#snowbaz swimming au
scone-lover · 4 years
Personal Best 🏊🏼‍♂️
Rating: T  /  Words: 4,827  /  Chapters: 1/1
It’s not that I haven’t seen Baz in a Speedo before. Everyone wears a Speedo to meets. So I can’t really explain why I’m so fascinated by his thighs, only that they’re smooth and muscular all at once, and they’re unending.
A high school swim team AU. Baz is the fastest sprinter on the team, while Simon shines in endurance events. Insults and sparks fly. Also, Speedos.
This also features dolphin Baz. JUST THIS ONCE. 🐬🐬🐬
Thanks to @otherworldsivelivedin​ @knitbelove​ for beta reading! 
Read on AO3!
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blu-riie · 4 years
finally!! my dudes!! my fic coming up for air is up!! check her out!! i’m uploading this fic today because i have zero (0) self control.
Rating: Teen and up
Category: F/F
Summary: My back is flush to the door and Snow is nearly nose-to-nose with me, standing on her tip-toes.
Her hair is still wet, drops of water falling onto my bare shoulders. She smells of chlorine, a scent so disgusting I would gag, but when it’s coming from Sophie I don’t seem to mind.
It’s pathetic, and gross, and all this romantic word vomit spilling out in my mind makes me seem weaker.
I don’t seem to mind about that, either.
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Snowbaz Swim Au
wowowowow i said i would update like two weeks ago oops
but you know what this ones slightly longer so there you go
@periheliones & @glitterytrashhh here you go (lol the only people who actually read this)
words: 1.3k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Immediately after Baz admitted driving out to see his sister in the hospital, I felt the guilt pooling in the pit of my stomach. And I’d been such an ass too. Baz didn’t even have to agree to practice with me, in fact, he hated me. We were enemies. I was still shocked that he’d helped me in the first place.
I could hear him turn the shower on and I decided barging in on his shower wasn’t the best way to apologize. I decided to head downstairs and give him a little space.
I had to admit, I really liked morning practices. Baz was even a little fun to be around before he was awake enough to remember how much he despised me. And, he was a great teacher. I had already moved up two lanes in practice, and I was keeping up with some of the boys who had started last year (they weren’t that great, I wasn’t that great, but I was ahead of the curve).
We had our first meet this weekend, too. Coach said he’d have a lineup for us tomorrow. I don’t think that I’ll be in any scoring events, but if I’m lucky he might put me in the 100 fly exhibition. I asked Baz to put in a good word for me. Coach loved Baz; he was the perfect student, and a really talented swimmer (I couldn’t wait to see him race this weekend).
I made my way across campus to the kitchens, avoiding the groups of students I passed along the way. I wasn’t quite in the mood for small talk. By the time I made it to the kitchens, I had an epiphany. Baz had looked horribly starved when he stumbled into our room tonight. In the space of three minutes, his stomach had rumbled five times. Maybe he’d forgive me for being an ass if I got him some food.
I snuck through the back door, and snagged a plate of scones from the bin of them they kept for the morning. Nobody would notice.
As I made my way back to our room, it started snowing. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face as I felt a flake land on my nose. I loved the snow.
When I returned to our room, Baz was sat on his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist, checking his phone. I made my way over to him, and stood in front of him. He didn’t look up. I cleared my throat. He finally looked up, and cocked a brow at me (once, I spent an hour in the mirror trying to figure out how he did that).
“Yes, Snow?” he asked.
“I, um- okay so I felt bad, that like, you know - and walking... so, scones?” I held out a napkin with the three scones I had leftover (my self-control was improving).
He was laughing. I felt my face heat up.
“Is this an apology?” He asked.
I nodded. I saw his mouth turn up at the corners. It wasn’t much, but it might be the first time Baz ever genuinely smiled at me (when he wasn’t laughing at me). He unraveled the napkin carefully, with those graceful, long fingers as his stomach rumbled again. He could be a hand model. Or a model in general. Or both, actually. Baz was… genetically gifted.
I didn’t want to make the situation even more awkward by standing in front of him as he ate, naked on his bed, so I decided to go take a shower.
As I stepped into the steam, the smell of chlorine began to rise from my skin again. Yesterday in class, I’d rested my head on my arm and only smelled chlorine. I swear, I was half chlorine at this point. Penny had even commented on the smell in lunch.
And my hair. Merlin, I couldn’t even run my hands through it anymore. They got stuck. My hair felt rough and almost sticky, but in a really dry way. Like dragging your hands across plastic, and it makes a horrific tearing, squeaking noise. Maybe Baz could fix it. His hair was still as soft as ever. Well, it still looked as soft as ever.
By the time I was out of the shower, he was asleep. I made a mental note to ask him about it tomorrow.
We both woke up too late for morning practice on Wednesday. Well, actually, Baz woke up too late, but he’d looked so exhausted that I didn’t want to risk invoking his wrath by waking him up. Apparently, it was a lose-lose situation, because he was livid when he realized it was too late to go down to the pool.
Anyways, I was really behind on my schoolwork. Practicing morning and night didn’t exactly leave me with much time for anything else. I quietly shuffled through some assignments and landed on the packet of maths I had due at the end of today. Maybe I could turn in one thing on time.
I was halfway through the third page when Baz woke up, sitting straight up in bed. I stifled a giggle. His hair was a mess, sticking out in all directions. And it was all wavy, with little curls. He always woke up like that, and he always straightened senseless. He hated it. Baz’s curls were his dirty little secret.
“Fuck, Snow, why didn’t you wake me? We won’t have any time to practice this morning!” he snapped at me, throwing his blankets off. I was speechless, so I just stood there open-mouthed.
“You came back super late! I thought you needed to sleep! I just can’t win with you!” I scoffed. He truly was insufferable. I tugged on my uniform jumper and slammed the door behind me, leaving my half-done maths on my bed.
The gloomy weather did nothing for my rage and I stomped my way to the dining hall. I seethed as I sat down next to Agatha at breakfast. Penny was nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Pen?” I asked nervously. I hadn’t been alone with her since we broke up. She didn’t look uncomfortable though, so I pushed the feeling to the back of my mind.
“Didn’t she text you? She’s sick today. Apparently she caught the bug that was going around.” I instantly cringed, flashing back to Gareth emptying his stomach on deck Monday night.
She pushed the butter dish towards me, “We should stop by and bring her some soup. I’m sure you can convince Cook Pritchard to make a batch.”
My stomach flipped. We? I’m over thinking it, I always overthink (or underthink) our-
“Speaking of we, Simon… I think we should give dating another try. I miss hanging out with you.” She said, staring straight at me.
I dropped the knife. Agatha watched me intensely as I scrambled to get it.
“I uh, yeah, Ags, I’d love that.” I smiled. She was blushing. The rouge looked really bright against her delicate pale skin and hair. I reached out and twined her (cold) fingers with mine (her fingers were always cold).
I kissed her on the cheek as we parted ways after breakfast, and I could almost hear the buzz start. The rumours were about to blow up again. I couldn’t really bring myself to care as I reached for my phone to text Penny.
I froze as I looked at the lone notification on my screen.
Missed call from David Snow
For the third time that morning, my stomach bottomed out.
mini angsty cliffhanger? mini angsty cliffhanger.
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angelsfalling16 · 6 years
Going swimming today but hopefully I'll finish chapter 4 either late tonight or early tomorrow
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facewithoutheart · 2 years
12 for the incredibly specific au asks, and snowbaz 💖
12. the decorative fishtank at this restaurant just broke, my instant reaction was to pick one of the fish up with my bare hands, and now we've made eye contact about it
“Sir!” I shout, running across the room to where one of the customers stands amidst the chaos of a broken aquarium. “Sir, step back.” When he still doesn’t move, I add a terse: “The glass!”
Finally, his eyes snap to mine. He holds up one of the freshwater catfish to me, a Cory, if I’m not mistaken, like it were an offering.
