#im already rebooting cas
cockelores · 2 years
I love clowning like my life depends on it, duh, but i kinda just wanted to write down my very real, down to earth Thots and Expectashuns for the prequel (caution, clown nose was off for these ones):
- first things first, i dont expect anything destiel wise ! as much as I'd love to, but. truly in my heart i don't expect anything more than perhaps parallels and/or mirrors between john/mary and them, whether they be intentional or not. I'll have fun with those regardless. if there's anything more i will be more than MORE than pleasantly surprised lol, but this is not the reboot quite yet
- i still expect it to have its gay moments. obv the main love story is straight, but considering CM's whole shtick, i think they will give us really good representation with carlos and anyone else they decide to throw in the mix, and i am def very excited to see all that!!
- i feel like we'll get to see ruthie. wondering about the whole timeline and dimension talk, it could probably be literally anyone we know and love who could appear on the show. maybe mark s, maybe they'll manage to bring in matt and jdm, however that'd turn out lol
- i think we might hear or see cas, maybe even as misha. but i feel like it'd be a different timeline and/or dimension cas and not our post confession cas
- i don't expect a lot of dean scenes considering jensen looks entirely different for big sky now lol, he'll likely film the few scenes he has by the end of filming as a whole?? or maybe he has already filmed his parts when he had the short hair and stubble already and will only do voice over until the end of the season. I'll love every second of dean on my screen and speakers no matter what tho 🥲
- excited to get more announcements about which writers and directors they've gotten on board. things look pretty fantastic so far
- i love the cast and how much they've been hanging out and how genuine their friendships all seem to be, like!!! they seem like absolute besties. I think they will all have great chemistry on the show
- im excited for the 70s aesthetic, and every other stylistic choice they've made in the trailer. sorry to anyone who laughed at it, but you Just Don't Get It <3
aaaand that's all. really excited for the show and for the promos that will start dropping soon leading up to the premiere, yee fucking haw!!!!!!!!
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seelestia · 2 years
I FOUND IT >:) nyahaha take THAT tumblr
*pat pat* ofc!!! and that's fine, you gotta do what you have to do!! hot cocoa!! that sounds really good, i just had one the other day (well it was milo, but close enough-)
WHEEZE- *sound of cyno clapping in the background* WELL i finished act 3 and 4 and i watched the livestream live... and he seems scary at first, but i think i can see why people really like him hehe beneath all that scary and stoic demeanor lies a gentle and good soul. he is indeed neat!! he's like a more cooperative version of xiao, u right
i have yet to play act 5, have you? i wanted to do it this weekend but we'll see if i feel like doing it haha
*hands you a high quality eyedrop i use to flash my puppy eyes at zhongli* i gotchu bestie /j
"heavy lore belongs in permanent quests, not temporary ones" YES THANK YOU LSDKFJLKSJDF as a non-day 1 player i find it a little annoying that i had to watch videos to experience albedo's backstory. like. are you kidding me hyv ;;;;
hehe you can always play it whenever you're free! no rush <3 and yeah.... we're all falling for the cheeky bad boy on the block *facepalms* /j
meirin.exe has crashed..... rebooting............
not the uno reverse card >:| /j *pulls out dictionary* no looksie, 't' - 'talent' - "natural aptitude or skill." - synonyms: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, seelestia - YOU SEE even the dictionary agrees!!!
MY CUTEST CUPID I LOVED IT AAAAA i had to console zhongli as we speak BUT NEVERTHELESS you are right i think we would be compatible in the 'opposites attract' way hehe thank you again for the matchup <3
WOOHOOOO! i was so sad when i realized that tumblr ate your ask 😭 and apparently, it ate a fic from you too??? one inch away from giving tumblr a knuckle sandwich rn
SO TRUE. MILO IS A MIRACLE SENT FROM ABOVE. but i can't drink too much lest i get a stomachache, hehe. but idek know the difference between milo and chocolate anymore when i buy iced choco in a café 🚶 (was i scammed? was it milo that i could've bought from the convenience store all along? /j)
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I KNOW RIGHT. I SAW THAT EMOTE AND CACKLED FOR AWHILE. rin jie, your hubby is so iconic he even got his own rock as an emote 💅
i saw that you completed act 3 & 4! hehe, how was it?? i love how everyone came together as a team even tho we're a rag-tag bunch, hehe. AND CYNO IS SO <3 (especially when i remember that he cracks jokes and then explains them in detail when no one laughs 😭)
yep, i did! i started the quest as soon as i did my comms because i have no more story quests or world quests left, so i gobbled that new content immediately 🏃 btw, lmk when you finished act 5! i wanna know what you think ;D OH AND i just remembered that there was quite a lot of alhaitham screentime in act 3-4, how was it? i assume you already saw the scene where he was reading a book about physics (and asked paimon if she understood it) because i loved that scene LOLLL okay, aristotle apprentice, chill. (/j)
FRRR. altho i'm not a day 1 player, i started genshin somewhat early on, but it always bothered me when they did that like the future players deserve to know this bit of lore happened 😭 and especially when the events had free weapons too! like festering desire in v1.2 <//3 i think they could've kept the events in the same way they do story quests?? claim a few keys and unlock thru the events you may have missed in the past for a few days or a week... but whatever can we do?? sigh. really sorry you had to watch albedo and subject 2's beef on youtube tho <//3 such great lore that new players couldn't experience first-hand because of that 😔
GENSHINBLR THANKS YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS 🙏 but fr, rin jie, we don't deserve you because good written content and good game content?? YOU ARE GIVING US THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS <3 when i say that you're the first person that came up when someone asks me for writer reccs, i mean it with my whole darned chest like seriously 😭🫶 (vv and truly /g /srs !!)
my dearest cousin, is one fanart all it takes to render you to a malfunctioning mess... me too, me too. (/lh) you sent me that little ayato with his boba addiction post and i kept smiling like an idiot fjekske AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE MATCHUP <3 infj x intj duo never disappoints~ zhongli, please don't take it personally. jkekkske (fun fact: as an infj, i also find it funny that ayato is an entj 😭 does falling for e/intj's run in our family /j)
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18, 22, 38 for gif questions 🐒🐒💜
hiiii thank you for the ask<333
18. well it depends. if we're talking about my bloody dean series then it's mostly for aesthetic and the dean tongue series is mostly for laughs. but i think my favorite gifs to make are the ones for the feels.
