#Viper Akela
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lexrius · 5 years ago
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AN: I’ve been working on this and will do the Akela side as well. This was a fun side project I wanted to work on.
The Byrne Family Tree:
Helen Elliott-Byrne ⦁ Born April 1910 ⦁ Went to Ilvermourny in 1921 ⦁ Her wand is Hawthorn 9" Unicorn hair core and quite flexible ⦁ She was sorted as a pukwudgie ⦁ She has carmel blonde hair and deep blue eyes ⦁ She’s a very petite woman ⦁ She’s from Brooklyn, New York ⦁ She served as a healer during WW1 ⦁ There she met a soldier named Barry Byrne and they fell in love ⦁ She later died of old age in 1990 Barry Byrne ⦁ Born May 1907 ⦁ Went to Ilvermourny in 1918 ⦁ His wand is Aspen 10" Dragon Heartstring and Unyielding ⦁ He was sorted as a Wampus ⦁ He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He’s a very proper and proud man ⦁ He’s from Olympia, Washington ⦁ He served for his Country during WW1 and WW2 where he also met Helen ⦁ He worked in the department of Magical Law enforcment ⦁ He married Helen Elliott in 1935 ⦁ He died seven years after his beloved wife in 1997 Both loved they’re grandchildren and even visited Hogwarts to watch Viper’s quidditch matches. Sadly they never got to meet any of they’re great grandchildren. Benjamin Byrne ⦁ Born December 1934 ⦁ He went to Ilvermourney in 1945 ⦁ His wand is Aspen 9" Unicorn hair core and slightly springy ⦁ He was sorted as a Thunderbird ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He’s from Olympia, Washington like his parents and sister ⦁ Like his father he enrolled in the army ⦁ He served in the Marines during the Korean War ⦁ He later married a nomage chef named Joan Allen ⦁ Both opened a resturaunt together ⦁ He moved to Boston, Massachusetts and married her after the war Aileen Bryne-Akela ⦁ Born September 1940 ⦁ She went to Ilvermourney in 1951 ⦁ Her wand is Cherry 11" Dragon Heartstring core and slightly yielding ⦁ She was sorted as a horned serpent ⦁ She has blonde hair and hazel eyes ⦁ She’s from Olympia, Washington ⦁ She worked in the Major investigations Department in M.A.C.U.S.A ⦁ While on inestigation she traveled to Ireland and met a young man named William Akela ⦁ They later married in 1965 William Akela ⦁ Born April 1945 ⦁ He went to Hogwarts in 1956 ⦁ His wand is Cedar 10" Phoenix feather core and surprisingly swishy ⦁ He was sorted into Slytherin ⦁ He has dark brown hair and grey eyes ⦁ He’s from Galway, Ireland ⦁ He worked as a travelling Magizoologist ⦁ He later met Aileen Byrne and fell in love with her ⦁ They married in 1965 and moved to Arizona to study Thunderbirds Jaune Byrne ⦁ Born March 1960 ⦁ He went to Ilvermourny in 1971 ⦁ His wand is Cedar 8" horned serpent core and unbending ⦁ He was sorted into horned serpent ⦁ He has dark brown hair and blue eyes ⦁ He’s from and still lives in Boston, Massachusetts ⦁ He met his wife Emma Jackson in Ilvermourny and married each other in 1981 ⦁ He later followed in his parent’s footsteps and became a chef and even took over the resturaunt ⦁ The couple later divorced and two years later he met his wife Christi Glenn ⦁ They married in 1999 Jacob Akela ⦁ Born October 1965 ⦁ He went to Ilvermourny in 1976 ⦁ His wand was Yew 12" horned serpent core and Brittle ⦁ He was sorted into the horned serpent house ⦁ He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He was from Camp Verde, Arizona ⦁ Later transfered to Hogwarts after his parents decided to move here for their dad’s work ⦁ He was then sorted into Slytherin in Hogwarts in 1977 ⦁ He had heard about the cursed vaults in Hogwarts and decided to investigate them ⦁ He was expelled from hogwarts in 1981 during his sixth year ⦁ He disappeared in the vault portrait in 1982 ⦁ After the events of the cursed vaults with his sister he stayed away from home and was later forced to join the death eaters ⦁ He got a job as a professional curse breaker ⦁ During the second war he was stationed to help put curses on the items in Bellatrix’s vault ⦁ He died in 1998 to Ismelda Murk while taking a killing curse that was meant for his sister Viper Akela-Weasley ⦁ Born January 1973 ⦁ She went to Hogwarts in 1983 after moving from America to Ireland ⦁ Her wand was Pear 11" Phoenix feather and swishy flexibility - This was then replaced by her current wand she had custom made in america - This wand is Apple 10" Thunderbird feather core and reasonably supple ⦁ She was sorted into Hufflepuff and was the first in her family to be so ⦁ She has carmel blonde hair and grey eyes ⦁ She’s from Camp Verde, Arizona ⦁ She was made fun of for her accent in Hogwarts, but had plenty of friends ⦁ She grew especially close to Penny Haywood, Dora Tonks, Rowan khanna and Charlie Weasley ⦁ Unlike her brother; she wanted nothing to do with the cursed vaults that he was so obsessed with ⦁ She later got involved anyway ⦁ She joined the hufflepuff quidditch team as their new chaser in her third year ⦁ She later became friends with Chiara and Talbott in their third year and had become an animegus ⦁ In her fourth year; she stared dating one of her friends Barnaby Lee ⦁ In her fifth year she found her brother in the vaults but was shocked when he left her ⦁ In her sixth year she and Barnaby broke up after a fight ⦁ She became quidditch captain and head girl ⦁ She later watched her best friend die in front of her ⦁ Near the end of the year after the quidditch cup she and Charlie got together ⦁ After Hogwarts she moved back to America and became an auror ⦁ She hunted down and captured Rowan’s killer in 1994 ⦁ She became the new Care of magical creatures professor in 1995 at the request of Dumbledore ⦁ She later married Charlie in 1996 ⦁ in 1997 she and her brother in law were sevearly scared by Fenrir Greyback ⦁ After the war she settled down in Scottland in the new Dragon sanctuary that had been built Liam Akela ⦁ Born Febuary 1976 ⦁ He went to Hogwarts in 1987 after moving to Ireland with his family ⦁ His wand is Aspen 10" Unicorn hair core and quite flexible ⦁ He was sorted into Ravenclaw ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and hazel eyes ⦁ He was from Camp Verde, Arizona ⦁ He distanced himself from the cursed vaults and later on his sister ⦁ He focused mainly on his studies in Hogwarts and was named prefect and later on head boy for Ravenclaw ⦁ He met his wife through his sister who was Quetta Woods’ partner in the auror office ⦁ He later moved back to America to settle down and has made his own bookstore near Ilvermourney where he sells both mugle and magical books ⦁ He now lives in Brooklyne, New York Barry Byrne II ⦁ Born August 1997 ⦁ Went to Ilvermourney in 2008 ⦁ Wand is his Great Grandfather’s Aspen 10" Dragon Heartstring and Unyielding ⦁ He was sorted into Wampus ⦁ He has brown hair and brown eyes ⦁ He’s from Boston, Massachusetts Irene Byrne ⦁ Born Febuary 2002 ⦁ Started Ilvermourney in 2013 ⦁ Wand is Aspen 9" Unicorn hair and surprisingly swishy ⦁ She was sorted into Puckwudgie ⦁ She has copper red hair and hazel eyes ⦁ She’s from Boston, Massachusetts Leah Akela ⦁ Born November 2002 ⦁ Started Ilvermourney in 2013 ⦁ Wand is Apple 9" thunderbird feather and Unyielding - Her core was gifted to her by her Aunt Viper ⦁ She was sorted into Horned Serpent ⦁ She has dark brown hair and brown eyes ⦁ She’s from Brooklyne, New York Gideon Weasley ⦁ Born July 2004 ⦁ Started Hogwarts in 2015 ⦁ Wand is Dogwood 11" Dragon heartstring core and quite bendy ⦁ He was sorted into Gryffindor ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and blue eyes ⦁ He’s lives on the dragon reserve with his family in Scotland Avalon Weasley ⦁ Born July 2004 ⦁ Started Hogwarts in 2015 ⦁ Wand is Cypress 9" Unicorn hair core core and reasonably supple ⦁ She was sorted into Hufflepuff ⦁ She has red hair and grey eyes ⦁ She lives with her family in Scotland on the Dragon reserve Jacob Weasley ⦁ Born March 2007 ⦁ Started Hogwarts in 2017 ⦁ Wand is his late uncle’s Yew 12" horned serpent core and Brittle ⦁ He was sorted into Ravenclaw ⦁ He has dark blonde hair and blue eyes ⦁ He lives with his family in Scotland on the dragon reserve
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lexrius · 5 years ago
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This was fun to see how similar viper is to ethren. Also sorry your stuck in quarantine. Hopefully all this shenanigans will be over soon 😅
Bingo Game
So a while ago, I made a bingo game where we could compare facts about our own MCs with the facts of the ‘official’ MC. 
Well. I’m basically stuck in quarantine rn, and I’m extremely bored, so I decided to make one for Ethren. C8 How similar is your MC to Ethren? +_+
If you want to make one for your MC, you can find a blank template here! 
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pangeanews · 4 years ago
Elogio di Mowgli, il bambino eterno (e del suo creatore, Kipling)
La regola che non vogliamo udire – ogni vita è equilibrata da una morte – ci viene offerta subito, nel primo racconto del ciclo. La pantera ha ammazzato “un toro, e bello grasso”, affinché al “cucciolo inerme” sia garantita la vita. Sul cucciolo, però, pende l���eredità di quell’assassinio: in noi rivive il destino di chi per noi è stato sacrificato. A quella morte ne seguono altre, ciascuna è oscena sapienza, spettro che hai vinto e che ti toglie un brandello di vita. Si è vivi, in effetti, per precorrere il fiato della morte. L’ultima scena di Apocalypse Now vede Martin Sheen/Willard che accoppa con un machete Marlon Brando/Kurtz mentre viene immolato un bue. Il sangue è l’acqua battesimale ed è l’estrema unzione: una legge più grande, eppure consona al roveto, ci stringe; siamo pur sempre il popolo che mangia il corpo di un dio; guai a chi delega il ricordo del morto a un manifesto funebre, guai a chi non incorpora in sé la vita del morto, la catena delle conseguenze e delle consegne.
Il principio, in verità – lo dico & ridico – fu un nome. Anzi, una combinazione di nomi. L’edizione del Libro della giungla che avevo a casa, tenuta insieme con un nastro adesivo marrone, è degli anni Cinquanta. Spiccavano due nomi: Kipling, in cima, contornato d’azzurro, e, rosso, in basso, più grosso, Mowgli. Come se Kipling e Mowgli fossero la stessa persona, o meglio, cifre che mi avrebbero concesso altri mondi, un coraggio duraturo, una nobiltà arborea. In mezzo al libro, il ragazzo semisvestito apre, con un coltello, la bocca al cobra, davvero enorme. Sul retro, lo stesso ragazzo cavalca una pantera nera.
Rudyard Kipling, scrittore di rude grandezza, precipitò nella precocità – e lì si piantò per sempre, in quell’infanzia rabbiosa, pronta, innocentemente, alla ferocia. Il libro della giungla, che è il suo libro più grande, perché impavido, vitale, con l’odore della gioia addosso, è pubblico nel 1894, quando l’autore – che nasce il 30 dicembre del 1865 – ha ventotto anni. Il Nobel per la letteratura, come si sa, lo coglie nel 1907, poco prima di compiere quarantadue anni. Massone, sapiente, teorico della poetica del “fardello dell’uomo bianco”, Kipling ha avuto un successo esorbitante; da decenni la sua fama è screziata. Kipling, in effetti, portavoce dell’Occidente imperiale – così la vulgata con le vipere intorno – è poco utile alla buona causa dei puri di cuore, è uomo di un altro tempo, di un altro mondo. Mowgli, tuttavia, continua, con inaudita forza, a uccidere tigri in libreria. Frutto, credo, non di lungimiranza ma di fraintendimento: le riduzioni animate o filmiche di quel provvidenziale capolavoro sfiorano il grottesco, come tramutare Moby Dick in un pesce rosso.
Mowgli, il Ranocchio che diventa Signore della Giungla, resta il bambino rifiutato da tutti, rigurgitato dal destino. Orfano, fin dal primo racconto, I fratelli di Mowgli, è a rischio di morte: nessuno, tranne la remota bontà di Babbo Lupo e di Mamma Lupa, comunque obbligati alla Legge della Giungla, vuole occuparsi di lui; in molti vogliono mangiarlo. Prelibata è la carne dell’uomo, lo sterminatore grato ad ogni vendetta. Mowgli conosce il linguaggio di tutte le creature della Giungla, e agita il fuoco, “Fiore Rosso”, è “il ladro del fuoco” evocato da Rimbaud nella “Lettera del veggente” inviata a Paul Demeny, che si dirama in pianto. “E allora Mowgli cominciò a sentire qualcosa che faceva male dentro, male come non aveva mai sentito in vita sua, e trattenne il respiro e singhiozzò, e le lacrime gli solcarono il viso”: dal primo racconto all’ultimo, La corsa di primavera, una sorta di ipnotico requiem, Mowgli piange e uccide, deve lottare per restare nella Giungla da cui tutti – compresa la sua natura – lo vogliono sottrarre. Il pianto, però, non lo radica alla foresta; è la stima della sua leggenda.
In modo più radicale di Alice, di Peter Pan, di Jim Hawkins, Mowgli rappresenta la rivolta al regno umano, la ribellione dell’infanzia, la pretesa del sogno eterno, barbarico. Mowgli è l’estro dell’anomalia, il grido alieno, il bambino divino, estraneo al ciclo della copula, della dissipazione, l’essere che interrompe il sacrificio – nel cuore della vita, è vergine di relazioni –, amico di tutti e di nessuno, capace, per sovrappiù di purezza, nel massacro. Leggete, per lo meno, Cane rosso, racconto di miliare crudeltà. Grazie allo stratagemma, Mowgli riesce a fare sterminio di una muta di dohle, “il rosso cane cacciatore del Dekkan”, specie di locusta con fauci letali, che tutto divora, senza distinzione, e che tiene il Popolo Libero nel giogo della paura. Mowgli, geniale nel convertire la debolezza in superiorità, attrae la massa rubina di cani dove spopola il Piccolo Popolo, nugolo di api selvatiche, pericolosissime. I cani sono sopraffatti dalle api; alcuni precipitano nel fiume Waingunga, dove il piccolo figlio dell’uomo si getta, avido di vittime, manovrando il coltello. “Mowgli si tuffò di nuovo, e di nuovo un dhole fu risucchiato, per riemergere morto”. La mattanza è completa: Mowgli salva la giungla dalla disfatta, eppure la giungla lo ricambia ricordandogli che lui è altro, è uomo. “Tu sei in tutto e per tutto uomo, altrimenti il Branco sarebbe fuggito davanti ai dhole. A te debbo la vita, e oggi tu hai salvato il Branco come una volta io ho salvato te. Adesso tutti i debiti sono pagati. Va’ dal tuo popolo. Te lo ripeto, pupilla dei miei occhi, questa caccia è conclusa. Va’ dal tuo popolo”, sussurra Akela, guida dei lupi, moribondo, morendo. Mowgli è l’esito di un patto, contratto tempo prima: resta straniero, uno colpito dalla grazia.