“Please,” he begs, grey eyes wide and misty, “save Bloopy.”
I don’t even know where to start with the idea a customer has named one of our decorative tank fish, let alone named it Bloopy, but the (small for its type) catfish gives a pathetic little flop and my heart, too, pangs for Bloopy.
“Follow me,” I say, spinning around so fast I can feel the tails of my work tuxedo flap with the motion. Then, I take off toward the back room where we have another tank ready.
“Baz,” a tiny voice cries, “will he die?”
It’s only then I notice a little girl, aged five, clings to the belt loop of this fish-loving stranger.
“No,” Baz says. “Simon will help save him. I’m sure of it.”
My heart twists with the vote of confidence (and maybe a little bit that this man remembered my name from earlier) (although I suppose spilling a glass of water on a lap does make an impression) (but doesn’t explain the trust…).
“I will. I promise.” I throw a brief but hopefully reassuring smile toward the little girl. “No Bloopies will die on my watch.”
“He’s just Bloopy.” The girl corrects me.
I stifle a grin at the snark. “Here.” I point to the backup tank.
“Just toss him in?” Baz looks down worriedly at Bloopy.
“A little bit of a splash won’t kill him.”
Baz purses his lips like he doesn’t believe me (suppose I haven’t repaired ALL our trust yet) but he does as I say.
Bloopy sinks to the bottom; the little girl gasps and clings to my hand as well as Baz’s, connecting the two of us. Baz turns his face toward mine, eyebrows lifting in an unspoken question.
“Wait,” I mouth.
He nods.
Suddenly, Bloopy gives a full-body wiggle and flaps his tail three times, then swims around as if exploring his new home.
“Hooray! Bloopy lives!” The girl shouts, bouncing up and down.
She drops our hands then smooshes them together. Without thinking, I squeeze Baz’s hand so he can’t release mine.
“Um,” I blush.
The girl squeals and follows Bloopy’s excited path around the tank, chanting his name.
Baz looks down at me (he must be three inches taller than me) (I don’t mind). He clears his throat. “Perhaps I ought to make a reservation back here. To check on Bloopy, of course.”
“Of course.”
My heart flops in my chest, flailing with the hope I feel. “I’m off next Thursday.” I chance a smile. “If you—”
“Yes.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “Yes, I’d love to.”
“It’s a date, then.” I have a thing about clarity.
“It’s a date,” he beams.
Clarity is a beautiful thing, I think.
From this list of asks
Someone stop me from writing a pt 2 to this hahahahahaha
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oscar-schnee · 4 years
Rules: Post the name of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I'll tell you something about it! (thanks @maxiemumdamage for the idea)
Dear Evan Hansen:
I Made It But You Weren’t There
The Blue Of Your Heartbeat
Band Trees
Original fiction:
The Rainbow Gala
Jenny Take My Hand
Lemongrass and Wildflowers (this one is actually a spinoff of a work I’m doing with a few of my friends but I’m not sharing that)
I Want To Paint You With Lavender Brushstrokes
How Saintlike We All Are
Street Art And Sea Salt
Empress Of Ginziven
Gay Sighs: The Saga
Frosen Steel Royalty AU
Come Swim With Me
Aro Neptune
Hot Chocolate, Anyone?
Aster Potter (Harry Potter)
Opposites Attract (Duolingo)
A Case Of Mistaken Identity (nonfiction, poetry or something)
Snowbaz Alex (Simon Snow books)
I Won’t Run Away (Be More Chill)
I’m sorry this is so long fkhdsfdskj
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perfectlittleking · 5 years
Yay! you take prompts! About a lovely AU where Snowbaz meet a pride parade? Extra points if you put in FixEbb :)
I really hope you like this… This is probably really OOC, but I tried. I’m pretty sure it’s more FixEbb than Snowbaz, but I tried. Also, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! 
It was actually Fiona’s idea to go this year. It’s been a few years since I’ve known, but I had just recently told Fiona my sexuality. It’s nothing I should be ashamed of or embarrassed. It’s just… people these days,… I have no words for them.
“Ready, kid?” Fiona asked when she came out from her bedroom.
She was sporting three colours in her whole outfit. Eyeshadow was powered with pinks, she wore a hot pink shirt that “All or nothing”, her leather jacket over it, bright blue jeans, and her makeup seemed to be a mix of all of that with hints of yellow. She seemed to go all out for this event.
Now I felt a bit under-dressed. Just a pair of dark worn out jeans and a shirt that Fiona had bought me that read in a rainbow of colour “I’m here and I’m queer”. Her idea for me to wear it today.
I gave a nod before grabbing a smoke from the kitchen table. I lit the thing before tossing the pack towards Fi, who caught it and tossed it in her purse.
“I plan on seeing Ebb there.” She smiled placing a cigarette between her lips as she headed out of the flat. I followed.
Ebb was her girlfriend since high school. I’ve met her a few times when she came over to hang out with Fiona. I’m surprised she hasn’t moved in already. She’s over more than I am, and I practically live here.
According to Fi, the place wasn’t too far. A few blocks down from her flat. The closer to we got to downtown, the more colour I see. People covered in glitter, waving flags, holding their partner (or partners) hand. It was a mosh pit of colour. Flags flew from some of the businesses near the centre of the madness. Music blared, which came from the stage in the lawn of downtown.
I really felt out of place, but Fi told me not to worry really. As long as I enjoyed it, then I fit right in.
Ebb had invited me to the pride festival that was going on downtown. Ebb was like an aunt to me, even though we weren’t related. I told her I didn’t really belong, but she repeated that allies were invited. She even bribed me of saying she wouldn’t go without me. I didn’t want to be the reason she held herself back, so that’s why I’m helping her grab her red to pink pride flag.
“Oh! I forgot to tell ya, Simon.” Ebb smiled towards me. “Imma introduce you to my girlfriend!” She was beaming with happiness.
I heard stories about her girlfriend, Fi (if I remember). High school lovers. Every time Ebb spoke of her, her face shined brighter than the sun. She spoke so fondly of her and I wanted to meet this Fi.
“Really?” I gasped.
She gave a nod before grabbing her purse and ushering me out of her flat. “It’s ‘bout time I introduce ya to her.” She locked up her place before heading to the town square. I followed right next to her.
Ebb had never really gave me a description of what Fi looked like, but I conjured something in my head. She was probably taller than Ebb, but not by much. Maybe one with flowers or nature like Ebb was. Long blonde hair that was usually pulled into a hat or a lazy bun. So many different versions of Fi came to my mind. I wasn’t sure which version I should keep my eyes out for.
The walk to the centre was quick, or maybe because I was lost in my thoughts. Ebb had already taken her flag and worn it like a cape. It made her look like a princess. The colours glowed off the flag and her own outfit.
“Ebb!” I heard over the crowd. I tried to pin-point who was saying that. There was so many people and the location was lost quickly.
I glanced towards Ebb who was soon heading towards the bakery. I followed the best I could, I didn’t to lose her in this festival. I excused myself through the small pockets between people. All I could see was Ebb’s flag flying as she ran towards someone. Was that Fi?
By the time I was out of the thicket of people, I had lost Ebb. I felt so lost here. I stood on my toes to try to get a better look. There were so many orange to pink flags flying on people’s backs. Some were even held between couples. No sign of Ebb anywhere.
I gave a sigh and took a seat on the silver metal bench. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken the offer. If she was going to meet her girlfriend, I was going to be the third wheel anyway. I had pulled out of my phone to text Penny if she could pick me up and take me back to our flat.
It wasn’t too long after Fiona had yelled her girlfriend’s name into the crowd. Her voice carried further than a few blocks I swear. A woman, about Fiona’s age was heading out direction. She had the newly designed lesbian flag hanging off her shoulders. I was confused when I saw her coming. Fiona had said something about Ebb introducing my aunt to someone. No one was behind her.
“Ebb!” Fiona pulled her into a desperate hug and submerged her face with kisses.
