#iii. ( verse ) — we are infinite
unexceptional · 2 years
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. THE OPENING AND closing of the window, punctuated wtih Dick's voice floating into her bedroom from where she'd approximate her kitchen to be, announced his arrival better than any sort of knocking on any door could do. Becky hadn't been asleep — about twenty minutes prior to his arrival, she had just finished putting stitches into one of New York's bravest and most injury-prone — but she also wasn't particularly inclined to get out from under her various blankets on her bed.
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"Bring whatever takeout you find back here," she called. "Not two forks. I just don't want to go to you, so you come to me."
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. ( @fightwing ) « “  i’m here to raid your fridge cause my date went really bad and all i’ve had is lukewarm water and breadsticks.  ”
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NOW FOR DEATH FAN BOYS , I am about end your carrier !!! You all think death neg diff Kai 🤣🤣.. the truth and reality is that tigress from kfp 3 will mid diff death at the most, I say again AT THE MOST !!!. NOW FOR TAI LUNG mortal,Tai lung kfp 1 low diffs at all costs ! And this tai lung will show mercy also !! If No Mercy !! Then No-Low Diff. Now for spirit warrior form Tai lung, now i am already giving you a very big trigger warning because if you love death too much then you will never accept this FAX !!!!... SPIRIT WARRIORS, WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THEM IN CANON ??.
(iii) CURSED CHI [ THIS IS WHAT I HAVE MADE ] A VERY INSANE TYPE OF CHI &ABLE TO DESTROY OTHER CHI & ENERGY ALL TYPES !! ALL !! LIKE DRAGON & SPIRIT ! [ A CURSED ARTIFACT NAMED URIKEN HAS THIS ABLITY.. if you have seen my ke-pa & jindiao post on my page. Then you know what exactly I am talking about !!...
( sorry for going off topic; but that was mandatory to stop these death fan boys !! )
So Conclusion-
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bludleads · 1 year
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Leander's Multiverse is heavily connected to and based upon the lore of @deathleads and @hmrtia, thus the abilities work the same within the multiverse. To give a spark notes version ― Leander was a budding knight and alchemist of a now long-gone kingdom in Germany, learning from a witch-like alchemist before her flight to the unknown hundreds of years ago. He drank from her elixir of life, and is thus immortal as she. So for clarity, I'm going to include her main-verses information on their alchemy here. To be added to his carrd in his verses.
Philosopher’s Stone & Alchemy. Origin & Creation.
A first Note:  As this muse was born in the FMA canon, pieces of her story  are  inspired  by the means and methods of alchemy in that universe. Most are of my own thoughts. If you want to know  which  was taken as inspiration from  FMA,  just ask!  (  though I may make addendums when applicable. )
I.   ―   For a start, let’s go over some important definitions within Alchemy.
Qistina’s repeated mantra of  ‘ Equivalent Exchange ’  is pivotal to the understanding and transmutations of alchemy.
The Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that energy and matter can neither be created from nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental nonexistence. In other words, to create an object with the mass of one kilogram, at least one kilogram of material is necessary; destroying an object with the mass of one kilogram would reduce it to a set of parts, the sum of which would have the mass of one kilogram.*
The Law of Natural Providence, which states that an object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be transmuted into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material. In other words, an object or material made mostly of water can only be transmuted into another object with the attributes of water.*
II.   ―   ‘ To obtain, something of equal value must be lost ’.   Attempting to bypass this Law of Equivalent Exchange will result in a  REBOUND.  Too much attempted out of too little, when alchemical forces are thrown out of balance on either side of the equation will fluctuate wildly of their own accord in order to stabilize themselves  -  taking or giving more than what was intended is often unpredictable and catastrophic in ways such as accidental mutation, serious injury, or death.  This is why false philosopher’s stone are incredibly dangerous to use.
Alchemy itself is learned by the understanding of constructing and deconstructing matter, channeling that power through the matrix of a circle - an array. ( or the pressing of array against array ) However, simply knowing  Alchemy  is not enough. One must use a transmutation circle with the appropriate runes in order to transmute, unless the person is a matrix. For example, you can know how to boil water, but you need a fire and a pot to do so.
III.   ―   Each person contains a Gate of god   -  Of Infinity  -  The Ein Sof. The Gate is inscribed with the Tree of Life / the Sefirot, and within that gate is the Truth to all. The TRUTH is the world. it is ALL. it is ONE. it is You. 
IV.   ―   Through the ten emanations on the sefirot, the Ein Sof  ( The Infinite )  reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher  metaphysical  realms.   The Ein Sof represents the formless state of the universe before the self-materialization of god. In other words, the Ein Sof is god before he decided to become god as we now know  him. Through this connection to god and infinity, one is able to perform alchemy. 
The sefirot etched upon the gate is a complex array of the soul that houses ten emanations. To go within that gate is to have pure knowledge about the world, the universe, alchemy, and everything be forced into the alchemist's mind as the Truth, as god, breaks them down both physically and mentally, to become a part of the flow of the universe. However, through a proper toll is the Alchemist able to escape unharmed with their learned knowledge intact. Closer to godhood, still alive. A painful toll always taken as a meaningful lesson. Never to kill the alchemist, but to make them learn. They have no say in the matter. 
When the alchemist returns from the gate, they have seen the Eye of God. Gazed into Infinity. Therefore, they do not need a matrix made of blood, ink, or otherwise. They become that matrix, and do not need an array to transmute  -  they need only press their hands together.
V.   ―   The words inscribed around her array directly from the sefirot  /  not the symbols themselves ( see the Alchemy tab on my carrd for a further explanation of her array ) : 
Yesod  -  It is seen as a vehicle allowing movement from one thing or condition to another ( the power of connection ) Da'at  -  In Daʻat, all sefirot exist in their perfected state of infinite sharing. Gevurah  -  " the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation ", and corresponds to awe and the element of fire Chokmah  - Wisdom.  " the potential of what is ", or, " the potential to be. "
All in One. The Truth is within gods realm. Within that realm is the Ein Sof/Gate. Within that gate is god before it was god. Anywhere, everywhere.
VI.   ―   The earth itself in her universe is a massive organism, and therefore, has a gate of its own. The truth behind that  Ein Sof  is, in simple terms, the god of all. Therefore is indeed possibility to create a true Philosopher’s Stone. By entering the gate of the earth, an Alchemist can essentially obtain any amount of information for however long they wish without physical consequence. However, once an Alchemist has made this choice, their soul will not return to the gods domain to experience everlasting eternity until reincarnation. Their soul will remain within the realms of both their own Gate and the gate of Earth in a state of existence and non-existence.
VII.    ―   The Philosopher’s Stone she transmuted was created by method of accessing Earth’s Gate. Through that endless knowledge. It is made of everything and nothing all at once. You could say it is a concentrated stone with god as its only and every ingredient. Boundless power, eternal life, one’s soul that is transfixed with the Truth’s. Calling upon  ALL  to transmute, ignoring the laws of Equivalent Exchange.
VIII.   ―   The stone is not a ‘stone’. It is only labeled as a stone. It is closer to mercury or mercury sulfide. 
ex. explanation of mercury. its appearance, etc. ( hint. it’s one of the reasons I refer to her eyes as Vermillion, as the pigment was historically made of mercury sulfide, and why I’ve included it as a symbol on her array )
IX.   ―   Qistina first drew upon the gate of Earth, using the little bit of knowledge learned to transmute, she could look at it without consequence, though still following equivalent exchange  ( even her transmutation of Basker/ a chimera ) ,  she continued to learn from it up until her flight from her village in the mid 1500′s. When placed upon the pyre in town, to be burned alive as a  ‘ witch ’  ,  she entered a state of both life and death. Because of this, she could enter  within  the gate this time, rather than simply gazing upon it. Taking the power of the earth and her own learned knowledge, she destroyed the town and its people and gave herself her freedom. Through no physical consequence, but, her soul would be married to the soul of that entity. A fact she would not learn until she created the stone itself, and met once more with  ‘god’.
X.   ―   Even in this method, it could be said that her slaughter of the village was indeed a toll paid to create the stone. To live with the guilt. To kill the ones whom she desired acceptance from the most. Sometime after this incident, after being captured by the King of that country for several years, she created a true Philosopher’s Stone. Drank from it. And made her escape once again, killing any and all who happened to be in her way.
XI.   ―  So long as the stone exists, she exists. So long as the earth exists, she exists. Her only respite from life is self destruction. No matter the eradication of her physical form, her soul will be forever tied to the earth itself, thus she will always come back.  
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renewenergy123 · 8 months
Harnessing the Sun: Exploring the Benefits of Solar Electric Systems with a Solar Energy Consultant
In a world where sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority, harnessing the power of the sun through solar electric systems has emerged as a key solution. As individuals and businesses seek to transition to cleaner energy sources, the role of a solar energy consultant becomes crucial in guiding them through the intricacies of adopting solar technology. In this blog, we will delve into the realm of solar electric systems, exploring their benefits, and highlighting the essential role played by solar energy consultants in facilitating this green transition.
I. The Power of Solar Electric Systems:
1. Clean and Renewable Energy:
   Solar electric systems, commonly known as solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, harness energy from the sun to generate electricity. Unlike traditional fossil fuels, solar energy is clean, abundant, and infinitely renewable. Adopting solar electric systems contributes to reducing carbon footprints and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
2. Cost Savings and Energy Independence:
   Solar electric systems offer a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to conventional energy sources. Once installed, solar panels can significantly reduce or eliminate electricity bills, providing homeowners and businesses with long-term energy savings. Additionally, generating power on-site enhances energy independence, reducing reliance on centralized power grids.
3. Low Maintenance and Longevity:
   Solar electric systems have minimal moving parts, translating to low maintenance requirements. Routine inspections and occasional cleaning are usually sufficient to keep the system operating efficiently. With warranties typically spanning 20 to 25 years and the actual lifespan often exceeding that, solar panels are a durable and reliable investment.
II. The Role of a Solar Energy Consultant:
1. Customized Solar Solutions:
   A solar energy consultant plays a pivotal role in tailoring solar solutions to meet the unique needs of clients. By assessing factors such as energy consumption patterns, available space, and budget considerations, consultants can recommend the most suitable solar electric system for residential or commercial applications.
2. Navigating Regulatory Processes:
   The regulatory landscape for solar installations can be complex, varying by location and jurisdiction. Solar energy consultants are well-versed in navigating these processes, ensuring that clients comply with local regulations, obtain necessary permits, and smoothly integrate solar systems into their properties.
3. Financial Analysis and Incentive Maximization:
   Understanding the financial aspects of solar investments is critical. Solar energy consultants conduct thorough financial analyses, considering factors such as payback periods, return on investment (ROI), and available incentives. They help clients maximize benefits from financial incentives, such as tax credits, rebates, and other government programs, making solar adoption more attractive.
4. Technology Evaluation and Integration:
   Solar technology is continually evolving, with advancements enhancing efficiency and performance. A solar energy consultant stays informed about the latest technological developments and guides clients in selecting systems that align with their energy goals. This includes evaluating options such as battery storage for enhanced energy resilience.
III. The Future of Solar Energy:
1. Community and Commercial Applications:
   Solar electric systems are not limited to residential installations. Communities and businesses are increasingly adopting solar technology to power schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings. A solar energy consultant plays a crucial role in facilitating large-scale solar projects, contributing to the broader transition to clean energy.
2. Solar as a Service (SaaS) Models:
   Solar as a Service models, where third-party providers install and maintain solar systems on clients' properties, are gaining popularity. Solar energy consultants can guide clients in exploring these innovative financing options, making solar energy accessible without the need for significant upfront costs.
As the world embraces the transition to sustainable energy, solar electric systems stand at the forefront of this green revolution. The expertise of a solar energy consultant is invaluable in guiding individuals and businesses through the complexities of adopting solar technology. From customized solar solutions to navigating regulatory processes and maximizing financial incentives, consultants play a central role in making solar energy accessible and advantageous for all. By harnessing the power of the sun with the guidance of a knowledgeable consultant, individuals and businesses can pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future.
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smallvxlle · 4 years
( @kryptonfresh​ ) « i had to
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               “I LEFT YOU alone for five minutes.” 
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januaryembrs · 3 years
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Description:  With a temporary alliance formed between you and the Mandalorian, you can take on the AT-ST as a team. The air is soon cleared when he seems to extend an olive branch to you.
Length: 6.5k
main masterlist
Din Djarin x Jedi!reader series. Friends to lovers, (Somewhat) slowburn, female!reader, JEDI!READER, possible smut, jealous!mando, reader has problematic childhood, fluff, saviour complex!mando, canon star wars characters mentioned, Obi wan x padawan!reader, dad!obi wan, general star wars bloodshed etc
chapter triggers: use of gun/blaster. blood/violence. light gore.
“To the stars through hardships”
PLEASE NOTE: There will be Mando’a words spoken in this fic and so it will be presented as:
“Word” [translation]
"Will you two cut the shit?" Cara barked at you, though she too was a little stunned at how accurate you were with a blaster. Having only witnessed you fighting using your bare hands, though you were exceedingly skilled in that too, she was still in awe of the precision in those shots.
It was then she realised that you were a lot more deadly than she had given you credit for.
"Listen, I get that there's some tension between you two. If you need to just hook up and get it over with then fine-"
"Cara," Your snappy tone warned the woman not to push her luck. That wasn't the reason you felt hostile towards the man, not in the slightest. Of course you had noticed how huge he was, and how his broad shoulders towered over you when he had taken that challenging step towards you, or even how the low timbre of his voice came through his vocoder like a shot of the smoothest, richest whiskey. Of course you saw the appeal, but your enmity came from a place of fear, not lust.
Besides, you revelled in the way he had shut up when he had seen just a fraction of what you were capable of. It made you feel like for once you had the advantage over him - like you had scared him almost. And you loved it.
You were both predator and prey to this man, as he was to you.
"I don't care what it is that makes you loathe each other so much. We are about to get our asses handed to us if I can't trust either of you to not try to kill the other before that damn AT-ST does, do you hear me?" Cara ordered, and it was at times like this you were reminded exactly why the woman had been a rebel. Her tone seemed to have diminished the rising tension between you and the Mandalorian as you both stood there like scolded school children. "You don't have to trust each other, okay? I just need to know you'll have each other's backs out there because this isn't going to work otherwise."
You sighed from behind your shroud, turning your head to meet the visor of the Mandalorian. You knew Cara was right, you wouldn't be able to focus on fighting the group of bandits if you were watching your back for the wall of a man in the Beskar suit. You stuck out your arm towards him, offering a handshake to settle your disagreement for the moment.
"Narudar," [your enemy's enemy. a temporary ally.] You spoke curtly, with a thick well-versed accent that Shenzi had spent years perfecting. Naturally you knew the old language of his people. The vicious woman you had been raised by had seen it fit to teach you infinite amounts of knowledge about her way with the same level of savagery as any other Mandalorian foundling.
Din's mouth parted at you for a second time, shocked that the word had just left your mouth so expertly. There was something you were hiding from him, that much was obvious. What kind of woman just knows the archaic language only taught to the people of his creed? He had only ever heard those words spoken through a vocoder from behind a beskar helmet, it felt almost a sin to hear them leave your lips.
Alas, you remained an enigma to him but one he was going to have to trust not to harm him nevertheless. He took your hand in his briefly, shaking it roughly and felt you squeeze his back. He nodded his head, and for the first time since he'd laid eyes on the woman in the bar, there was a sense of agreement in the air. You don't stab my back and I won't stab yours.
There was a brief moment, as your trio stood seconds away from starting chaos, where you realised just how dumb this plan was even with the experience the three of you carried. You were going against a thirty-foot walker, with little more than a black kerchief resting over the bottom half of your face standing between you and possible Imps. The Mandalorian and Cara had reassured you they just seemed to be a group of Klatooinians looking for trouble, but still you had a lot more to lose than they realised.
You pulled back the curtain to the raider's tent, gesturing Cara and the Mandalorian forward when you saw no one inside. You quickly noted the tanks of water where you guessed the raiders were keeping all the krill they had stolen from the villagers. You wished there was some way for them to transport it back to the settlement, but you was doubtful they had any time to think about that, nor did you think the aquatic little creatures would survive whatever action was about to happen.
