#ignore my pjs I got a sudden idea
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writersdare · 1 year
Two Gummy Worms | Luke Hemmings
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Luke was determined to take Y/N on a night drive. Some things, though, didn't want to go according to his perfect plan.
Warning: friends to lovers, fluff, mentioning of food
Word Count: 1 503
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: Honestly I enjoyed writing it so much, it gave me some sense of comfort, and I really hope you'll feel it as well once you read it ♡ Also, yes, I am obsessed with Luke's blue eyes, you can't take it from me...
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A calm evening was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Y/N lazily got up from a couch and wandered into the hall, feeling tiredness with her whole body. Someone celebrated Fridays with friends in local bars, Y/N, though, preferred to spent it quietly that time. Watching a silly show on Netflix, she’s been wrapping herself up in an old blanket, which was given by her friend Luke few years ago. Maybe – only maybe – it was fair to correct that the poor blanket was actually stolen from him, however, in Y/N’s defence, Luke didn’t use it much anyway, so the girl only borrowed something he never needed. 
Possibly, the stolen blanket made the guy to come over uninvited; in any case, once Y/N opened the door, she saw the friend on the threshold of her apartment.
“Let’s go,” without a proper greeting, Luke grabbed Y/N’s hand and dragged her out of the house.
“Where?” the girl stumbled, trying her best to stay where she was. Y/N was in her PJs, the hair was carelessly tide up in something close to a ponytail — the look that simply screamed “I’m staying in today”.
“For a drive. I’ll bring you back in few hours,” he promised, sounding both calm and determined.
“I warned you hours ago that I’m not going!” Y/N outraged, ignoring the fact that her friend drove all the way out there. The girl made it clear in her message that even though his adventitious idea sounded nice, she simply did not have any powers left for the trip. The tiredness was the size of the passing week, which fell on her shoulders sharply once Y/N entered home that evening.  
“It’s just few hours!” he whined and suddenly lifted the friend from the ground to bring her to the car himself. It was almost ten o’clock in the evening, and Y/N was getting cold. 
“Gosh, wait! Let me get changed at least,” the girl rolled the eyes, smiling a bit and still trying to set herself free. 
“Five minutes,” Luke warned, and once he put her on the ground, Y/N hurried up inside. She hoped to shut the door in his face, however, the guy foresaw it well, so he managed to slip through the door quicker. A wide smile appeared on his face. 
Even though the whole idea of going somewhere so late didn’t really excite Y/N, once she was in the car, checking all the snacks Luke bought them for the little trip, the girl thought that, perhaps, it was a nice distraction from her exhaustion for an hour or so. 
“You didn’t need to change, you looked pretty earlier, too,” Luke spoke up, glancing at Y/N who was chewing gummy worms and time to time placing few in his mouth as well.  
“That’s sudden,” the girl chuckled, trying to ignore a quick shutter of her heart. The girl fancied her friend for quite some time, but it was not as scary as dangerous to reveal her feelings. Y/N didn’t want to ruin their friendship. “Be honest, you just wanted me to get sick. I was freezing cold, by the way!”
“Well, if you didn’t hesitate for so long, you would be in the car a while ago, enjoying my company and food.”
“Thank you for mentioning food, I’d put it on the first place, though,” Y/N laughed shortly, looking at the window. Even though it was late, the lights were illuminating the road, and quite soon she started to see untouched fields, passing by. “Also, I wasn’t hesitant, I told you right away I wasn’t going.”
“Here you are with an urge to reply on everything,” Luke rolled his eyes jokingly and glanced at Y/N again. He liked how cozy and comfortable she looked at that moment. It was actually rather precious to know that a person he cared about so much trusted him, fully.
“You are the same,” the girl reminded and, giggling, put another gummy worm, a blue one, in his mouth. “Suits your eyes.”
The musician chuckled, barely being able to chew the marmalade.
“A worm?”
“Yeah,” Y/N laughed back and smiled vividly. “I like your eyes,” she mumbled and looked away, feeling too overwhelmed. If only he could be hers, and she could be his…
“So, we have a problem,” Luke announced, when about thirty minutes were left from the final destination. The guy was planning to show Y/N a sunflower field, but GPS suddenly stopped working properly. However, the guy was sure he remembered the way there so didn’t worry too much. Until…
Y/N turned her head towards a friend and frowned a little.
“Are you going to keep holding the dramatic pause or will just tell me?” she smiled, though, not even thinking there could be something serious.  
“Yeah, well,” Luke hesitated and glanced at a dashboard of the car. He still couldn’t believe what he saw. “Apparently, I forgot to refuel and noticed only now…”
“You are joking,” Y/N raised up in a seat to check it herself. “How could you forget?”
“I don’t know!” Luke outraged, slowing down the speed of the car. “I was in a hurry cause I wanted to make a good surprise for you!”
“Well, it is a good surprise after all, Luke!” Y/N giggled, not being mad for some reason. “Let me find the closest gas station,” she mumbled and opened her phone to check a map. The girl didn’t hear how her friend mumbled quietly “go for it”, as he already knew that GPS stopped working twenty minutes ago.
“Okay, so… we’re in the middle of nowhere,” she announced dramatically, zooming in and out on the map. “It doesn’t work. How much gas is left? Maybe we should go back,” Y/N sighed, once Luke stopped the car on the side of the road. He was upset. “Hey, that’s alright,” the girl smiled and unfastened her seat belt to sit sideways to the windshield, facing the musician. The girl gently placed her palms on his cheeks and nodded. “I’m not mad, it’s still a fun trip. After all, it wouldn’t be us if it didn’t end up like this, don’t you think?” she chuckled kindly.
Luke hurried up to cover her palms with his, being scared she’d break the touch too soon.
“We still can stay here for some time? Before going back?” he suggested carefully.
Y/N nodded, feeling the pulsation of her heartbeat almost in a throat. If only she could kiss him, and he could kiss her…
“Y/N,” Luke spoke up, and the voice was hoarse. 
“I… I guess there is something I needed to tell you,” he started, immediately regretting it, though. How was he supposed to tell her that? Was it a bad timing? It probably was. There was no where to go, and if… if Y/N didn’t feel the same way it’d be hell awkward. He really didn’t think it through…
“You need to tell me something else? I thought we’re done with surprises,” she giggled, fooling around a bit, as Y/N could see how anxious Luke started to look all of a sudden.
“Oh, no, that’s the main surprise, I guess,” the guy chuckled and looked down only for a moment. The fear took him over, though, and he rested his palms on the knees, so Y/N pulled away from him. “No, actually, forget about it.”
Luke looked up at the friend, being surprised.
“What do you mean “no"?…”
“That’s exactly what I mean. I waited for too long to allow you to step back once again,” Y/N shook her head, getting annoyed. Why was he so uncertain sometimes? She was sitting there, next to him, worrying that her heart would break the chest, and he couldn’t say few simple words?… “Would you finally acknowledge my feelings for you if I kiss you right now? You’re so bad at taking hints! How can you keep doubting if I feel the same way you do?”
“How do you– How do you know?…” Luke mumbled, staring at Y/N. The guy couldn’t hide his terror. So she knew? All that time?!
“Honestly, it seems like it’s only you who is blind here,” the girl smiled sadly and looked down, feeling ridiculous.
Another second, though, she felt Luke’s hand on the chin. He carefully lifted her face so the girl could look at him before he covered Y/N’s lips with his. The kiss was tender and gentle, slowly changing into a more passionate one. They both just couldn’t believe it took them that long to confess. And honestly, who knew how long it’d have still taken if Y/N had kept silence. 
“I’ll make it up to you,” he whispered, touching her forehead with his.
“You already did,” the girl whispered back and, smiling, pressed the lips against his in another kiss.
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl, @yukichan67
– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner – saw them here @calmfolklore & @kaleidoscopeminds –
Moodboard ♡
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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alisinyobooty · 6 months
First Date
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Pairing: y/n and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: y/n and chris go on a dream first date after dating for a little while now
Warnings: none
Word Count: 805
Me and Chris have been together for a while now, but we’ve never been on a real date. We are always with people and when we aren’t with people it's not ever really a date more like a hangout.
Sometimes Chris, Nick, Matt, and me enjoy watching whatever video they had filmed that week together in the living room. This week they made a video with Larray and the topic of a first date had been brought up by none other than Chris. “I wanna go to Top Golf,” Chris says referring to where he would like to go on a first date. “You wanna hit balls with your girl?” Arrington replies. “Yeah, and get like the big donut holes and fill them up with the jelly” “I love big donut holes” Larray buts in. Laughter comes from both the TV and the living room. “You bringing that up was so random though” Nick gets out in between laughs. “Well, the only reason I said it was because I had noticed me and y/n have never been on a first date” Chris turns to look at me. “Oh yeah you’re right we never have,” I said in a way that made it seem like I had no idea.  “You know what. That's gonna change.” my eyes widened in slight shock from this statement. “Why's that?” I respond. “You’ll see tomorrow. Be ready by 6 in a nice outfit but make sure it's comfy” Chris says smiling from ear to ear. My cheeks reddened a bit. We all continued watching the video but I barely focused on it due to the fact all that was on my mind was what me and Chris’s day would be like tomorrow. I woke up earlier than usual the next morning filled with excitement. I pulled out a cute top and matching pants. Later my phone buzzed, Chris was here. I bolt down to see the familiar vehicle pull up. I get in the car, and I am greeted by not only Chris but also Matt. “You seem shocked to see me. Remember he can't drive”. “Oh yeah,” I say with a giggle. Eventually, we make it to Top Golf. “You kids have fun!” Matt jokes before driving off. Me and Chris walk into the place and do what we have to do. This was my first-time golfing, so Chris had to teach me. Every word he told me went one ear out the other, so he had to hold me. He hugged around me trying to show me how to pose and how to hit the ball. I got the hang of it pretty quickly. We spent hours upon hours “hitting balls”. I even got a big donut hole just like Chris had mentioned in the video. We ate some food too. Sadly, Matt came back meaning we had to go. “How did you kids like it” Matt still joking. Chris just ignored him. “It was really fun i loved it”.  Chris hid his smile. “Well, right now we are on our way to Target because I have to get a few things and it'll be easier instead of making a million stops.” “ok,” me and Chris said in sync. Once we entered Target Matt was gone. That kid seemed to be on a mission. Me and Chris tried to keep up and while on our mini chase, we passed the pajama aisle. A gasp came from Chris and before I knew it, he was dragging me into the aisle. “Chris what are we doing here?” no reply. “Chris?” The boy was too focused on digging through the many clothing racks. “CHRI-” My yell is stopped by his sudden movements of pulling out two matching pj sets. A smile plastered on his face. “How about we have a sleepover”. Before I can even think we are running around Target looking for snacks and baking supplies. We check out and call Matt. “Bookie where are you,” Chris says in a funny high-pitched voice. “In the car waiting for you two to finish your lap around” “oh shit you saw us?” Chris's voice returning back to normal. “Yes. Now hurry up i ain't got all day”. The two of us get in the car out of breath from sprinting. Once we are at the triplets' place me and Chris get changed into our new clothes. The rest of the night is spent with us baking cookies, watching movies, laughter and cuddling. I check my phone and the time is plastered in my face 3:30 AM. “wow it got really late so fast. How many movies did we watch?” no answer. I look over and Chris is knocked out. “Welp guess that's my cue to sleep too,” I say to myself. Shutting the movie off, placing all our food somewhere else, and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “This was the best first date ever”. 
I literally can't write fluff . this is my first time writing it soo.😭😭 (if you want to send feedback feel free to!)
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rreskk · 1 year
Curiosity killed the pussy
Summary: Inspired by one of my first ever fanfics (and most popular), voicemail. This is a... Second? Part? Maybe? I don't really know, but it's a oneshot based on a different interpretation from the first fanfic. Instead of ignoring Trevor's calls, the reader answers (during the dead of night) and you can already tell what this means.
TW: -Smut
Word count: 1813
Pairings: Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
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“Hello?” You had answered, eyes barely opening as you were awoken at 1am by the sound of your phone-call. It was silly really… You didn’t even bother to look at the contact ID.
“Hey, sugar,” A familiar, husky voice radiated from the speaker, “Whatcha doin’ awake at this time? Don’t you have your beauty sleep?”
It was Trevor – his smirk being heard from over the line with how smug and freakish he was – and he didn’t seem sympathetic to wake you. Not at all.
“Trev, it’s 1am…”
“I can read the time, darling.”
“What do you need?” You sat up from your bed, holding the phone close to your ear.
“I’ve been thinkin’ about you a lot. I miss you.” He purred.
It should be too early to feel sudden butterflies in your tummy as he’d continue pestering your half-awake presence, yet it didn’t stop him. You could feel his eyes ogling your profile picture with a toothy, predatory grin. He was easy to predict (in that sense anyway).
“I wanted to speak to you. I couldn’t miss the opportunity.” His whispers growing more seductive and slurred. The deepness, the harshness; it enlightened your ears.
“It’s so late, Trevor.”
“But it ain’t too late to see my precious girl, hm? I’ve been craving for these calls, baby. Remind me; whatever happened to our late nights together?”
There was ignorance like he was planning on escorting this conversation into what he wants. You sensed the manipulation from the long-distant line.
“You had gotten busy in Los Santos,” You turned on the lamp on the night-stand, “It’s only been two weeks.”
“Two weeks?”
“I believe so.”
“Jesus… C’mon, [y/n], that’s been too long, right? I don’t wanna lose our streak.” He softly whined.
“From what I remember, you failed to return my calls. Sooo… You may be talking to yourself.”
“Don’t be bitter with me.”
“I’m not being bitter, I’m just being honest.”
“Your honesty is turning me on. Real bad.”
“Everything turns you o – “
“Incorrect, [y/n]. Everything you do, that turns me on.” He’d snicker.
You rolled your eyes but he seemed to have felt your spitefulness from the phone. There was a heavy rustle from his line. He was clearly shuffling around. There was no wind turbulence nor background voices. It was just him and echoes of what seems to be bedsheets.
“What are you doing?” You asked, hiding back a grin.
The distant sound of his giggles was audible and soon, he returned to his phone.
“What? Missing me already?”
“Noooo,” Maybe you sounded too defensive there, “I was just wondering. There was lots of rustling. Sounded like you were crawling through some bubble wrap.”
“I was gettin’ comfy, princess. Why? Can’t a guy use his own bed?” Trevor playfully huffed.
“Alright, alright. I was just curious, that’s all.”
“Curiosity kills the cat.”
“Does it now?” You smiled.
“Is it not mischievous of me to be curious about the background noises?”
“Oh, it’s very mischievous… And deviant. You wanna know what I’m doin’. ‘Cause I know you got a damn good idea…”
“Why might I get in trouble for wanting to know?”
He chuckled lowly, “Immoral, my girl. It’s partially unacceptable to drive a man’s arousal when you aren’t around. It’s painful…”
“Poor baby…”
“What are you wearing, [y/n]?”
You bite your lip and glance down at your loose PJs that were creased and barely stable over your frame. Without knowing of the future circumstances, you went to be bed with no intensions of covering up properly.
“Mm… Just a T-shirt…”
“No bra?”
“No bra.” You confirmed.
Trevor exhaled sharply, the shakiness being heard through the phone-call. What came next was a cruel growl as he seemed to be holding back an itchy urge to moan.
“Fuck… No panties, babe?”
“M’no. Just a T-shirt.”
“Send picture.” He almost urgently demanded.
You subtly murmured in response, “I’ll call back.”
After he hung up, you lifted up your shirt to expose your free breasts and took a Birdseye picture. It was dark, but your lamp helped light up the curves and shades of your figure. Especially your tits.
You took a few seconds to admire the beauty of your picture. You weren’t exactly confident before you met him, but ever since your life had (unwillingly) tangled with his, he had left you completely sure of your own body. Trevor gave you the body worship to leave you happy and proud of your own skin. He loves every inch of you… So you know he’ll drool over this picture, even if it’s low-quality and dark.
You sent an attachment picture of your nudes and saw the status turn from “delivered” to “read.” There was a few seconds to spare. Them seconds took minutes, hours, years, a lifetime. You’d chew on your lip and dreamily caress your breast with one hand. You pretended your hand was his big, scrawny ones – pretending he was there with you – yet the thought was rudely disturbed once that same caller ID phoned you, again.
“…” There was heavy breathing.
“Trevor?” Your voice broke with anticipation and desire.
“I need you.” He finally growled. There was a creepy musk to his pronunciation. He was in heat, the ugly mess inside him causing such a low, stiff pitch to his voice.
And it made you instantly wet; your core shrieking.
“Mmm, yeah…”
“Keep whimpering like that,” Trevor breathed, “I need you on me. I want you, now. Now, now.”
“You touching yourself, babe?”
You struggled to hold the phone since your hand, that was preoccupied with your breast, had unconsciously migrated to your pussy. A finger rotated and bashfully slandered your core opening. There was a loose grip, your body growing this natural instinct that he was there to fuck you (thanks to the many times he was there to heal your internal loneliness), so your pussy was free, open; missing some extra contact.
“Yes, yes.” You’d timidly whimper.
“Wanting me there with you?”
“Me too, [y/n], me too.” Trevor ached. His phone shuffled again and the product of this distraction grabbed your undeniable focus.
A coy, savage noise of his brutish hand was mangling the length of his penis, his skin burning due to the raw contact. It was a naked sound. Your line picked it up easily and your dirty mind had resorted to a fantasy.
“Fuck – “ You grunted and began to finger yourself harder. The thought of sucking him senselessly, the need of his flaming cock. You missed having that intense physical contact with him. You’d be damned if he’d spend more time down Los Santos. Without his touch, you had no business around Sandy Shores.
