#ik i said i missed hs but not like this lol
redrosecarnage · 1 year
not my friend leaving me alone on this field trip 🤡
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poisxnyouth · 1 year
i have grown so detached from posting to socials that aren’t twitter but sometimes my head and heart feel so achy and journaling doesn’t quite scratch the itch
hello to everyone who reads
hi guys ik y’all know my fics but i just want to throw it out there that i was still in hs when i wrote them and i feel the need to say that obviously hs dave was not written with any malicious or creepy intent lol i was just in high school and a little delulu okay? not to mention dave is lowkey cancelled now anyways
my life trek after high school didn’t go as i thought it would; i had this vision of art school, a city, an escape, a change for the better where i could truly find myself. my senior year, just as (the one) application response i truly wanted to be a yes was supposed to arrive, covid took the world by its reins. and that application? solid no.
that summer, i spent it with my friends. i got a boyfriend, a real, committed one, and he had me convinced that God was not only HIS answer, but should always be mine too. he was the type of christian that was homeschooled, grew up in it, and while i think my actions were wholehearted, they were so obviously swayed. my 18th birthday, after he had gone to dinner with my family, we were in his car because there was no where else to go. we started fooling around, and suddenly, there’s his dad. standing in the window. you get the drift here? i didn’t get to speak to him for days after that. (we were both 18+.)
obviously that didn’t go over well, and we broke up a few months later. i was heartbroken for such a piss in a pot guy. working a dead end job already, and did about a semester of college before realizing i did not have the mental capabilities to be working and schooling at the same time. i chose work instead. it was a gut decision, and mainly because i wanted to move out.
july 2021, my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. what an interesting way to twist a family into knots. fuck cancer. i have never seen someone so weak and so, so, so fucking strong. my best friend’s dad had same type of cancer, stage 4, and our fathers were born one year and one day apart. every time it is my dad’s birthday, i think of john also. john passed in july 2022. i am very lucky to still have my father and it is a blessing i could never again take for granted. and i miss john too.
following the timeline…
i met my current boyfriend. well. i’d always known him. he was a best friend’s brother. (like the victorious song) i hung out at her house all the time, he was of course always there and always flirting. came out in a towel after a shower at some point, arms spread up on the door beams, and i really don’t think i could hide anything then. we’d started to have movie/tv show nights all together, and eventually it just happened. and i’ve never felt the same since. the love, the warmth, the respect, the understanding, the patience - truly, i do not think i could have picked better.
a month into our relationship, he moved 1.7k (i counted!) miles away to a little ski town in colorado. he said just for the winter season. as cold as it was, it was hell. it felt like he was a carrot dangling in front of me. he promised me that if he hated it he would come right back, and a very selfish part of me wanted him to hate it so badly just to come back. i didn’t want to just make memories with him over facetime. not in the primitive stages of our relationship, at least, but on the flip side, i knew that if we got through that, we will be okay through anything else.
i visited him one or two months in, and the day that i was leaving to go home, i distinctly remember looking at all my stuff packed up. he went in the bathroom before we drove to the airport, and i was already looking at jobs. i remember thinking, “hailey, you’ve been here once now. you’re going to move? that’s kind of silly. for a boy? just like that?”
…just like that, indeed. two more months later and he was picking me up from the airport with my four bags in tow. i was nervous. i was excited for this next step.
good god it was awful! i don’t think i’ve ever argued with someone as much as those few months. but we stuck through. i was also a raging hormonal bitch because of my depo shot. not an excuse but genuinely, i felt crazy. we picked it up in the last month or so of being there, and it was awesome. without the aching loneliness of being so far from home, it was independence and freedom. it was being able to love him freely, without care.
we moved back to florida after the snow started melting at the end of may. the ski resort had pretty much closed up shop anyhow. i went back to my old job. i did miss it and i did miss the people. but the days feel like weeks, and the weeks feel so long. i got too good at my job. it got boring. i’m still working it and i am still bored. everyone asks me questions they have because for some reason, i am the only one who has sat down with our computer and knows exactly what buttons to push. it does not take a genius and i am certainly not one.
since being back, we’ve gone on 3 vacations: a tiny home that is also a school bus, went to NYC for the first time !!, and skied the FUCK out of park city. it was honestly a great year between last june and now. but adulting is hard and sometimes the roster feels so full that inch by inch, a cinder block is attaching to me and i’m sinking underwater. drowning in responsibilities LMFAOOOO
so we’re moving back in like two and a half weeks. i have that same feeling in my stomach but all i have wanted is to make a life of my own with this boy. no kids for a long time, just the process of settling down with him electrifies me.
honestly if you read down to here you nosy and i like u. lets be friends.
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hoonloveclub · 3 years
carpooling to school w/enha hyung line :D
(best friend!enhypen, high school au, fluff!)
a/n: ik it’s only hyung line i was running out of juice but lmk if you guys want a maknae line one! hope u guys like it (≧∇≦)oh also! i kinda want to make more high school aus so if you guys have any specific hs scenarios (like this one) feel free to send me an ask! <3
he’d be a pretty trustworthy driver i think
texts u when he gets to your house
always greets u happily even though he’s never fully awake yet
“morning” followed by a very forced smile to which u laugh at and he probably laughs with u
stares at you while you get yourself situated
“um hee, school?”
“oh yea right sorry”
you both listen to the radio softly as you guys warm up to each other after not seeing each other for a day
“oh yea and i need your history notes i didn’t do them yesterday”
“heeseung!!!!! u said you were gonna stop asking me” >:((
“y/n i promise this is the last time”
“yea suree you’re lucky i love u dumbass”
chilling in the school parking lot for 15 minutes before actually going to class
aka heeseungs hw copying time
late half of the time
*his phone rings*
“shit i’ll be there in five”
still has a good fit on 
also probably has a nice ass car
you’re already waiting on the porch
once you get in the car he smiles at u cheekily and ruffles your hair
*you’re obvi frustrated*
“yk we’re already late so.. breakfast?”
“only if u pay”
“i knew it” he pinches your cheek and squeals excitedly
“shut up jay”
yall end up missing all of first period LOL
probably never late and he gets u coffee or breakfast in the morning </3
i feel like he drives a truck LMFAO anyways
greets u really endearingly bc it’s a joke between u guys lol
“morning y/n-ie~~~”
“wassup jakieeee~~ waitttt what’s this?? did u get this for me??”
“um duh”
he laughs AND “oh and i got u bandaids. u said u ran out last night”
*u literally start tearing up*
“jakee u cant keep being so perfect i didn’t even pay u back for the lunch yesterday yet”
*u actually start crying bc u feel bad chjdsknd*
*gets embarrassed so he starts driving*
murmurs a little “just put on your seatbelt before u get hurt”
honks when he gets to your house and continues to honk a million times if u don’t get to his car after 5 minutes
*u walk out sleep deprivation evident on your face*
“did u just walk through a tornado to get to my car or smth???” signature smile plastered on his face
pretty mfer
“stfu hoon you’re not the one with three exams today”
“okayy no need to project y/n. oh also i got u coffee”
“you did?”
“yea that’s what i just said??”
“this is why your my favorite person”
“yea.. that’s why i’m my favorite person too”
“hey take that backk”
playful fighting is a MUST every morning for u guys  
despite that he always has an extra sweater in his car just in case u get cold or forget one
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shiningjoy · 4 years
so i’ve finally watched s3 of free! and i wanted to put my thoughts in about it and hopefully also get some ppl to reply (respectfully) with their own input? also sorry if my knowledge of free seems spotty or incomplete since i don’t obviously have all free lore burned into my head so pls inform or correct me on anything i’m missing!
anyways before even watching s3, i noticed it was pretty widespread that s3 was rather disappointing or at least fell short to s1&2. and not only that, but i could see that s3 was likely going to be a bit disappointing just bc of how many less ppl were interested in it or even knew about it (ofc popularity=/=good but i doubted that the loss in numbers was just bc time had passed) sadly, the season actually exceeded my expectations of the worst.
first of all, i think way too many characters were introduced without any need of them being there. ofc not all of them seemed worthless to being there, but i think at least half of them didn’t have a need of being there (or at least didn’t need to appear as much as they did) or they could’ve at least waited to introduce them. don’t get me wrong, i loved characters like isuzu and albert, but with how little they appeared or added to the plot, i don’t think they were necessary at all. they introduced so many characters and kind of tried to forcefully endear them to us but it just seemed really shallow and random. i was really uninterested in the new iwatobi hs sc tbh (i love rei and nagisa, but i just don’t feel anything for the new members tho it was funny how the new manager is interested in fat instead of muscles) i don’t think isuzu was worth introducing, but i do get why they introduced albert at least. he was supposed to serve as their first rival introduced strictly from the professional world, and to emphasize there are many people above them not just in japan but the “world stage” but i definitely think they could’ve waited on that until the free 2021 movie tbh. plus i felt that any conflict he brought to haru was resolved within 1 maybe 2 episodes so yea they definitely didn’t really need him bc he hasn’t had much impact (yet) if anything, they could’ve just had him briefly appear at that training camp haru was at to race him and beat him to remind him that he still has a long way to go to get to the top. but all other appearances of albert were so extra and unnecessarily emphasized how inhumanely talented he was (the arcade scene, the thing with the chopsticks,etc) it just felt like really weak foreshadowing
also, the main conflict in s3 was just way too prolonged and solved unsatisfactorily. first of all, i don’t know why the blame seemed to be shifted by ikuya and hiyori almost solely to haru, like yes he was the one who quit first but it wasn’t an attack specifically to ikuya and the rest of them left too, so they should’ve held more grudges on haru makoto and asahi rather than just haru (or if anything at least have more blame on asahi bc makoto at least talked to ikuya beforehand) like did he just forget asahi also made a promise to not move away? honestly from the content they gave us, i’d argue that asahi and ikuya were actually closer than how ikuya and haru were, since i feel like most of the latter relationship was based on ikuya admiring harus swimming.
second of all, hiyori was another character i found so unnecessary and just weirdly protective over ikuya. he repeatedly gets in the way between them and ikuya when ikuya never said he didn’t want to talk to them (and it’s not like talking to them is gonna give him a health relapse) and so he just seemed to be there to prolong the conflict between them which was irritating. not even natsuya, ikuya’s actual brother, was that obsessive over him so i really don’t get hiyori. even sousuke, who was actually friends with rin before haru and the others were was not that possessive over rin, and there was actually pretty good reasoning why he had a grudge against haru (he didn’t see haru taking swimming as seriously as rin and thought that would cause him to hold back rin who looked up to haru, and was jealous that haru who had the talent to swim the world stage with rin wasn’t taking advantage of it when sousuke wanted to but couldnt bc of his injury) and like what right did he have to say to haru that his swimming hurts others when it didn’t even affect ikuya negatively (instead it inspired him and led to him wanting to swim like haru) like how haru originally thought it did to rin and how it did to asahi in high speed 2?
third of all, like i said before the way they solved the conflict between ikuya and the rest made little sense. like yes harus swimming is magical but i don’t get how swimming IM with him could instantly solve all the problems between them. (ik that it was based on the promise they made to race each other but i’ll get into that part and how shallow it felt later) if anything, i think what would’ve been more impactful was something happening to ikuya that made him realize that he can/should rely on/trust others, (maybe a more serious accident?) and enjoy swimming with a team and not just alone since his personal conflict was that he thought swimming alone was better than swimming with others when actually he was lonely (at least it was in starting days). and that wouldn’t even have to be with haru and the others that he learns that lesson. it could be with his own university team and hiyori, which would give hiyori a much better purpose of being there. (or they could’ve just not had him exist) if they were so inclined to have closure between ikuya and the other boys by having them resolve ikuyas personal conflict, i feel like it should’ve been at least haru AND asahi (maybe even makoto too but idk how thatd work when he’s no longer competing) racing him in the same race (if not them doing a relay but i guess they didn’t want to make it too obvious than they already were that they were just recycling the plot of s1 (lol)) if anything i think they could’ve even waited for them to reconcile while they were on the olympic team, but ig kyoani didn’t want to wait that long to reintroduce ikuya and wanted to use s3 to warm ppl up to the idea of ikuya being on the olympic team which they didn’t do very well considering how bad the development was
also what was with ikuya saying he swims his own way while obviously taking sm inspiration fron the way haru swam? it was so contradictory and even as kids haru told ikuya to swim his own way when ikuya told him that he wanted to be like haru and he understood that obviously but didn’t apply that to his actions at all? and i’m surprised haru was ok with ikuya blatantly copying him when i vaguely rmb that he’s been shown to get annoyed with even makoto when he seemed to be doing that?
