#im aware that a lot of our posts are about endos...
sovereignsystem · 2 months
It makes me so sad that so many systems feel like they can't use the language they're comfortable with for fear they'd be confused with an endo. (Plural, fictive, etc)
-💤 (It/Hy)
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stormoflina · 8 months
you wont answer me cuz you know im right. i loved szobo in the early days but his drop off was huge and now he is just another hospital merchant. for all the hype of him being the next kdb he cant even score a solo goal and im yet to see a good pass from him in the final third
Well hello anon.
I didn't answer you, because
1. The last couple of days my head was moving in between the Moon and Mars, and I'm not sure if I would have been able to remain respectful.
2. I'm getting tired of all these anons coming to my infobox and, for the lack of a better expression, trying to take the piss out of me. If you read my posts you know that he's one of my favourite players, and that I'm not mindless hater about any of our players, but especially not towards him.
3. You were being very condescending and annoying.
But buckle up my dear salty anon.
Dominik, naturally, is an offensive minded midfielder. At Leipzig, he basically played as a wide 10 (or occasional RW) and for the most part he does the same for Hungary. In both teams he was a pressing monster, his pressing is arguably one of the best in the current Liverpool squad as well. The difference is, that in both teams he had other midfielders behind him. He still had defensive duties, but not this current caliber. In Hungary he plays one of the hardest and most taxing roles: he drops deep to collect the ball, helps the build up from deep, and he contributes a LOT in defense, but he also has freedom to roam around the pitch, and enjoys the other midfielders support when he appears in the final third.
In Liverpool, he is a box-to-box midfielder. A different role, and not just a different role in midfield, but he is a midfielder under Klopp, played in the RHS in a triangle with Salah and Trent. Salah is our main goalscorer, Trent is our main creator. His job is to provide a stable link up between the two, allowing them to express themselves freely, offer his support, keep the width when needed, etc etc. Without him doing this, that rhs can't function properly. And this is just one of his many responsibilities. When Trent inverts into midfield he drops back into either help out (Ibou), or takes up completely the RB position. A position he has never played, by the way. He's constantly pressing, constantly running, constantly covering/contributing in defensive duties. He is the 5th fastest player this season. Other than his pressing, his other great quality is his off-ball work. Again, arguably, his awareness and intelligence when it comes to that is one of the best in the current squad. I encourage you to watch back some of our recent matches and take notice of him instead of the one giving the assist/scoring, many cases, without his efforts it wouldn't get to the point of it being a goal scoring opportunity.
I'm not going to argue with you and say that his passing hasn't looked a bit off in certain matches, that he didn't have some bad first touches or unnecessary long shots. He did. But please also think about all these NEW and constant duties, (other than the pressing& off-ball work), doesn't come natural to him at all and how these can affect his performance in the final third. Yes, it's an excuse,but a reasonable one in my opinion, maybe not for you, whatever.
All in all, it's easy to fail when you have been shifted from a role of being supported to being the one who is the constant and many times only support. Mind it, this is happening in a much more physical, much more demanding and stronger league. It's no wonder fatigue and eventually injury caught up to him. Other than Endo (and he only had like 5-6 starters in the PL), all of our starting midfielders struggled with injuries throughout the season, Domi was the last one to go down.
Anyways, this is the last time I did this. I'm so sick and tired, especially now with all the hate towards him, having the same conversation again and again. You think he's a bad, selfish person with a big ego, who insults and makes fun of his teammates etc etc. I'm not here to change your mind. But maybe try at least watching football with your eyes open before you start accusing one of the team's most selfless and most hard-working players, who is literally out injured (and likely very upset and heartbroken about that) because he tried to give his everything for his club, manager, teammates and fans.
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Yk im so confused cuz when we switch it doesnt feel like weve switched? Were mixed origin (trauma, endo, paro and a couple more) but we still feel invalid. Were also kindaaaa new to it and were still sorta confused on how to will alters into existence sorta??? Idk help
Hey there. When it comes to willing alters into existence (or headmates, rather, since as we understand “alters” is a dissociative disorder specific word), we don’t have any experience with this. We do have a resource post for questioning systems with a section on non-complex dissociative disorder plurality, which has lots of links to resources for helping to create headmates and thoughtforms:
Also, on switching…
As far as we know, there’s no singular accepted way for switching to work or for switches to look. Switches can look and feel really different from system to system and even headmate to headmate. It’s possible for headmates to switch out while still being able to perceive the world. I (Parker) am almost always fronting to some extent, but I do say I’ve switched out if I’m not in control of my own body, even if I can still witness what’s going on.
