#im a sucker for cute romantic things like that
snailtaco · 4 months
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hi hi! Remember how I said I'd go through the timeline boys? Well here we are!
Im gonna have a rant about the feathers under the cut :)
Since there's like barely any worldbuilding in Skyward Sword, I made up a silly lil headcanon cuz i think it's fun.
So, basically, with how loftwings are called the people's "other half" I thought that it would be a cute culture thing for a partnership or marital headpiece to involve the smaller feathers from each of their loftwings, y'know, as a sort of "i love every part of you" kinda deal. And maybe because a lot of them work with their hands either in their work or riding said loftwings, it might hold the ring or a gem that would've originally been placed on the ring.
I dunno, i just think it's a cute idea in case anyone asks why I always draw him with the feathers...
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guest-1-2-3 · 1 year
I am so sad when I thoroughly enjoy a piece of media but when i go online to find the fanbase and fandom i find out that most people didn’t like the thing at all :((
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illubean · 3 months
Hi can I get a nsfw scenario where Chrollo gently seduces the reader during her first time and discovers she has a praise kink? I feel like this man would be literal god tier to have
Gentle Praise
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer Type: NSFW, Oneshot, Fem!Reader, College!au because I'm a sucker for scholar Chrollo
mueheheh >:) reader is a lil shy and awko taco in this but not like cringe stereotypcial "omg im so shyy >.<" type also this ended up being super long thus turning a scenario into a full fic oopsies
Warnings: maybe ooc Chrollo idk, mentions of alcohol, he calls y/n princess a few times, praise (fem receiving), oral (fem receiving) unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), reader discretion is advised
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Chrollo isn't quite sure how you ended up in a setting like this. You were a pretty little thing with a look so elegant you look almost out of place at one of Uvo's rowdy house parties.
The bright LEDs, loud music and cheap beers didn't seem like your kind of scene. But there was no way for Chrollo to know that for sure.
You stood off to the side near the snack table, slowly nursing your cup of jungle juice that you didn't care much for. You had only taken it from your friend since you felt rude to turn it down. Said friend of yours was currently having the time of their life. They were plastered, dancing through the crowd of bodies and mingling with other drunk partygoers.
You're not too sure why you even came to this party. You much preferred small gatherings, and you don't even like alcohol all that much. You sighed, awkwardly scanning the room until your eyes met a pair of onyx orbs. They belonged to a face you knew all too well.
Chrollo Lucilfer.
He was a year or so older than you, a psychology major. You've seen him around campus and even though he was well known for mostly good reasons, your friends still teased you for finding him attractive. Perhaps you had stared at him for a bit too long though, seeing as a smirk made its way onto his face as he got up to approach you.
You panicked a little, looking around awkwardly seeking a quick escape. You placed your cup down but before you could flee, a voice came from in front of you.
"Hey Y/n."
Oh my god he knows my name.
You managed to spit out a response, feeling your hands get clammy as you looked into his eyes. You were completely and utterly helpless. This man managed to reduce you to nothing but a nervous, sweaty mess simply by just existing. It was kind of pathetic.
But the man responsible didn't think so. Chrollo thought it was cute how awkward you got, not being able to hold eye contact and wiping your hands on your clothes. He was no fool, and he knew exactly what effect he had on you. As a matter of fact he had this effect on quite a few people, though none of them stood out to him like you did.
He would be lying if he said he'd never thought of you in a romantic setting before. You were a cute (your choice) major who he often seen walking around with Machi. From what he's seen, you're not so much of a partier and prefer to focus on your actual studies than crazy frat gatherings. Maybe your more mellow and reserved nature is what drew him towards you.
"I didn't peg you as the party type," he says, breaking you from your previous daze.
"Oh, I'm not. My friend over there dragged me here."
You pointed into the crowd towards said friend, who was currently standing on top of a coffee table, a bottle of some sort of strong liquor in hand as the people around them cheered them on.
Note to self: make sure they get home safe
Chrollo chuckled at the deadpan look on your face after you saw how drunk your friend really was.
"Seems like they're having fun. Why don't we sneak off somewhere more quiet?"
You felt the tip of your ears burn at his offer before quickly nodding as he led the way.
Leaving the loud, hot and crowded living room AND spending time alone with Chrollo? Score!
He took one of your hands into his own, placing the other on the small off your back, leading you past all of the other partygoers and up a flight of stairs. He led you into a rather plain room, shutting the door before letting go of your hand and flopping down to lay on the bed.
"Is it ok that we're in here?" you ask, not wanting to disrespect someone else's house.
"This is my friend Shalnark's room but he's rarely ever home. I crash here sometimes so I don't think he minds."
At his words you hesitantly and awkwardly sit on the corner of the bed, facing away from Chrollo. You had no clue what to do now. The both of you were silent for a while, the light thump of the distant music being the only thing disturbing the atmosphere.
After a few moments pass, Chrollo sits up and moves closer to you, leaning in order to make eye contact.
"You don't have to be so awkward around me, y'know? I don't bite. Unless you want me to."
You look away in an attempt to hide your embarrassment from the man before you, who only chuckles and grabs both of your hands.
"You get flustered so easily, how adorable."
One of his hands reaches up to the side of your face to turn you towards him. His beautiful onyx orbs were glazed over in what you could only describe as a mix of admiration and lust.
Chrollo began leaning closer, you doing the same. Naturally, your eyes started to close as the two of you got closer.
Then he stopped.
You sat there in anticipation for a moment but nothing came. You opened your eyes and furrowed your brows in confusion, only to find Chrollo already staring back at you with a small smile on his face.
"Is this okay?"
You gave him a frantic nod, a quiet yet rushed 'yes' leaving your mouth. At the confirmation the man pressed a searing kiss into your lips, gently caressing the apple of your cheek as you reached your arms out to embrace him.
His touch was gentle, yet burning with the passion of a thousand suns as he led you to lay across the bed. His large hands slipped underneath your shirt, softly caressing your lower back and waist as he continued his assault on your mouth.
You whimper softly into the heated kiss, feeling your skin practically burn where his body came in contact with yours. He pulled away from your lips, leaving you breathless as he carefully removes both your shirt and bra.
Chrollo takes a moment to take in the sight of you, panting and topless beneath him. He swore he would brand this image into the back of his mind for the rest of his days, never wanting to forget how beautiful you were in this very moment.
"God, you're gorgeous."
His hands begin roaming your body once again as he planted searing, open mouth kisses along your neck and collarbone. You couldn't help but writhe under his touch, soft but needy noises leaving your lips. His words had an affect so strong on you that was unexpected.
