#ill prolly do it other day
octochick · 9 months
genshin spiderbit
Cellbit - dendro catalyst, 3 attack string, 2 modes, 'pen' mode and 'knife' mode, gets stacks when attacking with pen mode that are used up to buff when the skill is used. burst has the same 2 modes, pen mode gives buffs to the team and knife mode augments his own damage and does lots of damage. damage mainly comes from autos. when has 3 stacks of pen, if the character is changed and is a meele weapon, their attacks will be imbued with dendro. if 'knife' autos come in contact with pyro they will deal extra dendro damage depending on the number of stacks. his autos also have a slightly smaller icd (1 sec instead of 2.5, every other attack instead of every third)
Roier - pyro sword, 4 attack string, each button press is 2 damage instances, skill is a dash like yelan that marks and connects the enemies in a web-like thing. the web periodically pulses, dealing pyro damage and pulling the enemies towards the center of the web. without anything, the web pulses 3 time (7.5 secs), but if a burning or pyro swirl reaction is triggered the duration of the web is extended, up to 25 secs. burst is coordinated attacks like xingqiu or yelan for around 7 seconds. if the attacks hit an enemy marked by the web, the web will pulse, and when the burst ends, the web timer is reset. has a lot about quadratic scaling in his kit
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rileyclaw · 2 years
If you're in the mood, King with a plushie?
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Selkidomus pup plush!!
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galaxygermdraws · 7 months
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I don't usually post sona related art, but I just beat the SMRPG remake and it made me just. start crying. Like i was just sobbing my way through the end of the game, and my hope for the future of Mario RPGs has never been brighter. So it made me just. Feel a lot of emotions and I didn't really know how else to capture them.
I'm very happy I got to live during a time when this wonderful game got a remake that will be more readily available for people to play. And I am so happy this game was just as good as I have been told it was. Definitely looking forward to replaying it again.
Uh. Yea. Jus kind of a personal piece I 'spose. Bonus little doodle I drew the day before the remake dropped under the cut
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snekdood · 6 months
me, on the one hand: its weird to gatekeep people identifying with characters just bc they don't share their same race
also me, upon watching a video of someone wanting the saiyans to be in ssj form 24/7: you just want them to be blonde with blue eyes all the time bc you're mad that otherwise you can't project on to them since they're likely asian 🙄
#ig these aren't mutually exclusive stances but still#in fact if anything it bolsters my former stance bc why tf cant you just identify with them as they are#anyways ive been holding this back bc of whiney people on here but yes i kin with bruno from encanto and theres nothing you can do#to stop me.#if i relate to him in every other way ASIDE from being fuckin colombian then thats a very stupid and arbitrary line to draw im sorry and#i also dont care about your weird gatekeeping#its almost like familial abuse isnt restricted to ones race and also race is fake but anyways#fuck your weird ''white' people cant imprint on these characters' shit like. you're literally trying to stop ppl from seeing themselves#in other races. how tf do you think thats beneficial to stopping racism like AT ALL?#me when i hate when 'white' ppl put themselves in my shoes and try to empathize with me#me when i reinforce the racial binary and act like its real and not made up by white supremacists and pretend im not contributing#to white supremacists' delusion that race is real#theres literally a woman who would conventionally be recognized as white in the movie but ig gingers cant imprint on her at all or w/e#bc they dont speak spanish or something idk. is it about skin tones? bc babe give me a couple of days on the beach and ill look like bruno#dsjhfsvdhjvgfhdsvhgdf#and no i dont believe you if you try to say that the abuse he faced was somehow unique to colombian culture or something.#if anything that kinda abuse was prolly passed down from europeans who colonized the lands so i have even MORE of a reason#to feel like i can identify w it since im mostly of 'european' decent ._.#at least as far as ik.#('european' is in quotation marks bc its a place w a lot of different types of people some of which aren't recognized as white by#some white supremacists even and idk what im mixed with so)
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
guys im like so tired
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sabellabella · 4 months
Hmm I wonder why the changed how speed world worked in 5ds... like maybe I missed it but I was noting the changes between sw and sw2 and I couldn't think of drawbacks for sw2
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n0ct0urn1quet · 2 years
man as much as i wanna visit my gf sometimes my brain gets caught on every single thing that could go wrong or happen while im there. like i just start spiraling into thoughts like. what if the plane crashes on the way there. what if on our way driving 2 her house we get in a car wreck. or i get worried something bad is gonna happen back at home like oh what if mom gets hurt and dies and im not there. what if kitty gets sick or gets outside and gets lost. or even just basic shit like oh what if i embarrass myself while im there n do or say something stupid. LIKE ik none of those things will happen but lol my brain thinks otherwise. brain thinks every single one of these things are going to happen . all at once
#my biggest genuine concern is kitty and just leaving him at home with mom#like its not like she wouldnt take care of him she'll absolutely feed him n ik its not like she'll coincidentally forget to lock the door#or somethign n let him outside but idk. ig im moreso jus worried about him. mentally AKJSKJG#bc like hes my BUDDY hes my PAL i think he'd understand if im gone for like a day or two but 3 DAYS?? 6 DAYS???#a whole WEEK?? a whole TWO WEEKS OR MORE???#i dont want him to think im leaving him forever and i wish i could tell him that but alas he is a cat and does not speak human#but hrrhghr :(((((#if we do visit each other i really jus want her to come here. j. just because of kitty#but also idk im just thinkint about it and#i feel like me going there would be more . Fun for both of us. bc idk when it comes 2 comparing my mom to her mom#her mom seems mor willing to like take us out places 2 do stuff n to get us out of the house to spend time with each othr#but my mom . would be at work . 80% of the time with only 2 days off per week. n she works fuckin 10+ hours a day so ofc she#wouldnt want to get a day off n then take us out places when she prolly doesnt want to leave the house SDJKKJG...#plus i cant drive my gf cant drive walking somewhere isnt an option so if she DID come here we'd rly b stuck at home#and i mean ig thats okay but itd be nice to ........ go out. and leave the house for once KJJKDHHJG...#ig we'll just see what happenes ! ii just. hope it rly does happen. ill prolly cry if it does KSJDKJGLBGBHBJG
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ollie-jpg · 2 years
you may be mentally ill but can you do this *logs out of my social media accounts and shuts off message notifs from everyone*
0 notes
celtic-crossbow · 1 month
Blood Ties Chapter 31
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; parents of a newborn just going through it
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gif by @reedusmcbridedaily
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You felt like you had just fallen asleep when Birdie began to stir. With a grunt, she made tiny squeaking noises to wind herself up for a mighty wail. You had yet to open your eyes, when you felt the mattress shift. 
