#ill be thinking about it for the rest of the day
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thhouseofblack · 2 days ago
During the Trojan War years, Diomedes ends up falling down with a terrible fever after some battle. He is constantly pushing himself to his limits and its something that his body just can't keep up with or handle, which he doesn't realise.
The reason his fever worsens so much is because he assumes it is but his usual post-battle exhaustion and carries on, and the people closest to him (re: Odysseus and Sthenelus) are familiar with how he pushes himself during battle, and assume the same.
It is only when Odysseus wakes up one morning to Diomedes' skin burning and the man not waking no matter how much Odysseus tries to get him up, that it is found out just how ill Diomedes has been.
Everyone panics, seeing Diomedes of all people so unwell, but none moreso than Odysseus himself, who then proceeds to spend his days on his knees by the side of the bed Diomedes has been given in Machaon's camp for the wounded and ill.
No one can call the King of Ithaca away from the King of Argos' side, Ithacans, Argives - even Sthenelus at one point tries to coax Odysseus away from Diomedes' bedside and rest for a bit. The other Kings and War Commanders try, so do Machaon and the other medics, yet Odysseus doesn't heed any of their words, so consumed in his terror and fear for Diomedes' life.
Odysseus doesn't eat properly, doesn't sleep properly, doesn't fight in any battle during the time - just day in and day out taking care of Diomedes, ensuring that all the herbs he needs to take are given to him appropriately, making his men sacrifice a few rams to Lord Apollo for Diomedes' health, praying to all the Gods that he can think of to preserve Diomedes' life.
(if anyone brings up Odysseus' near constant weeping besides Diomedes sickbed, they are promptly hushed up)
Anyway, Diomedes wakes up two very long weeks later to his right hand tightly clutched in between Odysseus' hands, and to the sight of an incredibly pale and gaunt Odysseus, with swollen eyes and tear-stained cheeks, asleep in what looks to be a very uncomfortable position.
(Odysseus never talks about it after, but Diomedes hears all about it from everyone else, and well, he can't help but pick up and enjoy the way Odysseus has turned so incredibly attentive afterwards, looking after his health constantly)
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theribthatgrewback · 2 days ago
if you start a gemmarkhelly ship war on this post ill kill you. ok with that out of the way
okay. so. okay. i really. really really think it was a powerful choice to have innie mark make the sacrifice to save gemma, to risk his death... but not pull the final trigger on himself. he did not step out for her. he did what he could to save someone who is still mostly a stranger to him, because he is fundamentally kind, but he DID NOT sacrifice the last scrap of his life, because that's HIS life, and outie mark is not entitled to that sacrifice. innie mark has had so little choice, so little agency in his life, i think it's an incredible thing that when it finally came down to it, his two biggest choices were to SAVE someone he doesn't know, and then make HIS choice to spend the rest of (what he believes might be) his last day alive with someone he Knows and Personally Cares About.
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22ayla21 · 1 hour ago
Hi! How would the amphoreus husbands react to their wife dealing with morning sickness and fatigue for the first time?
Morning sickness
Morning sickness and fatigue give rise to suspicions that the wife may be pregnant.
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The morning did not start as usual.
Mydei woke up from a barely perceptible movement next to him. Not yet fully awake, he reached out to his beloved by touch, but her place in the bed was already empty. He frowned. She rarely got up before him, especially without a good reason.
A muffled sound pierced the silence, coming from the next room. Mydei tensed and quickly stood up, walking barefoot on the cool floor. When he found her, he stopped in the doorway, watching her leaning against the edge of the sink, breathing heavily. A slight tremor in her shoulders, a tired look, a sickly pallor - he did not like all this.
Coming closer, he carefully touched her back, feeling how she shuddered slightly.
- Are you okay?
She remained silent, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Only after a few seconds did she nod, but Mydei could see that she wasn't feeling too well.
- Did something happen? - His voice became more serious. She tried to brush it off, but the look he gave her made it clear that excuses wouldn't work. Sighing, she reluctantly muttered:
- Just morning sickness... don't worry. - Mydei narrowed his eyes. He had too many battles under his belt to not notice the obvious. This was more than just fatigue. He looked at her carefully, calculating the possible options. Illness? Exhaustion? Stress? But then his gaze lingered on her stomach.
The thoughts came together into a single picture. He straightened up abruptly, his eyes widening.
- You...
She realized that he had guessed, and she bit her lip slightly. Something warm, but at the same time uncertain, flashed in her eyes. Mydei looked at her for a long time, realizing something that hadn’t occurred to him before.
His heart skipped a beat, and he didn’t even immediately understand what he was doing. His hands gently rested on her waist, his gaze became deeper, warmer.
- You’re pregnant, - he finally said, as if checking himself. She nodded, and he felt something inside him turn over.
He had seen thousands of battles, fought the most terrible opponents, stood before death without fear. But now… Now this feeling was different. He would be a father.
Warmth spread in his chest, and he, without holding back, pulled her to himself, hugging her so carefully, as if she had become the most precious creature in the entire universe.
- Why didn’t you tell me right away?
- I wanted to be sure… - Mydei closed his eyes, took a deep breath, before gently running his hand down her back.
- Now I need to take care not only of you, but also of our child, - his voice was full of determination. - You won't have to endure this alone anymore.
She smiled, relaxing in his arms for the first time that morning. Mydei, who was always ready to take on any challenge, realized that this was the most important one in his life.
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Anaxagoras was not a man who gave in to panic. He always acted rationally, with a cool head, analyzing the situation before jumping to conclusions. But when his wife once again barely had time to turn away to suppress nausea, and then tiredly leaned against the nearest wall, he realized that something was wrong.
At first, he simply watched. This was not an isolated incident - in recent days she seemed tired, yawned more often, sometimes put off things that she usually did without hesitation. And this nausea...
He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes.
- You're sick, - he stated as a fact. His wife looked at him tiredly, as if about to object, but in the end she only shrugged.
- I'm fine, - she said, but her voice did not sound as confident as usual. Anaxagoras was not convinced.
He came closer, looking at her carefully. Fatigue, change of routine, nausea… He was a doctor, a scientist, an alchemist, but at that moment he didn’t even think about medical theories for a second. Instead, a single suspicion popped into his head.
He put his hand on her shoulder, forcing her to look at him.
- You’re pregnant.
She blinked. A second of silence. And then… laughter. She covered her face with her hands, shaking her head.
- You say that as if you were passing a sentence.
Anaxa frowned. He himself hadn’t realized that he had said it so… bluntly.
The thought seemed to fill his entire consciousness. He wasn’t even sure how to feel about it. It wasn’t that he minded – it was just that, as a man accustomed to everything being in control, he hadn’t expected his life to change so suddenly.
His wife was still smiling, but now she was looking at him with interest, clearly waiting for his reaction. He sighed.
- Okay. - He tilted his head to the side. - So we should confirm it for sure.
She nodded, but he noticed a slight spark of joy in her eyes. Anaxagoras was slightly surprised by this. And suddenly he realized - maybe this really wasn't so bad.
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Phainon had always been attentive to his wife, but lately he had noticed strange changes in her. In the morning she looked tired, sometimes she sat at the table for a long time, simply staring into space, and sometimes she even suddenly turned away, holding back nausea. He saw how she often pressed her palm to her stomach, how she winced from the smells that she used to love.
One morning, before the sun had risen, he was awakened by a quiet but distinct noise in the bathroom. Sleepy but alert, he immediately got out of bed and went to her. The door was ajar, and he saw her sitting on the floor, breathing heavily, her face pale and her eyes closed.
- You don’t look well, - he said, sitting down next to her and gently touching her shoulder. She tried to smile, but it was unconvincing.
- I’m fine, it’s just… - She paused, as if considering whether to say it. - I must have eaten something bad.
Phainon looked at her carefully. He knew her too well to believe such an excuse.
- You’ve been feeling this way for a few days now, - he reminded her, brushing a strand of hair from her face. - Tired, nauseous…
He paused for a moment, analyzing the situation, and then his eyes widened in guess. He slowly moved his gaze to her stomach, then back to her face.
- You… - He found himself unable to find the words. -It’s not a disease, right?
She bit her lip again, but this time a slight smile flickered in her eyes.
- I think I’m pregnant.
Phainon froze. Dozens of thoughts flashed through his head. He was the hero of Amphoraeus, a warrior accustomed to battles, strategy, calculating his every move. But now he felt lost, as if a new, unknown universe had opened up before him.
- Are you sure? - He could hear his voice shaking, not from fear, but from the emotions that were overwhelming him.
- Almost, - she nodded. - But all the signs…
Phainon exhaled, closing his eyes. Then, unable to restrain himself, he suddenly laughed. A low, warm laugh filled the room, and then he abruptly lifted his wife into his arms, spinning her around despite her quiet protest.
- Phaenon! - she cried, but he had already buried his nose in her hair, whispering something incoherent. He was happy. So happy that he couldn’t put it into words. He held her close, as if he was afraid that this would be a dream.
