#im at chapter 8?? i believe?? and no one died yet so im doing alright
i forgot how funny hubert's supports with byleth were
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sylvain-writes · 5 years
Scarlet Letters (TMNT Raphael x Reader)
Chapter 5/8: Something’s Gotta Give
Bed sharing.
(Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ao3)
“I’m not…”  Raphael shakes his head as his chin drops to his chest.  “That’s not me,” he says quietly.  And then he’s moving.
He makes it across the room before you abandon the dishes on the table to follow.  “Not what?” you ask as the turtle perches himself on the edge of the couch.  “You’re not making any sense.”
His broad shoulders slump as he sits with his elbows on his knees.  The position must be uncomfortable, but the grimace twisting his features doesn’t seem to be in response to physical pain. 
“Maybe I don’ think things through,” he mutters.  “An’ I get carried away.”  Raphael’s hands pass over each other in a smooth, yet nervous, pattern.   “But fearless?  Nah, that’s my brutha.”  A quiet chuckle breaks Raphael’s explanation; it holds more sorrow than mirth.  “Fearless.  I-I called him that sometimes, y’know?  Started as a joke when he first took up the role as our leader.  But… he earned it.  He earned it every day we-”
“Did something happen to him?”  Hearing Raphael speak in the past tense, you know that can't mean anything good.
Raphael heaves a sigh and forces another chuckle at his choice of words.  “We didn’t exactly part amicably.”
You can see Raphael is trying to keep things light, but you want him to know that he doesn’t have to.  Not with you.  
Your hand alights to his as you take a seat beside him, and you give it a gentle squeeze.  He turns his palm under yours, open to receive your touch.  Your fingers curl around his and he doesn’t let go.  You wonder, not for the first time, if he remembers holding your hand as he slept.  You wonder if he notices how perfectly your hand fits in his.
“We fought,” he goes on.  “We were always fightin’.  He followed me topside.  Then, to the rooftops where we got mixed up with some unsavories.  He probably thinks I ditched ‘im.  Probably why he told the guys not to come lookin’ fo’ me.”
“Raphael.”  There’s no doubt of your affection when you speak his name.  With his hand in yours, it doesn’t feel like this thing between you is one-sided.  “I don’t believe for a second that your brothers don’t want to look for you.”
“They ain’t the ones that dragged me outta that alley.  They ain’t found me here.”  He has no idea just how bad the weather conditions have gotten.
“There’s a foot of snow on the ground and a thick layer of ice on top of that,” you explain with a sympathetic frown.  “No one is out looking for anybody.  Fearless or Hot-head, I doubt any of you turtle guys handle the cold well.”  
“Heh, sure.”
Knocking your shoulder against him doesn’t feel like colliding with a wall.  There’s give to the rippling muscles of Raphael’s arm.  There’s a playful quality to the way he sways, going along with your action.   
“Red,” you remind him, “you were slipping in and out of consciousness all night.  As soon as the temperature rises above freezing, we’ll get you home.”
His hand gently releases yours and your heart sinks at the loss, but then it’s back.  The pad of Raphael’s thumb drags across your knuckles as he sits in thought.  Each pass of his thumb eases your anxiety.  His quietude convinces you that he’s taking your concerns to heart.  
“I should call them,” he says hesitantly, like it’s a responsibility he knows he can’t put off any longer.  “Where’s my pack?”
You drag your lower lip between your teeth, knowing you should have searched sooner.  “There wasn’t one.  I had to make sure you were gonna be OK before I checked the alley.”
Though leaving Raphael’s side isn’t something you feel ready to do, you know it’s time to show him what you found.
From the credenza at the front door, you retrieve the forked weapon and smashed communication device.
Raphael accepts both from you in stunned silence before setting the sai aside.  The remains of the shell phone lie in pieces in his hands.  
“It must have gotten damaged during your fall from the roof.”
Raphael’s reluctance to speak with his brothers is replaced by urgency.  “I gotta get back out there.  If somebody stole that pack-”  In his rush to stand, Raphael’s knees buckle and he lets out a pained grunt.
“My bruthas could be in trouble.”  Unsteady on his feet, he reaches out to find support.  His hand clamps onto your shoulder with a grip strong enough to hold him up, but you marvel at his control.  He doesn’t hurt you.  Even when it would have been easy for him to get lost in his own panic and pain, to forget how fragile you are in comparison, he keeps your safety in mind.  
Instinctively, you do the same for him.  With a hand on his waist, you draw attention to the fresh bandages protecting his side. “Raphael,” you warn him, “you’re in no condition to go out there.”
His eyes plead for your understanding, for your consent.  “But I gotta.”
Your hand pets the exposed skin of Raphael’s hip and encourages him closer.  You don’t want to watch him beg, but you can’t bear to look away.  “Then, we go together.  Tomorrow.  After we’ve both gotten some real rest.” 
“But-”  His anxious resolve is fading.  He’s listening to you.  
Raphael touches the bandage at his side and his fingers meet yours.  As he looks down at your hands together, the bulk of his impatience dissolves into a sigh.  “Yeah, yeah,” he concedes.  “Tomorrow.”
“Are you gonna make this weird?” you tease, pulling up the blankets to climb into the sofabed.
Raphael huffs as you lie back on the pillow opposite him.  “I’m not gonna make it weird.”
“Really?  Cause you’ve been looking everywhere but at me when I’m the only other person in the room, and I gotta say, that’s making it feel a little weird.”
“You’re da one makin’ it weird by talkin’ about it.”
“Uh huh.”  Staring at the ceiling, you fill your lungs and heave a heavy sigh.
After discovering that an hour trading huffs and hums does nothing to dissipate the awkwardness, Raphael concedes defeat.  “Y’know, I gotta admit, dis is weird.”
You roll onto your side to stare at the wall of blankets and couch cushions the turtle has piled between you.  “Can’t imagine why."  
Weird or not, you leave the pillows in place.  If they help Raphael feel even slightly better about sharing a bed, you won't pressure him into taking them down.
It’s a testament to your exhaustion that you’re able to fall asleep as easily as you do.  You don’t mean to.  Your intention is to stay up, to make sure Raphael is able to settle before you succumb to your need to rest.  
It’s the bounce of the mattress, the soft groans as Raphael struggles in discomfort, that wake you.
“What’s wrong?” you ask groggily, but as soon as you’re up, you know.  You can feel the chill from the tip of your nose to the ache in your fingers. 
He says, “It’s nothin’,” like you can’t hear the chatter of his teeth.
You hug the heavy quilt around your shoulders and call his bluff.  “You’re cold.”
“Gee, you must be a friggin’ mind reader.”
You secretly wish that were true.  “I’m a nurse, actually. And warm-blooded. And even I'm freezing.”
There’s no response from beyond the wall.
With a sigh of exasperation, you take a calculated risk.  One cushion at a time, you pull the barrier down.  Raphael doesn’t protest.  Surprisingly enough, you find him lying same as you were, facing the center of the bed, quilt drawn up to his chin.  
“The cold ain’t gonna kill me,” he insists.
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you smile.  “I can help with that, if you let me.”
“What, ya gonna kill me?” he jests.
You level him with a glare, but tease him in kind.  “Maybe.”
"Ha," he laughs.  It’s one note, one puff of air straight from his chest.  But it’s genuine, and even in the dark, you can see him smile.  “Alright, alright.  Easy, Killa.” 
As you're adjusting the blankets to better insulate and share your heat, Raphael goes still.
"Whaddaya got there?" he asks.
You play dumb. You know what he's asking. You're wearing a sleeveless top specifically to help share your body's warmth, so of course the scar on your shoulder is exposed.  "What's what?"
The press of Raphael's fingertips beside the scar comes as a surprise.  The old wound hurts the same as always - dull and persistent - but the chill of Raphael's fingers soothes the ache.
"It happened a long time ago.  I was just a kid."
"You were just a kid," Raphael’s whisper is as soft as the touch of his fingertips as he traces the lines of the old wound.  "Someone did this to a kid?"
"How do you know someone did this? Maybe I fell.  Maybe it was surgery. Maybe-"
"Sure,” Raphael placates.  His fingers continue to follow the dark branching veins that spread from your scar’s center.  “Maybe. But it wasn't, was it?"
It’s your turn to look away.  The memories of that night flood your mind - the loss of your father, the searing pain as a nameless poison stained your blood, your other parent’s listless stare as you wept.  Crying didn’t solve anything back then.  But now, for the first time in ages, your nose burns with the threat of oncoming tears.
You clear your throat and dash your hands over your eyes.  In your rush to stave off the tears, you end up knocking Raphael’s hand off of your shoulder.  The loss of his touch is all the worse knowing that his retreat is your fault.  
You want it back.  You want Raphael close.   Your mouth opens and closes without sound, your words trapped behind the lump in your throat.  
Frustrated and torn by your want to be held and your need to hold yourself together, you push your fists against your eyes and turn your face into your pillow.  You let out a long breath in a rush.
The room is silent save for the squeaks of the mattress springs as Raphael shifts his position.  He doesn’t say anything when he brings your hands down from your face.  He’s quiet as he slides one of his hands over your shoulder and down your back.  You don’t even think he’s breathing until you’re safely nestled within his embrace. 
“I don’t need you to pity me,” you mumble as he wraps you up in his arms.
“Pity?  What pity?”  With your cheek resting on his bicep, the soft caress of his fingers over your scalp eases your mind.  His lips move against your hairline as he speaks.  “You keep braggin’ about all that body heat.  I'm just cashin’ in."
The lie is as much a comfort as the hand rubbing circles up and down your spine.  
A low churr vibrates within Raphael’s chest as you trace the lines of his plastron.  It takes you by surprise; you think it may take Raphael by surprise, as well.  Still, he settles.  You trace the line that divides his pectorals again.  And when the churring picks up, it’s so strong it tickles the tips of your fingers. 
As if his response to your touch isn’t encouragement enough, Raphael inches toward you until you yield to your own desire and close the rest of the gap. The tension in Raphael's muscles relax, and his arms wrap around you in full. 
"I'm pretty friggin' cold," he admits like maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world.  "So, I’m thinkin’ that I maybe gotta hold onto ya for a little while."
"Mhmm,” you hum, burrowing into the crook of his shoulder.  “Can’t let all my work rescuing you go to waste."  Your lazy smile curls against the warming skin of Raphael’s neck and your eyes drift closed once more.  
As you sink into each other’s embrace, Raphael rests his cheek upon your head. "Exactly my point."
Dreamily, you agree, "It's a good one."
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joonyverse · 5 years
The President - Baekhyun (EXO) (Part 4)
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Summary: Being the youngest Minister is not easy, especially when it seems like the whole world is trying to go against you. Proving yourself is proven to be a difficult thing. But things had to get even more tangled when dark pasts are coming out, and truths are being unveiled
A/N: OHYMYGOD! IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE VERY LONG DUE UPDATE! I’ve seen your messages too, and THANK YOU for the loves and support! I just finished my exam early this month and I admit that perhaps I’ve been procrastinate a lot hjjh, this chapter doesn’t really involve lots of bh x reader moments, but i hope you guys enjoy it? ;-; im so sorry i havent write in so long, so im in the process of getting use to it all over again...
Genre: Drama, romance, fluff, angst
Warning: Age-gap (10 years), some curses, bad english, grammar error, unedited
notes: yln = your last name, yfn = your full name
Byun Baekhyun x Female Readers
If you’re uncomfortable with age-gap relationship, please just scroll through it
Flashes of images went through your vision. Sounds of children crying and screaming filling your head. The heat from the fire, it feels like it’s gonna burn your skin. All of those feels so close yet so far. It goes so slow yet so fast. The images and sensation overwhelm you to no end.
And suddenly, it’s all stopped. The images of bus on fire, the children screaming, it’s like everything is just in the background and a white noise. 
Instead, you saw a little girl looking around feeling helpless and devastated. You can see her screaming weakly for help. Tears were streaming down her face. Her little arms keep shaking the man beside her, trying to wake him up. She keeps asking for the man to wake up yet the man shows no sign of it. Every once in a while, she weakly screams for help to people around her, and really you tried. You tried to reach for her, yet you can’t. It’s like you weren’t even there. Desperately, you tried to reach for other people to help the poor little girl to no avail. Everyone were busy. With everything in you, you run to her. Run to her despite no moves were being made. 
Until finally, you saw two hands reaching for her. Holding her and taking her away. You see her trying hard to get out of the grasp, reaching for the man that still laying still. She cried even harder. And suddenly, it’s like you were being picked up from underwater, her voice sounds clear to you. “Please help my dad! Dad! Dad!” she screams.
And suddenly, something exploded, right before your eyes. You want to scream, screaming for help. But you can’t It’s like something is blocking your voice cord from doing so. Until your visions went white and it turns to black.
A faint sound of beeping in certain type of rhythm caught your hearings. Sounds of people in rush too. And suddenly, you can feel the stiffness of your body.
You tried to move your fingers, a simple move that seems very difficult at the moment. Slowly, you opened your eyes. Blinding light of the room immediately greeting you, making you frown and closed your eyes again, trying to get used to the bright light.
The smell of some kind of chemical hit your smelling bud. You stare at your surrounding, taking it all in, trying to remember what had happened.
Suddenly the door to your room opened. Your eyes shoot at the intruder.
“Oh? You’ve wake up” Mina said to you as she entered the room.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes slowly. “What happened?” You asked, your voice hoarse and your throat feels dry.
Mina hands you a glass of water, that you gladly accept.
“You don’t remember?” Mina asked as she took a seat beside you.
“Only fragments? I can only remember the smell of gasoline and fire and the heat” you said.
“You and your impulsiveness... you were face to face with an almost death situation” Mina said while shaking her head. “You helped those kids in the bus” she added.
Slowly, the memories start coming back. Your eyes widened in realization.
“Those kids, they’re all saved right?” You said, panic starts to kicking in.
Mina held your arms, trying to calm you down. But the stare she gave you, it held so many meanings that you know so well.
“8 casualties...” Mina said, her voice getting quieter.
You froze in your bed. Despite knowing you can’t do anything about them, guilts till eating you alive, making you feel somehow responsible about it. 
“Nothing you can do y/n, you tried your best, nothing you can do,” Mina explained in the most comforting way she could.
“What about the others? And the man?” You asked.
“Fortunately, they survived, some got serious burn, but most are just light wounds, the man is also alright” Mina explained. “Listen, I’m gonna tell the doctor you woke up okay?” She asked which earned a light nod from you.
The doctor came into your room with two nurses by his side. Checking up on you. Fortunately, nothing serious happened, you just inhale too much carbon monoxide and other chemicals that you don’t bother to remember. Even more fortunate, he said they can discharge you in three days if your health keep improving like the estimation.
You are just glad that you can escape this place and dive more into the job.
Suddenly you got reminded of the vision, or dream, that you saw. Something about it makes you feel distraught. Something about it makes you feel a missing part in you. Trying to ignore them, you decide to turn on your phone, diving into the internet to see what’s up and what have you missed.