another fault in having all these characters was that haru’s actual personality seemed to be taken away for the sake of these characters.
they wanted to establish a deeper relationship between ikuya and haru, but it just seemed so off the way they went about it in free! haru promising ikuya to race him just felt so ooc to me and had little emotional impact tbh bc of the lack of reasoning i felt haru had to agree to such a thing besides him promising ikuya that just bc he asked rather than bc he actually wanted to race ikuya. (while it took rin weeks to get haru to warm up to him and then agree to the relay, and seeing the process of haru getting used to the idea then openly enjoying swimming with the others was really touching) i think they just added that to make harus quitting have more impact on ikuya but i don’t think it was necessary at all when they already made plans with the rest to swim the relay again and win. if they wanted to make it seem like ikuya and haru had more of a one on one relationship with each other they should’ve gone into more about how haru saw the same darkness in ikuya that he did in himself like in high speed 2. make them bond over their similarities since i’m pretty sure ikuyas purpose as a character is to give haru a rival that is like how sousuke is to rin is; which is being rivals while being two of the same person. (in contrast to haru and rin who are very different and are rivals that inspire each other) but the way they try to establish the relationship between ikuya and haru pales sm in comparison to sousuke and rin that it’s a bit laughable, even more so in those occasional moments where they try to act like ikuya can measure up to rin’s impact on haru
another much more obvious event where haru’s character is forced to act ooc for the sake of the establishment of another character is with albert. yes, haru has grown a lot from the beginning of the series and has gotten a lot more open, expressive, and friendly, but that’s mostly just to the friends around him, but that’s not even to all of them (he still seems to find kisumi irritating and in TYM tries to leave at the sight of him lol) so him noticing, randomly approaching a stranger he doesn’t know a single thing about to help them order food and then even going far as to have lunch with him was the most blatantly ooc thing in the season. i think he may be polite enough to help him order his food but i don’t get why he even noticed albert in the first place. they should’ve just left him noticing albert to be at the practice race. like i said that scene was just there to emphasize albert’s skill with the chopstick thing but i think saying he was the world record holder and also being way ahead of haru in the race was already enough
besides haru’s character, another character i felt they did wrong was makoto. besides the plot of s1 being recycled, s3 makoto seemed to just repeat the development he went through in s2. by the end of s2, he already establishes that he wants to coach swimmers. and at the end of s3 he comes to that same realization but acts like it’s something completely new to him introduced by nao that he never thought of before?? the only difference was that he said in s2 he wanted to help kids realize how great swimming is, which was sweet and suited his personality, but in s3 he says he wants to do it for athletes on the world stage. tbh i like either way, and the latter one would help him be able to stand with rin and haru who in s2 he was afraid of being left behind by (hence why he swam the free against haru in s2) but saying that being an olympic trainer can also help him inspire kids and show them swimming is fun makes no sense. choose a path you want for the character already and make it consistent does he want to help athletes in the world stage or does he want to help kids fall in love with swimming? bc i doubt any kids pay attention to the coach or trainers in the olympics rather than the actual athletes so that reasoning like i said didn’t make sense.
and after haru lost what i think was the 200m (?) free at the All Japan Invitational, i found it weird that they had makoto there after to talk with haru and rin about the race? idk to me it just feels like it’s tradition for it to end up just being rin and haru talking when they’re struggling with swimming (in s1 was their fight in front of the tree that looked like the one by their elementary, in s2 it was the australia trip) his presence didn’t even feel necessary either, he just randomly interrupted the moment by saying his future plans after haru had that angst yell lol. it felt like just an appeal to mh shippers which is not a good enough reason at all
the last point i can remember at the moment is that the ending was so underwhelming. i don’t understand why they couldn’t have shown the ending to rin and harus 100m free race when the movie trailer already confirms that they’re going to the olympics. why cut to albert watching them on the tv?? all this build up to not even show the results of it? I think this ending really just confirmed that s3 was so unnecessary and just there to warm ppl up to the olympic movie but not actually give us anything good or plot moving
anyways sorry for this dump. besides all these criticisms, i want to say there were parts of it that i enjoyed, i just didn’t go into it bc this post is already so long, and me bagging on ikuya was not hate; i actually like him and the only time i teared up in s3 was in his race with natsuya lol. i’m afraid that at some parts i may have not expressed my thoughts exactly so please don’t be too harsh if you engage, but i’d love to hear other ppl’s analysis of s3 and the characters as well !!
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salexectrian-heir · 4 years
messages from last night update
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chapter below the cut | ao3 link
✧ Oracle ✧
SEPT 1ST 4:57 AM
[Joker] Hi
[Joker] Story time
[✧ Oracle ✧] i see yusuke returned ur phone
[Joker] Aha, yeah. After swearing on my life I would not make any more poor life choices
[Joker] I assume that was your doing
[✧ Oracle ✧] ur welcome
[Joker] Hmm well I might not have sworn hard enough
[✧ Oracle ✧] ???
[Joker] bet you 500 yen you can’t guess where I woke up this morning (without hacking my location)
[✧ Oracle ✧] oh god akira… jail?
[✧ Oracle ✧] again??!
[Joker] No
[Joker] Better
[✧ Oracle ✧] !!?
[Joker] On the catwalk of the auditorium
[✧ Oracle ✧] BRUH
[✧ Oracle ✧] didnt yusuke like walk u home???
[Joker] He did
[Joker] I just didn’t stay home after
[✧ Oracle ✧] (-_-;)・・・
[✧ Oracle ✧] but don’t they lock up the buildings at night….
[Joker] ...
[✧ Oracle ✧] also i’m p sure catwalks are at least fifteen meters in the air??
[Joker] ...
[Joker] I am surprisingly still very dexterous while intoxicated
[✧ Oracle ✧] o m g
[✧ Oracle ✧] what possessed u to sneak out of the dorm, pick a lock, scale scaffolding, and fall asleep on a metal beam is  / literally /  beyond me
[Joker] Me too, It's all very...fuzzy after getting back to the dorms
[Joker] Maybe I was a cat in a past life
[✧ Oracle ✧] cat!kira
[✧ Oracle ✧] congrats u now have a fursona to add to your growing list of ‘sonas
[Joker] Cat!kira go prrr?
[✧ Oracle ✧] HAHAH a self-drag?
[✧ Oracle ✧] Someone truly is hungover and regretting his life choices
[Joker] Jokes aside, all that flexibility training I did in hs apparently paid off
[Joker] I have no new bruises or injuries that I am aware of so I made it up in one piece. Somehow.
[✧ Oracle ✧] wait hold up I thot all that “training” u’d say u were doing was just like horny akira code for “going to mess around with Sumi after school”
[✧ Oracle ✧] don’t tell me u actually were doing gymnastics with her that whole time
[Joker] Okay
[✧ Oracle ✧] ????
[Joker] You literally just told me not to tell you
[✧ Oracle ✧] but was i right?! i NEED to kno if i was right
[Joker] Haha yes and no
[Joker] We did both
[Joker] is typing...
[Joker] You have written fanfic more explicit than anything I could ever tell you I’ve done, AND I PROOF READ IT FOR YOU
[✧ Oracle ✧] ヽ(•//д//•)ノ [ok true]
[✧ Oracle ✧] but
[✧ Oracle ✧] ヽ(•̀//д//•́)ノ
[Joker] Ik Ik, I’m teasing. I won’t corrupt your virginal ears
[✧ Oracle ✧] /anyway/ people r gonna be mad jealous when they find out u dated an olympic gymnast
[Joker] She wasn’t one when we dated though so technically I didn’t
[Joker] She found out she qualified shortly before we went back to being just friends
[Joker] I think we’re both much happier this way
[✧ Oracle ✧] Obviously. you still talk to her??
[Joker] Yeah
[Joker] We caught up before the semester started
[Joker] She said she was nervous, but that’s to be expected when you’re on the global stage. Aside from that she’s fitting in really well with her new teammates. She just wishes Kasumi could have been a part of it
[✧ Oracle ✧] </3
[Joker] Yeah :( </3
[Joker] But she’s good
[Joker] Still calls me senpai though...which idk how to feel about that
[✧ Oracle ✧] lol its ~cute~
[Joker] Hmm leaning towards don’t think so
[✧ Oracle ✧] “oh ~senpai~ you’ll still watch me compete in the olympics on TV right?”
[Joker] ...did you listen in on the call
[✧ Oracle ✧] no
[Joker] “no,” she lied like a liar (I know you still have my phone bugged damn it)
The Phantom Thieves of Cats
SEPT 1ST 5:01 AM
[✧ Oracle ✧] *kicks down the door to the thieves den*
[✧ Oracle ✧] INARI U FAILED
[✧ Oracle ✧] (hint: not where he’s supposed 2 be)
[Fox] Preposterous! He was safely returned to his dorm room. I personally put him to bed.
[Panther] you stayed over in their dorm room Fox… isn’t he in there w/you??
[Fox] is typing...
[Fox] Ah. It appears that I am in his bed and Akira is indeed missing. I was on the floor when we went to sleep. I have no recollection of this transfer.
[Fox] I have awoken Ryuji but all he has done is throw his possessions at me in an attempt to silence my “pestering” so I do not think he will be of any help in this situation.
[Joker] Don’t bother with him Fox. He isn’t responsive until at least 9am after a night out.
[Joker] Also, why aren’t the rest of you sleeping?
[Panther] Joker! you’re alive!!! are you okay???????
[Joker] Define okay
[✧ Oracle ✧] *cackles*
[Panther] where are you?!?
[Joker] You aren’t going to guess?
[Panther] jail?
[Fox] Please let it not be true your detective arrested you last night, and you are suffering in incarceration as we type.
[Joker] Why is jail everyone’s first guess? I was only arrested once!
[Joker] Fuck
[Joker] Also, he is not “my” detective
[Fox] is typing…
[✧ Oracle ✧] u sure about that
[Joker] Oh no
[✧ Oracle ✧] pls reread our messages from last night
[Joker] Oh GOD
[✧ Oracle ✧] *cackles louder*
[✧ Oracle ✧] i can’t wait to hear what inari is about to dish out
[Panther] wait what did akira say to you @ ✧ Oracle ✧?!
[Joker] Futaba please *softly* don’t
[Fox] Last night I had to relieve you of your phone before you texted the detective prince incriminating evidence of your state of inebriation and infatuation. You were adamant that you had to send him a picture of a cat as a token of your feelings, which I objected as the image you selected was not flattering of the cat. I may have just met you a few days ago, so please tell me if I am overstepping my bounds, but I do not think sending hideous pictures of cats is a wise way of winning over this man’s affections.
[✧ Oracle ✧] pls show us the picture he wanted to send
[Panther] Hahahah oh akira
[✧ Oracle ✧]
[Joker] …
[Joker] I’ll be staying at this undisclosed location until further notice
[Panther] no Akira!!! seriously where are you??
[Joker] the_view_is_nice.image
[Panther] :O
[Panther] how did you get up that high???
[✧ Oracle ✧] gymnastics training
[Panther] huh? i didn’t know you were a gymnast Akira!!
[✧ Oracle ✧] im sure he’ll tell u all about it now
[Joker] -____-
[Fox] I cannot believe I failed my first mission as the Chosen One.
[✧ Oracle ✧] i can
[Fox] is typing…
[Panther] @ ✧ Oracle ✧!!!!!!
[✧ Oracle ✧] kek
[Fox] I am an utter disgrace to this friendship. How can I even call this a friendship when I have done nothing but leech from the kindness you all have bestowed upon me. How will I ever be able to show my face among you,  those whom I have failed. I must atone for the shame I have wrought.
[Joker] You didn’t fail @ Fox, and you are not a disgrace. It was my fault. I was the shitty friend in this situation. I’ll make it up to everyone, and to you Fox. I’ll think of something.
[Fox] Food would suffice.
[Joker] Dinner for a week it is.
[Fox] Delightful!
