dre4ml4nd-st4rlight · 2 months
@ Cherokee people + natives of the Appalachians, preferably those who know of / mildly enjoy Harry Potter I gotta question
very specific audience I know but I am working on an au which long story short is a complete overhaul of HP but done my way.
Essentially, I want to redo Ilvermourny entirely. Basically get rid of it. In its place I want to put a school that is based on Cherokee tribes + the appalachians, as well as leans into the mysteries of the Appalachians w 'cryptids'. However I feel like cryptids is probably a horribly racist term especially when referring to the 'cryptids' that come from Native culture. I was going to change the name to "The Appalachian Range School of Cryptids and Magic" But idk that feels. wrong. and offensive. somehow. I am not educated enough to know how so I am going to do my research but if anyone has suggestions for this idea (name + such) lmk. And is my idea respectful or is it just rlly bad
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coffecatsandbooks · 5 years
Supernatural // Hogwarts
Okay so I’ve seriously been thinking about Supernatural characters in Hogwarts? And the concept is so wonderful for me because I can easily see a twelve year old Sammy getting his hands on the Harry Potter books and it just taking him away. Away from all the shit he hates. The hunting. His dad. The gaping hole that he doesn’t talk about that is his mom. School. All of it. Sometimes it just all becomes so much for him, but when he opens that book - it just feels like coming home.
The first movie comes out when he’s fifteen and he begs his older brother Dean to go with him. He’s been begging Dean to read the books for years now, but Dean’s never been much of a reader. After a week of persisting, he finally gives in and off to the movies they go. Sam is in complete awe at the whole movie. It wasn’t like the book exactly, but God it felt good to put a face to the name and see them fight it out for real instead of imagining it. It was cool to imagine it, but the movie brought a certain twang to it. Dean, while he would never admit it, actually thought the movie was pretty cool. He understood why his little brother adored it and after a few weeks of contemplation, he sneaks into Sammy’s bag one day and steals a copy of the first book.
Sam catches him reading one day, but Dean’s so lost in the book, he doesn’t even notice. Sam knows if he’s caught, Dean will put the book down and not open it again, so Sam tip-toes out of the room and smiles in triumph. He knew his brother would like it and he did.
The books were different for Dean. While Sam read it because he wanted to get away and have a home, Dean read it because of the characters. It got him away too, sure, but Dean felt like he related so much to all the characters, it finally made him feel belonged in a place where he felt anything but. He felt like Ron in a way that he was funny and witty, he felt like Harry in a way that he had no parents and yeah Dean had his dad, but he didn’t really have his dad. He felt like Hermione in the way she always underestimated herself. He felt like Draco in the way he hid things and often lashed out at people because of his home life. He, however, didn’t feel like Luna, but he admired her. She was always so out there that she never cared what people thought and she did it in such a graceful and thoughtful way. Dean was too hot headed for all of that, but he wished to be more like her.
Both the brothers were fans to say the least now and when the last book comes out, they do what they’ve always done. Sam buys it and reads it and then Dean sneaks in, steals it, and reads it too. When the last movie comes out, both brothers go together and see it and while both brothers tease each other for crying, it really did feel like the end of an era and that saddened them both, but when they move into the bunker, Sam buys the whole series and places it on the bookshelf and they’re the most read books in the whole library. Worn and old, but both brothers read it when life seems to be getting just too fucking hard. And they even sometimes binge the movies together when they’re both feeling down. Even Castiel joins one evening.
“You both realize that this is fictional – correct?” Cas asks, but both boys shush him, then after a few moments, Sam whispers to him.
“Yes, but they’re so- they’ve gotten us through a lot. Just watch okay?” He smiles.
Cas just nods and after the movies both men turn to their angel friend. Cas is silent for a moment then looks back up at the tv. “That was very entertaining yes.” And smiles widely.
Thats kinda my whole thing on it, but guys JUST THINK ABOUT THE CHARACTERS AND WHAT HOUSE THEY’D BE SORTED IN.
Sam is a Ravenclaw. Intelligent, witty, learning, and creativity, Sam has it all. His friends and brother are always laughing at some remark he’s already made about one of his friends (but usually his brother) doing something completely ignorant, but it’s all light hearted and not taken seriously of course. He’s always raising his hand in class and everyone’s begging him to tell them the answer to their transfigurations homework as Sam is best in the class. He’s so good in fact, that he makes Professor McGonnagal crack a sly smirk every time he gets a transfiguration down. He draws in his free time and when asked what his drawings are about, he says they’re normally of him and his brother fighting monsters. Although the monster fighting has always been his brothers forte. Sam still likes to imagine them doing it together. His brother and him are extremely close and he wouldn’t mind becoming an Auror, but his love of learning all he can in Hogwarts is only shaping him to one day be the best Headmaster Hogwarts will ever see and everyone knows that except when he does eventually grow up, he takes a position as the Transfigurations teacher and eventually ends up as Headmaster over the North American school, Ilvermourny to which all of his students love him and do agree he is one of the best. It’s the perfect life for him.