Literally even just pretending to switch can count as switching. “Easing in” to the identities of your headmates to allow them to interact with the world can count as switching. Having two cofronters who take turns interacting with the world can count as switching. There’s no hard boundaries when it comes to switching and what switching can look like, so if you and your headmates think that you’ve switched, it’s okay to say that.
Y’all might not feel like you’ve switched successfully because one of you remains co-conscious even when not in the front. Lots of systems actually function this way. There’s a word, monoconscious, which describes a system where all headmates are aware of each other and the world all at once. In other words, they all share the same consciousness. We’ll include the Pluralpedia entry:
https://pluralpedia.org/w/Monoconscious (hyperlinked since it’s not linking normally for some reason)
If you’re feeling insecure about switching, we’d recommend having a meeting or at least opening a dialogue with your headmates about this. What about your switches makes you feel invalidated? Do your headmates agree? Are you holding any (potentially unrealistic) expectations for your system when it comes to switching? Why feel like your switches have to look or feel a certain way in order to be seen as valid? Hopefully your whole system can work together to come to a better understanding about what switching looks like for your system and how to make peace with this.
I’m sorry if we can’t really offer strong or useful advice/encouragement here. Really though, switching can look so very different for any system. So it’s okay if the way your switches work or feel isn’t how you anticipate it to work for other systems. That doesn’t invalidate your system or your plurality in any way. On the contrary, it actually reveals just how amazingly diverse and complex plurality can be, with different systems experiencing switches in many different ways.
Again, I’m sorry if we’re not super helpful here. Idk I’m not as good at Corrie or Ralsei when it comes to giving meaningful advice. And Ghost is just along for the ride lol. But we do hope things get better for y’all, we really do.
💫 Parker and 👻 Ghost
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kelssecretaccount · 9 months
hey look, an official intro post!!!
hi my name is kel. im (probably) the host/a fictive in an osdd-1b system. we dont have a system name or anything so i guess you can just collectively call us kel until we learn more about ourselves :p you wont see me doing it a lot but its ok to separate me from my source
im still learning about plurality and stuff. we dont really have the best communication or anything.. actually, our communication is shitttt… but were trying super hard!! 💪
bodily, we are 18 years old and so ofc i would prefer to interact with people around my age!!! i use we/i interchangeably. this is a secret account since i really dont wanna open up to my friends about this and, if you know my main… no you dont :)
I WILL NEVER PURPOSEFULLY SPREAD MISINFORMATION. if you catch me doing so please please please correct me. i want to learn.
DNI and all that under cut!!
fake claimers - i dont care what youre fakeclaiming or why youre fakeclaiming
‘narc abuse’ truthers - or believers in any other (insert mental illness here) abuse. just say ur ableist and move on
you post about args or analog horror - awesome interests to have but unfortunately they can make me dissociate and feel paranoid when im not in the best state of mind (exception: if ur willing to tag or dont post about them too much)
youre really into discourse - self explanatory
meanies :( - self explanatory. be nice to me pls
creeps** - pedophiles, hebephiles, maps, whatever you wanna call yourselves. all the same in my eyes. (people with POCD or sexually violent intrusive thoughts are not in this group, of course)
anti therian/fictionkin/otherkin - self explanatory
polycrit - im ambiamorous lol
terf/gendercrit - IM TRANS????
all radfems - i understand that a handful of you are chill but theres too much of an overlap with terfs. i wouldnt feel safe, no matter how nice you are (or say you are)
weird about religion - this includes nonreligious or spiritual people that make fun of people that follow a religion, as well as people that harass or are generally assholes to people that dont follow their religion (im luciferian)
**i dont really wanna get into the proship/antiship debate (its way too nuanced for me to take a black and white stance) but if ur jerking it to depictions of toddlers or anything like that then yeah no.
ill just block you if you otherwise make me uncomfortable
i fake flirt with people im close to (with consent ofc)
just bc i interact with somebody doesnt necessarily mean that i agree with everything they believe in lol
i have NVLD and autism so i might not seem very aware. it can take me a while to understand things. please dont call me dumb or anything like that, even as a joke (im ok with most other joking insults)
i dont know much about syscourse and i dont care to know. we are, however, traumagenic and wed prefer to interact with systems that are also traumagenic (not anti endo or anything)
im always learning more about myself every day
didosdd systems
queer people
omori fans
people with learning disabilities
people that post about mental health or positivity
people that wanna b friends :3c
Tumblr media
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heroictoonz · 3 months
not going to comment on the ramcoa stuff? yeah thought not.