[Panther] wow he got over that fast
[✧ Oracle ✧] welcome to being friends with Inari, the path of forgiveness is through his stomach
✧ Oracle ✧
SEPT 1st 5:07 AM
[Joker] Slight problem
[Joker] I actually have no idea how to get down
[✧ Oracle ✧] u really r part f*cking cat
Regrettably, some of his life choices last night did him no favors.
Mistakes had been made. Limits and Lessons had been learned. Unfortunately the hard way.
After miraculously finding a way down off the catwalk without injury  into his dorm shower and a fresh set of clothes, Akira managed to show up for his opening shift at Big Bang Blends ten minutes early.
Haru took one look at him when he slinked into the kitchen and immediately said, “Oh dear.”
Akira spun a damp curl around his finger. “That bad, huh?”
“Uhm.” Haru offered him a wobbling, pitiful smile. “You kind of look like how I would imagine a cat that got caught outside in the rain might feel.”
He let out a self-deprecating chuckle and wandered over to the apron rack. “Fair comparison.” Selecting his off its hook, he pulled it over his head. “I’d add on that the cat also got stuck in a tree and developed a splitting migraine.”
“I know just the thing that’ll sort you out!” Haru hovered over to Akira’s side. “Whenever I--” she paused, considering her words with a finger to her lip, “overindulge,” she settled on with a giggle, “I’ll make myself a cup of my special tea. It instantly clears my head and calms my stomach.”
Akira’s stomach rolled unpleasantly. “ Special tea ?”
Haru nodded vigorously. “It works like a charm! And I’m not just saying that because I drink it, I have a friend--well, I might be overstepping if I were to call him that, we aren’t that close,” Haru sighed, “but I make it for him too when he occasionally stumbles in here in a similar state.”
“Do I want to know what’s in it?” he asked hesitantly.
Haru beamed brightly at him. “No.”
Akira groaned.
“I promise it’ll work,” Haru said, wandering out of the kitchen and over to her collection of loose leaf teas that were displayed in clear, sealed jars behind the counter. She called back to him, “You’ll perk up in no time!”
He gave her a weak thumbs up.
Picking up the task list from the side of the walk in freezer, he resigned himself to his fate of ingesting whatever the fuck concotion Haru was going to feed him. It couldn’t have been worse than what he drank last night. In all honesty, he would have been feeling way, way, worse if Yusuke hadn’t convinced him to drink so much water when they got back. Akira would like to think the fact he wasn’t curled up on the floor in the fetal position on the cafe floor was also thanks in part to the Amazake he had chosen to drink the night prior too. But the thought of the non-alcoholic sake made his stomach churn harder so he stopped that train of thought immediately, and focused on setting up the dining area.  His head felt like it weighed five pounds heavier than it usually did, which made moving it a bit of a hassle, but he had the opening sheet to finish before the cafe opened and he’d damn himself if he didn’t deliver.
What his stomach did seem safe to think about was luck stats, and that maybe Futaba was onto something when she had made that off hand comment in their chat last night. Akira was incredibly lucky to have landed two bosses ( three if he counted Sojiro but the man was more like a father than he ever was a boss) who cared more about his well being as a person than as a source of cheap labor. Watching Haru make his tea as he flipped chairs down off the tables only amplified his guilt of showing up before her utterly and unmistakably hungover.
Being the sloppy friend did not sit well with Akira.
He swore to himself as he pushed in the last chair he took down that this was the first and last time he ever did anything as stupid and irresponsible as he did last night. Not to mention, his luck wouldn’t last if he kept this up. He’d make it up to everyone somehow, and Haru in particular now. He wouldn’t let his current state impact his work.
And once he stopped feeling like dogshit and could form a coherent argument, he was going to have a long, hard talk with whichever one of his personas decided it would be great fucking idea to drink so much, scale the interior of the theatre, and fall asleep on a steel beam no greater than sixty centimeters in width. Because honestly, what the fuck ?
Even In high school, his “peak stupidity” years, he hadn’t done anything as dumb as this.
Okay, well, that was a lie.
He had done a lot of stupid, often illegal things (see: petty theft, breaking and entering) in high school that to him, had been justified. He was quite gifted at stealing and knew his way around a lock with professional proficiency, and he had gotten away with it unscathed for a very long time.
Except for the whole getting arrested and put on probation thing , which ironically had been for a crime he didn’t actually commit.
“It’s ready!”
“Thanks, Haru.”
Akira swung by the to-go counter reaching for the mystery tea waiting for him and continued on.
After thirty minutes of sipping on whatever miracle cure Haru brewed as he checked off the morning set up tasks, it fucking kicked in. The mind fog and nausea disappeared almost entirely, settling his stomach enough that he was able to keep down some Advil and melon pan with Haru for breakfast. Akira could handle the headache until the medicine took over.
He just couldn’t move too fast or too sudden (Akira was still a little too off balance for that), or turn his neck sharply (thanks to what he had drunkenly decided to use as a pillow the night before). But he powered through it as he set about stocking the various coffee beans in their containers.
The last item on the task sheet they completed together. Prepping the food items for the pastry case with all of the baked goods Haru had made the night before. In addition to mochi, goma dango, and other pastries one would expect to enjoy with tea and coffee, there was always some kind of cake. Meticulously and lovingly decorated, sliced by hand that Haru showcased in her cake display. Today’s selection was a daring one, a pink lemonade cake with delicately applied ombre pink frosting and topped with candied lemon slices that were evenly spaced, each sitting on an artful dollop of whipped white icing.
“Did you want to try a piece, Akira-kun?”
Akira glanced over from where he was sliding a tray of nerikiri into the case. A plate with a modest slice was being extended to him. Eyeing the color up close, his stomach protested. Apparently still a little too hungover to test the limits of his digestive tract with such an extravagant confection.
“It looks amazing, but I think I’ll stick to the melon pan this time Haru.”
“I can always save it for la--”
A sharp series of knocks interrupted their conversation.
From his position squatting on the floor, he checked the time on his phone. There were still five minutes until the cafe officially opened for the day. Haru had warned him there were always a few people who showed up early and failed to read the sign.
“I’ll get it,” Akira sighed, sliding the door of the pastry case shut. “You finish with the cake. I’ll handle our impatient caffeine addict.”
“Oh don’t worry the cake’s all done, I just cut the last slice.” Haru waved Akira off. “I can get him.”
He hastily straightened up, brushing a few stray sugary crumbs off his apron and immediately looked over at the entrance. Every muscle in his body seized up. Waiting outside the glass doors was one impeccably dressed and restless looking Akechi Goro. Akechi rolled his shoulder, adjusting the strap of his messenger bag while he checked his phone.
The message Akira sent Akechi last night intrusively echoed in his head the moment the former detective looked up and locked eyes with him. Pocketing his phone into his suit jacket (it had to be custom fit, because there was no way it could have cut his figure that well without tailoring), he lifted his chin ever so slightly. Akechi’s expression twisted wickedly into something that short circuited Akira’s brain.
Fuck .
A war waged between two primal instincts in Akira’s body at the sight, the overwhelming urge to run in the face of danger clashing with a tidal wave of lust. The rush coursed through his veins, freezing him in place. Much like prey that had been cornered, his heart began to thrash against his ribs.
Akechi’s grin was sharp and salacious, a stark contrast to the innocent and winsome smile that the T.V. ready Prince so often wore. Akira didn’t know him all that well (... yet ), but God , that smile just seemed to suit Akechi so much better.
Akira got to witness this side of Akechi knowing it was reserved for only him for about two whole seconds before Akechi’s face changed, shifting into his composed, manufactured doll-like mask when Haru made it over to let him in.
The transformation gave Akira something pretty close to whiplash.
Really arousing whiplash.
“Good morning Akechi-san,” she greeted him, holding the door open with a warm smile.
“And same to you, Okumura-san,” he returned politely, stepping past her and into the cafe proper. “Pardon my early arrival, I have quite the busy day planned unfortunately and was hoping to get a jump start.” He brushed aside a few strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes with a gloved hand. “I hope your morning has been going well.”
“It’s barely started,” Akira muttered, reaching for a to-go cup to start Akechi’s order to busy himself with so he wouldn’t stare at the breathtakingly handsome man in front of him. His heart needed a break already.
Instead of writing Akechi’s name, he doodled a pair of handcuffs with the bold letters A and G within the negative space in each cuff (Akira admired his work for a brief moment and thought Yusuke would be proud). He marked the drink as a caramel latte, recalling what Haru had put down on his cup yesterday. Then proceeded to make a pour over instead.
Haru flipped the sign to open, and then said, “Very well, so far! I tried out a new cake recipe, you have to try it.”
Akechi laughed, and Akira’s stomach clenched--but this time in an all too pleasant way. Akira diverted his attention from grinding the beans for his drink to watch the detective ( Fuck! ) The sound was light and lyrical, and after what Akira witnessed… sounded totally out of place coming out of the same mouth that had held that smug, voracious grin a moment ago.
“As much as I would love to, I must decline. I cannot get into the habit of having cake for breakfast.”
“Then you must take a slice with you!” Haru walked past him and over to her cake display, lifting the glass lid and taking a piece out.
“Alright, if you insist,” Akechi conceded, coming to a stop in front of Akira, who moved on to scooping the grounds into the damp filter. The proximity made it near impossible to keep his eyes off the detective, but Akira somehow managed it, forcing himself to pay attention to his pour.
“Actually, would you mind if I borrowed your barista for a moment, Okumura-san?”
Akira snapped his head up from his preparations and met Akechi’s eyes once more ( God damnit! ). Which was a really dumb idea as a shock of pain spiked down his neck. He bit the inside of his cheek to stop from wincing.
A dangerous glint appeared in that maroon gaze that catapulted Akira’s thundering heart into his throat.
“Is he in trouble?” Haru peered over her shoulder from where she was packing a bright pink slice of cake into a to-go container.
“He might be,” Goro murmured just loud enough for Akira to hear, then broke their eye contact to address Haru, “I assure you, nothing of the sort.” He smiled that infuriatingly fake smile at her, complete with an innocent tilt of his head. “I just need to ask him a few questions, in private.”
Haru shot Akira a questioning stare, Do you need me to say no?
He shrugged nonchalantly, or as nonchalantly as someone who was having a very intense internal meltdown over an insanely attractive man could, and said, “It’s fine, Haru.” He continued to pour the scalding water in a circular motion over the coffee grounds in the filter, doing his best to quiet all the alarm bells in his head.
His response must have come off convincingly enough because Haru nodded and said, “Well, I can’t see why that would be a problem.” She hesitantly returned Akechi’s smile. “But I will need him back in a bit when the morning rush hits.”
“This shouldn’t take too long,” Akechi turned and gestured to a table in the corner of the cafe--far away enough from the counter that Haru couldn’t possibly overhear their conversation. Then under his breath he added, “As long as Kurusu-kun doesn’t resist, that is.”
Akira cleared his throat, willing his throbbing heart to drop back into its cage between his ribs. “Go on, I”ll join you when I’m finished.”
Akechi nodded, leaving the yen for his coffee on the counter and sauntered away. Akira topped off the pour over and transferred the liquid into the to-go cup. On his way around the counter he snagged what was left of his miracle tea and took a swig. He hoped it would replenish his mental reserves to handle the upcoming verbal sparring match he was sure he was about to walk into.
Akechi, in his immaculate glory, was leaning back in his chair languidly with one dark clad leg crossed. He watched Akira closely as he wandered over with their drinks. Akira suddenly felt incredibly out classed and underdressed in his usual cardigan-v neck combo he had going on compared to Akechi’s tan suit jacket and pressed button down shirt.
He slid into the seat opposite Akechi and pushed his coffee across the table. Akechi nodded in thanks and brought it to his lips.
Akira pretended he didn’t watch the way Akechi’s throat moved as he swallowed his first sip.
The detective hummed approvingly. “Black.”
“The way you actually like it,” Akira said with a knowing smile. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”
“Is it now,” Akechi chuckled darkly against the lid still pressed to his lips. “Sadly, my coffee preferences are the extent of where your knowledge of me ends.”
In the tenuous silence that descended after that statement, they sipped at their respective drinks. Gazes not once wavering off one another.
“I assume you know why I’m here,” Akechi finally said, cutting the tension.
“When I said ‘come get me ’ I didn’t mean ‘corner me at work ’,” Akira hissed over his cup of miracle tea.