While his little brother is a Ravenclaw, Dean is the epitome of Gryffindor. Bravery, Chivalry, Nerve, Courage, and Determination. While Sam doesn’t dare think to put his name into the Goblet of Fire when it comes that time, Dean doesn’t think twice. He waltzes up to the cup, gives his brother an award winning smile and places it in. Cheers are erupted from the Gryffindor side and it comes to no surprise when Dean is called to play the game. It’s dangerous and involves the work of his friends and his brother, but he gets through it and when he emerges from the rubble of the last game, he’s holding the cup. The crowd uproars and Dean is lifted up and treated like a God until the end of the year. One of his best friends Jo (a fellow Gryffindor) comes up and plants her mouth onto his and from that moment on, he loves her and she loves him. Sam is constantly telling them about how it “took ‘me long enough” and Jo can’t help but blush while Dean gives his brother a glare, but the rest of there friends giggle. As you can well guess from the Goblet of Fire, Dean excels in Defense Against the Dark Arts. His goal is to be an Auror and help stop Dark Witches and Wizards alike. After all, his father John (a former Slytherin) is an Auror and when he comes home from a long day, he always has a new story to tell Dean and he relishes in them. Kicking ass and taking names- fighting evil. When he and his brother were kids they used to talk about fighting monsters together and they still keep that dream a while until Sam starts Hogwarts and he realizes that he has a knack for knowledge and he loves it and Dean loves watching his baby bro do what he loves. The first day of Dean’s last year at Hogwarts, Sam breaks the news to him that whole he loves the idea of him and his brother being Auror partners and fighting crime, he just loves to learn and teach more and Sam’s bottom lip is practically trembling and his eyes are all watery and Dean pulls his brother into a hug. “I know that’s not you Sammy and that’s okay. I like you as a nerd better.” He smiles and Sam laughs while tears roll down his face. Dean’s just always been better at that sort of thing than Sam. And while Dean isn’t fond of doing the whole Auror thing without his brother, he eventually finds his footing and becomes one of the best Aurors of his time. He stills calls every time he catches a bad guy and tells his brother of his adventures.
Castiel is a Hufflepuff. There’s no doubt about it. Dedication, patience, and loyalty. He’s Dean’s best friend and that right there says enough about his patience as Dean can have quite the temper. They balance each other out and Sam enjoys the company of Cas and how he reacts to Dean when they’re all hanging out together. It’s refreshing to see someone else put him in his place. After all only three people in his life have been able to do it. Sam, now Cas, And later on Jo. Castiel is by no means as smart as Sam, but more dedicated to his studies than Dean, who barely gets enough marks to pass. He is proficient in Herbology and even more outstanding in Care of Magical Creatures. He loves to sit and learn all he can about nature and the creatures he loves so much. Dragons, in fact, are his favorite and he talks about them as much as he can. He even hangs out with Hagrid when he wants to hear of more tales of the creatures. Sam loves hearing about them and they eventually find themselves hanging out after class and studying with each other in the library. Sam tells Cas about how he wants to learn all he can and one day be the best teacher he can and Castiel tells him that he’d like to one day be a Dragon Keeper and travel. While Castiel loves Dean and their friendship, it’s something else with Sam. He listens to everything Castiel has to say and he doesn’t judge him, not that Dean does, but Dean can tend to not have a serious side when it comes to certain matters. The first time they kiss is in front of the fireplace in the commons area during a snow storm. Everyone is asleep except for the two boys who whisper about there futures and when they kiss is when it becomes all too real that Castiel does in fact have feelings for his best friends younger brother and his younger brother has feelings back. At first it’s weird and awkward, but after a minute they’re practically in each other’s laps and soon laughing at each other in utter bliss. They take things slow and it’s in Sixth year where they finally tell Dean. Dean’s pissed and Castiel responds the way you would think a Hufflepuff responds. He lets Dean hell at him and throw insults his way. How dare he betray Dean and date his little brother behind his back? How dare he go after Sammy? Sam’s his responsibility while they’re away at school and Cas can’t just come in and take that. It isn’t until Sam whimpers “Dean” where Dean stops and looks at his brother. For the first time since he started the rant. Castiel just stands there still and is in front of Sam. “I love him Dean.” And Dean’s heart melts. He gives one last glare at Castiel and then his whole body softens. “Don’t hurts my brother or I’ll have to kill you,” he says and engulfs him in hug and Cas smiles hugging him back. “I can’t believe you just stood there and let him yell at you,” Sam frowned, confused. “It’s a Hufflepuff thing,” Dean adds backing up and Castiel looks at Sam with so much love and adoration that all of Dean’s worries melts away. When it’s time for them to graduate Hogwarts, Sam and Cas still stay in touch, but decide not to date and Castiel tells Sam all about his adventures as a Dragon Keeper and Sam tells him about school and his plans after. At Sam’s graduation, Cas is there, holding a stuffed Dragon and Sam hugs him and for the first time in a long time, they kiss and this time, they stay together. Castiel travels while Sam is at Ilvermourny and yeah it’s long distance, but nothing a little magic can’t help fix.