Crazy how I have a life and a job and didn't give a shit to respond to u when I'm busy n only scrolly tumblr idly but since u clearly got a thing for me ill bite cause you also need my opinions reexplained to you like a child
Also I googled ramcoa cause I didn’t know what that word means (i also didnt know what endo meant till like earlier this fuckin year cause everyone was being very loud and annoying about it) and all I got was "RAMCOA is an acronym for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse." which like. what the FUCK are you even talking about mind control? fucking ORGANIZED ABUSE this is like classic cult aligned shit how does this even relevant to endos and that stuff. please tell me this is a word or acronym for something else that google isnt telling me cause just genuinely huh
listen i took a look at the link u sent i dont wanna post that cause i dont want ppl harassing others on the internet like you seem to want but just for the love of fuck listen to me for two seconds like honest to god read my words and let them sink in
the post you sent me i have literally no context for to me it looks like a shit post. ive made jokes like that before and i need to reiterate that they are JOKES and i am NOT ENDO and i say shit for goofs cause to me and my friends its funny. whether it is or is not a joke is, honestly, not my business. I dont know that person personally i dont know their life i dont know their story so i dont set it as my mission to find people i dont agree with and flip my shit at them. again. life. job. no interest. im 24 and literally not my job to babysit other ppl on the internet i block who i dont like follow who i do and live on w my life (which. highly recommended for all. you too Chuck. makes life so much more livable)
in regards to ur stuff about misinformation the way I see it is people will spread bullshit about just about every topic under the sun. it is, once again, not my job to go around "um actually" everything on the internet. if someone asks me a question i answer if someone im directly talking to has wrong information i try to correct them
When it comes to a lot of people, however, not many of them want to change their minds on things. sometimes some people arent even at a point of their life to be open minded and listen. which, im not gonna stress myself out to correct someone else. Even i had a point in my life where i was so hardheaded and full of hate (it was a weird cringe culture group i was in and didnt think for myself and honestly i caused a lot of damage in that time of my life and even now I regret it. But man thats life. And like if i try to correct and if they dont listen i go okay and dip after a point (which, for you. is prob gonna be here. cause im gonna say all my thoughts here and be done with this conversation honestly also work is suuuuuper busy rn like fr wish me luck w this summer season sobs) theres a part of me that hopes you will either see reason with this reply and chill out or you will continue to disagree with me but at least for both of our sanity stop messaging me either way i wont be replying again to you just so you are aware
now im just gonna be so fucking blunt here. do i believe endo is a thing? (ie: people can be systems without trauma) honestly? i dont know! here is how i see it; im not a medical professional. I have an interest in psychology i have a copy of the dsm5 cause im a nerd (its with my law books. again. im a nerd.) but im no scientist. at the same time; i dont really trust medical professionals all that much? i would like to. really i would. but it always feels like so many of them dont take the time to actually try with diagnosis. too many people of color or fat people and shit like that always say that they are constantly misdiagnosed or ignored due to predigests. again, because i was born a girl i was never diagnosed properly when i was a kid. this happened twice actually! and even then ive had to deal with doctors and therapists who dont believe me even WITH a formal diagnosis to my name. ive had a therapist tell me that i DIDNT have bpd because i was, in her words, "too nice" and she refused to start me on cbd insisting the doctor was wrong. its scary as fuck honestly. plus, like i said in the last post, mental health is so under researched. which is also so scary to me. theres so much that doctors dont know. that WE dont know. theres so much that doctors get wrong. sometimes cause theyre only human and sometimes cause they willfully ignore patients.
so, the way i see it, is that maybe you can have a system without trauma or maybe you cant. i dont know personally and where i stand i dont know how much credit i would put to research done on a mental disability that is still to this day so disgustingly stigmatized and viewed as dangerous or scary. ive seen split. i know david haller (i like david haller but also every time i think about the live action show or how they really treat him as a character i sob in my little heart every fuckin day man fr) so to me i chalk it up to 'fuck if i know' and move on.