Mowgli, leggenda giovane, disattende le parole di Akela, resta nella giungla per altri due anni: pratico degli uomini, preferisce le bestie. Crede, forse, che un sogno sia vetro, che si possa spaccare, che pezzi di vetro possano sostituire l’iride. Il sangue unisce, il sangue scinde. La pantera uccide ancora, per liberarlo, per costringerlo, “un toro al secondo anno… il Toro che ti affranca. Ora tutti i debiti sono saldati”. Una legge spietata, economia di morti, lega Mowgli a lasciare la giungla. Nessuno potrà scrivere la vita di Mowgli da adulto: a chi importerebbe? “Le stelle affievoliscono… Dove faremo tana oggi?”, dice uno dei lupi, “fiutando la brezza dell’alba”. L’uomo costruisce il giorno come un vasaio, il lupo lo insegue.
L'articolo Elogio di Mowgli, il bambino eterno (e del suo creatore, Kipling) proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/3huPhuE
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lexrius · 5 years ago
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For HMInktober
Day 1: Courage
Courage to trust your most darkest secret to a friend
Courage to protect your friend from your biggest enemy
Courage to be by their side as they go through their darkest fear
Chiara and Viper are incredibly close because of their courage. Viper became an animegus to stay with chiara through the full moon.
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lexrius · 6 years ago
Miracles. Romania (November 2003) I awoke with a cold sweat to the sound of the grandfather clock chiming at the stroke of midnight. Charlie's arms wrapped around my body. My stomach lurched and twisted. I rushed out towards the bathroom as my stomach lurched more. Bile and last nights dinner came forward and into the toilet. I heard the bed rustle in the other room. Footsteps appeared behind me and my hair was pulled back. "Easy love...." I felt rough a rough calloused hand on my bare back; rubbing small circles in between my shoulder blades. "Was it dinner darling?" I shook my head as I gasped. I wiped my mouth on an old towel and leaned against Charlie, My head was spinning. He rubbed his hands on my shoulders and kissed the back of my head. "I don't know what caused this all of a sudden. I just woke up feeling ill." I then stopped and placed my hand on my stomach. "That's not possible.....L-let's get back to bed. I'll go see a healer tomorrow." Charlie nodded and helped me up. ---- I sat on the small bed waiting for the healer to come back. My hands shook in fear and excitement. 'This isn't possible. I can't bare anymore.' I heard the door open and I looked up to see the healer walk in. "Your speculations are correct Mrs. Weasley. Congratulations Viper; you're pregnant!" I looked at her in disbelief. I left the healers tent with my stomach in knots and my heart fluttering. My feet trudged in the snow heading up to the cottage. The sound of dragons in the distance. I made my way to our stables where Storm was waiting for his afternoon hay. I gave him the hay and brushed his coat. The Granian bumped his nose against my stomach. "So that's why you've been doing that? You knew?" I placed my hand on his snout and rubbed the soft fur with my thumb. I walked inside and put a kettle on the stove. Then tended to the garden outside. "Viper!" I turned and spotted Charlie walking towards me. I smiled and rushed over to him. "How was work love?" I kissed him on the cheek. He buried his face in the crook of my neck,"Like everyday love; amazing. Especially coming home to you. How was the visit to the healer?" I stopped him with my hand,"How about we discuss this over tea. I hear the kettle boiling." I kissed him and walked in the house. I fixed him a cup of tea which he gladly accepted. "So what did the healer say?" He asked me with a worried look in his eyes. I took a sip of my tea then put it down. "I-I had a hunch. There's only one other time I have felt like this." I looked up at him and smiled,"I don't know how, but Charlie..." I took a nervous breathe,"I'm pregnant...." I looked at him worried. He looked at me in shock and dropped his tea cup. He rushed towards me and embraced me,"I'm gonna be a dad?" I nodded and returned his embrace,"Charlie! We're going to be parents!" I finally cried out. Tears fell down my face as Charlie kissed my temple. "Mum will be so happy to hear she is getting another grandchild." Charlie laughed kissing me. Tears streamed down his face. He placed his hand on my stomach rubbing it lightly. By nightfall I laid curled in a blanket with a book in my hand. I looked outside to see  the snow falling on too our front yard. Charlie sat up and looked over to me with tired eyes. "Can't sleep?" He asked rubbing my back. "Yeah. I just can't seem to fall asleep." I leaned into him. My eyes now feeling heavy. Charlie noticed this and marked my page and put my book on the nightstand. He then turned the light off and pulled me down with him. "You're anxious and most likely nervous considering what happened last time." He spoke softly. He wasn't wrong. I am happy that I'm pregnant, but the last time I was our child died before it was even born. "When do you want to tell everyone?" I asked. He scratched his beard in thought,"Might as well do it on Christmas." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer. "Get some sleep love. We have a busy next few weeks." I smiled and snuggled closer to him. --- It was a rough few weeks to get by. The morning sickness was brutal. I would spend about an hour in the bathroom or with a bucket next to me. I was snapping at Charlie more. I noticed my stomach was slightly bigger. Christmas was two days away now and we were invited to stay there with Molly and Arthur. We apparated to the Burrow which was a terrible decision as I immediately threw up afterwards. "Okay...no more apparating. Let's head inside love." We walked towards the house and was greeted by Molly with open arms. "Charlie! Viper! It's so good to see you! How are you both?" She pulled Charlie into a hug and then me. "We've been really good Molly! Let's head inside it is incredibly chilly outside." We made our way in and saw that Bill, Fleur, George and Angelina were already here. I even saw little Victoire playing with her toys. Bill noticed us come in and raised his water glass,"Well look what the owl finally delivered!" Fleur came up to me and embraced me as well as Angelina. "You make it seem like we hadn't been around in a while." I playfully punched him. I felt little hands on my leg. I looked down and saw Victoire hugging my leg. I smiled and picked her up,"And how is my little niece doing!? Are you behaving?" I blew a raspberry on her cheek making the little girl giggle. "You are so good with kids. 'ave you and Charlie ever thought of having any?" I looked at Fleur then to Victoire and nodded,"We've been thinking about it." I looked over to Charlie who was chatting with George and Bill. Angelina joined Fleur and I. She brought Fleur and I wine while she only had a pop. I put Victoire down who went to her grandpa who was working on a radio. "You are not going to drink with us Ange?" I asked her. She shook her head and leaned in close. "I can't. We're going to surprise everyone on Christmas morning. I'm pregnant!" I looked at her in shock,"How long?" She moved her jacket and showed the tiny but noticeable baby bump,"Three months!" I laughed and handed her my wine glass,"Well while we're on the subject I need  pop too." Fleur looked at me flabbergasted,"But I thought you couldn't-" I smiled,"It's a bloody miracle, but I'm pregnant as well. Charlie and I were going to do the same thing and surprise Molly." Angelina and Fleur both put down their drinks and hugged me tightly. "Wait how long are you?" Angelina asked. "About a month. Maybe two. The healer didn't tell me how long I was." Angelina handed me a pop with a smile. We heard a pop outside the house and spotted Ginny and Harry walking up and he had little Teddy with him. They walked in and Victoire wobbled over to Harry who was holding Teddy. He put Teddy down and watched as Teddy and Victoire hugged and went to play with the toys. Ron and Hermione showed up not much later. Percy was the last to show up because of his job. ---- After helping Molly with dinner we all sat down and talked about all kinds of things. George then stood up and raised his glass. "We have an announcement to make. Angelina and I are going to have a baby!" Molly squealed while everyone else was freaking out. Charlie looked at me in shock. "I guess its just that time of year." I laughed quietly. We finished with dinner and watched as Harry and the other Weasley's hopped on brooms and started playing against one another. Molly stood next to me with a smile on her face. "You and Charlie seem to be doing well. Has life in Romania been nice?" She asked. "It's been lovely. But I can't wait to get back to my students." I smiled and watched as Harry and Charlie chased the snitch. "Well I was just saying that you are just glow-" She stopped and looked at me with shock,"Oh my God! Are you?!" She pointed at me in excitement. "Surprise." I smiled,"We didn't want to take away from George and Angelina." Molly had tears in her eyes as she hugged me. "You should announce it tomorrow morning when we're opening presents!" She squealed. "It was supposed to be your Christmas present Molly!" I laughed. We noticed them land and now covered in sweat and dirt. Charlie walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Love you should've played! Everyone knows you are the best chaser in all of Hogwarts history!" He said. Ginny thumped him on the head and glared at him. "Well if your brain worked correctly; you would remember that I am the best Chaser in Hogwarts history. I play for the Holly head Harpies remember?" "Yeah but Viper was given the opportunity to play for Ireland!" He stated. "But she's from England, why wouldn't the England team offer her?" Hermione asked. "They were too busy trying to get Charlie on their team. Plus my mum is from Ireland." I told her. Molly then invited us inside for tea. I enjoyed the fresh smell of peach tea. We sat and talked for a good hour when I noticed the time,"It's getting late. We should head out." I placed my hand on Charlie's arm. HE nodded in agreement. We said our goodbyes and left for the night. That Christmas was the best Christmas the Weasley family had ever had. ---- Seven months later. I laid in bed listening to the summer wind's lullaby. I hummed as I rubbed my stomach calming the two babies that were kicking my ribs. I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly midnight. Charlie had been working all day and night. I winced as another round of kicks hit my ribs. I jumped as I heard the door crack open. "Lumos!" I whispered as I pointed my wand at a tired looking Charlie. "God Charlie; you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I sighed. He grinned at me and stripped his shirt off. I threw a pillow at his head causing him to laugh. He leaned towards me and kissed me gently,"Now you going to tell me what's wrong love?" I looked at him confused,"What do you mean?" "You look like hell darling." He rubbed his thumb on my cheek,"Plus you're still awake. You should be sleeping." I sighed,"The twins are keeping me awake. It's almost like they're playing football in my stomach!" Charlie brought his hand down to my stomach and began to rub circles. He leaned forward and kissed my ribs,"Will you two stop kicking you're mother? She's not a football you know." He smiled as he kiss my stomach again. The pain went away and soon I drifted to sleep, but not before getting a kiss from my love and hear a whispered,"I love you." I felt like I had only slept for a couple of minutes when I woke up in pain. I sat up and rubbed my back thinking it was just an early contraction. I tried to lie down again but another shot of pain went through my body. I whimpered and shook Charlie. "Charlie...Charlie!" When he didn't budge I grabbed my pillow and swung it at him. "Bloody hell woman!? What do you want?" He looked at me groggily. I felt liquid pour down my leg and panic ensured my heart,"We need to go to the healer...NOW!" He rubbed his eyes and then froze,"Wait, but you shouldn't be due for another two months!" "She said they could come early! Charles, my water just broke!" He grabbed a shirt and pants and then helped dress me before rushing me to the hospital. I was now in serious pain and my breathing felt labored. I felt Charlie's hand on mine. A glint of joy in his eyes on that worried freckled face of his. ---- After 17 hours of labor pains, screaming and Charlie trying to calm me down; the cries of our children filled the room. The healer placed the two bundles in my arms. The baby boy was quietly sleeping while the girl in my other arm was crying out loud. Tears fell from my eyes as I held my children in my arms. "They're beautiful." I brushed my thumb over the blue blanket. Charlie looked in awe as he sat down next to me on the hospital bed. He kissed my forehead and smiled down at our new additions. "Of course they are. They take after their mother." He kissed my shoulder. "Nuh uh. Our daughter has your hair. Look; it's red." He looked and smiled at the baby girl. I handed our daughter to Charlie,"Easy with her head." "I have younger siblings Viper; remember?" He cradled our daughter close to his chest while cooing at her. "What do you think of the name Avalon?" I asked him,"Ava for short. Our little apple." He smiled and kissed Ava's head. "And what about Gideon?" He looked at the baby boy in my arms. "After your late uncle?" "Yeah. My uncle's were the bravest men I've ever known." He leaned into me as he smiled at our children. ----- (Three years later) I watched as the two three year old kids running around the house chasing Galleo. Charlie laughed as he caught Ava and gave her a raspberry on the cheek. Gideon ran into the kitchen looking at me with his big ol' blue eyes at me. I gave him three cookies,"Share with your father and sister." I laughed as he waddled over to Charlie and Ava. Charlie put Ava down and grabbed the cookie from Gideon with a smile. He made his way into the kitchen with me as I pulled another batch of cookies out of the oven. I hummed to the music playing on the radio. I smiled at the papers on the counter that were faced down. "You seem very cheerful today love; any good news?" He asked me kissing my temple. "Only one." I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. "Mmm and what would that be love?" I turned and looked him in the eyes,"What do you think about having one more?" I said glancing towards our children who were playing with their toys. Charlie looked at me in shock,"Well I'd be thrilled but do you want to go through the pregnancy?" He looked at me with worry. "The healer said I would be fine. My body's healed enough to the point where there would be no complications." I smiled as I handed him the papers. "That's gre- healer? When did you go see a healer?" He looked at me in confusion. "When I started getting sick the last couple of days." I hinted. He then looked at the paper in his hand and then back at me,"Wait...you're-!?" I nodded and waited for his response. He laughed and pulled me into a tight hug. "We're going to have another baby!" I laughed as I hugged him back. The two kids were looking at us in confusion. I smiled and looked over to Charlie,"So do you want to break the news to them or do you want me?" I laughed at him. We made our way to the kids with smiles on our faces. I looked in the corner and I saw Jacob smiling at me and the kids. I felt my heart break as he then disappeared. Jacob. That would be a good name for our son.
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lexrius · 6 years ago
Omg soooo cute!!!!! She's perfect! The art is gorgeous!!!!
I would love to see v3 with mc Viper and Charlie!! Your art is so adorable BTW!!