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iwsc · 5 years
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Our five schools are fighting for the cup. Which school will win this season? Make a guess! #Hogwarts #Beauxbatons #Ilvermourny #Durmstrang #Mahoutokoro #Wizardingschool #iwsccomp2020 #season2 #iwsc2020 #harrypotter #harrypotterfanfiction #fanfiction #fanfictionwriting #writingcompetition #fantasticbeasts #cursedchild #harrypotterworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B8YecCOCkp3/?igshid=tsly39refeuu
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Have juvenile wizards ever been sent to MOCUSA? Let's say students on vacation who have committed misdemeanors and maybe some minor and harmless crimes - how do you usually react to such things? Disappointed because they are young or maybe nostalgic because they are having fun with life? What would you say to them?
flicked his wand swiftly, an elastic band snapping around a folder and shooting it into his organized cabinet. The rain from outside of his office placing delicate pools on the glassy windows, pattering down to form on the outside of the windowsill. The pale light made his eyes take an almost onyx look, as if his hazels had faded to a stern diamond black.
"Most juvenile wizards who commit any unjustified acts are dealt with by our lower positions of aurors. They are only brought here into MACUSA if their crimes are major, the most common ones we observe that causes juveniles to be taken in is magic in front of No-Maj. Anything else could be thievery of important magical objects, such as ones that are cursed or any forms of dark magic used." He paused, standing up from his desk to scan through a file organizer. Stopping at the next section of the question, he cracked a rather harsh smirk. "Minor and harmless crimes are never a straight ticket to MACUSA, otherwise the Madame President would be dealing with many petty thieves and foolish grudges settled by a skirmish that caused too much damage. Our many aurors are there to handle those kinds of activities."
Flicking out a sheet, he let it float daintily over to his polished desktop. A fresh ink pot popping open. Sending the fragrant, slight led-like smell that reminds one of printed paper into the air. The mention of discipline and his own thoughts among the more inexperienced wizards gave a bit of light to his face. Reminding him of his own childhood. "I think we are all bound to bend the rules when we are kids, even break them. Wizards still in schooling and graduates still have their egos with them, having fun is their priority and they tend to push it to the breaking point. Such as spells around No-Maj. It is more common than you think. So disappointment is not exactly my response, just that there are limits to what is appropriate. Then again, enjoy youth and the freedom that comes with it to the fullest---responsibly."
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marmora-blades · 6 years
ilvermournies >> marmora-blades
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Rosy Cheeks
Okay, should I make a whole fanfic, or make a oneshot, based on this beginning...
///Rosy Cheeks\\\
Chapter One
I was on the Hogwarts express, alone in a cabin. People passed in the halls outside, smiling and laughing amongst themselves. Some would see me and smile, others would see and ignore me. Nobody really knows who I am yet, and for this moment I’d like to keep it that way.
You see, I’d hate to have a reputation just yet. Some people loath my father, but others look up to him. I wouldn’t want people to hate or love me just because of who he is.
One particular boy, a blonde boy, is continuously passing my cabin, and he smirks every time he does pass. But this time, he’s knocking.
“Come in.” I say.
“Why hello. Haven’t seen you around before. Are you new?” He said, still smirking.
“Yes, yes indeed I am. And you are?” 
“Draco Malfoy, pleasure’s all mine.” His smirk only grew as he spoke.
“Oi mate, come on!” One of his friends yelled from the hall.
“Be seeing you.” He stated, and left the cabin. Oh, the audacity.
Draco’s Point Of View
The girl in the cabin, I have one word for her. Woah. I’ve just met her, but she seems great. “Oi, Crabbe. What can you tell me about the new girl?”
“She moved here from America. She went to Ilvermourny.” Theo said.
“She’s done modeling, is what I’ve heard.” Blaise chimed.
“I bet she’ll be quite popular, with looks like that.” Goyle added.
“Mate, she’s Snape’s daughter.” Crabbe finally got to say. I believe I forgot how to breathe for a moment. Sure, Snape favors me, but that’s his daughter. Personally, I didn’t know that Snape had a daughter.
The train came to a halt, meaning we had arrived at Hogwarts.
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lexrius · 4 years
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AN: I’ve been working on this and will do the Akela side as well. This was a fun side project I wanted to work on.
