#im basically johnny if he slayed
dazesanddoodles · 4 months
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think the spirit of zampanò has possessed me
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fleouriarts · 3 months
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sketchbook duuuuump :3 nothing to do in this town AND my stylus isn't working its a perfect storm for filling this thang up
descriptions and such below
feel like the fursona ones are self explanatory. the rileys are basically all inspired by this person's compilations... if you havent seen the clip that the bottom corner drawing is from please do yourself a favor
this was all development shit for the zakharovs who i posted last week. sergei is igor's former childhood friend who i have not come up with much about yet... all i know is he is also a fashion designer (who makes winter clothes specifically) and he has an illegitimate son named nikolai who is an arctic fox (and who i have not drawn yet)
omg okay so if anyone remembers my last sketchbook dump i introduced this character andre in there (and her name was andres but i changed it to andre bc i like it more for whatever reason). anyway ive been drawing him OBSESSIVELYYYYY and have decided that him and null get together at some point after argyle and jamie make up (i desperately need to make a jamie and co timeline post)... but it lasts like one semester and thats it. andre is too vain and too know-it-all for null's tastes even though shes like super hot and nice otherwise. anyway this is just a bunch of drawings of him. i really like how the one of him in my INSANE hat turned out
santiago and null's joint slay... both of them LOVE to gossip with each other and its instrumental to how jamie and argyle make up (will go into detail when i finally figure out all the actual events of that). also andre and null on a hike bc andre is a biology major. i actually drew that while i was on a hike in red rock canyon heres proof
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5. mostly just scribbling trying to get better at drawing santiago including more of him and null and his prime Jamie Comforting Tactic of just letting him chill between his wool and sweater. also two drawings of jamie just 4 fun i draw him and his stupid big eyes whenever im out of ideas
6. idk this is just silly stuff. i draw johnny manhandling jamie a lot and i promise you jamie LOVES being treated like a stuffed animal he thinks its SO FUN to be spun around and wiggled and shit. ferret adjacent. him and johnny have been friends since they were in like elementary school because of this. btw santiago does not usually look like that (only having wool on his head) he just has to shear his wool in the summer because having full wool in the flurrida heat is AWFUL
7. comic i drew at the laundromat LOL. takes place either shortly before OR shortly after andre and null get together. johnny mostly hates andre for being with null (shes jealous) (she wants null all to herself even though shes super noncommittal) (johnny get your shit together) BUT ALSO andre being kinda pretentious makes her want to chokeslam him. andre is talking about bird farming specifically because johnny's family are chicken farmers... ive had a lore post about everyone's families in my drafts for months but i cant finish it til my stylus is fixed TT
8. more nonsense. top left corner is a continuation of johnny being a hater. bottom drawings are just mindless jamie doodles. top right is argyle and jamie during their relationship, i cant decide if jamie had REALLY short hair during it or hair like this that's basically just his current hair without the yellow dye and tiny ponytail. whatever
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wazzappp · 9 months
Im not fucking alright brother I'm too far gone for this. You're getting magical girl transformations with my attempt at character shit going on buckle up chucklefucks were going to flavortown (<- what).
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Alright so I tried to make Robbies transformation subtly different by not having his face tilted down in the initial 'I am a being composed of pure magic holy SHIT' (<- need you to imagine that being said with a slight hillbilly accent idk why but this is necessary in my brain please please) phase. He's actively looking away from his Connection Gem because HES NOT DOWN FOR THIS. He hasn't given up on finding a way out of his contract (details are being discussed, trying to figure out what will deliver the most EMOTIONAL DAMAGE). He's not even wanting to fucking look at it because FUCK Sneli, FUCK the Connection Gem AND FUCK THESE GODAMN HEELED BOOTS (he has rolled his ankle 5 times. his healing factor has been used more for these horrible contraptions than fighting ghosts). His tried and true tradition of 'If I don't look at it, if I just ignore it then it might just go away'.
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@cicada-candy bro your fucking johnny design. It fucks SO HARD.
So Johnny is FANTASTIC and like. Slay and everything but theres also some sadness behind that. Johnny hasn't been in control of anything for basically his whole life. He couldn't control his fathers death, couldn't manage (at least at first) his love with Roxanne so FUCK IT. If he cant control his own Fate or appearance anymore either then he is going to own it as much as possible. If he is assigned thigh highs and skirts for the rest of his existence then godamnit he's going to make it look fucking GOOD.
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@rokhal YOU. YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO ME. YOU WERE THE ONE WHO MENTIONED DANNY USING HIS MAGICAL GIRL PERSONA TO ESCAPE FROM LIFE. YOUUUUUUUUU. Alright so Dannys whole thing is him shifting and gaining confidence as he does. He starts off facing the left and shifts to the right as he completes his magical girl transformation. He also starts off very curled into himself, like he's protecting his connection gem from something, then slowly starts to take up more space and becomes more confident as he progresses.
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FRANK. YOU. WHY WERE YOU SO DIFFICULT. Frank is direct and over this shit. His poses are the simplest and he is ALWAYS facing the "camera". His magical girl transformation isn't something that he enjoys, it's more something that he ENDURES. He would really prefer to just get to the point (fighting ghosts).
Anyway, I hope this is mildly comprehensible. My brain is fuckging. Idk man something is going on and it IS enjoyable but I am afraid that the opening of my skull to the universe is having some negative effects on my ability to communicate. I'm gonna go. Drink some water.
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soukeyed · 1 year
01 matel gear 02 otasune strangeboss and/or whoever u want 03 Talk about my bff Strangelove please. and/or whoever
Favorite character: STRANGELOVE !! OR THE BOSS. OR OTACON . OR SNAKE. or emma or meryl or eva um theres a few
Least Favorite character: ummm ummmmm ummmmmmmmm. huey obviously lol. also mgs4 naomi specifically mgs4 ... sorry girl im so sorry. also senator armstrong/sundowner/monsoon/whoever tf else is part of the rising guys im just sick of seeing their ugly faces
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): STRANGEBOSS NUMBER ONE FOREVER YEAAH. otasune number 2 obviously :) umm fortune and olga is pretty cute ... bosseva as well .. i cant fucking think of a 5th help. meiryl? also i like bosselot but specifically for how stupid fucked up they are
Character I find most attractive: the boss strangelove eva (specifically big mama) or mgs4 meryl :P
Character I would marry: MERYL !1 GIRLFRIEND FOR ME NOW itd be the boss or strangelove but i would never break them up like that.
