#ignis golem
luminafights · 9 days
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░ 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝟓𝟎 ⠀   𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏.𝟎 ⠀   ① ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ: Fresh Paint Rafayel ⠀   ① ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: Hunter Firearm ⠀   ② ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ: Linkon Doctor Zayne ⠀   ② ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: Hunter Claymore
⠀⠀⠀☑ Stella Match⠀⠀⠀⠀☐ 3 Star Pass⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☐ Video
Stats for Open Orbit 50!
𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲── .✦
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𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬── .✦
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬── .✦
2024-03-30 1:56 PM
My Raf is stacked so first fight was easy. My Zayne however is really pushing it, had to go quite a few tries to get the second fight down. I used Linkon Zayne to buy me a little bit more damage uptime with his resonance freeze. Every second counts.
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alice-the-demon · 2 months
So you said Vigi and John were hell guards? What exactly is their job? Since at least archangels can seemingly enter whenever they want
Ignis's job was to guard the main room on the 2nd floor of the Hell Tower and protect the key to go to the next one.
John here is a gigantic Golem that basically IS the Hell Tower, making him a giant living and breathing building. Originally him and Gerome were a single normal Golem servants in the Hell Castle, working for the 7 Deadly Sins, but then Lucifer took him to modify and rebuild him for his nefarious scheme. Gerome can speak normally, he was the logic and thinking side, John is a bit stupid and only makes verses and rarely speaks proper English, he was the emotional and "animalistic" side. (Scroll down for a Hell Tower Lore about the Golems)
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Hell Tower Lore
Golems are creatures made out of boulders that can be present both in Heaven and Hell (the Heaven ones have whiter stones and sometimes have plants on them, the Hell ones have darker stones with lava drooping from cracks), and can be created with a Philosopher's Stone infused with Hellish/Heavenly magic.
They're simple creatures with their only objective to serve the person who created them. They can be optimal guards, babysitters and even buildings for people to live in.
Golems can have more than one Philosopher's Stone, the more they have the bigger and stronger they become. With up to 5-7 stones they can become living houses, able to clean up floors, change positions of the rooms, basically being a security camera in case of thieves and much more. (Fun Fact: Lucifer made the Hell Tower with a Golem made out of 21 Philosopher's Stones)
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electric-hydrangea · 6 months
Arlecchino's Past & Her Being the Grim Reaper
Spoilers/leaks for 4.6 ahead
Made by Rosie Posie and Daniel :3
reposted from my twitter, leak-censored version on the genshin lore subreddit
The Fall of the Faded Castle
The Fall of the Faded Castle is where Arlecchino’s lore can be found. “The Mask of the Red Death” by Poe is the inspiration for this book. I’d recommend reading it, it’s very similar!
It’s referenced in Arlecchino’s kit (her infused normal attack), its name being “Mask of the Red Death”
The book has numerous references to the blood moon and debts owed, something also found in Arlecchino’s kit, as well as the use of the word “baleful”. 
In her Character Introduction, she hallucinates her past in a way very similar to TFotFC. The lines are meant to parallel each other; the scene being the same but the setting is now different.
The final paragraph of her Character Introduction references the ending of TFotFC, and the moonlight that flows into the hearth through the window symbolizes her past. 
TFotFC mentions the clock striking midnight and the castle master becoming panicked for the reaper that would come to collect his blood debt, and then Arlecchino’s introduction mentions her taking control over the room when the clock chimes. 
To move onto Arlecchino’s connections with Remuria, it requires extra context about Remus, the leader of Remuria.
Remus had his own sin, different from Egeria, where he altered life by dissolving his people into Golems. He meant for them to live for eternity, but the souls instead shattered.
While Egeria was punished by Celestia, Remus was punished by Arlecchino. The Fall of The Fated Castle is about Arlecchino punishing Remus. She’s responsible for Remuria falling. I know there are some really passionate Remuria fans, I hope I am not massacring the story haha. I’m more into the Ordo #sandronenation
Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that the guy in the story probably isn’t Remus, and I’m also on board with that. The guy who the Grim Reaper is hunting isn’t entirely relevant, but I suggest instead: Boethius
Unsorted Chapter
She’s still dead though; she’s glitching. She’s otherworldly. TFotFC describes the Grim Reaper as having two cold eyes that can pierce your soul with a glance. It questions if they are a lord returning from an ancient world, or the nightmare itself. 
In the origins of her name, Arlecchino, in commedia del’arte, it’s said to trace back to Dante’s Inferno; a devil going by the name Alichino. Her character type is the “devil” stock character, but that character can also be molded into whatever, like being a lighthearted prankster.
She also has a scythe.. Grim Reaper much? She also marks enemies with her blood debt, something in her kit. The scythe effect that the polearm has is one that only Arlecchino can use. Her whole kit uses wording that can be attributed to TFotFC and the hearth. 
The boss Arlecchino can be found at a grave. The writing says “Crucabena”, who is also “Ceridwen”. Crucabena is the Gallic equivalent. Ceridwen is the Welsh goddess of rebirth, which is a part of Arlecchino’s whole thing. Her grave’s subtitle could be referencing how the hearth is of two worlds.
Arlecchino’s constellation “Ignis Purgatorius” is based off of the poem “Purgatorius Ignis” by Christopher Okemwa. I don’t really know what’s going on in this poem, but I’d be more than happy to hear what others think.
Her character introduction shows us that she is in control of the hearth (in the Orphanage), and Perinheri shows more of her themes in the hearth; this could symbolize her being reborn as Arlecchino from being the Grim Reaper.
In book “Perinheri”, Perinheri is locked in a hearth and has to crawl through it. Then, he is asked if he has seen “it” yet, and if he is dead. When he turned around, he saw the Crimson Moon and a titanic horrified eye. After Perinheri was released from the hearth, he was told that he traversed through the fire of two worlds within the hearth and he is now reborn.
The Crimson Moon is Arlecchino, and the eyeball Perinheri saw is on her head in her boss fight. 
TLDR Arlecchino was the Grim Reaper and punished Remus for his crimes and then was reborn as Arlecchino but something is still wrong with her because she’s glitching. It could be because she’s caught between the two worlds within the hearth. 
We also don’t have voice lines, character stories, or artifact lore leaks though so a lot of information is probably missing.
There are more connections to be made with Arlecchino, Caterpillar, the grave, Perinheri, and the experiments done on Caterpillar, but I don’t think I have enough to try and cover that.
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toku-explained · 3 months
The Dark King defeated?
New Generation Stars: Ignis and Ediom express how important hearts and pride is in this work. To demonstrate they showcase how UPG, the Victorians, and the android Mana came together to stop VictLugiel, and how Mana was willing to risk a permanent end for her friends. They then show her how Xio, X and the Cyber Kaiju united to defeat Greeza. They follow up by reminding her of her own achievement, how STORAGE came together to defeat Destrudos. Yuka's resolves allows the STORAGE Hyper Key to complete, and she discards her existing plan. With her new resolve, she asks to forget what she's learned, hoping to start the project again uninfluenced to create a Sevengar for peace. Ignis and Ediom accept. Yuka awakens, missing days of memories, but strangely fulfilled. Placing the strange STORAGE Hyper Key with the SAA unit display, she takes a moment to prepare herself. A mysterious cube Ignis brought sits on her desk.
(I'm not going to touch the preview special next week)
Gotchard: Platinum Gotchard blocks the attack using X-Rex and X-Fortress. Germain gloats his intent to consume NijiGon, which will allow him to create new Chemies to make all humanity Malgams. Majade SunUnicon creates a chance for Gotchard to smash the Golem using InPhoenix, then hit Germain as SteamHopper, prompting the villain to flee. Spanner, struggling against Clotho, manages to use the black flames, Gigist offers to train him to use it properly, Spanner refuses, Gigist suggests killing Germain will show his resolve. When he leaves with Clotho, Lachesis grabs Spanner but can't speak. NijiGon ran away due to Spanner's words, resolving not to return until he finds something he can do, and spots a girl practice dancing, and speaks to her. Her name is Mai, and she's in an idol group with her friends Hina and Koyomi, but she now plans to quit, feeling no future in it for her, as there are better dancers, and so she's resolved not to go an event today. When NijiGon questions if that's her true wish she storms off. The others meet Hotaro and Rinne, and they hear from two deliverymen that NijiGon helped them earlier, they follow his trail while Minato wipes memories. Gaelijah predicts Germain will claim the fragment, he in turn asks Atropos if he wants her to kill the alchemists or the reverse. Spanner considers Gigist's words. The kids arrive at where Mai's unit, IRISE+GIRLS, was due to perform, arriving just before Hina and Koyomi take the stage and have to announce Mai's left them, when NijiGon decides to take her place, enhancing a song that's confusing in universe, Kajiki happens to be there and taken away when he tries to investigate, and as the crowd cheers, Mai watches from the entrance. Hotaro rushes into the dressing room the reclaim NijiGon, and Mai returns, NijiGon having helped her realise her dream again, and the girls of course take her back, allowing IRISE+GIRLS an encore performance. Leaving them to it, the alchemists, joined by Spanner, confront Germaine, all 3 Riders engaging him. With NijiGon having found his goal in supporting others, they summon Gotchar Brothers of SteamHopper, AntWrestler and LightningJungle, and after a bit of overpowering the villain, the Gotchar Brothers assist a Rider Triple Kick. Atropos arrives, thanks Rinne for fulfilling their promises, then forces the cube into him, and Greyon is revived from inside Germaine, she smirks at Rinne as they leave.
Boonboomger: The team are served drinks by Genba at a bar Taiya owns, when Homura and ByunD enter. Taiya tells them Bundario isn't interested in seeing them, and a stand off occurs, ByunD clarifies he's the one who wants to see BoonBoom. Monitoring from the garage, BoonBoom tells Saibu he doesn't want to see ByunD, or rather can't. Dekotread and Itashar work out, only to hear Yarucar scream, having awoken to Cannonborg making a modification to him in the name of completing their work, then leaves to work more on the Reflect Sword. Itashar morosely creates a Treadmill Kurumajin. Homura breaks the stalemate, and ByunD reveals he and BoonBoom were racers on the same team in the Big Bang Grand Prix. BoonBoom clarifies to Saibu they were still rivals, but the fact he got his unsuccessful prototype working isn't the reason he won't meet ByunD. Turns out Boonboomgers was their team name. Alerted to the Kurumajin, the others go to confront it as it forcefully trains people, allowing Taiya to continue talking. The battle progresses, as it emerges Boonboom won one race, the one for the right to name the team, but never again. ByunD is upset Bundario left without saying anything after losing his license, having even heard rumour he died. Taiya goes to help the others, telling a cynical Sakito he does it because he wants to. The battle progresses, but Sakito decides to offer his services to the Boonboomgers, insisting on a free first service, and defeats the Kurumajin. Yarucar suddenly lets off a Highway beam, catalysing the released Gyasoline into a Kutimaju without the Highway chase, the result of Cannonborg's modification. Boonboomger Robo forms, and BunViolet and ByunD decide to go as well, ByunD becomes ByoonByoom Mach, and overtakes Boonboomger Robo. He gets trapped on the infinite treadmill, losing a tire, but when the Kurumaju loses projectiles leaps at him. BoonBoom decides to swap his tires, and ByoonByoon Mach Robo forms, finishing the Kurumajin with a giant version of the Boonboom Controller. ByunD tells Sakito he's okay leaving, Bundario's help told him what he ended. Sakito looks at a racer trading card, before telling ByunD he'd rather leave than chase his own past, before suddenly being called by Cannonborg. At the garage, Chassiro runs in having found info on Sakito's ten years in space.