You’d just wait;
Masturbate alone,
Moan his name,
Call him,
Sext him,
Sleep alone,
Masturbate alone,
 “Oh, yes, yes!” Trevor outrageously cried, “Mmm, I can see you riding my dick hard, baby. Fuck… God, I miss you. I fuckin’ miss you… GOD!”
You had inserted two fingers now. They were replacing the yearning for his touch, and although it wasn’t enough, it was doing the job. You leaned your head back against the pillow and quietly moaned unattainable slurs of his name, the syllables falling pathetically from your tongue.
“[y/n], [y/n]! Oh, fuck, I love you!”
The mutual pining and alluring hunger between your pleasant whines, sheepish moans. Trevor continued to mount his dick as his ears were out hunting for your supressed groans. He tried to encourage you, but whenever he attempted to verbally execute his plans, they’d fall into piles of broken cries and ridiculous moans. He was loud after all. There was no denying the fact. His big mouth would grow even more whenever he’s around you, or your voice.  
“I want your cock, Trevor,” You were breathless and winded, “I need you so bad, baby… Oh God, I’m gonna – “
“Cum for me. Cum for me, baby. You better show me a fuckin’ picture after… FUCK!”
Trevor snarled and pushed the phone closer to his beaten cock, his hand jerking the last of his orgasm as he couldn’t help but squirm.
“Shit, I LOVE YOU!” He whimpered, his cock ejaculating the warm semen. He wished you were there to watch. He stared down at his orgasm with a glare before returning his attention to his phone. You were still moaning his name.
“Trevor, fuck, fuck!”
“Gimme that pussy, babe…”
“I’m gonna – GOD! I NEED YOU SO BAD!” You wailed.
“I can hear your cunt from here… Mmm, you fuckin’ slut. Faster, c’mon, do it for me.” Trevor sadistically giggled and continued to listen to the overwhelming stimulation behind your noises.
“I- I, Oh… Oh, God, Oh SHIT!”
 It felt like you were being torn apart. Your fingers were numb, the oozing white cum burning your flesh alive. The relief your stomach felt, the sweat coldly seeping from your pores at the temperature changes. You made a small shriek and grew silent. The phone felt from your vacant hand as it fell upon the mattress nearby.
He giggled from the speaker beside you – “Such a desperate whore… God, I miss you… C’mon, give me a picture, yeah?”
You nodded, even if he couldn’t see, and hung up to proceed with the picture. Your camera was exposed to your cum-wracked pussy, the surface red-hot and cum drooling from your pubes and entrance. It was a perfect mess. You’ve captured the perfect shot and immediately sent it to him.
As for before, it went from “delivered” to “seen” in seconds.
The three dots that would signal his response would start and pause, an irregular pattern that lasted for a few minutes. He was definitely losing it from his side of the screen. You could just tell.  
However, you received a picture back instead.
It took a few readjusted moments for the pixels to clear, and once it did, you quickly stopped your jaw from dropping. Trevor had sent a nude back. His cock, red and bruised, limby sat in his sticky hand. There was a pool of semen upon his small stomach pouch and his thighs, hairy and thick, had small scatters as well.
The caption from the picture included the phrase; ‘Came hard 4 u again… Ur pic hot ASF!’
You giggled and responded with a simple text.
‘I miss you’
He was quick to respond – ‘Miss me sm that u cum hardr when we togetha again’
Like a school girl, you smiled giddily at his message until another text came through.
‘Now get ur beauty sleep. Gonna call u in mrning. Luv u!’
His contact status soon turned offline and you threw your phone aside, unable to contain your enjoyment. Although you were still sticky and wet, the orgasm had knocked you completely. You advanced into your unconscious sleep momentarily.
The excitement of what tomorrow brings had made you dream good, and great.
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theundercoversquid · 2 years
Meeting the family
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x author reader!Reader
Request: writer reader x charles can you add the third chapter to the leclerc story, this time the reader can meet charles family. you’re amazing. thank you - @lilimgy
Paired with: I just read your story charles leclerc x writer reader and I just fell in love it was great I wonder if charles and his family talked about the relationship between the reader and charles, if he wanted to meet the pascale reader, if arthur was constantly hanging out with charles and lorenzo was wondering about this relationship, then charles would talk to the reader and then with aike if introduced. please please please please write. - @lyragarcia
Paired with:  Hello there. I hope you're good. Can you please continue author reader x Charles Leclerc? For example, the reader may move to Monaco, or learn about media relations, Charles may always want to read the reader's new novel, Charles may introduce the reader to his family. Please keep writing because it's so beautiful. - @miamedyu
A writer and formula one driver masterlist
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Charles' family was determined to meet you. They had heard so much about you from Charles, and they wanted to meet the person who had Charles wrapped so tightly around their fingers.
It had started with Charles constantly smiling down at his phone. Immediately shutting it off whenever someone got too close. Then it was him tentatively showing them a photo. A photo you didn't know existed. Your hair and eyes are wild as you sit hunched over your laptop in your PJs, trying to get the idea written down before it disappears.
It was either the second or third night that you had stayed over at Charles. And at about three o'clock in the morning, you woke up in a daze. Dashing to your computer to write down an idea that had come to you.
In your hast, you had managed to accidentally wake Charles. But instead of being angry at you, he had instead followed you in a sleepy haze. Interested to see what had gotten you so worked up. And he had been awarded with one of his favourite picture of you. A picture of you in your element doing what you loved
His mum had cooed at it. Saying how adorable you looked and how in love Charles must have been to follow you and take the photo.
Arthur and Lorenz, on the other hand, had teased him. Masking their interest as amusement. Taking the mickey out of Charles.
When Charles had immediately leapt to your defence, ignoring the fact that they were also making fun of him, they knew you were the one.
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"How do you feel about meeting my family, ma Cherie?" Charles spontaneously asked you. As you sat cuddled into his side.
Slightly startled by the sudden question, it took you a moment to process it. "I would love to meet your family." You smile at him. Flattered that he felt ready to take this next step with you.
"Perfect, Charles grind. "We are meeting them for  supper this evening."
"What?" You yell, lurching away from him.
"What's wrong, mon amour." Charles questions unsurely 
"Tonight?" you squawked out. "You want me to meet your family tonight!"
"Yes?" Charles questions. Unsure what the fuse was.
"You haven't given me enough warning!" You complain, bounding out of your seat and running to the bathroom for a shower.
Thankfully you end up getting ready in time. Charles watches as you run around getting ready. Trying to assure you that his family won't mind that you don't have any gifts for them.
You still aren't very impressed with Charles when you make it out the door.
When you make it to the restaurant, Charles accidentally reveals that he had booked this ages ago, which had been planned long in advance. You were just the last to know.
You hadn't been sitting for long before the rest of his family arrived. When Pascal spots you, she gives off a little squeal. Rushing forwards to wrap you up in a hug.
When she lets go, she gently grips onto your shoulders. "We have heard so many nice things about you." She tells you, a motherly smile on her face.
"And I you." You tell her shyly. Your checks warming under her gaze.
When Pascal releases you, you are greeted by Arthur and Lorenzo sizing you up. Slightly deflating under their gazes, you stick your hand out for them to shake. They both stare at it for half a second before Arthur grabs your hand, giving it a firm shake before letting you go and finding a seat. Lorenzo then does the same.
Turning to Charles, you look at him with terrified, pleading eyes. Unbeknownst to you. Charles has already kicked his brother under the table, and Pascal is warning them with her eyes.
Taking your seat beside Charles, your hand darts out. Grabbing his as you give it a tight squeeze. Charles squeezed back. Though not as tightly. Assuring you that you will be okay.
Taking a deep breath, you proper for what is to come. As though sensing your nerves, Pascal asked you a simple question. Sweeping you into a conversation. The further through which, the more you feel yourself relax.
"So, how did you and Charles meet?" Arthur suddenly asks.
"At a book signing." You tell his family. Who immediately look surprised at that. You guess that they weren't expecting something a bit more glamorous. Maybe in an F1 paddock or a nightclub. Not a cosy bookshop.
"Who was it?" Lorenzo asked this time.
"Me." You answer sheepishly. "Charles came to my book signing, and I met him there."
"Really?" Pascal asks, shocked. Suddenly she repeated your full name to you as if releasing something. "I'm a massive fan." She suddenly tells you. "I introduced Charles to your books." Laughing, she shakes her head. "I just hadn't thought that you would be the same person. I hadn't made the connection." 
"That's okay." You assure her. "I was so far out of context I never would have expected you to make the connection." Then you leave forwards. A conspirative tone comes across your face. "Which one is your favourite?" You ask her, a mischief glint in your eyes.
Pascal looks at you. A pondering look on her face. "I couldn’t tell you." She ends up admitting. "That's like being asked to pick a favourite child."
At that comment, all her sons immediately claim that it is them. Sending you and Pascal into a fit of laughter as the boys begin to bicker about who is the favourite. Pascal then turns to you. A soft accepting smile on her face. When you blink, the look is gone, and instead, Pascal launches into a discussion about your books. A debate that only a true fan could embark on.
And at that moment, you know that you fit in here. The sound of your boyfriend and his brother bickering in the background as you and his mum debate about books. You definitely weren't going anywhere any time soon.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
what i want | s. todoroki 
➳ tags ;; face-sitting, afab!reader, overstimulation, scent kink (?), smut, mdni 18+
➳ wc ;; 1.5k
➳ a/n ;; saw a tiktok + and read this shiggy drabble by @/saintdabi ‘s  and now this concept wont leave me alone in anyway.  literally wrote this like i was posessed... 
➳ plot ;; midoriya sends a certain link in the groupchat. todorki gets curious and clicks. suddenly he wants to try seomthing. 
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“Can we try something?” 
The question catches you off-guard. Not because it’s a weird and kind of vague question (which it is) but because of who’s asking. Todoroki rarely ever brings things up out of the blue. You’re trying to make dinner so you don’t really have a lot of time to think about why. You dry your wet-hands on the front of your apron, stirring the pot. 
You don’t bother to think twice when you reply to him. 
“What do you wanna try?” 
A silence falls. It’s just a beat too long, which isn’t uncommon for him but isn’t what you expect. You glance over your shoulder after salting the water, squinting. Todoroki almost mirrors you, reading something off his phone. He looks up at you after taking one last glance, as if to make sure he got it right. 
You almost fall over. 
He says it so nonchalantly, you’re almost sure you’re hearing things. You brace yourself on the counter and turn down the heat almost entirely, trying to ensure your house doesn’t go down in flames. You blink at him owlishly. 
“Sorry.. can you repeat that?” 
He looks confused. He was sure he said it correctly. He blinks a few times, glances at his phone again as he tilts his head to one side. 
You think you’ve gone mad but he looks at you like you’re the one who’s lost it. Your skin grows beyond hot underneath your clothes - a vague emotion of arousal rolling through you. With your mouth agape, you decide that there’s no way you could continue with dinner so you turn it off and stare at him. Nervously, you cross your arms over your chest. 
“.. Where did you..?” 
Todoroki, stoic as ever, shrugs. He looks down at his phone and this time, you can hear the constant buzzing. 
“Midoriya sent a link into the chat on accident. I clicked it,” ― he says, and then seemingly decides this needs absolutely no more explaining than that ― “It looked interesting,” 
You stare at him. 
“Were you... watching porn while I made dinner?” 
He nods. You think you might lose your mind at this rate but you press forward anyways, eyes looking down at his pants. He’s as soft as can be, you’d know. 
“You’re not hard..?” 
He nods, again. Looks at you confused like he has some reason to be. 
“I only get hard with you,” 
You inhale a sharp breath. You think this man might kill you some day, but you’d probably let it happen. Shaking your head, you lean against the counter. With a smile of sympathy, you decide to be straightforward with it. 
“..I’m pretty sure I’d crush you baby,” 
Without missing a single beat, he shakes his head. This time, there’s a faint hint of a blush on his face. 
“I don’t care. I.. really want to,” ― he looks up at you with the most curious eyes you’ve ever seen ― “Please?” 
You’re not sure how to feel. The possibility of mishap is enough to make you want to reject him again but he looks so hopeful. The idea of your beloved boyfriend walking around sulking is guilt-inducing enough to make you sigh and give in. He smiles when you nod. 
You walk over towards him, only really planning on giving him a kiss. You’d been out most of the day and were planning on taking a night-shower after dinner. 
“Okay, well - let me shower first and -” 
He shakes his head, almost petulant. Strong arms wrap around your waist as he drags you down to his lap with an urgency he can’t seem to contain. You yelp audibly, hearing soft breaths in your ear. Something twitches to life underneath you as soon as you sit, making your eyes grow wide. 
“Can’t wait that long and..I like it better like this,” 
Your eyes grow wide. The “this” remains vague but you’ve caught onto how Todoroki seems to like you more before you’ve showered than after. Still, it makes your skin hot. You want to argue with him - about to protest and struggle out of his grip but all of a sudden his voice goes raspy. Soft and low against the nape of your neck. 
“Please, my love. I really want to,” 
You swallow the saliva in your mouth, mind blanking at the sound of his voice. It goes right to your core, a pleasant throb in your shorts. You’re still wearing your apron and PJ’s. You agree maybe too easily, weak to him and his desires. 
“Fine but how do you want to...? On the couch..?” Your words come out unusually meek. You’re never such a nervous person there’s something thick in the air. Palpable desire that makes you weak. 
A warmth settles in your skin as he wastes no time, undoing your apron and letting it fall to the floor. Slender, pretty fingers go into the waist band of your shorts and without a second thought, he helps you slide them off your legs. 
It’s almost like an inspection, how you’re sprawled over his thigh. It’s all happening so fast - your mind moves too slow to keep up. His pointer finger drags across your clothed cunt, chin resting over your shoulders. His brow furrows at the wet-spot on them. A whine leaves you in embarrassment that he ignores. 
“You’re wet already.. sorry to make you impatient,” 
The apology is so genuine you’re not sure how to reply. 
“Here.. I’ll lay like this and you can rest your knees on the cushion,” 
You move off of him and stand to see what he means. He gets himself comfortable, head resting on the armrest of the couch. You blink as he gestures to where you should place yourself. When he says sit on his face, he means sit . He means lean forward so your ass is facing him. The realization hits you like a truck. 
Out of obligation, all the furniture in your house is lavish and this couch is no exception. All white and big enough that you could spread out on it without much effort. You know you’ll fit but you hesitate. Todoroki looks at you patiently but you can practically feel how much he wants it. 
With a little help, you manage to get into position. It’s a little humiliating - the feeling of his warm breath fanning your cunt. You’re still just hovering above him, and you squirm around as best you can. So nervous you think you’ll pass out. 
“Are you sure you want to ― aah!,” 
Without a word of warning, Todoroki pulls you down until the full weight of you ends up on his face. Your panties are still on but he doesn’t seem to pay any attention, his tongue lapping at your clit with such fervor you can’t help but moan. The angle from which he eats you hits the spot so perfectly, works you up until your pussy is practically drooling on his face. 
You let out a feverish squeal at the pleasure, still light but overwhelming enough that you’re wiggling away. Every now again between licks, he lets out a deep groan that vibrates against your sex so sweetly. Your stomach churns as your hands splay on his abdomen. 
“Sh-shouto my, fuck - my panties, you’re gonna get them, hmph” 
He lets you up, ever so briefly, just to whisper a hoarse “sorry,” move your panties just to the side before making you plunge right back down onto his tongue. You taste sweet and slight - but it’s better after a long day. So much stronger in his mouth, he can’t enough of it. 
Saliva and slick drip down his chin and cheeks, further fueled by the way you whimper above him. He eats you out very often but it’s different like this - you can’t go anywhere because his arms are secure around your thighs and his tongue keeps slurping so greedily at your swollen clit. He’ll stop just to feel it pulsate before carrying on with incredible enthusiasm. 
And he moans through it like it turns him on more than him fucking you. You’re honestly inclined to believe it might. His hands that rest on your ass, spreading you apart so he can go just that much deeper. Your nerves are being worked, the sheer stimulation is too much for you. He’s overzealous and shameless about it too. 
“You taste so good my love, fuck” 
Hearing him speak to you makes tears well at your eyes. He slides his tongue over your puffy clit over and over until he hits a rhythm. The constant feeling of pleasure sparks again and again and again until an orgasm so steadily builds in you. 
“Shouto, shouto - baby, please! Slow down or I’ll c-cum,” 
He heard you, he must have because if anything he goes that much faster. So fast that you’re practically sobbing his name, drooling and blindsided as the coil in your belly snaps. You cum so hard and so fast, you think you’re going to see your maker. Your toes curl and your walls flutter. A high whine leaves your mouth. 
“Baby, no more - can’t anymore,” 
He stops but only to speak with an almost delirious voice. Deep and possessive as his hands bury into your hips. 
“I’m not done yet” 
You realize a second too late what you’ve just gotten yourself into. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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bellsanthia579 · 3 years
Under the Lamppost (Bakugo X Reader)
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You begin to leave notes in your window for your neighbor. Unbeknownst to you its the class bully, Katsuki Bakugou.
     You stared out of your new dorm window, willfully unpacking your clothes. Your dorm was hardly nice to look at, but it was now called home. Not that you would complain. At least it got you away from your family. 
     The class 1-B dorm lay built right next door to the 1-A dorm. You glanced over at one of the windows on the fourth floor. You noticed a poster of your favorite band had been placed on their wall. An old Taylor Swift song gave you an idea. You grabbed the nearest paper, and began to write. “I like your F/B poster.” You carefully placed it in the window next to your plants. 
    That afternoon when you came from classes you looked to check if they had written back...They had. “Thanks. I like your plants.” A soft smile painted your face. With no hesitation you grabbed a new piece of paper. 
“Did you have a good day?” Within minutes, you had a reply.