Chrollo's hand trailed down the front of your body, slipping underneath the waistband of your panties. Two off his fingers gently prodded at your entrance, before trailing back up to swirl around your clit. You clenched your thighs with a gasp, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to pull him closer.
"Who knew my pretty girl would be so sensitive," he coos. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
A violent shiver shot down your spine and into your core. God, if he kept talking like this you might just be able to cum from his words alone. You whimpered, arms tightening around him to pull him impossibly close. He chuckled sofly, planting a few kisses across your face before pulling away completely.
Before you could whine in protest, Chrollo pulled off the clothing left on your bottom half. He settled himself between your legs, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he faced your glistening heat. He looked up at your through his eyelashes before speaking again.
"You doing alright, princess?"
You nodded, face flushed at the nickname. But this didn't seem to be enough of a response for Chrollo.
"You're going to have to use your words, beautiful."
"Yes! God, yes just please...continue."
He chuckles at your desperation before licking a long, slow stripe up your pussy. This draws a trembled moan out of you, which only egged him on further. He buried his face impossibly deep into your cunt, going down on you like a man starved while you reached down to grip his hair. He eased two of his fingers into you as your body writhed with pleasure.
He pulls away from you momentarily, eyes flicking between the sight of his lithe fingers plunging into you and the flushed expression across your face. He felt your walls flutter around him which caused him to smirk up at you.
"You're getting close, aren't you? Go ahead, make a mess for me."
He dove back into your core, determined to make you cum. His lewd words sent you over the edge, having brought you to your first climax of the night. He sits up, making eye contact with you as he licks your juices off of his two digits.
He crawled back up the mattress so now you were both face to face, arms bracing himself on either side of your head to keep himself above you. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull him down to meet you in a heated kiss. You could care less that the taste of yourself lingered on his lips. All you could think about is how Chrollo is all yours right now.
After kissing you for a few moments longer, he pulls away from you to hastily remove his clothes. Your eyes followed his movements, starting at his toned chest and moving down his abs. There was a light happy trail that peeked out above the waist band of his boxers. Finally, he hooks his fingers beneath it and drags them down his hips and oh.
He was huge.
Your eyes widened as you took in all of Chrollo's naked glory, his pretty cock standing thick and girthy. His balls sat below it, heavy and full.
How the hell would that ever fit?
The man you had been gawking at chuckles before gently prodding your entrance with his fat tip.
"Don't worry, you can take it. I know you can."
Your heart pulsed at this, heat rising to your cheeks as you look away from him, embarassed.
"Nervous, sweetheart?"
He leaned down closer to you to plant a reassuring kiss on your cheek, trailing them down your neck and along your collarbone.
"...this is my first time," you admit bashfully, moaning at the feeling of his lips on your skin.
"I'll just have to take extra care of you then."
He pushes himself into you, the plush walls of your heat stretching to wrap around him. He continues to kiss you through it as you pull your bodies impossibly close to each other. After sheathing himself completely into your pussy he begins to trust into you, slow and sensual.
He only picks up the pace after feeling your body relax, his thick shaft stretching you deliciously well and hitting all the right spots deep within you.
"God, you're perfect. It's like this pussy was made for me," he grunts, fucking himself into you deeper and deeper with each thrust.
It didn't take long for Chrollo to reduce you to nothing but a moaning, babbling mess. Not only could he lay pipe like no one's business, but his praising words sent you to heights you didn't know you could ever possibly reach. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you felt your climax approach for the second time that night.
"Chrollo, 'm gonna-"
Your words were cut off with the sound of your own moan, feeling Chrollo's dick brush against your g-spot. Your pussy quivers and clenches around him, sucking him back in every time he pulls away.
"Wait for me, sweetheart. Just a little longer, okay?"
You whine, digging your nails into his shoulder blades as he speeds up and fucks you with newfound vigor. You couldn't hold back any longer, a white hot flash hitting you like an ocean wave as you cried out Chrollo's name. The man cursed, feeling you clamp around him impossibly tight, bringing him to his climax as well.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, prompting him to burry himself deep in your womb. His cum floods your pussy, making you feel impossibly fullwhile you pant, coming down from your previous high. You let go of him, body going limp against the mattress, absolutely fucked out.
Chrollo pulls out slowly, watching his seed drip from your weeping cunt, breathing heavily at the sight of you. You press your hand against your bloated tummy, causing more of his cum to spill out of you. His cock twitches as this, and he wastes no time in mounting you again.
"I'm not done with you yet, gorgeous."
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may or may not have gotten carried away with this OOPSIESSSS ;p
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sporesgalaxy · 8 months
i need to say something insane so im less likely to forget to draw it later
you know how i am always depicting zoro and sanji being romantically interested in each other like this?
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I need you to know. CRUCIALLY. that this coexists in my brain with Usopp and Sanji being besties like this
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sanji x usopp shippers i think youre so fucking valid and bigbrained but 1) i am a sucker for Usopps cute thing with Kaya and 2) i think acting gay platonically is mankind's greatest achievements.
i think Sanji being shoved totally out of his comfort zones both romantically and platonically (so he has to actually consider his honest feelings and not just keep imatating ideals) is great and his dumb ass deserves it.
I think Zoro being a bit of a fucking weirdo about expressing affection because he's always cared way more about learning how to swordfight flawlessly than learning how to operate by normal social conventions is fantastic.
I think Usopp bonding with Sanji over them both being Pretty Sweet Guys is fucking super epic because Usopp gets to see a bit of himself in this badass strong fighter guy he looks up to, and Sanji gets to see a bit of himself in this kind smart ambitious guy he admires.
do you see my grand vision . take my hand
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simplyjake · 8 months
Valentines day w Enha Hyungs🫶
summary: what u and ur man do on ur first valentines day tgt<3
a/n: and fuck everyone who got a valentine. let me be a hater but i also had to pump this one out before the day ends for me
Oh hee, my sweet hee
Ofc he did its ur first valentines with each other as a couple
You guys used to do valentines as friends 
Both single and lonely 
But since he finally had the balls to ask u out you can now spend it in a relationship!
He actually got u a reservation to ur fav restaurant months in advance
Bc bro knew that the place does not PLAY w reservations
Its always so busy
So the fact that he did this in advance makes ur heart swell
You bought him his first bouquet of flowers
He sobbed.
Boys deserve their flowers too!