"Thieving bastards," You muttered as the Mandalorian set a small bomb on the central pillar which held the whole shelter up, hopefully to tear the thing down while you made a sharp exit. Just as all had seemed overly quiet considering you were meant to be provoking an attack, your head snapped to the door of the shelter as two Klatooinians strolled in, clearly not noticing they had company until it was too late.
Cara punched the one closest to her, kicking the other one towards the bounty hunter who was waiting ready as he struck the thief across the face hard. You approached another two raiders that walked in as your acquaintances fought with their opponents.
You slid to the floor, tripping the first one over with one hard swipe of your leg before either of them could attack you. Getting to your feet quickly, you kicked the other one in the chest and sent him stumbling backwards, before reeling on your heel to punch the one now on the floor hard in the face. Once. Twice. The third missed its ugly green target however as you felt yourself get lifted in the air. You desperately grabbed at your assailant who had his thick, boil-covered arms wrapped around your ribs tightly, meaning you could barely twist into a position where you could fight back. The other one got back up on his heavy set legs, only to have you kick him in the stomach with both your feet, knocking him back to the ground and luckily giving you the leverage you needed to flip up over your attacker's shoulder. You pulled out your knife, stabbing him in the neck smoothly and hopping off before any of his disgustingly viscous, black blood could spurt onto you.
You hadn't even noticed more had come into the room until you saw Cara body-slamming one to the ground and the Mandalorian getting shoved against one of the bubbling tanks of krill. He was about to throw his own kick in the Klatooinian's direction when the foul raider fell forward to the ground, dead. Din stared in confusion until he caught sight of a delicately designed, silver blade protruding from his back. It looked almost too elegant to be a killing weapon, Din thought briefly, much like the woman that strolled over to retrieve it.
His eye caught something on the tip of the handle just as you reached down to pull it from the thick flesh, a signet of some sort, and for a moment he could have sworn it was a Mythosaur but he was sure he had perhaps seen it wrong. Then again, judging by your earlier conversation, he wouldn't put it past you to have any more surprises in store for him.
You looked at one another for a beat, you stood over him with a blade in either hand and those eyes he’d been haunted by for the past two days staring down at him. For a moment, Din considered your stance and the thought popped into his head that maybe this had been the chance you were waiting for. He was laying on the ground, head still ringing from where the Klatooinian had thrown him against the tank, and you stared down at him with the cold expression you seem to have mastered. Perhaps this was it. You could kill him.
You stared at him for a beat longer, and his brain told him to reach for his blaster before you could do anything. But yet, as you had been doing non-stop the past few days, you surprised him.
You simply nodded once, sheathing your blades. You had his back.
He hadn't the time to thank you yet, becoming increasingly aware that the timer on the explosive device was running short as the beeping got more and more rapid by the second. Before he could comment on it to his companions, two more raiders came through the tent armed with extended blasters themselves, leaving your trio to scramble for cover. Your small handheld things would no match for them, and the charges produced from those things would tear you two armourless women to pieces.
The warning signal from the explosive got louder and faster, alerting you all to how little time you had left to act unless you wanted to become nothing more than little pieces of human sprayed out across the forest floor. The three of you looked at each other, sharing the same thought of 'We need to leave now.' The Mandalorian shot a few times at the wall in a clear oval shape, making the structure weak enough that the three of you could bust through it.
"Come on, I'll cover you two!" He yelled, seeing as he had the best view of where the last remaining raiders were hidden, and a decent set of armour stopping him from getting shot too. Cara and you listened with no hesitation. Dodging the few charges sent your way and breaking down the wall, you barely had enough time to run away from the bomb before the inevitable explosion threw you forward, and the heat of flames warmed your back.
You heard Cara panting from the exertion, almost as heavily as you were. Turning to see your beskar clad comrade also laying beside you, equally out of breath judging by the rough gasping coming through his voice box.
"I hope the plan worked," Cara said just as a loud mechanical whirring caught your attention.
As if her words had materialized themselves, two piercing red eyes stared at you menacingly and the sound of the AT-ST activating sent chills down your spine. You swore you could hear it breathing a sinister wheeze as though some part of it had lungs, and the joints of its legs groaned, coming to life before your eyes.
"You think?" You commented sarcastically, muffled by your kerchief. You hurried to your feet, making sure your accomplices had done the same before you set off running back towards the village, reassured by the footsteps pounding into the dirt flooring right behind you.
You led the group, dodging the blaster fire the walker rained down on you. This wasn't just any blaster charge either. You saw entire sections of trees blown to mere chippings in front of you, hurling yourself out of the way before they sprayed at you. It was like nothing you'd ever seen, but you'd expected no less from a mechanism that size.
You luckily put some distance between the AT-ST seeing as you were small and nimble compared to the huge assailant, but the sound of heavy steps still followed your group ominously. You made it back to the stakeout area the villagers had created, running on the soft grass in between the krill ponds before ducking behind the barricade and waiting for the deadly walker to come close to the clutches of your trap.
"This is it. Once that thing steps in the pond, that thing is going down." Cara announced to the villagers as they waited with bated breath for what could possibly be their deaths, or better yet their victory.
Part of you couldn't help but think this seemed too easy. Though it had frightened you to your very core being shot at by a blaster of that size, you hadn't expected yourself to make it out of the raiders camp without more of them attacking. It seemed almost quiet, you thought, too smoothe.
Before you could mull over the thought pessimistically, however, the walker's piercing red eyes came into view, loudly crashing through the trees towards the villagers. They prayed that the barricade would hold intact. Though they doubted it would, they prayed.
"Weapons ready!" Cara called. You lifted up the bigger gun you had been using before, having reloaded it in preparation before you had left. You squinted down the scope lens to get a better view of the enemy in all its horrifying, mechanical glory.
The heavy thuds of the walker's large feet got louder with each step, shaking the earth beneath you in a way that raised the hairs on the back of your neck. While the Empire were conniving bastards, they sure knew how to make impressive weaponry, you had to give them that.
"Just a few more steps," The Mandalorian whispered beside you, his own pulse rifle raised at the droid. That blaster of his was likely your best chance at piercing the heavy armour that encased the walker; you could be as accurate as possible with your shooting but you knew the charges would be feeble against its defence.
You nodded silently, impatience rising at the AT-ST's slow pace. The pond was only a few moments away from its large, flat foot that was about to be submerged into the deep hole the villagers had spent all day shovelling for this very reason. This was it.
Fall, fall, fall, fall.
But then the walker stopped, foot raised over the calm waters ready to take one more step into their trap. It simply retracted it and stood still, watching the villagers intently, almost taunting them with their own failure.
"It stopped," Cara said, voicing everyone's thoughts. The silence that surrounded you seemed exceedingly loud for your liking, your heart beating out your chest at the sight of the cold machine staring back at you with an assessing yet murderous gaze. Something inside the machinery banged around for a second before a bright light blinded you.
"Get down, get down!" Din called, but you barely heard him. Whatever was inside this thing was spending way too much time thinking, meaning it was calculating exactly how it was going to wipe out this small village.
Just as you predicted, the walker caught movement over the other end of the barricade and, with a quick stream of red light, a harsh explosion rang in your ears from the impact of the blaster charge. You needed to get its attention off the villagers and get it moving forward again.
Before you could formulate a plan that would most likely get you killed (or at least seriously maimed) thirty or so more Klatooinians emerged from the tree line, roaring out in anger. No doubt they'd discovered what had happened to their fellow raiders and searched for revenge.
"Open fire!" Cara ordered the villagers, raising her own blaster to the perpetrators. Shots began firing from both sides, though the armoured tank did much more damage than the people of Sorgan did, unsurprisingly. Fire blazed behind you, feeling the heat of it licking your exposed shoulder blades delicately. You were running out of time and losing the advantage held over the raiders.
You had to do something and fast before the walker simply turned the village into kindling.
"We gotta get that thing to step forward," You said quickly, shooting two Klatooinians dead in the head, and then another advancing on the barricade, "New plan."
"What do you have in mind?" The Mandalorian asked, disintegrating an attacker that got too close to the hiding spot. You said nothing for a moment, and he watched your gloved hand reach into your pocket to reload your blaster quickly, an unsure look in your eyes. That hadn't exactly filled him with confidence but he wouldn't chide you for it - they needed all the ideas they could get.
"Something dumb, but amazing if I can pull it off," You stood up, exposing your torso to the possibility of fire before anyone could stop you and just managing to shoot one more of the ugly green bastards coming towards you.
"I'll cover you," Din said, though he couldn't help feel like this wasn't the best plan. While villagers had been practising shooting, there were still way too many attackers for you to make it to the AT-ST safely. It seemed Cara had the same thought, shaking her head as you ran headfirst into the danger, striking down Klatoinians in your wake.
"Dank Farrik. She's gonna get herself killed," The dropper muttered loud enough for the Mandalorian to hear from his place next to her. Truly, she had grown to care for you immensely. When she had first met you in the bar, she thought maybe she could spend the night flirting with a beautiful mystery of a woman, and that would be it. But instead, she found a friend.
She couldn't watch you run into the fire and just hope you didn't get burned. A rebel like Cara Dune had hope in the plenty, what you needed was a miracle.
"Give me the pulse rifle," Cara ordered, trading her blaster for his with no room for discussion in her tone. "She needs help whether she wants it or not,"
And so Cara ran after you, seeing you ducked in one of the ponds the villagers farmed their krill in. You had a much better view of the armoured walker here and were shooting at its line of vision in between defending yourself from the ground attackers coming at you. You weren't meaning to kill the AT-ST, you simply needed to provoke it into stepping into the trap.
Cara hopped down into the pond with you, the splashing startling you and making you swerve to aim at the sound. Frantic eyes took in the sight of your friend, the pulse rifle in hand and a tired smile on her face.
"Didn't think I'd let you have all the fun did you?" You laughed, shooting a Klatooinian trying to sneak up on her, "You take out the green rats, I'll get on the walker. This thing packs more of a punch,"
"Roger-roger," You mocked a droid's mechanical voice, setting to work on clearing a shot for Cara. You did the best you could, seeing as the AT-ST was still firing its heavy charges behind you, causing sparks to fly too close to your face for comfort. The bright, red light of its huge shots hurt your eyes but you not once took your gaze off your targets. You heard a loud battle cry and briefly turned to see the villagers had started taking on the Klatooinians themselves too.
Thank the maker for that. You were running out of charges.
Cara had lined up the shot perfectly, her finger on the trigger being halted when she had to quickly duck down, yanking you into the cool, salty water with her to avoid one particularly close strike. You returned to your positions after a beat, the scope hovering over the walker's equivalence of eyes. "Come to mama," Cara muttered, aiming the rifle at its angry-red, glass visor.
She took the shot, clearly doing some damage to its circuitry as flames flicked out of the gaping hole now in the droid’s bodywork.
The walker stumbled forward, leg slipping into the hole the villagers had prepared, meaning the huge metal body came crashing down to the ground soon after. You saw the Mandalorian rush forward from his place behind the barricade, attaching an explosive to the machinery before rushing to join you for cover in the water.
There was one final eruption of blazing hot fire as the AT-ST exploded into pieces of shrapnel, which you took the quick initiative to duck away from. The sound caused all the remaining raiders to look back towards the source fearfully, quickly beginning to realise they had lost their huge advantage. Their main weapon was no more than scrap and bolts now.
So the Klatooinians ran, each sharing the same thought of hopelessness at their situation and abandoned ship, back to their encampment hopefully for the last time. There was a beat of silence before the villagers erupted into cheers and whoops, raising their sticks above their heads in joy as you and your companions, chest-deep in krill water, looked at one another triumphantly.
"Was that the plan?" The Mandalorian asked you, standing in front of your two acquaintances, pulling off your now wet shroud to reveal a wicked smile.
"I don't think you'd believe me if I said yes," For the first time since you’d met you heard the man in the beskar let out something close to a laugh, and you couldn't help but chuckle yourself. Cara joined you, cherishing the quiet moment you were blessed with compared to the utter peril you had just been in.
For that moment, all seemed calm between the bounty hunter and you, the woman who'd spent a lifetime running. And in the small embers of trust that had been lit that day, Din allowed himself to appreciate how ethereal you were under your mask.
The villagers were all much too tired to celebrate right away, all craving the first worry-free night sleep they had in weeks. But the promise of festivity lingered in the air, and you were sure your ears had picked up the words 'Corellian Whiskey', but that may have just been pure optimism.
Sure enough, when the next day rolled around there was a plentiful supply of food laid out in the largest building in the village, much bigger than the other houses and with a single long, wooden table placed in the middle where the food sat tempting the cheerful eyes of the natives. It had been a long, long time since you had the pleasure of proper company, and you spent the morning eating delightful home-cooked food of all kinds; pastries, warm fresh loaves with various fruity spreads, a thick oaty mixture which you found went deliciously with the sweet tang of the jellies, an assortment of berries in varying shades of purples and reds, all washed down with a pint of blue milk someone had acquired from the main trading hub early that morning. You had only really had, at best, acquaintances for the past two rotations, so you revelled at the chance to spend time talking with Cara, Omera and some other women of the village in between mouthfuls of the glorious food.
Your kerchief was forgotten since the night of the raid, feeling somewhat more comfortable with the Mandalorian seeing your face. You had this odd unspoken level of concord between you now. Perhaps it had been the way you had stepped in when Din had been thrown to the ground, or even the almost joke when you were sat waist-deep in the krill pond. Either way, Cara wasn't complaining. She was just glad to hear the end of the tense silences that had been there before.
Din had almost kicked himself when he realised what a beautiful woman you actually were. You still wore your hood, but from what he could now see of your face was those lips he had only taken a glance of before when he'd first approached you and Cara about this job. Those blushing lips pulled apart into a laugh at something Cara had said.
He realised you were a complete contradiction to Omera, the woman with whom he had been enraptured since he had gotten there. You were sharp where Omera was soft, predatory where Omera was peaceful. Your eyes screamed analysis and threatening, while Omera's soft, russet eyes whispered care and acceptance. You were a hunter. Omera was homely.
You couldn't be more different; and yet he found you just as attractive, he realised. If not more so.
The villagers tidied up the mess from breakfast, bellies stuffed and minds finally at peace. The whole village seemed to relax for the day, giving themselves a much-deserved reward after the ordeal they had been through the day before. You spent most of the day getting to know some of the people a little better seeing as they had been so kind to you and the others over your few days here and showed no sign of changing that as one woman had even offered you a beautiful sundress to borrow in the hopes you would be more comfortable than in your cargo-pants and hooded cloak. You had declined, not wanting to overstep your mark, but had been touched by the gesture nonetheless.
Of course you hadn't missed the way the familiar beskar helmet kept glancing over at the stunning raven-haired leader as he fed the child some of the grain mixture, but you decided not to bring it up and embarrass him. Things had just lulled between you two, you didn't need to run your mouth and ruin any chance you had of a quiet life.
Soon, the night rolled around and the civilians set up yet another array of food, a couple of them having hunted down a large, gamey animal of some sorts which was soon cooked to perfection and managed to feed almost all the merry people. There was a roaring fire pit in the centre, some logs dotted around for seating. You heard music being played from small little wooden instruments, some you blew into, some you banged on, others’ strummed. Villagers began dancing joyously with only the stars as spectators. The inky blackness of the night settled around the group, the only light coming from some small lanterns and the large, smoking fire helping keep the group warm. You had never seen such pure joy for life in your thirty something years, and it made your heart warm.
Then again, that could have just been the fact you had a drink in your hand and were back to your old tricks of card games with some of the grown-ups as your opponents. The Child sat at the Mandalorian’s feet clutching a small blanket over his lap to ward off the night's chill and happily watching the game ensue. You were enjoying sipping the hot, sweet spirit in your hand when the unthinkable happened.
"What?" You blurted, looking at the winning set of cards the Mandalorian placed down graciously, "H-how?" That was a stupid question, you knew exactly how he had won. He had simply played the game better than you. But it didn't stop the gobsmacked look on your face turning to an almost scowl at his stroke of luck.
