#im a roleplayer
kabutoden · 7 months
if aradia's death was just in-character for a long roleplay, what's the deal with tavros and terezi's disabilities? did vriska have anything to do with them?
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She Did Do Those Things. vriska no!!!!!!
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
(not maintagging this because it comes out more aggressive than it means to be. this is just an unserious rant.)
first of all, i do think qsmp as a whole has been kinder to cc!bad. the qsmp’s more dnd-like format is more inclusive in general, there’s net 0 creators who constantly swear at him, and the fandom does treat him better (the bar is low though). i’m more than grateful for that. 
that being said. i dislike how everyone acts like cc!bad was bullied into a corner on the dsmp. yes, a chunk of creators and fans only saw him as a “language” joke, thats an unfortunate fact. but i see a lot of people ignore the fact that cc!bad saw this, and in response created a whole fucking storyline that was designed to allow everyone to join in on it. 
bad, ant, and sam created the egg arc because they disliked the current political storylines and wanted to experiment with scifi-horror. this was after the badlands were formed, and after they realized that they were locked out of a lot of l’manberg conflicts. they didn’t sit around waiting for lore to be handed to them, they created it themselves. to act as though bad didn’t have the chance to create a complex character on the dsmp, or that every cc didnt take him seriously, is devaluing his work. the ccs involved in the egg arc did see c!bad as a threat. they respected his work, they participated in his lore. and there were a lot of them! you just maybe just didn't watch them.
if YOUR streamer only saw bad as a “language” joke, whatever. if YOUR side of the damp fandom never paid attention to egg lore, thats fine. but dont act like every cc did, or that the egg arc didn’t have a following. its true that it was very underrated, but cc!bad is also not this helpless baby who needs his hand held to create an engaging character. he saw he was the largest streamer among the egg arc ccs, and used that platform to bring everyone else up. he put in the fucking work, and it’s not his fault that people still refuse to acknowledge it.  
i see ex-dsmp fans praise the qsmp fandom for respecting bad, and then turn around and beg him to not reference egg lore. the same people who love karmaland, ordem paranormal, and 2b2t references are telling bad that he can’t reference his story, that he put work in. why? for dislike of streamers who weren’t even involved in it? you cant be happy bad is seen as his own person, then turn around and boil his dsmp work down to bigger streamers you dislike.
again, i don’t blame people for not watching the egg arc. i don’t think anyone should be forced to watch every storyline, or keep up with every cc. i don’t know. it’s just frustrating i guess? me and other egg arc fans were creating content, character analyses, and lore masterposts all to hype up c!bad and it’s not our fault yall ignored it and are just now seeing bad’s a good roleplayer! idk! i know everyone’s trying to be nice, i love everyone who’s new to bad’s content, i dont want to gatekeep at all. but your dsmp experiences are not universal. the way your streamers treated bad was not the way everyone treated bad. 
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wingherc · 2 months
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"Scrambled eggs is fried chicken."
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mediocre-eternity · 3 months
Ah, friends. Yet again it is the season where I get a good eight hours to do whatever I need to do. The time of year where, despite the pleasant warmth, my mortal connections suffer, my social gathering spots close before the sun sets and there are no more spur of the moment Target and Ikea trips. The time of year where kindred are mostly left up to our own creative devices… we mostly end up on balconies and visiting each other.
I was invited to a party.
Some weeks ago I was intensely drawn to meet someone in the Bowery. Initially I was annoyed, because I didn’t feel like driving nor taking the subway and these types of the things are not something I’d typically ignore. The house was quiet, though. Benji was somewhere in the city on his own; Daniel was with Jesse. I decided to jump the rooftops.
The Edge was where I was being called to, which is a place I sometimes frequent alone and I wondered if it was coincidence that this was the location they asked to meet.
When I arrived, a young man was waiting in my favorite spot. He was leaning his body weight against the glass, forehead pressed to look as fully out onto the city below as he could, a position I often found myself in. The internal spark that I had finally reached him sparked and he turned to smile brightly at me. He was young, possibly as young as my mortal age and he didn’t stand much taller. His hair was a deep brown and fell to his chin, his face round and cheery, his fangs awkwardly big for his mouth which was already impossibly crowded by awful teeth.
