the quarters would be like industrial england (as opposed to the rest of throne which is more like ksbd) and ruled by this multiversal warlord named king korpusles who is, surprise surprise, that old herbst. they go to confront him through his castle which is simultaneously in throne and in albion (the world of our last campaign). i was probably going to send them to go discuss with a couple of other old characters: the druid raven veaux and the warlock valentine bebe, who are probably living in a bog together. they go to confront korpusles who has turned all of albion into one big war machine but he throws the cape off his hunchback and its not a hunchback at all! its a tiny little man just sort of attached to him sucking on his blood. is he the homunculus or the original herbst? neither can remember! also the king in yellow was the previous imperator of war and thats how korpusles is zoss’ king now.  big fight, big murders. someone becomes imperator of war
the fourth king is kind of a problem, cause whereas the other kings were old and/or magically powerful this one is old, magically powerful and a mile-long dragon. its name is kormis, the apocalypse serpent, and it has been sleeping for ages but recently awoken due to all the hubbub. but they have a plan! throne is dotted with giant statues that are the corpses of gods and are sort of incorporated into architecture, but the wanderers have got word of one they can sort of reanimate. unfortunately its being occupied by their rivals, the most illustrious guild of judicious violence. they have to clear out the main room in the skull, then keep it clear while they perform the ritual to reanimate the god-corpse into basically a giant mecha. then they call out kormis, and have a proper mecha/kaiju battle. someone becomes the imperator of conquest. 
the sun is chained to the tower of the sun, zoss’ palace, which the angels previously refused to let them into aaaalll the way back in act 1. but now they’re kings so they can enter. they go in, and aside from angels just kinda hibernating in between missions, its... empty. no palace here! but there is some kind of teleporter pad or something. they pop up, and appear in a room looking out over a plain of fire which is otherwise very luxurious. zoss’ palace isn’t underneath the sun, it’s on the sun. also, zoss is there, lounging with some cocktails. it turns out hes been grooming them as kings to take over, cause the current batch kind of fucking suck and hes bored of doing it himself. then they fight the king of the universe on top of the sun
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