"Ooh you got competition here," Cara teased, watching you grimace and grumble something under your breath, "Sore loser doesn't look good on you, baby" The dark-eyed woman mocked your words from a few days prior with a laugh kissing her teeth.
You swore at the woman colourfully, annoyed that you had been bested and even more so that your face was being rubbed in the dirt because of it.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. Not everyone can keep up." Din added, a smug grin plastered on his face as he saw your face contort at the nickname you had given him just the day before.
A fire burned hotter in your eyes than it did in the pit behind you, as was in the pink of your cheeks. "Oh, so you can make jokes? Here I was thinking you were made out of beskar on the inside too." Cara and Din just chuckled at how frustrated you clearly were, only stoking the flame inside you more at their sudden mischief. "Whatever, you're probably a million years old under there. Bet you've had time to practice, old man."
You picked up a rock off the floor near you, one you knew was tiny enough to not scratch the surface of his helmet or cause a ringing in his old man-ears and threw it at his head. It dinked off the metal quietly as he made no effort to dodge it, and you two were left staring at each other.
"Ouch," The Mandalorian said, sarcasm clear in his tone. You didn't know whether it was the whiskey or the fact the man in front of you seemed to have an incredibly dry sense of humour that both surprised and suited you immensely, but the single word caused you to burst out laughing.
"I'm heading to bed before I cave in your skulls," You stood from your place near the fire, throwing your once-promising hand of cards onto the pile and slinking off to your hut.
You were drifting into the hazy middle between sleep and awake when you heard your friend and temporary roommate clamber in through the door, not alone. You shot up at the sound of muffled moaning, clear confusion and curiosity in your sleep coated mind. Squinting through the dimly lit room, your eyes widened when you saw two people you realised were Cara and Caleb embraced in a passionate kiss, working on removing each other's clothes. You were lost as to what to do, hoping one of them would notice you before they exposed themselves.
Just as you were about to speak up, it seemed Cara remembered that there was another bed in the room, one filled with the sleepy eyes of her friend, currently looking at her and Caleb in shock yet smug.
"Ash!" Cara yelped, releasing her mouth from the handsome man, who looked just as startled as the other two women in the room, "I- we-"
"I'm going for a walk," You said hurriedly, rolling out of bed and slipping on your socks and shoes haphazardly. The laces were undone, and you were pretty sure one of your socks was inside-out but you paid that no mind when you walked past the couple, both with a deep red tinge on their face. You grabbed your hooded cloak on your way, slipping the black material over your body as some menial defence against the outdoors. "Not that I expect you would, but don't wait up for me." You said teasingly before the woman practically slammed the door in your face for the comment, leaving you at the mercy of the bitter Sorgan night air.
You had been so preoccupied leaving Cara and her nighttime company, that you had barely thought about where this left you. Cold, lonely and looking around the village for somewhere to stay like some stray dog. While the villagers had been perfectly nice to you and you had risked your life alongside them not a day earlier, you felt you still didn't know any of them well enough to intrude on their homelife at this hour in the morning, not when most of them had young children that would be dead asleep by this time.
You sighed, crossing your arms over your body and walking back into the centre of the settlement where you had been sitting playing cards not a few hours prior.
Din had taken off his helmet, resting it on the window sill after double and triple-checking that the child was asleep. He huffed, the weight of the day calling for him to just head to bed and sleep but part of him enjoyed the time he got to spend next to the open window, knowing no one could see him as everyone had gone to bed by now. He knew he should too, but the feeling of the fresh air on his skin was welcomed after a whole day spent inside his thick armour.
It was then that he saw you.
The familiar black cloak was pulled up over your head, and you walked down the small dirt path towards the firepit, where barely a flame remained, just a few red hot coals providing very little warmth.
He knew he should just go to sleep. Turn and go to sleep, his body cried out for it, his head was heavy and weary after his long day.
But he watched as you sat down alone. He would have been suspicious if he hadn't seen the way you simply extended your feet out in front of you, legs bare and shivering, and turned your head down to your lap, arms crossed over your chest. You did nothing. You didn't move or speak, you simply sat there, clearly cold and attempting to fall asleep in the chilly night air.
He should go to sleep, Din told himself.
And yet, instead, he slipped his helmet back over his head and left the barn, heading towards the lonely woman sitting in the night.
Din didn't know what he was doing. You were barely comfortable with him, and yet he was approaching you as though he expected you to welcome him into your alone time with open arms.
He stopped a metre behind you when he noticed your head tilt towards him at the sound of approaching footsteps. He suddenly felt stiff and cursed himself for even thinking it was his place to approach you like this. He looked for the words to say, but came up empty and so you two sat in silence.
You turned your head the slightest bit, noting the small sound of thick breathing lilted through a vocoder.
It was him. But he seemed calm. "Cara had... company," You said simply, knowing he was probably here to investigate your reasoning for sitting here in the ridiculously short nightwear.
The man scoffed quietly. "So you're sitting here freezing your ass off? Why not just ask someone to bunk at theirs?"
Your head tilted towards him at his almost scolding tone. "Because I love sitting in the cold and on dirt, why do you think dumb ass? I didn't want to bother anyone at this time of night," you snipped.
There was a moment where you just stared at one another, and you were reminded just how thin the line was that you walked between acquaintances and distrust. You felt too observed when you saw the way he stood hands on his hips looking down at you, and it unnerved you that you couldn't see his facial expression through the tense silence. Would this be it? Would this be where he wrestled you to the ground and revealed his plan to hand you over to his guild?
Instead, he shocked you.
"Come on. There's an extra bed in the barn I'm staying in with the child," You stared up at him, eyes wide at the kind offer. He was extending an olive branch to you of sorts, but you remained on the floor, stunned into silence. He turned to walk away, noticing you weren't following him and called back to you, "Don't be so stubborn or I'll leave you to freeze."
You huffed out a bitter laugh. You hated that you were about to follow a man's orders and considered staying on the floor just to prove a point. But the night air nipped at your legs and you knew you would get no sleep if you were to stay there. The sound of a bed and rest called to you.
So you stood, walking over to join him, noticing he had waited for you, and fell into step with him.
You were both silent for a moment, before you broke it, feeling the need to respond with your own offer of peace.
"So, what do they call you?" You spoke quietly, not wanting to wake any of the inhabitants of the houses you strolled past.
"Most people just call me Mando" He replied simply, the tiredness was clear in his tone. You were almost touched when you realised he had come out of his hut just to see what was wrong with you. Either that or he thought you were up to no good. You chose to believe the first one in the interest of the friendly atmosphere he was clearly trying to create between you despite your rocky beginning.
"Okay, Mando." You repeated back to him, cocking your head in curiosity, "Where you from?"
You watched the armoured man straighten slightly, though his steps never faltered, "My parents were killed when I was young by the Empire. The Mandalorians raised me in their fighting corps on Nevarro until I swore to the creed," he said quietly, somberly. You nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see your movements as you mulled over his words.
It seemed you weren't all that different then, two loners raised by warriors in the cruel world that the Empire created.
"Tough start yourself then Mando," You repeated the words he'd said to you on the cart a few days ago, though the tone of the conversation left a moment of silence in which you winced. You hated how abrupt you could be sometimes. You weren't gentle and sweet like Omera. Perhaps you had been once when you were a young girl, but the seclusion of the past eighteen years left you somewhat inept emotionally.
You felt sympathetic and affectionate and passionate and loving and caring, you just had a tough-to-swallow way of showing it.
But then you heard something close to a breathy laugh leave his vocoder, and you thought you couldn't be all that bad.
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reallifesultanas · 3 years
Portrait of Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş / Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş portréja
Origin and youth
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş was a woman of Greek descent who was certainly captured during the Venetian-Ottoman War. The grimace of fate is that the outbreak of the war was attributable to Mehmed IV, who later became Emetullah's sweetheart. In the summer of 1645, Ibrahim I declared war on Venice and sent a large Turkish army to Crete. The immediate cause of the war was that Maltese pirates captured an Ottoman ship carrying several influential people. Among them was the wet-nurse of Mehmed IV and her own son, whom Sultan Ibrahim I loved very much. So much that the he cared more with the wet-nurse's son than he did with his own child, Mehmed. The war lasted for decades, until 1669, so it is not possible to determine exactly when Emetullah was captured.
Emetullah was a gift from a certain Deli Hüseyn Pasha, who took the Cretan slaves he had captured to the Sultan’s palace and recommended the bests to the sultan’s harem. Deli Hüseyn Pasha died in 1659, so Emetullah definitely joined the harem before that time. This, unfortunately, does not help us, for considering that Emetullah was already a favorite of the Sultan in 1660 and this had to be preceded by several years of education, so most likely she was captured before 1654. Many give the year 1645 as captivity, however, this is almost ruled out. In general, children under the age of 5 were not caught, because they caused more trouble than benefit, and were more likely to die during the long and tumultuous journey. Assuming that Emetullah was roughly the same old — or younger — than Mehmed IV (born in 1642), she could have been captured in 1648 at the earliest.
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The consort
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş matured into a beautiful young woman, making her perfectly suited to entertain the sultan. Emetullah is one of the few sultanas whose appearance is known in considerable detail. One of the ambassadors had the opportunity to see one of Emetullah's clothes and belts, on the basis of which he thought the Sultana was a taller-than-average but graceful. The same ambassador heard from his informant that the Sultana had fine skin and blue eyes. Other descriptions said she had black curly hair. Towards the end of her life, Emetullah was reportedly more plump than slender.
It is not known exactly when Mehmed started receiving concubines and when Emetullah became his favorite. Mehmed's first child, a girl, was born in 1660. According to circumstantial evidence, this girl, Hatice, was the first child of Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş. Based on this, we can assume that Emetullah became Mehmed’s partner in the late 1650s. However, their relationship had not really deepened at this point, as Mehmed spent the next period away from his harem, traveling a lot.
Shortly afterwards, the Sultan moved his entire court to Edirne, making it the de facto capital of the Empire. It was a perfect timing that his firstborn son, Mustafa, was born here in 1664. Mehmed was so happy for the birth of his son that he piled up the child’s mother, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, with amazing gifts and never left the woman alone from then on. He took her with him on his hunts and even on his campaigns. Together they had at least two more children, Ahmed (later Ahmed III) in 1673 and Fatma Emetullah in 1675. In addition to the four children mentioned above, Mehmed certainly had other children (Ayşe, Bayezid, Ümmügülsüm, Süleyman). The identity of their mother is unknown, it could have been Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, but even other concubines.
As the Sultan’s favourit concubine, the mother of his children, Emetullah, was the second highest-ranking woman in the harem. Her relationship with the first woman of the harem is controversial. Some say Emetullah was an evil, violent woman who regularly confronted her mother-in-law, Mehmed’s mother, Turhan Hatice Valide Sultan. However, there is no evidence to that effect, in fact! Emetullah and Turhan certainly worked together periodically to achieve their political goals. In 1682, Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha began to anger Turhan more and more, as he tried to make her political influence impossible. We don’t know what motivation Gülnüş was for, but she helped Turhan remove the pasha. Eventually, unfortunately, Turhan died before the pasha was deposed. Either way, this collaboration makes it unlikely that the relationship between Emetullah and Turhan would have been bad. In addition, Emetullah had a good relationship with Turhan’s eunuch, Yusuf Agha, which would also not have been possible if the two women did not like and respect each other.
Many blame Emetullah’s ambitions for the supposedly fragile relationship. Legend has it that Mehmed’s beloved, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, tried to persuade him to execute his half-brothers and make their own sons his heir instead. However, knowing the infinitely close relationship between Mehmed and his sons, we cannot rule out that Mehmed himself wanted to change the inheritance. Whoever was its inventor, no one supported the idea, not the people, not the pashas and not even Mehmed’s mother, Turhan. Turhan, to protect Prince Suleiman and Ahmed from death and his son from fall, always kept her two foster sons with her. If Turhan traveled, she took them with her so that Mehmed would not execute them in her absence.
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Sultana on the campaigns
After the birth of Mustafa, the sultan did not want to go anywhere without Emetullah and his son. From then on, Emetullah accompanied her sweetheart everywhere, hence her nickname became, the "itinerant sultana". The first such campaign took place in 1672, when Mehmed took the whole harem of his, his mother, his Haseki, and his sisters to Polish territory. From this trip we are left with a description of an incident in which Emetullah’s silver carriage was stuck in the mud due to bad weather on the way to the Babadag camp. The sultan could not wait for hours for the carriage to be released, so Fazıl Ahmed Pasha, the Grand Vizier, was left with his men to help the Sultana. On August 28, 1672, Kamianets-Podilskyi fell and became the property of the Ottomans. Mosque were formed from all the churches in the city, one of which was named in honor of Gülnüş. With this she became the first and only Haseki Sultan to enjoy such a privilege.
They spent a few months near the front and then returned to Edirne. However, the agreement was crossed by the Polish, so in 1673 Mehmed was forced to return to the front and took his sweetheart with him again. This is particularly noteworthy and not just because the sultans had not taken their wives on the battlefield for centuries, but because Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş was already heavily pregnant with her second son. The baby was finally born during the campaign on 31 December 1673 at Hacıoglupazarı in present-day Bulgaria. This was the only time an Ottoman prince was born near the battlefield, away from the security of the capital or the provinces. The fact is, however, that this camp was also very far from the real war.
After the success of the Polish campaign, the Sultan retreated to Edirne, where in 1675 he organized a huge ceremony in which his two sons, Mustafa and Ahmed, were circumcised and his eldest daughter, Hatice, was married off. Mehmed's appearance was reported at the event, but many praised the princes and Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, who attended the ceremony as well. According to one agha present, the Sultana was a beautiful woman with chesnut hair. It is questionable, of course, to what extent we can believe such descriptions, since her hair was certainly covered with a veil, even if she was present. Then in 1676 Mehmed embarked on another campaign - again, of course, with his sweetheart on his side - this time to match the Russians. The aim of the campaign was to rule over today's Ukrainian - then Polish - territories. Finally, in 1681, the campaign ended with an agreement.
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The first woman in the harem and the fall
Whatever the relationship between Turhan and Emetullah was, with the death of Turhan in 1683, the road to the top of the harem opened up before Emetullah. Although her large-scale construction projects, as a Haseki, began during Turhan’s life, her political career could have really gained momentum only without Turhan. There is a known case, for example, in which one of Mustafa's teachers, Feyzullah Efendi, who was very close to Emetulla committed a mistake and was faced with severe punishment. Eventually, Emetullah intervened and saved the man's life.
However, Emetullah could not enjoy the control of the harem for long. The 1680s were about a series of tragedies. The enemies of the Ottoman Empire clashed in turn and squeezed the Ottomans more and more out of European territories. This caused general dissatisfaction, and then over time, chaos, executions, financial problems spread throughout the empire, more and more rebellions set in, and even natural disasters plagued the empire. Turhan's death was practically sealed the end of Mehmed IV also. He became increasingly unpopular, and suffered the final blow in 1687. After the tragic outcome of the second battle of Mohács, Mehmed was dethroned and his younger brother, Suleiman, was put to the throne, as Suleiman II. This meant Emetullah's move to the Old Palace.
Not only did Emetullah face the loss of her power and exile, but she was separated from her beloved. A member of Mehmed’s harem, the poet Afife Kadin, at this time composed one of her poems about Gülnüş. According to the verse, Gülnüş sobbed and shouted as long as her lungs could hold, while her loved one was torn away from her and locked up. While Mehmed sobbed quietly in the kafes, his beloved cried across the wall. In another verse of hers, Afife writes, "Tell Gülnüş to wear black / to suffer in pain / While Sultan Mehmed weeps in Şimşirlik" We do not know if Emetullah and Mehmed may have met until Mehmed's death in 1693.
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Back to the top
Due to Süleyman II's ill condition, followed by the old Ahmed II, Emetullah did not have to linger in the Old Palace for long. In 1695, barely 8 years after her retirement, Emetullah was able to return as Valide Sultan. Ahmed II died in Edirne and Mustafa II took his place as Sultan. Emetullah was then in the Old Palace in Istanbul, so thats where she received the news. As part of a huge ceremony, Emetullah went from the Old Palace to Topkapi Palace and from there to Edirne. On the way to Edirne, several bridges had to be renovated before the Valide Sultan's arrival. The costs of the bridge-renovations  were recorded in the registers as Ahmed II's funeral expenses. Arriving in Edirne, her son welcomed the new Valide Sultan.