22. lol well this is easy...by far i mostly make spn gifs, mostly centered around dean...though there's a lot of cas and destiel in there too
38. well the thing is i don't often make gifs for things outside of spn and well those episodes are all out already. when i do make gifs for things outside of spn it's always random, like if im watching something and i think a particular scene would be cool to gif then i do it, so im not really looking forward to making gifs for anything that's not out yet. but i guess if there's one thing that isn't out yet that i CANNOT WAIT to make gifs for, it's whenever they decide to reboot/give us more supernatural. omg i would KILL to make gifs for actual NEW episodes of supernatural
questions for gifmakers
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hellfirecas · 3 years
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
Why'd he never mention Cas in heaven? He was Dean's best friend of 12 years? Jackles didn't mention him once when asked abt heaven?? Blaming it on NDA wouldn't make sense at this point, they can't come to jensen and say don't even mention cas. Idk man we want him to be a heller so bad but he just isn't. He actively opposed bi dean what are we thinking huh
He's a white dude who's made millions in this show why would he care if it was by queerbaiting a huge community? It's just hurtful.
Hi anon, so I wasnt going to answer this but now it's 4:30am and I'm overtired, so lets do this.
Listen let's start by stating the obvious. I am not Jensen Ackles, nor do I know Jensen Ackles, he's just some guy. And I know about as much as everyone else here does regarding the finale and "NDAs" or more likely contractual obligations, I haven't worked in television. All I can say is that I've been in this fandom since I was 11 years old, I've observed them for years, watching interviews and cons, so that's all I can go off, and I can only offer my opinion.
First and foremost, the virtual cons are compeltely controlled environments, they are not like normal chaotic cons, the questions are handpicked(most come from creation and are reused for each panel), so that should answer half your question. Now, if you're asking me why Jensen didn't Cas mention in the heaven question, all I can tell you is that Jensen did not even want to answer the question to begin with, which should be telling enough. He clearly tried to avoid answering it, he tried to skip it. Then he gave some routine answer about "driving baby" and "seeing sam", and immediately shifted gears and started saying Dean would get bored in heaven, ask Jack to bring him back to life, basically pitching his reboot. He's clearly toeing a line, like he has been for years now. And if for some reason they are under any "contractual obligation" for anything with the network or like warner bros, they could potentially ban them from discussing a certain subject(but again I have no idea if they are or not)
As for Jensen being a heller? He's already proved he is, multiple times, go back and watch any episode he's directed, any con from the past 4 years. And I'm sorry but im not even gonna touch the "opposing bi dean" thing because that contains multitudes and this is too long already ahah. But, Jensen's intention isn't to "queerbait" us, he's made that clear in recent years, he made it clear after 15x18 aired. And listen, I know this hurts, this entire situation hurts, and I'm not sitting here trying to diminish your feelings or anyone elses, but like you said, he's just some guy. He doesn't "have" to say anything, he doesn't actually "owe us" anything, none of them do. Because they are just some guys, and we are just some guys.
But do I personally think Jensen wants to discuss destiel and the confession and the mess of the finale? Of course he does, he was going on and on about 15x18 before the finale aired, he was extremely vocal about how much he hated deans ending since 2019, he's been very vocal about destiel in recent years too, and now he's gone silent all of a sudden? I mean at this point if that doesn't seem strange to you, then idk what else to tell you. Am i right? Who knows? Are you right? Who knows? I'm just some girl, you're just some person, and really all we have to go off of is our own opinions
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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aturnoftheearth · 3 years
so...do you think cas will be in the reboot?? im so desperate to get my gayngel back I NEED HIM BACK
on one hand I don’t think my heart can take getting my hopes up only to be cas baited again but on the other hand I’m already planning the amv for 29 years by the national in case we DO get time-traveling cas
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scorpiohaq · 3 years
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jared and jensen on twitter rn...alexa play no children
214 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 02:59:26 GMT
i have problems with so many users on this site but our shared hatred for this reboot is putting us on the same wavelength im abt to start rbing in the tags like “i HATE op but so true”
260 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 01:23:37 GMT
sam: hey breakfast is done
jack: oh thanks. should i give the old bitch upstairs some, too?
cas: we already talked abt this. sam called dean that ONCE in the heat of an argument and you are NOT to repeat it. also yes.
524 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 02:41:04 GMT
my fave sam and john moment
553 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 20:28:44 GMT
dean’s like why do people think i’m gay [does a gay little heel click that pisses bobby off]
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1513 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 03:53:20 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ricc1 · 4 years
falling for you
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~ = ~
~ = ~
falling for you
peachy! mxmtoon
~ = ~
Have you ever met someone who at first glance, you weren't attracted to?
Now that's a once in a life time event that happens. Not many people experience that type of event.
But Error did.
It all started when he started to destroy AU's as a living, a forced thankless job, you could say.
He never spent too much time on erasing the alternate universe. Made sure that the deaths were quick and no one was spared alive before he went for the core of the universe and well, erased it.
Until one day(?), he was about to kill the human of a alternate universe when he hears a loud splash behind him.
He quickly turns to look at where the noise but he only sees a splash of ink or possibly paint splattered on the floor.
He tugs on the strings that held the human's soul, mumbling to himself. "What the fuck?"
A loud cheerful voice shouted next to where his ears would be and he turns and saw no one there.
"Not there, glitchy~"
He turns again and sees a skeleton near his height.