“Armand!” He beamed when I said nothing. He appeared to me as if we were long standing friends. Immediately he was digging into his lovely wool tailored jacket. I still hadn’t spoke. “Right? Armand? Right? This is for you!” With that a card was presented to me.
“You called out for me for nights just for a greeting?” I asked, finally taking the little paper envelope from him. The package was navy and in gold ink my name was nicely written. The young man was staring.
“Oh, no, no!” His voice was just as bright as his demeanor; very friendly and British. “That was only part of it. My name’s Marshall. Marigold told me I better find you… And she wanted you to have that.” He nodded at the envelope I had already opened. Armand & Daniel, Jessica Reeves and Benjamin Mahmoud…
Marigold, you don’t have to be so formal. I thought to myself.
“I want to live here for a while, in New York.” Marshall continued. “Marigold was the first vampire I met here. She said ‘well then you better find Armand.’ I figured you were the oldest vampire in the city or something.”
I saved reading the rest of the letter until I saw Daniel again. It was one of Marigold’s yearly solstice gathering invitations. Usually they show up in the mail around this time. Maybe she tasked Marshall… a hazing perhaps? Honestly, if he had come to me first I might have done something similar… but Marigold wasn’t the type. She had shoved the invitations into his hand as he stood in her foyer, probably relieved that she didn’t have to do it herself.
“There is a very small group of us elders in New York. You’re delivering the invites?” Marshall nodded, as I had expected. “There are about five of us here, but I am the oldest out of that group. The city, however, belongs to one much more ancient.” I gave him her name and Marshall repeated this name, in shock that he didn’t see her invite in the pile of envelopes he was now frantically shuffling through. I laughed. “No she won’t be in there. She is rarely in the city. She trusts my decisions, though. And truly, I would not speak for the kindred who have always lived here.”
The young one was again silent and still.
“…and who would that be?” He piped, feeling suddenly like his Big Apple dreams might be melting under his feet. “This is so complicated.”
“Maybe twenty more vampires.” I grinned wide which made him swallow. This was fun, I liked Marshall.
I stepped closer to him. Marshall was young, true, but I had taken from him that he was a Victorian. Who was still telling these fledglings that rules ended in annihilation? I figured we all dropped that after Akasha… I mean, there was a vote on it anyway.
Akasha. He had never laid eyes on her, but the fear with that name permeated a portion of his mind. And the annihilation part was mostly my fault, but he didn’t know that.
Taking what I wanted from his brain, I relaxed. “Marshall, you may live where-ever you want. Don’t encroach on anyone’s territory or human stock and you’ll be welcome. Have you met John? Roxanna?” The names of my closest constituents in the city outside of my own coven other than Marigold.
“Oh Roxanna found me and John hasn’t answered my calling.” I couldn’t help but laugh. This is exactly how I met those two. I explained how John wouldn’t and where to find him. Just a little quip back for all of the trouble John causes me.
(This particular vampire likes to not be bothered until he decides to find others in his own time. Serves him right for always calling me “Kid.”)
(I like John. I am not upset.)
Marshall accompanied me to a higher vantage point where I could point out where to find suitable havens, reminding him that this wasn’t Great Britain and, comparatively, we live much more free lives here, a fact that Marshall was excited about. His maker practically forced him to New York for this reason.
I asked how his maker protected him from Akasha. Marshall did not like how bluntly I had asked.
“Buried me six feet under. Maybe more. He dug and dug and threw me in and dug me back up in a month. I was lucky.” Marshall looked down from the great height and I noticed his pierced ears glimmering as his hair whipped in the air. Unusual. He looked sincerely at me. “Was it really all Lestat’s fault?”
I spent the rest of my time introducing him to the other four elders before returning to Daniel.
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tomfrogisblue · 1 year
Can't wait for the millisecond Wilbur slightly hovers his mouse cursor over the QSMP Launcher, when Quackity will immediately send a single text to the egg admins groupchat that just says "NOW!!!"
(and then for QNPC02 to crack their knuckles and unleash the angstiest Tallulah monologue, with the kind of despair to make Revivebur proud)
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achtm1zuta · 4 months
( @commanders-quarters )
The commander’s head let out a trilling beep, almost like an exclamation of delighted recognition. When he lifts his head and processes the circumstances before him more thoroughly, though, processors now whirring in contemplation, he realizes that this is, NOT in fact, his Acht. Sigh. That is alright.