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Thank you!❤ Sorry that I took so long, I hope you like it and I hope I didn’t draw your character wrong 🙈
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lexrius · 6 years ago
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I laid in bed listening to the summer wind's lullaby. I hummed as I rubbed my stomach calming the two babies that were kicking my ribs. I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly midnight. Charlie had been working all day and night. I winced as another round of kicks hit my ribs. I jumped as I heard the door crack open. "Lumos!" I whispered as I pointed my wand at a tired looking Charlie. "God Charlie; you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I sighed. He grinned at me and stripped his shirt off. I threw a pillow at his head causing him to laugh. He leaned towards me and kissed me gently,"Now you going to tell me what's wrong love?" I looked at him confused,"What do you mean?" "You look like hell darling." He rubbed his thumb on my cheek,"Plus you're still awake. You should be sleeping." I sighed,"The twins are keeping me awake. It's almost like they're playing football in my stomach!" Charlie brought his hand down to my stomach and began to rub circles. He leaned forward and kissed my ribs,"Will you two stop kicking you're mother? She's not a football you know." He smiled as he kiss my stomach again. The pain went away and soon I drifted to sleep, but not before getting a kiss from my love and hear a whispered,"I love you."
------ Sneak peak from a story I have been writing.
This took me so long to do and I apologize for the lack of writing and content.  
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lexrius · 6 years ago
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“Rough night”
WIP of something I have been working on!.Colored version will be up later. 
Sorry I haven’t been as active. Work has been taking up most of my time as well as my writing.
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lexrius · 6 years ago
The Dragon’s Mate
AN:This is the first fanfic I’m posting here. Kinda nervous, but here it is! I don’t own any cannon characters. They are owned by JKR. Rey Winchester is owned by the wonderful @drew-winchester. Viper is my own Character.
Please Enjoy!
I watched from Diagon alley as the dark wizard snuck towards Knockturn alley. I kept my head down as I walked into knockturn alley behind my target. "Sulfuric sanctum." I heard him whisper to the statue in the stair case down to the shops. I followed closely as I whispered the same password. "Ladies and Gentlemen! The bidding for the opal-eye egg is about to begin!" I watched as they auctioned very illegal items. I grinned my teeth as my intel walked beside me. "I'm going to need an eye witness Fryer." I whispered and bid every now and then to appear non-suspicious. "You know the cost Akela." "Not sending you to Azkaban should be enough." I glared at him. "Been there done that. It won't harm me to go back for another ten years. I want my Galleons." I scoffed and handed him some galleons. Soon the egg was shown and my attention soon shot to it. I waited for the bidding to end then followed the wizard out into the dark alley. “Incarcerous!" The wizard struggled as we apparated to the ministry. "You bitch! Let go of me!" I silenced him and threw him into a cell. I confiscated his wares. I rubbed the dragon egg softly. "We'll take care of this. Get this egg back to the sanctuary." Moody ordered. I nodded and began to walk out. "Akela!" I turned and watched him hobble over to me. He handed me a letter,"The Phoenix calls. We'll see you at Grimwald place." I nodded and apparated away with the dragon egg. I smiled as I breathed in the Romanian air. I apparated to the house I knew would be open these hours for me. I opened the door and walked in while cradling the dragon egg in my arms. Charlie Weasley had his head on his desk. Books everywhere. Silent snores escaping his mouth. I placed the dragon egg on the table and lightly rubbed his shoulders. His eyes peered open and closed with a groan. "Viper? What are you doing here?" I kissed his shoulder as I walked to the table. "Your boss sent me on a mission to retrieve a stolen item." I picked up the dragon egg and placed it in his hands. "The Opal-eye!? Thank you love!" He placed it on his desk and embraced me. I missed the feeling of his arms around me. After he got accepted into the dragon sanctuary; Charlie and I kept our relationship even through long distance. with him being a Dragonologist and me working in the ministry as an Auror. "How long can you stay?" He asked as he pulled me towards his bed." "Sadly love only one night." I kissed him deeply. "Let me take the dragon back to the sanctuary and we'll make most of tonight." He kissed me back. I smiled and changed into pajamas I kept here and observed the note Moody gave me. "We're escorting Potter to Grimwald place. Meet us there tomorrow night." I read. I looked up as Charlie apparated back into the house with a yawn. He smiled and stripped in front of me and climbed into bed. I nuzzled with him as we made love with the moonlight glistening our skin. ---- I met with the order brooms at the ready as we entered the Dursley's house. Harry with his wand raised looked at us with uncertainty until his eyes met Moody's. We escorted him out of the house. His smile widened as both Tonks and I raced on our brooms. The feeling of racing through the quidditch field ran through my head. I saw the same look in Potter's eyes. Like Charlie's. Definitely a seeker. We made it to Grimwald Place and walked in. Tonks nearly tripping on a hat hanger. Molly ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Charlie says hi by the way." I whispered to her as Ginny ran up with a big smile on her face. ---- A week passed since we went to Grimwald Place. We escorted the kids to the Hogwarts Express. I was worried though. Umbridge was going to work there as the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. And not only did the minister want her there, but Moody put in the good word of me being a good teacher and great with magical beast. I was given the okay to teach at Hogwarts. Taking Hagrid's place as the Care of Magical creatures. I smiled as memories of the past came running back. Padfoot trotted next to me and pulled my jacket sleeve. I followed suit as a note appeared in his mouth. He turned into his normal form. "Dumbledore wanted you to have this." He placed the letter in my hands. "He said keep an eye on Harry. Now go catch the train before it leaves." I nodded and said goodbye. ---- I got into my robes and sat down at the professor's table. Flitwick smiled at me and congratulated me for becoming a professor. I then smiled at Rowan who had become the new History of Magic teacher. I sat next to Professor Sprout who gave me a tight hug,"It's good to see you again darling." "It's good to be back." I hugged her back. We sat down and watched the sorting hat sing his song. In times of old, when I was new, And Hogwarts barely started, The founders of our noble school Thought never to be parted. United by a common goal, They had the selfsame yearning To make the world's best magic school And pass along their learning. "Together we will build and teach" The four good friends decided. And never did they dream that they Might some day be divided. For were there such friends anywhere As Slytherin and Gryffindor? Unless it was the second pair Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, So how could it have gone so wrong? How could such friendships fail? Why, I was there, so I can tell The whole sad, sorry tale. Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those Whose ancestry's purest." Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose Intelligence is surest." Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those With brave deeds to their name." Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot And treat them just the same." These differences caused little strife When first they came to light. For each of the four founders had A house in which they might Take only those they wanted, so, For instance, Slytherin Took only pure-blood wizards Of great cunning just like him. And only those of sharpest mind Were taught by Ravenclaw While the bravest and the boldest Went to daring Gryffindor. Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest and taught them all she knew, Thus, the houses and their founders Maintained friendships firm and true. So Hogwarts worked in harmony For several happy years, But then discord crept among us Feeding on our faults and fears. The Houses that, like pillars four Had once held up our school Now turned upon each other and Divided, sought to rule. And for a while it seemed the school Must meet an early end. What with duelling and with fighting And the clash of friend on friend. And at last there came a morning When old Slytherin departed And though the fighting then died out He left us quite downhearted. And never since the founders four Were whittled down to three Have the Houses been united As they once were meant to be. And now the Sorting Hat is here And you all know the score: I sort you into Houses Because that is what I'm for. But this year I'll go further, Listen closely to my song: Though condemned I am to split you Still I worry that it's wrong, Though I must fulfil my duty And must quarter every year Still I wonder whether sorting May not bring the end I fear. Oh, know the perils, read the signs, The warning history shows, For our Hogwarts is in danger From external, deadly foes. And we must unite inside her Or we'll crumble from within I have told you, I have warned you... Let the Sorting now begin. With that the students were sorted and Dumbledore began his welcome speech. "-I would like to introduce to you two new professor's who will be joining with us this year. Viper Akela who will be taking over the Care for Magical Creatures classes and Dolores Jane Umbrige who will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts classes." He then continued his speech until he was rudely interrupted by Umbrige. She then went and gave her own speech. She finished and went back to her seat. My heart pounded as rage filled my head. After that we ate. We went to a teacher's meeting to discuss the curriculum this year. We looked at Umbridge dumbfounded. She wasn't going to teach them to defend themselves! Dumbledore sent me a look which kept my mouth shut. "Miss Akela; may I have a word with you?" Umbridge said to me as we were leaving. I stopped and watched her closely,"The Minister has given me orders for you to report everything that goes on that I may not see. I will be doing check ups on your performance as well." She smiled sickly at me and walked away. I waved my wand and shut the door in her face. She turned with a quizzed look on her face. 'Oh I ticked her off.' I thought. "Miss Akela?" "First off it is Professor Akela; Umbridge. Secondly; I only answer to two people and that is Madeye Moody who I work under as an Auror and Headmaster Dumbledore who I work under as a Professor. I don't work under you Umbridge! And you better damn well remember that!" I glared at her and walked away. I sighed and went to my Dorm. I smiled as I saw my niffler Galleo was snuggled in his small bed. I sighed and went to bed. This was going to be a long year. ---- I smiled as I taught my third year students about nifflers. Galleo being the perfect one to show them how to handle nifflers if they ever work with one. I smiled as each student was well behaved except a few who were messing around. Which I docked points away. After dark however I would turn into my animegus form and wander around the forest talking to the centaurs on what was going on. Torovus was shocked to see me, but greeted me as an old friend. However; I started to notice small things going on. Some of my students came to me after getting detention from Umbridge with red marks on their hands. Then with Umbridge as High Inquisitor she has put up educational degrees. It wasn't until I saw Nevile Longbottom and Rey Winchester sneaking into the Room of Requirements. "Nice one Potter." I smiled as I heard two students of mine mention a DA meeting. --- I was cleaning Hagrid's hut and feeding the creatures when Hagrid came bursting in with his umbrella pointed at me,"What are ye'-" HE then stopped and smiled as he recognized me,"Blimey... is that really you Viper?" I laughed as Hagrid hugged me,"You've gotten so big and grown up! And how's Galleo?" As if on cue the niffler clawed up my back and clung to my shoulder. "Snrk Snrk!" "So does this mean I get to retire from my teaching post?" I laughed as he looked at me in shock. "Dumbledore requested you?! I thought you were going to be the new Defense Professor, but then I heard that Umbridge has taken over the school." "Basically." We then heard a knock on the door. "We'll talk later Hagrid." I opened the door and saw Ron, Harry and Hermione. I nodded towards them and walked back towards the castle. ----
I had come down from the Owlery when I was told by Professor Snape that I had night watch tonight. It was a couple of nights before Christmas break and I was stuck on night watch.
It wasn’t until I saw McGonagall with Harry and Ron helping Harry towards Dumbledore's office where my I started to panic. "Professor Akela, please get the rest of the Weasley children up. Something may have happened to Arthur. And please send word to Charlie and Bill as well." I nodded and rushed towards the Griffindor common room. Ginny, Fred and George rushed towards Dumbledore's office. I looked with worry as Harry snapped at Dumbledore. I helped the kids pack as we went back to number twelve Grimwald place. I came back to Hogwarts to teach for the rest of the week. I jumped slightly as a light came bursting into my dorm. I relaxed when I saw it turn into a Welsh Green. "I don't know when this will reach you love, but I have most of Christmas off and would like for you to spend it with me." Charlie's voice emerged from the dragon’s open mouth. "Let me know soon love. I love you. Also tell McGonagall hello." I smiled and watched as the dragon disappeared. I took out my wand and aimed it towards the window. I remembered going to the Burrow for the first time. The laughs with the twins. Hanging with Ginny and teaching her a little bit about quidditch. Quidditch practices with the entire family. And the romantic night under the stars with Charlie. The first time we made love near the lake. Our whispers of sweet nothings and I love yous. Our promise to spend the rest of our lives together. "Expecto Patronum." I said quietly. I watched as my patronus took form into a mare. I looked at the Bay mare with a gentle smile,"I will see you in a week my love, but send an owl to your family. Your father has been hurt. Please stay safe Charlie. I will contact you the day before I leave. I love you too." I flicked my wand and the light shot out towards the mountains. ---- I spent a day at number twelve Grimwald place. Helping Molly around before Christmas. "Professor? Are you not staying here for Christmas?" Hermione asked. I smiled and shook my head. "She's going to Romania to study a handsome red dragon!" Fred popped next to me. "Yeah I bet she's going to research a lot of things. Maybe even the way he mates!" I blushed as I shooed the twins away. "Those two! I swear-" I sighed and looked shyly at the blushing Griffindor. "Sorry about that, but what they said is true. I will be going to Romania to visit Charlie." "Is it hard? You know; to stay together?" She asked as she helped me with the cooking. "At times. But letters and Holiday's like this makes the wait worth something. It's almost like a blessing in disguise." I smiled at her. She smiled back and kept cooking. "If only that blessing wasn't covered by the curse of long distance." A voice appeared behind us. I turned and saw Charlie walking in with some presents and that handsome grin of his. I dropped the spoon I was holding and ran up to him. He put down the presents just in time for him to catch me in a hug. "Charlie?! What are you doing here?!" I asked as I kissed his cheek. He laughed and kissed me back,"Picking up my wonderful girlfriend. I'm also here to see how dad's doing." Molly came through the kitchen and rushed to her son. Soon all the siblings began to join in. Charlie even dragged Harry into a hug. Charlie and I had dinner here and then apparated back to his small cottage. ---- I woke up to the sounds of dragons roaring in the distance and a Weasley snoring beside me as his arms enveloped around my body. I sighed as I snuggled closer to the love of my life. "Vi?" He woke up groggily as he pulled me to his chest running his hands through my hair and up my bare back. "Sorry