The other thing is that since i personally am not an endo in my head i also have no evidence to form a hard opinion on this at all. Again, my system DID come from trauma. In fact, for most of the system mates i can pinpoint exactly which traumas and/or parts of my life they came from (some i dont but i am also pretty sure im missing a very large chunk of my middle school memories so who the fuck knows) but honestly. if you have a hard opinion on the yes or no here thats fine youre intitled to your own opinion ig
but you shouldnt harass people on the internet or accuse them of being fake. this is what my problem is with anti-endos.
This has also been my like, whole side of this conversation. Which is why im really begging you to listen and read my words cause i very much think you are reading me wrong here. I literally couldnt give less of a shit about your personal opinion on this kinda stuff. Like i dont know you were not friends you’re a random anon on the internet. You disagreeing with me does not phase me one bit. I clearly have stuff to say but thats just cause i talk a lot and like to share my thoughts more than anything else. Honestly. You can send me a like one sentence question and ill accidentally reply with an essay. Have you SEEN the rants ive been on lmaooo
What does frustrate me, is that you feel the need to harass people and accuse people of faking stuff for attention with NO fucking thought. When you sent your first anon i can only assume its cause i reblogged my friend Wendy’s post about endos and syscourse (i hate syscourse so much but MAN that is a good fucking play on words it almost makes me mad lol) you asked if i had did/osdd and i said yes and you IMMEDIATELY went into my asks and accused me of being 1) an endo and 2) faking for attention despite that neither of those can be inferred by my answer especially when i 1) never once said I WAS endo personally (because. Again. Not) and 2) i specifically explained in my first response (thinking u were just a good natured random) that while, yes, i am a system, i dont talk about it very openly or much at all only vaguely mentioning it here n there on my personal blog when i feel the need or want on a specific topic (like when i made a joke post about being a system and watching RvB and the Meta who is this character that has a buncha AI crammed in his head). If anything, it makes you more fuckin wrong cause me NOT mentioning being a system almost ever shows more to the light that im NOT focusing on wanting attention or shit like that if anything i think i make more jokes about being autistic and trans. Are you gonna accuse me of being fake trans and fake autistic just for attention? Because i talk about it more? No, cause that would make like zero sense. (Unless u want to ig tho honestly i think being called a fake trans would be so funny as anon hate like genuinely that would make me snort i think. Guy who uses he/him and openly talks about having periods and shit like that accused as fake trans rguireghrhuigr)
To me, at least, you have already proven that your ideology is flawed. Your method of pointing out ‘fakes’ and ‘attention seekers’ is just really nonsensical. Either that or you do honestly have the reading comprehension of a five year old. The oooonly reason i could maaaaaybe see you thinking im ‘attention seeking’ is when I vaguely mentioned in the tags of that first post that I had a system specific blog however i also 1) do not advertise it nor did i put the name of it on that post OR ask you to follow it and 2) admitted that its barely ever used. Again, still making no sense to your accusation
And like, honestly, at the end of the day, accusing people you dont know on the internet just by random posts they post or terminology they identify with for being fake is just so, in your own words, gross. You dont know these people’s lives. You dont know what they’ve been through. Again, completely ignoring whether you can or cannot have system without trauma my original long response talked about how the person identifying as endo might actually have trauma and not know/recognize it as such and by harassing them you are only making everything worse for them. You LITERALLY do not know these people. You dont know me and you made that very clear when you were so crushingly wrong about me by literally just the second anon you sent.
As someone who deals with the anxiety and fear that i am secretly a fake and dont know it, not just about being a system but like. A SHIT ton of stuff in my life, it does not help when random fucking people come accusing me of that exact fear. Going back to that therapist who tried to tell me she didnt think i had bpd it took me SO FUCKING LONG to accept i did in fact have bpd after that. And it was fucking painful to deal with mentally. When every sign in the motherfucking book pointed to YES i have this thing but all it took was ONE woman with a degree to tell me i was ‘too nice’ and suddenly my world fell apart. I no longer felt like i had a name to the feelings and thoughts i was suffering from. Dude that shit SUCKS it is SO painful and stressful. Like literally, please, for the love of all that is holy, do not inflict that on others. You might think youre bringing justice in some weird way but theres a higher chance that you are hurting people just as much as you seem to think endos cause hurt.
