jinruinokibo · 2 years
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me losing my shit aside yq really doesn't understand the w
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ" ........ MAYBE we should play a different game. "
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' ... '
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' ... '
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' --- いやああああだあああああああああ !!!!! '
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ" THIS is just a game ! It's not like you're actually killing me and besides, getting that win is the best feeling in the world so I highly encourage you to show no mercy, even to me ! "
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' いやああああだあああああああああ !! I DON'T WANNA ! I DON'T WANNA !!! '
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
      he would never underestimate humanity’s last master !  after all ,  this was the character who had somehow taken down goetia ,  right ?  alongside remedying all sorts of other singularities ,  one dangerous ,  albeit no-doubt entertaining adventure after another .  he could give the other some credit for their talent in self-preservation .  and yet ,  ‘ i wouldn’t say anything’s so certain when it comes to myself .  are you really any different from these people ? ‘
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      the severed head in his grip lifts and shakes ,  its mouth agape ,  empty lids rolling open ,  revealing its tongue and eyes missing .  beside its gruesome expression ,  the assassin blithely grins .  ‘ ever since the professor fixed me up ,  i’ve been having lots of fun .  lots and lots and lots of fun !  why would i ever get tired ?  when i’ve finally got it all ? ‘  money ,  fame ,  power !  every intoxicating vice and wanton luxury finally at his touch ;  not just brushing his fingertips ,  but gripped and strangled in his hands . 
      he laughs .  loudly ,  callously and violently from his stomach ,  to match the pathetic sound of the other’s whisper .  somewhere in the back of his mind are memories of himself shattering glass ,  destroying mirrors ,  tearing at things with his teeth and laughing miserably as music pounded beneath the floors and his men fret over another hysteric episode .  shinjuku’s assassin falls silent for a moment ,  before deciding to answer the other’s question with one of his own .   ‘ do you ever get tired ?  of living .  of being determined .  of being used by those so-called ‘friends’ of yours . ‘
     RITSUKA couldn’t physically bear to look upon the sickening sights any longer and ripped his gaze away, hoping it would at least subside his nausea even slightly despite the abominable words that were pouring from the Phantom’s mouth ( don’t look, don’t look, don’t look ! ).
     “ Even after threatening me .... you still haven’t done anything yet so I’m more than happy to take my chances. ” By no means was Ritsuka confident that he was safe from being subjected to the Assassin’s cruelty but as his master, he was well aware of the importance of holding his ground in this instance. He was more than prepared to utilize his command seals if necessary but he wouldn’t be so quick to resort to it, not when the Phantom was merely provoking him. 
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      He breathed yet another sigh as a means to compose himself and his expression finally softened. His countenance no longer wore the spiteful contempt he held for the Assassin’s twisted pleasures but rather ... one of determination. He willed himself to gaze towards Yan Qing, dead-on with the resolve not to falter. “ The reason why I fight is so I can live to see another tomorrow. I won’t deny that it can be a bit tiring at times but it’s not any reason for me to give up especially when there’s so much to look forward to in life. There’s still so much of the future I’ve yet to see and even if I am being used to play the role of the savior of humanity, it doesn’t change the fact that we all cherish each and every day we have together. What about you then ? You claim that you’ll never get tired of the fun you have everyday but at the end of the day, does it really fulfill you ? Or are you just that hollow that you’ll take all that can satisfy your sick twisted pleasures just to feel something ? ”  
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
"Master. What do you think if this attire"
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      “ YOU want my opinion ? Well, I can tell you right away that it’s actually a really cool look ! I’ll admit that my first guess wouldn’t be that you’re a Santa but all that red definitely is the mark of the festive passion of Christmas. In other words, you look totally awesome ! You should wear that fit more often, Karna. It’s a fresh new look and honestly, I think it ups your charm points by a whole new level ! ” 
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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this is literally ritsuka rn. hes just Gone internally. he really does not want to be there
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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      ‘ aw ,  ‘  he coos ,  yet his expression flashes —  and condescends .  ‘ are you that weak that’cha can’t do anything yourself ?  like right now ,  ‘  the severed head lowers ,  and the phantom’s other ,  empty hand lifts and raises towards the other’s instead as he steps closer and closer .  right when he could have gripped and yanked them by the hair ,  his palm merely pat-pats the other instead .  his smile is discordantly chipper .