In the following years Edirne remained the de facto capital of the Empire. The sultan spent only a short period of time in Istanbul with his court, and then they were not resided in Topkapi Palace either, but preferred other palaces. Mustafa and Emetullah quickly gathered their trustworthy men around them and began to rule according to their own tastes. Thus, for example, the Feyzullah Efendi who had previously been rescued from execution by Emetullah, became the Seyhülislam. During Mustafa's reign, Emetullah built an unprecedented power for herself, her all-intertwined political influence was huge and also her son openly discussed state affairs with her. In addition, Emetullah regularly showed up among the people, leaving the harem, visiting her daughters or foundations. She lived a fairly free life. So much that at certain events she stood right next to her son, veiled but not hiding. At other times, she welcomed Seyhülislam, Grand Vizier, or other influential statesmen openly or were present at parades in Eyüb.
Emetullah’s tremendous influence over her son, the rampant corruption among statesmen, and the neglect of Istanbul all provoked the displeasure of the people. In 1703 a huge revolt broke out in the capital, but it quickly reached Edirne as well. Emetullah provided good advice to her son, trying to quickly replace any statesman who might have harmed them, but it was too late. During the rebellion Mustafa II was dethroned. The rebels refused to ascend Mustafa's younger brother, Ahmed, as he was also the son of Emetullah. They wanted to replace Mustafa II with the 11-years-old Şehzade Ibrahim, the son of Ahmed II and his Haseki, Rabia Sultan . The ulema, however, rejected this based on the boy's age, and as a polite gesture a letter was written to Emetullah asking for permission to dethrone Mustafa and replace him with Ahmed III. Although she had no real say, Emetullah responded in agreement:"All of you have requested in concord and unanimity that my majestic son Sultan Ahmed be seated on the imperial throne and that my other son Sultan Mustafa be deposed. Your petition has been complied with."
However, the dethronement of Mustafa was far from enough for the rebels. Gülnüş was demanded to leave Edirne or Topkapi Palace and retire to the Old Palace. Emetullah did indeed remain there until the circumstances calmed down enough for her to return. Perhaps she did not even regret her retreat, for Mustafa, her firstborn son, died in December 1703 of natural causes.
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Shadow Valide
The pashas tried to keep Gülnüş away from her son and from state affairs because they feared a revenge from Emetullah on Mustafa's dethronement and subsequent death. They feared they would face a revenge campaign like the pashas who in 1648 dethroned and executed the son of Kösem Sultan, Ibrahim I. In the meantime, however, it turned out that Gülnüş did not even think of revenge. She learned from her previous mistakes and from the end of the Kösem Sultan, so she was much more careful and respectful with the pashas from then on than before. There were rewards for this.
One of Ahmed III’s first steps was to take the imperial court back to Istanbul, so Edirne ceased to be the de facto capital. To increase the sultan’s popularity among the people of Istanbul, plenty of public events were organized, such as archery competitions. Of course Gülnüş tried to help her second son, Ahmed III, but she did it all from the background. However, her participation in political life is by no means conditional. Several letters have survived, which she exchanged with the pashas during Ahmed III's reign. When one of the Grand Vizier tried to have a say in which eunuch Gülnüş would appoint to lead the harem, he quickly found himself without a position. So Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş did not give up politics at all, only she played it in a smarter and less spectacularly way.
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş returned to the limelight once again. In 1709, during the war between the Russians and the Swedes, the Swedish king was captured and then found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. The king sought the help of the Ottomans to regain his throne. Emetullah, along with the second Vizier Damat Silahdar Ali Pasha, publicly stood by the king's request and tried to persuade Ahmed III to wage war against the Russians. The other members of the divan, such as the Grand Vizier, did not agree at all with Gülnüş's will, so a controversy ensued. Ahmed III finally, following the advice of his mother, went to war with the Russian Empire in 1711. The war ended with treaties.
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Her death and legacy
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş followed her son from Istanbul to Edirne in the summer of 1715 to welcome there the army of the Grand Vizier, who had successfully re-conquered Morea from the Venetians. Her health here deteriorated in a few months and whatever the best doctors of the empire tried Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş died on November 6, 1715, in Edirne. Funeral prayers were held in Edirne in the presence of the Sultan, Grand Vizier, Ulema, and all important statesmen, and then her body was taken back to Istanbul, where she was buried in her own tomb on November 9th. Her turbe is particularly interesting, as it is not covered like most dynastic tombs, but open to the sky. By the way, this was built according to Emetullah's own wishes. There are plenty of plants and water in the octagonal tomb, which was probably built like that to resemble the Garden of Eden.
During her life, Gülnüş managed several construction projects, during which mosques, soup kitchens, schools, fountains and a tomb were built. But she converted several former churches into mosques also, and others were named in his honor. She also had foundations in Üsküdar, Edirne, Chios, Mecca, Medina, Kastamonu and Menemen.
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş was the last valide sultan during the period of the Sultanate of Women. Although there were still some Valide with exceptional influence after her, no one was able to gain an influence similar to her and her predecessors anymore. It was the death of Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş that eventually completely ended the period of the Sultanate of Women. True, she was not the last Haseki Sultan, because her brother-in-law Ahmed II had a Haseki, Rabia Sultan, but the woman had already died in 1712 before Emetullah. So with the death of Gülnüş, on November 6, 1715, the more than 180-years-long period of the Sultanate of Women ended. The Sultanate of Women was followed by the Tulip era, which was one of the most peaceful periods in the history of the empire, during which Westernization began.
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Used sources: B. İ. Argıt - A Queen Mother and the Ottoman Imperial Harem: Rabia Gülnuş Emetullah Valide Sultan (1640-1715); M. Ç. Uluçay - Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları, Y.Öztuna - Devletler ve Hanedanlar, N. Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları; M. Özgüleş - The Women Who Built the Ottoman World: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnuş Sultan; H. G. Majer - The Harem of Mustafa II (1695-1703); J. Dumas - Les perles de nacre du sultanat; A. D. Alderson - The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty; L. Peirce - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; C. Finkel - Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire
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Származása fiatalkora
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş görög származású nő volt, akit minden bizonnyal a velencei-oszmán háború során fogtak el. A sors fintora, hogy a háború kirobbanása köthető volt IV. Mehmedhez, aki később Emetullah kedvese lett. I. Ibrahim 1645 nyarán hadat üzent Velencének és egy nagy török sereget küldött Krétára. A háború közvetlen oka az volt, hogy máltai kalózok fogtak el egy oszmán felségjelzésű hajót, mely több befolyásos személyt szállított. Köztük volt IV. Mehmed szoptatósdajkája és annak fia, akiket I. Ibrahim szultán nagyon szeretett. Olyannyira, hogy a szoptatósdajka fiával többet törődött, mint saját gyermekével, Mehmeddel. A háború évtizedeken keresztül zajlott, egészen 1669-ig, így pontosan nem meghatározható, hogy Emetullah mikor esett fogságba.
Emetullah egy bizonyos Deli Hüseyn Pasa ajándéka volt, aki a saját maga által ejtett krétai rabszolgákat vitte a szultáni palotába és a legjobbakat a szultán háremébe ajánlotta. Deli Hüseyn Pasa 1659-ben elhunyt, így Emetullah mindenképp ezen időpont előtt került a hárembe. Ez sajnos nem segít nekünk, ugyanis tekintve, hogy Emetullah 1660-ban már a szultán kedvence volt és ezt több éves oktatás kellett, hogy megelőzze, a legvalószínűbb, hogy 1654 előtt esett fogságba. Sokan adják meg az 1645-ös évet, mint fogságba esés, azonban ez szinte kizárt. Általában 5 év alatti gyerekeket nem fogtak el, velük több volt a baj, mint a haszon és nagy eséllyel haltak meg a hosszú és viszontagságos út során. Ha feltételezzük, hogy Emetullah nagyjából egy idős volt - vagy fiatalabb -, mint IV Mehmed (1642), legkorábban 1648-ban eshetett fogságba.
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Az ágyas
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş csodaszép fiatal nővé érett, így tökéletesen alkalmas lett a szultán szórakoztatására. Emetullah azon kevés szultána közé tartozik, akinek külsejét meglehetősen részletesen ismerjük. Az egyik követnek lehetősége volt látni Emetullah egyik ruháját és övét, mely alapján az átlagnál magasabb, de kecses nőnek gondolta a szultánát. Ugyanez a követ úgy hallotta informátorától, hogy a szultánának finom bőre és kék szeme van. Más leírások szerint fekete göndör haja volt. Élete vége felé Emetullah a beszámolók szerint inkább volt telt, mint karcsú.
Nem tudni pontosan, hogy Mehmed mikor kezdett ágyasokat fogadni és hogy Emetullah mikor vált a kedvencévé. Mehmed első gyermeke, egy kislány 1660-ban született. Közvetett bizonyítékok alapján ez a lány, Hatice, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş első gyermeke volt. Ez alapján feltételezhetjük, hogy Emetullah a kései 1650-es években vált Mehmed partnerévé. Kapcsolatuk azonban ekkoriban még nem mélyült el igazán, hiszen Mehmed a következő időszakot a háremétől távol töltötte, sokat utazott.
A szultán nemsokkal később az egész udvartartását áthelyezte Edirnébe, ezzel gyakorlatilag mintegy de facto fővárossá tette meg az általa annyira kedvelt várost. Tökéletes időzítés volt, hogy elsőszülött fia, Musztafa itt látta meg a napvilágot 1664-ben. Mehmed annyira örült fia születésének, hogy elképesztő ajándékokkal halmozta el a gyermek anyját, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüşt és innentől kezdve sosem hagyta magára a nőt. Magával vitte a vadászataira, sőt hadjárataira is. Együtt még legalább két gyermekük született, Ahmed (későbbi III. Ahmed) 1673-ban és Fatma Emetullah 1675-ben. Mehmednek a fent említett négy gyermeken kívül bizonyosan voltak más gyermekei (Ayşe, Bayezid, Ümmügülsüm, Süleyman). Az ő anyjuk kiléte ismeretlen, lehetett Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş is, de akár más ágyasok is.
Mint a szultán kiemelt ágyasa, gyermekeinek anyja Emetullah a hárem második legmagasabb rangú asszonya volt. Viszonya a hárem első asszonyával ellentmondásos. Egyesek szerint Emetullah gonosz, erőszakos nő volt, aki rendszeresen szállt szembe anyósával, Mehmed édesanyjával, Turhan Hatice Valide szultánával. Azonban nincs erre utaló bizonyíték, sőt! Emetullah és Turhan időszakosan bizonyosan együttműködtek, hogy politikai céljaikat elérjék. 1682-ben Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasa nagyvezír egyre jobban kezdte dühíteni Turhant, ugyanis próbálta ellehetetleníteni annak politikai befolyását. Azt nem tudjuk, hogy Gülnüş milyen motiváció miatt, de segített Turhannak a pasa eltávolításában. Végül sajnos Turhan előbb halt meg, minthogy a pasát lefokozták volna. Akárhogyan is, ez az együttműködés teszi valószínűtlenné, hogy Emetullah és Turhan közt rideg lett volna a kapcsolat. Mindemellett Emetullah jó viszonyt ápolt Turhan eunuchjával, Yusuf Agával, ami szintén nem lett volna lehetséges, ha a két nő nem kedveli és tiszteli egymást.
Sokan a feltételezett rideg kapcsolatért Emetullah ambícióit okolják. A legenda úgy tartja, hogy Mehmedet kedvese, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş szultána igyekezett meggyőzni arról, hogy végeztesse ki elzárva tartott féltestvéreit és helyettük közös fiaikat tegye meg örökösének. Ismerve azonban a Mehmed és fiai közt fennálló végtelenül szoros viszonyt, nem zárhatjuk ki, hogy maga Mehmed kívánta megváltoztatni az öröklést. Akárki is volt a kifundálója, senki sem támogatta az ötletet, sem a nép, sem a pasák és Mehmed anyja, Turhan szultána sem. Turhan, hogy megóvja Szulejmán és Ahmed hercegeket a haláltól, fiát pedig a bukástól, mindig maga mellett tartotta két nevelt fiát. Ha Turhan utazott, magával vitte őket, nehogy távollétében Mehmed kivégeztesse őket.
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Szultána a fronton
Musztafa születése után a szultán nem kívánt Emetullah és fia nélkül bárhová is menni. Innentől kezdve Emetullah mindenhová elkísérte kedvesét, innen ered beceneve, a "vándorló szultána" (itinerant sultan). Az első ilyen hadjáratra 1672-ben került sor, mikor Mehmed az egész háremét, anyját, Haszekijét, húgait is magával vitte a lengyel területekre. Erről az útról marad ránk egy esemény leírása, miszerint babadagi tábor felé vezető úton a rossz időjárási viszonyok miatt Emetullah ezüst fogata beragadt a sárba. A szultán nem várhatott órákat, amíg az elakadt kocsit kiszabadítják, így Fazıl Ahmed Pasa, a nagyvezír maradt hátra embereivel, hogy segítse a szultánát. 1672. augusztus 28-én Kamianets-Podilskyi elesett és az oszmánoké lett. A városban található összes templomból mecsetet alakítottak, melyek közül az egyiket Gülnüş tiszteletére nevetek el. Ezzel ő lett az első és egyetlen Haszeki szultána, aki ilyen kiváltságban részesülhetett.
Néhány hónapot töltöttek a front közelében, majd visszatértek Edirnébe. A megkötött egyezséget azonban a lengyelek keresztülhúzták, így 1673-ban Mehmed kénytelen volt visszatérni a frontra és magával vitte kedvesét is. Ez azért különösen említésre méltó, mert azontúl, hogy a szultánok évszázadok óta nem vitték harctérre asszonyaikat, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş már előrehaladott terhes volt második fiával, akit végül a hadjáraton szült meg 1673. december 31-én Hacıoglupazarınál, a mai Bulgária területén. Ez a valaha volt egyetlen olyan eset, amikor egy oszmán herceg a hadszíntéren született meg, távol a főváros vagy a provinciák biztonságától. Tény azonban, hogy ez a tábor is igen távol volt a valódi fronttól.
A lengyel hadjárat sikere után a szultán Edirnébe vonult vissza, ahol 1675-ben hatalmas ünnepséget szervezett, melyen két fiát Musztafát és Ahmedet körülmetélték, legidősebb lányát Haticét pedig kiházasította. Az eseményen beszámoltak Mehmed külleméről, de sokan méltatták a herceget és Mehmed mellett az ünnepségen résztvevő Emetullah Rabia Gülnüşt is. Az egyik jelenlévő szerint a szultána gesztenyebarna hajú, gyönyörű nő volt. Kérdéses persze mennyire hihetünk az ilyen jellegű leírásoknak, hiszen haját egészen biztosan fátyol fedte, ha jelen volt is. 1676-ban aztán Mehmed újabb hadjáratra indult - természetesen ismét kedvesével az oldalán -, ezúttal az oroszokkal kívánt megmérkőzni. A hadjárat célja az mai ukrán - akkori lengyel - területek feletti uralom volt. Végül 1681-ben megállapodással zárult le a hadjárat.
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A hárem első asszonya és a bukás
Bármilyen volt is Turhan és Emetullah kapcsolata, Turhan 1683-as halálával megnyílt Emetullah előtt az út a hárem csúcsára. Bár nagyszabású Haszekiként végzett építési projektjei még Turhan életében elkezdődtek, politikai karrierje ekkor lendülhetett meg igazán. Ismert például egy eset, mikor Musztafa egyik tanítója - aki igen közel állt Emetullahoz - Feyzullah Efendi hibát követett el és súlyos büntetés volt kilátásba helyeztve számára. Végül Emetullah közbelépett és megmentette a férfi életét.