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walpu · 4 months
Here they are! Prima's beloved children:
Scorpion-Tailed Wyverns: Large, black dragons with two wings, two legs, and an extendable scorpion's tail. They use their stinger to impale their prey or release a venomous gas that leaves them paralyzed.
Frost Owls: Four-winged owls that are covered in snowy white feathers, they attack by firing their feathers like a rain of blades or breathing a cold mist from their beaks and freezing their enemies.
Screech Crows: Crows that possess white-tipped dark purple feathers and red eyes. The Screech Crows, as their name suggests, are capable of letting out a supersonic screech that is capable of shattering a person's eardrums.
Bicorns: Majestic horse-like creatures that possess two, curved horns on their heads and silky manes and tails. Though normally docile, they will get aggressive if provoked or frightened.
Water Fairies: An all-female race made up of beautiful women who enjoy singing and playing by the water. Though gentle and free-spirited, if they feel threatened in any way, they won't hesitate to use their control over water to defend themselves.
Tonitru (The Stormwolf): One half of the Thunderfire Wolf duo, he is a giant, black wolf wreathed in crackling, purple lightning and is capable of changing the weather; he summons thunderstorms to protect his pups, mate and domain from danger.
Ignis (The Pyrowolf): The other half of the Thunderfire Wolf duo. Though smaller than her mate, she is still a fairly large white wolf. She attacks by breathing scorching hot fire.
Thunderfire Wolf pups: Small, fluffy wolf pups who are capable of either summoning thunderstorms like their father or breathing fire like their mother.
Electrofrost Lions: Pure white lions that are capable of lowering the temperature of their surroundings and create electrified ice that will paralyze their target. They will attack any trespassers who dare enter their domain.
Sand Turtles: Human-sized turtles that live in deserts. They are docile and peaceful creatures and can be used as mounts.
Charybdis (Great Beast of The Sea): An enormous wyrm capable of swallowing a ship whole, she creates whirlpools in the sea to trap unsuspecting trespassers that have agitated her.
Luminescent Electric Jellyfish: Colorful jellyfish that glow in the dark and swim in groups of 10. The electrocute their prey
Lake Mares: Seahorse-like creatures with a long, cylindrical, horn on their heads, they are found either swimming around a lake or asleep underwater.
Winged Bicorns: Bicorns with bat-like wings, they enjoy racing each other when not resting.
Vermillion Butterflies: Beautiful yet deadly creatures that feed off of the flesh and blood of corpses.
Breezy Foxes: Foxes with greenish-white fur and two tails that move faster than the wind. The are playful and mischievous in nature but can get vicious if they're threatened.
Fairy Dragons: Palm-sized dragons with insect-like features that feed on plants and nectar. They sleep in burrows hidden by leaves, rocks and twigs.
Stone Golems: Giants made of rocks and stone that are found either training with each other or asleep at the Stone Wasteland.
Armored Drake: Four-legged dragons covered in armor-like scales who guard their caves which are filled with treasure.
At least most of them are peaceful 😭
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linkon-city · 4 months
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An Ignis Golem is wreaking havoc, causing bridges to collapse and massive fires. Hunters, head to the designated location and end its rampage.
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theclubhero-blog · 5 months
Genshin Impact 4.6 chega em 24 de abril com Arlecchino e o Império Submerso
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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A HoYoverse anunciou que a versão 4.6 de Genshin Impact, “Com os Dois Mundos em Chamas, a Noite Rubra se Extinguirá”, chegará no dia 24 de Abril. Os jogadores podem esperar pela Arlecchino, a quarta Mensageira Fatui, emergindo como um membro da equipe recrutável e um Chefe Semanal.
Pelo mundo de Teyvat, uma nova área explorável com um império submarino perdido finalmente se revelará em Fontaine, enquanto um festival de música e um novo evento de jogo de ritmo está pronto para balançar em um show de rock os participantes em Inazuma.
Arlecchino, conhecida como a “Serva” e a Quarta Mensageira dos Fatui, encontrará os jogadores novamente como uma personagem jogável de cinco estrelas em Genshin Impact, usuária de Pyro, portadora de uma lança e como nova Chefe Semanal.
Como membro da equipe, as habilidades de combate de Arlecchino estão centradas em volta do “Contrato de Vida”, uma mecânica que deve impedir suas vítimas de se curarem. Esse contrato ficará em cima da barra de Vida, e quando for igual ou maior do que uma certa porcentagem do HP, ativará o estado ofensivo, concedendo aos Ataques Normais uma força maior e Dano Pyro insubstituível ao ser consumido.
Para manter contrato suficiente, ela pode impor e coletar Comando da Dívida de Sangue de seus inimigos. Enquanto isso, por conta do seu Talento único, seu Supremo será a única forma que ela pode receber cura durante o combate.
Como uma nova Chefe Semanal, a mensageira irá impor Comando da Dívida de Sangue nos jogadores que a desafiarem. Quem tiver um Comando da Dívida de Sangue imposto ao seu herói sofrerá do efeito de Contrato de Vida, levando mais dano de seus ataques e não podendo se curar.
Aqueles que conseguirem pagar a Dívida serão recompensados com um aprimoramento em seus Ataques Carregados. Adicionalmente, Arlecchino também é chamada de “Pai” pelas crianças da Casa da Lareira. Mais sobre a Casa e Arlecchino será revelado em sua Missão Lendária, “Ignis Purgatorius”.
A personagem estreia na primeira metade do Evento de Oração da versão 4.6 de Genshin Impact, juntamente com a volta do Lyney, seguido do Andarilho e Baizhu na segunda parte. A nova lança de cinco estrelas “Semblante da Lua Carmesim” também aparecerá na atualização, focando nas habilidades de combate em volta do Contrato de Vida.
Mais novidades na versão 4.6 de Genshin Impact
Para aqueles que buscam aventuras, a versão 4.6 de Genshin Impact também terá uma nova área com um grande e misterioso império subaquático esperando para ser explorado. Bem nas profundezas do Mar Antigo estão os restos de Remuria, um império cujo apogeu e subsequente destruição é anterior ao nascimento da Corte de Fontaine.
Aprender sua “Sinfonia” será a chave para reativar certas mecânicas e dispositivos milenares. Conforme a aventura avança, os jogadores podem até encontrar um certo dragão especial, bem como confrontar o novo Chefe Inimigo “Legatus Golem”.
Na Ilha Watatsumi de Inazuma, Itto se prepara para o “Tour Iridescente da Força Viva de Rock Arataki”. A atividade ficará disponível ao lado de um novo evento de jogo de ritmo, que poderá ser editado e compartilhado com amigos como forma de desafiá-los.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
witcher taehyung | one shot
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NOTICE ! ! SEEKING A WITCHER to help destroy a beast within the elvish ruin off of the town's dirt road. please meet at the cottage past the inn and towards lake portreau, you won't miss the gold ornament hanging from the tree in front. reward will be in coins.
summary: taehyung takes on a job to destroy a beast within the elvish ruins, but isn't aware that the notice was put up by you, the sorceress that he truly despises.
pairing: sorceress!reader x witcher!taehyung
genre: witcher au, fantasy au | smut, very light sprinkle of fluff
words: 6.9k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, use of swords, killing/murder, mentions of killing/murder, use of magic/spells/bombs, use of portals, unprotected sex, shower sex, slightly rough sex, hair pulling, oral (f. receiving), sprinkle of a handjob, doggy style, taehyung is a little weakyweak for miss y/n
note: going to take a stab at this genre, so please be easy on me! it's not my strongest at all but i'm trying to get better. if you are familiar with the witcher lore or anything regarding the witcher, please know that i'm not gonna follow timelines, rules or anything of the sort strictly. we're gonna be in our own universe with a new generation of witchers, so some rules may be bended or there might be things that originally go against the "witcher code." i may drop familiar names, weapons, bombs/potions and towns/villages though. enjoy!
tags: @miinoongi​
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golem - mindless matter brought to life by a spell; they obey their creator's orders without question. once provoked, they will not tire of battle until they have either crushed their opponent or themselves crumbled into dust.
witcher senses - superhuman senses that allow witchers to see clues and tracks that no other human can see/pick up on.
igni sign - one of the 5 simple, magical signs witchers can use; causes a burst of fire that can repel and ignite opponents, as well as start fires.
yrden sign - one of the 5 simple, magical signs witchers can use; blocks the monsters from getting closer, scaring them off. if a hostile being enters the area affected by sign, it is visibly slowed down, and non-corporeal forces become corporeal.
drowners - watery creatures that embody the spirits of those who can not rest after death and are sometimes born of fetuses aborted by magical means.
fiend - a beast that likely resembles a deer but its size resembles more a barn. fiends also have a third eye which they use to hypnotize its opponents
dragon’s dream bomb - releases a cloud of flammable gas which causes a destructive explosion when ignited.
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Taehyung lets down his hood as he snatches the letter off of the notice board. He hums to himself as he folds the piece of paper, tucking it deep into the pocket of his leather pants. He looks around, the villagers looking at him with expressions mixed of awe and fear.
It's been years since the rebirth of the witchers and its witcher schools. This new generation, this new breed of witchers, were more disciplined (in most aspects), trained, skilled, and intimidating, yet charming. However, people still managed to look down on witchers, carrying their assumptions and stereotypes along with them. People truly believed witchers didn't belong, and that they were just dangerous mutants - out to kill. In which, they weren't entirely wrong, however, most witchers were bred to be monster slayers. Not all witchers killed humans. In fact, it was against the witcher code to do so, but certain schools relished in being able to kill anything and everything that got in their way. Witchers didn't care though. You could say whatever you wanted about them and they wouldn't find a need to explain themselves to you, nor did they feel a need to correct you.