The Byrne Family Tree:
Helen Elliott-Byrne ⦁ Born April 1910 ⦁ Went to Ilvermourny in 1921 ⦁ Her wand is Hawthorn 9" Unicorn hair core and quite flexible ⦁ She was sorted as a pukwudgie ⦁ She has carmel blonde hair and deep blue eyes ⦁ She’s a very petite woman ⦁ She’s from Brooklyn, New York ⦁ She served as a healer during WW1 ⦁ There she met a soldier named Barry Byrne and they fell in love ⦁ She later died of old age in 1990 Barry Byrne ⦁ Born May 1907 ⦁ Went to Ilvermourny in 1918 ⦁ His wand is Aspen 10" Dragon Heartstring and Unyielding ⦁ He was sorted as a Wampus ⦁ He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He’s a very proper and proud man ⦁ He’s from Olympia, Washington ⦁ He served for his Country during WW1 and WW2 where he also met Helen ⦁ He worked in the department of Magical Law enforcment ⦁ He married Helen Elliott in 1935 ⦁ He died seven years after his beloved wife in 1997 Both loved they’re grandchildren and even visited Hogwarts to watch Viper’s quidditch matches. Sadly they never got to meet any of they’re great grandchildren. Benjamin Byrne ⦁ Born December 1934 ⦁ He went to Ilvermourney in 1945 ⦁ His wand is Aspen 9" Unicorn hair core and slightly springy ⦁ He was sorted as a Thunderbird ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He’s from Olympia, Washington like his parents and sister ⦁ Like his father he enrolled in the army ⦁ He served in the Marines during the Korean War ⦁ He later married a nomage chef named Joan Allen ⦁ Both opened a resturaunt together ⦁ He moved to Boston, Massachusetts and married her after the war Aileen Bryne-Akela ⦁ Born September 1940 ⦁ She went to Ilvermourney in 1951 ⦁ Her wand is Cherry 11" Dragon Heartstring core and slightly yielding ⦁ She was sorted as a horned serpent ⦁ She has blonde hair and hazel eyes ⦁ She’s from Olympia, Washington ⦁ She worked in the Major investigations Department in M.A.C.U.S.A ⦁ While on inestigation she traveled to Ireland and met a young man named William Akela ⦁ They later married in 1965 William Akela ⦁ Born April 1945 ⦁ He went to Hogwarts in 1956 ⦁ His wand is Cedar 10" Phoenix feather core and surprisingly swishy ⦁ He was sorted into Slytherin ⦁ He has dark brown hair and grey eyes ⦁ He’s from Galway, Ireland ⦁ He worked as a travelling Magizoologist ⦁ He later met Aileen Byrne and fell in love with her ⦁ They married in 1965 and moved to Arizona to study Thunderbirds Jaune Byrne ⦁ Born March 1960 ⦁ He went to Ilvermourny in 1971 ⦁ His wand is Cedar 8" horned serpent core and unbending ⦁ He was sorted into horned serpent ⦁ He has dark brown hair and blue eyes ⦁ He’s from and still lives in Boston, Massachusetts ⦁ He met his wife Emma Jackson in Ilvermourny and married each other in 1981 ⦁ He later followed in his parent’s footsteps and became a chef and even took over the resturaunt ⦁ The couple later divorced and two years later he met his wife Christi Glenn ⦁ They married in 1999 Jacob Akela ⦁ Born October 1965 ⦁ He went to Ilvermourny in 1976 ⦁ His wand was Yew 12" horned serpent core and Brittle ⦁ He was sorted into the horned serpent house ⦁ He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He was from Camp Verde, Arizona ⦁ Later transfered to Hogwarts after his parents decided to move here for their dad’s work ⦁ He was then sorted into Slytherin in Hogwarts in 1977 ⦁ He had heard about the cursed vaults in Hogwarts and decided to investigate them ⦁ He was expelled from hogwarts in 1981 during his sixth year ⦁ He disappeared in the vault portrait in 1982 ⦁ After the events of the cursed vaults with his sister he stayed away from home and was later forced to join the death eaters ⦁ He got a job as a professional curse breaker ⦁ During the second war he was stationed to help put curses on the items in Bellatrix’s vault ⦁ He died in 1998 to Ismelda Murk while taking a killing curse that was meant for his sister Viper Akela-Weasley ⦁ Born January 1973 ⦁ She went to Hogwarts in 1983 after moving from America to Ireland ⦁ Her wand was Pear 11" Phoenix feather and swishy flexibility - This was then replaced by her current wand she had custom made in america - This wand is Apple 10" Thunderbird feather core and reasonably supple ⦁ She was sorted into Hufflepuff and was the first in her family to be so ⦁ She has carmel blonde hair and grey eyes ⦁ She’s from Camp Verde, Arizona ⦁ She was made fun of for her accent in Hogwarts, but had plenty of friends ⦁ She grew especially close to Penny Haywood, Dora Tonks, Rowan khanna and Charlie Weasley ⦁ Unlike her brother; she wanted nothing