“Ssh, quiet lil’ Bird. Give your mama a chance to wake up ‘fore ya start your fussin’.” Everything was bleary from tiredness but when it cleared, Daryl was already on his feet, Birdie on his shoulder with a large hand rubbing her back. “S’alright. She’ll be awake in a minute.” There was a gentle bounce to his steps as he paced back and forth. “Ain’t even tryin’ the diaper thing by myself. Sorry, kid.”
Birdie wiggled and rooted against Daryl’s shoulder, and you heard him chuckle. Watching him with the baby, it just looked so—natural. His head angled so his eyes were on her, a gentle smile curving his lips when she turned her little head to press her mouth against the side of his neck. 
“Alright, alright. Let’s getcha to your mama.” 
When he turned to find you awake, he actually appeared startled, freezing mid-step.
“Hey.” You whispered, sleep still lacing your voice. It was your first full night with the new baby and the first time she had woken the two of you. There was a twinge of guilt finding Daryl up first with the newly named Birdie, especially since he planned on hunting the next morning. That guilt, however, was rivaled by the overwhelming adoration you felt warming your heart when you saw the new father interacting with his daughter. 
“She’s hungry. Prolly needs a diaper too, ‘cordin’ to Carol.” 
The saint of a woman had sat with the two of you for over an hour going over the different cues Birdie would give you for different things; when she was hungry, needed changed, or just wanted to be talked to. She taught you ways to position her for nursing. Rashes to watch for, the correct way to clean her with the wipes. 
“Always front to back.” Carol demonstrated with the next pee soaked diaper. You were front and center, soaking it all in, desperate for all the help you could get. Daryl was still reeling back and away from the scene with discomfort at seeing his daughter’s anatomy, but that had him leaning forward to catch Carol’s eye. 
“She’s got a pref’rence?”
The other woman fastened the diaper and scooped up the baby. “To be so smart, your daddy is so clueless sometimes.” She cooed in baby talk. 
You unbuttoned your flannel and lowered the right side of the bra as Daryl repositioned Birdie to the crook of his arm before he gently deposited her into yours. She was ridiculously eager and latched on right away, making those sweet noises that had you staring at her in awe. 
The mattress dipped on the other side and you found your partner making himself comfortable against the headboard. 
“Why don’t you go sleep with everyone else? You’re going out hunt—”
“No.” He answered around a yawn. 
“Then go back to sleep?” 
He scrubbed a hand over his face with a quiet mm mm. “Gonna need changed. Wanna help.” Crossing his arms, he rested his head against the wood behind him and closed his eyes. “Need the practice.”
“You need the sleep too, Daryl.” After he opened one eye but before he could speak, you moved one of your hands from beneath Birdie, balancing her weight on your arm so that you could hold out your palm in an attempted display of acquiescence. “I know, I know. Her mama, not yours.”
He snorted, closing his eye again. 
The silence—aside from the little suck gulp breath from Birdie—was not uncomfortable. Daryl was dozing. You weren’t concerned about his tired state, even if the only time you’d ever seen him actually do something about it was when he had been so ill. It had been a wild couple of days. You, yourself, could have fallen asleep if not for the task at hand, actually finding that you needed to chew your lip to keep from nodding off. 
With the baby sitting on your thigh, your hand supporting her head with a hold just beneath her chin, you patted her back, just like Carol had shown you. “Can you grab a diaper and the wipes?” 
“Mhm.” You didn’t need to try any harder to rouse him. He was up and moving to grab the bag containing those specific supplies. Birdie let out a quiet hiccup of air while he was still up, making it possible for you to get her situated on the mattress. “M’gonna do it.” 
When your exhaustion-burning eyes trekked upward, Daryl was shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot while tapping the diaper against the side of his leg. You smiled affectionately, yet sympathetically. He was still so nervous about seeing that part of her. 
“I’ll be your backup.” Scooting slightly, you kept a hand on Birdie’s belly so as to not allow the shifting of the mattress to jostle her. “Your wingwoman.” He was already curling his lip while situating himself cross-legging. 
“That ain’t helpin’.”
“Sorry. Sorry.” You chuckled. He reached for the zipper on the sleeper and pulled it down to maneuver that baby’s bottom half out of the legs, her little limbs drawing up. His hands were shaking. “You’re her father, Daryl. What you’re doing is okay. You’re just taking care of her.” His attempted scowl was belied by the desperation in his eyes. 
He had never experienced the tenderness he was trying to bestow on his daughter, afraid of every little thing he had to do for her somehow being frowned upon or causing her pain. You were nervous too but the demonstration by Carol had made you feel a bit more comfortable. 
For Daryl, it had done little other than give him the correct methods. He was still battling to understand his role, to feel confident in his ability to show affection to the little one beyond carrying her around. That part, he had down to a science. 
He paused after pulling loose the tabs on the diaper. You thought for a moment that you’d have to take over, yet just as the offer began to form into spoken syllables, he continued. The soiled diaper was removed and the clean one placed beneath her bottom, just in case the unexpected chill in the air resulted in her urinating again. There was a deep breath beside you, a deliberate shifting of his gaze before he schooled himself into actually watching what he was doing. 
The tremble in his hands was sending fine vibrations into Birdie’s legs. You wanted to allow him to do it on his own, but not at the expense of the baby’s comfort. Reaching slowly, you ran your fingers over the top of his hand before taking over with at least keeping her little limbs still and raised so he could clean her. 
Wiping her the way Carol had shown him took longer than it should have, what with him pulling back several times with an uncertainty that made your heart both warm and break. The swipes of the wipe were gentle yet thorough, ensuring she was clean. When it was time, you let him take hold of her legs to draw the fresh diaper up between them and fasten it before he wrestled her flailing feet into the onesie. 
“Quit squirmin’, kid.” The words were spoken softly, not even a command but more of a plea. Job done, you expected to be the one to lift her and get her settled back into sleep, but Daryl beat you to it. Scooping her up under her arms with his long fingers supporting the back of her head, he placed her against his chest and laid back. Birdie was instantly content, stretching before curling back up. Folding one arm behind his head, he placed the other hand on the newborn’s back. 
Lying back, you gingerly turned onto your side to face your little family, your core still aching. Carol had mentioned using ice pads made with aloe vera and witch hazel after Sophia was born but without a freezer, that wasn’t an option for you. Watching Daryl move his hand and run his fingers over Birdie’s soft little cheek, another ghost of a smile on his lips, you couldn’t even remember the discomfort. 