If you thought they were strictly killers and scoundrels, so be it.
However, for Taehyung and the school of the wolf, humans weren't in their interest. He's worked hard on his craft and skill to slay monsters and beasts that plagued the towns and villages, learning from the teachings written by Geralt of Rivia and Vesemir. If anything, he was here to help. But obviously, people didn't necessarily look at it that way. He was kept to himself, quiet. He was taller than most men, long, wavy black bangs draping his yellow cat eyes that glowed faintly. All witchers had yellow eyes - it was how humans differentiated witchers from the rest, along with their armor and the specific weapons they carried. Taehyung had looks that could kill, a stare so sharp and intimidating that people wouldn't dare cross his path.
Taehyung carries along, passing through the remaining part of the village, completely ignoring the looks and whispers of the women and men outside of their cottages.
"It's a witcher! I've never seen a witcher come through these grounds b'fore." A women says, hanging up her wet laundry on the line. "Boy! Get back here and stay out of the witcher's way! You don't know what he's capable of!" She yells as her son runs over to Taehyung, but stops in her tracks to avoid confrontation. Taehyung simply looks down at the boy, probably about 6 in age and gives him a small smirk.
"What's your name?" He crouches down to the boy and holds out his gloved hand, his two swords almost hanging off of his shoulder.
"Graham." His tiny hand falls on top of his. "I'd like to be like you, witcher." Taehyung chuckles.
"That's a big ask, Graham." He does a small nod before looking over at his mother, worry filling her expression and body language. "You should head back to your mom, kid. Don't want her to think I'll be eating you for dinner." Taehyung jokes as he stands and watches the boy run back to his mother. His mother gives him a good spanking on the bottom as she's yelling for him to get inside the house and stay inside the house because witchers are dangerous.
Taehyung carries about his business, following the directions of the notice tucked into his pocket. The walk past the inn after the village isn't too bad, but Taehyung definitely wished he could pinpoint the cottage and fast travel. His body had taken a beating just yesterday from slaying a fiend that took shelter at an abandoned village nearby, but he knew he needed to continue his duties in order to get paid. The lake comes into his view, sun shining heavily onto the surface, gleaming brightly and blinding his vision for a quick minute. Indeed, he spots the huge tree that sits near the front of the cottage, a gold ornament in the shape of a mockingbird hanging low on a branch.
Taehyung raises his hand and uses his knuckles to knock on the door a little loudly. He stands back, his cloak and his vest feeling heavy on his body under the sun. Once the door swings open, he shuts his eyes and tilts his head back in disbelief, instantly annoyed that it's you standing there.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." He groans.
"Perfect, just exactly who I was looking for." You responded sarcastically.
"You should really put your name on these notices."
"Why, it's not like anybody cares like you do."
"Ah, correction. No, no." He chuckles sarcastically as he waves his hand to dismiss your statement. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I don't care. It's just nice to give people a heads up and let them know the person they'd be dealing with is the problematic sorceress from Vengerberg." You raise your eyebrow and cross your arms. Problematic? Taehyung was definitely the only person who thought you were problematic and that's because he hated the fact that he had feelings for you. You drew him in since the first day you met at the pub, fucking each other's brains out that same night and not speaking a word to each other after that. It was the same routine - you'd see each other, fuck, then leave like it just a typical thing in your every day lives. He hated your snarky, snobby attitude, and he hated how fucking sexy you were, swaying your hips in those tight clothes you always wore. He hated that you were the most sought out sorceress being that you were only one of few left, and the most powerful of all. He hated that you played mind games, and that he only wanted you more and more every time he crossed paths with you.
He fucking hates you because he loves you.
However, you felt the same. He was the finest fucking witcher you have ever seen, and his deep voice alone was enough to make your pussy throb. The only difference is that you knew how to stand your ground. You just weren't weak like Taehyung. You'd play hard to get and fuck around until he couldn't take it. Until he crumbled. It boosted your ego, and you loved every minute of seeing him squirm. You loved showing him that a witcher could be powerless.
"Do you want the job or not, witcher?" He groans and kicks the dirt beneath his boots.
"Ifuckingguess." He mumbled, his words meshing together.
"I thought so." You roll your eyes and step aside for him to walk in. He throws his cloak down onto the bench near the front door and stretches, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room that made up your kitchen and dining area.
"What are you even doing here in Velen? I thought you were in Toussaint."
"You thought wrong." You turn to look at him as you throw a bag onto the table. "And even if I was, why are you even keeping tabs on me?"
"I'm not, word just travels fast when it comes to Miss Y/N."
"Whatever Taehyung, you're the only witcher I know that has a big ass mouth."
"Oooookay, off to a great start I see." He says sarcastically and sighs heavily. "Can you just tell me what you need so we can get this over with?" He towered over you as he came closer.
"Hm." You hummed, looking up at his plump, pink lips then back up to his yellow eyes. "There's a golem housing itself in the elvish ruins. The good ol' Elves are trying to preserve those ruins, and they can't even come close to it since the golem has been tucking himself away in there. He literally destroys what's around him and will kill anything that comes near. Can't exactly pinpoint what or who it's tied to."
"Aren't golems weak to your magic? Why can't you just do it yourself?"
"If I could do it by myself, I wouldn't have put up the notice, right?" You rolled your eyes. "I caught a glimpse of him when I pulled up a projection of the ruins. He's fucking huge. I need a witcher's touch to help weaken him."
"Nice to hear that you need me."
"I said a witcher, not you specifically Taehyung." He smirks.
"And look who's here. Isn't it just beautiful how meant to be we are?"
"Shut up." You shake your head as he slightly chuckles. "I need some ingredients first though, we can't go in there without any bombs and potions on hand, just in case." You shove the bag against his chest.
"Ingredients?" You hold up the list between your middle finger and index finger.
"Go get 'em, wolf."
"Are you shitting me? I go after monsters and shit, I don't fucking prance around in the meadow looking for fruits and flowers."
"Today you will." He groans.
"It's hot." He whines.
"Then go take a break in the shade." You scoff. "There's not even a ton of ingredients on there, Taehyung."
"What are you gonna do then, sit around and sip on tea while I'm working hard out there?"
"Yeah, sure." You smirk as he glares at you. "Chop, chop. We have a golem to go after."
"I'll remember this." He snaps as he walks out and unintentionally slams the door due to his witcher strength. You giggle before biting your bottom lip and proceeding to create the bombs and potions you could make with what you already had on hand.
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"Here." He walks in, throwing the bag onto the table. "Your shit."
"Hey, this is for you too, you know."
"I think I can handle myself pretty well." You run your finger down his neck, a light scar trailing towards his collarbone.
"You sure about that?" He grabs your hand and gently brushes it off.
"Yeah." He stares you down for a second before pulling back. "How many more do you need to make with all this?"
"Probably 4. Sit tight. You need water or anything?"
"Mmm, no. I don't think I'm parched after being out there for awhile." He says sarcastically with a stupid ass smile on his face. You fill up a cup of water from the tap and press it against his chest.
"You're annoying." He simply drinks the water and looks at you.
"So, what has else Miss Y/N been up to? Besides fucking other witchers?"
"Uh?" You snort. "And you're one to talk when you slide your dick into every pussy that passes you by."
"Mm, not every pussy. Just some. I'm very selective." He winks and smirks cockily. He's not gonna lie, he has fucked a few ladies, but he's also gonna be honest and say he did it was an outlet. Sexual frustration. Frustration overall cause he couldn't always have you with these games you've been playing. "How was the crane witcher? Or, was it the viper witcher?"
"None of your business."
"Okay, whatever." He chuckles.
"Jealousy looks so good on you, Taehyung. Please. Do more." You jokingly plead.
"Fuck off, Y/N."
"Anyways, to answer your question, I've really just been hiding out here. Not fucking other witchers." He snorts.
"Alright. But, hiding out? Why?"
"Can't I just take time to myself without people being all up on my ass about shit?"
"I guess. Why Velen though?"
"It's quiet, and small. And I thought I could avoid most people, like you for example."
"You don't mean that, sweetheart." He jokes.
"Don't call me that." You roll your eyes even though the pet name rolling off of Taehyung's tongue makes your heart flutter. "Besides, you're the one who caught an attitude earlier. So who exactly is mad?" You size him up and down. He watches as you mix the ingredients for the last bomb and pack it away in your shoulder bag.
"Not mad. Just trying to get on with my business without any distractions."
"Okay, Taehyung." You slightly chuckle. "You ready to go?"
"I suppose. How far is it?"
"Not too far, but—" You raise your hands in front of you, a small spark of light building into a fairly large-sized portal in front of you. "We can head through the portal." His head drops as he sighs.
"Fuck, you know I hate portals."
"You use 'em anyway!" You furrow your brows because what the fuck is he even saying? He uses portals every chance he gets with his lazy witcher ass. "Suit yourself, I'll meet you there then."
"I'm coming!" He says lowly, following right behind you as you step through the light, the portal transporting you directly in front of the elvish ruins. "Ugh, my stomach."
"Suck it up, you big baby." He shakes off the feeling while you're already heading through the narrow stone walkway, leading deeper into the ruins.
The ruins are cold, wet and an odd odor lingers in the air. You assume it's from the golem making itself comfortable here, a sour look on your face creeping up the deeper you walk into the space. You look back to check on Tae, his eyes brighter in the dark. His brows are furrowed as he looks around.
"He's definitely deeper down in the pits of the ruins, you know that right?" He says, his witcher senses probably picking up the strong scent and the slightest sound from miles away. "My thing is, why is it here and who brought him to life?"
"Yeah, I know. If we need to, I'll have us jump through portals. But, that's exactly why we should walk through the ruins ourselves so we should make sure nothing else is in here." He sighs, still looking around. "Eep! What the fuck!" You squeal, your hands immediately wrapping around Taehyung's long arm. He looks down to see the rats brushing past your feet and the fear on your face.
"You're the most powerful sorceress out there, Y/N. Blast them away with your magic ball thingies."
"No! I hate rats, I don't want anything to do with them! Please just get rid of them Taehyung!" You whine, almost crying and crawling up his body at this point, causing him to shake his head and raise his hand to make use of his Igni sign. You hang tightly as you watch fire blast out into the environment, immediately turning all rats in the vicinity to ash.
"Happy, princess?"
"Thank you." You took a breath and dusted yourself off.
"Maybe we should make use of those portals now."