Character I would be best friends with: STRANGELOVE !! together we will kill huey mwah. or para medic even if she is insane we will watch movies together. slay
a random thought: i think about that post about otacon being the one to carry out the boss' will without even knowing every single day. Oh my god. wauh. ok hang on one second i found it. AUHHH
An unpopular opinion: rising mid as fuck and the fans make me hate it. also i um. dont really care a lot for bb and the bb focused games sorry. like i get the point and mgsv's visuals+gameplay do slay but bb as a character i didnt really find myself invested in a lot and the weird hero worship some of the fandom has for him does NOT help LOL. like the people around him (ocelot eva miller eli etc) were way more interesting . also EVEN MORE unpopular opinion as a result of this ... mgs3 isnt really all that for me and even though its objectively pretty shit mgs4 is one of my favourites (behind mgs1 and ghost babel)
My Non-canon OTP: calling otasune noncanon feels so sickening but i need to face reality. so otasune
Most Badass Character: Hrmm. hrmmmmm. ok its a bit out there but otacon. after the shitty childhood that he came out of pretty um.. (gestures at the whole making a nuclear weapon thing) convinced he/his family was cursed etc etc. forming philanthropy, adopting sunny, basically ending the cycle that his grandfather and father started+perpetuated and fulfilling the boss' will :) just makes me happy. hes great. also he got to marry solid snake at the end of it all so like slay? like hes not badass in the usual sense of the word but his character development and evolution is incredibly badass to me. next step: therapy
Most Epic Villain: i dont think you can call a lot of them epic on account of every mgs villain being goofy as fuck. BUT. liquid ocelot as a villain in what was (supposed to be) the conclusion of the entire series was pretty fucking awesome though
Pairing I am not a fan of: pbbb. umm. i dont really care for snake/fox im way more emotionally invested in fox/gustava personally (still upset she didnt get mentioned in mgs!!!!!!!!! RAHH.) also johnny/meryl was so out of nowhere i still do not understand it like its funny as fuck but JOHNNY??? IT SHOULD BE ME WITH MERYL!!1 ME !!!!!!!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): arhg. raiden. i mean gestures at rising. this could also count as unpopular opinion but i preferred him as inexperienced and a little stupid i mean even then the direction they were going in in mgs4 was pretty good with him being jaded and feeling alone. and then rising was just. huah ?!?! what ?!?!?!? also. um. ok naomi. mgs1 naomi was so so fucking good ok her speech at the end slays i loved everything about her can you imagine my shock and dismay at her doing all THAT in mgs4 ?!?!? like i could write a 50 page essay on how it fucks up her (and otacons LOL) entire character development ALSO WHY WAS FOX LIKE NEVER MENTIONED DESPITE THEM LITERALLY GOING BACK TO THE PLACE WHERE HE DIED BTW I THOUGHT SHED HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT. but honestly just the thing i hate about it all most is at the end of it all shes framed as like.. the hero. using emma+sunnys code to save da world or whatever and i guess maybe that speech was supposed to reflect her mgs1 speech but it just doesnt work when mgs4 didnt give her half of that nuance. her morals are still so ??? to me, her and vamp was such a WEIRD choice, her and otacon was um. ok look i know the writers 100% didnt mean to portray otacons csa as that at all but like it is ... anyway having a csa victim be once again manipulated via sex and not really talk about it was just ?!??!! guys ?!?!? anyway AGAIN if all of that was portrayed as nuanced as it should have been. like naomi doing what she had to to save the world and struggling w her own morals. which it IS but we learn this only in that fuckign speech for like 1 line. like its jut bad. ok to end this half the women in mgs were done horrifically but we all know that. sorry for the wall of text i love you
Favourite Friendship: SNAKE AND MERYL funny as fuck whenever she insults him in mgs4 like deserve. sorry snake. ok no WOAH though i just loved mgs4 meryl entirely even though she definitely couldve been written a bit better, like her talking about how she used to admire snake so much and now hes just BITTER and OLD like ohhh its so slay. like i dont know if you could even call it a friendship but the way they clash entirely and debatably the only place where they can agree on things and work together is in the context of the battlefield ITS SO GOOD
Character I most identify with: otacon D:
Character I wish I could be: similar to utena NONE i would not put myself through that.
otasune time
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: again i was aware of them before the games because (points at dmitri) so i guess like always
My thoughts: GRAHH. the way theyre like all but canon like kojima just say the word. that cigarette lighting scene in mgs4 WHEW. like the way they invented love its just crazy to me like really. theyre everything to me.
What makes me happy about them: everything :) the way theyve both grown as people over the years... i already talked about otacons character development but SNAKE TOO!! him finally letting people in .. finding a place for himself OUTSIDE of the battlefield .... its all so WAUGHH. like they just work off of eachother so well. love wins. gay marriage. slay. bursts into tears
What makes me sad about them: mgs4 that is all. they had so little time together. i spend half the time watching the game yelling ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT FAIR
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: umm i dont read a lot of fic to be honest so i guess standard fanfic complaints. also more of you should write about mgs4 there is so much untapped potential.
Things I look for in fanfic: again. WRITE ABOUT MGS4.
My wishlist: MGS4 OTASUNE !!!!!!!!!!!! BECOMES A WEREWOFL.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: sorry they are simply endgame to me.. i cant think of anyone LOL
My happily ever after for them: snake gets cured post-mgs4! how i dont care he just is. gay marriage becomes real. together they raise sunny and grow old together and everything is peace and love on planet earth :) god bless
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: ok not until i actually got around to pw! dmitri you mentioned a few times but i didnt realise until then to be honest
My thoughts: AGAHRHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. GOD. GOD. lesbianism. women. they are genuinely just everything to me. how can a relationship be so fucking powerful and tragic when you only ever hear about it from one side. Oh my god. AUH.
What makes me happy about them: canon lesbians in my metal gear games in the fuckass 2010s :) ok no but the way strangelove talks about the boss with such open earnest love. like i just. wauh. listening to her tapes is just. WAUH.
What makes me sad about them: i mean everything. as strangelove said they were just ships passing in the night :( THEY SHOULDVE HAD MORE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again dont read fanfic a lot but ive checked and theres not a whole lot for them at all anyway LOL
Things I look for in fanfic: any strangeboss fic to begin with would be nice. if you have recs give them to me. i'll cry
My wishlist: umm.. again more content of them in general. konami youre shit the least you could do is make a strangeboss spinoff.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: umm idk considering they both die LOL. bosseva is a fun ship but honestly i dont think strangelove ever really got over it so i cant see her with anyone else in a serious relationship
My happily ever after for them: isnt it crazy how they both managed to fake their deaths and now live happily in some random country away from the horrors of war? like woah!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: man what dont i feel about her. shes amazing. shes bitter shes heartbroken shes dramatic as fuck and shes a badass. like its tragic but tell me creating a whole ass ai based off your dead girlfriend in the fucking 70s isnt slay as fuck? women in stem strong!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: THE BOSSSSS. as i said b4 i dont really see her with anyone else tbh
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: ok yeah there .. isnt a lot. i wish her terrible and awkward relationship with bb had been explored more though like the way she just HATES him at the start is amazing.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhh.. yeah idk shes not really talked about enough for me to know if any of my opinions ARE unpopular lol. a shocking amount of people see strangeboss as unrequited so i guess my unpopular opinion is that they were definitely both in love LOL
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: just give her more relationships tbh... i already talked about bb but like do you think she knew ocelot was the boss' son ... what did she think of him shed probably dislike him for doing the complete opposite of the boss' will (though in the end he does help take down the patriots so liiike?) ... i would pay millions of dollars for them to interact it would be atrocious. in general i wish shed been given just a little more depth outside of the boss (like give me more about how she grew up!!! what kind of mother was she to otacon!!! and ps i wish hed spoken about her even though ik she wasnt even a thing before the solid snake era wrapped up) though ig that was the point considering she was so consumed with grief... but yk. shrugs.
Favorite friendship for this character: again idk. GIVE HER MORE FRIENDS.
My crossover ship: again i dont do crossovers. SHRUGS!!