The skeleton wore these pants that draped over his legs like a cape - he was barefoot too. - his top attire consisted of a white shirt, another top shirt that was pretty tight around his chest area.
A brown scarf hid his neck. It was very long and had messy doodles and handwriting scribbled all over it. He had this weird belt over his chest with rainbows vials over the belt.
And to top it all, he was leaning on a large paint brush. A cheeky grin painted on his expression as his eyelights switched shapes and color.
The destroyed twitched at the sight, squinting.
"Who the fuck are you?"
The artist looking skeleton grin widens. He straightens his posture, leaning away from the paint brush before twirling said object and pointing it to Error.
"My name is Ink! I'm the protector of the Multiverse!"
Ink introduced himself, his eyes dimming as the grin on his face turns into a cocky smirk.
"And you are?"
Error looked at the skeleton dully, annoyed at the sight of this newcomer. He lifts his hand to pull the strings from the permanent tears on his face, pulling them away as the strings glow cooly. He gives a creepy smile at the artist.
"Nice to meet you, abomination.. #2. I'm Error, and i will destroy every alternate universe in existence and you can't stop me." The black-boned skeleton grinned.
Ink scoffs lightly at the comment.
We'll see about that, Error..
The two then clashed, a battlefield paraded in the universe leaving the poor inhabitants of the AU to watch or to evacuate from the fight. It was absolutely amazing seeing the fight but it had caused a big destruction in the AU, leaving the monsters to be traumatized and shock over the damage. Fortunately, the world was restarted and everything was back to normal.
Ever since the meeting of the two counterparts, they had been fighting each other ever since.
And a certain destroyer is starting to get very, very annoyed about a specific protector who keeps on stopping his business.
Error, as obvious despises Ink. He hates the short, grinning, smiling skeleton so much with a burning passion in his soul. The small skeleton always seems to be there every time he was just one step closer to destroying an alternate universe and it infuriates Error to an end.
The two never gone too far on fighting, they would always leave the battle with scars and bruises but come back again with no sign of them. It was as if they were evenly tied, evenly balanced. Yin and yang, you could say.
But! Despite all of that, the determined little protector wouldn't just give up! He would always fight Error - actually it's more like talking to the destroyer and dodging the strings - or try to be friends with the destroyer.
Friends?! FRIENDS?! What a joke! Error laughed when the protector first said it. He seems to regret it now when he saw the determined expression on Ink's face. It was just a complete joke! A destroyer and a protector? FRIENDS?! Now isn't that the greatest plot twist in a show.
It wouldn't make complete sense for the two to be friends. They're sworn enemies! Rivals, even. And to throw all that away just to be friends?! Yeah, Error didn't liked that and that only fueled his dislike for the artistic skeleton.
Until, he discovered an actual fact about the protector.
The skeleton had no soul.
Yes, you heard that right.
The protector had no soul and was living life through those vials of his - Error always wondered what they were for - and when Error found out about it.
Well like any other monster, he was surprised.
"Wait what?"
The destroyed stared at, well nothing. There was absolutely nothing in the artist's chest who was completely wrapped up and tied up by the blue strings that belonged to the destroyer.
Error blinked and blinked, completely shocked. He was gaping at the sight of well, nothing. There was no soul that should obviously be there floating on the artist's chest. He was completely shocked.
Laughter then shook him from his trance, turning to see the tied up skeleton laughing at the baffled skeleton.
Realizing that he showed on how vulnerable he is, Error shouted curses and threw Ink out of the void, making sure to throw his stupid brush too.
Upon finding out about the discovery, the destroyed couldn't bring himself to destroy any universes - to Ink's delight - i mean why would he?
He just found out that the most loved by all and the one that he hated the most was soulless.
Upon thinking about this, his mouth twitches, breaking into a smile.
And laughed.
He laughed hysterically- no, he laughed like he was a maniac, laughing like he had found a funny joke from the internet. The sound of his glitched laughter bounced off the nonexistent walls of the void as he come to the realization that the beloved protector of the multiverse was,
Soulless, emotionless and possibly even broken.
No wonder the bastard acts like a hyperactive child-man adult most of the time! He has to act that way so no one would know that the one protecting them all was emotionless, soulless.
Error slowly calmed down, letting out a few chuckles here and there before sighing.
He stands from his position and opens a portal to a genocidal timeline of a beautiful universe that he hasn't destroyed: Outertale.
He walks inside the portal, bringing his knitting materials with him before sitting down at the edge of the land.
He looks up at the beautiful stars that scattered the dark blue sky. Planets and possible different more stars shine as he stares at them in awe.
He then works on his knitting, looking up once in a while to stare at the sky once again.
"Hey pal! How are you?"
Error screamed - manly - and jumped from his spot. From the shock of the situation, the skeleton glitched and crashed.
Ink let out a hum. It seems that his counterpart is acting like a computer that's restarting. That's hilarious! The protector thought to himself.
He then decides to wait for the glitching skeleton to finish his rebooting. The smaller - to be fair, he's practically a gremlin. - sat down, a safe distance away from the destroyer as he looks up to see the view that was bestowed upon him.
"Wow! It's been a while since I've gone on any outertale universes! They really are pretty." The skeleton stared in awe.
Now that he thinks about it, he wonders on to why the destroyer hasn't destroyed this universe.
Not that he was complaining of course! He's absolutely glad- no, delighted that the destroyer hasn't destroyed any outertale universes!
..Maybe he should ask him?
Not now, though. Error is still re-
A sharp ping came from behind him and the white boned skeleton turned to see the destroyer coming back to his senses
The glitching skeleton seems to be confused, wondering on where he was before the memories suddenly flashed back and he glared at Ink.
"You. What are you doing here?"
"I think the better question is; what are you doing here?"