Emetullah nem élvezhette azonban sokáig a hárem irányítását. Az 1680-as évek a sorozatos tragédiákról szóltak. Az Oszmán Birodalom ellenségei sorra fogtak össze egymással és szorították egyre kintebb az oszmánokat az európai területekről. Ez általános elégedetlenséget okozott, majd idővel káosz, kivégzések, anyagi problémák terjedtek el mindenhol a birodalomban, egyre több lázadás indult útjára és még természeti katasztrófák is sújtották a tragikus helyzetben lévő birodalmat. Gyakorlatilag már anyja halálával megpecsételődött Mehmed sorsa, egyre népszerűtlenebb lett, a végső csapást pedig 1687-ben szenvedte el. A második mohácsi csata tragikus kimenetele után Mehmedet trónfosztották és öccsét, Szulejmánt ültették trónra, aki így évtizedekig tartó elzárt élete után megkezdhette uralkodását II. Szulejmán néven. Ez egyet jelentett Emetullah Régi Palotába való költözésével.
Emetulláhnak nem csak a hatalma elvesztésével és száműzetéssel kellett szembenéznie, de elválasztották őt kedvesétől. Mehmed háremének egy tagja, a költő Afife Kadin ekkoriban komponálta egyik Emetullah Rabia Gülnüşről szóló versét. A vers szerint Gülnüş szultána addig zokogott és kiáltozott, mikor kedvesét a szultánt elszakították tőle és elzárták, amíg csak bírta a tüdeje. Mehmed pedig csendben zokogott a kafesben, míg szerelme a fal túloldalán sírt. Egy másik versében azt írja "Mondd Gülnüşnek, viseljen feketét / hogy abban szenvedje el fájdalmát / míg Mehmed szultán Şimşirlikben sír". Nem tudjuk, hogy Emetullah és Mehmed találkozhattak e még Mehmed 1693-as haláláig.
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Vissza a csúcsra
II. Szulejmán szultán beteges állapota miatt, majd az őt követő II. Ahmed kora miatt nem kellett Emetullahnak sokáig a Régi Palotában senyvedni. 1695-ben, alig 8 év után Emetullah valide szultánaként térhetett vissza. II. Ahmed Edirnében hunyt el és a szintén jelenlévő II. Musztafa vette át a helyét szultánként. Emetullah ekkor Isztambulban a Régi Palotában volt, itt kapta meg a hírt. Emetullah hatalmas ünnepség keretei között a Régi Palotából a Topkapi Palotába ment, onnan pedig Edirnébe. Az Edirnébe való út során több hidat kellett megújítani a valide szultána előtt, melyek költségeit mind II. Ahmed temetési költségeiként vezettek fel a jegyzőkönyvekbe. Edirnébe érve fia üdvözölte az új valide szultánát.
A következő években is Edirne maradt a birodalom központja, csak rövidebb időszakot töltött az udvar Isztambulban és akkor sem a Topkapi Palotában voltak, hanem más palotákat részesítettek előnyben. Musztafa és Emetullah gyorsan maguk köré gyűjtötték megbízható embereiket és saját szájízük szerint kezdtek uralkodni. Így lett például Seyhülislam abból a Feyzullah Efendiből, akit korábban már egyszer Emetullah megmentett a kivégzéstől. Musztafa uralkodása alatt Emetullah sosem látott hatalmat épített magának, mindent átszőtt politikai befolyása de fia is nyíltan megvitatta vele az államügyeket. Emellett Emetullah rendszeresen mutatkozott az emberek közt, hagyta el a háremet, látogatta meg lányait vagy alapítványait. Meglehetősen szabad életet élt. Olyannyira, hogy bizonyos eseményeken egyenesen fia mellett állt elfátyolozva, de nem elbújva. Máskor a Seyhülislamot, nagyvezírt vagy más befolyásos államférfiakat fogadott nyíltan vagy parádékat tekintett meg Eyüb városrészben.
Emetullah hatalmas befolyása fiára, az államférfiak közt dívó korrupció és Isztambul elhanyagolása mind a nép nemtetszését váltották ki. 1703-ban hatalmas lázadás tört ki a fővárosban, de gyorsan elérte Edirnét is. Emetullah jó tanácsokkal látta el fiát, igyekeztek gyorsan leváltani minden államférfit, aki kárt okozhatott volna nekik, de már késő volt. A lázadás során II. Musztafát trónfosztották. A lázadók azt is elutasították, hogy Musztafa öccsét, Ahmedet emeljék trónra, hiszen ő is Emetullah fia volt, helyette II. Ahmed és Haseki Rabia szultána 11 éves fiát, Ibrahim herceget akarták a trónra ültetni. Az ulema azonban ezt elutasította a fiú korára való tekintettel és illedelmes gesztusként levelet írtak Emetullahnak, melyben engedélyét kérték Musztafa trónfosztásához. Bár nem volt valódi beleszólása, Emetullah beleegyezően válaszolt.
A lázadóknak azonban Musztafa trónfosztása távolról sem volt elég. Követelték, hogy Gülnüş hagyja el a Topkapi palotát és vonuljon vissza a Régi Palotába. Emetullah valóban ott maradt, amíg a körülmények nem nyugodtak meg eléggé visszatéréséhez. Talán nem is bánta az elvonult életet, ugyanis Musztafa, elsőszülött fia 1703 decemberében természetes okok következtében elhunyt.
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Árnyék Valide
A pasák azért igyekeztek Gülnüşt távol tartani fiától és az államügyektől, mert attól tartottak bosszút állna rajtuk Musztafa trónfosztása és későbbi halála miatt. Féltek, hogy egy olyan bosszúhadjárattal találnák szembe magukat, mint azok a pasák, akik 1648-ban Köszem szultána fiát, Ibrahimot trónfosztották és kivégezték. Gülnüşről azonban időközben kiderült, hogy eszében sincs bosszút állni. Tanult az esetből és Köszem szultána halálából, így sokkal óvatosabban, tisztelettudóbban viselkedett a pasákkal, mint korábban. Ennek meg is lett az eredménye.
III. Ahmed egyik első lépése az volt, hogy a birodalmi udvartartást újra visszavitte Isztambulba, így Edirne megszűnt de facto fővárosnak lenni. Hogy a szultán népszerűsgét növeljék Isztambul népe között, rengeteg nyilvános eseményt szerveztek, például íjászati bemutatókat. Természetesen Gülnüş második fia, III. Ahmed uralkodása során is kényelemben élt és igyekezett segíteni fiát, de mindezt a háttérből tette. Részvétele a politikai életben azonban egyáltalán nem feltételes. Fennmaradt több levele is, melyet a pasákkal váltott III. Ahmed uralkodása során. Mindemellett, amikor az egyik nagyvezír megpróbált beleszólni abba, hogy Gülnüş melyik eunuchot nevezi ki a hárem élére gyorsan pozíció nélkül találta magát. Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş tehát egyáltalán nem hagyott fel a politikával, csak azt okosabban és kevésbé látványosan tette.
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş még egyszer visszatért a rivaldafénybe. 1709-ben az oroszok és svédek közti háború során a svéd király fogságba esett, majd az Oszmán Birodalomban talált menedékre. A király az oszmánok segítségét kérte, hogy visszaszerezhesse trónját. Emetullah a második vezír Damat Silahdar Ali Pasával karöltve nyilvánosan álltak a király kérése mellé és igyekeztek rávenni III. Ahmedet, hogy vállaljon háborút az oroszokkal. A divan más tagjai, így a nagyvezír egyáltalán nem értettek egyet Gülnüş akaratával, így vita alakult ki. III. Ahmed végül az édesanyja tanácsát követve bocsátkozott 1711-ben háborúba az Orosz Birodalommal, mely egyezményekkel zárult.
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Halála és hagyatéka
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş 1715 nyarán követte fiát Isztambulból Edirnébe, hogy ott üdvözöljék a nagyvezír seregét, aki sikeresen hódította vissza Moreát a velenceiektől. Egészsége itt néhány hónap alatt leromlott és bármivel is próbálkoztak a birodalom legjobb orvosai Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş 1715. november 6-án, Edirnében meghalt. A temetési imákat Edirnében mondták a szultán, nagyvezír, ulema és minden fontos államférfi jelenlétében, majd testét visszavitték Isztambulba, ahol saját türbéjében temették el november 9-én. Türbéje kifejezetten érdekes, ugyanis nem fedett, mint a legtöbb dinaszitkus türbe, hanem az ég felé nyitott. Ez egyébként Emetullah saját kívánsága szerint épült így. Az oktagonális türbében rengeteg a növény és a víz, mely valószínűleg amiatt épült így, hogy hasonlítson az Édenkertre.
Élete során Gülnüş több építkezési projektet menedzselt, melynek során mecset, leveskonyha, iskola, kút, türbe épült. De több korábbi templomot építtetett át mecsetté, másokat pedig tiszteletére neveztek el. Emellett volt alapítványa Üsküdarban, Edirnében, Chiosban, Mekkában, Medinában, Kastamonuban és Menemenben.
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş volt az utolsó valide szultána a Nők szultánátusának időszakában. Bár utána is akadt néhány kivételes befolyással bíró Valide, az övéhez és elődeihez hasonló befolyást senkinek sem sikerült többé szerezni. Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş halála volt az, amely végül teljesen lezárta a Nők szultánátusának időszakát is. Igaz, nem ő volt az utolsó Haszeki szultána, mert sógorának II. Ahmednek volt egy Haszekije, Rabia Sultan, a nő már Emetullah előtt, 1712-ben meghalt. Gülnüş halálával, 1715. november 6-n lezárult az a több, mint 180 éves időszak, mely során befolyásosabbnál befolyásosabb nők váltották egymást az Oszmán Birodalom előkelőségei között. A Nők szultánátusát a Tulipán éra követte, mely az egyik legbékésebb időszaka volt a birodalom történetének, és mely során elindult a nyugatosodás a birodalomban.
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Felhasznált források: B. İ. Argıt - A Queen Mother and the Ottoman Imperial Harem: Rabia Gülnuş Emetullah Valide Sultan (1640-1715); M. Ç. Uluçay - Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları, Y.Öztuna - Devletler ve Hanedanlar, N. Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları; M. Özgüleş - The Women Who Built the Ottoman World: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnuş Sultan; H. G. Majer - The Harem of Mustafa II (1695-1703); J. Dumas - Les perles de nacre du sultanat; A. D. Alderson - The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty; L. Peirce - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; C. Finkel - Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire
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tcrumb · 4 years
Eminem’s Whole Life Story is Right There in his Music
Throughout this article I am going to link to every song I can think of that tells the more personal parts of Eminem’s story. Feel free to read about his rise to fame, or take a moment to listen to it.
Em was born October 17th 1972 and grew up as Marshall Bruce Mathers III, his bastard father gave him his name and then took off when Em was still very young. He was left to be raised by his mother Debbie, a single mother struggling with a drug addiction. The household was toxic and unstable. They moved around a million times before somewhat settling in Detroit. (Contrary to popular belief Em was not born in Michigan, he has Missouri southern roots.)
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 It was in Detroit where he found his love for music and rap, it is also where he met his first love Kim. Kim and Em were teenagers when they first met, Kim had run away from home when Debbie invited her in. The relationship started from there, and was rocky ever since. They had their one and only child together in 1995. I’m sure we have all heard the name Hailie Jade by now, even if you aren’t an Eminem Stan. He struggled to raise a daughter while pursuing his dreams at the same time. He had to flip burgers by day, and do underground shows by night. He managed to release his first album 1996, it was titled Infinite. The album didn’t sell, well technically it sold 1,000 copies, with critics saying it sounded too much like Nas or the delivery was too soft. 1996 was a difficult period for Em, his album flopped, he was fired from the burger joint he was working at right before Christmas, and he had to move back in his mother’s trailer home, bringing his daughter and Kim with him. With the pressure building Eminem hit one of his lowest points, he downed a bottle of Tylenol and attempted suicide. 
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It’s crazy the difference a year could make. In 1997 Em competed in the Rap Olympics, a rap competition the gains quite a bit of attention. He ended up coming in second place to the rapper Otherwize (who, never heard of him?). Otherwize won in a slimy way. During Em’s turn in the battle the man walk off stage and left Em to verse no one. After the whole ordeal he was crushed. A man came up to Em right before he was about to leave and asked for a demo, Em chucked it at him, still fuming from the loss. What are the odds that chance encounter would result in Em’s music being passed along to Dr.Dre?
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 We all know the rest right? Hi, My Name Is  floods the airwaves and the public consciousness, the Slim Shady persona is born, The Slim Shady LP sells millions, Kim and Em get married and then divorced, The Marshall Mathers LP comes out, sell millions, forms a rap group with a few of his closest friends called D12, is critically acclaimed but politically demonized, Em stars in 8 mile, it wins a fucking Oscar, the best album ever made comes out and it’s called the Eminem Show, goes on tour after tour after tour, gets Encore comes out and it eh, Eminem gets married to Kim once again, they push out a greatest hits album, and it all comes to a screeching halt.
2006 was the next lowest point in Em’s life. On April 5th, three months after he got remarried to Kim, he was filing for divorce. 6 days later on April 11th, Eminem’s best friend of many years, a member of the aforementioned group D12, someone he was inspired by and looked up to, someone he loved like a brother, was shot and killed. 
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This sent Em into a depression that lasted for years. He retreated from the music scene entirely, spiraled further into drug addiction, something he has been dealing with for a while at this point, and disappeared from the public eye. During this time his health was deteriorating, he put on bit of weight, started to struggle with insomnia, and grew dependent on prescription drugs. The few glimpse the media could get of Em during this time were still exploited.
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In late 2007 Eminem overdosed on the equivalent of 4 bags of heroin. The doctors told him if he would have gotten to the emergency room two hours later he would have died. He decided it was time to get into a recovery program. After trial and error Em got clean in 4/20/2008, and began dipping his toes back into music. His first album back was titled Relapse and it received a lukewarm reception. It was a very playful and experimental album, a sound his fans with used to, but he came back swinging with Recovery. 
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Again, I think we know this part. Put out Recovery and it returned him to the world stage, had record breaking hits like Love The Way You Lie and Not Afraid, released the sequel to the Marshall Mathers LP, released a collaborative album titled ShadyXV to promote Shady Records, toured (rarely because it was a trigger for him), dropped Revival which received mixed reactions, released Kamikaze with no warning as a huge fuck you to the critics of Revival, and finally released Music to Be Murdered By just this year. And that brings us up to date.
There are a million little details that I am missing, but to be fair his career has lasted longer than I have been alive. I think that plays into why I’m so obse-ssed with him, he as music for anything I could be going through or feeling. He is and will always be my goto. When I’m fed up with my own life I can fall completely into his world instead.
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shinymoonbird · 4 years
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He who has shaken off all duality, having obtained the great secret of the place of birth (of the ‘I - thought’), and who shines as the very Self in the various intellects of sentient beings, he who having pervaded the world and all bodies, shines forth with his glory, oh men! salute that one, in the form of the Guru, the brother of Ganapati! ~  Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni -  Forty Verses in Praise of Sri Ramana, V. 21  
What is the Nature of Jnana — Realisation
On the 21st July, 1917, Kavyakantha queried the Maharshi again.
Kavyakantha: What is the "State of Jnana"? Is it the mental process “I am Brahman” or the idea "Brahman is myself", or the idea "I am everything", or the idea "Everything is Brahman" [1]; or is Jnana different from all these four ideas?
Maharshi: All these mental states, processes or ideas are certainly only the operations of the mind. But that which is termed Jnana is not a mental state or process. It is Being, Remaining or Existence in the Self as such.
Kavyakantha: Then, Sir, is not the Self – Atman or Brahman (God) – reached by the mind? In fact, while the Mundaka Upanishad, III, i. says “This subtle Self has to be known by the mind", "It is to be seen by the sharp eye of the seers of the subtle”, and the Katha Upanishad IV.ii. says of Brahmana: "By the mind alone is this to be attained", while Taittiriya Upanishad, II.9. says “Whence words retire baffled, as also the mind”; and Brahman is repeatedly styled as "Not to be reached by speech or mind”. How is this conflict to be reconciled and which is the truth?
Maharshi: All sets of texts are true. It is the mind that sets out on the enquiry into the nature of the Self. But in the course of its efforts to reach Brahman, it gets transformed and is seen to be Brahman. It ceases to have any separate existence.