He cherishes the flowers and when they die
He does that thing where he presses dead flowers and shit
Then puts them in a frame above his bed
He got you flowers too with a teddy thats huge as fuck
You end the night with a celebratory minecraft session <3
Such a romantic ill cry
You were never much of a valentines day celebrator
You thought it was stupid (me too bff)
That was until you finally had ur person to do it with
Im a sucker for jay playing guitar so obviously 
This man learns ur top 3 songs on guitar and plays it for you
You got him a bunch of custom guitar pics and those r all he uses btw
He gets u this big ass bouquet that came with a crown n shit
“Had to go all out for my princess” 
 We know hes an excellent cook
So of course he cooked a 5 star home cooked meal for the both of you
W niki as ur server
He was promised robux if he did that btw
You got him tickets to see his fav band thats coming to town in a few days
He blew up
Sooo thankful for you
And to think this is only ur first valentines day?
Baby it only goes up from here!!
Our jakey poo
Hes the best at this shit lemme tell you
You woke up to home cooked breakfast in bed
So sweet of him awww
Hes had this day planned for a while
He saved up so that you can have a shopping spree 
Ur literally in shock bc jake??? You did not have to do all that
A nice set of flowers and movie day in would settle
But not to him nuh uh 
Dont worry you made sure you got ur gift in as well
You even got something for layla!! 
When you mentioned that u got layla a gift too he almost got down on one knee i swear to god
After ur little spree you guys went out to eat for dinner
You begged him to let u pay
He alr spent so much today that you were gonna be upset if he didnt let you pay for this one thing
He reluctantly let u pay the bill
But he HAD to be the tipper
The day couldn't have gone any better
Posts u to “Valentine” by laufey
Sunghoon is so cutie
He knew you were coming over soon so he set up his room with all of ur  favorite things
Like ur fav drinks in the shape of a heart on his bead
Giant teddy bear sitting in the corner
Rose petals and even balloons everywhere
Do u guys know the tik tok audio
“Victor u actually did this” LMFAOOOOO
You'd recreate that video with him
“Baby are u srs”
“Hoon pls we’d go viral”
And u did btw
You guys would have a cute comfy day in
He'd rather save all the big gestures for ur birthday!
You two are a really lowk couple
He posted u for v day and people slide up like
“Wtf since when did u bag a hottie”
And he shows them to u giggling cus like 
Hes the one who gets to show u off and be with you forever
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tsandoll · 4 months
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| sungho | riwoo | jaehyun | taesan | leehan |
warnings: face/genital slapping, overstimulation, pain kink, praise kink, mention of toys
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A - aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
overall very clingy, likes to latch onto you and be right by your side. he also gets hungry, doesn't matter if you had dinner before fucking, he will be hungry again. his favorite thing to do after sex is go make a snack together, like he had a mind blowing orgasm 5 minutes ago and now you guys are baking cookies?? like he's living for it. we all know he loves desserts so he can always go for something sweet and yummy after. he also gets pretty sleepy after he cums so he’ll be all clingy and might keep laying on your shoulder because he’s ready to lay down and get cozied up with you.
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B - boobs or ass (are they a boob man or an ass man?)
riwoo is such an ass man. he loves the way they feel, the way they look, the way they jiggle, all of it. he loves when your butt is super soft because he can lay on it and play with it to keep himself occupied.
C - cum (anything to do with cum)
he often cums too early/very quickly. he gets so riled up and is very sensitive and can sometimes cum faster than he can even think. you'd have to train him to be able to hold it longer because he just gets so in his head and so sensitive that he has no control over his own body.
D - dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
riwoo’s dirty secret is that he has a huge pain kink. he's so sweet and is a sucker for soft scenarios but he likes something a little meaner even rougher mixed into his sex life. he loves to be scratched, bitten, and slapped. like if you take your nails and leave scratch marks on his thighs he's sucking in a breath at the feeling, moaning at how it stings. he loves when you slap his cheek or his cock as well, talking about how small and cute he is and how he's such a good boy for just taking it. sometimes he wants to beg you to rough him up but he's sooo embarrassed about it.
E - experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he's not very experienced if at all. i don't think he's had many sexual encounters. maybe one person in the past but he doesn't regularly have sexual encounters.
F - favorite position (what is their favorite sex position?)
reverse cowgirl is one of his favorite positions just simply because he gets to watch the way your body slams down against his. he loves that he’s also able to see the way your back curves and the way your ass jiggles as well, its erotic while also being intimate.
G - goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
leading up to sex he's really goofy and clumsy and jittery, like he just gets really shy and nervous and he does that cute little awkward laugh he always does. he's just super super shy and it causes some silly moments at times. but during sex he's usually,, not necessarily serious but more quiet and zoned in. he gets really focused on feeling good/making you feel good. he's not the most talkative during sex but if it's one of those days where everything is lighthearted then he may crack some jokes if im so fr.
H - hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
he usually tries to keep himself trimmed, he doesn't usually feel like fully shaving himself but he does put in a little energy when it comes to keeping himself cleaned up. sometimes he'll fully shave but it's not very common. 
I - intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
riwoo craves intimacy, he craves closeness, especially to you. intimate sex is something he loves so deeply whether he's dominant or submissive. he loves when your bodies are moving in unison and when you're able to hold each other close. he's very romantic, the type to be big on pet names during sex as well.
J - jack off (masturbation headcanon)
riwoo struggles a bit to keep any of his whimpers and whines in so when he masturbates its usually at a time where you’re not around and when he can’t be too loud. he loves to suck on your fingers so sometimes he’ll suck on his own fingers or bite the hem of his shirt to keep himself quiet. he also covers his own mouth sometimes just to prevent any sounds from slipping out.
K - kink (one or more of their kinks)
praise - riwoo loves to be praised, he loves being reassured and being told that he’s doing good and that he’s been good for you. it makes him smile so much hearing you praise him so eagerly and so sweetly. his praise kink kicks in the hardest when he feels his orgasm getting close and your sweet voice rings in his ears as you tell him he’s a good pretty boy and that he’s taking everything so well.
overstimulation - his overstim kink came from the fact that he cums super quickly. he doesn't like for things to end so fast but his body always has other plans. when you first overstimulated him it was an in the moment thing but he got hooked on the feeling. the way his cock hurt and his tip turned red and his body threatened to move out of your grasp had him going crazy.
orgasm denial/ruined orgasms - anything that will prolong his orgasm and drag on the session really gets him, he loves when you smile at the way he reacts as his orgasm slips away. its so cruel yet you’re so sweet as you pinch his cock, preventing him from finishing. sometimes if the situation is right he even loves when you don’t let him cum at all.