to wake you Charlie." I kissed his chest. He smiled and rolled on top of me. His lips met mine just as the sun peaked through the curtains. We laid there trying to muster up the energy to get active as Charlie was taking me to see the new Peruvian Viper they got in. We finally got up and walked around the sancuary. We even visited Norbert. My eyes fell upon the Norwegian Ridgeback. Remembering when a furious but excited Charlie wanted me, Penny,  Liz and Barnaby to help him move Norbert to Romania in the first place. "Viper? Can I ask you something?" "Mmm what is it love?" I felt his arms leave my sides and felt his hands entangle in mine. "Marry me?" My stormy eyes met his with shock,"What? "Marry me. Viper you are my everything. Without you I'm just an incomplete mess. You are what keeps driving me to go on all these adventures and to enjoy everyday even if its been my worst." He kissed me deeply. My heart pounded as everything clicked in my head. "Yes." I answered out of breath. He smiled and pulled a ring out of the dresser and put it on my finger. "Charlie..it's beautiful. Where did you get it?" "I made it with Norbert's fire. Remember that night where I asked you to get me a couple of things while you were in France? The gold and the gems were used for this ring." He put it on my finger and kissed my head. I observed the ring in awe. "Charlie that was two years ago." "And it took me that long to make it." He then chuckled as he held me,"Did you know dragons mate for life?" I laughed as he spewed more dragon knowledge. Viper Weasley. It had a nice chime to it. We went back to the Cottage after a picnic in one of the open fields near the reservation. It was a wondrous night full of soft music, dancing and wine. I opened my eyes and looked at the time. I got dressed and started reading over my notes for next semester. I felt Charlie wrap his arms around me as he peppered my shoulder with kisses. "You looking over your class notes?" "Yes I'm trying to decide what I should teach fourth years about first." He rested his head on my shoulder as he read my class list and schedules. I felt his arms wrap around me as he hummed quietly,"Viper Akela. I love you so much. My Raksha." "Don't make me blush Longhorn." ---- I made it back to Hogwarts and began my lessons again. Because of Umbridge's terrible classes; I was teaching them defensive spells against some creatures. Umbridge was observing my classes today. And she was getting on my nerves. I was teaching the fifth years about Granians. I even brought my granian from my Ranch. He was my personal steed since I was a kid. "Now who can tell me where the name for Granians came from?" I walked towards the chalkboard and grabbed a piece of chalk. "They're named after Norse hero Sigurd's steed Grani." A ravenclaw called out. "Correct! Ten points to Ravenclaw for Mr. Aileanach's sharp answer. Although next time I prefer if you raised your hand next time." I laughed and returned to the board as I sketched out a quick Dioramma of the winged horse,"Granians are the fastest breed of winged horses to be discovered. My friend Storm here has run on ground around 71.76 km/h. Any witch or wizard can own one if permitted to own one and must keep it under a Disillusionment Charm daily so no muggles see the creature's wings. Now-" "Ahem." Umbridge interrupted. "Yes Professor." I looked at her trying to keep my temper. "Do you have a permit to care for all these creatures?" "Yes I-" "And do you have a permit to keep them here?" She interrupted again. "Yes. Headmaster Dumbledore has agreed to let me keep these creatures-" "And where do you keep them when you are gone from the school?" "Home with me! Dolores if you are done I have a class to teach!" I snapped at her,"And if you don't shut your mouth and keep interrupting me I will put a silencing charm on you!" With that I turned my back to her and wrote on the chalk board. "Apologies everyone. Now back to our lesson. Granians best known for their speed have been entered into horse races. However; they are forbidden to run in a normal horse race as it would serve unfair to muggles and the horses they-" "Ahem." I turned towards Umbridge with a glare that would terrify any dragon. "It says here that you are an auror. Why did you not teach defense against the dark arts?" "Because a monkey took the position before me. Besides; I love magical creatures and aced my classes with Outstanding on my O.W.L's." Umbridge turned red as I called her a monkey. "I think the Minister would love to look over your old records. You seemed to be a trouble maker in school. You seem to still be a trouble maker to this day." "What does this have to do with my class Umbridge?" I glared at her. "Hmm and it looks like you use your vacation days quite well. Why is that?" I stopped and then turned back to the class,"I want a three page research essay on winged horses on Friday. Tomorrow we will be learning about Abraxans. Class dismissed." I noticed Rey staying behind looking at me with worry. "Are you going to answer my question Akela?" "If it will get you off my back Umbridge; it is to see my Fiance who lives there! Is that a problem?" "No. I guess congratulations are in order. Who is the lucky man?" She asked. "Charlie Weasley; now leave while I clean up here." "I can leave whenever I want to Akela. Personally you threatening me in front of students was humiliating! I can have you fired from it!"I turned and glared at her,"You know. The Minister and Dumbledore made a mistake to make you a professor. I can see your mother and father made a mistake as well." With that I grabbed the reigns of Storm and walked him back to his stall. It was a quiet until I heard a couple of footsteps running towards us. "Viper!" I turned and saw Ginny and Luna running towards me. "It's professor here Ginny. Hello Luna; keeping the Thestrals well fed?" "Oh yes Professor! I saw one give birth recently too!" She said dreamily. "I'll have to check on them later." "Is it true though?!" I looked at Ginny with a questioning look. "Did Charlie really propose?!" I smiled to her and showed her the ring Norbert made. "Did your brother tell you?" I asked her as both girls observed the golden ring with the Garnet gem in the center,"No Neville and Rey told us. Rey over heard you talking to Umbridge. Charlie really did an amazing job!" "Yes he did. Now off to your next class you two." I watched them run back towards the castle. I walked to the Forbidden Forest to check up on the Thestrals. Even seeing the baby that Luna mentioned. --- I did some rounds and heard some strange noises come from the wall. 'I'm searching for those brilliant students who use you for teaching.' I thought. I watched as the room of requirements appeared before me. I heard mutters and whispers of worried students. I entered quickly and shut the door behind me. I looked around and spotted all the Weasley siblings, Harry, Hermione, Nevile, Rey and Luna as well as many other of my students. "Professor Akela!? We were umm-" Hermione started. But I raised my hand to silence her. "Going behind Umbridge's back and rules and from the looks of it teaching Defensive spells?" I looked at them all. "Which spell are you all on?" I asked Harry. "The Patronus charm." I nodded and thought of a dueling dummy. Which appeared. I raised my wand and aimed it at the dummy. "Have you just started to teach them?" Harry nodded and backed away from the dummy,"We've barely just started professor." "Well then. All of you listen because once I show you how to do this, Harry will continue his teachings and I will disappear without knowing anything." All the students muttered among themselves before returning their glances to me. I took a deep breathe and eyed my target,"Powerful memories can change. Think of a memory that makes you happy. Close your eyes and imagine that memory. Is it family? Friends? Or maybe even a place with the love of your life? Let it flow through your body and then cast the spell Expecto Patronus." I watched everyone looking at me with intent eyes. "Expecto Patronus!" I swished my wand and out came the Bay Mare. It galloped around me snorting and whinnying as it then charged the dummy. It then dissipated back in to a blue-ish white smoke. Everyone clapped and thanked me. "Mr. Potter." I looked at Harry with an impressed look,"They're all yours." I smiled and left the room as they began practicing. I made it down the hallway before I spotted a furious looking Umbridge marching towards the Room of Requirements. I walked up to her and stopped her,"What's got you in a huff Professor?" I glared down at her but she waved her wand and I was launched backwards towards the entrance of the Room. She looked at the wall and I pulled my wand out on her. She flicked it again and launched me against the wall. "Bombarda!" She said as the wall's bricks exploded. There were a couple more before a small hole appeared in the wall. "PROFESSOR! You are destroying this school! I will speak to Dumbledore-" I stepped in front of the wall but that didn't stop her. "Bombarda Maximus!" "Protego!" The impact was to great and I was slammed through the wall and into the practice chamber. Blood trickled down my arm as I had a gash on my shoulder when a sharp piece of rubble ripped through it. Fred and George ran up to me and helped me up. "You all will be in trouble for this! And Professor Akela; you will be fired from your position as Care of Magical creatures professor and I will indefinitely report this to the Minister of Magic to make sure you are sacked from the ministry!" I griped my wand as she walked over to my students. "No." "What do you mean no!?" She yelled. "I told you once bitch. You are not my boss. I didn't do anything to go against your rules. In fact I tried to stop you from breaking the school's own rules. You just destroyed a small section of Hogwarts and attacked a teacher!" I aimed my wand at her. "I will escort Potter and the others to detention, but you will not threaten me or any student again! Is that clear?!" I glared at her as more blood trickled down. Umbridge took a deep breathe and looked at Harry. "Potter will come with me and so will you. The rest of the students will be led by Filch to the detention hall." The kids started making a fuss but I silenced them. "Just go and don't make things worse." I looked especially at Fred and George who nodded and understood. ---- I stood in Professor Dumbledore's office with Harry as the Minister, Kingsley and Dawlish as they tried to apprehend Dumbledore. He soon disables them and was whisked away from the school. The minister; after talking to Kingsley, looked in my direction,"Is it true that you knew about this illegal organization?!" He yelled at me. "Minister I had no knowledge of this organization. I asked her what she was so upset about and she used her wand on me and started to destroy Hogwarts walls. That is all sir." "Hmm. I believe you contacted the old Care for Magical creatures professor; am I correct Umbridge?" "Yes sir! And she was very willing to come back." "Very well. Viper Akela; you may stay but you will be an assistant to Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank. You are no longer a Professor." HE ordered. "Yes sir." I hung my head as he sent me out of the office. --- Luckily Professor Grubly-Plank enjoyed my studies more than her own and let me continue to teach the children. I was however summoned to Umbridge's office with Snape. I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Nevile and Rey being held in her office. "Ah good. Both of you have arrived. Severus I need some Veritaserum." Snape explained that he used the rest and would take too long to make more. "I don't care how long it takes. I want answers from them all! Akela; I need you-" "He's got Padfoot!" Harry cried out. My heart sank. "He's got Padfoot at the place where its hidden." Harry explained. "What-What is Padfoot?" "I don't know. What was I summoned here for again?" I asked her. "I need you to go to the Ministry and get the Minister here!" She barked at me. "Of course." I apparated to number twelve Grimwald place and bursted in. Sirius stood up with his wand raised. Molly, Arthur, Lupin and Kingsly all aimed their wands at me. "We have a problem!" ---- After some careful plannings we apparated to the Ministry to see the Prophecy room demolished. "Those kids are fast." I muttered. We made it to an area of the ministry I have never seen before. We noticed the kids being held by death eaters. We went down and started firing spells at the death eaters. Tonks and I gathered the kids in a hurry. Her getting Luna and Ginny away while heading towards Hermione. I grabbed Rey and Neville and ran towards Ron. I heard something shatter as Sirius was shot with the Killing curse. I watched in horror as one of our own passed through the veiled archway. I heard growling in front of me as Fenir Greyback stood before me. "Long time no see Blonde!" He sent a killing curse towards us. I put up a protection spell and disarmed him. "Incarserus!" He was tied down with ropes. Another deatheater appeared and charged towards us with a dagger in his hand. He charged towards Rey and Neville and before I can even think I rushed towards them as well. "Duck!" I ordered them. Neville and Rey ducked as I shifted into a wolf. I lunged at Greyback's shoulder and ripped into his scarred skin. He howled in pain and tried to get me off of him. He was able to lift me off and slammed me into the rocks. He took his dagger and stabbed it into my ribs. "You deserved this bitch." He grabbed my head as I changed back and was about to end my life. "Diffindo!" He screamed in pain as blood splattered the rock next to me. I looked over to Rey who had her wand pointed at him. He raised his wand at her but a good rock to the head knocked him out. "Remind me to give Griffindor fifty points for that Rey!" I laughed as I helped them towards cover. We continued to fight and defend ourselves until pops were heard all around the room. It was Fudge apparating to the Ministry with aurors close behind him. Heat me in shock and anger and started to march my way until he turned and stopped in fear. I turned and saw Bellatrix and Voldemort apparate away. Fudge sent for the aurors to arrest the death eaters while the children and the others wounded were taken to St. Mungos. You'd think we had a successful day. But with the death of Sirius and Voldemort still out there. The day was more for grieving. --- I sat next to Nevile, Luna, Ginny and Rey and told them stories about my adventures as an auror. "I even worked with your father once Rey! Strict man he was, but very damned good auror." I smiled at the young Griffindor. "Which reminds me." I handed her the old hard covered book I had with me. "Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them? Professor; I already have this book." She told me. "Look inside. My friends and I added to them." She peaked inside and her face lit up,"Your book got signed by Newt Scamander?!" "The one and only. He was impressed with our We added so many drawings and notes to it we added our own names to it. "Added notes and drawings by Longhorn, Raksha, Bowbie and Serpentina?" Ginny read aloud. "Our nicknames for each other in Care for Magical Creatures. Longhorn was Charlie, Bowbie was Barnaby, Serpentina was Liz and I was Raksha." Rey looked at all the notes and drawings in awe,"Think you can add a couple more?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded,"Add a couple more? This book will be filled with nothing but drawings!" Neville looked over Rey's shoulder and read the book from besides her. I played with the ring on my finger thinking of the future. I grabbed my notebook and started writing to my parents. --- I stood in the stalls to my ranch as I brushed Storm's pelt and mane. I heard a pop outside and saw Professor Dumbledore walking up to me. "Headmaster? What brings you to my home?" I smiled generously. "I have come to ask if you will have the honor of being Care of Magical Creatures Professor again." "Isn't that Hagrid's job now?" I asked as I finished grooming the Granian. "Yes, but you have better skills with higher class beast." He stepped closer and placed his hand on the horse's muzzle. "I will also need someone to care for Fawkes. I will be doing a lot of traveling this year." He smiled at me and handed me a letter. "I am also asking you as an auror. Hogwarts needs extra protection this year." I nodded and accepted the letter. "It was nice teaching them. I'll do it." "Excellent! I will be seeing you next year Professor Akela. And congratulation on the engagement!" I smiled and thought to my beloved.
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lexrius · 5 years ago
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Viper's too tired for everyone's bs
Made your tired MC in this picrew!