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milesworld96 · 1 year
SAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIII❤️ oh, the ko shirt. That’s fine. That’s funny. Hilarious even. Wow. 😢, I ALREADY MISS ZOWENS. GRRRR BRO GOT ME IN MY FEELS☹️☹️☹️ SIR⁉️⁉️⁉️ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATERIAL⁉️⁉️⁉️ FUCK YES. wait bro wym the reason he ain’t on raw anymore, YO WHY U BRINING JEY INTO THIS. yalls ☹️☹️. I CANT. Yo Sami speaking the truth, I love him. OHHHH SHIT JUDGEMNT DAY😍😍😍 OH LAWD THEY LOOK SO FINE. GIRL???? RHEA IMMEDIATELY GETTING DEFENSIVE OF DREW WHEN DAMIEN BROUGHT HIM UP?????? IS THIS A SIGN. damn so Rhea basically saying Sami is the orphan no one wants💔 GIRL JEYYY, GET UR MANS‼️‼️‼️‼️ Sami listen to Jey💥💥💥 WHY R U IFNORING HIM NO😭😭 LOOK AT JEYS EYES‼️‼️ HOW CAN YOU LEVE HIM
OMFG SAMIJEY SPOTTING AGAIN😭😭😭😭😭 SAMI WHAT THE FUCK. I UNDERSTSND WHERE YOUR COMING FROM BUT ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ stop blaming Jey‼️‼️‼️‼️ Yeah Jey speak it‼️‼️ Girl Sami going through it don’t worry bbg you’ll be fine. SAMIJEY MAKE UP AND HUG WOO🫶🫶
DAMIEN FINN & DOM DOM. bro why yalls thinking bout JD like that, GIRL NAH THEY TRYNA JUMP DREW😭😭 DomDom is such a mama’s boy. I LOVE THEM, ENOUGH WITH THE CONFLICT NOW. LET THEM ALL BE HAPPY 2GETHER FROM NOW ON☺️☺️��💜💜💜💜💜💜
OMMGGGGG DREW & SAMIIIIII. Compliments from Drew, hm bro what you gettin at🤨🤨 AHT, YALLS PLS STOP DRAGGING JEY😭😭😭 🤯DREW JUST DRAGGING EVERYONE LMFAOOO. wait, they keep mentioning Sami ab the world championship shit. OMG ARE WE SETTING THAT UP FOR THE FUTURE⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ AAAAAAAAAA, WAIT DREW V SAMI NEXT WEEK😨🤯 YES YESYEYS
OMMMMGGGGG POOKIE BEARS❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙 CODY AND JEY ILYSM, BUT YOU ARE JOT WINNING. oml they never gonna give up that bit from the press conference are they?😭💀 they are so cutie patootie
INDUS SHEER ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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k1mdracu1a · 3 years
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐨
summary: dating them includes hc with steve o
warnings: mentions of sexual activity, established relationship, cursing, probably talk of substance abuse/use, usual jackass idiocy.
pairing: steve-o x gn!reader
a/n: i plan on doing one of these for all of the guys assuming the obsession doesn’t wear off so look out for those (prob doing ryan then johnny next bc slay)
^^ meaning if you requested im not gonna clog up my page by responding bc i’ve gotten a couple, just know they’re going to be done!
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you two met through knoxville, who was a casual friend of yours since he had a habit of crashing parties your friends threw, and he would bring steve along sometimes.
your first date wasn’t really a date, you two decided to spend 24 hours together and do as much as you could within that time frame. you went through a shit ton of weed and ended up at the beach, an art museum, guitar center, johnny’s house, a total of three in-n-outs, and of course his bed (where you didn’t have sex, but you made out for an absurd amount of time).
this ^ ends up being what most of your relationship is; you’re either cooped up in one of your apartments watching movies and not answering your phones, or you’re out in LA making bad decisions that always lead back to a bed or the backseat of someone’s car.
while sex between you two definitely happens often, and sometimes in strange places, it’s almost always v soft and loving. he just enjoys taking his time with you, savoring every moment you two have together like it’s the last. your comfort is always his number one priority, followed in a close second by your pleasure.
head almost every morning, who’s giving and who’s receiving just depends on the day.
also, nightly make outs. this could be post-coital, or just a way you relax with your lover before sleep.
touchy always, to him, your personal space becomes our personal space. even if it’s just a hand on your lower back or an index finger hooked onto your belt loop, he’s always somehow grounding you next to him. less in a possessive way, though that is part of it, and more of a pls don’t leave me way.
having to deal with drunk/high steve more frequently than is ideal, but at the end of a long night when the guys finally drop off the absolute tornado that is an intoxicated steve-o, someone has to look out for him. thankfully, once he’s in your arms he does a full 180 and turns into a whiny little bitch (said with love) until you finally coax him into bed and eventually sleep.
he’s definitely needy, and i don’t mean that as a bad thing, he just loves being the center of attention, especially yours.
of course, he would never tell you this (not like you don’t know), he just sulks when you’ve been preoccupied until he can’t handle it anymore and then basically forces you to pay attention to him, but you don’t complain.
he’s obsessed with you (not in like a joe goldberg, the riddler way obvi). it’s always my s/o this and my s/o that, and it would be a lot more annoying if his friends didn’t love you so much.
he seems like the type to always be reminding you of how much he cares about you and how much he loves you. whether this be through little notes left on your bathroom mirror, small gifts or acts of service, or just by straight up telling you, he puts in the work to make sure you know without a doubt that he absolutely adores you
making him listen to sad guitar man music with you (idk i’m a whore for some good ole elliott smith and he seems like he would enjoy it in the right circumstances)
throuple dates with chris!! since most of your makeshift dates are more just you guys doing exactly what you would do at home except elsewhere, it’s easy for him to tag along and it not be weird. occasionally, they do turn into double dates when he decides to bring a girl along. in which case, you better believe that you two will be best friends by the end of the date.
it is rare that you two aren’t stoned after the hour of 4pm, and usually earlier. by 7, trying to have a normal conversation with either of you is a lost cause.
having the time of your lives when he convinces you to go out with him and the crew. there’s a reason the hardest partier in the group is the one you’re dating; let’s just say you can hold your liquor.
idk why but the thought came to me the other day of attending a music festival w him and it will not leave, with that being said, he def would be so fun at a music festival. i don’t think he would mosh if it was that kind of festival but he seems like the type to camp out over night to try and get a good spot and put you on his shoulders so you can see better when it doesn’t work as well as he intended.
in general, he’s simply the sweetest ever.
jackass masterlist
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jiyeonnnn · 2 years
Johnny at Met Gala
The outfit tho
tbh, im mad at his stylist bc, 1.) his outfit didn't look gilded (but rather a man wearing a satin pajama at the met gala), nor did it follow the theme, 2.) he looked so fucking basic, he still slayed though
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Ep. #3 - "I'm just throwing stuff at things that I don't even know exists" (Isabelle)
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I'm pretty nervous for this immunity challenge. Given that its a flash game roulette, I fully expect the other returnee tribe to get the highest score, so we have to strategize our point values for each game. I decided to play winterbells since no one else wanted to, but we need to put the lowest value there because I know there's no chance I will win it with people like Monty and Johnny who could end up playing it. If we strategize the points right, we could stay safe as well. I really don't want to vote anyone from our tribe off.
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praying jj is the cheater
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i was gonna make a real confessional, but ill save it for tomorrow. i'd just like to say i literally look like a CRAZY person scoring 2 billion in winterbells and not thinking it was enough when the other scores were 300k and 2 million. i gtg
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YES We've won our third immunity challenge and it feels pretty good. I will say that right now I do feel kinda stagnant because you know we have yet to go to tribal council but yet at the same time I don't want to go. Honestly I've been loving the tribe Michael is truely the only one I question like their whole demanor becuase they felt almost like they where constantly trying to hand off their part of the challenge to literally anyone else but also with Collin mostly because he seems to be coming off kinda................forced is probably the best word for it. Well I don't know till next time ttyl
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C7: https://youtu.be/fCmPRxLuFv8 C8: https://youtu.be/HH8tYuHGDFg
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Going into tribal tonight SUCKS. I don't want any of us 6 going, but it has to be done. So far the discussion seems to be all about voting Chrissa out. My personal opinion on it is indifferent. Our conversations were pretty short and I was usually the one to initiate it. I feel more bonded with the other players on my tribe. I discussed it with Julian and it looks like that's the plan in execution at the moment. We have an alliance with JJ and I'm not sure if JJ knows yet because he hasn't said anything yet. As for Will, who I consider a really close ally, he had the same thoughts. Basically there's a lot of as long as it isn't me mindsets because it's a really difficult vote. Megan approached me about making a chat with us three together which is pretty interesting. It looks as though I'm in two chats now. One with JJ and Julian and another with Megan and Will. I'd like to think that's a good sign but the only good sign in a game is when the person who everyone said was going home goes home, so fingers crossed.