"No, we need to do this Taehyung." You respond, heading down the stairs to descend deeper onto another floor of the ruins. "Something is tied to that golem, there's no doubt." He nods silently. Something already didn't sit right with him and he knew that golem wasn't alone. Whatever it was though, he'd be ready. He'd be ready to face off and protect you, if need be.
You both head down another level, a good layer of water covering the cement floor, causing sounds of puddles and wet shoes to echo off of the stone walls.
"Can you walk any quieter?" Taehyung says lowly behind you.
"Can you? You're the bigger one here, witcher."
"Shh." He shushes you, his hand out to signal complete silence. You stare at his glowing eyes, wandering around the large, empty space. Suddenly, he abruptly gets in front of you, immediately drawing his sword forward and out, slicing a drowner in half before it could get to you. He smirks down at you, but it quickly fades when you hear the sounds of splashing water from more drowners rushing over to the both of you. There's about 5 more coming your way, Taehyung is dealing with them individually through the use of his Igni sign. They're swarming him, and although it's quite attractive to see him move the way he's moving alone, you need him on the rest of this mission and you can't allow him to get hurt.
"Move!" You yell, causing him to look over his shoulder and duck to the side as soon as you throw a dragon's dream bomb, quickly provoking it and igniting it with your own burst of flame afterwards. Taehyung still doesn't understand the mechanics of your power, but he doesn't underestimate you.
"You know, as much as I despise you, that was pretty hot." He says as he walks back over to you, smirking as he bites his bottom lip.
"Please." You slightly chuckle as you push him away and continue walking down the path. "You don't hate me. You're just weak and can't accept your own feelings."
"Don't ever call me weak." He almost growls as he follows you down the steps to the next level of  the ruins. You smirk to yourself at the fact that you're already poking at his weak spot, but you don't say anything else. The stench has gotten worse, signaling that you two have most likely gotten closer to the golem.
"Fucking christ." You say as you swipe the air back and forth in front of you.
"He's right past that corridor." Taehyung points at the door at the end with the tip of his sword. You continue walking down, until he stops you once again. "Wait."
"What?" You turn to look at him.
"These sure as hell aren't your footsteps." He bends down to swipe the floor. He takes the dirt on the tip of his index and middle finger and swirls it around with his thumb. Black powder. "Y/N, let's be careful."
"What is it?" He stands up, showing you the powder on his fingers.
"Black Lotus." Ah, the Black Lotus. How you despise the Black Lotus. Descendants of the Wild Hunt. They were all nothing but specters who were considered to be an omen of misfortune and death. Bad elves created out of dark magic who brought darkness everywhere, and they were always led by a Knight - their leader. They just wanted to kill, but they rarely ever used their own hands to do so. They loved to use their dark magic, and boy, did they prove to be the most difficult fight for even you, a sorceress who harnesses her powers from Chaos and controls it within.
"But, why?"
"They're either here for something, or they're hiding something. Or, both." Taehyung closes his eyes to try and hone in on his witcher senses, but it can only reach so far, and he's still not unsure what lies behind the golem. "That's why the golem's here. He's the shield."
"Try and see what it is."
"I can't, not from here."
"Well, try harder!" He opens his eyes and furrows his brows down at you.
"You're impossible to please, you know that?" He nods towards the door. "Keep walking. Once we're in there, it'll be easier for me."
"Once we're in there, we'll be busy." You snapped. "Are you ready for that?"
"I'm not a witcher just for shits and giggles, Y/N." He says in a snarky tone. You purse your lips into a fine line because to be fair, that was a stupid question on your part. But, you weren't even sure if you were ready for how abnormally big this golem was going to be, especially if it was truly a golem of Black Lotus creation. "Let me go first."
"Ladies first, anyway." He glares at you before quietly walking into the room that held the golem.  The golem was slumped directly in the middle of the room, sound asleep with its huge body blocking a relic in a box behind it.
"It's a crystallized raven skull." Taehyung whispers very softly and slowly, careful not to wake the golem and surprise it. You nod, trying your best to take cautious steps towards the box from the side of the room - however, that doesn't last when your boot brushes up against a large stone. Taehyung's eyes widen as he sharply turns his head towards you, both frustration and slight fear (for you) seen through his golden eyes. You watch, still as can be, as the golem stands, almost nearing the ceiling of the cave. It immediately hones in on your scent and where you're standing in the room, Taehyung tossing a smoke bomb before running over to block you from any other blind attacks. You run off behind the golem as Taehyung's body flings against the wall due to him trying to shield off an attack from the golem's long, stone arm.
"Shit! Tae!" You yell as you watch him get back up, grabbing his arm.
"Grab it and do your fucking magic ball thing! Now!" He yells in his true witcher fashion. After all these years, and he still doesn't know the proper term for your spells. But, bullshit aside, you watch as he physically musters up all the energy he can to try and distract the golem while you break the spell off of the relic locked away in the box and start focusing on destroying the golem for good. Taehyung moves quick, like a wolf, bouncing from one area to the next, blocking most attacks well. You finally break the spell off of the box and tuck the small, crystallized skull into your back pocket before harnessing the energy from the golem while Taehyung slowed its pace down by using the Yrden sign. Taehyung barely winces as he holds his hand out, but its enough for you to catch on and understand that his energy to keep the sign alive is running out. The energy you've harnessed from the golem comes full circle and is directly aimed back at it, its entire body being destroyed to bits from your single blow.
"Fuck!" You groan as you fall to the floor, completely drained from the act.
"Jesus, Y/N." Taehyung runs over to you, his long, gloved hands on either arm to help you up and support you. "You okay?" You nod.
"Yeah." He quickly brushes the hair out of your face and dusts off the dirt that has fallen onto your cheek. You give him a small smile before he puts his hand down and looks behind you. "Did you get the relic?" You pull it out for examination. Taehyung comes to your side, dusting off the residue and dirt off of the skull before completely taking it in his hands and looking at it closely.
"This is used in conjunction with a spell to summon a raven in battle." You say softly. "It's just like the golem - it'll obey whoever has summoned it and will be of good use during the entire battle. They can definitely use this for black magic too, something elves are definitely capable of."
"Why did they stash it here, though?"
"Well it is an elvish run, but I don't know. This is a super rare skull. I'm guessing that's mostly why."
"But in this particular elvish ruin?"
"Probably didn't think anyone would come and bother it."
"They are aware witchers are back, right?"
"You can go ask them yourself since you witchers love to get into trouble so much." He lightly chuckles.
"Makes the world a better place though, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, yeah." You sigh. "Come on, let's get out of here and go back to my place."
"Back to your place, ey?"
"You helped me with the mission and now you need your reward, right?" You say, sealing off the room with a protection spell.
"What iffffff I want a different reward?" His mouth is slightly open as he pokes his cheek with his tongue, his brow raising up once.
"Don't push it, Taehyung."
"I'm just saying, Y/N." You look up at him, curious about what else he's going to say. "I, uh-"
"Say it." You say softly.
"You drive me crazy, and I hate it."
"I'm not even doing anything to you." He scoffs.
"Trust me, you have been and you have no idea."
"Enlighten me." You say, slowly walking up the steps, but you don't hear Taehyung, nor do you feel him behind you. You quickly turn and see that he's completely gone. "T-Tae? Taehyung?" At first, you think he's playing games because Taehyung had the tendency to be playful, even though 99% of the time he played the serious witcher role. Maybe it was a side only you have seen, and you're flattered, but times like this call for an asswhooping. He should never leave you in the dark like—
"Ouch, fuck!" You barely mumble as you're swallowed through a portal, a dark, pulsating ring of magic circling your neck, making it very difficult for you to breathe. You can barely open your eyes with how much you're struggling, but you are able to catch a glimpse of Taehyung bent on a knee, his hair wet and matted to his forehead while a trail of blood dripped from the corner of his lip. You also see a very tall and dark figure wearing a knight's armor, signaling that it was someone from the Black Lotus. His breath is cold; you see the frost building up on Taehyung's clothing and against the Black Lotus' helmet.
"Put her down." Taehyung says sternly.
"Ah, but she has what I need." The Black Lotus says deeply before turning to you and tightening the grip around your neck by the simple gesture of curling his fingers upward. "Give me. The skull." He puts pauses in between his words.
"No." You manage to say, coughing and choking on your own words. You knew they'd use it to conjure more darkness and release it out onto the towns, because their plans only consisted of killing every living being that didn't follow their ways.
"Give it!" He says, growling. The Black Lotus continues to hold his hand up to keep the ring around your neck, while Taehyung strikes at him only to be beaten down again.
"Y/N." Taehyung says, his eyes cutting into you sharply as he gets onto his knees. You knew what he was trying to say, and what he was planning to do, but you honestly didn't even know if you had the energy to follow along. Magic took up a lot, and with the way this man was choking you near to death, you barely had anything left in you. "Up." Taehyung says to distract the Black Lotus. He looks up, the grip around your neck loosening and giving you momentum to conjure thunder from above and strike him down. You fall to the floor and immediately run to Taehyung, pulling protection bubbles over the both of you. You watch as he runs to the Black Lotus, striking him with both of his swords. His moves smooth like a dance, his jaw clenching every moment he strikes the Black Lotus. You stay in your position, using your hands to channel your energy and continue blasting the Black Lotus with more thunder. You can tell he's getting weaker with the way he stumbles to stand, but he manages to hit Taehyung once more, making him collapse again to the ground. You run over to Tae as he grabs onto his side and tries to get back on his feet.
"You two are so pathetic. You're a sad excuse of a sorceress, just as he's a sad excuse for a witcher." The Black Lotus comes over to you, boots heavily hitting the ground, metal armor clanking against each other. "School of the Wolf, too? My, Geralt of Rivia would have been so displeased to see what the witchers have come to. He—" You shut him up by using your power to carry and lift him from his own two feet, your fingers working to strip him of his armor and stretch his limbs out until he's screaming in agony.
"Taehyung, now. Please!" You order him to get on his two feet and kill him off for good. Although it wasn't necessarily in Taehyung's practice to kill other than monsters, he still had a duty to protect you, or whoever was in danger.
You continue to hold the Black Lotus a few feet above the ground in antagonizing pain while you watch Taehyung place both of his swords at the base of his neck and slice his head off. Taehyung wipes the blood from his swords against his clothing before tucking them back onto his shoulders.
"You good?" He asks, supporting you and pulling you up by the arms again.
"Yeah. I fucking knew it." You look at the body in front of you.
"Smart enough to track where we were at this whole time and separate us."
"Not smart enough in battle though, clearly."