He could think of many other, far more superior places he would have loved to be cornered by Akechi in. But Akira kept that part to himself.
The detective leaned forward, resting his chin on his fist. “You do realize if this were a real investigation and I caught you as unaware as you were this morning, you being at work with your Boss present wouldn’t have deterred me.”
Akira stole a glance at Haru, who was busy writing the specials of the day on their blackboard, then drained the rest of his tea.
Akechi followed his gaze and continued on in a saccharine tone that contradicted the alluring smile his mouth had split into again, “But since it’s not, I highly doubt you want an audience for when I bend you over the counter and take what I want from you.”
Akira promptly choked.
Any lingering doubt Akira may have had about Akechi’s preferences evaporated. Akechi knew exactly what he was saying. He had to have, right? There was no heterosexual explanation for that response.
Point to Akechi, he thought, accepting the fact his face was probably as red as the flowering plant hovering three inches above his head.
“How considerate,” Akira managed to rasp once he got his tea to go down his throat correctly. Swallowing burned like a bitch. Now he had to deal with a sore throat on top of the rebellion being staged by his heart and stomach, and the leftover vertigo from his hangover.
“Will you hand it over now?” the detective asked with a hint of sugar coated venom.
“Hate to disappoint, but you’ll be walking away empty handed this morning. I left it in my room.”
Which wasn’t a lie. In his haste to recover from last night’s  escapade and get to work on time, he hadn’t thought to grab the handkerchief. The last thing he expected was this.
“I think you’re sending me mixed signals.”.
“Am I?”
“You tell me you want one thing, then act like you didn’t expect it to come to fruition when I follow through on it so I’m curious,” Akechi titled his head and his hair shifted, shining ethereally in the early morning sun streaming through the window. “What is it you really want, Kurusu?”
For you to fuck my brains out, Akira thought. But admitting that so bluntly to Akechi’s face felt like defeat. So, he kept the stupid illusion of their game going and leaned in.
“I want to see if the Detective Prince is really as good at his job as the rumors say he is.” Akira mirrored the detective’s head tilt and offered him a crooked grin. “I won’t be that easy.”
“If you want me to physically remove it from your person, then I must insist from this point forward you carry it with you. If every time I corner you, you… aren’t ready,” Akechi’s smile grew wider, “then doesn’t that defeat the purpose? And unlike you it seems, my time and attention is limited.”
“Rude.” Akira mimicked the detective’s posture, dropping his chin into his palm. “My time is limited too. I just can’t have you stalking me at work. And--” what Akira really meant to say next was , I cannot possibly work and retain my sanity with you watching me like that all the time. But instead said, “--Think of Okumura-san’s business. You’ll scare away her customers.”
Akechi shot him an unimpressed look. “Somehow I highly doubt that.”
Wow. Cocky bastard.  
"Well,” Akira said, changing tactics by imbuing a little bit of truth, “I imagine you can relate to not wanting to be distracted at work, with your fans and all.”
“They can be...rather inconvenient at times, yes.” Akechi studied him intently. “Alright then. Let’s make a deal.”
“Making a deal with the enemy? Akechi,” Akira feigned a gasp, “don’t tell me you’re a dirty cop.”
The detective snorted into his coffee. “I’m going to choose not to entertain that comment and suggest we establish some ground rules.”
“I thought rules didn’t exist in investigations,” Akira said mischievously.
“Like I previously stated, good thing this isn’t one, then?”
They shared a private smile.
“I propose this,” Akechi said, straightening up, hands clasped on the table. “From this point on, you will carry it on your person. I will catch you off guard within the next two weeks and take back what is rightfully mine. Our working hours are exempt from this. Obviously, the common spaces in the dormitory will be too by default. Should you ever need me as your RA, that will come first and foremost, I take my duties seriously. As should you. I think you’ll find these terms agreeable and respectful of each other’s time. Unless there are any other locations you want to deem off limits.”
Akira made a show of considering Akechi’s words, tapping a finger against his cheek. This was literally the most drawn out, intellectually charged foreplay Akira had ever engaged in but he couldn’t say it didn’t excite him. In fact, there was something exhilarating about it.  
“No. Everywhere else is fair game.”
“Really?” Akechi inquired, grin breaching that rapacious territory again. “Be careful what you agree to, Kurusu.”
Akira shrugged and leaned back.
“So,” Akechi prompted, “you won’t say no, will you?”
Of course he was going to accept. So Akira simply said, “I think I’ll hold on to your handkerchief.” And then held out his hand. It felt like the right thing to do.
“Hah, excellent,” Akechi smiled and shook it firmly. The leather was soft and warm as it dragged against Akira’s palm. “Otherwise, I will be forced to order a room inspection and somehow I doubt that is how you want this to play out.”
“If you are inspecting the room while I’m in it, then I might be.”
Right after the words left his mouth, the logical part of his brain that wasn’t stuck on being hungover and horny on main finally spoke up and reminded him of the very important, expulsion worthy, major cockblock that was currently being housed in his room: Morgana.
But then Akechi’s mouth upturned devilishly, and suddenly Akira decided he’d cross that furry bridge when he got to it.
“Well, then. I must be off. Thank you for the coffee,” Akechi said, dropping Akira’s hand as he stood up. “I have an interview taping in…” he checked his phone and sighed, “just over an hour. Hopefully the trains are on schedule.”
Akira tilted his head. “Still doing those?”
“Yes, keeping up appearances on behalf of the precinct,” Akechi explained, “I may be officially on hiatus as a full time student, but I still pick up cases from time to time. The media wants to know how I balance it all.”
“Ah. Explains the get up.”
Akechi bristled at the comment, his nose wrinkling ( cute! ) and brows drawing down as he straightened his already perfectly straight tie. “What’s wrong with my outfit?”
“Nothing,” Akira teased with a lilt in voice, “It’s nice, maybe a little stuffy.” He deliberately looked Akechi up and down. “But I bet you’d look better out of it, judging by what I saw you wear the last time you showed up here.” He couldn’t fight the coy smile his mouth twisted into even if he tried. “If you’re looking to show off, those shorts from yesterday would do a better job.”
The call out was meant to fluster Akechi, but the detective’s face remained remarkably even toned. Flawless even. Too flawless.
Could he be... he's totally wearing makeup.
Akira lifted a brow pointedly.
That did the trick, earning Akira a heated glare before Akechi turned his head sharply away. The movement roughly shifted the hair around his face, revealing a sliver of skin previously hidden. To Akira’s rapidly dawning delight, the detective’s neck was rapidly turning pink.
“Shut. Up. Kurusu.”
Oh, so Akechi blushes all the way down when he’s flustered. Fascinating. Akira filed the thought away for… later.
For totally innocent purposes.
Akira stood up and slipped in front of Akechi, demanding to be looked at. Giddy with his new discovery. “Oh? What’s this? He can dish it out but can’t take it?”
Akechi’s eyes flashed as he brought himself up to his full height, and stepped into Akira’s space. Scowling down the few centimeters he had on him, he forced Akira to take a step back. “You,” he said lowly, continuing to move forward, making Akira walk backwards until his back hit the counter, “are a brat .”
“Just figuring that out now, detective?” Akira smirked. “I thought that was obvious.”
From this close Akira could see just how gorgeous the detective’s eyes truly were. Flecks of light red dotted the center most part of his eyes, giving off the illusion of glittering in the light. He was close enough that if Akira leaned in a fraction more their noses would touch.
A very polite, soft cough came from somewhere on Akira's right.
The detective’s eyes widened in shock. He quickly put space between them again and turned to face Haru, who was standing in between the kitchen and the counter area looking anywhere but at them.
Akira owed her now a second apology.
“I wish both of you a good day,” Akechi gracefully recovered and turned on his heel. He flexed his shoulders as he opened the door but stopped with one foot out the door.
“Oh, and Kurusu-kun?” Akechi turned halfway to face him, “Be sure to check your email this afternoon.”
And then he was gone.
It’s Always Snack Time in Tokyo
SEPT 1ST  8:00 AM
[Takuto Maruki] Hello! I was going to wait until I saw you in person, but I can’t resist telling you the good news! I submitted the paperwork to bring on an official research assistant. The chair of the department should grant me an answer by the end of the week. The position is yours once I get the documented approval.
[Takuto Maruki] That is, if you are still interested in conducting research with me like you did over the summer
[Akira Kurusu] I am
[Takuto Maruki] Even more wonderful!
[Akira Kurusu] Won’t it be unethical if you don’t let other people apply for the position though?
[Akira Kurusu] You can’t play favoritism
[Takuto Maruki] I, fortunately, get to make the rules in this situation and I wrote that I could appoint the position to any student that met certain criteria and showed promise in the field
[Akira Kurusu] You literally wrote the position description so that only I fit that criteria, didn’t you
[Takuto Maruki] You would be correct! :D
[Takuto Maruki] So if you’re free and want to get a jump start on assisting, I was hoping to recruit you this upcoming Friday to proctor an exam.
[Akira Kurusu] An exam? The second week of class? Savage Sensei
[Takuto Maruki] It is a 300 level that meets M/W/F so the curriculum moves fast. This cohort in particular is grasping the concepts at a much faster rate than the other two I teach for this course.
[Akira Kurusu] When is it? I open the cafe Friday mornings
[Takuto Maruki] 2pm
[Akira Kurusu] Okay, I can make that work. I’ll be there
[Takuto Maruki] Wonderful! :)
The Phantom Thieves of Cats
SEPT 1st 11:12 AM
[Skull] yo i am not back readin any of that
[Skull] wat did i miss?
✧ Oracle ✧  Changed Skull to Edgelord Can’t Read
[Edgelord Can’t Read] I CAN EFFIN’ READ!!!
[Edgelord Can’t Read] i said i wasn’t gonna, not that i cant big difference
[Edgelord Can’t Read] ur the one who cant read
[✧ Oracle ✧] wow gr8 comeback edgelord im so offended. what r we 7yrs old
[Edgelord Can’t Read] shuddup
Gotta Go Fast
SEPT 1st 11:28 AM
[Skull] BRO A CATWALK?! WTF?!?
[Skull] how the eff did u get down??
[Joker] My amazing cat-like reflexes
[Skull] bro
[Skull] how u feelin btw
[Joker] You know that feeling you get when you’re about to go over the hill on a rollercoaster?
[Joker] Like that
[Skull] oof
[Skull] ill make u my ma’s soup when ur shifts over, its the best for this kinda shit
[Joker] Why is everyone being so understanding with me today
[Skull] were ur friends man we gotchu
[Joker] alsdjflskf
[Skull] uh did the rollercoaster drop or smth
[Joker] Haha no
[Joker] Thanks Ryuji
The Phantom Thieves of Cats
SEPT 1st 2:01 PM
[Panther] what?? why??
[✧ Oracle ✧] im surprised u even read ur email
[Joker] Oh.
[Joker] Fuck.
To: Shujin Hall_5th Floor
From: Akechi Goro; Niijima Makoto
CC: Kawakami Sadayo
Subject: Violation of Dormitory Rules
Dear Fifth Floor Residents of Shujin Hall,
This is a friendly reminder that there is a strict No Pets Policy in this Residence Hall. A contraband item, a can of pet food, was located on the floor inside the trash room on Friday night. As such, we will be conducting room inspections beginning tomorrow, starting with rooms located in the Girls’ Wing. Let this be an example to all that the consequences for violating this rule will be termination of their dormitory agreement and the loss of their on campus housing status. Any additional charges will be determined by the Residence Hall Director, Kawakami Sadayo.
If you have any further information on this subject, please feel free to contact us.
We hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
Your Resident Assistants
Akechi Goro
University of Tokyo | Class of 20XX Criminal Justice / Psychology Major | Philosophy Minor [email protected]
Niijima Makoto
University of Tokyo | Class of 20XX Criminal Justice Major | Psychology & Law Minor [email protected]
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chocolatey-umbreon · 4 years
I saw your tags in the adhd reblog and honestly I said the same thing. These things are so normalized that they're easy to miss or brush off (especially if you grew up being viewed as a girl) but also you probably wouldnt call it a disorder if you're so used to it and it's so normal for you. Like if you're used to being this way and everyone around you normalizes it you think no this is normal. When you think of adhd you think white boy who never stops talking or moving and that shapes your entire view of the thing (even if you dont view it as white boy who never stops moving now, society taught us that that's what adhd is). You probably dont think it's a disorder bc it's apart of your everyday life, it can affect you so much and you wouldnt even notice bc it's so normal to you. You mgiht not have adhd, I'm not you and I dont know you well but try and think about this because I said literally the same thing and whoop di do I'm diagnosed with adhd. Also ik that this is so disorganized and probably makes half sense (and I'm sorry if this isnt place which it probably isnt). it's 3 am rn and I'm running off of 4 hours of sleep, caffeine, and pure spite
haha i appreciate this a lot, anon. thank you. and yeah, like im so used to all that stuff but then i remind myself that i knew a guy with adhd in middle school and im in no way like him, and those traits aren’t what stops me from being a perfect student, “its probably just laziness”.
i started to hear about how adhd affected women differently and how symptoms usually started affecting you when you got older, because of the responsibilities you had to handle, and everything i read fit so well, when i was in my  last year of high school and not getting anything done. i went to see a psychologist that i see today still and i figured she would have told me if she noticed adhd symptoms. she told me my problem was (is) with anxiety and burnout, which i have also read here are commonly mistaken with adhd.
i thought that was the last of that but it still sits in the back of my mind because there are aspects of adhd that i realize i have had for ever, not just after HS when the anxiety started acting up. but idk. there’s so much stuff that overlaps. like do i have rejection sensitive dysphoria or am i just used to being the “perfect gifted child” and i can’t put up with being wrong? i get more spacey when im stressed, but i still kind of am any time i try to focus, or maybe everyone is like that? executive dysfunction and difficulty being organized is something i live with but is it only because of anxiety? do i scream in fear when someone comes into my room unexpectedly because i was hyperfocusing, or because of anxiety? or maybe everything can be true simultaneously,
i dont know!! but thanks to the psychologist i have better strategies to work with it now, i guess. so if i do have it i will probably go my entire life undiagnosed lol and just figuring it out on the way. at least having names for all these problems does help a lot, even if i feel kind of intrusive relating to those posts haha.
sorry about the long rant. i just think about this a lot.
12 notes · View notes
macklives · 5 years
homestuck recap
i hated this so fucking much bc my 2 am bitch-ass didnt want to read a recap thats probably longer than any slowburn out there
anyways here it is
also, uhhH sorry im using this as a end of session discussion bc that shit gets explained in her as well. and im not writing up more recaps of a recap so this is where im done for the day. (by done for the day i mean last nights session, im still doing a liveblog soon. i just wrote this yesterday)
also that this is long
you dont have to read it, theres nothing of importance
ive been coping with humor to get me through it
have fun with what i suffered through:
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why was “beta” the only thing unhighlighted?
like did i miss a page???
OH its the beta version of HS thats why
damn its like 5 pages and thats it
well youll all be happy to know im clicking every single one of these links again bc i like looking back like ahh i remember that. good times. also in case i forgot some shit existed.
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do you think andrew had fun writing this? or was he like “fuck”
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thats a lot of fucking package talk. good thing im not confused as of now and remember it pretty clearly. of else, this early on in the recap, id be screwed.
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god remember when i did an analysis on each item and what it did
i feel as if i have the technology engrained inside my head right now
cruxite, alchemeter, all that jazz
flashbacks are starting up already
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yeah, that was the good part in homestuck where i knew 100% that i probably would continue on this liveblog in its entirety, ngl
that one explosion scene. bc it kept me going.
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i just realized how the intermission spades probably fucking foreshadowed the whole jack revolts thing and gains the ring, which was also technically JOHNS fault considering he slashed up the doll in the first place
my god, i guess thats the only good aspect of the recap. looking back at things and realizing the missing pieces.
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oh that makes sense for the whole “this prototyping had no effect on the enemies, since he was already in the medium” i didnt actually think about that
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little did rose know where that would get her right now
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oh yeah
there’s still the whole entire lab terminal thing and how mom basically knows the place exists. i guess we’re still venturing onto that and itll come up later when we find out how mom knows SO MUCH about the game.
still think shes some weird spy or secret agent
i kinda love her ngl
anyways, theres literally no reason for skaia to produce a cloning machine. so technically, they only sent the meteors in, right? so who put the cloning machine in if not mom?
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oh yeah that impact was nerve wrecking asf
and still at this point in the comic i called dave fuckboy red
huh, how times change
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i hated reading that whole paragraph ngl, the frustration just kicked me in the boobs again
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yeah nobody else got tornadoes, huh?
OH that makes also much more sense
bc she did prototyped them before she entered the medium.
i gotcha
man one of my favorite edits i made, rose hitting that meteor with a bat
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are you
telling me
the exiles structures they arrived on were in the form of the items the kids used to enter the medium?
of course it was 413 years ago. that was never explained. simply vague “many years in the future....” but i expected no less from this
man serenity is the most wholesome character in hs no doubt
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damn thought andy here was really gonna spoil us jade’s planet
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okay cool, im glad i now have the layout to the whole “their stations went to the coordinates of the home button” shindig
man i honestly dont know what else to say besides “yeah cool recap” when i already pretty much know what went down? ofc im looking into each link and shit and adding in things when i see fit, but otherwise its just me going “ah good times” yknow
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the whole meteor thing kinda makes sense now?
we’re still missing a few pieces of info but we’re getting there, folks
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oh yeah that reveal
god jade and dave have it in the shits for parents huh
bro isnt the best and jade has a fucking dog
who lowkey
is doing better than bro
who knew a fucking dog is a better guardian than bro lmfao
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dreambot = terminator. im telling you.
sorry im still on that idea and it will never leave unless i have the actual proof in front of me that its not going to become a thing. meaning, ive finished hs and theres still no terminator dreambot or either andrew himself gives me a canon letter with “the robot is not arnold, mackenzie, pls just let it be”
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why is the entire game session highlighted
i swear to god if this is like to a second recap or smth of the whole game session i may fucking CRY
okay thank god its just a design of the skaia layout
which is honestly cool
idk why its blurry tho but i can at least see the layout now. which is honestly how i pictured it anyways.
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yeah, john did make a huge impact in his friends’ life and i find that so fucking touching
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yep. got that. everything loops around. cool.
especially when the trolls come in. god we havent even gotten to that recap portion yet, we havent even gotten to the INTERMISSION
pls can this be the halfway point to the recap
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so they were exiled after the whole jack: ascend thing, right? considering theyre way in the future. man no fucking wonder.
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speaking of jack
man that whole dad and jack interaction was gold, ngl
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and wow, andrew’s really giving us the best female content huh. andrew is the true god of equality and diversity.
also hey, i didnt realize that wow. so PM tricked the queen in showing the parking ticket to be able to take the present from jack. she’s a smart cookie, that one..
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she and PM basically snitched on jack and it was the best thing that has happened to me so far
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oh yeah okay
but why did AR panic over bec? bc thats something we havent learned yet, right?
exile town, the only town which should exist. facts. i dont make the rules.
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i love PM being queen. like.. thats canon now. shes an actual queen.
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yeah that was a fun game and the consorts were cute
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fuck yeah the dick head
hate them even more now that i know john was killed because of them
anyways, i wonder what dick move dave’s denizen did? maybe thats why its filled with lava bc the denizen was like “fuck it. make the land red. kill them all”
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so i still dont know what they mean but i can gather it has something to do with the game giving them abilities. considering dave is the “knight of time” and he can go back in time. whack.
which means john can either control someones breathing or simply wind. and rose is... like that one girl in the winx club who does the sun shit. bc whenever i think of light powers, i think of stella.
and jade is space. witch of space.
i have no idea what that means ngl
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okay finally
we’re at the trolls
maybe this recap will end soon
i remember when i thought they were internet bullies
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someone asked if i basically knew the trolls were on a different veil than the kids, so not presently with them, and i know lol. i was making a joke before btw. jsyk. dont think im incompetent to forget these things when sometimes i choose to forget it so i can add in a joke
it be like that, i annoy many
then again, pls dont assume im trying to say im not incompetent bc im also a fucking dumbass and DO forget shit and i have no excuse
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imagine being so bored on the meteor, your last resort is speaking to aliens
ngl me if i was ever trapped on a meteor and could potentially do that
nah ik its bc its their only hope at helping with their session or whatever tf CG said to john. but there was BOUND to be a conference meeting between them like “okay guys. humans. that needs to be sorted out” and you just hear CG screaming in the background
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i cant wait to meet them honestly bc im growing on all 4 of the ones we’ve seen already. and on top of that, i know what they look like and i know theyre not THAT bad, just a little on the crayy zee side sometimes
but theyre trying
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i didnt expect that. but maybe the signs were there and i was just willingly choosing to ignore it or smth bc “haha couldnt be, right”
flashbacks to how i thought the trolls were humans
anyways, i guess he got his revenge on the kids version of “snowman” ie the black queen. but really
he did not have to do that. he could have cut off the finger and fled. but he decided “nah, lets implode her” so the loml is dead and all i got was a catchy song
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i knew they were different types of “bullies” but now i just have to replace bullies with uhh
trolling strategies
anyways, this is cute. i love how they’ve come to be friends through mutual frustration. good part in the comic.
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i wonder why it explodes
more importantly
terminator time?
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this was my favourite sequences of dialogues in the whole entirety of homestuck. that is to say the back and forth thing that the kids went through to become a sort of wingman for the other.
absolutely gold.
all except AT’s rap.
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GC was the only smart one with the linear shit
anyways fuck he still has to kill the denizen now but apparently its hard to beat for a sleeping dick head so
that will be fun for the future
john will probably need to kill A LOT of imps to get there
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yeah rose is a badass bc she slayed that thing with needles of all things
OH and the white queen was the cursive
damn did AR ever do the whole guide process to a kid yet? maybe he will with dave, idk
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i fucking SEE
thats why he said DNA
to use it and replace all the life forms in the ocean
fucking neat wow
man that sounded sarcastic but im genuinely impressed bc all i got was bullshit as i read jaspersprites log
so thats the secret. it was “meow” bc that somehow translates to the genetic code she needs then. and that code apparently took fucking years to write as well. sick. whack. oh man.
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derse is very pretty, ngl
and wow shit
“dave had already been awake in his tower all along without realizing it” how tf does someone just
do that, awake in both places at once
i didnt even fucking realize that fact as i read that pesterlog wow
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ah yes, around the time things got confusing
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okay so the capsule makes sense bc at first i didnt know it was a fucking time capsule so i got confused as to how it just apparated the game lmfao
the more you know i guess *twinkle*
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i find that a neat concept tho
like the whole whatever you prototype affects the imps and shit
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yeah so that whole “he had no advice” basically impacted his future
no shit dave wanted to reset things bc he probably thought he caused some sort of bad butterfly effect and killed his best friend
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fuck calsprite thats all im gonna say
i read that first sentence and i think i got an aneurysm
and then everything else just made me sad again
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i mean good thing he fucking did amirite?
we got pain at first but now we got cool shit like idk
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damn idk how that works
will rose have like two minds now? or will this be some steven universe fusion shit?
“and understood their meaning” course well i fucking didnt so could you pls elaborate, rose?
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okay but then what the fuck did he use that was inside the fucking box
bc i thought he used his knife?
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im only every going to refer him as that now, thank you andrew
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alright okay..
god that was a lot
i dont know what will happen once i click on those links but i am going to see that for myself bc i refuse to add ANYTHING ELSE
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magsgoestocollege · 5 years
I finished my first semester of college!
Hi, guys! 
I kinda can’t believe it but I just had the last class of my first semester of college. As I’m heading into finals week, I just wanted to take a second and reflect on where I am now as opposed to the first week of college.
Let’s Talk Academics I Guess
First of all this is w a c k. I remember being so fucking scared at the beginning because I didn’t know how I was gonna measure up against the ~college standard~ bc like I didn’t know how it would compare to my high school since I was an IB kid. I did a ton of writing in high school and I was a writing tutor for 3 years but I was still super worried that I was gonna suck in a college setting. Not to like,, toot my own horn but I’ve always been considered a really good writer and I’ve been really proud of that. When I got to college I did a little bit of a doubletake when I realized a lot of my peers were also Really Good Writers, and I realized I still had some stuff to work on that I hadn’t really noticed in hs. 