“Get some sleep.” 
You had utterly zoned out, blinking and meeting blue eyes that reflected the exhaustion you were feeling. “You too?” He dipped his chin in a nod and you let your eyes close. 
The next time Birdie woke you up, it wasn’t a gradual process. There was no build up to the squalling. You and Daryl shot upright at the same time, his hands instinctively coming up to secure the little squirming bundle to his chest. 
While you began unbuttoning your flannel, Daryl was moving the baby all over, inspecting her almost frantically. 
“Why’s she cryin’ like that?” Wide eyes looked to you. 
“Hungry, I guess? Carol said she’d wake up a lot and want to nurse.” Bra unhooked, you held out your arms. Daryl winced, one shoulder lifting toward his ear. 
“Kid’s got a set’a lungs.” 
You couldn’t help but mirror his actions, bringing her closer to position her at your breast. Her cries ceased when you accidentally brushed her cheek, her little mouth falling open in search of the nipple. 
Daryl snorted. “Like a lil’ bird.”
You tossed him a brief look and continued to help the baby latch. “Is that why you wanted to call her Birdie?” The little red face was starting to lighten to pink after a few moments of eager nursing. 
He smiled, one-sided, and brushed the back of the baby’s hand with his index finger, her tiny digits rising from where they flexed on your breast to wrap around it. “Nah.” 
You waited, desperate to keep the conversation going lest you fall asleep sitting up. “So, why Birdie then?” Daryl ducked his head, his cheeks flushed. 
“Was, uh—I was by the window yesterday, holdin’ ‘er. She just kept—starin’, like she was tryin’ to figure me out.” He was refusing to unglue his eyes from the baby at your breast. “There was a, uh—a blue jay. Carol said she can’t see much right now but she saw that bird. Won’t never convince me that she didn’t.”
“Like you saw a chupacabra?” He glared at you from beneath his lashes, only succeeding in making the battle not to laugh more difficult.
“Stop.” He drawled. 
“Okay, okay.” You pinched your thumb and forefinger together and drew them across your lips, but he waited, just in case you weren’t finished. 
Satisfied that your jesting had ceased, he sighed. “She watched that bird fly back an’ forth.” Pulling a face, he lowered his head until his chin nearly touched his chest. “Asked if she liked the lil’ birdie an’ she looked at me. Was diff’rent that time. She knew me.” Using his thumb, he pushed the little hand off of his finger. “So—Birdie.” He sniffed. “An’ Jade just kinda—I dunno—fit?”
“That’s—” He looked up, a step shy of wincing, waiting for you to change your mind about the name. “That’s really sweet, Daryl.” It appeared that he almost smiled before scowling. 
“Shuddup.” He slid a hand over his face, feeling the pull of exhaustion that he would never voice to you even though it was as plain as day. He may not have pushed the baby out, but his nerves were shot. 
“Get some sleep. I’ll lie back down when she’s done.” You attempted but were met with what was bound to be a repetitive refusal. 
“Ain’t making ya stay up alone with ‘er.” Pushing himself off the bed, he stalked over to the window and peered out. “Need to stay at least a lil’ alert anyway. Don’t know when we might hafta move on.”
“I’m sure one of the others is on watch. We have everything still in the bags. There’s no reason you can’t lie down and get some real rest.” You were shifting Birdie onto your shoulder to burp her, but watching your partner scan over what he could see outside. Daryl hummed and crossed his arms, laughing with a breath through his nose when Birdie burped, loud and sudden. 
“Maybe we should’a named ‘er after Merle.”
You chuckled and moved the baby back into the bend of your arm, her little hand making its way into her mouth. The sounds of her sucking her fist were deafening in the otherwise silent room. You watched her for a moment, just enjoying the way she cooed and gurgled in between the attempts. 
Daryl’s steps were near silent. In fact, you didn’t even know he was moving until the bed dipped beside you. 
“Don’t she need, uh—well, both’a ‘em?”
“Huh?” His eyes were on your bare breast, still uncovered, your nipple pink and puckered. “Oh.” Daryl’s ears burned red. He was quick to throw his leg off the edge of the mattress and turn his back to you. “You’ve seen them before, Daryl.” He merely grunted so you left it alone. “She seems content, so I guess we can try for some more sleep?” 
“Yeah, uh—” He rubbed at the nape of his neck. “Guess we should.” 
You wrapped Birdie snugly in the blanket and placed her between the two of you. She wasn’t asleep but she seemed quite content with her fist. You’d take what you could get. Daryl laid down at the same time you did, but with his back to the two of you. 
“Are you okay?” You chanced asking. 
“Mhm. Sleep.”
He wasn’t very convincing, but lucky for him, you were too tired to try and coerce the truth out of him. Still, as your eyes closed and sleep began to carry you away, you could have sworn you heard him say your name within a troubled sigh. 
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All initial thoughts that Birdie was a quiet baby were gone by the next morning, before the sun had even graced the sky with its presence. She wailed relentlessly several times after only a brief reprieve. Feedings and diaper changes failed to soothe her, as did Daryl walking her around the room. You could see the dark smudges beneath the archer’s eyes and were certain your own would mirror them. 
“Y’all gonna be alright?” He asked, his voice raspy, his feet dragging.  
“Are you?” You countered, yawning and rocking the baby, the motion seeming to soothe her for the moment. Her eyes continued to slip shut until she somehow managed to startle herself awake, wriggling within her blanket before tiring out and repeating the cycle. 
“M’a be fine.” He grunted and placed his bag and crossbow on the foot of the bed, a pause in his actions while you carefully laid down the baby, her little fists swinging outward and pulling back in a sedated motion. “Maybe she’ll sleep for ya now.” 
“Maybe.” You stared at Birdie with the warmest of smiles, simply admiring how perfect she was, features of both you and Daryl already so prominent in her barely two day old face. 
“Hmm—oh.” You hadn’t even noticed him move, turning to find him standing over you, his hand already beside your face, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful.”
Catching his wrist, you pulled his palm to your lips. “So fuckin’ sleep deprived.” He shrugged a shoulder and turned his hand to grip yours and pull you to your feet, flush against his chest. Dipping his head, he pressed his lips to yours, just as gentle as the hand that now cupped your cheek. 
It didn’t take long for things to grow a little more heated, your fingers tugging at his hair while his gripped your waist, your mouths moving in sync, tongues exploring eagerly. When you felt the first rush of arousal, it burned, eliciting a squeak against his lips, and you pulled back. 
“Ow, ow, ow.” Both hands clutched the crotch of your sweats. 