“Fi!” Ebb giggled and squirmed at every kiss.
I had cleared my throat to grab the love bird’s attention. Rude, but I wanted to state the confusion I was in.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies, but were you going to introduce my aunt to someone?” I asked slipping my hands into my jean’s pockets.
Ebb had pulled herself out of Fiona’s hug and did a 360 on her heels. Fear seemed to take her features. I knew she was an emotional one, but I never knew someone who could go from excitement to complete dread in seconds.
“Simon!” She called out before heading to the direction she came from.
Simon? Some reason the name sounded familiar, but then again Simon was a common name. I decided to help since Fi was taking Ebb’s hand to help. I headed to another direction to find this Simon.
I looked for someone who could be a sibling to Ebb or someone who looked like a lost puppy. Every so often, I did call out Simon, but not too loud to embarrass myself or disrupt people who were celebrating.
It was probably three or five minutes when I spotted a familiar face. I could be wrong, but he looked like an ex-schoolmate. The bloke was just draining his phone battery and didn’t seem like he fit in. Before I did anything rash, I stood a bit off to the side and called out his name. If he looked up then it’s a Simon, if not, my past is playing games with me.
“Simon!” It was a bit louder than a normal volume, but softer than a yell. Out of the corner of my eye, the bloke looked up. His eyes were the bluest of blue. I knew him.
“You know Ebb?” I asked before taking a step closer.
A voice rang through the streets. I looked up and noticed a bloke looking around. He was tall, much taller than I was. Black hair was gelled back and wore some pride shirt with a pair of jeans that truly fitted his bottom half. I wasn’t one to stare, but he was a good looking bloke.
Our eyes locked (I think my face went red) and he spoke once more. “You know Ebb?” He asked.
I gave a nod. “Yeah… I… We, Ebb and I, got separated.” I stood up trying to piece myself together. I didn’t want to sound like a child, but I just lost my own reason I’m here.
He had pulled out his phone and quickly made a phone call. I wasn’t sure what to do. My eyes kept sliding up to the bloke. His phone call only lasted a minute it seemed.
“Are you done staring, Snow?” That hit memories.
“Baz..?” I jumped to my feet. Baz Pitch, an old classmate from high school. He was an arsehole to me. I thought I would never seen him again after high school, but here he is, standing so tall in front of me. It was still fit, hell I think I see a bit of definition in that shirt of his.
“I thought… you…” I was stumbling over my words. My mind was glued to Baz and not my thoughts.
Baz rose his brow. “Thought what? Thought I died or something?” He gave a sigh. “Can we just go find Ebb and my aunt?”
I gave a nod and followed him. Ebb was dating Baz’s aunt? I chased memories to try to remember if I had ever met her before. Was she the one who picked Baz from school every so often after football practice? If so, wow… Ebb doesn’t seem to fall for the punk rock ‘n roll ones.
How was I the one to know that the Simon Ebb was looking for was the Simon? Simon Snow was an old crush of mine. All those years of torturing the bloke was because I fought those feelings of love. Back then, father didn’t approve of anything I did. I fought those thoughts about Snow in high school, but now I’m not sure if I should now as well. He had an ally shirt on, so I doubt he was into someone like me.
It didn’t take long for us to meet back up with Fi and Ebb. Once we did, Ebb had pulled Snow into a death hug and told him she was so worried about him. It was soft. I just glanced towards Fi. She was sporting a devil’s grin.
“So,” Fi spoke up. “Simon, right? You’re about the same age as my nephew right… Twenty?”
If only I could run now, I would. There was truly no escape right now.
“Oh uh.. Yes ma’am. We were actually classmates in high school.” He seemed to only be looking at me.
My face felt hot. I was regretting not wearing a hat. I kept my attention away from Snow as much as I could.
“Oh wait… If I remember correctly, Basil,” Fiona turned to look at me. “Is this your –”
Before my aunt could say anything else, the DJ started a new song. It blasted louder than the previous one. Thank Crowley.
Simon stood there confused, that’s nothing new. “His what?” I barely could hear.
All I could see what Fiona was whispering something to Snow. His face went from a gold to a crimson red. She told him. She fucking told him! I wanted to run, but my legs were lead. He was coming towards me.
Snow was now in front of me. His face was still burning red from whatever Fiona had told him.
“You… you had a crush on me?” His words were soft. I was surprised I could hear them. The thing was, he was wrong. I still have a crush on him.
I tried to look away, but his blue eyes were something I enjoyed swimming in. “Yes. Are you happy now?” I grumbled looking at the sky. It wasn’t the same.
“Uh… I think…” Great, he’s stuttering again. Whatever he’s trying to say is going to take forever.
I pulled my attention back to him and spoke up. “Spit it out Snow. What do you think?”
Lips touched mine. I was frozen in my spot. Simon had leaned over and kissed me. He was kissing me. My high school crush was kissing me in the middle of a pride festival. I didn’t pull away, but he did.
“I think you’re cute.” He looked so awkward standing there now.
I rolled my eyes. “I wouldn’t use the word cute, Simon.”
He was blushing hard. The red was reaching to his ears and hiding all his freckles.
“I thought you were straight…” I tried to break up the tension between us.
He glanced down just to see his shirt. “Oh uh…” Soon his arms pulled the shirt off over his head and Ebb seemed to take it from him. “I guess not?”
I just laughed and placed my hands on both his cheeks and kissed him once again.
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femslashy · 6 years
2018 fic year in review
thank you so much for tagging me @homosociallyyours !! this was really fun (and also a bit hard haha) to do ^__^
1. number of stories (including drabbles) posted to ao3: 19 (6 100 word seasonal drabbles, and out of the rest 4 are under 1k and 2 are chaptered but one of those is still a WIP)
2. word count posted for the year: 142,383 which is def more than i’ve written in previous years but my initial goal for this year was 200k and then i lowered it to 150k and then decided i should focus less on word count and more on actually finishing the fics lmaooo
3. list of works posted this year in order of posting:
the tesco fic (although i didn’t make the tumblr post until recently)
three spring drabbles (100 words each)
begin again [timestamp] (my only snowbaz fic in 2018)
we’re swimming with the sharks until we drown
got me an appetite, now i can taste it
Take a Chance on Me
Getting Naked on Camera (NOT CLICKBAIT)
my favourite colour is you
louis tomlinson’s completely 100% foolproof guide to snagging the fit bloke next door (3 100 word drabbles)
no better place than right by your side
days gone by (WIP)
love the cronch
zero to sixty
where the love light gleams
4. fandoms i wrote for: mostly one direction and by that i mean i posted a timestamp for a carry on fic from 2017 and the rest was one direction lol
5. pairings: harry/louis, simon/baz (ONCE)
6. story with the most hits: Take a Chance on Me with 10975 hits :o
7. story with the most kudos: Take a Chance on Me with 426 kudos
8. story with the most comments: Take a Chance on Me with 52 comments threads
9. work i’m most proud of and why: well Take a Chance on Me was both my first time doing a big bang as well as the longest thing i’ve ever written (twice the length of the previous longest!) and i’m still completely in love with the art for it courtesy of @vulpixlou and i def don’t go back to stare at it ever nope 👀👀
10. work i’m least proud of and why: i mean i could nitpick the hell out of my stuff and i know there are certain bits i would write differently now but at the same time i created something with my brain that didn’t exist before and that’s just too cool not to be proud of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:
this is from Take a Chance on Me (shocker) and i was having trouble thinking of my fave but then i was skimming through all of my fics and ngl i had forgotten about this bit but y’all i’ve been trying to work a Dramatic Airport Reunion into a fic FOR FUCKING EVER and i finally did it and i actually don’t hate it? (spoiler for the ending of Take a Chance on Me)
“See…” Louis starts. “See, there’s this guy. And, oh god, he’s an absolute twat. Wanna know what he did to me?” Harry nods faintly, and Louis, emboldened now, goes on. “So, I already knew who he was, right? I knew him, because he’d been in this god-awful boy band for years, and even if me bloody sisters hadn’t been so bloody in love with him, I’d still have known him, because he was just that famous.”