That being said, everyone wants you to succeed and improve. No prof is just gonna be like “yo you suck at writing shit good luck in college lol.” All of my profs critiqued my writing and I learned from it. Ik its hard to process if you’re in high school but like,,, you’re literally paying these people to help you learn and they actually WANT to help you learn. If you roll up to a professor’s office hours and say hey can I talk to you about something they will say yes! ik that’s scary but I promise it’s really helpful. 
Living Situation
Still living in Hubbard in my single even though I submitted my paperwork to move months ago. I reaaaally wanna move to a house up-campus because I need a little more social life than I’m getting now, but I am legitimately going to miss some of the people in this house now. Like my neighbors from down the hall and I have bonded over the loud girls next door and sometimes we go get ice cream on Friday nights. But there’s nothing to say I have to stop doing that when I move so I guess it’s a win? Either way, it’ll be weird to move somewhere else halfway through the year when I’ve developed a routine and settled into my room.
Social Life Whomst
Cool story I actually have friends? It took me until almost Thanksgiving to finally realize that I had people that I could text to grab dinner or go study or go downtown but I have them! This is a major difference from the first couple weeks where I didn’t know anyone and I could count the number of people I talked to on one hand (lmao #the dark side of college if you wanna find those tags). 
My birthday is in a couple days and I’m hosting a movie night and a couple months ago it would be me alone in my room but no! It’s gonna be me and eight other people in our pjs crashed on the floor of an academic building with pizza and cheesy movies and people actually want to get excited about my birthday for the first time in ages and wow... I just.. I’m still working on finding even more people but I love my tiny family :)
Emotional State 
I’m just so content. I don’t have tons of friends, but I love the ones I have. Almost all of my classes were amazing this semester and even the ones that weren’t stellar were still great. I joined the musical theatre org and found a whole family of people who love what I love and we’re doing High School Musical 2 next semester and I can’t wait, even though half the juniors are going abroad and I befriended so many of them and I’m gonna miss them so much. 
TL;DR: It gets better. I promise. Things aren’t perfect and they might not be, but that’s okay because I’m so happy where I’m at, and I promise you will be too.
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namelessstoryteller · 5 years
I'm not like her other friends
Recently got a message from friend I'm calling Linn. Linn was my first friend when I started High School, and I made friends with Anna and Joe, who were her childhood friends, and a chick I chatted to in homeroom named Freda, who was Linn's bff.
Two events started the downfall from me getting kicked out of this group. I felt like a taxi driver while driving Linn and Freda around on Halloween, and mentioned to Linn, hey I don't like being a third wheel afterwards. So whenever she brought up hanging out with Freda, as I was the only friend with a car, I always rejected it. The second was I brought us tickets to Impractical Jokers, our fav show that was touring in our town that year. She agreed to pay me back the 70 over time. This was the only time I ever asked her for money in the 6 to 7 years of friendship.
Linn never had much money so I hung with her and brought the tickets, the food, and the events. I hung out with her because I could always make her laugh and loved our shared interests.
However, turns out everything that was said, was shared between Joe, Freda, family, and others. I got a bf and wanted to ask her yknow girl/perverted questions, I wanted a conversation about this stuff with her as we been friends for years and I only knew her attempts at relationships. I made her feel uncomfortable with this open conversation. I apologized but I learned this was shared with everyone and I was a bad friend for not noticing the signs.
A group chat was formed later on, with Joe, Freda, Linn, rando, and a chick named Iris. I knew Iris but I really don't know what side she was on throughout this whole thing, she had conversations with both of us and sent me screenshots from Linn, so I suspect she did the same for Linn. I made a comment, like "what up b*tches" and that fucking broke Freda. Apparently I hated her and it was aimed at her. And Im insensitive (which is a bit true but I have said worst, and Linn brings this up a lot later on).
I wanted an overnight hangout for spring break, I invited Linn, Joe, his gf, Anna, Iris. Linn knew I smoked and drank, but due to the friend group, I was never planning on bringing those items along. They didnt know I only invited them, my bestie, and a HS friend. Only Iris ever drank. Only my bestie smoked.
After hearing no, I gave up and just went to the hotel with my best friend and our HS friend. I had a good time playing uno. But Linn asked to hang that night and I told her I was doing this as I had planned a long time ago.
Apparently I got blocked from the friend group (i had it muted so I never noticed), i only noticed when I got invited back and saw the messages.
"That's so messed up of you S to leave one of your real friends whose been there for you" said iris.
It been planned for a long time, it was even planned with everyone in mind.
"I don't wanna start anything bc she'll just try 2 play the victim lol" "I don't trust her with alcohol and weed. But now I kinda don't trust her with a lot of things" "I mean if you look how Savannah grew up, you see why she is the way she is...." "I didn't like her mom the moment I saw her"
No, I had party friends and a pothead cousin. The mom comment is because my mom smokes cigarettes and Linn hated the smell and called her mom to leave my house. And I moved to my grandparents years later.
"She's reckless and tbh I'm sorry to say this but she is also kind of a hoe" said Joe. The same guy who wanted me to sleep with him when I had a bf for over a year. And he even said if I slept with him (while having a gf) that he would put in a good word. Linn agrees "I only want to find a bf and sleep with him. Not sleep with the whole town"
"Ig when I hang with her again I don't want drama but I have 2 talk 2 her maybe steer her on the right path maybe she's secretly sad. And puts her pain into weed and drinking"
No, when Im sad, I talk to you or my bestie, but then that gets shared to everyone so I stopped talking to you about my feelings.
I don't remember when this happened, but I made a comment about her oversized bra as she had tiny chachas. My mistake. Everyone has body issues, and that was hers, and I spent an hour apologizing as sometimes I do run my mouth. I just felt like the bra didn't mean much if it wasnt padded, but just there for air for her body type.
Through months of talking. Getting mad at each other. Stopped talking. Unfriending each other. Of how Im not like her other friends. We agreed on a movie. I sent her a msg at 10am asking if 10pm was a good time to go see a random movie, she read the message. I never got a message back until 9pm saying she was ready. I told her, dude message me sooner I thought you ignored me and got ready for bed. And she got mad I didn't tell her I got ready for bed while she was prepared to go out. I said it's a movie we can reschedule, it's too late to drive to her home and movies especially when it's opening night. This, of course, got her mad. I said Im sorry for the miscommunication on my part.
I heard back from her 3 days later, 4 days before the Impractical Jokers. "Are you still taking me to Impractical jokers?" At this point, I'm over these issues and her so I finally stood for a battle.
I replied, "Linn, how things are looking like right now, probably not. And I don't really feel bad since it wasnt paid." I told her I didn't want to because she more focus on the tickets when we still had last arguement.
She had 5 dollars, I told her at least 25 (not even half the price but it was something) or least try to pay me in small amounts. She said she was saving up for something so 15 at most, and I repiled like you tried saving up for these tickets.
She said "Ur like my only friend who wants me 2 pay back a concert ticket. Everyone else has brought it out of just being nice. But I did agree to pay back $70 which tbh is too much. So I said $15 but Idek bc rn I have $5" "U want me 2 ask ppl hey can u give me money bc my friend wants me 2 pay her back 4 a concert? They aint gonna do that Bc they're gonna say that's ur friend's problem"
It's your problem, Linn. Not mine.
She said this should be her bday gift, and when I brought up how much I spent on her throughout the years, she said "you never had to and Plus u should kinda do that out of being a good friend not do it 4 money btw....but now ik not 2 ask u 4 shit bc ur gonna want me 2 pay u back 4 it. I wouldn't want u 2 pay me back but that's just me 💁💁"
She msg me on my phone. Went through the cycle of her saying hey I can make payments now, and me saying it's too late since I already invited someone else, "Im money hungry/i never apologized", she had family issues and is broke, stop bringing up things in the past she already apologized for (when she brought up things I apologized for). How she kept me as a friend, how loyal she was, when all of her friends and family told her to drop me, who knew every single bad detail about me, every bad secret. Yes, this came up a lot during our disputes. Even when I told her I didn't care what her friends thought cuz I wanted just us talking.
I thought we liked to hang out together, but maybe it was just me who enjoyed those times. She always wanted someone else there. Anna, Iris and Joe I was okay with just in small amounts because of gas. Plus, those guys never had money either and I can only pay for so many. Maybe I was her friend because I had a car and okay with spending money.
So yes, I'm the bad apple. I've been living with the same guy for the last two and a half years, clean from weed for the last one and a half (bf told his dad he would stay clean, i only smoked because i was always offered some by others), drinking once a month.
And then Linn messaged me on my bday, happy birthday we should hang out with anna she misses you!
Uhuh. Sure. Maybe someday.
Sorry I had to rant since apparently I always saw myself as the victim. I did fuck up with the uncomfortable questions and bra comment. I felt I had these conversations with my other friends, so why not with the friend I had for the longest. But the movie ticket, like come on seriously?
Tl;dr toxic friendship turned bad, got witchhunted by my "friends" and money hungry for a ticket I brought.
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apricotpicotty · 3 years
infj guy from germany.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like Mbti.
You: hi
Stranger: Heyy
Stranger: How’s it going ?
You: sleepy as shit
You: but we love procrastination
Stranger: Oh :') kinda same tho
Stranger: Truee
You: wht's ur type?
Stranger: Do u wanna take a wild guess ?
You: xxxx
Stranger: I mean… you’ve got a point xD
You: wildest guess wasn't it?
Stranger: I can just say it, it’s okay
You: ik i'm the goat
You: aight wht is it?
Stranger: Infj
You: i thought u were a xxxp for a sec
You: idky lol srry
Stranger: Oh okay
Stranger: It’s fine
Stranger: Hmm u said procrastination
You: u gonna guess my type?
Stranger: Are u an xxtp
You: yea intp
Stranger: Lmao
You: T-T
Stranger: I know an intp, so yeah
Stranger: U def give off these vibes
You: i talked to an enfj before u idky the hell she got embarrassed and shit and them disconnected
You: prolly cuz of the hard long words i used
You: so what brought u here?
Stranger: Boredom
Stranger: And u ?
You: no sleep and the daily urge to procrastinate
Stranger: U are really an intp lmao
Stranger: Based off my experience atleast
You: u should see my dark circles. one can type me as in intp just by looking at my face
Stranger: My eyes look really tired too tho
You: how old r u?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: And u
You: ayee same!
Stranger: Nicee
You: last yr of hs is reallt kicking my ass in the worst ways
You: really*
Stranger: Oh damn, I miss last year
Stranger: For me it’s the year before the last year
You: ouuuuu
You: i really wish to build a time machine and choke myself to sleep the day i was born
Stranger: I mean i’m in germany, we have a different system, but i’m in 11th class
Stranger: Nahh don’t say that
Stranger: Instead choke me lmao
You: holy getting kinky are we?
Stranger: Even the most innocent person has its dark sides ;)
You: or create a system to turn my mass energy to heat and burn the entire universe
You: i was about to type this
Stranger: Lmao that’s creative
Stranger: Frrr
Stranger: Haha
You: any specific kinks apart form chocking ?
Stranger: Umm
Stranger: i like fishnets
Stranger: they are hot :>
You: on urself or or partner ?
You: ur*
Stranger: Partner
You: i am assuming u're a male based on the stereotypes//
Stranger: Based on the stereotypes, yes
Stranger: I wouldn’t say i’m a typical male tho idk
You: ahaha lol moments like this are meant for stereotype usage
You: ummm non binary?
Stranger: Nope, but I’m just not what society views as a man
Stranger: Like idk, I don’t feel “manly”
Stranger: I’m just me
You: ahh okookok i get it
You: dw dw i wasn't judging u that hard
Stranger: that hard ? :O
You: u really make everything sexual
You: so back to kinks.
You: T-T
Stranger: You said you weren’t judging me that hard, lile why did u even judge me xD that’s what I meant
Stranger: Anyways, back to kinks haha
You: yes i'm the one to be blamed my bad T-T
You: ah ok right
Stranger: It’s fine :)
You: idk if i have any but the thought of getting caught is exciting
Stranger: Okay xD
You: not into bdsm but chocking and cuffs are great
Stranger: Hmm I like tibbies
Stranger: Tibbies are nice
Stranger: We love a good pair of tibbies
You: i had to google that XD
You: it's showing dogs
Stranger: Bwahahaha
Stranger: TIDDIES
Stranger: 💀
Stranger: I just like to say tibbies
You: u should've told before i thought they were some new sex toys
You: and totally panicked when i saw dogs
Stranger: 💀💀💀
Stranger: What are ur pronouns btw ?