Even so, Tartar cannot help but approach this situation with a similar level of familiarity towards them anyways, albeit with a more pronounced level of caution now.
With most folks that he spoke to, he’d lean over them like he wished to suffocate them with his imposing shadow. He’d look down upon them, figuratively and literally. With Acht, he remained exactly as he stood when speaking to them. Viewing them as equal even with their comparably shorter stature.
Considering it has no clue what this iteration of Acht’s Tartar has done, it’s… reluctant to engage the conversation. Could this be reopening wounds? If their Tartar had been exceptionally harsh to them, it… wouldn’t be surprised. He was never above being harsh.
“… Acht,” he finally spoke, vocals crackling as if they’d been painstakingly forced out. “I… pray there’s no hard feelings at play.”
"... No hard feelings?"
Acht repeated incredulously... When it clicked. They'd encountered an interation of Commander Tartar before, so perhaps... This was a different one.
After a moment of hesitation, they continued speaking.
"... Not towards you specifically, no... Or at least not this version of you, probably. Hell if I know how you telephones treat the other versions of me across here."
They crossed their arms as they nailed down the approach they're gonna take with this one.
Lets not be too hasty with the fury here...
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q-morning-crew · 1 year
You know, I've been seeing a lot of posts about Wilbur coming back to the qsmp, and I'm conflicted.
Obviously, Wilbur coming back would be great in most aspects. It would be awesome to see him interacting with the lore, the new members and the new dynamics the server created.
The one problem I see with him coming back is, funny enough, also the main reason people want him to return so badly: tallulah.
Tallulah. His daughter. The reason Wilbur logged on more than twice and pretty much the only reason he is still semi present in the lore despite not having logged on for months.
On the surface, it seems like Wilbur returning would be great for tallulah, wouldn't it?
Wilbur has not logged on for months. Tallulah has been alive for over 100 days, and Wilbur has been there for 8 of them.*
Tallulah sees chayanne as her brother. She calls philza papa. She sleeps in the basement she and chayanne decorated every night, her bed next to his. She has her own projects with phil. She hangs out with him (or bad) practically every day.
Philza can recognize all of her mannerisms and quirks, he knows how to properly accommodate her, he can tell whenever her admin plays any character and whenever any other admin plays her.
If Wilbur came back, what would happen to all of that?
Would she return to her room in the tower? Would chayanne have to sleep alone in their Garden of Hope and Music? Would she have to start calling phil "abuelito" again, after getting used to calling him papa?
In addition, Wilbur doesn't know tallulah the way she is now. He doesn't know the island the way it is now.
One thing I've seen other people point out and still haunts me is: if Wilbur had returned for the election dinner, would he have recognised the fake tallulah as fake? It breaks my heart to say this, but... I don't think he would.
The only way I can see his return not completely disrupting tallulah's existing dynamics is if Wilbur moved in with phil and let her keep calling him papa. I doubt that would happen, but fingers crossed
*not counting appearance on other people's streams because I have no way to count that
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thestungunhero · 2 months
hey hey hey!
Who do u prefer (platonicly or romantically IDC)
2. Shinsho?
?!?? This is such a funny question.
I mean��if we’re being objective here I’m gunna have to say… Jirō??? Platonically?? Cus I’m not close with Shinsō AT ALL. We talk but we barely interact outside of like… school stuff, man, and he always ghosts me when i do try to hangout w him outside of campus <//3
Theyre both my friends (??????? IDK MAN) so platonic either way 👊
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osarquivosmagnus · 1 year
Unfortunatly I'm still on the hell site a lot (twitter my beloathed) and I'm curious about something when it comes to the qsmp fandom here. To me it's always very clear that most posts are talking about the characters and usually if we talk about the streamers/ccs the post makes it very clear. But on twitter it's considered better to use the q! in front of the names to separate the characters from the people playing them. I tend to use them in posts but sometimes forget. What do you think? Is it better to always use it? I know reading comprehension here can be piss poor (how dare I piss on the poor etc) but I feel generally it is better than twitter, specifically when it comes to what I've seen in the qsmp fandom. Idk. I was just thinking about this. (Oh btw this isn't me trying to start shit, idc if people use it or not, I just wanted to know if it's a problem when I don't or if I'm outing myself too much as an ""x"" user when I do, this is mostly me being curious, really lmaoo)
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iamautisticidiot · 25 days
Ugh okay so like, I did say I was done with ask blogs BUUUTTT I do still love roleplaying and I do miss rping with some of my wonderful followers.