“Ow? S’wrong?” It was difficult to focus on him reaching toward you—but not touching—when he was so obviously hard beneath the rough fabric of his jeans.
“Six weeks, remember?” You moved slowly to seat yourself on the mattress, your core aching. “I think half of my vagina is still in the van.” 
“Ya gotta be so vulgar?” He ducked his head, face flushed all the way to the tips of his ears. 
You laughed, covering your mouth to quiet yourself, your eyes darting over to the sleeping baby. When you turned back, Daryl was giving you that smirk that might have melted your panties had you not been so sore that you were certain the pain had already finished that job. 
“Hey, pot, I’m kettle.” Lips curved into a smile, you pushed yourself from the bed and wrapped your arms around his middle, head on his chest. “We’ll be fine. You go, so you can get back to us.” 
Daryl pulled back just enough for you to look up, his finger hooking beneath your chin. This kiss was gentle, unhurried, ending before it could once again attempt to transform into something you couldn’t have. 
“I’ll be back soon. Keep ‘er safe.” He stroked the apple of your cheek with his thumb. “You stay safe.”
You nodded. “I will. I promise.” After a moment, he dropped his hand and returned your nod with a jerk of his chin. Watching him grab his gear, you frowned. You didn’t want him to go, but you knew he was right. You needed the meat. You needed to be able to nurse Birdie. Finding formula would be next to impossible, one of those things survivors would have fought, killed, and died to obtain. 
Daryl stopped at the other side of the bed, bending carefully to press his lips to little Birdie’s forehead. “Be good for your mama.” The baby slept on, completely unbothered. When he straightened and adjusted his bag, his attention turned to you. “See ya soon.”
He was halfway out the door when you quietly called his name. “I love you, asshat.” He smiled at you, warm and genuine albeit small, patting the door frame before stepping out. With a sigh, you dropped your eyes to your sleeping daughter. “Just you and me for a bit, Birdie.” Lying down continued to be one of the best reliefs you had ever felt. “And I am going to sleep.” Your eyes had no more than closed when the newborn grunted and began to shift around. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
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Sunrise came and went, dousing your hopes of any real rest. Exhausted, you wrapped a crying Birdie in her blanket and shuffled out of the room where Carol was tending to some oatmeal over a small fire. “Carol.” You sniffled, lip wobbling. You were just too tired to try and hide it. The woman looked up with a smile that vanished as soon as she saw your state. 
“Oh, honey.” The smile returned, softer and full of understanding. 
“How do I turn her off?” You stood a few feet away, softly rocking and bouncing to no avail. Birdie was determined to call every walker in the vicinity. 
“Here, let me take her.” You turned to find Lori approaching, arms open, and passed your bundle off to her without a second thought. “Come on.” Supporting Birdie on one arm, she was able to take your hand and lead you back to the bedroom. 
“She just—nothing helps. Not even Daryl taking her. I don’t think she likes us.” You gingerly sat down on the bed and observed, Lori bending awkwardly with her rounded belly and your daughter. She grabbed up one of the bags and sat it beside you. 
“She loves you both, sweetheart. She’s just doing what babies do. Can you get a pacifier out for me, please?”
You nodded feebly, wiping at your face before beginning the search. You were pretty sure you knew what a pacifier looked like. You couldn’t rely on packaging. Carol had removed everything that could possibly go in Birdie’s mouth and boiled it. 
“One of these?” You held up a small bag of binkies with a desperately hopeful expression. Lori smiled. 
“That’s them. Good job, mama.”
You passed one to her—green with a little frog on the end—while she shushed and cooed at your disgruntled baby. “Is something—did I do something wrong?”
“Not at all. She may be gassy or—has your milk come in yet?” With a finger gently holding the pacifier in Birdie’s mouth, she watched you. The baby finally accepted it and quieted almost immediately. You sighed in relief. 
“How would I know—about the milk?”
“Well, for starters, if those bra pads aren’t drenched when you’re getting up to feed her, then it likely hasn’t.” 
Your stomach clenched and rolled. You shook your head. “Is she—am I starving her?”
“No, honey.” She sat next to you, patting the baby’s bottom rhythmically as she swayed side to side. “She may not be fully satisfied, but she’s not starving. Maybe we can send the boys out to find some formula to supplement.”
You couldn’t mask the stricken expression, just too damn tired. “When—how long does it take?”
“Stress and nutrition have a lot to do with it, and let’s face it. We’re abundant in one and lacking in the other.” Using her belly to help support Birdie’s weight, she reached out and smoothed a hand over your hair and then cupped your cheek. “Why don’t you lie down? Carol and I can watch the baby and—”
“Birdie.” You smiled fondly. Lori beamed at you. 
“That’s so sweet.”
You nodded, feeling proud of your partner’s choice. “Daryl picked it. Birdie Jade.”
“Well, Carol and I will watch Miss Birdie Jade. I’ll bring her in to nurse and you can get some good sleep in between. How’s that sound?”
“Like you two are fucking angels.”
“You Dixons and your mouths.” She chuckled. You straightened and blinked. You weren’t a Dixon. Is that how they saw your relationship with Daryl? Swallowing hard, you ducked your head, actually being the one to blush. “Don’t think on it too hard.” Lori chuckled with a wink, levering her way upright. “Get some sleep.” 
As intriguing and terrifying as the thoughts she had sparked were, you didn’t need to be told twice. 
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“Y/N! Y/N, wake up!” Carol’s voice was frantic, her grip on your shoulder tight and hurried. You shot upright, the fog of sleep clouding your awareness, panic gripping your heart from her tone. 
“What? What’s wrong? Where’s Birdie?” You were clambering off of the bed, Carol steadying you when you staggered, still under the intense clutches of exhaustion. 
“Lori has her. Come on, we have to go.” She shouldered one of the bags and shoved the other toward you. “A herd, we have to move.” She bolted toward the door and out of your sight. 
“Okay, okay!” You stumbled out after her clumsily pulling the bag over your shoulders, looking back to ensure you had everything. The room was so simple, even under the gaze of your bleary eyes. It was the first room you had shared with Daryl and Birdie. Where you had felt like a family. It shouldn’t hurt as much as it did. The farm was a sensible loss to mourn, but this was a room. A simple room in a random house. 
“Y/N!” You heard Carol’s voice ring out from somewhere nearby. 
“Fuck.” You said with genuine sorrow. The moment the little bundle in Lori’s arms came into view, a weight lifted from your chest. “Please.” You held out your arms even as Rick and T-Dog bellowed for everyone to run. Lori passed Birdie to you, barely a glimpse of her little face before you began to run. 