      ‘ nobody cares !  disturbin’ ,  huh ?  every night someone dies in this city .  someone loses the fingers on their hands ,  the toes on their feet ,  or their eyes ,  nose ,  tongue ,  or ears .  ask any of us hornets an’ its an excuse for a real occasion .  you’ve gotta live well ,  or else you’re next !  so c’mon ! ‘  he claps the other on the back —  hard ,  his palm lingering to scoot them towards the tree .  closer up ,  its rotten ornaments could be easier recognized :  his list of missing parts could easily be found decorating green branches .  ‘ don’t mind ,  don’t mind ~ .   me an’ my boys don’t give a damn ,  what’s a little blood ,  guts an’ vomit durin’ a fun time ?  ha-ha-ha ! ‘
     “ PLEASE don’t underestimate me. ” An instant retort, his brows furrowing in aggravation. “ I’m not so weak that I can’t survive on my own and besides ... you won’t do anything to me. ” Regardless, Ritsuka’s eyes caught sight of the hand that was lifting towards him. He cautiously trained his gaze upon his every move but not daring to move a single muscle lest it would provide any motivation for provoking. However, the moment he realized Yan Qing’s hand was coming down on him, he braced himself. His faith bore fruit and all tension slipped away from him for a brief respite. He blinked, evidently caught off-guard by the condescending pat to the head but he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t relieved. He let out a sigh and narrowed his eyes up at the Phantom.
      “ ... Still, that doesn’t mean that you should -- oof ! ” The hearty smack to his back was for one, unnecessary and fueled his irritation towards this entire encounter to no ends but it would be nothing compared to the pure disgust that about to overwhelm the master to the core. Ah ... jeez. No matter how desensitized one could be to death itself, the sight of the tree paired with the Phantom’s unsettling words made him sick to his stomach. 
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      “ You ... really do have terrible tastes. ” He spat out in a near whisper. “ Don’t you ever get tired of this ? ” 
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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      ‘ aiya ,  ain’t’cha a little slow ?  how’d ya manage ta save the world so many times like that ?  hehe ! ‘  even if it’s a little cute ;  that much he could admit .  ‘ what’s the problem ,  what’s the big deal ~ ?  a celebration only needs celebratin’ .  —  ah .  is it maybe ...  this ? ‘  he holds the head up once more .  shakes it a little ,  the sound of wet meat audible .  ‘ they’re already dead ,  y’know ?  even throwin’ it away ,  he won’t spring back ta life again ! ‘
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     AS desensitized as he was to the prospect of death, it wasn’t any less unsettling when a decapitated head was being so casually dangled in front of his face. “ Through sheer determination and the power of friendship, that’s how. ” Putting it simply anyways.
     He sighed and stared at the other with the most unamused expression. “ You know that’s not my problem here. Did you rip off some poor guy’s head off just to bring him here ? Someone’s going to make you get rid of it sooner or later even if it isn’t going to be me and besides ! If I have to complain about something other than it being a decapitated head then it’s the fact that it’s spilling blood everywhere ! It’s way too disturbing for the holidays ! ” 
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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      ‘ or what ,  maaaster ?  right now ,  i don’t see any servants with you .  i think it’s much more in your favor ta play along an’ start feelin’ festive ,  na ? ‘
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     “ ... ARE you threatening me ? ” Because that’s exactly what it sounded like. “ ... You do realize this is the least festive thing you could do, right ? ”  
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
drags my hands down my face. i forgot about the editor bs
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
@jinruinokibo : maybe we dont do that?
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’ i liked you better when you were in jail . ’
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      “ TOO bad I’m out of jail, huh ? Alright, now get rid of that thing. ” 
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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preparing for LB7
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
@tenkoseiensei || response to ask.
      AWAWAWA ... ? AWAWAWAWA ... ?! 
     Ritsuka truly couldn’t believe his ears in this moment. Though part of him didn’t necessarily doubt that his servant would be willing to accompany him to the Gala, there was always this anxiety-ridden side to him that fretted over the worst possibilities imaginable. Unable to contain his absolute embarrassment anymore, he buried his hands in his face, overcome with the unbearable shame towards the fact that he acted like a complete idiot over something so simple ... ! He found himself jolting out of his thoughts the moment the Assassin’s arm came to casually sling itself over his shoulder and he even went as far as to ruffle his head like he was some kind of kid ... !
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     “ T - that’s -- ... still ! I know we can spend time together any day but asking you out as a date is a completely different thing ... ! But if you’re really fine with it then ... ” He bashfully peeked between the cracks of his fingers and mumbled, “ ... I’ll be in your care, Yan Qing. ” Honestly, he was still in disbelief that this was even happening but even he couldn’t very well deny the elation from both the relief and the excitement that made Ritsuka want to scream out the window. 
      “ Oh ... r - right -- ” He slowly lowered his hands and anxiously flitted his gaze to the side. He wasn’t sure if he could look at Yan Qing in the face without his heart absolutely bursting. “ Since it’s a party, we’d probably wear something more formal -- urk ... ! Don’t remind me of such an embarrassing get-up ... ! I didn’t have any choice in the matter ... ! ” That was probably the only time he cursed everyone in the room for making him wear an unnecessarily provocative attire ( the fact that Yan Qing even remembered it made him want to die inside ).