- You will give me a child, - he finally said, slowly lowering her back to the floor. There was so much tenderness in his eyes that she blushed.
- Our child, - she corrected, smiling.
He gently ran his hand over her belly, aware of the new life being born there. Their child. Their future. Phainon was not a man who lost his temper easily, but now he felt his heart about to explode with emotion.
- I will take care of you, - he promised, touching his lips to her forehead. - Both of you.
And in that moment, he knew his whole life had changed. But he was ready for it.
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tozettastone · 10 hours ago
I just reblogged a thing that used the phrase "rot in bed" but honestly I don't like the idea behind calling sleeping in or resting or napping or even lazing around for pleasure "rotting." Rotting is, basically, to decay and thereby become worse or damaged or whatever over time. That's not what lying in bed is. But this phrase has become really popular lately and it's, frankly, a bit stupid.
If you're in bed for "too long" because you're depressed, you're suffering an illness. You're sick. One rests when one's sick, and sometimes the best thing to do is actually to stop castigating yourself about it and permit yourself to go for it. If rest isn't helping you cope, that's a different conversation, but the rest itself is blameless in this matter!
If you're in bed for "too long" because you're resting and you're not sick, you're engaged in recovering from the slings and arrows of outrageous day-to-day living. That's a good, responsible thing to do. That's actually self-care, in the non-"UwU journalling and retinol cream!" sense of the phrase.
If you're in bed for "too long" because you love to sleep in and lie around, you're indulging in a fun luxury you enjoy. That's not "rotting," that's just doing an activity you like.
If you read all of these things and go "well, that's fine for those people, but I personally am an exception for (mystery reason), and when I do it, it is rotting," I have great news for you: you are wrong.
Anyway, I'm not the boss of you, but maybe consider not thinking of "resting" as "rotting," because... it's a bit stupid. Any sportsman can tell you how recovery works, any doctor can tell you how rest works, and any psychologist can tell you that activities you like are important to your well-being. Like... ease up, mate.
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yandere-paramour · 2 days ago
So this semester I have had a 14 hour day on Wednesdays which combined with my poor sleep schedule leads to my favorite part of the day car nap time. I swear it's the best sleep of my life. Along with car naps, I've been known to sleep anywhere. Not so much narcolepsy as a preference for cramped little spaces that I can settle into despite the comfort level.
So how do the Yanderes handle Hide and Go Seek: Nap edition? Like they find them zonked out on the floor Right next to a perfectly good couch
Vivien thinks it's funny. Like alright, I guess it's floor nap time. He'll accept you the way you need to be accepted, getting a throw pillow to put under your head and draping a soft blanket over you. You can do what you want as long as you're getting your rest. Hell, maybe he should take floor naps too. Maybe you're onto something.
It makes Noelle roll her pretty blue eyes. Darling, this is exactly why she keeps you inside; you clearly need her to take care of you. She doesn't have the strength to lift you and carry you to bed like she wants to, so she's going to have to gently wake you and guide you there. As an apology, she'll sit with you and hum softly to help you fall back asleep again. Sleep as much as you want; she'll have some hot chocolate for you when you get up.
Why would you worry Atalanta like this? She worries about your level of fatigue, you're too tired. Enjoy being sent to the doctor and having blood taken, she needs to ensure you're not ill. Once she is absolutely sure you're safe and well, Atalanta will simply have to deal with you herself. She's strong, so she can easily take you to bed whenever you can't help but fall asleep. She doesn't like the thought of you vulnerable and asleep hidden from her, and she will gently scold you when you awaken, but it's not nearly so much of an inconvenience as she says. Any chance to hold you in her arms is welcomed.
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caramelarrowswife · 2 days ago
can i request pure vanilla suffering from a cold because he visited the dark cacao kingdom without proper arraengements for the climate thinking that after all this years his body would have developed against the frozen land, turns out the one holding the light of truth was incredibly wrong, and know he gotta deal with the antiquated dark cacao kingdom medicine
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
Pure Vanilla Cookie had ended up with red eyes, a sore throat and a runny nose after wearing too little layers on his trip to the Dark Cacao Kingdom.. it didn’t take a healer to figure out what was wrong with him.
Luckily, Dark Cacao Cookie has just the remedy!
A/N: I read five different websites for information on this and it's STILL only 550 words I'm going to cry I'm so sorry
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
Pure Vanilla Cookie woke up a small hour after Dark Cacao Cookie did. He made his way downstairs towards the throne room, sniffling quietly. It seemed Dark Cacao had been right, and Pure Vanilla hadn’t prepared well enough for the cold.. oh, he already knew his husband was going to be insufferable about it.
His expectations were, as always, completely correct.
“Why is your nose running?” Was the first thing Dark Cacao said. Then, “Are you sick? Why are you sniffing?”
“Good morning to you too, my dear,” Pure Vanilla murmured sarcastically, approaching the other and nuzzling his face into Dark Cacao’s warm chest. “I slept fine, thank you, how was your night?”
“Don’t contaminate me,” Dark Cacao grumbled, inarguably not pulling away.
“Wouldn’t want to risk having to stay in bed all day, hm?” Pure Vanilla said without even bothering to hide his smile.
“That’s different. I have things to do. You, on the other hand, should be resting.” Dark Cacao turned from his healer, focusing back on the reports that had been resting on the left armrest of the throne.
“I cannot fall asleep in this condition,” Pure Vanilla sighed.
“This may come as a surprise to you, but I am not God. I cannot cure your cold with a snap of my fingers,” Dark Cacao said dryly.
“You don’t have anything against colds here?” Pure Vanilla asked, raising an eyeb
“Yes, but the leeches are scarce and I’d prefer to save them for a more dire situation.
Pure Vanilla’s eyebrow inhaled sharply through his nose (a mistake, because he had to sneeze immediately after). “The what now?”
“The leeches?” Dark Cacao said, his tone of voice taking that of a mother talking to her three-year-old. “The leeches that suck the illness out of your blood? By the Witches, don’t tell me you still use stale ale for colds in the Vanilla Kingdom..”
“No,” Pure Vanilla said, a little baffled. “No, we use paracetamol.”
It was Dark Cacao’s turn to look confused. “Do you seriously trust the tree root medicine?”
“Do you seriously trust leeches? Cacao, what in the world are you giving to your people when they’ve fallen ill?” Pure Vanilla’s eyes had opened just so his husband could see how much this bothered him.
“The usual,” Dark Cacao said vaguely.
“That says absolutely nothing,” Pure Vanilla replied. “I think I’m going to make a little visit to your medical facilities when my cold has passed.”
“I don’t know if that’s such a good-”
“Cacao, I’d rather bring a few dozens of paracetamol from my Kingdom to yours if it means not putting any leeches on your soldiers.”
“..hmgh,” Dark Cacao muttered, turning away from Pure Vanilla with a mildly displeased expression on his face. “Is chicken soup too good for the king of healers, or can he bring himself to force a spoonful down his throat?”
Pure Vanilla chuckled, the outer corners of his closed eyes crinkling. “Oh, it’ll have to do.”
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cerise-angel · 2 days ago
Will graham x fem!reader
dont know if this is smut? pre smut? something like that. maybe ill do a part 2 if i ever stop being lazy (i wont)
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Will is crowding your personal space since he got back from work. It bothers you, mostly because you, and apparently him, had a long fucking day outside the warm cabin, and you wish nothing more than a long hot shower and a comfortable bed. Will is tense and in a awful sarcastic mood, but he tries to fall back into your graces by following you around the house like one of the dogs. You are also tense and a little annoyed at his "pushing you away verbally but pulling you in physically" antics, plus the whole mess you had to deal at your job today. Will seems to enjoy annoying you when he's annoyed. It seems he actually craves the banter that it turns into a heated argument and ends up with you panting under him. Not that you don't enjoy it the same. Will has a need to prove himself right, and by needing to prove yourself right, you have the need to prove him wrong. You're not engaging in any bickering today though. You already had an exhausting day full of meetings and arguments at work and even though you do like to counter whatever comes out of his mouth just to spite him, you decide not to play games tonight. Plus, it's a very toxic behavior you both have, and you promised your therapist (not Dr. Lecter) that you would not indulge it.
Will is not very happy with your avoidance and blatant neglect of his sarcastic tone and words, he does like to hear you whine and argue back. He crowds you again, right as you leave the bathroom wrapped in a towel. You roll your eyes knowing exactly what he's about to quarrel about. Usually, you leave the door open and unlocked when showering, since he has the habit of jumping in or just chatting with you while you get clean. Today you did left the door unlocked, but closed. Semi-closed actually, you like some privacy while peeing, you assume the wind has closed it. It's not your fault really, and you shrug when he gives you those stormy eyes. Will frowns, his mouth opening to say something when you actually leave him in the corridor, walking straight into your shared bedroom and, purposefully, closing the door. Will rolls his eyes and sigh, deciding you're done for. Inside the room you can't help but let out a small laugh. Even though you said you weren't going to engage in any discussions just out of spite, you realize that ignoring him just out of spite its a better game. This one you intend to play, and you think you could win.