Now, because i know you SO DESPERATELY wanna know my opinion on the post you sent in the unanswered ask, honestly? I dont know how much i agree with that persons post. Like. Playing in the field of maybe that was an honest to god opinion and not just like a joke they were making, really not sure how i feel about it. In my opinion, i wouldn’t be running around trying to get my brain to spawn in more little fuckers to deal with. But i also have a lot of mixed feelings about being a system and my headmates. For one i dont get along with all of them, and not all of them get along with each other. Shits really annoying and in some extreme cases stressful as fuck. Every time something new pops into existence, I’ll be real, im kinda scared. I dont know how things will once again change or shift. And my head is just a single head. Its one brain that now has to deal with so much going on i get a lot of headaches and dissociate sometimes even in the middle of doing things or talking to people cause shit will just randomly become chaos (tho im sure other mental things attribute to all that too here n there idk) but I wouldn’t say i hate being a system. I also dont think id ever wanna do that like fuse therapy shit and get rid of the others. Both out of a fear of losing myself and a fear of losing some of them. That shit sounds kinda scary to me. And where, yeah theres some that i dont get along with, there are others that i do get along with! And love a lot! I jokingly call some of them my siblings cause a lot of them have been around since i was a little kid (tho ill admit for a while I thought i just had a REALLY strong imagination and that for some reason my imaginary friends kept talking to me even as an adult till i finally realized hm. Maybe this is not the case. Lol) so like ya you’ll never see me honest to god saying ‘man i wish i had MORE random bastards in my head’ but like, thats just me
I’ve met so many systems and a lot of them are different. I’ve met some that WANT to fuse (i dont think thats the word they use for that therapy but i just got home from a stressful 8 hours on The Grind so I can’t think words all too well lol) ive met people that LOVE being a system people who hate it people who are pretty indifferent to it. I’ve met systems who are have a different person fronting every day ive met systems where you almost never see or hear from the others and its just primarily the host that takes charge. So many different people feel differently about the same things. That’s just life. But I am not gonna use ONE post randomly shown to me to 1) make an assumption on someone (especially something as harmful as faking) or 2) as a valid reason to harass them. Especially not when the person showing the post to me has only acted hostile towards me. Like honestly. Genuine tip here, being rude and mean to people is not how you try to change their minds or try to educate them on something. Walking into my house and telling me im the fake hedgehog just cause of one post and one answered ask and then trying to tell me im wrong is like so not the way my guy fr
I’m pretty sure ive said my entire peace on the matter here. So yeah, again if you send me any more anons i wont be answering them. I’m saying this just to try and save you some time and also some peace of mind. Honestly, please block me. Please forget my existence and go live your life. Its honestly worrying how you have now spent like two days in my anons about this shit, like i am not even joking like the joke is over please please please finish reading this, block me, and go watch one of your favorite comfort movies and smile i mean this so seriously
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sky-forest-inn · 3 months
okay a serious genuine vent post but like
im already well aware of anti-endo systems and like... how hateful and violent a lot of them can be but like... a huge part of me felt extremely torn once seeing posts about traumagenic pro-endo systems and being looked down upon for supporting our endo siblings and it like... literally ENABLES the feeling we had prior to our syscovery which made us deny being a system ENTIRELY.
i know we rambled about it in the tags of a post once but to those who never saw it, we are a TRAUMAGENIC system that was in denial for two and a half years. we were surrounded by so many systems, so we always believed "if i'm surrounded by so many systems, i'd have caught on by now if i was a system or not via symptom sharing or whatever."
well we never did. because we were surrounded by ANTI-ENDO systems and their strong hatred for endos and the severe GATEKEEPING made us repress our systemhood ENTIRELY. it got so bad, we were triggered into severe panic attack when anyone even SUGGESTED it, including by other traumagenic systems too.
this was because of how anti-endos were so strict on systemhood. it made us feel watched. if we came out as a system, we feared we'd be stared down at, watched, observed, stalked, for the slightest chance we do something even ever so slightly outside of standard systemhood and get torched into flames for "faking it."