The glitch seems to stay quiet at the question before scoffing.He grumbles to himself - curses? - before going back to his previous position, sitting down. He pulls the strings from his cheek and captures the materials before he starts to work on a doll.
Ink's eyelights shifts, seemingly confused but doesn't say a word before Error speaks up again.
"Can't a 'bad guy' like me take a few breaks once in a while? Or is that something you think im incapable off? I'm still a lonely skeleton with a soul, after all."
Ink opens his mouth to protest but closes it. He seems to think about destroyer's words and smiles to himself.
Error noticed this change, raising an bonebrow(?) before shifting his position, giving his full attention to the doll he was knitting.
After what seems like hours, Error finished knitting what seems like a puppet - Ink? - and stands up.
The protector who was doodling in his notebook looks up to see the destroyer leave.
He stands up. "Leaving already? Shame! I was enjoying our time together."
The glitched skeleton retorted. "I didnt and it wont happen ever again."
"Pftth, whatever you say, Glitchy."
"You're a glitch too!" The destroyer flipped the protector off - "Rude." - and opens up his portal and leaves.
After a day or two, Error went back to destroying AU's and Ink went back to 'fighting' the skeleton. It seemed normal, they were 'bantering' as Ink likes to call it as always. Calling each other what seems to be 'insulting' nicknames like 'Glitchy' or 'Inkblot' or even 'Rainbow Asshole.'
The last 'insult' seems to have made Ink laugh and got him to stop and puked.
Yes, puked.
Not blood or vomit.
But ink.
Ink, puked ink.
Now, Error learned another new thing about Ink. When he is excited, anxious or whatsoever, he pukes Ink. INK.
It was like, as if the protector was a squid!
That seems like a good nickname now that he thinks about it.
The destroyer shakes his head, seemingly disgusted at the sight before opening a portal and walking inside. Error signs were quick to fill his vision but they faded away over a minute. He sighed in relief before his mind flows back to the encounter he had with the protector. Now that he thinks about it.. The laugh of the protector was very.. genuine-sounding?
From what the black-boned skeleton noticed, the laugh of the protector always seemed to be forced-sounding or annoyed - He was not stalking, shut up - and this is really the first time that the white-boned skeleton really laughed with a genuine, pure tone to it.
It warmed the skeleton that he was able to make the soulless skeleton laugh but then he was horrified that how good it felt when the white-boned skeleton laughed because of him. In fact, why is he thinking about how it feels good to make the skeleton laugh?! Wait, why is he even thinking about this?!
Seemingly done with life, the skeleton groaned at this thought process and push it at the back of his mind.
He still has billions more of AU's to destroy, after all.
but when they talk, every word, every smile and every laugh,
Weeks? Months? Years? passed along the multiverse. Error and Ink are still fighting as always but witnesses seem to notice that the atmosphere doesn't seem so tense. It doesn't feel, deadly or dangerous or scary or traumatizing.
It feels more.. casual.
It was like as if the two were just two friends that just fights with each other on a daily basis. In fact, it got to the point where they don't really see the two fight anymore. It's more like, one enters universe, cause mayhem, leave, then the other comes in and help, leave.
It was really new, really weird but the multiverse knew not to really question anything in the multiverse.
It all started 5 months ago when the two started to meet up - accidentally - pretty often on the genocidal timeline of Outertale. Error was just there by coincidence and Ink found out about it - somehow - and they just did the same thing that they did before. Sat down next to each other, a safe distance away and just kept quiet.
Until Ink broke the silence, calling the other's name.
"Hey Error?"
The skeleton sighed, seemingly annoyed even though the other skeleton has not even said a single word just yet. "What?"
Ink was silent for a minute before he continues.
"Why do you destroy the alternate universes?"
Error looked at the skeleton, an annoyed expression shaped on his face. He opens his mouth to answer but Ink cuts him off.
"I know that you hate it and all, and that they are abominations, blahblablahbla.
What is the true reason?"
Error blinks at the skeleton before sighing, looking away as he stares at the doll he was making - Ink - and continued on knitting it.
Ink deflated, sad that the other didn't answered his question and just continued on doodling on his notebook.
"Balance. I heard that the multiverse will collapsed if you kept on helping the creators and inspiring them. Too much balance and it might tip the multiverse and destroy itself."
Ink blinks at this new information and covers his mouth. A familiar feeling lunging up before he then stands up and runs off to a dusty bush and.. puke.
The destroyer didn't seemed to mind this time and just continues on knitting.
After that, the protector kept on talking, asking questions like how did Error knew about this, why does Error know about this and he doesn't, which then translates to personal questions and well, it started from there.
Because of that interaction - they left Outertale with warmth in their nonexistent hearts - and the fights were full of bantering, light-hearted jokes. They invented a first come, first serve rule.
Peace has finally, finally ascended in the Multiverse.
The two were at Error's antivoid. Shocking right? Ink bowed to never stepped back in the white void of mess but here he is now. Sitting on a colored bean bag - thank god - and watching the 'screen' in front of him which was displaying Error's favorite 'show'.
What was it again? Oh right! Undernovela! It's a really great 'show!' Although both of them don't really speak spanish so Ink doesn't really understand what they're saying but Error seems to know. He seems to be very satisfied with it.
Ink smiled to himself, dismissing the show so he can look at his counter-part who was watching the show. A chocolate bar fisted in the black-boned skeleton's hands.
Error leaned back on the bean bag, staring at the screen as he takes another bite from the chocolate bar. His face was completely relaxed, rid of any tense muscles at all as he chewed on the bar. His sockets were softened, blinking as he watched the show. He even had a small soft smile on his face. Small, but it's there.
Error's eye lights glances at Ink and the relaxed expression fades away - Ink misses it - and he scowls. Ink looks away, turning his attention to the show, feeling the destroyer's glare at the side of his head before it goes away.
The white-boned skeleton sighs to himself mentally and sneaks a glance at the destroyer once again.
Huh, he never realized on how..
pretty Error could be when he's calm.