“Yes. You?” They responded.
“Yes!” You wrote. you drew a small smiley face beside it.
“What an artist.” They retaliated with a stick figure drawing. The two of you talked for almost the whole night. Only stopping when you had almost ran out of paper.
“I’ve got to go. I’m on my last piece of paper. ): Talk tomorrow?”
“I look forward to it(:” 
    The next night, you went down to the school store to pick up some paper. All day you had to borrow paper from someone else. You even got in trouble for being unprepared. That and you kept getting in trouble for zoning out. All you could think about was the mystery person who you had talked to all night. The school store was almost empty. Usually around this time it was packed full of unsupplied. As you turned a corner you almost ran right into Katsuki Bakugou.”Sorry Bakugou, I didn’t see you.”
“Don’t do it again loser.” With that he was gone. After picking up a few straggler items, you made your way to the paper section. You weren’t the only one on the aisle either. Bakugou was just picking out some paper as well. “ Hey nerd. Are you following me or something?”
“I could as you the same question.” You chuckled. “Why do you need paper anyway? It’s only the second day we’ve been in the dorms, and they supplied us with paper when we moved in.” He blushed slightly.
“I could ask you the same question, dork.’‘ He strode away without another word. The dorm was quiet when you walked in, for the most part. Monoma and his lackeys were sitting in the commons. They were probably plotting to take down class 1-A. You went up to your room and immediately wrote another note.
“You awake?” You got no reply. You just assumed they were asleep. It was late after all. You decided to get ready for bed, sad that you didn’t get to talk to them.  But as you walked by the window to get into bed, you noticed a note in the distance. 
“Yes.” You scurried to get your paper back out, in fear of missing them. It had begun to rain slightly , as you could see it being reflected it the lights below. 
“I thought you were asleep?”
“Nope. Just reading.”
“What are you reading?” your conversation ensued, lasting long onto the night. You ignored the fact that you had once more run low on paper. At least you tried. yet you couldn’t imaging breaking up such lovely company.” I’m low on paper. Wanna meet outside? below the second street light?” You got no reply for a moment. You were scared you frightened them off.
“I’m headed down now.” Disgruntled from the sudden rush, you ran out of your room in your frilly pj’s on accident. But it was too late now. You burst through the double doors and out into the street. Upon first glance you did not see anyone. Upon second glance you saw Bakugou, and he was walking right up to you. A shock ran through you.
“It was you?” You spoke. But were cut off, as Bakugou cashed his lips into yours. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close. Still in a passionate kiss.
“Yes. It was me.”
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cow-smells · 4 years
You’re Mine [Eli Hawk Moskowitz x Reader]
Requests: 1. there’s a new girl on miyagi-do, she’s classmates with sam, hawk, miguel, tory, robby, demetri, etc... for some reason, she and hawk didn’t like each other (he can be on cobra kai or eagle fangs, that’s your choice), and one day they make a bet, which this girl wins. hawk has to be her slave for a whole week. BONUS IDEA: a stolen kiss during a fight. maybe admitting feelings for each other? i’d love that! ( @berriewrites​ ) 2. love the hawk smut but i’d also love some fluffy hawk about him secretly liking the reader who’s in miyagido but he tries to act all tough and hide it (anon) 3. AHHH CAN WE GET SOME HAWK FLUFF!? I love the idea where you swear that you don’t like him and you guys make eye contact from a distance when he’s standing with his friend group and you’re standing with yours and you get flustered and he can tell and he smirks and just ahh (anon)
A/N: this took so longggg this came out longer than expected (and honestly i could go on, but i wanted to get this out already) + real life has come hitting all at once and its been overwhelming lol. thanks for being patient and sticking around <3 i enjoyed writing some fluff (amidst a flurry of smut reuests loool :)
Words: 2981
Warnings: none
Read this on AO3
Summary: You don't like Hawk. He's a bad person, that much you know for sure. You're ready to make his life miserable when he loses a bet with you, but then you actually have to spend time with him...
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   You didn't like this.
Forgiveness seemed to be a virtue that evaded you. Eagle-fang and Miagi-Do were uniting and everyone seemed to be all for the union – except for you.
Some things were simply unforgivable. For you, Hawk breaking Demetri's arm was one of them.
You and Demetri became nearly inseparable friends when you both joined Miagi-Do. He had told you all about his former friend Eli and how he'd abandoned him in the favor of bullying him in any way he could come up with; that bullying taking a turn to the extreme when Hawk took to breaking bones.
    Demetri had since forgiven him, but you hadn't.
Demetri had a softer heart than he let on, and he missed Eli terribly, so when the latter suggested they work together he gladly accepted.
But you were more objective about the situation, as you weren't a part of it, and forgiving such cruelty was beyond you.
    The one good thing about the dojos coming together was the intense dedication that grew on everyone. Now that you had a common enemy, many participants would hang around in Miyagi-Do's dojo long after training sessions, training until you could hardly move your limbs.
     The sun had ago long fallen when you and the remaining students took places around a mat, ready for the sparring session to begin.
With Daniel and Sensei Lawrence gone, you had taken to writing down names and pulling them out of a bowl to decide on sparring partners.
    All the negative emotions you felt channeled in to great excitement when Miguel called your name – followed by Hawk's.
You could have sworn you saw a look of something you couldn't read – concern, perhaps, or fear? Before he seemed to share your excitement as he stepped on to the mat with a grin that was almost predatory.
    Two could play at that game.
    “You're as good as dead,” you said, your voice dripping venom. Hawk's smirk just grew.
    “Is that so, princess? I'd like to see you score as much as a point.”
A light bulb lit in your mind.
    “Yeah?” you taunted. “What if I get three?”
Hawk laughed. “You got a lot of confidence, don't you? I'll tell you what. If you can score three points on me and win, I'll...” He bit his lip as he thought. “I'll let you boss me around for a week. Whatever you want.”
The blood rushed through your veins, ready more than ever to fight. You were grateful for the lack of your sensei, knowing this nonsense wouldn't stand if he were here.
    “Are you guys done?” Miguel huffed, standing between you two, ready to referee. “Good. Bow.”
    You bowed without intent and got straight to attacking. Hawk didn't expect it; he came from the dojo that prides itself on strike first and yours cared mainly about defense. You earned your first point within seconds.
    That only served to throw Hawk off his game further. He dived in right away for the attack and was caught unprepared when you fell, sweeping his leg.
    You earned your second point.
By that point, Hawk might as well have been fuming out the ears. His brows furrowed in anger as he looked at you like you were the most vile thing he had ever seen; that satisfied something within you.
    The flurry of hits and misses was so rapid you were caught unprepared when you managed to land a punch on Hawk, Miguel's voice rising as he named you victor.
    Hawk huffed, clearly exerted. You smiled. “You're mine.”
You were fully intending to use this bet to its full potential.
The next day was Saturday, and Hawk, true to his word, showed up at your doorstep at 9 p.m sharp, just as you had ordered.
You paid him no kindness when you opened the door, not exchanging a word with him before demanding: “Helmet?”
Hawk handed you a helmet, not looking particularly pleased about the situation but not being able to stop himself from taking in an eyeful of you anyway.
You needed a ride to tonight's party – that's where Hawk came in, beginning his work for you as a personal valet. Accordingly for the event, you were dressed meticulously, showing off your best features – and if you were to judge by Hawks reaction, you were on your way to turn heads.
You climbed on the motorcycle after him, circling your arms around him loosely; but when he kicked off and started the ride, you couldn't help but tighten your hold.
    The party was overcrowded with people from the moment you got there; Yasmine's parties tended to get a bit... excessive.
You ditched Hawk the moment you got sight of your friends, ditching the helmet on his bike to run over to Sam, Moon and Yasmine.
Yasmine didn't hide the dirty look she sent at Hawk. “Ew. Who's the freak?”
You grinned proudly. “My valet. Ignore him. Actually...”
You looked over to the drinks table; someone had tapped a keg and it was being swarmed with people.
    “Hey, Hawk!”
Hawk turned to you, the slightest furrow in his brow as he had already joined his own friends. You pointed at the drinks table. “Vodka soda!” you ordered.
He rolled his eyes, but did it anyway. Your friends watched wide-eyed as he obeyed you wordlessly, bringing over the drink. “Anything else, princess?”
    “Yes,” you gave him a judging once-over. “Don't drink tonight. I want to get home in one piece.”
He bit his cheeks and glared at you before growling “Fine” and returning to his friends.
At some point you didn't even want a drink any more, it was just fun ordering Hawk to go fetch you another one; and so, you found yourself unintentionally drunk, laughing mindlessly at anything said and swaying on your feet.
You didn't even know how late it had gotten when Hawk came in the living room looking for you, ready to go home as most the others already had.
You had earlier made him promise to take you home as well, and – something you were quickly learning was, Hawk was definitely a man of his word. He spotted you half-sprawled on the couch, laughing with Yasmine at something you didn't fully register. Your cup was askew in your hand, contents about to spill over when Hawk grabbed it out of your hand, placing it on a table nearby.
    “Come on, Y/n. It's time to go.”
    “Not yet!” you grinned gleefully, taking hold of his wrist and shaking it dumbly as you spoke. “Later! We're having fun!”
Hawk placed his free hand on yours that held him. “It's four AM, Y/n, time to call it a night.”
    You didn't reply, instead resorting to pouting like a child.
His eyes softened (the puppy eyes never failed to work) – but his jaw clenched. “If you don't come now I'm leaving you here.”
    “Fine!” you hurriedly rose to your feet, using Hawk for balance. “Bye,” you pouted at Yasmine childishly as Hawk pulled you away from her and out of the house.
The sudden quiet of the outside was nearly overwhelming, Hawk's voice sounding too loud for you. “How am I supposed to get you home when you're this drunk?”
    “I'm not drunk,” you answered instinctively, knowing that you very well were.
    “If you can make it to the bike in a straight line, I'll believe you.” You look at his bike, ten feet ahead. You decide to keep holding on to him. “That's what I thought. Listen. You gotta stay awake, okay? I can't have you falling off in the middle of the road, or making me sway, because then we're both dead. Got it?”
    “Dead. Got it.”
Hawk didn't look convinced, but placed a helmet on you and buckled it anyway.
It was about ten minutes in to the ride when Hawk pulled over. He turned to you, his voice as serious as he could make it; you simply smiled, somewhat dazed. “This isn't going to work.”
    “Y/n!” Hawk called, trying to wake you up a little. “Don't fall asleep!”
    “Yes, sensei.” you slurred. Had you been any more awake, you might have noticed the way Hawk's eyes widened at that.
Hawk had to refocus himself to go on. “I'm serious. Look... My house is closer than yours. You can sleep it off at mine, and I'll take you wherever tomorrow. Okay?”
    “Okay,” you shrugged, your mind not caring about much other than regaining the warmth of Hawk's body pressed against yours.
Minutes later you pulled up at an unfamiliar house. Hawk unbuckled your helmet and set it aside, helping you off the bike and guiding you inside, motioning Shhh as he led you through the corridor of his darkened house until you reached his room.
The most natural thing for you to do the moment you saw a bed was to collapse on it. In the seconds Hawk turned his back on you to find you Pj's to wear, you had fallen asleep.
    Looking at you on his bed, Hawk exhaled heavily. He was very aware of your hatred of him; what he couldn't understand was, if everyone else forgave him, why not you?
It certainly didn't help that you looked the way you do, that you were talented, and that everyone loved you.
So Hawk undid your shoes and pulled them off, laying a blanket on you before leaving you to sleep.
    You woke up groggy, somewhat hungover and in a strangers room; an interesting start to the day.
You didn't really want to leave the comfort of your lonesome in the room but it was clear you would have to face the music at some point, so you womaned up and left the room.
Following the smell of food cooking, you walk down a hallway to find a red-haired man in the kitchen, his tattooed back to you, muscles flexing as he flipped a pancake.
With his hair down, it took you a moment to register who you're seeing; who's bed you spent the night in.
Your first instinct was to groan, to cower in to yourself in regret; but then you remember how tenderly he treated you the night prior, making sure you got safely to a bed, letting you have his bed.
You swallowed your pride and stepped in to the kitchen. “Morning.”
Hawk's shoulders jumped in fright as you startled him; you couldn't help but giggle. He quickly rightened himself, straightening his back and flexing his abs as he turned to you.
    He was good looking and he knew it. You hated him.
However, you felt your power returning to you as he couldn't help but look you up and down, your disheveled clothes revealing a bit more than they had the night before. Hawk inhaled sharply, reminding himself of who he was, how he was supposed to act: unfazed.
    “Bout time you got up.”
You frowned, looking at the kitchen clock. “What do you mean about time? It isn't even noon yet.”
    “Yeah, well,” Hawk flipped a pancake on to a nearby plate. “You wanted me to take you to the mall today, right? I have practice later, so it's gotta be now.” The Eagle-fangs were holding weekend practices of their own, something you weren't a fan of.
    “Jeez, fine,” you sneered, allowing yourself to sit at the kitchen table. Amidst the chaos that was waking up in Hawks bed, you had totally forgot you previously asked him to take you out today. Yasmine's parents were making her take tutoring lessons, Moon was doing some spiritual healing thing and Sam was with Miguel, so you were left all alone – but you certainly didn't intend on spending Sunday at home, doing nothing.
    Hawk finally shut off the burner and joined you at the table with a stack of pancakes and two plates in tow. “Eat away your hangover. I'm not gonna hold your hair up if you hurl.”
Breakfast with Hawk ended up being a surprisingly civil affair; so was shopping. There was something exciting about dragging him along after you, shop after shop, having him carry your bags and modeling clothes for him. And honestly, you were loving the effect you had on him. You knew he was trying to hide it, but you could see the way he grew antsy when you tried on bikinis. You loved teasing him, knowing he couldn't have you.
    What also didn't hurt was the way you two turned heads walking down streets together. You were undeniably gorgeous, and he... While at first you thought it was the bright red mohawk that grabbed peoples eyes, after a close inspection you couldn't deny he had fair features, too. You had to look away whenever he tensed his jaw, accentuating his jawline, or if God forbid he smiled, you had to deny the way his smile made your stomach knot up.
    As though to top off the experience of him, by the time you finished shopping, Hawk would have been late if he was to take you home, so you suggested he take you to practice with him and just take you home once he was finished. And oh my... You did not need to see him fighting. Having a whole hour to see his biceps flexing as the threw punches was doing you no favors; when you were both practicing you were too busy with yourself to notice him, but right then you had a whole hour to do nothing but stare.
At the end of the practice you rose when Hawk approached you, ready to go. When his sensei understood you were waiting there for him, he asked Hawk, “Yours?”
Hawk didn't answer; he merely smirked that Hawk smirk of his. His sensei nodded proudly. “Nice.” Creep.
You had a couple more days to squeeze the most you could out of your bet, and by all means were you planning on using them.
Hawk was taking you to school and home every day on the back of his bike – to Miyagi-do, too. It became a regular thing to see you two together, and if anyone was expecting you, they expected Hawk, too.
Just as the previous mornings, you and Hawk walked in to school together. Seeing your friends, you bid him goodbye and went to join them, your eyes lingering on him a bit too long as he said hello to Miguel.
Yasmine's jaw dropped as she looked at you, her expression scandalized. “What?” you asked.
    “You're totally in to the freak!”
    “What? No,” you denied – but even as the words left your mouth, you could hear your lack of conviction. “No.”
You looked back to where Hawk and Miguel stood; this time, he caught your eye. Then, with total audacity, he winked at you.
You felt heat rush through your body.
The smirk that grew on him suggested he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
    You hated it.
Deciding to put an end to this madness, you wordlessly leave your friends and march up to Hawk, a new rage running though you.
He stopped talking with Miguel when you reached him; Miguel visibly tensed at what he felt was a dangerous situation for him to be in.
    “Sidebar,” you ordered. Hawk smirked.
    “After you, princess.”
You hoped no one would notice when you lured him in to an empty classroom, but in all honesty, it was you and Hawk. There were always eyes on you two.
You turned to him once you were engulfed in the silence of the room. “Listen. I don't know what you're playing at, but cut it out. I own you, got it? Don't go winking at me in the hallway like I'm your girlfriend or something.”
You expected to see him cower, blush, show any sign of intimidation – but there was no such emotion. The smirk he wore only grew in confidence. “You sure about that?” he asked cheekily. “Because it seems to me like you'll find any excuse to be around me.”
You couldn't believe the audacity of this boy. You were stunted for words; he went on. “Be honest with yourself. Once the week is up, you'll still find reasons to talk to me.”
You bit your cheeks; you hated how he was right, how he read you so easily. “And look, I'm done playing this game too.”
Your stomach dropped. Was he about to reject you, without you even confessing? “I'm not playing with you,” you tried to say intimidatingly, but your voice came out too small for comfort.
    “Me neither. So...” Hawk looked down at you; you could have drowned in his ocean eyes. You averted your gaze to the side, crossing your arms.
    “Fine. We can call it off early.”
Hawk chuckled. You wanted to punch him. “You still don't get it, do you?”
You returned your eyes to Hawk, ready to chew him out when he placed his hands on your cheeks, pulling you to him for a kiss.
You could feel yourself melting in to the kiss, feeling a rush of adrenaline run through you as you finally got to experience what you didn't want to admit to yourself that you craved so deeply.
When he finally pulled away, he kept his hands on you, your noses nearly touching. “I've wanted to do that for a long time,” Hawk admitted.
You half-smiled. “It's only been a week.”
Hawk had burst in laughter, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. “You still don't get it.” Before you could protest his words, his lips met your once more.
    Maybe you could find it in you to forgive him, after all.