"Mm, to be fair. I think he was. If I was alone, I probably would have been a goner. A witcher alone isn't necessarily a match for the Black Lotus." He looks down at you, eyes softening as he tucks your hair behind your ear and wipes the dirt off of your cheek. "You're just way too strong." You don't say anything besides simply let out a breath. This man was truly the biggest test to you, out of everything you have ever encountered. Taehyung was serious, and intimidating, but you knew him to be the most endearing and charming being. You had a soft spot for him, and sometimes, you wanted nothing more than to just wrap your arms around him and just be. You weren't really sure why you hadn't confessed your feelings, or put your guard down for him. He never gave you a reason to feel like he would betray you or hurt you, but it was most likely due to your insecurities and how you could never match up to how perfect he was.
Although looked down upon as a witcher, you knew he would never do any wrong if given a choice.
"Let's head back before we come across anything else." You say, sealing off the entire ruins before creating a portal for you and Taehyung to jump through and get home.
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The cottage is warm and cozy compared to the time you've spent in the ruins. It smells of the lavender you've burnt off, mixed with citrus from the tea you have brewing in the kitchen. You place a cup in front of Taehyung as he sits and wipes down his swords, placing it below the bench he sits on.
"Wanna stay for awhile? I'll cook us up some good stew." You sip on your tea while you watch him slightly smile and chuckle.
"Sure. Can't say no to that."
"Oh, here." You drop the bag of coins in front of him. "For your help today." He looks at the bag and shakes his head.
"It's alright. I—"
"Taehyung, take it. It's your job. You get paid to slay monsters and all that cute shit, don't you?"
"I suppose." He gets up from his seat. "I'll take it before I leave." He turns to your bathroom. "Mind if I shower? Don't exactly enjoy being covered in all sorts of shit and Black Lotus blood."
"Go for it."
"Thanks." He says, making his way to your bathroom. You watch as he leaves the door slightly ajar while sipping the remainder of your tea. You can't seem to peel your eyes off of the bathroom slit, continuing to watch as Taehyung strips off his upper body clothing. You catch a glimpse of him just above the torso, stepping into your bathtub and letting the shower head above wash him down.
You really can't help yourself. Not after today.
You slowly get rid of your garments, tossing them aside onto the bench near the door, gently pushing the door open to the bathroom in your undergarments.
"What do you think you're doing, Y/N?" He says without drawing the curtains, definitely picking up on your scent and sound through his witcher senses.
"Joining you for a bath, what does it look like?" You say, letting down your bra and panties as you pull the curtain back and step inside with him. He simply looks down at you, his black hair now wet and slicked back. His eyes are glowing under the dim light as he turns to fully give you his attention. His eyes roam from the bottom portion of your body before they come back up and lock onto your eyes. Your fingers trace down the huge scar across his chest, along with the little ones trailing down to his abdomen.
A witcher's body. The damage it takes.
Your hand lands on his cheek, thumb gently caressing it before slowly leaning in to press your lips against his. He takes you in, his hands landing on your arms to pull you closer. You deepen the kiss, your tongue gliding against his bottom lip, causing him to let out a small moan into the kiss. You feel his hardened member brush against your pussy, sending sparks throughout your body.
"Hm, you truly don't understand what you do to me." He says softly as you pull away, water dripping from his long eyelashes.
"Care to tell me? Since last time we were so rudely interrupted."
"I think I'll show you instead." You bite onto your bottom lip watching him hold you close as you begin to wash your hair. His hands land on the small of your back, planting kisses along your collarbone and neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. He comes back up to meet your lips, his hands in your hair as you wash the soap off. Your tongues are messily fighting for dominance now, the sounds of wet kisses filling the shower. He pulls away and begins to lower himself down to a crouch. He tugs your leg over his shoulder, his hands gripping your thighs to support himself while he begins to plant kisses on your clit and your folds. His tongue swipes a stripe up before he begins to toy around and run it along your clit in circular motions.
"Taaaaae." You moan as you place your hand against the wall, feeling your knees getting weaker by the minute.
"Prettiest fucking sight." He says before latching onto your clit once more, sucking as he allows his two digits to stretch you out. "Need you to be ready for me, baby."
"Fuck!" You say, almost groaning at how good he feels simply finger fucking you. "God, you're gonna make me cum so quick."
"Mhm." He bites onto his lip as he shoves another finger in, picking up his pace. His veins are popping out of his forearms and neck the more he tries to pleasure you. "Cum for me, sweetheart." He sucks harder onto your clit, causing you to hurdle over the edge. He doesn't part his lips right away, sucking gently and removing his fingers from inside of you to help you ride out the rest of your high. He stands back up, his cock brushing against your sensitive pussy.
You want more of him, and he wants you just as bad.
You take his cock in your hand, pumping him up and down as he backs you against the wall. He tilts his head back in pleasure, groaning, almost whining at your touch.
"Need to feel you." He says, removing your hand and swooping you into his arms to have your legs wrapped around his waist. The cold pressure from the stone wall hits your skin sharply, causing you to hiss as he positions himself to line up with your entrance. He presses his lips against yours, muffling your moans as you feel his tip slowly penetrate your entrance before the rest of him fills you up - completely, warmly, fully. You pull back, your forehead touching his as you lock eyes and grip his hair. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good. Taking me in so perfectly every time." He says lowly, his lips barely grazing yours.
"Fucking handle me, Tae. Please." His hands are gripping your ass tightly as he works his hips and rolls into your pussy, your clit rubbing against his abdomen every single time. Your hips begin to work in tandem with his, following his motion and providing another layer of pleasure for the both of you.
"Fuck, Y/N." He groans. "I'm taking you to the bed." He says, aggressively drawing the curtains and stepping out.
"Tae, the water!" You squeal as he keeps himself inside of you and rushes over to your bed.
"Fuck the water!" He says causing you to giggle as he positions you on the bed, and instantly begins to fuck you more aggressively. You moan loudly, the pleasure almost becoming overwhelming that you pinch your nipples as an outlet while he hammers into you. His nails are digging deep into your hips while he lowers his mouth back down onto your neck.
"I'm gonna cum!" You yell, arching your back slightly and palming your breasts.
"No the hell you're not." He says, removing himself from inside of you and smirking. You whine, almost cry at the separation, wanting to feel him inside of you so badly that you can't even bear to feel empty right now.
"Taehyung." You whine.
"Beg for it, baby. Tell me what you want." He strokes himself, spreading your wetness all throughout his cock.
"I want you to make me cum." He nods, his tongue poking his cheek.
"How do you want it?"
"Any way! Just fuck me!" You yell, annoyed that he's teasing you in such a manner. He begins to chuckle a bit before he aggressively gets you to get on your fours.
"Turn around." He says, tugging on your hair as he begins to line himself to enter again. He groans as he feels your walls devour him, the warmth and wetness sending him into a high. The lewd, wet noises of skin against skin begins to fill the room as he rams into your pussy, hair pulled tightly so that he can see the look on your face. "My pretty baby." He says, quickening his pace, your mouth unable to release any noise due to how overwhelming the pleasure is.
"I'm gonna cum, Tae!" You yell, followed by small whimpers. It isn't long before you feel your walls clench around him, your knees buckling as the orgasm takes over completely. You fall onto the bed, Taehyung continuing to fuck into you as your face is in the mattress. He gives your ass one good smack before he rams into you one more time and has you turn over. He doesn't wait for you to settle, and bottoms out with your legs thrown over his shoulders, wanting to fuck you and have you feel him deep in your gut.
"Ohhhhhhshit." He says as he slowly thrusts in and out, circling your clit with his thumb. "You feel so good around me. Gonna make me cum, sweetheart." It's so overwhelming to you that it gets painful for a second before your body overrides the feeling and turns the pain into more pleasure.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You plead, tears streaming down your cheeks. "Just like that!" You cry as he groans, his high coming to a close. "Cum inside me baby, please. W-wanna feel you." You breathily say.
"Fuck!" He groans as his thrusts begin to get sloppy, his thumb continuing to work on your nub. Sooner or later, you feel him release inside of you, filling you up in every way possible while he grips onto your knees tightly. You tremble for the third time in his grip, your body weak from how hard you came this last time. He slowly falls ontop of you, your hands tangled in his wavy hair while his member softens within you.
"So, is that how you really feel?" You joke, causing him to chuckle in the position he's in.
"You're a pain in the ass." He removes himself from inside of you and grabs a tissue to clean you up.
"Me? I gotta clean up the mess you just made and put on some new sheets." He shows off his boxy smile as he finished wiping you off and lays next to you.
"I'd say it's worth it." You smile at him as he holds you close.
"I hate you, you know that?" You respond softly, looking into his eyes.
"Well, I love you, you know that? And I fucking hate it."
"Cause you won't let me have you." You bite onto your bottom lip and cup his cheek as you turn to face him. His soft hand is planted on your hip, finger drawing circles onto your skin.
"I want you to have me."
"Yeah? No bullshit?" You laugh.
"No bullshit."
"Oh for the love of God, finally." He lets out a heavy sigh. "Only took years for you to fucking say that."
"Shut up before I change my mind, witcher." You sit up but he pulls you back down and places a kiss on your jaw.
"Tell me you love me." He wiggles his eyebrows. "Just let me hear it once, especially after today." You sigh.
"I love you." You roll your eyes, causing him to laugh. "Now, can I go make some food and clean up?"
"Sure thing, pretty lady." He says, giving your ass a good smack as you get up to leave him.
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➺ portals that are currently open: 
✘ the cat
༄ the manticore
✘ the griffin
༄ the viper
༄ the crane
✘ the bear
⟳ back to novigrad?
572 notes · View notes
Welcome to the Witcher Advent Calendar 2021
For December this year you can chose from 125 prompts (each day has 5 prompts to chose from) along the themes of Witcher gear, Winter themed, Alchemy ingredients, Kink and Emotion.
You can create art, fic, edits or anything else you can think of throughout the 1th to 25th of December..
Any ship or non-ship is welcome. You can chose as many or as little prompts as you’d like.
If you post your work on Tumblr, please tag @witcheradventcalendar or simply tag us so we can share your post on our blog. On AO3 you can add your post to this collection.
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Under the cut are all prompts listed for a reader-friendly version.