L - location (favorite places to have sex)
in the comfort of your own home is where he likes sex the most. he’s not opposed to doing it elsewhere but he’s also very shy and is an overthinker and gets super nervous so its easier to keep things indoors and preferably in the bedroom with him.
M - motivation (what turns them on?)
his biggest turn on is your dominance, when you lead a situation or lead him in general. it doesn't even have to be anything outright sexual. he's naturally submissive and willing to follow so when you naturally take charge it turns him on like crazy. another way to turn him on is with any gentle touching, anything that's super loving and soft, especially when you're touching his sensitive spots.
N - no (Something they wouldn’t do)
there's really nothing that riwoo wouldn't do, i feel like he's a bit of an experimentalist because of how willing he is to try things out.
O - oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he doesn't necessarily have a preference for one or the other. he enjoys giving you head, seeing how good he makes you feel and soaking in your praises. he's naturally gifted when it comes to giving head, his tongue working skillfully against you and using his nose as an advantage. he loves getting blowjobs as well, your mouth is so warm and wet and it makes him feel so lightheaded. he's always so squirmy when you give him head as well <3
P - pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he normally aims to be a bit more sensual, rocking his hips into you as deeply as he can. sometimes he may get a bit caught up in his orgasm and he may go a little faster but he normally goes slow and takes his sweet time.
Q - quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he much prefers longer sessions with you, when you can focus your attention on him, taking your sweet time drawing orgasms out of him. he loves when you make him cum multiple times and when you cum multiple times as well. he’s not opposed to quickies and he’ll enjoy them a lot but he doesn’t like to do them often cuz he’ll miss you too much and will want more.
R - risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
riwoo is so down to take risks, he hesitates at first just because he’s a bit of an overthinker but he trusts you so much and knows that everything will be okay as long as you’re there with him. he’s willing to experiment with the right person.
S - stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
he can normally only go about two rounds because of the fact that he often gets sleepy after sex. this is also because of the intensity of your sessions and because they’re mostly centered around elongating his orgasms. in general though he usually is finished after his second orgasm.
T - toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he likes having toys used on him, he somewhat likes feeling overwhelmed during sex so if you place a vibrator or something like that on him while you do other things he really likes that. he doesn’t personally own any toys though.
U - unfair (how much they like to tease)
when riwoo is being more dominant he's a huge tease. he just loves to play with you a little and make you feel like he's not gonna let you cum, but he's too sweet to deny you. when he's submissive he's such a baby when you tease him. he never wants to talk back to you or complain but sometimes he'll huff out and whine but nothing too much cuz he's such a good boy.
V - volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
he can be loud at times but overall he stays in the range of small whimpers and whines. it depends on what you're doing with him but for the most part he let's out the cutest and sweetest little noises.
W - wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
riwoo is the sweetest during sex but he can often be sly or a little bit of a tease. he’s usually very well behaved but sometimes can talk back a little. its not necessarily in a way to act out but more because he’s sometimes more talkative during sex and he likes to joke and laugh with you.
X - x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
riwoo is small <3. this isn't just because of his height but also just because i feel like he is. his dick is a manageable size, could probably fit perfectly in the palm of your hand and it just looks so pretty. he's slightly on the thicker side though, it's small but thick and he knows how to use it well <3
Y - yearning (yow high is their sex drive?)
he doesn't have a very high sex drive in general, like he doesn't think about sex often without any outside encouragement (?). like if you're talking to him a certain way or sending him photos or something like that then his mind is gonna run wild but without you there to cause something he's not really gonna think about it. of course sometimes he'll get hard on his own or sometimes he'll think about sex or even watch porn out of curiosity but it's not a regular occurrence. i feel like when he's around you though there's so many things that can rile him up so easily.
Z - zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
i have a feeling that riwoo gets quite sleepy after sex and may appear very tired but he may not actually fall asleep super quickly. i feel like he’ll fall asleep maybe 45 minutes to an hour after, maybe even longer sometimes depending on what time it is. he’d have a tired expression, one that’s almost woozy but that’s just how he gets after sex, he’s not actually super tired just yet.
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crushedsweets · 7 months
Jdjejfjsjd can we know more about ninajack????? Pleasssseeee sucker????
I GOT YOU. i organized it by concept rambles, then if i were to write a 'getting together' one-shot thing.
nina has a crush on everyone. usually its veryyy short and fleeting and she realizes it was moreso admiration and appreciation rather than romance, but its like she's hardwired for romantic love. even when she's "with" jeff (she calls him her boyfriend/fiancé but neither are very loyal), she's crushing like crazy
so, when she's introduced to Jack through Clocky.. he's tall, mysterious, has a nice voice, polite, freaky. SHE'S CRUSHING HARD. REALLY FUCKING HARD. like running off with clocky squealing and spinning and going 'I THINK IM IN LOOOVEEE HE'S SOOO FINEEEE' and clockys like no. you are not. please.
nina would start asking clocky/toby "ohh we should visit jack today i bet he's lonely lets go see him" and they see right through her shit. clockys more likely to be like 'i do not want you bothering him, i dont think he can take it' since she'd be aware of the whole... falling in love with jenny only to be horribly betrayed fiasco.... and even if she loves nina, she doesn't trust her not to hurt people. but toby is more likely to think its funny as fuck and bring nina along.
another big point is. nina's appearance matters a lot to her. she used it all her life to get what she wanted - ranging from when she was little and using doe-eyes to beg her dad for toys, to being a sexy, fun chick at the bar getting drinks from randos... but jack can't see her. he has thermavision and echolocation, so he gets the gist of her appearance, but it'd really mess with her. she doesn't think theres anything about her to love, other than her appearance and what she can give. but he really thinks she has a sweet voice, at least
it would be after she officially breaks things off with jeff. jeff stabs her in the stomach, liu drags her to jack, and jack tends to her wounds.
they'd require her to stay with jack for a few days, just during her recovery.
nina's depressed, understandably, after the whole ordeal. jack gives him her room so she can actually lay down, and he sleeps on the couch. she never leaves his room, is always in there moping and crying and trying to contact jeff - but he's blocked her on literally everything, so..
it'd start by jack bringing nina meals. breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he'd bring her something and insist she eats. some days she would, some days she'd cry and beg him to leave and take it with him. he'll leave it alone for a while. "this isnt my problem" or whatever, but... she wont heal properly if she's not eating. so jack would eventually try collecting her, pulling her out by the hand and quietly asking her to come eat dinner with him. he'd insist it's for him, that he's been lonely, something like that - a little bit of manipulation, but it works. it gets her to eat.
