#Windows Client
thisischeri · 7 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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ofbakerst · 9 months
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5hrignold · 29 days
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what do they mean by this
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mafuteru · 6 months
just had the most insane 1h 30min moment w this maintenance worker. i wanna move somewhere far away where no one knows me.. SIGHHHH
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merge-conflict · 8 months
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kostektyw · 3 months
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it's nice outside today 👍
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valengory1234 · 10 months
What is with the security of this insane asylum??
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kinda wanna post the client post and put "you figure it out" for the emacs entry
but i want to figure it out
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awritersbro · 5 months
My organizational skills are truly unparalleled, I've got the HTTYD Death or Glory poem on the same .odt file as the first two chapters of "We'll meet again on Hero's end" sandwiched in between two different iterations of the first chapters of the same completely unrelated original story whose synopsis I need to describe extremely carefully in order to keep the vast majority of its characters from sounding like creeps.
Also there's a single sentence of a science fiction story I no longer recall a single thing about on the last page, for some reason.
the file's name is Sll3'sHmFrMispM which i swear wasn't a random keysmash when I named it
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rxng · 3 months
Fast-walking out to his job so Tyrest doesn't see the polka-dot vest, striped sweater, and gingham pants.
Yep! Good day! Enjoy breakfast! Bye!!!!!
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manaosdeuwu · 10 months
crazy... I was crazy once. they locked me in a room. a white room. a white room with excel spreadsheets. and excel spreadsheets make me crazy
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thisischeri · 10 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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asteria-argo · 5 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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Thinking of putting my scarce knowledge of conducting a psychological interview to use and making a series of shorts "[character] finally goes to therapy".
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avvocarlo · 10 months
god I hate asshole 4wd owners
#i was in this little subdivision where you can grab some lunch or go to the iga/chemist etc#I'mwith a client walking back to the car#then i hear this bloke's voice like HEY HEY!!! HEY!#so I'm looking around at the sound a bit confused but figured maybe there was a parking or give way type issue with the cars#i then see this bloke walk up to a qml car (pathology organisation with the cars usually doing the in home samples)#taps on their window and is all OH so you like to be in a rush huh?? with that I'm smiling but seething and ready to attack you kind of tone#he's this sorta wiry 30s bloke with the cropped beard and dickhead hair#you know the type that there's a million of here and a good amount are total pricks. he looked short too. Manlet rage#and it's a lady in the car who looks pretty small idk what age but she'd obviously be feeling uncomfortable#I'm looking at what is happening and he's yelling at me WHAT ARE YA LOOKING AT#i go 🤨 he yells it again louder so i just give him the finger and keep walking#idk what he said but it was the all OH Yeah OF COURSE kinda vibe. like everyone against me I'm always right type etc#not sure what he did after that but the QML lady went to the qml office and i saw sorta saw him pacing around angrily#like for all i know there's a reason behind all of this but nahhhh there's so many dipshit blokes like that here#rage filled 4wd owning tradie types that think people owe them the world#anyway i hope he didn't persue the lady or someone else after i left
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loamsome · 6 months
Just going to one of those days I guess
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