As soon as the phone turned on, so many notifications came up, most of them are friends, plenty from family. Your mom missed called you once, and honestly speaking, it’s not surprising.
One message though, particularly caught your eyes. It’s the most recent one. From your mom. 
“I knew there’ll always be something to be disappointed for from you” was written across the screen.
Your heart can’t help but clench. It shouldn’t bother you, it shouldn’t bother you when it had happen for so many times that you should have get used to it by now but you don’t.
You immediately come up to the internet though, wondering what makes your mom send you such message.
“Minister of Transportation and Communication is Faking Her Heroic Action?” 
Was written on big sized fonts. An article that finally beat the ‘President and Minister are dating’ article. 
“It was found that maybe the Minister is faking her heroic action for publicity purpose, and even, staged the whole scenario”
You can’t even believe what you’re reading with your own two eyes. Who was in their right mind and heart to write such things? 8 people died and they said it’s all a scheme?
“We hope sincerely the President will give thoughts on replacing his Minister, or perhaps, Lover”
You scoffed. You can feel the anger is one step away from crossing your limit. You felt tears are building in your eyes. You felt thankful at Mina for leaving the room at that time. You felt so ridiculed. You haven’t even work properly, yet people are already accusing you of such things. They just… haven’t seen what you capable of.
You see that the rest of article are just sub-writing that article. The comments are mostly curses and death wishes. This is one hell of a tough start for you, you’ve realized.
Mina who was just entering the room can’t help but notice the frown on your face. Gently, she took the phone from your hold. Your hands instinctively reach up for it. 
“I’m not finished!” You whined at her.
“Rest, we don’t need this kind of negativity while on recovery” Mina said as she put your phone on the bedside table, a little bit further than your reach.
The knock on the door stole both of your attentions. Both of your heads shot up at it.
“A guest?” You asked.
“No one really saying anything about visiting except your family” Mina said, as she gave you a slight shrug.
Mina walked towards the door and opened it. Her eyes are furrowed in confusion. “Mr. Lee?” She called out.
“There’s a card and a basket of fruits from the President” Mr Lee said with his monotonous tone before he handed said things to Mina.
Mina muttered a small thank you before she closed the door and walked back towards you. 
She handed you the card and left the basket on your bedside table.
“Who was that?” You asked while slowly opening the card.
“Oh? He was Mr. Byun’s chauffeur” Mina answered despite the lack attention from you since your eyes were already on the card.
A simple “Get well soon” was written on the card. You can’t help but scoffed and rolled your eyes. You appreciate the effort he gave though. But still, it’s a classic and textbook kind of kindness, and for some reason, it kind of annoyed you.
“I’m his minister for goddamn sake...” you muttered under your breath. Of course that was heard by Mina, which earned a chuckle from her.
You felt unfairly treated. You are still his minister no matter how many things had happened between you both in a matter of days. You should be treated with respect, and yet... he doesn’t even bother. Not that you care.
Reaching for the TV remote, you turn it on. Continuously changing the channel, nothing in particular caught your eyes. When suddenly you came across a headline. 
“Minister’s Fake Heroic Action” 
You scoffed. Feeling absolutely ridiculed. But you can’t lie that it’s actually caught your attention. And so you turn up the volume, curiosity picking in on what those people had to say.
What caught your attention more was the statement the president himself about to make.
“So far, we’ve been informed by the medical team that Minister y/l/n got minor injuries but thankfully nothing serious” Baekhyun said into the mic, his voice and expression was stern. “I can assure you that we will get to the bottom of this incident, together with Miss Y/l/n,  we will solve this case” he added.
For some reason Baekhyun mentioning your name bring a slight smile to your day. It feels good in some way having someone to be on your side, trusting you, when it feels like the whole world doesn’t.
People was crowding the hospital’s entrance as it was the day you got discharged. Questions were asked here and there, of course all asking about what had happened in the incident. It was difficult to walk to enter your car when people keep pushing towards you to get closer, despite the securities surrounding you. After successfully entering the car, Mina kindly handled the situation, and you can’t be more thankful to her.
“Where to, Ma’am?” Your chauffeur asked.
“The president’s residence please”
His house was… well he’s a president, his house is just what you expect. A grand scale you could say, especially for someone who lives alone. Black, white, and grey are the colors that seem to decorate the house that feels more like a castle you would say. The smell of teakwood hit the smelling sense as soon as you stepped in. His housekeepers greeting whoever the guests that came to his house. A hint smell of some dishes entering your nose too, probably came from the dining room that’s not very far from the entrance. The man probably get hungry as soon as he finished work and enter the comfort of his house you thought.
“Ah, Miss y/l/n” Baekhyun said as he greeted you. “My cooks made us some foods to talk over with, would you like to eat?” He offered.
You gave him a small smile, alas not genuine. “Sure thing, Mr. Byun” you said, accepting his offer. Truth be told, you were hungry for some real food, not some bland hospital food.
You stepped into his dining room. As expected, his cook was there, greeting you with a smile. “Nice meeting you, Ma’am” his cook said. Your eyebrow raised in wonder. The image of warm homemade food come into your vision. You can’t help but gulping. You really can’t wait to devour them all. The smell of cream soup, truffle, and some other herbs filling your smelling sense.
Baekhyun who seems to notice your hunger state can’t help but chuckle. He might has some rivalry going on with you, but staring at the woman who usually keep her emotions covered and buried inside, and always seem to be calm, suddenly looking like a starve woman who hasn’t ate for years, it was an amusing sight.
“Please sit down, you can eat” Baekhyun said, with a slight tease in his tone.
You got embarrassed at the fact you can’t hide your hunger. Slight blush creeping up your cheeks. You chuckled. “I’m sorry, hospital foods were terrible” you said.
“Oh, I know very well, Miss y/l/n” Baekhyun said, his voice sounded a little bit solemn, hinting at something that you can’t pinpoint.
“So, why did you ask me to come sir?” You asked as you sit down, with Baekhyun following afterwards.
“I have something to discuss with you miss Y/l/n” He answered as he picked up his spoon. “It’s about the incident” he added.
You swallowed your food, which by the way tastes amazing, you almost moan from the taste itself, before answering him. “Don’t worry, I’ll get into it sir” you reassured.
“It’s not about that” he said as soon as you finished your sentences. Your head instantly shot up at him. He looked somewhat distressed, and you can see him trying to hide it. “I’m going to form a special team for it” he added.
His voice somewhat have this very serious tone. You knew this was a serious situation, but something in his voice, it’s like there’s something that he’s hiding from you. “With all due respect sir, I think my team back at my office can handle this well” you said carefully, tip-toeing around eggshells. 
You can see his frown from your seat despite him still having his head down at his food. “Y/n, listen to me for this one and obey me, I don’t want to argue about this, we’re going to make a special team, that’s it” he said. The wrinkles on his forehead showed the distress he’s going through.
Honestly, you wanted to go against his order, knowing very well that this is something that you and your team can handle, and the fact this might be your chance to prove yourself, you won’t miss that chance. But you knew very well that he has something to hide, and honestly, for some reason you kind of pitied him.
“Right” you said simply. “So, what do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to gather people or?”
“Come here again tomorrow, 8pm”
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Criminal Minds- The Good Ol’ Days
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Tagging: @marvelfanlife, @itsmeedee, @cynbx, @jaqren, @gabriellewritermua, @princesswagger15, @screaminginbi, @tleighstone12, @cosmicmelaninflower
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15.
After a long hiatus, the wait is over. Here is the new chapter
Chapter 8-Whodunnit?
The next morning has been quiet apart from the sounds of birds chirping. Normally there would be the sounds of students marching to their classes outside the dorms though surprisingly, there was not a single peep from outside. Emily and Elle woke up to the sounds of their phones buzzing.
“Did you just get a message too?”
“I-I did and it’s from…...Marissa?”
“Isn’t that Reid girlfriend?”
“Y-yea, wait why would she text us?”
“I don’t maybe she’s in trouble? Let me check the message.”
“Meet at Joe’s Burger Shack at 6:30 pm at the booth in the very back. Me and Reid got somethings to talk about with everyone.”
The two ladies looked at each other. “Her and Reid? And what makes her want to talk to us?”
“I don’t know how to feel about this.”
“Oh christ……………...you don't think he….?”
“I’m not sure…..I’m more concerned on what Marissa has to say.” “You think we can trust her?”
“I mean, I’m not really sure but she has help us and Reid out a few times, Like at Meadow’s party.”
“Yeah, maybe we should just hear her out before we make any rash decisions.” Elle nodded. “
“I wonder if everyone got the message yet?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, maybe maybe not.”
“Uggghhh, well i guueess ill get ready for the day. See ya!”
  A few minutes later, both Emily and Elle head to the meeting place, where they are suddenly joined by the rest of their circle of friends that are waiting for Reid and Marissa.
“I see you guys all got the message.” Emily quipped.
“Hey guys! Nice to see you, took you long enough.” Derek said.
“So……..what do you think Marissa has to share?” Ashley asked.
“That’s why we’re here to find out.”
The group gathered around at the booth, still awaiting Reid and Marissa’s arrival.
“I don’t about this.” Tara complained. “What if this is a trap?” “She’s right…...I mean she could just be using us here and rat us out to Barnes.” Luke adds.
“I’m sure Marissa wouldn’t do such a thing, she saved Reid and Matt’s girlfriend.” JJ responds.
“She could just be doing that to gain our trust.” Just then, Elle slaps Derek’s arm. “Look, I get that this unexpected message from Reid’s girlfriend is jarring but I’m pretty sure she wasn’t playing us when Kristy and Reid were in trouble.”
“Relax Greenaway, were just being a little wary considering that Marissa decided to bring us here for whatever reason and she’s not here yet.”
While the group is waiting, Matt looks over to Hotch, who has a cold expression on his face.
“You okay Hotch? You seemed quiet lately.”
“I-I’m alright.” “You sure? Cause your arm is shaking. Seems like you got something in mind.” He lowered his arm. “I-I made it clear that no one outside this group should know anything about this, and now one of us decides to tell them what’s going on just because she’s their girlfriend? Does Reid even know the consequences this might lead us to?”
“Look guys, im sure Reid and Marissa have nothing but good intentions, they wouldn’t betray us.” Ashley says.
“And how do you know, Seaver? We don’t know her personally like Reid does.”
“I know that if we trust Reid, and he trusts Marissa, we have nothing to worry about.”
Just then, the group looks to see Reid arrive, taking small steps as he approach his friends. “Hey guys, so I know I have some ex-
“What the hell is going on Reid?! We told you don’t tell anyone!” Hotch yells.
“I-I’m sorry Hotch, I know what I did was wrong, and I should have listened to you-”
“Well I don’t think you should be yelling at Reid but if you want me to leave then fine.”
The gang all looked up to see Marissa arrived not long after Reid. “Well do you guys want me to leave?”
They all looked at Hotch, whom he rubs his face and sighs. “Alright, let’s hear what you have to say.”
“Thank you. Well the day y'all saw your teacher’s class destroyed, i noticed Reid acting a bit weird so i asked what was wrong. Eventually i got him to tell me what's been happening and we started coming up with theories. We were thinking, this is a team.”
“Interesting……..so you’re saying that we’re dealing with two unsubs, is that right?”
“No, not two, more than that. I’d say somewhere between 7, maybe even 8.”
“Eight? I think you’re exaggerating a little bit.” Emily suggested.
“Oh really? On a scale of 1 to HOLY FUCKING SHIT, how bad was the classroom when yall walked in?”
“11, if that clears things up.”
“So if it was that bad, you think only one person could do that? It had to be at least 2 or 3 people.”
“You don’t need to tell us who it was, Garcia and I know who trashed the classroom.”
“It’s Kyle, Kyle Hodges.” Garcia blurts out.
“That son of a bitch! I told him if i EVER heard of him doing some fuck fucky shit, i’d fucking end him!”
“I’ve should’ve known when I chased him, that he was the one who wrecked that place.” Reid responds.
“But why would Kyle do this? What does he have to gain from it?” JJ asked.
“Someone probably promised him some type of reward.”
Hodges...that bastard….” Matt growled. “This crosses the fucking line to think that he has the nerve to pull some stunt like that.”
“But even if we confront him, how to we get proof? The guy is too cocky to tell the truth.” “Ashley’s right.” Hotch said. “He’ll just lie his way out.”
“Garcia, I hear that you’re hella good on a computer, you think you can somehow get into the school’s camera system? Maybe we can catch them in the act on camera.” Marissa suggests.
“Better…..I recorded his phone conversation and call history.”
“Damn girl, nice!”
“Cool, now all we need to do is find Kyle. We just need to know where he is. Any ideas?”
“I mean after the party I saw him and his buddies in the quad by the huge oak tree.” Elle suggested. “And he’s usually at the weight room to improve on his biceps and legs.” Derek adds.
“Let's go back to campus and search the gym first. We stay together, we don’t need to be splitting up at this time.” Marissa says standing up.
“You just got here for like six minutes and yet you’re already acting as if you’re the leader of us.” Tara scoffs.
“Sorry but what can i say, im very dominate. And i like to work fast and i'm assuming that if your teacher is still missing, we have to move quickly. Now if you all want to sit there like bumps on logs while we have a lead, then by all means do it. Look, i know you guys dont like me, you don’t trust me, but im in this with yall. For the good and the bad, now let's go!” The gang all looked at each other with confusion as they turn to Reid.
“You sure we can trust her?” JJ asked.
“Of course we can. I know her, if she really wanted to rat us out, she would’ve done it awhile ago. But I promise to remain cautious at ease.” The two nodded as they and the rest of the group follow Marissa back to the campus.
Just as the group and Marissa return to the campus, they see a group of students running towards the exits, Tara grabs one of the students and asks, “Hey, what’s going on? Why are you guys running?”
“Some incident happened at the bridge near the forest. I don’t know what it was but it ain’t pretty.”
“Should we check it out?” Asks Derek.
“Let’s follow them.” Emily responds as they follow the wave of people running towards the exits. By the time they reach the entrance of the woods, it was heavily crowded with people, prompting the team to squeeze through and bump any bystanders to see what was on the other side. As Matt pushed through the last of the crowd, he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Holy fucking hell.” He mummers.
“What is it Matt-oh shit.” Kate responds. The rest of the group emerge from the crowd and look down in shock and distraught as they see Kyle lying in the dirt naked with stab wounds in his stomach and chest.
“So much for finding him.” Emily groaned.
“Okay well we can only assume that either someone from his team did this to his or this is his way of suicide but i'll go with the first option.” Marissa said crossing her arms.
“Look, I know Kyle is an asshole and all but why would someone do such a cruel act to him?” Garcia complained.
“Because he knew too much.” Hotch replies.
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“Is there any way you can maybe check in the office if he was there earlier today, or maybe around the campus with someone else the night you and Luke talked to him?” Marissa asked.
Garcia shook her head.
Just then, Barnes and Strauss emerge from the crowds as they witness the sight of Kyle’s corpse. Barnes gestures at the police as they surround the area.