“The truck won’t start!” Glenn was running toward you, taking down two walkers in his path. 
“Damnit! Everyone to the van!” Rick ordered, stopping to usher everyone ahead of himself. 
Birdie jostled against your chest as you ran, thankfully she seemed content with the movement, continuing to sleep. The walkers’ numbers were growing thicker around you. Carol, Maggie, and Glenn were circling you, Lori, Carl, and Beth but it wasn’t enough. 
Using your forearm and hand, you stabilized Birdie as best you could, drawing your knife. Stabbing the closest walker, you kicked it off your blade and spun for the next, repeating the process. Over and over, you held your ground until you were panting and aching, but they just kept coming, hindering your slow trek to the van. It wasn’t until a cold, dead hand twisted into the baby’s blanket and tugged that you absolutely saw red. Your hold on her was unyielding, the strength of a mother that you didn’t realize you had until that moment. 
Daryl, please. 
Severing the hand at the wrist, you stabbed the walker in the eye, kicking it to the ground. Bowing over your baby, you ran, using your momentum and your body to plow through the undead toward the van, knocking them off balance just enough to allow your continued sprint until you were opening the back hatch and climbing inside, closing it behind you. 
Daryl, we need you. 
You knew that extra second that one of your friends would need to take to open up the van could mean life or death, but your sole focus was on Birdie. You unwrapped her and pulled down the zipper of her sleeper, turning her this way and that to inspect for scratches or bites, finding her skin unmarred. 
“Oh, thank god.” She was wailing by that time but calmed into hiccups on your shoulder, the warmth of your body and her blanket enough to soothe her for the time being. “Good job, baby. You’re okay. Mama’s here. You’re okay.”
 She’s okay, Daryl. 
The hatch opened, your knife in your hand as if walkers had suddenly evolved and could work the handle, but as Carol and the others began to filter inside, you exhaled and sank against the back of the passenger seat. Lori made her way to you with a certain amount of difficulty. 
“Is she okay? Are you?”
You nodded, unable to articulate the relief that was suppressing your ability to form words. 
Both front doors swung open, Rick and T-Dog climbing inside. 
“Roll call!” The former deputy shouted, starting the vehicle just before you heard—and felt—the tires catch on the gravel in search of traction. 
You could already see every face accounted for, but allowed the system, if for nothing more than to ease Rick’s mind. 
“What about Daryl?” You asked quickly, the words tripping over one another as they exited your mouth. 
“We’ll leave him some clues. You know how good he is at tracking. He’ll find us.”
Rick spoke nothing but the truth. Still, the thought of Daryl alone was enough to make your stomach hurt, your heart beat a little faster. He’d be beside himself with worry for his daughter, for you. You didn’t want to imagine that experience. Birdie was safe in your arms, but Daryl wasn’t at your side and you could hardly stand it. 
Birdie stirred, squeaking, her little face growing red. “Ssh.” You soothed, turning your back to everyone, facing the side of the interior and the window. Arranging your shirt and bra, you situated the baby to your breast, her little lips wrapping around the nipple to suckle eagerly. Still, you could sense her unease. She knew as well as you did that her daddy wasn’t close by, a stressor she’d expressed even from within your womb.
“It’s okay, Birdie girl. Daddy will find us.”
Hopefully soon. 
Gazing out the window, you watched the trees fly by in blurred mixtures of brown and green, most of the leaves still missing from the cold weather. You saw Daryl’s face in every gap, heard his voice whisper reassurance. 
Stay safe, love. 
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hana-no-seiiki · 4 months
might be running a little late on the spiderverse post (and by little i mean it’ll prolly be posted this weekend instead when all of us are free) cause i got assigned a task for skewl last minute 😭😭😭😭 so ill just give you guys this short fic/drabble w/ Cat Villain Reader for now that has been rotting in drafts for a bit.
please read my previous cat villain posts for more context !!
If you were to give a rank of the most punchable face in the Batfam, it’d be Damian. No surprise there in hindsight, but the fact that he managed to beat his own dad — the one that left your one true love to die — still astounded you.
Despite his reputation and the fact above, Damian had more calm moments with you than any of his predecessors. It may have been due to other factors; you being older and more mature (less of a brat), that you didn’t hate his guts, or that he wasn’t a masochist like Tim.
But the biggest reason was Talia.
You don’t get how the woman fell for Bruce but she did, and you knew she would do anything for him. You’ve fought her before and she was no joke.
And, she was the only person who helped you with Jason. Who didn’t scoff at your violent reaction towards his death. Who actually understood you, rather than ply you with words of comfort.
So, of course, you were a lot more gentle when it came to her son. Even during his more verbally abusive phase.
Recently however, you’ve noticed a change.
“What?” Damian glared at you (I say as if he looks at you in any other way other than glaring)
“Nothing.” You looked away, your mouth forming a pout. Damn him for having great observational skills even through both of your masks and while you guys were in the middle of a fight.
“Were you just staring at my arms?”
“No!” You shouted in offence. “. . . Yes.”
But how dare of him to be right anyways! It wasn’t your fault his new fit looked tighter on his toned biceps.
In any case, that’s where the change really started to be obvious. Usually after that he’d knock you out or screech curses, but now… now he’d —
“Keep looking. You’re easier to catch when distracted.”
You immediately felt your knees go weak.
The nicknames, too. Good god the nicknames. Some of them were still as degrading as ever, but you also noticed a sudden rise of sweeter ones, some in his mother tongue, others just plain corny.
“Hey Kitty, get your food elsewhere.” Damian greeted you from behind.
Damian never greeted you.
Your fights and/or meet-ups always started with a little roughhousing.
Which, as of the moment, was not happening just yet. Not to mention he didn’t even take advantage of your surprised state.
And so you turn invisible.
Ever the sharp eyed man that he was, he quickly spotted you from the sound of your movements. Yet he doesn’t attack. In the blink of an eye, he appeared right behind you, seizing your arms and whispered, “Did that make you purr?”
You licked him in response. Safe to say that you were smacked down afterwards.
You were starting to think that Damian liked you.
Of course, even though you were confident to a fault, you weren’t conceited. So in order to test that theory, you managed to switch your heists up for when he wasn’t on duty.
And from what you hear from Tim, he hasn’t been doing so great.
So terrible his days have been in fact that he had been sloppy enough to get caught. While the rest of his team was busy fighting you took the opportunity to sneak in. A favour for Talia’s help, you thought.
“Fool! What are you—“ Damian shouted at you. The villain they were fighting was no joke. If you had gotten caught —
His sermon gets interrupted by a kiss from you to the lips. You even shove your tongue down his throat for good measure.