Will storms inside the room shortly after your realization, and you cover your mouth to hide a smile. The dogs tried to follow you both, but he effectively locked them out with a small "tsk" and hand gestures. You put your nightgown on, and there he is crowding your space again. Will is right behind you, you can feel him trough the sheer fabric and see him trough the vanity mirror. He wraps his arms around you closing and locking you against him. It's so sudden and tight you end up gasping. Will smirks while resting his head on top of yours, and you chastise yourself for giving him the upper hand. He ducks his head down, breathing in your scent, before placing his head on your neck, looking at your anxious face trough the mirror. You know he can feel you panting and the mocking smirk he gives you is more than confirmation. You avert your eyes from his and try to get out of his cage. He tsks at you the same way he does with the dogs and you stop. He scoffs "Good girl." You give him an annoyed look paired with a mouthed "fuck off". He plays an offended act, teeth nipping at your neck. Will smirks, knowing he's about to win whatever new game you made. It's not his fault you make it so easy, for him at least, to see right through you. "What are you playing tonight, hm?" He mutters while dragging his nose against your neck, and you push him away slightly. That does seems to fuel him. "Nothing. Don't wanna argue, that's all." You answer in half truth, trying to walk to bed. It's quite difficult, since Will still has you locked in his arms, but he follows your lead anyway.
He laughs at your poor excuse, and turn you to face him in his embrace. You have to control yourself to not let whatever lustful needing emotions are growing inside you, focusing only on winning your own game. Ignoring him. Will drop his arms from you and sit on the bed. Without any need of instruction you place yourself between his thighs, while his hands decide to slide up and sown at the side of yours. He looks up at you with mischief in those puppy eyes and a fake pout and you want to punch him. "You know I don't like being ignored." He says before resting his chin on your tummy, and the way he looks at you is enough to have you whining. Which you do, embarrassingly, earning yourself another wolfish grin. "Seems like you don't like it either." You huff, pulling away slightly, still trying to win. Will falls dramatically on the bed, his hands rubbing on his eyes and then tangling in his hair. You go around the bed, but he stops you the middle, a hand pulling you by the thigh to lay down on top of him. You straddle him, sitting up as he props himself in his elbows. "Quit playing." His tone is a little desperate which has you smirking. You shift on top of him purposefully. "I'm not playing." Will rolls his eyes and you can practically smell the annoyance growing on him. He sighs audibly before squishing your cheeks together with one hand, the other rests, respectfully, at the end of your spine. "Quit it." you look at him with what you hope is defiance and not utterly need. You realize it was the later one when he places his mouth on yours, again and again, until his hand releases your cheeks and you give him a sheepish smile. "So annoying." He mutters with nothing but honey on his tone, before dragging his mouth to worship the column of your neck and the plateau of your chest. You whine again and both his hands slide down your body, one squeezing your ass and while the other rest at the base of your neck, keeping your face tilted to expose it. Will looks up to you, his eyes still daring you to keep going. You shake your head, sighing in defeat. As the little motherfucker he is, Will smirks against the valley of your breasts. "Smart girl."
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littlejackets · 2 days ago
✩˚。⋆ What's Up, Tiny?
pairing ¦ cg!travis little!nat
summary ¦ Nat manages to get sick during winter from the hunting, and Travis is there to take care of her when she regresses from it.
tags ¦ sfw, fluff, age regression, swearing, sickfic
Ao3 User (if you wanna support there 🫶) ¦ fictionalstorms
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Hunting during the winter was a pain in the ass. It was cold, it was wet, there were almost never any animals outside, and no matter how many layers of clothing you put on your body, it almost never felt like enough in a Canadian winter.
But alas, it was Travis and Natalie's job and they had to do it. However, hunting day after day in the snow definitely tired them out. Travis usually wouldn't make out too bad by the time he was done, usually just coming back a bit cold. Nat on the other hand, would pretty much always come back freezing and barely able to walk due to how sore her legs were after trekking through the snow with heavier clothing on.
One thing that neither of them had ever considered, on the other hand, was the concept of illness. I mean, what were the chances they would actually ever get sick? They were only ever around the rest of the group and far away from civilization, surely that was enough to keep any possible sickness at bay.
Until this morning.
Nat woke up feeling like her throat was getting skinned from the inside, and she could barely breathe through her nose. She tried to sit up, but she felt too weak to even do that. She let out a groan and rolled over to see Travis, who was already awake and looking down at her with concern.
"Are you okay?" Nat asked him, already knowing that was a very stupid question.
"Yeah, but do you feel okay? You're really warm and you look kind of rough." Travis replied, brushing Nat's bangs out of her eyes.
Fuck. She got sick somehow. The blonde frowned and pushed herself away from him a little bit. "If I'm sick, you shouldn't be around me."
Travis shook his head, offering her a soft smile. "Well I mean, someone should be here to take care of you. And I don't think you want to deal with Misty." He said while he wrapped an arm around her to pull her closer, trying to show her that he wanted to help. She groaned again in response.
Nat wanted to push him away again and spare him from catching whatever she had, but his embrace immediately calmed her in a way that she hadn't felt in a long time.
She felt fuzzy, her mind and body light. Like she was floating on a cloud. It had been a while since she regressed and she did the best she could to avoid it happening. She didn't want to be a burden.
But when Travid softly kissed her shoulder, she couldn't fight it any longer. Nat rolled over and snuggled up against him with a loud whine, burying her face in his neck and bunching up some of the blanket in her hand.
Thankfully Travis caught on immediately. He remembered all of the signs of her regression from the last few times it happened, which made it way easier to tell. He placed a hand under her chin and tilted it up so she could look at him, and he smiled. "What's going on, Tiny?"
Nat huffed. "Cold." She said quietly with a little pout.
Travis pulled up the blanket a little over her shoulders and wrapped her in it, then pulled her closer in hopes that she would get a little warmer. He was concerned about how warm she actually felt, despite her saying she was cold, but whatever made her comfortable is what he cared about. "Better?"
The blonde shrugged and sniffled, the movement having cleared her nose for a split second before it got stuffed up again. When she couldn't breathe again, she started crying. She didn't like being sick, she wanted to feel okay, but she just felt so weak.
Travis shushed her quietly and put a hand behind Nat's head to fully hold her against his chest, gently scratching her scalp to comfort her. It usually helped, after all. He didn't really speak for a while, allowing her to let her feelings out before he started asking her questions. Instead he just whispered little reassuring words.
Once Nat started to stop crying, he kissed the top of her head. "How old are you right now, Nat?"
Nat hummed quietly in response. Words were hard, but she didn't feel like using her hands right now. Travis took the hint and nodded. "Younger than three?" He asked further. Nat nodded.
"Two?" Nat shook her head.
Nat didn't respond for a second, trying to navigate her own mind before nodding.
Travis smiled. "Alright, little guy. Why don't you go back to bed for a bit, and then we can see how you're doing after?" He suggested.
The little nodded again and put the corner of the blanket in her mouth, since having things in her mouth always made her fall asleep faster. She let out a sigh before closing her eyes, while travis took his hand off her head to start rubbing her back. "I'll be with you the whole time, don't worry."
He assured her, knowing sometimes she would get anxious about people leaving her, especially in vulnerable states. Nat hummed once more as a sign of acknowledgement before falling asleep almost immediately.
Hopefully she'd feel a little better when she woke up.
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youwerethedefeated · 1 month ago
Furudate really said childhood friends AU kagehina huh
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
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personal happiness or what the fuck ever
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#xmen#xmen comics#cherik#charles xavier#erik lehnsherr#professor x#magneto#jeans here too but ssh#snap sketches#i havent posted anything in what feels like forever and i GUESS i have to remind people i do draw sometimes. whatever.#aka in my brain i have at LEAST a five-page doujin where this gets incredibly nsft but i dont have TIME for that these days do i#so for now we get just. these scribbles. ill be able to make something exemplary again someday i swear <- optimistic#i think im going to close my comms off for the rest of december once i get through the batch i have now#which ... doesnt sound hard since the amount i have will probably take me to the end of december anyway 💀#i just need everyone to believe me i have better visions for yaoifying issue 309 .... the opportunity is right there...#like wdym the dream sequence is gon end on a panel of erik's eyes as he reinforces the idea charles needs happiness like scott and jean's..#call up your ex. right now charles.#what got me peeved about this issue is i have no idea what color eriks outfit could be vjaeLVKEJARK its like.#is he wearing a lab coat over a suit .... i think thats the intention ... or maybe it is a trench coat....#idk shit for me to figure out if i ever get the time to explore this thing again#LIKE UGH IM SCREAMING i have Such Visions that i dont have time to execute and theyre killing me#maybe ill just write them down idfk <- trying to write fanfiction ends even worse for me than trying to draw#anyways. im gonna drive myself mad good night everyone#i have to go to a christmas party tomorrow night. later tonight. whatever.#BYE
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linoyes · 5 months ago
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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i’ll find you again in every universe. let us be a little more honest, let us have a little more time.