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I'm tagging: @kamiti-slytherin @zefirkazerin @hogwartsmysterystory @death-or-sleep @hanihonii @brothergrimm71 @angrynar @electricslytherindog @schwularadolf @thereluctantherosrose @guakamaya @kyril-hphm
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lexrius · 6 years ago
Dragon’s Mate Part 3
Arthur told me the plan when we showed up to the burrow. I would be helping Harry get to the burrow. I grabbed my broom and apparated to Harry's home early so I can meet up with the aurors protecting the Dursley's. I spotted the family packing and stuffing their car. Harry spotted me and smiled lightly,"Professor!" "Good morning Harry! Busy day?" I looked and saw his uncle glaring at me,"May I come in?" "Of course." I examined the house as Harry helped move some stuff. A man about the same age as Harry stopped on the stairs as he saw me. "Good morning." "Uhh hi." He came down the stairs and placed his box down. "You must be Dudley. I'm Viper Weasley; one of the professors at Hogwarts." I extended my hand towards him. He took it and shook my hand with a small blush. "Uhh nice to meet you too!" Harry was on the side trying not to laugh as Dudley seemed too embarrassed to speak. "Leave my son alone." I heard a voice bark at me. I turned to see a burly man standing there glaring at me. "I wasn't doing anything. I just said good morning." I beamed at Mr. Dursley. "Why are you here?" He asked. "I was sent here by Mr. Weasley to check up on the aurors who are here." "Well they're fine now who the bloody hell are you?!" His face turned red with anger. "Viper Weasley." Mr. Dursley looked at me in shock and backed up,"W-Weasley...You-Your related to those red haired freaks?!" "Well now that wasn't very nice!" I scolded him and crossed my arms in anger. "They had my son's tongue swell up!" "It was probably a prank from one of the twins! Not all the Weasley's are pranksters." "I don't give a damn! You and your filthy kind are not welcome here!" I glanced at Harry as he just shrugged. "Well Mr. Dursley I find it quite rude that you insult MY family! And I only came here to see if you all needed-" I spat out. "Well we don't need the extra help! Your kind has enough guards here!" He spat at me. I felt his spit trickle down my face. "You know Mr. Dursley... I can both literally and figuratively rip your throat out!" I growled at him. "You threatening me you freak!?" "Maybe I am you lazy sod!" I heard footsteps emerge from the kitchen,"I will not stand to hear language like that in my house!" Mrs. Dursley glared at both Mr. Dursley and I. "You're right Mrs. Dursley. I apologize for my words." I sighed,"Is there anything in the house I can help you pack?" Mrs. Dursley looked me over and motioned towards the kitchen,"You can help me in the kitchen." I walked towards the back as Mr. Dursley just glared at me. The kitchen was nice and spacious and the dining room was gorgeous. "This is a beautiful home." "Thank you." She spoke quietly as I helped pack her kitchenware. I spotted the two Aurors looking around the house not even helping. "I can get them to help if you want." I told her as I wrapped the plates neatly. "No they're fine. I'm surprised you are not using magic." I chuckled,"I don't like using magic for everything. Makes me feel lazy." I heard a chuckle come from Mrs. Dursley,"Yeah. You went to school at Hogwarts too?" "Yes. I graduated the year prior to Harry starting." I placed the plates carefully in the box. "I do apologize on the behalf of Fred and George. I don't know what they did to your son, but if it had anything to do with that joke shop of theirs then it was indeed harmless, but very stupid of them." Mrs. Dursley just shook her head,"Their boys what can you expect?" She then observed me,"How are you related to them? You look nothing like the rest of them. Perhaps your mother?" "Huh?" I looked at her confused. Then it clicked,"Oh you got it all wrong. I married into the family. My maiden name is Akela." "Oh silly me; I should have put two and two together. Did you meet him in school?" I smiled and nodded,"Charlie and I started Hogwarts the same year. I was very nervous since my family had just lost my brother and had fallen into the rumor mill. He and my friend Rowan cheered me up on the train." "That was very nice of them." "Yeah. I started to fancy Charlie when I watched him practice Quidditch with the Gryffindor team. He was cute and charming. I made a bet with him that Hufflepuff would beat their team. After the game that we lost, he stopped by the locker room and handed me the golden snitch he caught. "A Present." He said. After every game he or I won he would always be by my side." I spotted her smiling as she continued to pack. I then felt her eyes linger on me. She finally broke the silence after a good fifteen minutes,"May I ask what happened to your face?" I stopped what I was doing as my breath hitched. "I got into a fight with a werewolf. I was protecting my brother-in-law and my students." "Does that mean-" "No. He wasn't in that form.... However the scars are permanent." She looked at me with saddened eyes. She felt tense as she let out a huff of air. "I'm sorry if I seem frustrated. It's just that I've lived in this home for so long." I could tell she was holding something back. "I know the feeling. After my brother disappeared I felt the same way, but I stayed close to my friends who helped me through." I saw a small smile form on her lips,"You remind me of my sister." I smiled and finished packing up,"That's it. I'll take this to the car." I offered. I could see in the corner of my eye Harry watching from the hallway. I made it to the car just as Mr. Dursley finished putting boxes in the car. He shot me a glare. I rolled my eyes and set the box in the back. Harry leaned against the wall watching the aurors talking. "Professor...I want to apologize; I won't be attending Hogwarts this year." I placed my hand on his head. "Understandable Potter. The others will be here tonight. Moody will explain the plan to you." With that I walked to the Aurors. I talked to them and discussed their hideout. ---- Harry and I watched as the Dursley's left,"I'm going to do a perimeter check. Be careful who you answer the door to." He nodded. I rushed out of the house as my wolf form. I scouted the area looking for any death eaters that may gang up on us. I noticed some floating apparitions in the sky and took a mental note. I spotted the order and rushed towards them. "Wotcher Viper! You gave some of us a rightful scare!" Tonks laughed. I turned back with a look of seriousness. "It's a trap. I spotted a couple coming in the south. A couple more towards the east. They know we're moving him today." Madeye nodded and pulled out his flask,"I figured. That's why I brought this brew." I could smell the horrible brew of Polyjuice potion. It took a minute to realise the plan. I nodded and joined the others in the house. Moody explained the plan to Harry and got Fred, George, Tonks, Fleur, Mundugas, Ron and Hermione take the polyjuice potion. I was teamed to go with George and Lupin to act as a bodyguard. Once we got in the air we were targeted by death eaters. I aimed spells at them left to right. I spotted a familiar figure among them. Snape. "Avada Kadabra!" "Protego!" "Sectumsempra!" Snape's curse barely missed my leg. I casts a non-spoken spell at Snape which hit him dead on. I heard Lupin casting hexes and defensive spells near me. George and I used our quidditch skills to dodge the curses. Then Snape appeared before us and aimed his wand at us. "Sectumsempra!" I watched as George was shot by Snapes curse. He then repeated his attacked and hit my leg. I dove down and caught George; crashing my broom to the ground holding on to the bleeding Weasley twin. I felt my leg tear up even more as it hit jagged rocks. We made our way to the portkey. I felt my stomach churn as we were teleported. Lupin and I dragged George who was now slumped over. Blood poured from the wound on his head. I looked around and noticed we were in the fields near the Burrow. We rushed to the entrance and saw Molly and Ginny looking in horror as Harry rushed to our sides. We were second to come back. We rushed George inside to get him treated by Mrs. Weasley. Charlie rushed downstairs and looked at me in shock. He ran to my side and embraced me,"Are you okay?! What happened out there?! What happened to George!?" He then looked down and saw my leg dripping blood. I placed my hand on his chest trying to calm him down. "I'm okay love. Just a little scratch." I told him. Mrs. Weasley came over and wrapped my leg up as Lupin interrogated Harry. He then turned to me wand raised. He asked me his question to which I answered truthfully. He nodded and then made his way to the door where the others soon came popping back to the Burrow. All safe and sound. Except for two. Moody's death came as a shock to us all. I sat there silently wishing Rakepick killed Fletcher. I felt my chest get heavy as my breathing began to turn erratic. Charlie noticed that I was having a small panic attack. I hadn't had one since my time in Hogwarts with the cursed vaults. He squeezed my hand and pulled me to his old room and we just sat there as I cried silently. --- I helped set up the wedding tent giving me flashbacks to last year. I noticed Charlie shooting me a glance. We heard a pop as the new minister and Percy Weasley walking towards us. "What's the minister doing here?" Fred asked out loud. He spotted us and nodded,"Is Potter, Granger and Ronald here?" Mr. Weasley nodded towards the house with a small smile,"They're in the house Mr. Scrimgeour." He looked at us and nodded before turning towards the house. We returned to setting up for the wedding. I went through my wardrobe and found the mahogany dress similar to the one I wore to the Celestial Ball during my fourth year. The girls and I laughed as we helped Fleur in her wedding gown. Soon it was time for the wedding. I stood behind Fluer as her and Bill spoke their vows to one another. It was beautiful and touching. We then all gathered to the dance floor after the ceremony. Bill and Fleur danced merrily as the music played. Soon the bridesmaids and the best men gathered to the dance floor picking a partner. I wrapped my arms around Charlie as we danced. It reminded me of the Yule Ball during the triwizard tournament. I had convinced Charlie to go with me, since we didn't go to the Celestial Ball together. He gripped his hold on me as he kissed my bare shoulder. "I love you." "I love you too Longhorn." We then stopped after a while to get something to eat. I sat next to Ginny and talked about the school year. I noticed that she kept glancing at Harry. "Gin...He'll be okay! Besides; I doubt that boy would want to die off if it meant leaving you behind. He'll be back." I placed my hand on hers and smiled. She smiled back and nodded,"Yeah..I know.." I looked around as everyone was smiling and dancing, but the atmosphere soon died down as a silver wisp of a lynx ran into the middle of the dance floor. It was the scream of one of the attendees that caught my attention. Both Charlie and I pulled out our wands and watched intently. Other attendees did this as well. The Lynx patronus opened its mouth,"The Ministry has fallen. Schrimgeour is dead. They are coming." Guest started screaming and disapparating as black smoke filled the tent. With my wand at the ready I shot a few spells before getting locked in combat with one death eater. I ripped his mask off and saw the face of my own brother. "Jacob..." I looked at him with saddened eyes. He aimed his wand at me,"I'm sorry." He sent a curse at me that sent me flying into a table. "Cru-" "Stupify!" Charlie jumped in front of me and stunned Jacob backwards. The fighting came to a close and we were rounded up for questioning. They finally made it to me. "Viper Akela...Jacob's younger sibling. Where is Potter?" I leaned back and crossed my arms. "I don't know. He apparated away during the fight. He could be anywhere. Besides even if I did know; why would I tell you?" He glared at me and pulled back his hand and back handed me. I saw Molly flinch. Fire burned in her eyes as she glared at the death eater. I tasted blood and watched the man get closer with his wand,"Don't make me get ugly with you Akela!" I spit in his face and glared at him. "I don't know where Potter is. Now leave us be." I glared at him. I spotted Jacob looking away from me. "Watch your tongue when you go back to Hogwarts... Professor Weasley." With that they left. Mrs. Weasley rushed over and checked my lip,"I'm okay Molly." I placed my hand on hers. I helped them clean up the wedding and soon got myself ready to go back to Hogwarts. Fred and George returned to their shop. Bill and Fleur left the next day. Charlie was packing to go back to Romania. He begged me to return with him. "I'm sorry love. But someone needs to protect the children." I kissed him before returning to my bags. --- Ginny and I made our way to the Hogwarts express. She met up with Luna, Nevile and Rey while I made it to the teachers section. There I spotted Slughorn, Flitwick, Sprout, Hooch and McGonagal. "Viper!" I turned and spotted Rowan rush towards me and embrace me. "Rowan; how's Ben?" I saw her face turn sour. "He's in hiding." I noticed she was playing with her wedding ring. I remembered back when Ben proposed to Rowan. They were so happy. I remember during our fourth year when the celestial ball was announced. Ben and Rowan dancing together in the room. Smiling laughing. Penny, Andre and I set them up for a date which worked out miraculously. Our last day of Hogwarts; Ben took her to the Black Lake and proposed to her during the sunset. And now they live separately. "He'll be okay Rowan. He's strong. And brave." I gave her a tight hug and sat next to Flitwick going over some of my teachings for this year. It wasn't until the train stopped was where things took a turn. All of us rushed to where the students were. Death eaters gathered on the bus looking for Harry. "He morons! He isn't here." I shot Neville a look that made him quiet. The death eaters turned towards us and grinned. "He's not wrong. Why on earth would Harry come here?" I spat at him. "Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that Akela. He will most likely come; and when he does we will kill him and all who defy us." The death eater then turned to two other death eaters,"Alecto! Amycus! Looks like you two miss the train. Let's not keep them waiting for long." All of us teachers looked in shock as the two death eaters got on the train. They walked passed us and made their way to the teachers section. --- The ride to Hogwarts was quiet. I took the time to write notes on all the creatures I was going to teach about. I jumped when a hand crawled its way up my shoulder. I looked and saw that is was Amycus. "You are bloody fine looking to be a petty teacher. The name's Amycus Carrow. And what do I call you?" His horrid breath hit my face as he got closer. "Taken. Now leave me the hell alone or I will personally rip your throat out." "Yes I've heard you can turn into a wolf. Don't worry; we can try doggy style later." I looked at him in disgust and slapped his face. He laughed and held a low growl at me. "I'll remember that later. Perhaps I can get Greyback to finish what he started" I shuddered at the thought. Professor sprout placed her hand on my back and switched seats with me. I continued with my lectures until darkness covered the skies. I noticed more and more death eaters on the grounds. My heart raced with worry as I made my way to the Great Hall. Snape sat in the headmaster's spot. My heart began to beat faster as I realized that they have taken over the school. After the very quiet feast; I retreated to my room. I quietly whispered into my wand a warning to the order,"Expecto Patronum..." I watched as the mare galloped away into the night. I brushed my finger against Athena's chest feathers as she gave me love nips,"Thanks girl. I needed some love." I gave her a mouse and let her eat in peace as I sat down and started sketching Athena to try and keep myself calm. ---- Throughout the weeks I have had to help students who had been used as target practice. I noticed some students disappearing throughout the weeks and re-appearing wounded and crying. I silently thanked all those times I trained with Madam Pomfrey. I had mastered healing spells and potions. I spent my spare time helping Madam Pomfrey heal students. "This is outrageous! These poor children having to go through this. And we can't say anything about it!" Madam Pomfrey sighed as she leaned back in her desk. I poured us some firewhiskey and handed her a glass. She took a sip of the firewhiskey and sighed,"Thank you Akela. My hands would've been full today if you had not stepped in." "It was no problem Madam Pomfrey. I just wish there was more I could do." I took a sip of the whiskey. The burn in my throat distracted me from the pain in my shoulder after blocking a curse from hitting a first year. Our attention turned to the door as Neville was rushed into the hospital wing. His head was gushing out blood and his arm was at an awkward angle. Rey, Luna and Ginny didn't look any better. I focused first on Nevile while Madam Pomfrey turned to Ginny who had a broken nose. "What happened?!" I demanded as I looked at the girls. "A couple of seventh years were beating up a couple of first years and Neville stepped in. They casted Afflicto at his arm!" Ginny tried to speak as Madam Pomfrey healed her nose. "Ginny then charged one of the boys and casted the bat boogy hex at him. Drew on the other hand took a good swing at one of the girls." Luna spoke quietly as I began to heal a gash on Rey's leg. I jumped slightly as a couple of students barged in with complaints. They stopped when they saw the three girls now sitting in chairs. They looked at me in fear,"P-Professor!? T-They attacked us in the hallway! We tried to defend ourselves." The Ravenclaw girl who I knew as Lillah Adams spat out as blood dripped from her lip. "Really now? And what of the first years you were attacking? Where are they?" I glared at all the students who looked at me in shock. "Miss Adams, Miss Martinez and Mr. Lucas; congratulations. You all will be serving detention with me for the next week. I will also be taking twenty points away from Slytherin and fourty away from Ravenclaw. I really hope you all like shoveling Graphorn poop." I heard Ginny snicker,"Something funny Miss Weasley?" "No Professor." Madam Pomfrey and I finished healing all their wounds. Neville had to stay in the hospital wing because of his broken bones. --- The next few months were awful. I would see students come to my class with bruises and cuts. Their clothes covered in blood. It was to the point where I had enough of this. "Doxy Venom." I told the eagle statue. The statue spun around revealing the entrance to the Headmaster's office. I walked over to the entrance and barged into the office. Snape looked up at me with an emotionless stare. "What is it Akela?" "Get your damn death eaters to stop hurting these kids! I am tired of my students walking into my class covered in wounds and blood." My breath was ragged with anger. "I have no control over them Akela. Now I suggest you keep your head low and quiet while we let them do what they do best." He returned to some papers. I could see his hands trembling a little bit. "I can see you care Severus, but if your too cowardly to do something than I will!" I walked out of his office in a flash. I couldn't stand before a cowardly traitor. This man didn't deserve to be called headmaster. I walked back to my room and spotted someone sitting in my bed. I quickly pointed my wand at the figure but then spotted the messy red hair and light brown eyes of my husband. I lowered my wand and tackled him to the bed,"What on earth are you doing here?!" I kissed him deeply. "I came here to pick Ginny and you up. They're tracking us Vi." He placed his hand on my cheek,"I think it might be best if we all go into hiding." I smiled sadly,"I can't." "What?" "The kids who have no home to go back to. I need to stay with them." He pulled me close. I felt him shaking a little,"Please Vi.....If this goes south....I can't lose you." I hugged him back and placed a small kiss to his cheek. "Charles....please.....I need to do this. I need you to trust me."  