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❦ welcome to ras bakery | pjs
↬ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ: tatts & cupcakes | chapter 1
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: park jongseong / jay x reader ft. all members + eventual appearance of i-land k
↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: enhypen single dad au | ceo!jay | single dad!jay | baker!reader | single mom!reader | fluff | slight? angst
↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none
↬ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: a little over 2k
↬ sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs: ↱ 25-year-old CEO Park Jongseong, better known as Jay, hasn’t lived an easy life despite being born into a chaebol family. His entire life changed when his ex-girlfriend left their sons, Sunoo and Jungwon at his front door 5 years ago and he was forced to take on the role of a single father. Ever since he took on sole responsibility for two fairly chaotic kids, they and the company have been his sole purpose for living. Due to his responsibilities to his sons and the company, Jay doesn’t have any time to date around nor does he want to date a woman who would just use him for his money and not care about his sons.
L/N Y/N has been trying to make ends meet ever since her parents kicked her out at 17 for getting pregnant. The only thing she’s ever been good at is baking and after a few years, she managed to make a name for herself in the baking field.  Now at 23-years-old, she just bought a bakery and moved to the busy streets of Seoul in an effort to better provide for her son and his education. After giving birth to Ni-ki, y/n vowed that she would do everything she could for him and since then has focused on baking. After Ni-ki’s father who wanted nothing to do with his son, y/n swore off men and has stayed independent every since.
When Ni-ki meets Jungwon and Sunoo at school, the three end up becoming best friends and constantly wanting to have playdates. And well… the two single parents find themselves developing a relationship of their own. ↲
As you walked with Ni-ki, your nerves just couldn’t be settled and you were holding his hand tighter than usual.
“It’s gonna be ok, babe,” you started to say to your son. “First days are always tough, y’know? But you’re strong and likable. If other kids don’t like you then just don’t pay attention to them. You’ll make friends easily and when you do, share your lunch because I packed you a lot today. I love you Ni-ki, you know that right? Mama loves you and you’ll be ok-” you were cut off when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your leg, stopping you from walking. Ni-ki looked up at you with a bright smile as you patted his hair and took a deep breath. Honestly, you were more nervous than he was, maybe nervous was an understatement. The one thing that you were glad for was that Ni-ki had his father’s confidence and not yours which was practically nonexistent.
“We’re here,” he said. You looked at the entrance of the school,
“Yeah, I guess we are. Let’s head to class, yeah?” Ni-ki nodded in response going back to holding your hand. You headed to Class B, talking to the teacher, whose name you learned was Choi Yeonjun slightly eased your nerves as you realized he was good with kids and promised to take care of Ni-ki. After seeing Ni-ki settle into the classroom, you left and headed to your bakery to start the day. Things were pretty smooth and despite being the 3rd day of opening, you had a decent amount of customers. After the lunch rush was coming to a close,
“Damn, welcome to Ras Bakery, huh? The line was so long I’ve been waiting for a whole damn hour,” a familiar voice said, causing you to look up at the register.
“Heeseung!” you said with a smile as he set his items on the counter. He smiled at you,
“Hey, you got time right now?”
“Of course I have time for you,” you said as you started making your way to the other side of the counter and heading towards an empty table to chat with Heeseung, your best friend.
“Ni-ki’s at school?” Heeseung asked. You nodded,
“I’m glad you were able to make it here today.”
“I should’ve been there with you to drop him off,” Heeseung said with a slight frown.
“I took pictures, wanna see?” you offered.
“Of course.” Throughout the years, Heeseung was your rock and a large part of Ni-ki’s life. When you had no one to turn to, Heeseung was there and was the person who encouraged you to open up Ras Bakery when you finally had enough money to move out of the market stall. Heeseung was the closest thing Ni-ki had to a father figure and you were thankful that he stayed. You didn’t know how long the two of you chatted despite having seen each other on opening day but it eventually came to the time where Heeseung had to leave and you had to go back to work. Since you didn’t hire an employee yet, you had to close the bakery to pick up Ni-ki from school. You also brought some pastries for him to eat just in case he was hungry. Once Ni-ki saw you waiting for him at the front of the school, he practically ran and you were met with another one of Ni-ki’s hugs. Your son’s hugs could never be replicated and were one way the boy expressed himself. You noticed two boys behind him, one slightly shy while the other gave you a bright smile, practically blinding you like the sun. They came to you with a wave,
“Hi?” you said as more of a question than a statement.
“Mama, can Jungwon-hyung and Sunoo-hyung come to the park with us? They said they were going anyways because that’s where their Jake-hyung was going to pick them up,” Ni-ki asked. Though you did tell your son that he was going to make friends, you were somewhat surprised to actually see it right now in the flesh. Still, you were glad and ruffled Ni-ki’s hair.
“I’ve got pastries do either of you want some?” you offered to the two boys. They nodded, eyes widening as they saw what you had brought and nibbled on their chosen treats while the 4 of you headed to the nearby park. The three of them chatted with each other mostly Sunoo while you listened in.
“Noona, what’s your name?” the boy named Sunoo asked as you sat down on one of the benches.
“Y/n-noona?” he asked. You were glad that you were still seen as a noona and not an ajumma despite being a mom.
“What’s up, hon?” you asked, your eyes glancing over to see Ni-ki and Jungwon by the slides then back to Sunoo.
“Ni-ki shared his lunch with us and I was just wondering… can you make me one too?” The little boy in front of you looked so much like the uwu emoji that you had to stop yourself from awing at his cuteness. You were somewhat surprised at the sudden request,
“Do your parents not pack you lunch?” you found yourself asking.
“Daddy does pack us lunch! But he never gives us dessert,” the boy said with a slight pout.
“I don’t mind having Ni-ki bring some extra pastries but I do need to make sure your dad is ok with eating them. I’ll give you a card and you can give it to him when you get home ok?” you offered. Sunoo nodded with wide eyes and you handed him a Ras Bakery business card with a “i sorta maybe gave your sons some pastries and Sunoo’s asking me to pack him some for lunch. give me a call or shoot me a text? ~ ni-ki’s mom” written on the back.
“Thank you, y/n noona!” the boy exclaimed happily as he went to play with Jungwon and Ni-ki. After what was probably around maybe 10 minutes of you scrolling through your phone but making sure to check on the boys as well, an elderly woman came and sat next to you. You bowed to her slightly out of respect to which she responded with a smile.
“Ahh, are you the mom of the boy over there?” As you saw that she was referring to Ni-ki,
“Yes, I am.”
“I’m the grandmother of Minjoo over there,” she said as she pointed to a boy on the swings.
“Aww, he’s cute.”
“Aish, you shouldn’t let your son play with the two boys!” she exclaimed with clear distaste at the sight of them.
“I’m sorry, what do you mean?” you asked, wanting some clarification as to why she said that. You just met Sunoo and Jungwon but they seemed like good kids.
“The two don’t have a mother and their father is always too busy working so he rarely picks them up. It’s usually a browned-hair boy or a black-haired one picking up the two. They’re dressed in luxury labels but what good is that when they’ll just outgrow it tomorrow? They’re probably spoiled to death with money since their father has nothing else to compensate them with.”
“What’s wrong with only having one parent?” It was clear that her words weren’t about the boy’s behavior but rather her own assumptions. She scoffed,
“It’s incomplete and lacking.” You couldn’t believe the ignorance you were currently witnessing and if you were being honest, it hurt your feelings. Sunoo and Jungwon were just kids and no one was here to defend them.
“Who are you to judge whether someone’s kids are spoiled regardless of what they wear? If anything, it’s good that they have a father who can afford them nice-looking clothes and they’re not flaunting it. Having a working father is better than a deadbeat one who doesn’t take responsibility for his child. I’m a single mom, does that mean I’m lacking in providing for my son? There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a single parent because someone needs to take responsibility for the life they’ve created. So if you’ll excuse me ma’am, my son and I will be leaving. Have a good day.” From your left, you heard someone calling Jungwon and Sunoo’s name and you heard excited,
“Jake-hyung!” from the two. You had no idea how long he had been there or what he heard from your conversation with the grandmother but if he did hear anything he didn’t show it.
“Ni-ki!” you called out. The grandmother left and sat somewhere else and you were left standing next to the guy named Jake. As he turned towards you, he gave a bow,
“Thanks for that, earlier I mean. Their dad does work a lot but he does everything he can for them.” You shook your head,
“I don’t know how much you heard earlier but I’m a single parent too so I get it. Sunoo and Jungwon are nice, I’m glad they became friends with Ni-ki.” It wasn’t until that you got a good look at Jake that a realization settled in you. As he extended his hand,
“I’m Jake.” You brought your hand up to your mouth in shock,
“Jake of 02z, that Jake?” He nodded sheepishly hand brought up and ran through his hair,
“That was a while ago, but yeah, I am that Jake.”
“I stanned you guys so much, I never thought I’d actually meet one of you in person, it’s an honor.” 02z was a trio under JinHit Entertainment that debuted years ago and consisted of Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon.
“Ahh, it’s nice always nice to meet a fan. What’s your name?”
“Y/n, this is Ni-ki, my son,” you said, motioning to Ni-ki. Jake smiled and your heart possibly stopped,
“Hopefully I’ll see you around?” you nodded,
“Yeah, hopefully.”
jay’s pov:
As the door to his office opened, Jay instantly knew who it was at the sounds of excitement that filled his otherwise boring day. His boys climbed onto his lap and he smiled at Jake.
“Thanks, man,” Jay said.
“Daddy, we made a friend today!” Jungwon said wide-eyed and happy. Jay knew that it was hard for his sons to make friends when their parents were telling their kids to stay away due to him being a single father.
“Yeah? What’s their name?” Jay asked as he leaned back into his chair, Jake sat in the seat across the desk and Sunoo decided to climb to him.
“Ni-ki or Riki? He said he doesn’t care which one. Y/n-noona packed him sandwiches and she walked with us to the park and gave us a pastry to snack on!”
“How was it?”
“Daddy, it tasted so good!” It was now Sunoo who spoke up. It didn’t come as a surprise to Jay that Sunoo said the pastries tasted good since he liked eating everything.
“Oh yeah! Y/n-noona gave this!” Sunoo dug through his bag and handed Jay the now crumpled-up business card. Jay looked at the note written behind it, then to Sunoo,
“Y/n-noona is who…?”
“Ni-ki’s mom,” Jake answered. “Speaking of, she’s really nice. Stood up for the boys when Minjoo’s grandma was saying some stuff that wasn’t exactly nice.”
“Really?” Jay asked somewhat shocked that someone was actually on his boys’ side for once.
“She was a fan of ours, even recognized me. She’s a single parent too. I’m gonna head out now, you gonna be ok?” Jake asked. Jay cleared his throat, carefully putting the business card in his wallet.
“Thanks for picking them up.”
“Yeah, just dogsit Layla for me some time,” Jake replied with a smile. As Jake left, a wave of impulsivity washed over Jay.
“Do you guys wanna go to the bakery?” he offered to his sons.
❦ written by riri | next | series masterlist
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riversofmars · 3 years
Prompt: 13 and River babysit Anthony Williams (Amy and Rory’s adopted son)
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This is such a cute prompt! I combined it with a similar one and hope this works for you, enjoy! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1800
Read on AO3 or below
All in the Family
“And you’re sure you’re up for this?“ Amy turned to River one more time, halfway out of the door of their flat in 1940s New York.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?“ River crossed her arms in front of her chest challengingly.
“You’re not exactly the most responsible adult.“ Rory couldn’t help pointing out and glanced to his wife to find out whether they were going to change their minds at the last minute.
“I'll take that as a compliment.“ River smirked. “Remember this was your idea.“
“Yes but only because we don’t know many people here yet!“ Rory admitted.
“And having your baby stolen once, you don’t want to trust strangers, I get it.“ River gave her parents a kind smile. She was very happy for them. They deserved to have the calm family life that they had missed out on with her. Adopting baby Anthony had been a wonderful idea.
“It’s just been such a long time since we’ve been able to go out.“ Amy explained. “I just didn’t understand how hard raising a child would be!“ She sighed, running her hand through her hair. She was more exhausted than she ever had been while travelling with the Doctor. “We just really need to have an evening just for us.“
“Say no more and get yourself going before I change my mind.“ River ushered them out the door.
“You are a godsend, River.“ Amy kissed her daughter’s cheek. “Don’t get up to anything stupid.“ She wagged her finger at her.
“What, me? Stupid? Perish the thought.“ River feigned hurt but laughed.
“Just make sure Anthony is okay.“ Amy implored her and gave a little wave to the toddler that was just coming up behind River and wrapping his arms around her leg.
“You can count on me. We’ll have a brilliant time, won’t we, brother dearest?“ River smiled down at the child and patted his head.
“Ri-ver.“ The toddler nuzzled into her thigh.
“See, fast friends already.“ River chuckled and lifted him up.
“Does she… do you know anything about toddlers?“ Rory asked, insecure for a moment.
“I am married to the Doctor, does that count?“ River countered and the Ponds laughed:
“Fair point…“
“Relax, we will be fine, it’s just for a few hours.“ River kissed the forehead of her adoptive brother who was giving her a koala bear hug. “Tea, books, bed. I got this.“
“See you both later, look after each other.“ Amy smiled and kissed Anthony’s head, as did Rory.
“This is a bad idea…“ Rory hummed to his wife as they waved their goodbyes and made their way down the corridor.
“It’s a brilliant idea.“ Amy waved off his concerns.
“Right Anthony, there is someone I would like you to meet.“ River smiled at her little brother as she closed the door.
“Meet?“ Anthony echoed as River carried him back into the living room.
“Someone very special: Your brother-in-law. Well, I say brother… sister-in-law? Alien-in-law?“ River grinned,and as if on cue the TARDIS became visible in the lounge.
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me see them!“ The Doctor stuck her head out, having waited patiently for the Ponds to depart.
“Because they never would have left and they could do with a break.“ River explained with a chuckle as her wife skipped out of the TARDIS and towards them.
“Hello Anthony Pond!“ She grinned, ruffling the toddler’s curls who just giggled in response. He appeared fascinated by the sudden appearance of the blue box and pulled away from River, seemingly wanting to be set down.
“Williams…“ River corrected the Doctor as she sat her brother down who rushed to the TARDIS, circling around it in wonder.
“What shall we play with, Anthony?“ The Doctor ignored her wife and dropped to her knees in the middle of a pile of toys. “See, we’re gonna have the best time!“ She pulled her screwdriver from her coat and sonic-ed the toys. All of a sudden, cars and toy robots started moving on their own accord. Anthony giggled in delight and rushed over to the Doctor, the TARDIS no longer the most interesting thing around here.
“Guess that means I’m making tea?“ River chuckled as Anthony threw himself at the Doctor.
“Would you want either one of us close to a hob?“ The Doctor retorted, hugging the child tightly.
“Fair point.“ River chuckled.
“I don’t know why I asked you here, it’s like babysitting two toddlers.“ River was cleaning up the kitchen after tea had turned into a food fight.
“'Cause this is the closest thing you and I have to a family.“ The Doctor answered with surprising candour. Anthony was jawing, leaning against her.
“As much as I try to, I don’t really feel like part of them…“ River answered thoughtfully.
“Our lives are more complicated than that…“ The Doctor couldn’t help but agree. Neither one of them was suited to regular family dynamics.
“Would it be so bad though? Settling down for a time?“ River mused, looking from Anthony to her wife.
“Maybe at some point.“ The Doctor gave her a soft smile. This River hadn’t done Darillium yet. She had all of that to come and the Doctor missed their time there more than she would care to admit.
“Bed time?“ She asked, seeing as Anthony was virtually falling asleep next to her.
“I think so.“ River agreed with a smile and walked over to them. “Come here Anthony…“ She scooped him up. “Let’s get you into your PJs…“
Both the Doctor and River had presumed bedtime would be easy, considering how tired Anthony was, but they had thought wrong.
“Stop turning the light on and off!“ River pleaded, picking him up again to finally put him in his bed. Anthony appeared to have saved up his energy just for this.
“Still want kids?“ The Doctor tried her best to keep a straight face as she watched her wife struggle with the toddler.
“You know all of a sudden, being a big sister seems perfectly adequate.“ River retorted.
“I’ll get him a bottle of milk.“ The Doctor suggested, just as Anthony got up again and raced past River to the light switch.
“Stop it with the light switch!“ River groaned and scooped him up again. “Please, will you just stay in bed now?“ She tugged him in.
“Well well well, isn’t this a lovely sight.“ A voice sounded from the doorway that made River’s blood run cold. She whipped around, standing protectively in front of the bed.
“Madame Kovarian, how did you…“ She stared at the woman in the doorway.
“I knew I would find you eventually.“ Madame Kovarian smirked, walking further into the room. “And who is this little man? Tell me, am I a grandmother?“
“How dare you show your face here!“ River growled, regretting immediately that she left her gun in the TARDIS. She hadn’t anticipated needing it for babysitting duties.
“I believe you and I have some unfinished business.“ Kovarian retorted. “How is motherhood treating you, Melody? Where is the husband? Leaving you to do all the child care?“
“Right behind you!“ The Doctor called from the doorway, armed with nothing but a bottle of milk. She quickly accessed the situation in front of her, glaring at the unwelcome guest.
“Oh well, not your child then, is it?“ Kovarian retorted with a cruel smirk. “Now then, I think it’s time for some good old fashioned revenge…“ She pulled a gun on them.
Suddenly the light flicked off! Anthony had snuck out from behind River and gone for his favourite game again. River jumped at the opportunity. She flung herself at Kovarian and disarmed her quickly. The moment the light came back on, Kovarian was on the floor and River held her gun to her head.
“Never underestimate a Pond!“ The Doctor grinned and scooped up the child into a tight hug.
“You little monster!“ Kovarian spat.
“If anyone is a monster here, Madame Kovarian, it’s you.“ River retorted icily.