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#despite it all though badlands rumble is like. the only universe where we get wolfwood thinking vash died first... and i think that means a#lot to their relationship and how it may bloom if there was more to badlands rumble considering vash literally saw wolfwood carrying a piece#of vash after his supposed death. u know! despite the short time they were together vash still meant so much to wolfwood that he couldn't#just move on or forget him in anyway. needed to keep a piece of him for himself and the rest of his days. but ofc vash lives and wolfwood#was like ill beat ur fucking ass into tomorrow. there's just so much honesty in vash being able to see that gesture bc he wouldnt know#otherwise just how much he might mean to him. ANYWAY. trimax with with the eternal pining featuring the two chapters where imo#where the both of them really fell for each other... i wrote my thoughts about this on another comic i did before#but vash solidifying his feelings during the hospital arc -- ww solidifies his when he realizes his allegiances are permanently with vash#98 my lovelies but also to me they are so one-sided bc ww pined like no tomorrow and vash only realizes after ep 23?24? his heart did tickle#whenever ww complimented his smile though#and tristamp vw my beloveds. it really just feels like they get the  chance to be closer and closer and more honest with each other#with every version that comes about. in trimax they knew how little time they had but struggled so desperately to get closer. in 98 ww felt#more willing to forsake for vash. in badlands rumble theyre Angry but as mentioned earlier ^ more blatant truth... due to circumstances#mainly but has the chance to lead to discussions and tristamp literally. first day of knowing each other ww saves vash - 2 days later vash#saves ww like. Man. AND NOW THEY MAY POTENTIALLY GET EVEN CLOSER!!!! with s2....#ruporas art
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toshidou · 6 months ago
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don't mind me, i'll just be sat here crying into my hands about girl dad!simon "ghost" riley who would do absolutely anything for his daughters.
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girl dad!simon who watches with a fond smile as his children fail to mask their giggles from underneath the sofa, their little legs sticking out very obviously from their "hiding place" but acting as though they're nowhere to be found.
girl dad!simon who lets them apply the black smudging around his eyes, praising them with how gentle they're being, and only huffing out a laugh when he feels his youngest smear charcoal fingerprints down his cheeks.
girl dad!simon who always has time to play with his girls, going along with whatever game their imaginative minds conjure with not a single complaint. over the years, you've walking in on simon as a horse, a robot, a fairy godmother (you will never get the imagine of simon with one of your elasticated waist dresses on out of your head, the material fighting for its life to stay in one piece as simon merely stares at you, silently pleading you to not take any photos), there is nothing he won't do to make them happy.
girl dad!simon who never once hesitates to scoop them into his arms at the first sign of tears, battled scared and inked hands holding his daughter so carefully, though she was made of porcelain, rough fingers gently swiping across ruddy cheeks, "you're okay, sweetpea, it's just a little scrape, yeah? my brave girl can handle a tiny scratch like that no problem, ain't that right?"
girl dad!simon who has a photo of you and your daughters tucked safely in his pocket at all times, all his favourite people on one small piece of paper he keeps safe over his heart whenever he has to leave, making sure it never leaves his mind that 'this is who he's fighting for, this is who he's working so hard to get back to'
girl dad!simon who try as he might, always tears up when he finally arrives back, and hears his little worlds sprinting at him as fast as their stubby legs can carry them, screeching cries of "daddy, daddy, daddy's home!" echoing through the walls of his home, arms wide as he crouches on the floor and feels their small but mighty weight crash into him, finally whole, finally complete, watery eyes meeting yours where you lean against the wall, similarly emotional.
"welcome home, si."
finally, home.
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smrtnik07 · 8 months ago
I'm always thinking about how pretty your catherine art was so maybe her :3c? Or maybe heathcliff, I think hed look so cute in your style...
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wahhh thank u so much.. here u go i made them extra silly foryou.
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obey-me-headquarters · 2 years ago
hi! could u perhaps write about mc accidentally finding out about the boys’ hard limits? like, just something that triggers their fight or flight response. maybe like inflecting severe pain or something. idk… thank you and sorry if u can’t!
Summary: Reader finds out where their demons' hard limits lie.
Warning/kinks: Degradation, Mirror play, bondage, sensory deprivation, punishment, spanking (with your hand and with a paddle), public play (? You're at an orgy, so everyone around you is consenting), food play, safeword use. In general, there's some panic on the boys' part as they realize that they don't like what you're doing. Along with some of them holding in their safeword for a bit, but you reprimand them for it.
Word count: 8,500+
Reader is completely gender natural and their genital isn't described.
You know that Lucifer has complicated feelings when it comes to his body. He hates that he's missing a set of wings, but he wouldn't go back in time and stop himself from tearing them out. Yet his preference towards wearing as many layers as possible stems from more of a fear of being vulnerable than a lack of confidence in his body.
If anything, he's a bit overconfident in his physical appearance, if someone were to ask you.
("Is it really overconfidence, or simply knowing what I'm worth?"
"It's overconfidence Luci, my beautiful stupidity prideful demon.")
Using mirror play in the bedroom has proven to be an excellent way to break down Lucifer's walls. Whenever the demon struggled to get into subspace all it took was bringing out a mirror and having him nakedly kneel in front of it while you remained fully clothed for him to fall straight into subspace.
Something about him being so vulnerable while you remained untouched and fully clothed did something to him. Made him feel small and submissive. You didn't quite understand, but you definitely saw the appeal.
So, when Lucifer struggled to get into subspace one evening. When collars and putting him over your knee didn't do the trick, you brought out the mirror. It was full length and wide, able to reflect nearly half of the entire room, but you doubt that Lucifer would pay much attention to anything besides you or himself.
As you place Lucifer in front of the mirror he snaps at you, barring his teeth into a snarl and you know that tonight is going to be a difficult fight of trying to get him to relax enough to slip into subspace.
That proves true when you watch Lucifer struggle to fall into subspace. His pride battling his desire to be vulnerable and let you take control, you watch as he relaxes, before tensing up and snarling, before relaxing again, creating a vicious cycle.
Determined to break it, you decide to try something else that always makes Lucifer squirmy and lightheaded:
"God, you're pathetic," you hiss as you pace around the demon. "Look at you, snarling at your own reflection like a wild animal. You know, sometimes I think you're no better than a wild animal with how much you fly off the handle."
Lucifer blushes at your words, but his pride is still roaming, and it doesn't let himself relax just yet.
"How dare-"
"Shut up!" You snap, wrapping a hand around Lucifer's mouth to silence him.
"Shut your dirty, lying, cheating mouth! How dare you think you can talk like you have something worthwhile to say."
Lucifer's breath catches in his throat, as the haze of vulnerability starts to creep up on him. Seeing his desire spark in his eyes you smirk and continue.
"Come on Luci. We both know that you never said anything worthwhile in your life. That at the end of the day, you're worthless. No, no, you're less than worthless. You only seem to make everything worst, don't you?"
Lucifer feels his pride crumble at your words, washing away as he starts to feel truly insignificant.
"You can never do anything right, can you? Not for Diavolo, not for your brothers, and certainly not for me."
The mention of disappointing Diavolo and his brothers strikes something inside of Lucifer, something he wasn't prepared to feel. Yet before he can examine what he's feeling, you continue.
"You're constantly fucking up, disappointing everyone around you. I wonder how long it'll be before everyone around you sees what I see. Do you know what I see Luci?"
Breath catching in his throat, Lucifer shakes his head.
You raise his chin with your index finger and direct it to the mirror, and Lucifer flinches when he sees himself.
He knows he would look vulnerable, and normally he would take great delight in how small and weak he looks compared to you, but coupled with your words, instead of feeling small and submissive and safe in your gaze, he feels like dirt. Normally when he drops down into subspace he feels soft and cared for, now he can't help but feel worthless and exposed.
Your sneer doesn't help as you take in the kneeling demon.
"Ugh, look at you. Can you believe that you used to be considered the star of the Celestial Realm?" You grab onto Lucifer's chin and force him to look at himself in the mirror.
"Well, can you?" You demand.
"N-no." He asks barely a whisper as tears spring to his eyes.
Immediately your hand drops from his chin as you stare at your demon in alarm. You're used to Lucifer being shy, especially as you break his pride down, you're used to his tears, but you never heard your demon sound so broken before.
"Luci, darling, are you ok?" You ask softly.
"I, I can't believe that I used to be the star of the Celestial Realm, Master. I am, sniff, I am worthless." Lucifer ignores your concern as he continues to cry, tears dripping down his cheeks.
Immediately you wrap your arms around him and pull him into your chest. "Hey, hey, shhhhh. It's ok baby. I don't think you're worthless. Demonus, ok? Demonus, the scene is done, it's over." You repeat your safeword a few times so Lucifer knows that the scene is over.
As you continue to hold Lucifer against you, mumbling praise and assurances slowly the demon starts to calm down. When his tears finally stop he leans away from you for a moment to catch his breath.