“I wasn’t that famous.”
“Don’t interrupt,” Louis chastises, and Harry mimics zipping his lips. “So this guy, I knew him, but he didn’t know me, but, fucking hell, I think someone forgot to tell him that, because there I was, minding my own business, when this kid just…” Louis giggles then, because the memory is just so ridiculous, “he just starts fucking singing to me, can you believe it?”
Harry shakes his head. “What a weirdo.”
“Right? The weirdest.”
“What happened next?”
“I fell in love with him.”
“What? That soon?”
“Of course not, Jesus, Harold. I’m not that pathetic. I waited the appropriate amount of time to fall in love, thank you very much.”
“Is that why you’re here, then?” Harry whispers. “Is it because you love him?”
“That’s part of it, yeah. I love him, and I love the way we just fit, and I adore his daughter, and our pets are friends now, and I think our sisters are best friends now, so they didn’t actually give me a choice, but do you want to know the biggest, most important reason?”
Harry nods quickly, so hard his chin bumps his chest, and Louis’ so fucking in love with him at that moment that these are the easiest words he’s ever said.
“I’m here,” he tells Harry, “because I was lying in my own bed, in my own house, surrounded by all my things, and all I wanted to do was go home.”
He’s yanked forward then, Harry’s fingers digging into his shoulders, and he barely feels the pain because it’s Harry, and everything’s good when it’s Harry. He’s babbling into Louis’ neck, and the only words he can make out are his name and “love you” and he shivers with the feeling.
Harry’s hair has grown out enough since the night Louis snuck in to see him that he can tangle his fingers in the strands. So he does, pulling Harry’s face away from his neck and pressing their lips together. Every kiss feels like an apology. Every kiss feels like home.
12. share or describe a favorite review you recieved: so this miiiiight be cheating but i received two comments on a fic i wrote in 2015 and it was kind of a surprise that something that old still held up and people still enjoy it? def made me feel better about my current writing and also anyone who quotes my fics back to me has earned my undying love and affection
13. a time when writing was really, really hard: i have adhd so p much always ahahaha
14. a scene or character you wrote that most surprised you: the entirety of “we’re swimming with the sharks until we drown” ngl because i struggled with the like… morally gray criminal-y elements? and portraying the two of them in such a different way while still staying in character which i like to think i nailed? hopefully lol
15. how did you grow as a writer this year? i don’t feel like a i have? but i’m also bias and hypercritical so maybe i did and just didn’t realize ahaha
16. how do you hope to grow next (this?) year: i want to enjoy writing again and i want to finish more fics and not let them rot in my docs because of self-doubt
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer: okay so first @amandaisnotwriting is the real MVP as she bears the brunt of my whining/complaining/drama queen moments as well as the fact that she listens (some would argue is forced to :p) and reads over fic for a pairing she doesn’t ship for a fandom she doesn’t care about 😂😂😂
@rainbowbaz always makes time to look over my fics even when she’s crazy busy and is honestly amazing and saves my fics from americanisms ahahaha
and FINALLY we met p late in the year but but @livingatthelairport ‘s comment on “the tesco fic” helped me out of a writing slump and now she’s become my cheerleader (and friend 💜) and that’s make a huge difference in my attitude towards writing! it’s also easier to write a fic for a specific person than worry about the opinion of a crowd which is def something i’ve been missing in this fandom rip
also to everyone else who has read my fics, listened to me rant about them or just helped the process along in any way at all this is a GIANT thank you!!
18. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? i mean i can’t think of anything off the top of my head but a lot of my inspo comes from the world around me so probably lol
19. any wisdom you can share with other writers: there’s nothing wrong with feeling jealous of other writers because i’m not a fan of hiding feelings just because they’re ugly as long as you don’t let it fester and turn into resentment or make you bitter. there are a lot of factors that go into a fic becoming “big” in a fandom but honestly most of it is just random chance so don’t beat yourself up because someone else’s success is not your failure and it’s nice to get recognition for your hard work but if you’re writing solely for the feedback then you’re writing for the wrong reason and that will lead to the resentment and bitterness mentioned earlier
also if you compliment someone you say you like their outfit but if you complement someone then you complete them
20. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
these are all the things i didn’t start and/or finish in 2018 that WILL be completed this year
the cat fic
the doctor fic
the final three chapters of days gone by
penpal AU
Space. Florist.
teenage fanboys who are also best friends
baking blog fic
a short follow up to tacom
twitter drama fic
80’s/’high school’/secret admirer!AU
something based on yawning grave by lord huron
part three of the alien harry series
chocolate orange holiday fic
LA fic (wtwm)
70’s fic
monkey fic
i’m also planning to do the @larryabroad challenge again because i had so much fun with it last time :D
21. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
p sure everyone has done this but if you haven’t then do it now! and also tagging @cosyblack k bc you’ve had a really good year even if i have beta bias 😂
this took waaay longer than i thought it would omg but it was nice to take a look back!!
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numptypitch · 7 years
Up AU (kind of not really?)
Imagine after everything Baz and Simon went through, they’re able to settle down and get married.
Much like in up, they find a home that is just as messed up as them.
But together they are able to restore the house and make it entirely their own.
Of course throughout the whole project, Simon is clumsy, and Baz mocks him but with love and adoration.
Like Simon tripping over a can of paint, and Baz laughing at him. Only for Simon to “attack” Baz and covering him in paint as well. Which then proceeds to lots of kissing.
Simon has this dream of traveling the world and Baz wants nothing but to give it to him. (Baz isn’t rich in this ok)
So together they slowly start earning money, placing it in a jar.
But life gets in the way and they have to spend it.
But they’re so happily married and in love that the urge to go travel escapes their thoughts as they’re dancing at 3am to no music looking at each other as if it was the beginning instead of years of loving each other.
Now imagine Simon wanting to have a child but because of obvious reasons they can’t have one. So they go to adopt one but they are denied.
Simon is depressed and Baz spends countless nights just consoling him with whispers of love and kisses. 
Baz then reminds Simon of how much he wants to travel the world.
How they can go and kiss on top of the Eiffel tower like the cliche they are. Teach Simon how to swim in Cancun. Climb the wall of China. And more.
As long as they are together, Baz will follow him anywhere.
But they never do go.
And by now both are old and still very much in love.
While in the swinging chair outside (idk what those chairs are called) holding each other, looking at the sunset.
They feel content.
Simon looks up to Baz, and says, “even though we never traveled the world like planned to when we were young. You’re my whole world and being with you is better than anything else out there.” Baz tears up before kissing Simon on the forehead and saying, “you’re my whole world too.”

I was listening to the Up theme song and got SNOWBAZ feels so I had to share me feelings with the world. Hope you enjoyed :)
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antler-lock · 8 years
Beautiful (Snowbaz AU)
A/N: featuring selectively mute!Simon and soft!Baz
- - Simon - -
I don’t think I’ve ever been in the library before, but I have no idea where Penny is and this is my last reasonable idea (the next one being that she’s gone for a swim in the lake, but seeing as it’s about 10 degrees out, this is my last hope).
I walk in and start to call for her before being angrily shushed by a grouchy looking lady behind the desk. “Oops,” I whisper – well, try to whisper, which Penny says is basically a normal talking voice for anyone else when I’m in ‘loud mode’ as she calls it– “sorry, but have you seen my friend Penny?” The lady just glares at me and puts her finger against her lip, so I shrug and decide to just wander the shelves and try and find her myself. Too loud, I mentally rebuke myself. I’m always either too loud or too quiet. The only time I’m okay is when I’m with Penny. She’s good at letting me know. ‘Too loud, Simon,’ she’ll say, or ‘I can’t hear you, love, a little louder?’ I’m also not as anxious around her, so my tongue doesn’t freeze up and feel like lead, not anymore at least. I don’t choke over my words with her.  I shove my fingers into my jean pockets, desperately trying to regain feeling in them and wander deeper into the library. It smells old, but not bad. Like maybe a bunch of posh ancient  vampires lived here. The shelves tower overhead and I could probably get lost if I’m not careful. I’d need a trail of breadcrumbs or something to ever find my way back to the grouchy lady and the front door, but Penny will help me once I find her.