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So once again, the Enki tribe has slayed the immunity challenges, however, I am one of the weaker people when playing comps. I am predicting a tribe swap next round though, but I'm also prepping for the possibility we have to go to tribal. I have made a really strong bond with Zach, and I am extremely close with Grace. I have started to get to know Adam, and I think Collin likes the "Team Grocery Store" thing we have going on since we are both baggers at grocery stores. I'm not that close with Michael or Cameron, so I wouldn't mind if one of them left if we had to vote someone out. But as of now, I am continuing to serve as a mentor to these new players and trying to give the full truth to them so that I have good relationships with them going forward. Also, last night I discovered a youtube link in the Idol System page of the Tumblr blog. It showed dancing crabs and the URL says "Step One." I did notice however that there were 140 views already when i found it the first time. So I assume someone already knows about the video on my tribe and has figured it out already. But it still does not hurt to try to get an idol. It at least gives me closure and gives me something to do while I let these newbies overplay the game like Zach is. Concerning the future of this game, if there is a tribe swap, I need to figure out how to get in good with these returnees. The newbie players are in a minority, however I am familiar with Megan Julian and JJ. I don't know anyone on the An tribe, but I guess thats the fun in getting to know people. I just have to be as nice as possible and try not to come off as a douche to them because they have played this game before. I haven't. The last thing I want is for people to think I am an entitled asshole. I want to stay civil and let people want to work with me instead of me forcing myself onto them. Finally I have a legit confessional LMFAO
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We won immunity! I was worried for a moment my score wouldn't be good enough cause I hurt my hand a couple days ago so I had to take lots of breaks to ice it. And i mean it was close...between first and second. Like damnnnn they got 0 points. That really has to be a hit to their tribe morale. But speaking of tribe morale, I really feel connected to my tribe. I've had a good time just talking to everyone. I think the person I've talked to the least is Abby but even then I really like her. I think there's a really good chance we swap after tonight's tribal, even though Johnny thinks it'll happen at 16. If we do swap, the person I want most on my tribe is Benji. Obviously since he's been gone from the community for ages, there's nothing linking us together so obviously like playing Malaysia with Isabelle, hosting Johnny in Flops, and hosting Lazio with Monty, not to mention the amount of seasons he hosted me in Pacific Islands (RIP). He's also very personable so I think he could gain us new allies. P.S. Prayer circle for Chrissa and Eric tonight, if I can swap with either one of them that would be a MIRACLE
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me in my mesopotamia application: i dont want to end up in a ride-or-die pair. i always get fucked over and do worse than the person im aligned close with. benji: also if i didnt make it clear already you're my #1 in this game and the only way id write your name down is to win like im not going on call with the other tribemates and comparing notes i feel like im a lot more reserved around the others this was the first alliance i made and im sticking to it! me: you're my #1 too! no way i could write your name down either just in case that was not clear oifjeoijrf history repeats itself, baby! honestly its too early to tell if ill meet the same fate as i have in the past with my close 2s/3s (shoutout ash, sara, nick w + christine), but here we are. god as i sent that message i knew immediately it's gonna bite me in the butt later on. like i wasn't lying, i do really trust benji more than anyone else in this game BUT I NEED TO PLAY FOR ME this time! woof.
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so i don't wanna talk to my host chat because drew is gonna not be proud of me and that's not okay I knew it from last night and today no one talking to me it's gonna be me no one ever wants me at merge so it's fine I could fight for it but JJ has given up so i guess that's it.
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Things are... still good! We continue to do well enough in challenges that all strategic talk has been pretty much confined to agreeing to stay united and get everyone in the tribe as far as we can. It’s been surprisingly relaxed so far.
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RIP Chrissa she didn't deserve this 
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from chrissa's boot ep https://youtu.be/02a8QiaQG8M
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Chrissa voted out 5-1
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annctzen · 7 years
NCT Appreciation post
Ok so today is my Birthdy (15!!) so I wanted to make an appreciation post of NCT because I love them very much and they were the first group to get me to Kpop!!
Ok lets start!
Taeyong - A great leader of NCT, Just imagine how hard it was for him to deal with all those bad rumors that were going on when they debuted, but he kept it in and even APOLOGIZED about it even though it was a fake rumor. He is really strong and great mom for dreamies. I wish I could meet him and hug him and tell him all of this ❤️ I Love you stay tack❤️
Taeil - Ummmm can he get please get appreciate more because I feel like he is very underrated and not love enough! I mean DID U HEAR HIM SINGING? Huh? huh?? Because his voice could literally melt someone ears, people who recorded NCT’s songs are blessed ok? And he is so beautiful yet not really expressing much, I hope he will be more open and comfortable, ❤️I LOVE YOU MOON TAEIL❤️
Johnny - Firts of all let’s all take a moment and think that this guy trained for 9 years where Jisung was ONLY 6 at that time BISH! He is so tall and attractive I need a moment to process this all in my brain because he is a package full of talent and visual. I WILL SWIM TO KOREA ANF FIGHT SM HE NEED MORE LINE STHANK YOU! ❤️And Johnny please don’t imitate parrot ever again I love you❤️
Yuta - Ok but his voice is so beautiful in Back 2 U have u listened to it? His love for Winwin is so adorable and OMG HE IS SO HANDSOME when I showed my non-Kpop friend his picture she literally fell off from bed and started screaming and saying he is so beautiful! No joke! His dancing is a thing that need more attention bc in Good thing MV have you seen it? That like my favorite part ok?! ❤️I love you Yuta arigato man for your talent❤️
Doyoung - Ok but his purple hair was blessing alrigt? And omg him releasing the Star Blossom (ft. Sejeong) on my birthdays is so cute I can’t ;-; I find his voice very special and so smooth idk its hard to describe his voice but it’s so smooth and high idk I just LOVE WHEN HI SING! ❤️My little bunny that I love so much❤️
Ten - Omg Tennieee 😭 I missed you very much I hope you are feeling better and your knee is good now. We have not seen you in for a long time but we have been blessed when you released Dream in A Dream with that magical choreo that you slayed. NCTzens will be waiting for you! Don’t rush your health comes first we really miss you and can’t wait to see you❤️10/10 that’s how much I love him❤️
Jaehyun - He lived in America for 5 years already! WHAAAT?! Ikr, anyways, can I just say that how handsome he is? Everytime I see him I get this weird feeling that I really want to kiss him (but I’m too young ;-;) OK BUT HIM RAPPING IS A CONCEPT OK? He literally killed that part in fire truck!! And I dare you to watch his fancam right now and just admire how good he dances❤️Jaehyun!!! Always stay handsome as ever❤️
Winwin - Winwin has Wonwon parts in 0mile which everyone is blessed. I just really want to talk about how brave it was for him to move to South Korea from China (KNOWING NO HANGUL) and joining SM, top 3 biggest companies. Just imagine, I’m waiting. His flip in fire truck still make me shook and can watch that part nonstop tbh, but I really do want him to get even more lines!! ❤️Winwin please keep on learning Hangul! You shevdivar improved so much over the year even your group mates are amazed as well!!❤️
Mark - Ok but how hard working he is do you know? Welp time to learn if you don’t; He is in 3 sub units, and he basically has been practicing this whole (2016/17) year. I mean he just turned 18 2 months ago and started rapping “Long ass ride” at 16, I am..speechless. I don’t have to mention this he is loved by everyone I mean come on how can you not like this any lion of sunshine? Right? And his rapping is just SO GOOD IM GONNA FLIP RN! ❤️MARK I LOVE YOU PLEASE CONTINUE TO BLESS US AND DO WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY DEAR❤️
