#ikea needs help
totally-ikea · 7 months
Anybody got any tips for getting into honors math? :3
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hoardofprettythings · 1 month
Ikea rats yall
listen if we all fill out the customer feedback form asking for rats i feel like we can have them back. I know you can bet them secondhand but thats twenty dollar they were originally under one dollar I need a pile of rats U need a pile of rats we all need a pile of rats go tell ikea about this plz spread this to ur fellow rat fanatics Look him in the eyes this is the rat we need change.org petition if thats more your speed
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 3 months
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It's that time of the year again where I put the fish and Amiya in the washing machine...
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#normal posts#specter and skadi will be next but by themselves#fyi I do this because these fellas sleep with me and this year they built a parking right besides my room#so the dirt and dust has gotten all over my room and my plushies are literally brown... so I have to clean them whether I like it or not#normally you don't need to clean them that often but these really need it and I won't wash them by hand cause#the dust and dirt is just stuck there so :/#I'm not a dirty gal I love keeping my room clean but these mf really got the whole house trashed#and that's not even just my room everywhere in the housr has to be deep cleaned#I have to clean my room but I'm still waiting for my dad to help me put up my ikea skadis... but at this point I'll have to myself so#I guess I'll have to watch yt vids lmao#so sorry for being out of socials I'm honestly just really tired and feel like rn things are pretty chill so my presence isn't needed here#and honestly I'm not legally allowed to talk about what's been going with me because I have some respect and would rather not shame people#online for the sake of it <3#so yeah idk does anyone miss me here hsisjddi cause I miss being here but the energy is just not it#I'm tired but I wished I had more energy for things#sighs#but yeah I will post room stuff since I will be putting some arknights decorations around once I get stuff sorted out#I can't hide that stuff anymore you know#gotta face my fears and honestly? a gift isn't something that the gifter owns it's the gifted and it's okay to be sad about it but#gotta start facing shit and being proud of stuff even if my ak energy is very low because of my personal stuff#anyways sorry for the rant but I kinda just wanted to get it off my chest I know most people won't care and they just want fish but#thanks for reading and making it all the way down here I love you
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jossambird · 2 months
Alright I lied, I might be getting back into the Swedes and thinking of re-writing for them again 😔💖
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aparticularbandit · 1 month
How do your faith + trans support interlock with each other?
(This isn't me looking for a fight, I genuinely want to know.)
I don't want people to die.
I cannot share the love of Christ with someone if they are dead.
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exdivine · 4 months
i’m trying to see if i can move into this apartment early i need to get out of this house
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the-alan-price-combo · 4 months
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Only the most tasteful and subtle picture frames for my Animals photos...
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hexitca · 9 months
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Fuck you scalpers
bc the actual fucking Teru Vash is only 10-15 bucks (shipping from japan pushes that up obv)
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
we finished painting the walls in my room today - well, two of them, the ones that we started yesterday. tomorrow we're going to ikea, and then hopefully we'll finish the one wall in my husband's room, and start the two in my room (they're gonna be a different colour than the first two)
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freshmeatz · 1 year
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beauleifu · 1 year
Mayor: *texting* Wru
Y/N: *texting back* Taking a shit
Mayor: *visibly angry text* Shit faster.
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spybiote · 7 days
❛ I've brought you all here today because you are the world's best superheroes, and I've just bought a shit ton of flat-packed furniture from ikea. Avengers assemble. ❜
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sablegear0 · 28 days
I got a motorized sitting/standing desk recently and it might be my new favourite thing.
I love being physically comfortable with proper ergonomics finally. I love pressing buttons and watching a machine do a thing. I love the pleasant gentle whirring/humming it makes as it adjusts itself. I love that it can memorize two presets for your ideal sitting/standing heights and just goes there when you hit the preset buttons.
It just feels like such a friendly, accommodating little machine. I'm enamored.
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toubledrouble · 6 months
Tumblr, I seriously need to know something from you.
I had this drink once in my life and never saw it again, it felt like a fever dream until I finally gatheted proof of its existence, SO
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iknaenmal · 2 years
LOOK at this thing my mother bought me. The *checks notes* BLÅVINGAD
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invertedspoon · 8 months
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also forgot i had a orca plush before so now she has a calf :)
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