“Alright students, show’s over. Go back to your dorms and classes.” The people in the crowd groan as several policemen guide them away from the scene. As they walk away, there were multiple instances of whispers and gossip on how Kyle died, what happened and who could it have done it.
The gang then gathered at the quad to try and gather all their thoughts. With Kyle gone, there’s was only more questions than answers.
“So…….what now?”
“Well Derek, with Kyle gone, we just lost our chance to ask him some important questions.”
“We lost the person, not the answer.” Marissa states.
“What do you mean, Marissa?” Ashley asked.
“Well i mean, if we go back to the night of Rossi’s class being trashed on the cctv’s system, we can possibly see the person walk in the class and if we catch his face we can probably run it through the students and staff’s pictures.”
“.................and how do you know all this?” JJ asked.
“Just using the environment to my advantage, and it would make the most sense to actually check all our resources?”
“I still can’t believe you just joined us today and somehow you know more about this than we do.” Elle thought. “Yeah, even moreso than Reid.” Luke adds.
“Well how can you not learn some stuff from crime shows and this handsome bookworm?” Marissa said as she kissed Reid’s cheek.
“Ehehehehehehe.” “Anyway……..so Marissa, you were saying?” Hotch interupts her. “If what you were saying is true about the cctv, how can we get access to the footage?”
“Well if Garcia, aka this beautiful ball of sunshine, says she’s as good with computers as you say she she is, it should be a piece of cake for her to get in.”
“Awww.” She blushed. “She called me beautiful……………...and yes, I can get access into the cctv footage.”
“So Garcia, are you sure you want to do this?” Elle asked.
“Chillax hun, this isn’t my first rodeo. I got this.” She cracked her knuckles as she pulls out her laptop from her bag.
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“Well this may take a while so i'm gonna go get something to e-”
“What is it Garcia?” Hotch asks.
“I’m in.” Hotch and the rest of the group gather around her as she looks up cctv footage from last night.
“Damn, that was hella fast! Nice job babe!” Marissa says hugging Garcia.
They all watch as Garcia rewinds the footage.
“Try going back to the night of Rossi’s room being trashed.” “Got it.” Just as she rewinds the footage, they took notice of an unknown stranger walking into Rossi’s classroom.
“Wait wait wait wait…” Emily stopped. “You mind zooming that in?”
“Sure thing my fine furry friend.” She zooms in on the footage, showing a stranger in a black hoodie and loose clothing.
“There’s no way that person could be Kyle.”
“Yeah, this person is way bigger than Fuckboi- i mean Kyle.” Marissa says.
“Who is this guy? I’ve never seen him before.”
“Maybe he could be a professor or a custodian?” Kate shrugged her shoulders.
“Better to be safe than sorry, does his face ever show to the camera Garcia?” Reid asks.
“Well, it’s hard to see from the lack of lighting in the classroom.”
“Try seeing if he looks up slightly and try to screenshot then brighten the image.” Tara joins in.
“Okay.” Garcia then zooms in, brightening and clearing the image up. “How’s that?”
“Try a liiittle more?”
“Uh………..okay.” She continues to clear the image up. “Sorry, that’s as far as I can go.”
“It’s fine sweetcheeks. Try to run the image through the campus student and staff database.” Derek says.
“Okay, though this may take a while……..”
“That’s fine, just do it.” Hotch says.
She then goes through the student and staff database, only to stop. “Or perhaps not.” “So?” She turns to the gang. “..................No match.”
“Damn, well there goes that damn theory.” Marissa says disappointed.
Garcia closes her laptop. “So……………..what now?”
“Well is there anyone else acting strange around campus or anywhere you guys can remember?”
They all looked at each other, shaking their heads.
“Acting cruel to others or you? Anything guys?”
“No.” They all shook their heads.
“Well, then we’re all screwed.”                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  Elsewhere, Rossi was in his cabin when he heard someone knocking at his door. He then walked up to see three familiar strangers outside. “Nice to see you again David.”
“Phillip, Mark, Kiera. You don’t know how glad I am to see you guys again.”
“Well, we’re always here to help.” Rossi took a step back, allowing the three agents to enter his cabin before closing the door behind them. “Though I wish this was under better circumstances.”
They all sat in the dining room.
“Can I get you guys something?” “Uh no thanks, we’re good.” “Okay.” He sat down. “First…..any leads on Gideon’s case?” “Sadly nothing yet, but we’re still looking.” Kiera responds.
“Oh okay, just let me know if there’s any update.” He rubs his palms. “I just don’t get how this could all happen. Besides, there’s no way his death could be ruled as a suicide. Something seems a bit off here.” The three agents were silent as they stare at their old friend.
“What? Was is it?” “When was the last time you kept in touch with your students back in Quantico University?”
“I-I don’t know. Maybe around a week.”
“Oh……..” “What is it Phil?” “W-well, let’s just say that it was no coincidence that we were brought here not long after you called us.”
“What? What do you mean?”
Kiera took a deep breath. “T-there was an incident up by the woodlands near the campus. A student has been murdered.”
“Oh my god, don’t tell me it was one of my kids! I can’t handle that again!”
“It was this student.” Mark pulls out a photo of a teen and another showing his corpse, sliding them towards Rossi. “Kyle Hodges, the M.E identified his body, police reported that he was found by two girls who where just hiking when they came across his body. Do you recognize him?”
Rossi compared and analyze the two photos before placing them down.
“No i don't know him. But did anyone find anything else? Are my students okay?!”
“Your students are okay. So far, Hodges is the only confirmed death. Our biggest concern is finding who killed him.”
“Any leads?” They shook their heads. “No, but we did find a connection between Gideon and Kyle’s death.” “And what’s that?” Philip then hands him autopsies and photos of Gideon and Kyle, comparing the two different photos.
“We were surprised to not notice it until now but if you look closely, both were found with a small symbol carved on their stomachs.”
Rossi eyes’ widen as he recognized the carvings found on the photos.
“Dave, you recognized them?” “I’ve seen this before.”
“Where? On a previous case or something?”
“Yeah…...it was a case I worked on a few years ago, where I caught…….The Replicator.”
“Woah woah woah! You mean THE Replicator?”
“Oh god, this is worst than we all thought!”
Rossi then slammed his fist on the table. “M-my students, I need to warn them. If this is what I think it is, then we could be looking back at a repeat of the massacre of 90-Oh god.”
“Hey, don’t think like that, we won’t let anything like that happen ever again.”
“I know I know. It’s just……...my journal, everything I know about what happened is in that journal. If it gets into the wrong hands……”
“I know Rossi, we know. We are all trying our best, so don’t beat yourself up over it. Everything will be fine.”
“Let’s hope so, cause things are getting worse than ever.”
Just then, they heard the sound of the phone ringing. Curious, Rossi then got up from his seat and grabs the phone, pressing the button.
“Hey Rossi! Um, uhhh it’s Emily. I was wondering if you could meet us in the quad back at campus, we have a few things to catch you up on.”
 “Uh sure uh…...how did you get my number?”
“Ummmmmm………………. That’s not important, we just need you in the quad.”
“Yea, sure, I’ll be there soon.” He then hangs up as he looks at his friends.
“What’s going on Rossi? What happened, is something wrong?”
“Umm yeah, one of my students just called and said they needed to meet them at the campus.”
“Why would they ask to meet with you all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know, maybe they found out something? Maybe a lead?”
“You think your students can be trusted? We don’t know if this could lead to a repeat of ‘90.”
“Look, you said it yourself, everything will be fine right? And don’t worry, i know these children can handle it. Plus they got me, and we have you guys to help us.”
The three agents glanced at each other before shifting their focus back to Rossi. “Of course, we’ll do whatever we can to help, even if it means crossing bureaucratic lines.”
“I understand.” He then grabs his jacket. “Thank you, though.” He grabs his keys and phone before heading out.
“Think he’ll be alright?” Mark asks Philip, who gives him a reassuring look.
“It’s Rossi, he knows what he’s doing.”
A few minutes later while Rossi is walking through the grass covered quad, he sees his team conversing among themselves. Most likely trying to come up with some theories. Once he’s walks a little closer, his heart drops as he sees an unfamiliar face talking with them as well.
Garcia looks up to see Rossi standing in the distance, smiling with glee. “Rossi!” The team looked back to see their professor, charging towards them, and embracing him.
“Oh professor, it’s so good to see you again, we’ve missed you so much. So much has happened since you left.”
“I know.” He said as he hugs his students one by one, making his way towards the table.
“Uhhhhh……………… Garcia, who the fuck is that at the table with the group? Please tell me she’s only a friend, please tell you guys didn’t tell her ANYTHING?”
“Uh yeah, about that……..” Marissa stood up and holds out her hand. “Hi, I’m Marissa, Reid’s girlfriend.”
“Hi, I’m David Rossi.” The two shake hands as he looks over to Reid.
“Would you mind leaving for a bit? I’m here to have a conversation with my students privately.”
Marissa glares at him. “Uh, I’m sorry, but why should I?”
“Because this conversation doesn’t involve you, so please leave.”
She chuckled amusingly. “No offense professor, but I’m pretty sure it does involve me.”
“Oh really? Why does it?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “Because I know everything, about your classroom, about what’s been going on, Gideon’s death, everything. And i am sorry for your loss by the way, he way a good man, at least from what i hear.”
“Really? Who told you?”
Marissa then looks at the team who’s standing behind her. As they all look at both her and Rossi eyes widen , they all point to Reid who’s standing in back.
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“Y-y-yes Pro-Professor?” He nervously asked as Rossi walks up to him.
“Didn’t I make it clear that no one outside out group knows about the situation?”
“Yeeeessss………………. I'm so sorry sir but I really trust her. She’s a good person okay, I know she is!”
“I know I know. I’m not saying that she is a bad person, my concern is that she might not understand what we’re going through and she might end up notifying Barnes or the authorities without our consent.”
“Professor, i know what your concerns are, and if this is as bad as you guys are saying that it is, i will not tell ANYONE what’s going on, i won’t do anything drastic like that without you guys’ consent. I swear it on my very soul sir, i won’t do it. Just let me help you all out.”
Rossi considers her offer to him and his students, he thinks about saying yes, but not without analyzing her behavior. She’s not bouncing or fidgeting, nothing that indicates that she lying about anything. She just looks hopeful, hoping that he says yes to her.
“Okay, I trust you.”
“Yay!” She gleefully cheers as she jumps up and down she says, “I won’t guys down!I won't let you down i swear!”
“I know you won’t………….which is why Emily and Tara will keep a close eye on you.”
“Of course! Of course, i totally understand!”
“Good, anyway………..what did you guys bring me here for?”
“Oh right! Something happened to your classroom while you were gone.” JJ said while looking at Rossi with sadness.
“What do you mean?” “I uh, think it’s best if we show you.”
As the students all gather their things, and start walking towards his classroom, Rossi starts to get more and more worried with each step he took. What happened to his class? Why would someone do this? Why would anyone want to do this to him? As they get closer to the room, a thought crossed his mind. ‘I hope no one found my journal…’
Ashley suddenly she slightly pulls on Rossi’s sleeve and he looks at her when she says, “Rossi, it’s not pretty in there, so what you’re about to see will be pretty shocking.”
“I’ve seen worse, I’m sure this won’t be the worst thing I’ve seen in these past few years.” He took a deep breath and opened the doors.
As Rossi sees what’s happened to his room, he feels so many emotions brewing inside him. Sadness, shock, anger, disgust, and worry. For himself and his students. As he looks at his desk flipped on it’s side and papers and desk lying around everywhere, he sees just how personal this attack is. He knows now that whoever this is has got it out for him in the worst way. As the tears swell up in his eyes, he feels his students gather closer to him and touch his arm trying to comfort him.
“Are you okay professor?”
“Y-yeah, i-i just………….. Who would do this? And why? What did i ever do?”
“That’s what we’re here to find out.” Hotch then pats his professor on the back. “Don’t worry professor, we’ll help you find whoever is going after you. We’ll do whatever we can to stop them from hurting anyone else, and we promise to help rebuild your classroom..”
“Thank you guys, you are all extraordinary students, and i'll be here from now on to help you catch these sons of bitches.”
The rest of the team all nodded as they gather around their professor into a big hug. Little did they notice a tall stranger observing them behind the window outside.
 Elsewhere, Barnes and Strauss were at the Dean’s office, pondering over what to do with multiple incidents happening at the college.
“Man, these last few months have been a handful, I mean, the campus has been going nuts lately.”
“What are we gonna do?” Barnes complained. “We thought that we got this under control but apparently, things just get worse and worse.”
“Yeah i know, I mean between Hodges’s death, Rossi’s classroom being destroyed and everything else, what’s gonna happen to the college? What if they shut us down?”
Barnes slams her hands on Strauss’s desk. “They won’t….W-we just need to find a way to resolve this matter.”
“But how Barnes? We have no clues on who could’ve done this? We don’t have suspects! What are we gonna do!?”
“W-we’ll figure it out….I-I just need to think of some way to get some information out of some students. Maybe we can find something in Rossi’s classroom or anywhere in the campus?”
Strauss tilt her head. “You don’t think he had anything to do with this, do you?”
“I mean probably not but better safe than sorry right?” She felt Strauss touch her hand. “Linda, look, I get it. I am as desperate as you are in trying to protect  the students and staff on this campus, but we can’t be too rash on this. Otherwise, more people will get hurt.”
“Yeah, I get it, I understand. I’m sorry, i guess i get a bit carried away sometimes.”
“We all do……..” She paused. “How about you get some rest, we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Alright, same to you, go take a rest.”
She then grabs her bag and coat before closing the door behind her.
Near the forest, Meadows was standing next a tree waiting for someone. As she wanders around by the trees, she was startled by the sounds of footsteps approaching her.
“Who’s there?” She shouts. Just then, she sees a person in a red hoodie approaching her, prompting her to sigh in relief.
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“Oh, it’s you.” She sighs. “For a second, I thought you were someone else.”
“Why would i be someone else? You and me are the only ones that are supposed to meet…. Right?”
“That is correct.” “Did you make sure that there was no one following you?”
“I made sure of it.”
“Cool, so, show me what you got.”
The person opens her backpack, pulling out a small journal and handing it to Meadows.
“Nice, I’m impressed. I didn’t think you’d be able to pull off.”
“Oh Mary, you’d be surprise to know what I’m capable of. Besides, I couldn’t have done it without the help from you.”
“Yeah sure, well we should start looking through this.”
“Yeah we should.” The two go through the journal, smiling at some of the pages. “Your friends don’t know about this, do they?”
“Like hell they do."
“Good, that's the last thing we need right now.”
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flamingo-writes · 6 years
Your Hands Only — Levi Ackerman x Reader
Multipart — [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10: soon] [Index]
Summary: It all happened too fast, and in a single second, things changed drastically. So drastically, nothing was ever going to be the same after this. 
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: Once again I have many things to say. So, different bullets.
Trivia: this was one of the first chapters that I wrote for this story. I’ve been waiting weeks to finally post this. 
More trivia: I wrote this while I was listening to Call of Silence (from aot’s soundrack) on repeat, so, for a more complete experience, listen to it while reading this. 