to do with the cursed vaults that he was so obsessed with ⦁ She later got involved anyway ⦁ She joined the hufflepuff quidditch team as their new chaser in her third year ⦁ She later became friends with Chiara and Talbott in their third year and had become an animegus ⦁ In her fourth year; she stared dating one of her friends Barnaby Lee ⦁ In her fifth year she found her brother in the vaults but was shocked when he left her ⦁ In her sixth year she and Barnaby broke up after a fight ⦁ She became quidditch captain and head girl ⦁ She later watched her best friend die in front of her ⦁ Near the end of the year after the quidditch cup she and Charlie got together ⦁ After Hogwarts she moved back to America and became an auror ⦁ She hunted down and captured Rowan’s killer in 1994 ⦁ She became the new Care of magical creatures professor in 1995 at the request of Dumbledore ⦁ She later married Charlie in 1996 ⦁ in 1997 she and her brother in law were sevearly scared by Fenrir Greyback ⦁ After the war she settled down in Scottland in the new Dragon sanctuary that had been built Liam Akela ⦁ Born Febuary 1976 ⦁ He went to Hogwarts in 1987 after moving to Ireland with his family ⦁ His wand is Aspen 10" Unicorn hair core and quite flexible ⦁ He was sorted into Ravenclaw ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He was from Camp Verde, Arizona ⦁ He distanced himself from the cursed vaults and later on his sister ⦁ He focused mainly on his studies in Hogwarts and was named prefect and later on head boy for Ravenclaw ⦁ He met his wife through his sister who was Quetta Woods’ partner in the auror office ⦁ He later moved back to America to settle down and has made his own bookstore near Ilvermourney where he sells both mugle and magical books ⦁ He now lives in Brooklyne, New York Barry Byrne II ⦁ Born August 1997 ⦁ Went to Ilvermourney in 2008 ⦁ Wand is his Great Grandfather’s Aspen 10" Dragon Heartstring and Unyielding ⦁ He was sorted into Wampus ⦁ He has brown hair and brown eyes ⦁ He’s from Boston, Massachusetts Irene Byrne ⦁ Born Febuary 2002 ⦁ Started Ilvermourney in 2013 ⦁ Wand is Aspen 9" Unicorn hair and surprisingly swishy ⦁ She was sorted into Puckwudgie ⦁ She has copper red hair and hazel eyes ⦁ She’s from Boston, Massachusetts Leah Akela ⦁ Born November 2002 ⦁ Started Ilvermourney in 2013 ⦁ Wand is Apple 9" thunderbird feather and Unyielding - Her core was gifted to her by her Aunt Viper ⦁ She was sorted into Horned Serpent ⦁ She has dark brown hair and brown eyes ⦁ She’s from Brooklyne, New York Gideon Weasley ⦁ Born July 2004 ⦁ Started Hogwarts in 2015 ⦁ Wand is Dogwood 11" Dragon heartstring core and quite bendy ⦁ He was sorted into Gryffindor ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and blue eyes ⦁ He’s lives on the dragon reserve with his family in Scotland Avalon Weasley ⦁ Born July 2004 ⦁ Started Hogwarts in 2015 ⦁ Wand is Cypress 9" Unicorn hair core core and reasonably supple ⦁ She was sorted into Hufflepuff ⦁ She has red hair and grey eyes ⦁ She lives with her family in Scotland on the Dragon reserve Jacob Weasley ⦁ Born March 2007 ⦁ Started Hogwarts in 2017 ⦁ Wand is his late uncle’s Yew 12" horned serpent core and Brittle ⦁ He was sorted into Ravenclaw ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and blue eyes ⦁ He lives with his family in Scotland on the dragon reserve
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official-ilvermorny · 7 years
Ilvermorny Sorting Game: @ilvermournies
@ilvermournies’ answers:
*Hogwarts House and why you feel an affinity:
For a good few years, I have been content with Slytherin; a mix of witty remarks, defending what I believe in, sarcasm, and cold reasoning. I still believe in my house, but sometimes I feel more like a Ravenclaw.
*Patronus form and why you think it accurate:
Many a time I have taken the Pottermore test (Around a hundred times or more. Yes, this seems like a lot but I wanted to know who I was better and checking my theories about which house was which answer) and got the tortoiseshell cat. They look like a blend of colors, protective, unpredictable, and independent. I believe this to be true.
Wand details: 
Fir, 12”, Dragon heartstring, Supple
*Which of the following do you most trust when making decisions, and why: logic, intuition, instincts, or emotions?
 Oh. Logic is my go-to in deciding, as like making pro-con lists. But in more time-sensitive decisions, I rely heavily on intuition.
Which class would you most like to take at Ilvermorny and why? 
Enchantments and Transfiguration sound like fun!