“Surprisingly quiet in here… maybe River managed to get him to sleep alright after all…“ Rory mused as he opened the door to the flat and they walked inside. It had been a lovely evening, just what they needed.
“What the…“ Amy stopped dead in her tracks as they stepped into the living room.
“Amelia Pond! And Rory the Roman!“ The Doctor exclaimed and ran towards them, pulling them into bone crushing hugs.
“River?!“ Amy exclaimed, needing an explanation. Who was this woman? What was she doing in their flat? Why did she know who they were? And why was Madame Kovarian tied to a chair in the middle of their lounge?!
“What can I say… Mum, Dad… when my husband regenerated into a hot blonde I started batting for the other team, hope that’s alright with you.“ River answered, gesturing to the Doctor who grinned widely, barely able to contain her excitement.
“What?!“ Amy and Rory exclaimed in unison.
“She didn’t want to tell you I was here cause she thought you’d be worried we’d set the place on fire…“ River explained a little bit more apologetically.
“Instead you have a tied up Madame Kovarian in our living room?!“ Amy gestured to the unwelcome guest.
“Ouch!“ Kovarian groaned when Anthony chucked a building block at her.
“Good shot, mate!“ The Doctor grinned and gave him a high five. Of course, Anthony had refused to go to bed after the excitement.
“Sorry, just got to finish building this transdimensional teleport. Teaching Anthony the basics of temporal engineering as we go. One way trip to Stormcage.“ River explained, gesturing to a circle of electrical components that had been erected around Kovarian. Long cables connected it to the TARDIS. “Unless I get the coordinates wrong… might end up in a sun instead…“ She mused.
“Melody, don’t do it, I…“ Kovarian pleaded.
“You have threatened my family for the last time. This is goodbye, Madame Kovarian, for the last time.“ River finished attaching the cables.
“Good riddance!“ Rory mumbled in agreement.
“Anthony!“ Amy called when the toddler skipped forward and hit a big red button on the contraption. Something no child would be able to resist. Kovarian disappeared in a flash of light!
“Was the teleport even calibrated?!“ The Doctor looked to River who gave a little shrug.
“I’ll check up on her when I’m in Stormcage next… she may have ended up in the cantina rather than an actual cell… but never mind.“ She looked to her parents. “So, how was your date?“
“Certainly less eventful than this.“ Amy shook her head in disbelief.
“Come on, mate, let’s get you to bed.“ The Doctor scooped Anthony up who nuzzled into her neck.
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ayylovley · 4 years
Can I request a rather soft Jason fic where, instead of being romantically involved with someone, he's best friends with an autistic camp counselor who teaches him how to swim and in return, he teaches them sign language so they can communicate better?
This is so sweet🥺 I actually took a ASL class for a year in high school so I know the bare minimum of sign language lol. I’m so sorry it took so long!
My writing skills have been a bit suckish lately😭
Warnings: None
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As you were sitting on a stump by yourself, in your thoughts listening to the birds chirp around you and the children laughing, witnessing two children playing fighting but before it got a little too rough you yelled out,
“Jaden! Kayla! Don’t be so rough with each other!”
“Suck my ass, I do what I want!” Jaden replied before Kayla screamed running into the woods with Jaden chasing after her. “Kids! Stop!”
Quickly getting up running after them and following their voices you hear screaming coming from both kids as they run towards you.
“Kill them kill them! Not us!” They yelled as you scoffed spotting Jason standing there staring at you. You gasped softly before rolling your eyes smiling. “Thank you...” You said walking up to him with the sound of the leaves below crunching from your feet. Jason nodded as a response, you looked back at the camp with the children, you seemed to be one of the only camp counselors that actually watched the kids. It was quite sad. Those other counselors seemed to be doing, other things... which irritated you to no end.
“Maybe... I can tuck the kids into bed then meet you back at your cabin. It’s getting pretty late for them anyway.” You smiled as he stood there gesturing that he’ll be waiting for you until then.
Walking back to the playing children feeling your best friend’s eyes on you as you’re leaving to woods. But as soon as you’re out, you had an egg launch at you, all on your face and hair, gasping and flinching at the sudden impact, you sighed in announce trying to calm down. You knew snapping at those kids wasn’t the option even if the other camp counselors do it all the time. Laughing from the distance filled your ears, choosing to ignore it as your fingers naturally reached for your hair as egg yolk fell to the ground. But a little dropping on your legs.
“Eggs. Classic.”
The closer you became to the children they got louder, “Kids! It’s time for bed. Get in your pjs, now!” To your surprise, they groaned and put the eggs down walking grumblingly to their cabins. Following your eyes and head glanced back towards the woods, keeping in mind Jason is waiting for you there.
The kids were all tucked in bed, and all of the camp counselors were by the fire talking, laughing, singing, like just about every night...
You however, weren’t interested like always. You would always secretly run off to the woods to avoid whisperings from the other counselors or judgement from them. When you knew no one else can hear or see you anymore, you let out a relived sigh walking all around the woods to find your companion.
Jason was waiting for his best friend, standing by the docks of the lake staring into the dark water, hearing footsteps he turned his head immediately and relaxed when he found out it was you. Giving him a big warm smile as you waltzed right over to him, soon stepping on the creaky old wood above the shallow water.
“Alright Jason, you ready?”
He gave a hesitant nod, but he wanted to try, and he’s very grateful you’ll be the one teaching him.
Taking off your shoes and socks, laying on your tummy with the wood creaking you dipped your fingers into the black freezing water earning a hiss from your teeth. Jason had an idea of why you made that sound, feeling more hesitant he took your hand in his large one gently. A chuckle fell from your lips before diving right in and immediately feeling the freezing water across your body having you shiver when your head popped up the surface.
“I-it’s o-ok J-J-Jason! J-just rrreally fffreez-ing!” Shivering and your teeth clattering Jason was now worried about your health. It helped a lot as he came in the water slowly and was able to stand in the water, while your feet barley could even touch the bottom. With your hands on your arms as the goosebumps and hair stood up straight, not to mention the wind howling and breezing through the night sky didn’t help at all either.
When Vorhees was inches away from you he quickly held you close to warm you up. Surprisingly, he was actually warm and the shivering along with the teeth chattering died down. Taking deep breaths as the both of you slowly but surely maneuvered deeper, and deeper into the dark lake.
Your body slowly getting used to this cold water your shivering stopped and your attention all on Jason. His legs and hands didn’t know what to do, having his limbs flail and splash around in the water beginning to panic. “Jason! Jason it’s ok, it’s ok!” Your voice and soft tone along with holding his arms up as his large ones were placed on your shoulders for balance.
“Just slowly move your legs and you’ll be fine.”
Eventually he got the hang of it, with guidance and techniques as he really went through the water smoothly and with a big smile on your face. “Good, oh you’re doing so good Jason.”
Your smile and praises warmed him inside, he would be smiling back if he could.
After the swimming lessons, Jason walked back to his cabin with no problem while you were shivering in his arms as he carried you inside the warm little home.
Laying you down and wrapping a warm blanket around you while keeping that friendly appreciative smile stuck on your ice cold face. Jason took a chair and sat in it , ready to return the favor and teach you something in return.
Tilting your head curiously wondering what he’s up to Jason held up his hands doing a few letters of the alphabet in sign language. You gasp softly feeling a bit excited and grateful he’s teaching you something his mother taught him in a way to communicate.
Doing sign language with your best friend had you busy all night, making more and more camp counselors wondering where you were. But not looking for you.
You didn’t mind at all, you can spend forever with Jason teaching you sign language, and teaching him how to swim. Or be with him in general,
You always made each other happy.
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Prompt:  "Why Me?" at a Destroyed Factory in a time when Time Travel was widely available with Arthur Morgan. [Arthur Morgan x Reader] [GN]
Words: 2.5k
A/N: This is an odd one but I like it :D, thanks for the request! I hope you all like it.
With the alarm blaring by my bed, I roll over with a groan, just another day working at home in my PJs... and not seeing anyone... again—damn pandemic. As I was going about my day, I heard a knock at the door; curious about what or who it could be I, opened the door. 
There stood a man wearing suit pants with a pocket watch at my front door, a slightly brown shirt with the sleeves rolled up and braces. He carried only an envelope that he held close to his chest, it had browned with age, and the corners had had a beating it was that old. 
The man paused for a second, leaving me to stare at him while in my pyjamas - which I had just remembered. "Your name, it wouldn't be (y/n) (l/n) would it?" the man asked, curiously.
"It is, and what's your name?" I replied, not understanding why this man was here if he was a postman surely he would have just posted the letter. 
"I work for the post office," so he was a postman. "and I've been waiting to deliver this letter for the past 30 years, it is our oldest letter..."
"That's nice..." I say, not sure where this conversation was going or why it was even happening. 
"It's addressed to you," the man says as he hands over the letter "and it had been originally sent more than a century ago." 
"Is this some kind of joke?" I ask, unsure as to whether I want to take the letter or not, "A prank?"
"No!" The man insisted "No, I just wanted to deliver the letter personally, to see who it's addressed too. Good day, (y/n)" at this the man turns around and leaves, heading back to his rather fancy car. 
I watch him leave before I shut my door, looking at the envelope, it was indeed addressed to me, and it had pages and pages but on the very first page was a note, a single note. 
"Meet me here, at 04/01/2021 at 4 pm.
Coordinates: 53.4814195, -2.22865000000002"
I was curious for a moment, but as I scanned the next page of the letter and accidentally saw the last page, I instantly knew I had to do as the letter asked.
The letter said I could only read one page at a time; it was more like instructions and as much as wanted to read the next page, I followed the letter's instructions. 
 On my second train journey to get to the coordinates, I quickly looked up where they were leading me again, it was an abandoned factory. I suddenly fell into the rabbit hole researching the factory - there's an old ghost story were workers would disappear, there were even eye-witness accounts saying they would vanish into thin air. 
I read through the next page again; there was information that only I should know so I was still freaked out but the curiosity of why a person from over 100 hundred years ago, can know me so well. 
As I carry my backpack off the train, I follow the phone as it takes me down side streets through the town centre. The anticipation is KILLING me, so it feels like I have been walking around for an hour now. 
Eventually, I get to the abandoned factory, The road to it was surrounded by overgrown grass and trees that covered the sky, and there are several gates padlocked. I needed to climb over one of the fences with brickwork that had slightly crumbled down - just enough to get a leg up.
After rereading the next page, I take a quick look around, I've read that they don't even have a guard here, but the house down the street sometimes would ring the police if they spotted anyone trespassing - but if you went down the side further into the trees they can't see you. 
When I got to the inside of the building, I followed this letter that the postman had given me, 
"Second Floor, East Wing, Room 204"
I head in there, and I can feel the energy off of something that I couldn't see anything- in fact, I could barely see anything anyways the room was so dark, soot on the walls from cent, I walked closer into the room. 
"I wouldn't move any closer if I were you."
I freeze, heart racing, I didn't think anyone else was in here, I certainly couldn't see anyone else. 
All of a sudden, a match was lit, showing me dark eyes under a 'Ten-Gallon' hat as the stranger lit a cigar. 
"I... I didn't think anyone else was here" I say honestly. "Just me and my friends" I lie. 
"It's okay, friend, I ain't gonna hurt you," said the stranger, he spoke as if he was from an old western. 
'friend?' I think as I squint through the dark to get a better look.
"You address me like you know me, do I know you?" I ask, unsure whether I want to keep talking to the stranger stood in the dark, abandoned warehouse - No, I do not.
"No, but I know you." The stranger replied. 
"Is that so, well, I'm just gonna find my friends, I'll be back in a sec" I lie again, finding a polite excuse to leave. 
"You don't need to lie to me. You haven't read the next page of the letter yet have you?" the strange cowboy said more than asked. 
"You...How... You know about the letter?" 
The stranger walked closer, walking into a patch of sunlight, I could see them more clearly. They wore a scruffy beard, a blue shirt and... gun, they had a gun, 'god I hope it's a prop' I thought, maybe I had walked onto a film set. 
"You should really read the next page of the letter." They could sense my hesitation to take my attention away from the stranger. "It's okay. I'm going to stay here where you can see me."
I read the next page, which told me to read the page after too, this page explained that the stranger in front of me was a man named Arthur Morgan. A man who was not going to hurt me told me I should trust him since he is a friend, a good friend that I just hadn't had the opportunity to get to know yet. 
As I read the pages, I kept looking up to make sure the man-Arthur kept his promise; he did, he was watching me as if he had seen me read this letter a million times before.
"As I said, I'm not going to hurt you" Arthur spoke up. 
"Yeah, I know... I just read it." I felt like I wasn't really here. 
"Yeah, that pesky letter. I bet ya have a couple a questions?"
"A couple? Yeah, more than enough" I replied, getting frustrated. "Why do I have this letter? Who Sent it? Why did it lead me here? And not that I'm judging but why are you dressed like a cowboy? And plea---se tell me that's not a real gun" I realise my voice had gotten louder and louder. This letter I had received had been weird from the start, but now it was too much. 
Arthur chuckles, and I oddly find comfort in it but at the same time get more annoyed. "Okay 1) It is crucial that you got this letter and that's all I can say on that, other than..." Arthur contemplates his words. "it's gonna help some people, maybe even save some." Pause. "2) ain't gonna tell you tha', just tha' it's from a good friend, is all. 4 and 5) Because I am, and it is, is that a problem, darlin'?" Arthur says with a smirk as if he had won in some way. 
"You missed 3" I reply smugly, "You missed question 3" I repeated, completely ignoring his comment. 
"I was saving the best 'till last is all," He said with a roll of his eyes. 
'the cheek of this man' I think as Arthur walks closer to the window, wiping dust and soot off of it, just enough for us to see in the room. He finishes and walks towards me, as he does, he gestures to the centre of the room. 
"You can feel it, can't you? like a pull and a push all are the same time." Arthur asks.  I can only nod, wanting to hear the explanation, Arthur continues, "It's a time..." He paused "oh what did they say it was again?" This time, speaking more to himself than me. "A time rift, it's a time rift." 
"Okay... and what does that mean, exactly?" I ask, trying to understand. 
"Listen, I don't know this crap okay, they just told me what to say, beyond that I have no idea. It basically means that... that time is weakest here."
"Meaning... what?" 
"Meaning... Well, meaning we can go to one time and then to another... Not very frequently though, It can take a lot outa ya."
Suddenly we heard the gate outside creek open, scraping against the concrete. Arthur quickly grabbed you and dragged you to the closest wall, both of you ducking down underneath the window. 
The police officers were chatting outside and weren't going to be there for a few more minutes; the letter explained that I should have enough time - if I did everything correctly and listened to Arthur, that pesky neighbour must have seen Arthur at the window before. 
"What do we do" I whispered to Arthur, panicking slightly. 
"It's okay, darlin', we hav'ta go through the time rift" Arthur whispered back. 
"To get away from the coppas, to help the.. the people, like I said"
"I mean, why me? if you need to help people maybe get a doctor or nurse."
"It has to be you, okay and I can't explain why just yet, only with time will you understand, okay."
"Will I be able to come back if I go into the time rift thing, will I be able to come back?"
"Darlin', you won't ever wanna come back," Arthur said smugly despite the circumstances.
"Arthur," I said in a rather fed up voice.
"Okay, yes, you can come back... if you wanted to."
"And people need help?" 
"Not just people, erm, ma friends, my team - if you will, even me." 
I looked at him for a moment; I believed him wholeheartedly for some reason. 
"I'll help you," I said in whisperer as I heard the police officers enter the building. "What do I do?"
"Well, you gotta think of the date and the place that you are going too, I brought a photograph with me." He said as he pulled out the picture, "You can keep that, jus' give it back to me later. So you gotta think of this place on this date and walk into it... It's that simple."
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"Okay, come on then," you say as start walking toward the centre of the room, closer to the rift. 
"Sorry Darlin', I'm not going to the same place as you."
"What, but you... you said I am going to help you, how am I supposed to do that if you aren't there" I argued. 
"I'm gonna be there, just a few years younger, more arrogant and much more dashing." The police started walking through the second floor, having cleared the first floor. "You gotta go now; I'll be seeing ya, don't worry. Now go"
I stare at the cowboy again, he seemed sincere, and he was. He did mean it when he said that I could come back if I wanted, and I visited my family once a year for a month or so, but the wild west has been more home from this day forward. 
He was also right about being more arrogant too. 
As I landed on the firm grassy hillside, feeling as if every atom had been broken and put back together, I cautiously stood up. Turning around, I hear muttering from just over the hilltop. 
I looked over the hill; you saw a giant campsite for at least 20 people; it was like a small town. 
"Looks like we got a nosy one," A familiar voice said from behind me "what's your name darlin'... and why are you dressed so.. Unique like."
I turned around recognising Arthur Morgan as he sat atop his horse, a hide on the back. "Erm, hi" I reply as I realise this Arthur doesn't know me. "it's a long story, but if you're willing to listen and maybe read this..." I say as I show the letter that went on for pages and pages. 
Arthur slowly warmed up to me; he didn't read past this page that I had yet to read myself; he was respectful of that at least. 
Arthur spoke to his friend and gang leader 'Van Der Linde' about let me stay, "They'll be my responsibility." was all Arthur had said, with a nod and a grunt his friend walked off before following with...
"Get 'em some clothes, they look ridiculous." 
Arthur was rather sweet to me, he showed me how to hunt and gather food - also how to cook it, just wait for the stew it is rather good. 
I helped Arthur redeem himself and his name - which took a lot of work, but it was worth it. 
As I said, Arthur took me in, and we grew close, years later we settled down on a farm and lived an honest life which we're both happy with.