I keep wandering and weaving, peering around shelves and quietly whisper-screaming Penny’s name. I am hushed countless times by people sprawled on overstuffed chairs with thick books and annoyed frowns. After about thirty minutes I’ve given up; even if Penny is somewhere in this maze I’ll never find her. Plus, all the books are distracting (I’ve never been much of a reader, but the pictures on the covers are fun to look at).
Then another thing – well, person – catches my eye. He could be a posh library vampire if he were paler. He has long, dark hair pulled up in a messy bun like it was done up in a rush. Large hipster glasses are sliding off of his narrow nose- which is currently buried in a book. The shadows from the soft yellow lights in the ceiling fall against his face, accenting his sharp cheekbones and firm jawline. I stare open-mouthed at this boy, blinking a few times to make sure he isn’t just a figment of my imagination.
The boy sighs and shifts and I quickly push myself back behind the shelves, knocking over a couple of books as I move. Shit, shit, shit, he probably heard that. I wait for a little while, listening for movement, but don’t hear anything. Maybe he didn’t hear it. I slowly move forward again, peering around the shelf. He’s still there, still reading. I drink in the sight of this absolutely beautiful boy. He coughs, startling me and I start to move back again- tripping over my shoelaces as I go. I fall to the floor with a loud bang, and land on my back. I turn my head and stare through the books, but the chairs on the other side are empty. The boy is gone. I sigh and turn my head back up to stare at the ceiling. Only-there’s a person in my way. Startling grey eyes meet mine and I swallow back a gulp. Wisps of his hair fall against his cheeks. He’s even more beautiful up close.
“Mind telling me why you were watching me?” His voice is deep, deeper than mine. And smooth. A light lilt following his words. I open my mouth to reply, and then shut it again and close my eyes. My verbal communication skills are shitty at best, and in front of a beautiful boy they’re bound to be horrible. I don’t want to ruin the moment (if this even is a moment).
A light thud to my left causes me to open them again and look over. His nose brushes mine from where he’s lying on the ground next to me and he smirks. “You’re staring again,” he whispers. I feel his breath against my face and smile a bit at him, blushing. He grins back and turns his head towards the ceiling. I stare a while longer before looking up as well. The ceiling is quite beautiful, with arches made of dark wood forming large frames for beautiful murals and paintings. We’re lying under a night sky, painted white stars shining down on us. He tilts his head towards me and points a long elegant finger up. “See those brighter stars? In the top corner?” he whispers, tracing them with his finger in the air. I nod. “That constellation is called Cassiopeia, named after a boastful Ethiopian queen in Greek mythology.”
I slowly turn my head away from the stars on the ceiling and back to him. To his bright eyes and small smile as he passionately explains the stories in the stars. He points out a couple of others before meeting my eyes again and pausing.
“I’m Baz.”
“Simon.” I whisper.
I watch him mouth my name, curving his lips around each letter as if treasuring and memorizing each one. Simon. “Well, Simon.” His voice is breathy and light, “what do you see in the stars?”
I look back up, glancing over at him continuously. He nods encouragingly. Hesitantly opening my mouth I wish to everything that words could tumble out but they catch in my throat. I press my lips together and close my eyes, trying to control my shaking hands. I almost wish that I had continued therapy, that it had worked so I could fucking talk to this beautiful boy. That my continuous panic attacks during behaviour therapy hadn’t finally made me give up. Deciding to instead learn sign language with Penny alongside me for rough situations anxiety-wise, where my words choked me and my mouth betrayed me.
“Hey, hey” he whispers, noticing my obvious distress. He reaches out and grabs my hand. “You’re okay, Simon” oh how he says my name. It rolls off his tongue easy and light. “You’re okay,” he repeats, “Do you wanna know what I see in the stars?” I clench my eyes together and nod trying to focus on my breathing. The last thing I want right now is a panic attack. Why couldn’t I have this? Just this. This beautiful boy with his smile and his whispers about the stars.
“Okay,” he continues and points again with his left hand, his other hand staying over mine. “Well if you connect those stars it looks kind of like a dog. I mean not really, but it’s called the Canis Major. Which basically means big dog. I suppose if you use your imagination you can see it. That’s what I love about constellations. You have to use your imagination, otherwise they’re just weird connect-the-dots that don’t look like anything at all.” He looks back at me and I squeeze his hand and smile at him, blinking slowly, trying to savor this wonderful moment. How did I end up on the floor staring at a painted sky with a beautiful boy who doesn’t care that I could barely get my name out. A beautiful boy who lights up when he’s talking about stars and who doesn’t seem to want to let go of my hand.
“Simon,” His breath caresses my face, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Would you like to go get coffee with me?”
“Yes,” I whisper back, my voice cracking slightly from unuse.
“Okay,” he says, “but first you have to answer one question.”
I nod eagerly.
He leans in, nose brushing mine. “Why were you watching me?”
I stare at his lips, not ready to look into his sharp grey eyes. “I- “ I pause, lick my lips, raise my eyes to his.
“You’re beautiful,” I breathe out.
He leans in closer, and his lips brush mine as he whispers back.
“You’re pretty cute too.”
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arituzz · 8 years
Hey, I made a new account called snowbaz-fics and all I basically do is reblog finished snowbaz fics. Do you mind helping me spread the word and send me finished fics? I don't care if you only send me yours ☺
Heyy @snowbaz-fics! Of course, thank you for the ask :)
Here are my finished fics (basically oneshots ahaha):
A tip for the pianist (849 words)
Simon and Agatha go on a date to their favourite restaurant. Simon can’t take his eyes off the pianist.
(Non-magical AU, fluff, POV first person)
All I want for Christmas (425 words)
Sometimes misunderstandings lead up to beautiful things.
(Non-magical AU, Christmas shopping, bad puns, fluff, alternating POV first person)
Be my religion (1052 words)
Baz is desperately in love with his roommate, Simon. But Simon thinks homosexuality is a sin.
(Boarding School AU, angst, fluff, POV first person)
Don’t let go (1243 words)
(Follows canon events on Leavers Ball)
Second part is NSFW
(angst, smut, fluff, alternating POV first person)
Good Fortune (1472 words)
Baz hasn’t come back for their eighth year at Watford. Simon is too busy adoring the mysterious little feline that has taken possession of Baz’s bed to care.
(8th Year AU - canon divergence, hurt/comfort, fluff, POV first person)
I can’t think straight (1132 words)
Simon is straight. And he’s absolutely not attracted to his roommate. Well maybe he is. A little. Maybe a little too much.
(8th Year AU - canon divergence, denial, fluff, POV first person)
I don’t love you (475 words)
(or how to tell your imbecile of a boyfriend that you do love him)
(post-canon, domestic fluff, POV first person)
Idol (1418 words)
Simon Snow is a pop star. Basilton Pitch is a lesser-known singer and violinist. Obviously, Baz loathes Snow. Or does he?
(Non-magical AU, fluff, music, POV first person)
Improvise (215 words)
That moment in fifth year.
(canon-compliant, fifth year, stairs, pining, alternating POV first person)
It’s a date (1922 words)
Five times Baz has to bite his lips in order to refrain himself and one time he doesn’t.
Five times Simon doesn’t mean it and one time he does.
(High School AU, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Pining, 5 +1 Things, POV third person)
Let it Snow (1835 words)
Sometimes, Simon wanted to wrap him in his arms and soothe him to sleep. Sometimes he just wanted to join him and cry together. But he couldn’t. Because Dr. Pitch was like snow. Simon could only admire him from the other side of the glass. As close as he may look, he was absolutely unreachable.