Requested later to elucidate this matter further, Maharshi said:
"In a sense, it is by the mind you reach Brahman. But perhaps it will be better to stick to the more accurate expression that it is Brahman alone that realises itself, and that the mind as such does not. What realises is not the mind as such, but the mind transformed into Purna Prajna or "Cosmic Consciousness".
By way of analogy, we may take the case of a mighty river that flows into the ocean. The waters which formerly took the name of the "river", later take the name of "Ocean". One would not refer to the river as samudrakara nadi, i.e., the "river in the form of the ocean." The mind is the separate, broken (khanda) entity which starts the enquiry; but as it progresses, it develops, alters its nature and form, and finally loses these and itself in the limitless, infinite, and undifferentiated (akhanda) ocean of Brahman. The mind may thereafter be referred to as brahmakara manas, i.e., the mind in the guise of the Absolute.
But perhaps it will be conducive to clarity if we briefly say, in popular language, that there has been manonasa, or the disappearance of the limited, finite mind and that Brahman is realized not by chitta vriti, i.e., mental operation, but by Purnattva or Swabhava Samsthiti, the perfection of Self -realization.
Maharshi had elucidated this matter by another illustration in the third stanza of his "Arunachala Ashtakam" [2]
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Which means, as addressed to God Arunachala who is considered to be identical with Brahma:
Thinking of Thee without thinking (i.e., play of intellect), one's form melts away as that of a sugar doll entering the sea.
— The Sri Ramana Gita, of B. V. Narasimha Swami - Ch. IV
[1]   The Sanskrit texts are facsimiles of what Sri Ramana Maharshi wrote in the actual typed manuscript of B.V.Narasimha Swami. Besides writing the Sanskrit and Tamil text in the manuscript, he made handwritten English corrections as well.  
“I am Brahman”
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"Brahman is myself"
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"I am everything"
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"Everything is Brahman"
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“Being, Remaining or Existence in the Self as such”
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[2]  The image of the third stanza of Arunachala Ashtakam is a facsimile of the Maharshi's Tamil handwriting. He wrote this verse into BVN's typed manuscript.
B. V. Narasimha Swami typed manuscript:
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Short reflection on Chang, Amico and Humienik
Questions can be profound moments in a poem, but there is also the risk that they go nowhere, that you issue a query to nothingness.  The opening lines to Spencer Chang’s “Ghost Stories (III) are stained with the interrogative, “it’s June / I wake up / you’re not / in bed I call you / we’re sorry you have reached / I call again / call me when you get home / turn lights off / I leave for the gas station / I buy you coffee / stay out until it’s very dark / every face blurry / I grab a stranger / he looks like you / he pushes me to the ground”.  The lines live in the body of a question.  In one part of the poem, the narrator queries a voice mail, literally speaking to the absence of the person.  Everything thereafter is the  attempt to find stable ground in a world where symbols have become disassociated from their referents, where voices are separated from mouths. Memories separate from their historical moments and spill across time.  There is a fear to allow the question to do its work, to bifurcate reality into what is hoped-for and what is actual.  Consider further in the poem where Chang’s narrator says, “I feel guilty / I wash my hands / I wash them until they’re red / blue / red / red / red/”.  There has been no resolution, no physical goodbye, concrete initiation into the next state of existence.  There is a hesitancy to finish the question, receive the response.  (Is the person really gone, dead?  Or, can I sit on the question and avoid the terrifying possibilities that await?)  Things happened so suddenly and, as a result, the memories fly across time like papers on a desk scattered by a strong wind.  Still, history does not react. The moment is indifferent.  The feeling might be that if action is not taken, then the importance of this moment would disintegrate.  Disintegration inevitably carries existential undertones.  What does it mean if what I consider important is revealed to be meaningless?  How do we deal with the fear of moving forward when one option might be too terrible to even consider?
Brandon Amico’s “The Gravity Between Two Objects is Proportional to Their Masses and Inversely Proportional to the Distance Between Them” answers this question indirectly by calling out the way in which “meaning” is constructed (after all, this is one of the main concerns with asking the question...what does it “mean” for me?):
“The dog in any 90s film was only ever being itself; to a dog, acting
and taking orders from the trainer off-camera with a bag of treats
is identical. It’s not lying in the same way acting
is not lying, which is to say it’s giving permission
for us to be happily wrong and to glean something
from that wrongness.”  
For the dog, meaning is not a ground from which to act but an historical moment. Being given the treat is an instant abundant with meaning relevant only to that moment and never again.  It is never carried across.  Later, Amico elaborates:
“If a tree falls in the woods and you’re no around to hear it
an unlabeled bird that was close enough to the crash
will bring that news     will fly off and carry
soaring out                  the sound far,
above your head.        far away from you.”
Meaning is not around if we’re not there.  To obsess over meaning is to take the chance that you will see it trivialized in front of you, reduced to empty noise and spread so thin that the essential nature that was once so important is revealed to be an empty assortment of sounds.  To question something is to provide opportunities for the matter in question to be affirmed definitely or negated absolutely.  Questions, when posed strategically, have that power.
Questions sometimes lose their meaning in poems in the way they are posed. Who are they posed to?  Is it a rhetorical device and nothing more?  It is a pause in the action that is turning back to gaze at...what? I think those who do it best have a style of verse that I would call meditative.  This is poetry that arrives in the moment.  It is physically in the world and widens itself to include the infinite, the impersonal.  Within that inclusion are other phenomena happening simultaneously. People taking the action of witness on. Their small acts are world-altering precisely because of their uniqueness, which interrupts a constant flux of instants... of whom they are a witness.  That which they face (fate, random chance, etc.) lowers its hand and they
(1)   lift their heads against it 
(2)   allow the full strength of the hand to come down on them (but record their process of subdual).  
The first seems the most noble, but that isn’t to say that the second response is negative.  There are moments in Chang’s poem where the narrator’s helplessness pierces through the poem: the constant calling of the missing person’s number, the attempt to project the person’s memory onto strangers.  Sometimes we are not in control of our lives and the best agency is the manner in which we respond.  Both 1 & 2 seem like prime scenarios to pose a question that would unsteady the momentum of the poem and cause the reader to reflect. (The fact that Amico doesn’t do this seems to be all the more powerful because it highlights a self-restraint (either purposely or inadvertently) that elaborates on the power the concept has over the narrator.  The narrator identifies with the dog and so question the assumptions his ego places over reality.  (I.e. that  the “meaning” that the narrator judges to be the ground of existence might be no more than an echo dissipating within the largeness of the world and so revealing its triviality)
There is a third manner, which is to describe the moment just before the hand comes.  The moment when you are unsure of what will happen.  Something stands before you and you feel paralyzed, energized. You feel life pulsing in you and it is this expectation that you sometimes want to live in again and again. This is the reflective witness. Something that people look back at and attempt to study.  What were conditions like before we ended up where we are?  What can we learn from those conditions?  Others don’t attempt to learn. They simply stare into the void of the moment. There are no lessons to learn, just meditations on the curve of the moment.  They remember the details of every moment and sometimes enter into one of those details as if it were a world unto itself.  There is a discovery in those moments that this detail is the imprint of time.  There might also be a question about the use of such an imprint.  Should this be my ground?  Or, is this a mystery that I will carry on my back without turning back to look at it?  Patrycja Humienik’s “Cargo” has this manner.  The poem opens,
“night arrives at the door with a lidded platter of chocolate chip
cookies vegan since you can’t have dairy unlaces their boots and sits
across from me responds to my raised how-did-you-find-me-in-the-woods eyebrows”
Night is the impersonal, the void; yet, it arrives with such a strangely personal gift (“chocolate schoolmates who are shocked to find each in the world again.  The night makes demands on her (“telling me to come press my back against the ground”), but she refuses to totally supplicate to an acceptance of unloaded cargo (“the ships having taken their cargo elsewhere i say i don’t want any more stuff”), “cargo” being the insurmountable weight of the ineffable.  I also wonder if the “you” of the poem is addressing herself.  The infinite matter of possible “responsibilities” that one could convince oneself are essential to take on are what she is faced with.  Yet, she knows that in taking on the totality of responsibility, of “cargo” that she has carried from the vanished day, could destroy the very vessel she wishes to protect.  She prefers to be in the presence of responsibility, but not be compelled to blindly take it on.  At the end, she awakens alone, neither bowing to or resisting that which she encountered. In refusing to do either, she records an event but does not internalize it enough to ask a question.  She keeps it in front of it.  She lives in the question, refusing to actuate it.  Pressing that obligation onto the reader, or perhaps pressing the reader to decide if a question is needed at all.  The question seems very therapeutic in this sense.  Chang illustrates the danger of asking questions to recklessly, Amico notes the repressive tendency of refusing out of a nihilistic tendency and Humienik notes the possibilities inherent in taking control of the question and passing it off to the community when it has become too burdensome for one individual.
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unexceptional · 2 years
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. "IF YOU DON'T stay in that hospital bed, I swear to whoever we're praying to these days that I will strap you down. And honestly, don't tempt me with that: I might not want to let you back up."
If she looked half as bad as he did, she didn't know it; Becky had been both nursing Rick and then staying by his side ever since the whole world had turned upside-down. All she knew was that she was sore. All over. And she had a migraine that was introducing itself with the name Rick.
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. ( @denydefeat ) « starter call
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jewlwpet · 5 years
Girl Alchemist Egg--Tale of the Rose track 1, translation
As far as I know, nobody else seems to be translating J. A. Seazer’s latest Utena album, which came out in August, to English (please correct me if I’m wrong)... so the job falls to me.
This is track 1,  知恵の竈(アルデル)実験祈祷室, or “Aludel of Wisdom Experimental Prayer Room”. An aludel is a kind of pot used in alchemy; it goes in a furnace (this is significant).
EDIT: I accidentally left out the romaji for one verse and missed a reference in the title; the version with all corrections (at least for now) is here.
EDIT 2: I changed my translation of the title to “Wisdom’s Aludel Oratory-Laboratory”. See here for my explanation as to why that’s a better translation.
金より不純物を除き それを純粋な形と成し それをうまくなし遂げる者は かくて、 賢者の石を作りえよう それは偉大な力の「石」であり 「石」と呼ばれていて石ではない 
To remove impurities from gold To shape that into a pure form The one who successfully accomplishes this, By this means, can create the philosopher’s stone  It is a Stone of great virtue  And is called a “Stone” and is not a stone.[i]
The alchemists
ああ、永遠の知恵の錬金術   ああ、永遠の知恵の実験室   ああ、永遠の知恵の竃劇場
Aa, towa no chie no renkinjutsu Aa, towa no chie no jikkenshitsu Aa, towa no chie no kamado gekijou, gekijou
Ahh, eternal  wisdom’s [ii] alchemy Ahh, eternal  wisdom’s laboratory Ahh, eternal  wisdom’s furnace theater, theater
夢ではなく現れるドラゴン 世界創造の始めに 波の上を漂っていた神の如し
Yume de wa naku arawareru doragon Sekai souzou no hajime ni Nami no ue wo tadayotteita kami no gotoshi
It was not a mere dream; it materialized, the dragon![iii] Like unto God, who in the beginning created, Hovering over the surface of the waters.[iv] 
蒸留、昇華、煆焼、煮煎  反射、溶解、下降、凝結
Jouryuu, shouka, kashou, shasen Kansha, youkai, kakou, gyouketsu
Distillation, sublimation, calcination, decoction, Reflection, dissolution, descent, coagulation[v]. 
すべて水のなか 黒そのものより さらに黒 そして ルビーの燦然たるいろの耀き その間に発生する ああ、祝福される緑 万物芽吹かす緑
Subete mizu no naka Kuro sono mono yori Sarani kuro Soshite RUBII no sanzentaru iro no kagayaki Sono aida ni hasseisuru Aa, shukufukusareru midori Banbutsu mebukasu midori
Everything within water[vi], A blackness  still more black Than blackness  itself[vii], And, too, The ruby’s  brilliantly-colored radiance,[viii] All the  while: generation, Ahh, happy  green, Which dost  produce all things[ix]!
神の霊気の緑 カバラの緑 渦巻く宇宙 秘術師よ緑のライオンを 哲学者の火 賢者の火 鞴よ 錬金炉アタノールの火を熾せ
Kami no reiki no midori KABALA no midori Uzumaku uchuu Hijutsushi yo midori no RAION wo Tetsugakusha no hi Kenja no hi Fuigo yo Renkin ro ATANOORU no hi wo okose Behold!
The green of God's mysterious presence, The green of the Kabbala[x], The spiraling cosmos, The Magus, the Green Lion[xi]. The fire of the philosophers, The fire of the sages![xii] The bellows! Light the fire of the alchemical furnace, the athanor.
見よ 哲学の竈||実験室 宇宙の竈||実験室 散らかり放題の 貧乏吹き屋の実験室
Miyo Tetsugaku no kama no jikkenshitsu Uchuu no kama no jikkenshitsu Chirakari houdai no Binbou fukiya no jikkenshitsu
The philosophical furnace--the laboratory! The cosmic furnace--the laboratory![xiii] Scattered unrestrainedly, A poor smelter’s laboratory
われら 価値ある人間たらんがために 価値を目指す 錬金術師
Warera Kachiaru ningentaran ga tame ni Kachi o mezasu Renkinjutsushi, renkinjutsushi
For us To have value as humans To aim for value Alchemy, alchemy 
それは一月十七日月曜日正午頃、私の家で、立会人はぺるネル一人だった。人類救済一三八二年の年である。私は水銀に投入を行い、それを約半ポンドの純銀、鉱山のものよりも良質の純銀に変化させた。その後、やはりぺるネル一人の立会いのもとに私の家で、同僚の水銀に赤い石を用いて同じことを行い、四月二五日夕方五時、本当にほぼ同量の純金に変成した。普通の金より確実に良質でより軟らかく、よりしなやかであった。これは真実である。私と同じく理解していたぺるネルの助けをて、私はこれを三回実現したのである。 二コラ・ヴァロワ
Sore wa ichigatsu juunananichi getsuyoubi shougogoro, watashi no ie de, tachiainin wa PERUNERU hitoridatta. Jinrui kyuusai sen sanbyaku hachijuu ni nen no toshidearu. Watashi wa suigin ni tounyuu wo okonai, sore wo yaku han-pondo no jungin, kouzan no mono yori mo ryoushitsu no jungin ni henkasaseta. Sonogo, yahari PERUNERU hitori no tachiai no moto ni watashi no ie de, douryou no suigin ni akai ishi o mochiite onajikoto o okonai, shigatsu nigonichi yuugata goji, hontouni hobo douryou ni junkin ni henseishita. Futsuu no kin yori kakujitsu ni ryoushitsu de yori yawarakaku, yori shinayaka deatta. Kore wa shinjitsudeari. Watsahi to onaji rikaishite PERUNERU no tasukeote, watashi wa kore o sankai jitsugenshita nodearu.
The first time that I made projection was upon a Monday, the 17th of January, about noon, in my house, Pernelle only being present, in the year of the restoring of mankind, 1382. This was upon Mercury, whereof I turned half a pound, or thereabouts, into pure Silver, better than that of the Mine. And afterwards, following always my Book, from word to word, I made projection of the Red Stone upon the like quantity of Mercury, in the presence likewise of Pernelle only, in the same house, the five and  twentieth day of April following, the same year, about five o'clock in the evening; which I transmuted truly into almost as much pure Gold, better assuredly than common Gold, more soft and more pliable. I may speak it with truth, have made it three times, with the help of Pernelle, who understood it as well as I. --Nicolas le  Valois[xiv]
[i] The last two lines of this verse are from Les Cinq Livres or La Clef des Secrets, by Nicolas le Valois, a French alchemist rumored to be the deceased Nicolas Flamel, supposedly using an alias after attaining immortality through the Philosopher’s Stone. I don’t know of any English translation of this text, but the original French is online at https://alchimie.000webhostapp.com/cinq_livres_valois.html. It’s likely that the first lines are also from alchemical texts; I just haven’t been able to identify them
[ii] Eternal wisdom—a phrase from Heinrich Khunrath, used in the title of his book The Amphitheater of Eternal Wisdom. There is an English translation by Peter J. Forshaw, but I have not yet been able to find it; I have, however, contacted the translator inquiring how to obtain it.