You separate from him after a few minutes.
You think from the fact that he pulls you back in and kisses you as his friends were screaming in the background made it clear that he more than just liked you.
Maybe even loved you…
— to be continued
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mshroom1e · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ Crushing on You
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type: headcanons
twst characters with a crush on the reader
1.3k words
Characters: Azul, Sebek, Kalim, Rook, Deuce
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╰┈➤ Azul
He would be absolutely whipped and wouldn't even realise until he sees you, stops, and thinks 'oh wait.'
Jade would be the first to notice Azul's change in behaviour.
He's the type to get so into his feelings that it affects his performance at school even though he doesn't intend for it to.
He'd probably fall off his broom in PE class when he sees you walking around nearby.
I'm all for shy Azul and that's what he would be (because I said so)
He'd try so hard to make everything about himself presentable when you're around.
Since he collects so much information about people, he tries to find out everything about you through the info he's acquired instead of talking to you and asking like a regular person.
Prolly tried to rope you into some sort of contract where you had to work in the lounge so he'd have a solid excuse to spend time with you.
Someone please tell him about normal communication.
Once he's had time to understand his own feelings, he tries his best to get closer to you.
Invites to try new menu items at Mostro Lounge would become more frequent.
Overall, he'd be very genuine with his feelings once he's come to terms with them.
I don't think he'd mind if you didn't reciprocate the exact feelings he felt towards you, but that doesn't mean he isn't hoping you feel the same way.
Sometimes, his insecurities from the past would bubble up in his mind, telling him that you think negatively of him, but he tries his best not to think like that.
╰┈➤ Sebek
Sebek 💀
First of all, he wouldn't even think that he had feelings for you at all. Especially since you're such a simple-minded, pathetic HUMAN
Interprets his sped up heart rate when you're around as some sort of illness and decides to ask Lilia about it.
He describes his "symotoms" and the older fae knows exactly what he's talking about as soon as Sebek mentions your name, so peepaw stifles a laugh the whole time as Sebek is lamenting about his newfound "heart malfunction"
When Lilia tells him it's a crush, Sebek is mortified.
His already little control of his inside voice goes out the window as he yells "PERPOSTEROUS" or something similar.
He's panicking, screaming, kicking, all of the above.
"Woe is me!!" is all he thinks for the rest of the day until he goes to bed lol
The whole thing would look like a comedy sketch from an outsider's point of view
Poor kid would be so obvious, and your entire friend group would know before you do.
Sebek would be horrified when he sees you anywhere and instantly turn the other direction then curse himself for being afraid of a mere human.
Kinda like a little kid with a crush
He'd make some mean comments that come out as compliments without meaning to and everything would turn into a one-sided fight where Sebek loses.
Considers his feelings for you as some tratourus act towards Malleus.
He would refuse to tell you about how he feels.
You'd end up realising it yourself after someone hints at it.
It would be a mess, but a very funny and cute one.
╰┈➤ Kalim
the literal sun
Kalim would be the most genuine person ever.
He'd see his feelings as friendship, and not think too much of it after that. He thinks you're one of the most amazing people he's ever met.
He's very big on giving gifts and sometimes it might be a bit much.
The gifts he gives aren't with the intention of showing off, though. They're simply things you've mentioned that you liked or were interested in, and Kalim just had to get them to show you how much you were appreciated.
Once you express that the gifts you've been receiving from him are a bit much, he instantly understands. After that, he gives you things with more sentimental meanings behind them like handmade bracelets. They're not the best-looking at the moment, but they're from the heart, and that'd what counts.
After he's made you a bracelet or two, he finds that he really likes making them. With practice, he gets a lot better and gifts you more intricate looking little trinkets.
With Kalim around, you can never be on an empty stomach. He always has snacks on him that he pulls out of nowhere on a regular basis. All of them are delicious but his favourite ones to give you are crackers.
He doesn't get flustered when talking to you, just very happy and enthusiastic.
You get along so well, whether as friends or something more.
When he realises he has a crush on you, he gets so excited.
Expect to receive regular invites to the parties he hosts at his dorm and for him to hang out with you a lot more.
After all, he really likes you and wants to get to know you even better.
╰┈➤ Rook
To be honest, I feel like Rook wouldn't be too different from how he usually acts around people.
He still knows everything about you from your dominant hand to the thing you ate for breakfast that day.
He'd show up around you more than usual, offering you flowers and other small gifts that remind him of you.
You wouldn't think it was anything out of the ordinary since it was Rook after all.
Always does small gestures that make your life easier, like removing objects that would obstruct your path before you get near them or even realise what he's done, or tying your shoelaces for you when they come undone.
He spends a lot of time observing you, but not in a creepy way. It's just because He just finds you endearing and wants to see you just being your beautiful self.
Smiles at you a lot
You could be walking down a hallway and realise you left something at your dorm, but Rook would just happen to be nearby with the item you need.
When he found out about your favourite sweets, he bought a packet and carries them around with him so he can give them to you when he sees you.
He loves the way your eyes light up when you see the sweets in his hand and you take them with a huge smile on your face.
Rook would be a very sweet and well-prepared admirer that wouldn't hesitate to offer you help or just simple reassurance when you need it.
Like Azul, he wouldn't mind if you didn't feel the same way that he does and is just happy that he gets to admire you and see you happy.
╰┈➤ Deuce
Deuce you sweet summer child.
He would be so clumsy over everything and it would be the cutest thing ever.
Most likely practices what he's gonna say to you in the mirror every morning, which annoys his roommates a lot.
Messes up with his words when he talks to you and instantly flushes.
He tries to take the lead during assignments to seem smarter and impress you but fails miserably.
Please, he's really trying his best.
He can't control how stiff his face gets when talking to you and how flustered he gets.
His ears definitely go red first.
Accidentally ends up raising his voice out of nervousness when he's talking and physically cannot make eye contact with you or he'd explode.
He tries to do gentlemanly things like helping you carry large piles of books. It's not because he thinks you can't carry them yourself, he just wants an excuse to spend more time with you.
If your favourite dessert was available in the cafeteria and there was only one left, he wouldn't hesitate to buy it and hand it over to you.
He gives you cute chick themed gifts and sends you cute animal memes.
If you showed up at one of his track meets, best believe he's speeding off like sonic and blowing away everyone else at practice.
When he wins a race, he instantly turns to look for you in the stands and instantly smiles at you when he sees you.