You: she/her
Stranger: Okidoki
You: do u watch anime? there was this one character name suzu who used to say okidoki
Stranger: YES I DO
Stranger: HENTAI TOO
You: she died later
You: odfnwlvw i watch hentai tooo
You: tht shit is GOLD
Stranger: LMAOOO
Stranger: THEY EXIST ?!
You: yes they do
You: i am a living proof
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: Overflow 😫
You: do u know bunnywalker ?
Stranger: Yesss
Stranger: The studio
You: they have the best animation
You: yesssss yesss
Stranger: They make the best
Stranger: True true
Stranger: Queen Bee is shit
You: fr pink pineapple is good too to some extent
Stranger: We haven’t been eating good lately :')
You: ikr the art and plot is great but thy suck at animation
Stranger: True
Stranger: Saimin Seishidou is good, but it’s ugly bastard
Stranger: The animation is good tho
You: ikrrrr it breaks my heart fr
Stranger: I’m a vanilla type of person 😭
You: i totally blacklist vanilla and softcore on hanime
You: lmao
Stranger: Ntr can be good, but not the weird shit
Stranger: Oof you’re going for the hard stuff lmao
You: i don't really mind ntr tbh.
You: i just need to get off asap and anything works tbh
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: What do u find hot in hentai lol
You: wht i want to actually see is mostly censored
You: ig tits and moans are great. the plot matters a lottt
Stranger: Are u straight ?
You: not entirely tbh
You: more of a omnisexual
You: an*
Stranger: That’s fine, I get it I get it xD
You: are u homophobic?
Stranger: Nope !
Stranger: Abaolutely not!
Stranger: I have queer friends and all
You: wbu are u legit straight ?
Stranger: Why did u ask if I’m homophobic, I feel so bad 😭
Stranger: I do be, but never say never I guess
You: nah sorry was just checking so i could crack a homo joke to trigger u
Stranger: :') I’m sad now
You: i believe i'm more into experimenting even with sex and gender bla bla
Stranger: I’m literally talking about lgbtq rights in my presntation on wednesday lmao
You: cuz like i only hv one life and i can't miss out on stuff just cuz of the ol gezerrs rules
You: ohh all the best
Stranger: Thanks
You: hope u send out people gay for u after the presentation
You: like no fr just imagine u give an amazing presentation and all the guys go gay for u
Stranger: Uhm, u mean other guys ?
You: tht's be some next level neflix show i would live to direct
Stranger: Nah the boys here are boring when it comes to that
You: meh
You: but my imagination ran wild there for sure
Stranger: Also idk, don’t invalidate my sexuality lol I’m not into
Stranger: guys
You: but still make an effort to dress up as hot as possible and give an amazing presentation
Stranger: Except for anime boys lol
You: ikrrrr
You: anime girls too
You: they're just so efffiinnggg purrfect
Stranger: True true
Stranger: I just hate real people lol
You: the girl in dress up darling is my recent crush
Stranger: Atleast most
Stranger: Marin
You: high five mate
Stranger: Yeah she’s literally a goddess
You: frrr i would love to have a gf like here
You: and then there's gojo and kuroo
You: gawdd i'm a walking skut for them
Stranger: Daijoubou deshou, date kimiiiii
Stranger: Yowai Mo 😫
You: IKR
You: he's still not out of the box sadly :(
Stranger: Gotta say tho I’m more of a Nanami Fan
You: nanami. he's the new god and we all r in his religion
Stranger: Oi oi oi Nanami nanami oi oi oi oi oiiiiiii
You: man really had to die like tht in manga
Stranger: FUCK U
You: did i just...
You: lmao sorry
You: vbhfsvknd
Stranger: FUCK U
Stranger: FUCK U
Stranger: FUCK U
Stranger: Okay no, but…
Stranger: ARGHHHH
You: ahaha i shouldn't laugh but still sorryyyyy
You: i didn't knowwww T-T
Stranger: :|
You: he died while imagining a peaceful life next to the beach reading a book
Stranger: Mad
You: AHHAHA sorry not sorry
Stranger: wow
Stranger: U are mean
Stranger: :(
You: aww aight sorry fr i won't give any spoilers
Stranger: U r just like the other people qwq
Stranger: Hm :')
Stranger: the aww got me
You: what?
Stranger: Forget about it
You: aight
Stranger: I’m weird, have I said that I’m weird ?
Stranger: Btw I am weird
You: in what way?
You: do u show ur ass to ur neighbors from the window? tht'd be weird for sure
Stranger: No
Stranger: Why did u come up with that
Stranger: U are weird
You: idk jk jk don't get triggered
You: i've never done that hellloo??
Stranger: 🤨
Stranger: Caught in 4k
You: i have NOT SRSLY
Stranger: U have a problem mommy
Stranger: Oops I said mommy
You: u r submissive i see?
Stranger: That’s right
Stranger: I’m a bottom i believe
You: idk i imagine u into leashes too
Stranger: Hmm nahhh idkkk
You: u can always try it out
You: are u a virgin btw?
You: i am lol T-T sed life
Stranger: :|
Stranger: Okay puuuh you are too haha
Stranger: Yes I am
You: aye high five.
Stranger: People are disappointing lol
You: we're really living a fantasy world in our heads
Stranger: That’s all i’m gonna say
You: ikr
Stranger: I gave everything… BUT IN THE END IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTERRRR
Stranger: That song describes my last try of getting in a relationship lmao
You: in the end by linkin park?
Stranger: Yes
You: i googled the lyrics tbh
You: will listen to it thnxxx
Stranger: U don’t know it ?!
Stranger: Wait are u into rock music ?
You: idk i like listening to anything as long as it sounds good
You: i have diff phases
Stranger: The beeps and the boops
Stranger: Same thooo
You: like rn it's nbhd and artic monkeys
You: bts has been consistent
Stranger: Uhhhhh I like both
You: i dabbled in jpop too somehow
Stranger: Sweater Weather is really goooood
You: ikrr it blew up really well
Stranger: I listen to J Music a lot
Stranger: 505 is a great song tooo
You: listen to stargazing and the shining by nbhd
Stranger: Nice nice
You: and do i wanna know by artic monkeys
Stranger: Why’d u only call me when ur high
Stranger: That’s a nice one 2
You: do i wanna know is a total baby making song
Stranger: Lmao
You: ahhh i love tht oneee
Stranger: Do u take drugs ?
You: thought about it and then i wask like nah nvm my parents are poor as shit
You: wbu?
Stranger: Good girl
Stranger: I don’t I’m very against that shit
Stranger: It’s waste
Stranger: Waste of your life
You: idk if i would be legit against it but i think i can be a form of escape
Stranger: Go buy manga or sth but leave your hands away from that stuff
You: andddd i'm not sure if i'll try it in the future
You: aye aye will do tht for now def
Stranger: Idk, i’m just very against it, I would hate to see anybody i like get into
Stranger: that stuff
Stranger: The thing is
You: hmmm fair enough
Stranger: I understand the argument of escape, but idk, nah
Stranger: Sex is a drug lmao, that’s different tho
You: yea masturbating is already addicting enough idk wht'll happen if i indulge into drugs
You: hmm do u have any sexual secrets?
Stranger: True omfg I am sometimes worried about myself
Stranger: Like what ? Girl, I’m a virgin
You: virgins can have some too ig?
Stranger: For example ?
Stranger: Or do u have ?
You: like i once fucked a cucumber and then ate it the next day
Stranger: 💀
You: u see buying a dildo is a total no no in this house cuz of strict ass parents
Stranger: Hmm i get it
You: yea i thought ill get tht reaction
Stranger: But… u ate it ?!
You: waste no food. there are many people dying in SA
You: i peeled off the outer layer ofc
Stranger: That reminds me of webtoon that I have read… okay stop xD
Stranger: a*
You: wht's the name???
Stranger: Idk something like my young stepmom ?
Stranger: It’s with a zucchini tho lmao
You: i had to google it
You: is the mc with light brown hair?
Stranger: Yeah lmao
Stranger: It starts off without sex, but then they literally do it every second page lmao
You: ahaha lmao
You: i read few chps of my stepmom's bfs
You: and the plot got shitty somehow
You: so i switched back to YAOI
Stranger: Yeah kinda same with my stepmom
You: yaoi and yuri are the best nsfws mangas/ webtoons tbh
Stranger: I trust you
Stranger: Tho I won’t read yuri cuz that feels weird
Stranger: Like idk, it feels homophobic for me too read yuri
You: u sure? yuri is lesbians and yaoi is gay
Stranger: I know girl
You: but how is it homophobic??
Stranger: But me liking women as a boy that would be…
Stranger: And then reading yuri
Stranger: Idk it feels wrong
You: hmm so u're afraid to come off as a perv
You: i don't think tht'd make u a homophobic
Stranger: I’m not afraid, it’s a morally incorrect thing to do
You: i read both lmao fuck morals
Stranger: Hmm idk, it’s feels wrong
Stranger: it*
You: aight aight np
You: back to my ques
Stranger: What was it ?
You: do u hv any sexual secrets ?
Stranger: Ahh yes I remember
Stranger: Hmm… let me think please
You: aight
Stranger: I like to do it in the shower idk xD
You: tht's the most convenient method ig
Stranger: Hmm and sometimes I… masturbate in different positions and imagine myself being the one doing it… I guess that’s not special tho
You: don't guys just either sit or stand to masturbate
You: are there other positions?
Stranger: Hmm u could also sort of sit but rather lie ? Does that make sense
You: yea i guess so
Stranger: Like your body is lying but your upper body not ?
You: maybee...
Stranger: Hm apart from that
Stranger: As I’ve already said, I fricking like fishnets
Stranger: And tights
You: is there a specific reason or it's just a thing u like?
Stranger: Hmm I’m a very clean and hygienic dude i’d say
Stranger: Umm nope, I just think it’s hot
You: hmm okayy
You: in tht case i'm a total mess lmao
Stranger: That’s kinda hot too tho mao
You: i can stay alive by not washing up but my won't let me
Stranger: lmao*
You: no it's not
You: lol
You: it's gross but washing up is very effort confusing
You: and my lazy ass can't
You: but i do it anyways lol
Stranger: I shower every day haha
You: yea so do i but the urge to just lay and sleep instead of showering feels a lot better then doing it
Stranger: Agree
Stranger: A girl once tried to explain me how to open a bra
Stranger: That was quite helpful
You: ayeeee was it a yt vid?
Stranger: Nope
You: lmao
Stranger: She described it
You: so like she actually stripped
You: oh
You: meh
You: lol
Stranger: Girl she just texted me 💀
You: ajhahaha
Stranger: I’m a virgin, as I’ve already said
You: but virgins can open actual bras too
You: i am very open minded
Stranger: Yeah, but I have never
You: aight
Stranger: What do u mean by open minded ?
You: but i created a whole scene of u doing it and cringey romantic songs playing in the bg
You: idk lol
Stranger: Wtffff
Stranger: Why do u do that
You: i have no idea ask my brain
Stranger: U don’t even know what i look like lmao
You: yea okay in the scene u and ur lady were faceless
You: does tht help?
Stranger: Sad, thought u were that lady… okay I’ll
Stranger: stop
Stranger: Sorry, not sorry
Stranger: Okay maybe sorry
You: but the bra opening lesson will only help if u end up with a shy girl
Stranger: Does that mean u aren’t ?
You: but if it was more of an extrovert type then ig the lesson isn't really handy
Stranger: Girl a shy girl won’t even let me haha
You: nah i'm not tbh i can strip on my own
Stranger: The lesson doesn’t even exist with a shy girl
You: lmao
You: so in the end either way it wasn't helpful lol
You: wht a waste
Stranger: :|
Stranger: Pass the bottle lmao
You: aye bartender we'll hv the entire rack
You: this reminds me i got drunk with my friends in school
Stranger: Lol
You: it was in 9th grade lol
You: it was so fucking hard to look alive during school
Stranger: I haven’t yet, I am innocent, but i have drunk alcohol
Stranger: I hate drunk people tho, had bad experiences
You: in broad daylight at like 8am we drank in a classroom while bunking morning assembly
You: lmao
You: i was a hell of an experience
Stranger: Hm
You: it*
Stranger: Not a topic i like tbh
You: u're not into alcohol and stuff?