Renjun - A very innocent boy righ? :] nope (innocent ones are not to be trusted) considering that you are choking half of the dreamies playfully DOES NOT STOP ME FROM LOVING YOU! Nah ah bish you thought! His voice is just like Doyoungs it’s undescribebly beautiful and hard to express how he sound it’s like...uGhh I love him! Just like Taeil Renjun is not really open, he seems like he is lost in his own world sometimes (like me) but we want to learn more from you Renjun! Be open to your members ❤️RENJUN! There is no word in a dictionary to describe
Jeno - LEE JENO IS FUN OK? He became so open in this comeback and has changed so much!! His blonde hair suits him so well and he is so handsome and talented and a good dancer that OMG He deserves to be called main dancer along with Jisung tbh. His rap is my fave part in We Young I am not even kidding! ❤️Jeno Plead continue to bless us with your talent and visuals And remember I am voting for you in #100MostHansomeFaces along with Taeyong❤️
Haechan - My Shinshine😍 Do you know how much I love and support you? You are so strong just like Taeyong, dealing with those awful rumors but still holding it in at such a young age. Your voice makes me feel like I am in heaven and and literally makes me very soft and makes me want to kiss your forehead❤️ Please Remember NCTzens love you no matter what❤️
Jaemin - Eh, since I’ve joined late in the fandom I did not get to know you very well ;-; I ‘be watched videos but it did not help since they are old. But considering that I’ve never got a chance to know you better, I still have a special place for you in my heart! I will be a big hype girl when you will comeback! I hope you are feeling better and smiling everyday my little bean ❤️Please eta and take care we will be waiting for your comeback whether it is with Dreamies or a new unit! I am excited to get to know you better❤️
Chenle - U little bean full of happiness and energy😁Just Like Winwin Hyung came to Korea knowing no Hangul, is you but younger version of him! You’ve learned so much Hangul that you are almost fluent now can you imagine? AND HIS VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND CLAMING IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN HIM SINGING DURING HIS PREDEBUT THEN PLEASE WATCH IT! ❤️ Lele please continue to smile and be happy everyday! You are a predebut kind along with Ten and Johnny😎❤️
Jisung - MAKNAEEEE! You are so tall and handsome you should really know that! YOU CUTE LITTLE RAP IN WE YOUNG IS SO CTACHY IT GETA STUCK IN MY HEAD AND HIS DANCING IS JUST SO AMAZING AND SHARP THAG THERE ARE NO WORS TO DESCRIBE IT! Jisung you are very talented kid, but SM seems to not realize because they don’t give you enough lines ;-; ❤️I LOVE YOU JISUNGIEE❤️
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survivemiddleearth · 6 years
Episode 1: “Hobbits, we gonna slay this all the way to Isengard.” -JG
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I’m back and better than ever!
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Heylo! Who loves a pre-game confessional oh we do! I cannot wait for this season to be honest. I am finishing a season as we speak being in the final 3 so the adrenaline rush and hype is so real. I am a not a super fan of LOTR but I do love and enjoy the the stories. I read the books when I was in second grade and the saw the movies for the first time in 7th grade. My goal is to be like Frodo in this game, make myself known when it's really important and needed, then disappear when I am not, why make a target on myself when I don't need to. Hopefully the power of the ring won't consume and something wild happens.... eeks here goes nothing, FOR MIDDLE EARTH!
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Ahh fuck Johnny is in this game he's gonna betray me I know it fml I just wanna win an org how hard omfg
This is my first org in 5 months and honestly I forget how to play. I'm just gonna do whatever and I do how I do, but I'm not gonna be scared to yeet people out of here.
Part of my strategy is to try and be social to everyone in the beginning. I want to try and have a conversation with everyone on my tribe as soon as possible and try to gain a slight favor so people think I have something to contribute to them if we happen to lose the first immunity challenge and go to tribal
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First confession of a new game is always a lot. I haven’t played since…March? Maybe even earlier than that. And if you know me, you know there’s been a lot of drama surrounding me since then, so I’m definitely nervous to be back in the saddle and playing again. Pre-merge queen. Basically, on my tribe, I feel…neutral to nervous. I have Dylan R, who is my ORG child, so I should be able to work with him fairly easily. I’ve also hosted Eric, which could be good if he weren’t friends with so many people who don’t like me. Same boat with Vi. I’m hoping I can kind of work both of them to my side, but it might not be possible and I may just have to rely on Dylan keeping me in the loop. There’s also a newbie, which is usually a good sign. Finally, we have Johnny. I FEEL like Johnny has an issue with me from something, but I’m not 100% sure. I love reaching a point in my life where I can’t remember who hates me and why, but, hey, that’s running and destroying the biggest ORG series since Mains for you. As for the other tribes……..yikes on a bike. Aside from Zach, JG, and Stephen (more of my sons), we’re fairly stacked with people who would cut my throat without a second thought. Drew has seen me play before and we had a, uh, messy relationship in that game. I’m certain Sammy still hates me from Lago and also from The Drama since he’s friends with the core few people who hate me. Nick I don’t know, but he has “skinny” in his bio as a positive which means we probably won’t get along, plus he came from tengaged which can be a yikes. Crow I hosted for like three seconds in Emathia, so maybe he’ll have mercy on me. Dennis I think hates me from the Athena stuff. Bodhi I think hates me, and I’m not wild about him either. Roxy I know hates me but I don’t have any idea why since we’ve never spoken. Probably just more Athena Stuff. Hopefully I make merge with JG. That’s going to be my big hope for this season. Well. Idol hunting is going to be my lifeblood. Wish me luck, unless you hate me like everyone else.
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So Drew in this game? Kill me with an axe right now. What the fuck is JG doing here? I'm finished, I was going to play nice but THREE zwooper people are on my tribe. MESS.
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Small tribe, which means riskier tribals early on but its easier to get to know everyone. So far Roxy and.. dnn??? I like (I’ll check the cast reveal for what we should be calling dnn). JG and Sammy I know from other games, I feel I can trust JG a little, we’ll see. Sammy I don’t know I like to give people clean slates but almost every game we’ve been in he’s gone straight for me. Bodhi hasnt messaged me back yet :/
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Hello ! Welcome to my first confession. Excited to exist. I haven’t met everyone in the tribe yet but I am playing with my old host so that’s funny. I don’t really have any interesting things to say so just. Hello. The first immunity challenge is one that I really didn’t do well in the first time I played so. Yikes. Whatever I’m still excited !!
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Well hey! Got a clue on my very first idol hunt? But in a series so aggressively dominated by men, where the hell is "sisterhood" supposed to take me?
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Honestly, I did not want to do the first challenge. I know I am good at it, but I didn't want to be the one responsible for losing for the tribe since its a hero challenge. I made up an excuse which is not a lie and is at the same time. Hopefully our tribe does well at the challenge!
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This game so far is really stupid, I mean no talking during heats is fine but the fact that my tribe didn't offer any condolences or anything like "you tried" is rude and frankly, tragic.
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You ever agree to face an Australian in an endurance challenge at midnight your time, 2pm his time? What a disaster for me
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What are half the things mentioned here. Like what's a hobbit. I know its a movie but like, really? There better not be a quiz on LOTR or I am getting last place.