Witcher gear
1. Witcher Medallion 2. Swallow 3. White Gull 4. Silver Sword 5. Instrument 6. Steel Sword 7. Runes / Runestones 8. Axii 9. Cat Potion 10. Junk Item/s 11. Igni 12. Oil 13. Towel 14. Aard 15. Witcher Armor 16. Oren / Floren 17. Quen 18. Trophy hook 19. Notice Board 20. Yrden 21. Bombs 22. Mask 23. Heliotrop 24. Food/Drink 25. Gifts
Winter themed
1. Snow 2. Mulled Wine 3. Evergreen 4. Peppermint 5. Cranberry 6. Candle 7. Sugar Cookie 8. Cinnamon 9. Reindeer 10. Campfire 11. Garland 12. Hot Chocolate 13. Winter Spice 14. Tree 15. Ice Fishing 16. Winter clothes 17. Gift shopping 18. Huddling for Warmth 19. Snowflakes 20. Skating 21. Holly 22. Ice 23. Sleigh Ride 24. Longest Night 25. Snowed in
Alchemy Ingredients
1. Honeysuckle 2. Aether 3. Allspice 4. Bloodmoss 5. Dark Essence 6. Ergot Seeds 7. Fool's Parsley 8. Hellebore 9. Light Essence 10. Saltpeter 11. Mandrake Roots 12. Nilfgaardian Lemon 13. Phosphorous 14. Specter Dust 15. Temerian Rye 16. Vampire Fang 17. Verbena 18. Vermillion 19. Wolfsbane 20. Crow's Eye 21. Archas Venom 22. Crystalised Essence 23. Golem's Heart 24. Cherry Cordial 25. Mistletoe
1. Pogonophilia 2. Teratophilia 3. Breeding Bench 4. Shibari 5. Size Difference 6. Cum Inflation 7. Public Sex 8. Spanking 9. Cock warming 10. Overstim/Edging 11. Oviposition 12. Chastity Device 13. Humiliation 14. Double Penetration 15. Wax Play 16. Fisting 17. Daddy/Mommy Kink 18. Lingerie 19. Watersports 20. A/B/O or Knotting 21. Orgy 22. Objectification 23. Somnophilia 24. Rimming 25. Free Use
1. Anticipation 2. Happiness 3. Tired 4. Pleased 5. Tranquil 6. Shame 7. Pity 8. Agitation 9. Exhaustion 10. Rage 11. Remorse 12. Stressed 13. Affection / Adoration 14. Fine 15. Pride 16. Obsession 17. Lonely 18. Amused 19. Empty 20. Relief 21. Sad 22. Embarrassment 23. Reflect 24. Love 25. Jolly
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nucleon-artistry · 2 years
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Scalae Natura: Umbre herba Ignis
Common Names: Flare
Gender Dimorphism: Yes
Homeland: Thaholan Archipelago
Age of Development: Early industrial with elements of the Arcane
Birthing: Mammalian
Fertility: 1-7 Kodos
Growth Rate: Medium
Races/types/forms: Flare Alpha, Flare Beta
Average Height: 8’01 ft Male
7’9 ft Female
Commonfolk Lifespan: 57 yrs (M)
70 yrs (F)
Noble Lifespan: 123 yrs (M)
130 yrs (F)
Rate of Maturation:
0-1 years Kodo
1-6 years Kodocian
6-12 years Trabalkorodo
12-40 years Jukuspecizo
40+ years Chovelo
65+ years Mestraji
We Flare are a marvel of thaumaturgy, unlike any other creature before us, for our kind was of purely artificial make, if you could believe it! A complex procedure of thaumocurative infusions on the bodies of Umbre herba, by our Empress and Creator, her sovereignty Aqua. Created as companions, children, and servants to her will. We were made to be taller, stronger, faster, and most importantly, more majestic than the bodies we were first made from. As might have been obvious, we share very little in common. The same magic that binds our minds to this reality, is the same as such for that of our golems and lesser constructs, the only difference is that unlike them, we can propagate, and have higher thinking.
We Flare produce significant heat due to the ignis & praecantatio flowing throughout our veins, and are very tolerant to all biomes and lands (excluding the virulent taintlands, in which we still must take great caution). Our bodies distribute potentia and victis throughout our bodies for nutrients through our sanguine fluid reservoirs, arteries, whilst waste vacuos, ignis, and flux, is deposited into the veins for disposal.
This process is slightly inefficient, and even our masterful thaumocurative functions will be bound to the rules of entropy, disease, and the malformities of an imperfect procreation. As such, our bodies will slowly wither, just as all other lifeforms before and after us. This process causes us to eventually produce more flux than safe, resulting in a total collapse of thaumocurative functions, and eventual death. Our bodies will rapidly decay into pure flux after death, and so, care should be taken with those who are on the door of mortuus to properly dispose of them before nature runs its course and causes an potential outbreak. Unlike other species however, we have a special supply of stamina, though it is at the cost of bodily harm. We can force ourselves into an overdriven state, causing our bodies to rapidly produce flux, but with immense boosts of strength and agility, even allowing us to channel our innate attunement to fire, allowing Super-Anthrum feats for as long as we can bare to damage ourselves.
There are no flare 'races' per-se, but instead there are two different creations made by our creator and empress, her sovereignty, Aqua.
Flare Alpha: Flare Alpha, or the first flare, were the first creations of her sovereignty, and tasked as benevolent rulers over us all. Only four exist, the four dukes of the land; Warper, Baser, Rizon, & Runa. Each were given powerful infusions to help them in their tasks, are cherished the most by her sovereignty (even if we are all her children), and are known to never officially die, despite reports of them perishing.
Archon's Note: Flare-Alpha can in fact die, and have died many times, through either entropy or injury. They are specifically designed to not show aging after a certain period of time, and are near-exact clones of the former generation, who seem to carry on the memories of the originals, despite not being the same person. Flare Alpha are, like her sovereignty, innately Intone with the cognito-arcanum. The nature of this infusion is kept hidden to all but the highest echelons of intellectuals and archons. We have decided to correct this for proper biological record. Only those privy will be able to read this text.
Flare Beta: Flare Beta were created after the first four, in order to make a proper society, we come from 2,762 fallen Leafis, the population of an long destroyed village. We do not share the powerful infusions, mostly due to economical costs, and the fact that infusions do not pass on to offspring. Other than that, we are functionally identical as children of her sovereignty.
Archon's Note: Flare-Beta are in fact infused with a sort of 'instilled loyalty' towards her highness Aqua, that is undetectable by normal means, and barred from research or recordation as per Aqua's 33rd dictate. This can only be noticed by a faint glow in the eyes when active, though this is only viewable by those in which the loyalty is instilled onto, or those with strong intonement with the cognito-arcanum (though this is largely covered up). Access to this innately warping and societally dangerous knowledge is restricted ONLY to Aqua, Flare Alpha, & the Duke of Aur. ~Duke Warper
Our diet is standard to all creatures of victus, though we must eat a significant amount of Ignis, similarly to a Leafis' need of Herba, or an Usaltan's need of Alienis in their respective diets. Whilst Flare can consume uncooked flesh due to our extreme core body heat, it is inadvisable as venenum imbued foods can still infect via contact with the mouth or tongue...
Average, and indistinct from that of Usaltans or Leafis. Strangely, our sovereignty Aqua had made no attempt to make our eyes innately intuned with the vis spectra.
On average as sensitive as that of the Leafis or glowing Usaltan.
Excellent, a trait we share with the Leafis.
On average as sensitive as that of other races. We do not feel, nor are damaged by all but the most intense of temperatures however.
On average as sensitive as that of other races. We do not feel, nor are damaged by all but the most intense of temperatures however.
Rarely will a Flare develop a strong intonement with the Cognito-Arcanum arts, though at least a modicum is required for use of wands. Though true Cognito-Arcanum is rarely witnessed at best.
Natural Defenses:
Psychology: Being a sentient species, we can think, strategize, and barter for survival.
Teeth: Flare, like Leafis or Usaltans, naturally have sharp teeth of bone, but only a savage or a madflare would use them for combat!
Arcane Origins: Only the most desperate and foolish of creature would think to attempt to devour a Flare. Our sanguine fluids naturally curdle into toxic flux-taint once our away from our bodies, or once we traverse to into mortuus.
Intense Heat: Our core body temperatures are extremely hot due to the ignis in our bodies. We can even breathe fire, though the process is somewhat damaging to ourselves as well.
Strength: We flare are naturally the strongest intelligent species in the world (bar her sovereignty, Aqua.), and can push that even further through potentia-overdriving ourselves, though this process is damaging to ourselves as well.
Family: While all Flare are technically family under her sovereignty, Aqua, it is illogical to assume after such great periods since the original Flare, we would consider ourselves a singular family unit. Families are encouraged to be as prosperous as logical for their given circumstance, on average having about 3-4 offspring, with most expected to survive the first year of life. After six years of development, Young flares are given the title of Trabalkorodo, and are expected to be functional members of the household unit, with the eventual goal of learning to be functional to society at large, with tasks and duties fitting for members of such age groups. For higher class Flares, these would instead be replaced with extra years of education and study. after twelve years of life, a Flare is expected to find their own way in the world, with development and 'ladder climbing society' being encouraged by even the lowest of peasantry. Though it is obviously not assumed all will follow these lofty ideals, or else who would tend the farms and mines?
Community: Our communities are steadily progressing from petty feudalism, as more ideals spread by the Torian peoples. As peasants are steadily given more sovereignty over themselves and their properties, given access to proper education, and allowed advancement up the societal ladder based on skill rather than heritage or birthright. Ultimately culminating in a Flare Beta ascending to the rank of Duke of Aurus in the Drakewind Archipelago. We are championing a society of intellectuals, scholars, archons, mages, philosophers, inventors, for the good of the Flare as a whole.
Government: Our government is a monarchy ultimately ruled by our Creator, her sovereignty, Aqua, with the five Duke's controlling the territories of Thaholo, Torius, Fengard, Phonetix, and Aurus, as well as their militaries, and given near full authority over said lands. Power is levied out to nobles, archons, and delegates to control cities or groups of lesser territories, to lesser mages who own stretches of land.
Culture: We are steadily becoming a progressivist, innovation/intellectual focused culture. We even have colonies and trade routes across the world with certain Leafis and Usaltan peoples. Though rarely do we allow them on our shores.
Etiquette: We are interested in foreign societies (even if they are innately inferior or barbaric), though take no heed to the ideals of religion or superstition, unless they have powerful evidence for their claims. It is certainly strange that others have no unifying ideals like us.
Clothing: Our clothing is of the ornate and magical variety, with marvelous shades of purple and gold, the colors of our nation and of our peoples. One would call us 'victorian' or 'colonial' in stylistic trappings. Not the fondest on what that could mean, however.