After about a decade together we realised it was time... We had to send me/my younger self through the Time Rift. We travelled day and night for a week in order to reach the old factory, which at this point was just a few years old and bustling with people. 
We snuck in through the back exit and said we are health inspectors on a new programme, here to check the disappearances. As soon the factory was being built, people started to go missing - no one had ever been that tall before, and so no one had managed to go through the rift before. 
They let us in instantly and even walked us up to the rift, we were left alone for a moment as I said goodbye, he would be back I wasn't sure when, and he would see a me that didn't trust him, that didn't even know him. 
After he went through the rift, I headed back to our home, where I hoped beyond hope he would make his way back home - he does.
So as I write this letter to you, hoping that you won't cheat and flick through the pages as time travel can be a tricky subject - I know you read the last bit of the last page.
I am you, from your future and I need your help. 
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End to this and this, first part done by @randomly-a-fan (Ik y’all can see it but I really like to mention how amazing she is) <3
Ready or not, here I come
Pairings: The Voorheese’s family x The Creeper, Malon x The Creeper and most importantly Freddy Krueger x MJ, The Voorheese’s family and The Creeper
Warnings: Violence, gore, angst, description of drowning and some cuteness with The Creeper and Malon <:
this one's shorter
Don't hesitate to tell me if i did any mistakes, it would be greatly appreciated!
“Alright… I’m ready.”
MJ said as she put herself comfortable on the mattress they put in the backyard. They didn’t want to have another broken window, so they took some precautions. It wasn’t windy, so with only a pillow and a small blanket, armed with a small knife, she fell asleep pretty easily once she clicked on the small button of the watch. The timer counted down from 10 minutes as they waited patiently, Malon back to colouring inside since they didn’t want her hurt.
-Dream Realm-
The brave woman looked around as she found herself into the boiler room, sweat starting to make her shirt stick to her back. MJ scanned everywhere as she tried to find him, with no success though. ''SHOW YOURSELF!! '' She screamed out as she did a 360 degree and tried to find any source of movement or indication that he was there. ''Missed me?'' A startled gasp escaped her as she felt his presence behind her. '7 minutes' The woman stepped back as she turned around to look at him, her now scared gaze fixated on his approaching figure. ''I think you better run, little MJ. '' The use of her surname made her panic a bit as she did just what he said, hoping that the 7 minutes would pass quickly and that she wouldn't die. As she was running, the scenery changed to the one of the cabin, which almost made her think she was awake until she didn't see anybody around. Almost knowing the woods by hand, she ran towards an opening, hearing the mocking laughters of the dream demon. Her heart was still racing as she abruptly fell upon... Crystal Lake's lake. She knew by the cabins that there was no mistake. The scenery was now of the lifeless camp and it brought her some bad memories, which she shook off as she waited for Freddy to come at her.
'5 minutes'...
MJ took a big inhale as she waited, her body tense and her eyes wide open. She couldn't wait for this to finally be over and have a nice cuddling session with her husband, not in little pieces.. After another long wait, she started to step towards the water to wait for the demon to show himself. It was probably a really bad idea, but she couldn't stop herself. It was like something was tugging her towards the water, calling out to her. Panic filled her once again as she felt her feet starting to move on their own as soon as she tried to stop walking. Sudden realisation slapped her as she now had the water at her waist. ''Oh, no....... NO-!'' A silent scream left her as soon as she felt a hand on her ankle, dragging her down the depths, her arms falling miserably around the dirty water. The woman's pale eyes were still wide open as she looked down at Freddy's sadistic and burned face. ''.....!!! '' Her lungs started to burn terribly as MJ felt the lake entering them and taking her oxygen.... As a last attempt of protecting the ones she loves, she gripped his non-gloved hand with the last of her strength before she saw black.... The beeping of the watch faintly in the background as she felt the black engulfing her.
Jason immediately took action as soon as he caught glimpse of a thin horizontal line of wetness on his wife's lower lip, turning her body to the side frantically. He couldn't lose her, not ever. He wasn't stupid as to what happened, which didn't help his panicked state. He opened her jaw, the beeping of the watch ignored as he tried to save her life. He couldn't believe that Freddy would really dare to try to kill MJ just because she's with him... But he wouldn't let him win. Knowing what to do Jason started CPR while looking for a pulse as his is racing. After some time, he was finally going to abandon until he heard and saw her regurgitating the almost cleear liquid and her brows furrow. With extremely high hopes and his heart still racing, he turned her to the side and patted her back, a smile under his masked face once he saw colours coming back to her face. ''W-what..... What ha-happened..? '' MJ whispered raspily as she looked up at her unknowingly crying husband. He obviously didn't answer as he hugged her, being mindful of her almost dying on him. The couple were so happy that they failed to hear the noise of metal behind them, until they heard the unmistakable screech of The Creepers as he almost jumped on Freddy who was now in the real world. Their heads whipped to the side as they looked almost shocked at the two creatures fighting, almost not believing they got him out again.
''Oh no-'' Everything came back to MJ as she buried her face into Jason's shoulder, tears staining his new jacket. After the corpse insident (If you haven't read it, the kids found a corpse in the woods and Jason buried it), Jason had gotten another jacket. It looked like his original one, but it was obviously newer. Back to the fight, The Creeper and The Nightmare looked completely exhausted, especially Freddy though. He looked like he was going to die right here, right now(Not like anybody minded) ,his burnt 'skin' bloodied and his clothes ripped. He even missed a freaking arm! For The Creeper, he only had some rips in his clothes and a big slash across his face from Freddy's glove. The creature's gaze was fixed on his prey as he bared his pointy teeth to him, making him step back. As they continued to attack each other, MJ looked down as she couldn't bear to see what would happen, a wince escaping her as she heard Freddy's mocking laughter for the last time before the unmistakable squelching of flesh ripping was heard. She... She just hoped he was really dead this time and that everything would be over... A relieved sigh escaped the woman's mouth once she saw their friend coming back, his appearance back to normal except for the holes in his clothes as he tried to unstuck a piece of flesh from his teeth (hehe). ''Is...Is he dead.....? '' She couldn't help but ask as she wouldn't look in the now corpse's direction. A small nod was all she got as a weight seemed to be lifted from her shouldesr. ''Don't.. Don't you think we should do something with the body? Like, maybe burn it?...To not take any chances...?'' The last part was almost whispered. He looked pensive before he nodded, her husband doing the same as he helped her up.
They wouldn't take any chances of him coming back to life once again. After making sure all his remains were burned, the trio walked back into the cabin with better moods and Jason gave The Creeper a shirt and some pants, the creature thanking him with an appreciative purr. They were pretty happy about the result and just hoped that it was really finished....As soon as Malon saw The Creeper emerging from the bathroom from his clothes, she jumped towards him with a giant smile, forgetting about her mother for a second as a smile came onto his face. It was really something special that he liked Malon, since he wouldn't hesitate to kill a child to feed. But the Voorhees' were happy that Malon had another adult in her life, even if he didn't always act like one.
Food was served once everybody felt like eating and after they relaxed, Malon still playing with her friend in her room. The sky was starting to darken, which meant that it was almost time for Malon to go to sleep. So MJ decided that she would go see what they're doing. ''Mal-''
Her heart melted once she saw the two in the room, Malon in her PJs and tucked under the covers with The Creeper listening to her sleepily ramble about some things. As soon as he heard her, he turned his head with a small grin at the corner of his mouth, smelling the surprise on the woman. ''Huh.... Oh my... Thank you..'' She was speecheless. Still shocked, she smiled softly at the creature as he did the same, getting up the bed before he stopped in the doorway to give MJ a small head pat, which resulted in a chuckle escaping her. They walked to the door as Jason waved in the background. ''Have a good night, Creeper... Thank you so much for everything. '' You could hear the emotion as she was trying not to cry again. Once more, he nodded with another smile before he disappeared into the night with a wink and a content purr.
With a sigh and after closing the door, MJ plopped down beside her husband as they cuddled each other, enjoying the now calm night..
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Soulmates Part 6
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I know his dad is already dead in the show, but I want him alive for the drama. if you have any ideas or feedback, please let me know 
I hope you’re enjoying it!
Kelsey eyes fluttered open at 5:50 am; she could feel Rafael staring down at her. "you know if you take a picture, it will last longer" Kelsey smiled up to Rafael over sweetly as she got to throw the statement right back into his face. He chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, dulce chica, I intend to. I have to go soon. I have to get ready for work and change my suit." Kelsey nodded and snuggled back into the older man "just five more minutes." Rafael kissed her temple "baby, I need to get going. My uber is ten minutes away from your apartment, and we have a busy day at work." The couple got out of bed. Kelsey took her robe off the bathroom door and tied it around herself, and brushed her teeth while Rafael got dressed back into last night's clothes.
Kelsey walked out of the bathroom to Rafael; he was buttoning up his coat. The young detective pulled him into a warm embrace. "I know I am going to see you in a few hours, but I don't want you to go." "I know neither do I chica dulce" Rafael kissed her temple and removed himself from her embrace. "My uber is here, baby. I will see you soon." Kelsey nodded her head as he exited her apartment.
At 8:50 am, Kelsey walked through from the lift to her desk. She didn't have time to get her usual coffee order as she decided to have a bath instead of a shower; because of this decision, she didn't have time to do her makeup or grab herself a coffee. Kelsey felt self-conscious because she didn't have any of her makeup on, and she hadn't had her daily caffeine fix.
Just as Kelsey got to her desk, an arm came round from the back of her and produced her vanilla latte "one vanilla latte that is far too sweet to be called coffee for a sweet girl" she turned around, and he was grinning from ear to ear. Rafael placed a kiss on Kelsey's lips that turned heated very fast; they pulled away from each other as soon as they heard the catcalls from the squad. The couple smirked at each other "I think we have an audience counselor." she whispered to the older man as she took the coffee cup from Rafael's hand. Kelsey turned back to her desk to turn on her laptop just as the ADA stepped away from her.
*7 pm that evening*
"Excuse me, are you a detective? I want to report an assault on my daughter's behalf. My name is Mrs. Emily Junave" an older white woman with ginger hair approached Kelsey's desk. "yes, ma'am, I am. How about you make yourself comfortable over there on one of those leather seats, and I will grab my partner, and we can discuss the assault."
Kelsey and Rollins followed the older woman to the seats and sat down; " I'm detective Kelsey Hardy, and this is Detective Amanda Rollins, so you say that your daughter may have been assaulted." "Yes, that's is correct. Katie has been feeling very unwell recently, and I took her to the doctor's office this morning, and we have just found out she is 14 weeks pregnant," the older woman explained. "Does Katie have a boyfriend that could be the father of her unborn child?" detective Rollins questioned "No, there aren't any significant men in her life; both her grandfathers died before she was born, and my husband left Katie and me when she was three years old, and Katie doesn't have a boyfriend; she isn't allowed." "Mrs. Junave, how old is Katie?" Kelsey asking cautiously, feeling like there is something she is missing "Katie is 25; we were going to have a big party to celebrate." Both of the detectives looked at each other and looked back at the older woman in front of them. "Mrs. Junave, did Katie tell you that she has been assaulted?" Kelsey cocked her head to the side as she waited for the older lady reply "No, she didn't, but I know that Katie didn't willingly have sex with anyone." the older woman looked between the two blonde detectives and realized that she wasn't getting anywhere. The two detectives believed that she was just an overprotective mama bear. "You don't believe me, do you? I know my daughter couldn't consent to sex. If you don't think I'm telling the truth, come and find out for yourself."
The older lady took off down the corridor with the detectives hot on her heels. The three women stop at the wooden benches in a nearby hall. When they got to the wooden benches, they could see a young larger girl sat down. She faced the window so nobody could see her. Mrs. Junave crouched down to be level with her daughter; "Katie, can you say hello to the nice detectives?" Katie turned around and faced the two blonde women. Rollins and Kelsey looked at each other, shocked as they didn't expect Katie to be Down syndrome. "Hello," Katie replied bluntly. "Hi Katie, My name is Amanda, and this is Kelsey. We are going to help you." Mrs. Junave ushered Katie up and held her hand "well, if you excuse me, detectives, Katie has had a long day, and it's her bedtime now. We will come in tomorrow morning to answer your questions and pass along any information that you need." Like that, the mother and daughter were heading towards the exit, ignoring the detective's calls to bring them back.
"Rollins, Hardy, what we got?"  Captain Cragen asked as he came out of his office. "25-year-old Katie Junave, She has been brought in by the mother as she is 14 weeks pregnant. The mother claimed she had been raped as she isn't allowed a boyfriend or has any significant males in her life." Rollins answered "so we have a very delusional mother thinking her little girl is innocent and pure, and then all of a sudden she finds out she is pregnant, which shatters that idea, and now she is crying rape?" Rafael walked from the bullpen to the desks to hear about the new case." "Counselor, it's not like that. The girl is down syndrome which is tricky because we don't know what level she is or what happened. We just spoke to the mother, and we briefly met Katie before she was whisked off for bedtime." Kelsey spoke with frustration in her voice towards the mother.
Kelsey sat down at her desk to type up the notes from the disclosure made by Mrs. Junave. Rafael came up behind her and started kneading the Knots out of her neck "why don't you finish up your notes, and you can come to my apartment. I will cook, we can have some wine and watch trashy tv. We could even stop by your apartment for an overnight bag?" "That sounds amazing. Give me an hour to finish up, and I will meet you at my apartment." Rafael could burst with happiness right now. "Okay, dulce chica, I'm going to my office to drop these files off and go to the market to pick supplies. I will see you in an hour."
Kelsey finished up and headed home; as she walked through the door, she could see her roommate Joanne on the couch watching some documentary. "Who were you sneaking out of the apartment this morning?" Joanne quizzed "My soulmate Rafael Barba, which happens to be my squads ADA at work." Joanne looked at her in disbelief "You have a soulmate bond?" kelsey rolled up her sleeve and showed her roommate her scar. "I'm so happy for you, Kels. You deserve to be happy in life and make your own choices. Promise me ill get to meet him soon, and we can have a girl's night to discuss him" Kelsey laughed at her best friend. "Of course we can. We can discuss all the nitty-gritty details over cocktails, but right now, I need to pack an overnight bag as I am spending the night at his place."
Kelsey walked to her bedroom and packed a bag for herself. She added her makeup and toiletries bag with her clothes and PJs. Kelsey zipped the bag up and placed it on the floor. Just as she stood straight, Kelsey saw him lent up against the door frame. He then made his way over to her and pulled her in for a chaste kiss. "Hey baby, uber is downstairs if you're ready" she nodded her head and grabbed her bag. Leaving the apartment, she said goodbye to Joanne, and they both made their way downstairs.
Kelsey and Rafael were cuddling on the couch with a glass of white wine each, relaxing in each other's company. All of sudden, there was pounding on his front door. It was as if the person's life depended on being in the apartment. Rafael opened the door, fully intending to shout at the individual who was ruining his perfect evening. But as the door swung open and two furious older women stormed into the apartment.
They didn't even see Kelsey sitting on the couch in their rage. "Rafi, he has outdone himself this time. He is moving back home from Miami. He is also getting married-she is nineteen," the younger woman of the pair fumed at Rafael. Then it was the older one's turn to speak. "He wants a second chance of a relationship with you. as if you would leave everything in the past and forget to play happy families with him and his child bride." both women were looking at Rafael expectantly for a reaction. he sighed heavily. "Mami, Abuela, would you like a glass of wine?" both women shrieked. "WINE! YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS,". he sighed again, and kelsey rubbed his back "nothing that man does ever surprises me anymore. My father is a law of himself, and we are all dolls in his theatre. If he wants to reach out, let him it won't last long like his marriage. He will be back onto better things soon."
The two women look defeated."I guess your right, Rafi. He makes me mad that he lives likes this with no consequences." The older woman spoke. The younger woman hasn't stopped staring at Kelsey since she rubbed her son's back. "Who are you?" Rafael gives his mother a warning look " This is Miss Kelsey Hardy. She is a new detective with the Manhattan Special Victims Unit and so happens to be my soulmate." he then rolls his sleeves up and shows the room his scar; there is a deafening silence.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
Hi! I have a request for Shouto x reader imagine or headcanons where they're separated due to covid. Since Shouto is an essential worker being a hero and all, he doesn't want to potentially get the reader sick. How would they handle that/what kind of cute (or dirty, ahem) LDR antics would they get up to?
so... I couldn’t really make this cute or sexy because the more I thought about it the more I felt like this was ignoring the reality and the horrors of being a front line essential worker, which todoroki shouto along with all the heroes would most likely become. i’m warning you now that if you have issues with COVID-19 please do not read. i’m trying to be as realistic as possible, while also trying to keep the original request in mind. there is fluff, but it’s bittersweet fluff. the fluff that makes you think that its cute, but there’s too much going on for it to be heaven.
I... I can’t tell you honestly. I know that this is supposed to be cute and possibly sexy, but I don’t see this as being a fun and cute time in a relationship, especially with shouto. the role as a hero in a time like this seems... sporadic. most people would take indoors when they should be, if they’re not being fucking stupid and ignoring quarantine orders. 
with a lack of people out doors due to forced orders, basic things like robbery and mugging would go down because there’s no one around, meaning that heroes would most likely be guarding businesses that are considered to be essential. there might be some still patrolling the streets because if I was a villain i’d use this time of no one being around to do my dirty work. 
but this isn’t a lockdown... it isn’t something that will be fixed or improved within a week or a month. the effects of COVD-19 are going to remain in society until we all die out. the reality is, the virus most likely won’t be removed from society until 2021 especially seeing how -- like in america -- where idiot fucking people are ignoring social distancing and stuff under the idea that it’s a hoax or because it is their right, liberty, and freedom to get a haircut. but of course, with the implication of a quirk having world, who knows what that would entail. would there be anarchy? people relentlessly using their quirks to make a point? to get what they want and need in their hysteria?
quirks are power, and honestly, we humans suck ass when we get power. people use it to their advantage, twisting and pulling until they have more. we humans don’t know when to stop. 
so to me, if shouto was having to go out there daily, in a quarantined and restless society where he can only hope that he doesn’t contract it or even carry it back home, he’s going to be strict. so what is he going to do?: 
— the six feet apart rule doesn’t even exist. he’s got to make you find somewhere else to stay at this time if you’re not essential either. he doesn’t want to bring it home to you, he doesn’t want to see you getting sick. and if you’re an essential worker, then its the six feet apart rule, you’re still not going to be getting sick because of him.