What No-Maj career would/do you follow in life and why? 
Architecture always excited me, but being an author or voice actor are what I want to achieve.
What wizarding career would you like to follow and why? 
Dragonogist or potion-maker 
It’s summer break! What is your ideal way to spend it?
 Visit new and familiar places then take it easy on the couch reading, on the internet, and chilling with friends.
Do you prefer to learn hard facts, or to think about abstract concepts?
Hard facts, but abstract concepts are somewhat intriguing.
You discover that a close friend of yours has been bullying someone. What do you do? 
Find the reasoning behind their actions, abd make sure they understand what they’re doing.
What do you do when stressed?
Fidget and count everything I can see until I feel better.
What do you do when angry? 
Rub the space behind my ear to calm down and contain my feelings till later.
What do you do when sad? 
Laugh it off. If it becomes too much, I sit somewhere quiet and cry it out.
What do you do when happy? 
Use lots of hand gestures to exclaim and hum a lot!
What is your greatest fear? 
This may seem silly, but anything involving eyes, like being touched or eye drops 😅
What would Amortentia smell like to you? 
Freshly-baked bread, clean cotton, and Clorox wipes.
*How do you spend your free time? 
Napping, sketching, and reading.
*What extracurriculars do/did you engage in? 
Orchestra, volunteering, and an Equality club at my school.
*Which Ilvermorny House do you feel a strongest affinity to and why? 
Wampus and Horned Serpent are the two I switch back on a lot, since I think they represent me most. I have gotten the other two frequently as well so 🤷🏻‍♀️
You are a Horned Serpent! Your stated preferences of cold reasoning, logic, and hard facts especially recommend you to the House of Scholars. I also found it fascinating that you said you prefer facts, but find abstract concepts intriguing. This implies that although abstract concepts are not your particular cup of tea, you enjoy the knowledge and learning gained by studying them. Very Horned Serpent.
I have to say, I don’t see you as a Wampus. You keep yourself cool and collected even when angry or confronted by an emotional problem (the bullying friend scenario). Wampus is generally more hot-headed than you seem, so ultimately I think Horned Serpent is the place for you!
~ Prefect Laurelinn
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snowplexus2 · 7 years
I was tagged by @ilvermournies Nickname: Bug Name: Syd Gender: Fem Star sign: Libra Height: 5'1" Time: 7:48am Birthday: 9/30 Favorite Band: P!ATD Favorite solo artist: dunno Song stuck in my head: Left brain, Right brain Last movie: Coraline Last show: Voltron Legendary Defender When did I make my blog: Around a year and a half ago What do I post: A bunch of random stuff Last thing I googled: Color Guard memes Do you have other blogs: Yeah, Do you get asks: every once in a while Why did you choose this blog name: I don't remeber, I just thought It sounded cool Number of blogs you are following: 783 Favorite color: Mint green Lucky number: 9 Instruments: Piano How many blankets do you sleep with: 6 Dream job: Writing and Drawing Dream trip: Orlando, Florida Harry Potter world Favorite food: Chocolate Pretzels Favorite songs: Candy Store, Freeze your Brain I tag @sharky879 @organizeddiscord @pastel-myth and anyone else who wants to do it
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doodlebopper · 7 years
I saw someone else do this so I thought I'd share :) Zodiac Sign:♋Cancer (♏Scorpio moon♉Taurus Venus) Hogwarts House:🐍Slytherin Ilvermourny House:🦅Thunderbird MTBI:INFP-The Mediator Alignment:Nuetral Good Enneagram:9-The Peacemaker Soul Type:Caregiver Temperament:Phlegmatic Life Path#:11 Hope this is at all interesting to anyone😂😊
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ships-at-hogwarts · 7 years
May I have a ship from all three eras? I have long black hair with dark hazel eyes and tan skin. I love reading, writing, playing the piano, and debating. I'm very sarcastic, competitive, ambitious, and independent yet I'm most commonly described as the mom friend. I'm a slytherin and my ilvermourny house is wampus. I prefer darker colours and elegant styles. Thank you! :)
Hello! Sorry for the wait! I am not as familiar with the Marauders Era or the Next Generation, so I'll only write out about the Trio Era!But, since you asked, for the Marauders, I ship you with Sirius because he's witty and charming, and for the Next Gen, I ship you with Albus!As for the Trio Era, I ship you with George!! I think the two of you are a match made in Heaven! I think your relationship would have started out with some competition, like an argument in class, or a debate, and you would have been rivals at first, especially considering your houses...but then you guys would start to catch feelings and realize how much you have in common. He would love your sarcasm, and one day, he might ask for your help with a prank... (even though you are rivals) Then, after working on a prank together, the two of you would realize how well you work together and form a friendship, and slowly but steadily you both would fall in love! You two would go everywhere together! He would take you to hogsmeade and on exhilarating walks through the forbidden forest. I think the mild rivalry would always still be there...especially at quidditch matches! But, he would be very sweet, and never take anything too far. He would always put you first, and I bet he would even come hang out in the Slytherin Common room for you! You'd sit there and read together, and I think sometines he would ask you to read to him or play the piano for him! I think you guys would be big hand holders...not all the time, but if you're walking somewhere together, he'd definitely intertwine your fingers! And, he'd probably be totally into tickle fights that turn into cuddling and sweet kisses when you're alone! He would never grow out of the flirting faze with you, and even after ages of dating, he'd still blush and use cheesy lines now and then! (: Hope you enjoyed it!
