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bentenharuki · 5 years ago
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So my Aunt who lives in Liguria (near Alassio) realizing we won’t be able to meet around nor Easter neither for my Birthday has decided to shower me with gourmands from her Region (and not only because pane carasau is from Sardinia where our family has properties though). For the record focaccia genovese is by far one of the tastiest and almost holy-level kind of bread you could ever been blessed enough to eat. I didn’t expect any if these and I had to log off from University class online because I was fidgeting to try it alteady 😅. I know that I will need extra gym routine today but whoever judges before having tried focaccia genovese just cannot understand 😋
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hstex · 5 years ago
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⛅ #sunset #skyline #landscape #yallersliguria #italia365 #igworldclub #genovamorethanthis #volgogenova #italiainfoto #ilmugugnogenovese #clouds #igersitalia #photooftheday #genova_love #italiainunoscatto #lamialiguria #whatitalyis #ig_liguria #volgoliguria #thehub_genova #liguria #genova #igersgenova #ilsecoloxix #ilikeitaly #volgoitalia #ig_genova #genovatoday #italiainfotografia #igersoftheday (presso Genova, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCoamfYAKyD/?igshid=1gi5166dwiy32
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indirezioneostinata · 5 years ago
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"Persistence and determination are incredibly important. But sometimes you need to analyze the situation and understand when you're wrong. You need to be able to cop to being wrong, learn to change, and continue to grow as a human being."- @sashagrey • • • #instaliguria #caldo #borghettosantospirito #instasummer #summertime #igersliguria #mirrorglasses #sashagrey #haveyouseenthisgirl #bagniirene #rivieradiponenteliguria #spiaggia #sole #mare #ilmugugnogenovese #reflection #quoteoftheday (presso Borghetto Santo Spirito) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDuFbuGIhfT/?igshid=19hv59fmz48zb
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kadaryanto97 · 5 years ago
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Pengantar Ilmu Falak Teori, Praktik, dan Fikih Penulis : Dr. H. Arwin Juli Rakhmadi Butar-Butar, M.A. Penerbit : Rajawali Pers ISBN : 978-602-425-269-4 Halaman : 184 hlm Ukuran : 13,5 x 20,5 cm Tahun : 2019 Original Harga Rp57.000 diskon 15% Rp48.450 Sinopsis Ilmu Falak adalah ilmu yang mempelajari benda-benda langit. Ilmu ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Dari penelaahan berbagai benda langit tersebut –khususnya Bulan, Bumi, Matahari– manusia mengetahui banyak hal. Ilmu Falak banyak dipelajari dan selalu dibicarakan manusia sepanjang zaman, hal demikian menunjukkan betapa ilmu ini penting dan menarik. Aktifitas pengamatan benda-benda langit adalah kegiatan utama Ilmu Falak.  Sampai hari ini, Ilmu Falak terus dikaji dan dipelajari. Bagi umat Islam, arti penting mempelajari Ilmu Falak adalah terkait dengan persoalan ibadah yaitu menentukan waktu shalat, arah kiblat, awal bulan, dan gerhana. Buku ini menjelaskan aspek-aspek fikih dan astronomi, serta tata cara perhitungan persoalan-persoalan tersebut. #falak #ilmu #falakshabir #falaknators #islam #love #hijrah #summervibes #dakwah #falakconcert #teriyankhairan #ilmugugnogenovese #newsong #motivasi #cute #ilmughaib #irshad #ilmuhitam #instagram #ilmuagama #falaksignature #ilmupengetahuan #falakexclusive #ilmurodelcanto #teamfalakians #ilmubermanfaat #minifalak #ilmufalak #fıkıh #pengantarilmufalak https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYTnu1BJtv/?igshid=8e3immdpsma5
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newliferesuscitation · 5 years ago
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....Liguria VS Veneto..... Focaccia Cappuccino VS Focaccia Birra.... A Buon intenditore poche parole!!!! #regioneliguria #ilmugugnogenovese #veneto #orgoglioveneto #focacciagenovese #birra #capuccino #teamistruttoricdfircnewlife #cuore #vita #ossigeno https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_PHuBiJMs/?igshid=1rm93b7y60ika
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yourcendrine · 5 years ago
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Son cresciuta a sanremo in #liguria - da padre trentino e mamma metà lombarda e metà siciliana 😄 Amo questa regione, la sua #ruvidità e la sua #forastica #saggezza #ilmugugnogenovese #liguriagram Grazie Samuel per avermi fatto conoscere questa #vignetta e la #paginafacebook #vivalavita 💚🙏 (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9BQnzTixT6/?igshid=upxmuwrsexkj