he'd do it more often, and she'd think she's doing a good thing. he'd start bringing her out to cook with him, all that.
maybe one day while theyre cooking together, nina would be in such a good mood after a long time of moping, and he'd just comment on how nice her laugh is. and immediately she's like oh. woah. ok.
maybe that night, just like he asks her to eat with him so he's not lonely, she'd ask him to come lay with her so she's not lonely. then jack finally gets his fucking bed back. and nina, i guess....
bonus points cuz she'd be wearing his clothes. BIG AS FUCK ON HER. theyre so cute
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liverpool-enjoyer · 2 months
Max! Can you please recc some pedrigavi fics? Xx
"max can you recommend some pedrigavi fics" MY BELOVED WUNGI YOU ARE ASKING IF THE POPE IS CATHOLIC!!!
best friend i truly think ive read every completed non smutty pedrigavi fic there is 😭😭 however i have this habit of not bookmarking shit so my memory is all i have to go off of lmao.
starting off strong w something written by MY GOAT is i'm stupid for your love by the bestest, @tl-trashtalk. tell me rn that theres anything more romantic than dedicating a goal to someone. i'll wait. very cute very fluffy. what more could you want.
another one i wanna recommend is 10 Firsts by OsByLynn. i read it almost a year ago so my memorys kinda fuzzy but i remember it being rlly cute!!! its a buncha firsts for the couple, like first kiss, first ily, etc n its SO sweet n fluffy n adorable. plus theres a WEDDING n i am a SUCKER for weddings. i'd argue all fics should have a wedding. every single one.
another fic i wanna mention is i know my pain is such an imposition by aesthetes. it follows gavis recovery, n again i wanna reiterate that i havent read it since it came out in december so my memory is KIIIINA ass but i remember it being SUPER sweet. plus the title is a taylor reference so. immediate brownie points.
oh n i GOTTA MENTION Promise me? by Jellyyfree. it features ace gavi n yall KNOW how much i love ace gavi. the projection goes crazy w this lil guy.
my baby here on earth, showed me what my heart was worth by nehvermind is jus so cute. the boys are so in love n they have the cutest lil first kiss. feels very nervous, all-consuming teenage romance. well not that i would know. but probably.
OHMYGOSH i jus GOTTA mention Days When You and I by @itsjustthatfics. ohmyGOSH i could wax poetic abt this fic all day. EASILY one a my favorite pedrigavi fics. the story is so well written n cute n funny n the format oh the FORMAT. its in a script / screenplay (idk if those are interchangable so film majors pls forgive me) format n i LOVE it since i like,,, visualize things in my head as a movie?? if that makes sense?? anyways yeah mandatory pedrigavi reading.
would you still love me? by arianagrandebrainrot is v funny n v cute. revolves around an important, relationship make-or-breaking question. feels like a conversation these two would have.
oh n as an obligatory plug theres my fic i want to be loved (not to be touched). but if we're being honest w ourselves this is less pedrigavi n more gavi being sad while simultaneously being in love w pedri.
ok i think thats it. its late n im v tired. thank you SOSOSO much for this ask tho wungi cause i can talk abt pedrigavi for BREAKFAST LUNCH N DINNER.
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months
Maybe im late to do this
But I'm bored, so come with me to my rambling about my personal opinion towards some of Nico di Angelo ships and Rating each one
(Disclaimer: Nothing here goes with intention of offend someone,i always try to be respectful but if something that i say here sounds rude, feel free to tell, I never notice how bad can sound something until someone else points it out)
-Percico/ Nicerci 4/10
Honestly i admire the people that ship this and doesn't give a fuck about what other people say, some of the fan artist and writers make things soo good that should be in a museum
But it's not my personal liking, i only like this when its the exploration of Nico's unrequited crush on Percy , but i honestly I never liked when Nico and Percy had a 100% good relationship of any kind, because their dynamic is complicated at best ( i could talk about it for hours while im probably crying because both are pretty dear to me) and i prefer to think that now their are just "neutral" to each other ( see that part of my description that says "bittersweet relationships sucker" this is why is there) and all that extends to that i cant see these two in a romantic relationship
But that's all, is just not my personal liking, i don't mind the existence of this couple and once again, the people that makes content from them are really talented an deserve all my respect, you guys always come out with the best ideas for angst and i love that of all of you
-Jasico 9/10
They're Cute!! Honestly i don't have my own ideas for them but the Romantic content of these two 90% of the times it's good and i enjoy it ,I really value their friendship more that any other dynamic so i prefer them in a platonic way,but that doesn't mean that i don't get the vision, they really had potential and the people out there are using it
-Solangelo 5/10 or 11/10
The two rates exist because i honestly feel they relationship in canon as one of the worst ways that existed to make them a couple, it's obvious that they are supposed to be something cute and healthy, but all their development is out of screen and then they are just introduced as a couple when Apollo and meg made it to camp, some of their scenes leave me feeling that Nico is out of characters and also in order to give Will the rol of "protective boyfriend" Nico feels quite weak and Will doesn't get many chances of get out that role for being his own character, and he had a lot o potential
(And I'm not be talking about TsatS because is just all the fails of their relationship but multiplied by 1000, ooc, plot holes and toxic traits all around, it's not that bad as a read, but as canon content it is)
But as the saying goes "if you want something done right, do it yourself"
And that's exactly what I do with them, because in this housedhold we don't tolerate wasted potential of any kind, and they relationship deserved better , because honestly the things we know about them and their individual personalities just feels as a good mach and even if the things wouldn't be perfect, no couple it's at the start so it's ok
I also like them in a platonic way, but i think that just like i appreciate more platonic jason and Nico because that how i was introduced to them i lead more towards see them in a romantic one
So Canon gets 5/10 because " it's the tough that counts" ig?
And 11/10 goes for what they could have been ,should be in canon and are in my mind
( i talk abou my thoughts of them a little bit more in this Post if you want to check)
-Nicobaster 9/10
I know, it's a rare ship, but They can be interesting on any kind of relationship and why not make it romantic?? there's a lot of dynamics of where to chose and the alternative AUs that i see of them are great,Cthonic demigod X Cthonic demigod is a good base, I don't have much to say apart from that
Except that you can blame @drksanctuary content for make me like the ship in first place
-Valdangelo 4/10
Not a bad ship ig, i just don't see them as a couple and I don't even now why, i just can't see it , and i also have a pretty strong headcanon of Leo as aromantic so its hard for me to see him in Romantic relationships, but i have nothing against it so that's all
-Clovico 7/10
Another rare ship, one that I've seen around but honestly don't have a a lot to say, i like the little that we see from Clovis and i always like the Cthonic demigod X Cthonic demigod so 7/10 just due the lack of content
-Nico x literally any woman -80000000/10
I love Nicos platonic relationships with the womans in his life, can we keep that PLATONIC and leave the gay in peace??