He sighed and looked at me with worry. "Okay. If you think this is for the best." HE then smiled lightly,"Can I at least spend one night with my wife? Afterwards Ginny and I will be gone." I nodded and kissed him. We spent the night embraced in each others arms. --- I woke up to see our clothes on the ground. His arms wrapped tightly around my body. His light snores brought my attention to his sleeping face. I placed my hand on his cheek which now had come to harbor his full grown beard. "Charlie! It's morning! Wake up!" I shook him awake as I began to get dressed. He stretched and grabbed his clothes. "Meet me in Kettleburn’s old office. I'll have Ginny ready." I made my way to the great hall and spotted Ginny with Neville, Dean, Seamus, Luna and Drew. "Miss Weasley....A word please." I told her. She looked at me confused and nodded. She followed me out of the great hall. With a worried glance she looked at me. I leaned against the wall and looked at her,"Charlie is here. He's going to take you to your family. You all are going into hiding." I placed my hand on her shoulder,"Stay safe and look out for each other." "Your not going with us?" "Someone needs to stay with the kids with no homes to go back too. I'll keep them safe." I hugged her and waited for her to pack her stuff up. We made it out without any of the death eaters noticing us. I spotted Charlie feeding my Graphorns. I placed my hand on his back,"Stay safe love." I kissed his cheek and left back towards the castle. "The Room of Requirements!" Ginny yelled. I turned and saw her eyes ablaze. "Putt the students with no homes in the Room of Requirements. Neville, Rey and Luna know what to do. Ask them." She then ran up and gave me a coin,"This is for Dumbledore's Army. Show this as proof." She then hugged me,"Good luck." I smiled and hugged her back. I then made my way back to the castle. ---- I helped escort all the students I could to the Room of Requirements. I spotted a couple of death eaters marching towards Luna who was happily reading. I rushed over to her and stood between her and the death eaters. "Move Akela." Alecto growled at me pointing her wand at me with blood lust in her eyes,"This girl has been breaking some rules and needs to be punished." "And what rule breaking might that be; Carrow?" "More along the lines of her father's doing. She is to be transferred and you will alloy us to do our "Jobs"." Alecto sneered at me. "I don't think so. Stupify!" I knocked Alecto back. Luna now behind me wand at the ready. "Crucio!" Another death eater casted at me. I fell to the ground in pain. I spotted McGonagal and Sprout rushing towards us. The death eaters raised their wands at the two,"You will have a far worse fate." With that they grabbed Luna and then me,"You just earned yourself a nice detention yourself Akela." With that they apparated us away. They took my wand and Luna's and dragged us to a gated mansion. There I saw Bellatrix Lestrange watching with a gleeful grin,"Well well well. We got two presents instead of the one?" She laughed and pulled my hair towards her face. "Caramel Blonde hair. Eyes of Storm Clouds. And scars left by a cursed wolf. Lovely to see you again Viper Akela. I bet dear old Jacob would love to see his little sister again!" She then pulled me towards the door of the mansion. There I spotted the Malfoys, Fenrir Greyback, Peter Petigrew and Jacob. "Why is she here?" Jacob asked quizzing. "She blasted Alecto into a wall while protecting the Lovegood girl. She also has been a thorn in our side at that school. I say its high time we get rid of her." The other death eater spoke. "Put them both in the dungeon. We'll figure out later." Lucius looked at me before returning to his work. ---- I sat in the corner shivering. We had been here for a long time. I had no idea what day or month it was. I helped take care of Olivander who was ill. However I started to grow ill as well. It wasn't until I started noticing that I was gaining weight in which I realized what was wrong. I hid it the best I could as they tortured me. Small tears fell down my cheeks as Bellatrix got done with the cruciatus curse. She stopped as an alarm went off. I watched as snatchers came in dragging three people with them. One of them turned towards me and tried to rush over to me,"Viper!" Ron's voice echoed. "Silence! Greyback; take our guest and Mrs. Akela to the dungeon. While we have a girl to girl talk." Bellatrix laughed maniacally at Hermione. They threw us in the dungeon with brute force. I nearly blacked out from the amount of torture I just endured. "Viper! Viper are you alright?!" I felt Ron kneel beside me. "Ron......why are you here? They'll.....they'll kill you...." I felt Luna rush over to me. "Luna?" "We were taken three months ago. She was trying to protect me from being taken but we both were captured." She stopped as Petegrew rushed down. I sat up and changed into my wolf form. "You better stand down Akela!" He aimed his wand at me,"I only want the goblin." I charged at him with a loud growl. "Difindo!" Lucius rushed down and shot me back into a pillar. I felt a strong pain in my stomach as I landed. They grabbed the goblin and rushed back up stairs. Olivander rushed to my side as I changed back. I was cursing as my body was filled with nothing but pain. A pop was heard as I spotted a house elf standing there talking to Harry. Luna rushed over to me and Olivander with the house elf in tow,"Meet me at the bottom of the stairs in ten seconds." With that we apparated to a beautiful beach. I looked up and saw a small cottage. "Help will be here in a second. I need to go back and help the others." The elf said before apparating back. "Viper?!" I looked up and saw Bill and Fleur rushing towards us. Fleur and Luna helped Olivander to the house while Bill tried to get me to stand. The pain in my stomach grew worse. I knew something wasn't right. The look on Bill's face as he picked me up said it all. I was flickering in and out of consciousness as the pain was getting worse. He set me in a bed and rushed out of the room while Fleur helped me as best as possible. I soon found myself in darkness. ---- I woke up to the sound of people talking. I opened my eyes to see Bill and to my surprise Ben. "Viper! You're up; that is one huge relief." Ben smiled down at me. "W-What happened?" I sat up sorely. "Harry, Ron and Hermione explained what happened recently. Luna explained about the incident at Hogwarts." Bill placed his hand on my shoulder. "Vi...I sent for Charlie." Bill looked down at his wand,"I sent my patronus to Romania." "I wish you hadn't. I don't want him to worry...." I looked at them and noticed they seemed quiet. The air in the room was thick with the feeling of dread. "What's wrong?" I asked Bill. He looked at Ben with a worried glance. "Vi...when....when was the last time you were with Charlie?" Bill crossed his arms. "Wha-I don't-" It took me a second to realize what he meant. I placed my hands on my abdomen. "Vi.....Did you know?" Bill looked at me with worry. "I-I did....Oh God..." I started to shake as I began to have a panic attack. "Viper?" Ben looked at me with worry. "Please leave..." I told them as I looked away. I heard Bill sigh and place his hand on my shoulder before leaving. Ben hesitated,"If you need me. Please don't hesitate to ask." He then picked up his stuff and left. ---- (Charlie's POV) I sat down in my bed with a long sigh while rubbing my eyes from the lack of sleep. I looked beside me at the empty spot on the bed. I remembered her visiting after she finished her auror training. It was also the first time we made love. I remember her eyes lighting up after she got herself tickets to go see the Quidditch world cup. Her visiting in fear after the Askaban breakout. The glow that was casted on to her as I placed the ring on her finger as she agreed to marry me. I placed my hand on her side of the bed. My heart hurt as I thought more about Viper. I heard about her disappearance from McGonagal. My thoughts were disrupted by a silver Lab running in my room. It's mouth opened like it was going to bark, but only words came out. "Get to shell cottage. Ron found Viper. She needs you." I looked at the patronus as it disappeared. My heart beat sped up as I grabbed my coat and apparated to the cottage. I spotted Viper looking away from the window towards something in front of the bed. I spotted Bill walking towards me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the beach. "Bill? What happened?" I pulled away from him when we were far enough. "They were apparated here by a house elf named Dobby. Friend of Harry's. She was in bad shape. Cuts and bruises everywhere. Luna told me she was hit by Defindo and hit a pillar...." "Is she alright?" I saw a look in his eye that made me worried,"She's...she's getting better.....but the baby....Charlie I am so sorry." My brain stopped working after I heard that word. A baby. She was PREGNANT!? "Bill...." "I contacted Ben to see if he could....save the baby..." He looked at the ground and walked over to the edge of the beach,"There was no saving him." A small grave was dug. No name just a small engrave,"Fleur and I...we buried the baby." I didn't realize I was crying until Bill pulled me into a tight hug. It was one of the only times I had cried in front of my brother. And now I couldn't stop. That was my child. My future. Buried in the ground all because of this damned war. After a good few minutes we made it back to the house. Fleur was talking with Ben who I was surprised to see wasn't the scared Gryffindor boy I met my first year, but a stronger man than I was who had come out of hiding to help my wife. "Ben." I smiled lightly and held my hand out. "Charlie...I really have no words." He shook my hand. He stood up and walked me to Viper's room. "She's...She's in shock. She knew about the pregnancy, but she didn't know she..." I stopped him. I opened the door to see Viper with her head in her hands crying. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped. I walked inside and closed the door. She looked up with glossy eyes. There was no light in them. "Oh love." I walked up to her and embraced her. I didn't realize it, but she was skinnier than she was the last time I saw her. "I should've gone with you." She clung to me as she began to cry again. "No. Viper what you did was brave." "But I lost our child! Why didn't I realize that I was pregnant?!" I pulled her closer as she buried her head in my shoulder. "Shh....." My body shook as I thought of our future together. "Charlie....I want to go home." Her voice shook,"I want to go back to Romania." I nodded and placed my hand on her cheek. Ben looked over her before giving the okay for her to apparate. I watched as she walked towards Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Viper!" Hermione ran up and hugged her,"I'm so glad you're alright!" "Will you be heading back to Hogwarts?" Ron asked. She looked back at me and smiled lightly,"No. I'm heading back to Romania with Charlie." "We have to take care of some business back in Romania, plus Viper needs rest. Fighting now would be suicide." I walked next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I looked at my little brother with pride. He was just a tad bit taller than me now,"Keep each other safe." Ron stepped forward and embraced me. "You too Charlie." He then turned to Viper as she opened her arms expecting a hug. He smiled and hugged her too. Bill was waiting for us outside alongside Fleur. We said our goodbyes and apparated to our home. Viper smiled as she spotted her Granian in our stables. She made her way to the giant winged horse and stroked his muzzle. "Hey boy. I'm home." She hummed. I saw a small spark of light appear in her eyes as she talked to the granian. She took a deep breath as she walked into the house. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder,"Welcome home love." ---- (Viper's POV) For the next week I relaxed in Romania treating my creatures and wandering the village. I would study and read while Charlie was away. But nothing could shake my thoughts off of what had happen in Malfoy Manor. I placed my hand on my stomach. I felt so empty; like a black hole was placed there. Nothing could fill it. I jumped when Charlie walked into the room. "Viper?" He sat down next to me on the bed. I smiled lightly and leaned into him. His arms wrapped around my body as he hummed. "How are you doing today love?" He whispered to me. I smiled and closed my eyes,"Yes....Charlie....Do you...do you think we can try again?" I felt him pull me closer,"Maybe after the war love." He rubbed my shoulder. A flash caught our eyes. Charlie jumped and pulled out his wand. He aimed it at the silver wolf. "Hogwarts is under attack! We need back-up!" Tonks' voice appeared out of its mouth. I stood up and grabbed my auror gear. "Viper...." "Let's go Charlie. We're getting the gang back together." I waved my wand,"Expecto Patronum!" The mare trotted around the room,"Send to Barnaby, Penny, Liz, Ben, Andre, Tulip and Merula! Hogwarts is in danger. Let's give them hell!" --- Charlie and I apparated to Hogsmede and made it to the three broomsticks. We saw all the citizens hidden and bundled together. "Akela? Weasley?" I turned and spotted Merula. "Nice to see you again Snyde." I looked around as everyone stared at us. "Hogwarts is under siege and we need to help them. We're not going o let no death eaters take this town as their own. Threaten our lives here!" Tulip looked around. "I say we show them what we villagers can do! What Hogsmede is capable of!" Ben cheered with. Merula turned to us and snickered,"You really think the nine of us would've made a difference? We gathered the villagers and parents of hogwarts students to fight alongside us." I barely heard her over the cheers of the villagers. We all grabbed brooms, thestrals and a beautiful hippogriff and rushed over to Hogwarts. We spotted death eaters, students, and teachers fighting. "Let's go!" I dove down and shot hexes and spells at the death eaters. I looked down in fear as I saw Voldemort. I looked and saw the giants charging in. "Aim for the giants attacking the school!" Merula ordered. "Charlie, Ben and I will land and help the professor's!" I told her. She nodded and we split up. I spotted Professor Sprout struggling with some students against death eaters. I landed and rushed towards them with protection spells and jinxes firing away. "Akela!? You're alright!" Professor Sprout had tears in her eyes. I stood beside her and the kids. A growl echoed the air. There stood Fenrir Greyback. His eyes percing into mine. My scars itched and throbbed as my blood pumped through my veigns. "Viper!" Ron rushed towards us with Neville and Rey. "Professor! Take the children to the hufflepuff dorms! We'll handle this!" I aimed my wand at Fenrir. Fenrir growled in contempt,"Come at me blood traitor! I want to rip your heart out and keep it as a trophy!" He raised his wand and sent body binding curses at me. Another death eater joined the battle and started shooting killing curses and torture curses at us. Flashes of red, blue, green and purple colored the walls of the great hall. "Give it up Akela!" I turned to the other death eater to see none other than Ismelda smiling as she shot curse after curse. "Ismelda?! We used to be classmates; don't make me do this!" I looked in sadness as she continued to fire. "You were the bane of my existence. First it was Barnaby and then Merula! You stole every friend I ever had that understood me!" She shot the cruciatus curse at me which hit me in the chest. I rolled over in agony as the pain overwhelmed me. I glanced over to see Greyback still fighting the three kids. They weren't doing so hot now that a third death eater joined the duel. I noticed instantly that it was Jacob. He looked at me in horror as I begged Ismelda to stop. Ismelda was laughing as my screams filled her ears. "Avada Kadabra!" I heard Jacob yell. She looked