(Hospital AU, doctor/patient, fluff with a bit of angst, pining, POV third person)
Masquerade Ball (1277 words)
Two strangers meet at a birthday party.
(Non-magical AU, smut, POV first person)
Nail Polish (753 words)
I watch him as he takes my hand with his. One. He starts painting my nails. Two. He bites his lips while he’s focused and, oh fuck, I can’t tear my eyes off him. Three. Four. Five.
To hell with the three-seconds rule.
[Beautiful art insp. by this fic by the lovely sophiemariezie-art]
(Punk/pastel AU, roommates, pining, fluff, POV first person)
Nineteen Firsts and One Last (19/19) [3736 words]
It’s Simon’s nineteenth birthday. He’s not expecting anything unusual, just some messages from his tumblr friends. But Baz has different plans.
(For the Simon Snow’s 19th birthday project)
(tumblr AU - non-magical AU, friends to lovers, fluff, hinted smut, POV first person)
Opposites attract (402 words)
Baz is the sun. And Simon is crashing into him.
(Opposite day, non-magical AU, pining, fluff, POV first person)
Our love is memetastic (1745 words)
Simon retells his rise and fall (in love) in a way that his daughter can understand.
(Retelling of canon, memes, dialog)
Pumpkin Mocha Breve (925 words)
I watch him sipping at the cup and wait for the compliments. Which never come. He grimaces and all I want to do is spit on him. But I don’t. I’ve heard it’s not nice to spit on your customers on your first day at work.
(In which Baz works in a coffee shop and Simon is his first customer)
(Coffee Shop AU – non-magical AU, pining, bickering, POV first person, fluff)
Sign your name across my heart (1231 words)
The name of your soulmate will appear on your chest the day you turn eighteen. Simon is taken aback when he sees his. Baz doesn’t know whether to feel hope or drown in his own sorrow.
(8th Year AU - canon divergence, soulmates, angst, pining, mentions of self-harm, fluff, POV first person)
Small Talk (878 words)
Simon texts the wrong number
(Summer before 8th year AU - canon divergence, enemies to lovers, pining, fluff, texting convo)
Speechless (1296 words)
The silence of your enemy is better than their words. Because sometimes, silence speaks louder than your voice.
(8th Year AU - canon divergence, pining, fluff, spell gone wrong, POV first person)
Talk Shakespeare to Me (1110 words)
Penny forces Simon to join the poetry club. He’d never thought he was going to enjoy it so much.
(Non-magical AU, enemies to lovers, pining, fluff, POV first person)
Talk to Me (789 words)
Simon is trying to come up with a new spell but he ends up speaking only German
(8th Year AU - canon divergence, fluff, spell gone wrong, POV first person)
The many benefits of water (978 words)
Baz works as a lifeguard at the local pool. Simon seeks for his attention. This can’t end well.
(Non-magical AU, pining, fluff, neighbours, swimming pool, POV first person)
The most powerful magic (420 words)
Words are very powerful. That’s what we’ve always been told. But what are words? Are they really just a combination of spoken sounds? No, they are clearly much more. Words are meaning. Words can be written. Words can be said with our hands, or with our body. And words can be left unspoken.
(canon-compliant/post-canon, eighth year spell challenge, spells, POV first person)
Until Dawn (1615 words)
(Shadowhunters crossover)
Alec and Magnus have disappeared. Izzy has reasons to think they’re in England. So, who better to look for them than Simon Snow, the most powerful Shadowhunter in the UK?
(Crossover, Shadowhunters world, enemies to lovers, fluff, POV first person)
What did you say? (1052 words)
Baz has recently learnt Dutch and has decided to practice it, much to Simon’s sorrow.
(8th Year AU - canon divergence, enemies to lovers, fluff, POV first person)
When I see you again (1013 words)
The irony of it all is that I’m already dead. No, the cruel joke is that I don’t die. And there are things much worse than death for me to expierence forever.
(post-canon, major character death, angst, mentions of suicide, POV first person)
You are my Littlepuff (572 words)
Simon and Baz play Pokémon Go. Well, Simon does. Baz doesn’t. He absolutely does not enjoy the game. Nope. Not at all.
(Because someone had to)
(Post-canon, established relationship, fluff, POV first person)
Good luck with your blog
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Snowbaz Swimming AU
i know its been literal months but i got a few requests to continue so ive decided to revive this fic
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Simon chapter again! (i think im going to alternate): simon’s first swim lesson with baz
Words: 1.1k 
I immediately regretted my decision to ask for for swim lessons when he started shaking me awake at 5:30 am.
“What the hell, Baz…” I moaned, rolling back over. He tugged all the blankets off my bed and the cold air hit me like a brick.
I sat up straight. Baz was smirking (again). He was already dressed and had a tattered gym bag slung over his shoulder. It smelled vaguely of chlorine.
“Let’s go, Snow. We don’t have all morning.” He threw a tiny piece of fabric at my face, and in my dazed state it took me a minute to realize it was a swimsuit. It looked ten sizes too small.
“What the hell?”
“Are those the only words in your vocabulary? Get a move on, will you?” Baz sneered and started for the door.
I rushed into the bathroom to change and when I came back out, Baz was gone. I rushed down the stairs and out of our dorm and was shocked to realize it was still dark out. I regretted not pulling on a jumper, but I was already too late to go back up and get one. It was freezing this time in the morning. I started running towards the pool, and found I kinda liked the way campus looked when it was dead. It was calm and the sun was just starting to turn the horizon the palest shades of pink and orange.
I had to walk halfway around the pool until I found the side door unlocked. Baz must have a key.
The smell of chlorine almost knocked me off my feet. Baz was already calmly taking the covers off the stand thingies at the ends of the lanes. Something was different about him. It took me a second to realize he had put his hair up. In the seven years I’d lived with Baz, never once had I seen him put his hair up like that. He looked up and caught me staring, and crossed his arms over his chest.
“What do you know about swimming?” Baz asked, raising an eyebrow.
I winced, “Michael Phelps?”
“Do you even know what his event is?” Baz asked before reconsidering, “no, don’t answer that. I already know the answer. He’s a flyer, Snow. His event is the 100 meter butterfly.”
Baz sighed again, “I guess I’ll start by teaching you the four different strokes. In IM order, there’s fly, back, breast, and free.”
In one seamless moment, Baz ditched his shorts and shirt and gestured for me to do the same. I was relieved to see that he was in a suit as small as mine and that he hadn’t been plotting to embarrass me this whole time (which is good, because I’m perfectly capable of humiliating myself). He pulled out two caps that were tucked into the edges of his swim shorts and popped the sleek black one on his head.
He tossed the pastel pink one to me. Git. “Do I have to wear this?”
“Not in practice, but I imagine you don’t want to choke on your own hair. Those curls are probably much longer when wet.” (He was right).
After four failed attempts to put the cap on my head and each time resulting bits of my hair being ripped from my skull by the silicone, Baz scoffed. “Crowley Snow, we only have an hour and a half left at this point. Just let me cap you.”
My unique ability to embarrass the hell out of myself quickly reared its ugly head as I attempted to imitate the butterfly that Baz showed me. He made it look fun and graceful and then had the audacity to say it was his worst stroke.
Well, it was not fun or graceful. By the time I came back up for air, Baz was laughing so hard that he was gripping the lane line and gasping for breath, “you look like a fish out of water!”
I only tried to swim fly down the length of the pool once and even that had my shoulders burning. Baz said I wasn’t kicking enough and then informed me that in a race, I would’ve had to swim up and down the pool four times (100 meters, I think).
We ran through the three other strokes and Baz explained lengths and events and heats and what an IM was (apparently there’s a race where you have to swim all the strokes together. It sounds like the definition of hell). All of the names and terms made my head spin.
By the time 7:30 rolled around, I was ready to climb back into bed. Instead, I followed Baz silently into the locker room and tried to find the shower farthest from him. I did my best to rinse all of the chlorine from my hair, but the Watford pool was more chlorine than water by my estimate and even after I was done my hair still felt gross and tacky.