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
do you think Cucurucho is in his rebellious phase and that's why he's going for Bad???
like reporting back to Mr Bunny like "yep I've been keeping an eye on him, making sure he follows the rules and works in the interest of the island and the Federation"
And really he's just trying to get demon pussy
i personally like to think this has been a thing since before the islanders were brought together (sorry im a sucker for special guest theory) and that cucurucho genuinely just has a crush on him since forever that couldnt have been expressed till bad lost his memories like this sparked hardcore for me when the feds started implying their knowledge of his resets and afterwards is when cucurucho really started getting in there with the romantic advances 👀 like i just think it would be so cute if he's always had a crush on bad that he felt more confident expressing after the reset when bad had absolutely no one and nothing to his name (cue manipulation) jkhvbjnk
Also because i really like the crack hc that cucurucho was the one to personally order all those muffins for bad back in the day when we were first finding those emails/jjjjj
tl;dr i really like the option of said romantic advances being genuine on cucuruchos end and just becoming more apparent because bad's reset gave him the confidence to advance on him kjlhkhjvghbjnklk
im not gonna photoshop the meme but its like
"Is there someone you forgot to ask??
Cucurucho: i consent! Bad: i consent! Mr Duck/Mr Bunny: I DONT!!!!"
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askew-d · 6 months
Can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why you love them? Thx :D
here i go with another grand list that i was very happy to write! i’m in love with these asks, really. i’ll mention all of them, but at first i was in doubt if i could include one that isn’t ‘canon’, but rather rpf. either way, i added bonus couples for good reasoning! let’s go.
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1. wangxian (lan wangji x wei wuxian), from mo dao zu shi — they are THE moment, they are THE couple, they are THE goals. who ever could have imagined someone would come up and write a troublemaker who falls into demonic arts and gets reincarnated to fight together with a sucker-for-rules expressionless man and make it work? they fit into any au as well, this fandom rocks. my lovely cultivators!
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2. kagehina (kageyama tobio x hinata shouyou), from haikyuu!! — i dont even play volleyball. i dont even like sports! why do i love this anime and this duo specifically so much? they are so passionate about their hobbies, the rivalry and frenemy relationship? the POTENTIAL. the STORY they have. the "someone better will come and find you" promise. sheer beauty. they are silly and fresh and cute and i dont think i'll ever get tired of it.
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3. yizhan (wang yibo x xiao zhan), from the untamed cast rpf — i know all the problematics about writing real person fiction. i KNOW, okay?? but people, let me like them and support them in peace?? 😔 i have so much love for these men, and its overall hella fun following their life unfold, even if they are not working together anymore. nonetheless, they are my dose of serotonin when i need it.
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4. daiharu (kambe daisuke x katou haru), from fugou keiji: balance unlimited — i will not scream for a seson 2 here. i will scream for more FICS of them here! there ain't enough! its not even about the 'sugar daddy' appeal, its more about the 'partners in (solving) crime' appeal. oh and also the 'i hate you you arrogant prick but i WILL do anything for you' part. everything and every detail of this show.... seriously though: gold.
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5. hilson (gregory house x james wilson), from house m.d — oh, my sweet stupid and repressed doctors, i would do unspeakable things for you. wilson has been through every hard moment of house's life. you can name them, he's been there. through every ridiculous situation of his too. it is overwhelming, honestly. the ending couldn't have been more reasonable and fitting for them, in my opinion.
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6. hannigram (hannibal lecter x will graham), from hannibal — this gif alone of them with scratches and smiling conspiratorily to each other sums up their entire dynamic. they're toxic and no one's doing it like them. like, yeah, no shit, who would even dare, right? murder husbands can do anything and eat the rude as much as they want, i will be sipping on my drink and watching intently. (man truly looked at this detective he framed for murder and said he would remember their moment together forever??? just dont throw him in jail then???)
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7. shiguang (lu guang x cheng xiaoshi), from link click — these pretty boys traveling through time invented the concept of yearning, and i will not explain more to not give season 2 spoilers. i fell in love with them as soon as i saw the first shot of the anime. it doesnt help that they have the same dynamic as wangxian, too. cheng xiaoshi, my beloved, you would never do anything to harm anyone (not purposefully) and i (as well as lu guang) worship you 🙏
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8. renga (hasegawa langa x kyan reki), from sk8: the infinity — let's be true tho, can they never do a sports anime without pulling up homosexuals?? not that im complaining at all. please continue, in fact. every couple in this story is valid (adam does not exist), and i love this spirited, young concept of redescovering the beauty of a hobbie. lovely, all of them, but most specially my langa and his admiration for reki. their dynamic has no complications, its just so sweet.
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9. moshang (mobei jun x shang qinghua), from the scum villain self-saving system — i will not share a pic of moshang official art because i find shang qinghua appearence too much childlike and annoying, meanwhile i find him much more interesting in the book and fanarts. in any case, i love this couple more than the main couple simply because our airplane-bro can make everything so hilarious. there are fics of them out there which are peak entertainment (check this one!). mobei's tsundere attitude and shang qinghua's shamelessness are a great combo.
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10. hualing (hua cheng x xie lian), from heaven official’s blessing — the longing is unbearable. hua cheng loves this man so much, for real. waiting 800 fucking years?? being his most devoted believer? can you believe the audacity?? my man, though he has low self-steem, does anything to protect his god. he doesnt care about any realm. he only cares for xie lian, his dear god. they are the cutest couple.
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bonus: aziracrow, johnlock, tododeku, victuuri, blackbonnet, mafuyama, redblue (from this is how you lose the time war).
these are my favorite ships ever! they are what i scream about alternatively, and when i say so, i'm not joking. one week i'm freaking out over new link click content and in the other one i'm reviewing house m.d episodes. my life's a circle with my favorite ships in it and i ain't regretting anything.
thank you for asking, by the way! big hugs! 🤍
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old-poptart · 11 months
Hello it’s been awhile! ^^ Can I request Yashiro, Kou, and Mitsuba(alive) with a rich s/o who just loves to spoil them to death. Like giving them with so many gift and take them out to random places that are expensive?