up and raised her wand,"Protego! Jacob Akela changing sides? Surprise surprise." "Well I resign my position Ismelda! Stupify!" Jacob looked down at me and smiled. I stood up and hugged my brother,"I'm so sorry Viper. Can you forgive me?" I nodded and sank into his hug. Fenrir's growl brought me out of my head. "Help them. I'll take care of Ismelda." I agreed and charged at Fenrir. I shouted every curse, hex and jinx at the werewolf. He was fast in dodging and protecting. "Running away with your tail between your legs Greyback!? Come out and fight you tosser! Bombarda!" I aimed at the piece of ruble he was hiding behind. "You dirty blood traitor! I'll slaughter your entire family right in front of you. Starting with that blood traitor husband of yours!" He charged at me as I readied my wand, but an explosion stopped him in his tracks. I looked over to see Ron furious. "No one threatens my family!" The werewolf laid on the ground in his own pool of blood. I turned to the three students and smiled. "Akela!" I turned and saw Ismelda furious at me. She aimed her wand at the kids,"Avada Kadavra!" I jumped in front of them readying myself to cast a protection spell. Then I froze. This was my classmate. The same person who I helped confess her feelings towards Barnaby. In my mind I started to panic as I wasn't fast enough. The killing curse flew towards me in a blinding light. "Viper!" I snapped out of my trance as Jacob blocked the spell with his body. My heart stopped as Jacob's body fell lifeless in front of me. "Expelliarmus!" Neville waved his wand and disarmed her. I clung to Jacob whose eyes were lifeless. Tears formed in my eyes,"Jacob? Jacob!?" I called out his name while shaking him,"Please....Please wake up!" I gripped his cloak as I cried in his chest. "Oh please Akela! You really thought your weak family would stay alive with the dark lord's ruling?" I looked up at her. Fire burned in my chest as I glared at her. My animegus form growling in anger. "Ron. Please take Neville and Rey and help any others you can. I'll take care of Ismelda." The three nodded and ran off. I walked towards her with anger. "What are you going to do Akela? Kill me? I'd like to see you-" She was interrupted by me punching her in the face. I punched her a couple more times before I knocked her on the ground. "You killed my brother, threatened my family and you think I'll just arrest you?! Then you're out of your fucking mind!" I transformed into my animegus form and started to maul her. "Viper!" I turned and spotted Penny, Chiara, Barnaby and Merula standing there with shocked looks. I dropped the now wounded and crying Ismelda. I changed back and looked at my shaking hands. "I-" "Bombarda!" I turned just as Ismelda shot the spell at me. Everything then went dark. --- I woke up to see Charlie holding my hand. He looked lost in his thoughts and had dark bags under his eyes. "Charlie?" I croaked out. His head shot up and he pulled me into his arms. "Thank Merlin you're alive! Penny told me what happened with Ismelda." He kissed me softly before I saw tears running down his face. "I couldn't afford to lose another family member today." I looked at him with worry,"Who-" "Fred. He died during the first battle. I just found out." He placed his hand on my cheek and rested his head on mine. I then remembered about Jacob. "Wait Jacob...." Charlie gave me a sympathetic look,"I'm so sorry Viper." He kissed my head and held me close as I wept in his jacket. I heard Tulip cry out Tonks' name from the distance. My head jolted towards the sound just to see Tonks laying dead. "It's over now. No one else will get hurt." I turned to see the Weasley's walking towards us. I nodded and placed my hand on Charlie's chest. I spotted Rowan rush over to an injured Ben. Barnaby held Penny in his arms as she cried over Tonk's body. Merula comforting Tulip, Liz helping soothe the magical creatures and Chiara helping heal anyone that was wounded. "Yeah....it's over.." I sighed as I curled into his chest. ----- 19 years later I pushed my trolley in front of me. It was covered in books and suitcases all ready for the new school year. Charlie walked close behind me as talking about the new dragon sanctuary they were moving out to Scotland. We had discussed moving there so we would be closer together. I turned and noticed our three children trudging along with us. Gideon looked so much like his uncle George that it took us by shock. The only difference is that his air color matched my own. He was even covered in freckles like Charlie. He tightened his grip on the broom we had gotten him for his birthday last year for making it on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as their beater. While on the other hand Ava looked a lot like me, but with her father's hair color. She thumped Gideon's head with her broom as she had made it on the Hufflepuff team as their seaker. A few freckles here and there appeared on her face, but my mother still laughs at how much we are alike. The twins began to argue which team was better and I had to admit; for two fourteen year old kids, they sure were loud. I looked behind and noticed our youngest was walking slowly. Jacob; kept his head down as we made it to Platform 9 3/4. "Jacob darling; what's wrong?" He looked up at me with worry,"I'm worried that my friends forgot about me. I didn't send them a lot of mail during summer. What if their not my friends anymore?" The twelve year old started sniffling. "Well I doubt Mary Alice will ever forget about you. I mean you both share a house together. And obviously B.J will always have your back. And then you have James. You know he won't let anyone pick on his favorite cousin." "Gideon is his favorite cousin." "No Gideon does pranks that James likes. You two stick together like glue. I'm sure their all waiting for you." I walked him towards the train and saw Charlie talking to George. I gave him a kiss on the cheek,"The train is about to leave. I'll send my owl later." "Don't teach them too hard Professor." He chuckled. I said my goodbyes and got on the train. Penny sat there reading the Daily Prophet next to Rowan who was talking to Trelawny about her son just starting to walk. Neville was talking with Professor Sprout about some Herbology notes for the year. I sat down in front of them and started going over my notes for the new year. I smiled when an old photograph of all of us on our graduation day smiling and joking around. I looked out the window and saw the sun's reflection on the lake's surface. A reflection of a bright future.
Finally all done! Sorry it took so long! I’ve been working, moving and sick all in two weeks T.T
I have something new in the works as well. I’m going to write about Viper’s Hogwarts adventures. How she became who she is. How she attained her animegus form. And how her and Charlie got together.
I hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you all next time!
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lexrius · 6 years ago
The Dragon’s Mate Part 2
AN: Part two is here! One more part after this which will take place during the last book. I hope you all enjoyed! Viper belongs to me. Rey Winchester belongs to @drew-winchester everyone else is owned by JKR!
I went over to the Burrow to visit Molly and them before Charlie and I's wedding. Arthur and Molly suggested it being held at the Burrow, for which we agreed.
Charlie had to finish some stuff in Romania so it was just me. I made my way to the garden seeing Mrs. Weasley planting some flowers.
"Honeysuckles? Great touch Molly." I smiled as she jumped slightly. She turned and smiled brightly,"Viper dear! What a lovely surprise!" She hugged me and kissed my cheeks.
I looked up and spotted someone in the kitchen with Ginny.
She was a very beautiful woman with long bleach blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.
"Looks like I'm not the only guest here." I smiled. But the look on Mrs. Weasley's face made my smile disappear.
"Mrs. Weasley?"
The woman walked out and looked at me with a smile,"'Ello. My name is Fleur Delacour. It is a pleasure to meet you!" I shook her hand and walked into the house after Mrs. Weasley invited me in.
"Viper Akela. You sound familiar; have we met?" I asked her.
"We have not. I was one of the Triwizard Tournament contestants." She explained.
"Really?" My thoughts went to Mr. Diggory,"I'm sorry for what you went through."
"Thank you, but I'm more interested in your adventure's. Bill 'as told me so much about his times at 'ogwarts." She handed me some tea and sat down at the couch with me.
"You know Bill?" I looked at her surprised.
"Oui! Well; he is the whole reason I am here." She blushed lightly.
"Well if it isn't the curse breaker herself." I turned and saw Bill standing in the doorway. I put down my tea and rushed up to him and hugged him.
"How have you been?! I haven't seen you in years!"
"I've been good. I see you've met my Fiance." With my mouth gaped open; I looked between him and Fleur.
"A couple of months ago."
I laughed and hugged him,"Congratulations to the both of you!"
"Heh well from what I hear; congratulations should be thrown to you as well." He smiled down at me. I hadn't noticed at first but he had gotten so much more taller.
"Yeah. He surprised me during Christmas." I blushed as I played with the ring.
"I know. He told me about his plan to do it. I'm glad he finally asked." He chuckled lightly,"Well I have to get back to Gringotts. I'll see you lovely ladies later." He gave Fleur a kiss and hugged me.
(One Week Later)
I watched as the boys set up the wedding Altars as all the women got ready in the Burrow.
"Hold still Viper." Mrs. Weasley was fixing my wedding dress. I smiled lightly as she then focused on my hair.
"Oh Molly leave the poor girl alone." My mother nagged.
"Now now Aileen. This is her wedding. I'm just making sure it's perfect." Mrs. Weasley stepped away and observed her work. Tears formed in my eyes as I glanced at myself in the mirror. Everything was perfect.
I looked in the mirror to see both Tonks, Tulip, Liz and Rowan smiling brightly.
"Alright everyone! Ceremony is about to start; let's get the bride up and ready to go down the aisle." I smiled brightly as my older brother Liam leaned against the doorway. Mom and Mrs. Weasley left in a hurry to go see Charlie before the ceremony starts.
Tonks and the others got out as well.
Jacob looked at me with a big smile on his face,"My little sister...all grown up." He gave me my bouquet,"Let's get you married. Dad's waiting outside the room."
I watched from the door as my dad walked me closer towards my future.
My heart started racing as I got closer to the altar.
He placed his hand on mine trying to calm me,"I know it may feel scary, but believe me." My dad paused and smiled towards the altar,"There is no other feeling than seeing your other half across the isle. Seeing each other as husband and wife."
I looked up and saw Charlie watching me. I saw him smile such a heartwarming smile as his breath hitch.
We made it to the altar and my father turned to me and gave me a hug,"Remember my dear; you will always have someone by your side that loves you. 'The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.'" I laughed at my father as he quoted from our family's moto.
"I know dad."
"And know that you are an Akela." He choked up a bit as I pulled away,"You will always be my daughter."
He then cleared his throat and looked at Charlie who came by my side,"Take care of my daughter. Her recklessness is your problem now."
The entire crowd laughed at this as Charlie brought me in front of the Pastor.
"We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this marriage, because marriage is created in the hearts of two loving people. We can and do, however, gather to celebrate with Charles Weasley and Viper Akela the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today." The pastor began.
"You look absolutely gorgeous love." Charlie whispered to me as the Pastor went on. My heart skipped as his hand squeezed my hand.
"Charlie and Viper, today you choose each other before your family and friends, to begin your life together. For all the tomorrows that follow, you will choose each other over and again, in the privacy of your hearts. Let your love and friendship guide you, as you learn and grow together. Experience the wonders of the world, even as patience and wisdom calm the restless nature. Through your new partnership, may you triumph over the challenges in your path. Through the comfort of loving arms, may you always find a safe place to call home." He then turned to us with a warm smile,"And now for the vows. Charlie?"
Charlie turned towards me and held my hands in his. His light brown eyes met my blue-grey ones.
"Viper; I pledge to you endless strength that you can count on when you are weak. I'll be your music when you can't hear, your sunshine when you can't see, or your perfume when you can't smell. You'll never need to look further than me. I'll be your days and nights when you need them filled, your spark of life in the darkness, your hope when you're down and out." He paused then chuckled,"And I promise to come home in one piece after a day working at the sanctuary to take out the trash."
I laughed as he said that.
"I love you more than anything Viper. I promise to be by your side through thick and thin. I'll even walk through fire with you."
"Don't you do that on your own daily?" I asked him while laughing.
"Yes. I do." He pulled me closer as he finished his vows,"Viper Akela. I take you as my wife to love and cherish you with every amount of my mind, soul and body."
The Pastor nodded and looked at me,"Viper?"
I smiled as tears threatened to travel down my face,"I promise you, that I will be your wife from this day forward, to be faithful and honest in every way, to honor the faith and trust you place in me, to love and respect you in your successes and in your failures, to make you laugh and to be there when you cry, to care for you in sickness and in health, to softly kiss you when you are hurting, and to be your companion and your friend, on this journey that we make together. I promise to always be there for you, to shelter and hold your love as the most precious gift in my life. I will be truthful and honor you, as I embrace you as the most important part of my life. I will care for you always and stand by you in times of sorrow and joy, forever nurturing the love I feel for you."
He smiled at me with glossy eyes.
'Looks like I'm not the only one about to cry.' I thought.
"Now for the exchangment of rings."
I smiled as my nephew handed us the rings. Charlie took my hand in his and placed the ring on my ring finger,"I have for you a golden ring. The most precious metal symbolizes that your love is the most precious element in my life. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife." I noticed some tears fall as he spoke with a shaky voice.
I then placed his ring on his finger and spoke my words,"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you. For you are my one true love, my soul mate...my happy ending to this story we call life."
"And now, by the power vested in me by the Lord above and the wonderful country-side of Devon, England, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. Charles Weasley, You may kiss your bride." The Pastor finished with a smile and a few sheded tears.
Charlie lifted my chin and kissed me deeply.
"I love you Vi." He whispered as he pulled away.
"I love you too; Charlie." I whispered back.
We danced the night away as our guest, friends and family both clapped and danced along. This night was a wondrous night.
I laughed and spoke with Professor McGonnagal, Flitwick and Sprout who all showed up.
I even spoke with some old Colleagues of mine like Bobsy Burgundey and Mr. Winchester who I worked with as an Auror.
I even met some of Charlie's colleagues from Romania.
It broke my heart that I would be leaving him alone in Romania as I had to travel to Scotland to teach at Hogwarts.
"It'll be fine my love. I'll send you letters every day if I have to." He whispered as we slowed danced.
"Please don't ware down Athena like that. Poor girl doesn't need to fly like that." I smiled.
"Alright then. Once a week?" He asked.
"Much better." I kissed him slowly as I wanted us to stay like this forever.
For once it seemed like a normal year; besides all the extra protection this year. I joked with Snape about him finally landing the Defense Against the Dark Arts position; to which he glared at me and had begun avoiding me.
I even witnessed Tonk's new Patronus after finding Harry just slugging off the train.
"Sorry Professor." Was all he said as we walked him back to Hogwarts.
I continued to teach the upper level students while Hagrid taught the younger students.
I noticed all the returning faces of sixth years pop down towards my classroom.
"Alright. Alright! Settle down and so I can teach you lot about your first creature you'll be learning this year." I turned the chalk board over and showed them the diagram I sketched this morning.
"The Augurey. Also known as the Irish Phoenix. If you turn to page 265 of Fantastic Beast and where to find them you will learn that it was long believed that the mournful cry of the Augurey foretold death, and wizards would go to great lengths to avoid Augurey nests." I continued my lessons throughout the day.
After classes and dinner I would help Bill and any other guards to do rounds over the school to watch for any threats that may occur.
"Looks like we have the same shift tonight." I jumped as Rowan appeared behind me.
"Jeeze Rowan! You gave me a heart attack!" Rowan laughed and walked beside me as I made my way on too the seventh floor.
"We never really got to talk last year. How have you been?" I asked her.
"I've been good! I started teaching two years ago. I was so nervous when I started but I absolutely love it now!"
I smiled as Rowan began to explain how she teaches,"Rowan; it sounds like you added more activities to History of Magic, but I can guarantee that kids are still bored as hell in that class. Especially now that they can't do what we did with Binns!" I laughed as I handed her a chocolate frog from my last Hogsmeade visit.