Deuce would be so shy and sweet and it would be so cute jekrjrktktn
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n0bluev · 7 months
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THEM THEM YJEM THEM TEMM my session is almost over, just gotta do a last little (VERY VERY BIG FAST STRESFULL-) push and then schools done ^^!!!! AND SO HERES SOME SATOSUGU SKETCHES FROM A COUPLE DAYS AGO (i hadnt planned what i was going for in the drawing cuz it was just supposed to be a little brain empty sketch (cough, to procrastinate, cough, sorry teach TT), so ive got a bunch of different gojo attempts with different vibes lol (i couldnt just,,, not give geto his other half,, TT) -- none of them passed, i prolly wont finish this drawing -- ILL MAKE OTHERS INSTEAD DURING WINTER BREAK !!!! >:DDD) ---> im posting this now to give my official hello to JJK TUMBLR, HI! MY BRAIN HAS BEEN GOING VERY VERY FAST WHENEVER ITS ABOUT JJK (esp satosugu) FOR A WHILE NOW AND I JUST HAVE TO CONSUME CREATE EXIST IN 'BE' JJK SO UH.. yep
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luneariaa · 2 months
✧ reunion.
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✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : { ps5 } harry osborn x fem! reader.
✰ 𝐰. 𝐜. : 800+
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : you and harry finally reunited with the others after some time apart.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : not much proofread + more of a test as to try writing him, harry might seem to be a lil ooc here prolly, random writing. also just pure fluff <33
✰ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : been having a brainrot over him ngl like 💙 -- also, i had to do several researches about the game lmao,, he needs more attention ngl
. dividers by @/cafekitsune !! 🏹
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Slowly descending down the stairs, your eyes widened slightly at the mere sight ahead of you. Harry has finally returned after almost a year or so; his back is resting momentarily against the rear of his car, looking quite good as ever. Any other thoughts within you are gone in that moment, having your eyes straight at him.
Countless of thoughts have filled your mind, prompting you to remain still at your current spot as Peter and MJ rushes themselves to hug him, clearly have been missing his presence so much, and so did you. A small, yet tender smile is present on your features upon witnessing such a heartwarming sight.
Harry looks genuinely so happy like this, grinning from ear to ear. It's as if nothing bad has ever existed, even his illness. He's truly back.
When the three finally have finished with their little hugging session, the auburn-haired male finally has his gaze shifted towards you-- slowly beginning to approach your form as you did the same. He never forgets about you either; remembering those times when he got the chance to go on several little outings with you. Harry cherishes those days deeply.
"Hey." He begins with his usual charming smile etched upon his face, clearly directed toward you once he stopped just by a few inches away from your figure.
You returned his expression with a grin of your own, before responding back a "hey," before engulfing him into a tight embrace; one that is a mixture of longing and gratefulness.
He gradually wraps his arms around you as well; one of his hands gently held the back of your head, and the other around your waist with equal emotions being poured into it.
"I've missed you.." A soft murmur can be heard from him just right in your ear, "Missed you so much.."
The hug lasted longer than usual, though you didn't pay any mind to it. By this point, MJ has ushered Peter along to leave you two alone for now as you both are having your own moment.
"Have you been okay? God, I just missed you so much.." Harry keeps on repeating the last bits of his sentence, which elicited a light chuckle out of you as you're the first to slowly break away from the embrace.
Gazing up at him, your eyes possess the gentlest expression as ever as you spoke. "And I missed you so much too.. I've been okay, but it gets boring sometimes."
".. and I'm just glad that you're finally here."
You are still the same woman that he has grown fond of, ever since his high school years. You never changed much.
Without thinking twice and purely based on how much time he has lost, he leans forward a bit, and places a soft kiss on your forehead, before holding you into his arms once more. He couldn't even seem to be able to wipe off the grin from his face either.
The way he smiles, dare you say, is one of those things that you considered as precious and contagious-- easily affecting to those around him. Like how could you ever resist? You had no other choice, but to willingly return his actions without any hint of hesitation whatsoever.
"Did you cut your hair?" His sudden question interrupts your train of thoughts almost instantly, brushing several strands of hair that's been covering the half bit of your face.
The affectionate gesture alone has rendered you speechless for a while there, yet you still appear quite unfazed by it since his gentle touch itself is quite hypnotizing to be experienced on.
"Ah, you noticed," you chuckled amusingly. "I did cut it. Just a bit though."
You didn't expect that he could be this observant, but then again, it's Harry we're talking about here.
"I don't know how you did it, but you still look so absolutely stunning to me.."
He just couldn't tear his gaze away from you, and he has no intentions of doing so just yet. You get the sudden feeling that he wanted to finally try doing something rather bold soon; probably in his own way of saying thank you, or he merely wanted to prove something to you.
And you didn't have any intentions to refuse at all, as it is something that you've been longing to do since his absence as well.
Slowly, his fingertips grazes along the side of your face-- pulling your face closer to his as he begins to lean in, angled his head slightly to the side as if he's ready to seal the special, secret deal between you both.
With his eyes fluttering shut and his hand now moving up to hold the back of your head tenderly; the other around your figure, you started to show some signs of reciprocation as you did the same-- closing your eyes as you waited for his arrival toward the main destination that only you have possessed.
It's not for long anymore--
"Hey you lovebirds!" MJ's voice rang through the air with a teasing tone underlying within it, looking quite amused as ever by the whole ordeal uncovering ahead.
"It's getting cold out here!"
That's when you and Harry abruptly broke apart from one another, having this rather embarrassed expression plastered on your faces-- as if you both didn't just try to kiss each other.
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@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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ivory0 · 1 year
# you said it was a great love, one for the ages
pair : miles morales x desi!reader plot : deciding to do an art swap (?) w ur bf miles! format : short headcannons (that are kinda eh) note: mb if i got anything wrong lol! i am desi myself but might get some cultural thingies wrong just lmk and ill fix em!! ehehu live laugh love miles morales :3 best boy
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★ whole thing started due to a art project that was assigned when u both were in studio arts class and he was actually the one who asked to partner up with him do an art swap! first u were skeptical but ayt, u gave in.
★ u both didn't tell each other about what ya'll came up with until the day u were supposed show each other the work. u guys met in the park and wow.
★ miles probably sketched you, inked then used his alcohol markers combined with his paint markers to create a detailed portrait of u! honestly u were giggling and showering him with compliments before finally out of nowhere, dragged him to some bench in the park, sat down, had a focused look and stared at him that even he started to sweat drop. "Ay, Ma watchu doing?" he asks with an eyebrow raised as you bring out the tada!! henna cone!!