"Sorry, I- sorry. I don't know what came over him." He says, looking everywhere but your face or the mirror.
"It's ok sweetheart, you know you never have to apologize for needing to stop the scene. You know that right?"
"Yes, I'm aware. I just, didn't expect to react that way."
"If you're willing, do you mind telling me what caused it?"
Lucifer sighs and collapses back into your hold, and you think for a moment that he's going to shrug the whole scene off, but after a beat of silence he answers:
"It was the degradation. Normally I like it, love it even. But as I fell into subspace, hearing you talk about me like that made me feel vulnerable, and not in a good way."
Blinking, you will your tears away for now. Later, when tensions are lower, and everything isn't so raw the two of you will have a more in-depth conversation about this and will be able to apologize. Now your demon needs you.
"Thank you so much for telling me, baby. I just want you to know that I didn't mean a word of what I said. I, and I'm sure everyone else, rely heavily on you. We don't think you're worthless at all."
"I know," Lucifer states, a bit of his prideful overconfidence returning.
"Now, why don't the two of us stop laying on the floor and listen to a few of my records instead? I got this new one that curses those who listen to it to sing until their throat bleeds." Lucifer stands, reaching out a hand to pull you up.
It's a bit silly, seeing the still naked demon being so confident, but you hold all teasing remarks as you follow along.
You wanted to do so much to Mammon that it became a question of not what you'll do to him, but what he'll allow you to do to him.
And it turns out Mammon will allow you to do a lot.
Hence the list. After a very exciting night of thinking about every fantasy, kink, and wet dream you ever had, you came up with a list of what you wanted to do with Mammon, and are currently in the process of working through that list.
A lot of things on the list Mammon never tried (or heard about) before, which took a lot of talking, and a lot of easing him into certain kinks. The very kink you're trying out tonight being one he never tried before.
You gather up everything you'll need for tonight. A blindfold, noise-canceling headphones, and a pair of chains. You're a bit excited that the blindfold and headphones are magic, meaning that cut off all light and noise, as it was basically impossible to find a human realm blindfold that blocks out all light.
You could tell Mammon was getting excited too by the way he keeps eyeing the items, but in his usual Mammon way, he keeps that fact to himself.
It's adorable how he rushes to lay against the headboard at your command, as he's usually a bit of a brat and drags his feet before obeying your orders.
The chains are the first thing to go, seeing as Mammon and you were intimately familiar with them. As you lean over to secure the right cuff Mammon steals a kiss, leaning upward his lips ghosts over your cheek. With a grin, you pin him to the bed.
"Greedy boy~ we haven't even gotten started and yet you're already teasing."
"Guess it's just in my nature to be a little greedy." He teases back.
Rolling your eyes you give him one last real kiss on the lips before cuffing him to the bedframe. As you back to enjoy your work you can't help but feel giddy.
Pulling out the blindfold and headphones you turn to your demon with a grin as you present them both to him.
"Blindfold or headphones first?"
Mammon looks a bit caught off guard at being asked his preference, before eyeing them both critically. After a beat, he answers: "The headphones, I want the extra time to see you."
You huff at the flirt, not believing just how bold your demon can get under the right circumstances. (The circumstances being chained to the bed as you lay on top of him.) Leaning down you place the headphones around his ears and give him a moment to adjust.
"Wow, this is really weird! Woah! I can't even hear my voice! Am I being loud? I feel loud!"
Rolling your eyes you lean down and tap Mammon twice against the forehead - the signal you two came up with when you want to check in.
"I'm really to go! Just give me one last moment to look into your eyes -" Mammon stares into your eyes unblinking for a solid five seconds "- I'm good to go!"
Wrapping the blindfold around his head you plunge your demon into darkness.
And it is incredibly weird for Mammon. As a demon he has pretty good night vision, so even in complete darkness he can make out shapes pretty well. So being in complete darkness takes him a moment to get used to.
The warmth of your body grounds him, and it doesn't take long before he's relaxing into the plush bed.
Shimmy downwards, you try to make yourself comfortable sitting between Mammon's legs, sitting right in front of his cock. Leaning down you give the half hard cock a puff of air and watch as Mammon jumps at the sensation.
"Th-that felt weird. It felt like, a lot? Even though it was so little?" Mammon mumbles, and you wonder if you're going to get a rubbing commentary the entire night.
Maybe you should have added a gag to your myriad of tools.
Wrapping your hands around your demon's dick you begin to slowly pump it. Mammon gasps at the feeling, before moaning and leaning into your touch. Your touch is light and extremely slow, but the demon has always been extremely sensitive and it doesn't take much before he's nearly spilling.
"I'm cumming-"
Your hands fly away at his words, and he growls in annoyance. With a grin, he can't see you bounce off of the bed and begin looking through your toy chest. Normally Mammon would be peaking over, curious about what you'll pick out. But seeing as he can't currently do that, you grin as you realize that you're going to completely surprise him with whatever you pick.
As Mammon comes down from his high he realizes that you're no longer on the bed. The warmth he previously felt emulating from you is gone, and his heart quickens as he realizes that he's alone.
"Hey, what's the big idea? Where'd you go?" Mammon calls out.
You roll your eyes at the dramatics, too busy with shifting through the toy box. "In a minute, Mamms, I'm just getting a few toys." You answer, half forgetting that he can't currently hear. Mammon was just so loud, so responsive, that you momentarily let it slip from your mind that he didn't actually expect a response from you, and couldn't receive one.
Mammon tries his best to calm down. Surely you're just messing with him, right? Wanting to make him crack and beg for your touch? You do like to make him beg. Yup, that's it. You were just teasing him.
You are still definitely in the room with him.
Seconds become minutes to Mammon as he strains his ears to hear you. Normally he knew exactly where you were and what you were doing, even when he was kneeling and staring at the ground his demon senses allow him to hear everything. Now he has no idea where you are or what you're doing.
"Ok, fine, fine! I give! Can you please touch me?" Mammon whines.
Picking up the fleshlight you want to use on him you intend to do just that. Only to realize that the demon forgot to clean it. Gagging you put the toy aside to clean later, and decide to punish your demon by continuing to ignore him by looking through the toy box.
"Come on, please." His voice takes on a real edge of desperation as he starts to spiral.
What if you left? What if you got bored of him and decided that you didn't want to play with him anymore? Is he all alone, begging to an empty room because he wasn't good enough? He begins to fight against his chains in earnest now, instead of the teasing, testing pulls he's used to. But he finds that they're locked up tight and that he can't break out of them.
Will you hear his safeword if he says it?
Finally finding a suitable and clean toy you stand up and stretch. Glancing over at your boyfriend, you notice that he's strangely calm as he's no longer begging or struggling against the chains. You believe that he's just pouting and the second you touch him he'll start whining about you taking forever.
Before you can reach him, Mammon mumbles out a soft, broken, "Goldie".
Dropping the toy in your hand you rush over to him and immediately remove the headphones before moving onto the blindfold.
"Hey, hey it's alright. I'm right here." You mumble, hands shaking as you lean up to undo the cuffs.
Mammon has never safeworded before, and you're kinda panicking at the moment, but you do your best to remain calm as you rush to take off the chains.
The second Mammon lays eyes on you he lunges at you, pinning you to the bed in a hug. His arms are firm, yet they shake as they hold you. It takes you a moment to realize that the wetness you feel on your neck is from Mammon, but once you do you coo in sympathy.
"I thought you left me," Mammon whispers into your chest.
Blinking back tears you lean down to kiss the demon's forehead.
"I would never leave you alone like that Mamms. I just wanted to get a toy from the toy chest. I'm sorry, I should have communicated that to you."
"It's alright just... I don't think blindfolds and noise-canceling headphones are for me."
"That's OK, that's alright. Sometimes we're going to find stuff we don't like."
Levi is an extremely obedient sub. In your many months of dating each other he never once received a punishment. You two set out rules together, with him not being allowed to touch himself without your permission and him being required to leave his room and go to RAD a certain number of times each month.
You had expected a rule to be broken at least once, so you were very surprised to see that it never was. Levi was just obedient, and even when he didn't want to do the thing you ordered him to do, he did it. (Even with an excessive bit of whining)
So you were content to never punish your scaly demon.
Levi wasn't.
"Why do you never punish me," Levi asks, pouting in his bathtub. His face is partially hidden by the pillow he's clenching to his chest.
"Because you never actually break a rule or be a brat?"
"Hmmmmm," Levi pouts. "It's not fair! You punish the others! Yet you never punish me. Is it because you don't want to? Because you could never bring yourself to punish a gross otaku like me?"
Holding back a laugh you crawl into the bathtub. Really, only your Levi could be envious of those you've punished.
"Well, if you're so interested in being punished, why don't you do something bad?"
Levi's eyes snap towards yours, like he never actually considered that option. "Gahhhh?!? Be, be bad? How could I, wouldn't you hate me forever?!"
Softening you reach across the tub to cup Levi's face in your hands. Moving his shocked face towards yours you pepper his face in kisses.