Im sorry to announce that this story has been on a 2 year hiatus, however, I have the full intention of rewriting this as my writing has impoved a lot in the last two years, and finish the story as well. Sorry for the inconvenience. Also I'm sorry this had to be the last chapter to be posted
Warnings: blood, angst, death. 
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Titans were humans. All titans came from humans. And to think such horrible creatures had driven humanity into the edge of extinction.
How did this happen?
Maybe the Royal Family was behind it all. There had been way too many coincidences linking the existence of titans to the Royal family. It all smelled pretty bad. And the chain of events that would take place after that, also ended up pretty bad.
After carrying out some experiments on the titan boy, Eren. Levi knew the government was after this boy along with a girl named Historia. Not long after that, Eren along with another one of the recruits were kidnapped, and then the infamous Kenny made a dramatic entrance; and that’s when hell broke loose.
As you tried to gather with everyone else to escape, bullets rained your way.  
Your heart was beating hard in your ears, as you prayed to anyone who was listening to keep you safe from the bullets raining towards your general direction. Your steps were long, as your lungs felt like they were on fire, and your hand was tightly holding on to Pascal’s. You were running shoulder to shoulder, hoping to make it out alive, at least until the closest wall so you could protect yourself from the bullets and buy you even a couple of seconds.
Your hand was pulled, making your heart stop as you turned around, looking at Pascal as he slowly fell to the ground, his face blank. You opened your mouth to yell deafeningly as adrenaline kicked into your gut stronger than before and you managed to pull Pascal to your arms and carried him.
He was still young, barely 15, and was a generally thin yet healthy kid, so he wasn’t heavy enough to significantly slow you down. The sudden adrenaline boost made you keep running, not realising Levi appeared behind you, dodging the bullets, running towards the guy who was following you and Pascal.
As soon as you realised this, Levi had already sliced the guy’s head off. You kneeled, gently placing Pascal on the ground.
The horror of his eyes carved a whole in your stomach, as you quickly looked down at his wound, placing your hands on his chest, stopping the bleeding, pressing tightly against it.
“You’re going to be okay, kiddo” You said. “Stay with me, Pascal. For fucks sake, stay with me”
He looked at you, as he tried his best to nod, flinching due to his pain. As he breathed you heard a hiss coming out of his mouth whenever he tried to inhale, giving you away a terrible symptom. His lungs were crushing.
“It hurts” You managed to whisper.
“I know it does, baby” You said brushing his hair away from his face. “But you’re going to be fine, everything is going to be fine”
Levi walked towards you, looking at the scene, feeling how his heart began to squeeze slowly. He knew what Pascal meant to you, and he knew how much you meant to the boy. He recalled the bitter memory from when you found your mother dead on the kitchen floor. This was slightly worse for you, since Pascal was breathing his last right before you. Something similar to what Levi lived with your mother.
“I’m scared” Pascal cried, holding on tightly to your wrist, as tears finally fell from your eyes like heavy rain.
“I am too, to be honest. But hey, you’ll be alright. Trust me, kiddo. You will, I promise” You sobbed.
“I love you” He muttered, squeezing your wrist it was almost painful.
“I love you too, kid” You mouthed back at him as he closed his eyes moaning in pain. “Pascal, stay with me!” You said, not knowing what to do. You didn’t have any of your equipment with you, you couldn’t do anything but to keep him from bleeding to death, but not even that could do something, anything against his failing lungs. “Pascal! Don’t you dare leave me, kid. I’ll fucking kill you if you die on me, you hear me?” You yelled angrily, knowing it was useless, still refusing to actually believe it. “Please, kiddo. Please, please, don’t leave me” His grip began to loosen up around your wrist. “No! Pascal” Your voice broke, as tears blurred your sight, making it impossible to see anything. “Pascal. I-I’m so sorry” You cried, leaning towards him, resting your forehead against his chest, breaking down into tears, crying loudly. “I’m so sorry, kid. I-I love you, Pascal” You whined.
“Y/N, we have to go” Levi said walking towards you. “Now”
“I can’t leave him” You whispered between silent sobs.
The whole team gathered around you watching the sad scene, realising at once what had happened to the young boy.
“Y/N, now!” Levi demanded, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of your heartbeat beating painfully, filling you up with regret.
It was hard for Levi to see you like this, but time was running out. He didn’t have much option but to kneel next to you, wrapping his arms around your torso.
“We must go, I’m not repeating myself again” He said, as you objected, trying to break free from his firm grip, but it was useless. He hugged you tightly, making you stand up, and without thinking it twice, he aimed his ODM gear towards the closest tall building, jumping and taking you with him.
“No! Pascal! I can’t leave him!” You cried, looking back at the boy’s corpse getting further and further away. “I can’t leave him. I-I can’t” You kept crying, as Levi’s heart squeezed from hearing your pain. “I can’t leave him. He needs me”
“He’s gone” Levi answered harshly, hurting himself as much as he hurt you with his words.
“N-no. I-I promised him he’d be alright” you said clinging to Levi. “I promised him” You whispered, feeling like the lump in your throat was asphyxiating you. “I promised Pascal”
Levi’s chest hurt. He did care for the kid. His death, as well as seen you heartbroken made him sore. Worst of it all, making him feel slightly guilty. You cried with our face next to his neck, feeling like you’d just had your heart ripped out of your chest. The pain seemed to get worse as the distance between Pascal and you grew longer.
You hid in the woods, inside a small house hidden among the trees. Everyone was generally quiet, knowing you were mourning, and also knowing the boy’s death had also affected Levi, however, he was better at keeping his composure.
You lit a candle for Pascal, and you’d been staring at it, sitting on the small living room, as everyone else gathered in the kitchen table.
“Y/N” Levi called you, walking towards the living room, as you stared attentively at the white candle being slowly consumed. “Dinner’s ready” You didn’t give any sign of hearing him, not a single nod, not a single sound. “Y/N, did you not hear what I just said?”
“Is this how you felt when you found my mother?” Was everything you said. And it made Levi feel like he’d been kicked in the stomach. “Someone you really cared for, dying right before your eyes. Is this how it feels like?”  Your voice was barely audible.
“I’ve been in that same situations several times now…” Levi answered recalling each one of those haunting memories.
“I haven’t” You snapped coldly. “My mom was already dead when I found her. Pascal died right before my eyes…”
“Stop torturing yourself” Levi bellowed “Instead of thinking about the loss, think about what you did. You gave the boy a new start. A roof, a full belly, an education, you gave Pascal a family” For the first time he raised his voice at you, clearly not amused. You were as surprised at this as everyone else, as everyone’s stares were on you two. “Sure, his life was short, but it was a good life. He could’ve also died an orphan from starvation or something worse. You saved his life once. We cannot save every life in danger, do you understand that?”
“I’m a doctor, of course I know that. I am not naive, Levi. It’s just…” You stopped, as tears filled your eyes again. “I’ve seen my family being taken away from me, not once, but twice. I’m beginning to think that maybe I am cursed...What if one of these days I lose you too? I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle that much pain” Your words carved Levi’s skull, it wasn’t just Pascal’s death, but the fear of losing him too. Now he knew why it had affected you so much.
“Nothing will happen to me, Y/N. Don’t be an idiot” Levi responded.
“You don’t know that” You said cleaning your tears with your sleeve, waiting for Levi’s response, but it never happened. “I’m not hungry, thanks” You continued to stare at the candle, hoping that Levi would leave.
“Y/N” He whispered, but you didn’t answer, nor looked at him. “For fucks sake, look at me when I’m talking to you, brat”
Reluctantly you looked at him, your eyes red, tired, mirroring every piece of your shattered heart. Levi extended his hand towards you without saying a single thing. You hesitated at first, but knowing you couldn’t stay mad at him, you grabbed his hand, as he helped you to stand up, and immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly. Feeling his arms tightly embracing you made your eyes get teary at once, and without any sort of warning, you broke down crying against his shoulder. You sobbed with your face between his neck and shoulder, not being able to control yourself. That hug was the little push you needed to really pour out your feelings. That hug was everything you wanted at the moment. Specially coming from him.
The rest of the team watched, feeling sorry for you, and feeling generally bad for witnessing such a sad moment.
Levi brushed your hair and kissed your head as he kept holding you. After several minutes he broke the hug, and cupped your face in his hands, wiping away the tears.
“Pascal meant a lot to me too, and sure, it hurts. But we have to keep moving forward” Levi said breaking the hug and cupping your face in his hands. “Keep your shit together, because from now, it will only get harsher and worse. But in the end, things will get better”
“You don’t know that for a fact” You chuckled bitterly. “Just let me mourn in peace, just a couple of days...I don’t need more…” Your gaze moved away from Levi’s as you felt bad just by staring at him. 
He was trying to pick up your pieces, and yet you were keeping him from doing so. But you were right, you needed time to mourn Pascal’s death. He’d been with you for seven years. It wasn’t much if you thought about it, but you had seen him grow into someone with potential, and that was already too much.
“Look” Levi sighed deeply “Listen to me when I tell you things will get better. Pascal’s gone, but it’s still not over yet. The best we can do is make his death be worthwhile. So, stay strong, for him, and aim for what you want to achieve, and what he would’ve wanted you to achieve. Don’t let his death be meaningless”
“So what now? We fight?” You whispered breathlessly.
“If we must”
“Then what?”
“We’ll see the sunrise. And it’ll be a different dawn” Levi murmured gently, almost like a soft purr.
Redemption...you thought, as your eyes got teary again, and sobbed.
“I miss him already” You sobbed, closing your eyes.
“I do too, Y/N. Listen to me, things are going to be better, I promise” Levi was getting tired of it all. More than Pascal’s death, was your entire attitude towards the situation.
Sure, he had more experience with death. Many people close to him had died, especially in emergency matters where you can’t stop and mourn, and you’re forced to get on your feet as soon as you fall down.
“How can you promise something like that?”
“It’s going to be hard to keep it, but I will. Once this is over, we can start all over again, you and me...”
The entire team was keeping silence. It was incredibly awkward for them all, but all of them knew they’d be killed right there if any dared to interrupt this complicated moment. Everyone was hearing everything, and each one of them were gawking, not believing they were witnessing Levi’s softer side. Clearly, a side he only showed you. Right now, you were the priority in Levi’s mind, so he didn’t care that everyone was watching. As long as you were okay, he’d feel more at peace with himself and that was important to keep the integrity of the plan intact.
Hange particularly, who’d known Levi for the longest time compared to everyone else. She was first amazed when she found out Levi was capable of falling in love. Her cold stone friend looked so different, starting with the way he was staring at you. Hange had never seen Levi stare at anyone like that.
“Are you even listening to yourself?” You asked Levi upon hearing his declaration.
“Yes, and I mean every word of it” He answered firmly, his eyes glued to yours.
“You don’t know if you’ll regret saying this someday” You chuckled.
“There’s no point in regretting your decision. The best thing you can do is deal with the present, whatever the outcome is. So trust me, no regrets”
“I love you, Levi” You hugged him, burying your face in his shoulder, as he hugged you back briefly, brushing your hair.
“I love you too” Levi said. “Let’s get you to bed, you need to sleep”
“Thank you” You walked towards the only room in the small house, and once inside, you sat on the bed and took off your boots. “Levi”
Levi hummed in response.
“Please don’t put out Pascal’s candle. Let it consume. It’s important to me”
“I won’t. Don’t worry” He said kissing your forehead. “Sleep. I’ll join you in a while”
“Goodnight” You said lying on the bed, not bothering to pull the covers on top of you, and buried your face on the pillow at once, the flashbacks hitting your closed eyes carving your chest.
“Goodnight, Y/N” Levi said turning off the light and closing the door behind him.
Everyone else had finished their dinner, and everyone looked at Levi as he went back to the living room. Levi was aware of it all, but decided to give it no relevance and sit on the free chair in front of Hange.
“I’ll have to head back soon” She said. “D’you mind giving me a minute with Levi?” Hange looked at everyone on the table, as they nodded.
“Wash your dishes” Levi commanded as everyone grabbed their respective glasses and dish and went back to the kitchen.
They murmured softly as they made their way to the kitchen, deciding who’d was all the dishes.
Hange waited for everyone else to leave, as Levi ate his dinner silently. Once they were left alone, she broke the silence.
“I’m sorry about the kid”
Levi looked at her straight in the eye stoically.
“What you said...just now to Y/N”
“What about it?”
“That was very sweet of you to say...about starting a life toge…”
“I’m not as insensitive as you all think I am” Levi cut her off with his usual monotone voice “I am cold, yes. But I have feelings too, you know?”
“I know. I’m just surprised” She sighed. “You love her that much, don’t you?”
“Wasn’t it obvious just now?”
“I’m happy for you, Levi. I really am” Hange said softly, staring into her friend’s eyes.
Hange was very expressive. Specially those huge eyes of hers. And from meeting her stare, Levi could actually feel how Hange felt. And she was telling the truth. Levi felt warm inside, and felt grateful. They stare into each other silently.