An idea popped in his mind and he shifts around, leaning a bit too close to the black-boned skeleton - who seems a bit too quiet - and he turns to the skeleton and laid on the bean bag. He closed his eyes, listening softly to the spanish noises from the show.
Outcodes like him never really have the chance to sleep, or really need to sleep since well, he has no soul. But it's still nice to imagine that he can sleep.
"Hey, squid. Wake up. Show's over."
He opens his eyes and looks up at the skeleton, wearing glasses. He cheekily grins and sits up. "Awhe, already? I missed it!"
"Missed it, my ass. You weren't even watching it at all!"
The white boned skeleton grins which irritated the destroyer.
"Ink..." Ink leaves before the glitch gets too angry, laughing.
Although he has to admit.
He likes it when Error calls him like that.
they become more, beautiful..
Ink was patrolling with Dream and Blue around the universe. It was complete routine for them and, they were completely bored.
All three of them were chaotic by hearts - Dream's more a mild chaotic, although - which causes them to have more adrenaline and be more active and fun. Oh yes, they must always have fun. Sometimes it's nice to be alone but sometimes they just want to kick a tree until they feel satisfied. (They didn't, dont worry.)
So here are the star trio, 'patrolling.' Well, not really. They're just at the doodlesphere, sitting while playing poker while looking at the universes in case there are trouble caused by outcodes which was very unlikely.
Ever since an agreement with the Dark Sanses and the Star Sanses was talked about, the multiverse was balanced at last. Though sometimes, the Dark Sanses come to a very positive AU and try to cause negative feelings for the balance to be even.
The Star Sanses was about to leave for the AU when they forgot that they had an agreement and just stayed in whatever they were doing, leaving it up to the Dark Sanses.
Oh how, the years changed.
As the protector was about to put down his card, bright but cold blue strings wrapped around his body and he was then pulled into a portal, his head planted on Error's beanbag.
He pushed his body up and sits down before he looks around or up. He really wants to avoid looking at the white walls/floors(?) of the antivoid. Strings that held captive of souls glimmered at the ceiling but no Error.
He stands up, about to call for Error before he was then wrapped by strings and was pulled to where the glitchy skeleton is.
Ink smiles. "Glitchy!"
Ink blinks, his eye lights shifting to shapes and colors fast before he gasps. "You called me Inky!"
Error looks away, scoffing but a soft blue blush on his face was clearly seen.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"You've never called me, Inky." Ink was pretty sure that the other skeleton NEVER called him any nicknames regarding his name - besides Inkblot but that was for his phone - and he's absolutely overjoyed that he has a new nickname!
Error softened at the statement before sighing, the strings pulling Ink down and he ascended to the floor. The strings leaves the body and Error turned his back, making his way to the bean bag with a sign that clearly says 'follow me.'
The overjoyed skeleton followed him and sat down at the beanbag when Error allowed him to. A screen opened up showing Undernovela.
Ah, it seems that it's one of Error's moods again. The black-boned skeleton would always steal the white-boned skeleton just to watch Undernovela together. It was their little thing that they do.
Huh. Now that's something Ink could get used to. Their little secret. He smiled to himself but the smile faded away when a box was plopped on his lap. His eye lights glanced at it before noticing that it was a gift.
He turns to Error quickly who was looking away, a hand on his tear-stained cheek before he meets Ink's gaze and huffs, looking away once again.
"Open it."
Ink nods his head rapidly and untie the ribbon before opening the lid of the box. He then close his sockets and grabs the gift.
He feels a soft, plushy texture. A small gift. He open his sockets and he gasps.
It was a doll, no- plushy version of himself. Error had gotten the details just right! Along with the use of colors and materials stitched for the plushy. He has seen Error's dolls versions of him but nothing can match this particular doll.
Is it because he's never seen Error stitched this one? Ink doesn't know but he just smiled, beaming with happiness as he hugs the plushy to his chest. He looks up at Error who was watching him and grinned.
"Thank you, Error! This is so cool! What's the occasion?" The skeleton asked, tilting his head but he was still hugging the plush.
The destroyer huffed, looking at the screen where Undernovela was showing before he answered.
"A little birdie told me that it was your birthday a few days ago. You gave me a gift on my birthday-" which was new clothes since the glitched skeleton was growing a bit taller. "Why not do the same?" He shrugged.
Ink practically melted at the thought that, Error remembered. Error didn't forget!
He remembered that day. Blue planned a birthday party and it was amazing seeing the heartfelt gifts everyone gave him. He was a bit sad when Error didn't came even though he clearly told the glitched skeleton when his birthday was.
He was really glad that Error didn't forget.
"Thank you, Error. Really, thank you." He smiled, closing his sockets up at the person who gifted the plush, hugging it close to him. Swirly rainbow blush fainted his cheeks, along with freckles that were starting to appear. The artist was clearly touched by this and honestly never wanted to forget this memory.
"Heh. You're welcome, Inky." The artist glowed even more at the nickname.
God, he really loved the glitch.
~ = ~
Error has been, well confused about himself lately.
Specifically about his emotions or feelings. How they would act around, a certain protector. Ever since Ink and him proposed the agreement - yes they were the ones who made the agreement - the two were always hanging out, only leaving to maintain the balance of the multiverse - which was a complete success! - and those meetings, started to make Error feel things.
When Ink would come over, the destroyer would be very happy about it. When Ink leaves, he would feel a bit sad before brushing it off and going on to steal another chocolate from one of the Underfell copies.
What? Never said anything about stealing in the agreement.
Brushing that aside, the black-boned skeleton was very much confused about these emotions, wondering where they came from and how? Last he checked, he clearly hated Ink but a sharp pang made him clutch where his soul would be.
Maybe not?
Error groaned, shaking his head and then standing up. He opens a bunch of portals, hoping to find the yellow-palette guardian so he can talk to him about it. A few minutes later and he found the person he was looking for and sent his strings to pull him inside the Antivoid.