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Yas!!! I love getting lucky and being on a winning tribe. First immunity lets go hobbits, we gonna slay this all the way to Isengard. So far I've mingled and stayed for tea with my hobbits and gotten to know them. Of course I'm excited to play with Stephen again, cool to finally meet Roxy and Bodhi. We shall see what will happen I'm anxiously, excitedly nervous. But let's go!
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You know the most embarrassing part of losing that comp in 2 seconds? The fact that I almost called in sick to work bc I wanted to free my schedule for the day. Yeah that was a flop. If I get eliminated first that would be simultaneously hilarious and also very depressing. No one other than Eric and Jay have messaged me so I should probably like. Pop in and say hi
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watches crow flop
My tribe is so...INACTIVE.
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In this immunity challenge, I have no other option but to beat Vi if i dont, I will lose my spot in this game, I swear on it
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Im deciding if I should tell Crow Run wants him out. I like Run but I gotta cover myself...
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So uh...it’s kinda fuckin wild. We lost and don’t really have an easy vote because everyone’s active and ready to play the damn game. I’m fairly certain there’s a large majority though I don’t think anyone will be absolutely shocked about who goes home.
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I'd like to start this seasons confessionals of with saying that I absolutely hate Bodhi. Since he took my Tom Bombadil and then told me, he had forgotten that he was cast for this season... LIKE COME ON ARE YOU SERIOUS, THATS MY AVATAR. After calming down I saw the tribe I was on. Bodhi (AJUSNKDIKWQJNE), Roxy, Sammy, Stephen and JG. I have played loads with Sammy and Roxy before. Stephen seems nice. Bodhi must die and JG is prolly the hardest person to talk to since I was in kindergarten. I mean. It should be that hard to give proper answers to your questions. MAYBE it was because he was busy playing the inferior BR game fortnite, but still come ON. I agree to play the challenge, but didn't need to actually do something in it, since Stephen and Sammy beasted it. The idolsearch first went SUCKY. because I went to bree ignored Aragorn, got durnk and got a 35 % DISADVANTAGE ON MY NEXT CHALLENGE (LIKE WHO THOUGHT OF THAT HIGH NUMBER) then at my next search I find out, that the other option I had, prolly would've given me an Idol... OH MAN PLEASE DONT LET IT BE GONE I WANT THAT.
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You know I'm winning when my tribe wins immunity. Time to take the free time to make an alliance of my own. I have to choose who I want to trust for now.
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okay so i haven’t made a confessional yet but I’m super excited to see some familiar faces in the game. I’ve played with Dennis before but I know that if I’m a threat to his game he will take me out so it’s a good person to stick with for now but idk if I can trust him in this game. JG is very friendly and chill but I’ve onkg played another game with him where he quit. He had a lot going on so I understood but I’m willing to work with him again if he’s willing. ROXY IS ON MY TRIBE AND SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I KNOW SHE WILL NEVER VOTE ME OUT. SO I GOT HER AND IM EXCITED. Okay and who else? oh yes Stephen! Stephen is cool and I’m 100% down to work with him despite our past in orgs. I just don’t want him to think of me as an enemy. If we have to boot out someone I’d say bodhi would be the most obvious choice because he hasn’t been active...but bodhi is a fun player to play with I’m just hoping he becomes more active before our tribe decides to give him the boot. I see Crow in this game and he’s super nice and I’m so glad I’m playing with him and also Johnny is playing and I’m hoping he’s gonna want to work with me. Okay okay I’m done for now. Let the games begin.
CRAP i forgot to talk about immunity and idol search...okay sooooo i went heat 2 after Stephen won heat 1 and like i was expecting to be targeted bc if I won, my tribe would get immunity. However Dylan(I’m sorry if i umm spelled that wrong) forgot the period and Crow spoke out of turn or something and I won...I was shocked but glad that it didn’t last as long as the first heat. Oh and I searched for the idol and went to the bar or something and it turns out the item i was gonna get had been snatched before I had a chance....WE GOTTA THIEF IN HERE....I’m just trying to make it to merge so i need any advantage i can get.
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Johnny just approached me for an alliance and I told him, "of course johnny! :)" But I am internally screaming like "nooooooo why meeee," because just before this game we were talking about how Johnny likes to betray everyone in orgs so now I'm like, please just let me win one org I got Ryan V casted in Bermuda you owe me.
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The nice thing about not going to tribal council is that it really gives you the time to flex that social game and work on building up relationships, which is super important early in the game.
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me doing this 4 hours before tribal is a mood but uhm ahem in conclusion, i've heard 8 names this round and let me breakdown how and why begin: i tell nick i think first boot should be someone who didn't compete, and then narrow it down to jayden or zach nick tells me he's been pushing for jayden and that drew is on board and is working on zach jayden comes to me saying he knows he's in trouble and asking me what to do, he reveals that runs ratted out nick about targeting him i tell nick runs ratted him out nick reveals to me that runs has been pushing me to everyone (confirmed by Drew, and later Jayden, as well) i confront rataways subtly and he insinuates that his loyalty is to me and that we're friends and my BS alarm goes flying off the charts rataways thinks he's sly but he's not end: im voting rataways and got confirmation from jayden and drew that they'd do the same....currently working on nick who has supposedly already told zach to vote runs as well if everybody minus rataways isn't a completely shady bitch, this should be an easy 5-1 with rataways thinking he somehow has votes on me and i'll probs get idoled out but w/e. i'm not going to lose my sanity trying to beg rataways not to vote me, idc. oh and i threw the immunity challenge cuz tribal seemed fun (and boi it is!)
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Well I wasn’t the first person evicted so I consider this season an accomplishment. I’m trying to attach myself to Ford, since he’s completely new.
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Alright hold on a second. 2nd day. 2nd conversation with JG. AND its like day & night. He seems pretty chill :). MAYBE HE WAS JUST BUSY WITH FORTNITE (what I as a gamer understand. I mean.. you gotta set priorities.. right?). Just wanted to clarify, so I don't come over as a dick at the end of the season. In case we end up being best friends *shrugs*
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Episode 2 “#NewQueenInTown” - Lily
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hey hoes so ill do my first impressions or w/e chrissa- kween! i was hoping she'd stay awhile but u know when someone wants to be elimed then u gotta! dana- idk ha!hevjkbev i dont remember a dana in any of these so! idk how she plays so yikes but i wouldnt be surprised if shes close w the other newer people lexo- im love her! im hoping we can do #that for callie tru matt- i played a game with him once and he voted me out so :/ but i think we can work well together tbh mitchell- hes malaysia and thats all i know, im not sure how he played in malaysia and lowkey the only times i ever interacted with him he kinda annoyed me gtg monty- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh i love monty, i know he will be one of my closest allies for sure! i cant wait to slay w him linus- hes from winnipeg and he seems sneaky to me and hes a newer school player so he could be close w the others ryan tiddie palmer - i love my dadt sdhvbdfv but also im a little wary of him bc i have a feeling he would love to vote me out but as of rn i need him so, we'll see zak- i voted him out in palau and thats all i got kjehfvbjr i didnt even kno they played a game before anyway hes also part of the potential new school alliance
also heres the vote tea, basically mine and lexis names were being thrown around and i was like??? we aint even do anything so then we started throwing zaks and linus name around. anyway me and mont were freaking out bc we needed 2 more people to get majority and vote zak and save me and lex, so we recruit chrissa and we make an alliance chat w ha. we call and talk about who we can pull in and such. so come the next mornin i start talkin to matt who said he was down for voting zak. honestly i trust matt he seems more trustworthy than other people plus i dont think he knows a lot of the tribe members tru so if i keep him close then my alliance should be good tru. anyway i talk to lexi to figure stuff out, and i talk to zakriah and basically tell him that im willing to vote lexi next round or w/e, mind u this is after chrissa anounces that she wants to be voted out, and well hopefully by telling him this i can gain his trust a little and get some tea from ha. also zak knows that me mont and lexi were targetting him??? honestly idk who couldve told him unless it was chrissa??? no one else shouldve known tru, anyway so i get the tea from that mitchell is the one who told him that he heard my name being thrown around and kjefbv like i dont wanna confrontational or anything but i went to mitchell and asked him about it and he was "like honestly it was like a grapevine thing tbh like nobody was like "...how bout karen" it was more of "i've heard Karen"" LIKE??????????????????????????????? REALLY BITCH THAT DONT ANSWER MY QUESTION. grapevine my ass, like thats what zak told me too, like !!!!!!!!! just tell me bc if u dont then im gonna assume that ur ass is the one started the whole "i heard" thing nnnnn anyway!!!! im just relieved that chrissa is asking to be voted out bc this couldve been way more stressful aaaaaahhhhh  honslee i was scared this was all a ploy to throw votes but i genuinely believe ha and i love chrissa too much to ever disrespect her wishes so :/ bye bye chrissa we hardly knew ye!