"Oh I let them have fun, but only if their work is done. They have to show it too!"
"Smart." We laughed as we came across the seventh floor. I stopped as I saw a particular frog on the ground.
"Isn't that Longbottom's toad?" Rowan looked at it with curiosity.
"Yes. I better get it back to him when our rounds are over." I picked the toad up and continued walking with Rowan.
"So how is it teaching as a Weasley now?"
I smiled and looked at my wedding ring,"I think it excites Ginny more than anything. And she doesn't even take my class!"
I stopped as I heard something from behind us. I handed the toad to Rowan and pulled my wand out.
"Lumos!" The light flashed down the hallway as I scanned the area. I rushed towards the room of requirements and looked around.
"Probably nothing Viper." Rowan tried to calm me down. I sighed and accidentally pointed my wand at a portrait.
"Put that bloody light away!" The old headmaster portrait. It was completely vandalized!
"What the bloody hell happened?!" I noticed it was drawn in red marker. “Rey was here.” Was scribbled on it.
"Pfft! Yeah!?" Rowan held back her laughter as she saw the vandalism. I smiled and nearly laughed myself,"Remind me that I have to take away fifty points from Griffindor from Rey Winchester....But I will say....he deserved that!" With that both Rowan and I cleaned off the portrait and walked back down laughing.
We ran into Snape as we walked back down,"Shall I remind you that you are no longer students! Please take this seriously." He told us.
"We have been Severus! Please note that someone might be on the seventh floor. We didn't see anyone, but we heard noises." I informed him. He nodded and rushed upstairs.
"I better head back to my room. I'll take care of Trevor until tomorrow."
I waved Rowan goodnight as I made my way towards my room. There I saw Athena on my window with a letter.
"I hope you all finished those Augurey essays I gave you yesterday." I collected everyone's papers.
"Tomorrow I got permission to take you to the forbidden forest to study Unicorns. Now before school started I had your parents or guardians sign a form that will allow you to travel to the forbidden forest. If you did not turn them in or you do not have permission to go; then you will stay here and learn from the books. Are we clear?" I looked around the room; looking for any who would argue with me.
"Okay. Class dismissed." I started putting my notebooks away and saw Trevor croaking on my desk,"Oh right."
"Miss Winchester. Could you stay behind for a bit?"
Rey stopped and walked towards the stalls. I handed her Trevor with a smile,"Please see to it that Neville gets his toad back."
"He's been looking all over for him! Where was he this time?" She laughed as she held on to the toad tightly,"Seventh floor. Alongside a vandalized portrait of Headmaster Black. Care to explain Rey?" I crossed my arms as I watched her grow quiet as her face turned red.
"You're lucky I found it and not Snape. I will have to dock fifty points from Gryffindor, but I will not give you detention. That blabbering portrait insulted me a few times too." I smiled at her and walked with her back to the castle,"Truth be told he deserved it, but don't let me catch you doing it again. And please stay away from the seventh floor at night."Thank you Professor.” She sighed and thanked me before running up towards the castle,”She then stopped like she forgot something.
“Erm Professor? Did you say the Seventh floor last night? I only went up there during the day. Neville was with me the entire day and even saw me write and doodle on the portrait. Whoever was up there might have been doing something else.” She then started going back up the stairs in a hurry.
My heart stopped when she said that,’Then who else was sneaking around?’ I thought.
"Professor Weasley! I was hoping I would catch you out here!" An old tired voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see Professor Slughorn rushing up to me out of breathe.
"Professor Slughorn; what can I help you with?"
"Well I heard you were taking your sixth years to study unicorns. And I was wondering if you can get me some unicorn hair for my potions class."
"Professor; you can just buy them at an apothecary shop. But I will not be risking the lives of my students to get you ingredients."
Slughorn looked disappointed,"However; if I find any strands of hair on the ground then I'll hand them over."
Slughorn then smiled and laughed,"Thank you Professor Weasley! How would you like to join my Christmas party!?"
I looked at him shocked,"Oh. Um. Of course. Thank you for the invite."
I watched as he walked away all giddy.
I laughed with Professor Sprout as I drank the firewhiskey that was offered. I smiled and looked around the party.  
"Professor Weasley! Good to see you made it!" Slughorn smiled brightly.
"Professor Slughorn! Thank you for the invite." He smiled and shook my hand.
"I must know. Are you William Akela's daughter?"
"I am. Did you know him Professor?" I was intrigued now.
"Yes. Both your father and mother were one of my best students. You're mother, Aileen, became a prosperous potion master while your father became an exceptional auror. I see their greatness runs in the family." He smiled at me.
I wanted to say something, but the door burst open as Filch came in while dragging Draco Malfoy behind him.
Snape pulled him out.
Something was off.
Something felt wrong.
I watched as Harry rushed off after them.
"My word; such troublesome students." Slughorn watched the door with worry.
"Yeah. They remind me of me when I was their age! Always sneaking around and causing mischief." I laughed.
"I heard from the other professors that you were big on that."
I smiled remembering all the nights I snuck out of Hogwarts with Charlie.
"Yes well; we all have been that young before. I remember me being that young and mischievous before maturing!"
"No. The great potion master was a trouble maker?! I would have never thought." I said with sarcasm. I knew this guy wouldn't break the rules for one bit.
I sighed as I packed for Christmas break as this year had lasted forever.
Most of the students and staff have already left. Only a few teachers stayed alongside some students.
I exited my room and continued down the stairs to see off the teachers that were staying. However; to my luck it was only Snape in the teacher's quarters.
"Akela." He said not even looking up from the daily prophet.
"Snape." I spit back at him with a glare.
"I heard a couple of Slytherins talking about seeing a wolf near the forest. You don't happen to know anything about this; do you Akela?" His eyes shifted towards me and my luggage,"It would be a shame if said wolf was caught."
"Are you threatening me Snape? You have no leverage against me. I'm registered and can do as I please with my animegus form. Have a Merry Christmas Severus" With that I apparated out to mine and Charlie's home.
I smiled as Charlie rushed outside and embraced me.
"Finally I get to hold you in my arms again." He chuckled. I smiled and kissed him,"I haven't been gone that long love." We made our way inside and talked about the year.
It was about midnight when picked me up and set me on the bed.
"Those months without you felt like forever; now how about we start this Christmas Vacation off right?" With that he climbed over me and kissed me deeply.
It's been a couple of months since then. After getting back from Christmas it was the same as usual.
Letters from Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and of course my parents.
Keeping an eye on the trouble makers.
And looking for that suspicious person on the seventh floor.
Tonight felt off though.
I was patrolling with Bill tonight.
We were talking about random things and laughing until we heard spells being fired.
"Some students must be getting into a fight again." I said as I pulled out my wand and walked towards a doorway.
"Stupify!" I felt myself get launched backwards into a pillar.
"Viper!" Bill began to rush for me but he then stopped and started to duel someone as others stepped passed us. I looked up and saw Fenrir Greyback disarm Bill. I tried to stand, but my leg nearly gave out. I watched in horror as Fenrir physically attacked Bill. Ripping into his face and arms as he tried to defend himself.
I growled in anger and transformed into my animegus form. I charged towards Fenrir and ripped into his shoulder; pushing him off of Bill. Fenrir took his semi clawed hands and dug his claws into my back and shoved me into the ground. I used my back paws to claw open his hip.
This caused him to jump back in pain.
I felt blood drip down from my back as I rushed back towards him. He turned sharply and swiped at my face. Claw marks now scared my face as he kicked me back to the ground. He walked towards me and grabbed my leg and broke it. I barred my fangs and lunged towards his throat.
He grabbed my muzzle and pinned me to the ground. I felt a piercing pain as his fangs ripped into my throat. He then ripped open my throat and chucked me towards Bill's now limp body.
I lost consciousness as I saw him rush off into the night.
(Charlie's POV)
I received  word from Tonks that Hogwarts was in danger. I rushed over to help protect the castle, but got the message too late. I saw many wounded in the Great hall.
I spotted my mum leaning over someone as she cried softly.
"Mum?!" I called out to her she turned in shock.
"Charlie? What are you doing here?!" I rushed over and hugged her,"I just got word from Tonks that Hogwarts was in danger. What happened?" I looked down and saw Bill wounded.
"Fenrir got to them." Lupin and Tonks walked next to me.
"Does that mean-"
"He's not a werewolf. But he will have some little traits of a werewolf."
I smiled with relief; then it clicked,"Wait you said them. Who else got hurt?!" Tonks and Lupin looked away as my mum and Fleur looked over to the bed next to Bill's.
I don't know how I didn't notice her, but there I saw my wife covered in bandages as Madam Pomfry waved her wand over Viper's body.
I walked over and observed the damage.
A small gash ran underneath her right eye all the way to her cheekbone.
Another went over her lips.
One was nearly crossed on her forehead.
A small one on her chin.
But the one I looked at with horror was the large gash over her neck that probably nearly took her life.
"She protected Bill." Tonks said quietly,"I saw Fenrir run off with some nasty wounds. It was Ginny and I that found them."
I had no words as a grasped the hand of my beloved. Tears formed as I remembered our vows.
'I wasn't by her side.' I thought as I rested my lips against her hand.
I sat there and prayed.
Prayed that she would wake up.
Pray that this was all a nightmare.
(Back to Viper's POV)
I heard people talking around me. A rough calloused hand gripping mine. I tried to open my eyes, but was met by intense pain.
I winced and felt everyone stop talking.
"Is she awake?" I recognized Rowan's voice.
"Viper?" I heard Charlie's voice right next to me as the hand holding mine tightened. I forced one of my eyes open and smiled as I saw my friends watching me with hope.
I tried to talk but my throat began to burn.
"Try not to move so much love; you really got hurt." Charlie softly spoke. I looked passed him and saw Bill in the bed. I looked at Charlie and pointed at Bill.
"He's doing better."
"But he'll want his steaks rare." Lupin chuckled.
I then heard feet shuffle as Mrs. Weasley came rushing into the Hospital wing.
"I heard she was awake! Oh heavens; Viper!" She leaned over my bed and gave me  gentle hug,"We are in your debt. You saved Bill's life."
I smiled tiredly as she then squeezed my hand,"I'm glad you're okay dear." Tears now streamed down her face as she cried next to me.
I was sent home with Charlie after spending the rest of the school year in the Hospital Wing. I stood in the shower as I thought of that night.
My heart swelled as so many of my students came to visit.
But when I heard about Dumbledore; I didn't know what to feel.
I sighed as I heard scratches coming from the door,"Hang on Artair." I gripped the bar that was now on our wall due to me still healing. Fenrir nearly crippled me that night.
'Heh. Who am I kidding? He screwed up my knee really bad.' I went to grab a towel and stopped.
I now stared at myself in the mirror.
I observed the torn body that I had to call my own. I traced all of the wounds on my face with my finger.
I've gotten a couple with being an auror, but if what Lupin said was true; these scars were cursed.
I would have them for he rest of my life.
I wrapped my body with the towel I grabbed before taking a shower. I felt so insecure about how I looked now.
What will people think when they see me?
What does my family think?
What does Charlie think?
These questions ran through my head as my chest tightened.
I triggered a panic attack. I then jumped when Artair started barking and pawing at the door.
"What's wrong Artair? Viper you okay?" I heard Charlie from behind the door.
"I'm fine just...just taking this all in." I heard the door open and spotted Charlie peep in. I couldn't hide the tears nor the pain from him. I heard the door close and his arms wrap around me. He kissed my bare shoulder as I cried into his shirt.
He said nothing but sweet words as he rubbed circles on my back; careful to not hit the wounds.
He helped me get dressed and helped me to the small library he set up,"I'll bring you some tea." He kissed my head and walked out. Artair, my Irish Wolfhound, trotted up and laid his head on my lap.
I smiled as I remembered when I got him.
(Flashback to Christmas 1990)
I was in the stables taking care of our Granians when my mother walked in,"Are you going to be cooped up in here all day? It is snowing outside." She chuckled,"Your brothers and father are waiting for you to open presents." She said while walking out.
"I'm coming!" I put the brush down and made my way towards the house. I smiled when I saw my family laughing. Ever since we rescued Jacob my family has never been closer. His disappearance caused our family to be distant. My parents grew more strict and overprotective. My younger brother just grew distant.
But now everyone was laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"Okay Viper; your turn to open presents." My dad handed me my presents. I smiled as I saw all of the presents my friends got me.
I saw one move which caused me to jump. I opened it and saw a small puppy inside.
"Because you miss Duke; we got you Artair. He's yours, but you have to take care of him!" My father scolded me,"Of cour- wait what about when I'm at school?!"
"Well it is your last year at Hogwarts; we'll take care of him while you finish with your studies. You also have one more gift from your grandfather. But that can wait until your older."
I smiled as I held the puppy,"Thank you!"
(Back to the Present)
I put down my book and glanced into the hallway as I herd small laughter and feet shuffling. Artair trotted down the hallway to see what was going on himself as I got my cane and wand.
I walked to the living room and spotted Charlie talking with Simmons; his boss. I took another look around and saw his two kids Danny and Arlo playing with Artair.
"Didn't know you were much of a dog person Charlie! At least he'll keep the kids busy."
"He's not exactly mine. He's my wife's dog and I like dogs! They're fun to have around." Simmons laughed and patted Charlie on his head.
"Funny because ever since Artair met you he has not left your side one bit. The dog even cuddles you." I laughed causing both men to jump slightly.
"Well I'll be; I do get to finally meet you!" Simmons held out his hand to me,"The name's Simmons Moreau. Charlie told me that you work at Hogwarts?"
“I see. Well me boys and I should be heading back now. Take care you too.” 
We watched as Simmons and his two little ones walked off.
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lexrius · 6 years ago
Oh, for your MC do you think you could you talk about 3, 6, and 26? ^^
Of course I could! 😊
3: Viper wasn't expecting to get sorted into Hufflepuff. She was the first in her family to be sorted into the house. She was expecting either Slytherin or Gryffindor like her parents.
6: Viper is a Chaser for the Hufflepuff quidditch team. She later would become captain her sixth year.
26: She's very kind and generous. She's been known to help struggling students and even be forgiving when she does her prefect duties.
However if you do something to her friends that really hurts them whether it be emotional or physically she will make you regret it.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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lexrius · 6 years ago
Viper Akela- feisty, competitive and cares about other people before herself.
I need 78 people to reblog this with their MC and a short description
I’ll start: 
Lilian Le’reau-  is smart yet constantly questioning herself
tagging @helgship @annevmoreira @heleneplays @ladycibia and @karmagrind to start this off
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lexrius · 6 years ago
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This takes place a year after the war. Viper returns to Romania with Charlie staying as a Magizoologist. Covered in scars; she travels around Europe to find and study magical creatures alongside her niffler Galleo.  
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lexrius · 6 years ago
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I got Galleo to max level and oh my lord this is just too cute!!!!
Viper's love for creatures really shows here.
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