(Take your time and have a nice day💖)
a/n: HELLOOOOOO!! it has been a while! IM SO SORRY IM DOING REQUESTS THIS LATE I JUST NOW HAD MOTIVATION 😭😭😭 school is rotting me to tha core 🧟‍♀️ ANYWAYSS ONTO THE HEADCANONZ!
warnings: cute stuff :3
Yashiro 🐠, Kou 🍽️, and Mitsuba (alive) 📸 with their rich s/o:
Yashiro 🐠:
"oh, you didn't have to!"
dawg this girl is HEAD OVER HEELS for typa stuff
like... you attractive, go romantic things like taking her out on dates n such, and spoil her?!? who are you bro cmon now
at first she was a lil hesitant n nervous to accept these luxuries from her s/o but she was soon accustomed to it 🤭
she finds it soooooo sweet and charming, it's a nice way to tell her you love her!
i can tell that she absolutely geeked out sm when you took her out on her first expensive, fancy date
scratch that, her actual real first date where she doesn't do all tha work 😭😭😭
(real tho)
she will try anything and everything to pay you back, even if she never truly will in her eyes
the fact you're so attentive to details too when doing your gift giving just baffles her and sends her right back to la la land
"i saw these earrings that matched your favorite brooch, they're not as big and fancy as the other ones i've given you but-"
overall she thinks that your love language of gift giving is very sweet, but nothing can top your love for her awwwww
Kou 🍽️:
"for me?!"
oh it's a competition for this boy
we all know our young lil exorcist comes from money
he loves your gift giving! he saves every gift you give him, they remind him of you 🤗
he'll even save the receipts from expensive dates and pin em to a board or take pictures of them and save them in an album on his phone
he has to pay you back somehow!
kou is determined to make you feel just as spoiled and gifted as he is
he fights offers to pay for meals, gets you jewelry, buys you new makeup/hair products when he knows you ran out, overall homeboy is a sucker for getting you back unknowingly you're gonna get him back in a bigger and better way
bro is blushING whenever you take him out ona cute cheesy date
you'd def take a picture of him and he's in the most awkward, goofy agh pose but it's so cute ugh he's adorabul 😓😓😓😓
mb got carried away but yes this boy is a ray of sunshine take him out more spoil him to death
Mitsuba 📸:
"of course you'd spoil a cute guy like me!"
i don't know much about alive! mitsuba, but i do have a grasp that he isn't as cocky and is actually kinder
of course i feel like he'd show his true colors when he gets more comfortable with you further down the relationship LAMAOOA
dawg is so flustered n genuinely cheesing when he accepts one of the many expensive gifts from you
"FOR MEEEE?!!!!"
as yall get more comfortable with each other, he starts getting more snarky with his comments and reactions 💀
like like liekeoiek
"these hair clips are cute, but they'll never be as cute as me! obviously you'd wanna see me wear these so you can photograph me and save it for later!"
deep down he really admires the thought and effort you put into these gifts n spoiling him
blud was so nervous on his first fancy date LAMOOOO
he did NOT know what to do, bro couldn't even pronounce the dishes on the menu 😭😭😭
help him sound them out please
he'll try to make an attempt to give you back but horribly fails, at least he'll always have pictures of you at those dates to save
-ooga :D
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im such a sucker for whatever kind of soulmate shit fearne and ashton got going on. like i don't care if its platonic or romantic, bc they were literally meant for each other. like the bond fearne and ashton have is so special to me, they feed into each other's energies and now with this whole rau'shan and ka'mort thing happening I EAT that kind of parallel shit up. like i fully don't care if they're setting up callowmoore, it would be cute, but also you cant deny the fact that they are LITERALLY MEANT to be a power duo, platonic or not. the parallel w the empress and emperor also goes HARD. im also a sucker for "history repeats itself" tropes with a twist (like they dont get smushed), like if they go this route with fearne and ashton taking the shards, there's just so much juicy stuff there, im living for it.
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
so im a sucker for domestic stuff and like i just want to hold their hands yk? like be it cuddling in bed and they intertwine their fingers with yours or just anything..
i need ot8 holding your hand
~~bonus if its not only soft but i dirty side aswell~~
it’s not only soft but also dirty side as well.. i gotchu anonnie
chan: definitely holds your hand while you’re just chilling. probs the type to put his head on your chest and just hold ur hand!!! so cuddly and soft i love soft channie. alternatively.. imagining him eating you out and your hand goes down, looking for something to grab, and channie’s there with his for you to hold on tight:(
minho: our silly kitty. he’s probably nibbling your fingers everytime you try to hold his hand but he secretly loves it!! definitely the type to walk with you down the street (he’s on the outside of the pavement!) with his lil hand in yours :((!!! and and imagine him fucking you doggy with your hands behind your back EXCEPT… he’s holding them, and it’s such a juxtaposition to the dirty stuff he’s saying!!! hand holding during aftercare too:3
changbin: oh god holds your hand constantly. literally constantly. he’d have you in the recording studio with him spitting bars and he’d hold your hand while he’s doing it. one hand shovelling food into his mouth and the other holding yours. u’d be sat on the couch and he’d pull you up with his hand in his so you can sit on his lap instead. he does not care. in terms of nsfw.. would love love love for you to hold his hand while you pegged him, it’s so so comforting for him!!:3
hyunjin: i see him as the type to do it maybe a bit less. he seems really romantic, but in the more sentimental kinda way yk? but i think he’d like to go on cute little dates with you to cafes or libraries and hold your hand the whole time. he’d love if he could grab books off the higher shelves for you in the library :( even if ur tall/taller than him he would not care. he wants to look after u. omg and also… he’s totally the type to hold your hand during slow, passionate sex, sweaty bodies gyrating on eachother and little ‘i love you’s whispered.. oh
jisung: softie. big baby. hold his hand 24/7 and tell him he’s your princess. wants to sit on your lap and have you hold his hand and stroke his hair. screams if you don’t. throws a massive tantrum if you refuse to hold his hand for more than 2 minutes. wants to spoon you and be the little spoon and pull your hand around with his to rest on his tummy. he’s just a baby!! anndddd bonus points if you’ve got him laid over your lap spanking his ass raw with his hands held in yours.. he loves it :3
felix: oh god my mind IMMEDIATELY went to baking dates w lixie n your both in cute little aprons with flour all over em, and he’s holding ur hand while he stirs the batter. turns to you and feeds you a lil spoonful, giggling when it gets all over your mouth. hand holding and kisses ALWAYSSSS. he does NOT CARE WHO SEES!! and and and he’d be the type for soft sex with hand holding too, calling you his princess :(( lixie i need u
seungmin: ok i can see seungmin as more of the arm around the waist kinda guy rather than hand holding. he’d definitely prefer that!! he’d wanna keep you close close, ‘safe’ in his mind. butttt i can also imagine him holding your hand absentmindedly while he scrolls through his phone or watches a film with you, like he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. for nsfw… i don’t think he’d hold ur hand during sex. he’s mean. he’d hold ur hips down but thats it
jeongin: aww our BABY. he is a big big baby and he wants to be held close despite denying pda from the boys every second. it’s different with you!!! you gotta hold his hand!! and god it’s so big..? your hand would be so small compared to his he’d be doin the lil ‘tiny hand!!’ thing all the time lol!!!! he’s so cute. and and he’d love if you rode him and held his hands to show him where to put them, on your ass or tits or even to touch your clit.. omg
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booksandfairytales · 5 months
CHARACTER ASK!!!! Okay! Let’s do Hiccup!!!