We would sob for days when someone suggested we were a system. we lashed out on our closest loved ones because of it. Any sort of systemhood we experienced made us mentally unstable all day. and it wasnt because we were against the idea of being a system, it was because we feared how we would be viewed... not just by singlets, but by our own people. our own community. the people who were supposed to share their safe space with us.
two and a half years. two and a half years.
around about december 2023/january 2024, we met the first ever traumagenic* system who was pro-endo we knew in our life. we actually felt comfortable with then. we were always endo-neutral, but masked as anti-endo due to our surroundings, but this system in particular showed us a much better view of endogenic systems, made us feel safer being around endogenic systems, and surprise surprise, made us feel safe seeing ourselves as a system for the first time of our life
*(formerly perceived traumagenic at the time, now considered mixed origin)
that system is our partner system now. we dated before our syscovery, but all the way through it, they supported us, aided us, gave us the resources we needed, and the love and patience for us when stepping into actual systemhood. a pro-endo system supported us. a pro-endo system made us feel safe. and you'd think at this point, that'd imply we were endogenic, but we're not. we're still traumagenic, yet it was a mixed-origin pro-endo system who made us feel safe as a system at all
they then showed us the pro-endo side of sysblr. how everyone was so kind, loving, understanding and supportive of each other. ive seen so much more joy on the plural tag filled with endos than i have in the anti endo tags. it made us feel even more safe. a community of plurals that would support us as a system no matter what. (pro)endogenics made systemhood so, so, so much safer for us
and yet the anti-endos go around hollering how endos were ableist, disgusting, revolting, how theyre all "delusional" and should all die. and they claim endogenics as the unsafe people. it hurt, as a traumagenic system. a traumagenic system, whose only safe space was amongst endogenics. and it only stung further once pro-endo traumagenic systems were called out as bad systems. how we're bad guys too, solely because we support the people who are valid, but also validating to us.
they hurt their own people. they hurt other traumagenic systems. they already hurt us by gatekeeping systemhood... and then they hurt us again for supporting our endogenic siblings. it hurts. yet they claim endogenics the unsafe plurals. it's ironic, painfully ironic, that they cannot see that. they hurt their own people solely to "prove" that they're always "right."
systemhood is terrifying, but it's significantly more terrifying because of the anti-endos who do these sorts of things. i feel like the call out on pro-endo traumagenics truly stabbed our heart the most on a personal level, but every anti-endo remark already pains us enough as it is.
... we will always be pro-endo. we will always support each and every plural. we are family, we are community, we are one. endogenics gave us the safe space anti-endos couldnt give us. always know you will have the heart of a traumagenic system for the rest of your wonderful lives. i love you all, especially our dearest and most beloved partner system. our lives were changed for the better because of them, and we would not have it any other way.
the future is plural
i love you all
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syscourseofcourse · 3 years
making a dif post bc i didnt wanna go on a tangent on my other one lol
but endo rhetoric is absolutely dangerous and harmful lol. before endos were even super prominent, we ended up in circles that had very similar ideas to a lot of endo rhetoric, and maybe Were endo spaces without being openly such, i dont know.
what i Do know, is that we were pressured into being Completely Seperate from each other All the time. pressured into knowing who was fronting at All times. pressured into sharing Everything about our alters. misinformed about systems (we were under the impression we were a "median" system for a long time. turns out we're just polyfragmented and pretty much constantly blurred and have non possession switches most of the time)
especially the part about being pressured to all feel like we were 100% seperate people from each other set our healing back for a couple years at Least. and maybe for us it was a little worse because we're polyfragmented, i really dont know. but we were So focused on keeping ourselves seperate and knowing who was fronting that we ended up making our dissociation Much worse, because you arent Supposed to try and push alters to be totally seperate or whatever. it increases dissociative barriers, hell it probably can cause more splits in some systems. its Not a good thing. i mean the Core Treatment of did/osdd/udd is the opposite of that lol. i dont mean fusion, just integration.