“Thank you” Levi finally answered.
don’t kill me pls
Tags:  Tags:  @crazyliraz, @simplysushii, @inthefleshme, @brvakout,  @jadav5, @animemanicsp​ @foolsettherulesinthisworld​ @shadow-wolf2
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redwoodrroad · 6 years
more fun oc stuff, featuring eridunis and his dad!
as well as sleepy mumblings about logan thackeray and little thoughts about his life and what he's about. it's all under the cut, and i kept out major plot things--there are a couple of major like life-altering things in heart of thorns and path of fire, so i'll vaguely reference them, and if you've played those campaigns, you'll know what im talking about, and if you haven't played it, i'll never tell ;)
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youu aare my daaad--you're my dad! boogie woogie woogie!
alright so starting from when eridunis started growing up in the orphanage, logan's brother, Dylan, was the captain of the seraph, right, it's canon that he's been captain of the seraph since logan was a Youth; eridunis has most of his interactions with dylan throughout his younger life. this is kind of where..... im not quite sure about the full extent of logan's and dylan's contempt for each other? we know that dylan sees logan as.... sort of childish, dishonorable--especially since logan becomes a mercenary as a young adult (we're also not completely sure how old these guys are, so bear with me, i have thoughts about that)--and logan doesn't really have any respect for dylan either because he thinks being a queen's guard is like. snobbish? that's a pretty easy way to put it. and it feels like the age difference is really rough--if logan is a kid by the time dylan becomes a seraph, and even if we assume that dylan was reasonably young when he became a seraph--let's say 18-20, pretty standard--logan was probably somewhere around 10-12 years old, "young boy" age as he's described on the wiki. so 8-10 years is really tough on sibling dynamics, and we can't even be sure how these guys were raised because we also dont know a dang thing about their parents but it’s fine
with that in mind..... i still wanna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that once logan becomes a mercenary, they have the type of relationship where they still talk, and maybe logan comes back to divinitys reach and pays him a visit if only for sake of Trying to be like a family. they're still (human) BROTHERS, you know; if nothing else, they were probably raised to be social with each other SO i imagine that logan comes back sometimes and walks around with dylan and they idly argue about their morals
dylan, of course, keeps an eye on the salma district because these fun little orphan kids mess around and pull pranks on rich assholes who dont seem to have any patience for kids with no parents. eridunis is among those funny kids, and once he's maybe around 7-8, he starts running around the salma district and causing problems along with quinn and later riot alice (like in their teenage years more-so), and he's one that dylan really keeps a Close eye on. dylan tells logan about his issues with some of the young kids at the orphanage, and logan probably tells him off about it, like "you should care more about why those kids are acting out; you just see them as delinquents" etc; and ok back on track, eridunis meets logan when dylan takes logan to the orphanage one time, and eridunis is Obviously among the youngest there--even quinn and alice are at least a year older than him, and he's also pretty small, and he has that big mop of red curly hair, and logan is like "oh..... this kid does not deserve this life, none of them do"
so when logan comes back more often, he probably spends more time getting to know the orphans than he spends time with dylan, and they're both sort of okay with that. ofc logan has that moment of family panic when he's called back to defend jennah, and dylan dies, and he takes his place as seraph captain. so this is 1320 AE at this point: eridunis is 15, and i sort of like to imagine that logan at least fifteen years older than him, so i feel like it's pretty accurate to say he's about 30 by then.
alright this is getting friggen long enough, and i havent even really gotten to eridunis yet--eridunis really gets to know logan in those five years, and logan realizes that his earlier feelings of heartwrench for the kid may. have been misplaced. because this kid is annoying and doesnt seem to be taking logan or any seraph seriously, but logan also doesnt want to ?? arrest him??? he's a KID; he'd rather let eridunis get away with petty, silly crimes that really only disturb the peace more than anything else, because eridunis is honest enough to give logan any money he's stolen (if he's caught), it's just that he's not. learning from it lol eridunis.... around that time.... starts fooling around with quinn (and later, alice, experimentally) a little, and uh. it's not great? it's really just kids experimenting, but let me just say that he really regrets doing those very adult things so young--he's glad, at least, that he did them with people he trusts; he would have a lot more regret if he was sleeping around at that age. im sure logan catches eridunis getting frisky with quinn in an alley around 16 / 17, and he sits eridunis down in his office and is like "look, i know it's not completely appropriate for me to give you this kind of talk, im not your father, but everyone deserves to have a talk like this" and eridunis is like
"oh no"
so logan tells him all about how he matters and he wants eridunis to make good choices, all that good stuff; eridunis is >:( but he also sort of appreciates it.... he appreciates it more later, when he's older, and it's probably what holds him back from going all out as a horny youth.
i think he and logan bond more over stories logan tells about his mercenary work, and he tells eridunis about destiny's edge--albeit with some remorse, details held back, for the loss of glint and snaff and also the respect of his companions. eridunis is totally starting to look up to logan by this point, so he's like "screw all of them!! you did what you had to do!!" and logan is like "woah i mean i appreciate that, but.... eh you're probably right, rytlock was being real nasty to me so forget him" and eridunis is like "yeah, fuck him!!" and logan is like "NO--language, eridunis!"
once eridunis hits 20, we come to the personal story--eridunis is still incredibly young, but he's honing his necromancy skills (skills he started messing with when he was much younger, but he's never had a real weapon until now), and he becomes !! the hero of shaemoor! but of course he fucks up again, and this is also where i drift away from the canon a little, because i imagine that he doesn't talk to logan immediately, he goes back to the salma district to chill out, you know, steal some wallets--and he's immediately caught by the seraph Again, and this time, like i said in the other post i made about this, logan is like "i can either arrest you and put you in jail because ministers are mad, OR you can help me out with gang violence, and i can try to give you a job with the seraph."
and then we move through the personal story, and at each turn, eridunis is updating logan and excitedly telling him about his adventures. eridunis also takes plenty of opportunities to complain to logan about his new traveling partner, this agonizing magister who's snobbish and self concerned and maybe just a Little pretty--needless to say, eridunis comes back to logan's office all bashful like "youll never believe this.... i have a boyfriend. and it's arkus" and logan is instantly like "YOU CAME TO ME EVERY CHANCE YOU COULD GET TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS PERSON, AND NOW YOURE JUST HEAD OVER HEELS HUH" and eridunis yells back "YEAH WELL IM WEAK AND SHUT UP" but it’s all good haha
ofc eridunis helps logan fix his relationship with rytlock and the other destinys edge people, and theres just a lot of very positive father-son type things in general
and once we hit... heart of thorns......... eridunis is so worried about logan, and it adds a Lot onto his stress among.... other things. which i'll save for another post. anyway, by the time he sees logan again, logan is injured, and eridunis's fear for logan's life isn't really getting any better, but as he heals through season 3, eridunis is visiting him, writing to him, and he's so relieved when logan does heal up just fine.
once we hit path of fire, the opposite happens, and logan has a terrifying moment where he has to imagine a world without someone he really truly sees as his son, and i just imagine logan collapsing at his desk, and when taimi or canach likely contact him again with the news, he's so relieved that he just. breaks down. it’s a bad time, but it could have been way worse forever. eridunis takes some time to heal himself, and logan visits him a couple times, so thankful that he's okay
last thing i wanna say is with respect to the most recent chapter, all or nothing--eridunis is incredibly distraught as a result, and there's a moment where eridunis has to just hide from everyone in his tent, and arkus tries to take care of him, but eridunis eventually asks him to get logan, he just needs extra support from the only parental figure he's ever had. so arkus brings logan to the tent, and eridunis just..... leans against logan for a long time, cries a lot, arkus rubs his back and all that, and eventually, once eridunis calms down, logan gets to tell eridunis how much he cares about him, how he sees eridunis as a son, how he's always had an incredible amount of respect for eridunis, and okay it's very sweet but it's really making eridunis want to cry AGAIN because he sort of feels like he doesn't even deserve that respect for the mistakes he's made, but that's just how it be on this bitch of an earth, eridunis! you have a dad now, and he loves you! it means a lot for eridunis, who soon passes out and leaves arkus to chat with logan about how cool it was for logan to say all that, knowing eridunis looks up to him, and they take a moment to reminisce as father-in-law and gnc-son-in-law about the adventures so far
that's about all i have! i might go into more detail about specific moments within chapters, but this is long enough and i wanted to get it out there because im proud of the thought ive put into these boys already. i hope you enjoyed!
bonus pics!
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thegreatwhiteferret · 7 years
I was tagged by: @its-reddie-bitch (Thanks for this by the way, Elle. 85 fucking questions...Jesus. Lmao ❤️❤️❤️ )
1. last drink?: Venti Soy Blonde Latte from Starbucks because I am a basic white bitch
2: last phone call?: My older sister when I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.
3. last text message?: “Can I use your card for Starbucks?” Because I am a poor ass basic white bitch.
4. last song you listened to?: Rainbow by Kesha (Gets me in the feels every time)
5. last time you cried?: Mmmmmmmm last night or the early hours of today...
6. dated someone twice?: Noppppppppppppppe. Thank fucking God.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t think so.
8. been cheated on?: We weren’t “exclusive” so...but I’d fucking say that it still felt like it.
9. lost someone special?: So so many.
10. been depressed?: Severely for the majority of my life. (In case y’all hadn’t figured out that I’m an anxious and depressed mess)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up?: OH MY GOD. Only twice that I can think of, but one was really bad. Sour blue raspberry Smirnoff vodka and Titos vodka, and I filled like a full tumbler glass with that and chugged it...because why the fuck not? I’ll tell you why not, I ruined a $2,500 cowhide rug...fuck.
fave colors
12. Fluorescent Pink- Basic white bitch with Barbie tendencies.
13. Tiffany Blue- See above reasoning
14. Anything Pastel Ever
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends?: Yes, but I also lost a shit ton.
16. fallen out of love?: Hahahahaha. No romantic interactions at all in the past year so...not possible.
17. laughed until you cried?: All the time. That wine drinking Pennywise was the last thing that made me do this.
18. found out someone was talking about you?: Yes, and that bitch is lucky I had enough self control to not throw hands with her.
19. met someone who changed you?: Yes. (For better and for worse)
20. found out who your friends are?: In the hardest way possible.
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: Nope, and we can leave it that way.
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: All of them.
23. do you have any pets?: My furry baby who is actually an alien like Stitch dog, Pippa. (But I also have my sister’s dog with me right now)
24. do you want to change your name?: Nah, I’m good.
25. what did you do for your last birthday?: Went for dinner with my family and tried to keep myself together.
26. what time did you wake up today?: Erhmmmmmm 10:30 ish, but I laid in bed with the dogs until almost 12. It was glorious.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night?: Finishing the latest chapter of I Will Try To Fix You so I could post it and watching Bloodline (legit only for Owen Teague...don’t judge me.)
28. what is something that you can’t wait for?: Things to get better...?
30. what are you listening to right now?: Someone You Like by The Girls and The Dreamcatcher 
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Yup.
32. something getting on your nerves?: What doesn’t get on my nerves would be a shorter list. What irks me more than anything is people being assholes to other people because their ideals don’t match. No one is fucking asking you to engage in a poly relationship or marry your same gender so fuck off! Gahhhhh.
33. most visited website?: Tumblr (But if Google Docs counts (14 tabs open Jesus) then that’s close behind and so is Ao3).
34. hair color?: Bleached white blonde with horrendous roots. I sooooo want to do something drastic to it though, 
35. long or short hair: It’s shoulder length so whatever that is.
36. do you have a crush on someone?: A real life person? No. Celebrities? Hilary fucking Knight always and forever. People on this site? ...Maybeeeeeee.
37. what do you like about yourself?: This is a really hard question. I guess I’m an alright writer and I genuinely like helping people. 
38. want any piercings: I have quite a few, but I have my eye on a few for the future. 
39. blood type: O+
40. nicknames: Meg, Megs, Meggie, Mefge (Typo from Wii that will never cease to haunt me!), Texas...really freaking boring I guess.
41. relationship status: Single AF...by choice, not my choice, but a choice.
42. zodiac: Libra 
43. pronouns: She/Her
44. fave tv show: Golden Girls (and a million others, I watch a lot of TV tbh)
45. tattoos: I have a list of 14 that I want when I have money.
46. right or left handed: Right
47. ever had surgery: I’ve had sinus surgery and gastric related surgery so far. There will be more in the future I am sure.
48 . piercings: Two lobes each ear, industrial, rook, conch, and tragus. (Nips, belly button, and something else in the future hopefully)
50. vacation: I haven’t been on one in years. I am dying to go to Disney and London.
51. trainers: Converse Chuck Taylors
more general
52. eating: Salad but I want to make a mug cookie...
53. drinking: Still working on that Latte
54. im about to watch: I’m watching some British family cook off show with my mom and sister on Netflix.
55. waiting for: Better days, they better be coming quickly.
56. want: To actually be motivated enough to quickly finish the 14 requests I have!!! Hahahaha, that’s why it’s a want and not a possibility. 
57. get married? YES PLEASE! But I think someone has to actually be able to tolerate me for this to happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
58. career: I quit my original dream career and now I am going back to school for nursing. It was toxic and I needed a change.
60. lips or eyes: Eyes. Oh my God, EYES.
61. shorter or taller: ¿Por que no los dos?
62. older or younger: I don’t care as long as they are at least 18...sounds bad but whatever.
63. nice arms or stomach: Uhmmmm either?
64.  hookup or relationship: Relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: It depends on the situation.
66. kissed a stranger: Not yet, but I would.
67. drank hard liquor: Pretty much all I drink because I am allergic to beer and do not like wine. I actually owe my sister six shots of fireball, so that’s going to happen and I will be on the floor...
68. lost glasses: All the fucking time and then I can’t find them because I’m blind! Endless struggle.
69. turned someone down: Yes...and ghosted people too.
70. sex on the first date: SURE. Why the fuck not??
71. broken someones heart: I don’t think so.
72. had your heart broken: Yes, and at the time I thought I would never recover, but I’m still kicking bitches.
73. been arrested: No.
74. cried when someone died: So so so so so so so so much. 
75. fallen for a friend: Yes, multiple times, and they were awful decisions!
do you believe in…
76. yourself: No. Unfortunately. It’s a struggle, but I promise that I am going to get help very soon and work on this. I’m just very very hard on myself and don’t like when I’m not perfect. 😕😕😕
77. miracles: Maybe...
78. love at first sight: Nope. Infatuation of lust at first sight? Yes. Love? No, I don’t think it’s something to play around with and it has to grow.
79. santa clause: I CAN HEAR THE BELLS!!!!
80. kiss on a first date: I mean I already said why not to sex on the first date, so kissing is mild.
81. angels: I don’t know. Angels I’m not sure about, but I do believe in spirits and things of that nature.
82. best friend’s name: Can I say my dog? Is that pathetic? Pippa is my ride or die, guys.
83. eye color: Blue
84. fave movie: Inglorious Basterds, IT, and Rise of the Guardians in no specific order, because I am indecisive and can’t choose.
85. fave actor: I can’t choose one! Taron Egerton, Michael B. Jordan, and Evan Peters are high on my list though.
I have no idea who has already been tagged so I’m just going to throw some names out... @billbenbev @milagric @theriodiaries @demianhill @dannybriereisaliferuiner @valiantlydeepestdinosaur And literally anyone else who wants to do this!
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botanistlester · 7 years
Sweet Pea (7/?)
Summary: A nickname that goes bitter in your mouth. Cries for help that no one listens to. Gentle hands that make you quake on the ground you’re standing on. When Phil first met Nico, he thought he was a gift from the heavens. But behind the mask lies something daunting, something unnerving, that Phil never foresaw. Through his journey, he finds solace in Dan, the regular at his workplace, who seems to be the only one who sees through Nico’s mask to the darkness underneath. Warnings: Abusive relationship, violence A/N: Amidst the horror of this story, here's something cute and sweet! The lyrics at the beginning are from a song called All Our Bruised Bodies And The Whole Heart Shrinks by La Dispute! Thank you (as always) to @littlelionsloves and @snowbunnylester for being my lovely betas! I couldn't do this without you two! I’ve also started making audiofics, where you can find on my youtube, skeletonflowers! Previous | Masterlist
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Chapter Seven
Tell me what your worst fears are. I bet they look a lot like mine. Tell me what you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night.
It had been a few weeks since Phil had started talking to Dan, and today was the day where he was going over to Dan’s place. He was practically vibrating with both nerves and excitement. While he could hardly wait to finally get to know Dan in person just as well as he knew him through text, he was also anxious about how it was going to go in the first place.
Dan was everything Phil had ever wanted in a friend. He was witty, funny, and sarcastic at all the right times, but he also knew how to console Phil whenever he needed it. It was just strange for Phil to think that he had befriended his most valued customer, someone who he’d known for a year, but who he’d never really, well, known.
So now that Phil was finally going to his apartment? He didn’t know what to expect. He was walking into a mystery head first. What kind of flat would someone who wore grandma sweaters and who liked memes more than themselves have? Would he have framed photos of Doge hanging up on the wall? Would he have a list of his favourite memes on the fridge?