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Not much has happened so far. We won the first challenge, which is awesome, and kinda gives me this fire to keep winning just so that we can keep beating the vets. It's kind of fun to be the underdogs (considering we all have much less experience than the vets) and to win. As long as we don't get a flash challenge, I'm not too worried about how well we do. Or at least, how well I do. I just don't want to be the person with the lowest score. Anyways, on day 2 or something Lily messages me and says we should be in an alliance, since we knew each other from a chat. So I said sure, and she gives me an idol clue she found! Holy shit! Lucky for her, I don't have any other alliances, otherwise I could so easily just play her. I don't have any plans to though - she seems very trusting and kind and I respect that. I just have to be careful it doesn't get me in trouble as long as we're aligned. So I go to search for the idol, with the clue she gave me in mind, and somehow end up finding the exact same clue she did. Hopefully we don't make the same mistake again next round.
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OMG okay so first off... Daisy comes to me saying she likes Jacob. Okay. Perfect. He's my ride or die anyways, so now we have a mutual ally we can lean on, and she says she wants to be in an alliance. Cool. Even better. Let's officialize this shit.
So Daisy makes the chat, and she says "alright Johnny and Jacob, let's add Willow and Luca" and I'm internally freaking out with Jacob on the side here, and Jacob and I are losing it in PMs and we're like "I think that wouldn't be the BEST idea, just because adding people late can make them think that they're going to be 4th and 5th" So Daisy is going to stick with us three being a f3.
Little does Daisy know that Willow wanted a four person alliance with me and Jacob already, and it didn't include Daisy, so it'll be easy for Willow to think she's on the in, and same for Daisy, which can be GREAT for later.
All I know is I'm going to have to do a little educating to Daisy on how to play this game, and making an alliance with three people and then adding two people LATE is no beuno sweetheart... Thank God Jacob and I prevented that one. At least we know we're in a core for now, and we can start picking off the weaker rookies............... or maybe we go after someone who looks like they can be smarter, and an independent player. Maybe Aro for example? Let's see what happens after immunity (giggle)
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So after Chrissa announced she wanted to be voted out, Karen and I were able to talk to each other for the first time this game. I pushed that I didn't want to target her if it wasnt out of hate, and targeting each other based on lack of communication could be easily fixed - after all, what's better than an unlikely duo? I'm in two right now if I'm not being played: as far as I know Linus wants to work with me to get out Karen, and Mitchell also thinks that's what I want. However, I want me an ally in Karen, and Lexi or Mo's gotta go next.
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Something terrible happened to me irl yesterday and Im in a bad headspace right now. I really dont feel like talking to anyone besides Luca and Johnny(whos actually pretty cool) so I cant wait to get to the swap. I tried connecting with Kaya a bit but she doesn't seem to like me very much. I have a terrible migraine and everything kinda sucks right now but I'll fight through it. I can't wait for the time when I eventually look back on this confessional and cringe at the angst lmao
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I low-key hope I get taken out of this challenge early so I don’t have to sit around all night doing it, but the only way that’d be able to happen is everyone just went after me to start the challenge, and no one knows I’m good at live challenges except Chrissa, and she’s bye bye
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Aw Dana assigned me to shoot my fuckbuddy aromal in the first round of the IC :( like the opposite of the hunger games up in here :(
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This paintball challenge is so fucking FUN! Like, it's so cool to keep on my toes and constantly be dodging/shooting paintballs. It's like my own sort of little endurance challenge. I just have to be sure I don't miss any dodges... That's why I changed the conversation notification settings to notify me every time my name is said. :P But it's fun, anyway. And if I lose, I can blame my team and use the machete I got. >:3c
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So... let's play catch up!
Chrissa got voted out unanimously like she ASKED TO. It sucked bc I liked Chrissa but she was a lil strategically problematic so... whatevs. BUT then Karen starts being like "oh would you have voted for me? where'd my name come from?" and being kind of aggressive about it so... that turned me off. Honestly yeah I would've voted your ass out, you ignored me and continue to do so lol, but after that? I'm set. I think my allegiance with Dana is solidified by my complaining to her about Karen, and honestly? I see her as my #2 in this game.
Matt, the other option for my #2, also tells me he's ready to make a move  against the Karen/Monty/Lexi coalition when we next go to Tribal Council. We're slaying this challenge so that won't be tonight, but when it does, Karen's ass is grass if I've got anything to say about it!!
Karen and Lexi still make minimal effort to talk with me. Pretty much nobody has been 1-on-1 talking with me throughout this whole 3-hour-long-so-far challenge which is also kind of ridiculous but??? What are you gonna do. I'm still sick so hopefully when I recover I'll start schmoozing like I usually do and stop oozing like I don't wanna do.
also fuk u mangrove swamp
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This challenge is murdering me. 4.5 hrs left SO.
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So, I quit during the paintball challenge. I was the last person left on my tribe and I just couldn't see myself pulling off a win, not against five people - I did manage to get one out on my own but it seemed very doubtful I could have gotten them all. I'm not sure how I feel about throwing it like that, I probably could have faked it and just posted a shoot at the 6 mark which might have been better for my game, cause I'm not sure how that will effect how the vets see me from this point on, or if my tribe finds out and gets mad at me for it, but Y'ALL SHOULD BE HAPPY I DIDN'T MAKE US SUFFER THROUGH ANOTHER FOUR HOURS OF THAT @ VETS. I hate giving up/losing but at the same time, this is only the second challenge of the game. If this has been an individual immunity challenge, damn right I would have stuck it out but it's still early on and I think this vote will be pretty straight forward. IF I manage to get voted out I'll feel so stupid for throwing it but as of right now I trust my alliance and feel safe. (famous last words)
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So now Star wants to talk to me...... Tooo little too late bud. You've been talking to the least amount of people this whole game, you didn't even help with the immunity challenge, and now you're coming to me all worried about the vote? Sorry you're in this situation, but you made your own bed, and now you have to lay in it. 
On a different note, I was talking to Jacob, and we were thinking that two of us should throw our votes onto someone else, just in case of an idol play, but honestly, I don't wanna be that paranoid freak always worrying about an idol, but I also don't wanna a repeat of the last tumblr survivor I played in, where I got idol'd out of the game, so I'm trying to be careful. I might talk to Daisy about it, but I don't want to come off as paranoid, so it'll be an interesting talk if I choose to have it...