Ooo thank you!!
Send me a character!
First impression: "Aw, he's so awkward" and "cool! He draws like I do!" (I was 13 and recovering from getting some teeth pulled so I could get braces the first time I saw the movie, I didn't think about things too deeply)
Impression now: This man has been through so much and he may be fictional but I have a lot of respect for him. Hiccup is a great character and feels more...real than most other animated characters, if that makes sense? His mannerisms definitely have a lot to do with it. Most recently I watched Race to the Edge and it kinda helped me see Hiccup in a new light
Favorite moment: There's so many. I like a lot of his comedic moments, but also when he's determined and stands up for what he believes in. And basically all of his cute interactions with Astrid throughout Race to the Edge and the second and third movies. Literally love seeing them interact all couple-y. I also thought this was a great moment too:
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Idea for a story: I'm not sure to be honest, maybe him telling Zephyr and Nuffink about his and Astrids' adventures? I feel like they'd have funny reactions! Storytime with the Chief of Berk with a bunch of Berks newest generation. Man would be accidentally creating his own legends haha I will say though im currently reading this amazing fanfiction that takes place a year after the third movie, called Pain in Solitude. And oh my gosh. It's so good, and the characters are so on point, I'm accepting it as canon
Unpopular opinion: ...I liked The Hidden World. The movie trilogy to me as a whole was so beautifully done. I mean, at that point , Hiccup and Astrid were engaged for a while, I feel like it was totally plausible for Toothless to want a dragon to love too. But then again, I am a sucker for love stories....
I also really don't want a live action (that part may not be unpopular, but I'm just really tired of all the remakes/reboots)
Favorite relationship: romantically, him and Astrid, they're so cute together. I also like how close he is with his parents, and his friendship with Toothless too of course!
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Like dang. That was smooth.
Favorite headcanon: There's a lot of good ones floating around, but I don't think I have any of my own just yet. This is where it would be handy if I actually tagged any of my reblogs in an organized manner lol
Hmmm....he's a good cook, and designs a new axe for Astrid that becomes her new favorite. If I think of anything else I'll let you know!
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koishua · 6 months
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - valentines edition
favorite color of roses?
favorite flowers?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which idols have the best rizz?
most rizzful mutual?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
fictional characters you're in love with?
have you ever had an online crush?
songs that you want to play at your wedding?
fav breakup songs?
fav love-themed kpop song?
mutual with beautiful themes?
pink vs red ? coquette vs old money / preppy?
favorite sweets?
aww thank you!! you're super lovely and loved too :((
blue roses, but i really really like light pink ones as well. the flower shop i used to work at had a bunch of colours hehe
i really really really like carnations and freesias and also there's a magnolia tree close by and its pink flowers are to die for
girl bye im way ahead of you im sending one to yoshinori lmao but like not in a romantic sense like i have never thought of him that way but i really do want to send him a love letter of sorts to express how much he means to me!! platonically!!
rizz... i would have to say for me personally heejake, jiwoong, jimin bc he's an actual people magnet, sunwoo omfg sunwoo goodbye?????? but the thing is san imo too?? i also kind of wanna add ningning too bc i would fold in point two seconds... also yunjin bc as much as i have always been a loyal chaewon ult, i would quite literally pass out if she looked at me like she looks at the girlies she's effortlessly rizzed
none of y'all have rizz goodness gracious bye in my head all of you are either cute or scary gremlins
i get called a bajillion nicknames irl idek atp?? but here i really really like it when ria calls me enna i just find it so so cute but i also like it when people call me vie!! it's short and simple and also kind of humorous bc c'est la vie. ps. i die of joy when ppl still call me vera from time to time tyvm it's like being reminded of my roots AS FOR PET NAMES!! i once got called kitten and it made me promptly hurl it was insane just insane it felt like an out of body exp. i love it when my friends call me girlie tho it makes me feel like such a girly pop. one of my friends calls me her honey and it's saur heartwarming. as for giving....... i like to call people my child lmao they could be older than me idc all of my friends are first and foremost my children. other than that i can't really call anyone anything else it's so awkward for me to give any sort of affection lol
im in love with natsume hyuga from gakuen alice idk if y'all know but me personally oof that black cat oof oof i used to burn with a passion for him. also chat noir from miraculous... im sensing a theme here. also jeong guwon bc he's an ass babygirl that i find super duper annoying but also sth about him being so big and protective like GIRLIESSSSS. although im always ALWAYS reserved for han seojun and han seojun only.
i never had a real online crush so no. really admired? yeah lots
never thought about that yet hold on i feel so ashamed as a self proclaimed the most hopeless romantic!! canon in D— just kidding. probably soft piano versions to romantic iu songs hehe
never felt it, but probably ending scene by iu bc i cry every time
SAURRRR MANY i have to create a list bc im an avid romantic genre listener omgomg
i haven't seen them in a while im sorry i can't pick ;-; @atrirose @boyfhee @yrhome @niningz @blueprint-han @cotccotc off the top of my head?? love your mobile themes muah muah i haven't seen your webs so i can't say much about them but im sure they're great!!
always a sucker for deep red and the old money aes. even had individual themes for both!! and i love when ppl dress preppy but i can't pull it off :(
I LOVE ANYTHING CHOCOLATE !! AND COFFEE !! opera cake, tiramisu, brownies, profiteroles, etc etc!!
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