As Phil soon found out, only the latter was true.
Dan had just greeted him at the door with an overly excited hug and an exclamation of, “Phil!” that sounded just a bit more like ‘Phiw’ than anything else. He had then blabbered on for two minutes about how he was nervous to finally be showing Phil around, and Phil had only been able to quiet him with a large smile and an agreement that he was also very nervous. That seemed to be enough to compel Dan to give him a flat tour, waving his hands excitedly as he gestured to his favourite belongings.
It wasn’t what Phil had expected, really. Dan was such a colourful person, in both language and wear, that it took him completely off guard when he came to the realisation that Dan’s flat was decorated with monochrome colours, whites and blacks and grays. Phil pointed this out to Dan, who shook his head.
“Now that’s not true!” he exclaimed, grabbing Phil by the elbow and dragging him towards the kitchen. Phil didn’t know what he was supposed to be looking at until Dan pointed at the refrigerator, which was decorated with a million post-it notes and a few pokemon magnets. He had trouble keeping his snort in. “A source of colour amidst the dreary scenery, your majesty. You’re welcome.”
This time, Phil did snort, shaking his head and smiling widely at Dan. “You’re such a nerd,” he told him, and Dan just shrugged as if he’d already known that. Phil turned back to the fridge, looking over all of the notes, wondering what Dan could possibly need that many reminders for. And right there, smack dab in the middle of the fridge on an orange note, read ‘FAVOURITE MEMES’ in large block letters. Phil groaned. “Of course you’d have a list of memes on your fridge. You’re my least favourite person.”
Dan made a face and grabbed a pen and a stack of bright pink sticky notes from the counter. “If I’m your least favourite because I’m fun then I’d hate to see the dull fuck who has garnered all of your attention.” Phil watched with mild curiosity as he scribbled something unknown on the note before tearing it off and sticking it right to Phil’s forehead. “There. I think that accurately portrays you as a person.”
Unable to stop himself, Phil reached up and took it off, reading over the note. He almost couldn’t read it honestly, because Dan’s scrawl was like hieroglyphics, but after probably a hundred years had passed, he finally figured out what it said.
“Boring old man?” Phil read in a flat tone. He glanced up and met Dan’s gaze with his own unimpressed expression. “And here I thought it was you who was the old person. Considering you have your very own grandma sweatshirt.”
“Hey, I wore that to be ironic!”
“Right. Which is why you’re wearing a shirt right now that says World’s Best Daddy.”
Dan gasped, covering the words on his shirt like he was trying to shield himself. “I am a man who appreciates good humour, thank you very much.” He put his nose in the air, looking down at Phil in an attempt to make it seem like he had a mightier-than-thou attitude. “Not like someone such as yourself would understand something as complex and three-dimensional as humour. You disgust me.”
With a mock-offended scoff, Phil snatched the stack of post-its and the pen from Dan’s hands. In his haste, he almost dropped them, but luckily his butterfingers didn’t betray him for once. He hid the note from Dan as he wrote his payback on it before tearing it off and sticking it to Dan’s arm.
“There,” he said simply. “Now we’re even.”
Phil could tell that Dan tried to hide his smile, but it failed miserably when he read the note. The corners of his lips turned up and his eyes considerably brightened. “Meme-loving fuck,” he read, shaking his head and meeting Phil’s eyes. His face turned serious. “Is this supposed to be an insult? Feels a bit more like a medal of honour.”
With a snort, Phil shook his head and took the note away from Dan. He stuck both his and Dan’s on the fridge, near the center because they were obviously more important than anything else. “There. Now you’ll never forget about the boring old man who called you a meme-loving fuck.”
“You say that as if I could forget about you,” Dan murmured softly, and he shot Phil a smile that was somewhat sheepish. In all honesty, Phil found it endearing. He couldn’t believe how lucky he had been to call Dan his friend. All of his earlier worries seemed to have just flown out of the window as soon as he walked through the threshold. “Now enough of this sappy shit. I’m going to beat your ass at Mario Kart.”
“You’re on.”
Playing games with Dan was fun, but that wasn’t at all surprising to Phil. He’d long since realised that he enjoyed Dan’s company, so teasing and yelling at each other as they tried to destroy each other in Mario Kart was easy. Through this, he ended up getting to know more about Dan as well.
He found out that Dan liked to yell. A lot. If there was any chance that his victory would be jeopardised, then his voice would get so high pitched that it nearly shattered Phil’s eardrums. He cussed more than usual, the F-bomb dropping every two seconds as he slammed his shoulder into Phil’s. He was competitive, which could turn anybody away from wanting to play with him, but Phil couldn’t help but laugh at how upset he got every time it didn’t go his way. It was just endearing, and Phil found himself having the time of his life.
After they got bored of Mario Kart, Dan switched to Crash Bandicoot. Even though it was only a one person game, they made it into something they could both have fun with by passing the controller to the other person whenever they died.
Dan was the one playing when Phil got a text message, and he looked down at his phone to see that Nico had texted him. A grimace played on his lips, not because he wasn’t happy to hear from him, but because he hadn’t exactly told him that he was going over to Dan’s today.
Nico x - 8:46pm
Hey sweet pea xx
Nico x - 8:47pm
What r u up to?
Phil Lester - 8:50pm
not much. Chilling at home.
The lie came out before Phil could even think about what he was typing. He bit his lip so harshly that his lip tore slightly, blood pooling onto his tongue. He glanced over at Dan, who was sitting beside him playing Crash Bandicoot and swearing loudly at the television.
Why had he lied? There was literally no reason to. It’s not like there was anything going between Phil and Dan in the slightest. They were just hanging out. Phil had no reason to lie.
Except he couldn't stop thinking about how Nico would probably be mad if he was hanging out with Dan. It’s not like Dan and Nico had gotten along very well at the party, even though Nico had been drunk. Phil feared that Nico wouldn’t approve of his sudden friendship with the guy who pretty much told Nico he was a bad boyfriend.
His phone chimed again, breaking his fretful thoughts.
Nico x - 8:56pm
Can i come keep you company?
Panic filled Phil for a split second before he took a few deep breaths. That’s fine. He could just… lie again. No biggie.
Phil Lester - 8:57pm
Im actually trying to get some hw done tonight. Hang tomorrow? xx
Nico x - 8:57pm
Cant i just come hang out while youre working on it? I miss you :-(
Phil cursed under his breath, causing Dan to pause the game and look over at him with a concerned expression.
“You okay?” Dan asked carefully, seeming slightly uncertain like he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. It was nice of him, in Phil’s opinion, because they didn’t really know each other well quite yet and yet he still cared enough to notice that something was wrong.
“I’m fine,” he promised, and gave Dan a tight-lipped smile. He met his eyes for good measure, holding his gaze for a few seconds until Dan sighed and accepted his reassurance.
“Alright,” Dan said, smiling back at him, his eyes crinkling. He turned back to his game, picking up the controller. “But let me know if I can do anything for you.”
Phil didn’t nod, just picked up his phone and sent a text to Nico, spewing yet another lie. He didn’t know what was wrong with him or how he could possibly treat his own boyfriend like this. In all of his relationships, he was always really cautious to be honest with them no matter what. But suddenly, all of his values were crashing down around him.
He didn’t deserve Nico.
Phil Lester - 9:01pm
I miss you too :( but I really need to get this paper finished. Ive been procrastinating. See you tomorrow?
It was disgusting. He was disgusting. Phil would make this up to Nico, even though he didn’t know anything about what was going on at the moment.
Nico x - 9:01pm
Alright sweet pea. See you tomorrow, I love you.
Phil texted him that he loved him too before Dan was shoving the controller in his face.
“I died already. I call hacks,” Dan muttered, but he was smiling despite his frustration, his face so warm that Phil couldn’t help but relax slightly, the tension in his shoulder dispelling into the couch.
“Get ready, ‘cause you’re about to see the wrath of the Philinator,” Phil proclaimed loudly, taking the remote. At least he could try to hide his guilt by beating Dan at everything he did.
“The Philinator? Really?”
Needless to say, Phil didn’t end up beating Dan. But that didn’t matter because his cheeks hurt from laughing so hard and his chest felt so light it was as if he was flying. It was strange, how being with Dan could make him feel as if he had known the guy for ten years, almost like they were platonic soulmates. Even Chandler, who Phil proudly claimed as his best friend for years, didn’t have the same chemistry with him as he had with Dan.
It was nice and Phil didn’t even think about checking his phone until he left a few hours later. But even then, the fifteen concerned text messages didn’t dare destroy his high.
Phil Lester - 3:38pm
Saw an old lady get bitten on her butt by a corgi just now. Made me think of you
Dan Howell - 3:45pm
Was it her thicc ass that made you think of me? ;)
Phil Lester - 3:47pm
You wish. It was actually her impressive amount of wrinkles that made me text you.
Dan Howell 3:48pm
Ha. ur soooo funny. U should be a comedian
Phil Lester - 3:48pm
That’s the plan!
Dan Howell - 3:51pm
I’ll be the first to throw the tomatoes
Phil Lester - 3:52pm
That’s fine, I’ll just catch them in my mouth! See you at the show :*
Since they had hung out together, Dan and Phil continued to become closer with each passing day. The only person Phil used to really text was Nico, but now he found his eyes glued to the phone every minute of the day, awaiting the next text message from both of his favourite people. Now what he really wanted was for Nico, Dan, and Phil all to hang out together, and then his life would be complete.
That wouldn’t be so difficult if, one, Nico didn’t hate Dan, two, Dan didn’t hate Nico, and three, Phil had told Nico that he was friends with Dan.
Yep. He was in deep shit, that was for sure.
And Phil… Phil was the worst boyfriend in the history of boyfriends. On top of keeping the information of his newfound friendship with Dan to himself, he also found himself lying all the time when it came to he and Dan hanging out. He came up with all sorts of excuses when he planned a day with Dan.
Sorry, I have to work on homework.
I can’t hang out today, I told Chandler I’d study with her.
I have work.
So when Dan had asked Phil if he wanted to spend the weekend at his house just for the heck of it because ‘they are actually teenage girls who need to have a sleepover ASAP’, Phil had a moment of panic. How was he going to explain to Nico that he was going to be away for the whole weekend because he wanted to spend his weekend with another guy? Especially a guy that Nico didn’t like?
His perfect excuse came in the form of a well thought-out lie.
“I’m going to my parents’ house,” he said before he could blurt out anything stupid and give Nico any wrong ideas. He wasn’t spending the night with Dan because he liked him romantically. He was doing it because he wanted to, because Dan was a close friend now, because the only person Phil had bothered to hang out with lately was Nico himself.
He needed other friends, damn it.
Nico didn’t even bat an eyelash and just shrugged, giving Phil a sweet kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be here awaiting your return,” he promised, making guilt flood through Phil’s body, the knowledge that he was horrible stabbing through his brain.
He was off the hook for now, able to spend the weekend with Dan, playing dumb video games and finally being able to learn more about each other. Phil was excited, ecstatic even. Finally, finally he had a friend who he could play dumb games with and joke around with like there wasn’t a care in the world. It was refreshing, to say the least.
Most of the times they hung out, it was just that - playing video games and watching movies. Phil found out quickly what types of movies Dan liked, ranging from Baby Driver to Deathgasm. He was one of the most complicated people Phil had ever met, his personality and hobbies all over the place with no set pattern. One day, he’d show up to class in stupid ironic daddy shirts and the next, he’d be wearing the most fashionable sense of style Phil had ever laid his eyes on. He had designer clothing, which Dan blamed on his Theatre classmates.
“I’ve never bought a single piece of designer clothing in my life,” Dan told him after Phil teased him about the godawful potato sack jumper which had apparently been made by Kanye himself.
Phil didn’t really believe him, but he let the matter go. Who was he to tell Dan not to be himself? Besides, Dan rocked his style and he knew it.
Now, they were laying in Dan’s room in the dark. They were both on the floor because Phil felt weird about sleeping in Dan’s bed. and Dan felt weird about letting Phil sleep on the floor. So they compromised and were both sleeping on the floor. There was a bowl of half-eaten popcorn between them and Phil’s face was lit up by his phone screen because Nico was texting him and asking how his mum was doing. Phil told him she was doing okay and it wasn’t exactly a lie because Dan was wearing a shirt that said ‘Sewing Mum’ which made him just as good as Phil’s mother.
“This is the part of the sleepover where we talk about our deepest darkest secrets with each other,” Dan whispered after about twenty minutes of silence. He set his phone down, locking the screen, and turned over so he was facing Phil. The room was dark so Phil couldn’t see his face, but he was sure Dan was looking straight at him. “Tell me your secrets, Phil.”
Phil snorted and sent his good night message to Nico, putting his phone on do not disturb. “What exactly am I supposed to tell you? Who my first kiss was? If I’ve ever gone past third base?”
“I mean, those are great places to start. I’d like to hear about little awkward Philly fumbling through his first times. Sounds mortifying.”
Phil hummed and turned on his back, settling his hands on his belly. He closed his eyes, finding it much easier to remember when he didn’t have to worry about looking at another person. “My first kiss was Miranda Carsen. I was fourteen and we were at a birthday party. We played spin the bottle and she pretty much shoved her tongue down my throat.” Phil chuckled at the memory, smiling. “For a while, I thought I didn’t like kissing before I realised she was just a bad kisser.”
“Just as horrifying as I imagined,” Dan sighed dreamily. “I dig it.”
“Well what about you then? When was your first kiss?”
Dan grew quiet for a second, and then he let out the loudest groan he could muster. Phil raised his eyebrows but stayed quiet so he could explain. “Bryce Harper when I was sixteen.” Phil’s mouth immediately dropped open and he emitted a noise of surprise. Dan was gay? Or bi? Since when? And why the Hell had Phil never known this? “Bryce was my bully for a few years and would always tease me for being a faggot, even though I was positive I wasn’t gay back then. Once, he said some really hurtful things and I got really upset and started crying and ran away. He chased me down and, long story short, he ended up kissing me. I kind of liked it, which is how I found out I liked boys much more than I liked girls. But I was freaked out because my bully was kissing me, and I pushed him away. He never bothered me again after that, and that was that.”
Phil couldn’t speak for a moment. There was a lot of information that Dan had entrusted in Phil in only a short monologue. First of all, the knowledge that Dan was LGBT+ was making his head spin. Suddenly, he remembered all of those moments where Phil hadn’t been quite sure if he was flirting or not. Now, it made him wonder if Dan had been flirting. But knowing his personality, that could also be the way Dan just was. Secondly, Dan was bullied. Bullying was something Phil had sadly dealt with all throughout high school as well, so this was something that made them alike as well. And lastly, Dan’s bully had actually kissed him. And Dan had liked it.
That knowledge was almost too much for Phil to handle, so he ended up letting out a breathy laugh instead.
“That must have been so confusing for you,” Phil told him, turning on his side to face Dan. He tried to squint his eyes to see what Dan’s expression was, but he couldn’t make it out. “One moment, this guy is chronically bullying you and calling you names, and the next he’s trying to kiss you and be nice to you. I can’t imagine how confusing that’d be.”