      More importantly, he wasn’t at all expecting to be graced with such ... such gentlemanly behaviour from Yan Qing himself ( gently taking Ritsuka’s hand into his own and planting a tender kiss on there ... ! ). Not to mention the bashful but yet endearing look that gazed at his master with such fondness -- how was Ritsuka possibly going to survive this if his servant looked at him like this ?! “ Y - you ... um, I mean ... ! Of course ... ! I’ve never been more sure in my life ... ! You’re the only person who I would ever possibly dream of asking ! ” Wait, that strangely sounded like a confession of love. Did it ? He sure hoped not because this was the least romantic place for this kind of thing !
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
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i should probably put a PSA for new fgo followers that i only played up to lb1  ... so my ritsuka is just not existing during lb right now
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
He paused, as if to recall what it was Abigail had called this outfit.
“Abigail had mentioned it to be a Warlock, a “caller of spirits” was the theme she had selected- but I assume she chose it because it looked fine on me. I wouldn’t imagine something more- but perhaps I AM thinking about it too much…” His tone drifts, Obviously it wasn’t anything new that Sanson thought of things too literally. Thankfully, however, he relaxes himself from thinking too deeply. If he looked fine, then that’s what matters, right?
Checking the bucket once more, Sanson made a quiet “hm”, before personally selecting one he would assume would sate his Master’s appetite.
“Some are flavored in combination of other flavors, although if it’s something that will balance bitterness out, I think I may have one specifically for you.”
The one he had picked out seemed to be a wrapped truffle of sorts.
“This one is still dark chocolate, but it is filled with a mousse that I think you would enjoy, Ritsuka. It’s smooth and satisfying to eat when you want something with quality.”
Handing the truffle to Ritsuka, Sanson then smiles gently at his beloved.
“Perhaps next year you may influence me to be something else. That is, if you can also convince Abigail before she decides.”
Oh how warm he felt with them both standing here like this. It’s a cold night but Sanson was well content with being here with his curious eyed lover.
     “ A warlock ... You do fit the bill pretty well ! Goes well with the natural edgy vibe you already have going on. ” Not that it was a bad thing or anything; it was just what made Sanson ... well, Sanson ! He’d argue that the cool and stoic side to him quite definitely enriched his lover’s more softer moments because at first glance, one wouldn’t expect such endearing behaviour from Charles Henri-Sanson.
     That aside, he felt a bit bad that he wasn’t entirely willing to consume every treat in that pumpkin basket of his but even he couldn’t put himself through the bitter horrors of dark chocolate. He leaned over to see what else he could possibly stomach and to his surprise, Sanson had picked out a truffle mousse. His eyes lit up in curiosity at the treat and he soon returned his generosity with excitement.
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     “ Oh ... you’re really doing a great job of selling it to me. Alright. That honestly sounds really good ! Thanks ! ” With that, he tore the wrapper to pop the piece of chocolate in his mouth and oh, how it melted in his mouth. He already ascended to heaven with all this chocoletey goodness. “ Mmmm ~ ! It totally melts in your mouth ... ! “ After consuming his treat, he licked off any remnants of the chocolates that melted onto his fingers. “ Mm. You know, I bet a lot of these chocolates would go well with sweet hot drinks. The contrast would be something to marvel at, don’t you think ? ”
      He found himself tilting his head in thought as Sanson brought up the prospect of Ritsuka picking out the next outfit for him in the coming year. “ Hmm ... I guess I wouldn’t mind picking out something for you next year. I’ll have to really think about it though.  ”  
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jinruinokibo · 2 years
“I have considered other suggestions, but I’m not too creative with ideas. It’s why I allow Abigail to decide, but you are right. I seem to favor dressing as something relative to the dead.” He seems to chuckle at the thought though. The irony of death never ceases to escape him, but at least he isn’t melancholic for the choices made.
“A pumpkin candy lord? I don’t think I could ever compare myself to a lord or higher, but I think of one who I may compare this to.” He looks at Ritsuka knowingly before offering the pumpkin container to him.
“Unlike a lord, you do not need permission to take one, Ritsuka.” Because of all things else, he was happy enough to have ritsuka her with him.
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     “ THEN ... what are you exactly ? ” Just from the cape alone, it was difficult to make a decisive conclusion but ah well, not that it mattered that much. Honestly, just the sight of Sanson carrying a pumpkin basket was enough for him; it created an endearing contrast with the dreary colours he adorned on his being. He couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of how cute Sanson was right now.
     “ Believe it or not, people dress up as powerful or mystical beings for Halloween all the time ! I don’t think you need to think too deeply about it .... oh ! ” He blinked at the container of treats offered to him and soon peered over at the contents in curiosity.
     “ In that case ... I’ll graciously accept your sweet offerings ! Let’s see ... are these all dark chocolate ? I’m honestly not that fond of bitter stuff but if it’s an offer from you then I can’t very well refuse. Are there ones with any sweet flavouring in them ? ” 
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