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
Urisha 'Uri' Irons - Sparks To Fire - Ignis - The Little Match Girl - Female - Active [Alive]
Midnight 'Midna' Layton - Broken Spell - Shattered Glass - The Hour That Which Took Away The Magic - Male - Active [Alive]
Blizzard Styrmir - Storm Warning - First Frost - The Snow Queen - Male - Active [Alive]
Fuchsia Redbird - Multiply - From The Heart - Rapunzel - Female - Active [Alive]
Alice Frost - Crash Landing - Queen - Alice In Wonderland - Female - Active [Alive]
Calico Porter - Out Of Mind - Wicked Grin & Vulpine Smirk - Cheshire Cat - Male - Active [Alive]
LeBlanche March - Stopwatch - Out Of Time - White Rabbit - Male - Inactive [Teacher, Alive]
Eburnean 'Nean' Rodentia - Battle Stance - Like A Needle - The Dormouse - Female - Active [Alive]
Orion Estela - Tracker - Artémis- The Hunter - Male - Active [Alive]
Nova Heart - Guillotine - Mirana - The Red Queen - Female - Active [Alive]
Yarrow Mandevilla - Hide Away - Kalon - The Maiden With The Rose On Her Forehead - Male - Inactive [Retired, Married, Alive]
Xeranthemum 'Xera' Vance - Long Way Home - Nurgul - The Juniper Tree - Female - Active [Alive]
Ingot Aeris - Incidentally - Widower - The Green Knight - Female - Active [Alive]
Renard Foxx - Silvertongue - Raven - The Crow and the Fox - Male - Inactive [Alive]
Ochre Nyanza - Someone Else - Carne - Donkeyskin - Female - Inactive [Deceased]
Nero Iolanthe - Strangled Threads - Red String - The Emperors New Clothes - Male - Active [Alive]
Fernand Wolfe - Instinct - Sköll & Hati - The Big Bad Wolf [Trying To Make Up For All His Mistakes] - Male - Inactive [Teacher, Alive]
Iris Kelila - Distressing Times - Grace & Elegance - The Princess [Who Doesn't Need Saving] - Female - Inactive [Pregnant, Alive]
Nickel Ferrum - The Chosen [Who Really Wishes The World Would Save Itself] - Edge of Life - Caliburn - Male - Active [Alive]
Erytheia Carmine - Enchance - Clarent - Lady Of The Lake [And All The Bullshit That Entails] - Female - Active [Alive]
Raijin Wantanabe - Three Heads - Orochi - Susano-o - Male - Active [Alive]
Argus Galatea - Gemini - Golem - Galatea - Male - Inactive [Setting Up For Retirement, Alive]
Ichor Solfrid - Sunlight - Helios - Icarus - Female - Active [Alive]
Ebony McBride - Whispers - Screech - Boy Who Cried Wolf - Male - Inctive [Setting Up For Retirement, Alive]
Cyan Braxton - Candor - Chardonnay - The Fox & the Grapes - Female - Active [Alive]
Crystal Ventus - Displacement - Bruyant - The Mischievous Dog - Male - Active [Alive]
Veil McBride - Too Quiet - Fury - The Seafoam - Male - Inactive [Officially, Probably Fucking Around Vacuo At The Time Of Canon]
Noir Ortzi - Selfish Whims - Sorcièr - The Fitchers Bird - Female - Active [Alive]
Wisteria Summers - Burst - Fallen Petal - The White Maiden - Female - Unknown Status [Presumed Dead]
Ashlynn Viviane - Bleed - Simplicity - Rapunzel - Female - Inactive [Alive]
Felix Hegarty - Cauterize - Alistair - The White Knight - Male - Inactive [Deceased]
Indigo White - Shockwave - Bright and Sharpe - Godfather Death - Male - Officially Retired
Kobalt Evergreen - Make 'Em Scream - Robin Hood - The Robber Bridegroom - Male - Active [Alive]
Addison Steele - At Dawn - Aurelio - Vasailia The Beautiful - Female - Active [Alive]
Garnet Sharde - Terms Of Agreement - Little Lady - The Black Knight - Male - Active [Alive]
Esmeralda Quick - Charm Point - Mon Amour - Aphrodite - Female - [Deceased]
Winter Schnee - Glyphs - Greta - The Snow Queen - Female - Active [Alive]
Alabaster Clay - Steeled Heart - Ever Valiant - The Tin Soldier - Male - Inactive [Deceased]
Gaspar Lamar - Lure - Recorder - The Pied Piper - Male - Inactive [Deceased]
River Sigal - Sweet Tooth - Strudel - The Gingerbread Man - Female - Inactive [Deceased]
Regina Aurelio - To Good To Be True - Golden Touch - King Midas - Female - Active [Alive]
Goldstein Waltz - Keep The Beat - Trouvaille - The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Male - Inactive [Injured]
Leona Adalhard - Resolve - Sisu - The Cowardly Lion - Female - Inactive [Legally Dead]
Addison Benjamin - Second Skin - Toska - Prince Lindworm - Female - Alive [Active]
Griselda Imber - On The Line - Fair Thread - Rumpelstiltskin - Female - Alive [Retired]
Heather Knight - Quiet & Fair - Versailles - Dark Lady - Female - Alive [Active]
Serafina Vered - Judgement - Lux - Bright Lady - Female - Alive [Active]
Tempest Steinn - Backstock - Avara - The Grasshoper - Male - Alive [Active]
The focal OC's of the potential fanfic series 'Muted Colors (Vibrant Feelings)', focusing in in on the time Winter Schnee spent at Atlas Academy, and the few independent years she had with her team post-graduation.
This is not their entire year, for refrence, I've got a couple dozen more named background OC Team's, and their overall graduating class had over six-hundred individual teams graduate... unfortunately, I'm not going to name six hundred plus teams for your fancy.
If anything, any other character lists will just have the team name followed by its four members and who's partnered with who.
[And I now have to come up with Combat Maneuvers/Ship-Names for these fuckers.
'Recoil' is throwing a bitch, but which fucker throws which bitch is up for debate.
Urisha and Midnight are 'Lights Out'.]
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chancellorxofxtrash · 2 years
I still think it would have been neat to have a ygo post-vrains that’s maybe a shorter anniversary show to tie things of the Gallop era shows together
Tl;dr: shit is happening again, across all the shows/timelines. Maybe after Link Vrains can connect them, things get unstable and more and more weird shit happen, causing the characters to travel across dimensions. Maybe just limited to the protags like in BBT, maybe if it’s a series it can be like 2-3 characters from each show. Sooner or later, all of them cross paths, besides the Vrains squad.
They quickly recognize a few things.
Most importantly: the source of the instability is coming from the Vrains Dimension - but it isn’t tied to Link Vrains.
They find out what’s going on.
Playmaker found Ai somewhere in his own world - but all of the other Ignis are still gone. And both of them knowing what the future hold, they cannot let that happen.
So Playmaker is willing to rip the worlds apart to find the other Ignis, to save Ai. And Ai is there to help him.
And this is where they realize the other thing: all five previous shows had an Ignis scattered in them.
(You can have it to correspond to their Ingister’s summoning type. Like Light Dragon is an XYZ, so Lightning ends up in Zexal. Wind Pegasus is Synchro, so Windy ends up in 5D’s. Water Leviathan is Ritual, so Aqua can go to DM, as it originated from there. Earth Golem is a Fusion, so Earth can go to GX, as it’s most prevalent there. Fire Phoenix is a Link, but uhhhh idk, there are no Pendulum Ignisters, so Flame can go to Arc V. It’s important that Ai is not one of the ones fallen into the other dimensions.)
Of course stopping Playmaker isn’t easy. He’s laser-focused on a task, and is a damn good player. Hell, maybe even can lean into his undefeated status as a protagonist, and make him the kind that cannot be stopped with a duel.
They have to find the scattered Ignis, figure out if getting them back is really the right thing to do (yes it is), and while they are at it, they can restore Yusaku’s smile.
Of course the other shows can get some resolution as well. I’m thinking that maybe the Chaos at the end of Zexal can easily be tied in here. Or maybe we can separate the Yu boys and the bracelet girls again. Dunno about what to do with the original three, they are pretty neatly tied up with a bow.
Don’t even listen to me. I’m just rambling. I just stupidly love the idea of Yusaku being the antagonist of that imaginary Bonds Beyond Dimensions story we would have deserved
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anomenofdarkness · 3 years
Enchanted Arcana?
I was hoping you wouldn't ask abt Enchanted Arcana bc it's the one I've developed the least but I'll give what I got
Bartrania: A proxy for Germany (feels pertinent to clarify here that EA is high fantasy shit if you couldn't guess from the name). The Bartranian royal family are known as the Raven Kings and Queens, and Waldron is the son of Queen Emmeranne Teneb III.
Racilla: A town near the capital of Bartrania. It's also close to a temple that the main characters spend like half of part 1 in. Draco killed a dragon there.
There is a proxy for Japan
There is a proxy for Italy/Rome
There is a proxy for Scandinavia
The Nine Realms are a thing that exist
A country named Achram is another thing that exists
(this is where a good portion of my work lies)
Waldron Teneb: The next Raven King, ace and heteroromantic, wizard, IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER. No just one of many. Specializes in what is essentially the Dark Type of EA magic- able to induce necrosis and bend shadows/darkness.
Pura Alina: Daughter of the captain of the royal guard, pan, formerly a wizard, now a sorcerer due to reasons. Specializes in light magic, i.e. restoration and photokinesis.
Queen Emmeranne Teneb III: Current Raven Queen, aro and het, awesome ruler and mother. Overall girlboss.
Kiretsu Kogeki: parents currently not very significant (subject to change), transfem lesbian, samurai, kitsune, partial god, gay for Pura (reciprocated). Specializes in electricity magic, i.e. firing electricity and summoning lightning strikes
Draco Brando: parents are both fckin ded (bc his dad revived his mom w/ the Philosopher's Stone and it drained him of his life force faster than living does), bi, knight/former wizard/current dragon man. Specializes in fire i.e. shootin fire and exploding things. He also has pet fire elemental named Ignis.
Annbi Toril: parents not currently significant (subject to change), genderfluid, sexuality undecided, frost giant viking. Specializes in ice magic, i.e. ice blasts and that's kind of it as of now.
Ignis: is a fire elemental. And a falcon.
General World Things
The world of EA is similar to dnd or Rick Riordan's works in that the legends of multiple cultures are all real all at once. There's monsters/creatures from a lot of cultures, the Nine Realms are a thing, there's more extraplanar shit besides the Nine Realms. Just very big on magic. Speaking of which...