— he calls you at the end of the day, and it’s going to be rough. he’s probably going to be guarding, assisting the front line medical workers in any way that he can. he’s going to see people dying who he couldn’t save, and had no way to save. he’s going to be still. unmoving. exhausted. talk to him, listen to him, be there for him.
— this isn’t going to be fun time in your relationship. it’s going to be so fucking impossibly hard that it can make or break you guys. shouto seems to internalize a lot of his guilt, and yes he’s going to tell you every single bit of his guilt, but this is extremely different. 
— if you have a sudden increase of a sex drive, don’t force anything on him. he’s the essential worker right now, you can get off on your own, but do not ever complain about your own friskiness to him. shouto is going to give you what you want, but that is unfair and inconsiderate to what he’s going through.
— mail services are still up in america, so i’ll assume they’re the same in japan, so what you can do is send daily letters to him. even though you guys speak and facetime and whatnot, send him letters. he likes writing letters, and seeing that you did a little something for him despite constantly talking with him will make him feel better. 
— learn how to make soba for him, send him your homemade soba if you can, try to find someone willing to put it outside of your guys home for him.
— remind him that he’s doing the best that he can, that things will be okay, that you’re here for him because holy hell he is going to remember every face he couldn’t save. he’s going to appear on camera with red tinted eyes on multiple occasions and it’s your job to be his hero. don’t let him give up hope.
— and when it starts to finally go down, when that curve finally goes down and stays down, the first time you see each other I imagine it going something akin to dramatic romances. he finally comes home after a long day at work, and he immediately moves to shower. he gets outs, water dripping from his hair and he sees you standing in the room. it’s quiet, him half believing its a hallucination because its been months since he’s seen you and he’s hallucinated you there before at trying times. and you’re unable to believe that after so long he’s finally there. 
— there’s no kissing, just a heavy breathe because he wants to cry but he’s long ago cried off all his tears and the two of you sink to the floor. in each others arms, faces buried in each others necks while you embrace. its vulnerable, its broken, but is it perfect right now because for so long the two of you had to be strong even with tears streaming down your faces. 
— you’ve never heard him mumble I love you as many times as you did that night when the two of you collapse onto the bed, your pjs on, the sheets of your bed finally against your skin again.
— he’s grateful to have you back, healthy and alive
— and you thank anything that he stayed healthy and alive
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nightingiall · 4 years
things i love about you: we make the rules
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a post-little do you know drabble series // story page
Mona didn’t know how this happened.
Okay, well, that was a lie. Of course she knew how this happened.
She and Niall were consenting adults in a long-term relationship. It was honestly more of a surprise that this sort of thing was happening now, after four or five years of their intimate relationship, rather than sooner.
Still, that didn’t change the way her heart felt like a jackhammer in her chest at the moment, as she stood in the bathroom watching the pregnancy test stick like a hawk. She didn’t know why she was doing this to herself, psyching herself out over every sound and creak of their apartment. There was no one else there, with Niall gone at work and not expected to be back for another few hours or so.
She had felt strange over the last couple of days. Different, somehow, in a way she couldn’t explain. And she had never been the type to keep track of her period, simply counting on it arriving every single month, not paying attention to whether it was late or early by a few days. But this time, she noticed. Specifically, the absence of it. And something in her told her that maybe she should make a quick stop at the drugstore near her job to pick up a pregnancy test, just in case.
Now, there she was, trying not to hyperventilate in the middle of the bathroom as she waited for the stick to give her an answer.
It didn’t help that this very action had been on her mind all night, a constant needling thought that followed her through the outstretched hours because Niall had chosen that specific day to come home early, which meant she couldn’t take the test right away. She was forced to laugh and smile like nothing was happening, even though she’d never been good at pretending, even though her nerves trembled within her at every movement. If Niall noticed she was on edge, he didn’t comment.
She was tempted a few times throughout the night to just sneak into the bathroom and get it over with, but she only got about halfway out of bed before Niall’s soft snoring stopped her and she was quickly shuffling in next to his warmth again, her heart thumping at ten thousand beats a minute. Then, as he instinctively pulled her into him and murmured something in his sleep, she realized that she wouldn’t dare try and take the pregnancy test in his proximity, despite her impatience, because he knew her better than the back of his own hand and would probably catch her while she was still opening the damn packaging.
So she waited. Even though the hours were agonizingly, excruciatingly long. She called in a sick day at work because she simply couldn’t fathom bringing herself to leave the house today. Then, after a sleepless, restless night, she got out of bed a little on the early side and cooked breakfast, just to have something to do.
“Mmmm, breakfast?” Niall had hummed as he walked into the kitchen after getting dressed, looking handsome as always in a navy blue shirt and dark grey trousers, not a wrinkle in sight, the garments pressed to perfection just last night. Today, she knew, was a big day for him at the office since he was interviewing some hotshot entrepreneur for a story in the paper, meaning he’d be home late, meaning it was the perfect opportunity to take the stupid pregnancy test once and for all. Maybe even sit down with a glass of wine and a good novel when it came back negative. “What’s the occasion?”
Mona had shrugged, sending him a smile over her shoulder before turning her attention back to the omelette currently sizzling away in the pan. “Got tired of eating cereal and fruit every day. Wanted a change.”
At that, Niall had laughed, a bright, buoyant sound that somehow made the sun shine brighter. Instead of filling her with the usual joy, though, a heavy sort of weight had settled low in her tummy at her sudden realization of the fact that the test may very well not come back negative. A sick feeling curled its way up her throat at the thought.
She ignored it, flipping the omelette onto a plate and sliding it on the table for Niall, placing a cup of coffee next to it. When she turned around to get started on preparing one for herself, Niall tutted behind her, his hands sliding down her sides and easily slotting into the curve of her waist. “No good morning kiss with that lovely meal?” he asked, words a breathy whisper at her jawline.
She squirmed at the way he nuzzled into her neck, his facial hair that was now grown out enough to be called a beard tickling her skin. “No!” she laughed. “Eat your breakfast.”
“C’mon,” he pleaded, turning her around after she placed a cover on the skillet and pouting at her. “And why are you still in your pj’s and not in one of your sexy CEO outfits.” His hands were a warm weight on her, voice dipped so low that it had goosebumps rippling all across her skin. She rolled her eyes at him to not let on that he was getting to her. “We could’ve matched today.”
Mona often went into her job in business attire, which was what Niall had dubbed as “sexy CEO-wear,” since he didn’t have to adhere to strict dress codes and could stroll into his office wearing jeans and a nice tee. She didn’t know how to tell him that she’d taken a sick day without spilling the rest of her current predicament to him, so she simply swatted him away and dodged all of his attempts of kissing her. “You’re insatiable! Your breakfast is getting cold and you’ll be late if you keep this up.”
She turned away from him again, lifting the skillet cover to check on her omelette, which was nearly ready to be flipped, but not before noticing the way he frowned at her. His arms were around her again as he swayed them gently along to the beat of Selena’s “I Could Fall In Love,” which was playing softly from the radio on the kitchen windowsill. Soft and delicate as always, he pressed his lips to the pulse point on her neck, three feather light touches in slow succession, and he waited for her to slide the omelette onto a plate and turn the burner off before speaking.
“Nothing is wrong, right?” Turning her around with his hands on her hips, he tightened his hold on her slightly, sending her a sweet smile.
“No,” she responded, trying to keep her voice level as she returned his smile. “Why?”
He shrugged as best he could with his arms wrapped around her. “Just making sure. You and your brain. Unpredictable.” Mona scoffed, rolling her eyes, which had his smile growing brighter. It was only then that she relaxed enough to take him in—bright blue eyes emphasized by the color of his shirt, broad shoulders firm under her fingers, and a soft giggle falling from his sweet, peachy lips right into her heart. He seemed to notice this relaxing of her demeanor because he tilted his head slightly, leaning into her. “So about that kiss…”
Mona couldn’t help the way she laughed at that. “You are unbelievable,” she muttered as she closed the gap between their lips. His lips curved into a smile and she felt the uneasiness inside her dissolve.
A soft sigh into her mouth, a gentle nip of her lower lip, and she was melting right into him, her rushing thoughts dissipating into the soundwaves of the song playing on the radio. “If it were up to me I’d drag you back to bed right now,” he whispered into her skin.
She hummed into his lips. “Then you’d be extra late.”
Arms around her tightened as he swept her off her feet and placed her right into a chair at the kitchen table, laughing the whole time. “Aren’t you going to be late,” he retorted after placing her own plate of food in front of her, a cup of coffee just the way she liked it following shortly after, before he settled in the seat next to her.
She shrugged, averting her eyes and busying herself with taking a sip of her morning caffeine. “I don’t think so. All I’ve gotta do is change and do my makeup at the office.” The lie nearly got caught in her throat and she had to force it down by shoving a piece of egg into her mouth. Sure enough, when she looked up, Niall was making a face that told her he was unconvinced, so she tried to pivot. “And anyway, I’m tired of always rushing around in the mornings. Sometimes all I want is a good breakfast and time to enjoy it.”
He seemed to like that answer because he began quickly forking bits of his breakfast into his mouth, washing it all down with big gulps of coffee, only pausing when his plate was clean to send her a sheepish smile as she eyed him amusedly. With a sigh, he reached for her fingers, tugging her into his lap as he sat back into his chair, head leaning back when she easily draped her arms over his shoulders.
“You’re actually right,” he said softly, hands skimming up and down her sides. Mona quirked a brow in question, tracing the curve of his brows with a finger, trailing it down the contours of his face. “I’m tired of rushing around all the time too. All I want to do is lounge around with you for, like, a week. Preferably in a bed.”
She chuckled against his skin. Somehow she’d started to press soft kisses on the tip of his nose, to the hinge of his jaw, over his temples. Sometimes, her body reacted to him of its own accord, without her brain having to send any signals to her limbs, and she often found herself reaching out to him for no reason, touching, caressing. It comforted her in a way nothing else really could, his proximity, the warmth of his skin.
“You know,” she murmured, pulling back only to be delighted by the pink tinge that rose to the tops of his cheeks. “Harlow did mention recently that we should go on a vacation somewhere. She said we work too much.”
Niall laughed, pulling her closer, even though she didn’t think that was possible. “She’s not wrong.” He busied himself with tucking flyaway strands of her hair back into her bun, eyes glazed over in thought. It was a few moments before he spoke again. “I actually love that idea. Let’s go somewhere. Get out of this city for a week or so.”
“Yeah?” His eyes were sparkling more than she’d seen in a while, and she’d do anything to make them shine like that all the time. “What d’you have in mind?”
“Somewhere warm. I wouldn’t mind a beach.” Then he sent her a mischievous wink. “Preferably somewhere where you’d wear the least amount of clothes possible.”
Mona’s resulting laugh echoed throughout the kitchen. “You’re insufferable!” Niall was cackling his little heart out when she climbed off of him, giggling even while shrugging on his suit jacket and pocketing his phone and wallet.
“Does that mean I can’t get a kiss?” He blinked innocently at her, blue eyes catching the sunlight filtering in through the kitchen window and absolutely glittering.
She gave him a look, fingers reaching out to smooth the slight wrinkles that had appeared on his previously crisp shirt. Her wonderful sunshine boy. Just a smile and she was flying right into his orbit. And at his laughter, a warmth bubbled through her, that previous nervous energy that had plagued her all night dissipating just by her being in his presence alone. “I already kissed you. And you’re going to be late if you don’t leave in the next five minutes.”
He pouted. “But that was a ‘good morning’ kiss. This one would be a ‘good luck’ kiss.”
She’d rolled her eyes and swatted him towards the door, his laughter echoing throughout their apartment. She finally got him to leave, but not before relenting and allowing him to pull her close so he could press one more languid kiss to her lips. After she murmured a good luck to him, he was on his way.
And now she was here, staring at a stupid plastic stick as she awaited its assessment of her fate. Despite her impatience last night and this morning, she ended up procrastinating anyway, finishing her breakfast, enjoying her cup of coffee, washing up the dishes, cleaning the kitchen until it was spotless. She even made the bed and vacuumed the apartment, and by the time she had run out of things to do to put off the inevitable, three hours had passed.
She shouldn’t have done so many chores, she thought begrudgingly to herself now. Because as she waited for the result, she had nothing to do except pace back and forth and wonder what she’d do if the test came back positive. She and Niall had talked about a lot of things over the course of their relationship, but for some reason, having children never really appeared on the discussion list. If the test showed her the dreaded positive result, she didn’t know how Niall would react, and that made her all the more nervous.
Her and Niall having kids. She’d thought about it, she wasn’t going to lie. But it had always been in the context of the future, some far away time, a few years from now, when the two of them were people who had their shit together, who were married and owned a house somewhere in the suburbs and maybe had a few pets. Not now, when they were so early in their careers and lived in a rather cramped apartment in New York City.
She thought and thought and still the damn stick didn’t give her an answer. After peering closely at it for a few long moments, she couldn’t tell whether the display was showing one line or two and ended up banging the thing hard against the sink in her frustration, groaning loudly. How could she be so stupid as to not to pick up more than one test? Her brain was screaming at her in absolute annoyance for her unpreparedness.
With a huff, she stuffed the stupid thing back into its packaging and then in the drugstore paper bag she’d gotten it in with the intention of throwing it in the dumpster outside. She couldn’t risk Niall finding it; the questions would be relentless and she would have the answers to none of them. As she grabbed her keys before headed out, her mind ran wild, making her nearly sick with worry.
Literally. She felt a sudden wave of nausea pass through her, the feeling bubbling up and up until she had no choice but to run towards the bathroom and pray she made it before she made a mess everywhere. She’d just pushed up the toilet seat before she was vomiting.
By the time she was done, if felt like she’d been hurling out the contents of her stomach for hours, and as she sat up against the wall and tried to catch her breath, all of her energy seemed drained out of her. Her rasping inhales were loud in the silence of the apartment, bouncing around the acoustics of the bathroom, taunting her as she tried to summon some strength to pull herself off the floor. Once she did and caught a glance of herself in the mirror, she nearly jolted back. Her face, completely pale and void of color, looked almost ghostly.
Perhaps she’d psyched herself out so much over this, nerves trembling within her for nearly the past twenty four hours, that it caused loss of sleep and literal sickness.
Or maybe, her brain so conveniently reminded her, she was pregnant.
Suddenly, she was crying. One moment she was washing her face, and the next, salty tears were trailing rivers down her cheeks. The feeling she’d been ignoring, that had been growing steadily inside her for the past day, winding her up so tight, had now burst and turned into a full-blown panic.
And all she could think about was how much she regretted. She wished she bought more than one pregnancy test, wished that she didn’t procrastinate this morning, wished Niall was there to hold her and comfort her because loneliness suddenly curled around her like a vice, wished she’d told him about what was bothering her instead of lying. Perhaps that was what troubled her most of all, that she’d lied through her teeth and he didn’t so much as bat an eye. If—maybe even when—he found out what she’d done, she was afraid that it would tear a huge hole in his trust in her.
What if their relationship didn’t recover from that? What if he decided he didn’t want to be with a liar who kept secrets? Guilt was eating at her, tearing up limb from limb. She should have told him. Why didn’t she tell him?
Needless to say, she was freaking out.
The rational part of her brain fought through the chaos to tell her that she was worrying for no reason, that she didn’t do anything so bad that would cause Niall to resent her. She took that thought and used it, and the rest of her energy, to pull herself together. A few deep breaths and a pep talk later, and she managed to walk out the bathroom to grab her keys again, despite her heart beating twice as much and her bones feeling like jelly.
She took the paper bag holding her used pregnancy test all the way down to the dumpster at the back of the building, realizing only when she got there that she hadn’t brought her wallet, which meant she had to go all the way back up to get it if she wanted to be able to grab another test and make it home before Niall got back. Just the thought of that had her nausea rising within her again, and she had to lean against the brick wall and take long, deep breaths in order to tamp the feeling down.
Time had just gotten away from her today. She had no idea how long she stood there, trying to quell the urge to vomit again, before she was able to bring herself to go back into the building. The mere action of walking into the elevator had her breaking into a sweat.
As soon as she got back to the apartment, it was clear to her that time wasn’t the only thing not on her side today. She was also lacking a good amount of luck.
Because as soon as she pushed the door open, her eyes landed on none other than her boyfriend standing at the kitchen table.
“You’re home,” Mona blurted out, unable to hide the surprise in her voice.
“Yeah.” He wasn’t looking at her, too busy rolling up his cuffs in that meticulous way he liked, a smug smile on his face, probably because he managed to catch her off guard. “The interview went great so the lads and I left early. I decided to come home and change before I met them at the bar for drinks because—” His face hardened when he got a good look at her as she stepped further into their place, blue eyes widening, first in shock, and then concern. She must have looked terrible if the way he gasped in a breath was any indication. “Darlin’.” His voice was filled with alarm and it had her heart stopping again. “Jesus, what’s wrong?”
“I…” He was on her in an instant, hands curling around her arms as he gently guided her towards the couch. She belatedly realized her knees had been buckling under her weight, a fact that was now clearly reflected in Niall’s expression as he pressed the back of his fingers to her forehead, sitting on the coffee table in front of her.