[iii] Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy: “The dragon is probably the oldest pictoral symbol in alchemy of which we have documentary evidence. It appears as the Ouroboros, the tail-eater, in the Codex Marcianus, which dates from the tenth or eleventh century, together with the legend 'the One, the All'. Time and again the alchemists reiterate that the opus proceeds from the one and leads back to the one, that it is a sort of circle like a dragon biting its own tail. For this reason the opus was often called circulare (circular) or else rota (the wheel). Mercurius stands at the beginning and end of the work: he is the prima materia, the caput corvi, the nigredo; as dragon he devours himself and as dragon he dies, to rise again in the lapis. He is the play of colours in the cauda pavonis and the division into the four elements. He is the hermaphrodite that was in the beginning, that splits into the classical brother-sister duality and is reunited in the coniunctio, to appear once again at the end in the radiant form of the lumen novum, the stone. He is metallic yet liquid, matter yet spirit, cold yet fiery, poison and yet healing draught - a symbol uniting all the opposites.”
[iv] This is a clear reference to Genesis 1:1-2. “Like unto God” recalls the story of the Garden of Eden; Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because it would make them like God. Alchemists were also seeking knowledge that would make them like God, although the authors quoted in this song emphasized that one could not attain it without God’s blessing.
[v] These are all names for different techniques in the chemical process. Most are still used in chemistry today (only the terms “reflection” and “descent” are no longer used, as far as I know).
[vi] Valois explains that “water” means something different in alchemy. Basically, this water is a truly universal solvent, capable of absorbing anything into itself. He uses an interesting metaphor for this: “It's this Maid Beïa, which has not yet been corrupted or lost its liberty, to marry infirm and ill-shaven bodies, as captives are, who can never leave their filthy prisons without the help of men. Thus preserving liberty with its integrity, we see in a philosophical manner this luminous star making infinite circulation turns, until it came in some reign.”
[vii] Putrefaction, the nigredo, the black stage in the alchemical process. The idea is that there must be sacrifice to facilitate new growth.
[viii] The philosopher’s stone is sometimes called the “celestial ruby.”
[ix] These two lines are from The Rosary of the Philosophers; however, I used the translation of the quote found in the translation of the Exposition, rather than the original text, although that can be found in English too: http://sociedadquimicamexico.org/rosarium.pdf. Here, it’s given as, “O blessed greenness, which engenders all things.”
[x] Many alchemists, both Jewish and non-Jewish, drew on the Kabballah (Jewish mystical texts), although how well they really understood it is questionable. I myself am not at all well-versed in this, but it seems that in the Kabballah, the color green represents healing and harmony.
[xi] The Green Lion typically represents the same thing as the dragon. E.g. The Glory of the World mentions “the Green Lion that imbibes so much of its own spirit.”
[xii] The author of The Glory of the World wrote of “indelible, living, or Divine fire, of that kind which God has placed in the Sun; and wherein God Himself burns as with Divine love for the consolation of all mankind... This is the fire of the Sages which they describe in such obscure terms, as to have been the indirect cause of beguiling many innocent persons to their ruin; so even that they have perished in poverty because they knew hot this fire of the Philosophers. It is the most precious fire that God has created in the earth, and has a thousand virtues -- nay, it is so precious that men have averred that the Divine Power itself works effectually in it. It has the purifying virtue of Purgatory, and everything is rendered better by it. It is not wonderful, therefore, that a fire should be able to fix and clarify Mercury, and to cleanse it from all grossness and impurity. The Sages call it the living fire, because God has endowed it with His own Divine, and vitalising power.”
[xiii] Different names for the athanor, a kind of furnace. The alchemists viewed their work as the creation of a microcosmos, a “petite universe” if you will. “Cosmic furnace” doesn’t seem to have been common in English, but one does find the French version, fourneau cosmique.
[xiv] This passage is adapted from Exposition of the Hieroglyphical Figures. By attributing it to Valois, Seazer continues in the tradition of claiming him as part of the legend of Flamel. We can infer from this passage and its attribution that the two voices we hear singing this song are meant to represent Nicholas and Per(e)nelle, Flamel’s wife, purported to have been an alchemist in her own right.
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retro-rudy · 4 years
Logic- No Pressure Album Review
In summation of Logic's career, the foremost qualities that can’t go unnoticed is the dedication, respect and admiration the man has always had for the art of hip-hop. From the beginning, dating back to his Young Sinatra mix-tape series, in an era where trap beats were overtaking hip-hop, Logic arrived as a breath of fresh air with his conscious driven lyrics and entertaining flow, fueled by the boom-bap style he enjoyed from earlier influences such as Wu-Tang Clan, A Tribe Called Quest, and Mos Def. Logic lived up to the hype and expectations by delivering a successful debut album and painting a promising future, in which, considering how the industry measures success, Logic went onto surpass by reaching the heights of mainstream play and various award nominations with his next 2 studio albums. Amid the commercial success came the broader spotlight, the very one that emphasized his every move, and drew fluctuated criticism to an all-time high for the Maryland emcee. The challenges for Logic however were not the subjective opinions people had towards his music, but rather stemmed from the more personal jokes, memes, and the non-music related opinions that seemed to overshadow the music he was creating for audiences. In 2019, these unfortunate circumstances led Logic to step away from music and social media for some time with no public explanation to the reasoning of his hiatus. That was until the ever so unpredictable 2020 saw Logic emerge with a staggering album announcement accompanied by an unexpected retirement announcement.
Logic, returned in 2020 as many anticipated, with his 7th and final studio album, No Pressure. The joint announcement of album date and retirement came on July 16th, just one week before the set album release date. While the announcement was abrupt and left many with lingering questions, the 1 week wait would eventually lead fans to the clear reasoning of his decision through No Pressure’s foundation of honest and convincing lyrics.
Right out of the gates, Logic sets the tone and premise of the direction he will take the album on the opening track, No Pressure Intro. Logic applies audio from the famous Orson Wells “The Hitchhiker” introduction, which Logic chops and edits perfectly to bring us into the album. Within the edits, Logic cites No I.D and The Incredible True Story to give the intro a fun twist that adds the thematic touch many have grown accustomed to in Logic’s discography. The fundamentally ear-hitting boom-bap beat produced by NO I.D could not have been curated any better for Logic on the opener. Logic and the instrumental go hand in hand as he delivers bar after bar for over a minute and a half before reaching an abrupt interruption that catapults you into the next track. “B*tch I’m too alive, like twins in a womb, come hither, consume” and “But it cost a fee to be the boss it cost to be, over possessions like an apostrophe.” are some of the more standout bars on this intro.
           On No Pressure, Logic’s overall mood comes off positive, natural, motivated and unforced which benefits each song on this record in its own way. On songs such as Hit My Line, Celebration, and Amen, Logic’s unhinged and unpressed mind state injects everlasting life and validation to the long peace, love and positivity advocate. Logic’s comfort with his current-self shines through on Hit My Line with a confident, worry-free chorus and candid verses as he persuasively calls on god for a fixing of humanity. Logic’s positive drive has been a stapled message within his raps since the beginning of his career and the messaged remains well intact on Hit My Line and the entirety of this project. The confidence he shows when he says, “They say they don’t want messages in rap, it ruins the art. Well here I am people, yeah, now tear me apart.” further endorses his attempt of leaving it all out for this record with no regrets. Even on the track, Celebration, where Logic taps into his braggadocio side of rap to pen out the worry-free mindset he now has and how there is nothing for him to prove to anyone, you can hear the freeing mentality he has as he spits:
“It’s been a minute now; my style is feeling infinite now. Used to people pulling me down, it ain’t shit to me now. Don’t let it get to me now: threw out my phone, they can’t get to me now.”
These tracks dwell on a cheerful and flamboyant tempo that Logic ceases throughout the entirety of the tracks. The same can be said for songs like Dadbod, Perfect, and 5 Hooks, that show versatility in terms of beat choices and the ability of Logic to naturally execute each varying flow that comes off as effortlessly in this stage of his career.
           Meshed in with the collection of the more upbeat and elated-expressive tracks, Logic sprinkles in tracks built off well executed hip-hop samples that serve up a heavier dose of conscious articulated bars. Dating back to the Young Sinatra mix-tapes, Logic has never been shy to wear his influences on his sleeve, and tracks like GP4 and Man i is prove this to the be the case in present day. GP4, a nostalgic tie-in with Logic’s Growing Pains’ song collection, which we last heard on Under Pressure, contains a sample constructed from OutKasts’ Elevators song from ATLiens. Given the track record of various and well-respected hip-hop samples Logic has placed on each of the Growing Pains’ tracks, this one fits cohesively with the bunch. Much like the previous Growing Pains’, Logic leans on his story telling to paint witty and mental pictures of a variety of thoughts floating in his mind. From adolescent memories, to admitting his once determination of becoming the greatest rapper alive now being inessential, Logic goes onto acknowledge how the greatest rapper alive might not even be rapping and is instead stacking groceries at an ordinary 9 to 5 with no care in the world, resembling much how Logic feels at this point in his career. On Man i is, Logic’s maturity and growth flourishes among the inspired instrumental created out of an iconic mashup consisting of OutKasts’ SpottieOttieDopaliscious, Tarika Blues’ Dreamflower, DJ Screw and Pimp C. Logic self-reflects as he looks back on where he came from and what he endured, to which through it all has led him to this point in life where he can confidently say he is sincerely proud of the man he has become. In hip-hop it’s made well-aware that high expectations are to be met when paying homage to classics and Logic absolutely fulfills the task on this one in a form that without a doubt places Man i is among the most prominent tracks within his discography. Open Mic\\Aquarius III keeps Logic on the lyrical prowess and serves as a bridge for fans to connect with the bar for bar artillery the emcee has long had. The beat switch that takes place in this track is superb with the pure hip-hop cypher sound of Open Mic interestingly transitioning into the more jazzy and mellow Aquarius III. The high-volume of bars continues immediately on the following track, Soul Food II. The deserving sequel to one of Logic’s held in high regards track off his debut album Under Pressure. Logic retains the format of spitting a series of bars as he did in the original Soul Food. It’s warming and evident to hear the growth in both, his mentality as a human and abilities of his craft as an artist when you hear both songs in sequential order. In Soul Food II, mentally, Logic remains as humble and passionate as ever while sonically the tone and delivery of his raps resonate with the listener enough to have them capture and break down his every word. This along with the metaphors within this song is what prompts Soul Food II to standout on its own and give its predecessor a run for its money, and dare I say, maybe even edge out the original.
           On the last leg of the album is where I find Logic taking the listener towards the conclusion of the album on a pure, passion driven energy specifically due to the openness of Dark Place, and the spiritually motivating Heard Em Say. Dark Place is the first of its kind for the emcee as it is by far the most personal track Logic has ever released. While Logic has been open about personal situations before, it has never been to the degree and sentiment he lets out on the track. What was meant to remain an unreleased and personal track shares a transparent view of his feelings regarding the real toll the amount of negativity and criticism took on his mental state.
“Writin’ rhymes was easy before the fame. Now I’m constantly overthinkin’ every line, it’s a shame. Rap used to fill me with joy, now it’s nothin’ but pain. I’m stuck in the game, tryna get back from where I came.”
 The entire song contains some of Logic’s most honest and heart-breaking lyrics that transport you directly to the most difficult year he experienced as a mainstream artist. “I’d love to end this on some positive shit. Hit you with punchlines instead of some derogative shit, but it’s okay to be sad sometimes and tired of shit.. I guess.” Logic becomes as relatable to the listener as ever with his sincerity on here. And while the song might show vulnerability, it’s okay. In the end the fan and artist label are irrelevant compared to the human label we all fall under. Another evident example of the earnest connection between Logic and his Rattpack. Fittingly so, the best in my opinion is saved for last. Heard Em Say easily ranks in the top 5 of Logic's entire released discography for me. From self-producing the song, to writing one of his most heartfelt verses, the song sums up as one of Logic’s most range defining cuts from an artist standpoint. The 3rd verse on Heard Em Say is one of Logic’s best verses from his discography, and impressively so isn’t due to the depth of lyricism, but due to Logic’s infinite passion heard throughout the verse. Logic grabs you with every word and instills raw emotion and inspiration with a hopeful send off in quintessential fashion Logic has long been known for.
After Confessions of a Dangerous Mind failed to reach favorable appreciation within hip-hop enthusiasts, and his fan base respectively; the project left many wondering if perhaps Logic’s better days were behind him. With unfavorable reviews and criticism weighing heavily on the emcee, Logic spent the better part of 2019 and 2020 writing raps vigorously on his Louis Vuitton rhyme book as he mentions on the freeing Amen. Logic stated in an interview with Nick Huff Barili of Hard Knock TV, that No Pressure essentially came to fruition out of his essential love for hip-hop no longer being intact, before coming to the conclusion of ending his career and delivering a final project in the form of which he came into the game with, a project he would give his every ounce of love for hip-hop to, to showcase pure hip-hop built on a foundation of bars and verses made up of the emcee’s best abilities. With executive production from No I.D, No Pressure achieves this and sees Logic set the record straight in his place among hip-hop. In retrospect, while the time apart might have been difficult, I believe both Logic and fans of Logic in the long run reached a perfect ending of a prominent and inspiring career. No Pressure serves as a celebrated accumulation and reflection of the inspiring emcees’ hip-hop career, the final chapter that gives the fan closure and comprehension for his farewell. Logic is now free of pressure and has found happiness by obtaining the greatest blessing in life, family. Thank you for delivering us this classic, and the best of wishes on your future endeavor Bobby. Final rating: 10
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sireneia · 5 years
it’s 2/20 and thus nino day! i wrote a heroes verse fic related to her to celebrate, raigh’s pov, and i’ve put it under the cut! 
   All worlds collide here. Time is merely a suggestion, beams of light and rainbow-colored orbs reuniting families just as easily as they separate them. Chad had told you Marquess Hector had died in Araphen, yet here he is, youth returned to him with more than just a clean shave — and his daughter will learn to know him once more.
Askr takes back those who are dead. It doesn't stop with the Marquess; ghosts from the World of Holy War suddenly gain form, painfully aware of the limits of their existence as bound to the Order. Their children, the people who have carried on their light, begin to know them for the first time.
Breidablik does not just make friends; it reverses the fates of orphans. You yourself are one, you've almost always known yourself as one. You don't need an orphanage over your head to call yourself one.
“Oh, I don't know. Maybe one day you'll get to meet your parents too!” the princess suggests. It's not out of the realm of possibility so long as your parents were special enough for Breidablik to brand them heroes.
But you can't say you know what you would do if you met them. You can't say that you even want this. The darkness that seeps into you from the pages of your tomes beckons you to be alone, to trust no one but what you see, what you can make of the world yourself. You don't need your parents. You've made it this far without them. “Being presumptuous, are we? Assuming my old man was anything worth talking about.”
Sharena's face falls. You think back to the pendant hidden underneath your robes, and you idly wonder if it's the male twin or the female twin in the faded family portrait that helped bring you into this world.
You decide to stop thinking about it.
   Fate does not allow your pause from genealogy considerations to last forever. What a shame, you think. What a pain, it quickly turns into.
Nino. Pious Mage. A kindhearted member of the Black Fang assassins. Longed to help her mother. Comes from the World of Blazing.
Your world. Lugh's eyes. Your hair color. The right time period. She's been standing there this whole time in the Order, but you move past her always. A brushing in the hallways. A quick escape.
“Eep! I'm so sorry! I didn't hurt you, did—”
“I've got places to be.”
“Oh, right. Of course. I'm really sorry then for dist—”
“I don't care.”
Today runs the same. Sharena apologizes for your attitude, comes to your defense, but you walk faster away. When you're at the end of the hall, you call after her.
“Hey! Keep sticking around and see whether or not I leave you behind.” You wouldn't. You say it though to get her to stop talking. She can babble your ear off, but you don't need her to speak to Nino all about you.
“I'll be right there, Raigh!” she calls back. Yet still, right before she jogs to catch up to you, she turns one last time to the other girl and says in a quieter voice,  “And don't forget what I told you!”