"Nope! Levi, I could never hate you." You say softly, stopping your kissing momentarily to gaze sincerely at your boyfriend.
Levi blushes at the look and hides his face in the pillow that's currently squished between you two.
"O-ok, if you say you wouldn't hate me, I'll, I'll try being bad!"
You walk towards Levi's room with a pep in your step, excited to continue playing the new RPG the demon recently brought. You only stopped playing last night as your eyes burned too much for you to continue looking at the screen.
As you cheerfully open the door to Levi's room you immediately notice that something is off about the demon. Instead of excitedly smiling at you and handing a controller over to you, he's curled up on his gaming chair and nervously fidgeting with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders.
"What's wrong?" You ask. Standing over your boyfriend you check him over. Did Mammon steal something of his again? Was an anime he liked canceled?
Levi shakes off your concern and reaches for a controller. "N-nothing is wrong! We don't we start playing?"
He shoves the controller into your hand before scurrying off to turn on the game console. Unsure of what else to do to help your nervous demon you follow along, thinking that he'll open up once you start playing.
As the title screen of the game pops up you see Levi nervously staring at you in the corner of your eye, and you debate asking again if he's alright. Before you're able the title sequence stops and you press the "play" button. A column of saves pops up, and in your confusion, you momentarily forget about Levi's nervousness completely.
"Levi, where's my save?" You ask, flicking between the different saves, yours mysteriously gone.
"Oh well. Um. I sorta maybe, deleted it?" He says in a whisper so quiet you have to strain to hear it.
Snapping your head towards him you watch as Levi nervously fidgets. His left arm is covering his face in a classic sign of Levi's nervousness as a blush paints his cheeks.
Wait. Blush?
All of a sudden your previous conversation about punishment from yesterday comes back to you. You honestly didn't believe that Levi would gather up the courage to do something "bad", so you're momentarily impressed that he did.
All previous concerns about your save fly out the window, as you're sure that Levi backed up the save and is only pretending to have deleted it to elicit this punishment. Stalking forward you wrap your arms around your demon's shoulders and force him to face you.
"Oh, did you know? I didn't know my little demon could be so.... naughty~" You tease.
Levi's face darkens, at both your close proximity and your words. His mouth opens to defend himself but no words make it out. You watch as Levi reboots himself as you teasingly rub circles onto his shoulders.
As moments pass by and Levi is nowhere closer to calming down, you decide to pick up the lead again. "Does my demon want to be punished? Is that it? Were you sitting here in your room wondering what you could do to make me mad and pull you over my knee?"
Wordlessly Levi nods and confirmation, and you can't help but laugh a little. Even when being punished your demon can't help but be good for you.
Returning to your chair once again, you pat your chair and pat your thighs expectingly. Rushing to comply Levi lays across your thighs, and you give him a warning smack of what's to come.
"Ah!" Levi cries out, more in surprise than any real pain, as it will take a lot more than a little smack to hurt a demon Iike him.
It's not the first time you had Levi over your knee, though the previous times were more to explore a curiosity than for a punishment. Yet the previous experiences fill you with confidence, as you know where to smack to tease him, and where to smack that will cause him real pain.
As Levi gets himself situated on your lap you pull down his pants in one quick motion, jeans and all. The demon shivers as cold air meets his rear and you laugh at the pout he gives you in response.
Testing out the waters you give the bare ass a firm smack, and delight in the way Levi flinches at being caught off guard.
"Ah hmmm!" Levi moans, thrusting back for more.
"I expect you to count and thank me after each hit Levi-chan." You say sternly.
"O-one! Thank you, Master!"
Grinning you continue, giving your demon a few more smacks. You didn't give him a number on purpose, as you want to see how many smacks it'll take before his ass is a bright red and he's sobbing out for mercy.
As his ass gets redder and redder Levi begins to squirm against you, thrusting his hips against your thighs. You sigh in response, deep and disappointed, and the sound snaps Levi out of his pleasure filled hazy.
"No grinding against me. This is a punishment, remember? You're not supposed to be enjoying this."
Your tone is harsh, and it sends Levi flinching. You never sounded so.... frustrated in a scene before. Levi is used to you being teasing and gentle, always there with a soft word and a teasing touch. The idea of you being upset with him sends him spiraling.
Tensing up Levi tries his hardest to sit still and obey you, believing that maybe if he shows you that he can be good, and is willing to listen to your commands, you'll praise him. (You'll still want him.)
The next few swings of your fast, delivered before Levi has the chance to count them individually. Because of this, he miscounts them.
"Fifteen, s-sixteen, seventeen! Th-thank you, master."
Slowly, as Levi catches his breath your hand trails upward before suddenly wrapping tightly around his hair. Pulling him upward you lean down to whisper in your best Disappointed Dom voice: "Are you sure you counted right?"
Levi feels his heart stop at your words. He did, right?! He wouldn't miscount - didn't mean to miscount! He swears! It was an accident-
Slowly you watch as Levi's breath starts to stutter, stopping completely before gasping in and out. Immediately you drop your hold and Levi begins to hyperventilate against you.
"Sorry, I'm s-sorry. Didn't -gasp- didn't mean to! Sorry!"
Instantly you pick the demon up and hold his back towards his chest, hopeful that the extra room will allow him to calm down, as you begin mumbling praise into his ear.
"Hey, hey, it's ok! I'm not angry, I promise! There's no need to be sorry, it's ok, I forgive you."
Eventually, Levi gets his breathing under control, and he collapses against you once he does. Shifting him slightly, you pull him into your chest and he immediately buries his face into your neck. You continue to whisper praise as you being to gently stroke his back, allowing Levi the time to compose himself.
"I'm sorry." Is the first thing he says when he does.
"I know baby, I know. There's nothing to apologize for, though, you know that right? When I was disappointed that was only a part of the scene, right? Like when you sometimes pretend to not like something when you do."
Mutely you feel Leve nod against you.
"I, I didn't actually delete your save. I have it backed up on my computer."
"I know, sweetheart, I know." You whisper before leaning down to kiss the top of his head.
"How about this, we continue sitting here for a bit longer, and then we both get something to eat and drink. Then we have a little chat about the scene before loading up my save?"
Levi grumbles at the idea of actually having to talk about what happened, but he nods against you once.
"Good boy. That's my good boy."
You hold up a pair of handcuffs and Satan grins.
You two haven't played around with the idea of bondage much, there were other kinks that you wanted to try out first. Sure, you toyed around with pinning his hands down to the bed or ordering him to sit still while you edged him. But you two have yet to use any tool to bind him.
A distinct click echoes throughout the room as you fasten the cuff to his right hand before moving to his left. His hands are looped around the bedframe, stopping him from reaching down to touch himself or you as you play with him.
A wise choice seeing as you plan to edge him until he's sobbing.
The first edge passes through him well, only resulting in a choked-off groan before you give him a few moments to calm down. As you do Satan begins to pull at the handcuffs, testing out their strength.
As he pulls his hands back and forth he feels his heartbeat pick up for a different reason. A looming sense of dread slowly starts to creep in, but before he can focus on it you begin to stroke his dick once again.
Arousal floods through his system once again, but so does anxiety. As he chases his denied relief once more he pulls against the handcuffs, flinching when they make a loud clicking noise as they scrape against the headboard.
When you shift away to allow him to cool off the anxiety settles in replacing all thoughts of arousal. He begins to fight earnestly against the handcuffs, pushing and pulling them, trying to will them to break. But they're strong cuffs, made out of demon-resistant metal and almost impossible to break.
In your mind all you can see is Satan shaking against the bed, sneaking out the pleasure you've denied him. But in Satan's, he's reliving an experience he hasn't felt in thousands of years: entrapment.
Memories of heavy chains wrapping around his body, caging him in and denying his escape as he withers and shakes in rage. Memories of dark closets and being chained to this very same bed as he screamed out curses and profanities until his throat bleed.
He thought he was past this stage of his life, where he was angry and trapped. Caged like a wild animal.
"S-SHAKESPEARE!" Satan growls out your safeword - a safeword that has never been used before.
It takes you a second to realize what he said, but once you do you're on him in an instant. Reaching up you fumble with the keys to the handcuffs as Satan struggles beneath you. You whisper praise and assurances as you unlock the cuffs, but you doubt he can hear you.
The moment he's free Satan flinches backward, his back hitting the wall as he scrambles to get away from you. His eyes are wide, his pupils are pinpricks as he studies the world around him. Akin to a wild, caged animal he crotches down like he's preparing to lunge, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
You know he wouldn't attack you, yet you do your best to look passive as you raise your hands in surrender.
It takes a few moments, but eventually, Satan comes back to himself. He seems to realize where he is, and what's going on, as he composes himself.
"Baby, are you ok?" You ask in a low, gentle tone.
And Satan breaks.
He completely shatters as he rushes into your arms. You barely have time to realize what's going on before you feel your chest wetten as Satan begins to sob.
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry." You mumble, hands lightly touching Satan's head. When he leans into the touch you begin gently petting him.