"Wha- Error?!"
Dream turned as the portal closed. His golden eye lights staring at the glitched skeleton who huffs, using his strings to pull Dream in the air so he can walk closer to him and be at within eye-level with the guardian of positivity.
He squints at the smaller skeleton before letting him go so he can drop to the floor with a oof!
"Error?! What the hell was that for?" Dream asked, rubbing the back of his head before standing up, looking at the person that dragged him here.
Error shoved his hands in his pockets, looking down, choosing to phrase his words before he mutters. "You're good with emotions right?"
The guardian tilts his head, questioning the question but he answers anyways. "Uh yeah, why?"
"Come, sit down. I'll tell you."
The destroyer moves to sit down at the bean bag, reluctantly. He's very possessive of the bag but he'll let some exceptions.
Dream follows his lead and sits down, hesitantly. Looking up at the destroyer to explain on what he means. Error breathed, inhaled and exhaled and turns to look at the smaller skeleton before he then started to explain these feelings he would get with Ink. Describing them by saying that he would be very happy when he's hanging with the protector.
In fact, now that he thinks about it; he enjoys the presence of the supposedly soulless protector who had such a warm atmosphere to him despite being well, emotionless. He enjoys talking with him or bantering him or even just sitting at Outertale with a comfortable silence as the two do their own things.
He mentioned that to Dream who nodded and started to think before a realization popped into the guardian's mind. He meekly looks at Error who raises his eyebrows in response.
"Error.. I think I know what you're feeling.."
"Yeah? Well spit it out."
"You might not, uh, like it."
"I don't care. I just want to know what it is."
Dream sighed, his hand on his face before he looks again at the destroyer and mustered the courage to speak.
"Error, i think you're in love with Ink."
Ink was writing on his notebook about plans that can progress his relationship with Error - not that there is anything at the moment, but he's hoping there is - when he then hunches over, clutching his stomach in pain.
What the hell? What the complete fuck is Error doing? The protector thought to himself as he drops his notebook and pen, limping quickly as possible to where Broomy is and swiping the floor so he can go to where Error is.
He falls through the floor, landing delicately on the snow path and started to look for the sounds of destruction. He hears the familiar sounds of gaster blasters being summoned before he swipes the floor once again with Broomy and appears near the destroyer.
As he was about to scold Error, he stops to observe the body language of the black-boned skeleton.
He was clearly angry, that's for sure. He was glitching very badly and he wasn't even seeing straight! His sockets were blinded, clouded by error signs that continued on to appear as the destroyer summons more gasters blasters.
Ink's eye lights shifts, seemingly confused before he then sees Error spots him and just freezes.
He tilts his head as he cautiously walks forward to the destroyer, who flinches at his actions and turns away. The blasters then disappeared quickly along with Error opening a portal and running away.
Did. Did Ink just saw that right?
Did Error just ran away?
From him?
Oh, now this is making him curious and worried for his.. friend? companion? frenemy? He doesn't even care at this point. He runs after the skeleton, yelling to wait for him but the glitch did not stop.
They were at least running in circles at this point or has been seen by multiple characters in the alternate universes. The artist was practically begging for the destroyer to stop. He can see those sweats on that black hard-headed skull.
But Error was just so damn, stubborn. Always running away.
Ink, who had enough of this, swiped at the floor and fell in.
Error slowed to a stop and turned before sighing when he thinks that the protector gave up before he looks back and was then hugged and pulled down into a puddle of ink, landing in a warm colored world.
He pushes Ink away, his glitches going frantic as he shouted. "INK?! WARNINGS FOR FUCKS SAKES!"
Once his vision cleared, he looks to glare at the protector before freezing when said protector was staring back at him, a soft glare painted on his face as he sits down and stares at Error.
The glitch turns, looking away, staying quiet.
He looks away even more, if that's even possible.
He finally replied, his expression scrunched as he glares at the protector who tilts his head and simply asks.
"Why did you run away? Why did you destroy the worlds? I thought we had an agreement?"
Error's glare softened, he looks away.
"C'mon, pal. Tell me. What's wrong? Is there a problem? Did the balance tipped to much? I haven't been hearing from the creators yet, so i'm sure-"
Error shakes his head.
"Then.. why?"
Error didn't answered. Ink sighed, tired with this and really wanting answers.
"Error please, just tell me-"
Ink blinks at the accusation seemingly surprised. He was about to answer when he was then cut off once again as the destroyer stood up, looming over the protector.
The white-boned skeleton was about to ask when he was then cut off, again.
Something snapped inside of Ink, as he looked up at Error, genuine shock and surprise on his expression as he stares up at the one who is declaring his love for him.
There were at least little spots of tears at the sides of the error's face as he pants, tired from his shouting. The two had a staring competition until the destroyer broke it, looking away as he mumbles, loud enough for Ink to hear.
"And.. i don't know why. Why, i would even catch feelings for you when you'll never love me back."
Ink finally gets the will to stand up, immediately going close to the destroyer as he protested. "That's not true! I care about you a lot and i love spending time with you every time we hang out! While, yes, i may not feel love but that doesn't mean i don't want to love you! I do, i really do! And i wish so much if i could just love you and-"
"W-what?" The white-boned skeleton stopped his nervous yet excited rambling before he was then pulled to the destroyer with a soft clank.
until there was a moment, where you couldn't believe that you didn't think they were?
~ = ~
holy shit.
that was a woozy.
this is, btw; 5000k+ words.
and this is just one oneshot.
honestly proud of the 5000k+ words, though there are some parts where i didn’t really nailed their personalities or was able to really capture them but i tried my best! it was fun trying to write their personalities but i unfortunately didn’t give them justice : (
characters doesn’t belong to me, they belong to their respective owners [you know who] i only own the writing!