   Nino tries to talk to you more often. You suspect it's Sharena's doing or at least the seeds have been sown since last campaign. You catch the princess saying less, looking more ever since that encounter with her father. The sunshine has been robbed from her.
What was the good in wishing for parents when they just did things like that to you? You grit your teeth thinking of it, but you have never been a good one for comfort.
If someone really wanted to be cheered up and wanted to see your face doing it, they'd be better off going to Lugh... especially now that he was here.
“Hey, Raigh. You don't think...?” he asks you one day between tarts. You follow his line of sight and see Nino off in the distance, trying to manage her pegasus.
It looks like he's caught onto the same thing you have. You think again of Sharena and what seeing her father has done to her, and you resolve to put an end to this.
“Don't be foolish. You really think I got my dark magic from THAT girl?”
She doesn't have a lick of darkness in her body. You pretend like you don't sense anything, because it's better to not. Besides that, you've been too nosy not to look. In Askr's library, there are tomes of infinite knowledge spanning all different worlds.
Nino. She was married after the conflict and gifted with twin boys. Their time in Pherae was happy until bounty hunters came. She has vanished since.
Father Lucius had told Lugh and you that your parents had died when you were four. Father Lucius had said it like a fact.
You don't understand why he would hide the truth, but more importantly, you don't want to believe he would lie to you.
   The jig is up. She's seen your pendant. You can't believe you had let it happen. The cord it was connected to has seen many years, so of course it would snap eventually, but did it have to happen now?
Nino looks at it, and then she exclaims the last thing you wanted to hear:  “ Oh! I have a pendant just like that one! Here, lemme show you. ”
She's reaching for it under her blouse, and your hand reaches out to stop her wrist before she can pull the necklace out. This has been the first time you have reached for her.
It has, that is, if you simply ignore the first four years of your life.
“Raigh...? ”
You don't say anything.
“Hey, Raigh. I'd really like to...”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!!”  you yell. Your grip grows stronger, unable to stand another movement. If you see the portrait inside it, you're sure you'll see exactly what you're dreading. You can't believe she hasn't caught on, but to her credit, she hasn't seen the picture in yours yet.
You can't look her in the eyes. You'll just see them and see Lugh. So instead you stare at her wrist. You stare as if you could burn a hole in it.
And then you struggle to make out the shapes at all. Damn it. You're crying. You're bawling like the baby you haven't been in years. And the one person who had to see it was Nino.
Still, despite your outburst, Nino doesn't try and pry herself from you. No, you instead feel her hand at your back and she draws you in, closer, close enough to feel the warmth of another human being. She encircles her arm around you, just like the day she had left you at that orphanage in Araphen. You feel it, and the crying won't stop.
“Shh... it's okay. I'm here for you, Raigh.”
You bury your face in her shoulder and let go of her wrist at last. She takes this chance to fully embrace you now, one hand on your back, one nestled into your green locks. You feel her patting your back rhythmically, and your tears gush forward more.
You've found her. You've found your mother, and you realize a little part of you has always yearned for her even if you have tried to deny it every step of the way.
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smallvxlle · 4 years
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@inalienablerights​ asked :  ‘ you can’t leave me here alone ! ‘
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               “AH, SUNBEAM, IT’S just for a day or two,” he promised. Flashing a winning smile, Clark leaned in conspiratorially. “Even less than that, considering I’ll be off-planet and not where days even happen.” 
He hated leaving Kara, leaving the Earth, leaving all of them. When being Superman had begun to mean being Superman for everyone under the celestial umbrella, he’d come to accept that there were times when his heart would have to stay on Earth while he traveled on without it. And there was his heart, standing right in front of him, asking him not to go. Breaking. 
“Listen, I’m gonna come back as soon as I can, but I have to go. If this was a problem that could be taken care of without me, I swear, I wouldn’t even dream of going.”
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Refuge what make you Buddha student
An Essential Instruction on Refuge and Bodhicitta
by Patrul Rinpoche
In the Buddha, the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly I take refuge until I attain enlightenment. Through the merit of practising generosity and so on, May I attain buddhahood for the benefit of all beings.
Here I shall explain taking refuge, which is the foundation of the path to liberation, the basis of all vows, the source of all enlightened qualities and the point of differentiation between buddhists and non-buddhists, together with generating the mind of bodhicitta, which is the foundation for accomplishing the level of complete enlightenment and the source of all that is positive in existence and peace.
1. Taking Refuge
This has three sections: (i) the objects in which we take refuge, (ii) the duration of refuge and (iii) the actual practice of taking refuge.
i. The Objects of Refuge
There are three objects: the perfect Buddha who is the unsurpassable teacher, the sacred Dharma which is the unsurpassable protection and the supreme assembly of the noble sangha, who are the unsurpassable guides.
The Buddha is the one endowed with the four kāyas and five wisdoms.
The four kāyas are:
The svābhāvikakāya, which is the nature of phenomenal reality devoid of any obscurations.
The dharmakāya, which is the unceasing aspect of wisdom.
The sambhogakāya, which is the self-appearing rūpakāya adorned with major and minor marks.
The nirmāṇakāya, which appears in order to tame disciples who are to be tamed.
The five wisdoms are:
The wisdom of dharmadhātu, which is the inherent purity of absolute space.
The mirror-like wisdom, which is wisdom’s unceasing clarity aspect.
The equalizing wisdom, which is the absence of attachment and aversion towards anyone or anything, near or far.
The wisdom of discernment, which knows objects without confusing or conflating them.
The all-accomplishing wisdom, which effortlessly brings about the welfare of others.
The Dharma is identified as scripture and realization.
The Dharma of scripture consists of the three collections (piṭakas):
The Vinaya collection, which tames ('dul ba) the disturbing emotions in one’s mindstream.
The Sūtra collection of summarizing (mdo) texts in which points are arranged in categories.
The Abhidharma collection for generating the wisdom that clearly (mngon par) realizes the way things are.
The Dharma of realization is the threefold higher training:
The training in higher discipline, which is the subject matter of the vinaya collection.
The training in higher meditation, which is the subject matter of the sūtra collection.
The training in higher wisdom, which is the subject matter of the abhidharma collection.
The two truths [of cessation and the path] come from taking these three trainings into one’s experience, as abandonment and realization develop on the five paths and ten bhūmis. The truth of cessation is the perfect abandonment and the truth of the path is the perfect realization.
The sangha is the irreversible sangha of bodhisattvas. These are the bodhisattvas on the ten bhūmis, who can not revert to saṃsāra, because they have realized emptiness directly through their wisdom, and who do not fall into the extreme of quiescence, because in their compassion they care for beings with the love of a mother for her only child.
ii. The Duration of Taking Refuge
The verse says “…until I attain enlightenment.” In this context, the mahāyāna level of taking refuge is distinguished by three features.
Difference in terms of Objects
The followers of the hīnayāna take as their refuge the supreme nirmāṇakāya Śākyamuni, who is “The Buddha, the supreme of all humans (literally ‘those on two legs’).” They do not accept the dharmakāya and sambhogakāya, and they believe that even the nirmāṇakāya stops benefitting beings once it has passed beyond this world. They believe that the Dharma jewel refers only to the state of nirvāṇa, which is the truth of cessation. They refer to this as “peace and supreme freedom from passions.” For them, the “sangha, which is the supreme of all assemblies” consists of the noble śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, the stream-enterers, once-returners, non-returners and arhats.
In the mahāyāna, on the other hand, it is as I have explained above.
Difference in terms of Duration
The followers of the hīnayāna take refuge temporarily for as long as they live, and ultimately until they attain their own particular fruition.
Difference in terms of Attitude
The followers of the hīnayāna take refuge with an attitude of renunciation, wishing to find freedom from all the sufferings of saṃsāra for themselves alone. The followers of the mahāyāna take refuge with bodhicitta, in the wish that all sentient beings might attain buddhahood.
iii. The Actual Practice of Taking Refuge
When taking refuge with the words “I take refuge…” and so on, consider that in every atom appear buddhas as numerous as all the atoms in existence, each surrounded by an assembly of their bodhisattva heirs, reaching to the very limits of phenomenal reality. Consider that the enlightened minds of all these victorious buddhas and their bodhisattva sons and daughters are filled with the sacred Dharma of scripture and realization, and they all remain before you as great leaders, ready to care for and guide you and all sentient beings with their vast qualities of wisdom, love and power. As you remain before them, together with all other sentient beings, all clasping your palms together, you think the following, “From this moment on, until the essence of enlightenment is reached, we rely on you, Three Jewels, as our objects of refuge. We make offerings to you. You are our only practice. We have no other refuge or hope but you.” Then with total trust and heartfelt conviction, take refuge.
The Precepts of Taking Refuge
In this, there are six specific precepts and five general ones.
Six Specific Precepts
In the specific precepts, there are three things to avoid and three things to do.
Three Things to Avoid
Having taken refuge in the Buddha, you should not worship any gods who are still bound within the cycle of saṃsāra.
Having taken refuge in the Dharma, you should not inflict harm upon any sentient being.
Having taken refuge in the Saṅgha, you should not associate with friends who hold extreme views.
Three Things to Do
Practise according to the words of the Buddha and then, without forgetting them, generate faith and devotion. Show respect even for broken fragments of statues and images of the Buddha.
Exert yourself in studying, reflecting and meditating on the sacred Dharma. Show respect even for torn scriptures that represent the Dharma.
Respect the saṅgha who are followers of the Buddha, associate with virtuous friends, and treat even tiny pieces of yellow cloth as objects worthy of reverence.
Five General Precepts
Do not forsake the Three Jewels, even at the cost of your life.
Even in important ventures, do not seek other methods.
Do not interrupt your regular practice.
Encourage yourself and others to take refuge.
Pay homage to the buddha of whichever direction you travel.
2. Generating Bodhicitta
Generally there are said to be two levels to bodhicitta, the relative and the ultimate. Relative bodhicitta is the mind that is intent upon attaining perfect enlightenment for the sake of others, and ultimate bodhicitta is the wisdom that directly realizes emptiness.
Relative bodhicitta itself can be further divided into aspirational bodhicitta, which is like the wish to go somewhere, and the bodhicitta of application, which is like actually making the journey. In both cases, bodhicitta is generated through formal practice, and so it is known as ‘coarse bodhicitta arising from signs’.
Ultimate bodhicitta only arises through the power of meditating on the path, and is therefore known as ‘subtle bodhicitta, which is gained through reality itself’.
Relative bodhicitta has two points or aspects: compassion, which is focused on sentient beings, and wisdom, which is directed towards perfect enlightenment. If either of these two aspects is lacking, then it will not be the bodhicitta of the Mahāyāna, so it is important that they are both complete.
Here in the present context, the generation of aspirational bodhicitta alone has two aspects: focusing on merit which is the cause and aspiring towards perfect enlightenment which is the result.
The first of these is covered in the phrase “practising generosity and so on.” When all sources of virtue are categorized, they may be included within what are called ‘the three bases for creating merit’. These are the creation of merit through generosity, the creation of merit through discipline and the creation of merit through meditation. When we relate these to the six pāramitās, the first two relate to the pāramitās of the same name, and the creation of merit through meditation relates to patience, concentration and wisdom. Diligence assists them all.
These six pāramitās are also based on specific states of mind:
Generosity is an attitude of giving.
Discipline is an attitude of renunciation.
Patience is an attitude of imperturbability.
Diligence is an attitude of enthusiasm.
Concentration is non-distraction.
Wisdom is the precise discernment of phenomena.
The second aspect of aspiring towards the result of perfect enlightenment is covered in the phrase, “May I attain buddhahood for the benefit of all beings.” This is the actual bodhicitta endowed with the two points or aspects. “For the benefit of all beings” is the thought of who we are practising for, and is focusing on sentient beings with compassion. “May I attain buddhahood” is longing for what we are practising towards, and is wisdom directed towards complete enlightenment. It is therefore the aspirational bodhicitta, which is to think, “Through all these sources of virtue of mine, may I attain buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings who are as infinite as space!”
The Precepts of Aspirational Bodhicitta
In addition, there are the five precepts of aspirational bodhicitta, which are as follows:
Never giving up on sentient beings.
Continually reflecting on the benefits of bodhicitta.
Exerting yourself in the methods for accumulating merit and wisdom.
Applying yourself to the training in bodhicitta.
Adopting and abandoning the eight wholesome and unwholesome dharmas.
Giving up on just a single sentient being causes you to lose your bodhicitta of aspiration completely, so develop a wish to benefit all beings.
Reflecting on its benefits causes you to develop enthusiasm and apply yourself to arousing bodhicitta, so reflect continually on the benefits to be gained from the generation of bodhicitta.
Gathering the accumulations increases the strength of your bodhicitta, so accumulate merit and wisdom in various ways, such as the seven branch practice.
The training in bodhicitta has three elements:
training in the cause by meditating on the four immeasurables,
the actual training, which is to practise taking the vow of bodhicitta three times during the day and three times at night,
and the training in the precepts, the meditations on equalizing and exchanging yourself and others, and consider others as more important than yourself.
The four immeasurables are as follows:
Love, which is the wish that all beings who are unhappy may find happiness.
Compassion, which is the wish that all who are suffering may be freed from suffering.
Sympathetic joy, which is the wish that those who are happy and free from suffering may never be separated from their happiness.
Equanimity, which is the wish that those who feel attachment and aversion towards anyone, close or distant, may pacify their attachment and aversion.
The actual training in bodhicitta is to take the vow of bodhicitta by means of any formal practice—whether elaborate, medium or short—at the six times of the day and night, i.e., at dawn, mid-morning, midday, afternoon, dusk and midnight.
‘Equalizing self and others’ means recognizing the equality of yourself and others in wishing to find happiness and wishing to avoid suffering.
‘Exchanging self and others’ means giving your own happiness to other sentient beings, and taking their suffering upon yourself.
‘Considering others as more important than yourself’ means setting aside your own benefit and accomplishing the benefit of others.
The eight wholesome and unwholesome dharmas consist of four wholesome dharmas to be adopted and four unwholesome dharmas to be abandoned.
The four unwholesome dharmas are as follows:
Deceiving anyone worthy of veneration.
Feeling misplaced regret.
Abusing a holy person.
Cheating others.
The four wholesome dharmas are as follows:
Being careful never to lie, even at the cost of your life.
Setting everyone on the path to enlightenment.
Showing similar respect to bodhisattvas as you would to the Buddha.
Being honest to all beings.
If you apply yourself to these practices, then you will never forget the mind of bodhicitta in all your future lives, and all the qualities of the bhūmis and paths will develop and increase like the waxing moon.
| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2004.
Namo GuruBhe Namo Buddhaya Namo Dharmaya Namo Sanghaya,
Taking refuge is realizing that our life is suffering, today some of us take refuge like we get batasie in church for luck what is wrong.
The real meaning of refuge is we understood the four noble truth, meaning that we had hard look to ourselves our life and others that yes life is suffering.
After understood this we saw that yes life is impermanent that body, that wealth , all of that well is there now but for how long ? Do we know what is our expiration date is ?
Third not the least well we see that we suffer we are here in time limits maybe time to give some real meaning to our life !
To my personal experience I took refuge many times, with many different Lamas till found Garchen Rinpoche who I took refuge two times with him so much I comit myself to free myself and other from samsara.
Taking Refuge is the start of the path we not just tsking refuge with a Lama, we take refuge with a lineage who liberated beings for centuries.
From my personal experience been Kagyu for long time from karma to Drikung because teachings of Drikung kagyu resonates better with me. That also what one needs to reflect when one take refuge, do the teacher resonates with me or not, do the teachings resonates with me or not.
Garchen Rinpoche and I share the same devotion for Lama Milarepa, same view on lot if things and yes some views I had for long time some I learned from him. That the power of refuge we commit on understood our world is suffering and we commit like the Buddha did to free ourselves from samsara and we understand that Maya illusion and disillusion are great.
One of my teacher say samsara show you a rose garden, but forgot to tell you all the torns on it, meaning we go for finding love in relationships for example forgetting that yes love is sweet but arguments are soar, or we aim for career well yes reputation good till someone decides to put your reputation to pieces.
All of that are the wake up call of samsara some stay a sleep forever some decides to awaken no matter what .
Now is your turn
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