i dont know that i would say we were directly manipulated by these communities, just mislead. but that was still Extremely Detrimental to our mental health. and this was before endo communities became what they are now. i can only imagine how things are for systems stuck in these ways of thinking now
its a little terrifying to think about, but we Easily could have been mislead into thinking we were endogenic or something. we Easily could have been pulled into this and have our healing set back Even More and it is so hard to see this happening to other systems
idk if this makes sense or where im going with it its just so frustrating to see endos/supporters not understanding (or maybe just not caring) how harmful their rhetoric is
and idk if true non dissociative endogenic systems exist or not. but it Doesnt Matter because they are conflating the experiences with dissociative disorders and it is Hurting people with those disorders (whether theyre aware of it or not)
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rs-junk-drawer · 4 years
Hey I just wanted to respond to you personally. I honestly wasnt aware of mixed origin systems being a thing. So you taught me something new. And I may just have had a different experience with the endo and DID community that you and the op of that post had. I also havent engaged recently and my experiences may be outdated, because when I was engaged I felt the hate was pretty equal on both sides. Im glad to know its discouraged as you said, thats hopeful.
And just wanted to say The questions wasnt meant as an attack I genuinely want to know how we can coexist and why there is such a rift in the two communities so your insight on the self defense against beliefs was helpful. So all in all thank you for your addition to the post.
Hi anon! Thank you so much for reaching out. Mixed origin systems are pretty common! We as a system are adaptive (all of us exist to handle external issues, but not always trauma) and identify as mixed origin, also known as polygenic & multigenic. Someone can be both traumagenic and endogenic, which puts them in a weird spot community-wise. If you wanna learn more about systems like this, check out this page!  I can definitely see how the endogenic community has changed. Notably, the (albeit very rare) usage of terms like “traumascum” have left a stain on us. I don’t doubt your experiences one bit. A lot of endogenics are simply frustrated and exhausted of being told they are not real, which can be seen as aggressive (especially from the sysmed community, which has a history of vilifying endos based on very anecdotal and specific examples). Modern-day endogenic / parogenic friendly spaces are genuinely really kind, and can be a lot more welcoming to traumagenic systems than exclusively DID/OSDD-1 ones. (This is for many reasons: no “trauma requirement” attitudes or “you’re not traumatized enough” is a big one.)  I mean... We were anti-endo, for quite a while. Back when we were questioning our multiplicity, all we wanted to do was be accepted and were drawn to medically-driven spaces. It felt nice to have a Big Book Of Knowledge say “you are valid”. We clung to those definitions and quietly fumed at the idea of folks “faking” it: we were suffering, and we hated to see people who claimed similar experiences having no problems or trauma at all. It took years of unlearning anti-endo propaganda to be where we are now. Between things like “fuck endos!” being programmed into bots for systems, being told all endos were teenagers wanting to be trendy in the wake of Split & DIDtube becoming popular, “cringe” content of AMAB parogenic systems with MLP headmates (which plays on a lot of autistic stereotypes and shit, which is even worse), etc, it was hard not to be suspicious of endogenics. I don’t blame you for not knowing how to heal the rift. It’s a question we all have. The best solution is just listening, and we appreciate wholeheartedly that we can all listen to each other.  @merrilymultiple - Andy :)
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modelorganism · 7 years
ngl i think that syscourse became a lot less stressful to us when we came to terms w/ the fact that we most likely Are traumagenic (which we mostly did through learning more about attachment disorders and emotional neglect as a form of trauma) and like, posts about how “endos are fake and appropriating from Real Systems” still make me roll my eyes a lot but they don’t inspire the same existential doubt and dread they used to, lol
and like. in some ways i’m glad we’ve become more... self-aware wrt being traumatized because it’s leading us to actually care about therapy again (we’ve been doing dbt and like, it helps, but it felt like a lot of our needs weren’t being met and we started missing appointments...)
but i still. ugh. i think that people should have more empathy for the fact that confronting your trauma Hurts and Sucks and that there are reasons someone might not want to, at least at present! and also the fact that i have serious philosophical issues with the notion that the concept of personhood is diagnosable and psychiatric in nature, without allowing for philosophical or spiritual concepts of personhood (which is what most endogenic systems i’ve seen /are/)
also i remember seeing a system i really admire get an angry anon from someone saying “i used to like you but then i found out you support FAKE SYSTEMS when these Liars get real systems ABUSED AND KILLED” and im still so weirded out but this? when has there ever been a case of someones tumblr blog getting someone killed for being a system. like. What
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