(Slightly later)
OMG LILY JUST TOLD ME SHE HAS THE IDOL I'M SCREAMING!! Now I don't have to worry about a fucking idol play. Not only that, but she tells me that I'm the only person in the game that knows about the idol, which is huge for me because it means that she trusts me the most, and this can be a relationship outside of Jacob, Daisy, Willow and Luca, so this is really good. I am going to focus on forming a broship with Aro too, just to have that connection, but I think that I'm starting to become very trusted in the tribe, which is good. 
I know my struggle is going to be when we switch tribes, and just hoping that the luck of the draw doesn't put me onto a tribe with bad numbers, but even if I do, I think I'll be able to charm my way out of it. The fact that I want to vote out most of these people, and they still continue to prove to me that they trust me the most is CRAZY, but Lily is definitely going to be a tool I'm going to utilize in the game for a long long time, and I hope she and her idol make it deep enough in the game to benefit me.
Sorry... rambling. My struggle now is whether or not to tell Jacob. I don't want to lose his trust later in the game by him finding out about this idol, and him knowing that I knew about it. I think I'm going to tell him about it later tonight, and I hope that he'll be thrilled, but he isn't even going to be back for day change... At least now I know that I don't have to worry about the idol, especially because I doubt there are more than one idols out there, from my specific tribe, so definitively, it's bye bye Star time :(
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Jesus.... Karen and I survived that round.. In what world is that actually realistic? But we did and thankfully with little issues like messy thrown votes or Chrissa playing an idol on herself after misting us all. I was really nervous that it was all an actual trap because I have seen it happen before and boy is it terrifying but bless her heart for being true to us all.
The challenge was one that I have won before so I was not too nervous about the whole workings of the challenge but I was nervous about how long the challenge would go. I was so tired yesterday for some reason and I do not know if I could have lasted until 2 am with very little break. I would have tried my best of course so I could make sure Karen and I were safe but there is only so much a single person can do which L.A. ended up proving. The Veterans won the challenge THANK GOD and so we do not have to worry about one of us being voted out bless. Right now I would def consider Karen my final 2 because we do share the common homie of Callie and I do my best to trust Callie's judgement most of the time (the other times... I just can not defer from what god wants). My only issue is that Karen has a lot of friends on this tribe that I fear she might pick over me such as Monty and that makes me a bit scared of her but right now we sort of need each other in terms that we are both the most threatening ones on our tribe at the moment so if she gets rid of me, she does not have many people to hide behind and I have been known to be a very good meat shield for those that take advantage of it so here is to praying she is actually my final 2.
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Okay I love my tribe now. Seriously though I was only disliking them because I was too mentally checked out to socialize. They're all really sweet people and omg it was all i could do to stop them from pronouncing Zaks name wrong lmao during the challenge. Even though I outta be pissed that more than half of us got eliminated for breaking simple rules, I loved that they were cheery about it.
For the vote ahead, it should be a smooth 9-1 against Star. He hasn't been too active thus far and everybody seems to be on board.
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LAST ROUND VOTING: A SUMMARY We get back to camp after being beaten in the immunity challenge and things devolve into chaos. Mitchell starts whispering "Lexi" and then shouting "WHO SAID THAT! I HEARD YOU! lexi.... WHO WAS THAT!!!!" Lexi and RTP climbed into the shelter and started singing songs together, waiting for other people to join. Matt sat himself on a rock and just kinda sat there...waiting.... Zak was running around, talking to each and every person saying he heard something different to everyone, calling every guy Miss and every girl Qween. Karen was sitting trying to have sensible discussions, and Mitchell and Zak saw this and started freaking out. Mitchell kept his calm and kept whispering lexi... but Zak thought he said Karen and started freaking out. Meanwhile, I'm running around screaming at people that Zak is dead weight and Linus is a rat, but nobody is really listening to me. Meanwhile, Linus disappeared into the woods to maybe go try on some wigs or some shit, and Dana is off talking to anything that moves, with various degrees of success. In the middle of camp is Chrissa, just sitting. Me, Karen, Zak, and Mitchell are all screaming about who should go, and she silently raises her hand and says four words. "I. I will go." Everyone stopped and just kinda looked at her, and then started screaming. Not words, just incoherent noises, and that never stopped until Chrissa's torch was snuffed by Isaac
real confessional for this round: So, this has been a pretty chill round. As a tribe, our number one priority was winning immunity. I staying longer than a few people, until I had to go swim. I still need to talk to Dana, Lexi, and RTP this round to keep those connections alive, but other than that, my social game is less shitty than in the past! So, overall, this is not looking terrible for me!
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IS DAISY FUCKING KIDDING ME?!? Daisy, girl, we spoke about this. Adding people to alliance chats can only cause problems. Making a brand new chat is the way that it has to be. I can't be closely tied with someone who is actually that oblivious to how this game goes. It's like telling someone that there's a three person alliance, and we just want them to be fourth on the ladder. THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS. Luckily for me, it's someone as ditzy as Lily is, and it's someone who doesn't really talk to a lot of people, and she's someone who has an idol, and now Daisy and I were both told by Lily, which is why Daisy added her.
One thing that Lily and Daisy aren't aware of is that Jacob knows about the idol too, and that's because I told him, so with Jacob in the loop, and me being the one who told me, is PRIME. I need to be the barrier of communication between all of them, and right now I think I'm doing a steady job. One thing I need to work on is my relationship with Allie and LA, because they're two SMART girls, who I haven't been spending much time talking to, so I might work on that later today, even though I've spoken briefly about the vote to both of them, I need MORE!
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Well after the mess with Chrissa we were lucky enough to win, and I think the challenge was a good bonding experience for the tribe. Now I'm kind of in the middle right now I like my alliance a lot but I think I could work with Karen and Lex in the future so I'm nervous about alienating them and I'm like back and forth back and forth like a metronome or some dumb swingy shit. So lemme just cross my fingers we don't have to go to tribal, and that somebody I know will get this damn idol ay dios bio
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We lost the immunity challenge earlier. I'm super disappointed but I doubt I'm in any trouble at tribal council. I kinda messed up by posting early, lost my head and this probably was a factor in our tribe losing. On their tribe, only three people messed up.
But challenge aside, I feel I'm pretty safe for the time being here. I like Jacob, Willow, LA, Johnny and Allie and I think I'm getting along with Aromal too. Really the only people who I haven't really been talking with are Star (who's getting evicted today), Daisy and Lily.
I should probably talk more with the other two. All that said, this game is phenomenal. You can never know if you're really safe.
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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THE FUCKING IDOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA But like... wow. I find the idol clue on my very first search, and then on my second search, I find the idol itself. When will your fave... #newqueenintown
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We won! Updates game wise so I'm just utr1 instead of inv. 
1. Zak is still a self righteous prick, but he's also smart enough to just flat out target me rn, so idk. 
2. Matt is easy to talk game with, he's seeming a bit paranoid though. 
3. Dana and Ryan, still love em both. 
4. Mitchell is everyone's best friend, hillarious dude. That also sadly means he is the biggest threat in the game. Of course, right now I want to work with threats, but eventually he will be scary. 
5. Karen is still my target. 
6. Gotta try and make Lexi and Monty not flip at a swap. 
7. Linus is the best, he's probably the front runner to win right now.
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Okay so I keep forgetting about confessionals oops. But I'm going to my first tribal council ever tonight and I'm a little nervous. I feel like this vote tonight should be pretty simple because everyone in the tribe wants to vote out Star, but I'm worried that he might have an idol or something since 9/10 people in our tribe looked for the idol yesterday. Also I'm still a little bit irritated at myself from the challenge yesterday because it said 7:05 on my computer when I pressed send but it was still 7:04 on the skype clock or whatever Idk
0 notes