Magic is very easy to learn if you're not innately able to use it, but every spell needs a material related to the element the spell would be, along with an incantation. So for instance if you wanted to make a wall of earth, you would need something like dwarf hairs or gargoyle scales, and an incantation like Murus terrae. The rules are a little shakier for innately magic peeps, like Kiretsu or Annbi, because I have written Kiretsu and Annbi to use the same components as Waldron and Pura, and then later wrote Pura not needing any components after being turned into a magical entity. A bit more editing needs to be done, but I do intend to post part 1 soon. Also wizards can't transmute. Enchantments are a big thing as well.
Magical Entities
An inexhaustive list of magical entities that have already appeared in some capacity and the context for said appearance.
Reapers: Waldron interacted with one in the past and then became one after using its power
Dwarves: they were mentioned while Waldron was trying to decide on an ingredient for a transmutation spell.
Gargoyles: see above
Angels: Pura used the feather of one to try (and fail) to power an illusion after a shade backhanded her so hard she almost died
Shades: see above. Also Pura almost turned into one
Shadow beasts: mentioned while the main party speculated about what would be in the temple
Dire beasts: the main party fought a dire black bear and more exist
Cockatrices: the main party beat one's ass
Hydras: the cockatrice was eating one
Elementals: Ignis and a giant golem they thought was an earth elemental
Golems: see above
Dragons: Draco killed one, as he tends to do
Wyverns: Draco killed one, as he tends to do
Half-dragon: Draco became one
Kitsune: Kiretsu is one
Frost Giants: Annbi is one
Partial shade: thats Pura babyy
In conclusion:
Thank you for your time, and I apologize for what is definitely one of my longest posts
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toku-explained · 3 months
The Abyssal Kings
New Generation Stars: Ignis returns to find a depressed Yuka, with Ediom explaining what happened. Yuka clarifies she is glad for the warning, but feels she has done exactly as Celebro did. Ignis tries to motivate her by relaying his own encounter with Celebro how the parasite controlled Haruki and thus Z, and the eventual battle with Evil Trigger, but all Yuka takes from the story is that even Trigger's power got used for evil. Ignis instead explains about himself, about Hudram's destroying Lishuria, his quest for revenge and stealing Dark Trigger's power, and how by the time his revenge was complete he'd found something more important, allowing Yuka a little perspective.
Gotchard: Atropos and Clotho, looking over the recovering Gigist, are surprised by the appearance of two more Abyssal Kings, German and Gaelijah, who are both annoyed Gigist left ahead of them, and reveal Greyon was a doll of their creation, German admits to eating him when Atropos asks to restore him, then attacks Clotho when she gets angry. They plan to deal with the biggest pest right now, Kudoh Fuga. While Hotaro is happy with recovering all the Chemies, Minato arrives with the Assembly's message, insisting the Chemies be returned to them, but reminds them of the remaining threats. Atropos calls out Rinne, informing her that her father is in danger and that the Abyssal King lives, and reminding her of her desire to save even her. Clotho in her Abyss Gear breaks into Fuga's hideout, destroys his dummy and finds his real self, Fuga calls back GigaBaham and KuroAna, and becomes Wind again, but is soon overpowered, and ghr Abyssal Kings arrive. The Riders and Minato arrive aboard ExceedFighter, and the Riders try to fight the Kings while Minato helps Fuga, all the alchemists are shocked by German creates a Golem, and everyone is overpowered, Hotaro the only one to resist even a little. After they flee, Clotho swears to get Lachesis back whatever happens to her. At the Academy, Fuga explains he's been repairing his body ever since the attack and reliant on body doubles, and that NijiGon is a fragment of the Philosopher's Stone, the Abyssal King's power source. Spanner leaves after arguing over Chemies ability to be integrated into society. Rinne goes back to Atropos, learning she wants German dead for killing Greyon, Atropos claims she may be able to change after Greyon is avenged, and promises not to hurt anyone else if she does it. Hotaro wakes up and is unable to find NijiGon. Lachesis watches kids and parents play and wonders about family when they run away as Clotho appears, and yells angrily about Lachesis abandoning her family, Lachesis refuses to return and both transform to fight. Hotaro and Rinne look for NijiGon when German approaches, also after it, and summons a Golem to attack them, as Platinum Gotchard and Majade MoonCerberus engage, Atropos watches Greyon's cube pulse. Lachesis is defeated, dismissing her sister as now but a beast, and Spanner defends her, for Kyouka's research sake, but is also defeated. Gotchard uses GokigenMeteon, then SasukeMaru and AppareBushido, followed by BulletBaang and StagVine, then CatchUla and SaboNeedle, but German blocks the finish attack and channels a massive attack via the Golem.
Boonboomger: The Boonboomgers have a practice race, Taiya in Racer, Chassiro in Marine, Mira in Shovel, Jou in Patocar 1 and Genba in Safari, when Saibu alerts them to a possible Hashilien approaching earth,s soon as she does, something materialises on the highway and runs them all off. At HQ they confirm that what ran them off and what ISA detected had the same signal, the Boonboom Signal Bundario puts in everything he makes, but he doesn't recognise what appeared. They also bring up the mysterious object that appeared after Mad Rex was defeated. Cannonborg is testy, waiting for something he requested from HQ. A purple pair look over the city, the robot ByunD asking how his partner feels to be back home, but he claims it's nothing special, and is more interested in the Boonboom Signal they picked up than making their delivery. A young man retrieves a balloon for a child before Jou can, saves Mira from a fall at her waitress job, sniped Genba in a procurement request and manages to tail Chassiro even after he notices he's being followed. He then challenges Taiya after a delivery, Taiya now having heard from the others, and is at least impressed by Taiya keeping up and having fun despite the danger, and leaves giving his name as Homura Sakito. Reviewing footage, Boonboom is shocked to see his weapon is the Boonboom Controller. The purple pair arrive at the Hashilien base, the Sanseaters shocked to see Boonboomgers they don't know, as they seem surprised to learn there are 5 Boonboomgers on earth, after flirting with Itashar the Universe's #1 cleaner deliver the item to Cannonborg with a message from HQ to clean up on earth already, then vanish as Cannonborg admires the Legendary Sword of Planet Reflect, and turns it into a Kurumajin. Boonboom explains he created the Boonboom Controller when he was still a racer, but discarded it after being unable to manage the bursts of speed it gave, so they're surprised a human can use it, further the only Homura Sakito Chassiro and Saibu can find disappeared aged 10, they are then alerted to the Kurumajin. The Boonboomgers arrive, but the Sword Kuruma simply absorbs damage and sends it back, meaning they can do nothing. Confident in his victory, Cannonborg finally introduces himself to the Boonboomgers. Homura suddenly leaps in, and uses the Boonboom Controller to become BunViolet, and demonstrates how to counters the sword by hitting the correct spots, and eventually defeats it. Cannonborg, examining how the Gyasoline has enhanced the Sword seems I bothered, as Homura tells the Boonboomgers it will cost him, and with ByunD at his side, asks to meet the creator of the Boonboom Controller, Bundario Bunderas, as Boonboom is shocked to recognise the rival who always stayed ahead of him, Byun Diesel.
Dekaranger with TonboOhger: In Special Alien Ward 9 of Tokyo, TonboOhger is suddenly teleported there mid battle and collapses. At the Shin Neo DekaBase, Boss is dealing with paperwork as Umeko and Murphy are told by her kouhai, Haretsuki Ten, about how she saw Jasmine with an ikemen man in his 20s, who confessed to her and they leant towards eachother, but then Ten woke up, Ten has prophetic dreams. While her visions are often unclear, they always come true. Umeko is concerned, as Jasmine is married with a kid, and quickly change the subject when she enters. Boss informs them of an alien arrested for carrying a sword, wanting the three to interrogate him, and noting the man is apparently an ikemen. So obviously the prisoner is Yanma Gast, specifically from before the time skip. To protect Jasmine's family, Umeko insists on interrogating. Yanma claims to not remember anything, and that he attacked the officer who tried to confiscate the Ohger Calibre on instinct. Jasmine suspects he really does have amnesia, and uses her ESPer abilities, and is able to learn who he is, and that something caused him to lose his memories. Yanma doesn't remember, but believes Jasmine to be his first love, professing his dedication to others' increased concern, even as Jasmine herself mostly seems dumbfounded. Boss enters with news of another Alienizer rampaging in the same Ward. DekaYellow, DekaPink, and DekaPink Sononi change to head to the scene, the sight allowing Yanma to sort of remember how to change into TonboOhger and ask to be allowed with them. Jasmine thinks it may jog his memory, so Boss approves it. They arrived to find a Bugnarok, Yanma only has an instinctual reaction but doesn't directly recall. After the roll call the Bugnarok reveals he causes massive head trauma to TonboOhger. The battle begins, but Yanma doesn't remember how to fight, and after Jasmine takes a blow for him he grabs her and asks her to quit the danger. Instead she gives him more head trauma telling him to come to his senses, and fulfilling Ten's vision. Back to his old self, Yanma is now simply interested in defeating his opponent and treats Jasmine as a neesan, the two join together to defeat the Bugnarok, which flees, Yanma chases after, expressing his attraction. Back at Base Jasmine scolds Umeko for her concern, but they appreciate Ten's help the past year. Unfortunately, Ten is being reassigned next week to Planet Donbura, to help track a criminal known as Inuzuka. Umeko and Jasmine are sad, as the new recruits to earth branch keep being quickly transferred out. She does leave with another vision, that a female Alienizer is going to cause destruction soon, but doesn't express the worst part, Umeko being shot, hoping she's misinterpreting again.
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voidtongued · 3 years
*kicks down door*
If Alad's Mutalist experiments were the only thing that allowed the infestation of machinery then that would explain why the Mutalist Alad boss fight and Jordas Golem boss fight are both on Eris and it also shows how fast the infestation can truly spread if left unchecked/un-Ignis-ed.
Oh 100%!!!! Though I have Personal Hypotheses on like. The nature of Cephalon morphology (i think there's still Meat in them somewhere) it's pretty clear to me that Eris and Deimos are just BIG FLASHING WARNING SIGNS to anyone who's just like "maybe we should just ignore it?"
Or worse, try to USE IT AS A WEAPON.
Looking at you, TENGUS
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The iron golem (Who I'll be calling Iro) totally helps Igni to stay reasonable and calm when they're being impulsive and putting themself in danger. And Pam, the genderfluid witch therapist, definitely talks about tea with Umbra. Her cat Honeydew is loved by everyone
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Please, for the love of god, make this a series. You’re ideas are FANTASTIC, and there isn’t nearly enough Wholesome Minecraft Content.
(Unless you have moved on or are currently burnt out…then I completely understand!)
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