After changing in silence (which was normal for us, anyways) I tried to return the cap, suit, and goggles to Baz. He shook his head, “aren’t you going to need them? I have a ton of spares. Just keep them for the season. Unless of course, you’ve decided to quit.” He taunted.
“No, no… I’m not quitting. Thanks for… yeah.”
By the time I finished changing, Baz had already disappeared. I was secretly proud of myself for making it through a morning alone with Baz and neither of us killing each other. If I’m honest, a certain, small intervals of time, it was almost fun. Almost.
Leaving the pool was blinding. Campus was all filled up with people again and the sky was cloudless and blue. The fog of calm from the morning was gone. I joined the crowd towards the dining hall and followed the scent of cherry scones to Penny.
“How was your first practice last night on the swim team?” Penny asked as soon as I sat down. She already had a plate of scones ready for me.
“Did you know Baz swam? Apparently he’s really good. The best on the team. You should see him do the freestyle, Penny.”
She raised an eyebrow, “you guys didn’t kill each other?” Penny sounded amazed. I felt myself blush a little.
“No, probably because he swims in the first lane by himself, and I’m in the last lane with all of the newbies.” I scanned across the cafeteria and noticed Agatha sitting with Baz. I felt anger burning at the back of my throat, before I remembered we broke up. She could sit wherever (but why Baz? My evil roommate, really?). The grin fell off my face.
“Get up, Snow.”
“What? This is going to be an every morning thing?”
“Until you can swim, yes.”
530 am practices are indeed a thing. 530 am practice on my birthday is indeed a thing. if anyone has any questions about swimming or the fic hmu
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ao3feed-carryon · 8 years
snowbaz swimming au
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lkKpxn
by thecruciblegavemeyou
penny forces simon to join a sport, and when simon joins the swim team he learns baz swims too (and asks baz to teach him to swim)
Words: 1079, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Agatha Wellbelove, Simon Snow, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Penelope Bunce
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch & Simon Snow, Penelope Bunce & Simon Snow
Additional Tags: SnowBaz, Swimming AU, Swim Team AU
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lkKpxn
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purplenarwhal19 · 7 years
penny forces simon to join a sport, and when simon realizes he cannot, in fact, swim, he requests baz's help
0 notes
swim au
so close yet so far (to the end) 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
I woke up in Baz’s arms for the second morning in a row (well technically he was in my arms yesterday). It was by far my favorite thing. Maybe even more than Cook Pritchard’s sour cherry scones (maybe, they’re damn good scones).
Waking up felt even better, knowing that I’d never have to see David again. The police had aided me in filing a restraining order, and he would go to trial for his domestic abuse, drug, and money issues (apparently he hadn’t paid any taxes on the shack in a long time).
Being this close to him, I was wrapped up in the scent of his cedar and bergamot soap (and candle, and shampoo, and cologne, I think). All Baz’s things smelled of cedar and bergamot, and I’d never had the courage to ask why.
His fingers were cold on my skin, lightly wrapped around my hip. I took advantage of my situation to watch him; I rarely got the chance to see Baz at his most vulnerable. I hope that will change given that we’re… something else. Not enemies; and I told him we weren’t friends, but neither of us actually said it was something more. My stomach twisted with that thought, but I was (mostly) certain he felt the same.
I don’t know if he’s ready to be open about our this with the whole school. Baz has always been a really private person, even with people he didn’t hate. Whenever I used to question Dev or Niall about Baz’s plots or whereabouts, they didn’t have a clue.
No wonder Agatha had always been attracted to him. Who doesn’t like a good mystery?
I’d spent seven years trying to map Baz out; his every move, every expression, every word.
I failed.
Ultimately, I missed the biggest secret Baz was keeping. This (he went to extensive lengths to hide his feelings, though. I think pushing me down the stairs was too far). I think I needed to miss it until now. I don’t think I was ready for something like this before now, even if Baz was. Something real. If I found out a year ago, let alone a month ago, how Baz felt, or worse; how I felt, I would’ve lost it. Fallen off the end of the Earth, my whole world upside down (it was still upside down now, but I think it’s good. It’s really good). I didn’t want to mess this thing with Baz up, not the way I messed up with Agatha (over and over again).
I messed up badly with Agatha. And this time, she messed up with me. It was quite a new (and not really pleasant) feeling. I hoped she didn’t feel like this every time I fucked over our relationship.
That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be her friend still.
A bird on the window sill interrupted my train of thought, and Baz stirred. His eyes fluttered open, meeting mine.
He furrowed his brow, “Don’t look at me like that,”
“Like what?” I smirked.
“Like… like you don’t hate me.” he squirmed.
“I don’t hate you.” (quite the opposite, really).
“Are we… what is this?” he wrinkled his nose. I didn’t even know Baz was physically capable of looking that cute. My gut wrenched (partially because he kneed me in the groin on accident, but still).
I shrugged (not the best response). The way he was looking at me was making me nervous. He wants this too, Simon.
“Aren’t you still dating Wellbelove?” he whispered.
Now I was the one squirming, “Um… no. definitely not.”
“What did you do, Snow?”
I giggled nervously. I recounted my spat with Agatha the other night and before I knew it, he was laughing. I rarely got to hear him laugh.
“Good thing that I was already gay for you that day she tracked me down.” He laughed.
“You were?”
He shook his head,“Oh Snow, you have no idea. You oblivious boy.”
I blushed.
“So no. I’m not dating Wellbelove. I think… I think I’m dating Baz Pitch.”
Baz had opened his mouth to speak, but with that he closed it again, forming a shy smile, “Yeah, yeah .”
I crawled forward to kiss him. I hung over him, and I taunted him until he gave in and reached up to kiss me. I wish I had known Baz’s weaknesses sooner. I ran a hand through his hair (which was soft and silky, unlike mine that was more chlorine than hair). He pressed his lips onto the mole under my chin, following the trail down to the top hem of my shirt. I was tempted to let him take it off, but that goddamn bird squawked again (I don’t know what the whole fuss is over birdsong, it sounds like noise to me) reminding me it’s time for breakfast. If I was late twice in a row, especially on a Saturday, she would know something was up (and she wouldn’t give up until I caved).
“I’ve got to go.”
“You’re fucking with me, really?” Baz complained, letting me up.
I (attempted to) raise an eyebrow “unless you want Penny to figure out what’s up…?’
He rolled his eyes, but let me go without another protest.
Baz was still tossing around in his blankets as I made my way towards the door, “aren’t you getting up for breakfast?”
He shook his head.
“Do you want me to bring you something?”
He shrugged (yes). I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face as I left.
It had snowed a little last night; a dusting like the last time. This time I remembered my jumper and a scarf. I was practically skipping across the courtyard when I ran (literally) into Agatha.
“Merlin, Simon. Is your head made of stone?” she groaned.
“Sorry, Ags. Really. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
She nodded. After a moment of painful silence, I started towards the cafeteria again.
“I, uhh… I’ll just be going.”
Agatha grabbed my arm, spinning me back around to face her. “Simon. I really am sorry, you know. It was a childish mistake.”
“I… yeah. But that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t really think this is meant to be.”
Half of me expected her to be upset by that, but the fact that she wasn���t proved my point.
“You’re right. I’m not your golden destiny, and you’re not mine. I don’t really think there’s such a thing.” She smiled, but was hollow; blending in with the bleach white courtyard and the frigid air.
I shifted my weight. “I still care about you.”
This smile wasn’t nearly as empty. I didn’t need words to know she still cared about me too. Everything was just different now.
She left me alone in the courtyard with a ghost fo a kiss on my cheek and a squeeze of my hand.
As I made my way towards the dining hall, I knew I would be late.
I didn’t really care. I’m glad that my spat with Agatha was resolved. I didn’t have many friends to lose.