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nerville · 7 years
tag thing
tagged by the amazing @lunalovey
Rules: Put your iTunes/mp3/Spotify on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag 10 people!
Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! At The Disco
Hero - Monsta X
Throne - Bring Me The Horizon
Good Thing - NCT 127
Scars To Your Beautiful - Alessia Cara
The Silence - Bastille
Crooked - G-DRAGON
The Wire - HAIM
Make A Shadow - Meg Myers
tagging: @leda-lestrange @fleuvrdelacour @georgeweaslry @padfoot-barks @ilvermournies @ginevraparkinson @rbilliusweasley @muqqle-born @auroremus @comealxngpond sorry if you've already been tagged, you don't need to do it again!! unless u want to ;))
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njmphadora · 8 years
helena, may 15th (ooo no one's on mine, sweet)
thanks! you’ve now been added :)
join my birthday page ?
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quaffles · 8 years
You have two Nevilles' now, just so you know~
oh shoot! you’re totally right, thank you for letting me know! 
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thesaddestcow · 6 years
What Hogwarts and Ilvermourny house Voltron characters are in
As an avid Harry Potter fanatic and a general fanatic, I’ve seen all the photos people have drawn of differnt characters from different franchises in Hogwarts houses. And I love it. Harry Potter is a staple of my childhood and I love hearing the different traits of the four houses, Gryffindor for the brave, Slytherin for the ambitious, Ravenclaw for the smart, and Hufflepuff for the loyal and friendly. I plan on sorting characters from, Voltron,Miraculous, and Steven universe.
Right now my favorite show is Voltron. I love it so much(especially lance) and this show is the one that got me thinking. I plan on not sorting by colors but there are some that match. I’m going to start in the order they are introduced.
First is shiro. He is the leader of Voltron. He ventures s the galaxy going head first into the danger. This is why he is a Hufflepuff. In the Deathly Hallows before the battle all the students are in the house tables, Harry observes,”The Slytherin table was completely deserted, but a number of older Ravenclaws remained seated seated while their fellows filed out; even more Hufflepuffs stayed behind, and half of Gryffindor remained in their seats...”(Rowling 610). You may be thinking, “Why isn’t he in Gryffindor then?” Because I’m an interview J.K. says that Gryffindor stayed for glory while Hufflepuff did it because it is what’s right. And that “This is the essence of Hufflepuff house.” Lance is very charismatic and Confident. In the opening moments when we meet lance, he is flaunting his ‘amazing’ flying abilities that aren’t really there. He isn’t concerned about hunk or Pidge. He just wants to be the best. These values do fade but are still present in him. A great character to compare him to is Draco Malfoy. Draco does mostly what he does to impress is family and his schoolmates. Lance is very similar just wanting to be accepted and admired by his peers. Another favorite character is Hunk. Hunk likes to cook and is very tender-hearted. In season seven episode six, the team starts to go “space-mad” and hunk holds them together. He loves his friends so much. Hunk also in season seven episode 9, we see how much cares about his family. And He cries. Is season one episode five, he makes a promise to Shay and the people on her planet to come back and save them which he does. All this is why is a Hufflepuff. And no it’s not because of his lion. However the traits of the lion are cari g and friendliness so...Then we meet Pidge. Pidge is very smart and that is a big part of her character but she is also so devoted to her family. From season one to season five, Pidge wants to see her family. She travels with Voltron to find them. She assumes a new identity, a crime which would certainly earn her jail time, and goes to a government facility and lives a lie every day just to find her family. I really feel as if she could do rails be a Hufflepuff. And that’s what I would love but in season one episode five she tried to leave the team. She does it to find her family but leaving your team isn’t Hufflepuff. It’s is just one instance so it’s is very easy to say she is a Ravenclaw but I believe she is a Hufflepuff despite this. Keith is tricky. Keith is impulsive and isn’t a people person. However he does become more friendly Keith is easily defined by his closed of nature. He fights and risks his life more than the other paladins like in season three episode three where he risks the lives of himself in the other palidins quite recklessly. He also shows off his courage in joking the blade of marnora, a group that risks their lives in infiltrating galra bases. This is why he is a Gryffindor. He is exsessively brave and very reckless. He isn’t a Slytherin because Slytherin s plan while Gryffindors... well they don’t. In season three episode one , the team does a lion switch to replace shiro.Allura becomes the new blue paladin. Allura is an alien princess from a almost extinct species known as altains. She is very knowledgeable in the ways of battle and strategy. She and her advisor Corran help the team save the world which is why she is a Ravenclaw. She is super smart and is the very esssence of Ravenclaw house. Finally there is Corran. Corran as a character is a Cloud-kookoo-lander.A kind of character that provides comic relief to a show. Cloud-kookoo-landers are often very smart and know what they are talking about, even if it’s not real. Nothing they do is to be funny however, they are very very serious about what they say. Corran is an encyclopedia for the paladins and provides them with all they need. Another famous cloud-Kookoo-lander is Luna Lovegood. Which is why corran is a Ravenclaw.