"It's, sniff, it's ok. You didn't know I would react like that. I didn't even know I would react like that."
"Still, I saw you struggling against the handcuffs, I should have checked up on you."
Satan doesn't know what to say to that, too tired to try to argue with you so he simply hums in response. After a few minutes of sitting in comfortable silence, your hands threading through his hair, he leans up and rubs the remainder of the tears out of his eyes.
"Do you want to talk about it? Or would you rather we do something else?" You ask, rubbing circles into his back.
"Can we read a bit first?" Satan asks, and on a normal day he would cringe at how timid he sounds, but he's too tired to care right now.
One day he'll tell you about his "childhood". About this memories of chains and ropes, of dark rooms and confined spaces, of rage and curses.
But now he just wants you to hold him as the two of you pour over a good murder mystery, him free to move around and shift, and you with your hands wrapped around his waist.
You and Asmo tried nearly every kink known to man, and even some only known to demons. So you know when Asmo's limits lie, and he knows yours. You know when he's fake whining to get a rise out of you, and when his cries border on actually "too much", you can tell the difference between pleasure tears and pain tears, and after many many conversations you know what kinks he absolutely wouldn't want to try under any circumstances.
Fortunately, polygamy wasn't one of them.
It wasn't often the two of you invited another into your bed, you could entertain each other just fine. But sometimes you wanted to see Asmo dom another person, or Asmo wanted to show off his skills next to a less experienced sub, and gangbangs were just fun! You only had two hands, and sometimes you wanted to see Asmo be taken apart by a dozen.
The orgy the two of you are going to tonight didn't have a "main character", but it was hosted by a prominent sex toy brand owner, and Asmo said that the snack bar was "to die for". So you decided to give it a try.
Asmo was being a brat the whole car ride over, pawing at your jacket and trying to kiss you. Trying to save the poor Uber driver you tell your demon to behave, but Asmo only giggles in response as he tries, and fails, to undo your buttons.
You hope that once you got to the orgy Asmo would settle down, but he's  committed to being a brat. As you hand over your coat to the door demon, Asmo rushes ahead of you and sits down onto the lap of a demon he knows, who is very clearly in the middle of having their dick sucked by another attendee.
He tries to persuade them to let him take over and replace their sub's spot, but you're able to pull Asmo away by his collar and onto your lap.
For one glorious moment, you believe that this calms your demon down enough to start behaving, as he quiets down once as he gets settled. It wasn't long after that another demon started up a conversation with you, asking if you were the legendary exchange student, and how you felt about RAD.
While you talked Asmo absentmindedly sucks on your fingers. He tries squirming against your lap, but one smack to his thigh was a clear message for him to calm down.
Or so you thought.
When Asmo continues to grind against you and begins adding teeth to his sucking, you snap. If he was so determined to be punished tonight, he would get punished.
Rising you stand before Asmo wearing your best Disappointed Dom look. He giggles at the look, clearly happy that he thinks he's getting what he wants. That is a public spanking.
You have different plans though, and you walk towards a corner of the room no one is standing near. Snapping your fingers at the corner you command your demon:
"Asmo, over here now."
Asmo rushes off the couch to obey as he skips over. He eyes you a curious look as you force him to his knees, obviously not expecting his punishment to be somewhere so out of the way and private. You pay it no mind, and when he sinks to the floor and assumes a standard kneeling position you give him another command:
"You're not to move, and unless it's your safeword you're not allowed to speak either until I say your punishment is over."
He pouts as he feels the command take hold, staring up at you with pleading eyes. But you don't allow yourself to be swayed.
"Since you were so determined to be a brat and not be patient, this is your punishment. When I think you're finally to sit still I will release you."
You give him one last pat on the head before making your way back to the couch.
As you resume your conversation with the other demon about RAD, more demons start to join in. Some are curious about your life as an exchange student while others are more concerned with the reason why you're here.
A bold demon leaned in close and whispered something in your ear, causing you to blush and gently swat their arm. After that it was like the other demons suddenly remember that they were at an orgy and not a press conference, and began cuddling up to you.
All the while Asmo stews from his spot kneeling in the corner. At first, he was upset at you for hiding him, but now that you're getting more and more attention a prickle of envy runs through him. Not at you, but at the demons now vying for your attention. You should be focused on him - even if it was to punish him.
Normally Asmo wouldn't mind you getting cozy with a few other demons, under different circumstances he would have been delighted to sit back and watch as you had your way with a few of them. Now? When he's hidden away in a corner, forgotten?
Something stings in Asmo, and he desperately tries to whine out for your attention, but the command stops him. All that leaves him is the wheeze of his chest as he desperately tries to force words out of his mouth. Your safeword was on the tip of his tongue, and if you two were alone he wouldn't hesitate to say it, but something about being in a room full of demons stop him.
He's the Avatar the lust, and this is barely a punishment, what would the other demons say if they saw him use his safeword just because he was put into a corner? He knows that safewording isn't a sign of weakness, but he can't shake the thought of what rumors might follow him if he shows vulnerability.
But when he sees a demon crawl into your lap, and you kiss them on the lips, he can't help but yell out a desperate "Majolish"!
Immediately you push the demon out of your lap and rush toward Asmo. Your knees hit the ground with a loud thud but you pay it no mind you kneel before the now sobbing demon.
"All commands are over! Asmo are you ok, what happened?!"
Asmo doesn't waste a second as his arms shot around you and pull you close. As he sobs into your chest your hands slowly wrap around your demon, trying to piece together what went wrong. You don't get must time to think before Asmo's lips are on yours, kissing you desperately, which you quickly return with enthusiasm. Asmo calms down once you make it clear that you desire him, slumping into your chest.
When you break for air you timidly look around the room and breathe a sigh of relief as you notice that the surrounding demons are making an effort not you look in your direction. As you make eye contact with a demon they mouth out a "side room" while pointing at a closed door.
Understanding that this must be some type of aftercare room, or simply a private room couples can retreat into, you quickly pull Asmo up and lead him into the room. As you make it through the doorway you relax as you see that no one else is in there and gently push Amso onto the bed.
"Asmo, sweetheart, darling, we don't have to talk about what happened right away, but I do want to make you feel better. Can you please tell me if there's anything I can do?"
Asmo, whose been holding your hand in a death grip slowly nods as his other hand wipes at his tears.
"Yeah, yes of course. Just can you, can you hold me for a bit?" His voice gets quieter at the end. "Maybe tell me you love me?"
It's rare to see Asmo so shaken up, even after using his safeword, and something breaks inside of you. But you're determined to focus on him, and you nod.
"Of course baby, scout over."
Asmo does as he's told and you're quick to pull him into a tight hug before you begin to slowly rock him back and forth. All the while whispering praise into his ear about how much you adore him, and how beautiful he is.
It seemed so simple when you suggested the idea: why not mix two of Beel's biggest pleasures and bring food into the bedroom?
You haven't had much experience with food play before, but after doing some research (watching porn on DevilHub and writing down things you found hot), you were confident you could make food sexy.
After discussing what will happen in the scene, you and Beel come up with a game plan. Beel was a bit worried about not being able to focus on sex when he was eating, so you proposed a solution: you will command Beel to sit still and tease him with food from Madam Screams. When he's a good boy and shows patience, you'll reward him by feeding him a piece of food and then stroking his dick. Trapping in a cycle of wanting pleasure, and being hungry.
The start of the scene went according to plan, with Beel able to control himself as he sinks to his knees in front of you. You dangle a curly fry in front of his face, and Beel drools at the sight.
Teasing him you press the fry against his lips and tell him by a good boy and hold it there. Like a dog, Beel obeys and holds the treat against his lips and makes no move to bite. While your other hand sinks to the edge of his boxers.
Palming his dick Beel lets out a guttural groan, the motion causing the fry to ever so slightly push past his lips and he gets a slight taste of the slaty goodness before you rip it away. The glutton barely has time to mourn that loss before he sinks into pleasure once more as you pull his dick out of his underwear.
Already hard and dripping Beel's dick bounces against his stomach, and you coo in delight.
"Oh baby, you're already so wet for me. Excited already?"
Beel moans in response, unable to think clearly as it was growing harder to think through the pleasure filled haze of his mind.
Wrapping your hand around your dick you give it a firm tug, just how he likes it. All thoughts of food and hunger spill out of his mind as you begin playing with his dick.
Until you press the curly fry against his nose and he breathes in the scent. Hunger overtakes him once more as he tries to lunge for it, but you move it away before he's able. Pressing a firm finger against his slit Beel groans as he's stuck in a tug of war between his two different desires. Food, and sex.
As you deny him his treat once again a growl rumbles through his chest and you pause. Beel has never growled like that during sex before. Smiling you continue to jack him off, but Beel is less excited about his rough growl. He normally tries so hard to keep his hunger rage away from you, what if he loses control?
You don't give him much time to worry about concern as you pump him toward an orgasm. Yet the moment Beel feels like he's going to tip over, your hands retreat and he's left wanting.