Stranger: Did I say I am innocent in chinese or what ?
You: i'm not an addict or something but it's just a one time thing i did
You: do innocents hate alcohol ?
You: i see my bad
Stranger: The thing is
Stranger: U live in the us ? I suppose
You: u can assume
Stranger: I live in germany, the drinking culture here is reallt
Stranger: bad
You: ahh right u told me. i'll keep tht in mind
Stranger: Especially teenagers
Stranger: They literally don’t do anything else
Stranger: Until they realize how fucked they are
Stranger: Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to do that to once or twice and maybe even regularly
Stranger: But people here overdo it
You: ohh likewise
You: aight we're good now
You: tht aside
You: do u eat out?
Stranger: Yess
Stranger: I love japanese food
You: ....
You: yea u sure do
Stranger: ?
You: i love panda express
Stranger: Have i said anything wrong ?
You: nah u interpreted my question wrong
You: nvm
Stranger: What did u mean xD
Stranger: Was it sexual ? Did i get something wrong ?
You: just google eating out porn. you'll understand
Stranger: Damn u are more dirty minded than me
Stranger: Congrats lmao
You: yea i guess so.
You: so do u now know wht i meant?
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: Do I have to google it ? :')
You: eating out is basically licking and sucking a vagina
You: u may if u want to
Stranger: Okay I figured that actually
Stranger: In germant vaginas are compared to oysters
Stranger: And slurping them.. so yeah I figured
You: oysters srsly?? lol sorry no offence
You: so do u eat out? or more like would you?
Stranger: Hell yeah I would… but only if i know that u don’t have infectious diseases
You: tht is a given thing
You: who tf would want to do it with an hpv patient
You: tht's y sex has to be planned out
Stranger: True
You: 1st u get the sti test done
Stranger: Don’t wanna multiply too
You: then talk about ur likes and interest and come to a middle ground
You: and ye protection
Stranger: Sounds like a plan
You: ikr anyone who disagrees to any of these requirements is disqualified immediately
Stranger: True
You: also both of them should be groomed
Stranger: The thing is, I would probably need to be in a rs for some months before even considering
You: rs?
Stranger: Relationship
You: ahh so u're more of a demisexual
Stranger: I guess so, if uncle horny doesn’t take over
You: ahaha then she needs to hv high seductive powers
You: idk i'm totally not the type to be in relationships to just fuck idk doesn't sound like a necessity to me
You: but i respect ur opinion so don't get defensive
Stranger: Wait so you would do it without relationship or am I gettingit wrong ?
You: yea if the person fits my requirements
Stranger: I didn’t mean to be in relationships to just fuck, that’s literally the opposite of what I want
You: i get it i get it
Stranger: Hmm not for the first time tbh
You: but either way the idea of dating doesn't excite me
Stranger: More of an aromantic then ?
You: yea prolly
You: i do feel physical attraction but emotional attraction? nah
Stranger: Intp thing lmao
You: xxtx thing if i generalize it
You: ah right i squirt too
Stranger: True
You: discovered it when i was 15? during lockdown lmao
Stranger: When does that happen ?
Stranger: Like how ?
Stranger: Hello ?
You: ig it just glitched
You: i just got ur texts
Stranger: Oh okay same
You: no squirting isn't like periods lol
Stranger: IK
Stranger: But it doesn’t always happen
You: i hve been making it happen ever since
Stranger: Who’s gonna clean that mess
You: u just need to experiment and like ig u find tht one spot
You: tht's why showers are the best
Stranger: Agree on that
You: and towels if on bed or anywhere
Stranger: I mostly do it in the bathroom
You: same it's the most convinient
Stranger: I don’t want to risk to get cum on my carpet or bed
You: it's painful it clean up but worth it
You: dang we talked for an hr or something lol
Stranger: Yeah, question
You: ye wht?
Stranger: Would u just stop the conversation lol ? Like could u ?
You: i can lmao
Stranger: Hmm okay
You: astxrim19 tht's my snap but i don't use it much
Stranger: I don’t have snap
You: discord?
Stranger: Yeah, wbu instagram tho ?
You: nah insta is total shit i dont hv an acc there
Stranger: Hehe u would like to keep talking tho, atleast that’s what u sense off
You: but i hve to go fr
Stranger: Aight then just do it
You: u have a discord right?
Stranger: Why do u want it ? :D am I that interesting ?
You: why would u wnt me to keep talking? am i that interesting ?
Stranger: Did I ?
You: u should scroll up
Stranger: U didn’t answer my question tho
You: idk
Stranger: Meeh i hate people who are indecisive
Stranger: My intp friends is indecisive too
You: too bad guess we're not each other's types
Stranger: Confusion
You: astxrim#1063 tht's my username.
You: gtg bye
You have disconnected.
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annabelharmony · 4 years
i liked this one
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like advice.
Stranger: hello
Stranger: here to help
You: ok
You: well this a super minor problem
Stranger: sure
Stranger: what is it?
You: yk the live omegle
Stranger: yeah
You: I meet guys on ther
You: I get their snap
You: They want me for nudes
You: Most of the time I give them
You: Either I offend them or they get bored or smth and unadd me
You: Or we just consistentely send nudes and I get bored
Stranger: i see ...
Stranger: so ... do you want advice on how to create a healthier relationship with people of the opposite sex?
Stranger: or ..?
You: ig
You: I just kinda wanted to rant and get advice on whatever
Stranger: that's okay
Stranger: that's why i'm here
Stranger: first things first, though ...
Stranger: ... there are much better ways to meet guys then sending nudes
Stranger: but i'm sure you know that already
You: well everyone on here is horny as shit
Stranger: yeah lol
You: and for rn I cant just meet people
You: I dont get invited to parties and stuff in general
Stranger: yeah but there are other online platforms were you can meet guys that are as ... sexually active as the ones on Omegle
You: so when Im bored and go on here I expect they want me for nudes even if its not explicitly said
You: sexually active people?
You: on here?
You: idk
You: people on here are sketch virgins
Stranger: well i mean like you said, everyone here is horny af, and you're right
Stranger: i guess that's what i meant
You: so why would they ask for my snap if they didnt want nudes?
You: idk but its kinda of annyoing
Stranger: well, the guys that hangout here on omegle want you snap for nudes, but not all guys that you meet that ask for your snap want nudes
Stranger: you know what i'm saying?
You: do you think people cope with minor things better if they talk about it or they pretend like it never happened
You: yeah i get it
Stranger: i think you should always talk about it
Stranger: because if you don't that minor thing will get bigger and bigger until you can't deal with it anymore
Stranger: it just becomes too much
You: like I feel kinda bad even if this is a really small thing
You: there was this guy who was kind of annyoing but he wanted nudes and i liked him
You: I asked him for his dick size after he sent me nudes I dont know why
You: and then I said aw ok, as in like I liked it
Stranger: i think all you need is more self-confidence
You: but it came across as super mean lol
You: and he blocked my ass
Stranger: like if i asked you for nudes right now, would you send them to me?
You: I have so much confidence you dont even know
You: no
You: bc I know nothing about you
Stranger: but do you really know the guys your sending the nudes to?
Stranger: they just see you as an easy target
Stranger: someone who will give them want they want
You: I think youre right
Stranger: but you shouldn't live to give these horny bastards what they want
You: But I dont see myself as an object really
Stranger: you should be living to help you
You: i willingly give that to them its my desicison
You: which i dont know is good
You: I hate saying no to people especially if I kind of want it
Stranger: but all they get is a few naked pictures of you and that's it
Stranger: no special connection is made
Stranger: so you basically are just a tool for them to use, even if it's your own decision
You: should I do it?
Stranger: lol and i'm not trying to be mean. i'm sorry if it sounds like i am
You: even if I want it
You: no youre right
You: I see what you mean completely
Stranger: well even if you want it, you need self-control
Stranger: if started telling you how pretty and hot you are
Stranger: and then showed you a pic of like my dick or something
Stranger: would you be inclined just to give away a photo of your naked body that will stay on the internet forever?
You: well it depends
Stranger: on what? my dick lol? sorry sorry
You: No lmao idc
You: but I needed some brief interaction ig
You: and no I dont trust this site
Stranger: if you don't trust the site, why are you giving naked photos of yourself to people who use the site?
You: not this site the other one
Stranger: oh you mean the live one?
You: which is a stupid reason ik
You: But this one is sketchier??
You: I dont know how thats possible
You: the other one is pretty bad
Stranger: look, tbh, both of them are really kinda nasty
Stranger: this advice place is one of the few innocent places
You: haha never
Stranger: and i'm sure there are still some nasty people
Stranger: yeah lol
You: are you a guy or a girl
Stranger: guy
You: I think what you said is what I wanted to hera
You: or more like what I needed to hear
Stranger: good
You: but I dont know I guess Ill do it less
Stranger: please, you're worth more than just someone who sends their body to complete strangers
Stranger: you're better than that
You: I dont think that makes me less of a person
You: I think theres this double standard where girls are forced to send nuds
You: and they cant just be chill about it
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: the whole society's fucked up
You: like guys sending their dps isnt a big deal theyre still worth something
You: but I dont know why I do it
You: if Im horny or seeking approval
You: Ig Ill do it less
Stranger: yes please do
You: but Im still doing it occasionally
Stranger: if you're seeking approval, you're seeking it from the wrong people
You: it kind of stimulates me
You: thats why Im on here
Stranger: i understand
Stranger: but if you're horny, you could always just like watch porn or something
Stranger: or does that not have the same effect for you?
You: I feel lonely
You: I used to watch porn more
Stranger: i'm sorry
Stranger: i wish there was someone you could trust
You: Im not that lonely
You: I just send nudes bc Im lonely
You: sex and relationship wise
You: I didnt spell that right
Stranger: it
Stranger: it's okay
Stranger: i wish i could help you more than just telling you stuff
You: no youre helping me
You: Just thing is when I dont have it I miss it
You: The nudes I mean
You: But I DO feel used
Stranger: you don't like feeling used, right?
You: and I dont know how much I care
You: well I dont think about it
Stranger: but you do after the fact, right?
Stranger: like, sure you might not feel used when you're doing it, but once it's already done and you look back at what happened, you feel used, right?
You: sometimes I think its fun
You: But its kind of like porn
You: Theres a limit to it
Stranger: yeah ... it is
Stranger: i mean you're basically giving away pictures of your body to these random dudes on the internet for free
Stranger: who knows what they'll do with those photos
Stranger: again, don't wanna sound mean
You: ok Im just gonna be honest Im not even in hs and Ive sent nudes to like 8 different fucking people
You: no youre right
You: which I dont think is a huge deal
Stranger: wait how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
You: But its not like Im profiting of off it
You: too young for this convo
Stranger: so ... like ... less than 18?
You: I dont like telling people
You: Bc either they skip me or they stay and theyre pedos
Stranger: Uh ... you do know that what you're doing is illegal, right? If you're under 18 and you're giving nude photos to grown-ass men, that's child pornography ...
You: no
You: theyre my age
Stranger: oh
Stranger: well, on the one hand, thank god
Stranger: but on the other, well ... it still doesn't sit right with me
You: what doesnt sit right
You: also do I sound like im older than 18? I think I sound pretty young
Stranger: it's just i wish you didn't feel like you had to send nudes to fulfill some desire you have within you. no i thought you were pretty young, which is why i'm more concerned. we're probably the same age
You: how old are you
Stranger: 16
You: well heres my thing
Stranger: ?
You: I dont know if I should keep doing this
You: like sending nudes
You: Bc there was a period where I wasnt doing it
Stranger: yeah. please don't do it anymore
You: and I really didnt like it
You: Ok I'll do it less
You: and if it comforts you at all I will be kind of reminded of you before it happens
You: not to be weird
Stranger: no it's okay. that's good i guess
Stranger: i have to go now
Stranger: i'm sorry
You: ok see ya
Stranger: i wanted to help you more
Stranger: but ... sorry
You: yeah thanks you helped a lot
Stranger: alright
You: bye
Stranger: stay safe
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