124 notes · View notes
incarnateirony · 5 years
Ben out here trying to remaster the RP into fanfic like
TarendToday at 4:15 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:16 PM
So why was I kidnapped?
MinervaToday at 4:16 PM
TarendToday at 4:16 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:17 PM
TarendToday at 4:17 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:17 PM
I thought you'd attack me in DMs like usual for that lol
TarendToday at 4:17 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:17 PM
Gotcha XD
TarendToday at 4:17 PM
Honey BadgerToday at 4:18 PM
I'm not even gonna try to keep up in here anymore. lol
TarendToday at 4:18 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:18 PM
Hi Shea, I got kidnapped again to another GC
TarendToday at 4:19 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:19 PM
it counts lol
Honey BadgerToday at 4:19 PM
It's a party
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:19 PM
This keeps happening to me haha
TarendToday at 4:19 PM
I'm gonna be top DPS
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:19 PM
You wishI meanWhat
TarendToday at 4:19 PM
MinervaToday at 4:19 PM
Okay well at least like, rough out what you pull from the logs because otherwise we'll bere-roleplayingwhen u liked the rp so much you reboot it
TarendToday at 4:20 PM
oh no min i scoured the logs alreadylike half of the early stuff is missing
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:20 PM
TarendToday at 4:20 PM
i'm not even atthe shamir intro
MinervaToday at 4:20 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:20 PM
TarendToday at 4:20 PM
MinervaToday at 4:20 PM
TarendToday at 4:20 PM
MinervaToday at 4:20 PM
TarendToday at 4:22 PM
help i cant find the google doc>_>
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:22 PM
MinervaToday at 4:22 PM
MxScarredFacadeToday at 4:22 PM
dudeI got itIt's right there in my top recent stuff
TarendToday at 4:22 PM
MinervaToday at 4:22 PM
"I can't find the doc I made"
TarendToday at 4:22 PM
MinervaToday at 4:22 PM
5 notes · View notes
omnipctens-blog · 7 years
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          me  @  me:    why am i like this ???
0 notes
ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x07 Commentary
Zeta and Giuls scream together, and then die.
Me & Zeta will watch together season 14′s episodes as they come out and we’ll do our commentary while watching.
1 2  3  4  5  6
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14x07 Unhuman nature
Y’all still alive after Thanksgiving? good ok here some more pain.
-ugh niCK , I think he gone psycho
Zeta: the Devil going to the shrink
-Nah, he’s murderous, I feel that , look at that face.
N: “Feel so good”
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Zeta : A priest is gonna die....oh yeah
-LOL hang in there
Zeta: dAMN
- Cass....Cas babe , baby, my sweet angel, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FACE PLEASE U R KILLING ME
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I don’t know why but I love how they made the light shine there. It looks so ....peaceful and pure. Also....you can see the cable of whatever they use for the ligh effect around Misha’s wrist. Still....beautiful effect .
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-MY SON! MY BABY omg omg omg
Zeta : oh Cas.....fuck
-NAAAAAAH look at them worried parents.
Zeta : Have those plaid shirts got smaller?
me: Yes, they have heard my prayers from the last commentary.
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-Look how worried they are omg, DAAAAAADS
- Oh...nice Darcy’s move Dean. If you are obsessed with pride and prejudice in general you know what I’m talking about.
-”I don’t know what’s wrong with him” he’s so frustrated (Castiel)
Zeta : fucking hell
- Help I’m hurting 
-Hello, american health care
-...oh...oh I hoped they would have said “Winchester” as last name. Glad they didn’t or I would have died
Zeta : me too
- How quick Sam answer “May 18th” and the look on Dean’s face. Imma think it’s because he erased that day because 1. Cass and 2. Mom.
-” Stabbed through the heart and he exploded”
Zeta : Look how tiny the nurse is
-”We are right here”
3 giant men
Zeta : look at them
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- uuugh nICk
Zeta : I don’t like him....at all.
- idk, we don’t know much. And his damage BUT, I doubt there is much of the real Nick in there.
Zeta : next victim
... “Kellogg” ...
me: corn flakes.
Zeta : Though of that too
-Aaaaargh Knew it, fucking knew it. 
-What if like the human part can’t live without the angel one.
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Zeta :his ass hanging out. And look at Cass, he’s fucking naked.
YUM *slapping my own wrist* tis not the time Giulia!
- I love when the two fuckers are in sync again. How long until one dies, one betrays, one lies,one does something stupid? 
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-my god how I missed that Scottish lilt . “How sick is Dean?”
Zeta : Samuel              SAMUEL
- Mom’s voice
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- Lucifer’s son .
Zeta : aaaaaaaaand
Rowena : Yeeeeeet
Cute bumble bee appears
Rowena: * SQUINTS* 
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Zeta : poor kid
-Look at that precious bean
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Zeta :Bollocks
Rowena: Damn I love him already .
-He already won Roweena
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-Concerning parents #2
-me looking at Castiel offering his grace without even batting an eye
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Zeta : W     T       F
-No what what. WHAT.  Are we finally going to see what the fuck happened to that other egomaniac bitch?
Zeta : Psycho killer
-Be safe with Nick. SURE
Zeta : bitch you didn’t
-Oh come on!
Zeta : run bitch
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Zeta : Go to Vegas.
- THE MILK . ( honestly you know who drinks milk during a meal? newborns babies and from a tit....yall americans are nasty ok)
Zeta: “I’m done being special”, use a spoon for my heart Jack.
Zeta : Take him on a fucking road trip
-We all know Dean doesn’t disagree tho.
Zeta :Air quotes
-”There is a wee nephilim” 
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Zeta : Don’t fuck with the oldest dad.
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Zeta : Baby for some exercise
-My heart hurts so much
-”OH boy” omg ahahahahahahah IM CRYING 
Zeta :Why am I looking at his hands
This is becoming one of my favorites scenes .