As a reward you pop the fry into the demon's panting mouth and he instantly inhales it. But it doesn't provide him much relief as he just feels hungrier.
Beel is used to fighting off his hunger and he's used to you edging him. But dealing with both at once? It's an overwhelming, all encompassing desire he never felt before.
And he's not sure if he likes it.
As you lean down to touch his dick once again Beel lets out a throaty whine, sounding more desperate than you ever heard him before. Horny, but worried you glance up at your gentle giant.
"Are you doing alright, buddy?"
"Hungry- no, horny. I can't, I don't know. I want to stop." He rushes out the last part quickly, but you hear it all the same.
"Oh! OK, alright. Yeah, we can stop no problem. Um, which one do you want first? Do you want me to get you off first or do you want to eat first?"
Beel moans hopelessly at the question, and you mentally berate yourself for even asking. It's not like he can't do both at once.
Shoving a handful of fries into his mouth you begin pumping his dick in earnest now, determined to actually get him off this time. Every time Beel moans in hunger you're quick to feed him more food, and Beel is treated to the sensation of eating while getting pleasure.
It doesn't take long for him to cum, shooting into your hands and getting a bit of your chin as he does. As he breathes out a sigh of relief he lays boneless against you, and you remember to finally undo the sit still command you previously placed on him.
Patting his back with one hand the other reaches over to grab a nearby drink and you hand it to him to help wash down the food. After he downs it one gulp he leans back to give you a dopey, but incredibly fond look.
"That was nice. I liked it when you feed me while jacking me off."
Grinning at the honesty, you lean in and kiss your demon.
"Thank you. I liked how desperate you were and how to relied on me to give you everything you wanted. What about the teasing?"
"I.... didn't like that. I was afraid I'll get too needy and hurt you." Beel says the last part ashamed and you're quick to lean up to give him another kiss.
"I get that, it seemed like a lot. If you want to do this again I would tease you again, I promise."
Beel grins, and you momentarily mourn your wallet at how much food you'll be buying in the future. But that fond look is enough to banish all mournful thoughts in an instant.
"I'll like that."
- Belphie:
Belphie being a brat isn't a new development for you. He's been a brat since the first time you bedded him. Which resulted in a lot of punishments. A lot.
You almost believe that Belphie prefers to be punished than his regular scenes, and that makes you want to up the ante and show him a real punishment is like. Maybe you'll finally convince him to be obedient for once.
So you got a new toy you wanted to try with him, a paddle. It's a thick, strong paddle. Made in the Devildom because you don't think a human realm one will survive Belphie's ass.
Yet the demon doesn't so much as cower when you present the toy to him after he caused you to sleep in and miss class again. Well, you'll show him. You'll have him pleading for mercy in no time.
The Avatar of Sloth, true to his name, doesn't put up any type of a fight as you pull him across your lap. Only grinning when you pull his pants down and you notice that he's not wearing any underwear.
"You were really committed to being a brat today, weren't you?" You tease, giving the demon a quick pop on the ass with the paddle.
Belphie moans at the sensation, and giggles a cheeky "no". Wasting no time with foreplay you get right into business by delivering a fury of blows to the demon's plush. You don't bother to tell him to count them, knowing that he wouldn't, or that he'll miscount on purpose.
Moaning at the feeling Belphie arches his back as he leans into the swatting, enjoying the pushing sensation.
Yet, as time continues and you keep hitting and his ass gets redder and redder Belphie starts to feel weird..... tender. You normally don't cause him to feel this raw until much later in his punishment. When both of your hands sting with the amount of blows you dealt, the two of you are out of breath and ready to tear each other's clothes off.
As you strike down the paddle once again, Belphie feels something he hasn't felt in a very long time:
Sure, your spankings hurt before. But it was more of a force, a push, a physical reaction to movement than any real kind of pain.
And Belphie is not prepared to handle real pain. As the spoiled youngest of the Avatars, he's used to not having to lift a finger. This made your punishments even more exciting as Belphie felt the closest he did to pain he felt in a long time, without actually crossing over into actual pain.
He may not be as physically resistant as Beel or Lucifer, but he's still an Avatar, a high class demon who can take a lot before anything even fazes him.
Which makes this situation laughable.
A simple human like you, causing him, a ruler of the Devildom, pain? It's impossible, it should be impossible.
Yet here he is, forcing back tears as a flimsy wooden paddle causes him pain he hasn't felt since the Celestial War. He wants to laugh, but he wants to cry even more.
The safeword is on the tip of his tongue, but he refuses to cave. He's been spanked dozens of times before, why should he admit defeat over a stupid paddle? He knows you'll disagree with him framing it like that, but you're too busy creating welts on his ass to argue with Belphie's mind.
When you show no signs of stopping or slowing down, Belphie starts to crack. For once he just wants a punishment to be over and for him to apologize and for you to hold him in your arms.
When you strike down once more, Belphie cries out a "No!" That's a little too desperate, a little too panicked, that snaps you out of your rhythm
"Baby?" You ask, placing the paddle next to you. "Are you ok? Do you need a breather?" You know not to suggest stopping, as Belphie will scoff at the notion before edging you on, but something about the way he's flinching makes you want to pause the scene for a moment.
"No," Belphie sniffs, hand reaching upward to rub the tears out of his. "No I'm fine, keep going." He insits, but you notice the way he leans away from you as he says it. Belphie may be a brat, he may pretend to huff and hate punishments, but he never shifted away from you during a scene pause.
Placing down the paddle beside you, you host Belphie up and press him against your chest. The moment you do he's hiding his face in your shirt, an act of shyness that's out of character for the demon.
"Belphie, baby, are you ok? We can stop if you want to."
Belphie sniffles against your shift and you raise your hands to rub comforting circles into his skin.
"I'm fine, just.... I'm not letting a stupid paddle break me." He mumbles out the last part, but you're able to catch the gist of it and you frown.
"You know that's now how that works. You're not admitting defeat, or saying you're not strong enough if you use your safeword."
Believe grumbles out a response you don't catch, but you doubt he's agreeing with you. Shifting his head upwards you create eye contact between the two of you, and don't relent until he's staring into your eyes.
"What if I didn't want to do something and so I used our safeword? Am I breaking then?"
Belphie pouts, knowing that he'll never think any less of you if you were to use the safeword. So reluctantly he shakes his head.
"Well, why's it any different for you? Because you're a demon?"
He flashes pink at being so easily read, and he keeps his mouth shut as he shrinks down.
"No, but......" Belphie trails off, unsure of what to say. Smiling softly you lean forward to press a kiss into his lips, one he's quick to mirror.
"Alrighty, so no more holding in your safeword, ok?"
With an exaggerated sigh, Belphie nods before cuddling up to you. As you lay down with your arms wrapped around him, careful to shift him so his tender ass isn't touching anything, you begin stroking his hair. In the following silence, all that can be heard is the steady rise and fall of both of your chests before Belphie says determined:
"I'm going to burn that paddle though."
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cent-scratchnsniff · 6 months ago
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here together
#lobotomy corporation#lobcorp#lobotomy corp spoilers#lobotomy corporation spoilers#abram lobcorp#i didnt know that the song that plays during day 48 ending is called 'here together'.#couldnt hear it well because i typically have my sound low (sensetive to louder sounds) and also the dialog fucked me up#so when i pressed on it to hear it. to actually listen to it. then to see the name and remember what it Looked like#i got teary eyed. sorry.#it happened quite. afew times when finishing this shitty thing#i was thinking of how camren's not quite corpse looked as if it were reaching out to him inside the container#how it looked as if she had wings. abrams words. the line from one story that was--#something like 'we were hoping it was just one big prank and she would hop out fro. around the corner with a smile on her face'#how do you move forward when all you think you cause is pain? when everything else youve done only brought to bring people you love to thei#downfall and demise inside agony and fear as they lay dying. none of that was merciful. none of that was just. they were told to carry on#her dream and he views as if all he had done was to become cruel and wasnt fit and never even began to finish what she started.#it was so striking to me. the language he used. sleeping. alseep. waken. when all the others never sugarcoated it#in lobcorp they always said it straight. 'suicide' 'killed' 'dead'. but he used something far more.. peaceful? kind in wording in a way.#softer. describing death as if it were a merciful thing. an end that suits them and not something to be afraid of. to just... sink. to slee#to be with carmen again. to put everything to an end#the place they built with their hands. to have it just... stop. not in a way of repeating and staying in the moment#but of a permanent end. to 'sleep'. to die. to just.... stop. forever. to see no more. to do no more#to not be able to do Anything for when ever he had done Something it just cause agony. cruel hands partaking in acts he so deeply#regrets. everything is just regret. it sounds nice. to move on. to just move forward. but how can you move forward when all you think you#bring to those you cherished and couldnt leave behind is pain?#ill likely move this somewhere else as well. ive been meaning to talk about abram#the rest as well actually. mostly just the few final days w abel adam and abram since i am STUCK ON DAY 49#oh dear i uh typed a lot in the tags. oops
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