I have two new rp blogs, @logan-howlettrp and @wade-wilsonrp that I just made. Yes I know it's my autism making me obsessed with the characters but I promise I'm not gonna abandon them.
Also that movie was awesome and I loved all the jokes in it.
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mini-uzzy · 1 month
#officially done watching QSMP!!#I watched mainly Fit's POV bc he speaks English and has the most hours on qsmp#i would have watched Philza's but his vods included his hardcore world and made his vods much longer and also spending less time on qsmp#i have watched all of Slime's POV and since he rarely logs on and he cuts his vods it was easy to finish#for non-English speakers i have watched Maxo and Pierre's bc they are the most lore heavy apparently-#and their qsmp povs comes in episodes!! very easy to binge#lore-wise it was great!! sad qsmp was cut short bc of management issues but im glad at least Fit made an effort to make a great ending#as for everyone else's lore ive been relying on clips and compilations#my favorite event is definitely cellbit and roier's wedding bc it was so fuckin funny - i have rewatched certain parts multiples times#my favorite lore would be aypierre's bc his felt more complete and cohesive... maxo is close second... these two are good roleplayers...#Purgatory is another BIG favorite event purely bc of BOLAS ROJAS 😂 the first day was the funniest shit I've seen acted on Minecraft#favorite pair is definitely Deathduo... one bc Philza did a great representation (on purpose or not) of an aromantic character -#two because found family... im a huge sucker for found family stories... Deathduo isn't as rich in fanservice but it's part of why i like it#rare but GOLD - augh their first day with Chayanne and the whole prison arc thing 😂😂 everytime Phil catches Missa up on the lore 😂#another favorite pair is Misclickduo - if the latter was a nice story this one's on the complete fucKING OPPOSITE#everything about this family is fucked in every single angle 😂 but it has good lore esp Slime's POV with Juanaflippa#favorite eggs definitely Ramon and Juanaflippa... since I watched Fit the most it made sense Ramon is my favorite#but Juanaflippa is my favorite lore-wise bc of how tragic she is...#essay over :3 im going to sleep crying i hate Fit's ending so much BYEEEE#qsmpcroof
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meavaly · 2 months
If you’re an old Aphmau fan and you’re rewatching the series because of the trailer announcement, and have access to whatever YouTube account you were using when you originally watched the series as a wee lad … I IMPLORE you to look at the comments, because oh my god, I personally left so much gold.
With that said, here’s a compilation of my best hits:
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I also logged into ancient texts tonight and found some old old old skinseed conversations which I think really highlight this sort of behavior well. The true Aphmau fan, a small child who cannot spell and defends ships with their life,
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cabinetduo · 9 months
I'm sorry yall but Charlie has infinitely more shooters than sunny, there's no reason to preemptively defend his actions as a character when there are already ppl cheering him on for OUT OF CHARACTER saying that he wants to kill her 😭
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tenroses07 · 3 months
is a doctor who rp community still alive bc...
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ask-elland-n-will · 3 months
hello will,, and others,
i was wondering if one if you lot own a big grey cat,, he keeps popping up in my dorm room and scratching up my school work. and when i try to grab him he bites. as you can see, im not super good with cats. if you could come pick him up for me thatd be brilliant.
- aaron :)
There is a knock on the door to your dorm room before a Slytherin prefect walks in, wearing kitchen mittens, Quidditch goggles, and two layers of sweaters despite it being a really warm day.
"Aaron, good afternoon. I received your letter and asked a few students around. Sadly, I couldn't locate the owner of the cat you described but we cannot allow it to ruin your school work! Slytherins need house points!" the prefect announces, looks around, and spots the cat. "Unfortunately for the three of us, I'm not great with animals either."
But he will give it all he can! After all, he is a prefect, and he is the one who should be taking care of those things.
"Kitty cat. Come here? Kitty?" Will starts approaching the animal, walking slowly up until he's close enough where he could grab it. He spreads his mittens forward, sweat trickling down his temple in the process.
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wherabouts-of-light · 4 months
Ricky Matsui is the Zac Oyama PC of all time
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