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- *tiny animal noises*
-Well...ok now Dean has experienced giving driving lessons to his son. I CAN DIE HAPPY.
Zeta :”Let it ride” bitch
“It’s like I’m you”
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Zeta :  i’M DYING               
Zeta : I’m typing from the grave
- C: “ I feel the need to do something”
- S:”I know he hasn’t forgiven himself”
-Jared and his friggin’ eyes
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Zeta : Can someone please make Sam stop hurting?!!?
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- “losing a .....son”
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-He cALlEd hIM SoN
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Zeta :bow fucking legs
-look at dem legs
Zeta : “High on hook up potential”, taking both father and son to the dent of iniquity.
cut to Lucif- Nick beating a bitch
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- that’s the Jensen insta pic.
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Zeta : “I can tell”, he’s hurting so much
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- y’all heard Dean’s voice crack a bit there, right?
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Zeta : “I’ve had a good life Dean”
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-Don’t fucking look at me like that Jack 
- steps out the car into a holy fire ring
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- No I look hot af.
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- * rolls over laughing because puffs and me: SAME*
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-he’s so cute, I wanna smother him.
Zeta : down bitch
- me *foaming from mouth* Never for Castiel
- “I wouldn’t call Ketch STELLAR”
- “His name is Jack”
Zeta : rebooting like a computer, unplug Jack.
- HaVe yOU TrieD TO tuRn iT Off aND oN 
Zeta : Vintage from Gabriel
- Winchesters owing you one, can you imagine?
- “Then what is it that you want” said it like that by Castiel....umpf yas
Zeta :Bloody hands
- But what is the purpose of Nick’s arc tho?
Zeta :there has to be some connection
to what??
Zeta : no fucking clue
-The fuck is he
Zeta : What the fuck is that?
-idk, ...oh he got possessed. Oh there it is , he’s gonna kill him anyway I just know it....or cut his hand.
Zeta : nail him
Zeta : sorry, I had to.
- Ooooh he likes it.  What is this music wtf.
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Zeta :Tired af
-They are all so tired
Zeta : Why am I holding my breath?
-bitch same
Zeta : please
-OMG please save my baby.
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Zeta : YES
- yaaaaaaas YAS
Zeta : OH MY GOD. Don’t let this turn out like Michael.
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Zeta : Fuck it did
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Zeta : trial and error
- “the son of an archangel of the lord”
Zeta : castiel’s nostrils. He’s pissed.
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“I will find you”
Zeta : I will burn you to ash
-HOW DARE. The fuck does he thinks he’s doing
-NICK....oh he looks like Luci.
Zeta : He’s deranged
Zeta : WHAT
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- ooooooh the Empty....of course....who is he
Zeta : Lucifer.
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- “You made him happy” 
Zeta : as he dies?!?!
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- I have goosebumps
Zeta  No ...I do not accept this
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @destiel-honeypie   @mariekoukie6661   @dragontamerm @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @mattiecat   @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee  @jacks-word-of-the-day
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
im still confused as to why the C*W thought they made good decisions? did they not expect the negative outpouring they got? did they think the most popular and well-known couple in modern pop culture would not be celebrated if it went canon and mourned if it did not. I just cannot make sense how they didn't see any of it coming. Cas' confession alone trended above an election, could have been absolutely amazing press for the network, would have made history frankly, if they'd allowed dean to reciprocate on air and yet they thought all that paled in comparison to a cowboy cop reboot in the wake of massive socio-political current events?
it's pretty simple: even though we cannot begin to wrap our heads around this, it's a fact that the majority of the viewers (general audience) were not destiel shippers (to put it mildly) and they were always afraid to scare off that part of the audience, which is why the market research went the way it went, and why the finale went the way it went. and that general audience? is the reason they made w*lker in the first place.
some more asks after the cut
honestly i am so bitter that fandoms are the ones who give the network the money, devotion and love that keeps shows on the air and get spat on, yet everything they do is for "the general public" who causally tune in for an ep or two, maybe finish the show but have no feelings about it either way. i know money makes the world go round but it's just so unfair that dedicated spn fans found so much heart in the show, saw so much of themselves in these characters for 15 years and were basically told they didn't matter all because of a straight conservative demographic that has not mattered to this show since season three.
agreed, but i think you underestimate the general audience and how many people watched the show who weren't actively shipping destiel. i saw a research about this once and it shocked me too but it definitely showed that a large part of the people watching are, in fact, the general audience. unfortunately.
A lot of the times I feel like the writers treat Cas like a punching bag: first he’s Heaven’s instrument who must do what he’s told, he rebels and then is blacklisted by the leaders, he tries to save his people from Raphael and the power corrupts him, which gets him dead but then he just loses his memory. He tries to redeem himself by helping Sam and goes insane and gets sent to Purgatory where is hunted, comes back and Naomi uses him as a puppet by effectively lobotomising him, he rebels and is back living in hiding. Metatron uses his grace to throw the angels from Heaven and he is public enemy #1 AGAIN, but now human and HOMELESS. His best friend kicks him out, he gets another army but dumps it all for one human who takes him for granted. But Cas CONTINUALLY puts his life on the line for Sam and Dean but he loses something else to show for it. Even when he gets his grace back, his wings are broken. And when he finally feels like part of the family, says “I love you” to the human he’s repeatedly sacrificed for, he’s erased from the narrative!?!?!
WTF? Can the poor multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent get a break?
*hugs Cas with tears in eyes*
- 🎓
im hugging him right there with you <3
its been so long and i am still infuriated by the finale. i wish the people who had the final say in all that shit would never be able to do anything in tv again if they think any of that slop was alright by any means. (actually i wish i could look them in the eye and call them out for the cowardly money-grubbing fucks they are.) i almost wish i had gotten a ticket for that bob singer panel just so i could blast him since im sure he had something to do with it somewhere. im already prepared to hear "we go where the story takes us," his favorite party line.
you and me both
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