Dan hummed. “Pretty confusing,” he said softly, in a voice that made Phil want to reach out and grab his hand. Not because he wanted to do anything weird, but because he wanted to offer his support. He didn’t though, because he had a boyfriend and holding other men’s hands was disrespectful. “That was a pretty rough time in my life,” Dan admitted after a moment of thought. “I had been in denial over my sexuality because I was being bullied about it, only to have everything come crashing down over me when I realised I liked it when my own bully kissed me. I thought I was sick, a masochist. Who the fuck likes it when the person who’s been torturing them for years suddenly shows some affection?”
Phil stayed silent during Dan’s rant, but he spoke up when Dan’s breathing turned heavy and he stopped talking. “You’re not sick, Dan,” he promised him. “You were just confused. That had to have been a hard thing to go through, and it’s not your fault.”
“I know that now,” Dan replied, and then there was a hand on Phil’s, one that was so gentle that Phil barely felt it at first. He was sure he should pull away, but Dan didn’t entwine their fingers, didn’t show that he was trying to come onto Phil in the slightest. He was just holding onto his hand as if he were seeking comfort, and Phil decided he could make an exception just this once. “I had some friends to help me through it and my mum was wonderful. I think the experience helped me be the person that I am today, so I don’t regret it anymore.”
The admittance made Phil’s heart constrict. He couldn’t imagine how strong Dan must have to be to get through something like that, to be able to look at himself in the past and be proud of what he’d accomplished instead of wallowing in shame. Phil squeezed his hand lightly. “I like who you are today,” Phil told him earnestly.
Even though it was dark, Phil could tell Dan was grinning when he said, “I do too.” And then a smaller, more quiet, “I like you too.”
They fell asleep a few hours later, after Phil’s throat had gone sore from laughing so hard. He hadn’t had a friend like this in a very long time, where they complimented each other so well to the point where they were giggling about absolutely nothing for thirty minutes straight. They could go from serious discussion one moment, to completely joking the next, and yet it flowed together easily.
Phil knew that he was the luckiest person in the world to have Dan as a friend.
Chapter Eight
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Snowbaz Swimming Au
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
yoooo i think this might be the longest chapter yet, and I started planning the other ones. i want to finish some more and queue them or something idk
baz pov again
I was leaving practice Monday night when I got the call. Fiona hadn’t sounded that distressed since my mother died, which is how I knew something was wrong.
Everything had been going so well for me, too. My grades were up, we had just enough boys to compete this year (and our first meet was this Saturday), Snow and I practiced together every morning and night and we’d started walking places together. Not saying anything, but that meant that we weren’t fighting. I could feel myself want to start a fight with him, because with him being this nice to me I was screwed. I couldn’t get him out of my head.
Even as I drove through the night to Hampshire to see Mordi in the hospital, I couldn’t stop the images of Snow that were running through my head.
Snow laughing at early morning practices. Snow trying to do the fly again (he secretly loved it. I could see it. He wanted to beat out Dev as the first seat flyer by the end of the season, which would be an incredible feat). But he had the shoulders for it.
I tried to ignore the images of Snow running around in that tight bathing suit. It was torture. I’m honestly glad I didn’t have to swim so close to him in the afternoons too; I would lose it.
He wasn’t in the sixth lane anymore, though. Our morning practices were helping. He’d moved up to the fourth lane. His technique was impressive; he had learned surprisingly fast. His endurance wasn’t up to par yet (but neither was mine, we were still building yardage at practice). And I’d caught him and Gareth trying to lift together in the gym one Saturday (at least I wasn’t the only one smitten with the golden boy; a number of girls in our class had been watching through the windows). I even saw Wellbelove walk past and take a second glance.
I wanted to tell her to fuck off.
By the time I reached the hospital at three in the morning, visiting hours were over. I should’ve expected that. Fiona had even told me to wait until morning. I didn’t really have the self-control at this point (all of my self-control went into not kissing Snow at morning practice).
I banged on the doors until security threatened to make sure I wouldn’t be allowed inside once the doors opened in the morning, so I kicked over the nearest garbage can. I napped in my car until Daphne knocked on my car window.
“Basil, the hospital just opened.” She called through the glass. I stalked inside behind her and my father.
He still wasn’t speaking to me, but I didn’t mind too much because conversations with my father had never been particularly pleasant. When he found out I was gay, it was just another disappointment to add to the list.
The hospital seemed deathly quiet as we made our way to Mordelia’s ward. The only noise was Daphne’s clicking heels and soft elevator music playing in the background. It made me itch; I would rather it was silent.
Nurses and doctors all blended together as they rushed from point A to point B. everything was white and sterile and mute. All the smells and sounds and colors blended together. I ignored the rumbling in my stomach and followed Daphne into a blank, white-walled room. The room felt as dead as the rest of the hospital. The only sound was soft breathing and the persistent beep of machines. I hated hospitals.
Mordelia was just waking up when we walked in, so we all tried to stay quiet. When my father and Daphne went to talk to the doctors, I took a seat next to Mordi on the bed. I watched her chest rise and fall as the nurse quietly checked her vitals and checked the drip she was hooked up to.
I hated seeing my sister like this. She looked so vulnerable. I decided to keep that to myself (even if she was dying, she’d summon the strength to punch me for a comment like that). Her eyes fluttered open, and she greeted me with a wide smile.
“What happened?” I asked. She looked sickly and pale still. Fiona had been very vague over the phone about what had landed my eleven year old sister in the hospital.
“Dehydration. I got the stomach bug at school and kept throwing up.” She shrugged, “At least I keep to keep missing school.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. I laid down next to her and snuck her her phone from Daphne’s purse. We snickered as she scrolled through her instagram, taunting the other girls from her school. She hated her all-girls boarding school, but Daphne had insisted. I missed hanging out with my sister during the summer. I rarely got to talk with her during the school year. The rest of our siblings were still too young to hold an intelligent conversation.
Around eleven thirty the nurses brought Mordelia some lunch and I remembered how hungry I was. It was lunchtime at Watford and I had skipped breakfast. I also needed to get back. Even if I left now, I probably wouldn’t make it back in time for the start of practice. I definitely couldn’t miss another day of classes. Dev and Niall had been texting all day in a groupchat i’d forgotten we had.
(07:23) Dev: mate where the fuck r u
(07:23) Niall: fucking answer would you
(09:02) Dev: bazzzzzzzz
(09:20) Niall: i stg mate
(010:36) Niall: your cars gone where the fuck did you go
(011:50) Baz: tell coach im sick
(011:54) Dev: hes not gonna believe that. youre never sick
(011:55) Dev: where did you go
(012:14) Dev: are you fucking with me
I didn’t bother trying to find Daphne and my father before I left, but I did send Mordi a bouquet of flowers from the gift shop for when she woke up again. Hopefully Daphne wouldn’t notice her phone gone from her bag. I’d text her later, I promised myself as I hopped back in my car.
I cranked up the volume and kept my eyes on the road, praying they wouldn’t close on me before I reached Watford.
I stumbled back to the dorms across campus in the dark, ignoring the small groups of giggling drunks trying to be discreet, hushing and tripping over each other in the moonlight. I could smell the alcohol from halfway across the courtyard. I figured at this point the teachers just didn’t really give a shit.
I winced as the dorm door creaked, I prayed Snow would sleep through it. Unfortunately, he had always been a light sleeper and he was staring at me when I walked in. He was sitting straight up in bed, he had obviously been asleep: his curls were everywhere. I stifled a laugh and switched on his lamp so I didn’t trip over his dirty clothes. The soggy bathing suits that had been added to his collection of dirty clothes meant that our room always smelled vaguely of chlorine.
“Where the fuck were you?” He growled. I couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so angry with me (maybe when I held hands with Agatha?). There was fire in his eyes, and it might’ve been the exhaustion, but I could almost see steam coming out of his ears.
“What?” I raised an eyebrow at him. Other than smirking, that was the one thing sure to set him off. I’m convinced it only pisses him off so much because he can’t raise one eyebrow (despite the number of times I’d overheard him insist that Bunce teach him how).
“I waited for you all morning at the pool! And then you never showed up to practice either! What the hell Baz?”
I could feel anger bubbling inside me, “I was busy.” Selfish bastard. I kicked his shoes aside, and made my way towards our bathroom.
“Where did you go?” he was still seething. Snow never knew when to let things go, did he?
I didn’t even realize he enjoyed morning practices that much. I ignored the way my heart lurched at the possibility. The possibility that maybe he enjoyed our time together.
“None of your fucking business, Snow.” I rolled my eyes and tossed my jumper on the bed. The stress of the day was getting to me. I was just happy Mordi would be okay. Eventually, I mean; she still looked like hell when I saw her. At least it wasn’t serious. Maybe I’d try to drive down and see her again on Sunday. Sunday was the only day we didn’t practice.
“Yes, it is! You promised to train me!” he whined. I wanted to choke him. Or kiss him. I still couldn’t figure out which. And I still couldn’t figure out how I’d managed to fall for someone who drove me so crazy.
I spun around to face him. He was sitting on the edge of his bed now, in his boxers, arms across his chest (he really was starting to look more filled out. His scone-pudge was slowly receding. I couldn’t tell if I liked it or not).
“Alright Snow, fine. I drove to Hampshire to see my sister in the hospital.” I snapped and slammed the bathroom door behind me.
When I came back out Snow was asleep again. Figures. I turned off all the lights, and crawled into bed.
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thefruitsofloveff · 8 years
Chapter 2.
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“I don’t know Neal. This case is kinda fucked up. She is his girlfriend, the mother of his child and she lives with him. How can she prove she had nothing to do with anything”.
I questioned. First day back in the office and they throw this 2 week old case on my desk. I love my job, but it comes with it’s challenges.
“Listen skip. I know she���s innocent. She might be all those things, but one thing she’s not is a criminal. When s-”.
There was a knock on the door before Crystal my secretary opened the door. 
“Tiana Williamson is in”.
I nodded, watching her open the door wider and letting the young girl walk in. She looked to be super young. Why was she involved in this kind of mess. I watched as she held her alert young son in her arms and sat on the couch.
“Im sorry, How old are you?”.
I questioned. Before I take on anything, I need to know what I’m getting myself into.
“22 years old. Is this about my age or case because last time I checks the state of New York will put at 15 year old behind bars if necessary”.
I scoffed, and shrugging my shoulder. Walking over to the seat across from her, me and Neal sat down and began reading from Dominic’s file.
“Alright. So From the charges that have been brought to me, He is facing 2 counts of Drug possession. That includes Heroin, Cocaine, marijuana, prescribed pills and methamphetamine... anything sound familiar”.
She exhaled, looking at Neal and nodded.
“I knew, he was selling drugs. I never knew the lengths of it and I was never involved”.
I nodded. I really didn’t believe her, she was dressed nicely. Too nicely to not be involved in illegal activity. But I’m not a cop, just a lawyer. I continued on with the charges.
“Level 3 aggravated assault with deadly weapon. 3 Counts of Drug Manufacturing and Cultivation. Drug trafficking along with distribution and lastly but probably not least Extortion”.
She shook her head and looked at her friend.
“Ok, so where does Tiana come into play with all this?”. 
Her friend spoke. Neal looked at me then back at the two of them.
“Because my team was told that she was his partner. That she knows more then what she’s playing. That’s a problem because that's called Aiding and Abetting. In other words accessory, which is a easy 10 years”.
I seen tears well up in her eyes. Looking to the ceiling to stop them from crying she then looked back at me.
“Ok, so what do I have to do?”.
“You would have to testify against him. Likely chances he’ll be released on bond. Around that time we might have to wire you up to get more information on him”.
I spoke. She shook her head, about to stand up but was pulled down by her friend.
“I can’t, he will kill me”.
“So would you rather do time. Away from your kids. This is necessary. And unless you have something to hide, you have to do at least one of these things”.
She nodded. Not really saying much, but I could tell she was thinking about it.
“I’ll testify. I’ll talk and give ya’ll any information ya’ll need, but I can’t wear a wire infront of him. I’d be putting me and the kids lives in danger”.
Me and Neal looked at each other, then nodded at her.
“Ok so can ya’ll get her and the kids out the house. Like ya’ll said, he could get out on bond. She hasn’t been answering his calls so he gotta think something is up. He’s hit her before an-”
Tiana nudged her friend, signalling her to stop. But Neal already heard enough.
“If he has ever hit you. That is also a domestic violence charge that could be brought forward. Has it ever happened Tiana?”.
He questioned. She exhaled, looking down at her son and nodding.
“While a child was present?”.
She once again nodded.
“We’ll talk more about that. As far as getting her out the house. I and Neal will find a home for her to reside in”.
She nodded, wiping her eyes and kissing her sons head. 
“So tomorrow, come to the office. I should have housing ready for you?”.
The both of them nodded. Rising from there seats and shaking our hands. After walking them out I looked at Neal and shook my head. Laughing he grabbed his jacket and shrugged his shoulders.
“You are the only one that can get this done. We need this dude behind bars and her safe”.
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6:20 pm
“Does Dominic have to come back?”.
Trent Questioned. I smacked my teeth and shook my head. Trent was beyond afraid of Dominic. And for the longest, I hated myself for letting it go as far as it did with him. I put him first and everything else last, and for him to do this to me is completely fucked up.
“He’s not coming back, matter fact we’re leaving soon. Tomorrow soon”.
His eyes lit up with excitement. Maybe all this is happening for a reason. To finally open my eyes and get me out of this toxic relationship. I feel horrible about ever my grandmother down. She was my number one fan, and I did no wrong in her eyes. I fought her hard about Dominic, tried to convince her he wasn’t the man that corrupted my own mother and later killed her. I tried but she seen right through him, even before I did. When she died, I should have left him. I should have took Trent and left him, but I didn’t I stuck around. He took care of the both of us. Not with a relationship, but with money.
“Where are we going exactly? Will I be going to a new school?”.
I shrugged my shoulders.
“I can’t really answer all those questions yet but just know tomorrow we’re starting over”.
He smirked, putting his plate in the sink and walking over to me. I smacked my teeth as he squeezed into the chair, causing  Titan to scream.
“You know what, wherever we go, just see if I can play a sport this time”.
I laughed rolling my eyes.
“We can arrange it, definitely”.
Sitting back we enjoyed the Movie home together. It was shortly interrupted by a knock on the door.
Still engaged in the movie, I got up and headed to the door. Not looking out the peephole, I swung the door open. My mouth instantly got dry and my head began to hurt. Looking back at Titan and Trent, I stepped out the door and slightly closing the door behind me.
At the door stood Q and his niggas. Q has always had beef with Dominic. I guess recently he stole from him. Word around town he been looking for him in every hole until he found out he got locked up.
“Why are you here. Dominic isn-”.
“I know. And I’m just making sure you know that if you trying to cover that nigga tracks, stashing my shit. Ima kill you and them kids. You feel me”.
He stepped closer, placing both his hands at the top of my head on the wall. Lowering his head to my neck, he chuckled darkly before placing a small kiss and backing up.