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shahzinha · 8 years ago
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Camogli. . . . #camogli #ripples #ilmugugnogenovese #ig_liguria #watershot_housing #iphonese (presso Camogli)
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shimuhea · 7 years ago
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Non male, eh? #utrimare #voltri #igersgenova #ilmugugnogenovese #ilsecoloxix (presso UtriMare)
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hstex · 6 years ago
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🌤 . . . #sunset #skyline #landscape #sunrise #sun #nofilter #genovamorethanthis #volgogenova #sky #ilmugugnogenovese #clouds #igersitalia #photooftheday #genova_love #view #lamialiguria #whatitalyis #ig_liguria #amazing #vscocam #liguria #genova #igersgenova #ilsecoloxix #sea #volgoitalia #ig_genova #genovatoday #igers #igersoftheday (presso La Passeggiata di Nervi) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJrsGilzeH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=126mj92116xkg
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albyrepe98 · 6 years ago
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8pm Sunset☀️🌊 #yi #yiactioncamera #yidiscovery #yidiscovery4k #genova #lavagna #levante #liguria #riviera #landscape #photography #photograph #photooftheday #pic #picoftheday #view #sunset #shades #sky #sea #seaview #seaphotography #igers #vivolavagna #vivogenova #vivoliguria #vivoitalia #vivo_italia #ilmugugnogenovese (presso Lavagna) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXHiaNIP7_/?igshid=14kumqxm1423i
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dw-tblog · 6 years ago
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#mugugnogenovese @ilmugugnogenovese #Buomgyorny #BuenosDias #GoodMorning #BonJour #BomDia #BonDia #GutenTag #Namastè #wd57 #walsat #sfttdwfbac (presso Genova, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtIHqdIB2xB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n01wbn55u2be
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newliferesuscitation · 5 years ago
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S.Valentino..... in Liguria è così...♥️ #focacciagenovese #liguriacardioprotetta #ilmugugnogenovese #cuore #ossigeno #mare #capuccino https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jHk5LoYjP/?igshid=8i3c7bgjijba
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stefanosiroph · 6 years ago
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#montedente #bricdeldente #beiguageopark #beigua #parcodelbeigua #parcobeigua #passodelfaiallo #faiallo #masone #genova #liguria #altaviadeimontiliguri #altavia #appennino #appenninoligure #landscape #landscapes #paesaggio #tramonto #sunset #lamialiguria #ilmugugnogenovese #liguriagram #iliguridoc #orgoglioliguria #igersliguria #liguria_more_than_this #ig_appenninoligure #meteo_limet #liguriadavivere #visitliguria #stefanosiro #clubfotografando #picsoftheday (presso Bric Del Dente) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIp4BcAQo2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=al2inlnuobf2
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pensierinattesa · 4 years ago
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Gioie in via XX! "Zena" e "ospitale" in una frase... 😅 @ilmugugnogenovese @genovamorethanthis #sorprese #lagenovachenontiaspetti (presso Via XX Settembre - Genova) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPgdHOUh_Fx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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comeicavoliamerenda · 7 years ago
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Ora che ci eravamo organizzati non piove più . . . #igersliguria #igersgenova #genova #genovamorethathis #ig_genova #loves_genova #discoverygenova #instamood #instadaily #liguria_super_pics #italia_bestphoto #ilmugugnogenovese #Ligurian_Places #ilsecoloxix #iloveliguria #veniteagenova #instaweather #instameteo #spring #sky #weather #tempo #instaspring  #dailyphotos #springmood
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shimuhea · 7 years ago
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All'erta! Milano avanza. Parte seconda #ilmugugnogenovese #genova #genovamorethanthis #igersgenova #ilsecoloxix #super_genova_channel (presso Voltri, Liguria, Italy)
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