★ u then explain to him your plans about the art swap, how you were gonna use henna on his hands to decorate it! it was an ancient art form used in desi & other cultures and he was so hyped up when u explained the lore and meanings behind certain henna designs!! (e.g the sahasrara a lotus-like symbol that represents unity and is usually located on the palm!)
★ it wasn't cultural appropriation as the intent was for it to be shown as a form of cultural appreciation instead :-)
★ dude was taken a lil aback by the scent of the henna paste but not in an icky way but in an "this sh kinda strong ngl"
★ HE WOULDN"T STAY STILL nuh uh, miles made u so frustrated that u literally looked him dead in the eye and- "stay still or else imma draw squiggly worms that will look like doodoo stained on your skin for a few weeks >:(" and that had him still as a rock with a nervous expression as u kept working
★ after u were done he looked at his hands and straight up gasped and went on about how cool this was!! "how long will this take to dry?" and that's where it went downhill... mf didn't have enough patience like?? but before he could do anything u quickly took a picture that u later printed out and showed the professor
★ after years (his words) the stain dried and he scraped it off instead of washing because apparently it was "more fun" than just easily washing it away
★ at the end u tossed him sum chocolate prolly reeses or snickers idk because he tried his best to stay still and not ruin anything!!
★ the stained looked pretty good but got darker a few days later he didn't mind tho it looked dope!
★ 10/10 fun experience w ur creative milesy but next time bring more candy w u so u can bribe him better to stay as still as a rock !!
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snekdood · 7 months
OK OK.... last one. sorry. lmao
#i have already clicked off dont worry miss#didnt wanna hear your justifications or attempt to redirect attention to me and how Horrible I Am n project on me if it happened#'how DARE you 'not care'!!!'#nah. how dare YOU not care abt how your words effect others#also i do but i dont wanna give you anymore of my direct attention than is necessary.#also so wild for you the other day be like 'nothing u do online amounts to anything politically!!!!' *does a charity stream*#do it or dont it be consistent miss#ig rn in this moment i struggle to see it as anything sincere. since you already think doing things politically online is pointless#but are doing stuff politically online anyways. i was told that anyone who says u can do anything online is a grifter by you#well ig thats just a self admission there bc idk why else you'd switch up so much!#idk. ik you do care about her prolly. but also the timing.... yeaah kinda seems like you're just tryna cover your ass#and then paint anyone calling you out for it as 'not caring'.#keffals#<- at this point this tag is only here to keep track of the bs parade#'see!!! i care about (transfems) trans people generally!!!!'#ok ok ill let ya have your fun and let u tell urself ur doing something good so u can scrub your mind of any guilt abt#the ways u think are ok to treat transmascs you dont like.#bc you are doing an objectively good thing! i just dk how much of it is you caring vs you wanting to be like 'see? im the real progressive'#vs you not wanting to think abt how your actions have consequences#like. percentage wise. im sure most of it is you genuinely caring.......#theres just ...so much patting yourself on the back with you
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Void/LOA success by 💇‍♀️anon
This post is gonna be a bit lengthy , blunt and unbelievable 😭 also very sloppily written cause i’m havijh so much fun. i really have got out of my comfort zone and I’m so happy i did. No you do not have to follow every step I did! This is simply for motives and inspo.
So, yeah it's obvious i was one who struggled with void and loa blah blah blah for a LONG TIME! I was a hardcore druggie, physical and mentally abused all my life, had a very rare illness and so much more. But who gaf ab the old story. ☠️
So after a day of sending that cringe ass message to u i ended up prioritizing myself. It’s clear I was idolizing void and I’ve been doubting in LOA too like ??? So in the 3D i moved in with my one and only friend, got a job at a fastfood place (pls this is sorta embarrassing), and decided homeschool was much better for me. Also between that time I learned how to correctly manifest and shiz by you and @theandreiaeffect<3. And girlllll literally less than the next week I manifested perfect mental and physical health, my dream job, desired appearance, and 7,000,000$ with a 15,000,000$ home me and my bestie now live in. I was already so happy how it was. Yet after that crazy ass week passed by i woke up in the fucking void. I have no clue how but i did.
Now for what I manifested in void.
- ‘i heard a rumor’ power - a power of this girl from a netflix show. basically you say ‘i heard a rumor ____’ and it happens. its like a brainwash power? its simple to explain but idk. (If u watch that show my fav character is klaus whats urs?)
- Time travel(?) - so when i got in void it was prolly like september 11th 2022. i just said in the void ‘it is August 30th’ and when i woke up it was august 30th as you can tell so now I’m just relapsing my days but in a goodway.
- changed family - my bestie is like family and i changed her appearance to her desired appearance, more cousins, siblings, aunts etc. my dad being a famous nfl star.
- Revenge - basically just fucking with my abusers life the same way they fucked with mine. I have no regrets so🤷‍♀️
- Name and age revision - I always hated my full name so i changed it. I was 17 and just revised that i’m 21. yeah it was a big gap but idc it was worth it for me honestly. i also manifested i’m not gonna die till like 90 and age like wine so.
- a bf- oh let me tell u. i’ve always had a crush on ralph macchio. and now i have a boyfriend who is his twin but even more attractive. his personality and the way he showers me with love is mwah.
- Removing phobias - i’ve always been scared of animals🤦‍♀️ not anymore tho now i have 2 cute lil puppies and a parrot:)
- Vegan restaurants and shops opening up close to me - I’ve been vegan since the beginning of the year due to animal cruelty and just not enjoying meat.
- Immune from getting preggo til 25 - its self explanatory what i be doing but i’m not ready for a baby yet so🤫
- Being protected and safe 24/7 - anyone around me also is aswell its like a invisible barrier to danger
Now those are just a handful of what I manifested. I literally manifested sooooo many other priv things. Just get ur shit together. I have nothing else to tell u. Honestly idk how LOA coaches don’t get fed up with y’all constantly crying ab how u dont got ur shit when u are the reason why. U have a cheatcode to life. Not many people are spiritually awoken. Do you know how fortunate you are to have discover LOA???? Keep this in mind and maybe ya know manifest ur dream life. To Rem, I thought I’d be on tumblr way longer as your anon, but I’d rather go live my life to the fullest for a while. I hope my story leaves an imprint on the LOA community. Andreia, you have also really inspired me. I’m so fucking happy I made a whole 180 with my life. Rem and Andreia, i will NEVER forget what you have done for me. Thank you so much really. I love u guys so much🥲🥲
yesss im so proud of u!!! when u said u traveled back in time from september i got the chills! and baby go live your life and enjoy it, you deserve it!!! come back whenever u want and update us <3
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