“I’m not fucking playing”.
I nodded, opening the door and watching him walk back down the hall. Closing it quickly, locking and standing  with my back against the door.
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8:36 pm
“When I said dinner out daddy. I meant you and I out... at a restaurant.... without all your papers”.
I bust out laughing, placing the folder on the side of me and bringing some rice to my mouth. 
“Sanaa What’s wrong with Chinese?”.
She shook her head and laughed, looking up from her box of food. 
“Nothing, at all. But it’s not quality time if you’re not paying attention”.
I scoffed smirking a little. She was too much like her mom. Mouth and all. I decided to close the folder and finish the night with her. 
“Well I’m sorry. How was the first day back?”.
She exhaled, shrugging her shoulders.
“It was pretty good. I missed my friends. They kept asking me if I was ok”.
“Did it bother me?”.
She shook her head.
“No, It means they care. I’m glad they do”.
I smiled, getting down on the floor beside her and eating my food along with her.
“You know what’s awesome though?”.
I shook my head, eating some of my Chicken and mixed vegetables.
“Having my daddy. I know a lot of kids don’t. So I’m glad I do. Even though mommy died, I still got you”.
I smiled nodding my head.
“And I still got you. I wouldn’t have it any other way”.
She smiled. He smile soon feel and she looked at me with a serious face.
“Will you ever get a new wife?”.
I looked at her confused, sitting up straighter then I was.
“Why you ask that?”.
“Because Ginger said after her Daddy moved to Seattle, her mommy got a husband. I was thinking that could happen to us”.
I shook my head pulling her into my lap.
“No, No time soon? You are my main focus”.
"Ok, just making sure". 
I laughed smiling at her as she ate her food. As soon as I was about to dig in, my phone vibrated on the glass table. Looking at Sanaa, i smiled before answering it. 
King: wassup
Neal: I found a place, Jersey City
King: 44 minutes away nigga really
Neal: It's the best that could be done on short notice. Just make sure when you moving her, you're watching your surroundings. Get close to her, I feel she knows more then she's telling, which could be good for this case.
Rubbing my eyes, I nodded to myself before answering him.
King: Got it. Off my line Neal.
Hanging up my phone, I threw it on the couch. Looking at my watch, i looked over at Sanaa and stood up. 
"Time for bed munchy".
I watched as she took one last sip of her soda before standing to her feet and grabbing my hand. 
"Rough day at work". 
I chuckled, nodding my head. 
"Yeah, already... brush you teeth". 
Pulling her covers back, I sat on the edge of her bed, looking at the picture of her and Regina. My trance was broken as her face leaned in towards mine, blowing her breath in my face. 
"Smells good. Looks good. Ok your good".
She smiled, climbing in her bed allowing my to pull the covers to her neck. Kissing her forehead then nose, i walked towards the door and turned out the light. 
"I love you daddy"
"I love you too Princess".
I cracked her door, then headed back to the living room. Flipping the channel to ESPN, i began to much on my food once more, and continued working on the civil case against Dominic.
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
2-2 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: also I can't play more ace attorney because when I finished game 1 my brother wanted to play it so now I can't play more until he realizes in order to play through game two he'll have to delete my progress so he has to wait till im done with that
BF: Whaaat
There should be more than one save slot!
Q :We thought that too! That ended up with Alex thinking the second game thing was another save file for the first game
BF: Huh
Q: he brought me back DS I can play as work yaaaay
BF: Wooo!
Q: back to phoenix wright
Q: car ooo
who was drugged with sleeping pills
oh hello ghost dude
murdurer who's that black haired girl outside of the flaming car
i liked these new opening scenes they have a lot more art
oh no D: not Maya!
they don't even avoid the "it was a rainy day" cliche like
who this guy
Q: uhhh turner that wasn't very friendly
this was a year ago??? what???
Q: I was working under Mia not Maya
Q: the timeline makes no sense
June??? June what year??? Is this set before the chapter I just played???
oh my god that kid doesn't look right what
(^and that was my first ever reaction to Pearl. I thought she looked like a long 3-year-old. a glimpse. Ridicule me.)
Q: In happy Maya is here at least
Q: “I wouldn't take a crazed killer as my client" Maya you just have to BELIEVE they're not a crazed killer
Q: I wanna get to the case with Juan i n it but for now I'll be happy that at the moment he is living
Q: May 2nd is my bros birthday
Q: This guy needs better glasses that won't fall down
Q: Anyone can be a saint when compared to lawyers
Q: Wonder if anyone is in the direction
Is that a mushroom afro or hat
Q: I work hard at blaming it on Maya she gave me hints on what to do next and stopped the verdict from being assigned/mean any thing
Q: I wonder why we can't tell anyone about Mia
Q: Who is calling me!!!
How are you lotta!
Q :How would Lotta plan to take pictures
Oh now the citizens !Alex sense
I think we should break in but Morgan won't approve
Q: Why will anybody who possesses Maya not stop showing off their books
Q: Boobs
Q: Hi gumshoe
Q: Who are you you don't look like you're in the Fea family
Q: Hey look it's the kid again
I got the key!! Thanks Pearl!
Q: Hey I don't have the key
Q: Ugh I'm stuck
BF: hahahah always that point where you end up trying to figure out what to do next
Oh, apropos of nothing, but Ini's name is pronounced "Eenie"
and she had a sister (who you will find out about) named Mimi
BF: and their last name is pronounced Mine-ee
Therefore, they are Ini (Eenie) Mimi (Meenie) Miney!
and the next case features a guy named MOE
Q: alright!
Q: Talking with the kid YAY
Reasons why I dislike the kindle
If shipping me and Maya gets me that key then please continue
Ya I wanna help in Maya
Q :This because brings up the question of if Maya likes me because everyone in the village listens to get and seems to ship us... Though I bet it's just a misinterpretation on their end
BF: Only on Pearl’s end, really
Q: As suspected
She's cute though! I like Pearl :D
Hopefully the aunt won't come and get mad at me
Q: Sorry to disappoint you pearl but I went to lawyer school not channeling school
BF: Pearl is such a cutie
Q: She is! I feel bad about the first thing I said about her is that she looks weird
Yesss finally I have the key
BF: Oh there’s going to be multiple things about Pearl’s reading skills, and before you judge her as a total idiot, remember that in the original Japanese, it’s Kanji she’s struggling with haha
Q: Alright!
Pearl what if I phrase it like this: MYSTIC MAYA told me to give this to you
Q: Okay pearl you can follow me as long as you know your mom won't put my head on a pike soon after
Q: How would gumshoe NOT like kids
Q: How about we explain to Gummy about how she was possessed
I do indeed have a copy
Gumshoe: The prosecutor is going to be Von Karma
Q: Oh thank God he didn't actually get out prison or something
Q: First time we see edgy in the game I wonder how he is doing
Q: PHOENIX somebody is actually interested in your badge and you don't show it to them???
How could you!!!
Q: It's that weird redheaded girl I don't like again
Q: The frick am I hallucinating?
Q: Oh hey she's lying!!! Thank you pearl
Q: Uh I don't know if I should try or not
Oh ya still stuck with this girl
Wait what
I looked at the second newspaper clipping and it says she died what
Q: Sharing a last name okay
Yay I win
Q: Ini if that is what happened why do you still look so happy
Q: Pearl let me take you away from your home without a parents consent I have some candy with me
Hi mia!!!
Q: So I know she can't tell me much because the game wouldn't be fun but what is the in universe explanation
Mia how dare you lie to me I thought we were friends
Save point
Q: Pearly hi how did you leave without your mom noticing
strong pearly
Edgy is my objection buddy
Wait he actually quit D:
I am ready to hate this person just as much as I did the first vampire
Q: No I am not shocked you are a woman now I'm just wondering why we have not met up with another female prosecutor
Q: I don't think she should be allowed to bring that anymore
Then how did manfred fail if you are all so perfect
Q: Ya but we heard two gunshots and you say there was just one
Q: Hey there is a bullet hole in it
Q: I can figure it out I know I can
Q: I would use the gun on the last statement because it was fired twice and has the victims fingerprints on it but that didn't work
Q: Why can't I find anything
Q: I am stuck :(
BF: Aaaah I'd help but I don't know which part of the cross exam your at so I don't know what you're trying to prove right now
Q: I'll type the thing why not
Q: "Sorry pal there is more evidence", "this is the costume masthead wearing", "it's covered is blood," " defendant killed the person who did not right back ".
BF: ....I'm not sure, but I THINK you can find some evidence to disprove the 'didn't fight back' thing by gesturing to the sleeve of her costume somehow
If I'm remembering that segment correctly.
Q: Back
Hey the costume did work thank you
Q: Somebody please take that whip away from her
BF: hhaha no problem
the whip is Franzy's signature item, though. lD
BF: Also, she's not the last prosecutor who will physically assault you during a trial and get away with it hahah
Q: How dare this game
But there is a bullet hole in the outfit he didn't miss
Q: Finally that other bullet hole contradicts something
Q: I'm not getting something it's why I keep saving
I should know at this point where Maya was
BF: If you are still on the first day of the trial, you actually don’t have enough info yet to know where in the room she was!
Q: Dangit
Q: Oh hey I do know what I am doing
Q: I'm sorry what kinda swear is that Phoenix
Q: Lotta please don't be annoying like last  time you were here
Oooo save point
Hi pearl I forgot about you
Q: See I'm not the only one annoyed by the whip!!!
How am I supposed to be happy when a Von Karma is around
How am I supposed to pretend we are all family
Q: Lotta there were two gunshots
Q: For now I don't think I can present any evidence
Q: Which is sad
at least your not showing off Boobs
Q: Von Karma I hate you
Q: FINALLY I can prove it wasn't Maya
Q: No morons that is Mia
Q: You know if was ready to hate this second vampire but she isn't nearly as bad as the first one so far
Q: I'm not a fool I'm just annoying
BF: Franziska really isn’t the straight up villain her dad was; she’s more like a more prickly Edgeworth
Q: Alright well that is better
I really wanna see pearl tell at her haha
Q: Ya edgy was fine after a while but being nice forced him to leave him job so
Q: Who is misty who are you trying to kill
Q: Not a movie but it is a game and anime so
Q: How did steel samurai merch get in here
Q: Aww a cute theme for pearl
Q: Don't worry pearl I won't tell your mom
Q: Hey Lotta if you don't want me to be chasing you then maybe you should stop being in the rooms I need to go to
Q: and that is why Phoenix doesn't date women Lotta.
Q: Lotta you're fine you're one of the more likable people in this game
Q: I dislike that girl so I'd be fine to say she's the killerI  mean it'd make sense
She is the sister of girl who was killed by the man who just died
BF: Indeed, she does have a motive!
Q :back to thing
Comic is going it is fun to draw
Q: yes please give me info
new place to go. Also why does Lotta not like giving me info
what is this place
Q: you don't look like a doctor
Q: well of course you aren't
BF: Hahaha oh man I forgot you hadn’t encountered that creep yet
back to ace attourny but this is a great AU
Q: phoenix started talking like the guy hahaha
oh no did Pearl's mom call the cops on me
Q: Ya well I suspected she was as evil
Q :need to go again dangit
Q: I think it's funny how I'm the scary one in this game
Q: I think right now I don't know if like the redhead girl or Morgan more
Q: the more I find out i guess i like the redhead more
Q: I win >:D
if we were both asleep then maybe you were both drugged like how the opening said
what is she talking about
im scared
Q: how about you show her your damn police badge that'd be interesting to her
pearl come with meeee
Q: mia don't lie to me i have a magic rock
Q: one more lock.
I feel smart :D
oh so morgan and ini were the killers great
Q: well if she made it look like Maya killed him she could become the next master
Q :Pearl did you run here AGAIN???
oh god please don't bring morgan
pfft Maya she does this to you too?
Ohhh well I guess that makes sense... I mean, she would be really mad at me for saying her mom killed the guy
Q: I like Mia and (whats her name the second vampire) arguing it's funny
Q: morgan you are lying
Q: ya no you hated me there is no way you thought "good sir"
BF: haha Franziska!
Q: I'll call her Franz for short
I mean this testimony was in the opening so maybe it isn't entirely a lie
Q: what do you mean it wasn't strange???
Q: but there was blood on her outfit how did you not think it was strange!!!
Q: mini stop eating your hat
that personality change reminds me of the worst person ever ... April May
Q: no but really it isn't more subjective
Q: Pearl is being used as evidence why not
Q: Franz stop it let me question her
i wanna present the urn but morgan is watching
but you know what there is nothing else here so
Franz: Why do I feel like you’re going to ruin my beautiful day? Me: CUZ I AAAAAMMMM
also why is Ini's hat so stretchy
Q: I am angry i will use caps
wow there are a lot of holes in your hat when you strech it out
spinny hat
then how did lotta earlier isn't she bigger than you
when i first went into the room the box wasn't there and then later it was
i think it's dead
i hope so
Q :the folding screen >:3
ugh that bug is making me left arm flinch a lot
revenge after your death how dare you
Q :im not foolish im just better than you
wait what did i just say wtf hahaha
Q: and that is why i think that MORGAN HELPED
Q: yesss good case
well I mean your dad did
also fuck your dad I hate him that is all
BF: hahahaha
Q: actually no im not done
but finishing it would include a lot of swear words
BF: This case is totally setting up for some things in Game 3, btw
Q: dammit
Well I have motives for both of them Franz I just need to know that Phoenix knows.
BF: what you are ultimately trying to prove is Ini's motive, then that she did it and how she did it with Morgan's help
Q: okay!
Q: I am much more confidence than phoenix but that may just be anger
and a save point
Actually Maya I had everything to do with it and I am proud I gave his ass the death penalty
stop being mean to Maya you're dad already cost Edgy his job hey now I have another reason to hate vampire
back to cort
Q: I'm sad because you said there is a universally hated case in the second game and I figured there are only 4 and the first two aren't it and neither is the fourth so it has to be the third but then I realized that Edgy is on the cover of the game so he should be in at least half of it so he might reappear in the worse one and I am sad
back to game
Q: “newb”
now this sounds like 2016
Q: how do you NOT know what the UK is you s***ty excuse for a judge
I'm so mad i started being mean to the judge I should direct it to Franz for being a jerk
BF: hahaha don't worry so much about that. I'm not going to say how it plays out, but I think you'll be pleased.
Q: yessss
BF: and the third case is the one that people generally don't like: I personally think it's interesting, but it DOES have some issues.
Q: dangit
well hopefully I can like it
BF: I'm going to let you make up your own mind on it, yeah.
Q: aaalllirght
BF: I'll tell you afterwards what I actually LIKE about it, okay?
Q: alright!
Q: aw hi mimi
Q: Fanz let me explain this to you: The Von Karma family is full of assholes you all deserve to die before they cause as much suffering as your father did
ya I'm going to call the cops on your for physical assult
are we allowed to tell Maya that Mia has been possesing her a lot
Q: game you know what the date and time is  if you just don't want me to know tell me
So the games are just becoming more and more about magic huh
the end of the chapter this doesn't feel finished
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