Miraculous ladybug is a story about marinette and Adrien who are superhero’s. But neither of them know that the super hero’s ladybug and chat noir are eachother. Adrien has a crush on ladybug and expresses it as chatnoir. Ladybug often laughs these off but little does she know her crush Adrien is chatnoir. Marinette is very shy and awakward. She drops everything and has trouble making understandable sentences. She cares deeply about her friends and family. She is very driven and wants to not only marry Adrien and have three kids a dog and a cat, nah forget the cat, and a hamster(she loves hamsters) with Adrien but also wants to become a fashion designer. I think marinette for these reasons is a Slytherin despite her clumsy nature. Adrien is totally hot and revives admiration from all his classmates and strangers. Adriens father makes him take Chinese and model. He also is confined to their house and is constantly watched over. He is so sweet and could easily be a bratty kid but doesn’t. He is quite nice to marinette even if she can’t speak to him a like a normal human. Which is why he is a Hufflepuff. He values his friends and family even if they do him wrong. When our main character marinette transforms into ladybug she becomes a whole new person. She is very confident and grounded. She uses her super power lucky charm to solve problems with often strange tools. She is also very clever in how she communicates with chatnoir and uses their tools to succeed in fighting supervillans which is why ladybug is a Ravenclaw. Chat noir is my favorite character and is a very confident charismatic person. He is always trying to impress ladybug and is very set in defeating Hawkmoth. His emotions towards ladybug often block his desicion making like in season one episode five where he lies to a man and feels no remorse. He is definitely a Slytherin due to his cunning but not smart thinking.
Until Voltron, Steven universe had been my go-to fandom for years. It’s a story of our main character Steven who is a half human half magical alien boy in a very small town living with his magical guardians Pearl ,Amythest, and Garnet. Steven goes through the show helping make friends to eventually try to save earth from being colonized. He gets Peridot, lapis, Bizmuth and even the Some if the leaders of the alien homeworld blue and yellow diamond to fight along side them. Steven is a very clear Hufflepuff with his friendly caring nature. Pearl is a Gem who is very meticulously organized. She is all about order and protecting Steven. She was frircely loyal to rose quartz, Stevens dead mom, and would always protect her. It is shown with her song, do it for her, which is all about how the only thing that matters is rose quartz. I believe her devotion to rose and her rebellion is what makes her a Hufflepuff. Next is Amythest. Amythest is a sloppy gen who is haunted by her beginnings as a defect gem. Amythest is very insecure and is perceived as naive but is now one of the most responsible of the gems. Amythest is very brave I’m her fighting despite her perceived disability as a defect. I believe this makes her a Gryffindor. Lastly there is garnet. She is actually made of two gems ruby and sapphire who have fused together because they love eachother and don’t want to be apart. Their love is forbidden in homeworld, the home planet of the gems, and are very planned. Sapphire can see the future and would definitely be a Ravenclaw and ruby with her impulsive nature is a Gryffindor. I believe Saphirres planning and Ruby’s bravery make Gatnet a Slytherin.
In summary Keith and Amythest are Gryffindors, Lance, marinette , chatnoir and garnet are Slytherin , Shiro, hunk, Pidge, Adrien, Steven, and pearl are Hufflepuffs, and Allura corran and ladybug are ravenclaws. I get a lot of my characters are Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors but those are the traits that make the most hero’s. I really love all these franchises and truly believe in my choices and can’t wait to see more fanart!
(Thanks for reading my five paragraph essay. Tell me what you think!)
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ao3feed-fma · 7 years
All is One and One is All
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HPr7bq
by Reader0000
In a alternate universe, half-blood brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric receive their letters to go to the illustrious School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts.
Now with Ed in his fifth year, and Al in his fourth, a sixth year transfer student from Ilvermourny arrives. This boy, is none other than charismatic Roy Mustang.
Words: 613, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, Winry Rockbell, Riza Hawkeye, Ling Yao, Lan Fan
Relationships: Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang
Additional Tags: Eventual Fluff, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HPr7bq
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