“You look dreadful and you’re cold as ice.” Somehow, through her racing mind and loud rush of blood in her ears, Mona was able to register Niall’s hands, a reassuring warmth rubbing her own to draw heat in her skin. His eyes flashed towards hers worriedly and suddenly she was blurting out her first thought.
“I lied.” Her voice sounded strangled. “I didn’t go to work today. I called out sick. And I—”
“What’s wrong?” Niall was already reaching for his phone. His voice was laced with panic. “Should I call the doctor? Should I take you to the hospital?”
Mona was starting to feel nauseous again. “No, I—” It was only then that she realized how hoarse her voice was, throat scratching. She was going to start gagging soon, she knew it. “I think I need some water.” She’d barely taken another breath before a glass of water was appearing before her, Niall’s distressed eyes following as he helped her drink.
“I should take you to the doctor.” Warm hands were smoothing over her forehead, and Mona tried to focus on that instead of the apprehensive lilt of Niall’s voice. His stress was making her feel even more guilty and it was eating her up inside. “You know what, let’s go. The urgent care down the road should be open. I’ll go grab your insurance card.”
“No!” The water had helped clear her mind and throat, her voice coming out stronger than before. “Niall, I don’t need to go to the doctor—”
“Now is not the time for your stubbornness, Namona.” He was glaring at her now, already moving around the couch to reach for her purse. “You look like you need a doctor.”
She tried to take a deep breath because she knew she was so close to hyperventilating. “Niall, please, I swear I’m fine!” He was rifling through her wallet now, looking for her insurance card. “I just threw up. All I need is rest and—”
“Namona.” He was getting impatient now, and Mona knew if she didn’t convince him, he’d haul her over his shoulder and drag her to urgent care himself. She looked at him imploringly and he narrowed his eyes at her, a stand-off. He broke when a tear unwittingly welled up along her lashline. “Okay, okay,” he sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. “How about this. Let me take your temperature. If you have a fever, we go. If not, we give it an hour or so, and if you get worse, then—”
“Fine. Deal.” She was filled with nervous energy now. And this proposition was good enough to buy her more time to work up the courage to just tell him the truth. Niall simply looked at her, wary, as he sighed again before heading to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit where the thermometer was.
As soon as he was out of view, she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She downed the glass of water in her hands in three quick gulps and then started towards the kitchen for a refill. This time, at least, her legs didn’t feel like they’d give out under her. Another glass of cold water down and she was feeling a bit more calm, ready to just tell Niall what was actually bothering her and hope that he didn’t hate her for it.
She didn’t get too far with that thought, though.
“Did you take a pregnancy test?” Niall’s voice felt like it echoed throughout the space and Mona froze, cringing to herself. When she turned around slowly, she found him watching her carefully. At least, she thought, he didn’t seem too angry.
Still, the lie came out of her without her having to think of it. “N-no.”
She was never a good liar. Especially when it came to Niall, who simply looked at her, calm as ever.
How could he even know about it anyway? She threw everything out. The nausea rose in her again.
As if reading her mind, he held up a piece of paper. She couldn’t read it from where she was standing, but when he spoke again, it turned out that she didn’t have to. “Then why were these instructions, that came from a pregnancy test, left on the bathroom floor?”
Good god, she was an idiot. All this trouble, all this panic, only for her to get caught red-handed anyway. This time, she was the one scrubbing a hand over her face; the tears were flowing freely now and so were her words. “Okay, fine, yes I took a pregnancy test because I didn’t get my period and I was so guilty about not telling you about it this whole time that I’m sick with it and,” a sob, “I’m really sorry, okay? I meant to tell you but I didn’t want to worry you if it was nothing but it was driving me crazy and—”
“Darlin’.” His voice was soft and gentle now, a sharp contrast to his tense tone earlier, and he’d somehow crossed the room to be close to her, gathering her into his chest. Strong arms wrapped around her, surrounding her with warmth, and she felt the beat of her heart slow slightly. “It’s alright. Don’t cry.”
She sniffled, slightly calmer now that he was holding her. “I’m really sorry,” she whimpered into the collar of his shirt, a dark spot blooming in the navy blue from her tears.
“Hey.” Fingers slotted under her chin and tugged upwards, and when she looked up at him, he was sending her a tender smile, blue eyes watching her carefully. “I am not upset with you. Did you think I would be?” She averted her eyes quickly, skin flushing in shame, but Niall, as always when they happened to broach a serious conversation, didn’t allow her to retreat into her shell. His hand caressed her face, gently pulling her gaze back to his. “Is that why you were sick? You were scared that I was going to be angry with you for this?”
Mona’s lips started to wobble again. Before she met Niall, she always felt like she was a person who didn’t get too upset at things, simply tamping down any and all emotions and going with the flow. Now, she felt like she cried at everything. Perhaps it was because with Niall, talking about her feelings was what she was supposed to do. And most of the time, it was really fucking hard. “I don’t know,” she mumbled, attempting to hide in his shirt again.
Niall sighed, and she didn’t have to look at him to know his features had fallen. “C’mere.” He led her to a chair at the kitchen table, getting her seated and then pulling up another chair so he was right in front of her, their knees touching. Their fingers tangled together as he took her hands and held them in his lap, eyes never leaving her. “Mona,” he murmured, gentle and kind, fingers squeezing hers, and it was all it took for her eyes to meet his. “You can talk to me. You can always talk to me. And if you don’t tell me something, if you need time to figure out how you want to deal with a situation, I am never going to be upset with you for that.” He leaned forward, hands leaving hers in favor of holding her face, thumbs smoothing over her cheekbones, swiping away a tear she hadn’t known had fallen. “And I’m not upset with you now. Okay?”
Mona inhaled a shuddering breath, not realizing that these words were the only things she needed to hear. She didn’t know how Niall always knew what to say to her, but it always worked. “Okay,” she agreed, hands finding his wrists. She took in his scent, the heat of his skin, the honesty in his eyes, and finally truly calmed down. Her sunshine boy. Her home. He was here and he wasn’t mad at her. “Okay.”
He seemed content with that, smiling softly at her before he pressed his lips to her forehead, stroking her cheeks again. “Good.” He paused now, perhaps expecting her to say something else, but when she just blinked at him, he looked at her eagerly. “Well? What did the test say?”
“Oh.” Mona got so caught up in all the things that didn’t matter that she’d somehow forgotten about the one thing that did. “Well, I think I picked up a faulty one. There was no result. It was an error.”
Niall’s smile fell. “So you took another one, right?”
She shrugged. “No, I only had one. I was about to go pick up another one but then you came home.”
There was something unreadable in his eyes now. “You didn’t pick up a backup?”
“No,” she huffed, giving him a look now. “And I know it was really stupid of me, okay. I was stressed out and not thinking.”
“Right.” He seemed like he didn’t know what to do now, which, to his credit, was rare for him. “Okay, how about you eat something and get some rest, and I can go pick up another one for you?” She couldn’t remember if she’d said anything, and if she did then it didn’t matter because he was already up on his feet, reaching for his keys and wallet. “I’ll be back.” After pressing a kiss to her temple, he was off, and suddenly, she was left alone with her thoughts again.
Now that the worry of Niall finding out was out the window, she was left to try and rack her brain over how she could possibly be pregnant anyway. She was on birth control, but after a quick assessment, she realized that she wasn’t very consistent with taking the pills. Sometimes she took one late or, on a really busy day, she didn’t take one at all. Perhaps she should look into getting an IUD or the shot instead.
She and Niall were also good about condoms. Though, she supposed that, paired with the fact that she wasn’t the greatest at taking her pills, a faulty or torn condom could easily lead to this situation. Then there was that day of Liam’s party. They both had quite a bit to drink and she couldn’t remember if Niall had even remembered to put a condom on, or even if she reminded him.
So, maybe there was a good chance of her being pregnant.
She sighed to herself. Now that she was clearheaded, she knew that if that were the case, if she was pregnant, that whatever the situation, they would find a way to make it work. And with that, she drank another glass of water, nibbled on some crackers, and sat in the comfort of the soft sounds of the radio until Niall returned.
When he did, she couldn’t help but notice that he was a bit jittery. “Well,” he started, handing her the bag, “I didn’t know which one to get so I just Googled which were the best ones.”
Mona peered inside only to find four different boxes, all of them different brands. Despite everything, she laughed. “Niall, I only need one.”
She looked up at him, still laughing, only to find him giving her an unamused look. His cheeks were tinged pink and his chest was heaving slightly and she had to wonder if he’d run up the stairs or something. “Yeah well what if one of them gives you another error?” he retorted rather defensively. “It’s good to have options.”
She shook her head at him before heading towards the bathroom with the bag, rummaging through it. “Which one should I take? Should I just pick one out at random?”
He was trailing behind her, hot on her heels. “Just take all of them.” She turned around to see if he was joking, his voice not sounding sarcastic at all, and was surprised to find that he looked absolutely serious. Seeing her questioning look, he bristled again. “I told you, options.”
With a huff, she rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t deny how amused she was now. “You know, after sitting alone with my thoughts while you were gone, I realized that maybe I was overreacting about this whole thing a little.” They got to the bathroom and she overturned the contents of the bag on the small counter beside the sink, the boxes tumbling out in a haphazard pile. She picked one at random, the ClearBlue, and began opening it. “Which is why I feel like I’m probably qualified to tell you that this,” she gestured to the pile of pregnancy tests, “is very much an overreaction.”  
Niall glared at her this time, and Mona finally noticed how disheveled he looked, hair sticking up in all directions as though he’d been running his fingers through it, tie crooked and hanging loosely around his neck. “I didn’t judge you for your overreaction so it’s only fair that you don’t judge me for mine.”
She sighed, taking in his wild eyes and flushed cheeks, realizing that he was now the one who was nervous. There weren’t really any words of consolation she could offer him at the moment though, so she simply told him to go change out of his work clothes. By the time he did that, she’d probably be done.
When he’d gone, she took all four of the pregnancy tests, shaking her head to herself as she did so, and then rested them upside down on the closed seat of the toilet when she was done. After washing her hands and splashing water over her puffy face from all the crying and heaving she’d done earlier in the day, she took a seat at the edge of the tub. Through the open door, she could see Niall pacing about in the hallway, his fingers, sure enough, carding through his hair, and she sighed again, calling out for him.
“Yeah?” he said when he stopped in the doorframe of the bathroom.
She smiled at him, hoping that would calm him down. “I took all of them.”
He exhaled, nodding. “Okay. So now we wait?” Mona nodded too, trying not to frown at the way he’d started to chew on his cuticles. It was a bit odd how fast the dynamic between them had shifted. Not even half an hour ago, she was the one freaking out and he was the calm one.
So she did what she knew she needed to do. She got to her feet, reaching out for him when she stepped out of the bathroom, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him in for an embrace, smiling slightly when she felt him relax against her. “Why are you so nervous?” she murmured into his chest, which was covered now by a soft, worn t-shirt that smelled of detergent and something uniquely Niall. “Do you not want kids or something?”
She’d meant it as a joke but from the way he sighed, she knew he didn’t take it as one. He pulled back and she looked up at him, his guard now down, allowing her to see what he’d been hiding this whole time: fear. Now she was hyperaware of every shift in his features. “Mo,” he whispered, fingers smoothing her hair back. “Of course I want kids. With you. Only you.”
There was more he wanted to say, she could tell. So she tried to prompt him. “But?”
He averted his eyes, looking up at the ceiling as he chewed along his lower lip, probably trying to find the right words. She let him take his time, patiently holding on to him, just as he’d done for her. “But,” he started, blowing out a deep breath, “I just…I’d like for us to be more financially stable before we had kids, you know? Like, have a house and be near good schools and having the means to provide a good life for them.”
He wasn’t looking at her as he said all of this but Mona knew he was thinking of his own childhood. She felt a pang in her chest just then at the thought.
When he met her eyes again, he looked determined. “But, also,” he continued, knuckles stroking across her cheekbone. “If this is happening right now, then we will do the best we can. We will be good parents.” Something about the way he said those words had so many feelings welling up inside her again, and she had to press her face into his sternum, holding him tight, to keep herself together. “Whatever happens,” Niall said, his voice thick with emotion, “I love you.”
They held onto each other until the timer on Mona’s phone went off. And for once, she wasn’t nervous. She knew that whatever happened, they would go through it together. If she was indeed pregnant, they would do everything in their power to be the best parents they could be.
She turned the timer off and they looked at each other, both of them taking a deep breath. Niall smiled, her favorite sight, and she reached for him to press a soft kiss to his lips. He was calm now. They both were.
Together, they flipped the sticks over, peering over at the results.
And even if it ultimately didn’t matter, that whatever those sticks proclaimed they would work through it together, at the sight of the results, they both let out matching breaths of relief, laughing together as reality set in.
They weren’t going to be parents any time soon. And that was all okay with them.
Fingers were moving gently along her scalp in the way she loved, a warm body pressed against her back, soft pillow under her head, and as Mona opened her eyes, the bleary sight of the television coming into view, she wondered how long she was asleep.
After the craziness of the whole pregnancy scare thing, Niall roped her into his arms and dragged her to the kitchen, declaring that she needed to eat and he will be cooking her some dinner. It seemed like they’d non-verbally agreed that they would leave the past few hours of their life behind them, instead shaking the stress off and looking to the future. As Niall bustled about the kitchen, he caught her up on his day interviewing that hotshot entrepreneur. Mona laughed when he described the entrepreneur as somehow being humble and cocky at the same time, wondering out loud how that was even possible.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go meet your work buddies down at the bar?” she asked, watching him dice up an onion before adding it to the skillet.
He shrugged, looking back to send her a reassuring smile. “Nah. Don’t feel much for a pint today.”
“Are you sure?” She didn’t want to keep him when he could be out having fun. “They must be waiting for you.”
Now when he looked back, he was sending her a look, pointing the wooden spoon at her. “Namona Shaw. You need to stop worrying about useless things. I want to stay here and hang out with you and I’ve already told the lads as much.”
She frowned at him, feeling thoroughly chastised. “I just don’t want you to think that you have to be here because of what happened when you could be having a good time with your friends.” Then when she realized what she said, she cringed at herself. Okay, so maybe they were going to talk about this.
When she looked up, Niall was still looking at her wryly. “Did you hear anything I just said?” After giving the contents of the skillet a quick stir and lowering the burner, he turned around again, moving towards her to place his hands on her shoulders, blue eyes blazing. “Talk to me. What’s going on in your head?”
Mona sighed, shrugging because she knew she was being ridiculous. Sometimes all it took was Niall wanting her to articulate her thoughts out loud for her to realize it. “Like you said this morning,” she mumbled, “me and my brain. Unpredictable.”
At that, he huffed out a laugh. His hands found her head, giving it a little shake, which made her laugh too. “Damn right.” Tilting her chin up so she could meet his gaze, he sent her a fond sort of smile, shaking his head at her. “I love you, my darlin’. I’ll keep saying it until you believe it.” Warm kisses, pressed to her forehead, her temples, the tip of her nose, and finally her lips. Soft and feather light, yet filling her with his sunshine nonetheless. “Now quit listening to that voice in your head while I make dinner, okay?” As he turned around, he muttered, “God, we really do need a vacation.”
They laughed and finished a bottle of wine they’d opened a few days ago. Niall sat next to her and made sure she cleaned her plate, even though she insisted that he overfilled it. He feigned annoyance at her protests and warned that he’ll force feed her himself if she didn’t eat everything and Mona rolled her eyes at him, despite being filled with affection for him.
Then, they cleaned the kitchen, got showered and changed into their sleep clothes, and settled on the couch to watch a movie, where they were still curled into one another now, Mona having fallen asleep on his lap, his arms wrapped around her.
She turned around now to look up at him only to find that he was already smiling down at her, the curve of his lips unwavering as she stretched the sleep out of her limbs before making herself comfortable again, cheek pressed to his tummy. “What?” she asked when he didn’t take his eyes off her, voice groggy. “Did I sleep too long?”
He shook his head, fingers of one hand trailing through her hair while the other stroked aimless lines over her skin, up her arm and over her collarbone, up her neck, across her jawline. “I’m gonna marry you one day,” he whispered, so quiet that the sounds of the television nearly drowned him out. But Mona was listening close. She always was. His smile grew wider and she was suddenly reminded of what Harlow said to her the other day.
I think Niall’s gonna propose to you soon.
Goosebumps rippled across her skin.
“Dunno when,” he continued, as though reading her mind, eyes never leaving hers, and something about that beautiful blue told her that he knew exactly when and she was the one that was being kept out of the loop. She decided that she didn’t mind that at all. “But I’m gonna fuckin’ marry you and we’re gonna have a bunch of tiny Nialls and Monas running around our house, somewhere quiet, and we’re gonna be so damn happy.” Mona didn’t realize until he had stopped talking that she was grinning at him like a crazy person, this dream of his, despite them never really talking about it in detail, somehow perfectly aligning with her own dream of the future, and that was when she knew for certain that he was always going to be the only person for her. “How does that sound to you?”
Mona shrugged, so consumed by the way his eyes sparkled like twinkling stars. “Nice, I guess.” At her quip, Niall shook his head, huffing out a laugh but leaning down to catch her lips regardless. “I’m just kidding,” she breathed out, hands reaching out to grab his face to pull him down the rest of the way, lips brushing against his as she said her next words, hushed into his skin. “That sounds perfect.”
Niall smiled against her lips, arms wrapping around her to hold her close, and as always when he held her like this, she felt absolutely, unequivocally whole.
Maybe he had plans, and maybe she was oblivious to them, but one thing was for certain. This sunshine boy was always going to be just hers.
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