Nothing between us would ever be like it was before, but I was quite certain that was more of a positive (just like my newfound relationship with Baz).
I wonder what Agatha would think of me and Baz. Does she still have feelings for him? I was half-tempted to ask her earlier, but it wasn’t really the right moment. I wonder what Penny would think. She’d probably remind me that I’m straight (am I?). Or that I hate Baz. Or that Baz hates me.
I wish that the dining hall wasn’t so far from my dorms (they were the two farthest buildings on campus). It’s like someone designed it to torture me (or coerce me into exercising). When I opened the doors, I was hit by the smell of bacon and eggs and scones and warm maple syrup.
As I found my seat next to Penny, guilt pooled in my stomach. Pen and I never kept secrets. But this wasn’t just my secret; it was Baz’s secret too. I couldn’t really tell Penny about Baz being gay (or that I was gay for him back) without hurting him (which was the last thing I wanted to do).
The cafeteria was always emptier on weekends, because everyone chose sleeping over food. I always wondered why they didn’t just make breakfast later.
Penny pushed some food around her plate. “Agatha told me about your fight.”
“Oh. Well I - I just spoke to her or my way over. I think we’re okay now.”
She nodded. “Maybe dating will finally work for you too, know that you’ve both gotten past your issues.”
I dropped my fork, starling her and Gareth behind me. “ No, no. We’re not dating. We’re just friends. We’re both done with that. Really.”
“Oh?” penny’s facial expressions were strikingly similar to Baz’s.
I shrugged, and the rest of the meal went on in peace.
“So… if you two are really on good terms, does that mean we can have a sleepover party tonight like we did when we were younger?” Penny pleaded.
I’d forgotten about that. I used to sneak into Agatha’s room with Penny at night, and the three of us would hang out and watch movies on Agatha’s phone (her parents had the unlimited data plan).
“Has Agatha agreed to that?”
“She said she was up for it if you were.”
I smiled, “I’ll see you tonight. Same time?”
“Seven o’clock.”
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swim au
im on summer vacation (i still have finals i have to go in for but shh) so instead of studying i finally wrote again
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
The meet was over before I knew it. The whole experience was just as amazing as I remembered and this time I actually got to compete (I was too slow when I first joined). We didn’t win - I wasn’t surprised. But we came close. Next time. We still have nine more meets to go this season.
With practice (especially with those damn relay starts) we would win a few this season.
A few of the boys seemed pissy that we didn’t win, but I couldn’t care less. I was ecstatic - the past two days had been some of the best days of my life. All I wanted to do was to go back to our room and lie down. After the last two hours of cheering and hollering, I could use some peace and quiet (and some kisses). I watched Simon from across the pool, shaking hands and chatting with boy on the other team, and watching Bunce and Wellbelove on the stands as they tried to get his attention (Bunce looked happy; Wellbelove looked quite the opposite). I wonder who shoved a stick up her ass.
I helped Coach clean up the pool deck, astonished at how messy it got in the span of two hours.
“You did good tonight, Pitch. We might even have a chance at winning something this season,” He chuckled, “maybe we’ll get a participation award this time around.”
I let out a single, hollow laugh, “Thanks, Coach.”
“Are you going to go out with all the boys?” All the boys were going off campus to the 24-hour diner to grab a bite to eat, and celebrate, “No, I don’t think so. I’m drained.” He nodded in agreement.
I thought I was the last one in the locker room, when Snow grabbed my arm and tugged me behind a corner. My heart skipped a beat (half fear, half excitement). The devious grin on his face made me weak in the knees. His lips were on mine before I could say so much as a ‘hi.’
“What-what if someone comes in?” I whisper. Snow shrugs. Half his words are shrugs. I break the kiss, and he hums low and disappointed.
“Let’s just go back to our room, alright?” Snow nodded with a permanent grin, and followed me out of the locker room. When we left the building, were were immediately ambushed by Bunce. I looked over her shoulder, expecting to find Wellbelove nearby, but Agatha had vanished. Had she and Snow had a spat? With a sinking feeling, I remembered they were technically dating still. Would Snow break up with her for me? I didn’t let myself believe he’d ever chose me over his ‘Golden Destiny.’
Apparently we had more problems than Snow’s unresolved relationship with Wellbelove. “Simon, your dad is here.” Bunce said it like a question, but without any obvious concern. I gathered he hadn’t really mentioned his abusive father to Bunce, but Snow went visibly rigid. She had to notice that.
“Where?” he asked lowly.
Bunce glared at me over Simon’s shoulder, “Screw off, would you? Could you eavesdrop any more obviously?”
Snow whipped around to look at me. I’d never seen Simon look as terrified as he did in that moment.
“Good night to you, as well, Bunce.” I tipped my imaginary hat, and she rolled her eyes.
I watched nervously as Bunce led Simon towards his dad, who was leaning on the gates.
For as well as she claimed to know him, I was surprised Bunce hadn’t stopped him and interrogated him yet.
I watched as Snow’s dad dismissed Bunce. I watched as he argued with Snow (I dialed 999, thumb hovering over the call button). I watched Bunce hide out of sight, camera in hand (I shouldn’t have underestimated Bunce; of course she noticed). I watched as she recorded them (I should’ve thought of that). I watched Simon’s dad strike him across the face.
I watched Simon crumble to the ground. I pressed call, spouting my location and sputtering on about Snow and David as I watched Bunce scramble to his side, stepping between Snow and his father’s raised hand.
I tackled Snow’s father to the ground without a thought, waiting for emergency services. Penny watched me curiously as a I tousled with David. There was no way I was letting him leave, not when I had the chance to free Simon from his clutches.
I listen impatiently as Penny spoke softly to Snow, cradling his face, and berating him for not telling her.
“How’d you know?” He mumbled through his tears.
“I can read you like a street sign.”
“Isn’t the phrase supposed to be ‘like a book?’” Simon furrowed his brows.
“Yeah, but reading a street sign is faster and easier.” She laughed, and Simon joined her. His laugh was wet with tears.
The rest of the night was a blur. Penny went with Snow, and they took away his father in cuffs.
I went back to our room. There was nothing else I could do for him, nothing that wouldn’t make Penelope (or anyone else) suspicious. I paced around, showering twice to pass the time until Simon came back. I wanted to see him okay, standing right in front of me where I could keep him away from everyone trying to hurt him. I wanted to thank Bunce for being rational enough to catch his father on camera; the proof that would put him away and keep Simon out of his reach. I wished it were that easy for everyone else. It shouldn’t have been so easy, and so hard at the same time.
I wish I had known sooner, and that I could’ve done something. I can finally understand why he loved Watford so much.
After an eternity of wrecked nerves and violent pacing, I could hear footsteps. The hinges of the door squealed as Simon slowly peeked inside. There was a bruise on his cheek; a blotch of yellow and purple and blue glowing underneath the moles and freckles scattered across his left cheek.
I heard Bunce outside. “Just go to sleep, okay Simon?”
He nodded vigorously, already closing the door behind him. “Yeah. Good night, Pen. Thank you.”
He was silent as he met my gaze. It felt like forever before he started towards me, falling into my arms. I caught him, pulling him close. “Shh… you’re okay. You’re home.” I mumbled, pressing a kiss in his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
I ran my hands through his hair unconsciously, pulling Snow next to me on the bed. He murmured in distinctively; I couldn’t make out a word he said. I didn’t really care to, because the hum of his voice resonated in my chest, more powerful than my heartbeat.
I was half-asleep before I heard Simon mumbling my name, gently shaking my shoulder, “Baz, Baz. ”
I blinked open my eyes, and Simon was looking at me intently. “What? Is everything okay?”
He cocked his head and beamed at me, his chin pressing into my stomach. He shook his head, and that beautiful blush shown out, even beneath his ever-darkening bruise.
“I’ve never been better.”
“ That’s what you woke me to say?” I huffed, smiling back at him. He was infectious.
“I forgot.” He frowned, but the light stayed in his eyes.
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